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=== Topic for #upstart: Upstart 0.3.8 | http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ | http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/UpstartOnGentoo | ||
=== Topic (#upstart): set by Keybuk at Fri Mar 16 18:29:42 2007 | ||
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sadlede1 | mbiebl: hi, how are you planning to integrate replacement-initscripts into debian when they get used in ubuntu? | 12:40 |
mbiebl | sure, I'm already working on them ;-) | 12:40 |
mbiebl | sorry, but I have to run now... | 12:41 |
mbiebl | cu later | 12:41 |
fatal | about interaction with user.... why would anyone want to do that during boot? | 01:45 |
Keybuk | retrieving keys for encrypted filesystems | 01:45 |
Keybuk | (or Apache SSL passphrases) | 01:45 |
Keybuk | driving fsck responses | 01:45 |
fatal | why not provide that on the boot command line? | 01:46 |
fatal | I wouldn't want my bootup to halt on some stupid question... | 01:46 |
fatal | guess you could define some base services that shouldn't ask any question to get around that though. | 01:47 |
Keybuk | some people do want their boot to halt though | 01:50 |
Keybuk | though heres a thought ... pre-seeding answers to questions ;p | 01:50 |
_ion | "Yo Linux! If something in the boot asks whether i want to fix inode 46837, the answer is yes." | 01:50 |
Keybuk | or "just fix every damned fsck thing" | 01:51 |
Keybuk | (who doesn't hold down the "Y" key until fsck goes away? :p) | 01:51 |
Keybuk | "no, actually, I don't want to fix my filesystem) | 01:51 |
_ion | I *always* set FSCKFIX=yes | 01:51 |
_ion | If we were evil enough, we could use libwhat to let the user input her login and password before gdm is started. :-) | 01:52 |
fatal | seems like you're on the same track as me.... you don't want questions during bootup. ;P | 01:56 |
fatal | "just do the right thing"<tm> :) | 01:56 |
fatal | encrypted partitions might be a separate issue.... still I'd rather have the answer provided from the start and no questions asked... (or extend grub to ask questions if something more "user friendly" is needed. I guess grub could even be smart about it... grub reads filesystems already, no? Could check /etc/fstab on the fly if any key is needed... or if the root partition needs would know that as well when trying to access it?) | 02:03 |
fatal | not sure about apache / ssl-keys ... why would you want to auto-start something that can't be auto-started? | 02:04 |
sadlede1 | _ion: or just start gdm on a framebuffer ;-) | 02:08 |
Keybuk | gdm takes ages to start | 02:14 |
sadlede1 | Keybuk: sure, just kidding | 02:18 |
pkt_ | well, qingy is a framebuffer getty and it is themeable and whatnot | 02:24 |
pkt_ | if you want a framebuffer screen for logging in this is much better than nihing your own | 02:25 |
_ion | fatal: If i were using an encrypted partition or apache with a password-protected SSL key, i'd definitely want to be queried for the passwords. | 03:25 |
_ion | keybuk: Btw, any new progress with the delayed watch stuff? | 03:29 |
Keybuk | _ion: none, I have a half merge in my working branch | 03:29 |
Keybuk | it's been a busy week | 03:29 |
Keybuk | lots of CVs to read :-/ | 03:30 |
_ion | Alright. | 03:30 |
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sadlede1 | mbiebl: i found your upstart-jobs branch | 03:36 |
mbiebl | hehe, that's not yet ready for public use though. | 03:37 |
sadlede1 | mbiebl: how are you going to push that into debian? will the jobs be in the indiviual packages? | 03:37 |
mbiebl | That's my long term goal, yes. | 03:37 |
sadlede1 | mbiebl: sure, i'm just curious how the process will be | 03:38 |
mbiebl | Short term, I will ship the upstart jobs for the most important packages myself. | 03:40 |
mbiebl | Upon installation of the upstart-jobs package, I will scan which packages are currently installed, deactivate the sysv init script and activate the corresponding upstart job. | 03:40 |
mbiebl | If I have a working set of native upstart jobs, I will start to ping the individual package maintainers and ask for them to include these files directly. | 03:40 |
mbiebl | As I'm (co)-maintainer of dbus/hal/dhcdbd/network-manager I can do that for these packages directly. | 03:40 |
mbiebl | (avahi-daemon too) | 03:41 |
sadlede1 | ok, so packages will provide both a sysv script and an upstart job | 03:45 |
sadlede1 | mbiebl: so i'm very much looking forward to using the first round of debian upstart-jobs | 03:51 |
mbiebl | If you're willing to test them and give me feedback, that would be great. | 03:51 |
sadlede1 | do you run the jobs from upstart-jobs? | 03:52 |
mbiebl | Maybe I have something working around mid next week. | 03:52 |
mbiebl | http://pastebin.ca/406556 | 03:53 |
mbiebl | So, basically the rc2.d/multiuser part is upstartified already. | 03:54 |
sadlede1 | wow! | 03:56 |
sadlede1 | btw, shouldn't avahi-daemon do the .local check from the sysvrc script? | 03:56 |
sadlede1 | policykit is not yet in debian, is it? | 03:56 |
mbiebl | I'm currently packaging it for experimental while preparting hal-0.5.9 packages. | 03:57 |
mbiebl | Its in the pkg-utopia svn | 03:57 |
mbiebl | Something to wet your appetite: | 04:02 |
mbiebl | http://debs.michaelbiebl.de/upstart/bootchart.png | 04:02 |
sadlede1 | oh dear! | 04:06 |
mbiebl | around 15 sec the fully upstartified boot process kicks in. | 04:11 |
sadlede1 | oh yes, that point isn't hard to find ;-) | 04:11 |
mbiebl | cu later | 04:11 |
sadlede1 | and the first part will be fast as well | 04:11 |
sadlede1 | ok, cu | 04:11 |
tale_ | can upstart detect docking events? | 04:45 |
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Keybuk | tale_: was just about to reply to your e-mail ... :) | 05:03 |
Keybuk | Upstart doesn't detect anything itself, it relies on things like udev, HAL, GNOME Power Manager, etc. to do all of the detection and handling | 05:03 |
Keybuk | those processes request an upstart event be emitted through libupstart or the "initctl emit" tool | 05:03 |
Keybuk | so provided you've got something already that can detect a docking event, it's just a matter of making it send an event to upstart | 05:03 |
Keybuk | at which point upstart will start and stop services | 05:03 |
Keybuk | the only events that upstart emits itself are "startup" and those due to jobs changing states | 05:03 |
tale_ | Keybuk, yeah I didn't notice the irc group until I had sent that email. | 05:03 |
tale_ | Keybuk, I'll do some more investigating to see how it is detected. I know it can be detected because there is a script that can be setup, but from what I hear it's not trival. This should work out of the box. | 05:04 |
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=== Topic for #upstart: Upstart 0.3.8 | http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ | http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/UpstartOnGentoo | ||
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AlexExtreme | mbiebl, could you point me to your upstart jobs for debian sometime, i'd like to see what you're using there | 06:20 |
AlexExtreme | brb, dinner | 06:21 |
mbiebl | AlexExtreme: They are not ready yet. | 06:21 |
AlexExtreme | i know, but what you have so far | 06:21 |
mbiebl | Give me some more time until I feel confident to announce them. | 06:22 |
AlexExtreme | Ok | 06:42 |
cortana | mbiebl: thanks for uploading a new tracker with my patch :) | 07:26 |
mbiebl | You're welcome. I have to thank for the patch. | 07:27 |
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AlexExtreme | nice | 07:48 |
AlexExtreme | syslog-ng doesn't write it's pid file when run with --foreground | 07:48 |
mbiebl | AlexExtreme: Yeah, I used that too ;-) | 08:07 |
AlexExtreme | :p | 08:07 |
AlexExtreme | it was useful for my syslog-ng logrotate thing, but i'm writing a initctl pid command to replace that | 08:08 |
mbiebl | argh, now I understood you. | 08:09 |
mbiebl | AlexExtreme: what do you need the pid for? | 08:12 |
AlexExtreme | postrotate | 08:12 |
AlexExtreme | /bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/syslog-ng.pid 2>/dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true | 08:12 |
AlexExtreme | endscript | 08:12 |
AlexExtreme | that was what I had in the logrotate file for syslog-ng | 08:12 |
mbiebl | That should imo be solved by providing a reload command | 08:12 |
mbiebl | within upstart | 08:12 |
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AlexExtreme | h,, | 08:12 |
AlexExtreme | *hmm | 08:12 |
AlexExtreme | true | 08:12 |
AlexExtreme | i'll file a bug report | 08:12 |
mbiebl | Yes, please. | 08:12 |
mbiebl | reload should probably use SIGHUP as default. | 08:13 |
mbiebl | But there also should be the posssibilty to define a separate signal for reload | 08:14 |
mbiebl | e.g. some daemons also use SIGUSR1 | 08:15 |
AlexExtreme | ues | 08:15 |
AlexExtreme | *yes | 08:15 |
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