
aidanrsorry ignore that12:27
Mordicusanother problem :s : when pressing ctrl+alt+backspace, my graphic interface is not rebooting. It stops just after the "running local boot scripts" line... any idea ?12:27
Mordicusanother noob question >_<  : how can add a VLC icon on my xubuntu desktop ?12:33
BFTDln -s /usr/bin/vlc ~/Desktop/vlc12:34
BFTDMordicus that should work12:35
MordicusBFTD: yes : thank you ! :) But, I do not have VLC icon, but a generic icon... any way to change it ?12:36
BFTDMordicus not sure12:36
BFTDit used the VLC icon for me12:37
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MordicusBFTD: yes ok ! need to type "vlc" and not "VLC"12:38
Mordicusbut now I have a strange problem... I cannot see properly the bar in VLC with the volume setting -_-12:40
MordicusI've tried to change the skin and it crashed :/12:42
BFTDnot sure12:42
BFTDdon't know much about vlc12:43
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crimsunMordicus: feisty?12:43
crimsunMordicus: which package revision?12:43
nraicHas the Azureus package been fixed yet?12:44
Mordicuscrimsun: yes, Feisty !12:46
crimsunMordicus: see the second question.12:46
Mordicuscrimsun: you mean VLC or Xfce ?12:47
Mordicuscrimsun: how can I check it?12:47
crimsundpkg -l vlc |grep ^ii12:47
crimsunlikely your vlc packages are outdated12:47
Mordicuscrimsun: it's a new install ! (few days ago)12:48
crimsunwe fixed the "missing volume control with wxwidgets2.8" issue by reverting to wxwidgets2.612:48
crimsunif you installed a few days ago and haven't updated since, that's the precise symptom12:48
crimsunthe issue was fixed yesterday12:48
crimsun       vlc | 0.8.6.release-0ubuntu4 | http://archive.ubuntu.com feisty/universe Packages12:48
Mordicusarg ! ok12:48
MordicusI typed the command line : dpkg -l vlc..... it doesn't work :s12:49
nraicCant find utorrent in the package manager?12:50
crimsunMordicus: then you made a typo12:50
MordicusI'm checking...12:53
Mordicusmy update manager did not find any update for VLC, so I am trying to use the package manager...12:55
j1mcis anyone in here doing any xubuntu iso testing for feisty?12:56
Mordicuscrimsun: if I roll back the video driver from VESA to Trident (my video card), may it improve the video rendering with VLC ? (it is a little bit "laggy")12:57
MordicusI am using feisty but I am a noob... not sure what is "iso testing" :s12:57
j1mcMordicus, here's some info on it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ReportingResults12:58
j1mcthe community is doing more of the ISO testing (and reporting our results) to free up the devs to do their development work.12:58
Mordicusj1mc: ok ! (I've used the Minimal Install CD for Feisty)12:59
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j1mcMordicus, cool.  :)  if you'd like to help out, you can read up on it.  :)01:00
j1mcthe one thing is that you always need to test the most recent image.01:00
j1mcso it involves burning cd's.  sometimes lots of them.  :)  (a least a couple a week)01:00
j1mci have to go for now, but check out the testing part of the forums if you're interested.  here's the link:01:01
B|nTaRa!info .bin01:01
ubotuPackage .bin does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas01:01
B|nTaRahow to install .bin ?01:01
Mordicusj1mc: I may reinstall my system since there are weird behaviours with mine, so I'll try to rest and report ! I had trouble with my CD-rom, so I've already tried many different ISO... but it was 1 or 2 weeks ago.01:01
j1mcMordicus, there have been a number of fixes since a few weeks ago, so you will likely have better luck now.01:02
j1mcthere are new fixes every day.01:02
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B|nTaRahow i wanna install .bin files ?01:04
cellofellowsudo ./thefile.bin01:04
cellofellowthey suck though, usually putting stuff in /opt01:05
B|nTaRa sudo ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin01:05
B|nTaRasudo: ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin: command not found01:05
cellofelloware you in the folder that the file is in?01:05
B|nTaRacellofellow, yes01:06
Mordicusj1mc: good to hear ! :D01:06
cellofellowsudo +x thefile.bin01:06
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cellofellowI mean sudo chmod +x thefile.bin01:06
Mordicusj1mc: but the update manager cannot retrieve some packages for now :s01:06
B|nTaRacellofellow, thank you01:06
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j1mcMordicus, you would just need to download the latest ISO01:08
Mordicuscrimsun: I have the 0.8.6 release Oubur !01:08
Mordicusj1mc: ok !01:08
j1mcMordicus, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/01:08
Mordicuscrimsun: do I need to reinstall vlc then ?01:08
j1mcMordicus, also see the links I've provided above.  They give good instructions01:09
Mordicusj1mc: ok bookmared. where do I need to report if the iso is ok or not ?01:09
Mordicusj1mc: *bookmarked01:09
crimsunMordicus: what version is that?01:09
crimsunyou pasted an incomplete string01:10
j1mcMordicus, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-iso-tests  look for the ones for xubuntu01:10
Mordicuscrimsun: the version installed on my Xubuntu.. incomplete ? :s well, 2 seconds....01:10
Mordicuscrimsun: 0.8.6.release-0ubuntu301:11
Mordicusj1mc: is this correct?01:11
crimsunMordicus: see? outdated.01:12
Mordicuscrimsun: :s01:12
Mordicuscrimsun: where can I find the latest?01:12
crimsunMordicus: just update && upgrade01:12
crimsunaptitude update && aptitude upgrade01:12
MordicusI can't see it in the synaptic list01:12
Mordicuscrimsun: I have to type this in the terminal?01:13
Mordicuscrimsun: ok, thank you01:14
MordicusI added "sudo" and it works ! :D01:15
Mordicusbut i get an error at the end : "unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?01:16
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cellofello1I hate my router. It won't let me forward a port. I type in the data and it returns ERROR: Error found on page.01:18
crimsunyou need sudo for both01:18
Mordicushhmmm... I typed : "sudo aptitude update && aptitude upgrade"01:19
cellofello1now just run sudo aptitude upgrade01:19
Mordicus(but I launched the update manager... nothing bad?)01:19
crimsundon't run them simultaneously.01:19
crimsunpick one or the other, not both.01:20
Mordicuscrimsun: ok01:20
cellofello1brb, rebooting router again01:20
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Mordicuscrimsun: do you know Mplayer very well too?01:20
crimsunno. It has been nearly three years since I last used it.01:21
ubotua free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org01:21
Mordicuscrimsun: :-O01:21
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Mordicuscrimsun: is VLC stronger than Mplayer?01:22
Mordicuscrimsun: I have a lot of troubles ready AVI files with Mplayer, but a lot of linux users say Mplayer can read almost everything... :s01:22
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TheSheepMordicus: you need the win32codecs installed01:23
B|nTaRaMordicus, i use VLC01:23
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MordicusTheSheep: I installed them... I followed the tutorial on the Ubuntu website...01:23
cellofellowthere we go01:23
j1mchey cellofello1 ... i found out about this by chance the other day, so i thought i'd pass it along: http://apt-mirror.sourceforge.net/01:24
cellofellowVLC I like for AVI and DVD, MPlayer for everything else.01:24
MordicusB|nTaRa: VLC can read my video but the volume is a little bit weak...01:24
j1mcerr... that was supposed to go to cellofellow :)01:24
Mordicuscellofello: ok, thanks ! :)01:24
B|nTaRaMordicus, VLC works fine with01:25
cellofellowI can't get VLC to do QuickTime.01:25
B|nTaRai think its related with ur sound driver01:25
cellofellowj1mc: interesting01:25
MordicusB|nTaRa: I am running Xubuntu on an old laptop :(01:25
cellofellowok, I got to go now. I'll be popping in now and again but I'll be on vacation.01:26
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j1mccellofellow: it says you can do a partial mirror, but i guess you'd have to look into it01:26
B|nTaRacellofello1, thats weird , .mov runs very well with VLC01:26
MordicusBTW, I have a trident video card (8mo), but Xubuntu uses Vesa drivers... shall I force it to use Trident video driver or not?01:27
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nraicIm downloading torrents, using azurues and other clietns and somthing is very wrong with the speed01:31
nraicclient says firewall is ok01:31
nraicworks fine under windows01:31
nraicjust a very slow speed in xubuntu01:31
nraicAny possible reason for this?01:32
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B|nTaRanraic, same here01:35
B|nTaRaim still figuring whats the problem01:35
Mordicuscrimsun: ok! vlc interface is fine now ! :)01:36
nraicfunny that, happens on all clients for me, have you tried different client?01:36
nraicwhats the flash package called for view flash videos in firefox01:36
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Mordicus... still 2 annoying things : when I launch vlc, the volume is always on "mute", I have to set the volume back each time... 2/ The volume of my video is weak, even when I changed the settings to max volumes... :'(01:39
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nraicwhat are 64 bit users ment to do about flash?01:41
Mordicusmplayer crashes.... and Gxine cannot read any of my video file :'(01:41
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cheeseboyhow do i get to home dir in xfce?01:59
TheSheepcheeseboy: alt+f2 and type 'Thunar'02:00
TheSheepcheeseboy: you can make yourself a launcher or a desktop icon for that02:01
TheSheepcheeseboy: it also should be in the menu somewhere02:01
vrkhanshey a problem, when my screen saver turn on, after that every thing just freeze or lock, even i can not shutdown the computer and I have the push the restart button . any suggestion.02:06
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ricidoes anyone have any idea why xmodmap will let me reassign altgr-k but not altgr-j ?02:46
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_BS_Have ibm laptop with dead screen, so using external monitor. Tried to get 1024x768 but not working. How do I go back to square 1 - currently stuck in 640x480 and can't even see the OK buttons in display settings. Help please!03:31
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Sigmamu188how can i set xubuntu so that at boot up the numlock is on03:37
Sigmamu188before login03:37
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ubotuTo enable Number Lock by default, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock03:39
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tonyyarussonp :)04:00
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steve___i have two computer running xubuntu and both are connecting to an AP wirelessly.   I am using WPA2 encryption.  One card is using the madwifi drivers and the other the bcmxx drivers.  When I boot these machines, I have no connectivity.  I do a /etc/init.d/networking restart and i'm good to go.  When i come home from work neither box is associated to the AP until I /etc/init.d/networking restart04:13
steve___i did not have this issue when running kubuntu on both machines.  Any ideas?04:13
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_BS_Have ibm laptop with dead screen, so using external monitor. Tried to get 1024x768 but not working. How do I go back to square 1, with X - currently stuck in 640x480 and can't even see the OK buttons in display settings. Help please!05:07
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joshafinaCan you change the splash screen in Xubuntu?05:47
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savilesdoes anyone know where i can get the "mipsel-linux-gcc" package?05:54
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tanlaanwhat is a good xubuntu alternative to Rythmbox?07:14
tanlaan*albeit i dont exclusively need an alternative because xubuntu can run Rythmbox, I would just like to know of one so i can keep my usage down. I am thinking about running a server.*07:15
crimsunmpd and any of its frontends07:16
crimsune.g., pygmy07:16
crimsun(or) quod libet, exaile, bmpx, etc.07:16
tanlaani was just about to ask about Exaile07:17
tanlaanapparently it is supposed to be like Amarok?07:17
crimsunI used it once and walked away unimpressed.07:17
crimsunyes, in ways.07:18
crimsunobviously what I think is not necessarily going to jive with what you experience.07:18
tanlaanbut hey, can it play music off of an ipod?07:18
tanlaanor is that knowledge i will have to gain myself07:19
crimsunI never tried. I've only experience with that using Rhythmbox, and it played music fine. Granted I use QTFairuse6 2.6 to strip the DRM from songs that I purchase from iTMS.07:19
crimsun2.6 -> 2.5, sorry07:20
crimsunmy iPod is largely useless. Right now it's functioning as a doorstop.07:21
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yknottyeah but certainly you needed something to stop that door07:21
yknottand tada, enter the ipod07:21
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tanlaanyea ive used Rythmbox to play music off of an ipod, but i will have to find out :D07:24
tanlaanwhat kind is it?07:24
crimsunmine's a 30 GB Video07:24
crimsunworks fine, I just don't need it for common tasks07:24
cellofellowexaile is cool.07:24
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arrowI can't change my resolution to anything other than 400x600 can anyone help me with that?07:25
cellofellowvideo card?07:26
arrowhow do I find out?07:26
arrowI'm new to this stuff07:26
cellofellowlspci and look for Video or something like that07:26
cellofellowin a terminal07:27
tanlaancrap i cant find out where to get exaile >.<07:28
arrow0000:00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 PCI Bridge (rev c2)07:28
arrowis that it?07:28
arrow0000:00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)07:29
cellofellowtanlaan: exaile.org07:29
cellofellowarrow: yes07:30
cellofellowsorry, I only know nvidia, but we know what it is now, and someone should be able to help.07:30
tanlaani couldnt find it on that site, but i did finally find the right section. BAH >.< it is made for the i386 architecture07:30
tanlaanoo wait07:30
tanlaanthat etch ppc one might work07:30
cellofellowit's python, so it cares not what chip you use.07:31
tanlaanthe .deb does07:31
tanlaanbut i guess i can compile from source07:32
arrowcellofellow, Its for my friends computer, he doesn't have internet connection so I'll have to go to his house and get his computer or something07:32
arrowcellofellow, thankyou07:32
tanlaanI just hate how messy everything gets when I compile from source07:33
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cellofellowuse checkinstall07:33
cellofellowmake a nice tidy deb to take with you07:33
cellofellowwhen you got to run `make install`, run `checkinstall` instead.07:34
cellofellowregisters with apt and makes a deb file to boot.07:34
cellofelloweasy to uninstall with synaptic, etc.07:35
tanlaani see07:35
tanlaanhmm well forget exaile07:39
tanlaani think ill stick with rythmbox for now07:39
tanlaanim gonna go screw around a bit with Xubuntu07:39
tanlaanand then im off to bed >.<07:39
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cookiehi everyone. Where can I increase the sound volume on xubuntu?07:55
cookieI have been looking for it but found no place07:56
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cookienobody here?07:57
crimsunor, x-terminal-emulator -e alsamixer07:57
cookiewhere it is?07:57
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cellofellowwill someone go to cellofellow.homelinux.net to test it for me?08:15
hyper_chhi Josh08:16
cellofellowI had trouble with my DynDNS updater.08:16
cellofellowdoes that address work?08:16
hyper_chseems like it08:16
hyper_chbut why using the full name?08:16
hyper_chThis is the Linux website of Joshua Gardner.08:17
cellofellowoh, um, that site is so very low traffic. It aint even indexed on Google.08:17
hyper_chlaunchpad homepage? What's that?08:18
ubotulaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/08:18
cellofellowlet me see what you see.08:18
cellofellowI'd forgotten about that. :)08:19
cellofellowI haven't upgraded those webpages in forever.08:19
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nraicIs the parted app able to resize current ntfs drives with windows on them?08:21
cellofellowgot me, never tried.08:21
hyper_chcellofellow: why not mediawiki?08:21
hyper_chnraic: should be... but I'd rather use a windows tool for that... like Partition Magic08:21
cellofellowhyper_ch: lack of database setup skills.08:21
nraicgrub loader is great btw super good08:21
cellofellowhyper_ch: I'm still working on drupal08:21
hyper_chcellofellow: sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql.....08:21
hyper_chcellofellow: and that's it :)08:21
cellofellowI need a bigger hard drive. That server has 1.5GB08:22
nraicpartion magic cost money, and im at workso i dont want to be download torrents08:22
cellofellowhyper_ch: is kwiki slow or something?08:22
nraichyper_ch, can you send me part magic?08:22
hyper_chcellofellow: no, I just wondered why you didn't sue media :)08:23
hyper_chnraic: PM is no free software and I have no need anymore for such software08:23
cellofellowI like Python, and I tried to install MoinMoin, but I still suck at this server stuff.08:23
hyper_chwhat you mean by "this server stuff"?08:24
cellofellowjust working with apache and databases.08:24
cellofellowI need to dedicate some time to it.08:24
hyper_chcellofellow: have a small read here for (l)amp -->   http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_6.1008:25
hyper_chit's just copy and paste of the php/apache/mysql stuff :)08:25
cellofellowdunno exactly why but I lean toward Python and PostreSQL.08:26
hyper_chI gotta go to university08:27
cellofellowserver OS is Debian Sarge08:27
cellofellowwell, bedtime08:29
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haze76Are there more packages available in Synaptic for old Ubuntu releases than the latest beta?08:49
haze76Or any other very compelling reasons  not to run Feisty Fawn herd 508:50
haze76(if it works fine)08:50
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ubotugdm: GNOME Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.16.1-0ubuntu4.1 (edgy), package size 1687 kB, installed size 12300 kB11:41
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moforilaTrying to get my wireless card to work, its seen by xubuntu but it cant seem to use it to connec to my lan11:44
blizzhm, should /dev/kqemu by kqemu-source stay where it is or create some udev rule so it gets created at module-load time?11:45
grazieblizz: don't really know kqemu but it does have kernel module that needs to be loaded (install should have handled this)11:51
blizzyep, kqemu11:55
blizzbuild it with module-assistant11:55
blizzinstall does in fact handle the creation of the kqemu devices, but udev clears it out after rebooting11:56
grazieudev does seem to be having problems of late :(12:01
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cellofellowcan somone go to cellofellow.homelinux.net and see if it's up?12:30
cellofellowtell me what IP it resolves to12:31
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hyperanyone here?01:13
hyperah :)01:15
hyper<-- hyper_ch01:15
grazieI think I guessed that :)01:16
hypergrazie: you know how to start a programm that needs X from a remote ssh access?01:16
hyperI'm at university and want to start ktorrent... :)01:16
graziewell I usually use vnc but that needs the vnc server (can't remerber the name righ now) running01:18
hypergrazie: well, I haven't got my vnc running right now01:18
hyperkrfb also wants x to start it01:18
TheSheepif yuo do ssh -X -Y, the X session will be forwarded01:18
hyperTheSheep: how to do that in putty?01:19
=== grazie never had much success with -X and -Y options, doesn't know why
graziehyper: can you start putty from cli?01:21
hypergrazie: I guess so :)01:21
grazieputty -X01:21
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TheSheephyper: it won't work on windows01:21
hyperoh :(01:22
hyperstupid windows :)01:22
graziedo you have any X client on windows?01:23
hypergrazie: is there any?01:23
TheSheepthere are, but I don't knwo of any free one01:23
graziewell I assumed as you wanted to run ktorrent you must have one01:24
hyperhmmm, I found XLive CD...01:24
hypera cygwin based ssh x-forwarding01:24
graziedoesn't the No Machines one have a demo option01:24
graziehyper: you'd need to set the No Machine server (which I think you told me was free now) for that as well though, but you've got ssh access havent you?01:27
hypergrazie: using my home computer with irssi as IRC is closed at university01:27
hyperI'll have a look at no machine :)01:28
=== Nabiki [n=emry@softbank219179254063.bbtec.net] has joined #Xubuntu
NabikiI have a menu question.  When I installed Dapper, there was an option in the menu to run a command.  When I installed edgy, that menu option was not there (under xubuntu).  What command is used to bring up the prompt to run a program?01:31
graziehyper: There must be some *nix boxes that'll you got access to at the university?01:31
grazieNabiki: alt+f201:32
NabikiI see.  Is there a command that does that also, or just the hotkey>01:32
NabikiNever mind, I looked up the hotkey in the settings, and it shows the command.01:33
Nabikigrazie: Thanks!01:33
grazieDo you mean how to bring up a terminal?01:34
hyperTheSheep: btw, my xfce4-menu-plugin didn't crash during the whole night... and I have also installed a new kernel... may this be related?01:34
grazieNabiki: Applications > System > Terminal01:34
Nabikigrazie: That is not what I was looking for.  You DID give me the info I needed though.  :-)  Under Xubuntu edgy, the command is xfrun4 .01:35
NabikiThat is what alt+f2 is mapped too. :)01:36
NabikiI am going to go idle now, so I am going to go ahead and disconnect.  :)  I will log in later though, and help where I can. ^^;;01:37
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graziej1mc: hi jim...did you get my message?01:39
j1mcgrazie, no . . .01:39
j1mcwhat was it?01:39
j1mcbtw, good morning.  :)01:40
grazieI was just responding to your query on the channel yesterday. Yeah afternoon01:40
=== j1mc tries to remember what i asked. :)
j1mcoh, about testing?  if anyone was testing isos?01:42
grazieand my answer was yes and no01:42
j1mc:)  if you have any time to test today, it would be great.  we need more people to post their results about xubuntu testing.01:45
j1mcthe beta is released tomorrow.01:45
hyperj1mc: what testing?01:45
j1mchyper, here's some info about it: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=20101:46
j1mchyper, and then we post the results here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-iso-tests01:46
j1mcwe need to test the "current" nightly images.01:47
j1mcwhich are found here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/01:47
=== j1mc has to go to work ... anyone who can help, though, please do. :)
hyperj1mc: all I can say is that the partitioner on the alternate install herd5 doesn't work01:47
j1mchyper, they did have issues with that, but it was fixed since then.01:48
hyperj1mc: the same problem was also in herd3 and 4 I think01:48
j1mchyper, did you install herd3 and herd 4?01:52
hyperj1mc: herd4 I did for sure... not sure about herd3 anymore... could have been herd201:53
hyperbut I know the problem still persists in herd501:53
hyperalthough I think Kubuntu Herd4 worked01:53
hyperor was it Kubuntu herd201:53
hyperdoesn't matter01:54
hyperherd5 is what counts :)01:54
j1mcsee, we just need you to report your tests.  :)01:54
hyperI did add it in the forum somewhere :)01:55
hyperin thread about herd5 I think... it's been a long time ago :)01:55
=== j1mc has got to get ready for work. :) see you later, all.
=== j1mc encourages hyper to report his tests before i go. ;-)
j1mcttyl, all.01:58
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ruspuWhat is the best webpage editor? I've used long a go only a normal notepad/word.03:01
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TheSheepruspu: vim is much better :)03:04
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grazie!nvu | ruspu03:06
uboturuspu: nvu: Complete Web Authoring System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0final-2ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 8373 kB, installed size 26448 kB03:06
ruspuYeah. i saw a nvu in the net, but had to check wich would you people say. :D03:07
=== TheSheep still prefers vim
TheSheepespecially on a remote host03:08
grazienvu is featured and friendly, but it is a bit heavy03:09
=== grazie has never used vim for html although uses vim for most other stuff
ruspuYeah, I'll think I try the vim, because dont like heavy programs.03:11
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martin___nick _sebastian04:52
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_sebastianich veruche xubuntu zu installieren und bei 47% von "kopiere daten auf festplatte" bleibt er hngen04:56
_sebastiankann das mit meiner tv karte technisat skystar2 zusammenhngen?04:56
albert__versuchs auf englisch ;)05:03
albert__sebastian: hast du die cd berprft? kratzer?05:03
_sebastianja, die hab ich erst davor gebrannt, die ist ok05:03
_sebastianHi, im tring to instal xubunte 6.10. After i made the settings to hard disk and partition the system will copy the files to hd05:03
_sebastianat 47% the system stops coping the files an idels05:03
_sebastianthe system is still available for me, but it doesnt copy05:03
_sebastianthe cd is ok05:03
_sebastiansorry for my english, i hope you understand what i mean ;)05:03
j1mcsebastian, did you check the CD when it first booted?  there is a CD check option.05:03
j1mcby the way, your english is good!  :)05:03
_sebastianno, i havnt checked the cd05:04
_sebastiani will do it now05:04
j1mcok!  :)05:04
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=== Topic for #xubuntu: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-users
=== Topic (#xubuntu): set by somerville32 at Thu Jan 11 04:31:58 2007
(j1mc/#xubuntu) _sebastian: yes. you are right.05:08
(j1mc/#xubuntu) !botsnack05:08
(ubotu/#xubuntu) Yum!05:08
(j1mc/#xubuntu) good ubotu05:08
_sebastianhmm, 1 checksum failed05:08
_sebastianso, i muste check my iso05:08
j1mc_sebastian: yes.05:09
j1mcgo to the folder where you downloaded your iso, and type "md5sum" and then the name of your iso file.05:10
j1mc. . . do you know how to check md5sums?05:10
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_sebastiani never did it bevor, i will try05:11
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j1mc_sebastian: it will give you a code, which you can compare to the md5sum file where you downloaded the ISO.  if the codes match, then your ISO is good.  if the codes don't match, then your ISO file didn't download correctly.05:13
_sebastianok, i have this code: 22dbcd0958d5f19be4ae4f91410a117005:15
_sebastianhere http://ftp.cw.net/xubuntu/releases/6.10/release/MD5SUMS is the same code05:18
_sebastiancould it be, that xubuntu have problems with my tv card? im using skystar 2 from technisat05:19
_sebastianso, im going to eat something, i will come back05:19
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_sebastianso, im going to swin some meter, i will try it tomorrow05:36
_sebastiani come back ;)05:36
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BadKittyuh bogus06:19
ericis this the support channel for xubuntu?06:19
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Bogus8eric: I guess you could call it that06:20
Bogus8since it's is in the topic ;)06:20
Bogus8the joys of reading *sigh*06:20
Bogus8BadKitty: you there?  You got my PM?06:21
BadKittyi'm here06:21
BadKittyyep did you get mine?06:21
Bogus8nope :/06:21
BadKittyi figured it out06:21
ericIm having a wee problem with autostarting applications on Xubuntu06:22
erici.e. programs are starting for no reason, and they aren't added in my autostart app list06:22
Bogus8eric: btw, I never said *I* could help you :D06:22
ericheh i know06:22
ericjust putting it out there06:22
Bogus8but yeah, ask and idle06:22
BadKittygive me a minute...i am not registered for freenode06:22
Bogus8it can take a while06:22
Bogus8BadKitty: what networks are you on?06:22
BadKittyi live in accessirc06:23
BadKittyone sec06:24
Bogus8eric: when you say programs do you mean services (daemons) or do you mean apps?06:24
ericlike the terminal and gaim06:24
ormireteric: did you have them open when you logged out and have save session checked?06:24
ericno i unchecked that06:25
ericit started happening after I installed Xubuntu last night and updated it using apt-get06:25
Bogus8BadKitty: on now... nick is Bogus06:26
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massctrlhellows anyone used the feisty beta for xubuntu?06:56
j1mcmassctrl: me!06:59
j1mci'm actually coordinating testing of xubuntu feisty.07:00
massctrlah that's nice,...07:00
j1mcmassctrl: are you using xubuntu now?  if so, what version of xubuntu (or ubuntu) are you using?07:01
massctrlso i'm going to switch from ubuntu to xubuntu again, and was thinking using the feisty for that07:01
j1mcmassctrl: i would recommend it.  :)  it is quite stable already.07:01
j1mcif you do install feisty, make sure you get the most recent image.  what kind of computer do you have?07:02
massctrljlmc: nice, I will do so, .... I must say i was very pleased with it, but got tempted trying out gnome and ubuntu, but I don't need the most that is offered,...07:02
massctrllaptop, hp nc8000 pentium M 1,6 Mhz and 1,5 Gb ram07:03
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j1mcmassctrl: do get the most recent image for that computer, go here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/07:04
ephemeroshey \m/07:04
j1mcephemeros: \m/  :-)07:04
j1mcmassctrl: if you do install that, be sure to report your test results.  you can do that here:  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/  these aren't "bugs", but just a way to report test results.07:05
massctrlcool thnks j1mc, I will sure do so07:05
j1mc"test results"=="how the install went for you"07:05
j1mcmassctrl: feel free to check in at the irc channel #ubuntu-iso if you have any questions.  :-)07:06
j1mcwe can really use the testing help, esp on xubuntu.07:06
ormiretj1mc: That's not the URL for test reports is it?07:06
j1mcormiret: no, sorry.07:07
j1mchere's the link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-iso-tests/+bugs07:08
j1mcmassctrl: in case you missed it, i gvae you the wrong link to report your tests: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-iso-tests/+bugs07:08
j1mcuse that one.07:08
j1mcthanks, ormiret  :-)07:08
massctrlNice, you can count me in, ... I'm very pleased with the whole xubuntu distro, i regretted I switched to ubuntu/gnome, while without a doubt very nice too, I just need speedy sober environment, ... and honestly, thunar is the most excellent filemanagers i've encountered, very fast, and basic yet powerfull enough, ...07:08
massctrlok correct link is in favorites now07:08
=== j1mc says +1 for massctrl :-)
=== grazie agrees with comment about thunar
j1mcmassctrl: not to overwhelm you, but there's active discussion about iso testing in the forums ( http://www.ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=201 )07:10
=== grazie doesn't want to upset anyone, but thinks feisty has taken a bit of a nose dive recently...stick with edgy for a bit longer unless you to test feisty
j1mcgrazie: xfce has been a bit on the buggy side.07:11
j1mcthe panel crashed out on a live install last night.  still, we need more ppl to test.  the actual install was fine, though.07:11
=== grazie initial xfce4.4 integration was good (herd 3?)
j1mcgrazie: i think so . . . only since about a little after herd 5 have i seen probs.07:13
j1mcgrazie: it's too bad that cody somerville isn't available.  i hope we have enough devs and such.07:13
j1mccody is cool, man . . . :-)07:13
=== grazie hopes cody gets well soon
=== j1mc does to. :-)
j1mci haven't had any really *bad* experiences with feisty, though.  just one or two little applet crashes here and there.07:16
j1mcnothing like "omg, my data" or anything.07:16
=== grazie true, but with just one month to release I hope the recent problems are just a hiccup
=== vidd_laptop has noticed issues with gxine crashing frequently when trying to play dvd's....
=== j1mc hopes so, too. small stuff like that can make an otherwise good distro seem not so good.
=== vidd_laptop does have libdvdcss installed
j1mcand with the shifting from developer-focused testing to community-based testing . . .   we just need to make sure that any bugs are reported correctly, especially with xubuntu.07:23
j1mcxubuntu doesn't have the totally official canonical backing like ubuntu, kubuntu, and edubuntu.07:23
vidd_laptopjlmc is there anything we can do to get that viewpoint changed?07:24
j1mcdevs can't know about xubuntu bugs if we don't report them.07:24
=== j1mc isn't sure why xubuntu is considered a port, or community-based distro.
j1mcwe get put up on ubuntu.com (unlike, say fluxbuntu).07:24
j1mcvidd_laptop: i'm not sure what we can do to change it.07:25
j1mcnot saying it can't be done, but i'm not sure at this time.07:25
j1mcnot sure who to talk to.07:25
j1mcwhat requirements would need to be there, etc.07:25
vidd_laptopgee...i bet the support would have jumped if i could have gotten that contract with the local school district to install xubuntu on all the computers in thier 3 new buildings =] 07:26
j1mci think that if we work to make xubuntu as good as we can, it will help.  unfortunately, xubuntu doesn't have the manpower of some of it's siblings.07:26
vidd_laptopand elementary, a middle, and a high school07:27
j1mcwow . . . yeah.  you almost got that?07:27
=== grazie gripe is the ppc issue...I'm a pretty active ppc user and I just have no idea what the deal is right now
vidd_laptopthe head tech is a linux-phobe i think07:27
j1mcgrazie: yeah.  i'm dissappointed in that, too.07:28
vidd_laptopis ppc support staopping for ALL distro's?07:28
graziethe last officially ppc supported distro was edgy07:29
vidd_laptopj1mc, my bid was fine...but i met resistance on the support side....07:30
j1mcppc support is going to community support . . . currently i have one person who asks about it for xubuntu, but i am having a hard enough time getting testers for i386 and AMD6407:30
j1mcvidd_laptop: that's too bad.  they thought it would be hard to support and maintain?07:30
vidd_laptopthey were worried about compatability with thier other schools07:31
j1mcvidd_laptop: where was this?  mind if i ask what town?07:32
vidd_laptopsince they already have 2 middle and a high school (and i dont KNOW how many elementary) they were worried the kids would get an "unbalanced experience"07:32
vidd_laptopemmaus pa07:32
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j1mcunbalanced experience, meaning the xubuntu kids would have a more awesome experience than the windows kids?  ;-)07:33
ubotuxxkb: Keyboard state indicator and switcher for xkb. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.10-2.1 (edgy), package size 33 kB, installed size 184 kB07:33
ricianyone know of a workaround for this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/7626007:33
UbugtuMalone bug 76260 in xorg "x11-common conflicts with xxkb, but xxkb depends on x11-common inderectly" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] 07:33
vidd_laptopj1mc, most like07:33
vidd_laptopthe proposal was for terminal servers.....07:34
j1mcltsp ftw!  :)07:34
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vidd_laptopso they only had to worry about like (max) 16 servers, compared to 50 or more acual M$ machines07:35
j1mcproblem is, MS discounts stuff heavily for schools.  gets the kids hooked for cheap, then makes them pay $$ cash money for the stuff when they're out of school.07:35
=== vidd_laptop is working on resubmitting the proposal, bypassing the tech-in-charge, and going straight for the tech-ed department
vidd_laptopshow some figures for earning potential for linux engineers compared to M$ engineers....07:36
vidd_laptop=] 07:36
vidd_laptopshow the substancial finacial savings on hardware....07:37
j1mcis that what you do for a living, vidd?  linux engineering?07:37
vidd_laptopha! i wish07:37
vidd_laptopim a tech support rep for an ISP07:37
vidd_laptopdial-up at that07:37
j1mchey, one of my ubuntu-chicago loco buddies called up an Ameritech phone tech support agent, and it turned out that the guy ran Edgy.  :-)07:38
=== vidd_laptop is seriously considering getting RH certified
j1mcvidd_laptop: i've thought about something like that, too.07:39
j1mctrouble is, i'd have to use RH.  :)07:39
vidd_laptoponly because RH is king, and SUSE sold out07:39
=== grazie thought that ubuntu had certification too
vidd_laptopgrazie, they do...but there are no JOBS for it in my area07:40
j1mcgrazie: you might be right.  . . .  just no jobs for it now, as vidd_laptop said.07:40
vidd_laptopi get the RH cert, and i can 10x my salery07:40
vidd_laptopat worse07:41
vidd_laptop*at worse x407:41
graziemoney isn't everything...but yeah07:41
vidd_laptopyes...money cant buy happiness....but it never hurts!07:42
j1mcit isn't even so much just the money, but i def coultn'd find an ubuntu job right now.  unless i moved to montreal and worked for canonical.  :)07:42
j1mcmebbe in a few years.  :)  we can hope!!07:42
=== vidd_laptop couldn't imagine working in Canada
vidd_laptopentirely too much SNOW07:43
TheSheepvidd_laptop: yoou can work indoors07:44
vidd_laptopstill have to GET there07:45
TheSheepvidd_laptop: go at night, you won't see the snow07:45
vidd_laptopand if telecommuting was an option....why move?07:45
vidd_laptopTheSheep, i have issues driving @ night.....07:46
grazieSomething hyper_ch mentioned earlier....irc was disabled on the university networks...is that common does anyone know?07:46
TheSheepgrazie: yes07:49
TheSheepgrazie: at least on wifi07:49
TheSheepgrazie: you usually just open ssh and www07:49
TheSheepand mail07:49
j1mcgrazie: i've heard of it.07:50
=== ron_o [n=opera@12-210-173-157.client.mchsi.com] has joined #xubuntu
j1mci know that IIT admins disable IRC, but they let the linux users through (they use a different port) bc they figure the linux users know what they're doing.  :-)07:50
j1mcthe windows users don't get through.  :)07:50
vidd_laptopsometimes they lock down port 25 as well07:50
TheSheepvidd_laptop: that's because using unencrypted mail on wifi is a suicide :)07:51
vidd_laptopim talking on LAN as well as wifi07:51
grazieTheSheep: thanks...I can see why, but I am surprised students accross the planet are putting up with it07:51
ron_oI'm using Feisty Fawn because I need the latest kernel. How can I access other repositories..07:52
vidd_laptopgrazie, there ARE ways around it07:52
grazieok if it's just wifi though07:52
vidd_laptopron_o, what repo's you want?07:52
TheSheepgrazie: why? youo just ssh on you shell account and use irssi...07:52
ron_oI'd like to get firestarter and use an older kernel to see if it might fix my problem.07:52
ron_ovidd_laptop: all the ones for feisty fawn.07:52
ron_oare there any?07:53
grazieTheSheep: I'm thinking 'average guy in the street' here07:53
vidd_laptopdid you install fiesty or just add the repo for the kernel?07:53
ron_oI installed feisty.07:53
ron_oI needed the 2.6.20 kernel to recognize my optical.07:54
TheSheepgrazie: these are UNIVERSITIES, you know07:54
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vidd_laptopthen just edit your sources.list and uncomment the repo's you want07:54
ron_obut now I have it installed I'd like to see if the old kernel might recognize my usb drive(s) correctly.07:54
ron_oI did, vidd_laptop, and all I get are the installed apps.07:54
vidd_laptopsudo [favorite text editor]  /etc/apt/sources.list07:55
vidd_laptopron_o, did you run "sudo aptitude update"?07:55
=== grazie thinks maybe there's a living to be made...students are allowed some time off :)
ron_oI ran update in synaptic and it hangs. I figure it's because Feisty is still in the development.07:56
vidd_laptopron_o, use the command line.....see if it helps07:56
ron_owill do07:57
=== vidd_laptop tries to avoid synaptic
vidd_laptopi only use it to completely remove old kernel versions after they get updated07:57
=== grazie thinks synaptic is fanatastic tool
vidd_laptopit is a fantactic tool....07:58
vidd_laptopbut i want to stop being scared of the CLI07:58
ron_oit worked today for some reason. I should have checked before I asked. Maybe is was just timing. I updated both synaptic and aptitude with no problems. :) thanks.08:00
ron_oI get nervous w/o a firewall.08:01
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).08:02
grazieI was kinda hoping that would say most users don't need a firewall on linux08:04
ron_othey don't because of their firewall on their modem?08:04
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grazieall linux ports are closed by default08:05
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ron_oI still feel more comfortable with a firewall running.08:09
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grazieAre there a good reasons why cannonical don't provide any servers for netbooting? Too much resource required maybe?08:16
vidd_laptopnet boot or net install grazie ?08:17
grazienetboot with the aim of installing08:18
grazieno that wouldn't be a good idea at all08:20
=== grazie what a stupid question :(
=== vidd_laptop sees that you CAN netinstall.....
vidd_laptopi did it on this laptop08:28
vidd_laptopwant me to look up the link for ya?08:29
grazieyeah net install and netboot followed by install...both useful alternative install methods...done both...got the t-shirt08:31
vidd_laptophttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso is the net installer for feisty grazie08:32
j1mcvidd_laptop: nice.  :-)08:33
j1mcand with that . . .08:33
=== j1mc is afk :)
grazievidd_laptop: thanks but like I said ^^08:33
vidd_laptopsorry grazie the lag monster got me!08:34
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rmd hey09:01
maddog39im having issues compiling the latest version of GTK/Glib/Pango09:01
maddog39would any1 be able to help09:02
rmdyou can't just download them via apt-get or synaptic?09:03
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maxamillionj1mc: ping10:05
Howdy125Any significant difference between 6.06 and 6.10 ?10:07
j1mcmaxamillion: pong10:07
j1mcmaxamillion: what's up?  :)10:09
maxamillionj1mc: i just wanted to thank you for everything you have done, I haven't been able to be as active in this devel/testing cycle as i had hoped because of school and my 2 jobs (i get to irc at this one, which is nice) and i'm glad to see people are still very active in everything (especially in cody's absence)10:09
maxamillionHowdy125: newer packages10:09
Howdy125ty maxamillion10:09
j1mcmaxamillion: thanks so much.  i feel sometimes like i'm fighting an uphill battle here, trying to get testers.  we had a lot of testers for herd 5, but not so many this time.  hopefully we'll get some tonight.10:10
maxamillionj1mc: oh its a complete uphill battle that cody has been leading for a while now and its just really nice to see someone step up and take charge now that he isn't around10:11
maxamillionj1mc: i wish i had more time but i TA for one of my profs and i am a sys admin on campus and it is getting late in the semester so i am getting more and more projects assigned ... just can't find the time like i wish i could10:12
maxamillionj1mc: you are doing an incredible job and if there was something i could do more than just say "thank you", i would10:12
maxamillionj1mc: but i'm broke .... so :(10:12
crimsunjust be glad you're not one of my students. You definitely wouldn't have time to IRC.10:12
maxamillioncrimsun: lol10:12
maxamillioncrimsun: well i only have time to irc while i'm at my sys admin job10:12
j1mcheh, yeah.  :-)  i guess i'm glad to be a part of it.  i just felt like cody did such a good job, at least i can make the effort.  we all contribute what we can, so . . . no problem.  :-)  i'm sure you're very busy.  :)10:13
maxamillioncrimsun: i also code here for class while i irc10:13
maxamillionj1mc: i am working on building an old machine out of spare parts that i can just simply run tests on all the time so i don't have to sacrifice downtime of my desktop also ... that way i can do school work while testing (but as of right now i only own one desktop)10:14
j1mc:-)  maxamillion: yeah, i got an old desktop from my mom.  :)10:15
j1mcthat, and i installed a spare drive on my AMD64 box.10:15
maxamillionj1mc: oooo, spare drive might be a good option for my desktop (which is an amd64)10:16
j1mcmaxamillion: that would be awesome.  :)10:17
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j1mci can even send you something like a 5gb drive or something, if you don't want to spend the money.  i volunteer at a place that recycles old comps.10:17
maxamillionj1mc: i will have lots of time over the summer to help on things ... i will be working and teaching summer school, but i won't have a full course load10:17
maxamillionj1mc: i pick up spare parts around the office here at my sys admin job, but thank you for the offer10:18
j1mc:-)  ok10:18
=== j1mc makes a note to count on maxamillion for early alphas of feisty+1 :-)
j1mcor something . . .10:19
maxamillionoh yeah10:19
maxamilliondefinitely do that10:19
j1mcactually, for herd 6, i have this set up: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Community/Xubuntu  we'll assign people specific test cases, so they only have to do one or two things.10:20
maxamillioni also watch the Thunar bug tracker every so often because i volunteered to do so a while back when jani posted on the -devel mailing lists about it10:20
maxamillionj1mc: ooo, i like it10:20
maxamillionj1mc: oh, i dunno if you got the email in -devel but i posted about how the alternate install was over 700mb and jani said he fixed it and the current one on the page is now 700mb and will fit on a cd-r10:21
j1mccool . . .   hopefully that will help people.  it's one thing to say, "i'll test!" (which is appreciated), but i think people will like it if they know exactly what they need to test.  should make it easier, and get more commitment.10:22
j1mcmaxamillion: yes, i saw that.  :)  good news.10:22
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maxamillionj1mc: ok, awesome ... just wanted to make sure10:35
=== maxamillion was afk for a moment
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=== grazie agrees that j1mc is doing a fine job
=== grazie would help more if the ppc situation was made a lot clearer
crimsunerr, what's not clear about it?10:38
crimsunit's not supported by Canonical; it's supported by community best-effort10:38
j1mcgrazie: :-(  i even thought of keeping a PPC box at our "Free Geek Chicago" location and using it just for PPC tests.10:39
maxamilliongrazie: when roughly translated, find another distro for PPC10:39
graziecrimsun: It not at all clear to me what "community best-effort" actually means10:39
j1mcbut i just don't have the time . . .10:39
j1mcyeah . . . maxamillion, that's kind of how i took it, too.10:39
maxamillionj1mc: we all have our limits :(10:39
crimsungrazie: it means we core-dev make no active effort to maintain it.10:39
=== j1mc thinks yellow dog linux or something.
maxamillionj1mc: or debian :)10:40
crimsungrazie: i.e., we maintain it when something needs maintaining.10:40
crimsunfind a bug? Fix it yourself, push us the fix, we'll apply it.10:40
graziemaxamillion: yes, I wish they would actually say that though10:40
crimsun^ community support10:40
crimsunDapper ppc remains supported10:41
crimsunsupported by Canonical, core-dev, etc.10:41
maxamilliongrazie: well, they kinda did .... just not in so many words10:42
maxamillionhyper_ch: hiya10:42
hyper_chwhat's up?10:42
tonyyarussocrimsun: Something I'm working on packaging has had issues building on PPC (specifically PPC64 it seems).  Presumably we still make all efforts to make things work on PPC even though it's not "official", ya?10:43
maxamillionhyper_ch: nodda10:43
graziecrimsun: most of the packages are common and controlled by Canonnical. I vry much doubt Cannonical will allow "community best-effort" to fix PPC problem on shared packages.10:43
crimsuntonyyarusso: of course10:43
crimsungrazie: huh?10:44
tonyyarussorighto.  /me continues trying suggestions10:44
crimsungrazie: what is "controlled by Canonical"?10:44
crimsungrazie: I'm core-dev; Canonical certainly does _not_ employ me; I can touch all those packages.10:44
graziecrimsun: there's dozens of ppc bugs in launchpad that haven't even got a response10:45
crimsungrazie: that's due to resource starvation10:45
crimsungrazie: there's a relatively simple workaround: find someone willing to fix the bugs; get that someone the affected hardware; pay that someone to fix the bugs.10:45
graziecrimsun: you will not maintain ppc bugs, because you have no interest in doing so..that's fine.10:46
crimsungrazie: does "you" refer to me, to core-dev, or to Canonical staff?10:47
graziecrimsun: there is no need to pay anyone....the community can fix there own problem is they have the opportunity to do so10:47
crimsungrazie: certainly, and there's a conduit10:48
crimsungrazie: I'm perfectly willing to review patches and apply them _if_ someone can get them to me10:48
graziecrimsun: I'm mean you as you crimsun ...I'm trying to be offensive10:48
crimsungrazie: ok, point taken. Then get me the affected hardware.10:49
graziecrimsun: that's great news...so far I've not been aware that was possible10:49
graziecrimsun: getting you hardware is going to be difficult10:50
crimsunIn fact, since I'm alsa maintainer, I went and bought hardware that doesn't current work. I fix this stuff. That's how much I care. (So please, don't assume that people don't fix this stuff due to lack of motivation.)10:50
crimsuncurrently ^10:50
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j1mccrimsun: that's cool that you buy/test non-working hardware.  :)10:51
=== j1mc says +1 for crimsun :-)
j1mcttyl, all.  gtg.10:52
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vidd_laptop*wave* maxamillion MattJ11:18
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maxamillionhiya vidd_laptop11:31
vidd_laptophow goes it?11:31
vidd_laptopthat good huh?11:32
vidd_laptop=] 11:32
vidd_laptopsounds like someone is having a day like mine11:32
vidd_laptopwhats up BFTD ?11:33
BFTDMy GPU is too old for the BSD drivers11:33
BFTDat least it told me nicely unlike windows11:34
vidd_laptopwhat about for the linux drivers?11:34
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BFTDif its too old to be supported its not gonna be worth it11:35
vidd_laptopis that na...as in no-it-dont-work or no-i-wont-try-it11:35
vidd_laptopwhat are you trying to do?11:36
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vidd_laptopis there a command line tool for ripping dvd's?11:51
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vidd_laptopwb ron_o11:52
=== vidd_laptop wants to make a "back-up copy" of a movie dvd... so i want to make an .iso of it
BFTDvidd yeah11:58
BFTDsudo apt-get install cdw11:58
vidd_laptopis that for dvd iso's?11:59
vidd_laptopso how do i run it?12:00
BFTDI don't know12:01
BFTDcdw -h12:01
BFTDits cd-r/rw's only12:01
vidd_laptopcdw -h gave no info12:01
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vidd_laptop*wave* alvaro =] 12:20
alvaroi have some questions about xubuntu.. i'm using suse linux with KDE in old PC and its too low.. I read xubuntu its better for old pcs12:20
vidd_laptopyes it is12:21
vidd_laptopwhat questions would you like answered?12:21
alvarocould I install in xubuntu a web server (xampp), ftp server, samba server...12:21
alvaroI use he old pc as a server12:21
vidd_laptopyou would most likely want the alt-cd....and do the server install12:22
tonyyarussoalvaro: easy to do12:22
alvaroits a AMD K6 500Mhz and 128 RAM12:22
alvaroand its too slow with suse12:22

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