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unterfranke | hallo | 08:41 |
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unterfranke | kbuntu 6.10, wenn ich im Systemverwaltungsmodus hdb aktivieren mchte - Das System meldete: mount:/dev/hdb2 can't read superblock | 08:44 |
unterfranke | selbes Spiel bei hdb1 | 08:44 |
jrib | unterfranke: #ubuntu-de may be more helpful | 08:45 |
unterfranke | thx | 08:45 |
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RoyB72 | anyone here got time for a newbie? trying to compile beryl, and like it says in the install file trying to run ./configure but I get a lot of error messages then it ends | 09:53 |
nalioth | RoyB72: got a pastebinned error log? | 09:53 |
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RoyB72 | what? been using Kubuntu 2 days... | 09:54 |
nalioth | !paste | 09:55 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:55 |
RoyB72 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11739/ | 09:56 |
RoyB72 | been reading and searching most of the day... no help found | 09:56 |
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nalioth | RoyB72: do you have universe and multiverse repos enabled? | 09:59 |
RoyB72 | how do I check that? | 10:00 |
nalioth | !multiverse | 10:02 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 10:02 |
RoyB72 | found it.. and no... they were commented.. lemme fix that.. | 10:07 |
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RoyB72 | k.. uncommented them.. got both universe and multiverse on now.. | 10:12 |
RoyB72 | what now? | 10:13 |
nalioth | did you update your apt? | 10:13 |
RoyB72 | u mean adept? | 10:14 |
nalioth | did you update the package manager? apt-get / adept / synaptic | 10:15 |
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RoyB72 | :( no.. how do I do that? | 10:18 |
nalioth | there should be a button on adept to "update" or "reload" | 10:18 |
RoyB72 | ohh I did do a Fetch updates in adept | 10:19 |
nalioth | ok | 10:19 |
nalioth | search now for 'xrender' | 10:19 |
RoyB72 | found 3 files | 10:20 |
RoyB72 | libxrender1 + dbg,dev | 10:21 |
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RoyB72 | libxrender1 is already installed | 10:21 |
nalioth | install the one ending in -dev | 10:22 |
nalioth | every error your .configure throws, it wants the package it whines about ending in -dev | 10:22 |
RoyB72 | ahh.. thats nice to know.. thx.. going to write THAT down.. :) | 10:22 |
nalioth | packages ending in -dev are "developmental packages" or "packages required to build other software based on them" | 10:24 |
RoyB72 | ohh I thought it was packages used for others to develope on.. hehe | 10:24 |
RoyB72 | omg.. now it whines about 9 more packages... :( | 10:25 |
nalioth | find them, look for the -dev ones, install, run ./configure | 10:26 |
nalioth | i'll be around if you have any questions | 10:26 |
RoyB72 | thx.. I'll start working then.. u were a big help there | 10:27 |
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RoyB72 | :( Requested 'xcomposite >= 0.3' but version of Xcomposite is | 10:42 |
nalioth | are you following a beryl how to? | 10:43 |
RoyB72 | yea | 10:43 |
nalioth | RoyB72: are there any special repos they suggest? | 10:44 |
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RoyB72 | repos? | 10:45 |
nalioth | universe and multiverse are software "repositories" | 10:46 |
nalioth | or "repos" | 10:46 |
nalioth | they are where software comes from, both source code and binaries | 10:46 |
RoyB72 | all it says is that it needs (to run, not to compile are it's plugins and a win-decorator prog like emerald, g-w-d or yawd) | 10:49 |
RoyB72 | under compiling all there is, is what I've been trying to do... no explanations as to what is NEEDED to compile it | 10:50 |
nalioth | are you in #ubuntu-effects ? | 10:50 |
RoyB72 | no.. just here and #kubuntu | 10:52 |
nalioth | join me there please, and we'll see if we can get some answers | 10:54 |
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RoyB72 | I'm there | 10:59 |
nalioth | RoyB72: did you see the /topic in #ubuntu-effects ? | 11:07 |
RoyB72 | yea... but it says for aiglx.. and xgl... | 11:11 |
RoyB72 | I need KDE, right? | 11:13 |
jrib | why compile beryl? | 11:13 |
LjL | why *use* beryl? :P | 11:13 |
RoyB72 | that's all I got from their site... | 11:13 |
=== jrib spins cube | ||
=== LjL uses mousewheel to move between console tabs fast | ||
nalioth | jrib: if you have suggestions, i'm sure RoyB72 would like to hear them | 11:14 |
nalioth | i don't run any of that stuff, so i have no clue | 11:14 |
jrib | RoyB72: do you have a reason for compiling beryl? | 11:15 |
RoyB72 | want to run it? the cube is one of the reasons, yes.. ;) | 11:15 |
LjL | alright but there's precompiled packages you know | 11:16 |
jrib | RoyB72: ah, but there is no need to compile it. YOu just use the proper repositories | 11:16 |
LjL | checked out the topic in #ubuntu-effects? | 11:16 |
LjL | crammed with howtos | 11:16 |
RoyB72 | hmmm... brb then... (more reading) lol | 11:17 |
RoyB72 | right.. (omg with the info) I run Kubuntu 6.06.1 64bit... what am I suppose to install and what does they mean... : XGL and AIGLX? | 11:21 |
nalioth | RoyB72: if they are busy in here, #ubuntu-effects can answer those questions | 11:22 |
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nalioth | RoyB72: the more you learn, the more you learn that you need to learn | 11:32 |
nalioth | RoyB72: i'd not upgrade unless you see a very good reason to do so | 11:37 |
nalioth | this is not windows. | 11:38 |
RoyB72 | nalioth: well, I'm just playing around for now so nothing will be lost... and I would really like to try beryl | 11:50 |
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nalioth | RoyB72: did you follow the upgrade link ubotu sent you? | 11:54 |
RoyB72 | yea... but nothing seemed to have happened when I tried the command: gksu "update-manager -c" | 11:56 |
nalioth | open a terminal please (or konsole) | 11:57 |
RoyB72 | have 1 open | 11:57 |
nalioth | type "kdesu update-manager -c" <enter> | 11:58 |
RoyB72 | get some lines... 1: X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166 | 11:58 |
RoyB72 | Failed to open device | 11:58 |
nalioth | ignore them | 11:58 |
nalioth | any time you open a GUI program from the terminal, you'll get all that cruft | 11:58 |
RoyB72 | sudo: update-manager: command not found | 11:58 |
nalioth | right... | 11:58 |
RoyB72 | ohh ok.. :) | 11:58 |
nalioth | type "kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list" | 11:59 |
RoyB72 | kate open... | 12:00 |
nalioth | anything in it? or is it blank? | 12:00 |
RoyB72 | looks fine to me... | 12:01 |
nalioth | did it open the sources.list or did it open blank? | 12:01 |
RoyB72 | the deb lines I edited are still there | 12:01 |
nalioth | ok, let's do a "find and replace" | 12:02 |
RoyB72 | yep.. it's the source.list | 12:02 |
nalioth | find "dapper" and replace them with "edgy" | 12:02 |
RoyB72 | all? | 12:02 |
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