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keescook | Mithrandir: with main frozen, how do you want me to handle security updates that need to go in? should I open a freeze-exception bug for each one, email you a list, or just upload them? | 01:27 |
racarr | has anyone found problems with the Beryl packages in NEW, or just no time to look at them? | 01:32 |
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Fujitsu | racarr: It takes time, and beta is the priority at the moment. | 01:35 |
racarr | Fujitsu: I know, not complaining, just making sure there were no issues | 01:35 |
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=== iGama at amanha | ||
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Bartman007 | is there a known issue with locales on the feisty herd 5 amd64 alternate cd? | 02:36 |
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ravi_master | one quick suggestion: make better network installs | 03:33 |
ravi_master | ubuntu < most distros out there when it comes to being able to install the OS over the network | 03:33 |
Burgundavia | ravi_master: create a spec about it | 03:36 |
Burgundavia | be nice to have some official netboot images, plus an easy way to provision them | 03:36 |
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Burgundavia | or just use ltsp fat clients | 03:36 |
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Hobbsee | Burgundavia: i thought they existed. LCA ubuntu ppl were doing ubuntu-on-tap, installing edgy | 03:40 |
Burgundavia | hmm | 03:40 |
elmo | official netboot images have always existed | 03:40 |
Burgundavia | once ogra finishes ltsp fat clients, there is no reason to net install in a large environment | 03:40 |
elmo | dists/$distro/main/installer-$arch/current/netboot | 03:40 |
Burgundavia | right | 03:41 |
Burgundavia | cool | 03:41 |
elmo | (actually current/images/netboot) | 03:41 |
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Burgundavia | hmm, we have three netboot installation instructions | 03:43 |
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ravi_master | i'm sorry but netboot stuff is disgusting as opposed to being able to install from remote or local ftp/http mirrors | 04:04 |
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DaSkreech | Hello | 04:44 |
DaSkreech | I've had an issue with urls/routes working in GUI programs till after they have been pinged | 04:44 |
DaSkreech | I've seen it happen across 6 computers and I have two people in #ubuntu now with similar experinces | 04:45 |
DaSkreech | Would it make sense to discuss it here? | 04:45 |
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winterborne | *knock knock* anybody home? | 05:15 |
winterborne | more importantly... could somebody tell me how close we are to a beta release? | 05:15 |
reitblatt | Friday | 05:15 |
reitblatt | is the current plan I've heard | 05:15 |
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winterborne | very cool | 05:16 |
winterborne | is there a place to look for updates online other than the ubuntu-devel/devel-announce mailing lists? | 05:18 |
winterborne | I notice that there's very little on there. And while launchpad has some good information, it's not.... well, a CVS log. | 05:18 |
DaSkreech | RSS? | 05:18 |
DaSkreech | Fridge? | 05:18 |
Fujitsu | winterborne: What do you mean by updates? | 05:18 |
winterborne | er... like news about exactly what is being added, or being patched | 05:19 |
DaSkreech | winterborne: Oh granular news | 05:19 |
Fujitsu | The feisty-changes list shows every change. | 05:19 |
winterborne | cool | 05:20 |
winterborne | daskreech: :o there's a term for it? | 05:20 |
DaSkreech | No :) | 05:21 |
DaSkreech | You want svn commit info | 05:21 |
DaSkreech | Or .. bazaar I guess | 05:21 |
Fujitsu | But only a tiny fraction of the packages is maintained in bzr. | 05:23 |
winterborne | feisty-changes shows a mind-boggling number of 'accepted' messages | 05:24 |
winterborne | what's the bazaar for, exactly? (or is this something that's well documented and I've just been too impatient to read about) | 05:25 |
winterborne | oh, it's like a cvs, of sorts? | 05:26 |
Fujitsu | winterborne: That's the point of feisty-changes, to show the accepted changes... | 05:26 |
Fujitsu | bzr is somewhat like CVS. Some packages are maintained in it. | 05:26 |
winterborne | okay. have you got an example of which packages would/wouldn't be maintained there? | 05:27 |
winterborne | looks like most of the stuff in bzr is about bzr itself | 05:28 |
Fujitsu | mplayer is, for example. Few others are. | 05:28 |
fabbione | morning | 05:34 |
Fujitsu | Hi fabbion. | 05:37 |
Fujitsu | *fabbione | 05:37 |
=== Fujitsu has bad XChat habits. | ||
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gabriel_ | hi everyone! I just wanted to shout out about the first install fest in Tampico, Mexico | 06:16 |
gabriel_ | 26 Ubuntu installations total | 06:17 |
gabriel_ | its a great number for a very small university | 06:17 |
DaSkreech | :-) | 06:17 |
gabriel_ | plus we gave out 40 Ubuntu disks to people that couldnt bring their systems | 06:18 |
gabriel_ | but wanted to try it out or install it by themselves at home | 06:18 |
gabriel_ | no cds were given to random people, only interested ones | 06:18 |
gabriel_ | so, I guess there's gonna be at least 20 more installations at home today | 06:18 |
gabriel_ | some details are posted on my blog (in spanish) at http://blog.nethazard.net | 06:19 |
gabriel_ | i did notice some things that we would like to fix for next year's install fest | 06:19 |
gabriel_ | codecs, flash and java, and network manager are a must | 06:20 |
gabriel_ | and sometimes hard to get | 06:20 |
gabriel_ | considering we had lots of installations to do, plus assistance and introduction to a new system | 06:20 |
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jetsaredim | is there any good information on making changes to the installer? | 06:48 |
jetsaredim | ubiquity, that is | 06:48 |
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Mithrandir | keescook: if they're ok to go into -security, then they're ok to go into -release. If you have a diff you think is too big so you are unsure about whether to backport or include new upstream version, please contact me/the release team | 07:22 |
Mithrandir | morning, Hobbsee | 07:22 |
Hobbsee | heya Mithrandir! | 07:22 |
viviersf | Mithrandir, does /etc/network/interfaces get generated by casper or ubiquity ? | 07:28 |
jetsaredim | can anyone answer my question from earlier? | 07:29 |
reitblatt | jetsaredim: what kind of changes do you mean? | 07:30 |
Mithrandir | viviersf: yes. | 07:31 |
jetsaredim | some people are looking into adding a mythtv-specific screen for a specialized distro | 07:32 |
fabbione | morning Mithrandir | 07:33 |
LaserJock | jetsaredim: would that be mythbuntu or ubuntu mce? | 07:34 |
jetsaredim | mythbuntu | 07:34 |
viviersf | Mithrandir, which one :( | 07:34 |
Mithrandir | viviersf: both. | 07:35 |
Mithrandir | morning, Fabio. | 07:35 |
Mithrandir | viviersf: but it's changed in the installed system through a casper-provided hook | 07:35 |
LaserJock | jetsaredim: I don't know that there is a ton of documentation, but cjwatson is the guy who wrote it and there is #ubuntu-installer | 07:35 |
jetsaredim | ah | 07:35 |
jetsaredim | didn't know that | 07:36 |
jetsaredim | i'll poke around in there | 07:36 |
jetsaredim | thanks | 07:36 |
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viviersf | Mithrandir, im just trying to figure out which packages to file a bug against, when all network devices are managed by network manager, the ethernet devices shouldnt be in there, it makes booting on especially ibm notebooks very slow | 07:36 |
tritium | viviersf: my thinkpad would be at least one counter-example. It boots just fine. | 07:39 |
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viviersf | tritium, the ones here sit and wait for bout 4 mins for a dhcp lease then goes on, its stupid for it to do it that way, since networkmanager does it anyways | 07:41 |
reitblatt | weird | 07:45 |
reitblatt | my tp works fine as well | 07:45 |
=== reitblatt hugs his T43 | ||
Mithrandir | viviersf: it shouldn't do that, no. | 07:46 |
tritium | Yeah, my T43p doesn't do that... | 07:46 |
viviersf | these ibm's are a R60 and a X60s | 07:47 |
reitblatt | 3945 wireless? | 07:48 |
viviersf | yep | 07:55 |
viviersf | reitblatt, it a known issue ? | 07:56 |
reitblatt | not that I know of | 07:58 |
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reitblatt | but that's a newer card | 07:58 |
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Burgundavia | Mithrandir: you up yet? | 08:00 |
viviersf | reitblatt, :( | 08:01 |
Mithrandir | Burgundavia: yes | 08:02 |
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Burgundavia | Mithrandir: regarding the beta announcement, we have a small hitch. We the ubuntu.com changeover, I honestly have no idea how to get content to the website. Further, the wiki one really isn;t finished... | 08:03 |
giangy | 'morning | 08:03 |
Mithrandir | Burgundavia: hm, ok. If I solve the former, can you solve the latter problem? | 08:04 |
reitblatt | viviersf: go ahead and file a bug against Ubuntu | 08:04 |
reitblatt | and give me the bug number here | 08:04 |
Burgundavia | Mithrandir: I will try. What is my timeframe? | 08:04 |
fabbione | Burgundavia: yesterday :P | 08:05 |
Burgundavia | heh | 08:05 |
Burgundavia | I was busy with work, dammit! :)_ | 08:05 |
Mithrandir | Burgundavia: technically yesterday, but in the next six hours would be good, if possible.. | 08:05 |
Burgundavia | ok, I will try and scare somethign up | 08:05 |
Mithrandir | thanks. | 08:05 |
viviersf | reitblatt, file a bug against which package :/ | 08:06 |
reitblatt | just Ubuntu | 08:07 |
reitblatt | viviersf: leave the package blank | 08:08 |
viviersf | k | 08:08 |
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viviersf | reitblatt, #94993 | 08:14 |
dholbach | hellas | 08:14 |
reitblatt | bug 94993 | 08:14 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 94993 in Ubuntu "long network delay on bootup" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94993 | 08:14 |
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pitti | Good morning | 08:16 |
Fujitsu | Hi pitti. | 08:17 |
Hobbsee | hey pitti! | 08:17 |
dholbach | hey Hobbsee | 08:17 |
Fujitsu | pitti: Is the auto-retracing having issues, by any chance? | 08:18 |
=== pitti looks | ||
Fujitsu | I see a number of bugs that haven't been retraced, when they've been tagged for almost 12 hours. | 08:18 |
pitti | Fujitsu: indeed, it seems stuck | 08:18 |
=== pitti restarts | ||
reitblatt | viviersf: left a comment for you on the bug report | 08:18 |
Fujitsu | Thanks pitti. | 08:18 |
pitti | Fujitsu: but the queue is still huge, blame dholbach :) | 08:18 |
viviersf | reitblatt, cool | 08:18 |
Fujitsu | It's going to have quite a number to work on | 08:18 |
Hobbsee | hi dholbach! | 08:18 |
dholbach | :-D | 08:19 |
reitblatt | viviersf: let's move this over to #ubuntu-bugs | 08:19 |
viviersf | k | 08:19 |
pitti | for some weird reason, dpkg sometimes hangs indefinitely | 08:19 |
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Fujitsu | pitti: Is the libgcc epoch-related installation failure likely to be fixed in the near future? | 08:21 |
mlankhorst | I feel like testing out upstart, does anyone have a start with custom boot scripts that replace sysvinit compat, or at least making a start with it? | 08:21 |
pitti | Fujitsu: probably not in the next days; use -u as a workaround for now | 08:22 |
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Fujitsu | Aha, thanks pitti. Didn't know that existed. | 08:22 |
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isis | /help | 08:51 |
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pitti | gnomefreak: I just committed support for "UnsupportableReason: <text>" to apport | 08:55 |
gnomefreak | pitti: ty | 08:55 |
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Fujitsu | pitti: Where does that go? | 09:00 |
pitti | Fujitsu: into the crash report file in /var/crash; intended to be set in a package hook | 09:00 |
Fujitsu | Ah. | 09:00 |
pitti | Fujitsu: the idea is: check report['ProcMaps'] for libflashplugin.so, and if so, set report['UnsupportableReason'] = _('Flash is b0rked blabla') | 09:01 |
pitti | gnomefreak: ^ | 09:01 |
pitti | see /usr/share/doc/apport/package-hooks.txt | 09:01 |
Fujitsu | Oh, I see. | 09:01 |
=== pitti adds a complete example for this to the doc, to lower the entry barrier | ||
gnomefreak | ok cool, this will be pushed after beta release? | 09:02 |
pitti | yes | 09:02 |
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gnomefreak | ok i will let asac know. I havent seen him sinse we spoke earlier about writing a hook | 09:03 |
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pitti | gnomefreak: you should also speak to David Farning; we two had several rounds of package hooks discussions already | 09:05 |
gnomefreak | i will next time i see him or ill email him after i wake up once i go to bed | 09:06 |
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dholbach | only 100 old apport crash reports left - and ~60 of them are mono ones | 09:24 |
dholbach | yoohoo | 09:24 |
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tepsipakki | dholbach: thanks for going through them, especially the X ones | 09:32 |
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dholbach | no problem | 09:34 |
dholbach | after that I hope we'll stay up to scratch | 09:34 |
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cjwatson | winterborne: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BzrMaintainedPackages FWIW | 09:43 |
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dholbach | all untriaged apport bugs done - only mono crashes left - yoohoo | 09:49 |
=== pitti hugs dholbach | ||
dholbach | pitti: the retracer will have a busy weekend I guess ;-) | 09:49 |
=== dholbach hugs pitti back | ||
pitti | indeed | 09:50 |
seb128 | dholbach: no need to ask for a dump for python crashes ;) | 09:52 |
seb128 | dholbach: https://beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gaim/+bug/85069 | 09:52 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 85069 in gaim "[apport] gaim-url-handler crashed with DBusException in __call__()" [Medium,Needs info] | 09:52 |
seb128 | dholbach: all done? you needinfo the ~400 outdated ones also? | 09:52 |
=== seb128 hugs dholbach, good work | ||
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dholbach | seb128: sorry - must have missed that (gaim bug) | 09:56 |
seb128 | dholbach: np, just pointing in case you are not subscribed and want to reply to the guy | 09:57 |
mlankhorst | !netboot | 09:57 |
mlankhorst | !netinstall | 09:58 |
mlankhorst | hm no bot here? | 09:58 |
fabbione | mlankhorst: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ and i am not a bot | 09:58 |
fabbione | google is your friend too :) | 09:58 |
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mlankhorst | I'm aware, but those are usually shortcuts :-) | 10:01 |
fabbione | not in this channel no | 10:05 |
fabbione | they are offtopics | 10:05 |
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fabbione | specially when people are busy getting beta out of the door | 10:05 |
cjwatson | indeed. there are other places to go if you want a bot | 10:08 |
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pitti | heno: what's the testing status? shall I do the remaining amd64/alternate tests? | 10:28 |
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=== pitti does them | ||
heno | pitti, Mithrandir: ^? I beleive we are happy with the testing done to this point | 10:30 |
Mithrandir | heno: more testing never hurts, but it's not required, no. | 10:30 |
pitti | heno: ok; we don't have a single OEM or expert test on amd64, for example | 10:30 |
Mithrandir | so if pitti is happy to do them, it'd be nice to have them | 10:31 |
pitti | ok, I set them up now and let them run while I'll have some breakfast | 10:31 |
heno | pitti: I've done oem tests on both i386 and amd64, but on the dvds | 10:31 |
pitti | ah, ok; shouldn't be much different there | 10:32 |
pitti | but anyway, I'll just do them nwo | 10:32 |
heno | pitti: that should be the same, but more testing is appreciated :) | 10:32 |
heno | cool | 10:32 |
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dholbach | pitti: seems that the crash digger removed the tag on bug 87039 but didn't attach a retraced backtrace | 10:33 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 87039 in at-spi "[apport] gdmgreeter crashed with SIGSEGV in XInternAtom() on feisty" [Medium,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87039 | 10:33 |
pitti | dholbach: I'll have a look in a minute | 10:34 |
mvo | ogra: you want me to upgrade test edubuntu again? it seems like this entry is missing in the status page? | 10:34 |
dholbach | pitti: take your time | 10:34 |
pitti | dholbach: ugh, it's still busy retracing this one; I guess it got stuck again | 10:35 |
pitti | no idea why | 10:35 |
pitti | I'll restart the retracer | 10:35 |
=== dholbach hugs and comforts pitti | ||
dholbach | . o O { crasher king pitti } | 10:36 |
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pitti | heno: right, testing a super-complicated multi-partition LVM install is fun, too :) | 10:40 |
heno | pitti: yeah, I think we should encourage more variety in testing in the future actually | 10:41 |
heno | everyone testing the same cases on identical VMs does us little good | 10:41 |
mlankhorst | loop-aes patches should be added to kernel :p | 10:47 |
Fujitsu | mlankhorst: Aren't they? | 10:49 |
mlankhorst | not sure, thought not | 10:49 |
mlankhorst | i played around a little with initramfs, made loop-aes working with update-initramfs | 10:49 |
mlankhorst | requires static linked losetup and gpg but apart from that it's all done in scripts | 10:50 |
mlankhorst | however each kernel update means extracting kernel source, building loop + bzImage putting them in place and regenerating initramfs, then putting it on usb stick | 10:52 |
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Fujitsu | What are you using it for? | 10:53 |
mlankhorst | a 1 step putting it on usb stick would be more fun :-) | 10:53 |
mlankhorst | encrypted loop + encrypted swap, software suspend/resume works fine | 10:53 |
mlankhorst | s/loop/root/ | 10:53 |
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Fujitsu | dm-crypt is the less-obsolete method to do that. | 10:54 |
mlankhorst | cryptoloop is obsolete, loopaes not | 10:55 |
mlankhorst | different methods | 10:59 |
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ogra | mvo, if you have a running edgy already, indeed :) | 11:01 |
mvo | ogra: I have a image for that :) | 11:02 |
ogra | oh | 11:02 |
ogra | nice :) | 11:02 |
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mvo | ogra: do you maintain schooltool? it seems to have issues with the upgrade | 11:03 |
ogra | see pm :) | 11:04 |
Fujitsu | school{bell,tool} are somewhat beyond dead. | 11:04 |
mlankhorst | small patch to initramfs actually, http://cross-lfs.org/public_html/initramfs-loopaes.tar.gz - my gpg and losetup are not included and were linked against uclibc, since i no longer have the toolchain that created it i didn't include them here for legal reasons | 11:04 |
ogra | Fujitsu, they have a userbase in edubuntu | 11:05 |
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ogra | but it wasnt ported to a recent zope ... so we'll have to drop it for feisty i fear | 11:05 |
Fujitsu | ogra: Upstream is looking at a proper release for Feisty+1, but there are no plans for Feisty. | 11:06 |
ogra | i know | 11:07 |
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ogra | Mithrandir, is the announcement already final ? it just struck me that i forgot to add edubuntu over the testing ... | 11:17 |
Mithrandir | ogra: the announcement isn't final until it's sent. :-) | 11:17 |
=== ogra quickly tries to get a text together | ||
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StevenK | mvo: What environment did you try these [can-not-install] bugs? My ubuntu-minimal Feisty chroot has /etc/inittab. (bug 93673) | 11:27 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 93673 in runit "[can-not-install] maintainer script failure" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93673 | 11:27 |
mvo | StevenK: pbuilder chroot seems to work fine to reproduce the problem. my environment was a big install (~19000 pkgs) but most of them I verifided again in a chroot | 11:29 |
pitti | dholbach: I had to cancel retracing of bug 86607 - can you please retrag it again? I'll do some small optimizations to the retracer that should speed it up a little and make it more robust | 11:29 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 86607 in totem "[apport] totem-plugin-viewer crashed with SIGSEGV in _start()" [Medium,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86607 | 11:29 |
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dholbach | pitti: you rock | 11:30 |
StevenK | mvo: I'm just not sure about fixing runit. | 11:31 |
StevenK | mvo: Just based on the fact that we have upstart. | 11:31 |
HiddenWolf | Mithrandir: is the "the ubuntu team is proud to announce" line intended in the "why are some features not enabled by default" faq section of the announcement? | 11:32 |
cjwatson | StevenK: it should conflict | 11:32 |
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mvo | StevenK: my opinion is that maintainer scripts should not fail. never. so I think we should either fix it or remove it (remvoing is fine with me) | 11:32 |
StevenK | Removing works for me too, to be honest. | 11:32 |
Mithrandir | HiddenWolf: probably not; I would think it's a C&P error | 11:32 |
cjwatson | adding Conflicts is the right answer. other packages do that | 11:33 |
cjwatson | that option would be syncable to Debian too | 11:33 |
StevenK | Oh right, upload a runit that conflicts against upstart. | 11:33 |
HiddenWolf | Mithrandir: removed then. | 11:34 |
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dholbach | why is gftp in main? | 11:36 |
dholbach | seb128: ^ do you think we should unseed it? | 11:37 |
dholbach | it's somewhat unmaintained | 11:37 |
seb128 | dholbach: to what seed? | 11:37 |
seb128 | dholbach: I think it's nice to have a graphical GTK ftp client to main | 11:38 |
dholbach | nautilus is one :) | 11:38 |
seb128 | no it's not | 11:38 |
mvo | and firefox | 11:38 |
seb128 | neither | 11:38 |
seb128 | that's like comparing eog to gimp | 11:38 |
dholbach | why isn't nautilus an ftp client? | 11:38 |
seb128 | because it sucks as ftp client | 11:39 |
dholbach | hrm | 11:39 |
dholbach | HRM | 11:39 |
dholbach | seems it's in supported | 11:39 |
seb128 | it's fine there imho | 11:39 |
cjwatson | StevenK: runit-run probably, since that's the thing that ships /sbin/init | 11:40 |
seb128 | dholbach: do you think it's that buggy? | 11:40 |
cjwatson | should really conflict with sysvinit too - no idea why it doesn't even do that | 11:40 |
cjwatson | unless it diverts it | 11:40 |
ogra | HiddenWolf, are you still editing ? | 11:40 |
dholbach | seb128: we got quite some bugs (not THAT many) but there were no upstream reports | 11:40 |
dholbach | s/reports/updates | 11:40 |
ogra | (wiki has a lock) | 11:40 |
cjwatson | oh, hmm, apparently it does divert it | 11:41 |
HiddenWolf | ogra, no I'm not. | 11:41 |
ogra | thanks | 11:41 |
seb128 | dholbach: I know aurel32 do some work on it for Debian and they use bugzilla.gnome so we can forward bugs | 11:41 |
dholbach | ok | 11:41 |
dholbach | i wasn't saying he does a bad job | 11:41 |
seb128 | dholbach: maybe mail the discuss list to know who uses it? | 11:41 |
dholbach | popcon should know | 11:42 |
dholbach | now that it finally works | 11:42 |
=== dholbach pats mvo on the back | ||
=== dholbach looks it up | ||
cjwatson | StevenK: ok, sorry, I misunderstood the problem | 11:42 |
seb128 | dholbach: the things is that nautilus has no option to use things like passive mode, limite the bandwith, the number of connexions to open, etc | 11:42 |
dholbach | place 1314 - 6427 people | 11:42 |
cjwatson | StevenK: change the postinst to make it add /etc/event.d/runit instead? | 11:43 |
dholbach | looks like a bunch of people use ist | 11:43 |
seb128 | yeah, so keep it to supported? | 11:43 |
dholbach | maybe | 11:43 |
dholbach | yes | 11:43 |
cjwatson | if upstart is in use that is | 11:43 |
ogra | Mithrandir, i added an LTSP section to the server part and the edubuntu block below that, please check for spelling/formulation errors | 11:45 |
StevenK | cjwatson: Aye. Thanks. | 11:47 |
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StevenK | mvo: I also can't reproduce your jadetex install failure. | 12:02 |
StevenK | mvo: Shall I stop looking at your bugs, since they seem to work for me? :-P | 12:02 |
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mvo | StevenK: there may be false positivies in there, but I verified most of them :) | 12:06 |
StevenK | mvo: What troubles me is you said "Can be easily reproduced in a clean pbuilder chroot" | 12:06 |
pitti | dholbach: ok, digger is running again; I pre-installed a large number of gnome-related libraries, as well as firefox and tbird | 12:07 |
dholbach | NICE | 12:07 |
=== dholbach hugs pitti | ||
mvo | StevenK: can you give me the bugnumber please? I re-check | 12:09 |
pitti | wow, that's much faster now | 12:09 |
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pitti | dholbach: please re-tag bugs 94766 and 82475 if they got lost; I need to roll out some more fixes | 12:10 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 94766 in evolution "crashes when i start it up" [Medium,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94766 | 12:10 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 82475 in granule "[apport] granule crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82475 | 12:10 |
mvo | StevenK: pbuilder login ; apt-get install jadetex on a current feisty pbuilder chroot seems to fail here (as expected) (updmap-sys failed). amd64 | 12:14 |
=== mvo -> lunch | ||
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Tonio_ | pitti: as you're here, may I ping you concerning package klavier ? | 12:16 |
Tonio_ | pitti: still in NEW while I uploaded it juste before the universe freeze.... | 12:16 |
Tonio_ | pitti: Riddell and I would like to get it in the archives as it is quite important que the accessibility part of kubuntu | 12:17 |
pitti | Tonio_: I'll have a look at it later | 12:17 |
Tonio_ | pitti: thanks | 12:18 |
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heno | Tonio_: interesting. I'd like to have look. Do you have a.deb somewhere? | 12:20 |
pitti | dholbach: WTF??? bug 82962 -> DistroRelease: Debian 3.2 | 12:20 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 82962 in bayonne "[apport] bayonne.bin crashed with SIGSEGV in strcpy()" [Medium,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82962 | 12:20 |
pitti | dholbach: :) | 12:20 |
pitti | dholbach: sorry, I cannot retrace those ATM | 12:21 |
Tonio_ | heno: I can build it to let you test, will take a couple of seconds | 12:21 |
heno | Tonio_: cool, thanks | 12:21 |
pitti | heno: I just finished bug 93123 | 12:22 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 93123 in ubuntu-iso-tests "beta: Ubuntu amd64 alternate" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93123 | 12:22 |
heno | pitti: great, thanks | 12:22 |
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pitti | seb128, dholbach: lp-crash-digger on duty again; let's cross fingers that it runs smoother now | 12:27 |
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seb128 | pitti: cool | 12:27 |
seb128 | pitti: do you have some retracer log? | 12:27 |
seb128 | pitti: do you know why retracing #94737 didn't work? | 12:28 |
=== pitti activates screen logging | ||
seb128 | pitti: it worked fine my desktop and and ronne | 12:28 |
seb128 | maybe it was a case of stuck on dpkg | 12:28 |
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pitti | seb128: entirely possible; please just re-tag it for now | 12:28 |
seb128 | pitti: I retraced it there I wanted to do some gdb printing anyway | 12:29 |
pitti | seb128: I have logging enabled now, so in the future I can tell more | 12:29 |
Hobbsee | when's that freeze lifting? | 12:29 |
seb128 | ok | 12:29 |
seb128 | Hobbsee: when beta is available? | 12:29 |
Hobbsee | seb128: well, yeah. but any ETA on that? | 12:30 |
seb128 | Hobbsee: when it's ready? ;) dunno ... | 12:30 |
seb128 | Hobbsee: today | 12:30 |
Hobbsee | today being....right | 12:30 |
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Tonio_ | heno: http://ubuntu.tonio/homelinux.org you'll find src and i386 package there | 12:31 |
Tonio_ | http://ubuntu.tonio.homelinux.org sorry :) | 12:32 |
heno | Tonio_: great, thanks | 12:32 |
heno | Tonio_: seems to work well. Are you planning to put it on the CD? | 12:38 |
Tonio_ | heno: nope, since it'll probably be a bit late to get it in main.... | 12:39 |
Tonio_ | heno: we'll discuss that for feisty+1 | 12:39 |
Tonio_ | heno: also, we are running out of space on the cd | 12:39 |
heno | Tonio_: yep. I can suggest a few tweaks for it for feisty+1 | 12:39 |
heno | Tonio_: it's 60k :) | 12:40 |
Tonio_ | heno: me too, as for the fonts scalling etc... :) | 12:40 |
Tonio_ | hum, true, but we are currently counting the bits hehe :) | 12:40 |
heno | and layout options | 12:40 |
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Tonio_ | heno: want to discuss this on #kubuntu-devel with Riddell and I ? | 12:40 |
heno | yep | 12:41 |
cjwatson | dholbach,Riddell: I've merged debconf from Debian and it's in the unapproved queue for post-beta; I'll close the bugs currently on debconf, but I think those already assigned to libqt-perl should stay open there as there's clearly a bug there | 12:41 |
cjwatson | apparently if you initialise the Qt perl module but then don't do anything with it, it segfaults | 12:41 |
cjwatson | (on destruction) | 12:41 |
StevenK | cjwatson: Nice! | 12:42 |
cjwatson | I think it's a *bit* more complicated than that, as it doesn't reproduce with entirely trivial scripts | 12:44 |
StevenK | cjwatson: I remember readline perl-perl doing that, but that's a *nasty* bit of Perl. | 12:45 |
cjwatson | $ perl -MDebconf::FrontEnd::Kde -e '$frontend = Debconf::FrontEnd::Kde->new; $frontend->init_kde' | 12:46 |
StevenK | Well, something similar. | 12:46 |
cjwatson | DESTROY created new reference to dead object ' Qt::SpacerItem' during global destruction. | 12:46 |
cjwatson | that's probably a starting point to reproducing it | 12:46 |
tepsipakki | is this bug 68267? | 12:46 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 68267 in xorg "x11-common loop asking 'Please enter an integer between -20 and 19.' at debconf medium or higher" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68267 | 12:46 |
tepsipakki | cjwatson: ^^ | 12:47 |
cjwatson | it's one of the side-effects of that. x11-common was buggy in its own right | 12:47 |
tepsipakki | ok | 12:47 |
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cjwatson | tepsipakki: I thought that bug had been fixed in xorg ...? | 12:48 |
Riddell | cjwatson: thanks, looking at that is high up on my todo list for post-beta work | 12:48 |
tepsipakki | cjwatson: nope | 12:48 |
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tepsipakki | cjwatson: I'll poke the XSF dudes again for their feedback | 12:53 |
cjwatson | tepsipakki: has anyone got a DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer log of that yet? | 12:54 |
cjwatson | the discussion on the bug appears to be mostly debugging by guesswork and isn't obviously helpfulu | 12:54 |
cjwatson | -u | 12:54 |
tepsipakki | true, there are no logs available | 12:55 |
tepsipakki | lunch -> | 12:55 |
cjwatson | or even a way to reliably reproduce it | 12:57 |
pitti | seb128: ah, I found out the reason for the dpkg hangs | 01:01 |
seb128 | pitti: ah? | 01:01 |
pitti | seb128: it affects packages which ship files not owned by root | 01:02 |
pitti | seb128: dpkg tries an fchown() on them, that fails, and then it segfaults | 01:02 |
pitti | seb128: and it seems to try that in a loop | 01:02 |
iwj | Freaky. | 01:02 |
seb128 | utch | 01:02 |
iwj | Is this bug 94764 ? | 01:02 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 94764 in dpkg "After dist-upgrade dpkg crashed (Dapper to Feisty)" [Medium,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94764 | 01:02 |
pitti | iwj: well, it fails because it's fakeroot | 01:02 |
iwj | Ahm. | 01:03 |
iwj | Probably not then. | 01:03 |
pitti | iwj: I'm abusing dpkg in horrible ways which are probably not relevant to real systems | 01:03 |
iwj | OK, I'll still put 94764 down to hardware then :-). | 01:03 |
iwj | pitti: Mmm. | 01:03 |
StevenK | pitti: dpkg is telling you to please make the pain stop. :-) | 01:03 |
pitti | but in chroots I should probably not care about using dpkg at all, and just unpack it manually | 01:03 |
hunger | Does madwifi work again with the -12 kernel series? | 01:04 |
pitti | seb128: ok, I guess I'll fix that once and for all now instead of continueing to hand-hold the digger | 01:04 |
seb128 | ok | 01:04 |
seb128 | lunch time here ;) | 01:06 |
cjwatson | tepsipakki: patch in the bug which I think is more correct | 01:09 |
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aki_scorpion | hiya ... :) | 01:14 |
aki_scorpion | hey is this the right place to talk about SoC ... Pyracy tools | 01:15 |
aki_scorpion | oops privacy tools | 01:15 |
tepsipakki | cjwatson: thanks, noticed the latest entry ;) | 01:25 |
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pitti | dholbach: sorry, most of the retraced bugs are really crappy; those who are a month old apply to an older gnome release, thus there's nothing to rescue any more :( | 01:36 |
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_ion | Bug #94239 is somewhat serious-ish. In the right conditions (and a crafted tarball), the version of atool in feisty (and all earlier releases) may essentially rm -r / | 01:57 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 94239 in atool "Current version may cause files to be deleted inadvertently" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94239 | 01:57 |
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Amaranth | _ion: yikes | 01:59 |
=== mvo hugs StevenK for fixing the can-not-install bugs | ||
siretart | mvo: may any developers edit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades to link/warn of upgrade issues and/or bugs? I'd like to have a warning about bug #75681 in the release notes... | 02:07 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 75681 in mdadm "boot-time race condition initializing md" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75681 | 02:07 |
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pitti | Mithrandir: ok to flush-syncs and have some items in the unapproved queue? they can wait, I just don't want to forget about them | 02:09 |
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mvo | siretart: I can do that, can you give me a one or two line summary that I should put in? | 02:14 |
siretart | mvo: "if you are running your root filesystem on lvm and/or raid, please don't upgrade to feisty as your system might not be able to boot." | 02:17 |
mvo | siretart: urgh, is it that bad? | 02:17 |
siretart | mvo: see bug #75681 | 02:18 |
Mithrandir | pitti: sure, no problem | 02:18 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 75681 in mdadm "boot-time race condition initializing md" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75681 | 02:18 |
siretart | mvo: I have to drop to initramfs shell and start up my raid and lvm volumes by hand in order to boot my workstation | 02:18 |
=== mvo reads the bugreport | ||
siretart | bug #38409 is pretty critical as well, imo | 02:20 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 38409 in lvm2 "creation of snapshots fails unpredictably" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38409 | 02:20 |
siretart | fabbione: any news about that one? ^^ | 02:21 |
Fujitsu | Doesn't 38409 kill off your VG? | 02:21 |
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siretart | Fujitsu: sometimes. I have to restore the cfg backups from dapper live cd | 02:21 |
Fujitsu | Has lvm2 been put back on the Live CD for Feisty? | 02:22 |
siretart | Fujitsu: not that I knew. it was a deliberate decision to take it out I think. however you can install it via apt-get | 02:22 |
Fujitsu | Not nice if you have no network connection, really. | 02:22 |
siretart | true | 02:23 |
mvo | siretart: thanks, added | 02:23 |
siretart | perhaps one should do a 'server rescue ubuntu live cd edition' or something with mdadm and lvm added | 02:23 |
siretart | mvo: thank you! | 02:23 |
Fujitsu | It's somewhat irritating if you're using WPA and stuff up LVM (although NM-by-default helps that) | 02:23 |
Fujitsu | Why would it have been removed? | 02:23 |
sistpoty | pitti: can you please route supertux-stable through new? UVFe: bug #94417. It's basically supertux from debian/unstable, whereas feisty's supertux is the newer (and from upstream unsupported version) from experimental. thanks | 02:23 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 94417 in supertux-stable "UVF-exception: supertux-stable" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94417 | 02:23 |
siretart | Fujitsu: because of space constraints and because of bad interaction with ubiquity | 02:24 |
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Fujitsu | 305k is too big? Interesting. | 02:24 |
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cjwatson | Fujitsu: it was removed from the standard installation as it didn't belong on everyone's desktops, and never explicitly put back in for liv | 02:27 |
cjwatson | live | 02:27 |
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siretart | cjwatson: can we add it back for feisty's live seed? | 02:34 |
racarr | Why would https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+source/beryl-settings-simple/+builds?build_state=all fail to build on amd64 complaining XML::Parser is needed for intltool, but build fine on i386 (same dependencies obviously) | 02:36 |
Hobbsee | pitti: https://beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdar/+bug/94274 - kdar doesnt seem to build with any recent release of kdar at all. | 02:36 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 94274 in kdar "please remove kdar (source and binary) from the archive." [Undecided,Needs info] | 02:36 |
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pitti | Hobbsee: right, but is it easily fixable? and is the package useful? | 02:38 |
Hobbsee | pitti: no - i think about 3 people have tried. it used to be advertised as not compatible, it's only semi-compatible now, iirc. and this is backup software - i'm not sure that we want a few bits shoved together and manhandling the deps | 02:39 |
pitti | Hobbsee: ok, then I'll remove it; you take the bullets ;) | 02:40 |
Hobbsee | pitti: :) okay | 02:40 |
Hobbsee | pitti: i keep getting blasted over it anyway, as i was the last to upload it, or one of the last. | 02:40 |
pitti | swoosh, it's away | 02:40 |
=== Hobbsee appears to keep getting bulleted anyway | ||
Hobbsee | hooray! | 02:41 |
seb128 | pitti: we can sync main packages during freeze? | 02:41 |
seb128 | pitti: I was not sure, I didn't sync ndesk-dbus wednesday because of that | 02:41 |
pitti | seb128: sure, they'll get stuck in unapproved just like any other upload | 02:41 |
seb128 | pitti: they are on -changes | 02:41 |
seb128 | ok | 02:41 |
pitti | seb128: and Mithrandir is fine with the queue filling now | 02:41 |
seb128 | well, other uploads don't show on -changes | 02:41 |
seb128 | so I was not sure | 02:41 |
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pitti | hm, maybe we're unfrozen again? | 02:42 |
seb128 | danke | 02:42 |
Mithrandir | I'm just going to do q -Q unapproved accept anyway, so whether there are one or a hundred things is at that point irrelevant. | 02:42 |
Mithrandir | pitti: no, we haven't. | 02:42 |
seb128 | pitti: no, all the things I synced from universe showed on -changes also | 02:42 |
pitti | I do hope that sync-source is a normal upload instead of some 'sidetrack the unapproved queue' magic... | 02:42 |
pitti | urgh | 02:42 |
seb128 | well, normal uploads don't show on the changes los | 02:42 |
seb128 | list | 02:42 |
pitti | indeed | 02:42 |
bddebian | Heya | 02:43 |
seb128 | so can we sync main during freeze or not? | 02:44 |
cjwatson | siretart: *shrug* you're in core-dev, so you can commit to the seeds | 02:44 |
seb128 | just to know for next freeze | 02:44 |
cjwatson | I don't feel all that strongly about it as long as you don't cause the images to overflow too badly | 02:44 |
pitti | seb128: I guess not | 02:44 |
pitti | seb128: I thought they would be held in the queue | 02:45 |
seb128 | pitti: ok | 02:45 |
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siretart | cjwatson: I'm not entirely sure about the implications (read, what gets broken if I do that), and I haven't had enough time to rebuild test live cds myself, so I refrained up to now | 02:57 |
cjwatson | siretart: the live CD will boot more slowly for everyone because it'll try to check LVM at boot | 02:57 |
cjwatson | basically the same reason we removed it from desktop | 02:57 |
pitti | Tonio_: klavier is not in NEW | 02:58 |
siretart | cjwatson: perhaps some day I find out how to make a 'sysadmin recovery' editon of the ubuntu live cd ;) | 02:59 |
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pitti | sistpoty: supertux-stable it's not in the new queue | 03:00 |
Tonio_ | pitti: hu ? | 03:01 |
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pitti | sistpoty: oh, wait, now it is | 03:01 |
Tonio_ | pitti: klavier_0.3-0ubuntu1_source.changes is NEW | 03:01 |
Tonio_ | pitti: email sent 02/22/07 | 03:02 |
sistpoty | pitti: ah, k. thanks | 03:02 |
pitti | Tonio_: oh, right, it's here now; seems to have been a glitch in the queue tool | 03:02 |
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Tonio_ | pitti: okay ;) | 03:02 |
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BenC | Mithrandir: ping, who's doing the beta release notes? | 03:14 |
Mithrandir | BenC: they're on the wiki, if you want something in them, add it there. | 03:16 |
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BenC | Mithrandir: added a note about bug #84964 | 03:20 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 84964 in linux-source-2.6.20 "Crash from ide_pci from generic.ko for jmicron controllers" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84964 | 03:20 |
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pitti | Mithrandir: we can't actually find printers with avahi ATM, I remove that, ok? | 03:21 |
Mithrandir | pitti: we can't? Don't tell my home printer. | 03:21 |
pitti | Mithrandir: really? how does that look? | 03:22 |
Mithrandir | pitti: I can give you a screenshot when I get back home? | 03:22 |
pitti | we only support cups browsing ATM, cups doesn't know about avahi AFAIK | 03:22 |
pitti | Mithrandir: sure | 03:22 |
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pitti | Mithrandir: thank god we do not advertise compiz in the release notes ;) | 03:24 |
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Mithrandir | pitti: shhh! | 03:24 |
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iwj | `mdadm segfaults on my machine sometimes' Oh FFS | 03:34 |
pitti | iwj: apport! :) | 03:38 |
pitti | (0.70 will actually ship a CLI frontend for servers) | 03:38 |
Treenaks | pitti: whoo! | 03:39 |
thom | pitti: sweet | 03:39 |
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iwj | pitti: In the initramfs. | 03:40 |
pitti | iwj: <marketingspeech>that'll be supported in the next version | 03:41 |
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bddebian | Anyone: uswsusp was updated in Ubuntu to use libusplash-dev but now the Debian package has added libsplashy-dev. Any suggestions on how to handle that? Rip out libsplashy and re-add libusplash or is libsplashy moderately compatible? | 03:41 |
sn0 | hey peeps, noticed a possible typo on the WinFOSS, wondered where i would file a bug against it? | 03:42 |
sn0 | it says 6.06 on the title bar :) (kubuntu ubuntu i386/amd64) | 03:42 |
cjwatson | initramfs> that woulld just need /var/crash to exist in the initramfs and something to copy the crash reports over, wouldn't it? | 03:42 |
cjwatson | sn0: bug already exists | 03:42 |
cjwatson | sn0: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-winfoss/+bug/71119 | 03:43 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 71119 in example-content "Version numbers are wrong on 6.10 LiveCD" [Low,Confirmed] | 03:43 |
cjwatson | (they're still wrong on 7.04 ...) | 03:43 |
pitti | cjwatson: hm, and /proc (not sure whether we have that) and the apport package including python etc. | 03:43 |
cjwatson | oh, Ubugtu is unhelpful, but you want https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-winfoss | 03:43 |
sn0 | yea its the same on the latest beta candidate, i will add to that one thx cjwatson | 03:43 |
cjwatson | pitti: ah, python would be awkward | 03:43 |
cjwatson | sn0: I don't think it needs a "me too", it's been confirmed on feisty herd 5 already | 03:43 |
sn0 | h'ok :) | 03:44 |
sn0 | i will scuttle behind the rock i came then | 03:44 |
sn0 | cheers | 03:44 |
cjwatson | heno: can we get that fixed for final please? | 03:44 |
heno | sn0, cjwatson: I have it fixed here. Will upload after beta is out | 03:44 |
sn0 | woo :) | 03:44 |
cjwatson | ah, great, thanks | 03:44 |
sn0 | i noticed that windows vista one, might be able to test that later on another system | 03:45 |
sn0 | bug 61575 | 03:45 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 61575 in ubuntu-winfoss "OpenCD doesn't work in Windows Vista" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61575 | 03:45 |
sladen | bddebian: ideally it should figure out which is preferred, so build-dep: libusplash-dev | libsplashy-dev then detect which headers are available and build for that, I guess. Or just change it for the Ubuntu environment and rip out splashy references | 03:45 |
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sladen | bddebian: you need to preserve the Ubuntu changes in this case | 03:48 |
bddebian | Ugh, thanks sladen | 03:50 |
Treenaks | hmmm.. does this logo look familiar? http://www.fysioforum.nl/e107_themes/exas_fysio/images/logoleft.png | 03:51 |
sladen | pitti: what happened to pmount? | 03:52 |
pitti | sladen: it's pretty much obsolete in Feisty | 03:52 |
sladen | pitti: yeah, noticed that it wasn't even installed when I tried to run it. Replaced by hal? | 03:53 |
pitti | sladen: right, by hal's mounting backend | 03:53 |
pitti | in edgy, pmoutn was hal's mounting backend, but feisty hal's backend is sane enough now | 03:53 |
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sladen | pitti: y'okay. thanks | 03:56 |
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pirast | hi | 04:06 |
pirast | wrong window | 04:06 |
pirast | sorry | 04:06 |
dholbach | hi pirast :) | 04:14 |
sladen | mjg59: ah, one for you bug #94911 | 04:15 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 94911 in usplash "[apport] usplash crashed with SIGTRAP at vesa_setmode->LRMI_int->run_vm86" [Medium,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94911 | 04:15 |
mjg59 | Crashing in BIOS code? Turns out to be hard to fix. | 04:15 |
sladen | mjg59: can it be hooked, caught and just "failed" rather than leading to a crash? | 04:16 |
mjg59 | No | 04:17 |
mjg59 | Eh. | 04:17 |
mjg59 | You could have a sigsegv handler. | 04:17 |
mjg59 | But that is clearly not the right answer | 04:17 |
sladen | vesa_setmode() could catch SIGTRAP before lrmi is called and cleanly exit on failure/trap | 04:18 |
mjg59 | I'm not sure how this is preferable | 04:19 |
mjg59 | The code either crashes or it doesn't | 04:19 |
fabbione | siretart: no i didn't work on lvm2 for a while.. probably iwj knows | 04:19 |
sladen | it's the equivalent of try { setmode() } except { printf("failed"); } | 04:20 |
siretart | fabbione: I remember you told me some weeks ago that 'a fix was in the pipe' | 04:20 |
mjg59 | sladen: The code tried to write to memory it didn't own. It really should crash. | 04:20 |
sladen | rather than just dying.---in which case apport catches the crash and will want to report it | 04:21 |
mjg59 | The right fix is to tell apport to ignore it, not to pretend we're not crashing when we are | 04:21 |
sladen | which is pointless if there's nothing to be done about it | 04:21 |
fabbione | siretart: well did you check it? i know iwj did fix some race conditions between udev/devmapper and lvm2 | 04:22 |
pitti | mjg59: you can actually do so now in 0.70 | 04:22 |
siretart | fabbione: well, I haven't crashed my vg for some time now, but creation of lvm snapshot still fails unpredictibly | 04:23 |
fabbione | siretart: then i don't know sorry. i thought that the race condition fix was enough | 04:23 |
mjg59 | pitti: Score | 04:24 |
pitti | enblend-3.0/VIGRA_LICENSE | 04:24 |
pitti | ugh, at first sight I read that all wrong... | 04:24 |
pirast | hi dholbach though :) | 04:24 |
sladen | pitti: it can be told to automatically ignore crashes within usplash: .*run_vm86() ? | 04:25 |
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pitti | sladen: well, usplash can ship a package hook which sets a particular field | 04:26 |
superm1 | hey guys who should I talk with to setup a mailing list @lists.ubuntu.com? | 04:26 |
pitti | sladen: that package hook can examine the current crash report and decide wehther or not to ignore it | 04:26 |
Seveas | superm1, mailman@l.u.c | 04:27 |
superm1 | k thank Seveas | 04:27 |
sistpoty | pitti: iirc enblend is dual-licensed gpl + VIGRA (though it was some time ago when I looked over it) | 04:27 |
sladen | pitti: ah right, the hook goes inside the usplash package... | 04:27 |
pitti | sladen: right | 04:28 |
=== sladen updates the bug report further | ||
pitti | sistpoty: right, I just read it as 'viagra' and thought 'OMG, spam in source packages' :) | 04:28 |
sladen | superm1: rt@admin.canonical.com | 04:30 |
superm1 | hm conflicting answers here? Seveas just said mailman@lists.ubuntu.com | 04:30 |
sladen | superm1: is the issue-tracker for the sysadmins | 04:30 |
Seveas | superm1, mailman@ forwards to rt@ | 04:30 |
superm1 | ah okay | 04:30 |
superm1 | that will work then | 04:30 |
superm1 | would be that the same place to get a logging bot to join our channel? | 04:31 |
xerxas | pitti, ? | 04:33 |
pitti | xerxas: yes? | 04:33 |
xerxas | I'm using your apt source with dbgsyms | 04:33 |
xerxas | but cannot run the binary | 04:33 |
xerxas | do you know why ? | 04:33 |
pitti | xerxas: details, please | 04:33 |
pitti | xerxas: 'the binary' -> the program shipped in the corresponding ubuntu package? | 04:34 |
pitti | that would be a bug in that package, not in the dbgsyms | 04:34 |
xerxas | apt-get install dhelp-dbgsym | 04:34 |
xerxas | root@lion:/tmp# file /usr/lib/debug/usr/sbin/dhelp_parse | 04:34 |
xerxas | /usr/lib/debug/usr/sbin/dhelp_parse: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped | 04:34 |
xerxas | and I cannot execute /usr/lib/debug/usr/sbin/dhelp_parse | 04:34 |
pitti | xerxas: ah | 04:34 |
pitti | xerxas: as the package says, those are *only* debug symbols, no executables | 04:34 |
pitti | you have to run the normal /usr/sbin/dhhelp_parse | 04:35 |
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xerxas | and I will use debugging symbols ? | 04:35 |
xerxas | I don't understand how | 04:35 |
pitti | xerxas: by PURE MAGIC :) | 04:36 |
xerxas | do I need to tell gdb where they are ? | 04:36 |
xerxas | ok | 04:36 |
sladen | xerxas: executables are in the normal packages; the symbols are split off and placed in the -dbgsym files | 04:36 |
xerxas | I trust you then :) | 04:36 |
xerxas | I like magical stuff :) | 04:36 |
xerxas | that's nice | 04:36 |
pitti | xerxas: or, rather, objdump -x /usr/sbin/dhhelp_parse | grep debuglink | 04:36 |
xerxas | I know gcc -G | 04:36 |
pitti | xerxas: with this debug link, gcc will find the symbols automatically | 04:36 |
xerxas | ok | 04:37 |
xerxas | great | 04:37 |
xerxas | think I got it | 04:37 |
xerxas | thanks then ! | 04:37 |
xerxas | pitti, if it worked it's suppose to show the lines of code ? | 04:38 |
xerxas | I mean , the real code | 04:39 |
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xerxas | the C one ? | 04:39 |
pitti | xerxas: the line number, yes, not the code | 04:39 |
xerxas | following these instructions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace | 04:39 |
pitti | xerxas: for that to work, you'd need to unpack the source in the same directory as on the buildd | 04:39 |
xerxas | I don't get more informations with installing the dbgsym package | 04:39 |
sladen | Red Hat kludge all the source file locations to be $fixed_location/packagename/path | 04:40 |
sladen | and the debug packages then also include any files referenced at $fixed_location/packagename/path | 04:40 |
=== sladen awaits -dbgsrc packages :) | ||
pitti | yay for archive duplication :) | 04:41 |
keescook | pitti: if you have a quick chance, can you process bug 95107? That should be the last of the remaining sync requests for security updates. | 04:41 |
pitti | xerxas: no idea why the dbgsym doesn't work without further information; I guess I have to take a deeper look | 04:41 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 95107 in libwpd "Please sync libwpd (main) from experimental (0.8.9-1)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95107 | 04:41 |
xerxas | no so magic ;) | 04:42 |
pitti | keescook: oh, right, I saw that vuln; but there was no sync request some hours ago | 04:42 |
xerxas | not | 04:42 |
keescook | pitti: yup, I just added it. I went through my list of outstanding feisty stuff that I built up during the beta freeze. :) | 04:42 |
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pitti | keescook: done | 04:44 |
keescook | pitti: great! thanks. :) | 04:44 |
sladen | are we out of beta-freeze now? | 04:45 |
pitti | sistpoty: why should we introduce an older version of supertux, when a newer one is already in the archive? | 04:47 |
sistpoty | pitti: because the newer version is unsupported from upstream (and not yet stable), and upstream kindly asked us to also ship the stable versoin | 04:48 |
sladen | pitti: acpi-support 0.94 got stuck in the freeze | 04:48 |
sistpoty | pitti: see bug #84084 and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2007-February/001314.html for the discussion | 04:48 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 84084 in supertux "SuperTux 0.3.0 is officially unsupported!" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84084 | 04:48 |
pitti | sistpoty: hmmkay | 04:49 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:Mithrandir] : Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with feisty; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Beta released | ||
heno | \o/ | 04:50 |
sladen | wow! | 04:50 |
dholbach | yeeha! | 04:50 |
kylem | Mithrandir, rock on | 04:50 |
sladen | timing | 04:50 |
pitti | Mithrandir: congrats! | 04:50 |
_ion | Congrats | 04:50 |
Mithrandir | congratulations everybody | 04:50 |
sistpoty | congrats! | 04:50 |
=== pitti does the feisty dance | ||
=== pitti invents one first | ||
pitti | "it's just a jump to the left..." | 04:51 |
Keybuk | and then a step to the ri-i-i-i-i-ght | 04:51 |
sladen | "then pause for a day, take another jump to the left, than a jump to the riiight" | 04:51 |
_ion | and a little headbanging... | 04:52 |
pitti | 04:52 | |
pitti | Mithrandir: happy 72 hour sleeping! | 04:53 |
doko | Mithrandir: is the archive unfrozen? | 04:56 |
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Mithrandir | doko: no, that doesn't actually happen until tomorrow according to the schedule, in case we have to backpedal hard. | 04:56 |
doko | ok | 04:56 |
sn0 | \o> | 04:57 |
pitti | Mithrandir: want me to stop doing source/binary NEW, since those apparently aren't affected by freezes? | 04:57 |
Mithrandir | pitti: no, feel free to do them | 04:58 |
pitti | ok | 04:59 |
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pirast | congrats, also :) | 05:02 |
pirast | from me | 05:02 |
sn0 | beta dir is empty ? :p | 05:04 |
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cjwatson | sn0: wait for mirroring | 05:09 |
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:sladen] : Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with feisty; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Beta released, Main still frozen for 24hours | ||
Nafallo | hi! does anyone know about a bug where /dev/sdb is created but not /dev/sdb? ? :-/ | 05:15 |
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iwj | Nafallo: USB stick ? | 05:18 |
Nafallo | iwj: SCSI harddrive :-/ | 05:18 |
iwj | Oh. | 05:18 |
Nafallo | the kernelmodule finds sdb[123] , and so does fdisk. they just suddently disappered when I rebooted :-/ | 05:19 |
Nafallo | and I rebooted cause /dev/sde disappered while I was reshaping an RAID5 :-P | 05:19 |
Nafallo | s/an\ /a\ / | 05:20 |
Nafallo | I'll try to see what might have gone wrong in about 2h, when the reshape is finished. | 05:21 |
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lemsx1 | hello all | 05:43 |
lemsx1 | something changed in the ssh client on Feisty that makes connection take 10 seconds to engage | 05:43 |
Nafallo | ehrm? | 05:43 |
lemsx1 | i did a test on Dapper and one on Feisty going to the same box | 05:43 |
lemsx1 | time ssh server echo | 05:44 |
Nafallo | real 0m0.810s | 05:44 |
Nafallo | user 0m0.024s | 05:44 |
Nafallo | sys 0m0.012real 0m0.810s | 05:44 |
Nafallo | user 0m0.024s | 05:44 |
lemsx1 | it takes 10 seconds on Feisty and .5 on dapper | 05:44 |
Nafallo | sys 0m0.012sreal 0m0.810s | 05:44 |
Nafallo | user 0m0.024s | 05:44 |
Nafallo | gaah. sorry for the spam | 05:44 |
Nafallo | anyway. not 10 seconds :-) | 05:44 |
lemsx1 | Nafallo: are you using IPs or names? | 05:44 |
_ion | Perhaps a DNS problem | 05:44 |
Nafallo | thats ssh ogre + ctrl+d when logged in :-) | 05:44 |
cjwatson | lemsx1: had some reports about that which generally seem to be due to half-broken kerberos configuration | 05:44 |
Nafallo | lemsx1: mdsn | 05:44 |
Nafallo | mdns even | 05:45 |
lemsx1 | Nafallo: are you going to another Feisty box? try something else | 05:45 |
Nafallo | yes. feisty -> feisty | 05:45 |
cjwatson | lemsx1: it doesn't happen to everyone. | 05:45 |
lemsx1 | cjwatson: exactly! kerberos is it. because i get: Default realm not set | 05:45 |
lemsx1 | cjwatson: what does that mean? | 05:45 |
Nafallo | aha. I have kerberos turned off :-) | 05:45 |
cjwatson | no idea, if I'd diagnosed it I would have also fixed it | 05:45 |
lemsx1 | cjwatson: does Feisty use kerberos? | 05:45 |
cjwatson | no but ssh is built with support for it so that we can kill off ssh-krb5 | 05:46 |
lemsx1 | Nafallo: how do you turn kerberos off? in the sshd ... why would different clients work? | 05:46 |
cjwatson | see if you have anything in /etc that looks like a kerberos credentials cache | 05:46 |
cjwatson | if you have it and you aren't using kerberos, remove it | 05:46 |
Nafallo | lemsx1: I have it off in sshd yes. | 05:46 |
lemsx1 | Nafallo: ... well, but why would dapper clients not be affected by this (going to the same server) | 05:47 |
lemsx1 | Nafallo: there has to be something client-wise that we can do | 05:47 |
Nafallo | lemsx1: well, cjwatson is the maintainer IIRC :-) | 05:47 |
lemsx1 | Nafallo: ahh, good to know ;-) | 05:48 |
racarr | did there used to be a virtual package libdbus1-dev ? | 05:48 |
lemsx1 | libkrb5.so.3 => /usr/lib/libkrb5.so.3 (0xb7cf4000) | 05:48 |
lemsx1 | indeed | 05:48 |
cjwatson | lemsx1: dapper didn't have that support in the client | 05:48 |
cjwatson | lemsx1: I will *not* remove it - I'd rather fix it | 05:48 |
lemsx1 | cjwatson: ah, good to know. who uses Kerberos anyway? | 05:49 |
cjwatson | I haven't had a chance to investigate it and I can't reproduce the problem locally | 05:49 |
cjwatson | quite a lot of people | 05:49 |
cjwatson | I didn't add it just for fun | 05:49 |
lemsx1 | cjwatson: can't you have 2 ssh clients? ssh-client-krb5 and ssh-client ? | 05:49 |
cjwatson | no. | 05:49 |
cjwatson | hello, combinatorial explosion. | 05:49 |
cjwatson | that's what we used to have and it was hell. | 05:49 |
lemsx1 | cjwatson: ah, that sux... what do you need to troubleshoot this? i can help you | 05:49 |
cjwatson | somebody to independently debug it and discover the solution | 05:50 |
lemsx1 | cjwatson: -vvv does talk a lot about not default realms selected | 05:50 |
cjwatson | never paraphrase error messages - makes it impossible to grep for them | 05:51 |
lemsx1 | cjwatson: perhaps there should be an option to not attempt to use kerberos auth at all | 05:51 |
lemsx1 | debug1: An invalid name was supplied | 05:51 |
lemsx1 | Configuration file does not specify default realm | 05:51 |
lemsx1 | sorry about that | 05:51 |
lemsx1 | that happens 4 times before the connection goes to another method of auth | 05:51 |
lemsx1 | and then it works | 05:51 |
cjwatson | there is, but I'd rather you helped debug it rather than working around it and then disappearing ;-) | 05:52 |
lemsx1 | cjwatson: ok, i got the source code for ssh now. i'll look through it and try to understand how it works | 05:52 |
cjwatson | that error is actually from the kerberos libraries (source package: krb5) | 05:52 |
dholbach | Mithrandir: what do you think about bug 94156? | 05:53 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 94156 in gthumb "UVF gthumb: 2.9.3 -> 2.10.0" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94156 | 05:53 |
lemsx1 | cjwatson: i'll get back to you in a few hours | 05:53 |
lemsx1 | cjwatson: ok, i'm getting them now. 16mb! | 05:53 |
lemsx1 | sorry 12.6 ;-) | 05:53 |
lemsx1 | cjwatson: my brain. let me go eat ... bbl | 05:53 |
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cjwatson | lemsx1: do you have /etc/krb5.keytab? | 05:54 |
cjwatson | or /etc/krb* in fact | 05:54 |
lemsx1 | cjwatson: no krb* files in /etc here | 05:55 |
lemsx1 | cjwatson: this is a clean Feisty install (i have 3 PCs with clean Feisty installations here) | 05:55 |
cjwatson | odd | 05:55 |
Seveas | Mithrandir, congratulations on getting the beta out the door! | 05:56 |
lemsx1 | cjwatson: should that file be there? | 05:56 |
lemsx1 | cjwatson: hey, but dapper's ssh client did have libkrb5.so.3 linked as well... | 05:57 |
cjwatson | oh, the default for GSSAPIAuthentication didn't change until feisty though | 05:57 |
lemsx1 | cjwatson: no /etc/krb* on that dapper box either | 05:57 |
cjwatson | no, that file shouldn't be there AFAIK, I just wanted to know | 05:58 |
lemsx1 | cjwatson: oh, so now we are narrowing the problem down | 05:58 |
cjwatson | the first error has the symbolic name GSS_S_BAD_NAME, FWIW | 05:58 |
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lemsx1 | cjwatson: ok. i'll be back in a bit | 06:00 |
cjwatson | oh, here, I can reproduce *a* problem like this with one server | 06:00 |
cjwatson | just seems to be doing a DNS lookup | 06:02 |
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cjwatson | ah, I think the slowness is avahi | 06:07 |
cjwatson | lemsx1: strace -f clearly shows it sitting in a RESOLVE-ADDRESS query to avahi, for me | 06:08 |
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Mithrandir | dholbach: mail me. | 06:18 |
Mithrandir | Seveas: thanks. :-) | 06:18 |
dholbach | Mithrandir: I thought that 'ubuntu-release' was the team that took care of stuff like that | 06:19 |
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dholbach | Mithrandir: but yeah, I can close the bug and mail you everything ... | 06:20 |
Mithrandir | dholbach: yes, just mail me with a reference to the bug. | 06:20 |
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Adri2000 | Mithrandir: did you reject libclass-trait-perl from NEW? | 06:23 |
Mithrandir | Adri2000: no | 06:23 |
Adri2000 | ah, seb128, pitti: did you reject libclass-trait-perl from NEW? | 06:23 |
seb128 | not me | 06:24 |
pitti | Adri2000: I did, I mailed you | 06:24 |
Adri2000 | I only have the rejected mail :/ | 06:25 |
cr3 | when booting from the live CD over NFS, the boot process stalls at "Running local boot scripts". Is there a way to know what's going on? | 06:25 |
pitti | Adri2000: 229 s 23.03.07 17:04 Martin Pitt Rejecting libclass-trait-perl from source NEW | 06:25 |
pitti | TomB_: Adrien Cunin <adri2000@gmail.com> | 06:25 |
cr3 | the other terminals aren't available, there is just a blinking underscore prompt, is that normal? | 06:26 |
pitti | TomB_: erk, sorry, that wasn't for you; xchat auto-expanding 'To:' | 06:26 |
pochu | pitti: it would be fine if apport-retrace-service attach both stacktrace and threadstacktrace in the same comment, to have less spam :) | 06:26 |
pochu | pitti: I can file a bug if u prefer it | 06:27 |
pitti | pochu: itz malone bug :/ | 06:27 |
pitti | pochu: yes, please do | 06:27 |
pitti | pochu: against Malone, though; there's nothing I can do about it on my end | 06:27 |
pochu | pitti: though you're already doing it with crash reports, right? | 06:27 |
pochu | attach 8 files in the report | 06:27 |
pitti | pochu: yes, Malone deflates them into one mail when filing them | 06:27 |
Adri2000 | pitti: sorry, blame gmail, he sent it to "spam" :/ | 06:27 |
pitti | Adri2000: I try to use fewer 'p3n1s' and 'v14gr4' in my archive emails in the future :) | 06:28 |
Adri2000 | :P | 06:28 |
pitti | mvo: there's no dapper-updates upload for bug 35291; is that deliberate? | 06:29 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 35291 in popularity-contest "popcon tries to send mail when http submission does not succseed (was: popcon@ubuntu.com does not exist)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35291 | 06:29 |
cjwatson | lemsx1: does the host you're talking to have working reverse DNS? | 06:30 |
mvo | pitti: no, I do that in a bit | 06:30 |
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cjwatson | lemsx1: and are you using ProxyCommand? | 06:37 |
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nox-Hand | Hey hey | 06:40 |
nox-Hand | Wrong channel, topic tells me, laters! :) | 06:40 |
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gnomefreak | pitti: do you want apport/memory bugs filed or do you know about it already? | 06:43 |
pitti | gnomefreak: memory bugs? | 06:44 |
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gnomefreak | i got a trace back that ended in memoryerror | 06:44 |
gnomefreak | ill file it and let you know when done | 06:44 |
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JonRob | hi all - i'm sorry if this isn't the right place to ask | 06:45 |
JonRob | but i have a really puzzling question abut the ubuntu live cd | 06:45 |
JonRob | and am trying to get in touch with a developer who might be able to help me solve it | 06:45 |
JonRob | or trying to find anyone who might be able to help me solve it! | 06:45 |
pitti | gnomefreak: oh | 06:47 |
pitti | gnomefreak: then I guess it just ran out of it :) | 06:47 |
pitti | gnomefreak: don't bother | 06:47 |
gnomefreak | ah ok didnt know apport would run out | 06:47 |
pitti | gnomefreak: the GUI will intercept it, and for retrace there's not much else to do than to give up | 06:47 |
gnomefreak | pitti: ok | 06:48 |
pitti | gnomefreak: it's probably an endless loop in the stack trace from gdb | 06:48 |
pitti | gnomefreak: bzr head limits that, and thus might even fix that problem | 06:48 |
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gnomefreak | ok cool :) | 06:48 |
seb128 | hey, python guys | 06:48 |
seb128 | $ LC_ALL=de_DE.UTF-8 python -c "import locale; locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')" | 06:48 |
seb128 | Traceback (most recent call last): | 06:48 |
seb128 | File "<string>", line 1, in <module> | 06:48 |
seb128 | File "/usr/lib/python2.5/locale.py", line 476, in setlocale | 06:48 |
seb128 | return _setlocale(category, locale) | 06:48 |
seb128 | locale.Error: unsupported locale setting | 06:48 |
cjwatson | JonRob: what's the problem? | 06:48 |
seb128 | 06:48 | |
seb128 | would you consider that a python bug? | 06:49 |
JonRob | making the iso with the -dvd-iso tag in mkisofs and it doesn't boot | 06:49 |
JonRob | yet -dvd-iso tag under knoppix boots fine | 06:49 |
seb128 | launchpad has quite some bugs about that | 06:49 |
seb128 | doko: ^ | 06:49 |
cjwatson | JonRob: we don't use -dvd-iso for our images, and our mkisofs doesn't document that option | 06:51 |
cjwatson | so just drop that option? | 06:51 |
JonRob | cjwatson: i meant -dvd-video | 06:51 |
cjwatson | we don't use that either | 06:51 |
JonRob | cjwatson: do you know if it would be possible to make it work? | 06:52 |
cjwatson | the mkisofs man page says that you need special preparation | 06:52 |
JonRob | there's a good reason why i want to include it | 06:52 |
cjwatson | JonRob: what is that reason? | 06:52 |
JonRob | i'm making a dvd to promote free culture | 06:52 |
JonRob | i've prepared a dvd that will play in your dvd player some movies that introduce the ideas | 06:53 |
cjwatson | from the mkisofs man page, it looks like the DVD-Video requirements are quite strict, and I don't think we can meet them | 06:53 |
JonRob | and then loads of other free cultural media for you to watch on your computing | 06:53 |
JonRob | but i'd like to include a gnu/linux live cd for people to try to | 06:53 |
cjwatson | all-caps filenames and that sort of thing | 06:53 |
JonRob | hmm ok | 06:53 |
cjwatson | I may misunderstand; better information welcome | 06:53 |
JonRob | i'm surprised it works with knoppix? | 06:53 |
cjwatson | I don't know much about Knoppix | 06:54 |
JonRob | cjwatson: no worries | 06:54 |
JonRob | probably best just to use knoppix then! | 06:54 |
cjwatson | are you creating a VIDEO_TS directory yourself? | 06:54 |
JonRob | how do you mean myself?! | 06:55 |
cjwatson | oh, I suppose it's also possible that it's incompatible with Rock Ridge or Joliet or something, although the man page doesn't say | 06:55 |
cjwatson | well, from the looks of things, your video files need to live in VIDEO_TS? | 06:55 |
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cjwatson | so yourself or your software | 06:55 |
JonRob | yeah...i've made that directory | 06:55 |
JonRob | yeah software | 06:55 |
JonRob | has created video_ts and audio_ts | 06:55 |
JonRob | which i put in the dvd root directory | 06:56 |
JonRob | the dvd plays fine when i do it | 06:56 |
JonRob | but ubuntu fails to boot with initramfs saying something about jobcontrol being turned off | 06:56 |
cjwatson | that means that it failed to find the root filesystem | 06:56 |
JonRob | hmm ok | 06:57 |
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cjwatson | you can debug this by booting with break=premount, then poke around by hand | 06:57 |
JonRob | what does break=premount result in? | 06:57 |
cjwatson | oh, hmm | 06:57 |
cjwatson | a shell prompt that you can use to help debug it | 06:58 |
cjwatson | JonRob: what version of Ubuntu is this? | 06:58 |
JonRob | 6.10 | 06:58 |
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JonRob | i'll take a look at break=premount but i'm not the most advanced user | 06:59 |
JonRob | thanks a lot for your help though | 06:59 |
JonRob | definatley a step in the right direction :D | 07:00 |
cjwatson | wonder if it's mounting it as iso9660 before trying udf | 07:00 |
JonRob | ? | 07:01 |
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cjwatson | have to go out now, will look when I get back | 07:03 |
JonRob | cheers | 07:04 |
tepsipakki | cjwatson: your patch for xorg got accepted in debian ;) | 07:10 |
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pitti | _ion: argh, the recent hw detection fixes caused a regression: I now see both the legacy and the new nvidia driver | 07:23 |
pitti | _ion: it seems that the new parsed-from-module product IDs overlap? | 07:23 |
cr3 | anyone happen to know where respawn is defined, as used in /etc/event.d/tty1? I'm getting "Unknown stanza" but that's probably because of my setup | 07:25 |
pitti | cr3: /etc/inittab | 07:26 |
pitti | cr3: oh, sorry, that was until dapper; now we have upstart | 07:27 |
cr3 | pitti: sorry, I forgot to mention I'm using feisty-beta | 07:27 |
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cjwatson | tepsipakki: oh good | 07:27 |
pitti | cr3: sorry, I cannot find the pendant in upstart; Keybuk? | 07:28 |
cjwatson | cr3: it should be 'respawn' and 'exec SCRIPT' rather than 'respawn SCRIPT' | 07:28 |
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cjwatson | we've had to change a few things to cope with that | 07:28 |
cjwatson | cr3: see /usr/share/doc/upstart/NEWS.gz | 07:28 |
Keybuk | cjwatson: we had to change things? | 07:28 |
cr3 | cjwatson: it is, but I can't find where 'respawn' is defined. filesystem.squashfs doesn't have a binary or script called 'respawn' and the /lib/lsb/functions doesn't define it either. | 07:28 |
Keybuk | cr3: respawn is an upstart config directive | 07:29 |
_ion | pitti: Yeah, both modules are shown if both modules support a given card. It would be trivial to write code that removes any nvidia IDs from the nvidia_legacy list. Should that be done? | 07:29 |
Keybuk | it's defined in the upstart source code, init/cfgfile.c, cfg_stanza_respawn () :p | 07:29 |
pitti | _ion: I think so, otherwise it's confusing | 07:29 |
cr3 | Keybuk: but /etc/event.d/tty1 is called by run-parts, how does run-parts know about that? | 07:29 |
_ion | pitti: I'll do that a bit later. | 07:29 |
Keybuk | cr3: err, why is it? | 07:29 |
pitti | _ion: people will wonder which one to take | 07:30 |
pitti | _ion: great, thanks! | 07:30 |
Keybuk | are you confusing /etc/event.d and /etc/dbus-1/event.d ? :p | 07:30 |
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cr3 | Keybuk: maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but filesystem.squashfs/etc/init.d/dbus contains: run-parts --arg=start $EVENTDIR || true | 07:30 |
thom | enjoy pitti! | 07:30 |
pitti | thom: and you! | 07:30 |
Keybuk | cr3: EVENTDIR=/etc/dbus-1/event.d | 07:30 |
cr3 | Keybuk: and you're absolutely right! :) | 07:30 |
Keybuk | ( the event.d name for the upstart config directory is bad, but I've not yet come up with anything better ) | 07:31 |
cr3 | Keybuk: darn, so the problem is elsewhere.. any ideas why I might be getting "Unknown stanza" about respawn when attempting to boot the ubuntu-7.04-beta-desktop-i386 CD from NFS? | 07:31 |
cjwatson | Keybuk: yes; casper and finish-install | 07:31 |
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JonRob | cjwatson: i've poked around with break=premoun option but not found anything useful looking | 07:32 |
cr3 | Keybuk: I'm not getting any ttys so the boot process is being very difficult to debug at this point, not being able to access log files | 07:32 |
JonRob | got it open in a virtual machine now | 07:32 |
Keybuk | cr3: upstart 0.3.x will say that if it's trying to parse an upstart 0.2.x config file | 07:32 |
Keybuk | cjwatson: oops, sorry about that | 07:32 |
Keybuk | I'd forgotten the installer wrote files there | 07:32 |
Keybuk | cr3: the config file probably says "respawn SOMETHING" no? | 07:33 |
cjwatson | cr3: you certain that's beta? I thought I fixed that in casper 1.83 just before beta | 07:33 |
Keybuk | e.g. respawn /sbin/getty ... | 07:33 |
cjwatson | JonRob: what mkisofs options are you using? | 07:33 |
cr3 | Keybuk: nope, just respawn and I'll get the exact line as I attempt to see it fly by the screen again :) | 07:34 |
JonRob | cjwatson: the command i'm using is... | 07:35 |
cr3 | Keybuk: init:/etc/event.d/tty1:15: Unknown stanza | 07:35 |
Keybuk | cr3: "initctl version" says? | 07:35 |
cr3 | Keybuk: so I was only assuming that line 15 was "respawn" as gathered from filesystem.squashfs. | 07:36 |
JonRob | ... mkisofs -r -V "FreeMe" -cache-inodes -J -l -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o /path/to/output /path/to/folder | 07:36 |
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JonRob | cjwatson: with -dvd-video right after mkisofs | 07:36 |
JonRob | forgot to includ | 07:36 |
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cr3 | Keybuk: I don't have terminals from which to run anything, that's the crux of my problem :( | 07:36 |
Keybuk | cr3: I really think that the file it's erroring on has something after "respawn" | 07:37 |
cr3 | Keybuk: so I'll try to determine what is generating files under /etc/event.d then | 07:38 |
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thom | gar, why isn't -i default for dpkg-buildpackage | 07:40 |
Nafallo | *s* | 07:41 |
cjwatson | JonRob: how do I go about creating a trivial VIDEO_TS directory? | 07:41 |
cjwatson | just so that I can test this locally | 07:41 |
=== cjwatson tries dvdauthor | ||
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elmo | is anyone else seeing gnome-terminal paste random bits of other desktops onto the terminal? | 07:43 |
JonRob | cjwatson: dvdauthor would be the best bet - but i think you'll need to have the files at one of the correct bitrates/sizes | 07:43 |
Keybuk | cjwatson: that's quite complex | 07:43 |
JonRob | i used mandvd frontend | 07:43 |
Keybuk | you need a bunch of files, and some XML to use it though :-/ | 07:43 |
cr3 | Keybuk: yep, casper-bottom/25configure_init generates: respawn /bin/login... | 07:44 |
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JonRob | cjwatson: really appreciate your help with this :D | 07:45 |
Amaranth | if you want to make a VIDEO_TS directory the easiest way is to use devede | 07:45 |
Keybuk | cr3: that should be respawn\nexec /bin/login... | 07:45 |
Amaranth | it's a gtk gui on top of all those commands | 07:45 |
JonRob | devede is also handy :D | 07:45 |
jdong_ | cjwatson: I'd recommend devede or tovid | 07:46 |
jdong_ | both are great frontends (CLI and/or GUI) to dvdauthor | 07:46 |
cr3 | Keybuk: cheers, I'll let you know how that goes in a minute or two :) | 07:46 |
jdong_ | which I've personally found unintuitive to do by hand :( | 07:46 |
cjwatson | I don't actually want to bother with, you know, videos | 07:47 |
jdong_ | lol | 07:47 |
cjwatson | I just want something that mkisofs won't barf on | 07:47 |
cjwatson | cr3: I fixed that in casper 1.83, I know I did | 07:47 |
Keybuk | cjwatson: the thing about dvds is that they aren't just a filesystem with some magic filenames | 07:47 |
jdong_ | devede/tovid :) | 07:47 |
cjwatson | * scripts/casper-bottom/25configure_init: Support for "respawn COMMAND" | 07:48 |
cjwatson | has been dropped from upstart jobs; cope with /etc/event.d/tty* using | 07:48 |
cjwatson | "respawn" plus "exec COMMAND" now instead (LP: #92928). | 07:48 |
cjwatson | cr3: ^-- | 07:48 |
Keybuk | the actual position of files, etc. matters more than the filesystem structure :p | 07:48 |
JonRob | Keybuk: but that's what mkisofs -dvd-video option handles right? | 07:48 |
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Keybuk | right, I just mean that having video is kinda useful :p | 07:49 |
jdong_ | yeah, and growisofs's -dvd-compat option does the rest of the magic. | 07:49 |
JonRob | how does growisofs relate to mkisofs? | 07:50 |
JonRob | i'm looking at the man now | 07:50 |
cr3 | cjwatson: if that's the version that should be in feisty-beta, that means I have another problem somewhere | 07:51 |
jdong_ | JonRob: growisofs uses mkisofs on the inside for part of its job | 07:51 |
JonRob | cheers, yeah i've seen that now | 07:51 |
jdong_ | or at least "can use mkisofs .... " | 07:51 |
jdong_ | as one of its modes of operation. | 07:51 |
jdong_ | I've had near 100% success rate using tovid to make dvd's | 07:52 |
jdong_ | todisc -files "test.avi" -titles "Test AVI" -o out/ | 07:52 |
jdong_ | then makedvd -burn out/ | 07:52 |
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LeeJunFan_ | can anyone verify with feisty that the nfs mounts in fstab actually mount before I file a bug report? To me it seems that there is no mount init script for mounting nfs shares, dapper had mountnfs.sh, and feisty has mountnfs-bootclean which says it requires mountnfs - but it doesn't exist. | 07:54 |
LeeJunFan_ | I can mount them manually like mount /home, but it doesn't get done at boot time. | 07:54 |
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LeeJunFan_ | OIC, it's done when the device is ifup'ed, I'll have to symlink it in on this diskless client so it does it on boot instead of ifup. | 08:00 |
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JonRob | cjwatson: have you seen the -root [dir] command on mkisofs? | 08:04 |
JonRob | forget it - i need to read more carefully before speaking! | 08:05 |
cr3 | cjwatson: I had first changed 25configure_init to substitute respawn.* for respawn\nexec... but then I saw your patch which was a bit different and yours works. thanks, I finally have a shell from which to get some diagnosis! | 08:06 |
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cjwatson | JonRob: seems to work for me with feisty | 08:11 |
cjwatson | trying edgy now | 08:11 |
JonRob | cjwatson: with the -dvd-video option!?!? | 08:12 |
cjwatson | yes | 08:12 |
JonRob | lol ok | 08:12 |
cjwatson | casper has changed so it could have been accidentally fixed | 08:13 |
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cjwatson | oh, duh, I suck, was booting the wrong image | 08:19 |
JonRob | lol - little things like that can drive you crazy! | 08:19 |
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zyga | mvo: hey | 08:23 |
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mvo | hey zyga! | 08:23 |
zyga | mvo: I just came across a bug in gnome-update-manager | 08:24 |
mvo | zyga: tell me more | 08:24 |
zyga | it was unable to parse a deb cdrom: line from my sources file | 08:24 |
zyga | the line was added via synaptic (manually) | 08:24 |
zyga | with yesterday's feisty alternate i386 cd | 08:25 |
zyga | I already removed that line but I'm confident I can reproduce this if you'd like | 08:25 |
mvo | zyga: interessting, can you please put the sources.list and the error message to a pastebin (or mail it to me)? | 08:25 |
mvo | zyga: yes! please reproduce it for me | 08:25 |
zyga | sure, just a sec - I'll add the cd again | 08:25 |
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zyga | thank the maker for .viminfo :-) | 08:28 |
zyga | I could just undo the change | 08:28 |
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jdong | cjwatson, if you're not terribly busy with beta stuff, can you perform backport bug 94807? | 08:29 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 94807 in edgy-backports "nexuiz-data not backported with nexuiz (uninstallable)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94807 | 08:29 |
cjwatson | JonRob: I think the problem is that udf.ko isn't in the initramfs | 08:29 |
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Nafallo | jdong: betaisout :-) | 08:30 |
jdong | (data package of the already done nexuiz backport....) | 08:30 |
cjwatson | although I can mount it -t iso9660 without problems, but vol_id says it's udf | 08:30 |
JonRob | cjwatson: ok...is there anythign that can be done about it!? (and thanks a million again!) | 08:30 |
jdong | Nafallo, okcool :) | 08:30 |
zyga | mvo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11707/ | 08:30 |
cjwatson | jdong: done | 08:32 |
jdong | cjwatson, thanks :) | 08:32 |
cjwatson | JonRob: depends how much in the way of changes you're willing to make :) | 08:33 |
JonRob | could you give me an idea? I've got time! | 08:33 |
cjwatson | JonRob: easiest approach is probably to add udf.ko to /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/fs/udf/ in the initramfs | 08:33 |
JonRob | cjwatson: ok, the kernel wouldn't need rebuilding or anything? | 08:34 |
cjwatson | nope | 08:34 |
JonRob | i'll give it a try and see what happens... | 08:34 |
JonRob | if you're interested in the project at all btw, after spending all this time figuring this out! you can find it at http://questionsplease.org/freeme | 08:34 |
cjwatson | JonRob: the initramfs is a gzipped cpio archive; you can unpack it by 'mkdir tmp; cd tmp; zcat /path/to/casper/initrd.gz | cpio -id' and repack it using 'cd /path/to/unpacked/initramfs; find . | cpio --quiet --dereference -o -H newc | gzip -9 > /path/to/casper/initrd.gz' | 08:35 |
cjwatson | then just make sure you're using the udf.ko from edgy | 08:35 |
cjwatson | there's another possible approach by hacking the casper script, but I think this is probably easier | 08:35 |
JonRob | cjwatson: thanks! i'll try it and see how i get on :D | 08:37 |
zyga | mvo: is that all what you need? | 08:38 |
mvo | zyga: let me check | 08:38 |
cjwatson | Mithrandir: any objections to me changing casper to include the udf module in the initrd? or do you think it should go in initramfs-tools instead? | 08:39 |
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mvo | zyga: how did you add it? | 08:39 |
JonRob | cjwatson: i've already got a udf.ko in the folder /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/fs/udf | 08:39 |
mvo | zyga: or what CD did you add? | 08:39 |
zyga | mvo: I tried using apt-cdrom but that failed | 08:39 |
mvo | zyga: it lacks the components (main restricted ...) | 08:39 |
zyga | then I tried using synaptic -> software properties and that did work | 08:39 |
zyga | yeah I noticed now | 08:39 |
zyga | apt-cdrom was unable to identify the CD | 08:40 |
Mithrandir | cjwatson: we don't ship udf, nor does isolinux support udf, but udf.ko is about 115kb, so I don't really mind. | 08:40 |
mvo | zyga: interessting. s-p and then "add-cdrom" ? the button on the second page? | 08:40 |
cjwatson | JonRob: in the initramfs? | 08:40 |
zyga | (I think it was not aware of anything besides debian) | 08:40 |
cjwatson | Mithrandir: right, we don't, but it's useful for JonRob's use case | 08:40 |
JonRob | oh perhaps not...lol sorry i got a lil confused there | 08:40 |
mvo | zyga: what CD did you use? I will try to verify it here | 08:40 |
zyga | mvo: wait | 08:40 |
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zyga | mvo: I tried to reproduce that but I got a working sources.list this time | 08:40 |
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mvo | hrm :/ | 08:41 |
zyga | I'm using daily current from yesterday, I can md5sum it if you'd like | 08:41 |
zyga | I'll try to use apt-cdrom again | 08:41 |
cjwatson | Mithrandir: I think I'll do it in initramfs-tools | 08:41 |
Mithrandir | cjwatson: yeah, more like "*shrug*; sure." | 08:41 |
mvo | zyga: did you click on the add-cdrom button? second page? | 08:41 |
zyga | maybe that's what caused this | 08:41 |
zyga | mvo: yes I did | 08:41 |
zyga | on the second tab | 08:41 |
mvo | zyga: thanks | 08:42 |
JonRob | cjwatson: i just copy udf.ko from /lib/modules...etc to the unpacked initrd.gz and then repack and put it back? | 08:43 |
JonRob | sorry for being so slow! | 08:43 |
cjwatson | JonRob: yeah | 08:43 |
JonRob | ok | 08:43 |
cjwatson | need to be careful, it won't be very tolerant of the initrd being in the wrong format or anything like that | 08:43 |
zyga | mvo: I really don't know how I got that line | 08:44 |
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zyga | apt-cdrom managed to work this time | 08:44 |
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zyga | but I'm after upgrade so it's not the same state now | 08:44 |
mvo | zyga: did you do it on a edgy system? | 08:44 |
zyga | mvo: no, on feisty - fresh from the cd | 08:44 |
mvo | ok | 08:45 |
mvo | thanks | 08:45 |
zyga | I did a clean install yesterday | 08:45 |
mvo | I will try to reproduce it | 08:45 |
zyga | I'll be back in half an hour, good luck and thank you | 08:45 |
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zoli2k | Hi! I would like to ask an advice about a project derived from the ubuntu distribution. In my company we develop a complete router solution based on ubuntu linux, with web interface and additional scripts. We want to sell it but not harm to the open source community. What is the best way to form the profile of such product? | 08:47 |
JonRob | cjwatson: i got a problem with the repackaging | 08:47 |
JonRob | i got this error: | 08:47 |
Mithrandir | JonRob: it's a cpio archive. | 08:47 |
JonRob | Mirthrandir: ? I was following the command cjwatson gave me | 08:47 |
cjwatson | JonRob: what's the error? | 08:48 |
zoli2k | maybe it is not a right place, but I think here are the most competent people in open source world. | 08:48 |
JonRob | two seconds | 08:48 |
JonRob | "cpio: you must specify one of -oipt options" | 08:49 |
cjwatson | the command line I gave you used -o | 08:50 |
JonRob | yeah i thought that | 08:50 |
JonRob | and i put it in | 08:50 |
cjwatson | paste the command line you're using? | 08:50 |
JonRob | i'll triple check :p | 08:50 |
JonRob | find . | cpio --quiet -- dereference -o -H newc | gzip -9 > /home/jon/Desktop/Free\ Me/live/extract-cd/casper/ | 08:50 |
cjwatson | JonRob: --dereference not -- dereference | 08:51 |
JonRob | quick spot! | 08:51 |
JonRob | cheers i'll try it | 08:51 |
cjwatson | also gzip -9 > .../initrd.gz not > .../ | 08:51 |
cjwatson | JonRob: I've updated initramfs-tools in Feisty (once the archive unfreezes after beta) to include udf.ko in the initramfs | 08:52 |
JonRob | cjwatson: good to know :D | 08:52 |
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JonRob | cjwatson: i got permission denied, even when run as sudo | 08:54 |
JonRob | with* | 08:54 |
cjwatson | sudo sh -c '...' | 08:54 |
kiv | hi | 08:54 |
JonRob | ?! | 08:54 |
kiv | is there a channel for security information/fixes? | 08:54 |
sladen | zoli2k: sounds like you want to do some co-marketing. I'm sure the business-development team with Canonical would be very interested in doing a case-study with you | 08:54 |
cjwatson | (even with sudo, the redirection happens as a normal user; sudo sh -c 'COMMAND' means it all happens as root) | 08:55 |
JonRob | cool | 08:55 |
cjwatson | or easier, just sudo -s | 08:55 |
keescook | kiv: what are you looking for in particular? if you want to discuss security updates, here or #ubuntu-motu is good. | 08:55 |
sladen | kiv: the best way to ensure that security information doesn't get lost, is to ensure it's filed on the bugtracker at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug | 08:55 |
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cjwatson | since you have a space in your directory name, which is (a) best avoided, no, really, just don't, and (b) I can't remember how that interacts with sudo sh -c | 08:55 |
sladen | kiv: then even if nobody's around, it won't get lost | 08:56 |
kiv | well, i'm just wondering why there is still no update for firefox.. it has been know for a few days and mozilla updated their builds 2 or 3 days ago | 08:56 |
JonRob | cjwatson: point taken...bad habits! | 08:56 |
kiv | the transition from to 2.0.02 took quite long as well | 08:56 |
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JonRob | that commands worked now tho...i'll rebuild the disc and iso and test it | 08:57 |
JonRob | thanks for all your help again!! | 08:57 |
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keescook | kiv: our firefox maintainer is working on it; we've all been busy with the feisty release. :) | 08:57 |
cjwatson | JonRob: great | 08:58 |
kiv | keescook, i can understand that, but to be honest i think security should be number one priority | 08:58 |
Seveas | kiv, no, not breaking working systems takes that plac | 08:59 |
Seveas | so firefox updates need to go through regression tests | 08:59 |
kiv | so the patch is quite huge? i thought it's some kind of a one-liner :) | 09:00 |
Seveas | no idea, I'm not the firefox guy :) | 09:02 |
kiv | :) | 09:02 |
cjwatson | kiv: firefox security updates are rarely one-liners | 09:02 |
kiv | ok, good to know | 09:03 |
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JonRob | cjwatson: i've just booted it and all seems well :D | 09:38 |
JonRob | now i'm burning the disc to test on a dvd player | 09:38 |
cjwatson | great | 09:38 |
JonRob | how did you figure it out? | 09:39 |
cjwatson | tried manually mounting -t iso9660 and -t udf (I knew that UDF was the filesystem for DVDs), observed the difference in behaviour, and made an educated guess | 09:40 |
cjwatson | I had an up-front educated guess that it was something to do with udf anyway | 09:41 |
cjwatson | you can mount udf as iso9660 but it sometimes isn't what you want; casper always mounts as the detected fs type though | 09:41 |
JonRob | well i'm impressed! | 09:41 |
JonRob | been impressed with ubuntu as a whole lately | 09:42 |
cjwatson | thanks, but it's just experience and practice really. :) | 09:42 |
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JonRob | well i'm heading off to test it...my thanks again!! | 09:43 |
JonRob | bye | 09:43 |
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lowtek | Does Ubuntu offer a replacment like software for MS Exchange? | 10:00 |
lowtek | or a SMTP server | 10:00 |
Burgwork | lowtek: not currently | 10:02 |
poningru | Burgwork: actually... | 10:02 |
poningru | groupware and a dozen such thing | 10:03 |
poningru | hmm I wonder if someone has packaged calendarserver | 10:03 |
Burgwork | never seen it | 10:03 |
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=== mvo reboot | ||
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mdz | Riddell: are the kubuntu upgrade instructions up-to-date? | 10:15 |
mdz | Riddell: e.g., is edgy-proposed still required? | 10:15 |
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shawarma | Why is it that we run scrollkeeper-rebuilddb once a month? | 11:15 |
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shawarma | ...the man page even explicitly says it's not necessary unless the database has been corrupted for some reason. | 11:17 |
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JonRob | cjwatson: if you're still around; I used the wrong image, the right one didn't work :( | 11:24 |
JonRob | just wanted to check i put the udf.ko file in the right place | 11:25 |
poningru | whenever one hears the name cjwatson, one should break into the IBM cjwatson song | 11:25 |
JonRob | what is the IBM cjwatson song!? | 11:26 |
poningru | zomg | 11:26 |
poningru | hold on | 11:26 |
poningru | http://www.users.cloud9.net/~bradmcc/ibmsongbook.html | 11:27 |
poningru | keep in mind its Tjwatson | 11:27 |
poningru | but minor discrepency | 11:27 |
JonRob | haha ok | 11:27 |
poningru | hold on writing something up | 11:28 |
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JonRob | is it my imagination or are there a lot of songs dedicated to tjwatson | 11:29 |
poningru | http://pastebin.mozilla.org/5054 | 11:30 |
poningru | nope not your imagination | 11:30 |
JonRob | haha, so who exactly is cj? i know he was very nice and helpful to me earlier! | 11:30 |
mjg59 | tepsipakki: Hm. X fails to start on a Macbook Pro | 11:30 |
mjg59 | tepsipakki: It's bringing up vesa, but without a good mode defined | 11:31 |
mjg59 | To make things more amusing, I have no login prompts | 11:31 |
poningru | jonibo: colin watson | 11:33 |
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Riddell | mdz: yes, edgy-proposed it still required, but there's no problems with the packages so I'll look to get them into -updates next week | 11:39 |
mdz | Riddell: ok, thanks | 11:40 |
mjg59 | Why does the CD have xforcevesa in the default command line? | 11:41 |
Mithrandir | it only has it if you choose safe mode, afaik? | 11:43 |
mjg59 | If I hit F6, it comes up with that | 11:43 |
mjg59 | Also, my missing consoles seem to be an upstart issue | 11:43 |
mdz | mjg59: was the cursor on the safe option when you pressed f6? | 11:43 |
mjg59 | I get "unknown stanza" errors on boot | 11:43 |
mjg59 | mdz: Ah, that could be it | 11:43 |
mdz | there was a casper/upstart issue with the consoles, but I thought it was fixed before beta | 11:44 |
mjg59 | mdz: Doesn't /seem/ to have been | 11:44 |
mdz | I forget the bug number. Mithrandir? | 11:44 |
mjg59 | X fails to start for me, and then I get no consoles to fix it... | 11:44 |
mbiebl | mjg59: probably the changed respawn syntax | 11:44 |
mjg59 | Yes, it's complaining about the respawn line | 11:45 |
mbiebl | respawn is now a single keyword | 11:45 |
mjg59 | mbiebl: Got it | 11:45 |
mbiebl | you should use exec instead | 11:45 |
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mjg59 | The LiveCD has "respawn /bin/login -f ubuntu </dev/tty1 >/dev/tty1 2>&1" | 11:46 |
mbiebl | ah, that should be exec /bin/login ... | 11:46 |
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mbiebl | and a single respawn in a separate line | 11:46 |
=== mjg59 hacks | ||
mjg59 | mbiebl: Hm. My laptop seems to have exec /sbin/getty | 11:47 |
mjg59 | But I guess that's equivalent | 11:47 |
mjg59 | Gah. Not that that's actually resulted in me having any terminals | 11:47 |
mbiebl | yeah for tty? it should be | 11:48 |
mbiebl | exec /sbin/getty 38400 tty? | 11:48 |
mbiebl | respawn | 11:48 |
mdz | for casper it should run login instead; the live user's password is locked | 11:48 |
mbiebl | I don't know the live cd, so use whatever is apt there. | 11:49 |
mjg59 | mdz: Ok, well this is entirely broken right now :) | 11:49 |
mjg59 | Do you want a bug? | 11:49 |
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mdz | mjg59: I'm pretty sure there is one, looking | 11:49 |
mdz | mjg59: I can't find it, please do file it | 11:51 |
mdz | mjg59: scratch that | 11:52 |
mdz | bug 92928 | 11:52 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 92928 in casper "casper corrupts virtual consoles creation events (/etc/event.d/tty1 - tty6) " [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92928 | 11:52 |
mdz | was supposed to be fixed in casper 1.83 | 11:52 |
mdz | ...which has been uploaded but not built | 11:52 |
mjg59 | mdz: Beta is 1.82 | 11:53 |
mdz | right, it must have been queued until after beta | 11:53 |
mdz | so it's building now | 11:53 |
mjg59 | Oops. | 11:53 |
mjg59 | Oh well. | 11:53 |
mjg59 | So, now, why is X broken... | 11:54 |
mjg59 | hsync out of range. Ngh. | 11:54 |
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sladen | is the queue still frozen? | 12:02 |
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=== JonRob [n=jon@88-111-223-82.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
sladen | in upstart, isn't 'resprawn' a separate command/config option to 'exec', which is the actual gubbins to run | 12:05 |
mjg59 | Yes | 12:06 |
=== jdong_ [n=jdong@SIMMONS-SIX-O-TWO.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu-devel |
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