
Admiral_Chicagonixternal: how can I update the svn to the latest doc one12:15
nixternalsvn up12:16
Admiral_Chicagowhat about the address though12:16
nixternalwhat address?12:16
nixternaldon't you already have it checked out locally?12:16
Admiral_Chicagoyou don't need svn up www.docwhatever.com12:16
Admiral_Chicagoi have it on my computer as of the patches i sent you12:17
Admiral_Chicagonixternal: I did svn checkout https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/trunk ubuntu-doc12:18
Admiral_Chicagoto get the packages12:18
LaserJockAdmiral_Chicago: if you did a checkout then just run svn up12:19
Admiral_Chicagoi did, says, "Skipped '.'12:19
Admiral_Chicagois it because of the directory?12:19
LaserJockAdmiral_Chicago: are you in the directory?12:20
CIA-25Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal feisty * r3999 / (19 files in 19 dirs): this is scary, but I only changed &legalnotice; to &klegalnotice; and added that to cdo-C in root libs - no string changes12:21
Admiral_ChicagoI think so 'freddy@omg-gnus:~/Ubuntu/Documentation$' has a folder ubuntu-doc12:21
LaserJockso go into ubuntu-doc12:21
Admiral_Chicagoah there it goes, thanks a lot LaserJock12:22
LaserJockAdmiral_Chicago: np12:22
CIA-25Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal feisty * r4000 /kubuntu/libs/ (ccbysa.html contributors.html): cheated - I built out contributors.xml and ccbysa.xml into 14647doc.html - will copy from kubuntu libs file to build file and move with dh_install in the script - this works12:23
nixternaldude, I am kicking some ass right now12:23
nixternaltotally in the zone12:23
=== tonyyarusso wonders if it's sad to see the phrases "kicking ass" and "in the zone" when referring to software documentation, but decides not to dwell on it
Admiral_Chicagonixternal: while are in the zone. look at 9493012:26
CIA-25Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal feisty * r4001 /kubuntu/debian/rules: debian dh_install for those 2 files12:26
LaserJocktonyyarusso: no, it's really good to see, trust me ;-)12:26
Admiral_Chicagobug #9493012:26
UbugtuMalone bug 94930 in ubuntu-docs "Typo in games doc" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9493012:26
nixternaloh well12:26
Admiral_Chicagothat should be kubuntu docs12:26
nixternalcan't do nothing about it12:26
Admiral_Chicagoi thought so.12:26
nixternalthat will get fixed in feisty+112:26
Admiral_Chicagoyou'de have to change strings12:26
nixternalso in English it will be incorrect, but I am sure those translators will correct it for their language ;)12:27
Admiral_Chicagobtw, in my forlder I have a bunch of games.xml ....which one do i need12:27
Admiral_Chicagoignore the spelling.12:27
CIA-25Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r4002 kubuntu/games/C/games.xml: closes #9493012:28
nixternalthere, that was easy12:28
Admiral_Chicagowhen i did svn > diff it compared it to 399912:28
Admiral_Chicagoyea, at least commit the fix12:28
Admiral_Chicagowho cares if it gets released12:28
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Admiral_Chicagonixternal: does SVN comare to all versions of games.xml or the latest one, in this case games.xml.r399912:29
nixternalrefine that one, you lost me12:30
Admiral_Chicagookay. wait a sec.12:31
CIA-25Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r4003 ubuntu/games/C/games.xml: closes 94930 on the Ubuntu side12:34
Admiral_Chicagonixternal: http://pastebin.ca/40722412:34
nixternalahh, you mean svn diff12:36
Admiral_Chicagoyea, i'm brain dead today I thikn12:36
Admiral_Chicagoand dyslexic12:36
nixternalwhen you create a patch, as long as the actual file in the repo hasn't changed since you created the patch, then it is fine, but if it has changed since then, you would ahve to redo your patch12:37
Admiral_Chicagoso the patch will be correct so long as the file in the trunk in the SVN hasn't changed during generating the patch?12:38
nixternalAdmiral_Chicago: correct01:01
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CIA-25Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r4004 kubuntu/ (23 files in 20 dirs): merging feisty changes01:59
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CIA-25Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal feisty * r4005 /edubuntu/get-pot.sh: this will help Jordan remember xml2po06:31
CIA-25Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal feisty * r4006 /edubuntu/ (3 files in 3 dirs): and here are the new pots06:31
CIA-25Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal feisty * r4007 /edubuntu/ (3 files in 3 dirs): fixed - forgot to svn up first06:33
CIA-25Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal feisty * r4008 /edubuntu/ (3 files in 3 dirs): this commit proves that the get-pot.sh script is hokey - I didn't make any changes and ran it, but yet it changed the last rev pots06:34
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LaserJockBurgundavia: workin' late huh?08:08
Burgundavianot really08:09
Burgundavianot tonight08:09
LaserJockI thought the beta announcement was already written?08:10
Burgundaviasort of08:12
BurgundaviaI thought so as well08:12
LaserJockyou'd think the Canonical marketing people would be really on top of that08:12
Burgundaviaapparently they leave it to us08:13
LaserJockstill, you'd think they'd at least follow up to make sure it's done08:14
LaserJockah well08:14
LaserJocksometimes I'm just amazed at what they have a "hands off" attitude while other things they control with an iron fist ;-)08:15
Madpilotartwork & icons are under the iron fist, basic info on new beta/testing releases is hands off - go figure08:17
MadpilotEdgy's orange Nautulis icons are both ugly and useless, btw08:17
Madpilotjust thought I'd throw that in08:17
Burgundaviathose are the new "tango" metaphor08:17
Burgundaviathe "no words on it"08:17
Madpilotthe real Tango Nautilus symbols are actually usable. The round orange things in Edgy are dreadful. They all look alike.08:19
mdkenixternal: xml2po gives you a different output because the date of creation of the pot file changes, nothing else08:29
LaserJockmorning mdke08:29
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MadpilotSpammer hard at work: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Jonni5?action=AttachFile09:31
Madpilotmdke, want to ping the LP admins? I'm about to sign off for the night, but I'll delete those attachments first09:32
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nixternalmdke: ahhh, the date does it. I didn't even think about that04:07
nixternalmdke: I fixed that linking issue with the license stuff :)04:08
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UbugtuNew bug: #95108 in kubuntu-docs (main) "error in description of launching Ooo Writer" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9510804:55
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nixternaloh well, that isn't getting fixed05:14
nixternalwe totally need to come up with a better translation/string freeze system05:14
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nixternalmdke: if you get around..that latest fix I planned with the links. Well it seems the links in the .pot files need to be updated as well, so that kind of stinks05:46
nixternalmdke: is it possible that when translations come back, I can fix those links in each translated file?05:56
nixternalor is there an easier way?05:56
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mdkenixternal: well, by using sed, I guess08:44
nixternalwell ya, but I can do that right?08:44
nixternalI mean fix the links before the last package is submitted?08:45
mdkeyou could include a line that does it in the script which converts the translations into xml08:46
mdkeafter doing the converting, you can use sed or whatever08:46
mdkenixternal: and yeah, better translation/string freeze system should be in place for the next release because translations will be opening a lot earlier08:47
nixternalawesome. Thanks mdke, you just made my day08:47
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Gwaihirhi all! I was wondering, the contributors.xml file... is going to be translated?08:54
nixternalGwaihir: I was wondering the same thing08:54
mdkenot planned at the moment08:54
mdkeGwaihir: got any thoughts on it?08:54
nixternalnobody really looks at it I don't think. The broken links in Kubuntu have been there for 3 releases now, and just recently it was reported :)08:55
Gwaihirwell... we just found it linked in a document...08:55
Gwaihirso we were wondering what to do08:55
nixternalyou are referring to a Kubuntu document aren't you?08:55
nixternalerr, disregard that, you don't have my updated package08:56
Gwaihiractually desktop-effects08:56
nixternalthat would be ubuntu-docs then08:56
Gwaihiryes... ubuntu's one08:57
mdkeit's linked in every document08:57
nixternalmdke: maybe we should go ahead and translate it08:58
nixternalit will carry over to every distro then08:58
GwaihirI think it would be nice...08:58
mdkeit's just a list of names really, not a massive deal08:58
Gwaihirbut people should also localize the URL08:58
nixternalmdke: oh ya, that is true08:58
mdkeGwaihir: yeah, we could do that with &language; but it's a bit of a pain, to be honest08:59
mdkeI'd probably prefer to avoid it for this release, unless it is quite important to have that translated09:00
Gwaihirwell... maybe translators could just change the C in the link09:00
Gwaihirnot very important... just to have everything translated09:00
nixternalahhh. See, I did kubuntu-docs with help:/kubuntu/contributors.xml09:00
nixternalso it is language independent that way09:00
nixternalerr, contributors.html rather09:00
Gwaihirthat way yes...09:01
nixternaloh, I need to get the firefox-startpage for Kubuntu translated as well. How do I go about importing that?09:01
Gwaihirin ubuntu is full path...09:01
mdkenixternal: is it in html?09:01
nixternalya, that was the reason for my last bug fix for kubuntu-docs actually09:01
nixternalmdke: yes09:01
mdkethere's no proper way of importing that to rosetta that I know of09:02
nixternalso I have come to realise09:02
mdkejust do a call for manual translations09:02
mdkei have to go for dinner now09:02
nixternalto the translators list?09:02
nixternalya, I need to clean up or do something, now that I can feel a little easy now about translations09:02
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UbugtuNew bug: #83054 in ubuntu-docs (main) "Lack of "Linux Culture Guide"" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8305410:38
UbugtuNew bug: #95213 in xubuntu-docs (main) "xubuntu-doc hasn't update since dapper" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9521310:46
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