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lucas_ | crimsun: PING | 12:52 |
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Hobbsee | 6am meeting. nasty | 01:54 |
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=== claydoh tests ditupgrade tool | ||
claydoh | err dist upgrade | 03:08 |
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nixternal | booyah! | 07:11 |
nixternal | Kubuntu bug squashin' like nuts tonight | 07:11 |
Jucato | :) | 07:11 |
Jucato | have fun :) | 07:11 |
nixternal | oh, I already did | 07:11 |
nixternal | I have over 250+ boog comments, closures, fixes, and whatever else | 07:12 |
Jucato | zarro boogs found :P | 07:12 |
nixternal | I got hooked, like it was crack | 07:12 |
nixternal | I wish | 07:12 |
Jucato | hahah | 07:12 |
Jucato | at least you have the power to squash bugs.. I only gather them... then send 'em your way :D | 07:13 |
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nixternal | how come you don't have the powah yet? | 07:21 |
nixternal | you should, hell you do everything else around here, you need the powah! | 07:21 |
Jucato | :) | 07:21 |
Jucato | someday... | 07:21 |
=== Jucato dreams | ||
=== nixternal pokes sflaw | ||
nixternal | actually he is prolly sleepin' | 07:22 |
Jucato | nah.. wouldn't know how to squash them yet anyway :) | 07:22 |
nixternal | easy, reject! | 07:22 |
nixternal | hehe | 07:22 |
Jucato | lol | 07:22 |
Jucato | easier: Assigned to Richard Johnson >:) | 07:23 |
nixternal | if a bug is over a year old, and nobody has done a darn thing about it, I close it, and state that if they are still experiencing this issue, or if someone can reproduce it, I urge them to reopen the report | 07:23 |
nixternal | d'oh | 07:23 |
nixternal | no more assigning to me | 07:23 |
Jucato | :P | 07:23 |
nixternal | jjesse does that enough :) | 07:23 |
Hobbsee | heh | 07:27 |
Jucato | hi Hobbsee | 07:27 |
Hobbsee | hey Jucato! | 07:27 |
nixternal | hiya Hobbsee! | 07:27 |
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Goliath23 | hi | 09:51 |
Goliath23 | just testing the upgrade tool as suggested in jriddels blog. my german umlauts are broken, but I guess thats work in progress and does not need to be reported, right? | 09:52 |
Lure | Goliath23: you should report it - just mail to kubuntu-devel@ | 09:53 |
Goliath23 | not launchpad? | 09:53 |
Lure | Goliath23: unless Riddell will fix it now ;-) | 09:53 |
Lure | Goliath23: mailing list | 09:54 |
Lure | Goliath23: or mail Riddell directly | 09:54 |
Goliath23 | kubuntu-devel@... ? | 09:55 |
stdin | lists.ubuntu.com | 09:59 |
Goliath23 | ah, okay. well I wait for the upgrader to complete first.. | 10:00 |
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Goliath23 | it crashed. I attached a comment to bug #84717 | 10:41 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 84717 in update-manager "SRU: updates necessary for Kubuntu Upgrade Tool in Edgy" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84717 | 10:41 |
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Tonio_ | hi | 12:47 |
Tonio_ | Lure or Riddell: I didn't saw any uvf exception request for k3b is that normal ? | 12:47 |
Lure | Tonio_: for main, you need to mail and Riddell said he did it | 12:54 |
Lure | Tonio_: now when beta is out, it will be time on Monday to get this approved | 12:55 |
Tonio_ | Lure: maybe that was man to man decided ;) | 12:55 |
Tonio_ | yup I agree | 12:55 |
Tonio_ | Lure: about zagreb, will you be there in the conference on saturday or will you stay with your family ? | 12:56 |
Tonio_ | if so we have to check out our planning to meet each other | 01:00 |
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Lure | Tonio_: I will travel to Zagrem on Friday evening and leave my family at grandparents, so I will be on conference whole Saturday | 01:05 |
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Lure | Tonio_: you can practice you speach by watching this: http://www.ubuntuvideo.com/mark_shuttleworth_keynote_speech_linuxtag_2006 | 01:06 |
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Tonio_ | Lure: interesting, thanks :) | 01:20 |
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_StefanS_ | hey there | 02:24 |
Hobbsee | hiya _StefanS_ | 02:28 |
_StefanS_ | hey hobbsa | 02:28 |
=== Hobbsee somehow tried to read that as hobbsalotyl. | ||
_StefanS_ | hobbsaphrefedes | 02:29 |
_StefanS_ | eh bad keyboard day | 02:29 |
_StefanS_ | so anything happening .. .? | 02:30 |
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_StefanS_ | I mean something that would be of my interest | 02:30 |
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allee | _StefanS_: hi | 03:06 |
_StefanS_ | hey | 03:06 |
allee | _StefanS_: what the status of bluetooth? Anything to try/invest/built? | 03:06 |
_StefanS_ | allee: well I left Tonio_ to do the packaging and stuff because there seemed to be a newer patch available than the one I used for the debdiff. | 03:07 |
allee | _StefanS_: I'm using a bluetooth ISDN box right now (edgy) that needs a pin. So I can test/check stuff | 03:07 |
_StefanS_ | allee: I still have my patched versions online (http://enhance-it.dk/deb) , but you should talk to Tonio_ regarding status of that latest patch | 03:08 |
allee | _StefanS_: where did you get the patch? | 03:08 |
allee | heh :) | 03:08 |
_StefanS_ | allee: kmobiletools.org or something | 03:08 |
_StefanS_ | http://www.kmobiletools.org/node/228 | 03:08 |
allee | _StefanS_: Okay, I'll download kdebluetooth sources nevertheless. It takes some time over isdn and patching/rebuilding is faster than downloading debs ;) | 03:09 |
_StefanS_ | allee: sure :) | 03:10 |
_StefanS_ | allee: I can put the debdiff online if you want it ? | 03:10 |
allee | _StefanS_: sure! Thx | 03:11 |
_StefanS_ | allee: 2secs | 03:11 |
_StefanS_ | allee: ok, its there | 03:11 |
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allee | _StefanS_: there's a bug: + if(buffer[1] !='P' && buffer[1] !='I' && buffer[2] !='N') | 03:20 |
allee | _StefanS_: for 'P' it has to the [0] not [1] . | 03:20 |
_StefanS_ | allee: probably, I didn't make the original patch.. | 03:20 |
allee | _StefanS_: afair the string expected is PIN:<pin-val-here> | 03:21 |
_StefanS_ | allee: I used that patch with my SE z550i, and it work flawlessly. but you should report this to rockMan that made the original patches | 03:22 |
allee | _StefanS_: I check once more and report upstream if necessary | 03:22 |
_StefanS_ | allee: good idea, but please remember that Tonio_ has a more recent patch already .. | 03:22 |
_StefanS_ | allee: ubuntu'ized one I mean.. | 03:22 |
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allee | _StefanS_: okay. The bug is not that important it just would also accept incorrect input. As long as passkey start at pos4 everything is correct. That's why is worked for you ;) | 03:25 |
allee | afaiu s/&&/||/ is needed too | 03:26 |
allee | _StefanS_: I'll ping Tonio_ later | 03:26 |
_StefanS_ | oka | 03:26 |
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lucas_ | crimsun: HL | 03:30 |
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kdavf | Is there a plugin or connector for Kmail->synce? | 05:38 |
kdavf | not kpim | 05:39 |
kdavf | I am specifically wanting to sync email. | 05:39 |
Tm_T | kdavf: I don't get even synce to work here :( | 05:42 |
Tm_T | so no idea, kitchensync should do something related | 05:43 |
kdavf | I can ;) it's easy I'm using kubuntu 6.10 | 05:43 |
kdavf | kitchensync doesn't seem to have support for email anywhere. I can't see any plugins. | 05:43 |
Tm_T | yes it's easy when everything goes well, that's not the case here | 05:43 |
kdavf | I should say my pda is wm2003. | 05:44 |
kdavf | No really it is pretty straight forward without compiling anything. | 05:44 |
Tm_T | wm5 here | 05:44 |
kdavf | Ah... is a problem need to compile. | 05:44 |
kdavf | You get anything to work. Ie raki? | 05:45 |
Tm_T | nothing, connect doesn't work because some interesting dbus issues, should investigate it more some day | 05:45 |
kdavf | I know the feeling. I had major bouts about 2 months ago and gave up. Came back at it and found that I just needed synce and kde-synce and a few plugins. | 05:46 |
kdavf | Don't need multisync | 05:47 |
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Tm_T | I wish it would been that easy to me ;) | 05:48 |
ScottK | kdavf: If you store your mail as maildir, each message is just a file in the file system. Why not just use rsync? | 05:48 |
kdavf | ah... some info... not heard of rsync. | 05:48 |
Tm_T | ScottK: store mail as maildir in where? | 05:48 |
kdavf | mainly I need to back up mail that starts life as sms msgs on my ppc. | 05:49 |
Tm_T | kdavf: btw have you tried/succeeded to sync calendar? | 05:49 |
ScottK | kdavf: ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail | 05:49 |
Tm_T | ScottK: yes, but if you need sync mails from PDA... ;) | 05:50 |
kdavf | yes calendar works | 05:50 |
Tm_T | kdavf: d'oh, that's my biggest need :) | 05:50 |
ScottK | OK. Thought he was syncing between two PCs. | 05:50 |
kdavf | pocket pc. | 05:51 |
Tm_T | ScottK: that would've been too easy ;) | 05:51 |
ScottK | Of course. Nevermind. | 05:51 |
Tm_T | ScottK: thanks anyway :) | 05:51 |
Tm_T | kdavf: #kontact might help in this case | 05:51 |
Tm_T | kdavf: and glad to hear we have working synce in some cases atleast :) | 05:52 |
kdavf | kubuntu was really pretty easy for my Xda IIi. | 05:53 |
kdavf | synce-kde, libsynce0, synce-serial, syncekonnector, and the painful 5 hours of messing around bit kdepim. | 05:54 |
kdavf | Who would have thought if you had kontact installed you would still need kdepim! | 05:54 |
kdavf | I should say though its not fully auto. I haven't bothered to auto synce serial-start | 05:55 |
kdavf | So I installed all that. Start Raki, Connected my pda, ran synce serial-start and bang! no prob | 05:56 |
kdavf | I just need to figure out where/how/what I need for email sync. | 05:56 |
kdavf | contact, task, and calendar work find. | 05:57 |
kdavf | fine | 05:57 |
kdavf | I'll try #kontact thanks. | 05:57 |
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ryanakca | should I make a planet announcement about the kolab for kubuntu-devel? or just stick a link for it in the wiki? | 06:10 |
ryanakca | s/wiki/topic | 06:10 |
nixternal | ey? | 06:12 |
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nixternal | hiya jjesse | 06:16 |
jjesse | hiya nixternal | 06:16 |
jjesse | just got home from a 10 mile run :( | 06:17 |
nixternal | ouch | 06:17 |
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jjesse | nixternal: can iget tthose two files again for vmware from you that i need? | 06:18 |
jjesse | i messed up my kubuntu install trying to reapir my xp | 06:18 |
nixternal | yup, one sec | 06:19 |
nixternal | http://www.nixternal.com/tmp | 06:20 |
nixternal | there you go | 06:20 |
nixternal | ryanakca: what is up with the "kolab for k-dev"? | 06:21 |
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ryanakca | nixternal: Paleo (the guy who hosts the websites for amarok, konversation, etc) is getting a kolab server set up for us... should make it easier to organise meetings, have a global TODO, etc, all from a web interface or from kontact | 06:38 |
nixternal | sweet! | 06:39 |
nixternal | IMAP accounts to go with it ;p | 06:39 |
nixternal | ? | 06:39 |
nixternal | err | 06:39 |
ryanakca | and I have a feeling it'll be kubuntu members only though | 06:39 |
ryanakca | yeah | 06:39 |
ryanakca | nixternal@kolab.kubuntu.co.uk type address | 06:39 |
nixternal | wow, I sat up a kolab server here, it was easy, and sweet | 06:40 |
ryanakca | heh, Paleo is compiling it all from source (gentoo)... been working on it for a week now. | 06:40 |
nixternal | argh, I am using Send To in Konqi right, where I can right click and send to one of my servers, but it sends it as 6-- so nobody can view it | 06:41 |
nixternal | hahahaha! the one image I select to "Send To" is set to forbid everyone | 06:44 |
nixternal | derr | 06:44 |
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jjesse | what is kolab? | 06:54 |
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Riddell | e-mail/calendar/stuff server made by KDE companies | 06:56 |
Riddell | actually just modified versions of existing servers | 06:56 |
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nixternal | jjesse: good stuff is what it is | 06:58 |
Tonio_ | allee, just read the log concerning bluetooth... | 06:58 |
Tonio_ | I didn't notice any issue, but we can discuss that on monday | 06:58 |
nixternal | when I get a new server one of these days I am going to build one here again | 06:58 |
Tonio_ | allee I have to go, but I'll read the log.... | 06:58 |
Tonio_ | allee can you describe the problem ? | 06:59 |
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klerfayt | could you consider displaying a warning message in feisty then user attempts suspending to disk with less swap than is the 1.5size of ram? (it appears that you need 1.5 times bigger swap than you is the amount of ram installed) | 07:33 |
yuriy | heh is that my problem? i always figured it's nvidia | 07:43 |
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klerfayt | yuriy: are you refering to swap/ram size ratio? | 07:47 |
yuriy | klerfayt: yeah. what are the symptoms of that supposed problem? | 07:48 |
yuriy | guidance wasn't updated before beta? | 07:48 |
klerfayt | yuriy: I did reinstall edgy today and paritioned my harddisk in such a way that swap was 768.4MB (I got 512MB ram) and suspend to disk failed (after reboot swap was gone). so I did reinstall once again and this time choose swap size to be 1GB - now suspend to disk works | 07:50 |
yuriy | klerfayt: what does it do when it fails? | 07:51 |
klerfayt | yuriy: well, I'm not sure if it fails. but it didn't resume. it just booted and swap was gone | 07:52 |
yuriy | ah. yeah mine actually tries to resume i think, but i get a crazy flashing screen | 07:52 |
klerfayt | yuriy: how big is your swap and how much ram you got? | 07:53 |
yuriy | klerfayt: 1gb each | 07:54 |
yuriy | i think.. never really thought about it affecting that before | 07:54 |
klerfayt | yuriy: have you tried with 1.6gb swap? | 07:54 |
yuriy | klerfayt: nope, but maybe i'll try next time i reinstall | 07:54 |
klerfayt | yuriy: (it seems that magical limit is somewhere near 1.5) | 07:54 |
yuriy | i guess that's why people are advised to have 1.5x their ram for swap :D i never understood that before | 07:55 |
=== firephoto has Swap: 6000236 | ||
fdoving | you can add more swap, like a swap-file or something, can't you? | 07:56 |
fdoving | will resume work with a file, and/or multiple small swap partitions? | 07:57 |
klerfayt | well maybe I just got a random resume failure and you can have swap as big or smaller than your ram size; I'm not sure | 07:58 |
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nixternal | mhb: are you around at all today? | 09:56 |
nixternal | I am working on those Edgy translations again, and when I get a package together, I was interested in seeing if you could test it | 09:57 |
=== lengau [n=lengau@c-68-53-53-39.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
mhb | nixternal: you seem to imply that I am obliged to work today :o) | 10:05 |
mhb | nixternal: alas, I cannot test it today for I am not at home :o) | 10:06 |
=== Ash-Fox [i=UNKNOWN@fgd182.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #Kubuntu-devel | ||
mhb | nixternal: nice bug triaging, by the way | 10:10 |
nixternal | ya, I got bored last night :) | 10:17 |
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mhb | nixternal: going for "Kubuntu hero of the month" award, are we? | 10:20 |
nixternal | didn't know there was such a thing. I don't do enough to qualify for that one though. I need to get into the hacking part first | 10:21 |
lengau | Did anyone ever see that suggestion to put in time machine style revision control on /home? I can't find it anymore. | 10:22 |
mhb | lengau: I don't think it should be discussed here | 10:22 |
mhb | lengau: sounds more like a topic for Ubuntu development in general | 10:23 |
lengau | I was just wondering if anyone here had the link. | 10:24 |
mhb | lengau: my comment also means I know little about it :o) | 10:24 |
lengau | ok. Thanks anyway :) | 10:24 |
nixternal | the revision controlled backups of ~/ ? | 10:29 |
jjesse | i like the idea of a time machine | 10:32 |
jjesse | can we pick what year we go back to? | 10:32 |
jjesse | does the non free flash plugin work w/ konqureror? | 10:33 |
=== poningru_ [n=poningru@adsl-074-245-140-197.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
nixternal | jjesse: yes | 10:38 |
nixternal | flash that is, automagically now | 10:38 |
jjesse | nixternal: thaks | 10:38 |
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-58-230.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
nixternal | jjesse: in Feisty, say you go to a website with Flash, Konqueror should prompt with an install dialog like Firefox does | 10:50 |
jjesse | nixternal: yeah i know, to follow the tournement live i need a higher level of flash | 10:50 |
nixternal | hrmm, it isn't installing flash 9? | 10:51 |
jjesse | so i was wondering if the non-free version worked in konqi | 10:51 |
nixternal | what link are you using to follow? | 10:51 |
nixternal | the non-free version does work | 10:51 |
jjesse | http://cbs.sportsline.com/collegebasketball/gamecenter/live/NCAAB_20070324_MEM%40OHST | 10:51 |
nixternal | if you read your installed documentation that some Kubuntu nuthead wrote, you would know :p | 10:52 |
jjesse | i knew that it would install automatically, i just found it curious that it kept saying i needed a higher version | 10:52 |
mhb | nixternal: yeah, only if there was enough time to translate it | 10:52 |
nixternal | hrmm, I don't get the higher version thing, but I get a gray top, is that what you are referring to? | 10:52 |
nixternal | mhb: not only time, but if I would have found all of the bugs prior to sending to translation :) | 10:53 |
=== mhb can almost hear the people saying "look at the slacking translators not able to finish the only thing they do - documentation" | ||
nixternal | mhb: I think we will have to do a release package that will have what is available, and then do a final update somewhere after | 10:53 |
nixternal | mhb: we know that it wasn't your (translators) fault, and I will make that known. It is the LP admins faults | 10:54 |
nixternal | and they admitted on every mailing list it was :) | 10:54 |
nixternal | jjesse: that scoreboard, you are referring to the box at the top correct? | 10:54 |
mhb | nixternal: sadly I don't think any users read those MLs :o) | 10:54 |
nixternal | they will when I link to them in my blog post | 10:54 |
nixternal | you never know, translators may be able to step up and cover the slack though | 10:55 |
mhb | nixternal: I will do my best | 10:55 |
nixternal | one team has already completed translations, I think maybe the French, on a couple of docs | 10:55 |
nixternal | they are flying through, that or LP/Rosetta is bugged | 10:56 |
mhb | nixternal: if I had no other stuff to do I would be faster as well :o) | 10:56 |
mhb | nixternal: or if I could convince myself I don't need any sleep for the next few days :o) | 10:57 |
mhb | nixternal: big thanks for the docs anyway | 10:57 |
nixternal | no problem | 10:57 |
nixternal | we will get it done, they can't keep us down :) | 10:57 |
nixternal | jjesse: the scoreboard works fine for me with Konqi | 11:00 |
=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@katapult/ninja/daskreech] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== leighton [n=leighton@AC8D4286.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
leighton | hi | 11:05 |
DaSkreech | Hello | 11:06 |
DaSkreech | Where do you see the notice that you need to update to X.org 6.8? | 11:06 |
leighton | i downloaded some themes..... | 11:06 |
leighton | after i log in and kde starts up | 11:06 |
leighton | i hear two beeps and then two dialogue boxs appear with | 11:07 |
leighton | composite manager failure | 11:07 |
DaSkreech | What is the title on the window? | 11:07 |
leighton | composte manager | 11:08 |
DaSkreech | did you install Beryl or compiz? | 11:08 |
leighton | in the text its says about shadow and transparncy effect | 11:08 |
nixternal | ahh, or did you turn on the transparency or shadows in KWin? | 11:08 |
nixternal | that is the same error I think | 11:08 |
nixternal | AHHH | 11:08 |
nixternal | I was right again! | 11:09 |
leighton | yeh but did not work | 11:09 |
nixternal | yes, I messed around with it once and it locked me out similarly | 11:09 |
nixternal | I just rm'd a file in ~/.kde/share/config I think that fixed it | 11:09 |
leighton | i have return them to both off | 11:10 |
nixternal | hrmm and you still get that error? | 11:10 |
leighton | yeh | 11:10 |
leighton | thats why i though i needed to update xorg | 11:10 |
nixternal | hrmm are you using an ATI video card? | 11:11 |
nixternal | if so, you have "Composite" "Disable" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 11:11 |
leighton | yes | 11:11 |
nixternal | are you using the binary driver or the stock ati driver? | 11:11 |
leighton | best to edit ? | 11:12 |
leighton | using it via the adept manager update ? | 11:12 |
leighton | not sure .....as you can tell ... new to linux | 11:13 |
leighton | hi | 11:17 |
leighton | just had a look in the xorg.conf file and can not find any composite | 11:17 |
DaSkreech | likely thatit's stock then | 11:17 |
manchicken | leighton: You might find more help on this issue in #kubuntu | 11:20 |
manchicken | I know they talk about composite stuff all the time there. | 11:20 |
_StefanS_ | hey manchicken | 11:21 |
manchicken | Wuddup homes? | 11:21 |
manchicken | Setting up console-setup (1.13ubuntu9) ... <-- Gives errors. Is this a known issue? | 11:22 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: can you help me out with some c++/qt ? | 11:22 |
manchicken | I'm about to post a bug on it... | 11:22 |
leighton | thanks manchicken | 11:22 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: subclassing stuff | 11:22 |
manchicken | _StefanS_: Soytenly. | 11:22 |
nixternal | manchicken: yes | 11:22 |
manchicken | _StefanS_: Mmm... delicious subclassing :) | 11:22 |
nixternal | I seen a bug on console-setup recently | 11:22 |
manchicken | I'm doing some Perl with wxWidgets :) | 11:22 |
nixternal | I thought I created a patch for it in that bug as well | 11:22 |
manchicken | nixternal: Likely that that patch hasn't been applied on the repos yet? | 11:23 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: well I have a KPasswordDialog, and it doesnt implement a way to set the dialog type to WType_Popup. However KDialog has some way to set it using this: KDialog (QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, bool modal=false, WFlags f=0) | 11:23 |
nixternal | manchicken: very likely | 11:23 |
nixternal | I haven't seen an email | 11:23 |
manchicken | Actually, I'm not using wxWidgets yet. Doing the server right now, I'll do the management UI later. | 11:23 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: how do I implement that into the existing KPasswordDialog class (or should it be a whole different class?) | 11:23 |
manchicken | Well, if I were you I'd just make a new dialog class. | 11:24 |
manchicken | I think that is the path of least resistance :) | 11:24 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: well that involves me recoding a bunch convinient methods that KPasswordDialog serves you with, right ? | 11:25 |
manchicken | Such as? | 11:25 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: addLine, clearPassword, keep and so on | 11:26 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: checkpassword.. | 11:26 |
manchicken | Yeah, but those are pretty simple to add. | 11:26 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: http://api.kde.org/3.5-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kdeui/html/classKPasswordDialog.html | 11:26 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: yes but should I just copy&paste those methods ? | 11:26 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: duplicating alot of code ?! | 11:27 |
manchicken | If you want to. | 11:27 |
manchicken | Do you really *need* all of those methods/ | 11:27 |
leighton | thanks | 11:27 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: hmm 3-4 of them | 11:27 |
manchicken | Much of that stuff I would think would be damn-near hard-coded in the dialog metalanguage. | 11:28 |
manchicken | e.g. designer | 11:28 |
leighton | going to shutdown......tried something will get back to you if it works | 11:28 |
manchicken | leighton: Good luck. | 11:28 |
manchicken | ATI drivers are crap. Hope you have better luck than I did. | 11:28 |
manchicken | _StefanS_: Then for the ones you need it wouldn't be too hard to recode them.. | 11:29 |
manchicken | You could copy and paste if you wanted to. | 11:29 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: hmm but you see that as the way to go ? | 11:29 |
manchicken | Yeah. Others may have another idea, but that's how I'd do it. | 11:29 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: well, I thought about doing that also at some point, but I figured that there was a better way | 11:30 |
manchicken | I don't think that's necessarily a bad way of doing that. | 11:31 |
manchicken | It won't be what the UI folks will hug you for though :) | 11:31 |
manchicken | Consistency is the name of the game for them. | 11:31 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: ok, I just thought that subclassing would be the way to do it, just modifiying the parts that I needed | 11:31 |
manchicken | What do you need that isn't in KPasswordDialog? | 11:31 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: WFlags | 11:32 |
manchicken | To what end? | 11:32 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: It doesn't support me setting it as a popup | 11:32 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: which is needed to be able to put the dialog on a faded background | 11:32 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: like the ubuntu gtksu does it | 11:32 |
manchicken | Hmm... let me check something out really quick.... | 11:33 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: yep | 11:33 |
manchicken | That's on the constructor? | 11:33 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: for KDialog its there.. | 11:33 |
manchicken | Okay... | 11:33 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: but not for KPasswordDialog .. that why I thought it would be easy to affect KDialog from within KPasswordDialog, and set the WFlag | 11:34 |
manchicken | You could subclass KPasswordDialog and add a new constructor. | 11:34 |
_StefanS_ | well yes, something like that | 11:34 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: | 11:35 |
_StefanS_ | KDEsuDialog::KDEsuDialog(QCString user, QCString auth_user, bool enableKeep,const QString& icon, bool withIgnoreButton) | 11:35 |
_StefanS_ | : KPasswordDialog(Password, enableKeep, (withIgnoreButton ? User1:NoDefault), icon, 0L) | 11:35 |
_StefanS_ | well that wasnt the constructor.. | 11:35 |
manchicken | Where are your flags? | 11:35 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: KDEsuDialog(QCString user, QCString auth_user, bool enableKeep, const QString& icon , bool withIgnoreButton=false); | 11:35 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: I tried setting them on QDialog, but it has a setter for it called setWFlags() | 11:36 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: however it doesn't react to it.. | 11:36 |
manchicken | I'd just add your flags and then modify the private dialog object. | 11:36 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: how ? , I mean just put in WFlag in the above constructor ? | 11:37 |
manchicken | Yeah. | 11:37 |
manchicken | Then in the constructor set them for the object in your code. | 11:37 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: hmm I dont understand how I would recognize that | 11:37 |
manchicken | What do you mean? | 11:37 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: sorry it would recognize that belonging to KDialog | 11:37 |
manchicken | It could override that. | 11:37 |
_StefanS_ | hmm | 11:38 |
manchicken | Which is fine. | 11:38 |
manchicken | Within the constructor set the flags using the KDialog method to set flags..... | 11:38 |
_StefanS_ | public: KDialog (QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, bool modal=false, WFlags f=0); ? | 11:38 |
manchicken | QWidget::setWFlags() | 11:39 |
manchicken | Yeah. | 11:39 |
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_StefanS_ | manchicken: but how would you call that ? | 11:40 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: I dont get it.. | 11:40 |
manchicken | Or just add a WFlags argument to your new constructor. Then in your constructor say `setWFlags(f)` | 11:40 |
_StefanS_ | I already tried this approach --> public: void setWindowFlags(WFlags f); | 11:41 |
manchicken | So like `DialogWhatever::DialogWhatever(..., WFlags f=0) { setWFlags(f); }` | 11:41 |
manchicken | You don't need that. | 11:41 |
manchicken | setWFlags is a member of QWidget. Anything that inherits from QWidget will automagically have that. | 11:41 |
_StefanS_ | yes I know, but it didn't seem to work in the example I just gave you... donno if what you're suggesting would be any different (?) | 11:42 |
_StefanS_ | (ofcourse I dont understand it all, so I'm just using my logics here) | 11:43 |
manchicken | Oooh, that's a virtual. | 11:43 |
_StefanS_ | so ? | 11:43 |
manchicken | So it doesn't inherit... | 11:46 |
_StefanS_ | oh .. | 11:46 |
_StefanS_ | well can't we use the KDialog WFlags(), or was it a virtual ? | 11:46 |
manchicken | Modifying these internals are always weird. | 11:47 |
_StefanS_ | I'm glad it isn't easy... that way I dont look too stooopid :) | 11:48 |
_StefanS_ | but anyways, it must be possible since KDialog supports it.. | 11:48 |
manchicken | Yeah, but the question is does it expose that interface to subclasses. | 11:49 |
_StefanS_ | uhm ok.. | 11:50 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: I just tried the following: | 11:51 |
_StefanS_ | KDEsuDialog::KDEsuDialog(QCString user, QCString auth_user, bool enableKeep,const QString& icon, bool withIgnoreButton, QWidget::setWFlags(f)) | 11:51 |
_StefanS_ | : KPasswordDialog(Password, enableKeep, (withIgnoreButton ? User1:NoDefault), icon, 0L) | 11:51 |
manchicken | Naw, don't call a method in there. I'm pretty sure that'll give you a syntax error. | 11:51 |
_StefanS_ | manchicken: then it complains about me not having a type for KDialog | 11:51 |
_StefanS_ | error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of KDialog with no type | 11:51 |
manchicken | Do you have a link to the actuall definition of KPasswordDialog? | 11:52 |
manchicken | Are you including kdialog.h? | 11:52 |
_StefanS_ | lemme check | 11:53 |
_StefanS_ | I think so | 11:53 |
_StefanS_ | heh nope.. | 11:53 |
_StefanS_ | might be a good idea ;) | 11:53 |
_StefanS_ | compiling again.. | 11:54 |
_StefanS_ | meanwhile it seemed like I could specifiy the WFlags directly for my KDEsuDialog...: | 11:54 |
_StefanS_ | KDEsuDialog::KDEsuDialog(QCString user, QCString auth_user, bool enableKeep,const QString& icon, bool withIgnoreButton, WFlags(WType_Popup)) | 11:54 |
_StefanS_ | : KPasswordDialog(Password, enableKeep, (withIgnoreButton ? User1:NoDefault), icon, 0L) | 11:54 |
_StefanS_ | kinda weird.. | 11:54 |
_StefanS_ | hmm nope, it won't compile since I haven't specified WFlags anywhere in the header file | 11:55 |
manchicken | I think it might be better to use the KDialog constructor and set the other KPasswordDialog values later on. | 11:55 |
manchicken | WFlags is a type, not a method or function. | 11:56 |
manchicken | So try KDEsuDialog::KDEsuDialog(..., WFlags f = 0) : KDialog(..., f) { setPassword(password); setEnableKeep(enableKeep); } | 11:57 |
manchicken | Or whatever | 11:57 |
_StefanS_ | hmm ok | 11:57 |
manchicken | Not sure if those are the right accessors. | 11:57 |
manchicken | So what that will do is it'll do the KDialog specific stuff first, and then you can set the KPasswordDialog specific stuff afterwards. | 11:57 |
_StefanS_ | oka, so both the original construct needs to be there, along with this new one ? or am I understanding this all wrong ? | 11:58 |
manchicken | Well neither of them NEEDS to be there. | 11:59 |
manchicken | But it would be more useful :) | 11:59 |
_StefanS_ | ok | 11:59 |
manchicken | Assuming you want it to actually do something :) | 11:59 |
_StefanS_ | well I would like that actually. | 11:59 |
manchicken | heh | 12:00 |
manchicken | I thought so. | 12:00 |
manchicken | All you picky people and your "functionality" | 12:00 |
_StefanS_ | in Kdialog in the example you pasted; you want exactly what in .... , f ? | 12:00 |
_StefanS_ | KDialog(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, bool modal=false, WFlags f=0) ? | 12:00 |
_StefanS_ | I dont understand what you want in those dots.. | 12:01 |
manchicken | In those dots it'd be everything other than wflags that is in there. | 12:06 |
manchicken | Yes. | 12:06 |
manchicken | Except don't put in the = or anything between the = and the , | 12:07 |
_StefanS_ | ok, I'm trying that now | 12:07 |
_StefanS_ | ok | 12:08 |
_StefanS_ | inside the .h file, should I change anything there ? | 12:09 |
_StefanS_ | for WFlags or KDialog ? | 12:10 |
_StefanS_ | error: prototype for KDEsuDialog::KDEsuDialog(QCString, QCString, bool, const QString&, bool, uint) does not match any in class KDEsuDialog | 12:11 |
_StefanS_ | so I would probably need WFlags in there I guess | 12:11 |
manchicken | You should add a prototype for your new subclassing .h file for that new constructor. | 12:11 |
_StefanS_ | which would look alot like previous one ? | 12:12 |
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