
c0nv1ctorange1: yeah, that will be a problem12:12
arvidhow do I install "xorg-driver-fglrx (= 8.33.6-1)" apparently I only have 7.1.0-8.34.8+
arvid(whatever that means)12:12
c0nv1ctorange1: there are vnc servers for windows though12:12
Arwenbet4, try "btdownloadgui"12:12
c0nv1ctorange1: it makes for a pretty big security hole though12:12
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pynsahi folks12:12
orange1security hole on my desktop or on the school's connection?12:13
xyverzhullo pynsa12:13
compilerwriter!kernel | metty12:13
ubotumetty: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild12:13
Daisuke_Idoarvid: it looks like you already have a newer version installed.12:13
pynsahow can i save profiles in konqueror 3.5.5.? i recently realised that the menu entries that allowed saving own profiles are gone...12:13
pynsaheyda xyverz12:13
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX12:13
Daisuke_Ido7.1.0 is the xorg version, 8.34.8 is the driver version, and 2.6.20 maybe kernel version?12:14
bet4Arwen: command not found12:14
acemois there anyway that i can set mplayer as default for all filetypes it supports?12:14
arvidDaisuke_Ido: then what does this error mean? http://pastebin.ca/40737012:14
Arwenbet4, damn it, this is irritating12:14
orange1c0nv1ct:  security hole on my desktop or on the school's connection?12:14
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/12:14
c0nv1ctorange1: look into FreeNX, thats what you want12:14
bet4Arwen: yeah, edgy only gave me problems so far compared to dapper at least12:14
c0nv1ctorange1: the security hole would be on your desktop, but there are ways to secure it better12:14
bet4im running fairly new hardware though12:15
compilerwriterarwen what is the trouble?12:15
bet4not too old not to new12:15
Arwencompilerwriter, the command line bittorrent has weird filenames :-\12:15
ubotuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX12:15
Arwenbet4, try installing bittornado-gui too :-\12:15
Daisuke_Idoarvid: means it expects *exactly* that version of the driver12:15
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c0nv1ctorange1: i believe i've seen a freenx client/server for windows too12:15
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Daisuke_Idoi'm not much on installing ati though...12:15
bet4Arwen: yep, only thing i could think of as well12:16
compilerwriterI have never used the command line torrent so I ges I shall have wish you luck and take a belt of scotch for you.12:16
arvidDaisuke_Ido: yes, and I just think I found the problem: "IMPORTANT: You have to recompile the kernel module after each kernel update! NOTE: the fglrx source code requires Linux 2.6.19 or lower. It is not yet prepared for 2.6.20.".12:16
Daisuke_Idothat would be the problem12:16
arvidDaisuke_Ido: oh well - I'll just wait untill it works on 2.6.2012:16
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Arwenbet4, turns out that the bittornado main is composed of tons of different commands all starting in bt.something12:16
Daisuke_Idois there anything about 2.6.20 that's an absolute must-have?12:17
Tm_TDaisuke_Ido: basicly no12:17
ArwenDaisuke_Ido, more hardware support? kernels aren't very exciting...12:17
bet4Arwen: i see12:17
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arvidDaisuke_Ido: no :) But I'm going to bed now :P12:17
acemois there anyway that i can set mplayer as default for all filetypes it supports?12:17
Daisuke_Idonot exciting, no, but still potentially important12:17
Tm_Tyup, most of the time new kernels just bring more hw support etc12:17
orange1c0nv1ct: the network at my school is very limited -- whats a safe port to use?12:18
c0nv1ctorange1: not sure, depends on how locked down your school network is12:18
Arwenacemo, not that I know of, that probably involves editing the mimetypes db...12:18
compilerwriterarwen take heart you will learn it eventually if you must.  The man page might be of some help if you ever need command line memory joggers for some reason.12:18
bet4does anyone have an idea why streaming media doesnt work for me? i installed w32codecs, all the gstreamer stuff im supposed to and the lbxinestuff12:18
c0nv1ctorange1: you may want to use port 80, that'll be open for sure12:19
bet4windows media stream works though12:19
Arwencompilerwriter, bah, I just use gui for bt :-\12:19
c0nv1ctorange1: but that may be blocked by your ISP at home12:19
Arwencompilerwriter, don't feel like memorizing 20 commands just for bittorrent12:19
compilerwriterI know the feeling.12:19
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Arwencompilerwriter, yeah, I'm a fan of command lines in general12:19
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compilerwriterArwen typed like a Macintrash user.12:20
bet4hm...ok crashed right away after launching12:20
BluesKajhow does one delete a whole load of empty files with a common name , but a different list number12:20
ArwenBluesKaj, use rm with wildcards?12:21
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bet4sudo aptitude remove --purge bittornado-gui12:21
Arwene.g. to delete everything with "blue" in the name, you could do "rm *blue*"12:21
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compilerwriterThen again arwen I am older than God's dog.  The first computer I cut my teeth on was a sequent mainframe with a regent20 terminal.12:21
DominiK83\join ubuntu.it12:21
bet4what a pile of rubbish :/12:21
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Arwencompilerwriter, I used to be a Windows fan :-\12:21
Arwenstill have a copy around for game12:21
BluesKajok Arwen thanks12:21
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Daisuke_Idogoing to have to check the new builds of wine, apparently they've fixed a lot of bugs in d3d12:22
Daisuke_Idomaybe, just maybe, i can get the longest journey to run12:22
Daisuke_Idoas it is, i've been playing it on my fiancee's laptop12:22
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orange1Daisuke_Ido: check if flash 8 professional works12:22
StormiCould anyone give me a couple of hints on how to change my resolution? :/ I somehow buggered it up...12:22
bet4man, am i really cursed to use azureus?12:23
Daisuke_Idobet4: there's still ktorrent :D12:23
wolferineStormi, what type of card?12:23
Daisuke_Idooh, didn't work12:23
wolferinebet4, whats the issue?12:23
StormiNvidia Geforce 7xxx12:23
Daisuke_Idohave you tried the latest available from the site?12:23
bet4Daisuke_Ido:  well since i installed egy it doesnt conenct at all anymore (had dapper before)...i would be glad if i could use ktorrent12:23
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wolferineupload or download issues?12:23
wolferineStormi, you can do sudo nvidia-settings12:24
bet4edgy seems to give me a whole bunch of issues in general it seems12:24
orange1ktorrent kept giving me tracker error 3 and stopping my dl12:24
wolferinebet4, for example...12:24
StormiI tried xrandr in konsole, but the options returned were no good..12:24
Daisuke_Idomine just says "too many files open"12:24
bet4Daisuke_Ido: yes i tried the latest available version didnt work12:25
wolferineStormi, try what I said12:25
Daisuke_Ido2 hours until we find out if my pc is hosed12:25
StormiAnd Xrandr -s 1024x768 told me that wasnt an available mode :/12:25
wolferineStormi, you have me on ignore?12:25
dwidmannStormi, if you're using the nvidia driver (as opposed to vesa/nv), run the command "nvidia-settings"12:25
wolferinethanks dwidmann12:26
bet4wolferine: uhm, streaming media doenst work....flashplugin install dindt work (at least as its supposed to) amarok failed to iprocess several albums when building collection12:26
dwidmannor better12:26
dwidmann"sudo nvidia-settings"12:26
bet4uhm, graphic cards driver installation was strange as well12:26
StormiSorry, wolferine, what had you said? I missed it, let me check12:26
wolferinebet4,  I as asking more specifically about you Azerus issues12:26
wolferineand I am sorry to hear that12:26
bet4and ktorrent doesnt work anymore of course ;)12:26
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ownerktorrent still works for me12:27
dwidmannheh, I missed it too :P12:27
owneron kubuntu 6.0612:27
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bet4wolferine: oh ok sorry....uhm, i just dont like it much....it seems to take alot ressources and generally is too bloated with features i perosnally dont ever need12:27
Daisuke_Idoworks on 6.10 here, but that means little12:27
bet4it might be great i dunno...its just not my taste i guess12:28
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BluesKajArwen , not working;   /bin/rm: Argument list too long12:28
wolferinebet4 correct, thats all true12:28
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wolferineunless you have 3GB of rAM :)12:28
ArwenBluesKaj, uh, weird, what exact command?12:28
bet4thats what it seemed like to me12:28
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wolferinewell, I liked utorrent, on my win machine12:29
wolferineits was handy12:29
bet4torrent? yes thats what i used on windows12:29
bet4but ktorrent seemed to be great12:29
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wolferinebut all torrent apps seem to suck the life outta a computer, same with kazza12:29
bet4if only it would work12:29
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wolferineor what ever it was called12:29
Arwenwolferine, really? utorrent for Win32 runs very fast12:29
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wolferinei never said fast12:30
Arwenand although a memory hog, azureus runs well too12:30
BluesKajArwen : rm *filename*12:30
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wolferinebut it was the best I had used...12:30
ArwenBluesKaj, hmm, try with one "*"12:30
wolferinetorrent != fast12:30
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wolferinetorrent == get anything12:30
subonewhats a link to installing the third party codecs, the one from help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats is invalid.12:30
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bet4which is another good gui client for linux beside bittornado, azureus qtorrent?12:31
Arwensubone, I might be able to tell you right here, what codecs?12:31
Arwenbet4, ktorrent?12:31
wolferinesubone, use the ubuntu guide12:31
dwidmannsubone, well, if you don't mind doing it by hand, you can find it at mplayerhq.hu12:31
suboneall of them12:31
Arwenbet4, other than that, your choices are a little limited12:31
suboneall the mplayer ones12:31
bet4Arwen: uhm, its the third time now i tell you ktorrent doesnt work for me i think x)12:31
Arwensubone, w32codecs, mplayerhq.hu (thought it was ru?)12:31
suboneYea I used to know the link to an mplayer kubuntu one12:31
bet4which is the only reason im looking for a different onme12:31
Daisuke_Idobet4: http://pingpong-abc.sourceforge.net/index.php12:31
Arwenbet4, sorry, you didn't list it - your choices are a little limited12:32
Daisuke_Idoi haven't used it personally, but it looks fairly streamlined12:32
bet4arwen: np didnt want to sound rude12:32
Daisuke_Idobased on bittornado12:33
dwidmannOh, and subone, the tar.bz2 of the win32 codecs on mplayerhq.hu, you need to extract it to /usr/lib/win3212:33
bet4Daisuke_Ido: it isnt in the repos so i dont even bother at the moment, thx though12:33
wolferinesubone, google ubuntu guide12:33
wolferineit gives them all you need12:33
wolferineand then some12:34
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crazy1291Hi, I have been trying to add another slave drive to this comp, and it is kinda working...but not completely12:37
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crazy1291It is recognized in Bios and Kubuntu sees it but I cannot mount it12:38
mike__Iwireless for "atheros" in herd 5 is a little flakey12:38
crazy1291Is there a simple command that makes Kubuntu mount the secondary hard disk?12:39
crazy1291mount: can't find /dev/hdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab12:40
crazy1291Please check that the device is plugged correctly.12:40
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MenaWhy when i update,  doesnt update my kernel to 2.6.20 instead of 2.6.1712:41
bet4what do have to install via pt to get mldonkey?12:41
mervteckanyone here play Unreal2k4 on Linux?12:41
Arwenwould, but I don't buy software12:41
bet4i has the guifrontends but no mldonkey itself12:42
mervteckUnreal games are worth it!12:42
mervteckthey work great in linux and its not an emulation!12:42
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bet4it has gkrellm-mldonkey12:42
bet4thats the right one?12:42
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bet4nope it isnt12:43
bet4thats hilarious the repos serve several gui frontends but not the program itself12:43
bet4i could kick ubuntu to the trash bin at the moment12:43
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Shaezschehow can i upgrade from the latest alpha to the new beta?12:44
Shaezschedist upgrade possible?12:44
nixternalShaezsche: sudo apt-get upgrade12:45
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Shaezschei just did that, it doesnt12:45
nixternalShaezsche: if you have been doing the upgrades on a daily basis you are good to go12:45
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Shaezscheso i am using theb eta....?12:45
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nixternalShaezsche: yes, that is because there was a freeze for the past day or so for beta12:45
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nixternalShaezsche: as long as you sudo apt-get update and there is nothing to upgrade, you are newer than beta :)12:45
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Shaezschehey, is 10% non-contiguous abnormal?12:46
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waylandbillbeta is out as of today. play with it if you're daring. :-D12:47
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ArwenShaezsche, kind of12:48
ArwenI've gotton to 35%12:48
Shaezscheis there a way to fix it?12:48
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ArwenShaezsche, it's not actually a performance issue, don't bother12:49
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Arwenon ext2/3, fragmented files usually stay near their shards, so the performance hit is negligible12:49
Shaezschewell, i suspect my HD doesnt support journaling12:49
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Shaezschei read about it on a forum post12:49
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Menawaylandbill, i just updated my edgy how to upgrade to fiesty beta is there a tool , right ? if there what its name ?12:49
Shaezscheits a 120gb samsung notebook HD12:49
Shaezscheseems to work fine for me12:49
ArwenShaezsche, it's not your HD that doesn't support journals, it's your filesystem12:49
Arwenthe journal is just a section of your HDD dedicated to logging12:49
Shaezschearwen i know that, but i heard my HDD doesnt12:49
Shaezscheits possible12:50
Shaezschea strange HD bug12:50
Shaezschenothing to do with software12:50
Arwenwtf? that makes no sense, the journal only has special meaning to the fs, it's just 1s and 0s12:50
Shaezschei dunno man12:50
Shaezschebut i read it12:50
Shaezscheill find you the post12:50
Menaor any one esle :)12:50
waylandbillMena: not yet. you have to change sources to feisty. The upgrade tool is in the works12:50
Daisuke_Idowaylandbill: i'm testing it as we speak12:51
Menawaylandbill, ok Thanks :)12:51
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Daisuke_Idothe download is taking a bit, however...12:51
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wolferinewhere are icons saved?12:51
Shaezschehttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1837696&highlight=samsung#post1837696 scroll down to the post by Roach7ka12:51
ShaezscheArwen you still with me?12:52
waylandbillMena: I've made code changes to it. so I can tell you it's in the works. :)12:52
ArwenShaezsche, yeah, sorry12:52
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waylandbillI have to sleep, so I have to run.12:52
Menawaylandbill, ok :)12:52
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Daisuke_Idoooh, that means i can blame waylandbill if this crashes :)12:53
DominiK83ciao a tutti12:53
Menawaylandbill, the upgrading also in the test right its not sure if it was safe yet ?12:53
ArwenShaezsche, I think he's mistaken :-\12:53
Shaezschewell that might be, but ive read other posts with ppl having acpi problems12:53
compilerwriterktorrent keeps stalling on me.  Is it not playing well with edgy?12:53
Shaezscheand they have my HD12:53
Shaezschei can ONLY use a 386 kernel12:53
Shaezschefor some reason, all others wont speedstep12:53
wolferinewhere are icons saved?12:53
SilentMwolferine: /usr/share/pixmaps ?12:54
Menawolferine, home>>$use$>.kde>icons12:55
Shaezschewhat does this command do "acpi_fake_ecdt=1"12:55
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Menawolferine, if you was taliking abou the ThemeIcons12:56
wolferinei wasnt12:56
wolferineSilentM, got it12:56
Menaok :)12:56
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ozgurgood night12:57
ozgurhelp me please12:57
ozguriyi geceler12:57
VorelAesthyrozgur whats the problem?12:57
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ozgurm wannt listen to amarok mp312:58
ozgurbut wannt codec12:58
MenaThanks People ..Bye12:58
ozgurkubuntu 3.5.212:59
Arwenozgur, install libxine-extracodecs12:59
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Arwenapt-get install <package>12:59
ozguryou give me html adress12:59
Arwen!mp3 > ozgur12:59
Arwen!apt > ozgur12:59
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ozguragain please01:00
ozgur understandt not you01:00
MenaHey plz some see this error    http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11771/01:00
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Daisuke_Idoozgur: what's your native language?01:01
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ozgurtrke bilen yok mu?01:02
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MenaDid some one saw the erorr01:02
Daisuke_Idoozgur: you can try #ubuntu.tr or http://www.ubuntu-tr.com01:03
ozgur see first but close01:04
ozgurdaisuke are you japan?01:05
ozgurdaisuke help me please01:06
Daisuke_Idoyou're welcome.  sorry i couldn't be of more help01:06
Daisuke_Ido!mp3 > Daisuke_Ido01:06
MenaHey plz some see this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11771/01:06
ozgur wannt live my with penguin01:06
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Daisuke_Idoozgur: do you have the universe and multiverse repositories enabled?01:08
ozgurhttp://eg.archive.ubuntu.com edgy-updates/main Sources01:08
ozguryou tell me please how activate?01:08
Daisuke_Idoyou're using kde, right?01:09
Daisuke_Idoubuntu 6.06?01:09
ozgurkde 3.5.201:10
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ozgurthanks daisuke01:11
ozgur wannt see01:12
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familiaalguem br?01:18
Mr_Sonomahow do i play .wmv on linux? i've seen a website about it before but cant remember where i seen it.01:18
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mervteckcan u guys tell me what can unpack RAR files?01:19
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Daisuke_Idomervteck: unrar01:19
familiasudo apt-get install rar01:19
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Daisuke_IdoMr_Sonoma: might want to check out VLC media player01:19
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mervteckE: Package rar has no installation candidate01:20
slylyiasI can't install tor, when I do sudo apt-get install tor I get an error "tor: Depends: tsocks but it is not installable"01:20
slylyiasWhat do I do?01:20
Daisuke_Ido!rar > mervteck01:20
mervteck!info unrar-free01:21
ubotuunrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20060609-1 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 80 kB01:21
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familiaalgum do Brasil testou o beta do kubuntu?01:21
armanany body hav any idea how to install fir fox for kubuntu?01:21
Daisuke_Idok, so you'll have to enable the universe repository01:21
Daisuke_Idoarman: sudo apt-get install firefox01:21
slylyiasHow do I enable the universe repo?01:21
=== guest is now known as Quozl
armanwhe do i get sudo apt-get/01:22
Mr_Sonomasudo apt-get is a command01:22
Mr_Sonomause it in your terminal window01:22
Daisuke_Ido!repositories > slylyias01:22
armanoh ok01:22
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Daisuke_IdoMr_Sonoma: thank you01:22
familiadoes someone here talk portuguese?01:22
Daisuke_IdoMr_Sonoma: VLC help at all?01:22
Mr_Sonomanp..that was one i knew the answer to =)01:23
Daisuke_Idofamilia: #ubuntu-br i think01:23
=== fish__ [n=fish@adsl-84-226-126-197.adslplus.ch] has joined #kubuntu
mervteckok i installed unrar-free but what do i type in when i try to run it or open a rar with it01:23
Daisuke_Idoyeah, there's still a whole lot i don't know01:23
slylyias!info tsocks01:23
ubotutsocks: transparent network access through a SOCKS 4 or 5 proxy. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8beta5-2 (edgy), package size 209 kB, installed size 548 kB01:23
slylyiasOkay, so I do need to enable the universe and that should solve it, right?01:23
Daisuke_Idoshould do, yes01:24
orange1FYI: NEW!! dell drivers are out for wifi01:24
slylyiasthank you01:24
mervteckewwwww dell!01:24
Daisuke_Idomervteck: unrar?01:24
fish__kubuntu feisty beta = beauty <301:24
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Daisuke_Idomervteck: say what you will, their laptops aren't bad01:24
orange1exactly - dell is only good for monitors + lappys01:24
Daisuke_Idofish__: don't rub it in, i'm still waiting for it all to download :D01:24
Mr_Sonomaim reading about the vlc program now.01:24
Mr_Sonomathank you01:25
mervteckonly the XPS's are ok, as well as monitors, desktops they might as well just blow them up in a hole01:25
fish__Daisuke_Ido: aww, hehe. I installed it a few hours ago but only could test it now...it's great, so far01:25
Daisuke_Idoi'm looking at a dell laptop.  my fiancee bought her toshiba (eww) for $1300 a couple years back, i'm thinking i can put together a good laptop for less than a grand :)01:26
orange1also new ndiswrapper version is out today! wow did i pick a good day to reformat cuz of wifi issues...01:26
fish__missing a linuxdcpp deb file, but other than that...awesome :)01:26
Daisuke_Idonever been much for dc++ myself01:27
=== fish__ loves dc++
slylyiasI live on a college campus, DC++ is life.01:27
fish__yeah, it is <301:27
slylyiasfish what campus you from?01:27
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mervteckanyone up for teachin meh some C++? =D01:27
fish__switzerland...st. gallen01:27
mervteckready and willing!01:27
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Daisuke_Idodc++ != c++ :D01:28
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fish__what hub u b using slylyias?01:28
slylyiasmy campus has a hub01:29
fish__oh wow...no k3b 1.0 for feisty?01:29
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slylyiasonly on the intranet01:29
fish__slylyias: I see...hehe, that's pretty cool01:29
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slylyiasIS feisty released now or still beta?01:29
fish__still beta01:29
orange1still alpha?01:29
slylyiasKeeps the RIAA off our backs.01:29
Daisuke_Idojust went beta today01:29
slylyiasah, cool01:29
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Daisuke_Idobut then again, ubuntu beta > MS retail01:30
slylyiasI've still not gotten edgy running right, so not going feisty.01:30
Daisuke_Idobut i didn't officially say that01:30
fish__private hubs and encryption keep the RIAA off your back anyway, no intranet needed01:30
=== esaym [n=user@cpe-72-183-201-32.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
slylyiasI can't access my external hard drive, can use my TV tuner card, can't get tor working to bypass the irc port blockage of my campus....01:30
familiaif I upgrade kubuntu edgy in portuguese to the kubuntu feisty beta, it will still be in portuguese?01:30
Daisuke_Idoi've never had any luck with dc++, i think that's why i've been turned off to it01:30
slylyiasso I'm still working on my comp01:31
fish__linuxdc++ is a *great* dc client...the best for linux (by far!)01:31
orange1can someone explain this?01:31
Daisuke_Idoi have never gotten a single file to download, even with sharing 100gb+01:31
fish__1.0 should be out soon01:31
fish__only the translations are missing...01:31
orange1orange@FruitBowl:~$ sudo echo blacklist bcm43xx >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist01:31
orange1bash: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist: Permission denied01:31
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armanhey im trying to install macromedia for kubuntu01:31
armanand this is what it is saying01:31
armanNOTE: Please ask your administrator to remove the xpti.dat from the01:31
arman      components directory of the Mozilla or Netscape browser.01:31
armanchmod: cannot access `/home/arman/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so': No such file or directory01:31
enoteeif i'm going to set a dual boot with  XP wich os should i load first01:32
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ConstyXIVcan you have the little tooltips on the taskbar show previews of the windows?01:33
fish__bedtime, nite guys. great beta, thanks! zzZzzZzzZzzz....01:34
Daisuke_IdoConstyXIV: with plain old kde, no.  beryl can, though01:34
familiais there a brazilian ubuntu irc?01:34
Daisuke_Ido!br | familia01:35
ubotufamilia: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.01:35
Daisuke_Idothere we go01:35
ConstyXIVDaisuke_Ido: wonderful.  me without my opengl-less gfxchip.  opera can do it though01:35
ConstyXIVwith tabs that is01:35
Daisuke_Idoi don't think it's that kde *can't* do it, just that it doesn't01:35
=== addison [n=addison@c-24-127-53-33.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
familiaObrigado, ubotu!01:36
AloneaOk, gonna try one more time to fix this before reformatting system. Adept uninstalled my fglrx and now I can't get it to reinstally my video card. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11592/  Even Envy gets same error. and I DO have all those packages.01:36
=== user_ [n=user@CPE0013464605fb-CM0013718a4dbc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
user_hey all qucik question, i have a pc which i am abt to install kubuntu on, but it is a dual core chip.  to take advantage of this chip, is there an alternate installation cd i should be using?  ie 6401:37
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Aloneauser_: there IS a 64bit version, but I didn't care for it myself...01:38
user_see that 64bit version, is that only for AMD based???01:38
armandoes anyone know how to install macromedia flash for kubuntu?01:39
user_becasue i would like to take advantage of 64bit computing, so wondering in advance01:39
Aloneauser_: not sure. I guess. most people with 64 have amd64...i guess you could try it if you wanted, but I think you will be better off with regular01:39
user_but regular wont utilize the chip, will it?01:39
smozei have dual core and i installed regular... works fine01:39
Daisuke_Idothere's no pressing reason to use the 64 bit distro unless you have >4gb ram01:39
Daisuke_Idoit will use both cores, yes01:40
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wdqguys, my mouse isn't working01:40
Aloneauser_: yeah, it will do that, but if you want 64bit video stuff....*shudder*01:40
wdqmy mouse suddenly ceased working, anyway to get it to work short of rebooting?01:41
user_4gb of ram!?  no way...... crap.  and im on another dual core pc right now, and yah its the normal distro and works fine, but i worry abt multitasking01:41
wdquser_: 64bit and dual core are two different things01:42
user_thats why on the other pc i wanted to try it out on 64bit01:42
wdq64 is increase cpu command length01:42
user_erm...... say waht now?  seriously?01:42
=== orange1 [n=Orange1@pool-71-246-103-219.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
Daisuke_Idouser_: there's no real compelling reason (YET) to use the 64 bit version.  plus, there's no flash, no wine, and a few other problems01:42
wdqya because there are 64 bit as opposed to 32 bit more memory can be accessed01:43
user_iccc.... so wait on 32 bit mode it fully utilizes the dual core?01:43
wdq32 bit commands*01:43
wdq64 bit and dual core have nothing to do with each other01:43
user_oooo.... crap, i didnt know that01:43
wdqexcept any processor which is dual core likely also has a 64 bit architecture built in01:43
user_dang....  well thatnks all for straightening that one out01:44
user_ic ic01:44
wdqyou can still give 64 bit a try01:44
user_ok thats where the confusion is01:44
wdqsupposedly is much faster01:44
slylyiasI am using the 64 bit because I didn't hear this conversation before. :(01:44
wdqalthough getting some things to work is a hassle01:44
user_meh, as long as the dual core is utilized in 32 bit i, thats all that matters01:44
slylyiasAlready installed 64 bit and can't get stuff working yet.01:44
Daisuke_Idowdq: like i said, flash, wine, etc.01:44
BluesKajI mistakenly ended up with a list of vob files when trying to copy a dvd...now I have what looks lie vob file for every frame that as copied before i realized my mistake ...now my /home/username file is full of empty .vob files . Can I remove these files with a commands in the terminal instead doing thousands of mouse clicks to delete them ?01:45
wdqUT2k4 has a linux native 64 bit version01:45
Daisuke_IdoBluesKaj: rm *.vob01:45
slylyiasbluesKAj: rm *.vob01:45
bet4how do i open several bookmarks in tabs at once?01:45
slylyiasHey, it's rare I know an answer in here Daisuke_Ido01:45
bet4in konqi01:45
Daisuke_Idoit's okay01:46
slylyiasThat one I could handle. :)01:46
wdqmy mouse suddenly ceased working, anyway to get it to work short of rebooting?01:46
user_ok sounds good, im just going to go ahead with the normal alternate cd and set up a dual boot.  thanks everyone for the feeback01:46
wdqI'm just lucky I had this window open01:46
Daisuke_Idowdq: give it cheese, that always works for mine.01:46
BluesKajDaisuke_Ido  , bash: /bin/rm: Argument list too long01:46
wdqI have yakuake open01:46
wdqwhat would be the command to restart mouse drivers or something?01:47
Daisuke_Idoi can always tell when my mouse stops working because the network dies.  gotta keep the router running somehow, and i'm cheap.01:47
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Daisuke_Idoyou could always ctrl-alt-backspace to restart kdm, that's about the only thing i can think of01:47
Daisuke_Idoquicker tan rebooting at least01:47
wdqprolly what I'll do01:47
BluesKajslylyias , well I'm afraid to disappoint you .. bash: /bin/rm: Argument list too long :(01:48
Daisuke_IdoBluesKaj: open konqueror and do it the windows way.  change the view to detailed list and click on the first, shift-click the last and shift-delete01:48
slylyiasBlueKaj: rm *.vob01:48
Daisuke_Idoi hate recommending someone do that, but it's a possibility01:48
Daisuke_Idoslylyias: it didn't work01:48
slylyiasif you're getting that and getting an argument list too long, you had a space in there, or you've aliased rm to something else01:49
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slylyiasI need an IRC client that supports proxies, which should I us Daisuke_Ido?01:50
BluesKajno I didn't alias rm to do anything else01:50
slylyiasuse even01:50
smozespeaking of removing files... how do i remove a file wich has invalid name?01:50
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Daisuke_Idoslylyias: kvirc or xchat?01:51
slylyiasThansk, just installed kvirc anyhow01:51
slylyiasso that will work01:51
Daisuke_Idoawww yeah.  download done, upgrading now :D01:51
=== Silveira_Neto [n=silveira@201008249176.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu
bet4does anyone using mldonkey in here or kdmldonkey for that matter?01:52
SuNAm I correct in assuming 6.10 is the preferred version for a relatively stable desktop?01:52
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Daisuke_Idoif you want rock solid stability, there's 6.0601:53
Daisuke_Ido6.10 gets newer stuff, but still really stable01:53
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orange1i wouldnt say 'really stable'01:53
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Daisuke_Idorelatively stable01:53
Daisuke_Idocompared to windows :D01:53
SuNHeh, what kind of issues am I looking at?01:53
Daisuke_Idopersonally i haven't run into any01:54
Daisuke_Idobut i know people have issues with torrent clients01:54
epimethis there a jigdo download for feisty beta?01:54
firephotoSuN: how stable are you looking for?01:54
Daisuke_Idoother miscellaneous problems that i'm not sure about01:54
SuNHm, well this is going to be a business desktop.01:54
Daisuke_Idono question01:54
Daisuke_Idolong term support01:54
orange1im going to test the stability of edgy right now - reboot should take 41-43 seconds -- but i installed wifi drivers and its time to watch it take 3-4 minutes01:54
=== belen [n=belen@124.Red-213-4-19.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
pyrotixyou wwant dapper01:55
bet4Daisuke_Ido: was that a joke towards my direction or is it really a common problem  that bittorrent doenst work?01:55
SuNAlright then... but am I not going to run into outdated stuff?01:55
bet4im just curious01:55
pyrotixSuN: personally I've found gnome more stable than kde01:55
firephotoSuN: it still depends on what you're doing with it. yes, you'll be a bit outdate with stuff.01:55
Daisuke_Idobet4: yours isn't the first time i've heard that01:56
Daisuke_Idonot joking01:56
SuNWell I'll be running a fairly limited set of applications, I guess.01:56
bet4as i really seem to have problems running any torrent-client aside from azureus01:56
=== reagleBRKLN [n=reagleBR@cpe-74-65-195-139.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Daisuke_Idoa bit outdated, but still well ahead of debian stable :)01:56
bet4Daisuke_Ido: oh ok, interesting01:56
reagleBRKLNhaving trouble with my samba configs working in feisty beta...01:56
firephotokonqueror has improved quite a bit in the last year.01:56
SuNFirefox or Opera, Crossover office with MS Office, kpdf and Thunderbird, that's about it (I realize that's a lot of GTK apps)01:56
bet4a general question is 1 GB not really enough for kde in the default configuration kubuntu installs?01:57
SuNI run KDE on Slamd64 on this desktop and it does not ever crash on me, should I expect that from either Dapper or Edgy?01:57
Daisuke_Idobet4: no, not really, not if you want room to expand01:57
Daisuke_IdoSuN: more likely with dapper than edgy01:58
Daisuke_Idothe only times i've had kde issues were when playing around with beryl01:58
SuNI guess there aren't any statistics? ;)01:58
=== orange1 [n=Orange1@pool-71-246-103-219.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
bet4Daisuke_Ido: bummer....i need to turn of some the eye candy...hope that helps01:58
compilerwriterbet4 I am having troubles with torrent as well.01:58
ConstyXIVSuN: the only gtk you mentioned are firefox and thinderbird01:58
Daisuke_Idobet4: wait01:58
bet4its slow too often01:58
Daisuke_Idohdd space or ram?01:58
SuNThat's half of them :)01:58
bet4compilerwriter: wow thats great! ;)01:59
AloneaOk, gonna try one more time to fix this before reformatting system. Adept uninstalled my fglrx and now I can't get it to reinstally my video card. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11592/  Even Envy gets same error. and I DO have all those packages.01:59
SuNCrossover too if you count static apps.01:59
orange11m42s to boot -- why Daisuke_Ido, o why...01:59
Daisuke_Idobet4: if you're talking about ram, i have 1gb and use beryl with no slowdown at all01:59
ConstyXIVcrossover uses win3201:59
bet4compilerwriter:  not really though...but at least its not me being braindead again (this time at least) ;)01:59
compilerwriterbet4 not at all great, but at least you know you probably didn't do it.01:59
SuNIf I install Dapper, is it possible to seamlesly update it to Edgy or another stable release if I choose to do so?01:59
SuNseamlessly even02:00
firephotoSuN: should be ok.02:00
=== Vorel4esthyr is now known as VorelAesthyr
SuNAlright, I guess I'll go with Dapper first then.02:00
bet4compilerwriter: yup thats what i meant ;) hope you get it fixed...did you try azureus...i dont like it a bit...but its the only one working so far here02:00
firephotoSuN: i'd start with edgy unless you're needing long term support.02:00
Daisuke_Idofirephoto: this is for a business desktop, so stability > newness02:00
orange1alot of wires get crossed in the background... why not just try dapper -- then format again for edgy02:00
firephotoedgy is better, just no lts tag.02:00
compilerwriterbet4 does it have a gui?02:01
armanhey im a first time user how shud i play my media files on kubuntu?02:01
bet4Daisuke_Ido: hm, its really slow for me sometimes 2.4 GH z PIV and 1 GB ram....maybe turning the settings down a bit will help02:01
ConstyXIVarman: amarok and kaffiene02:01
firephotoarman: video, kaffeine is the default.  audio goes to amarok.02:01
compilerwriterbet4 I have sent apt to get it azureus.02:01
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armanbut it says some file missing02:01
ConstyXIVarman: amarok == music manager, kaffiene is video02:01
=== firephoto still likes kmplayer better for video though.
ConstyXIVarman: oh02:02
Daisuke_Idovlc for video :D02:02
ConstyXIV!restrictedformats | arman02:02
ubotuarman: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:02
orange1beryl is really fast for me since the format... c2d 2.16ghz / 2gb ddr2 667mhz02:02
pyrotixI hate kaffeine02:02
bet4compiler: the biggest bloated one you could imagine...its java....it needs too much ressources and it comes with a billion of features nobody probably really ever needs02:02
bet4hm, ktorrent was neat02:02
armani want to play mp3 formats02:02
SuNHm, with the risk of wanting to be bleeding edge on a business desktop... is the amd64 version multilib? :)02:02
armanbut it says it doesnt work02:02
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pyrotixktorrent ftw02:02
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ConstyXIVarman: install libxine-extracodecs02:02
armanwher do i find that?02:03
pyrotixadept/synaptic/ apt-get02:03
ConstyXIVarman: sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs, or find it in adept if you want02:03
=== anderson [n=anderson@201-69-62-58.dial-up.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu
ConstyXIVarman: first one is done in the Konsole02:03
firephotoSuN: I wouldn't even bother with amd64 unless you need the performance from building or encoding stuff. multimedia isn't so smooth there if you need that.02:03
armanthank you :)02:03
ConstyXIVno problem02:04
compilerwriterbet4 what is the command line to fire it up.  I am doing X over ssh from the inlaws house.02:04
SuNWell it's a business desktop, so that's not really an issue. It's just that I'd be needing a 32bit browser so I can have Flash.02:04
SuNOr experiment with 64bit firefox and that 32bit plugin interface, but that sounds risky.02:05
armanconstyXIV> i try to play it on amarok but it just plays and in one second it says playlist finsihed02:05
firephotostick with the i386 version. you won't notice a difference for normal use.02:05
SuNAlright, I guess I'll do that.02:05
bet4compilerwriter: im a complete noob...but i think a simple "azureus" will do02:06
bet4compilerwriter: it does for me02:06
ConstyXIVarman: have you restarted amarok after installing that?02:06
SuNThanks for the input!02:06
ConstyXIVi use mldonkey for torrents, since it runs as a daemon02:06
armanyes i have02:07
compilerwritergood Lord it does hog resources02:07
bet4ConstyXIV: i tried that too...having a client for all networks sounds tempting..and it didnt seem bloated in the klmdonkey version...but unfortunately it didnt connect as well02:07
bet4compilerwriter: yes its a complet epile of rubbish imho02:08
ConstyXIVarman: go to help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats, and follow those instructions02:08
compilerwriterIt appears to be a complete epile of excrement.02:08
tuxligono, use ktorrent for torrent02:08
armanthank u02:08
ConstyXIVpersonally, i think azureus is utter crap02:09
firephotoit does work good though02:09
=== jay [n=jay@S0106000c4189ed4b.lb.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
bet4ConstyXIV: what did you put in as location for mlnet if i might ask...maybe i messed that up?02:09
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ConstyXIVbet4: ?02:09
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bet4ConstyXIV: in mldonkey i mean...or dont you use a gui?02:09
firephotolatest ktorrent seems to be working ok again too, had some issues for a few versions.02:09
ConstyXIVbet4: oh, do you mean the core?02:10
armanthank you everyone bye02:10
MenaCan Some one see this error plz http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/117702:10
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bet4ConstyXIV: yes02:10
SuNHelaas, de door U gevraagde pagina kon niet worden gevonden.02:10
ConstyXIVbet4: i'll either use the web interface (pretty decent actually) at http://localhost:4080, or use the kmldonkey, connecting to localhost02:11
firephotoMena: bad url ?02:11
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Menafirephoto , i dont know this is my source lst ..sc plz02:11
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ConstyXIVbet4: if you want, ill just put my config for kmldonkey in the pastebin02:12
firephotoMena: no, that pastebin url doesn't work...02:12
Menaohhh okay02:12
Menasec plz02:12
bet4ConstyXIV: hm i put in /home/beta/.mldonkey/ and /usr/bin/mlnet as a path to mlnet..putting a hostname in there sounds weird to me?02:13
bet4but ill give it a go02:13
bet4ConstyXIV: if you dont mind.. it cant hurt i guess02:13
bet4i would like to test this program as im using soulseek from time to time02:13
ConstyXIVbet4: the hostname is what you want, it's designed to be remote-able02:13
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ConstyXIVbet4: actually, i have no clue where the config is02:15
ConstyXIVjust follow the wizard, or run mlnet and load up the webui02:16
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Daisuke_Idopray for me02:16
SkullerForgeAus: you there man??02:16
ConstyXIVDaisuke_Ido: May You be Touched by His Noodly Appendage.  RAmen :)02:17
SkullerForgeAus: i need some serious help!!!02:17
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Menafirephoto, Hey this is my source list and the error i get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11785/02:18
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firephotoMena: i think it's a problem with your firewall maybe, or a proxy. doesn't seem to just happen on the ubuntu repos.02:21
Menai dont use proxy or even use a firewall prog02:22
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firephotomight just be the servers stressing under the beta load. you could try another mirror besides 'eg' maybe.02:22
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Menai dont but if it was bec of strees i will wait02:23
Menai dont know*02:24
firephotohttp://eg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/multiverse/source/Sources.gz shows up here as a gz file.02:24
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firephotoMena: i think you get the error because it downloads as html. seems to be what happens to others when i searched for that error.02:25
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Menaokay so02:25
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koflerWhat could this possibly mean? http://phpfi.com/21885602:27
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firephotokofler: is that bluetooth logs or something?02:27
koflerfirephoto: As it clearly says in the description, "When I called ssh -vvv user@server and got the following. What could possibly be wrong?"02:28
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firephotokofler: ahh, missed the part in the blue header. .. nevermind then.02:29
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Aloneamy friend is building his own computer and was wondering if most video cards work with linux? he was thinking an nvidia geforce 7950 gt.02:34
posingaspopularAlonea, google linux compatablity list02:35
posingaspopularyou'll find a site that help out with that02:35
posingaspopulari forgot the url02:36
JisaoIs that the proper command to copy drive A on drive B:  sudo dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb ?02:36
Aloneaposingaspopular: http://www.linuxcompatible.org/ ?02:36
posingaspopularsounds about right02:36
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jmichaelxAlonea: you should have no problems with annything from nvidia02:38
intelikeywell i think i did it.    anyone want to test a script that could potentally hose your whole box ?   heh02:38
intelikeyrequires a free partition.02:39
Aloneajmichaelx: alright. shall tell him02:39
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intelikeydidn't much figure i would get more than 40 or 50 violenteers in here  hehhe02:40
Menafirephoto, thanks :)02:40
soulrider_intelikey: volunteers for what ?02:40
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intelikeytesting my "migrate.sh" script02:41
soulrider_i see02:41
soulrider_yeah i just scrolled up :P02:41
soulrider_if i had a free partition i would totally help you02:41
intelikeythat's either very brave or very false    lol02:41
soulrider_i wouldnt lie to you02:42
soulrider_i really dont care about forking up my PC02:42
soulrider_unless i screw up hardware02:42
soulrider_software, its all good, it doesnt cost me any money02:42
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intelikeyi don't see any way it could break anything but it sure could leave you booting a live CD and reinstalling.    i tried to make sure it wouldn't "IF" the correct answers to the questions it ask are given....02:43
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Arwenanyone here?02:44
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)02:44
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages02:44
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intelikeyArwen wb.02:44
Arwenintelikey, hello02:44
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Daisuke_Idofeisty is, so far, not my friend02:44
Jisaowhat's your script, intelikey02:45
Arwenso, has anyone here used feisty?02:45
betaConstyXIV: when using mldonkey webinterface what should mldonkey do after you put an utl in the download section?02:45
intelikeyJisao have a look.02:45
Daisuke_IdoArwen: yeah, using it now, and had to drop back to nv02:46
Daisuke_Idogoing to see if i can install the proprietary driver and make this work02:46
ArwenDaisuke_Ido, hmm, so you would say that you do not recommend upgrading now?02:46
Daisuke_Idoi won't say that, but the upgrade tool crashed on me02:47
Daisuke_Idogoing from a cd would probably be better02:47
intelikeyJisao i was asked one day to write a script to facelitate the easy migration from one partition to another without having to reinstall.   that's my attempt.   i finnally got to it.02:47
Jisaoi see02:47
Arwenintelikey, oh? um, wouldn't that just be cp -R /mnt/part1/* /mnt/part2 && grub-install part2 ?02:48
firephotoArwen: feisty is fine here, probably depends on your setup though.02:48
Arwenfirephoto, hmm, I've a 2 year old Dell with ATI video and Intel P4 CPU02:48
intelikeyArwen if you boot something besides the system you want to migrate.02:48
Arwenfirephoto, not too unique, what do ya think?02:48
intelikeyArwen and you setup the fstab and boot loader by hand...02:49
firephotoexcept for the ati video you should be good. no idea on what makes ati tick. heh02:49
Arwenintelikey, ah - um, still, this sounds like something that would be remarkably smarter to do manually02:49
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Arwenfirephoto, yeah, I just use xorg's drivers. I had a bad experience with fglrx (they finally support GL_texture_from_pixmap, but not composite, wtf?)02:49
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firephotoArwen: i've seen some fixes go in xorg for ati so you're probably fine.02:50
intelikeyArwen oh and i hope you meant -a not -R  ^02:50
Arwenintelikey, hmm02:50
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soulrider_intelikey: what is it that you doe xactly in Ubuntu?02:51
Arwenfirephoto, so, you notice anything great in the world of feisty?02:51
soulrider_i would like to gte involved more02:51
soulrider_since i <3 ubuntu :D02:51
Arwenintelikey, ^^02:51
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intelikeysoulrider_ soulrider_ there is a page dedicated to that question on the site.02:52
soulrider_intelikey:  link? =P02:52
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firephotoArwen: it works great with my G965 system. so that's almost 100% better than edgy. heh02:52
voidmageAny way to fill out pdf forms in kpdf?02:52
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ubotuTo contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate02:53
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soulrider_thanks intelikey02:53
Daisuke_Idolooks like nvidia's site doesn't like me very much02:53
soulrider_im gonna go ahve dinner now, bbl02:53
=== Arwen can't program and can't draw, so participating is outta the question :-\
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ArwenDaisuke_Ido, HAHA02:53
Daisuke_Idoi'll get this driver eventualy02:53
nomad111how do i set up samba to share a folder02:53
nomad111its mind boggling02:54
Daisuke_Idoawww yeah02:54
Jisaoyou launch your script from a liveCD?02:54
ArwenDaisuke_Ido, HAHA, I could upload it to you faster than that02:54
enoteeis there a kubuntu server?02:54
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Arwennomad111, uh, I assume kubuntu has some kind of share control panel?02:54
Daisuke_IdoArwen: that's what i mean, it's nuts02:54
nomad111my brother is using windows on the other computer and im in kubuntu and i want to share a folder02:54
intelikeyJisao me ?   no the running system.02:54
Arwenenotee, why the hell would you want kde on a server?02:54
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Arwennomad111, there's a ton of samba guides on ubuntuforums02:54
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intelikeyJisao it's not suited to the liveCD really.02:55
voidmageAny way to fill out pdf forms in kpdf?02:55
JisaoJust asking, because I am not very familiar with this kind of testing, that's why I am asking how you run it.02:55
nomad111Arwen: i cant get it to share dammit02:55
Arwenintelikey, wait, you suggest migrating your system while still online? that sounds remarkably stupid02:56
nomad111Arwen: can u point me to a guide02:56
nomad111Arwen: its driving me nuts02:56
intelikeyArwen thank you.02:56
Arwennomad111, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20260502:56
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Arwennomad111, sometimes routers don't come with dns servers, so you might wanna attach a hostsfile listing for your box02:57
Arwenintelikey, well, still, wouldn't you wanna do that while your system isn't running?02:57
Arwensounds safer02:57
intelikeyArwen well i don't think so...  maybe you know something i don't.        i do realize that /var/tmp can change in the middle of things  but that really shouldn't cause a problem after reboot....   do you want to look at the script ?02:58
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nomad111Arwen: how do i find my workgroup name in kubuntu03:00
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SkullerForgeAus: you there man?..i need some help03:02
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ErtainHello everyone.  Does anyone use kxdocker with Beryl?03:02
calcmandanRunning 6.06.1. Attempted to setup wireless so that it would activate the connection at boot. Had been using wlassistant and went into System Settings -> Network Settings -> and setup ra0 to activate during boot. Now, it won't load beyond network configuration during boot., I'm on the machine now using a live disc. Any advice?03:02
Skullerhello can anyone recomment me an 'objectdock/rocketdock' kinda thing?03:03
AgnosticBeryl are using heavily the system resources in "real life"?03:06
wolferinenomad111, so you can change it?03:06
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:Skuller] : Kubuntu Support Channel | Beta! http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.04-beta.php | Test edgy->feisty upgrade https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDistUpgrade | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuEdgyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes go here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 'Powered By' Logo images (.svg) at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PoweredBy and http:/
=== anderson [n=anderson@201-69-62-58.dial-up.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:Skuller] : Kubuntu Support Channel | Beta! http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.04-beta.php | Test edgy->feisty upgrade https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDistUpgrade | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuEdgyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes go here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 'Powered By' Logo images (.svg) at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PoweredBy
=== Daisuke_Ido [n=sierra-x@pool-71-97-155-28.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
calcmandanRunning 6.06.1. Attempted to setup wireless so that it would activate the connection at boot. Had been using wlassistant and went into System Settings -> Network Settings -> and setup ra0 to activate during boot. Now, it won't load beyond network configuration during boot., I'm on the machine now using a live disc. Any advice?03:10
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Daisuke_Idookiedokie, got the nvidia driver reinstalled03:10
Daisuke_Idoberyl seems to be working properly03:10
Skullerrecommendation for a mac like dock please03:10
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Daisuke_Idoand you know, i don't see much difference between this and edgy.03:10
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calcmandandamn, got booted03:11
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soulrider_yay! i just filed my first bug report03:18
soulrider_hi ebovine_03:18
soulrider_Skuller: kiba dock ?03:18
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soulrider_Skuller: i also remember seing some in kde-look.org03:19
Skullersoulrider_: thanks...i'll try that03:19
soulrider_Skuller: you need compositioning enabled for kiba dock03:19
Skullersoulrider_: and what would that be03:19
soulrider_like beryl and stuff :P03:19
Skullersoulrider_: oh...i have beryl isntalled03:20
Skullerbut not enables03:20
soulrider_i se03:20
Skullerdo i need to have beryl running to run the dock?03:20
AbortDwould it be hard to run gaim in kde/?03:21
soulrider_im not sure if it will work or not, i really havnt used it03:21
SkullerAbortD: no03:21
soulrider_AbortD: i used to03:21
AbortDi cant frikkin stand kopete03:21
soulrider_just sudo apt-get it and thats it03:21
SkullerAbortD: whats wrong with it?03:21
AbortDits trashy03:21
soulrider_in what way ?03:21
Skullerhmmm....'trashy'...i wondeer03:21
soulrider_i like it, but i prefer GAIM03:22
soulrider_it was crashing sometimes though03:22
AbortDi want something that justs lets me connect and doesnt have 1 million features03:22
soulrider_if they sent me some custom emoticons03:22
RomexiosHow to give my self PERMISSION to run things in the BACKGROUND?03:23
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intelikeypermission to run in the background ?       command &03:24
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LjLit's not something you need to have permission for03:26
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intelikeynohup is also usefull03:26
intelikeyi'll get enough l's after while.03:27
saxhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11798/ I'm trying to install cinelerra, I get this error after I configure and try to make03:27
saxany ideas?03:27
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riukennecesito ayuda03:28
riukeni need some help03:28
riukencan anybody helpme?03:28
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Skuller!ask | riuken03:28
uboturiuken: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:29
Athensmancan anyone here help me install xubuntu03:29
saxsudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop    --it works for kubuntu03:29
riukeni cant connect to kopete03:29
riukeni dont know what to do03:29
Skullerriuken: tried any other IM?03:30
intelikeysax line 4 is pebcak but the error is in the configure  not something you did.    (unless you wrote or monkeyed with ./configure)03:30
AbortDriuken: to fix that do sudo apt-get gaim03:30
Skullerriuken: which protocol?03:30
Athensmancan anyone here help me install xubuntu03:30
sax...I know.  I just did ./configure.  I realize ./make is pebkac...03:30
SkullerAbortD: that is not 'fixing' the problem03:30
saxintelikey: Any ideas about how to fix that?  There is no make file...03:30
AbortDit helps though!03:30
firephotoriuken: what protocol are you trying to connect with?03:30
Skullerriuken: GAIM is another soft like Kopete03:31
riukenim not sure...03:31
saxintelikey:  Does it need to be in a certain directory?03:31
riukenhow i can see what protocol?03:31
Skullerriuken: are you trying to connect to msn messenger, yahoo, icq, irc?03:31
intelikeysax no.    and for the record that's what ./configure files do.. they write Makefile 's03:31
firephotoriuken: msn, yahoo, aim? you set it in the preferences. for each account.03:31
Skullerriuken: which one them?03:31
AbortDwhich one :P03:31
Skullerriuken: got your UN and PW correct?03:32
saxintelikey: haha... okay.  thanks03:32
Athensman xubuntu will not install it goes to all black screen03:32
intelikeysax the configure is hosed.  it says ok. i wrote a Makefile  but there isn't one.03:32
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saxintelikey:  thanks, I'll try this other configure file in there...03:32
saxthere's a few03:32
saxin cinelerra03:32
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riukenwhats an un? and pw?03:33
firephotoriuken: settings, configure, accounts03:33
intelikeysax best to look for an INSTALL or a README and see what the builder says03:33
firephotoriuken: either modify the msn account, or make New MSN account.03:33
intelikeysax or even an   install.sh script03:33
Athensman xubuntu will not install it goes to all black screen03:33
intelikeyin the root dir of the source of course.03:33
wolferineI just ran e2fsck on my file system, but before I get into that, is there an issue of copying files between reiser f/s and ext3?03:34
intelikeythe source is source of course of course....03:34
calcmandanRunning 6.06.1. Attempted to setup wireless so that it would activate the connection at boot. Had been using wlassistant and went into System Settings -> Network Settings -> and setup ra0 to activate during boot. Now, it won't load beyond network configuration during boot., I'm on the machine now using a live disc. Any advice?03:35
riukenfirephoto i try modifying the msn account but nothings happened03:35
Skullerriuken: username and password03:36
saxoooh one other error: don't have openGL 2.003:36
saxI'll install that03:36
firephotoriuken: once your settings there are good, say ok, ok, then click the msn icon on the bottom of the kopete window.03:36
riukenare correct theres no error on username and password...03:36
riukenand then03:36
firephotoriuken: online.. online..03:37
AbortDhow can i enter my ntfs file system?03:37
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Skullerriuken: u may also want to /join #kopete03:37
firephotoor online.. no message.  (i don't have msn anymore)03:37
intelikey!ntfs | AbortD03:37
ubotuAbortD: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse03:37
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RomexiosHow to see a list of running softwares from CONSOLE so i know what to kill? and how do i kill something running?03:37
betacould somone help me with my java install on edgy?03:37
AbortDthanks intelikey03:37
riukenim not online03:37
intelikeyRomexios ps aux03:38
Romexiosintelikey: Thanks03:38
intelikeyriuken me neither...03:38
wolferinebeta consult the ubuntu manual (find it with google)03:38
intelikeywelcome welcome welcome03:38
intelikey!java | beta03:38
ubotubeta: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.03:38
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riukenis there another porgram... like kpete that i can download and install03:39
Romexiosintelikey: ./eggdrop Amore is running.. How do i kill it?03:39
betawell thats not the problem03:39
intelikeyRomexios killall eggdrop03:39
Romexiosintelikey: Thanks03:39
intelikeyRomexios if it's not your process    sudo killall eggdrop03:39
Skullerriuken: GAIM03:39
betai did look into the manuals...the problem is i dont know if i still have to setup sun as the main java handling application like in dapper and down03:39
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betait doesnt say anywhere i have to on edgy03:40
Skuller!gaim | riuken - sudo apt-get install gaim03:40
uboturiuken - sudo apt-get install gaim: Instant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.03:40
betabut i suppose i still have to?03:40
AbortDits telling me no usablle windows partition found....03:40
AbortDi know its there03:40
intelikeybeta i think    sudo update-alternatives java03:40
AbortDthe partition starts at 67,000 megabytes03:40
intelikeyerrr -config java   ^03:40
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betaanother strange thing is that java did work to launch .jar files...no it gives me errors...and i didnt change antyhing03:41
betaintelikey: you think or are you sure?03:41
intelikeyi normally try to say what i mean.03:41
riukendoes anyone know how to put a linux system on an ipod????03:42
AbortDthat is possible?03:42
intelikeyi don't do java flash or windows.03:42
=== austerity [n=austerit@c-71-193-91-48.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Skulleri dint know that was possible03:42
intelikeyriuken there should be docs on the net.  it's been done many times.03:42
AbortDi've heard of a xbox or a wii but never a ipod03:42
betaintelikey: ok that didnt work03:43
betahm,, so where am i supposed to find it out?03:43
riukeni know but i cant find for a 5Generation ipod... winpod03:43
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intelikeybeta you did    sudo update-alternatives -config java   ?     let me check.03:43
calcmandanIs there a config file where the setting to enable the wireless card during boot exists?03:43
calcmandan#join wireless03:44
ebotvinecalcmandan: Error: You don't have the admin capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.03:44
betaintelikey: no just java you dindt gave me the configure first...wait03:44
intelikeyah two dashes    --config03:44
intelikeytry with    --config03:44
betaintelikey:  another question...when i try to launch .java files the error says it cant launch certain libgjc components?03:45
intelikeybeta i corrected my self   ^  up there but you missed it i guess.03:45
intelikeyi don't know anything about that.03:45
betaintelikey: no got it thx03:45
saxI got it@03:46
betaintelikey: does this mean it indeed still trys to use the default gjc java? im a noob i just want to make sure03:46
intelikeysax was there a script ?03:46
betathis is so weird since it did work with sun without any complaints and i didnt make any changes since to my knowledge03:47
riukeni still cant connect to my kopete03:47
intelikeybeta i really don't know.   you chould be able to do something like   java --version   and see03:47
riukenand theres an error with the gaim03:47
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betaah right damnit i forgot about that03:47
betaok its not sun03:47
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intelikeyman update-alternatives      <<< beta03:48
warewolf_Any reason clicking "full upgrade" in adept isn't doing anything? Do I have to click apply changes afterwords?03:48
firephotowarewolf_: yes03:48
intelikeyyou always have to apply any changes.03:49
firephotowarewolf_: or preview first.03:49
warewolf_firephoto: so since I've been upgrading every few days, I guess only haveing 38 packages to upgrade is normal?03:49
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betaintelikey:  perfect it works...and so much easier then on dapper since it was done by script03:49
firephotowarewolf_: sounds normal for feisty.03:49
intelikeybeta the script is there on dapper... you just didn't know about it.03:50
betathx, inteli....i just wonder why no manual mentioned the ionstructions for the latest stable relase....i really do03:50
warewolf_firephoto: Cool, thank you03:50
betaintelikey:  ok :)03:50
calcmandanIs there a file that stores network interface settings that I can access in recovery so I can boot my system properly? It hangs halfway through bootup when configuring networking.03:50
calcmandanI set ra0 to activate when the computer starts and it won't go beyond that point. I'm running a live disc right now.03:51
intelikeycalcmandan /etc/network/interfaces  ?03:51
intelikeycalcmandan i'll check the name...03:51
calcmandanintelikey: thx03:51
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intelikeyyeah that's it.03:51
jeanmasshi all03:51
jeanmasshow are you today?03:52
intelikeywell and you ?03:52
jeanmassme too03:52
jeanmassi fixed my pc!!03:52
intelikeygood on ya.03:52
jeanmassand today i am doing an assignment for uni03:52
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jeanmassi need to copy tables from yahoo! finance03:52
makuseruwhat is a good program to RIP cd's to .ogg files?03:52
jeanmassbut when i paste them in OOword03:53
jeanmassthey do not appear as tables03:53
jeanmassbut as text03:53
intelikeymakuseru cdparanoia   audacity  ....    but vorbis-utils needs to be installed i think03:53
Daisuke_Idoas much as i dislike novell, their pc/mac/linux ad campaign is subtly brilliant03:53
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jeanmassi ve managed to copy and ppaste tables twice03:53
firephotomakuseru: kaudiocreator works good for me.03:53
Daisuke_Idoi wouldn't recommend audacity to my worst enemy03:53
jeanmassbut i can not do it anymore03:54
makuseruDaisuke_Ido: me either03:54
jeanmassand i dont want to use msword..03:54
Daisuke_Idonot for ripping cds to ogg03:54
intelikeyDaisuke_Ido special reason ?03:54
makuserunot for anything period03:54
calcmandanintelikey: This is the contents of that file: http://pastebin.ca/40754303:54
jeanmassis there an openoffice chat?03:54
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calcmandanintelikey: do i change 'auto ath0' to something else?03:55
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calcmandanintelikey: or should i comment out that line?03:55
laptop"Firefox is already running, but is not responding" ??????03:55
intelikeycalcmandan now you are asking questions that i can't answer.   i know where the file is...   told you that much but that's the full extent of my knowledge on that issue.03:56
calcmandanintelikey: well you've been a great help so far. Thank you. :)03:56
calcmandanintelikey: i will reboot with the line commented out and see what happens. :)03:56
calcmandanintelikey: after, of course, i back the file up.03:56
intelikeyluck wif' it03:57
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laptop"Firefox is already running, but is not responding" ??????03:57
MinatakuKill it03:57
intelikeykillall firefox03:57
Minatakukill `pidof firefox-bin`03:58
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crackhead_25question: in people's opinions here, what is the best ssh client program to use from a remote machine logging into the ssh server on the home machine?03:58
intelikeyor mozilla-firefox  or what ever.03:58
crackhead_25(and to forward x connections etc. and be operating the home machine gui/wysiwg)03:58
Minatakucrackhead_25: PuTTY03:58
intelikeycrackhead_25 ssh03:58
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MinatakuI'm assuming remote has Windows03:58
mischkocrackhead_25, if it's a Windows client - putty.03:59
crackhead_25remote has windows probably..03:59
crackhead_25if remote is linux, then what?03:59
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MinatakuOpenSSH client03:59
intelikeycrackhead_25 ssh03:59
MinatakuWhich is just "ssh"03:59
laptophow can I list what is running???03:59
Minatakulaptop: ls -la03:59
Minatakups -A03:59
Minatakulaptop: ps -A03:59
mischkoHow to share a parallel printer over Samba?04:00
intelikey!cups | mischko04:00
ubotumischko: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows04:00
crackhead_25does a ssh server require ssh as well as openssh server, or just openssh server?04:00
crackhead_25what's the diff between openssh and ssh servers?04:01
intelikeymischko the last two links ^ are apropose04:01
mischkothanks. I'll check 'em out.04:01
intelikeycrackhead_25 ssh is a meta pavkage for installing both openssh-server & openssh-client04:02
crackhead_25so ins6alling them individually means i dont nee dto install the striaght ssh?04:02
laptopIs there a program that you can see the processes like in windows?04:03
intelikeythe openssh-client is (command line app) ssh and openssh-server is sshd04:03
intelikeylaptop lord i hope not.04:03
intelikeylaptop ps -A x    top     in kde hit ctrl+esc   i think.04:04
laptopwhy dont like ease of use?04:04
intelikeylaptop yeah i do that's why i don't like windows.04:04
laptopmoving a mouse pointer is easier than typing and remembering, I like freeing myself up for more important operations04:04
intelikeyease of use != does it for you the way someone thinks you should do it....04:05
jeanmasshow can i paste a table from OOspreadsheet to OOword, in a way that when i change a number from spreadsheet, it also changes in word?04:05
grimreapercould somebody give me the german chanal?04:06
intelikeyjeanmass did you try highlighting it and  pointing at the other and middle clicking ?  (both buttons on a two butt mouse)04:06
intelikey!de | grimreaper04:07
ubotugrimreaper: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de04:07
crackhead_25how do i test a ssh server setup on the same machine im currently logged into??04:07
crackhead_25how can i see if i can access it from outside my router/network?04:07
grimreaperis there a german chanal anyway?04:07
intelikeycrackhead_25 ssh $USER@localhost04:07
jeanmassintelikey: i havent try the mid-click04:07
crackhead_25what's the $ symbol mean?04:07
intelikeygrimreaper i don't know.04:08
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intelikeycrackhead_25 not intrepted.  just as it is....04:08
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intelikeyssh $USER@localhost04:08
jeanmassintelikey: but to be able to copy and paste a table from website as a table in OOword, i must also copy an element outside the table04:08
intelikeythat will use your currently logged in user account04:08
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jeanmassi found it04:08
NamShub$ is a variable04:09
jeanmassi'm going back to assignment04:09
jeanmasssee ya04:09
grimreaperor could somebody give me a link for a good sound driver?04:09
riukeni found a msn for linux...04:09
riukenwhen i download it04:09
NamShub$USER is an environment variable which contains your username04:09
LeeJunFan!info kopete | riuken04:09
riukenappears a windows... LAMME04:09
uboturiuken: kopete: instant messenger for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5+kopete0.12.3-0ubuntu2.2 (edgy), package size 6824 kB, installed size 18932 kB04:09
NamShubso if yout username is crackhead_25 the `echo $USER` will print out crackhead_2504:10
mischkoPrinter is now working. :)04:10
crackhead_25what's the "rsa key fingerprint"? should i keep that somewhere?04:10
mischkoHow do I get a VNC server to work on there. I don't see a vnc server package in the package manager.04:10
intelikeymischko glad to hear it... :)04:10
intelikeymischko apt-cache search vnc04:11
mischkoI see vnc-common " Virtual network computing server software" but I don't see any way to start it.04:12
mischkoIt's not in /etc/init.d/04:12
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crackhead_25do i have to memorize my rsa key fingerprint??04:13
intelikeymischko [g,k] dm do that if configured to  also it can be started from the command line.04:13
intelikeycrackhead_25 no04:13
mischkokdm's running. How do I turn on vnc?04:13
crackhead_25intelikey: what do i do with the rsa key fingerprint?04:13
intelikeycrackhead_25 man ssh  > /rsa04:14
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crackhead_25when i did the ssh $USER@localhost it asked if i trusted the 127 0 0 1 key.. which of course i did, because i knwo that's a local ip.. but did that successfully check if the ssh server could be accessed from a computer outside my router? did it pretend the signal was from outside?04:14
intelikeycrackhead_25 no you'll need to do that through other means04:15
crackhead_25that's what i was wondering. how can i test to see if it's accessible from outside my router?04:15
NamShubcrackhead_25: it only tested the ssh server work. wether it works or not is something completely different and not related to the ssh server (most likely about your firewall/router setting)04:16
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intelikeycrackhead_25 maybe see if port 22 is open through the router ?04:16
NamShubcrackhead_25: can you access a remote computer?04:16
NamShubthen you could use that computer to try to log back to your maching04:16
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=== Tryke_home [n=ryan@resnet-237-27.resnet.UMBC.EDU] has joined #kubuntu
crackhead_25no, i have no remote to access and reverse access this box..04:17
Romexioswhen i type PS x.. I get this: 29439 pts/2    S      0:00 ./eggdrop Amoreto.conf.. what does the S mean?04:18
=== SuprUsr is now known as Kr4t05
intelikeyand i would edit /etc/ssh/sshd.conf and set it to no root login.      also consider that root jr. is a security issue.  use a strong user password.      short reason, if i can login to your user account i'm root on your box.04:19
intelikeyRomexios ps != PS04:20
crackhead_25intelikey: are you talking to me?04:20
intelikeyyep anyone that runs ubuntu and sshd04:20
crackhead_25how do i set sshd.conf to no root?04:20
crackhead_25what's root jr?04:20
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Romexiosintelikey: Huh?04:20
crackhead_25am i running sshd when i run openssh client/server or putty?04:20
intelikeycrackhead_25 root jr   is the user that has full sudoers privledges.      and for the second Q  server is sshd04:21
intelikeyerr atually i skipted Q #1   the line in the file that says allow root login   set to no.04:22
crackhead_25root jr = the user after successfully entering pass in sudo?04:22
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crackhead_25how do i block root and root jr. from logging in?04:22
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crackhead_25doesn't that block me also when i sign in and want to do something that requires sudo?04:23
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mischkoI told Kubuntu to start the samba server but it won't accept my login.04:23
intelikeyyeah.   youphemism        i guess i named  UID = 1000   root jr.04:23
intelikeycrackhead_25 no disallowing root login in ssh doesn't stop you from doing anything except logging in dirrectly as root over ssh04:25
crackhead_25how do i block logging in as root jr.?04:25
crackhead_25is that the same change? i replaced yes with no in the ssh config file for permitroot04:25
intelikeyyou are root jr.       you don't want to block that.  you just want to use a good password04:25
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crackhead_25how do i test my password? is there a program to test it?04:26
=== beta [n=beta@p54BED93F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyyes there are several.   john the ripper.   is one04:26
crackhead_25intelikey: is that a program?04:26
intelikeyyeah they shortened the package name to "john"04:27
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maartalli|homeWhat is the kubuntu equivalent for "desktop-effects" in ubuntu?04:30
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crackhead_25do i just run john on a particular user to see if it can crack the password? hwo long does it usually take to test?04:32
beta--purge should remove all files in ~ for the specified application right?04:33
intelikeybeta  wrong04:33
intelikeyit wont touch ~/04:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about restrcited - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:33
intelikeycrackhead_25 sure try it.04:34
betaintelikey: isnt ~~where the config files are sored....which --purge is supposed to remove?04:34
intelikeyno beta04:34
crackhead_25is there a better program than john for testing?04:34
intelikeybeta the configs that --purge is talking about is /etc/*04:34
intelikeycrackhead_25 i'm sure.04:35
betauhm ok04:35
betaso it doenst delete anything at all in your home folder?04:35
intelikeymadussa  crack  john   there are several.   i don't know them all or much about any of them. crackhead_2504:35
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=== nikkiana [n=nikkiana@c-24-34-69-166.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeybeta no.   i repete it will not touch ~/04:35
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betaintelikey:  i wasnt sure for a moment if ~ is actually /home/user/ sry04:36
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mischkoCan anyone give me pointers on getting Samba working? It prompts me to enter a username and password when I connect to the server but won't accept a valid unix username/password.04:37
betawhats the different between the config files for a program and its settting files?04:37
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[pyro] mischko: man smbpasswd04:37
mischkoCan't it use the unix password file?04:38
intelikeyyes it is.   ~ = $HOME = grep $USER /etc/passwd | cut -d ':' -f 604:38
mischkointelikey, ?04:40
intelikeybeta the config files are system wide " configurations / settings"   that affect the way the app works   the settings files store the personal changes you make from within the running app.04:40
intelikeymischko that was @ beta04:40
mischkointelikey, k04:40
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intelikeymischko i don't know about samba04:40
=== intelikey is network illiterate
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mischkointelikey, np.  Thanks.04:40
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betaintelikey: so settings = what you do in the apps preference dialogue....config = code stuff i dont want to know about?04:41
intelikeybeta yeah  for all practical purposes   yes.04:41
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betawhats your guys opinions on suse?04:42
betait seems like nobody has something good to say about it04:42
intelikeythere is a free version of suse.    there i said something good about it.  :)04:43
betayes opensuse i meant04:44
Jucatosuse has KDE... :)04:44
Jucatothat another good thing to say :)04:44
betaJucato: so you like it?04:44
Jucatowhat gave you that idea?04:45
intelikeyall distros have kde and gnome and ....04:45
betai really never had anyone say something good abaout it...beside the people using it04:45
intelikeywell all major distros ^04:45
Jucatoheh of course. :)04:45
betaJucato: sry, my english....got it now04:45
betawhat is so bad about it?04:45
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betai hear they hurt linuy standards alot...in terms of file structure and such04:46
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ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!04:46
ebotvineubotu: Error: "kubuntu" is not a valid command.04:46
Jucato(and possible flamebait)04:46
=== katani [n=someone@pool-141-152-82-155.roa.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
betabut that goes for a lot of distros nowadays it seems04:46
Jucatoebotvine: you're talking to a bot04:46
betaok sorry04:46
betai shut it ;)04:46
Jucatoebotvine: and "kubuntu" isn't a command really04:46
Jucatobeta: you might want to go to #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to ask about that. but there are already so many writeups about that on the web. might want to do a Google first04:47
=== K1W2U3 [n=rope@xdsl-213-196-255-143.netcologne.de] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyit's not even a request around here Jucato   :)04:47
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gan|y|medthat might be a weird question, but is anybody here from evanston, IL???04:48
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intelikeyyep that's a wierd one.04:49
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kataniDoes anyone have any suggestions for a good, linux-compatible wifi card?04:50
Arwenkatani, yeah, ethernet04:50
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kataniI'm not seeing any PCI cards with that chipset...04:53
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gan|y|medwell, i don't know of intel sells them seperately. you just asked for a good card :)04:55
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kataniYeah I've heard pretty good things about the Intel wireless chips. A shame they're all for laptops04:56
intelikeyhardware makers want to sell sell sell sell   and onboard means they can sell more  so why should they make cards...04:57
kataniI was planning to set up a access point/router box04:57
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intelikeynow on the other hand makers that don't make mainboards wish all mobo's were blank   only sockets and slots ....04:58
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katanilol the way things used to be...04:59
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intelikeybut it really comes down to the retailers.  what ever walmart carries that's what sells the most04:59
intelikeyi hate to put it this way.  but most people are too dumb to see how that hurts them.05:00
kataniI can understand that. A lot of the "consumer" hardware out there is crap05:00
gan|y|meda lot of people don't care to by new hardware (meaning a one-piece-all-in-one-thing) time and again05:01
intelikeygan|y|med that's what i just said,  just in different words.05:02
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katanioh well...05:02
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crackhead_25how do i find out what ip address was assigned my computer from my router?05:03
intelikeyaccording to M$ they should be able to collect $100 per person per year for the entire population of the planet.   and i think intel thinks the same way...05:04
intelikeycrackhead_25 ifconfig05:04
gan|y|meda bit nicer maybe :)05:04
intelikeygan|y|med maybe....05:04
sstchur_what might cause synaptic and/or adept to crash each time I try to load it?05:05
gan|y|medhave you tried it in a console?05:05
gan|y|medlook at the output05:05
katanicrackhead_25: ifconfig05:05
intelikeysstchur_ installing java and having to kill the packagemanager half way through because you couldn't see the  EULA question  ?05:06
crackhead_25what's the difference between an inet address and a bcast address??05:07
intelikeygan|y|med those two won't run in a console.... konsole/etrminal yes,  console no.05:07
LeeJunFancrackhead_25: inet address is an IP address, broadacst address is an address that any traffic sent to will be seen by all hosts on your subnet.05:07
sstchur_intelikey: perhaps, though I don't think that particular situation applies to me05:08
crackhead_25which do i use to setup as forwarded through the router for ssh use?05:08
intelikeysstchur_ well in any event the fix is probably the same.05:08
intelikey!adeptcrashfix | sstchur_05:09
ubotusstchur_: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 05:09
LeeJunFancrackhead_25: you want to setup your router to forward ssh to an IP inside your network? if so you want to give the router the IP address of your pc.05:09
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flaccidi have the bug where typing set in shell returns shell script output instead of the current env vars. anyone know the fix?05:09
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MenaHo to reload kicker :)05:09
LeeJunFanflaccid: if you are using bash_completion set will show you a bunch of functions that are used for bash_completion, that's normal.05:10
flaccidMena: run the command kicker iirc05:10
intelikeyflaccid are you sure it's not  bash_completion  settings you are seeing ?      set | less05:11
flaccidLeeJunFan: that is not what is happening05:11
LeeJunFanflaccid: if you want to see just variable use env05:11
Menaflaccid, ok :)05:11
Menai think i will kill it then reload it :)05:12
sstchur_intelikey: ok, little better maybe.  Now I'm getting "Errors were encountered while processing: ntlmmaps"05:12
flaccidLeeJunFan: what happens when you run the command set in bash on your ubuntu ?05:12
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LeeJunFanflaccid: I get a bunch of shell functions that bash_completion sets.05:12
LeeJunFanflaccid: the last one I see is set_prefix ()05:12
betadoes the generic nvidia driver "nv" that kubuntu uses out of the boy supports 3d from edgy on?05:13
intelikeylast here is   size ()05:13
LeeJunFanI'm on feisty05:13
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flaccidLeeJunFan: why does it do that?05:13
r3factoredis evolution a gnome product?05:13
intelikeycause those things are "set" in bash_completion05:14
betabecause i could do "glxgears -printfps" without problems after a fresh edgy install05:14
intelikeyand ~/.bash_aliases    or the like.05:14
flaccidi thought set was a shell builtin05:14
flaccidwhy is the command dif on ubuntu to other linux/*nix05:14
LeeJunFanflaccid: it is, but that's how bash_completion incorporates itself into the bash shell.05:15
Menais this kind of bug on kicker ... after adding a new panel it dosent appear in the same time on the ConfigurePanesl ??05:15
intelikeyit isn't. flaccid    set | less05:15
intelikeyis that not what you are looking for ?05:15
flaccidi'll pastebin what set gives me and you tell me if thats normal05:16
intelikeymy it isn't was at   why is the command dif,..05:16
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gan|y|medbtw, with 'console' i refer to any kind of command line under x05:16
flaccidah i see what you mean05:17
flaccidit is the vars05:17
flaccidthey are at the top then _=set05:17
flaccidwhich must be for the completion05:17
intelikeygan|y|med but there is a reason one is called a terminal  and the other a console...05:17
flaccidheh messy way to do it.05:17
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crackhead_25what's the command to refresh the dhcp client status of an eth, i.e. refresh the ip assigned bya  router to an eth card?05:17
intelikeyno   _=   is the last command entered05:18
LeeJunFancrackhead_25: dhclient eth005:18
flaccidcrackhead_25: dhclient dev05:18
flaccidintelikey: well all that extra shite seems to go under that05:18
MenaHow to change the host name05:18
flaccidMena: hostname05:19
intelikeyyou can   echo $_   to see what the last command was      and yes all that extra is "bash_completion"  enabled05:19
flaccidperm change is changing /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts05:19
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flaccidintelikey: why does it do it this way in ubuntu. other operating systems do not need to do this for completion05:19
intelikeycause othere os's didn't have bash_completion enabled by default05:19
Menaif you opened the kcontrol center you will see the inf a bout your system and one of them hostname05:20
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flaccidi dunno. its just messy05:20
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magicfabwhat would be a tool equivalent to gdebi in kubuntu ?05:20
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intelikeythere is a world of differance in normal  [tab]   completing app names and paths   and bash_completion     a world of differance.05:20
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LeeJunFanflaccid: keep in mind we aren't talking about simple filename completion, bash_completion is a whole added in program. for instance you can type apt-get install xserv[tab]  and it'll complete it for you.05:21
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intelikeyyeah what LeeJunFan said ^05:21
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magicfabgdebi is a .deb graphical installation tool05:21
flaccidtrue guys. i guess you are just mean to use env instead of set to see current vars05:21
Menaintelikey, Is the upgrade tool working fine or ??05:21
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intelikeyflaccid less is good.05:22
crackhead_25how come that didnt work? i had as the dynamically assigned ip by the router. i changed the router to static assign the computer ".".".100 based on the hwaddress (mac address?), and id id the dhclient eth0, but it still has the same first internal ip of ...102??05:22
flaccidso is more :)05:22
LeeJunFanflaccid: yeah, env is cleaner. filename completion is built into bash in the c source and compiled as part of bash, bash_completion adds all kinds of features and is an "afterthought" which is added in the way you see with "set"05:22
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intelikeyMena idk.  i don't use the automatic updater05:23
BartSimpsonHello, I have a camera (Canon powershot SD500) and try to load it to my computer via usb. When i load it in digiKam, it thinks it is a "Canon digital IXUS 700". I can't load any pictures from it, either. Am I missing some driver (even though the digiKam "add camera" option had my camera's model there)?05:23
intelikeyless is more than more.05:23
flaccidintelikey: hehe yeah05:23
LeeJunFanflaccid: if you have hosts you ssh to frequently you can also use tab completion with those. ie ssh root@morn[tab]  will complete to one of the servers I ssh to a lot.05:23
intelikeyand calling more good is really streaching things.05:23
Menaintelikey, if i change the edgy to fiesty on source list will work fine and upgrade to beta05:23
flaccidi guess i'm just used to certain stuff and zsh..05:23
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flaccidLeeJunFan: thanks thats pretty cool05:23
hsojI just installed the Kubuntu Beta and attempted to install the nvidia-glx drivers using add/remove programs. Upon reboot nothing had changed so I ran 'sudo nvidia-glx-enable' and rebooted. Now the login screen never comes up. I am back on the Live CD now. This is a fresh install BTW.05:23
intelikey!upgrade | Mena05:24
ubotuMena: See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)05:24
LeeJunFanMena: I upgraded 3 machines from edgy to feisty a week or so ago and they all went perfect, although that doesn't guarantee you'll have the same luck.05:24
intelikeyMena and the basic idea in that upgrade link is the same for any version.05:25
MenaGood that they keep them the Same05:25
LeeJunFanflaccid: yeah, it pulls the servernames and or IP's from your ssh known_hosts file, you can also use that with ping 192[tab] , or mtr or host, etc.. Very cool.05:25
intelikeyflaccid one other note on bash_completion.   without it you search for modules with it you can   modprobe snd-[tab]    for example and see the full list of only snd-* modules...    wonderful for stuff like that.05:26
LeeJunFanyep, and rmmod too :) I loves my bash_completion :)05:27
intelikeydito that.   exvept i don't enable it until i start to do womething that i actually need it for.05:27
crackhead_25anyone know why using dhclient on eth0 to update my internal ip didn't update it? it just returned to the same dynamic ip it was before, even though i set the router to use the hwaddress (macaddress?) to assign a static internal ip to it.. ?05:27
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LeeJunFanonly you get too used to using tab to complete things and you find yourself doing it when you're writing scripts and trying to help people in IRC too, doesn't help them much when you tell them to run dhcl        eth0 :)05:28
intelikeylike type.....05:28
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intelikeyprezactly.  ^05:29
intelikeyLeeJunFan you know sh scripting ?05:29
LeeJunFancrackhead_25: sounds like the router is stubborn. Double check your mac's maybe.05:29
LeeJunFanintelikey: yeah.05:29
crackhead_25is the mac hwaddr in ifconfig?05:29
intelikeycare if i send you one to look at ?05:29
LeeJunFancrackhead_25: yeah, that's it.05:29
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LeeJunFanintelikey: np. What's it supposed to do?05:30
jza873hello im new to linux i finally got it set up on my ppc and i was told to go here for help05:30
intelikeyit's to migrate to a new partition....05:30
intelikeysee if anything in it looks like it might blow up....05:30
=== Jucato prepares an umbrella for eventual explosion
intelikeyLeeJunFan someone asked me to write one...  but i wanted a few second openions on it before i gave it to them.05:31
intelikeyJucato :)05:32
jza873can someone help me get my sound to work or at least point me to a web site or in the right direction05:32
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:32
crackhead_25perhaps do i have to down my eth0 before i reset the dhcp?05:32
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intelikey!mp3 | jza87305:33
ubotujza873: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:33
hsojI just installed the Kubuntu Beta and attempted to install the nvidia-glx drivers using add/remove programs. Upon reboot nothing had changed so I ran 'sudo nvidia-glx-enable' and rebooted. Now the login screen never comes up. I am back on the Live CD now. This is a fresh install BTW. Any ideas?05:34
Jucatohsoj: install the linux-restricted-modules-generic package05:34
intelikey!feisty | hsoj you can also check in the official channel for beta releases05:35
ubotuhsoj you can also check in the official channel for beta releases: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)05:35
hsojAny reason why that wouldn't have been included when I installed the nvidia driver? Should I file a bug?05:35
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hsojAh, thanks. Sorry for cluttering this channel.05:35
Jucatohsoj: boot into your Kubuntu installation, once you get to the part where you're supposed to login, press Ctrl+Alt+F1 and login to the console05:35
Jucatohsoj: it's not a bug...05:35
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Jucatothe guide you followed might not be complete05:36
yknottsuspend2 :(05:36
crackhead_25why did sudo ifconfig eth0 down not work?05:36
crackhead_25do you think i have to down eth0 before refreshing dhclient?05:36
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yknottcrackhead_25: no05:37
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=== intelikey wonders if LeeJunFan detenated the script.... ?
LeeJunFanintelikey: looks like it should work at first glance, also looks like you've taken care to do error checking and reporting, which is good.05:39
Jucatono. he probably detonated it05:40
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riukenhi im triying to install linux on my ipo05:40
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LeeJunFanintelikey: I wonder though if you wouldn't be better off using either tar or rsync for the copying process as you can just do --one-filesystem instead of copying each dir one by one.05:40
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LeeJunFan<glare class="evil">05:41
riukenwhat mean  % mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sda205:41
intelikeyLeeJunFan i thought about tar. but on testing it seemed slower to me...05:41
riukenwhat the %05:41
LeeJunFanriuken: that means to format /dev/sda2 as windows fat3205:41
LeeJunFanjust ignore the %05:41
LeeJunFanit's the shell prompt05:41
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riukenr ok ty very much05:42
LeeJunFanintelikey: yeah, it probably is a bit slower, when I do moves like that I use rsync because I can run it again to catch anything that may have changed while the first copy was going.05:42
suboneHi, I am trying to install Edgy on a Dell Precision 220 Workstation with 2 800mhz cpus and 512mb rambus memory but after it says "Ready" (booting live) it hangs with just a blinking cursor05:43
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LeeJunFanintelikey: I've done that on servers to copy a live server to a new HD, then just chroot to it, run grub and MAKEDEV on it and reboot.05:43
suboneand i get a very limited boot menu not the full menu05:43
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intelikeyLeeJunFan and that might cause trubble if they had like a boot partition or /home or other such oddity.... do you think i should try for some other cp process ?05:44
subonecan anyone shed some light on some possible troubleshooting options?05:44
Koolhi everyone .. has anyone had success with installing kubuntu on Virtual PC 2007 with hardware virtualization?05:44
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intelikeyLeeJunFan yeah MAKEDEV would be better than copying the device nodes...  i should have thought of that.05:44
catidhello.. i'm having some trouble installing kubuntu-desktop..  apt-get install kubuntu-artwork-usplash's subprocess post-installation script returns an error exit status 105:44
LeeJunFanintelikey: that's why I use rsync with --one-filesystem, it wont traverse mounts, but it WILL copy the mountpoint.05:44
catidany idea how i can get more information about the error?05:44
yknottKool: no i have not; *nux is not a supported virtualpc osys05:45
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yknottbut - maybe - it can work05:45
Koolvmware is bloated IMO05:45
LeeJunFanintelikey: tar can do the same thing if you pipe one to the other, it may be slower than rsync but tar is on every system, rsync may not be.05:45
yknottyeah go with kvm / qemu then05:46
intelikeyyeah true that.05:46
riukenwhat this instruction does: mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda305:46
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LeeJunFanintelikey: if you man tar or man rsync they have single char options for --one-filesystem, like -d or some crap, don't believe it - for some reason they don't work - you have to use the whole --one-filesystem arg. :)05:47
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intelikeybut almost 2x faster cp time... with cp     i'll consider the options there.      do you see anything else that glares at you.05:47
ushabai am wondering if anyone knows whether or not the CJK display and font problems have finally been fixed in feisty05:47
LeeJunFanriuken: that will format partition 3 of your first scsi hd, as ext3 which is the default for most linux disro's including ubuntu, kubuntu.05:48
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LeeJunFanintelikey: not that I noticed. The code itself all looks good.05:48
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subonesorry, just wondering if anyone heard my postr05:49
LeeJunFanbut then my brain isn't a bash processor :)05:49
intelikeyk.  thanks for the input.05:49
intelikeyyeah mine too.05:49
LeeJunFanI hate pearl, it seems so unorthodoxed, I like more clean structured like C, PHP, Python - yet I think that's how my brain works [perl] .05:50
intelikeywhat's the syntax on a tar to tar pipe ?   tar -c path | tar -x  ???05:51
LeeJunFanintelikey: I think you want tar -c - [path]  | tar -x05:52
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LeeJunFanintelikey: you might need to use the args to change dirs as well.05:52
intelikeyyes was just looking   -C destination    on the end of that.05:52
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LeeJunFanand of course --one-filesystem on the first half.05:53
Menai think i will try the new upgrade toll for now :)05:53
intelikeyi'll play with that a little more.      but i think the reason it's slower is it has to run tar twice on all data.05:53
intelikeyyes of course05:53
LeeJunFanintelikey: err --one-file-system05:53
LeeJunFanintelikey: yeah, the pipe doesn't help, it runs in userspace, whereas cp uses kernel space calls to execute the copying.05:54
LeeJunFanintelikey: well, I just checked and cp (at least on feisty here) has --one-file-system, that might do it.05:55
LeeJunFanas long as it also gets the mountpoints, if not I suppose you could just script those in to be made after the cp process.05:55
intelikeyLeeJunFan ummmm it should  i'll gice a look.05:56
intelikeyLeeJunFan it does indeed and the short   -x  works in cp05:57
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LeeJunFanintelikey: cool, even better then :)05:57
intelikeywhoa.  i'll recode that last section and that should be  fine as frog hair split four ways then.05:58
intelikeyLeeJunFan ah i just thought of an oddity.05:59
intelikeyLeeJunFan what if they use a /boot partition.   before grub can reinstall i'll have to remount that in the chroot  ?05:59
LeeJunFanintelikey: yeah true.05:59
=== intelikey was afraid you'd agree with me.
intelikeyi think i can pars that out of fstab without much work.06:00
LeeJunFanintelikey: you can -o bind it rather than unmount and remount.06:01
intelikeyoh shoot i'll have to check for /usr and /var also...06:01
LeeJunFanintelikey: you'll need to bind mount /proc before you chroot too probably.06:01
riukenwhats ./make_fw06:01
Skuller~$ purge -Skuller06:02
intelikeyproc is not really need just to setup grub06:02
intelikeyi've tested that one.06:02
riukenwhats ./make_fw06:02
suboneHi, I am trying to install Edgy on a Dell Precision 220 Workstation with 2 800mhz cpus and 512mb rambus memory but after it says "Ready" (booting live) it hangs with just a blinking cursor. Can anyone offer any help troubleshooting this issue?06:02
intelikeyLeeJunFan you did look at the  "grub-install" line in the script... it's not actually a chroot per'se  it's  --root-directory=06:03
intelikeyso proc is not an issue.06:03
LeeJunFanintelikey: it might be easier to bind mount everything rather than cherry picking. just check mounted fs's and bind them all in the new destination before chrooting :)06:04
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intelikeyi'll setup a test system with special mountpoints and see what that does.06:04
LeeJunFanintelikey: no I didn't. I guess you can do that and just forget the chroot. No need to worry about /boot then either.06:05
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intelikeyLeeJunFan i think /boot will be a must there tho06:05
Minataku/boot is nice if only it keeps you from having a buttload of stale kernels lying around06:06
MinatakuSince eventually you fill it up and more won't install06:06
MinatakuWhich is when you know to go and clean it out06:06
intelikeycause it will write to $MOUNTPOINT/boot/grub/*  and the MBR06:06
intelikeyso if /boot is a mountpoint i need to mount it first.06:07
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intelikeythe kernel will be MIA if i don't..06:07
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suboneAm I being ignored or am I in a queue or something...06:07
Skullersubone: neither....people are busy here ;)06:08
LeeJunFanintelikey: yeah, I see your point there.06:08
Iwonder|toosubone: nobody gets ignored,usually if no one replies it means no one has an answer06:08
intelikeysubone i did actually over look your Q... sorry.06:09
Iwonder|tooeventually someone will wake up that can help,most of the time06:09
intelikeysubone did you try safe graphics mode ?06:09
suboneintelikey: I am trying to install Edgy on a Dell Precision 220 Workstation with 2 800mhz cpus and 512mb rambus memory but after it says "Ready" (booting live) it hangs with just a blinking cursor06:09
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Skulleryea...helps to be patient...i know its hard to be so when you have a frustrating problem...but try practising it06:09
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suboneintelikey: i can try that i suppose... i'll have to look up the boot option... you think that would explain why i didnt get the normal boot screen?06:10
intelikeysubone hit f1 when it first posts the cd boot option06:10
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LeeJunFansubone: are you trying to install to the machine you are on? Or is the machine you're installing to sitting with the blinking cursor right now?06:10
suboneSkuller: i understand patience it's just that i wasn't acknowledged at all soi i was curious if i was even really connected :p06:10
suboneLeeJunFan: this is the machine i am trying to install on. I can logon to another machine. I installed the same distro on my laptop earlier with no issues06:11
Skullersubone: cool..i myself dont take the patience thing too seriously ;)06:11
intelikeyboy i do.06:12
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intelikeyyou all need to be patient with me....06:12
LeeJunFansubone: okay, I was just wondering - if you had it like that right now you might get some info by pressing ctrl-alt-f1 or f2 or f3 :) hehe, one of them has logging as to what setup is doing at the moment.06:12
LeeJunFansubone: but your best bet is probably safe mode gfx.06:12
Skullerintelikey: you urself are so patient with people that they dont need to be frustrated or get impatient06:12
suboneI know many IRC'ers do take it seriously and I didn't mean to be rude (especially multiple posting my problem) I just can't be sure if my post wasn't seen sometimes06:13
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intelikeysubone no no   i made a slight joke.    if you had not reposted i would not have seen your Q.06:13
intelikeyi didn't say it was a funny joke mind you.06:14
Skullerman you crack me up06:14
LeeJunFanSpeaking of patience, you should have seen me and some crippled guy give some girl a rash of !@#@! when she cut in front of us in line in wal-mart the other day!06:14
suboneLeeJunFan: I will try to see if there are other options will other keypresses at the blinking cursor. That is if the graphics optio doesnt work. I'll log off now and if it doesnt work I'll logon from a different comp. ty06:14
intelikeysee like Skuller's joke ^  :)06:14
LeeJunFanThe crippled guy was saying, "If my legs worked, I'd kick your !@#!" I thought I was gonna die.06:14
Skulleryep...Master of PJ's i am06:14
catiddoes anyone know what might be wrong with the kubuntu-artwork-usplash package in the repos right now?  it fails to install and i'd really like to try out KDE06:15
SkullerLeeJunFan: i guess he lost his legs at the same kind of argument last time06:15
LeeJunFanhehe, he held up his cane and it had a bend in it, said that was from the last guy who cut in front of him in line, she was lucky she's a girl.06:16
intelikeycatid on such questions you should include release info.06:16
catidintelikey: what kind of info do you want?06:16
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catidintelikey: i'm using feisty06:16
intelikeycatid yes that.06:17
SkullerLeeJunFan: lol....so i guess there wont be any cane remaining to show to the 'next guy/ga;'06:17
intelikey!feisty | catid06:17
ubotucatid: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)06:17
LeeJunFanSkuller: yeah, we both were pretty hard on her, but that "If my legs worked..." was just too much. I laughed and cried at the same time.06:18
intelikeywomen want equal treetment.  let them get up out of the floor when you way-lay them for such things.....06:19
LeeJunFanSkuller: but even after all that, and even after I said, "If I had gotten here first, I'd have given my spot to this guy, you cut in front of him." She never said a word, just stayed right there.06:19
LeeJunFanintelikey: oh, I was close.06:19
intelikeybut only if that's how you do men...06:19
catidis there a way to get more verbose error messages from apt-get install?  i'd love to try to fix it myself06:19
LeeJunFancatid: you can try installing the package it's choking on with dpkg06:19
SkullerLeeJunFan: yes thats true....very wrong to deprive a person like that of his postion...not to mention how much frustration is already in him overall06:20
LeeJunFanSkuller: what made it worse was it was at the tire and lube, apparently she wasn't in any hurry because she didn't come to get her car (which was in and out first) until after me and the other guys car were done.06:21
catidLeeJunFan: thanks that helped06:21
=== SubOne [n=subone@c-71-56-222-150.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
SubOneI'm back06:22
SubOneI'ts still at a blinking cursor06:22
SkullerLeeJunFan: ok......i dint get what u meant06:22
catidaha the problem was my custom kernel and Kubuntu wanting to install its own krufty splash screen06:23
SkullerUbugtu: lart06:23
Ubugtu(lart [<channel>]  [<id>]  <who|what> [for <reason>] ) -- Uses the Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool on <who|what> (for <reason>, if given). If <id> is given, uses that specific lart. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.06:23
catidi just had to add a lib modules dir for it to drop some stuff into06:23
catidwoo, time to try out KDE! :)06:24
LeeJunFanSubOne: it could be that using the alternative CD and doing text mode install will get you to an installed system, but you still may end up with a broken X (gui).06:24
orange1c0nv1ct: whats a good program to recover deleted files on a formatted drive?06:24
LeeJunFanSubOne: but then at least you have an installed system to work on getting X to work.06:25
c0nv1ctorange1: not sure, i havent done that in a very long time06:25
intelikeyorange1 what format ?06:25
orange1i just need to recover some .java files i wrote for lab06:25
orange1foremost doesnt do the job06:25
intelikeywhat format ?06:26
orange1intelikey: they are .java format06:26
LeeJunFanugh, .java - that rules out most quick and easy ones.06:26
intelikeynever mind.06:26
SubOneok i can try that06:26
LeeJunFanintelikey: you were thinking recoverjpeg or photorec weren't you? :)06:26
intelikeyno i was asking what fs format06:26
intelikeybut it's not important anyway.06:27
LeeJunFanoh, I see.06:27
intelikeyobviously it isn't06:27
intelikeyeven though you can't recover files on ext306:27
=== catid [n=catid@c-76-17-106-128.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
SkullerUbugtu: lart #kubuntu-offtopic pip for creating an electric towel06:27
catidand KDE is running, yay.  it's great when things go this smooth06:27
intelikeythey get over written so quickly.06:27
catidanyone have advice for getting Beryl running?06:28
LeeJunFancatid: yeah, #ubuntu-effects I think is the channel to ask that.06:28
orange1intelikey: so im sol cuz the drive is ext3?06:28
Iwonder|toowhat is beryl?06:29
intelikeyorange1   that's what i was asking....06:29
orange1!beryl | Iwonder|too06:29
ubotuIwonder|too: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects06:29
intelikeyorange1 and yes.06:29
LeeJunFanorange1: kind of, unfortunately the efficiency of the ext3 filesystem is actually a bad thing in the case of deleted file recovery.06:29
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intelikeyorange1 think of it this way.   in windows delete some files and then run the defragmentor   then recover them...06:30
catidthe #ubuntu-effects channel is kind of dead.. perhaps someone here has gotten Beryl running in KDE?06:30
orange1Iwonder|too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC5uEe5OzNQ   <-- have a look at beryl06:30
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orange1intelikey: alrighty - ill just rewrite them over -- 5 labs - shouldnt take too long06:32
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LeeJunFanorange1: you could try http://e2undel.sourceforge.net/usage.html06:32
LeeJunFanorange1: the longer you use the HD with the deleted files the less your chances are.06:32
intelikeyyep   like 60 seconds is way too long.06:33
catidKDE has a few more features than GNOME.  i'm liking this06:33
yknottsuch as?06:33
intelikeycatid a few  ?   heh06:34
orange1lol i shouldnt bother then - cuz i just transfered 16gbs of music... didnt know about the efficiency of ext306:34
catidthe volume control works better with my keyboard and pulse audio06:34
catidit's got this neat volume control built into the task bar too, etc..  fun stuff06:34
LeeJunFanthat's like saying a leatherman has a few more features than a stick.06:34
catidLeeJunFan: what? ;-)06:34
=== yknott looks around for his stick
intelikeyat least more stuffing....06:35
yknottcatid: so volume control already configured to your keyboard and pulse audio?06:35
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catidyeah that was irritating me in GNOME06:36
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catidkeyboard volume control worked for headset but not onboard sound06:36
catidanyway, exploring..06:36
yknottgood good, try out xubuntu (xfce) along the way06:36
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ubotuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX06:37
orange11 more week til springbreak!! WOO!06:37
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=== LeeJunFan thinks it's bed-time. gnight.
intelikeyLeeJunFan  >>> tar -c --one-file-system / | tar -x --directory "$MOUNTPOINT" || EXIT="91 $EXIT"  <<< look better than the convoluted idea that i had first ?06:39
ubotux11vnc: VNC server which uses your current X11 session. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2-1 (edgy), package size 438 kB, installed size 1104 kB06:39
intelikeyand gnight  and thanks.06:39
LeeJunFanintelikey: yeah, that way nothing should get left out in case they have their own dir in / too.06:40
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catidis anyone around to help with installing Beryl for KDE?06:44
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Iwonder|tootrying it out right now catid for the first time06:46
ash211try http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu06:47
catidokay :)06:47
riukenwhere i can find the cywim06:47
riukenwhere i can find the cygwim06:47
catidriuken: cygwin runs on windows06:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cigwin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cygwin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:48
intelikeydumb bot06:48
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intelikeybut yeah at any rate,  cygwin is a scba gear for linux to breath in ntfs space06:49
intelikeyor M$ fs space...06:49
catidnot the last time i checked it's not06:49
catidit's just a unix environment for windows06:50
riukeni cant use the make06:50
intelikeythat's what i said.06:50
riukeni cant use the make_fw command06:50
catidif you want to run windows stuff on linux, use WINE06:50
_flu_hi, i'm using kubuntu edgy eft. i've got a usb sound card. i can hear all sounds but flash on firefox. any solutions?06:50
intelikeyor cediga06:51
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:51
catid_flu_: oh oh i have something to say about flash..06:51
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash06:51
intelikeysay it catid06:51
_flu_i'm listening to you catid06:52
catidsec looking up the page06:52
catidthat adds pulseaudio support for flash06:52
catidit also has info on how to play with sound in flash906:53
catidso you can debug the problem yourself :)06:53
_flu_ok i'm lookin thru. thank you catid06:53
riukenOMG im doing my best to install the linux on ipod but i can use the "make_fw or gcc" command06:54
riukenany idea please?06:54
=== catid chuckles at riuken.
intelikeyriuken install build-essential06:55
riukenwith the apt-get?06:55
intelikeyyes   no compiler installed by default.06:56
=== agws [n=agws@bas14-toronto63-1177852818.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
riukenso i write sudo apt-get install build-essential06:56
=== intelikey knods
catidneat.. Beryl works06:57
agwsgood day to all06:57
catidhello agws06:57
agwsgreen horn question here06:57
riukenafter i install the build-essential what?06:58
riukenwhats that for?06:58
agwshow do I setup kubuntu as web server?06:58
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catidagws: you probably want to use apache for that06:58
nixternalMena: another thing to try if that doesn't work out... sudo apt-get autoclean06:59
nixternalthen do an update again and see if you still get that same problem06:59
riukenwhats the build-essential for?06:59
nixternalbut usually that is a network hiccup or you caught the server at a bad time06:59
Menai did that befor i will try again06:59
nixternalrock on :)06:59
agwsI would like to set up LAMP or AMP but I'm so new to this that I just finished installing kubuntu06:59
Menabut its a bout 3 or over 3 hours :D06:59
nixternalI have gotten those a few times as well. the us.archives servers are the worst pieces of tofu I have ever used07:00
catidagws: i've not tried those yet, sorry07:00
nixternalI actually use Canadian servers at time, or even EU servers07:00
Menain any way i will try gain on another time if the autoclean didnt do anything07:01
agwsdoes anyone know how to set up LAMP on kubuntu?07:01
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riukenwhats the build-essential for?07:02
riukenwhats the build-essential for?07:02
riukenwhats the build-essential for?07:02
intelikeyso you have gcc installed07:02
intelikeyso you have gcc installed07:02
intelikeyso you have gcc installed07:02
MenaHehehe :)07:03
intelikeyamongst other things that are essential for building source code07:03
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riukenand thats for the make_fw too?07:03
Menaand also some app use it and need it to work :D07:03
agwsLAMP???? anyone?07:03
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)07:03
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nixternalhey, stop the repeating07:04
nixternaljeesh, so I do it just trying to spell07:04
agwstoo bad that it's harder to understand the setup using that giude.07:04
nixternalfor LAMP, HowToForge.net rocks!07:04
intelikeyriuken i dont know about make_fw   and the package manager came up dry on that...07:05
catidElectricSheep is so cool..07:05
Menaome index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. i get this any idea why?07:05
agwsbut how do I keep kubuntu and set up LAMP?07:05
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Jucato!lamp | agws07:06
ubotuagws: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)07:06
Menais this the same problems with severs07:06
=== Hail_Spacecake [n=greg@adsl-68-121-150-232.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
nixternalMena: very well could be07:06
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy07:06
Hail_Spacecakewhat's the name for the other part of ndiswrapper?07:06
nixternalthere is a little ninja hacking the tubes maybe07:06
Hail_Spacecakenot ndiswrapper-utils07:06
catidcool there's a themes site07:06
Hail_Spacecakebut the part that actually does the backend coding stuff07:07
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Jucato] by ChanServ
=== nixternal hides
Menanixternal, Thanks07:07
nixternalno problem07:07
MenaThanks all bye ..With God Bless07:07
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nixternalMena: if you experience that problem still after a few hours, then I would look for more answers07:07
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nixternalbye :)07:08
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agwshow does one install LAMP onto Kubuntu07:09
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ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)07:09
Exploitcan any1 help me here?07:10
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ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:10
riukeni installed the build but i still have the same problem...07:10
firecrotchagws: It works though.07:10
Jucatoriuken: what problem?07:10
agwsyeah but I have no clue as to what I'm doing07:10
abortd_konversation only comes with the ubuntu server????....07:10
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agwsso that tutorial is not very friendly07:11
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ExploitHow to install/configure ADSL connection which connect through USB?????07:11
riukenlook im trying to install linux on my ipo07:12
Exploitthat requires usrname/pass?07:12
intelikeyagws the L part of your Q is more stupid than that stupid link.      "how do you install linux on linux" ....  ?07:12
Exploithow to configure that?07:12
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firecrotchagws: sudo apt-get install apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server07:12
firecrotchPretty simple, really07:13
riukeni have 78% of the process but i cant use07:13
riukenmake_fw command07:13
Exploitny 1 wanna help here???????????07:13
riukenand its important for the process...07:13
agwsintelikey...because when I wrote AMP noone responded, and when I wrote LAMP you were the 1st one to talk to me.  Funny.07:13
ExploitHow to install/configure ADSL connection which connect through USB????? in KUBUNTU????07:13
riukenu know what i can do07:13
intelikeyagws but i have been to that stupid link and it does tell you how to install the stupid LAMP on linux.   you install apache and a module and mysql-something-or-other...07:13
riukenu know what to do07:14
Exploitintelikey r u listening????07:14
=== abortd_ is now known as AbortD
=== mk [n=mk@cpc2-swin2-0-0-cust694.sol2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyExploit yeah but you haven't said much...07:14
Exploitjoin #ubuntu07:15
agwsintelikey - I've read it, do not get it, need help, new to linux.  I heard of linux, thought I would give it a try, and this is my 1st attempt.07:15
Jucato!caps | riuken07:15
uboturiuken: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:15
ebotvineExploit: Error: "ubuntu" is not a valid command.07:15
ExploitHow to install/configure ADSL connection which connect through USB????07:16
riukensorry about the shouts07:16
AbortDyou better be sorry07:16
intelikeyagws well congrats on the new exp.  the package manager is in the  kmenu     all the packages you need that are listed on that page  can be installed via adept (the package manager)07:17
=== hara [n=hara@dsl-tregw2-fee8df00-68.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu
Exploiti m not able to connect my net in kubuntu???? i  have connection ADSL that requires username & pass & connect through USB?07:17
riukenthanks all the people that help me...07:17
Jucatoriuken: I have no idea about installing linux on an ipod, not even how it can be done07:17
Exploithow to configure/install07:17
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=== SubOne [n=subone@c-71-56-222-150.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu []
JucatoExploit: try the command "sudo pppoeconf" in Konsole07:18
Exploitall r dull here07:18
=== nicolas [n=nicolas@ALyon-156-1-111-124.w86-216.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
Exploitthankx Jucato07:18
Jucato!patience | Exploit07:18
ubotuExploit: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:18
intelikeyExploit i was trying to find a like to a how to07:18
Exploitok guys thx07:19
intelikeythe bot has or had one but i can't find it.07:19
intelikeyand yeah we're pretty dull. i guess.07:20
=== edrex [n=eric@64-60-254-17.static-ip.telepacific.net] has joined #kubuntu
Exploitny othr method?07:21
ubotuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE07:21
Exploitok ubotu......07:21
Jucatoit's abot07:22
Jucatoa bot*07:22
intelikey!thanks | Exploit07:22
ubotuExploit: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)07:22
firecrotchDamn you, intelikey07:22
intelikeydid i just get "blessed out again" ?07:23
AbortDcan u get kde to auto ident for your nickname?07:23
Jucatointelikey: yes you did.07:23
JucatoAbortD: for konversation?07:23
intelikeyi thought so...07:23
AbortDthats what i meant07:23
AbortDim half drunk sorry07:23
JucatoAbortD: press F8, at the bottom, the Auto Identify section07:24
=== intelikey wonders where the other half is...
JucatoAbortD: put in NickServ for the service, then your password07:24
AbortDif i just enter in nickserv will it /msg auto?07:24
intelikeyJucato can main not be setup in a fresh install ?07:25
Jucatointelikey: what do you mean?07:25
AbortDor do i have to enter /msg nickserv07:25
JucatoAbortD: it will autoidentify you when you login07:25
intelikeyis it possable that agws sources.list doesn't have   main   setup ?07:25
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Jucatothat's why it's called "Auto" Identify07:25
intelikey[agws(n=agws@bas14-toronto63-1177852818.dsl.bell.ca)]  ok  so I'm looking for the packages in the Adept Installer and nothing.07:25
nomad111why is that on some sites i cant see the proper apostrophe07:25
Jucatointelikey: only if he's using dapper or earlier07:26
nomad111just some rubbish character07:26
Jucato"proper" apostrophe?07:26
AbortDi know it will07:26
Jucatointelikey: Dapper or earlier, if you install w/o an internet connection, it disables all repos07:26
AbortDbut do i have to enter the full  command like in mirc?07:26
intelikey[agws(n=agws@bas14-toronto63-1177852818.dsl.bell.ca)]  kubuntu, the latest that they had. <<<07:27
Jucato<Jucato> AbortD: put in NickServ for the service, then your password07:27
AbortDdidnt see that07:27
Jucatointelikey: hm... not sure... if by "latest" he means Edgy...07:27
agwsI think so07:27
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AbortD[02:27]  [Notice]  -NickServ- Error! "/msg NickServ" is no longer supported.  Use "/msg nickserv@services.dal.net" or "/nickserv" instead.07:28
AbortDsee what im saying07:28
intelikeyagws in here.     and ask Jucato if he's not too busy...07:28
Jucato<Jucato> AbortD: put in NickServ for the service, then your password <---- did you do this?07:28
catidanyone know where screensavers are supposed to be installed to?07:29
AbortDbut it tries to /msg nickserv07:29
AbortDinstead of /nickserv07:29
agwshey jucato, quick question for you.07:29
Jucatoah simple answer: DALnet is crazy :)07:29
Jucatoagws: ok?07:29
agwsjucato- kubuntu is supposed to be ubuntu server with desktop environment right>07:29
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=== AbortD cries like a baby
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JucatoAbortD: another way: Press F2, click on Edit. then put the proper command in the Commands field07:30
agwsjucato - in that case how do I set up my server, so it has a desktop environment.07:30
Jucatoagws: no. Kubuntu is Ubuntu, without GNOME, but with KDE07:30
AbortDsweet titts07:30
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AbortDjust brings up server list07:31
agwsjucato- what's the differance between GNOM and KDE?07:31
JucatoAbortD: another way: Press F2, click on Edit. then put the proper command in the Commands field07:31
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AbortDi see nm07:31
Jucato!kde | agws07:31
ubotuagws: KDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE veresion is 3.5.6 for Edgy and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.07:31
catiddoes System Guard applet work for anyone else?07:31
intelikeyJucato he's trying to install apache    and setup LAMP07:31
Jucato!gnome | agws07:31
AbortDcan u put in more than one command? and how?07:31
ubotuagws: gnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.07:31
JucatoAbortD: separate commands with a semicolon07:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about screensaver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:32
Jucatointelikey: I don't know how. I only know the page that has a guide. he says he can't understand it, therefore the guide is stupid07:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about screensavers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:32
Jucatocatid: which applet? the one for the panel07:33
Jucatohow is it not working for you?07:33
catidactually i'm using gnome-screensaver right now07:33
Iwonder|tooberyl is cool07:33
catidit doesn't display anything07:33
catidthe System Guard panes are empty07:33
agwsjucato - I will redo my system in a minute, but after installing server version, how do I add desktop environment to it07:34
Jucatocatid: open KSysGuard (K Menu -> System) then drag the sensors that you want from KSysGuard to the applet07:34
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Jucatoagws: so you installed the server (LAMP) version? and want to install a desktop environment for it?07:34
Jucatointelikey: read that? O.o07:34
catidthanks mate07:35
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:35
=== intelikey </blinks_again> @ Jucato
intelikeyyeah i read it.07:35
intelikeymixed signals...07:35
Jucatoagws: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" (if you want Kubuntu/KDE) or "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" (if you want Ubuntu/GNOME)07:36
Jucato... mixed words... @_@07:36
intelikeyJucato indeed.    do i need to drop this work and help in here ?07:36
Jucatointelikey: nah... it's ok... I'm going back to studying in a few minutes anyway...07:36
agwsjucato- thanks, I will redo my system and see what I can get.07:37
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catiddoes anyone here use xscreensaver instead of gnome-screensaver?07:38
Jucatomost probably they're using kscreenserver :)07:39
catidam i using that? :)07:40
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Jucatoyou're on Kubuntu, right?07:40
catidJucato: do you know where to install screensavers?07:41
Jucatonope... I never use them :)07:41
catidi want to install kcometen3 manually but not sure where to put it07:41
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=== Jucato doesn't know either
Skullerhow do i install an app from kde-app.org that i downloaded in tar.bz2 format?07:44
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Jucatodepends on what it is... you'd probably have to compile it07:44
SkullerJucato: inside it is an install.sh file07:44
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Jucatothen you run that install.sh file. be sure to read any README or INSTALL files07:45
Skullerumm...ok...i'll do that now07:45
catidknow how to install icon themes in Kubuntu?07:46
Jucato!changethemes | catid07:46
ubotucatid: [Ubuntu]  Install gnome-themes or go to menu, system settings, appearance. [KDE]  For a good KDE guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu07:46
crazy_busI've got a pdf.  Is there anyway I can edit it or at least extract the text?07:47
Jucato!pdftk | crazy_bus07:48
ubotucrazy_bus: pdftk: A useful tool for manipulating PDF documents. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.12-11build1 (edgy), package size 702 kB, installed size 2140 kB07:48
crazy_busthank you07:48
catidthanks that did it07:48
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mcgregorhi all07:51
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SkullerJucato: i get this on the last step of "./install.sh": ./install.sh: 146: function: not found07:53
pollyoI'm looking at something that I printed under linux and thinking how it appears to be a lower quality then windows printing.  Is this generally the case or could it be a setting?07:54
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Skullercan anyone please help me install the 'bin2iso' software on !loopback?08:00
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Exploitwhn i m using "sudo pppoeconf" after scanning its saying ports r used by another process...? ny other way to configure/install ADSL pppoe?08:01
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=== Bohica032 [n=arturgal@bas14-toronto63-1177852818.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
Bohica032jucato - it's working.. i think08:05
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JucatoSkuller: you should run it as "sh install.sh" afaik.08:06
JucatoBohica032: hm...?08:06
Bohica032sorry I was agws earlier08:06
Jucatoguessed so. :)08:07
SkullerJucato: sorry...same error08:07
=== Jucato goes away for a while..
=== genii [n=chatzill@H232.C72.B0.tor.eicat.ca] has joined #kubuntu
SkullerJucato: ok never mind...thanks08:07
Bohica032Jucato - i installed LAMP server first and ran that command you gave me for desktop, and now it's setting it up.  It's taking a while.08:08
Jucatoyeah it will really take a while08:08
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Bohica032Jucato - is there something out there like CPanel, but free?08:10
geniiBohica032: Quite a few, some for commercial ISP type setups08:10
intelikeyok i'm gonna call that final until someone tells me it don't work.   " http://pastebin.us/18540 "08:10
intelikeyi would have put it on the ubuntu pastebin but it don't work for cli browsers08:11
Bohica032genii - what about the non-commercial ones?08:13
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geniiBohica032: Well they are still open source :) I mean by commercial that they are for large organisations, etc like bandwidth resellers or webhosters etc etc08:14
wolferineis there an issue of copying files between reiser f/s and ext3?08:15
Bohica032genii - what about a home based server?  What would you recommend?08:15
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intelikey Jucato said he was out for a bit.08:17
geniiSomething like gnupanel or ispconfig , tho still for the types of setups I just mentioned aren't bad08:17
intelikeyand now i'm out for a bit. genii it's all yours        ummm and whoever else is here...08:18
geniiintelikey Have a good one then :)08:18
intelikeyspam... http://pastebin.us/1854008:18
JucatoI'm back a bit :)08:20
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Linux_GaloreJucato: move back some more08:21
=== Jucato moves back into the wallpaper
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anythinghi.. i've got a flash card and i plug into my laptop with kubuntu08:25
anythinghow do i access it?08:25
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mmc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:26
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anythingwhat do i need to read mmc flash card????08:27
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crazyrobothey does anyone know how to fix the screen on the F1-F6 shell when its only using half the screen?08:27
Skulleri have a kubun edgy dvd. i popped it in the drive and selected 'cd' in synaptic and it imported the indexes of the files on the dvd(the packages)...how do i view ONLY the packages on the dvd in the synaptic gui?08:28
catidcrazyrobot: change your console font to the default one08:28
=== crackhead_25__ [n=crackhea@ip68-0-212-162.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
catiddoes anyone know how to make konsole use the transparency from Beryl?08:29
ubotukonsole: X terminal emulator for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3.2 (edgy), package size 710 kB, installed size 2192 kB08:29
crazyrobotcatid: how do i go about doing that for the shell.08:29
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blekos_hello guys,  i would like you to pay me a min of attention. Regarding a bug that does not allow kontact to check emails of konqueror to get on the internet. The solutions is really SIMPLE. KNetworkManager is the problem. disable it and everything is fine. Please pass the word. IT took me three days to find smg relavant on the net. If someone posts bugs, pls mention it08:30
catidumm.. you need to re-run that config script08:30
catidlet me see if i can figure out which one08:30
Skulleri have a kubun edgy dvd. i popped it in the drive and selected 'cd' in synaptic and it imported the indexes of the files on the dvd(the packages)...how do i view ONLY the packages on the dvd in the synaptic gui?08:30
anythinghelp! is the mmc flash card under lspci or lspcmcia ???????08:30
anythingdoes anybody know?08:30
anythingis it pci?08:30
crazyrobotSkuller: do a search for cdrom maybe? in Fiesty, (which i'm not using at the moment) they added an origins tab.08:32
=== genii fixes Jucato the beverage of his choice
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Jucatothat would be T08:33
Jucatoer tea08:33
geniiAh, a fine choice :)08:34
anythingwell i modprobe tifm_sd and it worked08:34
Jucatodang!! I wish my neighbor gave me more of that Green Tea with Roasted Rice :(08:34
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genii(anything with caffeine is good in my books)08:34
anythingmy question is, is my mmc card pci or pcmcia ?08:34
Jucatoanything: when I plugin my card reader, it just automatically mounts it...08:34
anythingyeah now mine does08:34
geniianything If it's a teeny slim thing that you can unplug without opening your computer it's pcmcia08:34
Jucatoso working now?08:35
anythingyeah its working afer i modprobe tifm_sd .. i guess i'm lucky08:35
anythingbut i wonder how i should troubleshoot in the first place ;p08:35
anythinglspcmcia doesn't show it08:35
geniianything Some of those builtin readers on laptops etc are USB08:35
Jucatolspci shows it?08:35
genii(actually almost all of them)08:35
geniilsusb for usb08:36
Skullerhow do i "copy dvd" in k3b?08:36
crazyrobotwhat version do you have?08:36
anythingis it called, CardBus ?08:36
Skullerthe only option i see is 'copy cd'08:36
crazyrobotyou must not have libdvdcss208:36
Skullercrazyrobot: i do08:36
anything0a:06.0 CardBus bridge: Texas Instruments Unknown device 803908:36
crazyrobotyou may have to rebuild k3b08:36
JucatoSkuller: Tools -> Copy DVD?08:36
=== Jucato thinks Skuller is just looking at the quick buttons
SkullerJucato: ahh....yes08:37
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SkullerJucato: yes i was08:37
Skullerin a rush08:37
JucatoSkuller: you can add Copy DVD to those08:37
Skulleri will......thanks08:37
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catiddoes KDE have its own system monitor08:49
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catidlike gnome's system monitor08:49
ForgeAusI think so.. ksysguard? or do you mean a panel one?08:49
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ForgeAusyou can get ones for the panel08:49
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rob-westdoes anyone here use flightgear08:49
catidi'm using sysguard's panels to watch my two CPUs' load.. that's nice08:49
catidi'd also like a program that shows me the process list08:50
ForgeAusksysguard can do that too08:50
catidah okay, thanks08:50
ForgeAusyou just have to have process list on a worksheet08:50
pollyocatid: PRocess list?  Do you mean the list of programs running?  Doesn't CTRL-ESC show you that now?08:50
ForgeAus(if there isn't one already)08:51
catidyeah it does, thank you pollyo08:51
ForgeAusyup autoatically, thats itneresting I didn't know about that :) nice08:51
Jucatocatid: Ctrl+Esc08:51
catiddoes anyone else use yakuake (like quake's terminal you can bring down by pressing F12)?08:51
catidi'm wondering if there's something better?08:52
catidi'd prefer a terminal like gnome's terminal that understands compositing transparencies08:52
catidkonsole doesn't seem to do real transparencies08:52
Jucatowell... http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/True+transparency+for+Konsole?content=4830308:53
Jucatonot easily, but it can08:53
catidthe advantage of yakuake is that it hides until i press F12 then pops up on the top of the screen..  that's a neat feature because i use the console a lot08:53
waylandbillmorning (evening) Jucato08:53
rob-westwheere can i go for flightgear help08:53
Jucatowaylandbill: afternoon :)08:53
catidokay i'll check that out08:54
waylandbillJucato: still that early? ;)08:54
Jucato4:00 PM :)08:54
Jucatorob-west: don't really know.. do they have a mailing list or forums?08:54
=== Jucato doesn't even know what flightgear is lol...
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waylandbillyou must be on the total other side of the planet. exactly 12 hours off. :-D08:55
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rob-westits a open source flight sim for linux08:55
Jucatowaylandbill: I believe I mentioned that before... at least next time you just add 12 hours to your time, and greet me properly lol08:55
Jucato(at least until the next crazy DST arrives)08:56
waylandbillJucato: I'm sure you did. 4 am and that means I'm not fully awake.08:56
waylandbillJucato: oh. yeah. it is DST here.08:56
waylandbillrob-west: I've played flight gear before. It's nice. You install the library that fetches landscape data as you fly over it?08:57
Jucatorob-west: you're in luck. I think there's a #flightgear channel08:57
Jucatorob-west: http://www.flightgear.org/mail.html08:57
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rob-westwaylandbill where do i get that library08:57
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waylandbillrob-west: right on the flight gear site.08:58
rob-westi need that08:58
rob-westbut idk how 64MB video would handle it08:58
arvidhow can you install 2.6.17 on feisty? I can only find 2.6.20 in apt-get?08:58
waylandbillrob-west: saves the need of getting gigs of data that you'll never visit. :-)08:58
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arvidkernel version 2.6.17 i.e.08:58
rob-westk thanks08:58
Jucatoarvid:  you need a lower kernel version?08:59
arvidJucato: how?08:59
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Jucatoarvid: why?08:59
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arvidJucato: because ati's fgrlx module doesn't work in 2.6.2008:59
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Jucatoyou might want to ask about that in #ubuntu+109:00
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=== rob-west crashes his plane
pollyoAnyone look into setting up windows for both a dual boot system and a virtual machine?09:04
=== catid [n=catid@c-76-17-106-128.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
pollyoBooting a partition into a virtual machine as well as having the option to simply boot into the partition when you turn the computer on.09:04
catidso i really like the KDE environment.. how do i remover the gnome environment?09:04
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Jucatocatid: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde09:05
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=== waylandbill ponders impure kde
ContrastJucato: Doesn't using that method remove any GTK applications you have installed, or no?09:06
JucatoContrast: I guess that depends09:06
waylandbillrob-west: yes?09:07
rob-westwhere do u find that lib on the flightgear site09:07
Jucatowaylandbill: I'm on an impure one right now :)09:07
ContrastJucato: On what?09:07
JucatoContrast: on the stuff you have installed...09:07
waylandbillrob-west: give me a moment and I'll go there and find it.09:07
rob-westis it terrainsync09:07
catidi do like evolution though09:07
catidthanks for the link09:07
=== Jucato pukes....
Jucatoheh j/k09:08
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waylandbillrob-west: yes. that's it. Looks like it is included now.09:09
waylandbillThere is a new utility available (as part of the FlightGear src) called "terrasync". This utility runs in the background in a separate process, monitors your position, and downloads (or updates) the latest greatest scenery from the master scenery server "just in time". There is a README with the terrasync utility that explains how to run it.09:09
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waylandbillseems like you just need to configure it now. that's a good deal09:10
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rob-westoh u wont help09:11
=== SilentDis [n=alex@wdwi0pool0-a190.wi.tds.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== Jucato points rob-west to the link he gave above
rob-westim there09:12
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waylandbillrob-west: still have a problem?09:13
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rob-westnah nvm09:13
rob-westill figure it out09:13
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rob-westunless ud help09:13
comodocan anyone tell me how to check if 3d is enabled09:15
waylandbillrob-west: I might if I knew the problem.09:15
rob-westwell how do i configure it09:15
Jucatocomodo: 3d hardware acceleration? "glxinfo | grep -i render" if you see Rendering: yes, then it's enabled09:15
waylandbillthere's a readme file that tells. I'm sure it's just a setting that enables it in a configuration file.09:16
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SilentDis!3d | comodo09:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 3d - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:16
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SilentDisaargh, i can't remember the ! for that...09:16
ubotudri is direct rendering infrastructure, a framework for allowing direct access to graphics hardware under the X Window System in a safe and efficient manner.09:18
rob-westso this will pick up every bit of scenery09:18
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ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents09:19
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ubotuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto09:19
SilentDislol now THAT'S funny :)09:19
SilentDisgreetings and salutations :)09:20
stamenplease tell me, how to upgrade k3b to v.1.009:20
Jucatostamen: k3b 1.0 will be available in feisty09:20
stamenit wants kde headers if u compile it from source09:20
Jucatostamen: install kdelibs4-dev if you want to compile09:21
waylandbillyou could build it.09:21
waylandbill!build | stamen09:21
stamenaaa ok09:21
ubotustamen: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)09:21
stamenthank you very much09:21
stamenJucato: 10x09:21
SilentDisstamen: eventually, it'll probably be pushed into !backports as well, but it's not there yet.09:21
stdinJucato: but WHEN? :P09:21
Jucatostdin: when feisty has it most probably09:22
stamenwhy they didnt do this? :)09:22
Jucatobut only *if* it's possible to have k3b 1.0 w/o breaking edgy stuff09:22
rob-westwaylandbill where does flight gear install to09:22
stamento be more new thing in feisty :)09:22
Jucatostamen: because when k3b 1.0 was released, Feisty was in Beta freeze09:22
JucatoBeta freeze = you can't upload new stuff in preparation for Beta release09:22
stdinbad timing all around really09:22
Jucatobut now that beta freeze is over...09:23
stamenJucato: I agree, but k3b is stand alone as I know09:23
ubotuflightgear: Flight Gear Flight Simulator. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.9.10-2 (edgy), package size 2081 kB, installed size 5484 kB09:23
Jucatostamen: yes, but you're asking why they haven't packaged it for Kubuntu yet, right?09:23
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Jucatoit has nothing to do with k3b being standalone or not09:23
stamenJucato: not exactly09:24
stamenJucato: I mean why they dont put it as update09:24
stamenfor all versions09:24
Jucatobecause it doesn't work that way09:24
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stamenJucato: why, what it want09:24
stamenJucato: new libs?09:24
Jucatoall about release processes09:25
SilentDisrob-west: you can type which flightgear at a prompt, and it'll tell you where it's executing from.  then you can do ls -al /path/to/target to see if it's a symlink.  alternately, you can type aptitude show flightgear to just get basic info on the package.09:25
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=== waylandbill appreciates what goes into a package after looking at the kubuntu packaging guide
MatthiasM_hi, I just downloaded Kubuntu-7.04-beta-desktop, put it in, boot it and the screen stays black, monitor makes a high pich noise in both normal and safe-graphics mode :(09:26
stdinstamen: it still has to be tested on kubuntu systems to see if there are any bugs there, then it will be tested on older kubuntu versions and, if all is well, then it will be backported where possible09:26
Jucatostamen: for one, it can't be put into edgy-updates or edgy-security because they are not bug fixes/patches or security updates *for the current version*09:26
Jucatostamen: if a new version is to be added, it has to come from edgy-backports, which basically means it must be put into feisty first09:26
stamenJucato: aha, now I understand :)09:27
Jucatostamen: but since feisty was in freeze when k3b 1.0 was released, there was no way to put it into feisty09:27
Jucatohence, no way to put it into edgy-backports09:27
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stamenJucato: so if they make somthing ot put it in the distro they make it to be solid, nice .... I apriciate this09:28
Jucatowell, that's the purpose :)09:28
waylandbillstamen: that's the intention anyway. ;-)09:28
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stamenJucato: very good practice :)09:29
=== Jucato might be inaccurate in a few places there, but that's the general idea
MatthiasM_how do I create a good bug report on kubuntu-7.04-beta-desktop creating a blank screen with a nvidia graphics card?09:31
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JucatoMatthiasM_: #ubuntu+1 people might be able to help09:31
=== waylandbill recommends using a keyboard to start with
stdinMatthiasM_: incluse as much inforation as possible, that's a good start anyway09:31
waylandbilldefinately include steps to produce it.09:32
JucatoMatthiasM_: try to make sure that it's reproducible, or try to provide steps09:32
Jucatofor one, I have an nvidia card... and it works here...09:32
MatthiasM_well it's hard to get information, as the live cd does not even boot correct.09:33
fuel_any ideas where i can find icons for uml kind of applications ?09:33
MatthiasM_I tried to check for defects but all checksums are okay.09:33
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Jucatoah it's the Live CD?09:33
Jucatothen #ubuntu+1 really09:33
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waylandbillgoogling 'report bugs effectively' gives some good references as well, btw09:34
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MatthiasM_fuel_: http://uml.sourceforge.net/screen.php get some from another foss app09:41
ubotuumbrello: UML modelling tool and code generator. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1982 kB, installed size 5480 kB09:41
fuel_i do have umbrello installed.. :)09:42
catidis there a way to make KDE's task bar only show applications on the current desktop?09:42
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catidlike it is in GNOME09:42
fuel_catid: yes09:42
catidfuel_: how?09:43
fuel_configure taskbar09:43
fuel_then under taskbar option09:43
Jucatocatid: right-click on the Panel -> Configure Panel -> Taskbar options09:43
fuel_unchoose "show windows from all desktops"09:44
catidi don't see that option09:44
Jucatocatid: where can't you see it?09:44
Jucatobtw, are you using Beryl?09:44
catidConfigure - KDE Panel09:44
catidTaskbar submenu under Appearance09:44
Jucatocatid: right-click on the Panel -> Configure Panel -> Taskbar options -> [ ]  Show windows from all desktops (uncheck it)09:45
Jucatono, not that09:45
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Jucatoyeah that :)09:45
Jucatobut it won't show up if you're using Beryl09:45
catidyes i am using Beryl..  how do i fix it in this case?09:45
rob-westok waylandbill do i just do like nice terrasync -p 5500 -d //usr/share/games/FlightGear/Scenery09:45
rob-westfor terrasync09:45
Jucatocatid: simple: don't use Beryl :)09:45
catidwill it work in Compiz?09:46
fuel_oh beryl doesnt have that option ?09:46
catidfuel_: do you use Compiz?09:46
Jucatofuel_: nope... Beryl kinds borks Kicker09:46
fuel_catid: no09:47
Jucatocatid: don't really know09:47
catidwhat's Kicker?09:47
fuel_Jucato: oh!09:47
ubotukicker: desktop panel for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3.2 (edgy), package size 1953 kB, installed size 5808 kB09:47
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Linux_Galorecatid: right click on an empty space on the taskbar -> Configure Panel,  goto the Taskbar section down the bottom click on Show Windows From All Desktop, ie disable it09:47
catidis that the normal panel i've been using or something else?09:47
Freezawhat is the difference between a kdm theme and just normal theme?09:47
catidLinux_Galore: it does not show that option because i am using Beryl09:47
JucatoLinux_Galore: won't work, he's using Beryl09:47
Jucato!changethemes | Freeza09:48
ubotuFreeza: [Ubuntu]  Install gnome-themes or go to menu, system settings, appearance. [KDE]  For a good KDE guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu09:48
JucatoFreeza: KDM Theme = login screen theme09:48
stdinFreeza: KDM themes only apply to KDM09:48
Freezaahh ok only login thx thats what i was wondering09:48
Linux_Galorecatid: welcome to why I dont run yet finished software09:48
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catidLinux_Galore: this is not a problem in GNOME09:49
comodocan anyone tell me a good p2p program for ubuntu09:50
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Linux_Galorecatid: so, you forget KDE 3.* isn't on the KDe dev's radar anymore they have moved over to 4.0 so all the odd hacks will be done on there09:50
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catidah okay09:51
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JucatoLinux_Galore: not entirely true though09:51
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stdinkde4 is looking kool (tho completely unusable)09:51
catidstdin: what's new?09:51
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stdincatid: everything, whole new version of Qt09:52
Linux_GaloreJucato: true "some" work is still being done but allot of the blogs Im reading show its mostly minor fixes nothing big09:52
JucatoLinux_Galore: which is exactly what minor releases are for. the 3.5.x releases are bug fixes and stuff.09:52
Linux_Galorein regards to KDE 3.*09:52
catidkde4 sounds like fun09:52
stdincatid: it's nowhere near compleat, not even nearly, so it's hard to say what features it has, but it's a major upgrade of the code09:53
Jucatothe only "new" features that they can put in those maintenance releases are backports from KDE 4 that have been tested to work on KDE 3.5.x and have the maintainer's permission09:53
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Linux_GaloreJucato: i cant see the kde devs spending allot of time getting beryl working in kde 3.* considering kde 4.0 is better setup for desktop effects09:53
weedarif UTF-8 is the future, how come I cannot use special characters in Konsole when using UTF-8?09:53
Linux_Galoreweedar: because they are not part of UTF-8 ?09:54
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JucatoLinux_Galore: why would they work on Beryl in the first place? they don't work on Beryl, period...09:54
Jucatoseli is working on kwin_composite09:54
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Linux_GaloreJucato: tue, dare say they will be spending most of their time getting features and code ported to kde4 and qt4.309:55
weedarLinux_Galore: I thought UTF-8 was supposed to include all special/local characters so we don't have problems with different characters?09:55
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Jucatoweedar: I can do  in Konsole... check Konsole's Settings -> Encoding?09:55
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djdarkmanhy ,I can`t make a fat32 mount accessible to other users besides my ,how can I make it visible for other users?09:55
c0nv1ctdjdarkman: use permissions when mounting it09:56
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Linux_Galoredjdarkman: share it09:56
JucatoLinux_Galore: well, considering your previous statement about KDE and Beryl, there's nothing actually wrong going on... KDE has never worked on Beryl directly in the first place. sure aseigo fixed a bug on kicker for Beryl, but that was just it....09:56
Jucatodjdarkman: checked the wiki already?09:56
c0nv1ctdjdarkman: 'man mount' :P09:56
Jucato!fat32 | djdarkman09:57
ubotudjdarkman: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse09:57
weedarJucato: I have tried with "default",iso-8859-1 and unciode utf-8 - none lets me write 09:57
djdarkmanI`m tryied ewerithing but it seems to ignore everytime I set the permission to be viewable for everyone09:57
geniidjdarkman In the file /etc/fstab make sure it says "user" without the quotes as a mount option09:57
dystopianrayweedar: do you have a font for the characters you're trying to write?09:57
Linux_Galoredjdarkman: so you want people on the "same" machine to see the partition or on remote machines ?09:57
=== Jucato waves to genii
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geniiJucato :)09:57
djdarkmanLinux] 09:57
djdarkmanLinux_Galore: trough ftp09:58
Jucatoweedar: I could, though. try dystopianray's suggestion09:58
Ayabara2hey. anyone know of a good music player with graphical equalizer besides amarok?09:58
dystopianraydjdarkman: the permissions must be so that the ftp daemon can read the files09:58
geniiLinux_Galore: Good distinction btw09:58
djdarkmanLinux_Galore: I created another user for somene else to be able to access my files on that partition09:58
Linux_Galoredjdarkman: there is a quick and dirt method09:58
weedardystopianray: good question, I am not sure how I check that :) I do have the proper locales installed though09:59
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Jucatoweedar: you can write special characters (using a compose key, I presume) on other apps, right?09:59
djdarkmanwhere can I set the permission for that mount?10:00
Linux_Galoredjdarkman: right click on the directory folder icon that you have mounted in the file manager then click on Properties then look for the share tab, the rest is obvious10:00
c0nv1ctdjdarkman: in fstab, or using mount options10:00
djdarkmanLinux_Galore: it ignores my changes10:00
Linux_Galoredjdarkman: aah  type sudo konqueror   then do it10:01
Jucatoweedar: the Monospace font doesn't do special characters. try something like DejaVu10:01
djdarkmantried that too ,same thing happend...10:01
c0nv1ctdjdarkman: you also may need to modify your ftp server config for permissions10:01
weedarJucato: yes, like I am able to write  here in Konversation10:01
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djdarkmanc0nv1ct: yeah but it`s useless if the file is not readable for everyone ,only my user10:02
Jucatoweedar: change the font that Konsole uses10:02
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metty_hi all10:02
c0nv1ctdjdarkman: true, you should be using root to modify permissions to make sure of that10:02
weedarJucato: changing it to Dejavu resulted in nothing10:03
djdarkmanc0nv1ct: I did it ,should I unmount it before setting the permission?10:03
weedarJucato: the weird thing though is that I am able to write  in the field where it says "The quick brown fox[..] "10:03
djdarkmanthat I didn`t try10:03
weedarwhen changing font10:03
Tomas_hi need some help with upgrading to beta10:03
metty_i just used the command: "mv ati-driver-installer-8.34.8-x86.x86_64.run /downloads" but the ati drive isn't in the downloads folder  :( can't find it anyway - can someone pls help me?10:03
c0nv1ctdjdarkman: you need to set the user permissions in the mount command itself10:03
Jucatoweedar: Konsole -> Settings -> Font -> Select ?10:03
Tomas_could anybody help me here?10:04
djdarkmanI use to set it int he kcontrol menu ,but what option do I need to set?10:04
weedarJucato: that's where I was10:04
c0nv1ctdjdarkman: read the mount man pages for the proper syntax10:04
stdinTomas_: using the dist upgrade tool?10:04
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Linux_Galoredjdarkman: weird just tried it and it let me share a usb disk with another machine fine10:06
Linux_Galoredjdarkman: didnt even ask me for root10:06
Linux_Galoredjdarkman: check the permissions on the directory10:06
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Linux_Galorethe usb disk has permission that allow anyone to read or write10:07
metty_i just used the command: "mv ati-driver-installer-8.34.8-x86.x86_64.run /downloads" but the ati drive isn't in the downloads folder  :( can't find it anyway - can someone pls help me?10:08
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Ayabara2wrong channel to ask maybe, but do you prefer kopete over gaim?10:08
dystopianrayAyabara2: yes, kopete is better than gaim10:08
Linux_GaloreAyabara2: how long is a piece of string10:08
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Skullerif anyone wants to see beryl in some good action......http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbICCi6jxlI&NR10:09
Ayabara2Linux_Galore, I'd say about 30 cm :-)10:09
dystopianraySkuller: beryl 0.2 ?10:10
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Skullerdystopianray: no idea...i found the vid by casual surfing10:10
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Ayabara2I use gaim and xchat now. thought maybe I'd give kopete a try and see if it can replace both.10:12
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c0nv1ctSkuller: if i wanna see beryl 2.1 in good action, i look at my own desktop :P10:13
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Skullerc0nv1ct: hehe...thats coz your lucky10:13
metty_Skuller: hm just wanted to watch ur movie, but when i was connecting to youtube it tells me that i have to isntall the latest flash player, althoug i did it 1 minute ago10:13
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c0nv1ctSkuller: i'm in gentoo right now, 2.1 is in portage :D10:14
Jucatometty_: YouTube needs Flash 910:14
Skullerc0nv1ct: i saw the features of beryl in that vid...but my beryl does like only half the things with half the cool10:14
Skullerany idea?10:14
c0nv1ctSkuller: like what?10:14
c0nv1ctSkuller: you have to install the plugins-unsupported for some stuff, like snow10:14
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects10:14
Jucatofor beryl related discussion ^^^^^10:14
c0nv1ctaye aye channel nazi10:15
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c0nv1ct#beryl works too, i'm in there10:15
ebotvinec0nv1ct: Error: "beryl" is not a valid command.10:15
c0nv1ctebotvine: its not installed then :)10:16
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hak5fanHello. Does anybody know it it's possible to hide the titilebar of the wine desktop?10:16
fdovingwho owns ebotvine?10:16
JucatoI was about to ask the same thing fdoving10:16
c0nv1ctoh its a bot, i just realized that10:16
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=== Jucato snaps his fingers... beat mo to it...
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Skullerrelax dude10:17
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cytAnyone can run skype- on Feisty beta?10:20
pollyocyt: I have skype.  Let me see what verions.10:20
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pollyocyt: Yes v  Everything appears to work never tested it with my microphone though.10:21
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cytpollyo: Did you get the deb from skype site?10:22
pollyocyt: I think I did.10:23
cytpollyo: In my machine, it runs 'core dumped' :(10:24
pollyocyt: I'm not 100% sure though.10:24
Skullermy glass monitor superkaramba theme shows cpu usage 100%...how do i check what is screwing my baby?10:24
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pollyocyt: Is it in the Adept Manager List?10:24
fdovingSkuller: ctrl-esc10:24
Skullerfdoving: which column represents the cpu usage by a program?10:24
cytpollyo: I manually 'sudo dpkg -i skype_debian-'.10:25
cytLet me check it.10:25
fdovingSkuller: user% and system%10:25
JucatoSkuller: System% afaik10:25
Jucatosnap :)10:25
cytpollyo: yes, there it is.10:26
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SkullerJucato: the highest usage was like about 15% only10:26
c0nv1ctthe karamba theme might have an error then10:26
SkullerJucato: omg..the install.sh process was runnin..remember the one which i couldnt get to work10:26
c0nv1ctSkuller: have you tried other themes to see if it registers 100% too?10:27
c0nv1ctoh nm10:27
pollyocyt: Can you uninstall the deb package and attempt that one? I never looked at how to uninstall using the command line.10:27
hak5fanskype has an apt repo here deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free10:27
Skullerc0nv1ct: no...but i opened ksysguard in K-->system-->ksysguard10:27
Skullerc0nv1ct: and cpu load was full10:27
c0nv1ctSkuller: ah, then its correct10:27
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c0nv1ctSkuller: the theme i use shows the program using the most cpu :P10:28
Skullerits all sweet since i killed off the two 'install.sh' processes10:28
Skullerc0nv1ct: which one would that be :)?10:28
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c0nv1ctSkuller: i used BuildAMon, and modified it quite a bit10:28
cytpollyo: well, but skype is not in ubuntu repos?10:28
dystopianrayif I connect to a wifi network with knetworkmanager and logout, does the network stay connected?10:29
c0nv1ctSkuller: but the part that shows the highest cpu process is there by default10:29
cytpollyo: so I get the deb from skype website.10:29
Skullerc0nv1ct: ohh...i guess you need programming skills for that10:29
pollyoAnyone know how I can get access to my windows XP drive from within linux?  I tried a script on one of the ubuntu websites that said it would but i get "You do not have access rights to this location" when I attempt to open the mounted drive.10:29
c0nv1ctSkuller: nah, its pretty simple10:29
Skullerc0nv1ct: oh then i guess i should try it as well10:29
metty_i got a audio cd in my /dev/hdb, how can i rund the mp3s or .wavs pls??10:29
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Skullerc0nv1ct: i wanted a lot of eye candy for my os to show off to friends and make them switch from xp10:30
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cytpollyo: Thanks anyway, I would try the static binary version on the skype website.10:30
c0nv1ctSkuller: nice "D10:30
pollyocyt: Someone posted a link with packages from skype's site.10:30
Jucato!ntfs | pollyo10:30
ubotupollyo: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse10:30
Skullerc0nv1ct: i showed them the video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbICCi6jxlI&NR but couldnt show them the same thing in mah comp10:30
Skullerc0nv1ct: i dont know how to10:30
c0nv1ctlemme look, 1 sec10:30
dystopianraySkuller: your friends are so stupid that they'd switch just becuase of some dumb effects??10:31
pollyoJucato: Thanks.  That is the script I tried.10:31
pollyoJucato: Guess I'll have to do the indepth reading.10:31
Skullerdystopianray: they are stupid in terms of general computer usage...and are under strong influence of windows....need a STRONG motivation to switch10:31
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dystopianrayberyl is in the offical repos now, for feisty10:33
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Skullerahh...thats good10:33
c0nv1ctSkuller: what parts were you not able to replicate?10:33
hak5fanSkuller making people swhich to llinux isn't easy10:33
Skullerthe only two things i want from feisty 'real bad' are support for my webcam and apc ups10:33
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Skullerc0nv1ct: i can get a 3d cube...but its only horizontal moving and not free form10:34
dystopianraySkuller: the ups utitlies in the ubuntu repos don't support your ups?10:34
c0nv1ctSkuller: that could be a mouse problem, how are you moving the cube?10:34
Skullerdystopianray: there is a driver named 'apcupsd'..i read the manual for it and got lost in getting it to work....tried twice with no luck10:35
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Skullerc0nv1ct: using edges and also scrollwheel10:35
c0nv1ctSkuller: try pressing in the scroll wheel (middle mouse button)10:35
Skullerc0nv1ct: also my system lags when using beryl10:35
Skullerc0nv1ct: woooooot....it worked10:36
Skullerc0nv1ct: stupid me dint  know the shortcuts10:36
c0nv1ctSkuller: k, what else :)10:36
dystopianraySkuller: there is probably a howto for it somewhere10:36
Skullerc0nv1ct: can you tell me some more things about beryl that a guy like wouldnt know10:36
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c0nv1ctSkuller: what else do ya want to know, i'll tell ya if i can10:38
Skullerc0nv1ct: tell me the basic fascinations with it10:39
Skullerc0nv1ct: or if possible a page tellin u the basics would be nice10:39
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c0nv1ctnot sure about that10:39
c0nv1cti know the general shortcuts and stuff10:39
Skullersure would love to   know10:40
c0nv1ctlike, shift-f9 is for rain10:40
c0nv1ctwin+f3 is for snow, if you have it installed10:40
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Skullerc0nv1ct: looks like i dont...how do i go about doing so?10:41
c0nv1ctSkuller: install the plugins-unsupprted package10:41
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dettoaltrimentiI mounted an external HD and it says in Konqueror that I don't have the permissions to read or write to it- what can I do?10:43
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c0nv1ctdettoaltrimenti: remount it with proper permissions10:43
dettoaltrimentiok, so how do I mount a drive with permissions to read and write10:43
Ayabara2do you guys use the skype plugin for kopete?10:43
c0nv1ctdettoaltrimenti: type 'man mount'10:44
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dettoaltrimentiok c0nv1ct, or you could just tell me. Thanks, I'll spend 20 minutes reading now10:44
mrignsdettoaltrimenti: sudo chmod 677 the directory10:45
c0nv1cti can hold your hand if you want, but learning how to do it yourself will be more beneficial10:45
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mrignsdettoaltrimenti: but c0nv1ct is right. you should find out some stuff on your own10:46
c0nv1ctmrigns: atleast the usuall routes, man pages, google, wiki10:46
dettoaltrimentiwell, I'd like to have read and write permissions whenever I plug something in, without having to learn on my own10:46
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dettoaltrimentiand I don't have all day to play on the computer doing this10:46
Skullerc0nv1ct: i changed some stuff in the beryl settings n everything froze...i am back after a ctrl-alt-bkspc10:46
c0nv1ctlearn it once, and you wont have to ask again10:47
dettoaltrimentitell me once, I won't have to ask again10:47
c0nv1ctSkuller: lol, what did you break?10:47
mrignsu can edit /etc/fstab10:47
Skullerc0nv1ct: no idea10:47
c0nv1ctdettoaltrimenti: learning where to go for information, will help you ask less often10:47
mrignsSkuller: does is now freez everytime you start it?10:48
c0nv1ctSkuller: yeah, what does it do exactly10:48
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:50
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ldanielhi, I installed beryl and it works fine, but i have a little problem. When a window is maximised the (left and right) upper bottons are missing. Help. Thanks10:52
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c0nv1ctldaniel: weird, havent seen that one10:53
blue|palmCan anyone tell me how to manually mount a usb drive? Or how to fix my automount which decided to stop working?10:53
c0nv1ctblue|palm: whats the device name?10:53
blue|palmc0nv1ct: I know how to sudo mount device destination10:54
blue|palmc0nv1ct: Isnt there an easier method?10:54
c0nv1ctblue|palm: there may be a gui method, but i wouldnt know10:54
blue|palmc0nv1ct: because if i have 6 usb drives i have to mount each to a seperate folder.. .which is irritating10:54
blue|palmc0nv1ct: automount mounted it automatically, i dont know why it stopped working...10:55
c0nv1ctblue|palm: ive had the automount stop working on me too in ubuntu, not sure what the deal is10:55
blue|palmc0nv1ct: did you manage to fix it?10:55
c0nv1ctblue|palm: in kde i dunno, but there is a gnome app that handles it10:55
blue|palmc0nv1ct: i am in gnome right now (kubuntu though :) )10:55
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blue|palmc0nv1ct: what is the gnome app?10:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:56
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse10:56
c0nv1ctblue|palm: it may be gnome-volume-manager, but i'm not sure10:57
benitohey guys, wondering how i can install en_au lang pack?10:57
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blue|palmc0nv1ct: ive launched it, what do i do now?10:58
c0nv1ctblue|palm: not sure, i use kde :P10:58
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter10:58
c0nv1ctther is also a tool called gnome-mount, if that helps any10:58
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse10:59
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions10:59
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c0nv1ctblue|palm: "gnome-volume-manager is a GNOME daemon that acts as a policy agent in top of the kernel, udev, d-bus and HAL. It listens to HAL events and reacts with user-configurable actions. Currently it supports automount of new media and hot-plugged devices, autorun, autoplay for CDs and DVDs, and automatic camera management"11:00
c0nv1ctthats it, now u just gotta figure out how it works :D11:01
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c0nv1ctmaybe just restarting the daemon will do the trick11:01
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blue|palmc0nv1ct: thanks11:01
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pollyoHow do you find out your user bnumber?11:01
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Skullerc0nv1ct: omg11:02
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ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/11:02
eilkerPermission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).11:02
Skullerc0nv1ct: after that tampering with setting in beryl...my comp froze...i restarted X and started beryl again and it froze so i had to restart the system...now i have started again with no beryl11:03
SagaciousKJBIs StrictModes enabled?11:03
SagaciousKJBPublic keys would not work for me no matter what if StrictModes was enabled.11:03
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c0nv1ctSkuller: if all else fails, delete the .beryl directory in your home dir11:03
eilkerSagaciousKJB> i have no idea, how can i ?11:03
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c0nv1ctSkuller: that will revert back to default settings11:04
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SagaciousKJBIn your ssh config file, just look for the StrictModes option.11:04
Skullerc0nv1ct: ok i wil do that...11:04
Jucatopollyo: "id" command11:04
Skullerc0nv1ct: another thing i think worth mentioning11:04
Skullerc0nv1ct: my GLX texture map or sum thing y fails coz its not loaded/installed11:04
Jucatoer.. :)11:05
c0nv1ctSkuller: thats not good11:05
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SagaciousKJBeilker: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30709&highlight=setting+public+keys  That should help get you set up.11:05
eilkerSagaciousKJB> thanx11:05
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weedarWhen connecting removeable devices, how can I make sure that the cache is flushed before I disconnect the device?11:05
Skullerc0nv1ct: the place where it does "xxx..PASSED, XXX...PASSED"....the last thing there, it fails it...i tried to install that thing acc to the documentation but everytime i input the code in my xorg.conf as it tells me to do my X ends up screwing up and i have to reconfigure it11:06
aseigoweedar: go to /media, right click on the device, select "safely remove"11:06
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SagaciousKJBCan anyone reccomend me a guide for ripping DVDs with AcidRip?11:06
c0nv1ctSkuller: yeah, you may need to reconfigure xorg.conf with nvidia-settings11:06
SagaciousKJBI'm not sure how to configure the bitrates and quality presets.11:07
c0nv1ctSkuller: check the forums, i gotta sleep or i'd help :P11:07
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weedaraseigo: thanks alot :)11:07
SagaciousKJBFor an aexmpale, "Ichroma_opt:vhq=4:bvhq=1:quant_type=mpeg" I have no idea what that means11:07
Skullerc0nv1ct: thanks for all your help....goodnight11:07
aseigoweedar: np11:07
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Jucatopollyo: were you able to get my answer to your question? (about user ID number?)11:08
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pollyojucato: I didn't see your answer but found it in system settings.  thank you though.11:09
Jucatopollyo: the command is "id"11:09
pollyoYes!  I got my windows xp partion mounted (read only)11:09
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pollyojucato: In shell I  can type id and get my uid?11:09
pollyojucato: Thank you.11:10
pollyoAnyone know how well ntfs write capability is coming along?11:10
dystopianraypollyo: very well, use ntfs-3g11:10
Jucato!ntfs-3g | pollyo11:10
ubotupollyo: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)11:10
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pollyoThank you.11:11
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geniinote: ntfs-3g not yet known to work on Vista's version of ntfs yet11:11
pollyoDo they have any feisty specific information?11:11
JohnFlux_genii: ntfs changed in vista??11:11
dystopianrayJohnFlux_: they change it in every windows release11:11
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ozgur wannt help11:18
ozgurplease help me11:18
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dystopianraybecuae I don't know what you're having trouble with11:19
ozgur wannt listen to mp3 my penguin11:20
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ozgurbut listen not11:20
dystopianrayozgur: apt-get install libxine-extracodecs11:20
dystopianrayozgur: you must enable the universe repositry first though11:20
dettoaltrimentiI have a flash drive that I can write to, but I can't move anything to the trash- did I mount it wrong?11:21
ozgurtell me please11:21
dystopianrayumm.. you can edit /etc/apt/sources.lst11:21
dystopianrayor there is probalby some way to do it with one of the graphical package managers11:21
stdinozgur: asked in #ubuntu-tr ?11:22
ozgurubuntu-tr empty11:22
dettoaltrimentiozgur- do you have the program Adept?11:22
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ozgur havekde 3.5.211:23
ozgurand m first linux11:23
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dettoaltrimentiozgur KMenu----System----Adept Manager Manage Packages11:23
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ozgurwait please11:24
Skullermy beryl cube has become a triangle and there r 3 desktops instead of 4...how do i change it back?11:24
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ozguramarok-arts not installed11:25
the-ermI was thinking of getting a laptop.  I don't want vista pre-installed, I'd prefer kubuntu pre-installed anyone know of places that do this.  I don't one cent going to $MS otherwise I'd just go to walmart and get one there.11:25
pollyoDo they have a windows driver to read linux partitions?11:25
dystopianraypollyo: yes, but only for ext211:25
Skullerpollyo: EX2IFS11:25
Jucatowell, ext3 is basically ext211:26
Skulleror something like that11:26
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ozgurskuller please tell me11:26
Jucatoext3 = ext2 + journaling11:26
Skullerozgur: what?11:26
pollyoThank you.11:26
dystopianraywithout journalling it's as shit as fat3211:26
ozgurtell me11:26
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Skullerozgur: umm what?11:27
ozgur wannt listen to amarok11:27
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ozgurbut play not11:27
dystopianrayozgur: enable universe and install libxine-extracodecs11:27
pollyoThe one thing I would like to figure out is how to load both linux and windows in virtualization from either os though a partition rather then an image file.11:27
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ozgurwhere cann i find?11:28
pollyoI was reading it might be difficult to do with windows because of the driver situation.11:28
maltronhi, anyone have any idea why I've been banned from #ubuntu?11:28
dystopianrayvery difficult11:28
dystopianraywindows can't even surive a mobo change11:28
dystopianraymaltron: spamming11:28
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maltrondystopianray: I can't see how - I don't do that.11:29
Skullerozgur: which language?11:29
Skullerozgur: go to that language chaneel11:29
ozgurok thanks11:29
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dystopianraymaltron: well it was just an idea, I don't really know11:29
dystopianraywho knows how I can get textured video working with the i810 driver?11:30
maltrondystopianray: matter of fact, I haven't been on there in ages anyway...  I have a question about JACK and Jackbeat in particular - I can't seem to get it working in Ubuntu (I use Kubuntu too, in any case I suspect the problem has little to do with the desktop..)11:30
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dystopianrayI don't know anything about jack11:31
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maltronanyone here familiar with working with jackbeat or JACK?11:31
maltrondystopianray: funny - I don't know jack about anything...11:32
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dystopianray how can I change what xv adapter is being used?11:38
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AbortDit feels so good to be out of jail11:43
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polly1Anyone familiar with fstab?11:48
fdovingpolly1: yes.11:48
polly1fdoving: I noticed all the lines in fstab end in 0 0 is that required?11:48
dettoaltrimentiI have an external harddrive that automatically mounts when I plug it in, but it's read only- how do I get write permissions?11:49
polly1fdoving: I got this line for fstab from a website :   ntfs-3g /dev/sda /media/sda1 -o silent,umask=0,local=en_US.utf811:49
AbortDi just edited fstab earlier11:49
AbortDwhat are you trying to do?11:49
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polly1AbortD: I'm mounting an nfts drive.11:50
raffytaffyhi AbortD11:50
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AbortDhi raffytaffy11:52
AbortDguess what happened in the time we talked11:52
AbortDpolly1 a partition or a seperate disk drive?11:52
raffytaffywhat happen11:52
polly1AbortD: A partition on another drive.11:53
AbortDfucking jail with a 16 grand bond11:53
AbortDdoes it already read the drive?11:53
fdovingpolly1: in konqueror input #fstab scroll down till you find "The fifth field" and "The sixth field"11:53
polly1AbortD: I was using ntfs but I want to switch to ntfs-3g11:53
fdovingpolly1: that will explain what those numbers are.11:54
AbortDoh no idea thought u were trying to mount11:54
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ForgeAusyou mean fusemount?11:59
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse12:01
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)12:01
=== [miles] [n=sysadm@unaffiliated/miles/x-000000001] has joined #kubuntu
[miles] afternoon guys... anyone tell me what kernel 7.04 beta is running please?12:01
HobbseeSysinfo for 'LongPointyStick': Linux 2.6.20-12-generic running KDE 3.5.6, CPU: Genuine Intel(R) CPU           T2250  @ 1.73GHz at 800 MHz (3458 bogomips), HD: 25/72GB, RAM: 647/1510MB, 132 proc's, 25.55min up12:02
dystopianray[miles] : 2.6.2012:02
[miles] cheers12:02
[miles] nice12:02
dystopianray[miles] : ask feisty questions in #ubuntu+112:02
dystopianraythis room is for edgy12:02
[miles] ah sorry12:02
=== AbortD gives raffytaffy a back rub
raffytaffy*searches for a glass of water*12:04
=== raffytaffy is tempted to install kernel
listeperHello all. Im brand new in Kubuntu. That will say, i startede out yesterday. I have got a few question. One of them is about my hardware config. I have 1Gb RAM and a GeForceFX 5600 Graphics card, But it doesn't run as smooth as you would think. Does Kubuntu really requires that much?12:05
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raffytaffylisteper: are you on a laptop?12:05
[miles] raffytaffy: I've built at work 2.6.20-3 in Kubuntu 6.10 ... it's fast12:05
listeperraffytaffy: Nope.12:06
raffytaffyi use vanila kernels from kernel.org12:06
dystopianraylisteper: you're probably not using the binary driver12:06
dystopianrayfor nvidia i mean12:06
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listeperdystopianray: Anywhere i can check that, and maybe change that?12:06
raffytaffyonce i compile them i fakeroot -dpkg - install :P12:06
dystopianraylisteper: install nvidia-glx, then change "nv" to "nvidia" in your xorg.conf12:06
dettoaltrimentiI tried mounting an NTFS drive by editing the fstab, but when I try to open the drive it says "you don't have enough permissions to read...." anyone know what I'm doing wrong?12:07
raffytaffyhe can run nvidia-config no?12:07
AbortDthere is a new kernel?/12:07
dystopianrayraffytaffy: shouldn't need to12:07
AbortDthere is a nvidia config how?12:07
raffytaffyAbortD: kernel.org release it seems12:07
raffytaffyi look @ changelog some new netfilter changes12:07
listeperdystopianray: Thank you, one moment.12:07
raffytaffyand they fix memo leaks12:07
raffytaffyyes netfilter section like xtables and iptables modules12:09
listeperdystopianray: install: missing destination file operand after 'nvidia-glx' Do i need to set up a new repository?12:09
=== AbortD pretends to know
dystopianraylisteper: you probably need to enable multiverse12:09
raffytaffyyou never install a vanila kernel AbortD?12:09
listeperdystopianray: That is enabled.12:09
AbortDwhat about the dnstables module in the right sector?12:09
dystopianraylisteper: have you run apt-get update ?12:09
dystopianraylisteper: are you using 6.10?12:09
raffytaffyits fun and rewarding12:09
listeperdystopianray: I'v updated, and im on 6.06 dapper.12:10
dystopianrayvanilla kernel is missing lots of drivers12:10
polly1dettoaltrimenti: I had to set my uid in fstab.12:10
dystopianraylisteper: oh, 6.06 might not have nvidia-glx12:10
AbortDhow rewarding?12:10
raffytaffydystopianray: i incorporate them offcourse12:10
ForgeAusif this channel is for edgy ie 6.10 and #ubuntu+1 is for feisty then does that mean #ubuntu-1 is for dapper? lol :)12:10
listeperdystopianray: darn it, so nothing for me to do?12:10
raffytaffyi just compile and build what i need12:10
dettoaltrimentipolly1, how do I do that12:10
raffytaffyAbortD : my laptop flies on custom kernels...the ones from apt-get not so much12:11
AbortDi wish i remember more about linux than i do12:11
dystopianrayForgeAus: this channel is for edgy and dapper12:11
ForgeAushow about hoary and breezy?12:11
dystopianrayForgeAus: #ubuntu+1 is for non final releases, which is currently feisty12:11
raffytaffydystopianray: what about nutjobs like me who run both :P12:11
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polly1dettoaltrimenti: Let me double check.12:11
raffytaffyand feisty12:11
AbortDwhat is the stuff u need to compile?12:11
dystopianrayForgeAus: yeah you can ask about them here, but they're pretty old12:12
raffytaffywell like wireless drivers...thou i dont use them12:12
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ForgeAusagreed and I wouldn't want to coz I dont run them personally...12:12
raffytaffyplus u can cut out all the xtra modules u dont need12:12
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse12:12
ForgeAusI look forward to the day when I can say I've forgotten more about linux than most people will ever know!12:12
raffytaffyim tempted to write a script to auto-install kernel from kernel-org...but not sure as to how it would incorporate into dif boxes12:13
dystopianraylisteper: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia12:13
ForgeAusbut if you take that kind of overview, I'm basically still a newbie...12:13
Hobbsee!b-e | AbortD12:13
ubotuAbortD: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)12:13
polly1dettoaltrimenti: Try that website... Here is what it suggests:  ro,user,auto,fmask=0177,dmask=0077,uid=100012:13
polly1dettoaltrimenti: Notice the uid=12:14
eXistenZany packages manager better than adept?12:14
raffytaffySmart : eXistenZ12:14
ForgeAuswhats wrong with adept?12:14
AbortDi took notes on  this but lost em12:14
dettoaltrimentithanks polly1 I'll try it12:14
eXistenZI find it limiting12:14
ForgeAusthere was a Synaptic12:14
AbortDi will have to get ahold of a old friend to help me out again12:14
ForgeAusyou could use Kpackage12:14
polly1dettoaltrimenti: I just installed the ntfs-3g with read/right ablility is that something you are looking for or just read?12:14
HobbseeeXistenZ: synaptic12:14
ForgeAuserm sorry I meant Kynaptic, there WAS a kynaptic12:15
AbortDi like   compiling12:15
listeperdystopianray: Thanks, i was googling myself. I'll try that, One minute.12:15
raffytaffywhat u need help with AbortD12:15
ForgeAusSynaptic works for kubuntu also (because of gtk)12:15
AbortDit'll have to be a time im not getting drunk though so i can take notes ;P12:15
dettoaltrimentipolly1 I can read, and if I mount using 'ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/external' I can also write, but I'm trying to get it to automatically mount when I plug it in12:15
raffytaffyo.0 notes ehh12:15
ForgeAussmart is an option, so is aptitude and/or apt-get (if your into curses)12:15
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raffytaffysmart with apt-get is great combo imo12:16
raffytaffybut not so much for new guys12:16
ForgeAushehe smart hmmm...12:16
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ForgeAusMandriva is good with smart...12:16
eXistenZI had some nice wallpaper but I lost it =/12:16
eXistenZI'm searching in the net for it12:16
polly1dettoaltrimenti: I think you have to add the auto option to the fstab entry.12:16
raffytaffyi wouldnt touch mandriva hehe12:16
AbortDi made my own wallpaper from the linux girl and the KDE thing with the line across the screen12:16
=== raffytaffy is not a fan of RPM
dettoaltrimentipolly1 no sorry, I mean it mounts automatically, but as read-only12:16
AbortDgimp is great  for everything12:17
ForgeAusI'm not a fan of rpm based distros either12:17
the-ermI used to run mandriva, probably would still be running it if their installer worked on my new computer.12:17
AbortDi  hate rpm12:17
raffytaffyill do gentoo and debian type ...source even12:17
ForgeAuslinux seems to be prone to dependancy hell12:17
raffytaffybut never rpm12:17
the-ermI'm glad I switched to kubuntu tho.12:17
the-ermI like the fact you can update everything easily.12:17
ForgeAusraffy how about slackware12:17
ForgeAusor pkgsrc-based?12:17
raffytaffywhen i say source i mean slack:P12:17
AbortDi love the fact of super karamba12:17
raffytaffybut havent used slack in years12:17
ForgeAusslack isn't source-based12:17
listeperdystopianray: Should main restricted find it?12:17
chrismhampsonraffytaffy: Although I love ubuntu i also run pclinuxos and it is by far the best and easiest linux OS out there12:18
ForgeAusin fact most slack packages are binaries that you can driectly copy into a kubuntu distro12:18
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dystopianraylisteper: I don't know12:18
ForgeAus(I know I've successfully done it)12:18
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=== raffytaffy considers stuff that can be ./configure as source:P
AbortDsuper karamba is in apt-get or adept right?12:18
ForgeAusI don't use gslapt to INSTALL just to read the PACKAGES.TXT info)....12:18
raffytaffyi prefer to compile on my own12:18
polly1dettoaltrimenti: This is the option I used for fstab: /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8   0    012:18
listeperdystopianray: Oh, it's because your tutorial talk something about enable restricted packages. And im not all sure how toi do that.12:19
polly1dettoaltrimenti: It appears to allow me to read and write.12:19
polly1dettoaltrimenti: I'm just not sure where to add the auto.  I'm thinking right before the defaults12:20
raffytaffyi think slackware has umm arch linux? or was it called err...zen walk?12:20
raffytaffyi dont stay up to date with all these new spawns12:20
dystopianraylisteper: oh, I've never used that guide, or used nvidia in dapper, so i'm not really sure12:21
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raffytaffyi visit that distro watch place a while back and was exasterbated from goin thru the long lists of distros:P12:21
the-ermAbortD: apt-get install superkaramba12:22
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raffytaffyapt-get moo12:22
AbortDwouldnt it be sudo apt-get install?12:22
dystopianrayAbortD: yes, you should know to prefix sudo onto apt-get if you are not already root12:23
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raffytaffyif youre a renegade dont forget the -f switch @ the end lol12:23
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AbortDi want to just fing run in root..12:24
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raffytaffyrunning things in root bad idea12:25
AbortDi used to edit super karamba graphics12:25
AbortDin the clocks making them transparent and mosaic12:25
AbortDto blend in with the kde moon12:25
tmbg_AbortD, yo.12:26
raffytaffyim old fashioned . simple conky and no accelerated desktops for me12:26
AbortDi wish i didnt kill my usb drive12:26
AbortDhey whats up tmbg_12:26
polly1I noticed icons getting lost behind super karamba items.12:26
dystopianrayAbortD: you want a root shell? just run $ sudo su12:26
AbortDgotta situate them12:26
AbortDi want to run root period12:26
AbortDlogin as root12:26
dystopianrayAbortD: give root a password12:26
the-ermsudo root12:26
the-ermthen you can passwd12:27
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:27
the-ermer sudo su  ...12:27
raffytaffyAbortD : put down the booze my brother lol12:27
the-ermor you can sudo passwd  to set the password.  then su12:27
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AbortDii sh@11 sUd0 y0u!12:28
tmbg_I sorta like the disabled root account. so far I've been able to get sudo to do everything I wanted.12:28
the-ermMaybe I'm misunderstanding the question.12:28
=== aseigo hands dystopianray and the-erm "sudo -i"
AbortDi dont feel like entering it for everything :P12:28
AbortDyou're not in a sense12:28
AbortDu are ok12:28
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raffytaffyAbortD : permissions are what make linux linux12:29
raffytaffyif u take them away. u take away the essance of linux12:29
the-ermI prefer not to use the sudo command.  So I set up root as an account like I'm used to.12:29
AbortDnot really though12:29
tmbg_perhaps you could adjust the timestamp life in sudo.12:29
raffytaffysudo su runs root12:29
fdovingsudo -i too.12:30
tmbg_that way you won't be troubled as much with entering passwords but you won't have to set up the root acct12:30
AbortDonly in one term12:30
AbortDwhen it is gone you are out of sudo12:30
raffytaffysudo -l is how to bypass security:P12:30
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polly1Any way to impove the print quality for printers?12:35
=== kasper [n=kasper@port292.ds1-noe.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu
polly1When I print under linux it isn't as sharp as when I print from windows.12:35
=== kasper is now known as listeper
listeperdystopianray: works like a charme!!12:35
dystopianraylisteper: excellent12:35
listeperdystopianray: Is there anything more i can do to tweak it up?12:36
listeperdystopianray: You know, i would like to get the best thing out of my hardware.12:36
dystopianraylisteper: do this: $ cat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/status12:36
raffytaffylisteper: once again ; to get best out of hardware compile custom kernel with exact hardware specifications12:37
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dystopianrayraffytaffy: how will that get the best out of hardware?12:37
raffytaffybcse u will only load up specific stuff12:37
raffytaffyimo speeds up boot time and performance12:37
listeperraffytaffy: Is that easy to do?12:38
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dystopianraylisteper: don't do it unless you have a specific reason to, you'll probably horribly break your system12:38
dystopianraylisteper: that command I gave you, are fast writes and sba enabled or disabled?12:38
raffytaffyi have posted a fairly easy how-to ...but as dystopianray says..u may break stuff12:38
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raffytaffywhat i do is make a .deb out of the kernel and install it as such12:39
listeperdystopianray: FW: Disabled SBA: Enabled12:39
AbortDbreak what?12:39
dystopianraylisteper: ok, now run: $ cat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/card12:40
listeperraffytaffy: Can i have the addy for that guide, i would like to look into it, not meaning im going to do it ;)12:40
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dystopianraylisteper: and $ cat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/host-bridge12:40
raffytaffyyes sure12:40
dystopianraylisteper: and tell me if both say 'fast writes' are supported12:40
listeperdystopianray: Both says Supported :)12:40
dystopianraylisteper: ok, edit the file /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-nkc12:41
dystopianraylisteper: and add the following line: options nvidia NVreg_EnableAGPFW=112:41
listeperdystopianray: With sudo i assume?12:41
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dystopianraylisteper: yes, edit it as root12:42
dystopianraylisteper: with your favourite editor12:42
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dystopianraylisteper: should pretty much look like this: http://pastebin.ca/40785212:43
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FlosoftI have a problem with Knetworkmanager12:44
listeperdystopianray: One moment, even though i have 2M/bit my internet is really slow on this Kubuntu.12:44
Flosoftwhen connecting to a wifi ... it constantly stalls at 28% - Configuring device12:44
dystopianrayFlosoft: what wireless hardware do you have?12:44
FlosoftIntel Pro/Set Wireless 2200BG12:44
dystopianrayFlosoft: hrrm same as me, should 'just work'12:45
listeperdystopianray: done! Looks exactly like you showed me.12:45
dystopianrayFlosoft: dapper or edgy?12:45
dystopianraylisteper: ok, now reboot12:45
dystopianraylisteper: and let me know when you come back12:45
AbortDu were wrong on both guesses dystopianray!12:45
Flosoftsame on dapper / edgy though12:45
listeperdystopianray: I guess a ctrl-alt-backspace isn't enough?12:45
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dystopianraylisteper: no, you don't need to reboot12:45
dystopianraylisteper: but you have to stop X, unload the nvidia driver and then start X again12:45
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dystopianraylisteper: if you can do that, do it, but otherwise just reboot12:46
listeperdystopianray: So i can just do  a ctrl-alt-backspace to reboot KDE and not my computer?12:46
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mte_hi..I installed the Herd 5 several days ago. If I upgrade evertything (adept upgrade) is it now the same as the new Beta?12:46
dystopianraylisteper: no, you have to unload the nvidia driver, killing X is not enough12:46
dystopianraylisteper: the easiest way is to just reboot12:46
listeperOkay, im back in a jiffy. Full system reboot coming up :)12:47
=== raffytaffy prays for listeper
listeperthx :D12:47
AbortDis ktorrent actually worth usingG?12:47
raffytaffyimo its always good to keep a nvidia installer package in home folder12:47
raffytaffyazureus is better imo12:48
Flosoftdystopianray: If you want I can open a screen where there's the log12:48
Flosoftit is too long to paste12:48
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polly1When (K)ubuntu comes out with new versions does it update the software versions for the various packages in adept as well?12:48
dystopianrayFlosoft: have you tried rebooting the access point?12:48
dystopianrayFlosoft: and are you absolutely certain you have the encryption settings correct?12:48
dystopianrayFlosoft: try disabling encryption temporarily and see if it can connect12:49
AbortDraffytaffy: i use nvidia 5500 fx 256  ram do i need it?12:49
Flosoftok ... i'll create another SSID12:49
AbortDi think thats what it is12:49
raffytaffyneed what AbortD?12:49
AbortDnvidia packages?12:50
=== kasper [n=kasper@port292.ds1-noe.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu
raffytaffyuse apt-get :P12:50
=== kasper is now known as listeper
AbortDi updated with apt-get12:50
AbortDi added kde bleeding edge12:50
AbortDand amarok12:50
AbortDand wine12:50
listeperdystopianray: And now i ask you, what does it do? :D I trust you blindly.12:50
raffytaffyi use wine for one application only12:50
AbortDwhats that?/12:50
raffytaffyyahelite hehe12:50
raffytaffyits a yahoo chat client12:51
dystopianraylisteper: $ cat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/status12:51
dystopianraylisteper: run that, fast writes and sba should say 'enabled' now12:51
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listeperdystopianray: They do indeed.. But im not writing any faster, if you catch my drift? ;)12:51
Flosoftan Completely Open System works12:52
listeperdystopianray: So is it me gfx thats being written faster onto my screen?12:52
dystopianraylisteper: you should have faster video performance now, but how much faster, I don't nkow12:52
dystopianraylisteper: I think it's more to do with writing faster to video memory12:52
listeperdystopianray: Cool, all i wanted to know :)12:52
tmbg_it's a yahoo chat & abuse client.12:52
listeperdystopianray: That was my guess as well. Howcome you know all this if you dont even have a nvidia yourself?12:53
dystopianraylisteper: I do have nvidia, I've just not ever used it on dapper12:53
=== martalli [n=bryan@cm-ilsttn395.madisontelco.com] has joined #kubuntu
AbortDi hate kopete  :|12:54
AbortDits better than gaim in  way i cant leave it12:54
listeperdystopianray: Okay! Thanks. You dont know if there is some way to maybe boost my networking card in the same way?12:54
raffytaffyi i use gaim beta612:55
dystopianraylisteper: on your lan? probably not12:55
raffytaffyi cant wait for rc12:55
dystopianraylisteper: what specific network operations do you want sped up?12:55
martalliWhat is the proper way to install the nvidia graphics driver in kubuntu beta?  apt-get install nvidia-glx?12:55
listeperdystopianray: Internet. It strikes me as a little to slow. But maybe its just me being silly in this whole new world.12:56
raffytaffyi think u need nvidia-kernel-source12:56
dystopianraymartalli: doing that worked for me in edgy, then I just changed "nv" to "nvidia" in xorg.conf12:56
dystopianraylisteper: there isn't anything you can do about the internet, other than buy a faster connection you are probably just imagining things12:56
raffytaffybut im not sure...i use the SH installers from nvidia website12:56
AbortDcan i nullify u raffytaffy?12:56
raffytaffyas long as it dont hurt12:56
AbortDit would be me chopping your cock and balls off12:57
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raffytaffywhy u wanna do that12:57
Flosoftany idea why WEP, WPA and WPA2 fail=12:57
martallidystopianray:  Thanks12:57
listeperdystopianray: Yea, i guess you are right. Thats what you get from many years of MS and IE just throwing you anything and then render it..12:57
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AbortDit would be fun12:57
AbortDit shouldnt hurt u cut off circulation first12:57
crackhead_25__what's the command to port an x session over ssh once an ssh login is established?12:57
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dystopianrayFlosoft: not really, WPA and WPA2-EAP work fine on my ipw2200 system with feisty and edgy12:57
dystopianrayFlosoft: I suspect you simply have the wrong connection settings12:58
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Flosoftwhere are the connection profiles stored?12:58
crackhead_25__i.e. i've logged in from a remote computer to my home/ssh server computer. now i want to see the x/kde session instead of just a commandline.. how do i do that??12:58
raffytaffystart x12:58
Flosoftor knetworkmanager settings?12:58
dystopianrayFlosoft: ~/.kde/share/config/knetworkmanagerrc or something similar12:58
crackhead_25__(raffytaffy: what do you mean "start x"? what's the command? will that automatically show up through ssh?)12:58
raffytaffy /etc/init.d/gdm or kdm start12:59
dystopianrayFlosoft: are you using kwallet for your passwords?12:59
listeperOh btw another question. How do i choose for Opera to my standard browser? I'v got it installed and everything.12:59
crackhead_25__raffytaffy: are you talking to me?12:59
dystopianraylisteper: 'system settings -> default applications'12:59
raffytaffysince this is kubuntu room imma assume u have kdm12:59
raffytaffyso /etc/init.d/kdm start01:00
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patrikAny swedish here?01:01
crackhead_25__oh you mean that's only what one does if logging in from another kubuntu machine? im logging in from a totally unrelated computer, probably a win machine, into my kubuntu.. and i wanted to show the X windows instead of seeing just a commandline..01:01
listeperdystopianray: Thanks :)01:01
raffytaffyahh i c01:01
raffytaffyi dunno about win remote admin01:01
patrikI need help to play .avi movies in kubuntu dapper01:02
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:02
raffytaffy!apt-get moo01:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-get moo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:02
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yaccinwhen i want to install LinuxMCE can i do this by adding a repo and install it with apt?01:03
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raffytaffyanyone wanna help me write this auto-kernel installer01:08
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JohnFlux_raffytaffy: that does what?01:09
raffytaffyi want it to automatically connect to kernel.org d/l the source / unpack it01:09
raffytaffyxconfig into it01:09
raffytaffylet the user config it01:09
raffytaffyand then ill make a deb and update the initrd and such01:10
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raffytaffywe can incorporate the program ketchup into it01:10
raffytaffyfor auto patching01:10
JohnFlux_sounds useful01:10
raffytaffyyes i think so01:11
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raffytaffyi dunno which to use...xconfig or menuconfig01:11
raffytaffyor perhaps a choice?01:11
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raffytaffyalso perhaps include pre-made config files for dif types hmm01:11
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stamendoes valknut support TTH01:16
crackhead_25__what's the key to press to move the selection cursor to a toolbar, i.e. alt and then f for the file dropdown in some programs in windows..? i keep trying alt and then f, but it just types f.. doesnt move to the toolbar... ?01:16
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yaccinwhen i want to install LinuxMCE can i do this by adding a repo and install it with apt?01:22
dystopianrayyaccin: sure01:22
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yaccindystopianray: so whats the repo and what package(s) do i have to install? ^^01:22
dystopianrayyaccin: no idea, you'll have to find a repo first01:22
AbortDomg i need help01:23
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dystopianrayAbortD: what with?01:23
AbortDraffytaffy: can i make each desktop have its own buttons01:23
AbortDu know01:23
AbortDthe desktop buttons01:23
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AbortDwhere it hides windows01:23
AbortDi want it too had the bar items01:24
AbortDso i can run a app without seeing the clutter01:24
AbortDlike a bot01:24
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raffytaffyi use one desktop. i have no idea01:24
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eduardhello all01:25
dystopianray.. I don't know what you're saying01:25
dystopianraywhat buttons?01:25
eduardquestion please, which was probably saked not a ones01:25
dystopianraywhat is a 'bar item' ?01:25
eduardwireless card - how can switch it on?01:26
AbortDtaskbar man01:26
AbortDx bar01:26
AbortDwhatever its called01:26
eduardi use laptop HP Pavilion zd 8000 , and Kubuntu on it01:27
dystopianrayeduard: your laptop has a software switch?01:27
dystopianrayeduard: if you run iwconfig, what does it say the txpower is for the interface?01:27
eduarddystopianray - i see card , but anable to get it on01:27
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eduardone sec01:27
dystopianrayeduard: what card is it?01:27
eduardeduard@kubuntu:~$ iwconfig01:28
eduardlo        no wireless extensions.01:28
eduardeth1      IEEE 802.11b/g  ESSID:""  Nickname:"Broadcom 4306"01:28
eduard          Mode:Managed  Access Point: Invalid01:28
eduard          RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off01:28
eduard          Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:001:28
eduard          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:001:28
eduard          Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:001:28
eduardeth0      no wireless extensions.01:28
eduardsit0      no wireless extensions.01:28
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eduarddystopianray - hope it helps01:28
nalioth!paste | eduard01:28
ubotueduard: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:28
dystopianrayhrrm why did it now show the txpower01:28
eduardups, sorry01:29
dystopianrayeduard: what card is it?01:29
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dystopianrayeduard: are you using networkmanager?01:29
eduarddystopianray - Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)01:29
dystopianrayyou are using the bcm43xx driver?01:30
eduardhave no idea, sorry, how can i cheack it, please?01:30
eduardi install Knetwork manager01:30
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eduardis it possible to see all wireless networks available in range?01:31
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eduardi hope so, but first how to switch this card ON? please01:32
dystopianrayeduard: $ iwlist eth1 scan01:32
eduardno scan result01:33
eduarddystopianray - eth1  No scan result01:33
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dystopianrayeduard: did you use fwcutter to get a firmware for your card?01:33
dystopianrayeduard: personally, I would recommend using ndiswrapper, the open source broadcom driver is pretty crap01:34
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martalliwoot - nvidia working01:34
eduarddystopianray - will it get my card ON?01:34
dystopianrayeduard: what is telling you that it is currently 'off' ?01:35
dystopianrayeduard: either follow this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1071920&mode=linear or considering using ndiswrapper01:36
LeeJunFandystopianray: just got here, so excuse me if this has been brought up already. But is this a laptop with integrated wireless nic? if so is there a keystroke like on mine Fn-F11 to enable or disable wireless?01:36
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dystopianrayLeeJunFan: ask eduard, it's his laptop01:36
LeeJunFandystopianray: hehe, sry - you can tell I just got up :)01:37
eduarddystopianray - when i am trying to get in On - one second ON, then Off again01:37
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AbortDmhy kehyboard is dead whhy :(01:37
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eduarddystopianray - ok, thanks for help, i will dig in the article first01:38
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AbortDmakes making me gtthype dual legtgters!01:38
dystopianrayeduard: how do you know when it's off or on?01:38
AbortDis gthere like a kehyboard for hyour mouse?01:38
eduardi see my card in Network Configuration panel01:39
AbortDkde wallegt wongt gtake mhy passwords...01:39
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eduarddont know how it in english -  i use russian version of KDE01:40
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dystopianrayeduard: it's probably just the crappy broadcrom driver, probably best to use ndiswrapper01:40
LeeJunFaneduard: what does iwconfig say next to Tx-Power: ?01:40
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eduarddystopianray - Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0, (you mean this?)01:41
LeeJunFaneduard: me, :) I mean - This line : Bit Rate:54 Mb/s   Tx-Power:17 dBm   Sensitivity=0/301:42
eduarddystopianray - have a look at the result of iwconfig here - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11839/01:43
dystopianrayi already saw it before, it showed nothing interesting01:44
eduardLeeJunFan - sorry, wrong nick01:44
dystopianrayi suspect it shows nothing becuase it's lacking firmware01:44
AbortDubungtu messed up mhy kehyboard :(01:44
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LeeJunFaneduard, dystopianray: yeah, crap drivers.  eduard, what if you try sudo iwconfig eth1 txpower 10      ?01:45
dystopianrayLeeJunFan: I don't think he has firmware for his card yet01:46
dystopianrayLeeJunFan: he is using that bcm43xx driver01:46
AbortDhhy is mhy kehyboard doing gthis?!01:46
LynoureAbortD: doing what?01:47
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LeeJunFanI hate broadcom equipment, I swore that brand off years ago when I worked at a dial-up ISP and everyone (Dell/Gateway) started using their v.90 modems and 90% of our tech calls were because of those modems.01:47
LynoureAbortD: keys in the wrong place?01:47
eduardLeeJunFan - Error for wireless request "Set Tx Power" (8B26) :01:47
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eduardLeeJunFan - SET failed on device eth1 ; No such device.01:48
sasqWhat can be wrong if "knetworkmanager" directly quits with no errormessage?01:48
sasqon fresh install01:48
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eduardLeeJunFan - any ideas, please?01:48
raffytaffyi are windows 3.0 the guru, i d/l tehh internets please01:48
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LeeJunFaneduard: I'd have to agree with dystopianray  - try ndiswrapper01:49
eduardsasq - use this , it helped me, but please restart PC - sudo aptitude reinstall knetworkmanager wpasupplicant network-manager01:49
AniHatzisDoes anyone of you here know what this strace kwalletmanager output http://rafb.net/p/C6iLDj77.html does mean? I need to find the reason why kwalletmanager, konqueror, kmail and some other KDE apps and utils doesn't start-up any more with their windows (but i can see their processes running). Kubuntu 6.10 / KDE 3.5.5. Is this a KDE problem or Kubuntu-specific issue?01:49
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sasqeduard: does that mean reinstall those 3 packages?01:50
AbortDhyou gtell me lhynoure01:51
eduardsasq - as far as i know - reinstall and cofigure all of them01:51
AbortDi hve no number kehy01:51
AbortDi gtlk like  regtrd01:51
sasqeduard: and reboot after01:51
eduardsasq - yes01:51
listeperAny reason, why i cant start my Katapult?01:51
AbortDhelp me :(01:52
sasqok, trying. now lets hope it sees my wlan adapter01:52
LeeJunFanAniHatzis: did you start that with strace kwalletmanager --nofork?01:52
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AniHatzisno, just strace kwalletmanager. the output is really all I got (it seems that it got hang somewhere)01:53
eduardsasq - well, actually i have problem with wireless as well , that is why i am here - i cant get wireless ON01:53
AbortDhelp me :(01:54
sasqeduard: what model?01:54
LeeJunFanAniHatzis: without the --fork you're probably missing the part that is the problem.01:54
eduard   sasq    how can i know it?01:54
sasqi mean what pc01:54
AbortDhelp me :(01:54
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AniHatzisLeeJunFan: thanks. I repeated with --nofork which brought lot more output. I will paste again.01:54
sasqeduard: reinstall didnt help, knetworkmanager still wont start01:55
LynoureAbortD: I asked you if the keys, or rather letters are in wrong places. Yes or no?01:55
LynoureAbortD: you can try to explain if you wish, but starting with a simple 2 to 3 letter answer might be easiest.01:56
LynoureAbortD: What is your middle row now?01:57
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eduardsasq - sorry, dont know more info - i found this link for reinstall and this helped me, ow can i get card model?01:58
AbortDis gthere like a kehyboard for hyour mouse?01:58
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LynoureAbortD: You could start with checking System Settings -> Regional -> keyboard layout01:59
sasqeduard: oh I see the problem now01:59
sasqeduard: its that im an idiot :) didnt realize knetman is an icon in the taskbar01:59
AbortDn     c02:00
eduardsasq model of my wireless card, how can i get info about it from konsole?02:00
LeeJunFanAbortD: I don't see one (yet) for kde, but...02:00
AbortDno c02:00
LeeJunFan!info gtkeyboard | AbortD02:00
ubotuabortd: gtkeyboard: A highly-configurable on-screen keyboard for mouse-typing. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.7-4 (edgy), package size 344 kB, installed size 1080 kB02:00
Romexioscan someone please help me? i downloaded irssi and installed it.. it doesnt show on the "internet" sextion + when i do run "irssi" and press enter, nothing happends.. any idea?02:00
eduardsasq - sorry forgot to tell you thet - it it is indeed there i=and will not start from Kmenu02:00
mshadeit's a terminal app, you run it from a command line02:01
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AniHatzisLeeJunFan: Does strace kwalletmanager --no-fork somewhow effect the program execution itself? kwalletmanager's systray icon now really appeared which it didn't for two days.02:02
LynoureAbortD: the names are something like that. First start with kmenu then take the one with Regional in the name02:02
AniHatzisLeeJunFan: The process is still running from console, so Konsole can't save the history02:02
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LeeJunFanAniHatzis: yes and no. I sure wouldn't have expected that.02:02
LynoureAbortD: I'm on feisty, so the exact location might vary but it was somewhere there even on dapper02:02
AniHatzisLeeJunFan: You bet, I didn't expect many weird things happening here since yesterday.02:03
sasqeduard: it worked perfectly from the start. yumm, i think im in love with my thinkpad02:03
LeeJunFanAniHatzis: nofork just tells it not to detach itself as a new process, which means strace can actually see kwalletmanager running, not just the first part which starts it. It shouldn't really make the program run though. hrm.02:04
LynoureAbortD: if this gets too tiresome, boot with livecd, and then come back an explain :)02:04
eduardsasq - :)) nice02:04
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AniHatzisLeeJunFan: I will let it running and shutdown the session. I'm curious if it will again appear after I logged again + KDE startup.02:06
sasqwhats the difference between aptitude and apt-get ?02:06
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ubotuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide02:06
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luckyonedoes anyone know how to get KAudioCreator to use the Speex plugin? I have some audio books I would like to add to my library, but don't need the full ogg quality.02:07
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WutymanIm lost... What is actual Linux's version ?02:09
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AniHatzisLeeJunFan: Here I am again. kwalletmanager didn't start-up at all. I now tried this: strace kwalletmanager --no-fork02:13
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AniHatzisLeeJunFan: responses in console now was: http://rafb.net/p/pYisHw18.html02:18
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AniHatzisLeeJunFan: Did I enter wrong option? - However, now I even can't open or store files via the open or save dialogs of Konsole or Kate.02:19
soulriderWutyman: the actual linux version is the kernel version02:19
soulriderWutyman: to see it you can type "uname -a" and it will appear there, it will be somehting like 2.6.....02:19
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AniHatzisLeeJunFan: The open or save dialogs appear, but not loading current directory content. There is just a progress bar instead staying at 0%. Saving or opening by just typing the file name and clicking OK doesn't work.02:20
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_michaelHi I'm having a problem with my audio in my USB Headset. It doesn't show the output channel and I can't get any playback. Please Help02:24
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_michaelThe device is shown in /proc/asound/cards, but even in alsamixer, I can't access the output channel though. Any suggestions?02:29
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busfahrerHi. I have installed Kubuntu 6.10/i386. Whenever sound is played back, I get these distortions in the sound, the funny thing is they are dependent on, I think, CPU load. For example, I can 'create' the distortions by opening Firefox and grabbing the scrollbar and scrolling around. Any idea regarding this?02:31
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kasperHow can i get MP3 support for amarok? I read this, http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Packaging_Amarok#MP3_Support, but i dont get it?02:38
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raffytaffyok i look02:39
raffytaffyone sec02:39
kasperThank you raffytaffy.02:39
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kasperDo you use another player?02:40
weilbachwhat's the difference between the new feisty beta dvd and the cd?02:40
weilbachwhat features are missing in the cd?02:40
raffytaffyu have edgy?02:40
kasperOr one you would like to recomend raffytaffy?02:40
LeeJunFanweilbach: the DVD has more optional software.02:40
kasperdapper drake raffytaffy02:40
LeeJunFanweilbach: that's what you'd want to use to install someone who doesn't have a very fast internet connection.02:40
raffytaffyok give me 1 min02:40
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weilbachah o.k. thx02:41
Jucatokasper: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/MP302:41
kasperJucato: Thanks, i'll try that, one minute.02:43
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raffytaffyyeah what he said^02:43
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kasperThanks raffytaffy :)02:44
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weilbachhow well is your 64 bit support?02:44
weilbachflash working?02:44
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ubotuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava02:44
weilbacho.k. i prefer konqui02:45
weilbachi had a lot of trouble with that on sabayon lately02:45
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Jucatounfortunately, Konq + Flash 64 doesn't work (I think)02:45
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ubotuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.02:45
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weilbachyes they are with most distributions and they work quite well02:47
weilbachbut i've always had some problems with stupid binary files like java and flash02:48
amrushhey .. I've been trying to set up ubuntu on my roomy's from a kubuntu 6.06 cd ... the system ran well until i tried to upgrade it to edgy after i upgraded it failed to boot neither ubuntu nor windows ... can anyone help ?02:48
weilbachbuth thx anyway02:48
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harolmy APT has failed to release its lock file, how do i release it manually?02:49
tmbg_find the lock file and delete it.02:51
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LeeJunFan!aptfix | harol02:52
ubotuharol: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 02:52
tmbg_yeah that's a better idea.02:52
raffytaffyhey what u think of this output for hdparm -Tt02:54
raffytaffy Timing cached reads:   2988 MB in  2.00 seconds = 1493.89 MB/sec02:54
raffytaffy Timing buffered disk reads:   94 MB in  3.03 seconds =  30.99 MB/s02:54
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LeeJunFanraffytaffy: that's pretty decent.02:55
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raffytaffyyes i thought so..this is (E)ide laptop hd02:55
raffytaffyim thinking of tinkering with hdparm02:55
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LeeJunFanraffytaffy: I get about 36MB/s on my laptop, I've got a 7200RPM drive in mine.02:56
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raffytaffydid u use hdparm in anyway?02:56
chijinhow do you test?02:57
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LeeJunFanraffytaffy: no, I've done it all in the past and there really wasn't anything to gain. Currently I haven't messed with mine.02:57
LeeJunFanon my scsi server I get 50MB/s :)02:57
LeeJunFanwish my laptop could do that.02:58
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armanhii can anyone help me on playing mp3s on kubuntu?02:59
haroldoes adept leave logs anywhere?02:59
kasperThanks Jucato and raffytaffy :) Now any of you guys that have a clue about this: In front of my computer I have a line-out, that ain't working but the one in the back is. And yes im sure it is connected inside ;)02:59
LeeJunFanraffytaffy: something that might help speed things up for you is prelinking.03:00
ubotuprelink: ELF prelinking utility to speed up dynamic linking. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.20060522-1 (edgy), package size 659 kB, installed size 1012 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 i386 powerpc ppc64)03:00
kasperarman: edgy?03:00
armanim kindda new at kubuntu03:00
armani just installed it yestrday03:00
armanand mp3 files from my mp4 player isnt playing03:00
raffytaffyim gonna try hdparm -c3 -m16 /dev/hda03:00
Jucatoarman: which version of Kubuntu did you install?03:00
raffytaffywhat u think LeeJunFan03:00
kasperarman: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/MP303:00
armankubuntu 6.0603:01
armani tried that website03:01
LeeJunFanraffytaffy: that should be safe enough, the -m16 isn't already set?03:01
Jucatoaah. then use that link above03:01
raffytaffy multcount    =  0 (off)03:01
raffytaffy IO_support   =  0 (default 16-bit)03:01
kasperarman: install libxine-extracodecs03:01
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armani installed that too03:01
kasperarman: Which player are you using?03:01
LeeJunFanraffytaffy: oh, yeah, you'll be better off with that if your drive supports it. what about DMA? is that on?03:01
armani hav amarok03:02
armanit doesnt work03:02
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armanso i installed JUK03:02
armanit still doesnt work03:02
kasperarman: Then that guide should do it ;)03:02
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Iwonder|tooarman what type of player?03:02
raffytaffy unmaskirq    =  0 (off)03:02
raffytaffy using_dma    =  1 (on)03:02
raffytaffy keepsettings =  0 (off)03:02
raffytaffy readonly     =  0 (off)03:02
raffytaffy readahead    = 256 (on)03:02
raffytaffy geometry     = 16383/255/63, sectors = 156301488, start = 003:02
armani hav amarok it plays and after 1 second it says playlist finished03:02
kasperarman: Du you have gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly installed?03:02
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LeeJunFanraffytaffy: watch the pastes, better to use pastebin03:03
armanidont think so03:03
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:03
armanhow should i install that?03:03
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kasperarman: You dont want that. You install using your adept?03:03
LeeJunFanarman: have you installed the restricted formats mp3 playing stuff?03:03
armanyes i hav03:03
armanit alays says no install candidates or something03:04
LeeJunFanarman: the libxine-extracodecs?03:04
AniHatzisMaybe I'm getting closer. On Kubuntu 6.10, I get this for strace konqueror somehwere in the end: read(10, 0x80cb8c0, 8)        = ? ERESTARTSYS (To be restarted)--- SIGWINCH (Window changed) @ 0 (0) ---03:04
armani tried that too03:04
Schatzyalguien habla espa;ol03:04
armando you think there some problem wit the installation?03:04
Iwonder|toomy portable mp3 player doesn't play either,its not support as it actually doesn't have mp3 on it03:04
armanmy mp4 supprts it comes on the desktop03:05
armanbut it doesnt play in the player03:05
AniHatzisAny idea if this tells me the reason why kmail, konqueror, and some other KDE apps do not show windows anymore (just process is running if started)03:05
LeeJunFanarman: are they mp3's your trying to play? or wma?03:05
raffytaffypastebin gives me error03:05
Iwonder|toomine shows up on desktop as a usb storage media03:05
raffytaffythis blows03:05
armanthey are mp303:05
Iwonder|toowhat type is yours?03:06
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LeeJunFanraffytaffy: well if you do the hdparm -c3 or -c1 with -m16 I think it'll help you out.03:06
armanits a mp4 i bought from ebay03:06
armanthe ones wher u can watch videos03:06
armanlooks like an ipod nano03:06
Iwonder|toocan you play a mp3 from the internet/downloaded03:06
raffytaffythats my result03:06
armani didnt try that03:06
LeeJunFanraffytaffy: you can also edit /etc/hdparm.conf then run /etc/init.d/hdparm start03:06
armannice idea let me try it :)03:06
FragUPlentyHow come reolutions dont stretch to fit the screen any more03:07
Iwonder|toolooks like?not a sony?03:07
raffytaffyyes its a sony03:07
Iwonder|tooyours screwwed03:07
chijinmy desktop's buffered read is 64MB/sec03:07
Iwonder|tooits a .oma03:07
armannope not a sony03:07
LeeJunFanraffytaffy: might try unmaskirq too.03:07
amrushcan anyone help me with my problem ?03:07
raffytaffyIwonder are you talking to me??03:07
FragUPlentywhen I play ioquake303:08
Iwonder|took arman03:08
FragUPlentythere is only a little window03:08
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armanoh sorry i thought u wer talking to me :)03:08
Iwonder|tooi was03:08
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FragUPlentyand since it wont run smooth at anything above 640x480 I want it to stretch to fit the screen03:08
raffytaffyIwonder | too : how am i screwed and why03:08
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armanoh ok03:08
Iwonder|toonot you raffytaffy,was talking to arman,my bad shoulf have prefixxed my question with a nick03:09
raffytaffyahh u had me worried there mate lol03:09
raffytaffybcse im using a sony too03:09
Iwonder|tooraffytaffy: elaborate on won't stretch03:09
LeeJunFanthen yer both sc!#@ed :)03:09
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raffytaffywont stretch?? i did not say that03:10
Iwonder|toooh my bad03:10
LeeJunFanThat reminds me, I have to solder the ram sockets on my kids sony GRX again :(03:10
=== raffytaffy gets everyone a cup of coffee
Iwonder|tooi scrolled back,read to quick03:10
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FragUPlentyso anyone know how I get ioquake3 to stretch to fit the screen03:11
armanlwonderjtoo> i tried downloading from the internet it stil doesnt work...03:11
[pyro] hey guys :)03:11
armanwill i find the required components on adept?03:11
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armanor is there a seperate softwrae i may be able to download from online so it can play .. mp3s03:11
armanisnt there realplayer for linux? mayeb that will work?03:11
LeeJunFanarman: doesn't make sense, in order to get amarok to play mp3's, or kaffeine for that matter all you should need is the libxine-extracodecs03:11
Iwonder|tooarman,on my default install,in amarok,it gave me a error(i supose xine engine related) with a fix when i tried to play mp303:12
LeeJunFanthen quit amarok and restart it so it loads the libraries.03:12
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armani know but it says: Package libxine-extracodecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.03:12
LeeJunFanarman: have you enabled universe repositories?03:12
armani just installed kubuntu yestrday so im not sure about it :)03:13
armanim a first time user :(03:13
tmbg_arman, I just went through this and foun da pretty easy way to get it to work.03:13
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu03:13
armantmbg> thank u :)03:13
tmbg_save an mp3 file from somewhere and try to play it with amarok. it will tell you it is not supported an ask if you want to install a proprietary plugin. say yes.03:13
kasperI'v installed yesterday as well, and i'v just made my MP#s work just fine :()03:13
armanok hold on03:13
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tmbg_then just follow all of the prompts and restart amarok03:13
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kaspertmbg_: He is using dapper, not edgy.03:14
LeeJunFanarman: you need to open adept, go to manage repositories and enable the universe ones, then update your sources, and then try to install libxine-extracodecs03:14
weilbachby the way, how is the beryl integration in kubuntu? and does it work with the new icon "zoom" effect?03:14
tmbg_I installed today, and already have working mp3s. ;)03:14
JucatoLeeJunFan: the multiverse ones03:14
armanok thank u guys :) let me try03:15
LeeJunFanJucato: it's in multiverse? hrm.03:15
LeeJunFan!info libxine-extracodecs03:15
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.2-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1118 kB, installed size 2676 kB03:15
LeeJunFanarman: Jucato is right, xine codecs are in multiverse, not universe, sorry.03:15
JucatoLeeJunFan: don't worry, starting feisty: 1) multiverse and universe will be enabled by default; 2) the *real* package that will let you play mp3's will be in main03:16
LeeJunFanarman: but you'll want to enable both universe and multiverse.03:16
armanok wher do i find it in adept?03:16
armani dont see it anywhere...03:16
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[pyro] isnt there a new software package to manage installation of things like beryl / codecs etc that will be default with feisty?03:16
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LeeJunFanJucato: I'm running feisty, I've still got libxine.03:16
Jucato[pyro] : codecs yes. beryl no.03:16
raffytaffyi have edgy and feisty installed03:16
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ForgeAusberyl has its own repository for edgy03:16
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JucatoLeeJunFan: notice I said *real*. look at what libxine-extracodecs really is03:17
[pyro] Jucato: oh right, whats it called again?03:17
JucatoForgeAus: but still not *in* the ubuntu repos (license issue)03:17
Jucato[pyro] : what's what called?03:17
pacohi there, I am used to using the font 'fixed-misc' with konsole (small font), but now that I switched to kubuntu I can't find it, any idea ?03:17
ForgeAusJucato agreed (I never suggested it was)03:17
weilbachlicense issues with beryl?03:17
[pyro] Jucato: the new package thats going to make installation of these things easier?03:17
ForgeAusCompiz may be03:17
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LeeJunFanJucato: yep, transitional. cool. So what really plays mp3's now?03:18
ForgeAusmore like beryl is still in development03:18
Jucato!info libxine1-ffmpeg feisty | LeeJunFan03:18
ubotuleejunfan: libxine1-ffmpeg: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.4-2ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 1534 kB, installed size 3692 kB03:18
ForgeAusthere is also an uberyl project!03:18
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LeeJunFanJucato: ah right. cool.03:18
ForgeAus(ubuntu-beryl, although I think it might be more a kubuntu-beryl than gnome-based... but I could be wrong about that)03:18
JucatoForgeAus, weilbach: beryl (currently) ships with a component that they release only as binary (closed source)03:18
JucatoI'm not really familiar with the specifics03:18
sasqHow do you config what happens when you close a notebook lid?03:19
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ForgeAusahh really? id din't know it had closed-source bits03:19
weilbachJucato: oh didn't know that03:19
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Jucato[pyro] : on Kubuntu? no specific single app. just scripts that will run adept_batch to install from the repos03:19
Jucatoweilbach: neither did I, until a few weeks ago03:19
[pyro] Jucato: ah right sounds good03:19
Jucatocompiz, on the other hand, is in the repos03:19
weilbachJucato: that's really bad03:20
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arvidWhy doesn't CTRL+ALT+F# work in kubuntu? is there a way to "fix" it?03:20
weilbachi like beryl a lot03:20
weilbachalthough i hate the black window problme03:20
[pyro] Jucato: i thought i had read somewhere that there will be a new program. Maybe give you a list of things you can install.03:20
Jucatoweilbach: I believe they're working on it already. so just have to wait a bit longer03:20
[pyro] has anyone been watching wine-doors ?03:20
Jucatoin the meantime, I heard compiz is really catching up...03:20
[pyro] looking forward to winedoors coming out03:20
Iwonder|toosasq:  do you have a battery icon near the clock in taskbar?03:20
weilbachJucato: and then it will move into the repos?03:20
yaccinberyl and compiz are merging back03:20
LeeJunFanread on digg yesterday that compiz and beryl may merge back together.03:20
oemdoes an german kubuntu channel exist ?03:20
weilbachmergin back?03:20
ForgeAusarvid maybe your kubuntu is damaged03:21
ForgeAusit SHOULD work03:21
LeeJunFan!de | oem03:21
ubotuoem: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de03:21
Jucatoyaccin: I heard that too03:21
yaccinweilbach: yes03:21
yaccinits called coral then03:21
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yaccinoem: << german too :D03:21
ForgeAuswhats winedoors?03:21
arvidForgeAus: aha - that's also good to know :)03:21
sasqIwonder|too: ah - yeah, I only tried right-clicking it... :)03:21
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[pyro] ForgeAus: www.wine-doors.org i think03:22
arvidForgeAus: or - it actually works outside kde, so I guess it's a kde-problem03:22
weilbacho.k. thx ciao03:22
[pyro] http://www.wine-doors.org/trac03:22
ForgeAusarvid I think you have it slightly backwards...03:23
[pyro] going to make setting up wine with correct dlls etc much better03:23
arvidForgeAus: ?03:23
ForgeAuseither something else is setting a key combo to ctrl-alt-F#03:23
ForgeAusor something else at a base-level is wrong03:23
[pyro] they're going to use a similar system to ubuntu with repos03:23
ForgeAusKDE itself is NOT the problem03:23
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ForgeAusits not KDE where ctrl-Alt-F# comes from03:23
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ForgeAuseven in tty/X windows (no KDE/or other WM) Ctrl-Alt-F# should work03:24
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arvidForgeAus: aha. but it works in my other WM's.03:24
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ForgeAusthen maybe some initializiation script for your kde is getting in the way somewhere?03:25
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arvidForgeAus: sounds possible03:25
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ForgeAusapt/yum for wine? .. that sounds strange03:25
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ForgeAushmm winedoors doesn't take cxoffice into account :( oh well03:27
[pyro] it still looks good.03:28
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[pyro] will make the migration for windoze users over to linux easier03:28
ForgeAuscedega is supported at least03:28
[pyro] and anything that does that is a good thing :)03:28
[pyro] yeah03:28
arvidForgeAus: yes - I'm overriding my F-keys in my xmodmap-file03:28
[pyro] its been under dev for a few months now, just looking forward to getting a useable program :)03:28
ForgeAusarvid :) sounds like you tracked down the problem :)03:29
ForgeAusI agree that it looks good :)... at least03:29
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ForgeAusI like what the preview shows of the apps list too03:29
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BluesKajyeah, i have almost figured out how to do most of the things on Kubuntu , that I could do on windows ...so I'm almost ready to take the plunge .03:30
ForgeAusonly one thing I'd rather....03:30
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ForgeAusthat it was just ie6 rather than specifically Internet Explorer 6 via IEs4Linux03:30
ForgeAusbut still thats only a minor issue03:31
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ForgeAuswow winamp via wine, I never thought of trying that!03:31
yaccinwhy winamp?03:32
yaccinwinamp sucks :D03:32
yaccinamarok ftw03:32
ForgeAushehe I like it03:32
chijinamarok <303:32
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ForgeAusdoes Amarok do video?03:32
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chijinwinamp is totally annoying03:32
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chijinmplayer/vlc is for video03:32
ForgeAusI use Kaffeine and/or Vlc mostly03:32
[pyro] vlc?03:32
chijini use 100% mplayer03:32
[pyro] ive been using mplayer03:32
ForgeAusvideolan player03:33
yaccini mostly use kaffeine and vlc03:33
tmbg_I love vlc03:33
[pyro] everything else flickers or has the saturation too high for some reason. Seems to be a bug with beryl :/03:33
yaccinsometimes kmplayer but very rarely03:33
ForgeAusKaffeine didn't work so well for me at first03:33
ForgeAusbut after installing VLC it plays just about anything now03:33
tmbg_it's crashing on me right now03:33
yaccin[pyro] : hmm works fine here with beryl03:33
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tmbg_normally kaffeine doesn't give me so much trouble03:33
[pyro] yaccin: it may be my video card.. im running an intel on board one. - laptop03:34
yaccinah intel03:34
yaccini only use nvidia on my desktop and ati on the laptop ^^03:34
LeeJunFankaffeine gave me problems with beryl when I ran Xgl, now that I'm on aiglx (same machine/gfx) it works fine.03:34
[pyro] :(03:34
[pyro] i need a better video card :(03:34
ForgeAusLeeJun thanx for that info I might let someone know03:34
yaccinaiglx is so much better then xgl03:34
ForgeAusI need a more compatible GFX card03:35
yaccinand i cant wait till xegl comes out :D03:35
ForgeAusone for BOTH XP and *nix!03:35
ForgeAuswhats xegl?03:35
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yaccinthe next generation of hardware-.accelerated xserver03:35
[pyro] c ;)03:35
[pyro] sounds good :)03:35
yaccineven faster then aiglx and with more features \o/03:35
georgeizuialgum brasileiro ai para me ajudar03:35
ForgeAusI hope the ATI drivers are good for it!03:35
[pyro] yes ati drivers are teh suck03:36
yaccini use opengl ati drivers on the laptop03:36
ForgeAusdidn't AMD aquire it? ... now that they are running the show I wonder what will happen to ATI drivers?03:36
[pyro] i installed kubuntu on a friends machine and he has an ati 9800.. couldnt get beryl running.03:36
[pyro] i ran out of time so ill fix it next time03:36
pacoany idea for the 'fixed-misc' font, or any small nice (bitmap) font ?03:37
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yaccin[pyro] : try the opensource drivers :D03:37
[pyro] yaccin: arent they installed by default?03:37
yaccinif he doesnt need 3d acceleration for anything else, they are great03:37
[pyro] hmm03:37
yaccinjust change driver to "radeon" and it should work03:37
[pyro] i like "should just work" (tm)03:37
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[pyro] its how everything should be :D03:38
laptopI think I need to speak with this guy: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/themes/ubuntu07/images/masthead-support.jpg03:38
laptopDoes anyone know him?03:38
SurfPunkhello is it that much of a pain to get sound to work03:38
BluesKajForgeAus, xmms is the linux version of winamp03:38
yaccineverything should be "just works" not "should just work"03:38
yaccinBluesKaj: of winamp 2.x03:39
laptopONCE i remove an application, like TOTEM, should I restart my computer?03:39
[pyro] yaccin: haha yea :)03:39
yaccini liked winamp 5.x but nothing beats amarok :D03:39
yaccinlaptop: why restart?03:39
yaccintheres no need to :D03:39
yaccinexcept for a kernel update03:39
BluesKajamarok is great03:39
[pyro] \o/03:39
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laptopyaccin:  good question, I am asking the same thing03:40
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laptopMy FIREFOX still thinks Totem exists and tries to load it to launch Realplayer files.03:40
XenThraLamarok > winamp, konversation > mIRC/x-chat. kopete > trillian/miranda, IMHO03:40
laptopI went into preferences in firefox and the realplayer file isnt even there for me to edit03:40
SilentMI kind of like the "modern" skins for winamp.03:40
SilentMBut Amarok has so many kickass features.03:41
XenThraLseems every KDE app I try, it works/feels better then any other03:41
[pyro] my friend loves iTunes (god knows why) and i showed him amarok and he said "ew, its ugly.. although nothing can come close to iTunes" and i said "yeah, well this program wont take up 90% of your system resources". He couldnt argue with that :)03:41
tmbg_kernel patches03:41
BluesKajlaptop in the FF addressbar "about:plugins"03:41
yaccinamarok > itunes03:41
yaccinits skinable03:41
yaccintop that :P03:41
[pyro] yaccin: i havent checked out the skins yet!!03:42
yaccinit has scripts03:42
=== [pyro] fires up amarok
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yaccinand there is amarokFS03:42
[pyro] woo03:42
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[pyro] \o/03:42
laptopBluesKaj:   yet I cant alter the files on that page, can I?03:42
raffytaffydid someone mention kernel patches:D03:42
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laptop7.04 works fine for me, btw03:43
laptopno problems03:43
yaccinsame here03:43
yaccinrunning feisty for weeks03:43
[pyro] yaccin: nice!03:43
yaccinsince herd 1 if i remember correctly03:43
laptopIm on a laptop packard bell03:43
yaccinim on a dell laptop and on my desktop03:44
laptopand its also on my DELL inspiron 8000 laptop03:44
BluesKajno, but open FF from the terminal , and watch which player is trying to load and if it fails, delete the plugin03:44
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yaccinwell leptop still running edgy03:44
[pyro] laptop: type /nick craptop03:44
[pyro] ;)03:44
yaccinbut ill upgrade it in the next days03:44
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LapbottomIm just learning terminal commandd03:45
Lapbottomto run a program I type what?03:45
raffytaffyapt-get moo03:45
LapbottomI can alt+f2 right?03:45
[pyro] lol03:45
Lapbottomand have it run in terminal?03:45
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raffytaffyapt-get moo03:45
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Lapbottomraffytaffy:  are you talking to me?03:46
raffytaffyplease try it03:46
LapbottomWhat is moo?03:46
[pyro] its quite funny03:46
=== [pyro] moos
raffytaffyyes indeed it is03:46
raffytaffyits not sudo so u wont break anything dont worry03:46
LapbottomEaster Egg03:46
raffytaffyit spawned an easter egg?03:47
raffytaffywtf is supposed to make a cow03:47
BluesKajlaptop, sudo firefox03:47
[pyro] lol03:47
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BluesKajtry to play the media and watch the terminal03:48
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LapbottomYou should really not run firefox through sudo WITHOUT the -H option.03:48
LapbottomAnyway, I'll do as if you did use the -H option.03:48
LapbottomIt ran it with the -h option I didnt get to see anything03:48
yaccinapt-get moo03:48
LapbottomOh Progress03:49
[pyro] anyone here use epic?03:49
epusing the command line, how do I determine which ubuntu version im using03:49
LapbottomNow, all of a sudden, after restarting 5 times, now finally its not associating totem (which I removed) with rtsp files (realplayer)03:50
[pyro] ep: you can find out your kernel version by typing "uname -r"03:50
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LapbottomNow I need to get the rtsp plugin for mplayer03:50
Jucato!version | ep03:50
ubotuep: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell03:50
Lapbottom? right?03:50
Jucato[pyro] : not a very accurate way to find out ubuntu version...03:50
LapbottomThere was supposed to be a CODEC manager in Feisty, I cant find it03:51
raffytaffyraf@Equinox:~$ whatis girl03:51
raffytaffygirl: nothing appropriate.03:51
[pyro] Jucato: yes, i didnt read the q properly03:51
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Jucato[pyro] : no worries. we all do that sometimes :)03:52
ubotuFor information on KDE 4 (not to be released for quite some time yet), see: http://www.canllaith.org/svn-features/kde4.html. Also worth checking are: appeal/phonon/plasma/solid.kde.org03:52
mte_hello..i have installed Hed 5 a week ago and then upgraded everything via adept updater. Is my configuration now the same as the new Beta's?03:52
AniHatzisHow do I "repair" all the .kde user configuration of my current user account? Let's say reset *all* of them back to the defaults used for a new user account03:53
Lapbottomoh you have to reinstall03:53
Lapbottomboth of you03:53
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FOAD_Hey, when I try to change the name of a device item on the deskop it tells me "Access denied"; presumably because I'm not root.  So how do I do change the names of the icons?03:56
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bxnpguys anybody worked with kdar ever before03:57
nabeelhi to everybody03:57
nabeelGambas is in which respository??????03:57
Lapbottomoh you have to reinstall03:57
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LapbottomInstall 7.0403:58
Lapbottomupgrade to 7.0403:59
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[pyro] ok heres a question for you guys. if i install a package and it has like 6 other deps and it installs those too. Say if i dont like the package and i uninstall it.. is there any way i can "clean" the other 6 packages out without having to remember them and write them down?03:59
SilentMapt-get autoremove ?04:00
Lapbottomlol reinstall04:00
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[pyro] SilentM: is that it?04:00
SilentMI think so.04:00
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[pyro] looking..04:00
Jucato[pyro] : apt-get's autoremove or use aptitude to install it04:01
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[pyro] aptitude? hmm04:01
[pyro] you will have to forgive me guys.. ive used redhat for the past 8 years and only just moved over to a debian based distro04:01
phpcoinin aptitude - whats the diff between purge and delete ?04:02
nabeelcan anybody help me about gambas, about its repository04:02
Jucatothere's no "delete" command in aptitude...04:02
phpcoinok sorry im going from memory - is it remove and purge ?04:03
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polly1How do I access a windows drive accross my network?04:05
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Jucatophpcoin: remove simply uninstalls the packages. purge deletes configuration files and other stuff that were installed along with them packages, except those in $HOME04:06
phpcointhank you04:06
PhinnFortis it possible to colour the output of aptitude=04:06
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N6REJwhats the channel name for the bot?04:07
polly1Anyone here connecting to a windows drive accross a network?04:08
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT04:08
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N6REJpolly1: you need samba04:08
JucatoN6REJ: what do you mean? (about the bot)04:08
polly1N6REJ: Got it.04:08
N6REJJucato: your not supposed to use the bot just for you so I was going to go to the bot channel, but I'm having a brain fart as to what channel it is.  I can't remember the skype repos command04:09
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JucatoN6REJ: actually, you can. just PM ubotu04:09
polly1N6REJ: Do you need samba on windows as well or is it just on linux?04:09
N6REJpolly1: just linux04:10
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LeeJunFanN6REJ: /msg ubotu04:10
Jucato!msgthebot | N6REJ04:10
ubotuN6REJ: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...04:10
N6REJpolly1: you need samba because windows has to be "SWATTED" to behave :p04:10
[pyro] !bluetooth04:10
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup04:10
[pyro] oh sweet04:10
N6REJJucato: ty!04:10
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Zaphar_homewhen I try to connect to my usb camera it gives a "cannot claim usb device" error04:14
N6REJback in a little while gotta switch over to the workstation04:14
Jucato!away > yurimxpxman04:14
Zaphar_homeis there any fix available for that?04:14
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kasperAnyone with a good guide howto get flash working in Opera on dapper?04:15
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ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser04:16
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Fri13I'm having problem, im about to test (yes, backups done! :-D) that new Feisty beta upgrade tool "https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDistUpgrade" but i cant add "deb http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/archive-edgy-dist-upgrade-kde356-i386/ ./" because adept or apt-get gives error about end, missing dist info...04:18
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kasperThanks Jucato, gotta learn how to do that ;)04:19
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sivajiitell me how to install prozill.tar.gz04:20
kasperMaybe i jumped a little to early there. It doesn't say anything about installing Flash? Jucato04:20
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mdtykeDoes anyone know how I can fix the fact that Flash in Linux always shows *above* everything else04:21
chijinthe upgrade tool crashed on me :-/04:22
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kaspersivajii: Dont it contain an install file?04:22
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mdtykeIm trying apt-get dist-upgrade at the moment04:23
sivajiiya it is there04:23
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sivajiikasper:ya it is there04:23
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kaspersivajii: drag'n drop it into you terminal and execute it.04:24
sivajiikasper:there are two files one is install other one is install-sh,which one i am suppose to drop04:26
[pyro] hmm when i do a sudo hidd --connect <bluetoothdevice> i get a "Can't open input device: No such file or directory (2)" error04:26
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Abort-Ddoes your pc have bluetooth?04:27
[pyro] yep04:27
[pyro] and my phone detects the incomming connection asks for a pw etc, but then after all is said and done it comes up with that error04:27
Abort-Dhaha i got no clue04:27
kaspersivajii: my guess would be install-sh, im not that familiar with promillz.04:28
Abort-Dwhat kinda pc is it?04:28
[pyro] its a laptop04:28
Abort-Dpretty new?04:28
[pyro] with inbuilt bt04:28
[pyro] na its a dell :)04:28
[pyro] bluetooth04:28
sivajiipermission denied04:29
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sivajiikasper:permission denied04:29
kaspersivajii: Use sudo.04:29
[pyro] hey raffytaffy04:29
kasperey raffytaffy04:29
sivajiisivaji is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.04:30
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sivajiikasper:sivaji is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.04:30
Abort-Dis sivajii a bot?04:30
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kaspersivajii: Well if you dont have su rights, then there is nothing to do. Isn't it your own computer?04:31
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Ace2016 Hi all04:32
Ace2016how do i get info on the current xorg refresh rate04:32
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Ace2016the vertical and horizontal refresh rates04:32
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jhutchinsxvidtune is one way.04:32
sivajiikasper:yes it is my own pc04:33
Abort-Dxorg. something04:33
Abort-Di forget right now04:33
jhutchinsAbort-D: The conf file has all possible options, not just the ones in use.04:33
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Abort-Dthe bottom line does thats what i used to set mine04:33
kaspersivajii: Then log in with your user that have got su rights :)04:33
jhutchinssivajii: Are you using the original account you first created when you set up kubuntu?04:34
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jhutchinssivajii: If you create additional users, they won't have sudo rights.04:34
Ace2016so xvidtune shows teh vrefresh rate and the hrefresh rate?04:34
jhutchinssivajii: If that's not the case you're going to need to boot to the CD and edit the sudoers file.04:35
sivajiikasper:only one user is there04:35
Ace2016the knoppix disk isn't working and so far i tried vsync=60 and hsync=60 but i'm scared that it'll break the monitor04:35
Ace2016so i need the ones from ubuntu04:35
kaspersivajii: Use your live CD to boot from and edit the sudoers file..04:35
sivajiihow to edit04:36
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Ace2016kdesu kate04:36
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Abort-Din kde u can right click the file u want to edit to choose to open with root04:37
Mirrakorany known problems with Ethernet Networkcards from Realtek?04:37
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Goliath23I have to text terminal logins. any idea what that could be? (its a feisty upgraded from edgy upgraded from dapper)04:38
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binkshi dudes ive got a prob with my sisters lappy its an xp machine and bluescreens on boot up i was going to use kubuntu live to exstract importand files but how can i network this04:39
binksi have a netgear hub and 2 nics in main pc04:39
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N6REJJucato: you got a minute?04:39
JucatoN6REJ: sure04:40
=== Jucato hands N6REJ a minute
N6REJJucato: can we pm?04:40
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laptopWhat is dapper?04:40
Jucato!dapper | laptop04:40
ubotulaptop: dapper is the 4th release of Ubuntu.  Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake".04:40
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JucatoN6REJ: hm... ok (I'll tell you if it should be in #kubuntu anyway :P)04:40
laptopoh so when someone tells me to use "dapper-commercial repos" what are they telling me?04:41
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu04:41
laptoplet me be less vague, how do I enable a commercial rep04:41
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jhutchinslaptop: Please read the page at the link provided.04:42
laptopCan I do it in synaptic or adept?04:42
jhutchinslaptop: Yes.04:42
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laptopwoohoo found it@@@@@@!!!!  ....ummm   *boing*   (excuse me)04:44
Mirrakorigel: ping04:45
Mirrakorwelcome to the kubuntu channel :D04:45
laptopI cant believe Im 34 and I still like to play around with computers.....when will I grow up104:45
Mirrakorlaptop: honestly?04:45
Mirrakorprobably never :04:45
laptophaha I know!04:46
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bxnplaptop: shake hands i am 35 and always played with computer and i always will04:46
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kasperOkay, i'v tried everything now. Anyone who can guide me trough an insallation of flash plugin to Opera?04:47
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laptopWhy would I want to add dapper commercial and not for example feisty commercial or edgy commercial04:47
laptopyeah my parents did me the disservice of buying me a Commadore Vic 2004:48
laptopdownhill ever since04:48
AniHatzisfooolks.... I had a hell of experience with KDE 3.5.5 on Kubuntu 6.10 since yesterday... totally weird behavior of KMail, Konqueror etc.... and all just because my home partition got full and I got no notice from KDE... :)))04:48
Jucatolaptop: you won't. if you're on dapper, use dapper-commercial. if you're on edgy, use edgy-commercial. there is no feisty-commercial (yet)04:48
bxnplol @ laptop04:48
laptopCheck it out http://archive.canonical.com/dists/04:48
MirrakorWhich is Kubuntus default FS? ext3?04:49
binkslaptop: im 36 m8 and still obsessed and thrilled all the time with my pc04:49
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bxnpyes ext3 but you could configure other Mirrakor04:49
JucatoMirrakor: ext304:49
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laptopbut now my belly is starting to get bigger, faster04:49
Mirrakorbxnp: just need to know the default one, thx :)04:49
laptopdamn metabolism04:49
laptopI have to run everyday @@@04:49
AniHatzisLeeJunFan: many thanks for your support. if someone else ever experience totally weired behaviour: ask the user if hard-disk got full :)04:49
binkslaptop: still hit the gym 4 times a week thou so no belly yet04:50
LeeJunFanAniHatzis: haha :)04:50
laptopYeah i go to the gym, but its sooo boring04:50
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LeeJunFanAniHatzis: I've been there before too. Never dawned on me that was it.04:50
binksnooo not you to to get a good mixed gym wink wink04:50
laptopyah youre right04:51
sivajii!eddy | sivaji04:51
kobiehay guys i use ppp0 conection and it hangs up all the time after a couple of minuts04:51
Jucatolaptop: feisty-commercial exists, but is empty. so it's practically useless...04:51
kobiecan some one help me ?04:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eddy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:51
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Betzefer/nickserv identify kobie668604:51
Betzefer/msg nickserv identify kobie668604:51
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AniHatzisLeeJunFan: yeah, I already wanted to move to another user-account and wanted Eclipse to commit my changes to subversion - and eclipse told me that! as i got free space again, everything worked fine again. This is somewhat... well, sub-optimal usability, but however, I'm happy that I can enjoy kubuntu again! :)04:52
binks!edgy |04:52
ubotu: Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes04:52
Betzeferhay guys i use ppp0 conection and it hangs up all the time after a couple of minuts can some one help ?04:52
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LeeJunFanAniHatzis: perhaps that's something kubuntu could use, some simple applet that warns on disk space, although I hate the idea of turning linux into windows with all the popup warnings about firewalls, antivirus, disk space, etc... :)04:53
MirrakorBetzefer:  /msg Nickserv  set Password <new_pass>04:53
laptopbinks I dont think my wife would approve of my newfound mixed gym and new motivation...hhaha04:53
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Betzeferya good idea04:53
Mirrakoronly reasonable idea04:54
AniHatzisLeeJunFan: You are right. I'm glad that I got rid from this behavior of W32. But I think that the KDE team should have some kind of warning built in start-up of their apps.04:54
N6REJJucato: it FINALLY found the file!04:55
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AniHatzisLeeJunFan: If app Foo needs a minimum free space than it should check it and warn the user. But it's not a good way to just end-up in strange behaviour that is really really weird.04:55
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klerfaythow had to be your swap to successfully suspend to disk?04:55
bxnpN6REJ: what wilfe where you looking for04:55
=== Jucato gives N6REJ the two thumbs up
klerfayt*how big*04:56
klerfayt1.5times your ram?04:56
jhutchinsAniHatzis: Actually, there will be a warning if a partition is full on startup, but you might miss it.04:56
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Betzeferhay guys i use ppp0 conection and it hangs up all the time after a couple of minuts can some one help ?04:56
Betzeferhay guys i use DSL conection and it hangs up all the time after a couple of minuts can some one help ?04:56
N6REJbxnp: my stupid winblows was barfing on trying to find a file on the master CD and OF COURSSE microdump in their wisdom doesn't allow you to create a dup of the cd to use when its brand new to protect the master04:56
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jhutchinsBetzefer: We don't seem to have a lot of ppp experts here, you may need to tune the settings of the connection, but google will be more help than we will.04:57
AniHatzisjhutchins: I didn't see any on the screen, nor in the strace output. Eclipse told me as I wanted to commit my work before setting all up again.04:57
jhutchinsBetzefer: Your ISP is actually a pretty good source for information on how it should be set up.04:57
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Betzeferu dont use DSL connetions around here ?04:57
N6REJbxnp: I'm got one machine that I have to use xp on because of the gps software and then one TINY 20G install of it on this machine for Adobe photshop and swish and then I'm DONE with windblows!04:57
klerfaytit seems I hit the bug there you suspend to disk and then you start your pc again swap is disabled cause swap wasn't big enough?04:57
raffytaffyok hdparm startup script works good04:58
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N6REJklerfayt: increase the size of your swap :D04:58
jhutchinsAniHatzis: There are disk space monitors available.04:58
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Betzeferraffytaffy : u know about DSL connetcions right ?04:58
=== N6REJ has to learn how to setup nagios
klerfaytN6REJ: god. this means reinstall. though I made sure to allocate 1.5of ram to swap (768swap is 1.5 512ram)04:59
raffytaffybits and pieces04:59
N6REJklerfayt: why reinstall?04:59
N6REJklerfayt: this ain't winblows04:59
Betzefercan i query u raffytaffy ?04:59
AniHatzisjhutchins: yeah, right. whenever I see no windows any more of some specific apps, I will check for free space. I should have do at the first place. But I didn't understand that this could be the reason. :)04:59
klerfaytN6REJ: not free space left04:59
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N6REJklerfayt: your entire hd is full?05:00
klerfaytN6REJ: not in tha sense. partitoned fully, but partitions aren't full05:00
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SilentMThat actually happened to me once, without explanation. The next day it was better, and I hadn't deleted anything.05:00
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davidIs there a way to sync mail using synce and wm200305:01
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jhutchinsklerfayt: You should be fine with 512M of RAM and 768 swap, although I would have done 1G (2x).05:01
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N6REJklerfayt: then its not full :D  ok, in a nutshell what you do is you resize one partition, then one closest to the swap partition, then extend the swap!05:01
tmbg_I find the 2x rule is pretty dumb.05:02
tmbg_for most systems and programs the more ram you have the LESS swap you need.05:02
jhutchinsklerfayt: If you were messing with suspend and your swap is now disabled, it's probably corrupt and you just need to reformat it.  This is a known bug.05:02
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N6REJtmbg_: until  you run into apps like photoshop!05:02
klerfaytjhutchins: I never use more swap than 100MB I believe so I just picked 1.5times my ram then partioning the drive05:02
davidAnyone know a way to sync email using synce and wm2003 dont care what mail pgm - ANY!!!05:02
davidother pim info is no problem, got that working.05:03
klerfaytjhutchins: I'll try resume=/dev/sda... trick05:03
N6REJjhutchins: whats a good ssh client for kde??05:04
=== [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-101-99-158.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
davidN6RE why not just use terminal?05:04
N6REJdavid: term to another machien on the lan?05:04
tmbg_ssh is builtin.05:05
davidyes ssh root@//xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx05:05
N6REJdavid: how you going to root in ubuntu?05:05
davidlike that05:05
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davidtype:  ssh root@//xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx05:05
tmbg_who said xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx was an ubuntu box?05:06
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N6REJnope, connection refused.  I obvisouly don't have things setup properly yet.05:07
davidping xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx05:07
davidyou have physical access to the other pc? Maybe need to apt-get openssh05:07
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davidkeeps kicking my nick05:09
N6REJdavid: yeah, I haven't finished ALL of the server config yet.  I'm having a quandry with the network config.  The 4 machines here are all behind a linksys (cisco) router providing NAT & DHCP to a dsl modem.  I want the server to act as a lan server ONLY, no incoming junk, from the outside world, just from the lan.  so CURRENTLY all machines are dhcp clients to the router.  I've got both NIS and Samba installed but not totally configured yet.05:09
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N6REJdavid: I've been following the instructions on the ubuntu-server-guide but I'm at the ethernet config section and am unsure if I should change anything.  I thought seriously about assigning the ips, via mac address's05:10
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davidyou said you can ping?05:11
N6REJdavid: the server keeps wanting to be a client of my isp :(05:11
N6REJdavid: yeah, np05:11
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davidok you need to install the ssh server05:11
N6REJdavid: needless to say I have con for the server right next to me.05:11
N6REJdavid: let me see if I did that step, so skip the eth0 config for now and leave it dhcp?05:12
davidapt-get openssh-server05:12
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davidif ping works then yes05:12
davidfor now05:12
N6REJdavid k05:12
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davidsudo of course05:13
N6REJheheheheh you nailed it.. .boy I must of been really frustrated yesterday.05:13
davidsudo apt-get openssh-server05:13
davidI've been there lol. Only a few months ago. Doesn't take long to get up to speed. lol05:13
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N6REJdavid: works great now :D  nice... I'll remember that.05:14
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N6REJdavid: so now I have to finish following the steps in the guide??05:14
davidI don't know about a file manager for ubuntu because I use kubuntu but try sftp://root@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx05:15
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davidDunno to be honest, never read the guide ;)05:15
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davidin your file mgr for ubuntu05:15
klerfaytnot good, doing reinstall now. what did you say? 1GB swap with 512ram?05:15
N6REJwell, I will have samba installed and working because its going to be a file server for "mac, kde, xp, xfce" and probably more.05:16
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davidklerfayt swap=double ram up to 2gig05:16
N6REJklerfayt: what are you running that is eating all your ram up????05:16
davidIf you have samba working then your doing pretty well!05:16
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse05:17
N6REJdavid: not yet I don't but I will have.05:17
klerfaytdavid: so 1gb for me since I got 512ram. what happened now if I e.g. installed another 512 ram stick05:17
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)05:17
davidhow soon will you do that?05:17
N6REJklerfayt: your problems would be over... I have a 1g here and never run out of ram unless I'm using photoshop05:17
klerfaytdavid: nothing. suspend to disk failed. it seems you need 1.5the size of ram for swap05:17
N6REJdavid: today or tomorrow.05:17
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davidn6re: good luck!05:18
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ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse05:18
N6REJdavid: I'll win I always do.  20 yrs ago I was an expert at this stuff, but now it just comes very very slowly05:18
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davidklerfayt truly doesn't matter how big your swap space is really. Just a matter of performance05:18
N6REJusing ntfs in *nix is just begging for trouble05:18
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klerfaytdavid: then why did suspend to disk fail?05:19
davidSorry dunno. Dont use suspend.05:19
davidI don't use it i mean05:20
N6REJklerfayt: why are you suspending to disk?05:20
N6REJklerfayt: what mb?05:20
klerfaytN6REJ: I usually don't. it's laptop05:20
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davidSo I take there are no power users can help with syncing email (not pim) with pocket pc using synce?05:20
klerfaytN6REJ: how does suspend to disk work? does it use swap space?05:20
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N6REJklerfayt: tell it to "sleep" but not suspend.  Some systems don't suspend well at all.  Double/triple check that your bios are the latest.05:21
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LeeJunFanklerfayt: yes it uses swap.05:21
LeeJunFanklerfayt: if you seem to suspend okay, but the resume is what doesn't work - in my experience it's framebuffer.05:21
N6REJklerfayt: so if you have 4g of programs running then you need 4g of swap :D05:21
LeeJunFanframebuffer breaks suspend to ram or disk for me.05:22
klerfaytLeeJunFan: how you disable it? just remove "splash"?05:22
N6REJLeeJunFan: wth is framebuffer anyway... is that like the old dos buffers?05:22
ubotuIf you would like information on framebuffers, please visit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer05:22
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klerfaytN6REJ: I believe it is 640x480 picture you see at boot05:22
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N6REJklerfayt: hmmmmmmmmmm... that don't make sense... normally linux names fit the crime05:23
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LeeJunFanthe bootsplash uses the framebuffer to put the graphics on the screen.05:24
BluesKajhmm, now my mplayer for FF is acting up on sites that require windows media ..it launches but then stops ..anyone had this problem and solved it ?05:25
=== N6REJ darn long fingers I keep hitting "2" instead of "w"
klerfaytLeeJunFan: correct way to disable it is to use vga=normal. right? is there a font for console that displays normal on 16:10 screens?05:26
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LeeJunFanklerfayt: my font looks fine with 1680x1050.05:26
Jucato"cat /etc/usplash.conf" shows what resolution usplash uses05:27
LeeJunFanklerfayt: vga=normal should do it, but sometimes I've found I have to blacklist the module for the framebuffer too.05:27
klerfaytLeeJunFan: in you desktop, sure. but I mean terminals (ttys)05:27
LeeJunFanklerfayt: that's what I'm talking about  :) in the console.05:27
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Jucatodisable the splash?05:28
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LeeJunFanI'm using my own kernel, no fb even compiled.05:28
klerfaytLeeJunFan: no way they only display correctly on 4:3 displays. on 16:10 font must be stretched05:28
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LeeJunFanklerfayt: I don't know what to tell you, mine look fine.05:29
N6REJcan anyone explain why I would want to use a umask of 077 vs 022 on a lan???05:29
klerfaytLeeJunFan: *in a same way as usplash gets stretched)05:29
LeeJunFanN6REJ: 077 means only the user that owns it can do anything with it, 022 means other can read and execute, but not write.05:30
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Ayabara2can someone recommend a good cd ripper. what ogg vorbis rate would be approx the same as aac@160kbps?05:31
frojndhello guys05:31
frojndneed quick advice05:32
klerfaytshould I put my 1GB swap in the beginning or the end of the disk?05:32
frojndhow can I connect to other kubuntu maschine if I know IP username and password??05:32
frojndthrough internet?05:32
frojndssh username@IP ?05:33
N6REJLeeJunFan: is this a "default" setting that can be over-ridden or does this circumvent the users?  One of my purposes for the server is as a joomla testbed.  There, because everything is dynamic alot of the files must be world writeable.  Now I KNOW I don't need to have ftp to put the files on the server, BUT I WANT to have ftp so that I can practice the behavior exactly as it will happen on my world servers, so I can work out the kinks so to speak.05:33
yaccinfrojnd: there must an ssh-server be installed an running05:33
=== SilentM [n=dennis@c-67-163-119-228.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
N6REJLeeJunFan: and vsftpd is asking me if I want 077 or 022 or?05:34
LeeJunFanN6REJ: it's default. users should be able to change perms on files they own.05:34
N6REJLeeJunFan: ok, great ty.05:34
N6REJLeeJunFan: so a normal ISP would have it 077???05:35
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LeeJunFanN6REJ: depends. If you are using it on a webserver you need apache's uuid to be able to read it, so in that case you'd want 022.05:35
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LeeJunFanN6REJ: so if someone uploads their webpage www-data will need to be able to read it in order to serve it.05:36
Duckers_hi.. I'm getting "Critical error during ped_disk_new!" when i choose to edit the partition table manually while installing kubuntu. then i get the partition edit screen with all buttons disabled and can't do anything except go back or terminate installation. any ideas what to do?05:36
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N6REJLeeJunFan: oh ok, that makes sense.  while we're on the subject ip/32 means the entire class "C" correct?05:37
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LeeJunFanno /32 is one IP.05:37
LeeJunFan/24 is a class C or
N6REJgrrrrrrrrrr no wonder it never worked.05:37
N6REJk ty!05:37
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petrahey guys ... a question: How can I copy a file from my linux partition to a Windows XP (NTFS) partition?    I could mount it,  but  I cannot write it05:40
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petraits readonly05:40
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Jucatobefore I go to bed, just a heads up for you Beryl lovers: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/102 Beryl is in the repos now (feisty).05:40
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BluesKaj! ntfs-3g | petra05:41
ubotupetra: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)05:41
klerfaytJucato: is it latest?05:41
=== orient2000 [n=orient20@CPE00e018fe7049-CM0014f85e8fb0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
N6REJLeeJunFan: what is your feelings on using NFS and samba together?05:42
N6REJLeeJunFan: is nfs for ltsp??05:42
Jucato!info beryl feisty | klerfayt05:43
ubotuklerfayt: Package beryl does not exist in feisty05:43
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=== N6REJ doesn't understand what all the hype about beryl is.
yaccinN6REJ: ever used it?05:43
Jucatoklerfayt: Beryl 0.2.1.dfsg+git20070318-0ubuntu205:43
yaccinthen you wont05:43
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=== Jucato goes to bed now.
klerfaytN6REJ: it gives you black screen bug with nvidia drivers05:44
BluesKaj!Ext2IFS_1_10c.exe | petra05:44
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N6REJlater jucato05:44
N6REJklerfayt: that leaves me out cause I'm a nvidia only house!  Won't run ati no matter what05:44
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yaccin<< nvidia05:45
N6REJyaccin: whats the big deal about it?? is it super eye candy or something?05:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ext2ifs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:45
yaccinN6REJ: sure its eye candy05:45
yaccinnot only05:45
yaccini cant live without it05:45
LeeJunFanN6REJ: nfs is a more raw form of file sharing, it's got great performance but lacks a lot of security features.05:45
yaccinits so much fun work now05:45
N6REJyaccin: so its an "envirorment"?05:45
klerfaytN6REJ: it gives you black window depenging on your card, turbocache cards are most affected by this. workaround is to use "copy rendering path"05:45
LeeJunFanN6REJ: nfs performance makes it very well suited for ltsp. I use NFS for our library here to netboot all the PC's.05:46
yaccinN6REJ: its a window manager05:46
yaccinand it lets you use apps like cairo-clock, avant-window-navigator and screenlets05:46
yaccinor affinity search05:46
=== N6REJ puts it in his maybe will look at it someday box
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LeeJunFanBeryl is one of those things that really serves no purpose, and you think what a waste of CPU cycles, then you use it one time and you can't go back to a non beryl desktop :)05:47
klerfaytyaccin: yeah but I found it to not do one most important thing - less cpu usage05:47
BluesKajExt2 Installable File System for Windows http://www.fs-driver.org/05:47
yaccinLeeJunFan: true true ^^05:47
N6REJLeeJunFan:  just what I need :P05:47
yaccinklerfayt: im working on that ^^05:47
=== N6REJ kinda like konversation but wishes smilies worked
yaccinkonversation <305:47
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orient2000How to find Beryl and drivers http://www.filesearching.com05:48
LeeJunFanIn that way beryl is like the opposite sex, at first you're like - eww! girls have cooties, then you're like - oooh! girls have _______ :)05:48
N6REJyaccin: I have no idea05:48
=== ubuntu_ is now known as rott
N6REJLeeJunFan: look here http://www.n6rej.com its not dirty at all I promise05:48
BluesKajLeeJunFan , I have no prob living without beryl , but then i'm not particularly fond of eye candy that's just window dressing anyway :)05:49
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yaccinLeeJunFan: well, actually im gay05:49
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ForgeAusI can live without beryl too05:49
N6REJBluesKaj: I've been using ec on winblows for so long that I don't know how I'm going to feel not having it.05:49
klerfaytLeeJunFan: beryl is not well integrated into kde. one example is half-working desktop pager05:50
N6REJLeeJunFan: I just love that pic!05:50
LeeJunFanyaccin: I knew someone would have to say that just to ruin my analogy.05:50
yaccinklerfayt: i dont need a pager, i have expo-mode :P05:50
LeeJunFanklerfayt: you tried 0.2.0? It's working much better than the last release.05:50
yaccinLeeJunFan: well, actually its true :P05:50
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yaccin<< svn repo... err git-repo :D05:50
BluesKajs'ok LeeJunFan , the rest of us  know what you mean05:50
LeeJunFanklerfayt: my pager works well.05:50
N6REJLeeJunFan: do you think I should run nfs and samba too???  ( mac, xp, *nix, 98 ) are the major os's05:51
klerfaytLeeJunFan: no I'm waiting then nvidia fixes black window bug first (waiting months now)05:51
ForgeAuswell kwin will have some beryl-like features  in kde405:51
yaccinklerfayt: use aiglx until then?05:51
yaccinForgeAus: but just some very basic05:51
yaccinand it already has them05:51
yaccin(transparenca and shadows)05:51
[Naigovan] for some reason  mybeyl is not working well with applications on wine05:51
yaccin[Naigovan] : i have no problem with beryl + wine :/05:52
N6REJspeaking of nvidia I have an OLD Geforce 5200 agp 8x with 128mb.  I paid a fortune for it.  Whats the best driver to use for it?05:52
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yaccinN6REJ: the nvidia drivers? ^^05:52
LeeJunFanklerfayt: yeah, I read about that. too bad. the new 0.2.0 has much better kde integration and even more so with key bindings, etc...05:52
N6REJthere's NVIDIA's drivers and then there are ubuntu's drivers05:52
yaccinN6REJ: take nvidias05:53
[Naigovan] yaccin: hm I can not minimize resize etc wine windows kwin wokrs fine05:53
N6REJk, thats what I've always done, just checking as its been a while since I've tried this.  Getting hijacked just pushed me over the edge!05:53
yaccin[Naigovan] : hmm thats strange :/05:54
BluesKajN6REJ, I'm so close to wiping my windows partition it's scary ... been using it since I found out about pc's and what great stuff can be done with them ...8 yrs now. Linux for the last yr 90%of the time.05:54
N6REJyaccin: I know a guy named bill you could go visit for me *snicker*05:54
klerfaytyaccin: aiglx is very slow then, unless I select copy rendering path. but that gives same performance as withoug aiglx (kinda sluggish)05:54
yaccinN6REJ: why visit ?05:54
yaccinklerfayt: but it fixes the black window bug :)05:54
klerfaytyaccin: I know... how does it perform compared to normal "rendering path"? I can't see it cause with normal rendering path all I see is panel, everything else is black05:56
LeeJunFanklerfayt: I found a trick to speed up aiglx :) use schedutils chrt to give X and beryl realtime priorities :)05:56
N6REJBluesKaj: I got dns hijacked and it took me a while to figure it out, and I run a business.  They somehow got THROUGH my nat router!!! , through avast, through windows defender, through lavasoft, through windows firewall!!!!  forget that, I can't have that happening!!!!   If it wasn't for a few measly games and photoshop I'd never use winblows again.  I was telling the wife I can see mac's in our future05:56
yaccinklerfayt: i didnt notice any perfomance differencies05:56
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[Naigovan] yaccin: yep and i get no errors at all05:57
LeeJunFanN6REJ: the problem is likely that if you had DNS open they didn't have to go thru anything to get at it. :)05:57
N6REJLeeJunFan: if you answered my question I missed it... nfs & samba, nfs, or samba or????05:57
=== LeeJunFan uparrows
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LeeJunFanN6REJ: nfs is a more raw form of file sharing, it's got great performance but lacks a lot of security features.05:57
LeeJunFanN6REJ: nfs performance makes it very well suited for ltsp. I use NFS for our library here to netboot all the PC's.05:58
N6REJLeeJunFan: I had only one thing open that I know of and that is that I didn't have "filter redirection on and upnp off"05:58
yaccinN6REJ: tried the beryl forums?05:58
[Naigovan] samba works fine for me -)05:58
klerfaytyaccin: hmm I guess I should use beryl again then (since I don't have an excuse of copy rendering path to be slower)05:58
LeeJunFanN6REJ: you have a good password on your router too?05:58
N6REJLeeJunFan: I did have I have no clue now.05:58
yaccinklerfayt: :) also i think the black window bug is fixed in svn05:59
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N6REJthat reminds me I'd better go change it.05:59
yaccinat least i didnt have a black window for weeks now05:59
BluesKajN6REJ, that's scary ,wife & I also behind a NAT router , using AVG on the windows pc and partitions ... so  far so good.05:59
klerfaytyaccin: no that is nvidia drivers bug05:59
=== raffytaffy uses vpn hardware firewall
klerfaytspeaking of routers - should I enable upnp?05:59
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yaccinthen why dont i have black windows?05:59
N6REJBluesKaj: make sure "filter nat redirection" is checked!05:59
N6REJklerfayt: NO!05:59
LeeJunFanklerfayt: well - it depends.06:00
klerfaytN6REJ: why?06:00
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raffytaffyanyone care to try some custom firmware?06:00
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N6REJklerfayt: that was one of my mistakes, It says "go ahead open what ever you want if I run a program that asks for a port"06:00
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LeeJunFanklerfayt: if you use apps like bittorrent you'll probably want it because your torrent software will have to use upnp to open up the necessary ports on your router.06:00
N6REJLeeJunFan: OH :(06:00
BluesKajN6REJ , what router ?06:00
klerfaytLeeJunFan: I noticed that06:00
raffytaffyLeeJunFan : i forward port for azureus. works good06:01
raffytaffyi turn 3DES off when i run torrents06:01
LeeJunFanyeah, like raffytaffy says, you can also just manually forward the ports and not use upnp.06:01
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raffytaffyencryption slows them down terribly06:01
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raffytaffyi had to lower MTU on router for torrents also06:02
klerfaytwhat so bad about upnp then?06:02
raffytaffykeep that in mind06:02
N6REJLeeJunFan: if I use NFS do I want/need samba?06:02
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LeeJunFanklerfayt: what's bad about it is that it's hard to monitor what opens and forwards what ports to where.06:02
raffytaffyLeeJunFan : port sentry and common sense ..perhaps snort for IDS is good imo06:03
LeeJunFanklerfayt: with upnp off you know the only forwarded ports are the ones you specify, with upnp on you never know what application opened what port to where inside your network, leaving a big gaping hole for someone to get in thru.06:03
=== N6REJ prime example
raffytaffyupnp is buggy as hell imo06:04
LeeJunFanraffytaffy: yeah, fine for me and you, but when you boot into windows or have windows machines on the network..06:04
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LeeJunFanraffytaffy: of course there's snort for windows too.06:04
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=== N6REJ if I EVER get hijacked again I'm off to engarde... THEN lets see'm get through *harrrrrumph*
klerfaytLeeJunFan: I can't think of anyone wanting to get through ;)06:04
raffytaffyyes..i do not have windows...so they need extra steps you are right06:04
apo__hello everybody06:04
LeeJunFanklerfayt: that's a common misconception, spammers and botmasters do, even if you don't have anything on your HD except a 20 year old collection of power puff girls picks.06:05
raffytaffyi love my netgear fsv114 router06:05
raffytaffybut i think its time i stepped up to a cisco 280006:05
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LeeJunFanraffytaffy: I use linux for all my routers, including the T1's.06:05
raffytaffylinux for router is a must06:06
LeeJunFanT1's get sangoma cards in a linux box.06:06
N6REJI miss my commercial cisco but when I quit being an ISP I couldn't pass up the offer that was made to me for it.06:06
raffytaffybut i need cisco router bcse i want ccna and other cc's06:06
raffytaffyi need something to practice on06:06
N6REJraffytaffy: believe it or not even the cheap routers normally are *nix routers06:06
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raffytaffymy netgear runs linux06:06
raffytaffyi had linksys in the past ..i installed hyper wrt custom firmware on them...worked ok06:07
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SkullerWill someone please have a loof at my 'beery; --replace' http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11867/ and tell me how do i remove the problem?06:07
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N6REJLeeJunFan: would you recommend install xinetd on the server?06:08
BluesKaj<---- speedstream 6300 siemens router , but I have no idea how to hack it , not yet anyway :)06:08
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LeeJunFanN6REJ: I use it, you only need it if you have services that you want launched on demand from an outside connection request.06:09
LeeJunFanN6REJ: I use it for tftp server.06:09
raffytaffyi need a switch06:09
raffytaffyeven a used one06:09
N6REJLeeJunFan: I'd kinda prefer that because the server is only a celeron 500 and its got enough to do as it is.  Better to not have something running thats not needed.  Thats why I put xfce on it.06:09
raffytaffyperhapsi can go scavange in cisco dumpster for switch lol06:10
LeeJunFanI've got a managed 10M cisco 24pt in the garage :)06:10
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kshindais there a way to restart sound without restarting my comp? basically i had sound then somewhere it crashed and now no sound plays, it's happened before and I just reset my computer and it works again, but is there a way to restart just thes sound drivers/devices without restarting the comp?06:10
raffytaffyare u selling it?06:10
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posingaspopularkshinda, restart alsa?06:10
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SilentMkshinda: kcontrol > Sound and Multimedia > Sound System06:11
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LeeJunFanN6REJ: want to know what to expect running linux as a server?06:11
SilentMDisable and then Enable.06:11
LeeJunFanroot@morningstar:~# uptime06:11
LeeJunFan 13:11:05 up 341 days, 13:29,  1 user,  load average: 0.36, 0.25, 0.2806:11
N6REJyeah, I USSED to run *nix servers all the time then I got away from it... now I'm back for good.06:11
N6REJnice uptime!06:11
LeeJunFanN6REJ: that's one of my everything servers, so it's not like it does nothing all day.06:12
BluesKajN6REJ,older celerons aren't SOTA , but they're useful with linux' minimal stuff like xfce06:12
raffytaffymy uptime never goes above a few days. all the kernel work i do has me rebooting quite often06:12
raffytaffybut once my katana will be up and runing i expect a few years06:12
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LeeJunFanHad one make 2 years before that was a router/squidserver, 4 T1's, running squid with a 200G raid0 array. Finally croaked when the HD's went on it like they all drank the koolaid at the same time. IBM deathstars.06:13
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N6REJLeeJunFan: I just told vsftpd to NOT run in standalone mode and then /etc/init.d/vsftpd stop  Should that take care of it?06:13
raffytaffyim looking into some sort of fiber connection06:13
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raffytaffyim in nyc06:13
LeeJunFanN6REJ: that server of mine is a celeron 500.06:13
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raffytaffyso it shouldnt be that expensive06:14
N6REJLeeJunFan: sweet!06:14
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pixelationI'm looking for something simple to show me running apps that are RAM hogs?  Any ideas?06:14
LeeJunFanN6REJ: and it handles webserver, dns, mail including amavis/clamscan virus scanning and spamassasin. You're celeron will do fine.06:14
yaccinpixelation:  top?06:15
laptopI installed Realplayer 10 and cspan files still wont play with it, rtsp files wont associate with realplayer, in firefox, its excruciating. wtf?06:15
skarfacepixelation: top or htop06:15
raffytaffyim goin xeon06:15
N6REJLeeJunFan: thats good news... its got about 384megs of ram in it.06:15
raffytaffyquad perhaps06:15
pixelationskarface... oh bash command?06:15
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adaptrpixelation: no, top command06:15
kshindaposingaspopular: the on off from kcontrol didnt seem to fix it, anything else you think might work?06:15
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LeeJunFanN6REJ: I've got twice that, but could get away with less if not for virus scanning and apache.06:16
pixelationheh, ok cool thanks, I'm tempted to ask for a GUI, but I should really start using bash more.06:16
raffytaffyapache like swiss cheese. holes everywhere06:16
posingaspopularyou mean the command SilentM said, about kcontol>sound andmultimedia> sound system?06:16
posingaspopularmy idea was to check alsa06:16
N6REJLeeJunFan: well, memory has come down so perhaps I can find some cheap memory for it now.  Add a 512mb stick just to be safe.06:16
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N6REJLeeJunFan: right now 0k swap is being used :D06:17
LeeJunFanthere's nothing wrong with apache, it's the (cr)apps people use on it. I've seen more bad PHP apps cause pwned servers it isn't even close to funny.06:17
=== laptop How do I ADD a filetype to Firefox to associate a program to?
kshindayea, tried that, unchecked enable went apply then enabled and applied06:17
N6REJLeeJunFan: I hear you.06:17
pixelationalso (hypothetically) could someone keylog or place a virus or install a root kit or a server in wine?06:17
N6REJLeeJunFan: could you walk me through this nfs config please?/06:18
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LeeJunFanN6REJ: as for the vsftpd you'll need to configure xinetd to listen for connections on ftp port and launch vsftpd when needed.06:18
N6REJLeeJunFan: I'm following the ubuntu server guide and i'm stuck on the export sectioon06:18
LeeJunFanN6REJ: there isn't much to configuring NFS, which is why it's dangerous.06:18
raffytaffyi like to use php webmin to configure ftp06:18
N6REJLeeJunFan: how do I tell xinetd that?06:19
raffytaffyim lazy06:19
LeeJunFanN6REJ: I would absolutely NOT allow NFS to be open to the internet.06:19
MetaBookfoziSi have compiled the same ".config"-ured kernel on two different machines, the question is, why not equal the two kernel's size in bytes?06:19
MetaBookfoziS16m both, but some thousand byte is the differece06:19
N6REJLeeJunFan: no, I don't want that either.  But I'm stupid enough to not know how to set it up to be safe06:19
LeeJunFanN6REJ: there should be some examples in /etc/xinet.d that might help, man xinetd.conf06:19
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N6REJLeeJunFan: k, I'll look06:20
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seanheronI wanted to ask if anybody here has a quick tip on watching real player streams ?06:22
Dumahenhow can i fix this problem ?? pls help me  http://img118.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ekrangrntstc9.png06:22
seanheron(I want to watch a video from the UN archive)06:22
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N6REJLeeJunFan: I'm getting an interesting error, considering I've implicitly told it to allow local access .... 500 OOPS: vsftpd: both local and anonymous access disabled!06:24
LeeJunFanN6REJ: hehe, I should talk about not having NFS open to the internet :) I do on my machine right now. Of course it only allows my local IP's and the shares are all read-only.06:24
binkshow can i cl copy the My\ Documents folder from a windows drive to my /Home06:25
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N6REJ!ubunto samba | binks06:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubunto samba - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:25
N6REJ!ubuto samba | binks06:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuto samba - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:26
N6REJ!ubutu samba | binks06:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubutu samba - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:26
yaccin!paste | N6REJ06:26
ubotuN6REJ: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:26
N6REJI give up06:26
yaccin!ubuntu samba | binks06:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu samba - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:26
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yaccin!samba | binks06:26
ubotubinks: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT06:26
bluesceadamy dad likes the kubuntu live cd06:26
bluesceadathere are some little things which he doesnt06:27
bluesceadaand so wouldnt use it06:27
yaccinwhich things?06:27
N6REJbluesceada: like?06:27
bluesceadai guess (k)ubuntu should be for people who are no pc specialists06:27
bluesceadalike ---> mp3 support06:27
LeeJunFanN6REJ: hrm, dunno. My config is pretty straightforward. perhaps you need to issue a /etc/init.d/vsfptd restart to get it to reload the config?06:27
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yaccin!mp3 | bluesceada06:27
ubotubluesceada: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:27
bluesceadaand ntfs support06:27
bluesceadayaccin: i know it06:27
Sannewhy samba just for copying files from one drive to another in the same machine?06:27
yaccin!ntfs @ bluesceada06:27
N6REJLeeJunFan: I told it /etc/init.d/vsftpd stop LOL06:27
yaccin!ntfs | bluesceada06:28
ubotubluesceada: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse06:28
bluesceadayaccin: it's just disappointing that it doesnt work directly with the live cd06:28
bluesceadadont tell me06:28
bluesceadai just think that the live cd should support it initially06:28
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yaccinbluesceada: licensing issues06:28
bluesceadawithout having to set anything up06:28
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bluesceadayaccin: but why do other distris have it?06:28
yaccinthey are legally not allowed to06:28
LeeJunFanN6REJ: then you shouldn't have gotten a connection to ftp at all:) hehe06:28
bluesceadaand what about ntfs06:28
yaccinbecause they dont care/you ay for it06:28
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bluesceadayaccin: for both mp3 and ntfs?06:28
yaccinmp3 yes06:28
bluesceadaand ntfs?06:29
yaccinntfs i dont know, but ntfs is still kinda experimentyl06:29
bluesceadayaccin: yeh but it doesnt work like it should06:29
N6REJLeeJunFan: grrrrrr same thing.  let me check something06:29
bluesceadaif i click on the icon, i dont have the permissions06:29
yaccinthats why its not included06:29
yaccinor enabled06:29
yaccinby default06:29
bluesceadai had to mount -t ntfs -o ro,uid=999 /dev/sda1 /media/sda106:29
bluesceadaand i also had to create the media dirs..06:29
yaccinthats normal06:29
Dumahenhow can i fix this problem ?? pls help me  http://img118.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ekrangrntstc9.png06:30
bluesceadaso why not do it also graphically ... and give a warning "just read-only" ??06:30
yaccinyou cant mount something to a place that doesnt exist06:30
N6REJLeeJunFan: I bet this is the culperate06:30
N6REJLeeJunFan:                    server              = /usr/etc/in.ftpd06:30
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bluesceadayaccin: i know enough about *nix it's just the problem for other people06:30
yaccinbluesceada: you can setup fstab entries graphically06:30
bluesceadaas i just saw it for my dad06:30
yaccinwyth systemsettings06:30
bluesceadahe would just find it disappointing .. and continue using windows for at least 1-2 years06:30
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bluesceadayaccin: yeh still you have to do sth.06:31
yaccinthats because people just look ~5 minutes on linux and then say its crap :(06:31
yaccinbluesceada: sure you have06:31
bluesceadayaccin: most people just testing it find that disappointing and dont care any longer06:31
binksok the thing is im trying to get some files off a lappy that has a broken windows so i loaded the live cd will samba still be the way forward06:31
yaccinits better then it destroys all your ntfs partitions06:31
bluesceadayaccin: at least it should be easier guided ... you should be guided to the system settings if there are problems over media:/06:31
bluesceadajust mount it read only ..06:32
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binks!mount ntfs06:32
yaccinsimply dont use ntfs :P06:32
ubotumount: Tools for mounting and manipulating filesystems. In component main, is required. Version 2.12r-11ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 179 kB, installed size 400 kB06:32
bluesceadayaccin: xD ... if the person used windows before etc...06:32
yaccincan windows read/write ext3 by default?06:32
yaccinand nobody cares06:33
binksyes it can yaccin06:33
bluesceadayaccin: no of course .. but the aim is to bring people to linux ... not other way around .. see bug #106:33
yaccinbut if linux doesnt read/write ntfs by default its shit06:33
=== ^2_Fast_4u^ can i speack RO in here ?
yaccinbinks: not out of the box06:33
bluesceadayou know bug #1 i guess06:33
binksno there is a driver for it06:33
yaccinsure i do06:33
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yaccinbinks: same as ntfs for linux06:33
yaccinthats what i said06:33
binksyes sorry i didnt see all06:33
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binksbut does ubuntu need a reinstall evey 6 weeks like xp06:34
N6REJbinks: heck no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!06:34
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binksmy ubuntu drive was built around 18 months ago06:34
bluesceadayaccin: the thing is .. people want to be happy initially in linux like they are used to in windows ... in windows anything seems fine at the beginning06:34
LeeJunFanN6REJ: yeah, it running the wrong ftp server I bet.06:34
binksand never well nearly never gets rebooted06:34
bluesceadaof course it's other way around in linux, but how can you explain that to people :S06:35
yaccinpeople always complain about linux cant do this or that oob but then they dont even see that windows cant do as much as linux oob :(06:35
saxI've only reinstalled twice, and that's reare06:35
yaccinbluesceada: it seems!06:35
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N6REJLeeJunFan: whats even more weird is I take that entire section out of xinetd.conf and its still gives me the same error LOL06:35
yaccinwindows doesnt come with an office suite06:35
yaccinnot with a good music player app06:35
yaccinor graphics editor06:36
binksno but notepad is great loooool06:36
saxand can't run KDE!06:36
yaccinsax: it can06:36
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yaccinkde4 will run on windows06:36
saxwindows can run KDE?06:36
^2_Fast_4u^i have Kubuntu and i need winne can someone help me please... ? i don`t know where to find it :((06:36
yaccinqnd on mac06:36
saxthat's amazing... how do you do that?06:36
bluesceadasax: kde4 ..06:36
yaccin^2_Fast_4u^: sudo apt-get install wine06:36
bluesceadai hope that some killer apps in kde4 will have limited functions06:36
yaccinsax: i dont know :D06:36
LeeJunFanN6REJ: vsftpd in wait state doesn't take much ram and if it's the only thing you plan on using xinetd for it might actually take less memory than running xinetd06:36
bluesceadaand people will easier jump over to linux06:36
saxwine is great06:37
yaccinbluesceada: they should do a 30days testing version06:37
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N6REJLeeJunFan: ok, I've isolated it down to the fact of wether is running stand alone or not.  making it stand alone makes everything work.06:37
yaccinafter 30 days: "sorry, please install linux to use this program"06:37
bluesceadayaccin: hrhr would be really nice :D06:37
bluesceadajust too bad it wont happen06:37
bluesceadaopensource is just too nice to other software06:37
yaccinsometimes its sad06:37
bluesceadabeing nice is not always good :(06:37
yaccinpeople always complain about opensource software06:37
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yaccinbut then they wont pay for cs software06:38
N6REJLeeJunFan: what else might I put in xinetd??  I'm goig to have sql-ledger, mysql, postgresql, apache, vsftpd, nagios, and some form of backup program06:38
bluesceadayou wont be rewarded for being nice in this world, at least in most aspects06:38
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neptunepinkyaccin: but some software is totlaly unavailable on windows. . . .06:38
N6REJAMYBE mail06:38
yaccinneptunepink: thats good :D06:38
LeeJunFanN6REJ: none of those I think.06:38
neptunepinklike wine X)06:38
N6REJk, thats fixed LOL06:39
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LeeJunFanN6REJ: you don't want sql servers in xinetd because you don't want to have to wait for the sql server to load before it answers a query.06:39
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N6REJLeeJunFan: yeah, that makes sense especially as I'll be using both mysql and postgres alot  ( pg for accounting and mysql for joomla/apache06:40
binksok i can cd into my windows rive but cp My\ Documents wont work06:40
LeeJunFanN6REJ: xinetd is a good way to start tiny net server apps that won't be under use all the time.06:40
LeeJunFanbinks: cp -R06:40
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binksarr ok06:40
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[pyro] heh, just watched lord of war06:41
[pyro] not bad06:41
N6REJLeeJunFan: would you please look ( ok, I'll remember that ) https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/serverguide/C/network-file-system.html and look at the configuration sectioon?  I don't know what I want there especially when you take the mac into account.06:42
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LeeJunFan[pyro] : that the one with nicolas cage?06:42
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PhinnFortLeeJunFan: yup06:43
PhinnFortafaik there's only one lord of war06:43
N6REJyeah, Sun TZU06:43
LeeJunFanN6REJ: I don't see anything there that mentions mac06:43
PhinnFortthe art of war06:43
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N6REJLeeJunFan: I know, but what I'm worried about is wife runs panther, and I've got XP on the laptop, and then both xp and *nix here....06:44
N6REJLeeJunFan: maybe I'm over thinking this?06:44
LeeJunFanN6REJ: keep in mind exporting a dir with *(rw,...) is a very bad idea if your server is to be open to the internet, me (or any other fool :) ) could write to that share.06:45
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N6REJLeeJunFan: the only possible thing my server would touch the net for is to get/send mail and surf06:45
LeeJunFanN6REJ: what I've done on some systems is to use the MAC address in iptables to allow only certain machines to access the rw NFS shares.06:45
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N6REJLeeJunFan: that will suit me perfectly.06:46
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N6REJI would prefer that for the entire server!  If your not on this side of the router, go the heck away!!!!06:46
MinceRhow can i set the mouse sensitivity (not acceleration) without the GNOME Control Panel? both KDE and xset only seem to offer acceleration06:46
LeeJunFanN6REJ: for instance iptables -A INPUT -m mac --mac-source [mac addy]  -p tcp --dport [nfs port]  -j ACCEPT will allow that mac addy to access NFS on the server, but you also need a rule after that which denies all NFS traffic incoming.06:47
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N6REJLeeJunFan: how do I know what the nfs port is?06:47
LeeJunFanN6REJ: actually, it's probably portmap (111) you want to do that with, NFS ports change.06:48
Skullercan someone please give me the command used for reconfiguring X?06:48
LeeJunFanwasn't thinking there :)06:48
Skullerk never mind06:48
binkshaha managed to copy the dir from windows to my samsung mp3 player lol come on06:48
ArwenSkuller, vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?06:48
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seanheronthats to manually (by actually writing) reconfigure06:49
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N6REJLeeJunFan: apparently portmap is not installed?06:50
seanheronSkuller: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:50
seanheronI think06:50
SkullerArwen: thats arrite...i got it...actually i wanted the command for reconfiguring X06:50
LeeJunFanN6REJ: nfs = 2049, portmap = 11106:50
Skullerseanheron: yes...thanks06:50
seanheronno probs06:50
=== N6REJ makes the sound of a blabbering idiot
binksis there a cmd to tell me the size of a dir inc subfolders06:50
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seanheronI asked the same question here just a month or two ago :D06:51
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LeeJunFanN6REJ: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11871/06:51
LeeJunFanN6REJ: oops, forgot the nfs ports in the paste.06:52
[pyro] LeeJunFan: yeah thats the one06:52
[pyro] soz, was away from the computer06:52
N6REJlee does this go in the routers iptables06:52
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LeeJunFanN6REJ: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11872/06:53
LeeJunFanN6REJ: yeah, that's for iptables, use your client machine MAC address in place of the one listed there of course.06:53
daftmanis it possible to downgrade the distro?06:54
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N6REJLeeJunFan: yeah, ok... if those are the only things in the iptables it will still allow everything else for now right?06:54
LeeJunFanN6REJ: that's from an iptables-save so you'll need to prepend iptables to each line.06:54
daftmani accidently added in the feisty06:54
daftmanand upgraded my whole computer to feisty beta06:54
LeeJunFanN6REJ: yes, it only blocks NFS, with the exception of the MAC addresses at the top it will allow.06:54
daftmanbut now there are alot of things not working06:54
N6REJLeeJunFan: ok, let me go do that now.06:54
daftmanis it possible to downgrade the distro?06:55
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Arwendaftman, maybe, but it's not worth it06:55
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LeeJunFanbetter bet is to fix what doesn't work in feisty now. :)06:55
daftmanArwen: what do you mean? I keep getting this problem with mdadm06:55
daftmanand apparently it is a major bug with feisty06:55
LeeJunFanewe, that's not a fun one to have to live with either.06:56
Arwendaftman, you can't do an automated downgrade, it's possible if you do it manually, but you'll probably b0rk your install06:56
[pyro] hehe b0rk b0rk06:56
daftmanArwen: this is cuased by the upgrade to feisty06:56
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LeeJunFandaftman: depending on if the bug is in mdtools or the kernel, you might just be able to downgrade one or 2 packages to get raid working again.06:56
Arwendaftman, I know that feisty has bugs, but you kinda accepted that when you dist-upgraded06:56
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daftmanArwen: I didn't06:57
daftmanI just upgrade the packages normal through adept updater06:57
daftmanand one night it decide to upgrade feisty06:57
fdovingthen you have edgy-proposed repository enabled, and you accepted to upgrade.06:57
[pyro] Arwen: dont you know no-one reads any warnings or anything. Windows has trained everyone to just click Next > Next > Next > untill it says "now your computer is fux0r3d"06:58
daftmani check I realize I had the "proposed" in my source list06:58
fdovingthat's what edgy-proposed is for.06:58
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Arwenyeah... and daftman, you noticed that it's feisty *beta*?06:58
Arwen[pyro] , :-\06:58
[pyro] no he just clicked Next > ;)06:58
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daftman[pyro]  no its automated06:58
daftmanas in cron06:58
LeeJunFanc'mon everyone, sure he screwed up - but nagging him isn't going to help him any now.06:58
[pyro] Arwen: its true, better to try and fix your install now06:58
Arwendaftman, the fact is that you can't downgrade distros using apt, adept, etc06:59
LeeJunFanlike none of us has ever !$!@ up a machine ?:)06:59
[pyro] daftman: im not having a crack at you, just windows :)06:59
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daftman*sigh*  yea now the problem is that mdadm doesn't work06:59
Arwendaftman, if you really wanted to try, you'd have to manually install each package.... not worth it06:59
daftmankeep spiting me back to the prompt06:59
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daftmanArwen: yes I understand06:59
ArwenI suggest reinstalling edgy06:59
N6REJok, this is bogus!  FF is installed but doesn't show up in the menu!06:59
Arwendaftman, go file a bug so it gets fixed :-)07:00
binksis there a cmd to tell me the size of a dir inc subfolders07:00
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daftmanArwen: It is already filed07:00
Arwenwell, wait for the fix :-)07:00
N6REJ!df | binks07:00
ubotubinks: Graphical representations of where your disk-space is being used are: baobab (GNOME), filelight / kinfocenter (Kubuntu). On the terminal: df -h -T07:00
Arwenbinks, df I guess07:00
binkscheers daftman | N6REJ07:00
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LeeJunFandaftman: what about downloading mdadm from the repost for edgy and dpkg -i [package]  it should downgrade that one package - hopefully w/o any deps issues.07:01
NDPTAL85Nice: http://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/2007/03/feisty-beta-is-out.html07:01
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daftmanLeejunFan: do I need mdadm? I mean I only have 1 sata drive07:02
[pyro] oh, ur not running a raid?07:02
LeeJunFandaftman: you don't use raid?07:02
daftmanI tried to turn it off as services through "system settings" but it still try to load07:02
LeeJunFandaftman: apt-get remove mdadm07:02
N6REJok, this darn computer is trying to muck with my head!!! .... firefox is already the newest version. ....... then adept says "firefox not installed".........AAAAAAAAAAHHH07:03
LeeJunFanyou don't need it. I dn't have it on my system.07:03
daftmanLeejunFan, no I don't use raid, Although I have an asus motherboard that has raid07:03
daftmanbut I haven't activated it07:03
MinceRN6REJ: maybe it isn't installed from a package?07:03
LeeJunFandaftman: you don't need md unless you use raid.07:03
Aloneadear gods today is a bad day and my computer is not cooperating. Ok, since I was going to reformat my linux and redo it again I though I might as well reput on my xp on the first hdd where it was and where the messed up windows system was too. So I deleted disk, but when you press enter its supposed to take you to a screen that will format it to NTFS yada yada...but its not doing that for...07:03
Alonea...me. It says the partition is not windows xp compatable. Did linux do something to it? (btw, linux is happily installed to my second hdd)07:03
daftmanLeejunFan: ok, i'll turn it off> I don't know why it is install though07:03
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{GeertFor raid you need 2 s-ata drive`s!07:04
Arwen{Geert, not really07:04
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Arwen{Geert, you just need a SATA card07:04
N6REJmaybe but apparently the language file was installed ... go figure.07:04
ArwenI mean a RAID card07:04
daftmanLeeJunFan, hmm it ask ifI want to remove lvm-common as well07:04
LeeJunFanAlonea: windows doesn't understand linux partitions, you need to use linux to remove them.07:04
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{GeertOr more patition`s ofcourse07:04
N6REJ{Geert: thats not an entirely true story, you can raid with any drive implementation07:05
AloneaLeeJunFan: but it was never a linux partition in the first place...07:05
daftmanLeeJunFan: Is that bad? removing lvm-common and lvm2???07:05
Arwen{Geert, you can't RAID partitions.....07:05
Arwenthat's not RAID07:05
AloneaLeeJunFan: I always had my windows on my first HD, and linux on my second.07:05
LeeJunFandaftman: not if you didn't setup lvm.07:05
{Geertthank`s for that info07:05
AloneaLeeJunFan: I even got it to say the partition is NTFS07:06
daftmanLeeJunFan, I have no idea if I did or not, how do I find out?07:06
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LeeJunFanAlonea: either way - it wouldn't hurt to use your live CD, and use linux to remove ALL partitions on your HD, then go back to setup windows.07:06
firecrotch!info openwebmail07:06
ubotuPackage openwebmail does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas07:06
AloneaLeeJunFan: well, i am not going to remove my home...all my files are on it and I dont want to redo everything on linux..07:07
N6REJ{Geert: you can raid SCSI, ide, eide, ( I forget the orignal format ) sata, firewire, what ever, those are simply the protocol's being used to talk to the drive, whats important is that the raid controller must be able to handle that protocol, and the raid type your requesting.07:07
LeeJunFandaftman: I honestly don't know about lvm, I've never used it. It's probably a safe bet you didn't. Does anyone know if you can tell with mount if a volume is LVM?07:07
LeeJunFanAlonea: ah, I see. okay. hrm.07:07
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LeeJunFanAlonea: you can remove /dev/hda1 and leave it as unpartitioned space though07:07
N6REJLeeJunFan: I can't remember but there is a lvm manager for kde07:08
daftmangreat this is comforting: "07:08
daftmanW: mdadm: I'll update the initramfs, but if you need MD to boot07:08
daftmanW: mdadm: with initramfs, you'll be screwed!07:08
AloneaLeeJunFan: ok, I will try that. Do I still have to use the live cd for that or can I do this elsewhere?07:08
LeeJunFandaftman: if you don't use raid then you don't need it.07:08
daftmanyea I know I don't use raid07:08
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LeeJunFanAlonea: if you can still boot to linux you can just do that.07:08
daftmanok cross fingers and wait for reboot07:09
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N6REJLeeJunFan: lvm is for more then raid, it allows dynamic allocation of drives07:09
LeeJunFanAlonea: and use any number of paritioning tools like fdisk,cfdisk, gpart07:09
{GeertSo if i understand it write raid can work olways if you actifade it.07:09
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frojndhow can I go to feisty beta?07:09
frojndwhat's the command again07:09
Arwen!feistyupgrade | frojnd07:09
AloneaLeeJunFan: ok07:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about feistyupgrade - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:09
N6REJ{Geert: if your serious about raid I strongly encourage you to read about the different types and styles.07:09
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)07:10
=== hansjoerg [n=hansjoer@dslb-084-056-136-090.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
{GeertLook for feisty beta on #xubuntu07:10
LeeJunFanif you don't understand raid, a system with data you don't want to lose is not a good place to learn about it.07:10
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N6REJ0,1,2,3,4,5 striping, paring, non-striping, its enough to drive you to drink!07:11
LeeJunFanyou need more than 1 HD, they should be identical, although it's not really necessary so long as the partitions you bind to a raid array are the same size across all of them.07:11
BluesKajLeeJunFan  :>)07:11
LeeJunFanand if you want raid 5,10, or 01 you're wasting time with anything less than 5 HD's.07:11
{GeertOke so i am stuped but i did not start this conversation.07:11
N6REJraid is not really designed to increase the size of a drive, though it can be used for that, LVM does that, RAID is for redundancy!07:12
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{GeertAnd i think we could also be nice to echother, yes.07:12
N6REJI'm being nice... just being complete.. .. no rock throwing here.07:12
BluesKajRaid is for2 hard drives or more ..07:13
LeeJunFanraid0 can increase your speed, but at the expense that a HD or FS problem will hose all your data across all partitions belonging to the raid0 array.07:13
{GeertBut I will leave this channel now and get my nolege elsware.07:13
dice14uexcuse me, I have a problem, Im new to using Kubuntu kinda a noob on computers and anyways my wireless card doesn't work07:13
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[pyro] now thats annoying07:13
N6REJBluesKaj: yeah, but what real good would raid on 2 hd's be?  No really crc or such is there?07:13
SilentMIt doesn't work as in it doesn't just *work* or you've actually looked around within settings?07:13
[pyro] just spent all afternoon brute forcing a rar password, and i finally get it and the rar file is corrupt :\07:13
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N6REJdice14u: wireless can be difficult be prepared to read..07:14
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Arwen[pyro] , HAHA07:14
[pyro] :P07:14
N6REJ!wireless | dice14u07:14
dice14uum it says the device is unclaimed07:14
ubotudice14u: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:14
Arwen[pyro] , you sure you're not just using the open decoder?07:14
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[pyro] Arwen: yeah i probably am07:14
BluesKajwell, i don't think this person understood the diff between partitons and seperate HDDs07:14
LeeJunFanN6REJ: 2 hd's is still good for raid1 or 0, raid 1 gives you a mirror copy of the master drive, raid 0 stripes your data across both, making your hd throughput faster.07:14
Arwen[pyro] , apt-get install unrar :-)07:15
[pyro] Arwen: well i havent changed anything, just using "rar". Ark doesnt seem to support passwords by the look..07:15
N6REJBluesKaj:  oic, I missed the very beginning of the thread.07:15
[pyro] Arwen: nice :)07:15
Arwen[pyro] , hmm07:15
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=== boby [n=boby@adsl-dyn217.91-127-11.t-com.sk] has joined #kubuntu
laptopWhat  is the website for multimedia support?07:15
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:15
=== Gandhi is now known as [Gandhi]
N6REJLeeJunFan: ok, I know enough about raid to know I don't know nothing!  Other then I've got the hardware to do it.07:15
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[pyro] lol unrar not found in repository07:16
LeeJunFanWell, I don't see daftman back after removing mdadm :/07:16
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[pyro] spat back an error, not able to find the .deb file07:16
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dice14uI have an atheros wireless card and it doesn't appear within the network settings07:16
N6REJyou may need ndiswrapper07:16
dice14uok the wifi docs do not help07:17
dice14uthats not the issue07:17
N6REJ!ndiswrapper | dice14u07:17
ubotudice14u: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:17
SurfPunkmy sound problems are over07:17
=== daskreech2 [n=chatzill@dial-207-254-131-56.dyn.infochan.com] has joined #kubuntu
Arwen[pyro] , it's multiverse07:17
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daskreech2Arwen: hello :-)07:17
Arwendasickis, hello, I know you?07:17
ahlalo_elyon!info popularity-contest07:17
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ubotupopularity-contest: Vote for your favourite packages automatically. In component main, is standard. Version 1.33ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 48 kB, installed size 212 kB07:17
[pyro] Arwen: im sure i have that enabled07:17
=== Arwen thinks popularity-contest sounds like some kind of spyware
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Arwen[pyro] , huh07:18
daskreech2Arwen: it is spyware07:18
daskreech2but it's optin07:18
[pyro] Arwen: that repository07:18
=== ahlalo_elyon agrees with Arwen
daskreech2Arwen: from windows :-)07:18
Arwen[pyro] , ah well07:18
Arwendaskreech2, lolz07:18
dice14uhey can anyone give me good information?07:18
frojndok friend of mine did install openssh-server07:18
frojndbut don't know how can I connect to his comp07:19
[pyro] Arwen: im running and update with --fix-missing07:19
[pyro] see if that helps07:19
frojndssh -l username IP ?07:19
daskreech2frojnd: do you have his ip address?07:19
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frojndyes I have07:19
frojndalso username and pass07:19
Arwen[pyro] , ah - you on feisty?07:19
daskreech2ssh username@ip07:19
[pyro] Arwen: nope edgy07:19
Arwenhmm, it appears in multiverse for me07:19
[pyro] hmm07:20
[pyro] yeah it appears, but it says the debs not on the server07:20
Arwenhuh, weird07:20
[pyro] like, i can see it in adept07:20
Arwenmaybe somebody failed?07:20
[pyro] its in the list07:20
frojnddaskreech2: when I do: ssh user@ip07:20
Arwen[pyro] , http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/u/unrar-nonfree/unrar_3.5.4-0.1_i386.deb07:20
Arwenmirrors are good :-)07:20
frojnddaskreech2: should there be a request for a pssword?07:20
daskreech2frojnd: yes07:20
frojndbut there isn't07:21
ArwenI think unrar is just the freeware version of rar though07:21
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daskreech2the password of user on the box ou are trying to get to07:21
frojndit's just blank line07:21
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[pyro] Arwen: it says no file on that server07:21
PasNoxevening all07:21
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[pyro] hey PasNox07:22
frojnddaskreech2: if there isn't any rquest, what are the possible reasons for that07:22
Arwen[pyro] , huh, weird07:22
PasNoxi just upgrade from edgy to feisty, and now my wifi connectino don't start itself at boot time, i need to restart networking service to got wifi conencted07:22
daskreech2frojnd: can't see each other?07:22
[pyro] Arwen: yeah it is! the file's just been yoinked07:22
daskreech2other computer not running sshd07:22
Arwen[pyro] , it was TRANSPORTED o.O07:22
[pyro] woOoOo07:22
PasNoxbtw restarting networking service give me this erreor :RTNETLINK answers: File exists07:22
PasNoxrun-parts: /etc/network/if-up.d/avahi-autoipd exited with return code 207:22
PasNox                                                                         [ OK ] 07:22
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PasNox[pyro] : yes ?07:23
frojnddaskreech2: sshd automatically starts when the user install openssh-server ??07:23
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Arwen[pyro] , oh wait, unrar is in my apt-cache, I can send it to you if you want07:23
[pyro] PasNox: i was greeting your greeting. Greetings :)07:23
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[pyro] Arwen: sweet, ooh, dcc may not work.. i dont have any ports setup07:23
PasNox[pyro] : can t understand, sorry my bad english :D07:24
daskreech2do a sudo /etc/init.d/sshd start07:24
Arwen[pyro] , only the sender needs ports open, afaik07:24
[pyro] Arwen: oh yep thats right07:24
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[pyro] -:- DCC Unable to open /home/pyro/dcc/unrar_1%3a3.7.3-1~edgy1_i386.deb07:24
[pyro] hmm07:24
PasNoxanybody already got this error: RTNETLINK answers: File exists07:24
PasNoxrun-parts: /etc/network/if-up.d/avahi-autoipd exited with return code 207:24
PasNox                                                                         [ OK ] 07:24
PasNox ?07:24
dice14u*-network:1 UNCLAIMED07:24
[pyro] Arwen: hang ill make that dcc dir07:25
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[pyro] Arwen: ok try now :)07:25
PasNoxi have google, but there is only one russian forum speaking about, and i dont read russian07:25
[pyro] sweet07:25
LeeJunFanPasNox: sounds like it's adding a route that already exists. maybe you've got 2 interfaces configured for the same IP/network.07:25
Arwen[pyro] , it didn't FAIL, lol07:25
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os1risis anyone good at cli setup for wirless with wpa07:26
[pyro] the wonders of the internet \o/07:26
ArwenI'm not sure unrar will help your problem, but it's good to have07:26
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os1risi need help07:26
frojnddaskreech2 sudo: /etc/init.d/sshd: command not found07:26
PasNoxLeeJunFan: no, i have not, maybe u want i past my conf file on pastbin ?07:26
[pyro] Arwen: cheers :)07:26
daskreech2frojnd: tell the person to sudo apt-get install ssh07:26
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os1risno its sudo atp-get install ssh openssh07:27
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os1risi think07:27
Skullercan anyone help me get my screen size back to normal? it is not fitting my monitor totally in all edges and the border lines of the screen are bent inwards...my refresh rate is 53hz instead of 6007:27
frojnddaskreech2: ok07:27
brujoi m loss :( !!! where can speak in spanish??07:28
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:29
[pyro] lol07:29
firecrotchI win! :P07:29
joyriderWhere does Kontact autosave the calendar HTML file??07:29
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dice14usomebody please help?07:29
dice14u*-network:1 UNCLAIMED07:30
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dice14uI need that device to work07:30
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dice14uthats what it shows when i do lshw07:30
klerfaytm'kay I got suspend to disk (aka hirbernate) working with exactly same configuration, except this time swap size was 1GB07:30
os1rishas anyone set up wifi vioa cli?07:30
os1riserr via07:30
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errnohi all07:31
joyriderIt's the export feature i'm talking about :)07:32
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acemocould anyone help me get my speedstep-centrino to work? i cant modprobe the module - it says it cant find the module-07:33
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easytigerwhat module07:34
[pyro] acemo: what are you trying to do?07:35
acemoim trying to install speedstep-centrino so the cpu speeds can switch better07:35
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acemoatm, i can only get 1000mhz and 1666mhz(max)07:35
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jlundIs anyone here running Kubuntu on a widescreen monitor?07:36
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LeeJunFanjlund: yes07:36
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jlundLeeJunFan: How do I fix the aspect ratio that Xine uses when it is playing movies. It is playing them as though I am on a 4:3 monitor and the result is everything get stretched.07:37
klerfaytLeeJunFan: I got suspend to disk working with 1gb ram, kinda weird07:37
jlundEverything else looks fine, except for videos.07:37
MinceRhm.. apparently i've misunderstood that setting -- it's the acceleration threshold. the trick was probably that i could have <1 acceleration values.07:37
Arwenjlund, dunno, try using something that's not xine?07:37
klerfaytLeeJunFan: oops, not ram but swap 1gb07:37
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LeeJunFanklerfayt: as long as the ram in use isn't more than available swap it'll be okay.07:37
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Aloneadaskreech2: hello over here too07:38
jlundArwen: Things that are not Xine, like VLC and mplayer, play the file correctly.07:38
Pacohey, is there any way to two pannels two diferant colours?07:38
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Arwenjlund, so use them? :-)07:38
=== daskreech2 wiggles
=== Arwen had that issue with kaffiene, refused to put up with it and just uninstalled
LeeJunFanjlund: I've never had to do anything with mine, but then I haven't really used xine in a while for DVD, I usually use VLC or kaffeine - but kaffeine uses xine to play.07:38
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jlundArwen: I'll file a bug.07:38
dubbydubbywhy won't anyone help me07:38
klerfaytLeeJunFan: therse must be something else. why did 768swap fail then? (as you said ram in use - but this machine has only 512ram)07:39
jlundLeeJunFan: I'd be curious to hear your results trying a widescreen aspect ratio movie in both Kaffeine and VLC. See if you can see a difference too.07:39
klerfaytdubbydubby: what is your problem07:39
LeeJunFanjlund: just a min, btw you on feisty or edgy?07:39
[pyro] acemo: i took out all the speedstep stuff and just run mine full speed all the time :)07:39
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ceaserHey, does anybody know how I can adjust fonts in QT apps WITHOUT having KDE installed?07:40
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[pyro] acemo: i did intend to get around to fixing it but i havent yet :/07:40
jlundLeeJunFan: Feisty. But I first noticed this problem in Dapper. I should have reported it earlier but I am just now getting the hang of sending proper reports.07:40
Pacoi dont think its possible, but could someone tell me if its possible to have 2 pannels two different colours? im on Kubuntu edgy bt i dnt think thatd make a differance07:40
dubbydubbyklerfayt when i do lshw my network card returns this *-network UNCLAIMED07:40
ceaseri.e. is there a config file somewhere07:40
=== LeeJunFan pops in a jackie chan movie.
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dubbydubbyand what command is used to send msgs in red to ppl07:40
dubbydubbyon irc07:40
acemo[pyro]  the thing im trying to do here, is get it to go slower as the 1000mhz step i can choose now07:40
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Arwendubbydubby, if you do that, we will hurt you07:41
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acemo[pyro]  removing speedstep stuff would just be the opposite of what i want ;)07:41
Pacoi dont think its possible, but could someone tell me if its possible to have 2 pannels two different colours? im on Kubuntu edgy bt i dnt think thatd make a differance07:41
[pyro] acemo: why would you want to run your machine slower?07:41
klerfaytdubbydubby: I don't know networking stuff, sorry07:41
acemo[pyro]  laptop, in train07:42
ArwenPaco, definitely possible, in gnome at least07:42
Daisuke_Idodubbydubby: messages in red?07:42
ArwenPaco, I think you just configure each of them seperately?07:42
Pacocan u help me please lol07:42
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Daisuke_Idolike when someone says your name?  like that last one i sent?07:42
dubbydubbyoh is that all07:42
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Daisuke_Idoit's highlighting07:42
Pacoive clicked configure pannels, and i can select colour.....but when i change it it changes all the colours07:42
dubbydubbyi thought it was a pm system or something07:43
klerfaytacemo: install klaptopdaemon, default power manager in edgy eft doesn't let you do much07:43
ArwenPaco, oh well07:43
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daskreech2frojnd: how goes?07:43
Pacoive tried configuring them seperatly......but when you get 2 the appearence section u cannot sleect individual pannels07:43
Pacoi know its not important....but i jst....iunno i would like a bit of variation :)07:43
PasNoxplease help : http://rafb.net/p/dvjxNd69.html07:43
dubbydubbyDoes anyone know how to do networking?07:43
frojnddaskreech2: stalled: friend of mine is disconnected..07:43
acemoklerfayt, is the the default in feisty?07:43
dubbydubbywith ubuntu07:43
klerfaytacemo: you are in feisty?07:44
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acemoklerfayr: yes07:44
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klerfaytacemo: and it doesn't let you use lower frequencies than 1GHz?07:44
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jlundLeeJunFan: How is the movie?07:45
acemoklerfayt: nope07:45
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Pacohahah what film did u watch in the end :) :P07:45
LeeJunFanjlund: having problems getting it to play at all in kaffeine.07:45
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Pacoim off, thnxs 4 the kinda help :)07:45
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Paco:$ lol07:46
jlundLeeJunFan: You may need to install linxine-extracodecs07:46
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levi_Anyone here?07:46
klerfaytacemo: first of all does your cpu scale lower at all?07:46
kubuntudoes anybody know the problem with usb-storage07:46
frojnd25 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 24005m    wht does that mean, that there is no such an IP ??07:46
levi_Need help installing firefox.07:46
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kubuntuneed help live install hangs at loading module usb-storage07:47
LeeJunFanjlund: odd - it was the move - black hawk down is playing.07:47
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frojndlevi_: sudo apt-get install firefox07:47
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levi_that doesnt work07:48
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frojndlevi_: enable or repositrys in /etc/apt/sources.list07:48
frojndlevi_: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list07:48
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jlundLeeJunFan: Good to hear. I am running at 1680x1050. I see a big difference between the aspect ratio of Kaffeine and VLC almost as though Xine thinks I have a 4:3 monitor. Are you seeing the same thing?07:48
LeeJunFanjlund: aspect ratio is fine with kaffeine and vlc. I'll install xine player and try.07:48
frojndremove # before repository, levi_07:48
lukegust installed kbuntu it peees on vista wow07:48
LeeJunFanjlund: no, and I'm at the same resolution.07:48
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kubuntuneed help live install hangs at loading module usb-storage07:49
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BluesKajlevi reositories start with deb07:50
peeteei'm trying to install kubuntu but the install hangs at loading the module usb-storage. (i'm not using any usb devices)07:50
jlundLeeJunFan: Doing some research on Google. Can you tell me if your xorg.conf has a ModeLine set? It looks as if it may use that to determine what resolution the monitor is. Why they wouldn't just use the _resolution_ to determine that is beyond me...07:50
LeeJunFanjlund: xine works too, it starts out with the opening with a normal aspect ratio, then when it switches to the DVD menu/movie the window resizes to accomodate the widescreen playback.07:50
lukeyou might have bad cd media07:51
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lukeburn it again07:51
levi_Om a newb to kubuntu as for commands... sorry but PM?07:51
peeteeik checked that. that was ok07:51
LeeJunFanjlund: no modeline here07:51
levi_I dont understand what to do excatly07:51
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lukewhat usb storage do you have07:52
jlundLeeJunFan: So you see no difference in the window size between VLC and Xine?07:52
peeteeI don't have any usb storage attached07:52
BluesKajlevi, in the run command type, kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list07:52
LeeJunFanjlund: nope, I wonder if you wipe out your .xine dir and try with default settings?07:52
frojndBluesKaj: he/she is levi_ :)07:53
luketry ubuntu then kbuntu07:53
LeeJunFanjlund: I wonder if it could have to do with xv either? if you run xvinfo does it say you have xvid extensions enabled?07:53
levi_Ok now what?07:53
peeteeok thanks07:53
BluesKajlevi_ , in the run command type, kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list07:53
levi_Did that07:53
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BluesKajlevi_did a page open with a list of repositories ?07:54
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levi_Yeah. but what line would I edit?07:55
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jlundLeeJunFan: I don't see anything that says xvid in the output. Where should that appear?07:55
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levi_aside from Wine, I have nothing else installed other than what came with Kubuntu07:56
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LeeJunFanjlund: if you got a ton of output rather than just a message saying no xvid - then it's working.07:56
BluesKajthe lines begining with deb, that have # in front, delete the # , then save the file and exit , then in the terminal type , sudo apt-get update07:56
PasNoxLeeJunFan: do u check my pastebin ?07:56
LeeJunFanPasNox: no, I haven't. sorry - I missed it.07:56
jlundLeeJunFan: I'm on a fresh install so it can't be the .xine directory either. Can I PM you my email? I would appreciate it if you could send me your xorg.conf.07:57
LeeJunFanjlund: sure.07:57
LeeJunFanI can pastebin my xorg too.07:57
[pyro] nn all :)07:57
LeeJunFanjlund: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11879/07:58
jlundLeeJunFan: Thank you. Pastebin is pretty cool. I've never seen that before :)07:58
levi_try sudo apt-get firefox again?07:59
scheurihi all07:59
levi_okay its working.07:59
LeeJunFanPasNox: you have eth0 and eth1 both coming up in the same subnet, so it's trying to add routes twice for the same subnet.07:59
levi_Thank you BluesKaj07:59
nosrednaekimscheuri: hello08:00
jlundLeeJunFan: What model is your ATI card? It looks like you are using the open source driver. Lucky. I have to fight with the Nvidia driver.08:00
BluesKajYW, :)08:00
levi_..and anyone else I dont remeber that offered help08:00
LeeJunFanPasNox: if you need both of them up then you should assign the one that isn't your internet connection with a netmask of
LeeJunFanjlund: radeon 970008:00
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levi_Wow lots of installing..08:00
levi_annd theres firefox08:01
Arwenyes, firefox is written in GTK08:01
PasNoxLeeJunFan: eth1 is normally wlan0 but i don t know why,after upgrading to feissty, it named it eth108:01
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nosrednaekimPasNox: might be using a different driver?08:02
levi_*leaves this server*08:02
PasNoxLeeJunFan: my internet conenction is only eth1 so i need to put eth0 with mask of ?08:02
levi_See you around.08:02
PasNoxnosrednaekim: well under edgy i was needed ndiswrapper08:02
PasNoxno longer need under feisty08:02
LeeJunFanPasNox: you probably don't need both of them to be active at the same time do you?08:02
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nosrednaekimPasNox: yeah... now you are using the real drivers08:03
nosrednaekimnative linux08:03
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LeeJunFanPasNox: if not comment out the #auto line on the one you don't need.08:03
nosrednaekimwhats your cipset?08:03
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PasNoxLeeJunFan: i want, so i con conenct to internet another computer that is conencted to me08:03
PasNoxnosrednaekim: yes, great no fucking lagging ndiswserver ;)08:03
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LeeJunFanPasNox: ahh, I see. so you are using your linux machine as a gateway/router for another computer? If so you should actually use different subnets.08:04
waylandbill!language | PasNox08:04
ubotuPasNox: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:04
LeeJunFanPasNox: like one should be 192.168.10.x the other 192.168.9.x08:04
PasNoxLeeJunFan: yes08:04
waylandbilland bridge them08:05
LeeJunFanwell if you bridge them then you actually don't want to assign IP's to either of them.08:05
LeeJunFanyou would assign them and then bring up the bridge and assign the IP to br008:05
lukethankyou ubotu08:05
Arwenubotu *is* kinda lame :-\08:06
adaptractually, you wouldn't assign an IP to anything, period - a transparent bridge just blindly forwards ethernet traffic08:06
Arwenbut still useful08:06
LeeJunFanadaptr: yeah, but I assume he wants to be able to access the internet from the linux machine.08:06
PasNoxLeeJunFan: this configuration file was working with edgy why it should not work with feisty ?08:06
adaptrLeeJunFan: oh so the machine is to be a router ?08:06
waylandbillArwen: I'd convince you different if you did not have your mind made up08:07
PasNoxno no08:07
adaptrLeeJunFan: then bridging will get him exactly ... nothing08:07
PasNoxthe machine is not a rooter08:07
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PasNoxbut sometimes a computer can come and conencted to me to got internet08:07
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adaptryeah, that *is* called a router08:07
LeeJunFanPasNox: well, that's a router :)08:07
hendaussomebody help me please08:07
adaptrhendaus: not unless you explain08:08
LeeJunFanPasNox: by function anyway, it doesn't mean that's all your machine is going to be doing.08:08
hendausadaptr,  thanx  i make configure my monitor to turnoff after 20 minutes,after 20 minutes the monitor switch off but the green color still ,coz on windows when switching off the color of the monitor change to orange08:08
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LeeJunFanPasNox: okay, so which one is your internet connection again?08:08
PasNoxwifi eth108:08
PasNoxeth0 is occosionaly a tooter for another computer08:08
jlundhendaus: So the screen goes blank, but doesn't go into standby mode?08:08
adaptrhendaus: then it's blank, and not on standby08:09
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hendausjlund,  no :<08:09
adaptrhendaus: I prefer that, myself - its return time is much faster08:09
ppfalguien sabe espaol  por favor  ayuda08:09
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:09
PasNoxLeeJunFan: wifi eth108:09
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hendausadaptr, what can i do to make standby automatically?08:10
LeeJunFanPasNox: okay, then leave eth1 alone, and set eth0 to something like, enable forwarding and run iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j MASQUERADE, and set the computer behind your linux machine to 192.168.1.X08:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dpms - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:10
ubotuTo renew the configuration of a package when installing, sudo apt-get remove --purge <package> && sudo apt-get install <package>. Note that you will lose ALL config files for that package. WARNING: This is dangerous, don't do this with core packages08:10
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter08:11
untouchhi i have a problem i installed nvidia driver with apt-get install nvidia-glx after this i performed a nvidia-glx-config activate after this i restarted the x server but it doesnt starts anymore08:11
LeeJunFanPasNox: X being a number between 1 and 25408:11
untouchsorry for this bad english08:11
laptopuntouch !reinstall08:11
adaptr!reinstall | untouch08:11
ubotuuntouch: To renew the configuration of a package when installing, sudo apt-get remove --purge <package> && sudo apt-get install <package>. Note that you will lose ALL config files for that package. WARNING: This is dangerous, don't do this with core packages08:11
LeeJunFanPasNox: err, not including 1. use 2-25408:11
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untouchah okay08:12
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adaptrLeeJunFan: why not ? nothing special about .108:12
CarinArruntouch: was it a fresh install of nvidia or an update?08:12
untouchi try this thanks08:12
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untouchCarinArr: fresh08:12
PasNoxLeeJunFan: ok i try and reboot ;)08:12
LeeJunFanadaptr: well, he'd be using that for the router.08:12
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adaptrLeeJunFan: how do you know ?08:12
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de08:12
jlunduntouch: I had this happen to me last night. What you need to do is restore your old xorg config.08:12
LeeJunFanadaptr: because that's what I told him to :)08:12
untouchwhere it is08:12
adaptrLeeJunFan: ah, so you've pegged him as the sheeple type ? :)08:12
untouchit isnt in the x11 folder08:12
LeeJunFanadaptr: it was an example.08:13
adaptruntouch: and that is ?08:13
jlunduntouch: I think it is in /var/backup08:13
untouchi try this08:13
hendausjlund,  what can i do to turnoff the green color to orange?08:13
untouchif it doesnt work i come back :) cya08:13
jlunduntouch: Hang on!08:13
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jlundShucks. He will be back :)08:13
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jlundhendaus: Where did you make this change?08:14
LeeJunFanBridging wouldn't even have worked with his configuration, not with wifi being his internet device.08:14
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hendausjlund,  on system settings --> display --> power saving08:14
waylandbillLeeJunFan: oh 802.11? I would not have suggested bridge if I knew that. oops08:14
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adaptrLeeJunFan: bridging will not do what he wants, period08:15
LeeJunFanwaylandbill: yeah, it didn't dawn on me until just now.08:15
jlundhendaus: What kind of monitor is it?08:15
LeeJunFanadaptr: it could, so long as theres IP's to be had on the network he's connected to.08:15
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untouchit worked08:16
waylandbillI guess assumptions end up with just the first 3 letters when not careful. stuff happens08:16
LeeJunFanadaptr: if not for 802.11 he could setup both nics with, then bring up br0 with and set a gateway, etc.. would work okay.08:16
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untouchbut now wich driver i shall use ? the sh from nvidia.com ?08:16
adaptrLeeJunFan: "IP to be had" ? you speak language unfamiliar to me - *unless* he has some form of control about what happens on the *other* network, bridging won't work at. all.08:16
jlunduntouch: So you're back up and running, but not accelerated right?08:16
untouchjlund: sorry bad english what means accelerated ?08:17
soulriderhi everyone08:17
adaptrnot to mention the fact that it's universally fuckugly as a solution to anything :)08:17
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LeeJunFanadaptr: right, here comes that nasty assume word again - I assumed he was using a LAN which he had control of the IP/router08:17
jlunduntouch: The Nvidia driver is not working right?08:17
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jlunduntouch: Run 'sudo nvidia-xconfig' from a terminal.08:18
LeeJunFanadaptr: it comes in handy on access points and even transparent bridges that you need remote access to.08:18
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LeeJunFanassigning an ip to the bridge that is.08:18
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hendaus_jlund,  hp08:18
jlunduntouch: OK, now reboot and come back and tell us if it works :)08:19
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untouchreboot or enogh when i restart x server ?08:19
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adaptrLeeJunFan: if I need access to a transparent bridge - one used, for example, for IDS sniffing - I would assign an IP to a third interface08:19
jlunduntouch: You can try CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE and see what happens. I had to reboot though.08:19
untouchokay i reboot save ist save ...08:20
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LeeJunFanadaptr: yeah, that'd work nice too but assigning an IP to br0 won't hurt, it's still not going to show up in a traceroute, etc.08:20
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adaptrthat's not the issue - I do not want service access to even touch production data streams08:21
adaptrhence you isolate that access physically08:21
hendaus_jlund,  any solution?08:21
jlundhendaus: The way that power saving typically works is when the OS shuts down the display it just stops sending a signal. Then it is up to the monitor to go into standby. That is the way that my Sceptre works anyway. Have you left it idle for a little bit past when the screen turns off?08:21
SagaciousKJBCould someone please tell me if there is a file in /etc/ I could put my DNS servers in?  The section in System Settings erases every time I restart08:21
soulriderSagaciousKJB: /etc/hosts08:22
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LeeJunFanadaptr: curious - what's it going to hurt?08:22
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hendaus_jlund,  yes i leave it hours!! and it keeps on green and very hotter08:22
adaptrLeeJunFan: bandwidth, for one thing08:22
LeeJunFanadaptr: an ssh session?08:22
adaptrLeeJunFan: I didn't say it was a big impact08:22
CarinArrSagaciousKJB: /etc/resolv.conf08:22
yaccinare the nvidia drivers in feisty broken?08:22
LeeJunFanif you're remote it's going to have to use bandwidth either way.08:22
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untouchjlund: worked08:23
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CarinArrSagaciousKJB: the hosts file you'd have to specify mappings manually08:23
LeeJunFanadaptr: I'm just curious, I don't see a problem with it - if there is something I've overlooked I like to konw.08:23
untouchwhat is the command to see the fps with glxgears08:23
SagaciousKJBCarinArr: My hosts are in the host file now, but any time I restart the computer, they get deleted.08:24
SagaciousKJBAny idea what could be causing that?08:24
adaptrLeeJunFan: I never said that there's a problem with it - just that I wouldn't do it on a production system that bridges mbits of data08:24
jlunduntouch: Good! glxgears will show the FPS after it stops running.08:24
CarinArrSagaciousKJB: is everything deleted??08:24
LeeJunFanadaptr: like anything it depends on the situation. I suppose if it were a security concern your way would have the advantage that maintenance to the system wouldn't be in a logfile or pcap file on the system.08:24
CarinArrSagaciousKJB: or just your additions08:24
untouchjlund: kk i try08:24
SagaciousKJBJust my additions, it appears.08:24
adaptrLeeJunFan: I fail to see how that would be an advantage08:25
CarinArrSagaciousKJB: are you trying to add nameservers to /etc/hosts?08:25
CarinArrSagaciousKJB: or specific ip/hostname pairs08:25
SagaciousKJBNo, not at all.  Just trying to get my DNS server to stop disappearing when I restart. :P08:25
morvokhas anyone successfully rolled the kernal back to a 2.4 on kubuntu stable?08:25
CarinArrSagaciousKJB: if you want to add dns servers you'd put them in /etc/resolv.conf08:25
SagaciousKJBI think it's something to do with KDE, because a simple restart of kdm will cause it too.08:26
LeeJunFanadaptr: well, if it's an IDS and logs traffic you might not want logs of your maint sessions to hold incriminating/useful data if it was ever haxored.08:26
jlundhendaus: I'm not sure. Your monitor's power management system may not be supported in Linux or it may not have been detected correctly. It seems very strange to me that it would stay on with no signal.08:26
morvokas far as I know it should work as debian 'sarge' shipped with both the 2,4 stock and 2.6 images.08:26
SagaciousKJBCarinArr, what I'm saying is that any additions I make (be it manually adding them, or from System Settings > Network Settings > DNS), and then restart KDE, the changes I've made are then gone08:26
jlunduntouch: How fast?08:27
LeeJunFanadaptr: but then if one system holds data that could help someone gain access to another system anyway, there's other issues to fix.08:27
untouchjlund: it dosnt stops runnig08:27
CarinArrSagaciousKJB: okay, i don't know what causes that. but you can try to add them manually in /etc/resolv.conf;)08:27
hendaus_jlund,  when the first time i install kubuntu,it works fine with the orange color,but now it is working fine :<08:27
CarinArrSagaciousKJB: i've had problems with network configuration tools in both ubuntu and kubuntu, so i end up configuring the files myself08:27
jlunduntouch: I didn't explain it well. You will see the FPS in the terminal window that you start running it from.08:27
SagaciousKJBHmm, well, I don't think it would make a difference.  It says pretty explicitly at the top of the file "#     DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN"08:28
hendaus_jlund,  but now it is not working fine08:28
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untouchyes but i dont see fps ;)08:28
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untouchglxgears is running but no fps08:28
SagaciousKJBI suppose I will make a post or look around some KDE specific forums08:28
jlundhendaus: What changed? Any new programs installed or files edited?08:28
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SagaciousKJBAs I think it's a KDE thing08:28
jlunduntouch: Are you on edgy?08:29
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bregti have a intel onboard gpu08:29
bregtand i dont know what driver to use08:29
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untouchwhen edgy not the 6.10 is then not08:30
bregtkubuntu tells me to use the driver for a 915 thing08:30
jlunduntouch: Run 'glxgears -printfps'08:30
LeeJunFanWTH kind of yodatalk is that?08:31
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jlunduntouch: Sounds like it is working!08:31
untouchwhoo 690008:31
untouchon suse 2000 wtf08:31
CarinArruntouch: what graphics card?08:32
bregteuhm can anyone help?08:32
untouchnvidia 7300gt08:32
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CarinArrwonder how much beryl affects the fps08:32
bregtintel 82915G/82910GL Express Chipset Family08:32
jlundbregt: In what context? In your xorg.conf?08:32
untouchjlund: thank you :)08:33
bregteuhm using kcontrol08:33
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bregti dont know what driver to use08:33
LeeJunFanCarinArr: it depends on what you've got beryl doing. If you're not moving windows around and such then beryl won't have any effect.08:33
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jlunduntouch: You're welcome. I'm glad that it is working. There is a bug that has been submitted to change the instructions to 'nvidia-xconfig' so this shouldn't happen again.08:33
CarinArrLeeJunFan: doesn't it use the gpu for just simple desktop rendering and stuff as well tho and doesn't that eat memory even when it's static08:34
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CarinArrto some extent08:34
LeeJunFanCarinArr: it'll use some memory yeah, but as for FPS I haven't noticed any hit unless I work the gpu/cpu by doing things with beryl to cause it to do some work.08:35
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jlundbregt: i81008:36
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bregtyeah thx08:37
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bregthow did u knew?08:37
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c1|freakyare there any cool prograns i should chrck out? im not using windows on my laptop anymore and im looking for useful programs for all kind of things and of stuff i could use like note taking and much more08:37
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bregtthe serial number was very confusing08:37
frojndhello there08:38
jlundbregt: Most laptops use that chipset so I just did a Google search. Is it working?08:38
auhentaianybody know if you can run windows programs like yahoo messenger with kubuntu 6.1008:38
frojndhow can I connect to someone else computer via ssh if that user is not alone in the network -more than one computer use one external IP ???08:38
jlundc1|freaky: That is a loaded question. There are a lot of cool packages. Is the main thing you are looking for note taking?08:39
BluesKajbregt, lspci ...look for your graphics card in the list then find it in system settings/monito&display/admin mode/harware/config08:39
c1|freakyim jusz looking for a all kind of usefull things ;)08:40
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c1|freakyjust good software which is used by many ppl and which is actively developed and improved08:41
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jlundc1|freaky: I use Kontact to take notes. They have a Journal feature in there that works really well. Kontact comes by default with Kubuntu.08:41
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c1|freakyyea i know. theres also basket for notetaking which is just developed for this purpose08:42
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jlundc1|freaky: Games? I love rrootage and Abuse. Both of them are available in 'Add/Remove Software'. Old-school style shooters.08:42
auhentaii think freaky is useing ubuntu not kubuntu08:42
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c1|freakyim using kubuntu i like kde more08:43
auhentaiah i see08:43
c1|freakyare there any good 3d games?08:43
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alakhiaI'm installing a package but I get this message from apt-get: Package pine is not available, but is referred to by another package.08:43
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jlundc1|freaky: It would be easier to recommend packages if you gave us a genre to choose from. "Used by many people and actively developed" describes any healthy open source application. :)08:43
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auhentai mm hopes that aa full inplamerntaion of wine comes with the next version of kubuntu08:43
alakhiayes, am trying to install pine08:44
c1|freakyalakhia: it comes with another package but i cant remember wait a sec08:44
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alakhiac1|freaky: how can I search?08:44
c1|freakyalakhia: apt-cache search08:44
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c1|freakybut i did the same and i cant find it08:45
c1|freakyit comes with some kind of mail program i think08:45
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c1|freakyor something which has to do with something different ... than just editing08:45
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steve_Hi everyone. Could someone help a newbie with a couple of things? The first thing is I'm trying to run kxdocker. It looks like it's trying to start but then nothing happens.08:45
jlundc1|freaky: Enemy Territory is a good 3d shooter. Tremulous is also a lot of fun.08:45
c1|freakybut i can't remember was i started using vi/vim a long time ago08:45
chinodude this computer is telling me that i have a button on my external computer that is disablling my wirelss but its a desktop pc whywould it say this ?08:45
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c1|freakyjlund: is it available with kubuntu packages?08:45
supernixHi anyone know much about configuring a ATI 9250 ?08:45
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alakhiac1|freaky: ahh, maybe pinentry-qt ? I'll give it a try08:46
c1|freakyalakhia: i dont think so08:46
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c1|freakythats "pin" "entry" not "pine" "ntry"08:46
chinoplease help08:46
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jlundc1|freaky: Yes, both are open source. This is a good resource for games: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_open_source_games08:47
alakhiac1|freaky: oh, silly me08:47
c1|freakyPine cannot be redistributed with modifications without an agreement from the University of Washington so it is not included with Ubuntu.08:47
c1|freakyYou can obtain it from http://http://www.washington.edu/pine/08:47
supernixI need to find out the correct PCI address for the card so I configure it08:47
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c1|freakyjlund: thanks :)08:47
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alakhiac1|freaky: I thought even non-free packages were in multi-verse (or whatever source it was)08:47
auhentaiany open sorce games for adults ??08:47
alakhiac1|freaky: I guess there isn't enough demand for it anymore08:48
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c1|freakynot if the above applies alakhia ;)08:48
alakhiac1|freaky: maybe there is a better way to do this than pine08:48
c1|freakyalakhia: what do you want to do?08:48
steve_does anyone know anything about kxdocker?08:48
alakhiac1|freaky: I have 3 mailboxes with various mails in it ... I need to merge them, delete the duplicates, etc.08:48
c1|freaky3 mailboxes local?08:49
jlundalakhia: What format are the mail boxes?08:49
alakhiac1|freaky: pine is really cool with that ... I can sort, select stuff, apply08:49
alakhiac1|freaky: readable by pine ... on my local disk08:49
alakhiac1|freaky: these are from my school years and I am consolidating my mail08:49
c1|freakyalakhia: i don't know if mutt can do that, but mutt is one of the mostly used console eMail clients (for local mailboxes)08:49
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jlundalakhia: If they are readable by Pine they are probably readable by Kmail (part of Kontact)08:50
c1|freakytry mutt and tell me if it does what you need ;D08:50
alakhiac1|freaky: ok, will give it a try ... thanks!08:50
c1|freakyno problem. im arround for 10 more minutes ;)08:50
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alakhiac1|freaky: gotta go, take care, will be back in 1 hour08:51
c1|freakyok ;)08:51
c1|freakymaybe im out there08:51
c1|freakyull find someone else helping you ;D08:51
alakhiac1|freaky: yeah, lots of helpful people around ... very cool!08:51
BluesKajKmail is pretty cool ...replaced thunderbird since it quit linking to FF ... dunno what happened but ...Kamail works so...08:51
c1|freakyyea that's what i like with kubuntu and friends ;D08:52
BluesKajer kmail08:52
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c1|freakyBluesKaj: i use thunderbird and it keeps linking to konqueror lol08:52
c1|freakyi like firefox and thunderbird08:52
c1|freakybut still, u can disable components in kontact so its np ;D08:52
agwsdoes anyone know of a hosting program simmular to CPanel, but non commercial?08:52
auhentaithunderbird isnt how to say vary stabel with ubunt/kubuntu  thats why its best to sitck with the kmail08:53
jlundI think we all can agree that ANYTHING is better than Evolution though :)08:53
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c1|freakyhm, i dont know im using thunderbird - it didnt crash since im on feisty ... as far as i can remember08:54
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BluesKajhehe c1|freaky, yeah I tried the fix somebody posted here yesterday . din't work :(08:54
N6REJLeeJunFan: you have any idea why cups thinks my laserjet 5p is either a canon or an epson??08:54
c1|freakyBluesKaj: whats the problem?08:55
supernixhow do I identify the right PCI slot for a device ?08:55
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BluesKajc1|freaky, when i click on a link in t-bird it doesn't launch anybrowser at all08:55
supernixtrying to configure a ATI card on a Sony Viao Desktop08:56
c1|freakysupernix: try lspci08:56
untouch_jlund: i have a little question i must activate some more source for apt get last time i have to activate some08:56
agwsdoes anyone know of a hosting program simmular to CPanel, but non commercial?08:56
c1|freakyBluesKaj: it works for me08:56
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N6REJhmmmm I think I found part of my problem... apparently dist-upgrade didn't upgrade my xubuntu system to 6.1 only 6.0608:56
c1|freakyBluesKaj: did u search the options for any "default browser" entry?08:56
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supernixso would this be it ?08:56
supernix0000:01:0a.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV280 [Radeon 9200 PRO]  (rev 01)08:56
supernixwould that be what I put into the xconfig screen for the pci08:57
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supernixI think everytime I try to leave it blank that it tries to use the built in video instead and fails to boot X server08:57
c1|freakysupernix: i dont know u can also use lspci -vvv ;D08:57
BluesKajwell c1|freaky, kmail works , so I guess I'll stick with it til somebody ealse has the problem and is able to solve it ... I asked about it here several times in the last week but no one seems to have an answer.08:58
jhutchinssupernix: Can you not tell from that what video card you have?08:58
c1|freakycan't help you there didn't do much with hardware yet. X always worked out of the box with kubuntu just debian didnt08:58
c1|freakyBluesKaj: wait a second08:58
supernixit is the ATI 925008:58
jhutchinsBluesKaj: Problem with kmail or with thunderbird?08:59
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supernixinstalled on a Sony Viao desktop08:59
BluesKajthunderbird , jhutchins08:59
BluesKajkmails works fine08:59
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c1|freakyBluesKaj: nm can't find anything09:00
c1|freaky*in the options09:00
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supernixdid you see the above info jhutchins ?09:00
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agwsdoes anyone know of a hosting program simmular to CPanel, but non commercial?09:01
supernixthe xconf is asking for information in the form oc PCI:0:2:009:01
supernixnothing matches that in the output though09:01
supernixI do see this however 0000:01:0a.009:02
supernixwould that be more appropriate09:02
jhutchinssupernix: try lspci.09:03
[Naigovan] when I used Radeon 9250 i've just accepted default value given by 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'09:03
c1|freakyi allready told him lol09:03
c1|freakyto use lscpi09:03
[Naigovan] It was on my desktop though09:03
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steve_I could still use some help using kxdocker if anyone knows anything about it09:04
jhutchinssupernix: lspci gives this form my AGP: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 7000/VE] 09:04
BluesKajc1|freaky, jhutchins , I can tell you that I had to roll back my  /etc/X11/xorgconf.  file to a date that worked. After estoring X , that's when Thunderbird stopped linking to FF ... but I had been using thunderbird successfully previous to the rollback so it could just be coinicidence.09:05
jhutchinsI think that would be PCI:1:0:009:05
[Naigovan] Radeon 9250 sucks anyway so I've gon an nVidia card now -)))09:06
jhutchinssupernix: What program is asking you for this?09:06
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c1|freakybrb ;)09:06
chinothe grub boot loader has 2 kernells showing up adn the default one "the newer one" doesn't have support for my wireless card how do i setup grub to pick the old one and perhaps unisntall the old kernel09:06
jhutchinsIf it doesn't talk, we eats it.09:07
jhutchinschino: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:07
supernixi got it from running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:07
supernixit started asking me all these different questions09:08
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c1|freakychino: you can look at /boot/grub/menu.lst and select the default entry which should be booted. also you could use "save-default" which would always boot the last entry you booted if u dont choose something else within a time period. u can uninstall the other kernel but i wouldnt do that.09:09
racookierhow to speed up local networking??09:10
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untouch_with wich command can i install a downloadet .dep package ?09:11
[Naigovan] dpkg -i <package_name.deb>09:11
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[Naigovan] sudo dpkg -i <package_name.deb>09:12
[Naigovan] of course09:12
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racookiersombody knows how to speed up local networking??09:12
fdoving.. you can also rightclick on it in konqueror.09:12
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untouch_[Naigovan] :  thanks09:13
chinoc1|freaky: yea but if it upgrades the kernel again its gonna change teh default again or the default wont point at the same one09:13
chinothats not cool09:13
jhutchinsracookier: Turn off ipv609:13
[Naigovan] untouch_:  -)09:13
racookierturn off ipv6 ok will try ....09:14
jhutchinschino: Would you like to tell it not to upgrade the kernel until you let it?09:14
chinoand i would like for it to allways pick the one i pick09:15
chinothis isn't my pc its my freinds pc and i cant have it changing things09:15
jhutchinsk, hang on and let me find something...09:15
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jhutchinschino: Ok, sorry, no quick fix.  There is a way to tell it to exclude a certain pattern of files from auto-updates, but I don't know what it is.09:18
c1|freakychino: then you can put the default one above the automagically genereted part of the menu.lst and set 1 as default entry - even when a new kernel is installed the first kernel will be the one u define outside of the automatic generated part of the file ;)09:18
c1|freakychino: there are comments telling you what part is automatically generated09:18
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chinook thanks09:19
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages09:19
yaccin when i try to install nvidia-glx, apt installs nvidia-glx-legacy, why?09:19
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects09:20
N6REJcan someone help me get a printer working in xubuntu?09:20
c1|freakycan beryl work without AIGLX?09:20
yaccinc1|freaky: if you have an nvidia card09:20
yaccinor use xgl09:20
[Naigovan] c1|freaky: yes nVidia09:20
[Naigovan] -)09:20
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chinoafter i change teh settings in the grub file do i have to run a grub command like i do in lillo09:21
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c1|freakyhow can i use XGL?09:21
c1|freakywith SuSE beryl worked with my ATI09:21
c1|freakyin kubuntu it doesnt09:21
[Naigovan] c1|freaky: suao apt-get install xserver-xgl -))09:21
c1|freakyberyl-manager starts but ... i cant switch to beryl as window manager09:21
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[Naigovan] Xgl starts ok?09:22
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jhutchinsc1|freaky: I thought suse used compiz?09:23
jhutchins!beryl | c1|freaky09:24
ubotuc1|freaky: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects09:24
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ricardoipnque tal?09:26
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LeeJunFanN6REJ: sorry, got called away to #launchpad, I have no idea why your printer would come up like that. But you should be able to tell it whatever printer you have and override it.09:26
N6REJLeeJunFan: should I pick one and override it or what?  One of the choices is windows samba printer, and I'm wondering if thats not the correct one?09:27
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DaSkreech!es | ricardoipn09:27
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uboturicardoipn: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:27
LeeJunFanN6REJ: so the printer you are trying to print to from linux is actually a printer shared on a windows machine?09:28
martalliubuntu has a program in feisty to start the compiz desktop effects (called "desktop effects").  Does kubuntu have a similar utility?  I can't seem to find it on this fresh install09:28
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)09:28
=== rolando_ [n=rolando@108.Red-81-37-64.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
maxi_have someday experience in this notebook?  http://www.transtec.de/D/D/products/personal_computer/notebooks/levio_550.html09:28
LL_Hakaisou!MIT xV09:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mit xv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:28
N6REJno, its physically on the server connected to the parrallel port "lpt1" if this was dos09:28
=== zorglu_ [n=zorglub@22.43.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.09:29
=== mdtyke [n=matt@88-105-163-175.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects09:29
N6REJLeeJunFan: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11889/09:29
LeeJunFanN6REJ: you should set it to the right printer driver that matches your printer.09:29
thompahi, I increased my ram from 512 to 2g , its still using about 385M, is that right?09:29
fdovingthompa: sounds normal.09:30
LeeJunFanN6REJ: oh, that's normal.09:30
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LeeJunFanN6REJ: cups alwuys shows that even if you don't have anything connected to lp0.09:30
thompafdoving: sorry if i sound stupid, so whats the point of adding ram09:30
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ricardoipnalguien sabe como puedo encontrar gcc en kubuntu?09:31
N6REJLeeJunFan: change which one lpt1 or lpt0?09:31
N6REJthompa: yep09:31
fdovingthompa: you can work with more applications at once, and you take the memory peaks without swapping.09:31
thompafdoving: its on a macbook,09:31
N6REJLeeJunFan: oh ok.09:31
LeeJunFanthompa: most modern OS'es [including linux and vista]  will use your extra ram for disk buffering.09:31
N6REJlpt1 it is09:31
thompafdoving: thanks, so should i see it go up in system monitor?09:31
thompaive got tons of stuff running but it says 385M09:32
kyokushinWhere am I?09:32
LeeJunFanthompa: so having more ram - even if you don't use it for running applications will help speed up your system, for instance if you load open office it pulls it into disk buffer in RAM, then you quit and load it later it doesn't have to load it from HD because it's stored in RAM.09:32
firecrotchkyokushin: #kubuntu09:32
thompaLeeJunFan: oh ok ,09:32
kyokushinI'm from Poland, sorry.09:33
thompaLeeJunFan: i heard that once, so i wont really see anything in system monitor09:33
thompaLeeJunFan: im just wondering if i needed the extra 1.5G, it does seem faster in linux, cant tell any change in osx yet09:33
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funky_D/server irc.freenode.net09:34
CarinArryou should definitely notice a difference if you try doing anything remotely demanding09:34
LeeJunFanthompa: probably not "needed", but it will help.09:34
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CarinArrthe less swap you have to use the better09:34
LeeJunFanthompa: if you run "free" on the command line it will show how much ram is used by the system, how much is used by disk buffers.09:34
thompaLeeJunFan: thanks so much, by the way feisty is working well on intel macbook, even got wireless09:36
rolando_when i install g++09:36
LeeJunFanI run a lot of stuff, including XP in vmware, with 1Gig I never swap.09:36
rolando_where are all those files that i use when #include <file>?09:36
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LeeJunFanrolando_: /usr/include09:36
rolando_thanx LeeJunFan09:36
=== CarinArr hands LeeJunFan some buggy 3d graphics software
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LeeJunFanrolando_: unless it's #include "file", if it's quoted then it should be found in the same path as the source you're compiling.09:37
thompaLeeJunFan: it says 379032 for buffer, guess thats about 400M09:37
LeeJunFanCarinArr: heh, yeah. once in a great while I'll have X run away with ram if some buggy 3D is run.09:38
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rolando_im looking for set, from the standard template library09:38
CarinArri'm beta testing this 3d software, and once in a whie it goes completely insane09:38
CarinArrand eats absolutely every resource of my ssytem09:38
rolando_found it thanx09:38
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animimotusI have a tar problem09:38
animimotustar xzvf *.tar.gz doesn't work cause I have space in the tar name, " " don't work more09:39
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animimotusantiquote don't work too09:39
CarinArrrolando_: you're probably better off asking in ##c++09:39
LeeJunFananimimotus: escape the space with a \ before it.09:39
CarinArrrolando_: if i recall correctly set isn't actually included09:39
LeeJunFananimimotus: or put quotes around the filename09:39
rolando_im there but they dont listen much09:39
animimotusLeeJunFan: I must use a wilcard09:40
CarinArrrolando_: aye.. that is a problem;)09:40
rolando_i found a set file but i dont think that is the real implementation is very short09:40
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animimotustar xzvf "*.tar.gz" doesn't work too09:40
LeeJunFananimimotus: find . -name "*" -exec tar xfvz "{}" \;09:40
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LeeJunFananimimotus: find . -name "*.tar.gz" -exec tar xfvz "{}" \;09:40
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animimotusLeeJunFan: nice idea09:41
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animimotusLeeJunFan: and to extract the tar a subfolder, but in his folder ?09:41
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animimotusLeeJunFan: in fact it was the complete command I search since one hour ^^09:42
fdovingyou can also use a for loop, for i in *.tar.gz;do tar -zxvf $i;done09:42
fdovingif it's all in one dir.09:42
subhello, i installed the nvidia graphics driver.. but i have to reinstall it every time i restart the system,.. i get some error the driver version doesnt match the kernel v09:42
animimotusI note it too in my tomboy ^^09:43
LeeJunFananimimotus: give me an example - where do you want the tar extracted to?09:43
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lillen3Hi there *buntu people .. /me here and drinking some beer.. wondering were i can chang that my usb external hd 250g mounts in read only..09:43
animimotusLeeJunFan: make a "extract here" in command line recursively09:43
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lillen3should i rune maby a chekdisk or so?09:44
DaSkreechlillen3: What file system is on it?09:44
LeeJunFananimimotus: so for every tar file you want to be asked where to extract to?09:44
lillen3kubuntu 6.1009:44
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DaSkreechlillen3: Umm I guess that's ext3?09:45
wolferinei am having filesystem issues, I have a loop when copying files09:45
wolferinedf -h:09:45
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wolferine/dev/sda6             216G  215G  702M 100% /home09:45
DaSkreechlillen3: You know ntfs write is experimental right?09:45
wolferine/dev/hda5             276G   16G  246G   6% /media/hda509:45
wolferinewhen I copy from /home/ftp onto /media/hda5/ftp it ends up sending it to the /dev/sda6 drive not the /dev/hda5 (/media/hda5)09:46
lillen3h.. how do i convert to ext3 ?  but in windows there be like happy hours.. to axess ext309:46
DaSkreech!ntfs | lillen309:46
ubotulillen3: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse09:46
wolferinefstab is at: http://pastebin.ca/40844009:47
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lillen3The little wierd thing that it worked fine before in linux mint and kubunt.. after i drink beer..09:47
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jhutchinswolferine What command are you using to copy?09:48
wolferinein nautilis as sudo09:48
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lillen3it dont work after beerdrinking..  will try to tomorrow.. thanx DaSkreech and ubotu..09:49
=== [Naigovan] is drinking beer -)
DaSkreechthank you ubotu09:49
DaSkreech[Naigovan] : free as in?09:49
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=== BluesKaj drinks beer too , it's no excuse :)
renewiphi everyone, I have a question09:50
jhutchinswolferine: Ok, I think you should sudo mkdir /mnt/hda5 && sudo umount /media/hda5  && sudo mount /dev/hda5 /mnt/hda5, then use rsync to copy.09:50
jhutchinsI think /media is a false location.09:50
bxnpis there away to run osX with vmware on linux09:50
[Naigovan] -))))09:50
renewipHow about Kubuntu performance on Feisty 7.04?09:50
wolferineso re-establish the mount?09:50
animimotus[21:44]  <LeeJunFan> animimotus: so for every tar file you want to be asked where to extract to? <------- no, un auto extraction in the subfolder where the tar is found09:50
jhutchinswolferine: Yes.09:51
mervteckwhats so great about feisty anyways?09:51
jhutchinswolferine: But re-mount it to /mnt/hda5 instead of /media.09:51
jhutchinswolferine: I suspect /media of being some sort of udev trickery.09:51
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LeeJunFananimimotus: that's the standard for tar, if you untar it it'll untar to the current dir.09:52
LeeJunFananimimotus: oh, you mean if you have tarchives that are in a subdir of the dir you run the command in?09:52
DaSkreechrenewip: highly doubt it09:52
wolferinethanks jhutchins ill give it a try09:52
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animimotusLeeJunFan: yes the current dir you are, but not in the dir where the tar is09:52
LecterHalo, kto tu mwi po polsku?09:53
animimotusLeeJunFan: yes cause I use un find, he can detect tar in subfolders09:53
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LeeJunFananimimotus: right, true. Well easiest is to not do that - use -maxdepth 1 with find :)09:54
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LeeJunFanor use the for file in * method.09:54
jhutchinswolferine: Also, use mv, cp, or rsync to copy.  man rsync has examples.09:54
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LeeJunFanfor file in *.tar.gz ; do tar xfvz "${file}" ; done09:54
LeeJunFananimimotus: ^^09:55
animimotusLeeJunFan: the tar can have a - C .  no ?09:55
jhutchinsCLI utilities will have less chance of getting caught by unknown GUI shortcuts.09:55
wolferineand edit my fstab?09:55
jhutchinsanimimotus: man tar will tell you that.09:55
LeeJunFananimimotus: yeah, but getting find to feed it the directory it finds the file in is a bit tougher.09:55
jhutchinswolferine: If you want.09:55
wolferinewell, i should, the sudo mount dont do it, right?09:55
N6REJLeeJunFan: you got another second?09:56
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LeeJunFanN6REJ: yeah.09:56
animimotusjhutchins: Jesus said my -C . or man tar ? :)09:56
N6REJI'm trying to configure kde now to use the printer on the server.  What option do I choose?09:57
LeeJunFanN6REJ: so the printer is connected directly to the machine you're running KDE on?09:57
N6REJnope on the server09:57
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LeeJunFanN6REJ: hrm, it's been a while since I played with cups sharing. :)09:58
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N6REJit has a cups option09:58
N6REJLeeJunFan: there's network printer, cups remote, etc etccc09:59
LeeJunFanN6REJ: cups09:59
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N6REJLeeJunFan:  I need to do something so that the computers can find the server by servername instead of dhcp all the tie.10:00
LeeJunFanN6REJ: I just don't know if ubuntu's cups default setup has anything that would block you from accessing the printer on the server by default. Used to be that the default settings would announce and browse printers by default - I think that much has changed.10:01
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N6REJLeeJunFan: yes they have and I told it to allow browsing10:01
N6REJLeeJunFan: but I have  suspcion its hardcoded10:01
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LeeJunFanN6REJ: yeah, the server should have a static IP. Then if you need to you can edit /etc/hosts to assign names to your internal IP's.10:02
lillen3Well lession today.. dont drink and play with usbhard drive.. it may be unwriteuble after some beers..  evil beers10:02
lillen3Have a nice day othe there10:02
N6REJLeeJunFan: ok, I need to backkup and do that step then.  I guess I'll just assign it an ip outside the dhcp pool?10:02
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LeeJunFanN6REJ: yeah, that's easiest.10:03
N6REJLeeJunFan: it'll take me a second10:03
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chinohow do i setup the network settings to never over write the resolve.conf ?10:04
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl10:05
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animimotusLeeJunFan: find . -name "*.tar.gz" -exec tar xfvz {} -C . \;     <------- it works not yet ^^10:05
animimotusI'm near10:06
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Arwenanimimotus, you need more escape characters "\"10:06
LeeJunFanchino: what I've done is to change my scripts in /etc/network/interfaces to add a post-up line to copy a backup of /etc/resolv.con.bak to /etc/resolv.conf10:06
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chinowhy ?10:07
chinoi know debian has a way to not overwrite the resolve10:07
LeeJunFananimimotus: yeah, -C needs a destination - like tar xfvz -C [destination dir]  [tarfile] 10:07
rob-westcould someone help me get my saitek gamepad working in kubuntu10:07
animimotusArwen: ?10:07
Arwenanimimotus, like I said, after "{". you should stick a "\"10:07
Arwensame with "}"10:08
animimotusLeeJunFan: the simple . is not the real path10:08
Arwenanimimotus, oh wait, scratch that, before I meant10:08
frojndis there any other package for java to install couse sun-java5-jre and sun-java5-plugin  DON't WORK ??10:08
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frojndcouse = cause10:08
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LeeJunFananimimotus: not the path to where the tarfile would be found, but the dir where you are running the command from.10:08
DaSkreechfrojnd: How goes?10:08
animimotusArwen: {]  \ ; always finish the -exec in a find command if I have well understand10:09
animimotusLeeJunFan: yes10:09
frojndDaSkreech: we figure it out that other user has ROUTER, and he can't connect to router to forward port 22 !10:09
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red22i know some ppl have tutorials for booting damn small and other distros from usb drives... i tried similar steps (with no luck) to try to install kubuntu from a usb drive.  is this possible?10:09
red22i don't want to run kubuntu from usb, just install it from there instead of from a cdrom.10:10
DaSkreechfrojnd: He can't connect to the router?10:11
DaSkreechHow does that work?10:11
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frojndDaSkreech: u know or ...10:11
frojndin konqueror10:11
DaSkreechfrojnd: tried telnet?10:11
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DaSkreechHe knows the ip address?10:12
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eagles0513875j/w could my open gl issus be dues to having the mbr intertwined with the windows mbr somehow10:12
eagles0513875since i shrank my windows partition10:12
eagles0513875before i decided to reinstall kubuntu10:13
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frojndDaSkreech: how can I connect via telnet, does he has any special packages installed? like here with ssh: ssh and openssh-server ??10:13
lillen3Hehe.. Have a nice day people and i have write access to my usb hd ntfs..10:13
frojndDaSkreech: I am trying to connect on his box10:13
DaSkreechlillen3: grat10:13
eagles0513875did u use ntfs-3g how did u get it to work10:13
DaSkreechfrojnd: No I'm saying he may not have aHTML web server on his router10:13
lillen3one more beer and i did a new mount10:13
DaSkreechfrojnd: Pretty damn likely that telnet will work if ti supports port forwarding10:14
eagles0513875dask could my open gl problems that i was having been related to me installing kubuntu after i shrank my windows partition10:14
frojndDaSkreech: I know, but he must somehow connect to the router, any ideas10:14
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eagles0513875whats the gateway address fro10:14
lillen3hehe... have a nice day boys and girls..  one beer on the way.... thancks all for been here and chatting10:14
DaSkreecheagles0513875: huh?10:15
eagles0513875cuz that is the ip address of the router10:15
DaSkreechfrojnd: I just told you my idea use telent to connect to it10:15
eagles0513875and he must be typing that into a web browser10:15
eagles0513875to use the web based router interface10:15
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frojndDaSkreech: how if he can port forward? ( telnet user@IP) ?10:15
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DaSkreechfrojnd: listen to what I am saying10:16
eagles0513875ill shut up now10:16
DaSkreechfrojnd: He can try to telnet into the router10:16
animimotusLeeJunFan: no more idea?10:16
DaSkreechbecause it may not have a html front end10:16
frojndDaSkreech: oooh10:16
frojndDaSkreech: how can he try that?10:16
DaSkreechtelnet ip-address10:16
N6REJLeeJunFan: do I use "example.com" as the domain name? or should I burn one of my real domain names?10:17
frojndDaSkreech: and than what will happen?10:17
DaSkreechAs bonus he can call himself a doorstep geek10:17
DaSkreechfrojnd: it will ask him for a username and password10:17
DaSkreechthen he can type help and from there it should be easy10:17
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SilentMWAS? WAS?10:18
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red22is it possible to install kubuntu from a usb flash drive instead of from cd?  anyone pls know?10:18
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eagles0513875that would be kool red10:18
eagles0513875is it possible to boot off a usb flash once u turn the comp on10:19
red22ppl have installed k/ubuntu on their usb drives and boot from it10:19
tomek__i was read about it10:19
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red22i can boot from my usb too, but the install doesn't seem to be happy about it10:19
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eagles0513875what kind of flash drive is it10:20
polly1Anyone familiar with samba?10:20
red22someone has step by step guide to install damn small linux that way, but i use/want kubuntu10:20
polly1I can see my windows drive but I can't see inside directories like "program files"10:20
red22i saw some other user post he had the same error when installing ubuntu from his usb drive10:21
bassawindows firewall ?10:21
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red22eagles: ocz usb drive10:21
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eagles0513875doesnt it automatically mount it10:21
polly1Anyone have samba setup?10:22
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polly1Did you have to make many changes to the config to get it working?10:22
eagles0513875red i wish i could be of more help but im still reletivly new to kubuntu10:22
eagles0513875u shouldnt polly10:22
chinoi need to setup the networking to not over write teh /etc/resolve.conf!!10:22
red22kinda. you have to manually feed the startup line to the bootloader when you start up.10:22
eagles0513875when i set it up in suse no changes to config were necessary10:23
polly1When I go to connect to some folder with samba I get a name and password prompt but nothing works for name or password10:23
polly1Any ideas?10:23
red22eagles: np man, thanks for trying.10:23
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT10:23
eagles0513875polly make sure ive used samba before u also have to make sure the windows firewall isnt up10:24
bxnphy polly110:24
eagles0513875cuz u wont be able to see the linux machine10:24
polly1eagles0513875: Don't you just have to have the firewall set to allow network connections?10:24
eagles0513875is ti worth trying any of the feisty betas10:24
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eagles0513875i tried that polly and yet it still wouldnt work for me10:24
eagles0513875brb polly just finished reinstalling kubuntu10:25
polly1eagles0513875: That doesn't sounds right.  I doubt samba would be so popular if people had to leave windows naked.10:25
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polly1eagles0513875: Ok.10:25
eagles0513875ill c what i can do to help ya when i reboot10:25
eagles0513875brb all10:25
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N6REJLeeJunFan: you there?10:30
eagles0513875polly im back10:30
bxnppolly1: you where a red hat user right10:30
polly1eagles0513875: Were we talking about k3b and disk burning a week ago?  I was attampting to get it working using two drives.10:31
eagles0513875is it worth upgrading to the feisty beta10:31
polly1bxnp: No.  I'm using kubuntu10:31
bxnpbut in the past you where right10:31
eagles0513875any lucky polly10:31
polly1bxnp: no10:31
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bxnpoke wrong call then10:32
bxnpi am confused you with somebody else10:32
polly1eagles0513875: With the k3b it I got the two drives working by setting master and slave rather then using cable select.10:32
N6REJcan someone help me with my /etc/hosts file I've got something not right10:32
eagles0513875im rather frustrated with ati and open gl10:32
polly1eagles0513875: With samba no luck.  I'm checking my guarddog settings.10:32
DaSkreechN6REJ: sup?10:33
eagles0513875i just did a clean install getting rind of my windows partition hoping that had something to do with it10:33
eagles0513875since i shank my windows partition and then installed kubuntu10:33
eagles0513875ahhhhhhhhhhh i hate ati10:33
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N6REJDaSkreech: I think I've got it missconfigured because its not pinging as the ip I told it to be.  whats the pastbin uri and I'll show you.10:33
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)10:33
chinoLeeJunFan:  can you show me how you did that ?10:34
LeeJunFanN6REJ: I'm back. you don't even need to use a domain, just hostnames will work.10:34
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eagles0513875ive tried everythign to get open gl to work the proprietary drivers r no luck the ones from ati r no luck10:34
eagles0513875i dont know what else to do10:34
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DaSkreecheagles0513875: ask in #ubuntu-effects10:35
LeeJunFanchino: under your interface listing just add post-up cp /etc/resolv.conf.back /etc/resolv.conf   --- where resolv.conf.back is a copy of resolv.conf the way you want it.10:35
chinoLeeJunFan:  can you give me teh script you ran and the line in the interfaces10:35
Gandinux2:1 ...<Ende> *Prost*10:35
LeeJunFanchino:  then every time the interface is done coming up it replaces the resolv.conf with the version you want.10:35
chinoyes i know10:35
chinobut this is so stupid10:35
Kieferany one having issues with wireless cards with fiesty beta?10:35
chinothere should be a way to tell the dhcp to not change the resolve10:35
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Kieferin edgy ndiswrapper works fine10:35
Kieferbut after upgrading to fiesty beta10:36
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Kieferlights don't come on to the card10:36
Kieferndiswrapper loads the driver with no problems10:36
BluesKajeagles0513875, are you trying for DRI on ATI ?10:36
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Kieferndiswrapper -l shows that driver is present and so is hardware10:36
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eagles0513875and also mesa gl which is indirect10:36
LeeJunFanchino: or you could edit /sbin/dhclient-script and tell it not to mess with resolv.conf any more.10:36
BluesKajhave you checked this site ?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#head-d8c6fd05bce340dfc3ad483abf0e18997868540b10:36
eagles0513875yes i have blue10:37
Kieferbut lights don't come on and iwconfig shows no wireless devices10:37
chinoLeeJunFan:  yes there should be a reliable way to tell it to not do it i know dhcp programs offer that option10:37
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Kieferdmesg shows ndiswrapper loading fine10:37
N6REJDaSkreech: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11908/10:37
kshindaHey, I was thinking of grabbing this video card: http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetail.asp?logon=&langid=EN&sku_id=0665000FS10083323&catid=10524, and was wondering how well it would work (driver support etc.) with kubuntu.10:37
BluesKajeagles0513875,  you have to DL the ATI drivers from the their site first10:37
Kieferremoving and connecting wireless card shows that card one is inserted in dmesg10:37
eagles0513875i did and it still didnt work10:37
Kieferanyone know wtf happened in fiesty that may cause that?10:38
DaSkreechLeeJunFan: You were helping N6REJ ?10:38
N6REJhi LeeJunFan wb10:38
leightonhi anyone know how to update xorg ? done google search with no joy tried to adept update ...any idea ?10:38
BluesKajmisID the graphics card perhaps ?10:38
eagles0513875let me try that link that blue gave me again10:38
LeeJunFanDaSkreech: yeah10:38
LeeJunFanDaSkreech: went to eat.10:38
DaSkreechok :-) I'll let you do that tehn10:38
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DaSkreechkshinda: Should be cool10:39
DaSkreechleighton: to what?10:39
eagles0513875i might be onto something in the other channel ill keep u all informed10:40
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kshindaDaSkreech: thanks10:40
leightonidaskreech > keep getting need to update xorg>6.810:40
leightonon powerup10:40
hendaus Helpers!! how can i know the model of my monitor,i just know hewlett packard pavilion10:40
Kieferguess not10:41
Kieferwell back to opensuse10:41
leightonrunning kubuntu 6.0610:41
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N6REJLeeJunFan: where do I go from here?10:42
LeeJunFanN6REJ: make sure your hostnames in /etc/hosts work - try to ping one of your systems by name.10:42
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N6REJlee look at this.... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11908/10:43
hendaussomebody help me please10:43
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N6REJthats from the kde client to the server10:43
N6REJhendaus: look behind it there is a sticker10:43
chinoLeeJunFan:  this isn't working it keeps changing the file and not copying the back up10:44
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hendausN6REJ,  let me see10:44
DaSkreechleighton: What are you trying to accomplish?10:44
LeeJunFanN6REJ: it's pinging itself -
DaSkreechKiefer: sup?10:44
N6REJchino: dhcp will always change resolve10:44
leightonany idea ? Daskreech ?10:44
LeeJunFanN6REJ: you want to add lines to /etc/hosts for the other system so they can find each other by name.10:45
frojndwhat's the command to see what file type do I have like ext3, ntfs ...10:45
chinoLeeJunFan: http://pastie.caboo.se/4930210:45
frojndsystem type*10:45
DaSkreechfrojnd: mount10:45
DaSkreechleighton: did you update?10:45
N6REJLeeJunFan: but how can I do that when they are dhcp? or should I turn dhcp off??10:45
frojndDaSkreech: ok10:45
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leightondaskreech keep getting error message after loging about composite ...10:45
LeeJunFanN6REJ: right, you can't if they are going to be assigned different IP addresses all the time.10:46
leightoncomposite manager failure in kubuntu10:46
DaSkreechleighton: Ok start over10:46
N6REJLeeJunFan: the server i've made static.  its and its name is "driftwood"10:46
LeeJunFanN6REJ: some routers will take the hostname your computer gives the DHCP server and create their own little DNS server with your domain, most dont.10:46
DaSkreechleighton: You login and get told that you need to update X?10:46
LeeJunFanN6REJ: that's probably the only one you need.10:46
leightonsays needs to turn off shadow off (which I have done)10:46
chinoLeeJunFan:  can you please check the link above see if thats the right way to do it10:47
fdovingchino: you can prevent dhcp from changing the resolv.conf file in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf10:47
LeeJunFanN6REJ: but you want to make sure you add a line in hosts on your client station for driftwood driftwood.example.com10:47
DaSkreechleighton: Ok what is the problem?10:47
N6REJLeeJunFan: thats what mine is doing.  Its putting search iowatelecom.com in the /etc/resolv.conf file10:47
leightonmessage says to update Xorg to more than 6.810:47
N6REJok.  let me go do that.10:47
LeeJunFanfdoving: hrm, I just looked in there. for dhcp/resolv stuff.10:47
leightonwell i keep getting the dialogue box up10:47
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chinofdoving: how ?10:48
DaSkreechleighton: on 6.06?10:48
leightonwhen i power the machine up10:48
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chinofdoving: me no comprendei man10:48
LeeJunFanchino: I think you just need to remove domain-name-servers from the request line.10:48
leightonyes kubuntu 6.0610:48
fdovingchino: you can either 'supersede domain-name-servers your.dns.ip.here;'10:49
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chinoLeeJunFan:  did you see my link ?10:49
fdovingchino: or remove 'domain-name-servers,' from the request line.10:49
chinofdoving:  im looking at the file i dont want ot mess it up what you do you mena ?10:49
chinook ill remove it10:49
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DaSkreechleighton: is there a orange box with a ! symbol on it in the system tray?10:50
LeeJunFanI gotta run an errand.10:50
N6REJLeeJunFan: wahooooo, we're cooking now, ping worked, cups working10:50
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chinofdoving:  can you look at the pastie i put above and see if hte post-up line is right ?10:51
N6REJLeeJunFan: ok, l8tr10:51
=== N6REJ WAHOOOOOOO pri9nting!!!!
fdovingchino: why would you want to use a post-up like that?10:51
chinofdoving: idk it was LeeJunFan's idea i thought it ewas a nasty hack my self10:52
chinofdoving: i removed that line from teh dhcp file and its still overwriting my resolv.conf this is rediculous10:52
Axl_Rosehas anyone here been following this LinuxMCE business10:52
fdovingchino: what is your goal? keep your existing resolv.conf, use one specific dns server all the time?10:52
NightBirdwooo! my laptop is fesity!10:53
BluesKajNightBird,does it work ? :)10:54
NightBirdBluesKaj: well.... so far.... I think so10:54
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chinofdoving:  hang on let me try the prepend line above the request10:54
chinoi just need 127.0.01 and to show up10:55
aaron_finally figured out how to get my Belkin USB adapter working in Ubuntu10:55
chinoyea it worked!10:55
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N6REJchino you removed the
c1|freakyis there any gui tool with which i can generate a personal keypair? kgpg cant do that it seems10:55
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chinofdoving:  am i going to cause some kind of dns loop if i have dnsmasq look at /etc/resolve.conf and it has it self listed in there ?10:56
fdovingchino: probably won't work well.10:56
FragUPlentyanyone else need to know how to get belkin USB wireless working in Kubuntu10:56
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fdovingchino: but, the local machine doesn't use dnsmasq anyway.. so i think it'll work.10:57
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user__hey all.  im trying to install kubuntu 6.10 on a laptop (LG f1) and cannot get past the network interface screen.  any help on how to get it detected?????  it a built in ethernet port.10:57
DaSkreechleighton: ok prefere CLI or GUI?10:57
DaSkreechnixternal: ping10:57
chinofdoving:  i want the local machine to ask dns masq on for dns information ... but ... i would like dnsmasq to dynamically get a new dns server if this guy joins a differn'et wireless network10:57
nixternalpongalong DaSkreech10:57
DaSkreechNightBird: Update tool?10:58
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DaSkreechnixternal: What X did 6.06 ship with?10:58
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nixternalhahaha, are you kidding me? I can't even remember Edgy ;p  I would say 7.010:58
NightBirdDaSkreech: I started to, but my school's network uses websense, which stops it from pulling the updates after ~30 or so packages downloaded...10:58
nixternalEdgy was 7.110:58
NightBirdand so it was easier to deal with if I just did it via apt-get10:59
fdovingchino: then prepend to resolv.conf. i think that'll work.10:59
DaSkreechnixternal: leighton has an error that says upgrade to X 6.810:59
DaSkreechon 6.0610:59
user__hey all.  im trying to install kubuntu 6.10 on a laptop (LG f1) and cannot get past the network interface screen.  any help on how to get it detected?????  it a built in ethernet port.10:59
nixternaljust use tty1-6 and emacs for everything ;p10:59
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DaSkreechnixternal: Yeah i'm lost11:00
DaSkreechleighton: Press Alt+Space and type adept then press enter11:00
chinook idk right now i got it working ok i gues and i got prepended in ther and i told dnsmasq not to look at resolve and manuelly setup the in there so that should all work fine and if he needs to hop on aother wireless net then the resolve.conf will still have the other one listed there so it will try all of them if dnsmasq doens't work11:00
[Naigovan] I have problems on a laptop with VIA CPU11:00
chinobut i really like dnsmasq to pick up a dynamic dns server and use allways11:00
chinoand have the local system look at dnsmasq11:00
[Naigovan] everytime i try to compile anything it just hangs!11:01
nixternal!xorg dapper11:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xorg dapper - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:01
nixternal!info xorg dapper11:01
ubotuPackage xorg does not exist in dapper11:01
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DaSkreechleighton: you put in your password?11:01
nixternal!info xserver dapper11:01
ubotuPackage xserver does not exist in dapper11:01
DaSkreech!info xorg-xserver dapper11:01
ubotuPackage xorg-xserver does not exist in dapper11:01
user__hey all.  im trying to install kubuntu 6.10 on a laptop (LG f1) and cannot get past the network interface screen.  any help on how to get it detected?????  it a built in ethernet port.11:01
DaSkreech!info xserver-xorg dapper11:01
BluesKajuser__, are you doing a net install or disk install11:01
ubotuxserver-xorg: the X.Org X server. In component main, is optional. Version 7.0.0-0ubuntu45 (dapper), package size 98 kB, installed size 344 kB11:01
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user__BluesKaj: a disk install11:02
DaSkreechleighton: click fetch updates11:02
nixternalhaha, I was right!11:02
DaSkreechnixternal: urok!11:02
nixternalluck ;)11:02
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[Naigovan] it installs and kernel works finr untill i run make11:02
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leightondone ...load updates11:02
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BluesKajuser__ choose dhcp  for ethernet11:02
DaSkreechleighton: filter on xserver and tell me what version xserver-xorg is11:03
user__BluesKaj: how do i do that?11:03
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BluesKajisn't there a list of thet ype of internet connection you can choose?11:03
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[Naigovan] is there a way i can get it to work fine on VIA laptop&11:04
Towelieplz help: how could i delete installed programms like openoffice from the kbuntu install iso/CD ?11:04
user__BluesKaj: let me go see beyond this red screen if i select okay, one moment11:04
leighton7.0.0 ?????   whats going on ?11:04
DaSkreechleighton: Yeah that's what I'm thinking11:05
DaSkreechleighton:  can you join me in #kubuntu-devel11:05
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user__BluesKaj: nope, im on the :configure the netwrok" step, there is not optioons for dhcp if i go beyond that point11:05
user__or before it11:06
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BluesKajuser__ , eth0 ?11:07
user__BluesKaj: normally that would come up, but its a laptop.  the message says that an ethernet device cannot be detected11:08
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N6REJDaSkreech: is there a variant of ubuntu I can use on a old k6-383 laptop?  xfce would be fine11:09
N6REJDaSkreech: I only want it as a server not anything else, its only going to run sql-ledger11:10
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DaSkreechN6REJ: doesn't really matter what you run on it then11:10
DaSkreechN6REJ: You need a GUI?11:10
N6REJDaSkreech: hmmm... actually NO! cause sql uses apache11:11
eagles0513875HATES ATI11:11
DaSkreechN6REJ: Grab any *buntu alternate cd and install a server11:11
user__BluesKaj: " no network interface detected.  the installation was unable to find a network device.  you may need to load a specific module for your network card. "11:12
N6REJI tried edgy but it installs ok, but when on reboot it gets stuck in endless reboot11:12
DaSkreech it doesn't install anything gui (the ubuntu-server package) and you can do what you want on it11:12
N6REJDaSkreech: yeah, I choose lamp11:12
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DaSkreechN6REJ: otherwise look at Delios or vectorlinux11:12
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N6REJDaSkreech: are they debian variants?11:13
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Pacohey, can anyone help me install bootsplash11:13
Pacoive downloaded evrything11:13
Pacobut when i put ./configure11:13
Pacoi get11:13
Pacochecking how to run the C++ preprocessor... /lib/cpp11:13
Pacoconfigure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check11:13
N6REJPaco: have you installed "build-essential"11:14
Pacobuild-essential? (nope):P11:14
N6REJPaco: sudo apt-get install build-essential11:14
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user__BluesKaj: ???11:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bootsplash - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:15
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N6REJDaSkreech: I'm going by the cpp error, assuming that he doesn't have the build tools installed11:15
PacoN6RE: k cheers, installed that, ill try again now11:15
N6REJPaco: gl11:16
DaSkreechN6REJ: yeah I was just seeing if there was an easy way to install bootsplash11:16
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N6REJDaSkreech: there was a time not too long ago I used to build EVERYTHING, man I don't miss those days.11:16
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Admiral_Chicagoafternoon everyone11:16
Pacook.......now i get the error...11:16
Pacochecking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!11:17
Pacoi think i got this b4 while doin something else11:17
Pacoany help?11:17
DaSkreechAdmiral_Chicago: Dood!11:17
BluesKajuser__ , dunno what to tell you , my experience with a network card not being recognized usally happens after the install not during11:17
=== DaSkreech goes to Lunch! Seeya
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N6REJpaco install X LOL11:19
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[Naigovan] wow someone is going to lunch we've got like 1 23 am here -))))11:19
N6REJPaco: go find out what its dependencies are and install all of them first11:19
N6REJ12:20 here11:19
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[Naigovan] timezones rock -)11:19
PacoTHANKS ppl :D im off.....i think i might found an answer on ubuntu forums....jst gotta install some basic packages :D11:20
Pacocheers :D11:20
BluesKajDaSkreech, .. user__ can't get past this during his install :  the message says that an ethernet device cannot be detected11:20
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N6REJhow do you get back to *nix when you install winblows to a primary drive AFTER installing *nix?  Nix is on drive 211:21
Admiral_ChicagoDaSkreech: hello11:21
[Naigovan] grub-install -root /dev/blabla11:21
BluesKajgotta get grub back11:21
[Naigovan] ?11:21
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:22
N6REJthanks guys11:22
N6REJdumb questioon11:22
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jontecI've installed libxine-extracodecs.. any reason why amaroK is giving me a "cannot play mp3" error>11:24
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N6REJwell, I'm off to install windblows11:24
[Naigovan] M$ sucks -)11:24
user__BluesKaj: ok, thanks for the help.  so my plan is to install the base system etc, see if it works afterwards, and if not, find out shy, load whut i need on a usb kay and transfer said needed files11:24
user__hopefully that works11:25
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Admiral_Chicagojontec: apt-cache policy libxine-extracodecs tells you what11:25
BluesKajuser__ , yeah best to install first then we can help configure stuff after11:25
BluesKajN6REJ. windoes gonna hide the bootloader on the MBR11:26
N6REJ[Naigovan] : I agree but I ahve to use it for photoshop11:26
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[Naigovan] N6REJ: I use a Mac for that -)))11:27
BluesKajright , there still are some things windows is needed for11:27
N6REJBluesKaj: I printed the recovering after install thing... the only thing that bothers me is w$ is going to be on drive 1 and nix is on drive 211:27
BluesKajboot drive 2 first :)11:27
N6REJ[Naigovan] : wanna send me a copy? :D  my mac would love it!11:28
N6REJthen I could throw windblows away!11:28
BluesKajsmart..ss answer , but I couldn't resist :)11:28
N6REJBluesKaj: lol11:28
N6REJIf I have to I guess I can always reinstall, its only several hours of work after all11:29
[Naigovan] -)))))))11:29
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N6REJHOPEFULLY I'll be back in an hour or so.11:29
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borgusHow do you set qt4 to be the default qt in the system (for development purposes)?11:34
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skarfacehow do I set up the wireless to connect automatically?11:36
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bigdad1e_is there anyway to burn a picture on the front side of a cd?11:38
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BluesKaj!wireless | skarface11:39
ubotuskarface: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:39
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pauljwlightscribe, if your dvd burner is capable bigdad1e11:39
bigdad1e_how do i find out if it is?11:39
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BluesKajis there one for linux ?11:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lightscribe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:40
hitmanWillybigdad1e: itll say on the drive11:40
eagles0513875those drives r rather nice11:40
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hitmanWillybigdad1e: its just an HP thing as far as i know11:40
eagles0513875not true11:40
pauljwyes, there's one for linux, just used mine tonight  :)11:40
eagles0513875ive seen other companies that produce drives that r light scribe11:40
eagles0513875not limited to hp anymore11:40
hitmanWillyeagles0513875: news to me11:40
eagles0513875im serious11:41
bigdad1e_i have an acer aspire e36011:41
BluesKajmy dvd drive has the capability but never used it11:41
hitmanWillyeagles0513875: thats cool11:41
eagles0513875how many of u know what it is lol11:41
hitmanWillyeagles0513875: don't much care for HP anyway11:41
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eagles0513875anybody want me to explaine what this technology is11:41
bigdad1e_what will it say on the drive?11:41
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BluesKaj"lightscribe dvd writer "11:42
eagles0513875i wanna get one so badly11:42
hitmanWillyeagles0513875: takes forever to burn tho11:42
eagles0513875ya but its worth it11:43
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eagles0513875no more paper labes or spending money on expensive ink cartridges11:43
hitmanWillyeagles0513875: meh11:43
pauljwyou'll also need lightscribe media so it has the special compound on the label side which the drive burns when you turn it upside down in the burner11:43
eagles0513875lol and the labels will never fade11:43
eagles0513875yep that too11:43
BluesKajbah  rpms :(11:44
eagles0513875u have alien11:44
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BluesKajyeah, but never used it11:44
eagles0513875go ahead and try it11:44
eagles0513875alien -d --scripts name of pkg11:45
eagles0513875its rather nice11:45
eagles0513875and then ull see a debian output file11:45
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eagles0513875i mean a pkg and u right click on it and there is an install option11:45
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acemoMy cpu can jump from 150 to 1000mhz, but its max speed is 1666mhz, can anyone help me fix this?11:46
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eagles0513875acemo that is the thermal throtelling11:47
eagles0513875it slows ur cpu down to prevent overheating11:47
eagles0513875and the cause of the throtelling is due to lots of dust11:47
eagles0513875acem do u have a can of compressed air11:47
delightedgy-feist upgrade went smooth except that on kde on logout it give me only logout know ... no shutdown no restart :-D11:47
eagles0513875delight u sure u didnt hit wrong button by mistake11:47
hitmanWillyacemo: in other words, try cleaning the inside of you comp11:48
delightno no ... whenever i go on kde logout it gives me a one button "dialog"11:48
delightwhich lets me logout11:48
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eagles0513875ya that is ur best bet11:48
acemoeagles, thats not the problem, i had it running on 1666mhz earlier today, someone helped me make it possible to run at lower speeds, but now its max is 1000mhz (its a laptop)11:49
delighton gnome everything is still ok thou11:49
eagles0513875what kinda processor11:49
acemocore duo11:49
delightonly kde give me that no shutdown ... its an old machine amd duron 80011:49
delightoh wasn't for me11:49
hitmanWillyacemo: also, try running conky which will give you a more accurate cpu rating11:50
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hitmanWillyacemo: at least it does for me11:50
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eagles0513875since his processor is duel core wouldnt each core run at 800 mhz11:51
eagles0513875for combined total of 1.6ghz11:51
acemohitmanwilly: installing now11:51
acemoeagles, no both cores can run at 1666mhz11:51
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PF-Awayis there any noticeable gain in using prelink in kubuntu?11:51
eagles0513875does ur comp have little props so that there is a gap between the surface its on and the fan holes on the bottom11:52
acemoacemo@acemo:~$ conky11:52
acemoConky: desktop window (140000f) is subwindow of root window (ef)11:52
acemoConky: drawing to desktop window11:52
acemoConky: drawing to single buffer11:52
acemothen it stopped the output, but application didnt close yet11:52
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eagles0513875make sure nothing is blocking the fans underneath the machine11:53
LeeJunFanPF-Away: prelink = debatable.11:53
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eagles0513875also what might help ace would be getting a cooling pad11:53
LeeJunFanPF-Away: it will help, but whether it will help enough for you to notice?11:54
PF-Away8 ms is what i need, according to ck;)11:54
acemoeagles, the heat is not the problem..11:54
PF-Awayas in con kolivas, the dude with the kernel patches11:54
PF-Awayi think it was 8 ms11:54
eagles0513875ace i have my laptop on a pad and im running at 2ghz but when im not on the pad though my processing power is cut back to 1ghz11:54
eagles0513875what did u doearly that allowed ya to hit 1.611:54
LeeJunFanPF-Away: you can check apps with ldd [path to binary] , the longer the list of libraries it loads, the more prelinking will help.11:55
acemoit just ran at 1.66ghz, till someone helped me make it be able to run at lower speeds, now it just runs at 125mhz to 1ghz11:56
PF-AwayLeeJunFan: how long is "long"?11:56
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eagles0513875remember what u did to trigger that11:56
PF-Awaydolphin has 4611:56
LeeJunFanPF-Away: ldd /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin11:57
PF-Awayldd `which bash` | wc -l returns 4, compared to most kde apps with 30-4011:57
acemoi putted p4-clockmod to /etc/modules11:57
acemoand, installed cpufreqd11:58
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eagles0513875remove the p4clockmod11:58
eagles0513875and c if that does anything11:58
LeeJunFanPF-Away: yeah /usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice.bin is another biggie.11:59
acemobrb eagle11:59
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PF-Awayyou wouldn't happen to have any stats on how much percentage of startup time in most programs is used for loading libs?11:59
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PF-Away62 libs is a lot12:00
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LeeJunFanPF-Away: I used to prelink all mine, I think I suffered from plecibo effect though - I thought it was faster but it probably really wasn't.12:00
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eagles0513875ok ace12:00
LeeJunFanPF-Away: sry, I dont.12:00
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PF-AwayLeeJunFan: i used prelink on gentoo, but it wasn't that much difference12:00
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PF-Awaywhat i did notice a difference in, however, was using a kernel with con-kolivas patchset12:01
PF-Awayyou wouldn't happen to know if ubuntu's default kernel has it?12:01
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Phoenix92xhi, I'm running Kubuntu Edgy with kernel v 2.6.17-11 and am experiencing huge loads on my RAM that have begun to affect my ability to even ping anything (results in "no buffer space available" or something similar) On initial login 440 or so out of 2048 megs of memory is in use. If I simply leave the system alone and don't interact with it, 7 hours later it will have ~1800 MB of RAM in use. I've looked through ps aux and I12:03
Phoenix92xdon't see anything using huge amounts of RAM. What should I do about this?12:03
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LeeJunFanPF-Away: no, I've never heard of it.12:04
Aloneaanyone use cvscedega?12:04
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PF-AwayAlonea: why would anyone want to use any cedega?12:04
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acemook.. its running at 1000mhz / 1666mhz again12:04
AloneaPF-Away: Play windows games...12:05
PF-Awayafaik, at the moment Wine has better support for 3d-stuff12:05
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AloneaPF-Away: I heard someone was playing oblivion with it.12:05
AloneaPF-Away: and the cvs is free.12:05
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PF-AwayAlonea: but does the CVS version include everything needed to play Oblivion?12:05
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LeeJunFanPF-Away: I didn't recognize the name, but I remember reading about a scheduler rewrite - something Linus said. Isn't that patch included in upcoming 2.6.21?12:06
acemoeagles0513875: u know speedstep-centrino?12:06
PF-Awayi thought they pried out some stuff of the cvs version12:06
eagles0513875no i dont12:06
AloneaPF-Away: i dunno. thats not my problem. I just reinstalled my system and when I do the sh WineCVS.sh I get an error12:06
eagles0513875did that help any12:06
Aloneatest: 43: ==: unexpected operator12:06
AloneaWineCVS.sh: 48: Syntax error: "(" unexpected12:06
acemoyes, it did put it back to old things12:06
PF-AwayLeeJunFan: ck has a lot of patches, including a better scheduler for desktop systems12:06
PF-AwayAlonea: try updating cvs12:07
PF-Awayprobably a buggy commit12:07
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eagles0513875still not back up to 1.612:07
AloneaPF-Away: ok, I more than likely didn't get all the cvs packages it wanted...i get confused with the packages menu sometimes12:07
acemoits on 1.66ghz again yes12:07
acemobut, i cant let it run below 1ghz now :(12:07
PF-AwayLeeJunFan: http://members.optusnet.com.au/ckolivas/kernel/12:07
AloneaPF-Away: on what to install that is12:08
eagles0513875go ahead and install it again12:08
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eagles0513875i have a feeling that has something to do with the thermal throtel setting12:08
eagles0513875br need to restart my computer12:08
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dhqis there any plugin for konqueror to run vbscript12:08
aaron_how come my FPS is so low when I try and play Games in Ubuntu with Radeon 925012:08
aaron_I mean Quake 3 runs at 2 fps12:09
aaron_doesnt seem right12:09
LeeJunFanPF-Away: yeah, I'm reading about him now. Must be a pretty smart guy, a doctor by day, a kernel hacker by hobbie. hehe12:09
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acemoaaron_ u got graphic card drivers installed?12:09
PF-Awayhe knows a lot about human/computer interaction12:09
kristjanhey, how can i change my keyboard layout12:09
kristjanwith xmodmap12:09
hitmanWillyaaron_: do you have the 3D drivers running?12:09
kristjanif i just type in xmodmap <filename>, it doesn't really change in kubuntu, while it does in ubuntu12:10
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PF-Awayaaron_: run "glxinfo | grep ire"12:10
leightonHi  MANCHICKEN12:10
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PF-Awaywhat are you doing in that man suit?12:10
leightonsorted the xorg12:10
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leightonhad to add the following lines to xorg.conf12:11
aaron_ok did that12:11
AloneaDaSkreech: back again.12:11
Phoenix92xright now for instance all Im running as a user is terminal, konqueror, konversation, firefox and gaim12:11

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