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StevenK | Can someone please kill the upload of list 1.9.93-1ubuntu1 from the unapproved queue? My fix in it is still prone to breakage. | 12:32 |
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sladen | http://lwn.net/Articles/227567/#Comments "Oh, and upstart (which is now the default) really is quite a bit faster than sysvinit. | 12:43 |
sladen | ...all in the psychology I tell yer | 12:43 |
mc44 | placebo ftw | 12:44 |
Burgwork | yep | 12:44 |
_ion | Hehe | 12:44 |
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mdz | andi5: hi | 01:35 |
andi5 | rehi | 01:35 |
mdz | andi5: seb128 is the person to talk to about this, but he's in France and so hopefully asleep right now | 01:36 |
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andi5 | i am in germany, what the... ;-) | 01:36 |
mdz | andi5: we can surely figure something out to get gnucash working again for feisty (I'm a pretty heavy user myself), but it's not clear what the best solution is yet | 01:36 |
andi5 | i thought about patching 2.0, but it is a much bigger change than one might expect, really | 01:37 |
Fujitsu | It FTBFS, doesn't it? | 01:37 |
andi5 | yes | 01:38 |
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mdz | andi5: I've subscribed seb128 to the bug and asked for his input there | 01:50 |
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andi5 | so i have verified that 3.13.6-0ubuntu1 has the symbol and 3.13.91-0ubuntu1 does not.... too bad that the latter still uses libgtkhtml3.8-15 | 01:51 |
mdz | andi5: that appears to have been an upstream mistake, they forgot to update the soname | 01:51 |
andi5 | yep | 01:51 |
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andi5 | mdz: thanks a lot :-) | 01:55 |
rpereira | Hi, does someone knows who is the coordinator of "Summer of Code" project on Ubuntu? | 01:59 |
Hobbsee | argh...why's main still frozen? | 02:01 |
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Athensman | is xubuntu good for a 366 celeron and 256 ram?? | 02:32 |
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David_Repa_FG | Hello, BFTD from #ubuntu-women suggested I come in here and let you folks know what we are doing up here with Free Geek in Vancouver, BC, is that ok? | 02:40 |
adamant1988 | Athensman it's great for that hardware | 02:41 |
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glick | hi | 02:58 |
glick | hey can someone help me set up a driver development enviornment? | 02:58 |
glick | i am reading Linux Device Drivers and want to compile some of the example code | 02:59 |
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racarr | Can someone give some beryl uploads to universe a shove in to the archive (freeze) ? | 05:13 |
racarr | aquamarine, beryl-settings-simple, beryl-plugins, and beryl-core | 05:13 |
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mdz | racarr: uploads of packages which are already in the archive, during non-freeze periods, don't require any manual intervention | 06:24 |
racarr | mdz: I thought the archive was in a freeze right now | 06:25 |
mdz | racarr: we are, but only because beta just went out. feisty will unfreeze shortly (tomorrowish) | 06:27 |
mdz | and everything queued will go in as normal | 06:27 |
racarr | Ok, will just wait then | 06:27 |
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scorpion | heya :) | 07:07 |
scorpion | wanted to work for gSoC .. is this the right place to discuss for ubuntu ideas | 07:08 |
LaserJock | scorpion: I'm not sure if there is a specific channel for SoC or not | 07:09 |
LaserJock | scorpion: do you have a specific question? | 07:10 |
scorpion | LaserJock: I just wanted to know more about privacy tools | 07:10 |
scorpion | I am eager to work on them | 07:10 |
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scorpion | may I know if some one is working on these tools | 07:12 |
LaserJock | well, I'm guessing that's why it's a SoC idea | 07:14 |
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scorpion | LaserJock: may i konw if you are a mentor | 07:17 |
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LaserJock | scorpion: yes | 07:24 |
scorpion | may i know if you are into this privacy tools | 07:26 |
LaserJock | not particularly | 07:26 |
scorpion | LaserJock: hey i was thinking of going ahead with a normal RSA encryption to encrpt the home directory by changing the key every week depending on the date | 07:30 |
scorpion | the home directory is to be kept encypted untill the user wants to work | 07:31 |
scorpion | may i get some help on this | 07:43 |
LaserJock | hmm, it's late Friday/early Saturday | 07:46 |
LaserJock | there might not be lot of people up yet | 07:46 |
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scorpion | thnx | 07:53 |
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Mithrandir | Seveas: hiya, could I get Ubugtu into a channel and tell me each time somebody milestones a bug for a particular milestone? | 08:30 |
Treenaks | t | 08:40 |
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scorpion | hey may i get some help on privacy tools | 09:10 |
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Seveas | Mithrandir, maybe -- have to check whether lp sends out that info in a not-too-hard parseable way | 09:20 |
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tepsipakki | Mithrandir: a new discover1 was released yesterday, and it's going into etch as well. Fixes at least bug #90175 | 09:45 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 90175 in discover1 "vesa driver used instead of radeon for R300" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90175 | 09:45 |
tepsipakki | maybe we could have that | 09:45 |
tepsipakki | s/have/want/ | 09:45 |
Mithrandir | tepsipakki: sounds useful. | 09:46 |
Mithrandir | tepsipakki: can you just follow normal UVFe procedures? I try not to work on weekends.. | 09:46 |
tepsipakki | of course :) | 09:47 |
Mithrandir | cheers | 09:48 |
StevenK | Mithrandir: Would you mind killing list from the unapproved queue (if it still lives there) ? | 09:55 |
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Mithrandir | StevenK: as in, reject it? Sure, I can do that. | 10:00 |
=== StevenK will upload a complete fix in a few minutes. | ||
Mithrandir | rejected | 10:01 |
StevenK | Thanks | 10:01 |
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siretart | Mithrandir: regarding the wpasupplicant crash, I attached a changelog diff and a diffstat to bug #91676 | 10:34 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 91676 in wpasupplicant "wpa_supplicant crashes in: wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_state_change (wpa_s=)" [Medium,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91676 | 10:34 |
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Enola_Gay | hi all | 10:36 |
Enola_Gay | Why is the lowest value in power manager 11 minutes? | 10:37 |
Enola_Gay | It is a very, very long time imho especially with a battery. | 10:37 |
Enola_Gay | I am using Feisty maybe it only happens there. | 10:37 |
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Enola_Gay | Please, at least a reason or is there a possiblity to change it without recompile parts of gnome? | 10:41 |
Enola_Gay | HP-Toolbox ist installed by default but couldn't be started in Ubuntu Feisty because of dependency problems. | 10:51 |
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_ion | Hi pitti | 12:14 |
_ion | Please pull the changes from my branch | 12:15 |
pitti | hey hey | 12:16 |
pitti | _ion: will do | 12:16 |
Hobbsee | hiya _ion, pitti | 12:16 |
=== pitti hugs Hobbsee | ||
_ion | Hi Hobbsee | 12:16 |
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=== Hobbsee hugs pitti :) | ||
ajmitch | hey pitti | 12:16 |
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Enola_Gay | Why is the lowest value in gnome power manager 11 minutes? | 12:32 |
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astopy | screensaver time is probably 10 minutes | 12:36 |
astopy | the power manager time is screensaver+1 minute for some reason | 12:36 |
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pitti | _ion: pulled/pushed, thank you! | 12:55 |
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gnomefreak | pitti: when you get a minute i have a question about the corrupted coredump traceback i get here and there. | 01:34 |
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DarkSun88 | Hello | 02:43 |
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cjwatson | JonRob: hmm, I guess depmod might need to be run or something, it's unclear | 02:58 |
JonRob | cjwatson: have you just got my message from earlier!? | 02:59 |
cjwatson | JonRob: might be easier to get a stock edgy install, install casper on it, edit /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hook-functions to find the bits that say "isofs" and add "udf" to them as well, 'update-initramfs -u', and copy the resulting /boot/initrd.img-2.6.17-10-generic to /casper/initrd.gz | 02:59 |
cjwatson | JonRob: I went to bed early last night, and it's Saturday today so I'm not working much | 03:00 |
JonRob | sure...i'm never working much :s | 03:00 |
cjwatson | JonRob: oh, for the record and to my knowledge, I'm no relation of T. J. Watson ;-) | 03:00 |
JonRob | haha ok - how have you seen all these back logs? | 03:00 |
racarr | Is anyone else able to use rgba colormaps with the latest version of pygtk in feisty? it works fine with GTK, but not with pygtk, and worked recently, but I can't find aynthing in pygtk that could have set it off | 03:00 |
JonRob | sorry - prob wrong place to ask! | 03:00 |
JonRob | to copy the /boot/initrd.img-2.6.17-10-generic to /casper/initrd.gz - need to be cpio again? | 03:01 |
cjwatson | JonRob: I leave my client connected overnight and it sits at the last place I read anything until I page down | 03:01 |
cjwatson | JonRob: no, it's in the right format already, and already gzipped etc. | 03:01 |
cjwatson | just cp will do | 03:02 |
JonRob | oh ok awesome | 03:02 |
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cjwatson | Mithrandir: were you planning to unfreeze today? | 03:02 |
=== cjwatson just let through all the universe stuff in the queue, but ... | ||
Mithrandir | cjwatson: yeah, I guess I should. | 03:03 |
Mithrandir | even though I'm pretending not to look at IRC today. | 03:03 |
JonRob | cjwatson: could i not just edit the extracted iso? | 03:03 |
cjwatson | JonRob: what do you mean? | 03:03 |
JonRob | well, i've got the extracted iso image of the livecd with casper on it - could i not just edit the boot/initrd.img-2.6.17-10-generic | 03:04 |
JonRob | on there | 03:04 |
JonRob | if i chroot | 03:04 |
cjwatson | no, you can't chroot into the ISO9660 filesystem | 03:05 |
ajmitch | Mithrandir: good news, I have an initial fedora dir server package | 03:05 |
ajmitch | something to clean up for feisty+1 | 03:05 |
JonRob | cjwatson: even after mounting and cp the files over to a temp folder? | 03:05 |
cjwatson | JonRob: it doesn't have e.g. /bin/sh or a C library | 03:06 |
cjwatson | it doesn't look anything like a Unix root filesystem - you can't chroot to it | 03:06 |
JonRob | ok sure | 03:06 |
cjwatson | not and do anything useful, anyway | 03:06 |
JonRob | so once i've done what you've suggested, how do i put that back in to being a livecd? | 03:06 |
Mithrandir | ajmitch: coolie | 03:06 |
cjwatson | JonRob: you copy in the updated /casper/initrd.gz and then just do the same mkisofs thing you were doing earlier | 03:07 |
JonRob | oh ok - wow easy :D | 03:07 |
JonRob | i'll give it a go | 03:07 |
cjwatson | that's the theory, anyway | 03:08 |
sabdf1 | ajmitch: sweet! | 03:08 |
JonRob | lol ok, i'll let you know how it goes | 03:08 |
sabdf1 | ajmitch: is that the old netscape directory server codebase? | 03:08 |
cjwatson | my tests used a different approach involving editing casper code to force it to mount as iso9660 instead, but mounting as udf should work fine once the kernel module is available | 03:08 |
JonRob | cjwatson: Before i do this - is there a quicker way than repartioning my drive for the tmep install? | 03:10 |
sladen | Mithrandir: unfrozen, shall I change the topic then? :) | 03:11 |
ajmitch | sabdf1: yep | 03:12 |
ajmitch | cleaned up, using autotools in cvs head | 03:12 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:Mithrandir] : Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with feisty; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Beta released | ||
sabdf1 | i have an old mate who worked on it then - John Hines - any sign of him still actively committing? | 03:12 |
ajmitch | I haven't seen his name on the list, but I haven't been watching the cvs logs | 03:13 |
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mr_pouit | Could someone help me for Bug #95469 ? I am unable to reproduce it in a pbuilder, it may be buildd-specific... :/ | 03:16 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 95469 in ucspi-tcp "[feisty] FTBFS" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95469 | 03:16 |
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cjwatson | JonRob: oh, you don't need to repartition - use debootstrap to create an edgy chroot | 03:20 |
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JonRob | cjwatson: can i point it at an iso instead of downloading? | 03:24 |
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cjwatson | JonRob: not a live CD, no | 03:25 |
JonRob | ok...so point it at a mirror | 03:26 |
cjwatson | debootstrap only installs a base system, though, and doesn't take that long. You'd just need to install casper on top of that. | 03:26 |
JonRob | oh ok - cool | 03:26 |
JonRob | i'm learning alot here! | 03:26 |
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Mithrandir | cjwatson: can you change OFFICIAL back again now that beta's out? | 03:27 |
cjwatson | Mithrandir: yep | 03:28 |
Mithrandir | cheers | 03:28 |
cjwatson | done | 03:29 |
mdke | who knows which languages are shipped on the cd? | 03:32 |
cjwatson | mdke: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/seeds/ubuntu.feisty/ship and http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/seeds/ubuntu.feisty/live | 03:34 |
mdke | cjwatson: thanks | 03:34 |
cjwatson | substitute kubuntu.feisty etc. as appropriate | 03:35 |
mdke | blimey some strange ones there | 03:35 |
cjwatson | xh is the only real anomaly; the rest are by population | 03:35 |
mdke | right | 03:35 |
mdke | although population is not necessary the same as ubuntu users | 03:36 |
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mdke | (necessarily) | 03:36 |
cjwatson | that's true, but we have no fair way to measure that | 03:36 |
=== mdke nods | ||
cjwatson | and really, the ones that seem "odd" are probably the best targets for growth | 03:36 |
mdke | is producing other isos with different languages out of the question? | 03:37 |
cjwatson | for the core project, pretty much yes, IMO | 03:37 |
cjwatson | combinatorial explosion is a huge problem if you embark on that | 03:37 |
cjwatson | I think a more tractable approach is to continue to make it easier for locos to produce them | 03:38 |
mdke | agreed | 03:38 |
cjwatson | if I could believe that images would just work when they looked like they'd just work, maybe it wouldn't be a problem | 03:39 |
cjwatson | but we've had so many problems in the past with problems that we could never have anticipated following what looked like totally harmless changes | 03:39 |
mdke | hmm, even just with language-packs? | 03:40 |
cjwatson | hell yes | 03:40 |
cjwatson | there was the squashfs bug that only happened with live filesystems of a certain length, or something like that | 03:40 |
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mdke | ah right | 03:41 |
cjwatson | while that's been fixed, it's an excellent example of how we can't afford not to at least test-boot images - and there've been similar kinds of installer problems that would have been just as bad if allowed to slip through | 03:42 |
mdke | makes sense | 03:42 |
cjwatson | like I say, if software were perfect, everything would be a lot easier ;-) | 03:42 |
mdke | ok, is it correct to say (on the website derivatives page): | 03:43 |
mdke | Due to space considerations on the Ubuntu CDs, only English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Xhosa, Bengali, Russian and Portuguese are included out of the box. Support for many other languages can be added from the internet. The following derivatives have full language support for the relevant language on the CD: | 03:43 |
mdke | <end> | 03:43 |
cjwatson | that information is very specific to certain images | 03:44 |
cjwatson | the seeds are mutable; they have changed and will change again | 03:44 |
cjwatson | I'd suggest just saying "only some languages", or else qualifying by release | 03:44 |
mdke | oh, ok | 03:45 |
cjwatson | it also depends on the architecture | 03:45 |
cjwatson | even amd64 and i386 have different amounts of space available for language packs | 03:45 |
mdke | yeah, I saw that | 03:45 |
cjwatson | basically we fill up whatever space is left at the end with language packs | 03:45 |
JonRob | cjwatson: i think i might be missing something, i've done the debootstrap and chrooted, edited hook-functions and update-initramfs -u but nothing in /boot/ | 03:45 |
cjwatson | JonRob: oh, you need to install the kernel as well - debootstrap won't do that | 03:46 |
cjwatson | JonRob: install linux-generic | 03:46 |
JonRob | lol ok | 03:46 |
JonRob | yep | 03:47 |
cjwatson | doing that should create the initramfs for you - no need to run update-initramfs again afterwards | 03:47 |
JonRob | linux-image-generic | 03:47 |
cjwatson | add restricted after main in /etc/apt/sources.list, apt-get update, and use linux-generic | 03:48 |
JonRob | ok | 03:48 |
cjwatson | unless you're ok dropping support for stuff like atheros wireless | 03:48 |
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JonRob | smeg...connections never seem to go thru when you want them to! | 03:50 |
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JonRob | cjwatson: casper is installed but there's no /casper directory? create it? | 03:59 |
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DarkSun88 | Any main-sponsor out there? | 04:04 |
DarkSun88 | could you please review bug #95238? | 04:04 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 95238 in check "Please sync check 0.9.4-3 (main) from Debian (unstable)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95238 | 04:04 |
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cjwatson | JonRob: no I mean the /casper directory on the ISO filesystem | 04:36 |
JonRob | yeah sure - i've figured that now | 04:40 |
JonRob | just burning the disc now | 04:41 |
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WaqasToor | need help with gnome localization ... where to put those files that rossetta send ... i.e. PO files | 04:56 |
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sladen | if anyone is using binary Nvidia and has broken suspend/resume, could they test the fix suggested in bug #34043 (adding "Option NvAGP 1" to xorg.conf) | 04:58 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 34043 in acpi-support "Nvidia binary driver requires Option "NvAGP" "1" for reliable suspend/resume." [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34043 | 04:58 |
JonRob | cjwatson: it works! just used the same disk to boot and watch videos :D | 04:59 |
JonRob | only problem was the graphical boot disappeared, no kind of feedback | 04:59 |
WaqasToor | need help with gnome localization ... where to put those files that rossetta send ... i.e. PO files | 05:01 |
cjwatson | JonRob: oh, you maybe need to install usplash and usplash-theme-ubuntu and regenerate the initramfs again. sorry, forgot that | 05:02 |
JonRob | lol no problem - just awesome that it works! | 05:02 |
JonRob | thanks for all your help with this - know it's not exactly a common use case :p | 05:02 |
WaqasToor | any body ?????? | 05:07 |
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superm1 | BenC, ping | 05:34 |
BenC | superm1: pong | 05:34 |
superm1 | heya BenC, i wanted to ask you about the possibility of building lirc modules off the kernel build process now. keescook and i straightened out the lirc package a few weeks ago, and now everything builds cleanly on feisty kernels (except parallel since its not smp safe) | 05:35 |
superm1 | the problem before was that i2c and gpio were badly broken when i last brought this up in edgy | 05:36 |
BenC | superm1: If you can provide a patch to put it in ubuntu/ in our git tree, I can maybe do it | 05:36 |
superm1 | okay, i'll look to see how bad it is to make it into a patch | 05:36 |
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DarkSun88 | Any main-sponsor out there? | 05:46 |
bf | where (in launchpad?) can i see a list of bugs in feisty? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+bugs only lists 9 (?!?) | 05:49 |
superm1 | appears that we are doing a pretty good job ;) i think those are just bugs that are specifically associated with the feisty release | 05:51 |
bf | yeah, is there a place to see roughly what's left? | 05:52 |
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superm1 | afaik, just using https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs is the only way to see all of the bugs, because some may have been reported in say edgy, but are still troubles in feisty | 05:53 |
bf | interesting. so by that theory, the 9 listed in feisty are the only regressions? | 05:54 |
superm1 | well not necessarily. if someone is to report a bug during feisty, but not mark feisty as a release, it may still be a regression | 05:56 |
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Enola_Gay | hi all | 05:59 |
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cjwatson | bf: we don't actually really use /ubuntu/feisty/+bugs - only confused people use that :) | 06:32 |
cjwatson | for the mainline development branch we just use /ubuntu/+bugs | 06:32 |
cjwatson | but https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-7.04 may be what you're actually looking for | 06:33 |
cjwatson | the targeted features there haven't been triaged, though, so ignore them | 06:36 |
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bf | cjwatson: thanks! | 06:38 |
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yacoob | Hi. Does upstart, as it is right now in Edgy does something more than old init-based config did? | 08:33 |
beuno | yacoob: I don't think so no. It starts using some event based scripts in Feisty | 08:35 |
yacoob | beuno, can you give me some examples? | 08:35 |
beuno | yacoob: sadly, no, I'm no expert | 08:36 |
beuno | but I'm sure you will get a good response from their mailing list | 08:36 |
yacoob | I just pranced around /etc/event.d, and discovered that there's nothing special about it... :) | 08:36 |
beuno | it's a long-term effort | 08:37 |
beuno | if I recall correctly, feisty+1 will only event-based in startup | 08:37 |
fabbione | it's a process that takes time to evolve | 08:38 |
fabbione | changing everything cannot be done overnight | 08:38 |
fabbione | specially if you think how many packages you need to change, test and merge | 08:38 |
fabbione | you ought be patience young padowa | 08:39 |
yacoob | I'm in no hurry, rather curious. | 08:39 |
yacoob | but basically I got my information I was lacking. | 08:39 |
yacoob | It will require extra extra work, because debian would probably stick to standard init scripts | 08:39 |
beuno | yes, it seems so, but since we're getting more and more distros based off Ubuntu, who knows :D | 08:40 |
fabbione | yacoob: debian will probably support both at some point | 08:40 |
fabbione | and stick with both forever | 08:40 |
fabbione | the point is that you can theoretically support both from a standard package point of view | 08:40 |
fabbione | the issue is that you can't have upstart and sysvinit installed at the same time | 08:41 |
yacoob | sure, but I'd like to see the stick you use in order to beat packagers to do the extra work :> | 08:41 |
fabbione | yacoob: there is no stick.. otherwise it would have been done for edgy :) | 08:41 |
fabbione | it's on a best effort base | 08:42 |
fabbione | if somebody will force a change then he/she will also do all the changes :) | 08:42 |
yacoob | appologise me for being sarcastic, lately I've been a bit dissapointed about debian :| | 08:43 |
fabbione | yacoob: sarcasm is ok.. sorry i might not have catch it | 08:50 |
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lifeless | fabbione: dude, you MADE that terrorist | 09:15 |
fabbione | lifeless: i know.. | 09:19 |
lifeless | we should call you osama | 09:19 |
lifeless | ;) | 09:19 |
fabbione | ehehhe | 09:21 |
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robertj | ajmitch: is anything going on with authtool these days? | 09:44 |
ajmitch | yep | 09:45 |
=== ajmitch has set aside this weekend for hacking on that sort of thing | ||
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robertj | where does that code live? | 09:48 |
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LaserJock | in ajmitch's head | 09:48 |
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ajmitch | haha | 09:50 |
ajmitch | LaserJock: I said kick me to remind me later :P | 09:50 |
robertj | is there an arch repo with something newer than .2 ? | 09:50 |
ajmitch | last night I was busy with other important stuff :) | 09:50 |
ajmitch | not really, wait a day & I'll update & push the latest | 09:51 |
ajmitch | robertj: what do you need from it, specifically? | 09:52 |
robertj | nothing, just interested | 09:52 |
ajmitch | ok | 09:52 |
robertj | I've just got a vendetta against auth guis after dealing with OS X server | 09:52 |
robertj | (as soon as my funding comes through, hello vmware) | 09:53 |
ajmitch | hah | 09:53 |
ajmitch | so you're looking for something else to hate :) | 09:53 |
ajmitch | especially as the ui in the authtool in feisty sucks, badly | 09:54 |
robertj | vmware has been fine, I've already got my edgy smb vm all set up, I just need a machine with 1.5 tb to put it on | 09:54 |
ajmitch | hm, that's a fair bit | 09:54 |
robertj | ajmitch: I was just thinking that disclosure triangles could'nt be long in coming | 09:55 |
ajmitch | oh no, I've been reworking the GUI so it doesn't suck | 09:55 |
robertj | going to support sub-ous on A? | 09:55 |
robertj | err AD? | 09:55 |
ajmitch | problem is that it's only partly there, and I needed to do some fixups today to get something else uploaded | 09:55 |
ajmitch | if possible, and if I know how :) | 09:56 |
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robertj | ajmitch: on the command line net ads join gets replaced with net ads join myou, and optionally you have some ldap prefix foo that gets added to smb.conf | 09:57 |
ajmitch | alright, thanks | 09:57 |
robertj | vital for me because I don't have access to add outside my sub ou, so I can't join machines to the domain unless i put em in the sub ou. I'm sure most computer labs using active directory in education would have similar needs | 09:58 |
ajmitch | ok | 09:58 |
robertj | does Workgroup make sense in the context of AD? | 10:00 |
ajmitch | most things don't | 10:00 |
ajmitch | most of the stuff there doesn't need to be asked | 10:00 |
ajmitch | or can be guessed & changed later | 10:00 |
robertj | domain, user, pass, and advanced/more/whatever hig dictates | 10:02 |
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=== ajmitch will come back to this later, must go out now | ||
mdke | where are the xubuntu isos? the links on the beta announcement are broken and I'm looking for the right ones | 10:08 |
mdke | I can see edubuntu/kubuntu here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/ | 10:08 |
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cjwatson | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/feisty/beta/ | 10:09 |
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cjwatson | it's linked from the front page of releases.ubuntu.com, too | 10:09 |
mdke | cjwatson: thanks, will update | 10:11 |
mdke | cjwatson: any reason there isn't a link on that url I posted above, like for the others? | 10:12 |
cjwatson | there is | 10:13 |
cjwatson | "Although they are not directly supported by Canonical, releases of Xubuntu are available from the cdimage server." | 10:13 |
mdke | oh, I thought xubuntu was supported | 10:13 |
cjwatson | it's not in the directory listing there because it's not served from releases.ubuntu.com. | 10:13 |
cjwatson | no | 10:13 |
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lengau | Hi. | 10:25 |
lengau | does anyone know where I can find that recommendation to install some form of revision control in a future Ubuntu for the home directory (makes it something like Time Machine on Mac) | 10:26 |
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LaserJock | lengau: the SoC project ideas page? | 10:34 |
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lengau | @LaserJock - Thank you! That's where it is! | 10:37 |
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Tonio_ | hi | 10:50 |
Tonio_ | I just saw my aquamarine upload was rejected. | 10:52 |
Tonio_ | current package ftbfs due to missing autoconf and automake builddep | 10:52 |
Tonio_ | Mithrandir: any idea why it was rejected ? | 10:52 |
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superm1 | BenC, I have a patch almost ready that i wanted to try for lic, but i can't debuild locally here since it appears whenever i increment the chanelog, it wants a copy of 2.6.20's abi in debian/abi | 11:23 |
superm1 | s/lic/lirc/ | 11:23 |
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Mithrandir | Tonio_: because another version was already accepted. | 12:02 |
Mithrandir | Tonio_: hm, no, sorry, I'm not sure, that was something else. | 12:02 |
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