
gnomefreaki hate when that happens12:27
gnomefreakapport sucks12:53
gnomefreakgnomefreak@FeistyFawn:~/feisty-retraces/firefox/bug89037$ apport-retrace -s -v -u _usr_lib_firefox_firefox-bin.1000.crash 2>&1 | tee retrace.log12:54
asacaffirmative :)12:54
gnomefreakreport file does not contain required fields: CoreDump Package ExecutablePath12:54
gnomefreakit has coredump12:54
asacadd them manually :)12:54
gnomefreaknot sure how im gonna run feisty retrace locally12:54
gnomefreakasac: he uploaded /var/crash file12:54
asacprobably an old one?12:55
gnomefreakhe didnt use apport to send the parts12:55
gnomefreakit has eerything12:56
asacBug 85833 appears to have a testcase12:56
UbugtuMalone bug 85833 in firefox "Firefox crashes with upload to a flash site" [High,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8583312:56
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gnomefreakwho wanys a feisty retrace?09:06
gnomefreakwhat do we do with illegal shutdowns?09:22
gnomefreakis edgy getting
hjmfgnomefreak: I've retraced bug #93405 and closed since seems to be flashplugin caused09:46
UbugtuMalone bug 93405 in firefox "[edgy]  firefox crash -- flashplugin-nonfree" [High,Rejected]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9340509:46
hjmf...was the bug you assigned to me :)09:46
gnomefreakah ty10:02
hjmfgnomefreak: same for bug 9479710:03
UbugtuMalone bug 94797 in firefox "[edgy]  firefox crash -- flashplugin-nonfree" [High,Rejected]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9479710:03
joejaxxgnomefreak: you are still awake as well? :P10:05
gnomefreakim awake not sure for how long but im up10:14
gnomefreakhjmf: if you get time can you retrace bug 8903710:30
UbugtuMalone bug 89037 in firefox "Ubuntu crashes when closing firefox and flashplugin" [High,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8903710:30
gnomefreakapport hates me10:30
hjmflol, sure taking bug to retrace10:40
gnomefreakhjmf: if you get same errors let me know. Its a feisty bug too10:46
hjmf... noticed, retrace is now in progress... lets see10:47
gnomefreakit didnt fail right away?10:48
hjmfnot yet10:48
gnomefreakok sounds like it could be a regression in apport than but let me know ill ping pitti later about it10:48
hjmfgonna do a second retrace, due some packages uninstalled10:49
gnomefreakok well its not failing on you than.10:50
gnomefreakok ty10:50
hjmfdoesnt fall, but I'm using old apport as always10:50
gnomefreakthats what makes me think its a regression10:51
gnomefreakfiling report as alwways10:51
=== hjmf thinks that apport is it self a regression since 0.61 :P
gnomefreaktoo many features took over the working features10:53
gnomefreakit might have been me im gonna try something :(10:58
gnomefreakasac: are you around?11:05
gnomefreakasac: is there anything we can do (patch to fix bug 72018. i know its not security issue but damn its an epidemic it seems11:06
UbugtuMalone bug 72018 in firefox "MASTER Firefox Crash [@gtk_style_realize]  [@nsFilePicker::Show] " [High,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7201811:06
gnomefreakfor edgy not feisty11:07
hjmfgnomefreak: retrace of bug 89037 finished, Im closing the report because the reporter uses non ubuntu native packages11:13
UbugtuMalone bug 89037 in firefox "Ubuntu crashes when closing firefox and flashplugin" [High,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8903711:13
gnomefreakhjmf: ok just please state that. im gonna have martin look at it later (i filed bug already on it)11:14
gnomefreakim trying a few things with it maybe it was me11:14
gnomefreakreport file does not contain required fields: CoreDump Package ExecutablePath11:15
gnomefreakim still getting that. maybe due to non ubuntu packages11:15
hjmf... yes new apport expects launchpad to have the unpacked report11:16
hjmfI guess11:16
gnomefreaksee thats what i was thinking too but still should beable to run it locally11:17
gnomefreakjust incase people dont use apport11:17
hjmfI managed to crash new apport using11:18
hjmfapport-retrace -r ./CoreDump.gz -m ./ProcMaps.txt -v -o retrace.out11:18
hjmfthat's all I get with brand new apport retrace11:18
hjmfIMHO new apport should have old apport's options (you may want to tell pitti)11:19
hjmf... and combine old with new ones11:20
gnomefreakbtw if you run into the gtk_style_background or whatever the background crashes are the master bug is bug 9058311:39
UbugtuMalone bug 90583 in firefox "MASTER Firefox crashes  [@gtk_style_apply_default_background] " [High,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9058311:39
gnomefreakif i feel energenic enough after this retrace i might start going through the bugs again11:40
gnomefreakand if anyone knows how to get the meail for malone working please let me know. i did what wiki said (i could swear i did) and they went to personal emails even though the reply was for the bug11:41
AlexLatchfordgnomefreak: is there a list of issues been fixed in the preview archives for me to test somewhere?11:43
gnomefreakAlexLatchford: not that i know of off hand11:44
AlexLatchfordhmm okay11:44
gnomefreak2.0.0.3 will be released in the next few days afaik and should fix some bugs if not alot11:44
gnomefreakhe might have that in preview already but not sure11:44
=== gnomefreak testing trunk build
AlexLatchfordim on
gnomefreakand hopefully he will add tb 2.0 to bzr branch11:46
gnomefreakAlexLatchford: im on standard ubuntu version ff :)11:46
AlexLatchfordyou on Feisty or Edgy?11:46
gnomefreakhe already released fx 3.0 to bzr :)11:46
AlexLatchfordyou have to compile it yourself?11:47
gnomefreakAlexLatchford: yes but its simplfied11:47
AlexLatchfordaha okay11:47
gnomefreak3 commands and poof11:47
=== AlexLatchford goes to look for a 3.0 feature spec list
AlexLatchfordmay have a go at that in a minute then11:47
gnomefreakAlexLatchford: just clone the branch and cd into dir. and dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot (you can use key if you like not needed.) than cd into home and install the .debs :) you will have both in your menu 2.0 and 3.0 :)11:49
AlexLatchfordill do that in a minute then11:49
AlexLatchfordooo.. 3.0 has Javascript 2.011:49
hjmfgnomefreak: malone mail: I thought that was me because of my *low* profile. I couldn't manage to make it work rightly11:50
gnomefreakso it does it for you too?11:50
gnomefreaki might ping asac or dh later see if they can enlighten me on it11:51
gnomefreakis there a memcpy master bug yet?11:52
gnomefreakyeah ive seen that in a binch of retraces but still dont think its part of crash but might be11:54
hjmfbug 70415 ? which is not a master11:54
UbugtuMalone bug 70415 in firefox "Crash with Edgy 64 bit" [Medium,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7041511:54
hjmf#3 0x00002b7f6eacbaf3 in memcpy () from /lib/libc.so.611:55
gnomefreakyeah that line11:55
gnomefreaksomething liek that line atleast11:55
hjmfit's pretty old you might want to mark as master for the moment11:55
gnomefreaki might be reading that wrong but thats pretty much all we are getting in stack11:55
gnomefreakthat looks identical stack and thread11:56
gnomefreakbut im not sure if its that or the pr lines that we need to be looking at. pinging asac about it later if i remember11:57
AlexLatchfordgnomefreak: when is the next Mozilla Team Meeting?11:57
AlexLatchfordFridge has it as the 6th11:57
AlexLatchfordthe Meetings page has it as the 3rd11:58
hjmfawk for a while11:58
gnomefreaki havent heard back fro mthe 3 emails i sent so i set it for april311:58
gnomefreaki will ping a fridge person this weekend and set it up11:58
AlexLatchfordso its on Saturday the 3rd?11:58
gnomefreakapriil 3rd11:59
gnomefreakits on a tuesday11:59
AlexLatchfordno, the 6th is a tuesday11:59
gnomefreakAlexLatchford: your looking at marches schedule11:59
gnomefreakapril 3rd is a tuesday11:59
=== AlexLatchford hangs head in shame
gnomefreakits early ;)12:00
AlexLatchfordits 11 here lol12:00
gnomefreakif you have agenda please add it12:00
AlexLatchfordokay so 3rd it is12:00
AlexLatchfordill update the Wiki12:00
AlexLatchfordand send out a mail to the list reminding12:00
gnomefreakwait on that for a few12:01
gnomefreaki need to get it confirmed with fridge12:01
AlexLatchfordaha okay12:01
AlexLatchfordwe are looking a bit sparse on Topics so I wanted to send a reminder asap12:01
gnomefreakok sent /msg to one of the guys12:03
gnomefreakAlexLatchford: ill check fridge see if anyone has that time and date12:03
AlexLatchforddont believe anyone has currently12:04
gnomefreakbut damn that means i have 2 meeting same day only a couple hours apart if that long12:04
gnomefreakoh they are UTC oops12:05
gnomefreakCC meeting is in morning and kernel is around 11am my time12:05
gnomefreakand than ours in afternoon12:05
gnomefreakit will work :)12:05
gnomefreaklol pot flavoured lollipops12:23
gnomefreakasac: bug 93367 is very strange behavour it is defiltly reproducible.01:07
UbugtuMalone bug 93367 in firefox "Window stay shrinked when using back button from shrinked page" [Low,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9336701:07
gnomefreakhjmf: dont yell but i gave you another one of my rejects see bug 94882 for more info.01:36
UbugtuMalone bug 94882 in firefox "[apport]  firefox-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in __kernel_vsyscall() filling out a bug report" [High,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9488201:36
asachi ... will be here in half an hour or so01:51
gnomefreakha only one bug set as unconfirmed :)01:54
asaci could reproduce bug 9336702:15
UbugtuMalone bug 93367 in firefox "Window stay shrinked when using back button from shrinked page" [Low,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9336702:15
asacwe should probably investigate upstream02:16
asacmarked as such02:17
asaci go out in the sun :) spring time is here again ;)02:22
gnomefreaklol here too about. take a look at bug 91359 please02:25
UbugtuMalone bug 91359 in firefox "firefox always detect poweroff from kde as crash" [Wishlist,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9135902:25
gnomefreakok im gone for a little while to spend time with my sisters before they leave.02:27
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asacbug 91359 is duplicate of instant x shutdown master02:31
UbugtuMalone bug 91359 in firefox "firefox always detect poweroff from kde as crash" [Wishlist,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9135902:31
gnomefreakis that something we are gonna fix?03:05
gnomefreaki hate to use the word fix in that since its not really broken. its doing that it should be doing03:13
=== gnomefreak gone for a while
asacwe should investigate: e.g. what signal is received et al.03:58
asacbut can we reproduce?04:02
asacthen we could use strace -f firefox &> /tmp/log04:02
asacto capture signals et al04:02
asacdo we have crashes in  IM_get_owning_window ?05:08
asaci really need someone who can reproduce the IME_ crash05:11
asaci have how two patches which might help ... one is officially bad ... the other looks better and is said to fix our crash implicitely05:11
asacnevermind ... comments suggest that it will not help on branches :/06:03
gnomefreakmeeting is set for april 3 180006:16
asac1800 UTC?06:22
asacok ... final testbuild for feisty ffox06:23
asaclets see :)06:23
asacdamn https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libthai/0.1.8-206:27
asacits still not build :(06:27
asacwake up builder ... wake up :)06:27
asacgnomefreak: you have a slow connection, right?06:35
asaccould be handy here06:35
gnomefreakyep i do06:35
UbugtuMalone bug 89071 in firefox "Can't allow sites for adding extensions" [High,Confirmed] 06:35
asacdo you always see the error06:35
asacthere are voices that say that it might work on slow connections06:35
asacwhile on fast ... it breaks06:35
asacouch ... bug 4061006:36
UbugtuMalone bug 40610 in firefox "History wiped out if disk full when firefox exits" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4061006:36
asaci guess user is unhappy :)06:36
asacah just histroy :) i read: harddisk wiped out ;)06:37
gnomefreakit installed just fine06:38
gnomefreakusing upstream testcase06:38
gnomefreaki am unable to reproduce this bug06:39
gnomefreaki dont get the yellow edit options bar at all.06:40
gnomefreakiirc ther eis a setting for it. quick fix set your prefferences a differnet way ;)06:41
asacyou already whitelisted then06:42
asacremove that in privacy06:42
asacor something06:42
asacthen try again :)06:42
gnomefreaknope just mozilla links06:44
gnomefreakaddons.mozilla.org ftp.mozilla.org and update.mozilla.org06:45
asacmaybe its hosted on ftp.mozilla.org because of this bug?06:45
gnomefreaki just removed all of them06:45
asacgoogle has quite good connections to mozilla ... so maybe taht is the case :)06:46
asacmaybe restart before trying ... who knows :)06:46
gnomefreaknot getting error but i got yellow bar and edit options doesnt do anything06:48
gnomefreakok on the upstream link edit options works fine it give syou the dialog box06:49
gnomefreakbut on the local bug it does not06:49
gnomefreakfor some reason its addon.mozilla.org :)06:49
=== hjmf [n=hjmf@62.Red-83-45-116.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
gnomefreakthe extentions dont work either06:53
asaci don't understand06:54
asacwhen do you get no reaction on edit options and when do you?06:54
gnomefreakasac: on LP bug edit options does not work on upstream bug it works fine06:55
gnomefreakusing the links in the bug reports06:55
asacguess i will look tomorrow in this :)07:06
asacits wierd07:06
gnomefreakasac: is going in edgy right?07:31
Admiral_Chicagognomefreak: it should, security fixes.07:31
gnomefreakit should yes but i ask to make sure07:31
gnomefreakok im out07:33
Admiral_Chicagoam I the only one that is sick of getting emails about the bug one bug report07:34
=== gnomefreak too
gnomefreakwasnt released yet?07:48
gnomefreakhmmmm why did someone say was out?07:49
gnomefreakits still ..307:49
gnomefreakok now gone.07:52
hjmfgot two similar *and poor* retraces on bug 95545 and bug  94749 ;08:32
UbugtuMalone bug 95545 in firefox "[edgy]  firefox crash [@gtk_widget_event_internal] " [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9554508:32
UbugtuMalone bug 94749 in firefox "[edgy]  firefox crash [@gtk_widget_event_internal] " [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9474908:32
hjmfmaybe a new gtk issue stuff08:33
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asacgnomefreak: yes will go everywhere12:12

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