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slylyiasYou're the first glimmer of hope I've had since the start, PriceChild03:04
slylyiasSo what do I do?03:04
PriceChildslylyias, I'm not 100% sure yet as I don't have all the info... but I think your problem is that you are running the default "vesa" driver.03:04
PriceChildcould you "cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep Driver" please03:05
slylyiasI think I'm running the 'nv' driver03:05
PriceChildslylyias, ok.... well lets find out for sure ^ :)03:05
naliothPriceChild: ?03:05
PriceChildnalioth, ?03:05
naliothsources.list has nothing to do with graphics03:05
slylyiasOkay, did that, no output03:05
PriceChildI always do that03:06
PriceChildcat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver03:06
=== nalioth plugs PriceChild into a light socket
PriceChildthose are the two files people always use and I just don't think sometimes :P03:06
slylyiaskbd, mouse, wacom (three times), nv03:06
PriceChildok so it is nv03:06
naliothahh envy03:07
slylyiasso now what?03:07
PriceChildslylyias, nv is the opensource community written nvidia driver. It is "free".03:07
slylyiasfree is good03:07
PriceChild"nvidia" (the driver) is the binary driver by nvidia (the company) availiable at nvidia.com03:08
PriceChildIt is free as in price....03:08
PriceChildHowever it is closed source.03:08
slylyiasI'm a college student, and I even ran out of money on my meal-plan, so right now if I even find change in the couch it's going towards food...03:08
slylyiasah, I see.03:08
slylyiasthe official driver - does it support my card fully?03:08
PriceChildslylyias, should do yes... although I find the 7800 to be a problem card in experience03:08
slylyiasor is it outdated because a big company doesn't really care about the linux community?03:08
naliothslylyias: you can try it03:08
naliothif all else fails, you can go back to 'nv'03:09
naliothor even 'vesa'03:09
PriceChildslylyias, I'm basically explaining this to you as some people have problems with installing binary closed source drivers/software.03:09
tonyyarussoWhat is vesa exactly?03:09
=== tonyyarusso will probably have to use that - current ati is being awful
PriceChildtonyyarusso, that's the default, bare bones driver that runs basically everything.03:10
naliothtonyyarusso: VESA is a standard.03:10
tonyyarussoPriceChild, nalioth: Any downsides to it if I don't care about compiz?03:10
PriceChildtonyyarusso, slooowww....03:10
PriceChildtonyyarusso, ati/radeon ftw03:10
naliothtonyyarusso: none at all03:10
tonyyarussoPriceChild: Well, it will be faster than the 85% CPU usage I have right now03:10
naliothVESA is guaranteed to work on all displays/graphics cards03:11
PriceChildHehe :) by slow, I mean it refreshes on screen slowly03:11
PriceChildnalioth, btw I'm sure I've heard of vesa not working for a card or two03:12
naliothPriceChild: i think that you heard about operator error03:13
PriceChildhehe maybe :)03:14
tonyyarussonalioth: well, it runs Gnome but not XFCE - I think b/c I have some transparency stuff still set in XFCE03:15
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slylyiassorry apparently I got disconnected, not sure why03:16
slylyiasPriceChild: you still here?03:17
PriceChildHey slylyias03:17
slylyiasdid you see me apologize for asking so many rapid questions?03:17
PriceChildHehe no but don't worry about it.03:17
slylyiasnot sure what the last you saw from me was03:17
slylyiasOkay, well I was saying, what do I need to do now?03:18
PriceChild<slylyias> or is it outdated because a big company doesn't really care about the linux community?03:18
slylyiasto run 'nvidia'03:18
PriceChildnvidia are pretty good about keeping their drivers up to date with cards.03:19
PriceChildBut anyway...03:19
ubotuFor Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) 9746 version of the binary NVidia drivers by using this repository: deb http://nvidia.limitless.lupine.me.uk/ubuntu edgy stable03:19
PriceChildslylyias, You are on Edgy right?03:19
slylyiasWhat does unsupported mean?03:20
PriceChildslylyias, unsupported means that the ubuntu community will not help you if something goes wrong.03:20
slylyiaswell that's not good. :(03:21
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slylyiasguess I have no choice though.03:21
slylyiasOh, can we reinstall nv first to try and 'fix' this?03:21
slylyiasAnd does X use openGL, and if so can we check that too?03:21
PriceChildreinstall nv? What's broken about it?03:21
slylyiasthe X environment is running really slowly if I enable special effects03:22
PriceChild"special effects"?03:22
slylyiastranslucency, etc03:23
PriceChildAre you on ubuntu, kubuntu or xubuntu? :s03:23
slylyiasalt+f3 > configure window behavior > translucency03:23
slylyiasI had to turn all that off to make the windows appear quickly03:23
PriceChildEither way I'm pretty sure this is normal...03:24
slylyiasotherwise it was sloooowwww03:24
PriceChildYeah I'm pretty sure this is normal. The nv driver doesn't provide the best performance or any 3d acceleration :)03:24
slylyiasno 3d accel?!03:25
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slylyiasThen what's the point?03:25
slylyiasOkay, how do I install nvidia?03:25
RoyB72take a look here, talkes about how to install the gfx drivers.. u can ignore the beryl stuff... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BerylOnEdgy03:25
PriceChildslylyias, could you pull up a terminal?03:26
RoyB72got to Driver  Install / NVIDIA03:26
slylyiasalready open03:26
PriceChildthen type in "kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list"03:26
PriceChild(these are the same instructions as RoyB72 gave, just with more detail)03:27
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PriceChildslylyias, that should make a text editor appear...03:27
slylyiasRoyB72:  I'm really new to all this, so a little handholding is appreciated, RTFM is good, but I'm several hours into this already. :)03:27
RoyB72I had kubuntu for 3 days.. so...03:27
PriceChildslylyias, got it?03:27
slylyiascan I do emacs /etc/apt/source.list?03:27
Elr0d/who evilpig03:27
slylyiasI'm used to that editor03:28
PriceChildslylyias, haha yeah sure03:28
PriceChildslylyias, you need to use root privelages though... so prefix it with sudo03:28
slylyiasemacs is open03:28
PriceChildadd the following line to the bottom of the file and save03:28
PriceChilddeb http://nvidia.limitless.lupine.me.uk/ubuntu edgy stable03:28
slylyiasbtw, I know I can !$ for the path, so I can sudo emacs !$03:29
slylyiasbut is there a way to include the whole last command, not just the last argument?03:29
slylyiasso I can do sudo _____ without the 'emacs'?03:29
slylyiasOh, I already added that before when you mentioned it, PriceChild03:29
PriceChildah ok03:29
slylyiasAdded the depository to apt-get.03:29
naliothslylyias: did port 8001 not work for you?03:29
PriceChildI'm n ot sure what you meant a minute ago...03:29
PriceChild"sudo apt-get update" - will update your apt database03:30
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slylyiasnalioth: I tried it in konversation, and couldn't connect.03:31
RoyB72slylyias: I followed the instructions in the link I gave u, and all worked fine.. now I just use the Envy prog to update my nVidia drivers...03:32
RoyB72and I'm as noob as u are03:32
RoyB72probably worse03:32
PriceChildsudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic build-essential gcc xserver-xorg-dev pkg-config03:36
PriceChildwhoops not that.03:36
slylyiasoh, okay03:36
PriceChildsudo apt-get install linux-generic nvidia-glx03:36
=== slylias_8001 [n=rg535748@h166-80.empire-commons.student.albany.edu] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
slylias_8001Ah ha! Bye Bye tor!03:37
slylyiassudo apt-get install linux-generic nvidia-glx03:38
slylyiasAfter unpacking 27.0MB of additional disk space will be used.03:38
slylyiasDo you want to continue [Y/n] ? y03:38
slylyiasWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!03:38
slylyias  linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-generic nvidia-glx03:38
slylyiasInstall these packages without verification [y/N] ?03:38
slylyiasE: Some packages could not be authenticated03:38
slylyiasI don't know if that means they were intalled or not03:38
PriceChildThey weren't03:38
=== PriceChild finds the key
=== slylyias didn't know there was a lock.,
PriceChild wget -O- --quiet http://nvidia.limitless.lupine.me.uk/ubuntu/root@lupine.me.uk.gpg | sudo apt-key add -03:39
PriceChildbasically your machine reads the signing to make sure the download has come from where it says its from03:40
PriceChildtry again :)03:40
slylyiasPGP kinda key?03:40
slylyiasinstalling btw03:40
slylias_8001this is like the biggest package I've ever installed03:40
slylias_8001or a reallllly slow server, lol03:41
slylias_8001while this updates, can I talk about something else with you PriceChild ?03:41
PriceChildyeah sure03:41
slylias_8001I got 3 issues keeping me from using linux full-time instead of XP03:42
slylias_8001this is #103:42
slylias_8001I have an external NTFS hard drive I need to be able to use (USB 250gig drive)03:42
slylias_8001And I need my TV tuner to work properly03:42
slylias_8001can those be done?03:42
RoyB72I got a similar problem.. can I write to NTFS drives?03:43
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)03:43
PriceChildbe careful wit hit ;)03:44
PriceChildback up all data03:44
naliothRoyB72: be very careful03:44
RoyB72is it really that unstable?03:44
PriceChildif you tv tuner works out the box like mine then good... if not then I don't think I'll be much help03:44
naliothRoyB72: the best way to write to an NTFS drive is by using Windows(tm)03:44
RoyB72duhhh... hehe03:44
PriceChildRoyB72, its at "Release Candidate" stage afaik. Extensive tests show its good however....03:44
slylyiasCan I convert an NTFS drive to FAT and just save all these headaches?03:44
RoyB72but I'd like to write some small files to my larger drives03:45
PriceChildIt is not based on MS's specs and is basically all guesswork03:45
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PriceChildso some may be wrong ;)03:45
PriceChildslylyias, no can do sorry03:45
slylyiasCan I banish microsoft to the farthest corners of the earth for having proprietary file systems?03:45
RoyB72hmm... guess I can wait with that then03:46
PriceChildYou can try :)03:46
slylyiasI just wanna get READ access to this drive! it's mounted but owned by root03:46
slylyiasso when I try to sudo chmod on it I get an error because it's read only!03:47
PriceChildslylyias, did you mount it manually or was it automounted?03:47
slylyiasI think03:48
PriceChildusing /etc/fstab ?03:48
slylyiasI tried to fix it myself, so who knows what I did.03:48
RoyB72u lost me there guys...03:48
naliothslylyias: DO NOT chmod things03:48
slylyiasbtw, aptitude is up to 60%03:49
nalioth1: windows has no idea about linux permissions03:49
slylyiaswhy's that?03:49
nalioth2: done incorrectly, chmod will totally wreck your system03:49
slylyiasOkay, so what do I do now? (the drive still works under windows)03:50
PriceChildpastebin your /etc/fstab03:50
slylyiasprobably because chmod failed03:50
slylyias(how sad is it that I'm a comp sci major?)03:50
slylyiaswhat's the hotkey for a new terminal window?03:50
slylyiasI'm tired of reaching for the mouse, it's all the way like, three inches away.03:51
RoyB72I get this msg on youtube site: Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player. Get the latest flash player.03:52
slylias_8001I'm still here, btw03:53
RoyB72don't work going to the link03:53
slylias_8001just closed the tor copy03:53
PriceChild!flash9 > RoyB72 (see the pm from ubotu)03:53
PriceChildslylias_8001, how's install going?03:53
slylyiasnow what should I do?03:54
PriceChildinstalled also?03:54
PriceChildnevermind... you have the prompt back?03:55
PriceChildI want you to write the following command down...03:55
PriceChildIf things fail, you will need to type it into the terminal to reset things03:56
PriceChildsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh03:56
slylyiasOkay, I'm making an alias for it in bash_profile so I can't forget (And don't have to type later)03:56
PriceChildwrite it down anyway just incase ;)03:56
PriceChildbetter safe than sorry03:56
PriceChildIf X does not restart, you will have to CTRL+ALT+F1, log in, type that command.03:57
slylyiasWritten down03:57
PriceChildthen restart X with "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"03:57
PriceChildyou need them both written down really...03:58
slylyiasBtw, what is Cntrl + alt + f1 do?03:58
slylyiasdoes, even03:58
PriceChildtry it.... ctrl+alt+f7 to get back to gui03:58
slylyiasAh, it drops me back to the console03:59
slylyiasI like it!03:59
PriceChild"sudo nvidia-xconfig" should edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to the correct setup. CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE will then restart your X server... losing all open windows.03:59
slylyiasOkay, all the 'if stuff dies" is done, :)03:59
slylyiasso I should close all running programs first, right?03:59
PriceChildMight as well04:00
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slylyiasOkay, I'm on my laptop, this as you can guess, is a BAD thing.04:10
PriceChildwhat happenned? :(04:10
slylyiasI'm at the terminal screen, and there is no -reconfigure option for dpkg!04:10
naliothslylyias: sure there is04:10
naliothsudo dpkg-reconfigure blah lah04:11
PriceChilddpkg-reconfigure is its own command... not dpkg -reconfigure04:11
slylyiasoh, no space!04:11
PriceChildhehe :)04:11
=== PriceChild has to run soon :(
slylyiasAlso, is there a way for me to try to restart the x server without reconfiguring it?04:11
slylyiasjust wanna give it a second chance04:11
PriceChildbut hopefully I can get you rescued till then04:11
naliothslylyias: ctrl-alt-backspace04:11
PriceChild"sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart" or the above04:12
PriceChild(i said gdm earlier sorry, should be kdm as you are on kubuntu)04:12
slylyiasOkay, I got the dos-like screen04:12
slylyiasshould I choose VESA? (I hope not)04:13
PriceChildchoose nv04:13
slylyiasoh, I chose nvidia04:13
slylyiasokay, hold on, will start over04:14
PriceChildnvidia is the driver you just installed which you said broke...04:14
slylyiasrestarting kdm04:14
slylyiaswith nv04:14
slylyiasokay I'm in04:15
PriceChildwooo :)04:15
PriceChildnow reeeeally quickly...04:15
PriceChildpastebin the ouput of "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old"04:16
PriceChildso we can see what went wrong :)04:16
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=== rg535748 is now known as sly
PriceChildbut I really have to go soon... :P04:16
=== sly is now known as slylyias2
PriceChildBTW I did tell you earlier that the 7800 causes troubles for people ;)04:16
slylyias2can you repeat what to pastebin?04:17
PriceChildpastebin the ouput of "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old"04:17
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:17
PriceChildI've not seen that before... and I'm sorry I "really" have to go.04:20
slylyias2anyone else you know that would be willing to help me?04:21
slylyias2thank you though04:21
=== slylyias2 is now known as slylyias
PriceChildWell as I said earlier... those drivers are "unsupported"04:21
slylyiasOkay, well, with getting my fstab done right so I can read off the NTFS drive?04:22
PriceChildYou've got to find someone nice :) I don't know who's online atm though sorry04:22
slylyiasOkay, thank you04:22
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse04:22
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse04:22
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RoyB72got a quick question for those still awake...05:57
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RoyB72why do I get the error: Requested audio codec family [mp3]  (afm=mp3lib) not available. Enable it at compilation.05:59
RoyB72but I can still listen to mp3.. just get this error everytime it starts on one05:59
RoyB72and a second question.. how can I make the sound go to S/PDIF?06:01
RoyB72tried all the links... think I installed all that got anything to do with mp3... ;)06:02
RoyB72goodnight then..07:47
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UbugtuAnnouncement from my owner (Seveas): ubugtu will be taken offline and integrated with ubotu - epect some downtime05:27
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