
killermach_xtknight: I've been trying to get a 1GB stick to be linux installed.. I did it once with feather linux12:00
kbrooks!info openvpn edgy12:00
h1st0Administration > Software Sources  and just checkbox universe and multiverse12:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 2038 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:00
xtknightkillermach_: i dont know much bout installing to usb.  i have a 32bit chroot on a 64 system though with no issues12:00
Lcarsdatawtf? no entry on 2038 :(12:00
kbrooks!info openvpn12:00
AlexC_maybe we never reatch 2038, Lcarsdata :P12:01
ubotuopenvpn: Virtual Private Network daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.7-1 (edgy), package size 317 kB, installed size 948 kB12:01
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SeveredCrossMindRiot: Did you manage to enable the extra repos?12:01
dauoalagio2xtknight, just bumped to 13 minutes this is weird12:01
killermach_xtknight: I was following this http://pendrivelinux.com/2007/02/12/usb-ubuntu-tutorial-for-linux-users  , but it didn't produce a bootable memsick12:01
SeveredCross!info module-assistant12:01
ubotumodule-assistant: tool to make module package creation easier. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.6 (edgy), package size 78 kB, installed size 404 kB12:01
kikkymonkall the windows take time to load... there is a general sense of laggyness to my whole system now... is does ubuntu run slower or faster than XP on a given machine?12:01
SeveredCrossIn Universe, yep.12:01
SeveredCrosskikkymonk: Ubuntu's always run faster for me.12:01
progekanyone know where I can find a nice binary clock desklet? I don't like the ones pre-installed in gdesklets12:01
h1st0kikkymonk: runs faster on mine.12:01
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AlexC_kikkymonk: it depends entirely on the PC12:01
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h1st0progek: apt-cache search clock12:01
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xtknightkikkymonk: install video drivers12:02
kikkymonksomethings up then12:02
Jase23Hello. i've looked at a few guides but i can't seem to get it to work. How do you get ubuntu to use 1280x1024 resolution? ive used one which said to alter xorg.conf and i did so but when i restarted all it did was remove 1024x768 from my resolution list and not add 1280x102412:02
FrederikWubuntu is faster than windows on my pc12:02
MindRiotHey Severed: un commented all the # debs that were there still get the E: Couldnt find package module12:02
killermach_xtknight: what am I missing  that chroot  is eluding me?12:02
rasputnikkillermach_: are you root?12:02
h1st0!resolution > Jase2312:02
SeveredCrossMindRiot: You'll need to do sudo apt-get update first.12:02
xtknightkillermach_: well chroot alone can not make a usb stick bootable12:02
dauoalagio2xtknight, it looks like it's predicting my battery wrongly...i am not gonna plug it in until it dies stragiht up...12:02
SeveredCrossForgot to mention that. ^_^12:02
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AlexC_bye all!12:02
kikkymonkdoes ubunutu come with video drivers? i have an nvidia 6600gt12:02
erUSUL!nvidia | kikkymonk12:02
ubotukikkymonk: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:02
h1st0kikkymonk: it comes with a open source version12:02
LcarsdataI am getting an error: 'FATAL: Error installing zd1211 (/lib/modules/2.6.15-26-286/kernel/drivers/usb/net/zd1211/zd1211.jo): Operation not permitted' what is wrong?12:03
h1st0kikkymonk: but for 3d suport you need to follow the binary driver how to;.12:03
dauoalagio2Jase23: 915resolution12:03
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vustarLcarsdata, become root12:03
SeveredCrossThe proprietary nVidia driver, which may provide better performance, you have to install separately.12:03
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xtknightLcarsdata: .jo? did you mean .ko?12:03
dauoalagio2Jase23: sudo apt-get install 915resolution12:03
Lcarsdatako yes12:03
h1st0SeveredCross: nvidia-glx works fine12:03
Jase23i'll give it a try, thanks12:03
Lcarsdatathe keys are  next to each other12:03
xtknightLcarsdata: sudo insmod asdfasddas12:03
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xtknightLcarsdata: sudo modprobe asddads   whichever commadn you were running12:03
MindRiotServed: Still a nadda12:03
Lcarsdatahow do I become rok12:04
xtknightLcarsdata: you put sudo in front of a command12:04
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vustarLcarsdata, su -12:04
xtknight!root | Lcarsdata12:04
SeveredCrossI would try it myself, but sadly I'm on XP right now (dying HDD, can't repartition to install Ubuntu).12:04
ubotuLcarsdata: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:04
Lcarsdataahh, cool12:04
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kikkymonki had a suspicion that it was my video driver but when i went into applications->add/remove it showed i already had nvidia binary x.org driver installed12:04
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MindRiotWWAIT Severed it was my bad12:04
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xtknightsudo will run individual programs as root so it's safer than fully going into root at once.  su - does not work on ubuntu, the command is sudo -s12:04
Aloneaanyone use cvscedega?12:04
SeveredCrossDid you typo something?12:04
MindRioti forgot the -12:04
h1st0xtknight: or sudo -i12:04
pike_kikkymonk: do you get the nvidia splash screen when the login loads?12:04
vustarxtknight, yes it does12:04
SeveredCrossThat'll do it. :)12:04
xtknightyea not sure the diff12:04
killermach_xtknight: my instructions show that I should "mount -t proc /media/USB/proc" this fails and only spews out basic "mount" help12:05
xtknightsu - does not work on ubuntu unless you enable the root acct12:05
kikkymonkpike_ don't think so12:05
xtknightwhereas sudo -i and sudo -s work all the time12:05
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kikkymonki'll give https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:05
h1st0kikkymonk: glxinfo | grep render12:05
SeveredCrossDon't you need /dev/proc somewhere there?12:05
kikkymonkhlst0 in terminal?12:05
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xtknightkillermach_: you mean like invalid fileststem?12:05
h1st0kikkymonk: yes12:05
h1st0kikkymonk: what is the output.12:05
MindRiotok SeveredCross:  Its working envy installing just asking me for my cd now12:06
kikkymonkdirect rendering: No12:06
kikkymonkOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect12:06
xtknightkikkymonk: it's the video drivers slowing you down that's for sure12:06
SeveredCrossMindRiot: It probably needs some packages from the CD.12:06
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kikkymonkand direct rendering is set to no12:06
pike_kikkymonk: ive never bothered with the nvidia-glx package ive just used nvidia's installer but if you do that youll have to rerun it whenever you upgrade the kernel. if thats ok do a google search for like 'ubuntu nvidia latest' or something12:06
progekkikkymonk what kind of video card do you have?12:06
kikkymonkyeah i thought so12:06
h1st0kikkymonk: you are using hte free drivers then.12:06
SeveredCrosspike_: She can just use Envy.12:06
kikkymonk6600gt nvidia12:06
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fervidfroggerAnyone know if MIDI is supported automatically by Ubuntu or not?12:07
marcus_I'm looking for some sort of syncing (over local network) program for my laptop and stationary, any recommendations?12:07
progekkikkymonk use envy to install nvidia drivers for you12:07
h1st0kikkymonk: to install the nvidia-glx package just sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx and after its done just run sudo nvidia-xconfig12:07
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SeveredCrossThough that still involves re-running Envy each time the kernel is updated12:07
SeveredCrossmarcus_: Cron and rsync?12:07
h1st0kikkymonk: should get you up and going12:07
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h1st0kikkymonk: No need for Envy or any other garbage.12:07
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h1st0using nvidia-glx package will require no changes on your part when kernel updates12:07
ubuntu_noo1hello room12:07
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marcus_SeveredCross: I never thought of rsync for this kind of thing, but ofcourse, thanks :)12:07
ubuntu_noo1can someone please help me on updating my ati driver ?12:08
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xtknightkillermach_: standard mount errors?    you mean like invalid filesystem?...12:08
kikkymonkwhen i nvidia-xconfig i got Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf". ERROR: Unable to write to directory '/etc/X11'.12:08
h1st0!ati > ubuntu_noo112:08
xtknightkikkymonk: use sudo12:08
h1st0kikkymonk: you have to put sudo in front of that.12:08
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Veinor|FFXIIsudo nvidia-xconfig12:08
ubuntu_noo1hlsto: hi12:08
kikkymonkdarn sudo : P12:08
h1st0kikkymonk: then just restart X log out and ctrl+alt+backspace or hit ctyrl+alt+f1 and log in tyep in sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart either way.12:08
TheManiacKYHi gang. I'm looking for a laptop that can run Ubuntu with wifi/dvd for 300 or under. Any recommendations? :) Community college kid here.12:09
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h1st0TheManiacKY: any laptop12:09
MindRiotOOOOO envy just got done and its restarting IAM NERVOUS12:09
h1st0TheManiacKY: if you look on the wiki there is suppoprted hardware listed.  Or search in google for linux compatitbility list.12:10
xtknightwhy be nervous? with linux EVERYTHING can be fixed12:10
xtknightwell almost :P12:10
h1st0ugh envy12:10
h1st0So dumb that people suggest and use that.12:10
killermach_xtknight: same output as when I type "mount -asdf"12:10
TheManiacKYh1st0 I'll take a look there thanks12:10
xtknightkillermach_: because you only specified a mount point and no device :)12:10
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MindRioth1st0:  Well every Forum that i followed to install the nvidia drivers for mylaptop to get beryl to work caused a crash12:10
MindRioton Xorg12:10
xtknightkillermach_: usb device may be /dev/sdx or something12:10
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h1st0MindRiot: just go to System > Administration > Synaptic  and install nvidia-glx it really isn't that hard.12:11
KaurI need to view a web page as I'd be viewing it with ie. (solving browser&html compability problem) Any way to do it under ubuntu?12:11
xtknightkillermach_: the guide actually never says to mount it from what i see12:11
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h1st0Kaur: ies4lin12:11
kbrooksKaur, ies4linux12:11
xtknightkillermach_: other than by invoking its normal automatic mount by replugging in the stick12:11
acorn22Hello everybody12:12
progekies4lin works good, I need it for taking online tests for school12:12
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xtknightKaur: i reommend running IE under a VMware instead but that's just me12:12
killermach_xtknight: ok.. I'll try /dev/sdb112:12
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Kaurthanks for ur advice12:12
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xtknightkillermach_: i dont know, what step you at?12:13
acorn22Can someone help me with changing my screen resolution? ...I have already installed the nvidia driver12:13
h1st0!resolution > acorn2212:13
killermach_xtknight: usbstick is mounted12:13
kikkymonkmuuuuuch better... thanks all12:13
xtknightkillermach_: ok so you don't need to run 'mount' again12:13
h1st0kikkymonk: np12:13
progekkaur if you are going to use ies4linux-> http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page12:13
Kaurprogek: ok, thanks12:14
pike_kikkymonk: get yourself some open source games now and put that card through its paces :)12:14
progekkikkymonk enemy-territory :D12:14
killermach_xtknight: it appears that the proc filesystem needs to be mounted to the /media/USB/proc so I can chroot /media/USB , then I can modify grub12:14
h1st0kikkymonk: nexuiz, americas army, etc...12:14
progekwesnoth too12:14
xtknightkillermach_: ok so you're not using the guide this time?12:14
progekjust compiled dev version12:14
kikkymonkhehe... im on it : P12:15
SurfPunkrebooting no sound anyone have this problem12:15
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h1st0kikkymonk: just sudo apt-get install nexuiz works for that one.12:15
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SurfPunkI know the sound problems get old12:15
killermach_xtknight: I used that guide and have the partitions made and the edgy.zip extracted to /media/USB and this did not work last time.. hold that thought ...12:15
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acorn22I already have edited the xorg.conf file but 1280x1024 doens't show up in the gui12:16
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SurfPunkbut I'm new to linux12:16
kingcobrahow do u delete a link to a folder12:16
kingcobrai hav 2 that wont delete on desktop12:16
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MindRiotHey Severed: Easyest way to install beryl?12:16
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LcarsdataSET failed on device ethX ; No such device. -- what does this mean?12:16
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donamoranyone know how to view the parameters a module was loaded with?12:16
IndyGunFreakkingcobra: what i would do, open a terminal, "sudo nautilus"... then navigate to the desktop folder and delete them12:16
vince_acorn22: is your System>Preferences>Screen Resolution messed up?12:16
progekMindRiot if you have your card drivers installed just look at the howto on the forum12:17
killermach_then I got Oreilly Ubuntu Hacks book and it shows installing to USB from the CD installer, but it doesn't work errors out because when the filesystems are created, the get "hijack mounted" before the install completes12:17
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progekglxinfo | grep render12:17
MindRioti got the Yes from there command12:17
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killermach_xtknight: so I'm trying to do  hybrid install following both12:17
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progekok, the forum has a lot of howtos on Beryl12:17
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progekit's pretty simple12:17
Lcarsdatais it possible to enable conference mode here.12:17
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects12:18
IndyGunFreakconference mode?12:18
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Lcarsdataall these leaves and quits and joins get in the way12:18
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xtknightkillermach_: hmm... sorry i have to go at the moment.  you'd do mount -t proc /dev/sdx /mount/usb/proc or whatever, replacing the devices as necessary12:18
progekOnly problem I have with Beryl is it does not like Java Swing components :(12:18
acorn22vince_: yes12:18
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IndyGunFreakLcarsdata: turn off to be notified when people enter/leave12:18
progektried a few fixes but no luck12:18
CraneHello everyone!12:18
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kingcobraIndyGunFreak, stil wont delete12:18
killermach_xtknight: thanks12:18
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vince_acorn22: i have the same problem, the Restricted Drivers Manager is buggy12:18
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IndyGunFreakkingcobra: then you're doing something wrong.12:19
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kingcobrai kno12:19
IndyGunFreakthat should have deleted them w/o issue12:19
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kingcobraIndyGunFreak, i dont kno why they wont delete12:19
acorn22vince_: is there a way to change the resolution w/ the terminal12:19
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progekbye all12:19
WinSrevum, i have a problem, can anyone help?12:19
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:19
Flannel!anyone | WinSrev12:19
ubotuWinSrev: please see above12:19
kingcobraIndyGunFreak, files and folders delete fine12:19
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vince_acorn22: not that i know of12:19
pike_!fixres| acorn2212:20
ubotuacorn22: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:20
WinSrevah lol, thanks12:20
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CraneI'm jumping in the middle of the convrsation but did you check permissions King12:20
WinSrevDoes anybody know why Ubuntu wont detect my hardware SATA RAID 0?12:20
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kingcobraIndyGunFreak, the links wont delete tho12:20
harry_what is a good FPS for Linux?12:20
IndyGunFreakCrane: doesn't really matter, sudo nautilus, and navigate to the file, will override permissions12:20
kingcobraIndyGunFreak, cud there b something special about these links12:20
IndyGunFreakkingcobra: highly unlikely12:21
jpjacobsharry_, cube, or nexuiz12:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tremor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:21
jribkingcobra: what links?12:21
pike_harry_: tremulous.info   im addicted to the game12:21
ubotutremulous: Aliens vs Humans, team based FPS game with elements of an RTS. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.0-2 (edgy), package size 1153 kB, installed size 2740 kB12:21
kingcobraa link to media/windows12:21
IndyGunFreakTremulous is fu12:21
jrib!icons > kingcobra12:21
WinSrevdoes anyone here know about sata raids?12:21
Lcarsdata<Lcarsdata> SET failed on device ethX ; No such device. -- what does this mean?12:21
jontecis there anyway to restore my drivers.... like to the state when I installed the *ubuntu the first time... mainly I want my drivers back12:21
jribkingcobra: you need to disable icons for mounted volumes using gconf-editor12:21
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acorn22brb, rebooting X12:21
pike_jontec: for what?12:22
Cranekingcobra, so you naviagte to in with sudo nautilus, right click > delete and then.... no error message?12:22
IndyGunFreakkingcobra: lol, you said it was a link to a file.12:22
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Flannelkingcobra, Crane, gksu nautilus, not sudo12:22
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Cranenever used gksu nautilus... hhmmmmm12:22
Lcarsdata<Lcarsdata> SET failed on device ethX ; No such device. -- what does this mean?12:22
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CraneI always use sudo nautilus12:23
IndyGunFreakCrane: some swear sudo nautilus is the devil12:23
IndyGunFreaklike Automatix!12:23
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FlannelCrane: gksu (or kdesu for Kubuntu) should always be used to run graphical programs, not sudo.12:23
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jontecalsamixer gives me an error and amaroK does the same, but Kmix doesn't (I'v ebeen tussling with this for almost three months) I changed some things a while ago (atiixp install) and now the card isn't registered12:23
pike_bah people afraid to chown their .config files12:23
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harry_when I select the nexuiz package it gives me : nexuiz:12:23
harry_ Depends: nexuiz-data but it is not going to be installed12:23
jontecpike_: sorry, didn't direct that at you, read my last message12:23
Flannelpike_: problems are problems ;)  when something breaks, people don't like it.  Even when they broke it themselves.12:24
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CraneIndyGunFreak, LOL but if gksu nautilus give you root priv in nautilus what would be the difference?12:24
CraneFlannel, why12:24
Lcarsdata<Lcarsdata> SET failed on device ethX ; No such device. -- what does this mean?12:24
jpjacobsharry_, if you get it form their site, you can just get a runnable file, no need to install even12:24
acorn22Bah! I can't change my resolution!12:24
IndyGunFreakCrane: cuz its the devil!12:24
Cranesudo has worked for me every time12:24
IndyGunFreakCrane: me to, so i guess we are at risk12:24
FlannelCrane: when using sudo, some programs write config stuff to your homedir, the configs are then owned by root, and you can't run those programs without sudo anymore (until you chown them back to your user)12:25
Cranedoes this mean I am in cooots with the devil!12:25
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pike_jontec: sorry im firing up tremulous :) maybe someone else here can advise12:25
arrenlexMy computer hangs for six or seven seconds (black screen) when X starts at boot. Can I remedy this?12:25
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kingcobrajrib shud i restart after disable volume icons12:25
FlannelIndyGunFreak, Crane, you're welcome to use sudo yourself, but please in this channel, recommend gksu/kdesu.  Don't knowingly put others at risk.12:25
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IndyGunFreaklol, i've never knowingly put someone at risk, and i don't think sudo nautilus does either12:26
IndyGunFreaknot when jus trying to delete a file.12:26
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shnastybiznasticis enlightenment DR17 in the repositories?  I don't see it12:26
harry_On my friend's computer, his wireless card is listed as eth1. how do I tell it it is a wireless card?12:26
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kingcobrajrib the volume icons r gon but i stil cant delete the other links to windows volume12:26
CraneFlannel, oh I never run programs from nautilus while sudo. I mainly use it to just change permissions12:26
IndyGunFreakCrane: exactly12:26
CraneNo prob though, will try to remember12:26
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Flannelshnastybiznastic: no.  Only 16.  e17 is still a development release, and won't be in the repos.12:27
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CraneAlthoug I must warn you, my memory is kinda....... what were we taking about?12:27
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WinSrevdont any of you know about SATA Raids?12:27
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shnastybiznasticFlannel: bummer12:27
Flannel!raid | WinSrev, might help12:27
ubotuWinSrev, might help: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO12:27
shane634IndyGunFreak, you really from Indy?12:27
IndyGunFreakshane634: far as i know, unless there's another one..lol12:28
WinSrevthanks flanel12:28
shane634IndyGunFreak, hehe i am in southern IN12:28
CraneOK, win you say it won't see your drive?12:28
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steelbhow do i make ubuntu not read left-click and right-click as a middle click?12:28
kingcobraFlannel,  the volume icons r gon but i stil cant delete the other links to windows volume12:28
IndyGunFreakshane634: been south a couple times, but i tend to stay towards indy12:28
Kookacya all12:28
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IndyGunFreakhow far south?12:28
mokhey all12:28
shane634IndyGunFreak, like 20 miles north of Louisville12:29
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IndyGunFreakah, so you're in like Jeffersonville?12:29
mischkoIf I get a supported WiFi card, can Ubuntu/Kubuntu act as a wireless access point?12:29
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Cranekingcobra,  what file are you trying to delete12:29
mokok if i have a prob with shutdown where can i get some help?12:29
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kingcobrathe links to windows on desktop12:29
shane634IndyGunFreak, north of there yes memphis, IN we have a place up in Peru though12:29
mr_interwebI was trying to get Samba working with my windows XP pro box. I really thought I was doing the config right untill when I tried to log onto the samba server from my Windows box and it kept prompting me for my user name and password. Any ideas?12:29
mr_interwebone thing I was unclear about is the step sudo "smbpasswd -L -a your_username" is "your_username" the username on the client computer?12:29
shane634IndyGunFreak, did you join the IN loco team?12:30
jontecneed help with SB400 sound card and alsa...12:30
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IndyGunFreakshane634: i have no idea what it is, so i'd say no i didn't12:30
mokhelp with shutdown problems on ubuntu12:30
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shane634IndyGunFreak, hehe in the forum index look for the indiana loco team12:30
IndyGunFreakwhat forum?12:31
jontecor you could just tell me how to restore all the drivers to the way they were installed12:31
CraneWhere is it linking to?12:31
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IndyGunFreak!anyone | moco12:31
ubotumoco: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:31
shane634IndyGunFreak, ubuntu forum12:31
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IndyGunFreakshane634: ok12:31
jribsteelb: you should have a line about "Emulate3Buttons" in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, get rid of it12:31
Cranekingcobra,  is it linking straight to the windows drive. (aka mounted on the desktop)12:31
shane634ok on to the help then lol12:31
mokcuz ive been having a problem since i installed ubuntu on my toshiba.. and it wont shutdown.. ubuntu does its job unloading but then my comp just stays powered with a blank screen12:31
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CraneOr /media/windows12:32
Crane something lik that12:32
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Lcarsdata2<Lcarsdata> SET failed on device ethX ; No such device. -- what does this mean?12:32
steelbthanks jrib12:32
kingcobrano its mounted in media windows12:32
kingcobrathe link on the desktop links to this i think12:32
jontecubotu: why?12:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about why? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:32
jontecdang... it actually answered12:33
CraneOK, I have an idea hold on12:33
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Lcarsdata2Google is down!12:33
kingcobrahowever when i open it up the address becomes home.kingcobra/desktop.windows/documents and settings etc12:33
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brueniggoogle is not down12:33
mr_interwebHas anyone had samba config problems where on a win xp box they keep getting prompted for the username/password?12:34
IndyGunFreakLcano its not.12:34
kingcobrahome/kingcobra/desktop/windows/documents and settings12:34
IndyGunFreakGoogle never goes down12:34
Lcarsdata2ignore that12:34
acorn22!! Is there a way to change the screen resolution via the command line as opposed to prefs > resolution?12:34
shane634of course not it runs on linux12:34
kingcobraanybody know how to get rid of these icons then12:34
Assimilatoris the next version of ubuntu gonna have the Metisse windows system12:34
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kingcobramaybe theyre not links but i thought they were12:34
bruenigkingcobra, you have to change something in the gconf-editor12:35
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bruenigof course they are links12:35
xMorgawrhi guys, can someone help me please? how can i get rid of my laptop's touchpad? it's really annoying (i'm on ubuntu 6.10)12:35
kingcobrai took off volume icons12:35
bruenigsomeone here knows I am sure, what the option is in gconf-editor12:35
Cranekingcobra, yes the gconf-editor is where it should be12:35
acorn22xMorgawr: Duct Tape.12:35
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xMorgawrwhat acorn? O_o12:36
kingcobrais there anything els i hav 2 do in gconf editor12:36
mokadd qsynaptics12:36
mokits a nice gui touchpad manager12:36
mokits got n on/off toggle there12:36
xMorgawrmm.. i'll check.. it's in the repo?12:36
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moknot sure12:36
mokthink u might have 2 get it12:36
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xMorgawrmm lemme check12:37
moksearch it up on google if all else fails12:37
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l0ok1nghi...making move from windows to linux...got ubuntu and downloaded a program from sourceforge (childsplay) as a zip file...i extra it to my desktop and now am not sure how to go about installing it...there is a file called install.sh on the newly created folder and when i click on it i get a window asking if i want to run it.  I click on "run" but nothing happens...any suggestions? p.s. sorry for the long posting...12:37
=== WinSrev [n=opera@host86-153-225-109.range86-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
mokhelp. shutdown problems12:37
xMorgawrfound it in the repo, i try to install it ;)12:37
kingcobraflannel do you know how i can get rid of them now12:37
mokjust make sure that in ur xorg file uve got synaptics loaded12:38
mokps thats if u have a synaptics touchpad12:38
xMorgawrmmm.. :S12:38
Flannell0ok1ng: childsplay is in the repositories.12:38
xMorgawrnot sure12:38
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Flannell0ok1ng: so, why not just install the one in the repository?12:38
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l0ok1ngversion 0.81....trying to get latest version, 0.85.212:38
mokwhat laptop u runnin it on?12:38
l0ok1ngwhich is not in repository..12:38
xMorgawrfujitsu siemens12:39
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mokwell see if qsynaptics runs12:39
mokdoes ur scroll bar on the pad work?12:39
xMorgawrmmm hang on12:39
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xMorgawryes it does12:39
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mokthen u shud b good 2 go] 12:39
kingcobradoes anybody know how to get rid of links that wont delete normally12:40
SeveredCrosskingcobra: Symlinks?12:40
xMorgawrqsynaptics works12:40
=== Dev05 [n=hernan@bas1-montreal28-1168072372.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
xMorgawrbut when i do on off it doesn't change anything O_o12:40
mokafter install just run "qysnaptics" in the terminal12:40
xMorgawrno nvm12:40
kingcobraicons on desktop12:40
xMorgawri had to press ok XDD12:40
xMorgawrIT WORKS! i love you mok :D finally12:40
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kingcobralinks to a volume/partition12:40
moki need some help here thats why im here12:40
bruenigkingcobra, I must have told you 5 times already, gconf-editor12:40
xMorgawrhave been looking for it for ages, on forums i couldn't find the answer :P12:40
mokim having shutdown probs but no1 seems 2 noe anything12:40
ikoniaburepe: I feel your pain12:40
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xMorgawrsorry i don't know how to fix your problem D:12:40
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands12:40
ikoniamok: whats the shut down issues12:41
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:41
Ahornerhow do i run root in windows12:41
kingcobrai dont know what 2 do in gconf bruenig12:41
acorn22 Is there a way to change the screen resolution via the command line as opposed to prefs > resolution?12:41
mokroot in windows?12:41
Ahornernot the os windows but the object windows12:41
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ubotuWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)12:41
bruenigkingcobra, ok looks like /appt/nautilus/desktop12:41
kingcobraive done that12:41
brueniggo from there12:41
Ahornermok: any idea12:41
mokok still no1 with shutdown help?12:41
mokhow bout stanby?12:41
bruenigkingcobra, I know it is in there, because I have changed it before. I am on xfce now though12:42
kingcobraive gon there bruenig12:42
bruenigkingcobra, well that is where you do it12:42
=== Ahorner smokes pot
xMorgawrok, off for my next question... someone knows how can i compile and run my java files without having to use terminal "java filename"?12:42
kingcobrai took off volume icons in  /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor12:42
bruenigkingcobra, it is something called show mounted drives or something really obvious12:42
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xMorgawri tried with netbeans but it has problem with the input from console12:42
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atoponcexMorgawr: yeah. use an ide, like eclipse12:42
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xMorgawrmm.. eclipse.. i'll check it12:42
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WinSrevshould i post my raid sata question in the forum? the wiki doesnt seem to help12:43
r_does anyone know if there is a gui client for mysql?12:43
KevlarIve downloaded this file: hxplay-
xMorgawrif it's like netbeans, the input from console doesn't work..12:43
KevlarIs there an easy way to instally it?12:43
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atoponcer_: yes. mysql-query-browser12:43
atoponcer_: or, phpmyadmin12:43
kingcobrabruenig, it is volumes_visible12:43
l0ok1ngany one knows how to run that install.sh file (which is what I think I need to get running) to install childsplay 0.85.2 (which is not in repository)?12:43
=== Caramba [n=zupidupi@a88-113-19-61.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shutdown - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:43
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xMorgawrchildsplay? XD12:43
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression12:43
kingcobrai hav unticked it bruenig but the other links which i made myself are stil there12:43
sputnickwhat's the good file to put udev rules ? I have to put some rules for a usb disk12:43
Jowimok, I don't know enough to help with it I think. but, it's usually a prob with acpi. I would turn it off unless you're using a laptop where you need it. a different kernel version might help. depends on what hardware you've got. had that prob on a via board and turning off acpi worked for me but some powersaving functions dissappeared of course.12:44
bruenigkingcobra, well delete them12:44
kingcobrai cant bruenig12:44
l0ok1ngxMorgawr - yes childsplay..12:44
KevlarONCE I open the tar.bz2 file, then what?12:44
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CarambaHiya folks. Which would be the best (fre) utility for recovering data from a crashed ext3-partition/hard drive?12:44
xMorgawrwhat is it?12:44
bruenigopen a terminal and rm them12:44
void^l0ok1ng: it should come with a README or INSTALL file you can read.12:44
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Cranekingcobra, did you mount the drive yourself?12:44
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kingcobrabruenig, ill do rm now12:44
kingcobracrane yes12:44
l0ok1ngvoid^ - i did..no help in neither one :(12:44
l0ok1ngxMorgawr - educational games for kids..12:45
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KevlarWHERE should I extract program files ????12:45
CraneWhere did you mount it? did you set it in the stab?12:45
l0ok1ngbtw, i'm not loggin as root..12:45
KevlarWHERE should I extract this: hxplay-
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xMorgawroh i see :o12:45
l0ok1ng(which for some reason the system won't let me login as root)12:45
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ikoniaKevlar: STOP asking caps and STOP repeating yourself12:45
Ahornerhow do i run with root permissions without using sudo12:45
bruenigKevlar, you are probably going to need to compile, unless you are sure it is precompiled binaries12:45
Flannel!sudo | l0ok1ng12:45
ubotul0ok1ng: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:45
ikoniaAhorner: you don't12:45
moku cant login as root12:45
Flannell0ok1ng: that's because Ubuntu doesn't use (and locks) the root account12:45
moku have 2 go 2 ur login settings and enable it12:45
kingcobrabruenig, rm worked12:46
mokits cuz its not recommended12:46
Kevlarbruenig: im sure, i just unpacked it into the desktop and it runs with all these files and folders everywhere, obviously i need to unpack it to whrer it will live.12:46
kingcobrabruenig, thanks very much, why wud normal delete not do u know12:46
ikoniamok: is there any chance you could drop the "text" chat12:46
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Arrickhi all12:46
bruenigKevlar, ok so it does run, then I would put it in /opt12:46
ikoniamok: its really hard to follow/read12:46
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l0ok1ngubotu - thanks...but how do i run the "install.sh" from terminal? i tried "run" and got a "command not found"12:46
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ikonial0ok1ng: ./$file12:46
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l0ok1ngah :)12:47
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l0ok1nglet me try that..12:47
mateus-brLooking for good opensource games to test my direct rendering :)12:47
Arrickanyone willing to help setup an Apache 2 Server on Ubuntu 5.10 server install?12:47
ubotuplanetpenguin-racer: another 3D racing game featuring Tux, the Linux penguin. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.1-8 (edgy), package size 273 kB, installed size 744 kB12:47
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ArrickI would like it to allow frontpage extensions as well as asp.net 2.0 to run on it, if possible12:47
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome12:47
mokIkonia: sorry..btw cud u help me with a problem?12:47
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ikoniamok: I ask you to stop and you say "cud U help"12:47
ubotucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega12:47
Ahornerhow do you move/copy/paste files form terminal12:48
CarambaHiya folks. Which would be the best (fre) utility for recovering data from a crashed ext3-partition/hard drive? I'm working in console mode.12:48
IndyGunFreakikonia: lmso12:48
bruenigArrick, 5.10 will be unsupported in 26 daysm just to tell you12:48
mokand isnt every1 text chatting?12:48
bruenigAhorner, move or copy?12:48
Kevlarbruenig:  /opt will get all the files into thier right place?12:48
Arrickyeah bruenig I know12:48
ikoniamok: why I just asked you to stop the "text" speak and you respond with "cud U help"12:48
bruenigAhorner, mv is move, cp is copy12:48
Ahornerwats is paste12:48
bruenigKevlar, no, I am saying to put them in /opt12:48
Arrickbut uhmm, the newest distro wont work on my computer bruenig12:48
Ahorneri want to move a file from my desktop in to a root folder12:48
l0ok1ngikonia - THANKS...that was it..12:48
kitcheCaramba: umm test-disk perhaps I usualyl do it by hand but I m new to do ing it by hand also :)12:48
Cranedang my myhtbox is 5.1012:48
Jowimateus-br, tremulous.net - that will do I think :)12:48
Kevlarbruenig but many of the files need to go into mozilla for example?12:48
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: kill me12:49
Craneguess it's time to upgrade12:49
mateus-brJowi: thx12:49
shnastybiznasticI'm having trouble getting totem to play a .mpg file, and the community wiki isn't being much help so far.  is there a specific set of packages I need to install to get that running?12:49
bruenigAhorner, mv /path/to/file /path/to/where/you/are/moving/it12:49
ubotuwordpress: an award winning weblog manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.4-2 (edgy), package size 497 kB, installed size 2844 kB12:49
IndyGunFreakikonia: no, cuz then i'd have nothing to laugh at here..lol12:49
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome12:49
Arrickwhat is the newest (stable) distro out12:49
Carambakitche: Cheers, I'll look it up12:49
Arrickis there one past 6.06?12:49
bruenigKevlar, link me to the package12:49
ikoniaArrick: http://www.ubuntu.com12:49
drew6.10 is pro support now too isn't it12:49
mokikonia: im new here care 2 xplain what text chat is cuz if its just text typing isnt every1 doing that?12:49
simonsayshey, trying to instal nvidia drivers, apparently i have to find appropriate module for my kernel but there are 2 that seem to be appropriate do i use them both?12:49
shane634Arrick, edgy12:49
ikoniapro support ?12:49
bruenigArrick, 6.10 is out, 7.04 in 26 days12:50
drewlong term support, w/e it is12:50
Kevlarbruenig:  http://forms.helixcommunity.org/helix/builds/index.html?filename=20070323/player_all-hxplay_gtk_current-20070323-linux-2.2-libc6-gcc32-i586@rhel4/hxplay-
drewfor businesses12:50
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xMorgawri'm on  6.10 and looks fine, works really good and without problems :S12:50
Kevlarbruenig: http://forms.helixcommunity.org/helix/builds/?category=hxplay-current12:50
ikoniamok: no-one else is doing it - type in english and stop the every1 cud U 2 xplain style rubbish, its very hard to read12:50
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mokoh u mean the abrevs etc.12:50
drew6.06 actually worked 10x better then 6.10 for me personally, but 7.04 beta is very very good.12:50
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Kevlardrew agreed12:51
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bruenigKevlar, why do you need this?12:51
mokikonia: its just soo much faster to type that12:51
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KevlarEXCEPT I cant seem to get my realmedia playing right12:51
ikoniamok: "U" for example "cud" "every1" "go 2" "Y" that sort of rubbish. PLEASE type in real english12:51
ikoniamok: its very hard to read12:51
Arrickok, I am looking at Ubuntu Server Edition, what are the requirments since its not on the page?12:51
Seveasmok, and so much harder to read...12:51
mokikonia: but i guess its good adapting12:51
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xMorgawrikonia: may god bless you XD i hate bad grammar12:51
Kevlarbruenig: lol, why? for real media rtsp files to run properly.12:51
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ikoniaits just hard to read12:51
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SeveasArrick, anything with a few 100 mhz will do for a server base install12:51
mr_interwebprobs with samba, somebody save.  I'm losing my mind.. Heeeeeeelllllllllpppppppp....12:51
RoundyT1is wordpress easy to use? in someone's opinion?12:51
bruenigKevlar, ok, with the right codecs they will open externally in totem, but whatever12:52
Arrickok Seveas thanks12:52
ikoniaRoundyT1: easy to use, hard to customise12:52
xMorgawrdrew: i don't know about 6.06, this is my first ubuntu OS and so far 6.10 looks great12:52
mokikonia: makes sense when your used to something it just hard when something different is thrown at you.12:52
Jowijohn_, use "/join #channelname"12:52
Howdy125Using gdm .. I have to login twice before I manage to get to a desktop .. any ideas what might be causing this ?12:52
ArrickI have 733mhz with 512 memory and I wanted to make sure it would be enough for the new distro Seveas12:52
SeveasArrick, but if you want to do something useful (like serve webpages) you'll need some more juice12:52
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Kevlarbruenig:  I try totem and it works , but EVERY other media type wont work the way I want....totem is not good imo12:52
Seveas733/512 is more than enough for a basic server12:52
john_Thankyou jowi12:52
Arrickthats what it is doing Seveas is serving my web pages12:52
Kevlarbruenig:  IDEALLY i would get mplayer to run it, but it wont.12:52
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shane634Arrick, that will do nicely12:52
TheManiacKYI have a 933 with 640 meg of memory. It runs 6.10 very nice.12:52
nick_hello room12:52
Ahornerunix is complicated12:52
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TheManiacKYI'm downloading 7.04. Lets see how much this little laptop can keep up with the times12:53
Arricksoooo, the big question12:53
nick_im new to linux and would like some help installing a wireless card12:53
bruenigKevlar, well they all do work with correct codecs, and by the way, two media players on the disk won't corrupt it12:53
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shane634TheManiacKY, it is beta ya know12:53
mokikonia: now if you could help me with something?12:53
Arrickwhy is 6.10 supported till 2008, and 6.06 supported till 2011?12:53
xMorgawrmmm.. will i have to format and install 7.04 if i want to use it? i mean.. without having to partition? won't there be an update thing for 6.10?12:53
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KevlarTheManiacKY:  it'll work dont do some of the prettier GUI and you'll be alright12:53
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ikoniamok: whats up12:53
simonsayscould someone help me with my nvidia installation?12:53
TheManiacKYshane634 I know. I'm feeling dangerous. ;)12:54
ArrickSeveas ^12:54
crimsunArrick: because 6.06 is LTS, or 3 years (desktop)/5 years (server)12:54
Kevlarbruenig:  tried it.12:54
dac_What diff ubuntuand kubuntu?12:54
Kevlarbruenig:  Totem takes over12:54
Arrickwhat is LTS?12:54
shane634TheManiacKY, haha good luck it may break things12:54
TheManiacKYif you type upgrade-manager -d it will upgrade 6.10 to 7.0412:54
drewArrick, I'd like to know that too actually.12:54
nick_any one point me in the right direction to install drivers12:54
ikoniaArrick: read http://www.ubuntu.com12:54
crimsunArrick: "long term support"12:54
JowiArrick, Long Term Support12:54
shane634Arrick, it is long term support12:54
Arrickahh ok12:54
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bruenigKevlar, no it doesn't but anyways just run the hxplayer.bin file to install it12:54
RoundyT1why doesn't "wordpress" show up in my menu?12:54
mokikonia: i've got ubuntu 6.10 on a toshibal laptop and everytime i go to shutdown it unloads ubuntu but then it just stops at a blank screen and wont power down12:54
TheManiacKYshane634 And I'll just blow away the os partion and start over. My home/docs are on another partion so I'm all good12:54
Arrickand ikonia uhmm, I am on that site, thats why I am asking the questions12:54
kitcheRoundyT1: wordpress is not an application12:55
ikoniaArrick: that sites tells you all the info12:55
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RoundyT1dear gosh12:55
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shane634TheManiacKY, good deal12:55
Kevlarbruenig:  run the bin? and it will Install?12:55
xMorgawrguys, is there a way to have more than 2 workspace without using beryl (or whatever the name of 3d desktop program is)??12:55
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ikoniamok: probably apm not working12:55
RoundyT1kitche, what the heck is it? lol. someone just said they used it to build a website...lol12:55
kitcheRoundyT1: it's a web application mostly used for blogs running on apache12:55
Ahorneri like cheese !ubuntu12:55
ikoniaxMorgawr: the desktop pager12:55
arrenlexMy computer hangs for six or seven seconds (black screen) when X starts at boot. Can I remedy this?12:55
ikoniaRoundyT1: its a web site content manager/blogger12:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cheese - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:55
Ashfire908where is the .iso of the ubuntu archives?12:55
xMorgawrikonia: is it a program?12:55
RoundyT1dang. i just installed it for no reason.12:55
SeveasxMorgawr, rightclick on the 2 desktop thing and tell it you want more :)12:55
bruenigKevlar, you did get the bin right12:55
ikoniaxMorgawr: yup12:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about anything - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:55
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ikoniaAhorner: stop messing with the bot12:56
arrenlexbruenig: why are you helping people install realplayer?! *horror*12:56
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mokikonia: yeah thats what people said but i just cant figure it out.. im sorta new to linux.. could you help me out?12:56
Seveasikonia, he stopped :)12:56
ikoniaSeveas: thanks12:56
xMorgawrmm..i'll try Seveas and ikonia thanks12:56
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bruenigarrenlex, yeah but if someone wants help with garbage, they are entitled I guess12:56
mr_interwebhelp for the Samba inept.  help :)12:56
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Kevlarbruenig:  I got the tar.bz212:56
iehovaHi, i have a slight problem with the sound on ubuntu 6.10 - both altering it via the keyboard and system tray actually alters the headphone volume, not speaker volume. Is there anything I can do to fix this?12:56
bruenigKevlar, go get the bin12:56
ikoniamok: search the ubuntu repo's there are some toshiba tools for tosh laptops, also check the forums there maybe something on there12:56
RoundyT1ikonia, Hey, what's a good site setup? I've heard of PHPNuke and Seagull framework...???12:56
arrenlexbruenig: You at least told them it was utter garbage with tons of awesome free alternatives, I hope?12:56
salmanmy update-notifier crashes as soon as it starts. what do i do with the bugreport12:56
Kevlarbruenig:  okay12:56
mokikonia:ok thanks12:56
ikoniaRoundyT1: again - this is nothing to do with ubuntu12:56
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kitcheKevler: just so you know you can install Helix which is realplayer also12:57
simonsayscan anyone help me with my nvidia installation?12:57
Kevlarbruenig:  someone told me tar.bz2 is for ubuntu, is that wrong?12:57
Ashfire908where is the .iso of the ubuntu archives?12:57
Arrickwow, why am I downloading when I have 6.06 here?12:57
nick_where do I find the procedure for installing drivers?12:57
Seveas!nvidia | simonsays12:57
ubotusimonsays: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:57
bruenigKevlar, just use the bin12:57
ikoniasimonsays: have you read the docs from ubotu12:57
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bruenigKevlar, unless you want to figure out where all the files go, because I don't12:57
SeveasAshfire908, there are no 120GB discs, so there is no iso containing everything12:57
mr_interwebRoudyT1, Symfony is the best PHP framework. If you don't have to use PHP, use Ruby on Rails.12:57
mokikonia: ok my repos have nothing about toshiba12:57
Ashfire908Kevlar, it's just a compression method12:57
MindRiotHey I just got Beryl Setup and my title bars arent showing up12:58
simonsaysyes i have but im confused about which module i should install, there seems to be 2 for 386, do i get them both?12:58
Kevlarbruenig:  lol nope12:58
MindRiotlike to close windows12:58
ikoniamok: check the forum you may need additional repo's12:58
RoundyT1ikonia, im sorry, i am just not getting answers and i figured you would have a good opinion.12:58
Seveassimonsays, how old is your video card?12:58
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sunexplodesI have a couple feisty questions. Is this the best place to ask them?12:58
simonsaysits a geforce4 mx42012:58
ikoniaRoundyT1: join #wordpress or #webdev or anything - something more relevent12:58
bruenigsunexplodes, no it isn't12:58
ikoniasunexplodes: ubuntu+112:58
Seveassunexplodes, #ubuntu+112:58
simonsaysquite old12:58
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RoundyT1lol ok sorry agian.12:58
seeker1is there a way to make my own USB case so I can use my old 3.5inch PC Hard drive to connect to my laptop?12:58
Arrickhow do I get the server install with 6.06?12:58
sunexplodesthanks, appreciate it12:58
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Kevlarbruenig:  I got the bin, I right clicked "OPEN" on it and got an error12:58
ikoniaRoundyT1: don't worry - it just keeps the channel clean and on topic12:58
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bruenigKevlar, chmod +x it, and them ./whatever.bin it12:59
Seveassimonsays, the docs ubotu links to should tell you whether you ned nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-legacy12:59
ikoniaRoundyT1: plus it doesn't look like your using the channel for general questions and people like my don't get fed up12:59
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:59
kingcobraseeker1 buy 112:59
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Ashfire908an iso of the I386 most recent stable versions12:59
Jowiseeker1, easier and cheaper to buy these days.12:59
TheManiacKYI know this will sound really "teen chat" ish. But I'm curious the deminagraphic of everyone in the chat. It be neat if ubuntu irc could chat like twitter vision.. I'll start. I'm 26 from Elizabethtown, Kentucky.12:59
MindRiotI got no titlebars in Beryl help?12:59
simonsayswell ive got to the point where it says "Find the appropriate module for your kernel. " and im unsure which one to choose12:59
SeveasAshfire908, releases.ubuntu.com12:59
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ikoniaTheManiacKY: this is a support channel12:59
kingcobranick_ u get ur card workin12:59
SeveasMindRiot, your window decorator doesn't work01:00
Seveaskingcobra, english please..01:00
ikoniaTheManiacKY: ubuntu-offtopic is available for general chat01:00
magnanimousTheManiacKY: demographic includes income01:00
bruenigand race01:00
kingcobraSeveas, sorry01:00
JowiTheManiacKY, have you seen how many people are in here? ;)01:00
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MindRiotSeveas: what do i do?01:00
mateus-br_lol @tuxkart01:00
mateus-br_very funny01:00
TheManiacKYikonia Oh ok01:00
kingcobranick_, did you get your card working?01:00
SeveasMindRiot, did you run it via beryl-manager?01:00
TheManiacKYJowi YUp thats why I though it be neat ;)01:00
MindRiotummm ya01:00
MindRioti think so01:01
mr_interwebI tried getting help on #samba, but I think someone or something killed everyone on that entire chanel.  Is this a place for an Ubuntu 6.10 samba question?01:01
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mr_interwebwhere then01:01
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SeveasMindRiot, then you have the beryl icon in your statusbar. Poke at it and select another window decorator01:01
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ikoniamr_interweb: depends01:01
nick_i was just reading the ubuntu web site01:01
xMorgawrmr_interwebe, i might be a big noob but what's samba? DX01:01
nick_how do I do it01:01
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:01
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xMorgawrthanks XD01:01
Seveasmr_interweb, as long as you run samba on ubuntu: sure :)01:01
markscould someone please tell me how to replace accidentally removed conf files with apt-get or synaptic? doing a reinstall will not regenerate removed conf files01:01
hartiganacorn22: did you solve your resolution problem?01:01
Kevlarbruenig:  , chmod +x it, and them ./whatever.bin it??????01:01
DVortexwindows pretty much never cooperates with samba though01:01
mr_interwebI didn't know you could run samba on windows01:02
ikoniaDVortex: yes it does all the time01:02
Seveasmarks, purge and reinstall the package01:02
ikoniamr_interweb: you don't01:02
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bruenigmarks, conf files are sometimes created when you first run the application. So run the application01:02
magnanimousDVortex: Windows Vista cooeprates even less01:02
salmanhow can i change the firefox icon at the top left?01:02
mr_interwebI didn't think so01:02
simonsaysbefore i get to the bit about chosing legacy or not it tells me to find appropriate module, i assume thats 386 for me... but there are more than one 386, which one is the best to choose?01:02
Kevlarbruenig: chmod +x FILENAME.BIN           then     ?01:02
Ashfire908where can i find ubuntu drivers?01:02
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ikoniaAshfire908: for what ?01:02
bruenigKevlar, ./FILENAME.BIN01:02
aoirthoirI ubuntu do u?01:02
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SeveasAshfire908, /lib/modules*01:02
ikoniaoooh man, another one01:02
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ikoniaaoirthoir: what ??01:02
Ashfire908one moment01:02
Kevlarbruenig:  it changes it to a another .bin file?01:02
mr_interwebWindows is a bitch.  It's networking is broken01:02
kingcobranick_, what card do you have01:02
marksSeveas: purging it will break dependencies though. is there a way to do it without having to remove all those packages that depend on it?01:02
bruenigKevlar, it shouldn't01:02
MindRiotSeveas Right now iam using the Metacity Gnome but when i choose Beryl it kills the title bars now thats on Windowmanager now in Window Decorator the only thing i can slect is Standard Beryl Decorator (Emerald) but i dont think i installed Emerald or something01:02
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Seveas!languag | mr_interweb01:03
nick_linksys wma54g01:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about languag - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:03
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aoirthoirWindows is the best OS EVER....if you like viruses:)01:03
Kevlarbruenig:  okay01:03
SeveasMindRiot, try installing emerald-themes01:03
jribMindRiot: try reloading it, that happens to me too01:03
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free01:03
xMorgawrWindows itself is a virus...01:03
Seveasaoirthoir, please avoid offtopic talking in 1050-people channels01:03
ikoniacan we drop the windows trashing01:03
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jetscreamerso 'feisty' is the beta 7.0401:03
MindRiotreload no go01:03
SeveasxMorgawr, same to you01:03
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MindRiotSeveas whats the command again?01:03
Seveasjetscreamer, correct01:03
xMorgawrSeveas sorry XD01:03
aoirthoirxMorgawr: amen.01:03
SeveasMindRiot, apt-get intall emerald-themes01:03
Ashfire908Seveas,  RAZR01:03
john_Hello, Im having a problem setting up my fglrx on my 6.1001:04
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magnanimouswhoa.  who just said feist is the beta of 7.0401:04
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magnanimousFeist is currently in Beta01:04
jrm4I've got a box on my TV, but I don't really care about recording TV--MythTV is nice but seems a bit bulky; any ideas for a keyboard driven Video/Music/Mame player--either one program or an easy window manager+player?01:04
shane634john_, what problem?01:04
magnanimousthe actual release of 7.10 will be called Feisty01:04
ikoniamagnanimous: we know01:04
Seveasmarks, dpkg has a switch to ignore dependencies01:04
bruenigmagnanimous, 7.0401:04
shnastybiznasticjohn_: what's up?  I just got fglrx up last night01:04
jetscreameractually i just asked if feisty was ftp://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu-releases/7.04/ubuntu-7.04-beta-alternate-i386.iso01:04
Seveasmarks, dpkg -P --force-depends01:04
MindRiotSeveas:is says its already at the newest version01:04
SeveasMindRiot, then you have installed it :D01:04
MindRiotbut i dont see then Emerald manager the Green icon01:05
simonsayscan anyone advice me which module to get please for restricted modules??01:05
magnanimous7.04, that's what I meant01:05
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MindRiotlike i have on some live cd's01:05
magnanimousikonia:  i didn't catch the whole thing, sorry01:05
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SeveasMindRiot, try #ubuntu-effects -- less people but they know more of this01:05
marksSeveas: dpkg also has a command to generate new conf files. i was hoping to use synaptic or apt-get so i wouldnt have to manually find the .deb file for the package01:05
MindRiotnm i see it01:05
shane634simonsays, uname -r in terminal will tell you01:05
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Kevlarbruenig:  laptop@laptop2:~/Desktop$  hxplay-
Kevlarbash: hxplay- command not found01:05
magnanimousjrm4: have you tried LinuxMCE?01:05
Seveasmarks, didn't know dpkg had that, unless that happens with dpkg-reconfigure :)01:05
Kevlarcommand not found01:05
bruenigKevlar, ./filename.bin01:06
Arrickhey, I like the new installer for ubuntu01:06
jrm4magnanimous aha i'll check it01:06
shane634Arrick, yes it is much nicer now01:06
=== jetscreamer points@Arrick
ikoniaSeveas: it is dpkg-reconfiugre01:06
kingcobrayou there nick_01:06
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magnanimousjrm4: MythTv is one of its compeonents, but it's got a ton more01:06
kingcobracan u see the private chat nick_01:06
Kevlarlaptop@laptop2:~/Desktop$ /home/laptop/Desktop chmod +x hxplay-
Kevlarbash: /home/laptop/Desktop: is a directory01:06
magnanimousjrm4: like home automation, and menus that actually look nice01:06
Kevlaris  a directory?01:07
ikoniait is a dir01:07
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bruenigKevlar, chmod +x hxplay- && ./hxplay-
KevlarI forgot to take oout the chmod01:07
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Arrickyou meant to say you are pointing at my cloak didnt you jetscreamer ?01:07
ikoniaKevlar: its very unlikey that file will run though01:08
KevlarEnter the complete path to the directory where you want01:08
KevlarHelix Player to be installed.  You must specify the full01:08
Kevlarpathname of the directory and have write privileges to01:08
Kevlarthe chosen directory01:08
=== bruenig thinks it is extremely likely
Arrickthe question I have, is why hasnt this disc asked me if I want to install the server version yet?01:08
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:08
nick_yep send a request01:08
Kevlarbruenig:  It still wants me to pick where to put it01:08
bruenigKevlar, so do what it says01:08
kingcobranick_ can you see the private chat01:08
kitcheArrick: the desktop cd doesn't you need the alternet one01:08
ikoniaKevlar: so pick01:08
Arrickwhat the heck01:08
nick_where is it01:08
jribmarks: apparently, -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confmiss   would work with apt-get01:08
bruenigKevlar, control c, and then sudo ./filename.bin01:08
nick_have send what I thought was01:08
KevlarI dont know where to pick01:08
kingcobracan you open a chat with me then01:08
Kevlarobviously I dont know where01:08
jrm4magnanimous: nice..I might just try to see if I can get the apps that come with it?01:08
Arrickyou mean you cant type in server during the install kitche ?01:09
ikoniabruenig: I don't think it will work beacuse its build against glibc 2.2 and gcc3.X01:09
jetscreamerArrick: apparently there's a server .iso and a desktop .iso01:09
Arrickthats retarded01:09
bruenigikonia, oh perhaps01:09
kingcobrawhat client you using01:09
jetscreameron the full blown ones at least01:09
bruenigI thought you meant the bin wouldn't work01:09
ikoniaArrick: you use the server cd to install the server or the desktop cd to install the desktop - simple01:09
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ikoniabruenig: no, sorry I meant when its installed01:09
magnanimousjrm4: Cool.  I don't know much more about it, it only hit Digg yesterday01:09
Arrickso I *have* download the server because they dont offer it on the site?01:09
Arrickman that bites01:09
jetscreamerno idea01:09
IndyGunFreakikonia: Mr. Obvious, long time listener, first time caller01:09
ikoniaArrick: the server cd is offered on the site01:09
Ashfire908Seveas, Motorola USB Modem, Version
=== seravitae [n=seravita@60-240-192-119.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniaArrick: you just didn't read01:09
nick_cant you send it to me01:09
Arricknot through shippit ikonia01:09
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ikoniaArrick: I think they do01:10
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: sory what01:10
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Arrickthey give out one CD and thats it for it01:10
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IndyGunFreakikonia: you must not be a bob and tom fan.01:10
ikoniaArrick: well download it01:10
kingcobratype my name before u type nick_ what client are you using01:10
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ikoniaIndyGunFreak: don't get it in the uk01:10
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greig__with vmware player with xp installed, do u have to/can u install gfx drivers( ATi ) --------01:10
nick_kingcobra xchat01:11
pros1anyone familiar with public nfs shares that can be mounted anywhere on the internet?01:11
IndyGunFreakikonia: they have thi8s little skit they do, called "Mr Obvious", where people call in and ask ridiculously simple questions(staged of course), and the caller always starts with that line, "Hi Mr. Obviously, long time listener, first time caller"01:11
shane634greig__, you don't need vmware to install drivers01:11
ikoniapros1: you want one, or you want to set one up01:11
simonsayshey i did what it said... not sure if i have downloaded the right modules, because when i type sudo nvidia-xconfig in terminal after downloading the legacy one it says command not found01:11
kingcobrahave u got column on left nick_01:11
magnanimousgreig__:  that's an interesting question, have you tried it?01:11
xMorgawrmm.. guys, what happens if i do ctrl+alt+backspace? i mean... i heard it restarts X but.. what does it do?01:11
pros1I'm just looking for public servers to connect to01:11
ikoniakingcobra: can we please stop the irc lessons01:11
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Kevlarbruenig:  that did it, it was the sudo thing01:11
pros1A list or something01:11
ikoniapros1: I doubt there are any01:11
nick_kingcobra yes your name is in it01:11
ikoniapros1: no-one would be dumb enough to run nfs over the internet01:12
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pros1why do you say that?01:12
kingcobraikonia, how should i get him to open a simple private chat01:12
greig__magnanimous : i have tried and it says a file or something is missing, i cannot remember the exact error message01:12
ikoniapros1: because its not really meant for the interenet01:12
marksthis is ridiculous that it's not an option to replace configuration files01:12
pros1That's what I've read01:12
pros1ok thanks01:12
ikoniakingcobra: join a private room01:12
kingcobraikonia, ok thanx01:12
magnanimousgreig__:  did you have VMWare tools installed... because I know that sometimes that conflicts with other modules (gggrrrr)01:12
xMorgawrmm.. guys, what happens if i do ctrl+alt+backspace? i mean... i heard it restarts X but.. what does it do?01:12
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arrenlexxMorgawr: Restarts x.01:13
shane634xMorgawr, it restarts x01:13
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xMorgawryes but... what happens?01:13
zero^yeah it restarts x01:13
arrenlexxMorgawr: X stops Then it starts again01:13
magnanimousgreig__:  but from what I've heard, no, it doesn't work in VMWare, because you're not given enough access thruogh the Virtual machine01:13
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shane634xMorgawr, you log out and back in01:13
mjractually, it shuts the X server down. gdm (or kdm) then restarts it. :)01:13
kingcobranick_, type /join #a01:13
xMorgawroh.. i see XD01:13
magnanimousgreig__:  I've always been interested to try though01:13
KevlarHOw do I share a screenshot??01:13
bruenigxMorgawr, you see a series of 1's and 0's are sent....01:13
greig__magnanimous : as far as i know i havent, i installed it from synaptic, so unless that installs them, i havent manually installed them01:13
KevlarIs there a screen shot share website?01:13
ikoniaKevlar: put it on a website01:13
ikoniaKevlar: like imageshack01:13
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xMorgawrsorry for my newbie questions :P i'd rather ask than try myself, i don't want to make it explode or something XD01:14
KevlarIs there one like with the ubuntu text?01:14
ikoniaKevlar: no01:14
tbodineUpgrading to Feisty is a real pain..01:14
JellocubeIt's all good; we all were like that at one point or another.01:14
nick_type /join #a01:14
shane634xMorgawr, it won't explode too easily01:14
Pho3niX^ReBorNJust a quick question.  Is there a DVD version of the 7.04 Beta?01:14
magnanimousgreig__:  oh... you got VMWare player... I don't like that one.... I would recomend trying it on VMWare Server... much better :)01:14
bruenigxMorgawr, do you really think that something that could cause harm would be keyboard shortcutted01:14
Jellocubetbodine: Are you using the GUI upgrade?01:14
ikoniatbodine: its beta - what do you expect01:14
SeveasPho3niX^ReBorN, no01:14
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:14
Pho3niX^ReBorNOk thanx =)01:14
JellocubeWait, scratch that.01:14
magnanimousgreig__:  though, I don't think that it's in apt-get... you can just get it form VMWares website01:14
tbodineikonia, oh, I know, I just hoped it wouldn't be so annoying :P01:14
tbodineJellocube, um, no..01:14
greig__magnanimous : dont u have to pay for that? thats was my impression looking at the website01:14
kingcobra'/join #a' without quotes nick_01:15
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bansh3The program 'installer-gui' received an X Window System error.01:15
tbodineJellocube, just updating my sources.list and did update/upgrade/dist-upgrade and what have you..01:15
ikonianick_:  - if you can't use irc - use google to learn the commands01:15
magnanimousgreig__:  no, you just have to register (and they don't verify or ask for a credit card or anything)01:15
=== selinuxium [n=selinium@82-34-230-7.cable.ubr01.sout.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Kevlarbruenig:  http://i3.tinypic.com/30uycgm.png01:15
jribPho3niX^ReBorN: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/releases/7.04/beta/01:15
JellocubeI tbodine: I realized that right after I said it.  7.04 is still beta, so there is no GUI upgrade yet.01:15
tbodineAnd Beep Media Player is acting up, I'll have to look into that..01:15
KevlarThis is the error I keep getting01:15
xMorgawrbruenig: in windows xp, alt+f4 made you exit from whatever you were doing, and it was shortcutted :P01:15
bruenigKevlar, no shock01:15
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KevlarYou dont have to sign up for tiny pic01:15
bruenigKevlar, install totem01:15
magnanimousgreig__:  what you DO have to pay for is the cool products like VMWare workstation... I used that at a clients site once... incredible... and expensive... but the best thing I've seen EVER01:15
greig__magnanimous : what differance's are there between the one i have and the one you recommend?01:16
bruenigxMorgawr, that doesn't cause any harm01:16
bruenigxMorgawr, control + q makes you exit out of some programs01:16
bruenigno harm01:16
xMorgawrbruenig: still, it's annoying... i'd rather ask first ^^01:16
xMorgawrthanks for the info01:16
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magnanimousgreig__: the difference is that player has less functionality, is less powerful, allows less access tot he hardware, and crashes more often01:16
tbodineCan anyone suggest a better music player like Beep(MP) and XMMS, but actually works without randomly "pausing" songs?01:17
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magnanimousgreig__:  and server allows you to host a virtual machine across the network to other VMWare servers or VMware players01:17
Kevlarhate totem01:17
tbodineI'm not looking for a fullfledged management, just a player.01:17
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IndyGunFreaktotem is the devil01:17
greig__magnanimous : does it use more resources? im only running a athlonxp 1800 with 256 ram u see01:17
KevlarDoes anyone know here how to make Firefox do what you want?01:17
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KevlarI want FIREFOX to use the program i want it to yous01:17
ikoniaKevlar: ask specifics not time wasting generic questions01:17
albackerhow do i change date in command line ?01:17
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Pho3niX^ReBorNAnother question, might be a bit complicated =/ m'kay  I have a DVD with the feisty-dvd-i386.iso burned to it.  (I can link to the page where its available if needed).  I fixed the problem I was having with the xorg.conf file (changing Device from "nv" to "Vesa")  But now it hangs on "Running Local Services: rc.local" something like that.  And ideas?01:17
magnanimousgreig__:  oh... it may, I'm not sure01:17
jribalbacker: the 'date' command01:17
ikoniaKevlar: look in preferences and in gnome prefered applications01:17
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tbodineKevlar, what are you looking to make it do?01:17
KevlarI want FIREFOX to use HELIX or MPLAYER to run/play RTSP protocol files (real medial)01:18
VonGuardlately, my edgy laptop won't recognize my track pad when it wakes from suspend01:18
magnanimousgreig__:  actually I would assume it does... :( sorry01:18
atoponcealbacker: what do you mean, 'change the date'?01:18
bruenigKevlar, http://i12.tinypic.com/2qsatn6.png01:18
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Kevlarikonia not there, cant "add"01:18
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ikoniaKevlar: pardon ?01:18
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albackerjrib, yes, but this date -s "25 MAR 2007 02:17:00" is not working01:18
Kevlarikonia, cant add a file type01:18
tbodineKevlar, try making sure that the mozilla-helix pluging is installed, or the mplayer, whichever you prefer, and try looking in the Firefox prefernces for datatypes or something like that.01:18
ikoniakelnoky_: you that in gnome01:18
Kevlarbruenig:  i know, it only does that for totem01:18
bruenigKevlar, ergo...01:18
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Kevlartbodine, I do "about:plugins" in the command line for firefox and its there01:19
greig__magnanimous : is the viewer ok to use  just as a program to occasionally mess with windows as apposed to installing the version u are advising? im wanting to learn more on linux anyway and stay away from it, its too tempting to just fall back on it01:19
Kevlarbut it still wont recognise it01:19
hartigandoes https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia still apply to feisty?01:19
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xMorgawrguys, i installed wine, how do i start it?01:20
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tbodineKevlar, try looking for "file types" or something of the like in the Firefox preferences, it should say something about opening certain file types with certain progrms.01:20
shane634hartigan, is should01:20
bruenigxMorgawr, wine /path/to/whatever.exe01:20
Kevlartbodine, I do , it will allow you to CHANGE the file association, but not ADD a new one, and its not there.01:20
hartiganshane634: thank you01:20
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Nitze1Anyone running feisty and nfs willing to try 'sudo showmount --no-headers -e localhost' and letting me know if it hangs for ten seconds before giving results?01:20
bruenigKevlar, so install totem, have it associate with totem, and then modify it01:20
jribalbacker: I've never used the date command to set the date, but this page has examples that use a different format: http://www.linuxsa.org.au/tips/time.html .  Try setting it like that01:21
magnanimousgreig__:  cool.  You'll like Linux better.  I understand why you would want to run windows in a VM01:21
SeveasNitze1, nfs doing odd things smells like not having portmap installed01:21
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atoponceNitze1: feisty support is in #ubuntu+101:21
Kevlarbruenig:  unfortunately it doesnt show up in the preferences when its there, go on, look in your preferences, you wont see rtsp or totem01:21
SeveasNitze1, especially in feisty :)01:21
magnanimousgreig__:  I'm sure the VMWare player is ok to use... but windows takes up A LOT of resources... so eventually that computer won't handle running two operating systems at once01:21
bruenigKevlar, I have never used rtsp though so that would make sense01:21
tbodineKevlar, let me try to look, I'll be back in a little bit too..01:21
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Nitze1seveas: ok, off to ubuntu+1, thanks01:21
greig__magnanimous : can u recommend any cool programs on linux01:21
bruenigKevlar, if you must open, mplayer and then copy and paste the link01:22
ikoniaNitze1: the hang is normally when it struggles to resolve its self or portmapper can't map ports to the hostname01:22
bruenigI mean why you won't just install totem is beyond me01:22
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greig__magnanimous : yea i know, not to worry tho:)01:22
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magnanimousgreig__:  YES, depending on what you think is cool:  if you like Music, then try Amarok ... it's kind of like iTunes01:22
jribalbacker: the man page also describes the format to use01:22
chocohi, i was wondering if anyone can help me out with the beryl install on ubuntu? i ran the setup file from beryls site but the setup isn't working yet... i missed something. nvidia drivers01:22
atoponcemagnanimous: or songbird. cool stuff! :)01:22
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bruenigsongbird is bloated crap01:23
magnanimousyes, songbird definately has many fans01:23
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Pho3niX^ReBorNI assume I would be better off asking my question about fiesty in the ubuntu+1 channel right?01:23
atoponcebruenig: meh. it's the mozilla base, i guess. i like it though01:23
greig__magnanimous is it within synaptic?01:23
Kevlarbruenig:  http://i3.tinypic.com/30iwe48.png01:23
atoponcePho3niX^ReBorN: yeah01:23
Kevlartbodine: :  http://i3.tinypic.com/30iwe48.png01:23
ikoniaPho3niX^ReBorN: for the last time - yes01:23
magnanimousgreig__:  if you need to do work, then openOffice is very powerful,  if you don't like it try KOffice (it's still not quite ready)01:23
bruenigKevlar, what is that supposed to tell me01:23
Pho3niX^ReBorNlol sorry01:23
magnanimousgreig__:  yes, this is all in synaptic01:23
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atoponcePho3niX^ReBorN: no worries01:24
magnanimousgreig__:  and in add-remove programs01:24
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magnanimousgreig__:  actually... that's what I would recomend... just go through add-remove programs and read the descriptions of the programs there01:24
magnanimousthere's so many cool programs to play with there01:24
greig__magnanimous : cool thanks, im just wanting to try all diff programs, not sure whats what tho01:24
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mr_interwebI just pimp slapped my windows xp box into submission with my noob Samba skilz. Woot.  I can now die a somewhat happy man.01:24
killermach_anyone have good info on installing to a usb drive?01:24
Kevlarbruenig:  1. cant add new, and 2. cant see filetype to alter....and In yours you wont see totem01:25
magnanimousgreig__:  there are descriptions of what each program is inside of add-remove :)01:25
atoponcemr_interweb: lol. congrats01:25
ikoniakillermach_: I don't recommend that01:25
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bruenigKevlar, and show me where exactly I disagreed with that01:25
magnanimousgreig__:  if you're interested just install it... if you don't like it then just remove it :) and it's gone, just like that01:25
brueniginstall totem just for rtsp, simple solution01:25
greig__magnanimous : thank you, i appreciate it:)01:25
killermach_ikonia: you thoughts please?01:25
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magnanimousgreig__:  also, if you ever get wireless.. I can't live without "Network Manager"01:25
magnanimousgreig__:  it's the easiest way to get around all the woes of networking01:25
greig__magnanimous : i'll TRY remember that, not wireless atm01:26
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ikoniakillermach_: I don't advise don't that as a.) the boot sector can be a problem b.) the usb driver CANNOT be swapped from machine to machine c.) the machines bios has to support boot from usb for true full install d.) the space is limiting01:26
magnanimousgreig__:  no problem.  and enjoy Linux.  It's really a beautiful operating system, and the idealogy is even more beautiful01:26
magnanimousgreig__:  because Linux will only be around for maybe 20 or 30 years..... Open source philosophy will be around for hundreds of years01:26
Kevlarbruenig:  this is not a debate, Im just sharing info with you....helpful or not.01:26
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bruenigmagnanimous, I would like to see how you make that 20-30 year prediction01:27
Kevlaryou decide01:27
greig__magnanimous : well its all about me getting my head around it all now really01:27
simonsaysjust want to say thankyou to the people who helped me install my nvidia, got it working now :)01:27
killermach_ikonia: yep.. you named just about every roadblock I run across :)01:27
bruenigKevlar, ok very unhelpful information that wastes time01:27
ikoniamagnanimous: please don't make random comments about the future - this is a support channel01:27
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ikoniabruenig: agreed01:27
magnanimousbruenig: I'm just guessing... it could be 5 years,  it could be 100... I'm just saying that the philosophy behind linux is more important than the single result itself01:28
magnanimousikonia:  point taken.  sorry01:28
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Kevlarbruenig: glad im communicating with you.01:28
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bruenigKevlar, alright well I told you the solution, so no more prefixing my name01:28
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:28
Kennymuseper caso01:29
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sstchurI can this error: "ImportError: No module named gconf" when I try to launch Istanbul.  Anyone know why?01:29
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Kevlarbruenig:  its not a solution, as I told you totem isnt acceptible. thanks for playing.01:29
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Kennymusece qualcuno che sa come si impostano le variabili d'ambiente in linux?01:29
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atoponceKennymuse: english channel01:29
ikoniaSeveas: each minute that passes I think you are reading my mind more and more01:29
Seveas!it | Kennymuse01:30
ubotuKennymuse: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:30
Seveasikonia, heh :)01:30
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Kennymuseok tanks01:30
arrenlexbruenig: lol, what was that about?01:30
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magnanimousyeah,  what was all that about?01:30
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shane634some people don't appreciate free help at all01:30
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Seveasshane634, or all of us really are douchebags :)01:31
mseneyif you have 6.10 installed can you upgrade to the beta feisty without a complete format?01:31
atoponceSeveas: how did you recognize that was italian? his ip?01:31
MindRiotI want to tell everyone here who has been helping me out I really appreciate yall, well Everyone thank you very much for the all the help..01:31
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ikoniaI thought John Edwards was the biggest douche of all01:31
Seveasatoponce, I speak a little italian :)01:31
shane634i donate my time because i may be able to help someone else01:31
ikoniaatoponce: he spoke in italian01:31
atoponceSeveas: cool01:31
atoponcevery nice01:31
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magnanimousshane634:  those are the same people who don't appreciate documentation01:31
arrenlexDoes ubuntu have any fancy guides for compiling from kernel.org?01:32
shane634magnanimous, true01:32
Seveasikonia, atoponce is american and amricans are not really known to speak many languages ;)01:32
eilkerhow can i check my open ports ? nmap ?01:32
Seveaseilker, netstat -utl01:32
ikoniaSeveas: ahhhh01:32
MindRiotI appreciated it01:32
simonsaysQuestion: what is best, using azures from repo, or some other means (someone suggested there was, as last time i installed it it closed after splash), or utorrent through wine?01:32
atoponceSeveas: ouch! in my defense, though, i'm studying asl and spanish. i've dabbled in latin a bit too :)01:32
magnanimouseilker:  I just did that a few days ago... Ubuntu has no open ports by default01:32
Seveasatoponce, whaddayamean with asl?01:33
eilkerseveas: i mean 22. port 53 port etc..01:33
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atoponceSeveas: american sign language01:33
Seveasamerican sign language I hope :)01:33
Seveasah :)01:33
jribsimonsays: of those choices, azureus through repo imo01:33
shane634simonsays, the azureus in repos has issues01:33
eilkermagnanimous: how did u do ?01:33
Seveasanyway -ETOPIC01:33
ikoniaSeveas: age sex location - you never cybered ;)01:33
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magnanimouseilker:  I think I just did the netstat command and it showed me ... hold on a second, I'll go check01:33
john_adamk: It worked!! thanks a billion01:33
magnanimouseilker:  BRB01:33
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Seveasmagnanimous, it'll show quite a few open ports, but listening only on localhost01:34
simonsaysis the standard bit torrent app that is already installed any good? how do i select an open port for it?01:34
eilkerhow can i check my open ports from console ? in non-gui enviroment01:34
Seveasunless you installed $things01:34
syberdavedamn, i installed kubuntu 6.10, and when i booted it, it froze while detecting PCI. i think i need a newer kernel (2.6.20 boots with gentoo).. is there an easy way to make it load a more recent kernel?01:34
atoponceeilker: nmap01:34
rpceilker: netstat01:34
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Seveasatoponce, netstat -tul is quicker ;)01:34
magnanimousSeveas: yeah,  actually I didn't use netstat... crap I cant remember which one I sued01:34
atoponceSeveas: for localhost, true. :)01:35
eilkerSeveas: that is not what i ask01:35
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magnanimouseilker:  I can't find which one I used... I just remember that I used iptables to open them up :)01:35
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eilkermagnanimous> i see, thanx01:35
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magnanimouseilker:  sorry, wish I could help01:35
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shane634eilker, firestarter may help01:35
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eilkershane634> non-gui01:35
shane634eilker, sorry it is gui01:36
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hounHello, #ubuntu01:36
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bansh3The program 'installer-gui' received an X Window System error.01:36
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bansh3any ideea ?01:36
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall01:37
ikoniabansh3: what are you installing ?01:37
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zach__sup alls, i'm having some trouble getting the mozilla-vlc plugin to work, it keeps defaulting back to mplayer.  any suggestions?01:37
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ikoniabansh3: an installer gui ??? for xfce4 - its a window manager01:37
jribzach__: uninstall the mplayer plugin01:37
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ubotuFor instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall01:37
atoponcezach__: you can chage the preferred apps in firefox01:37
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hounI just installed my first Ubuntu server.  Pretty painless.  I'm going through setting up everything, and correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there supposed to be a start script for ntp in /etc/init.d/ ?01:37
bansh3ikonia :) i want to know the cause for that error01:37
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zach__jrib: apt-get remove mplayer mplayer-*  ?01:38
FordCapriis there a way to install xubuntu desktop without installing an xserver?01:38
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jribzach__: mozilla-mplayer is the package01:38
bansh3i`m running the installer into twm xterm console via vnc01:38
ikoniabansh3: I'm just surprised that a window manager uses a gui ot install01:38
zach__fordcapri: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop  ?01:38
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magnanimoushhhmm,  now that's really bugging me, I can't remember that command, it wasn't netstat, it had a more convenient display... oh well.01:38
Death_Sargentall my icons and background are gone01:38
zach__jrib: thanks01:38
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atoponcezach__: edit -> preferences -> content -> file types01:38
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atoponcezach__: in firefox, that is01:38
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Death_Sargentthey still exist in my desktop folder only01:39
Death_Sargentthey are not in use01:39
piranesiis there anyone wha has got a DWL-G122 wireless card?01:39
jribDeath_Sargent: is nautilus running?01:39
magnanimous!vim | magnanimous01:39
Death_Sargentone moment01:39
bansh3ikonia: still got same problem with many X aplications01:39
shane634piranesi, i have the b version01:39
enderximWhen I turn the volume all the way up on the sliders, the sound gets really scratchy (even if the volume is low), but if you put it at about 80% on the sliders I can turn the my speakers all the way up without the distortion. Any idea why this is?01:39
bansh3i think i have some missing files01:39
Death_Sargentwhat do i do01:39
ikoniabansh3: sounds like X is not stable for you01:40
Death_Sargentnautilis is not running01:40
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Death_Sargenthow do i start nautilus01:40
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cseteHey All.  I think I upgraded to Feisty a bit too early.  I'm getting "VFS: cannot open root device errors".  I could really use some help fixing up my machine.01:40
jribDeath_Sargent: it probably crashed, go to places > home.  Nautilus is the name of the file browser01:40
shane634piranesi, what is the problem?01:40
atoponcecsete: /join #ubuntu+1 for feisty support01:40
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cseteOK.  Thanks.01:40
bansh3is very stable ... i friend deleted some files and now i got this error ... i reinstalles my current packages with apt-get --reinstall install $name ... and still missing something01:40
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ikoniabansh3: how can it be stable when it keeps crashing01:41
zach__atoponce: i have to change it from "mplayerplug-in 3.17" to vlc, but i don't know what exactly to put there01:41
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ikoniabansh3:  ok you've deleted files and messed up X by the sounds of it01:41
bansh3ikonia when you will do rm -rf /usr  :)01:41
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blankysup guys01:41
piranesishane634 when I use the rt73 driver the system becomes very unstable, lsusb shows the card sometimes ok and sometimes nothing, and after some minute the system freezes!!!!01:41
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Death_Sargentthanks man01:41
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ikoniabansh3: if you've done that, I're re-install ubuntu to make sure /usr is populated correctly01:41
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atoponcezach__: is the filetype listed in firefox?01:42
shane634piranesi, right click my name and open dialog01:42
tbussI'm trying to setup a FTp server that only allows for authorized connections. I have been trying to use this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=429783#post429783l I'm in my first month of Linux and I was wondering if it is possible to this01:42
bansh3well ... my box is into a colocated datacenter and i can't just reinstall ubuntu01:42
jamiejcumbI keep getting i/o errors when writing to my fat partion. run fsck and got this dosfsck 2.11, 12 Mar 2005, FAT32, LFN01:42
jamiejcumbGot 12967936 bytes instead of 39053012 at 16384 anyone tell me whats up01:42
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mirrais there a command or program that can take 2 text files and tell you the difference in their content01:42
KikkomanTime to install Ubuntu. Can anyone give me step by step instructions on how to dual boot Windows XP Sp2 and Ubuntu Edgy?01:42
ikoniabansh3: I would not trust that box at all01:42
SeveredCrossKikkoman: It's easy..01:42
ikoniabansh3: I would also not be running X on an internet facing server01:42
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atoponcetbuss: is there a reason you are using an ftp server over an ssh server?01:43
IndyGunFreakKikkoman: just boot the CD, it walks you through it01:43
SeveredCrossJust install Edgy, grub should automatically pick up Windows XP.01:43
atoponcetbuss: the ssh server is *far* more secure01:43
SeveredCrossIf it doesn't, come back for instructions on how to add Windows XP to your grub.conf01:43
bansh3well ... i`m running it for 2 years and didn't have problems01:43
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KikkomanWell that's it though01:43
ikoniabansh3: but you've deleted /usr - you will have problems01:43
bansh3still i want to know what is the exact cause for that error ... any clue ?01:43
KikkomanI would like to dual boot on two hard drives01:43
SeveredCrossThat's fine.01:43
KikkomanUbuntu being the slave drive01:43
SeveredCrossGrub should detect that.01:43
ikoniabansh3: I'd guess the error is something to do with the fat that part of /usr is corrupted01:43
rpcbansh3 what error?01:43
bansh3ikonia: i have restored almost all files from /usr01:43
tbussatoponce: I not real experienced with either. I ran into alot of trouble trying to configure the proftd.conf.01:43
bansh3The program 'installer-gui' received an X Window System error.01:44
zach__atoponce: there's qt, and qtl, which are configured to use a quicktime plugin, which i'm not sure exists, and the ones configured to use mplayer are mpeg, mpga, mp4 (which i believe is the culprit here), ogg, FLI, and au.  there's no file that lists vlc as the plugin01:44
IndyGunFreakKikkoman: thats about the safest way to to install.01:44
SeveredCrossWell, you can use ntldr, but it's WAY more complicated than just using Grub.01:44
bansh3This probably reflects a bug in the program.01:44
SeveredCrossUbuntu can be on a slave drive.01:44
bansh3The error was 'BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)'.01:44
bansh3  (Details: serial 196 error_code 1 request_code 146 minor_code 2)01:44
ikoniabansh3: alsmost isn't good enough and how do you know what it deleted to restore it01:44
tbussatoponce: proftpd.conf01:44
mirrais there a command or program that can take 2 text files and tell you the difference in their content???01:44
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atoponcezach__: for the ones that are using mplayer, change the action to use vlc01:44
Kikkoman>.> Last time it didn't work, so if I can get the whole step-by-step thing, that'd be great :P01:44
ikoniamirra: diff01:44
mirrathank y o u01:44
atoponcetbuss: i would suggest ssh over ftp01:44
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rpcatoponce ftp over ssh i bet :)01:45
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atoponcetbuss: maybe you can tell me more about why you want ftp01:45
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IndyGunFreakKikkoman: i don't think there is a step by step... just follow the instructions.01:45
KikkomanIndyGunFreak: guh, ok then01:45
KikkomanWhere should GRUB be installed?01:45
rpcatoponce he just wants easy access to files without giving a shell to some user01:45
atoponcerpc: ssh is more secure. if you're setting up a *nix box, there is no reason why not to01:45
IndyGunFreakKikkoman: it will install automatically01:45
atoponcerpc: you can use ssh without the shell01:45
zach__atoponce: hold on, something's not right01:45
SeveredCrossGrub picks its place automatically.01:45
DjViperanyone here using OpenDNS ?01:45
tbussatoponce: I would like for my family members that are located miles away, to be able to download pictures and movies from my computer01:45
KikkomanIndyGunFreak: Which partition? because windows is the second partition on the first hdd01:45
rpcatoponce there is... sftp takes lots of resources and isn't really easy to manage01:46
shane634piranesi, do you have another messenger?01:46
ikoniaDjViper: opendns is nothing to with ubuntu01:46
rpcatoponce and why get paranoid over ftp at all?01:46
SeveredCrossKikkoman: And Ubuntu will be the first partition on the 2nd HDD?01:46
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DjViperikonia: I know01:46
atoponcerpc: because it's not secure.01:46
ikoniaDjViper: so here is not the apporpiate place to ask01:46
SeveredCrossThen Grub should probably be installed to hd(1,0)01:46
rpcatoponce so? http isn't either01:46
DjViperikonia: where should I ask?01:46
Kikkomanbe right back01:46
=== Pelo scans the room for a noob in need of help
atoponcetbuss: so family will just be downloading and not uploading?01:46
ikoniaDjViper: not here01:46
chuckftbuss, apache w/ gallery might be a better option01:46
rpcatoponce mail isn't secure, nttp isn't also... irc is sucky too :)01:46
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SeveredCrossI think Grub will automatically pick out the correct place to install, but I feel like it should go on hd(1,0)01:46
SeveredCrossHe left.01:46
atoponcerpc: ok. thx01:46
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tbussatoponce: correct, I want it simple, just a interface to download01:47
rpcatoponce and just tell me how insecure is it to run vsftpd?01:47
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rpcatoponce what risk is that involving exactly?01:47
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atoponcetbuss: ok. so, if it's anon download, then you're fine. just disable upload01:47
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tbussatoponce: correct, I want it simple, just a interface to download. I responded to other01:47
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rpcatoponce especially as vsftpd runs in chroot...01:47
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rpctbuss install vsftpd and have a look at conf.. you can make it really secure in seconds01:48
noelferreirapeople anyone can help me with rt61 wireless driver?01:48
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shane634noelferreira, what is the problem?01:48
tbussrpc: that is where i run into problems, I tried a how to for proftpd but ran into problem in the config01:49
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rpctbuss forget about proftpd... use vsftpd01:49
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rpctbuss it's the most secure ftpd ever created.. even ISPs use it often novadays01:49
nullcodeanyone have beryl problem : GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap .... failed01:50
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects01:50
tbussrpc: I'm just concerned that by sheer inexperience I will compromise the integrity of my data01:50
noelferreirashane634: i have a conflict between /etc/network/interfaces and rt61sta.dat files01:50
rpctbuss why would you?01:50
shane634noelferreira, you have any other messengers?01:51
rpctbuss vsftpd is easy as pie01:51
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noelferreirashane634: i have to delete interfaces file and i only can set up my wireless lan with dhclient ra0 command01:51
Pelorpc,  have you ever made pie ?  not that easy01:51
tbussrpc: I get confused with the anonymous config but also how to secure by requiring password01:51
rpcPelo he he01:51
noelferreirashane634: other messengers ? what you mean?01:52
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rpctbuss disable anon and change default port first of all01:52
shane634noelferreira, like msn or yahoo01:52
rpctbuss just get rid of anon completely01:52
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noelferreirayes i have01:52
bansh3tbuss just apt-get install vsftp , them edit vsftpd.conf , put a # in front of anonymous enable line, and remove the # from local enable line01:52
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shane634noelferreira, tell me which01:52
noelferreirawhy can't you help me here? maybe in private01:52
RoundyT1May I ask how to install seagull on a ubuntu server here?01:52
tbussrpc: how do I config for user authentication?01:52
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shane634my private here doesn't work for some reason01:53
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ikoniaRoundyT1: is it not in the ubuntu repo's ?01:53
tbussrpc: will I need to send a passwrd to all family members or set up accounts for each on the server01:53
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noelferreirashane634: noel@oniduo.pt01:53
noelferreirashane634: msn01:53
RoundyT1I tried ssh'ing into my server and typing "sudo apt-get install seagull" ....couldn't find01:53
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rpctbuss you add users on your box but you give them /bin/false instead of /bin/bash in passwd01:54
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ikoniaRoundyT1: use apt-cache so search the repo's you may just have the wrong package name01:54
rpctbuss that way they will use shell login/pass but that won't work for ssh.. only for ftp01:54
shane634noelferreira, ok i added ya01:54
ikoniaRoundyT1: if you read the basic dos on ubuntu.com you'll learn how to use the package manager01:54
tbussrpc: so users with a windows machine will still be able to connect, no client software needed01:54
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=== Pelo 's internet connection keeps crapping out today, it is realy annoying
rpctbuss oh they will need a client, like total commander for instance01:55
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RoundyT1ikonia, thanks will try01:55
geoffrianIs anyone alive in here?01:55
rpctbuss just make very sure that you change the default 21 port to something else01:55
ikoniageoffrian: clearly01:55
tbussrpc: back to anon, how to uninstall01:55
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RoundyT1ikonia, package manager on server side?01:55
tbussrpc: will 1980 work for default port01:55
geoffrianYeah, you're cool.01:55
rpctbuss read the comments in conf.. they are pretty self explanatory01:55
ikoniaRoundyT1: what ?01:55
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RoundyT1ikonia,  The package manager on the server side of things...? it tells how to?01:56
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ikoniaRoundyT1: no - it tells you have to use the package manager client - not server01:56
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tbussrpc: bansh3: atoponce: thanks for all your help01:56
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atoponcetbuss: np01:57
rpctbuss np01:57
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tjl30hey I want to burn a CD but its not working does anyone know a good program for burning CD's01:57
rpcand also read up on google how to setup vsftpd - there are nice docs on that written01:57
RoundyT1seagull is for server side i do believe ikonia01:57
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atoponcetjl30: gnome or kde?01:57
SeveredCrosstjl30: k3b for KDE, gnomebaker for Gnome.01:57
ikoniaRoundyT1: no - you want to use the packager managment client01:57
tjl30gnome, but it really doesn't matter01:58
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atoponcegnomebaker, as SeveredCross mentioned is good01:58
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RoundyT1ikonia, can you talk to me in utah?01:58
rpctjl30 i love to burn from command line :)01:58
crdlbtjl30, brasero is nice01:58
atoponcetjl30: i personally prefer k3b, though01:58
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tjl30I like k3b but it is not working01:58
MirthHey guys, is there a program, like Wine, except to use Mac apps?01:58
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bruenig!hi | Ricekrspy01:59
ubotuRicekrspy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:59
RicekrspyI was wondering if someone could help me with a problem in wine03:00
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bruenigRicekrspy, that problem is...03:00
raicelyalguien me ensea como conectarme al msn :(03:00
raicelynose :$03:00
RicekrspyI try running Full Tilt Poker and it crashes unexpectedly03:00
sladenMirth: mac on linux03:00
sladenMirth: and I think something called sheepshear03:00
bruenig!es | raicely03:00
uboturaicely: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:00
Ricekrspyit loads fine, I can login and join tables, but all of the sudden for no apparent reason it crashes03:00
atoponceraicely: english, please03:00
Mirthsladen, is that the first one you said is an actual program name?03:01
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Mirththe first one*03:01
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sladenMirth: http://mac-on-linux.sourceforge.net/03:01
MirthThanks sladen, will check that out!03:01
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hartiganis there a way to return ubuntu to the way it was when it was first installed?03:02
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ikoniahartigan: re-install03:02
wafrohey, anyone know how to downgrade from 7.04 back to 6.10?03:02
hartiganikonia: that's my only option?03:02
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bruenigwafro, can't do it without reinstall03:02
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hartiganwafro: i feel your pain03:03
misnixrestore backup03:03
wafroi'm getting random lockups03:03
bruenigyeah, that is why all the warnings about it being beta are there03:03
wafroyeah i know03:03
wafrothe install is fairly fresh anyway03:03
Pe1odamit, my nick hasn'T aged off yet and I don't remember my pwd03:03
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wafrogot a new laptop03:03
RicekrspyAnyone know how to get Full Tilt Poker to work with wine?03:03
hartiganwafro: after days of trying, i still can't get x configured03:03
ubriandoes anyone know about edjy usb mouse problems on a laptop?03:03
wafrosuspend diddn't work in 6.10, thought i would check 7.0403:03
ikoniaRicekrspy: join #winehq for wine support03:04
chuckfRicekrspy, to a point, yes03:04
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wafroand acer_acpi doesn't compile in 7.04 so i can't use bluetooth :)03:04
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wafroi'll probably just stick with 7.04 and make it stable03:05
wafrooh and in 7.04 my intel wireless driver doesn't work after resume (well .. suspend doesn't work .. it resumes immediately)03:05
wafroand i can't rmmod it, says its in use03:06
wafrobut eth1 isn't there03:06
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akbobgreetings all.  would someone like to help this noob with pgp. unable to decrypt03:06
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Pollywogakbob are you really using pgp?03:06
wafroberyl is soo sexy03:06
Pollywogor gnupg?03:06
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simonsaysis it OK to use the Flash from the repo?03:06
ikoniasimonsays: its best to use things from the repo03:07
akbobgnupg I guess...03:07
Pollywogakbob: try kgpg03:07
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Arrickhey guys, is there a gui at all if I install the "install a lamp server" on 6.06.1?03:08
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chuckfakbob, what are the errors?03:08
arrenlexI'm compiling my first kernel right now. :)03:08
arrenlexI'm so proud.03:08
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mateus-brI'm proud of getting Linsta working here03:09
wafro /lib/modules/2.6.20-12-generic/build/include/asm/processor.h:82: error: CONFIG_X86_L1_CACHE_SHIFT undeclared here (not in a function)03:09
wafroanyone know how to fix that?03:09
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akbobno valid data...03:09
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chuckfakbob, what is the encrypted file?03:09
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simonsaysout of all the java options in repo should I go with the 5.0 versions or the 1.4, or both03:10
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akbobits the email from launchpad.03:11
lnostdalsimonsays, i'd go with sun-java5-jre03:11
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LegionGKI'm trying to get some sound on my box, and I found a guide and followed it so far. Now it says I have to update the kernel with an .aml file, but the site only gave me .asl ... Any suggestions?03:11
akbobsent to gmail03:11
chowmeinedI want to use these cool applications but they are for KDE, Isn't there a way to have only gnome but be able to run these programs without installing a whole other set of libraries?03:11
akbobcopied it to plaine text03:11
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simonsayshow do i do that? its not listed... or is it?03:11
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ttswhat di i need to shh into my other pc ?03:12
lnostdalsimonsays, sudo aptitude install sun-java5-jre03:12
arrenlexchowmeined: You can't run kde applications without kde libraries. There shouldn't be that many. What applications are you looking at?03:12
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Arrickhey guys, is there a gui at all if I install the "install a lamp server" on 6.06.1?03:12
chowmeinedand VirtualBox03:12
arrenlexchowmeined: Scribus is a KDE app?03:12
wafroarrick no i don't think so03:12
EnphenitieSo, I'm running a feisty install, and the way to install on the beryl wiki says it could screw the gui.  I installed anyways and now when I run it everything turns white.  Is there any way I could .. fix this?03:12
chowmeinedit appears so03:12
simonsayscan you give me anymore information? will that install it for me?03:12
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wafroEnphenitie what kind of video card?03:13
ryanakcahow do I install vmware-console ?03:13
lnostdalsimonsays, yes, that will install the java-runtime .. basically it is what is needed to run java software03:13
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simonsaysok thank you03:13
Pelochowmeined,  if you install it from synaptic it should install the appropriate libriaries as well03:13
chuckfakbob, did you cut the entire message from th first -- to the last --03:13
arrenlexchowmeined: Oh, it is. Cool, I didn't know. All REAL kde apps start with k. How much space does it want in order to install everything?03:13
Arrickthanks for the answer wafro03:13
akbobyes I did... did it twice just to make sure03:13
PollywogI am not sure that Scribus is a KDE app, though it uses QT03:13
zsandozim having a sound problem03:13
chowmeinedthats what i meant it uses QT03:13
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zsandozdoes anyone have a laptop with an intel onboard sound?03:14
chowmeinedPelo: I understand that synaptic will take care if it for me, but if I am using two different gui toolkits it uses a lot more ram03:14
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Pollywogchowmeined: you have limited hd capacity?03:14
arrenlexPollywog: kde app == uses qt03:14
chowmeinedno hard drive space is fine03:14
Pollywogyes but that does not make it a KDE app03:14
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chowmeinedbut it defeats the purpose of shared libraries03:14
arrenlexPollywog: What makes a kde app in your opinion?03:15
chuckfakbob, it should work as I just did it on mine. Pop over to #gnupg and we'll talk more03:15
Sargonasanyone familiar with why my laptop with an ati mbility would have awesome video playback, but blocky low res jumpyness when in fullscreen?03:15
Pollywogchowmeined: they go for it, install the QT libs03:15
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Pollywogchowmeined: then go for it, install the QT libs03:15
crdlbarrenlex, using kdelibs03:15
Pelochowmeined,  I just checked and it only has 4 dependencies, shoudlnT' be that bad03:15
chowmeinedI have limited ram though03:15
arrenlexOh. Fair enough.03:15
akbobok chuck03:15
ryanakcahow do I install vmware-console ?03:15
Sonderbladewow, ubuntu managed to automatically adjust for DST, im inpressed!03:15
zsandozmy linux sees the card i just have no sound03:15
chowmeinedOk, Well I will test it out, sometimes I think it would be nice if there was one standard gui toolkit though03:16
arrenlexchowmeined: Sure, as long as it's qt. =)03:16
Pelochowmeined,  have you considered passepartout ?  XML-based Desktop Publishing Application03:16
ttsdo i need to install some thing special on the machine im trying to shh into ?03:16
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ikoniatts ssh server03:16
=== kikkymonk [n=kikkymon@ip72-197-34-176.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pollywogtts just the ssh server03:17
ikoniathats a good start03:17
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic03:17
corevettehow do you use avahi03:17
arrenlextts: openssh-server03:17
jmgthanks ubotu03:17
chowmeinedqt isnt gpl, I am not a fan of it03:17
hounAnyone good with configuring Samba?03:17
arrenlexchowmeined: wtf?! qt is gpl!03:17
arrenlexchowmeined: gtk isn't gpl.03:17
chowmeinedbut it has the other thing03:17
hounI thought I hit all the essentials, but I can't connect.03:17
ikoniaarrenlex: don't use the language03:17
ikoniaits just uncalled for03:17
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bruenigthose three consonants are pretty offensive03:17
arrenlexikonia: What language?03:17
Pollywoggtk is not gpl'd?03:18
ikoniaarrenlex: WT03:18
arrenlexPollywog: lgpl.03:18
chowmeinedso lgpl?03:18
Caplainhow do i broadcast on a shoutcast server?03:18
lix_Hi. Just read the post of Mark about beryl in feisty. http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/102 apt-get instll beryl doesn't work for me. /etc/apt/sources.list is correct (fesity & universe). I have the following error: "beryl: Depends: beryl-plugins but it is not installable. Depends: beryl-settings but it is not going to be installed". Any suggestions?03:18
ikoniaarrenlex: everyone knows what wtf means03:18
MirthAny good Video Editing software on Linux; something like Sony Vegas or Final Cut Pro?03:18
ikoniaarrenlex: its uncalled for03:18
kikkymonkwhen linux freezes how do you recover from it?03:18
arrenlexikonia: What? ... I just use them as an exclamation like "pff".03:18
ikoniakikkymonk: reboot03:18
brueniglix, #ubuntu+103:18
ikoniaarrenlex: and I'm asking you not to please03:18
Pollywogikonia: how about rms?03:18
lix_bruenig: tnx03:18
Pollywogand I do not mean root mean square03:18
arrenlexikonia: Okay, if it offends you.03:18
mateus-brMirth: try run under CrossOffice03:18
wafrohmm whats the best processor to compile a kernel for on a core duo?03:19
ikoniaarrenlex: everyone knows what it means, its just uncalled for03:19
kikkymonki thought one of the 'features' of linux is you hardly ever have to reboot03:19
chowmeinedoh well03:19
ttssudo apt-get install ssh-server ?03:19
bruenigMirth, cinelerra or something like that03:19
rotyleeits 1984 when symantics nazis control the language03:19
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simonsayshello, ive just installed the sun-java5-jre but its come up with a graphic display that i need to push ok on, how do i do this?03:19
ikoniawafro: a core duo is the best processor to compile for a core duo03:19
arrenlexwafro: Core duo itself is in the lists.03:19
tritiumarrenlex: it's against the Code of Conduct.  That's the bottom line.03:19
tonyyarusso!ohmy | rotylee03:19
uboturotylee: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:19
bruenigsimonsays, tab03:19
MirthOKay, will try that03:19
chowmeinedIt would be nice then to have some librarie that you could develop with that would let you compile it for QT or GTK depending on what you wanted03:19
wafrotts: i think its openssh-server03:19
ikoniarotylee: no - its just a request not implying the "F" word03:19
tritiumrotylee: that was completely inappropriate03:20
wafroi see "core 2/newer xeon"03:20
Toma-nazi is a swear word?03:20
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Hirvinenkikkymonk: Well, freezing is already outside normal operation.03:20
bruenigyeah I was wondering when symantic was supporting nazis, I mean I know ibm, but symatec too?03:20
tonyyarussoToma-: No, but it is offensive.03:20
chowmeinedno rebooting03:20
tritiumToma-: no, but calling people Nazis is completely inappropriate03:20
Adam_GBah, wt* means worse than *ailure now. Everyone knows that.03:20
chowmeinedI was offended when Ubuntu asked me to reboot after doing updates03:20
Pollywogunless you mean the guy who sells soup03:21
bruenigchowmeined, how else do you want to boot into your new kernel03:21
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Toma-chowmeined: it says a reboot is needed to load the upgraded kernel03:21
Toma-you can easily continue without a reboot03:21
Broadypfft kernel, who needs kernel anyway? right?03:21
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chowmeinedI didn't see a new kernel03:21
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bruenigchowmeined, yeah well it was there. That is the only time it asks for restart03:21
ikoniabruenig: I thought a few gnome updates requested an update03:22
Arrickthis is awesome03:22
ikoniaif its security related03:22
chowmeinedbut when I logged out and logged in again, Gnome quit working and would just halt at a blank screen03:22
bruenigthat would make sense, I don't use gnome though03:22
Arrickthe 6.06.1 ISO is corrupt03:22
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Arrickdownloaded 3 of them from different mirrors03:22
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ikoniaArrick: no - your download is corrupt03:22
kikkymonkberyl is freezing when i try to run it. is there a way to recover from that? (like ending a task in windows XP)03:22
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Arrickthey all throw Grub Loading Error 1503:22
ikoniaArrick: or your burn is corupt03:22
Toma-Arrick: you can easily get a flawless download when you use bittorrent as it usually has MD5 checking03:22
bruenigArrick, your burn is corrupt03:22
chowmeinedkikkymonk: ctrl-alt-backspace?03:23
ArrickToma- I did03:23
Alysumhi I cannot ping, what is missing ?03:23
Toma-sounds like a bad burn :< ?03:23
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ikoniaAlysum: network suport03:23
Alysummore details pls ?03:23
XenguyAlysum: does 'ifconfig' show 'lo' ?03:23
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simonsaysok, just installed flash from repo, and java5 jre thing that was suggested, but still things like youtube are not loading, any suggestions? do i click to download the flash browser link from youtube or is there a better way03:23
ikoniaAlysum: you don't have any network support03:23
Alysumno it has eth0 and eth103:24
Mugwump09my ubuntu installation thing doesn't start up completely, I boot from the disc and it loads the kernel, goes to that tan screen, plays a little song or something, then does nothing03:24
chowmeinedwhere is the file where I can save my iptables config so it will be reloaded upon boot?03:24
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ikoniaAlysum: check /etc/hosts03:24
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XenguyAlysum: that is fscked03:24
bruenigsimonsays, go to about:plugins in firefox and see what it tells you about flash03:24
ikoniachowmeined: you have to write your own script03:24
Pollywoganyone try hamachi and is there some other vpn that is as easy to set up ?03:24
tritiumsimonsays: flashplugin-nonfree is all you need for that03:24
arrenlexXenguy: oooooh, you're going to get chewed out now too! :)03:24
bruenigikonia, no you don't03:24
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ikoniabruenig: for iptables ?03:24
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LegionGKCan anybody here help me with some DSDT problems?03:25
bruenigikonia, for them to be reloaded at boot, no03:25
Mugwump09hep me!03:25
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ikoniabruenig: there is no init scrpit in 6.0603:25
Xenguyarrenlex: I've got 'die' up my sleeve still; you know, singular of 'dice' ?  :-)03:25
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dauoalagio2i am having trouble starting httpd after installing apache2, any ideas?03:25
ikoniadauoalagio2: have you configured it ?03:25
chowmeinedbruenig: where is the file?03:25
simonsaysi dont have anything there for flash on that link... how do i get the flashplugin-non free?03:25
Mugwump09I was installing 6.10 and the installation screen wouldn't load completely03:25
dauoalagio2ikonia, nah...not sure what to configure03:26
bruenighmmmm, I could have sworn, maybe there dapper is throwing me03:26
kmihi... does anyone know if there is a way to install lilo in ubuntu? liloconfig does not work on edgy...03:26
ikoniadauoalagio2: the apache config03:26
Toma-dauoalagio2: try /etc/init.d/httpd (or apache) start03:26
PollywogMugwump09: try the alternative install iso03:26
Arrickthe funny thing Toma- and bruenig and ikonia is when it boots, I can run "check the CD for errors" and it checks fine03:26
ikoniabruenig: I am %99.9 certain03:26
dauoalagio2ikonia, what now?03:26
dauoalagio2Toma-, that produces an error03:26
bruenigArrick, that has always confused me, if it is erred how can it check itself03:26
Toma-Arrick: and youre 100% certain the CD is corrupt?03:26
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ikoniadauoalagio2: configure apache before starting03:26
noelferreiraanyone here have expirience with rt61 wireless driver?03:26
jmgdoes anyone know the other program like freevo03:26
AlysumI had to comment out everything in /etc/network/interface so that the gnome network manager could work with that wpa supplicant thats probably why not working03:26
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dauoalagio2ikonia, i guessed that but what's the command to configure it03:27
chowmeinedikonia: I have 6.10 though03:27
ikoniadauoalagio2: vi03:27
PollywogI have used the rt2500 which is similar03:27
dauoalagio2ikonia, or the config file03:27
ikoniachowmeined: I think its the same03:27
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XenguyAlysum: that's right, you screwed things up ;-)03:27
Toma-dauoalagio2: whats the error?03:27
chowmeinedikonia: ok thank you03:27
ikoniadauoalagio2: httpd.conf - search for it or read hte wiki03:27
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matthew1429whats teh shell command to see if linux is "seeing" my newly installed dvdr?03:27
Arrickbruenig thats a good question03:27
Alysumdamn :(03:27
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Toma-matthew1429: dmesg03:28
linxehis there a way to bind the useless windows key on my keyboard to display the programs menu or something ?03:28
Pollywogmatthew1429: you might also try lspci03:28
XenguyAlysum: can you just uncomment the loopback device/line ?03:28
Toma-matthew1429: dmesg | grep DVD (might work better)03:28
Arrickif only there was a way to install server from the desktop CD like there was in the breezy edition bruenig03:28
dauoalagio2Toma-, it says it;s running but i cannt connecto local host03:28
brueniglinxeh, there is, i forget what it is actually called but I believe it is in the keyboard shortcuts menu of system>preferences03:28
linxehbruenig: ok cool thanks :)03:28
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MirthHow do I check how much space I have left on this harddrive?03:28
arrenlexMirth: df -H03:28
bruenigMirth, df03:28
Alysumjust uncomment this ?03:28
Alysumauto lo03:28
Alysumiface lo inet loopback03:28
ikoniadauoalagio2: ps -ef  | grep httpd see if its running03:28
PollywogMirth dh -h03:29
Toma-dauoalagio2: have you got a loopback interface loaded? (should be 'lo' in ifconfig)03:29
XenguyMirth: df -h /03:29
ikoniaor apachectl2 status03:29
Pollywogdf -h03:29
bruenigno need for /03:29
kingcobrais there a way to have a lsit of users on bootup screen insted of having to type username every time03:29
matthew1429[17179578.168000]  hdc: M] UUOn DVD/R_m8\t\163d, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive03:29
matthew1429[17179644.064000]  hdc: ATAPI 87X DVD-ROM CD-R/RW drive, 8704kB Cache, UDMA(33)03:29
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Xenguybruenig: yep03:29
Mirththx Guys03:29
matthew1429does that mean both are trying to mount to hdc?03:29
dk1447Hello, can someone help a total newbie with adding a new harddrive to my box?03:29
Toma-87x ?!03:29
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bruenigdk1447, you mean how to mount it, or how to put it inside the box03:29
dauoalagio2ikonia, i got output yes03:29
dauoalagio2Toma-, one second03:29
dk1447bruenig: mount it and format ect03:30
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dauoalagio2Toma-, no03:30
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Toma-dauoalagio2: right. thats weird.03:30
ikoniadauoalagio2: telnet 8003:30
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bruenigdk1447, ok well do "sudo fdisk -l" and see if it is in the output and what it is called and whatnot03:30
dauoalagio2Toma-, just eth0 and wlan003:30
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matthew1429did anyone see my last post?  it looked like the system was trying to mount both to hdc didnt it?03:30
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wardercan someone help a ubuntu noob?03:30
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bruenig!someone | warder03:30
dauoalagio2ikonia, it's trying...03:30
ubotuwarder: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:30
warderI tried to see how it would run on my system using the CD way03:31
warder[18:23]  <warder> I booted it and at the menu screen where it says run or install I pressed enter03:31
warder[18:24]  <warder> the ubuntu symbol came up and it acted like it was loading03:31
warder[18:24]  <warder> then it became a solid organge line and started to increase(more loading03:31
warder[18:26]  <warder> it gets to about 3 and a half bars and then the resolution changes and I have the little underscore thing up at the top left corner03:31
warder[18:26]  <warder> I can type in it but nothing else happens03:31
Toma-dauoalagio2: what do you get if you run 'sudo ifup lo' ?03:31
bruenig!paste | warder03:31
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:31
ikoniaenough for tonight03:31
ubotuwarder: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:31
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dauoalagio2/etc/network/interfaces:20: duplicate interface03:31
dauoalagio2ifup: couldn't read interfaces file "/etc/network/interfaces"03:31
RagePrblmif I hit the X on xchat, will it minimize to the tray or close completely?03:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dsdt - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:31
bruenigRagePrblm, try03:31
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RagePrblmI guess I could do that03:32
Toma-dauoalagio2: hehhe ouch. did you do something weird to get your other network cards to work?03:32
dk1447bruenig: I sent you a pm03:32
matthew1429does ubuntu not automatically update the mounting?03:32
bruenigdk1447, yeah didn't get it, but in any sense, we can do this in here03:32
dauoalagio2Toma-, i don't know just ndiswrapper03:32
dk1447bruenig: alright. its called : /dev/sdb03:32
dauoalagio2Toma-, this must be the problem, no/03:32
dk1447bruenig:  fdisk says : /dev/sdb doesnt contain a valid partition table03:33
Toma-dauoalagio2: you do need a loopback to run most things03:33
bruenigdk1447, ok, do you have gparted?03:33
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dauoalagio2Toma-, most things?03:33
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=== matthew1429 mans mount
durkajiwill ubuntu support sound and my nvidia card right off the bat?03:33
dk1447bruenig: its a clean install so I guess not, should I grab it ?03:33
dauoalagio2durkaji: try a livecd03:33
Toma-dauoalagio2: run 'cat /etc/network/interfaces' and you *should* have some stuff in there. dont paste it in here03:33
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bruenigdk1447, yeah sudo apt-get install gparted (after the install it will be listed as gnome partition editor)03:33
kingcobra is there a way to have a lsit of users on bootup screen insted of having to type username every time03:33
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posingaspopulardurkaji, your video card yes, your sound im not sure off, depends on the card03:34
Pollywogkingcobra: yes03:34
gordonjcpdurkaji: for nvidia you need to install a specific package to get opengl support03:34
kingcobraPollywog, how03:34
dauoalagio2Toma-, can we private and yes i got stuff03:34
durkajii have an nforce onboard sound03:34
Toma-dauoalagio2: pastebin it03:34
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Pollywogkingcobra: are you using KDE or Gnome?03:34
axisyshow do I make sure beagle never starts in my fiesty?03:34
Toma-!pastebin > dauoalagio203:34
durkajibut basically, im on gentoo right now and so much stuff is horribly screwed up so i think im going to switch to ubuntu03:34
MirthIs there a Non-source code version of Cinelerra?03:34
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wardermy problem is linked above03:34
dauoalagio2Toma-, okay03:34
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matthew1429im a bit befuddled, I just added my dvd/r and linux doesn't see it... I did a dmesg and came up with 2 devices under hdc...03:34
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PollywogI have not done it in Gnome in a while but it is configurable03:35
matthew1429any clues anyone?03:35
dk1447bruenig: ok install and started03:35
kingcobraPollywog, ok what shud i search for03:35
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matthew1429I typed mount and see nothing indicating hdc03:35
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bruenigdk1447, ok make sure sdb is selected at the top right and then right click and create to format, what did you want to format it as, ext3 or fat32 or what03:35
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Pollywogkingcobra: gdm userlist03:35
dauoalagio2toma-, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11928/03:35
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warderhere http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11929/plain/03:36
Supercrosscan someone help me with ram timings in here?03:36
bruenigMirth, come on now you can't think that will get you anything03:36
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PollywogIf I am not mistaken gdm has an option for it when gdm comes up at boot03:36
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Pollywogthat is how it worked in the past03:36
MirthHad to give it a try bruenig! :D03:36
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Pollywogyou need to login as root to change it03:36
dk1447bruenig: ok selected. just as some linux filesys.. I guess ext3. Its going to be used as a large file storage03:36
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wafroargh .. i keep losing DSL sync03:36
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sourcecode - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:36
Evilice_05Linux Sucks Go Windows!03:36
Evilice_05Linux Sucks Go Windows!03:36
bruenigdk1447, ok if just for linux then ext3, when you get all that done and apply the changes, tell me03:36
Evilice_05Linux Sucks Go Windows!03:36
Evilice_05Linux Sucks Go Windows!03:36
Evilice_05Linux Sucks Go Windows!03:36
Evilice_05Linux Sucks Go Windows!03:36
Evilice_05Linux Sucks Go Windows!03:36
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild or Amaranth03:37
Evilice_05Linux Sucks Go Windows!03:37
Evilice_05Linux Sucks Go Windows!03:37
Evilice_05Linux Sucks Go Windows!03:37
Evilice_05Linux Sucks Go Windows!03:37
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durkajievil is too dumb to use linux obviously03:37
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laskingHow to install NV driver in 7.04?03:37
tonyyarussolasking: #ubuntu+103:37
dk1447bruenig: ok one thing. asks me for disk label? just select msdos? or advanced?03:37
rotyleenow that was vulgar03:37
Toma-dauoalagio2: youll need to remove that 2nd last group (iface wlan0 inet dhcp \ wireless-essid computer)03:37
soxneoncan I ask a question? anyone how sees can respond...03:37
wafrohmm can i use -j2 on make-kpkg?03:37
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:37
dauoalagio2Toma-, why is this?03:37
soxneonhow easy will it be to update the 6.10 installation03:37
laskingwhat mean?03:37
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dauoalagio2Toma-, i see the duplicate03:38
Toma-dauoalagio2: you have it in there twice and youre network cant configure itself with a duplicate03:38
laskingwhat mean?03:38
posingaspopularsoxneon, it should be really really easy03:38
kingcobraPollywog, do i hav to install a new theme to get it03:38
chuckfsoxneon, depends on what the final looks like, but should be easy03:38
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
bruenigdk1447, hmmm, not sure, I am thinking advanced but someone else might know better03:38
soxneonas easy as a regular update, let's say?03:38
dauoalagio2Toma-, is a restart in order?03:38
HobbseePyromancer: hello03:38
Toma-little late Hobbsee :D03:38
bruenigdk1447, I am sure it doesn't matter, both will probably work, I don't know the difference though03:38
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Toma-dauoalagio2: heck no.03:38
dauoalagio2Toma-, sudo ifup lo works03:39
chuckfsoxneon, that is what it should be03:39
HobbseeToma-: i realise that.  i just noticed 3 people coming in very close together, and thought they might spam03:39
Toma-dauoalagio2: clean up that file then run 'sudo ifup lo'03:39
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MirthAnyone know of a guide I can read on how to compile a source code to make the program install?03:39
dauoalagio2Toma-, and now apache works...thanks you're a beast03:39
Toma-dauoalagio2: super. now try starting httpd again from /etc/init.d/httpd03:39
soxneoni'd rather not deal with partitioning and all that again03:39
=== freakcode [n=freakcod@201-42-219-112.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-hehehe the beast :D03:39
soxneoni'm tri-booting03:39
Arrickok, someone point me to the wiki for installing a Lamp server on Ubuntu 5.10 please?03:39
bruenigi'm quintuple booting03:39
dauoalagio2Toma-, haha03:39
posingaspopular!source | Mirth03:39
Toma-nice 1 Hobbs :D03:39
ubotuMirth: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html03:39
tonyyarusso!lamp | Arrick03:40
ubotuArrick: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)03:40
dk1447bruenig: I chose msdos. other selections made no sence. Should I create as a primary partition or extended?03:40
soxneonwhat are you booting, brue?03:40
bruenigdk1447, primary03:40
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ceegis there a way to upgrade to apache2.2 with apt-get?03:40
dauoalagio2Toma-, truth be told i have absolutely no reason for apache to work...03:40
MirthThanks posingaspopular03:40
bruenigsoxneon, vista, xp, osx86, ubuntu, gentoo03:40
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matthew1429can someone interpret this for me?  I am trying to mount my dvdrom that I just installed... through typing this sudo mount /media/cdrom0/ -o unhide & the output is this ----> mount: special device /dev/hdd does not exist.......why is it looking for hdd?03:40
bruenignot really03:40
dk1447bruenig: ok done. should I format it now then?03:41
Toma-dauoalagio2: :o well with lo working, login should be quicker and things might run a little quicker03:41
cannapoha over 1000 peapols using ubuntu :)03:41
soxneonVista 64, XP 32, and Ubuntu here with Mandriva on another machine03:41
bruenigdk1447, yeah03:41
dauoalagio2Toma-, why?03:41
soxneonUbuntu 6.10 AMD64 that is03:41
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Toma-dauoalagio2: login and other verification things need a loopback03:41
Supercrosswhen I run memtest86 it says my CAS latency is 2.5-4-4-8 but on the stick of ram itself it says 2.5-6-3-3....no overclocking settings, memtest always freezes on test 7...ubuntu randomly freezes....what gives?03:41
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dauoalagio2Toma-, weird why my stuff was entered twice...dang ndiswrapper03:41
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kingcobrasoxneon, is there any advantage of amd64 over i38603:42
matthew1429can someone interpret this for me?  I am trying to mount my dvdrom that I just installed... through typing this sudo mount /media/cdrom0/ -o unhide & the output is this ----> mount: special device /dev/hdd does not exist.......why is it looking for hdd?03:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about llamp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:42
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kingcobraPollywog, do i hav to install a new theme to get it03:42
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soxneonking, not currently03:42
lufisInstalling software is so slow! It basically makes my computer unusable for 10 minutes. I click "Apply" in Synaptic and go do something else03:42
dk1447bruenig: ok its now formatting, its a pretty large drive so this may take some time. May I contact you for further instructions when its done?03:42
freakcodematthew1429: if its a dvdrom, you should not mount manually.03:42
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bruenigmatthew1429, why are you mounting a mount point03:42
linxehmatthew1429: presumably when you installed it saw hdd as the CDROM drive for some reason. you should change the mount point in /etc/fstab probably03:42
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bruenigdk1447, yeah I will be here03:42
LegionGKis there an easy way to convert an .asl file to an .aml file?03:42
dauoalagio2Toma-, you know anything about sound and ubuntu?03:43
dk1447bruenig: great thanks03:43
Toma-dauoalagio2: not much. whats the problem?03:43
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matthew1429linxeh: what would you change it to  in fstab?03:43
freakcodewow the channel is on heat....03:43
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nickkhey, can someone help me with a GRUB/VMware issue?03:43
posingaspopular!someone | nickk03:44
ubotunickk: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:44
linxehmatthew1429: whatever your dvdrom drive device is03:44
dauoalagio2Toma-, well it works and everything...but it's half as loud as could be...say on winblows.  but even with alsamixer and gnome-volume-control all the way turned up it's so soft...03:44
MirthDoes Feisty have a release date?03:44
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kikkymonkwhen i tried to 'make' my printer driver i got a ton of errors... they are all similar to foo2zjs.c:60:19: error: stdio.h: No such file or directory03:44
soxneonmirth, april something03:44
warderI am having a boot problem03:44
webmaster5the 19th of april feisty is released03:44
dauoalagio2Toma-: want the specs?03:44
Toma-dauoalagio2: any obscure options in alsamixer like PCM gain or something?03:44
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matthew1429whats the UUID in fstab?03:45
Toma-dauoalagio2: yeh might help :)03:45
soxneonversion numbers are the release dates, no?03:45
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linxehmatthew1429: UUID is a unique id for each device on the system03:45
webmaster5soxneon: yes they are03:45
dauoalagio2Toma-: after running alsamixer i see two bars, one for master and one for pcm.  it's a conexant HD audio and it's part of a laptop.03:45
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Toma-i see03:45
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matthew1429linxeh:  so leave that alone and just add/delete the intelligible entries right?03:45
kingcobraanybody know how to get a userlist with gnome on bootup03:45
dk1447bruenig: its now formatted. but somehow almost 8gb is used on the drive after format. how is that possible?03:46
dauoalagio2Toma-: the card it tells me is "HDA Intel"03:46
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nickkhey everyone. i have 2 disks (one with windows and the other with edgy).. and i installed VMWare on my ubuntu to load my windows disk for design applications... but GRUB keeps giving me error 21 within VMWare... can anyone walk me through this?03:46
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linxehmatthew1429: one of the entries is for /media/cdrom0 I guess - you should change that one (it should start with /dev/hdd?)03:46
raicelycomo instalo pando en ubuntu?03:46
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buckweat420Hey I dont have a Icon for KVIRC in my Desktop or in any of the menus how do i get the icon? I even reinstalled and it did not add a icon anywhere?!03:46
bruenigdk1447, are you sure that isn't just a difference between kilobyte and kibibyte03:46
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Pollywograicely: #ubuntu-es03:47
kikkymonkwhy do i get compile errors when i try and make my printer drivers? like this : foo2zjs.c:60:19: error: stdio.h: No such file or directory03:47
dauoalagio2Toma-: the weird thing is that after installing a driver from www.linuxant.com (conexant linux thing) i got working.  but i had to reformat and i can't get to install properly i guess.03:47
jmgapt-get install build-essential03:47
jmgkikkymonk: ^03:47
linxehmatthew1429: there is probably an automated way of doing this though :)03:47
bruenigdk1447, but anyways, I am assuming you want this to mount at boot?03:47
=== matthew1429 googles
nootroperaicely: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-183384.html03:47
kingcobraanybody know how to get a userlist with gnome on bootup03:47
Toma-dauoalagio2: ok whats the errors from building the driver?03:47
buckweat420Hey I dont have a Icon for KVIRC in my Desktop or in any of the menus how do i get the icon? I even reinstalled and it did not add a icon anywhere?!03:47
matthew1429whats the gksudo command to be able to edit fstab?03:47
dauoalagio2Toma-: hardly...it says that my kernel location is wrong or something...lemme try to reinstall it's been some time03:48
linxehgksudo gedit /etc/fstab ?03:48
Toma-'gksudo gedit /etc/fstab'03:48
kikkymonkjmg thanks03:48
nootroperaicely, arece que todava no esta disponible03:48
matthew1429tx toma03:48
dk1447bruenig: shouldnt be the difference: its a 500gb hd. listed at 465gb, used: 7.51gb unused: 458,25. And yes mount at boot :D03:48
matthew1429man, I love this community03:48
kikkymonkis red text pms?03:48
=== corevette [n=corevett@adsl-75-35-75-132.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
matthew1429What's the best way for me to give back being a power windows but noob linux user?03:49
soxneonanybody know why i can only run an old version of Firefox in 6.10 AMD64 version?03:49
posingaspopularkikkymonk, not 1--%03:49
nickkwhen i installed ubuntu on my slave disk... was GRUB installed to my master disk (windows) or the new linux disk?03:49
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bruenigdk1447, ok, well make the directory that you are going to mount it in by doing "sudo mkdir /media/sdb1" (I assume it made a partition called sdb1)03:49
matthew1429would writing yet another I switched how to help?03:49
posingaspopularmessages with your nick in them\03:49
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corevetteFor the remote desktop...do you have to be in the same LAN as the computer you want to control/view?03:49
KooGooShiianyone able to help me, for some reason i have no sound on any browsers (mozilla, firefox, galleon, ect..) yet i have sound when playing music and videos, when i first installed a week or so ago sound worked in my browsers, iunno why it doesn now03:49
jrib!contribute | matthew142903:49
ubotumatthew1429: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate03:49
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jribmatthew1429: plenty of ways, just do something that you enjoy03:49
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Toma-matthew1429: get your mates to give ubuntu a shot :)03:49
warderdoes ubuntu support Nvidia FX cards?03:49
dk1447bruenig: done.03:50
matthew1429yeah, more people need to realize this03:50
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dauoalagio2Toma-, how do i see what kernel i havfe03:50
kingcobraanybody know how to get a userlist with gnome on bootup03:50
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matthew1429Vista should be the watershed of MS failure03:50
Toma-dauoalagio2: uname -a03:50
eeyore_When I press on a mail link the compose of evolutions shows up, but it is out of focus beneath all my other windows. Do you know if I can add some attribute to the launcher in preferred application to make the newly opened window focused?03:50
=== Huhsss [n=nobody@88-109-25-28.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
matthew1429and proprietary philosophy in general03:50
dauoalagio2Toma-: thanks03:50
bruenigdk1447, ok did you want to have standard permissions throughout the drive, like have everyone be able to read and write to it, or did you want to make the permissions as you go03:50
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warderdoes ubuntu support Nvidia FX cards?03:50
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Toma-warder: sure does03:51
KooGooShiianyone able to help me, for some reason i have no sound on any browsers (mozilla, firefox, galleon, ect..) yet i have sound when playing music and videos, when i first installed a week or so ago sound worked in my browsers, iunno why it doesn now03:51
kingcobratoma do you know how to get a userlist with gnome on bootup03:51
Pollywogkingcobra you can possibly find the answer by searching the Ubuntu forums03:51
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kingcobraPollywog, i tried03:51
Toma-kingcobra: i think youll find gdm doesnt do that... kdm does tho03:51
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Huhssshaving problems with pptpd, i cant connect, I look in syslog and i find "pptpd[17834] : GRE: socket() failed"03:51
warderwell this happens when I try to run it http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11929/plain/03:51
kingcobragdm userlist Pollywog nothing03:51
PollywogToma: you sure?03:51
Huhsssany ideas?03:51
Toma-Pollywog: afaik, yes.03:51
ajax4_Can anyone help me to get my PCI/EIDE card working under Ubuntu?03:52
Pollywogthey might have disabled it but it was configurable in versions I used03:52
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dk1447bruenig: not sure. everyone from network over smb should be able to read/write but my ftp users should have different rights to some folders ect...03:52
kingcobrathere is a theme that claims to do it in gnome toma03:52
Toma-kingcobra: try running 'sudo gdmsetup' and have a poke around those settings03:52
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dauoalagio2Toma-, maybe this worked brb03:52
ubotuTo contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate03:52
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions03:52
KooGooShiianyone able to help me, for some reason i have no sound on any browsers (mozilla, firefox, galleon, ect..) yet i have sound when playing music and videos, when i first installed a week or so ago sound worked in my browsers, iunno why it doesn now, couldnt find anything on forums03:53
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bruenigdk1447, ok, well edit the /etc/fstab file by putting this line in it: /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1 ext3 defaults 0 003:53
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lufisKooGooShii: for flash?03:53
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bruenigdk1447, you can set up the permissions as you go that way03:53
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KooGooShiii have flash 9 installed03:53
epiIm downgrading to 32bit tomorow, but does anyone know where I can stream radio on a 64bit machine?03:53
KooGooShiibut yea, for places like youtube and stuff i get video but no sound03:53
HuhsssKooGooShii: you install any plugins like mplayer plugin?03:53
lufisKooGooShii: yeah, but does sound for flash movies not work? or are you referring to browser plugins03:53
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eeyore_When I press on a mail link the compose of evolutions shows up, but it is out of focus beneath all my other windows. Do you know if I can add some attribute to the launcher in preferred application to make the newly opened window focused?03:53
Toma-kingcobra: looks like its enabled when you use the theme03:54
KooGooShiii have mplayer plugin03:54
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HuhsssKooGooShiiL do other (non-flash) things play sound?03:54
matthew1429what would my dvd/r be called under /dev?03:54
KooGooShiisound for anything doesnt work in browsers, not even mp3's, its not just flash03:54
kingcobrayes but how do u change it in the default theme03:55
=== Devon [n=solomone@bas10-montreal02-1177582494.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
HuhsssHaving problems with pptpd, i cant connect, I look in syslog and i find "pptpd[17834] : GRE: socket() failed" can anyone help please?03:55
Toma-kingcobra: you cant03:55
dk1447bruenig: the only user will be me on local. Should I type the "defaults" just after a tab right after ext3?03:55
corevetteFor the remote desktop, do you have to be in the same LAN as the computer you want to control/view?03:55
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kingcobratoma why not03:55
Toma-kingcobra: the default theme has no userlist. you need a theme with a userlist enabled03:55
bruenigdk1447, yeah make sure there is whitespace in between each of those things03:55
dk1447bruenig: alright done.03:55
matthew1429what would my dvd/r be called under /dev?03:56
bruenigdk1447, yeah so should mount at boot, do "sudo mount -a" to mount it now03:56
kingcobracan you not change the default and add in a userlist toma03:56
=== adri_ [n=adri@156.Red-83-40-125.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
warderI tried to see how it would run on my system using the CD way.03:56
warderI booted it and at the menu screen where it says run or install I pressed enter.03:56
warderthe Ubuntu symbol came up and it acted like it was loading.03:56
warderthen it became a solid orange line and started to increase(more loading.03:56
warderit gets to about 3 and a half bars and then the resolution changes and I have the little underscore thing up at the top left corner.03:56
warderI can type in it but nothing else happens.03:56
Pollywogkingcobra, take a look at gdm.conf03:56
dk1447bruenig: done. seems like its mounted :D03:56
Toma-kingcobra: you probably can, but youll need the source code to the theme, some programming experience and some nice paint tools03:56
MirthHow come when I move Icons on the top panel, the icon changes to a little Yield Sign with a Question Mark in it?03:56
Pollywogin /etc/gdm/03:56
greig__hi folks, how do i set a application as a default app, for example, how to i set amarok to run as default when i double click a audio file? thanks in advance03:57
dk1447bruenig: anything else I need to know?03:57
Pollywogit has some option to activate the face browser and such03:57
kingcobramajor job then, ok thanx toma03:57
bruenigdk1447, no03:57
lufisgreig__: Right-click file, select "open with" tab03:57
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lufisgreig__: in the properties, i mean03:57
dk1447bruenig: alright Thanks alot for your help.03:57
matthew1429sorry if I'm spamming, but it looks like I'm getting hidden :)  how do I find out the "name" of my dvd rom in /dev so I can type it in through the mount command and update /etc/fstab?03:57
bruenigdk1447, might have to chmod it to your specifications at some point is all, if you get permission denied or something03:57
greig__lufis : thank you i'll try it now:)03:58
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kingcobraPollywog, where is that03:58
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Pollywog it is in /etc/gdm/03:58
drewanyone know how to contact freenode staff03:58
Toma-matthew1429: its in dmesg03:58
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Toma-drew: #freenode03:58
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dk1447bruenig: chmod the whole drive or you mean the folders I create inside?03:58
drewToma- well it forwarded me to #freenode-social and I'm not voice so can't speak in there =\03:59
kikkymonkCan i play my .mp3s from my windows partition in ubuntu?03:59
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lufiskikkymonk: yes03:59
Toma-drew: just wait. youll get a voice03:59
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bruenigdk1447, the folders you create inside, or you might need to chmod the mount point03:59
drewkikkymonk: with right codecs, yes03:59
drewToma-, k tx03:59
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greig__lufis : thanks it worked. on a side note, is there any way i can get the volume and pause play etc functions on my keyboard to control ubuntus volume etc?04:00
kingcobraPollywog, cant see easy way of changin gdm.conf04:00
kikkymonk.mp3s are not supported out of the box?04:00
cX-kadshi there04:00
bruenigdk1447, if you had some certain permission setup you wanted throughout the drive, that can be setup in the fstab. But if you have different permissions you want on different files, then you would have to set those up as you go04:00
lufiskikkymonk: not right out of the box, no04:00
matthew1429does anyone see anything wrong with mounting a dvd/r under /media/cdrom0?04:00
cX-kadsI keep having problems with xchat and ssl04:00
lufiskikkymonk: but it isn't hard to enable mp3 playbac04:00
drewkikkymonk: its like a 10 second fix though :)04:00
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Pollywogkingcobra: there is a gdm configurator04:00
=== aoirthoir [n=aoirthoi@ip68-109-204-124.cl.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
kikkymonkhit me with it : P04:00
matthew1429mount /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0?04:00
Pollywogkingcobra: there is a gdm configurator04:00
crdlb!mp3 | kikkymonk04:00
ubotukikkymonk: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:00
lufisgreig__: like multimedia keys?04:00
MirthHow come when I move Icons on the top panel, the icon changes to a little Yield Sign with a Question Mark in it?04:00
drewkikkymonk: its even quicker in the new beta.04:00
cX-kadsI keep having problems with xchat and ssl04:00
PollywogI think the command is gdmsetup04:01
aoirthoiris there any way I can prevent x and gnome from blanking my screen...I have all the gnome settings set as far as I know04:01
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kingcobraPollywog, where04:01
Pollywogyou need to use gksu with it I believe04:01
greig__lufis : yes exactly!04:01
Pollywogas in gksu gdmsetup04:01
crdlbaoirthoir, is DPMS disabled?04:01
wardercome on no one can help me?04:01
lufisgreig__: I think amarok supports them... i'm not sure though. just a sec04:01
=== DsB [i=OBIWAN@bl6-217-50.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
webmaster5does anyone know how i can make kdm start instead of gdm when ubuntu boots up?04:01
aoirthoircrdlb: dont know what that is or how to do it or check it crdlb ..maybe?04:01
DsBcan any one tel me what this means04:01
greig__lufis : thanks u are a star04:02
DsBno volume groups found04:02
=== Adamantinus [n=steelinu@ppp85-17.lns3.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
crdlbaoirthoir, in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:02
Pollywogwebmaster5, use dpkg-reconfigure kdm04:02
crdlbmonitor section04:02
AdamantinusHey guys.04:02
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aoirthoirok going to check...04:02
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lufisgreig__: oh stop ;)04:02
Pollywogsudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm04:02
DsBwhat means no volume groups found04:02
cX-kadsI keep having problems with xchat and ssl04:02
jeffstershow do I upgrade Firefox 1.5 to 2.0.3?  I downloaded the newest firefox and extracted it to a folder on my desktop... now what?04:02
dk1447bruenig: alright. I will return here if I run into problems with it. Whats the package called for telnet server and is there some way to remote desktop the machine from a winxp machine?04:02
nootropewarder sounds like your graphics crd isn't supported without tweaking04:02
=== Davren [n=icedeth@adsl-70-137-27-93.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
matthew1429I did a dmesg | grep DVD and it output this [04:03
matthew142917179578.168000]  hdc: M] UUOn DVD/R_m8\t\163d, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive04:03
matthew1429[17179644.064000]  hdc: ATAPI 87X DVD-ROM CD-R/RW drive, 8704kB Cache, UDMA(33)04:03
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matthew1429but... there is no hdc in /dev04:03
bruenig!info inetutils-telnetd04:03
ubotuinetutils-telnetd: Telnet server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.4.3+20051212-4 (edgy), package size 47 kB, installed size 124 kB04:03
aoirthoircrdlb: i have a couple of places that say option DPMS in quotes04:03
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pintuhi all humans04:03
aoirthoirsection monitor option "DPMS"  "true" for instance04:03
bruenigdk1447, not sure about the second one, I am sure there is a way, someone else here probably knows04:03
webmaster5pollywog: thanks04:03
lufisgreig__: i am not sure. try asking in #amarok04:03
nootropewho you calling human, pintu04:04
DavrenHi pintu04:04
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kingcobraPollywog, ok thanx04:04
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=== Robbie [n=Robbie@ip68-96-121-169.lu.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
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greig__lufis : thank u anyway, i didnt realise they had a channel04:04
drewDsB partitions missing format type.04:04
warderI thought the fx5200 was supported04:04
=== arentoine [n=robillal@bas4-montreal02-1096702994.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
lufisgreig__: yep.they'd be more knowledgeable04:04
pintuhii all you my fellow people, I now have installed ubuntu and chatting from xchat @ubuntu04:04
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lufispintu: :)04:04
=== [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-101-99-158.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenig!offtopic | pintu04:04
ubotupintu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:05
aoirthoironly two parts that say dpms ...http://pastebin.ca/40874604:05
Toma-warder: it is... whats the problem?04:05
DsBdrew:how can i resolve the issue04:05
greig__lufis : do u know if there is a way of the volume bottons on my keyboard controlling the desktop volume? i havent installed any audio drivers, im not sure if i have to04:05
crdlbaoirthoir, try option "DPMS" "off"04:05
harlinwdoes anyone know if gparted or fdisk are only supported for certain drives ? i had a partition resize fail when using the install icon on the 6.10 desktop and i'm booting off a live cd ?04:05
RobbieAnyone in here good with diagnosing and correcting audio problems? I'm having hell with my audigy ls card.04:05
linxehhmmm battery life is really sucky compared to windows isnt it :o04:05
aoirthoircrdlb: that means I need to restart X right?04:05
=== cyprene [n=cyprene@cpe-24-210-68-93.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
drewDsB try fdisk -l see what it says04:05
nootropewarder, you booting Live CD?04:05
warderthis is I tried to see how it would run on my system using the CD way.04:05
warderI booted it and at the menu screen where it says run or install I pressed enter.04:05
warderthe Ubuntu symbol came up and it acted like it was loading.04:05
warderthen it became a solid orange line and started to increase(more loading.04:05
warderit gets to about 3 and a half bars and then the resolution changes and I have the little underscore thing up at the top left corner.04:05
warderI can type in it but nothing else happens.04:05
vox754DsB, perhaps giving details of what were you doing when the error occurred04:05
lufisgreig__: if your sound card is working, you don't have to install a driver04:05
aoirthoircrdlb: will change it and try now.04:05
warderthis is I tried to see how it would run on my system using the CD way.04:05
warderI booted it and at the menu screen where it says run or install I pressed enter.04:05
aoirthoirthank yo ukindly bbiab04:05
warderthe Ubuntu symbol came up and it acted like it was loading.04:05
warderthen it became a solid orange line and started to increase(more loading.04:05
bruenigwarder, stop repeating and stop flooding04:05
K3ntoi have some unpartitioned space, and i need to merge it with a regular partition that is taken with my windows os. how do i do it?04:05
warderit gets to about 3 and a half bars and then the resolution changes and I have the little underscore thing up at the top left corner.04:05
ubotuwebdruid: A web server log file analysis tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.4-3 (edgy), package size 322 kB, installed size 1616 kB04:05
warderI can type in it but nothing else happens.04:05
warderthis is I tried to see how it would run on my system using the CD way.04:05
warderI booted it and at the menu screen where it says run or install I pressed enter.04:05
bruenig!ops | warder04:05
warderthe Ubuntu symbol came up and it acted like it was loading.04:05
ubotuwarder: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild or Amaranth04:05
dk1447bruenig: ok so sudo apt-get install inetutils-telnetd ?04:05
warderthen it became a solid orange line and started to increase(more loading.04:05
warderit gets to about 3 and a half bars and then the resolution changes and I have the little underscore thing up at the top left corner.04:05
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ
warderI can type in it but nothing else happens.04:05
lufiswarder: Please say something in *one* line...04:05
warderoh shit04:06
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DsBdrew: it sys cannot open /proc/partitions04:06
RobbieAnyone in here good with diagnosing and correcting audio problems? I'm having hell with my audigy ls card.04:06
Toma-yeh that was a bit dumb04:06
greig__lufis : ok, im just askin as when i press the volume up-down the bar on screen goes up-down but with no volume changes04:06
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=== Decepticon [n=deceptic@dhcp142115.rogers.fsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
lufisgreig__: hm.try asking in amarok04:06
bruenigdk1447, yeah it is in the universe repository though so make sure you have that enabled. you can enable that by doing "sudo sed -i 's/# deb/deb/g' /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update"04:06
Decepticonwhy would i want ubuntu over any other distro of linux? how is it diff from debian?04:06
lufisRobbie: what's the issue?04:06
greig__lufis : ty m8:)04:06
AdamantinusListen, I've got a question regarding fonts in ubuntu. I've added all my old fonts from Windows into /usr/share/fonts and run fc-cache, and they all come up in the font viewer as squares and in nautilus they have X's and won't open. Does anyone know why this is?04:06
lufisDecepticon: 6 month regular release cycle :)04:06
RobbieWell, I have sound, but I am unable to control the volume any other way than to turn the knob on the speakers.04:07
Decepticonlufis what does that mean for me as a consumer04:07
drewDsB which version of ubuntu did you install, and how did you partition during install?04:07
syberdaveis there any way to get ubuntu 6.10 to use a newer kernel?04:07
syberdavesince 2.6.16 won't work for my laptop04:07
lufisDecepticon: it means you get new software at a regular pace04:07
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syberdavei manually booted but i can't get nvidia drivers to work04:07
dk1447bruenig: yep, I added all the reps from the package manager already.04:07
bruenigdk1447, ok good, then yeah04:07
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drofdarbHey guys, is there any way to improve the font rendering under linux?04:07
syberdavethe mouse poitner doesn't show up04:07
cX-kadsI keep having problems with xchat and ssl04:07
bruenig!info msttcorefonts | drofdarb04:07
ubotudrofdarb: msttcorefonts: Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 22 kB, installed size 164 kB04:07
=== warder [n=The_Ward@74-37-173-156.br1.sho.az.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
MirthMy Network Manager dissapeared after I got dissconnected.  How do I view it again?04:08
=== harley [n=harley@ip70-181-87-102.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
cX-kadscan any one help me with ssl, IRC04:08
Decepticonlufis and why does debian not want that kind of strategy? why do they adhere to such slow updating of software? surely there must be some benefit to that? what does it mean for me if a get debian vs what it means to get ubuntu04:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fesity - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:08
DsBdrew: now i have done like this FDISK /dev/hda then l and then appears a list of variuos format types04:08
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)04:08
DsBdrew:ubuntu server edition04:08
wardercan someone help with this problem http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11929/plain/04:08
lufisDecepticon: have no idea. ubuntu is actually based off of debian, so if you're wondering, it's just an idealogic difference04:08
vox754!offtopic  > Decepticon04:08
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kikkymonkhey ubuntu is pretty fun04:09
nootropeDecrpticom, ubuntu has larger dev momentum, now04:09
DsBdrew: kernel version 2.6.15-2604:09
Decepticoni see04:09
Decepticoni think ill talk in #ubuntu-offtopic04:09
=== K3nto [n=k3nt@dhcp42-151.iqltvu.northwestel.net] has left #ubuntu []
PriceChildDecepticon, would it be ok to move this to #ubuntu-offtopic please? This is a support channel04:09
Pollywogis the guy who wanted to configure gdm userlist still here?04:09
syberdaveah, damn.. so i'll have to download fiesty04:09
warderif its not the graphics card what is it04:09
PriceChildDecepticon, hehe thanks :)04:09
DecepticonPriceChild, right on it04:09
AdamantinusOhhhh, the fonts work if they're looked at in root!04:09
quaalwhat does this mean cp: reading `/media/cdrom0/video_ts/vts_01_0.bup': Input/output error04:09
AdamantinusHow do I let users take ownership of the fonts?04:09
=== Robbie [n=Robbie@ip68-96-121-169.lu.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
warderI am running on a P4 2.4 ghz proc04:10
=== Rrandy [n=chatzill@S010600600829d99e.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
kikkymonkhow can i reset beryl to its default (or uninstall then re-install it)04:10
linxehAdamantinus: sounds like you dont have the right file permissions or something04:10
drewDsB you might have messed up partitioning during install, im not positive though, try booting from your LiveCD, and running fdisk -l, then make changes to /etc/fstab file to match the output.04:10
drofdarbbruenig: ah, thanks.  But aren't bitstream and dejavu already true-type?  I'm just looking for a way to make them display a bit nicer.04:10
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bruenigdrofdarb, I don't know, I installed that and fonts got much better04:10
drewask someone else though, im fairly new at this myself.04:10
AdamantinusYeah, I think that's what it is. How do I get the right file permissions for all the fonts in /usr/share/fonts/X11?04:10
greig__lufis : just incase u wanted to know, u goto the configure shortcuts within amarok and choose custom and asign the key:) thanks u again04:10
nootropeAdamandtinus, change the permssions or add other users to same group as owner's04:10
drofdarbbuenig: ah, okay I'm giving it a shot :)04:10
linxehwarder: it sounds like your graphics card might not be supported. what card do you have ? and which version are you using ?04:10
drewdont wanna make it worse for ya :) DsB04:11
AdamantinusYeah I'm not sure how to do that though? Is there a terminal command?04:11
lufisdrofdarb: There's a proprietary feature in freetype that makes fonts render better... but it's not available by default,you have to compile it yourself04:11
RobbieAnyone in here good with diagnosing and correcting audio problems? I'm having hell with my audigy ls card.04:11
nootropeAdamnatinus: check chmod04:11
warderfx 5200 128mb04:11
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lufisgreig__: ah, good04:11
linxehAdamantinus: sudo chmod -R o+r /usr/share/fonts/X1104:11
warderversion  ubuntu 6.1004:11
quaalwhat does this mean cp: reading `/media/cdrom0/video_ts/vts_01_0.bup': Input/output error04:11
drofdarblufis: Hm, I'll check into that as well04:11
linxehAdamantinus: there is a possibility the directories might need execute permissions too, but try that first04:12
lufisdrofdarb: let  me find a link04:12
=== rexbron [n=rexbron@CPE001310b2d1d1-CM0012256e816a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
AdamantinusAhh, nope, worked it all out.04:12
linxehquaal: likely you need the decss library04:12
bruenigquaal, it means that it can't read that file on your dvd, that there is some error, perhaps it is encrypted?04:12
RrandyCan anyone tell me how to turn off ipv6 in the live cd?  I can't install it, but I really want to show what it can do on this hardware - ipv6 doesn't seem to like the router that's installed though.  rmmod ipv6 gives an error message that module ipv6 is in use.  Any references would be much appreciated.04:12
AdamantinusI just right clicked, went to properties and set read and write for everything.04:12
dk1447bruenig: ok its installed. Any idea on how to start it? Seems like it doesnt run automatically?04:12
quaalbruenig, ok, didnt know i had to decrypt04:12
linxehRrandy: modprobe -r ipv604:12
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quaallinxeh, is that a apt-get install decss ?04:12
MirthIs a .RPM for Linux?04:12
linxehquaal: not sure - www.ubuntuguide.org tells you what to do iirc04:13
MirthIs it like an exe Robbie?04:13
bruenigdk1447, it appears to be in /usr/sbin/telnetd04:13
vox754!rpm > Mirth04:13
bruenigdk1447, so you could presumably do "telnetd" or type that full path04:13
drofdarblufis: I'll be right back.  I'm gonna restart my X-server04:13
harlinware there any docs on trouble shooting why gparted will not resize an ntfs partition ?04:13
Rrandylinxeh: thank you, I get a FATAL exception that the module is in use.  I can't seem to find what's using it though.04:13
bruenigdk1447, might have to sudo telnetd, not sure on the permissions04:13
arentoinewarder: try to press ctrl-alt F1 while boots, you will then be able to see if something is wrong ...04:14
Mirthvox754, that says it's not for Ubuntu o_O04:14
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MirthThat true?04:14
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ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)04:14
nootropewarder, i've found that installing ubuntu does a betteer job of finding correct drivers for more graphics cards than running the Live CD04:14
bruenigdk1447, man telnetd should give you other information too04:14
Pollywogdo do all Ubuntu (official) packages have ubuntu somewhere in the filename?04:15
vox754Mirth, there you go. That is true. Most packages are "source code" that can be packaged to .rpm or .deb04:15
linxehRrandy: hmm lsmod will tell you waht is using each module. you might need to run /etc/init.d/networking stop    to kill the networking, remove some modules, then start networking again04:15
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drofdarblufis: okay, back :)04:15
nootropelater, warder04:15
Pollywogsorry for the stuttering04:15
matthew1429I'm having a problem... dmesg | grep DVD returns 2 instances of an hdc... but /dev has no /dev/hdc... what do I do?04:15
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arentoinewarder: it happened to me this morning with 7.04 and it was just a bad CD04:15
Toma-Pollywog: you might want to ask in #ubuntu-motu04:15
dk1447bruenig: ok seems like its started. But I cannot connect to it via securecrt on port 22. did I do something wrong?04:15
Pollywogwhat is motu?04:16
arentoinewarder: I was able to see problems in the boot process and figured that out04:16
bruenigdk1447, I don't know much on the specifics of telnet, you can do "man telnetd" to see  what it says. But I don't know04:16
linxehdoesnt telnetd usually get run from inetd ?04:16
bruenigPollywog, masters of the universe, they maintain the universe repository04:16
Pollywogoic thanks04:16
matthew1429I'm trying to simply mount my new dvd/r and the boot time is VERY LONG.... I'm having a problem... dmesg | grep DVD returns 2 instances of an hdc... but /dev has no /dev/hdc... what do I do?04:16
linxehbruenig: have a look at installing xinetd, and then looking at /etc/xinetd.conf  etc04:16
linxehbruenig: why do you want telnet though ?04:16
lufisdrofdarb: :P04:16
=== Gishnob [n=victor@CPE0050f2cf38bd-CM014390042162.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
brueniglinxeh, talk to dk1447, you can help him better, he is the one with the questions04:17
linxehbruenig: oops sorry, red wine and all taht04:17
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linxehand the fact its 3:15am :)04:17
matthew1429I'm trying to simply mount my new dvd/r and the boot time is VERY LONG.... I'm having a problem... dmesg | grep DVD returns 2 instances of an hdc... but /dev has no /dev/hdc... what do I do?04:17
DavrenWhat is dual monitors called in Ubuntu? having trouble finding the right keywords to search forums, FAQ, etc.04:17
=== Gishnob [n=victor@CPE0050f2cf38bd-CM014390042162.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
linxehDavren: dual head ?04:18
lufisdrofdarb: http://avi.alkalay.net/linux/docs/font-howto/Font.html#bci04:18
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lufisdrofdarb: not something you want to do if you're new at this04:18
Davrenthanks, I'll try dual head :-)04:18
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lufisdrofdarb: see this also http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/enable-smooth-fonts-on-ubuntu-linux/04:19
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vox754matthew1429, don't repeat the question that fast. It seems that you have a bad entry on the /etc/fstab file that conflicts with another drive. Give more details.04:19
matthew1429vox754: sorry04:19
=== abc123 [n=jmn@host112.190-30-17.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigmatthew1429, yeah pastebinning your /etc/fstab, would be a good start04:20
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bruenig!paste | matthew142904:20
ubotumatthew1429: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:20
Gishnobi found some bugs in the new ubuntu 7.04 beta04:20
Gishnobcan someone help me report them?04:20
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bruenig!bugs | Gishnob04:20
ubotuGishnob: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots04:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about borat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:20
ubuntu_noobOpen GL04:20
Davrenin case anyone else has two monitor, TwinView and Cinerama are good keywords04:21
bruenigGishnob, also #ubuntu+1 is the channel for 7.0404:21
AdamantinusRhythmbox isn't playing any .mp3's, do I need a codec for this or something?04:21
vox754matthew1429, I recommend also displaying the "sudo fdisk -l" output to see how are your partitions named.04:21
AdamantinusEvery time it tries it gets a big red x.04:21
AdamantinusNext to the mp3.04:21
bruenig!quicktime | Adam_G04:21
ubotuAdam_G: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:21
bruenig!quicktime | Adamantinus04:21
ubotuAdamantinus: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:21
=== webmaster5 [n=webmaste@S01060017317d8c88.ok.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
ubuntu_nooblolz bad key words I guess04:22
bruenigubuntu_noob, what is your issue?04:22
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ubuntu_noobI just wanted to know how to set opengl04:23
=== Kilroo [n=Jarentha@cpe-071-076-173-175.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
bruenigubuntu_noob, that is probably a good #ubuntu-effects question04:23
=== Prez_ [n=fmedina@shiva-157.cablenet.com.ni] has joined #ubuntu
bruenig!howdy | Prez_04:23
ubotuPrez_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:24
Prez_my Edgy works great, the one hiccup I have is my intel hda sound card stops working after resuming from suspend to disk04:24
=== dauoalagio2 [n=joe@73-24.187-72.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Prez_any suggestions?04:24
dauoalagio2Toma-, you here?04:25
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dauoalagio2Toma-, it worked. :)04:25
Toma-nice :>04:25
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)04:25
arentoineHello all04:26
dauoalagio2Toma-, i had another problem hahah but i can't remember04:26
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matthew1429vox754: thank you for the advice, hey everyone I am having a couple of problems... boot time is forever and linux isn't "seeing" my dvd/r that I just installed... I have pasted an fdisk -l, a dmesg | grep DVD, and my etc/fstab to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11934/04:27
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AnRkeywhere can i find more information on ubuntu OEM features?04:27
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ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)04:27
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues04:27
bruenigharley, stop that04:27
K3ntohow can i safely unmount my ubuntu partition so i can resize it?04:27
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harleysorry, kept forgetting the channel04:28
bruenigK3nto, the root partition or some auxiliary partition?04:28
harleywont happen again04:28
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Sports_fanhow do you install the nvidia drivers with ubuntu dapper ?04:28
K3ntobruenig: root04:28
AnRkeyaaahhh nevermind >> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OEMInstaller04:28
lufisK3nto: do it from a livecd04:28
bruenigK3nto, you are going to have to go live cd04:28
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:28
K3ntok i got one04:28
lufisK3nto: in the live cd, run "gparted"04:28
arentoineI can't burn cd with 6.10.  Same pc in XP can burn without a problem.  It seems the gui is spinning but in logs I get "lost interrupt for <cd drive>". Any idea ^04:28
bruenigK3nto, Gnome partition editor it is called in the menus04:28
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vox754matthew1429, is that all you have? Seems odd.04:29
AnRkeythat page does not exist04:29
AnRkeyanyone else?04:29
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bruenigarentoine, an iso?04:29
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arentoinebruenig: anything : iso, data.  I tryed many formats04:30
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bruenigarentoine, what is the name of your drive, /dev/whate04:30
rg535748I have an external ntfs hard drive (usb connection) that I can't seem to read from under my default user, only under root. Can someone help me with my fstab please?04:30
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bruenigrg535748, what does that line of the fstab say?04:30
rg535748it says: /dev/sdb1 /home/rg535748/Desktop/EXTERNAL auto users,atime,auto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 004:31
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bruenigrg and it is ntfs?04:31
arentoinebruenig :checking ...04:31
rg535748yes it is NTFS04:31
bruenigrg535748, did you set that up?04:31
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ubuntu_noobati driver04:31
rg535748Yes, that's my default user04:31
bruenigrg535748, but you wrote that, not the installer, well you must have, it is mounted on the desktop for some strange reason04:32
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rg535748Well, that is where I wanted to put it.. is that wrong?04:32
arentoinebruenig : hda: HP DVD Writer 640b, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive04:32
harleyis it possible to disable the password request for updating?04:32
vox754matthew1429, from what I see I assume you got a new harddrive to which you installed Ubuntu with the default partitioning hda, and you also have a second hard drive hdb, which you use to store. But what did you do with the CD/DVD drive? did you changed it since the installation?04:33
rg535748bruenig:  Yes, I wrote it myself. Should it be someplace else?04:33
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bruenigrg535748, put it where you want, the rw needs to go because you can't write to ntfs04:33
rg535748Well, yeah, don't wanna risk using fuse04:33
Prez_any intel_hda sound card users? can someone use card after resume from suspend, mine is mute, but i see no errors anywhere04:33
bruenigrg535748, change the "auto" to "ntfs" and I would change the options to something like "ro,user,auto,fmask=0111,dmask=000004:34
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RrandyDoes anyone know offhand, what the numbers stand for in the output of lsmod, "ipv6 272288 10", where ipv6 is under heading "Module", 272288 is under heading "size" and 10 is under heading "used by" - what would the number 10 refer to?04:34
bruenigor users if you want04:34
harleyis it possible to disable the password request for updating? if not, how do u extend the period of time logged in as admin04:34
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MirthAnyone know how I can get Shortcut Smileys in GAIM?04:35
MirthLike Ctrl + 1 = :)04:35
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rg535748Okay I changed it and did a sudo mount -a04:35
vox754Rrandy, I think it is a process, which you can consult with another command, which I can't remember.04:35
salmandeb are not working, i double click and nothing happens04:35
bruenigharley, why do you want to disable the password for update (by which I assume you mean sudo apt-get update)04:35
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rg535748bruenig: /dev/sdb1 /home/rg535748/Desktop/EXTERNAL ntfs ro,user,auto,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 004:36
bruenigsalman, do sudo dpkg -i whatever.deb from the command line04:36
rg535748IS that okay?04:36
harleyi have this computer setup for an elderly gentlemen04:36
Rrandyvox754: thanks - as in 'ps ax' probably then.04:36
lufisharley: aw04:36
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bruenigrg535748, yeah, you can change it to "users" too like you had it. I don't know why I didn't leave that intact04:36
Arbosiscan anybody help me? my live cd for amd 64 doesn't load the desktop04:36
ubotubeagle: indexing and search tool for your personal data. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.9-1ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 804 kB, installed size 3160 kB04:36
jetscreamer8xxx nvidia no doubt04:36
harleytrying to make it easy as possible for him. any tips or advice by chance04:36
rg535748bruenig: What do I have to put there to allow my default user (I guess his ID would be like 1000) to access it?04:36
lufisArbosis: what do you mean by desktop? no gui whatsoever?04:37
Arbosisit stays like konsole04:37
bruenigharley, typing the password is a big thing in linux, what keeps it secure. Unless you are thinking to have him logged in as root or something all the time which is extremely dangerous, he is going to need to learn to type the password04:37
lufisArbosis: so just command line?04:37
MirthAnyone know how I can get Shortcut Smileys in GAIM? Like Ctrl+1 = :)?04:37
bruenigrg535748, the fmask and dmask should take care of that04:37
lufisArbosis: type startx04:37
vox754Arbosis, don't use the amd64 version for a desktop installation, try the i386 one, it is better.04:37
harleywell alright, i guess it isnt that big of a deal. any other tips for older people?04:37
salmanhelp plz04:37
rg535748bruenig: I did that, did sudo mount -a, and still can't access it.04:37
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lufissalman: just ask your question :)04:38
Arbosiswhat does startx ?04:38
bruenigrg535748, you should be able to, if you want to add uid=1000 to it, you can try04:38
salmandebs arent working04:38
bruenigsalman, do sudo dpkg -i whatever.deb from the command line04:38
lufisArbosis: startx starts X04:38
salmanill try04:38
lufisArbosis: X is the gui04:38
Arbosisok, i'll try that, thanks04:39
rg535748bruenig:  bash: cd: EXTERNAL/: Permission denied04:39
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bruenigrg535748, should work04:40
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rg535748bruenig: Doesn't, and I don't know why. :(04:40
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bruenigrg535748, the fmask and dmask is setup to allow anyone to read it04:40
bruenigand change into it04:40
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quaallinxeh, hmm04:40
rg535748so what am I doing wrong?04:40
quaali read that guide04:40
quaaldid this after unmounting dd if=/dev/cdrom of=file.iso bs=102404:40
bruenigrg535748, don't know can you sudo cd into it04:40
quaaland i get dd: reading `/dev/cdrom': Input/output error04:40
quaalsame thing04:41
salmanis kiba-dock in any of the repositories?04:41
Mirthis there a GAIM channel?04:41
bruenigarentoine, did you say it was /dev/hda?04:41
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rg535748bruenig: sudo gives me a 'cd command not found'04:41
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linxehquaal: did you read the bit about dvd playback?04:41
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arentoinebruenig : the drive is : hda: HP DVD Writer 640b, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive04:41
tonyyarussoMirth: "Join us in #gaim or #wingaim on irc.freenode.net for answers to questions and general gaim discussion."04:41
bruenigrg535748, yeah don't know. Did you unmount it before you sudo mount -a04:42
bruenigarentoine, I need to know the /dev/whatever name04:42
bruenigare you telling me it is /dev/hda or not04:42
bruenigarentoine, so do you have an iso laying around04:42
rg535748bruenig: How do I unmount it?04:42
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arentoinebruenig : yes I do04:42
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bruenigrg535748, sudo unmount /dev/sdb104:42
misfit_toyman, tried to get the latest compiz installed from source, got all the dep's finally, ./configure, make, make insall, all went well, but I still get that issue where there are no window controls...04:43
bruenigarentoine, ok cd into the directory where it is and do "cdrecord dev=/dev/hda whatever.iso" and see what happens04:43
j0sh0hi, could someone please tell me where i can download te appropriate build-essentials (and dependencies suc as libc-dev, linux-kernel-headers etc) for ubuntu 6.10?? I've tried debian.packages.org but the libc-dev package wont install because it is an older version of libc (version 2.3.2 whereas edgy has 2.4?)04:43
[BTF] Chm0dwhere are the *.desktop files located in ubuntu?04:43
rg535748It works!04:43
MirthNobody is active in the GAIM channel :(04:43
tonyyarussoj0sh0: From your repos04:43
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tonyyarusso[BTF] Chm0d: /usr/share somewhere I think04:43
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bruenig[BTF] Chm0d, /usr/share/applications and also at ~/.local/applications (not positive on the second one)04:44
arentoineburenig : will do ... stand by04:44
[BTF] Chm0dhmm04:44
bruenigrg535748, ok good04:44
[BTF] Chm0dok04:44
[BTF] Chm0dthx04:44
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epkphotocan anyone tell me the kernel version that shipped with Ubuntu Feisty Herd 5?04:44
Pollywogis the guy who wanted to configure gdm userlist still here?04:44
j0sh0tonyyarusso: eah, i normally would, except that I cant access the net thru ubuntu - i've got dual boot on my system so I'm on XP atm04:44
tonyyarussoPollywog: 2.6.20-9, I think04:44
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tonyyarussoj0sh0: ah.  Then, packages.ubuntu.com04:45
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rg535748What programs can I use with my TV tuner card to watch TV on linux?04:45
j0sh0tonyyarusso: cheers mate!04:45
PollywogMythTV works with some04:45
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epkphoto2.6.20-9 sounds about right04:45
arentoineburenig : cdrecord starts with last line (still running) is :Device seems to be: Generic mmc2 DVD-R/DVD-RW.04:45
MirthAnyone know how I can get Shortcut Smileys in GAIM? Like Ctrl+1 = :)?04:45
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uberspacedi'm working through a tutorial on something and it mentions /etc/inetd.conf04:46
uberspacedand i dont have that file.04:46
arrenlexWow... unless it's hiding messages, the kernel was the cleanest compile EVER. There were like 10 warnings in the whole thing.04:46
uberspacedi'm wondering if ubuntu takes care of that stuff in a different way04:46
epkphotosince 2.6.20-12 is currently in Feisty beta04:46
linxehMirth: how is that a shortcut ? it is harder to type than :) :P04:46
uberspacedOR if i create the file and dump the stuff in there will the stuff that uses it know what to do?04:46
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arentoineburenig :got the message : ide-cd: cmd 0x3 timed out04:46
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arentoineburenig : with  hda: lost interrupt04:47
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MirthIn GAIM, some smiley's don't make sense04:47
MirthLike :o04:47
arentoineburenig : AND hdb: lost interrupt04:47
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Mirththat is : o, without the space here04:47
MirthBut not in GAIM04:47
arrenlexMirth: Don't use GAIM for irc.04:47
K3ntook im in the live cd. how can i resize my ubuntu root partition04:47
MirthIm not using it for IRC arrenlex :D04:47
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Mugwump09I installed ubuntu alternative, I can log in, but then it plays the song and nothing else happens04:47
ekahow do you get mp3's to work in ubuntu 6.10?04:47
arrenlexMirth: Oh, aight. Gaim uses the native icons of the IM protocol you're chatting on by default.04:47
arentoineburenig : the drive is now showing any activity04:48
uberspacedeka, apt-get install mpg-12304:48
arentoineburenig : the drive is NOT showing any activity04:48
ekathank you!04:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about resize - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:48
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bkingxPLease help!04:48
bruenigarentoine, are you sure it is hda, it usually gives hda to hard drives04:48
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K3ntobruenig: im in the live cd, how do i resize the root?04:48
Mugwump09someone, please help me04:48
bruenigarentoine, if it is hda and that is not working, then there is something wrong, I don't know what though, hardware failure maybe?04:48
bkingxinstalled Feisty herd5 on Toshiba Tecra A404:48
bruenigK3nto, gparted04:49
arentoineburenig : my hard drive is a SATA, the CD is master on ide drive04:49
Nexus_BSDMugwump09: what do you ned hel pwith?04:49
bkingxCan't get nic to work04:49
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Mugwump09I installed 6.10, and I logged in and nothing happens04:49
bkingxIt's a Marvell 88E803604:49
Mugwump09but it plays the song04:49
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K3ntobruenig: k now what04:50
uberspacedanybody have experience setting up kerberos replication on ubuntu?04:50
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Mugwump09it looks like something tried to pop up, but it's really fragmented and weird04:50
bruenigK3nto, point and click your way to success04:50
arentoineburenig : I got this message from cdrecord : Error: Cannot gain SYS_RAWIO capability.Is cdrecord installed SUID root?04:50
arentoine.  can this be related04:50
bruenigarentoine, maybe try to sudo it?04:50
quaallinxeh, hmm i just did read the playback section. installed everything it said to and im still unable to play dvd's04:50
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quaalbut i can play dvd files04:50
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arentoineburenig : will try ...04:51
Mugwump09can anyone help me?04:51
bruenigquaal, what are dvd files in your mind?04:51
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K3ntobruenig: i made unallocated space, move it to the extended partition which contains my root and swap; i go to resize the root but it wont let me drag the resizing bar.04:51
quaalbruenig, .vob04:51
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quaalthe files you find on a dvd04:51
bruenigK3nto, wait, explain a little better what you are doing?04:51
bruenigquaal, it probably is a problem with encryption04:52
Mugwump09can someone please help?04:52
quaalbruenig, do i need some kind of program then?04:52
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages04:52
K3ntobruenig: im resizing my ubuntu root partition. i want to take space from m windows one and add it to my root one.04:52
quaalMugwump09, nobody knows how to help "someone that needs help"04:52
bruenigK3nto, ok if you could list off the partitions in order and which one has what on it04:53
sbalneavMugwump09: Are you stuck right now?04:53
ApocryphaDon't ask for 'help' ask the question :p04:53
Mugwump09I did!04:53
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bruenigK3nto, I am having a hard time envisioning what your partition table looks like04:53
sbalneavMugwump09: If so, you might get back to the login with control-alt-backspace04:53
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Mugwump09okay I will try that04:53
Mugwump09thank you04:53
Apocryphaoh, he did04:54
=== penguin is getting an odd happenings in his terminal, whenever he trys to install something via apt-get, it tries to install flashplayer-installer.
MirthWhat is a .so file?04:54
penguinanyone know why?04:54
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sbalneavMirth: Shared Object, same as a .dll in windows.04:54
bruenigpenguin, try doing sudo apt-get install -f04:54
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MirthThanks sbalneav04:54
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Gishnobseems like i cant enable desktop effects04:55
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BanekartrHey all.  Is there a way that all of the users can share the same codecs?  Right now I have been installing per user and there must be a better way.04:55
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bruenigBanekartr, all users do share the same codecs04:55
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RictooHow would I remount my windows partition (hd1)?04:55
bruenigBanekartr, if you install them from the repositories04:55
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arren1exBanekartr: How can you install a package per-user?04:56
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BanekartrI was running Automatrix to assist with some of the installs.04:56
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Banekartris that a bad way to do it?04:56
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe04:56
RictooHow would I remount my windows partition (hd1)?04:56
santagadado someone knows if I can install an ubuntu from the network (ssh or something)04:56
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santagadassh would be the best04:56
apokryphossantagada: /msg ubotu install04:56
bruenigRictoo, ok what is its name in terms of /dev/<name>04:57
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Banekartrautomatrix = bad then.   got it.04:57
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santagadaapokryphos: thanks04:57
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Rictoonm, someone else told me, thanks =p04:57
K3ntobruenig: http://img15.imgspot.com/?u=/u/07/82/22/Screenshot.png the fatxx stuff is dell crap, the ntfs one is my windows, and the stuff in the extended one is my ubuntu root and swap04:57
arentoinebruenig : sudo don't help for cdrecord... I will try to find an old cd rw and see if it works.  Thanks for your help.04:57
bruenigRictoo, ok, and you just want to mount it once or have it mount at boot each time?04:57
penguinbruenig, still doesnt work, and when i accept to install it, my download fails, even though i have a perfectly working internet connection, as you can see. :D04:57
Rictoobruenig, eavh time04:57
santagadaapokryphos: do you know if the information is already up to date to feisty beta?04:58
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MirthIm dragging a file to a folder, and it says I need permission.  Is there a way I can drag it in there without using the termimal?04:58
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apokryphossantagada: no, but it shouldn't have changed between edgy and feisty.04:58
Mugwump09didn't work04:58
apokryphossantagada: feisty support is also not in this channel; see #ubuntu+104:58
Mugwump09it freezes up right after I log in04:58
Rictoobruenig, each time04:58
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bruenigRictoo, ok well first make the mount point with "sudo mkdir /media/windows" and then do "gksudo gedit /etc/fstab" and add the following line "/dev/hda1 /media/windows ntfs ro,user,auto,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 0" and save and exit. It should then mount automatically at boot. You can mount it now by doing "sudo mount -a"04:59
sbalneavMugwump09: Does it freeze up at the song?04:59
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Banekartrthanks for the help guys04:59
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RictooWow, thanks alot bruenig!04:59
bruenigK3nto, yeah you can't really do anything, ext3 is stuck04:59
sbalneavMugwump09: What kind of sound card?05:00
Mugwump09asus A8N-sli premium05:00
K3ntobruenig: stuck?05:00
penguinbruenig, still doesnt work, and when i accept to install it, my download fails, even though i have a perfectly working internet connection, as you can see. :D05:00
bruenigK3nto, you can't add space at the beginning of a partition without formatting05:00
sbalneavMugwump09: OK, here's a test: go into your bios, and disable the sound card.  Then try.05:00
K3ntoi see05:00
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sbalneavMugwump09: If it works, it's something with the sound card.05:00
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bruenigpenguin, yeah don't know, sudo apt-get remove --purge flashplayer-installer maybe?05:00
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stubblechinI'm trying to get Flurdy's Postfix howto working, and I can receive mail, but I can't send it05:01
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stubblechinin my auth.log, i have sql plugin could not connect to host
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Rictoobruenig,  worked! <3<3<305:01
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ubotuvino: VNC server for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.16.0-0ubuntu2.4 (edgy), package size 173 kB, installed size 1956 kB05:01
bruenigRictoo, god05:02
PinkFloydYeah, that doesnt help me at all05:02
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PinkFloydCan anyone point me to a detailed description of Vino05:02
RictooDavren, get off root..............05:02
bruenigyeah stupid ubotu, that didn't help him at all05:02
PinkFloydSuch as how to run it?05:02
nfearnleyI'm looking for an id3 reader for the scripts. I need something that I can do `id3 -a myfile.mp3` and it will give the contents of the artist tag. I've tried half a dozen packages, but they all just list everything.05:02
Sulo_SeppaIs it true that ubuntu has AIDS? It would make sense since it comes from Africa, right?05:02
MirthIm dragging a file to a folder, and it says I need permission. Is there a way I can drag it in there without using the termimal?05:03
penguinbruenig - still no, cant find package.05:03
RictooSulo_Seppa, common misconception05:03
penguineven though its sitting on my desktop.05:03
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RictooIt has siphilis05:03
Giscalcan any recommend a good Rss Reader for Linux, one that preferably has good filtering functionality05:03
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PinkFloydMirth: Doubt it05:03
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bruenigpenguin, I don't know then, I have never had apt get mad at me for some reason, I have been lucky05:03
PinkFloydMirth: You'll have to chmod it05:03
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MirthDon't know what that is :(05:03
penguinany way that i can reinstall apt-get?05:03
ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux05:04
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MirthI really hate that permissions crap05:04
MirthFeels like Im in Vista :D05:04
tonyyarussoGiscal: Sage for Firefox was decentish, but simple05:04
PinkFloydwhy not sudo it?05:04
MirthI don't no how to...05:04
bruenigpenguin, maybe using the -m switch will help, sudo apt-get -m install whatever05:04
Rictooapt-get install apt-get05:05
PinkFloydMirth: sudo cp05:05
tonyyarusso!sudo | Mirth05:05
ubotuMirth: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:05
Giscaltonyyarusso, I'll give it a try, thanks05:05
penguinwas just reading that bruenig.05:05
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penguinstill no :(05:05
penguinbruenig, is there any way that i can reinstall apt-get05:05
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bruenigpenguin, that is a confusing idea, maybe if there is some deb you can do it with dpkg05:06
RegalEagleMirth: Im querying you, are you registered?05:06
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sbalneavpenguin: what problem are you having with apt?05:06
MirthIm not RegalEagle05:06
dk_iihow do I get Java to work in Swiftfox?05:06
MirthDon't know how to :D05:06
penguinwhenever i apt-get install something, it tries to install flashplayer-installer.05:06
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penguinand if i do accept to download it, the download fails.05:06
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RegalEagleMirth: try this05:07
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RegalEagleMirth: sudo cp dir newdir05:07
bruenigpenguin, do you have third party repos or what, flashplayer-installer isn't even in the repos05:07
penguinbruenig, yes.05:08
RegalEagleMirth: sudo cp /etc/bin/blah /etc/sbin/blah05:08
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RegalEagleMirth: Notice how I copied from bin to sbin05:08
bruenigpenguin, maybe if you comment it out and sudo apt-get update or something05:08
sbalneavpenguin: try: sudo aptitude purge flashplugin-nonfree05:08
RegalEagleMirth: and you use the sudo to grant super-user so you wont have to chmod it05:08
bruenigsbalneav, it is flashplayer-installer and I already tried that05:08
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Mirthso I just "space" from one dir to the other?05:09
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arren1expenguin: Strongly advise you not to have third-party repos. They screw up your system.05:09
RegalEagleMirth: yes05:09
bruenigsbalneav, purge isn't really anymore absolute, it isn't like a force switch, all it does is remove configuration files so it wouldn't really halp05:09
MirthOkay, will try that out!05:09
RegalEagleMirth: olddir newdir05:09
Mugwump09I disabled my soundcard, still freezes up at the song05:09
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penguinbruenig, why?05:09
bruenigI use third party repos05:09
Rictoonoone is answering me in #ati05:09
sbalneavflashplayer-installer isn't a package on my machine.  Only flashplugin-nonfree05:09
arren1expenguin: I've seen it screw up systems so you can't install or remove anything.05:09
RictooWhats the best driver for the Radeon 9200?05:10
bruenigsbalneav, third party05:10
RoTTeNSeeDhi! im having problems instaling ubuntu in my computer. i select the safe mode to start, but after 5 minitis waiting with the logo in the background (in black and white), the screen turn black. im using an ati for graphics05:10
arren1exRictoo: Define "best".05:10
arentoineburening : just a followup : I DO can burn cd with 7.04 beta.  I can wait until the final release ...  Good night !05:10
=== sbalneav backs away slowly
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penguinarrenlex - ill get rid of the entries in synaptic.05:10
RegalEagleRoTTeNSeeD: What's the specs of your computer?05:10
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mjrRictoo, use the free one, fglrx doesn't even support it anymore05:10
MirthRegalEagle: Got it, thanks a bunch!05:10
RictooMeaning the... best?05:10
RictooThe most used?05:10
RictooThe 'ati' driver doesn't even give me all the resolutions my driver supports05:10
RegalEagleMirth: Glad to help ;)05:11
sbalneavMugwump09: ok, can you switch to <alt><f1>, at the text login?05:11
arren1ex!fixres | Rictoo05:11
ubotuRictoo: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:11
Mugwump09sbalneav: what does that do?05:11
RoTTeNSeeDamd athlon 64bit, 3000. ati radeon 9550, 1g ram. im using the cd for 64bits, i think it will work05:11
bill_kjust wanted to report that part of a mythtv guide at help.ubuntu.com/community/ is out of date.  I don't know how to fix it myself, otherwise I would. Can anyone tell me who to contact about this?05:11
sbalneavMugwump09: login as yourself, and see where it's at at the login.  Be interesting to see where it's hanging up at with a ps -ef05:11
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Rictoomjr, what 'free' one?05:12
Rictoothanks, ubotu05:12
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sbalneavWhy does he keep leaving the room?05:12
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bruenig!thanks | Rictoo05:12
ubotuRictoo: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)05:12
penguinarrenlex - k, got rid of repos in synaptic package manager.05:12
RictooI realised xD05:12
arren1expenguin: That doesn't help if you've already installed packages from them which mess up your system... I hope you haven't.05:13
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arren1expenguin: What did you have enabled?05:13
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RictooThat page only shows how to do it for fglrx -.-'05:13
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Rictoo<mjr> Rictoo, use the free one, fglrx doesn't even support it anymore05:13
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RegalEagleIs there anyway to use an S-Video output in Ubuntu?05:13
arren1exRictoo: No, adding resolutions to modes works for all drivers.05:13
penguinarrenlex - i havent, ive installed xchat, ntfs-g3, and i think thats it.05:14
PovAddictOMG 982 people in the channel!05:14
PovAddictmost crowded channel on the server :P05:14
RegalEagleIs there anyway to use an S-Video output in Ubuntu?05:14
arren1exPovAddict: It's actually a slow period. Usually > 100005:14
Rictooarren1ex, so it's basically cheating? =p05:14
penguinsbalneav - i think you fixed my problem, muchos gracias.05:14
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arren1exRictoo: No, it's the way to add resolutions to X. o_O05:14
arren1ex!fixres | Rictoo05:14
ubotuRictoo: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:14
RictooIm looking at that page05:14
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PovAddictarren1ex: o_O!05:14
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gmoorehello what can i use to open a rar file with05:15
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enderximgmoore, unrar, sudo apt-get install unrar05:15
arren1exPovAddict: ?05:15
RoTTeNSeeDi cant install ubuntu with my ati radeon, when the X should start, the screen turn black, please help :(05:15
RegalEagleIs there anyway to use an S-Video output in Ubuntu?05:15
PovAddictgmoore: there is an unrar packet, I think it's on multiverse05:15
pingpongbosscan someone help me with a small NTFS problem?05:16
ucimokgmoore: apt-get install unrar-free05:16
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse05:16
pingpongbossmy sda1 used to show up on my desktop, but not anymore05:16
pingpongbossi can use it within /media/sda1 just fine05:16
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bruenig!info unrar05:16
ubotuunrar: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.5.4-0.1 (edgy), package size 84 kB, installed size 216 kB05:16
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ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse05:16
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ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)05:16
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pingpongbossRegalEagle, lol. isnt Fuse part of ntfs-3g?05:17
PovAddictbot was smart enough to reply only once :) nice05:17
RegalEagleNo clue05:17
gmoorehow do i turn on my computer05:17
RegalEagleId like to install Ubuntu on an NTFS05:17
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RegalEagleHavent tried though05:17
tonyyarussoRegalEagle: can't05:17
bruenigRegalEagle, you won't05:17
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LadyNikongmoore: the power button.05:17
Rictoowhats the number of the res thats above 102405:17
gmooreno i mean my ubuntu comp05:17
Rictoolike 1968 something05:17
Rictoothats it05:17
Rictoo960 I think05:17
PovAddictgmoore: how will it be any different?05:17
RictooThat's a real one, right?05:17
RegalEaglemine's 102405:18
XPthat's a wide screen res05:18
RictooI dont have ws05:18
RegalEaglemine isnt wide05:18
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XPi am on 1280x800 now05:18
Rictoobut 1280x960 works, right?05:18
pingpongbossthe site the bot returned says it's tested on Dapper but not Breezy or Edgy. I'm on feisty. lo05:18
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Mugwump09when I do ANYTHING it freezes up05:18
RegalEagledunno mate05:18
PovAddictRichiH: 1152x864 ?05:18
RegalEagleIs there anyway to use an S-Video output in Ubuntu?05:18
pingpongbossmaybe i can just make a shortcut..05:18
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pingpongbossmy USB drive and SMB networked drive shows up on my dekstop =/05:19
sbalneavMugwump09: how did you install it? With the live CD?05:19
pingpongbossjust not the NTFS with ntfs-3g05:19
Mugwump09alternative ISO05:19
pingpongbosseverything's in fstab too..05:19
Mugwump09download was flawless05:19
kkdHello everyone. it took me a long time to figure out how to configure gaim to login to this irc chanel. pretty difficult for first time linux user.05:19
pingpongbossxchat ftw :D05:19
bruenigkkd, xchat is easier05:19
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sbalneavMugwump09: Might be something with your video card.  What kind is it?05:20
bruenigkkd, and irc is not a linux only thing, it is all graphical, so don't do this linux is hard garbage05:20
bruenigat least do it on something that makes sense05:20
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RegalEagleI guess no one knows about S-Video outputs in Ubuntu05:20
pingpongbossbruenig i think she means trying to use gaim with irc05:20
Alex__Question, if i told the install disk to partition 100gb of 300gb to the ubuntu install, how long should it take with 50gb of stuff already on drive?05:20
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Mugwump09sbalneav:GeForce 7800 GT05:21
RegalEagleAlex__: Depends on your HD's write speed05:21
Arrickguys, I just saw the web configuration page for a ubuntu 6.10 system and I ave to hand it to you, I havent seen a MS server that is that configurable yet, so you're going in the right direction.05:21
pingpongbossdoes anyone know how to delete a file on a fat32 flashdrive without it automatically sending to .Trash-<username> ?05:21
bruenigpingpongboss, sounded like a generic, linux is hard for newbies thing. But if you are complaining about graphically setting up an irc account on gaim, that is a bit overboard05:21
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bruenigpingpongboss, rm it05:21
Alex__any idea of some average regal?05:21
Arrickand the nice thing is, its not a txt file that you have to type out05:21
kkdfor someone who is used to microsoft os . it was not easy.  but i am not complaining.05:21
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pingpongbossbruenig, k05:22
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arentoinepingpongboss : or shift-del on gui05:22
RoTTeNSeeDhave somebody installed ubuntu with an ati radeon? please i need help05:22
pingpongbossarentoine, oh right, should've tried that05:22
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sbalneavMugwump09: Well, don't know what I can suggest.  In the past, when I've had this sort of locking up, I fixed it by updating my bios.  So you might want to check if there's a bios update for your mobo.05:22
RegalEagleAlex__: It took roughly 45 minutes to install it on my old 300Mhz, 96MB RAM, 9GB HD HP machine from 199805:22
MirthGot kinda a big problem guys.05:22
Arrickno problem too big, all problems too small05:22
beg1689anyone know a nice graphical editor with syntax higlighting and indentation (for C/C++), sort of like kate, but without the KDE crap?05:22
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bruenigbeg1689, gedot05:23
RegalEagleMirth: ?05:23
pingpongbossgedit has highlighting..05:23
MirthOn the top right corner, I used to have the Network Manager icon, Power Level Icon, GAIM icon (when GAIM was on), but now they aren't there@05:23
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Alex__RegalEagle: thats not a good sign for me05:23
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RegalEagleAlex__: Id estimate no more than 15 minutes05:23
knicknicis there any way to install ubuntu from an existing linux distro (I dont have a cdrom drive)05:23
pingpongbossMirth are u sure u have a Notification Area on ur panel?05:23
MirthIm not sure...05:23
Alex__for 50gb?05:23
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RegalEagleAlex__: Out of 300? You're fine05:24
MirthHow do I find out pingpongboss?05:24
RegalEagleMirth: Restart X?05:24
pingpongbossMirth, u could try right click on panel, Add to Panel05:24
MirthI did restart, hehe05:24
arren1exknicknic: There's lots of creative ways to install ubuntu without a cdrom.05:24
bruenigknicknic, it can be done, but it is probably pretty hard, if you could get all the files in order and edit the grub configuration of your distro, you could do it seemingly05:24
arren1ex!install | knicknic05:24
pingpongbossMirth then add the Notification Area applet on the bottom05:24
ubotuknicknic: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate05:24
pingpongbossMirth, not 100% sure but it might help05:24
Alex__RegalEagle: i think somthing went wrong been waiting for like 2 hours05:24
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beg1689any plugins for gedit that will make it indent my code for me? (im too lazy for the tab key)05:24
MirthOkay, that worked pingpongboss05:25
arren1exbeg1689: emacs? =P05:25
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pingpongbossbeg1689, auto indent? u can configure it on gconf for gedit05:25
pingpongbossMirth, woot :D05:25
ucimokbeg:1689: i think tabbing's built in05:25
arrenlexAlex__: What happened?05:25
penguinshould i install all of the 147 updates that i can, or be selective?05:25
pingpongbosspenguin, depends on what repositories u got i guess05:26
penguinjust the default.05:26
pingpongbosspenguin, i'd update all if i have all the official ones05:26
Alex__arrenLex: what happened in the install?05:26
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beg1689pingpongboss: thanks, no t has everything i want in a text editor05:26
erstazianyone have an idea how to attack this bug: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/control-center/+bug/8237305:26
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knicknicarren1ex thanks05:26
arentoinepenguin, I install everything all the time without problems05:26
RoTTeNSeeDcan somebody help me install ubuntu with a graphic card: ati radeon? i cant start with live cd05:26
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arren1exAlex__: I just saw you saying something was frozen and was asking what to see if I could suggest anything.05:27
arren1exAlex__: If it's an install I probably can't help you, sorry.05:27
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beg1689also i just noticed auto-indent is right in the preferences, stupid me05:27
el_ismaHello! I'm having trouble setting up boinc. I'm running Kubuntu 6.10. After I install boinc-client and boinc-manager and run boincmgr, the gui crashes. Repository version is 5.4.11-1. I tried installing debian's latest packages (5.4.11-4) and it didn't work. Anybody can help me?05:27
pingpongbossRoTTeNSeeD, try the alternative install CD?05:27
arentoineRoTTeNSeeD : did you start it "VGA"05:27
immerohnegotti'm having some troubles with my Audigy SE - it's recognized (as an Audigy LS) and whenever ANY type of sound plays, it just outputs really loud white noise. anyone have any ideas?05:27
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RoTTeNSeeDi start in both modes, safe , and not05:27
pingpongbossbeg1689, gconf is a way to edit preferences :P that's what i wsa trying to say05:27
Alex__arrenlex: oh well, i had told it to partition a hard drive and it has been working on it for 2 hours05:28
RoTTeNSeeDand it crash when finish to load with the logo in the background, the logo shows in black and white05:28
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arentoineRoTTeNSeeD : My card is a X200 from ATI and it worked with live CD.  Wich card is it05:28
beg1689pingpongboss: i know, i opened gconf and enabled auto-indent, then i noticed it was right in gedits preferences05:29
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RoTTeNSeeDati radeon 955005:29
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arentoineRoTTeNSeeD : PCI ?05:29
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beg1689eww ati05:29
arren1exAlex__: Hope you backed up.05:29
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knicknicAlex__ 2 hours to partition an hd is too long05:29
pingpongbossbeg1689, ohhh. u had a typo in ur response, so i thought u were talking about somehting else xD silly me05:29
RoTTeNSeeDarentoine: yes, pci05:29
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arentoineRoTTeNSeeD : with an onboard card ?05:30
Alex__knicknic it was 300gb and had 50 gb used05:30
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wolfspiri1this is not a direct question but more of a general query.. has anyone had any issues with tomcat and ubuntu?05:30
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RoTTeNSeeDim using and amd athlon 64bits,3000. i tried with the cd for amd64bit05:30
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erstaziwolfspiri1: no, is there an issue?05:30
knicknicAlex__: okay, but I have partitioned 1tb drives in less time05:30
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knicknic*1tb raid arrays not a drive05:30
FearMothhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11940/   .. I'm trying to install liblame-dev, but I'm getting the error05:31
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Alex__knicknic is it because i am partitioning with the live disk partioner?05:31
wolfspiri1erstazi: I would have to set it up again (which I'm going to try) but when I tried before (about a week ago) I couldn't get my webapps to run.. I was able to get tomcat itself loaded but the webapp just wouldn't load correctly05:31
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FearMothhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11940/   .. I'm trying to install liblame-dev, but I'm getting the error Couldn't find package liblame-dev ... what do I need to add to my sources.list?05:31
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Alex__knicknic if i cancel now what will happen to the hard drive?05:33
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vox754RoTTeNSeeD, don't use AMD64, use the i386 instead, it is better supported for desktop users05:33
RoTTeNSeeDok, im downloading it05:33
matthew1429vox754: thank you for the advice, hey everyone I am having a couple of problems... boot time is forever and linux isn't "seeing" my dvd/r that I just installed... I have pasted an fdisk -l, a dmesg | grep DVD, and my etc/fstab to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11934/05:33
arentoineRoTTeNSeeD : usually the use of a pci card is for a second card with an existing onboard AGP/PCI express main graphic card.  So, if you have a main onboard card, try to enable it to install ubuntu.  You could then switch it back to the 9550 after (that's what I did with a friend's system).05:34
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vox754matthew1429, so I guess you haven't solved your issues yet05:34
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=== matthew1429 shrugs
RoTTeNSeeDok, i will try to start with themotherborad card and then change, thanks :)05:35
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matthew1429I'm totally okay with being pointed somewhere05:35
vox754matthew1429, I messaged you about an hour ago, but probably you were on the can05:35
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Rictoo!multires | HawtRictoo05:35
matthew1429actually I did have a little drama05:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about multires - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:35
matthew1429to take care of05:35
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Rictoowhat is it again?05:35
=== matthew1429 looks through chat log
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matthew1429I am truly sorry vox05:35
Alex__any one have any idea why my disc partitioning is taking so long?05:36
nexuswhy ubuntu if exist windows vista05:36
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:36
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SeveredCrossAlex__: What's the size of the disk, how many partitions are you creating, are any being moved, etc?05:36
Rictoowhere is xorg,conf again?05:36
arentoineRoTTeNSeeD : you will need to edit the xorg.conf to get your 9550 to work. after the install.  Not a big deal.05:36
chowmeinedhow do I set my default input method?05:36
chesneyOut of curiosity folks, is there a decent way to deploy a lamp server on a currently installed Ubuntu desktop? (I'm on a bandwidth impaired line, so downloading the entire ubuntu server is out of the question.)05:36
arrenlexRictoo: /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:36
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tonyyarusso!lamp | chesney05:36
ubotuchesney: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)05:36
FearMothhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11940/   .. I'm trying to install liblame-dev, but I'm getting the error Couldn't find package liblame-dev ... what do I need to add to my sources.list to be able to download this package in edgy?05:36
durkajiok i downloaded the ubuntu installer cd multiple times and each time it has been unable to read the cd after the ubuntu cd splashscreen comes up, it just gives me a warning05:36
wolfspiri1nexus: personal preference05:36
RictooI added the higher res, but it only goes to 60hz05:36
vox754matthew1429, from what I see I assume you got a new harddrive to which you installed Ubuntu with the default partitioning hda, and you also have a second hard drive hdb, which you use to store. But what did you do with the CD/DVD drive? did you changed it since the installation?05:36
bulmerchesney get the alternate cdrom05:36
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arrenlexRictoo: What card?05:37
SeveredCrossFearMoth: Try Universe and Multiverse05:37
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RictooI tried on windows,. it goes up to 85 hz05:37
chowmeinedhow do I set the default input method to scim?05:37
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RictooIll try another driver =/05:37
FearMothSeveredCross: I think I have those both enabled though .. ?05:37
SeveredCrossWhat card Rictoo?05:37
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RictooRadeon 9i20005:37
durkajiok i downloaded the ubuntu installer cd multiple times and each time it has been unable to read the cd after the ubuntu cd splashscreen comes up, it just gives me a warning05:37
arren1exRictoo: Oh. Never needed to configure refresh rate, sorry.05:37
Rictoowell how do I change the driver the card uses?05:37
arren1exRictoo: in xorg.conf05:37
Rictoolike if I wanna use fglrx?05:37
SeveredCrossFearMoth: Double check, run gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:37
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arren1exRictoo: Need to install fglrx first.05:37
SeveredCrossRictoo: If you want to use fglrx, you first need to install it.05:38
arren1ex!fglrx | Rictoo05:38
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ubotuRictoo: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:38
Alex__SeveredCross: i hae a 300gb drive with 50gb in use already05:38
matthew1429vox754: I had 2 cdroms that were working... THey were borrowed.  One was a dvd, one was a cdr... I disconnected them, deleted their fstab entries, and tried to install the dvdrom05:38
emry1Alright, I have a bit of a problem... I had managed to corrupt a Windows install a while back, and I had also bought a brand new HDD. I decided to move what I needed off of my old HDD and format it to install Ubuntu on it. Problem is, I can't boot into Windows no matter what I try. :(05:38
matthew1429thats when boot time was crazy05:38
SeveredCrossAlex__: If partitions are being moved, data has to be copied and partitioning will be slow.05:38
infidelwhat's the channel for off topic?05:38
SeveredCrossmatthew1429: Well, the long boot might have been detecting the DVD drive and loading drivers.05:38
arrenlexinfidel: #ubuntu-offtopic05:38
Alex__SeveredCross: two hours slow?05:38
SeveredCrossAs for why it doesn't appear anywhere, that's because it's not in /etc/fstab05:38
emry1Oh, also. I have a non-corrupt Windows install on the new one.05:38
matthew1429yeah, but would it do that 2 boots in a row?05:38
SeveredCrossAlex__: Okay, that's a bit excessive. Hmm. Donno then.05:38
SeveredCrossErr, it shouldn't.05:39
infidelarren1ex, thanks05:39
FearMothSeveredCross: what lines do I need to add to enable multiverse? I only see universe, backports, etc05:39
arrenlexinfidel: yw05:39
durkajiok i downloaded the ubuntu installer cd multiple times and each time it has been unable to read the cd after the ubuntu cd splashscreen comes up, it just gives me a warning05:39
SeveredCrossFearMoth: Copy the lines for Universe, and replace Universe with Multiverse05:39
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matthew1429I'm not worried about a long boot if it detects it finally05:39
SeveredCrossdurkaji: Try burning the CD at a slower speed.05:39
matthew1429I keep the computer turned on so boot time is not an issue05:39
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Alex__SeveredCross: its strange, is is possible the live disc partioiner could of hung up?05:39
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matthew1429just mentioning it for troubleshooting purposes05:39
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FearMoththanks SeveredCross05:39
SeveredCrossmatthew1429: Can you check what drives you find in /dev?05:39
Pollywogwhy are + or - signs appearing at the start of each line?05:39
durkajishould i get 6.1005:39
Pollywogin the channel05:39
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SeveredCrossI don't remember how the CD-Rom's get named, they may just be /dev/cdrom05:40
matthew1429I find /hda and /hdb05:40
matthew1429if you checked my pastebin05:40
SeveredCrossYes, I saw what's in fdisk -l and fstab.05:40
matthew1429the dmesg "sees" 2 hdc's05:40
SeveredCrossThe dmesg wasn't there. :)05:40
durkajishould i get 6.10 or 6.605:40
SeveredCrossAnd a CD/DVD drive doesn't appear as /hdx05:40
youkilldkennedyWhat is a Linux program that's like Microsoft Publisher05:40
SeveredCrossThose are only hard drives.05:40
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SeveredCrossCD/DVD drives appear as /dev/cdrom I believe05:41
matthew1429ill post the dmesg05:41
matthew1429it posts them as hdc : /05:41
iridaSeveredCross: cd typically appears as /dev/hdc05:41
Alex__SeveredCross: guess i should quit?05:41
SeveredCrossI've never seen that.05:41
iridaSeveredCross: Yes, really. What is it for you?05:41
SeveredCrossAlex__: I would try it again, two hours is excessive, the partitioner may have hung.05:41
Alex__SeveredCross: ok thanks05:41
mbdlhello i have a external NTFS hard drive and it wont mount b/c terminal states that theres somehting wrong please check pastebin for more details: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11942/05:41
SeveredCrossI'm currently not on Ubuntu (HDD failure, waiting to replace it, so I am on XP), but I could have sworn it was /dev/cdrom05:41
shatratirida, but /dev/cdrom or /dev/cdrom0 is linked to /dev/hdc05:41
vox754matthew1429, if I recall, the /etc/fstab file is not updated automatically because it is the job of the system administrator to manage the partitions. So you need to add the line, I guess.05:42
SeveredCrossAh, that's what it is.05:42
iridashatrat: Yes, that's correct.05:42
Alex__SeveredCross: any better way to partition?05:42
SeveredCrossI never bothered to check if /dev/cdrom is a symlink or not.05:42
Rictooguys, the binary fglrx doesn't support 3d? ;S05:42
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iridaRictoo: What? Of course it does. That's what it's for.05:42
SeveredCrossRictoo: Sure it does.05:42
youkilldkennedyWhat is a Linux program that's like Microsoft Publisher05:42
vox754SeveredCross, yes they appear as /dev/hd*05:42
SeveredCrossAlex__: I dunno, I generally use Gparted.05:42
matthew1429I added the dmesg SeveredCross05:42
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SeveredCrossAh, well.05:42
SeveredCrossOkay matthew1429, I'll look.05:42
iridaSeveredCross: em@sam:~$ file /dev/cdrom05:42
irida/dev/cdrom: symbolic link to `hdc'05:42
Alex__SeveredCross: i had creatted a virtual K;\ with a 3rd party windows program, how would i install on that?05:42
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shatratRictoo, it supports openGL, but on a scale of 1-10 its a null pointer exception error as far as quality goes.05:42
Rictoook, so just apt-get install fglrx and then Driver"fglrx"05:43
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bulmeryoukilldkennedy: what does a Publisher do btw?05:43
Pollywogyoukilldkennedy: it's not that we are ignoring you, I think we just do not know05:43
iridaRictoo: The magical guide answers all.05:43
irida!fglrx | Rictoo05:43
SeveredCrossTo be totally honest, that probably won't work.05:43
ubotuRictoo: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:43
mbdlplease check my pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11942/05:43
shatratRictoo, hopefully, you might have to add an entry to your xorg.conf disabling composite as well05:43
Rictoook =p05:43
SeveredCrossbulmer: Desktop publishing05:43
youkilldkennedyPollywog: Just checking incase someone new came in ;)05:43
SeveredCrossWell, matthew1429, if you see /dev/hdc and that's a CD-Rom drive, try adding its line into /etc/fstab05:43
youkilldkennedyBulmer: It's for creating things like brochures.05:43
bulmerSeveredCross: what does it really do? in simple terms05:44
matthew1429I don't see a hdc in /dev05:44
SeveredCrossCreating brochuers, etc.05:44
matthew1429just when i do the dmesg05:44
matthew1429isn't that weird?05:44
SeveredCrossBTW, dmesg output still isn't showing up in the paste..05:44
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iridamatthew1429: What's the output of "dmesg | grep hdc"?05:44
Rictoohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto states that it doesn't support the 9200, however http://www.stanchina.net/~flavio/debian/fglrx-supported.txt says it does05:44
SeveredCrosshttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11934/ righht?05:44
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FearMothcan anyone recommend a faster repository than ca.archive.ubuntu.com? it's only transfering at 12kbps for me..05:44
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bulmeryoukilldkennedy: you can use tools like your openoffice for words and embed graphics from Gimp05:45
SeveredCrossFearMoth: Try the US one?05:45
nikhil_So I'm trying to install a gaim-latex plugin, but it brings up a weird error message (I can't determine whether I'm missing any dependencies, or even which to install)05:45
PollywogFearMoth: are you in Canada?05:45
bulmerone heck of a publishing tools05:45
FearMothPollywog: yes05:45
nikhil_Would it be alright if I were to post the error log here? (it's long)05:45
SeveredCrossThere's a distinct publishing software though, I just ca't remember what it is.05:45
mbdlPLEASE HELP i dont have much time on my compter and i need my work PLS check my pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11942/05:45
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SeveredCrossnikhil_: How are you installing?05:45
nexusubuntu the worst distro ..just kidding bye05:45
matthew1429yeah, severed05:45
matthew1429it's pasted now05:45
j0sh0hi gys, if I want to use ndiswrapper for my wireless card, where can i find the .inf file for the driver if the driver cd only has cabs and an installer?05:45
iridaRictoo: You seem to be right. https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/linux_8.34.8.html <-- only goes down to 950005:45
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SeveredCrossmbdl, just do what the error tells you.05:46
nikhil_Severed: Downloading the gzipped archive, and compiling05:46
SeveredCrossRun ntfsfix05:46
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iridaj0sh0: Extract it from the cab (that's an archive) using the cabextract command.05:46
SeveredCrossOr mount it read only and then you can read your work off of it.05:46
SeveredCrossnikhil: Not available via apt-get?05:46
mbdlSeveredCross: tryed and it says it cant find the command05:46
j0sh0irida: thru cmd.exe?05:46
iridaj0sh0: ....no. In ubuntu.05:46
nikhil_Severed: Nope, I tried an apt-cache search and it's not there05:46
SeveredCrossmbdl: Tried changing your fstab to mount read only?05:46
Rictooirida, http://www.mepis.org/docs/en/index.php/ATI_supported_cards05:46
SeveredCrossnikhil: Multiverse and Universe enabled?05:46
SeveredCross(Backports too even)05:46
j0sh0irida: oh thanks. it comes installed with ubuntu?05:47
nikhil_Severed: Yes, everything05:47
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SeveredCrossPaste the error log into a pastebin05:47
Rictooso how would I get specifically fglrc 9.28?05:47
mbdlSeveredCross: if i wanted to do ntfsfic i would write...sudo mount  -a force right?05:47
iridaRictoo: Notice that your card is for the "previously supported in 8.28" section.05:47
Rictooso how would I get specifically fglrx 9.28?05:47
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Rictoocrap I cant type on ,my patined keyboard -.-'05:47
nrdbI am using a ubuntu CD at a friends place, can you get a dialup connection to actually dial using the a GUI ? I setup the phone number in System->Administion->Networking  but I can't seem to dial from this.05:47
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matthew1429would there be a disadvantage to installing feisty beta if I'm impatient?  wouldn't it just update when it's officially released?05:47
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SeveredCrossmbdl: You should probably edit your /etc/fstab and check the line for that hard drive.05:48
iridaj0sh0: I don't know. If it doesn't all you have to do is install the cabextract passage (no dependencies iirc)05:48
mbdlSeveredCross: if i wanted to do ntfsfix i would write...sudo mount  -a ntfsfix right? ***05:48
Rictooso how would I get specifically fglrx 8.28?05:48
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SeveredCrossmbdl, not at all.05:48
SeveredCrossntfsfix is a separate utility05:48
mbdlSeveredCross: how do i get and use it05:48
SeveredCrossTry sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda605:48
nikhil_Severed: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11946/05:48
j0sh0irida: cheers!!!05:48
SeveredCross*Try sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda505:48
rg535748I'm trying to run kubuntu on here, I have an nvidia graphics card 7800GTX, and when I try to start the xserver I get errors. Can anyone help me? I posted the log file at http://pastebin.ca/40882405:48
firecrotchI installed Postfix and Squirrelmail as per the Ubuntu wiki, but I can't receive mail05:48
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pibarnasmatthew1429 if you could upgrade after installing feisty beta... ;)05:49
=== matthew1429 thanks severed for his time
Alex__Does anyone know about the preparing mount points bit on the partioner?05:49
doofuswhen is feisty ready? :)05:49
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matthew1429april apparently05:49
SeveredCrossUh, May. :)05:49
firecrotchdoofus: when it's ready05:49
doofuscool! ?05:49
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arrenlexrg535748: Lines 453-45705:49
SeveredCrossIsn't it?05:49
doofusi want it now heeheh05:49
matthew1429I thought I saw a newslink saying april05:49
rg535748arrenlex: What about them?05:49
pibarnasdoofus 20th april05:49
arrenlexrg535748: How did you install the nividia drivers? What's the output of "lspci | grep VGA"?05:49
nikhil_Alex__: Which installer are you using? Edgy?05:49
arrenlexrg535748: They are your problem.05:49
firecrotchdoofus: Then try thee beta :)05:49
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doofuscant wait!05:49
matthew1429yeah, I wouldnt be going through all of this if it was out05:49
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matthew1429when I could just wipe and reinstall05:50
doofusdont like beta :(05:50
rg535748installed them with apt-get05:50
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mbdlSeveredCross: how do i get ntfsfix?05:50
SeveredCrossmbdl: sudo apt-get install ntfsfix if it's not already installed.05:50
arrenlexrg535748: Also, please pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:50
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nikhil_mbdl: I think the pakage is ntfsprogs05:50
fmarquezi need your help05:50
SeveredCrossAh, that works.05:50
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rg53574801:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 7800 GTX (rev a1)05:50
doofusokay nother Q05:50
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Alex__nikhil_: yes05:50
rg535748arrenlex: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 7800 GTX (rev a1)05:50
doofushow do i make my res stay the same on start up05:50
arrenlexrg535748: Just checking.05:51
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doofuskeeps defaulting to 1024x76805:51
SeveredCrossdoofus: It shouldn't change...05:51
arrenlexrg535748: Please pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:51
fmarquezi don't know.  i need change my ip addres , i wanna use de static ip and not dhcp server05:51
SeveredCrossmbdl: Did you manage to install it?05:51
Jon_yoosicI'm having a DVD mounting issue in Ubuntu.  mount says 'no media found' but it automounts CDs just finje05:51
nikhil_Severed: Any ideas on what's wrong with my gaim-latex plugin?05:51
doofusi have it as 1400 x 105005:51
SeveredCrossfmarquez: You have to edit the DHCP config files.05:51
iridadoofus: What card?05:51
mbdlSeveredCross: its installing05:51
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:51
doofus5700 fx05:51
SeveredCrossnikhil: Looks like an error in one of the code files...You'd have to contact the developer.05:51
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RictooHow do I see my xorg version?05:52
fmarquezwhere is it05:52
matthew1429SeveredCross: you seem to have a lot of ppl asking... I pm'd you when you get time05:52
iridaRictoo: .28 is in the ubuntu repositories currently.05:52
Pollywogdpkg -l xorg05:52
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matthew1429thanks in advance for volunteering your time05:52
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Alex__nikhil_: you know anything about the edgy partioner?05:52
doofusoh and btw LINUX rules!05:52
Rictoothanks Pollywog05:52
doofuslong live open source!05:52
SeveredCrossmatthew1429, I still don't see the dmesg output in the pastebin.05:52
Rictooii  xorg           7.1.1ubuntu6.2 X.Org X Window System05:52
Rictoowhats my xorg version? xD05:52
SeveredCrossJust pm the dmsg output to me whole.05:52
iridaRictoo: 7.1.105:52
SeveredCrossErr, 7.1.105:53
rg535748arrenlex:  http://pastebin.ca/40882805:53
matthew1429SeveredCross: the paste is as follows05:53
nikhil_Severed: That sucks. Thanks so much for your time though05:53
matthew1429it updates it when you edit it05:53
matthew1429I thought the url would stay the same05:53
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SeveredCrossSomething looks VERY borked..05:53
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SeveredCross87x CD-ROM drive.05:53
nikhil_Alex__: Yeah, in the installer itself, you can select "manually partition", and it should bring up a bunch of blank spaces05:53
fmarquezwhere  is the DHCP config files?05:53
SeveredCrossAnd garbage for the manfuacturer name on the first line.05:53
doofusmy res dont save to X conf :(05:53
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iridarg535748: What happens if you sudo modprobe -v nvidia05:53
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matthew1429yeah, some folks have said that too05:54
=== matthew1429 shrugs
nikhil_Alex__: You should be able to set which folders each partition (ie /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, etc) mounts to05:54
SeveredCrossHmm....I don't know matthew1429.05:54
doofus87x cd-rom wtf!05:54
SeveredCrossThe garbage there confuses me.05:54
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yurimxpxmando you guys know of an open programming channel? I can't find any good ones.. #c requires an invite05:54
Alex__nikhil_: i am manually partitioning and to the mountpoints/size/partition table05:54
iridadoofus: LOL, don't CDs explode at ~60?05:54
doofusdude get ebooks :)05:54
=== matthew1429 removes bricks from mouth
SeveredCrossyurimxpxman: Join ##C05:54
rg535748arrenlex: Modprobe gives me no output05:54
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fmarquezwhere  is the DHCP config files?05:54
Alex__nikhil_:i just dont knw what to do there05:55
doofusthey xplode at 56x05:55
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fmarquezwhere  is the DHCP config files?05:55
matthew1429this is the joy of linux... dust yourself off and LEARN!05:55
RictooI wonder what would happen if I ran ragnarok with wine...05:55
Rictootime to crash my pc =D05:55
Pollywogwho has good ebooks05:55
SeveredCrossirida: 52x sometimes.05:55
SeveredCrossfmarquez: Look for them?05:55
matthew1429again, thanks SeveredCross05:55
rg535748irida: modprobe gives me no output05:55
Pollywognot too expensive05:55
arrenlexrg535748: sudo modprobe -rv nvidia ; sudo modprobe -v nvidia05:55
doofusi have c++05:55
matthew1429:( :( :(05:55
doofusand c+05:55
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SeveredCrossmatthew1429: Your problem is very strange...I really have no idea where to even start.05:55
andre_pli haveno shutdown or suspend options in my gnome system menu. the only option is quit and it goes right to gdm. this has been bugging me for months.. has anyone else seen it?05:55
durkajiif i have a core 2 duo do i get amd64 version?05:55
SeveredCrossTried unplugging the drive and booting?05:55
doofuswho wants the eboks pm me05:55
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durkajiif i have a core 2 duo do i get amd64 version?05:55
SeveredCrossdurkaji: Nope.05:55
iridadurkaji: Not unless you want 64-bits. (you don't)05:56
SeveredCrossYou get the x86 version.05:56
matthew1429the willingness to even try is much appreciated05:56
SeveredCrossCore 2 Duo isn't 64-bit, heh.05:56
matthew1429much appreciated05:56
iridaSeveredCross: Sure is.05:56
doofusduo sux05:56
SeveredCrossThough, does anyone know if the standard kernel image that ships by default is SMP or not?05:56
SeveredCrossOh haha, durr they are.05:56
doofusamd ftw05:56
puffEvening... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11947/05:56
=== SeveredCross is retarded.
iridaSeveredCross: Yep, it does.05:56
Arrickhey, does ubuntu 6.10 with apache support Frontpage Extensions?05:56
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SeveredCrossCore 2 Duo will spank any CPU out there right now.05:56
durkajiare you sure i just get x86?05:56
doofusamd > intel05:56
rg535748arrenlex:  I can't keep up with the scroll here. Can I talk to you someplace else?05:56
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fmarquezmy system it can't take the ip adress dynamic. i need change to static ip.05:56
SeveredCrossdurkaji: Yes.05:56
puffI'm trying to install feisty 7.0.4 beta 1 because I need kernel 2.6.20-12 for this motherboard.  I'm getting this odd error.05:56
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rg535748arrenlex: It's hurting my eyes05:56
iridarg535748: Sure. Join #arrenlex05:56
doofusno way05:56
Kefas_Hello, could anyone help a fresh Ubuntu user?05:56
SeveredCrossThe AMD64 is not that great.05:56
Arrickdoofus AMD spanks intel05:56
doofuswait for amd quads05:56
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doofusyes Arrick05:57
Alex_001hey guys!, I have a question05:57
doofusit does05:57
SeveredCrossAMD is ages behind at the moment.05:57
Kefas_I am having problems with my graphics card and have05:57
doofusAMD is releasein Quad core05:57
puffAlex_001, Kefas_:  Don't ask to ask, just ask.05:57
SeveredCrossKefas_: Just ask, someone will get to you eventually.05:57
ArrickSeveredCross yeah, if you call being the top processor being behind, uhmmmmmmm........05:57
Kefas_no idea how to install the driver (having read the FAQ)05:57
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fmarquezhi man. help me i need to do my work.05:57
Alex_001how long does it take to ship ubuntu here in the Philippines?05:57
Kefas_So - I have an integrated Unichrome IGP05:57
doofusamd Quad will make intel cry05:57
Alex__SeveredCross: i am manually doing the partitions to a logical drive, what mount points do i need (i am new to this)05:57
Kefas_Right now I have vesa driver05:57
SeveredCrossArrick: Which AMD processor is this that beats the newest Core 2 Duo's?05:57
Arricklonger than 6 weeks alenax05:57
ArrickAlex__ ^05:58
RictooThe latest version of the ATI Proprietary Linux driver is designed to support the following Linux distributions:05:58
Rictoo    * Red Hat Enterprise Linux suite05:58
Rictoo    * Novell/SuSE product suite05:58
Kefas_I would like to change it to a proper driver05:58
RictooIt works on ubuntu too, right?05:58
SeveredCrossAlex__: In practice, only / and swap.05:58
Arrickuhmm, how about the AMD Core 2 Duo SeveredCross ?05:58
doofuswho wants the Ebooks?05:58
SeveredCrossThough you can make many.05:58
Kefas_But have no idea - how?05:58
doofusPM me05:58
SeveredCrossRictoo: Yes.05:58
beg1689Core 2 Duo? what about EXtreme?05:58
SeveredCrossWhat AMD Core 2 Duo is this?05:58
Arrickcrimeny know you stuff before yapping05:58
SeveredCrossCore 2 Duo is an Intel trademark, AMD coudln't use it.05:58
SeveredCrossLink please05:58
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beg1689Link what?05:59
Alex_001i've checked at ubuntu.com and says it already forwarede my request on February 27 and yet I still don't have it05:59
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Alex__SeveredCross: in practice? they can both be on the same partition right?05:59
SeveredCrossAlex__, swap has to be a separate partition.05:59
SeveredCrossLink to this fantastic AMD Core 2 Duo05:59
quaalwhy is my clock going off sync again05:59
durkajiwhy do i have to use x86 for core 2 duo05:59
SeveredCrossAll the reviews I see of the Intel Core 2 Duos say they smoke everything AMD.05:59
quaalit says 11:08 now, when its supposed to be 1205:59
quaalits synced to like 3 servers05:59
SeveredCrossdurkaji: Because the AMD64 version while it works, it's not very well supported.05:59
quaali dont get it05:59
durkajioh ok06:00
=== mindstate [n=mindstat@pool-71-164-97-203.albyny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
doofusGot AM2 dual core! 5200+06:00
durkajiso the core 2 duo is 64 bit but im just using a 32 bit out of convenience?06:00
doofus2.6ghz per core06:00
Alex_001do they really send it?06:00
Alex__SeveredCross: how big should the swap partition be?06:00
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syberdaveSeveredCross: not well supported, as in there aren't as many binaries in the respitory for it?06:00
iridadurkaji: You don't want 64-bit because flash and binary codecs don't work without chroots and confusing things.06:01
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SeveredCrossWhat irida said.06:01
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SeveredCrossAlex__: Double your RAM/06:01
durkajii can use chroot06:01
iridadurkaji: Why do you want 64-bit?06:01
dark_lightIf I burn a ISO CD Image of ubuntu edgy in a DVD, it will boot and works?06:01
durkajii dont06:01
SeveredCrossThough I suppose not really more than a GB even if double your RAM is more than 1 GB.06:01
doofusim a linux noob but i love it06:01
iridadurkaji: Well then use 32bit. xD06:01
durkajiirida: 64 bit isnt much faster, right?06:01
doofusbe good if it could play all pc games then i would fully convert06:02
iridadurkaji: It's not at all faster. It just allows you to address more memory.06:02
dark_lightI am having this problem because a friend is trying to burn the ISO in a CD-R, but the cd recorder is saying the CD-R has no space for the image06:02
Alex__SeveredCross: and root should be however much spaced i am willing to spend?06:02
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iridadurkaji: If you have < 4GB then there are exactly no benefits.06:02
doofusget better buring app06:02
durkajihaha cool06:02
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doofusdark light06:02
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doofusget GnomeBaker it rocks for cd/dvd images06:03
arrenlexIn xchat, is it possible to recall what you said before? Like ctrl+shift+up does in gaim?06:03
Alex_001can I talk to somebody who can address my queries?06:03
durkajiso the i386 one is what i should use?06:03
dark_lightdoofus, there are a gnomebaker for windows? :(06:03
iridadurkaji: GEs.06:03
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iridadurkaji: Er, yes.06:03
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doofusoh nope sorry i doubt it06:03
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doofusu doin iso with nero?06:03
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dark_lightyes, doofus06:03
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doofuswhat version06:03
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=== dark_light figuring out
CBDMhey guys06:04
dark_lightdoofus, but, what about recording in a DVD? it would not work?06:04
CBDMdoes ubuntu with apache support frontpage extensions?06:04
dark_lightand, version
SeveredCrossRe AMD vs. Intel, benchmarks say Intel Core 2 Duo still spanks AMD. :)06:04
doofuswhat image u have?06:04
dark_lightdoofus, ubuntu edgy desktop 32bits06:05
doofusduo sucks06:05
Alex__SeveredCross: how can i make a new partition?06:05
SeveredCrossEverywhere except for memory reads, because RAM ran slightly faster on the board they were using for testing.06:05
doofusno man u dont a dvd for that!06:05
=== jair [n=jair@adsl-67-37-190-78.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveredCrossAlex__: Use GParted.06:05
doofusjust a cd06:05
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doofuswhat version nero?06:05
iridaSeveredCross, doofus: root@intel~:# chown intel:intel /home/AMD/mom <-- that's what intel did.06:05
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dark_lightdoofus, i know. but nero is saying the 700mb cd can't hold 698mb06:05
dark_lightdoofus, version
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SeveredCrossHey, I'm rooting for Intel right now. :)06:06
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Alex__SeveredCross: embarassing asking this, but where would i access gparted (says i have it installed)06:06
doofusscrew intel overpriced and sux just like winblows06:06
RegalEagleIs there anyway to use an S-Video output in Ubuntu?06:06
beg1689whatever one puts a quad core in my laptop, thats the one i vote for06:06
doofusdude upgrade!06:06
doofusthere is v7!06:06
jairguys I have a r51 IBM laptop with an Intel AC '97 sound card pci, when the ubuntu system boots I can hear the drum the sound but once I log in the web sites with sound like youtube does not playback anymore :( any idea?06:06
doofusget it!06:06
doofusand nero wont complain06:06
doofusur version is most likly bugged06:07
doofusas with all winblows software06:07
sonicjoshim stuck, its hanging on the partition part of 6.1006:07
SeveredCrossAlex__: System --> Administration on your top Gnome menubar.06:07
pike_jair: you get sound playing mp3s and such? is it just no sound using flash plugin in browser?06:07
SeveredCrossRegalEagle: You need the binary drivers for your card most likely.06:07
dark_lightdoofus, ... the problem is: it isn't me that is trying to burn the CD. I don't know if the person would upgrade just to do it06:08
Alex__SeveredCross: i was looking for the wrong name06:08
RegalEagleSeveredCross: It's an ATI Rage Fury Pro 2x06:08
dark_lightand, my original question remains open: DVD *could* boot from an ISO image?06:08
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jairpike_: I will check06:09
doofuscheck msg06:09
=== phasegen [n=phasegen@67-54-246-189.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu
doofuswindow dark06:09
beg1689DVDs function just like CDs, they are just bigger06:09
bmillhamHi all, I'm new here. I just installed GSAMBAD and smb4k. One of those 2 corrupted my sudoers file, so I can no longer run root commands. Any ideas on how to fix this!06:09
Alex__SeveredCross: why is it not letting me make a new partition?06:09
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jairpike_: I actually get an error06:09
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SeveredCrossAlex__: Hmm...Don't know.06:10
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SeveredCrossAny errors spit out by GParted?06:10
sonicjoshits hanging  after i click next after saying resize partition06:10
jairpike_: I think that this problem happen since I upgrade from kernel 386 to 686 because I am using centrino processor, that is why I did the change.06:10
pike_bmillham: boot in recovery mode and edit the file i guess.  maybe do a passwd root to enable root pass until you figure it out06:10
doofuscheck ur PM06:10
Alex__SeveredCross: nope, none.06:10
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stoneagei need help06:10
doofustell your friend to Download DVDdecrypter06:10
jairpike_: but it should be a way I can configure the sound with this kernel06:10
doofusif he can find it06:11
stoneagei just install ubuntu to my laptop06:11
stoneagecan someone PM06:11
doofusit will burn a cd-image06:11
stoneagei need help with the drivers06:11
lzhanghello, I'm trying to get 1600x1200 resolution working in Gnome; I've done 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and added the resolution option, but it still isn't showing up in the "Screen Resolution" settings in gnome06:11
doofusand wont complain06:11
bmillhamThanks pike_, I'll give that a try.06:11
stoneagei'm new to ubuntu06:11
jairpike_: let me ssh to the laptop I am having the issue and paste the logs details and errors.06:11
iridalzhang: What card?06:11
pike_jair: k06:11
lzhangirida: ATI Rage Pro 12806:12
sonicjoshits hanging onpartition edit06:12
stoneagei need help with my wireless driver and video card06:12
lzhangirida: is it possible that the card can't support those resolutions?06:12
iridalzhang: I don't know anything about that card so I can't answer that, sorry.06:12
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doofusoh ok PM's are blocked06:12
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crdlblzhang, pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:13
lzhangirida: I just checked, card should support that resolution06:13
tonyyarusso!ohmy | doofus06:13
ubotudoofus: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:13
Alex__anyone know why gparted wont let me create a new partition?06:13
sonicjoshhelp with that06:13
doofuswhat ! gay is not a swear word!06:14
phasegenAnyone have their troubleshooting hat on?  All my filesharing programs quit working.  They won't open at all.06:14
doofusits a description!06:14
bradleyhow do I regiter a nick?06:14
=== comlag [n=comlag@cpe-76-173-244-0.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
pike_Alex__: you cant resize your root paritition if your currently booted into it.  id either use the ubuntu livecd or gparted has its own livecd06:14
tonyyarussodoofus: Right.  And one completely inappropriate for that context.  That will be all now.06:14
doofus./msg nickserv register <pass>06:14
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lzhangcrdlb: tailing that logfile I see no new lines while doing /etc/init.d/gdm start06:14
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sonicjoshhelp, this explains http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=234931606:15
Alex__pike_: i am botted onto the ubuntu live cd06:15
doofuswell then pm disabled is f**ked hows that06:15
``26``nebody else have issues with TCL and eggdrop on ubuntu?06:15
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crdlblzhang, paste it anyway06:15
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pike_Alex__: what does gparted say when you try to resize?06:15
comlagany of u guys have cedega?06:15
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doofusi do06:15
crdlbdoofus, you need to be logged in06:15
lzhangcrdlb: ok, will do06:15
Alex__pike: havent tried resizing, should I?06:15
doofusu want it?06:15
comlagim have stack overflow problems06:15
comlaginstalling steam mods06:16
dark_lightdoofus, thanks for the support. my friend is getting another cd recorder software, so I think he will not have any problem like this. have a nice day! (or night, that depends..)06:16
doofuslogged in?06:16
comlagi dont know how to fix it06:16
doofusday atm bud06:16
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doofusget DVD decrypter trust me its good and it is FREE06:16
Alex__pike_: havent tried resizing, should I? (forgot the _ in your name last time)06:16
pike_Alex__: if you have unpartitioned freespace you can just create a partition but if its just one big hda1 for the whole hd you need to resize06:16
jairpike_: I am on the system already, but I was trying to find a hint on google but nothing yet06:16
bradleylogin to what?06:17
puffSpeaking of partitioning..06:17
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doofusbest peice of FREE dvd/cd burning software that winblows has seen06:17
sonicjoshgparted says ive used alot more than i actually hav, why06:17
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puffWe have two 300GB drives, had planned to use RAID mirroring.06:17
=== bullium [n=Will@NW-ESR1-66-161-188-86.fuse.net] has joined #ubuntu
doofusand i said if you can get it .. because they banned it!06:17
puffBut it turns out the on-motherboard RAID isn't supported in lniux yet, sigh.06:17
doofusso sata dont work under linux?06:18
Alex__pike_: ahh, got it06:18
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doofusraid = sata?06:18
jairpike_: this is the link I found http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/doc-php/template.php?company=Intel&card=ICH+southbridge+AC97+audio.&chip=440MX%2C+i810%2C+i810E%2C+i820%2C+ICH4%2C+ICH5%2C+ICH6&module=intel8x006:18
bulliumdoofus, yes sata works under linux06:18
jairbut I am not sure if I need to compile06:18
lzhangcrdlb: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1194806:18
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bradleyis anybody familiar w/ and using http://www.bastille-linux.org/06:19
CBDMis there a actual distro thats recent that works with ubuntu?06:19
doofusi love all this Geek speak even tho i dont know what half of you are on about :P06:19
pike_jair: if you like cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp   or something you get sound right?06:19
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CBDM6.06.1 server definately doesnt06:19
matthew1429SeveredCross: hey guess what worked06:19
durkajiwhat should i use if i have a core 2 duo06:19
jairpike_: I will check that06:19
doofusdue sux06:19
doofusduo sux06:19
puffI'm setting up a server;  figuring that a boot partition, a swap partition the same size as my memory (2 GB), and then a root partition, a home partition, and a separate partition for web stuff.06:20
bulliumbradley, I read about it a little in college06:20
doofusbuy AMD06:20
doofusbuy AMD06:20
puffAny thoughts?06:20
doofusbuy AMD06:20
matthew1429you suggested that I remove it and boot and replug it in06:20
=== Supercross [n=Viper@cpe-72-185-240-224.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
lzhangcrdlb: in the xorg log file, under Supported VESA modes, it only goes up to 1280x1024 for some reason06:20
doofusbuy AMD06:20
doofusbuy AMD06:20
doofusbuy AMD06:20
Alex__pike_; what else would i ineed a partition for besides root and swap?06:20
doofusAMD cheaper and BETTER IMHO06:20
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome06:20
syberdavedoofus: i bought AMD.. do i get a prize?06:21
ubotuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup06:21
doofusyes My worship!06:21
pike_puff: sounds like a plan.  id consider making a partition for /tmp and formatting it xfs ive been meaning to see if that speeds things up a bit myself06:21
jairpike_: nope, I get this error-> -su: /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy06:21
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bradleyhey man, how do I register my name.06:21
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Alex__pike_: i set up partition for root and swap, anything else needed?06:21
=== mitrick [n=mitrick@bas7-montrealak-1096598055.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Supercrosscan someone assist me with ram timing troubleshooting?06:21
doofusBradley : /msg nickserv register <pass>06:22
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doofussorry supercross im not a Geek06:22
pike_Alex__: thats it i guess.  i normally make /home a seperate partition so that i can carry over all my configs and stuff if i have to reinstall.  but the way you have now is standard for ubuntu06:22
jairpike_: check this---> http://rafb.net/p/2G6Ch661.html06:22
=== benb [n=benb@CPE-144-132-65-168.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Supercrossi'm not either....but my ubuntu is borked and I just installed it and it wont work06:22
bmillhamThanks pike_. My sudoers problem is fixed! (Now I need to figure out what caused it)06:22
ceegis doc.gwos.org down for anyone else?06:22
=== Talaman [n=kris@71-93-40-68.static.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
jairpike_: that is the information of my sound card06:23
puffpike_:  I'm not too worried about speed, mostly worried about mantainability;  I figure a separate home partition so I can back it up easily;  a separtae web partition for the same reason, since there're some pretty hefty websites being move onto this box.06:23
doofushay can xchat have nick completion?06:23
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ceegdoofus: tab key06:23
jairpike_: so it looks like the kernel can see it, but not use it properly06:23
doofusthats not true nick completion06:23
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Talamanworks for me06:23
puffWhat're people's feelings about LVM?06:23
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doofusim an irc junkie from way back :P06:24
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doofusand did some scripting06:24
puffI'm looking at it and I'm thinking I probably don't really need the complication.06:24
Talamanxchat is the bomb06:24
phasegenCan anyone help?  All my filesharing programs quit working.  They won't open at all.06:24
Talamanlove it06:24
puffphasegen: Did you check the log files?06:24
doofusXchat is all Linux has?!!!?!06:24
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doofusor best it has?06:24
puffdoofus: Not at all.06:24
Alex__pike_: when i have a logical set up to / how come it is saying "No root File"06:24
Talamanhey, i got n issue...my screensavers aren't working right06:24
puffdoofus: Not that either :-).06:24
puffdoofus: Ever heard of emacs?06:24
pike_jair: why did you choose not to use generic kernel again?06:24
Supercrossif memtest will never complete is it pretty definite my ram is screwed?06:24
=== mon^rch [n=anonymou@S0106000fea33f1bb.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
doofuswell .. what is like mirc?06:24
doofuscoz i would rather a mirc interface06:25
puffphasegen: Typically applications log to /var/log/whatever.  For example, apache webserver logs ot /var/log/apache/error and /var/log/apache/access.06:25
Talamanthey work when i do the test...wbut when they are actually supposed to kick in, the display a black screen with a big white X06:25
mon^rchhey... is there a gui app that makes web pages for linux...kinda like forntpage?06:25
knicknicdoofus just install mirc with wine06:25
puffphasegen: Go look and see if your filesharing programs have any obvious logs there.06:25
doofuscan someone write a eggy cfg for me :)06:25
doofuswine Pah!06:25
=== mzanfardino [n=mzanfard@c-67-188-46-1.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
doofusever works for me06:25
jairpike_: I choose the Linux ubuntur51 2.6.15-28-686 instead the 2.6.15-28-386 because I am using a pentium Centrino06:25
Talamanxchat isn't all linux has...but it's far better than Mirc06:25
puffphasegen: If so, look at them.  If not, then you may have to hunt in the other logs.06:25
jairpike_: that is all I did upgrade the kernel06:26
doofusu reckon06:26
doofuscani add scripts ? or downlaod full scripts?06:26
mzanfardinoI have created an ISO file from the command line and would like to burn it to a disc from the command line.  Is there a simple proceedure to do this?06:26
mon^rchis there a web page builder for linux (gui)?06:26
doofusget GnomeBaker screw cmd line06:26
phasegenpuff: nothing there06:26
doofusyea Mon is there let me know if there is06:26
crdlbmon^rch, nvu is a wysiwyg editor06:27
pike_jair: im sorry. not sure whats going on there06:27
jairpike_: I am following the link from the web site alsasound06:27
mon^rchty crdlb06:27
knickniccrdlb it is too a wysiwyg editor06:27
jairpike_: is ok. Thank you06:27
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Talamanthere are some basic xchat scripts out there in python, perl, or tel(?)06:27
puffphasegen: Okay, so do ls -l /var/log, and look at the file modification dates, then try to start it again and then do ls -l /var/log again and see what changed the modification date.06:27
pike_jair: generic should have smp support though i dont think there is a speed increase really for custom kernel06:28
Alex__pike_: what would i format te partition to for a / file system06:28
crdlbknicknic, ?06:28
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Talamani wrote some basic ones for what i like, and downloaded one or two others that i later edited06:28
pike_Alex__: ext3 is standard for ubuntu06:28
doofusi wonder if i could run Fusion under wine06:28
mon^rchyeah, thankx again crdlb06:28
doofusawesome webby editor06:28
Alex__pike_: ok06:28
doofusbut wine does not like me06:29
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kane`wine doenst like much as anyone06:29
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kane`wow, that was bad let me try again06:30
Talamanwine likes me06:30
WinXpProi know winblows06:30
kane`wine doesnt like much of anyone.06:30
WinXpProbut im nood with linx06:30
Talamanruns what few windows programs I have06:30
WinXpProdamned keyboard06:30
kane`what are those that you have to run, tal?06:30
boboanyway i added anew login screen and restarted pc andnowcant login is their a way to change back to default by editing a conf file?06:30
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Talamani recently purchased a linux version of a program i feared I would have to buy in windows format06:31
WinXpProok norm services here :)06:31
WinXpProhey Voice me :)06:31
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mon^rchthanx for the help... ciao06:31
Talamanmainly Diablo 2 kane06:31
Alex__so, i am a long time windows user, anyone know any articles on the basic file system of linux?06:31
WinXpProcoz im cool :)06:31
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bobosorry for bad typing space bar broken off laptop06:31
phasegenpuff: still nothing in /var/log/  gtk-gnutella is the app06:31
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WinXpProbobo, : keyboard suck hey bro06:32
Talamanth basic file system of linux...get Knoppic (sp) and you can get a really good idea of it06:32
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WinXpProcedega i have06:32
WinXpProbut cant seem to run stuff with that either06:32
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WinXpProLinux should buy dx11 rights :P06:33
da-vincihi all06:33
TalamanI need to see if I can run Word and an audio player through wine and use a piece of equipment06:33
phasegenpuff:  I don't even get a hint the computer is trying to open it06:33
FearMothhow do I remove all of the package's unused dependencies when I apt-get remove a package?06:33
boboi added a new login screen and restarted pc and now can't login is their a way to change back to default by editing a conf file?06:33
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qrstuvwxwzNobel Prize Winner to talk on Why Cant Time Run Backwards?06:33
qrstuvwxwzdiggs Google Maps hates Windows06:33
qrstuvwxwzdiggs Garry's Mod - In Da Club06:33
qrstuvwxwzdiggs The Moto Lazr?06:33
Talamanif they all work together I can move another computer to linux06:33
qrstuvwxwzdiggs Sister of Dying Man Refuses to Donate Bone Marrow to Save His Life06:33
regeyaWinXpPro: yeah, someone should call up Linux Corp. and ask 'em to do that.06:33
qrstuvwxwzdiggs Bill Gates' Thoughts on Microsoft in 198906:33
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=== srf21c [n=Seth@ip68-98-112-136.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
qrstuvwxwzDr. Anthony Leggett, a Nobel Prize Winner, will give lecture on the topic "Why Can t Time Run Backwards?" at the Uni of Texas Dallas on Thursday, March 29 at 12:00 pm. "We all feel that we can remember the past and affect the future, not vice versa, so there is a very clear arrow of time built into our interpretation of our everyday experience."06:33
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WinXpProi will i will ! who do i call!??06:34
=== georedux_ [n=liam@c-71-225-116-253.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
qrstuvwxwz    14 hours 14 min ago, made popular 13 minutes ago06:34
regeyaoh, and make IE7 work on Linux.  Linux Corp needs to get that working in Linux 10.006:34
qrstuvwxwz    QuantumCrypto QuantumCrypto   (news: submissions, diggs, comments)06:34
qrstuvwxwz    News  Science  General Sciences06:34
qrstuvwxwz    www.full-disk-encryption.net06:34
qrstuvwxwzBury It:06:34
qrstuvwxwz        * Bury06:34
=== voidmage [n=voidmage@adsl-068-209-120-161.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
qrstuvwxwz    * 69 diggs06:34
qrstuvwxwz    * digg it06:34
qrstuvwxwz    * Comments (12)06:34
qrstuvwxwz    * Who Dugg or Blogged It?06:34
WinXpProserious ca someone write me an Eggy conf?06:34
=== ott0 [n=ott0@] has joined #ubuntu
qrstuvwxwz    * Blog It06:34
qrstuvwxwz    * Email It06:34
qrstuvwxwzTurn Profanity Filter On06:34
qrstuvwxwz   1.06:34
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild or Amaranth06:34
da-vinciI neet help06:34
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qrstuvwxwz      tardyonparticle by tardyonparticle 10 hours ago06:34
qrstuvwxwz      [comment buried, show commenthide comment]  + 2 diggs bury this digg this06:34
qrstuvwxwz      Sounds interesting. I have attended Dr. Leggett talks in the past and were pretty thought provoking. Here is a summary of a lecture he gave at University of Otago: http://science_boy.blogspot.com/2005/08/schroedingers-squid-filling-quantum.html06:34
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tjl30how do you delete a file ?06:34
WinXpProqrstuvwxwz, : stop the spam man06:34
kane`what the hell06:34
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puffphasegen: How are you starting it?06:34
kane`tjl30, rm file06:35
bobocan we get a bloc for qrs?06:35
WinXpProserious ca someone write me an Eggy conf?06:35
WinXpProserious ca someone write me an Eggy conf?06:35
ott0how can I find my password hash? If I sudo cat /etc/shadow... it seems that it's still hiding the hashes from me?06:35
kane`or rmdir for directories06:35
xprimarysuspectxhey guys. I was wondering if anyone knew of a workaround for xi-fi cards in ubuntu?06:35
phasegenthru the app menu06:35
regeyaEggy conf?06:35
Mez!flood | WinXpPro06:35
ubotuWinXpPro: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:35
WinXpProwtf is a xi-fi card06:35
=== rhetorikalanswer [n=carlie@Pc2-122.ResNet.uwp.edu] has joined #ubuntu
WinXpProshh i am not flooding06:35
da-vincii need help06:35
PanzerMKZit is a creative labs card06:35
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WinXpProif u want a flood i can do that06:35
PanzerMKZsound card06:35
regeya!ask | da-vinci06:35
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ubotuda-vinci: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:35
puffphasegen: If you're not starting from the command-line, try starting it from the command-line and see if itg ives you error messages there.06:35
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MezWinXpPro, I saw you repeat the same line in a couple of lines06:36
WinXpPro2x man06:36
WinXpProdont bitch06:36
WinXpProif u want a flood06:36
Mez!ohmy | WinXpPro06:36
ubotuWinXpPro: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:36
WinXpProill bring it06:36
kane`such hostility06:36
pike_WinXpPro: what config file are you refering to ?06:36
WinXpPro2000 +06:36
xprimarysuspectxx-fi support is not available from creative at the moment, any hacks/ideas?06:36
regeyaOkeydoke, WinXpPro seems to be hostile, but Mez seems to be egging it on.  Grow up, you two.06:36
da-vinciwhy don't ubuntu is sold with packages06:36
WinXpProregeya, : yes06:37
WinXpProi have done nothing06:37
WinXpProjust repeated 2x06:37
Mezregeya, I'm not egging anything on, I'm just doing what needs to be done06:37
evolipelguys -- does anyone know why my wireless card might not be "associating"?06:37
regeyaWinXpPro: so drop it and let's get on with it. :-)06:37
bobohow bout a ban for winxppro just for being stupid06:37
WinXpProthats not a flood06:37
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hostile - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:37
MezWinXpPro, yes, however they were amongst a flood, which is why it was called06:37
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:37
WinXpProwell dont call a flood when i didnt06:37
ott0dudez HoW do I see my pw hash?06:38
phasegenpuff: it says it's too old...06:38
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:38
kane`sudo stopfightingyouguys06:38
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WinXpProi can bring one is all i am saying06:38
pike_evolipel: you can see access points but not obtain an ip?06:38
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evolipelyeah basically06:38
WinXpProand could bring the channel to a Screeching halt06:38
xprimarysuspectxwow win, your a scary guy!06:38
Mulderwill feisty be LTS ?06:38
WinXpProbut i wont06:38
da-vinciMez why isn't the ubuntu sold alongwith the full packages06:38
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Talamanscreensavers anyone?06:38
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evolipelI have one of those laptops with the little button on the left side to enable it06:38
regeyabobo: WinXpPro, depsite having a caustic nic, is a human, which is what ubuntu is for.  if y'all are going to start banning "stupid" people, I've been hearing that OpenSUSE is nice.06:38
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pike_Mulder: nope06:38
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evolipeland I've done the whole acerhk thing (for acer hotkeys), so it works06:38
evolipeland I don't think that's the problem06:38
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regeyayou are a human, aren't you WinSrev06:38
Squillisis there an alternative to network-manager that support static ips?06:38
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evolipelbut I'm trying to configure it, but it won't connect06:38
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Mulderpike_, hmm. ok. how long will LTS release cycles be? every 5 years?06:39
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puffphasegen: Can you be more specific?06:39
SeveredCrossFeisty will be LTS as soon as the next version after Feisty comes out?06:39
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evolipeland yes, it can scan the various access points and give them correctly06:39
tonyyarussoSeveredCross: no.06:39
puffphasegen: Btw, I don't use any of these file sharing app myself, so I'm running out ofs uggestions.06:39
joneswhat is the best widget type program?06:39
phasegenpuff:  where can I paste to?06:39
SeveredCrossAha. I had no idea.06:39
beg1689widget type program?06:39
SeveredCrossI figured releases usually went to LTS status as soon as the next release came out.06:40
jonesi have seen gdesklets an screenlets but dont know what works best in gnome06:40
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SeveredCrossphasegen: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.com06:40
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regeyaand we seem to be getting rid of stupid people now...damn, I really don't want to switch distributions, but if ubuntu is going all debian on me, well, I refuse to use debian because the userbase/support/dev team is hostile and juvenile.  guess it's time to research the current linux distro scene.06:40
pike_evolipel: yeah make sure the switch is on so you can transmit.   what does 'sudo iwconfig eth1 essid whateverAPname; sudo dhclient eth1' say?   where eth1 is whatever your device name is.06:40
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xprimarysuspectxive looked through the ubntu sound roums a bit, but i specifically need help with a x-fi card. creative isnt supporting linux with this card currently, i would like to know if any info on a hack/workaround/magictrick is available? helps appreciated06:41
=== BubbaTester [n=BubbaTes@chat.chabotc.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Talamancheck out linux.org06:41
jairpike_: and the rest06:41
Talamanthere are a few other distros i was going to look into06:41
jairmy problem was solved :)06:42
pike_jair: what fixed it?06:42
jairI just choose the alsa to manage my volume06:42
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jairI was using the option of the sound card06:42
pike_jair: hah :)06:42
TalamanHELLO, my screensavers seem to be having issues06:42
SeveredCrossBSD FTW! ;)06:42
jairbut it looks like there is a default configuration that just works :)06:42
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Alex__pike_: yay its working and installing, thanks so much for the help06:43
jairThank you again family06:43
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pike_Alex__: np its alot to take in but i hope you stick with it ubuntu's a great first distro06:43
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Alex__pike_: now to learn this file structure... hehe06:44
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xprimarysuspectxill post my question again, maybe some help? ive looked through the ubntu sound roums a bit, but i specifically need help with a x-fi card. creative isnt supporting linux with this card currently, i would like to know if any info on a hack/workaround/magictrick is available? helps appreciated06:44
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NoSensei have upgraded to feisty fawn beta and my ps/2 mouse doesn't work06:44
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pike_NoSense: maybe a quick 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' will fix?06:45
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NoSenseit worked in all other versions06:45
NoSensei have tried it06:45
pike_NoSense: usb?06:45
NoSenseusb works06:45
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NoSenseim now with a usb keyboard06:45
SeveredCrossNoSense: Checked your xorg?06:45
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NoSensemy ps/2 keyboard doesn't work06:46
xprimarysuspectxive looked through the ubuntu sound forums a bit, but i specifically need help with a x-fi card. creative isnt supporting linux with this card currently, i would like to know if any info on a hack/workaround/magictrick is available? helps appreciated? anyone have a resource or something?06:46
NoSenseits like my ps/2 doesn't exist06:46
vexati0ngood idea or bad idea: install project looking glass on feisty fawn06:46
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xprimarysuspectxvexati0n: i dont know about fawn, i installed it on edgy, scary buggy. hosed my system worse than beryl06:47
pepeluisxdrae cmo lo ejecuto en ubuntu?06:47
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tonyyarusso!es | pepeluis06:47
ubotupepeluis: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:47
vexati0nxprimarysuspectx, i haven't had any problems with beryl at all..06:47
vexati0njust hoping not to screw my x06:48
pike_NoSense: might mention that in ubuntu+1 might not be a bug report on it yet06:48
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NoSenseso it can be a not reported bug?06:48
xprimarysuspectxvexati0n: i havent had to many problems with beryl either personally, but tons of people had trouble stopping it from screwing x, thats what looking glass did for me :D'06:48
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evolipelso guys... did anyone else have a problem with their wireless card not "associating"?06:48
CBDMsince the Server 6.06.1 ISOis broken, what is the next best thing to run?06:48
evolipel(despite numerous configuration attempts and apparently it working for everyone else)06:49
puffevolipel: What software are you using to control your wireless card?06:49
vexati0neh. beryl is prettier than PLG anyway :P06:49
puffvexati0n: I've really gotta try out uberyl sometime.06:49
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xprimarysuspectxvexati0n: i also know that they used to have a demo of looking glass so that you can play with it, but it doesnt install anything06:49
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xprimarysuspectxif you havent you could always try that out06:49
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puffxprimarysuspectx: Yah, that's what uberyl reportedly is;  an ubuntu live CD but using beryl.06:50
Arkoto bring ra0 up, I have to type some commands. I put then in a file inside /etc/init.d, but it is not working on boot. any help?06:50
Talaman anyone?06:50
pike_NoSense: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186689 might offer some insight in workaround06:50
xprimarysuspectxpuff:i bet that runs slow as hell :D06:50
puffTalaman: What issues?06:50
puffxprimarysuspectx: Why would it?06:50
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Talamanscreensavers not working06:50
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Talamanthey work in test mode06:50
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puffTalaman: In what sense  not working?06:51
NoSensepike_, i cannot copy the urle becouse i have not mouse :D06:51
xprimarysuspectxpuff: live cd's have always run slow for me a bit, i couldnt imagine with berly as well06:51
Talamanno worky in runmode06:51
puffTalaman: Which screen saver?06:51
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Talamanit displays black screen with white X06:51
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stutsmanI"m having issues playing mp3s in Ubuntu... its hard to actually ask a specific question because I get different errors. I"ve tried installing all the codecs and stuff and tried several different players. Some won't play a mp3 at all. SOme will freeze, some will do ok until I load a play list, others will do all that and start to play the mp3s but after so long into the first song it crashes. Is there anything I can do?06:51
Talamanall screensavers06:51
=== freeza [n=bub@ppp-70-243-82-250.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
pike_NoSense: well nothing worth having is ever easy ;p06:51
arch_how can I get gnome to either set the root background, or allow another program (like qiv or feh) to set the root background? (trying to get conky working properly)06:51
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puffTalaman: Ah, so xscreensaver, then?06:51
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Alex__would you guys suggest beryl or some other similar addon?06:52
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puffTalaman: When you say "no worky",what precisely do you mean?06:52
xprimarysuspectxwhere is my FREAKIN! cell phone..seriously, any ideas on x-fi in Ubuntu? anyone!06:52
puffAlex__: Only for fun.06:52
puffxprimarysuspectx: 'fraid not.06:52
NoSensepike_, i have mouse, but its ps/2 and my ps/2 ports seems not to work06:52
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xprimarysuspectxpuff: :(06:52
puffTalaman:  Ah, sorry, missed you black screen comment.06:52
Talamanit displays black screen with white X06:52
Alex__puff: i know just for fun hehe, but is that the best of that class of addons?06:52
NoSensepike_, sorry but i have been trying a lot of things and im a bit nervous :(06:52
xprimarysuspectxi have a 250 dollar sound card, and i have to revert to onboard with linux :( SAD06:52
puffstutsman: I had a lot of issues with that, dunno what to tell you.06:53
vexati0nxprimarysuspectx, next time research your overpriced hardware before you pay for it :P06:53
stutsmanpuff: Were you ever able to get anything to work for you?06:53
evolipel"unassociated" in iwconfig anyone?06:53
Talamanit could be xscreensaver...not sure where to check for that06:53
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xprimarysuspectxvexati0n:maybe YOUR in the ceiling! and its not over-priced. Its a great card, in windows!06:53
Talamannot sure why they work in test mode but not in regular mode06:53
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vexati0nxprimarysuspectx, nothing is great in windows.06:54
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vexati0nok i'll stop now.06:54
xprimarysuspectxvexati0n: i hate you06:54
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SeveredCrossxprimarysuspectx: The drivers should be available in Q2 2007 from Creative.06:54
SeveredCrossJust deal with it until then.06:54
Talamanvex, that's not true06:54
lauchazombiein grub hd0 is equal to hda right?06:54
puffstutsman: You can feel free to look through my log on darksleep.com/notablog/ubuntujournal.txt and see fi anything in there helps.06:54
Talamanthe price of windows has always been great06:54
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JuzzyI have a zd1201 chipset usb dongle, and it's listed as a supported device on the sf page. I have the zd1201 module installed, the usb wireless dongle attached, but I don't get a wlan0, yet lsusb lists it. Is there something else I have to do to make it recognize it?06:54
xprimarysuspectxseveredcross: yeah, i know this. unfortunately i was looking for some geeky magic06:54
SeveredCrossI agree with vexati0n, you should've researched your overpriced hardware first. ($250 for an audio card is overpriced no matter what, IMO)06:54
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stutsmanpuff: thank you so much, I will definatly give that a good reading.06:55
puffTalaman:  Might be that you selected a speific option that can't run properly.06:55
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lauchazombiein grub hd0 is equal to hda right???????06:55
puffstutsman: It's basically a log of my adventures with ubuntu, mostly for my own reference.06:55
Talamanin all the screensavers?06:55
tonyyarussolauchazombie: yes06:55
lauchazombietonyyarusso,  thanks =D06:55
Alex__one more noob question, how would i boot off my new ubuntu partition?06:55
evolipelwhat does "unassociated" mean in iwconfig before anything else?06:55
vexati0nconsidering that like 80% of onboard cards even do 5.1 surround now, i can't see a good reason to spend actual money on a sound card :/06:55
vexati0nbut i'm cheap too06:55
xprimarysuspectxseveredCross: I do tons of audio and midi stuff, mics, guitars, keyboards, reason, it isnt over priced if its well used and has features needed. I could have easily spent 500 for a sound card06:55
stutsmanpuff: very nice, I wish I would have thought of that in the beginning.06:55
evolipeldespite the interface being able to scan for the AP's properly?06:55
drofdarbHey guys, can firefox (or any browser for that matter) be made to use the gtk theme in the html rather than those ugly widgets they have now? :)06:55
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rcmivwhy does denyhosts keep poking into hosts.deny?06:56
xprimarysuspectxvexation: as stated, its a bit hard doing audio creation and mixing with onboard sound06:56
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SeveredCrossdrofdarb: Good question...no idea.06:56
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xprimarysuspectxi primarily use windows, so i DID research my "overpriced" card :D i just was hoping it would work magically in linux. I suppose hope has no bounds eh06:56
=== yoink23 [n=joel@wcnat-49-84.wheaton.edu] has joined #ubuntu
xprimarysuspectxthat makes me sad too, id much rather use linux for day-day06:57
Talamanpuff:what all controls the screensavers?06:57
=== AmyRose [n=djb@user-12l2tg3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
vexati0nxprimarysuspectx, what keeps you from using linux for everyday stuff?06:57
tecywiz121hey, I need some help stoping the screen from lcoking on user switch06:57
drofdarbSeveredCross: I remember reading something about it a while ago with cairo, but I'm thinking I perhaps either have the wrong version of cairo or they decided not to go that route or something.06:57
SeveredCrossdrofdarb: http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/roc/archives/2006/04/gnome_themes_in_html.html suggests a reason as to why they are not used in Mozilla...06:57
vexati0ni work in a microsoft certified partner it firm and i hardly ever use windows on purpose.06:57
xprimarysuspectxvexati0n: nothing i suppose, its just annoying to have to boot into windows to do my audio work, and, i hate having two speaker sets hooked up06:58
Alex__pike_: how would i boot off the new partition?06:58
xprimarysuspectxand i am aware of headphones :D06:58
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Alex__SeveredCross: i finally got the ne partition working06:58
=== ktogias [n=ktogias@ppp125-238.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
vexati0nxprimarysuspectx, linux audio studio software not good enough? not a sarcastic question, im looking for solutions in linux too.06:59
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xprimarysuspectxvexati0n: no the software is pretty ok, its onboard sound that isnt ok06:59
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|slylyias|I have good news06:59
arch_how can I get gnome to either set the root background, or allow another program (like qiv or feh) to set the root background? (trying to get conky working properly)06:59
xprimarysuspectxvexati0n: horrible latency and the like06:59
drofdarbSeveredCross, Ah, that makes sense :)06:59
tecywiz121anyone know how to stop gnome from locking the screen on switch user?07:00
vexati0nxprimarysuspectx, my onboard doesnt seem to have a problem with latency but i haven't put much of a strain on it07:00
xprimarysuspectxvexati0n: sound quality isnt bad with onboard, i just lose the useful features, like 24-bit audio, low latency, multiple controlled inputs07:00
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BeastlyKingsI installed ubuntu with a dual boot and everything worked fine but after a couple days my windows partition won't boot. It was bound to happen, but is there any way to fix it?07:00
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xprimarysuspectxvexati0n: yeah, i do a lot of live recording though, guitar and midi keyboard plugged in, as well as vocals07:00
tecywiz121no one at all?07:00
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vexati0nxprimarysuspectx, me too but always just 1 at a time07:01
wafroanyone know why a SATA drive is being setup as ATA-7?07:01
wafroin 6.10 and 7.0407:01
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vexati0nwafro, cause ATA-7 looks cooler than SATA in a config file.07:01
wafroit says ATA/100 though07:01
BeastlyKingsany takers?07:01
wafrothe drive does 15007:02
evolipelso guys...07:02
SeveredCrossBeastlyKings: What's it say when you try to boot Windows?07:02
xprimarysuspectxvexati0n: i wouldnt have an issue if i used a hardware controller for say my guitar, running it through a pedal for processing, but, as of late i have been using guitar rig, without the rig, requires a lot of processing07:02
pike_Alex__: during the ubuntu install it should have asked you to install grub to the mbr did it do that? display your windows operating system and say it should be safe if that is the only other os?07:02
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vexati0nBeastlyKings, most likely your computer is on strike from windows07:02
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PoofDaddyAnybody know how to stop windows from popping up when inserting USB devices?07:02
xprimarysuspectxvexati0n: in reason though, if i were to do some live processing with midi control, with certain effects, it helps alot to have the extra processing of an external card07:02
BeastlyKingsI shold have wrote it down sorry. I'll be right back07:02
Alex__pike_: think it did that, make it ready to start?07:02
evolipelso has anyone had a time07:02
evolipelwhere they were computing as usual07:03
vexati0nxprimarysuspectx, thats probly true too.07:03
evolipelbut then one dark day, malevolence descended upon them07:03
evolipelin the form of the wireless card not being able to connect to the AP07:03
evolipel"unassociated" it said07:03
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evolipelbut all effort was in vain07:03
pike_Alex__: you should when you reboot have a grub menu to select either ubuntu or windows (assuming win is installed) so yeah you should be able to reboot without the cd07:03
xprimarysuspectxvexati0n: anyhow, thanks for the help. I suppose ill live with booting back and forth for now. I still dislike windows for web surfing. in fact, i get pissed at windows after using linux for a while. lol.07:03
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evolipelfor seemingly no other person has had this problem07:03
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evolipelaccording to the great interwebs07:03
SeveredCrossevolipel: Do you have a function-button to enable/disable wireless?07:03
Alex__pike: ok thanks07:04
SeveredCross(like, on my Dell laptop, it's Fn-F2)07:04
vexati0nSeanTater, what kind of card is it?07:04
xprimarysuspectxvexati0n: one more question. any recommended software packages for audio in ubuntu?07:04
pike_evolipel: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)   just incase you havent installled it yet07:04
wafrowhat kind of laptop?07:04
tabbotwhen i try and build alsa, its asks for version.h? do i need an actual kernel build for it, or is headers enough?07:04
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crimsuntabbot: headers are sufficient.07:04
vexati0nxprimarysuspectx, i use Jokosher and MuSE07:04
crimsuntabbot: specifically, linux-headers-$(uname -r)07:04
vexati0nbut i have no frame of reference to know how 'good' they are07:05
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xprimarysuspectxheh. alright then, fair enough. thanks07:05
PoofDaddyAny ideas of stopping the windows from popping up when iserting USB devices?07:05
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xprimarysuspectxpoof: dont insert a usb device :D07:05
xprimarysuspectxsorry sorry. jokes07:05
wafrosome laptop wireless cards need to be enabled through acpi07:05
PoofDaddyxprimarysuspectx Any other advice?07:05
xprimarysuspectxstay away from overpriced audio hardware too :(07:05
shatratWhats the easiest way to lock the kernel version so it doesnt update? I need to explain it to my brother so that I dont have to explain to him how to get his wireless and video working again07:06
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xprimarysuspectxthanks guys07:06
puffHm, okay, reinstalled ubuntu from scratch on this server and now it's locked up during the boot at "running root scripts"07:06
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tabbotPoofDaddy: if in gnome, then Preferences->"Removable Drives"-07:06
wafroshatrat http://www.howtoforge.com/roll_a_kernel_debian_ubuntu_way07:06
PoofDaddytabbot: lemme try07:06
wafroit's briefly explained there07:06
shatratwafro, Thanks07:06
Flannel!pin | shatrat07:06
ubotushatrat: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto07:06
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wafroyou have to hold your current kernel package07:06
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mazhey all, kind of a crazy question.  I bought an internal DVD RW, plugged it into power and IDE, it opens and shuts for the first few minutes after boot and then doesn't work at all.  Do I need to install a driver or something?07:07
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tabbotPoofDaddy: there is an option called "browse removable media when inserted", uncheck it07:07
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puffevolipel: You never did reply to my question about your problem.07:07
Flannelshatrat: actually, for kernels.  Don't use pinning (and don't compile your own), just remove the kernel metapackage.  linux-image-generic, for instance.07:07
fervidfroggermaz: If it is pysically not working, it's probably a prob with the drive07:07
shatratFlannel, ah, great07:08
wafromaz: an optical drive usually doesn't open/close at boot07:08
shatratFlannel, will that totally hose upgrades? or can feisty and stuff run on an old edgy kernel if it has to?07:08
Flannelshatrat: the kernel package (linux-image-[versionnumbers] -generic) is the one that is the current kernel, and the metapackage (without the version numbers) is what causes the upgrading.07:08
wafromaz: check your connections and master/slave settings07:08
tabbotwhen i try and build alsa 1.0.13 , its asks for version.h? do i need an actual kernel build for it, or is headers enough? any backports for 1.0.13 to edgy?07:08
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Flannelshatrat: Feisty runs on the Feisty kernel07:08
PoofDaddytabbot: you da man!07:08
evolipelpuff: yeah I have07:08
wafromaz: and make sure the controller is enabled in the bios07:08
evolipelI said: "various: first I tried the gnome thing, then I went into the console... at which point it said "radio off," so I researched it, discovered I needed acerhk, blah blah blah, set it up, now iwlist eth1 scan properly gives the various AP's in the area... however, any attempt to connect to them still gives an "unassociated" in iwlist"07:08
tabbotPoofDaddy: glad I could help :)07:08
shatratFlannel, so will removing the metapackage mean a broken upgrade, or will it force the kernel upgrade?07:09
mazfervidfrogger and wafro - thanks... what i mean is it will open/shut if i ask it to, but only for the first few minutes.  can't access the drive.  There used to be a CDrom in that position and I just swapped them over so master/slave should be ok07:09
mazwafro - ok, how do i do that?07:09
Flannelshatrat: and yes, I believe to upgrade, you'll want to have the appropriate kernel metapackage, and that means the newest.  upgrade-manager forces that, I believe.07:09
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wafromaz: are you running linux?07:09
evolipelnot iwlist07:09
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shatratFlannel, well, Ill cross that bridge when it comes. Thanks for the hot tip07:09
mazwafro - yes ubuntu breezy07:09
puffevolipel: So you did, like:  "sudo iwconfig eth1 essid "foo"; sudo iwconfig eth1 channel bar;  sudo dhclient eth1"07:09
wafromaz: check your dmesg output too07:09
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Flannelmaz: you really ought to upgrade, Breezy is going out of support in a few weeks.07:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dmesg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:10
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mazok flannel, will check that out on the web page07:10
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quaalwhy is my clock going off sync again. i have it synced to like 3 or more timeservers07:10
quaali dont understand07:10
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Flannelmaz: and there's a good chance that the HW issue will be fixed with the upgrade, so it's sort of silly to spend a bunch of time fixing, only to have it fixed automatically.07:10
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Flannel!upgrade | maz07:10
ubotumaz: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:10
Chris86wmdoes anyone have experience setting up a usb webcam under ubuntu?07:10
BeastlyKingsI was here about a broken windows parition?07:10
mazthanks flannel07:10
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quaalBeastlyKings, wrong place?07:11
Chris86wmmy camera is picked up in the device manager, but i cant seem to get it to work07:11
wafroquaal: does it happen after you have been running another OS?07:11
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evolipelpuff: yes, still gives "unassociated," and dhclient runs for a while but then dies with "no DHCPOFFERS"07:11
quaalwafro, i'm not sure.07:11
Flannelquaal: You using ntpdate? or ntpd?07:11
quaalwhy would that change it ?07:11
quaalFlannel, not sure07:11
BeastlyKingsno, wondering who I was talkng to07:11
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wafroif the OS uses local time or UTC07:11
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wafrothey will change the hardware clock07:11
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Flannelquaal: Windows, for instance, only uses localtime, can't have the system clock set to UTC.  So, if it's going off by hours (your TZ offset) then that's the issue; if it's only off by minutes, it's not.07:11
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quaalFlannel, its off by minutes07:12
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Flannelquaal: ps aux | grep ntp, what's running?07:12
wafrodo you observe DST?07:12
quaalwafro: it just changed a couple weeks ago07:12
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wafroyeah but they changed the rules for DST07:12
quaalFlannel, just the grep command07:13
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quaalwafro, did the ntp servers not update?07:13
quaali'm 50min off btw07:13
Flannelquaal: then you're not running either ntpdate or ntpd, you'll want to change that: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/serverguide/C/NTP.html07:13
quaalnot +/- 1hr07:13
wafrontp servers provide UTC07:13
Flannelquaal: NTP stuff is all UTC, which doesn't have DST07:13
wafroyour machine adjusts it for DST07:13
PoofDaddytabbot: why do some people tell me that it's not necessary to "safely remove flash devices"?  Are they stupid?  Or am I?07:13
Flannelquaal: I suggest ntpd over ntpdate, but that's just personal preference.07:13
wafrowhich would make it an hour out07:13
BeastlyKingswell, anyway, I installed a dual boot of ubuntu and windows and everyhting was fine but after a couple days my windows partition has failed. It gives me this when I choose it at startup: "Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format"  How do I fix this? can it be fixed?07:13
quaalagain, it is NOT +/- 1hr07:13
wafroif you haven't done a recent upgrade07:14
mazwafro: i found this in the dmesg:  ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx... does that mean anything?  what should i look for?07:14
quaalit goes off by minutes07:14
Flannelwafro: He's not running ntp in any form.07:14
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quaalFlannel, what is it when i go into the time in the top right and set an ntp server ?07:14
SeveredCrossBeastlyKings: Look in your grub config, and paste the part relating to your Windows XP install07:14
pike_PoofDaddy: a little of both :)  i just unplug the things btw07:14
SeveredCrossAlso, did you move your Windows XP partition?07:14
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quaalkeep clock synced with internet servers is checked07:14
Flannelquaal: That page will show you how to set everything up.07:14
blankyhey guys how do you recursively download all files with extension .txt from somesite.com/somedir using wget. I already tried wget http://www.somesite.com/mydir -A *.txt, but it downloads index.html files :(07:14
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BeastlyKingsdefine move?07:14
z3nwhat's the package name for C-related manpages?07:14
bulmerblanky try the -r option07:15
blankythanks bullgard407:15
blankyer, bulmer07:15
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SeveredCrossBeastlyKings: Example, it went from the 3rd partition to the 4th.07:15
Flannelquaal: I never had any luck with those gnome things.  I believe those only run each time you login (to gnome).07:15
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pike_blanky: when you figure it out let me know wget has driven me crazy with that in the past07:15
quaalFlannel, ah, that could be why07:15
tabbotcrimsun: thank you m8, will try with it07:15
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Flannelquaal: I suggest ntpd, which will run independant of anyone logging in, or whatever.07:15
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SeveredCrossDitto pike_.07:15
evolipelso guys, does iwconfig sometimes betray you07:15
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evolipeland says that it's unassociated?07:15
br1|ubuntu doesnt like my dell 8100 :/07:15
bullgard4blanky: I don't know thy you directed a thanks to me.07:15
blankyz3n: manpages-dev ?07:15
PoofDaddytabbot:  I've had 2 pen drives with corrupted data and it's probably because I didn't know wtf I was doing.07:15
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wafropen drives have limited write cycles before they start corrupting data07:16
BeastlyKingsSeveredCross: I didn't move anything, but I did recompile my kernel07:16
wafroor you diddn't flush the buffers to it before unplugging it07:16
PoofDaddywafro: like 10,000, I think.07:16
quaallooks like i already had ntpd installed07:16
quaalntp-simple anyways07:16
SeveredCrossA kernel recompile wouldn't break it.07:16
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SeveredCrossPaste the part of your grub menu.lst file relating to Windows?07:17
wafroquaal use 'ntpdate pool.ntp.org'07:17
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tabbotPoofDaddy: well i never used pen drives from gnome, i usually mount/umount safely from console, sometimes when files are in use and u force umount it, its get curropted07:17
quaalwafro, i have ntpd07:17
quaalso i guess ntpd pool.ntp.org07:17
BeastlyKingsSeveredCross: how to do that? I'm a linux noob07:17
quaalwill work the same07:17
crdlbquaal, nope07:18
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Flannelquaal: Edit /etc/ntp.conf to make sure you have some servers.07:18
blankypike_:  wget -r -l1 --no-parent -A.gif http://www.server.com/dir/07:18
Flannelquaal: then restart ntpd07:18
wafroif you're running ntpd, ntpdate won't work07:18
wafrotype ntptrace07:18
davidjohnstondoes anyone in here give suggestions on home setups07:18
puffevolipel: Paste the iwlist output and iwconfig output to pastebin and show us.07:18
SeveredCrossBeastlyKings: I think it'd be gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst or something like that.07:18
crdlbdavidjohnston, specifically?07:18
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puffevolipel: It sounds like it's probably an encryption issue.07:18
davidjohnstoni already have the ideas layed out...i just want to know if they are stupid07:19
z3nis there a way to list all packages that have been set as "manually installed" in aptitude?07:19
Flannelquaal: sudo /etc/init.d/ntp-server restart07:19
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PoofDaddytabbot: Luckily I have backups for backups for backups.07:19
davidjohnstoncrdlb:  ok basically I use a OS X 10.4 laptop07:19
mbdlhow do u force mount a harddist (hd5)07:19
davidjohnstonmy wife uses a Win xP laptop07:19
BeastlyKingsseveredCross: Also I can't access my hda1 partition for some reason07:19
davidjohnstoni have 3 unused desktops07:19
bulmermdb1you can not force a mount07:19
davidjohnstonthey are old but still can be used07:19
mbdlyes it say u can07:20
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:20
tabbotPoofDaddy: lol, too bad u don't have backups 4 that :P07:20
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davidjohnstonI was thinking setting up one as just like Kubuntu07:20
bulmermbdl: if you think you can, well good luck07:20
davidjohnstoni'm a KDE guy07:20
crdlb!enter | davidjohnston07:20
ubotudavidjohnston: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:20
puffevolipel: Possibly wpa-supplicant07:20
puffevolipel: Er, wpa_supplicant.07:20
PoofDaddytabbot: I need one more backup, then.07:20
quaalFlannel, ah... that started it.07:20
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mbdlbulmer: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11952/07:20
quaalit wasnt started07:20
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davidjohnstonubotu:  sorry I was just separating the thoughts07:20
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crdlbdavidjohnston, ubotu is a bot :D07:21
Flannelquaal: well, it might take some time to synch back up, since ntpd does it slowly.  But you're good now.07:21
davidjohnstoncrdlb: thanks07:21
quaalFlannel, cool. thansk man07:21
mbdldavidjohnston: yep look at the name smarty07:21
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multidexWhat printer would anyone suggest I purchase that would work fine with Ubuntu (Edgy Eft)?07:21
moeruWhat's a good recommended Torrent client? I can't stand Aszerus and BitTornado07:21
davidjohnstonmbdl:  good call07:21
mbdlbulmer:did u get my msg?07:21
crdlbdavidjohnston, so you're asking if kubuntu is a good idea?07:21
pike_blanky: cheers07:21
Flannel!torrent | moeru07:22
ubotumoeru: Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt)  -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html07:22
mbdlbulmer: does anyone know how to force mount?07:22
bulmermbdl: if you think you can, well good luck07:22
wafrocan someone look at this and tell me if the SATA configuration doesn't look right? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11953/07:22
megafaunaHi, can someone recommend a good file renamer? (for replacing " " with "_")07:22
crdlbmultidex, hp or epson, but look up the model first07:22
moeruhm..Azureus just crashes. Time to try KTorrent07:22
PoofDaddyAnyone ever heard of Wink (tutorial software)?  Is there something better for Linux for recording the monitor?07:22
multidexcrdlb: thanks07:22
blankypike_: now it downloads to a folder named after the site I'm downloading from07:22
SeveredCrossI feel like batch renaming should be easy.07:22
happytronanyone know a utility for grabbing a specific line (identified by its number) from an (ascii) file?07:22
SeveredCrosshappytron: sed?07:22
tabbotPoofDaddy: :) have u tried keeping your files in subversion? http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2005/01/06/svn_homedir.html07:22
wafroit shows the drive being configured as UDMA/100 .. but its a SATA drive, 1.5Mbps07:23
FlannelPoofDaddy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts07:23
davidjohnstoncrdlb: so one will be Kubuntu, then one will be a test server using Ubuntu server to run a lamp and also support RoR, this will also be a svn server.  Finally the third will be another Ubuntu server used as a file share to the win and mac laptops using samba and it will have a HFS+ external drive on it, but I've already loaded the HFS+ drivers for linux and they work wonderfully07:23
SeveredCross(That's not to say that I know the syntax, I just seem to recall being told that sed can do that)07:23
happytronhmm, let me look at the man... i was never quite sure what sed is for07:23
davidjohnstoncrdlb:  does that sound decent07:23
SuperTeeceIs this the right place for a Fiesty question?07:23
stutsmanpuff: I just wanted to let you know that I'm reading through your journal and it has been EXTREMELY helpful so far... I just wanted to thank you for sharing it with me.07:23
happytroni actually have one process spitting out line numbers, and i would like to pipe them into another process...07:23
crdlbdavidjohnston, I don't see a problem07:24
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Flanneltabbot, PoofDaddy, the problem with svn for homedirs is your data is duplicated, so you have two versions in your homedir, then a third whereever your server is.07:24
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davidjohnstoncrdlb: sorry just never used Ubuntu...i've always used SuSe and just thought I would get an opinion07:24
moeruOh, what would make Conky close after bootup? I've got it in Sessions->Startup Programs07:24
moeruor I've just got the command "conky" in there07:24
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crdlbdavidjohnston, I don't see why not combine the two servers though?07:25
PoofDaddytabbot: I'll look into that, but I don't exactly know the benefits.  Could I still use my OTFE?07:25
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BeastlyKingsSeveredCross: Still don't know what to do here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11954/07:25
SeveredCrosshappytron: You'd like to pipe those into another process that would read the lines and do what?07:25
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davidjohnstoncrdlb: and then what would I use the 3rd box for...plus remember these machines are not extremely fast and don't have tons of ram either07:25
AssimilatorI'm having trobble finding the right plugin for firefox to load flash media correctly07:25
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happytroncat those lines from a file07:25
davidjohnstoncrdlb: or big hd's really either except one07:25
puffstutsman: No sweat :-). I keep meaning to write it up better.07:26
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SeveredCrosshappytron: Cat them somewhere?07:26
SeveredCrossOr just cat them out to stdout?07:26
FlannelAssimilator: 'flashplugin-nonfree' in multiverse.07:26
evolipelany ideas?07:26
happytrondoesn't matter07:26
SeveredCrossWell, I suppose you could write a short bash script.07:26
tabbotFlannel: i have a second drive, where I keep my $HOME svn, its dedicated backup drive. I suppose i don't mind the duplication, drive space is cheap.07:26
happytronyeah, that's always an option =] 07:27
Assimilatorwill that also work for kubuntu07:27
SeveredCrossThat takes an input of a line number, calls sed and picks out the line, then writes it out somewhere07:27
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crdlbdavidjohnston, I really think one computer can handle all your server needs easily, but what you do with the spare is up to you :D07:27
tabbotFlannel: i have a second drive, where I keep my HOME svn, its dedicated backup drive. I suppose i don't mind the duplication, drive space is cheap.07:27
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happytronbut i would prefer to acquire some unix skills in the process07:27
PoofDaddyFlannel:  I'm getting a lot of good advice from you folks.  How does that compare to Wink?  Have you tried that?07:27
SeveredCrossWell, sed's a *nix skill if I've ever seen one.07:27
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BeastlyKingssomeone? My windows partition is broke...07:27
moeru!conky | moeru07:27
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moerueh, worth a try07:27
happytronyeah, i should learn it07:27
SeveredCrossevolipel: I had that problem when I couldn't connect to the access point.07:27
Flanneltabbot: shrug.  I'm toying with the idea of making some tweaks to SVN to not keep a local copy.  Since I'm using it entirely over ethernet, I don't have to worry about the additional bandwidth for commits.07:27
SeveredCrossDid you get the question I asked before?07:27
FlannelPoofDaddy: no idea.  I don't even have a GUI ;)07:27
megafaunaHi, can someone recommend a good file renamer? (for replacing " " with "_")07:28
tabbotmy msgs are here seem to go towards /dev/null :(07:28
tabbotFlannel: i have a second drive, where I keep my HOME svn, its dedicated backup drive. I suppose i don't mind the duplication, drive space is cheap.07:28
davidjohnstoncrdlb:  since it's svn and I may have multiple projects i was just concerned for space, then also the machine that has the space i planned on using for Kubuntu because the gui and all07:28
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SeveredCrossAre oyu on a laptop that has a hardware wireless switch or a function key to do so?07:28
mjbrooksant: good evening sir07:28
Flannelmegafauna: tried 'rename' and/or 'mv'?07:28
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Flanneltabbot: You've said that three times.07:28
SeveredCrossFlannel: Can he rename many files at once like that though?07:28
PoofDaddyFlannel: I'd prefer to go command as well.  I can't stand eye candy on a computer, but I'm a novice.07:28
FlannelSeveredCross: of course07:28
SeveredCrossI don't recall the syntax.07:29
megafaunaFlannel: I need to do it in bulk. I have many mp3s07:29
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megafaunaFlannel: But thanks for the response07:29
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Flannelmegafauna: that's exactly what they're designed for.  You want rename, and not mv.07:29
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megafaunaFlannel: ah! /me types rename into shell07:30
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tabbotFlannel: erm, sorry m807:30
davidjohnstoncrdlb: so what would use the third for because i already have one coming for archiving07:30
Flanneltabbot: just letting you know ;)07:30
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Assimilatorok I now need macromedia flash 6 for video for firefox07:31
crdlbdavidjohnston, you could use it for backing up the other two07:31
I_GlitchQuick question: How do I configure proxy settings via command line ?07:31
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GlomboolMaybe this isn't the right channel to ask in, but, is it possible to make an LVM of loopback disk images?07:32
davidjohnstoncrdlb: well thanks for the opinion...one more thing, you ever setup Rails on Apache07:32
evolipelmy incredibly useful perennial pastebin link: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11955/07:32
CrAsH_0vEr<CrAsH_0vEr> Hello07:32
CrAsH_0vEr<CrAsH_0vEr> i need help to fix my modem on ubuntu07:32
CrAsH_0vEr<binarydigit> yo07:32
CrAsH_0vEr<CrAsH_0vEr> can you help me,07:32
CrAsH_0vEr* Galga has quit IRC (Connection timed out)07:32
CrAsH_0vEr<CrAsH_0vEr> im new on this07:32
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SeveredCrossevolipel: PAY ATTENTION.07:32
FlannelCrAsH_0vEr: please don't do that again.07:32
SeveredCrossI asked you a question.07:32
somewhat-hello.. has anyone experienced Xorg hanging loading Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules//libvm86.so ??07:32
crdlbdavidjohnston, nope, I've only needed php07:32
evolipelyou didn't get my /msg?07:32
=== Shrimpy_ [n=chatzill@74-131-112-92.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
SeveredCrossDo you have a laptop with a hardware wireless switch or a function-button to turn Wireless on/off?07:32
evolipelyeah, but the question is, why wouldn't it connect?07:32
evolipelthe interface works fine (scan returns all the AP's in the area), etc.07:33
SeveredCrossThat's the third bloody time I've asked you.07:33
SeveredCrossI'm TRYING to help you.07:33
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davidjohnstoncrdlb: yea me too so far...i've just read horror stories, but i'll get it up07:33
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Arrickhey anyone else notice that www.ubuntu.com is down?07:33
evolipeloh, sorry, yes, I've answered that also before07:33
evolipelyes I do07:33
evolipelbut I've already installed acerhk07:33
davidjohnstoncrdlb: thanks for your opinion...night to all07:33
evolipeland the little LED is on07:33
megafaunaFlannel: I shall have to kung-fu up my bash skills (I am working thru a tutorial at present). thanks for the tip07:33
CrAsH_0vErthe fabricant is ageres07:33
evolipel(for the wireleess interface)07:33
Flannelevolipel: queries are blocked on freenode fro unregistered nicks.07:33
crdlbArrick, indeed it is07:33
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Flannelmegafauna: mostly just regexp skills.  But yes, good luck.07:33
SeveredCrossHave you tried rebooting? I had that happen to me once, after a few reboots it worked.07:33
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration07:34
Arrickthanks for verifying, I was gonna be pissed at my ISP crdlb07:34
[Tuxedo] Could someone recommend a video player that plays .avi files?07:34
evolipelwell I've tried a few reboots throughout the configuring process, no luck yet07:34
SeveredCross[Tuxedo] : VLC, mplayer, Kaffeine on KDE...07:34
evolipel(as in, throughout endlessly giving it pretty much the same commands)07:34
pike_!restricted | [Tuxedo] 07:34
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ubotu[Tuxedo] : For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:34
evolipelohh, thanks Flannel, that should explain why people keep getting mad07:34
evolipel(the unregistered nick thing)07:34
SeveredCrossI had that problem when I couldn't get a DHCP response from the access point.07:34
mjbrooksant: you awake?07:34
SeveredCrossLike I said, resolved after a few boots.07:34
somewhat-ok so how about this... does anyone know why using F4 to specify a resolution on bootup in the liveCD is the only way I can get Ubuntu to boot?07:35
SeveredCrossAny reason that your AP wouldn't give you an IP?07:35
pike_[Tuxedo] : but out of the box support without installing seperate codecs..   vlc07:35
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CrAsH_0vErsomebody could help me07:35
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SeveredCrossevolipel: Also, have you tried using wpa_supplicant?07:35
evolipelnope, it works fine on 2 other boxes (on both Windows and linux)07:35
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[Tuxedo] pike thanks, that's what I was needing. I'm not all that great with Ubuntu yet. =)07:35
evolipelwell, do you need wpa_supplicant for connections that don't need WPA?07:35
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zsandozanyone know anything about snd-hda-intel bugs?07:36
Flannelmegafauna: believe... `rename 's/ /_/' *` will work.07:36
BeastlyKingshow to fix XP partition? my grub file: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11954/07:36
SeveredCrossI've heard some people say that it may help estabilish connections.07:36
aldindoes ubuntu automatically change "daylight" time07:36
zsandozim pretty sure thats the sound driver i need, but i get no sound even though it shows up in ALSA07:36
Flannelmegafauna: but, please try that on a small subset.  You might need to set it to a global match.07:36
SeveredCrossBeastlyKings: Your grub menu.lst looks fine, so I have no idea what is your problem.07:36
evolipelwell I'll try it out after a few reboots07:36
Flannelaldin: If you've updated in the past year, yes.07:36
[Tuxedo] I tried a few others, like mplayer-video, and Codiene, but they wouldn't play for various reasons07:36
Flannelmegafauna: the global version would be `rename 's/ /_/g' *`07:36
BeastlyKingsanybody else got a clue as to what the prob is?07:37
mjbrookszsandoz, I have an intel sound card   there are known bugs ;/07:37
aldinFlannel: how can i do it over console07:37
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pike_[Tuxedo] : i prefer mplayer its more versitile but vlc will play almost anything07:37
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Flannelaldin: updated?  'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'07:37
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megafaunaFlannel: You are talking above my newb level. I've done 2 courses in C++ at the ni level and about 3 hours of an online bash intro. I am a total newb. In a week or two maybe not...07:37
aldinBeastlyKings: what is problem can u boot ur WXP?07:37
binarydigitBeastlyKings: whats wrong with yoru XP parition07:37
zsandozmjbrooks: i found so many discussions about it and everything i tried failed.. im going to upgrade to 2.6.20-12 and see if that helps07:37
[Tuxedo] mplayer told me that it couldn't load video out, or something to that effect :(07:37
SeveredCrossbinarydigit, aldin: It doesn't boot.07:37
aldinFlannel: no, uptade to current time07:37
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mjbrookszsandoz, the latest ALSA correct the bugs I had07:37
SeveredCrossHe gets an error about unknown executable.07:38
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Flannelaldin: Your hardware clock is set wrong, if you've got the wrong time.07:38
=== pike_ goes to play tremulous
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BeastlyKingsIt won't boot: "Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format"07:38
Flannelaldin: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/serverguide/C/NTP.html suggest installing ntpd over ntpdate.07:38
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Shrimpy_Hello, i am running azureus and it want's to auto update. but when i download the update it does not automatically update it's self. is there somthing i need to do to enable this?07:38
mjbrooks_ant, sup07:38
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lauchazombiei configured grub , so when i try to start win it says "starting up" or something and it kinda freez there , should i wait some time , like is the first time it mus congiure some staff right?07:38
aldinFlannel: look, lets say i have wrong time, how can i fix it over terminal command07:39
zsandozmjb: u mean the kernel modules or the user-space utilities?07:39
malekanyone know how to get jackbeat working?  Anyone familiar with JACK?07:39
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Flannelmegafauna: Well, it's perl not C++, Regular Expressions... uh, well, anywya.  Try that command.  But try it on a small folder of guinea pig files please.07:39
aldinFlannel: to connect to some internet time server07:39
binarydigitBeastlyKings: you sure your XP partition is 0,0?07:39
megafaunaFlannel: alright07:39
mjbrookszsandoz, yes ;)07:39
Flannelaldin: follow the instructions for ntpd here: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/serverguide/C/NTP.html07:39
aldinFlannel: ok thx07:39
BeastlyKingsbinarydigit: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11954/ I think so07:39
megafaunaFlannel: and you type an example? Say file.txt to file1.txt07:40
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multidexmalek: I'm familiar with Jack somewhat07:40
SeveredCrossbinarydigit: It was detected by the installer that way.07:40
mjbrookszsandoz, you using edgy?07:40
SeveredCrossI've never seen the installer pick it up wrong.07:40
megafaunaFlannel: I don't know where to put the file names in the expression07:40
BeastlyKingsit worked for awhile07:40
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lauchazombiei configured grub , so when i try to start win it says "starting up" or something and it kinda freez there , should i wait some time , like is the first time it mus congiure some staff right? <-----any idea?07:40
SeveredCrossBeastlyKings: If you want to check what binarydigit is asking about, type fdisk -l and paste the output to a pastebin.07:40
SeveredCrosslauchazombie: Any error messages?07:40
=== wafro [n=matt@i216-58-44-251.cybersurf.com] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelmegafauna: the * at the end is 'all files', I assumed you had a folder full of MP3s only.  Is that not the case?07:40
SeveredCrossIt doesn't need to configure anything the first time through.07:40
malekmultidex: awesome.  Okay, I've got qjackctl running, but jackbeat won't start up.  qjackctl seems to see it, but no window comes up07:41
megafaunaFlannel: Yes, that is the case.07:41
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zsandozmjb: im using the feisty one07:41
[Tuxedo] Well, vlc won't work, and it won't close now O.o07:41
wafrodoes anyone know how to debug suspend on a laptop? :)07:41
SeveredCross[Tuxedo] : ps aux | grep vlc and then kill it :)07:41
binarydigitBeastlyKings: do a sudo fdisk -lu and put it on pastebin07:41
mjbrookszsandoz, herd 5 I'm assuming?07:41
crdlbwafro, ebay it, and get a thinkpad :D07:41
SeveredCrossErr right, I forgot to mention sudo.07:41
megafaunaFlannel: I do want to learn bash, I'm just utterly new to it07:42
wafroick thinkpad :)07:42
Flannelmegafauna: then make that the your current directory, and do that command.  If you wanted to just do mp3 files: `rename 's/ /_/g' *.mp3`07:42
Flannel!bash | megafauna07:42
ubotumegafauna: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands07:42
mjbrookszsandoz, Feisty Beta seems to have it fixed07:42
Flannelmegafauna: 'cd' is change directory, 'ls' LiSts the directory content.07:42
lauchazombieso why it takes so much time? , like whenn i finished installig xp , when i started ubuntu it took more time than before07:42
aldinFlannel: aldin@fawn:~$ sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com07:42
aldin25 Mar 07:42:02 ntpdate[6947] : the NTP socket is in use, exiting07:42
mjbrookszsandoz, I'm listening to an mp3 stream in it now07:42
Flannelmegafauna: that's all you need for the current thing, I believe.  Oh, and tab complete works wonderfully.07:42
megafaunaFlannel: cd and ls i know:)07:42
lauchazombiei know im fine in menu.lst07:42
megafaunaFlannel: trying now07:42
Flannelaldin: right.  you'll need to kill the current ntpdate program before re-running it.07:43
BeastlyKingsbinarydigit: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11956/07:43
malekmultidex: I suspect my jack setup is done wrong, but I would have though that since I'm using the ubuntu packages it would work right away, or at least request me to make some changes.  Just how does one get this all working?07:43
puffAnybody know LVM?07:43
[Tuxedo] SeveredCross numeric argument required07:43
zsandozmjb: i dont think i have it07:43
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wafro /lib/modules/ error: CONFIG_X86_L1_CACHE_SHIFT undeclared here (not in a function)07:43
multidexmalek: I have Jack and Jackbeat installed... it does open for me.  When jackbeat tries to open, you see it momentariliy in the jack connections before it dissapears?07:43
wafro /lib/modules/ error: requested alignment is not a constant07:44
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shane634wafro, pastebin it all07:44
SeveredCrossNumeric argument reuired for kill? Duh.07:44
mjbrookszsandoz, it just came out a few days ago07:44
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:44
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SeveredCrossps aux | grep vlc was just to find out VLC's pid.07:44
aldinFlannel: 25 Mar 07:44:19 ntpdate[7018] : adjust time server offset -0.021335 sec07:44
SeveredCrossOnce you know the pid, type kill <vlc's-pid>07:44
malekmultidex: not just momentarily - it stays connected, just it never actually comes up with a window.07:44
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=== Supaplex rummages through the pastebin for scraps of aluminum
BeastlyKingsbinarydigit? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11956/07:44
SeveredCrossIf it doesn't die, you might have to pass an option to kill that I don't remember right now to send a different signal.07:44
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J-_what does the avahi permission mean?07:45
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vexati0nokay.. Project Looking Glass officially blows.07:45
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happy_nici accidentally created a file named -- Any idea how I can delete it?07:45
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Flannelaldin: right.  That's set you to the current time.07:45
SeveredCrossLOL happy_nic.07:45
SeveredCrossrm \-\- ?07:45
blade_OMG...i will be the envy of geeks around the world....as we speak...my girlfriend, is sitting at her computer, naked, and reading Bash.org07:45
wafroshane634 http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11957/07:45
happy_nicSeveredCross: already tried and failed with that =[07:45
aldinFlannel: just this one, how he knows which timetone am i?07:45
SeveredCrossblade_: Woohoo, congratulations07:45
megafaunaFlannel: hmmm. still playing07:45
SeveredCrosshappy_nic: Tried tabcompleting it?07:46
multidexmalek: you are using alsa for Jack driver?07:46
infornographyAnybody know anything about getting ATI graphics cards to work in Ubuntu?07:46
happy_nicSeveredCross: yep. it just shows up as --07:46
SeveredCrossblade_: Is she inflatable?07:46
Flannelaldin: System time is set to UTC.  Your local computer adjusts the system time to your timezone offset.07:46
SeveredCrosshappy_nic: And rm fails?07:46
BeastlyKingsbinarydigit? you there?07:46
SeveredCross!ati | infornography07:46
ubotuinfornography: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:46
blade_nope...she's real07:46
shane634wafro, i can't help with that but someone here will07:46
vexati0nblade_, lots of geeks have been around naked girls before. just because you're not paying for the privilege doesn't mean anything. really.07:46
megafaunaFlannel: It isn't working yet07:46
Flannelblade_: please take that elsewhere.07:46
infornographyI installed the drivers fine, but fuck if that makes any difference, some Mesa shit arses it up07:46
SeveredCrossOh, you're not getting direct rendering.07:46
wafrocan anyone else look at this compile failure? de_, lots of geeks have been around naked girls before. just because you're not paying for the privilege doesn't mean07:46
wafro           anything. really.07:46
wafro<megafauna> Flannel: It isn't working yet07:46
wafro<Flannel> blade_: please take that elsewhere.07:46
SeveredCrossTo be totally honest, I made it work, couldn't tell you how07:46
happy_nicSeveredCross: yeah, it says missing operand07:46
malekmultidex: okay, now it's even worse - qjackctl can't even start up jack!  It says at start up "Could not open ALSA sequencer as a client"07:47
aldinFlannel: how can i see through terminal which timezone am i now07:47
wafrode_, lots of geeks have been around naked girls before. just because you're not paying for the privilege doesn't mean07:47
wafro           anything. really.07:47
wafro<megafauna> Flannel: It isn't working yet07:47
wafro<Flannel> blade_: please take that elsewhere.07:47
aldini saw it on clock graphicaly..07:47
SeveredCrossLOL wafro.07:47
wafroi'm sorry :)07:47
Flannelmegafauna: I'll take a look.07:47
multidexmalek: Make sure you're not running any other audio programs first07:47
malekmultidex: then it says : 15:46:45.459 Could not connect to JACK server as client. Please check the messages window for more info.07:47
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SeveredCrossinfornography: Mine started to work sometime around the time I used the binary driver from ATI's website rather than using Envy.07:47
SeveredCrossAnd also after many many xorg edits.07:47
megafaunaFlannel: No it is!07:47
SeveredCrossAnd thne my HDD crapped out. <_>07:47
megafaunaFlannel: I had made a copy/paste error07:48
aldinFlannel: Europe/Sarajevo, but is there some variable like $TIMEZONE?07:48
BeastlyKingsI seem to have lost binarydigit. anybody else wanna take a crack at it?07:48
SeveredCrossSo I can't show you my xorg.conf07:48
Dant1Hi room07:48
megafaunaFlannel: :) Thanks! I had a horrible fit of laziness there. what does the "s" mean, and also the "'"07:48
multidexmalek: I had to mess with my Jack setup (gui) to overcome some latency problems - I noticed I got that message when I used 3 as periods/buffer07:48
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malekmultidex: where's that option?07:49
=== lufis [n=lufis@adsl-70-232-97-181.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
knicknicthe website seems to be down07:49
malekmultidex: okay mine is on 207:49
Dant1Hey does anyone know why I can't use 1024x768 for my screen res?07:50
multidexis the driver ALSA?07:50
malekmultidex: yep07:50
knicknicwhere is the ubuntu website07:50
=== phasegen [n=phasegen@67-54-246-189.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunperiod/buffer should be a power-of-2, and at the very least divisible by 2.07:50
Flannelmegafauna: it works for me.  It's three pieces, the rename command, then a quoted string that's a regular expression, then the files to act upon.  Those ` quotes are to denote that it's a command (in this channel), and shouldn't be fed to the command.07:50
megafaunaFlannel: I had made a copy/paste error07:50
multidexmalek - you might use package manager to make sure you have all the alsa packages - do other Jack audio programs work for you?07:50
megafaunaFlannel: It works fine!:)07:50
Flannelmegafauna: s/1/2/ is substitute 1 into 2, where 1 and 2 are regexps.  then the g at the end is global (so if there's more than one on a line)07:51
malekmultidex: well I've never used jack before.07:51
BeastlyKingsso nobody wants to or ya'll don't know how?07:51
Flannelmegafauna: ah good. Thought I was losing my mind.07:51
arch_how can I have GNOME set the root background image (rather than a layer)? Or, how can I allow a different program (feh, qiv, chbg) to change the root background?07:51
malekmultidex: I'll have a look in synaptic07:51
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NickGarveyBeastlyKings, what was the question?07:51
multidexmalek: oh cool.  finally i might be able to help somebody with something.  my frames/period are set to 512, sample rate is 44100, periods/buffer is 407:51
=== SirOsisOfTheLive [n=kenadmin@c-71-195-202-18.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
happy_nicI killed it!07:52
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happy_nicfind ./ -name "[-] [-] " -exec rm '{}' \;07:52
multidexmalek- your soundcard is full duplex I hope?07:52
malekmultidex: hehe, happy to be of service to you ;-)07:52
megafaunaFlannel: ah. ok. I got that the " " was changed to "_". , the g is global, I had to drop the quotes but I still don't get the "s"07:52
happy_nicthat got rid of the file named --07:52
BeastlyKingsNickGarvey: my XP partition won't boot: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11956/07:52
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malekmultidex: I don't even know what that means...07:52
Dant11024x768? Anyone?07:52
megafaunaFlannel: how do I rename folders now?07:52
SeveredCrossmegafauna: s is for substitute07:52
Flannelmegafauna: s is for substitute.  Just part of PCRE07:52
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BeastlyKingsNickGarvey: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11954/07:52
NickGarveyBeastlyKings, have anymore information?07:52
SeveredCrossDant1: Sounds like you need videocard drivers07:52
SeveredCrossWhich videocard you have.07:52
megafaunaFlannel: "s" == easy as pie then..:)07:53
SeveredCrossErr, which videocard do you have.07:53
Flannellastlog -clear07:53
malekmultidex: it's one of these: C-Media Electronics Inc CM873807:53
Dant1Ah. Yay for drivers07:53
SirOsisOfTheLiveI just installed the ubunto 6.10 client.  Why can i not know the root password on my own machine?07:53
megafaunaFlannel: It all makes sense now. Also thanks SeveredCross07:53
NickGarveyBeastlyKings, I mean, what happens when you try to boot it?07:53
SeveredCrossSirOsisOfTheLive: It's blank I believe. :)07:53
SeveredCrossAnd you don't need it, just use sudo.07:53
FlannelSirOsisOfTheLive: you can.  But, the root account is disabled by default, and there's absolutely no reason to re-enable it.07:53
BeastlyKingsNickGarvey: "Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format"07:53
=== ant- [n=ant@tx-71-51-108-234.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
megafaunaFlannel: Can I make it do subfolders?07:53
FlannelSirOsisOfTheLive: not blank, locked.07:53
SeveredCrossI didn't know it was locked.07:54
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[Tuxedo] ack07:54
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=== SeveredCross is still learning
NickGarveyBeastlyKings, did you google it? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28254507:54
[Tuxedo] Linux hates my ATi, I know it now.07:54
SirOsisOfTheLivehmm i wanted to do a find from / and there were lots of folders i didnt have permission for07:54
phasegenpuff:  I followed the instructions given at command line, file share program would start, but still not connect.  The official package was just too old.  The rest of the world had moved on.  I opened Automatix and found a comparable one, intalled it, and got up and running.07:54
=== Frogzoo [n=Frogzoo@] has joined #ubuntu
malekmultidex: so what alsa packages do I need?  alsaplayer-jack?07:54
I_Glitch[Tuxedo] , what card do you have?07:54
blankyhey guys I have wget  -nd -r -l1 --no-parent -A pk3 http://somesite/downloads/packages/ base/, but it wont move the downloaded files into the base/ folder, what must I do?07:54
FlannelSirOsisOfTheLive: use sudo.07:54
multidexmalek: try changing Frame/Period setting to 512 and periods/buffer to four, click ok try to Start jack07:55
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SirOsisOfTheLiveok ill try it .. thanks07:55
BeastlyKingsI don't know what to search for... there are so many windows not booting probs ot there07:55
[Tuxedo] Radeon 9000 Pro, but I got Beryl working on it, so Linux actually runs well07:55
Flannelmegafauna: I... don't believe rename can do directories.  And, I actually don't know what can.  Hmm.07:55
[Tuxedo] I get great FPS07:55
multidexmalek - you do need that07:55
[Tuxedo] Movies still look awesome, but slightly shaky because of filtering atm, can't find something that works properly07:55
BeastlyKingsNickGarvey: I don't know what to search for... there are so many windows not booting probs ot there07:55
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NickGarveyBeastlyKings, I just googled the error you just gave me07:56
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NickGarveyBeastlyKings, first link looks like a solution07:56
NickGarveyBeastlyKings, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28254507:56
BeastlyKingscool thanks07:56
malekmultidex: Okay, installing the packages.07:56
junior58hi, running ubuntu in vmware, and i got a console, what should i type in to get into gui?07:56
multidexmalek - i have about every package that mentions ALSA installed07:56
I_GlitchI'm running Radeon X1600, but I haven't installed ubuntu on it yet, I hope it doesn't give me any trouble.07:56
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Dant1In my infinite noobdom, I can't remember what graphics card my computer has. How do I figure out the drivers I need?07:56
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megafaunaFlannel: It's not doing all the spaces in the files. I checked to see if it was a double space "  " instead of a single " " but it's not07:56
SeveredCrossI_Glitch: It almost certainly will. :) You'll have to install the fglrx binary driver.07:56
NickGarveyjunior58, um.. you should get one by default.. but "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start" should do it too07:56
malekmultidex: Oh... was hoping not to have to install _everything_!07:56
megafaunaFlannel: hmmmmmm07:56
Flannelmegafauna: do you have the version with or without the g at the end?07:57
=== dfgas [n=dfgas@adsl-75-44-58-185.dsl.milwwi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
multidexmalek, get alsa-base, alsa-firmware-loaders, alsamixergui, alsaplayer-jack07:57
I_GlitchSeveredCross: and how do I go about that?07:57
megafaunaFlannel: I am an idiot. I was missing the g07:57
[Tuxedo] sonofabi---!?!07:57
junior58NickGarvey: says command not found07:57
malekmultidex: okay, will do.07:57
[Tuxedo] Video keeps cutting out :(07:57
NickGarveyjunior58, what command.. "sudo" is definitely there07:58
=== hot`loaded [i=hot_load@] has joined #ubuntu
hot`loadedhello guys07:58
hot`loadedi am a windows user currently07:58
[Tuxedo] hiya hot07:58
SeveredCross!ati | I_Glitch07:58
ubotuI_Glitch: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:58
=== khermans [n=khermans@c-75-67-197-102.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dfgashow do i upgrade from  6.06 to 6.10, the ubuntu.com site is down, atleat i can't get to it07:58
hot`loadedbut i am planing to like switch to ubuntu07:58
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:58
SeveredCrossdfgas: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:58
khermansis ubuntu.com down?07:58
NickGarveydfgas, is that site down?07:58
hot`loadedis there anyone here who can help me decide?07:58
crdlbkhermans, yes07:59
NickGarveyhot`loaded, try the live cd07:59
khermanscrdlb, any reason?07:59
NickGarveyhot`loaded, you can dual boot also, you can have both windows and ubuntu installed07:59
multidexmalek - I have a good page for you - I had learned most Jack stuff with Demudi - check out http://www.agnula.info/07:59
crdlbkhermans, no idea, but it's been down for at least a few minutes07:59
quaalthis guide says that i need to run a command 'mkraid /dev/md0' but i'm getting command not found http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Software-RAID-HOWTO-5.html#ss5.607:59
quaali installed mdadm07:59
quaalwhat is the problem?07:59
hot`loadedi formated my laptop like 2-3 weeks ago07:59
multidexmalek: get the package alsa-tools too08:00
Flanneldfgas: `gksu "update-manager -c"`08:00
hot`loadedand planned of creating a dual os on my computer08:00
hot`loadedxp and ubuntu08:00
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hot`loadedbut it was not successful08:00
malekmultidex: cheers, I'm chekcing it out.  I couldn't find any helpful pages on the web when I looked.08:00
khermansquaal, you want something like mdadm --raid-level=5 --devices /dev/sda /dev/sdb08:00
=== nick_ [n=nick@66-227-145-195.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ant-hot`loaded : use the live cd to test ubuntu on your system, i would go with 6.10 (edgy eft)08:01
khermansi forget the syntax, but look it up08:01
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multidexmalek: I gotta take off but good luck with it.  DeMudi.agnula.org has tutorials as well - and that stuff has applied to ubuntu for me08:01
ant-!dualboot | hot`loaded08:01
SirOsisOfTheLivehow do i find gcc in the add remove programs ... i cant seem to find it.08:01
ubotuhot`loaded: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)08:01
nick_Can anyone help me edit my "places" menu08:01
quaalkhermans, this guide was telling me to edit the /etc/raidtab file i created ?08:01
hot`loaded@ant- how can i get that?08:01
mjbrooksant-, sup08:01
ant-!install | hot`loaded08:01
FlannelSirOsisOfTheLive: build-essential is what you need.  And, it might not be in Add/Remove, use synaptic package mananger08:01
ubotuhot`loaded: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate08:01
malekmultidex: thanks man.08:01
ant-sup mjbrooks08:01
wafrohmm now  it says it can't find mach_mpspec.h08:02
multidexmalek: your welcome, anyone using linux for audio production is cool in my book08:02
mjbrooksant-, got beryl working   *drool*08:02
ant-mjbrooks : hows the new comp working08:02
ant-mjbrooks : sweet08:02
mjbrooksant-, sweet so far08:02
nick_Can anyone help me edit my "places" menu08:02
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wafroberyl is soo nice :)08:02
NickGarveynick_, what do you mean?08:02
malekmultidex:  well I wouldn't say I'm using it for "audio production" - I just wanted to muck around with it and see what it was like.  You know, and then take over the world with my awesome beats...08:02
mjbrooksant-, ended up with Feisty Beta   ;/08:02
ant-mjbrooks : no quarks?08:02
=== TankC [n=ryan@cpe-66-87-14-205.ca.sprintbbd.net] has joined #ubuntu
crdlbnick_, which part?08:03
[Tuxedo] wafro indeed :D08:03
khermansquaal, http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Software-RAID-HOWTO-1.html08:03
mjbrooksant-, actually  fixed some quirks   lol08:03
hot`loadedactually i really have no idea about linux / ubuntu other than its a free operating system08:03
=== kkd [n=arebibo@bas14-montrealak-1177840946.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
hot`loadedso any help is really welcom08:03
nick_well a documents folder and a Floppy1 folder is there and i want to boot them08:03
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khermanshot`loaded, ubuntu will become your friend if you dont have one08:03
crdlbnick_, open a file dialog and remove them from the left pane08:03
hot`loadedkhermans really08:03
khermansi dunno, whats yer questions08:04
hot`loadedcan u like introduce me to ubuntu08:04
nick_that doesnt work if they are about the line08:04
=== verma [n=verma@12-210-137-165.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
megafaunaFlannel: I've got it now:)08:04
khermanshot`loaded, form the menu try System -> About Ubuntu08:04
Flannelmegafauna: good to hear.08:04
hot`loadedoh i cannot private message anyone here?08:04
kkdcan someone tell me how can i add all my favorites folder from windows to firefox in ubuntu ?08:04
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khermanshot`loaded, need to register08:04
mjbrooksant-, occasionally i'll launch a program and it'll look to be loading only to disappear    still trying to hunt down whats happening there08:04
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puffOkay, so... I just installed feisty server.08:05
hot`loadedkhermans how?08:05
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quaalkhermans, thats the same guide i just linked08:05
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crdlbnick_, the floppy may need to be removed from you fstab08:05
SuperTeeceif a usb wifi adapter claims to come with drivers for Kernel2.4/2.6+ does that mean it will work in Feisty?08:05
ant-mjbrooks : random programs?08:05
hot`loadedkhermans how do i register?08:05
=== cb_ [n=circusbr@c-68-41-206-174.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rbwsamkkd: go to organize bookmarks and export then import them08:05
Flannel!register | hot`loaded08:05
ubotuhot`loaded: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration08:05
mjbrooksant-, yeah   no logic to it at all08:05
jhernandezhi. somebody can teach me with *.deb packaging? all my files are deployed in / directory :(08:05
quaalkhermans, i'm making a raid1 array, so i'm using the raid1 section of the guide. http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Software-RAID-HOWTO-5.html#ss5.6 ..I made the /etc/raidtab file just like the guide says08:05
hot`loaded!register /?08:06
=== gamegeek [n=auser@host-12-173-106-67.clearviewcatv.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about register /? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:06
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-145-200.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
SuperTeeceregister | SuperTeece08:06
nick_crdlb, there is a folder there that just showed up called document i would like to boot08:06
khermanshot`loaded, /msg nickserv register <insert your pass here>08:06
hot`loadedregister /?08:06
SuperTeecehad to try08:06
kkdrbwsam: Ok thanks i will try08:06
SirOsisOfTheLivehmm.. packagemanager says i already have gcc 4.1 installed.  how do i find it on my system?08:06
=== Der [n=bill@70-101-75-160.dsl1-field.roc.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
SuperTeece!register | SuperTeece08:06
=== BeastlyKings [n=chatzill@69-179-105-229.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
nick_crdlb, i have a link to a folder I created and the name on the link is doucments but i dont know how it got added to my places menu08:07
FlannelSirOsisOfTheLive: 'gcc' will run it.  It's in your path, you don't need to know precisely where.  But, 'which gcc' will tell you08:07
NickGarveySuperTeece, /msg ubotu register08:07
khermansquaal, what is your error08:07
puffSo, I just installed feisty and I chose "Guided with LVM" at the partition step, but i tnever really gave mea ny options for partitioning.08:07
=== Pepper [n=peppery@203-109-243-5.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelpuff: #ubuntu+1 for Feisty support.08:07
hot`loadedm i registered?08:07
SuperTeeceNickGarvey: thanks08:07
quaalmkraid /dev/md008:07
quaalbash: mkraid: command not found08:07
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nick_crdlb, i figured there must be a txt file to edit for something08:07
=== cowbud [n=Jamius@pool-71-117-250-54.ptldor.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
I_GlitchWow..., some of the names of linux software... I sware devs must just slap their keyboards and whatever random letters come out, that's what they name their software.08:07
SirOsisOfTheLiveFlannel: thanks08:07
puffFlannel: Many thanks.08:07
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crdlbnick_, ~/.gtk-bookmarks08:07
hot`loadedcan someone introduce me to ubuntu please its better if we do it in private08:08
cowbudI_Glitch: like?08:08
Ademananyone using WINE from the ubuntu repositories, are you using 0.9.33 yet? cause mine refused to upgrade08:08
I_Glitchfglrx drivers08:08
=== bobo [n=bobo@adsl-64-219-129-72.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
[Tuxedo] Mine upgraded alright08:08
cowbudI_Glitch: firegl08:08
nick_crdlb, that file is empty08:08
mjbrooksI_Glitch, actually there is logic behind most names08:08
cowbudhard times eh08:08
BeastlyKingsNickGarvey: I did what that site said and now its even more broke08:08
hot`loadedcan someone introduce me to ubuntu please its better if we do it in private :)08:08
NickGarveyBeastlyKings, "even more broke?"08:08
I_Glitchmjbrooks: lol, I know there usually is, but I usually can't for the life of me decide what it is.08:09
=== tomsku [n=tomsku@dsl-tregw3-fe4ddf00-223.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelAdeman: wine won't upgrade to 0.9.33 on it's own.08:09
khermanshot`loaded, what are you trying to accomplish?08:09
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cowbudfights urge08:09
BeastlyKingsnow it just says "disk doesn't exist" or something lke that. I was to mad to remember08:09
FlannelAdeman: versions of software in ubuntu are frozen, with only security/bugfixes throughout their lifetime.  Which is why, for instance, Dapper, will always have FF1.5, and never 2.008:09
AdemanFlannel: yeah, it seems that way, i was wondering if there had been a fix (of the dependencies or something)08:09
tabbotAdeman: i think wine has official debs for ubuntu (not sure), check their main project -page08:09
FlannelAdeman: a fix?08:09
khermanshrmm ubuntu.com http is up, just giving 30108:10
hot`loadedany help me please08:10
AdemanFlannel: the WINE repositories, not the official ubuntu repositories08:10
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FlannelAdeman: oh, You'd have to ask in #winehq or something.08:10
=== Bantroth [n=Bantroth@60-242-118-218.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
SuperTeeceubuntu crashed?08:10
mjbrooksI_Glitch, fglrx    Free GL (whatever R stands for) X driver08:10
Ademantabbot: they've got their own repository for the newest WINE version, but the newest one (0.9.33) wont install because of some strange dependencies08:10
Dant1Why do I get an "Archive Not Supported" error when I try to install the rpm file for my graphics driver?08:11
khermanshot`loaded, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GOlLJP_Knk08:11
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hot`loadedkhermans i watched that already08:11
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=== LiENUX [n=quake@adsl-074-236-160-232.sip.btr.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
tabbothot`loaded: introduce you? lol, read the wiki and webpages m8, alsp there are 100's of reviews, check out http://diveintomark.org/archives/2006/06/02/when-the-bough-breaks08:11
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=== LiENUX is now known as LiENUS
hot`loadedthats why m interested with ubuntu08:11
FlannelDant1: because Ubuntu uses debs, not rpm.  And can't install rpms directly: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RPM/AlienHowto08:12
_stewiehey guys08:12
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FlannelDant1: that page will show you how to convert08:12
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NickGarveyBeastlyKings, get my PM?08:12
_stewieI'm installing ubuntu 6.04 on my laptop and it says08:12
_stewieconfigure the network08:12
=== freelancer317 [n=chatzill@pool-71-251-145-4.hrbgpa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
NickGarveyfreelancer317, dude!08:12
tabbotAdeman: weird! whats the error u are getting, cause i got no probs with 9.3208:13
theblackhatiam unable to update my firefox through synaptic package manager08:13
Weemswhenever I run sudo i get "sudo: must be setuid root"08:13
verma_stewie, so configure it08:13
=== Hoxzer [n=hox@dsl-hkigw2-fe1ede00-55.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
mjbrooksant-, still getting used to this keyboard.... amazing how a few millimeters this way and that can screw you up08:13
Weemshow do I fix it?08:13
_stewieyout network is probably not using Dhcp protocol. alternatively the dhcp server may be slow or some network hardware is not working properly?08:13
detectiveinspektwhat are some good voice messaging programs for linux, gaim doesn't support any voice talk08:13
khermanswell then just mess around with ubuntu until you break it or until you have another question more specific :-)08:13
_stewiewhy is that?08:13
=== D_ReaL_PuNiShEr [n=flowman4@] has joined #ubuntu
myrddraalWould appreciate some help with X config08:13
_stewiei've a wireless lan adapter08:13
verma_stewie, do you have DHCP server running on your network?08:13
NickGarveyBeastlyKings, I need to sleep, its 2 in the morning here08:14
Ademantabbot: open up your update manager, you should see 0.9.33 but it's not checked (because of the dependency problems i'm talking about)08:14
_stewiei'm not sure08:14
NickGarveyBeastlyKings, good luck, but I can't help anymore08:14
myrddraalI switch monitors and suddenly I can no longer go above 800x60008:14
Flanneldetectiveinspekt: Ekiga (formerly gnomemeeting) supports the H.323 standard08:14
_stewieVerma, how can i find out?08:14
BeastlyKingsK night08:14
verma_stewie, it configures itself automatically on other OSes?08:14
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detectiveinspektFlannel is there a windows version?08:14
theblackhatanybody there? iam using ubuntu 6.06 and iam unable to update the firefox through synaptic08:14
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khermanshot`loaded, you know?08:14
Flanneldetectiveinspekt: No.  But since it's a standard, there are plenty of windows clients, such as netmeeting.08:14
hot`loadedkhermans i know what?08:15
khermanshot`loaded, just mess around with ubuntu until you break it or until you have another question more specific :-)08:15
Flanneltheblackhat: What issue you having?08:15
detectiveinspektoh thats good thanks.08:15
hot`loadedkhermans i dont have one installed yet08:15
theblackhatflannel is that your talking about firfox?08:15
hot`loadedcoz m afried if i install it08:15
theblackhatfirefox 1.0.508:15
hot`loadedi wont be able to do anything about it?08:16
_stewieactually i got laptop a few months ago08:16
theblackhatubuntu 6.06 LTS08:16
myrddraalI can no longer select a resolution above 800x600 but my xorg.conf is set for higher08:16
mirraofftopic: do you guys know any good affiliate programs that techies would be interested in08:16
_stewiebut as far as i know i've tried ubuntu live and my internet did work fine08:16
Flanneltheblackhat: 1.0.5?  You sure you're on Dapper? with 1.0.5?08:16
theblackhatyes of corse08:16
Flanneltheblackhat: 1.0.X is Breezy, or 1.5 is Dapper08:16
quaalWhy am i getting mkraid /dev/md008:16
quaalbash: mkraid: command not found08:16
khermanshot`loaded, then download the vmware version08:17
khermansvmware server is free to use08:17
theblackhatyeah it is 1.508:17
hot`loadedkhermans how?08:17
verma_stewie, what is your wireless interface called? .. iwconfig08:17
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Flanneltheblackhat: right, and what are you trying to upgrade to?08:17
khermanshot`loaded, you on windows?08:17
theblackhatfirefox 208:17
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khermanshot`loaded, http://www.vmware.com/download/server/08:17
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hot`loadedkhermans even if i am using windows xp08:18
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hot`loadedill be able to install that?08:18
Flanneltheblackhat: Alright.  In Ubuntu, versions of software (such as FF 1.5) are frozen.  Dapper will always have 1.5, and never will upgrade to 2.0.  If you want 2.0, you have a few options, upgrading to Edgy is probably what you want08:18
hot`loadedkhermans yes i am on windows08:18
khermanshot`loaded, yes so install it08:18
=== SuperTeece [n=SuperTee@ip68-105-249-191.lu.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ant-hot`loaded : just use the livecd to test ubuntu on your system, you dont have to install it to use it.08:18
_stewieverma may i pm you?08:18
hot`loadedant- how can i get one?08:18
theblackhatoh thanq flannel08:19
ant-hot`loaded : download it.08:19
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verma_stewie, talking here has a better chance on getting your problem solved, so talk here.08:19
hot`loadedant- how an i get a live cd?08:19
ant-hot`loaded : or order one08:19
BeastlyKingsWell, Its off to buy a new XP cd, I can't boot this one08:19
hot`loadedant- how do i donwload it?08:19
ant-!install | hot`loaded08:19
ubotuhot`loaded: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate08:19
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SpeedyIndyis it just me or is the ubuntu website down?08:19
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khermansant-, i assumed he doesnt know how to burn  a disc08:19
vermaSpeedyIndy, its down08:19
_stewieso i tried ubuntu live before installing from install cd and my internet did work fine08:19
hot`loadedkhermans hey i know how to burn a disc08:19
ant-there are instructions08:20
hot`loadedkhermans hehehe08:20
hot`loadedant- can u give me a link?08:20
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ant-hot`loaded : if you dont want to download it, just order a cd08:20
SpeedyIndycan i upgrade to the fiesty beta using my edgy install?08:20
verma_stewie, yes, tell me the name of your wireless interface .. you can use the iwconfig command to find which one it is08:20
ant-hot`loaded : ubuntu.com08:20
Flannel!upgrade | SpeedyIndy08:20
ubotuSpeedyIndy: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:20
=== rageprblm [n=rageprbl@bas2-london14-1177692511.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ant-!install | hot`loaded08:20
ubotuhot`loaded: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate08:20
vermafiesty is still beta .. isn't it?08:20
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rageprblmHow do I install an rpm installer? I dont understand how to use a .tar.gz file to install a program08:21
verma_stewie, no, I need the interface name .. wlan0, eth1 or eth008:21
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mjbrooksverma, yes   beta and beautiful08:21
hot`loadedwill i still be able to use my printer after installing ubuntu?08:21
verma_stewie, use the iwconfig command08:21
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khermansverma, ive used feisty since january08:21
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RagePrblmIm in feisty right now, it certainly is pretty08:21
khermansverma, 64-bit, no real issues08:21
ant-hot`loaded : get the livecd and test it.08:21
transgress_hey is there an option somewhere to change the gdm sound that is made when it starts up?08:21
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ant-hot`loaded : you dont have to install it at first08:22
vermamjbrooks, beautiful :) .. I am trying kde4 developmental snap shot .. that should be beautiful08:22
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FlannelRagePrblm: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RPM/AlienHowto08:22
_stewieverma where do i use that command?08:22
hot`loadedant- let me check ubuntu.com08:22
ubotumencoder: MPlayer's Movie Encoder. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:0.99+1.0pre8-0ubuntu8 (edgy), package size 3171 kB, installed size 7956 kB08:22
RagePrblmThank you flannel, I appreciate your help08:22
vermakhermans, ah nice ...08:22
verma_stewie, in a console window08:22
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SchalkenDoes anyone know of an easy to use video converter?08:23
mjbrooksverma, when is that set to be released?08:23
hot`loadedant- and ill go to the download section?08:23
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BeastlyKingsReally quick question: Can I just get rid of Ubuntu on this PC and let windows be the main OS without f#@%ing it up anymore than it already is?08:23
ant-hot`loaded : your asking obvious questions now08:23
vermamjbrooks, not sure .. somewhere around this year end ..08:23
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FlannelBeastlyKings: yes.  Get a windows CD, and 'fixmbr', to restore your windows bootloader.08:23
hot`loadedant- i mean i am looking for the live version08:23
mjbrooksverma, *sigh*08:23
ant-hot`loaded : i know, i told you to get that.08:23
BeastlyKingsCan't I just delete the Ubuntu partition?08:24
vermaaha, download complete, I am off to configuring it :D08:24
hot`loadedant- will i still be able to use my printers and scanners08:24
malekdoes anyone know how to find out what application is using a certain device?  JACK won't start up because it can't access  hw:0 because some other program is using it.  I can't find that program though08:24
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hot`loadedant- for example i get rid of my windows and run linux?08:24
anirudhaI just upgraded to Ubuntu 7.04 Fiesty Fawn, and it is great! The newest release of OpenOffice is soooooo much better. Ubuntu 7.04 = Even More Reasons To Ditch Windows!08:24
FlannelBeastlyKings: That's what you'll do to get rid of the Ubuntu OS, yes.  But the problm is then you'll be removing GRUB, so you'll have no bootloader.  You have to reinstall the XP bootloader.08:24
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BeastlyKingsHmm... thats bad because I have no XP cd...08:25
mjbrooksanirudha, you do know that Feisty is still in beta   right?08:25
khermanshot`loaded, you can use printers and scanners in linux08:25
ant-hot`loaded : yes you can use printers in linux, whethers yours will work out of the box i cant answer08:25
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khermansscanner support may be hit or miss08:25
albackeri know i should be in #ubuntu+1 but noone is answering there.. i just upgraded to feisty, and CTRL+[left|right]  arrow prints ;C5 and ;D5 even though, everything's right (talking about the bindings) in /etc/inputrc.. any idea ? thank you08:25
anirudhajbrooks, yes08:25
hot`loadedant- or i need to download special drivers for that?08:25
albackerit should go backwards and forwards one word !08:26
ant-hot`loaded : you can dualboot linux and windows if you want08:26
transgress_how is it no one knows how to change the startup sound for gdm?08:26
BeastlyKingsHow do I fix my gub loader to load winows again?08:26
I_GlitchHow do I change proxy settings via a command line?08:26
mjbrooksI_Glitch, can you be more specific?08:27
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AdamantinusIs there a HowTo somewhere for getting dual head working in Edgy Eft?08:27
ant-probly in #ubuntu-effects08:27
BeastlyKingsHow do I fix my gub loader to load windows again?08:27
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I_GlitchUmm... I 'm testing ubuntu out, right now I only have the server edition, I want to play with it, but I can't get the internet connection to work, I think all I need is to play with proxy settings.08:28
ant-!grub | BeastlyKings08:28
ubotuBeastlyKings: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:28
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I_GlitchBut It's server edition, so I only have a command line.08:28
anirudhaAdamantinus, Are you trying to dual boot Ubuntu 6.10 with Windows XP?08:28
FlannelBeastlyKings: if you can get windows to boot, you can burn a restore disk, I believe.08:28
I_GlitchAnd the only way I can find to configure it is to reinstall.08:28
durkajiim installing ubuntu right now and i choose the partition i want for / but it keeps saying "no root filesystem"08:28
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BeastlyKingsFlannel: Could I use some one else XP for that? Like on there computer at there house I make the disk and bring it back?08:29
happytronanyone know a proggy that pipes its standard input into the clipboard and vice versa? (like getclip/putclip in cygwin)08:29
CrAsH_0vErif you want to load grub on dual boot, simple start with the cd #108:29
SuperTeeceBeastlyKings: sudo grub08:29
SuperTeeceroot (hd0,1)08:29
SuperTeecesetup (hd0)08:29
anirudhaAdamantinus, If so, then I think I can help you.08:29
CrAsH_0vErit has a tool tha fix the mbr08:30
mjbrooksI_Glitch, are you getting an IP address?08:30
kristaverma i can't figure out08:30
I_Glitchmjbrooks: my IP address is manually configured08:30
FlannelBeastlyKings: believe so, yes.08:30
vermakrista, figure out what?08:30
kristawindow console or whatever you said08:30
vermaoh lol08:31
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BeastlyKingsK, I'll try that later. I did sudo grub... now what?08:31
mjbrooksI_Glitch, you manually configured it?08:31
SuperTeeceroot (hd0,1)08:31
SuperTeecesetup (hd0)08:31
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vermakrista, you are in windows right now?08:31
SuperTeeceenter after each line08:31
kristamy deskptop is on xp08:31
I_Glitchmjbrooks: yes08:31
kristai'm install ubuntu on my laptop08:31
kristaand i got that network configure msg thing08:31
mjbrooksI_Glitch, did you remember to specify your gateway?08:31
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I_Glitchmjbrooks: yes.08:32
BeastlyKingsSuperTeece: was that info fr me?08:32
vermakrista, boot into ubuntu ... open a command window KDE Menu->System->Konsole. Then type iwconfig and tell me what it lists08:32
SuperTeecethat should reset grub to give the option for both.. I think08:32
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SuperTeeceBeastlyKings: yes, it worked for me a while back in a similar situation08:32
vermakrista, are you running ubuntu or kubuntu?08:33
kristacan boot via live cd and tell you?08:33
kristaor you want me to boot via install cd?08:33
vermakrista, not necessary08:33
vermakrista, don't need to have your link working to figure .. it will show08:34
BeastlyKingsSuperTeece: So... I did that, typed in those commands.. is it fixed? close to being fixed?08:34
BeastlyKingsSHould I reboot?08:34
vermacan someone tell krista where the terminal program is in gnome?08:34
SuperTeeceBeatlyKings: only a reboot will tell for sure08:34
BeastlyKingsK thanks08:34
anirudhakrista, applications->accessories->terminal08:34
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hot`loadedant- i choose ubuntu 6.10 and i386 is that correct?08:35
SuperTeecewell my Feisty install is done, I'm off to test, night all08:35
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Adamantinus<anirudha> Adamantinus, Are you trying to dual boot Ubuntu 6.10 with Windows XP? <-- I'm already doing that successfully. I want to use dual monitors. Not dual OSes.08:35
vermaterminal is an accessory in gnome .. wow!08:35
anirudhaAdamantinus, Oh okay, ... sorry I can't help you there.08:36
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hot`loadedant- i choose ubuntu 6.10 and i386 is that correct?08:36
Flannel!dualhead | Adamantinus08:36
ubotuAdamantinus: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama08:36
vermaAdamantinus, I have dual monitors :) .. but they are a bitch :) .. I can paste my xorg.conf if you want to take a look08:36
anirudhaverma, yes it is! =)08:36
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I_Glitchhot`loaded, most likely, yes.08:37
vermaaccessories are "come play with me" things .. terminal is pretty serious stuff :)08:37
msinghis it a FAQ topic to express incredulity at the name?08:37
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[Tuxedo] verma it's still fun to play with, none the less.08:37
[Tuxedo] :p08:37
vermakrista, have you been able to locate your terminal?08:37
hot`loadedI_Glitch thanks08:37
=== BeastlyKings [n=chatzill@69-179-105-229.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
kristai'm loading ubuntu right now08:38
alex__i have used windows for a long time, what would be a way of changing video settings such as refresh rates in ubuntu?08:38
hot`loadedi need to wait for like almost 3 hours for this08:38
verma[Tuxedo] , sure it is .. till you get to one of those bad days :)08:38
BeastlyKingsSuperTeece: no go, sorry08:38
[Tuxedo] alex__ look in system -> prefrences08:38
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[Tuxedo] Under Screen Resolution :)08:38
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alex__i just set up two monitors with twinview08:39
[Tuxedo] verma I had like 3 bad weeks after I installed Ubuntu... I'm afraid to install my cd-rw and dvd-rw now :P08:39
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alex__and i can up the refresh rate08:39
hot`loadedwhy is it saying cannot display webpage for ubuntu.com?08:39
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[Tuxedo] I think you can in xorg.conf08:39
[Tuxedo] hot'loaded I think they are under Digg effect at the moment.08:39
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epiHmm...is ubuntu the most popular distro?08:40
crimsunsome say so.08:40
[Tuxedo] Not necsicarrily (however the hell you spell it :P)08:40
Flannelhot`loaded: server problems, it seems.  Not on your end necessarily.08:40
mjbrooksepi, according to distrowatch  yes08:40
haseI finally got my own laptop, so I can use ubuntu again, and i'm just wondering where to get xfce08:40
=== verma [n=verma@12-210-137-165.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
[Tuxedo] google is your friend.08:41
=== epi prompty googles distrowatch
anirudhaepi, the gnome graphics look good and the update manager is great!08:41
crdlbhase, install xubuntu-desktop08:41
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vermanot much eye-candy with kde4 yet08:41
hasethanks crdlb08:41
dark_lightepi, ubuntu is the most popular distro in terms of, hmmm, 'hype' and downloads at distrowatch. but it isn't the most used distro (specially at servers)08:41
[Tuxedo] Anyone recommend any free games for Ubuntu?08:41
mjbrooksverma, that's okay,  beryl has plenty to keep me busy08:41
Flannel!games | [Tuxedo] 08:41
ubotu[Tuxedo] : Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org08:41
crdlb[Tuxedo] , what type?08:42
epiTuxedo, the benefits of unix are that your immune to warez!08:42
[Tuxedo] Thanks Flannel :)08:42
anirudhaTuxedo, bzflags is a very fun multiplayer shooting game!08:42
vermamjbrooks, yeah .. right .. I just want these stupid widgets to look nicer :)08:42
mjbrooks[Tuxedo] , yes,  I reccommend ALL of them   lol08:42
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anirudha[Tuxedo] , bzflags is a very fun multiplayer shooting game!08:42
epiSpent the morning merrily downloading with zero problems.08:42
[Tuxedo] crdlb any type, really, I just need something to fill the time while burning/ripping :)08:42
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Carsten-hi guys im attempting to install 7.04 on one of my pc's but when I try to do so it modprobes for a non existant floppy drive during installation, has anyone else has this issue?08:42
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[Tuxedo] I've found Linux to be ulitimately superior when it comes to file sharing of any kind, which is why I switched to it.08:43
Weemswhy does sudo insist on being setuid root... it wont let me just type in my password and go08:43
crdlb[Tuxedo] , I find lbreakout2 (and ltris) oddly satisfying08:43
vermanice, doom3 on linux :D08:43
[Tuxedo] Weems try just using su and then doing the commands?08:43
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dark_light[Tuxedo] , i like freeciv. and, hmmm, armagetron too. some say about enemy territory and cube, but i don't like too much08:43
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crdlb[Tuxedo] , don't forget about the quake3 demo08:43
[Tuxedo] As long as the terminal stays open it keeps you logged in as root08:44
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dark_lightps: oops, enemy territory isn't free08:44
dark_lightcube seems to be08:44
[Tuxedo] Enemy Territory is free08:44
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[Tuxedo] I play it on my XP comp all the time :P08:44
Weems[Tuxedo] : doesnt work08:44
Flannel[Tuxedo] : Weems, don't use su.  If you want to open a root shell, use `sudo -i`08:44
=== dark_light uses sudo -s
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Weemsthats just it08:44
WeemsI cant08:44
FlannelWeems: why not?08:44
anirudhaCarstern, Do you currently run Ubuntu 6.10?08:45
Weemsit says setuid root everytime08:45
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=== dark_light don't see any problem to use su, but sudo is already configured
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vermaplaying games on  a computer and then making your computer capable of playing upcoming games is an expensive affair, buy a console08:45
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Flanneldark_light: su would require you to enable the root account, and there's no reason to do so.08:45
Weemssudo: must be setuid root08:45
Carsten-On this computer, yes.08:45
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dark_lightFlannel, well, I may want to log directly as root08:45
vermaand then, bullshit updates, missing drivers and that feeling of not having the best .. it all sucks08:45
epiPcs = Better RPG's, MMO's and much better Strategy.08:45
FlannelWeems: you did some chmodding, didn't you08:45
WeemsI changed a folder08:45
[Tuxedo] lol08:46
FlannelWeems: usr/bin?08:46
Weemsmaybe i accidentally did all of them08:46
anirudhaCarstern, If so then just execute the command: "update-manager -d" and it will take you through the upgrade steps for Ubuntu 7.0408:46
Weemsyeah for bittornado08:46
crdlbWeems, which folder / ?08:46
Weemsbut I thought I did just one folder08:46
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FlannelWeems: mhmm.  Right.  That's... stupid.  You've just broken your system.  Well, most likely.08:46
anirudhaCarstern, BTW upgrading with DSL connection takes around 1-2hrs08:46
crdlbWeems, did you use chmod -R ?08:46
FlannelWeems: then what?08:46
Weemschmod 77708:46
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Carsten-ok, but I don't want to upgrade this computer yet until the full release comes out i'd rather install it on another computer08:46
FlannelWeems: right, but what did you chmod?08:47
crdlbWeems, thne you couldn't have done that much damage08:47
WeemsI thought I was inside the folder for Bittornado08:47
Carsten-when the install prog runs it crashes on a modprob to a floppy drive that pc has never had08:47
WeemsI guess I wasnt08:47
FlannelWeems: what did you do? and where?08:47
anirudhaCarsten-, Oh ... okay ... but I thought the 7.04 version has not come out yet?08:47
Carsten-ive got the iso burnt to cd08:47
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Carsten-not full, the beta08:47
FlannelWeems: You chdmodded it 777?08:47
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=== mjbrooks bwahahahaha
Carsten-thats why i dont want to install it on this pc yet i just want to see whats new08:48
anirudhaCarsten-, so what is exactly the problem?08:48
mjbrookser,  I mean   ouch08:48
Weemssudo chmod 777 /home/weems/.BitTornado *08:48
Weems <-- I did this earlier08:48
Weemsnot sure if that affected anything08:48
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mjbrooksDoh!!   I see a space in there08:48
FlannelWeems: that asterisk worries me.08:48
Carsten-when I run the installation from the iso, the system modprobes for /dev/fd0 then crashes will not go any further08:48
Weemsand I did this : sudo chmod 777 python btdownloadgui.py08:49
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FlannelWeems: You're probably better off reinstalling.08:49
Weemsbut I dont think that couldve done anything08:49
Carsten-Ive tried enabling / disabling fd in bios to no avail08:49
mjbrooksWeems, perhaps you mean to type 'sudo chmod 777 /home/weems/.BitTornado/*'08:49
Weemswill I lose my files08:49
FlannelWeems: back them up08:49
Weemsbefore it gave me an invalid file error08:49
Weemsso thats when I did the space08:49
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FlannelWeems: if you're in your home folder, there's no reason to use sudo.08:49
hot`loadedis there something like microsoft excel and microsoft access in ubuntu?08:49
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FlannelWeems: as, you own everything.08:49
anirudhaCarsten-, my advice is to then install 6.10 on the other computer then upgrade using the command "update-manager -d"08:50
Flannelhot`loaded: OOo has a spreadsheet program, and Access has... well, a number of *real* databases.08:50
Weemsbut the python files wouldnt let me run them08:50
mjbrookshot`loaded, openoffice08:50
Carsten-hmmmm ill give it a try08:50
cyclopsehi all08:50
crdlbWeems, were you in /usr/bin when you ran that command?08:50
cyclopsei use kubuntu 6.06 LTS08:50
Weemsnot the one for home08:50
[Tuxedo] Are there any flash web development programs for linux?08:50
hot`loadedFlannel and do i need to download the access/database programs?08:50
corevettehello cyclopse08:50
Weemsbut the btdownloadgui.py one yeah08:50
cyclopsewhere is the kernel headers located?08:50
wafroanyone know why #include <linux/module.h> is telling me mach_mpspec.h is missing?08:51
Carsten-it seems to be a kernel thing tho so im wondering if it will just do the same thing when i've updated it.08:51
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Flannelhot`loaded: you'll need to install them, yeah.  And pick one.  If you want one of those GUI sorts of things, MySQL has one I believe.08:51
Toma-[Tuxedo] : flash studio works fine in wine08:51
crimsuncyclopse: I answered that in -kernel already.08:51
[Tuxedo] Toma- Okay, thank you! :)08:51
crdlbWeems, yeah, you need to reinstall, setting every program in /usr/bin/ to the proper permissions would be impossible08:51
cyclopsei need its size bcoz i got a very sow conxn08:52
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cyclopsehey crimsun08:53
anirudhaCarsten-, Btw, I upgraded to 7.04 Beta today ... top 3 new things I noticed are, 1. new background,  2. wireless internet setup software, and 3. latest OpenOffice.08:53
FlannelWeems: next time you run into an issue with permissions, don't chmod.  There's probably a better/safer alternative.  chmod is a hammer, very few things are nails.08:53
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about x86_64 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:54
crdlbWeems, particular never use the -R switch or * with chmod08:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 64 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:54
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about anything - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kernelheaders - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:54
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ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...08:55
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AshbringerHello, can anyone tell me how to get libaudio.so.2 on an amd64 system? I am trying to install skype.08:55
FlannelAshbringer: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/libs/libaudio208:56
AshbringerThanks, flannel.08:56
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Flannel!skype | Ashbringer08:56
ubotuAshbringer: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto08:56
AshbringerIt says its the newest version08:56
foonoacpi acpi=off pci=noacpi - how do I boot with this with ubuntu 6.06 ? What do you look for on the main screen again?08:56
mjbrooksfoo, at the boot screen press F608:57
foomjbrooks: ok, and then just add it to the end?08:57
foomjbrooks: I've done it before, just need to explain this to someone08:57
mjbrooksfoo, yes   from the CD right?08:57
epiMay sound silly...but is there any mouse smoothing programs for ubuntu?08:57
foomjbrooks: correct, thanks08:57
mjbrooksfoo,  np08:58
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vermawow, I never new lsusb existed :)08:58
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haseI got xfce installed, making me very happy, now I'm just wondering if there is a program I can use to play all the avis i had on my old windows system that i backed up on dvd-rs, can i just get codecs for totem or do i need something else?08:59
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albackerhow can i get parted in X mode08:59
albackerGUI mode *08:59
mjbrookshase, VLC08:59
shatratalbacker, use gparted08:59
albackerhase, partition manager..09:00
albackershatrat, thnx09:00
haseShould I just google that, jbrooks?09:00
alucarddude, im trying to compile the nvidia driver from nvidia.com but it says my ubuntu dist doesnt have libc header files installed09:00
alucarddude, im trying to compile the nvidia driver from nvidia.com but it says my ubuntu dist doesnt have libc header files installed09:00
ShayGuyI'm having trouble installing the OS. (6.10)09:00
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crdlbalucard, why would you want to do that?09:00
shatratalucard, you need to install some dependencies09:00
ShayGuyIt keeps getting hung up on partitions.09:00
shatratalucard, http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Latest_Nvidia_Edgy#METHOD_2 here is a guide for installing manually09:01
mjbrookshase, I believe you can get it through the the repositories09:01
dark_lighthase, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Multimedia_Codecs09:01
ShayGuyEvery time I try to shrink /dev/hda1, I get an error.09:01
hasethanks everyone!09:01
crdlbalucard, just use the repository at : http://albertomilone.com/driver.html09:02
shatratalucard, nvm that, the website is down. here is the google cache,
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I_GlitchCan I upgrade clear from breezy to edgy using apt-get upgrade?09:02
FlannelI_Glitch: You'll have to go through Dapper09:03
shatratI_Glitch, sure, but only 1 step at a time09:03
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I_GlitchBreezy, Dapper, Edgey, and Feisty..., what happened to C?09:03
FlannelI_Glitch: only after Dapper did they decide to go alphabetical09:04
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shatratI_Glitch, it isnt strictly aphabetical, look at hoary hedghog09:04
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I_GlitchOh, lol.09:04
crdlbI_Glitch, they are going alphabetical from now on though09:05
ShayGuySo what about my hard drive?09:05
crdlbbut they may skip other letters09:05
mjbrooksyeah   like H  since they already09:05
mjbrooksused it09:05
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I_GlitchWhen they get to H, they going to do Hoary revisited? ;)09:06
I_GlitchOops, lol, you beat me to it.09:06
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[Tuxedo] Will Flash Pro 8 work on Ubuntu under wine?09:07
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shatratappdb.winehq.org  <--look it up09:07
xf` when i tried installing mysql-server, it says it cannot, because it needs mysql-server-5.0 however mysql-server-5.0 isn't configured yet. How do I configure mysql-server-5.0 please?09:07
I_GlitchWine huh, have to get ubuntu drunk so it'll act like windows? :p09:08
bluecat9Q: How do I make a second hard disk which is formatted with NTFS auto-mount on boot? (hd1?)09:08
Kristaverma there?09:08
vermaKrista, yeah09:08
shatratA: add it to your /etc/fstab09:08
cyphaseWhy does Banshee 0.12 insist on putting podcasts in the music directory, thereby making them show up in the "Music Library"? There's a gconf option in /apps/banshee/plugins/podcast/ called podcast_library, but Banshee doesn't respect this option. Any thoughts?09:08
AshbringerI_Glitch: next thing you know, it'll be pinging ex-girlfriend servers and moving everything into kernel space09:08
ShayGuyI'm having trouble installing the OS. (6.10)09:09
ShayGuyIt keeps getting hung up on partitions.09:09
bluecat9shatrat, thx --send Q: How do i mount it? :) : mount blah ?09:09
EdgEywhat's the error message ShayGuy09:09
I_GlitchAshbringer: I'm sure that's funny but I don't get it.  I must not be advanced enough.09:09
bluecat9*send = second09:10
shatratbluecat9, add this line, /dev/hda1                                  /mnt/windows    ntfs         nls=utf8,umask=0222                                                           0  0  and it should mount automatically. Youll have to create /mnt/windows09:10
shatrateww, ugly09:10
bluecat9shatrat, ty ty ty09:10
shatratanyway, thats the line from my fstab so it must work amirite?09:10
dj-exQ: i boot to a ubuntu live cd it starts to load with the bar movingback and forth on the screen it then hangs up anyone have any ideas why09:10
Kristaverma i'm in terminal server client.09:10
vermaKrista, that's not what you want .. the terminal program .. it should open a black or white colored window09:11
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Kristaoh k09:12
Kristaits white now.09:12
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I_GlitchKrista: It's a command prompt, kinda like MSDOS in Windows.09:12
vermaKrista, nice ... run the iwconfig command now09:12
mjbrooksdj-ex, what kind of system is it?  a laptop?09:13
Kristalo no wireless entenseions09:13
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Kristaetho no wireless extension09:13
dj-exno pc09:13
KristawitO no wireless extensions09:13
ShayGuyOkay, I tell it to change the partitions: "The following operation could not be...Resize /dev/hda1 from...See the details..."09:13
Kristasit0* sorry09:13
quaalYou might also want to experiment with the chunk size (eg. 8, 16, 32, 64, 128). Use a harddisk benchmark to check or stay with the default of 64k chunk size.09:13
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vermaKrista, is that all?09:13
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quaalhow do i determine the HD chunksize09:13
quaalor is this not necessary09:13
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vermaKrista, what wireless card do you have?09:14
mjbrooksdj-ex, have you tried using the safe video option?09:14
Krista802 11g usb adapter09:14
dj-exill have to try it09:15
alucardim likin ubuntu, it supported my sound right away09:15
ShayGuyAnd in the details, there's "resize the filesystem->run simulation->ntfsresive -P --force --force /dev/hda1 -s..."09:15
dj-exif it doesnt work i will return09:15
ShayGuy"...-s 22649405440 --no-action". And under that...some more stuff.09:16
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ShayGuyIncluding "ERROR: Extended record needed (1176 > 1024), not yet supported! Please try to free less space."09:17
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D0wNis there a command that shows what partition I'm booting off of?09:18
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kane`where are the java libraries stored?09:20
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epiGuys quick question, I just dled a Ubuntu, could you confirm that "Release i386" is 32bit?09:21
GekiBlueSomething weird just happened you guys... I restarted, and the loading screen went part way and then scrolled a bunch of stuff at me... and then it said 'can't kill process pid 1803: process not found' or something... I restarted again and everything loaded fine :309:21
haseIs there a way to display system information, like how much RAM I have and the internal temperature?09:21
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I_Glitchepi: i386 is 32 bit09:21
epiThank yee.09:21
I_Glitchipt: AMD64 is 64bit09:21
I_GlitchOops, epi:09:22
I_GlitchThat's what I get for typing while I'm eating.09:22
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kane`eating is for suckers.09:22
Shrimpy_i was wonderfing if there was a way to search for a file on the whole harddrive09:22
kane`real men starve09:22
epiIm on an amd 64bit, but I want the 32bit operating system. i386 should work correct?09:22
I_Glitchepi: should.09:23
=== epi does a little dance
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GekiBlueAnd now my Frostwire won't work :(09:23
epiThen I shall smoke a ciggarette, clean myself up, and buy some blank CD's.09:24
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ShayGuySo, then - my HDD?09:24
dj-exit does the same thing as before starts the bar across the screen then just stops09:24
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catidwhen i press the volume keys on my keyboard, what's the name of the program that shows the volume?09:24
I_Glitchkane`: I tried that, it sucks.09:24
tommymy screen resolution is stuck at 680 x 420, it doesnt let me select any other options, how can i fix this09:24
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kane`if i were a java library, where would i hide?09:25
mr_grump5could any one suggest a alternative for dr.divx for ubuntu??09:25
Aishei know where you live , gabriel...09:25
pissedoffdudeno u dont09:25
Aishe-creepy music starts to play-09:25
Aishebut i do09:25
pissedoffdudei know where u live...ive been there09:25
pramzwhat is dr.divx ?09:25
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AisheXD i know -_-;09:25
=== ShayGuy whines about his problems
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tommy my screen resolution is stuck at 680 x 420, it doesnt let me select any other options, how can i fix this09:26
mr_grump5alternative for dr.divx in ubuntu?09:26
=== catid listens to the pained suffering of hundreds of computer users and smiles evilly.
pissedoffdude@tommy what kind of video card do you have?09:26
I_Glitchtommy: 420 huh, it must be on something.09:26
RimboWhat is the password for the user account "ubuntu" on the live CD?09:26
crdlbmr_grump5, mencoder (you're looking for a video encoder right?)09:26
Rimbo(this would be Edgy Eft, Kubuntu 6.10)09:26
tommyati 200xpress09:26
crdlbmr_grump5, it's command line based, but it has numerous frontends09:27
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mr_grump5crdlb:ye..does it have all the functionalities of dr divx?09:28
=== ShayGuy keeps whining
RimboSo this is a stumper.09:28
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kvirc-ubuntuhi guys.09:28
tommypissedoffdude, ati radeon xpress 20009:28
GekiBlueOh, I just had to update java or summat... How keen. :309:28
RimboI'm running Kubuntu 6.10 live, and hit the "lock screen" button09:29
I_GlitchYou know, I'd love to help you guys but...09:29
kvirc-ubuntudo we have beryl in the repositories?09:29
=== GekiBlue is so new.
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RimboNow I can't log back in.09:29
I_GlitchI'm an even bigger noob then you are.09:29
Shrimpy_hello, i've used the search thing that's located in the menu of places. and i can only search a folder at a time. is there a way just to make it search the whole hard drive?09:29
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Rimbowhat is the password for the "ubuntu" account on the Live CD?09:29
pandoras #ubnuntu-de09:29
crdlbmr_grump5, mencoder with xvid is an extremely cabable video encoder, but it's a bit intimidating, which is why I'd suggest you find a graphical frontend09:29
pissedoffdude@tommy have you installed the proper drivers for it?09:29
[Tuxedo] password probably09:29
mr_grump5crdlb:wht abt dvd rips?09:29
RimboTuxedo:  Nope.09:30
mr_grump5crdlb:any suggestions for front end>09:30
RimboTuxedo: So far I've tried:  ubuntu, edgyeft, "edgy eft" (minus quotes), nothing, password, ubuntu, kubuntu09:30
exswhat app is this? http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/images/listen.jpg09:30
tommyno, but last time i installed ubuntu on this computer i went through this hour long terminal questionaire and it fixed my problem to an extent09:30
tommywhere would i find the drivers compatible with ubuntu?09:30
dj-exmy ubuntu live cd starts then when it gets to the screen where theabr moves back and forth it hangs after it goes by one or two times cananyone help?09:30
crdlbmr_grump5, I just use it directly09:30
pissedoffdudetry the envy script09:30
vimalg1Any good usable frontends for mencoder09:30
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crdlbmr_grump5, and yes it can rip dvd's09:30
=== ShayGuy wonders if anyone can read what he's saying
pissedoffdudeit will detect the model of your graphics card and isntall the proper drivers09:31
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=== Rimbo can read what ShayGuy said.
Rimbobut I missed it.09:31
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tommypissedoffdude, envy script?09:31
pissedoffdudelet me get a link09:31
crdlbtommy, what video card?09:31
vimalg1any suggestions09:31
ShayGuyShayGuy>And in the details, there's "resize the filesystem->run simulation->ntfsresive -P --force --force /dev/hda1 -s..."09:32
ShayGuy<ShayGuy>"...-s 22649405440 --no-action". And under that...some more stuff.09:32
ShayGuy<ShayGuy>Including "ERROR: Extended record needed (1176 > 1024), not yet supported! Please try to free less space."09:32
tommycrdlb, ati radeon 200 xpress09:32
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crdlbtommy, and the xorg-driver-fglrx in the repos isn't working?09:32
espereguI would like a menu to appear which I can configure... (like in fluxbox) any suggestions?09:32
pissedoffdude@tommy here you go http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html09:32
esperegu(when clickin on the deskop)09:32
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Peter_Johnssonwhat kernel version is the 25th daily build use?09:33
vimalg1Can anyone tell me if its possible to mount the following: 1)ext3 partition containing music mounted as /home/media/songs   AND an ext3 partition mounted at /home?09:33
dj-exmy ubuntu live cd starts then when it gets to the screen where the bar moves back and forth it hangs after it goes by one or two times cananyone help?09:33
MindRiothey whats the offtopic channel ?09:33
tommypissedoffdude, i think i've found a solution, i was looking on ubuntu forums and someone had the same problem, they ran this command" dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and it worked09:34
vimalg1Can anyone tell me if its possible to mount the following: 1)ext3 partition containing music mounted as /home/media/songs   AND an ext3 partition mounted at /home?09:34
=== BillGates demands microsoft mouse driver support for ubuntu 6.10
Rimbodj-ex: can you hit "esc" while it's booting?09:34
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Rimbodj-ex: also, are you booting into "safe graphics mode?"09:34
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epkphotovimalg1: yes, I believe you can do that09:34
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dj-exive tried both reguilar and safe graphics mode09:34
dj-exit does the same thing09:34
pissedoffdude@tommy make sure u type "sudo" before that or else it won't give you permission09:34
vimalg1BillGates: My microsoft mice all work flawlessly in Edgy09:34
MindRiotEDGY FTW09:35
epiReally? Mine seems jittery. I was searching for something to smooth it a little.09:35
vimalg1epkphoto: thanks a bunch09:35
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GowthamHey new to ubuntu IRC09:35
dj-exand what would i do after i hit esc Rimbo09:35
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alucardhow do i stop gdm from auto loading on startup09:35
haseSo, I'm reading these instructions, and it says to type sudo apt-get lm-senors into the terminal, which I understand, but what confuses me is it says Create file called mkdev.sh, and paste in the following and I don't know how to just "create" a file09:35
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RimboWell, I'm not one of the experts here, but I'm hoping it'll switch you to a text mode and show you what it's doing while booting09:36
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dj-exill try it09:36
RimboAnd that should give you some idea why it's hanging.09:36
alucardhow do I stop gdm from autoexecing on startup09:36
dj-exty i shall return09:36
Rimbodj-ex: Is the computer connected to the internet on boot?09:36
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Aisherawr gabriel , rawr09:37
Gowthamhas anyone here tried Feisty Beta09:37
vimalg1Can someone tell me if its better advised to use aptitude for all repository-related operations right from the beginning , as OPPOSED to using apt-get/synaptic?  Which one handles dependencies better in Feisty?09:37
ShayGuySo what about my partitions?09:37
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unimatrix9hello there09:38
vimalg1ShayGuy: I didnt catch your problem statement09:38
unimatrix9how would i ( in evolution mail ) mail more than one adres in the header?09:38
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ShayGuyI can't resize the main partition.09:39
epkphotoI haven't seen it mentioned recently, but can anyone else resolve www.ubuntu.com right now09:39
unimatrix9i tried to type more than one e-mail adres, but it mails to just the first, any tips would be welcome09:39
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ShayGuyI'm trying to install Edgy Eft.09:39
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Gowtham@vimalg- i think synaptic is all time best09:39
tommypissedoffdude, ok i ran the setup, should i now restart for it to take effect09:39
vimalg1ShayGuy: Do you mean your ntfs/fat32 partition?09:39
unimatrix9how would i ( in evolution mail ) mail more than one adres in the header?09:39
unimatrix9i tried to type more than one e-mail adres, but it mails to just the first, any tips would be welcome09:39
AisheRAWR Gabriel, RAWR09:39
ShayGuyNTFS, yes.09:39
ShayGuy<ShayGuy> And in the details, there's "resize the filesystem->run simulation->ntfsresive -P --force --force /dev/hda1 -s..."09:40
ShayGuy<ShayGuy> "...-s 22649405440 --no-action". And under that...some more stuff.09:40
ShayGuy<ShayGuy> Including "ERROR: Extended record needed (1176 > 1024), not yet supported! Please try to free less space."09:40
pissedoffdude@tommy where you able to choose a different resolution?09:40
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pissedoffdudeif so then reboot09:40
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RimboI think there is no answer to my question.09:40
RimboI think it's just a plain ol' fashioned bug09:41
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epkphotothe dns resolution for ubuntu.com seems to be working, but I can't seem to connect to the webserver09:41
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vimalg1ShayGuy: I'm assuming you have enough freespace on your NTFS partition that you're trying to resize; but in any case, do a complete Defragmentation operation that often clears up problems with resizing.09:41
dj-exit didnt do anything Rimbo09:41
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Rimbodj-ex:  Damn.09:41
vimalg1ShayGuy: Also does you BIOS have something like LBA mode enabled09:42
Rimbodj-ex:  What hardware are you using?09:42
GekiBlueStupid question... How do I make xchat connect to more than one channel on the same network after it connects? :O09:42
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dj-exthe onlythings it couldbe are my soundcard or my video card if its hardware09:42
dj-exrealtek ac97 high deff soundcard09:42
dj-exand ati radeon express 110009:42
ShayGuyvimalg1: Can I defrag in Linux, and how do I find out about the BIOS?09:42
vimalg1ShayGuy: The error message points to an error often encountered with a 1024 cylinder limit in non-LBA mode BIOSes09:42
Rimbowhat about the video?09:42
dj-exand ati radeon express 110009:43
dj-exfor hte video09:43
RimboGot it.09:43
Rimbowhat processor?  What network card?09:43
vimalg1ShayGuy: I suggest using the windows defrag for best results with ntfs. Frankly i dont know how to use defrag tools in linux09:43
dj-exprocessor is a pentium 4 3ghz09:43
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Rimboati supposedly has decent support, and ac97's been around for... well, 10 years :)09:44
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dj-exand network is 10/100 base T netowrk interface09:44
vimalg1ShayGuy: As for the Bios, check the version number that pops up at boottime, Google for it with the terms LBA together with it09:44
tommythanks pissedoffdude, it worked wonders09:44
dj-exis all it says09:44
haseis there any other program besides lm-senors to detect CPU temperature, I'm only curious because I've never owned a laptop before and I don't want to damage it09:44
Rimbodj-ex: what you could do is yank out all the cards in your computer other than the video card and see if anything changes.09:44
pissedoffdudeyour welcome and enjoy your ubuntu09:44
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RimboI actually ended up doing that myself, but not because of a driver issue -- my power supply wasn't able to power everything I had plugged in!09:45
hpsGekiBlue: as far as i can remember seperate the channels with , or ;09:45
dj-exthe only thing thats not onboard is my video card09:45
Aishegabriel, i think you just may need my blonde friend09:45
dj-exso rupping htem out isnt an option09:45
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GekiBluehps: Thanks :)09:45
RimboBIOS measured 5V at like 4.87 something.  I yanked everything out, and things seem to be operating correctly again.09:46
cyphasehmm, Ubuntu Media Center via LinuxMCE..09:46
Rimbodj-ex: You should be able to disable the features in BIOS09:46
vimalg1pissedoffdude: Do you know if the Ext3 userspace driver for windows is usable? I'd like to use ext3 instead of fat32 for a shared data partition under /home. (i deal with a lot of large files that move around a lot)09:46
dj-exoh good point09:46
=== dj-ex goes and sees
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dj-exi shall return................again09:47
Rimbodj-ex: Another thing to check is if your CD burned correctly.  It could have burned bad09:47
vimalg1pissedoffdude: http://www.fs-driver.org/ This is the one09:47
Rimboshit, i probably missed him09:47
Rimbowell, I don't think there's a solution to my problem.  Gonna log off and go to bed.09:47
Rimbolater folks!09:47
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pissedoffdudeyou should be able to share an ex3 file system between linux and windows09:48
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epkphotodoes anyone know why www.ubuntu.com seems to be down ?09:49
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ShayGuyvimalg1: Defragging in Windows now; still not entirely sure how to check the BIOS version.09:49
gyaresuepkphoto: nope. It's not there though...09:49
epkphotohmm, oh well...guess I'll have to wait on the old apt-get update09:50
vimalg1pissedoffdude: I dont know how stable that driver is under loads....  I'm only going to use it to import my tagged mp3s into itunes via drag and drop. I dont want the filesystem to crash while transferring 1-2GB's at a go09:50
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vimalg1ShayGuy: What  does the defragmentation analysis say? Your drive was probably heavily fragmented. That usually solves most issues with resizing volumes09:51
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sluimersI accidentally deleted my top panel in Ubuntu09:52
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pissedoffdude@slumiers just right click ur bottom panel and select add pannel09:52
ShayGuyvimalg1: Says most files aren't fragmented...it's about 5% done now.09:53
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sluimersWell, I'm missing one object in the panel, but can't find it anywhere09:53
sluimersit's the one that shows when there updates in the package manager09:53
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pissedoffdudeadd the notifier applet09:54
gcehmm is www.ubuntu.com reachable by others ?09:54
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sluimersnotifier applet is not the same as the notifier area is it?09:54
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pissedoffdudeit is the same09:55
gcehopefully its not reachable because of planned maintenace09:55
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sluimersWell, it doesn't show up there09:55
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pissedoffdudehmm do programs such as gaim adn amarok show up in the system tray?09:56
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pissedoffdudethat just means that there are no updates avaliable09:56
sluimersxchat is in the system right now09:56
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strat89Q: cannot access anything except device manager under "system>administration>x . accepts password then nothing or starts to load app then nothing. Newb on fresh install of breezy.09:56
pissedoffdudewhen is the last time that you have installed updates?09:57
annihilushey everyone, im pretty new to linux, is avi supported OTB09:57
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sluimersjust before I added the notificatrion area back again09:57
pissedoffdudeif you want to be a hundred percent sure then you can open up a terminal and type "sudo apt-get upgrade"09:57
pissedoffdudeyou can also open up synaptic and select mark all upgrades too09:58
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Ademando adesklets work with beryl or compiz if you have it? (as opposed to the crappy "grab desktop transparency" thing)09:58
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annihilusi am having a problm where when i open up an avi video it gives the error "Could Not Decode Jpeg"10:00
annihilusanyone have any ideas10:00
sluimersthanks dude10:00
Shrimpy_is anyone fimiliar with ettercap?10:01
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jpjacobsShrimpy_, somewhat10:01
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vermaannihilus, what player are you using?10:02
Aishedid we have hw for traver's?10:02
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pissedoffdudeno they are do on tuesday?10:02
pissedoffdudei think10:02
exsWoohoo!! I've just finished doing the whole new homepage of Wubi (the program where you can install ubuntu via an exe from windows, which sets up it's own partiton + grub!)10:02
pissedoffdudeyeah tuesday she never collects hw on monday10:03
tony__I'm using the restricted ATI drivers in Feisty Fawn right now. After alot of fixes, It now looks good, but I still don't get 3D rendering to work sais fglrxinfo10:03
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tony__fglrxinfo still says that my OpenGL vendor is Mesa :-/ And in xorg.conf the driver is set to fglrx10:04
vermacheck your xorg log, it will probably report the error10:04
tony__is it in /etc/X11?10:05
vermatony__, /var/log10:05
tony__ok ^10:05
=== American-Tech [n=keith@cpe-74-67-241-29.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
[Tuxedo] tony__ try setting to to radeon10:05
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tony__[Tuxedo] , Ok i will try that soon :) thanks10:06
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Mugwump09edgy will not run at all on my computer, I have an ASUS A8N-sli premium motherboard, eVGA GeForce 7800 GT, AMD Athlon 64 4000+10:07
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rickyfingers_Mugwump09: are you installing from the 64 bit cd?10:08
tony__aha "(II) fglrx(0): Composite extension enabled, disabling direct rendering"10:09
Mugwump09i386 or whatever10:09
rickyfingers_Mugwump09: but you can boot off other cd's?10:10
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tony__[Tuxedo] , do you think that's the problem (above)?10:10
Mugwump09no, I have the alternative and 64 bit version on different discs, none of them will boot10:10
[Tuxedo] yeah, try disabling10:10
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rickyfingers_Mugwump09: You've got boot sequence right in the bios? Check that, and you may want to flash the bios as well.10:11
Mugwump09yes I'm sure10:11
tony__i'll be back10:11
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Mugwump09I get to where it asks if I want to install or run and has the countdown, I choose run and it plays the song and freezes up10:12
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rickyfingersMugwump09: I'm running edgy 64 bit on an asus mb and I had to update the bios before install would work.10:12
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Mugwump09update to what version?10:12
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rickyfingersMugwump09: but my mb's a different model10:12
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Mugwump09I have the latest BIOS other than the new beta10:13
Mugwump09and I don't know how to update BIOS10:13
rickyfingersMugwump09: don't know, just took the latest at the time.10:13
ubuntu_noobwritable mounted partition ?10:13
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ubuntu_noobhello room10:14
cefxI tried to redetect and reconfigure x.org with the automated tool but that broke my copy of X windows, so can I try simply replacing nv with nvidia in my x.org conf?10:14
cefxI'm trying to get opengl to work10:14
ubuntu_noobis there anyway to make ntfs drives to be writable ?10:14
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cefxand it's not working10:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opengl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:14
ubuntu_noobcefx #ubuntu-effects10:15
ubuntu_noobI just asked the same question earlier10:15
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mike__how does one restart x? :)10:16
rickyfingerscefx: that should work.  You may want to just move /etc/X11/xorg.conf to somewhere else (so there's nothing in there) maybe then the nvidia tool will generate xorg.conf.10:16
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cefxIt generates a xorg.conf but the xorg.conf it generates fucks up10:16
Mugwump09how do I update the BIOS?10:16
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nicegirLHow do I fix this problem? "totem was not able to play this disc. Failed to find mountpoint for /dev/hdc"10:17
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ubuntu_noobis it possible to make ntfs writable ?10:17
rickyfingersMugwump09: you have to download an image from their web site.  Then you copy the image to a mem stick, then reboot, get into the bios, and choose to update10:17
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rickyfingersubuntu_noob: yes it is but you need some modules.10:17
Mugwump09I don't have a mem stick10:18
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ubuntu_noobwhat parts do I need ?10:18
tony__Yeay! Worked! "OpelGL renderer string: Radeon X1600 series" when I disabled composite. To the next problem... I' trying to enable desktop effects. It tried before, but now it just says that Composite extension is not avalible... damn it...10:18
rickyfingersMugwump09: there's probably alternatives, you should check out the web site and read through directions.10:18
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rickyfingersubuntu_noob: I'm looking in synaptic looks like installing ntfs_progs and ntfs_tools might work for you...on the other hand you can recompile the kernel and choose to compile ntfs_write module into the kernel.10:21
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ubuntu_noobcan you please tell me step by step10:22
ubuntu_noobas you can see I am a ubuntu noob10:22
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rickyfingersubuntu_noob: ok then recompiling the kernel is a good exercise to learn more, but that might be overkill at this point.10:23
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espereguchu iu chi tie uzas landell?10:23
rickyfingersubuntu_noob: if you're using gnome desktop, click on system up at the top, click administration, and then synaptic package manager.10:23
espereguoeps. sorry... does somebody here use landell ?10:24
ubuntu_noobthen ?10:24
rickyfingersubuntu_noob: when synaptic's open, do a search for ntfs10:24
tony__I also want to know how to disable wireless networking. Have a card, but don't use it. And ubuntu is nagging me about wireless when i boot up10:24
rickyfingersubuntu_noob: then select ntfsprogs and ntfstools10:24
rickyfingersubuntu_noob: after you've installed them open a terminal (applications->accessories->terminal10:25
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zool2005I've installed command line system and want to read dmesg output, how can I scroll back?10:25
rickyfingersand type man ntfsprogs read that, and then type man ntfstools, read that, then you'll know to use the new programs.10:26
nicegirL /msg nickserv link slowfire tralla10:26
MindRiotanyone know where to get some xtra Gdesklets from?10:26
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rickyfingerszool2005: if you just type dmesg | less, you can use page up and page down to scroll up and down through the output10:26
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zool2005rickyfingers, thanks !10:27
rickyfingerszool2005: np10:27
ubuntu_noobok done10:27
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ubuntu_noobrickyfingers: I am in terminal now10:29
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tony__[Tuxedo] ,  Yeay! Worked! "OpelGL renderer string: Radeon X1600 series" when I disabled composite. To the next problem... I' trying to enable desktop effects. It tried before, but now it just says that Composite extension is not avalible... damn it...10:29
[Tuxedo] Are you trying to use Beryl?10:30
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tony__[Tuxedo] , no feistys built in compiz10:30
[Tuxedo] Okay, have you sudo aticonfig --initial yet?10:30
tony__not this time....10:31
[Tuxedo] (There's a command along the lines of that, it slips at the moment, working down the first cup of coffee. :) )10:31
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tony__Found fglrx primary device section10:31
tony__Nothing to do, terminating.10:31
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[Tuxedo] do the overlay, then log out and back in, not really experienced with compiz10:32
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tony__Maybe I should try composite true... it seems to be a difference between true and Enable10:32
[Tuxedo] (and I'm coding flash atm too :P)10:32
tony__[Tuxedo] , 'do the overlay'?10:32
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CommanderCoolWhen i play armagetron, from time to time the game is minimized and have to re-maximize it...is this a armagetron-specific problem?10:32
SplashTK7Hey I was just wondering, whenever I boot into my ubuntu install I log in the splash screen appears but then nothing else loads :(10:32
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[Tuxedo] I believe it's sudo aticonfig overlay =Xv, one moment let me check that10:33
ubuntu_noobrickyfingers: what should I do next ?10:33
=== [Tuxedo] kicks firefox in the nuts, tells it to get off its ass and earn its rent, open, load, etc. >.o
rickyfingersubuntu_noob: now you can use ntfscp to overwrite files...but not create new ones...kind of a bummer.10:34
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rickyfingersubuntu_noob: I know you can get read write capability with recompiling the kernel, but that is a somewhat lengthy process.10:34
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SplashTK7Hey I was just wondering, whenever I boot into my ubuntu install I log in the splash screen appears but then nothing else loads :( Anyone got any idea?10:34
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variantwhat runlevel in ubuntu does not load X?10:35
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SplashTK7variant, I guess so10:35
tony__SplashTK7, check /var/log/Xorg...something... [Tuxedo]  just tought me that :)10:35
[Tuxedo] splashtk7 : is it kicking you to a kind of dos looking thing?10:35
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cefxIs anyone experienced with xorg and all sorts of stuff? I'm having 3d/opengl problems and nobody is active in #ubuntu-effects10:36
variantrickyfingers: see the help on fuse support, it enables full read/write ntfs support10:36
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SplashTK7tuxedo, nah it just hangs and if I crt-alt-backspace it reloads x, I log in then the splash screen appears and then nothing just hangs10:36
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mike_-OK, so here's the thing - i installed an nvidia driver for my graphics card - apparently it was the wrong one.. uhm, i need to get my default settings back, i'm on the livecd right now10:36
=== [Tuxedo] pulls out his notes for mike_-
variantubuntu_noob: see this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21700910:37
ubuntu_noobrickyfinger: thanks10:37
variantubuntu_noob: it will allow full read write ntfs support10:37
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ubuntu_noobvariant: thanks too10:37
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variantubuntu_noob: there is no need to recompile the kernel10:37
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variantubuntu_noob: full ntfs support is quite easy now in ubuntu10:38
tony__for NTFS writing support, in feisty, is really simple. I just installed NTFS tools or whatever the name was. Then I checked "NTFS Writing" :P10:38
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varianttony__: that particular write support is incomplete, use FUSE to get 100% compatibility10:38
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ranphaHi there i'm trying to get torrentflux working on ubuntu. I installed the package found in the reps. But it went wrong and i want to reinstall but i get this error Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code 1 . I can't remove or do anything with how can i fix this?10:39
[Tuxedo] okay, going in order here. :) tony, try sudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv10:39
tony__variant, ok... :) Not that important for me yet, but ill rememeber that10:40
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tony__[Tuxedo] , thanks, again10:40
[Tuxedo] splatk7, try to ctrl atl F1 and sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart10:40
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[Tuxedo] splashtk7, that is10:40
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feixuexiaojoin ##ubuntu-cn10:41
[Tuxedo] and I can't quite find the command for reconfiguring xorg10:41
[Tuxedo] I want to say dpkg reconfigure xorg-x1110:41
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CommanderCoolhow can i prevent the system from jumping out of fullscreen mode every now and then?10:41
[Tuxedo] which would set you back up to where xorg should be when you first install, mike10:41
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mike_-mmhm, mmhm, i'll try it10:42
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mike_-and i'll be back with results10:42
[Tuxedo] k10:42
variantCommanderCool: explain what you mean10:42
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[Tuxedo] or sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules10:43
[Tuxedo] hmm10:43
CommanderCoolwhen i play a game, maby every 15 minutes it is minimized10:43
[Tuxedo] is your screensaver on?10:43
variantCommanderCool: probably some notification thing, or a screensaver like [Tuxedo]  says10:43
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strat89Q: cannot access anything except device manager under "system>administration>x . accepts password then nothing or starts to load app then nothing. Newb on fresh install of breezy. ?????10:44
CommanderCooler...i think yes...but why should it be activated when i use keyboard and mouse all the time?10:44
Flannelstrat89: You really ought to upgrade from Breezy to Dapper.  Breezy is only supported for a few more weeks.10:44
variantCommanderCool: perhaps the game you are playng is captureing all the key/mouse events10:44
variantCommanderCool: is it a wine game?10:44
variantCommanderCool: what game!?10:44
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CommanderCoolits armagetron10:45
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CommanderCoolhehe, nice guessing game10:45
variantCommanderCool: ah..10:45
strat89ok I will once I can get the machine on the web10:45
cefxCan someone look at this and tell me what might be wrong?10:45
variantCommanderCool: dunno then sorry. i'm off now anyway :P10:45
CommanderCoolthanks though10:45
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Flannelstrat89: Do you not have access to any internet?  Might be better doing a fresh install of dapper.  (Grab the alternate CD, etc)  Especially if it's a fresh install of breezy, you'll lose nothing.10:45
shotgunhello, i need some questions answered10:46
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shotguni installed Ubuntu for the first time last year, Dapper Drake, and i had instant mp3 support10:46
variantcefx: yes, the game or program you are trying to use requires 3d rendering acceleration. the nv driver doesn't support that (yet)10:46
[Tuxedo] shotgun lucky, I haven't gotten a single mp3 to play in Ubuntu yet :P10:46
variantcefx: also, Screen      0  "Default Screen" 0 0 that first 0 doesn't look right10:46
rickyfingerscefx: I don't know if this is what's causing the problem, but I see you have the same physical device declared twice in xorg.conf10:46
shotguni'd used other OSs since then mostly OpenSUSE10:47
variantcefx: you need to install the nvidia driver10:47
variant!nvidia | cefx10:47
shotgunreally? fucking crap10:47
ubotucefx: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:47
rambo3!enter | shotgun10:47
ubotushotgun: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:47
Flannel!language | shotgun10:47
ubotushotgun: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:47
variantshotgun: really, watch your language and it's a simple matter of installing one package10:47
shotgunI apologise10:47
lnx^does anyone know if suspend2 works with feisty?10:47
Flannellnx^: #ubuntu+1 for Feisty10:47
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variantlnx^: yes, depending on your laptop10:47
strat89flannel thnx yes i Have the cd but have to open up my windows machine to get enough ram to run the install cd for dapper10:47
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lnx^i'm currently running edgy and the hibernation is damn slow10:47
bmayolgHi Tuxedo, do you have any problems with Mp3?10:48
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cefxrickyfingers: thought so.10:48
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cefxvariant: I did that before and it broke my install...10:48
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Flannelstrat89: Ah.  You need the alternate CD, not the "desktop" CD.  It's the same installer as on Breezy.10:48
rickyfingerscefx: are you trying to get a dual monitor setup working?10:48
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[Tuxedo] bmaylog : Right now I'm in XP, but I did have issues with some music refusing to play in Kaffiene and a few other players10:48
lnx^takes 2 minutes to resume from hibernation. i used to use suspend2 in debian but i couldn't figure out how to run it in ubuntu without patching the kernel10:48
bmayolgTuxed, did you install the codecs with Automatix?10:48
shotgunVariant, what is the package to install that will support mp3? I am running Ubuntu 6.06 and I have not been able to play any MP3's yet, even though i have used Synaptic to install every package that has MP3 in it10:49
UbuntuN00B_HBGHi all! Im having a problem transferring files over a SMBFS... special characters, like the swedish  gets garbled!10:49
[Tuxedo] And .avi files most of the time either refuse to play, or I have to hax0r the settings until it will show the video.10:49
rambo3!mp3 | shotgun10:49
ubotushotgun: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:49
[Tuxedo] bmayolg prolly not :p10:49
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[Tuxedo] didn't spend to much time worrying about it10:49
lnx^variant: does feisty have suspend2 kernels and the necessary tools?10:49
[Tuxedo] I only use linux for flash work, ripping, etc.10:49
cefxrickyfingers: no, I'm going to delete that second device one10:49
Flannelstrat89: http://releases.ubuntu.com/  Get the alternate CD for either 6.10 or 6.06.1, depending on which you want10:49
cefxcross your fingers it doesn't break!10:49
[Tuxedo] When it comes to gaming and websurfing I switch to XP :/10:49
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bmayolgOk Tuxedo, take a llok at Automatix, it an installer of a lot of programs and codecs, really charges Ubuntu, and best of all it is automated10:50
esperegusomebody here know where I can find the repository to install landell?10:50
[eternal[d] arken[Tuxedo] : I got css today running in Linux :D10:50
bmayolgfor gaming, you will have to keep to XP10:50
rambo3!automatix | [Tuxedo] 10:50
rickyfingerscefx: you may need to get rid of the second screen definition, and second monitor def. too10:50
ubotu[Tuxedo] : automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe10:50
Flannelbmayolg, [Tuxedo] , don't get Automatix.  There's absolutely no need.10:50
mzuverinkIs it possible to share a dir in your /home w/o password auth, similar to the way windows xp does it?  I have it set up to share public now, but keep getting problems while attempting to connect from a vista box, it refuses to allow connection w/o auth while my xp box has no problems?10:50
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Flannelbmayolg: Please don't recommend Automatix.10:50
[eternal[d] arkenBut it crashes every few minutes so I need a complete reboot :p Windows is still better for gaming :(10:50
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amarcan anyone plz help me regarding mounting windows partition........ i am experiencing some weird problem???10:50
rickyfingerscefx: and then it looks like you need to include glx extension too10:51
ShayGuyvimalg1: I'm back. Defragged the drive and got DIFFERENT error messages.10:51
[Tuxedo] I don't have much problems with gaming in Linux, it's just there is no suppourt.10:51
[Tuxedo] Almost every thing I've tried to run in linux runs not only faster, but 5x better.10:51
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[eternal[d] arken[Tuxedo] : And only really puzzle/arcade games :p10:51
bmayolgTuxedo probaly Ubotu is right and I have heard other people saying that, but it really worked for me with no flaes10:51
[Tuxedo] Now if they just made a linux ONLY game. :/10:51
[Tuxedo] That got great recognition of some kind.10:51
[eternal[d] arkenWhich was worth playing :p10:51
[eternal[d] arkenIt would.10:51
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[Tuxedo] Indeed.10:51
[eternal[d] arkenSome pure CSS, really good game.10:51
[eternal[d] arkenI've thought about it before, it would be _great_10:52
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter10:52
=== [Tuxedo] roars at fstab
[eternal[d] arkenAnyone else here running Ubuntu 7.04 Beta?10:52
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse10:52
[eternal[d] arkenIt is PERFECT.10:52
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rambo3yeah its much better then edgy for me10:52
[eternal[d] arken>=6.10 just wasn't worth it (ie: crap wireless) but this is *unbeleievable* :D10:52
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cefxrickyfingers: yah, should I also define things differently under the screen section?10:53
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[Tuxedo] I -hate- loading Ubuntu on my other computer. :( It forces me to go through the hard drives no matter what I do.10:53
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[Tuxedo] Did it work tony :)10:53
Flannel[Tuxedo] : you mean fsck?  That only happens every ... what, 30 reboots?10:53
mikeyhatesmsso 7 beta is good with wireless routing??10:54
rickyfingerscefx: well, I'm thinking the first screen definition is the one you want to keep, but get rid of that second EndSection line10:54
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Flannelmikeyhatesms: #ubuntu+1 for Feisty support10:54
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shotgunRevised Question: For a complete newbie, what is the easiest way going about installing support for MP3? (OS - Ubuntu 6.0610:54
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tony__[Tuxedo] , nope :-/ sorry. I've also tried composite false, Disable, true and Enable. true/Enable disables direct rendering.10:54
Flannel!mp3 | shotgun10:54
ubotushotgun: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:54
[eternal[d] arkenHehe, on my first boot it says that my hdd hasn't been checked for nearly 50,000 days.10:54
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[Tuxedo] Try 0 ?10:54
[eternal[d] arkenIt's not even a year old lol :p10:54
[Tuxedo] 0 Worked for me in the end.10:54
shotgunyou showed me that before. none of it helped10:54
rambo3shotgun, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/MP310:54
rambo3you just dont want to read10:55
tony__[Tuxedo] , grrr :D OK i'll do that then. But how do i only restart x?10:55
shotgunyes, i read that and it makes no sense, i cannot understand, i love to read.10:55
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[eternal[d] arken[Tuxedo] : Ctrl+Alt+Backspace10:55
Flannelshotgun: it gives you packages to install to enable mp3 support.  It's not hard to understand.10:55
Arkkis-hey, is it just some local problem, or is ubuntu.com server nonresponsive to you too?10:55
[eternal[d] arkenNote, backspace, not delte :p10:55
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variantcefx: thats the problem with proprietry drivers.10:55
[eternal[d] arkenthat should reboot x and take you to the login window.10:55
cefxrickyfingers: so should be...10:55
cefxDrive "nvidia-glx"10:55
[eternal[d] arkenwhat version are you running? in 7.04 it stuffs up for me.10:55
FlannelArkkis-: yeah, it's having issues10:55
[Tuxedo] tony__ just log out and back in :)10:56
[eternal[d] arkenBut it works in openSuSE .10:56
rambo3shotgun, ok . it means install those packages with synaptic or apt. do you know how to use synaptic ?10:56
[Tuxedo] or you can ctrl alt F110:56
variantcefx: the noveue project will hopefully be able to supply 3d drivers for nvidia cards some time this year10:56
tony__CTRL+ALT+Backspace does not restart X for me... its only going to the promt and i'm not able to write any commands there10:56
Arkkis-Flannel, I suspect that feisty beta is the reason.. ?10:56
variantcefx: nouveau i mean10:56
[Tuxedo] one moment10:56
[eternal[d] arkentony__ running 7 beta?10:56
[Tuxedo] looking through notes :s10:56
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tony__[eternal[d] arken, yes10:56
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[eternal[d] arkenah, same happens for me.10:56
cefxnvidia-glx is already the newest version10:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xembed - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:56
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rickyfingerscefx: no I'm thinking you need to make a new section, Section "Extensions" and then Option "glx" "true" or something like that...google xorg.conf glx extensions10:56
[Tuxedo] tony__ press ctrl alt F1, log in as root, type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart10:57
shotguni dont know how to use synaptic10:57
[eternal[d] arkeni assume coz it's still in beta but could it be ubuntu trying to be different?10:57
Flannelshotgun: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto10:57
tony__[eternal[d] arken, It does NOT happend if you startx manually when you are allready logged in :) wierd10:57
tony__[Tuxedo] , oh, i'll write that down10:57
FlannelArkkis-: doubt it.  Probably some server misconfig.10:57
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rickyfingerscefx: scratch that last suggestion.10:57
[eternal[d] arkenwell, i gtg now, homework lol :p10:57
Arkkis-has it been long this way?10:57
[eternal[d] arkenbye10:57
[Tuxedo] I have like 4 pages full of commands for X and notes on ATI and Radeon drivers :s10:57
[eternal[d] arken/exit10:57
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[Tuxedo] front and back >.<10:58
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rickyfingerscefx: looks like you just need to get the nvidia driver loaded.10:58
rambo3shotgun, ok10:58
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rambo3shotgun, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto10:58
strat89flannel:I have the 6.06lts cd . is that what you mean by "alternate" ?10:58
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Flannelstrat89: Well, that's a particular version.  For that, there's a "desktop" CD, and an "Alternate" CD.  The Desktop is a GUI, the alternate is exactly like the Breezy install CD.  You want the alternate.  It runs better.10:59
cefxrickyfingers: I'm snagging the driver from nvidia.com now10:59
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novicecan anyone plz help me regarding mounting windows partition .... i'm experiencing some weird problem??11:00
mike_-no dice, tux11:00
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strat89flannel: ah ok i see tnx11:00
rambo3novice, like what11:00
mike_-it was dpkg reconfigure xorg-x11 .. right?11:00
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novice whenever i mount more than one drive, all drives contain same files11:00
ShayGuyntfsresize v1.12.1 (libntfs 0:1:0)11:01
ShayGuyUsing localw 'en_US.UTF-8'.11:01
ShayGuyERROR(2): Failed to check '/dev/hda1' mount state: No such file or directory11:01
ShayGuyProbably /etc/mtab is missing. It's too risky to continue. You might try11:01
ShayGuyan another Linux distro.11:01
[Tuxedo] I knew it was something like that!11:01
novicerambo3: i have used diff mounting points11:01
rambo3novice, so its maping same driver into more more mount points?11:01
novicerambo3: ya11:01
rambo3novice, are you mounting them by uuid ?11:02
cefxrickyfingers: should i use the driver from nvidia.com? I followed the ubuntu instructions before and it didn't work11:02
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novicerambo3: uuid?? can u explain me wat it is??11:02
[Tuxedo] How'd it work tony?11:02
mike_-sooo.. dpkg reconfigure xserver-xorg?11:02
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rambo3novice, i am no expert on uuid . you can ask ubotu about that11:02
tony__[Tuxedo] , no.. 3D rendering is working. Which is great. But compiz won't start. Maybe i'll try beryl instead?11:02
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rambo3novice paster your fstab on pastebin11:03
[Tuxedo] tony__ what kind of video card do you have?11:03
tony__[Tuxedo] , It wants composite on, but then the 3D rendering will be disabled11:03
rambo3!pastebin | novice11:03
ubotunovice: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:03
tony__[Tuxedo] , Radeon X1600Pro11:03
novice rambo3 : k....11:03
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variantcefx: you need nvidia kernel as well and you need to run sudo nvidia-xconfig11:03
[Tuxedo] Okay, then if you do a clean install with 6.10, I've got a wonderful script that automatically sets everything up. :)11:04
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ubotusynergy: Share mouse, keyboard and clipboard over the network. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.1-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 593 kB, installed size 1460 kB11:04
cefxvariant: I did.11:04
tony__[Tuxedo] , I have made alot of settings for the video card in xorg.conf when i tried to get 3d to work... maybe i should comment them out and try?11:04
[Tuxedo] waaaaah, flash pro tried to steal my screen!11:04
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tony__[Tuxedo] , envy?11:04
[Tuxedo] That would prolly be a good idea11:04
bambiehey guys i just downloaded  6.10 ubuntu11:04
[Tuxedo] no, Edgy Eft works better11:04
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bambiei wana burn it and update11:04
[Tuxedo] atleast as far as I know!11:05
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WingmanHi all :)11:05
bambiedo i have to extract and than burn?11:05
novice04 rambo3: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11970/11:05
bambieor i can burn as a rar file?11:05
tony__[Tuxedo] , I've tried that... but it didn't work for me (as usual). Ive probably made 10 clean installs when trying to get compiz or beryl to work11:05
[Tuxedo] It's the only one I've been able to get beryl to work on my old skool Radeon11:05
bambiemike thank you.11:05
WingmanIs there anyone who knows hot to make ndiswrapper work on Feisty64 beta? :D11:05
lnx^hey, does anyone have experience of using suspend2 in edgy?11:05
[Tuxedo] tony__ one moment, I'll link you to the script if it will let me into the ubuntu forums11:05
bambiemike do i have to burn as an iso image? or just extract and burn?11:05
cefxrickyfingers: Is there anything wrong with the serverlayout section?11:05
GekiBlueI just restarted Ubuntu.... and then I had to restart it like half a dozen times before it loaded, the first 5 times it just went black after the loading screen, and one time I got 'out of scan range' and then it loaded normally11:05
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mike_-you have to burn as an iso image11:06
[Tuxedo] it really works wonderful, almost painless setup, it even restarts itself :)11:06
Rodhi... how to fix an ext2 station mounted on windows?11:06
mike_-yup yup11:06
tony__[Tuxedo] , but i wont go back to edgy :) never come this far before11:06
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Wingmannoone knows? :(11:06
kane77does synergy share also system resources? (is there a program for sharing system resources?)11:06
trondGekiblue: I have actually experienced that too. ATI prop?11:06
I_GlitchHow do I upgrade from one version to the next.  For example, from dapper to edgy?11:06
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trondGekiblue: It went away after a few upgrades, or maybe I fixed it without knowing it in xorg.conf11:07
[Tuxedo] I_Glitch those are different distrobutions of ubuntu11:07
GekiBluetrond: Yeah, I've got ATI... AIW Radeon 8500DV11:07
[Tuxedo] or ports, wtf ever you want to call them11:07
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trondGekiblue: Totally random right?11:07
rambo3novice, line 10 is wrong . you can correct it or delete it if you dont have a floppy11:07
rambo3!uuid | novice11:07
ubotunovice: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)11:07
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I_GlitchRight, how do I upgrade from one to the next?, I've been told it's possible.11:07
GekiBluetrond, seems like it11:07
[Tuxedo] Download, burn, and install?11:08
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cefxare these lines ok?11:08
[Tuxedo] Might be a script on the forums somewhere11:08
cefxSection "ServerLayout"11:08
cefx    Identifier     "Default Layout"11:08
cefx    Screen      0  "Default Screen" 0 011:08
[Tuxedo] tony__ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=338771&highlight=Waappu+script11:08
cefxare those 0's supposed to be there?11:08
[Tuxedo] far as I know11:08
trondGekiblue: I'll send you some of the lines from my xorg.conf private. You can try them and see if it helps11:08
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novicerambo3: k...... i will chk....... thanx11:08
I_GlitchI'm pretty sure you can do it using apt-get, I just don't remember the command.11:08
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mike_-so tuxedo.. whatchoo reccomend that i do?11:09
GekiBluetrond okay, thanks :)11:09
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ShayGuyI got this message when partitioning:11:10
novicerambo3: wat corrections shld i make in line 10??11:10
ShayGuyntfsresize v1.12.1 (libntfs 0:1:0)11:10
tony__[Tuxedo] , It is bookmarked :) I will try some things manually first though...don't want the script to f*ck up my 3D rendering that i've tried for ages to work in linux :)11:10
ShayGuyUsing localw 'en_US.UTF-8'.11:10
rambo3novice, i am guessing uuid is maped wrong in fist part . you can change uuid to /dev/hdaX . or you might ask somone else how to correct uuid couse i dont know11:10
ShayGuyERROR(2): Failed to check '/dev/hda1' mount state: No such file or directory11:10
ShayGuyProbably /etc/mtab is missing. It's too risky to continue. You might try11:10
ShayGuyan another Linux distro.11:10
mjbrooksI_Glitch, " gksu update-manager -c  "11:10
[Tuxedo] lol11:10
lnx^whoa, www.ubuntu.com is down?11:10
[Tuxedo] yeah, I know what you mean11:10
[Tuxedo] yep11:10
[Tuxedo] but you can still get to most of the site with google11:10
rambo3novice /dev/fd011:10
rambo3instead of /dev/11:11
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novice rambo3, k.... i got ... thanks...11:11
rambo3!Diskmounter | novice11:12
ubotunovice: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse11:12
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ShayGuyCan anyone help me with my partitioning?11:12
I_Glitchmjbrooks: Thanks man.11:12
rambo3novice there is script that auto fixes those i think .11:12
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mjbrooksI_Glitch, :)11:12
mal2ubuntu website down?11:12
novice rambo3: so i can use that script......... rite??11:12
mjbrooksmal2, it's unresponsive yes11:13
rambo3novice, yeah just read the last link ubotu opsted11:13
novicerambo3: k....11:13
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GekiBluetrond, still there? :)11:14
trondGekiblue: yes, I have sent you a private message :)11:14
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novice04 !diskmounter11:15
rambo3novice delete first in /etc/fstab  evertying after line 10 . the open terminal and unmount -a && mount11:15
GekiBluetrond, it didn't show up~11:16
rambo3umount windows .11:16
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse11:16
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novicerambo3: k......11:16
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EdulixI'm having really weird problems with my laptop. kernel related11:17
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JaMaLzhello every one, i can hear mp3 on my box but i can't hear VCD sound or DVB sound any idea ?11:17
Edulixis this the right place to ask? or which mailing list? should I ask in a linux kernel mailing list or in a ubuntu's mailing list?11:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfs3g - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:18
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trondGekiblue: Catch! You may want to try some of the options in the device section. Defining vsync and hsync values in the monitor section could also be an idea. Those are for 1600x1200 75 hz.11:18
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)11:18
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ShayGuyWhy am I having so much trouble getting responses here?11:18
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hyljeShayGuy: usually it has to do with the questions and the way they are presented11:18
GekiBluetrond, thanks :)11:19
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=== [Tuxedo] would help but knows nothing about said questions. :)
mjbrooksShayGuy, and the fact that the people who are available to help may already be helping others11:19
trondGekiblue: Do you get the file? :)11:19
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:19
GekiBluetrond, no >> But I'm looking at my xorg.conf11:19
shotgunGentlemen - I solved it finally. May i suggest this approach to people who ask about mp3 support in the future - "Open SYSTEM -> SYNAPTIC PACKAGE MANAGER -> SEARCH for MP3 -> Install libxine-extracodecs"  || Thank your anyway for your help, but dont assume that the person you are dealing with is NOT a moron11:19
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vimalg1ShayGuy: Use the pastebin above to paste large output messages so as not to flood the room11:20
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JaMaLzwhy i can't hear my vcd sound11:20
ranphaHi, I install PHP4 to work with torrentflux. I did the manual install because the package didn't work. But if i do this localhost/index.php it show a download screen instead of a webpage. what am i doing wrong?11:20
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vimalg1ShayGuy: Someone is bound to help you. Just paste your entire problem description and post the link here.11:20
mike__wowww i am liking this linux thing11:21
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JaMaLzadmin@VIP-desktop:~$ vdr11:22
JaMaLzvdr: please turn off UTF-8 before starting VDR11:22
JaMaLzhow to fix this ?11:22
rambo3ranpha, apache 2 ?11:23
ranpharambo3 yes11:23
rambo3a2nmod php411:23
rambo3a2enmod php411:24
mike__reccomended procedure for installing nvidia drivers?11:24
mjbrooks!nvidia > mike__11:24
JaMaLzhello every one, i can hear mp3 on my box but i can't hear VCD sound or DVB sound any idea ?11:24
[Tuxedo] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37308711:24
[Tuxedo] mike__ ^11:24
mike__:) thanks11:25
ranpharambo3 a2enmod php4 says doesn't exsist...but it is installed11:25
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[Tuxedo] wait wait wait11:25
[Tuxedo] wrong link altogether :(11:25
rambo3ranpha, if it doesnt work . you should have fallowed wiki. it means that php4.so is not in /etc/apache2/mod-available/11:25
ShayGuyGrr...having trouble with pastebin...11:25
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tony__[Tuxedo] , Now i have installed beryl, but it too wants composite enabled. :-/11:26
ShayGuySays I'm a spammer and wants me to enable Javascript, which I'm pretty damn sure is enabled.11:26
[Tuxedo] are you trying to use AIGLX or XGL?11:26
ranpharambo3 ..didn;t follow any wiki. got any? Just floowed the install of torrentflux11:26
mzuverinkIn samba, is it possible to both share a public folder and a home users directory folder?11:26
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tony__[Tuxedo] , How do i check that :)11:26
mjbrooksShayGuy, whats the short version of what you are trying to do?11:27
[Tuxedo] ummmm11:27
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[Tuxedo] look in your xorg.conf for AIGLX11:27
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JaMaLzhow to make my VCDs work11:27
[Tuxedo] see if it's true11:27
floyd^hello all need help here11:27
[Tuxedo] what do you need help with floyd?11:27
ShayGuymjbrooks: Partition the frelling hard drive, that's what.11:27
floyd^i installed ubuntu but i cant seem to be able to work out the networking11:27
tony__Option    "AIGLX" "true" under ServerLayout11:27
floyd^i have a static ip and i tried to set a connection in System-Networking11:28
=== [Tuxedo] has no experience with that cup of tea
floyd^but the gateway ip won't stay there11:28
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rambo3!LAMP | ranpha11:28
uboturanpha: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)11:28
floyd^each time i open it up again the gateway setting disappears11:28
trondTonny: Make sure you have this if you have an ati card: Section "Extensions"11:28
trondOption    "Composite" "disable"11:28
floyd^needless to say i have no internet11:28
mjbrooksShayGuy, using gparted?11:28
trondTonny: that is with the prop drivers11:28
trondThan you also have to use xgl11:29
tony__trond, yes i have... if its not disabled 3D rendering will not work. But compiz and beryl seems to want composite enabled to work11:29
floyd^i added gateway xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx in /etc/network/interfaces and then downed and upped the networking interface and still nothing11:29
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floyd^any suggestions?11:29
=== Matthias [n=Matthias@N905P014.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu
[Tuxedo] If you are trying to use xgl then disable AIGLX11:29
trondtony: if you use the fglrx drivers you have to use a xgl server11:29
floyd^how do i do that? :(11:29
trond(unfortunately) :(11:29
ShayGuymjbrooks: Yeah, or whatever derivative the regular installer uses.11:29
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McQueenhow can i mount ntfs partitions? who can help me?11:30
[Tuxedo] Who was looking for nvidia drivers?11:30
[Tuxedo] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=336412&highlight=nvidia+drivers11:30
mjbrooksShayGuy, is it giving you an error?11:30
mike__failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic as user root "unable to copy the user's xauthorization file"   -- UH ohhh.. i can't access synaptic11:30
cypher1floyd^: what does your netstat -rn say ? (please use pastebin)11:30
tony__[Tuxedo] , trond: So just disable AIGLX in xorg.conf should make it?11:30
ShayGuyYep. Do you want a private chat?11:30
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[Tuxedo] it should, yeah11:30
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[Tuxedo] you can't run both at once! :)11:30
floyd^now i have to restart and boot linux ... bbs11:31
Matthiaswill metisse be integrated in the next ubuntu release?11:31
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tony__woo, i will try :) You are great people by the way. Helping me to escape windows11:31
trondtony: Hmm, you also have to define a xgl session. There are several good step by step guides for this in google :)11:31
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=== [Tuxedo] only helps because he got craptacular help when he moved. :P
McQueenmjbrooks: do you know that how can i mount ntfs partitions?11:31
tony__trond, ok, will try that if its not working. done it sometime...11:32
cypher1McQueen: sudo mount -t ntfs partition mount_point11:32
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pepamont -t cifs //server/shared /mnt/point -o username=user11:32
eRazorcan some one tell me how to download the Qt 4.2 binaries for EDGY11:32
floyd^pastebin doesnt work11:32
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cypher1!paste | floyd^11:32
ubotufloyd^: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:32
eRazorCan some one give me the apt-get command for that11:32
pepamont replace mount :-)11:32
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trondtony; I can guarantee that you will need to define a xgl session if you use ATI/fglrx11:33
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cypher1floyd^: please use nick when you reply so that it is easier to spot :)11:33
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mike__TUXEDO! i require your assistance, for i cannot access synaptic.11:33
floyd^@ cyphase11:33
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mike__failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic as user root "unable to copy the user's xauthorization file" -- error message11:33
trondTony: I have hated ATI since I switched over to linux, I wonder why :b11:34
tabbotcan i upgrade to fiesty in parts? like base and xorg packages first etc11:34
cyphasefloyd^: you mean cypher111:34
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floyd^yes i do... sorry11:34
floyd^tab completion :(11:34
cyphasefloyd^: no, i'm used to it11:34
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cyphasefloyd^: i know :)11:34
mjbrooksShayGuy, I didn't see you respond....   is it giving you an error?11:34
cypher1cyphase: :)11:34
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cyphasecypher1: you need to change your name ;)11:34
floyd^cypher1: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11972/11:34
ShayGuymjbrooks: Yes, it's calling me a spammer.11:34
cypher1cyphase: you seem to be awake all the time11:35
markvandenborreanyone ever seen the following symptoms on a monitor:11:35
tabbotfloyd^, cypher1 : irssi can tab complete both ur names :)11:35
=== sacater [n=sacater@host81-154-198-163.range81-154.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
mjbrooksShayGuy, gparted is calling you a spammer?11:35
markvandenborreafter some time of inactivity, the monitor goes to sleep11:35
ShayGuyNo, pastebin.11:35
cyphasecypher1: i don't need as much sleep as most people :P11:35
mjbrooksShayGuy, oh.    lol11:35
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markvandenborreand when it wakes up again, the image's shape is all different11:35
mjbrooksShayGuy, is gparted giving you an error?/11:35
floyd^cypher1: a friend suggested downloading networking-manager-gnome11:36
markvandenborrelike two bites have been taken out of it11:36
markvandenborreon the left and the right side11:36
cypher1floyd^: the output is from windows.. can you please do that in ubuntu11:36
ShayGuymjbrooks: Should I /query it to you or something?11:36
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cypher1floyd^: yes there are lot of GUI's to help setup the network easily11:36
markvandenborrewhen I switch to a different virtual terminal and back, the image in X is back to normal11:36
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Edulixis it possible to set the poll_interval for a cdrom drive in linux?11:37
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floyd^i will boot linux  now... bbs11:37
mjbrooksShayGuy, are you using a javascript blocker?11:37
ShayGuyDon't believe so. I tried some other sites and Javascript is working just fine.11:37
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gabriel_Has anyone been succesfully sync wm5 ?11:37
eRazorubotu: Can I get the apt-get command for Qt 4.2 for EDGY11:38
ubuntu_noobvariant: Thanks alot11:38
mjbrooksShayGuy, well, a javascript blocker can be set up to allow some sites and not others11:38
ShayGuymjbrooks: Why would mine be blocking Pastebin?11:39
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ubuntu_noobwith your help I finally got ntfs to be writable :-D11:39
mjbrooksShayGuy, js blockers block by default unless you tell them otherwise11:39
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mjbrooksShayGuy, are you using firefox?11:40
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snamahey all whats up?11:40
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ShayGuymjbrooks: Yes...I can't remember what to do in situations like this...11:40
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mjbrooksShayGuy, do you have the noscript plugin installed in it?11:41
snamawhat will be the major upgrade from Edgy to Feisty?11:41
snamai mean feature11:41
gabriel_Has anyone been succesfull syncing evolution2 with pocket pc windows mobile 5 ?11:41
ShayGuymjbrooks: Nope.11:41
mjbrookssnama, newer faster shinier stuff11:41
snamalol ok11:42
rambo3snama, more automated stuff11:42
Arkkis-is compiz or beryl integrated?11:42
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mjbrooksArkkis-, I believe beryl is a fork of compiz11:42
Arkkis-yes it is11:42
Arkkis-I mean, is it easy to turn on in feisty11:42
rambo3beryl is early  beta . Most often in linux version 1.0 i stable11:43
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tabbotis there a fiesty channel?11:43
mjbrooksArkkis-, once you get over the hurdle of getting the proprietary graphics drivers install   yes11:43
JowiArkkis-, ask in #ubuntu+1 which is the feisty channel11:43
mike__http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/1741/screenshotnm8.png <--- can someone help me with this?11:43
Arkkis-ah, is this for edgy?11:43
Madeyeon fresh edgy installation i'm getting this weird locales error, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11975/ anyone can help please?11:43
aboapt-index-watch is eating 99% of the cpu regularly every few seconds once again, anyone knows of the fix to the new one?11:43
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JowiArkkis-, yes, this channel is for current version(s). #ubuntu+1 is always for the next to come.11:44
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Arkkis-good to know, thanks11:44
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rambo3mike__ are you running gnome as root?11:44
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mike__gnome, but not root11:45
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rambo3mike__, delete it11:46
snamaUbuntu is pretty good localized is it?11:46
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mike__delete what >.<11:46
rambo3mike__, sudo rm .Xau*11:46
snamai mean many languages11:46
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Jowimike__, do you use "sudo" or "gksudo"?11:46
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[Tuxedo] How interesting... my demo for Flash Pro 8 just extended itself by 56 days. O.O11:46
Jowimike__, always use gksudo with graphical programs11:46
Jowimike__, try gksudo11:46
Arkkis-hey, how can I find Finnish ubuntu channel? (I have no idea if there's one, or what it's name would be)11:47
mike__gksudo rm .Xau*?11:47
alucardhow do you get the codecs, i keep trying to apt-get them but it cant find them. I modd'ed my /etc/apt/sources.list file as the wiki told me but it has no effect11:47
Jowimike__, no, gksudo synaptic11:47
rambo3mike__, no gksudo synaptic11:47
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mike__Error copying '/home/mike/.Xauthority' to '/tmp/libgksu-0gckD4': No such file or directory11:47
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rambo3echo ""11:47
alucardhow do you get the codecs, i keep trying to apt-get them but it cant find them. I modd'ed my /etc/apt/sources.list file as the wiki told me but it has no effect11:47
ferret_0568I am running Feisty but I don't think this question is specific to a specific release. I have a "Open With..." item that I want to unassign for *.pgp, how do I do this?11:48
ubuntu_noobdesktop icon size11:48
rambo3mike__, then do what i told you11:48
mjbrooks!restricted > alucard11:48
markvandenborreArkkis-, if there is a finnish channel, it would be #ubuntu-fi11:48
LcarsdatagI am trying to install the drivers for my USB wi-fi reciver. The disk came with them however the manual was complicated. I have done a lot and it now appears when you type 'lsmod'. The next thing it tells me to do is type 'ifconfig ethX up' I have tried this with and without sudo however both times get the following error message: ethX: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device. Thank you, in adavanced, for your help.11:48
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Arkkis-markvandenborre, doh, ofcourse it's that :D. Thanks!11:48
rambo3mike__, you need to logout and then log in again after that11:49
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JowiLcarsdata, ethX actually means eth[number for the card] 11:49
ferret_0568Feisty is great!11:50
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mjbrooksLcarsdata, the "X" in ethX is a placeholder    try eth0  or eth1 instead11:50
Lcarsdataoh, what if the card is not plugged in - will it still work?11:50
Yodudehey does anybody know any game for linux that is about WWII and has great graphics and is free ( lol a chance in a million i know )11:50
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ubuntu_noobhow to change desktop icon sizes ?11:50
JowiLcarsdata, of course not. it need to be plugged in.11:50
ferret_0568Only one real issue, the D-Link DWL-G650 Atheros wireless card that I bought does not work11:50
mjbrooksLcarsdata, will your computer run if it's not plugged in?11:51
Lcarsdatabut then I can't use support :(11:51
Yodudeubuntu_noob: for individual icons right click and select "stretch icon"11:51
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JowiLcarsdata, so try it and come back if it fail :)11:51
highnekoFirefox tries to opens avi files when links are left clicked. What can I edit to make it save locally on left click?11:51
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ubuntu_noobYodude: thanks11:51
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Yodudehey does anybody know any game for linux that is about WWII and has great graphics and is free ( lol a chance in a million i know11:51
FlannelYodude: Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory?11:52
_rd_Yodude have you tried wine?11:52
YodudeFlannel: actually i tried that but it's only ponline and has no single player mode11:52
sacaterYodude: not alchohol, but a program11:52
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mjbrooksawwww   and I was gonna say, I LOVE wine!11:53
FlannelYodude: correct.  But it fits your criterion, or, the ones you divulged anyway.11:53
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Yodude_rd_" yes but i want something that will work well and i prefer natives, i don't want to encourage windows gaming11:53
gabriel_Does anybody know the way to sync pocket windows mobile 5 witn evolution ?11:53
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JowiYodude, ET (Enemy Territory) is native Linux (as well as win)11:53
YodudeFlannel: well not specifically about WWII, but i can't see to find a killer graphis game for linux11:53
_rd_Yodude yeah I understand and agree11:53
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YodudeJowi: i know i loved the graphics but it's not single player11:54
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sacaterYodude: I know a killer game with GREAT graphics11:54
sacaterim playing now11:54
JowiYodude, hmmm I was just about to suggest tremulous.net . it is fantastic but also multiplayer.11:54
ferret_0568Unreal Tournament11:54
sacaterYodude: they have a linux port11:55
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Yodudesacater: i'm curious wat is it?11:55
sacaterYodude: sauerbraten.org11:55
ferret_0568Official too11:55
ferret_0568I play Saurebraten, it's OK11:55
Yodudesacater: i'll check it out11:55
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wabzhi. Fairly recently, when my computer boots, nss tries to contact the ldab server before network interfaces are configured, my screen is flooded with nss errors for 3 minutes or something, until it times out or something. how can I fix this?11:55
Yodudebtw is Feisty coming out 19 April for sure? i'm DYING to get my hands on it11:56
Yodudeit's leaps and bounds beyong Edgy!11:56
sacaterYodude: yes, i can say yes officaially11:56
FlannelYodude: you can go ahead and try it in beta now, if you're that eager.11:56
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sacaterYodude: the 19th is the official release date11:56
sacaterYodude: yep, BETA is out11:56
sacaterfile some bug reports :P earn karma11:57
walskiiiHey, is it possible to map apt paket name to another?11:57
Yodudei don't want to try the beta11:57
Yodudetoo buggy for me11:57
ferret_0568My friend said not to depend on that release date. He has seen Feisty get pushed back about a month11:57
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sacaterYodude: erm..... what about when its released11:57
mjbrooksi'm in th beta now    good stuff11:57
sacaterbugs still11:57
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ferret_0568The beta is alright11:57
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sacaterthats teh whole point of bugteam11:57
ferret_0568I'm using it now11:57
Yodudebut i'km so eager because i have a great number of outdated apps that have been released as newer version, and are not available to edgy11:57
walskiiiI would like to install the fglrx drivers, but the module-assistant searches in apt for a fglrx-kernel-src and it's named fglrx-kernel-sources in apt... or vice versa11:57
ferret_0568The only issue is that my wireless card, an Atheros, does not work11:58
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superbiaHi, I tried to set my ubuntu unstallation to 8859-1 instead if UTF-8 but it didn't feel like working and now I get some annoying error message about locale not supportet... is there a easy way to get it back to standard again without reinstalling?11:58
ferret_0568Probably just linux-restricted-modules is gone11:58
Madeyeon fresh edgy installation i'm getting this weird locales error, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11975/ anyone can help please?11:58
LcarsdataJowi, mjbrooks: still no luck11:58
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mjbrookssquash em when you find em team!!11:58
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about localisation - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:58
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floyd^cypher1: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11978/11:58
sacaterIm waiting a week or so after feisty is released, so people can solve all the major bugs11:58
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floyd^that is what netstat -rn tells me in linux11:58
ferret_0568Otherwise, it was smooth11:58
mjbrookssacater, lol11:58
ferret_0568It actually fixed problems with Edgy11:58
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ferret_0568Like, close laptop lid, GUI crashes and restarts11:59
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Yodudesacater: i doubt tht would be useful. Ubuntu isn't like windows, so it shoudln't have all those bugs when it's released11:59
teenbeat2007hi guys, is there a route planner europe for linux wich is a offline one like example route66 or something12:00
Yodudesacater: i hear even when it was Alpha it was as stable as edgy12:00
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variantsacater: it's true, the major bugs get solved first, then it's released..12:00
FlannelYodude: The stability of a release is only as stable as the variety of hardware it's been tested on.12:00
Yodudesacater: so i bet it's really stable in core12:00
McQueenhi, how can i mount ntfs partition?12:00
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cypher1floyd^: you do not have a default gateway .. are you still able to access ?12:00
mjbrooksYodude, lol   LIES!12:00
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sacatervariant: thats why I wait a week, with more users there are more bugs that show up :P12:00
variantYodude: thats not strictly true, but it wasn't exactly what you would call "unstable"12:00
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Edulix is it possible to set the poll_interval for a cdrom drive in linux?12:00
boarder-wintermahello ;)12:00
cypher1!ntfs | McQueen12:00
variantEdulix: with hdparm yes12:00
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ubotuMcQueen: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse12:01
variantEdulix: i beleive so12:01
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YodudeFlannel: i'm also aiting for it cuz i think it will impress many more people than edgy willm, i'm promoting ubuntu to my friends btw12:01
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floyd^cypher1: i set it up in system-networking but it disapear after i close the window12:01
mjbrooksI'm   trying to hunt down a bug now... really weird12:01
McQueencypher1, thanks12:01
variantEdulix: read man hdparm, there is rather a lot you can do with that command that can't be done in "other" os's12:01
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ferret_0568I had problems with soft lockups under Edgy with this wireless card, only happens if it has been equal to or sometimes greater than 24 hours that I have had it plugged in12:01
YodudeBanshee 0.12 will be available for it, that's a killer app i think12:01
teenbeat2007McQueen: do you know your partitions12:02
ferret_0568Only time will tell if Feisty fixes that, too12:02
cypher1floyd^: thats strange12:02
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mjbrookslaunch a random app    it starts to load then disappears12:02
floyd^cypher1: tnx :)12:02
McQueenteenbeat2007, yeap12:02
cypher1floyd^: can you add manually and see whether it is ok ?12:02
teenbeat2007McQueen: ok start a temilnal12:02
Edulixvariant: uhm ok. I just want to do it because it's what worked for sb as a solution similar to the errors I'm getting.  see: http://rafb.net/p/xB0AaB46.html12:02
bambiei'm trying to burn an iso image but its not being written on a cd for some reason?12:02
teenbeat2007McQueen: and type next12:02
bambiei'm using nero burning rom12:02
Yodudei'm hoping Feisty will be a Vista killer12:02
variantYodude: it won't be due to a lack of games.. will be better in many other ways though12:03
Jowimjbrooks, run it in a terminal and see if you get an error message12:03
Yodudefrom the screenshots i've seen i can tell it's getting more and more idiot-friendly, so more ppl will be happily using it12:03
Edulixpreviously in edgy with 2.6.17 kernel just freezed, but now it works really slowly. the "solution" (but for a pcmcia) : http://pcmcia-cs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/HyperNews/get/pcmcia/ide/28/1/1/1/1.html12:03
McQueenteenbeat, i am waiting your command12:03
floyd^cypher1: i did alter the file /etc/network/interfaces with the line 'gateway'12:03
teenbeat2007McQueen: sudo mkdir /mnt/name of first map like example /mnt/win12:03
Yodudevariant: but dopn't you think many of the games in development for linux that are really promising will be mature in about 1-2 years?12:03
cypher1floyd^: can you please paster your /etc/network/interfaces also ?12:03
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mjbrooksJowi, thats the thing   it's infrequent and random   so I'll have to launch all my apps in a terminal until I find one12:04
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ferret_0568I told my friend that I wanted to hold off on the Feisty upgrade, because I thought it would be total chaos, and he said, no, it isn't chaos, so I downloaded it the following day (yesterday) and installed it.12:04
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Yodudeanyway if linux gets 10% of the market in the near future, i'm sure devel. will have to release games for it12:04
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floyd^ok cypher1... will be back in a few12:04
cypher1floyd^: one more thing are you able to ping
variantYodude: sure.. some are nice but nothing that compares with the likes of crysis or other simmilar ones for example.12:04
teenbeat2007McQueen:you first make the directorys where you want to mount your partitions12:04
TomaszDanyone knows how to check why mpd isn't starting on bootup? I'm using icecast2 + mpd12:04
Jowimjbrooks, what a time waster :)12:04
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floyd^ping works for my ip and the gateway @ cypher112:05
FlannelTomaszD: did you reconfigure mpd?12:05
mjbrooksJowi, lol12:05
jarwoundCould someone please help me with a problem i have regarding Ubuntu and Moniter set up?12:05
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ferret_0568Are more people rumored to use Linux than OS X?12:05
boarderwintermanmoin again first day on xubuntu and everything running :D12:05
TomaszDFlannel, well yes, but when I reboot it doesn't start - Stopping Music Player Daemon: not running or no pid_file set.12:05
variantferret_0568: that is not a mesurable figure12:05
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McQueenteenbeat, i create it12:05
Yodudeimagine a world where every piece of software would work on any OS, that would be heaven12:05
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TomaszDFlannel, any experience with icecast2 + mpd? it seems mpd needs to start first, and then icecast212:06
teenbeat2007McQueen: so for everey partition you do the line sudo mkdir /mnt/win, win1, win2 or any name you want12:06
ferret_0568Well...I know Linux users are not required to register their copies12:06
jarwoundCould someone please help me with my problem regarding Ubuntu and moniter defults>12:06
FlannelTomaszD: so, you do have /etc/mpd.conf?12:06
variantferret_0568: but, linux being a kernel and not an operating system i would say yes, by a long long way. considering that linux is used on a large number of routers and mobile phones as well as other devices12:06
teenbeat2007McQueen: tell me if your done12:06
Jowimjbrooks, speaking of which, I just spent two full days trying to play the original Diablo with wine. finally I gave up and installed win98 in qemu. works perfectly.12:06
xipietotecokay, I'm running off the live cd, how do I mount my local hard drive? (IT's running ubuntu, I'm doing recovery)12:06
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LcarsdataYodude: that would work if everyone used a cross-platform language like perl and php12:06
gradinjarwound: whats your problem?12:06
McQueenteenbeat2007, i create win directory12:06
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teenbeat2007McQueen: ok only one partition then12:07
Edulixvariant: it seems hdparm doesn't allow that12:07
LcarsdataYodude: and python12:07
boarderwintermanxubuntu is my first distribution without any problems with ati-driver ;)12:07
teenbeat2007McQueen: ok fill in next line12:07
YodudeLcarsdata: they're too greedy to let it be12:07
variantEdulix: what exactly do you want to do again?12:07
ferret_0568I know my Linksys WRT54G (older revision), runs Linux 2.4.x12:07
jarwoundgradin my problem is that i have two moniters, one digital and one analogue. i need the digital moniter to be defult for Ubuntu, however when the analogue is plugged in alongside the digital ubuntu defults to displaying on that one.12:07
teenbeat2007McQueen:sudo mount /dev/hd? /mnt/win12:07
ferret_0568Runs great12:08
TomaszDFlannel, of course, configured to output a shoutcast stream, I'm listening to it now. The thing is, mpd doesn't start on boot up which makes it a little less usable for remote listening12:08
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gradinjarwound: i belive thats controled at the bios level12:08
Edulixvariant: did you see the repeated errors in http://rafb.net/p/xB0AaB46.html ? they happen in my system randomly, without reading any CD in the drive hdc12:08
teenbeat2007McQueen: tell me if your ready12:08
mjbrooksJowi, just like in the real world drivers and wine are not always a good combination12:08
FlannelTomaszD: what does `sudo /etc/init.d/mpd restart` give you?12:08
TomaszDie. begging my brother to start mpd, and then restart icecast2, or doing it by myself via vnc, no fun Flannel12:08
Jowijarwound, if it is like that when you start the computer you can probably set it in bios. if it is after linux has booted you can probably switch the default monitor around in xorg.conf12:09
variantEdulix: checking12:09
ferret_0568btw, after you get your problem fixed, a very good system monitor is conky, it can display so many stats, plus monitor MPD12:09
jarwoundok gradin ill boot up into bios and see if i can fix it from there, brb12:09
Edulixvariant: in previous kernel version, my system just freezed, but now in 2.6.20 it goes veryyyyyy slow but still kinda works and that's how I got access to dmesg12:09
McQueenteenbeat2007, i am ready12:09
TomaszDFlannel, Stopping Music Player Daemon: not running or no pid_file set. Starting Music Player Daemon: mpd.12:09
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TomaszDFlannel, that's after a reboot12:09
teenbeat2007ok go to directory /mnt and see if the partition is there12:09
FlannelTomaszD: you don't need to restart icecast.  It'll stream regardless of whether it has a source client.12:09
teenbeat2007McQueen: and if you can get in12:10
TomaszDFlannel, thing is, it wouldn't work. strange.12:10
variantEdulix: seems like a buggy peice of kernel code could cause that.. i'm not a kernel dev though. my advice would be to run some tests with hdparm for example: hdparm -Tt /dev/sda12:10
Edulixvariant: the feeling I get is that some high kernel priority thread tries to use the system. and every time kernel gets an interruption (i.e. I press a key), it freezes for a while12:10
FlannelTomaszD: seems like you should give it a pid ;)12:10
TomaszDFlannel, I restarted mpd, but it had problems with opening the audio device. So I restarted icecast2 and it's running fine12:10
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Edulixvariant: http://rafb.net/p/2Pus8i43.html12:11
FlannelTomaszD: believe that's because, without a PID, it doesn't stop the old mpd.  Or, something like that.12:11
McQueenteenbeat2007, bash: cd: win: Permission denied12:11
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ferret_0568What is a good Linux PDA? I want wireless and MP3 players with OGG + FLAC also12:11
ferret_0568And, a movie player12:11
jarwoundback gradin and i cant see anything in the BIOS to change the moniter defult. On XP it has a choice, is there no function of similar setup on Ubuntu?12:11
Lcarsdatais a green box yes or no in synaptic12:11
TomaszDFlannel, I want to just workaround this, is there a file I could put just put both restart commands into that get processed every boot?12:11
ferret_0568You know, the stuff that costs way too much on Palm OS?12:11
teenbeat2007ok one moment12:12
FlannelTomaszD: Give it a PID file.12:12
McQueenteenbeat2007, i  created link to  wrong partitions?12:12
gradinjarwound: hrm... kde or gnome?12:12
Edulixvariant: notice that it's a cdrom, do cdrom drives support -tT?12:12
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EnphenitieWhen I use the command sudo cp -r, the folder I copy is read-only.  How do I make it not read-only?12:12
ferret_0568<even instant messengers cost money...grumble...grumble>12:12
TomaszDFlannel, what is this PID file you speak of? Teach me about it.12:12
EnphenitieOr rather, I don't have permissions to view it, change it, ect12:12
jarwoundgradin gnome12:12
JowiTomaszD, "pidof programname" will give you its PIDnumber12:12
teenbeat2007what hdd do you have hda or different12:12
McQueenteenbeat2007, how can i change the link?12:12
variantEdulix: yes your right sorry, thought it was scsi disk12:12
teenbeat2007same line but instead unmount12:12
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TomaszDpidof mpd 1939 1938 193612:13
variantEdulix: still should support the read tests though, i have done it myself12:13
jarwoundgradin : gnome12:13
variantEdulix: it's not usb cdrom or someting is it?12:13
gradinjarwound: hrm i don't know much about gnome12:13
JowiTomaszD, so you have 3 players open. "killall mpd" and then restart it.12:13
variantEdulix: try turning off dma access (hdparm -d 0 /dev/hdc12:13
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Edulixvariant: no, normal. laptop integrated cdrom12:13
jarwoundgradin ok thanks anyway for the help12:13
teenbeat2007sudo unmount /dev/hd? /mnt/win12:13
gradinjarwound: i would check in the systems settings menues12:13
Peter_Johnssonwhat kernel version is in the latest daily build (25th)?12:13
gradinthats about all i got ssry12:13
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Peter_Johnssonand is the jmicron problem fixed in it?12:14
variantEdulix: ok, your first pastebin link showd sda at the top.. threw me off12:14
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jarwoundok gradin thanks, ill do some messing about until i find out how to do it12:14
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Edulixvariant: maybe what happened is that I had no cdrom in the drive? :P12:14
bambievariant my wireless network is not working on my laptop12:14
bambiefor some reason12:14
bambiei've an old version of ubuntu tho12:14
bambieits 5.0412:14
TomaszDJowi, I killed it, started it and it still shows three numbers, but different12:14
teenbeat2007McQueen: tell when ready12:14
TomaszDmaybe it uses three instances or something12:14
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variantbambie: you have to upgrade, wireless support has only recently become usefull in ubuntu12:14
McQueenteenbeat2007, bash: cd: win: Permission denied12:14
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JowiTomaszD, maybe. i've never used that prog... :-/12:15
Edulixvariant: now I get this http://rafb.net/p/qNpDnI22.html . I'll try to set dma off now12:15
bambievariant i downloaded 6.1012:15
teenbeat2007ok are you root or norm user12:15
variantbambie: so install12:15
bambiewell i can't burn12:15
cypher1!wifi | bambie12:15
ubotubambie: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:15
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TomaszDJowi, is there a file I could put some commands on root permissions that gets processed every boot, preferably sometime at the end of booting?12:16
variantbambie: why not?12:16
bambiei dont know12:16
bambieits just pissing me off now12:16
McQueenteenbeat2007, r u there?12:16
bambieburning as an image12:16
JowiTomaszD, but that is usually how I resolve that problem. It can happen from time to time.12:16
teenbeat2007yeah i am12:16
Edulixvariant: happens the same, but it is slower now12:16
cypher1bambie: you do not need to burn if you are planning to upgrade12:16
variantbambie: run apt-get install k3b, it will allow you to burn the iso no problem12:16
variantEdulix: ok, turn it back on12:16
variantEdulix: is that the dmesg output?12:16
cypher1bambie: mount through loop back device12:16
JowiTomaszD, /etc/init.d and /etc/rc2.d12:16
bambiecypher1 well i've to burn cause i'm on desktop right now12:16
bambieand i dont have an internet on my laptop12:16
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teenbeat2007McQueen: try this line12:16
bambieso i downloaded 6.10 on my desktop so i can burn and boot on my laptop12:16
variantEdulix: please pastbin the output from hdparm -Ii /dev/hdc12:16
Edulixvariant: no it was the hdparm output12:17
cypher1bambie: you have downloaded 6.10 alternate disk or the normal one ?12:17
variantEdulix: when dma is switched off, see if you still get hte error messages you first pasted to me12:17
Edulixthat's for you variant12:17
teenbeat2007sudo mount /dev/hd? -o uid=0 umask=22 /mnt/win12:17
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TomaszDJowi, yes, well, so maybe I could modify the /etc/init.d/mpd and /etc/init.d/icecast2 to start later or in different order. Is there a gui for this?12:17
epkphotoyay, www.ubuntu.com is working for me again :)12:18
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bambiecypher i'm not sure i'm a newb :|12:18
Edulixvariant: the first errors I pasted to you ( http://rafb.net/p/xB0AaB46.html ) happens only from time to time so I cannot tell you12:18
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McQueenteenbeat2007: i dont want to do wrong. first i want to be sure partition. sorry wait pls12:18
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variantEdulix: seems that you're not the only one with issues with that drive (on any os). seems like it's a cheap/crappy drive12:19
variantEdulix: is it a combo dvd/cdrw?12:19
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Lcarsdata2sorry, wrong chan12:19
cypher1bambie: thats not alternate12:19
Edulixvariant: yes12:19
JowiTomaszD, to explain. /etc/init.d contains scripts to be executed at boot. /etc/rc2.d contain symlinks to the programs in /etc/init.d. each symlink has got a letter S or K (Start or Kill), a number 0-99 (priority) and the name of the script. creating a symlink to mpd with the name S99mpd would Start mpd last (0 is first, 99 is last)12:19
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teenbeat2007McQueen: come to channel #ubuntu-nl please12:19
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mjbrooksbambie, you're using nero?12:19
JowiTomaszD, no gui as far as I know but the principle is simple.12:19
Edulixvariant: why do you say so, that it seems that it's troublesome?12:19
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bambiei've nero and infra12:19
cypher1bambie: i guess  anyway its better not to upgrade from hoary (5.04) to edgy (6.10)12:19
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Edulixvariant: I didn't find info about that drive12:19
variantEdulix: combo drives suck generally, much more buggy than seperates (i know its a laptop though so not much choice for you12:19
TomaszDJowi, wow, that's... that explains some things I've been wondering about12:20
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variantEdulix: look up the serial number from the output of hdparm -iI /dev/hdc12:20
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bambieiso file is rar12:20
Edulixvariant: where, in google? ;)12:20
bambiei dont have to extract do it?12:20
cypher1bambie: then you can burn the iso image and install it12:20
variantEdulix: http://www.google.ie/search?q=TS-L632D&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a12:20
mjbrooksbambie, you're looking for a new data cd but specifically  you want to create a cd from and image12:20
cypher1bambie: nero recognizes iso image12:20
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mjbrooksbambie, not sure what menu that would be in12:20
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bambielet me try again12:21
variantEdulix: you might be able to get a firmware update12:21
mjbrooksbambie, someting like File->New->CD from Image12:21
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JowiTomaszD, if you already have a symlink for mpd and icecast in /etc/rc2.d you can simply rename them to change the start order :)12:22
mjbrooksbambie, or it could be under a menu called Tools or something12:22
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TomaszDJowi, yes yes I see! S20icecast2 and S30mpd12:22
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bambieBurn image12:22
bambiecopy cd12:22
mjbrooksbambie, Burn Image12:22
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Edulixvariant: it seems like a driver problem, that's also what is said also in http://club.cdfreaks.com/showthread.php?t=188364 . they're havingdifferent problems12:23
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bambieok now12:23
mjbrooksbambie, working?12:23
bambieit asked me for a path12:23
bambiei picked that file up12:23
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bambiei click on burn12:23
mjbrooksbambie, ok12:23
bambieno it says Save image as?12:23
bambieFile name. Image12:24
variantEdulix: ask for a drive replacement imo12:24
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TomaszDJowi, thank you! I've actually learned something today! I'll restart the machine and see if this solution helped12:24
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bambieSave as Type image file (*.nrg)12:24
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Jowino probs TomaszD12:24
mjbrooksbambie, oooh12:24
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bambieyeah like whats that supose to mean?12:24
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mjbrooksbambie, that's the opposite of what you want to do12:24
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mjbrooksbambie, that would create an image from a CD12:25
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mjbrooksbambie, not a CD from an image12:25
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variantEdulix: try other os's like slax live cd or knoppix. if they work perfectly then there must be soemting you can do to fix in ubuntu12:25
mjbrooksbambie, choose File->New->Data CD12:25
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floyd^i have an amd athlon processor... what architecture should i choose when downloading a package?12:26
Edulixvariant: hehe the problem is that it only happens randomly =) maybe twice a day, or maybe twice a week12:26
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felixhummelWhen I try to unmount an HD, I get "device is busy". How can I find out which process locks this device?12:27
rbs-titotop will list all of your processes, maybe one will be familiar12:27
mjbrooksbambie, when you're in a new data CD project look for something like Tools->Image to CD12:27
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bambieyes now i've something lke12:27
Jowifelixhummel, it can be as simple as "cd /" before unmounting it.12:27
detectiveinspektWhen I open a file such as within openoffice why does it display folders with the . infront of it, such as .bash_rc, I don't want this12:28
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bambieand rest is all blank12:28
detectiveinspektsorry like .wine etc12:28
Jowifelixhummel, just check that no applications are in the directory where the cdrom is located.12:28
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felixhummelJowi, good guess, but I can think that far ;)12:28
AmyRose.bashrc is a file, not a folder o.o12:29
mjbrooksbambie, what version of Nero is it?12:29
felixhummelIt was the nfs-kernel-server...12:29
TomaszDJowi, problems with icecast2 gone, but mpd still doesn't start at boot at all.12:29
variantEdulix: yeah, like i say - cheapass hardware12:29
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Peter_Johnssondoes anyone know if the jmicron problem fixed in the latest daily build?12:30
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variantEdulix: if they won't replace it consider getting a replacement for your self. make sure it's a decent brand. is the drive bay swappable?12:30
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variantPeter_Johnsson: yes, seems that it works12:30
mjbrooksbambie, so you have a File->Burn Image?12:30
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bambieyes i do12:31
mjbrooksbambie, and when you click it it give you a save dialog and not an open dialog?12:31
bambieis asks me for a file name12:31
bambieand when i pick up *.iso file which i wana burn12:31
JowiTomaszD, you should look into the documentation for mpd then. you might need to configure it.12:31
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bambieand than it asks me to Save an Image file?12:32
Kookamoin moin zusammen gg12:32
Edulixvariant: I think I first start working without the cdrom drive for a week, because I don't even know if that's what is causing the problem although I suspect it is.. well it must be according to those messages!12:32
bambielike wth12:32
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mjbrooksbambie, http://www.wizardskeep.org/mainhall/tutor/neroiso.html12:32
TomaszDJowi, I'm doing this now, there's one change I can make ... bbl12:32
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variantEdulix: yeah, they can be missleading though.. might be the only visible error in a big chain of problems for all you know :)12:32
McQueenteenbeat2007: i am here12:32
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teenbeat2007McQueen: ok12:33
bambieok now12:33
bambiethe file i've here is12:33
Edulixvariant: I feel like I should ask in LKM to know what is causing exactly the problem12:33
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ranphaHi, i just installed the LAMP server. and followed the wiki. Create a databse etc. Then i need to get torrentflux working (which neds adodb and dbcommon-config) and no suddenly my mysql-server5 package is broken and won't start. Can't even logon in anymore says  Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'12:33
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variantEdulix: I wouldn't think so12:33
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variantEdulix: file an ubuntu bug, it's a good way to find others that hav ethe same issue12:33
teenbeat2007McQueen: sorry there where a few complening about inglisch on a dutch channel, there are allways a few....12:33
mjbrooksbambie, rar is not an image file    it's an archive   like zip or gzip12:33
mjbrooksbambie, you have to decompress it12:33
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variantPeter_Johnsson: please see this bug report: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.17/+bug/5750212:33
bambiehow do i do that?12:34
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variantPeter_Johnsson: it may not be included in hte releases yet12:34
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teenbeat2007McQueen: ok listen, check all your partitions and see wich parts you have12:34
bambiedecompress = extract right?12:34
teenbeat2007how quicly do need it12:34
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Edulixvariant: ok, but what I really want to know is what is exactly causing the problem, to understand it12:34
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Edulixyou know, it drives me crazy. If i know what is it, then it will be a lot easier12:35
variantEdulix: fileing a bug report will help speed that process :) don't be looking for instant resolution on someting like this though12:35
bambierbs yes was answer of my question?12:35
McQueenteenbeat2007:   hda  hda1  hda2  hda3  hda5  hda6  hdc12:35
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rbs-titobambie: Yes it was.12:35
felixhummelI did the following: "sudo mkdir /media/external; sudo chown me\: /media/external; sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hdc1 /media/external". When I "ls /media/external" I get a permission denied error. Help please!12:35
Edulixvariant: I know :) thanks for your help!12:35
HolyGoatranpha: Can you login through the shell based client?12:35
mjbrooksoops  got disconnected12:35
variantEdulix: welcome12:35
teenbeat2007McQueen: ok what i need to know exactly is wich one is the ntfs12:35
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ranphaHolygoat no....what is strange because i create all my databases already and set password on root and my own username12:36
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McQueenteenbeat2007: i am not sure.... i have got two partition on windows. and they are ntfs12:36
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HolyGoatranpha: when you run "ps aux | grep mysql" do you see any references to /usr/sbin/mysqld or mysqld_safe?12:36
TomaszDJowi, sorry, is there a logfile I could look into in order to check why is this thing not starting? it *should* be starting, it'd enabled and starts fine manually, it has all the predispositions of a fine deamon...12:36
teenbeat2007McQueen: ok when you installed ubuntu wich hdd did you took12:37
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JowiTomaszD, I don't know. most logs are in /var/log12:37
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ranphaHolygoat : this is everthing is see...root      9267  0.0  0.0   2808   752 pts/1    R+   12:37   0:00 grep mysql12:37
TomaszDJowi, ok12:38
HolyGoatranpha: That indicates MySQL is definitely not running. Can you try "sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start" ?12:38
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ranphaHolygoat : that fails12:38
Peter_Johnssonvariant: i tried it on the beta which was kernel 2.6.20-12 and it didnt work. i think the relevant launchpad is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/8496412:38
HolyGoatranpha: Error message?12:38
McQueenteenbeat2007: i have got only one hdd. i deleted a partition from windows before i ubuntu installation. then i choose the "install to free space" option12:38
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ranphaHolygoat nope only the fail12:39
HolyGoatranpha: It doesn't give you any message?12:39
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teenbeat2007McQueen: in my case i have two hdd 1=hda 2=hdb 2 dvds floppy so i had hda 1 and 5 and hdb 1 and 512:40
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HolyGoatranpha: Does /usr/sbin/mysqld exist?12:40
ranphaHolygoat : No but i tried to reinstall it and i alos get fail with this invoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "start" failed.12:40
=== TomaszD is baffled. Last mpd errors are from an hour ago and are related to icecast2 which is now fixed. this is going to be a long day...
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variantPeter_Johnsson: well then, you seem to know more about it than me. launchpad is the first place that a fix will appear so untill you see something usefull there there is no point asking here if it's fixed (as you already know that its not)12:41
DaemonikWhat userland utility will put a laptop to sleep/suspend (not hibernate)?12:41
ranphaHolygoat : /usr/sbin/mysqld doens't exsist12:41
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McQueenteenbeat2007: this a laptop. so i have got only 1 hdd and 1 dvd-rom12:41
teenbeat2007McQueen: try this then sudo mount /dev/hda5 uid=0 umask=022 /mnt/win12:41
HolyGoatranpha: Hm, this reminds me.. My MySQL server upgrade wouldn't install either. I already had MySQL installed, so I didn't install the upgrade. It tried to use a predefined user to do something. I don't like that.12:41
MWS_does anyone know how long ubuntu is going to take to download if I download the dvd ISO (3.2gb) at 120kb/sec ?12:41
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HolyGoatranpha: So MySQL isn't installed on your system at all.12:42
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variantMWS_: can't you work it out?12:42
DaemonikMWS_, It's going to take a while. Torrent it.12:42
HolyGoatLet me see if I can reproduce that upgrade failure.12:42
MWS_variant: terrible at math12:42
ranphaHolygoat: seems like it ....but it was installed....no the reinstall won't work12:42
bambieit took me 30 mins on 419 kb/sec12:42
nhycan you run kde apps in gnome and vice versa?12:42
Daemoniknhy, yes12:42
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McQueenteenbeat2007: the same log. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11983/12:42
nhyso then why are there special apps for kde12:42
Daemoniknhy, There is no such thing as being "inside" kde or gnome. THey are each a set of programs that draw the desktop manage windows provide a panel etc12:43
teenbeat2007McQueen: if it doesnt work now, ill be later on back to you with full support12:43
ranphaHolygoat : /usr/bin/mysqld does exist12:43
variantnhy: because kde uses qt and gnome uses gtk, they are different projects12:43
variantnhy: that does'nt stop you from mixing themthough12:43
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teenbeat2007McQueen: i had this problem also a few days ago and i did have total of 5 ntfs partitions12:43
HolyGoatranpha: Hm..12:43
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McQueenteenbeat2007: ok so can i contect with you by e-mail way....?12:43
teenbeat2007i think there is alos the issue of root versus standard oem user12:44
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carsonhow do i search for "foo" in a file and replace it with "bar"?12:44
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rickyfingerscarson: I think you want the sed command12:44
m`kaycarson which editor?12:44
ranphaHolygoat : got it...i bind my adres to ...but my machine is :-)12:44
teenbeat2007yes you can bakker.roelof.2005@gmail.com or skype usernm fam_bakker200612:44
crimsunPeter_Johnsson: 13.21 was tagged recently; it has not been NEWed and thus is not in the archive, nor is it the default kernel. So no.12:44
Peter_Johnssoni guess i mean, will the fix when its released actualyl be released as part of an .iso i dont want to have to recompile kernels and stuff..12:44
HolyGoatranpha: How did that make a difference exactly?12:44
nhyvariant, so why do people bother to make apps for kde or gnome if there are existing apps for the other desktop environment?12:44
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epiExtremely noob question, I just put the Ubuntu ISO onto a CD-r on my desktop, do I install "from file" or "create with file"?12:45
teenbeat2007messenger  teenbeat_of_the_50s@hotmail.com12:45
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McQueenteenbeat2007: or by msn messenger?12:45
albackerHello i reinstalled windows and cant get grub back.. ive done this before but im getting errors when trying to make root(hd0,3) into grub Error 21: Selected disk does not exist grub-install /dev/hda12:45
albacker/dev/hda: Not found or not a block device. Can anyone help ?! im in ubuntu live CD atm, and using gaim, so please enter my name, so i can see who's talkin to me :) . Thank you12:45
ranphaHolygoat : it couldn't connect to the server...i ran /usr/sbin/mysqld and it told me that12:45
teenbeat2007McQueen: live messenger12:45
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HolyGoatranpha: ahh. So it did exist12:45
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teenbeat2007just searc teenbeat_of_the_50s@hotmail.com12:45
McQueenteenbeat2007: ok thanks .... so can you give your address?12:45
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crimsunPeter_Johnsson: eventually, yes.12:46
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ranphaHolygoat : yeah...i CD in to...that didn't work :-)12:46
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HolyGoatranpha: ok12:46
crimsunPeter_Johnsson: that kernel has only been tagged; it has not been uploaded or accepted yet.12:46
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Peter_Johnssonah k12:46
ranphaHolygoat: thanks12:46
Peter_Johnssonso i guess i wait and the fix released notice will appear on launchpad then someone will say its in some daily build12:46
HolyGoatno problem12:46
Peter_Johnssonhopefully dont have to wait too long12:47
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teenbeat2007msn= teenbeat_of_the_50s@hotmail.com12:47
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teenbeat2007email= bakker.roelof.2005@gmail.com12:47
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teenbeat2007skype= fam_bakker200612:47
Jowialbacker, in a terminal "sudo -i" then "fdisk -l" to see what the name of the primary hdd is called.12:47
albackerJowi hd0, 312:48
teenbeat2007McQueen: they are online now12:48
albackerJowi: ill try grub-install once12:48
daziplqahey i need help men12:48
Jowialbacker, no, I meant which name it has. if it is /dev/hda or something else. hd0,3 should be hda412:48
McQueenteenbeat2007: ok i am trying to be online...12:49
daziplqai have a prob. in my sound card after installing the NIC12:49
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daziplqathis happened in just one account, but the reset are not12:49
daziplqawhat shall i do ??12:49
albackerJowi yes it's /dev/hda4, so in grub hd0, 3.. but after i mount it, chroot to it, and do a df see that it's /dev/sda4 and not /dev/hda4 :| strange though.. anyway what should i do ?12:49
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albackerJowi: ok i did it.12:50
matt63wats up12:50
Jowialbacker, you need to mount dev and proc to the new chroot.12:50
albackerjust some errors when excecutin grub12:50
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daziplqai heard that this on-line chat is a very good help, but it seems it is no longer become good.12:50
albackerJowi: thanks..12:50
Peter_Johnssoncrimson: where do i go to get info about all the kernel tagging and that?12:50
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McQueenteenbeat2007: i added you did you got message12:51
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daziplqahey any one help me concerning my audio card ???12:51
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Peter_Johnssonperhaps, whats the prob?12:52
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teenbeat2007McQueen: yes i did12:52
daziplqamy sound card does not work12:52
Peter_Johnssongot drivers?12:52
daziplqaany one help me12:52
daziplqaI really need heIp12:52
SuurorcaIgot some interesting audio problems, too but I think I'll try tinkering with it myself a bit before I'll get desperate enough to ask help =)12:52
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daziplqai done12:53
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McQueenteenbeat2007: ok... this is my other live messenger address. i will add you to mcqueen@freekevin.net address. ok?12:53
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Edulixvariant: guess what12:53
daziplqasuurorca : i went here and there but no way out12:53
Edulixvariant: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/7529512:53
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Edulixsomeone had the same problem with a different drive ;)12:53
rickyfingersanyone here use kxmame?12:54
daziplqathe problem is : after installing the new NIC the sound card became not operational12:55
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Suurorcayes well, I'm relatively sure that my problem is that some configuration junk carried over through the upgrade since everything worked perfectly well on the feisty live...12:55
Suurorcadaziplqa: how exactly 'not operational'?12:55
daziplqalastly one answered me !!12:56
McQueenhow can i learn that which is my ntfs partition between (hda  hda1  hda2  hda3  hda5  hda6  hdc12:56
variantSuurorca: #ubuntu+1 for feisty discussoin12:56
daziplqasurrorc :12:56
teenbeat2007McQueen: i added the second one12:56
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variantMcQueen: if it's mounted just type mount, alternatively type sudo cfdisk whcih will show the parititons and tyeps12:56
daziplqasuurorca : it has bean disable from my account only12:56
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daziplqasuurorca : the sound in all other accounts works properly12:56
Suurorcavariant: ah, there's a separate channel for that, didn't know.12:57
daziplqasuuroca : the icon behind the hour appears to be disabled12:57
McQueenteenbeat2007: ok thanks i have a password problem with second one. i will fix it when i run windows xp.12:57
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daziplqasuuroca : and when playing any media, no sound heard12:57
teenbeat2007ok no problem12:57
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teenbeat2007ill get your full info about the ntfs, with the help ive got i did it in less then 5 min and all my parts where up and running12:58
tony__I want a command to be executed when X is starting up. Where do I do this?12:58
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McQueenvariant:    FATAL ERROR: Bad logical partition 6: enlarged logical partitions overlap12:58
varianttony__: system > preferences > sessions12:58
variantMcQueen: that sounds bad12:59
tony__variant, any file i could edit?12:59
McQueenvariant: oh.12:59
varianttony__: yes, /etc/X11/Xsessions12:59
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varianttony__: be carefull inthere, make a backkup12:59
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albackerJowi: it didn't work.12:59
tony__ok :)12:59
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albackerJowi: it sux... have a look here01:00
varianttony__: alternativly, .xinitrc _should_ be sourced on login, not sure if ubuntu has that disabled or not though01:00
Jowialbacker, I thought so... you left before I could finish... A) in a terminal: "sudo -i"  B) "mkdir /mnt/chrootdir"   C) "mount -t proc none /mnt/chrootdir/proc"   D) "mount -o bind /dev /mnt/chrootdir/dev"   E) "chroot /mnt/chrootdir /bin/bash". now the devices should not change.01:00
McQueenvariant: so what can i do?01:00
nhyis it possible to optimize xorg.conf for the open source ati driver?01:00
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daziplqais there any audio cards expert ????????01:00
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variantMcQueen: without knowing your parititons, operating systmes, files sytems there is not much i can tell you. besides i am trying to study as it happens so, sorry, but i can't hel pyou right now01:00
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variantdaziplqa: just ask your question01:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cluster - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:01
albackerJowi: i sent you the output in prv, since i didn't want to paste here.01:01
McQueenvariant: ok thanks01:01
Jowialbacker, read B) again01:01
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daziplqavariant : the sound does not work in my account01:01
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tony__Where can i change where the drives is mounted?01:01
daziplqavairant : all other users can hear sound01:02
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daziplqavariant : this done after installing a new NIC01:02
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hsystem-x_Hi, how do i upgrade from kubuntu 6.06 to ubuntu 6.10 edgy without formating my partitions...01:02
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hsystem-x_i got the cd, but i dont want to delete all my system...01:03
McQueen!ntfs | McQueen01:03
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hsystem-x_is the same as upgrading from ubuntu 6.06 to ubuntu 6.10 ?01:03
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orange1whats the cmd to make my wifi scan in cmd line01:05
daziplqaall : really i want some body help me about my sound card !!!!!!!!!01:05
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about quit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:05
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ikoniamorning all01:05
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:05
nhystupid bots01:05
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orange1ikonia: we havent slept yet! still night01:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about soundcard - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:06
daziplqasorry :-$01:06
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eilker_i get this error, when i am trying for ssh to virtual server // Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive) any idea ?01:06
tony__Where can i change where the drives is mounted?01:06
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ikoniatony__: withi gnome you mean ?01:06
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tony__ikonia, yes01:08
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TomaszDJowi, solved it by adding the start command to rc.local, ugly I know, but it works01:08
Jowicool TomaszD01:08
daziplqai need help about audio card01:09
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ikoniatony__: I believe you need to look for dbus rules with gnome. I don't know where they are off the top of my head, but I'm sure if you check the docs you'll find the dbus rules01:09
TomaszDJowi, had a crash course on runlevels lol01:09
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Yoann512lu tlm01:09
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daziplqahi all01:10
orange1daziplqa: welcome01:10
ikoniaorange1: he's been here all day pestering about sound card01:10
daziplqaorange1 : thanx01:10
ikoniamost people from last night have him on ignore01:10
daziplqaorange1 : could you please help me ?01:10
crimsundaziplqa: what's the issue?01:11
daziplqaikonia : hey man, be honest01:11
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crimsundaziplqa: and pastebin the requested info from http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems01:11
Edulixvariant: something new has happened01:11
daziplqamy sound card did not work on my user account but it is work on other user account01:11
crimsundaziplqa: is your user in the audio group?01:11
ikoniahe was told the potential problems last night about the permissions etc etc01:11
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ikoniabut just kept asking "how"01:12
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tony__its /etc/fstab01:12
daziplqait was working properly before installing an NIC01:12
ikoniatony__: no its not01:12
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crimsundaziplqa: you need to answer the question.01:12
ikoniatony__: thats for static mounts on the OS - not dynamic mounts within gnome01:12
daziplqacrimsun : it was working properly before installing an NIC01:12
daziplqacrimsun : ok01:12
daziplqacrimsun :let me see01:12
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valehrutime to take the plunge and install feisty...wish me luck01:13
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daziplqacrimsun : ooops, i found something horrible01:13
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alucardi dont understand why i cant boot windows after i installed ubuntu01:14
ikoniaalucard: whats the error01:14
orange1whats the cmd to scan for wireless networks?01:14
shaftoAnyone know the command to see whether the Nvidia drivers are working or not?01:14
orange1sudo nvidia-settings01:14
daziplqacrimsun : i found all checkboxes @ user privileges tap are removed01:14
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rickyfingers_orange1: sudo iwlist scanning <interface name>01:15
samuHow do I install all these screensavers in xscreensaver that are listed as "Not Installed"01:15
Bhaskarin edubuntu, LTSP is built in or not ??01:15
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ikoniaBhaskar: ltsp ?01:15
gizmo_the_great1hi. I've screwed up my Ubuntu Dapper and GIMP setup. I tried to install the GTK so that I could read RAW digital files and the tool utraw and a few other dependancies. Most of it was installed from source. Anyway, in the end I discovered that I could run 'sudo aptitude install gimp-ufraw' which I did, but now GIMP does not run at all. Any ideas how I can fix (I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling via Synaptic - I th01:15
gizmo_the_great1ink its one of the other things causing the problem)01:15
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Bhaskarikonia, ya01:16
ikoniagizmo_the_great1: then thats your fault from installing from source, and breaking your dependency tree01:16
Bhaskarikonia, linux terminal server package01:16
ikoniaBhaskar: what is ltsp ?01:16
ikoniaBhaal: ahhh01:16
ikoniaBhaskar: ahhhh - no idea01:16
gizmo_the_great1ikonia: oh right.01:16
orange1rickyfingers_: how do i connect to it ?01:16
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Bhaskarwho knows better about edubuntu??01:17
alucardikonia, i just cant seem to get it to work it will say like invalid device and stuff like that01:17
ubotuEdubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org01:17
gizmo_the_great1ikonia: do you have any ideas on how I go about fixing it? I did not think installing from source was dangerous particularily?01:17
lnostdalgizmo_the_great1, try removing libraries and stuff under /usr/local .. dunno if that will help though01:17
ikoniaBhaskar: #edubuntu ?01:17
ikoniagizmo_the_great1: re-install01:17
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gizmo_the_great1ikonia: already tried :-(01:17
ikoniaalucard: apologies, I missed your initial question01:17
rickyfingers_orange1: sorry wasn't paying attention.  iwlist scanning <interface-name> will give you a list of ssid's for wireless networks that are out there.01:18
ikoniagizmo_the_great1: I mean re-install ubuntu01:18
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Flannelgizmo_the_great1: not dangerous per se, just the fact that by doing it, you've negated the point of package management01:18
daziplqathanx to ALLAH and then crimsun and orange1, the sound card seems will work after logging out01:18
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gizmo_the_great1ikonia: oh dear. Isnt that 'The Windows'' way though?01:18
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alucardikonia: it was about grub and how it wont load windows01:18
ikoniagizmo_the_great1: no - its the user error broke his system way01:18
robdemanfolks I just reinstalled the OS, optimized as webserver (terminal only, no GUI). I have software raid1, 2x serial ATA 500GB drives. Everytime the OS needs to perform some HDD activity the system locksup for a short while (hdd leds goes on.. machine freezes..) hdd led goes off.. machine responds again...01:18
gizmo_the_great1Flannel: i see - thanks01:18
daziplqaall : thanx to ALLAH and then crimsun and orange1, the sound card seems will work after logging out01:18
ikoniaalucard: ooh yes, can you detail your problem01:18
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orange1daziplqa: all i did was say 'welcome'01:18
gizmo_the_great1ikonia: fair point01:18
daziplqayou are a good man01:18
daziplqaorange1 : thank you very much01:19
alucardikonia: well, it doesnt load, im not sure if this is because im accessing the wrong device (im using hd0,0)01:19
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shaftoorange1, He has them installed yet they dont seem to be running, cause he doesnt get like the nvidia logo on startup01:19
Flannelgizmo_the_great1: Gimp is already installed, why did you install GTK anyway?01:19
ikoniaalucard: what is the error01:19
gizmo_the_great1ikonia: surely there must be a "Scan for knackered dependencies and fix it" command though?01:19
orange1rickyfingers_: once i have the ssid -- how do i connect to it01:19
rickyfingers_orange1: after that, you configure your wnic to that ssid, and then you have to know some things about how the network is configured. is it using wep/wpa etc? is there a dhcp server handing out ip's or do you have to put in the ip/subnet mask yourself...default gw and nameserver address01:19
alucardbut in this ubuntu grub it says that i need to load the kernel before i boot01:19
daziplqacrimsun : thank you very much01:19
gizmo_the_great1Flannel: because it cannot read RAW digital files froma camera01:19
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daziplqaall : brb01:19
ikoniagizmo_the_great1: you've messed up your dependency tree, you'll struggle to get it back. Re-install01:19
alucardi had the same problem in gentoo and ubuntu01:19
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Flannelgizmo_the_great1: dpkg only scans what it knows.  When you install random arbitrary other files, it doesn't know about them.01:19
gizmo_the_great1ikonia: OK - thanks01:19
Flannelgizmo_the_great1: so, a new version fixes it? or what?01:19
LegolasVis it possible to let the short dat format of my locale work like dd-mm-jjjj and not dd-mm-jj? (locale is nl_NL.utf8)01:20
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ikoniaalucard: I'll ask again, more specific "What happens when you try to boot windows"01:20
tony__fglrxinfo says that i have the right card, but 3d rendering does not work since i made a xgl session in feisty. Ideas?01:20
guysmilieI am a newbie wondering if it is advisable to run a firewall when using ubuntu, and if so is there one that is recommended?01:20
Flannelguysmilie: you already are01:20
orange1rickyfingers_: its just an open network - how can i connect to it thru the cmd line01:20
ikoniaguysmilie: iptables is available01:20
Flannel!firewall | guysmilie01:20
ubotuguysmilie: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).01:20
alucardikonia: it says that you need to load kernel before you boot01:20
ikoniaalucard: when you try to boot windows it says that ?01:20
rickyfingers_orange1: you put in the wirless settings with iwconfig01:21
gizmo_the_great1Flannel: from what I read you need to install GTK in order to install a special tool called utraw that enables the GIMP to read those files. Its not built into GIMOP by default01:21
alucardyah ikonia01:21
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ikoniagizmo_the_great1: you read wrong01:21
rickyfingers_for example iwconfig eth0 essid "open-network"01:21
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ikoniaalucard: thats very strange as thats not even a windows error message01:21
guysmilieis it necessary to do anything to configure the iptables to make the firewall effective?01:21
alucardikonia, its not even loading windows man thats what im saying01:21
ikoniaguysmilie: you have to configure the rule set01:21
Flannelgizmo_the_great1: GTK is in the repositories.  so, unless it's a version, or whtanot, you can do it with apt01:21
ikoniaalucard: is it actually loading grub01:21
rickyfingers_then put in the regular network settings with ifconfig, or run dhclient to grab ip from dhcp server.01:21
alucardyah its loading grub01:22
ikoniaalucard: can you boot into ubuntu01:22
alucardim in it right now01:22
gizmo_the_great1ikonia: really? Will GIMP just read them when I ask it to (I didnt actually have any at the time - I was just getting my PC ready to)01:22
ikoniaalucard: boot into ubuntu and pastebin your menu.lst01:22
shaftoCan anyone help, the nvidia drivers show to be there and up to date, yet they dont seem to be actually running is there anyway to check this? Other than nvidia-settings01:22
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rickyfingers_orange1: above comment was at you01:22
ikoniagizmo_the_great1: yes01:22
guysmilieikonia where do i find the iptables/rules settings?01:22
rambo3krita pawns gimp01:22
orange1trying them now01:22
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ikoniaguysmilie: you have to write a script to set them using the "iptables" command01:22
gizmo_the_great1Flannel: It wasnt GTK that caused the problem. It was 'sudo aptitude install gimp-ufraw' that broke it01:22
Edulixvariant: see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/75295/comments/901:22
gizmo_the_great1ikonia: dam!!!!01:22
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ikoniagizmo_the_great1: no it wasn't it was you installing things from source that broke it01:23
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rickyfingers_shafto: try lsmod | grep nvidia01:23
rickyfingers_shafto: that will tell you if the driver is really loaded.01:23
guysmilieok ty for info ikonia01:23
Flannelgizmo_the_great1: er, gimp-ufraw is in the repositories.  So, you can use it without installing anything from source.  I'm not sure why you were under the impression you needed to compile.01:23
ikoniaFlannel: because he didn't read up on it, he just made some weak excuse about getting his PC ready01:24
alucardikonia im getting a query failure when i try to send with pastebin01:24
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ikoniaalucard: use another pastebin01:24
Otacon22How to I bounce/redirect packets with iptables from external ips on a specific port to an another?01:24
shaftorickyfingers_, OKay that gives a response nvidia               6827412  3201:24
shaftoi2c_core               22288  2 i2c_ec,nvidia01:24
shaftoagpgart                33456  2 nvidia,intel_agp01:24
shafto, that mean there running i guess?01:24
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ikoniaOtacon22: join #netfilter for iptables rules support01:24
gizmo_the_great1Flannel: lol...I know Flannel, but I didn't realise that I could run 'sudo apt-get install gimp-utraw' until I'd done it all from source. I think this is what has caused the problem. Installed from source, and then from packages01:24
orange1rickyfingers: how can i tell if the connection was successful w/o pluggin my ethernet cable01:24
rickyfingersshafto: then without any other problems you can report, I would say the nvidia drivers are loaded.01:25
rickyfingersorange1: just type ping yahoo.com01:25
gizmo_the_great1Flannel: I'm still not great with understanding package stuff01:25
shaftorickyfingers, Okay thank01:25
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rickyfingersorange1: if you get a response, then you know you're on the internet01:25
BSG75anyone know where the contrib directory or mythrename.pl files is for mythtv under ubuntu?01:25
Flannelgizmo_the_great1: gotcha.  Well, always search the repositories first.01:25
laskingwho can tell why i can't see my mouse when i wine guildwars.exe01:25
ikoniagizmo_the_great1: if you don't undersand the package manager why did you install from source01:25
orange1this laptop is on ethernet + wireless -- i want to test the wirelss01:25
rickyfingersorange1: if you don't, there may be a problem with your name server, you might want to ping the default gateway01:25
gizmo_the_great1Flannel: true. A lesson learned.01:25
alucardikonia: http://pastebin.ca/40901801:25
rickyfingersorange1: if you can't ping the default gateway, then you're not connected whatsoever01:26
orange1rickyfingers: if i pull the plug here - ill lose ya01:26
gizmo_the_great1ikonia: because at the time I did not realise there was a package for it. So I thought to compile from source was the only way01:26
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ikoniaalucard: I say - add the options "makeactive - and on the next line chainloader     +1"01:26
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ikoniagizmo_the_great1: how can you not realise if you looked ?01:26
alucardis that hyphen supposed to be there ikonia01:26
rickyfingersorange1: be brave! pull the f***ing plug! If it doesn't work, you can get back.01:26
ikoniaalucard: no - sorry01:27
gizmo_the_great1ikonia: I did a search initially but I think I searched wrong and it did not come up with anything. So I thought there was no package01:27
laskingno guys play guildwars?01:27
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ikoniarickyfingers: no need for the language !01:27
ikonialasking: join #winehq for better wine support01:27
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rickyfingersikonia: got it, I thought it was ok if we didn't write the whole thing out.  I will refrain from any four letter anglo saxon adjectives from now on.01:27
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orange1rickyfingers: alrighty!01:28
ikoniarickyfingers: I think its more the implication than the word, eg: the darn thing has less intent than the "$$%$% thing01:28
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BSG75wow, is there a reason why the entire contrib directory for mythtv is missing under ubuntu? or is it another apt?01:28
McQueenhi, how can i fix the problem "mount hda101:28
McQueenmount: unknown filesystem type 'ntfs-fuse'01:28
gizmo_the_great1Flannel: ikonia thanks for your help. I will run off now and think about re-installing by dam system again! Might as well upgrade to edgy while I am at it01:28
ikonia!fuse >mcQueen01:29
Flannelgizmo_the_great1: Sounds good.01:29
rickyfingersikonia: I totally understand the need to watch my language.  I'm in the Army and we tend to let the curse words fly...01:29
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shaftoIs there anyway to actually check inside say; x11 config to see whether they are definatley running01:29
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:29
McQueenikonia: thanks01:29
rickyfingers!fuse >rickyfingers01:29
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laskingwho knows oracle channel? tell me ok?01:31
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Guniruslasking: #oracle ?01:31
BSG75none of you run mythtv under ubuntu?01:31
lasking#oracle not is01:31
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rickyfingersBSG75 - no but I'm curious about it.  Have you ever gotten it working? How does it compare to something like TiVO?01:32
rambo3BSG75, there is complte ubuntu media center that includes parts of mythtv01:33
BSG75rickyfingers: been using Mythtv for many years now .. it is simply awesome .. and now a days it doesn't even need you to know anything to install01:33
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BSG75rickyfingers: suggest using knoppmyth for beginner01:33
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Nalidor`Yeah, Ubuntu MCE is what rambo is talking about01:33
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rickyfingersBSG75: also, can you set it up to stream video to other computers accross the net?  If I could do that I would set a mythtv box up at my parents house so I could watch American TV from their place (I live in Germany)01:33
BSG75rambo3: I apt-get installed it01:33
shaftoCould the fact that nvidia hasnt detected his card '"NVIDIA Corporation NV40? [Unknown nVidia Card] " stop the drivers from working?01:33
mohkohnI am trying to install freedb. I get a message make: command not found01:33
rambo3BSG75, http://www.digg.com/linux_unix/Linux_MCE_looks_hot_Download_Squad01:33
rickyfingersBSG75: on the other hand, maybe not...I'd eat up all their upstream bandwidth.01:34
BSG75 rickyfingers: yup doing it to my soft modded xbox right now :)01:34
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rickyfingersBSG75: that's totally cool.  What kind of tuner/capture hardware do you use? Huappage?01:34
rambo3sorry : here ubuntu MCE : http://linuxmce.com/01:34
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BSG75rambo3: I have mythtv already installed .. don't aske me why I chose to do it on ubuntu though .. normally use gentoo .. my wife loves ubuntu so I thought why not LOL01:34
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BSG75rickyfingers: a rickity old hauppauge01:35
BSG75it just seems the entire contrib directory is missing from the ubuntu apt01:35
EnselicIs there a graphical password generator for Ubuntu?01:35
BSG75which is very odd01:35
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mohkohnConfiguration of cddbd is now complete.01:36
mohkohnYou may now run "make".01:36
rickyfingersBSG75: I didn't pay close enough attention to your previous message. You're using a modded x-box to run myth tv?01:36
dipswitchWhat's the best place to ask hardware related questions?01:36
comlagi have a simple question01:36
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rickyfingersdipswitch: if it's about hardware and edgy, you're in the right place01:36
shaftoCould the fact that nvidia hasnt detected his card '"NVIDIA Corporation NV40? [Unknown nVidia Card] " stop the drivers from working?01:36
mohkohnthen it tells me: make: command not found01:36
comlagwats the command to start gnome from console?01:36
Enselicdipswitch: here, ##linux at freenode IRC, or forums at linuxquestions.org01:36
BSG75 rickyfingers: you can for frontend .. but I have a shuttle that is plugged into my 52" tv for a while now .. so it's just a quiet settop box01:36
Nalidor`comlag: gdm I think01:36
dipswitchrickyfingers, ensilic: thanks01:37
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rickyfingersshafto:  is that what gets written to your xorg.conf file?01:37
comlagthats it? i type gdm and gnome starts?01:37
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Nalidor`I think so01:37
rambo3rickyfingers, use linux MCE instead01:37
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Nalidor`<-- semi-noob01:37
shaftorickyfingers, thats what it says yes01:37
graymanshafto, in this case the generic driver usualy works ok01:37
comlagat least u have the semi01:37
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comlagcan anyone confirm wat he said?01:37
Ulixescan i add another xeon into my server whitout problems or i've to configure something (with ubuntu..)?01:37
shaftograyman, Can they run games okay though?01:38
rickyfingersI don't think that's really a problem, I "NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Default Card0" is what got put in mine.01:38
adaptrgoing from one to two ?01:38
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adaptrare you now running an SMP enabled kernel ?01:38
rickyfingersshafto: sorry above response was for you forgot to put the name.01:38
adaptrUlixes: uname -a01:38
graymanShaffox, if all installed properly01:38
mohkohnI figured it out. I just needed build essential to get make. This is a fresh ubuntu install.01:38
Ulixescan you go in private adaptr?01:38
graymanneed to make sure that it does direct render01:38
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adaptrUlixes: no01:38
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UlixesLinux Server 2.6.17-11-386 #2 Thu Feb 1 19:50:13 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux01:39
graymanalso i saw few problems with one game which looks like ubuntu specific01:39
rickyfingersshafto: do you have any gui at all?01:39
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Ulixeshere's the response...01:39
graymandidn't find the reason01:39
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shaftorickyfingers, Yeah full gui01:39
Nalidor`Is there a way to burn the installation cd to a dvd instead of a cd? Nero doesn't let me do it01:39
adaptrUlixes: you need a better kernel, you're still running the installed one...01:39
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adaptrUlixes: why are you not running the server version of ubuntu ?01:40
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rickyfingersshafto: so what leads you to belive the nvidia driver is not running? No noticeable increase in image quality?01:40
Ulixescause i need the gui01:40
Nalidor`s/installation cd/installation iso/01:40
comlagany of u guys know how to get rid of graphical login ? ?01:40
comlagim trying to cut down boot time01:40
adaptrUlixes: there is nothing preventing you from installing a GUI on the server version01:40
rickyfingersshafto: just as a sanity check, you did restart X after making the changes to /etc/X11/xorg.conf, right?01:40
Ulixesdidn't know01:40
Ulixesi'm new in linux01:40
adaptrUlixes: but there are many reasons to use the server version on a server01:40
shaftorickyfingers, Yeah lol01:40
Ulixesfor example?01:41
Nalidor`shafto, what does glxgears give you?01:41
comlagget rid of graphical login ..??01:41
graymanneed direct render01:41
graymanmaybe glx is not installed properly01:41
Nalidor`if the drivers are running, you should get a crazy increase in the glxgears benchmark01:41
rickyfingerscomlag: I'm not sure what the correct way to do it is, but you could just move /etc/init.d/gdm somewhere else01:41
adaptrUlixes: never mind, install linux-image-server01:41
Ulixesadaptr: for exaple? what are the differences?01:41
Nalidor`if not, it'll be in the hundreds01:41
Ulixeswhat does it do?01:42
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adaptrUlixes: the kernel is made specifically for server use, for example01:42
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shaftoNalidor`, If it works does that probably mean their working correctly?01:42
graymancheck nvidia-settings too01:42
eilker  i still cant ssh my virtual server, /Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive)./ any idea for this ?01:42
adaptrUlixes: do you know what your current kernel does, and how ?01:42
comlagrickyfinger k thanks..01:42
Ulixesso so...01:42
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comlagwait wait i did that01:42
comlagi think01:42
Ulixeslisten once i've installed:linux-image-server can i add the cpu?01:42
adaptrUlixes: then what would be the point of explaining the difference ?01:42
comlagdoesnt that just remove boot screen?01:42
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adaptrUlixes: the order doesn't matter01:43
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Nalidor`shafto: If it gives you a number of fps that's at least a few thousand, then you're golden01:43
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adaptrUlixes: you'll have to get it through the boot sequence first anyway - what kind of server is it ?01:43
rickyfingerscomlag: what I'm thinking is the way you bring gnome-desktop all the way down is sudo /etc/initid/gdm stop01:43
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Ulixeswhat you mean for kind??01:43
shaftoNalidor`, How to check FPS?01:43
robdemanhi folks, I have a software raid1 /etd/md0 ... but how can I figure out what the real harddrives are, I mean I think I have /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdc1/ and they togethe rmake up the /dev/md0 .. how can I tell?01:43
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Ulixesit's an olidata server... xeon 3.00 ghz irwindale01:43
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Ulixes1 gb ram ecc333 mhz01:44
Nalidor`shafto: run glxgears from the console and look at the console window01:44
rickyfingerscomlag: so those /etc/init.d/ files get executed at start up, so if you just move it out of there, gnome-desktop will never start, and there you go.01:44
tuqannhi, anyone knows why when I run "gksudo nautilus" it take like five minutes before the browser actually appears?01:44
comlagwait wait01:44
rickyfingersorange1: are you connected wired or wireless?01:44
comlagi think im not explaining my question right01:44
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adaptrUlixes: so no brand-name ? and you have the exact same CPU ?01:44
orange1rickyfingers: took a walk around the house - found 15 networks with crappy signals.. none good enough to test wifi with01:44
Ulixeswait a second, maybe i've the model01:44
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adaptrUlixes: turn it off, install second CPU, boot up - BIOS should tell you you have 201:45
rickyfingersorange1: you must live in a pretty tech-savvy neighborhood.01:45
orange1rickyfingers: i dont know if its not connection cuz the connection is so poor or because its not setup right01:45
comlagi still want it automatically going in gnome but i want console login instead of the graphical one01:45
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Ulixesok then?01:45
comlaghomefully cutting down on boot time01:45
adaptrUlixes: then download server kernel, reboot, and boot up *with the server kernel*01:45
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Jowicomlag, turn off the framebuffer in grub01:45
adaptrUlixes: aptitude install linux-image-server is all you need to do01:45
orange1rickyfingers: techsavvy i think not... 9/15 networks were open01:45
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tony__How can I find a file anywhere on a partition? cmd style01:45
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Ulixesthis is the server kernel right: linux-image-server?01:45
comlagmy grub is fine01:45
PanzerMKZwhat about the SMP part01:45
comlagits just everythig else01:46
adaptrit is the meta-package for whatever is the newest server image, yes01:46
rambo3Ulixes, no such thing01:46
rickyfingerscomlag: what I said will give you that then you just type startx after logging in...you'll be good to go.01:46
BSG75bah .. there is no contrib directory under ubunty for mythtv :( anyone know where I can find a copy of mythrename.pl that will work with edgy?01:46
SpY_Sc0rPi0i have problem with my x01:46
PanzerMKZsince if I call it he is installing second prob01:46
Ulixesand server kernel will update automaticcally when the updates are available?01:46
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shaftoIts weird though, cause nvidia-settings work perfectly and report fully up to date drivers and everything01:46
adaptrUlixes: so if you install thaht one, a new released server image will upgrade01:46
tuqannhi, anyone knows why when I run "gksudo nautilus" it take like five minutes before the browser actually appears?01:46
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SpY_Sc0rPi0it does not loads my drivers01:46
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Nalidor`shafto, what did glxgears say?01:46
adaptrUlixes: but that's not necessarily a good thing with a server01:46
Ulixesanother question installing this package linux-image-server can i still run one processor?01:46
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adaptrof course01:46
comlagrickyfingers is there any way to just have it "startx" after i login?01:46
jamiecan anyone talk me through how to mount my ntfs drive in ubuntu?, iv trried online tutorials but to no avail please help me01:46
shaftoNalidor`, nothing01:46
adaptran SMP kernel can run any number of CPUs01:46
Ulixeskk does ubuntu change visually or it runs normally?01:47
Nalidor`That's all I can do to help, sorry :(01:47
adaptrit runs twice as fast ?01:47
Ulixeswith the gui and the programs?01:47
Messiamy generic view urlconf does not seem to be working.01:47
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SpY_Sc0rPi0i have problem with my x, my drivers couldn't be loaded01:47
Ulixesi mean i do not see the differences apart the speed right?01:47
adaptrUlixes: you're making this out to be some sort of magic.. it isn't01:47
Messiaurlpatterns = patterns('django.views.generic.list_detail.object_list',   (r'^list/$', 'object_list', dict(list_dict, template_name='objects/object_list.html')),)01:47
adaptrUlixes: what kind of drives do you have in this thing ?01:47
eth01im booting my ubuntu server and its saying theres an error segmentated?01:47
adaptreth01: actually, it's not saying that01:48
rickyfingerscomlag: I'm thinking, it would go in something like the ~/.bashrc file, but I'm not sure that's where you want it, because it'll run startx every time you start another instance of bash01:48
Ulixesdouble sata disks01:48
Messiaoops wrong chat01:48
adaptrUlixes: RAID-1 ?01:48
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jamieis anyone willing to help?01:48
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Ulixesno raid01:48
jamiewell thanx a bunch01:48
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adaptrUlixes: pity; only half a server, then01:48
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Ulixescause linux doesn't see the raid01:48
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adaptrUlixes: you will need to do some work yourself for that01:48
Nalidor`Is there a way to burn the installation iso to a dvd instead of a cd? Nero doesn't let me do it01:48
SpY_Sc0rPi0how can i disable xorg-air01:49
AmyRosejamie, I'd try to help you, but I have no experience, but please try being more polite01:49
adaptrUlixes: do it, it is worth every effort01:49
comlagim gonna spend more time googling01:49
rickyfingerscomlag: looking at the man page real fast, I'd say you'd want to put startx in the last line of ~/.bash-login01:49
Ulixesdo wath?01:49
adaptrNalidor`: use dvd decrypter, nero is stupid01:49
comlagill try that then01:49
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jribjamie: Ulixes wasn't replying to you, just ask your question to the channel01:49
adaptrUlixes: configure your system so it can boot from and use the RAID01:49
tuqannAnyone knows why "gksudo nautilus" takes five minutes to load the browser?01:49
rickyfingerscomlag: excuse me, I meant ~/.bash_login - underscore not a hyphen01:49
adaptrUlixes: how and where do you set up raid ?01:49
orange1rickyfingers: have u tried aircrack?01:49
Nalidor`adaptr: Isn't that a ripper?01:49
Jowicomlag, you might put an "if" loop in there to just startx in case it is not already started.01:49
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espereguanybody knows how one can create a custom menu on left mouse click on the desktop? (like with fluxbox)01:50
adaptrNalidor`: no, it's not - it ius the best burner you can find for Windows01:50
Ulixesfrom the raid bios01:50
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Nalidor`adaptr: lovely, thanks01:50
rickyfingersorange1: I never heard of aircrack. Is it as addictive as regular crack?01:50
jamiehow do I auto mount my ntfs formatted drive at ubuntu start up?01:50
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comlaglemme edit and reboott01:50
rickyfingersorange1: I've heard of airsnort, but never used it.01:50
orange1rickyfingers: www.aircrack-ng.org01:50
adaptrUlixes: okay, disbale the RAID completely in the BIOS, and re-run the installation, opt to install LVM on a 2-disk soft raid - done.01:50
comlagsee if this works01:50
jamieas I said I'v tried using tutorials but they never work01:50
jamieany help would be much appreciated01:51
jribjamie: have you been to the guide at the wiki?01:51
Nalidor`jamie: have a look in /etc/fstab as root01:51
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Ulixesbut this way i've to format01:51
Nalidor`in a text editor01:51
jamieyes and i get an error01:51
Ulixeswhen i'll have some time free i've to do01:51
jribjamie: tell us the error01:51
Nalidor`what error?01:51
jamiewhile executing the commands given01:51
adaptrUlixes: yes, in return you will have an actual server, instead of one that will die on the first disk error01:51
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:51
jamie2 tics01:51
jetscreamerjamie: http://linux.hfds.com/files/fstab.1  change the uid & gid maybe or so.. man mount, search fmask & dmask to see what they do01:51
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jetscreamertype id in a console to see your id01:52
Ulixes*you right01:52
robdemanfolks: what does this mean mdadm /dev/md0 has been started with 1 drive (out of 2) .. I tried to setup software raid1 ... is this correct?01:52
jamieo.k i'll give it a bash, one more ? wha'ts the most stable program for ipod sync01:52
Ulixesanyway it's a school's server, i'm trying to convince the director to use linux in all computers :D01:52
adaptrrobdeman: obviously not.. if it's only seeing one drive01:52
jrib!ipod > jamie    (jamie, see the private message from ubotu)01:52
rickyfingersjetscreamer: is your nic the name of a rock star in the jetsons cartoon?01:52
jetscreamerrickyfingers: right on01:52
robdemanadaptr: damn how can I fix this...?01:52
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adaptrUlixes: then you're on a budget, understandable01:52
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adaptrrobdeman: I have no idea what you did01:53
jetscreamerrickyfingers: you're only the second person to get it in quite a few years01:53
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Ulixesi've seen that is mooore fast and more secure than win, but i've to learn some commands01:53
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Ulixesanyway i want to thank you for explain me everything01:53
Ulixesthanks again, i gotta go, byebye01:53
rickyfingersjetscreamer: that's killer.  Did you ever see that beastie boys video they made at voodoo fest, they do a rendition of "the joint" where they start going "eep opp ork ah ah"01:53
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adaptrrobdeman: start by trying if it's just only started one drive, by adding the second drive with mdadm01:53
BSG75oh well .. I give up .. gonna try the unofficial apt .. if that doesn't work .. back to gentoo.. thanks guys01:53
jetscreamerrickyfingers: no didn't know they did that .. i'd like to see it01:54
Ulixeslast question, will the application use both processor or i need other configuration?01:54
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rickyfingersjetscreamer: it was on youtube a while ago, I don't know if it's still there or not...what with all the copyright law suits that they've been getting hit with.01:54
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robdemanadaptr: ... ok...01:55
jetscreameri'll google it01:55
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eth01can some1 tell me then if this is correct please? http://phpfi.com/21951601:55
shaftoYou know if you run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ' how do you get past the 3rd step?01:55
tuqannthis channel seems to be busy, are there other Ubuntu help channels I can go to?01:55
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jribshafto: which one is the third step?01:55
[Tuxedo] tuqann what do you need help with?01:55
michuphi, how add path to my user?01:55
tuqanntwo things01:55
adaptreth01: no, it's not01:56
tuqannwhen I run "gksudo nautilus" it takes about five minutes for the browser to show01:56
eth01wts up01:56
esperegunobody uses desktop menu??01:56
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tuqannand whenever I shutdown, restart, suspend or hibernate my system halts and the screen gets all messed up, and I how to poweroff manually to close it01:56
adaptrUlixes: what do *you* think ?01:56
laskinghow to configure cedega working directory?01:57
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tuqann*have to01:57
jribmichup: PATH=~/bin:"${PATH}"          in a file that gets sourced when you login01:57
eth01adaptr: whats wrong with it?01:57
rambo3tuqann, does this help : rm -rf /root/nautilus/*01:57
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michupi added .bash_profile file and fill it with PATH=$PATH:/my/own export $PATH but when i printenv it desnt changed01:57
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michupdo .bash_profile has to be executable?01:57
jribmichup: .bash_profile only gets sourced for login shells01:57
tuqannI'll try01:57
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michupokay so how do i add path to my profile?01:58
jribmichup: how do you login?01:58
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tuqannit did help, thanks a million01:58
jribmichup: I use ~/.xprofile01:58
tuqannany thoughts about the other problem?01:58
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robdemanadaptr:  mdadm: No md superblock detected on /dev/md001:58
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michupanother question how to add shortcut to the menu01:59
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michupive program and wish to add it to menu01:59
jribmichup: right click on the ubuntu icon > edit menus01:59
shaftojrib, http://www.english-troopers.com/Screenshot.png01:59
Frogzootuqann: suspend causing video problems is a video driver issue - upgrade01:59
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jribshafto: try pressing tab01:59
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adaptreth01: at least 3 things02:00
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michupokay thx02:00
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tuqannFrogzoo: hmmm, I thought as much though I got the latest drivers from ati, you think I have to downgrade them?02:00
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adaptreth01: please just use the network applet to set a static IP, if you must.. but why oh why are you assigning a PUBLIC IP ?02:00
Frogzootuqann: I use fglrx on edgy and suspend works02:00
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Frogzoo!fglrx | tuqann02:00
ubotutuqann: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:00
sebrockgot a quick question about Samba here: My samba folder shows the windows computer "double" like C and C$, D and D$ and so on? WHy is this?02:01
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michupand that ~/.xprofile has to be executable?02:01
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jribmichup: no02:02
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jetscreamersebrock: the ones with the $ are administrative shares02:02
jetscreamerit's a windows thing02:03
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SpY_Sc0rPi0i want my xserver-xorg-air to be disabled, how can i do this?02:03
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jetscreamersebrock: there is a setting in registry to turn those off btw (in windows)02:03
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michupokay do i have to reboot to make that xprofile work?02:04
jetscreamersource it02:04
jetscreamersource ~/.whatever02:05
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remfarkasis there any chance i can get my radeon 8500 work with using 3D?02:05
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jetscreamerthere is a chance02:05
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antoine_vous ne sauriez pas ou est ce que je peux voir l'historique des dates de mises en veilles de mon PC?02:05
antoine_sur ubuntu bien sr02:05
jetscreameractually doesn't the xorg ati do 3d on <=920002:05
jrib!fr | antoine_02:06
sabiancraTemps cannot be colder than absolute 0. (-459.67F)02:06
Jowi!fr | antoine_02:06
sabiancraTemps cannot be colder than absolute 0. (-459.67F)02:06
ubotuantoine_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:06
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antoine_oops thank02:06
Frogzoosabiancra: relevant how?02:06
remfarkasi was searchin for guides but in the end i ended always with not running x-window-manager02:06
michupbash: export: `/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games:/home/michup/usr/bin': not a valid identifier02:06
eth01http://phpfi.com/219520 << is that correct?02:06
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michupthe file exists02:06
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jribmichup: paste the command you used02:07
eth01bad lag02:07
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about netstplit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:07
Jowihaven't seen that in years...02:07
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michupsource .xprofile02:07
tuqannwow, did a hundred people just left the room :S02:07
jribmichup: inside .xprofile02:07
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sebrockjetscreamer, ?02:07
michupexport $PATH02:07
Federico90someone knows a good mp3 ripper?02:07
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eth01adaptr: thats my cable IP02:08
JowiFederico90, sound-juicer is good and default02:08
jetscreamersebrock: what02:08
jetscreameri must have missed it02:08
adaptreth01: that's not static - it's DHCP02:08
jribmichup: export PATH   not   export $PATH02:08
Federico90Jowi: yap but he doesn't convert on mp3 formatr02:08
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sebrockjetscreamer, will it always show these administrative shares? All I did was to share usual stuff, not marking them with admin privs?02:08
JowiFederico90, it does, but you need to tell it how to do that first02:09
jetscreamersebrock: yes, and those shares are a windows thing... you can turn them off in the windows registry if you wish02:09
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Federico90Jowi: i need to encode a cd audio in mp3 files02:09
erickahow can i shutdown my computer normally? there is no option in my gnome in quit tab?02:09
Federico90but i need also to decide the bitrate02:09
sebrockjetscreamer, do you know the place in reg?02:09
Frogzooericka: sudo shutdown -h now02:10
michupso that xprofile will work everytime i log to my session?02:10
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JowiFederico90, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping02:10
eth01adaptr: how can i make it static instead of DHCP?02:10
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michupX session02:10
jetscreamersebrock: http://www.google.com/search?q=disable+administrative+shares+site%3Amicrosoft.com02:10
adaptreth01: you can't02:10
Federico90Jowi: ty02:10
adaptreth01: your ISP assigns the IP02:10
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erickaFrogzoo,  ty i tried it.. but " now " is new for me :) will tried it.02:10
eth01adaptr: i know what. but what should i do02:11
eth01make it dynamic?02:11
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jribmichup: through gdm it should02:11
tuqannone thing I liked about openSUSE is their driver support, everything came configured and ready out of the box, can't Ubuntu do something of that sort?02:11
sebrocktnx jetscreamer02:11
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adaptreth01: apart from the fact that running a newbie-Linux box off a public IP is.. scary02:11
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jetscreamergdm doesnt give you those options if you're running not-gnome02:11
steven43126what driver do i need for a hsf modem on sony laptop, it's a softmode included in the sound card far as i can tell i need the HSF modem driver but there seems to be a price for this driver ?02:11
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erickamy isp connection or my download is too slow.. so anyhow i download fiesty? with resume. ?02:12
eth01its a VPS02:12
sebrockjetscreamer, wait, this wont delete the shares? just the administraive shares right?02:12
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jetscreamersebrock: you can turn the administrative shares off. 'shouldn't' affect your others, but if it does just recreate them02:13
brunesI've got a weird problem.... my PC is dual boot. if I hibernate while I am in Windows, then turn the PC back on and boot into ubuntu (ps. this is feisty fawn) - my network card never comes up02:13
brunesanbyone ever hear of something like that?02:13
adaptreth01: what is a VPS ?02:13
brunesIts like the PC put it into ACPI sleep mode and ubuntu is not waking it, or something02:13
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Remo_Awhy is imagemagick in efty edge still in version 6.2 instead of the newer 6.3? how can I upgrade withouth installing it from source? thanks02:13
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Jowibrunes, #ubuntu+1 for feisty02:13
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mirakis there a page that references the stats about the package usage by the users ???02:14
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jribmirak: popcon.ubuntu.com02:14
brunesJoel: Ok thanks. Ever heard anything like that though? It almost sounds liek a kernel bug02:14
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erickamy isp connection or my download is too slow.. so anyhow i want to download fiesty? with resume. ? if i resume my download so its valid for installation? can someone help me with this? thanks.02:15
jrib!timebasedreleases > Remo_A    (Remo_A, see the private message from ubotu)02:15
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Remo_Ajrib: thanks02:15
jribRemo_A: unless it is in backports, you will need to compile it02:15
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mirakjrib: well this stats are not relevant if you want to compare a default package like evolution to thunderbird02:16
jribRemo_A: actually, in feisty it is 7: so I guess the version you want can't be backported02:16
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remfarkasanyone knows how to get radeon 8500 work with 3D?02:17
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mirakyou can't desinstal it by the way02:17
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jribmirak: I don't understand02:17
Remo_Ajrib: yes, I saw it .. well ok thx02:17
michupokay ive added my new menu entry but it isnt there do i have to reload panel?02:17
robdemananybody here that could check my desmg to see if I setup my harddrives correctly? (dma etc..?)02:17
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robdemanI added the 2nd drive to the /md002:18
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xMorgawrhi, could somebody help me with azureus? i've just downloaded it and installed from the repo, but when i open it, it loads and takes me to a window for settings, then it shuts off..02:18
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mirakjrib: even if I don't explicitely want evolution or even use it, it will still be counted in the stats.02:18
Frogzoorobdeman: if they show up in 'df' you're in business02:18
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Frogzoorobdeman: -> man df , also man lvdisplay02:19
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sluimersHi, I'm trying to mount an external harddrive using NTSF, but fusermount refuses to read spaces in fstab. How can I get it to read spaces?02:20
jribmirak: what kind of statistic do you want on it?02:20
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robdeman-bash: lvdisplay: command not found02:20
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michupafter i add my menu entry  it isnt there02:20
michupdo i have to reload my panel?02:20
michupor something done wrong?02:20
jribmichup: try to reload the panel, though that doesn't seem normal02:21
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michupokay can i do it manually from shell?02:21
mirakjrib: it's just that I think rythmbox or totem doesn't deserve to be defaults. That's better now but they abusively pushed in previous release while there was better players. Especially in regard to gstremer immaturity02:21
jribmichup: killall gnome-panel02:21
sluimersand how can I see a list of the users here in this channel?02:21
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sluimersoh wait, dound the latter02:22
michupthx now it shows up02:22
jribmirak: k, #ubuntu-offtopic is a better place for that discussion02:22
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Frogzoosluimers: /names02:23
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adaptror /list, if you're feeling masochistic02:24
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adaptr1022 nicks in channel02:24
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sluimersoh, I thought for a second you were answering my first question02:25
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adaptrsluimers: don't. use. spaces. then02:25
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adaptrfstab uses tab delimiters02:25
michupokay i had this conceptions but it wont work... ive a java game Magic-Project and i start it in console by typing java -jar ~/usr/bin/magic/starter.jar but i wanted to use it by clickin into menu so i make in ~/usr/bin/magic.sh02:26
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michupwhich executes that command with correct path java -jar magic/starter.jar02:26
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cbx33hey all02:26
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jribmichup: give the full path to magic/starter.jar02:27
Cosmonaut3030Hi. I'm looking for some kind of wireless manager simillar to kwifimanager, but without the KDE dependancy. Is this possible?02:27
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cbx33why would usb devices have bad latency and poor responce on the live CD and after an install?02:27
ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box02:27
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adaptrcbx33: because... they always do ?02:27
cbx33adaptri mean keyboard and mouse02:27
xMorgawrguys, i need help with azureus (bittorrent client).. whenever i open it, it opens a window for settings but i can't change anything because it shuts down right after..02:27
adaptr+t, yes02:27
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cbx33mouse is really juddery and keyboard is unresponsive02:28
adaptrcbx33: define "bad latency"02:28
michupand my magic.sh --> /home/michup/usr/bin/magic.sh02:28
Cosmonaut3030Hi. Can anyone help? I'm looking for some kind of wireless manager simillar to kwifimanager, but without the KDE dependancy. Is this possible?02:28
cbx33and the network card doesn't work either02:28
adaptrcbx33: what USB chipset, which drivers02:28
cbx33well it was the ubuntu live cd02:28
xMorgawri need help with azureus (bittorrent client).. whenever i open it, it opens a window for settings but i can't change anything because it shuts down right after..02:28
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cbx33not sure what usb chipset02:28
jribmichup: right02:28
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cbx33how do i check02:28
cbx33it work fine the other day02:28
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xMorgawrhelp anyone? D:02:29
michupand source of it java -jar magic/starter.jar02:29
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Jowicbx33, I had that prob on 2.6.17-11-generic kernel. I have to use 2.6.17-10-generic. USB devices kept on disconnecting.02:29
Jowicbx33, (running edgy)02:29
cbx33eh this is edgy02:29
cbx33but I am running the old kernel02:29
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cbx33on both live cd02:30
cbx33and after installing02:30
Cosmonaut3030Does anyone know any programs simmilar to kwifimanager, but without the KDE?02:30
cbx33only thing that may have changed is the order of pci cards02:30
jribmichup: no, in the source, put the full path to starter.jar02:30
xMorgawrhow do i view hidden files in my folder?02:31
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jribxMorgawr: ctrl-h, or view > show hidden files in the menu02:31
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Cosmonaut3030xMorgawr: ls -a in terminal02:31
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JowixMorgawr, ctrl-h in nautilus and thunar02:33
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ObidoseIf, I want to install ubuntu on a second hard drive and leave windows intact, is this easy?02:33
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FrogzooxMorgawr: ctrl h02:34
michupjava -jar /home/michup/usr/bin/magic/starter.jar02:34
michupit isnt working02:35
Dhanjelany tips on tv-software (for ivtv based card) that works with ati?02:35
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jribmichup: does it work if you try to execute the shell script directly in a terminal?02:35
michupi try directly02:35
jribmichup: what did you type?02:35
JowiObidose, yes. but if windows is on the primary disk you will need a way to boot linux. that means installing a bootloader on MBR (Master Boot Record) that overwrites windows bootloader. the windows install will be intact but its bootloader will be overwritten.02:35
Cosmonaut3030Obidose: Yeah, it is. tHe Ubuntu partitioner/install will help you :)02:35
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michupi was pressing when it asked run and run in terminal but nothing happend02:36
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michupw8 ill chek directly given a path in shell02:36
jetscreamerchmod +x your_script  maybe02:36
ObidoseIf i just run the live cd and tell it to install, will it give me the options to do it?02:36
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JowiObidose, if your linux disk is primary then you have no problem.02:36
Cosmonaut3030Obidose: Yes.02:36
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JowiObidose, yes. you will get options on where to install linux.02:37
Obidosebut my windows disk is primary atm, i have only just stuck another hdd in there02:37
sabotaidoes any1 know how to configure proxy in firefox?02:37
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michupMake sure you are running this from the installation directory02:37
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drbreeni had this idea and now i wanna ask02:37
drbreenis there any possibility i can apt-get porn ?02:37
jribsabotai: edit > preferences  > advanced > network > settings02:37
michupit seems java need to do it from /home/michup/usr/bin/magic/ directory?02:37
Cosmonaut3030drbreen: Lol, wtf?02:37
sabotaidrbbreen u funny02:38
drbreen<Cosmonaut3030> i mean are there porn repositories or something ?02:38
jrib!pornview | drbreen this is close...02:38
ubotudrbreen this is close...: pornview: Image and movie viewer/manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2pre1-6 (edgy), package size 217 kB, installed size 656 kB02:38
sabotaidrbreen: wtf? !is there one?02:38
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michupthats all dialog: Boot class : Starter02:38
michupUnable to find the 'lib' directory.02:38
michupMake sure you are running this from the installation directory02:38
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Cosmonaut3030Do you think they have porn.debs?02:38
sabotaijrib thanks jrib02:38
jetscreamerno it's just a picture viewer... and only does .jpg iirc02:38
drbreen<Cosmonaut3030> would be nice.02:39
drbreeni do not want a picture viewer02:39
Cosmonaut3030drbreen: It would.02:39
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Cosmonaut3030But I doubt it.02:39
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ubotukwifimanager: wireless lan manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu1.1 (edgy), package size 224 kB, installed size 780 kB02:39
jribmichup: that's java error output right?02:39
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michupstrange but shell didnt say about that but it works now02:40
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Mooxhi there. Where is the gnome menu file ? Those on which describes all the menu entries for a usr02:40
michupit seems that java need to be directly in his option file directory02:40
alberthello, anybody can say me how can I pulse right button with keyboard??02:40
jribmichup: ok, if it does need to be run in the right directory, just put a 'cd /whatever' in your shell script before executing java02:40
albertAnybody know it??02:41
jetscreameralbert: if you want to emulate your mouse via keyboard, shift+numlock iirc02:41
michupive changed source #!/bin/bash02:41
michupcd /home/michup/usr/bin/magic/02:41
michupjava -jar starter.jar02:41
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michupand it works02:41
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jetscreamerand numlock to toggle it off again02:41
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jetscreamererr numlock02:41
michupnow ill check if it works with menu entry02:41
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:42
jetscreamerturn it off02:42
michupokay it works :)02:42
albertjetscreamer: i haven't mouse in this moment, i need press turn right on my icon directory, how can I?? jetscreamer02:42
effie_jayxI have a wpa realted issue.. :S My wireless card ( Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 ) is working fine. but when I try to log in using network manager... It won't take the password for my network...02:42
michupthx a lot!!02:42
jribmichup: great, np02:42
MooxMy application menus are empty, How can I rebuild them ?02:42
jetscreameralbert: shift+numlock, then use the keypad for the mouse02:42
effie_jayxI know it has to do with wpa but no clue on where the problem might be02:42
jetscreameralbert: i forget which key on the numpad becomes right click but play with it and find out02:43
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jetscreamerMoox: 'maybe' update-menus but i dunno02:43
michupfor everyone that interests in Magic the Gathering game theres cool GPL project called Magic-Project02:44
Mooxjetscreamer: there is no 'update-menus' app02:44
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jetscreamerMoox: in an xterm02:44
Mooxjetscreamer: yes.02:44
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michupit allows to makes own cards and playing in internet with direct IP connection02:44
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albertjetscreamer: how can I extract the pendrive with command console?02:45
michupthats project link http://magic-project.sourceforge.net/02:45
ubotunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager02:46
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effie_jayxMy networkmanager won't take my wpa password :S02:46
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jetscreameralbert: mount it and cp it?02:47
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MatsHey, when I typ cat /proc/cpuinfo it says my CPU is running at 800mhz...that's not right, since I have a AMD Athlon Mobile 64 2800+ cpu...how to change?02:47
qivhello ^^ anyone ever tried to change a 64bit ubuntu into a 32bit? :)02:48
jetscreamerMats: it may adjust itself on the fly... not sure02:48
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qivMats, 2800+ does not mean it has a frequence of 2.8ghtz02:48
fooHm, SAS drives are not SATA or ATA drives... they are their own type, right?02:48
qivso it could be those 800mhz, i do not know02:48
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MatsNo, qiv...it should be running at 1800mhz...02:49
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qivMats, possible i do not know ;)02:49
sabotaiwhat does *.local refer to?02:49
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Mats:) Anyone know, then? How to change CPU speed...02:50
fabian_have a bug in feisty workspaces on cube...02:50
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fabian_is this the right place to post it02:50
jribfabian_: #ubuntu+1 for feisty support02:50
IdleOnefabian_, #ubuntu+1 or #ubuntu-effects02:50
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IdleOnefor cube support heh02:50
IdleOneno problem02:51
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MatsIs there any other channel to ask about CPU management, then?02:53
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ucordeshi all02:54
core1I try to install the XMMSCorner Deskelt for gDeskelt, but everytime when I start the desklet I get the error that the control could not be loaded02:54
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core1but I copied the dir's in the Control dir of the desklet to /usr/share/gdesklet/Controls/02:54
core1what to do ? :/02:54
sabotaidoes ne1 know how to get  automatc proxy configuration to work for firefox...?02:55
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mcarolan88hey guys, bit of a problem, i'm trying to install the beta but the ubiquity always crashes at stage 5 of the installation - and i cannot press next to continue, is there any way i can skip this stage (importing documents and settings)?02:56
CyynicI'm getting an "Out of Range" error from my monitor from Gnome at start up, but it's not xorg.conf. I know this because KDE is running fine right now, anyone have any ideas?02:56
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MatsAny of you new guys know how to change CPU frequency?02:56
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pschulz01mcarolan88: I have the same issue (from herd-5).. I don't think it has crashed.. it just takes a really long time.02:57
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jribmcarolan88: #ubuntu+1 for feisty support02:57
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tuqannhi, I'm having a problem with my graphics card, I've followed the instructions and I still get the mesa drivers when I type fglrxinfo in the console02:58
frojndcan't play wmv files, despite I install w32codecs02:58
sabotaimaybe its protected02:58
frojndsabotai: what file?02:59
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sabotaifrojnd: the wmv file might be protected02:59
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frojndsaotai: no, cause friend of mine just watched this file02:59
MatsAnyone know how to get VLC to NOT open a new window for every song i click on...?02:59
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sabotaifrohnd: what  happens when u upen a wmv file?03:00
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robdemanhi folks I just did a apt-get install phpmyadmin and it all worked.. but how do I access it? http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ doesnt do anything?03:02
tuqannanyone can help with ati card installation, I'm getting mesa drivers even after all the wiki instructions03:02
Cyrus25801what do i type if i want to edit my xorg.conf file with gedit03:02
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jribCyrus25801: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:02
Cyrus25801cool thanx03:02
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CodeImphey folks03:03
CodeImpquick question here, downloaded feisty beta alternate setup cd03:03
penguinbah, i just installed beryl on edgy w/ ati, and i see the manager, but no beryl-ness :(03:03
penguinanyonw know why?03:03
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CodeImpon boot it askes install in text mode or install in oem mode, among a few other options03:03
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jribpenguin: did you select beryl as the window manager?03:03
infideltuqann, http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html03:04
penguinthat would help...03:04
CodeImptext mode/oem mode, is this only regarding the setup install or does it matter for what i want to install?03:04
jribpenguin: #ubuntu-effects can help more if it's a different issue03:04
tuqanninfidel: it's an ATI03:04
infideltuqann, did you opn the webpage?03:05
tuqannand I pretty much did everything on the wiki page, but I am still getting mesa03:05
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penguinjrib - how do i select it as the window manager?03:05
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tuqanninfidel: loading, internet is a bit on and off03:05
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MatsAnyone know how to change cpu frequency? If not, does anyone know of any channel that might be good for my question?03:05
penguinjrib - i dont see it under prefs or admin.03:05
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CodeImpwhat do the "Install in text mode" and "Install in OEM mode" options mean at the feisty beta alternate boot CD?03:05
jribpenguin: do you have the red diamond in your notifications area?03:05
penguinjrib - yes03:06
jribpenguin: right click on it > select window manager03:06
fooWhat's the command to reconfigure the network?03:06
Cosmonaut3030Mats: There's a gnome applet that comes with it, I think...?03:06
infidelfoo, ifconfig03:07
foogah, doh, tahnks.03:07
MatsCosmonaut3030: Hm? Which means?03:07
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penguinjrib - just did so, but it does not do anything.03:07
Cosmonaut3030I think you should be able to set it on your Gnome panel?03:07
jribpenguin: k, #ubuntu-effects can probably troubleshoot more than03:08
MatsHm? Like System-->preferences?03:08
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jribthen even03:08
Dhanjelj #ubuntu-effects03:08
penguinjrib - thanks for your help, ill head over there.03:08
CodeImpwhat do the "Install in text mode" and "Install in OEM mode" options mean at the feisty beta alternate boot CD? Anyone who can give me a more elaborate description please?03:08
Cosmonaut3030Right click on your panel... I don't know, I haven't used GNOME in ages.03:08
Cosmonaut3030Sorry :(03:08
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xtknightCodeImp: i dont know about the OEM.  the 'text mode' means it will use a text mode installer for installing a full Ubuntu desktop system03:08
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CodeImpoh but it doesnt mean i get a non-graphical version of ubuntu installed?03:09
MatsNp Cosmonaut...gah..why can't there just be a button that says "CPU Settings" or something? :(03:09
xtknightCodeImp: no it does not mean that.  if you want that i believe it's 'install command line system' or 'install server'03:09
CodeImpno, i DO want a graphical version, thats why i feared choosing these options :P03:09
CodeImpthanks for the help :)03:09
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omeilCan someone help me with open office?. i created an office document and created tables in it. i saved the file and then re opened it and there is no tables the information is just scattered every where? how do you make the tables stay?03:11
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xtknightomeil: did you save it as openoffice format?03:11
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omeilxtknight: didn't know it had a format :) i thought it was similar to ms offices .doc03:12
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xtknightomeil: odt i think or sometihng like that03:12
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xtknightwow somebody set 'no more joins' for03:12
xtknighta sec03:12
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deadeyezhi all03:12
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:12
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deadeyezis it possible to use a proxy to install ubuntu?03:12
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xtknightdeadeyez: what do you mean by a proxy?03:13
deadeyezxtknight, I can't go on the internet without a proxy03:13
MatsNow when so many ppl joined I'll ask again: Anyone know how to change cpu frequency? If not, does anyone know of any channel that might be good for my question?03:13
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xtknightdeadeyez: ubuntu doesn't usually use the Internet to install03:13
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deadeyezwhy does it asks for the mirror server then?03:13
Neo1itehi, can anyone tell me how to completly reinstall ubuntu6,0603:14
xtknightdeadeyez: it does ?03:14
taraksiashello how can i install Ubuntu 7.04 beta?? i have already install ubuntu 6.10 for amd6403:14
xtknightdeadeyez: are you talking about post-install ?03:14
deadeyezand how can I set it not to use the internet at all03:14
ProN00banyone else switching from ubuntu to xubuntu on feisty ?03:14
deadeyezxtknight, no, I just put in the disk an it gives me a screen where I should give the mirror server03:14
omeilxtknight, yeah its odt :) works now.03:14
xtknightomeil: but doc didn't store the table correctly?  or were you using some primitive format?03:14
CodeImptaraksias: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades03:14
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xtknight!feisty | taraksias03:15
ubotutaraksias: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)03:15
SnakePliskenMats...in BIOS03:15
omeilxtknight, nope .doc didn't store the table03:15
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xtknightomeil: eh?  may want to file a bug, that doesn't seem right03:15
xtknightomeil: open office is supposed to be very compatible with doc from what i know03:15
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omeilxtknight, thats what i though :(. lemme create a new .doc file and create a table and save and see what happens03:15
Neo1itehi, can anyone tell me how to completly reinstall ubuntu6.06?03:15
xtknightdeadeyez: where is it asking the mirror server?  at install?  if so, what stage of it?03:16
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deadeyezxtknight, first stage03:16
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deadeyezafter configuring network03:16
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xtknightdeadeyez: ah, ok03:16
xtknightdeadeyez: which exact CD/dvd image did you get?03:16
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deadeyezI do not now for shure... I think 6.0603:16
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xtknightdeadeyez: i would verify the disc via MD5sum or run the verify thing on the CD.  to my knowledge it should not be asking for a mirror server during install.  although i believe ubuntu is based on debian which should have proxy options in the base-installer setup03:17
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xtknightdeadeyez: this is text mode or livecd mode installer?03:17
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deadeyezxtknight, textmode03:18
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omeilxtknight, oh i see whats wrong here. i created a new file and named it .doc and ran it. seems like that the file that u create has to be saved as a doc file from open office to work properly. it must write some MS office code in it.03:18
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xtknightdeadeyez: alright i really dont know.  are you able to get to a master menu anywhere?  like by pressing ESC a couple times or by pressing back or something?  there should eventually appear a big master list with about 20 items in it, including 'configure base install'03:18
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xtknightdeadeyez: from that master menu you may be able to access some proxy settings it would have not normally asked, like by pressing configure network.03:19
xtknightdeadeyez: is there a reason you're not using the LiveCD, actually?03:19
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deadeyezxtknight, yes I can go to the master menu03:19
skarhi, i've a ubuntu machine on the network, how do i remote login into the X on this machine?03:19
deadeyezbut no configure base install:s03:19
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xtknightdeadeyez: so do you have it up right now on a different pc?03:19
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xtknightomeil: ahh ok03:20
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deadeyezxtknight, I just dont want to use the livecd:p03:20
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xtknightdeadeyez: ah k.  do you have the master menu up on a different PC right now where you could tell me the menu items or were you just going from memory?03:21
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skarhi, i've a ubuntu machine on the network, how do i remote login into the X on this machine from my desktop ubuntu?03:21
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xtknightskar: is it gnome ubuntu?03:21
xtknightskar: do you want an actual remote login or do you just want to share the X session?03:21
omeilmy printer works so fast in ubuntu :D, in XP it takes like 1-2 minutes for the printer to decide printing in ubuntu it takes 6 seconds :D (I timed it lol...i was surpised :D)03:21
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deadeyezxtknight, I dont get what you mean:) but I am now looking for a manual network configuration03:21
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shaftoYou guys know the linux drivers in the ubuntu wiki, can they run games okay?03:22
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xtknightdeadeyez: i mean, do you have the menu up RIGHT NOW on a different PC?03:22
AribaHi, I have just installed ubuntu 6.10 on a new PC. Boot up time +7min. Is there anyone that kan help me find the problem?03:22
xtknightok :)03:22
Jowiskar, either by xdmcp (set it up in gdmsetup) or via ssh. "ssh user@machine -X"03:22
deadeyezxtknight, yes I have03:22
omeilshafto, you talking about the Ati or nvidia drivers?03:22
deadeyezxtknight, but no proxy configuration is possible in the menu03:22
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shaftoomeil, Sorry, the Nvidia ones03:22
StoneNote!freenx | skar03:23
sabiancraTemps cannot be colder than absolute 0. (-459.67F)03:23
ubotuskar: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX03:23
omeilshafto, yup they woikin good :). they run games, well really the card works as good as xp. the only downside it game compatability in linux :)03:23
xtknightdeadeyez: i am pretty sure there's a way somehow to make it use a proxy.  although i wonder what's going on because it should not be asking for a server03:23
jribsabiancra: please stop saying that03:23
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shaftoomeil, the ones you install direct from synaptic?03:24
xtknightin other news the sun comes up in the morning03:24
albackerwhats the minimal memory needed to enter the LIVECD ?!03:24
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Fuzzy76Anyone know of a way to obtain a list of manually installed packages? I tried setting up a Synaptic filter, but couldn't get it to work as intended...03:24
penguinhmmm, if i installed wine, could i run games off of my NTFS partition with ntfs-g3?03:24
Jowialbacker, 192MB I believe03:24
albackerJowi, thnx03:24
omeil!nvidia, shafto03:24
xtknightpenguin: yes03:24
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia, shafto - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:24
penguinxtknight, thanks03:24
skarxtknight: whats the difference between remote login and sharing x session(forgive my dumbness)03:24
xtknightpenguin: potentially, it shouldn't be any more trouble with ntfs03:24
omeil!Nvidia, shafto03:24
penguinxtknight, k03:25
shaftoomeil, Yeah i know them, are they the ones that run okay?03:25
omeiloops lol03:25
skarStoneNote: thanks for the freenx pointer, what i'd prefer is to run a gnome app on the network machine and view it from my ubuntu dekstop03:25
omeilshafto, yeah.03:25
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xtknightskar: well what exactly do you want to do?  set up a multi user environment?  or, have the ability to control your desktop from elsewhere.....?03:25
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:25
tuqanninfidel: I've installed the ENVY installer, but it throws an error about being unable to remove some files and some md checksum, and exits without doing anything, any ideas?03:25
skarJowi: what does xdcmp or -X do?03:25
eth01can some1 check my /etc/network/interfaces conf? my internet wont work03:25
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omeilshafto, you can use the envy installer but manually works also.03:25
rambo3remote X desktop03:26
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StoneNoteskar, I can run a gnome x window session over freenx. but good luck finding what you're looking for03:26
skarxtknight: i want to run some gui apps on the network machine but want to view those from my ubuntu desktop03:26
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shaftoomeil, I mean the drivers that are the nvidia-glx inside synaptic?03:26
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Jowiskar, ssh -X will simply let you login to the remote computer. then you can run an application from there and it will show up on your local machine. "-X" is xforwarding03:26
xtknightskar: ok, so basically SSHing into your X server and being able to run stuff from there.. i dont know the best way to do it03:26
eth01can some1 check my /etc/network/interfaces conf? my internet wont work03:26
Cyrus25801i am trying to edit my xorg.conf file with gedit but it keeps telling me premission denied03:26
xtknightlike Jowi said is what first came to my mind03:27
xtknightthere's also 'thin clients'03:27
shaftoomeil, I mean the drivers that are the nvidia-glx inside synaptic?03:27
omeilshafto, yeah, those are the ones the guide tells you to install right?, thats what i got and it works fine03:27
shaftoomeil, okay :)03:27
skarStoneNote: ok i don't need remote gui login, as that'd mean i can't alt+tab between my firefox browser on my desktop and the gui html editor on the network machine03:27
penguinCyrus25801, gksduo gedit filepath03:27
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xtknightCyrus25801: you need to use root permissions.  type 'gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf' instead03:27
shaftoomeil, Do you run games on them?03:27
trondCyrus25801: sudo /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:27
Jowiskar, xdmcp/freenx will give you the full desktop, taskbars, themes etc03:27
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Jowiskar, I think ssh will suite you better.03:27
Cyrus25801xtknight: i have done that and it still tells me the same03:27
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skarJowi: so can i run gui apps on the remote machine and view them on my desktop ubuntu?03:28
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xtknightCyrus25801: close every gedit window you have open currently, and try the gksudo gedit command once again03:28
Jowiskar, yep. that's exactly what it does.03:28
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XifHow do I insert a unicode character?03:28
skarJowi: thanks, so "ssh user@ip -X" does this ?03:29
tuqannanyone help with ATI driver configuration, I have everything installed but I still have mesa drivers running03:29
xtknightXif: into which program?03:29
penguincan anyone here help me with beryl, #ubuntu-effects is dead atm.03:29
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xtknightpenguin: try #beryl but i can try03:29
Xifxtknight: let's say Firefox?03:29
Cyrus25801xtknight: it says "Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file."03:29
xtknightXif: ehh i have no idea actually03:29
omeilshafto, umm i run WoW and Steam with wine and it works really good. and i got some native linux games like Quake 3, Quake 4, NWN, Savage, RTCW Enemy territory, Tibia and a VBA emulator :D03:29
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xtknightCyrus25801: weird.03:29
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jribXif: ctrl-shift u03:29
xtknightomeil: vba, is that visual basic for applications?03:29
Jowiskar, for example: "ssh myname@ -X" will give me a login prompt on the remote machine. I login, type "firefox &" and it will start firefox on the remote machine but displaying it on my screen.03:29
shaftoomeil, Thats all i needed to know, thanks :)03:29
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Xifjrib: doesn't work :(03:30
xtknightCyrus25801: when did it show that?03:30
Jowiskar, that user must exist on the remote machine of course03:30
skarJowi:cool thats what i want, thanks a lot :)03:30
jribXif: what version of ubuntu?03:30
Xifjrib: Edgy03:30
omeilxtknight, no VBA Express a Gameboy Advanced Emulator, Visual Basic for Linux is Gambas03:30
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penguinxtknight, i have beryl as my window manager, and metacity (gnome) as by backup, and whenever i switch to beryl as my window manager and have the "fall back to other window manager if beryl crashes" checked, it reverts to metacity, as if beryl is crashing, but i do not get an error or such.03:30
Cyrus25801xtknight:  when i type this: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:30
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xtknightomeil: ahh neat03:30
mallow23Im running edgy eft and it wont let me log in . . . every time I try it just puts me back at gdm03:30
jribXif: it should work, or at least did work in GNOME for me.  How about just use the character map in your accessories menu?03:31
tuqannanyone can help set up an ati card? I have everything installed but fglrx still shows me mesa for drivers03:31
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xtknightpenguin: weird, what happens if you manually start beryl from the command line?  try to find an error log somehow, i suppose03:31
omeilxtknight, although, i created a couple of visual basic apps with gambas but never worked at other ubuntu people's end. which was a waste of time lol :D, now im learning python03:31
krod_Hi, How would I go about upgrading to the recent version of ubuntu?03:31
foosudo: unable to lookup hostname  via gethostbyname() ... err, I changed the hostname via hostname newhostname and in /etc/hostname... but I forgot /etc/hosts. Anyway to fix this without physical access to the box?03:31
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omeilkrod_, runs fine here :)03:31
jribfoo: do you have a root password set?03:31
xtknightfoo: weird, did you chroot or something?03:31
penguinxtknight, what would the command be?03:32
xtknightomeil: heh gambas never worked on my 64bit machine03:32
xtknightthe pkg is broken in edgy/amd6403:32
foojrib: Fresh install03:32
xtknightpenguin: uhh 'beryl' i think, or perhaps 'beryl-manager'03:32
fooxtknight: No, not weird either... I've come across this before03:32
krod_Um, it really wasn't a question of if it worked ;)03:32
jribfoo: not a simple way that I can think of03:32
krod_I am using an out of date ubuntu version and would like to upgrade03:32
Xifjrib: sorry, it actually works :)03:32
xtknightCyrus25801: try restarting your X session?03:32
foojrib: err, what do I have to do - reboot and get into the recovery?03:32
omeilxtknight, i can't seem to install the latest versions through source :( i just get some gb.qt can't be found. I wonder if that gambas 2 is any good03:32
jribfoo: yeah03:33
xtknightCyrus25801: i dont know but something odd is going on, that would be the most reliable thing to do right now03:33
shaftoFor the nvidia drivers it asks to install 'linux-restricted-modules'. A search in synaptic brings back loads, which ones do i need for this driver?03:33
foojrib: eh, what a pain. thanks.03:33
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xtknightomeil: i had trouble compiling it too03:33
omeilbecause if i installed gambas 2 or update gambas it just stops working03:33
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jribfoo: unless you have a session that still has the sudo timestamp03:33
cliebowkrod_:fwiw i cd /etc/apt...sed -e 's/edgy/feisty/g' -i sources.list...sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade..takes several times thru to get it right03:33
piotrusgithi all03:33
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Cyrus25801xtknight: thanx03:33
AnAntif I login on a domain using LDAP, will the home directory be stored on the client or the domain server ?03:33
foojrib: ah, yeah, don't think so03:33
tuqannhi, anyone can help? setting up an already installed ati driver03:33
shafto!hi > dobby03:33
mallow23can somebody help me?   GDM will not let me log in.  My username/pass are ok, but it just boots me back to gdm login screen03:33
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omeilxtknight, I am starting to like python tho :). It is quite boring with the console interface but meh :D03:34
dobbyhi shafto03:34
shaftoFor the nvidia drivers it asks to install 'linux-restricted-modules'. A search in synaptic brings back loads, which ones do i need for this driver?03:34
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jribmallow23: is there enough free space on the partition your $HOME is on?03:34
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omeilshafto: The guide should guide to which one you should select :)03:34
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shaftoomeil, Its like do i want the non free-ones or the free ones?03:35
xtknightomeil: found a good program for making gnome applets?03:35
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tony__Where can i make aliases for the terminal?03:35
xtknighttony__: ~/.bashrc03:35
omeilshafto, now im confused :)03:35
gabriel_Do you know how syncronize evolution with pocket wm5 ?03:35
krod_is there some sort of aptitude command I can use to upgrade to the recent version of ubuntu?03:35
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jrib!upgrade > krod_    (krod_, see the private message from ubotu)03:36
xtknightkrod_: dist-upgrade along with changing your sources.list.  updatemanager -c is recommended03:36
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xtknightgabriel_: what is a WM5?03:36
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omeilxtknight, well the python programming language is highly supported by Unix systems. many of our free software is written in Python.03:36
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shaftoomeil, well you search 'linux-restricted-modules' in synaptic and look03:36
tuqannanyone can help here?03:37
xtknight!anyone | tuqann03:37
ubotutuqann: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:37
gunnarsigfis there anyone here who can assist me? I'm new to Ubuntu and I'm having a few difficulties03:37
xtknight!anyone | gunnarsigf03:37
ubotugunnarsigf: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:37
mallow23jrib: I didnt think that was the problem . . . usually when that happens there is a warning telling me there isnt enough space, but now it just boots me back to gdm03:37
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mallow23I will re-try again now03:37
tony__xtknight, do i have to relogin for the changes to take affect?03:37
krod_"Your distribution is no longer supported"03:37
kuchchaHello room03:37
xtknighttony__: you have to start a new bash03:38
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jribmallow23: k, check anyway.  If that isn't the issue, check permissions, especially on ~/.Xauthority and ~/.ICEauthority03:38
carrascogunnarsigf, hi, what's the problem?03:38
kuchchai have a video file and i have to delete the last ten minutes of this one...03:38
kuchchaand this file is around 700MB03:38
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tony__xtknight, great, thanks :)03:38
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kuchchawats de best tool on ubuntu :-?03:38
xtknightkuchcha: the software to do it would be mencoder, but it's a fairly complex program requiring a lot of options.  i dont know off the top of my head how to do exactly what you're asking03:38
omeilshafto, i have the non free ones listed. although dosen't make sense :) the modules are free :)03:38
tuqannI followed tutorial instructions, asked the question on the channel before and still getting the mesa drivers, which is causing my system to halt whenever I shutdown or restart, I'm asking if anyone knows what configs I have to do to get rid of Mesa and get ATI drivers running instead03:38
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xtknight!ati | tuqann03:39
ubotutuqann: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:39
gabriel_Windows mobile 503:39
xtknightsorry didn't see that you had already done it03:39
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xtknightgabriel_: do you know what processor is inside of it?03:39
xtknighttuqann: are the ati drivers not working?03:39
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xtknighttuqann: do they not work at all or does direct rendering not show up under ati?03:40
omeiltuqann: so you installed the drivers for your ati card?03:40
kuchchaxtknight: thanks...let me explain my problem in detail.....i have this movie file which is 702.7MB but my CD can take only 700 MB...so i have to get rid of the last 10mins or so of credits/cast etc....03:40
gabriel_The pocket is an htc tytn03:40
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gabriel_I ll look the processor. One moment please03:40
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xtknightkuchcha: you could always try overburn which would VERY likely be able to write a couple more megs.  but if you want to trim the last few bytes let me see if i can find a tutorial03:40
tuqannevrything looks fine, but whenver I shutdown my system halts and stops responding, also the startup splash loads but when the bar is done loading the splash goes all pixy before the login screen loads up correctly03:41
shaftoomeil, Can you remember which ones you selected when you installed the drivers or did you not touch them?03:41
xtknightkuchcha: http://www.misterhowto.com/index.php?category=Computers&subcategory=Video&article=trim_or_split_with_mencoder03:41
gunnarsigfI'm having difficulties connecting to a wireless network, help anyone?03:41
omeilshafto, I just installed the ones that met the specification to the uname -r im running03:41
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K-DoggMornign every one03:41
xtknighttuqann: and this is happening with Vesa?  please answer the above questions03:41
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omeilxtknight, does ati get a splash screen? im just not sure03:42
carrascogunnarsigf, speak details of conexion03:42
IdleOnewhy is k3b telling me that my .mp3's are unsupported?03:42
xtknightomeil:  i dont believe ati does03:42
xtknight!restricted-formats | IdleOne03:43
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tuqannI really don't know how to test for "direct rendering", but the x-session runs smoothly, no dust on that, my system runs fine like it used to with Dapper (though my move to Edgy is not an upgrade it's a fresh install) only I can't shutdown or restart03:43
gunnarsigfI'm using KWiFi Manager and it seems to find the wireless connection but I can't connect to it03:43
IdleOnextknight, I have all the codecs installed03:43
Stormx2Hey folks. Under edgy, firefox has an inline spell checker. Can I extend this to the entire document (paragraphs and all)?03:43
omeiltuqann: how does glx-gears run?03:43
gabriel_Samsung 2442 400MHz03:43
xtknighttuqann: type "glxinfo | grep rendering"  and see if it says Yes or No03:43
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makkihow can i mount ext3 partition in ubuntu?03:44
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tuqannno direct rending03:44
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carrascotuqann, to test direct rendering, type :   glxinfo | grep rendering03:44
xtknightgabriel_: apparently it is possible http://www.mobilegadgetnews.com/index.php?showtopic=1282903:44
xtknightmakki: easily03:44
rickyfingersmakki: just type sudo mount /dev/hdwhatever /directory-u-want-to-mount-to03:44
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omeiltuqann: gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and check if drive is "ati"03:45
xtknighttuqann: are you running the ati drivers right now?  "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep fglrx"03:45
omeilor that lol :)03:45
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xtknightati/radeon is the open source, fglrx is closed source03:45
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xtknightStormx2: what do you mean the entire doc?03:46
tuqannSection "Device"03:46
xtknightStormx2: firefox should be checking the whole text box03:46
tuqannIdentifier  "ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon Mobility X700 (RV410 PCIE)"03:46
tuqannDriver      "ati"03:46
tuqannBusID       "PCI:3:0:0"03:46
ubotutuqann: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:46
gunnarsigfcarrasco: I'm using KWiFi Manager and it seems to find the wireless connection but I can't connect to it03:46
Stormx2xtknight: I don't want it limited to text box. I'm designing something in XHTML...03:46
omeilThat looks right03:46
xtknighttuqann: ok you are using the slow open source one right now.  but you said you had trouble shutting down, why did you think it was the video driver?03:46
tuqannI'll use that03:46
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xtknightStormx2: oh.  hmm i dont know many Composer can do it?03:47
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tuqannI asked on the chan, and someone mentioned it is a graphic problem03:47
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NkZGreetings, Is there any specialized channel on "GDesklets"?03:47
kuchchaxtknight: thanks a lot man :)03:47
xtknighttuqann: ok we can try.  you have followed these instructions?03:47
ubotutuqann: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:47
omeilshafto, hows things?03:47
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xtknightNkZ: not that i know of, try asking here03:47
tuqannI did the BinaryHowTo to the letter, still getting "mesa" whenever I type fglrxinfo in the terminal03:47
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xtknighttuqann: is it any slower with Mesa/FGLRX than with ATI?03:48
xtknighttuqann: and even though it's mesa, does it solve your shutdown issues?03:48
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shinichizioHello! Is it permissible to ask questions about something not EXACTLY Ubuntu-related, but just a program in the basic package?03:48
xtknightshinichizio: certainly03:48
tuqannxtknight: whct do you think is my shutdown problem?03:49
xtknighttuqann: i have absolutely no idea, sadly03:49
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xtknighttuqann: but do the fglrx drivers fix it..?03:49
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NkZOkay. In that case, My Problem is this: Every time I run Gdesklets, The Desklets I activate start taking up spaces on the Panel's "Window List". How can I prevent this from happening.03:49
gabriel_thanks. I ll try03:49
xtknightNkZ: hmm.  is there an offset you can set anywhere for the allowable desk size in the options?03:49
shinichizioI'm on a dial-up connection, using 'Gnome-PPP'. I want to somehow either be notified or just have my connection drop any time I get a call on this line. How do I do this?03:49
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tuqannxtknight: I really don't know if the fglrx drivers would fix it, but I'm attempting to set them up and check if my shutdown problems would be solved, I seem to miss a step that keeps using the mesa drivers instead of the ATI, mine is an x700 mobile03:50
NkZXtKnight: I didn't quite understand that question.03:50
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xtknighttuqann: but you typed fglrxinfo and said there was mesa...implying you had tried fglrx.  otherwise you wouldnt have fglrxinfo right?03:50
xtknightNkZ: well i was thinking you could adjust the viewport of the gdesklets to push them off the panel03:51
xtknightNkZ: like set a pixel offset of -30 or so so it misses the panel03:51
omeilxtknight, you know VB?03:51
xtknightomeil: inside and out yeah hehe03:51
NkZxtKnight: That's awesomely clever. I will try that one out.03:51
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omeilxtknight, lol :) whats the latest thing u created?03:52
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tuqannxtknight: yes, I installed fglrx, first I installed an ati-driver.run from the ATI website, then I installed using the method in the !ati tutorial, but nothing changed yet when the shutdown03:52
xtknightomeil: mostly data processing stuff, i do vba for work03:52
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xtknightomeil: from within vmware actually03:52
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xtknightomeil: mostly stuff for transportation (car crashes/etc).  i suppose we should take this to #ubuntu-offtopic03:52
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xtknighttuqann: i just need to know if you ever had the fglrx drivers running though03:53
gunnarsigfMy screen is 1280x800 px (video-card: ATI Mobility Radeon X1600) but I don't know how to change my screen resolution because now it is 1024x76803:53
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xtknight!resolution | gunnarsigf03:54
ubotugunnarsigf: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:54
shinichizio:| So, asking about Gnome-PPP != permissible. Righto.03:54
xtknightshinichizio: noone said that03:54
xtknightshinichizio: nobody knows the answer03:54
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shinichizioxtknight: oh. heh.03:54
tuqannxtknight: I'm typing gflrxinfo in the terminal and I'm getting "command not found", though I could have sworn it worked before03:54
xtknightshinichizio: try #linux or #debian03:54
cytI can play mpeg file with sound on, but when viewing rm/rmvb file, the sound is off, even if I don't mute. Any suggestions?03:54
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shinichizioxtknight: I see. Thanks, I'll stop wasting your time here.03:55
xtknighttuqann: ok well then i guess you did have them loaded at one point.  that's what i was woneirng03:55
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NkZxtKnight: That did the Job, Thanks for the Suggestion. :-)03:55
xtknightNkZ: cool03:55
NkZSee yas around !03:55
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:55
drummer1189could someone help me?03:55
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xtknightask your question03:56
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hungarHi, is it possible to "simulate" a reboot. Im planing to reboot my server but im not sure it will boot and im about 2000 miles from the server and the technichans are not at the spot right now.03:56
drummer1189im trying to follow thing how to03:56
xtknighthungar: well not really.  but if there's something specific you need to reboot you can just reboot that03:56
drummer1189i got throught it03:56
jetscreamerhungar: iirc yes, man shutdown03:56
drummer1189and it says software found, hardware found03:57
jrib!enter | drummer118903:57
ubotudrummer1189: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:57
hungarxtknight: want to make sure everything works fine.03:57
hungarjetscreamer: well... i don't want to warn anyone03:57
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hungari want to make sure a "reboot" works fine03:57
jetscreamer-k     Don't  really shutdown; only send the warning messages to everybody... mmm maybe not03:57
hungaryou missunderstand me03:57
hungarjetscreamer: i want to make sure my server boots when im rebooting03:57
hungarwithout accully doing it.03:58
PriceChildhungar, only thing you "NEED" to reboot for is to switch kernel... which will lchange pretty soon.03:58
hungarso it won't fail when i reboot03:58
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xtknighthungar:  you pretty much need to reboot to test if a reboot works03:58
hungarPriceChild: well... i want to know if the server will fail or not.03:58
PriceChildhungar, well then yeah, only one way to know ;)03:58
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sluimersHi, where can I find better drivers for an Intel video media-accelerator 900, 128 MB?03:59
drummer1189however the light never turned on and wireless isnt even listen in the wired, wireless, modem. i did have one problem with the sudo make stuff but that was the only problem and i install ndiswrapper through sudo apt-get install03:59
jetscreamerhungar: maybe changing runlevel might tell you what you want to know... might not03:59
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dr_wuDoes anyone here use the Google Calendar daemon GCALDaemon?04:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:00
xtknightsluimers: i think there are some on intel's site though they aren't very easy to install04:00
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xtknightdrummer1189: we'd need to know the problem you had with sudo make, as it could have been fatal04:00
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drummer1189No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.04:01
xtknightslight problem04:01
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xtknightdrummer1189: where are you typing make?04:01
tuqannxtknight: I have DISABLED_MODULES="fglrx| in the linux-restricted-modules-common, is that correct?04:01
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drummer1189i dont think thats the right error though04:02
xtknighttuqann: eh?  i guess so.  it sounds like you're disabling the built-in fglrx, and that sounds right to me if you're trying drivers off ati.com04:02
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drummer1189let me run throught it one more time04:02
xtknightdrummer1189: sounds good04:02
drummer1189well, i installed ndiswrapper through sudo apt-get install04:02
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drummer1189i dont know what directory it extracted to which is probably why it didnt work04:03
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sluimersthanks for the help xtknight04:04
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:05
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trainis anyone else dissatisfied with the way the windows look in linux04:05
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trainlike everything else looks great04:05
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:05
ompaulif you said can I modify my window appearineces04:06
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sluimersI found the correct driver, now how would I install it?04:06
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drummer1189so can anyone help me?04:07
ompauldrummer1189, all I can point you to is the wireless instructions04:07
ompaul!wireless > drummer118904:07
Matic`MakovecWhy does gaim close from time to time by itself? :X04:07
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waxyfreshanyone elsehere use listen music player?i dont but the icon just randomly added itself tomy taskbar,why did it do that04:08
oopsycan anyone help me out?04:08
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ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer04:08
oopsyI finally got my wireless connection working on dapper04:08
StanRexhi there04:08
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drummer1189i dont need help with the wireless, its all in the howto im just a noob04:08
Paddy_EIREwaxyfresh, did you install it with Automatix04:08
StanRexif I have questions for 6.10 where should I ask them?04:08
compengiStanRex, here :)04:08
oopsyStanRex, here I believe04:08
StanRexcool, thanks ^^04:08
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oopsyI only have 11mb/s in my wireless connection04:09
waxyfreshPaddy_EIRE: like 3 weeks ago and havent touched it04:09
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oopsyisn't there a way to make it bigger, like the 54mb/s I had in windows?04:09
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StanRexer, well, I just burnt a cd with 6.10, rebooted with the cd in the drive, selected install, it loaded for 1 or 2 minutes, and then my screen displayed something like "unsupported mode", and went off04:10
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Paddy_EIREwaxyfresh, then automatix must be to blame, and is not supported by these channels! as I found out04:10
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FordCaprii've got a bunch of diffed tars, do i just untar one over the other starting with the earliest?04:10
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waxyfreshoopsy: your signal shouldent be dependent on you os unless the drivers are bunk04:10
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oopsyhum bunk? o.o04:11
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StanRexI m wondering if it could be because I have two hd in raid0, and a windows install on the first partition04:11
oopsyI can't use the network manager in administration04:11
oopsywhen I configure my ra0 there04:11
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oopsyubuntu just won't boot04:11
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oopsyso im using wifi radar04:12
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StanRexoopsy, what do you mean by ra0?04:13
spiderwormcan anyone tell me how to remove a package that could not fully install, only partially installed, so that it doesnt cause apt to choke everytime it tries to do something?04:13
finalbetaoopsy: if you have a bcm43xx chip and using native drivers it will only work at 11Mbit, NDiswrapper can go faster I believe, and this seems fixed in Feisty because it uses the new wireless stack.04:13
bulmeroopsy: you tried iwlist ra0 featurehere ?04:13
oopsyit seems I fixed it :D04:13
oopsyi used04:13
oopsysudo iwconfig ra0 rate 54M auto04:13
oopsyand then when I type iwconfig04:13
bulmerthere you go04:13
oopsyit shows 54mb/s there04:13
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oopsythanks everyone. :D04:14
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=== jetscreamer doesn't tell spiderworm about dselect
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StanRexit seems that I need the alternate cd to install ubuntu on a raid0 system04:15
rambo3dselect is evil04:15
jetscreameryeah everybody sayis that04:15
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StanRexI cant find the alternate cd in the download pages04:16
rambo3choose other options04:16
StanRexdoes anyone know if it somehow disappeared?04:16
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Paddy_EIREis there an irc channel for Linux Mint04:16
ompaulStanRex, yeap: or a server one: http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html04:16
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ompaulStanRex, the cd you get buy going to a mirror and looking for it04:17
oopsydownloads are still kinda slow, but browsing seems to be at full speed04:17
oopsyshould I reboot?04:17
StanRexok, thanks ompaul, will try this04:17
rambo3StanRex, http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/downloadmirrors04:17
bulmersave the configs before you reboot04:17
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ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)04:18
ompaulStanRex, http://ie.releases.ubuntu.com/edgy/   < look there and then change your ie - part04:18
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases04:19
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Paddy_EIREwhen will feisty be ready?04:19
StanRexyup, found it, thanks guys04:19
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Heywoodhey, anyone around?04:20
Tallenno, all 1059 users are away.04:20
Heywoodhaha, I'm a tard....04:20
HeywoodI have a quick question I was hoping someone could help me with. Well, maybe not so quick....04:21
xtknightplease people save us the emotional stuff just ask the question!04:21
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xtknightthat's ok i'd rather have somebody ask how to take over the world with ubuntu than ask to ask :P04:21
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Paddy_EIREnow that would be cool04:21
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Heywoodhaha, okay. First off, I'm a complete Linux/Ubuntu noob. I just downloaded Ubuntu 704 beta and burned it onto a CD, and when I restart my computer and boot from CD, it gets to the Ubuntu loading screen, and then just freezes04:22
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xtknightHeywood: wait...noob...7.04.  ok why did you install that instead of edgy if i may ask?04:22
rambo3can you import #debian 's dpkg 's !fstab to ubotu instead ubotus04:22
xtknight!hi | Martin__04:23
ubotuMartin__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:23
Paddy_EIREHeywood, did you do a checksum of the image, or run check disk when you boot the cd04:23
HeywoodWell, when I tried to burn edgy onto a cd, it said not enough room on the CD, even though there clearly is...04:23
xtknightHeywood: were you using a 700M cd?04:23
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Paddy_EIREHeywood, what burning software did you use04:23
HeywoodAlcohol 12004:23
xtknightodd.  well Feisty (7.04) support is in #ubuntu+1 and so am i so i may be able to help you there.  they dont like feisty questions in this channel04:23
Heywoodalright, I'm already in that channel as well04:24
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rickyfingersanyone know why I can't run firefox in chroot'd environment - getting cannot open display error but env shows display variable is set?04:24
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crayzeeALSA works fine for playing music, but I have to close everything that uses it to use mythtv or unreal-tournament. Google says it might be something to do with "dmix",but I have tried lots of fixes to little avail. Any ideas? [AMD X2, ASUS M2N-SLI mobo with onboard NVidia sound] 04:24
crayzeerickyfingers, XAuthority file?04:25
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rickyfingerscrayzee: env says "XAUTHORITY=/tmp/.gdmYJKZPT" do I have to delete it or something?04:25
crayzeeCan you access that file from within the chroot?04:26
crayzee[can you read it] 04:26
rickyfingerscrayzee: let me check...04:26
=== SuperTeece_ [n=tc@ip68-105-249-191.lu.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
StanRexlooks like I need to have access to the web to properly install raid004:26
rickyfingerscrayzee: a ha! no I cannot see it.  Do I need to copy it over?04:27
StanRexand I m connected with wifi...04:27
crayzeeSound is really choppy in unreal-tournament; how to fix?04:27
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crayzeerickyfingers, I would try, that, yes. :)04:27
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rambo3!info alsa-oss04:27
ubotualsa-oss: ALSA wrapper for OSS applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.11-1 (edgy), package size 47 kB, installed size 216 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 alpha amd64 arm armeb hppa m32r m68k mips mipsel powerpc ppc64 s390 s390x sh3 sh3eb sh4 sh4eb sparc)04:27
anacaonahello all. i'm having problems with the mpage package. if i try to use it (even just help) it prints nothing but gobbledygook on the screen.04:27
=== whyameye [n=john@ip72-202-130-198.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
BroadyWhat's the command to unhide a folder04:28
rickyfingerscrayzee: do I only have to copy it once, or like every time I start a new x session?04:28
whyameyewhat is the livecd build?04:28
LjLBroady: you mean folders whose names begin with a "."?04:28
crayzeerickyfingers, *shrug*04:28
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crayzeerickyfingers, it was just a lucky guess, I dont do chrooting... :)04:28
BroadyLjL: naw, this is in MacOS, i thought it'd be similar04:28
xtknighti don't believe you can make them unhidden.  if they begin with . they are hidden, if not they are viewable04:28
Broadybut no, they dont have . in front04:28
xtknightbut you can show hidden folders04:29
Broadyeven with ls they dont show... need ls -a04:29
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xtknightBroady: is this an HFS+ file system?04:29
rickyfingerscrayzee: I think your idea was correct, but I'm still getting the error.  Will google now.04:29
LjLBroady: i doubt it's similar, the only "standard" Unix way to have hidden files is prefixing a . (and they're hidden only to some extent really, it's not like a true "hidden" attribute)04:29
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Broadyxtknight: yes04:29
xtknighti think they come up in normal 'stat's etc, it's up to the program to hide .s04:29
Broadyhm ok.04:30
xtknightBroady: they do not start with . yet they are hidden?  must be an HFS attribute, look up HFS tools04:30
Broadyxtknight: thanks04:30
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StanRexapparently, feisty has a better support of raid0 than edgy04:32
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StanRexwould it be suicide for someone who never installed linux to try to install the feisty beta?04:32
xtknightStanRex: hardly, its' not like it's a volatile chemical substance04:33
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xtknightStanRex: but the responsibility is with you ultimately04:33
LjLStanRex: it's not any harder than Edgy or Dapper - *if* it works. if there's some problems (which is likely since it's a beta), you'll be in trouble.04:33
StanRex(with a raid0 setup)04:33
xtknightstarting with a beta isnt such a bad thing.  you will run into problems and learn to fix them04:33
omeilUbuntu has come quite a long way. maybe its not such a bad beta04:33
StanRex(and a windows xp partition on it that I want to keep)04:33
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xtknightyou will have plenty of problems with regular ubuntu though probably :D04:33
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xtknightStanRex: well there was a bug in the partition manager a while ago where it wiped every partition on your system, but that has long been fixed.  i dont think that was feisty anyway but that's the most serious bug ive ever heard04:34
matt____what is this about feisty having built in virtualization?04:34
LjLomeil, i find it nice enough. but a beta of a wonderful program it's still a beta - it's *intended* as one...04:34
xtknightmatt____: kvm in the kernel04:34
matt____xtknight: explain that..04:34
omeilbut im gonna stick to edgy for a while :) ill go to fiesty when we have a release04:35
xtknightmatt____: it uses the AMD Pacifica and Intel VT instructions in newer revs of amd athlon 64 and Intel Core 2 Duo/Xeon CPUs04:35
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xtknightmatt____: they allow more flexibility, like the ability to run Windows on Xen04:35
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LjLmatt____: the kernel -- if the CPU supports that -- exposes features that allow to recreate a superuser mode "virtual CPU" in userland.04:35
xtknightmatt____: but the instructions as they stand do NOT increase performance04:35
matt____xtknight: so, what method would i go about it so i could install xp?04:35
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xtknightxp in vmware is still faster than under KVM04:35
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StanRexI think I ll just wait for a feisty release to install ubuntu04:35
LjLxtknight: how come?04:36
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xtknightLjL: because the kvm instructions do not make it faster, they only do what you say04:36
StanRexand if raid0 works ok on this feisty release I'll install it04:36
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omeilxtknight, how much mb is a .vmx file?04:36
matt____xtknight: i tried setting up vmware server in dapper, i had the hardest time, something about source code not in my kernel, i think. how hard will vmware server be to set up in feisty?04:36
LjLxtknight: *if* those instructions are available, they *should* increase performance, since the piece of code that would normally (i.e. under VMWare and friends) be executed by emulation (superuser code, etc) can be executed natively04:36
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xtknightomeil: a vmx is next to nothing, that is just info for a virtual machine.  the virtual machine disk can be any size04:36
xtknightLjL: kqemu (kvm) doesn't have mouse drivers either so it feels slower than VMware ultimately04:37
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xtknightsorry i should clarify.  kqemu is not relaly kvm, but kqemu w/ kvm04:37
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LjLxtknight: kqemu = kvm? only if you don't have those instructions, i thought04:37
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LjLi see04:37
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omeilxtknight i just installed wm ware and a window opened tfor me to select a .vmx file?04:37
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brian_Anyone know where I can get an ffmpeg package with the flv stuff built in? Having trouble compiling it myself.04:37
xtknightmatt____: you just need linux-headers probably for source code04:37
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xtknightmatt____: other than that vmware is one of the easies things to install04:37
LjLomeil: yes, you need to select a virtual machine04:37
LjL!vmware > omeil    (omeil, see the private message from Ubotu)04:37
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xtknightomeil: you need to make one with VMWare sever04:37
matt____xtknight: ok, i will defiantly try that when i install feisty, coming out the 20th>?04:38
LjLxtknight: not necessarily...04:38
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers04:38
xtknightah yeah or download one04:38
xtknightubuntu has some on their server too04:38
PreservedAnyone knows how to change the metadata on a fat32 disk?04:38
LjLand qemu can create images as well, then just write a config file04:38
Martin__can't sincronize mi tungete t5 in ubuntu04:38
xtknightLjL: the instructions actually decrease performance in most cases04:38
ubotuffmpeg: multimedia player, server and encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:0.cvs20060823-3.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 175 kB, installed size 612 kB04:38
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xtknightLjL: the hardware 'accelerated' VT instructions are in most cases slower than the software equivalents, at least in VMware04:39
LjLxtknight: nah no need to download a ready made machine, you just need 1) a working config file 2) an empty HD image. easyvmx does that easily, or one can use qemu-image, if they're familiar with the config file syntax04:39
xtknightLjL: the VT instructions are, right now, to mainly increase flexibility.  you could not run windwos under Xen before due to some kernel limitation i believe.  VT alleviates that04:39
LjLxtknight: i see, then i suspect they're very poorly implemented in the current breed of CPU...04:39
PreservedI have a fat32 disk which has a directory that shows up as a file. If I am correctly informed the metadata is corrupt. How can I fix this?04:39
xtknightLjL: yup that's exactly the reason04:39
xtknightLjL: future ones may increase performance04:39
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LjLxtknight: but then you could under VMWare, and i thought Xen's main advantage over VMWare was intended to be... speed ;)04:40
xtknighti thuoght so too, too bad Xen is a pain to setup :P04:40
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xtknightplus i dont like the idea04:40
TokimasaI'm going to download Xubuntu for use as a Teamspeak server and NFS for a few friends on a P3 with 300-someodd gigs of RAM. Is this a good choice?04:40
xtknightvmware works fine for me, it is very fast in most cases.  wouldn't i need to run two virtual things under xen to have what i have now?04:40
PeloPreserved,  search the forum for the exact error msg04:40
xtknighti would have to virtualize my linux too, blah ;O04:40
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rickyfingersubotu tell rickyfingers about chroot04:40
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MetaMorfoziShow can i get my kernel boot flags ?04:41
adaptrby looking in your bootloader config ?04:41
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xtknightMetaMorfoziS: /boot/grub/menu.lst04:41
MetaMorfoziSno, the problem is i don't know what i'm started04:41
PreservedPelo: I don't get an error message. The directory just shows up as an regular file.04:41
Tallenubotu tell Tallen about chroot04:41
MetaMorfoziSthe recovery or the normal04:41
xtknightwith a txt editor04:41
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MetaMorfoziSin grub...04:41
PeloPreserved,  then search the forum for what you think the problem is04:41
MetalWolfhi.  I just installed Ubuntu 6.10 server to play with.  I have since removed a network card and put another one in meaning I now have eth0, eth2.  I can not find the config file where I can change this... any ideas?04:42
xtknightMetalWolf: i think it's a file called "interfaces" but dont quote me04:42
MetaMorfoziS/etc/network/devices ?04:42
rambo3!info clamav edgy-backports04:42
ubotuPackage clamav does not exist in edgy-backports04:42
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PeloMetalWolf, menu > system > admin > hardware manager ,  there is a button at the bottom that scans your system , try that04:43
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MetalWolfI don't think you can specify inside that though MetaMorfoziS.04:43
_charlesI need somehelp I am under time constraints due to my bandwidth being shaped in peek but not off peek times I am rushing to get the 64bit version of Edgy ubuntu I just have a question due to time constraints I will try to get as much installed before bed but tomorrow I am thinking about getting a nvidia video card for it will there be any problems changing it? or is it just plug and play?04:43
omeilxtknight, did u enable your direct x in vmware?04:43
xtknightomeil: i have tried, though wasnt able to do much with it04:43
MetaMorfoziSit's possible, then i don't kno04:43
xtknightis vmware 6 final out yet? anyone?04:43
MetalWolfPelo - I have no gui.04:43
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xtknight_charles: which nvidia card04:43
PeloMetalWolf, give me a minute04:43
atoponce_charles: what nvidia card are you getting?04:44
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SirOsisOfTheLiveI want to use bash.  Is it the default for ubuntu 6.10? or do i have to change it.04:44
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xtknightSirOsisOfTheLive: yes it is the default04:44
PreservedPelo: The problem is that this problem is so specifik so the chance of it being on the forum is abyssmal and besides I have already tried that.04:44
_charlesxtknight: i dont currently know, All i know is i am prepared to spend a few hundred on an agp nvidia card  i would be happy with the x800 in the computer but ati have shit drivers04:44
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atoponceSirOsisOfTheLive: yes. bash is the default04:44
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xtknight_charles: well if it's anything less than the 8800 it should work.  maybe even the 8800 works now04:45
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atoponce!language | _charles04:45
ubotu_charles: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:45
vox754_charles, don't get the 64 bit version if you only need it as a desktop PC. The i386 version is better supported in terms of packages and video codecs and other stuff04:45
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Remo_Ahi, how can I create a .deb file out of a package.tar.gz that is not in the actual ubuntu repo, nor backport, and use it?04:45
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xtknight!info checkinstall | Remo_A04:45
uboturemo_a: checkinstall: installation tracker. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.0-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 88 kB, installed size 392 kB04:45
omeilxtknight, so i have to insert my xp cd and install windows?04:45
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xtknightomeil: yup04:45
ttshello all04:46
omeilscrew that lol :) im at the state of lazyness04:46
_charlesxtknight the computer mobo is agp and i would assume the card you referred to is PCIE so that shouldnt be a problem. Have you used the nvidia Drivers?? Do you think its worth the cash to change from ati to nvidia just for drivers?04:46
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xtknight_charles: i do think it's worth it;.  i used to have ati, and i like nvidia w/ linux much better04:46
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xtknight_charles: ati would always crash.  plus nvidia has better dual monitor support too04:47
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Remo_Axtknight: that looks nice!04:47
xtknightRemo_A: yeah ive made several pkgs out of it04:47
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ttsi cant seen to get my grub working ,thing is i have only one drive installed "sata sda3"  dose grub have to be installed at (hd0) ? or can i install it at sda3 ?04:47
xtknightRemo_A: i edit the packages using GNU ar....simplest way for me, none of the debian stuff made much sense to me04:47
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Remo_A*g okay04:48
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xtknighttts: you can install grub anywhere you want but it will need to boot somehow04:48
xtknighttts: (hd0) is almost always the best option04:48
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xtknightif it's not working there with only one HD i dont know what to say04:48
MetalWolfpelo : not to worry I'll just run with them out of sequence.04:48
morpheus74Hello.  I'm having some issues with the internet connection.  I installed 6.10 on my parents computer that has only a pci wireless card.  I was able to download all the updates, but when trying to 'surf the web' pages sometimes load, and sometimes will not.  Any ideas?04:48
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xtknightmorpheus74: maybe the wireless signal strength is poor04:49
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atoponcemorpheus74: sounds like the signal strength is bad04:49
atoponcemorpheus74: maybe move the signal closer to the computer?04:49
andre_plthis is a feisty issue but no help there atm... i seem to have lost my nvidia module and i can't get it back. :( need some help, bigtime.04:49
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xtknightor less likely, your DNS server is having problems, or less likely yet your network drivers have a bug04:49
morpheus74xtknight, I thought the same thing, but then I wondered why it would download the updates without issue.04:49
chesneyGuys whats the best way to pull down the 1.6 j2re?04:49
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deetahhow to change the language of my server's system?04:49
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chesneyI can't seem to get apt-get to pull down java aything.04:50
rambo3deetah, locales or what04:50
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atoponcechesney: off of the java.sun.com site directly04:50
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jetscreamerdpkg-reconfigure locales && dpkg-reconfigure console-data maybe04:50
bulmerchesney: you can always download from sun's site04:50
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rambo3i think its locale.conf now04:50
chesneybulmer, thats what I figured. Thanks.04:50
bulmerchesney and then update the update-package to reflect a new selection04:50
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MajorPaynechesney: I had to download it from the sun site.04:50
morpheus74atoponce, The wired thing is the connection works great with XP.04:50
ttsxtknight: i only have a sata drive doesn't hd0 mean the IDE drive ?04:51
atoponcemorpheus74: wired or weird?04:51
deetahrambo3: tried dpkg-reconfigure locales but it doesn't ask me what locales to generate04:51
omeilmorpheus74, did u try a different browser?, just dosen't make sense :( if it dloaded the updates, that means its uploading and downloading :(04:51
andre_pltts: not necessarily.04:51
rambo3deetah, its locales.conf now04:51
xtknighttts: nope it can be sata04:51
atoponcemorpheus74: you may have had a strong enough connection for the updates04:51
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atoponcemorpheus74: wireless is picky like that04:51
morpheus74sorry, weird.04:51
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omeilany difference if u move the computer closer to the W hub?04:52
morpheus74omeil, That's an excellent point.  I'm somewhat new to Linux; what other browser would you recommend?04:52
atoponcemorpheus74: hmmm. not sure then. i've never been real good with wireless in linux04:52
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drummer1189i installed the driver for my wireless card, it says software present, hardware present. however its not working, wireless isnt even an option04:53
omeilmorpheus74, what did u try with?04:53
findeton__hi i need to install lash-dev, how can i?04:53
morpheus74atoponce, It seems like you said, that wireless is very picky.04:53
ttsim so confused right now ,grub stoped working when i removed to IDE drives04:53
morpheus74omeil, Firefox.04:53
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zidane2when if stable feisty releasted04:54
omeilmorpheus74, just download some random browser, or better yet have u tried logging in gaim? or Xchat?04:54
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xtknight!feisty | zidane204:54
ubotuzidane2: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)04:54
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=== Pelo isn'T sure what is reading, an article that says ppl complain that linux takes to much time to boot ?????
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andre_plPelo: ubuntu is definitely not the quickest booting OS i've used.04:54
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morpheus74omeil, No, I've not tried xchat or gaim.  If those work, then I can narrow it down to the browser as the issue.04:55
Peloandre_pl, well on this computer I get to work faster then when I boot xp04:55
omeilmorpheus74, yup thats right04:55
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Stormx2andre_pl: Is for me.04:55
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Stormx2andre_pl: By far the quickest.04:55
morpheus74Thanks all for the help!04:55
findeton__i can't find a .deb o the sources of lash-dev :P04:55
PeloI was wondering if I was reading some king of clever FUD04:55
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larson9999so many podcasts. so little time04:55
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drummer1189could i have some help?04:55
ubuntu_noobhello room04:55
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rambo3deetah, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf04:56
Pelodrummer1189,  no , we don'T know what to help you with04:56
spamtrooperhey people i got a question04:56
omeilI have had OS's that boot faster than ubuntu but unbuntu is by far the most stable OS i have used04:56
rambo3!locales | rambo304:56
andre_plStormx2: i'm assuming the only other OS you've used is windows then.. :P  this is the first distro i've used that does the whole initramfs thing to load kernel modules, and its much slower than booting a kernel thats custom built.04:56
mjunxhey, which package deals with /etc/hosts?04:56
Stormx2findeton__: sudo apt-get install liblash-dev04:56
mjunx!ask | spamtrooper04:56
ubotuspamtrooper: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:56
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mjunxgah, don't use apt-get, use aptitude!!04:56
mjunxask the debian guys04:56
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spamtrooperok... is it possible to remove GRUB from a disk without losing any data?04:56
mjunxapt-get has been superceded by aptitude since debian 3.1, released in 200504:56
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Remo_Awhy does making shadow in Imagemagick using png file use so much of dataspace? -> 0.5MB for a picture that had 50KB before!04:57
ttsit installs all the dependencies04:57
jetscreameryes spamtrooper04:57
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spamtrooperok, how?04:57
ubuntu_noobHow do I restore the taskbar that minimizes windows. ?04:57
Pelospamtrooper,   go and ask in #grub04:57
Stormx2apt-get installs dependancies...04:57
spamtrooperah ok04:57
jetscreamerspamtrooper: you usually just need to install another bootloader04:57
omeilso whats the big difference between apt-get and aptitude?04:57
Peloubuntu_noob,  do you mean the bottom gnome panel ?04:57
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findeton__thanks Stormx204:57
h1st0omeil: at this point not much.04:57
jetscreamerspamtrooper: what do you want to use04:57
andre_plomeil: aptitude installs and removes dependencites04:57
mjunxomeil, aptitude handles depencies better I hear04:57
h1st0omeil: or I should say as of fiesty.04:58
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jetscreamer#grub is slow btw04:58
h1st0mjunx: not as of edgy they both handle them the same.04:58
mjunxand it has a cool textual interface if you just run it as aptitude04:58
deafboydoes anyone know how to import music from an ipod via amarok, the amarok irc channel is silent?04:58
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h1st0omeil: err I meant as of edgy.04:58
Peloubuntu_noob,   right click the top pannel and add a pannel,  then you add the pannel apps you want to it04:58
mjunxh1st0, apt-get now has autoremove stuff, but I hate it because it doesn't like me04:58
jribomeil: aptitude will automatically keep track of the dependencies installed for package X and when you remove package X it will also remove those dependencies if nothing else needs them04:58
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ubuntu_noobactually, what I meant is the minimizing function04:58
omeiloh so apt-get dosen't automatically remove unneeded dependencies while aptitude does?04:58
mjunxI install things via build-dep, and then it doesn't know I still want them04:58
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jetscreameromeil: basically yes04:58
jribomeil: apt-get has autoremove but it is buggy...04:58
Peloubuntu_noob,  right click the bottom pannel and add the appropriate pannel app04:58
h1st0omeil: apt-get will if you specify the autoremove option.04:58
mjunxapt-get needs to use "apt-get autoremove", but it sucks04:59
ubuntu_noobwindows won't minimize down the that panel bar anymore04:59
SirOsisOfTheLivenot sure i get the sudo thing.  I know what sudo does, but it seems to cause some issues.  meybe i just need to learn the why.  I want to edit my smb.conf so i go to places and browse to it and choose edit with gvim.  naturally i cannot save because i am not root.  this seems very cumbersome.  do i have to sudo chmod each file i want to edit then fix it afterwards ??04:59
ubuntu_noobunless I press alt-tab to bring it back04:59
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Peloubuntu_noob,  it's a pannel app that does that , you need to add it to the pannel again04:59
jribSirOsisOfTheLive: no, use sudo to open your editor.  User gksudo  if it is a gui app04:59
jetscreamersudo gedit smb.conf04:59
omeilYea i used that auto remove before :), but me's gonna use aptitude from now on04:59
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h1st0SirOsisOfTheLive: you could just open a terminal and gksu gvim nameoffile and then you are editing it as sudo04:59
jetscreamerfrom an xterm04:59
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ubuntu_noobI did add a new bar but it just doesn't minimize down that specific bar anymore05:00
h1st0SirOsisOfTheLive: rather than changing permissions.05:00
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Stormx2!sudo | SirOsisOfTheLive05:00
omeildoes anyone here have gambas installed?05:00
ubotuSirOsisOfTheLive: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:00
Peloubuntu_noob, ... you need to add the applet to the pannel05:00
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EnverexIs anyone here using a Radeon 9000? 2D rendering performance is almost unbearable and I'd like to find out if that's normal with the OpenSource drivers :/05:00
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SirOsisOfTheLivejrib:  i was in the places menu, not the terminal server.  how do i do a sudo gksudo?   I just right click on the file in the interface and only have 3 editor choices?05:01
Stormx2SirOsisOfTheLive: ...05:01
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Stormx2SirOsisOfTheLive: Read this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:01
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atoponceSirOsisOfTheLive: not 'sudo gksudo' just 'gksudo'05:01
Stormx2SirOsisOfTheLive: It'll explain it.05:01
ubuntu_noobwhich applet does the work I wanted to ?05:01
bobbydDoes anyone here have ubuntu working on a apple tower G5? I just get a white screen or command prompt when I boot the 6.10 ppc livecd. This G5 doesn't have a harddisk at the moment thought :) maybe that's the problem...05:01
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:01
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omeili thought it was just gksu05:01
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atoponceSirOsisOfTheLive: 'sudo' if you're staying in the terminal 'gksudo' if you're going to open a gui app05:01
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atoponcedoublehp: yes?05:02
Peloubuntu_noob,  there is one called window list or something similar05:02
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racarter_is there any gui for updating my firewall settings in ubuntu?05:02
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h1st0SirOsisOfTheLive: or gksu  which is the same as gksudo just less characters to use.05:02
Stormx2racarter_: firestarter ?05:02
doublehpatoponce: I am gonna have a chat with the but before bothering any human*05:02
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atoponcedoublehp: ok...05:02
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omeilSirOsisOfTheLive, gksu nautilus opens your file manager for root privilages (read/write) for example05:03
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omeilAnd omeil goes to sleep...OVER AND OUT :)05:04
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h1st0And h1st0 goes to shower05:04
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doublehpatoponce: in short, I am experienced Debian; I want mplayer in ubuntu; have to add lines to sources to be able to get mplayer and w32codecs ?05:04
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ubuntu_noobPelo, thanks for your help...05:05
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about win32 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:05
Peloubuntu_noob,  got it fixed ?05:05
atoponcedoublehp: you need to enable the multiverse repo05:05
ubuntu_noobnot really the way I wanted it05:05
Doug52392How do I play .WMV video files in Ubuntu?05:05
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doublehpatoponce: lol , lets see ...05:05
atoponcedoublehp: there is a good wiki tutorial on wiki.ubunt.com about getting the w32codects05:05
jrib!wmv > Doug52392    (Doug52392, see the private message from ubotu)05:05
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Peloubuntu_noob,  what did you want ?05:06
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doublehpatoponce: ah , ok, I see. thx05:06
atoponcedoublehp: np05:06
bulmeranyone got freeNX working? can you share tips of how you got it working?05:06
ubuntu_noobbut yeah it shows a list of running programs05:06
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ubuntu_noobso I guess I am good to go haha05:06
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racarter_does firestarter manage iptables or does it do something different?05:06
crdlbubuntu_noob, there are two applets, the  "window list", and "window selector"05:06
Peloubuntu_noob,  if you go that little button that scrolls up wiith a list that's one but there is another one that displayus those big buttons type05:07
bulmerracarter_: its iptables05:07
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racarter_cool thanks05:07
atoponceLjL: good catch. i totally don't pay attention to quit messages05:07
mEck0I have just installed clamav. When I run "sudo freshclam", I got this message: "WARNING: Can't get information about user clamav", how do I fix it?05:07
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Shaba1Hello anyone have any recommmendations on a freeware program like partition magic that will let you resize a window partion AND filesystem05:08
ubuntu_noobI got it now05:08
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LjLatoponce: well he triggered just about every highlight he could trigger05:08
Shaba1I tried partition logic and it wiped out my whole hd05:08
Shaba1I got a NTLDR is missing error05:08
ubuntu_noobPelo & crdlb: thanks for all the help05:08
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The_Codergparted should work05:08
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racarter_is there anyway to let traffic go through one specific port.. like 8080?05:09
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racarter_with firestarter05:09
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edgard_i have ubuntu edgy eft and i can t open pages like yahoo can anyone tell me why?\05:09
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atoponceedgard_: can you ping yahoo in the terminal?05:10
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atoponceedgard_: 'ping -c 4 yahoo.com'05:11
Remo_Alibmagick9 conflicts with imagemagick (<= 5:  <-- how can I solve that?05:11
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Remo_Awhile installing imagemagick_6.3.3-1_i386.deb05:11
Remo_Aof course05:11
omptigerRemo_A: is this just from a deb or through apt?05:11
edgard_atoponce : 100% loss05:12
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Remo_Aomptiger:  from a deb i created with checkinstall out of the source05:12
atoponceedgard_: then it sounds like a networking issue. can you ping other computers on your network?05:12
ubuntu_noobhello again, How do I configure panel font color ?05:12
omptigerRemo_A: is libmagick9 from source too?05:12
hakanwwhat's the default account and password for the mysql db in ubuntu server's LAMP setup?05:12
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hakanwI cannot access it.05:13
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Remo_Aomptiger: i assume, yes05:13
hakanwalthough it's up and running05:13
Arbosisdoes anyone knows what to do with "cannot allocate resource region 2 of decive 0000:05:00:0 before loading the gui ??  :S05:13
edgard_atoponce : i can open pages like google but not yahoo it does not load full05:13
jribhakanw: mysql -u root    doesn't work?  I don't know about how the server sets it up, but that works on a normal install05:13
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atoponceedgard_: so, you can browse other aspects of the web, just not yahoo specifically?05:13
Doug52392After I install the w32codecs, what program do I use to watch WMV videos?05:13
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omptigerRemo_A: basically, libmagick is a different version from imagemagick, so try building the exact same version from source or apt-get it05:14
Remo_Aomptiger: I uninstalled all previous imagemagick installations before trying to install that deb05:14
atoponceedgard_: do you have any filters in place, either in your router or ubuntu, that would be blocking yahoo?05:14
hakanwjrib: hakan@gunnar:/var/www/phpmyadmin$ mysql -u root05:14
hakanwERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)05:14
atoponceedgard_: maybe a proxy?05:14
jribhakanw: did you try using the root password?05:14
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Remo_Aomptiger: apt-getting is not possible, the version in efty edge is way too old05:14
hakanwjrib: well, what is it - that's my question ? :)05:14
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ttsguys when grub loads i get this Error 21: Selected disk does not exist05:15
omptigerRemo_A: kk05:15
hakanwjrib: oh05:15
jribhakanw: oh, I thought server setup a root account.  Maybe someone else knows05:15
hakanwyou mean that root :)05:15
edgard_atoponce :  when i check the error console there are many warnings05:15
Remo_Aomptiger: ok, so it's weird, that they put an unfitting version of of the lib into that source05:15
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omptigerRemo_A: try removing libmagick again and building the newest version from source, don't know what else to say05:15
atoponceedgard_: what browser are you using? firefox?05:15
edgard_atoponce : ya05:15
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:15
hakanwhmm, I thought ubuntu preferred sudo over root05:15
Remo_Aomptiger: i will05:15
hakanwso I'm not sure that a root account is setup by default05:16
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omptigerhakanw: there is one, but has a random password (I think)05:16
hakanwomptiger: um, so at what point does one get that password? :/05:16
hakanwI've never seen it in the year I've been running this server, afaik05:16
jribhakanw: if you didn't setup a root account during the install, then I guess not05:17
Doug52392After installing the w32codecs, what program do I use to play .WMV files?05:17
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Shaba1The_Coder you still here05:17
bulmerhakanw: anytime05:17
omptigerhakanw: make one yourself: sudo passwd root05:17
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doublehpatoponce: lynx&cli: lynx reports SSL problems on the wiki; searching w32, i got 0 result05:17
hakanwomptiger: ah, of course. thanks05:17
=== hakanw tries
jribhakanw: that won't change what's set for mysql though...05:17
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atoponceedgard_: have you tried another browser?05:17
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omptigerhakanw: oh... whoops.   I thought you were talking about just logging into the regular root account, not sql05:18
edgard_atoponce : ya opera same problem05:18
PeloDoug52392,  try vlc or mplayer,  or better yet,  install totem-xine , better then totem gstreamer in my opinion05:18
hakanwomptiger: well I'm talking about mysql and what the passwd is for the root account05:18
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hakanwso, what now? can I clobber that somehow?05:18
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omptigeromptiger: have you tried no password?05:19
mEck0when I run "sudo freshclam", I got the message "WARNING: Can't get information about user clamav", whats wrong?05:19
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jetscreamermysql's root pw is blank by default iirc05:19
jribhakanw: the mysql docs have a page on recovering it05:19
Shaba1The_Coder you still here05:19
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Shaba1I think I missed it in the scrool05:20
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atoponceedgard_: i don't know what to tell you. i can pull it up fine here. it's got to be a proxy issue or some sort of filter in place on your machine05:20
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omptigerhakanw: have you tried setting a new password?05:20
hakanwomptiger: mysqladmin -u root oldpasswd newpasswd ?05:20
ttsError 21: Selected disk does not exist ???05:21
ttswhat dose it mean ?05:21
edgard_atoponce : i have also a pc runing windows and the page load without problem05:21
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jetscreamersounds like grub to me tts05:21
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atoponcedoublehp: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7527805:21
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:21
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omptigerhakanw: yup05:21
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ttsjetscreamer yes it is05:21
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omptigerhakanw: except try not putting anything in oldpasswiord05:21
ttsi cant get it to work thou05:21
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atoponceedgard_: which confirms my suspisions that you have a filter or proxy installed blocking it. are you using tor?05:22
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jribhakanw: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/resetting-permissions.html  if that doesn't work05:22
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jetscreamertry grub-install hd0 or something maybe tts05:22
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gizmo_the_great1What command can I use to determine the date that I installed Ubuntu?05:22
hakanwomptiger: should that be mysqladmin foobar05:22
edgard_atoponce : i don t know05:22
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Arbosisi can't load the gui from live cd :S05:22
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hakanwif I want to set the password to foobar, with no previous password given?05:22
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atoponceedgard_: 'which tor' at the term05:22
ttsjetscreamer:done it abot 100 times :(05:22
ubuntu_hi all05:22
kbrooksI have a wire(d|less) router. I want to share my printer with Windows. Uh, jetscreamer told me that I should use samba. Is this the right solution, and if so how do I set it up?05:22
Shaba1Hello anyone have any recommmendations on a freeware program like partition magic that will let you resize a window partion AND filesystem05:23
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edgard_atoponce : i don t know what s tor05:23
Shaba1I tried partition logic and it wiped out my whole hd05:23
kbrooksShaba1, there's gparted. apt-get install gparted05:23
BSG75anyone know where I can report missing contrib directory for ubuntu?05:23
atoponceedgard_: type that at the terminal. it's an anonymizer05:23
Toma-are there any desklets/widgets or even apps that let you send free sms?05:23
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Drel3how can i set in mc to enqueue mp3 in xmms05:23
atoponceedgard_: i'm just trying to nail it down what your issue is05:23
Shaba1kbrooks but will that let me resize the windows file system too05:24
ttsis it safe to install grun on (sda3) ?05:24
kbrooksShaba1, but that's not "freeware" or "shareware". it's free as in speech.05:24
ttsi have windows on sda105:24
kbrooksShaba1, yes05:24
Shaba1I need to be able to delete unbuntu just in case and get the space back for windows as fres space05:24
kbrookstts, wrong drive number/name05:24
Shaba1not seperate logical drive05:24
omptigerhakanw: should it be mysqladmin -u root newpassword?05:24
kbrooksShaba1, you cant do it from ubuntu05:24
kbrooksShaba1, you have to do it from a ubuntu livecd05:24
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Shaba1Ok I have several live cds05:25
edgard_atoponce : nothing05:25
hakanwomptiger: trying to find out the best command, since none of those I test work05:25
tbussquestion about sudo apt-get update When I run command I get an error: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-proposed/Release If I remove the comments for this entry and deb in the sources.list I get E: Malformed line. Should I just remove the entry?05:25
ttskbrooks: gparted says /dev/sda305:25
ubotuAnnouncement from my owner (Seveas): ubotu will be offline for maintenance05:25
hakanw(i.e., do not allow me permission -- so maybe there is a password already set, and I need to reset it)05:25
Shaba1stay with me kbrooks05:25
omptigeromptiger: try mysql -u root password newpassword05:25
Shaba1how do I get to the root prompt off a livecd05:26
kbrookstts, grub is not gparted05:26
atoponceedgard_: is this on a default installation, or a long-time running system?05:26
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jrib!sudo > Shaba1    (Shaba1, see the private message from ubotu)05:26
omptigerhakanw: try mysql -u root password newpassword  don't replace password with anything else05:26
kbrookstts, grub uses a different drive numbering system05:26
ttskbrooks:i see05:26
ttsso hd0 will be what ?05:26
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Shaba1I know I have to get to that to run gparted05:26
edgard_atoponce : default installation05:26
kbrookstts, how many partitions do you have on ALL your hard drives, in total?05:26
hakanwomptiger: # mysqladmin -u root password foobar05:26
hakanwmysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed05:26
hakanwerror: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'05:26
ikoniahakanw: there is not password05:26
atoponceedgard_: and it's just yahoo that's the culprit?05:27
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vinayhi everyone here05:27
atoponceedgard_: *every* other page loads fine?05:27
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jribShaba1: did you receive a private message from ubotu?05:27
hakanwikonia: oh, so the error means passwords are OFF ?05:27
atoponceedgard_: pull up pthree.org if you would05:27
omptigerhakanw: strange05:27
ttskbrooks:ii have one sata drive it has two partitions05:27
gizmo_the_great1What command can I use to determine the date that I installed Ubuntu?05:27
ikoniahakanw: no - it means you need to do -p then when it prompts for a password don't enter one05:27
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kbrookstts, uh, just that sata drive, or do u have ide?05:27
ikoniagizmo_the_great1: there is no such thing05:28
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Drel3how can i set in midnight commander to enqueue mp3 files in xmms05:28
tts kbrooks: grub stoped loading whne i removed my IDE drives05:28
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kbrooksgizmo_the_great1, you can't really.05:28
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gizmo_the_great1ikonia: ok, thanks05:28
tts kbrooks:dose grub support sata drives05:28
gizmo_the_great1kbrooks: ok, thanks05:28
hakanwikonia: mysqladmin -pu root ?05:29
kbrookstts, YES BUT YOU DONT UNDERSTAND grub05:29
Shaba1hakanw if you install mysql from the zips root has not password05:29
ubuntu_noobbug buddy05:29
Shaba1you are trying to give it one05:29
ikoniahakanw: no - mysql -u root -p05:29
Shaba1in that login prompt05:29
hakanwoh, mysql05:29
ttskbrooks: i do a little im following a guide05:29
hakanwnot mysqladmin.05:29
Shaba1and it is telling you it that foobar is wrong05:29
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ikoniahakanw: what do you want to do05:29
ttskbrooks: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435105:29
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edgard_atoponce : success05:29
hakanwikonia: set a password for the mysql db so I can access it with phpmyadmin etc05:30
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gizmo_the_great1Is the release of Fawn on schedule for release in April? I fubarred my installation of Dapper and need to reinstall but seeing as Feisty Fawn is due for release in, apparently, April I might wait.05:30
hakanwit's a vanilla ubuntu server LAMP configuration05:30
hakanwand I haven't used the mysql server until now05:30
edgard_atoponce : at the error console there is a filter item05:30
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ikoniahakanw: ok - so it is mysqladmin - my mistake, or you can use mysql and then use the sql "grant" option05:30
ttsfind /boot/grub/stage1 = (hd0,2)05:30
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atoponceedgard_: what is it?05:30
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Shaba1right ikonia05:30
ubuntu_noobcan someone please help me ?05:31
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ikoniaubuntu_noob: whats the problem05:31
Shaba1mysql admin will start a gui where it will ASK youf or the hostmane,username and password05:31
gizmo_the_great1ubunt_noob: dont ask to ask a question - just ask05:31
Shaba1if you are connecting thru a commmand window05:31
ikoniaShaba1: mysqladmin is not a gui tool05:31
ubuntu_noobIkonia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12008/05:31
ikoniaShaba1: mysqladmin is a command line05:31
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edgard_atoponce : unknown property 'filter'. decleration dropped05:31
ubuntu_noobI pasted the bug report to that link05:31
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EnverexIs anyone here using a Radeon 9000? 2D rendering performance is almost unbearable and I'd like to find out if that's normal with the OpenSource drivers :/05:32
ttsalso im not able to install grub on (fd0)05:32
Shaba1Ok never mind me ikonia05:32
atoponceedgard_: on yahoo or pthree?05:32
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hakanwikonia: hm, strange, mysqladmin won't let me enter a password when I give it the -p (--password) flag05:32
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Tallenanyone have any luck getting a CK804 based integrated soundcard working with SPDIF output? I have my Asus A8N-E connected to my receiver via optical and I want to listen to playback ogg files with Rythumbox. Suggestions?05:32
Shaba1I am not looking at my docs so I better not give out bad advise05:32
ikoniaubuntu_noob: what am I looking at a kernel trace05:32
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edgard_atoponce : pthree05:32
ikoniahakanw: show me the exact command line05:32
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Drel3how can i set in midnight commander to enqueue mp3 files in xmms05:32
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Shaba1Ok kbrooks how do I get to the root prompt from a live cd05:32
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hakanwikonia: mysqladmin -pu root05:32
hakanwamysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed05:32
hakanwerror: 'Access denied for user 'hakan'@'localhost' (using password: YES)'05:32
ikoniahakanw: thats not how you use mysqladmin - you've not told it to do anything05:33
atoponceedgard_: ok. then that's just a javascript issue. i'll look into it. as far as not getting to yahoo, i don't know what the problem is05:33
ubuntu_noobHow do I fix it ?05:33
kbrookshakanw, listen to ppl here, you arent helping!!!!05:33
ikoniaubuntu_noob: what am I looking at05:33
hakanwikonia: sudo mysqladmin -u root -p doesn't work at all (gives me the usage)05:33
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hakanwkbrooks: ?05:33
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kbrooksHow do I get samba going???05:33
atoponceedgard_: i would think that you would have an extention installed in firefox that would be causing the problem, but if opera has the same isuue...05:33
ikoniahakanw: I'll tell you one more time before I ignore you - that is not the syntax for mysqladmin -05:33
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Jennhello, my numeric keypad does not work anymore once I logged in! The numlock light is on.05:33
ikoniakbrooks: in what way - what do you want to do05:33
kbrooksI'd like to share a printer with Windows.05:33
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atoponceedgard_: honestly, i don't know what to tell you05:34
ubuntu_noobis a bug report of mine05:34
edgard_atoponce : k  thx for help05:34
ikoniakbrooks: ok so you need to first of all get the printer configured in cups and working05:34
atoponceedgard_: np. sorry. :(05:34
steveireHey. I have a blank harddrive and a smaller harddrive with windows installed on it. Is there a command to mirror the windows drive on to the bigger drive without installing? Do I use dd?05:34
kbrooksikonia, it is05:34
ikoniakbrooks: good start05:34
kbrooksikonia, second?05:34
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adaptrsteveire: partimage, for preference05:34
ikoniakbrooks: have you got samba working as a "server" yet or is this from scratch05:34
hakanwikonia: well, sorry.   I'm reading the usage and it says -u is user and -p password.05:34
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teenbeat2007more people who has problems mounting nfts parts05:34
ikoniahakanw: but you've not told it to do anything yet05:34
Jennhello, my numeric keypad does not work  once I log in! The numlock light is on.05:35
kbrooksikonia, "from scratch" -> elaborate05:35
ikoniateenbeat2007: works lke a charm05:35
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hakanwikonia: I see what you're saying, sorry -- it needs an argument more to tell it what to do05:35
ikoniakbrooks: clean samba config05:35
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kbrooksikonia, i havent installed samba. should i now05:35
don_jhow do I disable the autostart of the sshd installed with apt?05:35
bradleyCan anybody tell me of a good music player for Edgy?  I want to play NPR on KPLU on this system...!05:35
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ikoniakbrooks: yup - get it installed05:35
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ttscanm any one tell me why grub wont install on (fd0)05:35
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kbrooksikonia, ok05:35
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ikoniatts: thats a floppy drive05:35
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teenbeat2007ok i had an question from McQueen this after noon so u did put full work on pastebin05:35
ttsi know05:35
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steveireadaptr: Cheers05:36
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ttsikonia:i have a floppy inserted05:36
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teenbeat2007in english05:36
ikoniatts: where is your stage1 files ?05:36
atoponcetts: you *don't* want grub on a floppy...05:36
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Jennhello, my numeric keypad does not work  once I log in! The numlock light is on.05:36
kbrookstts: try highlighting people by typing part of the persons nickname and tabbing05:36
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kbrookstts, so that they see ur message05:36
comodocan someone tell me if virtual hard drives that are made bigger then the actual hard drive work05:37
Shaba1that only works in mirc iifc05:37
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ttskbrooks: see my message ?05:37
Shaba1ok folks05:37
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kbrooksShaba1, not so. it works in xchat which u have or gaim05:37
atoponceShaba1: what only works in mirc?05:37
Shaba1how do I get to a root prompt from a live cd05:37
don_jisnt there a std command to do it?05:37
Shaba1when I before gnome boots05:37
ttsatoponce:im trouble shooting05:37
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steveireAny chance of help on this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39262005:37
atoponceShaba1: sudo su05:37
ikoniacomodo: probably not05:37
omptigerShaba1: go to a terminal and sudo -s05:37
ikoniasudo -i actually05:38
ubuntu_noobiknoia, is there anything I can do to fix it ?05:38
ikoniaubuntu_noob: what was I looking at ?05:38
Shaba1so you cannot get there before the cd starts gnome?05:38
don_jdisable sshd_auto_start or somethinmg05:38
atoponceShaba1: no05:38
ttsikonia: find /boot/grub/stage1 =  (hd0,2)05:38
kbrooksatoponce, tab completion05:38
ubuntu_noobiknoia, a bug report ?05:38
Jennhello, my numeric keypad does not work  once I log in! The numlock light is on.05:38
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atoponcekbrooks: tab completion?05:39
ikoniatts: so why are you truing to install on a floppy05:39
tbusslooking for help with sudo apt-get update and source.list. How to you fix a Fail to fetch error05:39
ikoniaubuntu_noob: thats not a bug report05:39
ttsikonia:becouse setup (hd0) dose not work05:39
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ikoniatts: so ???05:39
ubuntu_noobiknoia, it's from the bug buddy05:39
kbrooksikonia, ping05:39
alucard_i got my sound working fine, but after ifucked with alsamixer it seems as if the volume sliders in individual programs have no effect on overal volume05:39
ikoniatts: thats no reason to install on a flopy05:39
Shaba1ok is it sudo -i or sudo -s I got two answers05:39
atoponce!language | alucard_05:39
ttswheni reboot i get Error 21: Selected disk does not exist05:39
EnverexIs there a decent CRONTAB editor for Gnome?05:39
ubotwoalucard_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:39
ikoniakbrooks: sorry missed you message05:40
kbrooksikonia, installing samba05:40
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ikoniakbrooks: cool05:40
atoponcealucard_: watch your language please05:40
alucard_ok sorry05:40
ikoniaalucard_: its just uncalled for05:40
kbrooksikonia, installed05:40
ttsikonia: when i reboot i get Error 21: Selected disk does not exist05:40
alucard_well im not trying to be offensive05:40
ikoniatts: then the disk doesn't exist05:40
kbrooksikonia, working from stratch. so what do i do.05:40
ttsits a sata drive05:40
ikoniakbrooks: ok - look at /etc/samba/smb.conf05:40
atoponcealucard_: it's just this is a professional channel, and we keep the language a professional tone05:40
ikoniatts: doesn't make a difference if its not seen05:40
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kbrookstts, grub supports sata05:41
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IvarAasenIm trying to repair GRUB, do i have to mount the disk i want to boot from_05:41
tts kbrooks: great05:41
ikoniaIvarAasen: no05:41
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alucard_do you guys know how i could fix the volume sliders tho?05:41
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ttsikonia:yeh it must be that05:41
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ttsikonia: what can i do05:41
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don_jmaybe I could just say chmod a-x /etc/init.d/ssh then05:41
atoponcealucard_: what sliders aren't having an effect?05:42
whoniccaI'm having a problem with suspend, it works on windows perfectly but under edgy it does not come back from suspend mode, I get the following when trying to come back from suspend, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12011/05:42
ikoniatts: how many harddisks (both ide and sata) installed05:42
whoniccacan someone please help me out or lead me the right way05:42
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cableswhonicca, do you have NVidia drivers installed?05:42
whoniccacables, yes05:42
Oritemisgood afternoon guys05:42
atoponcealucard_: oh, i don't have realplayer installed. i thought you were referring to the volume control sliders for gnome05:42
cableswhonicca, they break suspend... I'll help you with a workaround.05:42
don_jbut I think the ubuntu got a better solution05:42
alucard_well that one doesnt work either atoponce05:42
whoniccacables, ok =)05:43
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eltechubuntu making the frontpage of digg every hour :-)05:43
atoponcealucard_: are you getting sound at all, or is everything mute?05:43
cableswhonicca, I noticed that my comp ran hot after resuming, I don't think it's because of this fix though... and its easily reversible.05:43
alucard_nah sound is fine05:43
Jennhow do I restore a backup that I had made using this command? sudo cp /etc/X11/gdm/Init/Default /etc/X11/gdm/Init/Default_backup05:43
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alucard_i just cant change it through the gnome slider or through realplayer05:43
don_jam I ignored on purpose?05:43
ikoniaJenn: copy default_backup back over the top05:43
atoponcealucard_: so what sliders, in the gnome volume control, aren't affecting the sound?05:43
whoniccacables, how can i check for my computer running hot after resuming05:43
kbrooksikonia, what do i configure?05:43
theblueHi all, I'm running Edgy, and I'd know I can go up to 1280x1024 on this video card, but the applet won't let me, is there a way to force it?05:44
ikoniakbrooks: scroll down can you see a printer line ?05:44
cableswhonicca, I've got a P4 in a laptop, so the fan noise makes it pretty obvious05:44
OritemisI am with a problem here in ppp connection, shared through firestarter. Every time the other computer try to access internet, the connection ppp falls. Someone have an idea?05:44
Jennikonia - sorry but I'm new, what do you mean by copy default over the top?05:44
don_jshould be quite easy05:44
ttsikonia: onlyone sata05:44
=== george_ [n=george@host-84-9-15-252.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniatts: any ide ?05:44
cableswhonicca, you can install a package that gives you a gnome panel applet that shows you your cpu temp05:44
kbrooksikonia, found it. now what?05:44
george_hi all05:44
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george_when i the new ubuntu out ?05:44
ikoniaJenn: copy the file you made as a backup over the origional05:44
whoniccacables, ok thatll work05:44
don_jand I dont want to remove the daemon tho05:44
ttsikonia: i removed them05:44
cableswhonicca, do alt-f2, then gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:44
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tbussim getting an error when I update that a source cannot be fetched. the source does not appear in source.list05:45
atoponcegeorge_: in april05:45
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kbrooksikonia, ping.05:45
=== rickyfingers_ [n=rickyfin@p5b239b69.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
george_atoponce what date ?05:45
kestazwhich tool to use to share files from same network ? with two ubuntu computers ? ;)05:45
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don_jICMP my ass05:45
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Jennokonia - sorry but what exact command would I enter?  copy default_backup cp /etc/X11/gdm/Init/Default /etc/X11/gdm/Init/Default_backup?05:45
whoniccacables, done05:45
george_atoponce when will i be able to download it ... ?05:45
ikoniakbrooks: the default is normally "ok"05:45
cableswhonicca, find Section "Device" (ctrl-f is your friend)05:45
atoponcegeorge_: not sure exactly. either the 18th or 19th, i *think*05:45
kbrooksikonia, what?05:45
don_jnc GET /lol05:46
atoponcegeorge_: yes. you will be able to download it05:46
=== Enverex is now known as Enverex|LT
atoponcegeorge_: beta is out right now, if you want to try it05:46
ikoniakbrooks:  uncomment out the printers lines and the [printers]  share05:46
whoniccacables, done05:46
cableswhonicca, can you open a terminal? I just want to make a backup of that file05:46
don_jthis channel is ony nub related05:46
whoniccasure ill make a backup05:46
kbrooksikonia, which "printers" line? cups line?05:46
kbrooksdon_j, false05:46
ikoniadon_j: do you have anything worthwhile to say - if not be quiet05:46
atoponcedon_j: ?05:46
don_jkbrooks: cool05:46
kbrooksdon_j, i'm not a "nub"05:46
kbrooksdon_j, and yet i'm here05:46
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tbussis http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-proposed/Release needed in the source.list?05:46
cableswhonicca, run this: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old05:47
=== Dave123 [n=dave@cpe-66-67-131-67.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
george_atoponce i know i will be able to download it .. i just wanted to know when its out.. ok .. no bother testing the beta version i will wait for the final release05:47
whoniccacables, done05:47
george_atoponce thanks05:47
don_jkbrooks: can you tell me a ubuntu way to disable the sshd from the startup?05:47
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ttsikonia: no IDE drives05:47
kbrooksdon_j, let me see05:47
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cableswhonicca, now go back to your text editor. Add this line in Section "Device":05:47
cableswhonicca,         Option          "NvAGP"       "1"05:47
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don_jsorry if I were hitting anyone05:47
kbrooksdon_j, do u want gui or cli or both?05:48
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don_jkbrooks: I just want to stop the sshd from starting up automatically05:48
whoniccacables, done05:48
cableswhonicca, save and close05:48
kbrooksdon_j, gui: sys > admin > services. type password. then ... uh05:48
don_jkbrooks: a shell command would be nice05:48
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cableswhonicca, terminal, sudo cp /etc/default/acpi-support /etc/default/acpi-support.old05:49
OritemisI am with a problem here in ppp connection, shared through firestarter. Every time the other computer try to access internet, the connection ppp falls. Someone have an idea?05:49
erUSULdon_j: 'sudo update-rc.d -f sshd remove'05:49
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cableswhonicca, then alt-f2, gksudo gedit /etc/default/acpi-support05:49
sikor_sxehey, what could be wrong when in network-manager no wpa-encryption method shows up?05:49
don_jerUSUL: thanks alot!05:49
kbrookserUSUL, heh i was gonna give him that05:49
sikor_sxejust wep05:49
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cables!wpa | sikor_sxe, see if this helps05:49
ubotwosikor_sxe, see if this helps: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:49
erUSULdon_j: 'sudo update-rc.d -f ssh remove' without the d05:49
tbusswhen i update i get an error Failed to fetch. But I can access the url in a browser. The source is not commented out either. any suggestions?05:49
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erUSULkbrooks: too late ;)05:49
whoniccacables, done05:50
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kbrookserUSUL, hehe05:50
kbrooksikonia, ping05:50
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ubotwok3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto05:50
cableswhonicca, find the POST_VIDEO variable in the file, and put "false" after the equals sign (no quotes)05:50
kbrooksikonia, ping:05:50
kbrooks# If you want to automatically load your printer list rather05:50
kbrooks# than setting them up individually then you'll need this05:50
kbrooks   load printers = yes05:50
whoniccaok done05:50
ikoniasorry someone at the door05:50
cableswhonicca, alt-f2, gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst05:51
ttsso do i setup grub on hd0 or hd0,2 ...... find /boot/grub/stage105:51
tts (hd0,2)05:51
kbrooksikonia, did i do that right?05:51
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ikoniakbrooks: uncomment the line # printing = cups, printcap name cups etc etc05:51
kbrookstts, hd0 for mbr05:51
Jenn how do I restore a backup that I had made using this command? sudo cp /etc/X11/gdm/Init/Default /etc/X11/gdm/Init/Default_backup05:51
kbrooksikonia, done05:51
ikoniatts: what partition is your / ifle system on05:51
ikoniakbrooks: mega, check the [printers]  share is uncommented too05:51
kbrooksikonia, do i comment that line i just pasted05:51
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cablesJenn, sudo cp /etc/X11/gdm/Init/Default_backup /etc/X11/gdm/Init/Default05:51
ikoniakbrooks: sorry I missed you past05:52
cableswhonicca, are you there?05:52
kbrooks# If you want to automatically load your printer list rather05:52
kbrooks# than setting them up individually then you'll need this05:52
kbrooks   load printers = yes05:52
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ikoniatts: what ?05:52
Jennthanks cable, you rock!05:52
ikoniakbrooks: yeah uncomment that05:52
erUSULJenn: swap the arguments to cp05:52
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cableswhonicca, hold on, I've gotta find something05:52
tts ikonia: i dont knwo please tell me how to check05:52
whoniccacables, awaiting your next command =) thanks for helping by the way05:52
ikoniatts: you must know what partition you installed / on to05:52
octoberdanI have some .jar lib files I need to shove some where. Where is the proper place to put that sort of thing? Is there anywhere that's automatically added to the classpath? /usr/share/java/ perhaps? I have sun-java installed via the package05:53
ttspertition sda05:53
ikoniatts: thats a disk - not a partition05:53
cableswhonicca, find "#defoptions"05:53
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bupshi all05:53
rickyfingers_to get 32 bit firefox running in chroot'd environment, what packages does one need to apt-get, besides firefox itself?05:53
cableswhonicca, it should look like this: # defoptions=quiet splash05:53
ttsikonia:i told ubuntu to use the free space05:53
=== Ashbringer [n=teddy@c-69-140-172-47.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniatts: you still have to select a partition, do you only have 1 partition05:54
tbussokay, does anyone use http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-proposed/Release in sources.list?05:54
bupsguys i have some problem with the fonts after installing nvidia drivers05:54
cableswhonicca, add agp=off so it looks like # defoptions=quiet splash agp=off05:54
bupsthey're quite huge05:54
Shaba1well kbrooks I am looking at the gparted site05:54
cablesbups, I noticed that, but only in the login screen05:54
Shaba1and says it only works on fat 32 partiions for resizing05:54
whoniccaok done05:54
bupsno cables05:54
cableswhonicca, then save the file and open a terminal05:54
bupsalso amsn05:54
bupsand some others05:54
AshbringerHello, would anyone know a walkthrough to get the built-in mics on an HP dv2000 laptop to work? The sound card is an hda-ndvidia.05:54
tts ikonia:i have two OSes installed ubuntu and Windows xp05:54
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ikoniatts: so the likley hood is (at a guess) ubuntu is sda205:55
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ikoniatts: so your grub root line is root (hd0,1)05:55
cableswhonicca, are you at a terminal?05:55
whoniccacables, yup05:55
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cableswhonicca, sudo update-grub05:55
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whoniccaok done05:56
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ttsikonia: can i use gparted to look it up05:56
=== HornyHouseWife [n=chase@adsl-8-222-28.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniatts: I'd put money its /dev/sda2 - just use root (hd0,1)05:56
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mikebeechamhello everyone.  can someone point me to a good tutorial on how to install metacity themes for ubuntu?05:57
cableswhonicca, if anything goes wrong, do you know how to restore from the backups we made in the terminal?05:57
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cablesmikebeecham, system>preferences>themes and drag it right in05:57
ttsikonia: gparted says that an extended 5.79 Gib05:57
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HornyHouseWifeanyone else have xchat crash ubuntu when using beryl and xgl?05:57
cableswhonicca, alright, reboot and see if this works05:57
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ikoniatts: put the output of  "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda" into a pastebin please05:57
mikebeechamcables, does that include the gtk 2.0 theme aspect as well?05:58
Enverex|LTIs anyone here using a Radeon 9000? 2D rendering performance is almost unbearable and I'd like to find out if that's normal with the OpenSource drivers :/05:58
bupscan anybody help me with the fonts?05:58
cablesmikebeecham, tell me if that helps05:58
whoniccacables, question about the menu.lst file, # arent commens?05:58
cableswhonicca, they are comments05:58
ikoniawhonicca: yes they are05:58
cableswhonicca, grub only cares about the uncommented bit05:58
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cableswhonicca, grub-update reads the comments and transfers those settings to the uncommented kernel lines that grub reads05:58
=== Enverex [i=nobody@host-84-9-189-109.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
whoniccaso what different would it make with the agp=off we added to the commnted line05:58
cableswhonicca, I mean update-grub05:58
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whoniccaok =)05:59
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cablesmikebeecham, it'll install any themes that are in that theme file. You can go to Theme Details to customize which themes you want for which elements.05:59
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whoniccawell brb going to try it out05:59
ttsikonia: http://pastebin.ca/40929105:59
ubotwoirssi is a command line interface !IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help06:00
ikoniatts: why do you have 2 swap partitions06:00
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mikebeechamcables, I have extracted the file and have found 3 folders included.  These are named as Metacity, GTK 2.0 and Extras.  I have attempted to drag each of these into the theme window but I am told that the file format is invalid06:00
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ikoniatts: the root command should still be (hd0,1) I believe06:00
ttsikonia:onestly i dont know06:00
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tts ikonia:do i have to delete one swap ?06:01
ikoniatts: no06:01
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tts ikonia:thanks im going to try "setup (hd0,1)06:01
ikoniatts: no06:01
ikoniatts: I said root (hd0,1)06:01
rob_SET theme mine06:01
ikoniatts:  LISTEN06:01
mluseranybody know where the PATH env variable is set in ubuntu? I checked /etc/profile, but its not getting set there06:01
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ikoniamluser: your local .bash_profuile06:02
mluserikonia: that only works for terminals, when I do an xdm login that path is not set06:02
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ikoniamluser: because xdm is not a shell login06:02
ikoniamluser: what are you trying to do that gives you a path error06:02
viatorwhats the channel for help with fiesty beta06:03
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rob_is there any failsafe way of installing fglrx ? ive had to reinstall ubuntu about 4 times today because it ends up to bits06:03
mluserI want ~/bin to be first in the PATH06:03
ttsikonia: grub> root (hd0,1).................. do i now run setup (hd0) ?06:03
ikoniatts: yes06:03
ttsthank you man06:03
viatori see it06:03
EnverexWhen I log in (to Gnome) it seems to take ages (40 seconds or so) to actually finish loading my desktop. I don't have any programs (like GAIM or anything) set to open when I log in so it's not something like that. The machine is an A64 3800+ X2 with 2GB of RAM so it shouldn't be slow either. Any ideas?06:03
fir3rob_: define "to bits"06:03
ikoniamluser: where - in what application do you want to set the path /06:03
kbrooks__I have a problem. Samba is not working.06:03
ikoniakbrooks__: whats up06:03
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kbrooks__Howe do I make it work?06:03
ikoniakbrooks__: define not working06:03
elrobmluser: set your PATH in ~/.bashrc06:04
mluserikonia: I want the path to be set when my windowmanager starts, in my current case its 'icewm'06:04
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mikebeechamCABLES, I have now managed to install the Metacity themes, although it has not done what the screenshot showed it would do.  It has not changed the taskbar at all, all it has done is rounded some corners and changed to active title bar to another colour06:04
ikoniamluser: your window manager doesnt have a path - its an application06:04
fir3rob_: were you able to boot in safe/rescue/(or however it's called) mode?06:04
OritemisI am with a problem here in ppp connection, shared through firestarter. Every time the other computer try to access internet, the connection ppp falls. Someone have an idea?06:04
kbrooks__ikonia, well, i configged samba and started it.06:04
ttsgrub> setup (hd0)06:04
ttsError 17: Cannot mount selected partition06:04
ikoniakbrooks__: ok06:04
rob_fir3: either when i boot it hangs when it gets to login screen, i need to enter recovery but i wouldnt know how to fix it! or i end up with so many modified xorg.conf that i dont know what should be there and what shouldnt06:04
mluserikonia: I realize that, but it does depend on the path to find applications to start06:04
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kbrooks__ikonia, but i tested on myself, and it doesnt show the  printer06:04
ikoniamluser: apologies, I'm not following06:05
ttsikonia: Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition06:05
cablesmikebeecham, that's a problem with the theme then06:05
ikoniakbrooks__: make sure your machine is in the same "domain" as the samba domain06:05
mluserikonia: its ok.. thanks for trying to help :)06:05
fir3rob_: what ati card do you have?06:05
ikoniatts: at what point do you get that error06:05
kbrooks__ikonia, both machines?'06:05
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rob_fir3: 9800SE (silly thing is ive had ATI setup perfectly in the past)06:05
cablesmikebeecham, you're not supposed to extract the file, you're supposed to drag the compressed file in.06:05
ikoniakbrooks__: there is a flag in the samba config called "domain" make sure that matches your machines06:05
kbrooks__ikonia, all of my machines?06:06
mikebeechamCables, I have tried this with a couple of themes from Gnome-Look.org.   It seems to present the same problem, the colours will change, but it will not change the taskbar, where it shows Applications, Places, and System06:06
=== mbdl [n=mrbigdow@ACBE1633.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniakbrooks__: any that want to use it, yes06:06
ttsikonia: setup (hd0)06:06
kbrooks__ikonia, well, ok i'll fix on my lappy. thanks06:06
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ikoniatts: when you type "setup (hd0)" you get error cannot mount partition06:06
cablesmikebeecham, I have no idea06:07
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ikoniatts: try this "root (hd0,2)"06:07
fir3rob_: did you try this? boot up in recovery mode, log in, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf , replace "fglrx" with "radeon"06:07
=== SeveredCross [n=bojanr@c-24-60-139-195.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mbdlhello does anyone know why the kernal for ubuntu edgy... doest shut down mycomputer when i gotoshut down the computer does everything but when it gos to shut down the fan rev's i have a hp pavilion a620n computer06:07
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LjLHornyHouseWife: would you mind changing your nickname? people could find it a little less "family friendly" than is considered appropriate for this channel06:07
rob_fir3: i was under the impression that fglrx had to be listed as the driver to use?06:07
=== kane` [n=twistvi@pool-141-156-151-203.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
mikebeechamThank you for your help anyway cables.  Would anyone else be able to guide me in all ways Metacity themes?  Maybe a PM conversation to help me on my way please?06:07
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ikoniatts: then setup (hd0)06:08
ttsyes i have done that06:08
=== fools [n=lloyd@S0106002018d951b0.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniatts: thats great, the problem was the extended partition being seen as a "partition"06:08
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fir3rob_: if fglrx fails and you just want to get the gui back, you should switch back to the old driver06:08
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rob_fir3: ok i have done that in the past, but it still doesnt help me setup ati06:08
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ttsikonia:very well done ,should i let you know it it worked after a reboot ?06:09
mbdles anyone know why the kernal for ubuntu edgy... doest shut down mycomputer when i gotoshut down the computer does everything but when it gos to shut down the fan rev's i have a hp pavilion a620n computer06:09
ikoniatts: up to you, but it should work06:09
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kbrooks__HornyHouseWife, I agree that you should change your nickname.06:09
rob_fir3: also this installation is done now, i need to reboot in a min, do you know how i can get this setup without a hitch?06:09
ttsok thanks bro06:09
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fir3rob_: then you should watch for errors in the xserver log file:  cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:09
jetscreameri dunno i kinda like the idea of that nick... but maybe not appropo06:09
rob_cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:09
rob_oops lol06:10
mikebeechamHI there, can anyone help me in trying to sort out a metacity theme problem?  I cannot get any Metacity theme to work properly as per the various screenshots06:10
fir3rob_: so you are doing a fresh ubuntu install atm?06:10
sacaterHornyHouseWife: please change your nick06:10
ikoniamikebeecham: try in #ubuntu-effects06:10
rob_yes fir3 it is done06:10
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mikebeechamthank you Ikonia06:10
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fir3rob_: maybe you card is unsupported by fglrx06:10
ubotwoFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod06:10
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ubotworockbox is an open source firmware replacement for MP3 players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio.  See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!06:11
oliver2hi all06:11
sacateroliver2: hello06:11
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kekosI have a quetion, could somebody help me???06:11
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sacaterkekos: yes06:11
ikoniakekos: ask it06:11
rob_fir3: ive had it working in the past though06:11
sacaterkekos: you dont need to ask to ask06:11
kekosI have installed my wireless network card06:12
kekosin ubuntu06:12
sacaterkekos: cool06:12
mbdlHELP my does the ubuntu Kernal rev my fan when i shut down instead of booting off06:12
kekosbut now I'm trying to connect06:12
fir3rob_: they purged support for some older radeon cards06:12
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kekosto my bthub06:12
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rob_fir3: that doesnt sound good06:12
sacatermbdl: please go to #ubuntu-bugs06:12
kekosto have the internet connection wireless06:12
kekosI'm using06:13
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kekoskwifi manager06:13
kekosbut it says06:13
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rob_fir3: any reason why im always stuck in 800x600 unless i reconfigure x?06:13
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oliver2(hmm... #ubuntu-bugs sounds a better place for my questions - thanks / bye :-)06:13
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fir3rob_: maybe the standard driver doesn't support higher resolutions06:13
kekosthat the signal strenght is out of range06:13
ubotwoSorry, I know nothing about that - try http://help.ubuntu.com/community/06:13
kekosbut it doesnt06:13
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rob_fir3: back in a minute!06:13
sacater!wireless | kekos06:14
ubotwokekos: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:14
thomerzhi, my kernel_image deb allways has about 250mb, any hints what i am doing wrong? there are about 600mb of modules, it seems that everything is compiled as module that is not in the kernel06:14
sacaterkekos: tis no problem my newbie friend06:14
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jetscreamerthomerz: what make-kpkg command did you use06:15
izaakhi there, i'm new to ubuntu but know my way around linux distributions - i'd like to install feisty beta, i'm just wondering if i follow the package updates will it eventually be at the same place as installing feisty when it's stable?06:15
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jetscreamerthomerz: lose some modules when you do make menuconfig06:15
erUSULizaak: it will06:15
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osiris_Afternoon all06:15
thomerzjetscreamer: make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-custom kernel_image kernel_headers06:15
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izaakerUSUL: then i can live with a few months of bugs :)06:15
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sacaterizaak: if you install any version of ubuntu, in theory it will update and update so yes06:15
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kane`I have my resolution set to 1280 x 1204 @ 75 Hz, but when running the device manager database it says that its only running at 60 Hz06:15
ubotwoWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:15
thomerzjetscreamer: but i'm using the config file from the standard ubuntu kernel, shouldn't it be about the same size? i'm only applying 2 patches06:16
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osiris_Anyone have a G15 keyboard here?06:16
ArafelI have a question, can i install ubuntu onto a usbharddrive?06:16
boneswhat is that panel where the icons bounce around06:16
whonicca1st time i click on System -> Quit, http://www.zshare.net/image/img_0172-jpg-n39.html, 2nd time i click on System -> Quit, http://www.zshare.net/image/img_0174-jpg.html06:16
erUSULizaak: *one* month ;)06:16
whoniccadoes this happen to anyone else?06:16
izaaksacater: but i have a *little* bit of experience iwth ubuntu, and the upgrade process between different versions is not as smooth as in theory...06:16
jetscreamerthomerz: i don't know enough about ubuntu kernel packages to say, sorry06:16
sacaterizaak: yes that is true06:16
Suurorcathe more you tinker, the harder it gets :P06:17
sacaterizaak: i dont know whether it will upgrade you through versions, or take you straight to feisty06:17
iD_Jcould somebody tell me how to install firefox 2.0 on ubuntu 6.06 please?06:17
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erUSULizaak: i have upgradede without problems all the way warty beta>warty>hoary>breezy>edgy....06:17
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vetsinAnyone got any idea how to pull of ip masqurading06:19
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adx2what would be the fstab entry for sharing the itunes lib from os x?06:19
whoniccaanyway to take a screen still with mplayer?06:19
izaakerUSUL: that's impressive06:19
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mc44How can i get mounted partition to appear in the Places/Computer menu06:20
vetsinprobably throw it into fstab mc4406:20
ttsi got error 21 : disk dose not exist06:20
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johnficcaQ does having a lot of free hard drive space in linux effect your speed like it does in windows, and do I need to derangement ?06:21
mc44vetsin: they are already mounted through fstab and are availiable in /media/sda1 etc, is there something in fstab to get them into the PLaces menu?06:21
vetsinAnyone know any good ubuntu repositories?06:21
vetsinnope mc4406:21
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vetsinmc44 maybe you just need to edit your gnome menu file06:22
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ttsplease help me with grub06:22
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void^johnficca: it's usually a good idea to keep about 15% of a disk free to avoid performance issues06:22
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ikoniatts: whats up06:23
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quaaltrying to create a raid-1 partition.. anyone know where i'm going wrong here? http://pastebin.ca/40932006:23
tts ikonia: i got error 21 selected disk dose not exist06:23
kakadojohnficca: also linux filesystems get fragmented, specially if they are full06:23
nununiI miss header file net/if_dl.h, while compiling something. Which pachakge should I install? Thanks a log.06:23
ikoniaquaal: you've not got the raid support kernel modules06:23
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quaalikonia, hmm06:23
quaalikonia, how do i get them06:24
vetsinkakado i thought that was minimilized if they were journalized06:24
ikoniatts: ughhhhh is that when you select "ubuntu" to boot in grub06:24
johnficcahow do I defagment linux hard drives06:24
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ikoniaquaal: modprbe them06:24
quaalikonia, i did06:24
_MrAnderssonIs anyone here good at cofiguring wireless cards in ubuntu 6.06? I upgraded to kernel 2.6.15-28 and my acx111 based card stopped working, but in 2.6.15-26 it works fine06:24
ttsikonia: yeh06:24
ikoniaquaal: why did you make a dir called /dev/md006:24
kakadovetsin: no it has nothing to do with jounals06:24
ikoniatts: please pastebin your menu.lst file06:25
quaalikonia, because i dont know how to make it work06:25
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vetsini always use dmraid for my raid drives...06:25
quaalikonia, you're saying md0 should just be there?06:25
ttsikonia:  where is it located please ?06:25
EnverexWhen I log in (to Gnome) it seems to take ages (40 seconds or so) to actually finish loading my desktop. I don't have any programs (like GAIM or anything) set to open when I log in so it's not something like that. The machine is an A64 3800+ X2 with 2GB of RAM so it shouldn't be slow either. Any ideas?06:25
cableswhonicca, are you here?06:25
ttsikonia: im on live cd06:25
ikoniaquaal: md0 is created by udev if a raid device is detected06:25
whoniccacables, yeah06:25
kakadojohnficca: to defrag, you have to create the file again, then the filesystem will try to write it without fragments06:25
pike_johnficca: not necessary ext3 handles it for you06:25
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ikoniatts: its on /boot/grub on your REAL system - not the live cd, so you'll need to mount your hard disk06:25
vetsinAnyone know any good 3rd party ubuntu repositories?06:25
cableswhonicca, how'd it work out?06:25
LjL!easysource > vetsin    (vetsin, see the private message from Ubotu)06:26
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ttsok i will mount it, hi LjL:06:26
whoniccacables, it worked when i suspended and resumed from the gdm screen, but while im in gnome, the screen just stayed black with the mouse pointer only displaying06:26
kakadojohnficca: there are some tools for ext3 to analyse how fragmented files are06:26
cableswhonicca, it didn't pop up a password dialog?06:27
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whoniccacables, no06:27
kakadojohnficca: that said, it is not as big a problem as with windows06:27
johnficcapike_: so I don't need to defragment then?06:27
whoniccaanyone know how to take a screenshot from within mplayer, i guess a screen still06:27
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cableswhonicca, that's weird, but I think it's unrelated to the nVidia thing... you might want to try temporarily replacing the "nvidia" driver with the "nv" driver in xorg.conf to see if the problem persists when you're not using the nvidia driver06:28
quaalikonia, what do i modprobe to enable this udev ?06:28
johnficcawhat are the tools I need06:28
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whoniccacables will do06:28
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Gary[ubuntu] is there an ubuntu ppc channel?06:28
Suurorcawhonicca: the printscreen-butto should work if you use xv video-out. mplayer also has internal screenshot. you enable it with with mplayer -vf screenshot and then take screenshots with s-button.06:28
ikoniaquaal: can't remember hte module names as I never build them as modules due to potential initrd isues on pre-loading06:28
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ikoniaquaal: search the /lib/$kernel/modules dirs for them06:29
ikoniaquaal: they should be easy to spot06:29
lilrayrayhi all, is it safe to install kde-desktop on ubuntu (feisty)06:29
ikonialilrayray: fesity is beta06:29
ikonialilrayray: therefore nothing is safe06:29
lilrayrayikonia: haha, peen perfect so far06:29
ikonialilrayray: then why ask ?06:29
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tunaI am thinking of buying an iMac, but I wonder if anyone knows how well linux would work on it. I have used fedora for a couple of years, bu t I don't want to spend a lot of time configuring stuff.06:29
adx2why do i get that a line in fstab is bad?06:29
ttsikonia: http://pastebin.ca/40933506:29
ikoniatuna works well06:29
lilrayrayikonia, just curious whether or not installing kde will mess anything up06:30
cablestuna, you may have some trouble  with wi-fi on the iMac, but there's a guide somewhere06:30
ikoniatts: look at your menulist06:30
lilrayrayI have had problems with it before06:30
ikonialilrayray: its not stable06:30
cablesikonia, how is kde not stable?06:30
tunaikonia: does all hw work, like the optical audio and the camera?06:30
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whoniccacables, http://www.zshare.net/image/shot0002-png.html06:30
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ikoniatts: cange root (hd2,2) to (hd0,3) on each of the ubuntu commented line06:30
ikoniatuna I believe so06:30
vetsinIs there any GUI for editing the firewall?06:30
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MrEgg964Hi :) I'm going to do a fresh install of Feisty, as I've been experimenting and messing around with Edgy as a new comer. I've managed to set it up pretty much the way I like, though, and I'd like to keep my settings if that's possible (i.e. : my printers, my network mounts, etc.). If I backup /home and restore it after Feisty is installed, will I get my settings back ?06:31
cables!firewall | vetsin06:31
ubotuvetsin: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).06:31
vetsinThanks much06:31
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osiris_anyone use a logitech g15 in ubuntu ?06:31
osiris_and 8800GTX?06:31
cableswhonicca, i don't know why that would happen06:31
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lilrayrayikonia: do you mean installing kde on a non kubuntu distro is unstable, or kde itself is unstable?06:32
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cableslilrayray, sudo aptitude kubuntu-desktop will install everything Kubuntu has... I'd use that over just installing the kde packages.06:32
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Lastenthi, does anyone have a HP Pavilion DV6200 CTO?06:32
whoniccacables, thats when i did it via gdm and it resumed ok, within gnome i got this -> http://www.zshare.net/image/screenshot-png-139.html06:32
ikonialilrayray: I mean fesity and its packages are in beta06:32
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tunaikonia: ok, thanks. Do you know where I can read some more about linux on iMac?06:32
cableswhonicca, whonicca yeah, I'm not sure...06:33
ikoniatuna ubuntu.com has info06:33
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whoniccathanks though =)06:33
pike_johnficca: no. though there are manual tools to do it.06:33
whoniccais it safe to leave those options on?06:33
cableswhonicca, you know how to revert to your previous setup, right?06:33
cableswhonicca, which ones?06:33
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whoniccathe ones we changed06:34
kakadovetsin: filefrag in E2fsprogs report fragmentation of files, but you have to combine with other tools, like 'find' to analyse06:34
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ttsikonia: Microsoft Windows XP Professional06:34
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cableswhonicca, yep, unless you notice any other problems.06:34
whoniccaand yes i know how to revert them06:34
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whoniccaok thanks06:34
ttsikonia:change that too06:34
cableswhonicca, sorry it didn't work out for you06:34
tunadidn't find much at ubuntu.com actually...06:34
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whoniccahopefully it works in feisty06:34
ikoniatts: no leave that alone for the moment06:34
lilrayraydoes anyone know if you can make panels (in gnome) stay below windows?06:34
whoniccacables, another issue, maybe uve noticed it, 1st time i click on System -> Quit, http://www.zshare.net/image/img_0172-jpg-n39.html, 2nd time i click on System -> Quit, http://www.zshare.net/image/img_0174-jpg.html06:35
ikoniatts: windows XP should be (hd0,0)06:35
dolemite0if i install fiesty beta and the final comes out will i need to format/reinstall to get the final?06:35
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pike_JohnRobert: this is a good explanation http://geekblog.oneandoneis2.org/index.php/2006/08/17/why_doesn_t_linux_need_defragmenting06:35
cableswhonicca, i've never seen that, sorry06:35
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cablesdolemite0, no06:35
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cablesdolemite0, have you used Automatix?06:35
clearzendolemite0: no, you can simply update06:35
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dolemite0I prefer EasyUbuntu over Automatix06:35
cablesdolemite0, if you have, it may screw things up for you, so you should take a backup06:35
kazim86hello friends...06:36
clearzencables: I always hear people say that. Why would it mess things up?06:36
Whtigerhello fiends.06:36
cello_raspdoes anyone else find their nvidia card stops drawing after 5-10 minutes?06:36
kazim86can u suggest me a good IDE for C/C++ ?06:36
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cablesclearzen, it's just badly designed and messes with the package management system06:36
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main2can i use the DVD from Feisty as a repos, to update my Edgy?06:36
erichjkazim86: openLDev06:36
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WhtigerI wouldn't suggest an IDE, but that's just me06:36
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cello_raspi mean there is no signal unless i move the mouse again, it's like a malicious screensaver06:36
cablesmain2, I think you can use the alternate, but I'm not sure...06:37
lilrayraykazim86: code::blocks06:37
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nearfarI want to save power in my laptop. It is giving too much heat. Also I am running  it as 24x7 server. any ideas?06:37
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mariomanI have a question about firewalls and such06:37
kazim86erichj: i m not using eclipse bcoz its tooo heavy06:37
main2cables: why the alternate -> not the normal?06:37
froyddid anybody have the module-assistant problem with Envy ?06:37
quaalanyone know where i'm going wrong trying to create a raid1 array? http://pastebin.ca/40933806:37
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mariomandoes edgy default install with a firewall or anything?06:37
cello_raspmarioman: no. use firestarter06:37
kbrooks__nearfar, running laptop as a server == evil06:37
cablesmain2, you should check me on this, but I think that the regular one doesn't have the upgrade script06:37
erichjkazim86: i suggested openLDev, i would never suggest eclipse06:37
cables!firewall | marioman06:37
ubotumarioman: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).06:37
kazim86lilrayray: code::blocks? whats that?06:37
tts ikonia:i have made the changes http://pastebin.ca/40933906:37
tjl30can i upgrade from 6.06 to 6.1006:37
mariomanactually, I want to not have anything06:37
cablestjl30, yep06:37
cables!upgrade | tjl3006:37
ubotutjl30: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:37
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kazim86erichj: thanx...06:37
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lilrayraykazim86: an open source IDE06:38
cello_raspmarioman, iptables are blank by default06:38
mariomanI am trying to set up apache, and anything that connects from inside my network can get to the site, but not anything outside of the network06:38
froydDoes anybody knows where to get module-assistant ? im having this dependency problem installing envy06:38
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cello_raspiptables is linux firewall. I think you have separate issue.06:38
Dave_O`ToolCan someone look at an error for me? I uploaded to my web server06:38
chris3435i am trying to use a gamepad  with zsnes but when i go to configure input all buttons but the direction keys work06:39
mariomanright now I have <name>.dyndns.org pointing to my IP address, and anything that tries to connect with that where packets are originating from inside my network it works06:39
dolemite0is there a document you guys recommend to read on dual booting, a google search pulls up so many that offer so many different ways, im just looking to dual boot xp using the ubuntu install CD06:39
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clearzenquaal: are they the same model of drive?06:39
main2cables, hmmm... i can dload that script as well06:39
adx2what's the button for the escape char '^] ' ?06:39
cablesmain2, read this06:40
mikeg8dolemite0: if winxp is already installed, just pop in ubuntu cd and follow it's instructions, and it'll work06:40
cablesmain2, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades06:40
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dolemite0should i install the new fiesty beta if im new to ubuntu or use the Final 6.10 ?06:40
mikeg8just don't delete your winxp partition which should be pretty obvious06:40
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mariomancan anyone to an nmap on for me please?06:40
cablesmain2, you can't download the script06:40
nn531is feisty worth getting at this stage?06:40
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quaalclearzen, exact same06:40
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LjLdolemite0, if you're relatively new to linux in general and/or APT based distributions, install 6.10, and don't risk messing things up with a beta version06:41
mikeg8feisty is working well for me without any problems, and it has some addition support for stuff like wireless that makes it worthwhile i thinkk,06:41
cablesmikeg8, nn531, probably not... just wait 19 days :)06:41
cablesor whatever day06:41
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nn531cables, k06:41
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cello_raspmarioman: sudo iptables --list06:41
billynn531:  works fine for me, though lots of folks are having bugs.  waiting is probably a good idea.06:41
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cablesmain2, you can't download the script06:41
pike_dolemite0: ubuntu is very easy to upgrade if you change your mind later06:41
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cablesmain2, it depends on other files on the CD06:41
dolemite0so I can upgrade to the final of fiesty fawn from 6.10 later?06:41
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LjLdolemite0: yeah06:41
clearzenquaal: would it make a difference if you put the --raid-devices section before --create?06:41
LjL!upgrade > dolemite0    (dolemite0, see the private message from Ubotu)06:41
dolemite0Excellent thank you06:41
cables!pm > tjl3006:42
nn531cables, billy: how difficult of a switch would it be from edgy ? is the software going to work?06:42
cablesnn531, very easy switch... just don't use automatix06:42
EnverexWhen I log in (to Gnome) it seems to take ages (40 seconds or so) to actually finish loading my desktop. I don't have any programs (like GAIM or anything) set to open when I log in so it's not something like that. The machine is an A64 3800+ X2 with 2GB of RAM so it shouldn't be slow either. Any ideas?06:42
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nn531cables, wouldnt dream of it06:42
dolemite0I wish i would have found this channel before i decided to format and put windows back on after i was gettin frustrated lol06:42
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tjl30ok I get an error when I upgrade06:42
billynn531:  depends on your setup.  for me, it was easy as typing a command and waiting an hour or so.06:42
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quaalclearzen, i dont think so i'm copying this command from a guide.06:42
main2cables: ok grabbing alternate06:42
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nn531billy, awesome06:42
dolemite0Do you guys prefer Automatix over EasyUbuntu?06:43
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kalpikhi! can i resize my swap partition without disturbing ubuntu? or will i have to install it again?06:43
cablesdolemite0, NOOOO!!!!!!!!06:43
cables!automatix | dolemite006:43
pike_dolemite0: now youve done it :)06:43
ubotudolemite0: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe06:43
mariomanwhat should sudo iptables --list give me as output? I have a chain INPUT (accept), chain FORWARD (accept) and chain OUTPUT (accept)06:43
billydolemite0: you won't find much support for either in this room.06:43
sacaterkalpik: i think install06:43
clearzenquaal: one sec, I'll look into it06:43
cello_raspmarioman if there is nothing under those headers you have no firewall settings06:43
kalpiksacater, thanks, i thought so.. :)06:43
sacaterbilly: are you the billy who added me on msn06:43
billykalpik:  you'll need a GParted LiveCD.06:43
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billysacater: no.  wasn't me this time.  :)06:43
mariomanok, then is it possible that my netgear router has a firewall that I don't know about?06:43
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cello_raspmarioman therefore it is not a firewall issue06:43
sacaterbilly: hmm06:44
LjLdolemite0: we prefer not messing up with such ugly scripts. remember, please, that Ubuntu uses APT, which is a very solid package management system that comes from Debian, and which was *intended* to make installing software *easy*. don't pretend to make it even easier by making it harder due to using "magic" scripts that do weird things to the system.06:44
cello_raspmarioman most likely06:44
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LjL!software > dolemite0    (dolemite0, see the private message from Ubotu)06:44
pike_dolemite0: basically they just automate the commands youll find at wiki.ubuntu or help.ubuntu.com06:44
kalpikbilly, yeah, i can do that wid ubuntu live CD.. the point is would my existing ubuntu boot after resizing the swap?06:44
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dolemite0Ah, understand now06:44
cableskalpik, Edgy and Dapper have GParted on the LiveCD, no need to download another CD06:44
cello_raspmarioman look up "port forwarding" + your router model06:44
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nn531billy: is there a way to install feisty but not install all the dumb programs like rythmbox and whatever else there is?06:44
mariomanwell I have port forwarding set up06:44
cablesnn531, you can remove them after06:44
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billykalpik:  just don't resize over used ubuntu partition, should be fine.06:45
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nn531cables, sweet thanks06:45
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mariomanI was at portforward.com and know lots, and when I nmap myself it tells me that I have port 80 open, but nobody outside my network seems to see that I have port 80 open06:45
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xNinjahello...how to change my 75hz to 60hz ?06:45
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lufisI don't like nautilus and want to use pcman file manager. But I cannot get it to recognize it as the default file manager no matter what I do. I've right-clicked on a folder in nautilus and tried under the "Open with" tab but it won't let me select the right one. :(06:45
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kalpikbilly, cables ill resize my windows ntfs partition to accommodate the swap.. so i guess i should be fine if i dont disturb or move my '/'06:46
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cableslufis, under the Open With tab, hit add and use the custom command for pcman06:46
billynn531:  I think the alternate install CD allows advanced installs (picking and choosing which packages you want), but i'd recommend doing that only if you really know what you're doing.  not sure if feisty allows this though.  other alternate installs do.06:46
billykalpik: be careful.  you may not be able to boot windows afterward.06:46
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lufiscables: Tried that. Doesn't let me select the right one06:46
fmarquezi have e solution to bad funtion then sudo command06:46
pike_xNinja: if you have your monitor manual or can look up the horiz and vert setting on line you can either gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf or sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and change the current ones06:46
kalpikbilly, i know that.. ill not be moving my main windows partition.. its just another drive ;)06:46
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mariomandoes work for anybody besides me?06:47
fatsheepwhatever happened to System>Administration>Disks ?06:47
MrKimmHello everyone, can anyone help me with pypanel? I get the error "ImportError: No module named ppmodule" when I try to run it06:47
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billykalpik:  oh i see.  you have a separate ntfs partition.06:47
ser_oI want to recompile my kernel.. after adding a patch.. Which step goes first the patch or make oldconfig ?06:47
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fatsheepis there a new program for mounting partitions and such now?06:47
kalpikbilly, yes :)06:47
xNinjapike_,  i di change this but still not work HorizSync       28.0 - 51.006:47
xNinja    VertRefresh     43.0 - 60.006:47
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pike_xNinja: and you restarted X server with 'alt-ctrl-bkspace' or whatever?06:48
cello_raspmarioman: 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=49 time=128 ms06:48
billykalpik:  should work like a charm.  :D  why are you wanting to resize your swap?06:48
kalpikmarioman, no.. it does not open here06:48
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budmanhelp :-)06:48
mariomanok, thanks06:48
cello_raspmarioman: i don't think your webserver is configured correctly06:48
billywatup budman?06:48
pike_xNinja: what graphic card do you have?06:48
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hanvanmarleThe compiler complains not to have /lib/modules/kernel/build, I did sudo apt-get build-essentials. Anybody an idea?06:48
budmanMy super troopers video has no sound in VLC or the media player.06:48
mariomanby webserver you mean apache?06:48
delirusI tried Ubuntu 64-bit about a year and a half ago, but the repositories were just missing a lot of software that should have been available.  I'm thinking about trying it again, but are the repositories for the 64-bit version still like that?06:48
kalpikbilly, i have 1GB of ram.. and a 512 MB swap.. so i cannot hibernate :(06:48
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budmanI have the easy ubuntu etc.. installed. the video also is very iffy .06:49
fmarquezi have e solution to bad funtion then sudo command06:49
cello_raspmarioman: #apache06:49
beatricehi how would I enable DRI on a different display?06:49
ryanpgdoes anyone know if there's software out there that allows me to create shockwave/flash animations under linux (I don't want to run winde)06:49
billykalpik:  oh i see.  that's a pretty good reason, I'd say.  :)06:49
budmanjust for high quality avis.06:49
mariomanI was already there but they couldn't help06:49
cello_raspmarioman: there you can learn what is wrong06:49
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xNinjapike_, nvidia 7600 512mb06:49
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pike_xNinja: have you installed nvidia drivers yet?06:49
beatricei get this error Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":3.0".06:49
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kalpikbilly, so would i be able to hibernate after increasing the swap, or would i have to configure something else?06:50
mariomanthanks for the help, but I'm going to talk to my ISP and get help from them.06:50
SmuggleHello all!!06:50
clearzenquaal: I looked it over and the syntax appears to be correct. --chunk=64 isn't needed since that is default anyway. What kind of drives are you using?06:50
xNinjapike_, yes i did...but maybe not correctly :P06:50
Helmiguys - what is a good editor for language files (gettext .po, .pot) under ubuntu?06:50
beatricedri is enabled on :0 how do i enable it for :3?06:50
SmuggleWhats the "name" of the nee Ubuntu??06:50
beatricei'm using Xnest06:50
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pike_xNinja: hmm do you get that nice nvidia spash screen when you boot up and login appears?06:50
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xNinjapike_, no06:51
billykalpik:  i don't know.  never worked with that issue before.  I don't use hibernate.06:51
budmanwhats a good IRC client for my ubuntu?06:51
xNinjabudman, xchat06:51
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kalpikbilly, neither do i.. but just for the heck of it :P anyway, thanks for your help :) ill try it out!06:51
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Helmibudman: irssi  - you could also take xchat06:51
sacaterbudman: na, get irssi06:51
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sacaterbudman: xchat or xchat-gnome are easier to use though06:51
billykalpik: right on.  let me know if it works for you.  :)06:51
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delirusirssi just totally rocks06:52
xNinjasudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:52
LjL!irc > budman    (budman, see the private message from Ubotu)06:52
xNinja01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 02e1 (rev a2)06:52
Helmiindeed it does :)06:52
kalpikbilly, sure :)06:52
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ubotwoLjL: Error: That person could not be found in any channel you're in06:52
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pike_xNinja: try this 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx; sudo nvidia-xconfig; sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'06:52
beatricedoes anyone know how to enable dri for display :3 and :0 ast the same time?06:52
ubotwoirc is Internet Relay Chat - Ubuntu IRC clients: xchat (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XChatHowto), gaim (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Konversation (http://konversation.berlios.de/docs/), irssi (console) (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi) - Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat and !guidelines06:52
fmarquezyou can use sudo if your have the hostname configurate06:52
delirusSo there are no Ubuntu 64-bit users awake right now? :(06:52
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epiGuys, I just finished the whole "nvidia driver" install thing. Im not totally sure it worked though, dragging windows around still seems sluggish.06:52
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LookTJHey all06:53
epiI was using 64bit last night delirus.06:53
xNinjapike_, i have ubuntu but installed kde and now under kde06:53
epiIs there any way to check if the drivers installed correctly?06:53
quaalclearzen, these ones http://pastebin.ca/40935506:53
pike_xNinja: well last command then 'sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart'06:53
kalpikepi, glxinfo | grep version06:53
xNinjaepi, lspci06:53
delirusepi:  are the repositories for the 64 bit version still bare?06:53
bobyhello all :) i have a question, i want to ask you if you know a shell command that displays all the ips in a local area network06:53
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fmarquezyou can use sudo if your have the hostname configurate06:54
hanzoHallo, anybody familiar with USplash Settings?06:54
pike_xNinja: to be honest i dont use the ubuntu package for nvidia i just use the nvidia installer from their website but the package should work06:54
epiDelirus, I got zero compatiblity with anything last night on 64bit.06:54
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epiEven on flash I had to force firefox onto 32bit architecture.06:54
Helmianyone does language file translation (gettext format - po/pot files) - which editor do you use?06:54
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LjL!hostname | fmarquez06:55
ubotwofmarquez: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab06:55
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epiKalpik, it says it cant find extension when I key in that code.06:55
delirusepi: yeah, there's no 64 bit firefox to my knowledge06:55
LjLfmarquez: if you're broken your hostname, use Recovery Mode to fix it06:55
delirusepi: er...... flash06:55
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bobyhello all :) i have a question, i want to ask you if you know a shell command that displays all the ips in a local area network06:55
kalpikepi, then you dont have the nvidia driver installed properly..06:55
void^i'm happy with 64bit support, getting flash to work with nspluginwrapper was a mess though06:55
kazim86i cant find a source or .deb package for dapper drake for Code::Blocks06:55
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=== epi breaks down in tears.
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ubotwoThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat06:55
pike_fmarquez: make very sure they match that is a common mistake when chaning hostname06:55
kalpikepi, what all did you try?06:56
delirusI think I'll take a gamble on 64-but Ubuntu. bUt if it doesn't work out I'll have to put aside three days to set up gentoo again >_>06:56
bobyanybody answer my question?06:56
bobyhello all :) i have a question, i want to ask you if you know a shell command that displays all the ips in a local area network06:56
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fmarquezthank i'm solve my problen to edit /etc/hostname06:56
kalpikdelirus, ubuntu 64 bit is just not ready yet IMHO..06:56
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episudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common06:56
episudo nvidia-xconfig06:56
fmarquezyes swap file, if you use vi06:56
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deliruskalpik:  in what ways?06:56
sacaterboby: i know one that will show all the IPs that your computer is connect/listening to06:57
kalpikdelirus, java, flash, w32codecs..06:57
mike1234hi guys when you install a package through the package manager and it automatically installs the dependencies for you.  Is there a way to do that in reverse ie when you un install that application06:57
epi64 bit isnt worth the headaches mate, unless your server-side.06:57
bobycan you tell it to me?06:57
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bobysacater, CAN YOU TELL IT TO ME :)06:57
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sacaterboby: netstat -a --inet06:57
epiMikel, simply find the program, and un-tick the box.06:57
dobby_ /join #ubuntu effects06:57
deliruskalpik:  heh....  those hings are rather trivial if you ask em06:57
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xNinjapike_, still at 7506:57
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sacaterboby: there are loads of different methods using netstat06:58
lockdownboby: arp -a   will show you IPs your computer has seen on the network in the past 30 seconds or so06:58
mEck0how can I make the window borders etc. smaller in gnome? Somebody know a nice theme for that?06:58
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kalpikepi, please do cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver06:58
mikebeechamHELLO, does anyone know how I can add a line to /etc/fstab?  I have tried, but it tells me that it is read-only and I cannot change it06:58
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xNinjaboby, netstat -nutlap06:58
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hanzoAnybody familiar with USplash Settings?06:58
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kalpikdelirus, heh.. if you dont need multimedia, then 64 bit is OK!06:58
pike_boby: maybe like 'for i in `seq 1 99`;do ping -c 192.168.1.$i | grep 64\ bytes\ from; done' or something06:58
xNinjahi BuLLe_06:58
mike1234epi, but that only removes that program does it not?  what if you want to remove all the libraries it installed for that program06:58
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lockdownmikebeecham, put sudo before your command   ie sudo vi /etc/fstab   or whatever editor you want06:59
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billymikebeecham:  sudo nano /etc/fstab06:59
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boby10q guys i will try everything :)06:59
deliruskalpik:  You just have to install a 32-bit video player, along with all of the emul libraries06:59
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enderximmike1234, sudo apt-get remove *app* && sudo apt-get autoremove06:59
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pike_boby: er ping -c 1 ipaddress06:59
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kazim86i've downloaded a source package that has no configure script... it has got a configure.in & Makefile.in06:59
epiSays - "Driver          "nv"06:59
kazim86how do i compile it?06:59
kalpikdelirus, yeah.. chroot and stuff.. too much headache..06:59
jribkazim86: what are you compiling?06:59
lockdownkazim86, did you read the INSTALL or README file?06:59
mike1234enderxim, thanks enderxim06:59
billylockdown:  i'm not sure that someone who doesn't know how to edit a file would know how to operate vi.06:59
xNinjacat /etc/X11/xorg.conf |grep Driver06:59
xNinja    Driver         "kbd"06:59
xNinja    Driver         "mouse"06:59
xNinja    Driver         "wacom"06:59
xNinja    Driver         "wacom"06:59
xNinja    Driver         "wacom"06:59
xNinja    Driver         "nvidia"07:00
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jrib!paste | xNinja07:00
kalpikepi, yes.. its not using the nvidia driver07:00
ubotuxNinja: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:00
mikebeechamahh I wasn't using terminal, I was opening it via a window...I'm one month into Linux so I'm a little wary of such things07:00
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epiI got the same as ninja.07:00
epionly "nv".07:00
apokryphosargh, bad lag07:00
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epiOk, ill toy about with this for a while. Thanks man.07:00
kalpikepi, are you sure you installed nvidia-glx?07:00
delirusI've never used a chroot on this OS.  Straight-out 64-bit...  and I have flash, w32codecs, and java working fine07:00
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kalpikdelirus, O_o wow! how?!07:00
billymikebeecham: there's a way to do it like that, but don't.  use the terminal.  become very familiar with terminal commands.  it's far more efficient that operating via windows.07:00
hendrixskihey, is there a general ubuntu chat channel?07:00
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epiPretty, though the download I saw was only 12mb big, which seemed too small.07:01
apokryphos!offtopic | hendrixski07:01
jrib!offtopic | hendrixski07:01
ubotuhendrixski: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:01
billyhendrixski: type /join #ubuntu-offtopic07:01
hendrixskithank you07:01
kazim86lockdown: there is none INSTALL or README... i downloaded the source of code::blocks ide07:01
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ralzehi. i'm trying to listen to some mp3's from my server's samba share, but all player are complaining about missing codecs. when i cp the files to my hd, then everything works fine07:01
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kazim86lockdown: they also say some wxWidgets is required07:01
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ralzeany documents about that issue?07:01
mikebeechambilly: I'm very windows based and the terminal is a little scary at present07:02
hanzoAnybody familiar with USplash Settings?07:02
jrib!anybody | hanzo07:02
ubotuhanzo: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:02
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kalpikepi, its around 12 MB only..07:02
deliruskalpik:  I installed the 32-bit emulation libraries, a 32-bit brower for flash, a 32-bit video player for the codecs.07:02
epiFixed it! Yey for me! Didnt run the second configuration script. Anyway, ill just restart gnome brb.07:02
pike_ralze: i think its a limitation of nautilus maybe. but not sure.07:02
deliruskalpik:  I'm on gentoo though... I dunno how it works in Ubuntu :\07:02
kalpikepi, cool!07:02
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pike_ralze: does it work from command line?07:03
crayzeeHow do I find out what package qdom.h is provided by?07:03
jribcrayzee: packages.ubuntu.com or use apt-file07:03
billymikebeecham:  i know what you mean.  do your best though.  soon it will become very familiar.  what you don't want to do is to open nautilus using "gksudo nautlius" so that you can edit the files that way.  Understand?07:03
crayzeejrib, ta07:03
=== DsB [i=OBIWAN@bl6-162-197.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
DsBhi everyone07:03
kalpikdelirus, yes,, other distros work fine with 64 bit.. i tried suse 64 bit,, that was fine.. but couldnt get things running on ubuntu 64 bit07:03
jribkazim86: have you read http://wiki.codeblocks.org/index.php?title=Installing_Code::Blocks_nightly_build_on_Ubuntu ?07:03
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hanzoTo what extend is it possible to configure USplash (Resolution, Refresh Rate) and how do i do this?07:03
DsBhow to have wireless with wpa_supplicant07:03
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deliruskalpik:  I guess I'll just jump right into it and see if I can work it out.  If I get it working and you're here later (and I think to) I'll tell you how I did it 8)07:04
mikebeechambilly: kind of...if it wasnt' for the fact that I play a couple of games on the windows machine, I would migrate completely.  That said though, I am justr getting into it so will have to persevere07:04
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ttsi stll hqave grub problems07:04
kalpikdelirus, ill be waiting ;)07:04
ttscant boot into ubunutu only Windows xp07:04
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billymikebeecham: when you get the hang of it, you'll like it much better than working with windows.07:05
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mikebeechambilly: I hope so...at the moment I am scared of doing something that will cause the machine to crash.  I suppose the Ubuntu forums are the best place to learn the commands?07:06
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epiYou can use wine to run windows games on this.07:06
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quaalhello does anyone know about creating raid arrays know where i am going wrong here http://pastebin.ca/40936007:06
kalpikmikebeecham, try http://ubuntuguide.org that will give you an idea about the basic commands07:06
epiOr if your willing to pay "cedega", 3 pounds a month, its excellent for mmorpgs like warcraft.07:06
billymikebeecham:  there's lots of howtos.  I myself am going through the ones at www.linux.org, though I've found some of them are a little antiquated.  Hold on I'll find you a link.07:06
budmanWith beryl videos seem to be iffy in VLC player. Is there a setting I have to set?07:06
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kalpikepi, did it work?07:07
mikebeechamKalpik: thanks07:07
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mikebeechamBilly: thank you very much for the help07:07
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epiI think so. Its giving me Nvidia instead of Nv now.07:07
billymikebeecham:  https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/index.html07:07
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hyljeepi: cedega for wow is somewhat pointless07:07
kalpikepi, try runnning glxgears07:07
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ttsany one can help with grub07:07
budmanSeems berly is having issues soon as i switch desktops the video works and everything lags.07:07
epiYep it works :D07:08
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=== epi does a little dance
kloverI accidentally set HTML to always open with NVu, so now when I go to any link, it asks to NVu open it.  I thought it was only for the FTP files.  Anyway, how do I set this back to the default?  KDE Dapper07:08
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kalpikepi, then yes, the nvidia driver is working :D07:09
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kane`when trying to install the newest nvidia drivers for my graphics card, the installer says that i am running an X-server even when i run it through ctrl+alt+F207:09
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addamshow do i create a file in a restriced directory ??07:10
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Enverexkane`, Well duh, it's still running even if you're not looking at it, you need to close it07:10
epiNobody new to ubuntu hit "ctrl+alt+f2".07:10
addamsusing gedit07:10
kloverkane:  kill gdm07:10
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pradeepaddams, sudo touch <file>07:10
clearzenquaal: could you paste the output of this command mdadm -E /dev/sda1; mdadm -E /dev/sdb107:10
kalpikkane`, you need to type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop before installing the drivers07:10
snk00sji am having problems installing nvidia-legacy drivers on a feisty machine (just upgraded)07:10
Enverexklover, kane` : correct command would be "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"07:10
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kloveryes, sorry Enverex, I couldn't remember the command07:11
snk00sjafter starting x, xserver complains the drivers of the kernel & of the module do not match07:11
kloverI just meant he should "kill" it07:11
kalpiksnk00sj, please join #ubuntu+1 for feisty problems :)07:11
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clearzenquaal: and mdadm -D /dev/md007:11
kane`i knew what meant :)07:11
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pradeepaddams, sudo gedit <filename>07:11
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mettao87how can i download this driver 2005_1230_RT61_Linux_STA_Drv1.0.3.0.tar.gz????07:11
addamsthanks pradeep, i got it going07:12
mettao87in the ralink website i didn't find it....07:12
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budmanIm having problems getting my WIDE screen mode on my laptop. Can anyone help? I have the 915resolution installed and edited my xorg.conf.07:12
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quaalclearzen, http://pastebin.ca/40937707:12
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ttsany one can help with grub please07:12
yurimxpxmando any of you know how to make the 6.10 LiveCD boot from an external USB HDD?07:12
quaaltts, state problem.07:13
quaalyurimxpxman, bios settings07:13
DsBhow to remove prism54 from ubuntu server edition07:13
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quaalDsB, 1 question mark is sufficient.07:13
DsBlol, sorry07:13
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yurimxpxmanquaal: would I just have to extract the ISO to a fat32 partition then?07:13
dcordeshow do i prevent ubuntu from automounting my usb hdd?07:13
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ttsmost of the time i get Error 21: Selected disk does not exist or partition07:13
quaalyurimxpxman, that may work.. not sure07:13
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quaaldcordes, /etc/fstab07:14
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x386hi *07:14
dcordesquaal: thanks. it is not in there..07:14
x386have a problem with parallel port..07:14
quaalparallel ports are still used ?07:14
dcordesubuntu is automatically mounting it07:14
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x386quaal: yes..07:14
ttsquaal:i was also told to modify my menu list file , didn't work thou07:15
x386I'll post a problem to paste bin..07:15
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EightElevendcordes: Why don't you want the hdd to be auto-mounted?07:15
ttsquaal:i also have two swap partitions i know know why07:15
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SayersWhere is sun's JDK located?07:16
dcordesEightEleven: well if that is of any importance... i want to format it, but once it is mounted, i cant umount because there are some destroyed blocks07:16
kazim86jrib: thanks.. did it07:16
jrib!java > Sayers    (Sayers, see the private message from ubotu)07:16
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Sayersjrib: The directory so I can add it to eclipse?07:17
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EightElevendcordes: i see. If I'm not mistaken, the hotplug package takes care of auto-mounting.07:17
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EightElevendcordes: But removing it might also break other auto-detection stuff.07:17
assasukassehi everyone, i need to do a complex tax, i want to change my fs to jfs, from reiserfs, i was planning to take out the hdd of my lap, copying everyhting somewhere else, format to jfs then copy everyhting back07:17
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dcordesEightEleven: dont matter cause im on live07:18
ferronicaany one here using Nokia 7710 in ubuntu 6.06 LTS Dapper Drake???07:18
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ferronicait unable to mount my Nokia 7710 :(07:18
ttscan any one help my grub wont boot ubuntu http://img107.imageshack.us/img107/6764/untitledrc4.png07:18
EightElevendcordes: kill hotplug07:18
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ferronicaor i need software for my nokia 7710 ?07:18
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EightElevendcordes: that is: "sudo kill hotplug"07:19
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knoppix__ferronica: sorry I really dont know... I am a noob :(07:19
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ferronicaknoppix: what didnt get you?07:20
dcordesEightEleven: nice that worked. thank you07:20
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dcordeshow can i format a complete hard drive in command line?07:20
bruenigdcordes, probably using parted07:20
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vetsinor dd07:20
vetsinif you want a low-level format..07:21
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Comte0dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda for example...07:21
bluesignwhen i mount /dev/dvd i only see a dead link called "dvd", any idea how to fix?07:21
void^dcordes: fdisk to create partitions, mkfs.* to create filesystems on partitions07:21
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ferronicaany one here using Nokia 7710 in ubuntu 6.06 LTS Dapper Drake???07:21
vetsinI try to start my firewall and it says 'eth1' isnt ready, any idea what it means by 'isnt ready' ?07:21
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x387sorry, got disconnected.. If anybody answered something about par. port... Please repeat :)07:22
bruenigbluesign, are you sure that is the name of it, generally ubuntu doesn't name it /dev/dvd it names it /dev/hd something07:22
ferronicait unable to detect my Nokia 7710 :(07:22
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ferronicavia USB cable07:22
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bluesignbruenig: it is /dev/hdc actualy, /dev/dvd is symlinked to it i guess07:22
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bruenigbluesign, well try mounting /dev/hdc07:22
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bluesignbruenig: same result07:23
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bruenigbluesign, where is it mounting?07:23
bluesignbruenig: /media/cdrom007:23
ferronicaany one here using Nokia 7710 in ubuntu 6.06 LTS Dapper Drake???07:23
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ttshelp cant boot into ubuntu :(07:23
bruenigbluesign, and there is nothing in there?07:23
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bluesigna dead symlink called dvd pointing to hdc07:23
bruenigbluesign, mounted inside /media/cdrom007:24
bruenigbluesign, so /media/cdrom0/dvd07:24
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bluesignlet me paste07:24
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bluesignlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    3 2007-03-25 11:33 dvd -> hdc07:25
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bruenigbluesign, but you are telling me it is /media/cdrom0/dvd07:25
SayersWhat's the coolest / hippest / best audio player for Ubuntu?07:25
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trev_can anyone tell me how to turn on microsphone funtaillity in ubuntu?07:25
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kalpikSayers, exaile :)07:25
bluesignbruenig: yep07:25
bruenig!media players07:25
factotumIm running the last LTS release, 6.06 on my desktop. When another LTS release is out do I have to upgrade though edgy, fiesty and whatever else comes between to get to that next LTS, or do I need to do a complete reinstall?07:25
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs07:25
bruenigbluesign, that doesn't make any sense in any possible way07:25
factotumummm...did what I just posted just get chopped off?07:26
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bluesignbruenig: yep that's why I  cannot understand07:26
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bronze_0_1factotum: no07:26
tjl30how do I edit my source list?07:26
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bruenigunless somehow all the dvd had on it was a file called dvd symlink, I just can't see anything that would make sense07:26
factotumalright, only is displaying the last line for some reason on my xchat07:26
bruenigtjl30, sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list07:26
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Sayerskalpik: is it super cool with a lot of features?07:27
coopsteri've had my ubuntu system 6.10 working very smoothly for a while.  my computer is getting more sluggish, and it's most likely because i'm running some memory hogs behind the scenes without meaning too.  i have beryl and emerald running on top of gdm, and I was wondering if there was any good guide for tweaking for performance.  do you know of a good place to start, or a good system monitor tool that will generate logs I can look back on late07:27
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bruenigSayers, generally the consensus is amarok is the best07:27
bluesignbruenig: how can i troubleshoot?07:27
bruenigbluesign, I don't know, if you do figure it out though, tell me07:27
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kalpikSayers, its almost same as Amarok, just that its gtk based..07:27
Sayersbruenig: I use amorak at the moment07:27
bluesignbruenig: ok :)07:27
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:27
factotumso yea, since i like to stick with a more stable LTS release. Am i going to have to reinstall when the next LTS is available and not be able to dist-upgrade to it?07:27
SayersIt's cool and all :S07:27
kalpikSayers, yes :)07:28
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ttsany one knwo why i cant setup grub on  setup (sda3)07:28
bruenigfactotum, that is a good question, I would assume so07:28
trev_can anyone tell me how to turn on your microphone in ubuntu?07:28
crdlbfactotum, there will be a lts-to-lts upgrade path I believe07:28
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factotumoh I hope so07:28
coopster!patience | trev_07:29
ubotutrev_: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:29
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bruenigtts, because that is the wrong syntax, should be setup (hd0,2)07:29
GaiaX11How do I restart my cups?07:29
coopstertrev_, erm, i meant to have it say something about repeating questions.  just wait a sec and someone will hopefully help.  if i knew how i would :)07:29
snk00sjcould anyone tell me the easiest way to install windows on an ubuntu machine, and make sure the installer (win installer) adds a bootloader07:29
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trev_coopster: got it07:29
bruenig!grub | snk00sj just add grub back07:29
ubotusnk00sj just add grub back: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:29
crdlbtrev_, did you try double-clicking on the volume control applet?07:29
crdlband checking the levels?07:30
vetsinI set up a dhcp server and it works, then set up NAT between my two ethernet cards but it doesn't seem to be fowarding nets, any ideas why?07:30
ttsbruenig: look grub> find /boot/grub/stage107:30
ttsgrub> 2)07:30
trev_crdlb:yeah im doing that right now07:30
coopstertrev_, it's my understanding that it should 'just work'.  I would check to make sure that you are in the audio group (run 'groups' from a command line) and that your volume on the mic isn't muted (what crdlb said)07:30
kalpikGaiaX11, sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart07:30
bruenigtts, look at what?07:30
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trev_coopster:thx, i think it might be hardware07:30
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ttsbruenig:when i run find /boot/grub/stage1 i get grub> 2)07:31
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bruenigtts, first, the output should not have grub> in front of it07:31
trev_coopster: do you know if it would it be under microphone or line in?07:31
bruenigtts, did you run sudo grub?07:32
Souvent22Is 'mail' avail for Ubuntu?07:32
ttsbruenig: yeh it shoud be (hd some this07:32
Souvent22i have sendmail installed, but i'm trying to install the 'mail' client, and it's not found.07:32
coopstertrev_, in that case, check to make sure that your sound card is getting picked up properly, you can type lspci in the console to see what devices linux is seeing.07:32
yell0wSouvent22, mailx07:32
coopstertrev_, it should be microphone, line in is the input port on your sound device07:32
bruenigtts, well if you know what partition it is setup on, then just keep going07:32
yell0wSouvent22, or procmail07:32
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Souvent22yell0w: ah, that contains the mail command.07:32
ttsfound it  (hd0,2)07:32
bruenigtts, yeah just told you that...07:33
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thcmonkeyanyone else have difficulty trying to change to 1680x1050 res?07:33
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tts bruenig:please take a second to look at this its very confusing for me http://img107.imageshack.us/img107/6764/untitledrc4.png07:34
trev_coopster:thx for the help its working now07:34
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coopstertrev_, not a problem, glad to hear you got it07:34
maxmarasera a tutti07:34
boboi am having trouble with dd07:34
fenrigubuntu doesnt recognise my max screen resolution07:34
maxmaraITALIANI NESSUNO????07:34
fenrighow can i fix this???07:34
dobby_this might sound a bit wired but, i have just installed ubuntu edgy and i can not watch any movies or anything i need help to find which codec's i need and also how to watch stuff on the web07:34
bruenigtts, that is a lot of swap07:34
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bobowhen ever i copy a data cd or dvd it gose fine but when i try a video dvd it gives me this error dd: reading `/dev/hdd': Input/output error07:34
thcmonkeyfenrig: i have the same issue07:34
mjbrooks!restricted > dobby_07:35
bruenigtts, looks like (hd0,1)07:35
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kalpikdobby_, http://ubuntuguide.org07:35
leshaste what's an easy way to watch a youtube video fullscreen?07:35
mjbrooks!restricted > thcmonkey07:35
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ttssetup (hd0,2)07:35
ttsError 12: Invalid device requested07:35
dobby_kalpik, thx dude07:35
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fenrighow can i fix this?07:35
bruenigleshaste, click the full screen button on the player07:35
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rambo3hd0 no ,207:35
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bruenigrambo3, that is if you want MBR, he might want it on the partition07:36
thcmonkey,jbrooks: cheers07:36
kalpikdobby_, no problem :)07:36
SayersACPI or APM Doesn't work becasue the Hibernate does not work as well as my Fan is going full throttle always07:36
bruenigtts, you need to pay attention when I tell you something07:36
ttssetup (hd0)07:36
ttsError 12: Invalid device requested07:36
coopsteranyone have a suggestion for a good performance monitoring tool for ubuntu, like a logging 'top' sort of thing?  i want to figure out what it is i've installed that is hogging the system.07:36
ttsbruenig:ok what ?07:36
bruenigtts, right after I looked at the link, I told you it was on (hd0,1) and then you just kept going saying stuff07:36
bruenigwhy even link it to me07:36
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jubei_guys I have this eth1 interface, which must be up for ppp to work. What do I need to put in networking/interfaces for it to just come up without any adresses or looking for dhcp etc?07:36
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nileshow can i disable grub so it is not invoked at boot time, with out having to remove it?07:37
ttsbruenig:i had done that before still coudnlt boot07:37
kalpikniles, why would you want to do that?07:37
coopsterjubei_, well, 'auto eth1' will make it come up automatically, i don't know if there's a way to leave it unconfigured completely07:37
bruenigtts, perhaps grub isn't installed...07:37
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Souvent22yell0w: would you recommend one over the other?07:37
factotumanyone here play planeshift?07:37
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ttsbruenig:sudo apt-get install grub ?07:37
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jubei_coopster: auto eth1 by itself doesn't bring it up07:37
yell0wSouvent22, i'm using mailx, never used procmail before07:38
ttsgrub is already the newest version.07:38
yell0wSouvent22, if it works out for you, why worry about the other ?07:38
bruenigtts, well it is obviously installed, or you couldn't get to the grub prompt07:38
crdlbcoopster, with top (or htop which is a nice replacement) you can look at the cpu time to tell what is hogging resources07:38
rambo3tts, what does this retiurn :   find /boot/grub/stage107:38
factotumim just browsing around looking at native games looks like some decent finds07:38
strat89Q: cannot access anything except device manager under "system>administration>x . accepts password then nothing or starts to load app then nothing. Newb on fresh install of breezy.07:38
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yell0wSouvent22, listen to buddha and be content when things work my friend ;)07:38
factotumdid any of the quakes go open source? i thought i heard something about that07:38
ttsrambo3:  (hd0,2)07:39
rambo3tts that is in grub07:39
coopsterjubei_, you probably need a corresponding 'iface eth1 inet ...' line, which usually ends in dhcp or static config info, i dunno if it'll come up without that info07:39
coopstercrdlb, do you know of one that will make logs so i can look at the averages later?07:39
crdlbfactotum, the q3 engine is open source07:39
leshastebruenig: :) thanks07:39
fenrighow can i fix my monitor problem07:39
rambo3tts setup (hd0,2) ?07:39
factotumoh cool07:39
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Souvent22yell0w: i like your train of thought. :) thanks. it's now working, and i like it that way :).07:39
jubei_coopster: it won't! :D and If I put DHCP it just keeps looking for a dhcp server:)07:39
factotumthats what nexuiz runs on isnt it?07:39
jubei_coopster: and that annoys me :D07:39
factotumor whatever its called07:39
yell0wSouvent22, np07:39
ttsrambo3: Error 12: Invalid device requested07:39
coopsterjubei_, just give it a static IP address then, that'll keep dhcp from launching07:40
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rambo3tts : root(hd0,2)07:40
jubei_coopster: but that's.. kinda .. lame coz that interface doesn't really need an IP. It just does bridging with my DSL modem07:40
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soundrayubuntu_noob: can we help?07:41
kalpikrambo3, tts its root (hd0,2).. notice the space?07:41
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ttsrambo3:  setup (hd0,2)   ... succeeded07:41
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coopsterjubei_, looking at `man interfaces`, it seems like the 'mapping' directive is what you'd need to use for it to run a bridge configuration script automatically, or something like that07:42
ttskalpik:yess good piont07:42
tbussneed help with my repositories, when I update I keep getting a failed to fetch error. I've checked the repository in question, altered and even removed, still get the Fail to fetch error?07:42
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ubuntu_noobsoundray, hi, my cpu is shown unkonw in the component manager07:42
coopsterjubei_, found it.  just put 'auto eth1'  and 'iface eth1 manual'07:43
ammielim having troubles mounting a dvd07:43
coopsterjubei_, erm, 'iface eth1 inet manual'07:43
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jubei_coopster: thanks :D07:43
soundrayubuntu_noob: does it matter? Do you have any problems because of it?07:43
ammielgnome doesnt seem to mount it and i cant seem to find the mount command to mount the dvd07:43
ttstime for reboot ?07:43
coopsterjubei_, no problem, see if it even works before gettin too grateful ;)07:43
tbussanyone know what else I can use besides http://archive.ubuntu.com/dists/edgy/edgy-proposed/Release I keep getting errors with this one07:44
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ubuntu_noobsoundray, I was wondering will it co'z fault cpu temp, when the cpu weren't detected.07:44
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kalpiktbuss, try de.archive.ubuntu.com instead of archive.ubuntu.com07:44
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soundrayubuntu_noob: I'm not sure what you mean by "component manager". I suggest you open a terminal and run07:45
soundrayubuntu_noob: cat /proc/cpuinfo07:45
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soundrayubuntu_noob: tell me what it reports in the line "model name:"07:46
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tbusskalpik: still the same error, for the old repositiry07:46
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coopsterhrmm, ok, so now i'd like to use the `time` command to collect statistics about the programs i'm running.  is there an easy way to tell linux that for each program run, i really want to run `time -etc $PROGRAM` ?07:47
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variantcoopster: thats a bad idea, some commands will fskup if you do that07:47
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ubuntu_noobsoundray, forget it, I just asked another noob question...07:47
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soundrayubuntu_noob: was that output okay, then?07:48
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coopstervariant, shoot.  any idea how i might exclude those programs, or otherwise accomplish the goal of collecting stats about what programs hog the most resources over time?07:48
variantcoopster: add the time command to the start of hte launcher for each application you specifically want to test.. or make a little script. you can output the timeing to a text file07:48
anirudhahello everyone07:48
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kalpiktbuss, hmm.. try after sometime.. maybe they are updating the repos..07:48
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ubuntu_noobsoundray, yep, ^^ thanks for your help anyways...07:48
ubuntuooooo it's work07:48
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variantcoopster: the time command wont tell you anything about what programs are using a lot of resources.. it just times startup time07:48
tbusskalpik: i can locate the url on my browser...07:48
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coopstervariant,  well, my issue is that just sometimes the computer seems sluggish, it's not a production server or anything, so if i make it have hiccups it's no big deal, but i'd like to collect some info so i can tune this thing up later07:49
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kane`hmm, that was odd07:49
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kalpiktbuss, yes.. the error you are getting is at the GPG file.. just try after 5 minutes07:49
ubuntu_noobI guess I was drugged by M$ for too long07:49
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variantcoopster: you could use a combination of ps, grep, sort and a while loop07:49
tbusskalpik: I removed the repository that it keeps giving me a error for. Is it possible it is located somewhere else07:49
JennHelp - I have ubuntu installed, I also want to install window xp on the same computer. How do I go on about doing this?07:49
coopstervariant,  i thought time did CPU % and max memory info?07:49
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variantcoopster: thats probably things like updatedb running in cron jobs07:50
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davidelvJenn.. It would be much easier to do it the other way around07:50
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soundrayJenn: you chose the more difficult sequence... It's easier to install ubuntu after windows.07:50
Jennoh noooo :(07:50
anirudhaHi, does anyone know the equivalent of flash player on linux?07:50
kane`when running the install for my nvidia drivers, restarting the gdm and going back ctrl+alt+f7, i got that x server was having errors, so i rebooted and loaded windows, then rebooted again and went back to ubuntu, and now it works just fine...07:50
coopstervariant, yeah, i guess that is the best way, just a short script instead of looking for the perfect answer :-p   thanks, woulda been a while before i thought to just shell script it07:50
variantcoopster: no, just run time (not startup time as i initialy said)07:50
kane`with the new drivers installed07:50
davidelvJenn> You have to repartition your harddisk, install xp and rebuild grub07:50
ttshi ,when i boot i get no such partition07:50
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kalpikanirudha, sudo aptitude install flashplayer-nonfree07:51
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Jenndaviddelv, you are saying I need to install window xp and then install ubuntu?...07:51
anirudhakalpik, thanks ... I'll try it =)07:51
variantcoopster: simply run top when the system feels sluggish.. that will tell you what is using the most cpu07:51
kalpikanirudha, and try following http://ubuntuguide.org07:51
anirudhakalpik, okay07:51
linoleumhi guys, I've got a simple question : I want to install feisty on my desktop, but I use a Fakeraid0, and need dmraid (I presume). Should I download the desktop install CD or the Alternate install CD ? Tkx07:51
thcmonkeyanyone know where i can get libdvdcss2?07:51
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davidelvJenn, if you do, ubuntu will automaticly make your comp. dual boot07:51
variantlinoleum: #ubuntu+1 for feisty talk07:52
soundrayJenn: it's definitely easier that way.07:52
kalpiktbuss, im sorry.. im really out of ideas if it doesnt work still..07:52
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linoleumtkx variant07:52
ardchoille!seveas | thcmonkey07:52
ubotuthcmonkey: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages07:52
tbusskalpik: oaky, thanks for your help07:52
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:52
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kalpikthcmonkey, add the medibuntu repository..07:52
coopstervariant, i figure i'll just have a script gather info every 1-5 minutes, and then start axing the things that use more resources on average than they're worth07:52
Jenndaviddelv & soundray - thanks....07:52
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variantcoopster: i see07:52
anirudhakalpik, btw what does "non-free" mean?07:52
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davidelvJenn, but it is possible to install xp now, you just have to rebuild your bootloader, because xp will remove it07:53
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kalpikanirudha, that means its closed source..07:53
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anirudhakalpik, Do I need to purchase it?07:53
variantanirudha: no, could be shareware07:54
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variantanirudha: or freeware07:54
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soundrayJenn: you could also see how it goes with ubuntu alone. Some people don't even need Windows, because Ubuntu has equivalents for everything they do.07:54
anirudhavariant, oh okay ... so freeware can be closed source?07:54
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variantanirudha: it generaly is07:54
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kalpikanirudha, no.. its is "free" just that its closed source07:54
soundrayJenn: others are happy running Windows programs under wine, although wine isn't fully mature yet07:54
anirudhavariant, oh okay .. thanks!07:55
anirudhakalpik, oh okay .. thanks!07:55
davidelv Jenn: and you can try visualization07:55
AfiefMy system just crashed, when rebooting it says that my filesystem is corrupt. how can i save the files?07:55
Jenndaviddelv - is that similar to wine?07:55
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variantanirudha: open source is not a very good term really, if microsoft released the source code to windows vista but with a licence that said you can only look at it but not actualy use it in any way then they could legitimatly call it open source, but it would be "Free" software07:55
soundrayJenn: and yet another possibility is to run Windows in a virtual machine, e.g. qemu (free software) or vmware (closed software)07:55
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variantanirudha: free as in speech07:55
EightElevenAfief: Try booting with a rescue cd07:55
davidelvJenn> no you get a visual machine, and then you can install a complete windows07:56
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AfiefEightEleven: where do i get a rescue cd?07:56
soundraydavidelv: s/visual/virtual/07:56
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EightElevenAfief: Ubuntu Live CDs can be used as rescue cd.07:56
Jenndaviddelv, I see thanks, I will try to google and learn more about this.07:56
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EightElevenAfief: Knoppix CDs too07:56
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davidelvJenn> virtual machine :-) look at vmware07:56
variantanirudha: thats why you should be wary of companies that say they are "open source companies" or something simmilar.. normally it's total bs07:56
AfiefEightEleven, okay it is booting, what should i do now?07:57
anirudhavariant, Good example ... thanks for the clarification.07:57
variantanirudha: np07:57
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stjepanwhat's gargnome?07:57
variantstjepan: gnome installer07:57
EightElevenAfief: deceide if you can save your files on the network or on a usb-stick07:57
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downstairsHelp: when downloading torrents, the connection goes out!07:58
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facefacedownstairs, check with isp07:58
shaY-how to start nano?07:58
EightElevenAfief: So you should use the rescue cd to make a backup of your files to a safe location.07:58
facefaceshaY-, type nano at the command line07:58
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downstairsfaceface, I have comcast and it has been fine so far07:59
AfiefEightEleven: I have the important files backed up, I just don't want to format/reinstall ubuntu if that's possible07:59
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Shrimpy_hey, i'm moving a file and it says i need permission. is there somthing i need to enable saying i'm me or root.  or how do you move files on the command line07:59
facefacedownstairs, which client?07:59
facefacebittorrent client?07:59
downstairscurrently i'm using uTorrent with Wine07:59
downstairsand it's actually given me the best results07:59
soundrayShrimpy_: 'sudo mv /source/file /target/dir/'07:59
variantShrimpy_: use sudo, or open the file browser like this "gksudo nautilus" but BE CAREFUL07:59
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facefacein what sense?08:00
downstairsit downloads really quickly08:00
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soundrayShrimpy_: it will ask for your *user* password08:00
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downstairsbut eventually the connection just "dies"08:00
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downstairsfyi: i'm conneted via a wireless adapter08:00
facefacedownstairs, whole internet connection? or just the torrent?08:00
soundrayShrimpy_: there's a good introduction to sudo:08:00
pike_Shrimpy_: as a rule anything out of your home directory will reqire you to use sudo08:00
soundrayubotu, tell Shrimpy_ about sudo08:00
downstairswhole internet connection08:00
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facefacedownstairs, you know how to restart it?08:00
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arpegiuscan i restore the original smb.conf08:00
downstairsyes, the internet connection? yes08:00
Shrimpy_i know about sudo, but i dont know how to access it out of the command line08:00
EightElevenAfief: You can try to manually repair your Ubuntu install form the rescue CD.08:01
variantShrimpy_: i just told you08:01
facefaceis it one torrent in particular?08:01
variantShrimpy_: gksudo nautilus08:01
AfiefEightEleven: how do i do that?08:01
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anirudhakalpik, I tried "sudo aptitude install flashplayer-nonfree" but it was unsuccessful. I get the following error: Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "flashplayer-nonfree"08:01
downstairsthis used to happen to me before as well08:01
downstairsI don't remember how it went away.. but now it's back08:01
EightElevenAfief: First you have to find out what corrupted your filesystem.08:01
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facefacedownstairs, can't help08:02
Shrimpy_variant: to open that, what should i go to?08:02
Afiefthat's my hda1, a reiserFS08:02
anirudhakalpik, Did you get such an error when you tried it?08:02
AfiefEightEleven:that's my hda1, a reiserFS08:02
variantShrimpy_: alt f208:02
facefaceother than saying 'use vanilla bt software and try to debug'08:02
downstairswell vanilla BT software was horrible08:02
EightElevenAfief: Can you read files from hda1 with the rescue cd?08:02
variantShrimpy_: make a launcher in the menu08:02
downstairsi got horrible download speeds08:02
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AfiefEightEleven: no08:02
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kalpikanirudha, so sorry.. its flashplugin-nonfree08:02
facefacedownstairs, who cares... if your connection doesn't die08:02
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EightElevenAfief: What happened before your filesystem got corrupted?08:03
facefacedownstairs, if your speeds are slow its a torrent issue, if your internet connection is dying whenever you use torrent - something else is wrong08:03
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anirudhakalpik, No problem ... thanks again =)08:04
Shrimpy_variant: how do i put it in the menu (sorry i'm pretty much lost out side of the command line :))08:04
downstairswell it dies after a certain period of time08:04
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Terrorarthy can anone tell me how do i add undernet to my server list08:04
kalpikanirudha, :)08:04
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AfiefEightEleven: I was browsing the internet as usual and downloaded a PDF... dunno if that led to the failure though08:04
downstairsmy theory is that it... reaches a really high download speed and only then it goes out08:04
soundrayShrimpy_: why don't you use the command line then?08:04
facefacedownstairs, no idea... back to isp problem08:04
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ttscan any one help me with grub08:04
Shrimpy_soundray: because i'm need to learn how to do both08:04
downstairsthanks for trying then08:04
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facefacetts, speak08:05
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Terrorarthy how do i ad the server Undernet to my server list so I can connect with it08:05
lspcihello all...08:05
ttsi reboot and get partitions dose not exist08:05
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facefacetts, after doing what?08:06
soundrayShrimpy_: I suggest you don't perform any system administration tasks while you familiarize yourself with nautilus and gnome.08:06
lspcianyone know how to set the permissions on a hard drive device for unrestricted access?08:06
wolfspiri1has anyone had any issues with ubuntu + beryl svn + nvidia where it will lock up once a day or so and you can still move the mouse but not the keyboard and you have to power it down?  All stats seem ok when it happens (CPU load, temp, etc..) and there are messages in the kernel logs about nvram as well..08:06
ttsfaceface: after trying to install grub agian08:06
facefacelspci, man fstab08:06
brueniglspci, like 777 permissions?08:06
EightElevenAfief: That should not be a problem.08:06
ttsi removed my IDE drives08:06
Slartwolfspiri1: no problems here, nvidia+amd+beryl08:06
EightElevenAfief: It might be hardware related.08:06
soundraylspci: filesystem access or raw device access?08:06
Shrimpy_soundray: i'm just moving a folder with a skin in it for a program08:06
facefacetts, sounds like you configured grub wrong08:06
lspciraw device access08:06
facefacelspci, man mount08:07
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AfiefEightEleven: weird, the pc has been working well for ages. any suggestion how to fix it?08:07
Slartwolfspiri1: apart from my screensaver "lock screen" thingy going amok when run under beryl...08:07
brueniglspci, put umask=0000 in the options in /etc/fstab for it08:07
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EightElevenAfief: Reinstalling Ubuntu (on ext3) might be the easiest sollution.08:07
lspciI have a Windows VMware machine, and I am trying to add the primary drive as a HD in vmware, but I don't have permissions as a user08:07
bofh80Afief, turn the heating down :D. actually it does sound like your PC might be over heating! got any way of checking temps?08:07
ttsfaceface: how should i be configuring it08:07
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lspcibruenig: ah!  thanks08:07
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facefacetts, what is your setup? dual boot? xp ubuntu?08:08
ttsfaceface: xp and ubuntu xp oots up fine08:08
soundraylspci: sounds dangerous... but essentially you can add your user to the disk group for that. bruenig's advice is for filesystem access, not raw device.08:08
facefacetts, and how do you reconfigure grub without ubuntu working?08:08
ttslive cd08:09
Afiefbofh80: actually not, I'm in another city and playing tech support for my bro on the phone(he has terminal-phobia)  but i meant "ages" as in turning on and off, boot speeds are good enough for me08:09
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lspcisoundray: ok, doesn't matter anyway, it's just a temp file store...08:09
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facefacein linux say df and look carefully at the devices listed08:09
soundraylspci: it does matter a lot08:09
facefacelike /dev/hda108:09
ttsfaceface: been at it for 3 hours08:09
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Terrorartcan anybody just please tell me how to add the server undernet in my server list08:09
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facefacetts, you in linux?08:09
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kalpikTerrorart, xchat->network list->add08:10
soundrayTerrorart: it would help if you said what program you are using.08:10
facefaceTerrorart, man apt08:10
Terrorartxchat irc08:10
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Terrorartof course08:10
facefacetts, are you in xp or ubuntu live disk?08:10
ttsfaceface: yes im on the live cd08:10
bruenigundernet is already in there by default at least08:10
bruenigif you get the repo version08:10
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facefaceOK, and what /dev/'s does "df" list?08:10
lspcitts: if you run grub from the shell, and run 'find /boot/grub/stage1'  what does it say?08:11
Terrorartthsi is what it has been telling me08:11
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Terrorart* Looking up newserver08:11
Terrorart* Unknown host. Maybe you misspelled it?08:11
Terrorartbut i don't think I have mispelled Undernet08:11
facefacetts, listen to lspci, he knows more than me08:11
bruenigTerrorart, I hope you aren't just putting undernet, you need to put the address08:11
vermaI need to learn how to figure my firewall manually, I hate these tools!08:11
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facefaceTerrorart, undernet.irc?08:11
Terrorartoh ok08:11
facefaceverma, iptables08:11
Terrorartwhat's the address?08:11
Terrorartim sorry i'm very stupid in these things08:11
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facefaceTerrorart, google08:12
atoponceHeartsbane: ping08:12
facefaceTerrorart, I don't know more than you don't08:12
EightElevenAfief: You could ask your brother to transfer control over the computer to you.08:12
tts faceface: , lspci:  http://pastebin.ca/40942708:12
facefacetts ty08:12
bruenigfaceface, generally the paradigm is, if you don't know to not say anything.08:12
EightElevenAfief: But that is also somewhat difficult to set-up08:12
erstaziIs FireFox ready for Ubuntu? I really don't want to do those quick fix updates08:12
facefacebruenig, silence08:12
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Terrorartit still isn;t workiong for me08:12
facefaceTerrorart, what did you try?08:13
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vermafaceface, yeah I know ... they are a pain too :( ... this guarddog sucks08:13
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ubuntualguien habla espaol08:13
PriceChild!es | ubuntu08:13
bofh80Afief, so, he can only boot with a livecd atm? it is strange considering ubuntu normally will scan the disks on boot itself if there is a problem08:13
Terrorarti wrote undernet.irc08:13
atoponceubuntu: english, please08:13
ubotuubuntu: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.08:13
Terrorartand undernet08:13
Terrorartand they haven;t worked to connect me with that server08:13
facefaceanyone know how to specify a region in image magick? its confusing08:13
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dobby_right why are videos not working in my firefox, i downloaded vlc and all its plugins and they still dont work, can anyone help08:13
ttslspci: http://pastebin.ca/40942908:13
soundrayfaceface: using display or on the command line?08:14
facefaceverma, man iptables... its not so difficult once you get the hang of it08:14
variantdobby_: in what way dont they work?08:14
facefacesoundray, yeah08:14
facefaceverma, or try firestarter08:14
vermafaceface, yeah .. I think so .. but I have never given it enough time to be able to get a hang of it08:14
dobby_variant, it just says no video, yet i know there is one and its just a black box08:14
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bofh80dobby_,  the only firefox video plugin i ever seen work is for gxine, i've tried mplayer VLC, etc, etc, gxine only video plugin that works, and it sucks too08:14
vermafaceface, firestarter is gnome isn't it?08:14
variantdobby_: are they all of the same format?08:14
lspcitts: ok, now paste me your /boot/grub/menu.lst08:14
facefaceverma, yup08:14
soundrayfaceface: "Coffee or tea?" -- "Yeah."08:14
kalpikdobby_, install mozilla-mplayer08:15
variantopen vlc log window, it will tell you what is going wrong08:15
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vermafaceface, yeah, I can't use that, I run kubuntu08:15
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variantdobby_: ignore what kalpik sugests for now08:15
dobby_variant, lol why?08:15
Afiefbofh80: well, you might wanna add this to your debugging methods: kicking the PC got it to work again08:15
variantkalpik: he is not trying to play videos in mozilla/firefox..08:15
facefacesoundray, I try the following... display img.jpg -crop 0x0x50x50, but its not a 50 square image from 0x008:15
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dobby_variant, i dunnu what format it is thats the problem08:15
facefaceverma, sucks08:15
bofh80kalpik, i've tried that before and it fails to show videos'. can you confirm you have that working yourself?08:15
variantdobby_: because what he sugest won't help you08:15
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facefaceverma, use gnome ;)08:15
=== kgrad [n=kgrad@c-76-16-40-159.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
variantdobby_: what is the file extension?08:15
soundrayfaceface: 50x50+0+008:15
vermafaceface, god damn it! no!! :D08:16
facefacesoundray, thanks very much08:16
soundrayverma: please don't08:16
variantdobby_: in a terminal run "file /path/to/file.whatever08:16
kalpikbofh80, variant videos work well here..08:16
bofh80Afief, LMAO did he kick it?08:16
vermasoundray, please don't what?08:16
dobby_variant,  there embed into a webpage08:16
variantdobby_: obviously change the /path/08:16
=== starscal1ing [n=starscal@cpe-72-129-105-47.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayverma: use swear words.08:16
bofh80kalpik, with mozilla-mplayer?08:16
variantdobby_: ah, why din't you tell me that in the first place?"!08:16
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kalpikbofh80, yes08:16
variantdobby_: do what kalpik said!!!!!08:16
dobby_variant, lol08:16
bofh80kalpik, cool, i get rid of this gxine plugin crap and try that again :D08:16
=== anders__ [n=anders@ti200710a080-12027.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
Afiefbofh80: he did:D turns out the computer illiterate have some sweet methods to deal with problems(computer-car analogy?)08:16
vermasoundray, I did not swear .. do you mean "god damn it" .. I am not sure if it even qualifies as a swear08:17
kalpikvariant, lol!08:17
facefacesoundray, are you sure of that syntax?08:17
ttslspci: http://pastebin.ca/40943808:17
variantkalpik: indeed08:17
kalpikjust make sure you have w32codecs installed too..08:17
facefaceverma, do not invoke deieties in this channel08:17
bofh80Afief, SATA or IDE? i betya that lead to the disk is buggered or loose :P08:17
kgradhi all, would anyone care to entertain an annoying xorg configuration problem?08:17
vermafaceface, soundray .. lol .. alright sorry people08:17
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atoponce!language | verma08:17
ubotuverma: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:17
AfiefI am a deity you insensitive clod08:17
=== ticki [n=joedoe@host175.201-253-182.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
facefacesoundray, display stack.01.jpg -crop 20x20+0+0 does not look smaller than 50x50+0+008:17
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soundrayverma: it could potentially offend people and get in the way of people who try to use the channel in some professional capacity.08:18
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vermaI said I am sorry people! phew!08:18
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vermasoundray, understood08:18
facefaceverma, gosh darn it! shut your cake hole08:18
Afiefbofh80: IDE, gotta check on the poor thing when i get back from college next weekend08:18
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vermafaceface, that works for me08:18
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soundrayfaceface: use convert08:18
facefaceput a sock in your cake hole :)08:18
facefacesoundray, ok08:18
bofh80Afief, hahahaha and clean off the boot marks. we used to have to do that in work for finance manager. he kept booting it accross the room, it was windows 2000 :P08:18
variantfaceface: the word "mouth" is permitted...08:19
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic08:19
variantfaceface: unless you put cake somewhere else?08:19
facefacevariant, I find that word offensive08:19
SlimeyPetehmm... anyone had trouble installing the nvidia drivers in Feisty? The nvidia driver is saying it lacks a Device section for one or other of my cards even though there is a section for each in xorg.conf08:19
facefacecake whole... hmmm.08:19
PriceChild!feisty | SlimeyPete08:19
ubotuSlimeyPete: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)08:19
facefaceSlimeyPete, there is a feisty chan somewhere08:19
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tts lspci: http://pastebin.ca/40943808:19
SlimeyPeteoh right, sorry08:19
pike_SlimeyPete: shame on you!08:20
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bluecat9Q: How do i add a "drive" to "Computer"? ("drive" being: /etc/hdb1 mounted to /mnt/hd2 in fstab)08:20
Afiefbofh80: oh i did this this weekend:D turned out he had got his winXP PC to an unusable state, now it's only used as a gateway for the linux box(driverless adsl modem :-( )08:20
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facefacesoundray, OK, its working, but strange that the syntax of the region selection is different in display and convert... oh well08:20
anders__hey i have ubuntu badger! i have to apt-get upgrade, its old! but i can't because it says Couldn't stat source package list  ..........08:20
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kalpikanders__, a clean install would be much better :P08:20
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bluefox83bluecat9, you don't add the drives to anything, it just shows the filesystem as a whole08:21
tts faceface: has lspci left ?08:21
kgradso I'm trying to get TV-OUT working on my Radeon 7000/VE.  I've compiled some drivers and changed my xorg.conf accordingly with no luck.  Even if i have tv-out connected at boot time, i don't see anything.  does anyone think this could be the problem?08:21
pike_anders__: id consider dist-upgrading a version or 2 at a time to breezy then dapper08:21
facefacetts, don't knwo08:21
KurtKrautanders__, I do agree with kalpik ... upgrading from such an old version, it would be better do a clean install.08:21
facefacetts, did you paste what he asked08:21
facefaceping lspci08:22
ttsyeh about twenty times08:22
facefacetts, he is gone man08:22
facefacesorry dude08:22
soundrayfaceface: I don't think display is intended to be used with crop. You can select a region with the mouse once you have an image open in display.08:22
bofh80i have to disable desktop effects for my opengl games to function properly :P is this normal with compiz and beryl?08:22
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facefacesoundray, ok08:22
bluecat9bluefox83, so, once mounted, it should show up in "Computer" under filesystem?08:22
x387how to extend gcc search path for header files (string.h to be precise..)08:22
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KurtKrautbofh80, yes, it is.08:22
x387export ??08:22
PriceChildbofh80, #ubuntu-effects08:22
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bofh80KurtKraut, cool. just so i know, now i need to make an easier shortcut :P08:23
KurtKrautbofh80, I dont know for sure if there is a hack to fix that, but this is a normal behaviour.08:23
bluefox83bluecat9, pretty much, when you click on filesystems it'll take you to / and you can look for it from there08:23
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anders__ok thanks08:23
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_jasonx387: have you installed build-essential?08:23
KurtKrautbofh80, as PriceChild said, address this kind of questions to #ubuntu-effects08:23
bluecat9bluefox83, but it's a second hard disk.. why can't I have it displayed as one? :)08:23
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bluefox83bluecat9, i dunno, could be because it's mounted to the main filesystem...08:24
soundrayx387: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH -- but it sounds to me like you haven't installed headers or build-essential or either.08:24
matrixhi, i just upgraded to feisty08:24
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bofh80thx PriceChild i'll check there.   KurtKraut  thx for info08:24
soundraymatrix: chat about it in #ubuntu+108:24
x387soundray: I have that package installed08:24
KurtKrautbofh80, you're welcom08:24
=== sacater [n=sacater@host81-154-198-163.range81-154.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
bluefox83bluecat9, you could try changing the mount point to something easier like /d208:24
ttscan any one please have a look at my menulist file ?   http://pastebin.ca/40943808:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about topc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:24
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic08:24
matrixare fonts in openoffice now somehow smoothed? antialiased? they are not as sharp as fonts in other apps08:24
bluecat9bluefox83, aye.. if i had originally formated that hd with fat vs ntfs would it have "just worked"?08:24
x387LD_LIBRARY_PATH -> Isn't this used for searching of libraries? I want header files...08:24
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PriceChild!botabuse > kgrad (see pm from ubotu)08:25
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic08:25
KurtKrautkgrad, you have to type exactly this: /topic08:25
_jasonx387: string.h is in /usr/include.  Are you talking about some other string.h?08:25
_emet_!topic | matrix08:25
ubotumatrix: please see above08:25
bluefox83bluecat9, i dunno, i gave up on ntfs and fat a long time before i switched to ubuntu08:25
facefacetts, and does /dev/sda3 occur in your output of df?08:25
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soundrayx387: doesn't it search for headers in the library path as well? I may be wrong.08:26
bluecat9bluefox83, ok. thank you for your help! :)08:26
bluefox83bluecat9, no problem08:26
facefacetts, hrm...08:26
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tts faceface:  /dev/sda3             94806124  38859472  51130768  44% /media/ubuntu08:26
facefacetts, oh08:26
ttsi have mounted it to get to the menu list file08:26
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facefacetts, ok08:27
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x387x387:  I guess no... But I have a strange probem, "#include <asm/io.h>" includes string.h and it fails to find "/usr/include/asm-i386/io.h:4:26: error: linux/string.h"08:27
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x387I have /usr/include/string.h08:27
bluecat9bluefox83, I'm just going to copy the contents from her second hd (ntfs) to the primary hd, home dir. :)08:28
facefacetts, and what does ... parted say?08:28
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tts faceface:want a sceen shot of parted ?08:28
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bluefox83bluecat9, careful with that, you could totally fubar all that data...08:28
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kingcobrahow do i make a keyboard shortcut to an administration tool like system monitor08:28
_emet_I use ubuntu08:28
facefacetts, can you try partition magic?08:29
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x387The string.h is being searched in "/usr/local/include/linux/string.h"08:29
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bluecat9bluefox83, orly? o_O08:29
kingcobrafaceface, can you use partition magic in linux08:29
CryoniqHi guys. I am looking for a sort of graph program (plotter?) where I can enter X and Y coordinates and it draw dots at each coordinate. Anyone have a clue of something like that?08:29
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:29
jribx387: add /usr/local/include  to CPATH maybe08:29
_emet_how do I disable join/part in xchat08:29
=== AdamKili [n=AdamKili@71-213-163-102.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
facefacekingcobra, I beleive so08:30
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facefaceCryoniq, R08:30
jribkingcobra: in gconf-editor you can create custom commands (look at the /apps/metacity key)08:30
facefaceCryoniq, R or 'gnuplot' or openoffice calc08:30
facefacemost easy is OOCalc08:30
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kingcobrajrib, thanx08:30
=== sluimers [n=sluimers@cc284601-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
AdamKilii installed the kubuntu-desktop meta-package and it changed the bootsplash to kubuntu. which package do i reinstall to change it back to ubuntu?08:31
=== rick_the_newb [n=rick@d38-149-230.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cryoniqooh.. familiar name! gnuplot is what I had in memory. Gee how could I ever miss that.. :) Thanks! :)08:31
tunganetHello, i just downloaded ubuntu and tried to install some of the stuff from there. But i got this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12035/plain/08:31
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=== BetaCookies [n=Clint@ppp-70-229-229-13.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
sluimershi hi, I'm trying to install an rpm file and I get an error message that I'm missing some dependencies, how can I fix this?08:31
soundraykingcobra: were you able to solve your login problem?08:31
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sluimersno wait, it says Failed dependencies08:32
facefacesluimers, man apt08:32
jribtunganet: pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*08:32
bluefox83AdamKili, remove the kubuntu-desktop metapackage and install ubuntu-desktop08:32
x387jrib: Thanks, that helped (export CPATH=/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.17-11/include)!08:32
ttsfaceface:eyh sure what do i do08:32
facefacetts, sorry man08:32
BetaCookiesI think it's a disc problem, but Ubuntu freezes when gparted tries to start. It's worked before, but it's not working today. Any suggestions?08:32
tunganetjrib: what?08:32
facefacere-install is all I can suggest... else wait for lspci... or ask again nicely08:32
kingcobrawas that getting userlist soundray08:32
jrib!pastebin | tunganet08:32
ubotutunganet: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:32
facefaceyou can also ask in ##linux or #grub08:33
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rickyfingersanyone here know why chroot'd firefox exits with "cannot open display:" even though DISPLAY etc. is passed with dchroot -d?08:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dance - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:33
kingcobraif so yes and its working brilliantly thank you very much soundray08:33
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AdamKilibluefox83: thanks i'll try it. be right back08:33
ttsfaceface: http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/1329/untitlednf7.png08:33
soundraykingcobra: I had to leave yesterday before the problem was solved... userlist?08:34
_emet_how do I disable join/part in xchat?08:34
kingcobrathanks very much everybody here who helps other people, you make ubuntu possible for learners thank you all08:34
kbrosnanrickyfingers: if firefox is already running, you need to set the enviroment variable MOZ_NO_REMOTE=108:34
KurtKrautrickyfingers, just for my curiosity... why you chrooted Fx ?08:34
tunganetjrib: what did you want me to do with /etc/apt/sources.list??08:34
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o PriceChild] by ChanServ
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ttsfaceface: i have too mutch to loose if i reinstall , :(08:34
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jribtunganet: open it in a text editor, then copy and paste the contents to the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org08:34
rickyfingersKurtKraut: because I'm running 64 bit kernel, but I need to run 32 bit firefox so I can use flash plugin.08:34
jribtunganet: that file as well as any files you have in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/08:34
KurtKrautrickyfingers, oh, I see.08:34
kingcobrasoundray, oh yeah that was previous problem the big one, i got it in the end from a bug in launchpad thanx though08:34
facefacetts, hrm... sda3 looks fine08:34
rickyfingerskbrosnan: will try your suggestion.08:35
KurtKrautrickyfingers, thanks for answering.08:35
facefaceand sda3 is linux...08:35
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facefaceI don't knwo man08:35
kbrosnanrickyfingers: http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/linux-amd64.html#nswrapper08:35
soundraykingcobra: have you still got a link to that bug? Only if it's not too much of a hassle.08:35
tunganetjrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12036/plain/08:35
kingcobrait was a line in either etc/hosts or etc/network/interfaces missing something to do with loopback device i think soundray08:36
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kingcobrayes ill get it for you now soundray08:36
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rick_the_newbHi all08:36
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dolemite0Anyone here run ubuntu on a tablet?08:36
doudouhi, who can tell me when version "Fiesty" will be relased ?08:36
tunganetjrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12037/plain/08:36
nexeswindow grow 408:36
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nexesOops. =P08:36
soundraykingcobra: thanks -- I'll look it up later, have to be away for a while08:36
=== starscal1ing [n=starscal@cpe-72-129-105-47.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
xtknight!feisty | doudou08:37
ubotudoudou: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)08:37
=== moepDeluxe [n=jan@p50922F9B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
jribtunganet: ok, automatix messed up your sources.list, delete the files you just posted and make yourself a new sources.list... and don't use automatix08:37
Remo_Ahas anyone in here a running ImageMagick 6.3.3? my instance installs but gives out error messages like convert: no decode delegate for this image format `rose.jpg'.08:37
doudoucool, thanks08:37
rickyfingerskbrosnan: That's another solution, but now I'm curious about doing stuff chroot'd because it looks like a good method for doing a lot of things....maybe I'm just married to getting this thing working now.08:37
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doudouapril is very soon08:37
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jrib!easysource | tunganet08:37
ubotutunganet: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic08:37
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soundraydoudou: 19th08:37
tunganetjrib: i already removed automatix08:37
jribtunganet: good08:37
sluimersgurrrrr.... well, aptitude is now complaining that it can't find the files it needs to support the rpm I want to install08:37
tunganetjrib: so i go to the site08:38
sluimerswhich is cedega08:38
doudoubecause it will allow to install from network08:38
tunganetjrib: and get the source list?08:38
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KurtKrautsluimers, how many dependencies are missing ?08:38
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jribtunganet: right, that site will let you create a new one.  Delete the /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/WHATEVER_THIS_WAS_CALLED files and just use the generated one as your new sources.list08:38
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kingcobrasoundray, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/control-center/+bug/61381 its about 1/3 of the way down post by peter dinges that really helped08:39
tunganetjrib: um.. how do i delete it from terminaL/08:39
rickyfingersanyone here know how to fix dpkg when you get trillions of dependency problems?08:39
KurtKrautsluimers, this 9 dependencies... have you checked if they exists as packages in the Ubuntu repository ?08:39
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tunganetjrib: and what will i lose upon doing this?08:39
doudoumaybe you can confirm me that fiesty would be able to install in a partition of my disk directly from network?08:39
xtknightrickyfingers: yup im undefeated :P08:39
sluimersld-linux.so.2, libICE.so.6, libSM.so.6..... how would I do that?08:39
tts faceface:i think the best way to sort this is to install another os on the free space it will then install grub the correct way  ! :)08:40
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KurtKrautsluimers, first of all... what you are trying to install :08:40
ThaNerdhi! i have a little problem with some files on my http server. i fiddled with some chmod, and it seems now apache can't read some of them... anyone could help?08:40
KurtKrautsluimers, ?08:40
jribtunganet: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*        that should take care of it.  You will lose the errors and nothing more after using the new generated sources.list08:40
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facefacetts, or ask on ##linux or wait for #grub...08:40
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facefaceput all the details in one paste and ask for help08:40
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facefacebye now ...08:41
sluimersthat is, someone took the the cedega source code compiled it and put it in an rpm08:41
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ammielim having troubles mounting a dvd, can anyone help me?08:41
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tunganetjrib: ok they are removed, how do i use the generated one08:41
anders__i have to upgrade  my ubuntu, and was suggested to start fresh because i run badger (5.10), but should i go for the edgy or feisty?08:41
KurtKrautsluimers, I think that probably it has a .deb package08:41
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sluimersdeb packages are better?08:42
jribtunganet: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list     will open up a text editor with nothing in it.  Just paste the new one in there, save, close your editor and run 'sudo apt-get update'08:42
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b emet!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by PriceChild
KurtKrautanders__, Edgy. Feisty is not released yet and should be not be used in a daily basis.08:42
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anders__ok thanks08:42
KurtKrautsluimers, not that they are better... they are fully compatible to Ubuntu.08:42
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sluimersokay, I'll download the deb package from the site then08:42
tunganetjrib: and i should use the default repositories right?08:42
ferronicaAnyone here using nokia 7710 neeed help :(08:42
doudouwho can tell me more about network install ? i install debian from windows with a debian installer, can i install ubuntu from debian ? i have grub installed?08:43
emethow do I get xchat to ignore join/part/quit08:43
pipI got a question : After have install mplayer with synaptic,the result is nothing but sound only ,why ?08:43
KurtKrautsluimers, are you using Edgy ?08:43
bluefox83emet, try #xchat08:43
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jribtunganet: right, any custom ones you want, you can add to the end.  For example, I saw you had the beryl ones in your paste08:43
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ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues08:43
tunganetjrib: yes, i have wine too08:43
KurtKrautsluimers, so, double click in the .deb file, it will install with all dependencies for you.08:43
KurtKrautsluimers, just with a few clicks08:43
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ferronicaAnyone here using nokia 7710 neeed help :( , ubuntu unable to detect my mobile08:44
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bruenig!repeat | ferronica08:44
bruenig!repeat > ferronica08:44
bruenigubotu, tell ferronica about repeat08:44
ubotuferronica: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:44
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doudoubruenig: i did not understood what you mean with !netinstall08:44
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corevettewhat are some good linux games you can play over LAN?08:44
jribbruenig: take it easy ;)08:44
bruenigubotu, tell doudou about netinstall08:44
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emet!nexuiz | corevette08:45
ubotucorevette: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org08:45
sacatercorevette: get sauerbraten08:45
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bluefox83corevette, doom3 and quake 4 ;)08:45
sacatercorevette: sauerbraten.org08:45
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tunganetjrib: i did the apt-get update but it gave me  Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)08:45
bruenigtunganet, close any package mangers, such as synaptic08:46
tunganetjrib: and  Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:46
jribtunganet: do you have synaptic or update-manager open?\08:46
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tunganetjrib no i dont.. =\08:46
jribtunganet: any other apt or dpkg process?08:46
tunganetjrib: well there was an error with easyubuntu but i cant see the error window nomore08:46
arpegiusi set up ubuntu with a wireless connection. i've now got it wired. how do i see if it knows my ethernet card and then enable it?08:46
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jribtunganet: ps -ef | grep apt08:46
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu08:47
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tunganetjrib let me restart comp and do the update again08:47
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wolfspiri1is there an easy way to go to the 2.6.20 kernel in edgy (via repositories covering the nvidia driver, etc.)08:47
jribtunganet: heh, yeah I guess that will work08:47
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luboloqualcuno parla italiano?08:49
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!08:49
luboloche spetacolo08:49
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rob_just got rtorrent installed, but im getting incredibly poor speeds (no more than 12kb?) for a very healthy torrent. what kind of things can i check?08:49
tunganetjrib: i found the synaptic window and closed it and did the apt-get update. it finished clean08:49
goppany here used a pdc in ubuntu08:49
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jribtunganet: great, you should be set then08:49
goppI got it to log me in the pdc, but I get profile not found08:49
lubololet's go to speak in english08:49
goppwhen login in via an xp box08:49
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tunganetjrib: ok, i'll do the easyubuntu again :D08:50
kbrooksDo you support wubi? just curious, and no I don't have a question08:50
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crdlbrob_, if behind a router, you may need to forward some ports08:50
godtviskenI have a keyboard that has keys like play, pause, next song, previous song, volume.. the volume, mute, and play work, but the pause and next/previous song do not (this is with the program rhythm box). what should I try?08:50
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sluimerserrr.... okay, I mistook something for having a deb file, so there's only an rpm file08:50
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titunCan someone tell me why downloading Ubuntu 6.10 failing from any mirrors from this page http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/downloadmirrors08:50
rob_crdlb: cheers, but i think it is fully setup08:50
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sluimersI'm able to look into the rpm file and takes the files out though08:51
titunIt starts downloading, then stops saying file not found08:51
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rob_crdlb: any other ideas?08:52
crdlbrob_, nope, rtorrent is always really fast for me08:52
KurtKrautsluimers, dont mess up with RPM files. You should use .deb files in Ubuntu-like systems.08:52
kbrooksKurtKraut, debian and ubuntu-like systems08:53
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sluimerswell, there are no deb files, so I guess that's it huh?08:53
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bruenigsluimers, get the source08:53
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titundid anyone notice my question ??08:53
titundownloading Ubuntu 6.10 failing from any mirrors from this page http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/downloadmirrors08:53
bruenigtitun, get a torrent08:53
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sluimersI will, thanks08:54
uboturtorrent: ncurses BitTorrent client based on LibTorrent. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.3-1 (edgy), package size 232 kB, installed size 636 kB08:54
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KurtKrauttitun, you will get a better performance when downloading thru a torrent08:54
ubotuTorrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt)  -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html08:54
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titunKurtKraut: I understand but it does not download at all08:54
robdemanhi folks.. my php script sends mail throug 'sendmail' -- but the mail never arrives... where does a a default Ubuntu 6.10 installation spool emails to? which logfile can I check?08:54
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KurtKrauttitun, have you tried to download from another mirror ?08:55
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bronze_0_1robdeman: probably send them to postfix?08:55
titunKurtKraut: I am using free download manager08:55
rob_crdlb: i have ports 6881-6999 forwarded, is that sufficient?08:55
AndehI have a problem08:55
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madd_mattHi, i'm helping an ubuntu user with a problem.  Does ubuntu with gnome use some sort of sound daemon?  Or just straight alsa?08:55
titunKurtKraut: I have used nearly 8/9 mirrors08:55
robdemanbronze_0_1 I am not sure, is postfix the default mailer in UUbuntu?08:55
bruenigtitun, just get the torrent08:55
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KurtKrautmadd_matt, straight ALSA08:55
emet!torrent | titun08:55
ubotutitun: Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt)  -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html08:55
KurtKrauttitun, from what country you are ?08:55
madd_mattKurtKraut, okay, thanks.08:55
matthew1429what's the command to check the md5 sum of a file?08:55
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bronze_0_1robdeman: I'm not sure08:55
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titunKurtKraut: India08:55
ticochuanybody there?08:56
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ticochuany expert for ubuntu?08:56
KurtKrauttitun, what version of Ubuntu are you trying to download ? The latest (Edgy) to Desktop ? 32 or 64 bits ?08:56
ikoniawhats the problem08:56
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ticochuanybody want to chat?08:56
doudoui have no dvd nor cd writer, can i expand an iso image in my disk?08:56
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ikoniaticochu: just ask the question08:56
emet!chat | ticochu08:56
ubotuticochu: Instant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.08:56
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doudoui found mini.iso to do internet install08:56
titunKurtKraut: 6.10, 32bit08:56
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ticochuhow to play midi file in ubuntu, i am using 6.1008:57
AndehMy laptop hard drive is too small. I want to upgrade it but keep EVERYTHING on this one.08:57
emet!midi | ticochu08:57
ubotuticochu: Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo08:57
ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows08:57
ikoniaticochu: midi files should be support by default I thought08:57
AndehI have a windows partition and an ext3 partition08:57
ticochuit always report as no midi devices found08:57
KurtKrauttitun, desktop or server version ?08:57
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doudoui know how to verify iso image, but to read an iso image i need a cd writer?08:58
titunKurtKraut: desktop version08:58
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KurtKrauttitun, try out this one: http://ubuntu.cs.utah.edu/releases/edgy/ubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso08:58
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KurtKrauttitun, I'm downloading from that place right now and I'm reaching 140kB/s08:58
cleverone of the drives in my lvm setup is usb based right now and im not shure if usb loads before lvm on ubuntu08:58
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rickyfingersubotu tell rickyfingers about chroot08:58
cleverwill i run into any problems?08:58
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liriwhen running cdrecord -scanbus I only see the hard disks and not the cdr or dvdrw drives?08:59
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quaalhow long should it take until ntpd starts working ?08:59
matthew1429does anyone use ultimate ubuntu in here?08:59
Jontywhat the situation with user mode linux on ubuntu?08:59
ikoniamatthew1429: thats not an uubntu product08:59
titunKurtKraut: i guess some error from my side08:59
AndehCan anyone help?08:59
ikoniamatthew1429: its not supported08:59
ikoniaAndeh: with what ?08:59
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titunKurtKraut: download stops08:59
emet!ultimateubuntu | matthew142908:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ultimateubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:59
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titunKurtKraut: saying file not found08:59
AndehWith my problem about backing up a whole hard drive08:59
matthew1429I wasn't asking for support08:59
AndehWith windows and linux on it09:00
KurtKrauttitun, are you using an Linux system at the moment ?09:00
ikoniamatthew1429: this is the official ubuntu support channel - so don't ask about none ubuntu products09:00
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emet!backup | Andeh09:00
alenewtoubuntuhi all09:00
ikoniaAndeh: and ?09:00
ubotuAndeh: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:00
matthew1429I see, I apologize09:00
titunKurtKraut: no, XP09:00
alenewtoubuntui'm new to ubuntu09:00
KurtKrauttitun, try to download using another program09:00
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AndehBasically this ones too small so i want to copy it onto a bigger one. INCLUDING my windows stuff/registry AND put it back onto a new bigger hard drive INSIDE my laptop.09:00
robdemanphpinfo() shows that the sendmail path is /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i09:00
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alenewtoubuntuand i'm astonished how good is the project09:00
KurtKrauttitun, Firefox should handle this download09:00
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titunKurtKraut: ok let me see09:00
emet!ubuntu | alenewtoubuntu09:00
ubotualenewtoubuntu: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome09:00
robdemanso thats not postfix then right09:00
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matthew1429I'm getting ready to install ubuntu on my laptop... is there a clear upgrade path from the feisty beta to the release candidate?09:01
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alenewtoubuntuthanks emet, i just booted it from cd09:01
alenewtoubuntui'd need some help with wp209:01
ikoniamatthew1429: no09:01
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alenewtoubuntusorry emet, yes wpa109:01
AndehNow how would i back up my ENTIRE drive AND partitions??09:01
alenewtoubuntucan't type!!!09:01
SayersI acidently deleted a folder in apt-caches09:01
dolemite0anyway to figure out why ubuntu isn't pulling an IP address?09:01
Sayershow do I fix apt-get09:01
emetyou have laptop?09:01
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KurtKrautalenax, please, stop flooding.09:01
ikoniaAndeh: windows ghost or something like that09:01
AndehYes, laptop09:02
KurtKraut please, stop flooding.09:02
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emetalenewtoubuntu: what brand09:02
AndehSo now i need to pirate windows stuff to help fulfil my goal of not running windows... lovely09:02
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alenewtoubuntuit's a custom made09:02
kingcobrajrib, i cant see anything apps/metacity that links to system monitor09:02
alenewtoubuntueverything works fine09:02
dolemite0ifconfig down and then ifconfig up doesn't force it to refresh to get an ip09:02
ikoniaAndeh: don't talk about pirating software09:02
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eth01how can i install bitlbee on ubuntu ?09:02
Andehyou are09:02
matthew1429I'm obviously a noob... when feisty comes out is it better to do a wipe and fresh install or is it seamless to upgrade from edgy?09:02
ikoniadolemite0: its not meant to09:02
alenewtoubuntubut i can't get to configure my pci wifi card09:02
KurtKrauteth01, you can install it from Synaptic09:02
alenewtoubuntuto my acess point09:02
AndehYou dont expect me to buy Norton Ghost to use linux, do you?09:02
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emetit's probably broadcom09:02
ikoniamatthew1429: its better to not install until its stable09:02
eth01whats the command09:02
titunKurtKraut: thanks, firefox doing this right, hopefully my win box will be converted to a Edgy box tomorrow09:02
alenewtoubuntuit is09:03
ikoniaAndeh: I don't care09:03
dolemite0what can i do to refresh an ip then?09:03
jribkingcobra: you found the directory with a bunch of "command_*" keys?09:03
robdemanwherse the sendmail logfile?09:03
AndehI meant are there any linux programs to backup entire drives/partitions?09:03
emetbroadcom is not work well with linux09:03
ikoniadolemite0: restart your dhcp client09:03
KurtKrauttitun, I'm happy to hear that :P09:03
alenewtoubuntu i just can't see where to change the wifi secuirity options09:03
godtviskenI have a keyboard that has keys like play, pause, next song, previous song, volume.. the volume, mute, and play work, but the pause and next/previous song do not (this is with the program rhythm box). what should I try?09:03
Amon_ReHowdy folks09:03
emet!broadcom | alenewtoubuntu09:03
ubotualenewtoubuntu: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:03
alenewtoubuntui see09:03
ikoniaAndeh: yes, but your not at a level to be able to use them09:03
rickyfingersAndeh: right, there's no need, you can do most of what you need to do with ghost with dd and bzip.09:03
alenewtoubuntuyeah i had a look at that page already09:03
emetwifi should work out of the box09:03
ikoniaAndeh: you can use dd to do it09:03
emetbut somtimes does not09:03
arpegiusi set up ubuntu with a wireless connection. i've now got it wired. how do i see if it knows my ethernet card and then enable it?09:03
emetcause of bad driver09:03
alenewtoubuntuthe thing is that the system can see the card09:03
emetbroadcom has bad drivers09:03
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Andehwhat is dd, and will dd store a windows partition?09:03
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Andehwith registry?09:04
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dolemite0with /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start ?09:04
emetyou might need09:04
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:04
alenewtoubuntui just can't configure it for wifi09:04
ikoniaAndeh: dd is a block by block reader/writer09:04
Amon_ReDoes anyone inhere know alot of troubleshooting lilo/initramfs bootproblems?09:04
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kingcobrajrib, command_1,command_2,345 etc yes09:04
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:04
AndehOr would i need to use windows programs to back windows stuff up?09:04
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ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)09:04
ikoniaAndeh: no09:04
emetndiswrapper cause broadcom09:04
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emethas bad drivers09:04
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AndehSo linux progs CAN backup the registry?09:04
greig_Ah folks, after ages of not being able to get my ubuntu install loaded, and spending ages on xserverm i finally got it all back and working, and i decided, bin xp:) i know its not related to anything,but i had to let it out09:04
Andehdd can backup multiple partitions at the same time?09:05
ikoniaAndeh: I've told you its "block by block" so it doesn't care abou the data09:05
Cyyni1i'm having a gnome boot problem with one account, but not with a fresh account, anyone know how i fix my primary account?09:05
jribkingcobra: yes, you would choose one, let's say "command_1" and put your command.  For system-monitor, it is "gnome-system-monitor".  Then go the other directory that elts you set keybindings and for "run_command_1" you put whatever you want09:05
ThaNerdanyone used to chmod and apache?09:05
emetavoid ati and broadcom09:05
AndehSorry, i am new to this. What's "block by block"?09:05
ikoniaThaNerd: whats09:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about evilhardware - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:05
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport09:05
ikoniaAndeh: as I said your not at a level to be able to understand/do this09:05
alenewtoubuntuemet: why can i see the card  in system>admin>networking but i can't find the hotspots?09:05
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emetalenewtoubuntu: is it open network?09:05
kingcobrajrib, great thanks09:05
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Andehikonia: Darn. Any automated or GUI prog's that do similar/same things?09:06
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ThaNerdikonia: i goofed with chmod, and now apache has no access to some files of my website... but i'm a noob ;-)09:06
alenewtoubuntunope it's wpa209:06
ikoniaAndeh: no09:06
winchesterHey, can someone help me? When you enter a command in the 'open with' thing.... is there a tag you can use for the filename?09:06
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ikoniaThaNerd: chmod them back then09:06
Andehikonia: Ok, so what would be the best choice?09:06
zeddicus2what's the best tools for developing c/c++ on ubuntu?09:06
ikoniaAndeh: buy ghost09:06
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winchester for exampe if you need to open something with some extra tags after the file name09:06
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SayersI get this error with apt : E: Archive directory /var/cache/apt/archives/partial is missing.09:06
goppzeddicus2 !anjuta09:06
emetalenewtoubuntu: my girlfriend computer has same problem09:06
kane77is there a program for sharing system resources?09:06
ThaNerdikonia: i don't know what files or directories should be chmoded to09:06
emetand I think09:06
Andehikonia: So ghost will backup the whole drive and be able to put it onto a new one?09:06
emetit has something to do with broadcom09:06
goppzeddicus2 gcc09:06
emetlinux drivers are broken for broadcom I think09:07
zeddicus2gcc is the compiler09:07
ikoniaAndeh: yes, but ubuntu may need reconfiguring if you put the drive into a different machine or add additional drives to the new machine09:07
emetyou need nidiswrapper09:07
ikoniaThaNerd: what files did you chmod ?09:07
missyhey! Im having problems with GTK-Gnutella the program will not open09:07
missyany suggestions?09:07
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emetit let you run the windows driver for broadcom09:07
zeddicus2gopp: can u compile with anjuta?09:07
Andehikonia: Ok. Reconfiguring as in it will start or as in it will crash and im stuck with a terminal :)?09:07
ThaNerdikonia: a whole folder indeed09:07
alenewtoubuntuemet: do you know where can i see a list of all my pc cards in ubuntu?09:07
kane77zeddicus2, yes09:07
ikoniaAndeh: will not boot09:07
winchesterand what's the manual way to edit file associations?09:07
ikoniaThaNerd: so change the whole folder back09:08
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emetalenewtoubuntu: "lspci"09:08
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Andehikonia: Crap. And "reconfiguring" is at my "level to do this"?09:08
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dobby_why are movies embed into firefox not working, yet i have mozilla-mplayer can anyone help me?09:08
alenewtoubuntusorry emet i'm quite a dummie with linux09:08
ikoniaAndeh: to be honest, I wouldn't bother, its less hassle to re-install09:08
alenewtoubuntuis it a terminal command?09:08
ThaNerdikonia: but what octal numver should i use? files are owned by thanerd:www, and apache is user-www09:08
emetit list all pci devices09:08
lontraif i just did a fresh install of ubuntu dapper and i want to upgrade to edgy do i need to install all the updates before upgrading?09:08
emethence ls pci09:08
ikoniaThaNerd: 75109:08
crdlbdobby_, did you install w32codecs ?09:09
alenewtoubuntui'll try it straight away09:09
lontraor can i just upgrade the update-manager09:09
ikonialontra: no09:09
dobby_crdlb, nope09:09
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ikonialontra: just update09:09
lontraikonia: thanks!09:09
W4RP3Dhi i need help with Ubuntu V6.06 LTS can somebody help me ..... im trying to boot from the live cd..but it shows me some weird caracters..saying that Xserver could not be loaded because it is not configured09:09
kingcobrajrib, what is the delete key called09:09
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dobby_crdlb, and hi again, where can i get the codecs09:09
winchesterok.... guess this channel is too busy09:09
crdlb!w32codecs | dobby_09:09
ubotudobby_: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs09:09
missyanyone? GTK help?!09:09
Andehikonia: so my best bet would be to copy my linux stuff like pictures / gimp files into a folder on my windows partition then use a windows backup software like DriveImage or Norton Ghost?09:09
AndehCause that would be the easiest way i can think of.09:09
kingcobrajrib, delete Delete del ?09:09
facefaceW4RP3D, sounds bad - what is your monitor?09:09
ThaNerdikonia: and directories?09:09
lontraikonia: "gksudo update-manager -c -d"  ?09:09
emetalenewtoubuntu: you can pipe commands09:09
jribkingcobra: I don't know.  What you can do is use system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts to set a shortcut for some other thing you don't care about and then see how it looks in gconf-editor09:09
ikoniaAndeh: sounds reasonable09:09
facefacewinchester, state problem again?09:09
emetlike this09:09
ikoniaThaNerd: the same09:10
alenewtoubuntui have it: "texas instruments acx 111 54mbps wireless interface"09:10
emetlspci | grep broadcom09:10
dobby_crdlb, how do i get them? like do i have to use the terminal?09:10
ThaNerdikonia: thanks09:10
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Andehikonia: Thanks a lot!09:10
emetalenewtoubuntu: can you see open networks ?09:10
winchesterfaceface: trying to make a fille association so that I can add on tags after the file name... if that's possible.09:10
W4RP3Dfaceface it's a Dell Monitor09:10
crdlbdobby_, you need to add the repository at that link to your sources.list09:10
alenewtoubuntuno, i can't see any network09:10
AndehJust ONE more thing, windows wont die if it suddenly finds itself on a larger drive?09:10
emetalenewtoubuntu: what version of ubuntu09:10
facefacewinchester, file associations are qutie 'windows'09:10
alenewtoubuntualthough i know from my mac there are quite a few09:10
Amon_ReFeisty must hate me :(09:10
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ikoniaAndeh: no idea, it may09:10
alenewtoubuntulast version available09:10
dobby_crdlb, and how do i do that? im new to all this stuff09:10
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alenewtoubuntuit was 6.10 i believe09:11
andre_plfaceface: how do you figure?09:11
kingcobrajrib, ill try that thanx09:11
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Andehikonia: Ok, thanks for all the help. Bye09:11
facefaceW4RP3D, google the make and monitor and 'ubuntu live cd'09:11
andre_plfaceface: KDE and gnome both have "file associations"09:11
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facefaceandre_pl, ignorance on my part09:11
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winchesterfaceface: well.... the default applications that the file is opened with >.>09:11
W4RP3Dfaceface ????09:11
emettry ...09:11
facefaceandre_pl, but they are not relly a linux trhing09:11
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crdlbdobby_, /join #crdlb09:11
zeddicus2i'm in anjuta now, i wrote a simple c program and saved it as .c , how do i compile it using anjuta?09:11
facefacewinchester, OK, should be possible09:11
facefaceW4RP3D, google the make and model of the monitor and 'ubuntu live cd'  and look for bugs09:11
andre_plwinchester: i missed the question, but if you're using gnome, the proper way to set a file association is to right-click on the file and go to the "oppen with" tab.. the choice wil aply to all fles of tha ttype09:12
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facefaceW4RP3D, known bugs09:12
W4RP3Dfaceface why would it be the monitor ?09:12
JaymacWhen I was doing an upgrade to Feisty beta it broke my wireless... my linux-restricted-modules-generic says it depends on linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-13-generic09:12
alenewtoubuntuemet: ?09:12
facefacewinchester, talk to andre_pl he can help you09:12
Jaymacso i uninstalled it09:12
Jaymacand now i can't reinstall...09:12
winchesterandre_pl: yeah, but if I need to add extra tags after the filename09:12
facefaceW4RP3D, if the live cd fails starting X - its prolly the monitor09:12
Cyyni1anyone know how i can fix one user account in gnome? something is configured wrong and it causes my monitor to give an "out of range" error, but a fresh account has no problem... any ideas?09:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pdc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:13
winchesterandre_pl: like matlab -r open ("filename") if that's possible09:13
Jaymaci can't find the linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-13-generic package - synaptic only has 2.6.20-12-generic09:13
goppany one here setup a pdc samba share09:13
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Sayersanyone know how to fix this ; E: Archive directory /var/cache/apt/archives/partial is missing.09:13
facefaceCyyni1, a .xserver file in the home directory of the user?09:13
ThaNerdikonia: now i can't ls anymore in some folder...09:13
ubotuanjuta: A GNOME development IDE, for C/C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.2-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1494 kB, installed size 3760 kB09:13
mEck0Have somebody used mysql administrator here?09:13
andre_plwinchester: i'm sure it is.  just not sure th easiest way to do it. but if you're comfortable whipping up a quick shell script would do it for you.09:13
Jaymacanyone got any suggestions?09:13
unholyHi folks. Could someone tell me if it's possible to insert a PCMCIA device upside-down in the slot? My two devices each rise up for the last inch. My two slots are flush together so they wont fit this way.09:13
emetalenewtoubuntu: try this09:14
Cyyni1faceface: would i delete it?09:14
ikoniaThaNerd: that impossible if you did 75109:14
Amon_Reunholy: no you can't09:14
emetalenewtoubuntu: sudo apt-get install wifi-radar09:14
facefaceCyyni1, no - inspect it09:14
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ThaNerdikonia: but i did sudo chmod and now i can't LS in that dir...09:14
Amon_ReDoes anyone inhere know much about the workings of initramfs?09:14
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unholyokay, thanks Amon_Re.09:14
facefaceis it similar / different to the one the working user has? use diff file 1 file 209:14
andre_plwinchester: make a script that takes just the filename as an argument and have it run the command the way it needs to run...09:14
emetalenewtoubuntu: then type "wifi-radar"09:14
Cyyni1faceface: ok, i'll take a gander, thanks09:14
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ikoniaThaNerd: that impossible if you did 75109:14
winchesterandre_pl: ok suppose I'll do that... thanks a lot09:14
kestazwhere can i find docs of programs ?09:15
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Jaymachere is the output from the terminal...09:15
kingcobrajrib, it doesnt change in gconf after i change it in admin tool09:15
andre_plwinchester: no problems.09:15
alenewtoubuntuemet:  i got an error message: "E: couldn't find package wifi-radar" (i'm booting ubuntu from the cd)09:15
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facefacealenewtoubuntu, what is your problem?09:15
kingcobrajrib, do i hav 2 reboot comp 2 c effect09:15
jribkingcobra: try closing gconf-editor and opening it again?09:15
emetfaceface: he can't get his wifi to work09:15
kingcobrajrib, tried many times09:16
alenewtoubuntufaceface: can't access my access point via wifi using wpa209:16
missygtk help please?!09:16
andre_plwinchester: it may also be possible to simply add those options to the default matlab launcher, but i'm not sure how to go about that, or if it can be done at all.09:16
xoxoxHello, can someone tell me how do you restore item from trash in ubuntu?09:16
rick_the_newbwhy when I install another disto do I get an error during booting witth Fsck  asking me to manually fix the file system09:16
facefaceemet, alenewtoubuntu, you tried 'network manager'?09:16
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andre_plalenewtoubuntu: WPA is a nightmare09:16
emetfaceface: doesn't that come with ubuntu?09:16
facefaceemet, alenewtoubuntu, you tried 'networkmanager'? I mean09:16
andre_plalenewtoubuntu: Except with Feisty!!!!!09:16
facefaceemet, yup09:16
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kingcobrajrib, shortcut does work before i go into gconf but stil shows up as previous command09:16
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facefaceandre_pl, WPA here09:16
xoxoxHello, can someone tell me how do you restore item from trash in ubuntu?09:16
zeddicus2alenewtoubuntu: use network-manager09:16
emetfaceface: he can't see any wifi networks09:16
alenewtoubuntufaceface: you mean sys>admin>networking?09:16
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facefacealenewtoubuntu, no... apt-get install networkmanager09:16
andre_plfaceface: I tried for months to get it to work, and I'm no noob... with feisty it works out of the box, no configuration at all.09:17
alenewtoubuntuzeddicus2: you mean sys>admin>networking?09:17
emetI dunno how to fix that problem happened to my g/f laptop too09:17
Jaymacnobody know what my problem is?09:17
alenewtoubuntui'll try now09:17
facefaceandre_pl, that is cool09:17
ThaNerdikonia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12040/09:17
zeddicus2alenewtoubuntu:no, u should download the network-manager program09:17
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andre_plits by far the best feature of feisty.  they really went to town on wifi support09:17
facefacezeddicus2, I think he does that now09:17
zeddicus2alenewtoubuntu:it can handle wpa2, i had the same problem yesterday09:17
_Jaak_what software can i use to record dv over ieee 1394 ?09:17
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facefacezeddicus2, I am wpa2 here09:17
zeddicus2faceface: srry i read slow09:17
facefacene bother09:17
missygtk-gnutella help please?!09:18
kestazhow to use find command ?09:18
bruenigmissy, that isn't a question09:18
facefacemissy, leave now09:18
johnficc1hey is there a channel for 64 bit ubuntu?09:18
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ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport09:18
alenewtoubuntufaceface: i got the error "apt-get: command not found"09:18
facefacekestaz, man find09:18
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emetalenewtoubuntu: ???????09:18
bruenigkestaz, what are you trying to do exactly with it09:18
missyno i need help dont be rude09:18
=== wildur [n=wildur@1-2-2-8a.spa.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu
facefacealenewtoubuntu, you need to google apt on ubuntu and get apt!09:18
jribkingcobra: ok let me try09:18
W4RP3Dfaceface isnt there any way to let it configure by itself09:18
andre_plhow can you have ubuntu without apt?09:18
facefacealenewtoubuntu, it is really worth learning about atp09:18
W4RP3Dfaceface cause im new with ubuntu09:18
bruenigapt-get remove apt09:18
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)09:19
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facefaceW4RP3D, the live cd is supposed to be an expert at finding out your hardware - if it fails its seriosu09:19
Cyyni1faceface: i can't find a file .xserver, but i found .xsession-errors and xorg.conf.new...?09:19
andre_plI suppose.... I figured it was a system-critical package.09:19
kestazbruenig, i am trying to find files with string "gnet" ?\09:19
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ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto09:19
facefaceCyyni1, what does 'tail .xsession-errors' say09:19
johnficc1hey is there a irc channel for 64 bit ubuntu?09:19
kestazfind / gnet* don't work..09:19
alenewtoubuntufaceface: do i not need to type sudo before apt-get?09:19
facefaceCyyni1, its prolly a permissions error09:19
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facefacealenewtoubuntu, yes09:19
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bruenigkestaz, find / -name gnet*09:19
greig_HI ALL, i was wondering, can the multimedia audio functions work the audio on ubuntu, when i press volume up, down, the OSD shows the volume changing but there is no change?09:19
=== gtc_laptop_ [n=gtc@c-68-50-151-117.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
r4ngewhere can i find what actually starts "upstart" in 6.10?09:19
bruenigkestaz, may need to sudo it if you are doing it on /09:20
eth01how can i install bitlbee?09:20
facefacekestaz, find is an old old linux app.. it is ugly man!09:20
jribkingcobra: it should just change when you do it.  I used volume up and looked at /apps/gnome-settings-daemon/keybinds.  ctrl-alt-delete is: <Control><Alt>Delete09:20
bluefox83has anyone ever had the issue of banners on webpages blocking off the body of a webpage?09:20
W4RP3Dfaceface anyway ill try it with my other pc tonight..cause now im with a dell..tieh onboard graphic card...09:20
facefacekestaz, try slocate instead09:20
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facefaceW4RP3D, dell is usually solid ;(09:20
rick_the_newbhow do I manually fix my file system?09:20
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facefacerick_the_newb, immerse in h2009:20
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gtc_laptop_Hi all -- where do I set my domain name?  Under /etc/hostname?09:20
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kestazfaceface, i am using updatedb and locate .. but to make db takes time ;)09:20
=== LaNCeloT_RW [n=LaNCeloT@c950181f.bhz.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
alenewtoubuntufaceface: then why did you suggest to download apt?09:21
facefacegtc_laptop_, set it in network config gui09:21
kingcobrajrib, ill look at apps/gsd/keybinds09:21
alenewtoubuntufaceface: i'm a newbie just seeking for help09:21
=== hypn0 [n=h@dial-dynamic-62-69-36-177.surfdial.murphx.net] has joined #ubuntu
facefacekestaz, yeah, but find is slow too...09:21
gtc_laptop_faceface: I'm on a server with command line only09:21
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gtc_laptop_faceface: A VPS.09:21
=== superdild [n=mario@host30-183.pool8253.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
facefacealenewtoubuntu, apt is a very important part of ubuntu09:21
Amon_Reis there a way to tell wich module is attached to wich pci device?09:21
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eth01how can i install bitlbee?09:21
alenewtoubuntufaceface: how do you know i don't have it?09:21
W4RP3Dfaceface yep but this computer i got..the dell..has known issues with graphics thing... ok..its a celeron D 2.8 Ghz ... and...it cant run Diablo 2 Single player..it lags way too much09:21
facefacegtc_laptop_, oh ... one moment09:21
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facefacealenewtoubuntu, you said you didn't!09:21
andre_plalenewtoubuntu: I haven't' followed your questions much, and I have no idea what your situation is, but if you're missing 'apt' and you dont know why, i'd just reinstall. :P09:21
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alenewtoubuntufaceface: i just said i got a terminal error message09:22
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alenewtoubuntuandre_pl: tnx!09:22
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dolemite0whats best software for mounting ISOs in ubuntu?09:22
facefaceW4RP3D, ? try the live cd on a different graphics card / monitor09:22
W4RP3Dfaceface guesse thats the problem.. this computer is fucked up lol09:22
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johnficc1does the lirc how-to in the community wiki work for 64 bit ubuntu?09:22
=== Andeh [n=andy@ip51cd5a98.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
xMorgawra question about apt.. is it better than Synaptics? or do they do the same thing?09:22
bruenig!mountiso | dolemite009:22
ubotudolemite0: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.09:22
facefacealenewtoubuntu, command not found ... i.e. I don't have apt09:22
zeddicus2alenewtoubuntu: if u got internet connection with the ubuntu you're trying to connect to wpa2, just use add/remove programs->internet->and select network-manager09:22
gtc_laptop_faceface: I have servername set fine, but I need it to be servername.domain.com (I'm missing the domain.com)09:22
W4RP3Dfaceface didnt try..ill try it tonight.. on my own pc09:22
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facefacegtc_laptop_, hold on09:22
alenewtoubuntufaceface: anyway, i got another error message now, when i type sudo before09:22
AndehHello again09:22
AndehI decided to use PartImage09:23
alenewtoubuntuE: Coulnd't find package newtworkmanager09:23
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xMorgawra question about apt.. is it better than Synaptics? or do they do the same thing?09:23
bruenig!info network-manager-gnome09:23
W4RP3Dbut faceface is ubuntu very different from the other releases? cause i already tried Mandrake , Mandriva...09:23
ubotunetwork-manager-gnome: network management framework (GNOME frontend). In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.3-2ubuntu6 (edgy), package size 245 kB, installed size 1608 kB09:23
gtc_laptop_faceface: Thanks.09:23
=== Shaba1 [n=SanDayGo@ip68-101-167-142.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
kingcobrajrib, tried <Control><Alt>Delete doesnt work09:23
SayersI just got this error RNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!09:23
facefacegtc_laptop_, /etc/hostname ?09:23
Shaba1guy I just started a live cd09:23
soundraykingcobra: thank you, I've got it and it's taught me something. When you said you didn't have a 'lo' interface, it should have rung an alarm bell.09:23
SayersWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!***09:23
=== Arafel [n=Papirlap@ti121210a340-2727.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
Shaba1and I got two icons09:23
facefaceW4RP3D, no, its built on debian09:23
kingcobrajrib, try changin shortcut for show desktop09:23
bruenigSayers, your third party repos, you need to either get the key or go with the authentication warnings09:23
AndehCould i use PartImage to copy my whole drive or just the seperate partitions seperately??09:23
Shaba1on was like a hardisk labled install09:23
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eth01how do i install bitlbee is there a package??09:23
W4RP3Dfaceface ok...cause im a windows user... and i wanna try ubuntu..got 10 cds shipped free :P09:23
rickyfingers_ok everyone, I think I figured out why chroot'd firefox wasn't starting properly - I was changing the wrong /etc/fstab09:24
gtc_laptop_faceface: OK, so put the FQDN there and Ubuntu will figure it out?09:24
Sayersbruenig: Where do I get this 'key'09:24
bruenig!info bitlbee09:24
facefacealenewtoubuntu, go on then... tell us your message...09:24
ubotubitlbee: An IRC to other chat networks gateway. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-1 (edgy), package size 297 kB, installed size 768 kB09:24
kingcobrasoundray, great i love to learn and help others if i can at all09:24
Cyyni1faceface: it's spouting off about BadWindow (invalid window parameter) 3 etc. is there somewhere i should dump the output?09:24
Shaba1the other was labeled examples. I clicked on that and got a windwo with a bunch of icons09:24
rickyfingers_it's the non chroot'd /etc/fstab that must be changed.09:24
Shaba1what is that?09:24
bruenigSayers, it should be on the same site you got the repo line from09:24
bluefox83W4RP3D, why so many?09:24
AndehI "compressed" my NTFS aswell. Could i back that up too?09:24
xMorgawra question about apt.. is it better than Synaptics? or do they do the same thing?09:24
=== Kilroo [n=Jarentha@cpe-071-076-173-175.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
bruenigeth01, make sure you have universe enabled and sudo apt-get install bitlbee09:24
alenewtoubuntuzeddicus2: basically i can't install it because i can't access internet09:24
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gtc_laptop_faceface: man hostname is a bit confusing on this.09:24
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W4RP3Dbluefox83 lol thats what i received... 8 cds for pc 32 bits... 1 for pc 64 bits... 1 for Mac09:24
eth01how do i enable universe?09:25
bluefox83xMorgawr, apt is the backend to synaptic...09:25
ArafelI was wondering, does anyone know if Ubuntu supports the SIL 3114 sata raid drivers thru dmraid?09:25
Sayersbruenig: Long story short I am using apt-get and on the offical packages it gives me that. I deleted the wrong folder, now fixed it , but I need the 'master key'09:25
greig_can someone help me with an audio issue please09:25
facefacegtc_laptop_, I don't know ... I don't find it09:25
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xMorgawrbluefox83 so they do the same thing basicly?09:25
kingcobrajrib, it was <Control><Alt>d for me and i changed it to <Control><Alt>Delete in gnome gui keyboard shortcuts09:25
gtc_laptop_faceface, :)09:25
facefaceCyyni1, nah - forget it09:25
bruenigeth01, sudo sed -i 's/# deb/deb/' /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install bitlbee09:25
bluefox83W4RP3D, wow...i always just burned a copy of whatever version of ubuntu i wanted to cd, then restarted and installed...09:25
greig_does the master audio option actually control any sound function?09:25
soundrayxMorgawr: synaptics is a front-end to the packaging system, as are aptitude and the apt-* command line tools. You can mix and match, use whatever feels most appropriate to the task at hand.09:25
bruenigSayers, deleted the wrong folder narrows it down09:25
alenewtoubuntufaceface: thanks for your patience, I think I found my way through Add remove program>internet>network manager09:25
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W4RP3Dbluefox83 lol me...they shipped me ten cds no charges...09:26
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alenewtoubuntufaceface: it's just that i can't install networkmanager coz i'm not connected to the internet09:26
facefacegtc_laptop_, /etc/hostname or /etc/hosts or /etc/host.conf or /etc/netork/...09:26
=== ticki__ [n=joedoe@host175.201-253-182.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
Cyyni1faceface, is there some way for me to reset that users configuration to get rid of the errors? this new user seems to be working fine09:26
gtc_laptop_faceface: Perhaps /etc/resolv.conf09:26
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xMorgawrsoundray: i see.. so there is no significant difference... k thanks XD09:26
=== Tom_Kun_ [n=tom@ti132110a080-8271.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
bluefox83xMorgawr, synaptic is a gui front-end for apt. it's a great tool and i suggest that anyone new to ubuntu get to know it well09:26
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kingcobrajrib, doesnt show up in apps/metacity/global_keybindings09:26
facefacealenewtoubuntu, oops!09:26
=== SeanTater [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
W4RP3Dbluefox83 https://shipit.ubuntu.com/myrequest :P09:26
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IgorSobreirahey...anybody knows what plugins should i get to atch dvd in totem.....?09:26
ArafelDoes anyone know if ubuntu supports the SIL 3114 sata raid drivers?09:26
jribkingcobra: what doesn't show up?09:26
alenewtoubuntufaceface: what's up?09:26
andre_plIgorSobreira: google "restrctedfomats" and hit "I'm feeling lucky"09:27
facefaceCyyni1, one of the ".files" in common between the two users has a key difference09:27
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kingcobrajrib, can ya read back my last few posts to ya09:27
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xMorgawrbluefox83 yeah i'm kinda new with ubuntu and i think synaptic (and the whole package thing) is the best thing i've seen so far.. ;)09:27
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facefacealenewtoubuntu, well... if you can't install network manager, you are in a bad position09:27
AndehWhat does SFDisk do, and could i backup a whole drive/data/partitions with it?09:27
facefacealenewtoubuntu, you need to install that and the wpa libraries09:27
=== killux [n=killux@ool-182ecc50.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sayersbruenig: I deleted the /var/cache/apt/archives folder I believe it's called09:27
jribkingcobra: I read them, I don't know what "what" refers to09:27
Jaymacdoes anyone else have the latest linux kernel as: 2.6.20-13 but the latest linux restricted modules as 2.6.20-12 thus rendering restricted-modules uninstallable?09:27
bruenigSayers, that shouldn' cause any problems09:27
killuxhow would i replace ALSA with OSS?09:27
facefacealenewtoubuntu, can you temporarily set your router to wep, connect and install stuff?09:27
Sayersbruenig: I got apt-get working again just it doesnt verify anything09:28
bruenigSayers, so long as you remake it09:28
jribkingcobra: erm, I mean I don't know what exactly is sn't showing up09:28
bluefox83xMorgawr, i've had people who used mac OSX tell me it's better than OSX's setup cus it's more to the point09:28
Jaymac(in feisty)09:28
bruenigSayers, all that holds are the archived debs, doesn't deal with authentication09:28
Sayersbruenig: well nothing is verify-ed09:28
alenewtoubuntufaceface: can it not be that i'm not able to do these things because i'm booting ubuntu just from cd without having installed it?09:28
IgorSobreirahey...anybody knows what plugins should i get to watch dvd in totem.....?09:28
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bruenigSayers, well cause and effect isn't working out here09:28
Sayersbruenig: That's what I thought09:28
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facefacegtc_laptop_, more /etc/resolv.conf ... "domain test"09:28
soundray!faq > IgorSobreira, please read the private message from ubotu09:28
xMorgawrbluefox83 i've never used mac OSX honestly, i've just seen it in pictures.. and i find ubuntu really easy with a friendly interface, ;) it's perfect09:28
facefacealenewtoubuntu, indeed09:28
killuxhow would i replace ALSA with OSS?09:28
eth01E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)09:29
eth01E: Unable to lock the list directory09:29
eth01any1 know?09:29
facefacegtc_laptop_, I set my domain to test in the gui, and that is what I get09:29
=== porkchop_1 [n=porkchop@udp093531uds.hawaiiantel.net] has joined #ubuntu
facefaceeth01, sudo09:29
facefacesudo !!!!09:29
facefacefor gods sake man!09:29
bruenigfaceface, it is probably that he has synaptic open actually09:29
soundrayfaceface: you again09:29
kingcobrajrib, the change of keyboard shortcut in gconf  apps/metacity/global_keybindings09:29
facefacekillux, not so easy09:29
alenewtoubuntufaceface: cool, i'll install it and see what happens09:29
=== jerry_ [n=jerry@87-205-214-99.adsl.inetia.pl] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
AndehCould i backup an entire drive (partitions/data/registry) using Sfdisk??09:29
gtc_laptop_faceface: I think /etc/hosts worked.  See hostname --help.  Thanks!!09:29
killuxfaceface, do you play css on linux?09:29
soundraykillux: what's the problem you are trying to solve?09:29
facefacealenewtoubuntu, hopefully better feature set ;)09:29
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alenewtoubuntufaceface: am i right in saying that with ubuntu wifi should work out of the box?09:30
killuxCSS will only work with OSS09:30
facefacekillux, css?09:30
Jaymaccan someone please tell me if there is a linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-13-generic package anywhere???09:30
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killuxcounter strike source09:30
killuxa game09:30
kbrooksKill_X, oss = ?09:30
jribkingcobra: what keyboard shortcut?09:30
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kingcobrajrib,  i changed shortcut for show desktop  in gnome gui keyboard shortcuts09:30
facefacealenewtoubuntu, I am not an expert... it worked for me with network manager and some tweeking...09:30
SirBob1701has anyone started to incounter sound problems recently?  After I login ubuntu refuses to play any sound09:30
facefacekillux, nah, never played it09:30
bluefox83xMorgawr, i wouldn't say perfect, but it's getting better and better just about every day, it's moving forward in leaps and bounds...before i used ubuntu i used debian linux, and it seemed to stand still when updates were concerned, compared to ubuntu...09:30
facefacesoundray, ? ;)09:30
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alenewtoubuntufaceface: roger that09:30
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facefacethanks alenewtoubuntu :D09:31
soundrayfaceface: invoking deities is inappropriate here09:31
facefacegtc_laptop_, cool09:31
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eth01kubuntu doesnt have bitlbee installed?09:31
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jribkingcobra: I don't know where that one is, that's why I suggested volume up09:31
kingcobrajrib, i cant get gconf to change shortcuts09:31
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kbrooks<soundray> faceface: invoking deities is inappropriate here # huh09:31
emetalenewtoubuntu: #  Texas Instruments ACX-100 chip based AND # Texas Instruments ACX-111 chip based09:31
facefaceoh... for the love of peet!09:31
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Amon_Rei hate initramfs09:31
facefacekbrooks, don't deify me!09:31
xMorgawrbluefox83 well.. obviously not perfect ;) but this is my first experience with linux os and so far i thought it would've been harder.. i've heard a lot of things about linux and how unfriendly it can be but now i dont' believe in them anymore09:32
emetalenewtoubuntu: two chipsets notable for poor linux support09:32
alenewtoubuntuemet: are they?09:32
emethttp://www.leenooks.com/Wifi <-- wifi blacklist09:32
kbrooksfaceface, "deify"?09:32
soundrayJaymac: there is no -13- package yet09:32
kingcobrathing about volume is it isnt in /apps/metacity/global_keybindings09:32
facefacedeify... to make a god09:32
alenewtoubuntuemet: why can i see them in the cards list in admin?09:32
espereguanybody knows the command for 'System > Preferences > Screen Resolution' ??????09:32
facefaceok... my problem has gone away...09:32
facefacethanks all09:32
jribkingcobra: right, it's in gnome-settings-daemon.  But you already know how to do ctrl-alt-delete since I told you how, so you don't need to do this anymore09:32
Jaymacsoundray - but i have a 2.6.20-13 kernel... and i can't install linux-restricted-modules-generic because it depends 2.6.20-1309:32
Jaymacis there a workaround?09:33
emetalenewtoubuntu: because they aren't completely unsupported, but will work with "some difficulty"09:33
SirBob1701can anyone give me a hand with a sound issue that just popped up (been running it fine for 5 months now)09:33
facefacewhen tts comes back, someone pat him on the back09:33
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facefaceSirBob1701, restart x09:33
andre_plJaymac: why not downgrade to 12? any good reason?09:33
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bluefox83xMorgawr, yeah sadly people don't realize that it's moving forward very quickly, most people think of terminal interfaces when they think of linux...09:33
Jaymacandre_pl - would if i could09:33
SirBob1701faceface I did09:33
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Jaymacit won't let me install the package linux-restricted-modules-generic09:34
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kingcobrajrib, :) i know but changing it to  <Control><Alt>Delete in gconf doesnt do anything09:34
SirBob1701and the computer09:34
blue|palmCan anyone tell me how to fix the automounting of usb drives... anyone?09:34
lizardmenkeesperegu: gnome-display-properties09:34
Cyyni1oh good gravy, this new user account's .xsession-errors file is getting bigger while i watch...09:34
jribkingcobra: are you using beryl or compiz?09:34
SirBob1701my sound just decided today to stop working09:34
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SirBob1701and its pissing me off09:34
xMorgawrbluefox83 exactly... when i told a friend i was going to install ubuntu he said "well, enjoy having to type a lot of lines in console to let it recognize your usb flash"09:34
esperegulizardmenke: u tha bomb.. .thx!09:34
kingcobrajrib, dont think so09:34
andre_plJaymac: if you remove the newer kernel and reinstall the -12 version then the restricted modules should instal. or you can specify the specific version to isntall.09:34
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kingcobrajrib, just default standard ubuntu install09:35
xMorgawrbluefox83 that scared me a little at first but now i can really see how good linux can be09:35
Jaymacoh.. so just remove the kernel?09:35
Jaymacwill try that09:35
kane`I have logitech usb mx510 mouse, and MOUSE4 and MOUSE5 are not being recognized09:35
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jribkingcobra: what is the output from this: gconftool-2 -g /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_1 && gconftool-2 -g /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_109:36
jrib!mouse > kane`    (kane`, see the private message from ubotu)09:36
bluefox83xMorgawr, to my kno0wledge, ubuntu will recognize a usb flash device automatically with no special setup...09:36
bluefox83my girlfriend's digi-cam worked the second i plugged it in09:36
kane`thank you09:36
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Amon_Rehow do you recover a system that no longer boots due to problems with initramfs?09:36
jribkingcobra: there should be two lines09:36
xMorgawrbluefox83 yes, exactly.. same with my external hdd... it could even recognize my wireless connection by itself! (i only had to type the ESSID)09:37
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kingcobrajrib, first line is blank09:37
bluefox83Amon_Re, ibelieve you can pop the installer cd in and use the repair feature...09:37
jribkingcobra: are you using /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_1 ?09:37
jribkingcobra: in gconf-editor that is09:37
soundrayAmon_Re: did that happen after you made local modifications to initramfs?09:37
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Amon_Rei finally managed to get initramfs to recognise my ide & sata disks, and it seems to be able to start my raid md0 device, but still no boot09:38
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bluefox83xMorgawr, very cool :D09:38
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elvirolohi all09:38
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Amon_Rebluefox83: been doing that, would help if i knew exactly what i'm doing ;)09:38
kingcobrajrib, yes it shows up as gnome-system-monitor in gconf09:38
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Amon_Resoundray: no, trying to figure out why Feisty is incompatable with any of my computers09:38
kingcobrajrib, ive opened and closed gconf plenty of times also09:39
soundrayAmon_Re: rough outline: boot live CD, mount the root partition, chroot to the root partition, fix initramfs09:39
bluefox83Amon_Re, yeah...i see what you mean..i've never done anything with raid, so i'm afraid i can't help much in that department...09:39
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soundrayAmon_Re: a better channel to consult is #ubuntu+109:39
Zylstra555Hello, sorry for being off topic, but I have a problem with a computer that will not boot. Is there a general computer chat channel on Freenode?09:39
jribkingcobra: and does that setting stay there in gconf-editor?09:39
Amon_Resoundray: i know that much ;)09:39
elviroloi just installed the feisty beta to do some testing, and now and i'd like to install kde and get rid of gnome in order to do some testing in a pure kde environment ... is it possible to do so without a doing a fresh install?09:39
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kingcobrajrib, yes so i dont why it doesnt show up in terminal09:39
soundrayAmon_Re: too bad, because beyond that, I won't be able to help...09:39
Amon_Resoundray: i'll see in +109:40
Amon_Rethx anyway09:40
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SirBob1701heres an new one for you guys when I run alsamixer I get this09:40
SirBob1701alsamixer: relocation error: alsamixer: symbol snd_mixer_selem_get_playback_dB, version ALSA_0.9 not defined in file libasound.so.2 with link time reference09:40
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Jaymacandre_pl: how can i specify which version of restricted-modules that i want to install?09:40
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brophathow much hard drive space does an ubuntu install take up?09:40
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ubotuanjuta: A GNOME development IDE, for C/C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.2-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1494 kB, installed size 3760 kB09:40
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soundrayelvirolo: 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' (and ask your next feisty question in #ubuntu+1 please)09:41
jribkingcobra: yeah I don't see how that can happen09:41
kingcobrajrib, shud i reboot09:41
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jribkingcobra: no, that probably won't do anything09:41
porkchop_1can we use compiz or beryl on a dual head/2 monitor system?09:41
porkchop_1with the cube desktop thingie09:42
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kingcobrajrib, any ideas09:42
mykyall: hi can we help me? where i download Ubuntu Ultimate Gamers Edition?09:42
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soundraybrophat: you should give it about 2GB as a minimum.09:42
ikoniaporkchop_1: yes but it can be unstable09:42
porkchop_1cool, thankyou ikonia  :)09:42
kingcobramyky search google09:42
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porkchop_1ok BRB, hopefully from my ubuntu partition 8)09:43
brophatsoundray that would be for the os and the user space?09:43
soundraybrophat: if your space is tight, you can make a smaller (nonstandard) install by booting the alternate CD and choosing the server option09:43
jribkingcobra: close gconf-editor, run 'gconftool-2 --type string -s /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_1 /usr/bin/gnome-system-monitor ' and then use the terminal to check the value again09:43
soundraybrophat: that would just be for the OS and the standard Ubuntu software that comes with it.09:43
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brophatsoundray they you should have some more room for userspace09:43
brophatso prob 3gig partition min??09:44
SirBob1701alsamixer: relocation error: alsamixer: symbol snd_mixer_selem_get_playback_dB, version ALSA_0.9 not defined in file libasound.so.2 with link time reference09:44
SirBob1701wtf does taht mean09:44
mykykingcobra i find only torrent but i want ftp09:44
eth01apparently i need libglib-dev ?/09:44
crimsunSirBob1701: did you recompile alsa-lib yourself?09:44
epiAnyone have any idea where I can grab Compiz? the main repository for ubuntu listed on their site is a dead link.09:44
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SirBob1701no i didnt09:44
kingcobramyky ill luk for ya now in a sec09:44
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SirBob1701it jsut suddenly stopped working09:44
soundraybrophat: if you consider user data, there is of course never enough09:45
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jrib!compiz > epi    (epi, see the private message from ubotu)09:45
soundraybrophat: space, I mean09:45
crimsunSirBob1701: hmm, things just don't randomly stop working - there's always a reason09:45
SirBob1701only thing i've changed is reinstall gstreamer codecs09:45
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SirBob1701and installed ubuntu updates09:45
crimsunSirBob1701: and which packages were updated?09:45
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SirBob1701no idea09:45
epiTy jrib09:45
SirBob1701didnt consider to look09:46
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ezerhello!!  this mzu firts time in Ubuntu...09:46
kingcobrajrib, it worked but shortcut stil doesnt work09:46
ezermy first time09:46
SirBob1701right now i'm attempting a reinstall of alsa-base and linux-sound-drivers09:46
jribkingcobra: you need to set the keybinding in the same way09:46
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SirBob1701linux-sound-base rather09:46
kingcobrajrib, second line of first command you gave me is still disabled09:46
brophatsoundray so 2 gigs is what the install takes up. So if you make a partition less than 2 gigs then the install will fail.09:46
hamaelI need some help here, My ntfs drive is read only09:47
jribkingcobra: yes, I didn't give you the command to set that one09:47
andre_plhamael: install ntfs-3g09:47
kingcobrajrib, ok ill try09:47
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crimsunSirBob1701: that's not the culprit. The error clearly comes from alsa-utils and libasound209:47
ezeri am using ubuntu inside VMWare in windows XP... its sound good or its better to run linux from a partittion ?09:47
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andre_plhamael: linux can't write to ntfs on its own yet... that packagewill enable you to write to those partitions.09:47
crimsunSirBob1701: if you were to reinstall anything, those are the two packages to reinstall.09:47
SirBob1701i didnt know that09:47
SirBob1701ok i'll try that now09:48
soundraybrophat: not necessarily. So far, all base installations I've seen were under 2GB. But it varies a bit from version to version and machine to machine.09:48
DM|Hey guys, im trying to get skype to install, but.... its installing it with the KDE GUI not the GTK09:48
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ezeranzodz helpsme ???09:48
SirBob1701i figured the other two because my sound doesnt work at all09:48
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Talamanhow do i setup smb users?09:48
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brophatsoundray does the 2gig include the swap?09:49
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soundraybrophat: no09:49
SirBob1701mixer works now09:49
ezerhow i upgrade from 5.10 to thelast release _??09:49
SirBob1701but sound still doesnt work09:49
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Remo_Ai installed Imagemagick v.6.3.3 on my efty edge and the program works, but the executables are not in /usr/bin but still in my install dir. do I have to add the directory to $PATH or is there another way?09:49
brophatsoundray so then we need 2gigs + 500 megs09:50
soundrayezer: backup and do a fresh install.09:50
andre_plSirBob1701: what kind o audio hardware?09:50
xMorgawrcan someone tell me where i can find a howto for anjuta IDE? thanks ^^09:50
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dolemite0what do i need to do to load up wine in Ubuntu after ive installed the package?09:50
hamaelandre_pl: I have all ready installed that, the problem still is there09:50
SirBob1701onboard sound a nividia CK804 was working fine for months09:50
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xMorgawrdolemite0 nothing i think, i just go to the .exe file and select "open with wine" and it should work09:50
andre_plhamael: run 'mount' at the shell... does it say 'ro' or 'rw' next to the partitoins?09:50
dxdemetriouIs there any good place to check for hardware compatibility on Linux and what are with not propriatery drivers?09:50
crimsunSirBob1701: pastebin the requested info from http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems , then tell me the url09:50
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Talamanhow do i setup smb users?09:50
hamaelandre_pl:  ro09:51
bricasHi all, i'm using Ubuntu Edgy on a laptop with both a touchpad and trackpoint (the little stick in the middle of the kb) mouse -- but my trackpoint seems to have stopped working! can anyone help me diagnose the failure?09:51
ezersoundraz thanks.. but i have a software installed here compiere, that i am testing and its a headhache to install again all...09:51
dolemite0doesnt list open with wine tho and if i go open with application wine's not listed09:51
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Talamantype in wine09:51
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andre_plhamael: did you check the configuration for ntfs-3g? it has an entry in the 'preferences' menu09:51
DM|Im having sound problems in skype, calls are being dropped, can anyone help09:51
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xMorgawrdolemite0 check in /usr/bin if wine is there09:51
rickyfingerswow...small tip for anyone experimenting with chroot'd environment: go back to your old /etc/fstab, and reboot before blowing away the chroot directory09:51
soundrayezer: you would then have to upgrade to 6.06, then to 6.10.09:52
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dolemite0yes its in the /usr/bin09:52
xMorgawrcan someone tell me where i can find a howto for anjuta IDE? thanks ^^09:52
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bruenigI am retarded or shouldn't if [ -n $WHATEVER ]  be the same as if [ ! -z $WHATEVER ] 09:52
OuZoanyone know how to set up users & passwords for apache? thanks09:52
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ezersoundray thanks  , another question i am using ubuntu inside VMWARE do zo know ?09:52
hamaelandre_pl: now its  /dev/sda5 on /media/sda5 type ntfs (rw,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46)09:52
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soundraybrophat: I can really just give you ballpark figures. If you told me what kind of machine you have and what you are planning to use it for, I could give you more specific advice.09:52
xMorgawrdolemite0 double click on wine in /usr/bin09:53
bonesis it worth it to mix feisty?09:53
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boneswith edgy09:53
xMorgawrdolemite0 or type "wine" in terminal09:53
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kbrooksbones, no, use backports instead09:53
dolemite0ah did thanks09:53
anirudhabones, Do you mean upgrade to 7.04 beta?09:53
xMorgawrdolemite0 else try to go using terminal to the .exe file you want to open and type "wine filename.exe"09:53
kingcobrajrib, great i can do it thanks very much09:53
bonesanirudha: yes09:53
soundrayezer: I've tested vmware, but that was years ago. Just ask your question in the channel.09:53
dolemite0that owrked except wine now says Newer Windows Version Needed lol09:53
jribkingcobra: np09:53
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ferronicaAny one here using Nokia 7710 or Nokia Phone in Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Dapper Drake? Because my ubuntu unable to detect my nokia phone connected through USB Data Cable09:53
bonesis cedega open source?09:54
anirudhabones, I actually did that yesterday.09:54
Remo_Ai installed Imagemagick v.6.3.3 on my efty edge and the program works, but the executables are not in /usr/bin but still in my install dir. do I have to add the directory to $PATH or is there another way?09:54
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anirudhakbrooks, What are backports?09:54
dk2I keep getting disconnected when using Gaim to connect to MSN (keeps disconnecting and then reconnecting with a reading error) anyone know what that means?09:54
LjLbones: unfortunately, not. the source is available, but not under any sort of open source license09:54
ezersoundray ok but i want an impartial poit of view, if i ask them they would say that its great09:54
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kbrooksbones, proprietary, but tere is a free cedega cvs09:54
LjLbones: the good news is that the WINE people are working on Direct3D support a lot, lately09:54
brophatsoundray how does one do a smaller install?09:54
ArafelIm having a problem with my Ubuntu installation. Im trying to install ubuntu 6.10 onto my SIL 3114 raid driver that has two seagate barracuda 300gb sata drives. The problem is that Gparted doesnt see the "/dev/mapper/sil_something" but rather /dev/sda and sdb. Does anyone know a way to make it realise I have a raid array?09:54
xMorgawrcan someone tell me where i can find a howto for anjuta IDE? thanks ^^09:54
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hamaelandre_pl: It was ro before i rebooted09:55
soundraybrophat: (repeat) if your space is tight, you can make a smaller (nonstandard) install by booting the alternate CD and choosing the server option09:55
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hanbushhi, i need some help with wine under edgy09:55
bonesi couldnt get anything worth running in cedega...which is usually the case09:55
soundrayezer: if you have a question about installing Ubuntu under vmware, please ask the channel09:55
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rickyfingersubotu tell rickyfingers about chroot09:55
brophatsoundray you mean install with the server ubuntu CD ?09:56
xMorgawrcan someone tell me where i can find a howto for anjuta IDE? thanks ^^09:56
odla!tell rickyfingers about chroot09:56
ezerno i dont have question about it, i onlz want to know about performance09:56
AloneaxMorgawr: i had trouble getting anjuta to work so I moved onto Eclipse and it works fine. You just wanting to write java code or what?09:56
hanbushcan somebody help me with wine?09:56
benzinevening has anybody had sound problems after installing nvidia drivers? no sound impossible to sound anymore09:56
mykyall: hi can we help me? where i download Ubuntu Ultimate Gamers Edition?09:56
soundraybrophat: that would be another way, but I meant what I said. The alternate CD has a server option which does essentially the same as the server CD.09:56
odlahanbush: just ask once...by the way don't ask to ask...ask your question :)09:56
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xMorgawrAlonea for java i use eclipse and geany and they work fine, but i wanted to learn using anjuta IDE too09:57
=== fools is now known as foolsout
hanbushi cant find my .wine directory, it should be in my home directory09:57
odlamyky: have you googled for this?  maybe it's not available on as an ISO yet09:57
hanbushbut its not09:57
odlahanbush: it's invisible09:57
DM|HELP with skype please, anyone assist me with this problem09:57
odlahanbush: i mean hidden09:57
soundrayhanbush: it's hidden. Make nautilus show hidden files.09:57
lockdownhanbush, ls -a09:57
=== Pandemonium1x [n=me@ip68-231-42-126.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
AloneaxMorgawr: ah. well, I could never figure out how to compile with it...would like to find a howto for it too09:57
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ezerwhats the difrence between downloading the dvd iso and the cd iso ?  the number of extra aplications ??09:57
odlahanbush: you can go to view and show hidden files then you can click into the directory09:57
kingcobramyky, ya there09:57
xMorgawrAlonea i checked the wiki but it seems that there is no one for it yet >.<'09:58
mykyodla: but i find only torrent a i want ftp09:58
hanbushodla: thx09:58
=== dobby__ is now known as dobbyono
Pandemonium1xHello all. Quick question...is there an Ubuntu distro with beryl pre-installed on it? according to beryls site there is but I can not find it09:58
odlamyky: not sure...i don't know anything about it...sorry09:58
AloneaxMorgawr: makes me sad...I find it funny how I figured out eclipse in 10 minutes and could not figure out anjuta at all09:58
=== Kill_X [i=kill_x@p54a16b53.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayPandemonium1x: there isn't an official one.09:58
odlaPandemonium1x: you can install beryl very easily09:58
boneswhere are the backport repos09:59
Pandemonium1xI would think so but I am so bad at linux that it seems to be very hard for me to do09:59
=== tiagoboldt_ [n=tiagobol@89-180-153-57.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu
xMorgawrAlonea, honestly i think that geany is perfect to build easy and light java programs... eclipse is a little too "heavy"09:59
soundray!backports > bones, please read the private message from ubotu09:59
odlaPandemonium1x: edgy?09:59
xMorgawrAlonea, have you tried geany?09:59
=== darich [n=trickyki@88-110-233-42.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pandemonium1xThats the one I am using09:59
ferronicasoundray: need help09:59
AloneaxMorgawr: ah, well, I am a computer science major. I use it for school. So far I love it.09:59
soundrayferronica: ask the channel09:59
=== tmarkey [n=tmarkey@cpc3-stkp3-0-0-cust602.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
kingcobracalling myky10:00
odlaPandemonium1x: are you going to use aiglx or xgl?  what kind of video card do you have?10:00
bruenigI think ferronica is related to hendaus10:00
soundrayferronica: I won't help you, because you refuse to follow my recommendations.10:00
xMorgawrAlonea, at school we use jcreator for java (windows stuff >_>) but we still don't do hard things.. only cheap programs ;)10:00
=== Latty [n=Latty@host86-134-71-24.range86-134.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
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Pandemonium1xI wanna say XGL....I have an ATI Radion Express 200M gfx10:01
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odlaPandemonium1x: i think you need XGL then10:01
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razzorzG'day all10:01
=== Federico90 [n=federico@host167-210-dynamic.17-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
bruenig!howdy | razzorz10:01
uboturazzorz: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:01
odlaPandemonium1x: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/XGL10:01
eth01Install libglib-dev? << whats this10:01
crimsuneth01: it's libglib2.0-dev, really.10:02
=== beer [n=danny@CPE-75-81-225-211.we.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
eth01apt-get install ?10:02
crimsunaptitude install libglib2.0-dev10:02
razzorzdoes anyone know how to dissable this pesky ( shift backspace ) from closeing my session?10:02
AntalmirNobody noes how to work an Inventel USB Dongle (PRISMA02 driver) in Ubuntu ?10:02
=== christian_h [n=chris@83-215-144-114.hage.dyn.salzburg-online.at] has joined #ubuntu
AloneaxMorgawr: ah. yeah, the class uses JCreator, but I am on Linux and since I am working on programs most the time at home. I just bring my laptop to class and use eclipse. professor doesn't mind at all. I think in my class we are making programs to convert whatever a user types to ascii or another code and then building off of it. Like adding multiple methods and such. still easy for me. How...10:02
Alonea...is the debugger geany?10:02
kingcobramyky hello10:02
=== crdlb_ [n=crdlb@pool-70-104-183-32.norf.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pandemonium1xhehe oh lord, see those instructions is what keeps linux from the prime time spotlight....soo much to know and do, no point and click :-(10:03
Pandemonium1xwell thanks though it's a start10:03
bruenigPandemonium1x, yeah copy and paste, pretty tough10:03
emetdoes Ubuntu still have OEM support10:03
odlaPandemonium1x: also try #ubuntu-effects10:03
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=== Caramba_ [n=zupidupi@a88-113-19-61.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
odlaPandemonium1x: if you need help on a specific part let me know...i can help if i'm around :D10:03
AntalmirNobody Noes ?10:03
eth01E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)10:03
eth01E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?10:03
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bruenigPandemonium1x, but in linux, they make it easier, you can just highlight to paste, and middle click to paste10:03
crimsunemet: what do you mean? There's still an OEM option in the alternate installer, yes.10:03
=== Alamo [n=administ@61-56-177-80.cm.ubbn.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenighighlight to copy*10:03
=== alper [n=alper@p54891cca.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Pandemonium1xI am gonna give it a try now, see if I can get it to work so if you are in the room I will be too10:04
quaalhow long is it supposed to take for ntpd to start keeping the clock right?10:04
razzorzcan anyone help me?10:04
odlaPandemonium1x: also 'apparently' feisty will have desktop effects available with one click10:04
Pandemonium1xI know how to copy...was just playing around10:04
odlaPandemonium1x: that's the rumour at least10:04
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=== SirBob1701 [n=mcginley@] has joined #ubuntu
hamaelHELP! I have only read access to my ntfs drive10:04
soundrayquaal: you need ntpdate10:04
bruenigI image it will take more than one click10:04
crimsunquaal: immediately, though the consistency depends on the accuracy of your hardware10:04
quaalsoundray, ntpd is the new ntpdate.10:04
odla!tell hamael about ntfs-3g10:04
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)10:04
bruenigat least a series of clicks and password entries10:04
Caramba_Folks, I'm having problems with mplayer under Ubuntu in console mode. The situation is described at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=392891. Any help would be much appreciated.10:04
quaalcrimsun, the time in linux is like +50min of my real time10:04
Pandemonium1xOoo cool...I saw an alpha release on the net yesterday maybe I will check that out later10:04
quaali setup and started ntpd lastnight10:05
quaaland its still off10:05
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crimsunquaal: are you syncing to the default source (pool)?10:05
odlahamael: apt-get install ntfs-3g and read the manpage on how to set it up and README.Debian10:05
soundray!ntfs-3g > hamael, please read the pm from ubotu10:05
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odlasoundray: i just did that :p10:05
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kingcobraanybody know how to buzz somebody in xchat10:05
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odlakingcobra: you can /msg?10:05
soundrayquaal: you still need to install the ntpdate package for timekeeping.10:05
odlakingcobra: /msg nick10:05
=== enix [n=evan@ip72-202-138-96.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
quaalcrimsun, what is the ntpd conf file again ?10:06
kingcobraodla, thanx10:06
Talamantype in wine10:06
xMorgawrAlonea wow cool, they allow you to take your pc to classes? blah here in italy we can't >_>' they are too scared for virus and all that junk10:06
Talamanhow do i setup smb users?10:06
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soundrayodla: well done, won't hurt.10:06
crimsunquaal: /etc/npt/  IIRC. I don't have it installed locally.10:06
crimsun/etc/npt/  rather10:06
quaalsoundray ntpdate is installed.10:06
enixwhere do i go to get my folders to open in a new window when i click on one10:06
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varejaoAnyone here who speak portuguese?10:06
quaal25 Mar 15:21:37 ntpdate[20058] : no servers can be used, exiting10:06
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quaalit is 50min too slow10:06
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xenexwhich vmware software will allow me to use 3d acceleration and play cs?10:06
soundrayquaal: try 'date ; sudo /etc/interfaces/if-up.d/ntpdate ; date'10:07
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odlaanyone know how to scroll up in irssi?10:07
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ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.10:07
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sabiancraTemps cannot be colder than absolute 0. (-459.67F)10:07
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:07
=== VividHazE [n=VividHaz@host81-129-69-97.range81-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
hase_I was trying to install some of the plugins for firefox by following the wiki new user guide, but there all for something called firefox32 and I kept getting errors when I'd try to install the packages10:07
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Alamoodla: ctrl-pageup?10:07
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dolemite0damn i really want to use ubuntu but i have to have OneNote 2007 and i dont know a linux equivalent :/10:07
=== anirudha [n=anirudha@adsl-69-228-95-179.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
marcolecorseca parle francais ici10:08
bruenighase_, firefox32 is for 64 bit users, are you a 64 bit user?10:08
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eth01E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? >> i get this when i try to install libglib2.0-dev10:08
quaalsoundray, sudo: /etc/interfaces/if-up.d/ntpdate: command not found10:08
^MiNi_D^hello i have the "frameless windows" problem in xgl, however i found that the latest beryl work with xgl, i found the line to fix this but it says the older version cannot be found10:08
bruenigeth01, close synaptic10:08
=== james [n=james@ip24-252-56-62.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
mehowhey, im a noob i need help hooking up my zen micro to my computer10:08
eth01how do i do that?10:08
soundrayquaal: sorry, 'date ; sudo /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate ; date'10:08
bruenigeth01, hit that x on the top right10:08
hanbushdoes anybody know how to get warcraft 3 working with wine?10:08
odlaAlamo: nope10:08
=== doctapeppa [i=docta_pe@c-66-176-242-239.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Alamoodla: why?10:09
=== marcolecorse [n=marcolec@dyn-91-163-186-157.ppp.tiscali.fr] has left #ubuntu []
anirudhaHas anyone tried to configure wireless network connection on Ubuntu 7.04. Has it worked successfully?10:09
quaalsoundray, cool thanks10:09
SirBob1701crimsun, Heres the info you requested http://pastebin.ca/40956710:09
odlaAlamo: i don't know :D10:09
=== bnmarshall [n=bnmarsha@pool-71-100-52-117.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
odlait say's this 5~10:09
quaalsoundray, so this will automatically keep itself synced for now on?10:09
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kingcobrasoundray, sudo: /etc/interfaces/if-up.d/ntpdate: command not found for me and i cant update with gui10:09
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Alamoodla: what's your terminal?10:09
zeddicus2when i load anjuta i get:" /usr/bin/create_global_tags.sh: 3: function: not found  shift: 11: can't shift that many." what does it mean?10:09
odlaAlamo: gnome-terminal10:10
=== neonum6 [n=neonum6@d83-184-37-142.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu
Alamoodla: ...10:10
Pandemonium1xIs there somewhere in ubuntu where I can see if I am using AIGLX or XGL?10:10
kingcobrasoundray ill try new command10:10
mEck0Is there an application like Autoroute for linux10:10
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Talamanenix: you still need help with the folder issue?10:10
=== Jrabbit [n=jack@64-151-3-10.dyn.everestkc.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Alamoodla: try "echo $TERM", what do you get?10:10
=== bullgard6 [n=detlef@p54bf3cc5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
odlaPandemonium1x: that's going to depend on your video card10:10
greig_hey folks, who can recomend a good media player?10:11
odlaPandemonium1x: with an ATI i think you must use XGL10:11
SlimeyPetegreig_: ^^10:11
Talamangreig: i use xmms10:11
hase_for music, xmmx, and for video totem works well enough10:11
Pandemonium1xhmmm alright...thanks10:11
=== Ashfire908 [n=Ashfire@] has joined #Ubuntu
mehowhow can i sync my zen mirco with ubuntu... ?10:11
odlaAlamo: bash: echo xterm: command not found10:11
devilsadvocategreig_ rhythmbox ?10:11
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=== viator [n=matt@pool-71-123-105-24.spfdma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
hase_Is VLC better than xmms and totem then?10:12
greig_SlimeyPete : thanks. im just new to linux/ubuntu and looking for good/cool programs10:12
viatorwhat package do i need to play quicktime files10:12
odlahase_: yes ... mplayer is also very good10:12
viatori had it working in dapper but ive upgraded10:12
odlaviator: w32codecs10:12
AlucardRomeroXMMS is just an MP3 player, no?10:12
Alamoodla: can you use "alt-p" and "alt-n" in the irssi?10:12
SlimeyPetegreig_: VLC looks a bit basic but it supports pretty much every format you could ever want10:12
viatorok i got them10:12
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odlaAlamo: that's it...thanks!  :D10:12
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=== SeanTater [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Talamanhow do i setup smb users?10:12
greig_ive installed amarok for music, i like the fetures10:12
hase_I like that XMMS is an MP3 player though, it's like a sweet version of winamp10:12
Flannel!samba | Talaman10:12
ubotuTalaman: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT10:12
SlimeyPetehase_: I find it's better for format support, and I don't need a fancy interface.10:13
enixTalaman: yes please10:13
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=== rhys [n=rhys@rrcs-70-62-174-114.central.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
viatorwell theyre downloading nowfrom medibuntu10:13
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse10:13
rhysubuntubuntubutnbu!! why is "recoverymode" automaticly log into the root account?!10:13
=== toddobryan [n=tobryan1@74-138-77-125.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
viatorma are their severs slo10:13
Flannelrhys: because that's the point of recovery mode10:13
odlarhys: cause it's recovery?!?10:14
rhysFlannel, to bypass all system security on my laptop?!10:14
Flannelrhys: If people have physical access to your machine, they can always pop in a liveCD10:14
=== Amon_3 [n=Amon@e178255045.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)10:14
Talamanenix in konqueror go to settings/configure konqueror.  under behavior select top box in misc area10:14
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lessshasteI have no /etc/pango/pango.modules and acroread seems to have lost its fonts10:14
Talamanmisc area = misc options10:14
jhiguerosi read the all documentation of play videos .wmv and with mplayer and only i hae sound not image somebody can helpme10:14
=== rogue780|laptop [n=shawn@c-68-49-53-29.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lessshasteany idea how to fix this?10:14
rNIUShi all!10:14
rhysFlannel, your right. BUT IM NOT GONNA DO IT FOR THEM!!10:14
enixwhat about nautilus10:14
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:14
Talamanone sec10:15
=== BigMac [n=Mike@c-71-234-95-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Caramba_Folks, I'm having problems with mplayer under Ubuntu in console mode. The situation is described at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=392891. Any help would be much appreciated.10:15
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=== newage [n=newage@168.Red-83-40-221.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
hanbushdoes anybody know how to get warcraft 3 working with wine?10:15
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Flannelhanbush: I'd ask in #winehq10:15
zeddicus2i read the solution to my anjuta problem is: "Change the /bin/sh symlink on Ubuntu systems to point to the dash shell instead of the current bash shell. "   how do i do that??????10:15
=== cr4z3d [n=cr4z3d@ip70-162-117-14.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs10:15
=== lagunaloires [n=lagunalo@host129-123-dynamic.3-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
hanbushflannel: ty10:15
=== Infohawk [n=chatzill@adsl-75-55-126-200.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
rhyshanbush, i do. i know the maintainer of the WoW on wine10:15
Flannelzeddicus2: that's not the solution.10:15
rogue780|laptopis there a way to use wget and specify a different file name for the file it is downloading?10:15
=== fir3__ [n=fabian@p57B57E63.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-cache - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:15
rhysgo to #ubuntu-ohio and try to talk to Brady_M10:15
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)10:15
hanbushrhys: this is warcraft 3, apple and oranges...10:15
=== dk_ii [n=Quake@80-43-29-114.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
rhysohh. i thought you said Wow. sorry10:16
InfohawkAnyone know of any good guides for setting up multi-button mouses on ubuntu?10:16
rhysi just saw warcraft10:16
jhiguerosi try codecs to and the image was distocioned10:16
odlais there theta special character in oo.org2?  or am i blind10:16
zeddicus2Flannel: so what is the solution?10:16
Talamanenix: i may not have that one installed10:16
SirBob1701crimsun, so you think you can help me at all?10:16
Flannelzeddicus2: What's the problem? Sounds like your script is written wrong.10:16
Flannelrhys: set a GRUB password10:16
rogue780|laptopodla, what do you mean?10:16
twystedim switching to ubuntu this week but i need to know if anyone knows of any apps that i can use to get my outlook email into another program such as thunderbird10:16
eth01E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? >> i get this when i try to install libglib2.0-dev10:16
=== Hoxzer [n=hox@dsl-hkigw2-fe1ede00-55.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
rhysFlannel, apparently i have to.10:17
odlarogue780|laptop: you know 'theta' the mathematical symbol for angles10:17
Flanneleth01: did you use sudo?  Do you have some other synaptic/update-manager/whatever running?10:17
twystedeth01> are you running apt-get or aptitude with sudo?10:17
lessshasteacroread looks like this now http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/2092/screenos3.png10:17
=== odla is a math teacher
LaNCeloT_RWhow do I test a proxy speed?10:17
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eth01i use sudo10:17
rogue780|laptopis there a way to use wget and specify a different file name for the file it is downloading?10:17
zeddicus2Flannel: i didn't write anything yet, it's just a fresh copy of anjuta, and i get the message: "/usr/bin/create_global_tags.sh: 3: function: not found  shift: 11: can't shift that many."10:17
brophatthe ubuntu website says that the computer needs 256 megs of ram min for the install CD? is that right because windows installed on this machine only has 192 megs ram.10:17
rogue780|laptopodla: what about it?10:17
twystedeth01 are you sure you do not have apt-get or aptitude in another window?10:17
odlarogue780|laptop: is there a special character...i need that sign10:17
zeddicus2Flannel: i googled on it and it told me to do what i wrote in the channel before10:17
lessshaste I get  Pango-WARNING **: No builtin or dynamically10:17
lessshaste<lessshaste> loaded modules were found.10:17
Flannelbrophat: 256 no?  192, yes.  But you can install with the alternate CD with even less than that10:18
eth01other thing how can i do updates10:18
eth01from adept10:18
epiGuys how do I get root?10:18
Flannel!sudo | epi10:18
ubotuepi: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:18
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^MiNi_D^epi use sudo10:18
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Ayabara2are there other good music players than amarok that comes with graphical eq?10:18
brophatFlannel you are saying the ubuntu cd requires 256 megs of ram?10:18
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tbussftp server ubuntu10:18
twystedthanks for the spaml remaxim10:18
enixTalaman: thanks for trying tho10:18
^MiNi_D^can any1 help me with the frameless windows in xgl problem?10:18
Flannelrhys: your other alternative is to set a root password.  You'll be prompted for the root password each time you login.10:18
epiIs there any way to get root?10:18
Flannelbrophat: no, I believe it requires 192.10:18
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eth01other thing how can i do updates10:18
eth01from adept10:18
odlaah in the greek characters...of course!10:18
odlalessshaste: question?10:19
HipotermiAepi, sudo -u root passwd10:19
Flannelrhys: er, each time you login to the recovery console, that is.10:19
rhysFlannel, that doesnt break ubuntu?10:19
frojndcan someone helop me with lm sensors. It can't detect it: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12044/10:19
brophatFlannel the website says 256.10:19
lessshasteodla: how do I get the fonts to work again10:19
rhysFlannel, last time i checked enabling root kills alot of programs.10:19
rogue780|laptopHipotermiA: he left. but you could also do sudo passwd root10:19
zeddicus2so got any clue Flannel as to how i change the symlink?10:19
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Flannelrhys: No, it doesn't.  That was fixed... uh, on breezy.10:19
LjLFlannel: yeah, that's the heuristic figure i've come up with. well brophat, the site might err on the safe side, but 192 megs will make it work - just don't start openoffice while installing, i suppose ;)10:19
brophatbut i mean winblows hog installed on this machine and the machine only has 192 megs ram10:19
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brophatok thanks hahah10:20
odlalessshaste: what did you do...what do you mean?10:20
brophati looked for this alternate cd but did not find. where is i?10:20
LjLbrophat, Ubuntu itself *will* work with less than 192 megs of RAM, it's just the Live CD that - given the quite interesting things it has to do - needs more RAM10:20
Flannelbrophat: http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.10/  First paragraph, "192MB"10:20
lessshasteodla:  how do I get the fonts to work... acroread looks like this now http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/2092/screenos3.png10:20
rhysFlannel, this was a few years ago10:20
lessshaste I tried  pango-querymodules > /etc/pango/pango.modules10:20
LjLbrophat: right, you can always use the alternate CD if the desktop one doesn't make it10:20
rogue780|laptopis there a way to use wget and specify a different file name for the file it is downloading?10:20
Flannelbrophat: but, you want the alternate CD if you want to install with less than that.10:20
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bruenigrogue780, -o filename10:20
LjLbrophat: as to the URL to it... what mirror do you prefer?10:21
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brophatLjL north amereica10:21
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odlalessshaste: hrmm...no idea...someone in here can help i'd imagine though10:21
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Flannelzeddicus2: the problem is it's using bash, and you want it to use dash?  Are you sure that's not backwards?10:21
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lessshasteodla: ok.. I hope so :)10:21
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brophatdoes the website explain what is intalled with alternate cd?10:21
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)10:22
Flannelbrophat: the exact same system is installed with the alternate CD10:22
brophatFlannel but it is suppoed to take up less room10:22
zeddicus2Flannel: to tell you the truth i'm new in the linux thingy and i have no idea what's the difference, i think that dash is a more powerfull shell?10:22
Flannelbrophat: no.  It uses less RAM during install10:22
LjLbrophat: this is one US mirror http://osmirrors.cerias.purdue.edu/pub/ubuntu-releases/edgy/10:22
brophatoh ok10:22
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brophatthanks LjL I appreciate it10:22
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Flannelzeddicus2: With edgy, ubuntu switched to using dash as default, which broke a *lot* of scripts which required stuff in bash (and didn't specify that they needed bash, because the writers were careless)10:23
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Flannelzeddicus2: the shebang at the beginning of the script (#! /bin/sh) says "use any shell", they needed /bin/bash, essentially.10:23
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Pandemonium1xAlright, aparently you can not install beryl in VMWare Ubuntu because it freezes up...hehe will have to duel boot later on tonight....thanks for your help everybody10:23
ikoniaPandemonium1x: of course you can't !10:24
odlaPandemonium1x: good luck!10:24
rogue780|laptopbruenig: won't that just change the log output?10:24
zeddicus2Flannel: so where is this script located? in usr/bin?10:24
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tbussIve just installed the gui version of proftpd. how do i test to see if i can connect from another machine10:24
dougbwhat is the port for Gnome Bittorrent?10:24
bruenigrogue780|laptop, my fault -O filename10:24
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Craneinstalling Feisty, be back soon10:25
Flannelzeddicus2: Uh, that script was... whereever that error message said it was.  But, first, are you sure you're installing the correct version of anjuita?  Made for Edgy?10:25
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rogue780|laptopbruenig: thanks. I was getting confused as to why all the files were 3.4kb10:25
dk1447Hello, I installed proftpd & gproftpd on ubuntu 6.1 desktop, and it seems that the gproftpd is using the /etc/proftpd.conf instead of the /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf. Anyone know how to fix this?10:25
rogue780|laptopbruenig: no worries. thanks a bunch10:25
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zeddicus2Flannel: I used the simple add/remove thingy of edgy and put a mark next to anjuta...10:25
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lawinedk1447: do both files exist? If so, check if on isn't a link to the other. if one is a link, it's okay I think10:26
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Flannelzeddicus2: hmm.  Really?  They still haven't fixed a bug like that this far along?  You're running from the... oh, a bug report10:26
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SirBob1701has anyone fixed the issue where you get sound in flash but nothing else can produce sound?10:26
jribSirBob1701: use flash910:27
bruenigSirBob1701, yeah upgrading flash10:27
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SirBob1701i believe i am10:27
tbusslooking for help configuring proftpd10:27
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SirBob1701whats the package flash9?10:27
^MiNi_D^can any1 help me with the frameless windows in xgl problem, convo me plz10:27
bruenigSirBob1701, do apt-cache show flashplugin-nonfree | grep Version10:27
jribSirBob1701: http://www.macromedia.com/software/flash/about/ confirms?10:27
dk1447lawine: yep both files exist and I checked after bootup the server uses the one in etc/proftpd/... but when I start the gproftpd it uses the other one10:27
adx2i installed gcc but when trying to run ./configure it says Could not find a working compiler10:27
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adx2how do i fix this?10:27
Flannelzeddicus2: right.  Ok, so we're going to open to that file, (sudo nano /usr/bin/create_global_tags.sh) and change the first line, where it says /bin/sh, change it to /bin/bash10:27
zeddicus2Flannel: I got anjuta 2.0.210:27
jribadx2: install build-essential.  What are you compiling?10:28
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jolgerummm... guys... is it possible that usb disk automounting is not enabled in feisty?10:28
zeddicus2k sec10:28
Flannel^MiNi_D^: #ubuntu-effects for XGL Support, thanks.10:28
adx2jrib: transmission10:28
Flanneljolger: #ubuntu+1 for Feisty support10:28
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jolgerah okay...10:28
SirBob1701adobes site confirsms i have version installed10:28
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Flanneladx2: get `build-essential` not just gcc10:28
bruenigSirBob1701, should work then10:28
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adx2Flannel: ok doing that right now10:28
SirBob1701it just started doing this today10:29
jribSirBob1701: tell adobe there is a bug10:29
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SirBob1701i've had flash 9 installed for 2 months10:29
SirBob1701this is the first time its screwing up10:29
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ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT10:29
SirBob1701and even after reboot10:29
SirBob1701doesnt seem right to me10:29
SirBob1701i think its something else10:29
jrib!enter | SirBob170110:29
ubotuSirBob1701: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:29
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jribSirBob1701: what happens if you have a music player playing and then try to start flash?10:30
agent2looking for help setting up inter-grated wifi card for Averatec AV2370-EH1 laptop that I think uses Ralink RT2500 chip set10:30
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zeddicus2Flannel: thanks, looks ok now10:30
SirBob1701even after reboot music players dont work only flash will10:30
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jribSirBob1701: so even if you don't use flash nothing else has sound?10:30
bruenigSirBob1701, sounds like another problem10:31
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SirBob1701and login in is slower now10:31
agent2I'm am very new to Ubuntu just installed it last night10:31
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zeddicus2Flannel: lol, now anjuta crashed (it worked almost fine before), checking what's wrong...10:32
adaptr"almost fine" ?10:32
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adaptrthat's like.. not , right ?10:33
foormeai currently have 2 screens connected on my computer, a CRT, a DFP. now the CRT is the main monitor, i'm trying to have the DFP to be the main monitor. i'm using twinview. do you know how to do it please?10:33
zeddicus2adaptr: yea, wouldn't execute the program, something about file not in local dir10:33
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Flannelzeddicus2: You're connected to the internet, right?10:33
Flannelzeddicus2: and have updated all these packages?10:33
zeddicus2Flannel: yes, ofcourse10:33
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Flannelzeddicus2: Odd.  Just strikes me as horribly odd that something so simple hasn't yet been fixed in the repos.10:34
brophatdoes the ubuntu cd install mysql?10:34
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Flannelbrophat: Not by default10:34
hanbushhi, my computer is exceptionally laggy, what could be wrong?10:34
agent2looking for help setting up inter-grated wifi card for Averatec AV2370-EH1 laptop that I think uses Ralink RT2500 chip set10:34
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brophatFlannel ok good. i was just wondering how much is does install hahaha10:34
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agent2I'm am very new to Ubuntu just installed it last night10:34
Flannelbrophat: Ubuntu has zero things listening by default10:34
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zeddicus2Flannel: i might have damaged something yesterday when i wasn't able to connect to my access-point that has wpa-psk, and i had to install network-manager menually,10:34
brophatFlannel ok that is good.10:34
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brophatFlannel is there a place that lists what is installed by default?10:35
zeddicus2maybe i'll reinstall the whole thing10:35
swaldickHello all, does 6.06 support reiserfs format?10:36
arch_what is the most stable / fastest linux VNC client/server program?10:36
Flannelbrophat: uh.  Hmm.  No, I don't think so.  Well, once you're installed, you can.10:36
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brophatFlannel I am sure there is a list packages intalled function of some knid10:36
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brophatFlannel just that 2 gigs for install sounds kind of large for linux.10:37
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guillehow can I see my motherboard model from linux?10:37
brophatit must install a ton of programs hahaha10:37
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Supaplexdo I have to update my http from 1.1 to 2.0 to use web 2.0?10:37
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brophatguille turn off the power and open the box and look at the mobo10:37
KurtKrautSupaplex, obviously, no.10:37
crdlbSupaplex, lol10:37
preactionSupaplex: pray tell me that's a joke10:38
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Supaplex</joke> hehe :)10:38
brophatSupaplex why use web 2.0?10:38
Supaplexguille: hwinfo10:38
razzorzok then.. one more time...  can someone help me dissable this shift backspace from closeing my session??10:38
guillebrophat, I know the model, but that model has some sub-models, that I have to read from mobo registers10:38
guilleSupaplex, I running it, what section?10:38
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brophatguille what i said was supposed to be a joke10:39
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Supaplexguille: I don't use it often enough to recall.10:39
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guillebrophat, ops, sorry10:39
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guilleSupaplex, thanks anyway :)10:39
KurtKrautrazzorz, try disabling desktop effects.10:39
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Flannelbrophat: It installs a full desktop, with OpenOffice, games, yadda yadda.  If you want a stripped down version (CLI only, which you then build up to a system), you can do that too with the Alternate CD (there's a "server" option, which is different than the server CD, but still installs a bare system)10:39
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brophatSupaplex  how will web 2.0 be better?10:40
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jribrazzorz: that's a feature of xgl, google for "shift backspace disable"10:40
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Supaplexbrophat: it was a joke. did you miss the scroll back?10:40
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epiYey! Got compiz working! Just one question, whats the superkey?10:40
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tyler_dmiddle mouse button10:40
bruenigbrophat, if you do this, it will list all the packages that were installed by default (one flaw it does not output packages that were updated), INSTALL=$(ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/info | grep \ time.list | awk '{print $6}') ; ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/info | grep .list | grep $INSTALL | awk '{print $8}' | sed 's/.list//'10:40
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tyler_dor windows key10:40
SirBob1701is there any way to view all the errors thrown by an application?10:41
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brophatSupaplex oh ok haha sorry. yeah because i heard web 2.0 was no different than the web now except it does not allow you to post things the gov does not like.10:41
Flannelbruenig, brophat, he's on a fresh install, he can simply do `dpkg -l` to get all the packages (or open up synaptic and look)10:41
zeddicus2Flannel: ok now i still get a weird message when i try to execute my prog, "program <program path> is not a local file"10:41
ferronicasoundray: sorry10:41
bruenigFlannel, oh10:41
ferronicasoundray: are you there???10:42
zeddicus2it compiled fine10:42
bruenigor ls /var/lib/dpkg/info | grep .list | sed 's/.list//'10:42
ferronicaAny one here using mobile in ubuntu10:42
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guilleI'm running beryl with radeon module and AIGLX, some windows don't work, like gnome-terminal and gaim, the window is white, has it  a solution?10:43
hypn0SirBob1701: run it from terminal :-/10:43
SirBob1701oo lol10:43
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function1does plf still exist for ubuntu?10:44
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Flannelguille: #ubuntu-effects for Beryl support10:44
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guilleFlannel, thanks and sorry for the wrong channel10:44
mkobyHi all, I can't use any apt or dpkg client program, it always says the file list for gnome-themes is missing the final newline, but I don't know where the file list is to add it.10:44
mkobyI'm running Dapper, by the way.10:44
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ferronicaAny one here using mobile in ubuntu10:45
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mlalkakaDoes Ubuntu 7.04 have a slogan yet? I thought of one: "Ubuntu 7.04: It's time to get feisty!" (pun intended).10:47
twystedwhat are some good email clients10:47
bluemchen43so mkoby try a terminal with su or sudo get the root right and try apt-get and the pagage name again10:47
kbrooksmlalkaka, heh10:47
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odlatwysted: evolution, kmail, thunderbird, mutt, slypheed-claws...pick one10:47
mlalkakatwysted: i use evolution and it find it to be pretty good. otherwise, try Thunderbird10:48
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Seppihello all10:48
mkobyHi all, I can't use any apt or dpkg client program, it always says the file list for gnome-themes is missing the final newline, but I don't know where the file list is to add it.10:48
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sputnik_ukHi all, anyone know how to limit proftpd to one user?10:48
Seppii completely messed my graphic card up10:48
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Supaplexbrophat: ahh. afaik it's just the web some have come to expect. fancy. resourceful. etc. implies ajax. (just my understanding). no idea who actually defines it. it's just one of those soft terms.10:49
SirBob1701what the hell odes this mean  Unable to start mDNS browsing: MDNS service is not running10:50
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Seppidoes anyone know how I can reset my graphic card?10:50
brophatSupaplex what i understand it is a web that does not have net neutrality.10:50
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jetscreamerthat's some blahAvahi stuff SirBob170110:50
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SirBob1701this sound stuff is ticking me off big time lol system has been working perfectly fine for months now it desides to crap out on me10:51
jhornicksirbob: iirc mDNS is an apple Multicast DNS service, what program is mentioning it?10:51
brophatSupaplex and all the talk about it having all this better stuff in it is just a trick to get you to join it.10:51
jetscreamer!find avahi10:51
ubotuFound: libavahi1.0-cil, monodoc-avahi-manual, wzdftpd-mod-avahi, avahi-daemon, libavahi-client-dev (and 20 others)10:51
mkobybluemchen43: Yes, I've tried.10:51
=== RoundyT1 [n=Roundy_T@c-71-195-222-165.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jetscreamereverything pulls it in nowadays it seems btw, kde and/or gnome10:52
RoundyT1I have a question10:52
tbusscan anyone help with proftpd configuration?10:52
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function1anyone know if the plf repositories are still online?10:52
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ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/10:52
nomopofomoi need help recovering my NTFS raid array!10:52
voidmagefunction1: use medibuntu now10:52
function1ah. knthx10:53
KunkHi. I'm trying to get Apache2 + PHP5 + Postgresql to work. Loading a local webpage, I'm asked if I want to download. I've traced the problem to libapache2-mod-php5 that should load in 'mods-available' two files: php5.load and php5.conf. These files are not in the mods-available. How can I get them in or get LAPP to work. It's been three days at this . .  Help?10:53
hypn0RoundyT1: ask it then10:53
HipotermiAquien tiene un link de cegeda !10:53
Supaplexnomopofomo: ewwwu :P got backups?10:53
nomopofomonah :(10:53
nomopofomoi don't actually hvae to "recover it"10:53
nomopofomonothing disasterous happened10:53
nomopofomobut linux won't see my NTFS stripe10:53
SirBob1701if your lspci and a device is listed 2 times with different 00:00 nubmers can that cause an issue10:53
mkobyHipotermiA: Aller au #ubuntu-fr, svp.10:54
FlannelKunk: if they're not in mods-available, remove with (--purge) libapach2-mod-php5 and reinstall10:54
RoundyT1I was looking around in my session's window and i have a stupid - extremely sensitive - touchpad and i deleted something, though I am not sure what I deleted... Now none of my icons are ubuntu icons anymore and they are the standard gnome icons, my beryl still works just fine, just my fonts, and icons are all messed up.10:54
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jetscreamerwhere do they get these names, anyway10:54
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bluemchen43so mkoby make a bakup off your system and hope the best...10:54
crimsunSirBob1701: sure, give me a sec. I'm in office hours currently.10:54
brittoy! What's the gtk app that sends one command to many gnome-terminals?10:54
jhornickjetscreamer: because they want interesting names, not practical names. well that's my guess10:54
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tbussanyone here successfully setup a ftp server10:54
mkobybluemchen43: Thanks.10:54
SirBob1701crimsun ok thank for the help10:55
RoundyT1it was in the "startup" tab10:55
newbie001hi, im trying to access a tty with ctrl-alt-f1, but all i get is a message "Loading, please wait..." and no prompt. Any hints?10:55
jetscreamernewbie001: try F2 instead10:55
KunkFlannel: Hi. I've done that about six times now. Funny, apache-ssl works sort of if I add the libphp .so - what a sad mess this is. Why is this happening? Buggy or what?10:55
aevnewbie001: i got taht in the feisty beta10:55
newbie001f2 - blinking cursor, doesnt respond10:56
nomopofomohelp? i need to get linux to recognize my NTFS RAID 0 stripe10:56
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FlannelKunk: Well, that package should install those conf/load files.  If it's not, well, it should be.  Did you do any funky chmodding? or chowning of dirs?10:56
RoundyT1I was looking around in my session's window and i have a stupid - extremely sensitive - touchpad and i deleted something, though I am not sure what I deleted... Now none of my icons are ubuntu icons anymore and they are the standard gnome icons, my beryl still works just fine, just my fonts, and icons are all messed up.10:56
newbie001aev, that is what im using10:56
RoundyT1it was in the "startup" tab10:56
jetscreameryou might examine /etc/inittab to see what's going on.. i don't know much about it though10:56
Kunklibapache2-mod-php5 --purge10:56
mikeconcepts2I need some help getting my microphone to work using Edgy10:57
newbie001this is using the boot-cd, i haven't modified anything10:57
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mikeconcepts2it is an audigy 1 sound card10:57
aevnewbie001: ahh than i cant help you at all :) , it is sorta locking up for me. I should be responsible and file a bug or something10:57
jetscreamernewbie001: you mean it's a live cd?10:57
mikeconcepts2nothing from recorded10:57
jetscreamerah oh ok10:57
aevjetscreamer: for me as well10:57
FlannelKunk: er, is that the command you're giving?10:57
jetscreamerno idea10:57
crimsunSirBob1701: amixer set 'IEC958' off10:57
epiGuys, could you tell me whats wrong with these terminal commands?10:57
epicd compiz-extra-x.x.x10:58
epi./configure && make && sudo make install10:58
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aevit gave a misterious error, i could go and find which10:58
KunkFlannel: nope. This is the sixteenth install -- sigh10:58
mikeconcepts2sound recorder results in nothing from the mic10:58
epiIm trying to addon some more extras to compiz10:58
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SirBob1701how do i do that?10:58
epibut its confusing the terminal at that section and I dont know how to adapt that code.10:58
FlannelKunk: what odd things did you do to your /etc/apache2 dir?10:58
mikeconcepts2I can hear my own voice coming out of my speakers10:58
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KunkFlannel - well sort of, but not really - I'm using two machines, one monitopr and I've noticed the typo. But is the command OK?10:58
mikeconcepts2so perhaps it has something to do with the audigy driver10:59
nomopofomohelp? i need to get linux to recognize my NTFS RAID 0 stripe10:59
mikeconcepts2what is pcm captture10:59
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FlannelKunk: no.  That command is nothing like what it ought to be.  `sudo apt-get remove --purge libapache2-mod-php5`10:59
mjrnomopofomo, probably won't happen10:59
RoundyT1I was looking around in my session's window and i have a stupid - extremely sensitive - touchpad and i deleted something, though I am not sure what I deleted... Now none of my icons are ubuntu icons anymore and they are the standard gnome icons, my beryl still works just fine, just my fonts, and icons are all messed up.10:59
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bluemchen43mkoby so i  search in the moment with google, but there be some links about this problems11:00
KunkFlannel: Oh, well I've installed Apache2 + PHP5, removed all including configs. Tried Apache + PHP4, ditto. Then Apache-ssl , ditto, bunch of times.11:00
swaldickcould anyone help with a fstab issue11:00
pike_mikeconcepts2: just some settings in alsamixer when i had that problem11:00
swaldickcould anyone help with a fstab issue?11:00
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mikeconcepts2pike, been playing around with that for a while now, and I am missing something11:01
crimsunSirBob1701: type it in a Terminal11:01
nomopofomomjr: why not?11:01
tbussdoes anyone how to open ports on router for ftp config11:01
sisplauhow can install nvu in feisty fawn?11:01
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tyler_dhere's a lame question..... what file format do I select to install a theme?11:01
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SirBob1701crimsun still now sound11:01
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:01
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snaef999tbus, ftp uses port 2311:02
crimsunSirBob1701: and, amixer set 'Master Mono' unmute && amixer set 'Master Mono' 80%11:02
pike_mikeconcepts2: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=227308&page=2 i believe11:02
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KunkFlannel: OK. They're removed . I'll re-install  . . . again. Thanks. be back11:02
mikeconcepts2pike, thanks, will read it all11:02
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xMorgawrcan someone link me to a howto or manual for anjuta IDE?11:03
SirBob1701crimson still nothing11:03
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bluemchen43mkoby try this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1273711:03
wafrohey, I built a custom kernel for a core duo, and it only displays one processor, as a Pentium III in /proc/cpuinfo11:03
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wafroSMP support is enabled, used the Core 2/newer Xeon option11:03
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mabelrxugrr ... i don't understand this whole irc thing ... (goes to look for a rfc)11:03
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OswyHey, is 5 GB enough of a partition?11:05
crimsunSirBob1701: err, you overrode ~/.asoundrc ? hmm. This is going to be more difficult.11:05
=== sc0tty [n=yann@host81-152-59-156.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
ctothejIm looking to create a mounted encrypted drive. Should I use TrueCrypt, EncFS, or Loop-AES? or another?11:05
crimsunSirBob1701: is ``aplay /usr/share/sounds/*up.wav'' still inaudible?11:05
pike_Oswy: for / yes but it i did that id make /home a sep parition11:05
jv_5g for what?11:05
OswyAlso, I'm having problems with display.11:06
wafrowhat processor family should i use for a core duo T225011:06
OswyI installed it, and now after the load screen finishes, it just goes blank.11:06
DameI want to compile kernel from source. Im using open source (ati) drivers for my graphic part so what do I need to include in the kernel?11:06
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SirBob1701no such file or directory11:06
SirBob1701i wonder how i've don this11:06
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OswyCould it be, like, a video card driver issue.11:06
crimsunSirBob1701: err, you're using ubuntu, correct?11:06
RoundyT1I need someone's help with "startup programs" on sessions..........11:06
=== blackest [n=john@cpc1-linc8-0-0-cust536.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
wafroroundy gnome?11:07
crimsunSirBob1701: and you don't have a /usr/share/sounds/  directory?11:07
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RoundyT1gnome/ubuntu ya.11:07
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SirBob1701there is a sounds directory11:07
SirBob1701just no up.wav11:07
trondHow do I disable screen blanking after some minutes with inactivity (approx 30) in ubuntu? I have disabled the screensaver in gnome-settings and dpms in xorg.conf, but I still get screen blanking after a while.11:07
wafroSystem -> Preferences -> Sessions11:07
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead11:07
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ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama11:08
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RoundyT1right, i accidentally deleted something in there and now all my fonts, and icons aren11:08
RoundyT1't ubuntu icons they are just standard gnome11:08
crimsunSirBob1701: note that it's '*up.wav', not 'up.wav'11:08
crimsunSirBob1701: that asterisk is vital11:08
wafrohmm i'm using 7.04 so the startup programs look very different11:08
RoundyT1well crap11:08
RoundyT1ikonia, ping11:08
wafromaybe someone with the same distribution can help you11:09
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SirBob1701ALSA lib pcm.c:2146:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM surround5111:09
SirBob1701aplay: main:547: audio open error: No such file or directory11:09
SirBob1701if i sudo it11:09
FlannelRoundyT1: Were you running around as root?11:09
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evilsockethi people11:09
Talamananyone know how to add a smb users?11:09
evilsocketi need help11:09
Talamananyone know how to add a smb users?11:09
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RoundyT1Flannel, nope...11:09
Flannel!samba | Talaman11:09
ubotuTalaman: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT11:09
Talamanno flannel, i mean really11:09
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KromiXWhats a good place for ubuntu themes? just installed it and want to see what i can change it to11:10
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RoundyT1KromiX, look at installing beryl11:10
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OswyCould drivers be what is keeping my Ubuntu from displaying?11:10
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OswyLike, missings video card drivers?11:10
Talamanif you have no idea how to use sbm, please don't try to help me11:10
evilsocketi'm installing ubuntu on an external usb hd ... it all went well, but where should install grub? in the same usb hd or in the main hd of my laptop ?11:10
OswyOr are those found automatically?11:10
FlannelRoundyT1: hm.  Well, you can't have done much damage then.  Having all your gnome icons gone is very odd though.  You mustve deleted some config file in your homedir?11:10
nomopofomohow do i make linux see that my harddrives are striped?11:10
KromiXRoundyT1: I heard Beryl is cool but very unstable and not recommended, should i do it anyways?11:10
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nomopofomoif my hadrdrives are striped then in gnome partition manager, the stripe should show up as one device, correct?11:11
evilsocketplz someone help me11:11
evilsocketi'm installing ubuntu on an external usb hd ... it all went well, but where should install grub? in the same usb hd or in the main hd of my laptop ?11:11
apokryphosevilsocket: whatever's the first boot device on your BIOS11:11
Flannelevilsocket: that depends on how you want it to work.  You probably are best off using a boot CD or something.11:11
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:11
evilsocketthe hd11:12
RoundyT1KromiX, i like bleeding edge, and if you're looking for "coolness" try it out. ... however...if that's not your want try www.gnome-look.org (i think) or google it.11:12
Talamananyone know how to add a smb users?11:12
KromiXRoundy: does it take up alot of system resources11:12
FlannelTalaman: read the URL ubotu gave you.11:12
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Talamani have11:12
crimsunSirBob1701: right, so what you need to do is this: mv ~/.asoundrc ~/.asoundrc.bak && asoundconf set-default-card CK80411:12
Talamanno help there11:12
evilsocketFlannel, but what if grub loads but the usb hd is not attached? does this cause any problems or it simply loads windows on the main hd ?11:12
RoundyT1Flannel,  no its not like they are gone, they just aren't the ubuntu set....i just deleted something in the "sessions" startup programs window11:12
=== Web-Kanotix938 [n=knoppix@pd9ea83e1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
Talamanone would think, that if i had found help there I WOULDN"T BE ASKING FOR IT HERE11:13
=== Manny [n=chris@p5496885B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
RoundyT1KromiX, I don't have issues with beryl...it runs great...though it is your choice.11:13
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OswyHELLO, can ANYONE at least look at my question?11:13
Flannelevilsocket: That's why you want to use a CD rom.  Otherwise you'll have to install grub (which means /boot as well, at least in part) to your harddrive, to boot to your USB11:13
OswyCan missing drivers lead to an inability for display?11:13
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RoundyT1Flannel,  no its not like they are gone, they just aren't the ubuntu set....i just deleted something in the "sessions" startup programs window11:13
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OswyLike, I get passed the loadup screen.11:14
OswyAnd then it goes blank.11:14
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colbertTalaman: What exactly do you mean? Mounting shares or ?11:14
Flanneleviltux: you'll need a boot disk to boot to your USB drive, basically.11:14
RoundyT1Oswy I suppose so, I would look at installing correct drivers.11:14
m4t_ru talking about booting from the cd11:14
OswyI installed it fully already.11:14
m4t_then hit ctrl-alt-f111:14
ebichuhamstercan anyone help me a bit with openoffice.org?11:14
m4t_and login to console11:14
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m4t_find out which kernel boot option disables framebuffer11:15
kataniebichuhamster: What's the problem with OOo?11:15
m4t_maybe something about bootsplash11:15
OswyI don't know how to do that, haha.11:15
trond How do I disable screen blanking after some minutes with inactivity (approx 30) in ubuntu? I have disabled the screensaver in gnome-settings and dpms in xorg.conf, but I still get screen blanking after a while.11:15
SirBob1701cimsun says theres no conf and the set-default-card doesnt work11:15
m4t_google does11:15
OswyI'll try Ctrl+Alt+f1.11:15
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OswySo what do I do now that I've pressed it?11:15
FlannelTalaman: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/configuring-samba.html  Halfway down that page, under "User Accounts"11:16
OswyUgh, nope, it just went blank again.11:16
arch_can anyone recommend a VNC client/server for Ubuntu?11:16
=== abo [n=tfh@80-47-151-20.lond-th.dynamic.dial.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX11:16
sabiancraTemps cannot be colder than absolute 0. (-459.67F)11:16
degreseveni want to install ubuntu on an hp pavilion ze4700. When booting the livecd, i get a brief error about ac97 mixer errors. gnome loads, but is *slow*/ unresponsive, mouse jumps around, etc. I can click the install icon, but it never loads.11:16
xMorgawrdoes someone know a nice guide for anjuta IDE??11:16
=== Kilroo [n=Jarentha@cpe-071-076-173-175.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
RoundyT1arch_,  I do believe that FreeNX works great11:16
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ThewarderI want to reformat my PC so I can  havea clean hard drive for multi booting xp and ubuntu.11:16
arch_I'll check it out, thanks much11:17
jmgdegreseven: use the alternate11:17
McQueenteenbeat2007: hi11:17
crimsunSirBob1701: mv ~/.asoundrc.asoundconf ~/.asoundrc.asoundconf.bak && asoundconf set-default-card CK80411:17
ammielanyone know a lot about dvds?11:17
ubotupornview: Image and movie viewer/manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2pre1-6 (edgy), package size 217 kB, installed size 656 kB11:17
degresevenjmg what's the alternative?11:17
m4t_Oswy: goto ubuntuhelp.com or watever11:17
RoundyT1Thewarder, so when you install ubuntu, just select "erase entire disk" but make a backup of anything that you would like to keep11:17
jmgalternative cd11:17
nomopofomowould someone pleeeeeease help me? why doesn't ubuntu see my two drives as a stripe?11:17
m4t_search in odcumentation on how to disable graphical boot11:17
SirBob1701crimson ok i put the whole line in and i got no errors11:17
__mikemDoes anyone know if beryl will run in vmware?\11:17
nomopofomognome partition editor sees both of my drives but not as a striped set11:18
FlannelThewarder: You'll want to install windows first, actually.11:18
m4t_doesnt grub give u 2 boot options11:18
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Thewarderthe only problem is I was never given a xp installation CD.11:18
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OswyNormal and recovery mode.11:18
ubotubf: a fast Brainfuck interpreter. In component universe, is optional. Version 20041219ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 13 kB, installed size 100 kB11:18
m4t_its probably the framebuffer11:18
ferronicaAny one here using nokia mobile in ubuntu?11:18
blackestmikem doubt it vmware doesnt do a 3d card11:18
OswyYeah, the latter worked, but I didn't know what the hell I was doing. :/11:18
kataniThewarder: What company did you get your PC from?11:18
Thewarderdoes this mean I have to buy a new one?11:18
OswySo I have to disable that through recovery mode?11:18
ThewarderI got it from HP11:18
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emetis there a brainf*ck compiler that has gcc syntax11:19
FlannelThewarder: were you given one of those restore CD things?11:19
kataniThewarder: Try calling tech support and requesting a Windows disc. Some companies will send you one, some won't11:19
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BetaKookiesI've installed fglrx, but I still have fglrxinfo reporting the Mesa GLX Indirect driver being used, still. Anyone have any suggestions? It appears that /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/volatile/fglrx.ko is missing..11:19
m4t_go to the grub prompt11:19
ThewarderI bought it in 0211:19
bkingxipw2200 wireless is having problems, anyone have any suggestions?11:19
m4t_and add:11:19
nomopofomoi hate all of you!!!11:19
kataniThewarder: But don't run out and get a whole new system just because you don't have the Windows disc ;)11:19
m4t_type the kernel name of the boot option11:19
FlannelThewarder: well, you'll need some way of getting XP on your system, and we can't really help you there11:19
m4t_with video=vga16:off11:20
m4t_after it11:20
OswyI'll try that, thanks.11:20
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lessshastewhen I click on a pdf I just get a blank page. How do I get firefox to run acroread?11:20
robdemanhi folks, how do I install mencoder on Ubuntu?11:20
BetaKookiesmabelrxu, try /quit11:20
ThewarderI have a recovery CD from my new PC that uses the exact same os11:20
blackestdapper does quite a nice job of partitioning i seem to remember11:20
BetaKookiesrobdeman,  you get a girlfriend11:20
kataniThewarder: hmmmm... Wellll, you could get a Windows disc from a friend *wink wink*11:20
robdemanBetaKookies: i have one11:21
kataniThewarder: After all, you did pay money for Windows, you might as well have the install media11:21
robdemanBetaKookies: total top model11:21
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:21
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ThewardercouldI use that but use  the olders validation code11:21
_Mr_Denix_hello ! i know few about ubuntu and i was wondering if someone can tell me how to remote wake up my PC with 6.10 edgy as OS considering i have a via lan card internet connection and working ssh server ! thank you11:21
kataniThewarder: I dunno11:22
Oswym4t_: I put that at the end of the kernel line; got the same problem.11:22
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat11:22
=== fir3_ [n=fabian@p57b55eca.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
m4t_type nosplash11:22
blackestbe honest thewarder i did a reformat on someones xp system didnt wouldnt activate and M$ gave me a code so it would work11:22
OswySo change the end of the kernel line to nosplash video=vga16:off?11:22
cablesOswy, m4t, can't you just remove the "splash" argument?11:23
emetis there a qt version of ubuntu pornview?11:23
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m4t_i have been googling for hrz now11:23
m4t_trying to fix a problem of my own11:23
m4t_and i would like to teach u all how to teach urselvez11:23
cablesm4t, that's definitely wrong11:23
OswyI have no idea what I'm doing, though.11:23
bruenigemet, don't think so11:23
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cablesm4t, Oswy, are you trying to disable the splash?11:24
OswyI am, yeah.11:24
ThewarderI am going to talkto xp11:24
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OswyOr to stop my screen from going blank.11:24
cablesOswy, remove splash and quiet from the kernel line.11:24
ThewarderI mean HP11:24
SirBob1701crimson think i could fix it if i compiled alsa ?11:24
cablesOswy, hold on though11:24
cablesOswy, are you in menu.lst?11:24
m4t_no his computer doesnt boot11:24
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m4t_oswy wat vid card is it11:25
m4t_and does rescue mode work11:25
OswyATI All-in-Wonder 9800, I believe.11:25
BetaKookiesHow do I fix "(EE) fglrx(0): GART is not initialized, disabling DRI"?11:25
=== cables [n=cables@65-78-17-151.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
OswyTrying without quiet splash.11:25
emetusing "apt-cache search", can I make a pipe that prints a random package11:25
OswyNope, same problem.11:25
emetlike is there a unix utility for randomly picking something from a list11:26
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zortechsolutionsanyone know how to use ubuntu server?11:26
Mannycan I use the live CD for running arbitrary commands? I'd like to do some "boot linux from CD, run script <foo>, reboot" magic. Any ideas?11:26
=== cables [n=cables@65-78-17-151.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
cablesCan anyone explain what IOWAIT CPU usage is?11:26
OswySo should the video card be a problem?11:26
jribemet: $RANDOM will give you a random integer11:26
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OswyThe one that I have.11:26
bruenigManny, yeah11:26
zortechsolutionsif you are good at using ubuntu server please private message me11:27
MannyI'd like to use this as a tricky well-thought backup/disk mirror solution involving a nightly boot from CD, dd if=/dev/hda, reboot11:27
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OswyLike I said, recovery mode works (I can log in and stuff), but I just don't know what to do since there's no GUI.11:27
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h1st0Oswy: what are you trying to fix?11:27
Mannyoh don't forget the "eject" so that we won't boot again from CD after reboot! :)11:27
bruenigManny, you can do that if you want, probably a way to do it with cron while the disk is running easier11:27
emetapt-cache search [a-z]  | wc -l11:27
OswyAfter the load screen, my monitor goes blank.11:27
OswyAnd I can't do anything.11:27
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bruenigmore easily*11:28
Mannybruenig: dd if=/dev/hda WHILE THE DISK IS RUNNING?!11:28
h1st0Oswy: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:28
emetis there a better way to print how mage packages in repo then11:28
_Mr_Denix_i used macchanger (as a deb package under edgy) to fake my MAC but after restarting the system my MAC restores to the original. how can i stop this from happening ? anyone ? thank you :)11:28
emetapt-cache search [a-z]  | wc -l11:28
h1st0Oswy: what type of video card do you have?11:28
OswyFrom recovery mode?11:28
h1st0Oswy: what type of card do you have first?11:28
OswyATI All-in-Wonder 9800, I think.11:28
ubotupartimage: backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-15ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 268 kB, installed size 944 kB11:28
h1st0!ati > Oswy11:28
h1st0Oswy: you can follow the instructions from ubotu about installing ati drivers.11:28
h1st0!ati | Oswy11:28
crimsunSirBob1701: unnecessary11:28
ubotuOswy: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:28
cablesAccording to Bootchart, there's a period of 10 seconds after pccardd is started where there's no CPU or disk activity... what's with that?11:29
crimsunSirBob1701: is the aplay command audible?11:29
OswyCan I do it through the recovery mode, though?11:29
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OswyBecause my Windows isn't working properly either.11:29
RoundyT1can someone do me a favor?11:29
bruenigManny, or you can tar everything up which is what I would do if I backed up11:29
h1st0Oswy: yes all the command listed to do it should be ones that you enter in to terminal.11:29
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RoundyT1can someone using 6.10 do me a favor?11:29
OswyLet's see if I can somehow navigate this myself.11:29
h1st0Oswy: basically in linux you can do everything in terminal more so than you can do in a window system like gnome kde etc...11:29
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:29
OswyI just have no clue how, haha.11:30
h1st0Oswy: the directions on that link are pretty straight forward.11:30
Oswyk cool11:30
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emetapt-cache search [a-z]  | cat -n11:30
SirBob1701cimson the message changed tho : ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:862:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave11:30
SirBob1701aplay: main:547: audio open error: Device or resource busy11:30
_Mr_Denix_RoundyT1 lets hear it :)11:30
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haseIf I were to connect an ethernet cord to my windows xp desktop pc and my xubuntu laptop, would i be able to share files between 'em?11:31
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RoundyT1Could someone please just copy and paste (or type) what session startup programs (under system>preferences>sessions>startup programs tab) they have running...thanks.....11:31
Oswy"Couldn't find package xorg-driver-fglrx.11:31
OswyOh, it failed to fetch like all of them.11:31
bulmerhase depends, you can liably burn the interfaces too11:31
OswyI don't even know if I'm connected to the internet.11:31
mikeconcepts2pike, that web page was a big help, the problem was I didn't have mic boost turned on, and in order to turn it on and not blow my ears off, I had to turn the mic gain down11:31
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OswyIt's possible my network card isn't working or something.11:32
RoundyT1lol oswy it happens to the best of us...11:32
OswyHow do I check that?11:32
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RoundyT1obviously -- check lights on the card and router.11:32
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m4t_eh oswy11:33
OswyI'm connected via a wireless card.11:33
OswyI'll check the wiki.11:33
m4t_type ifconfig11:33
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m4t_and see if u got an ip11:33
m4t_or iwconfig if u prefer11:33
RoundyT1Could someone please just copy and paste (or type) what session startup programs (under system>preferences>sessions>startup programs tab) they have running...thanks.....11:33
=== colbert [n=Bill@CPE000802b64568-CM0011e6c40b1f.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu ["brb"]
_Mr_Denix_RoundyT1 check private11:33
m4t_u have to add restricted repository to synapatic or apt.conf or whatever11:33
m4t_to download fglrx11:33
rob_im getting incredibly painful download speeds with rtorrent, i think i have just setup my internal IP as a DMZ host, but my bittorrent speeds are still only 15kBs11:33
tbusscan anyone help with ftp server config11:33
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OswyYeah, it doesn't seem to be connected.11:34
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RoundyT1_Mr_Denix_, private?11:34
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_Mr_Denix_RoundyT1 i've sent you my start-up sequence as a private message . it should appear under your #ubuntu channel11:34
black_13is it possible for me to view avi files on ubuntu11:34
erUSULblack_13: yes11:34
jrib!avi > black_13    (black_13, see the private message from ubotu)11:34
krolbenHi all! I've been stupid enough to move my /etc/apache2 dir and now, when I try to reinstall apache, it doesn't create the dir for me. I've tried to apt-get --purge remove apache2, but it still doesn't create the dir/files on install. I get no error msgs during install. What can I do to create /etc/apache2 and all its content?11:34
OswyI'm assuming it's possible to set up a wireless connection, but how?11:34
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RoundyT1_Mr_Denix_, not seeing it.11:35
OswySorry for being such a n00b, by the wy.11:35
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jribkrolben: apache2-common takes care of that iirc11:35
OswyWay, even.11:35
krolbenso I should reinstall apache2-common?11:35
jribkrolben: you should try :)11:35
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katani0swy: Everybody starts out a noob. ;-)11:35
_Mr_Denix_RoundyT1 :   _Mr_Denix_> in start-up i have11:35
_Mr_Denix_<_Mr_Denix_> update -notifier11:35
_Mr_Denix_<_Mr_Denix_> /usr/liv/evolution/2.8/evolution-alarm-notify11:35
_Mr_Denix_<_Mr_Denix_> gnome-power-manager11:35
_Mr_Denix_<_Mr_Denix_> gnome-volume-maanger -- sm-disable11:35
_Mr_Denix_<_Mr_Denix_> that's all :)11:35
sizzamwhen i do 'gpg --list-keys <my_email>, i get two results.   how do i remove the key i no longer use?11:35
jrib!paste | _Mr_Denix_11:35
ubotu_Mr_Denix_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:35
OswyAnyway, how do I reconfigure my wireless connection?11:35
krolbenjrib: Thanks, I'll try - will get back to you with result11:35
zgold_Hey.  Quick question, im having an issue on bootup of a new ubuntu system of "PNP: No PS/2 controller found.  Probing devices"... and it just hangs11:35
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kane77is there a program for sharing system resources?11:36
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theo_Can someone help me use WINE to install WoW?11:36
RoundyT1sorry _Mr_Denix_11:36
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OswyHey, how do I reconfigure my wireless connection through the terminal?11:37
_Mr_Denix_RoundyT1 :   click this   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12056/11:37
tbussWhat are the procedures to open a port on a router for FTP access11:37
haseIs there a way I can use ethernet to do file sharing between a windows xp pc and my ubuntu laptop?  The wiki guides doesn't seem to mention it at all11:37
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erUSUL!samba > hase11:37
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tbussanyone here ever setup a ftp server11:38
emethow do I make $RANDOM only return up to a certain value11:38
rob_im getting incredibly painful download speeds with rtorrent, i think i have just setup my internal IP as a DMZ host, but my bittorrent speeds are still only 15kBs11:38
trondtbuss: yes11:39
h1st0Oswy: using iwconfig11:39
h1st0Oswy: do you need to add wep or anything like that?11:39
_Mr_Denix_i used macchanger (as a deb package under edgy) to fake my MAC but after restarting the system my MAC restores to the original. how can i stop this from happening ? anyone ? thank you :)11:39
tbusstrond: have you ever used proftpd?11:39
=== bemani91 [n=metsfan0@cpe-69-200-229-243.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bemani91st00pid laptop power11:39
trondtbuss: Using it as we speak :)11:39
=== bemani91 is now known as Oswy
OswyHow do I configure the wireless network through terminal?11:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about news - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:40
ubotunntp: An NNTP server for use with C News. In component universe, is extra. Version (edgy), package size 70 kB, installed size 252 kB11:40
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tbusstrond: my problem is a little detailed, basically I need to setup a ftp server to share files with only a select few11:40
trondtbuss: What is the task at hand? :)11:40
Slartbah.. ubotu... you don't satisfie me... anyone else know of a good newsreader for gnome?11:40
Stylee-FilipBolecan I have a voice control in ubuntu?11:40
Slartsatisfy even11:40
RoundyT1_Mr_Denix_, thanks. for some reason im still having issues, i have all those but yet my "ubuntu icons and fonts aren't working11:40
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=== dts [n=dennis@adsl-71-131-47-248.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
OswyNobody knows how to configure a wireless connection through the terminal?11:41
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tbusstrond: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=54052111:41
idefix_isn't it a big problem that stuff is put on the internet from all sorts of different OS's and has to be read by all? how do PC's deal with one OS which is case sensitive and another OS which isn't???11:41
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crimsunSlart: pan doesn't suffice [in feisty] ?11:41
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_Mr_Denix_RoundyT1 my pleasure :) if i can help more just let me know. still i'm kind of new to this :)11:41
trondtbuss: Launch synaptic11:41
trondand search for gproftd11:42
Slartcrimsun: I haven't tried it.. I will now (although I run edgy)11:42
black_13Jrib thanks i read the article are you able to view avi's11:42
crimsunSirBob1701: lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/*11:42
OswyCan ANYBODY help me configure a wireless connection through the terminal?11:42
=== kernel06 [n=jj@c-24-7-82-239.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunSlart: feisty's pan is much improved over edgy's11:42
sabiancraemet, multiple random by your upper limit11:42
trondtbuss: Then you get a gui to set up the most common options, a lot easier than fiddeling with the .conf11:42
jribblack_13: yes, you should be able to view avi's after following the steps in the wiki.  Note that avi is only a container format11:42
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:42
=== max_ [n=chatzill@c-67-188-68-109.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SirBob1701crimsun http://pastebin.ca/40972711:42
Slartcrimsun: hmm.. might see if I can't install the feisty package then..11:42
crimsunOswy: need more details, e.g., which wifi chipset, which version of Ubuntu, etc.11:42
tbusstrond: okay what do I look for11:42
emetsabakas1: ?11:42
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emet apt-cache search [a-z]  | cat -n | grep $RANDOM11:43
emetsometimes works sometimes doesnt11:43
Oswy6.10; trying to install drivers so I can load the GUI up.11:43
Stylee-FilipBoleis in ubuntu a way to have a voice control?11:43
trondtbuss: gproftp11:43
tbusstrond: I installed the gui for proftpd but I was told it was not very secure11:43
crimsunSlart: try it on a Feisty Beta desktop image first11:43
_Mr_Denix_RoundyT1 try changing your theme11:43
OswyI think it's a Netgear peripheral, but I'm not sure of the exact model.11:43
crimsunOswy: and wifi chipset?11:43
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jribemet: the random number may be too big, mod out by the length maybe11:43
crimsunOswy: is it pcmcia/cardbus, usb, or pci?11:43
max_whats the command to start remote desktop without using the gui ?11:43
OswyI think PCI, but I'm not sure.11:43
black_13jrib, yeah i am worried about avi's that is im worried that i would be able to find the needed codec11:43
trondtbuss: I use it, I probably would not run a server for FBI on it, but it works and users are restricted by password11:43
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=== Jaime [n=Horus@dsl-243-12-24.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
OswyYeah, it is.11:44
trondtbuss: All that gui is doing is throwing some values into the conf-file11:44
crimsunSirBob1701: err, close all firefox, evince, and openoffice.org instances11:44
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jribblack_13: does it still not work after following the wiki page?11:44
emetjrib: 0 to 3276711:44
tbusstrond: I have a router installed, how do I open the ports for that11:44
Thewarderwell this is neat I wonder if it will work http://www.winsupersite.com/showcase/windowsxp_sp2_slipstream.asp11:44
emetis mx11:44
matthew1429I have 1 gb ram and about 50 gigs available on my laptop, how would you guys recommend formatting?11:44
crimsunOswy: ok, pastebin ``lspci -v && lspci -vvn''11:44
matthew14292 gig swap and rest for /?11:44
black_13jrib would you mind if we spoke privately11:44
crimsunOswy: then tell me the url11:44
jribblack_13: here is better11:44
trondtbuss: I am no expert on routers :)11:44
emet$RANDOM - 1143611:44
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SirBob1701crimson only this mixer_app 6141 mcginleyr1   17u   CHR 116,10      8851 /dev/snd/controlC011:45
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emethow do I accomplish this Jrib?11:45
mariachiguys what do you use as a video player? (avi, mkv, ogg, ac3, h.246) VLC or Mplayer?11:45
emetthis: $RANDOM - 1143611:45
jribemet: then you will have negative numbers:  try $RANDOM % 1143611:45
OswyCommand not found...11:45
black_13jrib i dont know if this channel frowns on torrents of tv shows11:45
rob_mariachi: VLC11:45
OswyWait, nvm.11:45
crimsunOswy: you likely made a typo11:45
tbusstrond: so this will allow me to setup a ftp server so that only my family members that dont have local accounts can connect and download files11:45
mariachirob_ thanks ;)11:45
crimsunSirBob1701: what does your last statement mean?11:45
OswyThere is no URL...11:45
emetapt-cache search [a-z]  | cat -n | grep $RANDOM % 1143611:45
SirBob1701thats all that shows up11:46
emetgrep: %: No such file or directory11:46
emetgrep: 11436: No such file or directory11:46
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SirBob1701i'll paste bin11:46
crimsunSirBob1701: good. Now run the aplay command again.11:46
jribemet: yes11:46
trondtbuss: Gproftp will allow you to define a group of users 'family' which have to type specific passwords to enter your ftp11:46
black_13jrib im download the avi now11:46
=== doctapep [i=doctapep@nighthawk.knows.you.are.on.this-server.org] has joined #ubuntu
SirBob1701ok crimsun it runs11:46
=== bitwiseshiftleft [n=mike@rescomp-06-92909.Stanford.EDU] has joined #ubuntu
black_13jrib so i havent tried it yet11:46
OswyI just seem to be denied access to everything, crimsun.11:46
trondtbuss: Just play around with the users tab in the gui11:46
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crimsunOswy: err, you're using http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org ?11:46
crimsunSirBob1701: and is it audible?11:47
jribblack_13: ok11:47
OswyNo, I'm not.11:47
SirBob1701sounds clear11:47
bitwiseshiftleftquestion: is there a good way to install ubuntu on a soekris board?11:47
max_whats the command to start the vnc server plz11:47
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tbusstrond: to test my connection from another computer in the house type ftp:// x.x.x.x11:47
ckULivefeisty - doesn't the installer let me resize a fat partition?11:47
trondtbuss: But if you want to know 100% what you are doing then you should consult someone that has more experience with the damemon than me11:47
crimsunOswy: I need the output from those two commands pastebinned onto http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:47
bitwiseshiftleft(or anything else with neither a cdrom or a ton of RAM)?11:47
SirBob1701other audio programs work too11:47
black_13azuerus keeps crapping out11:47
=== salman [n=salman@ool-457270c8.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunSirBob1701: good, so your sound issue is resolved. Excellent.11:47
SirBob1701what was it11:47
trondtbuss: yes11:47
crimsunSirBob1701: mixer setting.11:47
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Flannel!install | bitwiseshiftleft, check out netinst and stuff, depending on your HW11:47
ubotubitwiseshiftleft, check out netinst and stuff, depending on your HW: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate11:48
emfHi. I just upgraded to Feisty. My touchpad's scroll wheel functionality is much slower than it was on edgy. I have to scroll further than before to have an effect. Any way to adjust this?11:48
max_setting up ftp server is like the easiest thing ever.11:48
robdemanhey I enabled multiverse but when trying to install mplayer it says: E: Package mplayer has no installation candidate11:48
Flannelemf: #ubuntu+1 for Feisty support11:48
salmanwhat would be the best way to keep kiba-dock as still as stillas possible11:48
crimsunSirBob1701: you had the optical output unmuted, which means that analog output is muted automatically for most codecs.11:48
tbusstrond: if you dont mind me asking, what do you use ftp for11:48
emetjrib: apt-cache search [a-z]  | cat -n | grep `calc $RANDOM % 11436`  <------- My random package of the day script11:48
trondtbuss: File sharing :)11:48
emetit doesn11:48
jribrobdeman: make sure you have edgy multiverse not just edgy-backports multiverse, pastebin your sources.list if you are not sure11:48
SirBob1701wonder how i did that11:48
emetwork so well11:48
SirBob1701your a life saver amn11:48
OswyI put that into the text tand it just outputted it.11:48
robdemanjrib ok11:48
SirBob1701stereo works better then before too haha11:48
=== persept [n=persept@c-24-5-188-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
salmani know it going to move no matter what but how can I make it move less11:49
tbusstrond: if you get time check my thread I posted, it goes into detail exactly what I want to do11:49
OswyOr am I on the wrong track completely?11:49
bitwiseshiftleftubotu: thanks, i'll see if there's enough memory to do that11:49
sabiancrais there any way to copy a file and have it report back the speed at which the copy is occurring11:49
tbusstrond: thanks for your help11:49
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perseptdoes anyone know when the 7.04 beta will be availible for PowerPC processor?11:49
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trondtbuss: But can't you use samba or a local network sollution instead of ftp?11:49
Flannelpersept: it is11:49
crimsunpersept: it is already.11:49
=== TheCan [n=thecan@dslb-084-056-140-190.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
emetwhat is a regexp for only research begining11:49
emet$ ?11:49
emetor ^11:49
perseptare you sure, I couldn't find it11:49
_Mr_Denix_RoundyT1 how is it going ?11:49
TheCanHi - does someone know how i can trigger the dirty flag in a ext3 fs please?11:49
Oswycrimsun, was that the URL you were looking for?11:49
tbusstrond: family is seperated geographically11:49
max_WooT!  I'm running Linux - Mac OSX - and Windows XP all at the same time on only 1GB ram - and it kicks butt!11:49
crimsunpersept: http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/mirror/cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/7.04/beta/11:49
trondtbuss: Ah11:49
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tbusstrond: would like for them to be able to download pictures and home movies of the young ones11:50
liorcan anyone help with edgy install on LG laptop K2 - I can't get the wireless working11:50
SirBob1701crimsun dont suppose you see in there why my other speakers for surround sound don't work?11:50
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max_tbuss : check ouot samba11:50
perseptcrimsun: thanks, the mirrors i looked at didn't have the ppc version11:50
crimsunOswy: that's just the commands. I need the _output_ from those commands.11:50
max_its a network filesystem11:50
sabiancra^ <-- start $ < -- end11:50
Flanneltbuss: might be easier to setup just apache, if it's only going to be pulling11:50
OswyWhat syntax?11:50
max_nfs? samba?   seems like thats what he wants11:51
OswyIf it matters.11:51
=== inklein [n=inklein@adsl-69-107-103-2.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
OswyI mean, I've been doing it on this computer, not the one with the problem, obviously.11:51
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OswyBut there doesn't seem to BE an output.11:51
=== tvgm2 [n=Miranda@c-68-55-61-145.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
krolbenjrib: It worked - I've now got Apache installed again. Thanks a lot :)11:51
tbussFlannel: I wanted the interface to be clean and simple, would I need to host a web page to achieve the same results as ftp11:51
crimsunSirBob1701: amixer set 'Duplicate Front' unmute11:51
jribkrolben: yw11:51
sabiancrai wish cp was more powerful11:51
max_tbuss: youo can have drive F: on their windows computer connect to your /home/shares folder - i used the walkthru on ubuntuguide.org and set up samba really nicely11:51
crimsunsabiancra: to accomplish what? You likely just need a different utility, like tar.11:51
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Flanneltbuss: Well, you could either have an ftp server on your home machine, or a http server.  The former would require them to get/use an FTP client, the latter, merely a webbrowser11:52
tbussmax_: is this possible if two machines are separated geographically11:52
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sabiancrai am copying large directories to another destination but i want it to skip existing files11:52
OswyShould I do it in Bash, or what?11:52
crimsunOswy: it needs to be done on the computer with the problem11:52
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max_tbuss: as long as their connected to your network in any way11:52
OswyHow can I do it if I can't connect to the internet?11:52
trondFlannel: Ftp can easily be used from a webbrowser too :)11:52
sabiancradestination is on another local drive11:53
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trondNot ideal though11:53
=== fusheh [n=noodle@67-22-230-105.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
OswyUhh, can I just ping a website and see if I get a response?11:53
salmanhelp plz11:53
max_tbuss: including internet11:53
OswyYeah, lemme try that, haha.11:53
=== cables [n=cables@65-78-17-151.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
tbussFlannel: I was told that ftp_conntrack would allow them to use the PASV ports11:53
jesusphreakhello, I've used BootCamp to setup a second partition on my hard drive that I now want to install Linux on; but before I do that I need to make that partition free space; how do I do that?11:53
salmanhow do i keep kiba-dock still?11:54
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sabiancracp has no way to skip copying over existing files, either it tosses an error or overwrites11:54
Flanneltbuss: Assuming they're only downloading, http will be a lot faster than ftp as well.11:54
tbussFlannel: enabling them to open an FTP link in web browser11:54
OswyI shall ping google.11:54
max_jesusphreak - in your partition editor (BootCamp) clikc ono the partition that you want to be free space.   press delete.   press ok.   press apply.11:54
OswyLet us see if that works.11:54
crimsunsabiancra: you're better off using shell script magic11:54
tbussFlannel: which would be easier to config apache or ftp11:54
Flanneltbuss: shrug.  httpd is a lot simpler to setup, in my mind.  Oh hey, you just asked that.11:55
liorcan anyone help with edgy install on LG laptop K2 - I can't get the wireless working11:55
salmanor make it look like this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=16224&d=115904935811:55
sunexplodeshaving trouble making multimedia keys work with Sonata/MPD11:55
max_tbuss: sudo apt-get install proftpd11:55
sunexplodesany ideas?11:55
Flanneltbuss: Apache is a single package, with no config afterwards, just fill up your contnt directories (or ~/public_html)11:55
max_tbuss: then all they have to do is ftp://your ip11:55
Oswywtf, how manyn pings does this do?11:55
OswyIt's on 124.11:55
=== catid [n=catid@c-76-17-106-128.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tbussmax_ Im running proftpd right now, I'm just unsure how to configure to meet my specific needs11:56
max_tbuss: just make sure you open port 21 in your router and in linux's iptables11:56
OswyMaybe pinging wasn't such a good idea, argh.11:56
jhornickOswy: it does them till you tell it to stop11:56
OswyI typed stop and nothing happened.11:56
OswyHow do I stop it?11:56
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max_tbuss: make a user with adduser - then put the files you want to share in the home folder ofo the new user11:56
trondtbuss: Did you try gproftp?11:56
jhornickctrl+c aka ^c is the break command11:56
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catidthe programs in my Session don't run until a few minutes after GNOME starts11:56
tbussmax_ I opened port 21 on the config file but not for the router?11:56
trondtbuss: All those things you ask for can be done by fiddeling in the user settings in there11:56
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OswyOK, so yeah, my internet is indeed not working.11:56
max_tbuss: you need to "port forward" in your rouoter so that port 21 isn't blocked by your router's hardware firewall11:57
max_tbuss: same with running any service11:57
tbusstrond: thanks, i'm getting some very useful info trying to absorb all of it right now11:57
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max_tbuss: usually its to connect to your rouoter11:57
crimsunOswy: copy it down by hand.11:57
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max_tbuss:; what kind of router do you have11:57
OswyThe whole thing?11:57
OswyIt's very long.11:57
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crimsunOswy: yes.11:57
OswyI don't even think I can see the whole thing.11:57
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crimsunoh come on, it's not like you can't write11:57
max_trond: its gproftpd11:57
tbussmax_ you had to ask ;) its a microsoft wireless router11:58
OswyBut I can't see the whole thing; I'd have to scroll up.11:58
=== enderxim [n=enderxim@68-118-247-140.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
OuZoi am trying to find htdocs, a part of apache. does anybody know were it is? thanks11:58
=== factotum [n=factotum@24-247-108-52.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
tbussmax_  will i get in trouble for posting that11:58
Differwhat happened to linuxforums.org?11:58
max_tbuss: it's documentation will tell you how to enable services so you can host an ftp server11:58
jhornickOuZo: /var/www11:58
tbussmax_  but basically what I want to do is open port 21 on my router correct11:58
factotumive been thinking about serving my own website, looks interesting11:58
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max_or else you will get a connection refused when u try to connect to your ftp server (which is active right now)11:59
crimsunOswy: use shift+pageup and shift+pagedown11:59
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tbussmax_: trond: Flannel: thanks for your help11:59
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OuZojhornick: dimitri@OuZo:~$ ls /var/www/12:00
OuZoapache2-default  munin12:00
max_max : also linux has a built in "firewall"   you can controll its policy using firestarter tool12:00
cheeseboyhow do i install kernal headers?12:00
OswyThis'll take a while.12:00
max_tbuss: i mean12:00
addamsHow do I use this sessions > start up thingy, i can't get it to work ..12:00
max_tbuss: sudo apt-get install firestarter12:00

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