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jhornickOuZo: that's the default location, /etc/apache2 is the place where you can configure that12:00
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max_cheeseboy: apt-cache search kernel headers12:01
tbussmax_ okay I'm going to try and configure this thing. If it doesnt take too long I'll post back12:01
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OswyDo you need the whole thing, or just a certain part?12:01
Kunk. Using Apache2+PHP5+Postgresql with libapache2-mod-php5 finally showing up in mods-available mods-installed, loading a webpage still gives me' Want todownlaod ...' I have the x-application-httpd thingy correct for php and have relaoded apache2. How can I get it work? This is really challenging . . .help?12:01
ektobothello, where is the file with all the bootup options????12:01
catidproblem: my session apps don't start until 3 or so minutes after GNOME starts12:01
crimsunOswy: the whole thing12:01
OswyI'll get back to you in a long time, then.12:01
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max_cheeseboy: that will give you a list of available packages to install that contain "kernel headers" in the description12:01
crimsunOswy: well, just copy down the multimedia audio controller one12:01
max_ektobot: /boot/grub/grub.conf12:02
OswyWhich one is that?12:02
OswyLemme look.12:02
max_ektobot: /boot/grub/menu.lst12:02
Flannelektobot, max_: menu.lst not grub.conf12:02
OswyYeah, I dunno which one it is.12:02
ektobotahh thats better thabks12:02
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sykeI noticed that Feisty doesn't have the latest vesion of valgrind, which would be useful when reporting bugs. Where do I file a request for valgrind (or other packages) to be updated?12:02
crimsunOswy: in ``lspci -v'', look for the one with "multimedia audio controller" or the like12:03
crimsunsyke: we're way past upstream version freeze (UVF) for main12:03
crimsun[valgrind is a main package] 12:03
max_syke: have you all the repositories enabled?  backports?12:03
OswyDisplay controller?12:03
sykemax: I believe so12:03
crimsunOswy: no, _audio_12:03
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crimsunOswy: err, sorry, what was your issue? sound? nic?12:04
OswyGot it.12:04
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_Mr_Denix_hi ! could i get some help on gproftpd please ?12:04
crimsunOswy: I normally deal with audio, so I may have, inadvertently, told you the wrong keyword.12:04
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max_syke : find the deb for the program you want the latest version of.    from its official web page or repository.12:04
OswyHeh, k.12:04
max_Mr_Denix : u just missed that lecture12:04
crimsunOswy: right, you don't want audio, you want "network"12:04
ektobotit wont let me edit the startup options says i dont have privaligas to save the file12:05
Foonoi, I've freshly installed Edgy LAMP, but I'm quite a newbie, how do install a window manager (like fluxbox, say)?12:05
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OswyFound it.12:05
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crimsunFoon: sudo aptitude install x-window-system-core fluxbox12:05
FoonI've used Fedora Core 4 before, on that I used yum instead of apt-get12:05
xstWill Feisty come with beryl as default?12:05
max__Mr_Denix_ it's better if you just ask your question.... and not ask if you can ask.12:05
_Falkon_I just installed the compiz packages from Synaptic.  How do I start compiz now?12:05
Foonah, aptitude rather than apt-get?12:05
sykemax: it may be quite worthwhile to upgrade it since it's used heavily by support people when trying to narrow bugs12:05
Flannelxst: no12:05
_Mr_Denix_max_ its installed i have configured 1 user  it was   giving me an error (*group nobody) i edited  gproftpd.conf with sudo gedit and now i have 4 errors :D12:06
crimsunFoon: doesn't much matter, TBH.12:06
BFTDHi, I get this error when I login, "Unable to find Internet Address please add (system name) to you /etc/hosts file to solve this problem", I am connecting via a wireless device that uses ndiswrapper, and it shows the link light on and blinking which means that it is connected to the router12:06
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max_Foon : apt pwns yum =] 12:06
_Mr_Denix_max_ i will keep that in mind thank you12:06
xstFlannel: ok (damn :-)  )12:06
_Falkon_Feisty comes with compiz12:06
sykeeven if it's just the suppression files12:06
xstWhy compiz?12:06
liorok, let's try again - does any one know how to get wifi working on LG K2 pro laptop... or at least how to find which wifi card this laptop has ?12:06
Flannelxst: It doesn't come with any of those things by default.  But you can add them.12:06
LaibschIs it possible to create a boot floppy with grub and boot from a 250G HD when the mainboard does not support such large drives?12:06
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_Falkon_it runs on older machines than beryl12:06
ektobothow many boot up options should there be for edgy?12:06
Laibschlior: lspci?12:06
max__Mr_Denix_ you didn't back up your configuration before you messed with it ?12:06
Foonmax_: heh, but yum had a search function which I was used to.. *shrug*12:06
_Falkon_less intensive12:06
SeveredCrossektobot: 3?12:06
Flannelxst: #ubuntu+1 for Feisty support, I believe beryl.  But, yeah, not by default.  Easy to enable I believe.12:07
ektobotit looks like i have 2 versions of ubuntu on startup?12:07
FoonI'll try aptitude and get back to you12:07
SeveredCrossAssuming oyu only have Edgy and no XP.12:07
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=== Foon plugs his keyboard into his linux box
_Mr_Denix_max_ i did only 1 change to .conf i can restore it12:07
crimsunektobot: what are the entries?12:07
SeveredCrossektobot: You have your kernel, a recovery mode for your kernel and memtest86+?12:07
liorLaibsch, I tried but I can't find which is it - do u want me to paste ?12:07
ektobotyeah then another set12:07
Oswycrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12058/12:07
_Falkon_xst: the feisty beta has compiz preinstalled, but it's crap right now12:07
SeveredCrossektobot: Did you just update your kernel recently?12:07
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_Falkon_I couldn't even get the cube to work, but maybe that's just user error12:07
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ektoboti did a full install/format over previous ubuntu12:08
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crimsunOswy: ok, now I need the corresponding ``lspci -vvn' entry12:08
_Mr_Denix_max_ this is what i get   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12059/12:08
_Falkon_so does anyone know how to run compiz after installing the packages from synaptic???12:08
SeveredCrossektobot: That's interesting, there's no reason why you should get multiple kernels on star....12:08
_Falkon_ektobot:  I get multiple kernels, too12:09
_Falkon_idk why12:09
SeveredCrossAfter a format and reinstall, you shouldn't12:09
OswyYou mean the 00:0c.0?12:09
SeveredCrossUnless the installer didn't really format...12:09
ektobotSeveredCross: yeah it happened last time on my previous install because it would crash on installation12:09
crimsunOswy: yes12:09
Oswyk cool12:09
sabiancraBFTD, do you have an IP, can you ping exteral IPs12:09
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_Falkon_idk I didn't have a crash or anything12:09
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BFTDsabiancra no I can't ping IPs12:09
ektobotSeveredCross: last time i edited the menu.ls but now it wont let me save the file12:09
_Falkon_does anyone know how to run compiz after installing the packages from synaptic???12:10
sykemax: if I create an updated package, will it be rolled in?12:10
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Flannel_Falkon_: #ubuntu-effects forCompiz support, thanks12:10
sabiancraBFTD, do you have an IP from your router12:10
ektobot_Falkon_: add remove prog12:10
liorLaibsch, can u help here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12060/12:10
max__Mr_Denix_ enter ur hostname or ip into gproftpd ?    i dont remember - i dont use it anymore12:10
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_Falkon_flannel: thanks12:10
max__Mr_Denix_ but you shouold check ur configuration in the gui12:10
_Falkon_ektobot: what?12:10
BFTDsabiancra yes it does give me one12:10
_Falkon_ektobot: why add/remove?12:10
sabiancracan you ping the router12:10
RoundyT1Why can't I view my Ubuntu icons and Fonts....the only thing that shows up are the standard GNOME icons and fonts. everything is ALOT bigger than normal...12:11
SeveredCrossektobot: Did you remember to sudo?12:11
_Mr_Denix_i did checked it and i did enter my ip :) thank you ! i will keep searching for the solution12:11
_Mr_Denix_max_ i did checked it and i did enter my ip :) thank you ! i will keep searching for the solution12:11
ektobot_Falkon_: dunno somtimes you have to add the prog no after synaptic?12:11
Flannelsyke: Oddly, I believe Feisty ought to have 3.2.2, but, 3.2.1 isn't too terrible.  Someone mustve overlooked it.12:11
ektobot_Falkon_: i could be very wrong tho12:11
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RoundyT1Why can't I view my Ubuntu icons and Fonts....the only thing that shows up are the standard GNOME icons and fonts. everything is ALOT bigger than normal...12:11
sabiancraBFTD, can you ping the router12:11
BFTDsabiancra let me try12:11
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ektobotSeveredCross: sudo what??12:11
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ektobotSeveredCross: can u send me the teminal code12:12
Oswycrimsun, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12062/12:12
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SeveredCrossektobot: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst or whatever the filename is.12:12
SeveredCrossThen remove the extra kernels (the ones that don't boot)12:12
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BFTDsabiancra yes I can12:12
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SeveredCrossThough, before removing anything and saving the file, paste it into a pastebin and send the link, I'd like to look at your menu.lst12:13
ektobotSeveredCross: thanks12:13
RoundyT1Why can't I view my Ubuntu icons and Fonts....the only thing that shows up are the standard GNOME icons and fonts. everything is ALOT bigger than normal...12:13
SeveredCrossYep, no problem.12:13
sabiancraBFTD, trying pinging
kgradhi everyone, would anyone entertain a quick question about s-video out?12:13
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ektobotSeveredCross: what could be the reason for 2 versions being there12:13
SeveredCrossRoundyT1: Theme change? Did you accidentally remove the ubuntu-desktop package? (I had that happen to me once, it was very strange.)12:13
SeveredCrossektobot: I don't know to be totally honest...An improper format?12:13
SeveredCrosskgrad: What's your card?12:13
BFTDsabiancra "destination to host unreachable"12:13
kgradSeveredCross: it's a radeon 7000/VE12:14
sabiancraok, seems like your router is blocking your IP12:14
BFTDI ping gogle.com and get "unknown host gogle.com"12:14
ektobotSeveredCross: could it signify a root kit?12:14
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BFTDsabiancra oh?12:14
crimsunOswy: ok, is this under edgy?12:14
sabiancraBFTD, right, because it cannot resolve the hostname to a DNS12:14
Oswy6.10, yeah.12:14
sabiancraBFTD, yes, either that or your router/modem isn't working at all12:14
BFTDsabiancra I can probably figure it out then, thanks12:14
SeveredCrossektobot: I doubt it....12:15
SeveredCrosskgrad: YOU need the ATI driver.12:15
kgradSeveredCross: i've been trying to get tv-out working without any luck.  I noticed that most people have tv-out at least working at boot time, i don't get anything ever.  I wonder if i should update my BIOS?12:15
sabiancraBFTD, check to see if you have a MAC address list set up on the router12:15
SeveredCross!ati > kgrad12:15
ektobotSeveredCross: how would i find rootkits if they were installed12:15
SeveredCrosskgrad, check the private message you received from ubotu12:15
SeveredCrossektobot: I honestly have no idea, I'm sure there's a package out there.12:15
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ektobotSeveredCross: thanks12:15
SeveredCrossOpen Synaptic and look for a package that involves rootkits via the search function.12:15
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lockdownFTD, can you ping
catidektobot: usually they replace some common applications..  reinstalling all your packages might work12:16
RoundyT1SeveredCross, It says ubuntu-desktop is the newest version12:16
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crimsunOswy: try using ndiswrapper12:16
lockdownektobot, rootkit hunter12:16
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_Mr_Denix_i'm getting this error  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12063/  on GPROFTPD . already checked .conf . any ideas ?12:16
freshmeathi guys12:16
kgradSeveredCross: eh i'm using IRC inside of a java applet, i don't think i got it.  can i sign back on with a real client and the receive it?12:16
lockdownektobot, also do ls -al /tmp and /var/tmp and look for strange directories including extra . and .. directories,  that mean their is whitespace after the second nmae12:16
RoundyT1it works fine in my Gnome session but when i do it in Xgl session, nothing shows but the stupid gnome crap icons12:17
OswyI'll chheck the wiki.12:17
freshmeatI just installed dapper on my laptop and grub isn't "seeing" my vista to boot into it12:17
freshmeatcan anyone point me to a guide on recovering that in grub?12:17
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SeveredCross!ati | kgrad12:17
RoundyT1freshmeat, why not edgy?12:17
catidproblem: it takes about 3 minutes for my GNOME Session apps to start up after log in12:17
SeveredCrossErf, he left.12:17
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freshmeatkept getting md5 problems and was sent a free LTS cd12:18
factotumfreshmeat: this might involve editing your grub config12:18
_Mr_Denix_RoundyT1 did changing themes work for you ?12:18
SeveredCrossAdding Vista is pretty easy...12:18
SeveredCrossShould be almost exactly the same as adding XP.12:18
freshmeatfactotum I already had vista installed12:18
RoundyT1_Mr_Denix_, what do you mean?12:18
OswyUgh, crimsun, how can I install ndiswrapper without having a connection?12:18
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OswyOr is it already built in?12:18
SeveredCrossfreshmeat: Is Vista on the primary drive?12:18
freshmeatyes, it's a single drive system12:18
OswyYeah, it says it needs utility packages.12:18
SeveredCrossYou'll need to open your menu.lst12:18
factotumfreshmeat: oh thats good, check your grub config12:19
liorfreshmeat, just try installing a newer version of ubuntu12:19
freshmeatwhere is menu.lst stored?12:19
RoundyT1_Mr_Denix_, I am still having the problem.12:19
SeveredCrossTo do that, type gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst at a terminal.12:19
_Mr_Denix_RoundyT1 you said you had problems with your fonts , so i suggested you would change your theme so that will restore your settings12:19
SeveredCrossThen, to the very bottom of the file, you should add something like this:12:19
SeveredCrosstitle Windows Vista12:19
SeveredCrossroot (hd0,0)12:19
SeveredCrosschainloader +112:19
SeveredCrossI think that's all you need.12:19
GionnyBossRoundyT1: you have problems with your font with all application? or maybe just XMMS and aMSN?12:19
SeveredCrossSave your grub.lst, reboot and you should see an option for Vista. Selecting it should boot Vista.12:19
freshmeathoppefully the upgrade from dapper to edgy will behave12:19
OswySo crimsun, I'll need to download ndiswrapper here, get Windows working on my other computer, then transfer them over and retry?12:20
SeveredCrossIf you just dist-upgrade, it shouldn't replace your grub config.12:20
RoundyT1GionnyBoss, all applications... one second I'll get a screenshot up in a sec12:20
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Differubotwo is supybot12:20
_Mr_Denix_i'm getting this error  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12063/  on GPROFTPD . already checked .conf . any ideas ?12:21
ubotwoDiffer: Error: "is" is not a valid command.12:21
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GionnyBossRoundyT1: what exactly is your problem with fonts?12:21
SeveredCross_Mr_Denix_: Pastebin your .conf and send a link?12:21
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SeveredCrossPlease. :)12:21
_Mr_Denix_SeverdCross one sec12:21
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RoundyT1GionnyBoss,  its not just my fonts, its my icons, everything is just gnome...not the ubuntu set12:22
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SeveredCrossRoundyT1, did you answer my question earlier about accidentally removing the ubuntu-desktop package?12:22
ck42trying to setup distcc...running into first weird problem.  Where the frell is the make.conf file in ubuntu??  Why is it NOT in /etc ?12:22
GionnyBossRoundyT1: changing theme? :P12:22
_Mr_Denix_SeveredCross     .conf   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12064/12:22
FlannelSeveredCross, RoundyT1, ubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage, removing it doesn't hurt anything (or even do anything)12:22
RoundyT1SeveredCross, yes, i sudo apt-get it...and it said it was installed just fine.12:23
Foondo I need to install x-window-system-core in order to find fluxbox?12:23
_Mr_Denix_GionnyBoss :)) very innovative12:23
Foonin aptitude's interface, I tried searching for fluxbox, and got no results12:23
twystedFoon> sudo apt-get install fluxbox12:23
FlannelFoon: you'll need to install 'fluxbox' and 'xorg-server'12:23
Foonoh okay12:23
FlannelFoon: er, maybe xserver-xorg instead of the latter.  soemthing like that.12:23
RoundyT1GionnyBoss, no, i use emerald and beryl for themes12:23
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GionnyBoss_Mr_Denix_: lol12:23
Oswycrimsun, you there?12:24
twystedFoon, you may need to enable the repositories but you really shouldnt have to12:24
Foonbecause when I tried running (6:05:30 PM) crimsun: Foon: "sudo aptitude install x-window-system-core fluxbox" it gave me stacks of completely unrelated packages12:24
Foontwysted: how?12:24
ck42Anyone using distcc?12:24
FlannelFoon: you'll need to enable universe in order to get fluxbox12:24
twystedFoon> that is normal there are extra packages that need to be installed for fluxbox to work12:24
FlannelFoon: edit /etc/apt/sources.list, and uncomment the universe lines12:24
crimsunOswy: I'm in office hours now, so I'm fairly busy.12:24
quaalhello i'm trying to setup this raid1 array in md.. im not sure what i'm doing wrong here http://pastebin.ca/40980212:24
RoundyT1why doesn't my "Ctrl+ Printscreen work"?12:24
OswyAhh, OK.12:24
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OswySo I'll need to find a way to reinstall Windows just to download the ndiswrapper drivers?12:25
FoonFlannel: k I'll try that, brb need to plug the keyboard into the other machine, heh12:25
OswyOr is there another way?12:25
pike_Foon: then sudo apt-get update to load new sources.list12:25
twystedRountyT1 i thought it was ALT + Print Screen ;)12:25
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_Mr_Denix_RoundyT1 try using just the    printscreen button12:25
robdemanwhat package do I need to run php from the terminal (commandline) ?12:25
sykeFlannel: ok, cool. should I file a bug, or..?12:25
OswyOh wait, got it.12:25
frano486ciao a tutti12:25
sykeI'd mainly be concerned about false positives on all platfrosm and crashes under amd6412:25
OswyWill the alternate CD suffice?12:25
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Foonpike_: k, thanks :)12:25
factotumwhat is needed to make the root (su) gnome theme the same as users? A symlink to something or other??12:25
sykejust updating the suppression files would be very helpful from a support perspective12:26
SeveredCross_Mr_Denix_: There's your problem.12:26
SeveredCrossYour anonymous user has the group nobody.12:26
SeveredCrossWhich is a non-existent group.12:26
Recyclablei'm a bit lost here12:26
SeveredCrossIt's fine if the username is nobody, but I think nobody is in the group "users"12:26
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cheeseboywheres source list?12:26
Recyclablecould someone point me in the right direction of the AMD64 nvidia drivers?12:26
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RoundyT1my alt or ctrl printscreen doesn't seem to work12:26
SeveredCrossRecyclable: Uh, those exist? I think they're only 32-bit.12:26
SeveredCrossRoundyT1: Ditch alt and ctrl.12:27
Recyclableoh cocksocks :(12:27
SeveredCrossJust Print Screen should work.12:27
SeveredCrossI'm not sure though.12:27
Recyclabledon't think so then12:27
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twystedFactotum what do you mean you should be able to select the same theme for the user as root uses12:27
cheeseboywheres source list?12:27
_Mr_Denix_SeveredCross i have edited that .conf and at group i've change nobody with admin and i got 4 errors instead fo one12:27
SeveredCrossBest place to find them would be ati.amd.com12:27
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SeveredCross_Mr_Denix_: Make it "users"12:27
SeveredCross(Sans quotes)12:27
Recyclableany other way of getting ubuntu to display on my native 1440x900?12:27
SeveredCrosscheeseboy: /etc/apt/sources.list12:27
OswyHow do I configure a wireless network if I only have access to the terminal?12:27
pike_Recyclable: nv driver maybe12:27
SeveredCrossRecyclable: Nope, you need the fglrx drivers to get the 1440x900 resolution.12:27
BenjaminDoes Ubuntu have a flavour specifically for clustering similar to Cluster Knoppix?12:27
factotumtwysted: not quite, i open synaptec and its the default gnome theme12:27
SeveredCrossOswy: iwconfig/ifconfig12:27
Flannelsyke: Feisty is already in version freeze, so no.  I don't think there's anything you can do.12:27
OswyAll I need to do is connect to the router that's already out there.12:27
cafuego_Recyclable: `nvidia-glx'12:27
OswyOK, then what?12:28
SeveredCrosscafuego: He's got an ATI card.12:28
SeveredCrossI can't read.12:28
BenjaminDoes Ubuntu have a flavour specifically for clustering similar to Cluster Knoppix?12:28
Flannelfactotum: you shouldn't be logging into gnome as root.12:28
Recyclabledammit, so no way then? :(12:28
cafuego_Recyclable: He asked for nvidia drivers12:28
SeveredCrossNvidia-glx is there.12:28
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twystedfactotum> go through the theme selector as the user, its there ;) ubuntu just has its own addon theme12:28
RoundyT1still nothing...gimp wont paste it in12:28
jendaAny idea why sudo update-manager -d doesn't allow me to upgrade to Feisty?12:28
_Mr_Denix_SeveredCross  and now i get 4 errors after making it "users"  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12067/12:28
OswySeveredCross, just typing ifconfig doesn't really allow me to config it.12:28
SeveredCrossOswy: Try iwconfig12:28
OswyUnless I'm doing something wrong, which is very likely.12:28
Symmetriacan someone double check for me what za.archive.ubuntu.com resolves to (its a c-name, what does the base ip point to on your guys dns servers)12:28
OswySo I type that, then what?12:28
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factotumim not logged in as root im logged in as normal user, when I open synaptic give the password and it opens it is using a different theme than my desktop is using12:29
SeveredCrossiwconfig gives you some more ways to configure your wireless network, I've never really used it though.12:29
SeveredCross_Mr_Denix_: Those are unrealted to your previous error.12:29
sykeFlannel: okay, I'll see if my Canonical support person can help :)12:29
pike_jenda: no idea.. sudo sed -i 's/edgy/feisty//' /etc/apt/sources.list; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  should assuming youre on edgy12:29
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OswyBut how do I configure it?12:29
OswyI don't see how to it by typing.12:29
cafuego_Recyclable: The're in the 'restricted' respository and also require the restricted-modules package for your kernel. After install, run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org' and tell X to su `nvidia' instead of `nv'.12:29
OswyUhh, hold on.12:29
factotumnevermind, i found it12:29
SeveredCrossNo idea...12:29
OswyBlah, k.12:29
catidproblem: it takes about 3 minutes to start up GNOME12:29
SeveredCrossLet me look at your .conf again _Mr_Denix_.12:29
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ghetekdoes anybody here have experience with UCK (http://uck.sourceforge.net/)12:29
Recyclablelove you cafuego <312:29
_Mr_Denix_SeveredCross might not be . still they appear only when i change that nobody  from groups12:30
factotumi dont know who in their right mind would log into x as root...wierdos12:30
jendapike_: Yes, I am. The wiki says that method is not very reliable - why would that be?12:30
Flannelpike_, jenda, don't use that method.12:30
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Flanneljenda: Are you up to date in your edgy updates?12:30
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jendaFlannel: very12:30
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_Mr_Denix_SeveredCross there you go my conf   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12070/12:30
cafuego_Recyclable: it's usually best to choose 'Simple' config when X asks about screens and tell it what size screen you have, after that you can select allowable resolutions from a list. Just tick '1440x900'.12:30
BenjaminDoes Ubuntu have a flavour specifically for clustering similar to Cluster Knoppix?12:30
jendaFlannel: fresh install && update && upgrade12:30
SeveredCross_Mr_Denix_: Yes, because it doesn't even GET to display those, it crashes out before those when you move the group.12:30
SeveredCrossBenjamin: No.12:30
SeveredCrossIf it did, it'd be on the page.12:31
OswySo does anyone know how to use ifconfig to connect to a wireless network given the network name and WEP key?12:31
Flanneljenda: oh.  Do you have edgy-updates enabled?12:31
SeveredCross_Mr_Denix_: I'm not really quite sure..12:31
_Mr_Denix_SeveredCross lol i get it12:31
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pike_jenda: er youd want to use g there to that i left out so ignore that12:31
EkToBoTSeveredCross: thanks i fixed my startup options, doesthat mean i have 2 kernels installed12:31
jendapike_: of course :)12:31
SeveredCrossOswy: I think it's ifconfig device essid "network name"12:31
SeveredCrossSomething like that.12:31
jendaFlannel: hmm... not sure..?12:31
Recyclablecheers cafuego12:31
cafuego_Oswy: Yes. You can't with ifconfig, you need iwconfig.12:31
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zeddicus2man ifconfig12:31
jendaFlannel: if it's not by default, then no12:31
SeveredCrossOr maybe iwconfig. One of the two will do it.12:31
SeveredCross_Mr_Denix_: I suspect you have some broader error that I don't really understand12:32
Flanneljenda: I have no idea if it's default.  But I believe you need it.12:32
cafuego_Oswy: iwconfig <interface> essid "ESSID" key s:ASCIIKEY12:32
jendaFlannel: and what is it?12:32
SeveredCrossAha, there it is.12:32
OswyAhh, k.12:32
pike_jenda: honestly though i dont know why you wouldnt just edit the sources.list it is dependable ive never really even used the gui update tool12:32
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RoundyT1OK--everyone that was helping me, Beryl works fine, this is a screen shot to help describe lol what's going on! -------  http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/566/screenshotos8.png12:32
_Mr_Denix_SeveredCross  broader ?  take me slow, i'm just few days old in ubuntu       :P12:32
Flanneljenda: the edgy-updates repositories.  just like there's 'edgy' and 'edgy-backports' and stuff.12:32
SeveredCross_Mr_Denix_: It appears that it crashes when it tries to get your machine's IP from its hostname...12:32
Oswy<interface> being what, ESSID being the name, and ASCIIKEY being the WEP key?12:32
haseI'm having a lot of trouble trying to install nvidia drivers12:32
Flanneljenda: pastebin your sources.list12:33
_Mr_Denix_SeveredCross should i change the ip to my hostname ?12:33
SeveredCross<interface> is the name of the interface (eth0, eth1, etc.)12:33
SeveredCrossYou're correct on the others.12:33
OswyOh, k.12:33
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SeveredCross_Mr_Denix_: No.....12:33
SeveredCrossThat's not it.12:33
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cafuego_Oswy: intercace being eth1 or wlan0 or somesuch12:33
EkToBoTi have a problem with my sound, even tho i select the correct device it still wont work12:33
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SeveredCross_Mr_Denix_, check /etc/hosts (i think it's /etc/hosts)12:33
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jendaFlannel: found it, and it's enabled12:33
SeveredCrossDoes it have something like "mrdenix
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EkToBoTbut it worked yesturday lol12:33
jendaFlannel: I'll try enabling the rest of the basic repos12:33
OswyHow do I get out of the man page?12:33
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Flanneljenda: hmm.  I'm not sure.  You might ask in #ubuntu+1, they'll probably know precisely what is wrong.12:33
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Recyclablecafuego: sorry to sound appaulingly stupid, but how do I get the restricted kernel?12:34
ThewarderI have a system recovery cd/dvd ,but its forgateway.12:34
cafuego_Oswy: 'q'12:34
FlannelOswy: q12:34
Bright-LightHow can I partition my HDD and install Windows?12:34
cafuego_Recyclable: 'sudo apt-get install restricted-modules-$(uname -r)'12:34
_Mr_Denix_SeveredCross  /etc/hosts  or   /etc/hosts.conf  ?12:34
RoundyT1_Mr_Denix_,  http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/566/screenshotos8.png12:34
cafuego_Oswy: No, 'q', not 'k' ;-)12:34
SeveredCrossOh, hosts.conf probably.12:34
freshmeatSeveredCross: the grub option doesnt come up12:34
Thewarderanyone know if it would work on a HP?12:34
RoundyT1GionnyBoss, http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/566/screenshotos8.png12:34
freshmeatcould it be the root (hd0,0) option12:34
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Foonsources.list is readonly12:34
SeveredCrossfreshmeat: Hmm? After editing your grub.conf?12:34
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Bright-LightHow can I partition my HDD and install Windows?12:35
SeveredCrossNope, that's right I think..Unless it's hd(0,0)12:35
FoonI tried chmod +rw sources.list without success12:35
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freshmeatediting my menu.lst, didnt edit grub.conf12:35
Foonhow do I make it writable?12:35
SeveredCrossBright-Light: You'll need to have a boot disk handy first, Windows will overwrite MBR.12:35
Oswy"SET failed on device wlan0 ; Operation not permitted."12:35
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SeveredCrossfreshmeat: Hmm, then edit your grub.conf?12:35
cafuego_Oswy: prepend 'sudo'12:35
SeveredCrossOswy: sudo ifconfig12:35
Flannelcafuego_: that only installs the current version.  Recyclable, you'll want to install "linux-restricted-modules-[whatever kernel you have, probably generic] "12:35
OswyHaha, k.12:35
freshmeatoh i totally missed your instructions on that12:35
=== freshmeat scratches head
addamshow do i run phpmyadmin ?12:35
freshmeatis that in /boot/grub/?12:35
_Mr_Denix_SeveredCross http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12073/  /etc/hosts12:35
OswyOperation not supported.12:35
Bright-LightHow can I partition my HDD and install Windows? Please? Is there a way to install Windows without a disk?12:36
_danihi all, i want to change the yahoo room list locale (default tu 'us').. any idea?12:36
Flannelfreshmeat: Ubuntu uses menu.lst not grub.conf12:36
SeveredCrossBright-Light: No....12:36
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OswyWhat the hell does Operation not supported mean?12:36
Recyclableerm I just got this error :\12:36
Bright-LightHow can I partition my HDD and install Windows?12:36
Oswyin this case.12:36
RecyclableE: Couldn't find package restricted-modules-2.6.10-5-amd64-generic12:36
RoundyT1SeveredCross, http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/566/screenshotos8.png12:36
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OswyLike, does that mean there's a problem with the connection?12:36
_Mr_Denix_RoundyT1 your fonts are not standard but they are readable12:36
FlannelRecyclable: You're on edgy? or dapper?12:36
SeveredCrossBright-Light: You can partition via GParted12:36
Recyclableerm I honestly have no idea12:36
OswyOr is it just bad syntax or something?12:36
SeveredCross_Mr_Denix_: Hmm, not quite sure what to make of that.12:36
FlannelRecyclable: `lsb_release -a`12:37
RoundyT1ya, so i wonder what i did wrong.12:37
RecyclableI just reinstalled grub after about a year of non-use12:37
Foonanyone? how do I write to sources.list? the file is readonly, I tried chmod +rw but it won't let me change the permissions on it (even with sudo)12:37
ghetekguys, im trying to get into C# programming, i purchased a few books, what software do i need to start programminga and compiling windows apps based on .net in ubuntu?12:37
SeveredCrossFoon: gksudo gedit12:37
Bright-LightSevered, do I need to download anything?12:37
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Recyclableflannel: hoary12:37
FlannelFoon: chmod is NOT the answer.  Use sudo with your editor.  like, sudo nano12:37
SeveredCrossghetek: If you want to use .NET, you need to install Mono12:37
_Mr_Denix_SeveredCross   its gibrish to me :D12:37
Thewarderbright light I am trying to do the same but I don't have the installation disk12:37
FoonSeveredCross: I'm using LAMP, no window manager yet12:37
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes12:37
GionnyBossRoundyT1: but you have the same problem without Beryl?12:37
OswySeveredCross, I got a similar problem with using sudo12:37
FoonFlannel: ah, I see, thanks :)12:37
Bright-LightSevered, do I need to download anything for GParted/12:37
FlannelRecyclable: well then.  Uh, You need to upgrade.  Hoary is no longer supported.  You'll need to upgrade to Dapper (since Breezy, which is the one after Hoary is going out of support in a few weeks)12:37
GionnyBossRoundyT1: are you with XGL?12:38
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Oswy"SET failed on device wlan0 ; Operation not supported."12:38
SeveredCrossBright-Light: No, it comes with Gnome12:38
Foonso sudo vi sources.list12:38
Foongood ol' vi12:38
Recyclableflannel: arf :(12:38
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FlannelRecyclable: it might be easier if you backup and reinstall (definately be easier on our bandwidth)12:38
GionnyBossRoundyT1: maybe because you are running XGL ... try to run Beryl with AIXGL ... it's a lot better12:38
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SeveredCrossEw Vi. :)12:38
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FoonI've been using it a lot lately12:38
SeveredCrossI always like nano.12:38
Bright-LightHow can I give people shell access?12:38
SeveredCrossI know vi is super-powerful, but I just don't enjoy it.12:38
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FlannelBright-Light: remotely, you mean?12:38
ferronicaany one here using gnokii???12:38
FoonSSH at work, nethack, and this new machine I built12:38
OswySo what do I do with vi?12:39
SeveredCrossOswy: You don't need to do anything with vi. :)12:39
FlannelOswy: no, that wasn't for you.12:39
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SeveredCross_Mr_Denix_: I really have no idea what your issue is.12:39
Bright-LightLike for them to run a bot on or something12:39
FlannelBright-Light: you'll want to install openssh-server12:39
FoonOswy: unrelated to you, sorry :)12:39
OswyI think I messed something out, and I'll need to restarte.12:39
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FlannelBright-Light: that'll allow them to login to your machine remotely12:39
_Mr_Denix_SeveredCross i'll try to restart :) thank you for trying :) appreciate it12:39
Oswymessed something up, even.12:39
RoundyT1dang- sorry. GionnyBoss  no, GNOME works fine (Yes i use XGL)12:39
OswySo do you have a fix for my problem?12:39
OswyOperation not supported.12:39
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pike_Bright-Light: then of course forward port 22 from your router12:39
jendaFlannel: would you believe it... it was caused by gksudo12:40
jendaFlannel: with sudo, it works12:40
jendaFlannel: (and i found out by trial and error) :)12:40
Flanneljenda: thats... hmm.  Oh, try using gksu instead.  And putting "update-manager -d" in quotes.12:40
Bright-LightFlannel, I installed that. Now?12:40
GionnyBossRoundyT1: it's normal then ... if you use XGL , you have to set it for antialiasing fonts and all this stuff12:40
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jendaFlannel: well, I already ran it with sudo12:40
_Mr_Denix_RoundyT1 another way to screenshot is  applications - accesories - take a screenshoot12:41
OswyAnybody know how to fix the Operation not supporteD?12:41
Haisenhi there!12:41
jendaFlannel: or do you suppose gksudo only takes the first argument as the command?12:41
Haisenhow to get the information of current refresh rate in a Nvidia card?12:41
jendathat's possible...12:41
GionnyBossRoundyT1: you can search on google about that. But really... try to use AIXGL, which is an X.ORG extension... and Beryl on AIXGL works better12:41
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Damei want to compile my own kernel. do i need to include usplash in it?12:41
Crazytomhas anyone gotten a xfi soundblaster working with ubuntu?12:41
RoundyT1no, it was not like that. I deleted something in my sessions>startup programs on accident and now its all messed up.12:42
Flamingwhen will the next version of Ubuntu come out?  Should I install Ubuntu 6.10  (Edgy Eft) or should I wait for the next version?12:42
RoundyT1no, it was not like that. I deleted something in my sessions>startup programs on accident and now its all messed up.  GionnyBoss12:42
SeveredCrossFlaming: Feisty Fawn should be out in May I think.12:42
cafuego_SeveredCross: April 19.12:42
ikoniaOswy: what12:42
ikoniaHaisen: what12:42
Haisenhow to get the information of current refresh rate in a Nvidia card?12:42
Bright-LightOnce I download openssh-server what do I do?12:42
Oswy"SET failed on device wlan0 ; Operation not supported" when I did sudo iwconfig to connect to the nework.12:42
SeveredCrossAha. Close.12:43
OswyAnyone know how to rectify?12:43
Bright-LightOnce I download openssh-server what do I do? Anyone????12:43
Haisenthere is command but i dont remenber12:43
ikoniaHaisen: look in gnome display settings12:43
ikoniaBright-Light: start it12:43
jrib!ssh > Bright-Light    (Bright-Light, see the private message from ubotu)12:43
Haisenit doesnt give the correct rate12:43
RoundyT1Bright-Light, you need to get it running12:43
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OswyGuess nobody knows, then.12:43
RoundyT1Bright-Light,and get it configured12:43
blackestsystem->screen resolution12:43
Flanneljenda:  right.  Well, that's just an issue with the wiki, forinstance, with the edgy upgrade: gksu "update-manager -c" is the command.12:43
Flanneljenda: it has to do with gksudo parsing the -d instead of passing it.  Thats why you need to quote.12:43
FlannelBright-Light: now... nothing.  Any user on your machine can login remotely now.12:43
ikoniaHaisen: it gives you the current runing rate12:44
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ikoniaOswy: doesn't look like it12:44
emetHow do I install Ubuntu on Xbox 360 ?12:44
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Bright-LightI want to let other people connect to it...From someplace else in US12:44
ikoniaemet: you don't12:44
jendaFlannel: ook12:44
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ikoniaBright-Light: just start it12:44
emetikonia: ?12:44
emetsomone has!12:44
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ikoniaemet: you don't install ubuntu on the xbox12:45
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FlamingThank you SeanTater12:45
ikoniaemet: I didn't say you couldn't12:45
FlamingSeveredCross, Thank you12:45
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FlannelBright-Light: right, you're already doing that.  Assuming they have an account on your machine, they can connect.  You might need to port forward port 22 on your router.12:45
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OswyWould anyone at least know where to look?12:45
OswyThe wiki doesn't really have anything that I could find about it.12:45
FlamingShould I use Dapper Drake oder Edgy Eft?  I heard there would be bugs in Edgy Eft12:45
ikoniaOswy: ubuntu forums12:45
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Bright-LightI think you went a lil too far. How do I give them account?12:45
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kkdwhat is the command to copy a file from another folder ?12:45
DM|Anyone help me with a skype problem?12:45
FlamingLike in the gimp and crashing "gaim"12:45
OswyAsk there?12:45
ikoniaFlaming: I'm on 6.06 and going nowhere12:45
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ikoniaBright-Light: add a user12:46
FlannelBright-Light: just like normal.  Do you have a GUI on this box?12:46
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Bright-LightIdk....How me check12:46
jrib!cli > kkd    (kkd, see the private message from ubotu)12:46
freshmeatSeveredCross: It works when I hit escape, it's all good12:46
blackestemet you can install xebian on the original xbox with some hacks (it is debian based) I would look for an xbox360 wiki to see whats possible on the xbox36012:46
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Coli2I've just updated to feisty beta, and wireless has stopped working (ipw 3945)12:46
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FlannelBright-Light: Are you running a nice pretty OS with a mouse and stuff? or just command line?12:46
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:46
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FlannelColi2: #ubuntu+1 for Feisty support12:46
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SeveredCrossfreshmeat: You managed to boot into Vista/12:46
Bright-LightFlannel, lmao, I got desktop, mouse, etc.12:46
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FlannelBright-Light: alrigt, you've got a GUI then.  Go to.. uh, System > Administration > Users and Groups, or something like that.  to add new users12:47
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Bright-LightFlannel, how do I let them log in now?12:48
FlannelBright-Light: Do you have a router?12:49
ikoniaBright-Light: create them an account and start the ssh server12:49
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Bright-Lightim on wirelss12:49
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FlannelBright-Light: you'll need to port forward port 22 on your router to your machine.12:49
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ikoniaBright-Light: how many times, add a user start the ssh server12:50
FlannelBright-Light: then, they connect to your IP with a ssh client, and login.12:50
Flannelikonia: SSH server is already started.  it starts upon installation.12:50
ikoniaFlannel: yu12:50
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Nergarneed help to install GRUB12:51
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ikoniaNergar: the install should install it for you12:51
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Flannel!grub | Nergar, first link12:51
ubotuNergar, first link: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:51
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CrazytomOswy, check your priv12:51
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xzkI am trying to upgrade to Feisty Fawn, but it gives me some error at the end of each distro Update that I try.. could I be out of space on my HDD ? If so, what applications in Ubuntu are safe to completely remove withotu messing anything up12:51
ikoniaxzk: if you don't know that you shouldn't be using fesity the beta software12:52
Flannelxzk: You could be running out of space.  Is that what the error message says?12:52
ghetekI want to install ubuntu multiple across many machines, if i install it and customize it to be perfect, can i just copy the hard drive across to teh other computers? will ubuntu auto-recognize all th enew hardware?12:52
ikoniaxzk: how big is your had disk12:52
ikoniaghetek: no12:52
xzkIt's duel boot, winXP and ubuntu linux12:52
Nergarnevermind, i'm going to reinstall ubuntu12:52
_Mr_Denix_SeveredCross sorry for bugging you; can you please tell me where from should i start if  i want to remote wake my edgy pc ?12:52
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Flannelghetek: you're better off customizing an installer CD12:52
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MajorPaynedf should tell you if you are out of HD space.12:53
ghetekFlannel: i was trying UCK but i cant figure out how to make desktop icions12:53
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_Mr_Denix_SeveredCross internet connection via LAN card12:53
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hot`loadedhello guys12:53
xzkikonia - thanks but I'll make that decision, not yours to make12:53
hot`loadedhow r u12:53
ikoniaxzk: then don't ask question like that12:53
hot`loadedi have a question12:53
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xzkikonia: why are you being an ass?12:54
Flannelghetek: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization  for alt CD, and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization for Desktop CD.  You probably want to use the Alt CD.12:54
Haisenhow to get the information of current refresh rate in a Nvidia card?12:54
ikoniaxzk: I'm giving you experienced advice. If you can't figure out how to manage the software installed on your stable system, then you should not be using beta/unstable software12:54
Flannelxzk: Is the error message you're getting telling you that you're out of space? or what?12:54
xzkIf I dont use things like Evolution, GIMP, etc etc.. are they safe to remove or will it cause problems12:54
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xzkFlannel: No :(12:54
_Mr_Denix_!seen SeveredCross12:54
sabiancra_Mr_Denix_, are you stupid... SeveredCross is on #ubuntu right now....12:54
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addamshow do i access mysql ?12:55
Flannelxzk: you'll need to have them installed to upgrade.  By proxy.12:55
Flannelxzk: if that's not your error, then that's probably not the issue.  What error are you getting?12:55
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takesinnTrying to get MTP working12:55
liorok, I am trying again: I can't get wifi working on LG K1 express dual laptop. can any1 help ?12:55
ghetekFlannel: wow, that looks complicated... Ubuntu wont just boot into new hardware?12:55
xzkFlannel: I can't remember what it was exactly, hang on just a sec. I'm trying to upgrade again - when it comes up this time I'll copy and paste it to you12:55
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takesinnI got this Zen V Plus dealy which I can't seem to get to work properly12:55
ikonia!seen seveas12:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen seveas - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:55
sabiancraikonia, are you stupid... seveas is on #ubuntu right now....12:55
FoonI installed fluxbox and it installed fine (haven't tested it yet though), I'm looking through universe stuff, and there's a package called "defrag"12:55
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hot`loadedi tried using ubuntu 6.10 live cd. And i seems to like it. its just that i still want to use xp. so how do i install ubuntu without messing up m y xp. my hd is not partitioned into 2.12:55
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RoundyT1OK for those that were helping me, i decided to dump Beryl, i'll try it when Feisty comes out, its just being a pain in the neck to keep up and it slows down boot and stuff anyways.12:55
FoonI always thought that linux doesn't need to be defragged?12:55
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broedje/dev/hda7 /mnt/hda7 vfat auto,user,rw,suid,exec,umask=1000,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 012:56
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ikoniaPriceChild: thanks12:56
broedjewhy cant i yutomount12:56
takesinnI compiled gnomad2 and libmtp by y self, while using synaptic to get libnjb12:56
gordonjcpFoon: it doesn't12:56
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takesinnAs the walkthrough proposes12:56
Flannelghetek: Eh?  This is for rolling you own CD.  But yeah, you'll want to be able to use the HW detection in the installer.12:56
xzkHow much is a larger laptop HDD12:56
Foongordonjcp: I didn't think so, so why the defrag package?12:56
takesinnNow the strangest thing is happening. Gnomad2 is running, it can read from my mp3 player, but it absoloutly refuses to transfer files12:56
takesinnI've been able to make a playlist, but thats it12:56
xzkthe one that came with my laptop is only 40GB :(12:56
broedjetakesinn gnomad2? you have the jukebox?12:56
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gordonjcpFoon: because you can use it to defragment the tiny bit of fragmentation that you always get with ext212:57
hot`loadedi tried using ubuntu 6.10 live cd. And i seems to like it. its just that i still want to use xp. so how do i install ubuntu without messing up m y xp. my hd is not partitioned into 2.12:57
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Flannelxzk: I imagine you can get a bigger one for pretty cheap.  But, that's a smidge offtopic.12:57
Foonah, so it can happen then12:57
Foonbut not with ext3?12:57
ghetekFlannel: im just going to make the install and then use clonezilla or partimage to make an image of the hard drive that will be saved on to the clonezilla/partimage cd/dvd12:57
xzkFlannel: I understand :)12:57
RoundyT1so, i would like to customize my desktop though....what are GTK 2.x ---themes???12:57
Flannelhot`loaded: during the Edgy install, you can partition.12:57
ikoniahot`loaded: re-partition12:57
Foon(it says it's for ext2, minix and xiafs)12:57
gordonjcpFoon: not really, no12:57
ikoniaRoundyT1: gnome-look.org12:57
takesinnbroedje: I've got Creative Zen V Plus12:57
takesinnI'm trying to compile an SVN version of banshee now12:57
Foonoh, okay12:58
gordonjcpFoon: xiafs is long gone ;-)12:58
_Mr_Denix_hot'loaded best way use 2 hdds12:58
hot`loadedFlannel - and it wont mess up with my xp?12:58
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ikonia_Mr_Denix_: no its not - you can use one12:58
Foongordonjcp: I wouldn't know, but thanks for the random info anyway :)12:58
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takesinnBut it's demanding all sorts of requirements, incl LIBGPHOTO2SHARP12:58
broedjehow can i automount a vfat partition12:58
gordonjcpFoon: simple filesystems do get a bit fragmented, but ext2 and to a greater extent ext3 try and avoid it12:58
RoundyT1ikonia, so, if i install those, they should just work right? (im already on that site)12:58
ikoniatakesinn: meet the requirments12:58
ikoniaRoundyT1: yes12:58
takesinnWhich I can't seem to find in Ubuntu Edgy repository12:58
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gordonjcpFoon: in general it's not worth bothering about12:58
DM|CAn anyone PLEASE help me with a skype sound problem12:58
_Mr_Denix_ikonia you can but its more complicated and if you are not sure on what you are doing you risk loosing your data12:58
takesinnikonia: I can't find libgphoto2sharp12:58
hot`loaded_Mr_Denix_ i am using a laptop12:58
=== Foon was always a defrag nut in the days of DOS
ikonia_Mr_Denix_: its less complicated as grub has less to mess up12:59
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ghetekDM|: dont ask to ask, just ask12:59
Foonafter every single game or program install, DEFRAG.12:59
RoundyT1ikonia,  thanks again lol12:59
teZI'm using the fglrx driver, and fglrxinfo shows that the Mesa GLX Indirect renderer is being used, which I can't get fixed. I'm using an ATi Radeon Xpress 200, aka X200, among other names.12:59
SwordRavenhiya, need help with Radeon X1950pro and x not starting with anything other than VESA drivers, fglrx causes x to switch to a blank screen?12:59
Foonmade sure my comp ran at peak performance as much as possible12:59
gordonjcpFoon: yeah, there was something hypnotic about it12:59
voidmagewhat processes does hplip start?12:59
gordonjcpFoon: thing is, it *doesn't* make sure it runs at peak performance12:59
=== Foon remembered trying to play mp3s in winamp on his 486DX2 100MHz with an amazing 8MBs RAM
cafuego_Hmm, spending 2 hours on defrag twice a week to gaim 2 minutes of performance time...01:00
FoonI could play the music, but it locked up the entire system for the duration of the song, lol01:00
gordonjcpFoon: if you are capturing video onto something FAT32-formatted, it will scatter sectors all over the disk01:00
broedjefoon damn small?01:00
xxMarkahi peeps...I've got an ATI Radeon X800, are there any drivers I need to install to make the GUI and stuff smoother?01:00
DM|ghetek :( but i need to get it working for my teams podcast01:00
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Foongordonjcp: I know what you mean (hypnotic) lol01:00
Shaba1damn this livecd install it takeing a heck of a lot of time01:00
Foonbroedje: eh?01:01
_Mr_Denix_ikonia  any ideas on how i should remote wake my edgy pc with lan card internet connection ?01:01
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newbie0057hello, I'm trying to install ubuntu but my screen resolution is 640x480, I cannot change it in "Screen Resolution"01:01
SwordRavenhow is Ubuntu so bad at setting up graphics drivers at install time?01:01
Flannelhot`loaded: You'd be best defragging your XP first.  But yeah, it'll resize XP.  Assuming youve got the freespace.  (If you have a windows repartitioner, you could use that to shrink your XP as well).  there's a certain amount of freespace you're not supposed to go under as well while repartitioning.  But, Im not sure how much that is.01:01
gordonjcpDM|: don't ask to ask, don't tell us what you need it for, just tell us the problem01:01
ikonia_Mr_Denix_: set wake on lan in your bios01:01
Foonhot`loaded: not to try to scare you, but do be careful when partitioning01:01
_Mr_Denix_ikonia did that01:02
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gordonjcphot`loaded: I resized a WinXP partition to do dual-boot at work - I found PerfectDisk was great for shifting all the stuff that the windows defrag leaves alone01:02
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_Mr_Denix_ikonia still i want remote wake from outside my lan01:02
newbie0057(cannot install screen resolution) I'm using an old crappy monitor that is just for this installation, but it should support a better resolution01:02
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OnimaeI just upgraded to the Feisty Beta and I have a problem. Whenever I boot up, the desktop loads and the splash screen stays there a while, while the system hangs on loading something. The splash screen is stuck on the Nautilus icon. After about 5 minutes the computer loads everything in my session list. This means I have to wait forever for metacity and the like to start. Why is this happening?01:02
FoonI once tried to consolidate partitions I had made (1 NTFS +2 linux) into 1 NTFS, and it scrapped my NTFS partition01:02
takesinnIs anyone using mtpfs?01:02
Flannelhot`loaded: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot01:02
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_Mr_Denix_ikonia i also have installed ssh server01:02
takesinnI'd like to know how that could be implamented into nautilus. I think that would be better than Banshee or Gnomad201:02
xxMarkaI've got an ATI Radeon X800, are there any drivers I need to install to make the GUI and stuff smoother, or should they already be installed?01:02
gordonjcpFoon: re fragmentation - if you are pulling data off a disk into a CPU-bound process, sometimes fragmentation is what you want01:02
Shaba1gordonjcpwhat is the rul perfectdisk and is it commercial?01:03
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hot`loadedFlannel thanks01:03
ikonia_Mr_Denix_: so just ping the server01:03
DM|gordonjcp when i do a test call it makes a bubbly sound and says "ther is a sound problem" and also, when I make a call, it makes the gurgly stuttering sound and when the person picks up it says call dropped on their end01:03
hot`loadedanother think01:03
FoonI had to use a boot CD to recover the NTFS partition, still lost an entire drive's worth of data (including 3 years of e-mails and contacts :'( ) though01:03
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hot`loadedi cant watch video on youtube01:03
teZgrr fking linux drivers >.<01:03
ikonia_Mr_Denix_: that will use the lan and voila "wake on lan" is actived01:03
Foongordonjcp: 0.o why?01:03
gordonjcpDM|: does sound generally work ok for you?01:03
hot`loadedi dont know how to install plugins01:03
ikoniateZ: no need for the language01:03
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DM|gordonjcp works great, can even record great sound and i play music all the time01:03
sillynubhow can i change the spacing of a font?01:03
d00byfor some reason no sounds on my computer will play and when i go to preferences>sounds to run and click test it says "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Resource busy or not available." any idea whats wrong?01:03
teZsorry ikonia, i'm just annoyed that i can't get direct rendering01:03
_Mr_Denix_ikonia will try that in a few secs still how could i wake it from outside of my lan ?01:03
Shaba1I just did that yesterday Foon01:04
ikonia_Mr_Denix_: ping it01:04
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ikonia_Mr_Denix_: any network traffic should wake it01:04
FoonShaba1: really? ouch, my condolences :(01:04
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_Mr_Denix_ikonia ok trying now be right back01:04
Shaba1but luckyly I had most important things copied to this desktop01:04
teZwell, i'm going to restart now01:04
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Foonoh, lucky01:04
d00byfor some reason no sounds on my computer will play and when i go to preferences>sounds to run and click test it says "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Resource busy or not available." any idea whats wrong?01:04
Shaba1just lost on picture that I needed is all01:04
gordonjcpFoon: consider a disk spinning really slowly at 1 rev per second - if the sectors are all right beside each other 1,2,3,4 and it takes 1/4 of a second to read a sector and 1/4 a second to process the data, then that will be really slow01:04
newbie0057wwell, thanks anyway I'lll just do text mode01:04
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FoonI suffer from professional technophile overconfidence, I never backup ANYTHING.01:05
Foonnasty habit, that01:05
gordonjcpFoon: 'cos you'll read 1, have to miss out 2 'cos you're busy, wait for 2 to come round again, and so on01:05
kernel06are there any good wiki that i can built for internal office use in ubuntu01:05
Onimae I just upgraded to the Feisty Beta and I have a problem. Whenever I boot up, the desktop loads and the splash screen stays there a while, while the system hangs on loading something. The splash screen is stuck on the Nautilus icon. After about 5 minutes the computer loads everything in my session list. This means I have to wait forever for metacity and the like to start. Why is this happening?01:05
gordonjcpFoon: so you interleave the sectors - but if the interleave doesn't match the rate at which you're ready to fire sectors in or out, you get fragmentation01:05
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Foongordonjcp: er, ah, I think that's beyond my knowledge or abilities atm :)01:05
robdemanhey folks: if I download mencoder's last SVN trunk and compile a binary on my fedora core 6 box... (which has all the dev tools) ... can I use that binary on my Ubuntu Web server? (which has an absolute minimal install -- dont want to install gcc and stuff on it if I dont have too..)01:05
Foongordonjcp: nifty01:06
Shaba1Thank god for ultravnc foon01:06
FoonShaba1: lol01:06
haseWhat does (compiz-tray-icon:4770): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid (NULL) pointer instance mean?01:06
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gordonjcpFoon: think about it - if you write it 1,3,2,4 then you read 1, miss 3, read 2, miss 4, miss 1 'cos we've done it already, read 3, miss 2, read 401:06
takesinnThe banshee deb doesn't have support for portable players I'm afraid01:07
gordonjcpFoon: you read the whole thing in two revolutions01:07
cheeseboyhow do imount my  pendrive manually?01:07
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Foongordonjcp: ah, I see, quite cool :)01:07
kernel06any free wiki software i can use in ubuntu01:07
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hot`loadedi dont know how to install plugins :(01:07
jribkernel06: moinmoin and mediawiki spring to mind, but there are others I'm sure01:07
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gordonjcpDM|: what have you got the sound drivers for Skype set to?01:08
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Foonso, er, (still in aptitude) how do I run fluxbox now?01:08
SeveredCrossFoon: I tihnk you need to logout.01:08
ektobothow can i make the internet run faster, its very slow in comparrison to my windows os01:08
SeveredCrossAnd log back in, choosing Fluxbox as your session type instead of Gnome01:08
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Onimae I just upgraded to the Feisty Beta and I have a problem. Whenever I boot up, the desktop loads and the splash screen stays there a while, while the system hangs on loading something. The splash screen is stuck on the Nautilus icon. After about 5 minutes the computer loads everything in my session list. This means I have to wait forever for metacity and the like to start. Why is this happening?01:08
gordonjcpDM|: oddly enough, my Skype is now trying to use my USB midi adaptor as a sound device, which understandably doesn't really come across so well01:09
FoonSeveredCross: I'm using LAMP server, again.01:09
SeveredCrossOnimae: #ubuntu+1 for Feisty support.01:09
SeveredCrossOi, I forget.01:09
Foonheheh, np01:09
SeveredCrossFirst you need a login manager..01:09
OnimaeThank you, SeverdCross01:09
DM|gordonjcp where do i find that option01:09
Foonbash prompt isn't enough?01:09
SeveredCrossGdm or kdm are common ones..There are others, I just don't know them.01:09
gordonjcpDM|: Tools->Options->Sound Devices01:09
SeveredCrossDon't think so.01:09
xyrerhello, I need help mountig a fat32 partition and give users read/write access01:09
tectaanyone successfully using compiz with nvidia?01:09
SeveredCrossNever really experimented with that.01:09
DM|gordonjcp HDA intel01:09
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=== Foon didn't want a full-fledged desktop
SeveredCrossFoon: You can try typing startx from your root prompt.01:10
SeveredCrossSee what happens.01:10
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Foonjust a LAMP server with a WM for a few things01:10
d00byfor some reason no sounds on my computer will play and when i go to preferences>sounds to run and click test it says "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Resource busy or not available." any idea whats wrong?01:10
Foonooh, startx, that rings a bell01:10
=== emf [n=emf@c-71-202-90-80.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
FoonI'll try that indeed, brb, keyboard swap01:10
SeveredCrossDoes exactly what it says, starts X. :)01:10
jhornickFoon: once X starts I know Fluxbox and a couple other WM's will have a menu so that you can change WM without restarting X01:11
robdemanhrmm how would I install this on my Ubuntu box (updated mencoder binary) https://launchpad.net/+builds/+build/311600/mencoder01:11
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takesinnNow gnomad2 is working fine01:11
SeveredCrossYeah, but that menu is usually provided by the login manager I thought (gdm/kdm/xdm whatever)01:11
xyrerhello, I need help mounting a fat32 partition and give users read/write access, haven't found anything on the web, except fstab editing wich I don't need01:11
takesinnTho still ugly01:11
z3nI want sun-java's jvm to be the default, but everything is opening in java-gcj...how can I change the default?01:11
takesinnAny alternatives?01:11
takesinnLike nautilus?01:11
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DM|gordonjcp i think the problem is that its running the KDE GUI for skype, and im only running gnome, is there a GTK version of skype01:11
takesinnI haven't gotten mtpfs to work properly, if anyone has a suggestion lemme know01:11
jrib!multijava | z3n01:11
ubotuz3n: To set which java version/implementation is to be used as default, use sudo update-java-alternatives01:11
SeveredCrossxyrer, I think you have to edit /etc/fstab to do that, or learn the mount syntax.01:11
emfDoes anybody know if there's a fix for the thunderbird bug, where the cursor goes to the beginning or end of a line, when you use the [Up]  or [Down]  arrow keys, and the cursor starts somewhere in the middle of a line of text?01:11
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Foon/em plugs his keyboard back in01:11
jhornickSevered: yeah, but he sounds like he is going from terminal and not using a desktop manager to login01:12
Foonstartx command not found01:12
SeveredCrossThen you don't have X01:12
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SeveredCrossErr, at least it seems like you don't.01:12
d00byfor some reason no sounds on my computer will play and when i go to preferences>sounds to run and click test it says "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Resource busy or not available." any idea whats wrong? Also when i try to play music in BeatBox or other music players, the music refuses to actually start, the timer stays at 0:0001:12
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SeveredCrossYou need X to run Fluxbox.01:12
liorhi sorry for bringing this again, but I am really desperate to get wifi working on LG K1 laptop - does any one know how to help ?01:12
dtygelhi folks: how can I know if my card supports BERYL?01:12
Fooninstalling fluxbox didn't install X as a dependency?01:12
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SeveredCrossYeah, that's very strange.01:12
xyrerSeveredCross, I don't want to edit fstab, will take out the Hd in a few minutes, just want to copy some data on it01:12
liordtygel, you can check beryl wiki01:13
=== Foon nods
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SeveredCrossIf you know it'01:13
z3njrib, do I need to reboot or anything?  Eclipse, at least, is still using gcj...01:13
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liordtygel, which card do you have ?01:13
SeveredCross*If you know its /dev/blah01:13
twystedlior> what kinda wifi card does it have?01:13
RoundyT1anyone wanna help me install GTK stuff?01:13
SeveredCrossxyrer: If you know it'01:13
SeveredCrossxyrer: man mount :)01:13
dtygellior, that's the problem: it's "unknown device" using lspci01:13
FoonSeveredCross: I'll check aptitude again01:13
SeveredCrossRead the documentation for Mount01:13
liortwysted, I don't know that's the prob...01:13
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xyrerSeveredCross, That's the point, have tried a lot of things, none worked01:13
Shaba1ok guys this Edgy install seems stuck at the where are you screen01:13
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Shaba1how do I get it to move on01:14
liordtygel, is this a laptop ?01:14
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twystedlior what model pc is it again?01:14
Jordan_Uxyrer: sudo mkdir /mountpoint && sudo mount /dev/whateveryourdriveis /mountpoint01:14
dtygellior: no, desktop. How can I discover what video card is there?01:14
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xyrerJordan_U, that doesn't give users read/write access01:14
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RoundyT1What window manager does Ubuntu use by default?01:14
SeveredCrossYou need to add the rw option01:14
liorLG K2 PRO Express dual - that's all the info I have on it ?01:14
SeveredCrossRoundyT1: Gnome.01:14
dtygelroundyT1: GNOME01:15
Jordan_Uxyrer: I thought you just needed to copy some files quickly?01:15
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SeveredCrossYeah, you don't need write access...01:15
RoundyT1SeveredCross, dude, im freakin getting myself SO confused. how do i run metacity?01:15
FlannelRoundyT1: metacity01:15
DM|gordonjcp any ideas01:15
twystedlior, k 1 sec01:15
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SeveredCrossRoundyT1: Have you installed it hyet?01:15
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ikoniaRoundyT1: metacity01:15
liordtygel, I think just try and install - what can go wrong ?01:15
FlannelRoundyT1: metacity is Ubuntu (and gnome's default) window manager.01:15
xyrerthen how do i copy the data without write access?01:15
Jordan_URoundyT1: But there is also Kubuntu and Xubuntu for XFCE and KDE01:15
SeveredCrossCopying data just requires ro01:15
RoundyT1wow. Well i have some theme's i want to run...they are xml....files?01:16
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dtygellior: I installed it, and it didn't work01:16
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse01:16
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ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse01:16
d00byfor some reason no sounds on my computer will play and when i go to preferences>sounds to run and click test it says "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Resource busy or not available." any idea whats wrong? Also when i try to play music in BeatBox or other music players, the music refuses to actually start, the timer stays at 0:0001:16
RomexiosIs it okey to erase/add things on fat32 fom linux?01:16
freshmeatdo any of you have a dell ?  my wireless isn't working and I have an intel 3945... any suggestions?  some of the ones I'm finding on the net arent working... the card worked fine under opensuse01:16
liordtygel, I guess it'll be some kind of an onboard chipset ? is this a PCI mother board ?01:16
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jribRomexios: yes01:16
dtygellior: I think ubuntu didn't detect the video card, since it's so slow, and in xorg.conf, it's simply "generic card"01:16
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SeveredCrossfreshmeat: Mine registered fine in Edgy Eft01:16
SeveredCrossI had Wireless OOTB.01:16
Romexiosjrib: thanks01:16
freshmeatso maybe do a distro upgrade severed and hope for the best?01:16
freshmeatIm in dapper01:17
Jordan_Uxyrer: sudo ( may or may not be required ) cp /whatever/you/want/to/copy /wherever/you/want/to/copy/to01:17
mozuli installed ubuntu Edgy and then updated the 143 things that needed updating.  The updater gave this error at the end.  E: Linux-image-2.6.17-11-generic: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2.  and  E: Linux-image-generic: dependency problems -leaving unconfigured.  Is that a bad thing? What should I do?01:17
SeveredCrossI never was able to use it in Dapper01:17
dtygellior: yes, it's onboard card. When I type "lspci | grep VGA", I get "VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. Unknown device 3230 (rev 01)"01:17
freshmeatso I'll do that next01:17
tbussneed help with proftpd what do i need to do to allow my family members that use windoze to be able to connect with FTP01:17
freshmeatthe wifi lite beeps erratically01:17
twysteddtygel x will say generic if it cannot identify it, it did find it just not any known info ;)01:17
=== freshmeat does distro upgrade and closes eyes
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ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:18
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liordtygel, than you have the answer. It doesn't support. My solution would be to open the box and find who's mother board is it?01:18
xyrerJordan_U, I just wanted to take advantage of the nautilus ease of use, but anyways the question persist, it can't be done without editing fstab?01:18
dtygeltwysted: ok, but how do I identify it to have it better optimized?01:18
freshmeatsevered, btw... you are incredibly helpful01:18
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crparrHi! I'd like to install Kubuntu using lvm. What is the correct way to do so?01:18
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linux_user400354Ferret: are you travis?01:18
dtygellior: then I should disconnect?01:18
twysteddtygel find out what kind of video card you have and load the kernel modules for it =)01:18
SeveredCrosscrparr: I think guided partitioning on the Desktop CD should be helpful.01:19
epithis is killing me, I have a hotkey for some reason that means shift-backspace resets the gui and reloads the os without doing a full reboot.01:19
Shaba1somone I need help01:19
SeveredCrossIf not, the Alternate CD should have it.01:19
SeveredCrossepi: That's a standard X hotkey I thought..01:19
Shaba1I am trying to install edgy from a live cd01:19
dtygeltwysted: no way to do it without turning off?01:19
epiHow in undergod can I fix that?01:19
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tbusswhat would be a good ftp client for a windows user so they can access my ftp server?01:19
Shaba1well I clicke the install icon01:19
hesemesepi, the command just restarts the X server01:19
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jribepi: google for "shift backspace disable", it's an xgl feature01:19
hesemesoh too late :d01:19
twysteddtygel more then likely no, pm me the system manufacutre?01:19
Shaba1and got past the pick a language screen01:19
quaalhello i'm trying to setup this raid1 array in md.. im not sure what i'm doing wrong here http://pastebin.ca/40980201:19
epiaight ty01:19
theo_Can someone please help me with Cedega issues?01:19
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LjL!shift-backspace-#ubuntu-effects | epi01:19
ubotuepi: If you have problems with shift-backspace or ctrl-backspace killing your X session update your Xgl and Compiz to a newer version (e.g. compiz.net), or do: xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace BackSpace Terminate_Server"01:19
twystedlior i cannot find any info about that laptop you have01:19
Shaba1now its at the where are you at screen and the mouse it just stock01:20
Jordan_Ufreshmeat: Are you going Dapper -> Edgy?01:20
liordtygel, no you can carefully open the box without disconnenting.. but If you haven't done it before it's safer to turn off the PC. That way you wont kill yourself from shock01:20
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/01:20
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haseMy 3d acceleration isn't working, and I don't know why, when I reboot the computer, I get the nvidia splash screen, so that means the drivers are installed (right?) but when I run the command to enable it (sudo nvidia-glx-config enable ) it says "Error: your X configuration has been altered.01:20
haseThis script cannot proceed automatically. If you believe that this01:20
hasenot correct, you can update the md5sum entry executing the following01:20
hasemd5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum otherwise edit manually /etc/X11/xorg.conf to change the Driver section from nv to nvidia." only there is no /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and I don't know why or where it would be01:20
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ
dtygeltwysted, I'm in a neighbours computer. Is there any command to discover the manufacturer?01:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about openssh - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:20
LjL!paste > hase    (hase, see the private message from Ubotu)01:20
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL
Jordan_Umozul: Try just "sudo apt-get -f install" with no other parameters01:20
dtygellior: :)01:20
RoundyT1How in the crap do i install this stupid theme?01:20
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Jordan_Uhase: Are you running Edgy?01:21
SeveredCrossRoundyT1: I think you drag its xml file to the Gnome themes menu?01:21
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SeveredCrossSomething like that.01:21
LjLhase: it simply means you had modified your X config file manually (or near-manually...), so nvidia-config isn't confident to touch it01:21
freshmeatdo I have to worry about bad md5's when I do an upgrade?01:21
RoundyT1SeveredCross, k i'll try that01:21
liortwysted, can you check this paste http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12060/01:21
LjLhase: do what it says01:21
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Jordan_URoundyT1: Drag the tar file into the theme chooser01:21
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liortwysted, it's my lspci - maybe you can find which the wifi controler01:21
z3njrib, for future reference, the culprit was /etc/eclipse/java_home; which did not listen to the java alternatives command...01:21
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Crazytomhow do you exit vi01:22
jribz3n: k01:22
jribCrazytom: :q01:22
Shaba1the cd is just spinning and nothing is happening01:22
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Mugwump09Ubuntu will not run on my computer, it freezes up and the screen looks all weird when it tries to run01:22
twystedlior you sure it has one or that its enabled hardware wise01:22
mozulJordan_U: it says No space left on device. would that be my boot partition?01:23
nullcodecan someone offer a good rep for mplayer ?01:23
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lioryes ofcourse it has wifi - I've seen work on the lousy vist on it01:23
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jribnullcode: ubuntu's multiverse has mplayer01:23
MajorPayneis there any thing I should be worried about before I do a "aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop" and an "aptitude install ubuntu-desktop"?01:23
liortwysted, yes ofcourse it has wifi - I've seen work on the lousy vist on it01:23
Jordan_Umozul: That would be your root partition, which by default is also your boot partition01:24
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jrib!multiverse > nullcode    (nullcode, see the private message from ubotu)01:24
twystedlior i think i found it 1 sec01:24
Shaba1guys what is the differnce between 6.10 and 6.0601:24
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Mugwump09Ubuntu will not run on my computer, it freezes up and the screen looks all weird when it tries to run01:24
freshmeatdo I have to worry about bad md5's when I do an upgrade?01:24
nullcodethx =))01:24
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jribMajorPayne: no, not really.  You know both can coexist peacefully right?01:24
Shaba1I think this 6.10 cd my be  bad01:24
Jordan_UShaba1: Firefox 2.0, upstart and AIGLX by default01:24
freshmeatMugwump... did you check the md5 and do the cd check first?01:24
mozulJordan_U: my boot partition is seperate from my root partition.  boot is set to 50mb on a raid 1 mirror where root is on a 400gig raid 5.01:24
Mugwump09everything is fine01:25
Shaba1what are upstart and AIGLX?01:25
freshmeatMugwump09: did you start by running in safe graphics mode?01:25
Mugwump09i can install with the alternative version but it won't run01:25
=== aoirthoir [n=aoirthoi@ip68-109-204-124.cl.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
jrib!upstart > Shaba1    (Shaba1, see the private message from ubotu)01:25
sanityxShaba1, upstart is a replacement for init01:25
jrib!aiglx > Shaba1    (Shaba1, see the private message from ubotu)01:25
Mugwump09I tried it but it froze up01:25
aoirthoirupstart ROCKS!01:25
aoirthoiri think01:25
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freshmeatMugwump09: whats your vidcard?01:25
Shaba1got it01:25
Mugwump09geforce 7800 GT01:25
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sanityxactually upstart does almost nothing in 6.10. hopefully itll be fully utilized in 7.0401:26
Shaba1I may have to go with the 6.06 cd that I got for the Linux Magazine01:26
Mugwump09got the latest drivers and everything01:26
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twystedlior check your priv msg01:26
Shaba1seems that BOT the livecds i burned have errors01:26
MajorPaynejrib: I assumed they could, I just didn't see a reason to keep it.  Maybe I will keep KDE for now just in case the other fails.  How do I stop kdm from starting up and make sure that gdm starts?01:26
ferronicahow to use obex-test - u in ubuntu 6.0601:26
Jordan_Usanityx: Not fully, but many of the init scripts will be replaced01:26
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freshmeatubuntuforums.com is a good site if nobody helps you here01:26
sanityxJordan_U, Cool.01:26
jribMajorPayne: when you install gdm it should take care of that or prompt you01:26
freshmeatthey respond quickly... will probably want you to pastebin some things01:26
sanityxJordan_U, I love the way upstart works with the stop start commands. They just do nothing in 6.1001:26
MajorPaynejrib: Ok, that makes sense, thanks.01:27
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ferronicahow to use obex-test - u in ubuntu 6.0601:27
cablesHow can I get glxgears to display fps?01:27
freshmeatI'm relatively new - I can help people solve problems I've run into but that's not something I can help with01:27
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Jordan_Ucables: It is something like glxgears --icgnowlagethisisnotabenchmark :) ( seriously )01:28
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cablesJordan_U, seriously?01:28
Jovial_Jackasscables: glxgears -printfps01:28
cablesJovial_Jackass, thanks :)01:28
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Uber_newbiehey all, i'm looking for some good links on Chroot.. not chroot jail, but how to get chroot to work with the applications.  I've googled until my eyes are googling01:28
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Jordan_UUber_newbie: How are they not working and what applications?01:30
=== sabotai <test>
Uber_newbiewell, i'm trying to install firefox32 with flash, and FreeNX client and server01:30
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LjLsabotai: have you not tested enough yet?01:30
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Uber_newbiei've got firefox running01:30
Uber_newbiebut the flash plugin fails01:31
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Uber_newbiebtw, i'm using amd64 ubuntu edgy01:31
Lgndryhrive got a question about firefox spellchecker01:31
Jordan_UUber_newbie: You don't need a chroot for FF and FreeNX is a PITA 64 bit or not :(01:31
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nullcode 01:31:41 up 14 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.33, 0.65, 0.4201:31
mihailohello! can someone tell me wich key to use in order to select an option in termilan xorg reconfigure?01:32
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Jordan_UUber_newbie: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava01:32
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about animation - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:33
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Nitro I have a sda5 icon on my desktop, and it's annoying. a). I can't mount it because /dev/sda5 doesn't exist. b) Through yast, then partitons it doesn't show in the list either. How do Iget rid of the icon?01:33
takesinnAnyone got Pokemon Online working through wine? ^^;;01:33
sorush20how is the rotating ubuntu logo created?01:33
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Uber_newbiealmost makes me regret the 64 bit hardware after i read this support line, flash/java01:33
mihailojust tell me what keyboard button to use in order to select an option, i tried all of them :/01:33
takesinnLooking for a free online RPG01:33
takesinnSeems to be the only viable choise01:33
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Uber_newbiedo you have a link on FreeNX?01:34
BetaCookiesHoly beryl segfault! :S01:34
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jribmihailo: I'm not sure what you are asking, but I'm sure the answer is probably either tab, space, or enter01:34
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jribmihailo: or the arrow keys01:35
tbusshow can I get a windows machine to connect to my ftp server01:35
sabotaiwhats the most popular linux based game on the internet rite now?01:35
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ahabftp is a good connection method for an ftp server lol01:35
jesusphreakhey I install feisty on my macbook and the wireless was working just fine01:36
jesusphreakI applied system updates and now no wireless networks show up01:36
jesusphreakI can't even setup my wireless connection01:36
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jribjesusphreak: please use #ubuntu+1 for help with feisty01:36
tbusshaving probs with new ftp config tested on linux machines but windows cannot connect01:36
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sillynubdoes anyone know how i can get new fonts to show up?01:37
jrib!fonts > sillynub    (sillynub, see the private message from ubotu)01:37
sabotai!fonts > sabotai01:37
mihailojrib, can i pm you about this?01:37
jribmihailo: it's better if you ask here so everyone can help01:38
sabotai!graphics > sabotai01:38
tbussdoes a windows machine need client software to open my ftp link in IE01:38
Recyclableanyone able to help me with the update from hoary to breezy?01:38
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Uber_newbiehey all, i'm pretty frustrated with my install amd64bit01:38
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Recyclablei've got as far as gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list01:38
Uber_newbieis there a recommended way to install just the core OS of ubuntu and run all the gui and apps from chroot in a 32 bit world01:38
Recyclablebut sources.list is empty/unsaveable01:38
mihailojrib: ok, so... basically i love ubuntu but i have 2 problems that i cannot solve01:39
mihailoand both are xorg related01:39
B|nTaRaic ant start any terminals01:39
ikonia.whois sabotai01:39
jribRecyclable: try like this:  gksudo "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"01:39
LjLikonia: sabotai is n=angga@82-46-180-236.cable.ubr01.perr.blueyonder.co.uk01:39
ikoniagot him01:39
ikoniahe sent me a pm01:39
Nitro I have a sda5 icon on my desktop, and it's annoying. a). I can't mount it because /dev/sda5 doesn't exist. b) Through yast, then partitons it doesn't show in the list either. How do Iget rid of the icon?01:39
ikoniajust noted you kicked him01:39
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ikoniaI am slow tonight01:40
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Recyclablejrib: thankyou01:40
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tyler_dhow do I get my source files installed?01:40
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__mikemLJL what was that guy doing wrong?01:40
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brophatare their firewalls with ubuntu?01:41
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jribtyler_d: what do you mean?01:41
LjL__mikem: abusing the bot after the bot told him not to, using the channels as a testing place after i told him not to...01:41
Nitrotyler_d: Usually ./configure, then make and sudo make install01:41
sillynubjrib, I installed the fonts from synaptic and they still don't show up, but the wiki page says they should :( I even ran fc-cache -fv :/01:41
tbussdoes a windows user need special client software to open a ftp link on my server01:41
jribsillynub: did you restart the program?01:41
ikarugahey has anyone had success compiling rasterbator?01:42
__mikemoh :)01:42
freshmeatwhats a good guide of programs / stuff to install after a fresh install (mp3 / dvd codecs etc)01:42
tectai installed rhythmbox-applet but how do i use it for the panel?01:42
sillynubi rebooted a couple of times01:42
freshmeatI do not want ot install easyubuntu or automatix01:42
ikarugaI followed the instructions on the wiki but not working01:42
jribfreshmeat: help.ubuntu.com starter guide01:42
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Shaba1ok back at the timezone screen01:43
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sillynubmaybe i can use the fonts but they don't just show up in the System > Preferences > Font gui :/01:43
Shaba1How long should I just give this to run??01:43
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Crazytomis an xfi soundblaster card supported with ubuntu or is it too new?01:43
LjLmp3 > freshmeat01:43
LjL!mp3 > freshmeat    (freshmeat, see the private message from Ubotu)01:43
LjL!dvd > freshmeat    (freshmeat, see the private message from Ubotu)01:43
LjLfreshmeat: what else?01:43
NitroNbody that knows?01:43
Shaba1taking into account that this is a 256 mb semperon laptop with a 18X cdrom01:43
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brophatdoes ubuntu come with a firewall?01:43
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LjL!firewall > brophat    (brophat, see the private message from Ubotu)01:44
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dwidi cant get all my speakers to work, i just switched from headphones to a stereo system with 4 speakers and a central speaker, and only two of the speakers work01:44
Paddy_EIRE!firewall > Paddy_EIRE01:44
freshmeatjust everything i need to do to get the laptop up and running... i see the forums are a good way to go01:44
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freshmeatlifehacker had an article of 13 things to do right after installing...01:44
help_installinghi I'm trying to install ubuntu, I need help with partitions01:44
moriturii have a strange problem after upgrading to feisty: my keyboard just stops working during bootup. does this ring any bells?01:44
freshmeatand it's not my way of doing things01:44
lufisdwid: Have you opened up the sound mixer to see if it's set correctly?01:44
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jribmorituri: please use #ubuntu+1 for help with feisty01:45
moriturithanks jrib01:45
Shaba1well help_installing at least you got to that point01:45
Shaba1I am stil at the where are you at screen01:45
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help_installingin gparted I have multiple hard drives listed for some reason. I don't understand the dropdown at the top right of this program01:46
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lufishelp_installing: And you don't have multiple drives?01:46
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help_installingno 1 drive01:46
ernzHi, I can a weird problem, wondering if someone might have a solution? Whenever I try to copy files from my Ubuntu desktop to a secondary ext3 drive, it seems to take much longer than it should, and uses 100% of my CPU. Something else that may also be related is whenever my PC is idle for a little while, I will see the CPU usage jump to 100% and then return to normal when I move the mouse. Any ideas?01:46
lufishelp_installing: Is anything connected, like a usb camera or something?01:46
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mihailoIs there anyone who can help me install nvidia drivers?01:47
help_installingin the top right corner of gparted I have /dev/sda  and others like /dev/mapper/rootvg-rootlv0201:47
jrib!nvidia > mihailo    (mihailo, see the private message from ubotu)01:47
lufishelp_installing: Hmm. Just use /dev/sda, i guess.01:47
help_installingthere are usb drives connected to the computer but no disks inserted into them01:47
tbusswhy cant a windows user connect to my ubuntu ftp server01:47
lufishelp_installing: Maybe that's what it's detecting01:47
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ikarugahey anyone had success compiling rasterbator?01:48
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ernzjrib: I recall you managed to fix my problems no prob last time. Recognise this problem at all?01:48
lufishelp_installing: Anyway, don't worry about it I'd say. just use sda01:48
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help_installingthe drive is 300 gigs, but /dev/sda/ says 279.46 GB,, is this right?01:48
Paddy_EIREcould anyone tell me where I would go to get help compiling an app called QFlash for ubuntu?01:48
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lufishelp_installing: most likely01:48
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jribernz: no idea, try checking top to see what is using the cpu01:48
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lufishelp_installing: Drives are typically rounded off01:49
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DM|I use gnome normally, can anyone help me get my icons back to a normal size , heres a screenshot of settings / problem http://img249.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotbh0.png01:49
Shaba1jrib how long should that damn where are you at screen take01:49
mihailoI've read a lot of guides, but xorg always crashes saying is older than the one requierd for the nvidia 977 drivers01:49
help_installinglufis: another drive listed is 5 gigs,,, I suspect that the old OS left these. It was fedora before01:49
Shaba1its bee sitting there for 7 minutes now01:49
ernzjrib: when copying files it is nautilus that uses most of the CPU, as expected. Could it be a DRM issue?01:49
mihailosome kernel mismatch01:49
lufishelp_installing: And these are drives, and not partitions?01:49
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help_installinglufis: I do not know, in Gparted they are listed in the top right corner01:50
jribernz: does it happen if you use the terminal?01:50
ernzjrib, good question, I will check it our01:50
jribShaba1: I don't know what screen taht is01:50
lufishelp_installing: Hmm. Are there any partitions listed in the main section?01:50
ubotuTuxracer is now renamed Planet Penguin Racer! The package is planetpenguin-racer in !universe. Enjoy.01:50
Shaba1When you install to the hd from a live ce01:50
khermansif a pc will be used for doing very basic tasks, but sometimes extracting large archives to the same partition it is being read from, what is the fastest file system to choose?01:50
Shaba1cd the first screen you git is what is your language01:51
help_installinglufis: in each there are partitions listed01:51
Shaba1the second is where are you?01:51
neoncodeWhat are the downsides of XFS?01:51
jribShaba1: how long has it been stuck?01:51
lufishelp_installing: Can you describe each? How many drives does it list total?01:51
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Shaba1That second one has been on my laptop for 10 minutes now01:51
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jribShaba1: I don't recall any screen taking that long01:51
mihailoI don't know what i should fix! is there a specific graphix kernel that i can update?01:51
Shaba1Well its there and the mouse is stuck01:52
jribmihailo: have you followed the wiki guide to install the nvidia drivers?01:52
jribShaba1: what version of ubuntu?01:52
Shaba1and the cd is in continuos read mode01:52
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Shaba16.10 I think01:52
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Shaba1I burned it in december01:52
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Shaba1and got the most recent version01:53
jribShaba1: did you verify the integrity of the cd?01:53
Shaba1so it has to be nope01:53
jribmihailo: what was the result?01:53
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Shaba1but I think that is it the cd must be bad01:53
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help_installinglufis: 4  /dev/sda 279 gigs, /dev/mapper/rootvg-rootlv02 925 MB,  /dev/mapper/rootvg-rootlv01 5 GB, /dev/mapper/videovg-videolv01 272 GB01:53
Shaba1I am going to power down and try the cd I got from Linux Magazine01:53
dwidi cant get all my speakers to work, i just switched from headphones to a stereo system with 4 speakers and a central speaker, and only two of the speakers work01:53
reitblattPaddy_EIRE: could you pastebin the output?01:53
Paddy_EIREreitblatt, ok01:53
mihailoi downloaded glx, i downloaded the drivers, i used xorg reconfigure and chosen nvidia instead of nv01:54
lufisdwid: Have you taken a look in the sound mixer?01:54
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mihailoand then xorg refuses to start saying that some kernel is older than the driver for nvidia01:54
lufishelp_installing: Weird. And they all have partitions in them?01:54
ernzjrib: Assuming I am in the directory of this folder, copying to a location that I know exists my command would be "cp pn /media/hda1/Music/", correct?01:54
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tbusshas anyone heard of ftp_conntrack and how I would turn it on01:54
jribernz: yes, to copy the "pn" file01:54
mihailoim now plowing through synaptic, but i dont know what to upgrade01:54
help_installingthe first has 3, the remaining have ext, one has swap01:54
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Paddy_EIREreitblatt, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12083/01:55
jribmihailo: which step are you on on the wiki?01:55
Shaba1thats a 6.06 version01:55
Shaba1but at least I will have it on the laptop01:55
ernzjrib: I am getting error "cp: omitting directory `pn'"01:55
jribernz: cp -a01:55
lufishelp_installing: Just use the first I guess01:55
help_installinglufis: I want to delete them all, but in GParted I can only access them individually though the dropdown in the top-right01:55
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lufishelp_installing: I don't know, that's strange01:55
qbert_im having trouble getting my intel wireless card working with ubuntu ( lenovo thinkpad ) , can sem to find any info on it , any ideas ?01:55
qbert_the card shows up, it just doesnt connect01:55
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tbusslooking for help with ftp config, anyone hear have any success01:56
reitblattPaddy_EIRE: try running ./configure from the /packages/QFlash/qflash-0.1-src directory01:56
lufishelp_installing: Deleting them one by one works, right?01:56
help_installinglufis: yes but they are still seperate01:56
lufishelp_installing: Try removing the usb drives (they are drives, right?) and restarting the installation01:57
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:57
help_installinglufis: I don't need one called  ...video....01:57
Shaba1how hard is it to upgrade jrib?01:57
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NitroHow do I remove my sda5 icon form my desk?01:57
Paddy_EIREreitblatt, bash: ./configure: No such file or directory01:57
lufishelp_installing: have you tried restarting the installation? maybe it messed up01:57
ernzjrib: Same thing, my mouse is going all coppy, and everything has slowed to a halt.01:57
jribShaba1: not difficult at all, I'll send you the info01:57
jrib!upgrade > Shaba1    (Shaba1, see the private message from ubotu)01:57
help_installinglufis: the installation fails01:57
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lufishelp_installing: Can you take a screenshot maybe?01:58
reitblattPaddy_EIRE: hunt around for a file named configure01:58
help_installinglufis: if I choose the automatic option01:58
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tbussis it possible to setup a ftp server so that computers running something other than linux can connect01:58
OswyHey, my gksudo gedit can't open the display.01:58
Bright-LightFlannel: Are you her01:58
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help_installinglufis: sure01:58
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Shaba1tI aperciat that01:58
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Shaba1So far this cd is checking out ok in integrity01:59
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help_installinglufis: printscreen is not working, I just booted off of the CD :(01:59
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jribernz: I don't know, I used to get that on my laptop.  dual cores help...  I know that there is some kernel patch to help with that.  I never really looked into the issue though to tell you the truth01:59
matthew1429when doing the "upgrade" from dapper to edgy, many packages say perl error "warning setting locale failed, please check your locale settings...etc02:00
matthew1429what does that mean?02:00
lufishelp_installing: Applications > accessories > take screenshot02:00
Bright-LightPM please?02:00
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matthew1429shoudl I worry about that warning ?02:00
ernzjrib, Alright, cheers for your help02:00
tbussis it possible to setup a ftp server so that computers running something other than linux can connect02:00
jribBright-Light: if it's support related, please ask here, otherwise, sure02:00
sanityxtbuss, any computer can connect02:00
Bright-LightSomeone PM plase?02:00
Paddy_EIREreitblatt, that "configure" file is no where to be found although I have found a "Makefile" if thats any good?02:00
lufistbuss: It should work anyway. FTP is an open standard02:01
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LjL!pm | Bright-Light02:01
reitblattPaddy_EIRE: I'm looking at the src right now02:01
ubotuBright-Light: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.02:01
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reitblattPaddy_EIRE: i doesn't use a configure script02:01
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fir3__someone knows how i can decrease the font size in openoffice flowcharts?02:01
matthew1429when doing the "upgrade" from dapper to edgy, many packages say perl error "warning setting locale failed, please check your locale settings...etc02:01
reitblattPaddy_EIRE: read the INSTALL file02:01
tbusssamityx: ive just configured proftpd and my linux computers can connect but I called a family member using windoze and was unable to open link02:01
matthew1429shoudl I worry about that warning ?02:01
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Bright-LightFine. Jrib: I forward port 22 and install openssh-server or whatever, I made them an account, how do they connect?02:01
help_installinglufis: using a screenshot in this way cancels the dropdown, I was hoping ito include it02:01
lufistbuss: What was the link? (just replace filenames with xxx or something)02:02
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lufishelp_installing: There's a delay option02:02
tbussthe link was my ip02:02
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jribBright-Light: are they using Linux?02:02
Paddy_EIREsilly me thx reitblatt02:02
lufistbuss: xx.xx.xx.x:21 right?02:02
tbusslufis: correct02:02
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jribBright-Light: windows?02:02
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lufistbuss: Ftp://ip.ip.ip.:21 ?02:02
tbusslufis: no, not the 2102:02
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lufistbuss: Try that02:02
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CrazytomOswy, have you tried doing startx?02:03
reitblattPaddy_EIRE: plus, it looks like qflash has been abandoned02:03
Paddy_EIREreitblatt, really?02:03
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Paddy_EIREreitblatt, just when I thought I found something02:03
reitblattPaddy_EIRE: yeah, over a year and a half ago02:04
kk1is there a way to create an icon that runs a command  'wine ./Ventrilo.exe'  that normaly i run trough terminal ?02:04
tbusslufis: that worked, but so did the ip without :21, but why cannot my family memebers connect, do they need client software02:04
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lufistbuss: They should be able to access ftp right thru a web browser02:04
reitblattPaddy_EIRE: try gnash?02:04
Paddy_EIREreitblatt, gnash?02:04
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ubotuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/02:04
tbusslufis: it was unsuccessful using ie02:04
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Paddy_EIREreitblatt, is it in the repos02:05
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lufistbuss: Well it *is* IE ;)02:05
reitblattPaddy_EIRE: yup02:05
lufistbuss: Is setting up apache real quick not an option?02:05
tbusslufis: don't know if I can convince my parent to convert just yet02:05
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mihailosorry, my x server crashed again02:05
lufistbuss: Apache will let them access it thru http which might be more reliable02:05
tbusslufis: apache is configured as well, same problem they could not convert02:05
lufistbuss: oh, hmm,02:06
mihailoim at step no 10 i think02:06
mihailothe nvidia xorg configure02:06
tbusslufis: connect02:06
lufistbuss: And you said it works on a remote linux box?02:06
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tbusslufis: yes that is correct02:06
lufistbuss: Do you mind PM'ing me the link?02:06
kk1how to create an icon that runs a command or a software02:06
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lufiskk1: On the desktop?02:07
tbusslufis: okay, I dont know how!02:07
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mihailowhen i restart x for the changes to take effect, i get the following: api mismatch, nvidia kernel module is 1.0-9755 while xmodule is 1.0-974602:07
benhupgrading to feisty, I get02:07
lufiskk1: In gnome, right-click and "Create launcher"02:07
benhSetting up software-properties-gtk (0.58) ...02:07
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lufistbuss: Have you got aim or msn?02:07
benhINFO: using old version '/usr/bin/python2.3'02:07
benhCompiling /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/softwareproperties/gtk/DialogMirror.py ...02:07
benh  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/softwareproperties/gtk/DialogMirror.py", line 28702:07
benh    @threaded02:07
benh    ^02:07
benhSyntaxError: invalid syntax02:07
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LjL!paste > benh    (benh, see the private message from Ubotu)02:07
LjL!feisty > benh    (benh, see the private message from Ubotu)02:07
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mihailocan someone please help me out with this nvidia stuff? i cant find any help on my problem in the wiki02:09
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=== Foon sighs
lufistbuss: If you're registered on freenode, just double-click on my screen name in the roster02:09
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FoonI restarted the machine and now it's been fscking for ages02:09
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tbusslufis: okay I'm not making this easy, I double clicked02:10
enycmihailo: have you followed  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto   ?02:10
lufistbuss: Did you send anything?02:10
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help_installinglifis: I believe it is a logical volume02:10
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mihailoand when i type nvidia xconfig and restart x02:11
mihailoi get the command line saying02:11
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mihailocant start x: api mismatch, nvidia kernel module is 1.0-9755 while xmodule is 1.0-974602:11
lufishelp_installing: Hm, i'm not familiar with it02:11
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tbusslufis: look, I appreciate your help, I need to figure out to use this first02:11
kk1lufis: what i am trying to do is, instead of always running the command wine ./Ventrilo.exe  in the ventrilo folder i want to create kind of a shortcut.  is there a way ?02:11
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lufiskk1: Yes, just type "wine ./Ventrilo.exe" in the "command" field02:12
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lufistbuss: Have you got aim or msn or something? i'll give you my handle here and you can send it02:12
lufiskk1: although it has to be the correct path02:13
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GionnyBosskk1: there is a script that if you run it at boot, you can just execute wine files as normal files02:14
mihailoenyc: any ideas?02:14
GionnyBosskk1: at least, there was in fedora... I don't have wine installed here on Ubuntu02:14
tbusslufis: ive got msn02:14
kk1lufis: yes i know but this command has to be executed inside the folder ventrilo02:14
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lufistbuss: samuella@gmail.com02:14
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lufiskk1: Then it's no different, just include the absolute path02:14
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tbusslufis: what do you need just the address02:15
OswyMy gksudo gedit can't display, can anyone help?02:15
lufistbuss: The address you're sending to the family member, yeaH02:15
OswyI get the following error message:02:15
=== acuster [n=acuster@AToulouse-151-1-5-26.w83-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
buckminstOkay. I'm trying to install Feisty Fawn, and the install goes just fine. I'm installing to a SATA drive which is my first boot device (Windows boots from this as well). Grub installs to the master boot record as (hd0), but when the system reboots, I just go straight into Windows again, not into Grub. I have tried installing from both the Desktop and Alternative cds with no luck. I also tried using the repair option to reinstall grub, and02:15
buckminst told it /dev/sda to install Grub, but that doesn't work (errors out). Any ideas?02:15
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Oswy(gksudo:4016): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:02:16
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mihailois there someone knowlegable about nvidia drivers that i can talk to on pm?02:16
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guyanmihailo > what'smatter ?02:16
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tbusslufis: did you receive it yet02:17
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lufistbuss: Did you add me?02:17
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OswyCan anyone help me with a gksudo gedit problem?02:17
lufistbuss: Oh, nvm, you emailed it. One sec02:17
ceegtop is reporting that 97% of my physical memory is being used but i see no processes running indicating that this is true. what gives?02:17
malyhey owsy02:18
=== rpedro____ [n=rpedro@87-196-9-252.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu
malyywhats the problem man02:18
cablesceeg, Linux uses the RAM as a hard drive cache.02:18
cablesceeg, that's pretty normal02:18
Oswy"(gksudo:4016): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:"02:18
OswyI get that error message.02:18
VikJESbuckminst: is your motherboard based on the Intel 965 chipset?02:18
OswyI mean, I guess it just can't open the display, but can that be easily fixed?02:18
jribceeg: try    free -m02:18
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malyare you in gnome or kde?02:18
ernzjrib: Incase anyone else comes across the problems I did here are the solutions: 100% CPU during file transfer was the result of installing new NTFS support through automatix. Removal fixed this. 100% during idling was due to beagled-helper indexing during idling. removal from startup fixed this nicely. ;)02:18
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ceegcables, i see. thanks!02:19
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OswyI'm in the terminal.02:19
buckminstVikJES - It is not. ULi M169702:19
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jribernz: ah I see02:19
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OswyI'm trying to install ATI drivers, because I can't get to the GUI at all.02:19
lufistbuss: Are you running a firewall? Have you got port 21 open?02:19
ernzjrib: Live and learn, eh?02:19
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kk1lufis: i am getting the error ' failed to execute child process "/home/arebibo/vebtrilo/wine" (no such file or directory)02:19
malyso you download the correct drivers02:19
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malyyfor your graphics card02:19
OswyI have.02:19
OswyBut it says that I need to access that part to get it working.02:20
malyand what type is it02:20
walskiiiCan I install some packages to my HD Ubuntu while booted the Ubuntu CD because the hd system crashes on boot?02:20
lufiskk1: No, not like that. paste "wine /home/arebibo/vebtrilo/executable filename here"02:20
tbusslufis: i have a router, do I need to enable the port on the firewall?02:20
OswyATI Radeon 9800.02:20
allenGreetings. I run a dual booting system. Windows 98 (Only for my scanner and for Flash development) and Dapper. My Fat32 was named hda1 but now the name has changed to ",+2+8+>+D+J". I can't change the name back even under "sudo Nautilus."  Under /media the directory is still name hda1 and I can still access it. What is wrong and can it be fixed?02:20
OswyAll-in-wonder, I think.02:20
mihailojrib: hi again! i get stuck at step no10 i think. when nvidia writes the xorg file, the x server chrashes with this:  cant start x: api mismatch, nvidia kernel module is 1.0-9755 while xmodule is 1.0-974602:20
lufistbuss: Yes, the port has to be open02:20
tbusslufis: on the router02:20
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malydo me a favour02:20
OswyI'm using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI02:20
Foonhow long is fsck supposed to take?02:20
malygoto where your ATI driver is02:20
tbusslufis: would this explain why the computers here can connect but not computers outside the network?02:20
VikJESI am not familiar with this brand or chipset, I know there's been a lot of reported problems with SATA and Edgy. But I thought the problems would've been solved with Feisty.02:20
Foon20GB drive on a 566MHz with 488MBs RAM..?02:21
lufistbuss: Probably02:21
malyclick rename02:21
Uber_newbiehey all, i'm curious, if i use the following command dpkg-reconfigure locales shouldn't i get prompted to choose language and etc.02:21
GionnyBossis it safe to enable backported updates?02:21
malycopy all of the file name to me02:21
McFrostyI am about to switch over but with the LiveCD I can't get online. Using a Dell D510 Laptop, I am on wireless with no LAN connection available. How can I see if my wireless card is supported?02:21
lufistbuss: I'm getting a timeout error. I think you have 21 blocked02:21
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kk1lufis: sorry  linux is really new. i have to oil my fingers and brain :)02:21
OswyHow do I get to where the driver is?02:21
lufiskk1: ;)02:21
OswySorry, I'm new at this.02:21
malywell you downloaded right?02:21
malyme too02:21
twystedMcFrosty> google it02:21
OswyThe drivers, yeah.02:21
malyi installed my nvidia driver02:21
jribmihailo: are you using the official ubuntu repositories only and installing nvidia-glx from there?02:21
tbusslufis: I enabled it in the config file. Port forwarding for the router?02:21
VikJESbuckminst: can you describe the problem ato me gain?02:21
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malywhat is the file type02:22
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buckminstVikJES: Yeah, I noticed a few posts regarding SATA on the Intel 965 chipset when I was searching the forums. I just find it strange that with Feisty grub won't even work, where with Edgy I at least got the bootloader (though it munged other things)02:22
tbusslufis: that should do the trick?02:22
malyof your driver you want to install02:22
lufistbuss: What?02:22
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mihailojrib:well i added some adittional repositories, but i think this one was officiall02:22
CrazytomOswy, you used apt-get to get the drivers right?02:22
lufistbuss: I don't know. Just as long as port 21 is open02:22
OswyYeah, I did.02:22
mihailojrib: im now in recovery mode so i cant check synaptic02:22
buckminstVikJES: I complete a successful install from Desktop or Alternate Feisty installs. It states GRUB has been installed to (hd0), which is my first boot device, SATA. Upon reboot, no grub, just the Windows boot loader that was there before.02:22
OswyBut fglrxinfo isn't working.02:22
Crazytommaly, he used apt-get02:22
jribmihailo: apt-cache policy nvidia-glx02:22
OswyI need to change some stuff in gksudo to do it.02:22
gokuis there a way to set up auto log in? on ubunto ?02:23
VikJESbuckminst: stupid question; are you using a very recent build of Feisty?02:23
=== Consty [n=grimlock@pool-71-117-93-19.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
malywhen i used yast02:23
buckminstVikJES - I just downloaded the ISOs yesterday.02:23
malyfor my nvidia drivers02:23
malywhich is like apt-get02:23
Consty/join #ubuntu+102:23
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macdbuckminst, did you read the topic in #ubuntu+1 ;)02:23
mihailojrib: nvidia-glx:02:23
mihailo  Installed: 1.0.9746+
mihailo  Candidate: 1.0.9746+
mihailo  Version table:02:23
mihailo *** 1.0.9746+ 002:23
mihailo        500 http://www.albertomilone.com binary/ Packages02:23
malyit fucked my whole installtion of the real nvidia drivers02:23
mihailo        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status02:23
mihailo     1.0.8776+ 002:23
mihailo        500 http://security.ubuntu.com edgy-security/restricted Packages02:23
jrib!paste | mihailo02:23
mihailo        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com edgy-security/restricted Packages02:23
ubotumihailo: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:23
mihailo     1.0.8774+ 002:23
mihailo        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com edgy/restricted Packages02:23
tbusslufis: port 21 is standard ftp port that is what is configured in my proftpd.conf. To enable port 21 do I need to enable port forwarding on my router?02:23
buckminstmacd - #ubuntu+1?02:23
Foonoi? how long will fsck take? it's been running ages already, 566MHz 488MBs RAM02:23
malygive me all02:24
lufistbuss: Have no idea. Try it and see02:24
jrib!language | maly02:24
ubotumaly: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:24
malythe commands the you typed02:24
macdbuckminst, yes, join #ubuntu+1 and read the topic, it addresses your problem02:24
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malywith apt-get02:24
OswyI've just followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI02:24
malyok let me look02:24
OswySo apt-get update02:24
Uber_newbiehow do i remove a chroot safely02:24
malyat this02:24
mihailojrib: nvidia-glx:02:24
mihailo   Installed: 1.0.9746+
tbusslufis: okay, i just wanted to make sure that it was on my end and that my parents didnt need to install anything to connect02:24
Shaba1Ok this 6.06 disk is taking almost as long to boot02:24
VikJESbuckminst: I'm trying to remember of a way to confirm if you grub has been actually installed...02:24
Uber_newbiesudo rm -RF chroot/broke02:24
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lufistbuss: Yeah, ftp should be available thru IE02:24
buckminstmacd - Ah, I see. I'm not upgrading from Edgy though, I'm doing a clean install of Feisty.02:25
lufistbuss: But your local 21 port has to be open for them to connect02:25
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jribmihailo: yeah, you're using albertmilone's repo.  I don't know how to fix this right away.  Using 'envy' might take care of it or someone here might know more02:25
tbusslufis: okay, I'll give it try, thanks for your help lufis02:25
jrib!envy > mihailo    (mihailo, see the private message from ubotu)02:25
lufistbuss: np :)02:25
Foonwhat's weird is it already says [ok]  next to the fsck but it's just been sitting there02:25
lufistbuss: install firestarter and enable port 2102:25
macdbuckminst, that is the Feisty kernel, that was built recently, your isos would have been built with it02:25
lufistbuss: sudo apt-get install firestarter02:25
malyhmm owsy02:25
malywhen did you isntall ubuntu?02:26
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buckminstmacd - Ah. So, I guess I shall just wait until newer ISOs get released?02:26
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tbusslufis: i get kinda of sketchy when messing around with firewalls, it seems something always goes wrong02:26
mihailojrib: i tried using envy but it cant find my card... and when i try manuall install it also chrashes x server02:26
malybe more specific02:26
lufistbuss: Nah, firestarter is really simple02:26
macdbuckminst, yessir02:26
OswyShould I just do it directly from ati.com, per that page?02:26
jribmihailo: use official repositories then, that's my suggestion02:26
buckminstAlrighty then.02:26
Oswy6.10, using the alternate CD.02:26
malyyes! :) but first02:26
tbusslufis: thats what they said about ftp :)02:26
kk1lufis: thanks working perfectly02:26
lufistbuss: ;)02:26
=== viator [n=chatzill@pool-71-123-105-24.spfdma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
malyi suggest you re install ubuntu02:26
mikebeechamhello...can anyone tell me why Ubuntu does not recognise the screen resolution of 1280 x 1024?  I've just installed it onto another machine and it will only go upto 1024 x 768?02:26
malyyou used these commands apt-get02:26
malyyou might conflict the drivers02:27
malylike i did02:27
malyon suse02:27
mihailojrbi: ok, will do. but what now? should I uninstall something?02:27
malybut now i have ubuntu gamers edition02:27
jrib!enter | maly02:27
ubotumaly: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:27
mihailojrib: ok, will do. but what now? should I uninstall something?02:27
malythats the way it goes :D02:27
viatorwhen i do flgrxinfo it says dri missing and that its using mesa02:27
malywhat are you wanting to do on ubuntu?02:27
malywhat is your purpose02:27
OswyI'm just switching from XP.02:27
OswyI dunno, really.02:27
viatorwho do i get the proper driver for my laptop02:28
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gokuwhat is  a good newsgroup software for linux?02:28
jribmihailo: maybe this can help you http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Latest_Nvidia_Edgy .  I'm just pointing you at docs because I don't have any experience here02:28
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malywell if not games you made a good choice :)02:28
Oswyk, I'll try reinstalling.02:28
mikebeechamhello...can anyone tell me why Ubuntu does not recognise the screen resolution of 1280 x 1024?  I've just installed it onto another machine and it will only go upto 1024 x 768?02:28
malyoki doki02:28
jribmihailo: the part about kernel upgrades will probably fix your issue02:28
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malyhey what is the best version of wine to use on ubuntu gamers edition without no slow rendering02:29
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jrib!fixres > mikebeecham    (mikebeecham, see the private message from ubotu)02:29
lufismikebeecham: Your xorg.conf file is probably not right02:29
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:30
mikebeechamlufis: would I also have to install nvidia drivers?02:30
matthew1429upgrade is locking on "installing tomboy"02:30
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lufismikebeecham: I'm not familiar with graphics drivers, but maybe02:31
FoonOii? could someone answer me?02:31
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malyi play conter strike 1.6 nonsteam and when i play it is terrible fps goes from 100 to 40 up and down all the time and the gameplay is really slow ??!?02:31
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lufismaly: wine isn't perfect yet02:31
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Shaba1ok guys02:31
malywhat about cedega ?02:32
Shaba1I got to the 6.06 desktop02:32
lufisFoon: what's the issue?02:32
mikebeechamlufis: thanks anyway.  I'm really not sure what to do with this, and I've heard a few horror stories about messing with my X :(02:32
Shaba1now where is the install icon like there is in 6.10?02:32
Shaba1or is there one02:32
Foonfinally! thanks lufis..02:32
FoonI restarted the machine and now it's been fscking for ages, how long is it supposed to take?02:32
lufismikebeecham: Just make sure you backup the xorg.conf file beforehand. Then if anything goes wrong, restore it via the command line :)02:32
Foonit has been sitting at fsk..[ok]  but not going any further02:32
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lufisFoon: Try rebooting? maybe it got hung02:33
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nexesFoon: There wasn't a bar telling you what percentage done it was?02:33
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lufisFoon: Alt + sysrq RSEIYB02:33
lufiswhoops, RSEIUB02:33
Foonhuh lufis?02:33
lufiser, actually, let me look that up02:33
hasewhat's the command to test direct rendering?02:33
FoonI don't know if it's hung, this is actually after a reboot02:33
lufisFoon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSEIUB02:33
lufisFoon: Oh, weird02:34
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nexesFoon: Did a progress bar ever display while it was fsck'ing?02:34
SeveredCrosshase: glxgears..02:34
SeveredCrossOr you can do glxinfo | grep -i direct02:34
malywin4lin       CEDEGA  5.2     WINE 0.9.10 ?? which works better to play counter strike 1.6 nonsteam02:34
Foonthe first time it did this too, but I rebooted it because it was taking forever...now it's doing it again, but I let it run in case it was just a case of time02:34
Foonnexes: no02:34
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nexesFoon: Okay. What size drive is it?02:34
brophatare some of those gui driven firewalls in the packages that you can easily install?02:34
lufisbrophat: Firestarter is very userfriendly02:35
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Foon20GB drive on a 566MHz with 488MBs RAM..02:35
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lufisbrophat: sudo apt-get install firestarter02:35
malywin4lin       CEDEGA  5.2     WINE 0.9.10      CROSSOVER ?? which works better to play counter strike 1.6 nonsteam02:35
malypls pls02:35
nexesI have a 200GB drive that acts odd. It never displays the progress bar, and it always takes long than other drives to fsck.02:35
brophatlufis so it is in the packages. I thought installing software was point and click02:35
Foonthis is 20GBs though..not 20002:35
nexesLonger than my 300GB, even. Eventually it does finish though, although it takes up to 10 minutes. Has long has yours been checking?02:35
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gnu-linuxmaly WINE 0.9.3202:36
Foonabout an hour if not longer02:36
lufisbrophat: It is, but there's multiple avenues for installing things02:36
nexesOh wow.02:36
malyok gnu-linux02:36
lufisbrophat: Not like pasting a command into the terminal is hard or something ;)02:36
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Foonthis is on a P1 566MHz with 488MBs RAM though02:36
malylets put it to the test02:36
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brophatlufis it is for my brother. he has been on windoze all his life02:37
twystedfoon why are you installing on that lol02:37
nexesThere's a chance fsck might not be able  to fix whatever is wrong with the partition.02:37
Foontwysted: giving it a second life02:37
brophatlufis so you could do it point and click as well right?02:37
lufisbrophat: Just tell him to go to applications > accessories > terminal, and paste02:37
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FoonI got it for free02:37
lufisbrophat: Yes, he could open Synaptic and install it that way02:37
twystedfoon, just giving you hell ;) are you installing using the vanilla cd02:37
nexesI know sometimes fsck won't go ahead without user input..there's a way to get it to ask for input though I believe.02:37
FoonEdgy LAMP02:37
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brophatlufis i thought ubuntu has that intall new software button02:38
Shaba1is there and HD intall icon in 6.06?02:38
matthew1429how would a fresh install of edgy desktop differ from server edition?02:38
Shaba1or is that a menu choic I need to make?02:38
quaalhello i'm trying to setup this raid1 array in md.. im not sure what i'm doing wrong here http://pastebin.ca/409802 ??02:38
nexesServer edition has no desktop environment.02:38
Foonnexes: It doesn't even seem to want to give me a prompt or anything though02:38
tonyyarussoServer has a different kernel too02:39
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nexesFoon, do you have a live CD handy?02:39
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matthew1429i need to learn how to vnc my server anyway02:39
lufisbrophat: There's lots of ways of installing things. If you go to Add/remove programs on the applications menu and search for "Firestarter" i'm sure you could install it that way too02:39
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malygnu-linux ?02:39
nexesYou could try running that, mounting the drive in question, and then fsck'ing it from a terminal.02:39
=== matthew1429 uses firestarter
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malyyou there02:39
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nexesThe same problem drive I mentioned before originally required me to do that.02:39
Foonanother fsck? :S02:39
nexesYeah, but in this case, you'll get more control over it. =P02:40
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brophatlufis ok thanks02:40
lufisbrophat: :)02:40
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DM|Where are PODCAST Feeds held in RHYTHMBOX, icant find where to delete a feed02:40
malyhow do i download wine 0.0.3202:40
KunkAnyone get an error code -12263 using ssl in Apache2 - in 6.10?02:40
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malyhow do i download wine 0.9.3202:40
[M] orpheusis there a program to resize images?02:40
gnu-linuxmaly hold on02:41
brophatlufis my brother calles editing a config file programing haha02:41
Kunk[M] orpheus: try imagmagick02:41
malyi have ubuntu gamers edition02:41
malyso u know02:41
quaalanyone know what causes this mdadm: /dev/md0 does not appear to be an md device02:41
gnu-linuxmaly http://www.winehq.com/site/download02:42
brophatlufis ubuntu says it is linux for human beings. well my brother will be a god test case hahahahahaha02:42
brophati mean good test case02:42
malyhey dude02:42
malyim not that much of a noob :D02:42
malyno i meeant02:42
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kbrooksbrophat, i think hes hardcore02:42
lufisbrophat: heh :)02:42
brophathardcore haha02:42
malyyou said i need wine 0.9.3202:42
malyonly was i can do this02:42
malyis select ubuntu on winehq.com02:43
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malythis will download the latest version02:43
brophati think we should put a camera on him for possible use or a comercial02:43
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[M] orpheusKube: ths :D02:43
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gnu-linuxbut i didn't know the 0.9.33 is avalible02:43
malyaa :D02:43
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malydont you play games?02:43
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gnu-linuxyeah i do02:44
malywindows games?02:44
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BeastlyKingsOk this will be the fith time I have asked and every time, the person I'm talking to starts talking to someone else. could I PLEASE get some help?02:44
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byenanyone here install feisty on a computer that came preinstalled with vista?02:44
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gnu-linuxyes those one are better, they got better quality02:45
malyso what do you use?02:45
KunkBeastlyKings: what's the question?02:45
malywine cedega crossover?02:45
BeastlyKingsMy boot loader won't load windows at startup02:45
=== MattCampbell [n=matt@adsl-75-37-228-177.dsl.wchtks.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
greig_hey all , ive just installed firestarter from synaptic, but where does it install to so i can run it.?02:46
malydo you play cs? what graphics card you got?02:46
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KunkBeastlyKings: using grub?02:46
malyoo you just downloaded wine 0.9.33 :D?02:46
lufisgreig_: System > administration > firestarter02:46
malydo u play cs02:46
greig_lufis : lol thanks,02:46
MattCampbellFor a somewhat old computer with a 600 MHz Pentium 3 processor and 384 MB of RAM, which I'm setting up for a user with no prior Linux experience, would GNOME or KDE be feasible?02:46
lufisgreig_: :)02:46
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mikebeechamCan someone help me understand why X-Window has not changed my screen resolution, when I asked it to be set to 1280 x 1024?02:46
MattCampbellOr would Xfce be better given the limited resources?02:46
Kube[M] orpheus: ths?02:46
gnu-linuxno i play call of duty 202:47
[M] orpheusKube: thanks :D02:47
malywhat graphics card you got02:47
KunkBeastlyKings: looked at the example config for grub & windows? Does it match?02:47
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Kubewhat for?02:47
lufismikebeecham: Did you take a look at that link?02:47
gnu-linuxi got agforce02:47
lufismikebeecham: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:47
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malydo you notice any performance like SLOWNESS ?02:47
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who_has anyone here got experience with POWER PC?02:47
mikebeechamlufis: I did mate, and followed the instructions.  I went through setting up my X-Window again, but nothing changed02:47
[M] orpheusKube: wrong nick =S... sry =(02:47
=== Generalmozamota [n=generalm@cpe-76-187-39-217.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
who_I'm new to ubuntu on mac but NOT new to ubuntu02:48
malylagy fps go up and down slow gameplay does this happen to you?02:48
Kube[M] orpheus: no worries :)... someone does keep stealing it :/02:48
BeastlyKingsKunk, I do not follow what you are saying, but here is this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11956/  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11954/02:48
mikebeechamlufis: and the link is down as well, which makes going back over it a little difficult02:48
lufisMattCampbell: I would say so. I don't run on that much memory and gnome works well02:48
jason0_Is there a way to make icons only appear on specific monitor (I'm running dual head)02:48
lufismikebeecham: Hm02:48
malywhat is your linux called?02:48
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lufisMattCampbell: The important thing is the swap is big. 500 mb is good02:48
gnu-linuxubuntu feisty02:49
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mikebeechamlufis: after setting up my X-Window again, I went back into my screen resolution, but there is only the settings of 1024, 800 and 64002:49
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GeneralmozamotaOk, I am having some trouble trying to boot from a hard drive on a sata pci card02:49
lufismikebeecham: I dunno. i had the same problem but reconfiguring X fixes it02:49
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malydo you use the update tool ?02:50
mikebeechamlufis: strange, I know...not really too sure what to look at now.  I've installed everything to do with nvidia that I can via Synaptics, but nothing there either02:50
malyor manually install?02:50
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giskarddi seem to have messed up synaptic package manager, i get this error:  E: The package mfc5440cnlpr needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.  E: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report.02:51
KunkBeastlyKings: Perhaps I'm not the best one to help - haven't used windows in 6 years - but did you load the bootloader in MBR or in boot partition?02:51
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twystedmikebeecham> you may have to reconfigure X02:51
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gnu-linuxi installed the 0.9.32 from update tool and it upgraded to 0.9.3302:51
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giskarddthen it shows no packages on the list02:51
mikebeechamtwysted: Yeah, I just tried that and nothing changed02:51
malydid you run any commands like02:51
twystedmikebeecham> what do you mean nothing changes02:52
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gnu-linuxno, for what?02:52
malywell i read on forum02:52
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KunkBeastlyKings: I have a hunch it's in the MBR. Can you load Ubuntu properly, and Windows is the one that is not accesible?02:52
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BeastlyKingsKunk: I'm not sure, all I did was have the installer do everything for me but now after a couple days it doesn't work.02:52
malywait to paste02:52
BeastlyKingsKunk: Yes ubuntu is fine02:52
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malyfound it02:53
maly./configure --enable-opengl02:53
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malythis must mean02:53
ammielare there other dvd encryptions other than CSS?02:53
mikebeechamtwysted: my screen resolution will not any higher than 1024 x 768.  I have reconfigured X and included the 1280 resolution, but when I finish configutration and go back to my screen resolutions, it still does not appear and I cannot go up a res!02:53
ammielI have a dvd I can't seem to even mount, and I have css........02:53
gnu-linuxthat'swhen ur compiling02:53
nexesammiel: No.02:53
KunkBeastlyKings: Windows is notorious for wanting the boot sector to itself (as in MBR) so you will probably have to google for multiboot - I had the fiel a one time, but . . .02:53
=== wyre [n=carda@c-24-10-232-105.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
malyand you can only compile it if you download tar.gz right ?02:53
gnu-linuxyes and the .tar.bz202:54
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malyso this means i cant download that filetype ?02:54
nexesammiel: The disc should mount regardless, the libdecss library should only affect whether or not a movie viewing app can decode/display it.02:54
=== xdg [n=david@dsl254-073-076.nyc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnu-linuxyeah if u are able to compile it02:54
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malyare you english ?02:55
=== Camaxtli [n=Anton@h177105.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
malyi should02:55
BeastlyKingsKunk, thanks, I'll look that up02:55
malydownload tar.gz02:55
malyof wine02:55
malyand compile it with ./configure --enable-opengl02:55
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Pelomaly,  are you trying to install wine ?02:56
malyand why not?02:56
=== Clint_ [n=Clint@adsl-71-155-195-172.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnu-linuxu have to do a couple step02:56
Stormx2What is a "u" ?02:56
gnu-linuxthat one is the first one02:56
malyno im trying to make wine performance on cs nonsteam 100% like using windows normal :D02:56
Clint_Grub doesn't have vista in it, how do I add vista to the list of OSes?02:56
malycan you tell me them02:56
KunkBeastlyKings: sorry I can't help mor, but in the Ubuntu help forum I think that's where I saw it. I'm going back to play on my Mandriva box until I get my prob fixed.02:56
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ott0the config script for php-gtk is saying I don't have GLib ... searched for glib in synaptic and didn't seem to find it, anyone know what's up?02:56
PeloClint_,   ask in #grub02:56
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ammielnexes, It doesnt, I try mounting in terminal and it says trying to mount read-only then it says specify filesystem type02:57
malypelo you know how to tweak wine ?02:57
ott0checking for GLIB - version >= 2.6.0... no02:57
Pelomaly,  try asking in #winehq02:57
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BeastlyKingsKunk, don't worry, I'll post it on the forums aswell to see if I get some more answers02:57
malyaa yes02:57
malygood idea02:57
malyi dont know how to use irc :D02:57
jaybuntugod I love ubuntu and debian02:57
malytell me where i go to type new servers to connect02:57
jaybuntuit well......is my fav distro's02:58
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Pelomaly,    type  /join #winehq02:58
Stormx2ott0: sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev02:58
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malyok thanks02:58
quaalanyone know what causes this when trying to create a raid array mdadm: /dev/md0 does not appear to be an md device02:58
Clint_Pelo all you're doing is sending people to other chans :}02:58
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Shaba1I think this laptops cd is misalinged02:59
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PeloClint_,   I'm sending ppl to the right channel02:59
ott0thanks Stormx202:59
nexesammiel: I'm not sure how exactly to mount a disc by the command line..do your discs normally auto-mount?02:59
Shaba1or I do not have enought ram to install ubunto02:59
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Shaba1becaue it should not take this long02:59
ammielnexes, yeah02:59
quaalPelo, any linux raid channels?02:59
GeneralmozamotaI could use someone's help trying to get a hard drive to boot on an sata pci card02:59
Clint_Pelo, type /join #your_mom02:59
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h1st0Shaba1: you can do a check of the media from the menu when you boot to the cd.02:59
Stormx2nexes: Depends, but basically "sudo mount /media/cdrom"02:59
Peloquaal,  not that I know of02:59
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Moitiodocumentation site down?03:00
h1st0No one in #your_mom03:00
=== h1st0 thinks that sounds horrible.
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=== Pelo got in #your_mom last night
=== Pelo waits to get kicked now
nexesStormx2: Well, you'd need to specify the device.03:01
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Stormx2Lets take this #outside.03:01
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leafwthe ubuntu launchpad website does NOT accept any more bugs03:01
leafwis that perfect, or the servers are screwed?03:01
notwenhello, anyone familiar w/ smbfs? I'm wondering how i would go about adding this shared drive to my /etc/fstab?03:01
nexesLike, sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom03:01
Stormx2nexes: not if its in fstab03:01
h1st0or to #ubuntu-offtopic would be better03:01
Peloleafw,  might be getting ready for the next release03:01
h1st0notwen: just add a line03:02
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PeloI'm done03:02
nexesAhah, okay then.03:02
leafwPelo : I thought so too, but man, bringing up one function to bring down another is not a good idea03:02
h1st0notwen: I'm mounting my samaba share on boot from my server.03:02
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h1st0notwen: you just have to use dmask and umask to set permissions.03:02
notwen//servername/sharename /mountdirectory smbfs credentials=/home/myhomedirectory/.smbpassword,uid=notwen 0 003:02
notwenwhat is servername and sharename?03:02
__mikemDid someone just get banned?03:02
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tbussftp is a disaster, i have received tons of help but Murphy is still here03:02
h1st0notwen: the servername03:02
notwenin comparison to my windows workgroup?03:03
h1st0notwen: and the share name03:03
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h1st0notwen: or you can do //
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Shaba1Ok shit03:03
h1st0notwen: well if the linux box is on the same workgroup you just use the hostname of the server in there.03:03
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:03
Shaba1here we go for the 5th time03:03
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__mikemtonyyarusso, you beat me to it03:03
tbusshow can computers on my local network connect to ftp but outside the network ftp is not accessible. I have opened all necessary ports and configured my router accordingly, what else could be the problem03:04
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h1st0tbuss: you shouldn't have to open or forward ports.  Unlessyou are runing some sort of firewall some where.03:04
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wilohello all03:05
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nexesh1st0: He has a router.03:05
tbussh1st0: i have a wireless router installed03:05
catxkwhat good bittorrent clients are there that supports multitorrenting and individual file prioritization EXCEPT azureus and ktorrent? something like utorrent would be swell... (not azureus!) thanks03:05
jothamhi i can't seem to get the default ubuntu install of vim to load any plugins, any ideas?03:05
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shatrathave you tried azureus?03:05
jaybuntugod its so easy now a days setting up beryl on ubuntu03:05
jaybuntui love it03:05
=== shatrat wins.
h1st0tbuss: well the router won't deny ftp from inside the network out.  But it would deny from the out in.03:05
nexescatxk: What's wrong with KTorrent?03:05
Pelocatxk,  utorrent running on wine  , or the latest version of deluge torrent , from the site03:05
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VirgilDoes anyone know of problems booting from the AMD64 disc? I just wanted to try the OS out and the first problem is that my keyboard doesnt seem to be enabled at the boot menu (Start/Install Ubuntu, other options, etc). After that it says loading kernel, proceeds to do so, then sits at a splash screen with a progress bar going back and forth for about 5 minutes, finally I get to a light yellow screen with my mouse. Nothing else on the screen 03:06
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catxknexes: doesn't run well on my machine for some reason...03:06
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tbussh1st0: I enebled port fowarding on the router for port 21 is there a range I should enter?03:06
Frag1leAMD 2500+, nforce2 abit an7, radeon 9700pro, Can't get ubuntu to boot. Live CD won't get passed the Progress bar starting ubuntu, Then tried the alternate cd..installed ubuntu same problem..won't get passed the Openings loading bar. Can anyone help me?03:06
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nexescatxk: Are you looking for a basic torrent client, or are you on private trackers?03:06
h1st0tbuss: are you trying to ftp from inside of your network to the outside world?  Or the other way around?03:06
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Crazytomit's been a while but i thought ftp was port 23?03:07
h1st0Frag1le: safe graphics mode or boot to recovery mode and installt he apropriate video drivers.03:07
catxknexes: just wanna do my fare share of tv show piracy is all, so basic with some extra fucntionallity to be bale to prioritize certain files in a torrent :)03:07
Frag1lewon't work03:07
h1st0Crazytom: 2103:07
tbussh1st0: when I try from the inside, success. When I try from the outside, no connection03:07
shatratCrazytom, 23 is ssh I think03:07
Frag1lesafe graphics mode has same problem03:07
h1st0tbuss: okay03:07
Crazytomoh that's it03:07
Frag1lei tried the alternate cd, that's text mode03:07
Frag1leit installs03:07
tbussh1st0: I called my parents to see if they could connect, they can't.03:07
budmanCan anyone help me mount an ISO?03:08
Frag1lebut then on the first boot, it hangs after the first progress loading bar03:08
budmanits erroring with -o loop03:08
VirgilNobody has any information on my problem? =[03:08
nexescatxk: If KTorrent isn't working right for some reason, then probably your best bet is uTorrent in Wine. As long as you're on public trackers, there are other clients like QTorrent that are okay.03:08
h1st0tbuss: well to get the outside world to be able to ftp in.  You need to go in your routers config and tell it to forward port 21 to an ip inside your network.  i.e. 192.168.1.XXX.  Then when a person outside trys to connect to your public IP all information would be forwarded to that computer inside.03:08
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Dave_O`Toolto much reading virgil03:08
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nexesBut if you're on a tracker that monitors stats, any private tracker, Qtorrent will get you banned.03:08
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VirgilBasically Ubuntu freezes when I try to boot it from an AMD64 disc.03:09
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h1st0tbuss: keep in mind your public ip will be different than your internal ip.03:09
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robdemancartmanhey folks.. Im on Ubuntu 6.10 .. but I really want to install mencoder from Feisty.. it as an updated version... can I temporarily use feisty as repository?03:09
Dave_O`Tooltbuss: Try the DMZ on your router03:09
h1st0tbuss: your publick ip is
tbussh1st0: I configured the router like you suggested, port forward on 21 and assign ip for computer that will share files03:09
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catxknexes: ok, I'll look into wine, thanks a lot!03:09
nexescatxk: One bit of advice for uTorrent in Wine: Turn on a dedicated wine desktop with the 'winecfg' line in a terminal. uTorrent will randomly disappear at times if you don't. It's a weird bug.03:09
h1st0tbuss: Is your router set up for DHCP?03:10
nexesNo problem. ;)03:10
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notwenh1st0: would sharename be my windoze workgroup or computer name?03:10
Smacky_Wolfcatxk, apparantly, there's a linux version of uTorrent being worked on.. Fingers crossed. =303:10
h1st0notwen: Your computername on the network.03:10
h1st0notwen: or you can use the ip of the computer like I suggested earlier.03:10
tbussh1st0: yes03:10
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tbussDave_0`Tool: how can I connect with another ip other than the public, inside the network that is what Ive been doing03:11
Dave_O`Tooltbuss you sure your ip is the one you fowarded like port 21 to .10003:11
h1st0tbuss: okay well just leave it DHCP and specify the ip on your server outside of the routers range.  Like if its dhcp'ing - 150  just have your server be  Then port forward 21 to your server in your routers config.03:11
Pelonexes,  what version of wine are you using ? I have never had this problem on my utorrent/wine install , I even have it matching my theme03:11
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gnomefreakrobdeman: no its not safe03:12
Dave_O`Tooltbuss pm me03:12
nexesPelo: I'm using the latest, but it's happened over the last few months with all the latest releases of Wine. I personally use rTorrent now though.03:12
robdemangnomefreak: mmm03:12
Dave_O`Toolunless you are not reged03:12
robdemangnomefreak: so I will need to compile it from SVN then03:12
catxkSmacky_Wolf: yeah but then there's the thing with it being bought by bittorrent inc (i.e. hollywoord) which doesn't sound to appealing :)03:12
gnomefreakrobdeman: libc6 (>= 2.5-0ubuntu1)  is not in edgy so you would upgrade that and nothing will work03:12
Pelonexes,  very odd03:12
nexesPelo: It was odd. uTorrent would be running, but would somehow get removed from the screen. It happened to a friend as well.03:12
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gnomefreakrobdeman: yes03:12
robdemangnomefreakL wouldnt that screw up my Ubuntu installation?03:12
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gnomefreakor upgrade to feisty (also not really a good idea atm03:13
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nexesI had to delete the settings files and reload my torrents, then it would return to normal.03:13
robdemangnomefreak: i have a minimal install.. webserver.. thats all .no gnome etc03:13
gnomefreakrobdeman: yes majorly03:13
catxknexes: ok, thanks again :)03:13
Pelonexes,  were you using the them function in winecfg ?03:13
jesusphreakJordan_U: Okay, I am connected by a wired connection on Ubuntu03:13
nexesThe uTorrent settings specifically, so it's certainly a uTorrent problem in wine.03:13
Smacky_Wolfcatxk, hrmf... I'm not so sure about that being a bad thing.. but I do believe the effect remains to be seen03:13
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h1st0Yeah upgrading to fiesty atm would not be a good idea atleast wait a few hours for some packages to be fixed.03:13
nexescatxk: No problem. ;p03:13
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nexesPelo: What do you mean?03:13
gnomefreakrobdeman: libc is the main lib it is very important you use only the version compatible with your install03:13
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robdemangnomefreak: so there is no chance sombody compiled a binary if mencoder rc1 for Ubuntu 6.10 right..03:13
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gnomefreakrobdeman: no but if i look at it i might03:14
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Jordan_Ujesusphreak: What happens when you try: iwconfig ath0 ?03:14
Dave_O`ToolI get a wierd error03:14
robdemangnomefreak: so to compile it myself I need to install tons of libraries and stuff I guess03:14
jesusphreakJordan_U: 'no such device03:14
Pelonexes,  there is a function to select themes for wine runnig applications ,  to match your dekstop,  this function is a bit weird, thought that might be the problem03:14
nexesI didn't have anything other than the basic wine theme.03:14
tbussh1st0; so assign in my routers settings?03:14
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nexesI just checked, and no theme was turned on.03:14
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Dave_O`Toolhey tbuss03:15
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gnomefreakrobdeman: read the documentation i dont know without looking at it03:15
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Jordan_Ujesusphreak: Do macbooks use atheros cards?03:15
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Smacky_WolfOK... so I'm having problems with PCI devices in my laptop. Everytime I insert a PCMCIA or a mini-PCI card into my machine, I receive an IOREMAP failed error in dmesg.. anyone have any idea if there is something software level that I can do, or if it's a problem with my hardware that I can't rectify?03:15
qbert_argh, anyone have a wireless laptop working with ubuntu ?03:15
tbussDave_0`Tool: whats up03:15
Dave_O`Toolcan you pm?03:15
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Smacky_Wolfqbert_, I did before.03:15
catxkSmacky_Wolf: sure, I don't know, it's just something that doesn't really rhyme with the concept of  downloading movies with closed source software owned by hollywood :)03:15
tbussDave_0`Tool i dont think im registered03:15
Dave_O`Tool#routers if not03:15
nexesPelo: If you're a hardcore torrenter, you should check out rTorrent.03:15
qbert_Smacky_Wolf:  where do i see a list of available wireless networks03:15
Smacky_Wolfqbert_, using KDE or GNOME?03:16
viatorhey my broadcome 4318 Finally works with ubuntu03:16
Dave_O`Tool#routers tbuss03:16
Crazytomqbert_, what kind of card are you using?03:16
nexesWith 300 torrents and a 10Mbit line, it's under 30MB of RAM and at 0% CPU most of the time..and you can leave it running with screen.03:16
jesusphreakJordan_U: probably so I'm not sure; I had thought it was only second gen Macbooks that used Atheros but I am not sure03:16
viatorwell i had to use fwcutter03:16
tbussDave_0`Tool: okay03:16
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viatorbut it worked :)03:16
qbert_its a thinkpad t6003:16
Crazytomqbert_, iwlist <interface> scan03:16
Hyper-cooli'm dying here. How can i fix this HAL failure to initialize error?03:16
Jordan_Ujesusphreak: Just a second, I am actually in OSx now :) let me boot Ubuntu03:16
Pelonexes,  utorrent on wine works very well for me,  I did enough support for ut and wrote several guides , It would feel like a betrale,  but I can'T wait for the linux version03:16
Smacky_Wolfqbert_, head into Synaptic and do a search to see if you have any wifi scanners installed. If so, just run wifiradar or whatever to look at a graphical use03:16
matthew1429if I wanted to make a script to change permissions in directories that I specify in the script... do I just make a launcher?  what's the bash syntax?03:16
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GekiBlueIs comix the best program for sequential image viewing? :O03:17
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PeloI'm off, later folks03:17
darksoulelets see if i can stay connected for 30 seconds... bah!03:17
nexesTake it easy, Pelo.03:17
qbert_Crazytom: thx :)03:18
adx2i'm trying to compile transmission03:18
viatoranyone here using the flgrx driver03:18
adx2but it says i'm missing gtk03:18
Smacky_Wolfviator, sure am03:18
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adx2and apt-get install gtk does not work03:18
qbert_Smacky_Wolf: I have network-maanger, but it keeps saying error starting up, couldnt find the necessary resources or some shite03:18
viatori have a radeon xpress card03:18
adx2how do i install gtk?03:18
OgamodIs there any way to simplify the dialup installation process?03:18
CrazytomHyper-cool, did you disable apic?03:18
adx2what's the package name for it?03:18
viatori tried the driver03:18
robdemangnomefreak: Ok I will go for it -- install all the dev tools libs and stuff and compile it myself :)03:18
darksoulemy brother installed ubuntu. can i add KDE with a kubuntu disk?03:18
viatorwhen i do flgrxinfo it says dri missing and that its using mesa03:18
robdemangnomefreak: probably it will scre up my webserver... mm03:18
bambieguys i'm having trouble with burning iso image for some reason?03:19
qbert_Crazytom: how do i then select a network  ?03:19
Smacky_Wolfviator, did you follow the BinaryDriverHowTo on the ubuntu wiki?03:19
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Crazytomqbert_, iwconfig eth2 essid Rubix03:19
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qbert_where essid is the name of the connection ?03:20
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Smacky_Wolfviator, maybe there's an extra package for DRI? I'm not certain, haven't encountered that error.03:20
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gonzoismwhat are we doing for gaim ?   i guess i want beta 6.  its for dapper.  is there a package or a howto ?  i've searched03:21
Crazytomqbert_, it's listed next to essid in in iwlist output03:21
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odinrikowhat does this mean? gcc is unable to create an executable file.03:22
odinrikoIf gcc is a cross-compiler, use the --cross-compile option.03:22
odinrikoOnly do this if you know what cross compiling means.03:22
odinrikoC compiler test failed.03:22
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hijjtodinriko, bad things have happened to gcc03:22
darksouleam I here?03:22
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hijjtodinriko, or glibc03:23
Foon1oi, how do I change the screen resolution? I'm now in fluxbox03:23
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odinrikohijjt, oh boy, any recommendations for fixing it?03:23
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gonzoismFoon1  you can use xrandr03:23
=== Ahorner [n=andy@69-88-221-227.comwavz.com] has joined #ubuntu
hijjtodinriko, did you install if from source?03:23
odinrikohijjt, no, it was a apt-get thingy03:23
Ahorner:-( my sound doesn't work after i installed the updates03:23
hijjtodinriko, feisty?03:24
Foon1problem is, with my old screen, the display is all screwy03:24
Foon1I'm using my regular screen and this is just crappy 800x600 display03:24
greig_is a new version of ubuntu comming out?03:24
=== throllz [n=videoedd@pool-162-83-210-180.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
gonzoismfoon1  so you dont have a display now ?03:24
ott0how can I see a list of files a package installed from the command line?03:24
Ahornerfoon, download envy03:24
gonzoismfoon1 use xrandr03:24
Foon1how do I make my old screen work? it supports up to 1024x76803:24
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jesusphreakJordan_U: tell me when you are back (maybe you are?)03:24
ubotuenvy is a Python script that eases installation of the official Nvidia and ATI drivers. This software is NOT supported by ubuntu and you will not receive aid for it here. More at http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html See !nvidia and !nvidia903:24
=== orehon [n=lucas@201009198038.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
gnu-linuxgreig_ yeah ubuntu 7.04 feisty03:24
hijjtodinriko, oh well install build-essential03:25
Ahornerwhat kind of vid card do you have03:25
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Foon1this machine uses onboard video03:25
Foon1no nvidia or ATI..it's old03:25
throllzhow do I rip something that's AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS. You see I am trying to get rid of my03:25
Ahornerfoon1: what brand03:25
Foon1what's xrandr?03:25
greig_gnu-linux  : is there anywhere i can read about it?03:25
Foon1no clue what brand, just onboard, heh :S03:25
throllzDVD's and build a emerotheca on my hard drive03:25
Ahornerwell try to download envy and see if it works03:25
darksoulecan I use a kubuntu disk to Add KDE to an ubuntu machine?03:25
ubotuenvy is a Python script that eases installation of the official Nvidia and ATI drivers. This software is NOT supported by ubuntu and you will not receive aid for it here. More at http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html See !nvidia and !nvidia903:25
odinrikohijjt, aptitude install build-essential says no packages will be installed, upgraded or removed03:26
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Foon1I know it's not nvidia though03:26
Jordan_Ujesusphreak, Yup. I'm back03:26
Ahornermaybe its ati03:26
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hijjtodinriko, do a reinstall of it then03:26
Ahornerwouldnt be too surised uf it is03:26
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gnu-linuxgreig_ http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta03:26
Hyper-coolCrazytom, will disabling ACPI fix the HAL errors?03:26
Jordan_Ujesusphreak, Can you pastebin the output of "iwlist scan"03:26
odinrikohijjt, ok that I don't know how to do, link to a manual?03:26
Foon1how would I find out under linux?03:26
hijjtodinriko, sudo aptitude reinstall build-essential03:27
Foon1keep in mind, this is an old Pentium 103:27
CrazytomHyper-cool, when i disabled acpi trying to fix other stuff i got that error03:27
throllzHELOOO?? trying to build a DVD digital library on my hard drive, anyone?03:27
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makuseruis there anything i need to install for MIDI support?03:27
Ahornersystem>administration>device manager03:27
Foon1I rather doubt it's either Nvidia or ATI...what's randr? I ran it and it just gave me some stats03:27
Jordan_UFoon, lspci, and hope it is intel not ATI :)03:27
Ahornerfoon1: go to system>administration>device manager03:28
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hijjtodinriko, you can also purge it by 'sudo aptitude purge build-essential' and then reinstall it, which will get rid of its config files too03:28
odinrikohijjt, that only reinstalled the "build-essential" package and the error persists.03:28
Hyper-coolCrazytom, oh. i have not disabled ACPI yet... althoug i am noticing acpi errors on boot and in the syslog. i can't figure what they are affecting03:28
Foon1Ahorner: I'm using fluxbox, this is a Edgy LAMP03:28
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Foon1I added the window manager et al manually03:28
Jordan_Uthrollz, dvdrip will rip dvd's :)03:28
jesusphreakJordan_U: lo and eth0 both say 'interface doesn't support scanning' ... that's it03:28
CrazytomHyper-cool, that probably has something to do with it then03:29
tehquicknessWhen i try to run flgrxinfo or glxinfo, I am getting a very very high cpu usage. Anyone know what might be causing this03:29
Foon1linux apache mysql php03:29
Foon1server getup03:29
who_anyone know where to get realplayer for feisty ppc?03:29
=== Mixx [i=mixx@d60-65-201-134.col.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
r4ngeis there any way to have boot show everything that is loading instead of just "Starting...."03:30
Ahornerno clue lo03:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about randr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:30
dfgasanyone using an rt818x wireless card?03:30
=== robertj [n=robertj@66-168-215-105.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
darksoulei mean, im sure there's a way. How do I add KDE to ubuntu?03:30
tonyyarussor4nge: yes.  Turn off the splash and/or quiet options.03:30
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ubotuxrandr: X Rotation, Reflection and Resize utility. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.0.2-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 9 kB, installed size 60 kB03:30
GeneralmozamotaIs there anyone that can point me in the right direction of how to get an sata hard drive to boot on an sata pci card?03:30
throllzJordan_U:  do you reccomend a specific format to save the Movies on teh PC? I mean on the PC AUDIO_TS and VIDO_TS doesn't make hell lotta sense03:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sata - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:31
=== Teletran1 [n=matt@adsl-69-208-115-7.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
odinrikois there a special way to install a C compiler as opposed to the C++ one?03:31
Foon1strange though, it's running at 800x600 60Hz but it won't run..0.o03:31
r4ngetonyyarusso: where.. and will everything be logged, i'm on a remote machine?03:31
Foon1er rather, it won't display03:31
hijjtdarksoule, sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop03:31
r4ngeodinriko: gcc03:31
screvhi, ime totally new to *nix. i have ubuntu running fine, but i wanted to know if there is any way i can access a second HD, a win ntfs drive03:32
Ahornerso you only get options for 480x600 and 600x800?03:32
throllzJordan_U:  do you reccomend a specific format to save the Movies on teh PC? I mean on the PC AUDIO_TS and VIDO_TS doesn't make hell lotta sense03:32
Ahornerit means you dont have the right videocard drivers03:32
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tonyyarussor4nge: In /boot/grub/menu.lst, on the kernel lines03:32
darksoulewill that work from a kubuntu disk or do I need to connect to the internet?03:32
hijjtodinriko, gcc is a c compiler, g++ is your cpp compiler`03:32
Foon1Ahorner 640x480 and 800x600, yeah03:32
Foon1the old screen supports up to 1024x76803:32
Foon1but it won't display for some reason. I'm on my regular screen atm03:33
Ahornerfoon1: you need to find what video card you have and download the correct drivers from the manufacturer's website03:33
=== jkj [n=erich@mo-76-3-38-219.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
r4ngetonyyarusso: thanks.. trying to understand upstart a little better, perhaps this'll help03:33
Smacky_WolfOK... so I'm having problems with PCI devices in my laptop. Everytime I insert a PCMCIA or a mini-PCI card into my machine, I receive an IOREMAP failed error in dmesg.. anyone have any idea if there is something software level that I can do, or if it's a problem with my hardware that I can't rectify?03:33
Teletran1does anyone know how to get 1024x768 mode on a fresh ubuntu install with a ati rage 128 card? i cant seem to get drivers for this bad boy03:33
Ahornerthat should fix everything03:33
odinrikowell, why would G++ work and not GCC?03:33
Foon1guess so,yeah, bleh03:33
jesusphreakhow can I pretty up the fonts in Ubuntu?03:33
Foon1I've gotten it working before, too03:33
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Foon1under Fedora Core, anyway03:33
Foon1can't remember how though03:33
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r4ngeodinriko: make sure you get the "gcc" package03:34
Ahornerits what i had to do lol my resolution is 1440x900 lol03:34
hijjtdarksoule, you have to add the cd as a source in /etc/apt/sources.list03:34
Foon1..and it was with a different machine03:34
hijjtdarksoule, then you will be able to03:34
screvcan any one help me accessing a win formatted HD at all?03:34
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durkajiis core 2 duo in the 586 processor subtype for configging a new kernel03:34
=== Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu
Foon1brb laundry03:34
darksoulethank you03:34
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hijjtscrev, look up ntfs3g and a howto in the wiki03:35
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Stormx2!ntfs-3g | screv03:35
ubotuscrev: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)03:35
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ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT03:35
=== blanky [n=blanky@pool-71-160-33-180.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
hijjtscrev, yeah what ubotu said...03:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about azereus - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:35
durkajiis core 2 duo in the 586 processor subtype for configging a new kernel03:35
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blankyhow do you spell azereus haha03:36
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about azerus - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:36
ubotuazureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo03:36
r_azureus.. or however you spell it.. it keeps closing on me03:36
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome03:36
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r_i open it, then it closes03:36
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qbert__Crazytom: I have the essid set, the card is active - but its not connecting, i then run dhclient , but I think its failing because it never asks me for a password03:36
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qbert__i have the password set in /etc/network/interfaces though03:37
Crazytomdoes samba allow windows to access linux drives or is it the other way around03:37
kitcheCrazytom: both03:37
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Crazytomqbert iwconfig eth2 key <key>03:37
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Toma-How can i remove librsvg2-2 and -common and replace it with a checkinstall built package and still keep the dependencies it had happy?03:37
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hijjtr_, it may be your config files in your home directory .azureus03:38
Teletran1can anyone help a noob change his display settings?03:38
blankyGuys, for installing azureus ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo) it says to apt-get install it then it says to follow another guide ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=144546&highlight=azureus ) starting in step 2, well step 2 on the other guide is downloading azureus, then it goes on to install it, is this a typo or do I really have to do this?03:38
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racarter_is there any problem with using azureus on kde?03:38
racarter_or xfce?03:38
qbert__Crazytom:  then i run dhclient ?03:38
Toma-!fixres | Teletran103:38
ubotuTeletran1: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:38
blankyIn other words, download and install it twice03:38
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racarter_cause it started happening after i installed kubuntu03:39
Teletran1thank you03:39
Ahorner!envy | Teletran103:39
ubotuTeletran1: envy is a Python script that eases installation of the official Nvidia and ATI drivers. This software is NOT supported by ubuntu and you will not receive aid for it here. More at http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html See !nvidia and !nvidia903:39
Crazytomqbert__, dhclient eth203:39
=== lnostdal [n=lars@217-176-59.0511.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu
=== Zaiden [n=zaiden89@cpe-66-67-108-226.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
Foon1I found the brand of video card03:40
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Foon1..it's not onboard afterall03:40
hijjtanyone have any ideas on fixing a blank screen instead of kdm03:40
Foon1it's a Matrox 834 Rev-A03:40
Foon1heh, old computer03:41
Ahornergo to website and download drives03:41
Ahorneri have a spare old matrox right here03:41
=== phishy [n=jeff@c-67-186-188-214.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
hijjtFoon1, search for mga in aptitude03:41
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hijjtFoon1, you may have to use the vesa driver03:42
Foon1hijjt: mga?03:42
r4ngeany way to see a step by step of things starting during a reboot.. for example, seeing rcS scripts starting one by one, then rc2 scripts, etc03:43
hijjtFoon1, in your xorg.conf03:43
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Foon1seems the mga driver is already installed03:43
Foon1aptitude has it bright white03:43
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cafuego_ls /etc/rcS.d/S* /etc/rc2.d/S* will give you  anice listing of the startup order ;-)03:44
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ZaidenI need help with a problem running the Live CD.03:44
Ahornerfoon1: you have to get the drivers, iyts the only way03:44
Foon1how do I switch to it, hijjt?03:44
hijjtFoon1, edit your xorg.conf03:44
cafuego_Foon1: It's quite possible that you need the closed mga driver off the matrox website.03:44
Foon1where's that, hijjt?03:44
r4ngecafuego: but i was actually hoping to see them start during the boot up03:44
Foon1cafuego_: ah03:44
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hijjtFoon1, it is in /etc/x11/xorg.conf03:45
Ahornerfoon1: exactly what cafu said03:45
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harvey_I'm trying to rename a folder in Registry Editor and it wont do anything.  F2 and "Rename" wont let me rename it.  Advice?03:45
ZaidenI get an error with the X Version of Windows when I try to run the Live CD normally.03:46
hijjtAhorner, I thought the xorg-mga drivers would work for a g20003:46
=== jojek [n=jojek@nat-90-28.jasnogorska.trustnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
Ademandoes the archive manager not support 7zip files by default?03:46
Ahorneri have no clue03:46
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cafuego_r4nge: Edit /etc/init.d/rc and make it print stuff.03:46
StoneNote!p7zip | Ademan03:46
Ahorneri think you have to have 7zip to unzip them03:46
ubotuademan: p7zip: 7-Zip is a file archiver with high compression ratio. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.42.dfsg.1-2 (edgy), package size 315 kB, installed size 944 kB03:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:47
Ademanthanks StoneNote03:47
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hijjtFoon1, you can give the open source drivers a try by editing the Driver line under device in your xorg.conf or you can look up a closed source driver03:47
darksoulehijjt  It didn't work. Couldn't find package kubuntu-desktop. Maybe I added it to sources.list wrong...03:48
=== Vuen [n=Vuen@bas9-ottawa23-1096655284.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Vuenhey guys, how do i check my memory usage from a terminal?03:48
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hijjtdarksoule, did you do an apt-get update?03:48
Foon1I'm at the MGA site03:48
darksouledoes that require internet?03:49
Foon1what's the Matrox 834 rev A?03:49
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.03:49
=== robertj [n=robertj@66-168-215-105.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
vox754Vuen, "free -m" also "top"03:49
linxehbleh - any idea what the next LTS release will be ?03:49
bitwiseshiftleftquestion: i'm trying to install on a soekris box... i've tried pxeboot, but it prints boot messages at like 1 character per second and then doesn't accept input03:49
AdemanStoneNote: there's no way to make the ArchiveManager GUI recognize it though?03:49
bitwiseshiftleftany idea how do do this?03:49
hijjtFoon1, If i remember correctly it is a g200 mystique or something03:49
=== dkbg [n=dkbg@stjhnf0112w-142162205110.pppoe-dynamic.nl.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
Foon1:O ok03:49
=== dewey [n=dewey@c-67-168-51-149.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
hijjtFoon1, http://www.matrox.com/graphics/en/corpo/support/drivers/previous/prv_drv.cfm#Linux03:50
linxehits a g200 yes03:50
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hijjtFoon1, can you give me a rough estimate of what hardware it is03:50
hijjtFoon1, what cpu?03:51
shark-1how can i block myspace on my home wireless network03:51
bitwiseshiftleftas a related question, is it possible to burn the cd to flash, and then boot from flash?  and if so, what changes need to be made?03:51
StoneNoteAdeman, I've never thought to look into it.  I've used it twice since I installed it. unpacked the 7zip file and then did whatever I needed with it.  So I can't say it's impossible.03:51
=== Bebemycat2 [n=M@] has joined #Ubuntu
Ahornerhow do u do the (quit:your text here) thing03:51
hijjtFoon1, then the linux 2002 drivers should be it03:51
Foon1Pentium 103:51
Ahorneris it /quit (message)03:51
AdemanStoneNote: ah, a little dissapointed, as the archive manager does support rar after you install unrar, so i dunno...03:51
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ZaidenIs it possible to change the X version of windows?03:52
Foon1I just downloaded matrox_driver-x86_32-4.4.0.tar.gz03:52
hijjtshark-1, good luck...03:52
=== tehquickness [n=tehquick@ip68-110-178-234.lu.dl.cox.net] has left #ubuntu []
shark-1hijjt, why?03:52
AdemanZaiden: huh?03:52
hijjtshark-1, because it has thousands of domains and different ways to get to03:52
budmananyone here familer with the 915resolution fix?03:53
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Shaba1Hey anyone have problems gettting Dapper to install on a computer with 256mb?03:53
Foon1erm, do I need something to open the file?03:53
Ademanbudman: slightly, i had to use it in breezy, haven't needed it since03:53
Foon1I click Open, nothing happens03:53
hijjtFoon1, mgadrivers-2.0.tgz is probably going to work better for you03:53
ZaidenWhen I run the live CD and select the normal option to boot Ubuntu (Not Safe Graphics) I always get an error relating to the X version of windows.03:53
shark-1hijjt, i dont care about proxies and such i just want to block the site03:53
Foon1where's that, hijjt?03:53
AdemanZaiden: you mean your X windows version03:54
budmanAdeman: how did you load it on boot? Ive tried rc.local does not work. i have to boot in recovery mode and manuall type the 915 command and start gdm.03:54
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Ademanbudman: just to clarify (cause i never mucked with rc.local) we're talking about the lcd graphics fix right?03:54
Ademani might be  confused though... lol03:55
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Foon1hijjt: ?03:55
budmanAdeman: correct for the wide screen resolution.03:55
Foon1where's the file you mentioned?03:55
Ademanbudman: i specified it in my /boot/grub/menu.lst03:55
Shaba1this is the fifth time and the third cd I am trying to get this to install on03:55
hijjtFoon1, under linux 200203:55
Foon1k checking now, thanks03:55
matthew1429i keep getting x.org errors with the edgy install on my laptop (dell e1705) using the saffe graphics mode... will it be worth my time to do a text install?03:56
Ademanmatthew1429: naw, fiesty's commin out soon03:56
matthew1429april 19th03:56
matthew1429can't wait that long03:56
budmanAdeman:  you loaded the 915resolution command in there?03:56
jesusphreakis there a way to completely reset my linux install without reformatting/reinstalling?03:56
Shaba1how does one do a text install??03:56
AdemanShaba1: it's the "alternate install" cd03:56
hijjtshark-1, it is not that easy to block, you canuse your router but there are still really easy ways around it without using proxies03:56
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Ademanbudman: so long as we're talking about the same thing, yep03:57
Shaba1ah so I would have to download an iso and burn it?03:57
AdemanShaba1: yeah03:57
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=== matthew1429 considers doing a network install
Shaba1Ok I can do that03:57
Foon1got the file03:57
Shaba1Does it include grub03:57
Shaba1not grub03:57
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viatorwell you can add a new user and delete your old user that might solve some problems03:57
Shaba1but ah gparted03:57
bambieguys i'm having trouble with burn ubuntu iso03:57
Shaba1that is the important part fo rme03:57
harvey_Just going to ask once again so I dont spam :).. I'm trying to rename a folder in Registry Editor and it wont do anything.  F2 and "Rename" wont let me rename it.  Advice?03:57
viatormake sure nu user is admin03:57
AdemanZaiden: well i reccomend either doing safe graphics mode OR once you see that error, hit enter until you get to a command prompt, and type sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf, find where it says "Driver "SOMETHING"" and replace SOMETHING with vesa, then save and exit and type startx03:57
Shaba1being able to partion the window hd in my laptop03:58
hijjtFoon1, put it in a directory and run tar -xvzpf ?? archive name03:58
jesusphreakwell what I really need to be able to do is revert some system updates03:58
Ademanbudman: lemme dig it up, there was an option i used that fixed my lcd problem at boot03:58
Shaba1and getting it back if I need to take ubuntu off03:58
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viatorwell youd have to see what packages were updated and installed03:58
bitwiseshiftleftdoes anyone here know if it's possible to burn the install cd to flash, then install from flash03:58
budmanAdeman: I  basicly just need to get this 915resolution command to run before gdm boots automaticaly.03:59
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Foon1./install.sh ?03:59
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ZaidenAdeman: ok03:59
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ZaidenThank you03:59
bitwiseshiftleftbecause the machine i want to install on doesn't have a cd drive03:59
throllzhi, is there a better p2p than Frostwire? This one zucks big cock, can't dl nuthing03:59
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viatormaybe theres some sort of changelog03:59
hijjtFoon1, check for a readme03:59
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Foon1already CAT'd it :)03:59
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matthew1429so I'm getting from you guys that my only option for installing edgy on this laptop is to do alternate install03:59
throllzAWAITNG FOR SOURCES and Waiting On Busy Hosts03:59
matthew1429why would dapper work and this one wouldnt03:59
vvlawhi~anybody here?03:59
Shaba1bitwiseshiftleft let me know if you get and answer04:00
cablesIs there a graphical frontend for F@H (which displays progress and stuff)?04:00
matthew1429severed cross didnt have any problems either04:00
CoryKdoes anyone know if there are any packages for enlightenment beta anywhere?04:00
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Shaba1I have a clean 512mb flash04:00
hijjtshark-1, use outbound packet filtering of the myspace ip addresses on your router, it is probably going to take a while because there are many04:00
bjronanyone know what the difference between "Free" space and "Available" space (as reported by df or the system monitor) is?04:00
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hijjtFoon1, is there a configure script?04:00
Shaba1and a 1gb one I can clean off quickly04:00
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bitwiseshiftleftmatthew1429: have you tried feisty?  it's not much more edgy than edgy04:00
Shaba1I think my cd is th eproblem04:00
matthew1429everyone says don't do it04:00
Ademanbudman: it's possible we're not talking about the same thing but in my menu.lst i had vga=791   as a boot option04:00
cablesbitwiseshiftleft, best not to recommend pre-release versions.04:00
jmgshark-1: install a proxy server and block it that way04:01
Foon1hijjt: ./install.sh ? :)04:01
bitwiseshiftleftcables: true04:01
jmgjmg: or dns poisoning04:01
matthew1429bitwiseshiftleft: everyone says it's not stable dont do it and that I wont be able to upgrade from it04:01
hijjtFoon1, go for it04:01
jmgshark-1: i mean04:01
enderximI've been running feisty awhile now with not a single crash or bug found. I haven't had a single complaint, and I like alot about it.04:01
Ademanbudman: iirc there are other vga=SomeOtherNumber   so 915 might be one of them, either that or i'm totally off...04:01
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bitwiseshiftleftmatthew1429: won't be able to upgrade?  to what?04:01
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jmgim waiting for feisty xubuntu04:01
matthew1429to the next distro etc04:01
enderximmatthew1429, I'm running that right now04:01
bitwiseshiftleftoh, yeah, i dunno04:02
matthew1429the "official" distro if there are changes04:02
bitwiseshiftlefti mean, feisty is working better than edgy on my desktop right now... but edgy always had its issues04:02
bitwiseshiftleftand i don't know about upgrading04:02
enderximbitwiseshiftleft, I agree, I have less issues with feisty than I did with edgy04:02
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Foon1it wants the full path to my X11R6 directory04:02
throllzFROSTWIRE sox cock, any better p2p programs?04:02
Foon1what is it?04:02
bitwiseshiftleftstill, best to be careful... it is a beta04:02
vvlawi got a problem when i complie the mplayer, who can help me ?04:02
Ademanvvlaw: don't compile mplayer?04:02
tonyyarusso!ohmy | throllz04:03
ubotuthrollz: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:03
enderximthrollz, bit torrent04:03
matthew1429doesn't ubuntu have a little iso to d/l like 50 megs that gets everything from the net individually?04:03
viatorfeisty is 90% of what edgy should have been04:03
diginetHi there :D04:03
Ademanvvlaw: but what exactly is the problem? (i sincerely reccomend you DON"T compile mplayer yourself)04:03
enderximmatthew1429, I think it's ubuntu minimal04:03
Foon1it wants the full path to my X11R6 directory, what is it?04:03
Shaba1any advise on a flash drive install?04:03
vvlawAdeman icompiled mplayer already 04:03
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Dave_O`ToolI think that is pclos04:03
Dave_O`ToolI could be wrong04:03
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throllzw00t? Isn't a cock a male chicken?04:03
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Ademanvvlaw: why? is there anything wrong with the precompiled one?04:04
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con-man!botabuse | ubotu04:04
ubotuubotu: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...04:04
hijjtFoon1, probably /usr/X11R604:04
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hijjtFoon1, I am used to gentoo though04:04
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Crazytomhow do you abuse a bot?04:04
con-manuh oh04:04
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b _seanc_!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by tonyyarusso
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:05
Foon1you were right04:05
=== HLM [n=geek@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
vvlawAdeman: yes, compiled it.and worked fine,but there are no "xv" option in the output selection :(04:05
viatorthe onl problem i have with fiesty is my cursor bounces all over the place04:05
viatorits got a mind of its own04:05
bigdawg72989How can I look up what video card driver I have and whether it is updated or not?04:05
viatorits a synaptic touchpad04:05
Ademanvvlaw: what's wrong with the precompiled version that comes with ubuntu though?04:05
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Ademanbigdawg72989: i think it depends on your graphics card vendor04:05
Foon1it says all my drivers are up to date04:06
bigdawg72989If it helps i have an ATI mobility radeon x30004:06
hiffywhats that offtopic channel anyways? I want to make some non ubuntu related venting04:06
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Ademanbigdawg72989: which driver set are you using? open source? fglrx? or what?04:06
Jordan_U_hiffy, #ubuntu-offtopic04:06
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hijjtFoon1, check what driver it is using in /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:06
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bigdawg72989well i used a program called envy i think but I dont think it worked right.  I was wondering if there is a way to look up what I am using04:07
draeathIs it possible to 'blacklist' certain kernels from being added to grub/menu.lst automatically?04:07
Foon1what line in the file?04:07
yell0wdraeath, /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist04:07
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nexesDebian's auto-magic app has problems.04:07
_seanc_Quick question, I changed my resolution and whenever I turn on my ubuntu box my monitor says "the resolution is to large, please resize and try again", how do I do that through command line?04:07
hiffydanke Jordan_U_04:07
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hijjtFoon1, should be under section display04:08
draeathyell0w: read my message... kernels not modules04:08
yell0wdraeath, oh, wrong one04:08
hijjtFoon1, there is a line with Driver in it04:08
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draeathyell0w: :D i know that one04:08
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yell0wdraeath, probably comment out the items on the list then04:08
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vvlawAdeman: i can player tha avi files well,but i can only basic on "x11" output ~04:08
yell0wdraeath, why would you do that though ? @_@04:08
Foon1monistor says Generic DPMS Monitor04:08
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hijjtFoon1, the monitor is probably cool04:09
Foon1it says it is using the mga driver for Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA G200 AGP04:09
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Crazytomanyone here ever use an ipod with ubuntu?04:09
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Foon1but I saw no flicker or anything of the screen readjusting04:09
hijjtFoon1, what is the goal here?04:09
wilois there a way to hide hdd and flash drives from comming up as icons on your desktop in ubunt?04:09
h1st0Someone just made over 6500 attempts at hacking my server.04:09
Foon1if I switch back to the old screen now, it'll probably still not display properly04:09
pppoe_dudewilo, yes04:09
Foon1to have my old screen (an AOC spectrum) display properly04:10
wiloh1st0: brute force?04:10
wilopppoe_dude: how?04:10
pppoe_dudewilo, gconf-editor, then search for 'nautilus desktop' in keys04:10
draeathyell0w: well, i have backtrack2 loading from an ISO as a grub boot option... but whenever apt updates my kernel the updater script spams my menu.lst with "Ubuntu, Backtrack (recovery)" which don't work (because im loading an .iso as a ramdisk)04:10
pppoe_dudewilo, you should find one that says 'show mounted volumes'... just uncheck it04:10
hijjtFoon1, alright you need to setup the horiz-sync and vert-refresh of the monitor in that same file under monitor04:10
draeathyell0w: which is also funny because backtrack is Slackware :P04:11
matthew1429!text install04:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about text install - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:11
yell0wdraeath, heh04:11
vvlawAdeman, i mean that i want to let mplayer can be support the "xv" output,but it can't :(04:11
hijjtFoon1, HorizSync 30-7504:11
matthew1429I had downloaded a text install version earlier and now can't find it :(04:11
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hijjtFoon1, VertRefresh 50-8504:11
yell0wdraeath, but still that doesn't prevent you from booting out of what you want right ?04:11
hijjtFoon1 is what mine has right now04:11
pppoe_dudewilo, /apps/nautilus/desktop/volumes_visible04:11
yell0wdraeath, or into what you want, rather ;)04:11
Foon1oh, but yours is a decent screen I assume :S04:12
hijjtFoon1, look up the monitor specs before you run x again04:12
Foon1mine's older04:12
Ademanvvlaw: i don't understand what compelled you to compile mplayer though04:12
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bigdawg72989I have an ATI card, my xorg.conf file says Section "Device"04:12
bigdawg72989Identifier  "ATI Technologies, Inc. M22 [Radeon Mobility M300] "04:12
bigdawg72989Driver      "ati" Is there any way to look up whether this is updated or not?04:12
hijjtFoon1, mine is an old 17 in dell right now04:12
Foon1if I restart, it won't go straight into X will it?04:12
draeathyell0w: right... it does give me bootable kernels and my staticly defined stanza for backtrack too...04:12
draeathyell0w: its just an annoyane04:12
=== delirus [n=delirus@CPE-76-177-239-34.natwky.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
wilopppoe_dude: thankyou04:12
vvlawAdeman, complied mplayer through the sources,not by the apt-get way04:12
wiloit worked :)04:12
pppoe_dudewilo, yep04:13
hijjtbigdawg72989, xserver-xorg-driver-ati04:13
yell0wdraeath, ssshhhhh, how many times a months is a kernel update dued ?04:13
Ademanvvlaw: yes, but why?04:13
bruenigwhat command can I use to tell me the number of lines of a text file04:13
draeathyell0w: I KNOW! just put the kernels in a subdirectory of /boot04:13
yell0wtsk tsk whiner ;(04:13
hijjtFoon1, maybe?04:13
=== yell0w runs *
draeathyell0w: or even in a different directory (the iso is loaded from outside of /boot)04:13
=== starz [n=stars@cpe-72-129-105-47.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Arrolldoes anyone know where I can find the correct drivers for my nvidia 7600 GS card that i can install Beryl with AIGLX?04:13
Foon1what syncs would I set to make it (temporarily, at least) 60Hz?04:13
Crazytomwhat is easier to use banshee amarok or gtkpod?04:13
hijjtFoon1, what monitor is it?04:13
=== draeath runs off to play as root
AdemanArroll: nvidia's website04:13
hijjtFoon1, brand and model?04:14
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vvlawAdeman: is the have the "xv" selection support in your mplayer ? i don't have it04:14
delirusCrazytom:  All a matter of opinion, I prefer Amarok04:14
Foon1AOC Spectrum, hang on for the model04:14
yotuxis there any docs for feisty yet?04:14
bigdawg72989hijjt: I dont understand what you are asking?04:14
bigdawg72989Im a little new to all this04:14
AdemanArroll: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_1.0-9755.html   if you're on a 32 bit system04:14
Crazytomdelirus, why is that is it better or easier to install?04:14
delirusCrazytom:  My opinion:  it's the least annoying04:15
jmgthey are all easy, apt-get install04:15
Ademanvvlaw: oh so the version that came with ubuntu didn't have the xv?04:15
=== hase [n=hase@71-219-27-228.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
jmgi found amarok too bloated04:15
hijjtbigdawg72989, that is the display driver that is installed right now and it is using, do sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg-driver-ati04:15
jmgi use beep04:15
AdemanArroll: beware, it's a pain in the butt04:15
delirusCrazytom:  As a rule, no one ever shares my opinions :D04:15
Arrolloh ya?   how so?04:15
draeathin grub, hda5 is (hd0,4) correct?04:15
hijjtFoon1, ok HorizSync 30-5004:15
AdemanArroll: you might consider googling a tutorial, i can explain the steps if you'd like though04:15
yell0wdraeath, yes04:16
ardchoilledraeath: Yes04:16
hijjtFoon1, VertRefresh 50-9004:16
Crazytomi just don't want to have to mess with it too much, i just want to get away from using xp for everything04:16
Foon1k, I'll put that in, thanks hijjt :)04:16
alamoArroll: you can use vesa module with the glx i think04:16
Ademanvvlaw: yes i have the xv output in my mplayer, and i didn't compile anything myself04:16
hijjtFoon1, you may need to put some resolution lines in the screen section04:16
=== cables [n=cables@65-78-17-151.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
Foon1there are already some there I think..I'll check04:16
vvlawAdeman, i see . you got it throught the apt-get install way?04:17
Arrolli found a guide on beryls website.   it give step by step instructions for the install but it says nvidia cards requre the non-free drivers to be installed.    was just wondering what that means and which drivers I need?04:17
Foon1yea there are04:17
Ademanalamo: use vesa drivers and AIGLX? ...no...04:17
haseI've just about given up on ever seeing "Direct Rendering: Yes"04:17
Ademanvvlaw: yep04:17
Ademanhase: ATI?04:17
hijjtFoon1, a line like Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"04:17
hijjtFoon1, ok04:17
alamoArroll: and get the 100 refresh rate on the vesa04:17
=== matthew1429 wonders if anyone knows where the text-only install of ubuntu can be nabbed
Jordan_U_hase, What card?04:17
bigdawg72989I ran that and it said no candidate version, no packages to install...Does that mean my driver is up to date?04:17
Jordan_U_hase, And running Edgy or dapper?04:17
haseNvidia geforce go 6600tn/6200tn04:18
Ademanmatthew1429: they're the "alternate install cd" ISOs on the main ubuntu website04:18
Arrollok so am i looking for the drivers on nvidias site, or these vesa drivers?04:18
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drcodehi all04:18
Ademanhase: what exactly is the problem?04:18
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alamoAdeman: he has a nvidia card...04:18
drcodeI have bout new laptop 64bit04:18
hijjtbigdawg72989, ubuntu upgrades automatically, with sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade04:18
Foon1hijjt: yea04:18
hijjtbigdawg72989, and the visual utilities do the same thing04:18
Jordan_U_Arroll, I would try the drivers from the repos before the ones on Nvida's site04:18
h1st0matthew1429: yeah the alternate iso04:18
happy_niccan anyone connect to windows ftp servers using curlftpfs?04:18
Ademanalamo: yeah? so? vesa doesn't have anything for 3d acceleration, let alone AIGLX04:18
draeathI love backtrack04:18
h1st0matthew1429: or you can use the netinstall.04:18
hijjtFoon1, did those work?04:18
bitwiseshiftleftanyone here know how to install ubuntu from flash?04:18
jmghappy_nic: yes04:19
alamoAdeman: hehe04:19
bitwiseshiftleftpossibly with network?04:19
Foon1hang on04:19
hijjthappy_nic, what is a windows ftp server?04:19
drcodewhat pepole recommnded to install ubuntu 64bit or 32bit?04:19
bigdawg72989ok thanks....Its just wine keeps crashing my pc and the wine people think its a video card issue.04:19
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Jordan_U_!install | bitwiseshiftleft04:19
ubotubitwiseshiftleft: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate04:19
Foon1gotta put the sync stuff in first04:19
alamoAdeman: that's i wanna say...04:19
vvlawAdeman: in my memory,i apt-get install it at first. and it maybe have the 'xv' optition in it.but after that i reinstall it through the sources. but it have no xv selection after i compiled it :(04:19
ArrollJordan_U_: the guide here says the defauld "nv" drivers does not work04:19
h1st0drcode: I would install 32bit so that everything just works.  Unless you really need the speed.04:19
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Ademanhase: what exactly seems to be the problem?04:19
hijjtbigdawg72989, try to install the fglrx driver for your video card, it should make it more stable for wine04:19
drcodethere are poblem with 64bit ?04:19
Ademanand what have you done so far?04:19
Jordan_U_Arroll, There are nvida drivers in the repos, not just nv04:19
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muszekhi... which runlevel is a default one?04:20
ArrollJordan_U_: ok ill check that04:20
Shaba1this cd take foreever just to boot up04:20
Jordan_U_!nvidia | Arroll04:20
ubotuArroll: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:20
AdemanJordan_U_: he want's to do AIGLX04:20
drcodemost linux packges are for 64bit?04:20
Arrollubotu: thanks04:20
bigdawg72989Ok could I get a little guidance for that?04:20
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)04:20
=== ziggy [n=lcraft@cpe-075-184-086-073.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Ademanthe versions in the repositories are hopelessly outdated04:20
haseAdeman: I installed the nvidia drivers (first manually then with envy) and I still don't have direct rendering when I do glxinfo04:20
Jordan_U_Ademan, Ahh, didn't realise, never mind Arroll04:20
hijjtbigdawg72989, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:20
Arrollubotu: will this driver support Beryl in AIGLX?04:20
wilois there a way to make a system directory to a virtual drive?04:20
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AdemanArroll: that link about the BinaryDriverHowTo is still very relevant and helpful04:20
bigdawg72989great  thanks04:20
hijjtbigdawg72989, it should give it to you step by step04:21
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Jordan_U_Arroll, The ones from the Repos won't work with AIGLX04:21
AdemanArroll:  ubotu is our bot :-)    !Whatever will make ubotu spit out information about Whatever :-)04:21
alphab8I need some help with accesing the internet with ubutu04:21
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draeathAnyone know how I can track down (and report useful information about) the cause of this issue: when using snd-usb-audio together with the proprietary nvidia drivers in fullscreen, every 1/4 second there is a 1/4 of silence.... like the sound is underrunning04:21
hijjtbigdawg72989, under the ati section04:21
Jordan_U_Arroll, Ubuntu is just a bot, I told ubotu to give that link because I didn't know you wanted AIGLX04:21
Ademanhase: envy ruined one system of mine, i'm a bit weary of it, but you can boot into a GUI right?04:21
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects04:21
alamoin my case, vesa+glx = one of ten nvidia+glx04:21
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alphab8anyone care to help?04:22
Foon1vi won't let me type in numbers04:22
=== Zaiden [n=zaiden89@cpe-66-67-108-226.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
AdemanJordan_U_: i'm pretty sure the BinaryDriverHowto describes a way to do the newer versions of the drivers04:22
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haseAdeman: Yes, luckily, after I didn't the manual install I couldn't04:22
hijjtFoon1, ...  i would generally recommend using nano as a quick editor04:22
happy_nicactually I can connect to this windows server via curlftpfs. I just can't do anything after connecting. an ls will give me an io error.. I can mount all my unix ftp servers perfectly..04:22
ArrollJordan_U_: well i understand you can install Beryl with either XGL or AIGLX.   what exactly is the difference and which is easier to install??04:22
bratman!find source.list04:22
bigdawg72989ok thanks04:22
AdemanFoon1 are you familiar with vi? because vi can be very confusing for a first timer04:22
bratmanwhere are dappers repositories ?04:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about source.list - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:23
ubotuPackage/file source.list does not exist in edgy04:23
alphab8I can't seem to get my ubutu to access the internet04:23
Foon1Ademan: quite04:23
AdemanFoon1: just checking :-)04:23
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hijjtArroll, aiglx is built into feisty04:23
coffee-mugis there a  package for bleeding edge gnus somewhere?04:23
Foon1but for some reason, I type i and try to enter numbers, it doesn't work04:23
=== starscal1ing [n=starscal@cpe-72-129-105-47.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
AdemanFoon1: the whole concept of "insert mode" put me off for an entire month :-)04:23
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Foon1but I loaded the file with sudo..04:23
Foon1I jumped right in04:23
dyrnealphab8: wire or wireless?04:24
=== Foon1 is getting gedit right now
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Johnois it hard to do dial up through ubuntu?04:24
Foon1that'll put an end to it04:24
draeathFoon1: vim is supirior :P04:24
Ademananyways, the only things i can think of that might help would be checking numlock i guess04:24
xSpecialistxhello all04:24
alphab8its harware wired04:24
bratman!find repositories04:24
Ademandraeath: i'm pretty sure in ubuntu vi is just a symlink to vim :-)04:24
Foon1emacs ftw! (heh) I don't use it much04:24
ubotuFile repositories found in r-base-core, ubuntu-docs04:24
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Foon1no no, Microsoft Word is best04:24
bratman!find source04:24
hijjtFoon1, ohh man noone likes nano04:24
ubotuFound: bf-utf-source, gcc-4.1-source, kdepim-kresources, libgtksourceview-common, libgtksourceview-dev (and 129 others)04:24
dyrnealphab8: open a terminal and type 'cat /etc/iftab' what interfaces show up eth0 ? eth1?04:24
Arrollhijjt: but im running Edgy04:24
Foon1edit the snot out of those text files04:24
bratman!find source.list04:24
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ubotuPackage/file source.list does not exist in edgy04:25
xSpecialistxi have problem with my 3d video card, is ATI  RADEON XpRESS 1100,04:25
draeathI need to get off my butt and add "set nowrap" in my .vimrc04:25
hijjtArroll, xgl is a different Xserver, aiglx is the xorg way of doing it04:25
Foon1hijjt: heheh04:25
=== bambie [n=w00t@S01060018f8348c81.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
happy_nicubuntu vi uses some package called vi-minimal by default. it's awfully limited04:25
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Jordan_U_Arroll, And XGl is buggy and generally considered a hack04:25
bratman!bratman source.list04:25
matthew1429so the alternate install cd (600 megabytes) should help me get around my x.org crashes when installing ubuntu on my dell inspiron 9400/e1705?04:26
Foon1happy_nic: built in lack of support for typing numbers?04:26
happy_nicno wait, that's vim-tiny04:26
draeathAm I the only one who thinks grub should be automatically set up with an md5-ed password on install?04:26
hijjtArroll, I recommend going with aiglx04:26
ArrollJordan_U_: ok so AIGLX is the way i want to go then right04:26
bratman!find upgrade from dapper to edgy04:26
ubotuFound: unattended-upgrades, upgrade-system, update-notifier04:26
hijjtArroll, i think it's long term support is going to be better04:26
ZaidenAdeman: i was able to get to the command prompt and did the sudo nano command for xorg.conf, but there was nothing written in the file.04:26
Jordan_U_Arroll, Yup04:26
=== jesusphreak [n=aaronleb@pool-71-96-180-58.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
alphab8I typed it in and it doen't say either04:26
Arrollhijjt: and repo drivers will be suffecient for the AIGLX then?04:26
dyrnealphab8: try 'ifconfig -a'04:27
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happy_nicFoon1: I can't remember, I got so frustrated using it, i immediately install a proper vim on every fresh install now.04:27
Jordan_U_Zaiden, Did you get the path correct?04:27
hijjtArroll, yeah, it seemed to run well on my brothers ati mobility m1 on an 1800+ with ati repo drivers04:27
alphab8says " ok04:27
ZaidenJordan: I did. sudo nano /etc/x11/xorg.conf04:27
Jordan_U_Zaiden, /etc/X11   ( capital "X" ) /xorg.conf04:27
alphab8I typyed in ifconfig04:27
alphab8and it give me eth004:28
Arrollhijjt: but i am running an nvidia card.   7600 GS04:28
Shaba1!ubunto alternate cd04:28
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AdemanZaiden: everything is case sensitive, X is different than x04:28
alphab8is there something specific i should be looking at?04:28
bratman!find dapper04:28
Ademankind of disorienting for windows converts, but it makes sense04:28
ubotuFile dapper found in debootstrap04:28
ZaidenI feel sily04:28
=== knownbad [n=tchou@h4607e9dc.area7.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu
AdemanZaiden: no worries, i'm a regular here, it happens all the time04:28
hijjtArrol, I would imagine that it would work well enough04:28
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ZaidenWill there be an option on the screen that tells me how to save?04:29
dyrnealphab8: ok so first lets try to obtain an address via dhcp.  'sudo ifconfig eth0 up' to bring the interface up then 'dhclient eth0' does it assign an ip or just keep waiting for an offer04:29
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arpegiusanyone here get coldfusion installed on their ubuntu box?04:29
bratmanwhere is the file to change the mentioned dapper to edgy for upgrade ?04:29
Jordan_U_Zaiden, Just hit ctrl+x to quit and it will ask you if you want to save before quitting04:29
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jesusphreakhow do I check my kernel version?04:29
arpegiusi'm pulling an error: /tmp/install.dir.5615/Linux/resource/jre/bin/java: not found04:29
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hijjtjesusphreak, uname -a04:29
Foon1I've updated xorg.conf04:29
Foon1now what?04:29
ZaidenOk. Thank you, and be right back again04:30
hijjtFoon1, restart the xserver04:30
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hijjtFoon1, the save way?04:30
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fatlipsuperquick question04:30
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Foon1which is..?04:30
fatliphow do i claim ownership over an entire partition?04:30
=== Foon1 is a newbie
hijjtFoon1, logout04:30
jesusphreakokay, so how do I get my machine to use an older kernel?04:30
alphab8I type  'sudo ifconfig eth0" and it displays nothing04:30
Foon1oh, ok04:30
Foon1brb then04:30
MajorPayneI have a button that launches sudo -i in a terminal to get a super user terminal.  Is there a better way to do that, maybe something that lets me launch GUI applications as root if it is safe to do so?04:30
alphab8I type  'sudo ifconfig eth0" and it displays nothing04:30
=== knownbad [n=tchou@h4607e9dc.area7.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu
hijjtFoon1, and hit ctrl alt backspace at the login screen04:30
dyrnealphab8: 'sudo ifconfig eth0 up'04:31
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Foon1login screen?04:31
=== echoes [n=jaime@pc-62-174-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
bratmanwhat is the name of the repositories file that i change the dapper refernces to , to edgy for upgrade ?04:31
dyrnealphab8: it wont display anything04:31
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Foon1theoretically, it should be the bash prompt login04:31
dyrnealphab8: after that 'dhclient eth0'04:31
hijjtFoon1, fair enough, then just logout04:31
Foon1because I didn't install anything beyond fluxbox and its prerequisits04:31
dyrnealphab8: soory use sudo like 'sudo dhclient eth0'04:31
=== laptop [n=laptop@cpe-66-68-150-28.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_Ubratman, Don't upgrade like that!04:31
hijjtFoon1, or hit ctrl alt backspace04:31
hijjtFoon1, exit fluxbox04:32
laptopWhich is better KDE or GNOME?04:32
Jordan_Ubratman, It will likely break your system if you do!04:32
laptopfor Ubunut?04:32
=== beer_ [n=danny@CPE-75-81-225-211.we.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Foon1brb :)04:32
hijjtlaptop, both04:32
bratmannope i've done it before04:32
bratmanjust forgot hte name of it04:32
Foon1I'll still be here as Foon, heh,...but anyway, brb04:32
Shaba1OK this time the install icon did not even show up04:32
alphab8i tyed them both04:32
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KromiXMy 3 days with Ubuntu and....... what have i been doing on Windows, I love you guys.04:32
laptopSo did I, i encountered more problems with KDE04:32
dyrnelaptop: kde is better as far as technically but i guess gnome for idealistic reasons04:32
KromiXMy First* 3 days04:32
ardchoilleMajorPayne: use gksudo. gksudo nautilus04:33
Jordan_Ubratman, NO, DO NOT DO IT ( seriously, this is a known problem, trust me )04:33
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bratmanwell how else do i keep my stuff with all these updates?04:33
arpegiuswhat package resolves libc.so.6 not foudns?04:33
bratmani can't burn a new cd everytime there is somethign new04:33
g0suHello, good night. Any body know why in nvidia driver the scaled is disable? http://img371.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pantallazonvidiaxserverud9.jpg04:33
Shaba1do you know if ubuntu can be installed on a 256 mb laptop04:33
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crdlb!upgrade| bratman04:33
ubotubratman: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:33
Shaba1because I am having serious problems04:34
alphab8thee's nothing displaying?04:34
laptoptakes more space than that04:34
dyrneShaba1: xubuntu will run fine on 256mb ram04:34
hijjtlaptoplaptop, I think kde runs quicker, and lets you access more features and customization04:34
Jordan_Ubratman, You don't need to04:34
ardchoillebratman: If you upgrade like that, you'll just end up re-installing Ubuntu04:34
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hijjtlaptop, gnome is more simplistic04:34
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KromiXwhats the 'best' or most current/used "Desklet/Widget" application?04:34
KromiXfor ubuntu04:35
dyrnealphab8: if you type 'sudo dhclient eth0' it will prompt for a password then it will display some stuff04:35
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jmgha ha ha04:35
bratmanthank you04:35
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echoesi have a problem com wifi when upgrade 7.0404:35
KromiXno i mean like adesklet... etc04:35
h1st0echoes: /j #ubuntu+104:35
tritiumechoes: #ubuntu+1 for feisty04:35
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KromiXnot the actual desklet :)04:35
Shaba1on now someone tells me04:35
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hijjtechoes, what card?04:36
Shaba1after spending like 5 hours trying to get this to run04:36
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tritiumShaba1: tells you what?04:36
MajorPayneHow do I remove the hdb1, hdb2, hdb3 from the desktop?04:36
alphab8doesn't ask for password04:36
alphab8nnor display anything04:36
h1st0Is anyone able to log in tot he wiki?04:36
=== Prez_ [n=fmedina@shiva-157.cablenet.com.ni] has joined #ubuntu
dyrnecould someone walk alphab8 though the network gui tool im not familiar with gnome04:36
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:37
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h1st0alphab8: what type of network are you tyring to connect to?04:37
tritiumMajorPayne: there's a gconf setting.  You can set that in the nautilus preferences04:37
ardchoilleMajorPayne: gconf-editor, go to /apps/nautilus/desktop and uncheck the items you don't want.04:37
=== Frog292 [n=frog29@ip68-107-135-114.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lol - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:37
alphab8well i'm running windows04:37
AngryElf_anyone know what device an ipod takes by default? (G3) if it matters04:37
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alphab8I just fresh installed Ubuntu into another computer04:37
MajorPayneahh, thanks.04:37
alphab8and i'm trying  to acces the internet with it04:37
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod04:37
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ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents04:38
alphab8but won't connect to the internet04:38
ardchoillealphab8: What won't connect?04:38
alphab8*but UBUNTU won't connect to the internet04:38
Frog292hello, does anyone know how i can fix packages.freecontrib.org timing out when i try to upgrade ubuntu from 6.06 to 6.10?04:38
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ddonkywhat's ubuntu offtopics room name?04:39
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ddonkyand ubuntu forums?04:39
tritiumalphab8: which version?04:39
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Foonhijjt: still no luck :( the regular screen is "out of range" now, and the old one still doesn't display properly04:39
Shaba1after spending half the day try ing to get this to install04:39
AngryElf_jmg, it's creating /dev/sda /dev/sda1 over here04:39
bedakeis there a way to apt-get install over a previous install?04:39
Shaba1somebody finally tells me I need Xbuntu04:39
ardchoilleFrog292: Last I hear they stopped the Ubuntu repo at freecontrib.04:39
tritiumShaba1: need xubuntu for what?04:40
Frog292o how do i upgrade ubuntu?04:40
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ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:40
crdlbddonky, #ubuntu-offtopic04:40
hijjtFoon, that is kinda sweet04:40
admin__How do I get to the desktop in Terminal?04:40
FoonFoon: how so?!04:40
alphab8Ubuntu 6.0604:40
tritiumadmin__: cd ~/Desktop04:40
Frog292wow... i looked for that for so long04:40
Frog292thanks if it works04:40
laptopIf I dont like GNOME or KDE what else is there?04:40
Foonerr, hijjt04:40
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alphab8I should also mention....I installed the ethernet card after I installed Ubuntu04:40
Shaba1so what is the differnce between the two?04:40
hijjtFoon, goodness, well those are the values the manufacturer gives for it04:41
=== gradin_ [n=gradin@c-71-231-122-221.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ddonkycrdlb - thanks04:41
dyrnelaptop: xubuntu is xfce  its a full desktop environment without the bloat. uses gtk like gnome04:41
alphab8so would that be a problem?04:41
ardchoillelaptop: There are quite a number: http://xwinman.org/04:41
admin__ok, thanks. What is the "~" for?04:41
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=== Zaiden [n=zaiden89@cpe-66-67-108-226.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ardchoilleadmin__: ~ means your $HOME04:41
dyrnelaptop: i mean xfce itself isnt a de but.. you understand04:41
MrXclusivmy problem shouldnt exist - i am booting with the livecd, and it wont web browse, yet from terminal it pings localhost and pings google and pings winamp, yet firefox will not open a webpage04:41
Foonany specific depth or resolution along with those?04:41
hijjtFoon, you can remove the horizsync and vertrefresh lines and get it to work on the other monitor again Max Resolution:        1024 x 76804:41
=== stefan [n=stefan@dslb-082-083-233-115.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
hijjtis the only thing it gives04:42
kitchedyrne: don't know but last tiem I checked xfce is a de04:42
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ardchoillekitche: It is04:42
Johnohow do I set up ubuntu for dial up?04:42
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ddonkyanyone want to a buy a new 512mb 1st gen. ipod shuffle?04:42
kitcheardchoille: I know was telling dyrne that it was one :)04:42
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tritiumddonky: please don't advertise here04:42
Foonwhat about removing the references to 1024x768 to force it down to 800x600, say?04:42
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hijjtFoon, and i am certain the g200 can handle that, I had one,,,04:42
ant-!modem | Johno04:42
ubotuJohno: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto04:43
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hijjtFoon, what does it look like on the screen?04:43
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MrXclusivmy problem shouldnt exist - i am booting with the livecd, and it wont web browse, yet from terminal it pings localhost and pings google and pings winamp, yet firefox will not open a webpage04:43
ZaidenChanging the driver to vesa brought up a different error.04:43
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Foonat depth 16 the screen only "repeats" (you know what I mean) about 4 times04:43
Foonat 8 and 24 it's just a complete mess04:43
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ardchoilleFoon: Did you try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:44
alphab8so any ideas?04:44
kitcheMrXclusiv: you sure about that but anyways !ipv6 will help you out04:44
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Foonwhat does that do?04:44
Tallenanyone know where to get Mono Develop 0.13.1 for Ubuntu?04:44
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ardchoilleFoon: Recnfigures x, you can add/delete resolutions and all kinds of neat stuff.04:44
tritiumFoon: you're trying to force a lower resolution?  Did you try through System->Preferences->Screen Resolution?04:44
pchung83hello everyone :)04:44
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hijjtFoon, it will reconfigure your xorg.conf by the Xserver04:44
=== pchung83 wavey
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Foontritium: lamp server, I'm not using a desktop, just a window manager04:45
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tritiumFoon: okay04:45
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alphab8any ideas ardchollie?04:45
Foonardchoille: oh, does it let me test out resolutions (y'know, timed like in Windows)?04:45
Frog292Hello, i'm back, following the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades did not work for upgrading ubuntu... it still says it cant find freecontrib04:45
hijjtFoon, fair enough, you can delete the 1024x768 at the begining of the lines04:45
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hijjtFoon, it will default to the next highest one then04:45
linxehwhats a good graphical ftp client ?04:46
ardchoillealphab8: About what?04:46
pchung83can anyone direct to a newbie guide to ubuntu?04:46
FoonI know it should work for 1024x768 as well, it worked for me for years too (and with some headaching, under Fedora Core 4 as well)04:46
alphab8I'm running Ubutu 6.06 fresh install04:46
linxehpchung83: www.ubuntuguide.org - or the one on the ubuntu.com wiki04:46
ant-pchung83 : the help file that comes with it.04:46
alphab8and I can't connect to the internet04:46
Foonbut meh, I figure, a low resolution is better than no resolution, for starters04:46
pchung83where is the help file that comes with it?04:46
alphab8Its ahrware and its wired DSL04:46
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Johnoant: That didnot answer all of my questions04:46
tritiumpchung83: System->Help and Support04:47
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ant-Johno : oh04:47
pchung83alright thanks tritium04:47
FoonI'll switch the keyboard over to the other computer and test out the reconfigure thing, brb04:47
ardchoillealphab8: I don't have any idea, but others might04:47
alphab8o ok04:47
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alphab8I'm trying to google solutions but don't know where to start04:47
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Frog292Hello, i'm back, following the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades did not work for upgrading ubuntu... it still says it cant find freecontrib04:47
alphab8cuz i'm totally new to Ubuntu04:47
dan_yit's possbile to play some games like Quake3 with an onboard graphic card?04:48
MrXclusivmy problem shouldnt exist - i am booting with the livecd, and it wont web browse, yet from terminal it pings localhost and pings google and pings winamp, yet firefox will not open a webpage04:48
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tritiumFrog292: freecontrib?  That's not mentioned in the upgrade instructions.04:48
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Frog292im running the ditribution ulgrade.. and it gets stuck at fetching file 39 of39 and evnetually says it cant connet to freecontrib04:49
ardchoilleFrog292: I told yo that freecontrib doesn't have an Ubuntu repo right now.04:49
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Frog292but i'm following the official instructions...04:49
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ardchoilleFrog292: They are in the process of turning it over to new management, but it doesn't work right now.04:49
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Frog292and they keep on leading my to the same distribution upgrade, and that says it can't04:50
tritiumFrog292: freecontrib.org repositories are not official.04:50
happy_nicFrog292: this probably isn't what you want to hear, but my suggestion is to always do a clean install. I keep a separate partition with all my important media and documents and copies of some configuration files. This way I can always just fry the core os partition whenever I need.04:50
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ardchoilleFrog292: You might as well comment out the freecontrib repos for now.04:50
Frog292full erro: ""04:50
Frog292Failed to fetch http://packages.freecontrib.org/plf/dists/dapper/Release.gpg Could not connect to packages.freecontrib.org:80 (, connection timed out04:50
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ardchoilleFrog292: Do you have me on ignore?04:50
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Frog292i know04:51
tritiumFrog292: again, easyubuntu repos are not official.  Further, they ar enow using medibuntu repos.  See their website.  This is the source of your problem.04:51
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Frog292it's just that i'm new and i don't know how to comment it out04:51
Frog292but...but... all i'm trying to do is upgrade, nothing else04:51
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Arrollok i have now just installed the nvidia-glx drivers from the repositories.    is the only driver i need to run beryl with AIGLX?04:51
ardchoilleFrog292: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file and I'll help with that04:52
Frog292the upgrade method on the ubuntu site leds me to this error04:52
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:52
Arrolland is that the correct driver?04:52
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tritiumFrog292: because you're using unofficial repos that currently have a problem04:52
jimmygoonw00t- ubuntu on xbox 36004:52
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Max007hi every104:52
=== Pelo looks at Max007 suspiciously
comodocan't you run ubuntu on a regular xbox?04:52
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Max007how can i change the welcome screen theme in gnome ? the screen that says gnome is loading04:53
matthew1429how do i find out the model of my dvd burner?04:53
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PeloMax007,  you man the screen that says ubuntu is loading ?04:53
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Max007Pelo: the screen after the login04:54
jimmygooncomodo: yes it xUbuntu (not to be confused with xubuntu) .... but they have found an exploit and now ubuntu is on xbox 360 (for certian versions of the 360 kernel)04:54
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ardchoilleMax007: Open gconf-editor and change the /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image key entry04:54
wilohas anyone here used this app? : http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Communications/Email/Php-Gmail-Drive-3095.shtml04:54
PeloMax007, you man that little bar thing ?04:54
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ArrollIs the nvidia-glx drivers in the repository the correct drivers to install beryl with AIGLX on edgy with my nvidia card???04:54
ZaidenAdeman: Is there any else I could try for the Driver? Vesa brings up a different error.04:54
Max007Pelo: yes i guess04:55
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PeloMax007,  I never knew you could change that ,  check the forum I guess04:55
Frog292ardchoille here it is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12095/04:55
MrXclusivseriosly i know i am using a windows box to irc atm damnit04:55
Johnowhere is the gnome modem monitor and network monitor located?04:55
bitwiseshiftleftgrarg.  The i386 server install of ubuntu is exactly the right size not to fit on a 512M flash card04:55
comodoi have xdsl on my xbox but i can't ever seem to get the screen to fit in the tv correctly04:55
ardchoilleFrog292: You use automatix?04:55
MrXclusivmy laptop running livecd ubuntu wont see the net04:55
AdemanZaiden: can you tell us what exactly the error is? (note its vesa not Vesa, although there might not be a difference)04:55
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tritiumcomodo: overscan got you?04:56
Frog292i just installed it so i could get IRC04:56
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ryanakcahow do I reset /etc/motd to the ubuntu default?04:56
Frog292so i guees i do04:56
wilocan someone guild me threw installing and getting to work Php Gmail Dirve04:56
ardchoilleFrog292: Sorry, I can't help.04:56
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ardchoille!automatix | Frog29204:56
ubotuFrog292: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe04:56
PeloJohno,  I think you mean pannel applets , if so  rightlick the a pannel and add04:56
MrXclusivmy problem shouldnt exist - i am booting with the livecd, and it wont web browse, yet from terminal it pings localhost and pings google and pings winamp, yet firefox will not open a webpage04:56
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Frog292is it possible to just use the cd to upgrade?04:56
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Frog292or uninstall automatix?04:57
Johnopelo: what pannel?04:57
kitche!ipv6 | MrXclusiv read it as I told you before it tells you how to do it since the internet works04:57
ubotuMrXclusiv read it as I told you before it tells you how to do it since the internet works: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv404:57
Pelojohnm,  taskbar04:57
ZaidenAdeman: error I get is "X10: fatal I0 error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0" after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining."04:57
ardchoilleFrog292: If it were me, I'd reinstall Ubuntu amd never touch automatix.04:57
MrXclusivsorry i missed it before04:57
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv404:57
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Frog292is there any way to reinstall ubuntu up to 6.1?04:58
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Frog292and to not lose my boot menue's or partitions?04:58
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ardchoilleFrog292: You can download the Edgy cd and install that. Then upgrade to Fesity when it comes out.04:59
AdemanZaiden: interesting... can you tell us what/s in /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:59
Foondpkg-reconfigure says xserver-org doesn't exist04:59
PeloFrog292,  clean install from cd , back up your /home folder first,  you can restore it afterwards and get all your customisation and settings back04:59
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Foonbut aptitude says it does04:59
Shrimpy_i was wondering if any one has used ettercap on ubuntu?04:59
Foon(aptitude says its installed)04:59
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Frog292so if i upgrade to 6.1 using the cd i won't lose my boot menu?04:59
ryanakcahow do I reset /etc/motd to the ubuntu default?04:59
Johnopelo: ok I got it there but how do I connect?04:59
ardchoilleFoon: xserver-org doesn't exist, but xserver-xorg does05:00
Foonoops, maybe it was a typo, I'll try again, brb05:00
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ZaidenAdeman: Yeah, I'll go back and check.05:00
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PeloJohno, oh sorry, I thouht you mean little monitor applets,   to setup a dsl line just type  sudo pppoeconf  in the terminal and follow the instructions05:00
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Johnopelo: I'm trying to set up dial up05:01
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PeloJohno,  ,  ok much better info , we're getting there05:01
ardchoilleFrog292: If you want to preserve your boot menu, copy the /boot/grub/menu.lst file to a usb key or burn it to cd or something, it's really easy to restore it later.05:01
JohnoPelo: what?05:01
Frog292if i install 6.10 from the cd and back up my home dir, will i lose my GRUB settings?05:01
MrXclusivthankyou whoever gave me answer05:02
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tritiumFrog292: what's so special about your grub settings?05:02
Frog292dual boot05:02
PeloJohno,  it would have help if you had said you needed to setup a dial up connection to start with,  give me a minue to find the instructions05:02
ardchoilleFrog292: Copy that file to be in with the files you are backing up.05:02
kitcheFrog292: grub has nothing to do with your home dir all settings for that is kept in /boot05:02
tritiumFrog292: that's easily setup again05:02
Frog292ok - i just rembmer it was a pain somehow05:02
JohnoPelo: ok05:02
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ardchoilleFrog292: Well, that is an issue that is quickly and easily fixed.. with the gurus in this channel :)05:03
Johnopelo: I've already put in all the information in the admin settings for the modem I just dont know how to connct05:03
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ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto05:04
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Frog292one thing - is there a graphical IRC program for 6.06? becasue im using a text one and its a pian.... and i tried to install automatix to get one......05:04
kitcheFrog292: xchat05:04
ardchoilleFrog292: Try xchat05:04
Pelo!dialup | Johno05:04
ubotuJohno: please see above05:04
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kitche!automatix | Frog29205:04
ubotuFrog292: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:04
bluecat9Q: How to make gThumb remember last saved-as file type? --big pain for resizing/saving a lot of photo05:04
Johnopelo: I already did that05:04
Mugwump09jesus christ, I have been trying to get ubuntu to work, non-stop, for the past three days, but no one has been able to help me!05:04
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AdemanMugwump09: whats the problem?05:04
comodoi like konversation05:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about esyubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:04
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Mugwump09ubuntu won't run at all, it freezes up at the song05:04
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu05:04
wyldIn the /boot/grub/menu.lst, is there a reason that the root for every boot option is (hd0,6)? If i wanted to add another option to the boot menu, would the 'root' option _have_ to be (hd0,6)?05:05
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AdemanMugwump09: do you have a new computer?05:05
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Mugwump09Ademan: I just reformatted with windows, it's about a year old05:06
Frog292so does my home folder contain all of my settings?05:06
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ni - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:06
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Mugwump09Ademan: I'm going to double-boot it with windows05:06
Johnopelo: I tried that and it didn't do it05:06
fuNkwholy fuck05:06
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ardchoilleFrog292: Yes, those settings are for all the apps you use05:06
kitcheFrog292: for that user yes but not system wide settings05:06
fuNkthis is ridiculous05:06
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PeloJohno,  I'm still looking,   you just need to know where/how to star the connection right ?05:06
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Frog292ok - thanks05:06
PeloJohno,  try this,  in the terminal  type sudo dialout05:07
AdemanMugwump09: is this an install or the liveCD?05:07
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Mugwump09Ademan: both I guess, although, I was able to install it with the alternate CD OEM installation mode or w/e05:08
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Mugwump09Ademan: just won't run05:08
Johnopelo: it asked for a pass word then said sudo:dial: command not found05:08
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Pelojohno,  still looking05:08
thepurohi Se7eN..05:09
fuNksup BunneH05:09
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Frog292hey... whats the consple command for xchat?05:09
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alekzhi i have a problem with firestarter, i have allowed icmp traceroute packets, but i cant use traceroute, i just can use it with firestarter dissabled, can someone help me ?05:09
ormandjhey folks, i'm looking to replace solaris with ubuntu (servers). will this new KVM thing be usable as a replacement to solaris zones?05:09
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AdemanFrog292: it's not 'xchat' ?05:10
Frog292\its not working.........05:10
=== Pete_69 [n=pete@220-245-105-138.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
malycan you people help ?05:10
PeloJohno,  have you just tried lanuching  firefox or something and see if it asks for permission to connect ?05:10
malyNVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9755-pkg1.run how to install ?05:10
Frog292most probably i did something worng, but i isntalled the package from thir websitre that coresponds withg me kernl05:10
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Johnopelo: yes I did05:10
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Mugwump09Ademan: are you going to help me?05:10
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PeloJohno,  and I guess it didn'T work .....05:10
AdemanFrog292: xchat is in the repositories...05:10
Johnoand I set it to "use this connection as default05:11
AdemanMugwump09: so you can log in? and then it crashes after you type in your username and password?05:11
Frog292ah, but my respitories aren't wrking......05:11
Johnopelo: no05:11
malyhow can i install NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9755-pkg1.run i tried CTRL ALT F3 and logging in root05:11
Mugwump09Ademan: yes05:11
Frog292at least adept is yelling05:11
AdemanFrog292: adept is a pile....05:11
malyi dont know how to stop X server or X05:11
Pelo!nvidia | maly05:11
ubotumaly: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:11
Frog292Could not launch menu item05:11
Frog292Details: Failed to execute child process "kdesu" (No such file or directory)05:11
malyyes pelo05:11
Frog292so whats the command to get xchat......?05:11
AdemanFrog292:  do you have synaptic installed?05:11
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catidapt-get install xchat05:12
ardchoilleFrog292: Are you in gnome or kde?05:12
kumahi, how can i configure the mounting system so any user can mount devices?05:12
=== Basilius_ [n=eric@pool-71-117-211-198.ptldor.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
PeloJohno, I think this might help  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=388932&highlight=connecting+dialup05:12
neuro_damageso i am running the isntallation cd and then a laptop is going black05:12
Mugwump09Ademan: Yes, it crashes right after I log in05:12
=== eisma [n=eisma@ip153037.wstcmp.ku.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Johnopelo: ok05:12
eismahow do i support rar files?05:12
neuro_damagehow do I fix this?05:12
AdemanMugwump09: hrm could you make a paste of /var/log/syslog ?05:12
Frog292ah=ha i think catid's command wprked, thanks05:12
=== judaz [n=judaz@55-12-16-190.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
kitche!rar | eisma05:13
ubotueisma: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free05:13
Ademanor at least check it out and see if there's some failure going on?05:13
Mugwump09Ademan: I don't know what that means05:13
bigdawg72988I did everything on the ubuntu support page to install the fglrx driver for my ATI graphics card.  But in my xorg.conf file says http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12097/  I am confused as to what driver is actually installed?05:13
AdemanMugwump09: /var/log/syslog is a file05:13
Frog292well, nm, i'm just going to go reinstall05:13
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Frog292no need to get it workign if im reinstalling05:13
Ademanbigdawg72988: you have to modify your xorg.conf yourself (or use the ati xorg configuration utility)05:13
=== philfo [n=philfo@c-69-141-203-249.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mugwump09Ademan: okay, I think I understand, how do I get to it?05:13
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wyld***quick question here: what does initrd mean in /boot/grub/menu.lst?05:14
AdemanMugwump09: what i'd do, is at the login screen, hit ctrl+alt+f1, there you can log in to a text console05:14
kitchebigdawg72988: they both are fglrx is the ati driver the ati driver is the open source wrapper for all the open source radeon drivers05:14
=== Toma- [n=e17@203-166-234-186.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
kitche!initrd | wyld05:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about initrd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:14
kumahi, how can i configure the mounting system so any user can mount devices?05:14
AdemanMugwump09: from there just type "nano /var/log/syslog"05:14
kitchewyld: it's needed to boot05:14
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Mugwump09Ademan: is that it?05:14
wyldkitche: thanks05:14
Frog292so let me ask to make sure - is there a page that says how to reinstall ubuntu with 6.10?05:14
fuNkSomeone convince me - seriously, that linux aint too much of an annoyance to actually run the OS. Cause, i never ran linux, but i keep hearing over the years that performance-wise, it beats winblows anytime, but i dont want to RTFM for days just to install a game or video card05:14
=== judaz [n=judaz@55-12-16-190.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
kitchewyld: you don't need one but ubuntu uses one to keep the kernel relatively small really05:15
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catidfuNk: but that's part of the *fun*05:15
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AdemanfuNk: it's either hit or mis, my install worked flawlessly out of the box, no configuration required05:15
pkhI've got a problem:  my date is wrong on my system.  but I can't chnage it because 'sudo date xxxxx' won't work because sudo complains that the date is in the future.....   is there a way to sort this?05:15
=== RamiKassab [n=RamiKass@static-71-117-234-12.ptldor.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ademanbut for instance, Mugwump09 is having one hell of a time getting it to work05:15
fuNkAdeman: and is it hard to run, and install files and what not?05:15
Mugwump09yes I am05:15
AdemanfuNk: installing things is a breeze05:15
kitchefuNk: in ubuntu no in linux yes05:16
=== fuNk nods
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Pelog'night folks05:16
wyldkitche: do you know how i would add a suse option on hda7 that was not found by ubuntu, but i know it's there?05:16
=== starscal2ing [n=starscal@cpe-72-129-105-47.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
fuNkisnt Ubuntu just another version of linux, like mandrake or redhat05:16
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fuNk<- linux noob05:16
catidyes another "distribution"05:16
AdemanfuNk: yes, but each one brings certain things to the table05:16
wyldfuNk: yeah05:16
=== fuNk nods
happy_nicfuNk: installing most things is easier than in windows. but some things can be 100 times more painful. namely things like video card drivers05:16
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catidfuNk: it will work differently than Windows and MacOS, sometimes better sometimes worse05:16
AdemanMugwump09: so once you do that, you should be able to view the contents of that file05:16
fuNkand apparently Ubuntu is the most user friendly linux OS as of yet05:16
=== kakado_ [n=kakado@2803ds1-van.0.fullrate.dk] has joined #ubuntu
RamiKassabgentlemen, I've been searching all over google to try to figure out how to accurately check how much video memory my integrated graphics card is using, the 'free' command reports 1 gig total memory (accurate) but shouldn't it be less since some of it is shared?05:16
=== starz [n=stars@cpe-72-129-105-47.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
fuNksee, something as simple as checking his vid memory card05:17
fuNkseems a pain05:17
Toma-fuNk: its the most popular so youll get plenty of help and packages for it05:17
fuNkand a lot of other users seem to have that pain05:17
fuNkits whats keeping me from getting linux05:17
Mugwump09Ademan: thank you, I will try it05:17
kitchewyld: copy the entry and edit it paste it toward the bottom root would be (hd0,x where x is hte partition that suse is on 0=first partition 1=second partition05:17
=== GoGetta [n=BIGEE@ool-18ba2f18.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-!envy > fuNk05:17
catidit's easier for me to debug problems with my video card than a window's user..  about the same difficulty of upgrading.. installation was a pain the first time05:17
AdemanfuNk: you hear about users having trouble because no one spam's message boards with "omg linux worked no problem please help me!!!"05:18
kumafuNk, linux is getting better everyday, you'll find that things that were a pain in the past somebody has make them easier than windows05:18
Johnopelo: it says I can just type pon but that didn't work05:18
happy_nicfuNk: I fought my computer for days trying to get a proper dual head support. I finally ended up with a buggy solution.05:18
GoGettahow do you do a full page zoom in firefox? It is already built in opera, what extension do i need for firefox?05:18
wyldkitche: is the first partition on the disk, or the way linux numbers them?05:18
fuNkAdeman: true but then again, windows doesnt need a 900 user channel on IRC for support, since everything is pretty much self explanatory. Whereas in linux you MUST have some knowledge05:18
catidnvidia support for linux is great05:18
Frog292my personal views on linux - installing drivers and some programs needs to be easier, and dual booting needs to be a breeze05:18
kitchewyld: first partition ont he disk is 0 for x it's how grub numbers them05:19
GoGettacatid: i agree05:19
Frog292and each persons computer shouldn't have 2-3 individual problems.... then i could ocnvince everyone to get linux05:19
AdemanfuNk: i disagree, instead dell, hp, compaq all have 1-800 numbers to call and wait 45 minutes to talk to a tech support person in india05:19
catidwell if you use anything for a while it seems easy..  windows can be just as hard to use the first time..05:19
kumaAdeman: true that05:19
GoGettaBRAIN FUNK05:19
SmaugDoes anybody know how to fix this? Detected xserver                                : AIGLX05:20
SmaugChecking Display :0.0 ...05:20
SmaugChecking for XComposite extension               : passed (v0.3)05:20
SmaugChecking for XDamage extension                  : passed05:20
SmaugChecking for RandR extension                    : passed05:20
SmaugChecking for XSync extension                    : passed05:20
SmaugChecking Screen 0 ...05:20
SmaugXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:20
Toma-fuNk: well click SYstem > Help > User Guide and red it for yourself. we're here to help with bigger issues.05:20
kitche!paste | Smaug05:20
SmaugRoot visual is not a GL visual05:20
ubotuSmaug: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:20
SmaugXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:20
=== catid slaps Smaug.
wyldkitche: b/c it says that my ubuntu install is on hd0,6 and i know that it is on hda705:20
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild or Amaranth05:20
Smaugberyl: Root visual is not a GL visual05:20
Smaugberyl: Failed to manage screen: 005:20
Smaugberyl: No manageable screens found on display :0.005:20
Smaugsry about the flood of text05:20
fuNkToma-: im not running linux05:20
fuNkim on a winblows machine05:20
kitchewyld: 6= 7th partition05:20
numistplease no more with the pasting05:20
catidSmaug: add the line: Load "glx" to your extensions (modules?) in xorg.conf05:20
Frog292oh, and i think linux needs read WRITE support of ntfs05:20
Toma-fuNk: right. well next time you instyall ubuntu, read the user guide provided with it and youll know all there is to know :)05:20
happytroncatid: its not that great... who knows when the black windows bug will be fixed...05:20
=== psyber [n=jgilkey@cpe-65-189-250-116.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
AdemanfuNk: but like i said, linux is either hit or miss, it can support EVERYTHING out of the box, without requiring you to do anything at all, or you could be stuck without video and internet :-)05:21
catidhappytron: what black windows bug?05:21
catidhappytron: with compositing?05:21
psyberhey guys... can anyone help me with a bash question?05:21
AdemanfuNk: that's why they have LiveCD's so that you can test and see what will happen, without risking your computer05:21
wyldkitche: but my partitions are  numbered 1,5,6,705:21
Toma-Smaug: you pasted in -offtopic, now you paste in here? dont you learn???05:21
fuNkToma-: then why is is that its such a pain to install a simple video card or like the gentlemen above me earlier, who googled for hours just to know how to check his vid ram05:21
wyldkitche: i think05:21
alekzhi i have a problem with firestarter, i have allowed icmp traceroute packets, but i cant use traceroute, i just can use it with firestarter dissabled, can someone help me ?05:21
happytronwith nvidia drivers, if you have too many windows open at once... some of them become black05:21
FoonI've tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:21
FoonI can now reconfigure the screen settings and junk05:21
happytronnot sure exactly what the problem is, graphics memory isn't being managed correctly... i guess05:21
Foonbut it STILL doesn't work05:21
catidhappytron: ah yeah you can fix that by switching to a software rendering path "copy"05:21
Ademanhappytron: that's a bug in the nvidia drivers, they were SUPPOSED to fix that 2 driver versions ago05:21
Toma-fuNk: because you and him didnt read the guide.05:21
wyldfuNk: it's linux, live with it ;-)05:21
=== viator [n=chatzill@pool-71-123-105-24.spfdma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
FoonI still haven't found a working combination of settings :(05:21
GoGettawww.ubuntuguide.org for installing vid card drivers05:21
Foonall of which should work05:21
fuNkToma-: lol05:21
kitchewyld: yes grub calls partitons this 0= first partition on the disk 1=2nd partition and so on it's the number that came before your partition05:22
happytronyeah, just saying nvidia support isn't that great =] 05:22
happy_nicpsyber: just ask your question05:22
Foonhijjt: ?05:22
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kitchewyld: grub numbers them different then the linux kernel does05:22
wyldkitche: ok, i'll try that05:22
wyldkitche: thanks05:22
kumahappytron: but apps like automatix make's it easier to use, right?=05:22
FoonGoGetta: I'm beyond that I think, but thanks05:22
fuNk<wyld> fuNk: it's linux, live with it ;-)05:22
fuNk* viator has joined #ubuntu05:22
fuNkmy point exactly05:22
Toma-fuNk: heck, you can even search the guide for "video drivers" and install it within 30 seconds of reading it05:22
AdemanfuNk: plus, the problem with video card drivers is really the video card vendors themselves, NVIDIA and ATI make the video card installers, they're the ones that made them such a pain in the ass05:22
Frog292Ok - i'm haveing some problems copying my home directory, i've mounted windows NTFS on this computer, and now i'm copying the home directory and it gives me many errors saying it can't copy... a lot of those errors are files that are on my windows drive....05:22
happytron?, what is automatix?05:22
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:22
Ademanhappytron: a bad idea05:22
fuNkAdeman; why are there no problems with them on windows machine then05:22
GoGettahappytron: automated installer for a bunch of programs05:22
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RamiKassabgentlemen, I've been searching all over google to try to figure out how to accurately check how much video memory my integrated graphics card is using, the 'free' command reports 1 gig total memory (accurate) but shouldn't it be less since some of it is shared?05:23
kitche!ntfs | Frog29205:23
fuNkor seldom, compared to linux05:23
ubotuFrog292: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse05:23
AdemanfuNk: NVIDIA and ATI care more about windows05:23
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fuNkAdeman: money05:23
Foonhijjt: oi?05:23
viatorhow do i make it so that fspot is automatically opened when i hook up my camera05:23
Frog292ok.... but i still can't copy my home directory05:23
GoGettaademan: only becuase windows has 90 percent of the market(estimate)05:23
fuNksortof like what mark rein did with ut2k305:23
psyberok so I am trying to add my /bin direcory to my path variable for some shell scrips.  The code in my .bash_profile claims that it adds the /bin directory to the $PATH yet I cannot run my scrips outside of the /bin directory any thoughts?05:23
kitchehappytron: automatix is a program that ubuntu does support and should not be suggested in this channel :)05:23
atoponceHeartsbane: ping05:23
=== Coldopm [n=Coldopm@S0106001617529ae3.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
kitchehappytron: does/doesn't*05:23
=== mrocha [n=mrocha@modemcable071.85-83-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
viatorthe graphical preferred applications tool is USELESS05:23
happytronhmm, well i often use the synaptics manager... which seems to work well05:23
AdemanfuNk: well NVIDIA is far better with linux than ATi05:23
kumasorry, it worked for me though05:23
AdemanNVIDIA drivers are relatively easy05:24
happy_nicpsyber: odd, what does "echo $PATH" tell you?05:24
=== dougie [n=dougie@pool-71-253-54-20.pitbpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
wyldkitche: what about the root=/dev/sda7 that happens to be on every entry in my menu.lst?05:24
catidRamiKassab: are you talking about the memory available to your system or to the graphics card?  graphics cards often have RAM just for their own uses (storing textures/pictures)05:24
Toma-fuNk: its all about licensing. windows is a multi-billion dollar OS and ubuntu is totally free. no-ones going to shell out huge amounts to let ubuntu have proprietry licenses for mp3 and video drivers and codecs.05:24
kitchewyld: that is what your / is for suse root=/dev/sdX05:24
wyldkitche: oh05:24
psyberit does not look like it works05:25
fuNkthey should make linux conferences, where the public is allowed to attend, and they make us try to install linux on machines and give it a test drive05:25
=== starscalling [n=starscal@cpe-72-129-105-47.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-fuNk: btw, this is a support channel... lets continue in #ubuntu-offtopic :)05:25
RamiKassabcatid: I was under the impression that an integrated graphics card like the Intel ones used shared memory from the installed system ram05:25
fuNkim sure they would get a lot of windows users05:25
Frog292my poblem is not that i want to mount windows, its that i have and now i can't copy my home directory05:25
RamiKassabcatid: correct me if I am wrong05:25
fuNkToma- : ok05:25
RamiKassabcatid: I know standalone cards have their own memory05:25
=== Foon pokes hijjt
kumahi, how can i configure the mounting system so any user can mount devices?05:25
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Coldopmhello, can anyone help me? when I try to install Edgy on my notebook, it gives me an x-server error due to my grafix card driver....it shuts down my x-serve and goes to a non gui command, how can I install it from this screen?05:25
=== quaal [n=dephtu@238-199.186-72.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
happy_nicpsyber: I see /bin in the $PATH you pasted...05:25
viatorany ideas??05:26
wyldkitche: hokay! here it goes05:26
psyberbut then why wont my scripts run outside the /bin directory?05:26
=== wyld crosses fingers
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happy_nicpsyber: in fact you wouldn't even be able to "ls" if /bin wasn't in your path05:26
psyberim looking for the bin directory in my home folder05:27
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happy_nicpsyber: psyber: oh you mean "~/bin"05:27
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psyberlol yeah....05:27
=== gatekeep [n=gatekeep@ool-4572173e.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
wyldkitche: dang, it says error 15: file not found05:27
Mugwump09Ademan: What kind of things am I looking for in the syslog?05:27
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slylyiasI just switched to ubuntu, I'm using KVirc, why is it when I search for a channel list if I put in any search criteria (such as: *ubuntu* ) I get no results?05:27
Ademanerrors i guess, i couldn't tell you exactly, but if it's freezing, i'd bet it's near the end of the log05:27
Mugwump09Ademan: I found an error that said "no PSB or ACPI _PSS objects"05:27
=== cappicrd [n=cappicar@CPE-24-163-224-187.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Smaugcatid: excuse my dumbness but how exactly do i get to the exstention(module)?05:28
kitchewyld: well you have hte tools to do it now just have ot figure out what / and kernel= is set to for suse05:28
happy_nicpsyber: did you just make that directory? you might have to logout and log back into your shell. then .bash_profile will run and test to see if there is a ~/bin directory05:28
AdemanMugwump09: unfortunately i'm not too good with the low level errors like that, your best bet in my opinion is googling the errors you have (sorry i can't be of more help)05:28
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catidSmaug: search for Section "Extensions"05:28
catidSmaug: at the load line to that list05:28
tehquicknessI am writing a bash script to copy drivers and install specific printers, is there a way to do a "dry run" run of the script to just see what output it will give?05:28
Mugwump09Ademan: alright, well atleast I'm making some progress, thank you05:29
alucardwhat processor family does the core 2 duo fit under for kernel config (recompiling kernel)05:29
psyberyes happy I have already done that... but will do again05:29
ColdopmCan anyone help me get Edgy on my Notebook?05:29
wyldkitche: yes, thanks for the help, i still remeber when you spent four hours helping me with a mounting problem six months ago05:29
AdemanMugwump09: i just wish i could help more05:29
=== squizm [n=squizm@blk-138-15-184.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu
wyldkitche: and it still works like a charm05:29
happy_nicpsyber: hmm.. you know what. it's not working for me either05:29
squizmhello all05:29
catidalucard: it has its own category05:29
squizmjust installed ubuntu for the first time05:29
tehquicknessI am writing a bash script to copy drivers and install specific printers, is there a way to do a "dry run" run of the script to just see what output it will give?05:29
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arpegiusanyone here familiar w/ setting up netatalk? i can connect to my home directory fine but it bombs on /any/other/directory05:30
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squizmI'm attempting to upgrade to fiesty fawn but got an error. I was hoping some one could help05:30
Ademantehquickness: wouldn't it have to actually do it in order to see what happens? :-p05:30
psybergood.... at least it is not just me05:30
Lgndryhrhi. i have a question about firefox's spellcheck05:30
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wyld!ask | squism05:30
ubotusquism: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:30
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catidalucard: it's called Core Duo in the list i think05:30
tehquicknessAdeman: I guess that is true. I will just run it, it will be easy enough to undo05:30
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alucardcatid there is no core duo as far as my make menuconfig is concerned05:31
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happy_nicpsyber: seems like the bash_profile isn't getting processed for some reason05:31
shirishhi guys anybody up?05:31
wyldkitche: what does the 'ro single' mean?05:31
happy_nicpsyber: I put this in my .bashrc and it does the job PATH=~/bin:"${PATH}"05:31
squizmgot the error "wasn't able to locate file for the human-cursors-theme package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package"05:31
catidalucard: download the latest kernel source from kernel.org.. it's available05:31
ColdopmNew-B needs a little help if anyone has a sec?05:32
shirishhi happy_nic05:32
psyberwow.. the what is the .bash_profile for?05:32
Ademananyone know if there's a way to embed an X11 window in a gtk program?05:32
kitchewyld: read-only single mode you must be using the rescue menu entry for editting05:32
bruenighappy_nic, bash_profile is being read05:32
psyberand why is that second if statement in there05:32
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wyldkitche: is that bad?05:32
happy_nicpsyber: the bashrc is supposed to be for non interactive shells05:32
bruenighappy_nic, it is from bash_profile, that bashrc gets read05:32
shirishHow do I surf the net on linux, I'm having to use windows to surf net05:32
Lgndryhrfor some reason my firefox spellchecks using lang......any way to fix this?05:32
wyldkitche: and what does it mean?05:32
Lgndryhr*using lang german05:32
shirishcan anybody help me?05:32
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ColdopmR u running edgy shirish?05:33
happy_nicbruenig: well we were trying to set our path in it and it wasn't working. it is working in bashrc05:33
kitchewyld: noio you cn remove ithem if you want a fully working system though :)05:33
squizmgot the error "wasn't able to locate file for the human-cursors-theme package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package" when attempting to upgrade to 7.04. Anyone know how to fix this?05:33
shirishHi Coldopm, I'm running a custom built ubuntu distro based on edgy05:33
ColdopmShirish if you are running ubuntu just use foxfire..05:33
Coldopmwhat is wrong with net?05:33
wyldkitche: noio = ??05:34
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bruenighappy_nic, it should work, by default on edgy it is even setup to add ~/bin05:34
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kitchewyld: you don'yt need ro and single05:34
shirishI have 2 NIC's & only 1 is connected to my router05:34
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psyberwe know bruening that was why I was confused05:34
malyi was  AFK sorry05:34
shirishColdopm:  Here is my lspci & dmesg http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2320062&postcount=52405:34
Coldopmso why do u have to use windows though?05:34
kumawhere's the udev file?05:34
wyldkitche: ok, so if i delete them, i'll still be ok? and if i leave them, i'll be ok?05:34
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admin__I just installed extensions onto Firefox, and now I cannot start it. What should I do?05:35
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shirishI tried browsing internet but can't get anything05:35
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shirishI can ping but tht's it05:35
wyldadmin_: cry05:35
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deafboyi installed fglrx but im still not getting acceleration, any ideas?05:35
shirishthe router modem is
admin__shirish: Have you specified DNS?05:35
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Frog29Ok - if im doing a reinstall of ubuntu from 6.06 to 6.1 would i use the normal or alternate Cd?05:35
tritiumdeafboy: did you fully follow the instructions?05:36
MirthQuick question05:36
malycan you tell me how to install   NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9755-pkg1.run i already looked at ubuntu but it does not work05:36
shirishthe DNS is specified in the router itself05:36
kitche!ipv6 | shirish05:36
ubotushirish: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv405:36
MirthHow do I delete a file that's in filesystem, using the terminal?05:36
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deafboytritium: yep installed all the required packages, but the thing is the newest fglrx installs itself05:36
kitcheFrog29: alternate05:36
admin__shirish: can you ping an outside server?05:36
kitcheMirth: rm you might have ot use sudo depending where the file is05:36
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tritium!ati > deafboy05:37
Coldopmsudo apt-get remove "filename" ...Mirth05:37
Frog29and should iresinstall from ubunto or start u pteh CD? (i've isntalled the bas program, automatix)05:37
MirthYeah, I have to use sudo for this05:37
MirthI'll try that coldopm, thanks05:37
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shirishI don't think so, I can try, but how do I make sure tht I turn off the Sis NIC & only the Realtek NIC is up?05:37
admin__I can't start Firefox.05:37
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Coldopmso it is your routers firewall blocking the connection Shirsh?05:37
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psyberwell thanks happy_nic it works now05:38
ColdopmLog into your router, allow all traffi and see if that changes it....Shirsh05:38
patattachSo I am using fiesty with an ATI card, has anyone gotten this to work?05:38
psyberthe rc file worked that is05:38
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shirishnope there is a firewall on the router, but its always disabled, I used software-based firewall05:38
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MirthIs there a way to open the File Manager in sudo mode?05:38
MirthSo I don't have to use terminal?05:38
deafboytritium: i've followed that same how-to several times (gotta do it everytime the kernel updates) but this is the only time it didn't work05:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvraid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:39
mbdlhow would i get my external hard drive to rtead and write its ntfs....05:39
tritiumdeafboy: you don't have to do it every time the kernel updates05:39
Coldopmyeah, I had some issues with my NAT and azuerus, but worked fine on windows...Sorry I can't be of more help05:39
kumahi, where can i find the udev file?05:39
deafboytritium: i've lost acceleration when the kernel updates05:39
lightstarubotu, nvraid05:39
el-erneiD baja, no pillo nada en las paginas que me sirvan...tengo un router belkin05:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvraid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:39
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mbdlubotu, ntfs05:39
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse05:39
ColdopmOK Can anyone try and help me with a x serv issue when trying to install Edgy on my notebook?05:39
tritiumdeafboy: not unless you failed to retreive linux-restricted-modules when you updated05:39
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deafboytritium: still shows up mesa, but i do have the linux-restricted intstalled for my kernel05:41
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ColdopmOK how do I boot Edgy from CD from the command prompt?05:41
catidwhat's a good tool for changing my fan speed?05:41
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kumahi, where can i find the udev file?05:41
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mbdlubotu, read and write ntfs05:41
gireeshwhy isnt software update manager letting me select linux-restricted-modules package even though it lists a new one available?05:42
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HeywoodHey, can anyone point me in the right direction for connecting to a WLAN using Ubuntu? Sorry, I'm a noob05:42
kumaubotu, udev05:42
ubotuudev: rule-based device node and kernel event manager. In component main, is important. Version 093-0ubuntu18.0edgy2 (edgy), package size 224 kB, installed size 768 kB05:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fanspeed - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:42
deafboytritium: aha, i can't modprobe it, i must have skipped a step05:42
DM|have you got wireless working at all Gireesh05:42
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mbdlubotu, read and write05:42
gireeshwireless? nahh I am all wired05:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about read and write - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:42
tritiumdeafboy: sounds like it05:42
billykuma:  "locate udev" in a terminal.05:42
DM|Gireesh u said Wlan.05:42
shirishok guys I hope u guys are still here, would give u the results after I have tried the whole IPv6 thing :)05:42
MirthIs there a way to open the File Manager in sudo mode?05:42
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Fujitsumbdl: What are you trying to do?05:42
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HeywoodDM|: no, I said WLAN05:42
FujitsuMirth: sudo nautilus, perhaps.05:42
kumabilly: thx05:42
deafboytritium: the thing is with the newest fglrx, i can't build a debian package05:43
billyMirth:  why you want to do that?05:43
Fujitsu!wifi | Heywood05:43
ubotuHeywood: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:43
deafboytritium: it just installs itself05:43
mjrosenbQuick question: how do I prevent a module from getting loaded? ati is getting very sad because the default kernel agp driver is getting loaded.05:43
DM|heywood woops05:43
gireeshheh DM| maybe you were replying to Heywood05:43
billykuma: no problem.  i'd rather teach people how to help themselves than just tell them what to do.05:43
DM|gireesh aye my bad, its late05:43
tritiumdeafboy: oh, _that's_ why you redo it with every kernel05:43
CraneMirth, gksu nautilus05:43
DM|heywood u have wireless working at all?05:43
tritiumdeafboy: just use the ubuntu packages, and save yourself the hassle05:43
gireeshalthough I would luv to know why linux-restrcited-modules package is not available for upgrading on my box05:43
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tritiumgireesh: you're in the wrong channel for feisty05:44
deafboytritium: ok05:44
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CraneMirth, I was warned not to do sudo nautilus05:44
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FujitsuCrane: gksu nautilus05:44
gireeshtritium: darn it! I need to go to #ubuntu+1 yeah?05:44
DM|heywood ??05:44
Fujitsugireesh: Correct.05:44
Coldopmmirth did that command work?05:44
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Craneyep that's what I posted05:44
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Fujitsumjrosenb: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist05:45
Fujitsumjrosenb: List the module in that file, it shouldn't load.05:45
phemHi, I have just installed 7.04.  I installed ndiswrapper, ndisgtk, and my windows drivers.  I can see the wireless networks to connect to, but after I type in my password and it tries to connect for a little bit, my caps lock and scroll lock keys start flashing and the whole thing hangs.  Any thoughts?05:45
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mjrosenbFujitsu: ahh thanks05:45
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MirthColdopm, the sudo apt-get remove didn't work05:45
MirthBut the sudo nautilis did.05:46
Coldopmwhy not just use synaptic?05:46
Fujitsuphem: Please ask in #ubuntu+105:46
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happy_nicphem: that's sounds like a fun kernel panic. try #ubuntu+1. i bet the ndisp stuff did it05:46
mjrosenbwhat a crazy crazy system05:46
Frog29is ther any way with ubuntu to downoad a file from mutiple servers with the same file and save it to the same file?05:46
ararrI'm all ready to ditch vista but i have 2 questions 1) Is it possible with patches etc to make ubuntu render fonts like XP with cleartype (be default even with sub pixel rendering i find ubuntu horrible) 2) How well will my gma950 gpu be supported? Will I be able to play back video and use aiglx at the same time?05:46
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CraneMirth, next time try gksu nautilus05:46
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phemwill do05:47
MirthIs there a difference, Crane?05:47
MirthI never understood the "gk" commands05:47
Fujitsuararr: Not sure about the first, but the second works fine.05:47
MirthOr learnt about them.05:47
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FujitsuMirth: gksu is generally safer, and is graphical.05:47
mjrosenbararr: you can do the first as well05:47
happy_nicFrog29: there are firefox addon download managers that might be able to do that.05:47
kitcheMirth: gk means graphical05:47
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Frog29fro multiple sources?05:47
CraneMirth, yes sudo nautilus can in some cases write config files to your home directory as root05:47
MirthAh, I see....05:48
CraneJust a bit safer with less chance of problems05:48
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Frog29 itihnk i found it - metalink05:48
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kumahi, i've been googling for a while some way so any user can mount any device. I haven't find something that solves my problem, can you guys help me?05:49
happy_nicFrog29: I didn't look at them too closely, but that was the impression I got. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/search?q=download+manager&status=405:49
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happy_nicdownload them all seems like it might do something like that.05:49
Toma-How do you change the 404 error in thttpd?05:50
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MirthAnyone know how I can get Ctrl+# smiley's in GAIM?05:51
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Dasnipa`Mirth, no, but you might ask the actual support team in #gaim05:51
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MirthI'll try that.05:51
ColdopmI try to install Edgy on my new notebook. I get "Unknown grfix device (16)" error. it then fails to load my x-server. It goes back to the non GUI interface to: ubuntu@ubuntu How can I finish the install from this screen without my X-server loaded?05:51
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CraneWhat are Ctrl+# smilies05:52
mjrosenbanother question: does anyone know how to solve this problem:  AIGLX error: dlsym for __driCreateNewScreen_20050727 failed (/usr/lib/dri/atiogl_a_dri.so: undefined05:52
mjrosenbsymbol: __driCreateNewScreen_20050727)05:52
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NickGarveyColdopm, I would suggest trying the "alternate" cd05:52
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Coldopmit is not the cd works fine on my desktop. It is because there are no drivers on 6.10 for my GPU05:53
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catidhow do i get a user list in xchat?05:53
h1st0catid: /who05:53
NickGarveyColdopm, the alternate cd is designed to be used to install without a GUI05:53
h1st0catid: or on the right side there should be a user list.05:53
catidthere isn't =/05:54
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h1st0catid: perhaps its resized so its all the way against the scroll bar.05:54
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Fujitsucatid: XChat, or XChat-GNOME?05:54
racarter_firestart will not let my connections to my tomcat server go through..05:54
catidah there it is!05:54
h1st0catid: or check around int he file menu i.e. View > User list etc...05:54
catidthanks mate, it was just hiding =)05:54
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racarter_i tried to allow inbound connections to 8180 which is what it is using05:54
Coldopmoic, sorry I thought u meant a different CD Garvey....Can this image be d/l on ubuntu site?05:54
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FujitsuColdopm: On the same page you downloaded the Desktop CD from, you'll find the Alternate one.05:55
Cranecatid,  mouse over the far right edge, sometimes it just gets shifted over05:55
ColdopmGarvey, Thank you...Will I need to know the commands to run install?05:55
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shinichizioNewbie question - I've installed something with Synaptic. How do I make it show up either as a shortcut of some kind on my desktop, or in the 'applications' menu?05:56
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happy_nicman, i wish everyone just stopped promoting this fancy gl desktop. "ooh look at what linux can do!!". it clearly isn't ready for mass consumption yet.05:56
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ColdopmFujitsu, Will I need to know any special commands to install?05:57
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KalleDKsudo :P05:57
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h1st0happy_nic: true05:57
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thenebKalleDK: sudo su05:58
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ColdopmOne last thing..What is the basic differences between Gnome and KDE like Kubuntu?05:59
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KalleDKhappy_nic Well I got intel graphiccard and got no problem running it - though its not the fastest in the world, and do I try to use it on my other computer with ATI its impossible :D05:59
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KalleDKtheneb ??05:59
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NickGarveyColdopm, mm.. well.. theres a lot.. I'm sure a google search would show you the basic differences05:59
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sizzamColdopm, check out this page:  http://www.psychocats.net/essays/kdevsgnome06:00
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ColdopmGarvey: Thank you!06:00
ColdopmSizzam: Thank you!06:00
=== Coldopm [n=Coldopm@S0106001617529ae3.ok.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu []
HeywoodI just installed a fresh copy of Ubuntu 6.10, and any time I click on Network, it starts this "Bug reporting" thing or something...Can anyone help me with that?06:00
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KalleDKAny got a good replacemt for Dreamweaver 8 - Really love that :)06:01
kumahi, i've been googling for a while some way so any user can mount any device. I haven't find something that solves my problem, can you guys help me?06:01
=== edward_ [n=edward@82-33-94-31.cable.ubr09.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
SubOneHi. I was just doing an update and it said there was some errors. I rebooted to see if that would clear it up but then I got a kernel panic and the system wouldn't boot. I booted using a previous kernel installed on the system. How can I fix it now that I've booted. I mean can I uninstall the newer kernel and try to reinstall?06:02
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mjrosenbok, follow up to the first question: if I've blacklisted agpgart, why is it loaded?06:02
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FlannelSubOne: just ignore the latest kernel, you can switch around your menu.lst so your old one is default, and then that will be overwritten next kernel update (which will probably be fixed)06:03
happy_nicKalleDK: it just annoys me when newcomers to linux come here and expect to have that functionality with a click of a checkbox. I can't blame them with all the damn hype around it.06:03
FlannelSubOne: oh, and file  abugreport06:03
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tritiummjrosenb: see what else is loaded that depends on it06:03
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mjrosenbit says fglrx06:04
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mjrosenbbut fglrx also complains that the default agp driver is being used06:04
SmaugHow come when i say beryl in the terminal my toolbars disappear06:04
SubOneso, should i not try to reinstall the newer kernel?06:04
KalleDKhappy_nic Well I came with that expextation - And well better then last time I tried Linux (2 years ago) So now I'll actually try to have it on my laptop06:04
=== Coldopm [n=Coldopm@S0106001617529ae3.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelSubOne: you could.  I doubt it's installed incorrectly, more likely that it's a compatability issue06:05
SubOnewell it still wont complete the remaining updates06:05
KalleDKhappy_nic Do you know a good replacement of Dreamweaver ??06:05
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FlannelSubOne: Eh?  What do you mean?06:05
ColdopmSorry, Can anyone post a link where I can grab the Alternate CD for Edgy? I can only find the main image....06:05
CoLdFiRei have a problem06:05
arpegiusdo routers generally slow down samba/nfs shares?06:05
bambieguys how come my wired internet is not working on ubuntu 5.04?06:05
FlannelSubOne: Oh, you got errors during the update?  What error?06:05
SubOnethere are like 38 updates left in the update manager and they wont install i get an error06:05
bambiei ran live cd and it did work fine wired/wireless.06:06
CoLdFiRecan anyone help me?06:06
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Flannelbambie: Uh, Hoary isn't supported anymore.  You should upgrade.  And, actually, the upgrading will probably fix your issue.06:06
SubOneit didnt say it just said there were errors during the install or commiting would break it or something like that06:06
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happy_nicKalleDK: sorry, i was ambigious there, i was actually talking about the beryl/compiz gl type stuff :)06:06
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mjrosenbtritium: it says fglrx, but fglrx also gets sad when I have agpgart06:06
bambiedoes 5.04 doesn't support internet at all?06:06
SubOnei guess i could install them one at a time to see which is the issue06:06
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Flannelbambie: 5.04 does.  But, that's too old.  It's no longer supported by Canonical, and actually, for about six months, you haven't been getting any bugfixes.06:07
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bambieoh k06:07
bambiei actually installed like two days ago.06:07
bambiealright, thanks.06:07
Flannelbambie: eh?  You sure you're on 5.04 then?06:07
bambiei had those cds from last year06:07
bulmercan those 2.5" hard drives (laptop) stable enuff if its just powered from usb ports? and not from a dc power bricks ?06:07
bambieor a year an a half.06:07
KalleDKhappy_nic: Me to ;) Last time it was really a pain in the ass.. Now it just worked :P (on the intel)06:07
ColdopmSorry, Can anyone post a link where I can grab the Alternate CD for Edgy? I can only find the main image....06:08
Flannelbambie: I see.  Well, download a 6.06 CD and reinstall.  You'll be a lot happier (Ubuntu has gotten a lot nicer since hoary).  Or 6.10, if you want.06:08
bambieFlannel i'm download 6.1006:08
FlannelColdopm: you have to click the "All download location" thing on the bottom, then you get the old download thing (then "additional install options")06:08
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bambiei actually downloaded earlier but i was having issues with burning an iso image which is weird.06:09
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h1st0Anyone know how to check cpu tempJ/06:09
ColdopmFlannel, The other install option links, Thank you!06:09
Flannelbambie: Burn at 4x, and verify the md5 (unless you downloaded via bittorrent)06:09
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FlannelColdopm: yeah, it's a really bad UI now.  There's a few bugreports about it ;)06:10
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bambieFlannel, what software do you prefer.?06:10
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Flannelbambie: for what?06:10
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Flannel!burn | bambie06:10
ubotubambie: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto06:10
=== frog292 [n=frog29@ip68-107-135-114.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
frog292hello again, what file should i back up to back up my Grub boto settings?06:11
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Flannelfrog292: /boot/grub/menu.lst  but it's probably pretty standard.06:12
frog292aha! thanks06:12
frog292i have a dual boot so it isn't :)06:12
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Flannelfrog292: GRUB automatically detects dualboots, but that's the file regardless06:12
frog292now.... to reinstall ubuntu from .6 to .1006:12
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frog292it does?06:13
Flannelfrog292: when you (re)install GRUB, yeah.06:13
frog292well i also changed it to automaticallt boot to the 6th entry06:13
frog292is there anything special that  i should know about reinstalling?06:13
frog292becasue i've backed up my files to another partition, but i'm resintallign a new version06:14
Flannelfrog292: Give yourself a separate home partition, so you don't need to backup in the future06:14
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happy_nicKalleDK: If you're willing to shell out some money, I've had good experiences with crossover for running ms office. Dreamweaver is officially supported too.06:14
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mjrosenbso anyone have any experience with aiglx on ati cards?06:15
Comrade_Sergeidoes anyone know where to get the chord library for gnometab?06:15
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h1st0Is there a command to see cpu temps?06:15
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mjrosenbhist0 acpi -t06:15
frog292Flannel - how large should i make hte partition?06:15
h1st0mjrosenb: ty06:16
mjrosenbh1st0: that's assuming that acpi happens to be set up correctly06:16
Flannelfrog292: I make the home partition whatever I have leftover, since it contains most/all of the personal (big) stuff.06:16
frog292and i have an existing partition that i want to expand, it's fat32, is it possible to do thart without losing data?06:16
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gatekeepout of curisoity06:16
gatekeepif there a way06:17
gatekeepto lock out upgrades06:17
gatekeepin apt-get06:17
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Fujitsufrog292: If you choose to resize it in the installer, all data will be preserved.06:17
frog292current;ly i have 18 gigs or so for ubuntu - way too much...... so how large shoudli  make it and how large shoudl imake hte hoem dir?06:17
Flannel!pin | gatekeep06:17
ubotugatekeep: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto06:17
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frog292and can i use a fat32 partition for my home dir?>06:17
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Comrade_Sergeidoes anyone know where to get the chord library for gnometab?\06:17
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h1st0mjrosenb: yeah it works.  Well atleast thats the only thing acpi can report on my system so it works for me.06:17
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lkthomashey guys06:17
lkthomasI just plugin two serial ATA hdd, but both of them can't be found06:18
Flannelfrog292: I'd think something like 3 or 4 GB for / and then the rest for /home would be sufficient.  Default ubuntu install is ~2GB06:18
lkthomasbios found two device06:18
lkthomasbut not on linux06:18
SubOnewhere does the adept updater have a log file?06:18
frog292hmmm. what if iwant to isntall prgrams on wine? would they be in the home di?06:18
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JasonBBBhttp://www.TheTruthAtLarge.com  <---Site based on the discussion of Philosophy, Religion, War, and the like.  Please join the forum and speak your mind.06:18
JasonBBBhttp://www.TheTruthAtLarge.com  <---Site based on the discussion of Philosophy, Religion, War, and the like.  Please join the forum and speak your mind.06:18
JasonBBBhttp://www.TheTruthAtLarge.com  <---Site based on the discussion of Philosophy, Religion, War, and the like.  Please join the forum and speak your mind.06:18
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FlannelSubOne: /var/log/06:19
FlannelSubOne: dpkg.log (and it's others)06:19
happy_nicfrog292: they install to something like ~/.wine/c_drive06:19
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Fujitsu~/.wine/drive_c, actually.06:19
frog292what is ~ ?06:19
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Flannelfrog292: home, it's /home/username/06:20
Fujitsufrog292: ~ is your home directory.06:20
Comrade_Sergeidoes anyone know where to get the chord library for gnometab?\06:20
frog292ok, so i'll remake ubuntu as smaller06:20
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frog292is it possible to make it a fat32 partition?06:20
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frog292i'm dual booting wiht windows06:20
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=== JasonBBB [n=jason@adsl-69-153-121-220.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
JasonBBBhttp://www.TheTruthAtLarge.com  <---Site based on the discussion of Philosophy, Religion, War, and the like.  Please join the forum and speak your mind.06:21
JasonBBBhttp://www.TheTruthAtLarge.com  <---Site based on the discussion of Philosophy, Religion, War, and the like.  Please join the forum and speak your mind.06:21
JasonBBBhttp://www.TheTruthAtLarge.com  <---Site based on the discussion of Philosophy, Religion, War, and the like.  Please join the forum and speak your mind.06:21
JasonBBBhttp://www.TheTruthAtLarge.com  <---Site based on the discussion of Philosophy, Religion, War, and the like.  Please join the forum and speak your mind.06:21
Fujitsufrog292: You can easily create such a partition while installing.06:21
JasonBBBhttp://www.TheTruthAtLarge.com  <---Site based on the discussion of Philosophy, Religion, War, and the like.  Please join the forum and speak your mind.06:21
JasonBBBhttp://www.TheTruthAtLarge.com  <---Site based on the discussion of Philosophy, Religion, War, and the like.  Please join the forum and speak your mind.06:21
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild or Amaranth06:21
Fujitsu!ops JasonBBB06:21
=== JasonBBB [n=jason@adsl-69-153-121-220.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu []
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ops jasonbbb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:21
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Comrade_SergeiJasonBBB dont spam!06:21
NickGarveyFujitsu, !ops | jasonbbb06:21
frog292so it won't yell if my home is fat32.... ok06:21
Comrade_Sergeidoes anyone know where to get the chord library for gnometab?\06:22
NickGarveyfrog292, mm.. I don't think.. that is a good idea..06:22
devin_just curious, is there a command that can tell when ubuntu was installed ?06:22
FujitsuNickGarvey: I realise that now :)06:22
Flannelfrog292: You sort of... lose the ability to have permissions06:22
NickGarveyfrog292, because.. you don't have permissions06:22
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frog292and can i expand my existing fat32 shared partition and change it to my home dir without losing data?06:22
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NickGarveyfrog292, you don't want a fat32 to be /home/you06:22
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frog292nm then06:22
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ
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KalleDKhappy_nic looks nice special the singleuser cost06:22
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tunganetWill installing the fonts from EASYUBUNTU create any problem for my system? eg. loading webpages and stuff06:22
dhornHey, can anyone help me with some ALSA stuff?06:22
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frog292well, i;m off to go resintall06:22
lkthomasNickGarvey, what is that command use for06:22
NickGarveylkthomas, what command?06:22
sidWhat is the proper way to do update-manager from command line?06:23
Fujitsutunganet: Please do not use EasyUbuntu.06:23
frog292should i have a sperate boot partition?06:23
tunganetFujitsu: why not?06:23
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu06:23
NickGarveysid, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade06:23
happy_nicfrog292: fat32 might not be such a good idea..06:23
lkthomas Fujitsu, !ops | jasonbbb <--06:23
Fujitsusid: For security upgrades and the like?06:23
Fujitsulkthomas: Calls the ops.06:23
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NickGarveylkthomas, oh, that command would alert all the ops, and tell them who the troublemaker was06:23
happy_nicfrog292: i'm not sure how the linux permissions and things will work out.06:23
lkthomasahha, ok06:23
sidNickGarvey: But apt-get isn't as good as aptitude I've seen debian developers say. NickGarvey also.. there are policy changes that update-manager handles... does apt-get do that also?06:23
crimsundhorn: pastebin requested info from http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems06:23
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frog292so i'm not doojng fat now, but should i do a sperate boot parttion?06:24
dhorncrimsun: just a minue06:24
tunganetFujitsu: how do i undo the things that easy ubuntu has done? :o06:24
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dhorncrimsun: *minute06:24
Fujitsutunganet: Reinstall, generally.06:24
Shrimpy_Any one ever used ettercap before, that can help me out?06:24
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu06:24
=== kristin [n=kristin@d47-69-146-210.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
happy_nicKalleDK: definitely try the demo out first though.06:24
NickGarveysid, can't say I use aptitude much.. (or ubuntu for that matter hah)06:24
tunganetfrog292: it doesnt teach me how to uninstall it06:25
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tunganetFujitsu: what is the command line to re/uninstall easyubuntu sir =[06:25
catidhello.. does anyone know where Ubuntu keeps its microcode?06:25
Fujitsutunganet: Uninstalling it won't revert what it has done.06:25
catidlike if i want to install ipw3945 microcode where should i put it?06:26
tunganetFujitsu: so.. what shall i do06:26
h1st0Shrimpy_: what are you tyring to do?06:26
Fujitsucatid: Firmware?06:26
tunganetFujitsu: i have also used automatix before06:26
Fujitsutunganet: Ah. That's even worse.06:26
catidFujitsu: yeah06:26
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tunganetFujitsu: dear god, i heard good things about them06:26
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Fujitsutunganet: Your system is likely irreversibly scarred.06:26
tunganetFujitsu: WHAT06:26
Fujitsutunganet: Those good things are entirely wrong.06:26
frog292as mine is06:26
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe06:26
happy_nicfrog292: i think the separate /boot is overrated. especially for a desktop install. and it might actually cause more headaches later if it fills up06:26
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.06:26
tunganetFujitsu: help =[06:27
frog292this isn't a desktop install. its a laptop, but i won't have it seperate then06:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about goodbotusage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:27
Fujitsutunganet: As it says, we don't provide support... It can break a lot of systems.06:27
FujitsuPeople, please stop the bot-spam...06:27
ubotuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.06:27
Flannelfrog292, happy_nic, separate boot partitions are nice when dualbooting and stuff.  Because you've essentially isolated your ability to boot from the OS.  If you later delete linux, you can just leave your /boot and not have to fixmbr or anything.06:27
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...06:27
tunganetFujitsu: so uh.. how do i reinstall easyubuntu?06:27
Fujitsutunganet: Perhaps ask in #easyubuntu06:28
frog292ok, so how large should my boot partition be?06:28
catidwhere does Ubuntu look for firmware?06:28
tunganetFujitsu: ok thanks06:28
crimsuncatid: /lib/firmware/$(uname -r)06:28
NickGarveyfrog292, I usually put them to be about.. 50MB06:28
FujitsuIsn't ipw3945 supported OOTB?06:28
NickGarveyfrog292, just clean out old kernels though..06:28
kumahi, i've been googling for a while some way so any user can mount any device. I haven't find something that solves my problem, can you guys help me?06:28
crimsunit is.06:28
catidcrimsun: thanks mate06:28
frog292and how large shoudl me swap be?06:28
FujitsuNickGarvey: That's a little on the small size.06:28
NickGarveykuma, there is a program called "pmount", it might be in the repos06:28
Flannelfrog292: I made mine 512 (boot), swap depends on what you're doing06:28
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NickGarveyFujitsu, well.. how big are your kernels..06:28
frog292any rue of thumb?06:28
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frog292like same as ram?06:29
frog292or double06:29
NickGarvey-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2.5M Mar 24 15:25 bzImage06:29
Fujitsu/dev/sda1             236M  190M   34M  86% /boot06:29
Flannelfrog292: Most people recommend swap to be 2X your RAM.  I don't see much use for swap more than 2GB.06:29
Fujitsu(although I do have a few old kernels there)06:29
kumaNickGarvey thanks06:29
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tunganetFujitsu: there is noone in the channel..06:29
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:30
Flannelfrog292: If you're planning on suspending to disk, you need at LEAST as much swap as you have RAM.06:30
Fujitsutunganet: Well, we don't provide support for it here. Maybe check their website.06:30
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NickGarvey!info pmount06:30
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ubotupmount: mount removable devices as normal user. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.13-1build1 (edgy), package size 39 kB, installed size 588 kB06:30
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tunganetFujitsu: i cannot load webpages properly right now because of easyubuntu i think..06:30
frog292so my plan - 512 boot, 2 gb swap, 4.5 gb linux, the rest between shared and home dir06:30
Flannelfrog292: of course, if your HD is 10GB, and you have 1GB of RAM.  I'd probably go 1GB swap max.  Since, well, I've got 1GB swap anyway, with 1GB RAM, and my HD is 300GB.06:31
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Fujitsutunganet: It's unlikely that EasyUbuntu did that... What error is it giving?06:31
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tunganetFujitsu: its just not loading, no error messages06:31
frog292Flannel: does that sound just about right?06:31
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Flannelfrog292: sounds good, yeah.06:32
frog292Godbye world.06:32
tunganetFujitsu: May i ask why automatix and easyubuntu would cause damage even after re/uninstalled?06:32
frog292*goodbye >.<06:32
Flanneltunganet: because they do stuff that doesn't get undone when they get uninstalled06:32
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Fujitsutunganet: They do the damage when you run them and install stuff from them06:32
FujitsuWhat Flannel said.06:33
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tunganetFujitsu: so here i am, installed automatix and easyubunut because of its false rumour.  What should i do?06:33
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Fujitsutunganet: Leave them alone for the moment. If you haven't noticed anything broken, there may be no problem at the moment.06:34
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tunganetFujitsu: "at the moment"? Are you saying it will generate problems over time?06:34
Flanneltunganet: just backup before you upgrade to Feisty (or whatever).  since that's another point at which hidden troubles with them show up.06:34
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FujitsuIf you use them further, or upgrade, things are likely to break.06:34
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tunganetFujitsu: so easyubuntu/automatix is like a cancer that i've just downloaded for my computer?06:35
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Flanneltunganet: actually, if you're planning on upgrading, it might be a good point to reinstall.  Backup (which you'd be doing any way, since you're not sure if your upgrade will work), then do a fresh install of Feisty.06:35
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Fujitsutunganet: It can break your system horribly, especially on upgrades.06:35
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Flanneltunganet: a good point to get a fresh start, especially because from what I hear, Feisty removes most of the reason for stupid programs like automatix.06:36
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tunganetdear god06:36
tunganetstarting a fresh copy of ubuntu is a pain..06:36
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dhorncrimsun: check #alsa when you get a second, thanks!06:36
tunganeti have done so much to get it to this point.. =06:36
FujitsuAutomated codec and driver installation, which is what most of the options in EasyUbuntu/Automatix do, is nicely integrated into Feisty :)06:37
Flanneltunganet: not if you've backed up properly.  You backup all config files, all data, and you can even get a list of what programs you've installed, to reference later.06:37
Prez_any suggestions on what i can check on my Edgy setup that whenever i resume my laptop sound is dead?  using intel HDA module06:37
tunganetFlannel: that sounds easy.. how do i do that?06:37
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Flanneltunganet: Uh... Which part?  Backup all your stuff?  just normal backup.  To get a list of (all) packges installed, `dpkg -l`06:38
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Mugwump09Ademan: you there?06:38
tunganetFlannel: normal backup means.. using an external harddrive to store the stuff?06:38
Mugwump09Ademan: I found some more errors, I think06:38
Flanneltunganet: mind you, if you're starting with a new version, not all of that stuff would necessarily need to be reinstalled (since there might be stuff on Edgy that isn't in Feisty, etc)06:38
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twystedwhat are some good mp3 plays simular to itunes in how they organize music (pls no rythmbox)06:38
Flanneltunganet: Or a separate partition, or a CD, or whatnot.06:38
Flannel!backup | tunganet06:38
ubotutunganet: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning06:38
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h1st0twysted: rythmbox?06:39
=== twysted slaps h1st0
h1st0twysted: lol amarok is another one to check out.06:39
Flanneltunganet: Linux makes backup pretty easy.  Everything of yours is in /home, maybe some stuff in /var (/var/www, for instance), and then all config stuff is just /etc.06:39
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe06:39
DGMurdockIIIUbuntu should not have been based off linux06:39
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate06:39
FujitsuDGMurdockIII: No trolling, thanks.06:39
twystedh1st0 k ill check it out06:39
kkdcan someone recommend a good newsgroup reader i can use in ubuntu ?06:40
Flanneltunganet: of course, Stuff in /etc shouldn't be replaced exactly either.  Because config formats change over time as well.06:40
DGMurdockIIIim not06:40
Fujitsutunganet: You might want to do that in a PM, rather than spamming the channel06:40
twystedDGMurdockIII> what would you have it based off of? lol06:40
tunganetI am sorry.06:40
DGMurdockIIIbuilt it from scratch06:40
Mugwump09hey guys, 6.10 keeps freezing after I log in, and I found these in the syslog "apm: overridden by ACPI" "ibm_acpi: ec object not found"06:40
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FlannelDGMurdockIII: #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support related chatter, thanks.06:40
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h1st0kkd: check out Applications > Add remove programs.  You can find apps that other people use there.06:40
=== twysted snickers at that comment
Ernesto4twysted: try banshee06:40
twystedanywho :)06:40
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twystedernesto4 that looks nice thanks06:41
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tunganetFlannel: will erasing all in my partitions and reinstalling them work?06:41
Flanneltunganet: Wha? what?06:41
Mugwump09so, can anyone help me?06:41
tunganetFlannel: reformatting it06:41
Flanneltunganet: wouldn't that be the same as reinstalling?06:42
tunganetFlannel: yes but uhh06:42
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h1st0Mugwump09: is this installed system or are you trying to boot off of cd?06:42
tunganetFlannel: i want to do it without backing anything up06:42
Flanneltunganet: or do you mean one at a time?06:42
Mugwump09h1st0: it's installed already06:42
arpegius_can i do an apt-get remove that totally nukes all conf related to a package?06:42
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Rictoowhat is 'gtkwifi'?06:42
Flannelarpegius_: --purge06:42
MaartenLxI can't change the background in KDE anymore... I am suspecting its a configuration file that has no write rights or something, but /home/user/.kde has full rights and is owned by me... anyone any idea? Can't seem to figure it out.06:42
Mugwump09but it won't run off the disc either06:42
h1st0Mugwump09: Has the system ever worked or what has changed?06:42
Mugwump09I used the alternative to install06:42
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tunganetFlannel: i remember when i used the livecd to install ubuntu. it got me into a partition page.06:43
Mugwump09never has06:43
Flanneltunganet: If you're just shuffling partitions, you're effectively doing nothing.06:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gtkwifi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:43
h1st0Mugwump09: So new install?06:43
Rictoowhat is 'gtkwifi'?06:43
Johnohow do you display your system info as part of your background like this? http://overclockix.octeams.com/snapshot21.jpg06:43
h1st0Mugwump09: try booting with acpi support off.06:43
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Mugwump09I did06:43
Mugwump09you mean type acpi=off?06:43
FlannelJohno: that's conky, I imagine.06:43
Mugwump09I did that, still froze up06:43
happy_nicJohno: those might be gdesklets06:43
h1st0Mugwump09: something to that effect not sure if thats the exact optoin.  They are listed if you hit f8 or somehting on the cds boot menu.06:43
jerkface03Hey guys I'm having problems running and installing Ubuntu. Ubuntu server never actually starts, it just makes my computer reboot over and over again, while ubuntu desktop's installation just stalls at the ubuntu splash screen.06:44
jerkface03Can anyone help me out?06:44
h1st0Mugwump09: there is one for apm as well I believe.06:44
Flanneljerkface03: try the alternate CD.06:44
kkdhlst0: is pan any good ?06:44
Johnoflannel: is that a program?06:44
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tunganetFlannel: How do i get to the page where it lets me reformat..06:44
Flanneltunganet: what?06:44
Mugwump09h1st0: so what exactly do I do?06:44
jerkface03Flannel: I didn't find one on the download page? Can you please provide me with a link?06:44
=== DGMurdockIII I'm listening to (Track 1) Bad Company - Anna (3:45 Min.)
Johnohappy_nic: what do you mean06:44
tunganetFlannel: I remember when i used LIVECD from windows, i double clicked "install ubuntu now" then it got me into a page with partitions and stuff06:44
jmgDGMurdockIII: no spam please06:44
h1st0Mugwump09: What type of hardware is this running on?  Is this older stuff?06:44
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FujitsuDGMurdockIII: Please turn that off.06:45
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Rictoowhat is 'gtkwifi'?06:45
FlannelJohno: yeah.  it's in the repos, also: http://conky.sourceforge.net/06:45
SubOneEverytime I try to install or uninstall something with Adept I get an error that says "There was an error committing changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages." Any idea how I would resolve this issue?06:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nospam - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:45
ubotuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !AskTheBot - and most importantly, use common sense :-)06:45
twystedjerkface03>  use teh server install cd not the desktop cd06:45
Flanneltunganet: Right.  You need an install CD.06:45
Mugwump09h1st0: quite new, ASUS A8N-sli premium, GeForce 7800 GT06:45
tunganetFlannel: so its just the same thing right?06:45
h1st0Mugwump09: hrm... can you boot to recovery mode?06:45
jerkface03twysted, as I said, server installation didn't work. It installed but ubuntu never started up06:45
Flanneljerkface03: http://releases.ubuntu.com/  The new download pages are impossible to navigate.06:45
h1st0Mugwump09: and when exactly does the system hang?06:45
Johnoflannel: what does repository mean?06:45
madman91HOW DO I .. find an isp?06:45
Mugwump09h1st0: it hangs right at the song, I can log in06:46
twystedjerkface03> how did it not start up, what kind of system are you trying to install this on? decently modern? older then sin?06:46
Mugwump09h1st0: how do I boot in recovery mode?06:46
FlannelJohno: when you use synaptic/adept/apt-get/whatever to install stuff, you're installing from a repository.06:46
h1st0Mugwump09: the screen just goes black right?06:46
Flannel!repository | Johno06:46
happy_nicFlannel: some gnome thing that has embedded desktop stuff like that, but Flannel is right, it's conky06:46
ubotuJohno: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource06:46
jerkface03Flannel: which version of ubuntu do you recommend? I'm just setting it up on 400mhz box w/ a 10gig hd and 256mb ram06:46
h1st0Mugwump09: or do you get a X failed to start.06:46
jerkface03I'm going to use it as an SVN server06:46
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Mugwump09h1st0: idk, it looks like something tries to pop up, but it doesn't come up completely, I only see the top of it06:47
h1st0Mugwump09: reboot the system and from the grub menu select recover mode.  That should get you a shell prompt so you can atleast fix some stuff.06:47
Flanneljerkface03: I'm running Dapper on my server-ish machine.  Alternate CD is also able to install a CLI only, which is handy.06:47
Fujitsujerkface03: Ubuntu 6.10, the Server CD.06:47
FujitsuOr Ubuntu 6.06 LTS, whichever you prefer.06:47
Flanneltunganet: Installing is the same as installing?  what?06:47
h1st0Mugwump09: Sounds like you are having issues with video.06:47
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h1st0Mugwump09: not the computer locking.06:47
Rictoowhat is 'gtkwifi'?06:47
FlannelFujitsu: he already said the server CD doesn't work.  Which doesn't supriseme.  He needs the Alt. CD06:47
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Mugwump09h1st0: yeah that's probably it06:47
Rictoowhat is 'gtkwifi'?06:47
tunganetFlannel: reformatting is as easy as using the installcd like the first time correct?06:47
FujitsuFlannel: Oh yes, oops.06:47
Rictoosomeone answer me =/06:47
ubotuGoogle is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com  -  Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux06:47
jerkface03Flannel: Awesome. I'll try it out. Thank you.06:48
ubotuWords like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.06:48
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Rictoojmg, I did use google06:48
h1st0what is jfgi?06:48
Mugwump09h1st0: gah, I just want it to worrrk. I've been messing with this stuff for like, 3 days now06:48
h1st0haven't heard that one.06:48
MaartenLxHmm... I can't seem to figure out why I can no longer change the background in KDE/Kubuntu.... and by the looks of it, not many people seem to know either, at least not according to google :D06:48
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gtkwifi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:48
jmgRictoo: im feeling lucky06:48
Johnoflannel: do I have to be connected to the internet to instal conky?06:48
jmgh1st0: just fucking google it06:48
h1st0Mugwump09: well reboot in to recovery mode and we'll see what we can do.06:48
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:48
Mugwump09h1st0: okay06:48
h1st0Mugwump09: or just hit ctrl+alt+f1 and see if youg et a terminal06:48
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h1st0jmg: ahh06:49
jmgFujitsu: substitute fscking06:49
FlannelJohno: Repositories are online, yes.  Unless you have the alternate CD, then you can use that as small repos.  Let me check to see if conky is on it.06:49
Fujitsujmg, that's still not CoC-compliant.06:49
=== kditty [n=kditty@cpe-69-135-192-211.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
h1st0Flannel: he could pull the deb from packages.ubuntu.com06:49
FlannelJohno: nope.  So, only way to get it is from the interblags, yeah.06:49
banana43I was wondering if i could get some help with getting my wifi to work06:50
tunganetFlannel: do you recommend using envy script to install nvidia driver?06:50
Fujitsu!wifi | banana4306:50
ubotubanana43: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:50
Flannelh1st0: that'd still require the internet.06:50
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h1st0Flannel: ahh well yes06:50
Fujitsu!nvidia | tunganet06:50
ubotutunganet: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:50
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Johnoflannel: is there anyway I could download a repository or file and instal that way?06:50
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jmgeww CoC!06:50
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:50
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Fujitsujmg, please stop the bot-spam!06:51
ant-thats kinda funny06:51
banana43mmmm it's telling me to use the ndiswrapper trick again; but i get an error in the last step where it says 'permission denied'06:51
FlannelJohno: yeah.  you can sneakernet.  But you'll have to resolve dependencies yourself.  Or, you can use something like "Apt-on-CD" to download a whole CD full of goodness.06:51
MaartenLxHeh, no one here knows either. I must have a weird problem no one knows about yet :D06:51
Fujitsubanana43: What was the command?06:51
h1st0MaartenLx: what was your problem?06:51
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jmg!attitude < Fujitsu06:52
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FujitsuMaartenLx: Try #kubuntu06:52
MaartenLxI can't change the background in KDE anymore... I am suspecting its a configuration file that has no write rights or something, but /home/user/.kde has full rights and is owned by me... anyone any idea? Can't seem to figure it out.06:52
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jmgokay okay06:52
h1st0MaartenLx: Well you might want to be a little more descriptive.  How are you trying to change it and any errors you get.06:52
jmgFujitsu: ill stop now ;)06:52
tunganetFlannel: is there a way to backup the driver i am using right now?06:52
Fujitsujmg: Thankyou.06:52
h1st0MaartenLx: also there is #kubuntu channel.06:52
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FujitsuMaartenLx: #kubuntu is for KDE support.06:52
banana43when i do ndiswrapper -m06:52
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h1st0ughh ndiswrapper06:53
Fujitsubanana43: stick sudo in front of that.06:53
robertleegood morning!  can somebody suggest me a good program for technical-drawing06:53
banana43yeah, with that there06:53
h1st0robertlee: Applications > Add Remove Programs06:53
hijjtis there a grub option to make x not start, it refuses to start and won't let me back to console again at all, any other suggestions will help06:53
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banana43then there was this whole step where they did a whole conffile; do sequence06:53
h1st0hijjt: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log for errors06:53
banana43(it's a broadcom card on amd64)06:53
Fujitsuhijjt: You can try recovery mode, which won't start X.06:54
=== judaz [n=judaz@55-12-16-190.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
robertleei use xubuntu06:54
h1st0banana43: you could use fwcutter with the broadcom card.06:54
robertleeand cannot find that in applications06:54
MaartenLxhist0: I get no errors whatsoever. It just doesn't do it. If I go in however and delete the wallpaper from \user\share\wallpaper, the wallpaper disappears. And if I then place a wallpaper with the same name (seaofconero.jpg in my case) that wallpaper appears. It seems that somewhere, there is a config file that has the seaofconero.jpg setting STUCK in it....06:54
FujitsuHi judaz.06:54
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judazFujitsu, hey.. how are u?06:54
judazhey, i need help with a dhcp server...06:54
ant-would you consider recovery mode a physical security risk?06:54
Fujitsujudaz, I'm alright, but this isn't the place for such discussion.06:54
FlannelMaartenLx: It's most likely in your homedir06:54
banana43thanks, i'll look that one up06:55
h1st0MaartenLx: wallpaper should be in your ~06:55
quaal_macwhats it mean when the screen is frozen. i can move the mouse and i can see someone in a chat window typing t me, but the keyboard and mouseclicks are disfunctional ?06:55
h1st0MaartenLx: not in /usr/share/whatever.06:55
Fujitsuant-: No. Any physical access at all is a security risk.06:55
Flannelant-: physical access to your computer is a security risk (liveCD, etc)06:55
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judazFujitsu, -.- ok.. i was just beign polite.. sorry06:55
MaartenLxFlannel, thats what I thought.... so I chowned ./kde, but no go.06:55
h1st0MaartenLx: and how are you trying to change it?06:55
MaartenLxrightclick --> change desktop06:55
Fujitsujudaz: That's fine, but we're rather busy in here, as you can see.06:55
robertleei use xubuntu.... can somebody suggest me a good program for technical-drawing06:55
MaartenLxselect a wallpaper from the list, etc06:55
FlannelMaartenLx: Eh?  chown is never the answer.  And, it might not be ~/.kde anyway.  I'd grep to see if you can find it in your homedir.06:55
judazI need a DHCP client connected to my server to reconnect06:55
judazhow can i do that?06:56
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quaal_macwhats it mean when the screen is frozen. i can move the mouse and i can see someone in a chat window typing t me, but the keyboard and mouseclicks are disfunctional ?06:56
budman_Can anyone help me with 915 resolution fix?06:56
h1st0MaartenLx: alright what about changing in from kde's settings or whatever.  I dunno you probably get a better answer in #kubuntu since they can tell you where to look.06:56
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ubotu915resolution: resolution modification tool for Intel graphic chipset. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.2-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 14 kB, installed size 128 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64)06:56
h1st0judaz: what you just want the computer to reconnect?06:56
dkbgrobertlee: sagcad maybe?06:56
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Fujitsubudman_: Install the 915resolution package06:56
judazh1st0, yep..06:57
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dkbgrobertlee: try searching around in synaptic and ubuntuforums.org06:57
ant-budman_ : there is a script called auto915resolution that does it all for you. read up on it.06:57
h1st0judaz: well bringing up and down the net connection would work.  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart  or something to that effect.06:57
h1st0judaz: there is also dhclient and similiar tools.06:57
drfozis here a way to make firefox NOT lock up at youtube?06:57
budman_Fujitsu: Lol... yes but I need it to start every time to work. Ive tried rc.local init.d only way i can get it to work is to boot in recovery mode and run it manually.06:57
Fujitsujudaz: sudo dhclient in the terminal will do it.06:57
wafronice .. suspend/resume works now on my acer aspire 941006:57
ant-budman_ : did you see what i wrote?06:58
Fujitsubudman_: It will automatically run on each reboot.06:58
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budman_Im looking at it ant now.06:58
h1st0budman_: /etc/rc.local should work.06:58
Fujitsuant-: That's the same thing I said earlier...06:58
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judazh1st0, im having a problem.. im trying to share internet between 2 interfaces06:58
judazh1st0, i did iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE06:58
h1st0judaz: wouldn't know where to begin on that one.06:58
ant-Fujitsu : the auto in front of 915resolution is a key difference06:58
judazbut it doesnt seem to work06:58
dkbgrobertlee: so, did that help you?06:58
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hijjth1st0, there aren't any errors in the  Xorg.0.log06:59
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Fujitsuant-: Ah, didn't see that. 915resolution in 6.10 and above works automatically, because I uploaded it. 6.06 needs the resolution manually configured.06:59
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Fujitsubudman_: Which version of Ubuntu are you running?06:59
ser_ohow do view .chm files ? I have a ebook which is .chm06:59
h1st0hijjt: well what happens on the system?06:59
hijjth1st0, everything initialized ok, and i don't even think that it doesn't load, it just doesn't display anything at all on the screen06:59
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Fujitsuser_o: Try installing gnochm.07:00
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ser_ook.. thanks07:00
ser_ocan I convert it to pdf ?07:00
ser_oor ps ?07:00
Flannelser_o: xchm works too.07:00
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h1st0hijjt: what type of video card do you have?07:01
Fujitsuser_o: You might be able to use the Print feature to PDF, but I'm not quite sure.07:01
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h1st0hijjt: and how did you install?07:01
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hijjth1st0, mobility 9600,07:01
ser_ook..thanks anyway07:01
brophathey what category is firestarter listed under in the add/remove programs.07:01
nomopofomocan someone name a disk check/repair program for me?07:01
h1st0hijjt: how'd you install it?  With alternate cd or the GUI desktop version?07:01
hijjth1st0, alt install cd, or the first with safe graphics mode, i have had this working with the xorg ati driver in edgy before, this is a new feisty install07:02
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter07:02
happy_nici just installed gdesklets for the hell of it. the sad thing about these cpu monitors is that the 3%-8% it hovers around is solely due to its own existence07:02
mkquisthey peeps - boot failure after moving usr directory, anyone know which logs might give some info?07:02
h1st0brophat: in the search box07:02
billybrophat: not sure it's in there.07:02
Fujitsubrophat: Not sure, but you can use the search box at the top.07:02
Fujitsumkquist: .. why did you move it?07:02
linux_user400354nomopofomo: fsck07:02
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h1st0hijjt: well fiesty support is in #ubuntu+107:03
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SubOnethat command i ran "sudo aptitude install mplayer" is taking a long time and its saying its setting up a lot of stuff like open office and the kernel etc, what does that command do?07:03
Fujitsuhappy_nic: That's what computers do...07:03
billybrophat:  you trying to install firestarter?07:03
h1st0hijjt: but most likely you just have to install the proper video drivers.  or sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:03
mkquistFujitsu - only able to get an install to work on small disk (4 gig) and wanted to move some of the directories to my 400 gig to keep from filling up the small disk07:03
nomopofomodisk checking program anybody?07:03
FujitsuSubOne: Sounds like it is upgrading a lot of stuff.07:03
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h1st0nomopofomo: fsck07:03
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brophatbilly my borther is who lives i another state07:03
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Fujitsumkquist: At what point in the boot does it fail?07:03
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mkquistFujitsu - init... something07:04
hijjth1st0, fair enough, but the fglrx driver is annoying07:04
billybrophat:  you can find it in Synaptic Package Manager.  System > Administration > Synaptic07:04
NickGarveywhat command will tell me my resolution?07:04
mkquistFujitsu - before it gets to entering username07:04
SubOneFujitsu: right, i havent seen any errors yet, i hope its not upgrading to the distro still in development07:04
guestnomopofomo: fsck testdisk07:04
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h1st0hijjt: well atleast untill you can get proper dirvers or whatever.07:04
FujitsuNickGarvey: System->Preferences->Screen Resolution07:04
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nomopofomoh1st0: i forgot to mention that it's an ntfs partition07:04
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pibarnasHi folks, I'm trying to install feisty on vmware, but it reaches a point that says sda is'nt readable, that it must restart the partition and I will lose all data in it, and I'm afraid to go ahead. Is it a natural procedure or I'll risk the system if I go ahead?07:04
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h1st0nomopofomo: hrm..07:05
happy_nicmkquist: i'm assuming you made a symlink or something to the new location from /usr?07:05
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Fujitsupibarnas: Unless you manually told VMWare to use a physical disk (it warns you against doing that), that's what it should be doing.07:05
mkquisthappy_nic - ok that doesnt sound good, no, and what do u mean?07:05
h1st0nomopofomo: well fsck -t ntfs  maybe?07:05
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pibarnasFujitsu oh, it's a normal procedure then?07:06
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Fujitsuh1st0, nomopofomo: There are no NTFS filesystem checkers for Linux.07:06
h1st0nomopofomo: and there is testdisk in repos as well as, ntfsprogs07:06
pibarnasFujitsu it won't harm my Edgy, for example...07:06
Fujitsupibarnas: It just means that the disk is blank.07:06
h1st0Fujitsu: sure there are.07:06
Fujitsuh1st0: ... like?07:06
h1st0Fujitsu: it will heck it but not repair it.07:06
guestnomopofomo: testdisk works with ntfs07:06
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linux_user400354h1st0: apt-cache show ntfsprogs07:07
h1st0Fujitsu: ^^^^^^^^^07:07
pibarnasFujitsu Okay, thank you, I'll go ahead with the installation without any fear then! :)07:07
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linux_user400354h1st0: is that what you are looking for? it gives you a ntfsfix command.07:08
happy_nicmkquist: well it's no wonder that you failed to boot. =] . the boot process is trying to read from /usr and isn't finding it. You should have made a symlink ln -s /path/to/new/usr /usr07:08
FujitsuThere's ntfsfix in ntfsprogs, but that doesn't do much.07:08
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h1st0nomopofomo: ntfsprogs is what you are looking for.07:08
Fujitsumkquist: Is /usr on its own partition now?07:08
h1st0nomopofomo: or testdisk for that matter.07:08
ale1can anyone give me a hand with setting up a network with a d-link router?07:08
catidnm-applet (network manager) does not seem to recognize my wireless card07:08
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Fujitsucatid: Which version of Ubuntu, and which kind of wireless card?07:09
nomopofomothanks i'll do some research on those07:09
wafrocatid: you have to disable it first so network manager takes it over07:09
mkquistFujitsu - yes07:09
robertleeich hab dapper mit xubuntu laufen... kann ich einfach apt-get dist-upgrade machen um auf etch zu kommen07:09
catidwafro: how do i do that?07:09
Fujitsumkquist: You'll need to list in /etc/fstab07:09
Flannel!de | robertlee07:09
uboturobertlee: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de07:09
Fujitsu!de | robertlee07:09
mkquistFujitsu - that i did07:09
wafrocatid: i had to remove everything but lo from /etc/network/devices07:09
Flannelrobertlee: Etch? or Edgy?07:09
catidwafro: okay, i'll look07:09
happy_nicFlannel: is it set ot mount at /usr?07:09
robertleethe one after dapper07:10
Flannelhappy_nic: You don't mean me.  I'm sure.07:10
happy_nicer mkquist07:10
Flannelrobertlee: Edgy.07:10
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Flannel!upgrade | robertlee07:10
uboturobertlee: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:10
wafrocatid: then maybe ifconfig eth1 down07:10
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robertleethanx! :D07:10
Fujitsuwafro, catid: It's /etc/network/interfaces07:10
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wafrosorry, /etc/network/interfaces :)07:10
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catidwafro: my card is not listed in /etc/network/interfaces.. doing ifdown didn't help07:11
wafrotype iwconfig07:11
Fujitsucatid: What kind of card?07:11
linux_user400354gksu 'update-manager -d' <- upgrades from edgy to feisty07:11
catidFujitsu: ipw394507:11
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wafrosame here catid07:11
Flannellinux_user400354: believe it's -c07:11
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Fujitsucatid: Which version of Ubuntu?07:11
linux_user400354Flannel: nope, check the man page07:11
FujitsuFlannel: No, -d.07:11
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catidFujitsu: using nm-applet from Feisty.. i was having this problem in Edgy also07:12
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Fujitsucatid: Try #ubuntu+1, this isn't for Feisty support.07:12
brophatbilly my brother looked there and did not find firestarter there07:12
FlannelRight. -c for Edgy, alright.07:12
Fujitsucatid: I have seen a number of bugs about that floating around though.07:12
Flannellinux_user400354: man page would require me to have update-manager ;)07:12
catidwell, wafro here has my card working so mind if i keep chatting with him? -_-07:12
billybrophat:  tell him to open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get install firestarter".07:12
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catidwafro: did you use Ubuntu's packages for the driver and firmware or did you compile it yourself?07:13
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wafrocatid: check System->Administration->Network07:13
happy_nicmkquist: give us that *one* line out of your fstab.. and if there is some wierd drive issue when it tried to mount /var/log/dmesg might tell you something.07:13
hed2000hi all hows it going07:13
brophatbilly ok thanks07:13
Fujitsucatid: You shouldn't need to install anything.07:13
wafroit worked in 6.10 and 7.0407:13
billybrophat: no prob man.07:13
mkquisthappy_nic - dmesg, lemme look at that, brb07:13
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catidFujitsu: i have ipw module disabled in my .config, so i needed to build a module07:14
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brophatbilly is the dot at the end required or is that the end of the sentence dot?07:15
catidwafro: it is listed there07:15
Fujitsucatid: All the necessary stuff is installed by default...07:15
wafrois it enabled?07:15
billybrophat:  sudo apt-get install firestarter07:15
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catidwafro: yes, it is in "roaming mode enabled"07:15
wafrodisable it from there Networking07:16
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wafrorestart gnome, network manager should work07:16
budman_Worked perfect thanks.07:16
budman_What about my last problem my Microphone :-)07:16
catidoh there isn't a box for me to check to disable it.. it is just a box: [-] 07:16
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brophatbilly it returned that it could not find find the firestater package07:17
catidhrm, i'll play around with it a bit, you have been helpful wafro07:17
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Fujitsu`Roaming mode enabled' is correct for use with NetworkManager.07:17
billybrophat:   what version of Ubuntu is your brother running?  Dapper, Edgy, Feisty?07:17
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billy!info firestarter Edgy07:18
ubotufirestarter: gtk program for managing and observing your firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-1.2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 383 kB, installed size 1884 kB07:18
nyetkomradei upgraded to feisty & now ubuntu won't autoconnect to my WEP-enabled wireless network07:18
ardchoilleIs there an app that serves as a multi-purpose converter (cups to gallons, miles to liometres, etc)?07:18
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Fujitsunyetkomrade: Try #ubuntu+107:18
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nyetkomradeit asks me for a password now07:18
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Flannelnyetkomrade: #ubuntu+1 for Feisty support, thanks.07:18
holei need a good packet sniffer with a gui any suggestions?07:19
nyetkomradecool, done07:19
budman_anyone else having microphone problems ?07:19
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h1st0hole: ettercap07:19
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brophatbilly so what do yo think is going on?07:19
wafrohole: wireshark07:19
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mkquisthappy_nic - /dev/hdd3 /usr ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 107:19
billybrophat:  tell your brother to open Synaptic, click on Settings, then Repositories.  Tell him to enable all the repositories.07:19
wafrowireshark used to be ethereal07:19
holethx ive heard of it before just wanted a second opinion07:19
h1st0!sound > budman_07:19
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Flannelhole: wireshark is what used to be ethereal07:19
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brophatbilly ok thank you07:19
linux_user400354hole: dsniff etherape ngrep07:20
linux_user400354hole: ethereal has a gui07:20
budman_h1st0: ?07:20
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Frog29hello, im back, so i installed ubuntu, but i wasn't sure what partition was my boot partition so i didn't isntall grub, now what do i do......?07:20
billybrophat:  after he enables the repositories, he'll need to click the "Update" button in Synaptic.  Then he'll be able to find it using Synaptic, or he can simply run the line that I gave you earlier.07:20
Flannel!grub | Frog29, first link07:20
ubotuFrog29, first link: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:20
Flannelbilly, brophat, not update, "reload" or refresh, or something like that.  Unless they changed the text in the past two years (which is possible)07:21
Frog29but how dod i find which drive is grub?07:21
holeinstalling ettercap07:21
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Fujitsubilly, brophat, Flannel: It's `Reload'07:21
billyFlannel, brophat:  yeah.  something like that.07:21
Frog29or rather boot07:21
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FlannelFrog29: how did you partition ubuntu?  Just all on one partition?07:22
Frog29no i did many partitions07:22
billybrophat:  it's "Reload".  Not "Update">07:22
holewhats the url for pastbin07:22
FlannelFrog29: then where did you put /boot?07:22
billy!pastebin | hole07:22
ubotuhole: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:22
Frog29i just never wrote down which partition the /boot was07:22
FlannelFrog29: alright, well, use the liveCD, open up gparted, and take a gander at your partitions07:22
FujitsuFrog29: Why do you need to know that? Just install grub to hd0...07:22
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Frog29its a dual boot07:23
FujitsuOh, of course... You can't boot.07:23
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FujitsuYou should have just left the default during the installer.07:23
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Frog29Flannel: can i just use teh old liveecd for .06?07:23
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FujitsuFrog29: That'll do.07:23
mkquisthappy_nic - could it be permissions? do u know if moving the files couldve caused a prob there?07:23
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Frog29g or qparte?07:24
FujitsuFrog29: gparted07:24
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HeywoodHey, I just installed a clean Ubuntu 6.10, and any time I click Network under Administrator, it starts this "Bug Report" thing...Any ideas? P.S. I'm a newb07:24
Frog29wait... o nteh alternate cd can i get to gparted?07:25
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FlannelFrog29: the alt. CD isn't a liveCD, so no.07:25
h1st0Heywood: possibly the network-manager is crashing.07:25
brophatMy brother is confirming that it is "Reload"07:25
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holeettercap gave me this07:25
happy_nicmkquist: i doubt it.. did the dmesg log have any mention of it? did it at least say it mounted the partition?07:25
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billybrophat:  the easiest way to install now is to run this in a terminal:  sudo apt-get install firestarter07:25
brophatbilly my brother would like to point and click07:26
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yell0whey folks, how do i find xorg version ?07:26
Heywoodh1st0:what can I do about that?07:26
h1st0Heywood: configure the interface manually07:26
wafroyell0w what dist version?07:26
h1st0Heywood: if its not working.07:26
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yell0wwafro, dapper07:26
billybrophat:   that's cool.  you can perform a search in Synaptic.  Tell him to be sure that "All" is highlighted in the left column before clicking on "Search".07:27
Fujitsuyell0w: That's Xorg 7.007:27
h1st0Heywood: open a terminal and gksu gedit /etc/network/interfaces  and make the appropriate changes for your network.07:27
wafroyell0w 7.1 ..  to check you can run 'Xorg -version'07:27
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Fujitsuwafro: That's Edgy...07:27
wafrosorry 7.1 is edgy07:27
Frog29can i install grub from the linux system rescue cd?07:27
FlannelFrog29: yes07:27
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Flannel!grub | Frog29, first link.07:28
Heywoodh1st0: any chance I could find a walkthrough or something? I'm a complete noob07:28
ubotuFrog29, first link.: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:28
budman_Its a dv6000 laptop.07:28
h1st0Heywood: does the network not work on the machine?07:28
=== wafro just noticed his touchpad does mouse scrolling
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brophatbilly the program is now listed thanks07:28
wafrocan flip my beryl cube with it now :)07:28
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yell0wthanks wafro , Fujitsu07:29
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billybrophat:  right on man.  i use firestarter, too.  highly recommend it.07:29
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h1st0Heywood: and what sort of njetwork is it and card type?07:29
mkquisthappy_nic - the only reference to that drive is hdd: hdd1 hdd2 hdd307:29
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bamboo7anyone want to help or point me in the right direction for radeon x1600 pro agp blank screen issue with install07:29
h1st0!ati > bamboo707:30
mkquisthappy_nic - the last line referes to my network card, which ive had no probs with so far07:30
h1st0bamboo7: try booting in safe graphics mode.07:30
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bamboo7tried the noapic and nolapic and vga=77107:31
brophatbilly it gives him the option to downloan package files ony. should he check that?07:31
h1st0bamboo7: you tried safe graphics mode?07:32
bamboo7i did07:32
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Frog29Flannel; just a few quick premise questions, when i was isntalling the partition tables i set it up so that i have a serperate bootable partition that is primary for my boot dir07:32
brophatbilly package files only that is07:32
h1st0bamboo7: the other option is to install with alternate iso and then boot to recovery mode to install the apropriate drivers.07:32
=== quaal_mac [n=quaal@238-199.186-72.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Frog29is that workable if i want to keeop my other windows partition normal?07:32
quaal_macwhat are you supposed to do when all you can do is move the mouse?07:32
quaal_mackeyboard does nthing07:32
quaal_macmouseclicks do nothing07:33
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quaal_maci can see someone typing to me in a chat window07:33
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billybrophat:  i'm not sure about that message.  Haven't used Synaptic in a while.  Is it a Yes/No question?07:33
h1st0quaal_mac: hit ctrl+alt+f1 and restart X07:33
happy_nicmkquist: well i'm stumped..07:33
brophatcheck or no check07:33
h1st0quaal_mac: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart07:33
quaal_mach1st0, keyboard does nothing07:33
brophatthe question makes no sense.07:33
h1st0quaal_mac: restart computer then i guess.07:33
quaal_macwhat the hell causes this07:34
happy_nicmkquist: did it get to the point where it started loading services?07:34
Heywoodh1st0: Sorry about that. A)The network does not work on the machine, B) it's a Linksys wireless PCI card, the WMP45G, I believe, and a Linksys router07:34
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bamboo7thanks so much i will try that is there a guide on that somewhere or one you can recomend if not thank you07:34
mkquisthappy_nic - gonna reboot it and get the specific error...07:34
h1st0Heywood: ahh you need drivers for that particular card.07:34
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h1st0!wifi | Heywood07:34
ubotuHeywood: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:34
happy_nicmkquist: err i guess you can't see that with the ubuntu splash.. if you press alt-f1 I think you might see a bit more07:34
billybrophat:  I've never used that option.  Tell him not to click it.07:34
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=== os1ris [n=os1ris@ip-64-139-51-178.sjc.megapath.net] has joined #ubuntu
os1riscan anyone give me some insight on ndiswrapper?07:34
happy_nici think it's alt-f1..07:34
Heywood h1st0:I've looked at this, but don't understand it at all...07:34
happy_nici hate that stupid splash07:35
mkquisthappy_nic - INIT: cannot execute "/etc/init.d/rc" is the error07:35
billybrophat: I think that if he clicks that, they'll just downlaod and not install.07:35
h1st0Heywood: let me check hold up.07:35
Heywoodh1st0: One more thing, my card actually shows up, which makes me think that the drivers are pre-installed or something....07:35
quaal_maci had a raid array building too07:35
brophatbilly ok that does make sense07:35
quaal_macthis sucks07:35
benplautThe family computer is running Dapper (updated about a month ago, not too often), and it's having a bit of trouble.  Sometimes, apps just don't open.  I can't get any command line output because when you open them from a term (which you have to start up with a tty), they work fine!  In addition, sometimes they open about ten minutes after the fact, and everything works from then on.  I was thinking that the loopback wasn't connected to
benplaut1 (it is), or that dbus is screwed up.  Any advice?  I'm putting on edgy this summer, after a new hard drive and it goes LTS.07:35
os1riswhen i do a iwconfig it shows auth0 but im stuck from there.. can anyone help?07:35
mkquisthappy_nic - does that give u the line by line startup?07:36
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happy_nicmkquist: yeah, i think. it might be alt-f8..07:36
happy_nicmkquist: hmm /etc/init.d... that isn't even in /usr07:37
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quaal_machappy_nic, i think /etc/init.d is its own07:37
quaal_mac..in root07:37
os1riscan anyone helpme with ndiswrapper? im in need .. =[07:37
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h1st0Heywood: you need to follow these intructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper07:38
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Heywoodh1st0: alright, I'll give it a go, thanks for your help. I might be back in a few minutes07:38
brophatbilly where does firestarter get listed? my bro can't find it under applications.07:38
h1st0Heywood: someone else might be able to help you furthe ri haven't used ndiswrapper in ages07:39
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happy_nicmkquist: init is like the very first thing that runs after the kernel loads..07:40
obvio171hi! how do I install Apache Maven on ubuntu? do i need to enable some special repository?07:40
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os1rissorry i wasnt seeing that07:40
os1risno i followed the docs just trying to get it up07:40
os1risits installed07:40
happy_nicmkquist: did you maybe edit the partition you boot off of. the partition grub is installed on?07:40
os1risbut just having problems getting it to pass traffic07:40
brophatwhen you install package does it automaticaly get listed in the application menu?07:40
nownottso is the ntfs read / write stable enough to depend on? or does is still have big bugs07:40
billybrophat:  not sure.  he would have had it done by now in a terminal.  sudo apt-get install firestarter07:40
brophatbilly it already installed but he can't find it listed in the menu07:41
billybrophat:  oh.  Systems > Administration07:41
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brophatbilly ahh ok07:41
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brophatbilly thanks bro he found it07:42
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thompsozntfs read / write should be good to go under feisty fawn... Its listed as fully supported under 7.0407:42
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billybrophat: right on.  tell him that firestarter loads on boot, so there's no need to restart it from the menu every time.  It just runs in the background, silently.07:42
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Feisty Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta - Support in #ubuntu+1 | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org
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(billy/#ubuntu) yellow_chicken: try sudo /etc/init.d/ipmasq status07:47
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=== wilo wilo is after a linux version of camtasia
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happy_nicmkquist: maybe try reinstalling grub.. launch grub and then "root(hd0,1)" or whatever your / partition is and then "setup(hd0)"07:51
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yellow_chickenbilly: it printed out Usage /etc/init.d/ipmasq {start|stop|force-reload|restart}07:51
alucardi edited my kernel configuration quite heavily, yet when i do make-kpkg it says "nothing to be done" and just quits07:51
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billyyellow_chicken: hmm.   there's a "status" usage for mine.  try "top" and look for it.07:52
alucardi edited my kernel configuration quite heavily, yet when i do make-kpkg it says "nothing to be done" and just quits07:52
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hed2000can you install windows app on ubuntu?07:52
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hed2000i read it has wine but i dont see it07:52
Flannel!wine | hed200007:52
ubotuhed2000: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.07:52
alucardi edited my kernel configuration quite heavily, yet when i do make-kpkg it says "nothing to be done" and just quits07:52
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Flannelhed2000: You'll need to enable universe07:53
mrignshed2000: www.winehq.org07:53
mrignsgo there and download 0.9.3307:53
wilodoes anyone know a screen recording application for ubuntu?07:53
bulmeralucard you used fakeroot right?07:53
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GekiBlueOkay, guys... Sometimes when I restart my computer... After the loading screen, it just goes black... and then other times it's just normal.07:53
alucardnah bulmer07:53
billywilo:  istanbul, perhaps?07:53
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alucardi was actually on root07:53
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hed2000i tell you what i love ubuntu THX ill look into all the links:)07:54
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mkquisthappy_nic - not been able to get this old machine to boot off of 400 gig (where i want it installed), gonna try LBA in bios, that seemed to fix the little one last nite07:54
GekiBlueAnyone have any ideas? :O07:54
Flannelwilo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts07:54
holeis there any way to make ethereal sniff a specific ip07:55
alucardbulmer: what could not using fakeroot have done?07:55
bulmeralucard am not familiar with ubuntu way of compiling a kernel, so using fakeroot as oppose to real root didnt make that much sense to me07:55
mkquisthappy_nic - thanks for the help tho, ill be back either on my windows machine or hopefully the linux one... ; )07:55
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alucardbulmer: i compiled several kernels just fine, i deleted the last one and then tried to make-kpkg this one and it won't make a package out of it07:55
yellow_chickenbilly: ps aux | grep -i "ipmasq" shows nothing07:55
yellow_chickeni restarted ipmaq07:56
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mephisto_join #ubuntu07:56
bulmeralucard: did you have to do a make-kpkg clean ?07:56
billyyellow_chicken:  i'm not sure of any other way to check it.07:56
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alucardbulmer: yah i did make-kpkg clean07:56
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yellow_chickenbilly do you know howto to configure it?  i am trying to get internet access from another pc via this laptop.07:57
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billyyellow_chicken:  i've never worked with it.  wish I could help.07:57
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hed2000what is Add the Universe repository? for using wine07:59
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macd!universe > hed200007:59
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catid'lo  i got wireless working =)08:01
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catidnetwork manager is a bit irritating though.. it tries to manage my wired connection, which i'd rather not have it do, because it will disconnect one to use the other08:02
catidi would like to have both connected at once08:02
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spectrmcatid, I believe that can be changed - be able to run them concurrently08:02
catidany ideas where to start?08:02
xreyyeI'm having a lot of problems setting up a wireless connection, is this the place to ask?08:03
catidxreyye: worked for me08:03
xreyyethanks :)08:03
geekytrentis port forwarding for bittorrent worth it? and since you can only have one connection using the default bittorrent app, don't you only need to accept connections on 6881 instead of all nine?08:04
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xreyyeI've gone to System-Administration-Networking and it displays a screen that lists Wireless Connection and Modem connection08:05
catidgeekytrent: KTorrent will forward the port for you on most home routers08:05
catidxreyye: which wireless card are you using?08:05
xreyyeDoes the fact that its displaying Wireless connection mean that its recognizing my card?08:05
xreyyecatid: using Netgear WPN51108:05
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shirishok guys anybody up?08:06
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shirishcan somebody help me?08:07
Darkkishgaim keeps crashing randomly, like i'll just be talking and then bam, bye bye Gaim, how do i fix it?08:07
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catidDarkkish: try turning off sound08:07
geekytrentcatid: does it make a noticable difference having it forwarded?08:07
Darkkishcatid what?08:07
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catidDarkkish: it's an option in gaim, turn off sound08:07
Darkkishcatid if you say soi08:08
catidgeekytrent: yes it should08:08
Flannel!anyone | shirish08:08
ubotushirish: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:08
catidgeekytrent: the bit torrent clients tend to upload more if you're uploading too08:08
shirishhi ubotus thnx08:08
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catidshirish: what's wrong?08:08
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geekytrentcatid: right, but still being behind a nat should allow (if you have the ports open) sharing right?08:09
anirudhaHi, has anyone upgraded to Ubuntu 7.04 Beta?08:09
billyanirudha: I have.08:09
shirishok I'm not able to run Gaim on linux, while I'm able to run it on windows08:09
Flannelanirudha: #ubuntu+1 for Feisty stuff.08:09
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shirishalso my network icon doesn't show network but I'm able to browse net.08:09
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anirudhaBilly, What do you think?08:09
catidgeekytrent: yeah.. the problem with NAT is if your computer with bittorrent changes IP address the NAT needs to know about the changes..  it's just easier to use UPnP to configure it for you (built into KTorrent)08:09
shirishI have 2 NIC's on the comp.08:09
geekytrentcatid: err, uploading, that is08:09
Samus_Arandoes anyone know what CFLAGS I can use for GCC so that an app doesn't require GLIBC_2.3, but just GLIBC_2.0 ?08:09
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catidgeekytrent: i mean IP inside the network.. say your sister gets an ip before you do so your ip is now .101 instead of .10008:10
billyanirudha:  a little buggy.08:10
shirishhere's my lspci & dmesg http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2320062&postcount=52408:10
shirishcatid & ubotu: I would appreciate if u guys could help me08:11
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anirudhaBilly, How so? I upgraded to 7.04 Beta, but mine works okay?08:11
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billyanirudha:  type /join #ubuntu+108:11
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os1rishey does anyone know when trying to bring up my wirless why i get a cpu softlockup on mu server install and it wont boot anymore?08:11
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os1riswtf happen to my 2 ti,es trying to bring up aut008:11
catidos1ris: bad wireless driver08:11
os1riserr ath008:11
shirishall my DNS entries are in the router & I have done the IPv6 turn off thing08:12
catidos1ris: be sure you're installing firmware if it's needed08:12
shirishany ideas anybody?08:12
os1risyea installing cen0s for server now.. done trying .. cent0s08:12
anirudhabilly, What's that?08:12
os1risubuntu server is good just to many tries..=\08:12
billyanirudha: for feisty talk.08:12
catidshirish: ubotu is a bot =)08:12
=== Samus_Aran [n=ILL@about/linux/supportwhirlwind/SamusAran] has left #Ubuntu ["onwards]
shirishoops, srry didn't know tht08:12
os1risstill love kubuntu =]  beryl makes everything better08:13
os1risim out..08:13
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anirudhabilly, Is Feisty Talk the same as XChat?08:13
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shirishanirudha:  billy was saying to type /join #ubuntu+1 I guess thts the channel where feisty talk is happening08:13
billyanirudha: it's just another room.08:13
catidshirish: does gaim print an error or something?08:13
geekytrentcatid: ok, but it doesn't make a speed difference with downloading if i have the correct internal ip address right? i was reading that forwarding the ports somehow speeds up your download since it gets a "direct connection", but since i have the ports open for the specific computer and am not worried about other computers (i manually hand out the ip addresses), your still getting a direct connection...or so i believe. am i wro08:13
shirishanirudha: nope, it just tries to connect & stays there, I'm using windows to talk to u guys08:14
shirishhang on, lemme check if I can get the logs to tell me what's going on08:14
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xreyyeWhy am I getting errors when I try to install ndiswrapper? Specifically errors for the loadndisdriver part...08:14
catidgeekytrent: okay it doesn't speed up downloading DIRECTLY.  other computers on the internet need to be able to connect to yours in order to download from you.  if you're behind NAT, you need the ports on your computer forwarded either manually or via UPnP, for people to connect to them08:15
=== Grindar [n=ubuntu@ws111-211.hull.dynamic.msstate.edu] has joined #ubuntu
tunganetI am getting error messages updating my softwares... What might be the problem?08:15
shirishok where should I see for the .gaim logs?08:15
bobyCan you help me i " wanna make a ping of a network but i don't wanna make a scan of a dead addresses" HOW TO MAKE A SCAN OF AN ALIVE ADDRESSES08:15
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catidgeekytrent: the way bit torrent works, if you're uploading also, you get to download faster08:15
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geekytrentcatid: then another question, how am i uploading already without port-forwarding through my nat?08:16
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:16
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@c-69-142-152-161.hsd1.nj.comcast.net!#ubuntu-read-topic] by Hobbsee
shirishok I don't have any logs here in .gaim, I have status.xml here08:16
catidgeekytrent: there are smart ways to poke holes through firewalls, or to reuse a download connection to upload.  i assume it's one of those.  you'll upload much more reliably if you open the ports though08:17
GrindarMy ubuntu partition seems to be having a wierd problem. It boots to the login screen, and after I enter my data it leaves the screen, then returns back to the login screen after a few seconds. Any ideas?08:17
geekytrentcatid: alright, thanks.08:17
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anirudhabilly, okay08:18
tunganethttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12112/plain/ <---- i cannot update! help!08:18
anirudhashirish, okay08:18
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billyG'night folks.08:18
zuritsGN billy08:18
shirishcatid: ok I have pasted the status at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12113/08:18
shirishsee if u can make any sense out of it08:19
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bobyHELP " when i scan the network in shell the ping of dead address is takinkg long time " HOW TO MAKE IT FASTER08:19
bobyHELP " when i scan the network in shell the ping of dead address is takinkg long time " HOW TO MAKE IT FASTER08:19
l0rdr0ckanyone working on ubuntu on appleTV yet?08:19
shirishboby: have u turned off ipv6?08:19
catidshirish: sorry that makes no sense to me.. i'm no a professional08:19
shirishok, no issues08:19
xreyyeDoes anyone know anything about ndiswrapper?08:19
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bobyi try "ping 192.168.0."$j" -c 2 -i 0.001 -w 0.01 | grep 64\ bytes\"08:20
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bobybut in dead address weat 3-4 seconds08:20
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Bournehey.. I messed the GNOME panels.... i wanted to reload the default panels... how do I do it?08:20
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shirishok guys I have 640*480 resolution, now while setting up, by mistake my time zone has been shifted to pakistan, instead of India hence even while updating it tries to go to the pakistan servers, anyway I can set tht right?08:20
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Bournehey.. I messed the GNOME panels.... i wanted to reload the default panels... how do I do it?....08:21
GrindarMy ubuntu partition seems to be having a wierd problem. It boots to the login screen, and after I enter my data it leaves the screen, then returns back to the login screen after a few seconds. Any ideas? If not, I'll reinstall, as none of the sessions are working.08:22
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CoLdFiRecan anybody help me?08:24
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tunganethttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12112/plain/   i cannot update =[08:24
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CoLdFiReim going crazy beause of a trouble08:24
Grindarwhat is it?08:24
CoLdFiRecan anybody help me?08:24
CoLdFiReim going crazy beause of a trouble08:24
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CoLdFiReHELP ME08:25
Darkkishcatid, it crashed again still08:25
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GrindarWhat is your problem ColdFire?08:25
tunganethow come my box cannot update?08:25
DarkkishMy problem, is that Gaim keeps crashing.08:25
CoLdFiRemy sound in Ubuntu Edgy is very bad08:25
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Grindarvery bad...elaborate?08:26
crimsunCoLdFiRe: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems08:26
catidDarkkish: sorry to hear08:26
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CoLdFiRein Totem there is no problem but in XMMS and Rhythmbox is bad08:26
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bobyCan you help me i " wanna make a ping of a network but i don't wanna make a scan of a dead addresses" HOW TO MAKE A SCAN OF AN ALIVE ADDRESSES08:27
[StingRay] Hi all. Anybody having Netgear WT511G PCMCIA with dapper?08:27
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bobyi try "ping 192.168.0."$j" -c 2 -i 0.001 -w 0.01 | grep 64\ bytes\"08:27
bobybut in dead address weat 3-4 seconds08:27
=== Mugwump09 [n=jodajo_0@12-218-87-91.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
jedidorAnyone know how to get extended view going with the nvidia drivers? I have gone through nvidia-settings and there are no options for detect display.08:27
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jedidoris there a command line that I might be able to run to force check detect on the display settings ?08:28
liutisboby try nmap, it works! "nmap -sP 192.168.0.* "08:28
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tunganetIf i have a 160GB harddive. Is this the correct/ better way to partition it? 100gb ext3 /home 2gb linux-swap and the rest to / ?08:28
[StingRay] Can somebody give me basic directions on configuring PCMCIA wireless adapter?08:28
=== Maverynthia [n=Maverynt@240-127.202-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Darkkishpiece of shit gaim08:29
Mugwump09I installed ubuntu in OEM mode and whenever I log in there is some pop-up box that I can't completely see, I'm pretty sure it's a video error, I have a GeForce 7800 GT08:29
Darkkishstop f***ing crashing.08:29
DarkkishI give up08:29
DarkkishI''m getting on windows for now08:29
Darkkishi don't have time to deal with this08:29
tunganetlol darkkish08:29
tunganethow old are you?08:29
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jerkface03Ermph can someone help me figure out with ubuntu server 6.06 won't boot up?08:29
Darkkishtunganet, 15 :p but i'm supposed to be asleep08:29
Darkkishand i am trying to talk to a friend08:30
Darkkishso i don't have the time or patients to deal with this problem at this time08:30
tunganetDarkkish: haha i am 16 and i am too, having lots of trouble08:30
Darkkishthe comp is dual-boot though08:30
bobyTHANKS liutis08:30
Darkkishadios people08:30
Mugwump09can anyone help me?08:30
Mugwump09is ubuntu incompatible with nVidia drivers or something?08:30
jedidorI just installed them08:31
jedidorwhat card you have?08:31
=== Iduna [n=kawfee@cpc4-nthc4-0-0-cust186.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Mugwump09well it messes up everytime I log in08:31
tunganetjedidor: how did you install it?08:31
Mugwump097800 GT08:31
jerkface03What does the LTS stand for in Ubunutu Server 6.06 LTS?????08:31
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Mugwump09I haven't gotten it to run yet08:31
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Mugwump09installed in OEM mode though08:31
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jedidorone sec while I link you to what I used I had to edit the xorg.conf after the basic install but worked for the most part08:31
=== corevette [n=corevett@adsl-75-35-75-132.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
SuurorcaLong Term Support08:32
tunganetjedidor: what method did you use to install your nvidia?08:32
tunganetDoes anyone know why i am not connecting to gaim?08:32
Mugwump09is that for me?08:32
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jedidorfor nvidia/ati08:32
tunganetDo not use easyubuntu08:32
jedidoryou have to edit the xorg.conf08:32
tunganeti just reformatted my whole system08:32
jedidorand install a couple other things08:32
jerkface03Surrorca: I see... and the difference between it and the other version is exactly the same except one has longer support?08:33
tunganetbecause of easyubuntu and automatix08:33
corevettehow come i can't upgrade the new restricted modules package...it's preventing me from going online!08:33
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xreyeWhats the best way to enable wpa access?08:33
tunganetcorevette: i think i am having the same problem as you08:33
CoLdFiRecan anyone help me about my sound system?08:33
Fujitsucorevette, tunganet: Feisty?08:33
jerkface03I downloaded the LTS version08:33
=== catid [n=catid@c-76-17-106-128.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
corevettetunganet and fujitsu yes..feisty08:33
jerkface03it won't boot up08:33
Fujitsujerkface03: 6.06 is the same as 6.06 LTS.08:33
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jerkface03it'll install, but during the boot up process it reboots my computer08:34
CoLdFiRecan anyone help me about my sound system?08:34
=== MarkT- [n=markt@S0106001346f2e281.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kexec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:34
jedidorI had to install the basic legacy originally for the nvidia card08:34
jerkface03I'm starting to get very frustrated, because I don't even know how to access any kind of logging information :(08:34
jedidorswitch it to nvidia-glc08:34
corevettefujitsu and tunganet...did you resolve the problem?08:34
Fujitsucorevette, tunganet: The lack of linux-restricted-modules isn't abnormal for Feisty, and should be resolved in the coming hours.08:34
jedidoredit /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:34
catidany idea how to get networkmanager to stop disconnecting me when it turns on the wired connection?08:34
tunganetFujitsu: Hey08:34
corevettehow do i install......when i don't have internet fujitsu08:34
nomopofomoi'm getting an error about a bad superblock on /dev/hde1 can someone tell me about that?08:34
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tunganetFujitsu: if i have a 160gb harddrive, is this the correct way to do it?  2gb linux swap 100gb /home ext3 and the rest / ext?08:35
Fujitsucorevette: You'll have to use a Live CD, probably. Anyway, this is #ubuntu+1 talk.08:35
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MarkT-I've just finished a ubuntu install and I want xorg to use the fbdev server, but I get the message /dev/fb0: no such device".   What do I have to do to fix this?08:35
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geekytrentsince the default bittorrent app can only be brought up once (i believe), i only need to open 6881 right?08:36
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tunganetIs anyone having problems with gaim?08:36
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tunganetFujitsu: you there?08:37
corevettenot me tunganet08:37
jedidorcomment out  dri, change nv to nvidia, Section "Extensions"08:37
jedidorOption "Composite" "Enable"08:37
gansinhohello, I'm not able to take the pictures in my digital camera anymore, the system recognizes it, but does not mount08:37
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jerkface03god I think I'm going to start pulling my hair out08:37
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tunganetcorevette: so you dont have internet right now? how08:38
jerkface03this thing won't stop rebooting itself08:38
jedidorSection "Device"08:38
jedidor        Identifier      "NVIDIA Corporation NV28 [GeForce4 Ti 4800 SE] "08:38
jedidor        Driver          "nvidia"08:38
jedidor        BusID           "PCI:1:0:0"08:38
jedidor       #Option "RenderAccel" "true"08:38
jedidor       #Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true"08:38
gansinhooh no...08:38
corevettetunganet i fixed it.....but i was on a laptop08:38
jedidorhow I got my card working with those settings and the nvidia drivers08:38
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jedidorand switching from nvidia-legacy-glx to nvidia-glx08:38
tunganetuh.. my gaim isnt connecting08:38
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yigaldoes anyone here convert ooimpress files to PPT I need some help08:39
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jedidorgeforce 4 ti4800 se, had the same thing happen with the geforece 4 460008:39
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corevette_tunganet which instant messaging service are you using?08:39
tunganetcorevette_: msn08:40
Coldopmhello, can anyone help me with an x serv issue on my notebook? I just installed Edgy08:40
corevette_ah can't help you there tunganet08:40
yigalColdoprn: what kind of issue08:40
jedidoranyone know how to get extended desktop working with nvidia ?08:40
tunganetcorevette_: man too many problems with ubuntu08:40
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tunganetcorevette_: i just reformatted it, and i am still not having internet at a decent speed08:40
yigaltung corev: ipv608:41
yigaltung corev: disable08:41
geekytrenttunganet: turn off ipv608:41
ColdopmYigal, When I try to load into ubuntu it says x serv failed to load..then it asks me if I want to view log.....what part of the log you want?08:41
tunganetgeekytrent: how so?08:41
geekytrenttunganet: i'll give ya a link, just a sec08:41
tunganetgeekytrent: any how come? =[08:41
tunganetgeekytrent: and how come*08:42
=== AmyRose [n=djb@user-12l2tg3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
jedidoranyone know how to get nvidia extended desktop running?08:42
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tunganetyigal: hwo come i have to disable ipv6?08:42
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yigalColdprn:did u get my im?08:43
geekytrenttunganet: most likely your service provider doesn't use ipv6 yet, and every time you try to connect to something, it tries to use that protocol first08:43
comodocan someone tell me a good burning program for ubuntu08:43
EbilPhishIs there a way to find what package owns a file?08:43
tunganetgeekytrent: okay, how do i fix it08:43
ColdopmYigal, nope08:43
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EbilPhishcomodo: k3b08:43
tunganetgeekytrent: did this just happen recently?08:43
geekytrenttunganet: no, it's been like this for a long time now08:43
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tunganetgeekytrent: where do i disable it =\08:43
EbilPhishcomodo: or gnomebaker, nautilus will also burn cds fine if its just making basic data discs08:44
yigalColdprn: can u read the xorg log and tell me where it seams to mess up08:44
geekytrenttunganet: here ya go: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4?highlight=%28ipv6%2908:44
comodois there anyway to tell wich one burns faster?08:44
ColdopmYigal I get the following08:44
yigalcoldprn: its usually long and messy but there will be a place where it will say "fatal error"08:44
tunganetgeekytrent: i think my linux experience is going to end soon08:44
yigalcoldprn: or something like this08:44
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EbilPhishcomodo: They should all be the same speed, it depends on your burners speed. Just make sure they are set to use the maximum avilable speed08:45
geekytrenttunganet: sorry to hear that.08:45
yigaltunganet: there is a wiki on it08:45
yigaltunganet: ipv608:45
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tunganetyigal: yes thanks08:45
EbilPhishcomodo: Also on-the-fly burning can be faster than files>iso>burning08:45
comodoi like how in ubuntu you can just right click to burn isos i deal with isos alot so thats a blessing08:45
yigaltunganet: good, don't give up it gets easier08:45
jedidoranyone know how to get extended desktop working with nvidia ?08:45
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tunganetAuthentication Rejected,08:45
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tunganetyigal: i've been using ubuntu for the past... 3-5 weeks and problems kept coming =[08:46
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hed2000i can not dual mon with nvidia alsa08:46
ColdopmYigal, i810 no video bios modes for depths chosen....(ee) Screens found but none have usable configuration...(ee) i810 no matching device section for the instance (busID PCI :0:2:1)08:46
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Mugsysomeone needs to help me with my video problems, I have been trying to get ubuntu to work for the past 3 days and I'm starting to get a little pissed off08:46
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ColdopmYigal Fatal server eror no screens found08:46
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mcfrostyTrying to setup up NdisWrapper in Kbuntu. Trying to follow guides but nothing is working.08:47
tunganetgeekytrent: why is it that, my internet applications were working perfectly before, and now it seems dead?08:47
yigalColdoprn: try vesa08:47
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yigalColdoprn: as a driver08:47
ColdopmMugsy try here first http://wiki.x.org08:47
comodoyea i went out and baught a 17" monitor from my buddy to run dual monitors but i need a dvi to vga converter i went to staples but there to expensive there when you can go on newegg and get one for like 2 bucks when at staples there almost 3008:47
Coldopmyigal, I can't load into my system because it won't load xserv08:47
geekytrenttunganet: i don't know08:47
yigalColdoprn: have you looked over what your card needs?08:48
tunganetgeekytrent: lol, my linux box is so messed after i woke up from my nap =[08:48
yigalColdprn: I mean what driver08:48
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geekytrenttunganet: you might just have isp issues also, or modem issues08:48
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Coldopmno, it is onboard intel...I swear I had it working previously with i81008:48
tunganetgeekytrent: my other computers are running fine08:49
yigalColdoprn: no Beryl?08:49
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MugsyColdopm: that didn't help me at all08:49
Coldopmyigal, to the best of my knowledge those are generic drivers for most cards no?>08:49
scott_Does anyone know the name of that little piece of software that monitors the TCP stream of the network the comp is on for images and pulls them out and displays them in a nice little window?  I cant recall the name, its very simple, open source.......arg08:49
ColdopmMugsy do you have the best drivers installed for your card?08:50
yigalColdoprn: yes the idea is to load your Gnome setup with a weak generic driver that will work at least to begin things08:50
geekytrenttunganet: ah ok...have you tried pulling down the connection and bringing it back up to see if that fixes the issue?08:50
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tunganetgeekytrent: did, and nope my linux is the only one having problems08:50
gansinhohello, I'm not able to take the pictures in my digital camera anymore, the system recognizes it, but does not mount08:50
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yigalColdprn: but now I have further info that tells me you had a work x environment a little while ago08:50
MugsyColdopm: I have a GeForce 7800 GT, I installed in OEM mode and I can log in, but when I do there is some pop-up box that I can't see completely and I can't do anything08:50
lkthomasis there have any docs tell me how to config software RAID 108:50
geekytrenttunganet: no, i meant this command:    sudo ifconfig eth0 down   sudo ifconfig eth0 up08:50
ColdopmYigal: I can't get onto the net to update as I can't load x serv at all, my notebook is a paperweight right now...08:51
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yigalColdprn: not true, you have the command line08:51
tunganetgeekytrent: i will try that after my software updates, thanks. I'll get back to you in approx. 5 minutes08:51
geekytrenttunganet: what that will do is take down your connection, and then bring your connection back up from the computer08:51
ColdopmMugsy: Try booting with cd in drive again and select the VGA option at the botom to boost your resolution08:51
yigalColdprn: do you have your live CD?08:51
geekytrenttunganet: ok08:51
tunganetgeekytrent: is that one line?08:51
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ColdopmYigal: I do, however I have no idea what commands to use08:51
ColdopmYigal : yes08:51
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MugsyColdopm: what do I set my resolution to?08:52
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yigalColdprn: please type "sudo apt-get update" in a terminal08:52
ColdopmMugsy: I would go as high as it allows you to08:52
geekytrenttunganet: i separated the 2 different commands the first one ends at down...and yes, that is one whole line08:52
tunganetgeekytrent: aright08:52
geekytrenttunganet: run the first one, press enter, then the second, press enter08:53
yigalColdprn: my reasoning is as follows. If the x server worked for you before it probably doesn't due to upgrades08:53
ColdopmYigal: When I leave the details it says X server now disabled Restart GDM when it is configured properly08:53
jedidoranyone know how to setup the extended desktop with nvidia?08:53
tunganetgeekytrent: understood08:53
yigalfine, just hit Ctr+Alt+F108:53
ColdopmYigal, I removed it and installed windows....this is a brand new reinstall08:53
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geekytrenttunganet: i'll bbiaf, gonna smoke08:53
yigalColdoprn: Ctrl+Alt+F108:54
tunganetgeekytrent: alright08:54
Coldopmyigal: OK08:54
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jerkface03Where do I go to get boot logs?08:54
Coldopmat cmd line08:54
EbilPhishjerkface03: 'dmesg' or /var/log/messages08:54
yigalColdoprn: How did you install Ubuntu? 7.04 or 6.10?, to get to command line hit the above sequence Ctrl+Alt+F108:55
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__haseIs there some reason I time out every time I try to request a key from keyserver hkp://wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net, or does that happen to everyone?08:55
yigalColdprn: did you use safe graphics mode for the live CD?08:55
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ColdopmYigal 6.10 alternate08:55
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ahornhello, how can i run two mysql-servers at ubuntu? does any know a howto?08:56
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yigalColdoprn: my suggestions are use the live CD to get on to the internet.  Then look up what you need to do for your graphics card to get xorg working.  That is you need to edit your xorg.conf file.  Is this possible?08:56
ColdopmYigal I did the update it says some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead...I dont have it online if that matters?08:56
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ColdopmYigal, the live cd won't run because I can't boot x serv, so therefore I have to install in text08:57
yigalcoldprn: What am I talking about.  you are online.08:57
kintaro0ehi guys..what do i need to install so that i can play .mov files08:58
Coldopmthis computer is yeah, desktop never had any problems08:58
yigalColdoprn: you had luck installing though, you were using Gnome on your laptop08:58
lkthomas what's diff between dmraid and mdadm ?08:58
yigalcoldoprn: yes?08:58
ColdopmWas, I think I ran 6.06 and then updated, but I can't get Dapper to run anymore either ;(08:58
kkd_Can anyone help me to install my all in one laser printer canon mf5730 ? Ubuntu recognize it but the driver does not exist !08:58
yigalColdoprn: how are you connecting to the internet?  Can you use a wired, ethernet?08:59
Unfrgiven_kintaro0e: just open it in totem. it will then prompt you to download and install the latest codecs - this is a largely automatic process08:59
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bicycledaavekkd_:are you using CUPS?08:59
Coldopmstill had some driver issues when I was running it before thats it why I put windows back on, I am Just fed up with MS08:59
ColdopmYigal, I am talking to you on my desktop, No hub or router, I just switch cables when I need to09:00
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cablesColdopm, you switch who? :)09:00
yigalColdoprn: so you can connect your laptop to internet with an ethernet09:00
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yigalColdprn: please do that and boot up09:01
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bitwiseshiftlefthas anyone here tried installing feisty on a RAID?09:01
kintaro0eUnfrgiven_: ah..i see.but do you know what are this packages?09:01
bitwiseshiftleftbecause I tried, and it doesn't boot after09:01
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Coldopmif I need to yes, you figure if I run sudo apt-get update with net plugged in?09:01
kkd_bicycledaave: you are talking in a lunguage i dont really understand. linux is very new for me. what i have is  system->preferences->printing   there i can install my printer.09:01
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Mugwump09Coldopm: changing resolution didn't work, I think there was a misunderstanding, it doesn't cut off on the screen, but it's fragmented and stuff09:02
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kingcobradoes anybody know why azureus would fail to initialise ssdp09:02
Flannelbitwiseshiftleft: #ubuntu+1 for Feisty support, not here.  Thanks.09:02
ColdopmKingcobra, r u using a router?09:02
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kingcobrayes Coldopm09:03
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yigalColdprn: how do you connect to the internet on your laptop?09:03
yigaldoes anyone use ooimpress?09:03
ColdopmYigal I can plug it in and reboot modem and probably get online....09:03
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yigalColdoprn: please do this09:03
Unfrgivenkintaro0e: gstreamer-plugins-*09:03
bicycledaavekkd_:sorry for that.maybe you can try to visit  and follow the instruction there, good luck09:03
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ColdopmKingcobra you need to set the allow on your router settings to allow Azeurus to communicate through an open port09:04
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kingcobrasurely upnp can work in ubuntu though Coldopm09:04
kintaro0eUnfrgiven: thanks09:05
Unfrgivenkintaro0e: np09:05
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ColdopmYeah, you would think so...but I had mega issues with the NAT and my firewall in my router and azuerus09:05
Coldopmyigal do what?09:05
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yigalColdoprn: I have to go to sleep.  I have a lot of work to do.09:06
Shaba1anyone know anything know anything about gparted09:06
ColdopmYigal try to run update woth rj45 plugged into notebook?09:06
yigalColdoprn: you have to change your xorg.conf so that your laptop works with GNOME09:06
geekytrentso, what directory does the default bittorrent app use for it's torrents for uploading?09:06
kingcobraColdopm, any idea why it cant run ssdp09:06
Coldopmyigal well thanks for trying09:06
yigalColdoprn: there are many ways to do this09:06
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HipotermiAcual es el comando para ver los procesos09:06
yigalColdoprn: have you looked on the forums yet?09:06
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Coldopmyigal is there an easy way to do it from Cmd prompt?09:06
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Coldopmyigal I will thank you09:07
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harpetteHipotermiA: ps aux09:07
BalachmarHow can I check what the expiry date is of a user, when this has been set with usermod09:07
yigalColdoprn: you said windows is on on your desktop right?09:07
Rozzahey, does anyone know where i can get the new beta for power PC?09:07
kintaro0eUnfrgiven: i'm using kubuntu..whats equivallent with totem?09:07
harpetteHipotermiA: de nada09:07
Coldopmyigal nope I run edgy fine on DT09:07
valehruHey guys, what do I need to install to get dvd support working in feisty?09:07
yigalColdprn: use your desktop to find the information09:07
Flannelvalehru: #ubuntu+1 for Feisty support, thanks09:07
eth01can i install bitlbee on ubuntu?09:07
Unfrgivenkintaro0e: sorry, i dont know. what is the default movie player called in kubuntu?09:08
Flanneleth01: yes.  It's in universe09:08
yigalColdoprn: yes?09:08
eth01package doesnt exist though apparently09:08
Coldopmyigal I am trying...i will get it09:08
kintaro0ehmm..kafe i geus09:08
Coldopmyyigal have a good sleep night09:08
kintaro0ei guess09:08
kingcobradoes anybody know why azureus would fail to initialise ssdp09:08
yigalColdoprn: you will, goodnight09:08
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Flanneleth01: You need to enable universe09:08
Flannel!info bitlbee09:08
eth01how i do that?09:08
ubotubitlbee: An IRC to other chat networks gateway. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-1 (edgy), package size 297 kB, installed size 768 kB09:08
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Flannel!universe | eth0109:08
ubotueth01: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource09:08
Flanneleth01: first link09:08
eth01kk thnks09:08
Shaba1 resized my windows ntsf partition to clear up 11.2gb of unallocated space09:09
harpetteShaba1: irc.gnome.org #gparted09:09
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Shaba1now what?09:09
FlannelShaba1: now... install ubuntu09:09
FlannelShaba1: in the install process, you'll partition and format that freespace for Ubuntu to use it09:09
Shaba1wait I am not at that point yet09:09
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Shaba1I am installing xubuntu09:10
ColdopmKingcobra did that work for you?09:10
Shaba1and I have got the gparted screen up09:10
Shaba1now what09:10
FlannelShaba1: eh?  What?  You already shrunk NTFS, right?  Then the next step is to pop in the install CD09:10
FlannelShaba1: or, whatever.  Start the install.09:10
Shaba1I am at that point09:10
harpetteShaba1: if your drive is already partitioned as you want, skip this step09:10
BalachmarHow can I check what the expiry date is of a user, when this has been set with usermod?09:11
FlannelShaba1: let the installer create the ubuntu partition in the freespace you just cleared.09:11
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Shaba1everbody keeps saying do this and do that09:11
Shaba1but not HOW09:11
FlannelShaba1: Start the installer.09:11
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kingcobraill try now, but before in windows azureus when i didnt use upnp usually there was just one inbound connection ip address my router instead of loads like it should be Coldopm09:11
Shaba1Flannel I told you I already have09:11
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harpetteShaba1: we don't have the installation screen in front of us at present09:12
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Shaba1I am at the point in the installwe where the gparted scren is09:12
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ColdopmAnyone else getting error messages when you tried to install ekiga?09:12
FlannelShaba1: no, you said you weren't there yet.  Anyway, how are you installing? ok, liveCD.09:12
Shaba1I have clicked manual install09:12
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harpetteis there a pkg for the flash plugin, or do i get it from what firefox proposes?09:13
Shaba1manual partition that is09:13
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ColdopmHarpette go with firefox09:13
harpetteColdopm: TY09:13
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ColdopmHarpette work fine09:13
FlannelShaba1: create a new ext3 partition in that freespace.  You'll want to create two, if you want a swap partition.09:14
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Shaba1but whever I choose linux saw09:14
Shaba1linux swap09:14
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Shaba1it makes it a primary partition instead of extened09:14
dougbi'm having a problem ripping MP3's.  the profile is made and enabled, but it still isn't appearing as an option in sound juicer09:14
harpetteAny recommendations for a calendar app(let)?09:15
Shaba1and that is suppsed to be the partition that the machine boots from09:15
ColdopmHarpette do you use synaptic or terminal?09:15
FlannelShaba1: you can have a couple (four) Primary partitions,09:15
harpetteShaba1: you need a primary partition on the disk before you can create an extended partition09:15
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harpetteColdopm: either09:16
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gabriel82I'm trying to upgrade to 7.04 with gksu update-manager -c -d, but it doesn't work09:16
ColdopmHarpette: Try typing calender into synaptic search?09:16
Shaba1that should be the window ntfs partition that I shrunk should it now09:16
harpetteColdopm: by "terminal" you meant apt-get at the cmd line?09:16
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Flannelgabriel82: #ubuntu+1 for Feisty support.  But, I believe it's just -d09:17
antihow do I start Ubuntu in CLI??? so X doesnt start??09:17
gabriel82Flannel: thanks09:17
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harpetteColdopm: i'm sure i can locate some, i'm wondering which is favorite09:17
FlannelShaba1: what should be?  You can have a few primary partitions.09:17
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ColdopmHarpette Yes but won't do you much good if you don't know the name of the software so searching with synaptic will probably yeild better results ;p09:17
Flannelanti: ctrl-alt-f1 should get you a TTY09:17
antiHey guys can someoen help me?09:17
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antii know it will get me a TTY09:17
antibut i am trying to update a driver09:18
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Flannelanti: so, thats... ubuntu in a CLI.09:18
ColdopmHarpette I use the one in Evolution...09:18
antiand cant be running X while i'm doing09:18
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Shaba1ok I was reading and something I read said that the primary partion is that one the machines looks to boot from09:18
maineranti: /etc/inittab  change the 5 to a 309:18
FlannelShaba1: no, that's the "active" partition.09:18
antithanks dude09:18
antii forgot09:18
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Shaba1ok well Flannel will grub do that09:19
FlannelShaba1: will grub do what?  Grub will boot to hda2, yes.09:19
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harpetteColdopm: yes i saw that there's one there, but when i launched Evolution it told me it you ask me about my e-mail address and such; i don't want it to go download my mail, i use a webmail interface09:19
antiflannel i am running 6.10 and in my etc i dont have an inittab but i have an init.d and an iftab, what one do you think it is if either of them?09:20
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mtholdenssanyone here have a archive to all the wallpapers released with every ubuntu releasE?09:20
Shaba1create the active partition flannel09:20
Shaba1like you said09:20
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FlannelShaba1: make your linux partition your active one.09:21
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Shaba1I want the choice to boot into windows or linux09:22
Flannelanti: as of 6.10, Ubuntu uses upstart, which I'm not totally familiar with.09:22
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Shaba1mostly windows since I need that for work09:22
FlannelShaba1: right, grub will give you that choice.  Grub is in your linux partition09:22
antiso there is no inittab?09:22
FlannelShaba1: the windows bootloader doesn't play well with others.09:22
Flannel!upstart | anti09:22
ubotuanti: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/09:22
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Shaba1Flannel you are saying like five different things09:22
Flannelanti: I don't believe inittab is in debian based systemsanyway.09:22
Shaba1I appreciate the help09:22
FlannelShaba1: no, I'm not.09:23
Shaba1but I need a straight line apporach09:23
kineticjab1984shaba1: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Dual_Boot_from_Windows_Bootloader_(NTLDR)_and_why09:23
Shaba1I want 28gb for widows09:23
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FlannelShaba1: Make your linux partition your active partition.  You will still be able to boot into windows.09:23
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kineticjab1984this uses grldr, which I find pretty simple09:23
Shaba1which I have resized already09:23
maineranti: sorry not in ubuntu atm,try init 3 in the console09:23
Shaba1I have 11 gb of unallocated space09:23
Shaba1now how do I make that into linux space09:24
Shaba1and get a menu when I turn on the computer so I can choose between windows and linux?09:24
Shaba1Simple as that09:24
Flannel!enter | Shaba109:24
ubotuShaba1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:24
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michuphi, have you trained your self in speed-reading? is it really works?09:25
lkthomasguys, why mkraid does not exists in ubuntu ?09:25
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liutisWhat i have to choose install 6.06.1 Dapper Drake (stable release), with Long Term Support. OR 6.10, codename Edgy Eft (stable release) ?09:26
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arrenlexliutis: On a desktop, install edgy. On a server, install dapper.09:26
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mcfrostyTrying to set up ndiswrapper with Kubuntu. Have a fresh install of Kubuntu. I have tried multiple guides but can't get any to work.09:27
BalachmarHow can I check what the expiry date is of a user, when this has been set with usermod?09:27
=== bambie [n=w00t@S01060018f8348c81.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
liutisarrenlex, i see :) i will use toshiba tecra notebook, heard what it works on it09:28
liutisarrenlex, thanx09:28
bambiei just md-5 my ubuntu iso. and it says checksum are different09:28
bambiewhat should i do?09:28
Flannelbambie: re-download the iso.  Use bittorrent to guarentee a good download09:29
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bambiethanks Flannel.09:29
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antihey does anyone in here know how to use Upstart??09:29
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m1r0sry caps09:30
antidoes anyone konow how to use upstart?09:30
antinot the boot screen09:31
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maineranti: sorry,i missed you after logging out of x,type init 3;it should drop you to runlevel 3,no x09:31
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antiokay thanks09:31
m1r0anti, i need to change boot screen :)09:31
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tunganetCan anyone help me with something very important..09:34
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Jerrek71I can try...09:34
Jerrek71Depends what it is ;)09:34
tunganeti am going to pm you09:34
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harpettetunganet: not proper etiquette: you're asupposed to ask your question, not ask to ask09:35
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harpettetunganet: so, what is the pbm?09:35
ant-!pm even worse09:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pm even worse - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:35
dougieanyone here use FrostWire?09:35
tunganeti want to go back to windows because of these constant troubles i am going through for the past 3-5 weeks.09:35
tunganetbut when i boot my system up with my windows disk it says my harddrive is not detected09:36
harpettetunganet: what troubles?09:36
dougiefor some reason i can't close FrostWire after i open it09:36
tunganeti cannot install windows if it cannot detect my harddrive09:36
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tunganetharpette: i cannot even go on gaim now09:36
ant-atleast ubuntu detects the harddrive :P09:36
dougielike when i click the x or go file and close it just minimizes09:36
tunganetharpette: i reinstalled a fresh new copy of ubuntu just 2 hours ago, and nothing seems to work stil..09:37
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dougie...get a new hard drive09:37
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tunganetdougie: my harddrive is indeed new but the problem is , the port where it connects to the mother board, the primary one is broken09:37
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tunganetdougie: so i am using the secondary one09:37
harpettetunganet: what happens when you try to launch Gaim?09:37
madman91hey guys09:37
ant-harpette : you probly just have to set a jumper09:38
tunganetharpette: it runs, but cannot connect through09:38
antithanks for your sugestions but the init 3 didnt dwork09:38
dougieyeah i don't think windows allows a MBR on a secondary harddrive controller or something like that09:38
madman91i have an .avi .sub .idx files ... how do i merge them09:38
madman91or play them together09:38
ant-harpette : sorry i meant tunganet09:38
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tunganetant-: pardon me09:38
tunganetant- how do i set a jumper, can you please help.09:38
dougiedid the primary ata controller ever work?09:39
ant-tunganet : it would be written on your harddrive, or goto the manufacturers site09:39
tunganetharpette: the problem where it frustrates me is that i can connect to irc, but not gaim09:39
harpettetunganet: hard disk drives have jumpers to set them as drive number 1, or 2 on a cable09:39
tunganetant-: my internet does not work on my linux09:39
tunganetharpette: can you elaborate more? i am really stupid when it comes to hardware09:39
dougiehow are you connected to IRC?09:39
ant-tunganet : goto the page right now.09:39
SmerityDoes anyone know where I'd initialise another X session at boot? Atm I have to "sudo X :1 -ac" before I can start a game in it09:40
tunganetdougie: that is the problem09:40
tunganetdougie: i can connect to irc, but nothing else works09:40
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tunganetant-: what page?09:40
dougiethats strange09:40
tunganetdougie: i have lost all the hopes, i just want to go back to windows now09:40
ant-tunganet : the manufacturers page09:40
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dougie....windows is horrible lol09:40
tunganetant-: i do not have internet from my browser09:40
Mugwump09yeah, I need someone to actually fucking help me09:40
tunganetdougie: but i cannot do anything with my linux right now09:41
dougieeverytime i get on a windows box now i get headaches09:41
harpettetunganet: are you using this system you're speaking of right now? To communicate with us now?09:41
ant-tunganet : but irc works?09:41
tunganetant-: yes09:41
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tunganetharpette: xchat gnome works, browser doesnt, gaim doesnt09:41
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dougiewindows should be shipped with a big box of asprin09:41
mainerant-: hmm try telinit 309:41
Mugwump09can I just talk to someone 1 on 1?09:41
tunganetdougie: i know linux is superior, but i merely cannot do anything with my linux right now.09:42
harpetteMugwump09: you're supposed to ask your question here, and not PM people09:42
SmerityMugwump09, just throw out your question - and try not to insult those asking for help09:42
tunganetharpette: can you help me on the jumper thing you mentioned?09:42
maineranti: sorry 3am here try telinit 309:42
Mugwump09I've asked my question about 3 times, but no one helps me09:43
harpetteMugwump09: missed it. ask again?09:43
SmerityMugwump09, where exactly?09:43
tunganethaha bambie :)09:43
Mugwump09a while ago09:43
Smeritylol, while ago is before I was here09:43
bambiemake is 4th09:43
tunganetant-: you there mate?09:43
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ant-tunganet : look on the side of your harddrive, or if its new it shoulda came with docs i assume09:44
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antiis 3 cli mode?09:44
antiwhats 2?09:44
SmerityMugwump09, ask and hope, that's the best you can do on a public forum like this - these people are just here of their own free will - but ask again, I'll try and help (though I can't promise expertise in whatever issue you have)09:44
antii was gonna make an inittab file in etc and put id:2:initdefault: in it09:44
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antiis 2 cli mode?09:45
tunganetant-: what do i do?09:45
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mainer3 is cli,single user=1 =no daemons running at all,rescue mode09:45
ant-tunganet : i just told you09:45
Mugwump09well, my display messes up whenever I log in, I installed with in OEM mode, it plays the song then it looks like a window tries to pop up09:45
antiohhh ok09:45
Mugwump09but it's all fragmented09:45
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antiso i should use id:3:initdefault:09:45
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ant-anti : are you using dapper?09:45
SmerityMugwump09, so basically it's a display issue? What graphics hardware do you have?09:45
tunganetant-: docs = documents?09:45
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maineranti: yes,then reboot09:45
Mugwump09GeForce 7800 GT09:46
harpetteMugwump09: what's OEM mode?09:46
SmerityI was going to ask the same thing lol09:46
ant-tunganet : yes, itll tell you all about masters and slaves :)09:46
SmeritySo did it work in the past and then just stop working, or did it immediately bugger up after install?09:46
Mugwump09idk, it was on the alternate disc09:46
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tunganetanti: no sir, my new harddrive was replaced by the store where my old one was broken09:46
tunganetant-:no sir, my new harddrive was replaced by the store where my old one was broken09:47
tunganetant-: they merely replaced it, but did not give me any documents09:47
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SmerityMugwump09, looking up OEM, but So did it work in the past and then just stop working, or did it immediately bugger up after install?09:47
Mugwump09it hasn't run yet09:47
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mainertunganet: then check the hdd manufacturer's website09:47
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tunganetmainer: i do not have internet through browser09:48
odorwhere can I find out my connection interface ? (ethernet ,pppoe,ppp)09:48
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Mugwump09I haven't gotten it to run09:48
odorin witch file is stored ?09:48
odorwithout using the ifconfig command for example09:48
Mugwump09it's the same thing everytime I try to run09:48
giskarddnice, my brother printer is working in ubuntu09:48
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giskarddtough job, but i finally got it working09:48
anthony--odor /proc/net i think09:49
giskarddand it shares nicely through samba too09:49
tunganetanthony--: is there anyway where i can learn about jumpers without docs?09:49
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odoranthony--, thanks09:49
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SmerityMugwump09, first, using OEM for install is kinda strange lol unless you have a specific reason for it, but no matter - second is that chances are you have a funky driver trying to display, so can you go Alt+Cntrl+F(something) and get into a console?09:49
Mugwump09yeah I can, but what am I supposed to look for?09:50
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anthony--tunganet : you could ask someone with the same hard drive i guess09:50
tunganetanthony--: um.. about the jumpers, is it done physically?09:50
anthony--tunganet : yes09:50
tunganetanthony--: okay thats tough09:50
madman91I have an .avi .sub and .idx .. i can watch the avi but how do i watch it with the subs?09:51
=== anti [n=anti@c-71-233-216-176.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
antiya, well that didnt work creating an inttab09:51
anthony--tunganet : just take it back to the store and tell em you want windows back on it....09:51
tunganetanthony--: ahh, okay09:51
tunganetanthony--: and say goodbye to linux =[09:51
SmerityMugwump09, first it'd be good to see what driver you're currently using for display, just need to remember where the config file for xorg is kept09:52
bambietunganet need a hug?09:52
antiwhat was the other sugestion on changing my runlevel on dappy???09:52
tunganetbambie: i <3 ubuntu09:52
SmerityMugwump09, nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:52
anthony--tunganet : you couldnt get your browser to work at all?09:52
bambiebut a new hdd and install it09:52
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tunganetanthony--: sometimes it doesnt, but its slower than dial up09:53
tunganetbambie: my harddrive is new09:53
tunganetbambie: the port ON my motherboard is broken09:53
MajorPayneHow can I lock my computer when I am away so that I have to type my password when I want to use it?09:53
tunganetbambie: it is on a secondary port09:53
antiany ideas on how to change my runlevel?09:53
SmerityMugwump09, and go down until you get to a section that goes like "Section "Device"  Indentifier blah blah Driver "foo"" and tell me what the driver is09:54
Mugwump09ok, I will do that and come back09:54
Mugwump09thank you for helping me09:54
tunganetanthony--: can you give me a short and simple explaination about the jumper settings please?09:54
SmerityMugwump09, no prob09:54
tunganetanthony--: i really need it09:54
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anthony--tunganet : their called controllers not ports, fyi09:55
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tunganetanthony--: sorry :P09:55
anthony--tunganet : on the back of your harddrive will be a set of pins, probly 6-8, the jumper connects two together09:55
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tunganetanthony--: is jumper the red cable ?09:56
anthony--tunganet : for the hd to be recognized as a master it has to have a specific two pins "jumped"09:56
MajorPayneHow can I lock my computer when I am away so that I have to type my password when I want to use it?09:56
anthony--tunganet : jumper is a little plastic piece that connects two pins09:57
m1r0anyone know how to change boot screen ?09:57
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antihey does anyone know about /etc/event.d09:57
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harpetteSmerity: i'm looking into "services-admin" for stopping GDM, since he doesn't have a GUI, but no man page, and "services-admin --help" doesn't help much so far09:57
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tunganetanthony--: i do believe i have that, connected from my secondary controller to my only harddrive.09:57
perseptanyone know of an app that will follow random links on a page every second09:57
anthony--tunganet : you have to have that, as far as i know every hd has a jumper in the back09:58
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Smerityharpette, sorry? this in relation to Mugwhump?09:58
tunganetanthony--: but my system is not regonizing it as a harddrive?09:58
harpetteSmerity: yes09:58
anthony--tunganet : a jumper is not a cable of any kind09:58
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tunganetanthony--: a cable is that red piece of plastic with black on each end?09:59
antianyone know??09:59
tabmanI'm looking for a download accelerator/manager for linux ?09:59
harpetteSmerity: i figure he should stop X and run the Xorg -configure, or similar09:59
Smerityharpette, afaik he said it was only a display issue? frazzled windows? i assumed it was an issue with the default driver havnig some fundamental incompatibility with his graphics card09:59
tunganetanthony--: jumper*09:59
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robertleehello, how do i find out what version of ubuntu i am using09:59
harpetteSmerity: but what to do then ?09:59
anthony--tunganet : a cable is a piece of wire, a jumper is a little plastice piece about the size of an m&m10:00
macdrobertlee, in a console you can "cat /etc/lsb-release"10:00
Smerityharpette, possible - just want to see - I'm we can get him straight onto the nvidia driver (binary) then the graphics card should be set straight10:00
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tunganetanthony--: oh dear god, i was wrong the whole time10:00
robertleethanx macd10:00
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anthony--tunganet : yes, you just gotta look at some pictures or something.10:00
tunganetanthony--: so i wouldn't have a jumper unless i go and buy one right?10:00
Mugwump09drive was "nv"10:01
anthony--tunganet : you have a jumper, its how the hd is set to be a master or a slave10:01
Mugwump09which means nvidia, I'm guessing10:01
anthony--tunganet : every hd has a jumper (as far as i know)10:01
tunganetanthony--: so what i do is.. take it out?10:01
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SmerityMugwump09, it's the opensource nvidia driver, let me just check it's compatibility10:01
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tunganetanthony--: i am really confused, sorry10:02
anthony--tunganet : no you have to set the jumper the right way10:02
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anthony--tunganet : obviously your only option is to take it back and have the store do it, and maybe show you10:02
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:02
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tw200good morning guys, how do i run aptitude in advanced mode?10:02
tunganetanthony--: damnit.. =[10:02
tunganetanthony--: a-power i go10:03
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anthony--tunganet : or you can try to get your browser working under ubuntu.. i assume that is the only reason you want to go back to windows.10:03
SmerityWOOT! Mugwump09 and harpette, think I got it - "10:04
SmeritySo I did some browsing around and I found the solution (that worked for me, anyway). Apparently it's a problem with the graphics card. The 7800 has some incompatibility with the basic nvidia driver that comes on the CD. Thus, to boot from the live CD..."10:04
tunganetanthony--: the internet on this comp doesnt work .. i cannot log onto gaim, my internet in my browser is extremely slow or not working10:04
Mugwump09OH EM GEE!10:04
SmerityHave a read - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37980710:04
Mugwump09thank you!10:04
ssinghii installed ubuntu dapper, but it doesn't detect the gigabit ethernet card, one solution which i have found is upgrading the kernel, is it possible for me to just download the kernel package using windows, and then install it in dapper? and once the internet starts working do a proper upgrade.10:05
Spike411Hi! I hope you can give me a hint (I've tried searching the Web using Google, but without any luck) -- how can I make Gnome/Metacity to remember workspaces for apps?10:05
geekytrenttunganet: you are not able to ping google?10:05
SmerityMugwump09, that seems just to replace it with the vega driver, which is fine, but won't have all the full hardware accleration support - I'd suggest just running with that to get Linux up and going, then move to the binary Nvidia driver once that's up10:05
macdssinghi, you can download all the .debs required from packages.ubuntu.com then copy them over and use dpkg to install them10:05
anthony--hes able to chat on irc...10:05
tunganetgeekytrent: i can go to google, but i typed jumper and images10:05
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harpettetunganet: install a text-only browser, like elinks10:05
tunganetgeekytrent: it just doesnt connect at all10:05
tunganetharpette: i want my comp to be normal..10:06
harpettetunganet: ...and run it in a terminal window10:06
geekytrenttunganet: and did you switch the ipv6 settings in firefox?10:06
tunganetgeekytrent: yes10:06
SmerityMugwump09, oh haha - it actually tells you to install the binary nvidia later - excellent - print that off and run through =] 10:06
harpettetunganet: for that you have to go browse some doc on the net10:06
ssinghimacd: thanks, can i bypass edgy and directly download feisty debs?10:06
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tunganetharpette: my computer was perfectly fine this morning, then it became a nightmare10:06
cwillu"/proc/fs/cifs"  What's the recommended way to set an option in here permenantly?10:06
macdssinghi, not a good idea10:06
harpettetunganet: what did you do to mess it up so bad. i ask?10:06
tunganetharpette: absolutely nothing10:07
harpettetunganet: hmmm10:07
tunganetharpette: i took a nap, i woke up, nothing works.10:07
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daseebhello... mhm... I developed an application that needs to link with option "-lgcc_s" but in /lib there is only a /lib/libgcc_s.so.1. why doesn't the symlink to libgcc_s.so exist? how should I properly set this up to share my sourcecode and others can compile it easily?10:07
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tabmanI'm looking for a download accelerator/manager for linux ?10:07
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benplautThe family computer is running Dapper (updated about a month ago, not too often), and it's having a bit of trouble.  Sometimes, apps just don't open.  I can't get any command line output because when you open them from a term (which you have to start up with a tty), they work fine!  In addition, sometimes they open about ten minutes after the fact, and everything works from then on.  I was thinking that the loopback wasn't connected to
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benplaut1 (it is), or that dbus is screwed up.  Any advice?  I'm putting on edgy this summer, after a new hard drive and it goes LTS.10:07
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SmerityMugwump09, so basically, sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change nv to nvidia then reboot10:07
harpettehey where's a good location in my filesystem to look for another noise for this Gaim thingy?10:08
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tunganetanthony--: i now know what the jumper looks like, which pin is it supposed to be at?10:08
concept10what media application plays .asf, .asx streams?10:09
anthony--tunganet : that is dependent on your hd10:09
mEck0whats the name of this icon-theme? http://img7.imageshack.us/my.php?image=2004_08_28_16_40_1600x1200.png10:09
tunganetanthony--: anyway where i can find out myself?10:09
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harpetteconcept10: pbbly mplayer10:09
Geoffrey2could someone help me get the Unix Media Plugin set up to work with Timidity with Edgey?10:09
anthony--tunganet : the manufacturers website10:09
cwillutunganet: it's usally labled10:09
tunganetanthony--: on the harddrive right?10:09
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cwillutunganet: top of the drive usually10:10
tunganetcwillu: the sticker thing?10:10
ssinghimacd: but finding out which all debs i'll need to download and doing so one by one will take lot of time, I just need to upgrade the kernel, so is it OK to just upgrade the kernel, i.e. linux-base?10:10
tunganetcwillu: okay.10:10
concept10crap why cant vlc or totem play these!!!10:10
tunganetcwillu: i'll get shut off comp and take a look10:10
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tunganetbrb for now =[10:10
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daseebno one can give me some hints on my library problem? is there another channel for development questions?10:11
macdssinghi, you could, but you might have to force some packages, and thats never a great idea10:11
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bambiemy ubuntu download is finish10:11
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arkadiuszsowinskpisze tu kto kurwa po polsku?10:11
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Flannel!pl | arkadiuszsowinsk10:11
ubotuarkadiuszsowinsk: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl10:11
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bambielets see if md5 compares this time10:11
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anthony--bambie : it will, i have faith10:12
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cwilludaseeb: might be;  it's a bit less technical here usually;  might try any of the other ubuntu channels, or maybe even one of the debian ones10:12
bambiei hope it does10:12
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bambiecan't wait to use ubuntu10:12
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bambiei've an old version on my laptop i'm trying to update so i can use internet10:12
bambie<3 linux.10:12
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anthony--bambie : you going with the livecd of edgy?10:13
tabmanI'm looking for a download accelerator/manager for ubuntu ?10:13
bambiewell when i had ubuntu live internet did work fine10:13
ferronicaany one here using Xgnokii mobile?10:13
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bambiei've actually 5.04 ubuntu10:14
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bambietrying to update it to 6.1010:14
nomopofomohow do i access a logical volume i just created?10:14
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ferronicai need help regarding nokia 771010:15
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nomopofomorather, how do i mount a logical volume?10:15
ytooxhey, I just got an old palm iiixe and I want to know  if there is any way to install linux on it?10:15
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Pjkoopanybody know how to verify an Ubuntu iso...just finished buring it10:16
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jpjacobsytoox, no ubuntu i guess :) but there is something like mulinux10:16
merci can just apt-get install beryl in feisty right?10:17
ytooxdo you know any others?10:17
bambiemd5 are different again10:17
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jpjacobsdunno, google is your friend10:18
mercyeh..its in the repos..10:18
=== merc googles
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ant-its there, but does it work? that is the question10:19
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mkquistPjkoop - run it as a live cd and click on check disk for errors10:19
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mkquistPjkoop - *cd for errors10:19
corevettemerc, currently...that won't work10:19
ant-pjkoop isnt here anymore...10:19
mkquistoops...lol thnx10:20
mercill just follow the howto on the wiki i guess.10:20
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tulgacan I install ubuntu on my XDA Atom pocket PC?10:20
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ferronicai need help regarding nokia 771010:21
tulgacan I install ubuntu on my XDA Atom pocket PC? or suggest me any distribution for pocket pc?10:21
ant-ferronica : do you have ubuntu on your nokia???10:21
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MegaROManybody any clues ?10:21
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mikebeechamHi there...can anyone help me figure out how to force a 1280 x 1024 resolution?  I have just installed Ubuntu onto my machine and had some problems with configuring my X-Window10:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about umask - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:23
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ant-!resolution | mikebeecham10:23
ubotumikebeecham: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:23
FlannelMegaROM: that's not ubuntu, is it?10:23
eshaaseis anyone having problems with firefox taking up way too much CPU? (i'm using feisty)10:23
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ant-eshaase : firefox has always been a hog.10:24
ferronicaant: No10:24
eshaaseant-: well its really bad right now with 2.010:24
eshaaseant-: signficantly more than 1.510:24
Flanneleshaase: #ubuntu+1 for Feisty support, they might know more about your particular issue.10:24
ferronicaant: i am using ubuntu10:24
ferronicaant: and i have nokia 771010:24
ant-ferronica : why ask about a nokia in a ubuntu support channel?10:25
eshaaseFlannel: ok, thanks10:25
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ferronicaant: so where do i go10:25
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aidehuaIs upstart in use yet?10:25
ferronicaant: i am using ubuntu10:25
ant-ferronica : but your question is about nokia?10:26
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MegaROMFlannel,  it is ubuntu10:26
Ae01Hi ,everbody10:26
ferronicaant: and ubuntu wont detect USB connectd10:26
ant-aidehua : since 6.10 (edgy)10:26
Ae01I'm need some help10:26
TeReL50anyone tried LinuxMCE yet?10:26
FlannelMegaROM: pluto-orbiter isn't in the Ubuntu repositories.10:26
Ae01some one  check English for me.10:26
ferronicaant: ok no nokia10:26
RamiKassabhey guys, is it typical of Ubuntu to take a lot of system memory10:26
ant-ferronica : oh i see10:26
MegaROMwww.linuxmce.com ... special build for ubuntu10:26
MegaROMallso the only build10:26
ferronicaant: ubuntu didnt detect some USB connected :(10:26
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Ae01Please check for me10:26
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FlannelMegaROM: Then you have an issue with them, not with ubuntu.  Sounds like a packaging issue with their repositories.10:27
ant-ferronica : does it detect it under lsusb?10:27
ferronicaant: dont know10:27
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antican anyone tell me how to kill X server in ubuntu 6.1010:27
TeReL50MegaROM:  i wanted to know if it's worth installing?10:27
antilike KILL x server10:27
antinot just cntrl alt f110:27
RamiKassabi just rebooted the laptop and I have 1 gig of system memory, after running 'free -m', it states I only have 43 MB of mem free. Isn't that a bit odd? I am running Beryl but even with that it shouldn't take nearly that much memory10:27
FlannelRamiKassab: Linux tries to utilize all your RAM, since unused RAM is wasted RAM.  It'll load up stuff that you aren't necessarily usng (but might be in the future), to speed up stuff.  And of course, ditch that stuff when it needs it for real10:27
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ant-ferronica : i dont know anything about your problem but i would start with finding out if its recognized at all10:28
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garyI'm trying to run X-window application over ssh.  The problem is with my computer, but I don't know what is wrong.  The $DISPLAY variable on the host machine is set to myip:0.0 and I get the following error: Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded. Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly10:28
garyAny thoughts on what may be the cause of this issue?#10:28
ferronicaant: ok i just psted your command10:28
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antiweill anyone please tell me how to kill X???? i10:28
RamiKassabant-: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop10:28
ferronicaant: Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0421:041c Nokia Mobile Phones10:29
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RamiKassabFlannel: so it's perfectly normal then? scared the living crap out of me!10:29
FlannelRamiKassab: yeah, perfectly normal.10:29
ferronicaant: but it dont mount it10:29
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anthony--ferronica : that means it recognized it, thats a start now you have to mount it i assume10:29
RamiKassabFlannel: do you perhaps know how to see how much system memory is being allocated to an integrated graphics card like an Intel chipset one?10:29
ferronicaant: and i use Xgnokii10:29
catxkFlannel: is that what all the fuzz about firefox' ram usage on windows is about? :)10:29
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anthony--ferronica : i dont know much about connecting cell phones, sorry10:30
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ferronicaanthony: ok how to mount,10:30
ilpicaquyes,me too10:30
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RamiKassabFlannel: I can't tell how much is being allocated using free because the total shows 994 and used + free equals 99410:30
ferronicaanthony: manually10:30
Flannelcatxk: no.  firefox has some issues with how it deals with memory.  Under certain conditions, it'll think it's normal to take up way too much.10:30
RamiKassabFlannel: and 1 GB of ram doesn't show up exactly was 1000 MB right?10:30
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RamiKassabwas = as10:30
anthony--ferronica : i would google your issue10:31
RamiKassabFlannel: or 1024 to be exact10:31
Flannelcatxk: particularly in machines with >2GB RAM, it'll assume it's ok to take a good chunk of that.10:31
catxkFlannel:  roger that10:31
FlannelRamiKassab: If yours only shows 994 available, don't be worried.10:31
ferronicaanthony: oh ok10:31
laskingwho knows a language channel?10:31
mkquisthey anyone know, is dapper easier on older systems than edgy?10:31
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Flannelmkquist: I imagine they're about the same.10:31
ferronicaanthony: but when i connect my sony erricson mobile ubuntu mount it automatically10:32
RamiKassabFlannel: oh I know that, this is a separate thing because I'm curios as to how much video memory Beryl has to play with10:32
mkquistflannel - then what are the differences?10:32
Flannelmkquist: I don't believe there were any kernel changes that would signifigantly effect it.10:32
RamiKassabFlannel: 994 is more than enough10:32
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Flannelmkquist: Edgy has newer versions of software10:32
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anthony--ferronica : that is the problem, it should mount automatically10:32
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mkquistflannel - thanx10:32
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laskingand 7.04 can not install virtualbox10:32
mercthat was easy..10:32
ferronicaanthony: so how to check it where is the problem10:32
anthony--ferronica : see if someone else has had your problem.10:33
RamiKassabFlannel: I've tried googling all over for the answer but can't seem to find one. There's not a device manager or log file I can go through that tells me this?10:33
anthony--ferronica : because i haven't10:33
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ferronicaanthony: Is there any channel for mobil10:33
FlannelRamiKassab: No idea, sorry.  While it's not really related, you might ask in #beryl, they may know how to check for such things.10:33
aidehuaanthony--: I hadn't noticed that upstart was in use.  I guess that's the point though :)10:33
anthony--ferronica : i dunno10:33
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ferronicaanthony: ok10:34
RamiKassabFlannel: ok thanks, will do10:34
anthony--aidehua : upstart.ubuntu.com10:34
laskingmy god i need virtualbox10:34
RamiKassabFlannel: I find the guys to be very unhelpful in there though, but I'll give it a whirl10:34
daleOn the 7.04 preview it mentions weather map, anyone tell me how to access it?10:34
FlannelRamiKassab: also see #ubuntu-effects.  Ubuntu's eyecandy channel10:34
Flanneldale: #ubuntu+1 for Feisty support, thanks.10:34
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tw200guys my whole ubuntu system is wacked, cant install anything, this after a python upgrade wtf, anything i could do to fix?10:35
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bobyHELP " can you tell me how to get only IP address from nmap command "10:35
bobyHELP " can you tell me how to get only IP address from nmap command "10:35
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macdboby, what exactly are you asking?10:37
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bobyi wanna scan network but i only neen the ip address10:37
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Byan_trillcan someone please help me?10:39
Byan_trillwith sata controllers10:39
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Byan_trillI have a RAID 5 configuration, and I think that one of my sata controllers aren;t working right10:40
Byan_trillall of a sudden my server has started to lock up every few hours10:40
bobyI wanna scan network but i only neen to get the ip addresses HOW TO DO THAT with nmap command10:40
Byan_trilland the raid is very slow10:40
mercboby: why not just ping the broadcast address?10:41
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Mugwump09I am on GAIM right now10:42
macdboby, nmap -sL x.x.x.x/bit10:42
Mugwump09thank you so much10:42
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selinuxium_hi all, is it possible to do a traceroute to a particular port, I want to see if the local firewall is blocking port 330610:42
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macdselinuxium, you wouldnt use traceroute for that, just use curl.10:43
macdsorry, selinuxium_10:43
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SmerityMugwump09, no problem man, glad to be a help =] 10:46
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selinuxium_macd, how would curl let me know where the trail stops?10:46
macdselinuxium_, you use curl to connect to the port, if it doesnt work then you know its blocked.10:47
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selinuxium_macd, I can use telnet to do that! :) I know the port is blocked, but i want to find out if it is blocked at the local firewall, or the remote firewall10:48
eck_telnet is eeeeeeevil!10:48
macdselinuxium, then you need a point b/t the 2.10:49
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mkquist_nice to be here in ubuntu...lol10:50
Ae01I'm want to check word for my web10:51
Ae01Could you help me?10:51
mkquist_i mean using ubuntu...10:51
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Ae01Are you understand ?10:51
MrEgg964Hi all :) Using Evolution, how can I get visually notified that there is a new incoming mail ?10:52
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harpetteAe01: no i don't understand10:53
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Ae01harpette: Thank10:53
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Ademanis it really appropriate to name an xml based configuration file *.conf?10:54
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harpetteAe01: you mean, check the english on your web page?10:54
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Ae01harpette, Yes , right.10:54
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harpetteAe01: it's not bad10:55
Ae01I'm a thai people10:55
harpetteAe01: i noticed10:55
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Ae01harpette : I'm listen10:55
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Stormx2can someone recommend a media player that can grab and display shoutcast listings within the player? I only need it to do some screenshots for school work.10:56
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harpetteAe01: replace "picture from" by "picture of"10:56
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slacker_nlStormx2: I believe bmpx10:57
Ae01harpette : Ok. thank10:57
Stormx2slacker_nl: bmpx is awful, just tried it.10:57
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slacker_nlStormx2: that's something else10:57
slacker_nlStormx2: it can do what you want :)10:58
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Stormx2sort of...10:58
harpetteAe01: "Children's day", with the " 's"10:58
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FlannelAe01, harpette, if you don't mind taking it to #ubuntu-offtopic, it'd be appreciated.10:59
harpetteFlannel: indeed, but the poor bloke seems a bit lost10:59
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amorphous_can anyone remind me of the command to reset my ethernet? I've been using ifup/ifdown, but cant remember a command -'s driving me mad!! - something like ipclient/ifclient...?11:01
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Ae01I'm living now.11:02
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osfameronwhat version of kernel is latest ubuntu using?11:03
DreamThief2.6.20 in feisty beta11:03
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osfameronDreamThief: ta11:04
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glynWhat's a good image program on Dapper that I can use to make a collage?11:05
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glynGIMP is way too retarded and complicated for me to use11:06
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jamescsya question, what's the pronunciation of "#"?11:07
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glyndoes anyone know a good image program I can combine images into a collage?11:07
mwejamescsy: pound11:07
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CheshireVikingjamescsy,   "hash"11:07
glyngood package11:07
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jamescsythen, C#, how?11:07
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mkquist_gimps not that hard, if u can use photoshop, u should be able to swing gimp11:08
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glynI don't like it..lol11:08
wijnandi use automatix and now, when updating edgy, it tells me there is an unauthenticated update for automatix... are simply all updates from non-ubuntu repositories unauthenticated now or is there something wrong with this particular one?11:08
d31hey guys, i've got a dual core 2 duo pc...just wondering what ubuntu image i should download?11:08
mwebut photshop is complicated too if you don't already know it I think11:08
mkquist_well yea, there is a learning curve11:08
glynI'm looking for something I can just drag and paste pictures on11:08
glyna simple program11:08
h00tcan anyone tell me ... is it enough to install amule package or do i have to install amule GUI as well... also how do i reload the menu so the new apps appear11:08
Fujitsuwijnand: Upgrading after using Automatix almost guarantees a broken system.11:09
h00twijnand: never use Automaix11:09
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe11:09
wijnandFujitsu: um.. i'm not upgrading to edgy.. i'm updating edgy11:09
FujitsuNot so bad.11:09
wijnandgood :)11:09
Fujitsuwijnand: You probably don't have the Automatix key installed (which is a good thing).11:10
wijnandi know for a fact i don't :)11:10
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wijnandbut i've been using it for a while and have never had this message11:10
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selinuxium_What is the vnc deamon called? It is playing up on a remote machine and I would like to recycle it11:12
MegaROMFlannel,  so any clues for linuxmce for ubuntu ?11:13
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happytronin the automatix faq: " Is Automatix2 safe ? Folks in #ubuntu on IRC keep telling me it isn't"11:13
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Odd_BlokeHey guys, I'm trying to install some updates but whenever I get to downloading them, I get a 'Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)' error. Any ideas what I can do to remedy this?11:13
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sluimersHi, I'm trying to install sfark, but I can't seem to open the tar.gz file, it's not recognized as one11:14
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sluimersIs there anyone who has sfark for me?11:15
sluimersthat's not corrupt?11:15
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Stormx2sluimers: Where did you get the tar.gz from11:16
Stormx2If it was off sourceforge, don't right click > download11:17
sluimersthe linux one11:17
mwehappytron: I'm not sure but I think the unsafeness is mainly related to older versions of automatix.11:17
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Stormx2You're right11:17
Stormx2It's corrupt.11:18
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happytronhmm, well i don't really care... just think its funny that they specifically address this channel in their faq =] 11:18
comodois there a program for ubuntu that allows you to burn avi to dvd formatt11:19
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sluimershow is anyone supposed to decompress sfark files then?11:19
mwehappytron: well there is usually a very hostile attitude against automatix in here. Maybe that's why. I don't use it so I can't really argue if it's safe or not11:19
sluimersI can't find any other to download sfark11:20
sluimersother place11:20
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sluimersThere's gotta some other place to get sfark for linux right?11:21
snezHello, I'm having problems recompiling the default Edgy kernel, specifically, I gen "undefined reference to `__stack_chk_fail'" at linkage time, I was wondering if adding "CFLAGS += $(call cc-option,-fno-stack-protector,)" to the Makefile is enough to solve the problem?11:21
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happytronwow, i can remote desktop to my windows machine... this is amazing11:22
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:22
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sfark - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:23
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sluimersI want sfark, bah11:23
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NotKevinBaconhi guys, :-) Anyone know a nice simple VPN client for ubuntu?11:24
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CheshireVikingsluimers, i'm not on ubuntu at the minute, but (probably a draft suggestion) is it in the synaptic repositories?11:24
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sluimerscouldn't fid it in aptitude either11:25
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CheshireVikingsluimers, rite, thought it was worth a question anyway11:25
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discolodaanyone know of a package that uses a text 2 speach system to 'read' RSS feeds?11:27
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NotKevinBaconso no takers on the VPN question?11:27
MrX|ubui got it working11:27
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MrX|ubuipv6 enabled was a pita11:27
mwediscoloda: do you know if such a thing even exists for linux?11:28
happytrondiscolada: that sounds pretty specific, but probably not hard to put together11:28
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glynanyone know some good graphic packages?11:28
glynsomething I can make a collage with11:28
MrX|ubuhaving trouble installing packages11:28
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mweMrX|ubu: what kind of trouble?11:29
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busfahrerExcuse me, does Ubuntu support LVM2 out of the box? (not for the root partition)11:29
MrX|ubuare there issues with the global package information atm11:29
mweMrX|ubu: I think not11:29
discolodamwe: not sure, theres a link on digg to a blog that had it, now its says 'page not found'11:29
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MrX|ubui have synaptic pkg manager going11:30
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MrX|ubuand it just sits and does nothing saying "downloading package information"11:30
mwediscoloda: I see. I think it would be easy to put together, though, as the text to speech thing already exists11:30
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mweMrX|ubu: hmm11:31
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mweMrX|ubu: it works here. try closing synaptic and run sudo apt-get update from a terminal to see if you get more info11:31
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MrX|ubui tried that11:32
mweMrX|ubu: and?11:32
mweMrX|ubu: It just hangs at that point?11:32
savvasdoes anyone know if i can ask for ubuntu stickers shipment?11:32
margo_citywalkerI need help in evolution. Can anyone please assist?11:32
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mweMrX|ubu: what repo does it hang at?11:33
kingcobrawhat is the easiest way to get the latest sun java11:33
MrX|ubuit sits there doing stuffall11:33
mwe!java | kingcobra11:33
ubotukingcobra: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre11:33
MrX|ubudont get any of tem11:33
sipiormargo_citywalker: which environmental pressures require you to evolve?11:33
MrX|ubuthey all timeout11:33
MrX|ubuor something11:33
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MrX|ubuits an au server11:33
MrX|ubumaybe the au serve is dead11:33
sipiormargo_citywalker: sorry, monday morning humour...11:34
mweMrX|ubu: try arhchive.ubuntu.com instead. it should redirect you to the least busy mirror11:34
margo_citywalkersipior - you think you can solve my problem?11:34
margo_citywalkerit's ok11:34
sipiormargo_citywalker: only if you describe it first11:34
MrX|ubuMwe : alologiez i dont know how11:34
margo_citywalkeri created an e-mail account in evolution. all settings are correct - I checked and double-checked11:35
margo_citywalkerbut it get "error sending password" error11:35
margo_citywalkerand it won't log in to my mail server11:35
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sipiormargo_citywalker: which protocol?11:35
mweMrX|ubu: settings somewhere or sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the au. part11:35
margo_citywalkerhowever, I can use on online interface to log in just fine11:35
sipiormargo_citywalker: no ssl or anything like that?11:36
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margo_citywalkercould the problem be, that my username is my e-mail address with the @ sign in it?11:36
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kingcobrahow do i enable the backports repository11:36
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Frogzoo!easysource | kingcobra11:37
ubotukingcobra: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:37
margo_citywalkersipior: I've searched online, but noone seems to have had an issue like this11:37
sipiormargo_citywalker: it's possible. could be confusing evolution. @ is an awful choice for just that reason. any chance you can talk to your provider about that?11:37
happytrondiscolada:  here's one piece:  text2wave takes text as standard input and renders a sound file to stdout11:37
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margo_citywalkersipior: not really. they're a big company with many users11:38
margo_citywalkersipior: any workarounds?11:38
Frogzoomargo_citywalker: so your email address is margo_citywalker@blah.com@blah.com   ?11:38
sipiormargo_citywalker: you might try using # instead of @ and see if that still resolves11:38
mneptokmargo_citywalker: are you 100% sure that the ISP does not require SSL/TLA/CRAM for authentication?11:38
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margo_citywalkermneptok: positive11:38
margo_citywalkersipior: trying # now...11:39
Frogzoomargo_citywalker: I would lose the '@' from the username11:39
comodoanyone have a link for themes for gnome11:39
sipiormargo_citywalker: actually, that might be a reason to switch providers...:)11:39
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ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy11:39
margo_citywalkersipior: :)11:39
mneptokcomodo: art.gnome.org11:39
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sipiorplain old pop?  yeeesh.11:39
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MrX|ubui removed the au bit11:39
MrX|ubusame deal11:39
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mweMrX|ubu: sudo apt-get update11:40
mweMrX|ubu: then retry11:40
margo_citywalkersipior: no luck. same error.11:40
mweMrX|ubu: make sure to remove it everywhere too11:40
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margo_citywalkersipior: corporate choice on the ISP, I can't really switch either :(11:40
discolodahappytron: i think i got a way: rawdog | html2text | festival11:40
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sipiormargo_citywalker: hmmm...tricky. you might try giving their tech support a call, as a last resort. there's a remote chance that they can help11:40
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happytrondoes it just talk to you as new things pop up in the feed?11:41
margo_citywalkerfrogzoo: my email is margo@blah.ee. and my username to log in is the same margo@blah.ee11:41
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MrX|ubustill no love11:41
sipiormargo_citywalker: you might at least explain the benefits of ssl and the like, along with why using @ in a login is not a great idea11:41
MrX|ubunot woorking11:42
Frogzoomargo_citywalker: depends on how they're setup - try both margo & margo@blah.ee11:42
sipiormargo_citywalker: you sure it's not just margo to log in?11:42
eXistenZAre the ntfs partitions in the HDD usually auto-mounted after installing ubuntu?11:42
margo_citywalkersipior: I previously used Outlook, and it was margo@blah.ee11:42
margo_citywalkersipior: same thing in the online interface11:42
sipiormargo_citywalker: nevertheless, you might give it a shot11:42
margo_citywalkersipior: trying now...11:43
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busfahrerHi. I want to migrate my /home partition to a new hard drive. What would be the 'correct' way to copy the data over to the new volume so no settings as permissions etc are lost?11:43
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glynanyone know some good graphic packages?11:44
glynsomething I can make a collage with11:44
happytronwould be cool to render thousands of voices of things being said in real-time11:44
sipiorbusfahrer: cp -a /old /new should work11:44
h00tcan someone tell me do i just need amule package or do i need amule gui as well11:44
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happytronto hear the din of the blogosphere =] 11:44
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ferronicahow to mount USB device11:44
margo_citywalkersipior: "Error sending password: -ERR Login failed."11:44
Shaba1well finally got xbuntu running on my hd11:44
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Shaba1it only took all day11:44
sipiormargo_citywalker: hmm...well, time to call the bastards, i think11:44
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SplashTK4Hey I was wondering if someone could help me. I am unable to login to my ubuntu install. I put in my username and password then the splash screen for x appears, it loads nothing and just hangs. Any ideas?11:44
Shaba1hello am I here?11:45
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MrX|ubu:~$ sudo apt-get update11:45
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sipiorShaba1: in an existential sense?11:45
iacopophi all11:45
MrX|ubu0% [Connecting to archive.ubuntu.com (]  [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (] 11:45
MrX|ubuall it does11:45
Shaba1ok how do I tell how much space I have on the hd in this partiton?11:45
MrX|ubujust sits there11:45
MrX|ubunot resolving ip addr?11:45
happytronShabal: df -h11:45
Shaba1No sipor I been working on this since 12 am today11:45
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margo_citywalkersipior, frogzoo: thank you for trying11:46
Shaba1and it 244 am now11:46
sipiormargo_citywalker: yep, best of luck11:46
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Shaba1ok how do I tell how much hd space is left on this partition11:46
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MrX|ubui know how to do thatg11:46
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surakHello. Where are gnome's keyboard layouts stored? I want to fix bug #6835711:47
sipiorShaba1: df -k .11:47
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MrX|ubudisc usage analyzer11:47
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SplashTK4Hey I was wondering if someone could help me. I am unable to login to my ubuntu install. I put in my username and password then the splash screen for x appears, it loads nothing and just hangs. Any ideas?11:47
sipiorSplashTK4: hit Ctrl-Alt-F1 and see if you get a virtual console, then hit Alt-F7 to get back11:47
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surakThe x keyboard layouts are stored differently from gnome's.11:48
MrX|ubumethinks there too many needing help nad not enough giving it11:48
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SplashTK4sipior, yeah i've done crtl+alt+f1 and it asks for username and pass, but anything I pout it says it's wrong :S11:48
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ferronicahow to mount USB device11:48
sipiorSplashTK4: this a new install?11:48
MrX|ubuErr http://archive.ubuntu.com edgy Release.gpg11:48
laskinghello guys who know virtualbox hot key?11:48
MrX|ubu  Could not connect to archive.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out11:49
MrX|ubuErr http://security.ubuntu.com edgy-security Release.gpg11:49
MrX|ubu  Could not connect to security.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out11:49
MrX|ubuthats what i get in console11:49
SplashTK4sipior, yeah like 2 days old11:49
happytronyou mistyped the password originally? or forgot it?11:49
kingcobrastill cant see sun-java6-jre in synaptic Frogzoo after backports is enabled11:49
sipiorSplashTK4: so you've logged in before successfully? any obvious changes since the install?11:49
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michupmy i ask for help with  Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller11:49
glynanyone know some good graphic packages?11:49
glynsomething I can make a collage with11:49
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Shaba1that hs got to be wrong MrX11:50
MrX|ubuget gimp11:50
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SplashTK4sipior, yeah logged in heaps of times, and I log in this time, the splash screen for X comes up, doesn't load any icons and just stops11:50
glynI don't like gimp11:50
glynit doesn't work for me11:50
sipiorglyn: i think imagemagick has some auto-collage tools somewhere, have a look11:50
surakMy problem is: the tilde key (~) is a composing key - however it is not configured as this in spanish layout. I can't do a "" on it.11:50
sipiorSplashTK4: can you log in remotely?11:50
SplashTK4sipior, meaning? lol11:51
MrX|ubuSHABA1 i know its wrong, how do i mkkae it right is the question11:51
surakI know how to fix it with xmodmap, however I don't on gnome.11:51
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sipiorSplashTK4: well, if you have another computer, can you connect to the problem machine via the network11:51
skoenmanok can someone help me im getting a funny error when triing to connect to my linux mail server11:51
glynsipior:  how do I run imagemagick?  I have it but not sure how to run it11:51
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skoenmanThe connection to the server has failed. Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E11:51
Shaba1I am talking about you telling me to use disk usage analysier MRX11:51
SplashTK4sipior, nah, don;t have another pc11:51
skoenman) now i have setup postfix and dovecot11:51
Shaba1says I have 23.4gb free11:51
skoenmanand both postfix and dovecot are running11:51
sipiorglyn: man imagemagick lists all the individual programs11:51
Shaba1and 13.gb used11:51
MrX|ubuisnt that what you wanted?11:52
xinecan, with vpn11:52
Shaba1well I only made the xubuntu partition 11.5 gb11:52
michupglxinfo says that direct rendering is okay, cedega tests failes into 3d acceleration, glxgears works okay while beryl is off, when its on it works but makes gaps, games like guild wars are booting into cedega with or without beryl but performance is very pure in both cases fps about 2 and gaps, so no acceleration11:52
MrX|ubuto know how much space you have left11:52
Shaba1the rest is window11:52
mneptokSplashTK4: login to a failsafe terminal and delete ~/.gconf11:52
SplashTK4mneptok, how do I do that, sorry I am noob11:52
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lasking who know virtualbox hot key?11:52
mneptokSplashTK4: look at the login screen11:52
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happytronSplashTK4: sounds pretty funny if you try to login frmo a virtual console and it tells you your password is wrong... sure someone hasn't been screwing with your computer?11:53
rehdonHi all11:53
MrX|ubudamn unix11:53
sipiorSplashTK4: yeah, that's what i was thinking also :)11:53
SplashTK4happytron, yeah I am the only one who uses it11:53
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rehdonI have had problems with the latest Ubuntus, anybody who can help?11:53
MrX|ubuwhen will there be a build in which shit just works.......11:53
happytronits possible to change the kernel boot parameters so that it will drop you into a root shell11:53
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happytronif the password is actually the problem11:54
kingcobrarehdon #ubuntu+111:54
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mneptokMrX|ubu: works here. and please lose the profanity?11:54
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soundray_happytron: recovery mode does that11:54
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MrX|ubui know it works11:54
rehdonkingcobra: sorry? is that a channel name?11:54
iacopopi have a problem with users-admin, the app that come with gnome-system-tools, when i click to manage group i cannot add an user to a group11:54
SplashTK4I was told to type sudo /edit/init.d/gdm restart, but couldn't cause it wouldn't accept username and pass11:54
kingcobrarehdon, yes11:55
MrX|ububut for some reason it isnt on this sys11:55
happytronsoundray_: ah, i usually do these things by hand =] 11:55
sipiormneptok: does shit count as profanity anymore? i think that might be a locale setting now11:55
iacopopdo you know what is the problem?11:55
mneptokSplashTK4: unames/pwds are case sensitive11:55
kingcobrarehdon, theyll help with feisty11:55
skoenmananybody ???11:55
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rehdonkingcobra: thank you11:55
SplashTK4mneptok, k I might try and few things and get back to yall :)11:55
mneptoksipior: would a ban count as a "yes?"11:55
discolodahappytron: well, im getting speech! now just to make a script for it! Woot!11:55
soundray_happytron: the options is 'single'11:55
assasukassewhat is scim??? it popped up in my tray11:55
sipiormneptok: in a goose-stepping sort of way, i think it might :-)11:56
Flannelskoenman: Are you sure your server's IP is
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skoenmanyeah use it to connect on ssh11:56
mneptoksipior: i can now invoke Godwin's Law and win this debate by default. and i do so. ;)11:56
MrX|ubufrustration +++++++++++;11:56
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MrX|ubui all out ideas on this11:56
Flannelskoenman: and can you connect on port 110 with telnet?11:56
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MrX|ubuits a real freesh insrtall11:57
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MrX|ubuas in couple hrs11:57
kingcobrai still cant see sun-java6-jre in synaptic after backports is enabled can anybody help me install java 611:57
mneptokkingcobra: update11:57
glynsipior:Imagemagick is okay but is there something I can just copy and paste pictures into?11:57
skoenmanon my server machien or client side???11:57
MrX|ubuat least synaptic work for you11:57
happytron'single'? is that like setting init=/bin/bash?11:57
MrX|ubuat least synaptic work for you11:57
MrX|ubuat least synaptic work for you11:57
FlannelMrX|ubu: that looks like a DNS issue, looks like it thinks security.ubuntu.com i
MrX|ubuthats what i thought11:57
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Flannelskoenman: both?11:57
skoenmanlets have a look11:58
MrX|ububut i dunno how to fix it11:58
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sipiorglyn: not to my knowledge11:58
Flannelskoenman: Serverside (with ssh) will tell you if the service is running, clientisde (which will most likely fail) will tell you that it's still not connecting.  So, I guess clientside won't tell you much of anything you don't already know11:58
eXistenZFlannel: Do you have ntfs partitions?11:58
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skoenmank i get in on port 25 but not 11011:59
skoenmanfrom client side11:59
supermanHow do I setup postfix to authenticate with mysql?11:59
glynthat's what I don't really like about linux, not very much developed software11:59
sipiorglyn: well, use something else, i guess11:59
happytronhmm, i love imagemagick11:59
mneptokglyn: huh?11:59
MrX|ubui know i got possible dns issues, but my net is right11:59
MrX|ubusurf webbies12:00
skoenmanget connected on 25 but not 11012:00
Flannelskoenman: 110 is the default pop. so sounds like your server isn't actually running12:00
Flannelskoenman: 25 is SMTP, for sending mail.12:00
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MrX|ububut that not work12:00
kingcobramneptok, update manager tells me im up to date12:00
skoenmano if i run the dovecot command12:00
ferronicahow to mount USB device12:00
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mneptokkingcobra: sudo apt-get update12:00
snezglyn: You mean not very much developed GUI based software12:00
soundray_glyn: that's just a nonsensical statement. There is plenty of highly developed software for Linux12:00
rambo3!diskmounter | ferronica12:00
ubotuferronica: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse12:00
MrX|ubuis there12:00
skoenman*/etc/init.d/dovecot start12:00
MrX|ubui cant get nada12:00
soundray_glyn: and imagemagick is a prime example.12:00
skoenmanif i run that it doesnt give any errors back12:01
glynwell, how come I can use a program in Windows and make a collage in 5 minutes instead of having to manually enter a bunch of commands etc12:01
MrX|ubuit dont matter how much of it is out there12:01
Flannelskoenman: check your configs, check your logs12:01
MrX|ubuif i cant get it12:01
glynI love Linux, but I Just wish there was some more software12:01
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MrX|ubuwhats the point12:01
skoenmanit says restarting dovecot and thats it12:01
mneptokglyn: because you've been using Windows for 15 years and Linux for a week?12:01
kbrooksglyn, collage ...12:01
skoenmank were do i check the logs again???12:01
ferronicarambo3: i want to mount USB device which is connected via my mobile phone12:01
Flannelskoenman: /var/log12:01
rambo3!universe  | glyn12:01
ubotuglyn: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource12:01
soundray_glyn: because you know what to use in Windows already. In Linux, you have to learn. So, the problem is not with Linux as such.12:01
kbrooksglyn, I have a lot of pictures, by the way12:01
skoenmank thanks12:01
FlannelMrX|ubu: Can you browse to security.ubuntu.com in a web browser?12:02
soundray_glyn: btw, I would use oodraw and it would take me 5 minutes max, too.12:02
skoenmanwich one theres no dovecot log12:02
sipiorglyn: "apt-cache search collage" turns up a program called metapixel, maybe apt-get install it and have a go?12:02
kingcobramneptok, thanks very much12:03
MrX|ubusee security.ubuntu.com in browser12:03
glynThanks, maybe those will help12:03
kbrooks!info metapixel12:03
MrX|ubui had ipv6 issues tho12:03
ubotumetapixel: generator for photomosaics. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-1 (edgy), package size 42 kB, installed size 148 kB12:03
MrX|ubucould that be part of prob?12:03
kbrooksglyn: i'll try it out and tell u12:03
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FlannelMrX|ubu: Did you just edit the IPv6 stuff recently?12:03
MrX|ubuand killed it in ff12:04
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rambo3ferronica, sorry i dont know about mobile phones and ubuntu . what kind of phone is it?12:04
MrX|ubuinstall isnt 24 hr old12:04
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happytronlol, insulting linux is the way to get people's attention12:04
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skoenmank got it12:04
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ferronicarambo3: its nokia 771012:04
skoenmansays permission denied12:04
FlannelMrX|ubu: as much as I hate to say it, you might try rebooting.  Could be that the IPv6 disabling hasn't taken affect in all stuff yet (since it was running pre-disable)12:04
sipiorwhy doesn't linux have a program to write my papers for me??12:04
skoenmanMar 26 12:04:04 raidserv dovecot: execv(/usr/lib/dovecot/pop3-login) failed: Permission denied12:05
skoenmanMar 26 12:04:04 raidserv dovecot: execv(/usr/lib/dovecot/pop3-login) failed: Permission denied12:05
rambo3nokia is open source supporter so i think it is going to work12:05
skoenmanMar 26 12:04:04 raidserv dovecot: child 6294 (login) returned error 84 (exec() failed)12:05
skoenmanMar 26 12:04:04 raidserv dovecot: child 6295 (login) returned error 84 (exec() failed)12:05
skoenmanMar 26 12:04:05 raidserv dovecot: Login process died too early - shutting down12:05
skoenmanMar 26 12:04:05 raidserv dovecot: execv(/usr/lib/dovecot/pop3-login) failed: Permission denied12:05
MrX|ubui rebooted twice after change12:05
kbrooksglyn: i'll rtfm for u, pm me plz12:05
Flannel!paste | skoenman12:05
ubotuskoenman: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:05
soundray_happytron: no, making blatantly stupid statements is.12:05
skoenmanthats what it says12:05
kbrooksglyn: okay ...12:05
MrX|ubui will try rebooot then12:05
FlannelMrX|ubu: alright, that's not it then.  But, the fact that you can get there in a browser is a bit odd.  Do you have any proxy settings or anything out of the ordinary like that?12:06
kbrooksglyn: explanation required.12:06
MrX|ubuflannel : no i dont12:06
MrX|ubuno proxy settings etc12:06
MrX|ubunot needed12:06
kbrooksglyn: I'll tallk in here...12:06
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skoenmanany ideas???12:07
Steilis there an easy way to convert my root partition from reiser 3 to reiser 4?12:07
glynHey, oodraw works fine thanks for the help12:07
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glynthat's what I was looking for, not something I would have to manually configure via text12:07
kbrooksglyn: okay12:07
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kbrooksall right, fine12:07
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MrX|ubui like the idea of linux cause miicrosoft sux12:08
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MrX|ububut its painful to get it running right12:08
mkquist_glyn - u dont know photoshop?12:08
happytronhmm... if that's your reason for liking linux...12:08
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kbrooksMrX|ubu, I don't think this channel is a bashing channel.12:08
MrX|ubui not bashing12:09
rambo3and besides microsoft rules12:09
soundrayMrX|ubu: yeah, last time I tried to install Windows it took me 3 hours. Testing feisty took less than 30minutes12:09
MrX|ubuits a real good idea12:09
kbrooksrambo3, bashing ..12:09
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MrX|ububut there is much difficulty12:09
ubuntushow to use useradd i dont know  im user files deleted please help me12:09
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kbrooksMrX|ubu, linus did not create linux bc he hated ms12:09
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MrX|ubuno thats one of the reasons i like it12:10
kbrooksMrX|ubu, huh?12:10
MrX|ubuand the fact is is customizable12:10
MrX|ubuwindows will never be12:10
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ubuntushow to use useradd i dont know  im user files deleted please help me12:10
rambo3MrX|ubu, stop with offtopic12:10
MrX|ubui know that wasnt linus' motivation12:10
sipiorMrX|ubu: preaching to the choir here, friend :)12:10
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kbrooksMrX|ubu, i really think that this is getting into a flamewar. drop it or #ubuntu-offtopic please12:10
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chaoslynxhi i want to report a bug in case anyone is intrested12:11
rambo3ubuntus can you elaborate ?12:11
soundrayubuntus: don't use useradd -- use adduser. Read man adduser12:11
MrX|ubui just wish i could get it working12:11
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FlannelMrX|ubu: I believe your issue isn't with your linux system, but with your DNS.12:11
kbrookssoundray, isn't saying "man ..." bad ?12:11
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ubuntustrke bilen varm kanalda12:11
h00t_hello i've mistakenly erased systray from the upper panel ... can someon tell me how to put it back12:11
MrX|ubuso that eans what flannel12:11
SplashTK9Hey guys back again, x still doesn't load, but I figured out my username and password now what ;)12:11
Uxencan you tell me what chmod permission the Home directory has by default?12:11
MrX|ubumy isp12:11
rambo3!tr > ubuntus12:11
sipiorUxen: usually rwxr-xr-x, iirc12:12
chaoslynx@hoot right click on the bar and then there is an option for it12:12
happytronSplayTK9: so you can login at the console?12:12
Uxencan you traslate in numbers please?12:12
kbrooksUxen, ls -l /home | grep $USER12:12
soundraykbrooks: no, why?12:12
SplashTK9happytron, yep yep12:12
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ubuntustrk birisi varm kanalda12:12
FlannelMrX|ubu: I think it's a router issue, not an ISP issue.12:12
soundraykbrooks: it's not like I rtfm'd him or her.12:12
kbrooksUxen, uh, well, sure, looks like 755 to me. let me duplicate ...12:12
rambo3!tr | ubuntus12:13
h00t_chaoslynx: i don't knwo which one it is ... when i go to "add to panel" ... which one is systray12:13
ubotuubuntus: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.12:13
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MrX|ubumy modem seems to be working perfectly tho12:13
happytronso you just forgot it or something?12:13
Uxenok thz12:13
kbrooksUxen, i'm right.12:13
MrX|ubufirst time i had dns trouble12:13
MrX|ubuwindows box on network atm -- no problem12:13
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ubuntusubotu in room no users 1or212:13
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soundraykbrooks: can you explain what you meant by your question?12:14
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mneptokubuntus: that does mean you can speak Turkish here12:14
Uxenthanks :D i'll restart to try12:14
mkquist_glyn - cause if u do, gimp is not that hard to use, if u know the concepts behind photoshop (gimp is not photoshop of course), but it will do alot...12:14
h00t_sorry i got disconnected12:14
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mneptokubuntus: that does *NOT* mean you can speak Turkish here12:14
kbrookssoundray, i'm not sure now. sorry :-)12:14
=== maan84 [n=maan84@h-83-140-118-247.auto.rp80.se] has joined #ubuntu
MrX|ubucould apt trying to be using an ipv6 ip address, and as ipv6 has been shot its screwing it up?12:14
SplashTK9happytron, yes lol, it was something else entirely :p12:14
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happytronSplayTK9: otherwise, i have no specific advice... you can look for fishy things in the logs: /var/log/gdm/* or var/log/Xorg.*12:15
MrX|ubuman apt12:15
FlannelMrX|ubu: You're on ADSL, right?12:15
ubuntusi know some english very small12:15
tw200how do i run system upgrade manager from the command line..?12:15
happytronmaybe restarting it: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart12:15
MrX|ubui am on adsl12:15
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Flanneltw200: in X? or start the GUI?12:15
Flanneltw200: er, in X, or update from the CLI?12:15
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soundrayubuntus: have you deleted something by mistake?12:15
mneptokMrX|ubu: did you use EasyUbuntu or Automatix?12:16
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MrX|ubusorry dont know answer12:16
tw200Flannel, i cant use run anymore, thats how badly this system is broken :) so i want command line only?12:16
Flannelmneptok: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/8105712:16
SplashTK9happytron, yeah tried to restart it, nothing :(12:16
FlannelMrX|ubu, you'll want to read that too.  And follow the links on the bottom, I believe.12:16
=== MegaQuark [n=gary@pool-71-111-191-188.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
happytronyou can find your way around with the command line, right?12:16
eXistenZWhen herd is out?12:16
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Flanneltw200: `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade`12:16
ubuntususeradd newusers    passwd newusers true or false12:17
rambo3eXistenZ, about 3 months ago12:17
h00t_can anyone know how to put back sysray in gnome12:17
SplashTK9happytron, I am alright12:17
soundrayeXistenZ: now that there is a beta, there won't be any more Herds.12:17
tw200Flannel, thanks :)12:17
soundray!feisty > eXistenZ12:17
ubuntususeradd newusers    passwd newusers true or false12:17
sipiorFlannel: that's quite the strange bug there12:18
FlannelMrX|ubu: so, it doesn't appear to be a bug in ubuntu, but a bug in your router/modem instead.  But you can apparently workaround it.12:18
=== skirk [n=skirk@ip-103-163.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayubuntus: don't use useradd. Use adduser12:18
MrX|ubuhow annoying12:18
MrX|ubuthanks flannel12:18
MrX|ubuwill hunt for the solution some12:18
=== maan84 [n=maan84@h-83-140-118-247.auto.rp80.se] has joined #ubuntu
eXistenZsoundray: Are the ntfs partitions (usually) automatically mounted right after the installation of ubuntu (in media)?12:19
Stormx2eXistenZ: Mine were.12:19
SplashTK9any ideas happytron?12:19
FlannelMrX|ubu: solution is in that bugreport, setting DNS manually is one, upgrading firmware might also work, more stuff on that page.12:19
=== verma [n=verma@12-210-137-165.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
rambo3ubuntus : suddo adduser ubuntus12:19
soundrayeXistenZ: I don't know, I'm not a Windows user12:19
ubuntushow to use adduser you said parameter soundray12:19
happytronnot really. look at the logs...12:19
MrX|ubui cant upgrade firmware12:19
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MrX|ubuit has latest version in it12:19
happytronsounds pretty weird if it just stopped working spontaneously12:19
h00t_anyone know how to put back sysray in gnome panel12:19
FlannelMrX|ubu: alright, then you'll need to set your DNS manually, I believe.12:20
happytronmaybe your dot files are broken12:20
SplashTK9happytron, k k12:20
soundrayubuntus: 'adduser test' will add a new user with the username test. You will be asked to enter the password.12:20
Stormx2h00t_: Right click > add to panel. Look for notification area12:20
=== dani [n=dani@62.Red-81-34-94.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
happytrontry logging into x as a different user?12:20
soundrayubuntus: enter 'man adduser' to read about parameters.12:20
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MrX|ubuthat may be the case flannel but what ip address do i make it resolve to12:20
SplashTK9I only have 1 user though12:20
sipiorMrX|ubu: maybe just simpler to install a proper dns server and configure your system to use that, bypassing the problem12:20
happytron*cough* root *cough*12:20
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ubuntusparameter very difficult use soundray12:20
h00t_Stormx2: It's called "notification area" ???12:21
happytronnah, i dunno really12:21
Stormx2h00t_: yeah.12:21
danigod morning12:21
soundrayubuntus: you don't need any parameters12:21
FlannelMrX|ubu: Your ISP should provide you with DNS servers.  Or, you could host your own.12:21
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MrX|ubuits a netcomm nb5 modem btw12:21
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supermanHi Dani12:22
danialguien me puede esplicar como instalar paquetes sin el sinaptic12:22
Flannel!es | dani12:22
ubotudani: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:22
danihi superman12:22
=== _filippo_ [n=pippo@host3-3-dynamic.6-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
soundray!software > dani, please read the private message from ubotu12:22
sipiori think we need to fit ubotu with automatic language detection algorithms12:22
danigracias ubotu12:23
=== parag0n_ [n=parag0n@popeshoe.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ferronicaany one please tell me how to mount  my USB evice manullly12:23
soundraydani: "de nada" says the bot12:23
daniy para conectar una camara web como se hace12:23
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soundraydani: no Spanish here please12:24
soundray!webcam > dani12:24
h00tStormx2: thanx it worked ...12:24
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danicomo conexion webcam in the linux12:24
Stormx2!es | dani12:25
soundraydani: read the message from ubotu12:25
ubotudani: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-es - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:25
h00tanyone know where can i find w32 codecs12:25
Stormx2!w32codecs | h00t12:25
ubotuh00t: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs12:25
soundray!w32codecs > h00t12:25
=== soundray embarrassed
MrX|ubucan i hard code the ip addresses into ubuntu like "iptables" in windows?12:26
daniwhat the time please12:26
rambo3ferronica with mount ?12:26
Stormx2dani: Just find a clock.12:26
sipiorunless "in the" is also part of the spanish language, i'm guessing he is trying to use english already12:26
ferronicarambo: mount after that12:26
cwilluMrX|ubu: you mean like HOSTS?12:26
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MrX|ubulike that12:26
cwilluMrX|ubu: gues where HOSTS comes from :p12:26
FrogzooMrX|ubu: /etc/hosts12:26
daniwhat the time in ee.uu12:27
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rambo3ferronica, ok .what is the output of : sudo fdisk -l12:27
cwilluMrX|ubu: it's a posix/unix thing (hence why it's in <blah>/etc/HOSTS ion windows)12:27
rambo3ferronica, dont paste here more then 3 rows12:27
tw200guys i upgraded my ubuntu, and now my menus are wacked, i have no more add remove software or anything, and my system is stable but useless, how can i get it to it's original state from the command line?12:27
cwillubah, can't type today12:27
cwillutw200: feisty?12:28
ubuntu_noobhi all, I have a very simple question: How do i disable start up sounds?12:28
tw200i am currently running the command, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:28
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tw200cwillu, edgy,12:28
MrX|ubuthat may be the case but now i need to resolve the ip addresses of the servers12:28
Stormx2ubuntu_noob: System > Preferences > Sounds12:28
Stormx2!caps > dani12:28
Frogzooubuntu_noob: sys -> prefs -> sounds12:28
rambo3!time | dani12:28
ubotudani: time: The GNU time program for measuring cpu resource usage. In component main, is standard. Version 1.7-21 (edgy), package size 31 kB, installed size 144 kB12:28
Stormx2dani: This is the support channel for ubuntu. Stop asking stupid questions.12:28
cwillutw200: dapper -> edgy?12:28
Chapayevanyone have trouble stepping screen res down - like system logs off ??12:29
ubuntu_noobStormx2,Frogzoo: thanks12:29
Chapayev(in 6.06)12:29
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tw200cwillu, well, actually, i installed edgy and put dapper sources in sources-lists, thats where the messup came in,12:29
cwillutw200: alt+f2, type gnome-terminal, tell me if you get anything12:29
tw200alt + f2 give me an error, Unable to load file '/usr/share/gnome/panel/glade/panel-run-dialog.glade'.12:29
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ubuntu_noobsystem beep which is equal to start up sound ?12:30
tw200but i can get to a terminal though cwillu12:30
cwillutw200: ya, was just curious how broken it was12:30
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ferronicarambo: shows me long list12:30
tw200its broken :)12:30
soundraytw200: if you're currently running apt-get dist-upgrade, there's really no point trying to fix anything now. Wait till it's ready.12:30
cwillutw200: you're running dist-upgrade right now you said?12:30
=== Vanuatoo [n=chatzill@host-85-114-227-35.adsl.caucasus.net] has joined #ubuntu
h00tStormx2: soundray: wouldn't this http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/w/w32codecs/ be better ... by the filename it seems it's newer then this http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/dists/edgy-seveas/all/12:31
tw200cwillu, yes it's almost finished, will let you know what is up after a reboot?12:31
ferronicarambo3: ??/12:31
VanuatooI tried to boot Ubuntu 7.04 beta on Asus P5B Deluxe but it dumps me to some shell12:31
rambo3!pastebin | ferronica12:31
ubotuferronica: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:31
FlannelVanuatoo: #ubuntu+1 for Feisty support12:31
=== econobeing [n=econobei@00146c4af6b5.click-network.com] has joined #ubuntu
cwillutw200: better than I'd be able to right now;  let it finish and the ping me12:31
tw200cwillu, thanks mate,12:31
=== _JP [i=jaxr@jolt.modeemi.cs.tut.fi] has joined #ubuntu
rambo3ferronice paste it on ther and paste link here after that12:31
tw200cwillu, ok its done, let me restart,12:32
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ferronicarambo3: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12123/12:32
tw200cwillu, i still cant run alt+f2 though,12:32
Flannelh00t: newer versions aren't always better.  Besides, one (Seve-s') is specifically for Edgy.  the debian one isn't.  And binary compatability isn't guarenteed between debian and ubuntu packages.12:32
soundrayh00t: Debian repositories should not be used with ubuntu. Seveas will update his repos when the software is ready in his view.12:32
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h00t'k since you say so ... bow before apt-get12:33
ingodonotshi guys12:33
ferronicarambo3: i dont wanna to mount any window HDD but USB device which is connected via my mobile phone nokia 771012:33
ingodonotsis there anybody that know a cvs free hosting?12:33
cwillusoundray: My check engine light came on, and I think I need to change the oil.  How can I check that?  (btw, I'm doing 100km/h right now)12:33
=== Bagoor [n=bagoor@ner-as5858.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu
MrX|ubuedited hosts in vi, but it wont damn save it12:33
FlannelMrX|ubu: you need to use sudo to open the editor12:34
cwilluMrX|ubu: gotta edit it via sudo12:34
econobeingi'm having problems formatting my external(gparted) when i hit apply it says it can't format, and gives me the error "mk32fs 1.39 (29-may-2006) /dev/sda1 is mounted; will not make a filesystem here!" but when i try to unmount it, it must re-mount itself automatically because it's still there12:34
MrX|ubucarries on about not being able to open foor writing12:34
econobeingactually, it let me delete the existing partitions, it just won't let me create new ones12:34
soundraycwillu: turn on cruise control, crawl in the back, find a screwdriver and punch out the warning light12:34
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cwillusoundray: k, one sec12:34
ferronicarambo3: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12124/12:34
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=== soundray rotfl
supermanferronica: mount /dev/sda1 /meia/us12:35
cwillusoundray: k, I got the screwdriver, but now my car's in the ditch.  The speedo still says 100 km/h though, and the wheels are turning really fast12:35
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supermanferronica: mount /dev/sda1 /media/usb12:35
cwillusoundray: nvm, they stopped12:35
rambo3ferronica, you neeed to change your mobile phone to sotrage device in order to mount it12:35
=== Jiim [n=Jiim@uw81.uwoj.wroc.pl] has joined #ubuntu
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rambo3superman, wrong deivce and12:36
=== ubuntu_noob [n=august@udp174326uds.hawaiiantel.net] has joined #ubuntu
Chapayevanyone have trouble stepping screen res down - like system logs off ?? (in 6.06)12:36
soundraycwillu: now sue the manufacturer of the warning light for negligence.12:36
ferronicarambo3: how to do it12:36
cwillusoundray: can I do that?  it's open source :/12:36
MrX|ubui edited the hosts12:36
MrX|ubui need reboot12:36
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cwilluMrX|ubu: shouldn't need to12:37
_JPifup returns always 0, even if it says "Failed to bring up eth0". how do i detect the failure in a shell script?12:37
cwilluMrX|ubu:  unless you're renaming your machine12:37
rambo3ferronica, its in your mobile phone instructions . not ubuntu12:37
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soundraycwillu: oh, in that case, just debug and recompile12:37
MrX|ubuno rename12:37
=== KenSentMe [n=KenSentM@a82-92-80-8.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
econobeingwhen i did "sudo gparted" it said "automounting disabled" yet for some reason it still automatically mounted my external, and i couldn't format/partition it...12:37
=== MartyMcFly [n=tank@cpc2-bigg1-0-0-cust905.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
cwillusoundray: ya, just checked the manual; there's a big NO WARRANTY section, including "EXCEPT WHEN12:38
cwilluplease don't kick me :/12:38
MartyMcFlyIs it possible to get virtualbox to boot an existing windows installation?12:38
cwillubigger than expected :p12:38
soundrayeconobeing: disable automounting in System-Preferences-Removable Drives12:39
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soundraycwillu: that's enough impersonation for the day ;)12:39
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h00tsoundray: Flannel: do i have to add gpg key to to apt in order to use seveas' rep12:39
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MrX|ubu:~$ sudo apt-get update12:40
MrX|ubu0% [Connecting to archive.ubuntu.com (]  [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (] 12:40
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MrX|ubuat least it resolves it to something other than
soundrayh00t: you don't have to, but if you don't, you'll get error messages when you install/update.12:40
MrX|ubustill no dice tho12:40
soundrayh00t: it will still work12:40
=== cga [n=cga@213-140-6-101.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu
cwilluMrX|ubu: what's the problem you're having?12:40
rambo3h00t, ask ubotu about source-o-matic12:40
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soundray!easysource > h00t (good idea rambo3)12:41
h00trambo3: how do you use the bot12:41
kbrookscwillu, there is no guarantee that the software will actually be sellable or fit a particular purpose12:41
kbrookscwillu, thats what the waranty means12:41
MrX|ubuwhen i apt-get update it resolves everything to
soundrayh00t: you just got a private message from the bot12:41
Frogzooh00t: /msg ubotu help12:41
MrX|ubuso i put it in hosts file12:41
=== cwillu isn't sure that kbrooks was following the car conversation :p
MrX|ubuand now it has the ipaddress in there12:42
kbrookscwillu, no, i wasn't.12:42
=== ErnestBursa [n=ernest@eqw68.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
cwilluMrX|ubu: cat you "dig archive.ubuntu.com"12:42
ferronicarambo3: have you checked my other link that i give you12:42
Chapayevhelp edit .conf for video res ???12:42
cwillukbrooks: sorry, just a spoof conversation, ending with a paste gone wrong12:42
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kbrookscwillu, metaphorical car?12:42
ferronicarambo3: where is used lsusb command12:42
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cwilluMrX|ubu: I'm interested if it gives a warning message when you do that command12:42
cwillukbrooks: somewhat12:43
rambo3ferronica, yes it reports USB device but not a storage device ergo you cant mount the device12:43
kbrookscwillu, elaborate.12:43
MrX|ubui do a dig12:43
MrX|ubuno error12:43
MrX|ubugives me the ip address12:43
mkquist_yeah for Kaffeine!! got the radio streaming from KCRW at last - Nocturna!12:43
=== Matthai [n=Matthai@kovacic-m.fdv.uni-lj.si] has joined #ubuntu
h00tsoundray: where can i see all the apt keys i got so far12:43
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cwilluMrX|ubu: may not be what I thought it might be then;  last thing though, what brand of router are you using?12:43
MrX|ubunetcomm nb512:44
cwilluone sec12:44
rambo3h00t, its on same page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages12:44
rambo3!backports | h00t12:44
ubotuh00t: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports12:44
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MrX|ubuhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/81057 -- according to this its a router issue12:44
=== Comma [n=Comma___@85-18-14-13.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
mneptokMrX|ubu: have you tried removing the router from the mix and plugging the Ubuntu machine directly to the modem?12:44
cwilluMrX|ubu: it sure sounds familiar12:45
MrX|ubuthe router12:45
MrX|ubuis the modem12:45
MrX|ubuits a combo thing12:45
MrX|ubuand a dhcp12:45
MrX|ubuik got modem, network switch, pc12:45
mneptok!enter > MrX|ubu12:45
MrX|ubumneptok: sorry12:46
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ferronicarambo3: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12128/12:46
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mneptokwhat about disabling the routing, DHCP, and DNS services of the modem?12:46
mneptokjust use it as a bridge12:46
ferronicarambo3: here i used DKU 2 cable to connect my phone12:46
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration12:46
ferronicarambo3: previous one via bluetooth12:46
rambo3ferronica, ok does it show now in sudo fdisk -l ? when you plug it in check : dmesg12:47
soundrayh00t: I'm not sure -- 'sudo gpg --list-keys'? man gpg if in doubt.12:47
MrX|ubui joimned mrx|ubu12:47
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cwilluMrX|ubu: find out what your isp's dns is, and enter it by hand rather than using, or whatever the router's ip is12:47
MrX|ubuhow i find that out12:48
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cwilluMrX|ubu: router config page should tell you12:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opendns - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:48
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ferronicarambo3: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12129/12:48
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[miles] good afternoon #ubuntu ....12:49
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hobsgood morning for me :D12:49
[miles] can anyone tell me if of a good site explaining how to create .deb packages for ubuntu please?12:49
[miles] :-) hobs12:49
freepenguinciao a tutti12:49
jrib[miles] : help.ubuntu.com12:49
MrX|ubuprimary dns?12:49
freepenguinuna cosa al volo: sapete mica dirmi come si fa all'avvio di Ubuntu ad entrare nella modalit testuale?12:49
cwilluMrX|ubu:  yep, secondary is probably good to have too12:49
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cwillubut not critical12:49
jrib!it | freepenguin12:49
ubotufreepenguin: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:49
MrX|ubuok where i shove it?12:49
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ferronicarambo3: have you checked???12:50
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cwilluMrX|ubu: network config, the dns page12:50
h00tsoundray hey12:50
hobsYes miles :D12:50
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[miles] jrib: ... dont see anything there on building my own..12:51
h00ti put the rep in the sources.list ... i added the key ... it's not installing ... maybe i'm spelling it wrong ... is it "sudo apt-get install w32codecs"12:51
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jrib[miles] : see the "Packaging Guide"?12:51
[miles] sorry12:51
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=== [miles] is going blind... too much pr0n :)
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cwilluMrX|ubu: brb12:51
hobsit happens to the best of us12:51
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MrX|ubui put it in cwillu12:52
ferronicarambo3: any idea???12:52
[miles] thanks12:52
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jrib[miles] : the references there, especially the "Debian New Maintainers Guide" are pretty useful too12:52
MrX|ubuthankyou all12:52
h00tanyone i put the rep in the sources.list ... i added the key ... it's not installing ... maybe i'm spelling it wrong ... is it "sudo apt-get install w32codecs"12:52
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MrX|ubuthankyou all who help12:52
jribh00t: what "rep"?12:53
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MrX|ubuwas dns issue12:53
cwilluMrX|ubu: back12:53
rambo3ferronica, no12:53
[miles] jrib: I've made rpm's before.. but have zero knowledge of .deb's12:53
Chapayevanyone rec. which player to install for mpg ?12:53
MrX|ubuit worked12:53
rambo3!info cobex | ferronica12:53
ubotuferronica: cobex: Connector for mobile devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8-1 (edgy), package size 22 kB, installed size 140 kB12:53
cwilluMrX|ubu: I think there's an option you can enter for dns to have it ignore some weirdness that your router is doing12:53
jribh00t: sudo apt-get update    and then try again12:53
cwilluMrX|ubu: but it's been about a year since I ran into someone with this problem12:53
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ferronicarambo3: okay12:54
MrX|ubui see12:54
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MrX|ubupoint is its fixed12:54
cwilluMrX|ubu: "worked around" is the technical term :p12:54
MrX|ubuyea well worked around12:55
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hobsI am having a problem with my nvidia drivers, specifically, I install them (I have tried automatix and synaptic so far) and then I am not able to get to the logic screen anymore without ctrl alt f112:55
MrX|ubupoint is it is doing what it is supposed to12:55
Chapayevanyone rec. which player (package in synapt.)  to install for mpg ?12:55
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hobsand I know I have an Nvidia 6000 go series card12:55
jrib!mpg > Chapayev    (Chapayev, see the private message from ubotu)12:55
cwilluMrX|ubu: if your isp ever changes their dns, you'll have to update it by hand, just try to remember that if things break again12:55
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h00ti'm getting this error .... Err http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl edgy-seveas/all w32codecs 1:20060611-0.012:55
h00t  403 Forbidden12:55
h00tFailed to fetch http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/pool/edgy-seveas/extras/w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb  403 Forbidden12:55
h00tE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?12:55
eXistenZIs mplayer on multiverse?12:55
Steili'm having problems with hibernate, when i go into hibernate, and then turn my computer back on.....it just goes straight to the login screen and not the previous session12:55
hobsso I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on where to start troubleshooting :D12:55
jribh00t: use a different mirror12:56
MrX|ubuyea i may have to refix it12:56
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hobsI think it may be the fact that it is a go series nvidia card, or something to that effect12:56
cwilluSteil: did it work under xp?12:56
cwilluSteil: might need to enable it in the bios12:56
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cookiehelll all12:57
arashfYou must exec "login" from the lowest level "sh"12:57
hobsDoes anyone know if these kind of errors in X would be logged somewhere?12:57
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Steilcwillu: what would bios have to do with resume from hd?12:57
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Steili could understand suspend from ram...but not hd...12:57
kingcobraplease help me get windows media in web pages to play i tried gstreamer mozilla and mozilla mplayer12:57
cookieI updated something on my ubuntu, but after then I rebooted the machine but got this error message12:57
cwilluSteil: it's a bios option that enables it afaik12:57
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Kommiusllo all12:58
cookieUnknown interrupt or fault at EIP 00010006 00000060 c041d20b12:58
mneptokSteil: do you have as much or more swap as RAM?12:58
cookieany advice please?12:58
Steili have 768mb ram, 1004mb swap12:58
Steiland my swaps typically empty12:59
KommiusIm trying to load a watchdog hardware device at boot-up, but i'm not very familiar with the /etc/modprobe.d functionning12:59
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Kirk_I install a new kernel and when i reboot the system. It stoped with a message "waiting for the root filesystem". Can anybody tell me how to sove it?12:59
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rambo3cookie google : eip interrupt ubuntu01:00
cookieok will try that01:00
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Steilmneptok: any idea?01:01
rambo3cookie : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=294712&page=201:01
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freepenguinciao una domanda: ho scaricato dai repository il server web apache, ma esiste un qualcosa di grafico per gestirlo e configurarlo?01:02
rambo3multo bene01:03
rambo3!it | freepenguin01:03
ubotufreepenguin: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:03
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hobsDoes anyone where the X server would log errors and the like? I am pretty new :)01:03
cwillu!pastebin > MrX|ubu01:04
Steilhobs: /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:04
hobsThank you Steil01:04
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hobsHaha, is the most current information on the state at the bottom?01:06
cwilluhobs: yep01:06
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hobsAnd how will I know an error when i see it, most of this is just gibberish to me ;)01:06
rambo3hobs,  dmesg | tail01:07
kingcobradoes anybody know how to get windows media in web pages to play01:07
cwilluhobs: look for "(EE)"01:07
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hobsThank you fellows01:08
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h00tdoes anyone know what happens when you have 2 firefox plugins (totem, mplayer) and they both can handle a certain type of stream ... which plugin will handle it .. how will firefox decide01:08
h00tbasically i'm just trying to get internet xm radio to work01:09
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sipiorhoot: in that case, why would it matter which plugin handled it?01:10
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hobsHrm, after searching (EE) I only found one telling me that the "Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found", even though I tried to install the recommended ones from the repositories01:10
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hobsand let automatix also try01:10
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jacksparrow'hi all01:10
rambo3!envy | hobs01:11
jacksparrowCan somebody help me in proftpd.conf?01:11
sipiorhobs: is it specified correctly in your xorg.conf?01:11
ubotuhobs: envy is a Python script that eases installation of the official Nvidia and ATI drivers. This software is NOT supported by ubuntu and you will not receive aid for it here. More at http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html See !nvidia and !nvidia901:11
h00tsipior: 'cause totem isn't handling it01:11
hobsthank you :D01:11
h00tand i don't know if i have to uninstall it01:11
hobsman that is a pretty useful bot01:11
sipiorhoot: well, you can always try and then reinstall. have you done the usual steps for installing all 3rd party codecs &cet.?01:12
hobsHoly crap rambo3, this is what I have been looking for my entire life, thank you :D:D:D:D01:12
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sipiorhoot: i forget which handles wma, but surely one of them must :-)01:12
kbrookshobs: "crap" is inapprop01:12
hobsis it D:01:13
hobsI apologize01:13
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sipiorhobs: i like crap, hobs. nothing to apologise for01:13
hobsWell where I come from it is pretty tame, but when in rome...01:13
catxkok, so my computer died all of a sudden (does this sometimes, no worries) and when I rebooted into ubuntu, I don't get any sound! it's all dead... any ideas what might have happened?01:13
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kingcobradoes anybody know how to get windows media in web pages to play01:13
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sipiorcatxk: i've had this happen myself. you might try a cold boot (shut the power off, wait ten seconds, power back on)01:14
h00tw32codecs | kingcobra01:14
rambo3h00t, !01:14
h00t!w32codecs | kingcobra01:15
ubotukingcobra: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs01:15
sipiorcatxk: i've yet to figure out the underlying cause, i'm sorry to say01:15
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hobsEnvy does not recognise your card as compatible with any version of the driver01:15
kingcobrah00t, thank you01:15
catxksipior: odd! thanks for the tip though, I'll try it out01:15
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sipiorcatxk: i believe the card gets left in an inconsistent state, which for some reason a reset does not alleviate01:16
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hobsSo does anyone have any idea why my nvidia 6150 go wouldnt be supported by any of the nvidia drivers?01:23
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_StefanS_I was wondering, can I run x86_64 binaries when running x86 of ubuntu ?01:23
sipiorhobs: does nvidia list it as supported at their site?01:23
_StefanS_I have a 64bit cpu01:23
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hobsWell, it works under windows, let me check their site01:23
catxksipior: didn't do it :(01:23
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sipiorcatxk: ah well, worth a try01:24
catxkyeah thanks01:24
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kingcobrah00t, E: Type 'gpg' is not known on line 43 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list01:24
deussay, i want my intel centrino cpu (with two cores) to take it easy, it runs on 1.6 ghz and i want to to run on 1 ghz, so it does not run so hot and so it saves some power01:24
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deuswhat programs does that?01:24
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kingcobrah00t, i cant get seveas list01:24
sipiorcatxk: i've had to reboot a few times to get it to work on occasion, but perhaps you've a different problem. see if you can get your computer to crash in exactly the same way again... :-)01:24
kbrookskingcobra, pastebin your sources.list01:25
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hobsHrm, do you know where their supported list is, the computer I bought from HP has a "graphics by nvidia" but i dont know if that is true01:25
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sipiordeus: look at cpufreqd, i believe that does what you want01:25
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sipiordeus: there's also a gnome applet, iirc01:25
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kingcobrakbrooks, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12132/01:26
catxksipior: that's easy, just start a few torrents, open the music player and then accidentaly open a movie - BOOM!01:26
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kbrookskingcobra, run the gpg commands ..01:27
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kbrookskingcobra, and remove them ffrom there please01:28
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KaipHeya. Wondering if i can grab a quick pointer. I want to 'map' a shared drive on a windows machine onto my Ubuntu machine. I can see the drive and its contents using smbclient. Just need to know how to map it?01:29
h00tkingcobra: do this first "wget http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl/1135D466.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -"01:29
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h00tyou there01:29
h00tkingcobra: you there01:29
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kingcobrah00t, yes01:30
h00tkingcobra: do this first .. tell me if the output is ok01:30
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h00twget http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl/1135D466.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -01:30
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kingcobrah00t, yes i think it did what it wanted01:30
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h00tkingcobra: now do this "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" and add this to the end of the file01:31
musaddii have installed ubuntu edge eft on inspiron 9400(core 2 duo ati x1400). did install ati propreitery drivers. works. Then I installed beryl. when i run beryl, it gives me an error message saying no compoite extension01:31
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musaddiwhat's the problem?01:31
h00tkingcobra: now do this "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" and add this to the end of the file :deb http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl edgy-seveas all01:31
h00tdeb-src http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl edgy-seveas all01:31
hobsHey guys :D01:32
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hobsI got it to work "d01:32
hobsI got it to work :D01:32
fenrighi how do i install a good soundserver in ubuntu?01:32
h00tkingcobra: that's 2 lines01:32
hobsJust trying it a different way worked, thank you for your help :D01:32
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fenrigcan anybody tell me a way to install a pretty good soundserver?01:33
um_whoawhen i do poff and then do a pon, i get this error message" /usr/sbin/pppd: In file /etc/ppp/peers/provider: unrecognized option '/dev/modem" -- anyone have any suggestions?01:33
Jiimmusaddi: add to /etx/X11/xorg.conf: Section "Extensions" Option "Composite" "true" EndSection01:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about soundserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:34
sipiorfenrig: what precisely do you mean by soundserver?01:34
sipiorfenrig: something like arts or esd?01:34
fenrigsipior: something like arts01:34
kingcobraits done but i still dont see win32 codecs in synaptic h00t01:34
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fenrigbut better updated01:34
um_whoai googled that error message but what they were talking about was a failure on boot01:35
um_whoa mine only happens when i use pon and poff01:35
h00tthen do this "sudo apt-get update"01:35
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kingcobradone that h00t01:35
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adn_alguien en castellano?01:35
sipiorfenrig: hmm...i only know arts and esd, so if those don't do it for you...01:36
h00tnow try this "apt-get install w32codecs"01:36
h00tkingcobra: "sudo apt-get install w32codecs"01:36
fenrigbut how do i install arts in ubuntu01:36
fenrigi only used it in kubuntu01:36
sipiorfenrig: aptitude install arts should do it01:37
fenrigand how do i start arts then?01:37
sipiorfenrig: well, that's a good question. if you're running gnome, you're probably best off just running esd, as it should be started automatically01:38
um_whoawhat package do you have install before you install w32codecs?01:38
sipiorsipior: you can always hack a system startup script to start arts, i guess01:38
sipiorfenrig: it may even install one for you01:38
h00tum_whoa: none01:38
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fenrigand how do i configure arts01:38
kingcobrahttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12134/ its changed h00t01:38
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fenrigcause i can just play one source01:39
fenrignothing else01:39
fenrignot totem and firefox both01:39
fenrigonly totem01:39
um_whoaare you sure, because when i tried to do it i got back: "Package w32codecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.01:39
um_whoaThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or01:39
um_whoais only available from another source01:39
um_whoaE: Package w32codecs has no installation candidate01:39
sipiorfenrig: that i can't help you with, i'm afraid. not sure if the man page is helpful for kde stuff01:39
skarhi, how do i disable/edit the LS_COLORS env variable?01:39
sipiorfenrig: probably best off with esd, in that casr01:39
sipiorskar: unset LS_COLORS01:39
fenrigand how do i configure esd01:39
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sipiorfenrig: man esd should show you enough to get on with01:40
h00tkingcobra: what's the output of "sudo apt-get install w32codecs"01:40
skarsipior: i want to change color codes for some file types, which file has this def ?01:40
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shirishI wanna get my browsing, downloading updates & chatting on gaim done right under linux01:40
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shirishthe issue is I have 2 nic's & although I'm able to browse, I'm not able to download the updates01:41
h00tkingcobra: nothing has changed at link you posted .. check it01:41
um_whoais the reason no one is saying a word to me the fact i am not using the http://paste deal like king is?01:41
h00tkingcobra: just paste the output here01:41
um_whoa i guess not01:41
kingcobrahttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12135 sorry01:41
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sipiorskar: hmm...used to be /etc/DIR_COLORS, but i must be thinking of gentoo. you can just make a .dir_colors file, and load that via your .bashrc01:42
kingcobraits a bit long h00t01:42
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shirishanybody game what could be going on? I'm have to use windows to find out why things are not happening in ubuntu :/01:42
skarsipior: oh thanks01:43
sipiorum_whoa: if you're trying to load w32codecs, you have to download it manually and install it01:43
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korhi! When I reboot my pc X crashes. I've downloaded some packages including the kernel and nvidia-glx and now I can't get in. Any help will be appreciated01:43
shirishhere's my lspci & dmesg at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2320062&postcount=52401:43
h00tkingcobra: you have synaptic open ... you need to close it ... ONLY ONE PROCCESS CAN USE DPKG AT THE SAME TIME ... CLOSE SYNAPTIC THEN do what is said01:43
buritoshirish, quick way out would be to disable the nic you dont use for internet01:43
ferronicarambo3: what you told COMD01:43
um_whoasipior and i would do tha thow?01:43
ferronicarambo3: something like that01:43
shirishhow do i know which nic I don't use for the net, the procedure to disable it01:43
sipiorum_whoa: hang on, i'll see if i can dig up the link01:43
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shirishany help appreciated burito01:44
PriceChild!caps | h00t01:44
ubotuh00t: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:44
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skarshirish: well to disable one of the nics, type "ifconfig eth1 down"01:44
koranyone can help me please?01:44
um_whoais ubotu mod?01:44
buritoshirish, why do you have 2 nics in the first place?01:44
skarand you'll only have eth0 up now01:44
JosefKcould anyone point me to some docs about how to configure Lire on 6.10?01:44
PriceChildkor, what error?01:44
PriceChildum_whoa, ?01:44
JosefKI've setup a DLF, but I can't figure how to get the cron jobs to use it to create reports01:44
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shirishone NIC is on the m/b & it doesn't have buffers, had bought the realtek card which also does have some memory01:45
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um_whoapricechild mod = head person in charge here.01:45
fenrigwhere do i configure esd?01:45
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korPriceChild: It says that my nvidia or something isn't set proprly01:45
PriceChildum_whoa, wanna pm?01:45
shirishalso the SIS nic isn't so good01:45
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PriceChildkor, could you give me the actual error? :)01:45
um_whoaabout what? price child01:45
sipiorum_whoa: wget -c http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20061022-0.0_i386.deb01:45
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PriceChildkor, also the method you used to install nvidia01:45
sipiorum_whoa: then install via "dpkg -i"01:46
skarshirish: "ifconfig ethx down" should down whichever NIC you want down, where x is the number01:46
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ubuntusi have got media/sda2 partion  i amnot write01:46
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korPriceChild: well, I have to config it again but i forgot the command.01:46
skarmore importantly, you can have internet through 1 nic while the other nic is also up01:46
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs01:46
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shirishskar: thnx now how to know if eth0 is Sis or the Realtek one, is there anyway to find out?01:46
skarshirish: which nic is connected to the net?01:46
sipioroh sure, now!01:47
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shirishskar: the realtek one, its connected to my router+modem01:47
h00tdoes anyone know what player is totem based on01:47
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ubuntusi have got media/sda2 partion  i amnot write please help me01:47
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sipiorhoot: gstreamer, by default. there's also a xine version01:47
PriceChildh00t, totem can take a gstreamer or xine backend01:47
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IdleOne!ntfs | ubuntus01:47
ochosihi anyone an idea how to install a driver for my scsi-card (for a umax astra610 scanner, supported by sane) - at least i assume i have to do that, right?01:47
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ubotuubuntus: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse01:47
fenrigwhere do i configure esd?01:47
ubotuesd is the enlightened sound deamon. It's deprecated, use !alsa instead01:48
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:48
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shirishskar: here's my lspci & dmesg at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2320062&postcount=524 in case tht helps with knowing something01:48
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ubuntusext3 IdleOne01:48
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ArchAngelwith the split, any body here who can help with powernowd ?01:55
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PriceChildArchAngel, please be patient ;)01:55
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ArchAngeldidn't say i couldn't be patient, was simply asking, i can't sit at my computer all day waiting for an answer, i have a job.01:56
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PriceChildArchAngel, I meant be patient for freenode to rejoin... its not easy to help people when the join spam comes back ;)01:56
PriceChildArchAngel, and also there will be lots of more helpful users on the other end :)01:56
ArchAngeli'll just choose another server.01:57
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Hmmmmsipior, ic. so i cna allow these two, then disallow everything?02:02
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:02
=== bratboy needs help with powernowd service.
skarbabo: go to "" its a google ip, should load plenty fast02:02
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects02:02
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=== bratboy contemplates reinstalling XP
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ubuntusok i am picture screen send link imageshack now02:02
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h00tkingcobra: first you need to test if you can play w32 files from your hard drive either in totem or mplay ... then we can concentrate on the firefox plugin ... do you have a video you can test02:02
sipiorHmmmm: so something like iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -dports 80 -j ALLOW, and then a similar line for 22 (ssh)02:02
ubuntusok i am picture screen send link imageshack now sipior02:03
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Hmmmmsipior, ok. thanks02:03
sipiorHmmmm: and then a default iptables -A INPUT -j DENY later. obviously test first ;-)02:03
bratboyanyone here who can help with powernowd? it tries to install but hangs, bnow i cna't install anythign else till i resolve this issue.02:03
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baboskar: yeah. It's definitely a dns issue. The ip address is lightning fast ...02:03
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skarbabo: there u go then02:03
ubuntushttp://img139.imageshack.us/img139/460/ekrangrntswh5.png sipior02:03
Hmmmmsipior, okay02:04
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Hmmmmsipior, lemme try that out02:04
baboskar: tinydns and djbdns aren't in the repos ...02:04
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bratboyanyone here who can help with powernowd? it tries to install but hangs, now i can't install anything else till i resolve this issue.02:04
sipiorubuntus: i don't see an error message here02:04
baboskar: I can't believe that ubuntu doesn't cache A records ..02:05
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bratboy!bratboy| powernowd02:05
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bratboy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:05
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testyHi, just tryed to compile OGMRip and now i get this error after make: http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/859802:05
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bratboygood luck getting some one to answer02:05
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kingcobrah00t, unusualy some wmv can play and some cant02:05
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bratboytoo many splits02:06
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kingcobrah00t, vlc can play them all tho02:06
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babobratboy: what's the cause of all those splits ?02:06
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sipiorbabo: angry irc demons02:06
h00tkingcobra: vlc has its own codecs so usually it can play everything ...02:06
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kingcobrah00t, i thought so02:07
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bratboyi'd just be happy with disabling powernowd02:07
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bratboyso i can continue02:07
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ubuntusmedia/sda2 dont create file i dont send file i dont save file sipio02:07
bratboycan't even install VLC cause of the dpkg error02:07
h00tkingcobra: vlc has a shitty plugin though02:07
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bratboyi LOVE vlc02:07
bratboyplays everything02:07
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h00tbe right back02:07
sipiorubuntus: well, i see the sda2 disk icon, but that gives no indication of the trouble02:08
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bratboybut since i can't get a workaround for this powernowd, i'm going back to windows02:08
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kingcobrawhats powernowd bratboy02:08
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testyDo these splits ever stop? I'm totally stuck compiling ogmrip and need some help02:08
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bratboysome stupid main board monitoring program02:08
ubuntusi have read - i dont write media/sda2 ext302:09
um_whoacan you set xgine to be your default firefox plugin for videos?02:09
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bratboyi need ONE thing to install so the ssytem will let me install something else.02:09
korWhen I reboot my pc I can't get into X. I get this error: "Failed to start X server (your graphical interface). It is like that it is not set up correctly. now i'm in command line. can someone help me please ? i really need it.02:09
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sipiorubuntus: okay, but what error message does it give when you attempt to write? or does it give no error?02:09
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bratboycan you type in a command to have dpkg NOT install a program ?02:10
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babowhy is my dns so slow on my desktop ?02:10
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baboQueries take ages ....02:10
sipiorum_whoa: i think just installing totem-xine does that02:10
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sipiorbabo: run a caching nameserver02:11
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sipiorbabo: or go bother your isp for better name servers :)02:11
koror can someone tell me how can I reconfigure the X server correctly ?02:11
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keen88ciao a tutti02:11
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ubuntushttp://img471.imageshack.us/img471/818/ekrangrnts1hm4.png i didnt send file sipio http://img471.imageshack.us/img471/818/ekrangrnts1hm4.png error02:12
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bratboycan you type in a command to have dpkg NOT install a program ?02:12
bratboyanyone here who can help with powernowd? it tries to install but hangs, bnow i cna't install anythign else till i resolve this issue.02:12
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babowhat's the dns cacher called again ? djbdns ?02:13
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sipiorubuntus: sorry, i have no idea what that error message says :-) is that turkish?02:13
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sipiorbabo: you can just install bind and point /etc/resolv.conf to localhost02:14
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babosipior: hmm ... I've installed djbdns at this stage anyway. How do I check whether it's running or not ?02:14
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ubuntusthis channel turkish users come sipio02:15
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babothere's no man dnscache, and no man djbdns02:15
main2im looking for a mediacenter kinda thing for ubuntu, any ideas?02:15
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PriceChild!mythtv | main202:15
ubotumain2: MythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV02:15
sipiorbabo: netstat -antup , as root02:15
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bratboy!bratboy deselecting a package02:15
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babosipior: it runs as a daemon ?02:16
main2no mythtv is too heavy, and im not planning on using it with my tv card yet02:16
sipiorbabo: yep02:16
bratboy!bratboy| deselecting a package02:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bratboy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:16
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ubuntussipio i dont beryl installed02:16
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babosipior: k thanks02:16
=== bratboy sighs
rambo3main2 linuxmc02:16
main2i got a collection of movies/videos/picutres/music, i would like to browse/play02:16
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nox-HandUbuntu installer won't install grub. I have lilo and (probably other bootloader fragments) on the drives, should I remove it somehow and will it autodetect my GentoO?02:16
main2rambo3, sounds good02:16
rambo3main2 http://linuxmce.com/02:16
sipiorubuntus: okay, but that's unrelated to your partition problem02:16
main2thanks rambo :) im checking... :)02:17
bratboy!bratboy| apt-get commands02:17
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bratboy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:17
ubuntussipior gparted edit partion problem is solve02:17
bratboyok, time to reinstall windows02:17
babosipior: hmm ... which port ?02:17
bratboyubuntu edgy sucks02:17
sipiorubuntus: ah, good then02:17
sipiorbratboy: yep, good luck with that02:17
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bratboyya, well 1000 people her and no one knows how to bypass a package in dpkg ?02:18
TerramelHow stable is Feisty today? Should I install it or Dapper Drake?02:18
bratboygreat support02:18
PriceChildbratboy, just because you aren't used to it doesn't mean it is pants02:18
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PriceChild!feisty | Terramel02:18
ubotuTerramel: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)02:18
ubuntusok i m edit pariton gparted now02:18
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babosipior: I can't find it. It doesn't seem to be describe in /etc/services either ...02:18
main2rambo3, i wanne control it with my xbox360 usb controller :D02:18
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main2or a lirc remote control :D02:18
sipiorbratboy: seriously, no one like a whinger02:18
PriceChild!patience | bratboy02:18
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ubotubratboy: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:18
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bratboyFU pricechild02:18
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bratboywindows rules02:18
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babowhat's the best way to test the time taken by my dns queries ?02:19
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sipiorbabo: it should be listed as dns in /etc/services02:19
cypher1babo, does not dig output has that info ?02:19
babosipior: it runs as bind on 53 ?02:19
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sipiorbabo: yep, i see they've changed the text string :)02:20
main2shit, im running feisty so i cant use linuxmc :(02:20
babosipior: what text string ?02:20
sipiorbabo: oh, the "domain" identifiet02:20
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cypher1babo, try "time dig hostname"02:21
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zues_63how do i upgrade to the beta version of ubuntu02:21
sipiorbabo: if you have it installed, try starting it via /etc/init.d/djbdns start or whichever02:21
cypher1babo, that will give you the time taken from dig starts to ends02:21
babosipior: hmm, I'm not sure. My dns queries seem faster, apt tells me that I've got djbdns installed. But I don't have anything on :53 ...02:21
PriceChild!feisty | zues_6302:21
ubotuzues_63: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)02:21
babocypher1: k thanks02:21
babogood idea02:22
sipiorbabo: well, if it's working, don't mess with it ! :-)02:22
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zues_63now doi download the whole iso or02:22
PriceChildzues_63, support in  #ubuntu+102:22
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medflyconfigure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check <- what can i do about this?02:22
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medflyis it my fault that the channel is quiet?02:23
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babosipior: yeah, I think you're right. I don't think it runs as a daemon though (could be wrong). There isn't any man page :-(02:23
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IdleOnemedfly, we are all blaming yu yup02:24
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r_is there anybody else?02:24
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IdleOner_, whats up?02:24
babocan someone 'dig johndoe.com' and tell me what their query time is please ?02:25
sipiorbabo: hmm, it should run as a daemon. do you have localhost specified in /etc/resolv.conf?02:25
baboMine is 4556msec02:25
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sipiorbabo: or just try ps aux | grep dns02:25
cypher1babo, 758msec for me02:25
sipiorbabo: about 400msec here02:25
TSCDanHmm... on http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download 6.06 is supported longer than 6.10. Am I missing something here?02:26
babosipior: nope, I have the name server on
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babowow, my dns server is sloooooooow02:26
sipiorbabo: oh, well then installing djbdns or bind isn't changing anything for you02:26
IdleOneTSCDan, no you arent. 6.06 is a LTS ( long term support ) release02:26
cypher1TSCDan, thats correct.. 6.06 is a LTS ..02:26
TSCDanOhh... that's what LTS was :)02:26
babosipior: yes, it is. It'll cache names at least ...02:26
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babono more 4 minute waits for www.google.com :-)02:27
jhaigIs there a plan for when the next LTS will be, or will it be "when it's ready"?02:27
TSCDanWhich would be recommended for a server?02:27
comm[A|n] derhi there, are there any documents regarding to feature-changes when upgrading to feisty, especially changes regarding to /etc/network/interfaces?02:27
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IdleOnejhaig, all ubuntu releases are supported for atleast 18 months02:27
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IdleOne!feisty | comm[A|n] der02:28
ubotucomm[A|n] der: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)02:28
sipiorbabo: if it's not listed in resolv.conf, it's not caching anything, i don't believe02:28
babosipior: it looks like it hasn't installed bind on the system. I think djbdns is just a small file, kinda like the routing table scenario. Maybe I should install bind and point /etc/resolv.conf to it ? But I'd still have to point bind to my ISP's crappy nameservers anyway right ?02:28
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shirishskar: you still here?02:29
sipiorbabo: no, your name server can do all the queries by itself, so the isp servers are out of the picture02:29
TeTeTdoes anyone know how to change the xserver screen resolution from the command line?02:29
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babosipior: where does my bind server point to ?02:29
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sipiorbabo: the default install will know how to make the appropriate queries. just add nameserver to your resolv.conf and it should start working immediately02:30
babosipior: so what do I do then ? just 'sudo apt-get install bind' and then => /etc/resolv.conf 'nameserver localhost' and then chkconfig -add bind and then /etc/init.d/bind start ?02:30
mikebeechamHello...can someone help me with a screen resolution issue.  I have installed nvidia drivers, but cant get the resolution past 1024.  I have tried to configure the x-window a few times, but I keep crashing the computer02:30
babosipior: does that pretty much do it ?02:31
sipiorbabo: yep, that should do it, although no chkconfig on ubuntu, i think...02:31
sipiorbabo: see here for more information: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/DNS-HOWTO.html02:31
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sipiorbabo: that should get you going02:31
babosipior: yeah, I've read it a couple of times already. DNS can be a bit of pain at times though ..02:32
sipiorbabo: yeah, takes some getting used to02:32
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babosipior: what is there instead of chkconfig then ?02:32
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sipiorbabo: i confess i usually just start it with /etc/init.d/bind start, which is maybe a trifle crude02:33
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sipiorbabo: there's a gnome service manager which you could use, i suppose02:33
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aeromixhi all.. I have many identical lines in a file and I want to print the last occurence of each of them... any tips?02:34
tarzeauaeromix: sort -u or | uniq ?02:34
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jendaaeromix: nazdar ;)02:34
tarzeauaeromix: i'm not sure if it's the first or last occurence printed, but one shouldn't notice02:34
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aeromixtarzeau: doesn't works.. cause it sorts it alphabetically02:34
aeromixjenda: hoj02:35
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kingcobradoes anybody know how to get windows media working in firefox02:36
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aeromixtarzeau: I don't want to have it sorted02:36
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Daverockskingcobra: wmv?02:37
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main2can anyone recommend me a lightweight media 'browser' > doesnt have to be a center02:38
bronze_0_1Can anyone tell me what ubuntu uses for the chkconfig function?02:38
bronze_0_1to add scripts to the various init levels (runlevels)02:38
main2i dont want something heavy like sagetv / or mythtv02:38
babodig randomdomain ... takes 1368ms on my system. Can I get a comparision pls ?02:38
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rinmanHi, I'm having problems with installing MySQL 4.1 after having uninstalled MySQL 5.1, can anyone help me?02:39
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baborinman: try #mysql02:40
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shirishok guys I'm having issues using my router modem on linux02:40
shirishI have 2 NIC's on my comp.02:40
shirishmy dmesg02:40
shirishmy ifconfig stuff02:40
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shirishperhaps somebody can help me with this & tell what's going on?02:41
rinmanbabo: but i install it with apt-get and get the error while unpacking (it seems), so seems to me like a ubuntu related error rather than a mysql error02:41
=== robdeman [n=robdeman@b71069.upc-b.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
nehomy wife wants me to install vista (we have ubuntu at the moment)- I only have a non-bootable disk - how do I run setup?02:41
robdemanmy system says 'You have new mail.' -- how do I read this new mail?02:41
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main2neho: you dont02:41
baborinman: depends on what the error is i suppose. If it's a package problem then you might try to compile it ...02:41
shirishneho: I don't think people would be helping u with vista instals02:41
main2and dont expect that we gonna help you with that vista piece of shit02:41
IdleOneneho, let your wife read www.badvista.org02:41
main2go to #windows or something02:42
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:42
defryskneho, maybe its time to devorce ? ;p02:42
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nehoI know that - my wife just doesnt want to learn something else02:42
main2get that bitch under your desk, and teach her02:42
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PriceChild!ohmy > main202:42
nehoclassic - I like ubuntu guys - she doesnt - I was aiming for a dual boot (I just dont know how to get there)02:42
shirishthere are pretty no. of channels which would help u with tht, finding resources & getting things done02:42
nox-Handmain2: language..?02:42
PriceChildneho, install vista then reinstall grub.02:42
IdleOnemain2, we help anybody we can and dont tell them to go somewhere else unless it absolutely necessary and NEVER with that language02:43
sipiormain2: being a jerk..?02:43
IdleOnePriceChild, we got a troll in here02:43
PriceChildLets move on please02:43
shirishguys can anybody tell me why my ifconfig is saying Media link off?02:43
main2shirish, do you have lights burning on the NIC's?02:43
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IdleOne!dualboot | neho02:44
ubotuneho: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)02:44
shirishmain2: hi, I have 2 NIC's out of which the RTL NIC is connected to the router+modem.02:44
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main2shirish, but if you have no media link, that means that there's something with the cable normally02:44
main2is this working under another setup perhaps?02:44
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nehoubotu - I know what to do to dual boot once it is installed - I just cant install the vista at the moment - I can run the setup.exe file02:45
shirishmain2: its working under windows, no issues02:45
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Bokehafternoon people, i've got an issue with dapper in combination with the new desktop machines we're planning on purchasing...02:45
Bokehthe dapper setup works normally, however on the new machines, the network doesn't start on boot02:45
robdemanfolks.. mail: command not found...??02:45
main2shirish, ok lemme see..02:45
robdemanhow can I read the 'You have new mail'...?02:45
PriceChild!windows | neho (see pm from ubotu)02:45
ubotuneho (see pm from ubotu): For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents02:45
shirishneho, pm me in a pvt. channel I'll tell u what u need to do02:45
Bokehifup -a doesn't do anything, an strace shows it reading the /var/run/network/ifstate file, but nothing after that02:45
IdleOneneho,  you should be able to just pop the cd in and reboot02:45
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babosipior: my dns is still pretty slow dude ...02:46
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Bokehif i do an /etc/init.d/networking restart of rm /var/run/network/ifstate && /etc/init.d/networking start it works fine though02:46
Bokehexcept when i try that in the init script02:46
sipiorrobdeman: install the mailutils package, then try again02:46
ubuntussipio gparted edit when two errors02:46
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main2shirish, this is about eth0?02:46
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sipiorbabo: even hitting cached names?02:46
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shirishmain2: I was told the Realtek NIC is eth102:46
main2eth1 it is, i see02:46
sipiorbabo: is this in firefox?02:46
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babosipior: nope, cached names are fine ...02:47
babosipior: yip02:47
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nehoidleone - it doesnt boot up - I thought it would but it doesnt02:47
robdemansipior: ok thanx02:47
sipiorbabo: and you restarted firefox after changing resolv.conf?02:47
ruschiHi guys  - my fstab/mount acts really suspiciously: the NFS volumes are mounted (I can see the content) but they don't show up in mtab or on the desktop..... any idea?02:47
babosipior: hmm02:47
ruschiI can manually UNmount them02:47
IdleOneneho, bios are set to boot from CD first ?02:47
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shirishalso the network manager applet refuses to show link icon, should the router be turned off before & be on after getting in linux, or before?02:48
babosipior: can it be nameserver or shoudl I add the :53 ?02:48
nehoidleone - yep02:48
lpfCan someone please tell me if intel chipset PCI Dail up modem would be work with Ubuntu?02:48
babosipior: but I'm using dig to test it ...02:48
sipiorbabo: no, just the ip address there02:48
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sipiorbabo: the :53 is implied02:48
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babowww.worldwidenews.com takes 4235msec02:48
ruschiand then do a mount -a -t nfs and they show up...02:48
IdleOneneho, /join ##windows and ask them not sure what it could be02:48
nehoidleone - I thought it might have something to do with grub or ubuntu in general that it didnt boot up02:48
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sipiorbabo: might just be you have a slow connection to the nearest root servers02:48
Bokehlpf: is it a software modem?02:48
sipiorbabo: happens some times02:48
IdleOneneho, nope grub nor ubuntu would affect it02:48
shirishmain2: any ideas?02:48
main2shirish, its weird -> it says that there is no media link02:48
PriceChildneho, "Windows in #windows or your nearest mental health institute." Please.02:49
ruschibut if mounted at boottime they don't show02:49
main2but it does get an ip, or did you give it a static one?02:49
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nehosorry for harassing you guys02:49
IdleOneneho, no worries02:49
lpfnot sure02:49
Bokehhehe :)02:49
nehogot to keep the wife happy I suppose02:49
ubuntuserror 1 http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12142/  error 2  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12143/ sipio you see02:49
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shirishtht is what I'm saying, I know it's weird, the more weirder thing is it works somehow when I open up the Sis i.e. eth0 otherwise I'm unable to browse, don't know what's happening there02:49
mikebeechamHello...can someone help me with a screen resolution issue.  I have installed nvidia drivers, but cant get the resolution past 1024.  I have tried to configure the x-window a few times, but I keep crashing the computer02:49
Bokehbut anyways, anyone ever encountered a problem with dapper where network won't come up at boot time and after booting only by doing an /etc/init.d/networking restart ?02:49
babosipior: yeah, it is running smoother though. Thanks. :-)02:49
yetihi guys, i'm using dapper and dapper-backports. is it possible to see whether a specific package was taken from backports or not02:49
Bokehonly have it on one specific type of computers02:50
joachim-nwhat's the command to start a new file from terminal input, BUT as sudo?02:50
IdleOneneho, after you get vista installed your going to need to reinstall grub see !fixgrub02:50
Bokeh"start a new file" ?02:50
nehoidleone - thanks02:50
Bokehlike a new text editor or something?02:50
joachim-ncat whatever02:50
main2shirish, weird02:50
PriceChildyeti, apt-cache madison package_name02:50
joachim-nI'm trying sudo cat > textfile02:50
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sipiorubuntus: that's an interesting error. not sure what to tell you, i'm afraid02:50
aantnIs there a Ubuntu PPC channel02:50
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joachim-nbut it says permission denied02:50
PriceChildBokeh, sudo nano file02:50
shirishmain2: any advice for me, what I need to do?02:50
lpfWhat PCI Dailup Modem would be Ideal for Ubuntu?02:50
PriceChildaantn, #ubuntu-powerpc02:51
Dasnipa`cat PriceChild > /dev/null02:51
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PriceChildDasnipa`, ?02:51
Bokehi didn't ask for help pricechild :P02:51
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PriceChildBokeh, whoops sorry :)02:51
shirishIpf : Think wiki.ubuntu.com should be able to help u02:51
Bokehsudo cat file > otherfile should work joa02:51
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IdleOne!modem | lpf02:51
ubotulpf: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto02:51
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PriceChildjoachim-n,  sudo nano file02:52
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shirishIpf: there is something called hardware support which tells which hardware is supported under ubuntu02:52
shirishmain2: Any ideas or nothing?02:52
sipiorubuntus: i'd suggest rebuilding the filesystem, but that's obivously a last resort02:52
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cypher1anyone has any idea about which packages i need to install for Qt development ?02:52
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lpfYes but they recommend serial external modems, and these are no longer available.02:53
IdleOneRuby_Ice, english please02:53
ubuntussipio media/sda2 edited by gparted im my pc restart ubuntu open when  2 errors ctrl+d touch combination end open ubuntu02:53
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michupmichup@michup-laptop:~/usr/bin/gccg$ sh Mtg02:53
michup/bin/sh: ./lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.4' not found (required by /bin/sh)02:53
michupdirname: relocation error: ./lib/libc.so.6: symbol _dl_out_of_memory, version GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file ld-linux.so.2 with link time reference02:53
michupYou must install 'client' package.02:53
sipiorubuntus: sorry, i don't understand02:53
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sipiorubuntus: i think you may need to rebuild the ext3 filesystem02:54
Razor44Hi.I have dual boot with XP on my laptop(see my wife doesn't seem "familiar" yet with linux).Now is there any way to edit grub menu so the latter shows only the latest kernel version?(so we don't have to scroll down to reach xp option)02:54
yetiPriceChild: thank you, now i see my problem, there's a lib i installed from backports which collides with other stuff. i have now removed backports from my sources.list, but apt won't downgrade the package02:54
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Ruby_Icewhy must speak in english?02:54
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lpfthank you for the help.02:54
PriceChildyeti, you may have to downgrade others to let it02:54
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michupthe client package is installed02:54
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PriceChildRuby_Ice, there are other language channels availiable02:54
IdleOneRuby_Ice, this is english only channel02:54
aantnare there any ppc users in here?02:55
sipiorRuby_Ice: hard to answer a question you don't understand, obviously02:55
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aimazRazor44, http://www.newspeak.org.uk/2007/03/26/howto-clean-the-grub-boot-menu/02:55
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PriceChild!en | Ruby_Ice02:55
ubotuRuby_Ice: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat02:55
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babosipior: sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf && sysv-rc-conf named on02:55
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babo... adds named to your runscripts ...02:55
Razor44thx aimaz02:55
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ubuntussipio you remote dekstop my pc connect ?02:55
shirishok guys I think I have to log off for a while, I'm not getting anything here :/02:55
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Ruby_Iceok thank you very much!02:55
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aimazRazor44, no problem, I wrote that myself today after doing exactly the same, I'm glad someone else will get to use it02:56
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sipiorbabo: yeah, although ubuntu is moving away from sysvinit and now uses upstart, so that they should be placed in /etc/events.d02:56
corvycan anyone help me with a do-release-upgrade to feisty? I get an error like: Installing new version of config file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-udevmonitor.rules ...02:56
corvymknod: `/lib/udev/devices/ppp': Operation not permitted02:56
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yetiPriceChild: well, how would i downgrade a package? i tried apt-get install libartsc0 and apt-get upgrade libartsc0, but it just tells me that the latest version is already installed, but actually that 'latest version' is 'too late'02:56
sipiorbabo: strike that, it still reads from /etc/rc?.d02:56
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sipiorbabo: call me old fashioned, i make the links by hand :-)02:57
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PriceChildyeti, sudo apt-get install libartsc0=version_here02:57
yetiahhh. thank you very much.02:57
ubuntusplease help me sipio you remote dekstop my pc connect ?02:57
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kryppenmikebeecham:  are your nvidia drivers installed properly, i mean do you get a nvidia screen at startup? i used envy for it, quite easy even, all other setting can be adjusted through the nvidia settings tool afterwards02:57
sipiorubuntus: sorry, no time for that at the moment02:57
Reubeni need some help: the volume control keys on my laptop were working fine until today....now they show the same dialog box but no effect02:57
Hobbseeubuntus: hello02:57
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ubuntusok sipior thanks all everythings help02:58
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felixhummelTyping 'man shopt' gives 'No manual entry for shopt'. What do I need to install?02:59
ubuntushi Hobbsee02:59
Hobbseeubuntus: you wouldnt be in here to make bots spam people as they join, would you?02:59
corvyagain: please help me :)02:59
Hobbseeubuntus: where are you from?02:59
corvyInstalling new version of config file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-udevmonitor.rules ...02:59
corvymknod: `/lib/udev/devices/ppp': Operation not permitted02:59
corvydpkg: error processing udev (--configure):02:59
corvy subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 102:59
corvyErrors were encountered while processing:02:59
corvy udev02:59
MrEgg964Hi all :) When Feisty arrives in April, I plan to do a clean install and take that opportunity to create a /home partition. My HD is only 20 Gb ; I already have a 1 Gb swap partition ; how large should I make /home ? or rather (if the answer is the largest possible), how much is required by Ubuntu ? Thanks.02:59
HobbseeMrEgg964: ubuntu requires about 5gb, or more03:00
ubuntusim from turkey in balkesir03:00
IdleOnefelixhummel, nothing to install. check the website for the app and see if there is any info03:00
kingcobradoes anybody know how to get windows media working in firefox03:00
ernzHi, I am having some real trouble here installing Gnomad for my Creative Zen microphoto. I have had it working before on a previous installation, but everything has gone bananas this time, and if someone, anyone, could give me a hint here I would be really appreciative. I have done multiple installs of gnomad2 from several locations, and I decided to start again from scratch, just from libmtp and everything and start again. My problem now, is that although I ha03:00
ernzve sudo apt-get removed gnomad2 and removed it rhough the synaptic package manager, it is STILL INSTALLED! I can run gnomad2 despite ite being "removed" from the system. I ran locate gnomad2 and it scrolls tonnes of entries on this box of gnomad2. It is still definitely installed. Can anyone suggest a proper way of removing it for sure?03:00
ubuntus im from turkey in balkesir Hobbsee03:00
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Hobbseeubuntus: ahhh... so the spammers are in turkey.  right.  :)03:00
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kingcobraDaverocks, its embedded wmv video on a site03:00
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Daverockskingcobra: yeah03:00
Daverockskingcobra: try the mplayerplug-in03:00
MrEgg964Hobbsee: Thanks. Are there any other partitions that I should also create ?03:00
felixhummelIdleOne, google: "man shopt" and THERE IS a man page - I want it on my system! ;)03:01
TerrasqueMrEgg964: /home will only be used for your data. Ubuntu itself can handle a 0 byte big /home, but it would cause quite a bit of problems for the users trying to log on03:01
HobbseeMrEgg964: /03:01
kkkkkkkkkkkkmplayer is the best player ever... or vlc... close call.03:01
ubuntusHobbsee:  where are you from03:01
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Hobbseeubuntus: australia03:01
IdleOnefelixhummel, sudo nano shopt-manpages copy and paste from the net and save to your system03:01
Hobbseemthe: hi.03:01
kingcobrai installed mozilla mplayer n doesnt work for me Daverocks03:01
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mikebeechamdoes anyone know much about forcing screen resolutions?  I could do with some help03:02
Daverockskingcobra: hm03:02
MrEgg964Thanks all.03:02
ubuntusHobbsee:  ubuntu users old or young03:02
Reubenmikebeechham....whats the issue03:02
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Hobbseeubuntus: sorry?03:02
kkkkkkkkkkkkkingcobra, did you install all of the codecs?  If I remember correctly, wmv is not in the prepackaged group of codecs.03:02
IdleOneubuntus, from 10 to 11003:03
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kingcobrawhat are all the codecs kkkkkkkkkkkk03:03
mikebeechamReuben: I have recently installed Ubuntu onto my windows machine as a dual boot system.  I have installed the latest nVidia drivers, but cannot get the resolution past 1024 x 768.  I have tried to configure X-Window, but the two times I have tried have crashed the computer03:03
PriceChild!mp3 | kingcobra (See the pm from ubotu)03:04
ubotukingcobra (See the pm from ubotu): For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:04
ubuntusim sorry im know some english :D Hobbsee03:04
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Reubenmikebeecham ok assuming you have a laptop with a wxga screen? because thats what mine was03:04
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Reubenmikebeecham do you have the graphics card specs?03:05
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mikebeechamReuben: No, I have a dual-boot PC, with a BenQ FP91G+ 19" Monitor03:05
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mikebeechamReuben: My card is an nVidia 7600GT03:05
joachim-ndoes cron.hourly run on the hour?03:05
kkkkkkkkkkkkkingcobra theres a codec pack you can download if my memory serves me correctly... dont remember offhand what it's called, or where to get it, but if you google for mplayer codec wmv, it should come up.03:05
ubuntuswaw 1014 users in ubuntu channel03:05
Terrasquemikebeecham: what is the max res of the screen in windows?03:05
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mikebeechamTerrasque: 1280 x 1024 @ 60Mhz03:06
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ubuntusyou is know and use pardus sipio03:06
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Reubenmikebeecham ok same situation....download the latest nvidia drivers if you don't already have them....also what is the native resolution i.e. the max resolution or the one you want to force03:07
mikebeechamReuben: I have installed the latest drivers via Automatix 2.  I want to run 1280 x 102403:07
kryppenmikebeecham: try using envy i guess, works easy enough to get the latest nvidia drivers03:07
valehruhey guys, is there a good defragger I could use to defrag my ipod?  Its a FAT32 system03:08
mikebeechamKryppen: envy?03:08
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IdleOne!automatix | mikebeecham03:08
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ubotumikebeecham: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe03:08
nick01I just received the cds I ordered after only 20 days :) thing is I also ordered 2 years ago 5.10 which I never received for some reason; now after a new version is available can I still get that ?03:08
kryppenmikebeecham: http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html03:08
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kryppenscript to automatically take care off drivers03:08
valehrunick01, why would you want an old version?03:08
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nick01valehru: to give to people :) anyway can I still get it once a new version is available through sipit ?03:09
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kryppenmikebeecham: are your current drivers installed properly, i mean do you get  a nvidia screen at startup03:09
valehrunick01, I don't think so.03:09
ubuntussipio you see http://www.pardus.org.tr/eng/index.html03:09
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Picinick01: You'd have to ask the people at Ship-It for a definite answer though.03:10
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nick01Pici: through email ?03:10
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Picinick01: I guess, check their website for contact info.03:10
nick01Pici: no email on the page03:11
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Reubenmikebeecham confirm you have X11 and the latest drivers, then http://othello.alma.edu/~07tmhopk/ubuntuhowto.html (scroll down a bit)03:12
IdleOnenick01, try going through the shipit process. IIRC it gives you a choice of version see if it isa available03:12
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ubuntussipior: you see http://www.pardus.org.tr/eng/index.html03:12
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Reubenmikebeecham this is the exact workaround i used for my laptop and nvidia card03:12
laskin1KDE how to install theme?03:13
Ruby_Iceamule: error while loading shared libraries: libwx_gtk2_adv-2.6.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:13
Ruby_Icewhat's the trouble?03:13
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nick01IdleOne: it appears that I can make another order03:13
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apokryphosubotu: kubuntu | laskin103:13
ubotulaskin1: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE03:13
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realrhYI'm now using the live cd and gaim to talk in here, because I can no longer load ubuntu or vista on any of my hds.  Any help?03:13
realrhYI'm getting grub error 2203:13
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IdleOnerealrhY, what changed that you cant install ubuntu anymore?03:14
nick01IdleOne: dunno if that means they would also accept it03:14
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IdleOnenick01, well if the version you want is available I would assume they accept the order for it but you need to make sure with shippit03:14
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realrhYIdleOne: I was trying to install feisty in some extra room on my hard drive, and I had a hd crash.  Now I can't install on any hard drive, or grub is loading automatically on the hosed one or something.03:15
IdleOne!fixgrub | realrhY03:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fixgrub - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:15
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:15
IdleOnerealrhY, ^^^03:15
nick01IdleOne: that would be had since theres no means of contact provided; anyway I already received my cds as I said I only wanted to know if I still could get the next version when it comes03:15
ubuntussipior: you know or use pardus03:16
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apokryphosubotu: fixgrub is <alias> grub03:16
ubotuI'll remember that, apokryphos03:16
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sipiorubuntus: i'm afraid i don't, no03:16
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realrhYCan I boot off of a usb drive?  How do I get grub on there from the LiveCD?03:16
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IdleOnenick01, lmao you said the older version earlier... yes you can get the NEXCT version when it is released03:16
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ubuntus:((( sipior03:16
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IdleOne!grub | realrhY follow this link03:17
uboturealrhY follow this link: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:17
nick01IdleOne: I said I ordered 2 years ago 5.10 and never received it I now received 6.0603:17
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mikebeechamReuben: Right, I have rebooted and I now have both the nVidia splash screen, and also I have nVidia settings.  However, there is no way I can change the resolution.  I can open up the resolution setting within system > preferences, but still no higer than 1024?03:17
IdleOnenick01, 2 yrs ago was a different story..03:17
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realrhYok, thanks, I'm reading now.03:17
nick01IdleOne: just today :)03:17
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Reubenmikebeecham confirm you have X11 and the latest drivers, then http://othello.alma.edu/~07tmhopk/ubuntuhowto.html (scroll down a bit)03:17
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birgstefhello friends... just a problem with the DOWNLOAD link Feisty Beta?03:18
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birgstefive downloaded, and have now a fine dapper install CD03:18
mikebeechamReuben: How do I check X11?03:18
mweichertdoes anyone have a working preseed configuration file that automatically partitions the hard disk - that they would be willing to share? :)03:18
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q_how to connect two computers using a crossover cable?03:18
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birgstefdownloaded from: http://de.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ubuntu-7.04-beta-desktop-i386.iso03:18
rohandoes DoctorMO hang out here ?03:18
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birgstefmd5sum: b48f708dd3680b337fb8edb54c5cda3103:18
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realrhYumm... man that is all complete greek.03:18
birgstefmistake? april ? or whats wrong ?03:18
realrhYDo I have to like make a program or something?03:19
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realrhYThere's code everywhere!!!03:19
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IdleOnerealrhY, I understand it is confusing but for you to get grub fixed your going to need to read and re-read if needed and follow the instructions... not as hard as it seems and I know you can do it because you already installed Ubuntu 1 time 03:19
Reubenmikebeecham open the terminal Applications>Accessories>terminal            then type sudo gedit /etc/x11/xorg.conf03:19
_filippo_is there a way to move all evolution settings and accounts from a distro to another?03:20
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realrhYIdleOne, no I haven't.  This was my first time.03:20
_filippo_what do i have to copy?03:20
realrhYI'm not recommending this for grandma.03:20
mikebeechamReuben: Thank you for your help..I have been using Linux for about a week now..so will need some hand-holding I think!03:20
_filippo_.evolution seems not enought since it copies just the messages but no accounts03:20
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oldany one know framebuffer?03:20
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mikebeechamReuben: xorg.conf is empty?03:21
IdleOnerealrhY, need to be patient and willing to learn something new. read the docs before doing anything and try and make sense of it... something you arent sure of you can ask in here03:21
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realrhYall I want to do is have grub installed on my USB drive.  What do I need to copy/paste, and can I do that from the LiveCD?03:21
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dcordeshow can i upgrade from dapper to edgy?03:22
dcordesor even to feisty03:22
IdleOnerealrhY, that link ubotu gave you has info on making grub boot disks and such03:22
CheshireViking_!upgrade > dcordes03:22
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ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:22
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realrhYOk, I tried df /boot in the console and got unionfs  a bunch of numbers, and the prompt again.03:23
cliebow_dcordes..upgrade on revision at a time...03:23
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realrhYwhere and what is groot?03:23
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birgstefany one knows who upped the files on http://de.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ubuntu-7.04-beta-desktop-i386.iso03:24
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realrhYany way to make Vista work again?03:24
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_filippo_no answer to me?03:24
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birgstefthis is not the right version, under http://de.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ubuntu-7.04-beta-desktop-i386.iso where upped DAPPER 6.06!03:24
mikebeechamReuben: xorg.conf is empty?03:24
FreakazillaI have a question about the forums03:24
realrhYPS I hate vista which is why I was trying ubuntu.  Plus I saw a youtube of beryl that was the bomb.03:24
Reubenmikebeecham and then use the instructions on the webpage.....i switched 2 weeks ago but this is the exact issue i had............that means it hasn't opened as superuser03:24
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realrhYbut now I'm in a ugly brown window and can't boot off anything but CD.03:25
=== realrhY is totally lost.
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mikebeechamReuben: my xorg.conf is empty, and I have been down this route already...I'm not sure whether I put the wrong info in or not, but X would not restart, and I had to uninstall and reinstall ubuntu via the live CD03:25
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Reubenmikebeecham ok in the terminal type sudo gedit03:26
birgstefi asked again: who upped the beta feisty files on : http://de.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ubuntu-7.04-beta-desktop-i386.iso ?03:26
realrhYunionfs isn't even listed in that example.03:26
birgstefwhen u download it, u get DAPPER!03:26
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IdleOnebirgstef, try #ubuntu-dev03:26
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Reubenmikebeecham it should ask for your passwrod03:26
birgstefty IdleOne03:26
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mikebeechamReuben: I have opened up the xorg.conf file...lots of info in there...I am just a bit afraid that if I crash X, then I will not be able to get back into the desktop03:28
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Reubenno clue03:28
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bulmermikebeecham: always make a copy  before you modify03:29
Reubenmikebeecham back up the file03:29
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Black^Dragonor if ya lucky to have a second pc, experiment there first03:29
q_how to connect two computers using a crossover cable?03:29
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realrhYIs there a way to VNC to another computer off of the LiveCD?03:30
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realrhYAt least then I could check my email.03:30
ubuntussipior i format pc ubuntu errors no fix03:30
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mikebeechambulmer: I have done that, as per the instructions.  However, last time I crashed X, all I had was a black screen with a flashing cursor.  No matter what I entered it just dropped the cursor to the next line down without doing anything else03:31
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bulmerrealrhY: yes you install the vncviewer or some similar client03:31
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realrhYbulmer: how do I do that?03:31
ricardohave anybody tried the distr updater of adept?03:31
bulmermikebeecham: once you realized you made  mistake you can re-coup the old config from your backup ..did you do that?03:31
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bulmerrealrhY: does your liveCD have access to the internet now?03:32
mikebeechambulmer: I have been using Linux for a week....no!03:32
Reubenmikebeecham in the subsection screen what is the highest resolution shown? replace it with the resolution you want.....here's what mine looks like: Modes      "1440x900" "800x600" "640x480" NOTE I CHANGED it for ALL depths, not just 1 as recommended in the how-to03:32
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realrhYyeah, I'm on the livecd right now!03:32
realrhY(in gaim)03:32
ubuntussipior linux full backup program ???03:32
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bulmerrealrhY: okay, then you can use the synaptic manager to download vncviewer and off course the other end must be running VNCSERVER okay?03:33
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CPF_Anyone here knows some partition cloner for linux?03:33
mikebeechamReuben: The highest res shown in the config is 1024.  If I added 1280 into each line, then saved and rebooted...should that work?03:33
realrhYyeah, it should be running already.03:33
CPF_mikebeecham no need for reboot03:33
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bulmermikebeecham: okay now you would learn to rename your backup copy to xorg.conf  so you can recover..okay?03:34
Reubenmikebeecham thats exactly what i did and no hassles03:34
CPF_mikebeecham just CRTL+ALT+BACKSPACE03:34
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CPF_So, anyone knows some partition cloning software?03:34
CPF_I could kinda use it?03:34
ubuntuscpf linux full clone ????03:34
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realrhYall i see is vnc-common.  And it's already green?03:35
kingcobradoes anybody know how to copy a folder contents into another folder03:35
CPF_What do you mean ubuntus03:35
CPF_I can't find that on google -.-'03:35
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bulmerrealrhY: do not forget yours is liveCD, whatever you download and install will be gone at next reboot03:35
IdleOne kingcobra sudo cp folder newfolder03:35
yetiCPF_: well, you can create a byte-by-byte image of a partition with dd03:35
kbiddCPF_, what do you mean by clone?  Are you looking to just copy the partition, or are you looking for a tool like partition magic for windows?03:35
realrhYbut there is no vncviewer.03:35
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CPF_Something like ghost? :-S03:35
kbiddCPF_: as yeti said, dd is good for a byte-by-byte copy if you just want to make a backup that you can restore from.03:36
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realrhYnor do I have any idea where the shortcut is for vnc-common.03:36
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bulmerrealrhY: one more thing, you need to prefix your responses with a nick so we know who you are responding to03:36
ubuntuEdgyim trying to setup static ip for my server, can any one help ,really getting confused with these guides03:36
realrhYbulmer: ok.03:36
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ubuntuEdgyi have a broadband router03:36
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CPF_kbidd and how should I use dd then, the only moment I used dd was for grub, and I didn't know what I was doing -.-"03:36
realrhYbulmer: any idea where vncviewer is?03:36
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kingcobraIdleOne, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12153/03:36
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kbiddCPF_: but if you're looking for a more powerful/easy to use suite like partition magic, I've heard very good things about gparted (although ive never used it myself).03:36
bulmerrealrhY: there should be some descriptions on those vnc as to which is the client03:36
ubuntuspartion imager03:36
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realrhYbulmer, wait is xvncviewer what I want?03:37
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mikebeechamReuben: I Love you :D03:37
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realrhYbulmer: how do I start that?03:37
IdleOnebulmer, realrhY is he needs to fix grub so he can boot into either ubuntu or windows . I gave him the link for !grub ( but it's all greek ) now he is searching for the quick and easiest way to not have to fix grub03:37
bulmerrealrhY: where is your VNCSERVER and is it set up already?03:37
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bkarnesDoes anyone know anything about half-installed apps?03:37
ubuntusone number partion imager linux bakup systems03:37
CPF_Hmm... So gparted should be able to backup?03:37
realrhYbulmer: yes, it's the ip in my living room.03:37
Reubenmikebeecham worked i take it?03:37
_filippo_after installing my language packs gdm username entry became bolded and ugly does anybody knows this issue?03:37
bulmerrealrhY: via the command line  xvncviewer ipaddressofvncserver03:38
CPF_Odd, I never heard of it being able to do that...03:38
kbiddrealrhY, did you try just chrooting into your actual installation, and running the grub command?03:38
felixhummelNFS problem: I moved my server's /home to an external drive. In /etc/exports I share / with my whole network. Before I mounted /home from my hdc1, I could mount /home from my client easily, but now it's just empty (although all permissions are the same -- ls -la tells). Please help.03:38
CPF_I'll look up that dd thing though, it looks just like I wanted.03:38
mikebeechamReuben: Yes it did thankyou very much.  Becuase I did not know about backing up the xconf file, I installed Ubuntu 5 times since yesterday03:38
iAmTheDavehey - trying to set up cygwin and xwin to get to a remote XDMCP session on my home ubuntu box... any idea what ports i need to open in my router?  i tried 177 UDP and 6000 TCP after a google search, and am using xwin -query ipaddress03:38
realrhYkbidd: you just totally freaked me out beause I have no idea what any of that sentence means.03:38
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ubuntusCPF_:  www.partionimager.org03:38
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CPF_Link broken?03:39
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Broadyguys, i think i rooted my other computer, it had XP on it, then i installed ubuntu on the other drive, windows wont boot now.03:39
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kbiddrealrhY the chroot command allows you to switch from the liveCD environment (which I assume you're running in right now) to the actual one installed on the hard drive03:39
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Broadysomething to do with GRUB?03:39
skoenmanok i have installed a mail system with postfix and courierpop3 on the system i have added the user and made the user part of the postfix and maildrop group..... but when i try and connect with outlook express it says password rejected.03:39
blackdevilcia a tutti, c' qualche italiano?03:39
felixhummelBroady, probably.03:39
realrhYkbidd: sweet, then I can fix grub?03:39
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Broadyfelixhummel: How do I fix that then?03:39
bulmerits fine, realrhY as long as you know how to use VNC ..you can try xvncviewer via the command line, btw once you installed you can type man xvncviewer  to get synopsis of the command03:40
felixhummelBroady, when u select windows, it tells ntloader not found?03:40
skoenmananybody got some idea???03:40
Broadyfelixhummel: I can't select Windows?03:40
IdleOne!it | Black^Dragon03:40
ubotuBlack^Dragon: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:40
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kbiddbulmer, he just wanted to vnc because he couldnt get grub to work and he wanted a workaround to use the system.03:40
IdleOne!it | blackdevil03:40
ubotublackdevil: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:40
kbiddrealrhY, PM me and i'll try and walk you through it.03:40
bulmeroh okay, all yours kbidd :)03:41
felixhummelBroady, u need to create a boot entry for windows in /boot/grub/menu.lst03:41
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:41
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Broadyfelixhummel: is that as simple as editing that file?03:41
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Broadyfelixhummel: or are there other steps03:41
Broadyok, thanks. will look it up03:41
felixhummelthough, windows is a little tricky03:41
Broadyshould just be hda03:42
Broadycause its my 1st drive03:42
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felixhummelBroady, edit that file, then do update-grub03:42
IdleOnesudo update grub03:42
Broadysudo update-grub?03:42
maitschahi! where can I find the linux-headers-generic?03:42
IdleOnesudo update-grub03:42
Broadywith a hyphen?03:42
felixhummelBroady, no. It would be (hd0) for grub03:42
BroadyIdleOne: thanks03:42
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Broadyfelixhummel: oh ok, well i'll follow by example.03:42
ubuntusCPF_:  im sorry http://www.partimage.org03:42
realrhYkbidd? You there?03:42
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=== realrhY considers breaking into tears.
kbiddrealrhY, yeah03:43
kingcobraIdleOne, copying a folder didnt work for me http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12153/03:43
IdleOnerealrhY, to talk in private you are going to need to register your nickname type /msg nickserv register03:43
realrhYkbidd: I pmed you!03:43
maitschaI need to install the linux-headers-generic for the ati-drivers.03:43
skoenmanmail help please03:43
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maitschabut apt always says package not found03:43
felixhummelBroady, maybe this could help you too: http://www.felixhummel.de/tiddlywiki.html#GrubFix03:43
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kbiddrealrhY, do you know which partition your boot partition is?03:44
Broadyfelixhummel: thanks heaps mate03:44
felixhummelBroady, is grub installed on your (hd0) too? Then it should be really easy.03:44
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Broadyfelixhummel: I really doubt it. all I did to install ubuntu was put in a new HDD and install it onto that.03:44
Broadyno prompts about grub :/03:44
ubuntu_noobhello, can someone please help me with bittorrent (deluge) ?03:44
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realrhYcan I find that out somehow?03:44
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IdleOnekingcobra, what is it you are try to do? use wmv?03:45
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realrhYI wish I could just install grub onto my little USB drive.03:45
realrhYthat would be sweet.03:45
felixhummelBroady, then the first two lines in the second paragraph from my page are essential.03:45
Zennorhej hej03:45
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kbiddrealrhY, do a > fdisk -l03:46
kbiddrealrhY that will list the partitions on your disk03:46
felixhummelNFS problem: I moved my server's /home to an external drive. In /etc/exports I share / with my whole network. Before I mounted /home from my hdc1, I could mount /home from my client easily, but now it's just empty (although all permissions are the same -- ls -la tells). Please help.03:46
CPF_ok, guys, thanks, that partimage is just what I looked for :-)03:46
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Zennori need some asistance on installing kubuntu from cd-rom! i boot from cd and start the installation and at cd-rom-detect he doesn't find my device...03:46
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Broadyfelixhummel: I'm getting an error on your page in Safari03:47
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BroadyProblems were encountered loading plugins. See PluginManager for details03:47
realrhYkbidd: /dev/sdc103:47
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kbiddZennor, the kubuntu channel is #kubuntu... while we can try to answer your questions here, you'd probably be better off asking there.03:47
felixhummelBroady, javascript enabled?03:47
kbiddrealrhY, is that your root or boot partition?03:47
Broadyfelixhummel: afaik yes03:47
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realrhYumm... how would I know?  what does that even mean?03:48
ubuntu_noobCan someone please help me with bit-torrent?03:48
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skoenmanok i have installed a mail system with postfix and courierpop3 on the system i have added the user and made the user part of the postfix and maildrop group..... but when i try and connect with outlook express it says password rejected.03:48
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kbiddrealrhY, open a terminal window, and type sodu -s03:48
Spliffsterubuntu_noob, what's the problem ?03:48
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felixhummelBroady, here: http://www.fifi.org/doc/grub-doc/html/grub_4.html#SEC2103:48
realrhYbash: sodu: command not found03:48
BroadySame thing?03:48
kbiddrealrhY, sorry... thats sudo03:48
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Broadywhere are these important 2 lines, felixhummel ? :)03:48
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kbiddrealrhY mistyped there03:49
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ubuntu_noobspliffster, I can't get my download speed to max out...03:49
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realrhYok, I'm root@ubuntu now!03:49
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realrhYfeel the power!03:49
felixhummelBroady,  http://www.fifi.org/doc/grub-doc/html/grub_4.html#SEC2103:49
IdleOneoh my god watch out03:49
Spliffsterubuntu_noob, then it is probably a problem that the other peers do not provide enough download speed.03:49
kbiddrealrhY after that, use > mkdir /mnt/root03:49
DimensionsHiya Does any one know of a USB W/ Adaptor which works in ubuntu without any driver installation etc03:50
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Zennorkbidd: its a general problem of the installation^^ I didn't reached the stadium where it is important to decide between kubuntu and ubuntu...03:50
realrhYnow fdisk -l gave me a giant list.03:50
felixhummelBroady, wait! Do you boot from you  first or second hd (in bios)?03:50
RoundyT1I have a questoin.03:50
kbiddrealrhY, followed by > mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/root03:50
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Broadyfelixhummel: Ubuntu is the 3rd HDD, 2nd HDD is data, and 1st is XP03:50
RoundyT1How do I add a user---through being logged in as root?03:50
skoenmani need some help please03:50
rockzmandoes anyone know how to use internet behind isa server?03:50
ubuntu_noobspliffster, = = I don't think so...03:50
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simonsayshey i downloaded a java jre5 thing (recommened from here) and the flash from repo, but youtube doesnt work, do i download the flash thing through the firefox browser or by some other means?03:50
felixhummelBroady, no. Where's the bootloader? From which drive do you boot?03:50
bur[n] erDimensions: a usb what?  usb hub?  they all work without drivers03:50
kbiddrealrhY, then cd /mnt/root03:50
RoundyT1How do I add a user---through being logged in as root?03:51
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ubuntu_noobspliffster, it happens to every single tasks...03:51
SpliffsterRoundyT1, man adduser (for the command line version) or in gnome it's under system/administration ... you do not need to be root03:51
felixhummelRoundyT1, adduser03:51
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Dimensionsbur[n] er:  i mentioned usb W Adaptor03:51
RoundyT1will it as for a password?03:51
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Broadyfelixhummel: Not quite sure... definitely not the 3rd as i unplugged it and it still seemed to try to boot ubuntu, so perhaps the 1st03:51
kbiddrealrhY then if you issue a ls command you should see the root directory structure if you picked the right partition03:51
bur[n] erDimensions: wireless?  there are a few, but it's hard to find them03:51
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SpliffsterRoundyT1, passwd is used to set/change passwords on the commandline03:52
kbiddRoundyT1, if i remmeber correctly, adduser username will create a user with no pasword, and then you can do passwd username to change it's password03:52
GionnyBosscan you install SELinux for Ubuntu? in Fedora core there was by default03:52
realrhYi got nothing.  ls does nothing.03:52
kbiddrealrhY, what did the mount command tell you? any error messages?03:52
SpliffsterRoundyT1, so forst use adduser, then passwd ... or if you like klickedclick ... use the kde/gnome equvalent (gui version)03:52
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OrTigaShi when i'm miniming my window i dont see where it go?03:52
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realrhYnope, they all worked.03:52
felixhummelBroady, presumably, grub wrote itself into the MBR of your primary master, but is (as the rest of ubuntu) installed on your sec. master. So you will need these two lines. :D03:53
Dimensionsyes bur[n] er ... if you know abt any USB Wireless Adapter ... which is auto detect in ubuntu as plug and play ?03:53
realrhYCause I'm root and totally 7ee+03:53
RoundyT1so if i want to add a user with normal permissions (like default with ubuntu) and a password...what would i type?03:53
simonsayshey i downloaded a java jre5 thing (recommened from here) and the flash from repo, but youtube doesnt work, do i download the flash thing through the firefox browser or by some other means?03:53
OrTigaShi when i'm minimizing my window i dont see where it go?03:53
SpliffsterRoundyT1, $ sudo adduser <username> && sudo passwd <username>03:53
SpliffsterRoundyT1, passwd is interactive, it wil lask for the password twice03:54
kbiddrealrhY, what does > pwd     return?03:54
RoundyT1dang, how do i exit a manual now?03:54
jhHi all.  I was wondering if I could get some help with getting Ubuntu 6.10 to recognize that I'm running two processors?  I'm running on a Dell Latitude D820 Centrio Duo 2.0 GHz.03:54
SpliffsterRoundyT1, q03:54
SpliffsterRoundyT1, or ^C03:54
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Broadyfelixhummel: I need ta lynes!!!03:55
SpliffsterCtrl+C mostly works .. its just not very nice03:55
bur[n] erDimensions: I forget them off the top of my head, but I think this has info...03:55
kbiddrealrhY, and when you type > mount   does /dev/sdc1 mounted at /mnt/root03:55
bur[n] erubotu: tell Dimensions about hardware03:55
Broadyfelixhummel: It was kinda painless installing it onto my brothers system, but he had it on the same drive, perhaps that is the way to go...03:55
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realrhYthat did all kinds of stuff.03:55
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jhuname -a -->   2.6.17-11-generic #2 SMP Thu Feb 1 19:52:28 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux03:55
simonsayshey i downloaded a java jre5 thing (recommened from here) and the flash from repo, but youtube doesnt work, do i download the flash thing through the firefox browser or by some other means?03:56
realrhYi'm reading a whole screen of random shit.03:56
bur[n] ersimonsays: you need flash 9... i'ts in the edgy-backports repository03:56
bur[n] er!backports03:56
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports03:56
Spliffstersimonsays, $ sudo apt-get install flash-nonfree03:56
Spliffstershould do the trick03:56
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kbiddrealrhY, the command mount by itself will return a list of mounted filesystems... was /dev/sdc1 listed as one of those?03:56
simonsaysok ty03:56
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bur[n] erSpliffster: aren't hte ubuntu-backports necessary too if you're running edgy?03:56
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realrhYon /media/Moviez type ntfs03:57
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Spliffsterbur[n] er, simonsays: right. you need to activate backports to be able to install flash 9!03:57
=== bur[n] er barfs a little in his own mouth at the thought of a large data filled NTFS partition
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jhFrom my understanding the generic kernel is suppose to support smp by default...but for some reason, cat /proc/cpuinfo only shows processor 0??03:57
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simonsayshow do i go about that?03:57
realrhYno wait, sorry, on /mnt/root type vfat (rw)03:57
bur[n] er!backports > simonsays03:57
nazgjunkhey, how'd i go about changing my locale?03:57
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bur[n] ersimonsays: listen to ubotu :)03:58
nazgjunkfor some reason everything appears to be using en_au03:58
Reubenhelp: i need to set up the special buttons on my laptop keyboard03:58
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kbiddrealrhY, then you picked the wrong partition off of fdisk -l03:58
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nazgjunkwhile i didn't exactly specify that03:58
ryan_how to upgrade to firefox 2.0 from 1.503:58
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RoundyT1what the crap....i tried to login and see if mysql is working and this is what it said "roundy is not in the sudoers file.03:58
realrhYkbidd: Oh.  So...? What am I doing then?03:58
realrhYDo you want me to run vncserver or something?  You can take over, I'm desperate.03:59
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bill_RoundyT1, define "it"03:59
Math^hello, im searching for some program that can not only show from my tv-card, but also can capture from it03:59
Grayyogadoes anyone know why my emacs couldn't activate rfc1345  input-method(which AFAIK is the default one)?03:59
Spliffstersimonsays, add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list:03:59
Spliffsterdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy-backports main restricted universe multiverse03:59
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=== realrhY is getting depressed.
Spliffstersimonsays, then run $sudo apt-get update; and from then one .. backports packages are available04:00
kbiddrealrhY, if you set up a ssh server, and get port forward working, i'd be happy to take a look at it for you, but if you can't get grub working, no offense, but I doubt you'd be able to get the ports working properly.04:00
Math^realrhY: lol, why04:00
bill_RoundyT1, i.e.  "I ran the command 'mysql ...' and it said"04:00
ryan_how to upgrade firefox..somone plz help!04:00
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RoundyT1ok so i input "sudo apt-get update" it outputs "roundy is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported"04:00
ikaruga2099hi all.... great work!04:00
realrhYI'm a n00b drowning in an ocean of foreign code.04:00
jhAny one with some suggestions?04:00
simonsayshmm im still new so that sounds a little tricky04:00
bill_RoundyT1, so is roundy in the sudoers file?04:00
simonsaysil give it a go04:00
ikaruga2099just wanted to know if anyone has had success compiling rasterbator? (The forums seem to be silent on this)04:00
realrhYI just wanted beryl+3dworld.  *tear*04:00
RoundyT1bill_,  where do i edit that?04:00
bur[n] erRoundyT1: add that user to the admin group... or use the users & groups control panel thing to give the privelege of running admin tasks04:00
SpliffsterRoundyT1, /etc/sudoers04:00
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bur[n] erno no no04:01
RoundyT1I'm actually running a debian server04:01
bur[n] erdon't edit /etc/sudoers... that's the hardcore, i use a term and wouldn't ask the question if I knew how to use a term answer04:01
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bur[n] erusers & groups gui tool is for newbies :)04:01
bulmeryou dont use vi to edit /etc/sudoers  use visudo04:01
bill_in the sudoers file there should be a group defined, which is for admin users, and you'll want to make yourself a member of that group04:01
Spliffsterbur[n] er, huh .. whats wwring with sudovi ?04:01
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Erb_Is it possible to give permission to a remote server to access certain directories on my PC?04:02
RoundyT1bill_,  how do i add "roundy" to the admins?04:02
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rnY|pizzakbidd: Thanks for the help, I'm going to attempt a reboot.04:02
bur[n] erSpliffster: you can hose yer system if you're not crareful04:02
rnY|pizzaThough it seems fruitless.04:02
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bur[n] erRoundyT1: you need to have another user than can use sudo first04:02
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Spliffsterbur[n] er, it won't block root logins .. so . no!04:02
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RoundyT1bur[n] er, im logged in as root...(i know its bad)04:02
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bur[n] erRoundyT1: run "users-admin"04:02
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kbiddErb_, yes, you can... ssh is the way that I usually choose to do it.04:03
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bur[n] erRoundyT1: also found in the system -> administration -> users & groups04:03
mikebeechamHi, it's me again....can anyone tell me if it's easy to remove the Ubuntu logo and replace it with the gnome foot?04:03
RoundyT1bur[n] er, NO gui --- debian "sarge"04:03
bur[n] erohhhhhhhhhhh04:03
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RoundyT1bur[n] er,  lol04:03
bur[n] erRoundyT1: Spliffster: ok Spliffster, you're all about it ;)04:03
kbiddErb_, but you could also set up a samba server and access the directorys through windows shares if you're more comfertable with those04:04
bur[n] erRoundyT1: btw, this is #ubuntu ;)04:04
RoundyT1Spliffster, ok so what do i type.04:04
jink_Does anybody know how to use MY sql on ubuntu?04:04
=== kbidd shutters at the thought that he just suggested samba
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ZambeziAnyone know why the preview in XScane is black? I have a Feisty and HP Scanjet 4370.04:04
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RoundyT1bur[n] er, it's based off debian and i want to roll out a ubuntu server later...04:04
Pici!feisty | Zambezi04:04
ubotuZambezi: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)04:04
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bur[n] er!mysql | JiBEsH04:04
ubotuJiBEsH: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)04:04
bulmerjink_: as mysql client, easy, install the client portion04:04
bur[n] er!mysql | jink_04:05
ubotujink_: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)04:05
laptopHow can you update through terminal???04:05
bur[n] erlaptop: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:05
clustoizid2sudo apt-get04:05
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ZambeziPici, Thanks.04:05
jink_hey bur[n] er how do i log in to their server04:05
RoundyT1So how do i add a user to the admins group? a.k.a "sudoers"04:05
laptopPlus, on the last update it broke my wireless notebook card04:05
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laptopbur[n] er:  all of that together?04:06
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bur[n] erlaptop: sure, && just means to run the next command after the first one04:06
SpliffsterRoundyT1, edit /etc/sudoers, at best use `visudo` but vi will work too (visudo will check the syntax to prevent master screwups). then add the following line: "usernam ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL" where you replace username with your username. save and exit ":wq". NOTE: this is pretty simple rule. it will allow the user to access all files with sudo with no password! it's risky. read man sudoers for finer grained control04:06
kbiddlaptop, if you have configured the card through a module, you will need to reinstall it after upgrading your kernel.04:06
alucardim trying to make-kpkg some kernel sources that i configged and it keeps returning "nothing to be done" (im on ubuntu)04:06
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loca|hosthow to convert ps documents to rtf or other readable documents except pdf04:07
laptopkbidd:  it actually wokred with stock drivers04:07
bulmeralucard you said you have done it several times, what did you do differently this time?04:07
kbiddalucard, then make cant find anything that needs to be rebuilt... to force a full rebuild, you could try a make clean... just make sure you realize what its doing04:07
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Erb_kbidd - my host does not allow SSH, is there an alternative to share directories? Server and local are both Linux.04:07
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kbiddlaptop: hmmm... a little surprising that it would break then.04:07
sogenHi can someone tell me how i can restart alsamixer settings ?04:07
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laptopkbidd, exactly04:08
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kbiddErb_, there's always ftp or samba if you can't use ssh for some reason.04:08
Spliffsterloca|host, you could print a ps file to the pdf printer. it isn't much different to ps anyways.04:08
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loca|hostSpliffster, need a ps2rtf or pdf2rtf converter04:08
sipiorsogen: /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart04:09
mikebeechamCan anyone tell me if it's easy to remove the Ubuntu logo and replace it with the gnome foot?04:09
alucardkbidd, ive make-kpkg clean'd before my attempt to make-kpkg the sources, ive compiled several kernels and none of them worked until i compiled with the --initrd flag and it worked, however i forgot to add in ethernet support for my nforce onboard ethernet so i couldnt use that image, after that i havent been able to make-kpkg04:09
sogensipior: thx :D04:09
sipiorsogen: np04:09
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rhYVNConWindowzOk, seriously, I have a USB flash drive, and if I could boot off of that, somehow, I could at least get Vista up and running, and try to fix Ubuntu.04:09
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Spliffsterloca|host, i used to have something like that ... i used it with ht://dig. you may check ht://digs faq .. they point to various converters.04:10
RoundyT1am i allowed to ask Mysql questions here?04:10
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alucardbulmer and kbidd: ive make-kpkg clean'd before my attempt to make-kpkg the sources, ive compiled several kernels and none of them worked until i compiled with the --initrd flag and it worked, however i forgot to add in ethernet support for my nforce onboard ethernet so i couldnt use that image, after that i havent been able to make-kpkg04:10
Spliffsterloca|host, this is a good place to start searching http://www.htdig.org/04:10
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voorhees86hey people04:11
voorhees86any body can help if my problem04:11
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Spliffstervoorhees86, if you tell us what the problem is ?04:11
rhYVNConWindowzvoorhees86, just ask!04:11
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kbiddalucard, when you way you make-kpkg clean'd, i assume you did it immediatly before your make-kpkg attempt, right?04:11
sogensomeone here using teamspeak i need some help to configure it :/04:11
alucardyah kbidd, immediately before04:11
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Spliffstersogen, yes i do ... and it doesn't work well. it still uses oss. i have never got it working relaiably04:12
soundrayRoundyT1: ask any question here that relates to problems running software under ubuntu. There is a #mysql channel which is better suited for specific questions, though.04:12
kbiddalucard, dont know then... unless the makefile is missing, but i would think that would give a different error.04:12
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tungHow do i turn off dynamic twinview in my xorg.config?04:12
alucardmaybe its looking at a different config somehow?04:12
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alucardkbidd: do you think it could be skipping over .config for some reason and going to some generic config04:13
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sogenSpliffster: my problem is that i cant talk to ppl and i dont hear them04:13
Erb_kbidd - so Samba allows sharing of just linux systems. I don't use Windows at all. Is it the best solution?04:13
RoundyT1I need to figure out why I'm getting this error with MySQL = "Starting MySQL database server: mysqld" --- "...failed."   "Please take a look at the syslog. /user/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed error: "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)' Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.son exists!"04:14
ZennorI want to mount my alternative install dist, but for "mount -t iso9660 /dev/scd1 /cdrom" i get Invalid Argument back...04:14
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Spliffstersogen, or IIRC Teamspeak client accesses /dev/dsp directly which is a bad idea. only one programm can access it at a time. alsa or esd should take care of that. but TS Client bypasses al sound layers and opens the device directly. if teamspeak is open, other programs might not be able to access your sound card04:14
kbiddErb_, samba allows you to make a windows style share (using the windows filesharing protocol)... they can be shared from, and accessed from linux, although it is usually not considered the best way of doing so if you don't need windows support.  Should work though.04:14
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kbiddwell, im out for the night guys...04:15
=== kbidd falls asleep
tungHow do i turn off dynamic twinview in my xorg.config?04:15
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Spliffstersogen, hold on a sec .. .booting the other computer where it is installed and configured04:15
simonsaysgot flash working now, thanks guys04:16
sogenSpliffster: i also cant make my green light om04:16
bulmeralucard does it fail at make menuconfig or after that?04:16
sogeni tryed by button andnonthing04:16
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OrTigaShi when i'm minimizing my window i dont see where it go?04:17
Erb_kbidd: thanks04:17
OrTigaStheres nothing in panel :(04:17
Spliffstersogen, when TS Client is open, go to "Settings > Options". the default way to access the sound system is "OSS", this should be selected. if you do not have OSS installed or OSS is not running ... you may choose Other = /dev/dsp. this, however, will render all other sound input/output useless (ie. if you are playing on this computer od listening to music ... this will make trouble).04:17
sogenSpliffster: for example i set "push to talk" for ctrl then push and hold ctrl and my light dont turn on :(04:17
PiciOrTigaS: Do you have the window list applet on your panel?04:18
soundrayOrTigaS: right-click the bottom panel and add the Window List applet04:18
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sogenSpliffster: i have oss selected04:19
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sogendeafult (oss /dev/dsp)04:20
OrTigaSthanks guys~04:20
OrTigaSi did it04:20
sogenSpliffster: it still dont works :(04:20
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Spliffstersogen, it is also hardware dependent. you are better off asking in the TeamSpeak forum. i have a couple of friends ... all of them had strange problems with TS, none of them had the same problem though. so the problems are TS related ...04:21
sogenbtw it was working good on that system04:21
sogenbut i reinstaled team speak04:21
sogenand now it dont works04:21
sogeni have used uninstal script04:21
Spliffstersogen, reboot and it might work again. it has to do how TS tries to access your audiocard04:21
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=== nox-Hand hugs GodTodd welcome
mikebeechamCan anyone tell me if it's easy to remove the Ubuntu logo and replace it with the gnome foot?04:22
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Spliffstersogen, have you checked that input/output devices are not muted/disabled in the mixer panel ... i know .. that's trivial ... but always good to check04:23
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ferronicaAny one here please tell me how to mount USB Device???? :(04:25
bulmerwhose using FreeNX client or nomachine client? how do you attach to an existing session if possible?04:25
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bulmerferronica: man pmount04:25
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rhYVNConWindowzOK, I also need to mount a USB device, and make it the mbr for grub.04:27
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rhYVNConWindowzI'm on the LiveCD of Feisty beta, and I'm at the partition menu.04:27
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rhYVNConWindowzany help is greatly appreciated.04:27
ferronicabulmer: usb device that i am tryon to connect is nokia 7710. lsusb output showing --->Bus 004 Device 007: ID 0421:041c Nokia Mobile Phones04:27
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ferronicabulmer: I use gnokii for my mobile, but gnokii didnt found USB device04:28
rhYVNConWindowzI'm selecting "Manual" in the hopes that Feisty will install grub on the USB drive.04:28
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rhYVNConWindowzI just need to know what to do on the "Prepare partitions" screen.04:28
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PicirhYVNConWindowz: Feisty support is in #ubuntu+104:29
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mikebeechamDoes anyone know how I can install drivers for my Audigy 4 soundcard?04:30
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Spliffstermikebeecham, in linux usually drivers are not "installed" like iin other operating systems. eighter they ship with the kernel or you might find source code for that soudn card. in my case the audiogy card was working out of the box with edgy.04:32
ferronicaAny one here please tell me how to mount USB Device???? :(04:32
Spliffstermikalaukka, have you checked the ubuntu wiki and google if your card is supported ?04:32
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mikebeechamSpliffster: Thanks very much mate...I've been using Linux for a very short time, so I'm trying to figure it all out04:32
Spliffstermikalaukka, sorry this wasnt meant for you, i was directing it to mikebeecham04:33
Grayyogadoes anybody know why emacs cann't set-input-method rfc1345 which is the default one04:33
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Spliffstermikebeecham, yw04:33
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bulmerferronica: umm what does dmesg  tells you about your usb?04:33
cosmixhello. Upgrading to feisty-beta1 reintroduced a prior bug affecting pango (cannot retrieve bug numbers right now. bugzilla.gnome.org server response: 500) with regards to the selection of oddly named font variants/styles. Is there anyone aware of this and/or working on its solution?04:33
bulmerferronica: in what File System the usb drive was formatted on?04:33
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ferronicabulmer: It is mobile phone04:34
ferronicabulmer: symbian operating system04:34
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kalpikferronica, which phone?04:35
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bulmerferronica: thats maybe a problem if Ubuntu does not recognize the file system it is on, just like my motorola, i does not recognize the format its on04:35
ferronicakalpik: nokia 771004:35
kalpikdoes it support mass USB?04:35
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slonekalpik, and nokia e6004:35
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bulmeryou can tell by the filename it recognize, it not near anywhere close to the filename i created on the cellfone04:36
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ferronicakalpik: i use gnokii04:36
bulmerso it may even be the UTF-8 vs international or whatever04:36
maitschawhere can i find the xorg-driver-fglrx package?04:36
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bulmerrhYVNConWindowz: you can mount like  /dev/sda104:37
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ferronicakalpik: do you have any idea???04:38
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ferronicakalpik: are you there????04:39
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fantixhello, guys04:40
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neil__hey all, i just changed my monitor. changed my res in main ubuntu, but dont know how to change res / refresh rate of the boot logon screen04:40
neil__anyone know how?04:40
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fantixThis is fantix speaking in China. Just celebrating for the feist ^_^04:41
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opskhello, looking for somebody able to help me with dvd playback04:42
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ferronicaAny one here please tell me how to mount USB Device???? :( my USB device is nokia 7710 connected via DKU-2 DATA cabel04:42
bicycledaavehi all. the edgy upgrade page said that apt-get upgrade is not recommended for reasons like packages being unexpectedly removed, apt crashing, etc. So how does the Update Manager(as recommended) works? It won't encounter like crashing problems?04:42
quaalin fdisk, when setting the type of partition, is 85 - Linux extended = ext3 ?04:42
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Spliffsterquaal, there is a help in fdisk which lists all partition numbers. try "?" or help04:43
Yodudehey i have alittle question, i was trying to open the "C:" windows partition on a computer at school, and i got an error message saying " you do not have the permission to view this folder". How can i override those permissions, using chmod in the terminal or sudo something?04:44
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Clint_Is anyone here knowledgable in GRUB repair? I'm trying to boot windows and I get an Error 18.04:44
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eth01can anybody help me on this Could not find a suitable SSL library (GnuTLS, libnss or OpenSSL) <<< ??04:45
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quaalSpliffster, thats how i got this.04:45
quaali'm looking at the list.04:45
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Spliffsterquaal, ok, when it says 85 is ext3, then 85 is ext :D04:46
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eth01can anybody help me on this Could not find a suitable SSL library (GnuTLS, libnss or OpenSSL) <<< ??04:46
maitschacan somebody explain why i can't install the package xorg-driver-fglrx???04:46
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CamaxtliClint_: http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?t=12265604:46
kosnickwhat is  backport in the repositories?04:46
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Pici!backports | kosnick04:46
ubotukosnick: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports04:46
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kosnickPici : there is a new package in my updae manager , which i can not access.04:47
Yodudei have alittle question, i was trying to open the "C:" windows partition on a computer at school, and i got an error message saying " you do not have the permission to view this folder". How can i override those permissions, using chmod in the terminal or sudo something?04:47
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yetiYodude: you have sudo access on your school computers?04:48
neozen!repeat> yodude04:48
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bulmerYodude: you tried asking the principal yet?04:48
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clustoizid2sudo chmod a+rw04:48
Yodudeyeti: what do you mean?04:48
Yodudebulmer: nono you got me wrong i just need to access a file04:49
Yodudebulmer: i'm not trying to erase windows or anything04:49
yetiYodude: pupils don't have root access on school computers in general. and there's a reason for that04:49
bulmerYodude: yes yes, you asked the principal for permission to access that directory?04:49
Yodudeyeti: no  i am not using ubuntu installed i was just using the LiveCD04:50
parag0n_i assume he's running a livecd on the (normally windows) PC04:50
CamaxtliYodude: Boot with a liveCD and then mount the volume04:50
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PiciYodude: What bulmer is saying is, we're not going to help you break into some computer at your school.04:50
Yodudei mounted it but i can't access C: because of the permissions04:50
yetithat's obviously cracking a system, i hope noone is going to help him on that one.04:51
ferronica usb device that i am tryin to connect is nokia 7710. lsusb output showing --->Bus 004 Device 007: ID 0421:041c Nokia Mobile Phones04:51
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Clint_oh shit04:51
YodudePici: non it's our computer, means in the" "foyer" or the place where we go when we have free hours04:51
Yodudelol you got me all wrong04:51
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Camaxtliyeti: The "cracking" part of it is so obvious that even a small child can do it ;)04:51
SpliffsterCamaxtli, Yodude, bulmer: if it is an ntfs partition, you must use the ntfs-3g driver or you will not get write access. i am not sure if this driver is shipped with the livecd kernel (it would make sense ... but its not default in the installed version so i doubt it's on the live cd)04:51
yetiYodude: so you need access to a file on the C: windows partition. why not just start windows then?04:52
yetiCamaxtli: he obviously can't ;)04:52
CamaxtliSpliffster: He probably needs only read :)04:52
Yodudeeven in Windows it doesn't let me04:52
Yodudethey changed something in the settings04:52
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yetiwell if windows won't let you then there's a reason for that, huh?04:52
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Yodudeyes to not let people break windows04:53
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Yodudebut i am not trying to that here04:53
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CamaxtliWindows is broken per default.04:53
CamaxtliGiving every user root per default is insane.04:53
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YodudeCamaxtli: lol yeah that's a good point!04:53
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Yodudeman if i wanted to break windows i can do it without ubuntu04:53
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Yodudei know a million ways04:53
Yodudei just need to access C: from linux, can you help please?04:54
s0me_assh0ledon't we all04:54
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SpliffsterYodude, yeti. if windows prohibits read access to a partition .. then it is done on application level (the system still needs to read these data and userland programs need to access certain features too) so windows not allowing to access a partition should not prohibit linux to access it.04:54
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Yodudei don't know04:54
Yodudeit just give me that error04:54
Yodudeis there a command i can add "sudo" to that can open a directory?04:54
Spliffsterwhat error message (exactly) ?=04:55
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Yodudemaybe that will do the trick04:55
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skovalI'm going to switch my work PC to Ubuntu. Does anybody know if it will support Canon iX 5000 printer? I haven't found it at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrintersCanon04:55
Jacek_KCo si dzieje?04:55
Frogzoo!ntfs | Yodude04:55
ubotuYodude: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse04:55
SpliffsterYodude, what's the exact error message you get in linux ?04:55
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CheshireViking_!pl | Jacek_K04:56
ubotuJacek_K: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl04:56
s0me_assh0leumm yeah, what he said!04:56
YodudeSpliffster: You do not have the right permissions to view this directory//folder04:56
tsurchi, what program/scrip is called when a user goes to System->Quit... on Dapper?04:56
dyrnetrying to determine the easiest software for poeple to use in constructing an internal knowledge base or wiki.  anyone have recommendation?04:56
SpliffsterYodude, have you tried to access it in a shell? this would give yo ua more meaningfull error message than gnome's04:57
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s0me_assh0letsurc:  if I remember correctly it switches to runlevel 6 and goes through the scripts in that runlevel's directory04:57
YodudeSpliffster: well what's the command for opening a directory?04:57
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SpliffsterYodude, `cd /media/yourdrive/`replace yourdrive with the name of the hd partition04:58
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Yodudei actually want to see the files in Nautilus04:59
CamaxtliYodude: Root mounted it, you'll need to access it as root or set read permissions for all users.04:59
s0me_assh0lentfs-3g never works right for me so I gave up on it; I'll probalby try again some other time when I don't have anything better to do.04:59
Yodudedon't you think using chmod will be good?04:59
SpliffsterYodude, you actually want to know what the problem is, so you could fix it?04:59
s0me_assh0lechmod won't work on ntfs04:59
_filippo_does anybody know how to change gdm username font?04:59
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Yodudeno i just want to be able to see the files04:59
SpliffsterYodude, chmod works un unix-ish filesystem, not on windows/ms filesystems04:59
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tsurcI want to put a Quit button in the applications menu for our Canteen staff. I'm getting rid of their old Win95 machine05:00
SpliffsterYodude, if you want help me debugging your problem i can't hel you sorry. hire a technichian .. he'll solve your problem. spoiled kid. next.05:00
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s0me_assh0leif you think it's a permissions issue you'll need to hook up the drive to another windows-based system, go into that folder's properties, and take ownership of the folder/files you want to gain access to.05:00
CamaxtliYodude: The quick risky option of reading it after it's mounted (And usuably by root only) would probably something along the lines of "gsudo nautilus"05:00
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Nocai'm trying to update from hoary to breezy05:00
Nocabut this command05:00
Nocagksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:00
Nocadoesn't work05:01
s0me_assh0leSpliffster: tough love, eh?  :)05:01
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YodudeCamaxtli: will that be able to see a non-permissioned prtition?05:01
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Spliffsters0me_assh0le, no comment. i am too old for this.05:01
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CamaxtliYodude: It gives you a file brower as root05:01
s0me_assh0lehehehe been there; done that.  Usually before my second cup of coffee05:01
clustoizid2@Noca just sudo...05:01
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CamaxtliYodude: Or in other words, you'll browse the files as root which basically means you have access to everything.05:02
tsurcso I need to know which script, rather that what it does05:02
YodudeCamaxtli: but C: does not even belong to root, do you mean root here indicates superuser with superpowers?05:02
CamaxtliYodude: You mounted it with sudo right?05:02
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Nocacheers clustoizid ~_~05:03
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YodudeCamaxtli: man i'm loving linux more n more, that can help me crack my windows if compromised or messed up!05:03
SpliffsterCamaxtli, he is using a livecd. its mounted "automagically" ... with some voodoo05:03
Yodudeyes of course with sudo mount -a05:03
CamaxtliI don't like automounters. ;)05:03
c1|freakyim currently running kubuntu feisty - can i do apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to get gnome and try it but in a way so it doesnt change anything like bootsplash, kdm etc.?05:03
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Yoduderemembeer this is liveCD so i have to do it again everytime it's not automatic05:04
aldarsiorDoes adding something to crontab take effect immediately?05:04
maitschahow can i install the fglrx driver?05:04
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Spliffsterc1|freaky, i am not sure about the boot splash (i don't think so) ... you should have the option upon login (which still should be kdm) to select your session. i ddi it the other wy round (on dapper) and it worked nice05:04
Toma-c1|freaky: feisty isnt out yet in final form so its still unsupported. but yes. or gnome-desktop i think works too05:04
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CamaxtliYodude: You did sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt  or something like that?05:04
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Yodudecamaxtli: no i did the way wich edit fstab05:05
maitschaapt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx does not work05:05
c1|freakySpliffster: ok, thankyou :)05:05
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DBFThey, is there any way of forcing an install to get the required files online instead of from the ubuntu cd? (i've kinda lost it :P)05:06
DBFTMedia Change: Please insert the disc labelled05:06
DBFT Ubuntu 6.10 _Edgy Eft_ - Release i386 (20061025.1)05:06
DBFTin the drive /cdrom/ and press enter05:06
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Yodudebtw the greatest ubuntu thing happened today, anyone wanan hear it?05:06
gordonjcplet's hear it...05:06
CamaxtliThey added the Gentoo Docs to the CD05:06
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Toma-DBFT: just disable the cdrom in /etc/apt/sources.list05:06
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Yodudei went on windows to play some games, and i noticed that they formatted it and removed all those games n music05:07
Yodudeso what i did was enter Ubuntu to save the day n let me have some fun with it's games05:07
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Yodudeand guess what, my firend saw me05:07
vieirarHi I have nvidia drive loaded and working however, the cursor shadows do not show up. Do they only work on certain cursors?05:07
Yodudehe asked me "what is this"05:08
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Toma-vieirar: yep05:08
s0me_assh0lespeaking of which, I'm a gentoo veteran who switched to ubuntu awhile back; what's the command to access and build source DEB's, and would I use /etc/profile or another file to store the CFLAGS variables?05:08
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Yodudei told him it's Linux, ( he knows about it cuz i was explaining what it is to the class the other week)05:08
vieirarToma-, Ok thanks05:08
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DBFTtrying Toma- :p05:08
vladyou go Yodude :)05:09
Yodudeso he saw me playing these games n having fun n he looked at the interface and he told me05:09
Toma-!enter | Yodude05:09
ubotuYodude: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:09
Yodude"i like it"05:09
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Toma-Yodude: show him a video of beryl?05:09
Camaxtlis0me_assh0le: http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=07/02/21/154621505:09
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Yodudek. so he began telling me how windows is always giving him errors n stuff05:09
DBFTit worked, go Toma- ;)05:09
s0me_assh0leexcellent; thanks!05:09
YodudeToma: i know i'm gonna show it to him sooon05:09
Toma-DBFT: sweet! :)05:09
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vladWhen Feisty comes out I'll really start working on converting people to Linux05:10
Yodudeso i suggested he installs it n told him he can even run windows apps05:10
Toma-hey s0me_assh0le... youre nick is against the CoC... change it or leave05:10
Yodudevlad: me too especially with virtualization05:10
Camaxtlis0me_assh0le: It details the entire package system. (It's a shame though that portage doesn't come with binaries)05:10
s0me_assh0leum, okay05:10
Yodudebut sadly he said he doesn't want to take the plunge right now05:10
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Toma-yes :)05:10
ubotuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/05:10
Yodudebut i'm sure he will eventually, he knows about tech a bit so he knows windows sucks05:11
Toma-this channel is G rated. keep it as Disney like as possible ;D05:11
s0me_schmucksorry; the former is my nick during BF2 games :)05:11
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s0me_schmuckwindows has it's uses, just as linux and even osx does05:12
Yodudei'm also thinking of sending a letter to the principal telling him about ubuntu, especially snce the Frensch parliament moved to it recently ( we're a french school)05:12
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Yodudei couldn't manage to get the technician to do it5 she's so micro$oftish05:12
Toma-Yodude: edubuntu is the best thing for schools. it really is quite nice now05:13
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vladThe greatest barrier to converting people is that they have to have a separate disk partition to not risk losing any data05:13
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ZambeziSomething is wrong when I try to enter the password to the Gnomekeyring. Is it necassary to reinstall everything to inactivate it or reset the password?05:13
Spliffsters0me_schmuck, if you want to build your custom kernel... you might want to check `make-kpkg`. a very nice debian utility which makes it easy to build a kernel and generate a deb, so you can easily install/uninstall kernels. also, updating modules and the such is much easier with make-kpkg05:13
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vladI'm a gnome user - any reason I should try out KDE?05:14
Toma-vlad: nope. unless you want to try it out?05:14
eth01any ideas?? >>05:14
eth01ERROR: Could not find a suitable SSL library (GnuTLS, libnss or OpenSSL).05:14
eth01       This is necessary for MSN and full Jabber support.05:14
Yodudevlad: i wondering the same thing05:14
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apokryphosvlad: Yodude: yes, you should try out both.05:14
emefeihi folks05:14
Spliffstervlad, no particular ... just try it. you can have both gnome and kde on your system. apt-get install kde-desktop. that's it05:14
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Toma-KDE is a splendid DE. Just like Gnome05:15
MetaMorfoziShow can i dump my bluetooth communication?05:15
dyrnevlad: well its good to be familiar with the other big DE.  kde is more effecient at stuff.. *shrugs*05:15
vladSpliffster: thx05:15
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s0me_schmuckSpliff:  I just loved being able to make my own gentoo linux from stage 1 using custom CFLAGS settings (contrary to what people say I did see a difference doing it that way), but now stage1 (bootstrapping) is unsupported in Gentoo so what's the point?05:15
avalon_Hi guys05:15
Yodudeapokryphos: gonna get kubuntu this holiday, that way i try it and i convert those friends of mine that digg pretty graphics05:15
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apokryphosYodude: you're already running ubuntu?05:15
avalon_Just popping in to see if anyone had gotten to try Feisty05:15
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apokryphosavalon_: /msg ubotu feisty05:16
Toma-MetaMorfoziS: what are you trying to dump?05:16
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s0me_schmuckI'm actually suprised differnet DEB packages/repositories aren't offered for different arch's05:16
MetaMorfoziSmy bluetooth communication05:16
apokryphoss0me_schmuck: what?05:16
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MetaMorfoziSsomething like irdadump05:16
MetaMorfoziSwhat i want...05:16
touerDoes anyone know if it is true that Automatix will damage my ability to upgrade ubuntu? And if so, where can i find instructions to get the multimedia codecs and fonts and the like wihout it?05:16
apokryphos!automatix | touer05:16
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ubotutouer: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:16
RoundyT1why would my server not connect to the internet?05:16
dyrnetouer: wiki.ubuntu.com or help.ubuntu.com search for restricted05:17
apokryphostouer: please take a look at the FAQ <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions> as linked to in the channel /topic.05:17
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Toma-!easyubuntu | touer05:17
ubotutouer: easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu05:17
Spliffsters0me_schmuck, i haven't used gentoo for years. i liked the idea of building it all from source (optimisation) but in a real world environment (workin for an ISP at that time as developer) it is just a pain in the royal arse to wait for emerge to finish over and over again :D gentoo has surely its place in the embedded theatre. i wouldn't use it to run a server which should be available 24/7 :D but as it is with gnu/linux ... many der05:17
Spliffsterivate .. every single one is filling a gape05:17
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RoundyT1My Laptop is on the same network as the server, yet the server won't connect to the internet---any ideas?05:18
Toma-MetaMorfoziS: so you want raw bluetooth info spewed into the terminal?05:18
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MetaMorfoziSyes, something like that05:18
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Yodudebtw just a question: why is the GAIM included in ubuntu Beta sofwtare, you guys should include the stable version05:18
MetaMorfoziScli is not recommended, gui is not problem05:18
MetaMorfoziSbut yes...05:18
flintRoundyT1, go to the /etc/  directory and grep for your laptop name, then change the name.05:18
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s0me_schmuckSpliff:  I used to sugget gentoo to people who were PC-savvy who wanted to learn linux -- if nothing else it does force you to learn the workings of a linux system05:19
RoundyT1flint, what do you mean? why would that help?05:19
Toma-MetaMorfoziS: well theres 2 paths. you can take the road that will lead to a program accessing it, or you can make a dev entry for your bluetooth device then start doing crazy with cat05:19
DBFThow do i delete a directory and all files/subdirectories from command line?05:19
flintRoundyT1, you need to change the name of your laptop eh?05:19
Toma-DBFT: rm -r05:19
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RoundyT1flint, nope, my laptop is fine, my server can't get on the network for some reason, but my laptop is on the same network and working just fine...05:20
Spliffsters0me_schmuck, i have been using gentoo after working on bsd systems for some years. bsd*'s port trees usefull. that's why i tried gentoo. IIRC at that time only a stage 1 install was possible and this is what turned me away ... i wanted a binary base system.05:20
touerIhave installed easyubuntu but it will not open, does anyone know why?05:20
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Toma-touer: you need to run 'gksudo easyubuntu'05:20
emefeiRoundyT1: Did your server obtain an IP-Adress and is reachable via Network?05:20
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soundrayDBFT: rm -rf /path/dir05:20
vladwhat's the difference between sudo and gksudo?05:20
RoundyT1emefei, good question it is like ----i can ssh into the server?05:20
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soundray!gksude | vlad05:21
DBFT:) thankie :D05:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gksude - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:21
Toma--f isnt needed :(05:21
s0me_schmuckSpliff:  I thought about checking out the LFS project as a learning experience, but I'm not sure I'm that much of a masochist...  :|05:21
soundray!gksudo | vlad05:21
ubotuvlad: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use  gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using  sudo <GUI-application> 05:21
Yodude!gksudo | vlad05:21
emefeigood, if you can ssh to it, then it is obviously reachable05:21
RoundyT1emefei, ya, i can ssh into it. so i assume that works just fine05:21
flintRoundyT1, ah indeed, I misunderstood your post...  the server is a linux something eh?  When did it last work?05:21
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soundrayToma-: do you happen to know the background of that? rm -r used to work only on empty directories...05:22
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Spliffsters0me_schmuck, yes, gentoo is brilliant for learning purposes! i loved it for that aspect. and well, I have never heared about LFS :'(05:22
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MetaMorfoziSToma-: how can i do the cat version? I get this after insert the usb bt dongle : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12166/05:22
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Toma-soundray: its safer?05:23
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RoundyT1flint, lol funny you ask, it was running fine and i started a ping and stuff and didn't know how to stop it (so i was a noob and hit Ctrl alt delete) and it shutdown and came back on, now my internet site wont work as well as the "sudo apt-get update" command --it says "failed" every time05:23
=== eiffel_ is now known as touer
=== quaal [n=dephtu@238-199.186-72.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
s0me_schmuckSpliff:  Linux From Scratch (http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/) ; think gentoo without portage.  It's literally getting the source code yourself and building it.05:23
Spliffsters0me_schmuck, oh LFS looks like a good idea for appliances/embedded systems ...05:23
Toma-soundray: and i guess people just didnt have trees of empty directorys05:23
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flintRoundyT1, <ctl> c will stop a ping.  Can you go to the server and have it ping itself?05:24
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Spliffsteryay ... my virtual feisty just booted the first time .. .gotta explore it05:24
RoundyT1one sec05:24
=== Spliffster is excited
soundrayToma-: I don't think it's safer. 'rm -rf' for me was the synonym of "I really mean to delete all this stuff"05:24
quaaldoes anyone know about creating raid1 arrays with mdadm? i just created it, made the partition, it said i had to reboot to update the partition tables, i rebooted and now /dev/md0 is not there anymore. it disappeared.05:24
Yodudehey did anybody hear from DELL again? i hope they decided to pre-install linux after all05:24
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RoundyT1flint, --- ping statistics ---05:24
RoundyT111 packets transmitted, 11 received, 0% packet loss, time 9997ms05:24
RoundyT1rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.012/0.019/0.059/0.013 ms05:24
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SpliffsterYodude, they said they will, but it will take some time05:25
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Toma-soundray: sometimes its safe to question your own sanity with the rm command :)05:25
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anabelleHi, im unable to download torrents with ktorrent....05:25
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flintRoundyT1, that is actually interesting... what is the IP address of the server?05:25
charlescan someone tell me how long it is till feisty gets released??05:25
touerwhen I attempt "gksudo easyubuntu" i get an error. Unable to determine desktop environment, falling back to gksudo05:25
s0me_schmuckYodude:  don't hold your breath; gateway played around with that idea for years when I worked there.05:25
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Yodudehopes so ttough05:25
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Mrgreen2Hi, I'm new to Linux and I wondering if ubuntu supports a dual monitor setup.  I tired it once before but gave up on it.  From what I can tell on the web it's possible but still complicated.05:25
hanbushhey guys, the wine chan is dead, does anybody know how to run a cmd file in wine?05:25
anabelleHi, i mounted a new partition /media/Downloads and i want ktorrent to download files and keep temps in this partition.05:25
anabelleSo i changed in ktorrent's preferences to keep temps in /media/Downloads/Ktorrent/temp and downloads in /media/Downloads/Ktorrent05:25
anabelleBut now, when i add a torrent i get this error:05:25
anabelle"No se puede crear el enlace simblico de /media/Downloads/Ktorrent/temp/tor0/cache a /media/Downloads/Ktorrent/Waking.Life.LiMITED.DVDivX-QiX.avi: Operacin no permitida"05:25
anabelleCan't create simbolic link, operation forbidden, i've set the permissions to the partition so that anyone can rwx and its working fine. But ktorrent doesn't work.05:25
anabelleWhat can i do to fix this?05:25
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SpliffsterYodude, as s0me_schmuck ... it's probably only a way to get cheaper windows licenses for dell. i am not sure if they are serious.05:25
RoundyT1flint, internal ip= external ???idk05:25
quaalanabelle, you cant be serious.05:25
soundrayToma-: the point is, 'rm -r' now deletes things that formerly it would not have. That's not safer.05:26
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anabellequaal why?05:26
Toma-soundray: ok.05:26
flintok, can you ping  Does this server have two ethernet cards in it?05:26
hanbushanabelle: use pastebin.ca05:26
s0me_schmuckSpliff:  exactly:  every time Gateway talked about it, MS would throw a deal at them to get them to shut up.05:26
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Yodudehey just the last question: do you know any app that can record video of my desktop? i would use it for recording beryl action05:26
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Yodude"converting the world"05:26
shaY-hi @all05:26
RoundyT1flint,  not that i know of -- its a machine i took over as IT manager and the old it guy just left it all alone05:27
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soundrayYodude: istanbul records desktop sessions, but I'm not sure whether it can deal with OpenGL stuff05:27
flintRoundyT1, what happens when you ping
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Spliffstersoundray, Yodude ... istanbul has problems with beryl05:27
flintRoundyT1, on the server that is...05:27
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RoundyT1flint,  interestingly enough it does have a second ethernet card lol. im gonna try the sudo update really quick then i'll ping05:27
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shaY-I have this blue screen on the first side. The man who has that problem says he did this with this software!http://www.ptdd.com./ How does it work?05:27
Yodudehow about "recordmydesktop"05:27
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flintRoundyT1, update will not hurt anything.  BTW what is the IP of your laptop?05:28
ferronicaany one here tell me how to open sources text file??/05:28
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Toma-Spliffster: you need the beryl plugin to record video, afaik05:28
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anabellektorren is unable to create simblic links, may this be a permisions problem? http://pastebin.ca/41062505:28
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hanbushhi, does anybody know how to open cmd.exe in wine?05:28
s0me_schmuckanyone know if there's a linux program to make animated menus for DVD's?05:28
SpliffsterToma-, ok .. tell Yodude ... he's looking for a solution to record beryl "in action[tm] "05:28
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RoundyT1flint,  hmm...my ip...good question05:29
Toma-hanbush: you want a windows terminal in ubuntu?05:29
charlescan someone tell me when feisty will be released05:29
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flintRoundyT1, I suspect that you flipped the cables on the server when you unplugged them...05:29
Toma-Yodude: you need the beryl plugin to record video, afaik05:29
gnomefreakcharles: april 2705:29
hanbushtoma-: i need to run a cmd file05:29
gnomefreakgive or take05:29
Yodudecharles: 19th April05:29
Toma-hanbush: well 'wine cmd.exe'05:29
Yodudeafaik? k let's see05:29
Toma-in a terminal05:29
touerCharles : The beta is out, and i believe the date is april 27, but dont hold me to it.05:29
gnomefreakYodude: when did it change to the 19th?05:29
ferronicagnomefreak: can you help me out???05:29
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gnomefreakferronica: no im leaving atm05:29
RoundyT1flint, possible, but i don't think its the problem because im still getting update errors from the repositories...(can't connect)05:30
ferronicagnomefreak: okay05:30
MetaMorfoziSToma-: i have found the solution, if you interested: hcidump:)05:30
Yodudegnomefreak: ity didn't it always was 19th05:30
flintRoundyT1, anyway, the ticket here is to get your laptop to ping the server, and the server to ping the laptop.05:30
charlestouer, yeah i tried the beta it was nice but it didnt detect my tv tuner so i put it down to being a beta with bugs (hence why im not using it now)05:30
hanbushtoma-: i need to run a .cmd file, i dont need to open a terminal05:30
flintRoundyT1, is the server also the gateway?05:30
ferronicaToma: can you help me out???05:30
Yodudei'm so dying to get it05:30
=== LaNCeloT_RW [n=LaNCeloT@c950181f.bhz.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
anabellehttp://ktorrent.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=8404 - This is the description of my problem05:30
Toma-MetaMorfoziS: rad. i was going to suggest opening an rfcomm port and just going nuts with that05:30
Yodudeso Vista-Killer05:30
mweichertwhen I try "gdmflexiserver --xnest", I get an error "You do not seem to have the authentication needed for this operation. Perhaps your .Xauthority file is not set up correctly". Can anyone help me with that please?05:30
flintRoundyT1, is the server also the dhcp server?05:30
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s0me_schmuckI know this is off-topic, but I've got the news on in the background and I just have to say this:  is it just me or will anyone else be glad when they stop talking about Anna Nichole Smith?05:30
Toma-ferronica: whats the problem?05:31
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touercharles: yeah, it is semi-buggy05:31
ferronicaToma: regarding Nokia 7710 mobile,05:31
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Toma-btw, im playing Cannon fodder 2 while im helping.05:31
=== s0me_schmuck gets bored easy
ferronicaToma: ubuntu dont mount it what i do??05:31
shaY-http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/77414/15/ On the first side of this page there is a picture with a blue screen. I have the same bluscreen with Dual Boot after i install ubuntu. He says with this software he makes windows working. How does he did this? http://www.ptdd.com./05:31
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RoundyT1flint, i don't believe so, i think the Microsoft servers take care of that. It runs our external site (www.roundy.net)05:31
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ferronicaToma: its connected via USB cable05:31
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Toma-ferronica: doesnt 'mount' it? has it got a memory card?05:31
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ferronicaToma: yes there is memory card05:32
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flintRoundyT1, Well, www.roundy.net is not loading...05:32
Fantasmahi guys i have a doubt. if i install ubuntu 7.04 beta is it easy to upgrade to the release version once it comes out?05:32
Toma-ferronica: can you put a copy of the output from 'dmesg' on pastebin?05:32
charlesI dont suppose anyone knows if feisty will have fixed the problems with wine and flash plugins that users of the 64bit version have had problems with?05:32
deltronanyone install from a usb thumb drive?05:32
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:32
Yodudeyou're sure the beryl video capture plugin is "Afaik"?05:32
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ferronicaToma: yes just a second05:32
dcordeshow do i run dvdrtools?05:32
RoundyT1flint,  i couldn't ssh into it with it plugged into the "other" ethernet card....i switched it back05:32
shaY-can i install exe under ubuntu?05:32
Yodudeafaik doesn't have any sense related to it05:33
flintRoundyT1, you need to get someone onsite.  Get someone there to help you onsite.  Good Luck.05:33
Sparkis there a filesystem that will keep a local and remote copy of a directory tree in sync05:33
Spliffstercharles, to be honest ... not only the 32bit problems of the flash plugin are solved yet (well it's macromedias problem ...)05:33
Sparksort of like nfs/smb/sshfs with heavy caching05:33
dcordes!wine | shaY-05:33
Toma-dcordes: its all commandline stuff. what are you trying to do?05:33
ubotushaY-: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.05:33
Sparkor like svn as a filesystem05:33
YodudeshaY: you can with wine. Though be areful it's still in development so it might not work05:33
touershaY-: not unless you have wane setup.05:33
Sparkbut with automatic commits05:33
emefeiRoundyT1: do you have a shell open on your server?05:33
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shaY-kk thx05:33
dcordesToma-: i'm trying to do command line stuff like burning a dvd with command line similar to cdrecord05:33
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s0me_schmuckSpark:  afs?05:34
hanbushhow do i mount a .mdf image in edgy?05:34
dcordeshanbush: same as iso05:34
Toma-dcordes: if you want to burn a dvd from command line (iso) id use growisofs05:34
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Zaqqhi. can ubuntu run with 3D effects in any virtual machine?05:34
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YodudeToma: what was the name of that beryl video capture plugin05:34
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touerDoes anyone know why Synaptic defualts to a more primitive looking gtk+ theme?05:34
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dcordesToma-: okay i will check this out. but what about dvdrtools?05:34
Toma-Yodude: no idea. scout around the beryl website05:35
dcordeshow do you use that05:35
ferronicaToma: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12167/05:35
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hanbushdcordes: i cant mount it, i know i can use wine with alcohol 120 or daemon tools, but id rather have something native05:35
RoundyT1emefei, what do you mean? ....there's no gui05:35
touerZaqq: in vmware workstation you can. What are you using?05:35
YodudeToma-: k05:35
pipHello ,I have installed Tango themes package,how can I use it ?05:35
Spliffsterwill the fineal feisty still have the turd brown default theme or is this not the final theme ?05:35
ZaqqVirtual PC 200705:35
Toma-dcordes: theyre more for manipulation dvd formats and authoring i think05:35
dcordeshanbush: for me, it works with mount -o loop -t iso9660 dunno what mdf you got there...05:35
touerI dont believe you can. You are running ubuntu in virtual pc?05:35
Zaqqvmware workstation? u mean the paid version?05:35
dcordesToma-: ok thanks for quick help05:36
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emefeiok, but you are connected to the server? Try to execute "tracepath heise.de" and look at the results05:36
Zaqq:( so the vmware server free edition has no 3d supprt?05:36
Toma-Spliffster: blubuntu will make it all blue. its a simple package to install. also, mind your language05:36
dk1447Hello, I have a ext3 drive which is mounted in fstab, now I wish to mount a folder from that drive into a ftproot, and read from a guide om the forums it should be mounted in ftab as vfat is that correct?05:36
touerthere is a free trial, and it may be possible in the free Vmware Server Console, but i have not found out how.05:36
SpliffsterZaqq, no vmware products have 3d support05:36
eth01how do i install netkit-inetd05:36
Zaqqi am about to setup ubuntu .. have read about changing to 16 million colors to avoid screen corruption05:36
dcordesToma-: wait.. where can i get that growisofs?05:36
hanbushdoes anybody know how to mount a mdf file?05:37
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touerSpliffster: Untrue, workstation has for a couple years, you simply have to activate it.05:37
Sparks0me_schmuck: is afs maintained?05:37
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RoundyT1emefei, roundy@rlin:~$ sudo tracepath heise.de05:37
RoundyT1sudo: tracepath: command not found05:37
RoundyT1roundy@rlin:~$ tracepath heise.de05:37
RoundyT1-bash: tracepath: command not found05:37
ferronicaToma: got the link i posted????05:37
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dcordes!paste | RoundyT105:37
Toma-dcordes: dvd+rw-tools05:37
ubotuRoundyT1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:37
SpliffsterToma-, thank you for the help .. i didn't want to offend anyone.05:37
s0me_schmuckZaqq:  vmware is working on 3D support for a future version of workstation, but no VM does 3d right now to my knowledge05:37
Toma-Ferret: yep05:37
zeddicus2anybody, which IDE is best with c?05:37
eth01how do i install netkit-inetd05:37
touerWorkstation does it, it simply must be enabled.05:38
Spliffstertouer, oh ... well, i must have slept. i have only been working with server products so far ... now i see why they can sell the "desktop" version05:38
=== Kresjah [n=a@ti231210a080-2926.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
dk1447Hello, I have a ext3 drive which is mounted in fstab, now I wish to mount a folder from that drive into a ftproot, and read from a guide om the forums it should be mounted in ftab as vfat is that correct?05:38
touerand it is imperfect.05:38
s0me_schmuckSpark: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_file_system05:38
Toma-ferronica: yep05:38
RoundyT1emefei,  could you join #roundy please?05:38
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ferronicaToma: what is problem :(05:38
ferronicaToma: why ubuntu didnt mount it automatically????05:38
Sparks0me_schmuck: i read that already, doesn't answer the question05:39
=== pmenier [n=pme@LNeuilly-152-22-72-5.w193-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-ferronica: in theory it should be mounting automatically. strange that it wont. have you tried manually mounting it?05:39
=== BlackMad [n=BlackMad@247.red-81-184-83.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu
s0me_schmuckSpark:  I can only give you a starting point I'm afraid -- I've never had the need for such filesystems myself.05:39
Sparkah, openafs is what i want05:39
Spliffstertouer, http://www.vmware.com/support/ws5/doc/ws_vidsound_d3d_enabling_vm.html does it only work on windows (and for windows as guest) ?05:39
ferronicaToma: then?05:39
=== Kilroo [n=Jarentha@cpe-071-076-173-175.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
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ferronicaToma: you i have to mount manually???05:40
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Spliffsters0me_schmuck, here's some info on 3d support in vmware. looks like its windows only (Direct3D) http://www.vmware.com/support/ws5/doc/ws_vidsound_d3d_enabling_vm.html05:40
dcordesToma-: ok that's already installed out of the box. but how do i use it? the man looks a bit complicated. i have the iso of a computer game dvd here. how would i burn that?05:40
ferronicaToma: you mean i have to mount manully05:40
=== cjsoftu1 [n=chris@user-5af0271c.wfd97.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
touerSpiffster: I don't know, i have only tried it with windows as geust. I thought it worked with other, i may have been wrong.05:40
Toma-ferronica: you can try. that way if it does mount, then its a udev problem that we can fix05:40
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theacolyteCan't seem to find this on your website easily, what version of mysql does 6.10 server come with? 4 or 5?05:40
cjsoftu1Issue with ACPI: Fan is at 100%, can't change it.  Any ideas?05:40
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theacolytecjsoftu1: what kind of server is it?05:40
s0me_schmuckSpliff: it is, and it's for the workstation version of VMWare only.  I've been told that right now it's a feature they're working on and it only works about half the time05:41
dcordescjsoftu1: sounds interesting. how do you set the fan speed?05:41
ferronicaToma: can you please help me in mounting manually.....05:41
cjsoftu1i'm trying to echo to /proc/acpi/fan/FAN/05:41
ferronicaToma: I dont know how to mount manually :(05:41
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Toma-dcordes: growisofs -Z /dev/dvd=image.iso05:41
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theacolytecjsoftu1: what kind of motherboard?05:42
Spliffsters0me_schmuck, i have read something on /. about 3d support (hw emulation) is in the works. i hope it'll be available.05:42
Toma-dcordes: thats from the examples in the man pages05:42
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Hachikoright click icon, mount image..browse to your image file click mount.. :D05:42
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s0me_schmuckSpliff: yup; problem is it doesn't help much of anyone now.05:42
cjsoftu1theacolyte: Mobo is a Foxconn NF3250K8AA-ERS05:43
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h00thello i have a problem ... everytime i try to make symlink "ln -a ~/.amule/Incoming ~/Incoming" I end up w/ this scenario "/home/h00t/Incoming/Incoming"  how can i make it link properly so I just see the contents of the folder05:43
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Toma-ferronica: ok. try this. 'mkdir ~/nokiatest' then 'sudo mount /dev/sdc ~/nokiatest' and see if it mounts05:43
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Spliffsters0me_schmuck, well you could use wvista with even less perfomance ... or ... ummm get a hard on while looking at beryl rotating desktops in your vm ... muwhahaha05:43
dcordesToma-: :-( unable to WRITE@LBA=220h: Input/output error05:43
mikebeechamCan someone help me please...I am trying to log in as root via SU, but it wont accept my password05:43
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ferronicaToma: error ---> mount: you must specify the filesystem type05:44
gnomefreak!root | mikebeecham05:44
ubotumikebeecham: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:44
ferronicaToma: :(05:44
Toma-ferronica: ahh.05:44
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=== Spliffster is away: gotta get me some food. brb
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s0me_schmuckdcordes:  what DVD are you attempting to make an image of?05:44
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theacolytecjsoftu1: often what I've done for fan control is found the linux drivers for the motherboard, it usually has acpi information so it doesn't run at 100%. For instance, I had to do it for my Dell and HP servers05:44
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Toma-ferronica: i hope nokia doesnt use some whacky proprietry format05:45
dcordess0me_schmuck: i want to burn an image to a dvd05:45
Toma-"* gnomefreak gone"05:45
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cjsoftu1theacolyte: small issue there, I can't seem to find the drivers05:45
theacolyteAnyone know what version of mysql 6.10 server comes with? 4 or 5?05:45
gnomefreakToma-: i typed it05:45
ferronicaToma: what that mean ???05:45
s0me_schmuckcdrdao should work fine for that depending on the image; usually I'll use K3B myself05:45
Toma-oh ok ;)05:45
gnomefreakits not away message05:45
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dcordess0me_schmuck: looking for a CLI program here05:45
Toma-gnomefreak: it was just great timing that it happened at the same time05:46
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Toma-ferronica: 1 moment05:46
s0me_schmuckwhat format is the image?  iso?  bin?05:46
cjsoftu1theacolyte: it's an NForce3 250 chipset05:46
ferronicaToma: ok05:46
sevohi! i just plugged in a usb stick and my edgy eft recognizes it as cdrom and wont write on it. even if i mount it manually.  any ideas what could be the cause?05:46
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s0me_schmuckcdrecord?  if I remember correctly there's a curses-based frontend to it as well that might make things easier05:46
ferronicaToma: will i am able to use my nokia 7710 in ubuntu 6.06 LTS :(05:46
dcordess0me_schmuck: cdrecord told me it can05:47
dcordesit can't burn dvd05:47
ferronicaToma: because ubuntu is my primary operating system :)05:47
dcordess0me_schmuck: because of GPL conflicts with DVD05:47
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ferronicaToma: i quiet windows Xp pro. :)05:47
s0me_schmuckthere's a version out there you can grab that supports DVD writing; lemme see if I can find the URL05:47
mikebeechamDown with Windows....it sucks big time...I am so impressed with linux after a week05:48
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dcordess0me_schmuck: thanks. maybe you can get me a deb compatible to edgy?05:48
O_ShekinahWho change the TTL of my linux?05:48
cjsoftu1theacolyte: any ideas on my ACPI?05:48
Toma-dcordes: have you got DMA enabled on your DVD drive?05:48
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sevodcordes, it's called cdw05:48
dcordesToma-: what's that?05:48
s0me_schmuckdcordes: beggars will be choosers, eh?  Just kidding, gimme a sec...05:49
dcordesToma-: i pretty much have a clean edgy install here05:49
theacolytecjsoftu1: did a look, couldn't find anything good :( Sorry about that05:49
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dcordess0me_schmuck: ^^ no hurry thanks05:49
O_ShekinahI want change my TTL (of linux) for response 128.05:49
Toma-dcordes: does 'hdparm /dev/dvd' return that DMA is on 1?05:49
cjsoftu1theacolyte: ok, looks like a fan controller then... second thing with ACPI, my Dell 4600 doesn't show ANY ACPI devices.05:50
mikebeechamOne question...how do I install fonts in Ubuntu?05:50
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ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer05:50
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dcordesToma-:  using_dma    =  1 (on)05:50
cjsoftu1theacolyte: if I modprobe acpi, I get FATAL: Error inserting acpi_cpufreq (/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-generic/kernel/arch/i386/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/acpi-cpufreq.ko): No such device05:50
dcordesToma-:  HDIO_GETGEO failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device05:51
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Toma-ferronica: ok, im stumped. can you get a media card reader and just use that till you upgrade? im sure the next version will have it fixed :/05:51
Toma-dcordes: ok thats all fine05:51
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morpheus74Hello.  I have 2 computers running Ubuntu (1 -6.06, 1-6.10).  How can I network these two computers so I can access the files from one on the other?05:51
dcordes!ssh | morpheus7405:52
Toma-morpheus74: NFS. just go to... System>Prefs> SHared Folders05:52
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ubotumorpheus74: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/05:52
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s0me_schmuckdcordes:  have you tried 'apt-get install dvd+rw-tools'?05:52
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dcordess0me_schmuck: i have that package installed05:52
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s0me_schmuckhmm alright then you have the right software... I'm assuming your DVDR drive is IDE?05:53
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dcordess0me_schmuck: yeppers. samsung05:54
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cjsoftu1theacolyte: any ideas why I can't load acpi_cpufreq?05:54
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PitzeHi! When installing ubuntu, what is the root password?05:54
morpheus74I'm prompted to install 'sharing services'.  NSF is for sharing with other unix pc's, and SMB is for sharing with Windows machines, right?  Are NSF and SMB protocalls?05:54
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Toma-dcordes: just for a larf, try disabling DMA to the drive and try the growisofs command again05:54
theacolytemorpheus74: yes05:54
-smurtta:#ubuntu- /server killbg.sodki.org:6667 Bulgarian Network !05:54
-smurtta:#ubuntu- /server killbg.sodki.org:6667 Bulgarian Network !05:54
-smurtta:#ubuntu- /server killbg.sodki.org:6667 Bulgarian Network !05:54
-smurtta:#ubuntu- /server killbg.sodki.org:6667 Bulgarian Network !05:54
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dcordess0me_schmuck: i would use gui but i have no physical access to the computer and X is not running there05:55
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Toma-poor smurtta. about to get k-lined05:55
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PitzeCan I su while installing ubuntu? I want to use mount..05:55
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soundrayPitze: sudo05:55
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eth01bash: cd: bitlbee: Permission denied < im even using sudo ??05:55
SeveredCrossGotta love spam.05:55
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dualmonitor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:56
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s0me_schmuckdcordes:  no physical access?  this will probably sound like a stupid question, but are you sure there's a blank disc in the drive?05:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dual - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:56
dcordess0me_schmuck: sure :)05:56
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama05:56
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PriceChildmikebeecham, ^05:56
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s0me_schmuckdcordes:  had to ask; sorry05:56
Pitzesoundray: ok.. but I don't really know how to use sudo.. what should I write more than sudo?05:56
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mikebeechamPricechild: thanks :D....cannot seem to find any options in nVidia for dual monitor05:57
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ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead05:57
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dcordess0me_schmuck: well is there a way to make sure there is one?05:57
soundrayPitze: "sudo command" - that's all05:57
PriceChildmikebeecham, you want to use "twinview"05:57
theacolytexinerama =! twinview05:57
soundray!sudo > Pitze, read ubotu's private message please05:57
PriceChildtheacolyte, I know... twinview makes nvidia nice though :)05:57
mikebeechamDo I need to download that, or is it available through Synaptic?05:57
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Toma-dcordes: try this... "growisofs -dvd-compat -speed=2 -Z /dev/dvd=whatever.iso"05:57
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sevoany idea why my ubuntu automount a usbstick without write protection read-only on /media/cdrom?05:58
ubernewbhey all, i'm trying to add a harddrive and i'm using ubuntu edgy.. when i look at fstab it has the /dev/dsa remarked and there is a uuid=some long number05:58
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sevothat's a faq05:58
mikebeechamPriceChild: Do I need to download that somewhere?05:58
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ubernewbcan i just add a line /dev/sdb /home/user/backup ext3 0 005:58
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soundrayubernewb: yes05:59
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PriceChildmikebeecham, Nope. I'm not experienced with it though :)05:59
ubernewbwhy is there is uuid thing in fstab?05:59
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soundrayubernewb: should be 0 1 and the end, though (explained in man fstab)05:59
bedakehow do you add  a program/icon to the toolbar so when you click it will hide/unhide?05:59
soundray!uuid > ubernewb, read ubotu's private message please05:59
Pitzesoundray: ok it worked. thnx for the help06:00
ferronicaToma: but my contacts are saved in phone memory06:00
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euleroI've been trying to register as ubuntero but I couldn't. I uploaded my OpenPGP key to the server but I keep getting Launchpad could not import your OpenPGP key.06:00
dcordesToma-: now it is doing something. should this give me a status?06:00
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PriceChildeulero, which server did you upload to?06:00
Toma-dcordes: yes.06:00
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Toma-(i think)06:01
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euleroPriceChild: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-keys06:01
PriceChildeulero, you may just have to wait for it to propogate06:01
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euleroPriceChild: I thought that was the direct one.06:01
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mEck0Are somebody here running a computer with 3GB DDR-DIMM?06:01
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eth01bash: cd: bitlbee: Permission denied < im even using sudo ??06:01
PriceChildeulero, yeah should be fine me thinks... sure you have the fingerprint correct?06:02
Peter77quick question, I have about 5 kernels listed in my boot loader, can I/ do I need to uninstall some or just remove the grub entries for the uneeded ones?06:02
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PriceChildeulero, have you tried querying the server to check your key's there?06:02
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brophatDo all the programming tools get loaded by default with ubuntu; such as phython, perl, java, etc.......... ?06:02
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euleroPriceChild: I get Error handling request: No keys found06:02
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osfameronbrophat: nope06:02
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PriceChildPeter77, "sudo apt-get remove package" where package is the name(+version) of the installed kernel you want to rmeove - grub will update itself06:02
PriceChildeulero, well then you didn't upload it?06:02
osfameronbrophat: well, python and perl might do, by virtue of being dependencies for various scripts06:03
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touerWho here has tried the beta and what sort of results did you have?06:03
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eth01bash: cd: bitlbee: Permission denied < im even using sudo ??06:03
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morpheus74This maybe an elementary question, but when using ssh for remote login one pc needs ssh server installed, and one needs ssh client installed, right?  Does it matter which pc has server or client installed?06:03
euleroPriceChild: isn't running the command "gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-keys" enough to upload it?06:03
stickmananybody out there running ubuntu on an old imac?06:03
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frojndI have kubuntu and don't know how to stop xserver: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop ??06:04
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soundrayfrojnd: yes06:04
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Innatechmorpheus: for most applications you need the standard client/server combination: an ssh client on the machine you're in front of, and an ssh server on the machine you want remote acccess to.06:04
stickmani'm curious if anyone has tried usb wireless with imac ubuntu.06:04
frojndlet's try06:04
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morpheus74Innatech, Thank you.06:05
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Supre_MeHello, I'm trying to setup the GUI called ghamachi for hamachi, but I get errors complaing about gtk something. Any ideas?06:05
brophatosfameron can you turn gnome off and just use the terminal with no window manager?06:05
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euleroPriceChild: I solved by sending a specific key. Thanks a bunch for your help.06:05
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sevofrojnd, you can also sudo invoke-rc.d kdm stop06:05
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cjsoftu1Anyone got any ideas why a Dell Dimension 4600 can't load acpi_cpufreq?06:05
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soundraycjsoftu1: no, but I have the same problem06:06
osfameronbrophat: er... well, you can do anything.  The easiest way would be just press Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get that terminal session (Ctrl-Alt-F7 usually to take you back to the graphical session)06:06
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osfameronbrophat: but I guess you could script it not to bother starting up X.  If you really wanted to.06:06
Innatechanyone have any distro specific gotchas to share for building a Samba PDC with OpenLDAP on Ubuntu LTS?06:06
cjsoftu1soundray: nice to know i'm not the only one06:06
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digitalspaghettiCan any tell me what the package is in aptitude to install php5 source code?06:06
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ferronicaPriceChild: will you help me out???06:07
brophatosfameron so ubuntu starts the gui at boot06:07
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sevoosfameron, you can install the server flavour of ubuntu if you don't want X at all06:07
soundraycjsoftu1: I've reported a bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/8402606:08
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osfameronbrophat: ^^^^ what sevo said06:08
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soundraycjsoftu1: see if it matches yours. I'll be away for a while06:08
brophatosfameron I use fluxbox and right in the menu I can switch to another window manager.06:08
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cjsoftu1soundray: different box, same problem06:09
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zenIs anyone else having "linux-image-generic linux-restricted-modules-generic" being held back?06:09
snaidisIs there any way to install visual studio 2005 on UBUNTU?06:09
quaalwhat is the equivalent of /etc/sysconfig/kernel in ubuntu06:09
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Shacker6363Hey, has anyone else had trouble burning the beta iso?06:09
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eilkeri have problem with time, it shows 22:06 but now it is 19:06 , when i try to set, i see that it is 19:06 , but display is 22:06 . any idea ?06:09
eulerohow do I decrypt a gpg message that I received from Launchpad?06:09
Shacker6363I got it via BitTorrent and everytime I go to burn the .iso file, it fails miserably.06:10
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sevosnaidis, i don't know but you can easily find out going to winehq.com and searching the app database for it06:10
quaalwhat is the equivalent of /etc/sysconfig/kernel in ubuntu?06:10
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theacolyte!schedule > theacolyte06:10
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snaidisyes but what about the .net framework?06:10
snaidis<sevo> yes but what about the .net framework?06:11
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stickmananybody successfully connected a dlink usb device to any imac running ubuntu?06:11
ubotumono: Mono CLI (.NET) runtime. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB06:11
brophatI use fluxbox and it allows you to shut off fluxbox in the menu and the terminal that fluxbox is running on top of come up. So you are then in command line mode.06:11
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sevodunno ...it's not ubuntu related btw ^^06:11
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brophatso if for any reason the wm breaks youi at least have terminal06:11
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gordonjcpbrophat: as opposed to hitting <CTRL><ALT><F1> ?06:12
tony_I've installed azureus, and I want to open .torrent files with it from Firefox. Firefox let's me choose the program, but I cannot find it. Where is programs usally stored?06:12
Camaxtlitony_: /usr/bin06:12
brophatgordonjcp oh yeah that is right ctrl alt f1 with ubuntu. that is kool06:13
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brophathey is there a way for me to see a list of what gets loaded with ubuntu desktop ??06:13
tony_Camaxtli, there it is :) thanks06:13
osfameronis the answer to the question "why would I want to use another window manager?" basically "If you don't know why, then you don't want to" ?06:13
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Picibrophat: Check what it depends on: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/metapackages/ubuntu-desktop06:14
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Lunar_LampHow can I make sure I only install security updates on my Edgy Ubuntu server?06:14
sevotony_, you can help youself next time by typing 'which azureus' into a console ;)06:14
eilkeri have problem with time, it shows 22:06 but now it is 19:06 , when i try to set, i see that it is 19:06 , but display is 22:06 . any idea ?06:14
snaidisThe wine rating about the VS2005 is "Garbage"...06:14
snaidisSo I can't run it properly on UBUNTU06:14
snaidisI'v heard that there is way...06:14
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Lunar_LampI'm sure I'll need to edit my sources.list, but I'm not sure how the file works well enough to make sure I only get security updates.06:14
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waxyfreshis there a way to restart firefox without loosing any opentabs?06:15
sevokill it and restart06:15
jhaigeilker: What does 'date' say (from a terminal)?06:15
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mindstateis there a site i can download Linux distro06:15
eilker<jhaig>: it is correct06:15
mindstateis there a site i can download Linux distros that use an older kernel06:15
rocioliebanaos dama s ocaa estas hay06:15
eilker<jhaig>: it is correct /it shows correct time06:16
tony_sevo, great command :)06:16
Pici!es | rocioliebana06:16
uboturocioliebana: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:16
sevowaxyfresh, it will ask if you want to restore the old session.... or cleaner .. bookmark all tabs06:16
jhaigeilker: I would guess that it is a timezone problem.  Is the time zone that 'date' returns correct?06:16
=== Kaplan_ [n=chaplan@87-196-65-212.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu
Toma-waxyfresh: just close it, then open again, open up the History drop down menu, and middle click06:16
rocioliebanahola raul en la carta que me mandaste que me la dio mi primo jesus06:16
jhaigeilker: And the one in the clock on your desktop?  (I'm guessing that that is where it is displaying incorrectly)06:16
AnimortisSo is a patch for the security holes put up by Debian last week in the works?06:17
Pici!es > rocioliebana (see the message from ubotu)06:17
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AnimortisFor OpenOffice.org, I mean.06:17
tony_azureus is crashing all the time... :-/06:17
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rocioliebanacomo te llamas06:17
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eilker<jhaig>: i am talking about the clock that is in my desktop, even i do rightclick on time, then click "set time" it shows correct time, but the display is wrong06:17
Toma-tony_: deluge is better :)06:17
ferronicasoundray: will you ?06:17
tony_Toma-, I have to use a client that is supported by a specific tracker :)06:18
sevotony_, or ctorrent, qtorrent ..etc :)06:18
rocioliebanaunqa mierda hija de puta06:18
Kaplan_i cant upgrade to feisty06:18
Camaxtlitony_: Which version of ubuntu are you using and what Java VM?06:18
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Picirocioliebana: This channel is english only, please /join #ubuntu-es06:18
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PiciKaplan_: Feisty support is in #ubuntu+106:18
selinuxiumhi there, is there any way I can configure evolution to be able to access my home account?06:18
Kaplan_can anyone help me please06:18
ferronicasoundray: /join #ubuntu-hindi06:18
tony_Camaxtli, feisty beta 1, java version 1.5.0_1106:18
Kaplan_Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-commercial/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)06:19
Kaplan_Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-commercial/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)06:19
selinuxiumKaplan_: /j #ubuntu+106:19
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=== tony_ can't believe that 'java -version' actually worked :D just tried it
Camaxtlitony_: Did you install sun java?06:19
ferronicasoundray: /join #ubuntu-hi06:19
Kaplan_i get this error when tryng to upgrade to feisty06:19
con-man!pastebin | Kaplan_06:19
ubotuKaplan_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:19
=== AndrewB [n=andy@tuxhacker/pdpc.supporter.student.AndrewB] has joined #ubuntu
brophatIs there a link to packages.ubuntu.com at ubuntu.com ??06:19
tony_Camaxtli, I think it came as a dependancy for azuerus06:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about verbose - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:19
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jhaigeilker: I am not using ubuntu at the moment, but I would guess that there may be some way to set the timezone for your own desktop separately from the machines timezone.06:19
WorldBFreeis there a way to boot a ubuntu image from a working grub?  i dont have any blank discs and want to be able to install ubuntu06:19
Kaplan_is there a feisty chanell?06:19
FunnyLookinHatbrophat, no, i don't think there is...   why do you need one?06:20
FunnyLookinHatKaplan_, #ubuntu+106:20
PiciKaplan_: Yes.  #ubuntu+106:20
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sevoyes ^^06:20
waxyfreshwhats the  package name for the mac style menubar06:20
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Camaxtlitony_: Install sun java and set it as default JVM. That way Azureus should run fine (At least it does on my machine)06:20
bXisomeone around who could help me with my firewall script ( http://pastebin.ca/410680 ) ?06:20
tony_Camaxtli, Sun java 5.0 Plugin + Runtime is installed, yes06:20
brophatFunnyLookinHat so that I don't have to remember packages.ubuntu.com hahaha06:20
AnimortisAre there plans to fix the whopping OpenOffice.org security holes as posted by Debian last week? Or does anyone know because it's a job for Canonical?06:20
rociodamasrocio queaces06:20
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thcmonkeyif i have an nvidia x server settings util should i be able to add resolutions using that too?06:20
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FunnyLookinHatbrophat, hahahah.   Sorry!   but you seem to be remembering it well enough right now06:20
tony_Camaxtli, How do I set it as a default JVM?06:20
Xbehaveif a program crashes is there any easy way to find the cause06:20
AndrewBHey guys, does anybody know how I can get the Desktop cd to go into a verbose boot mode?06:20
PiciAnimortis: Ask in #ubuntu-dev or #ubuntu-motu06:20
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eliain systems-does not apper the options shutdown,06:21
waxyfreshcan anyone name some eye candy besides beryl or compiz?06:21
Xbehaveits a cdripper so id like to try and find if it was ripping or encoding or something else?06:21
Shacker6363anyone have problems with the .iso?06:21
eliacan anybody help me to recovery06:21
brophatFunnyLookinHat yeah but after a few drinking sessions it will be gone. I dunno, i think it should be navigatable from the main page.06:21
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Xbehavekde has some transparency and i think there are a few eye candy interace things like pannels06:22
Camaxtlitony_: sudo update-alternatives --config java06:22
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theacolyte!lvm > theacolyte06:22
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habeebHow can I reset this: export MAKE="/usr/bin/grc -es /usr/bin/make" ?06:22
rociodamascomo te llamas06:23
FunnyLookinHatbrophat, you can submit it as a bug/request in launchpad if you would like.06:23
yell0whey folks, where can i find some poker game software ?06:23
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waxyfreshyell0w: synaptic06:23
Camaxtliyell0w: Synaptic and search for poker06:23
rociodamasrocio l quedamos06:24
Spliffsterso ... now i have just tried feisty fawn. I am still a bit puzzled why it is a major release. it looks to me as if it were a polished edgy. what are the primary goals of the feisty project ?06:24
brophatFunnyLookinHat ok i think maybe I will.06:24
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tony_Camaxtli, it is set to "/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java", and the other alternative is "/usr/bin/gij-wrapper-4.1"06:24
crisliebanaROCIO ERE TONTA06:24
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eilker<jhaig>: what is UTC ?06:24
brophatFunnyLookinHat i think they try to make the main page as commercial as possible so as not to confuse the masses.06:24
Camaxtlitony_: Try both and check which one will run Azureus stable06:24
=== Spliffster is now known as borat
tony_Camaxtli,  oki :)06:25
rociodamascritina jelipollas y fea06:25
eilker<jhaig>: i did it utc, now it is ok, but if i select local time, it is wrong06:25
voorhees86how i configure the hrz of my monitor, dpkg-reconfigure...?06:25
=== borat i liiike :-D
=== borat is now known as Spliffster
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about utc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:25
Shacker6363UTC = Coordinated Universal Time06:25
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Camaxtlitony_: If all else fails, install JRE 1.606:26
tony_Camaxtli, seems to work better with the last one... :)06:26
poolkey172hi how do I reinstall x ?06:26
piedoggieproblem with nfs on multi-homed virtual ubuntu.  I can access nfs via the eth0 (bridged interface to lan) but not over eth1 private network.  exports is restricted to private network.  client is nfsaxe on xp.  testing connection with nfsaxe nfsprobe tool.06:26
tony_Camaxtli, i'll remember that as an alternative06:26
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell06:26
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sb_release - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:27
GekiBlueHey all... I just installed mirc in wine... and it can't seem to connect .. and I don't know what to do?06:27
h3h_timohey guys, it takes me a million times of apt-get update to get all my lists to update without errors, any suggestions??06:27
SpliffsterUTC: world time ... for a simpler explanation. ships, airplanes and computers use it. it is very usefull if you are not always in the same timezone (or not communication with computers in the same time zone ... ie. over the internets)06:27
cebraxI have a ipw2200bg wireless card,  it is listen in device manager but i think it doesnt work, 'iwconfig eth1' tells me the radio is off, and i cannot connect any wireless network.. can anyone help me solve this problem?06:27
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mindstateis it possible to download Linux distros that use an older kernel?06:27
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digitalspaghettiHello folks.  Is there a easy way for me to compile PHP5 on Ubuntu using the same options as the .deb package???06:27
yell0whey folks, where can i find some hold'em poker game software ?06:28
poolkey172hello anyone know how I configure xorg the same way the ubuntu livecd autodetects ?06:28
WorldBFreeis there a way to use an old version of a kanotix cd to load up grub and then install ubuntu from my hdd?06:28
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild or Amaranth06:28
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Spliffstermindstate, debian based systems provide you with loads of "older" kernels ... and if it doen't fit .. .you can always compile your own. doesn't make mauch sense .. becasue some programms might not work propperly06:28
sevocrisliebana, yes you're nutty .. we know now06:28
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yell0whey folks, where can i find some hold'em poker game software ?06:29
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mindstateSpliffster, im talking like 2.2.17 kernel06:30
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Spliffstermindstate, i don't know .. al i know is that you won't find an ubuntu with sch an old kernel ... ubuntu was not evene around then.06:30
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Spliffstermindstate, what i want to say: you are asking at the wrong place, try #linux06:31
mindstateSpliffster, tried in there didnt get an answer lol06:31
mindstateSpliffster, thanks for the info though06:31
cebraxI have a ipw2200bg wireless card,  it is listen in device manager but i think it doesnt work, 'iwconfig eth1' tells me the radio is off, and i cannot connect any wireless network.. can anyone help me solve this problem?06:31
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Spliffstermindstate, lol ... linus must have been sleeping then06:31
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poolkey172how do I uninstall xorg ?06:32
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Spliffstercebrax, that's strange, i have an ipw2200bg in my laptop. i did not have to configure it .. it was working out of the box. sounds like a bug06:32
Prezsomeone have an IBM X60x running edgy?06:32
brophatI got my brother (windows user all his life) to load ubuntu last night. He said the speaker icon on his desktop have a big X through it. Does he have to run a configure tool to get his sound working?06:32
PrezX60s, that is06:32
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cebraxSpliffster, after ages of scans with iwlist i am now managed to see my ap in list =) thanks for your interest on me :)06:33
Prezeverything works beautifully, except when I resume from suspend to disk, sound is dead06:33
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mrpoundsignok, I installed kde-desktop, and I don't like it -- how do I remove it all?06:34
Menasim1can anyone check this for me?06:34
mrpoundsigner, kubuntu-desktop06:34
brophatmrpoundsign you like gnome more?06:34
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cebraxSpliffster, do you know what is the command for enabling/disabling thru wired and wireless or such, i mean there was something like that that we configure... it may be a config file, do you know ?06:34
jetsaredimI just upgraded to feisty and my nvidia drivers are broken06:35
Spliffstercebrax, ipw2200* use binary firmware blobs ... if you have trouble ... it is helpfull to update the firmware manually .... 1 sec, seaching for the url06:35
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jetsaredimhow do I get them re-enabled?06:35
mrpoundsignbrophat: yes.06:35
cebraxSpliffster, thanks06:35
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mrpoundsignbrophat: for the sake of this conversation :)06:35
robinlinthWhat's the website of the deskbar? Mine's acting really strange and there isn't ANY support for it06:36
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Spliffstercebrax, i use network manager, resp. my own script. basicly what needs to be done: 1) disable wireless NIC, 2) change firewall config, 3) enebale wired NIC ... there are many ways to do this. my way is a bit special, since i use the same ip adreess on both interfaces. if you are using edgy, i can send you my script06:36
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cebraxSpliffster, yes i use edgy.06:37
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Spliffstercebrax, ok, will paste the script to the pastebin ... one sec ....06:37
cebraxSpliffster, thanks06:37
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waxyfreshaptitude says i have 20 broken packages and wants to uninstall 698 mbs of usefull stuff,my package list is fro source-o-matic.what should i do?06:39
ferronicaPriceChild: will you help me???06:40
PriceChildferronica, about?06:40
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ferronicaPriceChild: usb device06:41
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cebraxSpliffster, you there?06:41
Spliffstercebrax, check this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12177/ . in my case eth0 is my wired network card, eth1 is the 2200bg. if this script is called without any parameter it will open a dialog which asks you which interface to enable. otherwise you may call it with `interface eth1` and eth 1 is activated and firestarter is reconfigured accordingly. you might need to alter it to your needs.06:41
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ferronicaPriceChild: ubuntu unable to automount :(06:42
Spliffstercebrax, i'll be AFK 506:42
cebraxSpliffster, you are great. which language do you use to write your own script ? i really want to learn06:42
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LjL!away > Spliffster|away    (Spliffster|away, see the private message from Ubotu)06:42
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Spliffster|awaycebrax, it's not roket science, just a bash script06:42
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cebraxSpliffster|away, thanks.. very much!06:43
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exoideThere's some channel to Linux programmers?06:43
ferronicaPriceChild: what happend???06:43
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eliranI'll soon find out06:43
PriceChildferronica, I don't know06:43
ferronicaPriceChild: I think no help :(06:43
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ferronicaSpliffster: i need some help06:44
Shrimpy_ferronica: i think i had that problem06:44
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pookeyhey all - what version number is feisty ?06:45
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ferronicaShrimpy; which one06:45
ferronicaShrimpy; mobile06:45
soundraycjsoftu1: I hope they'll fix it...06:45
ferronicaShrimpy; or USB problem06:45
Shrimpy_ferronica: oops sorry, i read further up about the usb i thouhg you were talking about the ubuntu mout when starting up06:45
kazukiAnybody on the latest fesity release get ati's latest driver to work with direct rendering working?06:46
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exoideThere's some channel to Linux programmers?06:46
h00thello i've installed totem-xine w/ w32codecs but still can't play avi files ... anyone has any ideas06:46
ferronicaShrimpy; have you solved your problem??/06:46
brophati can't find jboss in the packages. has it not been made into a package yet?06:46
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Shrimpy_ferronica: kinda, when i started ubuntu it would load then go to a blank black screen saying that something was unable to mount06:47
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Shrimpy_ferronica: what problem are you having again?06:47
h00thello i've installed totem-xine w/ w32codecs but still can't play avi files ... anyone has any ideas06:47
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bronze_0_1What was the error message?06:48
ferronicaShrimpy;  my problem is regarding nokia  7710 , ubuntu unable to mount it06:48
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ferronicaShrimpy; but lsusb output showing me nokia connected06:48
Seppohello peeps, i was wondering what the right channel was to talk about LDAP/ cached credentials on Ubuntu edgy/ feisty06:48
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El_Fart0hi there, does anyone have a clue what has happened when wifi in ubuntu worked fine untill my friend used a cable one time06:49
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Spliffsterferronica, i am back, what's the matter and why do you think i could help ?06:49
El_Fart0after using wifi again it stopped working..06:49
DavidHKMrPowersis freebsd or seomthing bsd good?06:49
DavidHKMrPowersas a server06:49
SeppoEll_Fart0, is it you :)06:49
kazukih00t, you do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras    ? <-- thats for feisty only i think06:49
soundrayDavidHKMrPowers: yes, but it's offtopic here06:49
ferronicaSpliffster: i thought you may help me06:50
El_Fart0Seppo, yup :)06:50
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DavidHKMrPowerssoundray, ok06:50
DavidHKMrPowersgoing to bsd chan06:50
h00tkazuki: i have 6.1006:50
kazukione sec then06:50
Spliffsterferronica, i do if i can :)06:50
El_Fart0Seppo, what's up this sunny day in the ubuntu chan ;)06:50
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ferronicaSpliffster: i have problem regarding usb mount06:50
SeppoEl_Fart0, nerdy problems with ldap and pam-ccreds06:50
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kazukih00t, you install -> libxine-extracodecs06:51
El_Fart0I'm here for a friend whose wifi stoppped working after he used a cable one time06:51
Seppook, i'll pm you06:51
ferronicaSpliffster: i am trying to mount Nokia 7710 mobile which is connected via DATA cable (DKU-2)06:51
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dcordeswhat is the name of the program controlling the language settings in gnome?06:51
voorhees86how i configure the hrz of my monitor, dpkg-reconfigure...?06:51
h00tkazuki: ok hold on06:51
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voorhees86how i configure the hrz of my monitor, dpkg-reconfigure... whidout change the driver?06:51
ferronicaSpliffster: ubuntu unable to mount it06:52
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h00tkazuki: can't find the package06:52
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exoideThere's some channel to Linux programmers?06:53
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Spliffsterferronica, duh i don't even own a nokia phone. sorry.06:53
kazukih00t, you copy and paste that package name ? also make sure you have universe enabled and restricted06:53
kbiddvoorhees86, you could take a look at X11.conf -- if my memory serves me correctly, you can do it there (That is, if you are talking about changing the refresh rate of the X windowing system).06:53
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ferronicaSpliffster: then just tell me how to mount usb device???06:53
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pookeycan anyone tell me what version number feisty is?06:54
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voorhees86kbidd yeah, but i whant to put 60hz but there are horizsync, and vertrefresh06:54
nielfrThere is a thing I want to do with Ubuntu that just seems impossible: make it use WiFi.06:54
Spliffsterferronica, all i know is that the obex server is nice to use various mobile phones via bluetooth. if you have bluetooth you might give it a try (it wil lenable you to access it as block device, no special phone functions are available)06:54
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Shrimpy_ferronica: i think i have somthing, hold on, and don't get your hopes up06:54
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Spliffsterferronica, if you have not fiddeled with your installation, usb block devices are "automagically" mounted ... as long as udev understands the filesystem.06:55
ferronicaSpliffster: from where do i download obex06:55
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kbiddferronica, if you go to CTR-ALT-F8, and look at the system messages when you plug in the usb device, you can usually capture the device name its using... My usb flash drive usually comes in as /dev/sdc... just mount it as > mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/usbmdeia06:55
SeppoEl_Fart0, check your pm06:55
Spliffsterferronica, check in synaptic. it's called obex-server (just search for obex) AFAIK06:55
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El_Fart0Seppo, didn't get one06:56
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snezexoide: you mean linux kernel programmers?06:56
SeppoEl_Fart0, strange!06:56
adriangironaguien que me pueda asesorar con soporte?06:56
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:56
nielfrndiswrapper has wrapped around the driver and the network program tells me everything is fine: Using Wireless connection... but it simply doesn't work. I am trying Kwlan, but it doesn't want to connect and SWScanner's GUI never responds. How do I get my Ubuntu box on-line?06:56
El_Fart0Seppo, did you get mine06:56
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kazukiAnybody on the latest fesity release get ati's latest driver to work with direct rendering working?06:57
SeppoEl_Fart0, try again06:57
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El_Fart0Seppo, just did06:57
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h00tkazuki: i did found it ... everything works now ... thank you06:57
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SeppoEl_Fart0, lazy NAT I guess06:58
Picikazuki: Feisty support is in #ubuntu+106:58
kazukih00t, cool :D06:58
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LucidFoxmy Edgy didn't automatically account for DST06:58
LucidFoxwhat should I do?06:58
SpliffsterLucidFox, it did for me.06:58
SeppoEl_Fart0, #weesblij?06:59
LucidFoxmy timezone is Asia/Novosibirsk06:59
SpliffsterLucidFox, if you are in the US .. it might have not worked due to this years changes to american DST dates06:59
El_Fart0Seppo, yeah06:59
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LucidFoxno, I'm in Russia06:59
nielfrWow. Is the GUI for SWScanner home made or just slower than the webbrowser for PS2?06:59
SpliffsterLucidFox, oh ok ... just use the system clock and change it,06:59
SpliffsterLucidFox, rightlick on the clock, then select Adjust time. that's it06:59
h00tkazuki: do you know if there's something like that for totem-gstreamer package ... it wasn't working for me06:59
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LucidFoxbut when I synchronize it via NTP, it will get reset to UTC+6 again, won't it?07:00
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blu2Hi All, I am dual booting winXP and Ubuntu5.10. Now after getting everything set up I find I need more space.Is there a easy way to add more space without starting all over again?07:00
LucidFox(it should be UTC+7 for me)07:00
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SpliffsterLucidFox, ok you are using NTP, then you must adjust the timezone ....07:00
mrpoundsignHow do I re-enable gdm after installing kubuntu-desktop ?07:00
exoidesnez, No, C programmers07:00
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kazukih00t, not sure about totem, just use movie player/vlc/mplayer to play stuff07:00
ferronicaSpliffster: its obexftp07:00
kbiddblu2, although I've never used it, Ive heard that gparted can do excatly that.07:01
nielfrCan anybody tell me the secret of using wireless on Ubuntu?07:01
snezexoide: ##c07:01
yell0whey folks, where can i find some hold'em poker game software ?07:01
exoidesnez, ok I'll try07:01
ferronicaShrimpy; got anything????07:01
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LucidFoxisn't there any way to enable DST, say, in config files?07:01
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exoidesnez, I'm curious, snez comes from the name of the NES emulator?07:01
blu2kbidd, I will take a look at that application. I think I do have it installed. Wasnt sure about it though....Thanks07:02
Spliffsterferronica, aaha, thanks for refreshing my memmories. it's really cute. if you have a laptop with bluetooth and a phone with bluetooth it's really the nicest way to trransfer files. make sure you start the server (should be an init script in /etc/init.d) and you prolly can start it via gnome menue too (system)07:02
kazukih00t, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats07:02
LucidFoxI did ntpdate and it did change it properly07:02
snezexoide: no, its random07:02
LucidFoxtaking DST into account07:02
pookeywhere can I find information on what versions are called what?07:02
exoidesnez, ok07:02
nielfrDoes anyone know a channel for support for Ubuntu?07:02
LucidFoxnielfr> this channel :p07:02
ferronicaSpliffster: there is obexserver should i download07:02
LucidFoxit's the official Ubuntu support channel07:02
kbiddblu2, Again, I havn't used it myself, but from what Ive read, its supposed to be very similar to partition magick07:03
Picipookey: What do you mean?07:03
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pookeyPici: as in, what version number breezy is etc.07:03
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Shrimpy_ferronica: sorry, i got something but it does not look very good. i would try to connect it via blue tooth, but i'm sorry have you tried the Ubuntu Forums07:03
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about versions - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:03
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ubotuUbuntu and Debian have slightly different package versioning schemes, for an explanation see http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/basic-scratch.html#id252887307:03
nielfrOK. I have this problem: Wifi doesn't work. ndiswrapper has succesfully been applied and the network program tells me everything is fine: Using Wireless connection... but it simply doesn't work. I am trying Kwlan, but it doesn't want to connect and SWScanner's GUI never responds. How do I get my Ubuntu box on-line?07:03
carierplease send me ubuntu repositories list (daper drake, only defolt list) to saha131@yandex.ru sanks07:03
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SpliffsterLucidFox, sounds like a bug to me. gnome is able to automagically change time when DST changes. but the configuration must be made for every time zone seperately. it might be that it is wrong for your timezonr/location. i recommend, filing a bug. add your timezone/location to the bugreport as well as your OS version.07:03
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pestilencepookey: the version numbers are derived from the release date07:04
ferronicaShrimpy; yes i tried ubuntu forums07:04
Shrimpy_ferronica: also the website i was looking at is :  http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=06/02/24/1725240  ;07:04
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Picipookey: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames07:04
pestilencepookey: 6.06 was released in june of 0607:04
ferronicaShrimpy; i have Bluetooth toooo07:04
pookeyPici: thanks :)07:04
blu2kbidd, Nice that is exactly what I think I will need...Another question...worse case happens, how should I back up or copy my existing data?...07:04
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=== deltron is currently installing feisty beta from usb thumb drive
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kbidd blu2, you could always use something like dd, and write the binary backups to dvd... would let you restore your system if "the worst case happens"07:05
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nielfrOK. The whole system has frozen :S07:06
Shrimpy_ferronica: i would try that then, there is a little section on that web site that tells you how, although its not the best07:06
nielfrOnly the mouse responds... but it does so quite well.07:06
exoidesnez, Are you a C programmer?07:06
blu2kbidd, ok I appreciate your time..I am not familiar with dd, but i will check online for documentation..Thanks again...07:06
ferronicaSpliffster: ok i have downloded obex-server now from where to start it :(07:07
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kbiddblu2, I'll save ya the google time :-P   ( http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/ddcommand.htm )07:07
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snezexoide: partly07:07
Spliffsterferronica: i don't have it installed on this computer. it was eighter unter "application > System tools" or "System > Administration". once started, you should see a new try icon07:07
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ScatterBrainWhen's Fiestly official launch date?07:08
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ScatterBrainer fiesty07:08
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)07:08
=== jerb [n=jerb@dsl081-161-160.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
dauoalagio2hello i am having problems with sound, it was working before a restart and now it's not.  "alsamixer" works but there is no "alsaconf"07:08
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IdleOneScatterBrain, April 1907:08
blu2kbidd, much appreciated....talk with you later...Thanks07:09
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ScatterBrainCool.  Thanks all.07:09
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Spliffsterferronica: then you need to add your phone to the allowed devices .. do this (ummm .. my memmory) ... rightlick on the tray icon and play with it. you should be able to see a list of devices within range. add your phone to the allowed devices. set password if needed. that's it. once you send a file from phone to computer, a dialog should pop up askin you where to store the file.07:09
mailowhi all07:09
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IdleOnehow do I remove " window list " from bottom panel?07:09
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dauoalagio2IdleOne, right click remove07:10
DavidHKMrPowersI was kicked in #freebsd !07:10
_filippo_hi i have a ubuntu cd (but i think it's the same with any repo) how could i know which packages on the cd i've installed and which not^07:10
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IdleOnedauoalagio2, doesnt give me option to remove07:10
Spliffsterferronica: at best, it should be possible to mount your phone wia autofs or maybe via gnome .... after all, obex just mimiks an ftp server/client.07:10
kbiddanyone know the system requirements to run the latest release of ubuntu offhand?  If not, i'll just look them up myself.07:10
ferronicaSpliffster: you mean pair07:10
Spliffsterferronica: but i have never tried/done this ... just a thought.07:10
dauoalagio2IdleOne: see the like column with slits in on the right side?07:10
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Spliffsterferronica: pair sounds good.07:11
DavidHKMrPowerscan anyone her please help me ask #freebsd unban me please?07:11
Spliffsterferronica: AFK 5 gonna smoke one ... just /msg me in the meanwhile07:11
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IdleOnedauoalagio2, no I dont07:11
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ferronicaSpliffster: unable to pair dont know the passcode what toput07:11
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dauoalagio2IdleOne: have you done any editing with your taskbars?  it should be right next to "System"07:11
=== elvirolo [n=elvirolo@lns-bzn-50f-62-147-190-207.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
IdleOnedauoalagio2, right now I have 2 xchat tabs one on the left hand side and a smaller one on the right07:11
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Oritemishy guys, You know if drivers jdbc comes with ubuntu by default? If don't, how may I take it?07:12
dauoalagio2IdleOne: what? take a picture of your desktop or something07:12
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jusama14hey, does anyone know how to watch nsv streams on ubuntu?07:12
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PiciIdleOne: The window list thing that you can right click on is kinda shaped like a vertical separator07:12
IdleOnedauoalagio2, gimme a sec and a link to paste image please07:12
jusama14some use h264 codecs..other use vp607:12
elvirolohi all, i'm looking for an amarok equivalent for gnome ... i tried exaile but it uses up twice to three times as much memory as amarok does, even on gnome...07:12
dauoalagio2IdleOne: okay07:13
ferronicaSpliffster: what u said???07:13
gameoverhow can i redirect the home page of new users in my network?07:13
jusama14basically I'm looking for kplayer for ubuntu07:13
Oritemiselvirolo, nothing is like amarok.07:13
waxyfreshwrong place to ask but anyone know what key you hold down on an older ibm aptiva to get to the bios menu?07:13
LjL!players > elvirolo    (elvirolo, see the private message from Ubotu)07:13
Oritemiselvirolo, imho is the best player for linux.07:13
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kbiddjusama14, can't VLC do it?07:13
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unimatrix9hi there07:14
jusama14it can..but it's choppy07:14
nielfr8 hours and I have still not managed to get Ubuntu to use WLan.07:14
Oritemishy guys, You know if drivers jdbc comes with ubuntu by default? If don't, how may I take it?07:14
_filippo_no answer to me? :(07:14
_filippo_hi i have a ubuntu cd (but i think it's the same with any repo) how could i know which packages on the cd i've installed and which not^07:14
elviroloLjL: thanks, in fact i tried most of these07:14
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IdleOnedauoalagio2, ok I see what you mean about the slits thingy07:14
kbiddjusama14, in that case, i'd give mplayer a shot... i dont know, but if i had to guess, i'd say it supports it.07:14
jusama14and vlc doesn't seem to be play vp62...i did install w32 codecs07:14
IdleOnePici, ty 07:14
dauoalagio2IdleOne: right click, remove07:14
unimatrix9are there any developers of feisty around today?07:14
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LjLelvirolo: well, it's probably why quite a few people, when they want something like Amarok, use Amarok ;-)07:14
jusama14yeah ubuntu came with mplayer07:14
IdleOnedauoalagio2, that removes the entire panel07:14
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jusama14it had some error kbidd07:14
Pici_filippo_: the Synaptic package manager will show you graphically what packages you've installed and which are uninstalled07:15
elviroloLjL: yup :)07:15
Shrimpy_has any one here used ettercap?07:15
jusama14mplayer..movie player right?07:15
dauoalagio2IdleOne: the window list takes up a lot of it.07:15
kbiddShrimpy_, yes, but not in a while07:15
dauoalagio2IdleOne: it can be quickly replaced07:15
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unimatrix9are there any developers of feisty around today?07:15
IdleOnedauoalagio2, ok done07:15
=== sarixe [n=sarixe@pool-68-239-254-149.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Spliffsterferronica: first of all, this is a good sign. a handshake seems to work. the password is the one set in your phon .. prolly the factory setting. try it the other way 'round. try to conenct fro mthe phone to the compuer. also; find out how to reset (or set a new pw) on the phone so you know it07:15
nielfrOK. I have received this way of solving it: format the HD and install Windows.07:15
jusama14I did read somewhere that mplayer works...but when I tried to open a stream it says07:15
IdleOnebut now my xchat tab is on the right instead of left07:15
unimatrix9or is there an seperate devopers channel?07:15
_filippo_Pici: thanks i'm new to debian07:15
Piciunimatrix9: Try in #ubuntu-dev07:15
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unimatrix9ok thanx07:15
IdleOnedauoalagio2, but now my xchat tab is on the right instead of left07:15
elviroloit's a shame really ... i've always been a KDE user so i decided to test out feisty with gnome, and all works rather well but i still have to use k3b (brasero is -no- way as good) and amarok ... gaim is also quite disapointing07:16
dauoalagio2IdleOne: that makes no sense07:16
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ferronicaSpliffster: what is default password07:16
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budmananyone having issues with firefox crashing randomly?07:16
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mirrawtf is wrong with ubuntus ssh:// ?07:16
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jackson3246where are the configuration files for the gnome menu located?07:16
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Spliffsterferronica: default password (noun) some silly string set by the manufatorer07:17
mirraanyone else have problems using ubuntus built in browser for ssh:// ?07:17
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IdleOnedauoalagio2, you know how you have a tab on the bottom panel for xchat? well it is normaly on the left hand side and all tabs after open to the right of the left most tab? well now I have xchat tab on the bottom right hand side07:17
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IdleOnedauoalagio2, after removing the window list07:17
sarixehey, i'm connected to my computer through ssh right now.  I killed gdm, which, in turn, killed my vnc server.  my question is this: how do i get my vnc server up and running so i can connect to it, all from a remote ssh connection? I'd like to also know how to get the server to transfer the whole graphical interface of tty7, not just my login.  any help?07:17
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jusama14I have Mplayer movie player07:17
jusama14is that right?07:17
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nielfrDoes anyone know a channel for support for WLan on Ubuntu?07:18
dauoalagio2IdleOne: i don't use xchat07:18
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dauoalagio2IdleOne: sorry mate07:18
tony_I want to set up a local SMTP server... which one is the most user friendly and simple to set up?07:18
Picinielfr: This is the place, What seems to be the issue?07:18
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mirraanyone else have problems using ubuntus built in browser for ssh:// ?07:18
IdleOnedauoalagio2, what ever app you are using it would normaly place a tab to the left of bottom panel right?07:18
nielfrOK. I have this problem: Wifi doesn't work. ndiswrapper has succesfully been applied and the network program tells me everything is fine: Using Wireless connection... but it simply doesn't work. I am trying Kwlan, but it doesn't want to connect and SWScanner's GUI never responds. How do I get my Ubuntu box on-line?07:18
mirraim goin to rip this computer apart07:18
jusama14when i try to open the stream on mplayer it says.."Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device07:18
kbiddjusama14, yeah, mplayer plays almost every format you want... If my memory serves me correctly, you do sometimes need to find a codec pack and install it... dont remember if all codecs come built in for ubuntu or not.07:18
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crdlbmirra, are you using "connect to server"?07:19
mirrais there another program i can use to do ssh file transferring07:19
IdleOnemirra, problem is probably router related and not ubuntu07:19
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jackson3246where are the configuration files for the gnome menu located? I'd like to reset my menu07:19
jusama14yes kbidd...i installed w32 codecs if that's the codec pack you are talking about07:19
mirrano its not..i have no problems using a shell07:19
Spliffstersarixe: 1. `/etc/init.d/vnc-something start` to start the vnc server. 2. i don't know if this is possible (yet). transferring displays (ala screen) should be possible somewhen in future xorg implementations. but it's not sure07:19
dauoalagio2IdleOne: taht's what you just removed07:19
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crdlbjusama14, specify a different video out: mplayer -vo xv movie.avi07:19
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airoxHi guys.07:19
mirraim connecting to my vps..it works for a while..then just dies..but the shell works fine07:19
Picinielfr: if you type `iwconfig` into a terminal, do any of your interfaces give you any wireless settings?07:19
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dauoalagio2IdleOne: taht's what you just removed07:19
crdlbjusama14, if that works we can fix the GUI version too07:19
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kbiddjusama14, that was the pack i was talking about... try what crdlb just said... he beat me to it.07:19
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IdleOnedauoalagio2, lmao ummmnm never mind07:20
=== Ron` [n=Ron`_@bzq-88-155-40-174.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
ferronicaSpliffster: 0000007:20
jusama14crdlb how do i do that07:20
airoxI've booted the Feisty Fawn Herd 5 cd and enabled desktop effects. It is looking all great :) Is there a way to save the xorg.conf for later use ?07:20
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IdleOnedauoalagio2, ty for your help07:20
jusama14i don't understand lol sorry kinda ne07:20
nielfrNo. They all say "no wireless extensions"07:20
mirracrdlb, IdleOne  did you see what i wrote?07:20
Spliffsterferronica: heh :D07:20
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dauoalagio2IdleOne: haha, no problem07:20
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ferronicaSpliffster: i tried many07:20
=== Coma [n=john@bzq-88-155-40-174.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
airoxCause in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf there is nothing specific for AIGLX07:20
ferronicaSpliffster: no one working :(07:20
bill_i just slapped an ubuntu 6.10 server CD into my box which has two SATA RAID controllers, each with a SATA RAID configured on it, and the installer only shows me sda-sdh for the individual disks, but no devices for the arrays....07:20
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mirrais there something else I can use?07:20
crdlbjusama14, type that in a terminal07:20
airox(No Option "AIGLX" "true" or so)07:20
Picinielfr: Then it sounds like ndiswrapper didn't work properly07:20
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jusama14okay but it's not a video i'm trying to open it's a stream07:20
bill_how do i get the installer to recognize my SATA RAIDs07:20
IdleOnemirra, I saw you cursing and talking about ripping a machine apart and complaining that it must be ubuntu's fault07:21
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Spliffsterferronica: just go to your phone settings, then find the bluetooth password and set a new one. it might not be possible to find it out.07:21
IdleOnemirra, search in synaptic for ssh07:21
crdlbmirra, you can mount ssh shares with sshfs and fuse if you want to07:21
mirraIdleOne, i dont recall cursing..07:21
nielfrndiswrapper doesn't give any error messages: "driver present, hardware present"07:21
IdleOnewtf is a abreviation of a curse therefor also a curse07:21
Spliffsterferronica: it's actually a feature (a security feature so nobody can abuse your bluetooth)07:21
Dave_O`Toolf could be frig07:22
Picinielfr: I've never used ndiswrapper, so I'm afraid I'm not going to be of much help07:22
=== Heywood [n=Heywood@c-24-12-236-164.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nielfrIs there any other way then?07:22
IdleOneDave_O`Tool, and frig is slang for??07:22
waxyfreshwhile installing 5.1 i enconter tehis error kernal panic tryed to kill init07:22
HeywoodIs there a way to run both Ubuntu and XP on the same computer at the same time?07:22
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IdleOne!offtopic | IdleOne et all07:22
ubotuIdleOne et all: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:22
Dave_O`Toolrefridgerator lol07:22
ZaidenIs it possible that my Graphics card keeps giving me an error about X Windows version when trying to run the Live CD normally?07:22
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IdleOnelol Dave_O`Tool07:22
jusama14crdlb so i just type mplayer -vo xv movie.avi that into terminal?07:22
jusama14even if i'm trying to open a stream?07:22
bill_sata raid anyone?07:23
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crdlbjusama14, you can put the stream url in place of "movie.avi"07:23
SpliffsterZaiden: it is spossible, because not 100% of the available vid cards are supported. it might also be that your cd has an error. try the cd check i nthe boot menu.07:23
alucardenouf: does make use the .config file automatically?07:23
jusama14okay i typed it07:23
jusama14want me to paste what it says?07:23
waxyfreshwhile installing 5.1 i enconter tehis error kernal panic not synching tryed to kill init whats the matter?any ideas?07:23
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HeywoodIs there a way to run both Ubuntu and XP on the same computer at the same time?07:23
airoxHeywood: Yes.07:23
waxyfreshHeywood: yes07:23
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crdlbjusama14, ok07:24
airoxHeywood: It will autodetect the Windows XP partitions.07:24
waxyfresh!duel boot07:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about duel boot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:24
Spliffsterwaxyfresh: you are not using an i2o raid controller .. .are you ?07:24
jusama14STREAM_HTTP(1), URL:;stream.nsv07:24
jusama14Resolving bess.conroeisd.net for AF_INET6...07:24
jusama14Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET6: bess.conroeisd.net07:24
jusama14Resolving bess.conroeisd.net for AF_INET...07:24
jusama14Connecting to server bess.conroeisd.net[] : 80...07:24
IdleOneHeywood, run both OS'es at same time no07:24
airox!dual boot07:24
ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)07:24
jusama14that's what it says07:24
crdlbjusama14, pastebin not paste07:24
Zaqqsame computer at the same time? vmware?07:24
nielfrOK. I will try to see if I can find out what went wrong with ndiswrapper.07:24
Spliffster!tell jusama14 | flood07:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tell jusama14 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:24
=== inves [n=inves@23.Red-83-55-160.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
waxyfreshSpliffster: nope old school aptiva,no raid or  anything fancy07:24
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HeywoodI don't mean have it on the computer at the same time, I have that already. I mean actually running it at the same time07:24
IdleOneHeywood, but you can have both OS'es on same machine but only run one at a time07:24
Pici!paste | jusama1407:24
ubotujusama14: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:24
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jusama14oh ok thx07:25
PiciHeywood: Unless you want to run one in a virtual machine, like vmware07:25
budmananyone having issues with firefox crashing randomly? - I did not see answers07:25
waxyfreshHeywood: try a virtual machine progra,thats the best i can tell you07:25
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IdleOneHeywood, you can run a Virtual Windows or Ubuntu not sure how it's done Im sure someone here knows07:25
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HeywoodAlright, thanks guys. I'll do some more searching now that I actually have a term. Virtual Machine is the way to go?07:25
IdleOneHeywood, not sure07:25
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Spliffsterwaxyfresh: ok ... was worth a try. sorry can't help much. if the root filesystem (and especially /var) was mounted before ... boot into the live cd and the mount the var partition and investigate the logfiles in /var/log .... you may find more information. the current information doesn't point out a specific problem07:26
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waxyfreshSpliffster: innotek virtual box07:26
IdleOneHeywood, possible though I have seen ppl talking about it here07:26
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Spliffsterwaxyfresh: huh?07:26
Heywoodok, well, I'll look more into it. THanks07:26
crdlbjusama14, does it start playing after that?07:26
TomaszDhow do I record audio from audacious in audacity? I'm using the voice removal plugin in audacious and now I want to record it somehow07:26
pwuertzwhats the command line tool for erasing CDRW ?07:26
waxyfreshSpliffster: search for innotek virtyal machine07:27
crdlbjusama14, try just:  mplayer -vo xv
jedidoranyone know how to setup extended desktop with nvidia?07:27
jusama14that's what it says07:27
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waxyfreshSpliffster:opps sorry i sent that to the wrong name07:27
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mirracrdlb, i am looking in to sshfs but any reason why using 'connect to server' would suck after like 10 minutes07:27
majahow can i incresse the mointor frequency?07:27
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crdlbmirra, I have no idea07:28
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crdlbsshfs is mpre robust07:28
jusama14same thing crdlb..did you look at the pastebin?07:28
majacan't get more then 60hz :(07:28
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dauoalagio2hello i am having problems with sound, it was working before a restart and now it's not.  "alsamixer" works but there is no "alsaconf"07:28
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mirracrdlb, will it allow me to do the same thing in the end07:28
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crdlbjusama14, I don't think you have the right codecs07:28
Spliffsterwaxyfresh: oh i see. this might be an emulation problem. ubuntu (well debian) works great in vmware-server and qemu ... the performance is not too bad if you use the kquemu virtualisation module for quemu. quemu is gpl, vmware is free as in beer.07:28
Kevlar_SoulLINUX is green hahah   http://www.techworld.com/opsys/news/index.cfm?newsid=822607:28
IdleOne!sound | dauoalagio207:28
ubotudauoalagio2: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:28
jusama14i went to package manger and installed07:28
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waxyfreshSpliffster: the file system never been mounted this is the first time ive touct trying to install 5.10hed it in years im jus07:28
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crdlbmirra, you can mount a folder over ssh to a folder on your filesystem07:29
jusama14does the stream work for you crdlb?07:29
Kevlar_SoulFirst France NOW england07:29
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waxyfreshSpliffster: the innotek virtual machine coment wasent for you i just got confused on the name,i ment to send it to heywood07:29
crdlbjusama14, yep, but I tested it on a different distribution07:29
mirracrdlb, doesnt using connect to server mount the volumes as well?07:30
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Spliffsterwaxyfresh: try to play with the boot options .. AFAIK there is a non graphical installer. if not .. try debian. ubuntu has one big problem. it wants to run that live CD first. the live CD uses some defaults which might wreck hovac in special cases (such as yours or dubious hardware)07:30
mirrai just had to unmount them to delete the shortcuts07:30
jusama14so any ideas?07:30
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kbrosnanbudman: plugins like adobe flash and java if misconfigured can crash firefox07:30
jusama14do I have to install any other codecs?07:30
crdlbmirra, no, it only "mounts" them on gnome-vfs07:30
theacolytewhat's the ubuntu equivalent to chkconfig?07:30
jusama14vlc works when the stream uses h264 codecs but it's really choppy07:30
crdlbmirra, you can only view "connect to server"-mounted files with gnome apps07:30
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jusama14i heard mplayer can run it great..but yeah07:31
waxyfreshanyone know the command for a non graphic install on 5.1?07:31
mirrai have gnome07:31
Spliffsterwaxyfresh: aye .. ok then. if you have no logs, try to use a curses installer ... i thought there was a way to install ubuntu that way (just the plain good ole debian-installer).07:31
sacateranyone here play vega strike?07:31
budmankbrosnan: I havent configured any of them all default from easyubuntu application.07:31
cebraxHello to all, I have ubuntu which is my only partitation installed . but i need to install winshit too on this machine. how can i do that ?07:31
bill_i need help installing 6.10 server onto a hardware SATA RAID07:31
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mirracrdlb, why would I be getting this: fuse: failed to exec fusermount: Permission denied07:31
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aib_what graphical utility will break down disk usage for you?07:31
mirrai have to sudo it?07:31
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Spliffsterwaxyfresh: but first check if that iso image is ok, it's a boot option07:31
IdleOne!dualboot | cebrax07:32
ubotucebrax: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)07:32
jackson3246how do I reset the gnome menu?07:32
Zaqqcan someone pls tell me how to make the default "console mode" font smaller07:32
IdleOne!ohmy | cebrax07:32
ubotucebrax: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:32
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theacolyte!ntp > theacolyte07:32
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cebraxIdleOne, sorry for my language07:32
waxyfreshSpliffster: it should be ok it came fro the ubuntu website07:32
IdleOnecebrax, no worries07:32
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crdlbmirra, ony if the mountpoint is outside your home directory07:33
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IdleOnehey nomike07:33
Spliffsterwaxyfresh: problems while doanloading can lead to errors. it can happen. i would test it in your case.07:33
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jackson3246how do I reset the gnome menu?07:33
aib_anyone? what app tells you how much free space you've got?!07:33
mirracrdlb, i was using my home directory07:33
jackson3246aib_: just use gparte07:33
Spliffsteraib_: # du -hs07:33
IdleOneaib_, type free in terminal07:33
kbrosnanbudman: i don't know what exacly easyubuntu does, it would sill be useful to look at plugins. type about:plugins in the address bar, select all the text and copy and paste it to a pastebin service07:33
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waxyfreshSpliffster: no i meant it was orderd from the mailthe site and shippped thru07:33
jackson3246aib:_ er.. gparted07:33
mirracrdlb, the help file on ubuntu.com for sshfs says i have to add another user to the fuse group ?07:33
Spliffsteraib_: err # df -h07:33
cebraxIdleOne, well that is for those who installed windows first07:34
waxyfreshSpliffster: no i meant it was orderd from the web site and shippped thru the mail07:34
nomikei have installed edgy eft on a system with a ATI 3D Rage 128 II+07:34
crdlbmirra, that sounds right07:34
waxyfreshSpliffster: sorry my keybored really messed up07:34
crdlbmirra, edit /etc/group or use users-admin07:34
mirrathat would be my local user or remote user?07:34
jackson3246how do I reset the gnome menu?07:34
crdlbmirra, your local user07:34
nomikemy screen is in 800x600@60 Hz now, the highest I could set via system-->preferences-->screen-resolution07:34
aib_df -h was what I needed07:34
piedoggieI need some help with NFS and dual homed virtual machines.07:34
nomikewhat do i have to do to enable a higher resolution?07:34
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IdleOnecebrax, first partition hd and make some room for windows then install windows to that partition then you need to reinstall grub see !grub and then your good to go07:34
cebraxI have no windows installed and i want to.. but all my hdd space is used by ubuntu partitation07:35
mirracrdlb, does it matter if the remote user is a different name ?07:35
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jackson3246nomike: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu07:35
budmanAnyone use idefisk on ubuntu at all?07:35
jusama14any ideas?07:35
IdleOne!gparted | cebrax07:35
ubotucebrax: gparted is gparted is a GUI partitioning program, "sudo apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php07:35
[GuS] Hi!07:35
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Spliffsterwaxyfresh: i see. so then to plan b. try to figure if there is a way to install without a xorg running, ie. a command line installer. you may fiddle with the xorg config later. all virtual machines emulate some hardware (also the vid card) the ubuntu installer tries to identify it ... but might fail at that stage07:35
jackson3246nomike: actually I guess http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Edgy_Installation_Guide07:35
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budmankbrosnan: http://phpfi.com/22016807:35
crdlbmirra, specify it like this: sshfs mirra@othercomp:/cool/folder /local/mount/point07:35
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jackson3246how do I reset the gnome menu?07:35
jedidoranyone know how to setup extended desktop with nvidia ?07:35
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mirrathe remote user is different on the remote though07:36
Spliffsterwaxyfresh: the cmd installer gives you more verbous error messages too07:36
just22hi, i getta download ubuntu feisty desktop.. where can i find it?tnx07:36
baktaahCould someone help me with some graphical issues, my graphic card is running extremly slow, really tough when trying to read and it lags when I scroll07:36
IdleOnejackson3246, what do you mean by reset?07:36
cebraxIdleOne, but it tells me that is it busy and i cannot resize it.. any ideas why?07:36
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crdlbmirra, it will work if you do it with the @07:36
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waxyfreshSpliffster: i can tfind the comand line installer on teh menus,any idea?07:36
mirracrdlb, it is saying that mountpoint is not empty, and i should use nonempty mount option if it is safe.. ?07:36
kbrosnanbudman: that looks clean, unless you are crashing on pages with videos on them07:36
Spliffsterjedidor: try the nvidia settings program. you can downlaod it from the nvidia site. it might also be in the multiverse repo.07:36
jackson3246IdleOne: reset it to the default menu, as if I'd created a new user and copied their menu to my user. I can't find the configuration files07:36
IdleOnecebrax, get the live cd of gparted and boot into it then do it from there07:36
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crdlbmirra, you should use a nonempty folder as the mountpoint07:37
budmankbrosnan: compeltly random no flash etc..07:37
mirraoh i see07:37
crdlbmirra, I mean an empty07:37
Spliffsterwaxyfresh: hold a minute (or two) starting the live cd in vmware07:37
mirracrdlb, thanks..lemme try07:37
cebraxIdleOne, thanks.07:37
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:37
budmankbrosnan: any other broswers you use?07:37
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crdlbmirra, it should be empty not nonempty07:37
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jedidorOk, I have one already. It just does not have anything like that. I will take a look and see if I can find a different one then.07:37
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kurumin so um teste do irc07:38
IdleOnejackson3246, not sure how you would do that but System > Prefs > main menu or Menus and Toolbas might be a start point07:38
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IdleOne!pt | kurumin07:38
ubotukurumin: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.07:38
kuruminvaleu cara07:38
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kuruminate mais.07:39
IdleOnehmmm that was greek not portugese07:39
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mirracrdlb, i added myself to the fuse group but it still isnt letting me run the command without sudo07:39
IdleOneoh well07:39
kbrosnanbudman: I just use firefox, however Opera and Epiphany are two alternatives07:39
mirracrdlb, forget it..07:39
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IdleOnegood old mozilla works for me budman07:39
budmankbrosnan: you do any VOIP?07:40
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kbrosnanSeaMonkey is a third option07:40
budmansometimes my app opens and other times it says cannt open /dev/mixer /dev/dsp07:40
budmandunno wth07:40
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jusama14think i need to install ffmpeg?07:41
budmanumm seems I lost sound.07:41
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nomikejackson3246: And that fglrx driver thingy works with my old ati rage128 card too? I just want 1024x768 @ 70 Hz, no 3D or other stuff...07:41
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dyrnejusama14: what was you problem again?07:42
jusama14I cant get mplayer to open nsv streams07:42
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baktaahCould someone please assist me, it's getting quite annoying when the computer lags when I scroll for example or other related stuff, seems like my card isn't working correcly.07:42
IdleOne!fr | shotugal bonjour07:42
ubotushotugal bonjour: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.07:42
jusama14Vlc works...but it's really choppy07:42
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crdlbjusama14, do any streams work?07:42
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cebraxEvening all!07:42
jusama14not on mplayer07:42
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Spliffsterwaxyfresh: ok, if you use the server iso (there is a seperate server download) you get a cli installer. the server distro is not much different from the desktop, except, you must install the desktop later manually (sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop) and soem server services like ssh are already installed (which is nearly always needed) the server install, however, is absolutely minimal (250mb or so) and a very good starting point.07:43
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jusama14when i try opening a stream on the gui one it has the -vo error07:43
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waxyfreshSpliffster: ill se ifit will work07:43
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HostilePenguinrunning edgy eft off usb is the most geekiest thing ever its so cool07:43
Spliffsterwaxyfresh: good luck!07:43
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crdlbjusama14, you need to rightclick on it, choose preferences, go to the video tab, and select "Xv"07:44
HostilePenguinanyone else using usb flash ?07:44
jusama14there is07:44
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jusama14under drivers07:45
Spliffsterwaxyfresh: one more note ... on the boot screen you can hit F4 and select the vga mode. you may try to use the absolute minimum (vga 640x480x8) this might help.07:45
jusama14oh wait, nvm i see the xv07:45
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sebastiaanquite some people on the server.. sombody knows where I have to go for trouble connecting my MTP device and succesfully synchronise files with it?07:45
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Spliffsterferronica: any luck ?07:45
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morpheus74What is the bin file in my home directory for?07:46
jusama14THANKS A LOT07:46
jusama14it works man, thx a lot07:46
ShironekoGot a little question07:46
jusama14my class is almost over, thanks again..cya07:46
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sebastiaanyeah i do07:46
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ShironekoI have got an MEDION A4 Graphics tablet, and it's the last bit of hardware I need to get working07:47
Shironekoeverything works perfectly out of the box07:47
Supre_MeHey! I need some help with VNC. I can connect to other people but they can't connect to me. I'm sending my IP I get from what's my ip sites but it doesn't seem to work. I thinking, could this have something to do with my router?07:47
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waxyfreshSpliffster: still saying segmentation fault07:47
waxyfreshwhaa segmantation fault?07:47
ompaul!nickspam > joh07:47
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Shironekoexcept the graphic tablet... Do you know where I can find the drivers for this graphic tablet?07:47
PiciSupre_Me: You'll need to forward port 5900 to your computer from your router07:48
waxyfreshwhile installing 5.1 i enconter this error: kernal panic not synching tryed to kill init whats the matter?any ideas?07:48
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pookeycan someone point me to the docs for configuring X under ubuntu?07:48
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:48
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Supre_MePici, ok, thanks.07:48
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Spliffsterwaxyfresh: wwah segfaulting this time ? it got worse didn't it ? how far do you get in the bootprocess ?07:48
shaY-can somebody help me?07:49
Pici!ask | shaY-07:49
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ubotushaY-: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:49
shaY-yes but nobody helps me often with the same problem07:49
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picurI've got an ASROCK K8NF6G-VSTA motherboard with itegrated Audio, Lan and Video. I'm using Feisty Fawn... coz this is the one witch see the sound card... it says that is installed, but I can heard no sound from the speaker... any idea ??07:50
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Pici!feisty | picur07:50
ubotupicur: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)07:50
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shaY-I installed Windows XP. Than I installed Linux Ubuntu and than there is a Bluescreen when i wants to start windows with Grub07:50
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ompaulPici,  you can do factoid > user ( hi user please see message from bot thanks )07:51
IdleOne!answer ompaul07:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about answer ompaul - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:51
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:51
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ompaulIdleOne, don't go there :)07:51
Shironeko!grphic tablet07:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about grphic tablet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:51
dotnettthi i have a problem with my usb speaker i cant open it what should i do?07:51
Spliffsterpicur: feisty is still beta. if you want to help iproving feisty, go talk to the developers in the #ubuntu+1 chat room.07:51
IdleOneompaul, :P how are you ?07:51
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects07:51
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:51
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shaY-this is the blue screen07:51
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dotnettthi i have a problem with my usb speaker i cant open it what should i do?07:52
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waxyfreshSpliffster: same as before.starting system log deamon,seg falut grep symbol looku error grep ndefined symbol -q seg fault 7 times,then two lines of mod probe /lib/libc.so.6: vers 'centsign$ not found required of mod probe seg fault killed killed bus error seg fault seg fault07:52
waxyfreshteh end07:52
michoelcHi all! I had my wireless network running nicely, then I added 64bit WEP. I managed to reconfigure all my windows computers, but I can't figure out what to do with ubuntu. I tried playing around with iwconfig, but it's still not connecting. Could someone help? TIA07:52
Spliffsterdotnettt: use a screw driver ? just kidding07:52
stavpalhello. Anyone knows about binding keys-keycodes...?07:52
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mojodenbowhey gang..first time Ubuntu user here...aka n00bie07:52
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IdleOnewelcome mojodenbow07:53
Spliffsterwaxyfresh: and that's all you get to see ?07:53
dotnettthey is there anybody help me?07:53
shaY-so i should ask07:53
Supre_MePici, I don't know if this is a problem or something. But should all my computers in my network have the same IP?07:53
mojodenbowthanks idle07:53
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:53
shaY-but nobody answers me -.-07:53
ompaulshaY-, better to ask in #ubuntu-de07:53
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Spliffsterwaxyfresh: nothing happens before ?07:53
dotnettthi i have a problem with my usb speaker i cant open it what should i do?07:53
shaY-they are not asking me ompaul07:53
waxyfreshmichoelc: have you tried network config formt eh menu?07:53
cX-kadsI have problems with ssl and irc07:53
Spliffsteroh waxyfresh i gotta go ... be back later ... cu07:53
waxyfreshSpliffster: yeah theres  more07:53
PiciSupre_Me: All of the computers in your network will have the same external IP, but they will have different internal IPs.07:54
alucard i found this error when i was doing make-kpkg clean, do you have any idea if this might be responsible " Error. The version number # # configuration written to .config # is not all lowercase. Since the version ends up in the package name of the kernel image package, this is a Debian policy violation, and the packaging system shall refuse to package the image. .  Stop."07:54
dotnettt i have a problem with my usb speaker sound i cant open it what should i do?07:54
=== Steve^ [n=steve@host86-143-197-198.range86-143.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
cX-kadsdotnettt did u mount it?07:54
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Steve^How do I fix British daylight savings in Ubuntu?07:55
waxyfreshwhats a segmantation fault?07:55
stavpalI try to bind a code > keycode (setkeycodes eXXX YYY, where xxx, yyy numbers), but xev reports different number than yyy07:55
xipietotecwhere does the system keep aliases for network devices?\07:55
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:55
dotnetttcX-kads:  how?07:55
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Supre_MePici, ok. Well, I tried to portforward 5900, but nothing seems to happend when I connect from my laptop to my stationary comp. Hm, I'll check the routers support website07:55
mojodenbowI'm running 6.06 but would like to upgrade to the 7 Fiesty beta... do I just download and extract the .iso to a CD and then run the CD?07:55
cX-kadswavyfresh recompile the program that created that message07:55
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cX-kadsdotnett using mount in command07:55
IdleOne!upgrade | mojodenbow07:55
ubotumojodenbow: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:55
xipietotecI checked /etc/network/interfaces and the weird device thing I'm getting isn't even there07:55
Steve^what time is it?07:55
mirracrdlb, hey..i connected to the ssh as root..but its giving my permission errors when i try to write files07:56
mojodenbowthanks ubotu07:56
mirracrdlb, whats up with that?07:56
TeReL50cX-kads:  just mount like a regular disk ?07:56
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crdlbmirra, that's because you sudid it07:56
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dotnetttcX-kads:  may u tell me how i can do it?07:56
mirrai didnt07:56
cX-kads sudo mount /dev/usb07:56
crdlbmirra, you got it to mount without sudo?07:56
mirrait connected fine..when i was editting a file on the system with gedit..and it wouldnt save07:56
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mirrasshfs root@mymachine:/ /home/mirra/Desktop/sshfolder07:57
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baktaahDamn it07:57
cX-kadsI use usb speakers and that works for me07:57
baktaahtIts driving me mad07:57
dotnetttcX-kads:  its not there07:57
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CheshireVikingSteve^, what time it is depends on what time zone you're in07:57
baktaahCould someone please assist me, it's getting quite annoying when the computer lags when I scroll for example or other related stuff, s07:57
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Guest858Hi all. Just asked about connecting to wireless then I got disconnected. Sorry if I missed an answer.. if not, can anyone help?07:57
cX-kadsdotnett pm me07:57
mirracrdlb, if i am connected as root to the machine..why would i get permission errors????07:57
cX-kadschannel is too buzy07:57
baktaahIt lags when I scrool07:57
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baktaaheven for regular text07:57
dauoalagio2hello how can i find out the source build directory that matches my kernel?07:57
baktaahgot an ati 9600 pro07:57
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crdlbmirra, your ssh server should *not* be set to allow root connections07:57
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mirrait only allows ssh from my IP though07:57
michoelc_Sorry.. guest858 = michoelc07:58
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Steve^CheshireViking, I got Ubuntu to update now, it appears clicking auto-update doesn't give the right time07:58
mirraso it doesnt matter07:58
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Picibaktaah: Sounds like you need to install video card drivers07:58
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baktaahPici,  I got the latest already07:58
baktaahthis is really driving me mad :(07:58
dot-netcX-kads:  i did pm u and u arent there :P07:58
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baktaahPlease help me07:58
cX-kadshmmm I am talking to u in pm07:58
cX-kadsbut my irc is acting up07:59
cX-kadsso lets tak here07:59
waxyfreshwhile installing 5.1 i enconter this error: "segmantation fault" whats the matter?any ideas? s07:59
cX-kadsdot-net what is not there?07:59
mirracrdlb, before i sell my computer..could you maybe explain why i wouldnt be allowed to change files on the ssh as root07:59
alucard i found this error when i was doing make-kpkg clean, do you have any idea if this might be responsible " Error. The version number # # configuration written to .config # is not all lowercase. Since the version ends up in the package name of the kernel image package, this is a Debian policy violation, and the packaging system shall refuse to package the image. .  Stop."07:59
soundraybaktaah: run 'top' in a terminal and find out what's hogging your CPU07:59
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alucardi can't figure out why it wont compile my kernel07:59
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dot-netcX-kads:  /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab08:00
renzcan someone help me with setting up my server to get updates from behind an ISA proxy?08:00
crdlbmirra, I'm guessing that your sshd config file is preventing it somehow but I'm not sure (I've never tried it because it's a terrible idea :D)08:00
baktaahsoundray,  it isnt the CPU , it's the GPU08:00
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cX-kadsdot-net: it shouldn't matter08:00
cX-kadsdot-net: try sudo mount /dev/usb08:00
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mirracrdlb, when i used ubuntus horrible 'connect to host' i had no problems at all..and like i said my ssh only allows connections from my IP08:00
cX-kadsdot-net: and tell me the error08:00
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soundraybaktaah: what kind is it, and what driver do you use?08:00
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ikoniacX-kads: /dev/usb isn't a device08:01
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cX-kadsikonia I know but ubuntu detects it in that format08:01
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baktaahsoundray,  i use the latest ati drivers (ati.com)  9600 pro08:01
ikoniacX-kads: no it doesn't08:01
baktaahsoundray,  it's odd, it even lags when I scroll while reading some text08:01
dot-netcX-kads:  mount: /dev/usb  /etc/fstab yor /etc/mtab its not in there08:01
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dauoalagio2Hi, i am having problems with alsa..for some odd reason it has decided not to work.08:01
ikoniacX-kads: it will detect a device as /dev/usb/$X08:01
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ikoniacX-kads: unless you've messed with the udev rules08:02
cX-kadsikonia oh yeah08:02
cX-kadsikonia u are rite I did mess with my udev rules08:02
TeReL50freedom rulez08:02
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crdlbmirra, well when you do it with fuse, you're allowing any app with your privileges to have root-level access to that computer (it's much more insecure that using connect to server since then you have to authorize every app that can connect)08:02
ikoniacX-kads: then more fool you08:02
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cX-kadsikonia oopps dot-net listen to ikonia08:02
dot-netikonia:  hi08:02
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dot-netmay i pm u?08:03
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ikoniadot-net: no08:03
cX-kadsikonia whats the mount prosses for the usb plugin speakers08:03
baktaahCould someone please assist me, it's getting quite annoying when the computer lags when I scroll fand stuff, I got the latest ati drivers installed 9600 pro.08:03
ikoniacX-kads: you don't mount speakers08:03
aDDeTo begin with, I am a Linux NOOB.. But you have to learn some time right? I have problems with my graphic card. I have a ATI Mob radeon 7500 but haven't been able to find any drivers for it anywhere..  Anyone know where I can find a driver?08:03
ikoniacX-kads: unless they have a hard disk in them08:03
cX-kadsikonia I do for mines08:03
dot-netikonia:  what should i do?08:03
cX-kadsikonia they do08:03
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ikoniacX-kads: then it will probably be seen as a scsi disk08:03
soundraybaktaah: I haven't really got any suggestion for you, but I've seen similar complaints from other users of the binary ATI drivers. It might be worth searching the web, if you haven't tried that already.08:03
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ikoniadot-net: what are you trying to do08:04
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dot-netmy usb speakers not giving any sound i dont know why?08:04
xMorgawrdoes someone know a nice guide about GNOME?08:04
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dot-netikonia: my usb speakers not giving any sound i dont know why?08:04
ikoniadot-net: have you configured the sound system such as alsa to use the correct /dev/$device08:04
prybarhola.. test08:04
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dot-netikonia:  i tried to download all alsa programs08:05
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ikoniadot-net: thats not what I said08:05
xipietotecI'm trying to reach the internet through my laptop, my wife's computer is running ubuntu, and I'm plugged in through it's ethernet port, but I can't get a dhcp to the router...even though she's connected?08:05
prybarhowdy everyone.. can someone help me with remote desktop from 6.10 to 7.04?08:05
dumbalieninstalled beryl wooohoooo (linux newbie) um, don't seem to have the top or borders on any windows08:05
dot-netikonia:  i dont know how can i do?08:05
ooglabooglahello all. I've got a laptop that came with xp media center, i later added ubuntu and a swap partition. i've just now deleted the /dev/sda1 partition which contained windows and /dev/sda2 is the ubuntu '/' partition and /dev/sda5 is the swap. i want to move, merge, resize /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2 together, can I do this ?08:05
ikoniadot-net: what usb device is your speakers shown as ?08:06
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soundrayxipietotec: you have to enable connection sharing on your wife's computer. You can use firestarter to configure it.08:06
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dot-netikonia:  i cant see anything aobut it08:06
Robokopi have messed up my grub and lost it, and now i have done fixmbr from windows, how can i set grub back up08:06
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ikoniadot-net: where are you looking ?08:07
aDDeATI M R 7500 driver... Anyone know where to download?08:07
waxyfreshwhile installing 5.1 i enconter this error: "segmantation fault" whats the matter?any ideas?08:07
dot-neton the sound icon08:07
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xipietotecthankyou Robokop =)08:07
ikoniadot-net: sorry - you're not listening, so I can't be bothered helping08:07
xipietotecerr, soundray even08:07
dumbalienhelp ??? installed beryl and it working fine apart from i have now top bar or borders around windows08:07
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alucardhow can i get make-kpkg to compile my kernel if it doesn't want to and only says "nothing to do"08:07
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thapaalucard: command line?08:08
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dot-netikonia:  my english is not good like u :(08:08
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ikoniadot-net: what language is your native language08:09
pookeydot-net: apparently you can't even spell 'you' :P08:09
jammernight to all08:09
dumbalienhelp ??? installed beryl and it working fine apart from i have now top bar or borders around windows08:09
dot-netikonia:  turkish08:09
ikoniadot-net: see if there is an ubuntu turkish channel, you may find it easier to talk08:09
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:09
soundray!tr | dot-net08:09
dot-netikonia:  i am already ubuntu-tr channel :D08:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about turkey - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:10
ikoniadot-net: great, I'm sure they will help08:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about turkish - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:10
ubotudot-net: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.08:10
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dot-netikonia:  there is no one08:10
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ikoniasoundray: nice08:10
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Zennormy problem is the following: while installation he puts error: "exiting on error base-installer/no_codename"...08:10
soundrayikonia: what's that?08:10
ikoniathe tr factoid08:10
jammersomeone has problems with 2 nic installation on feisty like me?08:10
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alucardthapa: what are you asking about command line?08:10
thapahow did you call make-kpkg?08:10
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dot-netikonia:  try to explain maybe i can understand :D08:11
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ikoniadot-net: no - sorry08:11
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soundrayikonia: I can't see any tr factoid. ubotu didn't even respond to mine08:11
ikoniasoundray: I thought it did08:11
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soundraydot-net: oh dear, you've annoyed ikonia.08:11
omhai have a wired problem, my batteries are not charging08:11
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soundraydot-net: do you have a terminal window open?08:11
ikoniasoundray: I'm not annoyed08:11
dot-netsoundray: yep08:11
colbertanyone here gotten 5.1 sound working in ubuntu ?08:11
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mbdlhey if i wanted to instal linspire over ubuntu would i just install or would it over ride ubuntu... is it like windows if u install it after linux that ubuntu cant been seen from boot?08:12
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soundraydot-net: run 'lsusb' and see if any of the output lines corresponds to your USB speakers.08:12
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soundrayikonia: of course not :)08:12
Spliffsteralucard: AFAIK if you change the " --revision number " the kernel is compiled again ... an all of it08:12
ubotuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.08:12
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geniiNo, linspire is a linux dist so it can use grub like ubuntu does08:12
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soundrayNow it's worked08:12
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alucardspliffster: it still says "nothing to be done"08:13
pibarnasmbdl it depends on where you install it. Do you have a partition reserved for it?08:13
Zennoris there a known bug with the ide-controller sis963l?08:13
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mbdlgenii: so it would use grub...THX08:13
Phorenupdating to feisty, takes a long time at file 50/53 this normal?08:13
dot-netsoundray:  it says c media08:13
mbdlpibarnas: well as it stands no but ill resize ubuntus and work form there08:13
majaok i'm a total newbie. i have a question. can ubuntu see my second hdd that was formated to be used with windows xp? there is no system on it , only pics and vids08:13
Spliffsteralucard: and if you do: "$ sudo make-kpkg clean && sudo make-kpkg <your options>" it _must_ compile08:13
kittyhawkI have a bizarre question08:13
dot-netand microdia08:13
dumbalienanyone know of a good linux based home automation website08:13
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dyrne!ntfs | maja :)08:14
ubotumaja :): To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse08:14
kittyhawkit seems like the video is causing static on the audio channel08:14
soundraydot-net: good, that means the problem is not electrical.08:14
majathank you :)08:14
waxyfreshwhile installing 5.1 i enconter this error: "segmantation fault" whats the matter?any ideas? s08:14
=== kung [n=kung@dslb-084-058-249-056.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
pibarnasmbdl if you resize the partition, you can make a dual boot system, yeah.08:14
omhawhat is the KDE battery control panel called ?08:14
alucardspliffster: it won't do it, no matter if i do make-kpkg clean before hadn and run with --version (number)08:14
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geniidumbalien What sort of protocol? eg? dm512 or something else08:14
mbdlpibarnas: ya i know what program should i use to resize ubuntu08:15
kittyhawkI've noticed it on a few different machines, notably with nvidia cards (and not with my old ati card)08:15
dot-netsoundray: what will i do?08:15
mbdlpibarnas: b/c iknow u cant resize while running08:15
Kewlbtell me if this too OT or not.. I am building a new linux machine to run Dynamips to help me prepare for my 2nd CCIE lab attempt.. I have been out of hardware game for a long time.. how much better is a Pentium D compared to an Athalon 64 X2 ?08:15
soundraydot-net: run 'lsmod | snd-usb-audio' -- do you get any output? (Just say yes or no)08:15
Phorenupdating to feisty, takes a long time at file 50/53 this normal?08:15
mbdlpibarnas would i haft to do it in the live cd for ubuntu?08:15
waxyfreshubuntu wont install on my girlfrineds computer,soim loking for another os,any suggestions?it has to be easy and under a gig08:15
pibarnasmbdl gparted that exists on ubuntu-cd08:15
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Spliffsterwaxyfresh: any program can seg-fault ... its now interesting to find out which program is segfaulting and when (can you paste the boot output to pastebin or put up a camara shot of your boot screen?) sgfault means nothing .. .actually ... at least not from the point of trouble shooting.08:15
kristonHow complete is the Upstart system in Fiesty?08:16
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mbdlgparted: thx08:16
JoeninI'll find out08:16
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dot-netsoundray:  command not found08:16
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pibarnasmbdl considering you may be using the partition you want to ressize right now...08:16
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soundraydot-net: sorry 'lsmod | grep snd-usb-audio'08:16
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biberaoany of you know fonera?08:16
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pibarnasmbdl maybe it's a good idea to use a live-cd to resize, because the partition must not be in use.08:16
Spliffsteralucard: now this is strange. and the kernel sources are available at /usr/src/linux ? or is there a symlink missing ? if the sources are there, you might try to ask in #debian because make-kpkg is developed by the deb devs.08:17
=== RedKrieg [n=RedKrieg@ip68-230-209-186.rd.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
dot-netsoundray:  i tried make it and i  didnt see anything08:17
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dot-netsoundray:  just same paragraph08:17
soundraydot-net: okay, unplug the speakers now and run 'tail -f /var/log/syslog'08:17
ereI use OpenLDAP to authenticate users. To update the information in the directory I use various python scripts and GQ. What kind of software do you use to do the same? like chaning passwords, etc?08:18
smmorning all08:18
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soundraydot-net: then plug the speakers in again and see if any error messages are shown under the tail command.08:18
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pibarnassm morning?08:18
smhow the heck do I reliably find what version of (packages matching a string) is installed, at the command line ?08:18
donnie619can anybody help me?08:18
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GekiblueE: firestarter: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 108:19
donnie619can anybod speak italian?08:19
waxyfreshSpliffster: no i cant that coputer  isnt online/no diskdrive or cd burner so i have no way of pastebinning anything08:19
GekiblueI keep getting that error ^08:19
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soundraysm: apt-cache policy packagename. Please use professional language in the channel.08:19
xipietotecweird, firestarter keeps telling me it one of my devices aren't ready.  I have my laptop connected to one of the 2 ethernet ports on my wife's computer, trying to use firestarter to share the connection, and firestarter says neither of the two devices are ready08:19
CybermattHello I am trying to make a debian package and debuild fails with found eof where expected more change data or trailer at /usr/lib/dpkg/parsechangelog/debian line 156, <STDIN> line 6.08:19
Cybermattdebuild: fatal error at line 617:08:19
Cybermattproblem executing dpkg-parsechangelog | grep:08:19
thapaere: iirc there are PAM modules for LDAP, which means that you can use the usual tools (passwd ;)) for LDAP08:19
Ax3donnie619: join #ubuntu-it08:19
donnie619thx sorry ^_^08:19
aDDeHmm.. What about this one.. If I look in the device manager Ubuntu has recognized my graphic card as a Ati mobility radeon 7500 (Which it is) But when looking in "xorg.conf" it is listed as a Radeon Mobility 9000.. How come?08:19
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PhorenI am trying to update the the feisty beta, but using the command 'update-manager -d' it stops at file 50/53 on the preparing the update section, is this normal?08:19
soundrayxipietotec: did you launch firestarter with sudo?08:20
=== Jacks_Depression [n=Administ@user-0c6t0g9.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
xipietotecsoundray: yes08:20
Slartsm: there is another command too.. dpkg -l or something like that.. gives you a long list of installed packages which you can grep etc...08:20
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smsoundray: thanks for trying to help. 1 is "heck" considered out of line here ? 2 your answer doesn't seem to fit08:20
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Carollognome nawet fajne jak sie skonfiguruje, ale potrzebuje pomocy ;/08:20
joeljkpin openoffice, how do you combine a modifer (accent) with another character (greek letter)?08:20
TexJoachimhow can I set the memory size of my printer in ubuntu?08:20
loca|hosthow to install the ATI Radeon Xpress 200 graphic card driver ?08:20
Supre_MeHi, i'm trying to fix my VNC. I can connect to people but they cannot connect to me. I have followed this guide: http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Dell/TrueMobile-2350/VNC.htm (portforwarding, but it doesn't seem to work anyway!) any ideas?08:21
Carollodamn, sorry, I thought this is polish channel ;)08:21
dot-netsoundray:  i tried to paste ur pm08:21
erethapa: I know, one option. May be the best option for smaller changes + scripts for bigger changes like adding many users08:21
ShironekoOk, I need help installing an AIPTEK graphic tablet08:21
ShironekoI need the drivers08:21
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:21
smSlart: thanks, dpkg -l '*glib*' |grep '^ii' works08:21
soundraysm: 1) it's considered swearing, 2) sorry, try dpkg -l pattern instead08:21
renzsoundray: any experience updating behind a proxy server?08:22
Slartsm: you're welcome08:22
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soundrayrenz: please repeat your question to the channel08:22
Shironekonot graphic cards, graphic tablet08:22
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dot-netsoundray:  Mar 26 21:18:58 dotnet-desktop kernel: [17190578.264000]  usb 2-1: USB disconnect, address 2 and  bla bla08:22
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bill_renz: /etc/apt/apt.conf08:22
bill_renz: man apt.conf08:22
renzanyone with experience updating behind a proxy server?08:23
soundraydot-net: do not paste here, please. Use the pastebin next time: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org08:23
dot-netokk finaly i found it :D paste ;)08:23
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:23
soundraydot-net: it doesn't show the plugin event. Did you do exactly what I asked you to do?08:23
CybermattRenz: works fine for me08:23
dot-netsoundray:  i did08:24
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soundraydot-net: are the speakers plugged in right now?08:24
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renzCybermatt: did you setup any configurations08:24
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Cybermattout of the box08:24
dot-netsoundray: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12194/08:25
Spliffsterwaxyfresh: do you have a digital cmara ?08:25
Spliffsterdoh! camera08:25
waxyfreshSpliffster: nope08:25
soundraydot-net: I said next time08:25
soundraydot-net: are the speakers plugged in right now?08:25
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Spliffsterwaxyfresh: do you have paper, a pen and loads of time ? :-D08:25
renzCybermatt: hmm...interesting. thnx, but i'm getting errors and it won't read the repositories.08:25
soundraydot-net: is the tail command still running?08:25
waxyfreshSpliffster: i think ill try and download another distro for her08:25
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ZennorI have an installation problem, someone who can help?08:26
waxyfreshSpliffster: not really08:26
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l90bpmI've got a couple different guides here on mounting a ntfs windoze partition and to my understanding 3g is the way to go, correct?08:26
Cybermattdoes anyone know anything about debuild08:26
vfdwwhi, i get this error msg when i try to install my intel 945 gfx card08:26
vfdwwconfigure: error: Must have X server >= 1.3 source tree for mode setting code. Please specify --with-xserver-source08:26
dot-netsoundray: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12195/08:26
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vfdwwanyone knows whats missing? i followed this tutorial: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281275&page=1008:26
Spliffsterwaxyfresh: if you are familliar with ubuntu, you may try the latest debian sarge ... you'll feel like home in there ... it's just a bit older (=more stable)08:26
CViruswhat was the command that displayed the UUID of a certain partition ?08:27
waxyfreshubuntu wont install on my girl friends computer,so im looking for another os,any suggestions?it has to be under a gig08:27
soundraydot-net: okay, I see you don't understand what 'next time' means.08:27
waxyfreshSpliffster: ill check it out,how big is it?08:27
IdleOnewaxyfresh, google dam small linux08:27
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dot-netfor future08:27
soundraydot-net: do you have more than one USB socket?08:27
IdleOnewaxyfresh, google damn small linux08:27
Flannelwaxyfresh: there are tons of small linux things out there.  Most are liveCDs, but some arent.08:27
renzbill_: thnx. i'll look at the man page.08:27
finalbetaCVirus: ls /dev/disk/by-uuid/08:27
waxyfreshIdleOne: ive used it before08:28
soundrayCVirus: blkid08:28
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Spliffsterwaxyfresh: if you get the net-installer .. about 200megs ... ubuntu is built on debian ... so it's pretty much the same (just not as polished) .. there are also 650mb isos as you know from ubuntu. the full cd has everything you need to set up a desktop08:28
arashfls -l08:28
CVirussoundray: thanks08:28
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finalbetasoundray: and didn't know that one08:28
soundraydot-net: do you have another free USB socket?08:28
dot-netsoundray: yes08:28
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Cybermattfound eof where expected more change data or trailer at /usr/lib/dpkg/parsechangelog/debian line 156, <STDIN> line 6.08:29
Cybermattdebuild: fatal error at line 617:08:29
Cybermattproblem executing dpkg-parsechangelog | grep:08:29
soundrayfinalbeta: ubotu told me ;)08:29
ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)08:29
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finalbetahehe, ah08:29
dot-netsoundray: yess08:29
soundraydot-net: plug your speakers into that one please, and see if tail logs any more messages.08:29
dot-neti have another free socket08:29
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genii /join #ubuntu-offtopic08:29
Spliffsterwaxyfresh: debian minimal image (no desktop, cli only) http://www.us.debian.org/CD/netinst/ .  debian normal cd rom http://www.us.debian.org/CD/http-ftp/08:30
l90bpmany advice on mounting read/write NTFS partion?  (always like to hear it from someone who has, first)08:30
Zennorkernel: attempt to access beyond end of device08:30
soundraydot-net: and don't get impatient with me. Otherwise you'll be on your own.08:30
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myren_what is the default root password?08:30
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Spliffstermyren_: none08:30
Jacks_DepressionI am getting a "expected ')' before string consent" while trying to compile a LAN driver08:30
Spliffstermyren_: you must set it with $ sudo passwd root08:30
soundraymyren_: the root account is locked by default08:30
Zennorcdrom-detect: CD-ROM mount failed: device=/dev/scd108:30
xipietotecokay....this is annoying. My laptop actually tells me "This device is connected to the network" or whatever. However, firestarter tells me that both eth0 and eth1 aren't set up...despite the fact I'm connected to either eth0 or eth1 on my laptop08:30
soundraySpliffster: no08:30
Jacks_DepressionCan anyone point me in the right direction?08:30
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regiusHi! I'm trying to install ubuntu on a pendrive. I found this site https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent. It works great exept it don't save my changes...08:30
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soundraymyren_: please leave the root account locked. It is safer that way.08:30
Spliffstersoundray: what no .. it worked here ?08:31
waxyfreshis there anything else out there like edubuntu?like another kids linux08:31
myren_i'll just sudo su my way in08:31
regiusor sudo -s08:31
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=== genii ponders the evil sudo su
soundraymyren_: sudo -i is better than sudo su (environment variables)08:31
myren_good call soundray08:31
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dyrnewaxyfresh: edubuntu is basically just a few packages and a theme.  you could look for kid friendly themes and choose whatever packages you want08:31
soundraySpliffster: of course it worked, and it left your machine open to brute-force root password attacks.08:32
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ColdopmCan anyone help me with this issue: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39407208:32
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=== myren_ is just fscking a drive with ubuntu as livecd
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Spliffstersoundray: well yes this is true. but it's also open to brute force attacks to my user which has sudo rights. so what !?08:32
soundrayxipietotec: where does firestarter tell you that -- in the Prefs dialog?08:33
soundraySpliffster: big difference08:33
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chooserHello peeps. Can anyone tell me if *buntu live cd's detect other partitions yet?08:33
soundraySpliffster: the attacker must bruteforce your username as well.08:33
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Spliffstersoundray: ppl who know mw know my login name ... it's easy sniffable on the network ... blah blah bla. .. fill in all the space by yourself08:33
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thapaColdopm: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:33
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ooglabooglahow can i merge or resize my ubuntu partition /dev/sda2 with my windows /dev/sda1 partition (which i have deleted) so the space of /dev/sda2 is increased08:34
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ooglabooglaalso /dev/sda1 can be made /boot08:34
soundraySpliffster: the attacker won't necessarily know that you're setup like that. While they are trying your root account, you're protected. Besides ubuntu is designed to be administered by sudo.08:34
arodhow do I play 3gp videos with totem? I'm using feisty. video is fine but I got no sound08:34
dyrneooglaboogla: gparted livecd or the ubuntu livecd and run gparted08:35
ColdopmThapa OK can you hang tight while i try this a sec?08:35
oskar_are the beta upgradable to final?'08:35
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thapaColdopm: of course08:35
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rickyfingershey everyone what's going on?08:35
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GekiblueFirestarted won't start... It keeps giving me a 'eth0 is not ready' error... and tells me to make sure my connection is on... but clearly... my connection is on?08:35
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h00tcan someone tell me why everytime i try to uninstall something it's trying to remove meta package ubuntu-desktop ... can i proceed ... what are the consequences08:35
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xipietotecsoundray: it tells me that when I try and start the firewall it says "eth1/eth0 not ready08:35
Spliffstersoundray: security by obscurity ? i hardly ever log in as root. but sometimes it's well .. umm a life saver. i am not running a single ubuntu desktop. i am running a unix network!08:35
AaronMT!faq internet08:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about faq internet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:35
ooglaboogladyrne: i've booted from the ubuntu live cd and ran gparted but it won't let me resize /dev/sda2 towards /dev/sda1 only to make /dev/sda2 smaller08:35
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Coldopmthapa r they I driver, for example i810 for intel cards?08:36
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Flannelh00t: When you remove something that's part of the default desktop (which was installed because ubuntu-desktop was installed), you'll have to remove it.  It's just a metapackage, no big deal if you do remove it.08:36
soundraySpliffster: you are aware that security is essentially a game of probabilities, then.08:36
thapaColdopm: Google says yes :)08:36
Flannelh00t: It only comes into play when upgrading (you want to reinstall ubuntu-desktop), but I believe the new update-manager takes care of that for you.08:36
Spliffstersoundray: yes i am.08:36
dyrneooglaboogla: maybe delete the windows parittion first so that it shows up as free space.  im not sure really havent used gparted too paranoid08:36
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rickyfingersI installed a 32-bit chroot environment, or at least I think I did, I can watch flash in firefox, (had to hack the install program, though) but when I execute uname -m it still says x86_64...so is it still running in a 64 bit environment, or what?08:36
=== rushdy2 is now known as rushdy
soundraySpliffster: why would you make an attacker's job easier than necessary and disable a security measure that is designed into Ubuntu?08:37
ColdopmThapa so does ubuntu in the next step ;) brb08:37
ooglaboogladyrne: the windows partition was deleted and i even rebooted, still not able to resize /dev/sda2 towards the left, anyone else know how to do this08:37
=== HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@LNeuilly-152-23-88-99.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
vfdwwanyone has a good tutorial to install intel gfx cards? (dell inspiron 6400)08:37
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soundrayrickyfingers: uname still interrogates the kernel, which is 64bit even in the chroot. I think that's the difference.08:37
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Coldopmthapa bus id is going to be fun, should I just leave it?08:38
thapaColdopm: yes, the default values should be fine nearly everywhere08:38
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thapaso, if you don't know something, hit return ;)08:38
=== abo [n=tfh@80-47-151-20.lond-th.dynamic.dial.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Spliffstersoundray: cracklib in place, no passwd but krb5. there are times (lucke a fucked up sudoers) i would have to trash a machine. and once an attacker is in this network i have a real problem. is hould be concerned of not letting him in in the first place. shouldn't i? once compromised i must take all machines offline or wouldn't yo uagree ?08:38
geniisoundray something like how default user for files in su is still user that called su, not root08:39
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rickyfingersGot it soundray, but then howcome in the howto's it says nothing about having to alter the flash plug-in installer program?  I had to guess on that for on my own.  Not that it was an amazing feat of intellectual capability, but I would expect that if I really had to do that, there'd be a hint.08:39
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soundraySpliffster: btw, if you really need root as a life saver, you can set a root password and disable it afterwards with passwd -l. There's also the recovery mode root shell08:39
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soundrayrickyfingers: go add that hint, or suggest it to the authors, then ;)08:40
Spliffstersoundray: good to know08:40
shayadoes anyone know why when I use beryl, everything "works" except for the actuall "content" area of the windows08:40
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tienbkitcan you help me08:40
antihey guys08:40
shayaI can move them around with effects, click on menus08:40
linxehshaya: you get a black area ?08:40
antiwhat do you need help with?08:40
shayajust never updates08:40
Spliffstersoundray: is passwd like a login shell set to /bin/false ?08:40
tienbkithow to play music online ?08:40
soundraygenii: I don't get you, please rephrase08:40
shayaif I'm looking at it08:40
tienbkithow to play music online ?08:40
shayaif I switch away from X and switch b ack08:40
Flannelshaya: #ubuntu-effects for beryl support, thanks.08:40
shayaits updated08:40
Spliffstersoundray: i mean passwd -l08:40
linxehshaya: probably a bug :)08:40
linxehit might be a bug in your drivers too08:41
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rickyfingersThanks, I was just looking for the go-ahead.  What I'm afraid of is that I would suggest that, and then just annoy someone who'd be like, "gosh...shut up, N00B".08:41
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soundraySpliffster: no, it just locks the accound08:41
shaftoUmm, How do you check if 3d acceleration is turned on?08:41
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rickyfingersBecause depending on the community I'm hanging around, there's a big difference between the meaning of the word n00b.08:41
soundraydot-net: how are you getting on?08:41
Spliffstersoundray: well you might have a point there. pitty it's not an ubuntu/debian only network.08:42
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soundraySpliffster: in time... :)08:43
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thapaColdopm: any problems?08:43
shaftoUmm, How do you check if 3d acceleration is turned on? Please someone?08:43
ColdopmThapa I went through most of the steps blind, I am now back at command prompt...shall I reboot and see what happens?08:43
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thapaColdopm: no, it's not Windows08:43
Spliffstersoundray: not sure what you mean by that, i am not talking about windows ;)08:44
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thapaColdopm: invoke-rc.d gdm restart should do08:44
thapaum, *start*, in this case08:44
soundraytienbkit: it depends. Some online music just works, for some you have to install proprietary codecs or player software.08:44
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Coldopmthapa permission denied operation failed08:45
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thapaColdopm: put a sudo in front of it :)08:45
soundraySpliffster: that's a relief :)08:45
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tony_How do i restart java?08:45
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Flannel!glxgears | shafto08:45
ubotushafto: To display the FPS in glxgears, run 'glxgears -printfps' in a terminal.08:45
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Flannelshafto: it's not a benchmark, but you can get a feel fo whether 3d accel is on or not08:46
ColdopmThapa damn same x serv error....Should I try the same step with each idriver?08:46
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loca|hosthow to run an application into a display from console ?08:46
thapaColdopm: I'd rather not...08:46
thapaColdopm: can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf?08:46
geniishafto also try command:   glxinfo -l08:46
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xipietotecthis is the error I'm getting in terminal from firestarter: Adding Firestarter startup hook to /etc/dhclient-exit-hooks Internal network device eth0 is not ready. Aborting..08:47
ColdopmThapa I cant paste it no...I am on two seperte cpu's08:47
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hejaasasdHello, i installed my ubuntu with my cdrom as master .. can i safely switch it over to slave without doing anything?08:47
thapaColdopm: I know, you can use w3m from the command line08:47
l90bpmWill someone help me mount this stupid windoze partition please?  (ok, so maybe I'm the "stupid" part of this)08:48
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thapaor is the problematic system not online?08:48
ColdopmThapa I am sorta newB when it comes to cmd line and yes it is not online...08:48
l90bpmgot everything up to this part complete:  Now that you have your info on the NTFS partition, lets edit the fstab file in your /etc directory to use NTFS-3G.08:48
DBFThey, i run this command: sudo dpkg -i awcommon-server_10.80-13_i386.deb (as i am told in a tutorial i am following, to try and get maya working :@) and get the following output08:48
DBFTWarning:  Unable to locate the chkconfig utility!08:48
DBFT          This is required to add or remove the License Server as an automatically started08:48
DBFT          system daemon.08:48
DBFT          You can manually set this up or run the utility that came with you linux distribution.08:48
thapaColdopm: no problem, can you tell me the exact error message then?08:48
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ColdopmThapa Failed to start xserv it is likely not setup correctly view log to diagnose?08:49
gortizhi to all08:49
l90bpmbut this line: sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak     just brings me back to command    "basically doing nothing"08:50
Spliffstersoundray: well, to be honest root is only allwoed to log in on the local machine (or in my case admin@krb.domain) so i better give not any advices to standalone ubuntu isntalls.08:50
thapaColdopm: then I'm interested in some lines from the log :)08:50
Jacks_DepressionI am getting a "expected ')' before string constant" error while trying to 'make' a LAN driver. Can anyone point me in the right direction?08:50
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thapaColdopm: especially if some of them begin with (EE)08:50
xipietotecJacks_Depression: you've got a malformed make file08:51
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geniiJacks_Depression: Use the command sudo08:51
DBFTany help anyone?08:51
xipietoteceh, try using sudo first, yeah08:51
Jacks_Depressiongenii: I tried sudo, no luck08:51
Jacks_Depressionxipietotec: syntax looks good08:51
geniixipietotec: This is a common error when trying to compile as non-root08:51
xipietotecbut it's possible someone didn't bug check their c strings08:51
ColdopmThapa (ww) i740: no matching device section for instance (busid pci0:2:1) found (ee) No devices detected  Fatal server error no screens found08:51
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Jacks_DepressionI have 2 versions of the driver by 2 different people same issue.08:52
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thapaColdopm: so you are right, the driver is wrong08:52
biberaoany of you know fonera?08:52
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thapaColdopm: try running lspci08:53
aDDeTo begin with, I am a Linux NOOB.. But you have to learn some time right? I have problems with my graphic card. I have a ATI Mob radeon 7500 but haven't been able to find any drivers for it anywhere..  Anyone know where I can find a driver? I would like an URL.. Have read so many threads about this.. but no actual driver..08:53
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neozenhoallo all.... got a question.... for once ... how might I synchronize time in ubuntu server from the command-line automatically on startup?08:53
geniiJacks_Depression: If one has a configure file, runit to create the Makefile eg: sudo ./configure     then after sudo make clean   then sudo make then sudo make install08:53
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p_mashoanyone used a "dual screen" with nvidia gForce - want to know if there a way to "send window to right/left screen"08:53
aDDeThe problem is that the resolution look like crap when choosing res above 1024..08:53
^MiNi_D^what is the grub help channel?08:53
dyrneaDDe: if you've been reading up on this im sure you already know but ati drivers on linux are not the greatest08:54
W9ZEB-LarsWhen I...  sudo adduser,  I a set of perl warnings.  Anyone able to perhaps offer some assistance?08:54
ciaronhow do i find out what chipset my onboard ide is?08:54
ciarononboard ethernet i mean08:54
l90bpmP_masho- System tools/nvidia settings08:54
Coldopmthapa OK08:54
neozenciaron: lspci should tell you that08:54
gortizsomeone know if the ati driver will ever support compiz?08:54
l90bpmat least that is how I do it08:54
neozenciaron: run it from the terminal08:54
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thapaColdopm: is there a line with "VGA compatible controller" in it?08:55
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thapaColdopm: or at least something similar08:55
aDDedyrne: Yeah I know.. But I have also read that ppl have got it to work.. =) At the moment my beryl works just fine.. But would like to get higher resolution08:55
^MiNi_D^hi i just installed xp on a spare partition i tried to fix grub but now i get error 15 : file not found, can any1 help me?08:55
dyrne!ati | aDDe havent read this myself08:55
ubotuaDDe havent read this myself: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:55
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Jacks_Depressiongenii: no config, no dice after make clean either08:56
ColdopmThapa I cant scroll up to see the first items detected?? Sorry I am super new to non GUI ;(08:56
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thapaColdopm: Shift+PgUp scrolls up08:56
l90bpm!mount NTFS08:56
ubotumount: Tools for mounting and manipulating filesystems. In component main, is required. Version 2.12r-11ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 179 kB, installed size 400 kB08:56
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l90bpmthanks bot08:56
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aDDeOne strang thing is that the device manager list my video device as a Radeom Mob 7500, which is correct.. But when looking in xorg.conf it says Radeon mob 9000.. How come?08:56
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l90bpmthat really helped a lot08:57
Jacks_Depressiongenii: I read something about kernel sources, any ideas?08:57
ubotutime: The GNU time program for measuring cpu resource usage. In component main, is standard. Version 1.7-21 (edgy), package size 31 kB, installed size 144 kB08:57
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about timesync - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:57
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thapaneozen: ntp? :)08:57
Flannel^MiNi_D^: where is /boot? (or if you're not using boot, where is /?)  Error 15 is usually when the part of grub (stage1) in your MBR can't find the part of grub in /boot (stage 2)08:58
Flannelneozen: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/serverguide/C/NTP.html08:58
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Flannelneozen: suggest ntpd over ntpdate, but that's just me.08:58
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pc_have ppl that speeck portuguese08:58
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geniiJacks_Depression: Sometimes they need the kernel headers or source to compile. So aside from build-essential you need something like packages named kernel-source Version exactly needed found out by uname -r)08:58
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thapaColdopm: anything that looks like a graphics card?08:58
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Flannel^MiNi_D^: Oh, you just installed windows.  First link:08:58
Flannel!grub | ^MiNi_D^08:59
ubotu^MiNi_D^: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:59
Flannel!pt | pc_08:59
ubotupc_: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.08:59
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ColdopmThapa OK found it 945gm/gms/940gml Express int grf controller08:59
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l90bpmmounting NTFS read/write????????????08:59
thapaColdopm: nice, probably there is a driver for it :)08:59
Pici!fuse | l90bpm09:00
ubotul90bpm: Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse09:00
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ColdopmThapa OK but my dilema is how to get it onto notebook ;p09:00
l90bpmok, so what about read only?09:00
l90bpmwas not aware it was unsafe09:00
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Jacks_Depressiongenii: 1.6.17-10-generic, where to I look for said source?09:00
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B_166-ER-Xeh, is there a bug with Nautilus with the latest update ? or something ?09:01
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thapaColdopm: you are sure that it is not on your installed system?09:01
B_166-ER-Xmy Nautilus keeps crashing and i have no idea why09:01
ardchoilleJacks_Depression: Is that a typo? Shouldn't it be 2.6.17-10-generic ?09:01
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geniiJacks_Depression: A good way to search for packages is use the apt-cache search function. eg: something like   sudo apt-cache search kernel|grep headers|more09:01
ColdopmThapa, might be but how do I install it?09:01
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neozenthapa: Flannel: thankee09:02
ColdopmAll forums I have read suggest i810, which is the one the cd installs and does not work ;(09:02
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bobak256am i online?09:02
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l90bpmthat guide should get it, thanks Pici09:02
ardchoillebobak256: yes09:02
geniibobak256 Yes09:02
Jacks_Depressiongenii: Yes, hand typed. My fault. I'm checking now09:03
xipietotecanyone tell me why this is happening? the device *is* working, just firestarter is being stupid: Adding Firestarter startup hook to /etc/dhclient-exit-hooks Internal network device eth1 is not ready. Aborting..09:03
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thapaColdopm: I'm searching :)09:03
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base_slashineed help i want to install this program called aircrack-ng09:03
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geniixipietotec: Sometimes eth1eth2 and up need their mac address added to /etc/iftab to consistently work properly09:04
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thapaColdopm: you could try using the driver "vga", just to test if the X server works at all09:04
dumbalienHelp, got beryl working but have no window borders or top bar09:04
xipietotecgenii: I'll try that, thanks! =)09:04
geniixipietotec: np09:04
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base_slashhello can anyone help me?09:04
ardchoilledumbalien: #ubuntu-effects for beryl support09:04
ColdopmThapa VGA is the super generic?09:04
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xipietotechuh...it's allready there09:05
ardchoillebase_slash: With what?09:05
ubotuntp: Network Time Protocol: network utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.2.0a+stable-9ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 256 kB, installed size 464 kB09:05
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thapaColdopm: you got it :)09:05
thapaColdopm: 640x480, 16 colors, something like that ;)09:05
xipietotecgenii: weird, it's allready in /etc/iftab09:05
ZaidenVGA might work?09:05
Jacks_Depressiongenii: no return value on typed string09:05
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geniixipietotec: Looks like firestarter-specific issue then09:05
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geniiJacks_Depression: What dist you have? eg Dapper Edgy Feisty09:06
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ardchoillebase_slash: What do you want help with?09:06
base_slashi want to install this program called aircrack-ng09:07
abasinisvacanti'm looking for a file that i just downloaded.  what's the terminal command to do that?09:07
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Jacks_Depressiongenii: I have no idea09:07
ColdopmThapa no such luck ther either....this is saddening, I do NOT want to run MS period....my destop has run Dapper and Edgy fine and I am in love....09:07
quaali just synced my disks in raid 1 array with mdadm, now fdisk -l gives /dev/md0 does not contain a valid partition table?09:07
neozenbase_slash: ok09:07
quaalwhat is this09:07
Jacks_Depressiongenii: downloaded it less than a month ago09:07
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate09:07
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thapaColdopm: believe me, I can absolutely understand you, I have to work with Windows at school ;)09:08
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ardchoillebase_slash: sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng09:08
neozenbase_slash: its in the repositories you should be able to install via apt or synaptic09:08
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base_slashit says that i need to extract the files to a directory09:08
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thapaColdopm: one last idea, can you handle any text editor from the command line?09:08
WorldBFreeis there a checksum file i can use to check my ubuntu cd?09:08
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neozenbase_slash: which files... what directory09:08
WorldBFreeor moreso the file i burnt to cd09:08
neozenbase_slash: and what is "it"09:08
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ColdopmThapa have not used one yet but I learn pretty fast.... sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf~  /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:09
Coldopmgksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf?09:09
base_slash-i am not shour it says that but i cant even mount the HD because ubuntu wont detect it09:09
ardchoillebase_slash: That is in the repos, easy to install09:09
iqonWorldBFree, there's a file with checksums listed on the download page09:09
genii!headers | Jacks_Depression09:09
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ubotuJacks_Depression: To install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages09:09
skulridive downloaded some files with amule, but the files just are not in the folder it says they are. how can I find them?09:09
Coldopmthapa oooops09:09
thapaColdopm: gedit only works when an X server is running ;)09:09
neozenbase_slash: keep in mind.... we can't see your screen... what you're looking at... or the tutorial you have open..... so you're going to have to learn to be more descriptive09:09
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teeparkWhat do I do about this problem with the multiverse repository? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12200/09:09
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KouHello everyone.  I have a noobish question concerning how I can create an SSH server with Ubuntu.  Is anyone willing to help me?09:10
CamaxtliColdopm: console editors: pico/nano/vim09:10
neozenKou: its really easy09:10
CamaxtliColdopm: I recommend nano/pico09:10
Pici!ssh | Kou09:10
ubotuKou: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/09:10
thapaColdopm: nano :)09:10
base_slashthe program is called aircrack-ng09:10
base_slashoh wait09:10
base_slashgot it09:10
neozenKou: do you have your own keys... or do you want them to be autogenerated?09:10
WorldBFreeiqon: i see it now thanks.  i had to select download first09:10
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vikingrhi.. i've got a notebook with an intel gma950 graphics chip. i read on several forums that it runs pretty well (50-80fps) with this chip. unfortunately it doesn't on my notebook (core2duo 1.83ghz, 2 gb ram) as i only get about 10fps. here's my glxinfo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12201/ (direct rendering is set yes)09:10
thapaColdopm: so, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:10
skulridive downloaded some files with amule, but the files just are not in the folder it says they are. how can I find them??09:10
Coldopmthapa ok09:10
neozenKou: if this server is for personal use... you probably want them autogenerated09:10
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vikingr... i read that the game "sauerbraten" runs pretty well09:11
Kouneozen: should I be running the server or desktop edition?  I went into the package manager with the desktop edition and didn't find openssh-server there so I wiped the drive and booted with the server edition.  Bad move?09:11
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neozenKou: it doesn't matter09:11
soundrayskulrid: if you've finished downloading them in the last 10 minutes, try 'find $HOME -mmin -10'09:11
KouWhich would be ideal?09:11
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neozenKou: you can install the openssh-server from either09:11
genii!info linux-source | Jacks_Depression09:11
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neozenKou: depends on your preference09:11
ubotujacks_depression: linux-source: Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB09:11
thapaColdopm: look for the line with "BusID" in it09:11
KouI really just want the computer to act as a file dump for my PC.09:11
neozenKou: lol... then you probably won't need a gui09:12
thapaColdopm: F6 is search09:12
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neozenKou: the server edition would probably be best for your purposes09:12
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KouThough so.  So then I'll stick with the server edition.09:12
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neozenKou: and it will leave alot more space to store your .... collection09:12
Kou...Of music.09:12
hejaasasdHello, i installed my ubuntu with my cdrom as master .. can i safely switch it over to slave without doing anything?09:13
neozenKou: sudo aptitude install openssh-server09:13
neozenKou: that will do everything you need09:13
NickGarveyhow can I set up my repos to use the daily build for feisty?09:13
Coldopmthapa, lol give me one sec, messed up my keyboard when changing driver ;p09:13
FlannelNickGarvey: #ubuntu+1 for Feisty support, thanks09:13
Xbehaveis there any ppis there an easy way to add tags to mp3s in bulk if its a CD?09:13
neozenKou: run it from a terminal on a gui system.... or the console from a server distro09:13
skulrid<soundray> it showsme the files, but why are they not on the folders? how ma i suppose to open them?09:13
NickGarveyFlannel, I really really really thought I was in that channel, very sorry09:13
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NickGarveyFlannel, its open.. must have bumped it heh09:13
FlannelNickGarvey: it happens ;)09:13
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Xbehave*is there an easy way to add tags to mp3s in bulk if its a CD09:13
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neozenKou: got it?09:14
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ardchoilleXbehave: Easytag can do some bulk tag editing.09:14
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soundrayskulrid: the output of that command includes the name of the folder where the files are.09:14
neozenKou: you'll also want to update your repositories every once in a while09:14
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thapaColdopm: Control+W also searches, if F6 doesn't work09:14
neozenKou: just to keep the server secure09:14
FlannelXbehave: there are also rippers that check CDDB and doall that fancy stuff.09:14
neozenKou: sudo aptitude update09:15
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neozenKou: sudo aptitude upgrade09:15
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skulrid<soundray>the folders either are empy or dont exist...09:15
neozenKou: that will get you up to date09:15
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skulrid<soundray>this is weird, iv changed the output folder to a folder on my desktop, the file downloads but then thers nothing in there...09:15
KouWait.  So sudo aptitude install openssh-server.  I then get a few options about installing now, later, etc.09:15
quaalis it normal for fdisk -l to give a raid 1 device Disk /dev/md0 doesn't contain a valid partition table09:15
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neozenKou: install now09:16
neozenKou: lol09:16
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soundrayskulrid: can you paste one of the result lines (just one please)09:16
Kouyea yea09:16
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WorldBFreewhere on the 6.10 installation disc can i find the files vmlinuz and initrd.gz?09:16
neozenteepark: you still there?09:16
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skulrid/home/nuno/.aMule/Incoming/Nuno Markl - H? Vida Em Markl 40.mp309:16
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ColdopmThapa sorry i am getting really fruterated here......I will brb ok?09:17
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thapaColdopm: five minutes?09:17
neozenKou: for a windows pc I can recommend putty as a ssh client09:17
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spankdidly1anyone get beryl to work on feisty fawn?09:17
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thapaColdopm: I'll have to go to bed soon ;)09:17
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Flannelspankdidly1: #ubuntu+1 for Feisty support, thanks09:17
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soundrayskulrid: .aMule is a hidden directory. Make sure that nautilus shows hidden files and directories via Preferences09:17
NickGarveyFlannel, you are fast09:17
neozenKou: and for file transfers via scp or sftp I can recommend winscp09:18
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spankdidly1ah ok thanks09:18
rickyfingers_is fiesty officially released, or is that in April?09:18
donnie619Can anybody help me?09:18
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Picirickyfingers_: April, this is just !beta09:18
ubuntuEdgyguys whats this all about    WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!     @09:18
neozendonnie619: that is debatable09:18
soundraydonnie619: jack up your car?09:18
kazim86donnie619: we hope so... ask your problem09:18
Bonaldo2000My ubuntu just freezed in the desktop and I could not do anything. This hasnt happens before. What might be the cause? Is it "what happens" or could it be serious?09:18
NickGarveyubuntuEdgy, perhaps.. you reinstalled the computer?09:18
skulrid<soundray> where can i change that?09:18
donnie619so, I've just installed a usb modem on ubuntu09:18
ubuntuEdgyNickGarvey:not at all09:18
rickyfingers_ubuntu-edgy: I bet you just re-installed ssh or something close to that.09:18
neozendonnie619: in future ... just state your problem... and we'll see what we can do09:18
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neozendonnie619: ok09:19
bill_ubuntuEdgy, you changed your sshd keys... you need to remove them from your .ssh/known_hosts09:19
donnie619but i've got a problem with the pppd call alice09:19
neozenKou: you all set up now?09:19
soundrayskulrid: nautilus is the file manager. Edit-Preferences should give you an option on one of the tabs09:19
rickyfingers_ubuntuEdgy: bill_'s got it.09:19
MalachiI did something a LONG while back to prevent KDE apps from showing up on my GNOME menu. Now, I'd like to get them back, but I have no idea what I did. Any suggestions?09:19
ColdopmThapa, ok I really appriciate you trying to help.....!09:19
donnie619cuz it starts writing codes09:19
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ubuntuEdgy bill_: i only changed it address09:19
neozendonnie619: wow... its been so long since I've worked with modems under linux09:19
donnie619lol i'm a newbie,09:19
neozendonnie619: give me a sec... I'll dig up a howto09:19
thapaColdopm: you're welcome, I'm only running out of time :)09:19
WorldBFreeis there a place i can download the vmlinuz and initrd.gz files to put in a directory to boot from iso?09:19
donnie619you've understoode it09:19
donnie619thx neo09:20
WorldBFreei cannot seem to find them in the iso09:20
Kouneozen - It's installed.  I have to go drop my roommate off on campus.  I'll pester you some more when I get back if need be.  Thank you.09:20
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neozenKou: my pleasure09:20
bill_ubuntuEdgy, you must have changed it to one that you already had a stored key for, so you need to remove the stored key that doesn't match the current machine at that address09:20
neozenKou: enjoy your file dump09:20
skulrid<soundray> thnaks I can see the files now :)09:20
ColdopmThapa you were a great help.....I will figure it out09:20
rickyfingers_WorldBFree: is it that you can't boot from CD but can from floppy?09:20
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thapaColdopm: okay, otherwise tomorrow, same time? ;)09:21
hejaasasdHello, i installed my ubuntu with my cdrom as master .. can i safely switch it over to slave without doing anything?09:21
ColdopmTo be honest I would not be surprised if MDG puts hardware in that makes it as hard as possible to not use MS09:21
WorldBFreerickyfingers, well i finally found a blank cd laying around at work but the disc has an error on it and wont load.  i want to boot the iso from hdd09:21
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ubuntuEdgyso do i just delete every thing in this file .ssh/known_hosts, this really scared me by the way09:21
donnie619oh, I was so happy when I installed the modem after 3 days09:21
kazim86i want sshd to listen on some other port than 8009:21
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donnie619and now I can't connect!09:21
geniiKIt shouldn't be listening on port 80 to begin with09:21
Picikazim86: It usually listens on 2209:21
nevermindhejaasasd: shouldnt be a problem, just do an fdisk -l afterwards09:21
kazim86Pici: thats blocked.... can i make it listen at 8080...09:22
nevermindand in case your drive changed, correct the line in /etc/apt/sources.list09:22
nevermindthat corresponds to it09:22
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Xinxintoday I installed feisty on a machine with Vista already installed, and when I rebooted it ran vista. what should i do to fix that?09:22
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WorldBFreerickyfingers, i saw how to boot from hdd but i need the files vmlinuz and initrd.gz to be placed in the proper directory.  i cannot seem to find these files09:22
nevermindsshd doesnt listen on 80, kazim8609:22
arkanesXinxin: you need to install a bootloader09:22
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nevermindsshd listens on 2209:22
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Xinxinarkanes: yes, grub should have been activated and installed by the setup process, no?09:23
Picikazim86: I would think that editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config should change it09:23
IdleOne!grub | Xinxin09:23
ubotuXinxin: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:23
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MalachiXinxin: It should be; have you noticed it?09:23
rickyfingers_WorldBFree: I think it's possible, but it's unusual.  I never heard of doing that, but in theory, I think it's possible.  The thing would be to put an image of a first stage boot floppy on your HD, but that would blow away anything you had on the floppy.  What kind of resoureces are you working with?  CD's are about $0.35 cents a piece.  That's not a lot of money, but I know money doesn't grow on trees.09:23
nevermindkazim86: for further info "man sshd_config"09:23
nevermindworks all the time;)09:23
Xinxinubotu: thing is, it's not after installing windows. it's after installing ubuntu!09:23
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ZaidenIs there a way to have the Live CD detect my graphics card and not the onboard card?09:23
rickyfingers_WorldBFree: I meant blow away anything on the first partition of your HD.09:23
CamaxtliXinxin: You can boot Ubuntu as well?09:24
WorldBFreerickyfingers, its not about cost its just that i dont have any laying around and would save myself a trip today09:24
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hejaasasdnevermind: thank ill try :D09:24
neozenXinxin: that's a known problem with vista09:24
rickyfingers_Zaiden: mabe you can disable the on-board graphics card in the bios.09:24
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nevermindZaiden: sure, disable the onboard card could do a great job for ya;)09:24
Xinxinneozen: is there a solution?09:24
donnie619yes xin09:24
donnie619forget about vista09:24
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WorldBFreeive booted from an iso before with another distro, it works very easy, you just need two files and to edit the menu.lst09:24
Xinxindonnie619: not an option, sadly09:24
Zaidennevermind: How do I do that?09:24
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neozenXinxin: seems to mess with the bootsector even after it changed09:24
sisplauwhat time is it?09:24
nevermindZaiden: at pc boot press "del" key09:24
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nevermindZaiden: if its a laptop, might be f209:25
nevermindZaiden: thatll lead you into bios09:25
rickyfingers_Zaiden: you can also make a bootable mem stick...if you're in for some tinkering.09:25
nevermindZaiden: your basic pc os09:25
Kevlar_SoulGreenpeace said LINUX is Green today09:25
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neozenXinxin: I'll take a look09:25
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rickyfingers_WorldBFree: : you can also make a bootable mem stick...if you're in for some tinkering.09:25
neozenXinxin: wait 509:25
Kevlar_SoulTo use Linux rrather than MS09:25
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Xinxinneozen: ok, thx for the help09:25
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Kevlar_SoulEngland did a business study and said its cheaper to use linux09:25
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donnie619neozen, sorry, have you find out that link? :)09:25
Petariscan anyone tell me what the name of the network config binary is?09:26
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Kevlar_SoulIf everyone uses Linux, that'll suck09:26
ZaidenI think the reason I keep getting an X server error is because it never detects the graphics card I have, but the onboard card.09:26
Kevlar_Soulwe wont be special09:26
donnie619ah to everybody, sorry 4 my english09:26
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:26
neozendonnie619: nope.... sorry09:26
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thcmonkeyright i've set up a windows network  on my ubuntu machine09:26
neozendonnie619: take a look in the forums @ ubuntuforums.org09:26
donnie619nooooooooo!!! oh, it doesn't matter :)09:26
thcmonkeybut when i connect to \\charlie-desktop from my xp machine it asks me for user and password...09:26
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Xinxinanother question: outbound irc connections are blocked by the firewall at my workplace. is there a way to access this channel, say over the web somehow?09:26
nevermindKevlar_Soul: one hot tip for our brits: dont spy on your folks, and youll have some money to spare;L=)09:26
sisplaudonnie619: how do you from?09:26
neozendonnie619: search for your modem's model number and such....09:26
thcmonkeybut i try my username and password on ubuntu machine and it doesn't work09:26
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donnie619Italy sis :)09:27
rbilZaiden: if that is the case then blacklist the onboard video if there's no other way to turn it off in BIOS or switches on mobo09:27
Kevlar_SoulXinxin:  use a different port, you can set the ports manually....dont have to use 66709:27
donnie619oh but that log is quite strange09:27
sisplauim fron spain09:27
geniiXinxin: You may be able to find some outise site running cgiirc09:27
donnie619how can he write codes when i press pppd call alice09:27
donnie619ohhh de Espana,09:27
XinxinKevlar_Soul: but i need a server with that port, no? i only have a client09:28
nevermindguys, please stay english;)09:28
ZaidenWhen I'm in the BIOS, how do I blacklist the Onboard?09:28
neozenXinxin: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=371530&highlight=vista09:28
sisplausorry ;D09:28
neozenXinxin: that might work for you09:28
donnie619oh estudio el espanol tambin :D09:28
neverminddonnie619: what do you mean by "write codes"09:28
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neozenXinxin: best of luck09:28
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donnie619let's say that09:28
Kevlar_SoulXinxin: most servers accept many ports09:28
rickyfingers_Xinxin: some irc clients let you choose the port to connect on.  I don't know if this would work for sure, but just connect on port 80, then write a little c program that listens on 80 and writes everything to port 660 or whatever the common irc port is, then it might work.09:28
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donnie619when I write pppd call alcie09:28
donnie619he starts putting codes09:29
donnie619without a sense09:29
donnie619like =?=)?=("09:29
geniiXinxin: The cgiirc program is a web based interface to irc. But if you run it inside your firewall it still will be locked out of course. However you may find some site that lets you put int he server address, that is using this program09:29
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neverminddonnie619: those are connection strings09:29
rickyfingers_Xinxin: I would say that, if you can connect on port 80 to a server, do that. They won't shut that one down at work.09:29
momI have a printer connected to this machine (ubuntu dapper) and can print from it fine. How can i print to it from a Windows XP Pro machine?09:29
neverminddonnie619: they make perfect sense to your modem;)09:29
Kevlar_SoulXinxin:  TYPE ./server   irc.server.org  ### <---port number09:29
donnie619you alread know that I'm newbie09:29
Kevlar_Soul./server SERVERADDRESS  SERVERPORT09:29
donnie619In Italian Slang we say "niubbo"09:29
neverminddonnie619: everyone is at some point09:29
mom(i just realized my nick is mom...)09:30
SayersWhat's the alternative to AmoraK for Gnome?09:30
=== neozen nods
Xinxinrickyfingers_: you know any servers running on port 80? :)09:30
ubotuWords like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.09:30
neozenmom: lol09:30
nevermindSayers: there are plenty, i like totem09:30
dcordesjust wanted to try09:30
Xinxinneozen: thanks. unfortunately, i did something like that and don't get the grub menu at all...09:30
donnie619in any case,09:30
neozenXinxin: drag mon09:30
donnie619when it starts with those strings09:30
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rickyfingers_Xinxin: Just about every doggone web server in the world.  That's why it won't get blocked, unless they want to block like the whole internet.  On the other hand, they can still block specific domains...09:30
donnie619it doesn't connect09:30
neozenXinxin: I honestly don't know what to tell you...09:30
Xinxinrickyfingers_: um, i mean an IRC server running on port 8009:30
neozenXinxin: I don't run vista09:30
neverminddonnie619: eventually you need to set some params for alice09:30
ozubuhi all09:30
Sayersnevermind : I want a cool one , just for media09:31
SayersI mean songs*09:31
neverminddonnie619: i dont use alice, so i wouldnt know exactly, might try google up on it though09:31
ozubuI am trying to enable a wifi card on a LG laptop09:31
donnie619I've configured it09:31
ozubucan any help me ?09:31
neozenXinxin: you problem is due to something funky that vista does with the boot sector09:31
donnie619but I don't understand why it goes on like that09:31
nevermindSayers: rythmbox09:31
nevermindSayers: the name says it all09:31
rickyfingers_Xinxin: someone above said that you can give your IRC client a command to connect on an arbitrary port. If that's so, 80's usually not blocked.09:31
XinxinXinxin: yes. i have no clue about that tho, sadly09:31
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momI have a printer connected to this machine (ubuntu dapper) and can print from it fine. How can i print to it from a Windows XP Pro machine over the network?09:32
Xinxinrickyfingers_: yes, but which server can i connect to to access #ubuntu on port 80??09:32
LadyNikonozubu: does it have a wifi switch? that needs to be turned on?09:32
nevermindozubu: please "sudo lspci"09:32
Xinxinrickyfingers_: if you don't know, that's fine....09:32
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nevermindozubu: please also "lspcmcia"09:32
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nevermindozubu: so we find out what card you have09:32
Sayersnevermind : Rythmbox is blargish09:32
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nevermindozubu: the rest should be a piece of a cake09:32
neozenmom: wow... consider yourself lucky..... printing from linux is... iffy09:32
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nevermindSayers: what do you mean by "blargish"09:33
rickyfingers_Xinxin: the command is /server hostname port-number09:33
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=== Slart [n=markus@c83-254-170-200.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
neozenmom: you'll need to use samba on the linux machine to share the printer09:33
donnie619ahhhhhhhhh I hate usb modems09:33
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Xinxinrickyfingers_: ok whatever09:33
iskinGetting an "Error authenticating some packages" from libgl1-mesa* and can't upgrade to Feisty. Is there any way around it?09:33
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ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:33
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neverminddonnie619: word on that, now we gonna write mail to the companies;)09:33
kayak_mattIs there a bug with printing which caused a several minute delay for items sent to the printer? I have noticed this in the past.09:33
momneozen: i have samba installed, how do i configure it to share the printer?09:33
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rickyfingers_Xinxin: what I don't know is how true it is that most IRC servers will allow you to connect on any port.  Let me see...09:33
neozenmom: well.... that depends....09:33
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donnie619oh good09:33
neozenmom: there's a lot of ways to do it09:34
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ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:34
geniiXinxin: There is a cgiirc interface you can type in the server particulars here:  http://irc.oasis-open.org/cgi-bin/cgiirc/irc.cgi I just tried it with irc.freenode.net and it works fine09:34
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BudtskeSwitched to ubuntu today, i can mount all my drives fine, but 3 of them keep giving permission denied errors except on root (have done chown -R *user*:*group* and chmod 666) any idea ?09:34
neverminddonnie619: actually i have no prob with usb, i just have a prob with all the closed protocols that companies use over it, that make it darn hard to actual write device mods09:34
donnie619yeah i see09:34
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donnie619so you say that09:34
donnie619it's a configuration problem?09:34
neozenwho's got experience setting up swat?09:34
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donnie619and those "arabian" strings are normal?09:35
neverminddonnie619: id guess so, from what ive read from ya09:35
Budtskeneo: i just did09:35
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neverminddonnie619: yes, they are09:35
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donnie619ok thx, now I've got something09:35
neverminddonnie619: if youre kind of ace, you may read from those chars whats wrong09:35
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Budtskeneozen: http://copia.ogbuji.net/blog/2006-01-26/The_madnes , except remove the comment after the user, and dont use root09:35
neozenBudtske: you mind talking mom through it... she's trying to share a local printer on her linux machine...09:35
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donnie619oh, I haven't understood lol,09:35
momlol im a he for the record09:36
donnie619"kind of ace"09:36
donnie619what does it mean?09:36
neozenmom: lol09:36
sisplausiamo amichi :P09:36
momthis is mt moms computer lol i forgot to change the nick09:36
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neverminddonnie619: pro/freak09:36
neozenmom: lol... that's ok09:36
neozenmom: sorry about the mistake09:36
trondHow do I start a program minimized in the gnome-session manager09:36
dcordesok mom09:36
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kayak_mattHas anyone else experienced printing delays?09:36
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neozenmom: on irc, you can change your nick by using "/nick nicknameyouwanttouse"09:36
nevermindtrond: do a program --help in the shell09:37
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nevermindtrond: and look if it has an option for minimizing09:37
d1gitalthere we go09:37
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neozenthere you go09:37
Budtskeneozen: shares i can handle, printers i have no experience with (print$ share with drivers right??? )09:37
neozenBudtske: well... the printer seems to work just fine in linux....09:37
neozenBudtske: shouldn't be too difficult to share09:37
neozen_shouldn't_ being the key phrase09:38
=== neozen smiles
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nevermindshort note on side... whenever i get in here its scrolling that fast, are you guys 24/7;)09:38
Budtskeneozen: setting up swat on ubuntu was a bitch, just switched from debian today09:38
d1gitalyes, i can print fine from the computer it is connected to09:38
Budtskeneozen: "a bitch" being still way easyer then any debian problem ive encoutered though :>09:38
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neozenBudtske: great09:39
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kayak_mattd1gital: And there is no delay when you print?09:39
neozenwonder why we recommend it then09:39
nevermindBudtske: nother q, whats cheaper;)09:39
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rickyfingers_Xinxin: well, I just tried it, and I can tell you that not every irc server will just let you join on any port.09:39
d1gitalkayak_matt: not that i have noticed09:39
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ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)09:40
colbertAnyone here have 5.1 sound working from their sound card ??09:40
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Budtskeanyway, back to my question09:40
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BudtskeSwitched to ubuntu today, i can mount all my drives fine, but 3 of them keep giving permission denied errors except on root (have done chown -R *user*:*group* and chmod 666) any idea ?09:40
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FiRaRdAinstall java command ??09:40
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nevermindRedRose: thx, yea, read that on some major german newspages, you guys making quite some waves=)09:40
ubuntuEdgyhi , i have a issue here , after moving my hard drive about i on gparted it now tells me its "unallocated"09:40
Artemis3anyone who uses beryl in edgy has noted considerable slowdown switching tabs inside firefox? (and always going into gray for a while)?09:40
BudtskeFiRaRdA: sudo apt-get install java-common09:41
rickyfingers_No, but I do have sound card problems.  If I try to adjust the volume using the main gnome volume control (over by the time) I get no more sound until I reboot. Anyone know what that is?09:41
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nevermindBudtske: in case , have you checked the default fs on em?09:41
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nevermindBudtske: you usually cannot mount a swap partition09:41
Budtskeyes, ext309:41
FiRaRdABudtske: Ok! Thanks..09:41
neozend1gital: I'm looking09:41
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Budtskenevermind: im verry sure of the fs type and can access them fine under root09:41
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RedRosenevermind, WHat?09:41
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nevermindBudtske: i guess you tried the fsck.ext3 -fy /dev/yourpart09:41
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Budtskenevermind: doing so now :>09:42
nanihow to create VPN in Linux?09:42
rickyfingers_Budtske: but you could boot off a boot disk, and dd an image of whatever's in swap.09:42
ubuntuEdgyis there any way to get my data back09:42
sarixehi, does anyone have a good recommendation for a console-based email client, that is relatively easy to set up with SSL/TLS, and is able to handle attachments?09:42
neozennani: O.o ... a fun one09:42
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alucardhow do i get mkinitrd on ubuntu09:42
adaptrsarixe: mutt does all that09:42
theacolytenani: do you want to connect to a vpn or set up a vpn server?09:42
neozenadaptr: really..... awesome09:42
nevermindfor vpn server: openvpn as one of many09:43
sarixeadaptr: i tried mutt... but i couldn't figure out how to set up a mail account09:43
nanitheacolyte: i want to setup a vpn server09:43
nevermindfor vpn connection, try pppd09:43
sarixerealize that i'm coming from thundebird.09:43
adaptrsarixe: heh...09:43
ubernewbhey all anyone have a good howto for 64 bit freenx09:43
adaptrsarixe: well, perhaps man mutt would help ?09:43
sarixeadaptr: thanks.  i didn't think of that... brb09:43
=== bluefox83 [n=bluefox@dynamic-acs-24-239-249-234.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
rickyfingers_ubuntuEdgy: whew....I'd try booting off something like the knoppix cd, and first of all run cfdisk and see if that tells you anything about partitions, and then try mounting them...I'm assuming fstype is something easy like ext3?09:43
IcemanV9how do i restart evolution-data-server? i do not see one in /etc/init.d.09:43
Budtskeif i look at them in root i can copy anything to another partition a normal user has access too and works fine, doubt its a fs problem , i must be forgetting some simple permission stuff09:43
theacolyte!openvpn @ nani09:43
neozend1gital: man smb.conf will give you all the information you should need09:43
ubotuopenvpn: Virtual Private Network daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.7-1 (edgy), package size 317 kB, installed size 948 kB09:43
neozend1gital: lots of reading though09:44
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neozend1gital: but when you finish.... you will be a samba god09:44
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neozend1gital: lol09:44
adaptrneozen: so I take it you are ?09:44
mtrcnhello, I installed Mepis09:44
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nevermindIcemanV9: evolution-data-server is part of evolution client, right?09:45
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nevermindIcemanV9: i could be wrong though09:45
d1gitalwell then man smb.conf | grep printer should make me a printer sharing god :-)09:45
mtrcnand  I want to install my webcam09:45
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artzneommmm what room in spanish? mmmm09:45
neozenadaptr: samba god? ..... #@$#@$32 no.... but I'm reading it now09:45
mtrcnI found an instruction (http://coffee3.org/2007/02/02/syntek-webcam-linux-05e10501/), but I dont know how to do?09:45
neozenadaptr: lol09:45
nevermindartzneo: eventually #ubuntu-spain09:45
IcemanV9nevermind: you could say that, but it is a "server" for its client09:45
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nevermindartzneo: but i dunno09:45
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LadyNikonartzneo | !es09:45
neozend1gital: lol... perhaps09:45
artzneomm thanks nevermind09:45
nevermindIcemanV9: still its not a daemon, so dont look in /etc/init.d09:45
IcemanV9!es | artzneo09:45
kevinhello, when i try to install xchat-systray it wants to remove xchat09:45
ubotuartzneo: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:45
nevermindIcemanV9: if im right, init.d stands for initialize.daemons09:46
neozenmtrcn: ok.. what part of it are you having trouble with?09:46
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kevintanyone have any ideas?09:46
=== genii sips a coffee and thinks about server message blocks
d1gitalor i could always just start screwing around with the conf file and hope i dont screw anything up09:46
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IcemanV9nevermind: yea, i thought it would be there, but it is not ... i just want to restart it after modifying the config file09:46
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d1gitalwow screw without screwing... i love my word choice09:46
Oritemisguys, how do I disable temporally the iptables?09:46
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neozend1gital: lol.... well... just back it up before you edit it09:46
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nevermindIcemanV9: try a killall -HUP yourprocessname09:46
mtrcnneozen: I dont know how to apply patch09:47
beobahey, when installing mutt, why does it need to also install postfix?09:47
d1gitaldid :-)09:47
nevermindIcemanV9: *might* work09:47
beobanot 'recommends', either09:47
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:47
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xtknightRichiH: did you call my name earlier ?09:47
rickyfingers_d1gital: just cp conf conf.bak before you do anything09:47
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IcemanV9nevermind: ok.09:47
ubotupatch: Apply a diff file to an original. In component main, is optional. Version 2.5.9-4 (edgy), package size 93 kB, installed size 188 kB09:47
sarixeadaptr: i tried... but i just couldn't do it09:47
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neozenmtrcn: lol... that should do it09:48
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adaptrsarixe: my best wishes are with you :)09:48
bluefox83anyone here tried e17 for ubuntu yet?09:48
Chai_Sangeenhello everybody09:48
mtrcnneozen: what way? how?09:48
sarixeadaptr: you have any other client suggestions?09:48
neozenmtrcn: wait... looks like there's no need to apply the patch anyway09:48
Oritemisguys, how do I disable temporally the iptables?09:48
iskinbluefox83: Yes. It works alright09:49
neozenmtrcn: take a look below the ad09:49
Chai_Sangeencan anyone help config the driver for epia board? i have the M1000 CLE266 direct rendering is not enabled.09:49
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dcordeswhen i try to boot my edgy, it freezes after the splash screen appears. when i boot the recovery mode it boots up fine. i used startx then to get a gnome session. any ideas on how i can solve this?09:49
sarixeadaptr: guess not09:49
=== sarixe leaves
neozenmtrcn: and you might want to look on the ubuntuforums for this.... will have more relevant guides09:49
snezyeah, my printer takes at least 10 seconds to print a single page09:49
kevinanyone know why I cant install xchat-systray?09:49
Chai_Sangeenits running edgy with mythfrontend09:49
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nevermindChai_Sangeen: i guess you googled, those stuff is always so special....09:49
nevermindChai_Sangeen: cannot make general suggestions09:49
trondBluefox83: Will it ever be released? :b09:49
neozenmtrcn: I take it you're trying to enable this webcam under an ubuntu derivative?09:49
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dougieHow would i go about making my media card reader work in ubuntu? It's built into my laptop.09:49
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bluefox83iskin, i'm having issues configuring things, and there is like, absolutely no documentation on anything yet...09:50
trondbluefox: They have coded on that thing since the start of this decade? :)09:50
ardchoillekevin: Do you get an error? If so, what is the error? What is preventing you from installing it?09:50
neverminddougie: if it doesnt yet, youll need to compile the driver prolly09:50
disasmI got an odd python issue... Using pyraf (astronomy software), it tries to import module LinearAlgebra (which is part of numeric) numeric is installed from ubuntu, and breaks a lot of things if removed. The version in ubuntu doesn't contain module LinearAlgebra. If I download numeric, and install it manually to anywhere but /usr it still has issues, if I install it to /usr it works fine though, any suggestions?09:50
neverminddougie: but first, check with an lspci09:50
Chai_Sangeennevermind, well i searched google and ubuntu forums but couldnt find anything interesting except openchrome09:50
bluefox83trond, i'm in it right now...you can install it via apt if you add their repositories to your sources.list09:50
neverminddougie: and then if he has it, try some card reader app, if it may access it09:50
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holycowdougie, if it doesn't work right away chances are its not supported on linux at all09:50
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ferronicaAny one here expert in mobile phones????   :(09:50
neozendougie: or look up in the forums with your laptop model number and card reader09:50
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trondbluefox83: I am fine in Beryl and Emerald thanks :)09:50
neozendougie: might get lucky09:50
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disasmI was possibly considering building a new python-numeric package, but I've never built a python package before...09:51
nevermindChai_Sangeen: tell me a bit more bout that hw, whats it built in, is it a laptop, a pc, a server09:51
mtrcnneozen: yes I'm using Mepis09:51
nevermindChai_Sangeen: the component doesnt say a thing to me exactly;)09:51
disasmpackage being deb09:51
adaptrsarixe: try pine, I may have been confusing the two :)09:51
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dougie06:09.3 Mass storage controller: Texas Instruments PCIxx21 Integrated FlashMedia Controller09:51
dougie think this is it?09:51
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Chai_Sangeenit used to run windows on it but im converting everyting at home to linux so no experience with this board.09:51
theacolyteanyone know a good snmp/mib browser with a GUI?09:51
ubotuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)09:51
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bluefox83trond, yeah i'm thinking i might go back to gnome...i been waiting on enlightenment's e17 for a long time, i had high hopes..it's clean and all..but there's no documentation and it's a pain to configure...09:51
neozenmtrcn: aaah09:51
neozenmtrcn: ok09:51
neozenmtrcn: well welcome09:52
IcemanV9nevermind: found it in top and restarted it; thanks for pointing it out to another way to restart it. :)09:52
Chai_Sangeennevermind, i tried using knippmyth and video was working fine .... but still i won't give up on edgy :)09:52
neozenmtrcn: what model of camera?09:52
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nevermindChai_Sangeen: in case, try to boot the livecd, try it, if theres anything not working, make a short list, and put it on some page09:52
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bluefox83and whoever said "if it doesn't work right away, it probably doesn't work in linux" is wrong09:52
xtknightdisasm: it's a conflict of installations.  (if /usr works but nothing else does)09:52
mtrcnneozen: by the way, I'm from Turkey, nice to meet you!09:52
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neozenmtrcn: ah...09:52
xtknightdisasm: if for example /usr/local doesnt work then you need to set some variable to be pointing to /usr/local instead of /usr09:52
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neozenmtrcn: I'm in chicago, US09:53
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phuzzieso, I just hooked up a USB ext. hdd...how do I find what device it is for mkfs and mount?09:53
iskinbluefox83: Have you done 'enlightenment-remote help' ion the command?09:53
neozenmtrcn: what make/model of camera?09:53
mtrcnneozen: Bus 001 Device 004: ID 05e1:0501 Syntek Semiconductor Co., Ltd09:53
nevermindChai_Sangeen: yeah, edgy is a hell of a system, best os i have ever seen and ive seen many09:53
Chai_Sangeennevermind, good idea ... i'm noting everything down so ill post it on some website... when done...09:53
mtrcnmy lsusb's result09:53
frojndhello! how can I get info about size of the installed package (before I do sudo apt-get install package) ??09:53
bluefox83dougie, my girlfriend's computer has 4 built in card slots for flash media cards, she never had to do anything to get them to work, they just did09:53
disasmxtknight: yes, I even tried removing /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages from my PYTHONPATH env var and it still fails09:53
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kevinardchoille, I have xchat, xchat-common, and xchat-sys already installed, when i try to install xchat-systray through synaptic it tells me i need to remove xchat and xchat-sys, if i click ok its returns an error saying "xchat-systray: depends xchat but its not going to be installed09:53
nevermindChai_Sangeen: including lspci and lsusb output09:53
nevermindChai_Sangeen: just in case;)09:53
bluefox83iskin, no, didn't know that was an option!09:53
neozenmtrcn: I was looking more along the lines of a model number off the bottom of the camera itself09:53
neozenmtrcn: but I'll see what I can do09:54
dougienevermind: is this it? 06:09.3 Mass storage controller: Texas Instruments PCIxx21 Integrated FlashMedia Controller09:54
dougie06:09.4 Generic system peripheral [0805] : Texas Instruments PCI6411/6421/6611/6621/7411/7421/7611/7621 Secure Digital Controller09:54
disasmxtknight: what I'm really wondering is why ubuntu's version doesn't have LinearAlgebra?09:54
xtknightdisasm: hmm well it sounds like you're a step ahead of my suggestions09:54
neverminddougie: yes, so your sys knows it09:54
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iskinbluefox83: It will show youall the configure options but it still isn't very intuitive.09:54
neverminddougie: good chance its already working09:54
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disasmxtknight: thanks for the help09:54
bluefox83iskin, i just did, nothing happened...09:54
dougienevermind: ok so...how do i get it to mount or what not?09:54
xtknightdisasm: linearalgebra, it's a python module?09:54
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ardchoillekevin: I've heard quite a few people say xchat-systray isn't all that great. Why do you want it if you already have xchat?09:54
neverminddougie: fdisk -l09:54
Chai_Sangeennevermind, yeah  gotta love it even removed my osx from my macbook and running only edgy....09:54
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disasmxtknight: it's part of numeric09:55
neozenmtrcn: looks like a driver is in the works09:55
xtknightdisasm: ill see what i can do i hate giving up on things09:55
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neozenmtrcn: http://syntekdriver.sourceforge.net/09:55
disasmxtknight: some reason ubuntu removes it (it's in debian)09:55
dougienevermind: no output09:55
xtknightdisasm: oh what's the pkg name for Debian?09:55
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neverminddougie: write "sudo fdisk -l"09:55
neverminddougie: has to work;)09:55
morrolanHi, is there a seperate channel for Ubuntu-server by any chance?09:55
mtrcnneozen: Yes...09:55
ubotuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support09:55
neverminddougie: on the other hand, try "sudo dmesg |grep sd"09:55
bluefox83dougie, from my experience, flash card readers auto-mount... my girlfreind's just lets you slide the card in and you go to places-. computer and it's listed as a drive09:55
drewzfI have vnc4server configured on a server, everything connects okay but I get a grey screen post-login. I have modified my gdm.conf to enable gdmlogin to run for remote-greeting and xdmcp is turned 'on'09:55
kevinardchoille im using Konversation right now, i like the sys tray feature it has but I want to get away from KDE apps09:55
drewzfWhere else should I look to resolve the issue?09:55
disasmxtknight: python2.4-numeric09:55
phuzzienm, found it looking through /var/log/messsages, I guess it choose sdb09:55
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ardchoillekevin: Ah, ok.09:56
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dougienevermind: ok it worked....but it only lists my 2 hard drive partitions09:56
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Chai_Sangeennevermind, i just downloaded imedia distro i think its debian based... will check it out and report back....09:56
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Flannelmorrolan: this is it.  That factoid is wrong.09:56
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bluefox83dougie, did you slide a card in?09:56
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trondIs the firestarter daemon named "watchdog/0"?09:56
neozenmtrcn: they should have a guide on how to install their driver and what is supported09:56
iskinbluefox83: I meant 'enlightenment_remote help'.09:56
xtknight!info python-numeric | disasm09:56
ubotudisasm: python-numeric: Numerical (matrix-oriented) Mathematics for Python. In component main, is optional. Version 24.2-5build1 (edgy), package size 176 kB, installed size 656 kB09:56
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dougiebluefox83: yes its in09:56
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trondStarting it without gui and I am unsure whether it is running09:56
kevinardchoille are there any other full featured irc clients out there09:56
neozenbluefox83: looks like he did... it shows up in lsusb09:56
disasmxtknight: I think I might have found something, my debian system has python2.4-numeric-ext installed, looks like they separate it, attempting to add that to ubuntu right now, will let you know what happens09:56
bluefox83dougie, very odd...sorry it's not working as expected09:56
morrolanThanks Flannel09:56
neverminddougie: then try this "sudo dmesg |grep sd"09:56
iskinYou might want to pipe it thru more too.09:57
morrolanHi, I've just installed ubuntu-server, and I'm struggling to create an SQL database?09:57
xtknightdisasm: see the message from ubotu, also !universe and !multiverse09:57
neverminddougie: that should show you any "sd ..." media09:57
RoundyT1morrolan, do you have a gui installed?09:57
ardchoillekevin: I use irssi (I dislike gui's) and I hear bitchx is good too, but they're both text-based.09:57
dougie[44964.932000]  tifm_7xx1: sd card detected in socket 309:57
dougie[44966.044000]  tifm_sd: card failed to respond for a long period of time<6>tifm_7xx1: demand removing card from socket 309:57
disasmxtknight: I have universe and multiverse already ;-)09:57
andred__My usb disk isn't mounted automatically on bootup, but if I do "mount /media/Data" it is mounted. What could be wrong? Here is my fstab line for the drive:  UUID=4576-DE1E       /media/Data      vfat      defaults,iocharset=utf8,umask=007,gid=46    0      109:57
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neozendougie: in the future ... when buying a camera... be sure it supports the v4l (video4linux) standards or they have a positive review for it....09:57
Flannelmorrolan: Alright.  Do you already have some flavor of SQL installed?09:57
morrolanHi, I've just installed ubuntu-server, and I'm struggling to create an SQL database?  I tried:  mysqladmin -u username -p create databasename09:57
xtknightdisasm: is python-numeric not the package you were looking for?09:57
neverminddougie: that does not sound too good09:57
kevinardchoille ok thanks09:57
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neverminddougie: try to insert nother card09:57
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drewzfI have vnc4server configured on a server, everything connects okay but I get a grey screen post-login. I have modified my gdm.conf to enable gdmlogin to run for remote-greeting and xdmcp is turned 'on'09:57
neverminddougie: maybe just got a bad one;)09:57
neozendougie: they handle a lot of the webcam type stuff09:57
xtknightdisasm: it replaces the debian pkg you mentioned, python2.4-numeric09:58
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morrolanFlannel it isn't on this machine, it is on the other side of the room and I've ssh'd into it09:58
dougieneozen: i can connect it via usb no problem i just want the car reader to work09:58
morrolanmysql is installed09:58
mtrcnneozen: but I didnt find anything :(09:58
RoundyT1What is the best program to edit php websites and things with?09:58
neverminddougie: then try nother usb port09:58
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neverminddougie: also sometimes works for me with usb crap:09:58
RoundyT1or base phph sites off of09:58
dougienevermind: its not a usb port lol its the card reader09:58
cyrisis their an equivellent to system-auth ?09:58
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neozenoh wait... sorry dougie.. that wasn't for you09:58
neverminddougie: 1. connect the usb device09:58
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Flannelmorrolan: Ok, did you set a mysql root password yet?09:58
neozenmeant for mtrcn09:58
Sayersfor some reason the built in CD writer doesn't let me write on a cd more than once... ?09:59
neverminddougie: 2. power off and power on the usb device09:59
disasmxtknight: that package is installed, I'm testing python-numeric-ext right now, app takes a while to run though09:59
neverminddougie: 3. insert media09:59
morrolanahhh, no?  I get an error saying that access for username@localhost is denied09:59
neozen(this is what I get for trying to handle more then one problem at once)09:59
morrolanmaybe that's the problem Flannel?09:59
JebJoyahey, having wireless card issues on a fresh ubuntu install, Device Manager lists "88w8335 [Libertas]  802.11b/g Wireless", but is not listed in Networking - any suggestions?09:59
dougienevermind: yeah the camera works through usb just fine torkinghe card reader is built into my laptop thats what i'm trying to get w09:59
disasmxtknight: haha, it works, they just split the python package up into two parts!09:59
Chai_Sangeennevermind, my file browser keep freezing when trying to access smb shares or usb drives why is that do u have the same prob?09:59
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dougienevermind: yeah the camera works through usb just fine the card reader is built into my laptop thats what i'm trying to get working09:59
xtknightdisasm: bit confused but if it works that's all that matters :P09:59
neverminddougie: try to disable some stuff in bios that you dont need right now, might help too09:59
Flannelmorrolan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#head-b61e938a59a33a4e3a56552fa81a5ae0eec86651 should get you up and running09:59
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neverminddougie: in case its a conflict09:59
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disasmxtknight: thanks for your help, without your question of what version was on debian, I would have never realized the additional package ;-)10:00
neozenmtrcn: what's the exact model of camera10:00
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xtknightdisasm: call me socrates :P10:00
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neozenmtrcn: not what shows up in lsusb...10:00
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neozenmtrcn: but the one that the company addresses it as10:00
xtknightdisasm: wait a minute though, was it -ext or python-numeric itself which contained what you needed?10:00
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disasmxtknight: now I can make a lot of angry astronomers happy again ;-) We upgraded a bunch of machines in the department and it broke pyraf ;-)10:00
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morrolanFlannel thanks, i'll look at that right now :)10:01
mtrcnneozen: it is built-in cam on my asus desktop10:01
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ColdopmAnyone have an idea of what is the best Peer to Peer file sharing program for mp3's? My gnutella stopped loading for some reason....10:01
disasmxtknight: python-numeric was already installed, it was python-numeric-ext that added the LinearAlgebra stuff10:01
xtknightdisasm: ahh ext cnotains   * Linear Algebra (LAPACK)10:01
mtrcnneozen: sorry... laptop10:01
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neozenmtrcn: generally... if you don't find something on video4linux 's site for your cam.... it MIGHT be supported on linux..... but it WILL be difficult to set up10:01
dougieis there a way to clear dmesg so i can see whats new? lol10:01
disasmxtknight: yup10:01
neozenmtrcn: if indeed it can be set up at all10:01
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neozenmtrcn: this... is why you research before you buy10:01
neozenmtrcn: sorry10:01
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disasmxtknight: well time to mass install python-numeric-ext, and it to my install script ;-)10:02
lenaud01I do sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin says its installed where is it?10:02
dxdemetriouhow can I configure a modem? I tried 3 types and doesn't work10:02
neozenmtrcn: look in the documentation on that driver site I mentioned10:02
ferronicaany one here help me regarding  mobile phone???10:02
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neozenmtrcn: perhaps it will work for you10:02
ColdopmAnyone have an opinion of the best p2p file sharing program??10:02
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xtknightlenaud01: `dpkg -L phpmyadmin`  to see a list of installed files.  that will guide you in the right direction10:02
dougienevermind: can you clear dmesg so that i can see what messages are new?10:02
neozenmtrcn: that's all I can recommend10:02
kingcobraColdopm, what network u talkn bout10:02
neozenColdopm: them's fighting words10:02
dyrneferronica: what was the question?10:02
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neozenColdopm: lol10:02
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lenaud01thanks xtknight10:03
neozenColdopm: matter of preference10:03
mjrColdopm, I'd have to say gnunet, but of course there's not much peers there10:03
cyrisDoes Ubuntu have something similar to fedoras /etc/pam.d/system-auth ?????10:03
mtrcnneozen: thanks for your interest10:03
ColdopmKingcobra I used GTK-Gnutella but for some reason it won't load anymore so i am looking for another10:03
ferronicadyrne: i am trying to use my nokia 7710 in ubuntu 6.06 LTS10:03
cyrisis it /etc/pam.d/common-auth ?10:03
kingcobradoes anybody know is there a native linux driver for wifi device bcm431810:03
mtrcnneozen: I will try again10:03
ferronicadyrne: but ubuntu unable to automount10:03
mjrcyris, yes10:03
ferronicadyrne: please help me..........10:03
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neozenmtrcn: for future reference.. what make/model is your card10:04
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d1gital/nich ubotu10:04
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dyrneferronica: well when you attache the phone and do dmesg | tail  does it mention a node like sda or sdb?10:04
Coldopmmaybe I will try to reinstall it and see what happens, pretty sure it searched them all, bearshare, limewire etc10:04
xtknightkingcobra: bcm43xx although you may need to rip firmware from a windows driver10:04
kingcobraColdopm, i suppose things are different in linux but hav ya checked slyck10:04
d1gitaldarn lol10:04
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d1gitalno one saw that o.O10:04
xtknightkingcobra: i dont know about the bcm4318 specifically10:04
neozenkingcobra: the native driver is iffy10:04
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xtknightnative driver worked for my bcm43xx10:05
Sayersis there a program that can make a chart of my computers performance?10:05
xtknightworked great10:05
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neozenxtknight: nice10:05
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kingcobraneoncode, what is wrong with it10:05
xtknightSayers: what kind of performance?  just everything like HD/mem/cpu?10:05
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mtrcnneozen: I dont know, only Syntek is writed by Asus10:05
kingcobraneozen, what is wrong with it10:05
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Sayersxtknight Yes problem is for some reason acpi doesnt work to well10:05
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neozenkingcobra: the only way i've seen it work is via ndiswrapper10:05
xtknightSayers: `glxgears -printfps` to test GL.  `sudo hdparm -Tt /dev/sdx` to test a HD (unbuffered/buffered)10:05
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wastrelglxinfo | grep render to test GL10:06
neozenxtknight: did you have to recompile your kernel?10:06
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ColdopmOK so I removed GTK-Gnutella then reinstalled it and it will not load for me, anyone have any ideas?10:06
xtknightSayers: bogomips is listed in the device /proc/cpuinfo , should be a reasonable indication of CPU10:06
drewzfCould anyone address my lack of gdmlogin with vnc4server please?10:06
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Sayersxtknight you wouldn't know how to fix my ACPI problem would you?10:06
disasmxtknight: if you're up for another question, any suggestions for using cpan to mass install to perl modules to 50 machines?10:06
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xtknightneozen: nope10:06
disasmSayers: whats your acpi problem?10:06
neozenxtknight: apparently the revision number of the hardware also has something to do with whether the native driver works properly10:06
xtknightneozen: not that i remember....10:06
kingcobraneozen, do you know what is wrong with the native linux driver10:06
xtknightneozen: i may have used a new kernel that included bcm43xx but i dont remember having to apply any fixes10:06
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xtknightneozen: this was suse i think anyway10:07
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neozenxtknight: kingcobra: on rev 02, it didn't seem to be happy10:07
xtknightSayers: i might.  what acpi problem?10:07
d1gitalif i'm on a WEP secured network and im the only one with the password.. is it safe to share / or is it still shared to "the world"10:07
dyrnedrewzf: is there a reason you dont want to just run gnome-session or whatever? you need gdm?10:07
xtknightdisasm: cpan?  dotn know never heard of it.  what about a debian repo?10:07
Sayersxtknight : Well the fan runs at full throttle which on windows was usually quiet .  Also when I turn the computer off I still have to turn it off, and hibernate doesn't do what it's supposed to10:07
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Renu23i can not burn at 1x10:07
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neozenkingcobra: stick your output of lspci in the pastebin10:07
drewzfdyrne: No. I just need a GUI for VNC10:07
ferronicadyrne: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12217/10:07
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neozenkingcobra: and paste the link10:07
drewzfdyrne: I should replace gdmlogin with gnome-session?10:07
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dxdemetriouwhen I put an internal modem on my pc must I do something else before the gnome-ppp?10:08
kingcobraneozen, broadcom dont provide a lin driver do they, its made by community is it10:08
drewzfI'm trying to connect from WinXP to Ubuntu Edgy Eft10:08
xtknightSayers: use userspace governor for your CPU (instead of the default 'performance governor').  it might require a recompile though those are the keywords you should be looking for10:08
cX-kadsHi there I am having problems with xchat and irc10:08
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Renu23can anybody tell me how to burn an iso at 1x?10:08
xtknightSayers: what CPU exactly?  intel core duo?  intel core 2 duo?  intel pentium D?  amd athlon 64?10:08
Menasim1how can I get packages from debian?10:08
maddog39cX: what problem are you having with IRC?10:08
ferronicadyrne: have you checked???10:08
Sayersxtknight Good ole pentium 4 single core processer, nothing special10:09
neozenkingcobra: yes... the driver has been reverse-engineered by the community.... for some cards in this series its been known to work... for others, it doesn't10:09
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xtknightMenasim1: sudo apt-get install <pkgname>  will get them from the Ubuntu repositories (debian-based)10:09
mjrMenasim1, you don't, but pretty much all of them are in the universe repo if not main10:09
xtknightSayers: oh, full PC or laptop?10:09
Renu23i don t have system tools in applications menu why?10:09
quaalhow do i set the default browser in ubuntu?10:09
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dyrnedrewzf: well when editing the ~/.vnc/xstartup file gnome-session would work i think but for example i have just startxfce4& or sometimes startfluxbox&   do this run vnc then at the x window try running gnome-session or maybe there is a startgnome though im not sure of that10:09
xMorgawrguys... i have a serious problem.. i accidentally removed dpkg from /usr/bin (i did sudo rm /usr/bin, don't ask me why).. how in heaven's name can i get it back? if i dont' have it i can't install packages >.<10:09
neozenkingcobra: I've got a solution for getting the card to work using ndiswrapper10:09
neozenkingcobra: if you're interested10:09
Sayersxtknight: Full10:09
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xtknightxMorgawr: sudo apt-get install dpkg  ?10:10
drewzfdyrne: I don't get a terminal10:10
NickGarveyxMorgawr, I um.. wow10:10
drewzfWhen I log in to VNC10:10
cX-kadsRenu23 u can edit ur menu by going to System > Preferences > Menu Layout10:10
dyrnedrewzf: gnome-session and gnome-pangel would work id think10:10
xMorgawrit says it can't exec dpkg.. you NEED dpkg to install packages10:10
xtknightnot sure if apt-get uses dpkg directly10:10
neozenkingcobra: should make the card supported by network-manager-gnome and allow you windows-style point&click wireless networking10:10
wastrelxMorgawr:  boot from rescue disk and cp ?10:10
wastrelro just mount rescue disk and cp i guess...10:10
dyrnedrewzf: remove the gdm and put like twm& or something10:10
xtknightah k well i guess that's your answer10:10
NickGarveyno you need dpkg I'm pretty sure10:10
xtknightxMorgawr:  what architecture?10:10
xtknightedgy/i386.. ?10:10
dyrnedrewzf: then vnc4server -kill :port10:10
xMorgawri have ubuntu 6.10.. i'm quite a noob with it >.<10:10
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dyrnedrewzf: and rerun10:10
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SilencerI am having problem with liveupdate10:11
wastrelif it's just hte binary from /usr/bin you can just cp it from another source10:11
cX-kadsRenu23 also you maynot see any system tools under applications becuase u have no system applications installed10:11
SilencerSoftware index is broken10:11
Silencerhow to fix this ?10:11
xMorgawrwastrel, i tried to cp a dpkg file a friend sent me from xchat, it didnt' recognize it10:11
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xtknightxMorgawr: i386?10:11
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xMorgawrxtknight yes10:11
Sayersxtknight: No ACPI support in kernel, or incorrect acpi_path ("/proc/acpi"). [[[[ Occurs when I type acpi w/ sudo or w.o/ it ] ] ] ] 10:11
xtknightxMorgawr: do you have wget installed10:11
BudtskeSilencer: sude apt-get update10:11
neozenkingcobra: do you want to try the ndis solution or not?10:11
cX-kadsSilencer sudo apt-get install -f try that10:11
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xMorgawrxtknight i don't know what wget is..10:11
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dyrneferronica: looks like sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt  would mount it maybe10:11
neozenkingcobra: just give me a place to send it10:11
xtknightxMorgawr: type it and see if it's a valid command10:11
wastrelxMorgawr:  did you get the permissions set up right? was the dpkg from the same distro/release version?10:11
cX-kadsSilencer are u having problems with automatix2 ?10:11
cX-kadsHi there I am having problems with xchat and irc10:12
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xMorgawrxtknight it says wget: missing URL10:12
dyrneferronica: im not that familiar with hal/udev and all that though for automount and such10:12
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xtknightxMorgawr: i'll just upload the dpkg binary10:12
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xMorgawrwasterel, i did set the permissions right, but i don't know about the distro10:12
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d1gital/nich mom10:12
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kingcobraneozen, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1222010:12
d1gital] /nick mom10:12
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ubernewbhey all anybody have any tips for cedega-ubuntu edgy and amd6410:12
KouHey.  Is anyone willing to assist me with creating an SSH server through aptitude with Ubuntu server?10:12
momtook 3 tries...10:12
wastrelxMorgawr:  what ubuntu are you on?10:12
IcemanV9cX-kads: state the problem and someone may give you the solution :)10:12
ubernewbKou sure10:12
SilencercX-kads, nah everything is fine now thx alot <310:13
xMorgawrwastrel edgy10:13
ferronicadyrne: ok give me command i will paste it on terminal10:13
cX-kadsHi there I am having problems with xchat and ssl servers10:13
neozenkingcobra: thankee.. looking now10:13
ubernewbapt-get install openssh-server10:13
wastrelxMorgawr:  what platform?  x86?10:13
xMorgawrwastrel yes10:13
kingcobraneozen, yeah i suppose ill try the ndiswrapper method10:13
cX-kadsuberneb is that for me10:13
neozenkingcobra: yeah... you've got revision 210:13
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neozenkingcobra: alrighty....10:13
cX-kadsIcemanV9 thx again for coming to my rescue lol10:13
neozenkingcobra: let me just get you the link10:13
kingcobraneozen, can u pastebin it10:13
xtknightxMorgawr: type: "cd /usr/bin"  "sudo -H -s"10:13
Kouubernoob: I'm in aptitude right now and I think that i installed the server off the cd but in the list of installed packages openssh-server comes up in purple text.10:13
cX-kadsubernewb is that for me <cX-kads> uberneb is that for me10:14
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dyrneferronica: something like: 'sudo mkdir /media/nokia; sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/nokia'10:14
xMorgawrxtknight yes , now?10:14
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xtknightxMorgawr: now, "wget -c http://xtknight.atothosting.com/bin/dpkg ; wget -c http://xtknight.atothosting.com/bin/dpkg-deb ; wget -c http://xtknight.atothosting.com/bin/dpkg-query ; wget -c http://xtknight.atothosting.com/bin/dpkg-split "10:14
IcemanV9cX-kads: joining the secure server via xchat .. is that what you're looking for?10:14
neozenkingcobra: its a tar.gz you just need to unzip and install using a shell script10:14
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Sayersxtknight: I think this is what I am going to want to run when my APT running at the moment is finished : sudo apt-get install acpi acpid acpi-support10:14
cX-kadsIcemanV9 I can connect to ssl irc servers via +9999 ports but it keeps disconnecting10:14
Kouubernoob: with "idA" instead of "i" next to it.10:14
xtknightSayers: sorry not really sure bout the ACPI problem10:14
mrpoundsignanyone running apache2+php5 on Fiesty experience that the session system doesn't seem to be working?  (I also asked in ubuntu+1, but didn't get a response)10:14
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cX-kadsIcemanV9 after a while and then reconnects10:15
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Sayersxtknight: Does it work for you?10:15
chrisjs169i just got sound working in Feisty, but the volume control from my keyboard/icon at the top doesn't work10:15
xtknightSayers: acpi returns nothing for me, so i guess it works10:15
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cX-kadsIcemanV9 also the data flow freezes every 2 mins10:15
IcemanV9cX-kads: it could be the configuration or the server acts funny today10:15
ferronicadyrne: mount: /dev/sda1 already mounted or /media/nokia busy10:15
ferronicamount: according to mtab, /dev/sda1 is mounted on /mnt10:15
cX-kadsIcemanV9 the server is fine as everyone else on it can join it fine10:15
dyrneferronica: ah well youve mounted it already you should be able to navagate to /mnt and see the contents of your phone10:16
cX-kadsIcemanV9 only I have a problem10:16
ferronicadyrne: where10:16
xMorgawrxtknight, i wrote that and now i have a command line like this >10:16
cX-kadsIcemanV9 I also recompiled the xchat 2.8 from scratch10:16
xMorgawrand did nothing10:16
neozenkingcobra: http://neozen.no-ip.info/.neozen/bcm4318-nm.tar.gz10:16
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cX-kadsIcemanV9: but same problem10:16
xtknightxMorgawr: dont put in the double quotes10:16
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xtknightxMorgawr: pres control C to get out of the >>10:16
xMorgawrxtknight oh nvm, i had to re-write it10:16
jhutchinsAnybody know what causes the apt tools to fail to update and say "file is not in gzip format"?10:16
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IcemanV9cX-kads: maybe the router + firewall causes the data loss for a few sec?10:16
dyrneferronica: with your file manager or just 'cd /mnt' then 'ls' to list the contents of the directory10:16
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Sayersxtknight: If it doesn't work should I worry?10:16
xtknightSayers: not sure10:16
neozenkingcobra: untar and ungzip10:17
kingcobraneozen, ok giv us a min10:17
cX-kadsIcemanV9: maybe but I can't test it because I don't know any other ssl servers out there to test on10:17
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xMorgawrxtknight mm.. it might be working, i'm trying apt-get update to see if it works10:17
xtknightxMorgawr: after the downloads are done, (without the quotes): " chmod 755 dpkg* "10:17
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liquiddoomI connected to an SMB share and tried to play music off it, but only totem will play it. smbmount gives "access denied". Do I need to change the server's smb.conf?10:17
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xMorgawrxtknight oh lol ok hang on10:17
neozenkingcobra: then run "sudo ./ndiswrapper_setup"10:17
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xMorgawrxtknight ok, now?10:17
IcemanV9cX-kads: try normal one and see how it goes ... then work from there (change back to secure one)10:17
neozenkingcobra: after that "sudo aptitude install network-manager-gnome"10:18
dyrneferronica: or just do this 'ln -s /mnt /home/$USER/Desktop/phone' though the shortcut it creates will only work if the phone has been mounted there as you just did10:18
neozenkingcobra: and reboot10:18
cX-kadsIcemanV9: the normal one works fine10:18
xtknightxMorgawr: now , 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get --reinstall install dpkg'10:18
mbd1i was updating ubuntu and my gnome panel now isnt responsive...and the update is in another workspace... what cammand can i use to restart the panel but not the computer10:18
kingcobraneozen, great thanx10:18
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cX-kadsIcemanV9: 65 hrs and no glithes10:18
neozenkingcobra: np10:18
neozenkingcobra: good luck10:18
Sayersxtknight: It runs at 90 F and I have been using Ubuntu for ever ;S10:18
xMorgawrxtknight ok i'll try thanks10:18
IcemanV9cX-kads: at least it's the server side with secure ports then10:18
Renu23i can not set the burn of my writer at 4x why?10:19
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IcemanV9cX-kads: can u find out what's other ssl server from ops?10:19
kingcobraneozen, ill try all that n come back after, thanx again10:19
xMorgawrxtknight it doesn't work.. it says the same thing, can't find dpkg10:19
neozenRenu23: it might not support that speed10:19
mbd1HELP i was updating ubuntu and my gnome panel now isnt responsive...and the update is in another workspace... what cammand can i use to restart the panel but not the computer10:19
ferronicadyrne: error when i cliked over that icon10:19
xtknightxMorgawr: alright, type this:  'which dpkg'10:19
neozenkingcobra: glad to be of help10:19
xMorgawrxtknight it says this "E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)10:19
cX-kadsIcemanV9: I can try,10:19
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Renu23it support 16x but is starting from 6,1x10:19
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cX-kadsIcemanV9: is there anything else I can do?10:19
xMorgawrxtknight i did which dpkg and did nothing...10:20
ferronicadyrne: You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "phone".10:20
xtknightxMorgawr: do you have Synaptic open?  if so, close it.10:20
xtknightxMorgawr: restart your terminal for it to recognize dpkg10:20
mooseman447hey can i ask a question about ubuntu and raid 0?10:20
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xtknightmooseman447: yeah10:20
Renu23how can i fix my writer at 4x?10:20
dyrneferronica: 'sudo chmod 755 /mnt'  this is really messy the way were doing this btw :)10:20
neozendyrne: ewwww10:20
neozendyrne: lol10:20
xMorgawrxtknight ok, i closed synaptic and restarted terminal, now i retry apt-get --reinstall install dpkg?10:20
neozenbut... it'll work10:21
xtknightxMorgawr: try again10:21
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xtknightxMorgawr: actually 'which dpkg' tell me what it says10:21
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mycroftivHow do I prevent update-grub from being executed automatically on kernel updates etc? Im on feisty and i prefer to update my menu.lst manually.10:21
mooseman447i just got a new system with a nforce based motherboard supporting raid 0 for my 3 drives and i set it up in th bios but i just started the ubuntu installer and it found all the drives seperate10:21
neozenferronica: tell me this is not a server10:21
xtknighthow do i find the PID that is using a specified file?10:21
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xtknightit was a more specific command than 'lsof'10:21
mooseman447(im using the text installer)10:21
xMorgawrxtknight mmm... it says this E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)10:21
mbd1HELP does anyone know how to restart the gnome panel10:21
neozenferronica: or a machine with an ssh server installed10:21
ferronicaneozen: what???10:21
xtknightxMorgawr: alright do you have synaptic or update manager open?10:21
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xMorgawrxtknight no wait.. wrong copy10:21
IcemanV9cX-kads: just keep watching for the culprit by take a look at log and ask around for another ssl server ... maybe check the configuration of xchat for ssl server (make sure it is correct again)10:21
xMorgawrxtknight sorry, it says this Could not exec dpkg!10:21
ferronicaneozen: this is my own computer10:21
Menasim1how can I create a package?10:21
dyrnembd1: pkill gnome-panel   it should just respawn if thone nohu gnome-panel&10:22
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xMorgawrxtknight then it says the program returned an error and goes back to the command line10:22
xtknightxMorgawr: yet 'which dpkg' returns a proper path?10:22
ferronicadyrne: this my own computer10:22
mooseman447so should i leave the hardware raid enabled or use software raid?10:22
mooseman447would it matter if i left hardware and still used the software?10:22
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cX-kadsIcemanV9: which log should I look at?10:22
xMorgawrxtknight nope, it does nothing10:22
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xtknightxMorgawr: what does this do?  'dpkg'10:22
cX-kadsIcemanV9: is it in xchat?10:22
xMorgawrxtknight command not found10:22
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dyrnembd1: nohup gnome-panel&  i mean10:22
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neozen!seen skulld10:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen skulld - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:22
=== genii uptime reports: 3:20PM up 276 days, 18:51, 1 user, load averages: 0.16 0.11 0.04
xtknightxMorgawr: i'm thinking your install is worse than we think.  but try this ' /usr/bin/dpkg '10:22
ferronicadyrne: same error :(10:23
IcemanV9cX-kads: xchat, syslog logs10:23
=== neozen blinks... no seen command in the bot?
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adaptr!seen neozen10:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen neozen - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:23
xMorgawrxtknight no such file or directory >.<'10:23
xtknightxMorgawr: what about this: 'stat /usr/bin/dpkg'10:23
adaptr! neozen10:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about neozen - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:23
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Menasim1how can I make a .deb package?10:23
xMorgawrxtknight "stat: cannot stat `/usr/bin/dpkg': No such file or directory"10:23
dyrne!mount| ferronica do 'sudo umount /mnt' and see this link10:23
ubotuferronica do 'sudo umount /mnt' and see this link: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter10:23
LjLadaptr: /msg seenserv seen nickname10:24
ppdhi. does anyone have the epiphany super tab extra extension and could send it to me?10:24
disasmxMorgawr: did this just start happening?10:24
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LjL!packaging > Menasim1    (Menasim1, see the private message from Ubotu)10:24
xtknightxMorgawr: well did the wget succeed?  try this again.  "cd /usr/bin/" then "sudo -H -s" then "wget -c http://xtknight.atothosting.com/bin/dpkg" and tell me exactly what wget says when it's done10:24
adaptrLjL: yes, but that's freenode - most well-behaved bots do this per-channel, too10:24
neozenLjL: thankee10:24
wastreldisasm:  it started happening after he rm'd /usr/bin10:24
cringousHello all. I've bought an ASUS M2N-E motherboard and 2 SATA Samsung 250GB, configured as RAID mirror in setup. Can I install Ubuntu with this configuration ?10:24
ferronicadyrne:  this is my mobile not a hdd10:24
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=== IcemanV9 thinks ubotu does not care if you have been here or not :P
xMorgawrdisasm> i accidentally deleted dpkg in /usr/bin with rm... i screwed it damn10:24
disasmwastrel: yikes!10:24
geniiMenasim1: man makedeb10:24
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dyrneferronica: same thing. the partition is sda110:25
wastrelgiven that wget is in /usr/bin...10:25
LjLadaptr: well, we don't have that.10:25
adaptrcringous: I have that board, it should fly.. dual core on it ?10:25
xMorgawrxtknight yes that wget succeeded, i try that now10:25
xtknightwastrel: well he has wget10:25
ferronicadyrne: but when i trying to open it same error window open10:25
wastrelso it would appear10:25
=== Peppery [n=peppery@203-109-243-5.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
xtknightxMorgawr: so the wget says it downloaded dpkg?  now what happens if you type '  ./dpkg ' ?10:25
mooseman447can anybody help me/10:25
cX-kadsIcemanV9: ok thx10:25
nippooHm. I just installed Ubuntu 6.10 on my computer. It has a Promise FastTrak RAID controller, which stripes two drives together to make one big one. On Windows this is properly recognized, but on Linux it still recognizes it as two drives. No big deal, I thought, and deleted the array before installing Ubuntu.10:26
adaptrmooseman447: not as is, no - you';d have to sort of ask a question first10:26
neozen!ask >mooseman44710:26
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disasmxMorgawr: well, if you get dpkg/apt installed you may be able to apt-get --reinstall install ".*"10:26
ferronicadyrne: The folder contents could not be displayed.You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "phone".10:26
shatratnippoo, sounds like a fakeraid10:26
cringousadaptr: I have an Atlhon 64 3500 on it. But just Windows running :-(10:26
xMorgawrxtknight wait.. i re-did that and it said after a download "dpkg saved"10:26
nippooYup, I know.10:26
mooseman447oh i didnt know there was a command to ask....10:26
xtknightxMorgawr: alright,.  now what does ' ./dpkg ' say10:26
ferronicadyrne: may be i need full permission10:26
=== Hoffmann_ [n=ber@c-69-248-210-174.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nippooSo I got it as two drives (still plugged into the RAID controler, just no array) and it installed fine.10:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fakeraid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:26
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xMorgawrxtknight permission denied (i'm in root wtf)10:26
nippooHowever, it won't boot - it doesn't detect that the HDDs are there10:26
xtknightxMorgawr: chmod 755 ./dpkg10:26
disasmxMorgawr: check with someone else before doing that though, I'm not sure if that will expand packages dpkg -l has or every package10:26
adaptrcringous: that's too bad - I gots me an X2 2GHz low-power, and it runs cooler than my single-core 2GHz :)10:26
Sayersxtknight: Is this a common problem I am having10:26
nippoo(in the BIOS, it says "not installed").10:27
xtknightxMorgawr: now ./dpkg again, and report the results10:27
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nippooI plugged them in to the onboard SATA, but it still doesn't recognize they're there.10:27
dyrneferronica: just 'gksu nautilus&' and navigate to the /media/phone or whatever the directory is10:27
xtknightSayers: i dont know.  i haven't heard much about acpi problems, personally10:27
xtknightSayers: have you tried googling it?10:27
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nippooAnyone know how I might get my HDDs enabled?10:27
Sayersxtknight: Yes10:27
xMorgawrxtknight mm... seems that it recognized it (at least it exec it), it printed some lines about how to use dpkg and how i was missing parameters10:27
xtknightxMorgawr: now what does 'which dpkg' say?10:27
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nippooer, recognized by the BIOS?10:27
Budtskenippoo: have you mounted them ?10:27
nhyhow do I reset /etc/apt/sources.list to the default?10:27
Sayersxtknight: No ACPI support in kernel, or incorrect acpi_path ("/proc/acpi").10:27
shatratnippoo, try different connectors?10:27
cringousColl. But my problem is about installing Ubuntu on it. It is possible ? With RAID configured ?10:27
nippooit's a Dimension 800010:27
disasmxMorgawr: if it does every package, I have a script somewhere that parses dpkg -l output for all package names marked ii10:27
Sayersxtknight: It10:27
xMorgawrxtknight yay! it says /usr/bin/dpkg10:27
Sayersxtknight: It's the path*10:28
xtknightxMorgawr: try 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install dpkg' now10:28
adaptrnippoo: you need a) the fastrak driver loaded, qand b) to make a software raid under Linux - the hardware stuff isn't really worth it, unless it is true hardware raid10:28
theacolytesomeone remind me the name of the CLI version package manager?10:28
xtknighttheacolyte: aptitude10:28
ubotuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide10:28
cringousadaptr, But my problem is about installing Ubuntu on it. It is possible ? With RAID configured ?10:28
nippooWhere would I get the FastTrak drivers from?10:28
disasmxtknight: isn't apt-get in /usr/bin?10:28
adaptrcringous: what kind of raid ?10:28
ubotuacpi: displays information on ACPI devices. In component main, is optional. Version 0.09-1 (edgy), package size 10 kB, installed size 72 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 amd64)10:28
xMorgawrxtknight doing it thanks | disasm> i might have fixed it (let's hope)10:28
dyrneferronica: its just like a usb HD.  basically when i mount one i do: 1)plug the sucker in 2) 'dmesg|tail' depending if sda or sdb or whatever shows 3)sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/usb10:28
xtknightdisasm: yes, but he seems to have it.  he must not have deleted everything in bin10:28
nhyhow can I reset apt's sources?10:28
=== gabriel_ [n=gabriel@156.red-62-57-82.user.auna.net] has joined #Ubuntu
cringousMirror, configured at setup, Nvidia chipset.10:29
xtknight!sources.list | nhy10:29
ubotunhy: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource10:29
nippoo(I've tried creating software RAID. However, it doesn't boot, because the BIOS sees it as one big drive, so GRUB doesn't load. If I disable RAID, the BIOS doesn't see it at all. That's my problem!)10:29
disasmxtknight: ah, a good ctrl-c after realizing what he did ;-)10:29
shatratnippoo, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto  I havent done it myself but Ive seen other people get it going using this guide10:29
xtknight!EasySource | nhy10:29
ubotunhy: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic10:29
neozennhy: howso?10:29
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cringousadaptr, Mirror, configured at setup, Nvidia chipset.10:29
dyrne!fat32| see also10:29
ubotusee also: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse10:29
=== Carnage` [n=carnage@dslb-084-056-250-219.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
adaptrcringous: then you need to put in the livecd and see if it is detected; if not, then you can't10:29
linxehhmm - are there any osx dashboard like utils for linux yet ?10:29
neozenO.o @ source-o-matic NICE10:29
adaptrlinxeh: tons10:29
xtknightlinxeh: hm, gdesklets?10:29
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linxehxtknight: i shall take a look :)10:30
Sayers!acpi| see also10:30
ubotusee also: acpi: displays information on ACPI devices. In component main, is optional. Version 0.09-1 (edgy), package size 10 kB, installed size 72 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 amd64)10:30
adaptrgoogle desktop :)10:30
=== cypherdelic_ [n=cypherde@port-87-234-140-208.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu
ferronicadyrne: now how to open it????10:30
xMorgawrxtknight i think it's working.. it's reinstalling it thanks a lot man ;) seriously, i'd have been screwed without you lol (i was already thinking of reinstalling the whole os)10:30
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linxehadaptr: I'm not installing that junk10:30
nhyubotu, thanks. this should be more known10:30
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adaptrlinxeh: I seriously doubt you can10:30
christianhy guys10:30
xtknightxMorgawr: ehh fixing things is how you learn10:30
xtknightxMorgawr: so did dpkg get reinstalled properly via apt-get?10:30
adaptrnot fixing things is how you learn even more10:30
linxehadaptr: well I have windows too ;-)10:30
_Mr_Denix_hello all :) .  GPROftpD issue   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12219/    any ideas ? thank you :)10:30
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.10:30
adaptrlinxeh: then the pah! is on you, sir10:31
=== ankit [n=ankit@adsl-75-61-65-140.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
xMorgawrxtknight yes, it did get reinstalled properly, now it works10:31
linxehadaptr:  :)10:31
Crazytomwhat's the channel for wine?10:31
xtknightdeleting your C runtime is always fun10:31
xtknightCrazytom: #winehq10:31
adaptr_Mr_Denix_: hi, new here ? try asking a question, you're sure to get a response if you ask nice10:31
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neozendeleted the c runtime?10:31
neozenohhh crap10:31
xMorgawrxtknight yeah.... lol,i just wanted to move (mv) but i wasn't thinking and i typed rm... >_>10:31
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cringousadaptr, That's bad, really not happen. With only one SATA disk the livecd don't recognize too, but it can be done.10:32
xtknightxMorgawr: ehh mv usr bin?  shouldnt be doing that either :P10:32
=== e` [n=e@rrcs-24-105-158-115.nyc.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
neozenxMorgawr: this... is why I have a bash alias for rm10:32
xMorgawrxtknight no no, just moving dpkg...10:32
adaptrcringous: well, what kind of controller are the disks on ?10:32
xtknightxMorgawr: ohh10:32
xtknight you shouldnt do any massive/sweeping operations on any of your system directories10:32
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neozenxMorgawr: why mv dpkg?10:32
ferronicadyrne: now how to open it????10:32
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sinansakichello i have problem startin installing ubuntu 6.10, I have installed it before on the same PC, but now i get : Kernel panic - not syncing attemped to kill init10:32
neozenxMorgawr: it should already be there in ubuntus10:32
mycroescan anyone tell me how to enable glx support for an intel graphics card?10:32
ferronicadyrne:  i wanna to use it via Xgnokii10:32
xMorgawrneozen, i was having a problem installing a package so i wanted to try to rename dpkg and see what it said10:33
=== Enverex [i=nobody@host-84-9-189-109.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
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EnverexAre there any basic light picture viewers that support animated GIFs?10:33
neozenxMorgawr: lol10:33
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fabianowhere can i find amsn?10:33
ferronicadyrne: should i use it as root10:33
xtknight!info amsn10:33
ubotuamsn: An MSN messenger written in tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.95-2.1 (edgy), package size 2261 kB, installed size 7752 kB10:33
=== minimor [n=minimor@ghp242.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
_Mr_Denix_adaptr . yesterday i was told to ask short and exact. today i'm told to ask nice . if i have a problem, does asking count that much in solving it. i used the two magic words "please" and "thank you " i don't want to "flood" the chat with long phrases like i just did. that's why i'm using paste bin that's why my questions are short . thanks10:33
Renu23can anybody help me to fix the burn of an image at 4x?10:33
xtknightfabiano: repositories^^10:33
xMorgawrneozen, yeah... that was close, almost screwed my new ubuntu.. lol10:33
cringousadaptr, Let me see exactly...10:33
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lenaud01I do sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin find that phpmyadmin installs to /usr/share/phpmyadmin my apache server is on /var/www how do I run phpmyadmin in webbrowser?10:33
SilencerI am now having problem with ubuntu package manager that give me 3 updates and they don't exist on ubuntu servers10:34
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neozenxMorgawr: in linux... there are things you experiment with.... and things you CAN experiment with... but that are NOT a good idea to poke at if you don't know what you're doing and mind doing a reinstall10:34
SilencerW: Failed to fetch http://cs.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/language-pack-gnome-en/language-pack-gnome-en_6.10+20070115_all.deb10:34
Silencer  404 Not Found10:34
stickmananyone here run ubuntu on an imac?10:34
xtknightlenaud01: phpadmin is something you install on your server.  you run an install script like install.php then access phpmyadmin via a GET request on you server like http://mysite.com/phpadmin/10:34
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cringousadaptr, It's a shame can't running Linux on my machine, just Windows... Wait a minute, I'm looking for the specifications10:34
disasmxMorgawr: well learning the hard way is the best way to learn... I once removed libc and broke ls ;-) I fixed it of course, but I'll never do that again (note to self, don't operate as root in the morning without coffee, you will regret it)10:34
neozenxMorgawr: I borked mine my first week when I changed the hostname in /etc/hostname but didn't change it in /etc/hosts10:34
mycroescan anyone tell me how to enable glx support for an intel graphics card?10:34
xMorgawrneozen yeah, but usually a rename doesn't ruin something, i just didn't expect it being deleted totally lol10:34
adaptr_Mr_Denix_: your explanation is anything but short.. more like snippy ;-) it's like this: on the basis of what you write *here*, I will either look at it, or think about it, or both - or none... if you don't support your own case HERE, then nobody will care10:34
=== derspankster [n=Der_@cpe-76-181-4-2.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dougiei don't think my camera is useing usb 2.0 in linux...its going really slow10:35
neozenxMorgawr: nothing could find itself... so the whole thing went kaboom10:35
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Sayersxtknight: I am going to switch to APM10:35
disasmneozen: that just broke it remotely, right?10:35
DaveyJi'm an idiot :(10:35
adaptrDaveyJ: no argument10:35
xtknightSayers: isn't that side-by-side with acpi?  or is it something different10:35
=== xipietotec [n=roro@cpe-67-49-247-144.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Renu23i can not burn at 4x pls help10:35
neozendisasm: no... that broke running it locally too10:35
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DaveyJi just reinstalled ubuntu and now i forgot how to get my resolution back to (whatever)x90010:35
neozendisasm: X couldn't find itself...10:35
adaptrDaveyJ: edit xorg.conf10:35
xtknight!resolution | DaveyJ10:35
ubotuDaveyJ: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:35
neozendisasm: and kaboom10:35
xMorgawrok guys, i'm going now, thanks to everyone that helped me (Expecially xtknight) ;) bye10:35
disasmneozen: how, I've done that a zillion times?10:35
xMorgawrand goodnight10:35
xtknightgood afternoon :P10:36
neozendisasm: you probably don't run xubuntu dapper10:36
disasmyeah, afternoon ;-)10:36
Sayersxtknight: It's older but has pretty much the same features, just a different approach. Both are good for saving power, ACPI does it differently and a bit more effective in some cases.10:36
=== whyarewehere [n=ccb@dsl092-092-088.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
cX-kadsIcemanV9: hi there I keep getting this in my xchat raw log  PING LAG334258015810:36
neozenxMorgawr: farewell10:36
disasmneozen: dapper doesn't connect to localhost for X, that's scary...10:36
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cringousadaptr, As far I know, the controller is the NVIDIA nForce 57010:36
xtknightcX-kads: that's a normal message that the IRC Client uses to keep the connection alive with the IRC server.  it is by specification10:36
cX-kadsIcemanV9: ok10:37
Jowi_Mr_Denix_, the first two errors I get as well. that's "normal" :) however there seem to be a problem with the config file. does it exist?10:37
neozencX-kads: servers ping you every once in awhile to make sure you're still there10:37
adaptrcringous: yes, that's what I have, too - surprise!10:37
adaptrcringous: don't. use. on-board. crap.10:37
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cX-kadsIcemanV9: but that is usually when I lose my ssl connection10:37
IcemanV9cX-kads: it's the server side - it makes sure you're alive or ghost on their network10:37
xtknightcringous: what are you having trouble running with the nforce57010:37
magfra6moin moin10:37
Renu23is anybody burning here iso data?10:37
xipietotechttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370 I tried following this guide....and only succeeded in making both computers have no internet connection, fixed that by disabling ipmasque.... as of right now I cannot figure out how to share my connection with another ubuntu machine. firestarter is broken (Because of a bug...which has not been fixed for quite some time), and iptables is a *MAZE* to figure out10:37
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_Mr_Denix_Jowi of course it does. i have modified only one line groups nobody  to groups users would you like me to paste it for you ?10:38
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cringousxtknight, I configured RAID in 2 SATA disks, but can't install Ubuntu.10:38
alekzhow can i run the wireless assistant ?10:38
fabianois the amsn the best for msn?10:38
Renu23can anybody help me to fix at 4x a burn?10:38
neozenalekz: lol.... wireless assistant?10:38
cX-kadsfanbiano: use gaim10:38
hypn0Renu23: in nautilus, can't you right click on iso and wirte to cd10:38
cringousxtknight, RAID mirroring10:38
xtknightcringous: ahh raid is tricky with onboard.  there is linux software raid available which generally exceeds pseudo-HW raid such as the nforce5 in performance.  it's also more scalable10:38
neozenalekz: I think... you need windows10:38
alekzyes neoncode10:38
disasmfabiano: I prefer bitlbee, but I prefer IM in my irc client, gaim works great too10:38
Jowi_Mr_Denix_, it say that it can not determine the IP or "mrdenix". yes pastebin it please10:38
alekzno neozen there's one for ubuntu i've read in the forums10:39
IcemanV9cX-kads: i don't remember if there is a specific set in xchat to stop the ping from the server10:39
hypn0oh, it was 1x before, so burning works then Renu23 :-)10:39
Renu23yes i can but i can not to burn at 4x because is starting from 6x10:39
neozenalekz: for linux.... you are IN the wireless assistant10:39
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=== neozen grins
DaveyJthere we go :) thanks10:39
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neozenexcuse me... for ubuntus you are in the wireless assistant10:39
linxehhmm, gdesklets and superkaramba don't really behave like dashboard10:39
xtknightnetwork-manager you mean perhaps, not wireless assistance10:39
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neozenjust ask your question10:39
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Renu23any ideea/10:40
cringousxtknight, adaptr, So the best choice is installing Ubuntu in a disk and configure RAID by software through ubuntu, right ?10:40
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xtknightcringous: unquestionably10:40
pderis it possible to install ubuntu on a personal computer system?10:40
adaptrcringous: erm.. no10:40
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hypn0can't you select 4x Renu23?10:40
xtknighthows that for canceling out answers10:40
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adaptrcringous: if you want to run ubuntu on a mirror then you have to install it on one10:40
Renu23i can t10:40
mooseman447does software raid 0 have any serious performace vs hardware?10:40
neozenalekz: if there is one for ubuntus ... its new to me10:40
adaptrmooseman447: depends on the controller10:40
cX-kadsIcemanV9: it keeps saying  PING LAG3342580158 but i can clearly see it is froze10:40
xipietotecanyone have a guide to configuring connection sharing using route add?10:40
alekzneozen any idea of how update the firmware of my wireless card ?10:40
adaptrmooseman447: both of them, in fact :)10:40
Silencerhow to reset apt-get update cache ?10:40
hypn0does your writer support 4x Renu23 :-/10:40
_Mr_Denix_Jowi memory failure :( i forgot where the .conf file should be :))10:40
Renu23becauise i have 6x value10:41
adaptrxipietotec: there is no connection sharing using routing10:41
xtknightadaptr: AFAIK that's what he meant...use the partition manager to setup  software mirroring10:41
neozenalekz: network-manager-gnome makes connecting really easy though10:41
Jowi_Mr_Denix_, in the error it say where it is10:41
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neozenalekz: ::sigh::10:41
mooseman447adapter its a nvidia sata controller and the cpu is a amd 5200+ x210:41
pderdoes anyone know if ubuntu supports input devices?  i wish to use a keyboard to enter text into my computer system.10:41
Renu23yestarday i wrote at 4x10:41
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neozenalekz: what model of card10:41
_Mr_Denix_Jowi right thanks 2s10:41
Renu23but i dont know today why10:41
alekzneozen does not work for me10:41
fabianothere is no amsn in repositories10:41
xtknight!universe  | fabiano10:41
ubotufabiano: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource10:41
fabianowhere can i find?10:41
neozenalekz: state model of card.... or begone10:41
alekzneozen ITS A dwl-51010:41
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fabianoor other program10:42
xtknightfabiano: you need to enable an extra repository, the instructions are above from Ubotu10:42
neozenalekz: most don't allow you to do that10:42
cringousadaptr, xtknight, thank you very much10:42
c1ruhi there10:42
_Mr_Denix_jowi http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12228/10:42
kingcobraneozen, problems installing http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1222610:42
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adaptrmooseman447: *controller*, as in : disk controller10:42
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neozenkingcobra: AWWW10:42
c1rui have a problem, i just start in gnome, but if i press ctrl+alt+F8 i can see that error alot of lines10:42
c1rummcblk0: error 1 sending read/write command10:42
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neozenkingcobra: drat ... sorry about that10:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nsclient - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:42
kingcobraneozen, i know its a pity10:42
neozenkingcobra: what is ifconfig /all telling you?10:42
chrisjs169i just got sound working in Feisty, but the volume control from my keyboard/icon at the top doesn't work10:43
xtknightifconfig -a for linux 'ipconfig /all'10:43
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pderi am interested in install ubuntu but i am unsure if ubuntu supports a monitor.  i want to be able to display text on a monitor.10:43
mooseman447adapter ok another question what is a good swap size with 2gigs of ram?10:43
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xtknightmooseman447: probably 2 gigs10:43
neozenkingcobra: yeah.. i think I gotcha10:43
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neozenkingcobra: cd into the directory first10:43
cX-kadsIcemanV9: this is the error I get on dis connect  >> ERROR :Closing Link: cX-kads[CPE001310a1899c-CM001692fa7e8e.XXX.XXX.XXX.XXXXX.com]  (Ping timeout)10:43
boarderwintermanhello :D10:43
xtknightpder: yes, ubuntu does support a monitor.  it's a very new feature10:43
Digit0pder, only display text ?10:43
neozenkingcobra: then sudo ./ndiswrapper_setup10:43
alekzneozen so i cant update my firmware ?10:43
boarderwintermani am writing from a new version of xubuntu feisty fawn beta and everything is perfect :D10:44
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IcemanV9cX-kads: /set net_ping_timeout ... what did it show?10:44
neozenalekz: you might be able to... I'd punch the card model into the ubuntuforums10:44
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neozenalekz: and see if anyone else has gotten the card working10:44
adaptrmooseman447: I have 256MB on this box10:44
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cX-kadsnet_ping_timeout.............: 010:45
Jowi_Mr_Denix_, what is the ip address of the computer?10:45
neozenkingcobra: you get that?10:45
adaptrmooseman447: you'll never use it - that's the whole point10:45
kingcobraneozen, ifconfig  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1223110:45
AmazingRandohey all, just a quick question10:45
IcemanV9cX-kads: ok. it should be okay. hmm.10:45
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adaptrtoo late!10:45
xtknighti have 7 gigs swap but i run a lot of VMs10:45
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adaptr_Mr_Denix_: thank-you :)10:45
mooseman447adapter yea i know and there is 750gigs of drives anyway so im good i just didnt know if a 4gig swap was overboard lol10:45
Jowi_Mr_Denix_, there is a different ip in your config.10:45
adaptrmooseman447: depends on what you do with it10:45
_Mr_Denix_adaptr what for  ?10:46
neozenkingcobra: I think your issue is that the ndiswrapper.deb file isn't in the directory you were running it in10:46
xipietotechow do I find out the ip address for my router? my computer's IP for the wireless card is listed as:, is the router addy then just
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_Mr_Denix_Jowi i've changed it . now i realised still the same10:46
adaptr_Mr_Denix_: giving out your public IP in a chat room...10:46
mooseman447adaptr i think 2 is fine its just a apache,mysql,mail server10:46
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AmazingRandoi've got a single core machine running feisty beta but i'm going to upgrade it to dual core.  will it automatically recognize the change and take advantage of both cores?10:46
_Mr_Denix_adaptr i thought10:46
neozenkingcobra: you need to get into the directory where you uncompressed that tar.gz10:46
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kingcobraneozen, i just put in the whole address in the command10:46
xtknightxipietotec: type "route" and look under the gateway section.  any that start with 192. is probably your router10:46
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IcemanV9cX-kads: are you using proxy?10:46
neozenkingcobra: don't do that10:46
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dyrnexipietotec: nestat -rn  or route -n for the gateway10:46
kingcobraneozen, ok ill try it that way10:46
Jowi_Mr_Denix_, are you behind a router?10:46
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Enverexadaptr, There's nothing wrong with giving out your IP, it's even displayed as you join the channel anyway10:46
neozenkingcobra: just go into the directory10:46
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neozenkingcobra: cool10:46
adaptrAmazingRando: if feisty uses the same "generic" kernel scheme edgy uses, yes10:46
_Mr_Denix_adaptr i thought you guys are meant to help not to destroy10:46
Renu23can anybody knows how to fix the writer at 4x to burn10:46
_Mr_Denix_Jowi no no router . lan card internet connection10:47
adaptrEnverex: that's not the point, really10:47
neozenkingcobra: you should be able to do all this from within the gui10:47
xtknightAmazingRando: very likely, ye.s10:47
neozenkingcobra: in a terminal ... its not like it conflicts with X or anything10:47
AmazingRandoadaptr, xtknight - thanks.  i'll give it a try10:47
adaptr_Mr_Denix_: there is no such entity as "you guys"10:47
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Enverexadaptr, Yes it is, it's not like someone's suddenly going to get "h4x3d"10:47
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cX-kadsIcemanV9: it was ticked in the server prefs by default10:47
AmazingRandobye guys!10:47
Renu23can anybody knows how to fix the writer at 4x to burn10:47
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Jowi_Mr_Denix_, can you start proftpd manually? "sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd start"10:47
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cX-kadsRenu23: u can picke speed when burning with nautilus10:47
_Mr_Denix_adaptr useless chat mate10:48
_Mr_Denix_jowi trying now10:48
Renu23i can not10:48
IcemanV9cX-kads: can you un-tick it? and see how it goes?10:48
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Renu23because i tried and nothing10:48
adaptrEnverex: there are 30K odd users on freenode.. imagine if one of them was asking for help with iptables, or some such, and he made it extra easy to start harassiing him... there is a point, sir, deny it all you like10:48
neozenkingcobra: how's it working?10:48
xipietotechttp://rafb.net/p/r3mUK050.html okay, so which one of these is the router?10:48
cX-kadsIcemanV9: trying it nowkk10:48
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xtknighti wonder why they dont just mask user's IPs by default with a hash like on other IRC nets10:48
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_Mr_Denix_Jowi " ProFTPd warning: cannot start neither in standalone nor in inetd/xinetd mode. Check your configuration.10:49
_Mr_Denix_ "10:49
preactionxipietotec: is most likely your router10:49
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Agrajagxipietotec: none of them, those are routes on your own computer, right?10:49
Enverexadaptr, Type "/whois someperson" and it'll tell you their IP. And having someones IP doesn't enable you to "harass" them anyway. It's not like in the movies.10:49
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xipietotecAgrajag: ra0 connects to the wireless router10:49
ulisse'lo tribe!10:49
adaptrEnverex: okay, I'm sure you know best10:49
cX-kadsIcemanV9: now I get >> ERROR :Closing Link: [xx.xxx.x.xx]  (Ping timeout)10:49
dyrneadaptr: though i fully intend to harras you now :)10:49
Agrajagxipietotec: look at the routes.10:49
cX-kadsIcemanV9: do I need to port forward?10:49
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adaptrdyrne: bring it on, n00bster! :P10:50
Agrajagxipietotec: the one to is your default route10:50
Renu23if i wright click on an iso image and i want to burn it the minimum value is 6x;i want at 4x>>how can i do this?10:50
dyrneadaptr: soon as i learn to spell properly10:50
Jowi_Mr_Denix_, If you created that config with gproftpd it seem like it messed up somewhere but I can not locate where, try to comment out (or delete) the last block of the config that starts with "<Anonymous /home/mrdenix>".10:50
ulissein Feisty I have my nautilus statusbar no more displaying status, what can I do?10:50
Agrajagthe gateway for that is
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Agrajagxipietotec: to is your router.10:50
IcemanV9cX-kads: that would be the next step10:50
hypn0you'd have to be pretty stupid to harass people on net :-))10:50
maxamillionhow close is feisty to the package freeze?10:50
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james296how is it possible to change my font color on my desktop icons?10:50
neozenmaxamillion: hey!10:50
cX-kadsIcemanV9: op now it connected10:50
maxamillionneozen: hiya10:50
xipietotecAgrajag:  okay, so following http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370 this guide, I should use, ja?10:50
adaptrhypn0: and we all *know* that 90% of humanity is really, really smart... yes ?10:50
Renu23can anybody help me please10:50
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cX-kadsIcemanV9: hmm weird10:50
cX-kadsIcemanV9: let see how this fairs10:51
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adaptrRenu23: if you ask a question, maybe...10:51
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Renu23if i wright click on an iso image and i want to burn it the minimum value is 6x;i want at 4x>>how can i do this?10:51
neozenmaxamillion: I ended up perching in here as there seems to be more possibility for help10:51
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_Mr_Denix_Jowi  did that i got the same errors10:51
xipietotecand I should use: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ra0 -j MASQUERADE     ?10:51
Enverexadaptr, Ok, theoretically speaking if you had someones IP and wanted to "harass" them. What would you do?10:51
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adaptrRenu23: I have no idea what happens if you right-click on an ISO file10:51
Renu23if i want to burn10:51
Jowi_Mr_Denix_, did you make a backup of that config file?10:51
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Agrajagxipietotec: yeah, looks like it.10:52
neozenmaxamillion: other then the default programs and the speed, I haven't seen many differences between xubuntu and regular ubuntu10:52
adaptrEnverex: I have no idea, I have never felt the need yet10:52
kingcobraneozen, new stalling point in terminal  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1223210:52
Renu23adaptr my english is not so good10:52
juanfehi all10:52
Menasim1I want to install realplayer10:52
kingcobraneozen, illtry it in gui also10:52
adaptrRenu23: please just open th efile in k3b or something, and set your preferences there10:52
_Mr_Denix_Jow not really :D . should i uninstall and reinstall the app ?10:52
Enverexadaptr, Well that's my point, what exactly are you going to do? Ping them to death? lol10:52
_Mr_Denix_Jowi not really :D . should i uninstall and reinstall the app ?10:52
xipietotecallright, here's hoping it doesn't disable my net access again10:52
neozenkingcobra: did it work?10:52
juanfeany has a toshiba satellite a100 laptop with Ubuntu installed?10:52
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adaptrEnverex: that's not to say I don't know how - surely you have heard of botnets10:52
_Mr_Denix_Jowi woudl pasting your conf help ? so i could use yours ?10:52
fabianohow i do to add the amsn in repositories?10:52
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Jowi_Mr_Denix_, done and done: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12233/10:53
Jowi_Mr_Denix_, that's the standard one.10:53
xtknightfabiano: you enable the universe and multiverse repositories10:53
_Mr_Denix_Jowi checking .thank you :)10:53
xtknight!multiverse | fabiano10:53
ubotufabiano: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource10:53
Enverexadaptr, Well if the person has botnets then I'm sure they'd be able to get the persons IP without having to wait for them to manually post it to a channel, heh.10:53
Renu23but i want to burn an iso image at 4x and i can t because the minumum value at wright click on it>write to disc is 6x10:53
IcemanV9fabiano: it is in universe repo10:53
james296so yeah, how can I change the font color of icons on my desktop?10:53
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Renu23adaptr any ideea?10:53
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neozenkingcobra: you should be able to just open up a terminal and run these commands:10:54
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neozencd /home/turlach/Desktop/bcm4318-nm.tar.gz_FILES/10:54
neozensudo ./ndiswrapper_setup10:54
adaptrEnverex: and yes, I probably would ping him to death... as you know, dripping a packet on your head every second for days on end is guaranteed to drive him nuts :)10:54
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adaptrRenu23: as I said, open a disk burning program and burn it from there10:54
colbertWhat is the command to put in a launcher when I want to run a program with wine? just "wine program" doesn't work10:54
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Jowi_Mr_Denix_, fyi, I found gproftpd harder to use then to edit /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf manually after reading up abit on the settings.10:54
Renu23adaptr i want to burn at 4x and i can not10:54
neozenRenu23: your burner just might not support 4x10:55
adaptrRenu23: you have not tried what I told you, how do you know10:55
kingcobraneozen, i did that10:55
ulissecolbert: try wine "program"10:55
Renu23yestarday suported10:55
neozenkingcobra: ok10:55
neozenkingcobra: and?10:55
dyrnecolbert: the exe files are under a wine drive at like /home/user/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/  and so on10:55
neozenkingcobra: what did it say?10:55
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dyrnecolbert: once they are installed10:55
neozenkingcobra: pastebin the result10:55
cX-kadsIcemanV9: I think its working now10:55
mooeyhowdy. i need to buy a wifi pci card, can anyone recommend one thats supported with open drivers?10:55
kingcobraneozen, still stalls at the point in th paste10:55
fabianoi selected the amsn how i do to install now?10:55
kingcobraneozen, new stalling point in terminal  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1223210:55
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colbertwell if I am trying to run uTorrent, and I have it in /home, what do I put ?10:55
mlankhorstmooey: intel wifi :D10:55
cX-kadsIcemanV9: the server responds to my ping << PING LAG28416217410:55
cX-kads>> :wraith.crucial-x.net PONG wraith.crucial-x.net :LAG28416217410:55
cX-kadsIcemanV9: thx a loy man10:56
Renu23yesterday i had values from 1x to 16x10:56
cX-kadsIcemanV9: thx a lty man10:56
mooeymlankhorst: do intel sell pci wireless cards?10:56
Renu23today i dont have10:56
dyrnecolbert: wine utorrent.exe  but might have to run winecfg first10:56
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neozenmooey: check ebay or bestbuy lol10:56
mlankhorstnot sure if they sell them seperately, this 1 came with laptop, but might have to look for something else then10:56
Renu23adaptr any ideea?10:56
IcemanV9cX-kads: terrific! :D10:56
Renu23neozen?any ideea?10:56
mikebeecham_Hi there, can anyone point me in the right direction of K3B troubleshooting?10:56
cX-kadsIcemanV9 to my rescue again10:57
fabianoi selected amsn in repositories how i do to install now?10:57
neozenRenu23: did you do something stupid like flash the firmware of your drive?10:57
neozenRenu23: b/c that would do it10:57
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=== cX-kads bows to IcemanV9's tech skills
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neozenkingcobra: yeah... I think I gotcha10:57
_Mr_Denix_Jowi using your .conf still get the same errors ! i'm confused lol10:57
Renu23i have also xp on pc and is writing at 4x10:58
neozenkingcobra: type lsmod |grep "bcm"10:58
Renu23but my iso file is on ubuntu10:58
cX-kadsIcemanV9 damnit !@!!! it died again10:58
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_Mr_Denix_Jowi maybe i should try using other FTP server ? any recommendations  ?10:58
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Renu23if it was on xp it was burned from a long time10:58
neozenkingcobra: the ndis driver argues with the builtin one... which is probably already loaded10:58
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Jowi_Mr_Denix_, I only used proftpd so no comment :)10:59
neozenkingcobra: thus...... the ndis driver can't install10:59
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cX-kadsIcemanV9: I don't get any more pONGs from the server10:59
dyrne_Mr_Denix_: why not just use ssh? from windows you can run winscp and from linux just scp or sftp10:59
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kingcobraneozen 1 min10:59
neozenkingcobra: let me dig around10:59
familycan someone help me?10:59
mikebeecham_Hi there, can anyone point me in the right direction of K3B troubleshooting?10:59
_Mr_Denix_dyrne i have succesfully used ssh server on linux with a putty from an windows os . still FTP sounds more human :)10:59
geniiRenu23 at commandline, to find the right drive: cdrecord -scanbus   then make a note of the 3 # to left of the recorder. Then   sudo cdrecord -v -eject speed=4 dev=ATA:1,0,0  <isofilename here>      but replace ATA:1,0,0 with what is correct from scanbus10:59
IcemanV9cX-kads: you're still online, right?10:59
_Mr_Denix_Jowi thank you for trying :) appreciate it10:59
kekoswhich is the channel for wireless help???11:00
cX-kadsIcemanV9: yup11:00
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familymikebeecham_: #kde is a good place to start11:00
dyrne_Mr_Denix_: winscp is actually a very nice gui interface (drag drop)11:00
IcemanV9cX-kads: then i wouldn't worry about it .. as long as you're not disconnected.11:00
Jowi_Mr_Denix_, no prob.11:00
linxeh_Mr_Denix_: you really shouldnt use FTP unless you are using anonymous ftp, or some form of encrypted authentication11:00
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cX-kadsIcemanV9: ok well it disconnect me now11:00
cX-kadsIcemanV9: lol11:00
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cX-kadsIcemanV9: so I guess port forwarding?11:01
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cX-kadsIcemanV9: how do I point xchat to an open port?11:01
_Mr_Denix_dyrne checking it out thank you :) will bug later with questions if i won't make it :P11:01
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jeanreanyone know how to run Murrina themes on ubuntu?11:01
familyhow do I stop ubuntu from fscking on boot up?11:01
familyit dosfscks my other two hard drives11:01
Jowilinxeh, well, it's quite useful if restricted to the local lan. easier then setting up samba that's for sure :)11:01
familyand takes like 20 mins to boot11:01
arch_what is the name of the config file (if there exists one) where I can change the order of execution for programs on startup? (I need to initiate conky after I initiate beryl)11:02
_Mr_Denix_linxeh its like private FTP .only for my data. i just want to access it remote. i have FTP on my windows pc , still i want it on linux11:02
IcemanV9family: each time? or every 30 boots??11:02
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kekoswhich is the channel for wireless help???11:02
kingcobr1neozen: that command doesnt have any output11:02
familyIcemanV9: each time11:02
dyrnefamily: there is a script in /etc/init.d/ you can disable im not sure of the name. itll still check / occationally but not the others  like: sudo update-rc.d -f scriptname remove11:02
IcemanV9cX-kads: yeah. port-forwarding. dunno about other ports (ask ops)11:02
kingcobr1neozen: it could stil hav worked though11:02
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neozenkingcobr1: possibly11:03
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neozenkingcobr1: restart.... and see11:03
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kingcobr1neozen: ok bak in a wile11:03
neozenkingcobr1: make sure you have network-manager-gnome installed11:03
jeanre anyone?11:03
IcemanV9family: yikes. never seen this before. hard drive is dying?11:03
neozenkingcobr1: if you're in gui ubuntu11:03
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familyIcemanV9: no... it does hda1 two, but I have a windows 98 install11:04
Zambezimartin_, /clear11:04
familyIcemanV9: and I have it auto mount11:04
cX-kadsIcemanV9: ok thx11:04
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neozenkingcobr1: here's the guide I've recommended for use with this particular card: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19710211:04
prohackerice box =)11:04
familyIcemanV9: hda1 takes about .5 seconds to do11:04
_Mr_Denix_is the .md5 extensions recognized by linux ? (ubuntu edgy) . next to it , it says " platform independent ". thanks11:04
familyIcemanV9: but I guess dosfsck on fat32 is slower11:04
ZambeziAnyone here using XSane? I tried today and the pictures are just black.11:04
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CaRLoS_23_alguien puede ayudarme?11:05
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:05
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neozenfamily: size of the partition also has a lot to do with the time necessary to fsck it11:07
=== genii sips a coffee
coldfishhow can i delete my swap partition? i don need it anymore. my RAM is enough for all the work.11:07
=== neozen snags a guinness
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mlankhorstcoldfish: recommended to keep it anyway11:07
familyneozen: I don't think its "fsck"ing it, I think its just doing some type of light scan or something11:08
neozencoldfish: swap might still be necessary for some operations....11:08
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ZambeziIf I use LVM with six harddrives. What happens if one harddrive breaks?11:08
Airforce5555Im getting problems with sound in skype11:08
neozencoldfish: even though it doesn't seem to be in use11:08
=== Apoc [n=kvirc@ip68-106-150-41.cl.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
EnverexI have a Radeon Mobility 9000 and I'm using the "radeon" driver but the 2D rendering performance is abysmal, is there anything specific I should be doing?11:08
violotAirforce5555, you mean sound in general11:08
neozenfamily: well... seems like its checking it11:08
coldfishbut it uses small amount of it. for example: %5 . and hdd sound makes me crazy.11:08
violotHe has problems with any sound11:08
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Airforce5555just in skype11:08
familyneozen: I have 2 40GB hds and one 14GB11:09
Enverexcoldfish, It wont use the SWAP unless it REALLY needs to, so the HDD wont drive you crazy11:09
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neozenfamily: it does that when it notices big issues with the harddrives11:09
familyneozen: the Linux 40GB does not even take a second11:09
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neozenfamily: ie... bad sectors11:09
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Apocok, can anyone give me a hand with some extremely minor noobish questions?11:09
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Airforce5555can anybody offer help?11:09
neozenapoc: we'll see11:09
familythe fat32 with dosfsck takes about 5 mins11:09
neozenapoc: ask away11:10
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Apoca'ight, i'm just curious how i access a different hard drive11:10
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Airforce5555skype does not have sound output or input11:10
neozenapoc: you mount it11:10
kingcobraneozen: no joy theres no wireless devices installed11:10
jribApoc: what filesystem?11:10
familyneozen: both11:10
familyHDs are good11:10
jrib!ntfs > Apoc    (Apoc, see the private message from ubotu)11:10
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Apocok thank you11:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gtksu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:10
coldfishwhy does my ubuntu use the swap partition unless it really needs to? MY ram is not full however it uses the small amount of the swap partition11:10
cX-kadsIcemanV9: now I get this error Connection closed by foreign host.11:11
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neozenkingcobra: take a look at the guide I mentioned11:11
AngryElf_it seems that everytime new updates come down these days I have to run dpkg --configure -a before I can get the new ones -- and it always seems like it's different packages that aren't configured correctly.....any ideas?11:11
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IdleOnejrib, how do you do that so quickly?11:11
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JowiAirforce5555, it was quite a while since I used skype (quit using it when ebay bought it up) but try "killall esd" in a terminal and start skype again.11:11
jribIdleOne: alias11:11
kingcobracan ya repost it neozen11:11
neozenkingcobra: sure11:11
dyrnei love mondays. everyone's too depressed about being back at work to bug me with problems. tuesdays however tend to suck11:11
hdermsi keep getting a kernel panic with my newly compiled kernel stating that vfs cannot load filesystem11:11
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IdleOnejrib, can you paste that command to me in private please11:12
dyrneer disregard that wrong channel11:12
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finalbetacoldfish: no idea really, but you can change this : http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1255511&postcount=4311:12
jrib!IdleOne > sure,    (sure,, see the private message from ubotu)11:12
jribheh oops11:12
neozenkingcobra: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19710211:12
bill_i need some help... i have a machine with two SATA RAID cards, and i can't get the installer to see them as RAID arrays, even with the "alternate" install CD11:12
coldfishfinalbeta: thanks11:12
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finalbetayour welcome11:12
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IcemanV9cX-kads: now, it is a good idea to go to help support chat there and find out what's going on ... hopefully, they're friendly and willing to help ya11:12
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neozenkingcobra: and best of luck mon11:13
neozenkingcobra: I've only walked someone through the steps in this guide... I don't actually own such a card myself11:13
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neozenkingcobra: sorry11:13
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Camaxtlineozen: What wireless card are we talking about?11:14
cX-kadsIcemanV9: ok thx man11:14
assasukassehi all11:14
panfisthey, im having trouble with torrent clients...i transfered some files to seed from a windows box to my ubuntu box and i;ve tried several torrent clients, all of them always fail hash checking my files and start to download over, even though i've re-checked in windows and they are fine11:14
IdleOnejrib, ?? you send it11:14
assasukassei wish to have ssh let me login only by RSA key11:14
neozenCamaxtli: a bcm4318 rev 0211:14
assasukassehow should i set in the conf file?11:14
dejanpetrovicis there anyone that have little time to explain me step by step how to install vlc player on private???11:14
CamaxtliNeozen: I have that card11:14
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kingcobraneozen: ok thanks11:14
jribIdleOne: yeah, you didn't receive a private message?11:14
dejanpetrovici just install ubuntu and i don't know what to do whit all that commands11:15
Camaxtlineozen: And I have it working ;) Who needs the help with it?11:15
neozenCamaxtli: ok... then I'd like to pass the mike11:15
neozenCamaxtli: kingcobra is the one in need of help11:15
Apocjrib: the script tells me there are no useable partitions found11:15
IdleOnejrib, it's one line right just paste it in here11:15
jribApoc: pastebin the output of 'sudo fdisk -l'11:15
neozendejanpetrovic: lol11:15
Camaxtlikingcobra: What is the problem with the 4318 card?11:15
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neozendejanpetrovic: calm down ... its going to be ok11:16
IcemanV9dejanpetrovic: what are commands that you don't understand?11:16
jeanrenow for a decent torrent client11:16
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Enverexdejanpetrovic, You need to ask for help on specific things else no-one can help11:16
Camaxtlijeanre: Azureus11:16
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dejanpetrovicis there anyone that have little time to explain me step by step how to install vlc player on private???11:16
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hdermsi keep getting a kernel panic with my newly compiled kernel stating that vfs cannot load filesystem11:16
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neozenjeanre: if you have the ram to feed it11:16
jeanreCamaxtli: anti java11:16
dejanpetrovicjust installing vlc11:16
Camaxtlidejanpetrovic: apt-get install vlc11:16
neozendejanpetrovic: yes... I'd have no problem doing that11:16
xtknightdejanpetrovic: can you open a terminal?11:16
gokucan dome1 help me set up email with evolution for earthlink?? i get connection refuse on the pop11:16
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dejanpetrovicdone that11:16
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xtknightdejanpetrovic: can you type "sudo apt-get install vlc"11:17
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dejanpetrovicbeen there done that!11:17
Apoci'm sorry, like i said, total noob, what do i do?11:17
xtknightdejanpetrovic: goto the menu: applications->sound&video->VLC11:17
IcemanV9dejanpetrovic: you need to enable universe repo then11:17
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OswyHey, I'm having a problem recognizing my wireless card. I installed all the drivers and stuff, but it's viewing it as a wired connection, and I can't do anything with it.11:17
dejanpetrovicql how to  enable universe repo then11:17
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource11:17
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xtknightdejanpetrovic: you need to let us know any errors that occur or else we can't help you reliably11:18
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fabianocould i use webcam in the amsn?11:18
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neozenfabiano: depends on your cam11:18
dejanpetrovic enable universe repo then11:18
OuZocan anyone help with apache .htaccess?11:18
gokuhow do u set up email for earthlink.net in evolution i get pop refuse..11:18
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xtknightfirst you need to make sure your webcam is supported by the kernel11:18
neozendejanpetrovic: yeah... I can talk you through it11:19
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coldfishmay i use the tracker(feisty) for the edgy?11:19
dejanpetrovicE: Couldn't find package vlc11:19
Flannel!anyone | OuZo11:19
xtknightcoldfish: what do you mean?11:19
ubotuOuZo: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:19
deebushelp!  X won't start!11:19
neozenfabiano: google video4linux11:19
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xtknight!universe| dejanpetrovic11:19
jrib!info vlc | dejanpetrovic11:19
ubotudejanpetrovic: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource11:19
ubotudejanpetrovic: vlc: multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-svn20061012.debian-1ubuntu1.1 (edgy), package size 1120 kB, installed size 3240 kB11:19
hdermsi keep getting a kernel panic with my newly compiled kernel stating that vfs cannot load filesystem11:19
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neozendejanpetrovic: ....take a look in your client... you should see a window with my name11:19
xtknighthderms: may i suggest the ##linux channel or a search on the ubuntu forums11:19
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neozendejanpetrovic: your irc client that is11:20
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JendaHow can I change the color of the font of items on the gnome-panel?11:20
deebuswhen I log in through gdm, I get the brown background, but the desktop doesn't load11:20
OswyHey, I'm having a problem recognizing my wireless card. I installed all the drivers and stuff, but it's viewing it as a wired connection, and I can't do anything with it.11:20
deebusso I guess X is starting, but gnome isn't11:20
hdermshow do you remove old kernel images wiht dpkg11:20
xtknighthderms: sudo dpkg --purge linux-<version>..11:20
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xtknightJenda: metacity theme off gnome-look.org11:21
goofeyi'd like to remove evolution, but that wants to remove ubuntu-desktop - will that actually remove gnome?11:21
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razzorzG'day all... how does one make "VLC" default, to open when download is complete., besides totem move player,11:21
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ApocDisk /dev/sda: 200.0 GB, 200049647616 bytes11:21
Apoc255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 24321 cylinders11:21
ApocUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes11:21
Apoc   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System11:21
xtknightgoofey: no, you don't need ubuntu-desktop11:21
Apoc/dev/sda1   *           1       23564   189277798+  83  Linux11:21
Apoc/dev/sda2           23565       24321     6080602+   5  Extended11:21
xtknight!paste | Apoc11:21
ubotuApoc: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:21
gokucan some1 in here help me set up email for earthlink pop acc in evolution??11:21
Apoc/dev/sda5           23565       24321     6080571   82  Linux swap / Solaris11:21
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gokuwhat setting should i use11:21
hdermsxtknight, how do i find what the name of the kerne image is, with dpkg -l it shows packages yet i cant get seem to find hte exact name11:21
=== Incompetnce [n=seamus@cpc2-warw5-0-0-cust24.sol2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
goofeyxtknight: cool - just checking - thanks!11:21
OswyHey, I'm having a problem recognizing my wireless card. I installed all the drivers and stuff, but it's viewing it as a wired connection, and I can't do anything with it.11:21
Apocthat's what i got jrib11:21
JowiApoc, please use pastebin11:21
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Jowiubotu, tell Apoc about pastebin11:21
Apocsorry, i don't know what pastebin is11:21
Jendaxtknight: and manually?11:21
bill_could someone please help me with a hardware SATA RAID problem?  i can't get the installer to recognize it for the life of m11:21
xtknighthderms: dpkg -S /boot/vmlinuz-`uname -r`11:21
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Jendaxtknight: mind, I don't even use metacity - I'm on beryl.11:22
litheumany ideas why tcpdump would fail with "tcpdump: socket: Address family not supported by protocol" ?11:22
xtknightJenda: then, the emerald theme manager i'd assume11:22
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JowiApoc, you should have gotten a private message from ubotu that explains it11:22
deebusanyone know why gnome wouldn't start for me?11:22
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deebusgdm works11:22
xtknightdeebus: do you have any free space?11:22
deebusbut gnome doesn't start up11:22
Apocyes i did thanks11:22
deebuslots of free space11:22
OswyHey, I'm having a problem recognizing my wireless card. I installed all the drivers and stuff, but it's viewing it as a wired connection, and I can't do anything with it. (Anyone? Anyone?)11:22
xtknightdeebus: cat ~/.Xsession11:22
Incompetncewhere are the options for the spell checker thing that underlines misspelled words in XChat, FireFox etc?11:22
Jowideebus, hard to say on so little information. try to create a new user and log in with that.11:22
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litheumIncompetnce:  i think each of those has its own spellchecker?11:23
xtknightIncompetnce: it is called 'aspell' but i dont know where the options are11:23
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xtknightno they all use the aspell engine11:23
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dyrnedeebus: alt-ctrl-f2 then login then 'sudo adduser' is the easiest way11:23
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OswyHey, I'm having a problem recognizing my wireless card. I installed all the drivers and stuff, but it's viewing it as a wired connection, and I can't do anything with it. (Anyone? Anyone?)11:24
Jendaxtknight: I'm looking for a way to change it manually, through gconf - I know it's there, but can't find it :(11:24
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fabianowhere can i find pack for genius webcam?11:24
xtknightJenda: hmm dont know11:24
CamaxtliOswy: What kind of card is it?11:24
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Jendaxtknight: thanks anyway ;)11:24
OswyNetgear MA311.11:24
xtknightfabiano: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=genius+webcam+linux&btnG=Search  ?11:25
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xtknightfabiano: more specifically http://zc0302.sourceforge.net/zc0302.php?page=cams11:25
xtknightthat's a kernel driver for it11:25
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xtknightit's not in the official tree afaik11:25
CamaxtliOswy: Is it working, can you connect or is the only problem you have that it's called eth1?11:25
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jribApoc: hmm I don't see any other partitions on there11:26
OswyIt's called wlan0, but it sees it as a wired connection.11:26
jribApoc: where do you believe it is supposed to be?11:26
OswyAnd it seems to be working; it shows up on the networks list.11:26
Apocjrib: don't have a clue, i just started using Ubuntu today, got sick of windows11:26
gokuhwo do u set up email pop email in evolution  and earthlink . i keep getting pop connection refuse. can some1 point me to the right place for help?11:26
mikebeechamHi there, can anyone help me with Twinview?  Apparantly there is a Clone Mode, but I cannot find it11:26
jribApoc: are you still able to boot into windows (by selecting it at the grub menu)?  Also, do you have more than one hard drive?11:26
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CamaxtliOswy: Strange11:27
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xtknightmikebeecham: nvidia-settings ?11:27
deebussorry guys.  had to ssh into it11:27
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OswyAny possible cure for it?11:27
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xtknightmikebeecham: nv or nvidia driver?11:27
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Apocjrib: i wiped windows out after backing up my files onto the NTFS PATA harddrive, and installed ubuntu onto a 200gb SATA hard drive11:27
xtknightmikebeecham: should be in nvidia-settings11:27
mikebeechamxtknight: nvidia11:27
IcemanV9goku: pop.earthlink.net?11:27
jribApoc: I see, so ubuntu isn't seeing that second hard drive at all11:28
jeanreok now just to get mp3's working11:28
gokuyes pop.earthlink.net11:28
mikebeechamxtknight: Did look but could not find it11:28
Apocjrib: not at all apparently11:28
xtknightmikebeecham: have you looked at the nvidia driver Release Notes/docs ?11:28
Toran1OK, when I plug my camera into my computer and open up f-spot to import the pictures, it says "could not claim the usb device". I've tried downgrading the libgphoto-related libraries  as described in this forum thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=383058 . I've tried editing /etc/udev/rules.d/45-libgphoto2.rules , replacing the line described in this bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgphoto2/+bug/91250 . Neither of thes11:28
CamaxtliOswy: Not that I can think of on the of my head11:28
IcemanV9goku: then, what kind of error message were you getting?11:28
jeanreis there a quick way to do this?11:28
OswyWell, thanks anyway.11:28
Apocjrib: would it make a difference that the second drive is on IDE and the one ubuntu is installed on is SATA?11:28
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OswyI'll keep asking, maybe try some other things.11:28
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mikebeechamxtknight: no, I've only been using linux for a week, and am still getting to grips with it...I still need a lot of hand-holding11:29
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xtknightmikebeecham: alright i will link you to the docs11:29
kingcobraneozen: i cant get device to see router now though11:29
deebusxtknight:  http://pastebin.ca/41114011:29
mikebeechamxtknight: thanks11:29
deebuspastebinned it11:29
OswyAlso, how do I make a folder untraceable?11:29
neozenkingcobra: ok11:29
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xtknightmikebeecham: the nvidia docs are pretty simple and to the opint11:29
Silencerhow to reset cache of ubuntu synaptec update list ?11:29
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neozenkingcobra: are you using encryption on the router?11:29
hypn0goku: are you sure it isn't mail.earthlink.net :-/11:29
razzorzok lets try tis again... ( how does one make VLC default Player... ( so it popus up when a download is done ) besides Totem player11:29
TheVaultHello everyone, was wondering if anyone has used Wifi yet in the new feisty fawn release so I can hear feedback on that particular area?11:29
xtknightmikebeecham: http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-9755/README/index.html11:29
jribApoc: there have been some issues with that recently... does it use jmicron?11:29
Apocjrib: don't have a clue11:29
mikebeechamxtknight: thanks...will read now11:29
xtknightTheVault: #ubuntu+1 channel for Feisty feedback11:29
jribApoc: what chipset on the mobo?11:30
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xtknightmikebeecham: looks like this specifically is what you want, appendix G http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-9755/README/appendix-g.html11:30
TheVaultxtknight: Thank you very much11:30
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deebusJowi:  added a new user, still has the same problem11:30
kingcobraneozen: yes i forgot 2 put in password bak in a min11:30
xtknightmikebeecham: i dont know why it wouldn't appear in nvidia-settings though try the manual X.org configuration way as described in the aforementioned link..11:30
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neozenkingcobra: lol11:30
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neozenok then11:30
gokuice- i get the messge connection refuse11:30
CamaxtliOswy: You mean an invisible folder?11:30
PitzeI'm pretty used to gentoo.. and I was wondering when and how I use su.. cause I don't have the password for it.. don't I ever want to be root in ubuntu?11:30
OswyI guess, yeah.11:31
chrisjs169how can i restart the sound server?11:31
xtknightOswy: prefix the folder with . to hide it11:31
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Apocjrib: Nvidia nforce 4 SLI11:31
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Recyclableis there a way to make grub boot XP by default - or the last used OS?11:31
jrib!sudo > Pitze    (Pitze, see the private message from ubotu)11:31
Oswyk, thanks.11:31
=== pcsm [n=pablo@112.Red-88-24-227.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
CamaxtliOswy: Just add a . in front of the folder name11:31
FerretPitze: 'sudo su'11:31
gokuice- i get the msg could not connect to pop.earthlink.net. connection refuse11:31
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xtknightOswy: it can still be shown in ls -al and Show Hidden Files in nautilus but it's harder to see11:31
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OswyAlso, noob question, how do I log in as root?11:31
xtknightOswy: sudo -s11:31
jrib!sudo > Oswy    (Oswy, see the private message from ubotu)11:31
Baguahi, I installed the Nvidia driver, and it changed the language of nautilus, how can i get back my language??11:31
FerretPitze: But generally you shouldn't use a root shell, but I use it if I have to do a lot of fiddly folder and file moving work11:31
swhalenyou dont want to do that11:31
mikebeecham__xtknight: Yeah, i'm reading now, but one thing's for sure...for a windows boy NOTHING is going to be easy!11:31
deebusOswy:  you have to explicitly allow it11:31
Toran1OK, when I plug my camera into my computer and open up f-spot to import the pictures, it says "could not claim the usb device". I've tried downgrading the libgphoto-related libraries  as described in this forum thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=383058 . I've tried editing /etc/udev/rules.d/45-libgphoto2.rules , replacing the line described in this bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgphoto2/+bug/91250 . Neither of thes11:31
OswyOK, thanks.11:31
deebuslook at your login manager11:31
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CamaxtliRecyclable: Change the grub config and reinstall grub11:32
deebusOswy:  I don't recommend allowing that unless it's necessary11:32
PitzeFerret: ok.. but it's totally normal that I don't have the password then? :] 11:32
swhalenoswy, use sudo as a prefix for root commands11:32
Jowideebus, how about restarting gdm "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" and "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start". there is also "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" but that does not work all the time for me.11:32
deebusit's safer not doing that11:32
chrisjs169any ideas for restarting sound server?11:32
deebusJowi:  tried that11:32
mihailohello! anyone here use the tv out on an nvidia card?11:32
deebusJow:  gdm restarts just fine, actually11:32
OswyI mean, I just have to enable sudo access (or something) by other users.11:32
gokuhwo do u set up email pop email in evolution  and earthlink . i keep getting pop connection refuse. can some1 point me to the right place for help?11:32
OswyIs that doable?11:32
FerretPitze: I guess so, I don't have my root password on any of my machines... I set it to something random11:32
jribApoc: well it sounds like this https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.17/+bug/57502 even if we are not sure that your mobo uses the jmicron controller.  Maybe someone else here has more info about that11:32
swhalencould someone help me with googleearth11:33
Jowideebus, do you get any errors at all logging in. like "your session lasted less than 10 seconds" or similar=11:33
deebusI think I found it...I removed evolution, like, all of it, and I think accidently removed ubuntu-desktop11:33
Baguahi, I installed the Nvidia driver, and it changed the language of nautilus, how can i get back my language??11:33
deebusJowi:  no11:33
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deebusJowi:  unless I ctl-alt-backspace multiple times11:33
jribswhalen: what specically?11:33
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Jowideebus, ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package and can be removed without affecting other installed programs.11:33
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:33
IcemanV9goku: wrong password? take a look at this --> http://kb.earthlink.net/case.asp?s=st%3D72%2Ce%3D0000000001445366214%2Ck%3D830%2Csxi%3D2&article=12733911:33
deebusaw crap.  that sucks11:33
nick__Can someone help me edit my Places menu11:33
swhalenit just wont start, hangs at splash, with no output11:33
mihailodoes anyone know how to clone the picture from my desktop onto my tv?11:34
deebusJowi:  does that pastebin error msg make sense to you?11:34
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jribswhalen: do you get any output when you try running it from a terminal?11:34
PitzeFerret: oki nice... can I ask how you normally install programs? as I said I'm used to gentoo, so I've almost only done the "emerge" thing and stuff works fine.. is there something like that or should I dl the progs?11:34
IcemanV9goku: that page should help you to set up correctly (even though it was for thunderbird client, but same info though)11:34
Jowideebus, but if you think you might have remove other programs that you might need you can re-install ubuntu-desktop.11:34
swhalenno..thats the odd thing.......11:34
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Apocjrib: ubuntu recognizes my PATA optical drives though11:34
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alucardi recompiled my kernel and it just says "loading kernel" and then it hangs11:34
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deebusJowi:  I just did (via ssh).  I sent it a reboot signal.  going to try to log in in a minute11:35
jribswhalen: are you using beryl or compiz?11:35
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swhaleni use fglrx11:35
zasfhi all11:35
nick__Can someone help me edit my Places menu11:35
Jowideebus, no, that one does not mean a thing to me.11:35
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Jowideebus, the error I mean.11:35
alucardi recompiled my kernel and it just says "loading kernel" and then it hangs11:35
jribnick__: anything you bookmark in nautilus will appear in your Places menu11:35
Jowideebus, perhaps that file is corrupted.11:36
FerretPitze: Try the FAQ and other links in the topic11:36
mihailono one here uses tv out on an nvidia card?11:36
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deebushm.  not sure what I'd do to fix it11:36
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Jowideebus, are you using edgy or?11:36
deebusit's a strange message11:36
trondIs it possible to make windows float over panels in gnome? It used to be a setting in gnome-conf, is there a way to fix this in a configuration file or anything?11:36
nick__jrib I made a link called Documents in my home folder and it automatically adds it to the places menu11:36
deebusdapper with mythtv11:36
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Jowideebus, I would give you mine, but I'm on edgy and not sure they are the same.11:36
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nick__jrib and it wont let me right click in nautilas and remove it because its above the line11:37
deebusgood call11:37
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trondBy floating over panels I mean that I can maximize windows fully over the panels11:37
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jribnick__: weird11:37
deebusI'd like to avoid a complete reinstall...mythtv setup is kind of tricky11:37
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Jowideebus, if mythtv is setup to run when you logon perhaps it modified that file.11:37
nick__jrib i figured there has got to be a txt file to edit11:37
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gokubasically i know how to set up pop email on outlook and so on but i cant set it to work in evolution11:37
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gokucan some1 help me11:37
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nick__jrib also i deleted it and remade teh documents link and it added itself back11:38
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Recyclableuse thunderbird11:38
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Jowideebus, make a backup of /etc/X11/Xsession.d/55gnome-session_gnomerc and try mine anyway if you like11:38
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gokurecyclable - ?11:38
deebusJowi:  I got it.  reinstalling ubuntu-desktop fixed it11:38
Recyclablegoku: go to package manager and find thunderbird11:38
gokui keep getting connection refuse and in evulution.11:38
deebusright now myth is not set to run at startup11:38
Jowideebus, ok11:38
=== michaelfavia [n=michaelf@cpe-66-68-112-211.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Recyclableit's a better email client11:38
deebusJowi:  thanks for the help man11:39
michaelfaviaanyone know how i can install ffmpeg header on my box?11:39
deebushave a good one, folks11:39
jribnick__: hmm, I can't replicate that here though I am using a different version.  What capitalization scheme did you use?11:39
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michaelfaviathere isnt a ffmpeg-dev package11:39
swhalenjrib, is there a log i can use?11:39
michaelfaviaand i need the headers to compile ffmpeg-php11:39
jeanreman I hate firefox11:39
jeanreit so sucks11:39
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jeanreas soon as I open it my pc slows down11:39
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jribswhalen: not that I know of.  Check if google earth has any verbose or debug flags you can use11:39
nick__jrib "Documents"11:40
Kouwhat program would a mac user need to transfer files with my ubuntu machine via ssh?11:40
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OswyUgh, how do I rename a file? Is it sudo rename -v '/hda1/folder' '/hda1/newname'?11:40
mihailoNvidia TV Out, anyone having experience with it?11:40
swhalenjeanre, try swiftfox11:40
gokuit is strange why i cant connect using evolution?11:40
preactionKou: OSX comes with scp, which is file transfer using SSH11:40
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gokuanyone know why?11:40
rendoHow do I shutdown X?11:40
nick__jrib i erased the link it dissapeared, i recreated and it didnt show up, but when i rebooted it did11:40
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gokuanyways i'm downloading tbird right now11:40
Koupreaction - thanks11:40
Jowijeanre, there are tons of how-to's on how to speed up firefox. make it use less memory and faster connections.11:40
neozenmichaelfavia: nope11:40
jribnick__: why do you say link?  Is it a different partition?11:40
dyrneOswy: i only use rename for bulk renaming normally just 'mv file newfile'11:41
neozenmichaelfavia: you need to download the source for ffmpeg off of their site11:41
xtknightanyone use Firewire via their Audigy in Linux?  if so, how well does it work?  i need a firewire-in port and that's the only port i have available.11:41
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neozenmichaelfavia: try googling ffmpeg11:41
jeanreswhalen: is it in the repos?11:41
IcemanV9goku: are you using secure connection or not? if yes, then turn it off ... and are you using 'password' for auth type?11:41
hypn0jeanre: you tried dillo?11:41
neozenmichaelfavia: should be one of the top results11:41
nick__jrib I have all my documents movies music etc on a mirrored partition11:41
Jowirendo, "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" if you're using ubuntu. kdm if you use kubuntu11:42
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jribnick__: well mounted partitions will show up there automatically somehow11:42
swhalenjeanre, im not sure, i use automatix11:42
nick__jrib I have a separate raid for my movies and it doesnt show up11:42
crdlbjeanre, try epiphany11:42
OswyIt has all my files as a read-only file system; how do I change this?11:43
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pwwmasterhow can i open .docx in openoffice?11:43
gokuice- u are the main it works. stupid me.. i put it login and.. security i set it as always11:43
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Sayers!apt-get moo11:43
jribnick__: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2346620 .  I would just call it lowercase 'documents' unless you want to skim the source code11:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-get moo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:43
albackeris there any PDF to TXT converter TOOL FOR UBUNT ?!11:43
xtknightpwwmaster: i dont know, maybe the current version doesn't support it yet.  check for a new version (outside of repos)?11:43
IcemanV9goku: terrific. glad it all worked out. :D11:43
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dyrnealbacker: there are a few. i dont know them offand11:43
jribalbacker: there is 'pdftotext' in xpdf-utils11:43
pwwmasteri didn't find any right now11:43
crdlbalbacker, pdftotext11:43
bigcx2hey how do you check private messages in xchat?11:44
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jribbigcx2: click on the tab at the bottom11:44
genii!super cow powers11:44
ubotusuper: Execute commands setuid root. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.26.1-1 (edgy), package size 122 kB, installed size 852 kB11:44
xtknightbigcx2: they appear on your left in red11:44
albackerdyrne, jrib crdlb thanks11:44
xtknightdepending on your UI config..11:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about supercow - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:44
alucardi recompiled my kernel and it just says "kernel is booting" and the system hangs, can anyone hlp me?11:44
neozenalbacker: you should just be able to select all and copy in just about any pdf reader11:44
crdlbbigcx2, or in a tab at the bottom11:44
geniiheh ubotu lies11:44
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xtknightgenii: i believe you're looking for apt-get moo :P11:44
SayersI love apt-get moo11:44
geniixtknight Quite possibly :)11:44
Apoci was wondering how i install an nvida GPU driver to increase my screen resolution11:44
Sayersbest part of linux11:44
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OswyEverything was by default read-only, how do I undo this?11:44
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crdlbaptitude moo11:44
dyrne!nvidia| Apoc11:45
ubotuApoc: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:45
xtknightaptitude -{vvvvvvvvvv} moo is better11:45
xtknightverbose mooing.11:45
neozenSayers: aptitude -v moo11:45
neozenSayers: aptitude -vv moo11:45
alucardi recompiled my kernel and it just says "kernel is booting" and the system hangs, can anyone hlp me?11:45
jribnick__: oh, I got Documents to show up too after restarting nautilus11:45
neozenSayers: aptitude -vvv moo11:45
neozenSayers: and just keep going11:45
gokuanother newbie question how do u install a software?11:45
=== xerox_ [n=xerox@c-4476e255.010-198-73746f32.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)11:45
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gokuanyone know a good newsgroup reader software11:45
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Flannel!synaptic | goku11:45
ubotugoku: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto11:45
crdlbgoku, pan11:45
nick__jrib that link u sent was very helpful on knowing why it shows up but i wish i knew hows to stop that11:46
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crdlbgoku, if you use sylpheed it has newsgroups too11:46
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jribnick__: just make it lowercase11:46
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gokuflannel- ok i used syn and download thunderbird.. what next? where is that program d/l to11:46
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nick__jrib I know I can do that but I am one of those people that wants to know how to fix not how to work around11:47
crdlbgoku, applications -> internet11:47
gokuok i see hwo about uninstall program?11:48
crdlbgoku, find it in synaptic and remove it11:48
gokuok cool11:48
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nick__jrib whats is the command to show all the running processes11:48
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gokusyn is a cool feature hehehe11:48
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crdlbnick__, ps ax11:48
Prezmy Edgy setup works beautifully except when I resume from suspend to disk, my sound is dead11:48
Prezy have intel_hda driver11:48
nick__jrib oh yea i knew it was 2 letters11:48
Prezon Lenovo X60s11:48
gokui'm jus starting to use ubunto so please excuse me for asking newbies question11:48
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Jowigoku, the packages are automatically installed for you and should appear in the menu on your taskbar. if you want to see exactly what was installed you find the package in synaptic and right click on it. there is an option there to see more info.11:49
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haxalitygoku: hint: it's spelled 'ubuntu' not 'ubunto' :)11:49
jribnick__: you comfortable take a look at some C source code?11:49
IcemanV9!welcome | goku11:49
ubotugoku: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.11:49
nick__jrib for what?11:49
=== billy [n=billy@c-68-59-117-213.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribnick__: to see where your documents thing is coming from, I think I've found it11:49
billyhowdy folks.11:50
emetsome clippy thing11:50
emetname vigor11:50
emetlike 5 of them11:50
emetare on my computer11:50
=== IcemanV9 meant to welcome goku to the Ubuntu world of fun! :)
emetand I can't kill them11:50
bigcx2the xchat in my tray bar says i have 2 private messages but i have no tab at the bottom or any way to check them11:50
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ttshow dose one disable and enable gmd using a terminal most likely ssh11:50
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nick__jrib no i am not familiar with C11:50
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Flannelgoku: With *nix, you don't really need to know where programs go.  They're all in your path.  So, (if you ddn't have an applicaion menu) you'd go to a terminal and type 'thunderbird' and it'd start.  (well, usually the name is pretty straightforward, sometimes you need to use tabcomplete to figure it out)11:50
preactiontts: gmd?11:50
Jowitts, you mean gdm?11:50
nick__jrib if its not just some txt config file then I am happy with saying its over my head...lol11:50
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bigcx2Flannel: or in the case of thunderbird -- mozilla-thunderbird11:51
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Jowitts, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start|stop|restart11:51
Flannelgoku: like bigcx2 said.  Sometimes the name isn't quite so simple, but it's easy to figure out.  But even then, it should be in your application menu currently.11:51
KalleDKAny know about OpenSSH ??11:51
jribnick__: it's actually a debian patch, 06_documents_place.patch .  If you're interested, you can probably understand most of it.  And if you get rid of the patch and rebuild the package I'm fairly certian it will just remove that feature.  It seems to be hard-coded so no text file to edit11:51
Flannel!anyone | KalleDK11:51
nick__jrib how did you restart nautilas without loggin out11:51
ubotuKalleDK: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:51
dyrneKalleDK: quite a few of us :)11:51
neozenKalleDK: yeah11:52
chibiaceFlannel: tab auto completion for the win.11:52
neozenKalleDK: having trouble?11:52
gokuty - all for the helpful tips11:52
KalleDKWell I made a global authorized_keys file11:52
jribnick__: well I don't have nautilus managing my desktop so I just closed it and opened it again but you can do 'killall nautilus'11:52
neozenKalleDK: ooohhhh boy11:52
KalleDKAnd downloaded it to my different servers / conputers11:52
neozenKalleDK: ok11:52
nick__jrib i know how to kill but not restart with proper config11:52
KalleDKand one of them refuse to log me in11:52
neozenKalleDK: sounds like an interesting setup11:52
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jribnick__: it should restart on its own11:53
KalleDKI got 3 servers and would like to just use on key ;)11:53
nick__jrib: thanks11:53
KalleDKbut one of them refuse the other two accepts fine11:53
gokuis there any good chess inferface software to play on fics?11:53
takesinnI can't get Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory or True Combat: Elite to work properly11:53
KalleDKDo you know why that could be :)11:53
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neozenhoallo takesinn11:54
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ttsthanks Jowi:11:54
billyisn't the wine directory ~/.wine ?11:54
neozenKalleDK: nope... I have a very simple setup of openssh-server11:54
neozenKalleDK: good luck11:54
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neozenKalleDK: I'm sure someone here can help you11:54
Jowigoku, eboard is one recommended on fics homepage and it works fine11:54
KalleDKhehe when im done I can ssh between them ;)11:54
takesinnWhen I try to get the server list the game just freezes. I have to ALT+F1 and ALT+F7 to make it respond again, only then the server list hasn't appeared11:54
IcemanV9billy: that is correct11:54
Jowi!info eboard11:54
ubotueboard: A graphical chessboard program. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.5-6.1 (edgy), package size 470 kB, installed size 1232 kB11:54
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neozentakesinn: you're running these in wine right?11:55
billyIcemanV9: thanks.  for some reason it wasn't showing up until just now.11:55
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dyrnetakesinn: well.. there's always tremulous :) did you install from a unofficial repo or just user the installers?11:56
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gnahhhhOswy, did you ever get that wireless working?11:56
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OswyDo you know how?11:56
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trondAfter I installed firestarter external users can not connect to proftpd without me shutting down the firewall. How to fix that?11:56
neozenOswy what card?11:56
chiculubi only have two screen resolution options, and the best one is 800x600.  how can i make this better or can somebody point me to where i can figure this out.  i didnt see anything in the manual11:56
OswyAlso, it says that my media drive (imported from Windows) is read-only, can I fix this, or am I stuck?11:56
OswyNetgear MA311.11:57
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:57
LoweOswy, your media drive is NTFS?11:57
neozenany relation to the 111?11:57
hanbushhello, my copy of ubuntu isnt booting up, it hangs at the last part of the loading screen11:57
OswyIs that unreadable?11:57
IcemanV9when i typed 'xload -remote xxx.xxx.x.xxx' and it does not register any activities?! why xload works on local and not on remote??11:57
diginetHi there :)11:58
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gokuhow would i go about installing eboard?11:58
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dyrnehanbush: can you alt-ctrl-f2 and get to a getty login?11:58
LoweOswy, it's readable, but not writable afaik11:58
IcemanV9sudo aptitude install eboard11:58
OswyWell, crap.11:58
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OswyAnyway, back to the wireless card issue.11:58
Jowigoku, enable universe repo, then install it with either apt-get, aptitude or synaptic package manager.11:58
neozenOswy: if you feel lucky... check you ntfs-3g11:58
Jowi!universe | goku11:58
ubotugoku: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource11:58
OswyHaha, OK.11:58
neozenOswy: that's stable now11:58
OswyWhat's that do?11:58
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ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)11:59
hypn0goku: there are 3d chess games11:59
OswyAhh, cool.11:59
ttsany one know how to disable gnome for  a server ?11:59
hanbushdyrne: im not sure the computer is two floors away, if i can, what should i do?11:59
gokujowi how to enable universe repo?11:59
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OswyIt is stable, though?11:59
=== agent_r [n=r@c-71-58-67-50.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
OswyNot all my stuff can be backed u.11:59
dyrnetts: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove11:59
Jowigoku, read the links that ubotu spat out.11:59
gokui jus want to play on fics11:59
Incompetncei want to have a program run on startup, and i have found the session thing in the administration tab. now i dont know where to find the path to my program...11:59
Jowihypn0, not all chess clients support fics though.11:59
hanbushtts: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove11:59
dyrnetts: youll have to sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start  to bring it up manually from now on11:59
hanbushgot it11:59
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hypn0what's fics :-/12:00
hanbushoh no12:00
LoweIncompetnce, try to find it with "whereis <prog>"12:00
Jowihypn0, http://www.freechess.org/12:00
PitzeDon't know if ppl don't like these kind of questions in this channel (tell me if you don't).. but which one is best - LostIRC or Konversation? (or maybe another IRC client)12:00
ttsok thanks12:00
trondHow to open ports in firestarter?12:00
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neozenPitze: I just use the irc support in gaim12:00
LowePitze, i like XChat12:00

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