
RiddellTonio_: long time12:13
RiddellTonio_: about 16 hours paris to madrid, anther two or three to sevilla12:14
[ade] 24 hours even for me, and i think 27 for riddell (guessing times edb-london-brussel)12:14
Tonio_Riddell: ouch......... I'll probably consider plane then ;)12:15
Riddellbut I have a good book and good company (especially so if sebas and [ade]  come along)12:15
RiddellTonio_: fine, just have a good excuse for your children when they ask why the planet is all dead!12:15
Tonio_Riddell: is there any reason not to take the plane I might know ?12:16
Tonio_Riddell: indeed, I should consider train then.......12:16
Riddellno airport hassle, nice snooze on the way, planet earth survives12:17
Riddellget to see a bit of paris and madrid12:17
Riddelllet me know if you want my times so you can try and book the same trains12:17
Tonio_Riddell: yup that'd be nice12:18
Tonio_just contacted dione@eyas, I'll re-email to ask for train12:18
Tonio_Riddell: eventually, should I ask for the same train than you ? if you already have the train number...12:19
[ade] train is 2x as expensive as flying12:19
[ade] that's an issue.12:19
Tonio_Riddell: will canonical accept train then ?12:20
[ade] i made the mistake of asking, don't you do the same12:21
[ade] !bedtime12:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bedtime - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:21
=== neversfelde [n=chrman@nrbg-4db4414b.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
giangyI upgraded to the latest qt put into feisty12:49
giangyand I have *something* broken12:49
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Riddellgiangy: upgrade kdelibs and kde-style-polyester too12:52
giangyRiddell: well, 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu912:54
giangyis the latest version available in my rep12:54
giangyRiddell: ok, changed to en.* :)12:57
=== Tonio__ [n=tonio@177.207.103-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio__another disconnection :'(01:00
Tonio__Riddell: thanks for the infos, I'll go with eyas and train then01:00
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naught101did anyone else notice that the laptop in the corner of this picture is running windowsXP?02:19
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manchickendigiKam is by far the coolest program available for digital photo management.03:25
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Jucatomoin Hobbsee!04:15
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Hobbseehey Jucato!04:24
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JucatoHobbsee: did you make it to your meeting? :D04:39
HobbseeJucato: yeah, most of it :)04:39
HobbseeJucato: then went back to sleep04:39
Jucatohehe :)04:39
Jucatosexy UK accent wasn't enough to keep you awake? :D04:40
Hobbseeit was over IRC04:40
Hobbseeand i sent the phonecall to voicemail04:40
JucatoHobbsee: btw, you have kdmtheme installed right? could you confirm something for me? In System Settings -> Appearance -> KDM Theme Manager has no Administrator Mode button04:41
HobbseeJucato: uh, correct04:41
Jucatoseems like my "patch" to re-include Launch Feedback in System Settings hasn't been applied yet either... :)04:43
Hobbseeseems os04:46
Hobbseenot sure what's happening04:46
=== Jucato will poke Tonio and _StefanS_ later...
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yuriyJucato: yeah i can confirm that too (from trying it earlier)05:09
Jucatohi yuriy! :)05:09
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Hobbseecould we make strigi work with kde help stuff, so that we dont need the htdig?06:17
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[ade] Hobbsee: i think that's the plan for kde4 at least08:06
Hobbsee[ade] : true.08:07
Jucato[ade]  is in here? wow!! O.O08:07
[ade] yes, your favorite "linux sucks" kde person :)08:08
Jucatohehe :)08:08
Jucatoas long as it's not "kde sucks", it's fine by me :D08:08
Jucatohm.. "kde sucks" sounds like one of those, what do you call 'em? oxymorons? :D08:08
[ade] i was thinking in the shower that i need to read up on kubuntu terminology -- i usually just let sebas update my kubuntu laptop.08:09
[ade] "kde sucks" is on the front page of kde-apps.org08:09
Jucatolol never noticed :D08:10
=== Jucato wants a shirt like what aseigo was wearing in the pic on his blog...
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HobbseeRiddell: ?11:14
Riddellsoar throat11:15
ajmitchhi Riddell11:15
Hobbseeoh dear11:15
=== _StefanS_ [n=sfs@cpe.atm2-0-77156.0x5734b54a.naenxx12.customer.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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hungerIs qt3 fixed now?12:08
hungerGreat, thanks!12:09
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Jucatoall's fine here. (thank you Riddell)12:09
Jucatohunger: if you're talking about the KDE styles12:09
hungerJucato: I am.12:09
Jucatoah ok. then the updates I got 10 hours ago fixed those12:09
Jucato(hello Plastik and Polyester!)12:10
Jucatooh btw, Riddell, got claydoh's email?12:11
RiddellJucato: "Kubuntu DVD link pointss to Ubuntu's image file"?12:11
Riddellshould be fixed12:11
Jucatoah kool :)12:11
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@p54957DB5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Jucato now waits for Tonio_ and _StefanS_
_StefanS_what ?12:12
Jucatooh krap why _StefanS_ hehe sorry :)12:12
Jucatono nothing for you today :D12:12
_StefanS_heh ok12:12
Jucatooh oh now I remember :D12:12
Jucato_StefanS_: remember the modified kde-systemsettings.menu?12:12
_StefanS_Jucato: ah yep12:13
Jucatojust wondering where it ended up :)12:13
_StefanS_well I think I gave it to Tonio_12:13
=== Jucato just double checking on some System Settings stuff
_StefanS_cant remember really12:13
Jucatoaah. ok 2 points to ask Tonio :D12:14
_StefanS_lemme check my history12:14
Jucato_StefanS_: ok. thanks. sorry for bothering12:14
kwwiierm, what happened to my feisty? I wake up this morning and the style is gone ;-(12:15
kwwiiwhere oh where is polyester?12:15
hungerkwwii: Update Qt.12:15
Jucatoupdate again.12:15
hungerkwwii: Yesterday a bad one caused that problem for me, too. Jucato reports that it is fixed in the newest update.12:16
=== hunger thinks .Net style is really freightening.
_StefanS_hunger: and ugly.12:16
Jucato_StefanS_: Tm_T thinks differently :D12:16
Riddellit's not dotnet style12:19
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kwwiibrb, restarting kde12:21
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kwwiimuch better, thanks :-)12:24
kwwiiso what does everyone think of the color scheme?12:24
kwwiiit is getting kinda late in the game, so if anything should be changed say so now or forever hold your peace12:25
hungerkwwii: The only thing I'd like to see would be for the buttons on the side of the konqui sidebar and in kdevelop to look more like tabs.12:26
hungeractive tabs have a blue bar, those buttons are just darker when active.12:27
kwwiihunger: I can see that point....but unfortunately unless it is a simple artwork problem I cannot change anything in that respect12:27
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hungerkwwii: Apart from that the current style looks really nice to me.12:28
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rbrunhuberSince yesterdays update my kde has cde as widget style, anyone else?12:42
Riddellupdate kdelibs too12:42
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rbrunhuberRiddell: Normally I always do a aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade.12:44
rbrunhuberRiddell: Seems I updated before kdelibs hit the repo. So i missed this update.12:44
Tonio__hi guys12:51
giangyhi Tonio_12:52
Jucatohi Tonio_!12:54
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Hobbseeheya Tonio_!12:55
Tonio_hey giangy, Jucato, Hobbsee ;)12:55
JucatoTonio_: are you free for 2 System Settings questions? :D12:56
Tonio_Jucato: yup12:57
=== kwwii_ is now known as kwwii
JucatoTonio_: ok. 1st would be a bug: the Administrator Mode button is missing in the KDM Theme Manager module in System Settings12:58
Tonio_let me look12:58
=== Jucato just noticed last night...
Tonio_hum........ strange, works in kcontrol.....01:00
Tonio_probably need to ping _Sime_ concerning this..... I don't know if there is a difference in the way systemsettings deals with that01:00
Tonio__Sime_ or sebas I'd say....01:00
Tonio_Jucato: can be due to one thing : It is in a subsection01:02
Jucatoif it matters at all, when I sort of modified kde-systemsettings.menu to include it in the Advanced tab, the button was there01:02
Tonio_lemme test01:02
Jucatoah yeah... when I did the above, it was a separate module01:02
Tonio_let's put it under appearance and see01:02
Tonio_Jucato: note that in kcontrol too it is under a subsection : sysadmin01:03
JucatoTonio_: ah I meant that when I modified the .menu file, I just put it on the same level as the Login Manager, not under a sub-section01:04
Tonio_Jucato: that's i01:05
Tonio_Jucato: can you report a systemettigns ug concerning this ?01:05
Tonio_Jucato: systemsettings should deal with the admin switch in subsections01:06
Jucatoin LP right?01:06
=== Jucato bugs
Tonio_Jucato: wait : just test network config : works there for samba....01:06
Tonio_try share, sorry01:07
Jucatowhat did you patch to put kdmtheme under Appearance? the .desktop file?01:07
Tonio_Jucato: in appearance, try font installer, you can switch to admin01:07
Tonio_Jucato: yeah the desktop file01:08
Tonio_so fontinstaller works in appearance/appearance01:08
Jucatoreally weird... :/01:08
Tonio_kdmtheme doesn't01:08
Tonio_but works at the root of the section.......01:08
Tonio_weird ;)01:08
Jucatobtw, is the box with the "Click on Administrator Mode" in kdmtheme too big on your system too?01:09
Jucatoon mine it takes up half the window01:09
Tonio_Jucato: yeah, but that's not the reason.....01:11
Jucatoyeah. totally unrelated :)01:11
=== Jucato just mentioned it
Tonio_Jucato: button mode is displayed by systemsettings if the kcm file is supposed to use it01:11
Tonio_somehow systemsettings misses it......... but why ?01:12
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Tonio_Jucato: confirming it works with font installer ?01:12
Tonio_same subsection appearance01:12
Tonio_looking at kss code....01:14
Riddellooh, Tonio_, did you do the bluetooth patch?01:15
Tonio_./systemsettings/kcmultiwidget.cpp:             cm.adminmode = true;01:15
Tonio_Riddell: previous one yes01:15
Tonio_Riddell: no news from allee, and I don't know what is the problem since it perfectly works here01:15
Tonio_Riddell: did he told you what needs changing according to him ?01:16
alleeTonio_: ?01:16
Tonio_allee you talked about that on friday right ?01:16
Tonio_allee that the patch I added isn't valid01:16
alleeTonio_: uhm, right there was something.01:16
Tonio_Jucato: what is strange is this : kss sees that the module needs admin mode, since it displays the admin advertisment01:17
Tonio_Jucato: but not the button.....01:17
Tonio_and there is only one test in the sources...01:17
Jucatoyeah... totally strange...01:17
alleeTonio_: ah, the test for string PIN: is wrong.  Well, it accepts more or less everything as frist chars instead of insisting on 'PIN:'01:17
Tonio_alleewhich test is to be done then ?01:18
Tonio_Riddell: that kss bug is weird ;)01:18
Tonio_Riddell: fancy looking with me ?01:18
alleeTonio_: pastebin the patch?  I've not have it handy01:18
JucatoTonio_: I have another bug for kss later... but probably less important :)01:19
Tonio_allee http://paste.tonio.homelinux.org/7801:19
Tonio_Jucato: what concerns me with that bug is that it can affects more modules01:20
JucatoTonio_: true. luckily it only seems to affect kdmtheme :/01:20
Tonio_if(buffer[0] !='P' && buffer[1] !='I' && buffer[2] !='N')01:20
Tonio_allee talking about that ?01:20
alleeTonio_: ah, one bug is fixed already01:20
alleeTonio_: yes01:20
Tonio_what is the problem ?01:21
alleeTonio_: AFAIU the pin response should start with 'PIN:'  so if(buffer[0] !='P' && buffer[1] !='I' && buffer[2] !='N')   the s/&&/||/g    Otheriese 'xyN' is also accepted01:22
alleeTonio_: and a fputs what's not accepted is good for debugging ;)01:23
Tonio_Jucato: look with me on ./systemsettings/kcmultiwidget.cpp line 35001:23
alleeTonio_: all in all so no big deal.  the test is more tolerant than expected01:24
Jucatoer I don't have an updated systemsettings source lol :)01:24
Tonio_allee well that'll not do much a difference....01:24
alleeTonio_: yes.01:24
Tonio_allee just wait....01:24
Tonio_well that's bluez output, so hard to bind false pincodes01:25
Tonio_but we can replace with || I agree.... that's better01:25
Tonio_allee fixed patch, testing now01:25
Tonio_Jucato: apt-get source kde-systemsettings01:26
Jucatoyep. almost finished :)01:26
Tonio_d->hasRootKCM = true;01:26
Tonio_I assume that the button and the mode tests are different01:27
Tonio_Jucato: look line 377 too01:28
Tonio_for( ModuleList::Iterator it = m_modules.begin(); it != end; ++it ) {01:28
Tonio_this tests seems to respond "false"01:29
Tonio_while previous one responds "true"01:29
=== Jucato wonders why it's on line 378 for him...
=== Jucato is trying hard to make sense of all these.. :(
JucatoTonio_: um... I have to go for a while... bbl :(01:31
Tonio_Jucato: hu ?01:32
Tonio_378 lines only ?01:32
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alleeTonio_: what's the string:  PIN:1234 should pass the '||' test01:37
rbrunhuberhi allee01:38
Tonio_allee yes it should01:38
alleerbrunhuber: hi,  you can come to tonight meeting?01:38
Tonio_allee what is the problem ?01:38
rbrunhuberallee : Yes I think so, although i do not know where01:38
alleerbrunhuber: Bergmannshof01:39
alleerbrunhuber: gg:Bergmannshof Muenchen01:40
alleeTonio_: add fprintf(stderr, "Wrong passkey format: \"%s\"\n", buffer)  inside the  if(buffer[0] !='P'  ||01:45
alleeTonio_: maybe the agent returns 'pin:' ????01:46
Tonio_allee I'm sorry but I'm lost, what is the problem exactly ? works here so I don't really understand...01:46
alleeTonio_: I'm not sure if one can call it a problem.  Before it was required that the response starts with PIN:   The test in the patch fails to test for it.01:48
Tonio_allee that's why the bluez 3.9 patch is different then ;)01:49
Tonio_allee did you test connection to a cellphone ?01:49
Tonio_works perfectly now01:49
alleeTonio_: no bt cell phone :(  As it works for you.  Let's keep it.01:50
Tonio_allee I assume thereis a difference in bluez 3.9, but I'll look at its output if you wanna be sure :)01:51
Tonio_Jucato: tried several changes in the desktop file but I don't understand....01:54
Tonio_Jucato: kss sees that the module allows root extension01:54
Tonio_Jucato: and that works while at the root, only fails in a subsection01:54
=== waylandbill [n=waylandb@74-34-7-87.dsl1-merch.roc.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeanyone good with physics here?01:56
ajmitchdepends what you need01:56
Hobbseeajmitch: answers to this assignment.01:57
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ajmitchwhat area of physics?01:57
Hobbseeajmitch: the textbook is a POS and the course notes arent much better.01:57
Hobbseeharmonic motion01:57
Hobbseewell, the course notes examples arent actually comparable to the questions we're being given - except for being on the same general subject matter01:58
ajmitchah, fun01:58
=== ajmitch hasn't dealt with that for years
=== Hobbsee notes that her lab partner may well have answers, or similar answers, from last year
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@ip68-230-209-186.rd.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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alleeTonio_: my test was: start  /usr/lib/kdebluetooth/kbluepin   add xxxx as key and it wrote "PIN:xxxx\n"02:03
alleeTonio_: I've pinged Rockman on #kmobiletools.  We'll see what he thinks about it.02:04
=== Tonio_ takes his cellphone
Tonio_allee confirming it works here.... I've just been prompted by kbluepin and association worked02:12
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Tonio_putting a false pin code fails, everything is normal02:12
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Tonio_just tried obex push, works too....02:14
rbrunhuberTonio_ : Pluetooth works here like a charm but a guy called gpothier still has problems...02:15
Tonio_rbrunhuber: what kind ?02:16
rbrunhuberTonio_ : bug 89291 last comment.02:17
ubotuMalone bug 89291 in kdebluetooth "Kubuntu Feisty does not ask for bluetooth pin. Pinhelpers seem not to work" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8929102:17
rbrunhuberTonio_ : He is not too precise with his comment02:17
Tonio_rbrunhuber: did he restart pin-helper ?02:18
Tonio_that's not autorestarted when bluez-utils restarts02:18
Tonio_best way is to reboot the computer02:18
_StefanS_yea, just give it a "gates"..02:19
rbrunhuberTonio_ : Yeah I already added a comment to another bugreport. I think the debian way to handle this is better.02:19
rbrunhuberSee here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebluetooth/+bug/8975802:20
ubotuMalone bug 89758 in kdebluetooth "bluetooth: passkey-agent ends with /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart" [Undecided,Confirmed] 02:20
Jucatohi Tonio_. just got back... no luck, I guess? :(02:21
Tonio_Jucato: problem is weird really....02:21
Tonio_kss sees the admin mode, means that the kcm module is valid02:22
Tonio_kss deals with adminmode fir fontinst, means that there is no issue with kss :)02:22
Jucatobut as to why it won't display the button...02:22
Tonio_hard to guess what happens.... I'll ping _Sime_ toonight02:22
Tonio_Jucato: if we can't find, I'll patch to put it at the root of kss...02:22
Tonio_Jucato: it displays the button while at the root, that's the weird part02:23
Tonio_I don't see any specific concerning subsections in the code02:23
Tonio_any other kcm in subsection works.....02:23
Jucatomaybe something in kdmtheme's code?02:23
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Tonio_probably, that looks reasonable opinion02:24
Tonio_but what? since it works perfectly in kcontrol ;)02:24
Jucatoheh :)02:24
Jucatomaybe one day I'll be able to understand all of kss D02:24
Tonio_some things tend to say the problem is in kss, and other ones tend to prove it is in the kcm module02:24
Jucatoyou found out what's wrong?02:25
Tonio_just found the combinason for "euro" symbol on the mac keyboard ;)02:25
Jucatoah lol02:25
Tonio_Jucato: hehe02:26
Tonio_Jucato: the mac keyboard is very annoying02:26
=== Jucato makes a note not to lol in real life... to avoid looking crazy
Tonio_every ascii symbol is accessible02:26
HobbseeJucato: dont woryr, you already do.02:26
Tonio_that's better than on a pc02:26
Jucatolol :)02:26
Tonio_but lots are hidden since the mac has few buttons compared to a pc02:26
Tonio_try to do this with a pc, hard no ? :)02:27
Tonio_bt you have to search for the important ones and learn them by hart02:27
Tonio_I'm still searching for the "square" symbol02:27
Jucato? = I don't know how to make :D02:28
Jucatoheh took me a while to type them lol02:28
Tonio_Jucato: look at that !02:32
Tonio_haha ;)02:32
Tonio_macbook pro rocks :)02:32
Tonio_and that not copy/pasted :)02:32
JucatoTonio_: up for another bug? :D02:35
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Tonio_Jucato: fire away !02:35
Jucato3rd item in bug 6037902:36
ubotuMalone bug 60379 in kde-systemsettings "(Kubuntu) KDE system settings list of problems" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6037902:36
=== RockMan [n=marco@kde/developer/gulino] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RockManRiddell: ping02:37
JucatoTonio_: I'm guessing what color kss uses there is sort of hardcoded02:37
RockManallee: ah.. ok, sorry, you here too :P02:37
Riddellhi RockMan02:37
Jucatociao RockMan (as you used to say :D)02:37
alleeRockMan: :)02:37
rbrunhuberHi RockMan02:38
alleeTonio_: with compose variant the most symbols are easy  compose 'AE',  02:39
Tonio_allee: indeed ;)02:39
alleeassume you don't need them often, otherwise 3 chars for one get annoying02:39
Tonio_Jucato: yes but that's more a kde/kcm bug right ?02:39
JucatoTonio_: nope. only happens on System Settings. referring to the color that's used when you mouseover the modules02:40
Tonio_only in systemsettings ?02:41
Tonio_doesn't make sense........02:41
Jucatoyep. kcontrol doesn't have a mouseover effect02:41
Tonio_Jucato: that talks about selected text right ?02:42
Tonio_change the value and open kate02:42
Tonio_select some text, will not work02:42
Tonio_that's not only for systemsettings, that's a kde global setting02:42
Jucatook let me try again02:42
RockManRiddell: again, both updated --> http://www.kmobiletools.org/node/22802:45
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@177.207.103-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_Jucato: confirming ?02:46
JucatoTonio_: trying to... weird... I can't reproduce it here anymore02:47
JucatoI mean, mouseover does nothing anymore02:47
Jucatomust have changed in Feisty?02:47
Tonio_Jucato: maybe.....02:48
ubotuMalone bug 96946 in kdebase "Kde never stores the positions of the icons, and always reorders and disperses thats." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] 02:48
Tonio_what's that bug ?02:48
JucatoI guess I'll have to close this one then...02:48
Tonio_where, which program ? what are his persona settings ?02:49
Jucatoah! desktop icons02:49
=== Jucato notes that MetaMorfoziS has a very hard time speaking in English even in IRC
JucatoTonio_: could you mark bug 96946 as a wishlist? I think el was hoping to have that feature too02:53
ubotuMalone bug 96946 in kdebase "Kde never stores the positions of the icons, and always reorders and disperses thats." [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9694602:53
Jucatoer sorry02:53
Jucatobug 9694502:54
ubotuMalone bug 96945 in kde-systemsettings "Selecting modules using the keyboard in System Settings" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9694502:54
Jucatodang... just one bug apart lol02:54
Tonio_done :)02:56
Jucatothanks :)02:57
RiddellRockMan: what's changed?03:01
RockManRiddell: a couple of bugs fixed03:02
RockManRiddell: on error conditions03:02
RiddellTonio_: you able to look at that new bluetooth patch sometime?03:02
RiddellRockMan: Tonio_ has been handling these patches, since he can actually test it03:02
=== oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@c-71-224-172-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Jucatohi bddebian :D03:07
Tonio_Riddell: will do toonight03:08
Tonio_RockMan: path to the new patch please ?03:08
RockManTonio_: the same as the old03:09
RockManTonio_: http://www.kmobiletools.org/node/22803:09
Tonio_RockMan: perfect thanks, I'll review this toonight03:09
RockManTonio_: r2 for edgy, r3 for dapper03:09
RockManerr.. not dapper, feisty i meant03:09
Tonio_that's the one I added 3 days ago, did it change ?03:09
RockManyes, it changed right now03:10
Tonio_RockMan: perfect03:10
=== Czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-028-235.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternalgood morning03:27
Hobbseehi nixternal03:27
nixternalhiya Hobbsee03:27
Jucatomoin nixternal!03:27
nixternalhola Jucato!03:28
nixternalI hit up jsgotangco's old neighborhood last night with a couple of friends, and lets just say, I am feeling it this morning03:28
Jucatoold neighborhood?03:30
nixternalwe went to a coupld fillipino clubs last night03:31
nixternalheh, I still can't spell filipino to save my life03:32
=== Jucato holds a knife at nixternal's throat... "Spell it right, or you die!"
nixternaldude, I didn't think filipinos could really drink, as I don't drink so I figured to be evenly matched03:33
Jucatohahah! :D03:33
nixternaldude, 2 of these funky drinks they had, I was done03:33
=== oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternalthat was a blast though last night. one of my buddies is a local comedian, so he had me rolling the whole night03:34
=== Jucato makes his way into -motu, to follow nixternal :D
=== Lure [n=lure@external-7.hermes.si] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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Jucatohm.... where to start where to start... :/04:08
=== Jucato writes down questions to ask -motu and/or kubuntu people like Hobbsee or nixternal or Tonio_ :)
HobbseeJucato: start here :)04:09
Hobbseewell, start anywhere04:09
Jucatohehe :)04:09
JucatoMOTU stuff seems to have lots of documentation... a bit overwhelming :D04:09
Hobbseei'm not sure how good all of it is, either :(04:10
HobbseeJucato: you're going to do a new package, or work with merging (when feisty+1 opens) or what?04:10
Jucatobtw, if I'm any indication of "an absolute packaging noob", the packaging guide leaves out a few details and sort of presumes some previous knowledge.. :(04:11
JucatoHobbsee: mostly new packages04:11
HobbseeJucato: patches welcome :P04:11
=== Jucato hasn't really looked into/thought about upstream
HobbseeJucato: right04:11
Jucatopatches to?04:11
Hobbseethe packaging guide04:11
Jucatowell, how can I make patches if I don't know what the contents should be :)04:12
Jucatobut maybe a slower, more in-depth reading of the guide will yield better fruits04:12
Hobbseewasnt suggesting that you did that while you were still trying to understand it :P04:13
JucatoHobbsee: have you seen the KDE 3/4 guide on setting up a development system? you know, checking out from SVN and building KDE from source and stuff?04:13
HobbseeJucato: a hwile ago, yeah04:13
Jucatoah sure, I'll try to contribute later when I figure it all out :)04:13
Jucatodoes Kubuntu have something similar? or do we all just use pbuilder, chroot, debootstrap stuff? I mean, on KDE, using that guide, you build KDE from source, then when needed, apply patches and just re-make the appropriate module... how do we do it on Kubuntu?04:14
Jucato(whew! that was a lot...)04:15
HobbseeJucato: well, if you want to compile stuff cleanly, then you'll need to use pbuilder04:16
Hobbseepbuilder == nicer form of chroot04:16
Jucatohm... let me try to get this right: pbuilder will give you a clean environment, just like a new install or a different user?04:17
Hobbseewhen you want to apply a patch, you grab the source from the archive (apt-get source foo), cd into foo, make your changes (whether that be directly inside debian, or creating a patch, dumping it into debian/patches, so it patches the rest of the source as it builds), then build it in your pbuilder, then install the binary it gives you04:17
=== manchicken [n=manchick@74-134-94-223.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeyep.  every single time04:17
Hobbsee(assuming you dont pass it a couple of fairly obvious flags)04:18
manchickenWOW!  For the first time in weeks knetworkmanager started up on its own without needing to be kill -15'ed and restarted!!!04:18
manchickenI'm so happy.04:18
Hobbseemanchicken: woo!04:18
=== Hobbsee still has to kill it occasionally
=== Hobbsee does start with a presaved session though
=== jjesse_ [n=jjesse@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
JucatoHobbsee: ah... so install the package you made... so it will sort of overwrite the default package? no way to have 2 versions installed at the same time? I mean from the KDE guide, everything happens on a different user, even installations, so you can have your distro's kde and your own modified/patched kde04:19
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
Jucatosorry if I'm comparing too much w/ the KDE guide... I got to it first :)04:20
HobbseeJucato: yes.  standard apt/dpkg behaviour04:20
HobbseeJucato: it's fine - it's great that youv'e got something to reference it off04:20
Jucatoah.. so in a sense, at least on Kubuntu, you really need to have 2 installations...04:21
Hobbseeno.  most of hte time you dont actually want to install the binary04:21
Hobbseeor if you do, you also want that fix to go to the archives, so it's moot - you get the update a bit quicker than everyone else does04:21
Jucatoah so how will you test that the binary?04:21
Hobbseeif it's for testing if it installs, you can test it inside pbuilder.04:22
jjessegood mroning04:22
Jucatomoin jjesse04:22
Hobbseeif you want to test it out on your system, then yeah, you need to install it with dpkg -i04:22
Jucatoah so testing if it will work (not just install) really is risky :)04:23
Hobbseewell, you will be using your version, yes.  you can downgrade to the repo version though (go to /var/cache/apt/archives and install the repo'd version of the app with dpkg -i)04:23
=== Jucato wonders if he should be asking this in -motu though... but probably better to start here first :)
Hobbseefor the most part, you're fixing errors in the source - typos, wrong deps, etc.04:24
Hobbseeyou dont need to usually test if the program still works, on that basis04:24
Hobbseewell, often04:24
Hobbseeeither's fine04:24
JucatoHobbsee: thanks for your time (considering what time it is) :)04:24
jjessemoin Jucato04:24
HobbseeJucato: :D no problems04:24
HobbseeJucato: there are more people on -motu who can explain, i guess04:25
Jucatotrue... but like any first time thing, I'm scared of being eaten :D04:25
=== Jucato looks into Mentors and School too
JucatoHobbsee: but since I'm planning to work on packing stuff that aren't in the repos yet, the "fixing errors" will probably be the least of my worries... building it for Kubuntu will probably be my major problem :)04:26
HobbseeJucato: they dont bite04:27
HobbseeJucato: true.  you'll have lots of trouble getting the thing to actually build first04:27
Jucatoah this will be an exciting month04:27
=== Jucato adds -motu to his autojoin
Hobbseeyay :)04:29
jjesseHobbsee: in bug 73480 you have made a comment that it was fixed in feisty, can you mark this bug as fixed/released then04:29
Jucatohehe I'll start bothering you guys there too. prepare for it :)04:29
ubotuMalone bug 73480 in kdepim "Problems with manual in KHelpCenter" [Undecided,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7348004:29
Jucato(you too zakame :P)04:29
Hobbseejjesse: it is.  the upstream task is different, i cant change that04:30
jjesseoih ok04:30
Hobbseejjesse: that'll change when upstream closes their bug04:31
Hobbseejjesse: see the kdepim task is closed?04:31
jjesseHobbsee: oh i understandd04:31
=== Jucato sort of wants to get an idea of how devs setup their systems and do dev work...
=== neoncode [n=neoncode@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HobbseeJucato: mostly in pbuilder04:37
Jucatoso if SVN is KDE's... um... "tool", Kubuntu's is pbuilder...04:38
Hobbseesvn is more similar to bzr, or apt-get source04:38
HobbseeJucato: pbuilder is probably closer to kdesvn-build04:38
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zakameJucato: {d,s}chroots, pbuilder, pbuilders within chroots04:44
Jucatohm... :)04:45
Hobbseezakame: pbuilders within chroots?  now that's getting nasty...04:46
=== bddebian2 [n=bdefrees@c-71-224-172-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Jucatotreading on new territory... gotta be careful :)04:46
HobbseeJucato: i dont think you'd ever ask questions like the one just in #ubuntu-devel nwo04:53
Hobbseeso you should be right :)04:53
Hobbsee[00:48]  <cypher1> is Qt associated with KDE ?04:53
Hobbsee[00:49]  <Hobbsee> ....04:53
Hobbsee[00:50]  <StevenK> In as much as as GTK+ is associated with Gnome.04:53
Jucatoeek :)04:53
Jucatohm... does that mean I have to add #ubuntu-devel to my channels to? :/04:54
Hobbseethey are a bit stricter in there04:54
Jucatosomeday maybe... but no need for now I think :)04:54
Hobbseei mean, you'd get away with the above question in -motu - but in -devel....04:54
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Jucatohehe :)04:55
Hobbseewell, he's just acheived idiot-of-the-day status, i think04:55
Jucatohahah :D04:55
=== Jucato would never barge in like that...
Hobbseehe didnt barge in, i dont think04:56
Jucatoah ok04:56
Hobbseealthough a lot now do.   not sure why04:56
=== Hobbsee notse that she's reviewed his packages before, and thought he had more clue than that
Jucatoah thought he was a newcomer :D04:57
Hobbseedoesnt appear to be04:57
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Jucatogetting ready for bed? :D05:02
Jucatohm... I think I should too... in an hour or so :D05:02
Hobbseeit's 1am here05:03
=== Hobbsee *has* to get to uni on time, or close to it, tomorrow
Jucatooh goodie, you're back to +2 hours away from me :)05:04
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danimosome recent update broke kde styles entirely :(05:25
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rbrunhuberdanimo: Here too, but made an update again and all was fixed...05:35
Jucatooops missed that question.. sorry danimo05:35
danimoJucato: hmm?05:35
Jucatoyeah, the latest update fixed it05:35
rbrunhubercde style looks really ugly...05:36
danimodidn't propagate yet05:36
Jucatohm.... I got the updates more than 12 hours ago05:36
rbrunhubermade the update with de mirror around noon....05:36
danimonot on de.archive yet however05:37
rbrunhuberdanimo must have a look again, maybe i switched once more to official mirror because of slow de mirror05:38
danimoah, got the updates05:39
rbrunhuberdanimo : got them from de or official mirror?05:45
rbrunhuberand they got the packages just now?05:45
danimoseems like it05:46
danimodidn't have them two hours ago05:46
rbrunhuberdanimo: seems this is your choice slow downloadrates at upgrade or slow updates...05:48
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cypher1is not there a Qt C++ UI compiler in the repos ?05:51
cypher1i can see a Qt Java UI compiler (juic) but not a C++ one05:52
Riddellcypher1: ?  I gave you the answer, and as I said it's a question for #kubuntu05:52
cypher1Riddell, sorry i just replaced ubuntu with kubuntu in the devel channel05:52
Riddellcypher1: as the topic of #ubuntu-devel says, these channels aren't for support developing on ubuntu05:53
cypher1Riddell, ok!05:54
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Jucatoheh :)05:54
=== Jucato held his breath
=== glatzor [n=sebi@p54965081.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
glatzorRiddell: hi, the contact person of the KDE translators informed me that adpet would still not make use of any translations05:56
glatzorRiddell: https://bugs.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adept/+bug/4718105:59
ubotuMalone bug 47181 in adept "broken localisation support" [Medium,Fix committed] 05:59
Riddellglatzor: ok, added to my TODO06:01
=== glatzor hugs Riddell
glatzorRiddell: this bug causes a lot of trouble in the German KDE community06:03
Riddelluh oh06:04
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mhbRiddell: hey!06:18
mhbRiddell: you promised me ages ago that you're gonna take a look at that! :o)06:18
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Riddellmhb: mm, I know, sorry, todo list is too long at the moment06:26
mhbRiddell: this one should be trivial, though06:26
mhbRiddell: just change the catalogues my patch is pointing to06:27
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Riddellmhb: which patch?06:28
mhbRiddell: the one I sent you for fixing this bug before06:28
mhbRiddell: you told me to name the common catalogue "libadept" or something but no such thing appeared for Feisty in Rosetta06:29
mhbRiddell: patch called kubuntu_03_translation_catalogues.diff for adept06:30
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-58-230.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_Riddell: just received an email from claire06:32
Tonio_Riddell: I'll have to go by plane as the price difference with train is way to high...06:33
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Riddellmhb: ok06:37
RiddellTonio_: ok06:37
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fdovingwhat was the default kwin style in edgy?06:40
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Riddellfdoving: crystal, same as feisty06:58
[ade] Tonio_: that's a general problem, yes07:00
=== [ade] and sebas are arriving seville 0:20 on the 6th (which gives roughly 6 hrs sleep before the beginning of the meeting)
Riddell[ade] : how are you travelling?07:02
[ade] flying amsterdam - seville (direct)07:03
Tonio_[ade] : indeed, hard to convince people to think ecology when train is twice as expensive and 6 times longer07:04
=== PhinnFort [n=martin@unaffiliated/phinnfort] has joined #kubuntu-devel
PhinnFortis the konsole-alpha (which allows real transparency in Konsole) planned to be included in feisty's version of konsole?07:05
Tonio_Riddell: I may needyour help toonight....07:09
Tonio_Riddell: I'll have an interview for a job tomorrow and they want an english motivation letter07:09
Tonio_Riddell: can you help correcting it ?07:10
Tonio_Riddell: the job is so nice! IT manager for Amazon France07:10
Tonio_I don't want to miss this one !07:10
RiddellTonio_: not sure, I'm ill and need to go to bed07:10
=== [ade] will help if possible (check if i'm active on irc)
RiddellTonio_: try nixternal or jjesse if I'm not around07:11
Tonio_Riddell: sure thanks :)07:11
Tonio_Riddell: I'll finish the bluez patching once and for all toonight07:12
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jjessewhats up?07:18
jjesseTonio_:  what is the questioN?07:18
giangyTonio_: good luck :)07:19
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Riddelljjesse: nothing yet07:22
jjesseoh ok07:22
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Tonio_jjesse: no question, but motivation letter to write08:11
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giangyhttp://www.kde.org/info/security/advisory-20070326-1.txt mh :)10:28
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