
mooeywhat files does the apport retracing thing need? does it use the attached .crash file, or coredump.gz?12:15
Fujitsumooey: It uses the new multi-attachment format.12:19
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mooeyFujitsu: i'm not sure what that is. the reason i ask, if somebody attaches the .crash file to a bug and i tag it to be retraced, will it?12:20
mooeyi dont know what the requirements are for retracing12:20
FujitsuIt won't be retraced, AFAIK.12:22
mooeyFujitsu: as i suspected, thanks12:23
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=== robertj arghs...10 minute routine fsck on battery :(
Lathiatrobertj: heh i love it when that happens12:52
robertjI thought  a big part of these new fangled journeling file systems is that they didn't require manually fscking?12:53
desrt"stuff happens"12:53
desrta fsck is good from time to time12:54
Lathiati really wish it gave you a few seconds to cancel it12:54
desrtor let you ^C in the middle like it used to12:55
robertjLathiat: doesn't it happen before USB support is probed in?12:55
Lathiatclassic case in point: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lathiat/364496523/12:55
robertjI seem to remember being cought by that on ppc64 a while back12:55
robertjit just seems utterly worthless to 99.99% of people12:57
desrtfar better when someone gets stuck at fsck while trying to power their laptop up to give a talk12:58
robertjcould it <blasphemy>be disabled by default?</blasphemy>12:58
desrtyou really _should_ run it from time to time12:59
Lathiatwhat we need is online fscking12:59
desrtya.  that would kick some serious ass12:59
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desrtwe're talking my quality of life is significantly improved12:59
robertjdesrt: and I should lose 20 pounds12:59
desrtrobertj; if you lose data as a result of your extra 20 pounds it's not a problem in ubuntu01:00
robertjdesrt: neither is it if my HD goes toes-up01:00
desrtit has nothing to do with your HD going toes-up01:00
desrtit has to do with bugs in the filesystem code01:00
desrt"stuff happens"01:00
desrtand the journaling isn't absolutely perfect01:00
desrtfrom time to time i'll see "inconsistent something-or-other" when fscking an ext3 fs.... it just happens01:01
desrti don't think it's 'cause i have bad disks or bad ram... i think the code just has some very small bugs01:01
mjg59tepsipakki: Have we lost the patch that disables XAAOffscreenPixmaps when a compositing manager is running?01:02
desrttepsipakki; while you're looking: have you seen keithp's xcomposite bugfix that no feisty should be without?01:02
desrt((and applies absolutely cleanly to feisty's X))01:03
tepsipakkimjg59: we had that?01:03
mjg59tepsipakki: Yeah01:03
tepsipakkidesrt: no01:03
desrtlet me find it for you01:03
mjg59tepsipakki: It meant compiz actually worked :)01:03
robertjdo SUSE & Fedora still fsck?01:03
tepsipakkimjg59: was it in xorg-server?01:04
desrttepsipakki; http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xorg/2007-March/022668.html01:04
mjg59tepsipakki: Oh, hang on, it's still there01:04
mjg59tepsipakki: Path 12001:04
mjg59tepsipakki: It's just been dropped from series for some reason01:05
tepsipakkilet me check01:05
mjg59Seems to apply cleanly01:05
ssamis it not possible for fsck to run at shutdown?01:05
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robertjalso fsck is only going to run on my file server once or twice a year, where it is perhaps more important01:06
robertjwhereas my laptop gets fscked once a week01:07
pochuis XAAOffscreenPixmaps the opposite to XAANoOffscreenPixmaps?01:07
mjg59tepsipakki: Of course, we also seem to be missing the compiz half of that patch :)01:08
=== mjg59 looks into that
tepsipakkimjg59: yeah.. I dropped it because of the feedback I got from Michel Dnzer. Fedora still has it, so maybe we should reactivate it again, since it is generating pain for people01:08
pochuthen that pach would be really cool. we have a lot of compiz bug reports saying 'compiz doesn't work' and it's just because they're missing that option in the device section01:09
mjg59tepsipakki: Yeah, it's something of a hack, but it's one that works01:09
mjg59tepsipakki: If you can merge that back in, I'll handle the compiz side01:09
tepsipakkialso the dont_backfill_bg_none.patch01:10
tepsipakkisure, I have the source ready01:10
mjg59tepsipakki: Seems to still apply just fine, so it's just a matter of hitting it in series01:10
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desrttepsipakki; he has updated the patch since i last tested it.  i'm trying the latest version to make sure it still works.01:10
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geserkeescook: can you look at bug #96712 and bug #96723 and ACK them? thanks.01:14
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tepsipakkioh, that backfill-bg -patch was already re-enabled01:15
mooeyhm. is the apport retracing service working?01:16
mooeyi've just tagged a few bugs and its removing the tag but not actually attaching anything to the bug report01:16
geserthere are bugs with retrace info, so it should work01:17
mooeyit seems to not like bug 96681, but 96691 and bug 96718. i've tried three and all three failed01:18
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tepsipakkimjg59, desrt: I could upload the server without the new composite patch?01:26
tepsipakkior leave it for the morning (it's 02:27 here :) and include that patch from keithp01:28
mjg59tepsipakki: I'm easy with either01:28
mjg59I'll upload compiz tonight (assuming this works)01:28
mjg59I've done a test build of X here01:28
tepsipakkiI'm positive that the patch still works :)01:29
tepsipakkihum, interesting commits in xserver master.. adjustments to the I2C timeouts01:30
tepsipakkishould make the DDC probing more robust01:32
mjg59tepsipakki: Yeah, works fine here01:32
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Amaranthtepsipakki: wait, this makes compiz not need XAANoOffscreenPixmaps to not suck?01:34
shawarmaThat's the idea. :-)01:34
Amaranthtepsipakki: I love you. Have my babies.01:34
tepsipakkiAmaranth: sorry, I have two already :)01:34
AmaranthI think we have about 20 dupes of that bug01:35
tepsipakkican you tell me the #01:35
Amaranthand beryl has already had two dupes of it filed since it made it into universe01:35
Amaranthbug 8918901:35
ubotuMalone bug 89189 in xorg "No text in save/dialog boxes" [Medium,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8918901:35
tepsipakkiah _that_ one :)01:35
tepsipakkiI'll add it to the changelog01:35
Amaranthsomeone will have to patch beryl too ;)01:35
shawarmaAmaranth: It needs a patch in the composite manager too it seems.01:35
tepsipakkiI'll just upload xorg-server_1.2.0-3ubuntu5 now so we get that fix out of the door01:37
mjg59So, why can't I trigger cube operations any more?01:38
tepsipakkimjg59: they haven't worked for me since I can remember01:38
Amaranthdo you have the keybinding plugin loaded?01:38
mjg59Amaranth: Yup01:39
Amaranththat thing should provide the largedesktop feature so it conflicts with cube and plane01:39
Amaranthwell, rotate and plane01:39
mjg59"largedesktop feature"?01:39
Amaranthafaik it's only purpose is making ctrl-alt-left/right work for workspaces01:40
Amaranthyeah, in compiz if two plugins provide the same "feature" it won't let you have them loaded at the time01:40
mjg59No, that doesn't seem to be it01:40
tepsipakkioh, right01:40
mjg59It's a bit awkward given that we have the "cube" checkbox in desktop-effects...01:41
tepsipakkixorg-server uploaded01:41
Amaranthmjg59: right, desktop-effects does not cope with workspaces01:41
Amaranthit needs to set number_of_desktops to 1 and hsize to 4, it assumes those are done01:41
shawarmamjg59: I assume you have just one desktop and hsize is 4?01:41
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Amaranththere was someone working on a patch, was letting him do it so maybe he'd do more patches :)01:42
shawarmamjg59: there's a but about it already. 2 sec.01:42
Amaranthbug 8978601:43
ubotuMalone bug 89786 in desktop-effects "Desktop-effect does not enable cube" [Medium,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8978601:43
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mjg59shawarma: Right, that's it01:45
tepsipakkiok, time to get some sleep, night all ->01:46
shawarmaIt weird, actually. I've never gotten used to multiple desktop until they were put on a cube. :-) Now I can't live without them.01:47
keescookgeser: thanks for filing those, I've confirmed them and added some comments02:00
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Amaranthshawarma: with a patch from the beryl folks (taken with permission) we might be able to have cube on by default02:03
BurgworkAmaranth: cube by default if it means no workspaces is a bad thing02:03
Amaranthshawarma: it maps workspaces to viewports so when you have something on workspace 2 in metacity it'll go to viewport 2 when you start compiz02:03
AmaranthBurgwork: what i just said to shawarma :)02:04
Burgworkdoes it deal with the task bar as well?02:04
Amaranththe task bar works fine?02:04
BurgworkI found viewports to be extremely suboptimal02:04
Amaranthoh, you mean when you right click on the window list02:04
Burgworkdoes the task bar only show windows on the current viewport?02:04
Amaranthoh, that, yes02:04
Burgworkbasically, it needs to act and work like metacity02:04
Amaranththe only thing you lose is "Move to Workspace X" options in right click02:05
Amaranthi have a patch for that too but it breaks ABI so it needs to get into libwnck upstream first02:05
Amaranthi also have a plugin to do edge resistance without wobbly02:06
Amaranthit's almost but not quite like metacity's02:06
Amaranththat's a port of a beryl plugin thought, not my doing :)02:06
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Amaranthalright to use though, plugins can have whatever license they want02:07
Burgworkalmost but not quite nothing like metacity :)02:07
Amaranthi think the only real difference between metacity and the snap plugin when you put it in edge resistance mode is that it doesn't pull windows off without resistance after you snap them together02:08
shawarmaAmaranth: Sound shiny!02:09
shawarmaAmaranth: Sounds shiny, even.02:09
Amaranthit's in bug 73700 but i got scared when i tried doing a debdiff so it's just the .c file02:09
ubotuMalone bug 73700 in compiz "Lacks edge resistence" [Low,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7370002:09
Amaranthi think the only "big" problem we have left is java apps02:10
Amaranthoh, and drivers sucking with Xv02:11
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zygaAmaranth: what is the problem with java apps?02:18
Amaranththey show up all white when compiz is running02:18
Amaranthi think it's swing or something02:19
Amaranthi don't know the details, i don't use java apps02:19
shawarmaAmaranth: Does that include applets, too?02:19
zygaAmaranth: does it affect 1.6 or just 1.5 ?02:19
Amaranthshawarma: i don't think so, they don't use swing do they?02:20
supervillainyay, 16 more hours had been added to the SoC deadline!02:20
Amaranthzyga: i dunno :)02:20
shawarmaAmaranth: No idea. :-)02:20
zygaAmaranth: applets can use swing, many do02:20
Amaranthzyga: run compiz and test them ;)02:20
zygaAmaranth: I cannot, I'm evil now :/02:20
zygaI only use ubuntu on servers02:21
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mptasac, hi02:30
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mptasac, how on earth did you end up with "upstream confirmed bugs are 'In Progress' for us"? :-)02:31
mptthat's not even slightly true02:34
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LaserJockmpt: makes sense to me if they're working on it02:43
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mptLaserJock, but they're not02:48
LaserJockhmm, still make some sense but I probably wouldn't have bothered02:48
LaserJockI need to work on my bug report skills, I'm kinda lazy. Things tend to go from Unconfirmed to Fix Released02:49
mptIn this particular case, no developer has done anything about the bug since it was reported nearly six years ago02:49
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mptLaserJock, that's fine, there's no need to do unnecessary virtual paperwork02:50
LaserJockwell, except users get a little upset02:50
LaserJockwhen there's no action02:50
mptIt's a form of communication02:50
mptSo instead of "no need" I should have said "no need from Launchpad's point of view"02:51
mptThere may be from other users' point of view, though02:51
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mpte.g. marking a bug as In Progress says "don't bother trying to fix it yourself, someone else is already doing it"02:52
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wick2oanyone around? 03:10
wick2oi remastered the install cd and have a working 100% preseeded cd with a custom "main"03:11
wick2oadded a few packages (openvpn, joe + a few others)03:11
wick2onow that i have that working, i want to update the cd so i dont need to apt-get dist-update after the install03:12
wick2ois it really as simple as downloading the new packages and deleting the old versions?03:12
wick2oeven with the restricted linux-server and the main linux-server-src ?03:12
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Amaranthi thought bug 96430 was rejected05:41
ubotuMalone bug 96430 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20 "MASTER: Request for new-legacy nvidia drivers (9631)" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9643005:41
desrtoh god05:45
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mjg59Amaranth: Well, restricted-manager does need updating to deal05:45
desrtso check it out.  i just bought a new mainboard.  two actually.05:46
Amaranthmjg59: to install legacy instead of glx05:46
Amaranthisn't that just a rebuild?05:46
Amaranthi thought it built that list dynamically05:47
desrtonboard dvi.  intel gma x3000.  life is good.05:47
mjg59It comes with firewire?05:47
desrtone out the back plus an internal pin header05:47
desrtsee also: 8gb memory and 6 sata ports05:47
desrtnvidia and ati can both suck it.05:48
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Amaranthdesrt: *boing*05:50
ajmitchah nice, free drivers & all05:54
Amaranthdude you can use blur in compiz with that thing ;)05:55
ajmitchwow ;)05:55
desrtya.  it's a freakin' sweet board05:55
=== ajmitch wouldn't mind one
desrtbuy one.  junk your nvidia card.05:56
ajmitchand the rest of my hardware05:56
desrtmy p4 3.0ghz is getting slow these days.  time to move up :p05:56
ajmitchsince I have an amd64 (socket 939), so ddr ram, etc05:56
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ajmitchhm, nice cheap board too05:59
=== desrt watches #ubuntu-devel buy new computers
desrt(all thanks to matthew having a hissy fit in livejournal)05:59
ajmitchnah my geforce 6600 isn't legacy (yet) :)06:00
desrtwait until next release :)06:00
desrtnvidia is gonna phase out cards nice and gradually in order that we are required to keep 10 different legacy patches06:01
ajmitchhopefully nouveau will be a little bit further along by then :)06:01
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ajmitchI'm happy to go without 3d for awhile06:01
desrthopefully nvidia will be funding nouveau by then06:01
ajmitchyou can hope06:01
desrti wouldn't "hah" too hard06:02
desrtthere will come a point where nouveau will look like a rather attrative alternative to continuing to maintain their binary cludge06:02
ajmitchthough their binary kludge is meant to be unified across platforms (somehow)06:02
desrti wonder to what extend that's actually true06:03
Amarantha really awesome abstraction layer?06:03
Amaranthall their functions are named __nv0000000506:03
ajmitchgiven the differences in features, I wonder06:03
desrtanyway... fun conversation but now i've got to go shoot myself in the head06:04
Amaranthwhat, more gnome-panel stuff? ;)06:04
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hugomeloBenC, I sent you a new proposal06:43
hugomeloBenC, please, read it06:43
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jameshdoko: I don't suppose you've had a chance to look at that python-subversion bug?07:51
dokojamesh: sorry, not yet. just verified that I still see it with 1.4.3 on ubuntu07:55
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Hobbseewhat would be the opinion on puttign 915resolution in main, and maybe installing it on the cd?08:05
jameshHobbsee: it should get obsoleted soon08:06
jameshby the new intel driver modesetting branch08:06
Hobbseejamesh: that's soon.  this is now.08:06
StevenKWBy what?08:06
=== Hobbsee should relaly try that branch again
jameshStevenK: the new version of the Intel driver does not use the BIOS for mode setting08:07
jameshso you don't need to patch the modes in the video bios if they are wrong08:07
StevenKIs soon before Fiesty?08:07
jameshand it should work on systems without a PC video bios08:07
Hobbseewell, preferably.08:07
jameshStevenK: probably not08:08
jameshkeithp's demo of his work at linux.conf.au was pretty impressive08:08
StevenKThen maybe we want to promote 915resolution for Feisty, and then demote it back for Feisty+1?08:09
StevenKHrm, I've been meaning to finish watching Keith's LCA talk.08:09
StevenKThat's the "we've managed to get the video driver autodetecting all the time" ?08:10
jameshwell, he did say that having it detect VGA plug/unplug wasn't really desirable with current laptops08:12
jameshsince it essentially chewed up a watt of power to have the corresponding hardware on08:12
StevenKSo you get it to start detecting when you hit the video change button?08:13
ajmitcha watt, just for that?08:14
jameshajmitch: the VGA hardware takes about that much power, yes08:14
jameshajmitch: it needs to be on to detect if a monitor is plugged in, but is usually off because it isn't needed08:15
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Amaranthi've got this ati package that i _think_ makes it possible to suspend/resume with compiz running08:17
Amaranthbut i don't own ati hardware08:17
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Amaranthanyone wanna test? :)08:17
Amaranthit's just a patch from upstream git, i'm not going to break your video card :)08:17
=== StevenK doesn't own any ATI hardware.
Burgundaviasadly my ati hardware is at my gfs house08:18
AndrewBHmm I am looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/InstallMethods and things look easy.. only where do I document this information to?08:19
StevenKBurgundavia: All the more reason to visit her?08:19
Burgundaviait is 11pm at night08:19
StevenK"No no, I'm not here to see you, I want my laptop."08:20
BurgundaviaI have my laptop08:20
Burgundaviamy desktop is my ati machine08:21
StevenKI was guessing what contained ATI hardware.08:21
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Amaranthanyway, debdiff is attached to bug 90740 if someone wants to test it08:28
ubotuMalone bug 90740 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "gtk-window-decorator corruption after resume from sleep" [Undecided,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9074008:28
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sladenStevenK: the -modesetting driver is in universe08:40
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dholbachgood morning08:42
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fabbionecjwatson:    * Add scsi-firmware to cdrom and hd-media images. <- does that propagate to netboot too?09:02
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pittiGood morning09:23
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Hobbseehey pitti!09:24
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tepsipakkifabbione: oh, you assigned 96764 to Colin, but I marked it as dupe of 94786. I'll assign that instead :)09:55
Burgundaviatepsipakki: it was you that sent me that "group" hack awhile back, no?09:56
ajmitchBurgundavia: what did it do?09:59
Burgundavialet me dig through my work email09:59
tepsipakkidon't remember, sorry :)10:00
Burgundaviabasically it assigned ldap users to local groups, such as cdrom, etc. so that they go access to them10:01
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tepsipakkiso it was pam_group10:01
fabbionetepsipakki: ok please don't mess it up.10:02
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Burgundaviatepsipakki: i thought it was you10:04
tepsipakkiBurgundavia: yep.. so it's working for you?-)10:05
BurgundaviaI haven't put it into product due to an office move and my other hat, marketing, eating up too much of my time10:06
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Burgundaviaoh, and an asterisk server that believes uptime should be measured in hours10:06
ajmitchlooks like pam_group will need packaged10:07
ajmitchor not10:07
Burgundaviahey, it is 2 year old cvs code running on White Box EL 310:07
tepsipakkiit's included10:07
tepsipakkiajmitch: ^^10:07
ajmitchpart of standard pam, how useful10:07
ajmitchyeah, apt-cache search didn't give me anything, I thought it would have been an additional module :)10:08
Burgundaviaajmitch:  you are now on the planet10:08
ajmitchlucky me10:08
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=== ajmitch looks for the vile lies & slander
ajmitchhm, it's not really a new tool, it's just one where I'm trying to fix the UI & functionality10:09
Burgundaviaif it isn't in production yet, it is new10:09
Burgundaviawork with your marketing person now, ajmitch :)10:10
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Burgundaviaoh, btw, is that code in bzr/git yet10:10
ajmitchdoesn't the spec link to it?10:11
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Burgundaviasame repo10:11
Burgundaviamorning jono10:11
ajmitchI'll push the latest to the ubuntu-dev copy of it10:12
ajmitchhey jono 10:12
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Amaranthtepsipakki: the debdiff in bug 90740 fixes the bug according to the reporter, just need someone to upload10:26
ubotuMalone bug 90740 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "gtk-window-decorator corruption after resume from sleep" [Undecided,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9074010:26
tepsipakkiAmaranth: ok, thanks10:27
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tepsipakkiAmaranth: uploaded10:32
Amaranthawesome, thanks10:32
Amaranththat's two huge compiz-related bugs fixed today :)10:33
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cjwatsonfabbione: netboot never needed that in the first place; you don't need scsi-firmware in the initrd to get more udebs from the network10:33
Burgundaviacjwatson: you don't work in the london office, do you?10:34
cjwatsonBurgundavia: no10:34
anti_popdid you notice that "nv" and "nvidia" is broken for most nvidia users at the moment (correct me if i am wrong)10:35
tepsipakkianti_pop: why should nv be broken?10:35
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Burgundaviabugger. I need to get a hold of Chris Kenyon. I was supposed to have a phone conversation with him today and it is getting close to 2 am her10:35
cjwatsonexperience suggests that when commuting to London it's very rare for me to manage to get in before 10:00, and that involves waking up around 6:0010:35
ubotuMalone bug 96833 in Ubuntu "Blank screen with the latest nv drivers" [Undecided,Confirmed]  10:35
anti_poplatest upgrades broke that for me10:36
BurgundaviaI have seen English traffic and am glad I don;t live there10:36
MithrandirBurgundavia: see privmsg10:36
Burgundaviagot it10:36
tepsipakkianti_pop: there hasn't been an update of nv since the beta10:37
fabbionecjwatson: hmm ok.. i will check again because IIRC i saw the warnings there too..10:37
anti_popbut something concerning xorg or x or whatever i think10:37
cjwatsonfabbione: netboot doesn't have disk drivers in the initrd, in general.10:38
ajmitchBurgundavia: ah, you linked to the images on my system directly, in your blog post?10:38
Burgundaviaajmitch: of course I did. I can fix that, if your machine is busy dying right now10:39
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ajmitchBurgundavia: it's interesting seeing so many hits on it10:39
ajmitcha couple of hits every few seconds10:39
=== ajmitch isn't noticing lag, but it's on my dsl line
fabbionecjwatson: yeps.. i still want to recheck tho.. it won't cost you anything :)10:39
Burgundaviaajmitch: when I linked an image on my home server to something on the UWN, I got hits all night. Unfortunately I couldn't sleep because the hdd was too noisy10:39
ajmitchBurgundavia: they're only a few KB10:40
Amaranththose screenshots were taken when compiz was running :)10:41
tepsipakkianti_pop: eh, that bug reporter has nvidia options in the conf10:41
Amaranthajmitch: oh, and that's some awesome stuff there10:41
anti_popi had not and its not working10:41
ajmitchAmaranth: hm, how can you tell? ;)10:41
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tepsipakkianti_pop: a log would be nice10:42
Amaranthajmitch: no window decorations10:42
Amaranthgnome-screensaver needs to do a little extra work or something to get the decorations too10:42
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anti_poptepsipakki, ok i edit my xorg to "nv" (atm "vesa") and post which log (sorry, im not that used to stuff like that)10:42
Amaranthiirc it makes an incorrect assumption about the way it should work but actually has code to do the right thing in there10:42
Amaranthso it's just a matter of making it realize it needs to use it10:43
tepsipakkianti_pop: ok, /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:43
tepsipakkianti_pop: and your xorg.conf too10:43
anti_popbut i wont be able to go to a terminal when using nv10:43
tepsipakkihow so?10:44
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tepsipakkianti_pop: you can't change the virtual terminal? (ctrl+alt+F1)10:44
anti_popwhen i boot with xorg.conf containing "nv", it ends up in a black screen, and im not able to lauch a terminal by alt+ctrl+F110:44
anti_popso i'd have to change to "vesa" again, and that would overwrite the logs, right ?10:45
Chipzzanti_pop: ctrl-alt-backspace should kill your X?10:45
tepsipakkianti_pop: true, but the old log would be Xorg.0.log.old10:45
ajmitchBurgundavia: 533 hits so far10:46
ajmitchseems that planet is popular10:46
anti_popthen ill reconfigure xserver-xorg and use nv and reboot and then post the log10:46
tepsipakkianti_pop: just for amusement, try moving xorg.conf aside and see what happens10:46
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pittidoko: this small hack http://pastebin.ca/411815 is required to make pycentral work with fakechroot; do you think it is too evil to be uploaded to feisty proper?10:52
dokopitti: don't see a reason not to upload; does it still work without fakechroot?10:54
pittidoko: the normal case is that the os.unlink fails because fn2 doesn't exist10:54
pittidoko: I'll do a few more tests, of course, but so far yes (due to except: pass)10:54
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anti_poptepsipakki, i did the following10:57
anti_popputting my xorg aside, restarted x -> blackscreen, not able to go to terminal10:57
anti_popdpkg-reconfigured to "nv", rebooted (wrote down time to identify correct log) -> blackscreen, no terminal..10:58
anti_popreconfigured to vesa, im in x again10:58
pittidoko: yep, works fine in all cases here; I added a few printfs to the 'except:' clause, and it's properly caught and pass'ed10:58
pittidoko: so, you are fine with me uploading this?10:58
dokopitti: sure10:59
pittidoko: thanks10:59
anti_popin which folder do i find xorg.0.log or whatever its called ?10:59
zygaanti_pop: /var/log/11:01
anti_popdoes this folder contain only files from actual boot ?11:02
pittianti_pop: #ubuntu, please; and no, it has logs from previous boots as well11:02
anti_poppitti, some guy in here requested a log, i try to do that and will leave11:03
pittianti_pop: oh, ok; you don't need to leave, don't worry; it's just our attempt to keep the channel free of support questions :)11:04
tepsipakkianti_pop: attach it to that bug11:04
anti_popok i think i did find the right log and will do so11:06
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pittiMithrandir: do you remember approving gs-esp 8.15.4 for feisty? (I'm currently processing the outstanding package sponsoring from Till)11:38
pittiMithrandir: oh, nevermind, that's already in feisty11:41
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Mithrandirpitti: yes, I did11:54
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mooeypitti: is the apport retracing service working at the moment?11:57
pittimooey: it should work again, yes; I need to re-tag some bugs which were untagged, but not retraced due to chroot breakage tonight11:58
=== pitti will do that now
=== Mithrandir keeps thinking it's wednesday
mooeypitti: ah, excellent :-) theres a few bugs that failed listed in bug 9690311:59
ubotuMalone bug 96903 in apport "apport retracing service is not retracing bugs" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9690311:59
pittiMithrandir: mind you, summer time is +1 hour, not +1 day :-P11:59
Mithrandirpitti: indeed11:59
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pittimooey: yep, exactly those that my current script figured out12:03
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mooeypitti: thanks, all retraced now :)12:11
pittimooey: oh, already?12:11
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mooeypitti: all of the i386 bugs, yep :)12:15
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cjwatsonyow, raid tests in vmware are hard on the disk space12:27
fabbionecjwatson: eheheh12:27
cjwatsonmaybe I should just get a 200 squillion gigabyte drive for that machine12:28
fabbionecjwatson: you will endup like me today with that setup :)12:28
cjwatsonshould only cost about 5 pence these days12:28
Mithrandirit's probably cost you about one beer.12:28
fabbionecjwatson: if you have room, i can ship you my SAN with tons of FC-HBA controllers :)12:28
cjwatsonactually, if I got two of them I could find out if that BIOS does dmraid12:28
Mithrandirfabbione: houses in the UK doesn't need that kind of heating.12:29
fabbioneMithrandir: i didn't specify it needs to be at home :) just space :)12:29
maswanMithrandir: sure they do, they haven't discovered insulation yet. ;P12:29
MithrandirI didn't specify "home", I said "house".12:29
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tepsipakkifabbione: sorry to disturb you, but in xorg changelog I saw that you made a special case for elographics. Could you take a look at bug 89590?12:34
ubotuMalone bug 89590 in xorg "Feisty doesn't recognize 17" LCD screen" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8959012:34
fabbionetepsipakki: i think you can remove that special case safely now12:35
tepsipakkifabbione: woohoo :)12:35
fabbionelet me check again12:35
tepsipakkiplease do12:35
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tepsipakkiin that bug the reporter has a chipset which matches that special case12:36
fabbionetepsipakki: yes i see12:37
fabbionei suggest you do this way:12:37
fabbioneif we hit the special case.. try to xresprobe or whatever is called now12:38
fabbioneif there are data coming from xresprobe then skip the special case12:38
fabbioneif there are no data, use the special case12:38
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fabbionethe other solution is to remove the special case completely, but it kind of sucks because it was the only touch screen monitor we could configure out of the box :)12:39
fabbioneanyway your call.. i don't care either way12:39
fabbionethat special case has been there since dapper i think12:39
tepsipakkiI'll think about it12:40
fabbioneif you remove it, make sure to change dexconf too12:40
fabbioneIIRC the special case was handled there too12:40
fabbioneto create the touch screen input stanza12:40
tepsipakkiyes I saw that12:42
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dholbachogra: I looked into bug 92648 - there are some questions you (or LaserJock) need to answer first12:46
ubotuMalone bug 92648 in edubuntu-docs "no menu item for About Edubuntu" [Medium,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9264812:46
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ograquestions ?12:47
=== ogra looks
dholbachogra: or rather 'open points'12:47
ogratwo items is fine, we dont need to hide our inheritance ...12:48
dholbachok :)12:48
dholbachi'll upload it then12:48
ograwhats the other "open point" ?12:48
dholbachyou just need to create the desktop file12:48
ograah, k12:48
dholbachogra: gracias12:48
ograits there, jordan hanst given me the final package yet12:48
ograbtw, all my icons from gdm are gone in edubuntu ? 12:49
ograwhat did chnage? 12:49
ogra(with the most recent update)12:49
dholbachkwwii should know12:49
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dholbachi was merely the upload bitch12:50
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mneptokdholbach: yes, but you're *our* upload bitch.12:57
ograhey kwwii 12:57
ograin my gdm config i never defined a gtkrc ... did you change the gtkrc of the Human theme ? 12:58
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kwwiiogra: nope, no change in anything in the normal Human theme12:59
kwwiiogra: all I added was a gtkrc for HumanCircle and that line in HumanList12:59
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ograwhy would that break my gdm which uses a totally different theme ? 01:00
kwwiiogra: no idea ;-(01:00
ograi dont use and Human ...01:00
kwwiiogra: what exactly is wrong?01:00
kwwiiogra: and which theme are you basing yours on?01:00
ograedubuntu uses the Edubuntu Colrs theme, which didnt change sice two releases01:00
ograall icons in the gdm menu are missing here01:00
kwwiithen I would suggest adding that line to the top of the gtkrc ;-)01:01
kwwiiand point it to the icon set you want to see there01:01
=== mneptok pops some corn to watch the big fight
ograhmm, but why does gdm need it suddenly01:01
ograthats what concerns me ... i'm fine wih adding a line at the top of my gtkrc, i just want t know why :)01:02
fabbioneogra: it's called evolution01:02
fabbionemore features.. more regressions :)01:02
ografabbione, dont get mail apps in the game please :P01:02
kwwiiogra: that line was in the Human theme already, I have no idea when it was added01:02
ogralogin managers are weird enough :)01:02
kwwiiogra: all I did yesterday was to fix that same problem in the other two themes01:03
ograkwwii, ok, i'll look and die dumb :)01:03
mneptokfabbione: i noticed Evolution usually has 3x the regressions for features, while evolution (small e) seems to have a somewhat better ratio.01:04
fabbionemneptok: agreed.. and it takes longer to spot the errors.... like 100000 years from monkey to computer nerds01:05
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pochuMithrandir: there seems not to be any i386 image in cdimage.u.c, for more than one hour, are they being built?01:10
cjwatsonpochu: I'm on it already01:10
cjwatsonsoyuz bug01:10
pochuoh, ok :)01:11
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TheMusoIs the fact that there is no consoles in the beta a bug, or is that intensional?01:21
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TheMusos/there is/there are/01:21
Treenaksit's a bug, I think01:24
Treenaksif you boot it without the splash, you see there's a parse error in the /etc/event.d/tty* files01:24
TheMusoTreenaks: Ah ok.01:24
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cjwatsonTheMuso: known bug, fixed post-beta01:32
TheMusocjwatson: Thought as much, thanks.01:33
TheMusocjwatson: DId you by chance see the brltty bug I reported? Give me a sec and I'll get the bug number.01:33
TheMusobug 9189401:34
ubotuMalone bug 91894 in brltty "Brltty doesn't properly load when attempting to use serial braille display on live CD." [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9189401:34
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cjwatsonTheMuso: fixing, thanks01:45
TheMusocjwatson: No problem.01:46
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gnomefreakis the dpkg problem known? sudo dpkg --configure -a returns dpkg: unknown option -o01:58
Hobbseegnomefreak: i cant reproduce that01:59
gnomefreaki wasnt able to till this morning01:59
gnomefreakHobbsee: do you have anything waiting to be configed?02:00
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gnomefreakthats odd02:00
gnomefreaknow it works02:00
Hobbseegnomefreak: nope02:00
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fabbioneajmitch, slomo, siretart: ping?02:01
ajmitchfabbione: pong02:01
fabbioneajmitch: are you ok with a UVF exception for bzr-gtk_0.15.1.orig.tar.gz in universe?02:01
gnomefreakHobbsee: http://pastebin.ca/41195502:02
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gnomefreakseems to only happen when there are errors with dpkg02:02
ajmitchfabbione: bugfix release?02:03
fabbioneajmitch: it's required to work with the new bzr that's making its way to the archive now02:03
fabbione  * New upstream release02:04
fabbione  * Bumped Depends on bzr to 0.1102:04
fabbione  * Fixed Description in debian/control to include all commands02:04
ajmitchright, looks sane02:04
fabbioneok thanks02:04
=== ajmitch just had to grab the source
fabbione(btw i am only sponsoring this package for Etienne)02:04
fabbionebut i figured i asked before messing up02:04
fabbioneor Mithrandir would have killed me :P02:04
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gnomefreakHobbsee: i filed a bug anyway because IMO it should still error for -a not -o02:12
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mvocjwatson: in the meta-packages we seem to not enfore a kernel. is that a deliberate decision?02:18
lexualis there an ubiquity irc channel?02:20
asaccould someone please NEW firefox?02:20
Hobbseelexual: cjwatson is hte main person on it02:21
Fujitsuasac: It isn't NEW, surely...02:21
ajmitchFujitsu: new binary package02:22
asacis new bin package02:22
Mithrandirasac: I can do it02:23
lexualcjwatson: is it possible to start ubiquity, and provide which mirror to use for /etc/apt/sources.list ?02:23
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asacMithrandir: cool. thanks ... hope this is all for now then :)02:24
Mithrandirasac: is it intentionally that firefox-libthai doesn't depend on firefox?02:26
asacups wtf02:26
MithrandirI'll be fine with accepting it without that fix, but it looks wrong.02:27
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asacwill fix it ... thanks for moving in.02:28
cjwatsonmvo: yes.02:32
cjwatsonlexual: you may be able to preseed the mirror in the same way you'd preseed the alternate installer (see the installation guide on help.ubuntu.com) but it's otherwise entirely undocumented and untested02:33
cjwatsonlexual: channel is #ubuntu-installer, BTW02:33
TheMusoMithrandir: When you get a chance, I reported bug 91868, to fix an accessibility bug for the live CD. If you could look at it and merge the fix, that would be great. Thanks.02:36
ubotuMalone bug 91868 in casper "Magnifier does not start from accessibility menu due to incorrectly referenced file." [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9186802:36
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cjwatsonargh, trying to reproduce bug 80938 is hurting my brain03:43
ubotuMalone bug 80938 in ubiquity "MASTER: do_remove BrokenCount assertion can fail" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8093803:43
_ionPlease excuse my ignorance, but what's this "MASTER:" i'm seeing in front of some bug titles?03:44
cjwatsoninformal convention to help maintainers remember which instance of frequently-reported bugs to dup new reports against03:45
cjwatsonI picked itt up from the mozilla team03:45
_ionAll right.03:46
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cjwatsonpochu: i386 images available now, at least for Ubuntu03:46
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pochucjwatson: cool, thanks!03:47
Hobbseethat's a great idea!03:47
cjwatsonit's useful on packages with lots of bugs03:48
xhakerdoko, Keybuk any of you available to talk just a bit about GSoC work?03:49
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dokoxhaker: sure, whats the matter?03:50
xhakerWould you have access to the applications in google already? if not i could explain in a query03:52
xhaker*i can*03:52
asacmpt: ever done mozilla triaging?03:59
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mptasac, I did it for three years (I was a QA contact at b.m.o)04:08
asacmpt: cool ... then i don't understand why you don't like in progress for upstream submitted bugs.04:11
mptbecause In Progress means "Don't worry about trying to fix this one, someone's already working on it"04:12
asacmpt: yeah ... but that's the truth ... (you should take care that upstream doesn't forget)04:13
mptI suppose Ubuntu Firefox is a special case, though, not being Free Software04:13
mptso even if someone came along with a fix for you, you'd send them upstream anyway04:13
asacmpt: remember ... usually nobody comes along for firefox et al ...04:14
asacif one can fix firefox bugs et al they go upstream04:14
asacso ... "in progress" for us :)04:14
asacwhich means: mozilla team members should regularaly take care that upstream doesn't forget04:15
asacbut move the bug from confirmed radar04:15
asacwhich means: "This needs work ... and info on what work is needed is available"04:15
asacmpt: all i want to say is:04:15
mptThis is my fault, again04:15
asaclaunchpad is not a one thing fits all 04:15
mptA long time ago, I was supposed to split "Rejected" into "Not a Bug" and "Not For Us"04:15
mptwhere "Not For Us" for a distro would mean "we're not going to fix it here, go upstream"04:16
mptand "Not For Us" for upstream would mean "it's not our problem, go to the distro"04:16
StevenKmpt: The problem there is that it changes meanings depending on context. Surely Launchpad would prefer to be consistent?04:17
mptso you'd be able to use "Not For Us" instead of "In Progress" for bugs that you weren't actually ever going to fix yourself04:17
asacyeah ... but "not for us" means (as you said about in progress" we don't care04:17
asacwhich is not true04:17
asacwe want to help users to get a point upstream04:17
asacso we should take care that it gets attention ... from time to time04:17
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mptStevenK, it would be more consistent than the current situation. (That doesn't necessarily mean it would be a good idea.)04:18
StevenKBut still changes meanings depending on context.04:18
StevenKWell, it does and it doesn't.04:19
mptIn both cases it would mean "This is a problem, but it isn't our problem"04:19
=== StevenK is confused and tired.
mptAnother example is an app that crashes because of a bug in a library04:19
StevenKmpt: Perhaps you need to ignore my tired goings on. :-)04:19
mptno, they're interesting04:19
=== mpt should really be asleep too
=== StevenK is waiting for a rebuild of his desktop machine to finish.
mptMaybe it should be called "Elsewhere" instead...04:20
mptbut then eventually I'd like an advanced search operator called "elsewhere", so that could be confusing04:20
StevenKRejected with an explantion is just as good, surely?04:21
mptso you could search for "status:confirmed elsewhere:fixed" to find fixes that you can pick up (e.g. from another distro)04:21
StevenK"This is not a bug, bugger" status => Rejected. "This is a problem, but now ours, go talk to $NICE_PEOPLE over there." status => Rejected04:22
StevenKs/bugger/bugger off/04:22
mptStevenK, the difference between "Not a Bug" and "Not For Us" search-wise is that "Not a Bug" would not show up in search results by default (like "Rejected" doesn't now)04:22
StevenKWhere as Not For Us would?04:22
mptbut "Not For Us" bugs *would* show up, if they were also open anywhere else04:22
mptbecause that would indicate they were still a valid problem04:22
StevenKMy problem is Not For Us keeps reminding me of Debian's buildd network04:22
zakamehmmm, which package controls /dev/mapper/* ?04:22
StevenKzakame: Feisty or Edgy?04:23
mptStevenK, I'm not familiar with that04:23
=== mpt reads http://www.debian.org/devel/buildd/wanna-build-states
StevenKmpt: Ah. The Debian buildd network has a concept of Not-For-Us. Stuff that the arch in question doesn't have to bother about building, for example, grub on sparc or such like.04:23
asacmpt: i just want to emphasize that while you (launchpad team) might think that you know the single best way to do things, you probably don't.04:24
asacStevenK: No-For-Us ... is not for U.S. 04:24
StevenKIt'd be nice if LP grew something like that, but less manual.04:24
asacah :)04:24
mptasac, sure, and I'm not criticizing you at all, I'm trying to work out how Launchpad hasn't fit your work, so I can figure out how Launchpad might improve04:24
asacmpt: will you be in spain?04:24
mptasac, not that I know of, alas04:25
asachmmm ... ok04:25
mptIt would be good to sit down and chat about how you do things04:26
mptand how Ubiquity bugs are handled04:26
mptand Xorg bugs04:26
asacmpt: definitly.04:26
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Mithrandirmpt: it would be good if LP was better for the release manager too.04:26
asacmpt: i think the approach will be: allow individualization of bug tracker by driver team or something04:26
mptasac, maybe, but that would remove a fair chunk of the point of sharing a bug tracker in the first place04:27
mptwhich is that you can be notified when a bug has been fixed elsewhere04:27
Robot101has anyone else seen cupsd start ~50 dbus-daemons?04:28
mptwhether or not elsewhere is using Launchpad themselves04:28
mptand then grab the fix from them, and save yourself effort that way.04:28
asacbut what has this to do with package states?04:28
mptBecause if you have custom statuses, how does Launchpad know which ones count as fixed?04:29
asaci see that this is upstream integration feature ... imo the states from upstream are mapped pretty well atm.04:29
mptYes, but what if upstream is using Launchpad? :-D04:29
asacyeah ... we could agree on a set of final states (fixed states)04:29
mptThat's a possibility04:29
asaci think the problem here are the intermediate states04:29
asace.g. states that drive the workflow04:29
asacsimple packages just go from unconfirmed -> confirmed -> fixed ... others might have various steps in between04:30
mptor let people checkbox which of their statuses count as Fixed for the purposes of sharing (e.g. Fix Committed, Fix Verified, Fix Uploaded...)04:30
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asacprobably ... but as i said ... we could have a minimal set of states that are common04:31
asaci think nobody has a problem with Fix Released for instance04:31
mptoh, yes they do ;-)04:31
asacimo it would help if we could allow teams just to introduce substates04:32
asace.g. in launchpad we have unconfirmed -> needs info -> confirmed -> In progress -> Fixed04:32
asacnow teams can say ... I want to refine state Needs Info for me04:32
mptor just have Open, Rejected, and Fixed, and everything else is tags04:32
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asacyeah ... however tags should then be associated with states as well04:33
StevenKmpt: Speaking of tags ... launchpad needs to hide tags that are not referenced by any package.04:33
mptStevenK, known bug04:33
asac-> so substates again04:33
mptbut thanks04:33
StevenKmpt: Ah, but is it reported? :-)04:34
asacso some tags are substates and some are something else04:34
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asacimo that would mix concepts04:34
mptStevenK, bug 5915404:34
ubotuMalone bug 59154 in malone "Don't show all tags on the bug listing page" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5915404:34
StevenKAh, nice04:35
asacdoes it show any tags at all?04:35
asaci haven't seen any ;)04:35
mptOnly if you click the grey "Tags" bar04:35
asacbug 59154 is one of the most important feature for me I guess04:35
asacof course its not that important ... misinterpreted summary :)04:39
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neuralisHobbsee: the nvidia message made it through04:41
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Hobbseeneuralis: great.  i havent seen it yet04:41
mptasac, thanks again for your comments, they're very thought-provoking04:41
Hobbseeah, here it is04:42
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asacmpt: night04:42
mpt(see bug 36059 if you're interested)04:43
ubotuMalone bug 36059 in malone ""Rejected" should be split into "Not a Bug" and "Not For Us"" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/3605904:43
asacmpt: maybe lets talk about this tomorrow again .... i think it will take some time to get a common understanding of what is needed and what could be done to make launchpad the best ever :)04:44
asacmpt: or later today? where are you based?04:45
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cypher1is Qt associated with KDE ?04:48
StevenKIn as much as as GTK+ is associated with Gnome.04:50
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tepsipakkimjg59: ping, wacom05:10
mjg59tepsipakki: Hi05:12
tepsipakkimjg59: I'm looking at the various bugs about wacom, device naming et al05:13
tepsipakkimjg59: I merged a new wacom-tools hoping that it might get past UVF, would you like to take a look?05:14
mjg59tepsipakki: Sure. Can I see the debdiff?05:14
tepsipakkiyes, I'll put it somewhere first05:14
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_ionpitti: Hmm, i just noticed something. The amd64 port of the nvidia driver doesn't seem to support every device the x86 port with the same version number supports. Additionally, in the amd64 port the device id '0000' is listed. The easiest fix to the first problem would be to generate the lists within the linux-restricted-modules source package, and '0000' can simply be ignored by nvidia_supported.05:23
pitti_ion: I agree05:24
pitti_ion: let's see what BenC thinks about integrating those scripts into l-r-m proper, to get nice modaliases05:25
BenCpitti: I forgot to answer that email, but I'm all for it05:26
pittiBenC: yay05:26
_ionVery nice05:26
BenCanything to make your life as easy as you've made mine :)05:26
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=== dholbach hugs _ion
_ionbenc: If you decide to include the 96xx driver in addition to the 71xx and 97xx drivers, the nvidia_supported script included in my patch already supports that. One just needs to list all the nvidia modules sorted by their version numbers in a decreasing order, something like sh nvidia/nvidia_supported .../nvidia/nv-kernel.o nvidia .../nvidia-96/nv-kernel.o nvidia_96 .../nvidia-71/nv-kernel.o nvidia_71 (whereas currently it is ...05:29
_ion... .../nvidia/nv-kernel.o nvidia .../nvidia-legacy/nv-kernel.o nvidia_legacy)05:29
_ionMy card happens to be among the ones that 97xx doesn't support anymore. :-)05:29
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tepsipakkimjg59: ok, needed to test it actually builds.. two debdiffs here: http://users.tkk.fi/~tjaalton/wacom/05:35
mjg59tepsipakki: So the first is just the version update, the second is your fixes?05:36
tepsipakkithe first has it all05:36
mjg59tepsipakki: Ah05:36
tepsipakkior do you prefer it otherwise=05:37
mjg59No, that's fine05:37
mjg59tepsipakki: Couple of things - we don't need setserial any moe05:38
mjg59tepsipakki: And it's still /dev/wacom05:38
mjg59Is that deliberate?05:38
tepsipakkino.. where?05:39
mjg59The init script05:39
tepsipakkioh, do you think it could be /dev/input/wacom for serial and usb?05:40
tepsipakkithat was just copied from the old version05:40
mjg59Arguably, yeah05:41
mjg59Then the X setup would need fixing as well05:41
mjg59But then there'd be a chance of USB stuff just working05:41
tepsipakkiwhat a drag05:41
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RiddellMithrandir: no opinion on k3b UVFe yet?05:45
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tepsipakkimjg59: are the wacom-tools needed by the driver, in general? In the new version it's the driver which has the udev-rules.. but then again wacom-tools has the initscript..05:48
cypher1is not there a Qt C++ UI compiler available in repos ?05:49
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Riddellcypher1: question for #kubuntu (but they're in the libqt4-dev and qt3-dev-tools packages)05:50
cypher1Riddell, thanks!05:50
MithrandirRiddell: sorry, I totally forgot.  Can you prod me tomorrow during the day?05:50
tsmithepitti, are you around?05:51
RiddellMithrandir: ok05:51
Riddellmvo: get my software-properties questions?05:51
pittitsmithe: hello05:52
tsmithepitti, when you rejected wired, which pdfs were you referring to? i ran over the tree, and could only find ./src/portaudio/docs/portaudio_icmc2001.pdf ./src/portaudio/src/hostapi/asio/Callback_adaptation_.pdf  and ./src/portaudio/src/hostapi/asio/Pa_ASIO.pdf, none of which i thought were included, as the sources built using the system's copy of portaudio. i may be wrong, but i'm a bit confused05:54
pittitsmithe: right, those05:54
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pittitsmithe: right, but we cannot ship them in the source package without, well 'source'05:55
mvoRiddell: let me check05:55
tsmithepitti, ahh. right05:55
tsmithei'll dfsg it, then05:55
pittitsmithe: i. e. inclusion not in terms of binary packages, but the orig.tar.gz05:55
tsmitheand i guess i'll need an exception as well05:55
pittitsmithe: exception?05:55
tsmitheas universe is new package frozen, is it not?05:55
Mithrandirit is, yes.05:56
mvoRiddell: I got two mails about the dist-upgrader, nothing about software-propoerties. when did you send it?05:57
tsmitheok. i don't get any bonus points as i had uploaded a bad version before the deadline, do i?05:57
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mjg59tepsipakki: wacom-tools is needed for tablet PCs at the moment05:58
mjg59tepsipakki: Hm. I guess the initscript could be moved into the driver.05:59
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Riddellmvo: err yeah, that's what I ment, ignore me, my brain is funny yoday06:00
gnomefreakpitti: is need-powerpc-retrtace down?06:01
pittignomefreak: yes06:01
pittignomefreak: it hanged in dpkg --unpack for godknowshowlong06:01
gnomefreakah ok and that is right tag right?06:01
pittignomefreak: I stopped it and I rebuild it with the latest fixes as we speak06:01
pittignomefreak: need-ppc-retrace06:01
gnomefreakah ok06:01
pittignomefreak: we just had the same discussion with seb128 in #u-desktop06:01
gnomefreakoops :(06:01
gnomefreaksorry im not in there06:02
pittignomefreak, seb128, dholbach: so, let's agree to ppc vs. powerpc06:02
pittipowerpc is the canonical one, but ppc tag was there first06:02
gnomefreakits easier to remember/type06:02
dholbachwe have <dholbach> 5 ppc, 7 powerpc06:02
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dholbachbut i don't mind either way06:02
seb128I don't care either way06:02
tepsipakkimjg59: ok, thanks06:03
pittiok, then let me remove the 'transform dpkg --architecture powerpc to ppc' special case and use powerpc06:03
gnomefreaktruthfully me neither06:03
dholbachpitti: retrace both :)06:03
seb128pitti: WFM06:03
pittidholbach: new special case :)06:03
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gnomefreakok what one won? powerpc?06:07
pittignomefreak: yes06:07
gnomefreakok cool those are tagged06:07
gnomefreakits only feisty right?06:07
pittiif I am to choose, I'm all for fewer special cases06:07
gnomefreaki agree06:07
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tepsipakkimjg59: um, there is a newer upstream (, it should fix at least a gimp crasher.. I'll build that too06:13
mjg59tepsipakki: Good plan06:13
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pittignomefreak, dholbach: powerpc retracer is back to live, better than ever06:17
dholbachpitti: you ROCK06:18
gnomefreakty pitti 06:18
_ionpitti: Apparently there's actually something from nVidia with the PCI device ID 0000, and it only seems to exist on amd64 hardware, so it was not a mistake for the amd64 driver to list it.06:20
Keybuk_ion: nvidia seem to use that for subsystem ids of their bridges06:22
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Riddellinfinity: any idea what's happened to kde4libs 3.80.3-0ubuntu2 on amd64?  it hasn't hit the archive yet despite building 22 hours ago06:26
cjwatsonprobably stuck in failed-to-move06:27
cjwatsonaye, I'll resurrect it06:27
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cjwatsonRiddell,infinity: done06:29
Riddellcjwatson: cool, thanks06:30
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PhinnFortis the konsole-alpha (which allows real transparency in Konsole) planned to be included in feisty's version of konsole?06:58
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giangyPhinnFort: ask in #kubuntu-devel07:04
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giangygh :)07:06
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_MMA_Hello guys. Ubuntu Studio is in the process of building our disks. We have a custom sound theme that conflicts with ubuntu-sounds. I noticed that a depend of ubuntu-sounds was GDM and a depend of ubuntu-sounds is ubuntu-desktop. This means if we wanted to use the GDM from Ubuntu we would have to pull Ubuntu-desktop and all that comes with it.07:07
_MMA_As of now it looks like our only options to rebuild GDM without the ubuntu-sounds depend or see if the ubuntu-sounds depend could be removed from Ubuntu's GDM. Should I just post to the ML about this?07:07
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supervillainI think you need to create your own sound-theme package, and replace ubuntu-sounds build-depends requirements07:11
supervillainI mean, gdm's requirements07:11
_MMA_We have. Thats not the issue. In order to use GDM it depends on "ubuntu-sounds". Then that pulls "ubuntu-desktop"07:12
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_MMA_We arent using the "ubuntu-sounds" nor the  "ubuntu-desktop" packages.07:13
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zygamvo: hey07:18
zygamvo: did you make any decisions?07:18
BenCpitti: ping07:19
mvozyga: no, sorry. I'm busy with the release upgrader right now07:19
pittiBenC: gnip07:19
zygamvo: okay, let's postpone this for +1 then07:19
zygawe'll do it properly by then07:19
BenCpitti: with the pci id lists produced, how does restricted-manager contend with multiple drivers matching a device?07:20
pittiBenC: the current scripts take care to assign it to the 'prefered' driver07:20
pittiBenC: e. g. if both nvidia and legacy support a given device, it is put into the nvidia list07:20
BenCpitti: Ok...is there a plan to handle upgrades from edgy->feisty for cases where they need to drop down to new-legacy, or is that going to be a release note sort of thing?07:21
mvozyga: ok, this may mean we have to manually fix the gcc case07:21
pittiBenC: I discussed this with mvo, we might come up with a plan and update-manager/restricted-manager magic to handle this case07:22
mvoBenC: the release upgrader + release notes seems to be the only way to do this (at least that I can think of)07:22
mvobug #96486 is about this problem07:23
ubotuMalone bug 96486 in update-manager "u-m should automatically install nvidia-glx-legacy if hardware requires it" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9648607:23
BenCanything I need to do to ease this, or just drop the new stuff in...any info you'll need from me once this gets into the archive?07:23
zygamvo: not necessairly, as I said I have made full scan of main so if you agree we can just use 'old' current data for universe and use the new scanner for main, restricted and multiverse07:23
zygathe new scanner works fine with g++ case07:23
mvoBenC: what worries me is that people who not use the upgrader will be bitten by this. so solving this on a packaging level somehow would be really good, but I don't think that this is possible given the nature of the packages07:25
mjg59mvo: I can't think of any way for it to be possible07:25
mjg59We simply have no mechanism for expressing those dependencies07:25
BenCmvo: The only thing I know to do for this case would be to leave nvidia package as 9631, and force people with new cards to install nvidia-new or something07:25
mvoand we can't fold nvidia and nvidia-glx into one package of course07:25
BenCpeople who are not supported by 9631 wont have an upgrade issue07:25
mvonvidia and nvidia-legacy of course07:26
mvohm, renaming is a interessting idea, how feasible would this be?07:26
pittimvo: it would be totally cool to merge both packages, and have the postinst detect which one is needed07:26
BenCwe could have nvidia (9631), nvidial-legacy (7xxx) and nvidia-new (97xx)07:26
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pittiBenC: that would only aggravate the problem in the future07:26
mvopitti: that might be good though, then we have some more time to deal with the issue :)07:27
BenCthe future looks bleak no matter how you slice it07:27
mjg59Mm. I guess installing and then dpkg-diverting stuff based on PCI ID would be possible07:27
mjg59If utterly insane07:27
mvoevil, but ...07:27
BenCmjg59: You thinking of including 9631+97xx in nvidia package and use magic to handle which one to use?07:27
_ionnvidia-glx Provides: driver-pci-10de-0040, driver-pci-10de-0041, ...  nvidia-glx-legacy Provides: driver-pci-10de-0020, driver-pci-10de-0021, ... ;-)07:28
pitti_ion: argh, no07:28
_ionpitti: Note the smiley07:28
mjg59BenC: Yeah07:28
pitti_ion: oh, right07:28
pittinow that l-r-m will ship the modaliases, postinst detection is relatively easy07:28
BenCthat would handle the current case and make things easier in the future for sure07:28
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mvoit sounds good too me if we can make it work reliable and it would help people upgrading in the more traditional way07:29
BenCwe could just build the nvidia.ko module based on boot-up detecting in l-r-m-c init script07:29
mvo(which I expect will be a lot of people still)07:29
_ionbenc: That would be neat.07:30
BenCwe already link it on boot anyway, so adding detection and another stack of objects to link would be easy07:30
pittiBenC: and I guess the diversion magic in the postinst would become quite messy07:31
mvoBenC: is that enough? are/usr/lib/xorg/modules/libglx.so etc the same for nvidia-glx and -legacy?07:31
BenCpitti: with that method we don't need diversions07:31
dokodo we have a common function, which prints out the name of the currently running video driver?07:31
pittiBenC: for the libGL.so stuff?07:31
BenCoh, libs...07:32
pittidoko: I didn't find any07:32
BenCwe could use alternatives and set them in the script07:32
pittidoko: however, the question 'which is the video driver that you need' is relatively easy to answer07:32
_ionPerhaps /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/drv_nvidia.so or whatever it was could be a link to one of drv_nvidia_{71xx,96xx,97xx}.so, and the link would be updated on bootup. The libGL stuff would be handled in same fashion.07:32
BenC_ion: right, using alternatives to keep it package friendly07:33
pochuheno: hi :) can you take a look at bug 97022? thanks ;)07:33
ubotuMalone bug 97022 in Ubuntu "dasher should be added to assistive technology preferences " [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9702207:33
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dokopitti: just wanting to set some environment when I find fglrx or nvidia running; of course a lsmod | grep -E '^(fglrx|nvidia)' is a simple minded solution07:36
pittidoko: which should actually work, because you cannot modprobe them without xorg.conf using them07:37
mvoBenC: what bug should I subscribe too keep myself updated on this?07:38
BenCpitti: Ok, I'll try to have this nvidia combined package done by Friday (with a kernel upload) using alternatives to decide which one to enable07:39
pitticarlos: ah, new langpacks ready from today; so these should be good?07:39
carlospitti: not yet, I still need to do some changes07:39
pittiBenC: they'll use the brand new modalias lists?07:39
pitticarlos: alrighty07:39
BenCpitti: Yes07:39
pittiBenC: you rock!07:39
BenCpitti: I feel dirty :)07:41
pittitkamppeter: ping07:43
mvoBenC: thanks a lot for taking care of the nvidia issue :) will you followup on ubuntu-devel? or should I do that?07:43
henopochu: done (rejected)07:44
_ionbenc: Does my patch seem to have any problems?07:44
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BenCmvo: I already did07:44
pochuheno: thanks :)07:44
BenC_ion: what patch?07:44
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_ionbenc: The one i emailed. It generates the modules.alias override lists from the modules.07:45
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BenC_ion: Ah, haven't checked it closely yet, but will this evening07:50
_ionbenc: All right.07:50
asacmdz: you want to keep translate application & get help online in firefox menu for feisty?07:52
mdzasac: most likely, yes.  at some point (perhaps UDS?) you ought to have an in-depth conversation with the Rosetta folks about what's necessary to get the server side worknig07:54
mdzasac: is there a compelling reason to remove it (something other than the server side not being ready yet)?07:54
asacafaik get help online is disabled for other apps as well now?07:54
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asacWe could disable it for now and enable it in an update in case rosetta supports firefox at some point07:56
tkamppeterpitti, pong07:56
asacmdz: main reason would be to reduce possible user confusion :)07:58
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tkamppeterSome GNOME or XDG menu experts around here?07:59
tkamppeterWhere are menu entries saved when the user changes something with the menu editor (System -> Preferences -> Main Menu)?08:00
tkamppeterProblem is bug 86893, the user seems to have a menu entry for HP Toolbox which is not from the HPLIP package.08:01
ubotuMalone bug 86893 in hplip "[Feisty]  Clicking on HPLIP Toolbox in gnome menu does nothing" [Medium,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8689308:01
zygatkamppeter: look for .local08:01
mdzasac: er, it is?  it should not be08:01
zygatkamppeter: then check out what's there08:01
mdzasac: it certainly is enabled here; is it not working on your system?08:01
asacmdz: get help online?08:01
mdzasac: oh, you mean specifically Get help online.  that's been removed from the generic menu stuff, but the hardcoded apps still seem to have it08:02
asacmdz: so i think i can drop it as well for now :)08:02
mdzasac: there's no question about firefox and rosetta; it needs to be supported08:03
mdzasac: if it requires an update to enable it, I guess that's reasonable08:03
mdzsince it's likely to have a security update at that point anyway08:04
asacok ... so i will drop it for now. As soon as we have rosetta support we can switch it on.08:04
asacmdz: you can bet on that :)08:04
tkamppeterzyga, thank you very much.08:05
zygatkamppeter: no problem08:06
zygatkamppeter: you can find more information about this at freedesktop.org08:07
zygathis is defined there08:07
tkamppeterThere is one problem (bug?) with the menu editor: If I only look into the properties of a menu entry without changing it, there is already a ~/.local/share/applications/*.desktop file created, which hides the system's *.desktop file and so prevents the user from getting access to an updated menu entry.08:09
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tkamppeterpitti, are you still there?08:10
pittitkamppeter: yes, partly08:11
tkamppeterpitt, you wanted to talk with me?08:12
pittitkamppeter: can you please fix the file conflict in foo2zjs?08:12
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tkamppeterpitti, the new foo2zjs which I gave you for upload does not contain mscompress any more.08:12
pittitkamppeter: the current upgrade breaks because mscompress is installed as a dependency, but foo2zjs already ships that package08:13
pittitkamppeter: i. e. mscompress is unpacked before foo2zjs is updated08:13
fabbioneUnpacking mscompress (from .../mscompress_0.3-2_i386.deb) ...08:13
fabbionedpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/mscompress_0.3-2_i386.deb (--unpack):08:13
fabbione trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/msexpand', which is also in package foo2zjs08:13
fabbionepitti: ah you were just saying the same08:14
pittitkamppeter: the actual bug (shipping mscompress in /usr/bin by an unrelated package) is not reversible any more, so we now need a Conflicts/Replaces: on mscompress08:14
pittifabbione: right08:14
fabbionei just noticed :)08:14
pittitkamppeter: right, msexpand08:14
tkamppeterpitti, how can I solve this situation, I cannot change a package which is already on the user's systems?08:14
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pittitkamppeter: mscompress now needs to Conflicts:/Replaces: foo2zjs (<< the current version)08:14
tkamppeterThis will make the update of mscompress trigger foo2zjs also being updated to the current version (the one without msexpand)?08:16
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pittitkamppeter: no, it won't force the upgrade, and it doesn't need to08:16
pittitkamppeter: since mscompress and older foo2zjs really conflicted, this needs to be done anyway08:16
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pittitkamppeter: hm, wait; it doesn't really help either08:17
pittitkamppeter: no, it does; (for upgrades which pull in mscompress)08:17
pittimscompress can hardly be installed already, so that's fine08:17
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tkamppeterSo, pitti, I will set this conflict in the mscompress package then.08:24
pittitkamppeter: thanks08:24
pittithis package could do with a rebuild anyway08:24
tkamppeterBut, pitti, did you really move it into main already? My mirror still pulled it from Universe.08:25
pittitkamppeter: today; mirrors usually need a day to catch up08:25
pittimscompress |      0.3-2 | http://de.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/universe Packages08:25
pittimscompress |      0.3-2 | http://archive.ubuntu.com feisty/main Packages08:25
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tkamppeterpitti, this package is not maintained upstream any more, so it is only rebuilt if someone complains about something in it, and no one at Ubuntu is really the maintainer of this package.08:27
tkamppeterpitt, Germany seems to be faster than Portugal.08:27
pittitkamppeter: NB that de.ubuntu is still universe, too08:27
tkamppeterNow I see, the other was archive..., the master server.08:28
zygaI just noticed that rsync to archive.ubuntu.com asks me to register my mirror08:31
zygawhat is the purpose of registering a private mirror that is not publicly available?08:32
zyga(I cannot even give anyone a mirror URL)08:32
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mooeywhich package has the nvidia restricted driver in it?08:53
pittimooey: nvidia-glx (libraries) and linux-restricted-modules (kenerl module)08:54
mooeypitti: thanks08:55
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seb128mooey: do you want to open a bug about a card not supported after upgrade? because there is already a zillion of those09:03
Amaranthplease forward all nvidia bug reports to the black hole called nvnews forums ;)09:05
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mooeyseb128: no sir, just reassigning bugs out of 'Ubuntu' :-)09:11
seb128mooey: k09:11
mooeyit was to do with resolutions not being supported in newer drivers09:11
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wick2oI'm tring to update a ubuntu 6.06.1 install cd so i dont have to apt-get update at the end of the install...Is it as simple as downloading the new packages onto the cd and deleteing the old ones? perhaps updateing a symlink to the kernel dir to get an updated kernel as well?09:27
wick2oi already have a working remaster using the instructions on the wiki09:27
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gnomefreakmvo_: you have a second?10:04
gnomefreakmvo_: was ubuntu-restricted-extras not built for i386?10:05
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mvo_gnomefreak: it should be 10:10
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mvo_gnomefreak: looks ok to me10:11
gnomefreaksomeone on i386 kernel gets the following error 10:12
gnomefreakUbuntu restricted extras cannot be installed on  your computer type (i386)10:12
mvo_mpt: could you please proof-read http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12378/ ? its for peple that have nfs-imports but no nfs-common installed (that worked in edgy, dapper but does not work in feisty anymore). 10:13
mvo_gnomefreak: can you please run "sudo apt-get install --simulate ubuntu-restricted-extras" and tell me the output (pastebn) 10:13
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gnomefreakits not my pc that had issues though10:13
gnomefreakwhen he gets back if im still here ill have him run it on his -38610:14
mvo_gnomefreak: the message in g-a-i is bad. I have seen the message when the real reason was that the package was uninstallable for some reason10:14
mvo_gnomefreak: thanks, that would be cool. he can mail me the output 10:14
gnomefreakok he just got back10:15
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gnomefreakit wont install on -generic for him either :)10:15
mvo_could someone please proof-read http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12378/  (and give good suggestions)10:15
mvo_gnomefreak: the output of the apt-get command would be good :)10:16
gnomefreakhes running it 10:16
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gnomefreakmvo_: http://www.pastebin.ca/41260410:18
gnomefreaki havent looked yet10:18
mvo_gnomefreak: can you please ask him to put his /etc/apt/sources.list to a pastebin?10:19
gnomefreaki am10:19
gnomefreakhes going on about maybe us mirror doesnt have it and it should 10:19
mvo_gnomefreak: thats possible (unlikely, but possible) 10:20
gnomefreakhes using weird mirrors10:20
gnomefreakhttp://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/ubuntu/ didnt have it but us.archive.c does10:21
gnomefreaki wish people would use the archive mirrors10:21
gnomefreakit installs fine with us.archive.com sorry to bother you.10:21
mvo_gnomefreak: ok, that is settled then. thanks10:21
gnomefreakthank you10:21
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LaserJockis there a channel for Ubuntu SoC stuff yet?10:34
tepsipakkiwhat's wrong with launchpad?10:36
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tepsipakkiI mean10:36
tepsipakkiit timed out10:36
pochutepsipakki: down, #launchpad10:36
LaserJocktepsipakki: it's not feeling well10:37
tepsipakkiof course10:37
pochuI have 500 and 502 errors everytime10:37
tepsipakkijust when I should ask advice from upstream :)10:37
kwwiilaunchpad is down for a bit but they are on it10:38
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pochuLP is back :)11:01
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=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@ip68-230-209-186.rd.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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=== JonRob [n=jon@88-111-157-205.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
JonRobhi, I was interviewing Mark Shuttleworth the other day and he mentioned that there's a boot parameter that allows you to install ubuntu using only free software - but i can't find it documented anywhere, anyone know what it is?12:04
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