-RichiH(i=richih@freenode/staff/richih)- Good news everyone! We are holding a design contest for both pdpc.us and freenode.net including all art, designs and logos. Submit your mockups, logos, css or crayon drawings to design@freenode.net and win the secret prizes. You can submit as little as a logo or a full-fledged website. Full details can be found at http://blog.freenode.net/?p=28 and its comments, plus you can join #freenode-design - As always, thank you for using freenode and have a great d | 01:00 | |
!christel:*! Hi all! It gives me great pleasure to welcome the CaCert.org guys onboard as a project officially affilliated with freenode. For all your assurance questions, check out #cacert -- Thanks for your time and have a great day! | 11:54 |
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