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BenC | [g2] : They only get crazier from here out :) | 12:38 |
[g2] | BenC, when's release ? | 12:40 |
BenC | April 21st | 12:41 |
BenC | kernel freeze is coming up too | 12:41 |
[g2] | when's the freeze ? | 12:41 |
BenC | April 4th | 12:41 |
[g2] | thx | 12:41 |
JoseStefan | !schedule | 12:42 |
JoseStefan | ubotu :( | 12:42 |
[g2] | lazy bots | 12:43 |
[g2] | BenC is netconsole supported by Feisty ? | 12:58 |
[g2] | or usb serial console ? | 12:58 |
BenC | No idea, never used either | 12:59 |
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zul | BenC: ping is the meeting tomorrow? | 02:11 |
mjg59 | BenC: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ide/17444/raw looks relevant | 02:11 |
BenC | zul: No, next week | 02:12 |
zul | sweet, have a good night | 02:12 |
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crimsun | [g2] : hi | 05:12 |
[g2] | hey crimsun :0 | 05:13 |
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ivoks | odd... | 08:51 |
ivoks | dapper's doesnt recognize modem on ttyS0, while debian's kernel does | 08:51 |
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raffytaffy | hi guys ; do the generic kernels for buntu have SpeedStep enabled as module? | 10:35 |
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kkubasik | not as a single module exactly, but yes, in the generic kernels speedstep is supported | 10:57 |
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jsaw | hi, anybody around that can help me booting the install CD on a computer with a Promise SX6000...? | 12:29 |
jsaw | or how to avoid that the ata subsystem probes harddisks/loads the pdc202xx driver...? | 12:33 |
abogani | jsaw: Put the name of the driver in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 12:36 |
jsaw | eh, boot-CD? | 12:36 |
jsaw | (I'm trying the Feisty-Beta,i386,alternate) | 12:36 |
jsaw | ah, ic | 12:37 |
jsaw | mount image, edit... ? | 12:37 |
abogani | jsaw: It is a very rough way(but works): debootstrap | 12:38 |
jsaw | ...damn... | 12:38 |
jsaw | btw, will the 2.6.20 be the final kernel for end of April, or is there a chance for 2.6.21, even rc? | 12:39 |
jsaw | (because the sx6000 issue seems to be related to commit ca4266359d0c1199af088447f209ab5bcc32a989, http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/testing/ChangeLog-2.6.21-rc4) | 12:43 |
fabbione | .20 | 12:43 |
fabbione | no way we will change kernel now | 12:43 |
jsaw | anyway, I'll try editing the boot CD. | 12:43 |
jsaw | ok | 12:43 |
jsaw | thanks, I'll come back and report. | 12:44 |
jsaw | bye | 12:44 |
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anti_pop | BenC, around ? | 01:24 |
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badpsyche | who | 01:56 |
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rikai | Internets been down for 7 hours. ~.~ | 04:02 |
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thotz | BenC: Am I correct: We only do not want to release the 96xx driver because it does _not_ appear on the nvidia driver download page? Or have I misunderstood something yesterday? | 05:07 |
BenC | thotz: no decision is made yet, we are actually discussing what we are going to do | 05:07 |
thotz | BenC: I have contacted nvidia support. I can send you the answer they gave me about this driver. I think this will be supported through nvidia as a "new" legacy driver. sending you the mail... | 05:09 |
BenC | thotz: thanks, that's useful information | 05:10 |
thotz | BenC: This should give you the answer :-) | 05:11 |
BenC | thotz: +10 points for following up with the vendor, thanks :) | 05:11 |
thotz | BenC: No problem. Hopefully we can find a good solution for this soon. | 05:15 |
ivoks | BenC: have some time for dapper kenel debugging? :) | 05:20 |
BenC | ivoks: not at the moment (meeting), but for dapper, kylem is da man | 05:21 |
ivoks | oh, sorry | 05:21 |
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mvo | hi kernel team! I'm currently working on making sure in the release upgrader that a new kernel is installed. I got some reports that didn't happen during a upgrade (they were left with 2.6.17 that didn't boot anymore for some reason). what is the most sensible thing to check against? linux-image-generic? this seems to be ok for amd64 and i386, but what about the other arches? | 07:21 |
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mvo | BenC, kylem: do you have a opinion about the kernel upgrades handling? | 07:39 |
kylem | i don't think we renamed any flavours for feisty | 07:40 |
BenC | mvo: they need one of the linux-image-* or linux-* or linux meta-packages installed | 07:40 |
BenC | mvo: In most cases, linux-image-generic, the linux-generic will include the lrm stuff | 07:40 |
BenC | linux for amd64 and i386 is just the same as linux-generic | 07:41 |
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mvo | ok, thanks. I will ensure that its linux-image-generic if possible | 07:45 |
mjg59 | mvo: -386 is also acceptable on i386 | 07:46 |
mvo | thanks | 07:48 |
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mvo | [Arch-powerpc] | 08:29 |
mvo | Kernel=linux-image-generic | 08:29 |
mvo | ^--- does that make sense on ppc as well? | 08:29 |
mjg59 | mvo: linux-image-powerpc | 08:31 |
mjg59 | mvo: I'm a little worried about this approach - what about machines using server or bigiron kernels and so on? | 08:31 |
mjg59 | There isn't a right kernel per architecture, as such | 08:31 |
mvo | mjg59: I can give it a list, this is the approach I plan | 08:32 |
mjg59 | mvo: In that case, just check what packages are built from linux-meta? | 08:32 |
mvo | mjg59: but I'm open for suggestions of course. I want to ensure that after the upgrade there is a updated kernel as well | 08:32 |
mjg59 | Installing a -generic kernel on a system that's been using -386 may break stuff | 08:33 |
mjg59 | And installing a -powerpc kernel on a system that's running -powerpc64 isn't a good plan | 08:33 |
mvo | right. I'm trying to solve the case if the user does not have any linux-image-$flavour package installed (but just linux-image-$ver-$flavour), does it make sense to auto-install linux-image-$flavour (+ dependencies) in this case? | 08:36 |
mjg59 | If $flavour is the same in both cases, yes | 08:36 |
mvo | the idea with the kernel-arch-list was to check if any of the kernels is installed, fine do nothing. otherwise do something | 08:36 |
mvo | ok, I think that is the better approach then | 08:37 |
mjg59 | $flavour is probably best taken from the running kernel, if possible | 08:37 |
mvo | that should be possible, yeah | 08:38 |
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AnAnt | Hello, I got a question, if there is an application that can enables reading & writing arabic in virtual console, it used to work in Edgy, but not in Feisty, can that be kernel related or what ? | 08:41 |
mvo | thanks mjg59! | 08:41 |
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AnAnt | ping | 09:01 |
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anti_pop | tepsipakki, i tested 2.0 of nv driver, no success. see Bug #96833 for the logfile and let us know, if you need more log's or stuff like that | 10:12 |
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bdmurray | BenC: ping | 11:27 |
BenC | bdmurray: yo | 11:27 |
bdmurray | I'm probably late to the party about the nvidia drivers, bug 96430 but one comment mentioned restricted-manager in it. | 11:28 |
bdmurray | That seems like it could be an issue to me. | 11:28 |
BenC | It wont be | 11:29 |
bdmurray | Okay, the restricted-manager won't recommend the nvidia driver for "legacy" cards? | 11:30 |
BenC | pitti, mvo and I already discussed the implementation and it will actually be invisible to users whether they are using 9631 or the 9755 driver | 11:30 |
bdmurray | okay, cool. I am late then. | 11:30 |
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