
JohnFluxRiddell: can you send me the details of your train travel?12:22
shawarma@schedule Copenhagen12:24
ubotuSchedule for Europe/Copenhagen: 27 Mar 10:00: MOTU | 27 Mar 22:00: Technical Board | 28 Mar 22:00: Edubuntu | 29 Mar 00:00: Xubuntu | 29 Mar 23:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 01 Apr 22:00: Marketing Team12:24
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nixternal@schedule chicago01:48
ubotuSchedule for America/Chicago: 27 Mar 03:00: MOTU | 27 Mar 15:00: Technical Board | 28 Mar 15:00: Edubuntu | 28 Mar 17:00: Xubuntu | 29 Mar 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 01 Apr 15:00: Marketing Team01:48
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about london - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:11
AndrewB!schedule london08:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about schedule london - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:11
bimberi@schedule london08:15
ubotuSchedule for Europe/London: 27 Mar 09:00: MOTU | 27 Mar 21:00: Technical Board | 28 Mar 21:00: Edubuntu | 28 Mar 23:00: Xubuntu | 29 Mar 22:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 01 Apr 21:00: Marketing Team08:15
bimberiAndrewB: ^^^^08:15
AndrewBthanks bimberi08:15
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bimberiAndrewB: yw :)08:16
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Current meeting: MOTU | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 27 Mar 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 28 Mar 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 28 Mar 22:00 UTC: Xubuntu | 29 Mar 21:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 01 Apr 20:00 UTC: Marketing Team
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ajmitchok, are we having a meeting or not? :)10:00
=== ajmitch has heard apologies from a couple of MOTUs
=== TheMuso [n=luke@ubuntu/member/themuso] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
TheMusoHey all.10:00
ajmitchhi TheMuso10:00
TheMusoHave I missed anything? )10:01
ajmitchnothing at all10:01
ajmitchso far it's just the two of us10:01
TheMusoAh ok.10:01
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ajmitch& the only thing on the agenda so far is the MC charter10:02
=== sistpoty [n=sistpoty@ubuntu/member/sistpoty] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
ajmitchhi sistpoty10:02
TheMusoSO I can see.10:02
TheMusoHey sistpoty.10:02
sistpotyhi ajmitch and TheMuso10:02
=== sistpoty yawns
ajmitchyou're up very early today ;)10:02
=== geser yawns too
sistpotyok, do we want to start with the meeting?10:05
sistpotyhi dholbach10:05
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ajmitchhi dholbach10:06
ajmitchsistpoty: we've been trying ;)10:06
sistpotyok, anyone volunteering to do the minutes?10:06
TheMusoYeah ok.10:07
sistpotyTheMuso: does that mean you're volunteering for the minutes? :)10:08
TheMusosistpoty: It does indeed.10:08
ajmitchdon't let him get away10:08
sistpotygreat, thanks!10:08
dholbachok, let's get started10:08
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sistpotyyes... *looking at the agenda*10:09
dholbachsistpoty wants to discuss "Work out MOTU Council's charter MOTU/Council/Charter"10:09
=== TheMuso reads
sistpotyok, since the motu council still is in the way in finding its place in motu community, which has caused some annoyance recently, we've tried to get this sorted out into a proposal during the last motu council meeting10:10
sistpotynow, I've tried to put this in the charter somehow last night, I hope I got it in a good way ;)10:11
sistpotyso basically I'm asking here everyone, what you think of it, what needs to be changed/improved10:11
sistpotyand finally to acknowledge the charter (or reject it, if it's all wrong *g*)10:11
dholbachI'm basically very happy with it10:12
dholbachany other opinions on it?10:13
TheMusoI like the idea of a MOTU meeting every two weeks.10:13
=== ajmitch is happy
dholbachregular events++10:13
TheMusoThe way I see the MOTU council, is a group of individuals that are well known and respected in the group, who have the skills and experience to approve/decline candidates, and make difficult decisions if needed.10:14
TheMusoWHich is basically what it is anyway.10:14
TheMusoSo yeah sounds good to me. :)10:14
TheMusoWhat disputes if any would there be between MOTUs?10:15
ajmitchtechnical arguments, generally10:15
TheMusoI find it hard to think of any, as we all seem to work well with each other.10:15
dholbachyeah, we're all quite focussed on "getting work done"10:16
sistpotyyep... this was basically a leftover from the first try... should we drop it?10:16
ajmitchI think it'd be more for where there's real disagreement on how to get something done10:16
TheMusoajmitch: SOunds good.10:16
dholbachsistpoty: I'd keep it - I think it's a good thing there's somebody responsible for mediating between groups if it comes to disagreements10:17
TheMusoPitty there aren't more of us here.10:17
dholbachwe should blog more about MOTU :-)10:17
=== ajmitch just got blogged about
ajmitchnot pointing any fingers or anything10:17
TheMusoajmitch: ??10:17
sistpotydholbach: ah... mediating was apparently the wording I was really looking for here :)10:17
=== ajmitch points a finger at Burgundavia
geserLaserJock started with interviews of MOTUs10:18
BurgundaviaI will chase down the Behind Ubuntu people10:18
Burgundaviaand get them to do more interviews10:19
Burgundaviaand then I will chase all you down for interviews :)10:19
=== ajmitch was going to do an interview with them at one point
ajmitchbut they probably won't want that again :)10:19
sistpotyok, let's get back to the charter... is there something obvious missing?10:20
ajmitchnot that I could see10:20
TheMusoMe neither.10:20
dholbachit'd be nice to integrate ajmitch's summary somehow10:21
dholbachbut apart from that it's fine10:21
ajmitchsummary from MC meeting?10:21
TheMusoBut since there are only a few of us here, what do you say we put a final call to the ml? I don't like the fact that not everybody is getting a chance to have a say.10:21
ajmitchTheMuso: I thought there'd be a *few* more people here10:21
TheMusoajmitch: My point exactly.10:21
ajmitchlike Hobbsee10:21
sistpotyTheMuso: good idea10:22
=== Phoenix24 is here!
=== ajmitch is ready to go & sleep already
sistpotydholbach: I'd also like to see the summary in the actual charter, but I've only managed to transform it into a foreword somehow :(10:23
sistpoty<- no brainer ;)10:23
=== dholbach hugs sistpoty
dholbachsistpoty: will you mail the list about it?10:24
sistpotyok, I will10:24
dholbachany other business before we move on to fixed items?10:24
sistpotyis the TODO list up to date?10:25
TheMusoYeah I have something I just want to ask about10:25
dholbachI tagged quite a bunch of bugs and filed the unmetdeps bugs10:25
dholbachand there's been quite some activity on fixing bugs10:25
=== sistpoty hugs dholbach
=== ajmitch did try & help with unmet deps :(
dholbachTheMuso: fire away10:25
=== dholbach hugs ajmitch
gpocentek(morning MOTUs)10:26
TheMusoSince we are getting/want to get more people on board, I am wondering whether we should consider putting something in place for merging at the begiinning of a release, like what we have had previously.10:26
sistpotyhi gpocentek10:26
ajmitchhey gpocentek10:26
ajmitchTheMuso: like the merge web tool?10:26
TheMusoajmitch: To indicate who is doing what. The more people we have, the harder it will be to determine who has got what merge.10:26
ajmitchwhich is exactly what that did10:26
ajmitchbasically stating that you had a lock on that package10:27
TheMusoI believe some people in this cycle filed bugs etc, but that wasn't manditory if I remember correctly.10:27
TheMusoajmitch: Ah I don't really remember seeing that anywhere.10:27
TheMusoI may have been out of the loop at the time.10:27
ajmitchit was very useful, used malone bugs to track it10:27
ajmitchI think we used it for dapper?10:27
sistpotyyes, sounds like a good idea to me, as I think the merges for feisty stagnated at some point because too few people touched other people's merges10:27
ajmitchsistpoty coded it :)10:27
=== sistpoty hides
TheMusoajmitch: Got an URL that we can give newcomers? And can the bot be updated with info about merging perhaps?10:28
ajmitchno, it was disabled since then10:28
ajmitchbot can be updated10:28
sistpotyyep, it's disabled (and a little bit broken atm)10:28
TheMusosistpoty: Yeah, and the more of us there are, the messier it could be.10:28
ajmitchcode would need revived & freshened10:28
TheMusoIf we don't have something like that.10:28
sistpotyI guess I could set it up pretty quickly again, but the bug parser really should be redone (there was no x-launchpad thingy in bug mails at the beginning *g*)10:29
ajmitchshould be a trivial task ;)10:30
TheMusosistpoty: I am sure some of us would be happy to help you get it back up again.10:30
TheMusoBut I think it should be ready before the new release cycle starts.10:30
ajmitchcode is at http://tiber.tauware.de/~sistpoty/mergeWebTool/ in a bzr branch I think10:30
sistpotythat would be great... because it has had some issues at the past, where I'd have to manually fix things, and it would also be a great help if I there were more people who could then fix things ;)10:31
=== ajmitch branches it
sistpotyand I must admit that I don't have much of a clue about the packages thingy I stole from ajmitch :P10:31
ajmitchwhich thing was that?10:31
=== TheMuso also branches.
sistpotyajmitch: it imported package versions from unstable into the database10:32
dholbachwith the use of tags it should be quite easy10:32
ajmitchah yes, I see that code now10:32
ajmitchshameful ;)10:32
dholbachone could use python-launchpad-bugs for the launchpad end10:33
sistpotydholbach: to file merge bugs? or for s.th. else?10:33
ajmitchsistpoty: I made it about 100x faster by using britney code10:33
TheMusoOk this python is a little beyond me. :)10:33
ajmitchwhich is what I use each night for the RC bugs list10:33
dholbachsistpoty: to get an overview over which bugs are filed, who filed them, etc etc10:33
ajmitchdholbach: instead of mail?10:34
TheMusoAnd I think a few of us have wishes that MOM had a comments field for packages. Should we pursue that with Scott?10:34
dholbachajmitch: yeah, why not? I don't insist on it - was just an idea10:34
ajmitcheither that or scrape the pages & add in annotatoin :)10:34
=== ajmitch was going to add a comments field to his rc bugs list
MithrandirTheMuso: no, ask doko or me for MOM stuff now.10:35
sistpotyoh, we need also some script to actually file bugs... iirc the script from \sh: we had back then broke somewhen due to lp changing10:35
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TheMusoMithrandir: Oh ok.10:35
ajmitchMithrandir: excellent :)10:35
=== ajmitch bribes Mithrandir
ajmitchsistpoty: just hack requestsync10:35
sistpotygood idea :)10:36
ajmitchthough it can't tag by email yet10:36
dholbachpython-launchpad-bugs can tag10:37
TheMusoDid we not have a package in universe that had useful MOTU tools at some stage?10:38
dholbachyeah, we should pursue that10:38
dholbachI'm sure everybody of us has nifty small tools that make life easier10:38
=== ajmitch has a whole pile
TheMusoMostly tools others have written, but yeah.10:38
sistpotyhow about starting a bzr-repo to collect useful scripts?10:39
dholbachwho creates a motutools product in launchpad so we can have a bzr branch for that?10:39
TheMusoI can if people would like.10:39
=== ajmitch thought we already had something somewhere
ajmitchI know I had some of my stuff in a branch on tiber10:40
dholbachgood to have it in LP10:41
sistpotyI guess the "something somewhere" is part of the problem ;)10:41
TheMusoOk I'll do that after the meeting.10:41
dholbachok... anything else?10:41
TheMusoAnd annouce to the ML.10:41
dholbachTheMuso: thanks a lot10:41
=== ajmitch will have to spend weeks cleaning up scripts before they can be useful for others
sistpotynext motu meeting time? 2 weeks from now?10:41
TheMusoajmitch: COmmit them, and we can do it together. :)10:41
dholbachsistpoty: same time? later?10:42
=== TheMuso thinks about two weeks away.
TheMusoYeah I can do that.10:42
sistpotydholbach: maybe we should rotate times?10:42
ajmitch2 weeks from now is just after Easter10:42
TheMusoI am happy to rotate.10:42
sistpoty(in case there won't be a conflict)10:42
TheMusoajmitch: True.10:42
ajmitchrotating may be good, given how few people showed up here10:42
TheMusoI'll probably be catching up with a weekend's worth of email10:42
TheMusoAfter being away. :)10:43
sistpotyapr, 10 is tb meeting at 20.00utc, so we can't rotate to *that* time10:43
sistpoty(unless I can't count weeks now, like last meeting *g*)10:43
dholbach18:00 utc then?10:43
sistpotyok with me10:44
dholbachso we get the americans too10:44
TheMusoUm, if you want an aussie, I can't do that.10:44
ajmitchyou can have a kiwi, as long as you supply the caffeine IV drip10:44
TheMusoajmitch: hehe10:44
ajmitch(6AM for me)10:44
ajmitch4AM for TheMuso & others in that area10:44
dholbachwed 20:00 utc?10:45
TheMusoYeah thats fine.10:45
TheMusoI don't think it has to be two weeks exactly.10:45
ajmitchI think :)10:45
=== ajmitch is meant to be at work at 20:30UTC
dholbachhang on10:45
dholbachthere's edubuntu meeting10:45
highvoltagesomoene said edubuntu meeting?10:46
TheMusoI think us down under will have to face the fact that we can't make all meetings.10:46
dholbachapr 11th10:46
highvoltageah scheduling... (/me moves on)10:46
sistpotymon 9 apr still contains no schedules *g*10:46
=== TheMuso throws hands in the air. If I miss it, I miss it. No big deal.
dholbachsistpoty: isn't that when easter still is?10:47
TheMusoWe can't please everybody.10:47
Hobbseeooh strike, the meeting!  just when i went afk for a while!10:47
sistpotydholbach: right10:47
=== dholbach hugs Hobbsee
sistpotynow that explains why the slot is still empty *g*10:47
=== Hobbsee hugs dholbach
=== sistpoty shrugs about meeting times then
=== Hobbsee quickly reads the backscroll
dholbachapr, 12th 20:00 utc then10:48
ajmitchdholbach: alright ;)10:48
dholbachwe have to make it a quick one, as the distro team meets one hour after that10:48
sistpotydholbach: ubuntu dev team meeting10:48
sistpotyah, right10:48
dholbachbut given that we're short before release, there's not much to discuss anyway10:48
ajmitchapril 12th, 20:00UTC will do10:49
TheMusoYep sounds good.10:49
dholbachdon't talk - fix bugs :)10:49
ajmitchooh, friday 13th!10:49
sistpotyanyone unhappy with 12th, 20:00UTC?10:49
ajmitchnope :)10:50
=== raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
dholbachnext universe hug day?10:50
=== ajmitch hugs dholbach
Hobbseesistpoty: i am.  grah.10:50
=== ajmitch hugs Hobbsee
Hobbseeoh, i wont even make that, most likely10:51
Hobbseebut that's OK10:51
sistpotyhm... once again, /me was too quick10:51
Hobbseethat whole merging thing with comments would help10:51
Hobbseebut i never sued the dapper merging thing10:51
ajmitchI'd hope not10:51
ajmitchyou weren't as involved back then though10:51
TheMusoSorry, I took that the wrong way.10:52
ajmitchmy poor DSL line at home... ;)10:52
dholbachwhen is the next universe hug day?10:52
dholbachdo you find it useful?10:52
Hobbseeajmitch: true10:52
ajmitchdholbach: friday?10:52
TheMusoI haven't been round for the last couple, so can't say.10:52
=== ajmitch hasn't really been involved in the hug day stuff
=== sistpoty doesn't have too much spare time for fixing bugs atm
dholbachajmitch: sounds good to me10:53
dholbachi'll write an announce10:53
sistpotybut I guess the hug days have been pretty good, weren't they?10:53
TheMusoFriday sounds good.10:53
=== ajmitch has been doing some hacking on stuff for feisty+1 (sorry)
=== Hobbsee doesnt have time at the moment - kde stuff is my focus
ajmitchas well as fixes for my code for feisty10:54
dholbachthanks a lot everybody - I think we're all set with the meeting, right?10:55
=== sistpoty is
TheMusoI'll go grab some dinner, and will do the meetings/create motutools product.10:56
dholbachTheMuso: you rock10:56
sistpotythanks everyone!10:57
ajmitchdholbach: yep, meeting finished, etc :)10:57
ajmitchsistpoty can return to sleep10:57
TheMusoOk, thanks all.10:57
=== TheMuso [n=luke@ubuntu/member/themuso] has left #ubuntu-meeting []
dholbachthanks all10:57
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 27 Mar 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 28 Mar 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 28 Mar 22:00 UTC: Xubuntu | 29 Mar 21:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 01 Apr 20:00 UTC: Marketing Team | 02 Apr 15:00 UTC: Community question time
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deepj #ubuntu-motu03:27
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Current meeting: Technical Board | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 28 Mar 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 28 Mar 22:00 UTC: Xubuntu | 29 Mar 21:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 01 Apr 20:00 UTC: Marketing Team | 02 Apr 15:00 UTC: Community question time
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Keybuklooking at the agenda, this should be nice and quick :)09:59
mjg59We expecing mdz or Mark?10:00
KeybukI was talking to mdz only a few minutes ago10:00
Keybukso I'd expect so10:01
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mdzevening all10:01
Keybukok, so let's get started10:02
mdz(hmm, need to update that template for the new motu process)10:03
mdzI'm not aware of any core-dev applicants today, are you?10:03
Keybuknone that I'm aware of10:03
mdzthere is one motu application pending confirmation10:04
mdzLionel Le Folgoc10:04
mdzI haven't reviewed it yet10:04
mdzjust received today10:04
KeybukI had reviewed it, and was happy10:04
mdzok, your ack is sufficient to effect the change in LP10:04
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Keybuk(when beta does it)10:05
mjg59I concour, for the record10:05
mdzKeybuk: will you also send a welcome to -devel?10:05
Keybukdo we have a template for that?10:06
Keybukah, I see dholbach has one10:06
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mdzKeybuk: you can use the last one I sent as a template10:07
mdzand maybe put it into a wiki somewhere10:07
mdzis there any other business?10:08
mdzshort and sweet10:09
mdzthanks all10:09
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Daviey@schedule london10:37
ubotuSchedule for Europe/London: Current meeting: Technical Board | 28 Mar 21:00: Edubuntu | 28 Mar 23:00: Xubuntu | 29 Mar 22:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 01 Apr 21:00: Marketing Team | 02 Apr 16:00: Community question time10:37
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