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neozen | Pitze: but that's just me | 12:00 |
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nippoo | Pitze: I've heard BitchX is very good. I'm using ircII ATM.. ;-) | 12:01 |
Flannel | !best | Pitze | 12:01 |
heloytety | !barrel | 12:01 |
=== abo [n=tfh@80-47-151-20.lond-th.dynamic.dial.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | Pitze: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. | 12:01 |
heloytety | !beryl | 12:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about barrel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:01 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 12:01 |
=== The_Belgain [n=chatzill@82-40-246-43.cable.ubr06.dals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mon^rch | I am wanting to upgrade to feisty from edgy via apt-get dist upgrade... and am hoping it wont break anything. anybody suggest against it? | 12:01 |
ctw | Hi! Since my last upgrade (I'm running Feisty) I cannot use my NVidia driver anymore. I get the following error message: Failed to load module "wfb" (module does not exist, 0) | 12:01 |
KalleDK | !love | 12:01 |
ubotu | Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come. | 12:01 |
Flannel | mon^rch: don't use apt-get use update-manager | 12:01 |
ctw | Is there anything I can do on my end to fix this, or do I have to wait for a fix in Ubuntu? | 12:01 |
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IcemanV9 | mon^rch: can you just wait for at least 2 weeks or so? | 12:01 |
Flannel | ctw: #ubuntu+1 for Feisty support, thanks | 12:02 |
jrib | mon^rch: make sure you have backups. If you are not willing to have things break then don't upgrade until it is stable | 12:02 |
hanbush | dyrne | 12:02 |
dyrne | hanbush: login then 'sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf' scroll to near the bottom of the file any youll see Driver "vesa" or Driver "nv" or something if its not vesa change it to vesa save the file and quit nano then 'sudo '/etc/init.d/gdm restart' at least then youll have some idea of the error its giving you. assuming an X problem | 12:02 |
=== mdolan [n=mdolan@ool-457689fd.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | mon^rch: yeah... I agree with jrib | 12:02 |
Lowe | mon^rch, try update-manager -d | 12:02 |
The_Belgain | hi there - i'm having a proplem with my SATA card. it's only seeing one of the drives on it (there are two) and I can't figure out why | 12:02 |
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The_Belgain | the card is an xfx REVO 5-port | 12:02 |
takesinn | neozen: No, I'm running them native on linux | 12:02 |
neozen | mon^rch: even when feisty is stable, I'll probably backup my /home and whack out everything and do a fresh install | 12:02 |
neozen | takesinn: O.o | 12:02 |
ctw | Flannel: thanks! | 12:02 |
takesinn | dyrne: I think I used the installer | 12:02 |
neozen | takesinn: ok | 12:02 |
takesinn | dyrne: Like official .bin file | 12:03 |
The_Belgain | it's seeing one drive fine; the other doesn't show up at all (and dmesg doesn't show it being detected at all) - any ideas? | 12:03 |
goku | hwo to enable universal repo | 12:03 |
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neozen | !universe | 12:03 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 12:03 |
=== Crazytom [n=chris@adsl-074-229-025-245.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dyrne | hanbush: write down the error if it doesnt work. if all you want is to install just downoad the alternate install cd | 12:03 |
neozen | !EasySource | 12:03 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 12:03 |
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=== Tim [n=twright@leibniz.catalyst.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IcemanV9 | goku: read what ubotu just said | 12:03 |
alucard | how do i know if my harddrive is serial ata | 12:03 |
neozen | goku: take a look there | 12:03 |
Lowe | i can't upgrade, error: Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-commercial/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2) :( | 12:03 |
hanbush | dyrne: isnt there an easier way to reconfigure the xorg.conf, isnt there some command you type in recovery mode? oh and a little background, this started happening after a kernel panic | 12:03 |
mon^rch | ok,ok... I guess I will just leave my absolutely-f**kin'-beautiful edgy install alone until I'm sure an upgrade is safe... ty all | 12:03 |
neozen | alucard: type mount | 12:04 |
KalleDK | Wuhu works now :D Free ssh between all my servers :D | 12:04 |
=== SuperTeece [n=tc@ip68-105-249-191.lu.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | alucard: if you see devices that start with sd instead of hd... they're probably sata | 12:04 |
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dyrne | hanbush: yes there is 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' but it takes longer for me than just editing the file | 12:04 |
neozen | alucard: or... they're scsi | 12:04 |
=== BeepAU [n=chatzill@CPE-60-230-49-114.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dyrne | hanbush: youll still have to 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart' after you run that | 12:04 |
=== muddy [n=chatzill@cpe-24-166-221-93.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alucard | so if a recompiled kernel is hanging when i boot up, should i install scsi support? | 12:05 |
dyrne | hanbush: again thats assuming its an X problem | 12:05 |
=== KirG0FF [n=k@birulevonet-gw.fiord.ru] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | alucard: hmmmmm | 12:05 |
muddy | Hello. I am looking for some support.....someone wanna donate some time to a n00b? | 12:05 |
neozen | alucard: that's a tricky one | 12:05 |
neozen | muddy: ask your question | 12:05 |
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neozen | muddy: and we will see | 12:05 |
muddy | Ok... | 12:05 |
Jowi | muddy, ask. if you're detailed enough chances are probably good | 12:05 |
The_Belgain | is there a better channel i can check on for SATA support questions? | 12:06 |
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hanbush | dyrne: would X get messed up after a kernel panic? | 12:06 |
neozen | !sata | 12:06 |
dyrne | hanbush: its quitting time for me :) maybe someone can offer better advise. if kernel panic then not an X thing | 12:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sata - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:06 |
BeepAU | For weeks I couldn't get sound to work at all on my Sigmatel STAC9200 sound card, I read that this is a known bug in ALSA. I tried installing OSS and it's kinda worked, but I only get very low output through my headphones. Is anyone experienced with OSS and can help me out? | 12:06 |
hanbush | dyrne: alright thanks a lot mate | 12:06 |
=== neozen playfully bashes ubotu with a stick | ||
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Enverex|LT | Does anyone know of a fix for "libGL error: dlopen /usr/lib/dri/r200_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/r200_dri.so: undefined symbol: _glapi_add_dispatch)"? | 12:07 |
Ferret | hanbush: A kernel panic stops everything running... | 12:07 |
mon^rch | ubotu | 12:07 |
neozen | Enverex|LT: ay luck googling that | 12:07 |
neozen | *any | 12:07 |
=== wabz [n=wabz@c211-30-185-177.artrmn2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alucard | neozen: i just looked at my harddrive and its definitely IDE, so disabling scsi wont hurt? | 12:07 |
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The_Belgain | !sata | 12:07 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sata - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:07 |
neozen | alucard: be aware... usb harddrives show up as scsi | 12:07 |
Lowe | alucard, quite weird if it would hurt ;) | 12:07 |
Ferret | hanbush: Oh, I see what you mean, after rebooting... Well, probably not | 12:08 |
muddy | I downloaded desktop version 6.10, and burned it to a disk. It loads up to the desktop just fine, but when I click to install the program, I choose to clear the entire HDD and it locks up, but it also locks up during the standard install....HELP!! | 12:08 |
wabz | hi, whenever apt-get updates a package that needs to run update-menus, a couple of update-menus run, and never complete. It looks like one of them keeps trying to open /var/lib/dpkg/lock. Anyway, it's stopping me doing any updates. Ideas? | 12:08 |
neozen | alucard: so if you want to have support for usb harddrives in this custom kernel... turn on scsi support | 12:08 |
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Lowe | muddy, at what point does the program lock up? | 12:09 |
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neozen | wabz: are you running more then one package manager at a time? | 12:09 |
wabz | nope | 12:09 |
=== Vaxu [n=vaxaren@adsl-36-5.regionline.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | muddy: O.o | 12:09 |
muddy | during the install process....too vague? It's random | 12:09 |
=== sprt [n=hafer@evp186.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
goku | how do i enable source list to turn on universe repo | 12:10 |
sprt | anbybody is here? | 12:10 |
Flannel | !universe | goku, first link | 12:10 |
ubotu | goku, first link: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 12:10 |
muddy | I can use the OS just fine as long as the CD in in the drive, but it locks up different places everytime during the install process | 12:10 |
neozen | dejanpetrovic: just be sure you're descriptive | 12:11 |
Lowe | muddy, just a lockup? or with an error-message? | 12:11 |
neozen | muddy: interesting | 12:11 |
muddy | Just a lock up | 12:11 |
neozen | muddy: cd image might be bad | 12:11 |
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neozen | muddy: I had a bad image of xubuntu edgy... it would check out just fine through the checking process on the cd | 12:11 |
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neozen | muddy: but would freeze during install | 12:11 |
IcemanV9 | muddy: you might need to md5sum CD or add acpi=off (at the boot) | 12:11 |
heloytety | a | 12:11 |
dejanpetrovic | Q: Is there a way to swich sound output on blue (input) port! I could do that in win with driver software, but here?!?! | 12:12 |
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muddy | This is the second one and I did the CD check after booting and it tells me it's fine, I also checked the hash | 12:12 |
goku | how to enable universal repo? | 12:12 |
Flannel | goku: Did you follow the instructions on that page? | 12:12 |
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neozen | muddy: then it might be your power management | 12:12 |
goku | didnt see any instruction | 12:12 |
wabz | neozen: do you have any idea how I can get these updates happening? | 12:12 |
muddy | Iceman: what would be the EXACT line command for that....Still Linux retarded here | 12:12 |
IcemanV9 | goku: look at ubotu's message on universe | 12:12 |
Flannel | goku: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu | 12:12 |
muddy | Power management? | 12:12 |
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neozen | dejanpetrovic: gnome-alsamixer | 12:13 |
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kingcobra | how do you get a sis video card working | 12:13 |
muddy | I should also mention that the CD stops spinning when it locks up......... | 12:13 |
neozen | dejanpetrovic: run it | 12:13 |
goku | i'm using ubunto 5.04 i dont have the software tab | 12:13 |
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neozen | kingcobra: beat it with a stick | 12:13 |
neozen | goku: such information is vital when asking questions | 12:13 |
dejanpetrovic | dont have it.. .will install it! | 12:13 |
IcemanV9 | muddy: at the boot, press f6 (not sure which one .. been a while) then just type acpi=off at the end of the boot command | 12:13 |
muddy | Should I also mention that I am using a laptop? | 12:13 |
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Flannel | goku: 5.04? You should upgrade. | 12:14 |
goku | neozen oops | 12:14 |
neozen | goku: in the future... be SURE to mention that rather then just repeating your question | 12:14 |
goku | upgrade how? | 12:14 |
Flannel | goku: twice, actually. | 12:14 |
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Lowe | muddy, that makes sense yes ;) | 12:14 |
Flannel | !upgrade | goku | 12:14 |
ubotu | goku: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 12:14 |
muddy | ACPI correct? This is just a double check because I have seen APIC as well | 12:14 |
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neozen | apic is probably a typo | 12:14 |
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Lowe | muddy, ACPI is correct | 12:14 |
neozen | !apic | 12:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about apic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:15 |
TeReL50 | How can I reset or change my root password, pls any help / | 12:15 |
IcemanV9 | muddy: it happened to me many times on the laptop, so i added acpi=off and it installed. | 12:15 |
Flannel | goku: You should upgrade to 6.06, since 5.10 will go out of support in a few weeks | 12:15 |
muddy | Ok, I might be back...LOL | 12:15 |
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globe | is there a way to create a link to a folder? | 12:15 |
neozen | TeReL50: no need to login as root | 12:15 |
dejanpetrovic | ok foud alsamixer | 12:15 |
IcemanV9 | acpi is correct | 12:15 |
Lowe | neoncode, apic has something to do with graphic cards afaik | 12:15 |
Flannel | TeReL50: Ubuntu doesnt use the root password, you don't have one. | 12:15 |
muddy | Wish me luck and THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH!!! | 12:15 |
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kingcobra | neozen: i cant find any guide about sis | 12:15 |
TeReL50 | I cant use sudo anymore :( | 12:15 |
Flannel | TeReL50: why not? | 12:15 |
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Enverex|LT | neoncode, APIC is connected to ACPI though so... and it's disableable at that point | 12:15 |
neozen | TeReL50: .....did you break your sudo? | 12:15 |
TeReL50 | don't know Flannel :S | 12:15 |
dejanpetrovic | but in konsloe | 12:15 |
kingcobra | neozen: its a pity there not supported better | 12:15 |
neozen | TeReL50: what did you do? | 12:15 |
goku | there is no ez way to upgrade? or do i have to reinstall everything | 12:15 |
TeReL50 | I think so neozen | 12:16 |
=== Johqn [n=Johqn@ALille-257-1-150-61.w86-208.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | kingcobra: ::shrugs:: should support vesa at the very least | 12:16 |
jrib | !upgrade > goku (goku, see the private message from ubotu) | 12:16 |
Flannel | goku: Yes, you upgrade in place. That link has instructions. You need to upgrade from 5.04 to 5.10, then from 5.10 to 6.06 | 12:16 |
=== kevinf311 [n=me@adsl-223-87-83.aep.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dejanpetrovic | it is not gnome... but... what now? | 12:16 |
TeReL50 | I messed up some priveledges i gguess neozen | 12:16 |
dejanpetrovic | :) | 12:16 |
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Lowe | !upgrade | 12:16 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 12:16 |
Flannel | TeReL50: reboot, at GRUB, choose recovery console, then fix your sudo. | 12:16 |
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=== mbdl_ [n=TCDD9lkL@ACBE1633.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | TeReL50: oh boy | 12:16 |
lineman60 | i am haveing a poblme with my SDcard reader in ubuntu 6.06LTS it sees it but gives me error: device /dev/hde1 is not removabl | 12:17 |
TeReL50 | :) | 12:17 |
neozen | TeReL50: follow flannel's instructions | 12:17 |
Flannel | TeReL50: That'll give you a root prompt, of course, you still need to figure out what's wrong and how to fix it ;) | 12:17 |
TeReL50 | Flannel: I'll try | 12:17 |
kingcobra | neozen: i cant find any guide about sis | 12:17 |
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neozen | kingcobra: yeah... I couldn't help you | 12:17 |
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mbdl_ | hello everyone | 12:17 |
TeReL50 | ok tnx Flannel & neozen | 12:17 |
neozen | kingcobra: I'd say scope out the forums with your model of card | 12:17 |
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neozen | kingcobra: what model of card btw? | 12:18 |
kingcobra | neozen: ok thanks very much i got wifi working | 12:18 |
kingcobra | sis760 | 12:18 |
neozen | kingcobra: good! | 12:18 |
mbdl_ | if i wanted ot install windows xp back on this computer how would i od that | 12:18 |
dejanpetrovic | neozen: what now?!?! | 12:18 |
neozen | kingcobra: lol | 12:18 |
=== redneckone [n=rednecko@71-15-140-62.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | dejanpetrovic: did you run the mixer? | 12:18 |
dejanpetrovic | yes! | 12:18 |
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neozen | dejanpetrovic: ok | 12:18 |
IcemanV9 | sis = video card? | 12:18 |
=== FordPrefect [n=acoliver@cpe-071-077-006-045.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | mbdl_: pop in the windows install disk | 12:19 |
neozen | dejanpetrovic: look in its help if you don't know how to use it | 12:19 |
Lowe | IcemanV9, yeah, a crappy one ;) | 12:19 |
neozen | dejanpetrovic: everything has help | 12:19 |
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kingcobra | anybody know how to get sis 760 video card working properly | 12:19 |
kingcobra | or a guide | 12:19 |
dejanpetrovic | neozen: yes but this is in konsole | 12:19 |
mbdl_ | flannel: but when i install it will get rid of the ubuntu grub boot | 12:19 |
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neozen | kingcobra: would this be in a sotec by any chace? | 12:19 |
IcemanV9 | i have seen a few threads on sis - video card in ubuntuforums.org | 12:19 |
=== FordPrefect [n=fprefect@cpe-071-077-006-045.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== mlankhorst [n=mlankhor@this-guy.is-a-geek.org] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
Flannel | mbdl_: correct. you'll reinstall grub afterwards, first link: | 12:19 |
=== kditty [n=kditty@cpe-69-135-192-211.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | !grub | mbdl_ | 12:19 |
neozen | dejanpetrovic: .................are you running kubuntu? | 12:19 |
ubotu | mbdl_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 12:19 |
busfahrer | Excuse me, is grub capable of chainloading an OS installed in an extended partition? | 12:20 |
dejanpetrovic | neozen: no!! ubuntu | 12:20 |
neozen | dejanpetrovic: ok | 12:20 |
xtknight | can anyone recommend me a firewire card that works in Linux? | 12:20 |
neozen | dejanpetrovic: I don't know Konsole then | 12:20 |
neozen | dejanpetrovic: sorry.. can't help you | 12:20 |
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Lowe | anyone upgraded to 7.04 lately? | 12:20 |
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xtknight | Lowe: #ubuntu+1 | 12:20 |
tung | What are the disadvantages of installing my nvidia drivers from ENVY? | 12:21 |
neozen | <--- actually runs modified version of xubuntu | 12:21 |
=== Shaba1 [n=nunya@adsl-63-202-227-130.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | !anyone | Lowe | 12:21 |
ubotu | Lowe: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 12:21 |
LjL | !feisty > Lowe (Lowe, see the private message from Ubotu) | 12:21 |
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neozen | lol | 12:21 |
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panfist | hey, i am running ubuntu edgy, how to upgrade the kernel to 2.6.20? | 12:21 |
dejanpetrovic | neozen: noooo.. but you must! :) is there a way to install gnome-alsamixer??? | 12:21 |
Flannel | panfist: upgrade to feisty | 12:21 |
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tung | What are the disadvantages of installing my nvidia drivers from ENVY? | 12:22 |
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neozen | dejanpetrovic: no... actually I must not..... I can choose to help you lol | 12:22 |
panfist | flannel: feisty just entered beta, this is for my server | 12:22 |
neozen | dejanpetrovic: and you'd install any application the way you installed vlc | 12:22 |
Flannel | panfist: then wait two weeks, then upgrade to feisty. | 12:22 |
Flannel | panfist: Edgy will never have .20, you'll either have to upgrade, or roll your own | 12:22 |
=== Azzkikr [n=krpors@a62-251-82-134.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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neozen | dejanpetrovic: sudo apt-get install nameofpackageyouwanttoinstall | 12:22 |
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panfist | so how do i roll my own | 12:23 |
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Flannel | !kernel | panfist | 12:23 |
ubotu | panfist: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel. You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild | 12:23 |
=== skunx [n=skunx@cht33-1-82-228-78-78.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"] | ||
atilla | how can install wine 6.10 ubuntu | 12:23 |
panfist | i need to upgrade because torrents w/ files over 2gigs always fail hash checks, apparenty this is fixed in 2.6.20 | 12:23 |
neozen | !wine | 12:23 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 12:23 |
dejanpetrovic | neozen: nameofpackegyouwhanttoinstall not found! :)))))) ;0) | 12:23 |
panfist | thanks for the link | 12:23 |
=== harry_ [n=harry@bas9-toronto12-1177700934.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | dejanpetrovic: .....please.... use your brain | 12:24 |
czedlitz | what command line text editor is best? is there a better one that VI ? | 12:24 |
neozen | dejanpetrovic: native english speaker? | 12:24 |
jrib | czedlitz: use the one you like to use the best, vim is nice | 12:24 |
Flannel | czedlitz: nano is simpler, if that's what you're looking for. | 12:24 |
THJ | is there something like Corel Painter for Linux? i know about and use GIMP but it doesn't do quite the same thing. | 12:24 |
IcemanV9 | czedlitz: nano is installed by default | 12:24 |
czedlitz | ok thanks | 12:24 |
mom | lol @ dejanpetrovic i knew you were gonna do that | 12:24 |
dejanpetrovic | neozen: just joking! | 12:24 |
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neozen | dejanpetrovic: thank the dieties | 12:24 |
neozen | dejanpetrovic: was beginning to lose patience with ye | 12:25 |
dejanpetrovic | mom: i did not :P | 12:25 |
=== Bantroth [n=Bantroth@60-242-118-218.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
harry_ | How do I install OpenArena [the Quake 3 clone] | 12:25 |
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massctrl | hi, anyone using exaile for mp3's and streams?,;... I can't play streams, local mp3's work though | 12:25 |
neozen | harry_: it has a website right? | 12:25 |
MajorPayne | In Gnome, when I open up System->preferences->theme and I try to scroll up and down the list it has a problem refreshing. I can't change my theme because I can't see any of them. This is the only application that has this problem so I do not think it is a wide spread problem. | 12:25 |
neozen | harry_: read the site | 12:25 |
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neozen | harry_: follow directions for ubuntu | 12:25 |
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mbdl_ | massctrl: yes | 12:25 |
stiv2k_ | what do i do about this? >> configure: error: You are missing security/pam_modules.h | 12:26 |
neozen | harry_: and if there aren't ones available for ubuntu.... read the ones for debian | 12:26 |
mom | neozen: i still cant print :-( | 12:26 |
Arroll | can someone please help me, i just installed so nvidia drivers for my nvidia card on edgy. the installation also configured xorg. now when i reboot, i cannot get into linux, i get a blue screen and get the message "failed to start the x server....." can someone please help me?? | 12:26 |
harry_ | I went to their website & downloaded a .tar.gz, and on their wiki it says "Linux: download the Linux tarball from one of the mirrors and extract it." | 12:26 |
neozen | mom: awwwww | 12:26 |
massctrl | mbdl_: you can play pls playlists? and stream internetradio this way? | 12:26 |
THJ | haha, i would kill for the ability to re-theme WINE so it looks like my other GNOME software | 12:26 |
neozen | mom: don't know what to tell you.. | 12:26 |
neozen | mom: haven't done much messing about with samba | 12:26 |
neozen | mom: ...yet | 12:26 |
stiv2k_ | what do i do about this? >> configure: error: You are missing security/pam_modules.h | 12:27 |
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neozen | its on my todo list though | 12:27 |
mom | neozen: i shall figure something out... glad you still remembered my question tho | 12:27 |
mbdl_ | massctrl: well exile isnt the best for that i would get songbird | 12:27 |
Nermal | stiv2k_: apt-get install pam-devel ? | 12:27 |
gonzaloaf_work | what is better aiglx+beryl or aiglx+compiz? | 12:27 |
IcemanV9 | Arroll: copy the original xorg.conf back and then look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log to find out what's wrong | 12:27 |
takesinn | How do I reset the mouse in X? | 12:27 |
takesinn | Cause it's stopped functioning after a game crash | 12:27 |
takesinn | and I'm trying to find a solution, don't want to log in and out everytime I want to reset it | 12:27 |
neozen | mom: well... every once in a while... my brain works as well as xubuntu on this thinkpad | 12:27 |
}btorch{ | quit | 12:27 |
takesinn | Damn | 12:27 |
takesinn | Why does iptables skip once in a while? | 12:27 |
neozen | mom: most of the time actually | 12:27 |
Nermal | stiv2k_: libpam-dev even | 12:27 |
stiv2k_ | Nermal: ah | 12:27 |
mbdl_ | massctrl: songbird is a clone ot itunes but IT SO MUCH BETTER | 12:27 |
Arroll | does anyone know hwat i did wrong with my graphic card driver installation and how can i get into linux with this blue screen?? someone please help | 12:27 |
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neozen | Arroll: blue screen? | 12:28 |
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takesinn | Ey | 12:28 |
mirra | can someone tell me how to ban traffic to apache if it is coming from a certain location | 12:28 |
massctrl | mbdl_: i see, never heard of it,.. so it streams mp3's... can I play local mp3's and such ? | 12:28 |
=== dmlk [n=dmlk@host209.201-252-199.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
patattack | has anyone been able to get radion drivers to work for fiesty fawn? | 12:28 |
takesinn | How do I reset the X.org mouse device? | 12:28 |
takesinn | It's suck | 12:28 |
takesinn | stuck* | 12:28 |
dmlk | #ubuntu-es | 12:28 |
dmlk | Buenas | 12:28 |
dmlk | alguien usa Ubuntu 64 bits? | 12:29 |
Jowi | mirra, you could set up hosts.deny | 12:29 |
Flannel | patattack: #ubuntu+1 for Feisty support | 12:29 |
mbdl_ | massctrl: yes um... just a sec ill get the url and u can look | 12:29 |
neozen | takesinn: boy... you've just got all the fun today | 12:29 |
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takesinn | ^^ | 12:29 |
patattack | thanks flannel | 12:29 |
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takesinn | neozen: Still working on enemy territory | 12:29 |
Flannel | dmlk: /join #ubuntu-es | 12:29 |
Arroll | neozen: ya i bet a blue screen when lbooting into linux. it says failed to start the x server. all i have done was installed the nvidia driver. the install congigured xorg | 12:29 |
takesinn | neozen: Keeps killing my mouse and stuff | 12:29 |
Jowi | mirra, "man hosts.deny" for the man page | 12:29 |
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massctrl | mbdl_ got it looks nice | 12:29 |
TSWoodV | mirra: Take a look at .htaccess files. | 12:29 |
takesinn | but I keep killing it, so alls fair in war and computer programing :p | 12:29 |
Silencer | how to reset synapitc update list ? ???? | 12:29 |
neozen | takesinn: drag | 12:29 |
=== Black^Dragon [n=Dragon@24-176-50-120.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | Silencer: reload it? or, what are you asking? | 12:30 |
neozen | Silencer: did you bork your list?> | 12:30 |
takesinn | So no command to reset X mouse? | 12:30 |
takesinn | Do I need to log in and out? :P | 12:30 |
MajorPayne | http://www.payneful.ca/Screenshot.png <-- Can someone look at this screenshot. It is a problem I am having with the Theme app in Gnome and the picture says 1000 words. | 12:30 |
takesinn | Will asume so in 20s | 12:30 |
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neozen | takesinn: no... there should be a way | 12:30 |
takesinn | Thats what I thought | 12:30 |
neozen | takesinn: to just reload the mouse driver | 12:30 |
mbdl_ | massctrl: so u can see well it has a browser in it so u can say goto a site and it will look in the site for embeded files and load them in a playlist... and it will stream | 12:30 |
neozen | takesinn: is this a mouse you can unplug? | 12:30 |
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d54C689F7.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
syberdave | is there a way to force the ubuntu installer to not format the "/" drive? it's already a reiserfs partition and there's data on it | 12:30 |
=== neozen grins | ||
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mbdl_ | massctrl: it very new and promissing | 12:30 |
Silencer | neozen, yes my list is broken | 12:30 |
neozen | syberdave: NO | 12:31 |
Arroll | Iceman, how do i copy the xorg.conf back? and what am i looking for in that file. I am bit of a linux noob. i cant get into linux right now. i just get the blue screen with the error message | 12:31 |
TSWoodV | MajorPayne: Which video card/driver? | 12:31 |
neozen | syberdave: you need to backup the stuff you don't want to lose | 12:31 |
massctrl | mbdl_ checking out the screencast, indeed it looks damn nifty | 12:31 |
Silencer | i want to delete it so i download packages list again | 12:31 |
neozen | syberdave: / will get whacke out | 12:31 |
Flannel | Silencer: right, hit reload. Or, in a terminal, 'sudo apt-get update' | 12:31 |
neozen | !source-o-matic | 12:31 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 12:31 |
takesinn | neozen: Yeah | 12:31 |
takesinn | Could try that | 12:31 |
=== Lord_Belial [n=admin@log77-5-88-164-150-14.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mbdl_ | massctrl: ya unlike all the other player this is VERY organized | 12:31 |
takesinn | Got avahi | 12:31 |
takesinn | Should work | 12:31 |
neozen | Silencer: scope out the message from ubotu | 12:32 |
syberdave | neozen: from a technical standpoint, you should theoretically be able to do that. but i guess the install tool doesn't let you force it | 12:32 |
gonzaloaf_work | what is better aiglx+beryl or aiglx+compiz? | 12:32 |
Flannel | syberdave: you want to use existing stuff in /? that's rather unusual. | 12:32 |
dauoalagio2 | hello what are some good Gnome customization "things" besides Beryl and Murrina | 12:32 |
mbdl_ | massctrl: do u have automtix? | 12:32 |
Arroll | can someone please help me??? | 12:32 |
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=== Pici [n=pcmacman@ool-4355be00.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | syberdave: nope... that it does not | 12:32 |
Flannel | gonzaloaf_work: #ubuntu-effects for that sort of stuff. | 12:32 |
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takesinn | no cigar, neozen | 12:32 |
IcemanV9 | Arroll: at the boot, select recovery ... go to /etc/X11/ and you see the list of xorg.conf backups | 12:32 |
takesinn | Damn | 12:32 |
neozen | syberdave: not exactly a standard request | 12:32 |
takesinn | I wish X-Chat had screen | 12:32 |
maxs | can anyone here help me with eggdrop | 12:32 |
syberdave | Flannel: i'm trying to install everything over a debian installation.. i moved everything into a folder | 12:32 |
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MajorPayne | TSWoodV: nvidia. But it seems to be a problem with just the one app. All my other GTK aps have no problems. | 12:32 |
takesinn | or some screen function | 12:32 |
neozen | takesinn: what kind of mouse is this? | 12:32 |
takesinn | then I could log in and out like crazy | 12:32 |
mbdl_ | massctrl: automatix* | 12:32 |
TSWoodV | syberdave: You'll need to install from the alternative media. | 12:32 |
syberdave | so it wouldn't interfere with ubuntu | 12:32 |
takesinn | Actually I got two mouses plugged in, neozen | 12:33 |
takesinn | One in the ps2 which is a cordless mouse | 12:33 |
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neozen | takesinn: hmmmmmmmmm | 12:33 |
=== FordPrefect [n=fprefect@cpe-071-077-006-045.nc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
dotnettttt | is there anybody helpme for my root account? | 12:33 |
takesinn | and one mouse in the USB | 12:33 |
syberdave | TSWoodV: ok, will do. thanks. | 12:33 |
TSWoodV | MajorPayne: Open source nv driver or the closed source nvidia driver? | 12:33 |
harry_ | Ok, on the OpenArena site, it says "OpenArena is available either as a pre-built package for your operating system or on the subversion repository." | 12:33 |
neozen | takesinn: why 2 mice? | 12:33 |
IcemanV9 | Arroll: just copy xorg.conf.original to xorg.conf .. reboot | 12:33 |
takesinn | Cordless >.>;;; | 12:33 |
Flannel | dotnettttt: what do you need help with? | 12:33 |
TSWoodV | syberdave: NP | 12:33 |
Silencer | neozen, i update it and I have a failed to fetch one file, Failed to fetch http://cs.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/language-pack-gnome-en/language-pack-gnome-en_6.10+20070115_all.deb | 12:33 |
MajorPayne | TSWoodV: The closed source nvidia driver. | 12:33 |
neozen | takesinn: so unplug the cored one | 12:33 |
dotnettttt | i cant be root | 12:33 |
harry_ | How do I acess that from synaptic? | 12:33 |
kingcobra | how do you stop xorg | 12:33 |
takesinn | I tried | 12:33 |
Arroll | IcemanV9: ok and how do i copy again? | 12:33 |
dotnettttt | Flannel: i cant be root | 12:33 |
Flannel | dotnettttt: Ubuntu doesn't use the root account. Use sudo instead. | 12:33 |
takesinn | Both, as I said. None worked :/ | 12:33 |
=== SuperTeece [n=tc@ip68-105-249-191.lu.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
takesinn | Maybe if I replug it in another USB | 12:33 |
TSWoodV | MajorPayne: How did you install this driver? | 12:33 |
mbdl_ | massctrl: r u still there? | 12:34 |
MajorPayne | TSWoodV: but like I say, if it was a problem with the driver why wouldn't any of my other applications have a problem like that? | 12:34 |
neozen | takesinn: yeah.. that might be it | 12:34 |
MajorPayne | TSWoodV: Using aptitude. | 12:34 |
IcemanV9 | Arroll: cp xorg.conf.original xorg.conf | 12:34 |
massctrl | mbdl_: yeah sorry, no i have no automatix | 12:34 |
neozen | takesinn: might just have a bad port | 12:34 |
neozen | takesinn: or your mouse might be going bad | 12:34 |
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mbdl_ | massctrl: well ill tell you how to install then | 12:34 |
Flannel | !automatix | mbdl_, massctrl | 12:34 |
ubotu | mbdl_, massctrl: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 12:34 |
takesinn | The mouse works, if I log out and in. | 12:34 |
Flannel | mbdl_: please don't. | 12:34 |
takesinn | So I guess I have to do that :/ | 12:34 |
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tung | What are the disadvantages of installing my nvidia drivers from ENVY? | 12:34 |
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kingcobra | does anybody know how to stop xorg | 12:34 |
takesinn | Cause using a different port didn't work :( | 12:34 |
TSWoodV | MajorPayne: The closed source nvidia drivers have had their quirks. I'm not totally surprised by what you're seeing. Which version? | 12:34 |
Arroll | IcemanV9: ok thanks ill try that | 12:34 |
takesinn | But first I'll run ET in gnome-terminal to see if I can't find a solution | 12:34 |
neozen | takesinn: if its lighted instead of balled, and the light shuts off ... your cord or port, or mouse bad | 12:34 |
neozen | *is bad | 12:35 |
mbdl_ | massctrl: no if u had it then i was going tosay use that but... u dont so use the manual install | 12:35 |
harry_ | Ok, on the OpenArena site, it says "OpenArena is available either as a pre-built package for your operating system or on the subversion repository." How do I acess that repository from Synaptic? | 12:35 |
MajorPayne | TSWoodV: I am not sure what version it is, how can I check? | 12:35 |
Arroll | tung, that is what i used to install my nvida drivers, now i cant boot into linux | 12:35 |
=== delay [n=delay@pD951CCDE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Camaxtli | kingcobra: ctrl+alt+f1; login, ps -afe, kill <x-server pid> | 12:35 |
dotnettttt | Flannel: are u sure? | 12:35 |
Flannel | dotnettttt: I am. | 12:35 |
massctrl | mbdl_: oki | 12:35 |
Broady | Any way to throttle download speed through ubuntu? | 12:35 |
Broady | please, quickly | 12:35 |
neozen | takesinn: I had an infrared mouse that would stop working .... the light in it would shut off ... and that was why | 12:35 |
tung | Arroll: uh.... what.. | 12:35 |
massctrl | mbdl_: pitty that's not in the repositories yet | 12:35 |
neozen | Broady: lol | 12:35 |
tung | Arroll: what card do you use? | 12:35 |
Camaxtli | kingcobra: did you get your wifi card working yet? | 12:35 |
neozen | Broady: not sure | 12:35 |
Flannel | harry_: `subversion repository` isn't the same as an apt repository | 12:35 |
dotnettttt | i cant change my permissons in user accounts | 12:35 |
kingcobra | Camaxtli: what is -afe | 12:35 |
Arroll | tung: 7600 GS | 12:35 |
Broady | neozen: my brother's taking up all my bandwidth :/ | 12:35 |
neozen | Broady: what are you using to download? | 12:35 |
dotnettttt | Flannel: i cant change my permissons in user accounts | 12:35 |
mbdl_ | massctrl: just download off the site and extract into the directory's the right click on applications at the top of screen and create a menu item | 12:35 |
tung | Arroll: so you uninstalled envy? | 12:36 |
neozen | Broady: lol | 12:36 |
Flannel | dotnettttt: What are you trying to do? | 12:36 |
neozen | Broady: is this on a wireless network? | 12:36 |
Broady | neozen: he's downloading fucking packages | 12:36 |
mrpoundsign | Broady: continually unplug and re-plug the internet connection into the wall. | 12:36 |
kingcobra | Camaxtli: yes 2nd card ive got working now is great thanx very much | 12:36 |
KalleDK | How do I hide all permission denied when I do a find -name test | 12:36 |
Broady | neozen: nope, he's on a cable | 12:36 |
Flannel | !lanuage | Broady | 12:36 |
dotnettttt | Flannel: firstly i tried to change kate document | 12:36 |
harry_ | so what do I do? | 12:36 |
Arroll | tung: i dunno right now i cant get into linux. i get a blue screen. says failed to start the x server | 12:36 |
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dejanpetrovic | neozen: Found gnome-alsa but no help! F1 not working! | 12:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lanuage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:36 |
Flannel | !language | Broady | 12:36 |
takesinn | ha | 12:36 |
ubotu | Broady: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 12:36 |
Arroll | tung: so i really have no idea what i did | 12:36 |
neozen | mrpoundsign: AWESOME | 12:36 |
Pici | !ohmy > Broady (see the message from ubotu) | 12:36 |
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takesinn | neozen: I started et again | 12:36 |
Camaxtli | <kingcobra> Camaxtli: what is -afe <-- Shows a lot of options :p | 12:36 |
takesinn | the mouse worked in game | 12:36 |
dotnettttt | Flannel: and it wanted enought permission fot this | 12:36 |
takesinn | then I shut it down, now it works again (tho it runs slowly) | 12:36 |
Flannel | dotnettttt: `kdesu kate` | 12:36 |
=== neozen laughs his arse off and falls out of his chair | ||
mrpoundsign | neozen: what? | 12:37 |
=== cld2 [n=cliff@209-216-49-54.ngci.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TSWoodV | MajorPayne: "dpkg -l nvidia-glx" | 12:37 |
kingcobra | whats command is it an argumet for | 12:37 |
=== GekiBlue [n=pumpkint@brndmb02dc1-197-202.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | dotnettttt: use kdesu to open kate, to be able to edit the file. | 12:37 |
Camaxtli | kingcobra: You just need the pid though and kill it. | 12:37 |
=== hahahan [n=han@cc543375-a.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tung | Arroll: i had that before too but this guy helped me fixed it | 12:37 |
dotnettttt | Flannel: ok i am gonna try it now | 12:37 |
Arroll | tung: ok what did you do to fix it?? | 12:37 |
neozen | mrpoundsign: the unplugging comment | 12:37 |
kingcobra | Camaxtli: is there just one xorg process | 12:37 |
cld2 | if I install fiesty as beta and just keep rolling along up upgrades and dist-upgrades will I become stable when its released? | 12:37 |
MajorPayne | TSWoodV: 1.0.8776+2.6.1 | 12:37 |
massctrl | mbdl_: the graphics and artwork are great | 12:37 |
Flannel | cld2: yes. | 12:37 |
tung | Arroll: uh opened the xorg.confg and change the "nvidia" to "nv" | 12:38 |
cld2 | Flannel: thanks. | 12:38 |
KalleDK | How do I hide all permission denied when I do a find -name test | 12:38 |
PriceChild | cld2, supposedly | 12:38 |
KalleDK | :) ? | 12:38 |
TSWoodV | MajorPayne: Dapper or Edgy? | 12:38 |
GekiBlue | I've just tried to install fglrx according to this: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Edgy_Installation_Guide but it still doesn't show up in fglrxinfo | 12:38 |
dotnettttt | Flannel: it says su returned with an error | 12:38 |
neozen | KalleDK: &2>/dev/null | 12:38 |
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cld2 | PriceChild: thaks | 12:38 |
neozen | KalleDK: add that to the end of the command | 12:38 |
cld2 | PriceChild: thanks, even. | 12:38 |
Camaxtli | kingcobra: Type -> ps -afe | grep xorg | 12:38 |
KalleDK | thx I'll try neozen | 12:38 |
lineman60 | nm got it | 12:38 |
Arroll | tung: ok how do i do that from where i am at now, i cannot get linux to load. cause im at that blue screen | 12:38 |
mrpoundsign | neozen: ot's either that, or grab it by the neck and shake vigerously. | 12:38 |
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Flannel | dotnettttt: What did you previously break? ;) Uh, did you enter your password when asked? | 12:38 |
tung | Arroll: i really dont remember man. perhaps ask the experts | 12:39 |
Camaxtli | kingcobra: then use "kill <first numeric sequence from the left>" to kill it. | 12:39 |
neozen | cld2: debatable | 12:39 |
Arroll | tung: ok thanks | 12:39 |
tung | Arroll: it was something like "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.confg | 12:39 |
Flannel | dotnettttt: in a terminal, do 'sudo nano /path/to/file' does that work? | 12:39 |
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MajorPayne | TSWoodV: Edgy. | 12:39 |
dotnettttt | Flannel: no it didnt ask anything | 12:39 |
KalleDK | Doesnt seems to work "find / -name gs &2>/dev/null" | 12:39 |
neozen | cld2: for a more certain answer ask in the room on freenode devoted to feisty | 12:39 |
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TSWoodV | MajorPayne: What's the card? | 12:39 |
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neozen | KalleDK: I could be a little rusty | 12:40 |
Arroll | tung: OK ill try that. but i just need to figure out how to get to a command promp | 12:40 |
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dotnettttt | Flannel: it doesnt work | 12:40 |
cld2 | neozen: thanks. do you know the #chan? | 12:40 |
neozen | KalleDK: might be 2>/dev/null | 12:40 |
Flannel | dotnettttt: what error does it give? | 12:40 |
KalleDK | Hehe noway :) neozen | 12:40 |
Flannel | cld2: #ubuntu+1 | 12:40 |
dotnettttt | Flannel: only nothing... | 12:40 |
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MajorPayne | TSWoodV: Just a sec. New computer and it is on board, I will be with you in a min. | 12:40 |
cld2 | Flannel: thanks. | 12:40 |
tung | Arroll: where does the blue screen lead you | 12:40 |
neozen | !feisty | cld2 | 12:40 |
ubotu | cld2: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 12:40 |
Arroll | tung: cause im at the blue screen. ill play around with it and see what i can come up with | 12:40 |
kingcobra | Camaxtli: kill 4732 doesnt work | 12:40 |
tung | Arroll: alright | 12:40 |
cld2 | neozen: thanks again. | 12:40 |
KalleDK | neozen can I then exclude a dir (/home) | 12:40 |
Flannel | dotnettttt: do `sudo -K` and then try the nano line again | 12:40 |
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Arroll | tung: thanks again' | 12:40 |
tung | Arroll: didnt help much =] | 12:40 |
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neozen | KalleDK: pipe output through grep with the -v flag | 12:41 |
Camaxtli | kingcobra: What is the error you got? | 12:41 |
tung | Arroll: i help my envy doesnt mess up on me, i am installing steam :D | 12:41 |
tung | Arroll: hope* | 12:41 |
dotnettttt | Flannel: it wants my pass should i enter? | 12:41 |
neozen | KalleDK: and thing you want to exclude in double quotes | 12:41 |
TSWoodV | MajorPayne: "lspci" | 12:41 |
Arroll | tung: no you did actually. any info is great. im a total noob with linux | 12:41 |
Flannel | dotnettttt: sudo -K shouldn't ask for your password. | 12:41 |
MajorPayne | NVIDIA GeForce 6150 | 12:41 |
KalleDK | That was only to write it here the quotes | 12:41 |
tung | Arroll: :D | 12:41 |
MajorPayne | TSWoodV: NVIDIA GeForce 6150 | 12:41 |
neozen | KalleDK: are you looking for an executable? | 12:41 |
Flannel | dotnettttt: but yes, when you do the nano line, enter your user password | 12:41 |
Arroll | tung: what card are you running? | 12:41 |
TSWoodV | MajorPayne: Onboard chipset, right? | 12:41 |
tung | Arroll: fx5200 | 12:41 |
neozen | KalleDK: or standard distro thing | 12:41 |
dotnettttt | Flannel: yes its | 12:42 |
tung | Arroll: i've had that blue screen with envy before | 12:42 |
MajorPayne | TSWoodV: Yes, on board. | 12:42 |
neozen | KalleDK: might have much better luck with locate or whereis or which | 12:42 |
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KalleDK | neozen yes.. I'm on a shared host... and theres like 500 homes I havnet access to | 12:42 |
tung | Arroll: but i havn't had it yet (i reformatted last night). | 12:42 |
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TSWoodV | MajorPayne: That may be part of the problem. See if you can try a newer version of the driver. Have you tried "envy"? | 12:42 |
neozen | KalleDK: ahhhh free shell account | 12:42 |
KalleDK | thx neozen whereis worked like a charm | 12:42 |
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tung | TSWoodV: Does envy crash systems?? | 12:42 |
Arroll | tung: ok. im was trying to get the correct drivers so i can install beryl on AIGLX | 12:42 |
kingcobra | Camaxtli: bash: kill: (4732) - No such process | 12:43 |
neozen | KalleDK: the 2>/dev/null? | 12:43 |
TSWoodV | tung: I've used it successfully. YMMV | 12:43 |
MajorPayne | TSWoodV: No, I don't even know what envy is. | 12:43 |
KalleDK | the whereis | 12:43 |
neozen | KalleDK: yeah | 12:43 |
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tung | Arroll: yes i got blue screen when i tried to install BERYL after i got envy working, then blue screen :P | 12:43 |
dotnettttt | Flannel: again nothing just this dotnet@dotnet-desktop:~$ | 12:43 |
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neozen | KalleDK: it helps a lot | 12:43 |
tung | TSWoodV: do you use beryl? | 12:43 |
TSWoodV | MajorPayne: http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html | 12:43 |
kingcobra | Camaxtli: the first number changes every time you run that command | 12:43 |
neozen | KalleDK: it searches the paths an a whole bunch of standard locations | 12:43 |
Arroll | tung: ok im going to reboot into linux and try this. thanks again | 12:43 |
KalleDK | neozen nice thx | 12:43 |
tung | Arroll: good luck | 12:43 |
neozen | KalleDK: kind of removes the need to use find -name | 12:43 |
Flannel | dotnettttt: ok, so. It asked for your password, then, put you back there? no error message, no program, no nothing? | 12:43 |
TSWoodV | tung: Yep. Envy worked on the one machine w/ beryl that I tried it on. Had one little config change - forgot exactly what. Had to run nvidia-settings IIRC> | 12:44 |
neozen | KalleDK: for all but the most obtuse files | 12:44 |
Camaxtli | kingcobra: The server rebooted itself then, did you run the command from a graphical environment? | 12:44 |
dotnettttt | Flannel: yes | 12:44 |
tung | TSWoodV: any blue screens? | 12:44 |
KalleDK | neozen.. when I start to use obtuse files.. then I know how to find em | 12:44 |
kingcobra | yes | 12:44 |
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neozen | KalleDK: exactly | 12:44 |
Flannel | dotnettttt: So, what have you done so far? What files did you edit? | 12:44 |
Camaxtli | kingcobra: Try killing it with the second numerical sequence | 12:44 |
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kingcobra | Camaxtli: it is bash though | 12:45 |
MajorPayne | TSWoodV: Is this supported by Ubuntu? Is it a better option than using aptitude to manage my driver? | 12:45 |
TSWoodV | tung: No. It went perfectly well. There were a few disconcerting error messages sprinkled here and there, but it forged ahead and did the job. You're getting blue screens? When? | 12:45 |
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dotnettttt | Flannel: i think sudo doesnt work :( | 12:45 |
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MajorPayne | TSWoodV: Maybe I can install a newer driver with aptitude? | 12:45 |
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Flannel | dotnettttt: right, we're trying to figure out what you did to break it, so we can fix it. | 12:45 |
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tung | TSWoodV: My first experience with envy and beryl had a blue screen , but this guy helped me through it (i had no idea what it was that he told me to do). | 12:45 |
TSWoodV | MajorPayne: It's not the official way of doing things, but it does get the drivers onto your box with little effort. It just scripts up a lot of the steps you'd have to do yourself. | 12:45 |
tung | TSWoodV: now that i reformatted my box, and installed envy again. I am afraid to run into the same problem :P | 12:46 |
Camaxtli | kingcobra: My bad, sorry: Type ps -ae and search from the pid of "Xorg" | 12:46 |
dotnettttt | Flannel: actually i downloaded a theme and i installed it and then i cant remeber enything about it.. | 12:46 |
dotnettttt | *anything | 12:46 |
neozen | dotnettttt: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm | 12:46 |
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MajorPayne | TSWoodV: Ok, I will think about it, thanks for the help. | 12:46 |
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TSWoodV | tung: Did this totally hose your machine? I don't see how it could, unless an older version removed the restricted-modules and broke a few things. But it doesn't do that with the current version. | 12:47 |
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neozen | dotnettttt: you must've stuck this theme in a seriously wrong place | 12:47 |
floyd^ | hello all... this is my first time using linux and i do believe i will need your help quite alot... hope its not too much for you... | 12:47 |
TSWoodV | MajorPayne: NP | 12:47 |
tung | TSWoodV: i have no clue, but envy is fine ATM | 12:47 |
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neozen | dotnettttt: you were sudo'd at the time right? | 12:47 |
tung | TSWoodV: hope it doesnt screw me over later :) | 12:47 |
kingcobra | Camaxtli: bash: kill: (3861) - Operation not permitted | 12:47 |
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hanbus1 | hi, i was having some problems with x after a kernel panic, i reconfigured xorg.conf, and it works fine now, but when i boot up, it says it failed to initialize hal | 12:47 |
tung | TSWoodV: do you use automatix/easyubuntu? | 12:47 |
TSWoodV | tung: All it really does is save you some typing in the long run. It's not "apt-get install nvidia-glx", but it didn't blow my machine up either. | 12:48 |
dotnettttt | Flannel: and i tried to cahnge my permisson 25 mins ago maybe i broke it | 12:48 |
neozen | TSWoodV: I've had good experience with easyubuntu on dapper | 12:48 |
neozen | sorry | 12:48 |
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cables | tung, Automatix is a really bad idea | 12:48 |
neozen | meant that for tung | 12:48 |
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tung | neozen: i heard bad things about automatix/easyubuntu | 12:48 |
Camaxtli | kingcobra: Add sudo to it (It WILL kill the X-server then if done properly and your graphical environment will be gone. If you want to reboot the server just use ctrl+alt+backspace) | 12:48 |
TSWoodV | tung: I've used both previously. Didn't do a lot for me, as I'd already done most of those steps myself anyway. It's a convenience. I'd rather steer people away from this and teach them how to do the steps themselves. | 12:48 |
neozen | tung: yeah... they're dirty hacks | 12:48 |
cables | Depending on what you install with it, it can break upgrades to new distro versions. | 12:48 |
tung | TSWoodV: i heard it breaks systems :\ | 12:49 |
neozen | tung: but they work | 12:49 |
TSWoodV | neozen: Edgy was ok for me too. | 12:49 |
neozen | tung: for the most part | 12:49 |
tung | neozen: its like installing a timebomb into my system :o | 12:49 |
neozen | tung: with the limited amount of apt-getting I do | 12:49 |
dotnettttt | Flannel: if u want for problem u can do remote desktop | 12:49 |
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TSWoodV | tung: Yeah, I've heard that as well. You have to dig down and figure out what "broke" means too. For people coming from Windows, no GUI = disaster. Well, it's not that way once you understand that you've still got lots of ways into the machine to fix the problems. | 12:49 |
neozen | lol | 12:50 |
neozen | if I had a dime everytime someone came into this room and said "its broke" | 12:50 |
neozen | ...I could quit my job | 12:50 |
TSWoodV | tung: It's starting to sound like you've got an unstable system and/or strange (to Linux) hardware that's not quite ready for prime time. | 12:50 |
neozen | move to tahiti | 12:50 |
big_ | how well does ubuntu support wireless cards in laptops | 12:50 |
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TSWoodV | neozen: We could both retire. | 12:50 |
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TSWoodV | neozen: Buy half of Costa Rica... | 12:51 |
neozen | big_: depends on the card | 12:51 |
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TSWoodV | big_: Smart alecky answer - better than most Linux distros. | 12:51 |
neozen | big_: what card are you looking to buy? | 12:51 |
big_ | i have a lpatop all ready | 12:51 |
Arroll | ok i am still having problems getting around the blue screen. cp xorg.conf.original xorg.conf didnt work, | 12:51 |
neozen | big_: ok | 12:52 |
big_ | im looking up what the card is | 12:52 |
TSWoodV | big_: There are just some chipsets that have no open documentation for which reverse engineering hasn't been done. And there are some that just plain suck. | 12:52 |
dotnettttt | neozen: what should i do? | 12:52 |
neozen | big_: punch the make and model of the laptop into ubuntuforums.org's search function | 12:52 |
Arroll | can someone please help me get around this blue screen i cannot get into linux. this happened after installing my nvidia drivers with envy | 12:52 |
ubuntu_rich | what is the terminal command to stop a program running ? sp-sc | 12:52 |
dotnettttt | neozen: u know? | 12:52 |
big_ | ohh ic.... | 12:52 |
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l90bpm | that reminds me, I need to see if the live cd will run on my new laptop.. damn thing has an integrated card | 12:52 |
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big_ | i have an hp dv 2000 | 12:53 |
ubuntu_rich | can you boot from the live cd / dvd Arroll?? | 12:53 |
neozen | big_: yeah.... that's where you'll find nearly every solution that someone more knowledgeable (or more free time) then you has come up with | 12:53 |
l90bpm | acer aspire 5100 here... | 12:53 |
Camaxtli | kingcobra: Did it work? | 12:53 |
Arroll | ubuntu_rich: yes i should. that is how i installed ubuntu | 12:54 |
neozen | dotnettttt: sound's like you've borked your sudo | 12:54 |
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TSWoodV | big_: What chipset is on that wireless card? | 12:54 |
kingcobra | Camaxtli: xorg restarts every time | 12:54 |
neozen | dotnettttt: ask a linux geek in person | 12:54 |
rdesh | ubuntu goes crazy with my fan in my laptop even though the ACPI proc reads a cool temperature and the CPU is supposedly scaled all the way down ... any thoughts guys? | 12:54 |
ubuntu_rich | if you can boot in with the live cd, then you can mount your hd and unistall the nvidea drivers | 12:54 |
neozen | dotnettttt: difficult to diagnose from your description | 12:54 |
Camaxtli | kingcobra: You wanted to kill xorg right? | 12:54 |
Arroll | ubuntu_rich: but i mean i can get to the command prob by booting into recovery mode. but what did I do. why am i getting this blue screen how can i fix it? | 12:54 |
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Jowi | ubuntu_rich, depends on what type of program. if it has a 'lock' (such as a server) then you should shut it down properly. if it is a graphical program you can simply use xkill (or kill) | 12:54 |
takesinn | Well I give up | 12:54 |
neozen | rdesh: core-duo? | 12:54 |
takesinn | I can't for the life of me make that damn server browser actually show servers | 12:54 |
rdesh | neozen: no, centrino | 12:54 |
l90bpm | wait.. that live cd won't work on a WPA network w/o adding support for WPA will it? | 12:54 |
Camaxtli | kingcobra: Use ctrl+alt+F1, login and kill the xorg process | 12:55 |
rdesh | neozen: worked fine in other distros | 12:55 |
ubuntu_rich | hi jowi, it is the linux version of sopcast | 12:55 |
dotnettttt | neozen: i think format for this problem | 12:55 |
kingcobra | Camaxtli: ok | 12:55 |
Jowi | ubuntu_rich, I have never heard of it. | 12:55 |
neozen | big_: alrighty... let me look it up for you | 12:55 |
takesinn | Testing, testing | 12:55 |
Jowi | ubuntu_rich, it's like icecast? | 12:55 |
takesinn | Added IRC to iptables | 12:55 |
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ubuntu_rich | i havnt heard of icecast | 12:55 |
neozen | dotnettttt: perhaps | 12:55 |
takesinn | Ah yes, finally. No more humongous lag ^^ | 12:55 |
ubuntu_rich | it is a p2p television type app | 12:56 |
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ubuntu_rich | i was watching chinese snooker | 12:56 |
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Arroll | what did i do. how can i get around this blue screen and why am i getting it? did the wrong driver install? or is there a prob with xorg? | 12:56 |
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Camaxtli | Arroll: When did you get that problem? | 12:57 |
ubuntu_rich | Arroll I dont know, I would try to get your system back the way it was when it last worked | 12:57 |
GionnyBoss | ubuntu_rich: chinese snooker? interesting :) I like snooker ;) | 12:57 |
dotnettttt | neozen: my third format what a bad day for me | 12:57 |
ubuntu_rich | yeah its funky | 12:57 |
neozen | dotnettttt: quit doing crazy things when sudoed then | 12:57 |
ubuntu_rich | they had a steven hendry interview | 12:57 |
ubuntu_rich | in chinese unfortunately | 12:57 |
ubuntu_rich | lol | 12:57 |
kingcobra | Camaxtli: how do you get ps -ae to scroll insted of showing all in one go cos i cant scroll up | 12:57 |
Arroll | i got the problem last night after i rebooted when installing my nvidia drivers for edgy with envy and it configured the xorg | 12:58 |
big_ | i have a PRO/Wireless 3945ABG (made by intel) how hard would it be to get that up and running with ubuntu | 12:58 |
Camaxtli | kingcobra: less ps -ae | 12:58 |
Arroll | ubuntu_rich: that is what i am trying to do!! lol i have no idea how to! | 12:58 |
neozen | big_: its easy as hell | 12:58 |
neozen | big_: works like a frigging champ | 12:58 |
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neozen | big_: will work out of the box | 12:58 |
big_ | awsome | 12:59 |
kingcobra | ok | 12:59 |
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ubuntu_rich | what driver where you using previously? | 12:59 |
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neozen | big_: you should be able to just click on the graphical network manager (little thing in your tray that looks like a mouse) ... and select which access point you want to use | 12:59 |
netman | can anyone tell me why myspace is so slow in linux but works fine in windows? Especialy this myspace http://www.myspace.com/coryhighfield | 12:59 |
Arroll | none, i did this right after a clean install | 12:59 |
neozen | big_: yeah.. you'll be all set... | 12:59 |
theacolyte | !no netman | 12:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about no netman - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:59 |
neozen | big_: its the same card i have in my thinkpad | 12:59 |
aeropixie | Is there a way to enable window transperancy without 3d acceleration in gnome? | 01:00 |
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ubuntu_rich | if you havnt go anything to loose on your system, it might be worth going for a clean install? | 01:00 |
neozen | big_: and I didn't have to do anything to get it to work other then install network-manager-gnome | 01:00 |
neozen | big_: (doesn't come installed on xubuntu by default) | 01:00 |
Arroll | ubuntu_rich: well this is what i was about to do, but this is the 3rd time now. i want to know what i am doing wrong | 01:00 |
big_ | perfect | 01:00 |
Arroll | and how to fix it | 01:00 |
bigdawg72987 | Network manager didnt work for me | 01:00 |
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kingcobra | Camaxtli: no such file or directory | 01:00 |
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netman | theacolyte are you having the same problem? Its not only myspace, there are a few other sites that seem to perform as bad as that. | 01:01 |
mihailo | anyone here know how to use tv out on nvidia? | 01:01 |
neozen | big_: ::nods:: you'll have it easier then many | 01:01 |
Camaxtli | kingcobra: Try this then: ps -ae | less | 01:01 |
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kingcobra | ok | 01:01 |
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big_ | <neozen> where do you get that | 01:01 |
neozen | big_: what kind of video card? | 01:01 |
maja_ | first day ubuntu newbie: :Show to get out of the "terminal". when it gets ful screen. cos ubuntu didnt louad ( some missing x files or something like this) | 01:01 |
=== andrejkw [n=andrejkw@c-75-74-173-189.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
andrejkw | hey guys | 01:02 |
maja_ | load** | 01:02 |
maja_ | please help :S | 01:02 |
andrejkw | what's a better choice KDE or Gnome? | 01:02 |
netman | Could it be java or something? I mean, this is pathetic realy. everything else in linux is faster, but the web sites get all slow when ya scroll up and down. | 01:02 |
neozen | big_: get what? | 01:02 |
=== blanky [n=blanky@pool-71-105-13-162.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
magnushc | hey, how can i set up monitor mode on mt wireless card? | 01:02 |
aeropixie | Is it possible to alter window alpha/transparency in gnome without 3d acceleration ability? | 01:02 |
neozen | andrejkw: them's fighting words | 01:02 |
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Camaxtli | kincobra; You could also try: ps -ae | grep Xorg | 01:02 |
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neozen | andrejkw: its a matter of preference... they're both "slower" on non modern pcs then fluxbox or xfce | 01:03 |
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RoundyT1 | !pastebin | 01:03 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:03 |
verma | where does iptables save its settings? | 01:03 |
=== YesDad [n=googlep@pool-72-72-52-100.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
big_ | <neozen> its an intel VGA | 01:03 |
angasule | if I try to update, python-imaging shows up as upgradeable but it would break, what's with that? | 01:03 |
neozen | big_: also supported out of box | 01:04 |
aeropixie | Does anyone know how to change the default file manager in gnome? | 01:04 |
neozen | big_: processor? | 01:04 |
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jrib | angasule: are you using any non-ubuntu repositories? WHat version of ubuntu? | 01:04 |
andrejkw | which one crashes more? | 01:04 |
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neozen | andrejkw: they all crash rarely | 01:04 |
RoundyT1 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12246/ | 01:05 |
maxs | i need eggdrop help | 01:05 |
neozen | andrejkw: unless you're doing something designed to tick them off | 01:05 |
big_ | Intel Duo 1.6 GHz? | 01:05 |
angasule | jrib: yes, but none that should touch python (beryl, nvidia drivers, wine), 6.10 (kubuntu, but I figure this is a general ubuntu issue) | 01:05 |
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rdesh | can anyone recommend a MySQL manager that runs without a local webserver? | 01:05 |
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maxs | i need eggdrop help | 01:05 |
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andrejkw | which one has more applications? | 01:05 |
maja_ | IF: ubuntu boot is damaged.( failed to start the X server) . what to do? put in the ubuntu cd rom? will it help? | 01:05 |
neozen | andrejkw: my suggestion is to snag livecds of all of them... try them out... and see which one you like | 01:05 |
=== RustyJames [n=rusty@dslb-088-073-031-045.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | andrejkw: you can run any kde app in gnome or xfce.... | 01:05 |
neozen | andrejkw: and any gnome app in kde or xfce | 01:06 |
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aeropixie | andrejkw: I am not an expert by any means, but I would say gnome is better to start with. It is simpler. KDE is more customizable, but a little harder to learn. Youe can run any app in either. | 01:06 |
andrejkw | Actually I have, I just can't decide. I like Gnome because it's lightweight (kind of), and I like KDE for it's uber look. | 01:06 |
jrib | angasule: what does 'apt-cache policy python-imaging' return? pastebin the full error output as well | 01:06 |
neozen | andrejkw: lol | 01:06 |
big_ | neozen>Intel Duo 1.6 GHz? | 01:06 |
aeropixie | andrejkw: then install both. | 01:06 |
Jowi | aeropixie, for the file manager question: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/nonautilusplease | 01:06 |
neozen | big_: yeah... you might have an issue with the core duo | 01:06 |
l90bpm | neozen, someone told me they run slower mixed like that, is that true at all? | 01:06 |
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big_ | neozen> ohh? | 01:07 |
aeropixie | Jowi: thank you. | 01:07 |
TSWoodV | rdesh: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/instance-manager.html perhaps? | 01:07 |
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neozen | l90bpm: indeed... b/c they have to load all the libs for the other desktop manager | 01:07 |
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shatrat | l90bpm, if you have tons of memory not necessarily, but if you run QT apps on gnome or GTK apps on KDE then youre loading QT dependencies and GTK dependencies, instead of one or the other. | 01:07 |
neozen | l90bpm: but they do run just fine | 01:07 |
l90bpm | I see.. | 01:08 |
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neozen | l90bpm: I don't recommend it | 01:08 |
neozen | l90bpm: I live in xfce and rarely run gnome stuff | 01:08 |
rdesh | TSWoodV: hmm, i was looking along the lines of something like phpmyadmin but not requiring me to install apache? | 01:08 |
angasule | jrib: http://www.pastebin.ca/411316 | 01:08 |
maja_ | how to load " last good known version" for ubuntu ...:S cry** | 01:08 |
l90bpm | I prefer gnome but have noticed a few kde apps I want.. been wondering about that, thanks | 01:08 |
neozen | l90bpm: np | 01:09 |
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neozen | andrejkw: try them all out (on liveCD!!!) ... and pick one | 01:09 |
shatrat | l90bpm, I use gnome but I prefer k9copy for copying dvds, it's not the end of the world. Just look for GTK stuff first. | 01:09 |
neozen | andrejkw: one will seem more intuitive ... that's the one you want | 01:09 |
l90bpm | testing the live cd on the new laptop now.. server not found.. but I think that is due to the WPA I mentioned | 01:09 |
neozen | andrejkw: they all can look cool | 01:09 |
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neozen | andrejkw: they all have themes | 01:10 |
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TSWoodV | rdesh: phpMyAdmin is so cool, though. What's your concern about Apache? | 01:10 |
neozen | its memory usage probably | 01:10 |
l90bpm | k9copy? sounds good 2me.. do you use dvd shrink? and if so.. do I have to run it in WINE? | 01:10 |
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rdesh | TSWoodV: probably nothing .. im on a 512mb laptop and trying to learn django/mysql.. so just need a tool to work with | 01:11 |
andrejkw | Sucks most windows games don't work under linux | 01:11 |
andrejkw | That's the major downside. | 01:11 |
rdesh | TSWoodV: how resource intensive is apache | 01:11 |
Flannel | rdesh: if you're on a laptop, why do you need phpmyadmin? just use mysql's ... dohickey. | 01:11 |
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rdesh | Flannel: what is this dohickey you speak of? | 01:11 |
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Flannel | rdesh: mysql-admin, a graphical frontend thing. | 01:12 |
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l90bpm | I asked that b4 but got mixed answers.. | 01:12 |
ardchoille | It's always funny to see a guru used the word 'dohickey'. | 01:12 |
Flannel | Of course, I think apache will probably use less memory than mysql-admin. | 01:12 |
neozen | andrejkw: for example, here's xubuntu dapper with a little futzing (installed a few custom themes from xfce-look.org and a few gnome applets for power and wireless card connectivity management) http://neozen.no-ip.info/ss.png | 01:12 |
jrib | angasule: and the error? | 01:12 |
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aeropixie | Is it possible to get alpha/transperancy control in gnome without an application that requires 3d acceleration? And what is the best multimedia software? (I have helix atm.) Any help would rock. | 01:12 |
l90bpm | it is provided in video linux.. so I was thinking there might be a version that will run w/o WINE | 01:12 |
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Kyral | aeropixie: Multimedia software is personal opinion | 01:13 |
TSWoodV | rdesh: Go with phpmyadmin. You've got enough RAM there. You can tune Apache downward from the default number of listeners and save some RAM. | 01:13 |
neozen | aeropixie: you can get pseudo transparency in quete a few apps | 01:13 |
andrejkw | neozen: looks decent, except for those black squares underneath the icons on right. | 01:13 |
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angasule | jrib: when I try to upgrade, it tells me it's holding back python-imaging (no 'error', but it means the update notifier is forever on the tray...) | 01:13 |
TSWoodV | rdesh: For what Apache does, it's one of the best tuned apps ever. | 01:13 |
aeropixie | neozen: but not as an overall application control? | 01:13 |
Factory | Does anyone know of a replacement gnu application for shockwave? | 01:14 |
Kyral | Apache is...something else | 01:14 |
jrib | angasule: pastebin output of 'sudo apt-get install python-imaging' | 01:14 |
rdesh | TSWoodV: probably worth learning hwo to tinker with apache/phpmyadmin if im going to be putting up a website on a shared host | 01:14 |
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Kyral | Quite fitting for the Linux's first "Killer App" | 01:14 |
neozen | aeropixie: not to my knowledge ... my knowledge is finite however | 01:14 |
maja_ | please help i'm stucked in this terminal. and cant get out :S | 01:14 |
aeropixie | neozen: I know how to do it in a few apps, but not a true overall-transparency without somethign like beryl/compiz. Which i cant run. | 01:14 |
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wall0159 | Howdy all, got a bit of a query.. My swap has disappeared, and dmesg gives me error messages | 01:14 |
wall0159 | Buffer I/O error on device hda, logical block 0 | 01:14 |
wall0159 | I've tried using mkswap to restart it, but get the same error message.. Any suggestions? | 01:14 |
maja_ | i'm only dealing with ubuntu from this day on | 01:14 |
aeropixie | neozen: ok, thanks. | 01:14 |
neozen | maja_: just type exit at the bash prompt | 01:14 |
TSWoodV | rdesh: Exactly. If you've never run apache before, http://www.apache.org is your friend. Great site. So is http://www.mysql.org | 01:15 |
neozen | aeropixie: glad to help | 01:15 |
babo | my dns is screwed. I've installed djbdns but it never caches anything. I've installed bind and changed resolv.conf but A requests are slooooow .... | 01:15 |
neozen | wall0159: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm | 01:15 |
neozen | wall0159: that's bad | 01:15 |
babo | wtf ? | 01:15 |
rdesh | TSWoodV: now if only i can find a good cheap webhost! ;) | 01:15 |
wall0159 | yeah.. I was wondering... | 01:15 |
neozen | wall0159: your harddrive might have gone kersplat | 01:15 |
wall0159 | HD about to die? | 01:15 |
wall0159 | ahh | 01:15 |
neozen | wall0159: back up data ASAP | 01:15 |
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wall0159 | yeah - i've started. (thanks) | 01:16 |
neozen | boot a live cd | 01:16 |
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neozen | plug in an external | 01:16 |
angasule | jrib: http://www.pastebin.ca/411328 | 01:16 |
xelados | Is there a way I can edit the default xterm settings through something like an rc file? | 01:16 |
neozen | and let the copying begin | 01:16 |
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TSWoodV | rdesh: 1and1 perhaps. dreamhost is another. | 01:16 |
dejanpetrovic | neozen: I have tryed everything... no help in gnome-alsamixer and no way to set the output... any ideas? | 01:16 |
rdesh | TSWoodV: is phpmyadmin pretty much standard among the major hosts? | 01:16 |
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maja_ | exit dosnt work either. the x server crashed ..i mean i think i crashed it. | 01:16 |
neozen | dejanpetrovic: man gnome-alsamixer | 01:17 |
aeropixie | rdesh: http://mediatemple.com is pretty damn cheap and really reliable/featured. | 01:17 |
neozen | dejanpetrovic: run in terminal | 01:17 |
TSWoodV | rdesh: I've seen it in a LOT of packages from a LOT of hosting companies. And many that don't have it themselves will allow you to install it yourself. | 01:17 |
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wall0159 | neozen: thanks mate. Any way I can be more sure? | 01:17 |
dejanpetrovic | neozen: yes I did! | 01:17 |
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raul_ | does Gaim use gnome libs? | 01:18 |
l90bpm | where does one enter a WPA key on the live cd? | 01:18 |
dom | how can i tell if my video card uses display lists? | 01:18 |
neozen | dejanpetrovic: I still don't understand what exactly you mean by configuring input from "blue jack" lol | 01:18 |
=== CharlieChester [n=hadron@e177140035.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | l90bpm: well.... | 01:18 |
l90bpm | all I see is WEP | 01:18 |
Camaxtli | raul_: Gaim uses GTK (Which is what Gnome also uses) | 01:18 |
TSWoodV | wall0159: You can try something like "smartctl -t short /dev/hda" and see what you get. You | 01:18 |
Flannel | raul_: GTK, yes : http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/net/gaim | 01:18 |
neozen | l90bpm: when you connect using nm-applet | 01:18 |
l90bpm | have to connect via ethernet and add it? | 01:18 |
TSWoodV | wall0159: You need to install smartmontools first. | 01:19 |
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neozen | l90bpm: it'll prompt you | 01:19 |
raul_ | Camaxtli, yeah i know, but for example, Evolution uses gnome libs...since i'm using xfce i like to stick to only pure GTK+ =) | 01:19 |
wall0159 | TSWoodV: thanks - I'll have a look | 01:19 |
neozen | TSWoodV: thanks for taking over | 01:19 |
l90bpm | where is nm-applet? | 01:19 |
dougie | ok i'm having an issue...i used to be able to plug my camera in just fine and use it in linux but now when the image importer says loading driver from /usr/ something or other and then it gives me this error An error occurred in the io-library ('Unspecified error'): Could not query kernel driver of device. | 01:19 |
wall0159 | TSWoodV: I have heard that SMART is not so reliable, but I'll def have a look ;-) | 01:19 |
dejanpetrovic | neozen: I whant to plug jack from my amp to blue jack, not green is that posible? | 01:19 |
Camaxtli | raul_: It's GTK. Else I wouldn't be capable of running it in windows (or KDE) without Gnome libs ;) | 01:19 |
TSWoodV | neozen: Didn't mean to steal your thunder. Had to do that exactly thing last week... | 01:19 |
neozen | l90bpm: well... if you see a thing near your clock that looks like a mouse | 01:19 |
CharlieChester | 190bpm : I just joined. whats up ? You want WPA? What card you using? | 01:19 |
neozen | TSWoodV: not at all ... I had no idea how to answer that question | 01:20 |
jrib | angasule: why don't you say yes? | 01:20 |
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raul_ | Camaxtli, oh i forgot!! lol, thanks =) | 01:20 |
dejanpetrovic | neozen: In win I can set that with driver software... | 01:20 |
dom | does anyone know how to tell if my video card supports opengl display lists? | 01:20 |
angasule | jrib: is it safe? won't it break packages that depend on the packages to be removed? | 01:20 |
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l90bpm | CharlieChester, I already have WPA enabled from windoze.. just making sure my card is supported b4 adding buntu to the laptop | 01:20 |
neozen | dejanpetrovic: try it! | 01:20 |
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CharlieChester | which card? | 01:21 |
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neozen | dejanpetrovic: sounds like a specialty card | 01:21 |
angasule | jrib: for one, it requires removing a game, so I guess it's not a drop in replacement... | 01:21 |
dom | anybody, anybody, bueller? | 01:21 |
neozen | dejanpetrovic: look in the ubuntuforums | 01:21 |
zen | When I turn on nvidia, all my fonts become massive everywhere except gnome (they're large in GDM as well as kubuntu). How do I set them back to a normal size? | 01:21 |
jrib | angasule: seems like there you will only lose balazar python-imaging-tk python-soya . Lets see what aptitude says, what does 'sudo aptitude install python-imaging' say? | 01:21 |
TSWoodV | wall0159: You're right. SMART isn't that reliable. But when you take a look at the SMART results, sometimes there's data there that will make you take pause. | 01:21 |
neozen | dom: no idea | 01:21 |
dejanpetrovic | neozen: I did! But... nothing... and help button not working! Tnx anyway!! | 01:22 |
l90bpm | not sure, one sec.. it's an acer aspire 5100 (integrated card) | 01:22 |
CharlieChester | cards are cheap anyway. I have an Intel Wireless PRO 2200g and it works like a charm with network manager in ubuntu and feisty | 01:22 |
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neozen | dejanpetrovic: yep | 01:22 |
TSWoodV | wall0159: But I think it's time for a new drive for you. I've not seen many drives that throw those types of errors last very much longer. | 01:22 |
neozen | dejanpetrovic: your card might not be fully supported then | 01:22 |
TSWoodV | wall0159: Back up what you can and get another drive ASAP. | 01:22 |
neozen | dejanpetrovic: you have to look in the forums | 01:22 |
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corevette_ | Is there a GUI for the Linux version of Folding@Home? | 01:22 |
dejanpetrovic | neozen: OK, tnx!! | 01:22 |
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wall0159 | TSWoodV - will do - cheers! :)\ | 01:22 |
TSWoodV | Gotta run...later! | 01:23 |
neozen | wall0159: never seen someone so happy | 01:23 |
neozen | wall0159: when their drive was dying | 01:23 |
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neozen | wall0159: guess you were able to recover the data you needed | 01:23 |
neozen | lucky #@#@!# | 01:23 |
=== neozen grins | ||
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dougie | anyone? | 01:24 |
angasule | jrib: http://www.pastebin.ca/411340 | 01:24 |
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verma | the seen command works here? | 01:24 |
neozen | yeah | 01:25 |
neozen | verma: /msg seenserv seen nicktosearchfor | 01:25 |
verma | nice | 01:25 |
jrib | angasule: ah ok, that "python-imaging-tk: Depends: python-imaging (= 1.1.5-10build1) but 1.1.5-10ubuntu1 is to be installed.". Check for a bug on that package and file one if there isn't one already | 01:25 |
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IdleOne | can someone help me getting my HP Scanjet 3400c working it isnt listed in the hardware support wiki but I believe it should work with ubuntu because there are similar models listed there | 01:25 |
neozen | IdleOne: ohhhh boy | 01:26 |
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=== Sheneequa [n=sup@c-67-168-56-130.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IdleOne | neozen, ? | 01:26 |
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neozen | IdleOne: guess you could try the drivers for the "similar models" | 01:26 |
neozen | if those don't work | 01:26 |
neozen | ......::shrugs:: | 01:26 |
IdleOne | neozen, hplip is already installed | 01:26 |
Brunellus | hi there. is there a command that will tell me what type of RAM is installed on my system? | 01:26 |
neozen | before you do that | 01:26 |
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wall0159 | neozen: - yeah. I'm happy cause I'm quite confidant of my backup scheme | 01:26 |
neozen | punch the model number into ubuntu forums | 01:27 |
neozen | wall0159: ::grins:: you remembered to backup | 01:27 |
wall0159 | makes it all worthwhile..! | 01:27 |
neozen | wall0159: most don't | 01:27 |
neozen | wall0159: indeed | 01:27 |
ant- | i still dont have anything worth backing up.. ;( | 01:27 |
neozen | ant-: lol... when you get broadband internet.... you will | 01:28 |
ant- | not even my logs are worthy | 01:28 |
wall0159 | neozen: ;-) | 01:28 |
crdlb | IdleOne, it's supported by sane | 01:28 |
wall0159 | yeah. I have my phd thesis - but that's in triplicate ;-) | 01:28 |
neozen | well... there you go then | 01:28 |
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IdleOne | crdlb, so I should remove xsane and install sane? | 01:28 |
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Vilhelms | Hi, I'm having a problem setting up ElectricSheep as my screensaver. I went through and installed it and it works fine from the command line. I go to make a .desktop file for it, and I can run the .desktop file fine. The only problem is that it won't work through gnome-screensaver. I drag the .desktop file into gnome-screensaver and restart the app. When I load it back up it shows up but it only loads a black screen, and preview doesn't | 01:28 |
Vilhelms | load anything. Here is my esheep.desktop: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12248/plain/ Could anyone help me as to why its doing this? | 01:28 |
Vilhelms | Thanks | 01:28 |
crdlb | IdleOne, xsane is the frontend to sane | 01:28 |
neozen | xsane is probably a frontend | 01:29 |
crdlb | IdleOne, http://sourceforge.net/projects/hp3300backend | 01:29 |
dkbg | xsane is terrible | 01:29 |
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neozen | crdlb: it might be supported in the most recent version..... but not in the version in the repos | 01:29 |
IdleOne | crdlb, looking, thank you | 01:29 |
=== DM|_ [n=dm@cpe-65-31-7-98.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crdlb | IdleOne, it's now in sane as the "niash" backend | 01:31 |
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crdlb | IdleOne, and apparently has been since 2004 | 01:31 |
IdleOne | niash? | 01:31 |
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smiley | question: is there any replacement for gaim ? it really pisses me off | 01:31 |
smiley | it's crashing bug | 01:31 |
kingcobra | does anybody know how to get sis 760 working properly | 01:31 |
IdleOne | !ohmy | 01:31 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 01:31 |
neozen | dkbg: considering its free nothing in ubuntu is "terrible" | 01:31 |
family | yes please | 01:32 |
neozen | smiley: there's a million free messaging clients for linux | 01:32 |
family | no hating me | 01:32 |
neozen | LOL | 01:32 |
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=== neozen playfully bashes family with a trout | ||
mrwilloby | I have an issue: sound stopped working in my VMware version of Windows XP, the little audio device indicator in the corner lights up when it should play sound, but I don't hear anything | 01:32 |
Brunellus | ugh. | 01:32 |
smiley | neozen..i need jabber and msn | 01:32 |
smiley | and i am new to linux | 01:32 |
smiley | :) | 01:32 |
=== aeropixie [n=aeropixi@71-221-152-153.bois.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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neozen | smiley: lots of free clients for those too | 01:32 |
crdlb | smiley, you could use gossip + a jabber msn transport | 01:32 |
=== auk_ [n=scott@h-69-3-180-73.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | smiley: http://linuxappfinder.com/ | 01:33 |
smiley | kk | 01:33 |
smiley | let me check | 01:33 |
=== b1n4ry0 [n=yeray@75.Red-83-52-10.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aeropixie | What IRC client do y'all use? I am liking irssi quite a bit, but i am wondering if anyone knows of anythign better. | 01:34 |
rdesh | i use xchat | 01:34 |
Khem | gaim,xchat | 01:34 |
neozen | aeropixie: I use the irc support in gaim | 01:34 |
mrwilloby | I just use Gaim, but I know people don't like that one | 01:34 |
kingcobra | does anybody know how to get sis 760 working properly | 01:34 |
rdesh | easy to copy paste links and whatnot | 01:34 |
neozen | kingcobra: sorry mon | 01:35 |
neozen | kingcobra: might be time to get a new card :( | 01:35 |
RoundyT1 | i need somone's opinion if that's ok? | 01:35 |
steveasher | i'm trying to get GnomeBaker to burn an audio CD from mp3s, but it says the mp3 plugin is not installed even though i have gstreamer-0.8-lame, misc, and mad. Anyone have any suggestions? | 01:35 |
kingcobra | neozen: is there no way to get this working | 01:35 |
theacolyte | !mp3 @ steveasher | 01:36 |
neozen | kingcobra: not that I know of | 01:36 |
neozen | kingcobra: but I don't know | 01:36 |
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theacolyte | !mp3 | 01:36 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 01:36 |
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neozen | kingcobra: someone must've got it working | 01:36 |
RoundyT1 | steveasher, try installing automatix2 and install the codecs from there | 01:36 |
smiley | any suggestion ? | 01:36 |
smiley | amsn sucks.. | 01:36 |
neozen | smiley: sorry mon... I use gaim | 01:36 |
Flannel | !automatix | RoundyT1 | 01:36 |
=== KazBaYaDuM [n=kazbayad@202.Red-195-55-220.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | smiley: perhaps if you install the latest version from source | 01:37 |
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ubotu | RoundyT1: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 01:37 |
neozen | smiley: you might like it better | 01:37 |
smiley | i use gaim for msn/jabber... | 01:37 |
smiley | i use beta3 | 01:37 |
smiley | one sec..to check | 01:37 |
ianm_ | trying to get WPA support in NetworkManager on 6.06 with a DLink 650 PCMCIA. anyone have success with that? (I've tried the wpasupplicant thing, but WPA doesn't show up as an option in Network Manager's list) | 01:37 |
smiley | 2.0.0 beta 3.1 | 01:37 |
neozen | steveasher: take a look at that ubuntu guide on RestrictedFormats | 01:37 |
RoundyT1 | i need somone's opinion if that's ok? --- is sudoaptget.com a good domain name? | 01:37 |
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aeropixie | Is easyubuntu completely safe? | 01:38 |
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saulgood | i've d/l the smbldap-installer on 6.06 server but the smbldap-tools package does not appear to be available, does this have to be manually installed? | 01:38 |
aeropixie | and legal? | 01:38 |
neozen | aeropixie: its alpha | 01:38 |
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ianm_ | aeropixie: semi-safe and legal in some jurisdictions | 01:38 |
smiley | neozen: ? | 01:38 |
neozen | aeropixie: no less legal then us stashing lib-decss in the repos | 01:38 |
neozen | smiley: I run 1.5.1cvs | 01:39 |
lol86 | helo, how to neable ubuntu firewall first time boot after fresh install | 01:39 |
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neozen | smiley: took a little getting used to coming from windows | 01:39 |
Flannel | !firewall | lol86 | 01:39 |
ubotu | lol86: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 01:39 |
neozen | lol86: by default... outside sonnections are not allowed | 01:39 |
smiley | neozen, i have installed ubuntu last week | 01:39 |
lol86 | Flannel: thanks | 01:39 |
smiley | :) | 01:39 |
maja_ | ok i give up with the x server problem ..i'll just reinstall ubuntu | 01:39 |
smiley | so i am sooo noob here | 01:39 |
smiley | hihi | 01:39 |
neozen | lol86: you have to install something that uses them | 01:39 |
ianm_ | lol86: use Firestarter | 01:40 |
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aeropixie | Sorry for all my questions today, btu when I install something via .deb cna i delete the .deb file once it installs? | 01:40 |
neozen | smiley: well.... you'll get an education in your first month then | 01:40 |
hahahan | Hallo | 01:40 |
smiley | ;) | 01:40 |
neozen | smiley: everyone does | 01:40 |
lol86 | no SElinux? | 01:40 |
smiley | ok...i will try to install gaim beta6 | 01:40 |
hahahan | no | 01:40 |
smiley | any suggestion how to do that ? :) | 01:40 |
neozen | aeropixie: no problem with the questions... | 01:40 |
L1nUx_L33t | Hello. I'm in recovery mode, and I have only 1 tty. How can I start a new one? | 01:40 |
Flannel | aeropixie: ues | 01:40 |
ianm_ | smiley: don't worry about it... welcome aboard :) | 01:40 |
neozen | aeropixie: its why the room is here | 01:40 |
Flannel | aeropixie: yes even. | 01:40 |
aeropixie | Flannel:thanx | 01:41 |
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neozen | smiley: nope | 01:41 |
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smiley | great | 01:41 |
aeropixie | neozen:thanks. You have helped me out with quite a few things yourself, so thanks. | 01:41 |
neozen | smiley: the gaim people have probably written one though | 01:41 |
neozen | smiley: take a look at their site | 01:41 |
maxs | EGGDROP HELP PELASE | 01:41 |
maxs | ? | 01:41 |
smiley | looking for it | 01:41 |
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neozen | Maxs: I'm sure there's a channel for that elsewhere | 01:42 |
kingcobra | can anybody get sis video cards working | 01:42 |
Supaplex | !nuke /proc/pci/devices/sis | 01:43 |
Supaplex | :P | 01:43 |
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neozen | ......................I think he's kidding kingcobra | 01:43 |
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L1nUx_L33t | Hello. I'm in recovery mode, and I have only 1 tty. How can I start a new one? | 01:44 |
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neozen | Max I know eggdrop has a support channel somewhere .... this ain't it | 01:44 |
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belathor | Hi, does anybody know how to create superscripts in Dia? | 01:44 |
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neozen | L1nUx_L33t: nope | 01:44 |
neozen | L1nUx_L33t: sorry | 01:44 |
neozen | !repeat | L1nUx_L33t | 01:44 |
ubotu | L1nUx_L33t: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 01:44 |
kaushal | I wanted syntax of smbclient to get to to get smb: \> | 01:44 |
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ammiel | L1nUx_L33t, ctrl+ alt F2 doesnt work? | 01:45 |
L1nUx_L33t | neozen: ?? you don't know or 's not posible? | 01:45 |
kubian | Anybody very familiar with xchat-gnome here? | 01:45 |
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L1nUx_L33t | ammiel: I have only 1 tty working now, and I need a new one. | 01:45 |
neozen | kaushal: man smbclient | 01:45 |
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kaushal | I have done that | 01:45 |
neozen | !samba | 01:45 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 01:45 |
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ammiel | kubian, no but my personal opinion i like regular xchat better | 01:45 |
neozen | kaushal: ok..... | 01:45 |
=== wolfspirit [n=wolfspir@cpe-65-27-171-201.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kubian | me to. Is regular xchat available in the ubuntu repository? | 01:46 |
bambie | guys my md5 doesn't compares | 01:46 |
neozen | kaushal: what information were you looking for that wasn't provided | 01:46 |
jontec | okay, so, guys.... I kind of changed all of my icons to a cursor and now ubuntu ultimate won't start up. I can login, but at the splash screen, it sits and does nothing. I can login as root because I have an alternate install. What should I do? | 01:46 |
neozen | kubian: it seems to be | 01:46 |
ammiel | kubian, yes | 01:46 |
linxeh | kubian: yes it is | 01:46 |
Pollywog | kubian: yes | 01:46 |
bambie | i've download like 5times already | 01:46 |
linxeh | kubian: i find it superior to the gnome version | 01:46 |
bambie | and md5's are different. | 01:46 |
neozen | bambie: then you aren't downloading properly | 01:46 |
lol86 | bambie: dig another .iso | 01:46 |
neozen | bambie: either you've snagged the wrong iso | 01:47 |
kubian | I will solve my problem like that. I don't need a full length column to see one server, and not seeing the users displayed. | 01:47 |
jontec | and by login as root I mean into gnome. | 01:47 |
Pollywog | bambie how did you do the md5sum? | 01:47 |
bambie | mm. | 01:47 |
neozen | bambie: or the wrong md5 for it | 01:47 |
wolfspirit | I'm getting the following with ubuntu edgy and beryl svn and I'm thinking this is beryl related.. anyone else get this? (this also causes my laptop to lock up a few times a day) | 01:47 |
wolfspirit | NVRM: Xid (0001:00): 13, 0000 01016100 0000008a 00000404 ff9effff 00004000 | 01:47 |
wolfspirit | BUG: soft lockup detected on CPU#0! | 01:47 |
kubian | bbs | 01:47 |
Pollywog | you did it on the iso before burning, right? | 01:47 |
ammiel | I have a question, i have this one DVD that ubuntu cant regonize or mount.. I can watch other movies like Office Space but not this one, any ideas on what kind of DVD it could be? | 01:47 |
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theacolyte | !pastebin | wolfspirit | 01:47 |
ubotu | wolfspirit: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:47 |
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bambie | using the same md5 the one is on ubuntu sites | 01:47 |
bruenig | kubian, the column is there by default on the default xchat too. You have to go to view>layout | 01:47 |
lol86 | bambie: hope with k3b | 01:47 |
bruenig | dang gone | 01:48 |
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bambie | ok | 01:48 |
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wolfspirit | ubotu: I wouldn't consider three lines flooding | 01:48 |
neozen | bambie: then grab from one of the ubuntu mirrors | 01:48 |
bruenig | !botsnack | wolfspirit | 01:48 |
ubotu | wolfspirit: Yum! | 01:48 |
Vilhelms | Hi, I'm having a problem setting up ElectricSheep as my screensaver. I went through and installed it and it works fine from the command line. I go to make a .desktop file for it, and I can run the .desktop file fine. The only problem is that it won't work through gnome-screensaver. I drag the .desktop file into gnome-screensaver and restart the app. When I load it back up it shows up but it only loads a black screen, and preview doesn't | 01:48 |
Vilhelms | load anything. Here is my esheep.desktop: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12248/plain/ Could anyone help me as to why its doing this? | 01:48 |
neozen | wolfspirit: its a bot... it doesn't know any better | 01:48 |
bambie | ok | 01:48 |
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smiley | bbl | 01:50 |
jontec | anyone know what I should do, short of making a new account? | 01:50 |
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GeekBoy | !version | 01:50 |
ubotu | To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type lsb_release -a in a !shell | 01:50 |
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jontec | linux sucks, with windows I can at least login to gnome! | 01:51 |
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bruenig | !xhangs | jontec | 01:52 |
ubotu | jontec: If the GUI hangs after logging in, use <ctrl><alt><f1> to switch to text mode. Log in and do: rm .{X,ICE}authority | 01:52 |
jontec | bruenig: one of my buddies had the idea to say linux sucks to get attention, thanks, though :D | 01:52 |
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bruenig | jontec, yeah I just got in here though so I didn't see your original problem | 01:53 |
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bambie | well i've the same md5 which is on ubuntu | 01:54 |
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bambie | ubuntu farwards to nullriver software for md5 | 01:55 |
mrand | I'm doing an alternate install and my machine currently is text only. Will `apt-get install kde` get me up and running with X.Org? | 01:55 |
jontec | bruenig: okay, so what next, do you know? should I try and login? | 01:55 |
bruenig | jontec, startx | 01:55 |
mjr | mrand, yes, though suggest kubuntu-desktop instead | 01:55 |
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mrand | mjr: ok thanks. I'll try that instead. | 01:55 |
mjr | hmm, actually, kde might not even bring the X server with it | 01:56 |
mjr | but the desktop package will | 01:56 |
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mrand | I don't find that package. :-( | 01:56 |
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mjr | you don't have your repositories set up correctly then | 01:57 |
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mrand | Oh, I was looking in packages.ubuntu.org | 01:57 |
mrand | er .com | 01:57 |
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kaushal | Hi ALL | 01:57 |
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mrand | actually, I currently am set up only to get packages from the CD. Where can I find out how to get packages from a repository online? | 01:57 |
kaushal | I wanted the smbclient syntax to get to smb: \> | 01:58 |
mjr | mrand, then you typoed | 01:58 |
mjr | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories | 01:58 |
=== Jon_yoosic [n=jbartels@c-69-246-199-114.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mrand | mjr: ok. I'll try `apt-get install kubuntu-desktop` as soon as mdadm finishes syncing. | 01:58 |
mrwilloby | is there a keyboard shortcut to kill an unresponsive program? | 01:59 |
gonzaloaf_work | !ltsp5 | 01:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ltsp5 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:59 |
bruenig | jontec, that work? | 01:59 |
gonzaloaf_work | !ltsp | 01:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ltsp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:59 |
bruenig | !fishing | gonzaloaf_work | 01:59 |
ubotu | gonzaloaf_work: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 01:59 |
=== cleco [n=cleco@35-162-21-190.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chaostheoryd | !ubuntu | 01:59 |
ubotu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome | 01:59 |
wall0159 | neozen and TSWoodV: I was talking to you before about my (possibly dying) harddisk. I've run mkswap -c to check for errors (reported none), and have no new errors in dmesg. Then I did swapon, with no apparent problems. Could the errors be caused by something else? | 02:00 |
mrwilloby | sometimes I start VMware and it makes the whole machine crawl and I can't do anything and I'd like to know how to quit it | 02:00 |
aeropixie | so libdvdcss IS illegal in the United States? | 02:00 |
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mjr | aeropixie, probably | 02:00 |
mbernat | Hi all. | 02:00 |
slacker_nl | lo | 02:00 |
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ammiel | aeropixie, who cares | 02:00 |
bruenig | aeromix, questionable legality, not that that means anything | 02:00 |
mbernat | I'm trying to connect to the Internet using a Verizon EVDO PCMCIA card, and I tried the instructions on the wiki, and it doesn't work. | 02:00 |
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ardchoille | aeropixie: Yes, but few care. | 02:00 |
zero88 | if i was downloading a game, say CounterStrike, do i download the server wich i did to play? | 02:00 |
mbernat | I've since reinstalled Edgy, can anyone help? | 02:00 |
=== janus [n=janus@201-1-37-6.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | !wifi | 02:01 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 02:01 |
Jon_yoosic | I'm having some trouble reading DVDs, can someone help? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12254/ | 02:01 |
mbernat | It's not wifi, it's EVDO. | 02:01 |
aeropixie | ok, thanx | 02:01 |
mbernat | The Verizon "BroadbandAnywhere" thing./ | 02:01 |
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bruenig | Jon_yoosic, sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdd /media/cdrom0/ | 02:02 |
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Jon_yoosic | Danke, bruenig but I get "sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdd /media/cdrom0/" | 02:03 |
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bruenig | Jon_yoosic, what do you mean you get that, that is what you are supposed to enter | 02:03 |
Jon_yoosic | whoops | 02:03 |
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root_ | hello | 02:04 |
Jon_yoosic | "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdd, | 02:04 |
Jon_yoosic | missing codepage or other error" | 02:04 |
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vradovic | :) | 02:04 |
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bruenig | Jon_yoosic, try sudo mount -t udf /dev/hdd /media/cdrom0/ | 02:04 |
aeropixie | Well, god, not a single package installed via easyubuntu. | 02:04 |
vradovic | i have one big progblem :( i cant boot xwindows and i am now in lynx and irc :( | 02:04 |
vradovic | can some one help me | 02:04 |
Jon_yoosic | same error as when I use iso9660. I'm pretty sure the disc is good as it works in my DVD player | 02:05 |
bruenig | Jon_yoosic, try sudo mount -t udf,iso9660 /dev/hdd /media/cdrom0/ | 02:05 |
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hajiki | hey guys can you help me? I want to install an icon set but it says "installation failed" | 02:06 |
wolfspirit | getting buggy effects in beryl on ubuntu svn repositories.. using the desktop wall plugin.. the laptop will lock up and I get NVRM: Xid (0001:00): 13, 0000 01016100 0000008a 00000404 ff9effff 00004000 in kernel messages.. also the window title bars will turn off completely or turn different colors.. anyone see this? | 02:06 |
hajiki | heres the set: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/BuuF-iconset?content=46201 | 02:06 |
bruenig | wolfspirit, #ubuntu-effects | 02:06 |
neozen | hoallo root | 02:06 |
vradovic | hello | 02:06 |
hajiki | how do i install it? plz | 02:06 |
Jon_yoosic | Same error. Ubuntu reads commercial DVDs ok, but these are burned discs from a friends TV show. I'm not sure how they created them | 02:06 |
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neozen | wolf... you're doing it again | 02:06 |
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bruenig | Jon_yoosic, should mount automatically generally, if it didn't perhaps there is an issue with the disc | 02:06 |
wolfspirit | neozen: ? | 02:06 |
tomwp | i wonder if someone could help me with ubuntu+nidswrapper | 02:07 |
Jon_yoosic | I believe that the disc is good as it works in my regular DVD player. | 02:07 |
neozen | wolfspirit: sending the same question... when we've already given you other places to ask it | 02:07 |
kingcobra | does everybody think sis video cant be installed properly | 02:07 |
bruenig | Jon_yoosic, well it must have some bizarre filesystem | 02:07 |
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wolfspirit | neozen: I didn't see a response | 02:07 |
Jon_yoosic | Damn. Thank you for your help bruenig. | 02:07 |
neozen | #ubuntu-effects | 02:08 |
neozen | wolfspirit: try there | 02:08 |
wolfspirit | yes I saw it the second time | 02:08 |
wolfspirit | ty | 02:08 |
Jon_yoosic | These are DVD-R's is it possible my DVDROM is too old? | 02:08 |
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neozen | wolfspirit: you're welcome | 02:08 |
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tomwp | i have been using ndiswrapper with fedora for a number of months on my laptop. now i have moved over to ubuntu, and i can't get it working. | 02:08 |
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neozen | Jon_yoosic: its possible | 02:08 |
bruenig | Jon_yoosic, here are all the possible filesystems, adfs, affs, autofs, coda, coherent, cramfs, debugfs, devpts, efs, ext, ext2, ext3, hfs, hpfs, iso9660, jfs, minix, msdos, ncpfs, nfs, nfs4, ntfs, proc, qnx4, ramfs, reiserfs, romfs, smbfs, sysv, tmpfs, udf, ufs, umsdos, usbfs, vfat, xenix, xfs, xiafs. Note that coherent, sysv and xenix | 02:08 |
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neozen | bruenig: usually dvd players only support the most basic of filesystems | 02:09 |
hajiki | j0 | 02:09 |
=== Oswy [n=chatzill@cpe-69-200-229-243.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vradovic | i must reinstal ubuntu :( | 02:09 |
vradovic | :( | 02:09 |
vradovic | :( | 02:09 |
bruenig | neozen, affirmative | 02:09 |
tomwp | can anyone help me please?? | 02:09 |
neozen | bruenig: I would be most surpised to learn of one which supported something other then iso9660 | 02:09 |
Oswy | Hey, how do I enable or disable an object in iwconfig or something? | 02:09 |
neozen | bruenig: or udf | 02:10 |
nexes | I'd like to know why the kernel 11 update removed nvidia-glx. ;_; | 02:10 |
bruenig | neozen, well he said it worked in dvd, and those two didn't work so... | 02:10 |
tomwp | iwconfig ### up/down | 02:10 |
neozen | Oswy: an object? | 02:10 |
Oswy | Uhh. | 02:10 |
aeropixie | Easyubuntu will not work for me. Will Automatix really make it impossible for my to upgrade once feist comes out? | 02:10 |
bruenig | s/dvd/dvd player/ | 02:10 |
Oswy | An internet connection enabler. | 02:10 |
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neozen | bruenig: could just be a fried disk | 02:10 |
Oswy | I'm sure there's an obvious term that I'm forgetting. | 02:10 |
bruenig | !automatix | aeropixie | 02:10 |
ubotu | aeropixie: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 02:10 |
neozen | Oswy: option perhaps | 02:10 |
Jon_yoosic | neozen: I hope not. I have a stack of DVDs from a freinds TV show that I need to post online. | 02:10 |
tomwp | Oswy: use 'up' or 'down' | 02:11 |
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bruenig | aeropixie, you can do these thins on your own and not have to be dependent on these stupid scripts | 02:11 |
neozen | Oswy: like nocreate | 02:11 |
Oswy | Huh? | 02:11 |
bruenig | s/thins/things/ | 02:11 |
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Oswy | Oh. | 02:11 |
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Oswy | So iwconfig up eth0? | 02:11 |
Flannel | aeropixie: Very likely, yes. You should just install all the codecs manually. It's really not that hard. | 02:11 |
neozen | Oswy: can also use sudo ifup device and sudo ifdown device | 02:11 |
Oswy | k | 02:12 |
Oswy | Thanks. | 02:12 |
neozen | that'll work too | 02:12 |
tomwp | sorry i am thinking of ifconfig | 02:12 |
=== janus [n=janus@201-1-37-6.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aeropixie | I suppose i will try that then. I am having a problem when i have to add repos through the terminal though. Once i get into edit the list.something file with the "sudo nano <filename>" command, i don't know how to save my changes. | 02:12 |
nexes | Does anyone know why updating my kernel would remove the nvidia-glx package? | 02:12 |
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=== anirudha [n=anirudha@adsl-69-228-95-179.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tomwp | when i ifconfig wlan0 i get a mac address of all 0's, anyone any ideas why? | 02:12 |
philfo | I have an evolution problem | 02:12 |
neozen | aeropixie: ok | 02:12 |
Oswy | OK, I'm having a strange problem with my Netgear MA311 wireless adapter. | 02:12 |
neozen | aeropixie: I gotcha | 02:12 |
bruenig | aeropixie, ctrl +x to exit, then it will ask you to save or not you answer with "y" or "n" | 02:12 |
Oswy | It's recognizing it as a wired connection. | 02:12 |
Oswy | Anyone know what to do? | 02:13 |
aeropixie | OH | 02:13 |
neozen | aeropixie: press cntrl-x then select y | 02:13 |
Flannel | aeropixie: across the bottom of the screen, are a bunch of shortcuts. Like ^O is "write out", that's save. And the ^ is ctrl. So, ctrl-o will save. ctrl-x will quit. | 02:13 |
philfo | "summary and folder mismatch, even after a sync" | 02:13 |
tomwp | Oswy - I am having the same problem! | 02:13 |
Oswy | Same card? | 02:13 |
aeropixie | the ^ means cntrl? I feel dumb. | 02:13 |
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tomwp | no different | 02:13 |
=== neozen grins @ bruenig JINX | ||
Oswy | Wow. | 02:13 |
tomwp | prism | 02:13 |
=== pirate-king [n=pirate-k@daphmb01dc1-216-73.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Oswy | That sucks. | 02:13 |
Oswy | :/ | 02:13 |
Oswy | Oh. | 02:13 |
Oswy | No, different. | 02:13 |
Oswy | Heh. | 02:13 |
Oswy | Have you gotten any good tips? | 02:13 |
aeropixie | Thanks bruenid and neozen. | 02:13 |
bruenig | !enter | 02:13 |
tomwp | none at all | 02:13 |
ubotu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 02:13 |
=== sunexplodes [n=root@node-6484.tor.pppoe.execulink.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aeropixie | bruenig that is. | 02:13 |
Oswy | Argh, me neither, and I've been trying across a few hours. | 02:14 |
Oswy | I'm thinking of just physically taking it out and plugging it back in. | 02:14 |
neozen | much better oswy | 02:14 |
Jon_yoosic | I got some success http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12256/ | 02:14 |
neozen | though I've been guilty of it too | 02:14 |
Oswy | I rarely ever do it, sorry about that. | 02:14 |
tomwp | me too - very fustrated, have been using fedora and ndiswrapper for months with no problem, just moved over to ubuntu and can't get it to work | 02:14 |
neozen | Oswy: no worries | 02:14 |
=== metaphor [n=ktop4u@adsl-70-232-93-31.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Oswy | That's odd. | 02:15 |
neozen | tomwp: hmm prism2 based right? | 02:15 |
metaphor | can anybody please help me with the installation | 02:15 |
bruenig | Jon_yoosic, I guess if you use "some" loosely | 02:15 |
neozen | tomwp: let me look something up | 02:15 |
tomwp | neozen: yes | 02:15 |
Oswy | metaphor, where are you stuck? | 02:15 |
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=== BUMBACL0T [n=steady@ip70-160-26-12.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Oswy | I just installed it yesterday, but I'm not helping anyone (nor have I the wherewithal), so I could try to help you. | 02:15 |
metaphor | on the part where it asks for the resize partition | 02:15 |
Oswy | Oh. | 02:15 |
Jon_yoosic | bruenig: it mounted as devpts | 02:15 |
Oswy | How many hard drives do you have? | 02:15 |
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tomwp | iwconfig ---> wlan0 no wireless extensions. | 02:15 |
neozen | tomwp: I had a friend with a ma111 that she had problems getting working | 02:16 |
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Oswy | Yeah, tomwp, I have the same thing. | 02:16 |
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metaphor | i don't know if it is asking for windows to resize or to specify the new ubuntu partition, i wan to dual boot it | 02:16 |
Oswy | Hmm. | 02:16 |
Oswy | Do you have a second hard drive? | 02:16 |
tomwp | neozen: did you get anywhere with it? | 02:16 |
metaphor | no | 02:16 |
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Oswy | Can't help you there, then, sorry. | 02:16 |
Oswy | I had the same problem. | 02:16 |
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Oswy | Ended up having to back it up and wipe my C:/. | 02:17 |
metaphor | okay | 02:17 |
neozen | tomwp: yeah... works like a charm after running 3 commands | 02:17 |
neozen | tomwp: have to look those up | 02:17 |
Oswy | Ooh, neozen, what are they? | 02:17 |
=== cleco [n=cleco@35-162-21-190.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | tomwp: may take a bit | 02:17 |
metaphor | Now do u know who successfully dual booted it | 02:17 |
Oswy | Heh, tell me when you get them as well, please. | 02:17 |
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tomwp | neozen: ahh thought you were going to charge me for them ;) | 02:17 |
Oswy | metaphor: Not a clue sorry. | 02:17 |
neozen | oh #@#@$#@$ no | 02:17 |
neozen | lol | 02:17 |
metaphor | okay | 02:17 |
jerryrw | metaphor: check out GParted | 02:17 |
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aeropixie | does the | symbol in a command mean you are running two commands without having to press enter in between? | 02:18 |
metaphor | i have but it also confuses me | 02:18 |
hajiki | i need help installing this icon set plz: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/BuuF-iconset?content=46201 | 02:18 |
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metaphor | the only reason that is holding my installation is the dual or else i wud have long ago dumped Windowss | 02:19 |
Jon_yoosic | Damn. Ok I'm off to the store to get a new DVD-ROM and see if that helps | 02:19 |
=== greenpop [n=na@66-189-93-153.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
greenpop | HI! | 02:19 |
=== xyz-abc [n=asdfasdf@c-24-16-204-47.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hajiki | :( | 02:19 |
jerryrw | metaphor: if you have only one drive you have to resize the partition to dual boot | 02:19 |
greenpop | I have a huge question to ask, how would I install 6.10 on my Macbook pro? | 02:19 |
xyz-abc | hi, is it possible to network a WinXP and an Ubuntu PC? | 02:19 |
neozen | Oswy: tomwp: all they'll cost you is time while I ask my friend what she used | 02:20 |
metaphor | yes jerryrw | 02:20 |
Oswy | Haha, cool. | 02:20 |
Foon | metaphor: how? | 02:20 |
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=== HipotermiA [n=carlos@Tco-131.ctrmax.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sunexplodes | Idle Curiosity: Using a USB wireless device. Was using DriverLoader to wrap the windows drivers, now I'm using NDISWrapper. I get nearly 2 or 3 times the signal strength reported through NetworkManager now, than i did with driveloader. Any ideas why that would be? | 02:20 |
metaphor | by the built in resize partition option | 02:20 |
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Oswy | brb; neozen, preface a link or something with my tag, so Chatzilla will pick it up, thanks. | 02:20 |
xyz-abc | Hi, is it possible to set up lan for a WinXP and an Ubuntu PC? | 02:20 |
tomwp | neozen: excellent thank you | 02:20 |
=== soothsay [n=soothsay@bas5-montreal02-1096553029.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | yeah I wil.l | 02:20 |
greenpop | No one knows how to install Ubuntu 6.10 on Macbook? | 02:21 |
jerryrw | metaphor: I always use GParted to resize so Im not sure about the installer | 02:21 |
Foon | er, i thought the question was for 2 PCs | 02:21 |
neolex | hello... | 02:21 |
soothsay | Is it safe to remove old linux kernels using Synaptic? | 02:21 |
Foon | cause I have 2 PCs I want to network | 02:21 |
metaphor | were u able to successfully dual boot it using gpart | 02:21 |
Foon | well, they're networked, I want them to recognize eachother, heh | 02:21 |
neolex | hello | 02:21 |
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jerryrw | actually I have 6 OSes booting | 02:21 |
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metaphor | oh really | 02:21 |
neozen | oswy: tomwp: this on dapper or edgy? | 02:22 |
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neolex | may i know if anybody can tell me where the startup audio files are located in ubuntu 6.10? | 02:22 |
Oswy | I'm on Edgy, neozen | 02:22 |
Oswy | brb for real now | 02:22 |
neolex | thanks | 02:22 |
jrib | soothsay: yes | 02:22 |
neozen | tomwp: edgy or dapper? | 02:22 |
greenpop | Install Ubuntu 6.10 Macbook? | 02:22 |
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jerryrw | metaphor: make sure you backup | 02:22 |
jrib | neolex: /usr/share/sounds/ but you can change your sounds in preferences, don't edit these files | 02:22 |
metaphor | jerryrw: do u have all of them running like they are supposed to . | 02:22 |
neolex | thanks | 02:22 |
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jerryrw | metaphor: yeah, mostly still tweaking but they all boot just fine | 02:23 |
metaphor | jerryrw: so do u mean to say it is a gamble? | 02:23 |
neil__ | hey | 02:23 |
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jrib | soothsay: I would keep at least one known working old one though | 02:23 |
neil__ | I just downloaded gnome-art and got a gdm theme.. | 02:23 |
neil__ | downloaded that, but how do u install gdm themes? | 02:23 |
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jerryrw | metaphor: I've repartitioned hundreds of disks sucsessfully and a few not so | 02:24 |
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kgrant | Hi. I am trying to get some use out of NetworkManager. I have the daemon running, and i have network-manager-gnome installed, but I cant seem to find out where to find it. any ideas? | 02:24 |
tomwp | sorry neozen edgy | 02:24 |
xyz-abc | Help me set up lan for a WinXP PC and an Ubuntu PC! | 02:24 |
TSCDan | I just installed ubuntu 6.10 server, and I'm trying to compile my own kernel. Where can I find the mkinitrd utility? | 02:24 |
soothsay | jrib: Will do, thanks | 02:24 |
tomwp | just poped off for some more googling | 02:24 |
jerryrw | metaphor: also have a rescue CD handy | 02:24 |
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mrand | mjr: I installed kubuntu-desktop and rebooted but it didn't startx automatically. and when I did startx, it wasn't kde. :-/ | 02:25 |
metaphor | i have a lapy and my provider only ships with the factory conditioned platform not the windows disk if something goes wrong. | 02:25 |
shaslap | i tried to enable ndiswrapper for my wireless card, and it has disappeared from the list of interfaces entirely and i don't know how to get it to work | 02:25 |
neozen | tomwp oswy: no problem ... but you might be slightly boned..... my friend isn't on | 02:25 |
tomwp | neozen: could it be that there are multiple drivers attached to it | 02:25 |
neozen | tomwp: possible | 02:25 |
DM| | How does one stop the X server | 02:25 |
metaphor | i can either install fully functional windows or never install it. | 02:25 |
neozen | tomwp: wait... you're both having it show up as wired right? | 02:25 |
jrib | DM|: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop | 02:25 |
tomwp | yes | 02:25 |
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DM| | ty | 02:25 |
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jerryrw | metaphor: more reason to do some research and save headaches | 02:25 |
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tomwp | lsmod | grep prism | 02:26 |
tomwp | prism2_usb 79236 0 | 02:26 |
tomwp | usbcore 134912 9 ndiswrapper,usb_storage,hci_usb,spca5xx,prism2_usb,libusual,ehci_hcd,ohci_hcd | 02:26 |
metaphor | jerryrrw: what do mean my rescue cd? | 02:26 |
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jerryrw | metaphor: the disks that came with your comp | 02:26 |
neozen | wait... you're using ndiswapper? | 02:26 |
xyz-abc | Help me set up lan for a WinXP PC and an Ubuntu PC! | 02:26 |
neozen | tomwp: type ndiswrapper -l | 02:26 |
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neozen | tomwp: might need to be sudo'd | 02:26 |
Flannel | xyz-abc: Just plug them both into your router. | 02:26 |
metaphor | okay | 02:26 |
metaphor | i c | 02:26 |
tomwp | eu3nic driver installed, hardware present | 02:27 |
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mrand | mjr: I guess I have to configure kdm manually then. :-( | 02:27 |
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xyz-abc | well, they both have wireless adapters, could I have a wireless lan? | 02:27 |
Flannel | xyz-abc: You have a wireless router, correct? | 02:27 |
xyz-abc | yes | 02:27 |
mehow | hey, does anyone know how to sync a zen micro mp3 to ubuntu? | 02:27 |
xyz-abc | and both pc's have wireless adapters! | 02:27 |
Flannel | xyz-abc: then yes, they'll both connect to the router. | 02:27 |
jerryrw | metaphor: repartitioning and installing multi boot loaders can leave your system so it wont boot off the hard disk | 02:27 |
xyz-abc | now.. how do I make them talk to each other? | 02:27 |
jerryrw | metaphor: just have to be careful | 02:27 |
neozen | xyz-abc: you tell them to connect to the router | 02:28 |
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neozen | lol | 02:28 |
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neozen | xyz-abc: what kind of cards? | 02:28 |
xyz-abc | hmmm | 02:28 |
takesinn | Ey. My connection sometimes halts up for a minute or so then starts again | 02:28 |
takesinn | Not sure what it is, I think it's iptables. I'm using firestarter to configure it. | 02:28 |
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metaphor | okay | 02:28 |
xyz-abc | by cards, u mean adapters? both are USB wireless adapters | 02:28 |
takesinn | Heeelp | 02:28 |
takesinn | Lag of death! | 02:28 |
jerryrw | metaphor: and defrag your XP twice first | 02:28 |
xyz-abc | Tew something and airlink 3026 i think | 02:28 |
TSCDan | Can anybody tell me how to install mkinitrd on ubuntu 6.10? All I need is the package... | 02:28 |
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neozen | xyz-abc: we need to know the card makes/models to know how to properly configure them | 02:28 |
xyz-abc | ok | 02:29 |
mehow | can anyone tell me how to sync my zen micro to my computer? | 02:29 |
jrib | takesinn: flush your rules and see if it still happens. 'sudo iptables -F'. That will clear all iptables rules, be careful! | 02:29 |
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metaphor | i do that quite often, i consider that weekly spring cleaning. | 02:29 |
Flannel | xyz-abc: LAN doesn't necessarily mean talk to each other, just that they're on the same subnet. You might be looking for something like samba. | 02:29 |
metaphor | for windows xp | 02:29 |
xyz-abc | hmm | 02:29 |
mrwilloby | is there something like the Ctrl+Alt+Del Task Manager in Ubuntu that can be called from the keyboard? | 02:29 |
tomwp | neozen: could it be the spca5xx drivers causing the problems | 02:29 |
jrib | mrwilloby: system > administration > system monitor (gnome-system-monitor) | 02:29 |
jerryrw | mrwilloby: ps -ef from a terminal | 02:30 |
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neozen | tomwp: possible... again... I don't have this card | 02:30 |
metaphor | mrwilloby: u stole my thinder | 02:30 |
metaphor | thunder | 02:30 |
mrand | kdm doesn't seem to work out of the box. anyone know where I can read more about getting it to work? | 02:30 |
Oswy | neozen: Back. Oh well. | 02:30 |
neozen | tomwp: the instructions i was going to give you concerned the ma111 card | 02:30 |
xyz-abc | One adapter is "Trendnet TEW-424UB", the other is "Airlink 101 awll3026 " | 02:30 |
mrwilloby | jrib & jerryrw: thanks | 02:30 |
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neozen | Oswy: there's one more possibility | 02:30 |
jrib | mrand: what do you mean? Can you provide more context? | 02:30 |
_goofy_ | im having a problem updating my ubuntu machine when i click one the update icon it trys to do a distro upgrage tp 6.10 but when i fun the command: lsb_release -a i shows that im already running 6.10 what should i do to fix this | 02:30 |
Oswy | Yeah? | 02:30 |
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neozen | Oswy: nope ... didn't pan out | 02:31 |
Oswy | Heh, OK. | 02:31 |
neozen | tomwp: same to you mon... sorry | 02:31 |
jerryrw | time to go -- ttfn | 02:31 |
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Oswy | Hmm, how do I check a disk on Ubuntu? | 02:31 |
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neozen | when I get those 3 commands .. I'll be sure to post them here | 02:31 |
LjL | !fsck > Oswy (Oswy, see the private message from Ubotu) | 02:31 |
neozen | Oswy: well... first of all you don't do it when its mounted | 02:31 |
Oswy | LjL: Thanks. | 02:31 |
neozen | Oswy: that's just begging for boom | 02:32 |
LjL | Oswy: look also at smartmontools if you want to check the *physical* disk (i.e. you think it might be broken or going to break) | 02:32 |
Oswy | Haha. | 02:32 |
Oswy | Hmm, OK. | 02:32 |
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Oswy | I think it might have been corrupted when I ran ntfs-3g. | 02:32 |
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mbernat | Hi all. | 02:32 |
mbernat | Can I have some help getting my Verizon PC5740 running on Edgy? | 02:32 |
mbernat | As in, has anyone here managed to pull it off already? | 02:32 |
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neozen | Oswy: lol | 02:32 |
Oswy | I got the stable version; is that still a possibility? | 02:32 |
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LjL | Oswy: what, you *Ubuntu* ext3 filesystem, or the NTFS filesystem? | 02:32 |
harley | !feisty | 02:32 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 02:32 |
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xyz-abc | Flannel, One adapter is "Trendnet TEW-424UB", the other is "Airlink 101 awll3026 " | 02:32 |
LjL | check the NTFS filesystem from Windows | 02:32 |
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mbernat_ | Can I have some help getting my Verizon PC5740 running on Edgy? | 02:32 |
mbernat_ | As in, has anyone here managed to pull it off already? | 02:32 |
Oswy | The NTFS. | 02:33 |
TSCDan | Can somebody pleeaase just tell me how I can install mkinitrd?? I think initrd-tools, but it isn't available on the default sources. | 02:33 |
LjL | Oswy: then check it from Windows | 02:33 |
Regner | So, i need a bit of help, I can not seem to get ftp working again on my server. I had it working, not sure when it stopped working wich is making this very difficult for me. I am using proftpd, and when i try and connect to the ftp server it says "421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection" thats what i get from a console, if i try and connect from my windows machine it just sort of dies saying connection refused, but | 02:33 |
Oswy | I don't exactly have a dual boot now. | 02:33 |
neozen | Oswy: its not windows........ only thing guarenteed in all cases to read and write reliably to an ntfs partition is windows | 02:33 |
neozen | Oswy: everything else is guess work | 02:33 |
Oswy | Argh, dammit. | 02:33 |
neozen | Oswy: one heck of a lot of guesswork and testing ... | 02:33 |
_goofy_ | im having a problem updating my ubuntu machine when i click one the update icon it trys to do a distro upgrage tp 6.10 but when i fun the command: lsb_release -a i shows that im already running 6.10 what should i do to fix this | 02:33 |
Oswy | Right. | 02:33 |
LjL | Oswy, then you're out of luck. Linux can barely (and dangerously, as you've seen) *write* to NTFS, it really cannot *fix* it if it's broken | 02:33 |
neozen | Oswy: but still guesswork | 02:33 |
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Oswy | Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. | 02:34 |
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l90bpm | trying to burn an ISO.. any recommendations? I really liked IMG Burn in windoze.. anything like it in the repos? | 02:34 |
TSCDan | LjL, what about captive? | 02:34 |
LjL | Oswy: why are you using NTFS if you're not dual booting anyway? just convert | 02:34 |
Oswy | So there's a very good chance I've just messed it up irreconcilably? | 02:34 |
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waspius | hello...does anyone know why kopete does not support offline messaging as it used to? | 02:34 |
Oswy | That would involve wiping the 100 GB of stuff I have, though. | 02:34 |
neozen | Oswy: as long as microsoft doesn't release the specs on ntfs..... it won't work perfectly | 02:34 |
neozen | Oswy: it might | 02:34 |
LjL | TSCDan: if it were reliable enough to run chkdsk, we'd all be using it. by default. | 02:34 |
neozen | Oswy: attempt recovery first | 02:34 |
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Oswy | How, by going into Windows? | 02:35 |
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LjL | i think there might be some Windows "live" CDs - or live CD makers, since i suppose a full CD would be illegal - around. not sure, but i recall something | 02:35 |
goku | how do i burn an iso on ubuntu 5.04 | 02:35 |
mbernat_ | LjL: BartPE. | 02:35 |
Oswy | k | 02:35 |
LjL | !burniso > goku (goku, see the private message from Ubotu) | 02:36 |
xyz-abc | goku, you go supersayan | 02:36 |
Oswy | I'll try and reinstall Windows, but my disk was corrupted. | 02:36 |
xyz-abc | then it's easy | 02:36 |
l90bpm | Image burning software??? | 02:36 |
Flannel | goku: You don't want to. 5.04 isn't supported anymore. Download a newer version. | 02:36 |
LjL | goku, also, 5.04 is more than slightly outdated. upgrade. | 02:36 |
xyz-abc | Goku, save the earth! | 02:36 |
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neozen | _goofy_: ever seen lucky number slevin: "the first time a man calls you a horse you punch him in the nose, second time he calls you a horse you call him a jerk, the third time ......... perhaps its time to start shopping for a saddle" | 02:36 |
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xyz-abc | Hey flannel, One adapter is "Trendnet TEW-424UB", the other is "Airlink 101 awll3026 " | 02:36 |
l90bpm | lol.. great movie | 02:36 |
Oswy | Welp, guess I better assume I'm starting from scratch for now. >< | 02:36 |
_goofy_ | do what/ | 02:36 |
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l90bpm | one of ma' favs | 02:36 |
neozen | _goofy_: part of your system is convinced you're now running edgy | 02:36 |
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takesinn | Hello, I've got problems with my internet connection :( | 02:37 |
takesinn | Theres gaps between my connectivity | 02:37 |
takesinn | I'm lagging in IRC even tho the ports have been opened | 02:37 |
_goofy_ | i should be running edgy | 02:37 |
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brentanderson | Anyone had troubles running the Feisty Beta under Parallels? | 02:37 |
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_goofy_ | i rember the upgrade | 02:37 |
Flannel | brentanderson: #ubuntu+1 for Feisty support, thanks | 02:37 |
goku | how to burn iso image in ubuntu 5.04? | 02:37 |
neozen | brentanderson: go to feisty support | 02:37 |
Lord_Maynoth_42 | how do I register a nick? | 02:37 |
brentanderson | Thanks | 02:37 |
LjL | goku, you've been answered. | 02:37 |
LjL | look at your backscroll please. | 02:37 |
neozen | Lord_Maynoth_42: msg the nickserv | 02:38 |
LjL | !register > Lord_Maynoth_42 (Lord_Maynoth_42, see the private message from Ubotu) | 02:38 |
neozen | Lord_Maynoth_42: /msg nickserv help | 02:38 |
_goofy_ | im just trying to do a genneral update | 02:38 |
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neozen | _goofy_: updates are kind of broken in some distros | 02:38 |
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Oswy | neozen: If you do find out the 3 commands, please email me at metsfan001@gmail.com, thanks. | 02:38 |
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neozen | even ubuntus | 02:38 |
Lord_Maynoth_42 | anyone ever tell you guys your awesome... I would never had been able to get everything set up if it weren't for all the help :D | 02:38 |
neozen | will do oswy | 02:38 |
Oswy | thx | 02:38 |
takesinn | See?! | 02:38 |
neozen | they might not help though | 02:38 |
takesinn | My connection is messd up! | 02:38 |
neozen | Lord_Maynoth_42: lol.... thanks | 02:38 |
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takesinn | messed* | 02:39 |
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neozen | Lord_Maynoth_42: we try | 02:39 |
mrand___ | Stupid Solaris... Now I don't know who I was talking to. | 02:39 |
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mbernat_ | ? | 02:39 |
neozen | lol | 02:39 |
LjL | mrand: yourself, seemingly | 02:39 |
mbernat_ | 54321... | 02:39 |
Joenin | hi | 02:39 |
ziro01 | sup? | 02:39 |
YesDad | yo | 02:39 |
neozen | good ... now there's two of you | 02:39 |
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neozen | lol | 02:39 |
theacolyte | mmm | 02:40 |
mirra | how do you get apache to not log requests to forbidden pages? | 02:40 |
theacolyte | FIOS | 02:40 |
neozen | greeting ops | 02:40 |
Joenin | no | 02:40 |
YesDad | you tell me ;) | 02:40 |
ziro01 | I'll find out | 02:40 |
theacolyte | *envy* | 02:40 |
mirra | so my bot rewrites dont get logged | 02:40 |
mrand | I'm trying to get kde running on this alternate install. But currently kdm doesn't start at boot. :-( | 02:40 |
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_goofy_ | where would i start to try and fix this problem......ive been running edgy for a month or so and the problem just arrose | 02:40 |
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neozen | LOL | 02:40 |
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l90bpm | I should smack myself for asking such a stupid question.. sorry you all... | 02:40 |
neozen | how's the fios seveas? | 02:40 |
someone | Could someone help me setup a wireless lan between an XP and an Ubuntu PC? | 02:41 |
mrand | Anyone know where I can learn more about getting kdm working? | 02:41 |
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pescez | 02:41 | |
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neozen | Seveas: I've heard good things | 02:41 |
kako | dw | 02:41 |
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=== hendrixski [n=bienkows@cpe-24-24-60-75.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
hendrixski | !dpkg | 02:42 |
ubotu | dpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. | 02:42 |
pchilds | Is there a way to install a different gui that can be switched to during startup other than gnome while still keeping the option to log back into gnome if desired? | 02:42 |
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LjL | pchilds: like KDE? sure. | 02:42 |
eduhat | im back | 02:42 |
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LjL | pchilds: you just select your preferred session from the login screen | 02:42 |
neozen | pchilds: I would think this is quite possible | 02:42 |
pchilds | Yep KDE | 02:42 |
bruenig | pchilds, xubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop will give you the option which session too boot into at login | 02:42 |
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crdlb | pchilds, sudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop or xubuntu-desktop | 02:42 |
bruenig | and kde-core or any of the others | 02:42 |
mrand | doh! kdm didn't install when I installed kubuntu-desktop. :-/ | 02:42 |
hendrixski | hhhmmm, Does anyoneknow a good online manual for dpkg... not just to install but to create .debs? | 02:42 |
neozen | pchilds: might even work with xfce | 02:42 |
neozen | hendrixski: man makedeb | 02:43 |
katara | hi, i have a dell laptop, i installed kubuntu, everythings works ok, but the touchpad, its to hard to get the click, (not with the button) is there anyway to make this more sencible? | 02:43 |
bruenig | hendrixski, all the ones I have found have been ridiculously long, meant mainly for people who wanted to become packagers for a specific distro | 02:43 |
lib8264q | is it possible to install ubuntu desktop without default packages | 02:43 |
happytron | sensitive | 02:43 |
=== Steil [n=hedch@S010600e029837be0.ca.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pchilds | Thanks folks | 02:43 |
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neozen | katara: detection for mouse taps is dependent upon the hardware itself | 02:43 |
bruenig | hendrixski, creating debs is pretty simple though | 02:43 |
hendrixski | bruenig, that's sort of what I'm looking for, except for the distro-specific part | 02:43 |
neozen | katara: might want to up the sensitivity | 02:44 |
hendrixski | bruenig, how simple? | 02:44 |
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neozen | !makedeb | 02:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about makedeb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:44 |
bruenig | hendrixski, basically it consists of all the files you want to be moved during the install, and a directory that has a description and scripts | 02:44 |
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hendrixski | neozen, Thanks, I'll try that command as well | 02:44 |
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neozen | hendrixski: doh.... doesn't seem to work | 02:45 |
neozen | hendrixski: ignore me.... was sure that was valid though | 02:45 |
hendrixski | bruenig, I've heard as much, I don't know what kinds of files to put in there, or how the scripts get read, when, etc. | 02:45 |
maja_ | what is my AGP is seen as PCI???? | 02:45 |
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lib8264q | try alien -d <name of package> to make a .deb | 02:45 |
bruenig | hendrixski, I created a very simple script that will extract debs into what they would look like before they get built if you want it to look at debs, get some idea | 02:45 |
soothsay | Does anyone know if systemtap works 'out of the box'? | 02:45 |
nick_ | can anyone tell me if there is an ssh server built into ubuntu | 02:45 |
hendrixski | neozen, there's no man entry for makedeb on my laptop | 02:45 |
hendrixski | and I have build essentials installed | 02:46 |
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goku | when i try to burn an iso in ubuntu 5.04 i keep getting the msg insert a blank disc.. at least 699 into the free drive. | 02:46 |
hendrixski | bruenig, that would help | 02:46 |
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maja_ | y | 02:46 |
hendrixski | I think | 02:46 |
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goku | when i click retry the same msg pops up | 02:46 |
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hendrixski | bruenig, oh wait... you mean, a script that would take any deb and instead of depackaging it give me the script files and the .c files and all??? that would be sweet | 02:47 |
neozen | goku: then perhaps you should insert a disk | 02:47 |
Regner | could any one help me with proftpd ? i can not seem to connect to my ftp server | 02:47 |
goku | neozen i did | 02:47 |
mrand | ok, I installed kubuntu-desktop followed by kdm but now I still have no kde on boot (though I do have kdm). And kdm complains that the kubuntu theme cannot be found. Anyone have any ideas? | 02:48 |
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neozen | lol | 02:48 |
neozen | sorry... couldn't resist | 02:48 |
bruenig | hendrixski, yeah, pastebin is crying at me right now for some reason | 02:48 |
goku | i inserted a new disk press retry and the same msg pops up | 02:48 |
tomw1 | neozen: got it | 02:48 |
katara | neozen: how can i set up the mouse sencitivity | 02:48 |
katara | ? | 02:48 |
hendrixski | lol | 02:48 |
lontra | mrand: edgy? | 02:48 |
mrand | lontra: yeah | 02:48 |
tomw1 | neozen: running wireless now | 02:48 |
neozen | tomw1: awesome | 02:48 |
hendrixski | bruenig, post it on a webpage or PM me and I'll give you an e-mail you can send it to | 02:48 |
lontra | mrand: does it appear as a session in kdm? i.e. can you select it? | 02:48 |
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neozen | tomw1: what'd you do differently? | 02:49 |
mrand | lontra: does what appear as a session? | 02:49 |
neozen | hey OSWY | 02:49 |
lontra | mrand: you need to select kde | 02:49 |
lontra | mrand: at kdm...it won't boot into it by default | 02:49 |
mrand | lontra: I'll look... | 02:49 |
=== neozen pokes oswy with a stick | ||
tomw1 | sudo lsmod | grep prism ----> showed that a module called "prism2_usb" was loaded | 02:49 |
neozen | yeah | 02:49 |
bruenig | hendrixski, http://pastebin.ca/411433 chmod +x it like I know you know and use it with "whateveryounamethescript nameofdeb.deb" | 02:49 |
neozen | that's good right? | 02:49 |
tomw1 | sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist ----> i blacklisted it in here | 02:50 |
neozen | that's the one that should be running for the ma111v1 card | 02:50 |
neozen | OH | 02:50 |
neozen | gotcha | 02:50 |
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tomw1 | then ndiswrapper worked fine | 02:50 |
neozen | what's the proper driver for the card? | 02:50 |
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mrand | lontra: I've got "default" and "failsafe" only | 02:50 |
neozen | tomw1: lol... you had to use ndiswrapper to get it working | 02:50 |
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neozen | tomw1: you said it was prism2 based | 02:51 |
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lontra | mrand: strange...are you sure kde is installed? you went sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop? | 02:51 |
neozen | tomw1: shouldn't have to use ndis for prism2 's | 02:51 |
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tomw1 | no? why? | 02:51 |
hendrixski | bruenig, Thanks, I'll play with this with a few debs from Ubuntu | 02:51 |
lontra | mrand: you might try in #kubuntu...they may have encountered this before | 02:51 |
bruenig | hendrixski, the directory that it extracts into can be built with "dpkg -b nameofdirectory" so you can just set stuff up like that directory | 02:51 |
neozen | tomw1: but if it works... and it works reliably... | 02:51 |
hendrixski | because I can just download a deb without installing it right? | 02:51 |
mrand | lontra: I went `# apt-get install kubuntu-desktop` | 02:51 |
genii_ | argh disconnected | 02:51 |
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bruenig | hendrixski, yeah you have a lot of debs I am sure in /var/cache/apt/archives | 02:51 |
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neozen | tomw1: so you didn't use ndiswrapper? | 02:52 |
lontra | mrand: that should do it...i don't know what could have gone wrong | 02:52 |
neozen | tomw1: I'm confuzzled | 02:52 |
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neozen | lol | 02:52 |
mrand | lontra: hrm. Ok. I'll try #kubuntu | 02:52 |
tomw1 | yes - i used ndiswrapper | 02:52 |
tomw1 | oh well, it works now so i won't touch it | 02:52 |
neozen | tomw1: ok.... | 02:52 |
neozen | tomw1: I now charge you with a task | 02:52 |
tomw1 | neozen: thanks for the help! | 02:52 |
neozen | tomw1: help Oswy | 02:52 |
=== DM|_ [n=dm@cpe-65-31-7-98.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | tomw1: lol | 02:53 |
neozen | tomw1: just got in touch with my friend too | 02:53 |
hendrixski | bruenig, sweet, yeah I got tons in there | 02:53 |
neozen | tomw1: lol | 02:53 |
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hendrixski | bruenig, those are all the debs I've installed on my system over time? or ones that came with the system? | 02:53 |
=== HP_Administrator [n=chatzill@71-15-140-4.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tomw1 | Oswy: you still having troubles? | 02:53 |
neozen | tomw1: she's supposed to be sending me an email within the half hour | 02:53 |
bruenig | hendrixski, both | 02:53 |
HP_Administrator | Can anyone assist me? | 02:53 |
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neozen | /ctcp ping oswy | 02:54 |
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atoponce | !ask | HP_Administrator | 02:54 |
ubotu | HP_Administrator: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 02:54 |
neozen | doh... what'd I screw up there | 02:54 |
tomw1 | neozen: I really should sleep now - its 2am here | 02:54 |
hendrixski | bruenig, Cool.. This should keep me occupied with stuff to play with 'till midnight or so... awesome, thanks | 02:54 |
eduhat | how long does ubuntu usually take to load up? | 02:54 |
=== neozen ctcp ping oswy | ||
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neozen | lol | 02:54 |
HP_Administrator | I cannot install Ubuntu on my machine, it freezes during startup | 02:54 |
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neozen | too long since I've used irc | 02:54 |
eduhat | from the 6.10 disc... its taking forever! | 02:54 |
hendrixski | bruenig, about that website you pasted to ,,,? how's that work? anyone can paste to it and get an ID number? | 02:54 |
atoponce | HP_Administrator: have you checked the disk, to make sure it's a good burn? | 02:54 |
neozen | HP_Administrator: how much ram in the box | 02:54 |
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atoponce | HP_Administrator: and a good download? | 02:55 |
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neozen | HP_Administrator: do that too | 02:55 |
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bruenig | hendrixski, one more thing, there are generally four scripts you will see (preinst - runs before the files are moved, postinst - runs after the files are moved, prerm - runs before the files are removed if package is uninstalled, postrm - after files are removed) | 02:55 |
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bruenig | hendrixski, yeah, pastebin.ca, paste your stuff it gives you a link | 02:55 |
HP_Administrator | yes I have checked the disk, I have a gig of ram, I've used several different ubuntu cd's all with the same result... I have a P4 2.8 ghz | 02:55 |
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atoponce | HP_Administrator: what ubuntu disk? | 02:56 |
mobomelter | hey | 02:56 |
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neozen | HP_Administrator: whee! a tricky one | 02:56 |
mobomelter | I need help installing drivers for my wireless card | 02:56 |
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Wyld | howdy .. question question .. does anyone know if the beta of Feisty has addressed the Intel 965 bug? That JMICRON didn't work .. | 02:56 |
hendrixski | bruenig, also very cool. Thanks again | 02:56 |
HP_Administrator | Ubuntu 6.10 | 02:56 |
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neozen | mobomelter: ok... what card? | 02:56 |
mbernat | I'd like to make a public apology to everyone in here for what I did earlier, it was an honest mistake, and it won't happen again. | 02:56 |
xtknight | Wyld: Feisty has addressed it. | 02:56 |
=== BadManNx [n=Badman@adsl196-68-180-206-196.adsl196-6.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu | ||
atoponce | HP_Administrator: alternate, server or desktop install? | 02:57 |
mobomelter | intel proset wireless 3945 | 02:57 |
HP_Administrator | and I have tried the critically acclaimed ultimate ubuntu disk | 02:57 |
xtknight | intel 3945 has a native driver | 02:57 |
HP_Administrator | desktop | 02:57 |
mobomelter | i have the driver but i can't remember enough of my linux class to install it | 02:57 |
neozen | mobomelter: LOL | 02:57 |
atoponce | HP_Administrator: where does it freeze? | 02:57 |
neozen | mobomelter: you're all set | 02:57 |
catid | mobomelter: i have that drive installed.. just did it yesterday | 02:57 |
neozen | mobomelter: driver is already in the kernel | 02:57 |
mobomelter | it doesn't work though | 02:57 |
neozen | mobomelter: don't do anything | 02:57 |
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eduhat | how come ubuntu is taking so!!!!! long to start up?? | 02:57 |
HP_Administrator | When the graphic comes up in the beginning with the loading screen it loads for a few seconds and then just stops dead | 02:57 |
neozen | mobomelter: what version are you running? | 02:57 |
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mobomelter | 6.10 i think | 02:58 |
=== arpegius [n=eric@c-24-218-223-58.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arpegius | whats a good cli torrent client? | 02:58 |
neozen | mobomelter: edgy, ok | 02:58 |
mobomelter | yes | 02:58 |
atoponce | HP_Administrator: sorry for all the questions, just trying to get an idea of your environment. | 02:58 |
HP_Administrator | its quite alright i appreciate the help | 02:58 |
atoponce | HP_Administrator: what type of computer? specs, please. | 02:58 |
neozen | mobomelter: when you say it isn't doing anything, you need to be more specific | 02:58 |
neozen | mobomelter: does it show up under ifconfig /all | 02:58 |
mobomelter | i mean i've tried configuring my wireless card but i can't connect to the internet | 02:58 |
mobomelter | let me check | 02:58 |
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neozen | mobomelter: ok | 02:59 |
xtknight | neozen, mobomelter: ifconfig /all ----> `ifconfig -a` | 02:59 |
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neozen | lol | 02:59 |
HP_Administrator | P4 2.8 ghz, 1 gig of ram, typical intel mobo(not sure what kind lol), nividia 6600 GS(I think) | 02:59 |
neozen | sorry | 02:59 |
mobomelter | if i put ifconfig /all it says error fetching interface information: device not found | 02:59 |
neozen | yeah.. that's my mistake | 02:59 |
atoponce | HP_Administrator: just a sec | 02:59 |
neozen | thanks for the correction xtknight | 02:59 |
atoponce | HP_Administrator: pm me, and i'll get to it in a sec | 02:59 |
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mobomelter | alright i've got eth1 eth0 lo and sit0 | 03:00 |
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mobomelter | no mention of wireless though | 03:00 |
neozen | ok.... | 03:00 |
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mobomelter | and yes the wireless switch is on | 03:00 |
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ceeg | how do i mod /var/www so that i dont have to continuously chmod it so that new files arent forbidden when i deploy my apps to it | 03:00 |
neozen | mobomelter: try sudo iwconfig | 03:00 |
neozen | mobomelter: should say something about an 802.11 card | 03:01 |
mobomelter | lo eth0 and sit0 say no wireless extenstions | 03:01 |
=== llol [n=leonel@adsl-10-128-62.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
llol | hello folks | 03:01 |
neozen | yeah | 03:01 |
llol | how is a .patch file applied? | 03:01 |
llol | command wise | 03:01 |
mobomelter | eth1 doesn't mention 802.11 but doesn't mention stuff about wireless | 03:01 |
neozen | mobomelter: but eth1 does right? | 03:01 |
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mobomelter | does* | 03:01 |
catid | patch -p1 < blah.patch | 03:01 |
neozen | mobomelter: no worries... at least it knows its a wireless card | 03:01 |
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genii | llol see catid's reply | 03:01 |
llol | ok | 03:01 |
llol | hopefully it works | 03:02 |
mobomelter | yeah i can get as far as telling it an ssid | 03:02 |
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mobomelter | but it won't associate | 03:02 |
neozen | mobomelter: ok... type the following: sudo aptitude install network-manager-gnome | 03:02 |
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HP_Administrator | I cant PM im not registered | 03:02 |
neozen | mobomelter: you are on a box w/ a gui right? | 03:02 |
atoponce | HP_Administrator: back | 03:02 |
HP_Administrator | k | 03:02 |
atoponce | HP_Administrator: sorry, had to talk with the wife. :) | 03:02 |
catid | mobomelter: if you run this in a terminal it might help: tail -f /var/log/syslog | 03:02 |
neozen | HP_Administrator: type /query nicktopm | 03:02 |
neozen | HP_Administrator: that'll do for now | 03:03 |
catid | mobomelter: the wpa_supplicant and friends write to that | 03:03 |
atoponce | HP_Administrator: so, anyway | 03:03 |
mobomelter | gave me an error that says it couldn't find a package whose name or description matched | 03:03 |
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HP_Administrator | So wat do you have for me | 03:03 |
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neozen | !network-manager-gnome | 03:03 |
atoponce | HP_Administrator: is it a specific model computer (dell, hp) or custom built? | 03:03 |
ubotu | network-manager-gnome: network management framework (GNOME frontend). In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.3-2ubuntu6 (edgy), package size 245 kB, installed size 1608 kB | 03:03 |
catid | mobomelter: it helped me debug a problem with the same wireless card you have.. though i chose to build the drivers myself instead of using the shipped packages | 03:03 |
intelikey | Question; i can't sudo, and need to copy one file owned by someone else, i have read access to it, but need to preserve ownership. can it be done ? | 03:03 |
HP_Administrator | hp | 03:03 |
laley | alguien que hable espaniol? | 03:03 |
neozen | catid: strange... the drivers worked perfect in dapper | 03:03 |
atoponce | HP_Administrator: what model? reason i ask, is you might have to pass a kernel option at boot | 03:04 |
atoponce | laley: english please | 03:04 |
mobomelter | i can get to nerwork manager already though | 03:04 |
catid | neozen: i'm sure they do.. but i don't use your kernel | 03:04 |
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neozen | catid: why would they break them in edgy? | 03:04 |
mobomelter | in admnistration | 03:04 |
HP_Administrator | a1473w | 03:04 |
mobomelter | network tools at least | 03:04 |
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neozen | laley: go to #ubuntu-es | 03:04 |
tekteen | no hablamos espanol. lo siento | 03:04 |
mobomelter | and networking | 03:04 |
neozen | laley: type /join #ubuntu-es | 03:04 |
catid | neozen: i use Feisty | 03:04 |
atoponce | HP_Administrator: doing a google search for that model comp and ubuntu on it... | 03:05 |
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HP_Administrator | ok | 03:05 |
neozen | catid: hmm... then I wonder why they broke them in feisty | 03:05 |
Wyld | can someone tell me the kernal version in Feisty Beta1? | 03:05 |
neozen | catid: lol | 03:05 |
catid | neozen: they probably didn't.. i just chose to build my own kernel | 03:05 |
Wyld | s/kernal/kernel | 03:05 |
arpegius | anyone get this error when trying to install torrentflux? ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) | 03:05 |
neozen | Wyld: uname should tell you htat | 03:05 |
arpegius | i definitely have the root password right... | 03:05 |
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Wyld | neozen, if I had it installed, correct | 03:05 |
mobomelter | so neozen whats my next move? | 03:05 |
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Wyld | I need to know the version .. to see if it works with *any* Intel 965 mobo | 03:06 |
Jon_yoosic | Thanks for help with my DVD problem, turned out to be the old drive in it | 03:06 |
neozen | mobomelter: well... when you tried to install network-manager-gnome it said no package found correct? | 03:06 |
mobomelter | yes | 03:06 |
atoponce | HP_Administrator: not getting any solid results. i have one guess, though: | 03:06 |
llol | i have this problem were ubuntu is on raid and is telling me that | 03:06 |
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HP_Administrator | I'm all ears buddy | 03:06 |
neozen | mobomelter: run the following: nm-applet | 03:06 |
Wyld | From reading the bugtracker .. I need 2.6.20-13 | 03:06 |
neozen | mobomelter: something should show up near your clock | 03:06 |
llol | tty cant be accessed job control turned off | 03:06 |
mobomelter | sudo nm-applet? | 03:06 |
neozen | mobomelter: shouldn't need to sudo | 03:07 |
=== AlexSFBay [n=grundner@c-76-102-34-74.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
atoponce | HP_Administrator: when booting, pass 'linux nolapic' and see what you get | 03:07 |
llol | some one mentioned that initramfs is racing | 03:07 |
neozen | mobomelter: network-manager handles all the necessary sudoing | 03:07 |
intelikey | llol you need to rebuild your initramfs.img | 03:07 |
atoponce | HP_Administrator: see if it still freezes | 03:07 |
mobomelter | not found | 03:07 |
llol | hows that done? | 03:07 |
neozen | damn! | 03:07 |
=== samiam [n=samurai@74-134-139-205.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | lol | 03:07 |
HP_Administrator | Thanks, could Hyperthreading be an issue at all, just curious? | 03:07 |
neozen | doh | 03:07 |
=== Chicory [n=chatzill@fwlr-900lsh-wrls-112x59.adams.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DM | OMG hilarious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkFQVcl62qo | 03:07 |
llol | got any leads for me | 03:07 |
LjL | !enter | 03:07 |
ubotu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 03:07 |
mobomelter | i want to stab my computer but anyways | 03:07 |
catid | http://pbx.mine.nu/artwork/meinsweeper.jpg | 03:08 |
neozen | mobomelter: is this box connected to the net | 03:08 |
AlexSFBay | Can anyone comment on why one would go with 6.10 instead of 6.06 for an Ubuntu Web Server? | 03:08 |
mobomelter | i downloaded the driver from intel for linux | 03:08 |
neozen | mobomelter: via wired? | 03:08 |
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atoponce | HP_Administrator: possible. maybe download the server install, then if it installs 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' | 03:08 |
mobomelter | right now i'm on a windows machine | 03:08 |
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neozen | mobomelter: I'm telling you.. you shouldn't have to get the driver | 03:08 |
mobomelter | with my laptop sitting next to me | 03:08 |
Chicory | Does anyone know a way to copy the settings of a Linksys router without resetting? | 03:08 |
atoponce | HP_Administrator: that will get you the ubuntu gui | 03:08 |
neozen | mobomelter: its already in the kernel | 03:08 |
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HP_Administrator | alright I appreciate the help thank you | 03:08 |
mobomelter | i know but its not working | 03:08 |
neozen | mobomelter: plug the laptop into a wired connection | 03:08 |
intelikey | llol sudo mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img-`uname -r` `uname -r` | 03:08 |
mobomelter | i have the driver downloaded already | 03:08 |
=== Chicory is having one heck of a doozy of a time trying to get the DNS info without resetting the router. | ||
tjs | how can I tell if I'm running the 'server' kernel or the regular one on a given ubuntu edgy machine? | 03:09 |
neozen | mobomelter: its not that simple mon... in order to install that driver... you'd have to recompile your kernel | 03:09 |
llol | just run that command? | 03:09 |
atoponce | Chicory: dnsstuff.com | 03:09 |
neozen | mobomelter: not an easy process for newbies | 03:09 |
intelikey | llol yes. you have to get the system booted first. | 03:09 |
mobomelter | i understand | 03:09 |
neozen | mobomelter: and completely unnecessary with this card | 03:09 |
llol | yeah it tends to boot randomly | 03:09 |
mobomelter | problem is my desktop is also wireless | 03:09 |
llol | after a few starts | 03:09 |
AlexSFBay | Which server version to go with -- Ubuntu server 6.10 or 6.06? What's the difference? | 03:09 |
llol | im on it right now | 03:09 |
=== budman [n=justin@ip68-98-237-153.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | mobomelter: type lsmod |grep "ipw3945" | 03:10 |
Chicory | Thank you very much, atoponce. | 03:10 |
atoponce | Chicory: np | 03:10 |
=== jacob [n=jacob@cpe-71-74-195-116.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mobomelter | so i don't have any wires here | 03:10 |
intelikey | llol if you must use a livecd and chroot into the installed system in which case yse the fersion number from ls /lib/modules | 03:10 |
neozen | mobomelter: it should spit out a line | 03:10 |
mobomelter | nothing | 03:10 |
llol | ok so in my case i have it as raid0 | 03:10 |
llol | md1 | 03:10 |
=== HipotermiA [n=carlos@Tco-131.ctrmax.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | llol oh sorry missed the "<llol> im on it right now" | 03:11 |
mobomelter | right back to the prompt | 03:11 |
genii | AlexSFBay: I'm running 6.06 on a couple production systems but I don't think I'd switch mine to 6.10 yet | 03:11 |
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llol | hehe | 03:11 |
llol | yeah i ran that in the terminal | 03:11 |
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=== Death_Sargent [n=pete@c-68-58-231-223.hsd1.sc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
llol | that other command u gave me | 03:11 |
neozen | AlexSFBay: I'm running 6.10 on a production system with no security issues | 03:11 |
AlexSFBay | thanks genii -- what's the difference between the two? Is there any benefit in going with 6.10? | 03:11 |
catid | genii: why? | 03:11 |
intelikey | it "should" fix the boot issue. | 03:11 |
=== HLM [n=geek@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
llol | what exactly happens that is has to get rebuilt that way | 03:11 |
Death_Sargent | i am running 6.10 as production system | 03:11 |
Death_Sargent | and i lost all my files | 03:12 |
=== ubernewb [n=nub@user-0c6sj4n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | AlexSFBay: though... I've got a firewall in front of it and only thing that goes to it is ssh and apache | 03:12 |
Death_Sargent | my dumbass fucked up my initramfs | 03:12 |
atoponce | Death_Sargent: language. keep it clean please | 03:12 |
neozen | AlexSFBay: advantage of running edgy is more up to date packages | 03:12 |
Death_Sargent | aight | 03:12 |
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h3h_timo | should installing the drivers for an ati card work the same way in feisty fawn than it does in edgy? | 03:12 |
AlexSFBay | thanks neozen | 03:12 |
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=== tritonx [n=tritonx@bas5-quebec14-1128557229.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
catid | i thought Ubuntu was more for desktop usage.. wouldn't something like NetBSD be more suited for a server platform? | 03:12 |
intelikey | so nobody knows if i can't sudo, and need to copy a file owned by someone else, which i have read access to, but need to preserve ownership and permissions. how can it be done ? | 03:12 |
genii | AlexSFBay: Main advantage of 6.06 is LTS. Then there were also some changes made in 6.10 which were not advantageous for me, I needed some drivers which only seemed to compile under 6.06 for instance | 03:13 |
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mobomelter | neozen i can find a way to plug directly into the router but my problem is i won't be able to use mirc | 03:13 |
bruenig | intelikey, you can sudo cp it | 03:13 |
atoponce | vorian: word | 03:13 |
intelikey | bruenig ^ | 03:13 |
neozen | mobomelter: .....................? | 03:13 |
neozen | mobomelter: how's that? | 03:13 |
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vorian | werd atoponce :) | 03:13 |
genii | catid See above for my answer to your question also :) | 03:13 |
mobomelter | hold on 24 is on | 03:13 |
intelikey | bruenig i'll repost | 03:13 |
AlexSFBay | I guess if you want cutting-edge the LTS is probably not the way to go in the long run | 03:13 |
intelikey | so nobody knows if i can't sudo, and need to copy a file owned by someone else, which i have read access to, but need to preserve ownership and permissions. how can it be done ? | 03:13 |
bruenig | intelikey, oh I thought you were saying that somebody told you that you couldn't sudo it | 03:13 |
mobomelter | let me try switching upstairs for that | 03:13 |
mobomelter | brb | 03:13 |
=== Dave-ubu [n=dave@82-37-113-208.cable.ubr03.sand.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | intelikey, can you su into the other user? | 03:14 |
catid | genii: ah i see | 03:14 |
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intelikey | bruenig no | 03:14 |
neozen | intelikey: well... you have read access... you should just be able to copy if you have read access | 03:14 |
jacob | I've got a problem with with my screen resolution in Ubuntu. Could someone help me out? | 03:14 |
AlexSFBay | This IRC channel is just zooming along -- cool | 03:14 |
=== drew` is now known as drew | ||
neozen | !resolution | 03:14 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 03:14 |
intelikey | neozen yes but the ownership changes | 03:14 |
neozen | AlexSFBay: oh yeah.... its like this all the time | 03:14 |
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jacob | thanks | 03:15 |
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bruenig | intelikey, cp -p | 03:15 |
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intelikey | bruenig doesn't work the ownership changes | 03:15 |
Chicory | atoponce, this DNS lookup service is bar none. | 03:15 |
atoponce | Chicory: nice, eh? you can troubleshoot a lot with that site | 03:16 |
AlexSFBay | Anyone running Django on their production server? | 03:16 |
=== Hansel [n=mindrape@ip68-228-231-213.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | intelikey, cp --preserve[=all] | 03:16 |
=== kikkymonk [n=kikkymon@ip72-197-34-176.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
atoponce | AlexSFBay: yeah. we are | 03:16 |
Chicory | atoponce: Yes, oh yes. I fully intend on doing so. Tech support is being a real pain ... :S | 03:16 |
fak3r | anyone know how to get rdesktop to talk to XP? I have my work laptop (xp), rdp is on, but rdesktop can't reach it | 03:16 |
intelikey | bruenig doesn't work the ownership still changes | 03:16 |
=== Evan_ [n=Evan@blk-89-230-105.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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arpegius | how come i get this when trying to set the mysql password on an out of the box ubuntu install? error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)' | 03:16 |
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Hansel | I am trying to run Privoxy (private proxy) on port 8118. When I try to load it the daemon fails and says Privoxy(b7e3a6b0) Fatal error: can't bind to There may be another Privoxy or some other proxy running on port 8118. However, I have nothing else that I can determine configured for port 8118. When I netstat -an I see listening on 8118 but that is it. Is there a way to kill off that tcp connection to te | 03:17 |
Hansel | st it? | 03:17 |
bruenig | intelikey, um, cp --preserve[=ownership] (but the other one should have worked too) | 03:17 |
intelikey | bruenig seems that -p --preserve only works for root | 03:17 |
kikkymonk | I am having trouble getting flash to work. I installed flash plugin-nonfree but it's still not working | 03:17 |
bruenig | intelikey, oh | 03:17 |
neozen | AlexSFBay: I only messed around with django on their dinky little testing server | 03:17 |
bruenig | intelikey, can you chown it back? | 03:17 |
Sayers | How secure is apache. I need a either [Godly secure, or not worth the very small risk] ? | 03:17 |
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=== InvisiblePinkUni [n=user@121-72-13-116.dsl.telstraclear.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | bruenig no | 03:17 |
Hansel | Sayers - apache can be very secure... it's all in the configuration. | 03:18 |
atoponce | AlexSFBay: introplay.com is running django with mod-python in apache | 03:18 |
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AlexSFBay | I'll check it out - atoponce | 03:18 |
atoponce | cool | 03:18 |
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AlexSFBay | No demo? | 03:18 |
neozen | I think I've figured out what mobo's problem is | 03:18 |
atoponce | AlexSFBay: not yet. april 30 is launch date. :) | 03:18 |
Hansel | How can I determine what daemon is sitting on port 8118 so I can kill it off? I am trying to run privoxy on that port... | 03:19 |
atoponce | AlexSFBay: you can sign up... :) | 03:19 |
AlexSFBay | oh, cool -- good luck | 03:19 |
atoponce | thx | 03:19 |
AlexSFBay | is it free? | 03:19 |
Sayers | Hansel: Would it be safer to just pay the 10 a month for a decent 24/7 host. I am not a man of risk :s | 03:19 |
intelikey | bruenig i even tried tar -c /home/joe/file44 - | tar -x - it still changes the ownership | 03:19 |
atoponce | AlexSFBay: yeah | 03:19 |
=== RxDx [n=Rodrigo@201-74-141-162-sj.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
atoponce | 100% | 03:19 |
AlexSFBay | Most of these services have subscription fees | 03:19 |
bruenig | intelikey, I was about to suggest tar but thought that a bit much | 03:19 |
AlexSFBay | nice | 03:19 |
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Hansel | Sayers - yeah... definitely much easier to do that than worry about maintaining the site and the infrastructure. :) | 03:19 |
neozen | early kernels for edgy and dapper didn't have proper support for ipw3945 compiled in | 03:19 |
=== Bsims [n=Bsims@74-139-130-132.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | intelikey, well tar -cp perhaps | 03:19 |
atoponce | AlexSFBay: we may do subscription in the future. hard to tell at this point, though | 03:20 |
Hansel | Sayers - I recommend godaddy.com... if you want ASP or PHP sites they have all the utils and stuff you need and maintain good uptimes. | 03:20 |
bruenig | p preserve permissions | 03:20 |
atoponce | AlexSFBay: but, we'll always have a free service | 03:20 |
Bsims | I am trying to rip a CD with konq and it is screaming I don't have permissions to the device... | 03:20 |
atoponce | anyway, </topic> | 03:20 |
=== Rinchen [n=joey@vc7-1-240g.dsl.netrack.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AlexSFBay | Anyone have an off-the-shelf laptop that works well running Ubuntu | 03:20 |
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fak3r | AlexSFBay: Dell Lattiude D620 | 03:21 |
=== tbd338 [n=rcrow@c-71-231-91-2.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
InvisiblePinkUni | Hansel: try netstat | 03:21 |
AlexSFBay | I'll give it a look | 03:21 |
=== Dave-ubu [n=dave@82-37-113-208.cable.ubr03.sand.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AlexSFBay | I'm kind of interested in the HP nx7300 | 03:21 |
Hansel | InvisiblePinkUni, I use netstat -an and it says is listening on 8118... how can I figure out what that is and how can I kill it off? | 03:21 |
AlexSFBay | Price is right | 03:21 |
=== mobomelter [n=mobomelt@c-76-21-228-39.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | Hansel: anything you recommend changing from the way apache is configured by default when installing from the repos for edgy? | 03:21 |
AlexSFBay | seems to compatible for the most part | 03:21 |
kikkymonk | Can anyone help with with flash? I've enable multiverse and installed flashplayer nonfree and restarted my browser but it still isn't working? | 03:21 |
mobomelter | neozen | 03:21 |
mobomelter | i'm back | 03:21 |
intelikey | bruenig no. it's not in how tar makes the archive. i did tar -cf testing /home/joe/file44 and used mc to look inside the archive the ownership and perms are correct inside the archive, it's in the actual file creation on the users home dir that the ownership gets changed | 03:21 |
neozen | mobomelter: welcome back | 03:22 |
=== verma [n=verma@12-226-255-42.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | mobomelter: I take it your laptop is plugged in now? | 03:22 |
mobomelter | yeah had to go upstairs sorry | 03:22 |
Sayers | Hansel: Well since you know networking, In my programming to cut server costs, I want to use UDP networking for the mini-multiplayer [2 player games maybe a few more people] Then send the information those two clients compile to the database. Is that a vulnerable network to cheating? | 03:22 |
mobomelter | yes | 03:22 |
mobomelter | i'm online | 03:22 |
neozen | mobomelter: type uname -a on the terminal | 03:22 |
bruenig | intelikey, hmmm | 03:22 |
Hansel | neozen - for performance yeah... :) For security nah... depending on your approach iptables and the httpd configs should work hand in hand. | 03:22 |
AlexSFBay | kikkymonk: first time getting flash to work or just trying to upgrade to 9 | 03:22 |
neozen | mobomelter: and tell me what it says | 03:22 |
intelikey | bruenig i'm at my wits end on this one... | 03:22 |
mobomelter | ok | 03:22 |
kikkymonk | AlexSFBay: first time | 03:22 |
=== ClinicalMistake [n=justinb@host-12-173-142-83.nctv.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | Hansel: the performance recommendations couldn't hurt | 03:22 |
Hansel | Sayers - you will want to encrypt the udp traffic so they can't inject traffic to cheat :) | 03:23 |
Jon_yoosic | I need some pointers for using AcidRip, particularly tuning file size and framerate etc. Is there a more specific channel that I can ask in? | 03:23 |
bruenig | intelikey, why would you need to do this | 03:23 |
AlexSFBay | (related) How's video stuff working out? | 03:23 |
=== atoponce wonders how many ubuntu users here are in the great state of utah | ||
neozen | Hansel: the box that runs it 's sole purpose is to run apache | 03:23 |
mobomelter | it says Linux ubuntu1337 2.6.17-generic #2 SMP then the date | 03:23 |
intelikey | bruenig uhhh cause it can't be done ? | 03:23 |
AlexSFBay | kikkymonk: can you play videos | 03:23 |
neozen | Hansel: its a pentium III with 384 mb ram | 03:23 |
Chicory | Be right back. | 03:23 |
Chicory | (Stupid router. >:E) | 03:23 |
kikkymonk | AlexSFBay: yeah movies run fine | 03:23 |
neozen | Hansel: no great beastie this, but all it has to do is serve out distros | 03:24 |
InvisiblePinkUni | Hansel: sorry not sure how thats done... | 03:24 |
Hansel | neozen - are you using any scripting languages? | 03:24 |
Hirvinen | Amaranth: Some identity issues? | 03:24 |
Sayers | Hansel: Well if I can get it to work it will save me money and in an essence make there time much easier. However atleast one server will be needed to make life easier for all. | 03:24 |
neozen | Hansel: no | 03:24 |
neozen | Hansel: no scripting on the box | 03:24 |
Sayers | Hansel: I am sure that encryption is possible with Java ? | 03:24 |
AlexSFBay | Here's what I did to get multimedia working -- including flash | 03:24 |
neozen | Hansel: only file serving | 03:24 |
AlexSFBay | http://www.ehomeupgrade.com/entry/2663/how-to_get_full | 03:24 |
Amaranth | Hirvinen: Something like that | 03:24 |
mobomelter | you get that neozen | 03:24 |
InvisiblePinkUni | Hansel: was trying to find processid, but ps aux says nothing about ports | 03:24 |
Hansel | if you are serving up just plain ol' html as opposed to asp, php, perl, etc then there are a few tweaks... lemme see if I can find you the website I learned from ... | 03:24 |
bruenig | intelikey, maybe dd | 03:24 |
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kikkymonk | AlexSFBay: Cool I'll try that | 03:24 |
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neozen | mobomelter: run sudo apt-get update | 03:24 |
neozen | mobomelter: then sudo apt-get upgrade | 03:25 |
=== Pepper [n=peppery@203-109-243-5.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | mobomelter: then reboot the box | 03:25 |
intelikey | bruenig that's a thought. | 03:25 |
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rm_you | I can do ssh://user@host:22/path/to/folder on my ubuntu box, but for some reason it doesnt let me with my debian box :( Is this a new to ubuntu thing? or am I probably just missing a package on my debian machine? | 03:25 |
rm_you | Ahh, err... That's with nautilus | 03:25 |
neozen | mobomelter: then run lsmod |grep "ipw3945" again | 03:25 |
=== GPF [n=gpdeath@87-119-171-20.tll.elisa.ee] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mobomelter | alright i'll forget that by the time i reboot | 03:26 |
neozen | mobomelter: sans again of course | 03:26 |
neozen | mobomelter: lol | 03:26 |
AlexSFBay | kikkymonk: It should be as easy as "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree" | 03:26 |
neozen | mobomelter: you might not have to.... your card might work by then | 03:26 |
=== treak007 [n=kukunaj@aldenv102.allegheny.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mobomelter | we'll see | 03:26 |
intelikey | bruenig nope heh dd don't only changes the owner but perms as well | 03:26 |
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mobomelter | should i unplug it from the wall after i reboot? | 03:26 |
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atoponce | rm_you: are you typing that url in the nautilus browser? | 03:26 |
neozen | mobomelter: you haven't updated your kernel since installing correct? | 03:26 |
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rm_you | atoponce: yes | 03:27 |
mobomelter | that would be correct | 03:27 |
mobomelter | just installed a few minutes ago lol | 03:27 |
mobomelter | well about an hour at this point | 03:27 |
neozen | mobomelter: yeah... the updates are good for you | 03:27 |
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=== Oswy [n=chatzill@cpe-69-200-229-243.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | intelikey, people over at #bash might know | 03:27 |
neozen | mobomelter: will take awhile to install | 03:27 |
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atoponce | rm_you: i'm unaware of what package you would need, but you're aware of Places -> Connect to Server... aren't you? | 03:27 |
neozen | mobomelter: though there probably aren't as many updates for edgy as there are for dapper | 03:27 |
maja_ | newbie (one day usage of ubuntu): it is very stressful | 03:28 |
neozen | mobomelter: *were | 03:28 |
InvisiblePinkUni | rm_you: try ssh://user@host:/home/user/path/to/file | 03:28 |
atoponce | rm_you: you can connect to an ssh server pretty easily with that tool | 03:28 |
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rm_you | atoponce: yes. that's how I found the syntax for the URL... and it works on my ubuntu machine, but even Places -> Connect to Server doesnt work with ssh under debian | 03:28 |
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Flannel | maja_: Jumping into an entirely alien environment always is. Don't worry. You'll get used to it. | 03:28 |
intelikey | bruenig i found it. ln | 03:28 |
atoponce | rm_you: can you ssh in the shell? | 03:28 |
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rm_you | atoponce: yes | 03:28 |
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mobomelter | alright my computer isn't terrible slow | 03:29 |
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neozen | atoponce: ssh username@host | 03:29 |
mobomelter | and i can't terribly spell | 03:29 |
rm_you | atoponce: and i installed sshfs now, so i will probably just end up using that... I just would like the gnome- connect to server thing to work :( | 03:29 |
jg | ok, this latest evolution update in edgy has made evo unusable. Any one care to help? | 03:29 |
InvisiblePinkUni | rm_you: i dont think you need the port number... remove the port number and try | 03:29 |
rm_you | InvisiblePinkUni: kk, will do | 03:29 |
neozen | mobomelter: yeah... updates help with that | 03:29 |
atoponce | rm_you: looking. just a sec | 03:29 |
intelikey | bruenig a hardlink can produce a file in the users home that has the samd ownership and mermissions as the origenal | 03:29 |
mobomelter | not with spelling | 03:29 |
mobomelter | haha | 03:29 |
neozen | mobomelter: you back up? | 03:29 |
mobomelter | still installing | 03:30 |
neozen | mobomelter: run that lsmod command | 03:30 |
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neozen | mobomelter: ah | 03:30 |
bruenig | intelikey, good to know | 03:30 |
neozen | mobomelter: I'll believe it | 03:30 |
mobomelter | 70% or so | 03:30 |
neozen | mobomelter: broadband right? | 03:30 |
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neozen | mobomelter: (you'll be there all night otherwise) | 03:30 |
rm_you | InvisiblePinkUni: On unbutu box, removing the 22 makes the command look like: ssh://aharwell@xena00.cs.trinity.edu/users/aharwell which DOES work on ubuntu... still not in debian :/ | 03:30 |
maja_ | myes. i actually managed to crash ubuntu, and then reinstall it manually configurate the refresh rate and to use my nfts* hdd...should be enough for a day..feels stressful :Dlol | 03:30 |
mobomelter | yes | 03:30 |
mobomelter | who still has dial up | 03:30 |
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mobomelter | lol | 03:30 |
neozen | mobomelter: had to update dapper once over 56k | 03:30 |
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neozen | mobomelter: my grandfather | 03:30 |
mobomelter | that probably sucked | 03:30 |
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neozen | mobomelter: lol... yep | 03:31 |
maja_ | lol | 03:31 |
InvisiblePinkUni | rm_you: remove the 22... but you should have the colon | 03:31 |
mobomelter | days or so? | 03:31 |
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neozen | mobomelter: sudo aptitude upgrade took a week | 03:31 |
mobomelter | lol | 03:31 |
mobomelter | ouch | 03:31 |
rm_you | InvisiblePinkUni: *I* only removed the 22... when i hit go, *IT* removed the colon | 03:31 |
neozen | mobomelter: and many, many reconnects | 03:31 |
atoponce | rm_you: all i can find is openssh-client. not sure what else would be needed. are you on etch? | 03:31 |
rm_you | and it does work without it | 03:31 |
rm_you | atoponce: yes | 03:31 |
rm_you | I was asking in #debian, not sure why they told me to come here | 03:31 |
KalleDK | Anyway I can reset a MySQL database.. think I wrote wrong during the make root password | 03:31 |
rm_you | since it WORKS in ubuntu | 03:31 |
rm_you | >_< | 03:31 |
neozen | mobomelter: you really start to appreciate broadband when doing a package update in dapper | 03:32 |
maja_ | how many days of ubuntu usage to get out of the newbie level ? hahaha.. | 03:32 |
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mobomelter | i can imagine | 03:32 |
atoponce | rm_you: :) | 03:32 |
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neozen | maja_: 2 weeks | 03:32 |
neozen | maja_: everyday | 03:32 |
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neozen | maja_: and every day... strive to get something else working | 03:32 |
Flannel | KalleDK: drop the database, and recreate it. Or, if you want to completely start over, remove the mysql package (with --purge, or "complete removal" in synaptic) and reinstall | 03:32 |
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maja_ | hehe i'll try | 03:33 |
neozen | maja_: that should get you out of newbie status | 03:33 |
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mobomelter | i have a dual boot system so that should be fun | 03:33 |
neozen | mobomelter: so do I.... but I haven't booted into windows in about 6 months | 03:33 |
InvisiblePinkUni | rm_you: it doesn't matter what OS you use as long as sshd is running, i think its nautilus that does it. | 03:33 |
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neozen | mobomelter: I lurve my xubuntu sooo much | 03:33 |
pchilds | I just wish to say thanks to those who helped me with the alternate desktop thing. I got Kde up and running as alternate. Not bad. Best of both worlds. Kde or Gnome to choose from. All I can say is wow. Ubuntu rocks. | 03:34 |
mobomelter | i play games on my laptop | 03:34 |
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mobomelter | so i need windows | 03:34 |
neozen | pchilds: yes... yes it does | 03:34 |
mobomelter | that and my idiot friends who can barely use windows | 03:34 |
mobomelter | let alone ubuntu | 03:34 |
neozen | mobomelter: and yes.... yes you do | 03:35 |
mobomelter | they'd die | 03:35 |
{FlickMyBic} | lol | 03:35 |
Buggie | can someone please tell me the difference between a standard ISO and an alternate? | 03:35 |
{FlickMyBic} | I love my freebsd box | 03:35 |
Buggie | I can't for the life of me tell the difference | 03:35 |
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neozen | mobomelter: just tell them to "poke the glob with the orange thing around it" ... that should give them all they'd need | 03:35 |
neozen | *globe | 03:36 |
mobomelter | lol | 03:36 |
Flannel | Buggie: the Desktop CD is a liveCD, with an installer (once you've booted), the Alt CD is JUST the installer (textmode), can install more stuff (LVM, OEM, etc) and also has a repository of more stuff on it | 03:36 |
mobomelter | they basically only use my comp when we lan party | 03:36 |
mobomelter | so its just for games | 03:36 |
neozen | Buggie: alternate installs on a box with less ram | 03:36 |
Buggie | Flannel: thank yo uso much...I appreciate it... | 03:36 |
OtakuMark | howdy is there a format by which one can seek ubuntu help or do I just ask? :O | 03:36 |
Flannel | Buggie: there is a small repository on the desktop CD, but it only contains a dozen or so packages, ndiswrapper, build-essential, basically the bare minimum people would need to fix networking | 03:36 |
rm_you | InvisiblePinkUni: I thought so too >_> | 03:36 |
Buggie | neozen: thank you... noted | 03:36 |
neozen | Buggie: and the things flannel mentioned | 03:36 |
Buggie | Flannel: perfect... i shall be downloading the alternate\ | 03:37 |
InvisiblePinkUni | rm_you: are you able to ssh from the terminal? | 03:37 |
Flannel | Buggie: good choice ;) | 03:37 |
neozen | Buggie: desktop works fine for systems with at least 128mb ram | 03:37 |
ant- | the live cd is good to test before install | 03:37 |
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mobomelter | man this is crazy | 03:37 |
neozen | mobomelter: what? | 03:37 |
neozen | mobomelter: it work now? | 03:37 |
Goose | Does anyone know if i'll be able to upgrade to UBuntu 7.04 from Ubuntu 6.06? | 03:38 |
mobomelter | no | 03:38 |
neozen | mobomelter: lol | 03:38 |
mobomelter | how long its taking | 03:38 |
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rm_you | InvisiblePinkUni: yes | 03:38 |
neozen | mobomelter: ...well.. its updating a lot of stuff | 03:38 |
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mobomelter | true | 03:38 |
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neozen | mobomelter: most likely the kernel | 03:38 |
Flannel | Goose: you'll have to go from 6.06 to 6.10 to 7.04, but yes, there's an upgrade path | 03:38 |
pchilds | Good night everyone. Im off to explore kde. | 03:38 |
neozen | mobomelter: that takes a while | 03:38 |
ant- | !upgrade | Goose | 03:38 |
ubotu | Goose: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 03:38 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o thoreauputic] by thoreauputic | ||
InvisiblePinkUni | rm_you: what about atoponce suggestion to use the Gnome - connect to server thing... what happens? | 03:38 |
neozen | mobomelter: and one of the only things that requires a reboot in linux | 03:38 |
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Goose | hm | 03:38 |
mobomelter | you'd think they'd distribute the latest copy | 03:38 |
neozen | mobomelter: they do | 03:38 |
neozen | mobomelter: in the repos | 03:39 |
neozen | mobomelter: lol | 03:39 |
mobomelter | lol | 03:39 |
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mobomelter | that wasn't the install | 03:39 |
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Goose | Thanks Flannel | 03:39 |
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neozen | mobomelter: updating all those isos.... stored in god knows how many locations.... impossible | 03:39 |
InvisiblePinkUni | rm_you: if i remember right, i did connect from nautilus in ubuntu to an OpenBSD box. | 03:39 |
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Flannel | mobomelter: The CDs get imaged once. After that, you just update to latest packages. Redistributing new ISOs, even weekly, would be far too troublesome. | 03:39 |
neozen | mobomelter: this is why the repos exist | 03:39 |
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mobomelter | thats a good point | 03:39 |
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neozen | mobomelter: yep | 03:40 |
mobomelter | holy crap gaim has spell check? | 03:40 |
neozen | mobomelter: heck yeah | 03:40 |
neozen | mobomelter: that's why I use it for irc | 03:40 |
draeath | Anyone know much about Beryl? | 03:40 |
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Flannel | draeath: #ubuntu-effects for Beryl support, thanks | 03:40 |
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Toma- | draeath: the folks in #ubuntu-effetcs know everything | 03:40 |
neozen | mobomelter: saves me from (mostly) looking like an idiot | 03:40 |
mobomelter | anyone run folding at home on their ubuntu box? | 03:40 |
Erb_ | How do I get Ubuntu to allow GUI applications to open via PHP exec()??? | 03:40 |
InvisiblePinkUni | gaim is perenially in 2.0.0..... beta's.... that really sucks | 03:40 |
draeath | Well i don't need support | 03:40 |
draeath | I want to know if i want it... | 03:41 |
Flannel | draeath: support/questions/whatnot. | 03:41 |
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ferret_0567 | I am mobomelter | 03:41 |
draeath | is it an enhancement to gnome/kde/whatever or a replacement? | 03:41 |
draeath | thats all I need | 03:41 |
Toma- | draeath: youtube has tons of videos on it. watch and see if you want it | 03:41 |
mobomelter | i love folding at home lol | 03:41 |
Toma- | draeath: yes | 03:41 |
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neozen | folding@home | 03:41 |
neozen | hmm | 03:41 |
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InvisiblePinkUni | drewzf: check out wikipedia... | 03:41 |
mobomelter | great use of my pc when i'm not using it | 03:41 |
draeath | yes to replacement? | 03:41 |
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hansin321 | I hosed all my current (2.6.17-10-generic) files in /boot. These include: abi, config, initrd.img, System.map, and vmlinuz. Anyone know where I can download these (I tried searching packages)? | 03:41 |
Toma- | draeath: yes. | 03:41 |
draeath | Thanks | 03:41 |
hansin321 | I mean 2.6.17-11 | 03:41 |
=== draeath does not want it | ||
neozen | mobomelter: oh wait... that's that protein folder thing through boinc | 03:42 |
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Flannel | draeath: It replaces some of the stuff present in gnome/kde. (the window manager), but you still need to run gnome/kde overtop of them. | 03:42 |
mobomelter | yes | 03:42 |
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Flannel | draeath: Really, they'dbe able to explain it a lot better in #ubuntu-effects. | 03:42 |
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draeath | ok, thanks | 03:42 |
OtakuMark | I downloaded Ubuntu 6.10, burned it to a CD and attempted to install it on my parents machine. When I tell it to install (the first option), it loads for a second and then gives a Kernel Panic error, "invalid compressed format (err=2)". I've tried switching RAM, burning a second CD (at a slower speed), and changed the CD-ROM out as well, none of these methods worked. Anyone familiar with this? | 03:42 |
mobomelter | gotta restart | 03:42 |
mobomelter | brb | 03:42 |
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lunaz | hi, i need help to install diablo 2 & xpac with wine... | 03:42 |
voidmage | OtakuMark: your parents were okay with this right? | 03:42 |
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RedRose | How can I change the sudo password. Currently the password sudo accepts is the password of just the user name, how can I change it to the password of root? | 03:42 |
=== Buggie brb... have to reboot... blasted windows! | ||
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Hansel | OtakuMark - are you trying to use the gui installer? I recommend the minimal install disk for xubuntu that has a commandline install only... easier on resources and less likely to get FUBARd. You can still install gnome, kde, xfce, etc... | 03:43 |
neozen | draeath: if you've seen the videos on youtube... and are fine not having all that flashy stuff and just want a system that WORKS reliably.... you don't need beryl | 03:43 |
Goose | Would anyone suggest Upgrading to 7.04 when it comes out? | 03:43 |
voidmage | !sudo |redrose | 03:43 |
ubotu | redrose: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 03:43 |
OtakuMark | Windows install was dead, install CD for it long gone, not a big deal, just trying to get them a working web machine really. | 03:43 |
InvisiblePinkUni | OtakuMark: try checking md5sum first... | 03:43 |
neozen | Goose: I plan to | 03:43 |
Flannel | Erb_: Why do you want that? | 03:43 |
zen | what are the gnome library packages? | 03:43 |
Hansel | Goose - depends... for a production workstation probably not. For a home computer... definitely. :) | 03:43 |
voidmage | RedRose: it's supposed to use your password, not a root password | 03:43 |
OtakuMark | I checked the md5sum as well, it checks out | 03:43 |
Goose | 7.04 have better security probably | 03:43 |
Goose | ? | 03:43 |
neozen | Goose: though I plan on backing up my /home and doing a fresh install | 03:43 |
voidmage | yeah though, feisty is nice | 03:43 |
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kjm | Goose - Why wouldn't you :) If you are running mission critical stuff - maybe not right away. But, for home desktop - absolutely. | 03:43 |
voidmage | beta is pretty stable if you enjoy testing | 03:43 |
InvisiblePinkUni | OtakuMark: 6.06 is much more stable in my opinion... | 03:44 |
voidmage | i've been using feisty since herd 3 | 03:44 |
neozen | Goose: dapper will get the same security updates for 3 years from release | 03:44 |
voidmage | only crashes have been beryl svn related | 03:44 |
Sayers | What would be better a Linux VPS or a Web Host? | 03:44 |
neozen | InvisiblePinkUni: yeah.. I run dapper too | 03:44 |
InvisiblePinkUni | i've had problems with screen black out while installing 6.10 | 03:44 |
Goose | Hm | 03:44 |
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neozen | InvisiblePinkUni: me too | 03:44 |
OtakuMark | I'm downloading it right now, that's the only thing I haven't tried, although a different version altogether is pretty odd to me | 03:44 |
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Goose | Anyone try 7.04 beta? | 03:44 |
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Flannel | Goose: #ubuntu+1 has lots of people. | 03:44 |
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neozen | Goose: check out that channel | 03:44 |
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Goose | i did | 03:44 |
neozen | Goose: ok | 03:45 |
Goose | Thanksl | 03:45 |
Goose | -l | 03:45 |
thoreauputic | Goose: 7.04 is shaping up pretty nicely | 03:45 |
Ademan | does anyone have some numbers on the percentage of servers running linux? | 03:45 |
neozen | mobomelter: how goes the update? | 03:45 |
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Erb_ | Flannel - I am building a application for my business and I really, REALLY, need to execute MPlayer from my browser. | 03:45 |
neozen | Ademan: its high | 03:45 |
InvisiblePinkUni | neozen: 6.06 is good enough for normal home user in my opinion | 03:45 |
kjm | Goose - I have it running on another partition. Works well. As well as edgy I would say. No major hiccups etc. that I've run accross yet. | 03:45 |
neozen | Ademan: well above 50% | 03:45 |
Frog29 | hello, does anyone know a program for accessing my linux partition from windows? | 03:45 |
Hansel | Ademan - www.netcraft.com can give you info about webservers... | 03:45 |
Goose | Good good | 03:45 |
Frog29 | ext3 | 03:45 |
Ademan | thanks Hansel | 03:45 |
neozen | Ademan: and last I checked ... around 75% | 03:45 |
Hansel | Ademan - as for servers in all corporations that may or may not be connected to the internet that is anyones guess. | 03:45 |
thoreauputic | Ademan: about 65 % of web seervers run Apache - mostly on Linux or BSD | 03:46 |
Ademan | well, all statistics should be taken with a grain of salt | 03:46 |
Hansel | Frog29 - google for ext3 Windows mount | 03:46 |
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Ademan | Frog29: ext2fs | 03:46 |
Frog29 | k | 03:46 |
thoreauputic | Ademan: of course - exactly 2.54333 grains of salt ;p | 03:46 |
x_or | Can anyone tell me how to enable postgres within php on apache2? | 03:46 |
Marupa_ | Is there a way to tell gnome what the default text editor is? | 03:47 |
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neozen | Marupa_: there should be... I know there is such a thing in xfce | 03:47 |
InvisiblePinkUni | Marupa_: yes... you can | 03:47 |
Hansel | x_or - you mean the connect string for PHP to connect to a PostgreSQL database and perform SQL queries? | 03:47 |
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neozen | Marupa_: and they yoinked a lot of ideas from gnome | 03:47 |
Frog29 | k | 03:47 |
InvisiblePinkUni | Marupa_: try edit preferences openwith tab | 03:47 |
Marupa_ | I want Kate rather than the normal. | 03:47 |
Hansel | x_or - I recommend you put a test.php on your site and put this in it... <?php phoinfo(); ?> <--- that will output all of your PHP configurations. | 03:47 |
Flannel | Erb_: hmm. Well, I'd ask in ##php if I were you. | 03:47 |
Hansel | phpinfo(); rather.. | 03:48 |
kjm | Marupa_ : phew - I though I was the only Ubuntu user who preferred kate | 03:48 |
mom | i have a SportBrain pedometer and, of course, the iSync software only runs on windows. I have gotten it running through wine, but it doesnt seem to want to sync with the pedometer itself (says try changing the battery, etc..) i am using the HID.dll from an actual windows install simply because it asked for it and thats the only place i know where to get it. is there a win-specific dll i should be using or something? | 03:48 |
Marupa_ | kate's waaaaay better than the default. | 03:48 |
l90bpm | anyone care to help on editing a partition for a Feisty Fawn install? I have to do a manual edit to keep feisty from claiming the entire hard drive. I have 48gigs set aside, (laptop only has 100gig hard drive) that | 03:48 |
Erb_ | Flannel - ##PHP is always full | 03:48 |
Marupa_ | InvisiblePinkUni, Where again? | 03:48 |
ant- | Marupa_ : are ya'll talking about fonts? | 03:48 |
=== ClinicalMistake [n=justinb@host-12-173-142-83.nctv.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
InvisiblePinkUni | there should be a kate vs gedit editor war ;) | 03:48 |
x_or | Hansel: OK, I did that. What should I look for? | 03:48 |
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ant- | oh | 03:49 |
x_or | Hansel: I see PostgreSQL listed as a supported database. | 03:49 |
Marupa_ | ant-, No. just editors. | 03:49 |
ant- | nevermind | 03:49 |
InvisiblePinkUni | Marupa_: in Nautilus | 03:49 |
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Marupa_ | Ahh, ok. | 03:49 |
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mobomelter | alright back | 03:49 |
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InvisiblePinkUni | rm_you: did you manage to get it working? | 03:49 |
Hansel | x_or - I recommend you bookmark php.net and make it your new best friend... start here http://us2.php.net/pg_connect | 03:49 |
kjm | InvisiblePinkUni - heh, that would be as nasty as the vi versus emacs. I love gedit. But, I always have permissions problems when editing files that are through a mounted ssh share....never have those problems with kate and/or kile | 03:49 |
ClinicalMistake | Hey ubuntu Chat! I'm on a sony vaio laptop, and everything works out fine, except for when I try and hook up an external VGA moniter. Nothing happens at all. Do yall have any idea why this might be? | 03:49 |
x_or | Hansel: Will do! :) | 03:50 |
rhys | i enabled the root account, and it broke sudo. so i disabled the root account..and sud is still broken | 03:50 |
rm_you | InvisiblePinkUni: nope :( compromising by using sshfs to mount it on my desktop | 03:50 |
rm_you | with a lot of really annoying command line args | 03:50 |
mobomelter | neozen you here? | 03:50 |
Hansel | rhys - describe "broken" | 03:50 |
x_or | Hansel: this is really a drupal issue, but I am confused because it says the php extension is not installed, when I think in fact it is. | 03:50 |
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Hansel | x_or - it may want a very specific version of postgres... | 03:50 |
rm_you | Not that *I* don't prefer command line tools, but this is for my roommate who is still learning linux stuff | 03:50 |
x_or | Ah, really? | 03:50 |
Shadowpillar | kjm: pico owns you | 03:50 |
neozen | rhys: lesson one... if something breaks... don't do that then! and if you've truly broken sudo.... time to snag your install disk | 03:50 |
Flannel | Marupa_: `update-alternatives --config gnome-text-editor` I believe | 03:50 |
Hansel | x_or - have you tried other content management systems? | 03:50 |
neozen | mobomelter: yeah... me here | 03:51 |
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neozen | mobomelter: how's it going? | 03:51 |
Shadowpillar | kjm: j/k | 03:51 |
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Hansel | pico/nano = very good if somebody can't figure out vi, vim, emacs, etc | 03:51 |
InvisiblePinkUni | rm_you: these things are frustrating... | 03:51 |
mobomelter | alright now what to do? | 03:51 |
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Shadowpillar | text editor wars are probably the most inane yet most hilarious flame wars on the internet | 03:51 |
rhys | neozen: that is absolute bs. Hansel, it doesnt work anymore | 03:51 |
neozen | mobomelter: any results with that lsmod |grep "ipw3945" line? | 03:51 |
Marupa_ | Flannel, What? | 03:51 |
genii | ClinicalMistake: Don't you have a key combo on your keyboard that normally selects internal/external/both as output? On my IBM for instance it's FN key (bottom left) and F7 | 03:51 |
x_or | Hansel: No, I was interested in trying out drupal. What do you suggest? | 03:51 |
mobomelter | do i need to put it in quotations? | 03:51 |
rhys | as in sudo will no longer run any programs. | 03:51 |
Hansel | rhys - so if you type sudo su what happens? | 03:51 |
Flannel | Marupa_: to choose the default editor. | 03:51 |
rhys | Hansel: nothing. | 03:52 |
ClinicalMistake | genii: I do and typically they work, but the one to switch moniters doesn't work for some reason | 03:52 |
Marupa_ | it just says: There is only 1 program which provides gnome-text-editor. | 03:52 |
Hansel | x_or - I write everything from scratch... I have considered trying drupal one of these years but never got around to it. For some reason I thought all of those content management systems used MySQL though... | 03:52 |
rhys | just, nothing. it just gives me a prompt | 03:52 |
hansin321 | Shadowpillar, what are you talking about? We all know the best text editor is... | 03:52 |
rhys | /etc/sudoers is empty | 03:52 |
mobomelter | yes it works | 03:52 |
hansin321 | ;) | 03:52 |
mobomelter | what am i looking for? | 03:52 |
Hansel | rhys - touch /etc/sudoers | 03:52 |
kjm | Shadowpillar - that is the truth. I go with the "whatever works for you" argument. I used to be "Emacs all the way", but the simplicity of gedit etc. has won me over - except for sshfs shares :( | 03:52 |
x_or | Hansel: A lot do use mysql, and usually this is the preference. I just want to use postgres, and supposedly it is supported. | 03:52 |
rhys | Hansel: as in it exists, but there is nothing about my user in it | 03:52 |
mom | !wine | 03:52 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 03:52 |
neozen | mobomelter: you're looking for lines like this: | 03:52 |
neozen | neozen@darkbeauty:~$ lsmod |grep "ipw3945" | 03:52 |
neozen | ipw3945 126620 1 | 03:52 |
neozen | ieee80211 37064 1 ipw3945 | 03:52 |
neozen | sorry for the multiline's guys | 03:53 |
mobomelter | yes | 03:53 |
mobomelter | i see that | 03:53 |
mobomelter | different numbers | 03:53 |
neozen | awesome | 03:53 |
InvisiblePinkUni | Marupa_: try right clicking a text file, properties, open with tab | 03:53 |
neozen | doesn't matter | 03:53 |
Hansel | %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL <--- put that in there... make sure your user is in the admin group (should be) | 03:53 |
mobomelter | so it should work now if i use network admin? | 03:53 |
Marupa_ | InvisiblePinkUni, that's not setting the default. | 03:53 |
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neozen | mobomelter: that means the driver's in your kernel.. has found the card... and has loaded properly | 03:53 |
neozen | mobomelter: yeah | 03:53 |
rhys | Hansel: thats what i need to know. ill try it | 03:53 |
Hansel | rhys - if you cant edit the file you may need to boot to single user mode and do it. | 03:53 |
neozen | mobomelter: sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome | 03:53 |
neozen | mobomelter: should find it now that you're connected via wired | 03:54 |
rhys | Hansel: to use sudo i must be part of the admin group? | 03:54 |
Shadowpillar | kjm: yeah | 03:54 |
Shadowpillar | kjm: it's like saying "MY HAMMER IS BETTER THAN YOUR HAMMER" | 03:54 |
neozen | mobomelter: once its installed, run nm-applet | 03:54 |
Hansel | rhys - yes. :) | 03:54 |
mobomelter | alright its installed | 03:54 |
Shadowpillar | do the same thing | 03:54 |
Shadowpillar | etc | 03:54 |
Hansel | rhys - hopefully you dont let any ol' chap use sudo... | 03:55 |
neozen | mobomelter: run nm-applet | 03:55 |
mobomelter | i did | 03:55 |
rhys | Hansel: first useful bit of ubuntu support ive ever had. thank you much. i never use sudo in slackware. | 03:55 |
Shadowpillar | the whole arguement follows the whole "My dick is bigger than your dick" policy | 03:55 |
neozen | mobomelter: something appeared near your clock yes? | 03:55 |
mobomelter | i have two things up there now | 03:55 |
rhys | brb, gonna change that in a jiffy. | 03:55 |
mobomelter | but yes | 03:55 |
Flannel | !sudo | rhys | 03:55 |
Hansel | rhys - yes... in ubuntu they recommend you NEVER touch the root account and do everything through sudo. | 03:55 |
ubotu | rhys: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 03:55 |
neozen | mobomelter: lol | 03:55 |
=== Marupa_ ponders watching Moo Mesa.... | ||
neozen | mobomelter: ok then | 03:55 |
Flannel | rhys: that page has a good deal of information | 03:55 |
neozen | mobomelter: you can remove one of them | 03:55 |
Hansel | Occasionally if you come from other distros that is a pain and you want to use root... you can sudo -i to start a root shell... | 03:55 |
mobomelter | oh sweet | 03:55 |
neozen | mobomelter: all you need is one | 03:55 |
mobomelter | just click it now | 03:55 |
mobomelter | and switch | 03:55 |
neozen | mobomelter: yeah | 03:55 |
Shadowpillar | it is pretty fun to jump into a random chat and say something against someone's favorite editor, say some quick retorts and when others get involved, sit back and watch the fire | 03:56 |
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mobomelter | hold on i'm going to try that now | 03:56 |
neozen | mobomelter: that's what's so awesome about this card | 03:56 |
rhys | Flannel: i know what the damn thing is. i just dont use it. i use root terminals. check out zenwalk if you want an amazingly fast slackware system. | 03:56 |
neozen | mobomelter: it supports network manager just fine | 03:56 |
InvisiblePinkUni | if you have screen installed, you can do sudo screen and act as root | 03:56 |
genii | ClinicalMistake: Is this some Dell 600/620? | 03:56 |
Flannel | rhys: right. It explains more than just what it is. | 03:56 |
Hansel | I came from Slackware myself.. I just like apt-get... slapt-get is alright but nothing compares to Ubuntu in terms of overall community support. | 03:56 |
Frog29 | hello again, i can't decide on any one - is there any widely accepted method to mount an ext3 partion on windows with read write? | 03:56 |
neozen | mobomelter: and network-manager-gnome.... is imho the easiest way to do wireless networking in the gui | 03:57 |
Hansel | Frog29 - let me google for you... hold. | 03:57 |
rm_you | Does reiserfs have a filesize limit at 4Gb? | 03:57 |
Frog29 | thanks | 03:57 |
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neozen | mobomelter: you all set now? | 03:57 |
rhys | not to be snappish. its just its so hard to get poweruser/ advanced user support in ubuntu. its not ment for us, but right now i have work to get done and no time to compile everything. | 03:57 |
atoponce | rm_you: sorry. had to step away from the computer for a minute. did you get if figured out? | 03:57 |
Hansel | Frog29 - http://linuxhelp.blogspot.com/2007/03/mount-ext2-or-ext3-partition-in-windows.html | 03:57 |
InvisiblePinkUni | rm_you: i think its much bigger limit than 4Gb | 03:57 |
neozen | mobomelter: lol... you just had to update your kernel | 03:57 |
neozen | mobomelter: completely forgot | 03:57 |
rm_you | atoponce: no >_> I ended up using sshfs to mount the machine as a folder on the desktop... it works >_> | 03:57 |
Frog29 | and do you know if there is any way for it to corrupt linux? | 03:57 |
atoponce | rm_you: sshfs is good stuff | 03:57 |
nexes | Frog: www.fs-driver.org | 03:58 |
Hansel | Frog29 - you always run that risk... a lot less likely than corrupting NTFS from Linux I imagine :) | 03:58 |
atoponce | rm_you: use it all the time | 03:58 |
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atoponce | rm_you: brb | 03:58 |
rhys | Hansel: i personally think zenwalk is better in every aspect save for package support. package support in ubuntu (debian) is so huge. | 03:58 |
neozen | mobomelter: that's the first thing you should do after a fresh install of an ubuntu-based distro | 03:58 |
rm_you | atoponce: but the command to get that working as it should is REALLY complicated... and it's for my rommate, who is newish to linux | 03:58 |
Frog29 | good point :) | 03:58 |
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Hansel | rhys - agreed. I think Slackware runs much speedier though. You get bloat with completely binary systems like Ubuntu, RedHat, SuSE... | 03:58 |
rm_you | InvisiblePinkUni: k >_> wonder why this keeps stopping my copy at 4gb | 03:58 |
=== mbdl [n=mrbigdow@ACBE1633.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | mobomelter: after checking that your repositories haven't been commented out by an install that couldn't connect to the net of course | 03:58 |
Hansel | rhys - Slackware and FreeBSD = all I run on servers. | 03:58 |
InvisiblePinkUni | rm_you: wikipedia says reiserfs file size limit is 8TiB | 03:58 |
neozen | mobomelter: you'll also want to comment out the cdrom in your sources.list file | 03:59 |
neozen | mobomelter: you don't need it anymore... your repositories work | 03:59 |
InvisiblePinkUni | rm_you: it happened with my fat partition once... | 03:59 |
rhys | Hansel: zenwalk is backwards compatible, and has basic support in netpkg (slapt-get) for dependencies..which i dont have much trouble with anyay. | 03:59 |
Hansel | yeah. I come from the old days of linux where you had to manually figure out dependencies. :) | 03:59 |
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atoponce | rm_you: hmmm | 03:59 |
InvisiblePinkUni | then i formatted it to ext3. but not sure why reiserfs whould stop at 4GB | 03:59 |
rhys | Hansel: im realitivly new. my first system was 9.1 slackware | 03:59 |
rm_you | InvisiblePinkUni: yeah, i know FAT has a 4gb limit, that's why i thought of it :P | 03:59 |
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gravemind | hey can anyone help me out with chmod? I'm trying to give the file ~/.dmrc 644 permissions, but it's not working the way I'm trying. Is it "chmod +644 ~/.dmrc" ? | 04:00 |
rhys | but as of now, i have to go fix this | 04:00 |
rhys | brb | 04:00 |
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rm_you | Must just be a connection issue and a strange coincidence >_> | 04:00 |
Hansel | Anyhow, Ubuntu has it's quirks (especially if you have ever used gentoo and slackware) but once you get used to it I think you'll find it hard to go back. | 04:00 |
mbdl | how fo u reinstall a kernal | 04:00 |
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Hansel | I think mine was Slackware 3.6 :) | 04:00 |
neozen | mobomelter: I take it from your silence that you are poking @ nm-applet | 04:00 |
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=== neozen smiles | ||
neozen | you have fun now | 04:00 |
=== FordPrefect [n=fprefect@cpe-071-077-006-045.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Shadowpillar | can linux support more ram that the motherboard can accept? | 04:00 |
Hansel | FordPrefect - you from EFNet? (FrdPrefct?) | 04:00 |
neozen | Shadowpillar: my instincts say #@$@#4 no | 04:00 |
Hansel | Shadowpillar, nope. | 04:00 |
draeath | Shadowpillar: no... the MB is the be-all end-all of HW support | 04:01 |
FordPrefect | no | 04:01 |
Hansel | Shadowpillar, software can't get past hardware limitations | 04:01 |
harry_ | is it possible to plug another network card into my computer without turning it off? | 04:01 |
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Hansel | harry_ very ill advised to do so... | 04:01 |
neozen | Shadowpillar: os's are all limited by what their hardware tells them | 04:01 |
draeath | harry_: possible... ive seen it work. Suggested? Heck no. | 04:01 |
Shadowpillar | Hansel: I know in some cases it can | 04:01 |
Frog29 | Darn- both links that igot here earleir do not support LVM for mounting on windows ext3 partitions | 04:01 |
harry_ | ok | 04:01 |
neozen | Shadowpillar: if your mobo says it only has 24mb ram... then that's how much you have | 04:01 |
Shadowpillar | Hansel: such as hard drives | 04:01 |
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Shadowpillar | I could load a 200 gb hdd in an old PII | 04:01 |
draeath | harry_: if you MUST... make sure the ground pins of the PCI bus get connection FIRST!!! | 04:01 |
=== Floatingtrem [n=Floating@h-69-3-220-122.chcgilgm.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Shadowpillar | when the mobo couldnt support it | 04:02 |
neozen | Shadowpillar: well... you CAN | 04:02 |
mobomelte1 | hey neozen i'm still connected but the icon disappeared | 04:02 |
Floatingtrem | hello hello | 04:02 |
draeath | Shadowpillar: that's different | 04:02 |
Shadowpillar | neozen: no not what I was saying | 04:02 |
lubolo | hello | 04:02 |
draeath | Shadowpillar: the CPU can still access the drive through programming | 04:02 |
Hansel | if you want a STABLE system you should probably stick to hardware specifications and best practices :) | 04:02 |
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mbdl | how do u reinstall a kernal | 04:02 |
neozen | mobomelte1: lol... ok... well run nm-applet again | 04:02 |
mobomelte1 | !name mobomelter | 04:02 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about name mobomelter - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:02 |
neozen | lol | 04:02 |
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mobomelte1 | hmmmm why did my name change..... | 04:02 |
Hansel | mbdl - you mean recompile or you recompiled and want to go back to the old kernel (which you hopefully backed up)? | 04:03 |
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Shadowpillar | I'm saying is, the mobo on this laptop I have is limited to 160 mb of ram | 04:03 |
mobomelte1 | i haven't used irc in forever | 04:03 |
Shadowpillar | my question is, could I put in 256 and linux recognize it | 04:03 |
Shadowpillar | while the mobo doesnt? | 04:03 |
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draeath | Shadowpillar: No. | 04:03 |
neozen | mobomelte1: probably because you disconnected then reconnected | 04:03 |
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mobomelte1 | yeah | 04:03 |
mobomelte1 | how can i change it any idea? | 04:03 |
=== cchildress [n=cchildre@c-68-60-199-2.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
draeath | type /nick NAME | 04:03 |
mbdl | Hansel: well i cant boot from the new one anymore im in the old kernal i want to reinstall the new one | 04:03 |
neozen | mobomelte1: there's already a mobomelter in here (since the server hasn't timed you out yet) | 04:03 |
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Shadowpillar | draeath: k | 04:03 |
=== InvisiblePinkUni [n=user@121-72-13-116.dsl.telstraclear.net] has left #ubuntu ["ERC] | ||
mobomelte1 | bummer | 04:03 |
=== ClinicalMistak1 [n=justinb@host-12-173-142-83.nctv.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | hey ops... kick mobomelter | 04:03 |
Hansel | mbdl - were you getting kernel panics or something with the "new one"? | 04:03 |
cchildress | hi all. i'm having a problem with the screensaver app in 7.04 | 04:04 |
neozen | lol | 04:04 |
ClinicalMistak1 | Alright, sorry about that | 04:04 |
Shadowpillar | because chances are that's a manufacturer limitation :( | 04:04 |
mobomelte1 | is there an op in here? | 04:04 |
draeath | mobomelte1 try /msg nickserv ghost USERNAME PASSWORD | 04:04 |
=== colbert [n=Bill@CPE000802b64568-CM0011e6c40b1f.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu ["brb"] | ||
draeath | mobomelte1 that will kick it | 04:04 |
atoponce | cchildress: feisty help in #ubuntu+1 | 04:04 |
Hansel | mbdl - you should probably recompile it and go through the whole process... probably your best bet if the old one gave you trouble. | 04:04 |
neozen | draeath: O.o | 04:04 |
cchildress | atoponce: thanks! | 04:04 |
atoponce | cchildress: np | 04:04 |
ClinicalMistak1 | I accidently rebooted my computer, strange thing is my moniter works, but my function keys done still | 04:04 |
=== longfire [n=longfire@c-71-230-119-58.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mobomelte1 | not registered lol | 04:04 |
mobomelte1 | i haven't done that yet | 04:04 |
neozen | draeath: I suppose its only for registered nicks | 04:04 |
draeath | lol | 04:04 |
neozen | lol | 04:04 |
=== mage [n=mage@S01060007950ade7b.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mbdl | Hansel: i got bable and tsaid something about a sync error to kernal | 04:04 |
draeath | guess your stuck till it times out | 04:04 |
neozen | good thing I registered | 04:04 |
mobomelte1 | i need to | 04:05 |
mage | anyone running a raid with 1.2 meta data? | 04:05 |
mobomelte1 | anyways is there a dvd ap built into ubuntu? | 04:05 |
draeath | mobomelte1: how's comcast :D | 04:05 |
neozen | mobomelte1: yeah | 04:05 |
=== francois_ [n=francois@fctnnbsc15w-156034090102.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Floatingtrem | I've got Feisty on my computer, and just installed some updates, and after rebooting xserver failed to start up, giving the error "no screens found." I reconfigured it, rebooted, and I got back into gnome, and my nvidia drivers weren't enabled, so i renabled them, and rebooted, only this time i can't get a command prompt without using recovery mode and even with that reconfiguring xserver didn't help | 04:05 |
mobomelte1 | comcast sucks | 04:05 |
francois_ | whats the command to just make a file ? | 04:05 |
neozen | mobomelte1: bummer dude | 04:05 |
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atoponce | Floatingtrem: feisty help in #ubuntu+1 | 04:05 |
Floatingtrem | thanks | 04:05 |
atoponce | francois_: 'touch' | 04:05 |
atoponce | Floatingtrem: np | 04:05 |
neozen | mobomelte1: they rock out here in the nw area of chicago | 04:05 |
mobomelte1 | hey neozen is there anyway i can keep that icon up there? | 04:05 |
mage | also, try startx | 04:05 |
neozen | mobomelte1: why'd it disappear? | 04:06 |
mobomelte1 | no idea | 04:06 |
neozen | mobomelte1: did you tell it to remove? | 04:06 |
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neozen | mobomelte1: that makes it go away | 04:06 |
mobomelte1 | no | 04:06 |
mobomelte1 | maybe hold on | 04:06 |
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neozen | mobomelte1: lol | 04:06 |
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mobomelte1 | whats the command? | 04:06 |
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neozen | nm-applet | 04:07 |
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PJkoooop | I inadvertently reformatted my HD with the Ubuntu setup | 04:07 |
tjs | I'm setting up a DomU image for xen, I have int mounted and have the debbootstrap created the os inside it from edgy.. how can I add a user to it without booting it? ie: manually editing /etc/passwd on the image? | 04:07 |
PJkoooop | fortunately I back up my data | 04:07 |
mobomelte1 | its back now | 04:07 |
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neozen | mobomelte1: yep | 04:07 |
mobomelte1 | but how do i make it stay up there when i reboot | 04:07 |
draeath | tjs: you can't chroot into it? | 04:07 |
tjs | draeath: aahh great idea | 04:07 |
tjs | ty | 04:07 |
neozen | mobomelte1: add it to autostarted applications perhaps | 04:07 |
PJkoooop | Anyone know a lot about the partitioner that comes with the Ubuntu setup? | 04:07 |
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neozen | mobomelte1: might be under system -> settings or some such | 04:08 |
mobomelte1 | lol | 04:08 |
draeath | :D - i figured out how to boot an ISO with grub. I'm happy now... altough i still have to extract the initrd and vmlinuz first | 04:08 |
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neozen | mobomelte1: can't say for sure since I run xfce | 04:08 |
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PJkoooop | anyone? | 04:08 |
mobomelte1 | damn | 04:08 |
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neozen | mobomelte1: has stuff in diff places then gnome | 04:08 |
Frog29 | hey, does anyone know some good linux file editers for winodws? or just ones that can open files with proper formats? | 04:08 |
Hansel | PJkoooop, describe "know about it" | 04:08 |
Frog29 | i need to edit my grub settings | 04:08 |
neozen | mobomelte1: no worries... i know its there | 04:08 |
mobomelte1 | my other question is can i run dual monitors with ubuntu? | 04:09 |
Hansel | PJkoooop, I'm sure we have all used fdisk, cfdisk, etc at some point... ask a specific question por favor :) | 04:09 |
neozen | mobomelte1: absolutely | 04:09 |
Hansel | mobomelte1, yup | 04:09 |
aeropixie | is it possible to get syntax highlighting in the terminal? | 04:09 |
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mobomelte1 | its sad but i use my laptop for a dvd player | 04:09 |
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neozen | !dualhead | mobomelte1 | 04:09 |
ubotu | mobomelte1: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama | 04:09 |
Hansel | aeromix, yes... for nano/pico for example to highlight your script/program? | 04:09 |
neozen | mobomelte1: so do I | 04:09 |
kkerwin | Hi. I have an Orinoco 8480 WD PCMCIA card that I'm trying to get work. Linux detects the card as ath0, and I get some connectivity, but nowhere near the kind of activity that I get on Windows. Anyone familiar with any issues regarding this particular card? | 04:09 |
PJkoooop | I made a partition using the wizard, but I didn't have enough time to install, so I cancelled the instalation.....and then my Vista partition was gone. | 04:09 |
ClinicalMistak1 | Hey, does anyone know the command in terminal to find a file? | 04:09 |
neozen | !xinerama |mobomelte1 | 04:09 |
ubotu | mobomelte1: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead | 04:09 |
atoponce | Frog29: you're using windows to edit your linux text files??? | 04:10 |
Frog29 | yes................. | 04:10 |
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aeropixie | Hansel: how? | 04:10 |
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Frog29 | i've mounted it, and now i'm trying to edit grub files | 04:10 |
atoponce | Frog29: how? | 04:10 |
neozen | PJkoooop: you've now learned a very valuable lesson... one you won't forget.... when repartitioning.... DON'T STOP | 04:10 |
Frog29 | i jsut opened with notepad, but it doesn't have the line breaks | 04:10 |
Hansel | PJkoooop, linux does "destructive partitioning". That means it destroys anything in its path. If you want to dual boot you should have used Partition Magic from Windows to split off some space for Linux... then in the Linux installer ONLY used the freespace. | 04:10 |
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atoponce | Frog29: i'd recommend notepad2 | 04:11 |
mobomelte1 | thats cool | 04:11 |
Frog29 | ok, thanks | 04:11 |
neozen | PJkoooop: you're boned mon... you've just borked your computer's setup ... hope you made backups | 04:11 |
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PJkoooop | I did | 04:11 |
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neozen | mobomelte1: yep | 04:11 |
mobomelte1 | i'm still going to have to figure out how to keep the wireless thing up | 04:11 |
Frog29 | i'll probably be back for help with editing grub files | 04:11 |
Hansel | aeropixie - man nanorc... you might want to google for examples that others have created for your specific language of choice. I used to have mine setup for PHP though... | 04:11 |
neozen | mobomelte1: if you want... I could look it up for you | 04:11 |
arpegius | i'm getting non-password mysql authentication errors. is mysql hosed or what? | 04:11 |
PJkoooop | So Ubuntu setup wont let me keep the Vistaa partition? | 04:11 |
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aeropixie | Hansel: okay, so if you did it for php i am sure i can for ruby. Thanks. | 04:11 |
mobomelte1 | its ok i'll figure it out | 04:12 |
neozen | PJkoooop: it might | 04:12 |
mobomelte1 | i'm trying to figure out how to install folding@home right now | 04:12 |
mobomelte1 | i have an exe but that doesn't do anything | 04:12 |
Hansel | PJkoooop, Re-install Vista. Use Partition Magic to break off about 10-20 gigs for Linux, install Linux and tell it to only use the free space. | 04:12 |
aeropixie | Hansel: It is odd adjusting to new programs in linux, i had specific ones in xp. | 04:12 |
PJkoooop | I already reinstalled vista | 04:12 |
Hansel | aeropixie - any reason you want to stick to the console? You can get other programs like screem that do syntax highlighting in a GUI similar to DreamWeaver. | 04:12 |
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neozen | PJkoooop: but just to be sure..... use partition magic... its been known to play the nicest when resizing windows partitions | 04:12 |
harry_ | How do I set up an old computer to run as a dumb terminal from my current computer ? | 04:13 |
mobomelte1 | \name | 04:13 |
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mobomelte1 | lol damn | 04:13 |
PJkoooop | I just think that Ubuntu needs better fail-safe mechanisms if they want to compete with Windows | 04:13 |
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neozen | mobomelte1: eh? | 04:13 |
PJkoooop | and automatic partition that protects data | 04:13 |
mobomelte1 | gotta install folding at home | 04:13 |
PJkoooop | I was prepared with backups....many people aren't | 04:13 |
francois_ | and a robot to do your slave work | 04:13 |
aeropixie | Hansel: Well i need both, I have a text editor that highlights, but yeah. | 04:13 |
neozen | mobomelte1: look on the site for boinc | 04:13 |
aeropixie | Hansel: I will search google, thanks. | 04:14 |
gravemin1 | hey can someone help me use chmod? I'm trying to give ~/.dmrc 644 permissions. I tried "chmod +644 ~/.dmrc" but that didn't work. | 04:14 |
neozen | mobomelte1: I know they have a client for linux | 04:14 |
Hansel | PJkoooop, well... if you were running ONLY a Linux operating system this wouldn't be a problem. It's when people want to have Linux and Windows play together that a lot of problems happen. :( But yes, I agree they should probably put more warnings in and say "If you are using Windows do this, that, and the other" | 04:14 |
neozen | mobomelte1: they'd be stupid not to | 04:14 |
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colbert | how do I change the Ubuntu logo on the Applications Places Systems menu ??? | 04:14 |
neozen | PJkoooop: ....its also kind of a well known thing... that when you are partitioning.... you do NOT hit cancel | 04:14 |
Hansel | PJkoooop, you don't get the same kind of help from the Windows side though (ie; if you are using Windows and install Linux do this, that, and the other so you don't mess up Linux) | 04:14 |
neozen | lol | 04:14 |
neozen | Hansel: INDEED | 04:15 |
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Hansel | yes... partitioning, formatting, fsck'ing, and flashing firmware... times NOT to cycle the power. | 04:15 |
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genii | gravemin sudo chmod 644 ~/.dmrc | 04:15 |
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mobomelte1 | alright if you have the .exe of the desktop how would i execute it | 04:15 |
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gravemin1 | genii: thanks! | 04:15 |
Hansel | mobomelte1, using wine? | 04:15 |
neozen | mobomelte1: don't use the exe | 04:15 |
Pelo | colbert, somewhere in gconf I think | 04:15 |
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mobomelte1 | its a linux program | 04:15 |
neozen | mobomelte1: they've got a linux client | 04:15 |
mobomelte1 | i still need wine? | 04:15 |
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colbert | Pelo: where is gconf ? | 04:16 |
Hansel | mobomelte1, me thinks you didnt get a linux client if its a .exe :) | 04:16 |
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mobomelte1 | i beileve i downloaded the right one | 04:16 |
neozen | mobomelte1: they'll tell you what you need | 04:16 |
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genii | gravemin1 If that doesn't work let me know | 04:16 |
Pelo | colbert, terminal | 04:16 |
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Hansel | linux programs occasionally end in .bin... or just no extention at all. | 04:16 |
gravemin1 | genii: I thought there had to be a + in front to add permissions | 04:16 |
neozen | mobomelte1: and I don't think you did | 04:16 |
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PJkoooop | I have a Core 2 Duo....should I download the x64 version? | 04:16 |
neozen | PJkoooop: NO | 04:16 |
mobomelte1 | fah504-linux.exe | 04:16 |
Oswy | Hey, does anyone know how to deal with a file backed up from Windows (bkf). | 04:16 |
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colbert | Pelo: yup but what is the path to gconf ? | 04:16 |
matuck | gravemin1 only if your are using the syntax +wrx | 04:16 |
genii | gravemin1 No, if you specify numbers no + or - only if you use rwx etc | 04:16 |
theBeno | Feisty is amazing. | 04:16 |
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gravemin1 | genii: I think it worked | 04:16 |
Oswy | Or would also help if someone could tell me how to install programs from a tar; I should just check the Wiki for that, though. | 04:16 |
briank | In Bind9 are there any advantages to setting up a forwarder in a two nameserver senario where both are visible to the internet. For example the master would forward to the slave. | 04:17 |
Pelo | colbert, type "gconf" in the terminal | 04:17 |
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colbert | command not found | 04:17 |
neozen | PJkoooop: linux will detect that its dual core... and load an SMP kernel I believe | 04:17 |
peepsalot | does someone know how to install audacity with mp3 support in Edgy? | 04:17 |
neozen | correct me if I'm wrong guys | 04:17 |
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neozen | PJkoooop: the amd64 kernel is only for VERY specific amd chipsets | 04:17 |
Hansel | I believe you are correct neozen... :) | 04:17 |
Pelo | colbert, sorry my mistake gconf-editor | 04:17 |
gravemin1 | genii: ok. the reason I'm doing this is because I get a message when I login complaining that the file is being ignored cause it doesn't have 644 permissions | 04:17 |
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erichj | neozen: correct | 04:18 |
neozen | theBeno: it better be | 04:18 |
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DARKGuy | Hey guys, I'm rdesktop-ing a Windows machine, but pressing the ALT key makes me drag the Linux RDP window instead of "pressing the ALT key in the remote machine", to say it that way. How can I avoid this? | 04:18 |
neozen | theBeno: I'm dancing when I see the pics of the new xubuntu | 04:18 |
colbert | Pelo: awesome, thanks ! :) | 04:18 |
PJkoooop | worked on my Core 2 Duo...until I realized there were no i386 compatibility mechanisms. | 04:18 |
genii | briank Yes. So you can have a domain shared across several machines. An email account on the slave will receive email then for instance even if it has no mx entry on the primary | 04:18 |
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mobomelte1 | alright my real question is where should i put my files | 04:18 |
neozen | PJkoooop: you want the i386 image | 04:18 |
Hansel | DARKGUY - change your Linux keybindings for your window manager... | 04:18 |
mobomelte1 | in file system or sda1 | 04:18 |
PJkoooop | ok | 04:19 |
neozen | mobomelte1: where you put your files.... usually in your /home | 04:19 |
theBeno | neozen: hehe, yeah. Can't wait. | 04:19 |
Pelo | colbert, no garranty, I just think it might be there, I am not sure | 04:19 |
DARKGuy | Hansel: using Gnome, I tried looking in the settings but couldn't find anything relevant oO | 04:19 |
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Hansel | DARKGuy - hold... lemme look | 04:19 |
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genii | gravemin1: Well, does the program still groan now? | 04:19 |
crdlb | DARKGuy, system-prefs-windows should be able to do it | 04:19 |
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Hansel | DARKGuy - it may be your rdesktop client has those keybindings set... | 04:19 |
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K3nto | !mp3 | 04:19 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:19 |
neozen | mobomelte1: if you have another drive..... that you want to use for personal files... mount it in some directory under /home/yourusername | 04:19 |
K3nto | !amarok | 04:20 |
ubotu | Amarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 for Dapper and 1.4.5 for Edgy and packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok | 04:20 |
DARKGuy | Hansel: nope, it's general with all Gnome windows :P | 04:20 |
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Oswy | How can I install programs through a compressed file, such that they enter the registry? | 04:20 |
xipietotec | I have a card (D-link) that's on the list of supported devices, as works out of the box, it shows up in lspci as an atheros based Ethernet controller a/b/g, how do I enable it? | 04:20 |
neozen | mobomelte1: there would've been an option to do this during install | 04:20 |
neozen | mobomelte1: btw... your nick has freed up | 04:20 |
mobomelte1 | i want it all on one drive | 04:20 |
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genii | Oswy: There is no registry as such on linux | 04:20 |
Oswy | I figured as such. | 04:20 |
Oswy | But how to get a program to be recognized by the system? | 04:20 |
neozen | mobomelte1: yeah... then stash your stuff in folders in /home/yourusername | 04:20 |
DARKGuy | on hey crdlb, the binding is there! oO... there should be some kind of "link" to that window in the keybindings panel in Gnome, so people like me dn't get confused :P | 04:20 |
Hansel | Oswy - in Ubuntu it is recognized if you install it through apt-get :) | 04:21 |
gravemin1 | genii: it complains when I first login to the computer, and I haven't restarted X yet | 04:21 |
Oswy | Ahh, k. | 04:21 |
Oswy | Thanks! | 04:21 |
Hansel | Oswy - this can also depend on the package distributor... | 04:21 |
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neozen | mobomelte1: those're the only ones you have access to anyway without sudo | 04:21 |
DARKGuy | Thanks Hansel and crdlb :) | 04:21 |
Cr0w- | hello, i have 6.10 and for example i don't find x-chat using synaptic..where can i find a full software sources.list? i don't like the original one..not to much soft..(sorry my english) | 04:21 |
neozen | mobomelte1: and you shouldn't have to sudo for personal files | 04:21 |
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odeerc | hello i installe ubuntu on my virtual workstation but when i run it after the installation it has an error and doesn't run | 04:21 |
mobomelte1 | yeah | 04:21 |
genii | Oswy: It depends on the contents of the file how to install the thing. If after you uncompressed it, the file ends with extension .deb then you can install with dpkg -i <namehere> | 04:21 |
mobomelte1 | what about programs though? | 04:21 |
Oswy | Now...if I have a tar.gz file, how can I use apt-get to put it on where I want? | 04:21 |
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kkerwin | Hi. I have an Orinoco 8480 WD PCMCIA card that I'm trying to get work. Linux detects the card as ath0, and I get some connectivity, but nowhere near the kind of activity that I get on Windows. Anyone familiar with any issues regarding this particular card? | 04:21 |
jgeeky | howdy y'all | 04:21 |
odeerc | It says error 18.. | 04:21 |
Hansel | Oswy - but by default if you install an application and you don't get an icon in Gnome/KDE you can always add one... type locate programname to find the path to it (usually /bin /usr/bin /sbin or /usr/sbin) then create a link... | 04:22 |
Pelo | Oswy, http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/ | 04:22 |
DARKGuy | Cr0w-: you can get a basic one with lots of stuff in http://www.ubuntuguide.org | 04:22 |
jgeeky | i'm having a little trouble installing beryl | 04:22 |
jgeeky | i'm at the wiki | 04:22 |
odeerc | anyone?.. | 04:22 |
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jgeeky | trying to get the gpg key | 04:22 |
Cr0w- | DARKGuy: thanks :) | 04:22 |
Oswy | Cool, Pelo, thanks. | 04:22 |
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neozen | mobomelte1: well..... ones that aren't in the repositories i usually stick in a bin folder under my /home/neozen | 04:22 |
jgeeky | i'm on edgy eft | 04:22 |
DARKGuy | Cr0w-: welcome :) | 04:22 |
jgeeky | any idears? | 04:22 |
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mobomelte1 | anyone with folding@home want to help out for a min? | 04:22 |
neozen | mobomelte1: but most of what you need should be in the repos | 04:22 |
genii | Oswy If after the tar file is uncompressed it has things like many subdirs and files ending with.c and in the main dir a file called configure or Makefile then you need to manually compile the program it produces | 04:22 |
odeerc | what is eror 18 how can i correct it?. | 04:22 |
xipietotec | I have a card (D-link) that's on the list of supported devices, as works out of the box, it shows up in lspci as an atheros based Ethernet controller a/b/g, how do I enable it? | 04:22 |
neozen | mobomelte1: go to a terminal | 04:22 |
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xipietotec | !wireless | 04:23 |
genii | mobomelte1: I'm with folding@home but no time atm :( | 04:23 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 04:23 |
neozen | mobomelte1: switch to the directory where you stashed the exe | 04:23 |
mobomelte1 | i am in one | 04:23 |
jgeeky | if i enter | 04:23 |
jgeeky | wget http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz/quinn.key.asc -O - | sudo apt-key add - | 04:23 |
Arrick | why must the ubuntu organization cap downloads at 33kbps? | 04:23 |
jgeeky | i get an error | 04:23 |
jgeeky | something about wget | 04:23 |
neozen | mobomelte1: type chmod +x thefile | 04:23 |
=== KlasRudian [n=KlasRudi@88-83-38-10.lycksele.t3.se] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
neozen | mobomelte1: where the file is the name of that folding installer | 04:23 |
mobomelte1 | wrong hard drive | 04:23 |
mobomelte1 | lol | 04:23 |
mobomelte1 | hold on | 04:23 |
=== Hektore [n=bear@24-75-176-5.pittpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
odeerc | anyone here?. | 04:23 |
jgeeky | wget no valid option | 04:23 |
Pelo | jgeeky, if you have an error msg do a search for it in the forum | 04:23 |
=== h1st0 [n=h1st0@adsl-75-33-35-109.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jgeeky | pelo. i did, didn't come up with anything | 04:24 |
neozen | mobomelte1: you need write access to the file if you do this | 04:24 |
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jgeeky | i'm incredibly new to linux | 04:24 |
jgeeky | so i'm just wondering if it's that I don't know how to add a key | 04:24 |
Pelo | jgeeky, looks to me like your missing an operator before the | sudo bit | 04:24 |
neozen | mobomelte1: if you're trying to do this on a windows partion that you're accessing through linux.... | 04:24 |
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neozen | mobomelte1: this ain't going to work | 04:24 |
xipietotec | I have a card (D-link) that's on the list of supported devices, as works out of the box, it shows up in lspci as an atheros based Ethernet controller a/b/g, how do I enable it? | 04:24 |
=== Viroo [n=orion@as32-43.qualitynet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Oswy | genii, how do I manually compile it like that? | 04:24 |
neozen | mobomelte1: copy it into your home directory | 04:24 |
Viroo | hi | 04:24 |
=== wheels3572 [n=wheels@mdm2-66-243-204-8.pivot.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hansel | jgeeky - did you really put those two on the same line? you probably shouldn't pipe information to sudo... | 04:25 |
Pelo | jgeeky, should be -O -something | sudo ... | 04:25 |
Hansel | jgeeky - try && instead of | | 04:25 |
Viroo | how can I know what I installed in the last 5 hours or today ? | 04:25 |
genii | Oswy did you uncompress the tar.gz file yet? | 04:25 |
mobomelte1 | alright its in home | 04:25 |
Oswy | Yeah. | 04:25 |
neozen | xipietotec: ok... do you know the name of the driver for it? | 04:25 |
jgeeky | wait, is it O and not 0? | 04:25 |
Hansel | Viroo - dselect probably has all that info. | 04:25 |
mobomelte1 | sorry i can't move fast | 04:25 |
mobomelte1 | lol | 04:25 |
=== wheels3572 [n=wheels@mdm2-66-243-204-8.pivot.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jgeeky | O as in the letter O | 04:25 |
neozen | mobomelte1: as in /home/yourusername? | 04:25 |
xipietotec | neozen: no...I know what card it is. | 04:25 |
jgeeky | and not 0 | 04:25 |
genii | Oswy And it has like I said, a lot of dirs and some files like Makefile and configure? | 04:25 |
Viroo | dselect ? | 04:25 |
wheels3572 | !acroread | 04:25 |
Oswy | btw neozen, I got it to work for a sec, but then I moved it back to my room and it read it as wired again. :( | 04:25 |
ubotu | acroread: Adobe Acrobat Reader: Portable Document Format file viewer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 7.0.9-0.0.ubuntu0.6.10 (edgy), package size 22375 kB, installed size 54700 kB (Only available for i386) | 04:25 |
mobomelte1 | yes | 04:25 |
Viroo | !deselect | 04:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about deselect - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:25 |
neozen | xipietotec: type lsmod in a terminal | 04:26 |
Hansel | dselect... not deselect :) | 04:26 |
Hansel | !dselect | viroo | 04:26 |
neozen | xipietotec: and look for a line containing atheros | 04:26 |
ubotu | viroo: dselect: user tool to manage Debian packages. In component main, is standard. Version 1.13.22ubuntu7 (edgy), package size 98 kB, installed size 1848 kB | 04:26 |
Viroo | !dselect | 04:26 |
Pelo | jgeeky, you type an O here not a 0 | 04:26 |
Oswy | genii: It has no configure. | 04:26 |
jgeeky | holy @hit, i'm an idiot | 04:26 |
jgeeky | thanks | 04:26 |
xipietotec | okay, hold on neozen it's a different computer... | 04:26 |
neozen | mobomelte1: ok... get to a terminal in that directory | 04:26 |
=== Pelo agrees with jgeeky | ||
dkbg | do the official compiz pacakges in edgy main not come with any kind of manager? | 04:26 |
Oswy | Just a bunch of .h and .c and a couple of other things. | 04:26 |
=== Chetwin [n=user@cpe-75-83-119-37.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | mobomelte1: type chmod +x nameofthatfile | 04:26 |
mobomelte1 | refresh my mind on how to change directories | 04:26 |
genii | Oswy OK. You will need to first install package called build-essential | 04:26 |
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dkbg | not main sorry, universe | 04:27 |
Hansel | Oswy - that is a source file... .h = header files .c = C source code files | 04:27 |
Oswy | OK. | 04:27 |
Chetwin | I'm looking for free web hosting with no ads, can anyone suggest anything? | 04:27 |
neozen | mobomelte1: if you've just opened a terminal, you are in /home/yourusername | 04:27 |
arrenlex | mobomelte1: cd <folder> | 04:27 |
Oswy | genii, how do I do that? | 04:27 |
Oswy | Can we take this to PM? | 04:27 |
Pelo | dkbg, you can manage compiz with gconf-editor I beleive | 04:27 |
genii | Oswy Sure | 04:27 |
Hansel | Oswy - are you wanting to see when you compiled/installed a source package? | 04:27 |
=== dwokm [n=mirra__@ool-457b6e14.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Arrick | anyone else experiencing extremely slow downloads from the ubuntu site? | 04:27 |
wheels3572 | can someone help me and tell me why I cant get acroread | 04:27 |
neozen | mobomelte1: but yeah you switch like arrenlex said ... with cd foldertoswitchto | 04:27 |
Oswy | No, I'm trying to install it myself. | 04:27 |
neozen | mobomelte1: ls works like dir | 04:27 |
tritium | wheels3572: because Adobe won't let it be redistributed | 04:27 |
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Hansel | Arrick - what are you downloading? an ISO? | 04:27 |
neozen | mobomelte1: (but kicks the #@$@#$ out of dir) | 04:27 |
mobomelte1 | alright i did | 04:27 |
wheels3572 | tritium, since when I just had it 2wks ago | 04:28 |
neozen | mobomelte1: ok now type ./thefilename | 04:28 |
Arrick | yes Hansel | 04:28 |
xipietotec | neozen: nothing containing atheros | 04:28 |
mobomelte1 | with the period? | 04:28 |
Viroo | isnt there a way with synaptic pr apt-get to know the packages i have installed | 04:28 |
tritium | wheels3572: recently | 04:28 |
Viroo | i dont know this dselect | 04:28 |
Arrick | the ubuntu server 6.10 Hanna | 04:28 |
arrenlex | Viroo: dpkg -l | grep ^ii | 04:28 |
h1st0 | Viroo: dpkg -l | 04:28 |
neozen | mobomelte1: yes... the dot slash is very important | 04:28 |
Arrick | Hansel ^ | 04:28 |
Viroo | how can I define the time | 04:28 |
Hansel | Viroo - yes... :) | 04:28 |
Chetwin | Anyone know of a decent web site host that doesn't have ads? | 04:28 |
Viroo | i want only the one sio installed in the last 5 hours | 04:28 |
Pelo | dkbg, that is one of the reason for the beryl fork | 04:28 |
Hansel | Viroo man apt-get :) | 04:29 |
neozen | mobomelte1: that tells it to run the command in the current directory ... rather then a directory somewhere else in the path | 04:29 |
Viroo | i cant read more | 04:29 |
Viroo | my head will explode | 04:29 |
xipietotec | neozen: okay, nothing containing atheros...what does that mean? | 04:29 |
h1st0 | Pelo: they are talking about getting back together. | 04:29 |
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Pelo | Viroo, what is wrong with your memory ? homw any packages have you installed ? | 04:29 |
neozen | xipietotec: probably means your driver isn't loaded | 04:29 |
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Hansel | Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. :) | 04:29 |
Hansel | We try not to enable laziness... | 04:29 |
Pelo | h1st0, I read the same article on digg | 04:29 |
neozen | xipietotec: scope out the forums for guides on your card | 04:29 |
Viroo | pelo well I installed linuxmce and this software installed lots of things | 04:29 |
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neozen | xipietotec: there should be plenty | 04:29 |
aeropixi1 | Hansel: :p | 04:30 |
h1st0 | Viroo: You can also check your /var/cache/archives | 04:30 |
dkbg | Pelo: hm | 04:30 |
mage | whats wrong with occasional paziness? | 04:30 |
Viroo | i wana get rid of everything linuxmce installe don my box | 04:30 |
aeropixi1 | hmm, my name changed. | 04:30 |
xipietotec | neozen: bizzare, on the wiki it's listed as "works out of the box" | 04:30 |
h1st0 | Viroo: if you sudo apt-get autoremove <packagename> it will remove all the other garbage too. | 04:30 |
arrenlex | Viroo: How did you install linuxmce? | 04:30 |
mobomelte1 | process 6128 is running in conflict | 04:30 |
Pelo | Viroo, go in syanptic , find the package , rigit click , propertied, there is a tab for the dependencies | 04:30 |
neozen | xipietotec: ok | 04:30 |
dkbg | Pelo: there is a guide for installing compiz from an unofficial repo at the go-compiz.org wiki | 04:30 |
h1st0 | Viroo: then there are other packages that will search for orphaned debs that are no longer needed. | 04:30 |
neozen | xipietotec: have you updated to the latest packages | 04:31 |
dkbg | Pelo: configuring something with gconf-editor is not my idea of a good time | 04:31 |
neozen | xipietotec: plug into a wired connection | 04:31 |
Pelo | dkbg, that is one of the reason for the beryl fork | 04:31 |
neozen | xipietotec: then run sudo apt-get update | 04:31 |
Viroo | i know the dependecies trick | 04:31 |
dkbg | Pelo: yar, I heard you the first time :) | 04:31 |
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neozen | xipietotec: and sudo apt-get upgrade | 04:31 |
Viroo | i uninstalled lots of things alrady | 04:31 |
mobomelte1 | hahaha its running in console mode | 04:31 |
dkbg | well, dang I thought I'd give compiz a try | 04:31 |
mobomelte1 | thats cool | 04:31 |
Viroo | but still not everything | 04:31 |
neozen | xipietotec: that will keep you busy | 04:31 |
mobomelte1 | i can't see what its doing | 04:31 |
mobomelte1 | but its working | 04:31 |
Viroo | thats why i need to know what exactly been installed | 04:31 |
neozen | mobomelte1: lol | 04:31 |
xipietotec | I've allready updated everything (I'm using feisty) today...should I have the card installed while I do that? | 04:31 |
stas_v | hi, can anyone please tell me how to add SSHD to start up so it automatically starts whenever the computer boots? | 04:31 |
Viroo | i need the list | 04:31 |
neozen | mobomelte1: guess that means they haven't made a gui version yet | 04:32 |
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Pelo | Viroo, some of those dependencies might have had dependencies to | 04:32 |
neozen | mobomelte1: feel free to poke them into doing so | 04:32 |
Hansel | stas_v cd /etc/init.d <--- startup scripts folder :) | 04:32 |
mobomelte1 | they have | 04:32 |
mobomelte1 | maybe not in linux | 04:32 |
K3nto | okay. my mp3s in amarok were working earlier and now amarok wont play them "Mp3 support not installed | 04:32 |
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mobomelte1 | because i have it on windows | 04:32 |
Hansel | stas_v I imagine you can also list it in inetd.conf the old fashioned way. | 04:32 |
neozen | mobomelte1: that's what I mean | 04:32 |
mobomelte1 | could be | 04:32 |
Pelo | Viroo, go to the site, there should be a list of pakcages somewhere on there | 04:32 |
mage | updaterc.d i think is the fancy schmancy command to deal with starting stuff on auto | 04:32 |
neozen | mobomelte1: if they haven't made a graphical linux version... poke them | 04:32 |
mobomelte1 | oh well i'm still helping out | 04:32 |
Tonren | !virtual | 04:32 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about virtual - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:32 |
Tonren | !vmware | 04:32 |
ubotu | VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers | 04:32 |
Viroo | if any utility that sorts packages according to their installation time.. i ccan use grep for that | 04:32 |
Viroo | but i can figure out which one | 04:33 |
Hansel | Viroo - sudo apt-get install apt-show-versions | 04:33 |
Tonren | Ugh. How do I make a Windows XP virtual machine in Ubuntu? I have a legal XP disc. | 04:33 |
K3nto | ok nvm, i just restarted | 04:33 |
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Hansel | ? | 04:33 |
Pelo | Viroo, you can also try installking gtkorphan, it will find dependencies that are no longuer nessecary and remove them for you | 04:33 |
mobomelte1 | alright now i need to figure out how to keep that wireless thing in my tool bar | 04:33 |
neozen | mobomelte1: you are now a bonified linux user.... with this comes a license to b*tch about anything that doesn't work right with linux ::grins:: | 04:33 |
=== I_Eat_Plastic [n=ph3r@pool-72-64-114-51.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | mobomelte1: yeah... I'll look that up for you | 04:33 |
mage | hey a ubuntu install can mount a cloop right? | 04:33 |
Viroo | ok | 04:33 |
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mobomelte1 | lol | 04:34 |
mobomelte1 | i took a linux class too and i swore i would never touch it again | 04:34 |
neozen | mage: if you mean a loopback filesystem .... yes | 04:34 |
zen | I was trying to make my own mail-notification package by compiling and using checkinstall, and I got this error, how can I fix it? "dpkg: error processing /home/neil/Desktop/mail-notification-4.0/mail-notification_4.0-1_i386.deb (--install):" "trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/2/libgconfbackend-xml.so', which is also in package libgconf2-4" | 04:34 |
neozen | mobomelte1: lol..... linux has changed | 04:34 |
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mobomelte1 | this was recent | 04:34 |
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Hansel | lol mobomelte1 | 04:34 |
mobomelte1 | like last semester recent | 04:34 |
neozen | mobomelte1: package management has made it accessible to the everyman | 04:34 |
neozen | mobomelte1: FAR more accessible anyway | 04:35 |
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peepsalot | is there a simple way to upgrade from edgy to feisty without downloading the ISO? | 04:35 |
mobomelte1 | its hard but worth it | 04:35 |
j3g | i have a routing question... I am going to set up a linux box to be a router... i have got the "private ip" pairs that it is going to use to connect to the provider's router, and the designated ip range/mask that is going to be made available to my network... how does one set this up? do I set the private IP address of the isp router as default gateway? | 04:35 |
Hansel | if you want to see just how far Linux has come I can send you a Slackware 3.6 installation disk... those were different times. | 04:35 |
Pelo | zen, are you looking for an app to check for new emails periodicaly ? try gnubiff , multiple accounts | 04:35 |
neozen | mobomelte1: its NEW ... but not hard | 04:35 |
genii | peepsalot Yes from Edgy to Feisty you can use the upgrade-manager | 04:35 |
mobomelte1 | wow | 04:35 |
neozen | mobomelte1: you get used to it | 04:35 |
I_Eat_Plastic | Anyone have any experience using Ubuntu Server Edition? | 04:35 |
=== arch_ [n=rmaus@74-140-127-77.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mobomelte1 | f@h is running both cores at 100% | 04:35 |
Tonren | Anyone? Windows XP as a VM in Ubuntu? | 04:36 |
neozen | I_Eat_Plastic: yeah... | 04:36 |
peepsalot | ok i will look into it, thanks genii | 04:36 |
=== Jay_Dogg [n=jukka@a88-114-201-3.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
OtakuMark | Is ubuntu going to be as fun to use as the mandrake I used a few years back? burning 6.06 as we speak | 04:36 |
mobomelte1 | i need to get on that | 04:36 |
FordPrefect | no but I do Win 2000 in Ubuntu | 04:36 |
mobomelte1 | thats way too high | 04:36 |
neozen | I_Eat_Plastic: I run server on a box | 04:36 |
Hansel | Tonren - never done it... do you have a virtual machine application installed that can even handle the WinXP? | 04:36 |
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arch_ | how can I set the order in which programs run at startup (config file edit or something)? | 04:36 |
neozen | mobomelte1: well... that's what it does | 04:36 |
Tonren | Hansel: No. I have no idea what I'm doing. All I know is that I don't want to dual boot. | 04:36 |
=== tate_ [n=tate@cpe-071-075-153-198.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
I_Eat_Plastic | neozen: Did you ever have issues with sudo? | 04:36 |
neozen | mobomelte1: eats idle cpu | 04:36 |
=== annihilus [n=annihilu@dorm15029.dorm-net.louisville.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zen | Pelo, well, I was looking for something to sit in my try and notify me when there's new mail in the account...the actual checking I use Thunderbird for. | 04:36 |
FordPrefect | vmware is free as in kittens but not freedom | 04:36 |
neozen | mobomelte1: and in linux.... you have LOTS of idle time | 04:36 |
Hansel | arch_ cd /etc/init.d :) | 04:36 |
Pelo | Tonren, you need an image, to make a image of an xp installation you need at least vmware server, you can get thaty from the vmware site, | 04:36 |
FordPrefect | You can easily use that | 04:37 |
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neozen | mobomelte1: (linux is so much smarter about this then windows) | 04:37 |
Hansel | !virtualmachine | 04:37 |
Tonren | Pelo: Is it... free? | 04:37 |
=== juabomi [n=juabomi@46.Red-80-25-125.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about virtualmachine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:37 |
mobomelte1 | it was running like 9 times | 04:37 |
sybesis | can someone tell me how to make someone understand that wine is not an emulator? | 04:37 |
=== besonen2____ [n=besonen2@209-180-234-92.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | Tonren, it was , but you needed an elaborate registration | 04:37 |
neozen | Tonren: YEAH...I gotcah | 04:37 |
Pelo | Tonren, #vmware is a better place for this stuff | 04:37 |
dwokm | hey can anyone tell me how to stop apache from logging traffic that gets rewrited to a forbidden page | 04:37 |
fogobogo | hi anybody! how reliable are the informations you get with deborphan? | 04:37 |
Hansel | sybesis - www.winehq.org <--- send them there? | 04:37 |
lxuser | does someone know why when I burn a DVD in Gnomebaker when the burn is finished my burner turn off? | 04:37 |
dwokm | like a 403 | 04:37 |
neozen | Tonren: I've got a guide for you | 04:37 |
Tonren | sybesis: Dude, don't bother. It doesn't really matter anyway. | 04:37 |
tate_ | Hey, I've got a Feisty Fawn system that needs working nvidia drivers for a geforce8, I'm trying to install the kernel headers for kernel 2.6.20-13-generic but apt is not cooperating | 04:37 |
FordPrefect | if you're on Edgy you have to add an environment var though | 04:37 |
Tonren | Pelo: Okey doke, thanks! | 04:37 |
neozen | Tonren: wait one | 04:37 |
Tonren | neozen: Oooh. Awesome. | 04:37 |
tate_ | How can I get the kernel headers for Feisty? | 04:37 |
mage | sybesis: it still emulates... the api, not really worth the bother | 04:38 |
mobomelte1 | now i need to register my name on irc | 04:38 |
Pelo | zen, it's just a little pannel applet that check if you have new mail, you can then download with your regular client | 04:38 |
neozen | Tonren: tells you from start to finish how to get it working | 04:38 |
arch_ | hansel: what file within init.d? | 04:38 |
sybesis | we know but hes trolling our forum with that | 04:38 |
fogobogo | hi anybody! how reliable are the informations you get with deborphan? | 04:38 |
FordPrefect | for vmware you may also need to do this: http://linuxintegrators.com/acoliver/blog/2006/08/19/x-0261.html | 04:38 |
neozen | mobomelte1: /msg nickserv register help | 04:38 |
Tonren | Man... I saw people saying this crap was EASY. | 04:38 |
aeropixie | !irc | 04:38 |
Hansel | arch_ well... those scripts all run at bootup. Technically you should edit rc.local with any "other" programs you want to run after the rest bootup. | 04:39 |
FordPrefect | you will definitely need to do this for vmware as well on Edgy: http://linuxintegrators.com/acoliver/blog/2007/02/26/x-0307.html | 04:39 |
ubotu | irc is Internet Relay Chat - Ubuntu IRC clients: xchat (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XChatHowto), gaim (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Konversation (http://konversation.berlios.de/docs/), irssi (console) (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi) - Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat and !guidelines | 04:39 |
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sybesis | we sent him at winehq faq etc an he says read it well before saying thing that arent truth | 04:39 |
neozen | Tonren: this will royally set you up: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183209&highlight=vmware | 04:39 |
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mobomelte1 | nooo | 04:39 |
mobomelte1 | my name is wrong though | 04:39 |
Hansel | sybesis - tell him it's an API layer... does it really matter if he insists on it being an emulator? | 04:39 |
Pelo | Tonren, if you want my advice, before setting up a virtual machine try to run your app in wine , much less trouble | 04:39 |
mobomelte1 | i gotta change my name | 04:39 |
neozen | Tonren: keep in mind... NO high end graphics type stuff | 04:39 |
Tonren | neozen: Badass. | 04:39 |
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Tonren | Pelo: Dude... I am SO TIRED of running crap in wine. | 04:39 |
FordPrefect | wine less trouble than VMWare? No way | 04:39 |
neozen | mobomelte1: /nick mobomelter | 04:39 |
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Hansel | sybesis - tell him it "emulates" the Windows API... not the Windows shell, kernel, etc. | 04:39 |
mobomelter | alright | 04:39 |
FordPrefect | certainly less resource intensive | 04:40 |
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Tonren | Pelo: wine fails, okay? It's a great, valiant effort, and I'm sure it works fine for some people, but it fails. | 04:40 |
sybesis | no but hes like hum...sticky | 04:40 |
neozen | mobomelter: now /msg nickserv register help | 04:40 |
sybesis | you know people obsessed by their opinion | 04:40 |
=== cables [n=cables@65-78-17-151.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | Tonren, I was just trying to save you some trouble | 04:40 |
neozen | Tonren: no graphics intensive games | 04:40 |
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Hansel | sybesis - let him have his opinion... one day he'll see the light. :) | 04:40 |
neozen | Pelo: that guide makes it easy mon | 04:40 |
Pelo | Tonren, you could also try this http://www.advicesource.org/ubuntu/Run_Existing_Windows_Instalation_On_Ubuntu_With_Vmware_player.html | 04:40 |
mage | sybesis: "shut up dale" | 04:40 |
arch_ | hansel: sorry, I've never done this before, can I just tag it (command) to the end of that file, or should it go into one of the blocks? | 04:40 |
Tonren | Pelo: I understand. It's just that you can only be told to "try the GIMP" and "what about wine" so many times! | 04:40 |
=== sebatustra [n=linuxdua@pc-93-119-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | Tonren, but it didn't work for me | 04:40 |
mobomelter | alright | 04:41 |
Tonren | Pelo: Unfortunately, I blasted my Windows partition | 04:41 |
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Hansel | arch_ tag it to the end... oughta do the trick ;) | 04:41 |
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neozen | Pelo: don't bother with vmware player | 04:41 |
mobomelter | i gotta wait 2 minutes | 04:41 |
who__ | if GDM doesn't restart after ctrl+alt+backspace is that a bug? | 04:41 |
mobomelter | thanks for all your help | 04:41 |
neozen | Pelo: vmware server is now free | 04:41 |
sybesis | "shut up dale" will be my quote :) | 04:41 |
Tonren | neozen: I only play games that are 4 years old or older | 04:41 |
cables | Pelo, VirtualBox is easier and better, if you're looking for a virtual machine | 04:41 |
mobomelter | i gotta figure out that network manager thing | 04:41 |
Hansel | who__ did you logout first then try it or are you logged in and pushing that? | 04:41 |
mage | who__: did a dialog come up? | 04:41 |
neozen | neozen: still.... NO graphics intensive games | 04:41 |
cables | mobomelter, what's to figure out? | 04:41 |
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neozen | lol | 04:41 |
cables | !networkmanager | mobomelter | 04:41 |
ubotu | mobomelter: networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager | 04:41 |
neozen | meant Tonren | 04:41 |
Tonren | neozen: At all? What about, like, Starcraft? | 04:41 |
xipietotec | if you have a device (wireless card) that shows up in lspci, is supposed to work out of the box, and doesn't show the relevent modules in lsmod, how the heck do you load the relevent modules? | 04:41 |
arch_ | hansel: thanks a ton for the help | 04:41 |
cables | mobomelter, read that, it has everything. | 04:41 |
Hansel | arch_ np | 04:41 |
neozen | Tonren: starcraft works just fine in wine | 04:42 |
who__ | Hansel: just did it while logged in - normally (x86) it works but on this ppc it doesn't) | 04:42 |
Hansel | xipietotec, modprobe | 04:42 |
neozen | Tonren: it will probably NOT work inside of vmware | 04:42 |
cables | xipietotec, what is it? Maybe someone knows the right module... | 04:42 |
who__ | mage: nothing, just see the boot mesages | 04:42 |
xipietotec | Hansel: modprobe what though? | 04:42 |
Tonren | neozen: Usually, but sometimes it runs excrutiatingly slow for no reason. | 04:42 |
Hansel | modprobe modulename <--- like that | 04:42 |
sybesis | i can play source games well in wine so starcraft | 04:42 |
Pelo | neozen, cables I am not looking for a virtual machine, Tonren is , I just have a seperate window install for those rare times I need it | 04:42 |
mage | and you only did it once? | 04:42 |
Tonren | neozen: Lame. Hmm.... maybe I should just deal with Photoshop 7 in wine | 04:42 |
neozen | Tonren: there's no graphics acceleration support for wine | 04:42 |
xipietotec | It's a d-link WNA-2330, listed in the devices wiki as working right out of the box | 04:42 |
mage | yea that sounds buggy | 04:42 |
neozen | Tonren: perhaps | 04:42 |
Aaron_Mason | hey all... I'm trying to use debootstrap to make a base system for dapper... but when I try this: debootstrap dapper ./uml_sys/ file:/cdrom/ - I get this: W: Failure trying to run: chroot /home/aaron/uml_sys mount -t proc proc /proc | 04:42 |
Hansel | xipietotec, lsmod <--- dont see it in there? | 04:43 |
mobomelter | i'm just trying to figure out how to keep it in the system tray | 04:43 |
=== ubuntugrl [n=linuxgir@c-68-82-237-20.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mobomelter | and be there on starup | 04:43 |
mage | Aaron_Mason: as root maybe? | 04:43 |
cables | Tonren, I just got here, are you talking about games in VMware? That won't work, there's no 3d acceleration support yet in any VM software. However, if you're looking for a VM for other things, I found VirtualBox much quicker and easier to set up than VMWare, and the full version is free. | 04:43 |
sybesis | if you ever played with inkscape its worth it for vector drawing | 04:43 |
cables | Pelo, ok, sorry | 04:43 |
xipietotec | Hansel: it shows up in lspci as an atheros ethernet controller, no listings for atheros in lsmod | 04:43 |
Aaron_Mason | mage: I am doing it as root | 04:43 |
Hansel | modprobe atheros | 04:43 |
neozen | guys.. mobomelter's just trying to add nm-applet to the auto started applications | 04:43 |
xipietotec | okah....hod on.... | 04:43 |
=== Arroll [n=chatzill@CPE0004e22890fd-CM0014e8266b9a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntugrl | can someone help me setup console graphic support? | 04:43 |
xipietotec | hold even | 04:43 |
cables | xipietotec, try modprobe ath-pci, I've got that in my lsmod... | 04:43 |
cables | mobomelter, in Gnome? | 04:44 |
Tonren | cables: link? | 04:44 |
neozen | Tonren: you might be ok with photoshop under vmware | 04:44 |
LRP | hello, I'm new to IRC and new to Ubuntu/Linux, can someone help me setup a share on my dual boot machine | 04:44 |
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mobomelter | ys in gnome | 04:44 |
neozen | Tonren: graphical games however.. are very iffy | 04:44 |
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mage | Aaron_Mason: odd, I've personally never debootstrapped off a CD | 04:44 |
neozen | LRP: ....hmm..... well... what do you mean by a share | 04:44 |
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Pelo | LRP, you mean a share between your two os ? | 04:44 |
cables | Tonren, Photoshop is CPU intensive, and CPU emulation is fast in VirtualBox... I'd guess about 90% of full speed. What ISN'T fast is graphics and disk access | 04:44 |
Hansel | LRP - if you are BRAND new to Linux I recommend you invest in an external USB drive to backup all of your important files... | 04:44 |
LRP | my share drive already has data on it and is accessible from Windows, it is FAT32, I mounted it as /mnt/share | 04:44 |
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Arroll | can someone tell my where i can find a good guide to installing and setting up Beryl with AIGLX and drivers in Edgy with an nvidia card? | 04:44 |
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Aaron_Mason | mage: I'll have a shot at using the archive | 04:44 |
LRP | when I try to access it ther is nothing in the folder | 04:44 |
neozen | LRP: ok.... awesome | 04:45 |
neozen | LRP: hmmmmmm | 04:45 |
Hansel | LRP - you need to use samba... not mounting shares (NFS) | 04:45 |
cables | mobomelter, do you have "network-manager-gnome" installed? If so, go to System>Preferences>Sessions, go to the Startup tab, hit add, and add nm-applet. | 04:45 |
harry_ | How do I set up a dumb terminal to run from my current computer ? | 04:45 |
LRP | i've already created the dual boot with multiple partitions | 04:45 |
odeerc | anybody here tell me what is error 18?. | 04:45 |
ubuntugrl | does ubuntu support console graphics? | 04:45 |
kitche | !beryl | Arroll but the beryl website is good | 04:45 |
ubotu | Arroll but the beryl website is good: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 04:45 |
sybesis | Aroll go and find the repositories for beryl | 04:45 |
neozen | cables: yes he does | 04:45 |
=== FordPrefect [n=fprefect@cpe-071-077-006-045.nc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
Pelo | LRP, did you actualy mount it or did you just make a /mnt/share folder ? | 04:45 |
=== CnH [n=shawes@pool-71-111-107-70.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hansel | ubuntugrl, yes.. kinda sorta. | 04:45 |
sybesis | then update you nvidia drivers | 04:45 |
mobomelter | its in starup programs | 04:45 |
neozen | mobomelter: that's where the damn thing is | 04:45 |
ubuntugrl | Hansel, how do i set that up? | 04:45 |
mobomelter | thats odd | 04:45 |
cables | Tonren, http://www.virtualbox.org/ | 04:45 |
sybesis | then it may work like a charm | 04:45 |
xipietotec | fatal, no module atheros | 04:45 |
LRP | during the install I chose to mount /dev/hda8 as /share | 04:45 |
mobomelter | because it keeps disapearing | 04:46 |
Hansel | LRP - so you have a Windows computer and a Linux computer on your network? You want to "mount" the Windows share in Linux? If so you need Samba. | 04:46 |
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cables | Tonren, just a hint, to get out of a vm window, hit the right control key + r | 04:46 |
neozen | mobomelter: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade again | 04:46 |
Arroll | what about drivers? where can i get the approperate drivers? i used Envy last night, and it caused a few problems | 04:46 |
LRP | Hansel: no, it is a dual boot machine, all on one HD | 04:46 |
Tonren | cables: thx | 04:46 |
LRP | with 8 partitions | 04:46 |
Hansel | LRP - if you are dual booting and want to access a Windows partition then you can use mount and pass it the -t ntfs option (NTFS type) | 04:46 |
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neozen | might just be out of date | 04:46 |
cables | mobomelter, try nm-applet --sm-disable | 04:46 |
mobomelter | hold on | 04:46 |
Pelo | Hansel, if you are not going to pay attention to what ppl are aksing just keep quiet please | 04:46 |
mobomelter | gotta pee | 04:46 |
Hansel | Pelo - I'm helping lots of people... | 04:46 |
Hansel | Pelo - but since you are being a complete asshat I'll just leave. Fuck yourself. | 04:46 |
jason_ | whats the new fiesty gonna have that edgy dont? | 04:46 |
LRP | earlier I tried...sudo mount -t vfat/dev/hda8 /mnt/share | 04:46 |
mozammel | Hi, if I have Pentium D 2.8 Processor, should I use Ubuntu amd 64bit one? | 04:46 |
LRP | and nothe happened | 04:46 |
neozen | Hansel: that's not what he's talking about mon | 04:46 |
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kitche | jason_: updated software and better support for hardware and such | 04:47 |
neozen | Hansel: he's talking about a dual-booted machine | 04:47 |
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sybesis | http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/ | 04:47 |
cables | jason_, windows migration, graphical effects, new versions of software, restricted drivers manager, easy network roaming | 04:47 |
ubuntugrl | can anyone help me? | 04:47 |
neozen | wow... he left | 04:47 |
cables | !ask | ubuntugrl | 04:47 |
ubotu | ubuntugrl: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 04:47 |
Pelo | LRP, check to see if your partition is visible using gparted | 04:47 |
LRP | it is | 04:47 |
neozen | LRP: ok... I gotcha | 04:47 |
stickman | anyone here run ubuntu on an imac? | 04:47 |
LRP | i created it with that | 04:47 |
LRP | I can see it in cfdisk too | 04:47 |
ubuntugrl | i have three times. can someone help me setup console graphic support | 04:47 |
neozen | LRP: great... did you format this partition? | 04:48 |
LRP | hda8 does not show up in fstab | 04:48 |
cables | ubuntugrl, what is console graphic support? | 04:48 |
neozen | LRP: AHHH | 04:48 |
Aaron_Mason | mage: it works fine if I do it off the repository... :S | 04:48 |
LRP | oriinally before transferring my data back to it | 04:48 |
neozen | LRP: there's your issue | 04:48 |
sybesis | aroll@ I don't seriously know... I'm going to make some debian package for nvidia 9755 because there aren't anyone out there | 04:48 |
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LRP | why doesn't it show up and how do I add it? | 04:48 |
neozen | LRP: type mount | 04:48 |
sybesis | envy isn't a good way to install drivers | 04:48 |
ubuntugrl | graphics in the console. if i boot a knoppix cd, i can lynx www.google.com and see the graphics | 04:48 |
mobomelter | alright got it | 04:48 |
stickman | i'm trying to figure out which usb wireless devices will work... | 04:48 |
neozen | LRP: and see if it shows up in the list | 04:48 |
Pelo | LRP, try not using the enter key as punctuation | 04:48 |
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LRP | it does not | 04:48 |
mobomelter | nm-applet is running | 04:48 |
cables | ubuntugrl, I don't know then... | 04:48 |
neozen | LRP: ok man fstab | 04:49 |
mozammel | Anyone pls: if I have Pentium D 2.8 Processor, should I use Ubuntu amd 64bit one? | 04:49 |
mobomelter | but i don't see the icon | 04:49 |
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cables | mobomelter, did you try nm-applet --sm-disable? | 04:49 |
neozen | LRP: and read | 04:49 |
mobomelter | thats really wierld | 04:49 |
LRP | Pelo: as punctuation? | 04:49 |
cables | mozammel, I'd stick with 32 bit | 04:49 |
neozen | mozammel: heck no | 04:49 |
mobomelter | hold on i'll tr | 04:49 |
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cables | mozammel, 64-bit driver and software support is scarce | 04:49 |
=== Chetwin [n=user@cpe-75-83-119-37.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | mozammel: running 64bit will give you more headaches then you want | 04:49 |
mage | mozammel: Intel != AMD :-/ | 04:49 |
LRP | neozen: I don't even know what fstab is, I just read about it earlier somewhere | 04:49 |
mozammel | ok, thanks | 04:49 |
sybesis | if you try the risk of upgrading to feisty fawn (unstable) you will have these drivers | 04:49 |
Chetwin | Can anyone give me a starting off point... I would like to host a web site from a server in-house | 04:49 |
kitche | mage the amd64 cd works on intel x86_64 | 04:49 |
Pelo | LRP, us this comman in the terminal sudo mount /dev/hda8 vfat /mnt/share | 04:49 |
neozen | mozammel: the i386 image will support your cores just fine | 04:49 |
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sybesis | Goodnight everyoone | 04:50 |
mage | kitche: ah | 04:50 |
mozammel | thanks cables, neozen, mage... | 04:50 |
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mobomelter | its listed under start up | 04:50 |
aeropixie | sybesis: goognight | 04:50 |
neozen | LRP: man fstab will tell you all you need to know | 04:50 |
Pelo | LRP, you are making to many lines when you talk you are hard to follow with other ppl talking, don't hit the enter key so much , use stops or comas | 04:50 |
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mobomelter | thats the funny thing | 04:50 |
LRP | Pelo: it doesn't work it comes up with instructions on how to use mount | 04:50 |
jason_ | anyone know of any good Ubuntu podcasts? | 04:50 |
drcode | hi all | 04:50 |
neozen | mobomelter: ok... reboot and see what's up | 04:50 |
drcode | I try to install rt2561 card | 04:50 |
kitche | mage: it's just a generic term pretty much sicne amd started x86_64 first at least one that worked right | 04:50 |
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drcode | It seems that I can't see it in lspci | 04:50 |
drcode | any idea? | 04:50 |
mobomelter | alright brb | 04:51 |
Pelo | LRP, and what are the instrucions ? see how the command differs and try fixing it | 04:51 |
Frog29 | hello, i'm currently haveing a problem with ubuntu booting - it gives me a tty error. here's the background - i've installed grub on a serperate boot partition, and i got it to work, but immediatly after that it gave me the tty error, however i was able to boot it imediatly after install, but it was non complient after that. I have acess to the partition with internet, can nyone help me with this problem? | 04:51 |
drcode | lspci check the hardware device? | 04:51 |
waxyfresh | whats the name of the package that has the mac like deskbar??? | 04:51 |
zen | Pelo, that works pretty well...but I've been making some of my own other packages, and this isn't the first time I've run into this sort of error...do you know the solution? | 04:51 |
LRP | Pelo: okay, sorry about that, I'm new to IRC too, thanks for the tip | 04:51 |
drcode | it mean mybe hardware problem? | 04:51 |
mobomelter | alright brb | 04:51 |
cables | waxyfresh, I don't know, but one ? is enough!!! | 04:51 |
harry_ | is it possible to install ubuntu on a 400MHz with 300MB of ram @ 4 megs of vram? | 04:51 |
Pelo | zen, sorry, I 've lost track , what error ? | 04:51 |
erichj | harry_: yes | 04:51 |
hagabaka | is there a feed for newly added packages to ubuntu repositories? | 04:51 |
cables | harry_, yes, but you might want to try Xubuntu | 04:52 |
waxyfresh | harry_: yup | 04:52 |
LRP | Pelo: nothing in there makes sense, I followed the instructions, and they didn't work, from talking with a friend earlier today, he also said the problem lies in fstab and I need to see it there before it will show up anywhere else, is that ture? | 04:52 |
Chetwin | How can I host a web site from home?/ | 04:52 |
j3g | i have a routing question... I am going to set up a linux box to be a router... i have got the "private ip" pairs that it is going to use to connect to the provider's router, and the designated ip range/mask that is going to be made available to my network... how does one set this up? do I set the private IP address of the isp router as default gateway? | 04:52 |
cables | Chetwin, that's out of the scope of this channel | 04:52 |
neozen | harry_: indeed you might... its what I run | 04:52 |
Pelo | LRP, just a stupid question here , but did you actualy make a /mnt/share folder ? | 04:52 |
Chetwin | Where can I go for that? | 04:52 |
zen | It looks like the package is trying to overwrite a file that's already there (I was using checkinstall), the error was: "dpkg: error processing /home/neil/Desktop/mail-notification-4.0/mail-notification_4.0-1_i386.deb (--install):" "trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/2/libgconfbackend-xml.so', which is also in package libgconf2-4" | 04:52 |
scv | harry_: 4m vram = ati mach64? | 04:52 |
neozen | harry_: and I'm most happy with it | 04:52 |
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neozen | Pelo: perfectly valid question | 04:53 |
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LRP | Pelo: I did not make the folder myself, but it was created during then Ubuntu installation process | 04:53 |
Pelo | LRP, fstab is for automaounting at boot | 04:53 |
waxyfresh | harry_: ii] ve had it it running on 33 mhx | 04:53 |
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Chetwin | cables: Can you point me in the right direction? | 04:53 |
Pelo | LRP, check if the folder is there | 04:53 |
harry_ | Can I get it to run off of my good computer over a network? [like a terminal] | 04:53 |
LRP | Pelo: it is | 04:53 |
Frog29 | can anyone help me with my tty error that i posted? | 04:53 |
cables | !offtopic | Chetwin, ask there | 04:53 |
ubotu | Chetwin, ask there: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 04:53 |
Pelo | lpr hold on | 04:53 |
lasking | hey guys where can get ubuntu T-shit ? | 04:53 |
neozen | LRP: it might be that its set up with the wrong permissions | 04:53 |
cables | lasking, typo? | 04:53 |
aeropixie | lasking: :p | 04:53 |
Chetwin | ty | 04:53 |
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lasking | xl | 04:54 |
neozen | lasking: lol.... check out ubuntu.com | 04:54 |
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cables | !ohmy | lasking :) | 04:54 |
SirBob1701 | can someone give me a hand with mplayer it said it cant initialize my sound device but audio works in everything else | 04:54 |
ubotu | lasking :): Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 04:54 |
waxyfresh | whats the name of the package that has the mac like deskbar??? | 04:54 |
neozen | lasking: I'm sure they've got a merchandise link | 04:54 |
cables | !repeat | waxyfresh | 04:54 |
ubotu | waxyfresh: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 04:54 |
=== geekdom [n=davidbr@user-0c8hqj5.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | waxyfresh: there's a tone of them | 04:54 |
LRP | Pelo: how do I check/change them, and what is samba and why would I need it, isn't this pretty standard what I'm trying to do? | 04:54 |
tate_ | is there a way to stop X in feisty that works? | 04:54 |
=== mobomelter [n=mobomelt@c-76-21-228-39.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Aaron_Mason | for my debootstrap problem, this is the error message I get from this: debootstrap dapper ./uml_sys/ file:/cdrom/ - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12262/ | 04:54 |
cables | tate_, you mean in the LiveCD? | 04:54 |
neozen | waxyfresh: you can also just configure the gnome panels to act like the doc | 04:54 |
mobomelter | back | 04:54 |
aeropixie | lasking: I think you might have a subliminal urge to send a free t-shirt to me. | 04:55 |
mobomelter | seems to be working now | 04:55 |
a-865 | I replaced an ISA sound card with a PCI. Now what dpkg reconfigure do I need to run? | 04:55 |
tate_ | no, an install | 04:55 |
neozen | mobomelter: awesome | 04:55 |
mobomelter | no idea though | 04:55 |
=== patchrick [n=patrick@host194.diegoman59.hyatthsiagx.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | LRP, put this line in fstab and reboot your computer /dev/hda8 /mnt/share vfat defaults 0 2 | 04:55 |
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cables | mobomelter, after the --sm-disable thingy? cool | 04:55 |
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neozen | mobomelter: lol | 04:55 |
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mobomelter | i didn't change anything | 04:55 |
=== xX-ACID-Xx [i=WinNT@c211-30-255-71.rivrw3.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tate_ | I've tried sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop and it crashes | 04:55 |
SirBob1701 | are there any other video players that work in firefox besides mplayer? | 04:55 |
mobomelter | i just installed it and rebooted | 04:55 |
LRP | Pelo: sorry I'm such a newbie, but how do I edit fstab? and where do I put the line at? | 04:55 |
cables | tate_, try ctrl-alt-backspace | 04:55 |
Pelo | LRP, you only need samba to share folders over a network with windows machines , maybe that was the problem withthe install doing it for a network share | 04:56 |
tritoch | SirBob1701: vlc | 04:56 |
tate_ | tried that too | 04:56 |
SirBob1701 | thanks | 04:56 |
neozen | SirBob1701: how'd you get mplayer to work in firefox? | 04:56 |
cables | LRP, alt-f2, then gksudo gedit /etc/fstab (you'll have to type your password | 04:56 |
tate_ | same problem | 04:56 |
lasking | not free T-shit someone said t-shit is made for this summer but i don't know where to buy | 04:56 |
Pelo | LRP, sudo gedit /etc/ fstab | 04:56 |
xX-ACID-Xx | hi I was just wondering how hard it is to setup beryl in ubuntu ultimate because i am totally new at linux | 04:56 |
cables | tate_, try #ubuntu+1 | 04:56 |
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=== K3nto [n=k3nt@dhcp42-151.iqltvu.northwestel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SirBob1701 | neozen: theres a synaptic plugin for it mozilla-mplayer | 04:56 |
Pelo | LRP, sorry sudo gedit /etc/fstab | 04:56 |
cables | xX-ACID-Xx, Ubuntu Ultimate is not supported here, it's a third-party version | 04:56 |
Frog29 | hey, can somone hlep me wtih a tty error on startup? | 04:56 |
neozen | SirBob1701: awesome | 04:56 |
xX-ACID-Xx | k | 04:56 |
K3nto | im looking for a good p2p app | 04:56 |
xX-ACID-Xx | use torrents | 04:57 |
SirBob1701 | My mplayer stopped working no longer initializes my audio device and I dont know why | 04:57 |
K3nto | amule is awful. it wouldnt download a thing that i qued | 04:57 |
SurfnKid | !w32codecs | 04:57 |
ubotu | Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs | 04:57 |
cables | xX-ACID-Xx, I'd recommend switching to the official Ubuntu Feisty Fawn, coming out in late April. It has easy beryl installation. | 04:57 |
SurfnKid | !Codecs | 04:57 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:57 |
xX-ACID-Xx | @k3nto use torrents dude | 04:57 |
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Koganei | hey guys, I read a while ago about a pack that installs a bunch of apps (Flash, Google Toolbar, etc.) and makes sure everything is all working well together but I forgot its name. anyone know what I'm talking about? | 04:57 |
K3nto | for single songs? | 04:57 |
xX-ACID-Xx | use shareaza | 04:57 |
xX-ACID-Xx | o wait | 04:57 |
xX-ACID-Xx | r u using ubuntu? | 04:57 |
cables | Koganei, probably Automatix, but you don't want to use that. | 04:57 |
K3nto | yep | 04:57 |
neozen | SirBob1701: how'd you lie to apt so it stopped complaining that mplayer wasn't installed? | 04:57 |
Koganei | no? | 04:57 |
aeropixie | is xfce noticably snappier? | 04:57 |
=== DaveyJ [n=daveyj@ool-44c257f1.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Koganei | yeah, it was Automatix | 04:58 |
cables | aeropixie, on old hardware, yes. | 04:58 |
cables | Koganei, don't use that | 04:58 |
Frog29 | !automatix | 04:58 |
ubotu | automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 04:58 |
neozen | SirBob1701: and that it couldn't install it b/c it was a virtual package? | 04:58 |
=== icicled [n=icicled@adsl-209-30-164-212.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cables | Koganei, if you nead help with installing stuff, we'll walk you through doing it without Automatix. | 04:58 |
Koganei | ah okay cool | 04:58 |
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SirBob1701 | neozen: i never ran into problems i just installed it and it worked | 04:58 |
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waxyfresh | is there a way to upgrade to fiesty without updateing my sources.list? | 04:58 |
xX-ACID-Xx | is there an automatic script for installing beryl on ubuntu? | 04:58 |
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aeropixie | cables: would you say it woudl be faster tahn gnome in a virtual machine? | 04:58 |
K3nto | xX-ACID-Xx: ya im using ubuntu | 04:58 |
neozen | SirBob1701: edgy right? | 04:58 |
SirBob1701 | yup | 04:58 |
Koganei | I just installed it, I'm not sure what I need to install. I guess Flash would be cool for now | 04:58 |
waxyfresh | xX-ACID-Xx: no | 04:58 |
cables | aeropixie, probably | 04:58 |
Frog29 | not sure what others will say but i've also heard about easyubuntu | 04:58 |
neozen | SirBob1701: drat | 04:58 |
Koganei | thanks b/w | 04:59 |
xX-ACID-Xx | sorry im pretty new at linux im not sure about linux download programs | 04:59 |
Pelo | xX-ACID-Xx, no there isn't you install it just like you install anything else with syanptic or with apt-get | 04:59 |
cables | xX-ACID-Xx, seriously, for Ubuntu 7.04, then switch to it. And don't call what you're using Ubuntu... it's not Ubuntu. | 04:59 |
SirBob1701 | noezen: know anything about mplayer settings? | 04:59 |
neozen | SirBob1701: did you use automatix to install mplayer or something? | 04:59 |
=== Pelo 's typing is getting realy bad today | ||
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cables | Pelo, no you don't | 04:59 |
waxyfresh | xX-ACID-Xx: ive been violenyly fight with beryl for weeks | 04:59 |
mobomelter | hey how do i kill folding at home in console | 04:59 |
cables | xX-ACID-Xx, I meant "wait for ubuntu 7.04" | 04:59 |
Pelo | cables, you need the proper repos first | 04:59 |
Koganei | oh yeah, what about video codecs? would VLC simply take care of all of that? | 04:59 |
cables | mobomelter, close the console or ctrl-c | 04:59 |
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xX-ACID-Xx | right now im using edgy eft | 04:59 |
=== qbert [n=qbert@cpe-68-206-121-134.stx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mobomelter | cool | 04:59 |
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cables | xX-ACID-Xx, didn't you say it was ultimate edition? | 05:00 |
waxyfresh | is there a way to upgrade to fiesty without updateing my sources.list? | 05:00 |
harry_ | I have an ubuntu machine that is connected diretly (i.e. the cable runs from one network card straight to the other one) to another machine which is using a live CD. How do I get them to recognize each other to do remote desktops? | 05:00 |
cables | !feistyupgrades | waxyfresh | 05:00 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about feistyupgrades - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:00 |
qbert | how do i set keyboard shortcuts for gnome ? | 05:00 |
SirBob1701 | neozen nope i just used synaptic | 05:00 |
xX-ACID-Xx | no i jus asked how hard it was cos im downloading it now | 05:00 |
cables | !upgrades | waxyfresh | 05:00 |
ubotu | waxyfresh: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 05:00 |
LRP | Okay guys, I'm gonna reboot now, thanks, I'll be back in a few with the results | 05:00 |
=== squid890 [n=squid890@cpe-24-58-67-212.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | SirBob1701: curious... | 05:00 |
cables | xX-ACID-Xx, don't use ultimate edition, if you do you won't get support here. | 05:00 |
neozen | SirBob1701: no such package appears on dapper | 05:00 |
xX-ACID-Xx | k | 05:00 |
SirBob1701 | hmm | 05:00 |
neozen | SirBob1701: even with the backports enabled | 05:00 |
Frog29 | hey, can someone help me with a "can't access tty; job control turned off" error? | 05:00 |
qbert | !keyboard | 05:01 |
ubotu | To find out how to switch your keyboard layout, See https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts | 05:01 |
K3nto | xX-ACID-Xx: sorry, ultimate edition of what? | 05:01 |
qbert | !shorcuts | 05:01 |
SirBob1701 | wonder if its cause i have mozill suite installed I highly doubt it tho | 05:01 |
qbert | !shortcuts | 05:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about shorcuts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:01 |
xX-ACID-Xx | cos last time i tried to install beryl on edgy i stuffes it up and it said that it had no graphical interface | 05:01 |
cables | xX-ACID-Xx, if you want Beryl, just wait until Ubuntu 7.04 comes out on April 19... it's got Compiz built in, and beryl is much easier to install than it is on Edgy | 05:01 |
ubotu | Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts (Gnome) or "Input Actions" in KControl (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net | 05:01 |
gaspipe1 | just curious... i have edgy 64 bit... when i upgrade should I start over with fawn or should i upgrade fawn 64? | 05:01 |
=== Marupa [n=Marupa@216-160-233-37.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xX-ACID-Xx | k | 05:01 |
cables | K3nto, it's a 3rd party derivative of Ubuntu | 05:01 |
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Marupa | Anyone notice how the latest updates are making stuff in Ubuntu crash? | 05:01 |
K3nto | ah | 05:01 |
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=== wilo [n=wilo@CPE-138-130-138-251.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Marupa | I've had firefox crash six times today, usually it's once every other day. Gnome-panel has crashed four times. | 05:01 |
Pelo | Marupa, didn'T happen to me but my install is pretty basic | 05:02 |
neozen | guys.... how do i remove a dependancy from a package? | 05:02 |
wilo | good afternoon all | 05:02 |
neozen | or tell apt that I actually have a package? | 05:02 |
Flannel | neozen: you don't. That's the point. | 05:02 |
neozen | Flannel: but there must be a way | 05:02 |
=== gravemind [n=phix@pool-68-239-76-219.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | neozen: to remove a depenency? no | 05:02 |
Marupa | so is there a way to figure out what's making something crash? | 05:02 |
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Pelo | neozen, if the dependency is already there it won't get reinstalled | 05:02 |
mobomelter | alright had to fix folding so it ran in the right place | 05:02 |
xX-ACID-Xx | i think i accidentally made linux dual boot with windows | 05:02 |
a-865 | what package needs to be reconfigured when a sound card is changed? | 05:02 |
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neozen | Flannel: ok... how do I tell it I have a package it thinks I don't | 05:02 |
mobomelter | since it adds files | 05:02 |
wilo | is there a way i can check why a application doesn run/work when i tell it to run? | 05:02 |
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gravemind | genii: my permissions for my home folder are still slightly off... | 05:03 |
neozen | wilo: lol... perhaps | 05:03 |
wilo | like one will open, it will load of modules then it crashes | 05:03 |
xX-ACID-Xx | its annoying it makes me choose what to startup when i turn on my computer | 05:03 |
neozen | wilo: try running it on the terminal | 05:03 |
gravemind | genii: I still get the message when I log in | 05:03 |
Pelo | wilo, did you try reintalling it ? | 05:03 |
wilo | lol no they are gui apps | 05:03 |
neozen | xX-ACID-Xx: you mean grub? | 05:03 |
xX-ACID-Xx | yeh | 05:03 |
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wilo | one is frostwire the othe ris ZERUS | 05:03 |
wilo | azerus* | 05:03 |
Pelo | wilo, which app ? | 05:03 |
neozen | wilo: run them from the terminal anyway | 05:03 |
ceeg | wilo: launch the gui app from the terminal regardless | 05:03 |
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neozen | wilo: they will output debugging info to the terminal window | 05:04 |
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wilo | how do i launch from terminalcd (to directory) then? | 05:04 |
qbert | is there anyway to bind keyboard shortcuts to execute programs other than whats in System->Preferences ? | 05:04 |
Pelo | wilo, there is a buggy version of frostwire, get the latest , and you need to install java to make it work | 05:04 |
ceeg | wilo: type the name of the program | 05:04 |
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genii | gravemind Mostly the permissions in your home dir should be 755 by default | 05:04 |
xX-ACID-Xx | and i cant startup windows without having my other hdd with linux on it | 05:04 |
=== GolferX [n=user_nam@c-68-32-74-165.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | Flannel: any idea on that package issue | 05:04 |
wilo | Pelo: thats the thing | 05:04 |
mobomelter | its wierd that rebooting makes that program work | 05:04 |
wilo | i got latest, and it was working fine, | 05:04 |
Frog29 | Flannel: thanks for all the hlep yesterday | 05:04 |
xipietotec | after installing linux-restricted-modules, will I need to reboot for changes to take effect? | 05:04 |
gravemind | genii: hmm, how should I go about fixing the permissions then? | 05:04 |
neozen | Flannel: I want to lie to apt... and tell it I have mplayer (because i do... I compiled from source and installed) | 05:04 |
wilo | every since i installed beryl it shits its self and nerver even runs | 05:04 |
octoberdan | How does the ubuntu-desktop package "ensure proper upgrades"? | 05:04 |
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Bitmess | How much disk space should be for Ubuntu? | 05:05 |
gravemind | genii: I don't know which permissions to change, and which to leave alone | 05:05 |
Pelo | wilo, try asking #beryl if they are aware of a problem | 05:05 |
neozen | Flannel: and it says it cannot install b/c the mplayer package in the repos is a virtual package | 05:05 |
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Brismetal | Hi, I've been having problems with 6.10 Ubuntu so I just installed the beta of the new one, after I complete installation and re-boot the grub loader does not show up. I tried following a guide to set it up but still nothing, what can I do to check what's wrong? | 05:05 |
wilo | Pelo: on freenode? | 05:05 |
neozen | Bitmess: as in... for the os itself? | 05:05 |
Pelo | wilo, yep | 05:05 |
genii | gravemind I suspect mostly they are OK actually. Unless you are doing something like copying files into there as root or some other user etc | 05:05 |
xipietotec | Bitmess: ubuntu requires at least 3 gigs to install | 05:05 |
xX-ACID-Xx | anyone have any ideas? | 05:05 |
mobomelter | hey how do i make my home drive show up on the desktop? | 05:05 |
mobomelter | the directory i have showing is my shared fat 32 windows/linux directory | 05:06 |
neozen | Bitmess: my / never grows any larger then 5 gb | 05:06 |
=== normalpete7 [n=johnkeel@cpe-76-176-64-212.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
genii | gravemind Which program complains? | 05:06 |
tovella | octoberdan: i believe dpkg, apt, or aptitude handles it very well. | 05:06 |
neozen | Bitmess: so 7 should be more then adequate | 05:06 |
wilo | Pelo: befor i truy tat | 05:06 |
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Flannel | neozen: You could build a dummy package, that provides mplayer | 05:06 |
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Bitmess | Will 10 Gigs be enough for Ubuntu? | 05:06 |
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Flannel | Frog29: no problem. That's what we're here for. | 05:06 |
wilo | how do i run in terminal to see error status | 05:06 |
neozen | Flannel: ok... how do I do that | 05:06 |
=== mooniker [n=mooniker@pool-70-108-185-72.washdc.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bitmess | Ok, I hheard 7 | 05:06 |
Pelo | mobomelter, make a shortcut | 05:06 |
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gravemind | genii: no particular program - it's when I login to my ubuntu account | 05:06 |
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tovella | Bitmess: oh, yeah - more than enough. | 05:06 |
genii | Bitmess: Yes, lots of room | 05:06 |
mobomelter | how lol | 05:06 |
Frog29 | now... can iask another question :) how do i fix a tty error on startup? | 05:06 |
mobomelter | linux nub | 05:06 |
gravemind | genii: but Gaim never saves any accounts - I have to add them each time | 05:07 |
octoberdan | tovella: In the package description for ubuntu-desktop it says "It is also used to help ensure proper upgrades, so it is recommended that it not be removed." | 05:07 |
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Pelo | wilo, just type frostwire in the terminal | 05:07 |
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neozen | Bitmess: more then enough | 05:07 |
Bitmess | As long as i don't rip CD or DVDs, I recon? | 05:07 |
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=== Benno [n=ben@ppp184-144.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | wilo, I don'T know of any switch for debug info | 05:07 |
genii | gravemind Do you know how to use the pastebin website? | 05:07 |
neozen | Bitmess: your personal files will live in /home which most people make a separate partition | 05:07 |
gravemind | yes | 05:07 |
LRP | Pelo: and all others who helped, guess what...it worked! Thanks for all your help, you guys are awesome | 05:07 |
octoberdan | tovella: But it depends on firefox, which I want to uninstall to use swiftfox instead | 05:07 |
=== Pelo takes a bow | ||
Benno | Howdy. I was wondering if there's a way to connect to my X desktop from a remote computer? | 05:07 |
tovella | octoberdan: ahh, i think they're talking about how the dependencies and their interrelationships with other programs. | 05:08 |
Flannel | neozen: here's one: http://www.wickle.com/wiki/index.php/Install_a_dummy_package_to_satisfy_dependencies_on_debian | 05:08 |
xX-ACID-Xx | is there a way to setup 2 computers to share internet connection if one is using linux and the other is using windows? | 05:08 |
neozen | Bitmess: ie... my / has 5 gb ...my swap is 1gb ... and my /home has all the rest | 05:08 |
=== cables [n=cables@65-78-17-151.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wilo | Pelo: "You need to upgrade to JRE 1.5.x or newer from http://www.java.com" | 05:08 |
gravemind | genii: what should I paste? | 05:08 |
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wikityler | How do i find the name of my parallel port? | 05:08 |
GolferX | when trying to use my gxset, I save and hit 'ok' ...... I then look to find where I saved the file to the root drive and make sure it's there and I don't find it ........... what's up? any help tonight? | 05:08 |
wilo | how do i install latest version of java? | 05:08 |
tovella | octoberdan: you can install swiftfox & just leave firefox installed. | 05:08 |
neozen | Flannel: AWESOME | 05:08 |
neozen | Flannel: thankee | 05:08 |
genii | gravemind Please pastebin the results of the command: ls -l ~ | 05:08 |
cables | Brasero is really great, will it ever be installed by default? | 05:08 |
Pelo | wilo, hold on | 05:08 |
cables | !java | wilo | 05:08 |
ubotu | wilo: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 05:08 |
wilo | sudo apt-get java 1.5? | 05:08 |
cables | wilo, no | 05:08 |
octoberdan | tovella: I did, but I'd like to ditch it | 05:08 |
neozen | wilo: you want the sun jre | 05:08 |
=== josh_ [n=josh@233-81-178-69.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cables | wilo, if you want Sun java (the best), then run "sudo aptitude install sun-java5-jre" | 05:08 |
Pelo | wilo, do what ubotu told you , sun-java6-jre | 05:09 |
Bitmess | I want to try Ubuntu. I have 300GB but am also running XP and Debian. I just want too make sure I have enough space incase I keep it. | 05:09 |
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cables | wilo, if you want the java plugin, do sun-java5-plugin | 05:09 |
neozen | add the multiverse repository first | 05:09 |
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gravemind | genii: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12263/ | 05:09 |
Frog29 | why does everyone make sure they say a persons name before talking? is there something special with IRC? or is it just for visibility? | 05:09 |
cables | wilo, you need the multiverse repository for any sun java, and the backports repository for java 6 | 05:09 |
genii | gravemind OK reading | 05:09 |
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Flannel | Bitmess: If you've go space to spare, I'd up your / to 10GB, but apart from that, sounds pretty reasonable | 05:09 |
cables | Frog29, it usually pops up the user's irc client when someone mentions their nick | 05:09 |
gravemind | Frog29: it makes a beep and highlights the comment most of the time | 05:09 |
tovella | octoberdan: there's a way to tell apt to permanently ignore a dependency, but i don't recall exactly how. | 05:09 |
josh_ | anyone here upgrade to fiesty | 05:09 |
Pelo | Bitmess, 5-10 gig for ubuntu 2 gig for swap how ever much your want for /home/ | 05:09 |
gravemind | probably depending on the irc client | 05:09 |
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josh_ | !fiesty | 05:10 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 05:10 |
Frog29 | is there a name for the feature so i can enable it? | 05:10 |
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neozen | Flannel: that is exactly what I was looking for... I thank you | 05:10 |
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Flannel | Bitmess: You can always tweak stuff later, especially since you're home is on a separate partition (always a good choice) | 05:10 |
cables | Frog29, what client are you using? | 05:10 |
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Frog29 | mirc | 05:10 |
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cables | Frog29, not sure. | 05:10 |
josh_ | anyone know the fix for the automatix key issue for fiesty | 05:10 |
Frog29 | k | 05:10 |
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Pelo | Frog29, it for visibility, you type it | 05:10 |
cables | josh_, don't use automatix | 05:10 |
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cables | !automatix | josh_ | 05:10 |
ubotu | josh_: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 05:10 |
=== vexati0n [n=vex@host-69-145-49-173.csp-wy.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | i found a way. | 05:10 |
lasking | tshit tshit i need a tshit who sell me 8-) | 05:10 |
octoberdan | tovella: That could be problematic for the packages that rely on libs from firefox. I heard KDE includes alot of apps like that | 05:10 |
cables | josh_, also, for feisty support, go to #ubuntu+1 | 05:10 |
genii | gravemind Perms look OK. please do now the result of: sudo ls -l ~/.* | 05:11 |
xX-ACID-Xx | so how do i stop sual booting | 05:11 |
aeropixie | josh_: using automatix and feisty, does nto sound fun. | 05:11 |
intelikey | they told me it could not be done. but i did it. | 05:11 |
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xX-ACID-Xx | dual* | 05:11 |
mooniker | Is there a command to politely kill an app on a really slow (GUI nigh unusable) machine? I have a terminal open and I want to tell a certain program to tidily shutdown when it gets the chance. | 05:11 |
qbert | hey peeps, i need a way to bind keyboard shortcuts to execute programs, how can i do this ??? | 05:11 |
octoberdan | tovella: If I could some how point them over to swiftfox... | 05:11 |
Bitmess | Thanks for everyone's help. If you don't see me in 2 hours, I messed up my Grub | 05:11 |
aeropixie | josh_:neither work perfectly. | 05:11 |
Flannel | Frog29: mirc? It's two things. One, most clients will nickcomplete, so I type "fro[tab] " and get your name. SEcond, most clients highlight lines with your nick in them. So, it's a way to keep a conversation going, even though there's 10 lines rolling by. | 05:11 |
tovella | josh_: i upgraded to feisty & i used to use automatix. sometimes succesfully, other times not. i don't recommend using automatix. | 05:11 |
Flannel | !grub | Bitmess | 05:11 |
ubotu | Bitmess: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 05:11 |
Flannel | Bitmess: first link ;) | 05:11 |
neozen | mooniker: man kill | 05:11 |
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mooniker | which signal? | 05:11 |
intelikey | it gained me absolutely nothing, but i did the impossable. | 05:11 |
neozen | mooniker: you want to use the signal for TERM | 05:11 |
Bitmess | :D lol | 05:11 |
octoberdan | intelikey: ? | 05:11 |
neozen | mooniker: can't remember which one that is | 05:12 |
Benno | Is there a way to connect to my X desktop from a remote computer? Specifically, a Windows box. | 05:12 |
latitude | !linmodem | 05:12 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about linmodem - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:12 |
gravemind | genii: too much output: can I pipe it to something in order to get all of it? | 05:12 |
mooniker | so TERM is the polite quit signal? | 05:12 |
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neozen | mooniker: TERM is like tidly shutdown last I checked | 05:12 |
comodo | can anyone help me i keep trying to extract this rar file thats broken up into a bunch of parts like a game backup and ark or the standard archive manager wont do it for some reason | 05:12 |
wilo | these are the erros i get cables and Pelo | 05:12 |
zen | Does anyone know how to stop checkinstall from trying to overwrite .so's in other packages? | 05:12 |
mobomelter | whats the utility for hard disk partitioning? | 05:12 |
cables | gravemind, pipe it to less to have a nice scrollable thingie | 05:12 |
darrint | Is there a python-profiler package available for python2.5? | 05:12 |
intelikey | without root permission i can put root owned files in my home dir both cp and rm at will | 05:12 |
gravemind | cables: thanks | 05:12 |
=== scott__ [n=scott@74-61-36-200.sea.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cables | mobomelter, gparted. You'll have to use a livecd thouh | 05:12 |
Pelo | !pastebin | wilo | 05:12 |
ubotu | wilo: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:12 |
mobomelter | its not built into the install? | 05:12 |
genii | gravemind Yes, you can do some file like: sudo ls -l ~.* >>newfile | 05:12 |
Flannel | intelikey: what? | 05:12 |
GolferX | when trying to use my gxset, I save and hit 'ok' ...... I then look to find where I saved the file to the root drive and make sure it's there and I don't find it ........... what's up? any help tonight? | 05:13 |
scott__ | is there any way I can set up my static hostname lookup table to check a local file owned by the current user? | 05:13 |
gravemind | genii: ok | 05:13 |
intelikey | i was toll emphatically that it was not possable. but it is. | 05:13 |
scott__ | like, ~/.hosts | 05:13 |
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tovella | octoberdan: again, i would simply leave firefox in place - running swiftfox alongside is the safest bet. | 05:13 |
Frog29 | can anypne help me with a TTY error on ubuntu start? this is right after upgrading to 6.10 9 i was able to boot to ubuntu imediatly after instlall but that's it) | 05:13 |
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wilo | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12264/ | 05:13 |
octoberdan | tovella: Mmm, most likely. Thanks for advice | 05:13 |
wilo | sorry i forgot to paste bin it lol | 05:13 |
aeropixie | is there a wayin irc to tag another person? Liek, so my client will beep when that person gets a message sent to them? so i could follow an interesting conversation easily? | 05:13 |
mooniker | So, the kill command is by default the "tidy" TERM? | 05:13 |
tovella | octoberdan: UR welcome | 05:13 |
octoberdan | tovella: That's what I'll probably do | 05:13 |
Pelo | Frog29, try looking up the error msg in the forum | 05:13 |
bratsche | Anyone having issues with SATA in Feisty? | 05:13 |
mobomelter | cables can't i download gparted | 05:13 |
=== gaspipe1 [n=gaspipe1@cpe-68-173-161-44.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mobomelter | ? | 05:13 |
intelikey | oh and other than the "i told you so" it's worth absolutely nothing. | 05:13 |
Flannel | bratsche: #ubuntu+1 for Feisty support | 05:13 |
wilo | the mutiverse depository | 05:14 |
Frog29 | Pelo - i have, nothing seems to help | 05:14 |
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bratsche | Flannel: Thanks | 05:14 |
wilo | is it just "#multiverse' | 05:14 |
genii | intelikey LOL I saw a page with stats about #kubuntu and at the bottom "interesting facts" says intelikey gives the most monologues | 05:14 |
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gravemind | genii: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12265/ | 05:14 |
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GolferX | moon, you can also enter xkill and then click on the titlebar you want to kill with your cusor | 05:14 |
cables | mobomelter, it's easier to use the Ubuntu LiveCD to do it... otherwise you have to unmount your disks and stuff | 05:14 |
Frog29 | at least i'm not sure how to edit the files and my config does not seem consistent with the forums | 05:14 |
=== r0bby [i=wakawaka@cpe-24-164-167-171.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
genii | gravemind OK reading | 05:14 |
intelikey | genii only cause it's trye | 05:14 |
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Flannel | wilo: Add "multiverse" after your "universe" lines, in your sources.list, with a space in between them. And you'll be good. | 05:14 |
intelikey | true | 05:14 |
mobomelter | nvm got it | 05:14 |
=== Jonbo [n=Jonbo123@adsl-074-229-245-180.sip.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cables | mobomelter, if you have a dapper or edgy livecd, just start it and go to System>Administration>Gnome Partition Editor | 05:14 |
cables | mobomelter, it's not gonna work if you just download through the package manager | 05:15 |
Pelo | Frog29, to edit the afile in cli mode sudo nano /path/file | 05:15 |
wilo | Pelo: what depository do i need, just '#multiverse' | 05:15 |
intelikey | genii i'm just gloating ove the hallow victory atm. | 05:15 |
mobomelter | how come? | 05:15 |
gravemind | genii: this is the file the message complains about specifically: "-rw-r--r-- 1 phix phix 26 2007-01-01 19:43 /home/phix/.dmrc" | 05:15 |
genii | intelikey :) | 05:15 |
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wilo | Flannel: so '#multiverse' is that all | 05:15 |
cables | !away | Skuld|Away | 05:15 |
octoberdan | intelikey: I don't get what the big deal is. sudo mkdir foo mode=777 && rmdir foo | 05:15 |
ubotu | Skuld|Away: Please don't use public away messages or change your nick to 'someone|away'. We know you're away when you don't respond to messages. Also see !guidelines | 05:15 |
genii | gravemind Yes, I'm examining the output now | 05:15 |
Flannel | wilo: no hash. | 05:15 |
Pelo | wilo, open up synaptic , enable all the available repos and reload, | 05:15 |
Brismetal | Hi, I've been having problems with 6.10 Ubuntu so I just installed the beta of the new one, after I complete installation and re-boot the grub loader does not show up. I tried following a guide to set it up but still nothing, what can I do to check what's wrong? | 05:15 |
Frog29 | Pelo - the afile? amd im able to edit files... but it seems to be a grub problem | 05:15 |
=== esstone [n=esstone@c-24-19-6-182.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
octoberdan | Insecta_: People said you couldn't do that? | 05:16 |
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Flannel | Brismetal: what error(s) are you getting? | 05:16 |
cables | Brismetal, having problems with a stable release so you switch to a beta? | 05:16 |
Pelo | Frog29, for a grub problem try asking in #grub , they're the experts | 05:16 |
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Frog29 | hmmm, but then it happens pat grub, well i'l give it a try, thanks | 05:16 |
mobomelter | hey if i have folding at home on another desktop will it still work fine? | 05:16 |
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Brismetal | Flannel : No errors at all, I just reboot and it goes straight to windows. When I followed the howto on the ubuntu site it seems to be working but I reboot again and still, windows xp | 05:16 |
genii | gravemind The offending process then would seem to be dm | 05:17 |
Flannel | Brismetal: ah. Where are you installing grub? hd0? | 05:17 |
Foon | I need help trying to get an old monitor working with linux | 05:17 |
mobomelter | lol i gotta log in as root to use gparted? | 05:17 |
Brismetal | cables: haha, yes, 6.10 was too bad on my PC, took me forever to actually get it installed. I can't boot from the 6.10 CD with my IDE drives enabled or it freezes etc | 05:17 |
Flannel | mobomelter: Not root, use gksu | 05:17 |
GolferX | Is gxset a trusted ap to negotiate the items it relates to? | 05:17 |
gravemind | genii: I've never heard of it | 05:17 |
bruenig | mobomelter, gksu gparted | 05:17 |
Pelo | Brismetal, could it be a time delay problem , where the delay is too short and you don'T get the menu ? | 05:17 |
Brismetal | Flannel: I tried root (hd0,0) in grub but it seems to be installedo n hd3 | 05:17 |
Foon | I tried manufacturer recommended horizontal and vertical syncs, but it doesn't work, why? an ideas? | 05:17 |
mobomelter | do what? | 05:17 |
Brismetal | Pelo: but then it'd auto boot Ubuntu instead of XP right? | 05:17 |
=== brujo [n=brujo@host192.200-117-22.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
genii | graveming Looking up on google to see if anything enlightening | 05:18 |
Arrick | is there anyone here smart enough to know what a properly formated MD5SUM line looks like? | 05:18 |
mobomelter | wow what did gksu do? | 05:18 |
genii | gravemind Looking up on google to see if anything enlightening | 05:18 |
gravemind | Foon: have you tried lower depths? | 05:18 |
Pelo | Brismetal, that would depend on what the "selected" os is in grub | 05:18 |
ehc | is there a way to run a command without it taking up the current shell. like run it in the background? | 05:18 |
genii | bleh need to use tab more | 05:18 |
GolferX | Am I speaking a foreign language tonight? | 05:18 |
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mobomelter | eh everything is locked | 05:18 |
vexati0n | lol@midgets | 05:18 |
vexati0n | just sayin | 05:18 |
Frog29 | yes golfer | 05:18 |
Foon | gravemind: It should be able to handle 24 bit | 05:18 |
Brismetal | Pelo: it's a straight install, I didn't modify anything, if the beta is like 6.10 then ubuntu would be the selected os | 05:18 |
mobomelter | so i guess i gotta live boot to edit it | 05:18 |
Foon | it could under windows | 05:18 |
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Foon | but yeah, I tried 16 | 05:18 |
bruenig | mobomelter, gksu allows you to run graphical programs as root, generally you need to put your password, I am assuming by your astonishment that you didn't which means that you were still under that 15 min grace period between the last root command | 05:18 |
genii | gravemind http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2308651 | 05:18 |
Flannel | Brismetal: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows Use the "and overwriting windows bootloader" option | 05:18 |
Foon | with no luck | 05:18 |
GolferX | frog, thanks | 05:19 |
mobomelter | nah i did use my password | 05:19 |
Frog29 | :) | 05:19 |
Pelo | Brismetal, do you have ubuntu and windows on seperate drives ? try changing the boot drive in the bios | 05:19 |
=== RoundyT1 [n=Roundy_T@c-71-195-222-165.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gravemind | Foon: seems like you know what you're doing, then. only ohter thing I can think of is make sure you're using the right driver. vesa usually works I think | 05:19 |
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RoundyT1 | !dokuwiki | 05:19 |
ubotu | dokuwiki: a standards compliant simple to use wiki. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.20060309-5 (edgy), package size 838 kB, installed size 7864 kB | 05:19 |
Brismetal | Pelo: yes I do, I did that earlier and I got some kernel error as soon as it booted.. | 05:19 |
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mobomelter | now i gotta figure out how to merge partitions | 05:20 |
Brismetal | Flannel: hah, that's the guide I was looking at, I guess I should've scrolled down, tah | 05:20 |
Foon | gravemind: I'm using mga driver because it's an old matrox video card | 05:20 |
Pelo | Brismetal, which windows ???? | 05:20 |
Foon | where/how would I get vesa installed? | 05:20 |
genii | If only OO had a wiki export filter I'd be happy | 05:20 |
Brismetal | Pelo: Windows XP | 05:20 |
Flannel | Brismetal: right. The first guide won't work (keeping the windows bootloader) for what you're doing. | 05:20 |
GolferX | Frog29, so I take it you never heard of gxset | 05:20 |
neozen | Flannel: AWESOME... it worked! | 05:20 |
neozen | Flannel: thank you much | 05:20 |
Pelo | Brismetal, try asking for furter help in #grub, they are the (cough) experts | 05:21 |
Frog29 | GolferX, not at all, im new to linux and trying to get hlep as well :) | 05:21 |
Brismetal | Flannel, Pelo; I don't know if it makes any difference but I have 2 IDE drives and 2 SATA drives, in the bios the SATA drives show as the first two (as they do in windows) but in linux (I'm in a live cd now) the IDE drives show as the first two drives | 05:21 |
GolferX | good luck | 05:21 |
=== Foon pokes gravemind | ||
bruenig | !info gxset | 05:21 |
ubotu | gxset: Display preferences utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4-2 (edgy), package size 35 kB, installed size 204 kB | 05:21 |
gravemind | Foon: i believe it's already installed - run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choose the vesa driver, or simply edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the driver to vesa | 05:21 |
=== xipietotec [n=jackfros@cpe-67-49-247-144.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mobomelter | is it possible to merge partitions using gparted with a live boot disk? | 05:21 |
Pelo | Brismetal, shouldn'T be an issue | 05:21 |
=== gravemind had a lot to type, sorry | ||
=== djik_ [n=djik@cpe-72-177-171-95.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GolferX | bruenig, thanks :) | 05:22 |
bruenig | mobomelter, merge by formatting one and expanding the other yes | 05:22 |
Flannel | Brismetal: IDE drives will show up as hda and hdb, sata will show up as sda and sdb. In GRUB, the order (hd0-hd4) depends on what the BIOS wants to do | 05:22 |
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Foon | hehe np :) thanks gravemind | 05:22 |
Brismetal | Pelo: cool, I'll go try the link Flannel gave me | 05:22 |
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Foon | don't go anywhere, I'll try that | 05:22 |
mobomelter | lol that will work | 05:22 |
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Brismetal | Flannel: OK, how do I tell which is hd0 and which is hd2 in grub? | 05:22 |
Foon | oh, but er, at what point should I see vesa in the list? | 05:22 |
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mobomelter | is /media/sd1 needed? | 05:22 |
Flannel | Brismetal: You'll have to check your BIOS for which it thinks is first. | 05:23 |
erfdain | I have a question about WINE | 05:23 |
Foon | er nm, I'll just run dpkg-reconfigure and find out | 05:23 |
dauoalagio2 | hello is there a way i can have whatever song i am playing show up in my gaim away message? | 05:23 |
Foon | anywho, don't go anywhere! :) | 05:23 |
Alpha_Cluster | can anyone help me with a crazy dpkg error? | 05:23 |
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Pelo | erfdain, try #winehq | 05:23 |
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Brismetal | Flannel: ok thanks, I'll go try the howto now | 05:23 |
genii | gravemind Pls let me know if this worked for you | 05:23 |
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Alpha_Cluster | dpkg: parse error, in file '/var/lib/dpgk/available' near line 2 package 'xmodmap': | 05:23 |
Alpha_Cluster | value for 'status' field not allowed in this context | 05:23 |
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gravemind | genii: entering commands - I was helping foon | 05:23 |
wilo | still cant get java to install :( | 05:23 |
Pelo | Alpha_Cluster, try searching the error msg in the forum | 05:23 |
genii | gavemind No hurry :) | 05:24 |
wilo | wat is the wget directory of source.list? | 05:24 |
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gravemind | genii: alright, I'm restarting x to see if the message goes away | 05:24 |
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bruenig | Alpha_Cluster, well open up /var/lib/dpkg/available and see what the problem is | 05:24 |
brophat | is there something you gotta do first in order to get sound? | 05:24 |
Pelo | wilo, search synaptic for all java packages, and remove them , reboot and start from scratch | 05:24 |
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Alpha_Cluster | bruenig: that is the problem it looks perfectly fine! | 05:24 |
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mobomelter | seriously though can i get rid of the directory /media/sd1? | 05:24 |
bruenig | Alpha_Cluster, what does it look like, just the first few lines, | 05:24 |
mobomelter | sda1 | 05:24 |
mobomelter | its not where linux is installed | 05:24 |
brujo | hola | 05:25 |
brujo | alguien habla espaol | 05:25 |
Alpha_Cluster | Package: xmodmap | 05:25 |
bruenig | !es | 05:25 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 05:25 |
Pelo | mobomelter, if you donT' have anything in it , there isnT' any reason why you need it | 05:25 |
Alpha_Cluster | Status: install ok installed | 05:25 |
mobomelter | alright | 05:25 |
xipietotec | okay, I'm using a card which supposedly works "out of the box" the restricted driver management thingy is telling me it has to use the atheros proprietary drivers...however it's still not connecting to anything and my bitrate is locked at 1mb/s, also, it's created ath0:avah, and eth0:avah, and won't let me bring down either ath0 or ath0:avah or eth0:avah | 05:25 |
mobomelter | the live install forced me to make it | 05:25 |
mobomelter | not sure why | 05:25 |
bruenig | Alpha_Cluster, that file one mine doesn't have the Status entry, it just goes straight to Priority | 05:25 |
xipietotec | I installed linux-restricted-modules-(latest kernel)-generic, are there any other restricted modules packages I need to isntall? | 05:25 |
Pelo | mobomelter, might be your swapfile, don't mess with it if it is | 05:26 |
bruenig | wow that didn't make any sense at all | 05:26 |
mobomelter | nah i made a seperate partition for that | 05:26 |
brophat | do you have to run the alsa config function in order to get sound? | 05:26 |
mobomelter | i have 4 right now | 05:26 |
mobomelter | 1 for linux | 05:26 |
Foon | !!!!!!!!!!!!! | 05:26 |
bruenig | s/one/on/ | 05:26 |
Foon | gravemind: it WORKS! :D | 05:26 |
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Pelo | bruenig, you do better | 05:26 |
xipietotec | /sda1 is usually swap, /hda1 is usually your main install | 05:26 |
Alpha_Cluster | bruenig: yeah i know it makes no sense here either since i never touched it | 05:26 |
neozen | brophat: I didn't have to... but ymmv | 05:26 |
mobomelter | 1 swap file, 1 window xp, and 1 media/sda1 | 05:26 |
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genii | Foon He should be back shortly :) | 05:26 |
Foon | I've been on that problem since this weekend! all I needed to try was vesa, then! Yeesh! :D | 05:26 |
bruenig | Alpha_Cluster, what comes after the Status | 05:27 |
Foon | oh | 05:27 |
gravemind | genii: The message does not appear any more, thanks! | 05:27 |
Foon | heh | 05:27 |
Foon | :) | 05:27 |
brophat | neozen do you remember what that command is? | 05:27 |
genii | gravemind Cool | 05:27 |
Alpha_Cluster | bruenig: Priority | 05:27 |
Pelo | mobomelter, did you check to see if there is anything in there ? | 05:27 |
Foon | (11:26:29 PM) Foon: gravemind: it WORKS! :D | 05:27 |
Foon | :D | 05:27 |
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gravemind | genii: I'll have to test whether Gaim will now remember my info | 05:27 |
neozen | brophat: no... since I never had to run it | 05:27 |
Frog29 | hello, can someone help me with a TTY error on startup? I've isntalled a new ubuntu instal and now its giving me that error..... (i've searched online and there doesn't seem to be a solution, if its a config fiel i don't know how to fix it...) | 05:27 |
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bruenig | Alpha_Cluster, ok try removing the Status line, and seeing if that fixes it | 05:27 |
gravemind | Foon: great! glad I could help | 05:27 |
Foon | (11:26:49 PM) Foon: I've been on that problem since this weekend! all I needed to try was vesa, then! Yeesh! :D | 05:27 |
Foon | quite! | 05:27 |
Foon | :D | 05:27 |
Foon | thanks much :) | 05:27 |
bruenig | s/seeing/see/ | 05:27 |
mobomelter | just a small file with volume information | 05:27 |
mobomelter | no system fles | 05:27 |
gravemind | foon: no problem | 05:27 |
Alpha_Cluster | bruenig: i think that is not guna solve the problem as the next entry has a Status line | 05:28 |
Pelo | mobomelter, it's your computer, if you want to get rid of it, have fun | 05:28 |
bruenig | Alpha_Cluster, I don't have any Status lines in that file for me | 05:28 |
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mobomelter | lol | 05:28 |
=== neozen dances | ||
mobomelter | i mean i have windows to fall back on | 05:28 |
Foon | now for the extremely critical aspect of linux | 05:28 |
Foon | THEMES! | 05:28 |
neozen | I like mplayer's plugin so much more then gtotem | 05:28 |
Foon | heheheh | 05:28 |
mobomelter | so its not like i'm completley screed | 05:28 |
Foon | how do I theme fluxbox? | 05:28 |
l90bpm | I just installed Feisty Fawn and when I go to update, I get the message "You are about to install software that can't be authenticated" is this normal? | 05:28 |
mobomelter | screwed* | 05:28 |
Foon | or rather, select a theme? | 05:29 |
Pelo | mobomelter, are you sure that partition is not part of you windows install ? | 05:29 |
mobomelter | brb | 05:29 |
mobomelter | yes | 05:29 |
=== neozen dances | ||
mobomelter | windows is ntfs | 05:29 |
neozen | Foon: scope out #fluxbox | 05:29 |
mobomelter | and this one is fat32 | 05:29 |
=== Pelo trows some money at neozen | ||
Foon | thanks neozen :) | 05:29 |
neozen | I think they have their own channel on freenode | 05:29 |
r4nge | what do i need to configure a vhost on a linux server for irc | 05:29 |
neozen | !fluxbox | 05:29 |
ubotu | fluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox | 05:29 |
GolferX | is there a counselling channel on this network for support cause I don't want to go back to Windows | 05:29 |
Frog29 | !busybox | 05:30 |
neozen | Foon: wait... ther you go | 05:30 |
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ubotu | busybox: Tiny utilities for small and embedded systems. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.1.3-2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 283 kB, installed size 516 kB | 05:30 |
Pelo | mobomelter, /media/ is often used for removable media, could be a cd or a floppy or some such | 05:30 |
neozen | GolferX: yes | 05:30 |
Foon | heheh, thanks | 05:30 |
mobomelter | alright | 05:30 |
neozen | GolferX: you're looking at it | 05:30 |
mobomelter | i'm going to check it out | 05:30 |
mobomelter | brb | 05:30 |
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=== Foon already joined #fluxbox and asked, now clicks on that link :) | ||
gravemind | genii: sadly, gaim still forgets my account info | 05:30 |
GolferX | neozen, really? this is it? | 05:30 |
Frog29 | !initramfs | 05:30 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about initramfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:30 |
genii | gravemind: :( | 05:30 |
neozen | Foon: lol..... wait... there is a fluxbox channel | 05:30 |
neozen | Foon: who knew?!?! | 05:30 |
Frog29 | does anyone know what initramfs is? | 05:30 |
neozen | lol | 05:31 |
wilo | Pelo: do i have to make a complete reboot for the uninstall through synaptic to take place? | 05:31 |
neozen | Foon: have fun you | 05:31 |
Frog29 | i get to its console on startup............. | 05:31 |
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genii | gravemind: I have an idea on that, gimme a few minutes | 05:31 |
neozen | wilo: depends.... did you mess with your kernel | 05:31 |
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dauoalagio2 | hello is there a way i can have whatever song i am playing show up in my gaim away message? | 05:31 |
GolferX | neozen, this channel is the one that distresses me. | 05:31 |
wilo | neozen: no | 05:31 |
neozen | wilo: or the initramfs? | 05:31 |
Pelo | GolferX, different ppl can help with different things, not everyone knows everything and not everyone is here at the same time , you can try asking tomorrow earlier in the day or some such | 05:31 |
neozen | GolferX: eh? | 05:31 |
wilo | neozen: no | 05:31 |
neozen | GolferX: what's your problem? | 05:31 |
gravemind | genii: alright | 05:31 |
wilo | so im fine then? | 05:32 |
neozen | wilo: then you shouldn't have to update | 05:32 |
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neozen | *reboot I mean | 05:32 |
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Pelo | wilo, no , but it's jsut making sure no apps linger in the memory | 05:32 |
bruenig | Alpha_Cluster, try: sudo sed -i '/^Status/d' /var/lib/dpkg/available | 05:32 |
wilo | ok i shall brb then | 05:32 |
neozen | dauoalagio2: sounds like a gaim plugin question | 05:32 |
bruenig | Alpha_Cluster, don't do that | 05:32 |
neozen | dauoalagio2: go poke those fine people @ gaim | 05:32 |
bruenig | Alpha_Cluster, do: sudo sed -i.backup '/^Status/d' /var/lib/dpkg/available | 05:32 |
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Alpha_Cluster | yeah i didnt think that sounded smart lol | 05:33 |
dauoalagio2 | neozen: all right thanks | 05:33 |
bruenig | Alpha_Cluster, there makes a backup | 05:33 |
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brophat | neozen btw i think it is alsaconf | 05:33 |
genii | gravemind: sudo chmod -R 755 ~/.gaim | 05:33 |
neozen | brophat: ok.... | 05:33 |
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neozen | brophat: my card just seems to work in the kernel | 05:33 |
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neozen | brophat: i have nightmares where everything breaks when I update to feisty | 05:34 |
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Flannel | genii, gravemind, you shouldn't have to sudo that. | 05:34 |
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Foon | neozen: hehe thanks :D | 05:34 |
SirBob1701 | can anyone give me some help with mplayer it says it can't initialize my sound device (every other program with audio works) | 05:34 |
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genii | Flannel Right nowroot owns those on his box | 05:34 |
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Pelo | neozen, just make a clean install then | 05:34 |
GolferX | neozen, my computer problem is the blanking screen, dpms, and the whole shooting match that is found in gxset. my Windows problem is deeper than I care to probe; I thought I had it neatly packaged away. | 05:34 |
Foon | oh, and yeah, for #fluxbox, lol | 05:34 |
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aeropixie | Does aptitude have access to all the same scrips at apt-get | 05:34 |
aeropixie | ? | 05:34 |
gravemind | Flannel: ok. what happens if I sudo it though (curious) | 05:34 |
Flannel | genii: eh? Why? did he run gaim with sudo? | 05:34 |
Alpha_Cluster | bruenig: seems to work now though i find it upsetting that the fourms had no explaination of how to solve this even though i know ive gotten it before numerous times | 05:34 |
Pelo | SirBob1701, try asking in #mplayer | 05:34 |
neozen | GolferX: this is under edgy right? | 05:34 |
brophat | neozen actually I am speeking for my brother, so god only knows what is going on with him up in that other state. I just got him step off the windows grid and try ubuntu | 05:34 |
bruenig | aeropixie, what do you mean scripts, like preinst? | 05:35 |
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SirBob1701 | k | 05:35 |
SirBob1701 | this is on free node right? | 05:35 |
Flannel | gravemind: You shouldn't have to, because you should own those files. If you need to use sudo, there's something else going wrong. | 05:35 |
bruenig | Alpha_Cluster, it worked after doing that command or some other way? | 05:35 |
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genii | Flannel I dunno but it's owned by rot, according to his last pastebin | 05:35 |
aeropixie | bruenig: i meant packages. | 05:35 |
Pelo | SirBob1701, yes | 05:35 |
GolferX | neozen, yeah | 05:35 |
neozen | GolferX: to solve the blanking screen issue I installed dapper instead of edgy | 05:35 |
bruenig | aeropixie, yes it does | 05:35 |
Flannel | gravemind: did you run GAIM with sudo ever? | 05:35 |
genii | *root* rather bleh | 05:35 |
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GolferX | eek | 05:35 |
neozen | GolferX: this issue is not present AT ALL in dapper | 05:35 |
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wilo | wats the comman to get frostfire back | 05:35 |
brophat | neozen if he has an X through his speaker icon on his desktop does that mean he definately currently does not have sound? | 05:35 |
aeropixie | bruenig: thanks | 05:35 |
gravemind | Flannel: usually I just start it with the GUI, it never asks for an admin pass | 05:35 |
Alpha_Cluster | bruenig: after that command | 05:35 |
wilo | 'sudo apt-get frostfire'? | 05:35 |
GolferX | I should have stayed there with that one | 05:36 |
aeropixie | bruenig: so is there ever a reason to use apt-get instead? | 05:36 |
bruenig | wilo, apt-get isn't in the repositories | 05:36 |
Flannel | gravemind: right, usually. But have you ever done it otherwise? | 05:36 |
GolferX | then | 05:36 |
neozen | brophat: no... my guess would be that he's got it muted | 05:36 |
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neozen | brophat: that's my first guess | 05:36 |
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wilo | bruenig: not in the repositories? | 05:36 |
bruenig | aeropixie, the same question could be asked for aptitude, they are essentially the same | 05:36 |
GolferX | meozen, do you know if Feisty will have it? | 05:36 |
gravemind | Flannel: not to my knowledge. I'll try it without sudo and see what happens | 05:36 |
gravemind | try chmod I mean | 05:36 |
neozen | GolferX: that's neozen mate | 05:36 |
GolferX | neozen, do you know if Feisty will have it? | 05:36 |
GolferX | sorry about the typo | 05:36 |
brophat | neozen how do you unmute it? | 05:37 |
Pelo | wilo, go and download frostwire from the site and run the deb file to install it | 05:37 |
aeropixie | bruenig: i thoung aptitude made it simpler to uninstall? | 05:37 |
bruenig | wilo, yeah frostfire or frostwire is not in the repos | 05:37 |
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neozen | GolferX: and when I fired up the last beta image I had... it didn't do it... this... is good | 05:37 |
bruenig | aeropixie, aptitude remove package, apt-get autoremove package | 05:37 |
bruenig | you pick | 05:37 |
neozen | GolferX: since it really ticked me off in edgy | 05:37 |
Pelo | and wilo install java first | 05:37 |
neozen | GolferX: no worries | 05:37 |
Flannel | gravemind: if ~/.gaim is owned by root, you'll want to chown it (recursively) to your own user. | 05:37 |
genii | gravemind It may work without the sudo now, if the commands to restore the .dmrc worked. I think the last command was a chown on everything in ~ back to user | 05:37 |
neozen | GolferX: I think its going to be ok | 05:37 |
gravemind | Flannel - problem: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12268/ | 05:37 |
GolferX | neozen, cool we are of like needs then | 05:37 |
GolferX | good | 05:37 |
aeropixie | bruenig: oh, thanks. | 05:37 |
GolferX | thanks | 05:38 |
neozen | GolferX: a little less then a month | 05:38 |
GolferX | great | 05:38 |
neozen | GolferX: and we get new linux... with fewer issues | 05:38 |
=== neozen dances some more | ||
neozen | not that dapper has issues | 05:38 |
Flannel | gravemind: your user is phix, right? | 05:38 |
=== Pelo trows some more cash neozen 's way | ||
neozen | ...just noticably out of date stuff included in the box | 05:38 |
bruenig | Alpha_Cluster, was it that command that did it or some other thing? | 05:38 |
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=== neozen playfully bashes pelo with a stick | ||
neozen | s/stick/trout | 05:39 |
neozen | / | 05:39 |
neozen | lol | 05:39 |
=== Pelo chearfully bleeds to death | ||
gravemind | Flannel: yes | 05:39 |
Flannel | gravemind: go ahead and `sudo chown -R phix:phix /home/phix/.gaim` | 05:39 |
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Alpha_Cluster | bruenig: liek i said fbefore the command fixed it that you gave me | 05:39 |
gravemind | Flannel: alright | 05:39 |
neozen | hey wait ... that makes me wonder again | 05:39 |
Flannel | gravemind: then you should be able to chmod them without sudo. As to *why* those would be owned by root, I have no idea. They shouldn't be. | 05:39 |
=== neozen goes off to try and boot the feisty beta | ||
bruenig | Alpha_Cluster, ok, well I wasn't sure if you had run it, you seemed (rightfully so) wary of it. All I saw was "it works now" | 05:39 |
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genii | Flannel Yes, it was curious | 05:40 |
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gravemind | Flannel: genii : ok I've chowned it, now should I chmod it again? | 05:41 |
Alpha_Cluster | bruenig: I know quite a bit so of course i was wary lol but it seemed to be a quick and durty fix that was safe after i looked it over lol | 05:41 |
Flannel | gravemind: won't hurt, I don't believe. I don't know what gaims default perms are. | 05:41 |
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genii | gravemind: Yes, chmod -R 755 should begood since right now it's all 700 | 05:41 |
Flannel | gravemind: the only thing that it would do (755) would be make it so others could read your stuff. Whatever stuff is in tere. | 05:41 |
bruenig | Alpha_Cluster, do you use aptitude? | 05:42 |
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Ademan | anyone know of a site where i can browse the kernel source code? | 05:42 |
Flannel | gravemind: 700 won't hurt you any though. So, I woudn't bother if it's 700 now. | 05:42 |
=== mobomelter [n=mobomelt@c-76-21-228-39.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gravemind | Flannel: genii, according to nautilus, it's still owned by root | 05:42 |
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mobomelter | i deleted it with no problems | 05:42 |
mobomelter | although my problem now is i can't add the space back | 05:42 |
Flannel | gravemind: You'll need to refresh nautilus, sometimes it takes a while to re-look | 05:42 |
Alpha_Cluster | bruenig: never touched aptitude i use apt-get and adept if i need to see things better | 05:43 |
genii | gravemind Perhaps if you have the app open | 05:43 |
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bruenig | Alpha_Cluster, ok because the Status: installed thing is a purely aptitude thing if I remember | 05:43 |
genii | (but it shouldn't matter, so long as the files aren'tlocked) | 05:43 |
mobomelter | so i just have 5 gigs of free space | 05:43 |
Alpha_Cluster | bruenig: thats funny cause even aptitude was giving crazy errors with it | 05:43 |
gravemind | genii, flannel, "chmod -R 755 ~/.gaim" ? | 05:44 |
bruenig | Alpha_Cluster, I am just wondering if aptitude maybe wrote to that file or something and that is why it screwed up or something. If so a bug report would be good. | 05:44 |
Flannel | gravemind: if you want, yeah. I don't think it's necessarsy. | 05:44 |
genii | gravemind I defer to Flannel that 700 should be fine | 05:44 |
Frog29 | is anyone up for looking over my grub settings? i think they are casuing boot problems | 05:44 |
Pelo | mobomelter, you can use gparted to resize an adjoining partion to take up the free space, but back up that partiton first | 05:44 |
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gravemind | ok | 05:45 |
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mobomelter | i tried but it won't let me because its before the partition | 05:45 |
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Alpha_Cluster | bruenig: i had never run aptitude on that comp till the error had appeared | 05:46 |
gravemind | Flannel: genii : I'll restart gaim, add the accounts, and then see if gaim saves them | 05:46 |
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bruenig | Alpha_Cluster, yeah so I guess my wanderings were off base | 05:46 |
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Pelo | mobomelter, you could back up that partition, remove it and make a new larger partition using all the free space | 05:46 |
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bruenig | s/wanderings/wonderings/ | 05:46 |
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Pelo | mobomelter, that was my last suggestion regarding this | 05:46 |
mobomelter | what utility do i use to back up? | 05:47 |
Flannel | !backup | mobomelter | 05:47 |
ubotu | mobomelter: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 05:47 |
neozen | mobomelter: what's the problem? | 05:47 |
mobomelter | neozen i'm tried to merge partitions | 05:47 |
Alpha_Cluster | bruenig: i dont know like i said ive seen teh error before but lasttime all i could do to solve it was reinstall so its nice tohave found a fix | 05:47 |
mobomelter | trying* | 05:47 |
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neozen | mobomelter: ohhhhh boy | 05:49 |
kane` | hello | 05:49 |
anirudha | anyone, What do you use to play videos on the internet that usually play on Windows Media player? What package do you download? | 05:49 |
neozen | mobomelter: yeah... that doesn't go so well | 05:49 |
Edward | Hello | 05:49 |
mobomelter | yeah it sucks neozen | 05:49 |
mobomelter | i feel like an idiot | 05:49 |
neozen | mobomelter: why are you merging? | 05:49 |
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Pelo | anirudha, install mozilla-mplayer and remove mozilla-totem | 05:49 |
neozen | mobomelter: separating root and home is a good thing | 05:49 |
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kane` | I think i've got something thats a bug, I looked through the bug list and didnt see anything similar, I was wondering if anyone here could help me report it | 05:49 |
praettor | hi. i'm trying to install xubuntu on a computer, and using the "install" option on the desktop of the livecd is not an option. | 05:49 |
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praettor | namely, every time i do that, everything comes to a halt. | 05:50 |
anirudha | Pelo, to install mozilla-player is the command "sudo intall aptitude mozilla-mplayer" correct? | 05:50 |
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Flannel | kane`: If you looked, and didn't see anything. And it's broken, chances are it's a new bug ;) | 05:50 |
Pelo | anirudha, install instead of intall | 05:50 |
praettor | i know there is a text-based installation, but a) i don't know how to get to it and b) i won't know what to do when i'm there | 05:50 |
Frog29 | Please can someone help? i'm having a problem with ubuntu starting to start up, but failing part way though with some kind of tty error, i know Ubuntu can start (it did right after isntall) and i think i've looked at everything online...... | 05:50 |
mobomelter | because i made a 12 gig for the install | 05:50 |
mobomelter | and i don't need it all | 05:51 |
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Flannel | praettor: Alternate CD. Easiest wayis through: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ | 05:51 |
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anirudha | Pelo, okay thanks ... and to remove mozilla-totem, "sudo remove aptitude mozilla-totem" correct? | 05:51 |
praettor | flannel: i will have to download another cd? | 05:51 |
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kane` | Flannel, well I saw something close to it, but I wasn't quite sure, I'm still pretty new to ubuntu in linux in general. | 05:51 |
Flannel | praettor: It's a nice easy walktrhough install too. You just get textbased menus, and not fancy graphics | 05:51 |
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Flannel | praettor: yeah | 05:51 |
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Pelo | anirudha, sounds about right, I usualy use synaptic, I'm just lazy | 05:51 |
Flannel | kane`: What's your issue? | 05:52 |
praettor | i was told that there was no alternate cd available for the latest version of xubuntu, is that true? | 05:52 |
anirudha | Pelo, how do I use synaptic ? | 05:52 |
mobomelter | yeah its me just being crazy with keeping things straight | 05:52 |
flake | in my DHCP list, the host name of my installation is (NULL), unlike the windows machines which are all named. How can I name my Host ubuntu name? | 05:52 |
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Flannel | praettor: xubuntu? hmm. I don't know. Let me check. I doubt it isn't available. | 05:52 |
Pelo | anirudha, menu > system > admin > synaptic package manager | 05:52 |
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Flannel | praettor: Yeah, it's available: http://xubuntu.com/get#edgy picka mirror (except the US one, since that apparently only has DVD images) | 05:53 |
gravemind | flannel: genii, accounts are remembered now, thanks! | 05:53 |
praettor | but that's edgy | 05:53 |
praettor | eft | 05:53 |
praettor | which is ubuntu | 05:53 |
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Flannel | praettor: no, 6.10 is a version, there's Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Xubuntu Edgy, dapper, feisty, etc. | 05:54 |
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praettor | err perhaps i am wrong | 05:54 |
Flannel | praettor: one is a windows manager, one is a time-version. | 05:54 |
neozen | praettor: xubuntu question? | 05:54 |
Pelo | praettor, edgy is for all ubuntu distros, x , k, e, and ubuntu, | 05:54 |
genii | gravemind :) | 05:54 |
praettor | i thought the "hoary..... edgy" only reffered to ubuntu :p | 05:54 |
=== neozen runs xubuntu | ||
kane` | anyway heres what happens: I have a dual boot set up, winXP and ubuntu 6.10 edgy, with a wireless linksys wusb11 card, whenever switching between windows and ubuntu, if i leave my wireless adapter connected to the computer, whenever i try to connect to the internet (any mode, or any app) ubuntu goes into a lock up, nothing will open, the "Starting XYZ App" shows for a second and then goes away. and I have to ctrl+alt+backspace o | 05:54 |
kane` | r hard reboot to fix it | 05:54 |
neozen | praettor: ..no... those are version numbers for all ubuntus | 05:54 |
mobomelter | screw it | 05:55 |
mobomelter | don't care enough to fix it | 05:55 |
neozen | praettor: as names are easier to remember then numbers | 05:55 |
neozen | mobomelter: lol | 05:55 |
kane` | but if i pull out my wireless adapter, and wait until ubuntu is loaded fully up, and then replug in my adapter, everything works as it should | 05:55 |
Pelo | praettor, ubuntu is the distro, edgy and so on are the release, xubu, kubu, etc refer to the desktop manager used , xcfe, kde , gnome etc | 05:55 |
praettor | uh which link is the alternate install (sorry, i just don't see it!) | 05:55 |
genii | Frog29: edit the file /etc/hostname and put some name there. You need to edit it as root, so gksu gedit | 05:55 |
ubuntugrl | when i try to run links2 with -g, i loose my mouse support. any ideas? | 05:55 |
kane` | I notice the same thing in windows, although just unpluging and replugging works in windows (not in ubuntu, though) | 05:56 |
SirBob1701 | well the mplayer channel blows | 05:56 |
Frog29 | thank you. i'll try that | 05:56 |
neozen | SirBob1701: oh? | 05:56 |
praettor | found it! | 05:56 |
neozen | SirBob1701: what's your issue w/ mplayer? | 05:56 |
genii | Frog29: It be effected next boot | 05:56 |
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Pelo | SirBob1701, different time of day maybe | 05:56 |
praettor | 700 megs later, and i'll be in business | 05:56 |
praettor | thanks a bunch | 05:56 |
gravemind | genii: I've used gksudo and gksu for graphical apps, what's the difference? | 05:56 |
neozen | SirBob1701: (I compiled mine from source but I'll see what I can do) | 05:56 |
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SirBob1701 | banned me because I didn't see he said to post something on rath.net and accidently flooded the channel | 05:57 |
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neozen | SirBob1701: lol | 05:57 |
SirBob1701 | didn't even get a chance to say woops | 05:57 |
Pelo | SirBob1701, give me a minute to see if I can't remember what they told me to do about my sound problem ( thatwas yoru problem right ? | 05:57 |
Frog29 | Genii - i'm accessing it useing it mounted on windows | 05:57 |
SirBob1701 | ya | 05:57 |
mobomelter | another dumb question how do i go back a directory? | 05:57 |
neozen | SirBob1701: but what's your issue with mplayer? | 05:57 |
SirBob1701 | thanks Pelo | 05:57 |
djik__ | kane`, you can stop the wireless/local lan from getting an IP at boot time by ctrl+alt+deling when you see the loading bar stopping | 05:57 |
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mobomelter | its not the dos command hahaha | 05:57 |
neozen | SirBob1701: I might be able to help you | 05:57 |
neozen | mobomelter: cd .. | 05:57 |
SirBob1701 | oo Cannot open/Initialize sound device | 05:57 |
mobomelter | space .. | 05:57 |
mobomelter | aha | 05:57 |
neozen | mobomelter: actually ... it is | 05:57 |
djik__ | it makes the computer boot much faster if you':) | 05:57 |
genii | gravemind Mainly esoteric differences | 05:57 |
xipietotec | http://rafb.net/p/vf1ToV61.html ?!?!??! why do wireless cards hate me? | 05:57 |
SirBob1701 | so it doesnt play any of the audio channels | 05:57 |
djik__ | (if you're not connected to any network) | 05:57 |
xipietotec | this is supposed to be an out of the box working card | 05:58 |
neozen | SirBob1701: try running mplayer with -ao alsa | 05:58 |
SirBob1701 | already did it did nothing | 05:58 |
crimsun | SirBob1701: so close whatever's currently holding the sound card open. | 05:58 |
mobomelter | alright good enough | 05:58 |
Pelo | SirBob1701, , open up mplayer, goto the prefs , in audio an set alsa use all defaults | 05:58 |
mobomelter | 5 gigs lost lol | 05:58 |
anirudha | Pelo, in Synaptic Manager I can't find mozilla-totem, the search produces 0 results | 05:58 |
gravemind | genii: cool, so I can use them interchangably | 05:58 |
Pelo | anirudha, just type totem as see what you get | 05:58 |
neozen | Pelo: lol.... no gui over here... all hail ~/.mplayer/config | 05:58 |
anirudha | Pelo, okay thanks. | 05:58 |
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genii | Frog29: If you mean the name which Windows machines see it as then that is a different thing. That is controlled by the samba program | 05:59 |
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SirBob1701 | wow i feel stupid | 05:59 |
Pelo | neozen, youare more 1337 then me | 05:59 |
SirBob1701 | Pelo Thanks | 05:59 |
SirBob1701 | that was it | 05:59 |
Flannel | gravemind: Since dapper, gksudo is a symlink to gksu, so they are infact identical. | 05:59 |
Pelo | SirBob1701, congrats | 05:59 |
SirBob1701 | back to the mst problem | 05:59 |
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SirBob1701 | hmm spanish tho | 05:59 |
arpegius | if i have upnp enabled on my router, should apps like bittornado 'just work' on upnp, or do i need to do some install/configs? | 05:59 |
kane` | djik_, ill try it next time i switch from win to ubuntu and see what happens | 05:59 |
SirBob1701 | I'll have to play with taht | 05:59 |
gravemind | Flannel: ok | 05:59 |
neozen | SirBob1701: mst? | 05:59 |
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SirBob1701 | I'm doing java programming for minimal spanning tree | 05:59 |
SirBob1701 | using the java collections framework | 05:59 |
neozen | SirBob1701: oss doesn't like sharing the sound card with anything else | 05:59 |
kane` | oss missed kindergarten. | 06:00 |
genii | gravemind as a general difference sudo is to execute something as superuser whereas su is to substitute user (whuch if you don't specify name is root) | 06:00 |
neozen | if you configure all your apps to use alsa output... you'll get simulaneous sound | 06:00 |
SirBob1701 | i have it set to alsa tho | 06:00 |
neozen | SirBob1701: which is what you want | 06:00 |
Frog29 | genii - so in the hostname file i see ubuntu - should i change it? shoudl iadd something after it? | 06:00 |
Pelo | SirBob1701, if you are getting a choice of language , try looking for the audo choiced in the options menu ( not so deep as the prefs) | 06:00 |
mobomelter | brb | 06:00 |
neozen | SirBob1701: some are messed up | 06:00 |
neozen | SirBob1701: and have borked alsa support | 06:00 |
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SirBob1701 | hmm | 06:00 |
genii | Frog29: No, in this case leave it then. The explanantion you gave earlier of dhcp name was inaccurate. | 06:01 |
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Frog29 | ? | 06:01 |
neozen | Pelo: more of a preference actually | 06:01 |
Frog29 | i was saying on startup ubuntu gives me an error of TTY and somethign aobut failing to start | 06:02 |
neozen | Pelo: I don't like a gui cluttering up my video player | 06:02 |
genii | Frog29: What you want is not some dhcp name but a name the Windows computers see on the network, yes? | 06:02 |
milinksergich | hola? | 06:02 |
Pelo | neozen, to each his own | 06:02 |
neozen | Pelo: particularly on a laptop, I want something controlled by keyboard | 06:02 |
Frog29 | Genii - ? no i'm having a problem with ubuntu starting....... | 06:02 |
Flannel | genii: gksu and gksudo are the same thing. I don't believe they were ever akin to the difference of su and sudo. | 06:02 |
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anirudha | Pelo, Thank you so much for the help. I'll see how it works out! =) | 06:02 |
SirBob1701 | wow i cant find the language settings lol | 06:03 |
Pelo | anirudha, best of luck | 06:03 |
neozen | Pelo: really hard to miss the f and hit d... but when you're using a mouse in a mobile environment... ie train... with bumps.... forget about hitting that stop button | 06:03 |
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neozen | Pelo: lol | 06:03 |
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mobomelter | back | 06:03 |
genii | Flannel You can use the same switches on gksu as you can on su to edit as any user. eg: mysql or any. You can only run things as root with gksudo | 06:03 |
neozen | Pelo: plus... no mplayer package in dapper | 06:03 |
Pelo | neozen, I use keys to but I have the gui anyway, I like the pretty | 06:03 |
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neozen | Pelo: heh | 06:04 |
Pelo | neozen, i hardly use mplayer myself, totem does most of what I need | 06:04 |
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neozen | Pelo: hmm.. totem.... gui | 06:04 |
neozen | Pelo: lol | 06:04 |
Pelo | I only realy have mplayer for the firefox stuff | 06:04 |
Flannel | genii: sudo can use switches to change to a user as well. And, literally gksudo and gksu are the same thing (since one is a symlink to the other) | 06:04 |
=== neozen grins | ||
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Pelo | neozen, more like totem = easy , not messy | 06:05 |
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genii | Frog29: So then, your computer does not immediately get an IP from the router then is the issue? | 06:05 |
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Frog29 | genii - not at all.... maybe i mispoke, my problem is that ubuntu won't start at all anymore, it only started once after isntall | 06:06 |
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genii | Flannel Ah, I didn't know they were symlinked :) But when I worked on mainly BSD systems it had been explained to me thus, about sudo as opposed to su | 06:06 |
hagabaka | hmm, does http://www.getdeb.net/ provide an APT repository? | 06:06 |
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ubuntugrl | whats the difference between directfb and fb? | 06:06 |
LRP | Pelo: how can I show my mounted share drive in the Computer window as a drive icon? | 06:07 |
Flannel | hagabaka: you'd have to ask them | 06:07 |
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arrow | I'm trying to burn an .iso image to dvd, does anyone recommend a program? | 06:07 |
genii | Frog29: Ah, then that is an entire different issue | 06:07 |
Flannel | !burniso | arrow | 06:07 |
ubotu | arrow: To burn an ISO image of a CD in Linux, Mac OS or Windows, read the howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto | 06:07 |
hagabaka | it seems to be from Canonical Ltd though | 06:07 |
kjm | arrow - GnomeBaker | 06:07 |
Pelo | LRP, are you just taking about changing the icon or you want to make a shortcut ? | 06:07 |
arrow | Flannel, kjm, thanks | 06:08 |
Frog29 | genii - yea, and i have apsolutely no leads, except that it may be grub, but then i think ihav it configured correctly | 06:08 |
LRP | making a shortcut that is in "Places--Computer" | 06:08 |
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Pelo | LRP, use nautilus to browse your way to the folder and make a bookmark | 06:09 |
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genii | Frog29: It is helpful to know at the exact point which failure occurs. eg: during grub, during loading initrd, or mounting root etc etc | 06:09 |
LRP | Pelo: what is nautilus? | 06:10 |
neozen | hagabaka: I just use the standard ubuntu repos ... they provide all that I might need | 06:10 |
Frog29 | genii - about 1-2 bars into the ubuntu start it gives me a tty error sometihng about not being able to boot to it... and its during... (hold on restarting latop to it) | 06:10 |
Flannel | hagabaka: It is not canonical. It's Joao Pinto, whomever he is. | 06:10 |
neozen | LRP: its the filemanager for ubuntu | 06:10 |
neozen | !nautilus | 06:10 |
ubotu | nautilus: file manager and graphical shell for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.16.1-0ubuntu3.2 (edgy), package size 586 kB, installed size 1424 kB | 06:10 |
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Pelo | LRP, just click on "my computer" in places and start from there | 06:10 |
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Pelo | LRP, nautilus is just the file manager in ubuntu | 06:10 |
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genii | Frog29: OK | 06:11 |
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LRP | Pelo: okay, so there's no way to make it like another drive icon? Isn't it just another filesystem? | 06:11 |
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Pelo | LRP, it's just a folder | 06:12 |
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LRP | Pelo: gotcha, I'm still thinking like a windows user, my bad | 06:12 |
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Pelo | LRP, if it were mounted in /media/ I think it would appear along side the cdrom and such but it would also appear on your desktop | 06:13 |
Frog29 | Genii - the meesage is after grub, and the screen has busybox at the top, then "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off" and then it has a prompt "(initramfs)" | 06:13 |
Pelo | LRP, we'll beat the windows out of you soon enough | 06:13 |
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flake | can i add a host name like my windows machines display? | 06:13 |
grndslm | anyone have problems with keystrokes repeating a lot? only experienced this on my asus z35f laptop...i've installed edgy on at least 5 or 6 separate desktops before without trouble but never experienced this | 06:13 |
flake | e2j7ms51 | 06:13 |
genii | Frog29: Ouch, a tricky one | 06:13 |
=== Pepper [n=peppery@203-109-243-5.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Frog29 | Genii and some mroe background - this is dual boot, i isntalled ubuntu 6.1 and i have a seperate boot partition | 06:14 |
flake | dern cat | 06:14 |
flake | sry | 06:14 |
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billy | is there a way to block internet sites from seeing my IP address? | 06:14 |
LRP | Pelo: gotcha, I hope you make it quick though :), | 06:14 |
Pelo | grndslm, you can adjust the key repeat speed in >system>`prefs > keyboard | 06:14 |
scFrAcTAL_ | proxy | 06:14 |
scFrAcTAL_ | anyone know how to build a live cd? | 06:14 |
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=== Pelo looks at LRP and goes to get the big stick | ||
LRP | Pelo: would it have been better to mount it in media? | 06:15 |
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=== genii ponders init levels and job controls and such | ||
Frog29 | i had a few problems with grub though, i never isntalled it in the first install, so i went back, skiped the isntall, and just wen to the grub install and got it working after a lot more, but then it sends me to this screen, which i think is in ubuntu | 06:15 |
Flannel | scFrAcTAL_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization | 06:15 |
scFrAcTAL_ | thanks flannel | 06:15 |
grndslm | Pelo...sorry, my problem is with keystrokes repeating at random times when my keys aren't even being pressed...that was the clincher | 06:15 |
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billy | scFrAcTAL_: was "proxy" a response to me? | 06:15 |
Frog29 | genii- the thing is i know ubuntu can boot! becasue as i said it did right after grub isntall, before grub errors | 06:15 |
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scFrAcTAL_ | no, to billy | 06:15 |
scFrAcTAL_ | billy: is there a way to block internet sites from seeing my IP address? | 06:15 |
Absolute0 | i got dsl what app connects me to the internet at boot? | 06:15 |
Pelo | LRP, not realy, in most linux distros, stuff gets mounted in /mnt/ , in ubuntu they added /media/ with instructions to add an icon on the desktop, just a little more mac like , | 06:16 |
scFrAcTAL_ | :) | 06:16 |
Frog29 | Genii - if you look it up online there are a few posts aobut extra hardware, but i have only one sata drive on a laptop | 06:16 |
mobomelter | alright later all. thanks for your help! | 06:16 |
flake | sudo bin/hostname newname ? to change the default host name from (NULL) to the new name? | 06:16 |
Flannel | !hostname | flake | 06:16 |
Pelo | grndslm, sounds like a borked keyboard to me | 06:16 |
ubotu | flake: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab | 06:16 |
genii | Frog29: I am thinking actually that your initrd was not installed correctly | 06:16 |
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grndslm | Pelo: no, it only happens in linux | 06:16 |
Pelo | LRP, http://revision3.com/forum/showthread.php?t=84 http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php | 06:16 |
Frog29 | genii - what would i do about that? | 06:16 |
flake | ok ty | 06:16 |
Pelo | grndslm, usb keyboard ? | 06:17 |
Frog29 | anythings worht a try | 06:17 |
grndslm | Pelo: laptop | 06:17 |
genii | Frog29: Do you have the CD you installed from? | 06:17 |
Frog29 | yes | 06:17 |
Pelo | grndslm, I'd suggest you try looking it up in the forum | 06:17 |
Frog29 | Genii - it was alternate | 06:17 |
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Frog29 | Genii - i also have full acess to the filesystem | 06:18 |
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genii | Frog29: Ah, so then you did like: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop after? | 06:18 |
Frog29 | noooooooooo.......... | 06:18 |
gravemind | how can I change the "environment variable" for sometihng | 06:18 |
gravemind | for example the environment variable SNES9X_ROM_DIR | 06:18 |
Frog29 | Genii - but i did get to the full desktop and everything.... that's what's so mindboggling | 06:18 |
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Frog29 | otherwise i'd think it was a bad install | 06:18 |
Frog29 | garg | 06:19 |
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LRP | Pelo: dude, I love the synopsis on the second one | 06:19 |
vexati0n | is there ever going to be a freenx-server for ubuntu :/ | 06:19 |
=== Frog29 appoligises for so many messages... "sorry" | ||
genii | Are you sure it just wasn'tloading the old install? | 06:19 |
Frog29 | yea.. | 06:19 |
Frog29 | the old isntall was wipid im pretty sure and it had fancy new things | 06:19 |
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Frog29 | Genii - and it couldn't of since that area was split and resized | 06:20 |
_seanc_ | Hey guys, stupid question. After an install what's the first username? :) | 06:20 |
l90bpm | quick question: dvd::rip install or leave it? | 06:20 |
takesinn | Ey | 06:20 |
takesinn | Whats the best image editor? | 06:20 |
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muddy | Can someone help me, I am having a VERY serious install issue..... | 06:21 |
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bluecat9 | _seanc_, you should have created the 1st user name during installation? :) | 06:21 |
LRP | Pelo: how do I find out about installing codecs so i can play DVD's, and also I need to know how to install programs, I downloaded the new version of GAIM, in .rpm format but have no idea what to do with it now | 06:21 |
Squeee | Is there support for 802.11n in linux yet? | 06:21 |
Pelo | LRP, that is the best link I have , I always refer to it, one of my big scare when switching was that I'd been using dos/windows for ever so I always had cli to fall back on , but I didn'T know how to in linux, that link was priceless | 06:21 |
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Pelo | !restricted | LRP | 06:21 |
ubotu | LRP: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 06:21 |
NickGarvey | muddy: details? | 06:22 |
Pelo | LRP, http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/ | 06:22 |
Squeee | would this be supported? http://catalog.belkin.com/IWCatProductPage.process?Product_Id=299617# | 06:22 |
grndslm | anyone have problems with keystrokes repeating on a laptop every hour or two (seems tied to my hard drive having seek or writing) after the key has been released? i've only experienced this on my asus z35f laptop...i've installed edgy on at least 5 or 6 separate desktops before without trouble but never experienced this | 06:22 |
Pelo | LRP, rpm are no good for ubuntu, you want deb files | 06:22 |
_seanc_ | bluecat9: I don't remember doing that, last time there was a basic name to login with and then I had to run some command and create a user | 06:22 |
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Pelo | Squeee, your best bet is to look up the model in the forum | 06:23 |
muddy | Ok, I can run the program on the CD just fine, but when I try to do ANYTHING regarding the partition, it locks up and I have to start all over. I tried the noacpi thing with no results. I need help because this is the only OS I have. | 06:23 |
genii_ | Bah ghosted | 06:23 |
=== genii_ beats on genii for a bit! | ||
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Pelo | muddy, what are you trying to do with partition ? | 06:23 |
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muddy | Nothing....that's the thing, if I try to just let it set the partition, it locks up, if I try to format the entire drive, it locks and if I try the manual partition, it locks | 06:24 |
bluecat9 | _seanc_, if it was an "oem install" the default user name is "ubuntu" | 06:24 |
genii | Frog29: Did you get my last question about grub? | 06:24 |
_seanc_ | I swear I tried that... | 06:24 |
bluecat9 | :) | 06:25 |
Frog29 | no................. | 06:25 |
_seanc_ | bluecat9: What is the command you run once you're satisfied? | 06:25 |
genii | Frog29: When you put grub on later (after not installing it the first time) how was this done and what partition/drive did you put it to? | 06:25 |
Pelo | muddy, is there anything on that drive ? | 06:25 |
muddy | Not that I am aware of | 06:25 |
LRP | Pelo: okay, I will check those out, thanks for all the tips, what did that mean " !restricted | LRP " | 06:25 |
Frog29 | i put it onot a spererate boot partition | 06:25 |
Pelo | muddy, run gparted from the live cd and free up the entire partition | 06:25 |
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genii | Frog29: because for instance grub-install /dev/hda3 for instance wipes out the partition table of hda3 | 06:25 |
Frog29 | i jumped thorugh the isntall fro mthe alrternate by pressing escape and only filling in anything required | 06:26 |
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muddy | <----complete n00b......how do I do that exactly, once I leave here, I can't just come back and ask.....that's what sucks | 06:26 |
Pelo | LRP, that was a trigger for the bot to print the information given to you by uboto afterward | 06:26 |
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Frog29 | i had partition problems but i fixed them | 06:26 |
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Pelo | muddy, gparted is pretty self explanatory, you'll find it in menu > system > admin > gparted ( or partition manager or editor ) | 06:27 |
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muddy | ok, | 06:27 |
Frog29 | genii - right now i'm pretty sure that grub is on the correct partition pointing to the correct partition | 06:27 |
muddy | I am there....now what | 06:28 |
xipietotec | !webcam | 06:28 |
ubotu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 06:28 |
genii | Frog29: Well, if it is at this point only the initrd that is messy it can be fixed. Tho yer mileage may vary | 06:28 |
Pelo | muddy, select your hdd | 06:28 |
Frog29 | henii - how would i go about doing that? | 06:28 |
muddy | ok | 06:28 |
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Pelo | muddy, is it already partitioned ? | 06:28 |
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muddy | there are 3, 2 of them are 2.70 GB the other is 111 GB | 06:29 |
ubernewb | hey all, i'm trying to use dpkg-reconfigure locales and it's failing my edgy chroot environement | 06:29 |
Pelo | muddy, how many os do you want on this hdd ? | 06:29 |
muddy | just this one | 06:29 |
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Pelo | muddy, do you know if there is anything on those partitions that you need to keep ? | 06:30 |
W4nnabe | hello. i just installed ubuntu-desktop on ubuntu server. can anyone tell me how to start up my gui? | 06:30 |
muddy | no idea | 06:30 |
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Frog29 | *genii - how would i go about fixing my initrd? | 06:30 |
=== Chris7462 [n=chris@220-139-130-82.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | muddy, was that hdd empty before you got started ? | 06:30 |
elektro82 | W4nnabe: try startx... | 06:30 |
iceghost | W4nnabe: how about startx | 06:30 |
lHck | any happy ubuntu user was a gentoo user ? | 06:30 |
drcode | hi all | 06:30 |
genii | Frog29: The basic idea then is to use the livecd, boot to it, then mount the partition containing the / you installed to, chroot there and then do a reinstall of the kernel image | 06:30 |
iceghost | nice timing elektro82 | 06:30 |
W4nnabe | nope | 06:30 |
elektro82 | lol thx | 06:30 |
genii | Frog29: Pls have patience, this old laptop is barely running Feisty :) | 06:31 |
drcode | when I do "lspci" it take what bios recognize? | 06:31 |
Pelo | muddy, was that hdd empty before you got started ? | 06:31 |
drcode | right? | 06:31 |
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muddy | No | 06:31 |
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Frog29 | genii - ok, just wasn't sure if you got it since i worte henii or something :) | 06:31 |
muddy | It had windows on it and all my misc. shit | 06:31 |
drcode | or what kernel recognize? | 06:31 |
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mzuverink | my intel 915 uses up to 128 meg system ram on demand, it has no ram of its own. i am running the xserer dpkg reconfigure command and want to know if i can force dedication of 128 megs by indicating so in the xserver reconfigure dialogue | 06:31 |
Pelo | muddy, please use my nick when replaying to me , do you know which partiton you windows is on ? | 06:32 |
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ubernewb | do i need to bind my directories /hom/tmp/dev/proc/media/fonts in a chroot environement.. even if i don't want to | 06:32 |
Frog29 | genii - is it possible to do that just byy having full write acess to the / partition? | 06:32 |
lHck | Pelo, what irc client are you using ? | 06:32 |
Pelo | lHck, xchat | 06:32 |
muddy | Pelo, No I don't....like I said, complete noob | 06:32 |
genii | Frog29: You need to chroot there do this particular operation | 06:33 |
Pelo | muddy, did you backup your windows stuff ? | 06:33 |
=== mindstate [n=mindstat@pool-71-164-107-30.albyny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
muddy | .......no...... | 06:33 |
Frog29 | hmmm ok | 06:33 |
lHck | can xchat running bot ? | 06:33 |
lHck | Pelo, can it run script ? | 06:33 |
Frog29 | genii - so do i need to get a version of the ubuntu full? (i have alternate) | 06:33 |
gravemind | what file do I edit to set environmental variables? | 06:33 |
Pelo | muddy, ok I don't want to freak you out , but you might want to reboot your windows and backup your shit first | 06:33 |
grndslm | Frog29: most find the desktop version much quicker if you have the ram | 06:34 |
genii | Frog29: Well, full livecd would be best. I forget offhand if alternate has live boot on it | 06:34 |
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W4nnabe | elektro82, iceghost...it's a fresh install, and my only command has been as follows http://pastebin.ca/411642 | 06:34 |
grndslm | but either will install just fine | 06:34 |
Pelo | lHck, I know it can run scripts, in pearl or in python, but I don't do it myself | 06:34 |
W4nnabe | startx failed | 06:34 |
muddy | IPelo, It won't. I tried re-installing windows, it ain't happenin..... | 06:34 |
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Pelo | muddy, ok so your stuff is lost , I hope you had copies | 06:34 |
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muddy | not much... | 06:35 |
elektro82 | W4nnabe: what was the error? | 06:35 |
Frog29 | genii - ok - i might as well ask, is there an online guide somehwere? | 06:35 |
genii | Frog29: Did you have a separate /boot partition? | 06:35 |
muddy | I just want to get something installed so I don't have a 1500 dollar paperweight | 06:35 |
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W4nnabe | startx: command not found | 06:35 |
Pelo | muddy, before we go on , do you need to try and recover your windows stuff or are you resgined to having lost it ? | 06:35 |
Frog29 | yes genii | 06:35 |
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muddy | Pelo, I lost it.....Yeah | 06:35 |
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Pelo | muddy, ok, do you still want to install windows as well ? | 06:36 |
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muddy | Pelo, No | 06:36 |
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elektro82 | W4nnabe: i guess that doesn't cover the X packages, u must just have a base system at this point | 06:36 |
Pelo | muddy, so the whole hdd for ubuntu ? | 06:36 |
muddy | Yeah | 06:36 |
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Pelo | muddy, ok all those partitions you see, delete them | 06:36 |
Pelo | muddy, use rightclick | 06:36 |
muddy | Done. | 06:36 |
gravemind | hey does anybody know where I can set environmental variables? THere's a file somewhere | 06:37 |
Ben | Why would 'apt-get update' be trying to use some au. sources for its update when there is no mention of anything au. in my /etc/apt/sources.list? | 06:37 |
J-_ | gah, is there a plugin for firefox2.0 to see what colour a specific colour is in a layout that'll work with linux? | 06:37 |
Pelo | muddy, well set you right from the get go , make a new partition 10 gig , format it ntfs | 06:37 |
muddy | So it says 111.79 GB unallocated | 06:37 |
Pelo | muddy, sorry I mean format it ext3 | 06:37 |
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Pelo | muddy, add a parttion 10 gig ext3 | 06:38 |
genii | Frog29: The basic instructions in a nutshell: boot to livecd. mount partition eg: mkdir /mnt/old mount /dev/<partitionname> /mnt/old chroot /mnt/old mount /boot apt-get install kernel-image-`uname -r` | 06:38 |
W4nnabe | elektro82: actually i take back what i said about not running anything else, i also installed appache via apt-get. if i didn't install xserver, what did i install under ubuntu-desktop? | 06:38 |
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Pelo | muddy, that partition we will use to install ubuntu on it , we'll also make a swap partiton and a partition for your home folder | 06:38 |
W4nnabe | apache runs | 06:38 |
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genii | Frog29: I haven't found an online tutorial of this and don't have the patience atm to search :) | 06:39 |
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Frog29 | k | 06:39 |
=== Coweater [i=coweater@pool-71-96-161-147.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mindstate | anyone familiar with postfix MTA ? | 06:39 |
muddy | Pelo, I click new and then select the size...10gb roight? | 06:39 |
Pelo | muddy, yes | 06:39 |
Frog29 | so genii - where are ther line breaks? | 06:39 |
elektro82 | W4nnabe: i did ubuntu-desktop and got gui...did you install with main or alternate cd? (not sure if it matters, i used the main one, the livecd) | 06:39 |
Pelo | muddy, what would be 10240 mb | 06:40 |
muddy | Pelo, Primary partition or extension | 06:40 |
Frog29 | i'm not too sure aobut my linux commands | 06:40 |
Pelo | muddy, primary | 06:40 |
W4nnabe | elektro82: i used the dvd...3 | 06:40 |
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britt | could someone recmmend some GUI program to normalize my MP3 collection? | 06:41 |
genii | Frog29: | 06:41 |
genii | mkdir /mnt/old | 06:41 |
W4nnabe | elektro82:* i used the dvd...2.6.15-26-server | 06:41 |
genii | mount /dev/<partitionname> /mnt/old | 06:41 |
genii | chroot /mnt/old | 06:41 |
genii | mount /boot | 06:41 |
genii | apt-get install kernel-image-`uname -r`h | 06:41 |
elektro82 | W4nnabe: i wonder if it didn't detect your video card and hence skipped x... | 06:41 |
Frog29 | aha! | 06:41 |
genii | Sorry for multiline, neccesay for clarity | 06:41 |
Frog29 | thank you good sir | 06:41 |
muddy | Ok, so now I have 3 lines | 06:41 |
Frog29 | :) | 06:41 |
W4nnabe | elektro82: maybe | 06:41 |
elektro82 | W4nnabe: oh and i used the desktop edition... | 06:41 |
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Pelo | muddy, the two other lines are what ? | 06:41 |
Frog29 | now how do i copy it :D | 06:41 |
W4nnabe | ohok | 06:41 |
Frog29 | i'll get it in a sec | 06:41 |
britt | could someone recmmend some GUI program to normalize my MP3 collection? | 06:42 |
=== kummi [i=Kummi@i577A25DD.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
W4nnabe | anybody here familiar with ubuntu 2.6.15-26-server? | 06:42 |
Pelo | muddy, do you mean 3 lines at the botttom in the command box ? on remove , one pattiont table one new partition ? | 06:42 |
W4nnabe | i need to get a gui | 06:42 |
muddy | Pelo, top is 10 gb, unallocated, middle is 101.78gb ext3 and bottom is 12.78gb unallocated | 06:42 |
Flannel | W4nnabe: what sort of GUI? | 06:42 |
kummi | hello. where i am ? | 06:42 |
W4nnabe | kde or xwindows | 06:42 |
Flannel | W4nnabe: Ubuntu server is just normal Ubuntu, but with a server kernel. You have all the packages of normal ubuntu. | 06:43 |
Pelo | muddy, wtf | 06:43 |
genii | Frog29: Make sure to remove the stray h at the end of the last post, it was a typo | 06:43 |
Flannel | W4nnabe: install the 'kubuntu-desktop' to get Kubuntu | 06:43 |
Pelo | muddy, before you added the partion I told you , how many lines did you have ? | 06:43 |
muddy | Pelo, IDK | 06:43 |
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Frog29 | k | 06:43 |
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W4nnabe | Flannel: i already installed that...what command starts kubuntu? | 06:43 |
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Flannel | W4nnabe: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start | 06:44 |
Flannel | W4nnabe: you might have to ctrl-alt-f7 | 06:44 |
Pelo | muddy, mp | 06:44 |
muddy | I added ONE (1) partition after deleting all the others, when I added the 10 gb partition, I ended up with 3, the ext3 partition is 101 gb | 06:44 |
Frog29 | thanks... i'll try this tomoorow when i get a change i have to go soon | 06:44 |
Pelo | I mean muddy pm | 06:44 |
muddy | ok | 06:44 |
Flannel | W4nnabe: also, you'll probably notice a bit of latency. Because the server kernel doesn't PREEMPT. If it bugs you, install the non-server kernel (generic) | 06:44 |
Frog29 | wait... can i use a knoppix disk? | 06:44 |
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genii | Frog29: Anyhow, this will definitely fix the initrd. If boot still fails it is some other issue | 06:44 |
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Frog29 | ok genii - thanks | 06:45 |
genii | Frog29: Yup any livecd will work | 06:45 |
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W4nnabe | Flannel: i just get "command not found" | 06:46 |
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Flannel | W4nnabe: you're sure you installed 'kubuntu-desktop'? | 06:46 |
genii | Frog29: It occurs to me that you may need to put apt-get update before the last line | 06:46 |
Frog29 | genii - random - will teh linux system recue cd work? | 06:46 |
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W4nnabe | Flannel: i ran `sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop` | 06:47 |
Flannel | W4nnabe: oh. Ubuntu, that's gdm not kdm. But that's gnome, not KDE | 06:47 |
W4nnabe | Flannel: it didn't return an error | 06:47 |
genii | Frog29: So long as you can boot into linux off a cd and your network is recognised to use the apt-get install it should work | 06:47 |
Flannel | W4nnabe: `sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start` | 06:47 |
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Frog29 | oh darn - and my network is recognized? | 06:47 |
meme-1 | Oh.. this one is gonna cause some trouble, I can just see it.. LOL Anyhow... one of the things I miss about Windows is not having access to umm... Internet Explorer. Why? Because not a single day goes by where I encounter a website that isn't compatible with Firefox. The latest is: http://www.samsungsupport.com/cyber/index.jsp... now go ahead... flame me... I'm ready! lol | 06:47 |
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Arrick | you guys want to know something | 06:47 |
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Flannel | Arrick: please troll elsewhere | 06:48 |
meme-1 | I'm actually looking for workable suggestions. | 06:48 |
Frog29 | genii - well i'll just try and get the ubuntu desktop full :) | 06:48 |
meme-1 | I need to get on to the Samsung support page. | 06:48 |
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W4nnabe | Flannel: still get "command not found" | 06:48 |
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genii | Frog29: Thats probably the best solution for this situation | 06:49 |
RoundyT1 | i need some help writing permissions | 06:49 |
Arrick | Flannel after trying every US mirror, for ubuntu, I find that the first one outside the US download faster then the ones in the US | 06:49 |
Frog29 | ok | 06:49 |
{NewMoon} | hey | 06:49 |
{NewMoon} | lol | 06:49 |
RoundyT1 | i need to give permission to a folder....write permissions | 06:49 |
Flannel | W4nnabe: What version of ubuntu are you running? Dapper or Edgy? | 06:49 |
RoundyT1 | via command line | 06:49 |
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genii | RoundyT1: Is the folder owned by a user? | 06:49 |
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Arrick | and Flannel I try not to troll, thanks though | 06:49 |
RoundyT1 | genii, how do i check | 06:50 |
{NewMoon} | haha | 06:50 |
Flannel | Arrick: you were trolling earlier this afternoon. | 06:50 |
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dougb | does anyone know how to get an XBOX 360 gamepad to work with ubuntu? | 06:50 |
RoundyT1 | dougb, google it | 06:50 |
{NewMoon} | wow a stalker | 06:50 |
W4nnabe | Flannel:dapper | 06:50 |
genii | RoundyT1: the command: ls -l <foldername> should say owner and group | 06:50 |
RoundyT1 | says permission denied | 06:50 |
W4nnabe | Flannel:there's nothing in /etc/init.d that looks like any gui either | 06:50 |
Arrick | uhmm, Flannel there is a difference between trolling and being completely ignored, and getting ticked off. | 06:50 |
RoundyT1 | and that's running chmod | 06:50 |
RoundyT1 | sudo | 06:51 |
Flannel | W4nnabe: gdm or kdm? If you successfully installed ubuntu-desktop, then you successfully installed gdm, which means you should have /etc/init.d/gdm | 06:51 |
Flannel | RoundyT1: which folder is it? | 06:51 |
dougb | RoundyT1: what is the purpose of googling it if this is the room to get knowledge on ubuntu? | 06:51 |
genii | Flannel Yes, I'm thinking it's some system folder and not a subdir of ~/ | 06:52 |
kummi | ubuntu? | 06:53 |
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kummi | gh | 06:53 |
RoundyT1 | dougb, because i've asked questions like that and people got pissed cause its not supported by "Ubuntu Support" | 06:53 |
zcat[1] | anybody know how I can get from a single mp3 and cue file to individual tracks without burning a CD and ripping it again? | 06:53 |
W4nnabe | Flannel: there's nothing like that in that folder. `locate` returns nothing for kdm or gdm | 06:53 |
mindstate | anyone familiar with postfix? | 06:53 |
RoundyT1 | Flannel, its dokuwiki | 06:53 |
Flannel | Arrick: fair enough. But waiting five minutes is hardly ignored. | 06:53 |
Flannel | W4nnabe: there's nothing in /etc/init.d? | 06:54 |
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Flannel | RoundyT1: so, where's the folder? | 06:54 |
genii | RoundyT1: So some path like /opt/docuwiki or /var/www/docuwiki ? | 06:54 |
W4nnabe | Flannel: nothing w/ the expression gdm or kdm | 06:54 |
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RoundyT1 | /var/www/roundy/dokuwiki | 06:54 |
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Flannel | W4nnabe: go ahead and install the `gdm` package. see if it helps. | 06:54 |
genii | Hmm not a good folder to share | 06:55 |
W4nnabe | Flannel: so `sudo apt-get install gdm` ? | 06:55 |
Flannel | W4nnabe: yeah | 06:55 |
Arrick | Flannel what all you know about installing apache on the 6.10 server, or does it come with the lamp option on boot? | 06:55 |
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Flannel | Arrick: There's a LAMP install option on the server CD. Although installing it manually isn't difficult either. | 06:56 |
RoundyT1 | Arrick, ya, lamp is on 6.10 i have it installed | 06:56 |
zcat[1] | found it myself; mp3splt .. it even reads from a cue file. | 06:56 |
RoundyT1 | Flannel, its /var/www/roundy/dokuwiki | 06:56 |
kraut | moin | 06:56 |
genii | RoundyT1: All the files in those subdirs should be owned recursively by user www-root group www-root | 06:57 |
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Arrick | yeah, i installed it on breezy before, but this is the first time I've used the newer distro's Flannel | 06:57 |
Flannel | genii, RoundyT1, www-data not www-root | 06:57 |
genii | Flannel Yes, my bad | 06:57 |
W4nnabe | Flannel: installing... | 06:57 |
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Arrick | I know that the 6.06.1 server is bad juju | 06:57 |
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genii | Flannel Smack me now and then to wake me up please :) | 06:57 |
Flannel | Arrick: right. Well, the Alternate CD is identical to the old install CD. If you use the alt CD to install a CLI box, then install LAMP, then switch to the server kernel, you'll have an identical install to the LAMP preinstall from the server CD | 06:58 |
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Flannel | Arrick: why? What's wrong with Dappers server CD? | 06:58 |
Arrick | Flannel it doesnt work | 06:58 |
Arrick | it gets to the install point, and dies on whatever I try to install it on | 06:58 |
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Arrick | and it checks out as good | 06:58 |
Flannel | Arrick: I doubt that. But, I don't have firsthand experience with it. As I have no use for the server kernel. | 06:58 |
genii | Works fine for me on several boxes | 06:58 |
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neozen | meeples | 06:59 |
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RoundyT1 | genii, so why isn't it working the "install.php" for dokuwiki? | 06:59 |
{NewMoon} | arrick you're a liar | 06:59 |
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Arrick | {NewMoon} no I'm not | 07:00 |
RoundyT1 | Arrick, try connecting to the internet first | 07:00 |
{NewMoon} | he's been going to #freebsd and saying the same crap | 07:00 |
Arrick | I've only tried the one so far from it | 07:00 |
{NewMoon} | you claimed ubuntu worked for you | 07:00 |
Arrick | {NewMoon} I installed ubuntu first, and was told the freebsd would work better for me so I switched | 07:00 |
genii | RoundyT1: If the ownership is correct (www-data) on all the folders recursively it is in, then you may need an entry for apache(2) | 07:00 |
creedo | can i install it to vmware workstation?. | 07:01 |
Arrick | yeah, ubuntu breezy | 07:01 |
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RoundyT1 | genii, lol ...crap | 07:01 |
neozen | yes... I know there's another room for feisty | 07:01 |
=== neozen grins | ||
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root_ | hay | 07:02 |
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root_ | whats going on | 07:02 |
Flannel | root_: You shouldn't be on IRC as root. | 07:02 |
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Arrick | {NewMoon} I happen to have about 60 of the ubuntu breezy cd's here, as well as the dapper desktop, however, i was attempting to use freebsd because I was told it would better suit my needs. | 07:02 |
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neozen | lol | 07:02 |
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neozen | Arrick: lol | 07:02 |
phxheat | how do i remove apache2? apt-get doesnt seem to be doing it right? | 07:02 |
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{NewMoon} | sounds like a computer problem to me | 07:03 |
RoundyT1 | phxheat, sudo apt-get rm ? | 07:03 |
Flannel | phxheat: you need to remove apache2-common, for the bulk of it | 07:03 |
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mbdl | i cant drag and drop in Nautilus... how can i get it working | 07:03 |
root_ | does any one have experience with socet programming | 07:03 |
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Arrick | yea, it does to me too {NewMoon} lets see, W2k3 Server, Ubuntu Breezy, Ubuntu Dapper Desktop, XP Pro, all install fine, but its a computer problem alright. | 07:04 |
genii | RoundyT1: The file with those kinds of entries is usually in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default or so | 07:04 |
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Arrick | lol | 07:04 |
W4nnabe | Flannel: ok, so it got done, i ran /etc/init.d/gdm, and i got pastebin.ca/411675. now i'll say yes and report back what i get. | 07:05 |
mbdl | HELP i cant drag and drop in Nautilus... how can i get it working | 07:05 |
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Flannel | W4nnabe: Go ahead and try and install ubuntu-desktop again. Something tells me it didn't get installed the first time. | 07:05 |
phxheat | Flannel: that worked, but what about the files in /etc/apache2/ ... those remain... what is the proper way to remove those? ... im going to be installing apache from source and dont want any conflicts or remnants | 07:05 |
Flannel | phxheat: Remove them with --purge | 07:06 |
neozen | mbdl: drag and drop between two nautilus windows | 07:06 |
Flannel | phxheat: apt-get remove --purge apache2-common, or in synaptic "complete removal" | 07:06 |
Flannel | phxheat: it removes the config files as well as the packages. | 07:06 |
mbdl | neozen: ya and i cant on the desktop | 07:06 |
mbdl | move anyhitng | 07:06 |
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Flannel | phxheat: normal removal just removes all non-config stuff. | 07:06 |
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neozen | mbdl: open the desktop in a nautilus window as well | 07:06 |
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neozen | mbdl: lol | 07:07 |
brophat | if I wanted to do a command that required root do I just do a "sudo command" ? | 07:07 |
RoundyT1 | so i i want to add write permissions to the dokuwiki folder....what do i type "sudo chmod ?????" | 07:07 |
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W4nnabe | Flannel: i'm pretty sure it did get installed, but ok... also the error is "X: cannot stat /etc/X11/X (No such file or directory), aborting | 07:07 |
mbdl | neozen: ok the me reprase... i cant drage anyhitng on the desktop or inside the explorer windows | 07:07 |
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Flannel | W4nnabe: right. It looks like you don't have an Xserver. Which, should've been installed with ubuntu-desktop (just like gdm) | 07:08 |
mbdl | neozen: can u help? | 07:08 |
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phxheat | Flannel: 1 last newb q... i removed with purge but it wouldnt remove /etc/apache2/ since it has files in it (doing this all from console btw... this is ubuntu server)... whats the command to remove the dir? | 07:09 |
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Flannel | phxheat: hmm. You might need to purge all the packages that deal with it (some other apache packages). It *should* remove that directory automatically. | 07:09 |
chipbuddy | how is everyone! | 07:10 |
mbdl | CAN ANYONE HELP!!! i cant drag and or drop | 07:10 |
RoundyT1 | genii, so i i want to add write permissions to the dokuwiki folder....what do i type "sudo chmod ?????" | 07:10 |
brophat | do I use the sudo command by simply putting sudo before the command I want to perform? | 07:10 |
RoundyT1 | brophat, that is correct | 07:10 |
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brophat | RoundyT1 does ubuntu have the alsaconf command? | 07:11 |
W4nnabe | Flannel: maybe i'm confused...i thought xwindows and gnome were alternatives to one another, rather than being somehow one dependent on another....why would xwindows have even been starting if called gdm (gnome?)? | 07:11 |
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RoundyT1 | brophat, lol now that...i couldn't answer... | 07:11 |
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genii | RoundyT1: You want users to directly edit things there not thru the web interface? | 07:11 |
W4nnabe | Flannel: maybe i'm confused...i thought xwindows and gnome were alternatives to one another, rather than being somehow one dependent on another....why would xwindows have even been starting if *i called gdm (gnome?)? | 07:11 |
Flannel | W4nnabe: The Xserver is the basic framework, that all GUI stuff is based on. Gnome (well, part of gnome), creates windows ontop of that Xserver. | 07:11 |
mbdl | NO WELL THANK YOU | 07:11 |
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RoundyT1 | one sec genii | 07:11 |
Flannel | W4nnabe: gdm is gnome display manager. Not gnome itself. | 07:12 |
chipbuddy | so... what's the difference between the freenode server and the ubuntu server server? | 07:12 |
W4nnabe | Flannel: i see | 07:12 |
Flannel | chipbuddy: They are one and the same. irc.ubuntu.com connects to irc.freenode.com | 07:12 |
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brophat | RoundyT1 does sound sometimes need setup? | 07:12 |
chipbuddy | huh... ok | 07:12 |
chipbuddy | thanks | 07:12 |
genii | RoundyT1: Because if it just gets properly setup for the web interface to work, you should not need to do any chmod on it. At this time you should likely do chown on it tho to the user:group www-data:www-data recursively | 07:13 |
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genii | RoundyT1: eg: sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/roundy | 07:14 |
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RoundyT1 | brophat, sometimes...mine worked just fine (IBM thinkpad) | 07:15 |
oscar | Somebody can help me to mount a ntfs partition in Ubuntu? The particion is mounted, aparently... but I can access that because a message say "Impossible to mount, error" | 07:15 |
genii | When you try the web interface do you get some 400/500 error or does the php file come into the browser as text? | 07:16 |
lHck | i mean i have a bootablecdrom on a remote pc, and the one need to boot can only do PXE, any one let me know how to boot usng the remote cdrom through PXE ? | 07:16 |
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brophat | volume control for G-Streamer cant find g-streamer or the sound card is not | 07:16 |
brophat | configured. is whast is says when speaker icon on gnome desktop is clicked, any ideas? | 07:16 |
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hole | whats the command syntax to get my own help on stuff? | 07:17 |
hole | fromthe bot | 07:17 |
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benplaut | !help | 07:17 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 07:17 |
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CoRnJuLiOx | is 6.10 a stable release? | 07:17 |
Flannel | CoRnJuLiOx: yes | 07:18 |
genii | hole first you should do something like: /msg ubotu hello and then he opens a PM box to you if your nick is registered on freenode | 07:18 |
brophat | RoundyT1 what does one typically have to do if sound does not work out of the box? | 07:18 |
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hole | not registered | 07:18 |
CoRnJuLiOx | Flannel: i'm having problems getting the 6.10 livecd to boot. i've tried it on two computers and whenever i try to 'start or install ubuntu' it either kernel panics or just sits there. | 07:19 |
RoundyT1 | brophat, what kind of machine are you on? | 07:19 |
xavi | maybe the cd is bad | 07:19 |
hole | anyone else here have nvidia geforce cards? | 07:19 |
brophat | RoundyT1 not me it is my brother who is in another state. he is on a 1998 dell | 07:19 |
RoundyT1 | genii, http://pastebin.ca/411688 | 07:19 |
RoundyT1 | Flannel, http://pastebin.ca/411688 | 07:19 |
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xavi | yes, i have nvidia | 07:19 |
genii | RoundyT1: OK, reading | 07:19 |
CoRnJuLiOx | Flannel: i've posted pics of the error i get on the forums. lemme get a link | 07:20 |
RoundyT1 | brophat, one second...lemme see what i can do | 07:20 |
Flannel | CoRnJuLiOx: did you check the CD for defects? | 07:20 |
hole | please tellme how to make gl work i'm dying to play quake3 and 4 | 07:20 |
CoRnJuLiOx | Flannel: i've checked the CD, the md5, i even burned two CDs | 07:20 |
CoRnJuLiOx | all is fine | 07:20 |
Flannel | CoRnJuLiOx: Did you try the alternate CD? | 07:21 |
RoundyT1 | brophat, what is the model? of the dell? | 07:21 |
genii | RoundyT1: Is there now a user "docuwiki" on your system? If so add them to the group www-data | 07:21 |
CoRnJuLiOx | alternate CD? | 07:21 |
brophat | RoundyT1 for example i know on slackware one would do an alsaconf | 07:21 |
CoRnJuLiOx | Flannel: whats so different about the alternate CD? | 07:21 |
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Flannel | CoRnJuLiOx: it isn't a liveCD. Just an installer. http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.10/ scroll down | 07:21 |
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hole | !help nvidia | 07:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about help nvidia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:22 |
RoundyT1 | brophat, well ubuntu is based off debian so maybe try googling the dell model and ubuntu/debian | 07:22 |
brophat | RoundyT1 Dimension XPS R350 | 07:22 |
CoRnJuLiOx | Flannel: k. thanks | 07:22 |
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xavi | hole, sorry | 07:22 |
RoundyT1 | genii, how to check users? | 07:22 |
xavi | i'm new at ubuntu | 07:22 |
xavi | but i compiled the driver from nvidia's site | 07:22 |
Flannel | RoundyT1: mediawiki or whatever runs on apache, right? It's PHP or whatever? | 07:22 |
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xavi | and it works well with beryl | 07:23 |
lkthomas | LOL | 07:23 |
lkthomas | I got a hard time to get my HDD running under 40degree C | 07:23 |
hole | xavi,why | 07:23 |
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RoundyT1 | beryl = trouble | 07:23 |
zachhale | is there a console.log | 07:23 |
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zachhale | or a log for all terminal sessions? | 07:23 |
Flannel | RoundyT1: er, wait. You installed this from the repositories? | 07:23 |
genii | RoundyT1: I am normally doing this by vipw then exiting with :q! | 07:23 |
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[xelent] | Anyone know what media player this is http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs14/f/2007/085/a/1/Linux_X_by_binyaryar.png | 07:24 |
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RoundyT1 | Flannel, no. copied it to my server | 07:24 |
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genii | Tho if finger is installed on your box you could use that too | 07:24 |
BeastlyKings | ok, my windows partition still won't boot, but i was wondering if I just cleared both of my lnux partitions and then reinstalled ubuntu... if grub would auto fix the prob by re-detecting the windows partition? | 07:24 |
Flannel | RoundyT1: why don't you install the package from the repositories? | 07:24 |
RoundyT1 | Flannel, cause it's not always up-2-date. and its already installed where i need it to be installed | 07:25 |
Flannel | RoundyT1: obviously, it's not installed properly ;) | 07:25 |
BeastlyKings | ok, my windows partition still won't boot, but i was wondering if I just cleared both of my lnux partitions and then reinstalled ubuntu... if grub would auto fix the prob by re-detecting the windows partition? | 07:25 |
RoundyT1 | Flannel, only because it need permissions lol | 07:25 |
BeastlyKings | would that fix the prob? | 07:26 |
crdlb | [xelent] , you sure that's not some kind of mockup? | 07:26 |
Art_Com | hi all | 07:26 |
BeastlyKings | ok, my windows partition still won't boot, but i was wondering if I just cleared both of my lnux partitions and then reinstalled ubuntu... if grub would auto fix the prob by re-detecting the windows partition? | 07:26 |
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BeastlyKings | would that fix the prob? | 07:26 |
RoundyT1 | dual boot = should have windows installed FIRST then install ubuntu (i assume that's what you did) try reinstalling ubuntu---watch your partitions though | 07:26 |
genii | RoundyT1: Anyhow, if the user exists then add the name to /etc/group on the line for www-data | 07:26 |
BeastlyKings | K thanks | 07:27 |
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RoundyT1 | genii, i've never even heard of www-data. | 07:27 |
genii | RoundyT1: It's the user that webpages etc run as. Compartmentalisation | 07:27 |
[xelent] | crdlb: not that i know of | 07:28 |
RoundyT1 | genii, lol ok found...don't see dokuwiki | 07:28 |
CoRnJuLiOx | Flannel: about that alternate CD, you think i'll run into the kernel panic issue after i've installed 6.10? | 07:28 |
genii | RoundyT1: OK I'll try to look up what user it should be for that app | 07:29 |
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RoundyT1 | genii, gee thanks | 07:29 |
|Amon| | how do I run a scan of my hardware to see if ubuntu sees my sound card? shouldn't lspci do it? | 07:29 |
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|Amon| | the problem im having is that i have an onboard sound card as well as a pci one, and i have disabled the onboard sound card. it was set to enabled in bios when i was installing ubuntu so i think the installation process ignored my pci sound card. | 07:30 |
chipbuddy | so check this out. about 2 weeks ago i decided to install ubuntu to move away from windows. so i installed edgy and everything went fairly well. except for the life of me i could not get my ati card to play nice. so just tonight i decided to install feisty, and now glxinfo tells me direct rendering is on, and glxgears isn't slow as a pig | 07:30 |
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bayziders | How do I find my defualt gateway? | 07:31 |
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crdlb | chipbuddy, which ati card? | 07:31 |
RoundyT1 | chipbuddy, so it turned out good? | 07:31 |
Flannel | CoRnJuLiOx: probably not | 07:31 |
chipbuddy | radeon x800 | 07:31 |
Flannel | RoundyT1: What perms are those directories? 644? | 07:31 |
chipbuddy | yeah. i'm really happy. i'm going to go for beryl a little later tonight | 07:31 |
|Amon| | anybody | 07:32 |
CoRnJuLiOx | Flannel: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=387246 | 07:32 |
CoRnJuLiOx | with picutres | 07:32 |
|Amon| | chipbuddy, beryl is sweet | 07:32 |
RoundyT1 | Flannel, dude, i couldn't tell you... im a noob? | 07:32 |
dwokm | hey..how do you stop apache from logging certain things..like certain ips, or certain referrals..or from certain rewrites ???? | 07:32 |
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chipbuddy | amon are you running it on feisty or edgy? | 07:32 |
|Amon| | 6.06 | 07:32 |
Flannel | RoundyT1: ls -al, tell me the string of rwxrwx--- sorts of things. | 07:32 |
|Amon| | er no its 6.10 my bad | 07:32 |
bayziders | Any one? | 07:33 |
Flannel | dwokm: you might ask in #apache | 07:33 |
hagabaka | in Ubuntu Edgy the latest version for xorg-driver-fglrx is 7.1.0-8.28.8+ is that 7.1.0 or 8.28.8? http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Problems_with_fglrx seems to refer to versions over 8.x | 07:33 |
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RoundyT1 | Flannel, d--x--x--x 3 roundy roundy 4096 2007-03-26 22:25 dokuwiki | 07:33 |
|Amon| | i just want to see if it sees my card *at all* so i can figure out which driver to install | 07:34 |
|Amon| | its not in lspci | 07:34 |
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aegisthis | hi there can ne1 give me a hand finding a deleted file? not finding as in restoring but finding as in deleted the file via a sudo nautilus session but it has not reclaimed the space off the disk | 07:34 |
link | hello, after I install vnc4server, how do I configure it to run from the termina;? | 07:34 |
dwokm | Flannel, i have been..seems dead | 07:35 |
|Amon| | aegisthis, how did you 'delete' the file | 07:36 |
link | can someone help me with vnc4server? | 07:36 |
genii | RoundyT1: OK, according to it's docs it should already run as webserver user. So: sudo chmod -R +w /var/www/roundy should do it.You will need to restart apache by sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart | 07:36 |
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brophat | what is the player called for mp3 that is loaded with ubuntu? | 07:37 |
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Gandor | maybe rhythmbox | 07:38 |
roflcar | brophat: I'd install amarok, it's my favorite | 07:38 |
genii | RoundyT1: If the above does not work you may need also to make all the php files executable.This would be done so: sudo chmod -R +x /var/www/roundy/*.php then the restart line again for apache2 | 07:39 |
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brophat | roflcar i need to know what comes installed with ubuntu | 07:39 |
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aegisthis | |Amon|, sorry, problem solved, found in /root/.Trash folder | 07:39 |
|Amon| | ok np | 07:40 |
|Amon| | how do i find out about my sound card issue | 07:40 |
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RoundyT1 | genii, The datadir does not exist, isn't accessable or writable. You should check your config and permission settings. Or maybe you want to run the installer? | 07:40 |
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genii | RoundyT1: We are approaching 777 permissions already ROFL | 07:41 |
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jakeyfu | hi | 07:42 |
jakeyfu | anyone is here? | 07:42 |
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RoundyT1 | well crap | 07:42 |
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fogobogo | hi! how can i uninstall something that was made with make install? | 07:43 |
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jakeyfu | make unistall | 07:43 |
chatzilla | a y menya windows xp... | 07:43 |
genii | RoundyT1: It seems to be running the php file now tho? | 07:43 |
jakeyfu | @fogobogo:make uninstall | 07:43 |
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fogobogo | no reaction | 07:43 |
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RoundyT1 | genii, roundy@ubuntu:~$ ls /var/www/roundy/dokuwiki | 07:44 |
RoundyT1 | ls: /var/www/roundy/dokuwiki: Permission denied | 07:44 |
chipbuddy | holy crap... i just installed beryl... i'm so happy | 07:44 |
chipbuddy | except... i can't seem to move or resize windows | 07:44 |
jakeyfu | @fogobogo:you'd better read the readme.txt file | 07:44 |
fogobogo | jakeyfu all i get is.../configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --mandir=/usr/share/man | 07:44 |
chipbuddy | oh wait... no... i can resize them... i just can't move them | 07:44 |
chatzilla | Windows XP!!! | 07:44 |
chipbuddy | ... um... nevermind... i figured it out | 07:44 |
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Gandor | lol | 07:45 |
fogobogo | sorry all i get is make: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'. Stop. | 07:45 |
mzuverink | when you are running beryl with the window preview option/thumbnailer thing that shows a small popup image when you hover over the panel, it pops up both the name of the window like it does normally in metacity(with the yellow background) and then the thumbnail prewiew from beryl. How do I disable gnome-panel from poping up the preview metacity style(the yellow one)? | 07:45 |
chatzilla | MS vseh kupit!!! | 07:45 |
genii | RoundyT1: Well, that is good. The regular user shouldn't be able to see there without sudo | 07:45 |
chipbuddy | jlsadjflksdj | 07:45 |
chipbuddy | weeee | 07:45 |
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RoundyT1 | genii, lol k | 07:45 |
Flannel | RoundyT1: that's your problem. You want 744 probably. Maybe 755. | 07:45 |
|Amon| | why are yall so unwilling to help with a sound card problem? | 07:46 |
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jakeyfu | @fogobogo:why don't you read the readme.txt | 07:46 |
RoundyT1 | roundy@ubuntu:~$ sudo ls /var/www/roundy/dokuwiki | 07:46 |
RoundyT1 | dokuwiki-2006-11-06 dokuwiki-2006-11-06.tgz | 07:46 |
fogobogo | i did! | 07:46 |
jakeyfu | That maybe help you | 07:46 |
|Amon| | ive came back like 3 different days and no one has helped with this... | 07:46 |
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genii | RoundyT1: Well, if you want o go whole-hog at this point, then do: sudo chmod -R +rwx /var/www/roundy | 07:46 |
chatzilla | problem...problems...in Windows NO problems... | 07:46 |
mzuverink | the yellow popup interferes(covers) part of the preview thumbnail. Its not a major issue, just not sightly. I checked all over gconf but saw no mention of gnome-panel | 07:46 |
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genii | RoundyT1: then restart apache of course again etc etc | 07:47 |
RoundyT1 | won't that be bad? | 07:47 |
RoundyT1 | genii, isn't that bad? | 07:47 |
RoundyT1 | genii, meaning -- security risk? | 07:48 |
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genii | RoundyT1: Well the www-data user should be the only one ideally with full perms in those subdirs (and root) | 07:48 |
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mzuverink | |Amon|, what kind of sound card and what is the issue? Sorry I was not here earlier to see what you stated. | 07:49 |
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genii | RoundyT1: If it works you can fiddle with individual file permissions later to tweak it if you have the patience | 07:49 |
fogobogo | Hi! I made a nice build with configure, make etcetc. only problem to me is that it doesnt appear in aptitude and / or synaptic for unistall. any suggestions? | 07:50 |
|Amon| | RoundyT1, www-data:x:33:33:www-data:/var/www:/bin/sh is what's in your /etc/passwd which means that only www-data can read+write to /www/ as well as root | 07:50 |
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oem | a | 07:50 |
[xelent] | Robin Witch Hunter | 07:50 |
|Amon| | mzuverink, the problem im having is that i have an onboard sound card as well as a pci one, and i have disabled the onboard sound card. it was set to enabled in bios when i was installing ubuntu so i think the installation process ignored my pci sound card. | 07:50 |
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|Amon| | basically device manager doesn't see my sound card at all, and i want to find out which driver to install. i don't know the exact model number but it's an older creative card. | 07:51 |
genii | fogobogo: When you compile from source it is not a package. Hence the package managewrs cannot uninstall it | 07:51 |
billy | why wouldn't I be able to add "Wine" to the "Applications" menu? There's a icon for it, but the check box automatically unchecks itself when I check it. ?? | 07:51 |
crimsun | |Amon|: pastebin details from http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems | 07:51 |
mzuverink | |Amon|, it soes not say what it is in bios? | 07:51 |
fogobogo | genii: i see. so how to get rid of it? | 07:52 |
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|Amon| | mzuverink, well i disabled the onboard sound card. | 07:52 |
|Amon| | in bios | 07:52 |
genii | fogobogo Just delete whatever binary it made | 07:52 |
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mzuverink | |Amon|, so you are trying to install the driver for the onboard which is disable or the pci card? | 07:53 |
|Amon| | no, i want the creative pci card installed and i disabled the onboard one which was on during installation | 07:53 |
=== muddy [n=chatzill@cpe-24-166-221-93.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
|Amon| | so the installation disc installed the onboard sound driver instead of the pci one | 07:53 |
budman | anyone know why my IDEFISK(softphone for voip) will work then all of a sudden it acts as if it doesnt have access to the sound complaining about /dev/dsp and /dev/mixer. Which do have the right permissions | 07:53 |
crimsun | |Amon|: I'm waiting for your pastebin entry. | 07:53 |
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genii | fogobogo Some makefiles also have a "make dist" option to clean house | 07:53 |
mzuverink | |Amon|, ok, hold on | 07:53 |
crimsun | budman: it's a matter of some application hogging the sound device. | 07:54 |
|Amon| | crimsun, you want the pastebin from lspci -nv? | 07:54 |
crimsun | |Amon|: that's just one of the things requested. | 07:54 |
budman | crimsun, it will never allow it to open again untill reboot and nothing is running. its after the first call I lose it. | 07:54 |
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fogobogo | genii so i can just delete it. what about settings, additional data and whatsoever. is make dist a command or a file? | 07:54 |
crimsun | budman: does unloading and reloading the alsa modules work around that? | 07:54 |
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|Amon| | sec | 07:55 |
budman | crimsun, how do I do that? | 07:55 |
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cables | How can I get a Sound Juicer ripping profile that will use lame to rip to mp3? | 07:55 |
|Amon| | robert@purgatory:~$ tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat | 07:55 |
|Amon| | tail: cannot open `/proc/asound/oss/sndstat' for reading: No such file or directory | 07:55 |
|Amon| | shouldn't it be using alsa instead? | 07:55 |
budman | Umm I think its the flash in firefox with meebo.com crimsun | 07:55 |
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crimsun | |Amon|: it _is_ using alsa. | 07:55 |
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genii | fogobogo When you created it with "make" or "make install" it created some files. A good makefile will also have a "make clean" or "make dist-clean" which will auto clean all the crap it originally made | 07:55 |
jeanre | |Amon|: did you modprobe the oss drivers? | 07:56 |
|Amon| | how? | 07:56 |
jeanre | I think | 07:56 |
crimsun | I'm not convinced you have a pci sound card. | 07:56 |
|Amon| | this is my first time setting up desktop linux, ive messed around with unix based servers before | 07:56 |
jeanre | modprobe snd_oss | 07:56 |
|Amon| | so this is all new :-/ | 07:56 |
jeanre | or something | 07:56 |
crimsun | jeanre: no, snd-pcm-oss, but that's not immediately relevant here. | 07:56 |
genii | fogobogo: As for the conf settings and so on, motly that stuff is somewhere in your home dir with a . in front of the name of the program that made it | 07:56 |
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|Amon| | amixer: Mixer attach default error: No such device | 07:57 |
budman | crimsun, how can multi channel audio | 07:57 |
jeanre | crimsun: I just woke up and saw the last part of the conversation | 07:57 |
Prez | what is command to have input in a terminal window pop up in gnome? | 07:57 |
budman | ESD? | 07:57 |
comodo | hey if you delete the bottom toolbar in gnome on ubuntu and want the programs you are running to show up on the toolbar that are still there how would you go about doing it | 07:57 |
Prez | something like gksudo but for any input | 07:57 |
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cables | comodo, right click on the bar, then Add to Panel, then Window List | 07:57 |
Prez | I know I used it before, but i forgot | 07:57 |
|Amon| | jeanre, how do i modprobe this? | 07:57 |
crimsun | budman: modprobe -r $(lsmod |grep ^snd |awk '{print $1}') | 07:57 |
comodo | thanks cables | 07:58 |
crimsun | budman: take note of the contents of /proc/asound/modules first | 07:58 |
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RoundyT1 | how do i delete a dir? | 07:58 |
mzuverink | |Amon|, the creatice pci sound drivers are already in the kernel and so should be running, according to http://opensource.creative.com/soundcard.html alsa should run the card, maybe the card is bad? | 07:58 |
budman | justin@justin-laptop:~$ modprobe -r $(lsmod |grep ^snd |awk '{print $1}') | 07:58 |
budman | FATAL: Module snd_hda_intel is in use. | 07:58 |
|Amon| | nope, works in windows | 07:58 |
crimsun | budman: so kill whatever's using it, as I mentioned above | 07:59 |
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crimsun | budman: kill $(lsof -t /dev/audio* /dev/dsp* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/*) | 07:59 |
|Amon| | when i run amixer: | 07:59 |
|Amon| | amixer: Mixer attach default error: No such device | 07:59 |
mkquist | roundyt1 - rm -rf whatever | 07:59 |
crimsun | |Amon|: yes, yes. Where's the pastebin? | 07:59 |
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budman | crimsun, how do i get it to allow multiple channels ? or audio in multipl eprograms? | 08:00 |
crimsun | budman: it does by default. | 08:00 |
mkquist | roundyt1 - in terminal of course, might have to sudo | 08:00 |
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budman | why is mine having issues? | 08:00 |
fogobogo | genii got that! i tryin right now... | 08:00 |
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crimsun | budman: because oss emulation preempts mixing. | 08:00 |
creedo | how can i create a shared folder and open shared folder on network?. | 08:00 |
budman | umm I set ALSA on everything. | 08:00 |
crimsun | budman: if you had an audio device capable of hardware muxing, this would be moot. | 08:00 |
Flannel | creedo: With windows machines, right? | 08:00 |
creedo | yeah | 08:01 |
mzuverink | |Amon|, so the card is either too old and ran on a weird driver or bad or whatever. is crimsum helping you with this issue? If so the pastebin would be a good start, crimsum is a ton more knowledgeable than me... | 08:01 |
Flannel | !samba | creedo | 08:01 |
crimsun | budman: no, some apps still use the oss api | 08:01 |
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Flannel | ugh. Ubotu is certainly having problems tonight. | 08:01 |
dvdcpu | hello | 08:01 |
budman | crimsun, your kill command didnt work | 08:01 |
crimsun | budman: alsa provides an oss compatibility layer, but it cannot be mixed unless your hardware is capable of it | 08:01 |
ubotu | creedo: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 08:01 |
|Amon| | pastebin gives me an error lol | 08:01 |
crimsun | budman: what's the output from that lsof command now? | 08:01 |
crimsun | |Amon|: use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 08:02 |
budman | lsof has tons of siht u talking to me? | 08:02 |
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mzuverink | Anyone know how to stop gnome-panels from popping up a window name when hovering over a minimized window? | 08:02 |
budman | That kill command did not work | 08:02 |
crimsun | budman: of course I'm talking to you. I want to see that lsof output pastebinned now. | 08:02 |
|Amon| | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12283/ | 08:02 |
creedo | ubotu: do i need it even if i can ping the other computer..sorry for such a lame question im just a newbie on linux | 08:02 |
mzuverink | |Amon|, the webboard applet helps a ton | 08:02 |
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creedo | lol | 08:03 |
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avalon | Can someone explain to me how I can make the "Remember File Association" option actually work on my system? | 08:03 |
creedo | Flannel: do i need it even if i can ping the other computer..sorry for such a lame question im just a newbie on linux | 08:03 |
crimsun | |Amon|: that paste is incomplete | 08:03 |
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budman | http://phpfi.com/220399 | 08:04 |
budman | volume control etc.. is not working now | 08:04 |
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Flannel | creedo: yes. Samba is the language that windows computers talk. | 08:04 |
avalon | I'm trying to make Xine the default application for everything, but it won't do it. | 08:04 |
|Amon| | eh | 08:04 |
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|Amon| | i ran all 7 steps | 08:04 |
crimsun | budman: uh, no, you misread | 08:04 |
mbdl | hello everyone...does anyone know how to create in grub a iso boot | 08:05 |
neozen | anyone seen Golf? | 08:05 |
crimsun | budman: lsof /dev/audio* /dev/dsp* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/* | 08:05 |
mbdl | so i can boot an iso | 08:05 |
creedo | Flannel:already installed samba what should i do next?. | 08:05 |
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neozen | anyone know how to edit the module blacklist on an ubuntu livecd? | 08:05 |
fogobogo | genii !!! it works!!! but that wasnt actually my question. I just didnt know that you have to be in the dir of the source. anyway thank you very much! | 08:05 |
neozen | DOH | 08:05 |
budman | http://phpfi.com/220401 | 08:05 |
neozen | sorry about the anyone | 08:05 |
crimsun | neozen: it's a live cd. You can't. | 08:06 |
Flannel | creedo: you need to configure it, that link explains how | 08:06 |
neozen | crimsun: yeah... I figured that | 08:06 |
genii | fogobogo: Glad to help | 08:06 |
crimsun | neozen: that is, if you mean for it to take effect on next boot. | 08:06 |
jeanre | man they should make skype in GTK | 08:06 |
crimsun | neozen: obviously you can still edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist* | 08:06 |
creedo | ok ill read it..il just post again if there is something i dont understand.thanks again | 08:06 |
neozen | crimsun: well.. nearest I could figure would be to mount the iso as a loopback in a working distro | 08:06 |
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crimsun | neozen: doesn't work that way. | 08:07 |
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neozen | then dive into the initrd and pound on things till it worked | 08:07 |
neozen | ..yeah... figured that out too | 08:07 |
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neozen | crimsun: lol | 08:07 |
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neozen | all I need to get feisty up and happy on my laptop is one line in the blacklist | 08:07 |
crimsun | neozen: are you sure that passing the appropriate kernel parameter is insufficient? | 08:08 |
neozen | otherwise... the second I poke one of my brightness changing buttons... by accident or otherwise screen goes kaboom | 08:08 |
|Amon| | crimsun, what do you mean it's incomplete | 08:08 |
neozen | crimsun: there's a kernel parameter to add stuff to the blacklist? | 08:08 |
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crimsun | neozen: no, for video. | 08:08 |
neozen | crimsun: don't think so | 08:08 |
crimsun | |Amon|: it's missing output from the additional steps | 08:09 |
mzuverink | neozen, what model laptop? | 08:09 |
jeanre | is there any other skype clients in GTK? | 08:09 |
hole | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12284/ i'm having trouble with nvidia drivers | 08:09 |
|Amon| | be more specific... | 08:09 |
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neozen | mzuverink: apparently .. this issue affects all thinkpad model 60s | 08:09 |
hole | ok | 08:09 |
hole | hmm | 08:09 |
neozen | mzuverink: ie... r60, t60, x60 | 08:09 |
crimsun | |Amon|: all save the last two steps | 08:09 |
mzuverink | neozen, what happens? | 08:09 |
neozen | mzuverink: and its present is all distros from edgy on up | 08:09 |
hole | i'm using 6.06 | 08:10 |
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neozen | mzuverink: when you attempt to change the brightness via the proper keyboard shortcuts... the screen goes completely black... and you can't get it back | 08:10 |
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neozen | mzuverink: in some cases... this freezes X | 08:10 |
crimsun | neozen: err, no, that's impossible. The X60 I have access to boots just fine. | 08:10 |
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neozen | crimsun: poke the brightness buttons | 08:10 |
mbdl | does anyone knoe how to boot an iso | 08:10 |
crimsun | neozen: trust me, I did. | 08:11 |
neozen | crimsun: Fn-Home and Fn-End | 08:11 |
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crimsun | neozen: they work appropriately, too | 08:11 |
neozen | crimsun: interesting | 08:11 |
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neozen | crimsun: when I just tried this on the feisty beta livecd | 08:11 |
neozen | (and on the edgy livecd a while ago) ... the issue happens | 08:11 |
crimsun | neozen: I'm not using beta; I'm using current. Newer kernel. Are you running the latest bios(es)? | 08:11 |
l90bpm | mbdl, change your bios so that cd/dvd drive is the first boot device\ | 08:11 |
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neozen | crimsun: 2.x series | 08:12 |
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l90bpm | at start up it's probably F2 | 08:12 |
crimsun | neozen: what does dmidecode tell you? | 08:12 |
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mzuverink | mbdl, what do you mean, a iso you burned to disc or to mount via a loopback? | 08:12 |
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neozen | crimsun: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Problem_with_LCD_brightness_buttons | 08:12 |
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neozen | crimsun: take a look there | 08:13 |
|Amon| | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12286/ | 08:13 |
l90bpm | I wondered that.. | 08:13 |
mbdl | mzuverink: no just an iso on my external hard drive | 08:13 |
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mbdl | l90bpm: is an iso form my hard drive its not burned | 08:13 |
mkquist | hey peeps - anyone know the terminal cmnd to start the x-server off the top o ur head? | 08:13 |
neozen | mbdl: interesting if you get that working poke me | 08:13 |
mzuverink | mbdl, you cant burn to disc? | 08:13 |
neozen | mbdl: I've got a perfect use for that | 08:13 |
mbdl | mzuverink: i want to be able to boot it b/c i have no CDS | 08:14 |
crimsun | neozen: yes, I know of that | 08:14 |
mbdl | neozen:what u mean | 08:14 |
l90bpm | like in a virtual drive | 08:14 |
musicones | Hi, is it possible to get an updated Package out of the Feisty sources? I'm using Edgy currently. I need an updated RapidSVN 0.9.4 because it works with latest SVN 1.4 working copies. | 08:14 |
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mbdl | l90bpm: ya | 08:14 |
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neozen | mbdl: if you find a way to do what you're asking, tell me how | 08:14 |
budman | crimsun, any ideas? | 08:14 |
l90bpm | anyways, they can help.. I'm going to bed.. so I can cry about my stupid ati card | 08:14 |
hole | will this file do it? NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-7184-pkg1.run | 08:14 |
l90bpm | "night" | 08:14 |
Flannel | musicones: Why do you need to work with 1.4 working copies? | 08:14 |
crimsun | |Amon|: that still only lists some output from dmesg (not complete) and /proc/interrupts | 08:15 |
mbdl | mzuverink: do u have anyideas | 08:15 |
mzuverink | mbdl, so you should be able to run it in a vm installing from iso, thats what i would try if its an OS, or mount as a loopback | 08:15 |
|Amon| | crimsun, thats not my fault | 08:15 |
crimsun | |Amon|: then output it to a file, and post it on a public web site | 08:15 |
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mzuverink | mbdl, whats the iso? | 08:15 |
neozen | crimsun: so.. its fixed in the 13 series kernel? | 08:15 |
mbdl | mzuverinkhow would i say install windows and mount it as a loopback | 08:15 |
|Amon| | crimsun, not everything is running because the sound card isnt installed | 08:15 |
musicones | I have Windows and Linux on my notebook. On Windows I use tortoisesvn, that uses the new format of working copies | 08:15 |
crimsun | neozen: no, my hardware just is not affected | 08:15 |
mbdl | mzuverink: its windows xp | 08:15 |
AB3I | howdy all. | 08:16 |
neozen | hmm.... | 08:16 |
crimsun | neozen: I'm not using the latest bios | 08:16 |
neozen | crimsun: ahh | 08:16 |
=== ToN_D2 [n=linux@201-70-106-7.jfa.megazon.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | crimsun: this was most necessary in my case | 08:16 |
AB3I | I'm trying to get my broadcom 4318 wifi card working with ndiswrapper in kde. I've got it recognizing the card just fine, but i cant get it to associate with my network. I'm not real familiar with iwconfig and kwifimanager, anyone able to offer some help? | 08:16 |
michup | can someone help me install drivers for my notebook? | 08:16 |
michup | its asus a3h5012 | 08:16 |
neozen | crimsun: on the r60e strange bad things occur when you close the laptop when its on | 08:16 |
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Flannel | musicones: You're sharing the same svn files? interesting. Well, no, there really isn't. You'll need to upgrade. Whether that's now, or wait with two copies of your working copies for the few weeks until Feisty goes final. | 08:16 |
crimsun | budman: lsmod |grep ^snd | 08:16 |
michup | should i use ndiswrapper or is it possible nativly? | 08:16 |
mbdl | mzuverink: i think u can edit grub to boot | 08:17 |
mzuverink | mbdl, there are some hacks that use the free vmplayer to allow a creation of a windows vm machice, use google | 08:17 |
ToN_D2 | can someone tell me how can i save my config with 1024x768? | 08:17 |
crimsun | |Amon|: err, it's _not installed_? | 08:17 |
neozen | crimsun: video bios attempts to change the resolution or something | 08:17 |
crimsun | |Amon|: meaning your pci peripheral isn't installed? | 08:17 |
neozen | crimsun: goes kaboom | 08:17 |
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|Amon| | yes, the installation didn't install it because it installed the onboard one instead | 08:17 |
budman | crimsun, nothing. | 08:17 |
mbdl | mzuverink: but i want to use grub an add it | 08:17 |
|Amon| | installation disc | 08:17 |
mbdl | mzuverink: and i dont know how to config grub | 08:17 |
musicones | Flannel: thank you. Yes, I would like to share them. I'm not shure if it works. But currently there is no updated svn-client under linux. | 08:18 |
crimsun | budman: nothing from that command? | 08:18 |
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neozen | crimsun: so what were you saying about dmidecode? | 08:18 |
crimsun | budman: good. Now which driver did you use? | 08:18 |
mbdl | mzuverink: whats the comand to edit grub | 08:18 |
|Amon| | the driver isn't installed | 08:18 |
crimsun | neozen: pull the bios revision from dmidecode | 08:18 |
|Amon| | heh. | 08:18 |
neozen | crimsun: this is a new beastie to me | 08:18 |
ToN_D2 | how can i save my actual config ? | 08:18 |
Flannel | musicones: what? you mean under Edgy. And there won't be. Edgy will always have... uh, what does it currently have? 1.2? Edgy will always have svn 1.2 | 08:18 |
neozen | crimsun: ahhh | 08:18 |
|Amon| | i just caught that | 08:18 |
mzuverink | ToN_D2, did you sudo dpkg-reconfigure-xserver-xorg and run through the config an choose that resolution? | 08:18 |
mbdl | ANYONE know how to open grub and edit it | 08:18 |
crimsun | |Amon|: I'm concerned about the _hardware_ being installed. Your computer does not recognize _any_ pci audio devices. | 08:18 |
budman | crimsun, this is the new alsa driver from their website. only way to get my microphone working on the laptop :-) | 08:18 |
mbdl | what the commend | 08:19 |
ToN_D2 | |Amon|: can u help me? i need to save my actual config of my videocard :\ | 08:19 |
|Amon| | crimsun, Windows does, Ubuntu doesn't you mean | 08:19 |
crimsun | budman: for patch_analog.c? We merged that long ago. | 08:19 |
crimsun | |Amon|: so, reenable all sound devices in bios when you reboot. Then we'll resume debugging. | 08:19 |
mzuverink | mbdl, grub is in /boot/grub..... try man grub | 08:19 |
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neozen | crimsun: I get SMBIOS version 2.4 | 08:20 |
|Amon| | crimsun, i disabled *just* the onboard in bios as that was the only selection | 08:20 |
crimsun | neozen: no. | 08:20 |
groogs[laptop] | Trying to get openGL with ATI Radeon 9250 working on edgy.. I have dri loaded (xpdyinfo shows "XFree86-DRI" loaded, no errors in Xorg.log), but glxinfo shows "direct rendering: no" .. I've tried the radeon ati and fglrx (ati proprietary) drivers.. any ideas? (already have been scouring forums) | 08:20 |
neozen | crimsun: that what you get? | 08:20 |
|Amon| | so it should pick up the PCI card and run it from alsa | 08:20 |
ToN_D2 | :( | 08:20 |
mbdl | mzuverink: but wats the command in terminal i use gedit or whatever | 08:20 |
crimsun | |Amon|: then power down the machine and physically read me the information from the peripheral. | 08:20 |
budman | crimsun, not sure what you mean? | 08:20 |
budman | The update fixed my microphone and jerked other things around | 08:20 |
neozen | crimsun: oh.. wait perhaps you mean the release date for the bios... this would be oct 16, 2006 | 08:21 |
crimsun | budman: your computer's audio support is not complete | 08:21 |
musicones | Flannel: not shure. I've taken a look at the svn-clients on tigris.org. I tried workbench, kdesvn and rapidsvn. There maybe others, but It would take too long to check them all. | 08:21 |
fogobogo | hows the make folder command? | 08:21 |
crimsun | neozen: and the revision. The actual revision. | 08:21 |
neozen | 1.7 | 08:21 |
crimsun | budman: I know because I work on that driver. | 08:21 |
mzuverink | ToN_D2, hit ctrl-f1 then log in, then run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg follow the dialoge and make the appropriate selections | 08:21 |
budman | Ahh help me :-) | 08:21 |
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neozen | crimsun: that the number you're looking for? | 08:21 |
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crimsun | neozen: err, no, it should be 2.0+ | 08:22 |
mzuverink | mbdl, man grub, info grub, google grub hate to say I dont know, so rtfm;) | 08:22 |
neozen | crimsun: well... it doesn't appear to be | 08:22 |
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neozen | BIOS Revision: 2.6 | 08:22 |
neozen | Firmware Revision: 1.7 | 08:22 |
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crimsun | budman: now, what hardware do you have? | 08:22 |
neozen | ..oh wait | 08:22 |
neozen | lol | 08:22 |
neozen | crimsun: there it is | 08:22 |
budman | crimsun, HP dv6226us. | 08:22 |
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budman | let me try and get the info im not sure. | 08:23 |
neozen | crimsun: should I roll back my bios | 08:23 |
ToN_D2 | mzuverink: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg in "terminal" ? | 08:23 |
crimsun | budman: good, so now I need ``lspci -vvn'' pastebinned. | 08:23 |
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neozen | crimsun: that would be scary | 08:23 |
crimsun | neozen: only you can make that decision | 08:23 |
neozen | crimsun: lol | 08:23 |
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budman | I used the ubuntu how to at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/hp_dv6000_series_%28dv6116eu%29 | 08:23 |
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michup | can someone help me configure wireless on my asus a3h5012? | 08:23 |
neozen | crimsun: in theory.. what effects would blacklisting video have? | 08:23 |
michup | 01:03.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) | 08:23 |
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mzuverink | ToN_D2, hit ctrl+f1, log in then run the command | 08:23 |
neozen | michup: LOL | 08:23 |
crimsun | michup: just use ndiswrapper, more than likely | 08:24 |
neozen | michup: yeah | 08:24 |
crimsun | bcm43xx will barf periodically | 08:24 |
neozen | michup: black list the builtin driver | 08:24 |
michup | okay, wich drivers? | 08:24 |
crimsun | (I just said which driver) | 08:24 |
michup | okay thx | 08:24 |
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budman | http://phpfi.com/220404 | 08:24 |
neozen | michup: follow this guide: | 08:24 |
mzuverink | ToN_D2, then when you have gone through all the steps, type "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" | 08:25 |
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neozen | michup: (looking up) | 08:25 |
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budman | my wifi broadcom 4311 works fine with ndiswrapper | 08:25 |
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katara | hi, i have a dns dynamic updated by my dhcp server. Windows clients works, but my ubuntu clients dons (they got the ip but no dns registry), i have a stock kubuntu install, any ideas? | 08:26 |
crimsun | budman: so your current model is "laptop" | 08:26 |
mzuverink | ToN_D2, dont try it in a virtual terminal, use a tty | 08:26 |
crimsun | budman: I presume you're using current hg alsa-driver or feisty's current kernel (2.6.20-13.21)? | 08:26 |
budman | edgy. | 08:26 |
michup | neozen: could you send that link again i didnt catch wich one it was? | 08:26 |
budman | alsa driver from the site. | 08:26 |
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crimsun | budman: and which version of the alsa-driver? | 08:26 |
neozen | michup: thats because there wasn't a link.. I'm looking it up | 08:27 |
neozen | michup: lol | 08:27 |
ToN_D2 | mzuverink: here dont work ctr+f1 =\ | 08:27 |
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acphoton | Hey everyone! :) | 08:27 |
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budman | 1.0.13 | 08:27 |
crimsun | budman: too old, you need current hg for the patch_conexant.c fixes. | 08:27 |
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acphoton | I wanted to read up and learn more about Servers (upgrading etc...) as well as some basics about them.... anybody have any suggestions? | 08:27 |
mzuverink | ToN_D2, my bad hit "ctrl+alt+f1" got lazy | 08:27 |
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ToN_D2 | ok | 08:28 |
sontek | Hey, i'm trying to setup LVM, I did pvcreate /dev/sdb /dev/hdb but when I do pvdisplay it shows nothing | 08:28 |
sontek | am I doing something wrong? | 08:28 |
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neozen | michup: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197102 | 08:28 |
budman | crimsun, which one? | 08:29 |
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neozen | michup: there you go... that's a tried and true guide.. tested many times... worked every time with your particular card and revision | 08:29 |
=== Holiday [n=rjr162@c-71-58-122-35.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mzuverink | ToN_D2, it will kill your xserver when you make the changes, also i would make a hard copy first of /etc/X11/conf | 08:29 |
neozen | michup: you should be up within the hour | 08:29 |
mzuverink | opps too late | 08:29 |
crimsun | budman: current hg. There's only one such "current hg". | 08:29 |
nn531 | I know this may seem a bit off topic but does anyone know VHDL/ | 08:29 |
michup | okay thx | 08:29 |
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neozen | crimsun: I think I'll stick with my current bios... | 08:29 |
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neozen | crimsun: its bound to be fixed eventually | 08:30 |
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neozen | crimsun: nice to know it _used_ to work though | 08:30 |
budman | Im on the site looking k. | 08:30 |
=== neozen grins | ||
=== oga [n=ubuntu@d58-108-107-68.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oga | hey all, i'm using the live | 08:30 |
mzuverink | Is there a way(easy way) to add all the debugging packages for your installed packages? | 08:31 |
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oga | hey all, i'm using the live CD at the moment because my HDD & Power supply just blew up. I'd like to test the RAM to see if it's all ok before I go shopping for new parts what is the best way to test memory using livecd | 08:31 |
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budman | Mercurial ? | 08:32 |
neozen | oga: wow.... that sucks mon | 08:32 |
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keekles | anybody get beryl working xgl-fglrx on 6.10? | 08:32 |
oga | i thought it was just the power supply, but the new one won't boot unless the HDD is disconnected | 08:32 |
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Flannel | keekles: #ubuntu-effects for Beryl support, thanks. | 08:32 |
neozen | oga: wow.... | 08:32 |
keekles | sweet | 08:32 |
neozen | oga: you've got a live one | 08:32 |
mzuverink | oga, doesnt it have that option hit the f1-f... to see other options when starting up, I seem to remember that option on the livecd, I may be wrong... | 08:32 |
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Akuma_ | when i try using the vnc client the password dialog freezes. any idea? | 08:33 |
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neozen | oga: come to think of it... so do I | 08:33 |
neozen | oga: look along the bottom of the screen | 08:33 |
popel | could some1 help me? i have a problem. I installed apache, mysql, php4/5 and phpmyadmin. now i want to go on localhost/phpmyadmin and my computer wants me to download the php-file. whats that shit? | 08:33 |
budman | crimsun, seems to fail on install | 08:33 |
neozen | oga: once the livecd has booted and you see a selection screen install... test cd... etc | 08:33 |
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popel | why does my browser wants me to dl a php-file? i want to open it and administrate my database | 08:34 |
neozen | popel | 08:34 |
budman | error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1 | 08:34 |
popel | ya? | 08:34 |
neozen | popel: you probably need to tell apache to execute the php script | 08:34 |
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popel | oh | 08:34 |
popel | ok | 08:34 |
oga | neozen i didn't check | 08:34 |
oga | i'll give it a go | 08:34 |
neozen | oga: ok | 08:34 |
=== chipbuddy [n=jeremy@adsl-69-236-104-226.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | budman: sudo aptitude install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) autoconf libtool automake1.7 mercurial | 08:34 |
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=== jedidor [n=ubuntu@12-210-54-193.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | oga: best of luck in your search for new and better hardware mate | 08:35 |
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jeanre | omg skype is ugly | 08:35 |
chipbuddy | so i just recently got beryl up and running, but now all my windows don't have the 3 buttons in the upper right hand corner (close, min, max)... how do i get them back? | 08:35 |
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__hase | What's that website I use to paste things? | 08:35 |
neozen | !pastebin | 08:35 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 08:35 |
popel | neozen: I thought apache does it always by default | 08:35 |
neozen | there you go | 08:35 |
jedidor | I am going from edgy to feisty, it's pretty much giving me only the options to manually edit the partition tables. What would be the recommended sizes for each? | 08:36 |
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neozen | popel: can't be sure right now | 08:36 |
Flannel | chipbuddy: #ubuntu-effects for Beryul support | 08:36 |
Flannel | jedidor: you're upgrading? | 08:36 |
chipbuddy | thanks flannel | 08:36 |
jedidor | Just going to do a reinstall. | 08:36 |
jedidor | Fresh Install. | 08:36 |
neozen | jedidor: 7gb root 1gb swap ....everything else to /home | 08:36 |
budman | This will install the drivers or should I run the python install? | 08:37 |
jedidor | ok ty. | 08:37 |
neozen | jedidor: that should be more then adequate | 08:37 |
=== malcoholio [n=malc@cpe-70-95-237-2.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
__hase | Ok, so what does this mean http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12290/ | 08:37 |
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neozen | good stuff | 08:37 |
neozen | very good stuff | 08:37 |
neozen | lol | 08:37 |
neozen | not really.... you need libtool | 08:38 |
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neozen | __hase: try sudo aptitude install libtool | 08:38 |
crimsun | budman: hgcompile | 08:38 |
__hase | ok | 08:38 |
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neozen | __hase: compiling from source can be SO evil | 08:38 |
budman | crimsun, hgcompile or hg with option compile is not vaild. | 08:39 |
neozen | __hase: particularly if you're compiling from stuff in a cvs or svn | 08:39 |
malcoholio | Evening all. | 08:39 |
crimsun | budman: you _did_ check out alsa-driver and alsa-kernel from hg, correct? | 08:39 |
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budman | I only used the full commadn you gave me. | 08:40 |
budman | havent rebooted yet. | 08:40 |
crimsun | budman: err, I presumed you were also reading the bottom of the download page on www.alsa-project.org | 08:40 |
crimsun | budman: there are instructions there to check out current hg. You need both alsa-driver and alsa-kernel. | 08:41 |
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creedo | ok i finally manage to do it..thanks Flannel | 08:42 |
budman | hg clone http://hg-mirror.alsa-project.org/alsa-driver alsa-driver that etc..? | 08:42 |
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budman | Im looking | 08:42 |
crimsun | budman: yes. | 08:42 |
crimsun | and also alsa-kernel. | 08:42 |
mzuverink | where does automatix get the nautalus scripts from, meaning what repo? | 08:43 |
Flannel | mzuverink: Which scripts? | 08:43 |
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mzuverink | gedit as root | 08:43 |
neozen | mzuverink: its own most likely | 08:43 |
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mzuverink | Flannel, gedit as root and such | 08:43 |
budman | I am not seeing anything for the kernel. | 08:44 |
neozen | mzuverink: the one you have to add in order to get automatix in the first place | 08:44 |
Flannel | mzuverink: There's quite a few nautilus extension things in universe/main. Check there. | 08:44 |
crimsun | budman: just replace "alsa-driver" with "alsa-kernel" | 08:44 |
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Menasim1 | what is the program that adds (open terminal here)? | 08:44 |
neozen | mzuverink: at least... you used to have to do it that way | 08:44 |
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crimsun | nautilus-open-terminal | 08:44 |
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Flannel | Menasim1: nautilus-open-terminal, in universe | 08:44 |
neozen | Menasim1: lol I looked forever for how to do this in xubuntu | 08:44 |
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mzuverink | yeah, Im in feisty and I do not know if automatix runs in feisty, nor do i want to find out | 08:45 |
=== neozen prods Thunar with a trout | ||
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neozen | mzuverink: no... you don't want to know that | 08:45 |
budman | crimsun, okay got them both now. | 08:45 |
neozen | mzuverink: more then likely it will kaboom | 08:45 |
neozen | mzuverink: what're you trying to get? | 08:45 |
crimsun | budman: now execute hgcompile --with-oss=yes --with-sequencer=yes --with-debug=full --with-kernel=/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build --with-cards=hda-intel | 08:46 |
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Flannel | mzuverink: nautilus scripts are easy to add yourself. Just put a file in your homedir (er, somewhere). | 08:46 |
crimsun | budman: from within alsa-driver | 08:46 |
mzuverink | neozen, Im at the naut scripts page and looking around now | 08:46 |
neozen | mzuverink: kk | 08:46 |
neozen | mzuverink: have fun you | 08:46 |
neozen | I'ma go to sleep | 08:46 |
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neozen | nini all | 08:46 |
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__hase | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12291/ this seems worse now | 08:47 |
mzuverink | neozen, I used automatix once and then found out the hard way to not do it again, much easier and safer to just find the correct and trusted repos and or add them from source with checkinstall. Automatix is evil | 08:47 |
malcoholio | Pardon the noob question here. . can anyone point me in the direction of getting ubuntu to recognize a screen resolution higher then 800X600? | 08:47 |
neozen | mzuverink: inDEED | 08:47 |
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neozen | I've learned to love compiling from source | 08:48 |
LRP | anyone know how to listen to online radio in ubuntu? | 08:48 |
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pwuertz | malcoholio: which gfx card? | 08:48 |
Flannel | !fixres | malcoholio | 08:48 |
ubotu | malcoholio: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 08:48 |
budman | ALSA modules were successfully compiled. | 08:48 |
neozen | ...as long as the source isn't out of some godforsaken cvs.... I loveth the source | 08:48 |
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genii | LRP it mainly depends on the format they are broadcasting in | 08:48 |
malcoholio | ATI Rage Pro I belive. . | 08:48 |
zorkerz | LRP: rhythmbox can listen to radio | 08:48 |
Javva | hi. i downloaded ubuntu 6.10 and ido not see any option to do a "Text Install"in the menu options. | 08:48 |
LRP | hmmm | 08:48 |
mzuverink | malcoholio, reconfigure your xserver using sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, making sure you choose the correct card and such, its easy if you read the questions | 08:48 |
neozen | nini | 08:49 |
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ardchoille | Javva: You need the alternate cd to do a text install. | 08:49 |
Flannel | Javva: The text install is only available on the Alternate CD, not the Desktop CD | 08:49 |
Javva | oh | 08:49 |
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Javva | what a waste of mybandwidth | 08:49 |
mzuverink | malcoholio, you can also go to easylinux.info and read the section on installing the ati drivers | 08:49 |
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budman | crimsun, you fall asleep :-) | 08:50 |
gandor | why can't I copy files to /etc/init.d?? | 08:50 |
Javva | anyone know how to make ubuntu work in virtual pc 2007? | 08:50 |
crimsun | budman: I what? | 08:50 |
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budman | ALSA modules were successfully compiled. | 08:50 |
budman | Do I just reboot? | 08:50 |
malcoholio | Excellent. Thank you all for the tips. . I'll give it a shot. I have been using Red Hat the past 4 years. . loving Ubuntu | 08:50 |
malcoholio | s simplicity | 08:50 |
crimsun | budman: no, depmod -e && modprobe snd-hda-intel | 08:50 |
ardchoille | Flannel: I know the 6.06 Desktop cd had a problem in the installer. Was that fixed in the 6.06.1 Desktop cd? | 08:50 |
crimsun | budman: I'm on my way to the airport, of course I'm not going to be all here | 08:50 |
Javva | i tried setting to 16bit .. but screen isstill garbled .. how can i change xorg.conf in the desktop cd? | 08:50 |
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budman | of course. | 08:50 |
budman | done. and I thank you for the help. | 08:51 |
xX-ACID-Xx | hi how do i play my videos and mp3s in ubuntu? | 08:51 |
ardchoille | !mp3 > xX-ACID-Xx | 08:51 |
mzuverink | budman, thanks for getting that help, it solved my same problem, and all I had to do was watch;) | 08:51 |
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ardchoille | !video | xX-ACID-Xx | 08:52 |
ubotu | xX-ACID-Xx: For multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications | 08:52 |
xX-ACID-Xx | !mp3 | 08:52 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 08:52 |
budman | mzuverink, lol | 08:52 |
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LRP | zorkerz: how do I find a country or pop or oldies station? Like I would listen to in winamp or itunes? | 08:52 |
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dazed101 | hi | 08:52 |
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budman | mzuverink, was i goign to slow for you or same pace :-) | 08:52 |
mzuverink | budman, now if I could only get my modem working | 08:52 |
budman | the 56k modem? | 08:52 |
budman | mzuverink, did that fix your sound? | 08:52 |
mzuverink | budman, same pace | 08:52 |
Flannel | ardchoille: that's the biggest reason for the point release. | 08:52 |
budman | did you have to reboot? | 08:52 |
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Flannel | ardchoille: that's why we don't have a 6.06.2 ;) | 08:53 |
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mzuverink | budman, fixed sound and no reboot | 08:53 |
budman | umm | 08:53 |
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budman | i think i have to reboot as i just effed mine before starting | 08:53 |
budman | brb | 08:53 |
Javva | does anyone know howto change thexorg.conf in livecd mode? | 08:53 |
zorkerz_ | LRP: i dont think rhythmbox has a search feature for stations | 08:53 |
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mzuverink | budman, yeah the intel modem that uses the smartlink drivers, I got the info, just too lazy to try it tonight, its like 3 am, and from the doc it looks to be a big job | 08:54 |
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magic_ninja | hey i was thinking about instaling another distro as a backup and a tinker toy, what is your guy's opinion on some other distros? | 08:54 |
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jeanre | later all | 08:54 |
jeanre | work time | 08:54 |
ardchoille | Ah, ok | 08:54 |
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mzuverink | magic_ninja, slackware or mandriva are both fun, and then there is a bsd variant if you want to learn unix | 08:55 |
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genii | magic_ninja: MEPIS is nice to play with. | 08:55 |
magic_ninja | i was thinking about slackware | 08:55 |
kandala | Hello guys, I am trying to setup a cron job (for the first time in my life), but nothing seems to happen......This is my crontab entry 21 12 * * * /home/raghavan/ngodost/script/run.sh > /home/raghavan/out. Nothing gets written into the out file....and all I am doing is echoing some text. please help me in debugging things with this | 08:55 |
mzuverink | magic_ninja, yu might like the whole .rpm install stuff, urpmi is pretty simple | 08:55 |
magic_ninja | i used to use mandrake | 08:56 |
magic_ninja | back when it was mandrake | 08:56 |
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magic_ninja | i found it bloated and worse then windows on system reasources | 08:56 |
mzuverink | magic_ninja, me too, hate it now | 08:56 |
titun | hello all, I just installed UBUNTU 6.10 few hours ago | 08:56 |
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mzuverink | magic_ninja, maybe try open solaris | 08:56 |
titun | how do I know if I have gcc compiler or not | 08:56 |
magic_ninja | is the new ubuntu out of beta stages yet | 08:56 |
=== fowlduck [n=nate@24-183-45-79.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dougie_ | ok i installed my audigy 2 zs notebook and i can get it to work in xmms by going into the audio settings and selecting it as my output device but i can't seem to get my computer to use it as the default device for everything else can someone help me here? everything else goes through my notebook speakers | 08:56 |
Flannel | titun: you don't. install "build-essential", then you will | 08:56 |
=== groogs[laptop] _ [n=groogs@cbl-66-102-80-229.wtccommunications.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
magic_ninja | titun type "sudo synaptic search-cache gcc" | 08:57 |
mzuverink | titun, install build-essential | 08:57 |
magic_ninja | wiat i'm sorry | 08:57 |
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ardchoille | kandala: 21 12 * * * sh /home/raghavan/ngodost/script/run.sh > /home/raghavan/out | 08:57 |
titun | Flannel: how to do so ? | 08:57 |
Flannel | !feisty | magic_ninja | 08:57 |
ubotu | magic_ninja: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 08:57 |
mzuverink | titun, itll install all that stuff | 08:57 |
magic_ninja | titun: aptitude search-cache gcc | 08:57 |
Flannel | !synaptic | titun | 08:57 |
ubotu | titun: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto | 08:57 |
creedo | how can i access the files on ubuntu using windows?.. | 08:57 |
=== skoenman [n=skoenman@dsl-240-13-190.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
magic_ninja | i wanna see if i can repart my drive and do a nice minimalist install | 08:58 |
creedo | i mean on a network.. | 08:58 |
zorkerz_ | LRP: listen has some radio stream in it you don't have to manually ad them like in rhythmbox | 08:58 |
dougie_ | can anyone tell me how to set the audigy as the default device? | 08:58 |
=== brno223 [n=opera@AC8D9417.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mzuverink | magic_ninja, Im running feisty now since yesterday, and have had no problems beta 4 just came out and there were like a gazillion updates this morning, but all runs nice and stable except for webboard for me so far | 08:58 |
=== Bergcube [n=Bergcube@cCB5F4BC1.dhcp.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
titun | mzuverink: what else do i need to compile & run c++ programs except gcc | 08:59 |
bimberi | !ext3 | creedo | 08:59 |
ubotu | creedo: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org | 08:59 |
titun | mzuverink: I think that gcc will let me compile using command line | 08:59 |
=== eltech [i=G00Ds@ool-457c94a3.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mzuverink | titun, build-essential is all I have ever needed, it installs everything | 08:59 |
pwuertz | titun: build-essential | 08:59 |
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titun | mzuverink: thanks :-) | 08:59 |
pwuertz | but I think just by installing g++ you will be allright | 09:00 |
magic_ninja | whats a good web development environment | 09:00 |
magic_ninja | i want something thats really functional, but not cluttered | 09:00 |
pwuertz | quanta | 09:00 |
Flannel | magic_ninja: [insert text editor] | 09:00 |
ardchoille | lol | 09:00 |
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bimberi | !html | magic_ninja | 09:00 |
ubotu | magic_ninja: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build webpages. Editors in Ubuntu: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem, and Nvu. For howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com | 09:00 |
magic_ninja | Flannel: not a big fan of over insessant typing | 09:00 |
titun | pwuertz: this g++ is newer version of gcc or what ? | 09:00 |
mzuverink | titun, installing build-essential will give you a whole toolbox of compliling essentials, hence the name | 09:00 |
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titun | mzuverink: ohkey.... thanks a ton | 09:01 |
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pwuertz | titun: no... g++ is the actual c++ compiler.... gcc is a acronym for the C compiler or the whole project | 09:01 |
Menasim1 | any good php editor? | 09:01 |
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budmang | crimsun, worked u da mang. where do I paypal too :-) | 09:01 |
titun | pwuertz: oh .. understood now | 09:01 |
pwuertz | Menasim1: eclipse plugin for php | 09:02 |
mzuverink | Menasim1, emacs | 09:02 |
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atlantis | im sort of new to ubuntu, im trying to disable services that start at boot (fedora uses 'chkconfig') is there a similar tool for ubuntu? | 09:02 |
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kandala | ardchoille: No luck :-( ! I tried doing a cd to the directory of the script and then execute the shell file....but nothing got written into the out file. | 09:02 |
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mzuverink | atlantis, system..admin..services and or install bum | 09:02 |
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ardchoille | atlantis: I use sysv-rc-conf for that | 09:03 |
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mzuverink | atlantis, bum might be a bit easier | 09:03 |
pwuertz | titun: which means.... dont run gcc on c++ code ^^.... made that mistake | 09:03 |
=== Domster [n=dominic@125-238-114-111.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mzuverink | pwuertz, me too;) | 09:04 |
ardchoille | kandala: Can you apste the command you are using? | 09:04 |
pwuertz | *g* | 09:04 |
atlantis | thanks... ill look into both... renaming startup scripts in the /etc/rc.* directories gets really old | 09:04 |
gandor | how do I get access to the /etc/init.d folder? when I try to copy a file into it it says access denied | 09:04 |
mzuverink | atlantis, bum is super easy to use and has a nice gui | 09:04 |
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=== ben81 [n=ben81@d77-216-13-48.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | gandor: use sudo to copy | 09:04 |
ardchoille | !sudo | gandor | 09:04 |
ubotu | gandor: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 09:04 |
kandala | ardchoille: 31 12 * * * (cd /home/raghavan/ngodost/script; ./run.sh > /home/raghavan/out) | 09:04 |
anirudha | Hi, has anyone here upgraded to 7.04 beta. I have and have some questions regarding the bootloader changes. | 09:04 |
atlantis | mzuverink, im more of a quick and easy command line kind of person, but thanks | 09:05 |
gandor | erm | 09:05 |
=== zombieee_ [n=zombieee@81-233-8-253-no42.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | anirudha: #ubuntu+1 for Feisty support | 09:05 |
pwuertz | anirudha: #ubuntu+1 | 09:05 |
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gandor | let me copy what I did.. I used sudo | 09:05 |
anirudha | Flannel, Do I just type in #ubuntu+1 into my terminal? | 09:05 |
Dougie | can anyone help me with alsa? | 09:05 |
gandor | cp ~gandor/kaid /etc/init.d | 09:05 |
Flannel | anirudha: `/join #ubuntu+1` in your IRC client | 09:05 |
ardchoille | kandala: Try: 31 12 * * * cd /home/raghavan/ngodost/script && ./run.sh > /home/raghavan/out | 09:05 |
anirudha | Flannel, Oh okay, thanks =) | 09:06 |
kandala | ardchoille: ok | 09:06 |
mzuverink | atlantis, http://www.marzocca.net/linux/bum.html | 09:06 |
gandor | oh nevermind, sorry | 09:06 |
ardchoille | kandala: Are you sure the script itself is written correctly? | 09:06 |
gandor | thanks | 09:06 |
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robinlinth | Can anyone help me? VLC won't play FLV files... | 09:07 |
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robinlinth | Only 1 second of the file.. | 09:08 |
bamboo7 | could really use some help with installing live cd with my radeon x1600 pro agp 512 i have tried many many different things any help appreciated | 09:08 |
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titun | pwuertz: I am downloading build-essential, btw when I search for packages | 09:08 |
titun | pwuertz: from where it gets them ? | 09:09 |
kandala | ardchoille: It has nothing but an echo statement and works properly when I run from the shell. After making the changes suggested by you just now, but no luck..... | 09:09 |
=== adu [n=adu@pool-72-66-79-7.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
budmang | crimsun, I cant seem to play a movie and get a call as if it rings it cant find audio | 09:09 |
pwuertz | titun: you mean your apt repositories? | 09:09 |
titun | pwuertz: yes, where from Synaptic gets the files | 09:10 |
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bamboo7 | no video signle after i hit enter to install from live cd | 09:10 |
ardchoille | kandala: Is the script executable? | 09:10 |
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pwuertz | titun: synaptic is a frontend for the APT package management system from debian | 09:10 |
kandala | ardchoille: -rwxr-xr-x 1 raghavan raghavan 64 2007-03-27 11:05 run.sh (permissions of the script file) | 09:11 |
=== barbsie [n=fw@33.176-246-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ardchoille | kandala: Ah, ok. Then I have no idea why it isn't working. You are saving the cronjob, right? | 09:11 |
=== Steil [n=hedch@S010600e029837be0.ca.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
devron6 | hey everyone hows it going | 09:11 |
=== elsat [n=sat@cpe-66-75-248-86.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
elsat | hi | 09:12 |
titun | pwuertz: I understand that, but where from these packages download from, i mean are the locations pre stored in Synaptic | 09:12 |
pwuertz | titun: you enter repositories in the configuration file /etc/apt/sources.list, and when you do a reload / apt-get update, your local software calatog is beeing updated.. if you decide to install a package... it will be downloaded from the corresponding mirror | 09:12 |
kandala | ardchoille: I have added the entry using crontab -e command and when I do crontab -l, the command is in the crontab file. Do you think I am missing anything? | 09:12 |
titun | pwuertz: I also the Add/Remove program does the same thing, I guess | 09:12 |
=== mlalkaka [n=mlalkaka@S01060001023f40cc.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
devron6 | I am a long time linux user very good via command line but have just started using the gui and i have a few questions if anyone doesnt mind anserwing them | 09:12 |
pwuertz | titun: right... its all the same backend | 09:12 |
ardchoille | kandala: No, that's correct. | 09:12 |
bamboo7 | can anyone at least point me in the right direction | 09:12 |
Steil | devron6: shoot | 09:13 |
kandala | ardchoille: How do I redirect the errors that cron job spits out into some file? | 09:13 |
elsat | i am having some trouble installing 6.06 server on my machine, anyone care to help? | 09:13 |
Steil | elsat: what kind of machine is it, and what kid of problems are you having? | 09:13 |
pwuertz | bamboo7: save graphics mode? which gfx card? | 09:13 |
titun | pwuertz: So by default many repositories locations are stored, and I can modify them also, right ? | 09:13 |
devron6 | I have xfce4 and gnome installed and I see all these sweet ass themes i got them installed it makes the windows look the way i want but the menu bars at the bottom i see custom transperncy and custom menu bars and launchers and i was wondering how to get those as well | 09:14 |
cypher1 | kandala: please check whether /var/log/syslog , /var/log/messages has something | 09:14 |
=== barbsie [n=fw@33.176-246-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has left #ubuntu ["I] | ||
bamboo7 | radeon x1600 pro agp 512 | 09:14 |
elsat | steil: dell optiflex something or another. For some reason, it won't recognize my hard drive when I get to the part of the install where you need to partition your drive | 09:14 |
=== vega- [n=mikko@lotus.puolikuu.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ardchoille | kandala: Does 'ps aux | grep cron' give you more than one line of return? | 09:14 |
kandala | cypher1: ok. | 09:14 |
bamboo7 | svideo output | 09:14 |
=== lnc [n=lnc@dsl231-048-195.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kandala | ardchoille: No.... | 09:14 |
pwuertz | bamboo7, this is a brand new one | 09:14 |
mlalkaka | Ok, this is getting annoying because I know I must be overlooking some little stupid thing. I've written a bash script that has if statements in it, and I keep getting an error: "syntax error near unexpected token `fi'". I can't make out what I'm doing wrong, and searching for similar errors on Google hasn't revealed anything similar to my situation. What are some of the common errors that cause this message? | 09:15 |
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bamboo7 | ??? | 09:15 |
ardchoille | kandala: You only get a line that ends in grep crond ? | 09:15 |
Dougie | ok i installed my audigy 2 zs notebook and i can get it to work in xmms by going into the audio settings and selecting it as my output device but i can't seem to get my computer to use it as the default device for everything else can someone help me here? everything else goes through my notebook speakers | 09:15 |
cypher1 | mlalkaka: missing semicolon ? | 09:15 |
kandala | ardchoille: yeah.....only the grep process gets listed | 09:15 |
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bamboo7 | no vid signle on install | 09:15 |
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ardchoille | kandala: Sounds like cron isn't even running | 09:15 |
=== Nuscly [n=nuscly@29-231.206-83.static-ip.oleane.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pwuertz | bamboo7, ati has very poor support for linux, compared to the alternatives... I think I read about the fact that the newest ati gfx cards wont work at all | 09:15 |
=== billy [n=billy@c-68-59-117-213.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cypher1 | !OT | 09:16 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 09:16 |
Steil | devron6: right click on the panel, goto panel properties and you should find what you're looking for | 09:16 |
bamboo7 | really i have used other versions of linux | 09:16 |
cypher1 | !OT | mlalkaka | 09:16 |
ubotu | mlalkaka: please see above | 09:16 |
cypher1 | cool | 09:16 |
budmang | how can i edit hot spots. like the top right corner shows all windows.. | 09:16 |
cypher1 | !botsnack | 09:16 |
ubotu | Yum! | 09:16 |
pwuertz | bamboo7, it might work if you install the ati drivers... but for the live cd, you should use the save graphics mode, which will use vesa | 09:16 |
devron6 | yes I can set transperncy but i can not make it custom nor set transperncy in xfce4 but here let me show you an example of what i am attempting to achieve | 09:16 |
mlalkaka | cypher1: where would i be missing a semicolon? i'll be posting to a pastebin in a sec. | 09:17 |
kandala | ardchoille: But when I boot my system I can see lot of cron process running......I have no knowledge about the behaviour of cron except that it can execute schedule jobs in background. So, what's my next step then? | 09:17 |
elsat | i current have debian installed and the hard drive is working fine but ubuntu install isn't playing nice with it for some reason | 09:17 |
bamboo7 | what boot com should i use good sir and what would you recomend as a alternative gfx card | 09:17 |
=== MUS [n=Mustafae@5356EE0C.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
devron6 | http://www.xfce-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/54781-1.jpg | 09:17 |
devron6 | at the bottom the grey bar and the icons | 09:17 |
MUS | hahahahahahaah | 09:18 |
=== DarkED [n=darked@h460bf5af.area7.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hagabaka | if i use the xorg-driver-fglrx package (proprietary ATI driver), could i remove xserver-xserver-xorg-video-all? otherwise, how could it let xorg use the fglrx instead of "ati" driver? | 09:18 |
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gandor | trying to do ./kaid now, giving me an access denied again, but if I do sudo ./kaid the console says command not found.. what am I doing wrong? | 09:18 |
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pwuertz | bamboo7: I "assume" you are using ubuntu... so you just select save graphics mode from the boot menu popping in your face when you boot the cd ^^ | 09:18 |
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mlalkaka | The bash script is at http://www.pastebin.ca/411771 | 09:19 |
kfayed | How can I login to a windows domain from Ubuntu ? | 09:19 |
MJG7 | I'm having trouble recording audio in both audacity and sweep, the recordings are very low (bass) any clues?, thanks... | 09:19 |
atlantis | anyone know what the 'iceccd | 09:20 |
pwuertz | bamboo7: if you dont need 3d performance, the intel chipsets will do a great job... if you deal alot with opengl... the answer is nvidia | 09:20 |
atlantis | service is? | 09:20 |
=== Calgar [n=chatzill@gw2.solent.climaxgroup.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bamboo7 | hmm okay well i appreciate the help i never noticed a save gfx mode is that the name of the option | 09:21 |
elsat | no takers on the install problem? :-p | 09:21 |
takesinn | Ey | 09:22 |
=== thekorn [n=thekorn@a89-182-10-2.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
takesinn | Can I apt-get the official java engine, incl web-start and everything? | 09:22 |
titun | I installed build-essential package, can I compile all types of C++ programs using it ? | 09:22 |
Flannel | !java | takesinn | 09:22 |
ubotu | takesinn: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 09:22 |
Flannel | titun: yes. You might need to still get specific libraries for certain programs though | 09:22 |
q_a_z_steve | hey, can anyone give me a link (or list) of all the things linux brought to life (DNS, bind, LDAP, maybe tabbed browsing, etc)? | 09:23 |
xX-ACID-Xx | i cant install vlc media player | 09:23 |
xX-ACID-Xx | can someone please help | 09:23 |
titun | Flannel: Ok, let me get started, I have only option to compile, run programs from terminal right | 09:23 |
devron6 | xX-ACID-Xx what error are you getting when installing | 09:23 |
xX-ACID-Xx | one sec | 09:24 |
titun | Flannel: for a IDE I need something like Eclipse, am I correct | 09:24 |
pwuertz | titun: if you want an IDE... Eclipse CDT might be of interest | 09:24 |
=== maitscha [n=maitscha@chello084112165066.30.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xX-ACID-Xx | james@james-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-esd | 09:24 |
xX-ACID-Xx | Reading package lists... Done | 09:24 |
xX-ACID-Xx | Building dependency tree | 09:24 |
xX-ACID-Xx | Reading state information... Done | 09:24 |
xX-ACID-Xx | Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have | 09:24 |
xX-ACID-Xx | requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable | 09:24 |
Flannel | titun: Uh, sure. Although, a text editor can be an IDE as well. | 09:24 |
xX-ACID-Xx | distribution that some required packages have not yet been created | 09:24 |
xX-ACID-Xx | or been moved out of Incoming. | 09:24 |
xX-ACID-Xx | The following information may help to resolve the situation: | 09:24 |
xX-ACID-Xx | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 09:24 |
elsat | anyone know why my hard drive isn't being detected during partitioning while installing? | 09:24 |
xX-ACID-Xx | vlc: Depends: vlc-nox (= 0.8.6-svn20061012.debian-1ubuntu1.1) but it is not going to be installed | 09:24 |
xX-ACID-Xx | Depends: libiso9660-4 but it is not installable | 09:24 |
xX-ACID-Xx | Depends: libtar but it is not installable | 09:24 |
maitscha | hi, I would like use the vesa driver for my xserver, but I can't select it, it isn't in the list when makeing a dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver | 09:24 |
xX-ACID-Xx | Depends: libvcdinfo0 (> 0.7.23) but it is not installable | 09:24 |
xX-ACID-Xx | Depends: libvlc0 (>= 0.8.6-svn20061012.debian) but it is not going to be installed | 09:24 |
Flannel | q_a_z_steve: you might try ##linux. But, even then, unix has given a good deal of stuff too. | 09:24 |
xX-ACID-Xx | Depends: libwxbase2.6-0 (>= but it is not installable | 09:24 |
Flannel | !paste | xX-ACID-Xx | 09:24 |
ubotu | xX-ACID-Xx: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:24 |
xX-ACID-Xx | Depends: libwxgtk2.6-0 (>= but it is not installable | 09:24 |
=== Pepper [n=peppery@203-109-243-5.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xX-ACID-Xx | Depends: libxosd2 (>= 2.2.13) but it is not installable | 09:24 |
xX-ACID-Xx | vlc-plugin-esd: Depends: vlc-nox but it is not going to be installed | 09:25 |
=== pome [n=geoff@87-194-61-139.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xX-ACID-Xx | Depends: libvlc0 (>= 0.8.6-svn20061012.debian) but it is not going to be installed | 09:25 |
xX-ACID-Xx | E: Broken packages | 09:25 |
xX-ACID-Xx | oops | 09:25 |
titun | ok, thanks all of u, my first day with ubuntu and without XP went well :-) | 09:25 |
pwuertz | right... oops | 09:25 |
pwuertz | titun: but dont use the Ubuntu Eclipse.... install a java jre/jdk... and download/unpack/run eclipse from a directory under your home folder | 09:25 |
xX-ACID-Xx | !paste | 09:25 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:25 |
=== nox-Hand [i=johnhand@unaffiliated/nox-hand] has left #ubuntu ["bah,] | ||
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Flannel | q_a_z_steve: you might try ##linux. But, even then, unix has given a good deal of stuff too. Heck, the windows implementation of the networking stack is based on BSD code. | 09:26 |
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kandala | ardchoille: Thanks... I got it working after I started the cron scheduler | 09:26 |
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devron6 | one second | 09:26 |
maitscha | hi, I would like use the vesa driver for my xserver, but I can't select it, it isn't in the list when makeing a dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver | 09:26 |
ardchoille | kandala: Ah, thought so. | 09:26 |
xX-ACID-Xx | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12294/ | 09:27 |
xX-ACID-Xx | there | 09:27 |
devron6 | your using ubuntu right | 09:27 |
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pwuertz | q_a_z_steve: I think tabbed browsing was "invented" by opera | 09:27 |
=== Fanskapet [n=tommy@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
q_a_z_steve | Flannel: WINS? | 09:27 |
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xX-ACID-Xx | yeh im using ubuntu | 09:28 |
devron6 | have you tried installing through the pack manger | 09:28 |
xX-ACID-Xx | when i searched for it it didnt find it | 09:28 |
devron6 | here | 09:28 |
devron6 | add this to your repository | 09:28 |
xX-ACID-Xx | k | 09:28 |
devron6 | deb ftp://ftp.videolan.org/pub/videolan/ubuntu dapper universe | 09:29 |
brno223 | anyone managed to use thunderbird as default mail app in opera? | 09:29 |
devron6 | once thats done | 09:29 |
devron6 | from command line run sudo apt-get update | 09:29 |
devron6 | then sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-esd mozilla-plugin-vlc | 09:29 |
devron6 | and your set to go | 09:29 |
xX-ACID-Xx | k thanx | 09:29 |
=== adante_ is now known as adante | ||
devron6 | no problem | 09:29 |
Amit`` | how login as root user ? i have made a user at the installation time , my adminstraion password is working fine when i m tryin to activate diactivate hardware , when i try to configure pppoeconf it ask me to login as root, when i try to log in from gnome after geeting logout from this user it says u can't login from this pannel :( what should i do ? | 09:30 |
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Flannel | Amit``: You don't. Ubuntu doesn't use the root account. | 09:30 |
=== nahkiss [i=nahkiss@dsl-hkigw7-fed8dc00-135.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | Amit``: you use sudo instead. pppoeconf apparently has bad documentation. | 09:31 |
Flannel | Amit``: sudo [command] , to do the command as a super user. | 09:31 |
Flannel | !sudo | Amit`` | 09:31 |
ubotu | Amit``: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 09:31 |
=== Pensacola [n=pensacol@46.23-67-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Amit`` | flannel it was working fine last night i have updated my ubuntu system , now when i try it it says u have to login as root :( | 09:32 |
Amit`` | i m wanna use my dsl account | 09:33 |
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=== ypSami [n=dallas@c-68-46-103-80.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | Amit``: You don't. Use sudo. | 09:34 |
ypSami | What does it mean when the permission "s" is set? | 09:34 |
Amit`` | okay | 09:35 |
devron6 | can anyone recommend something like kooldock but for gnome and or xfce | 09:35 |
Amit`` | "so flannel i should go with "sudo pppoeconf | 09:36 |
Flannel | Amit``: correct. Is pppoeconf a GUI program? | 09:36 |
Flannel | ypSami: that's the setUID bit | 09:37 |
Amit`` | nope its a text based used for adsl account | 09:37 |
Amit`` | thankx flannel :) | 09:37 |
ypSami | Flannel: it's getting set each time I do a Subversion update | 09:37 |
Flannel | ypSami: set where? | 09:37 |
ypSami | on the subversion db dir | 09:38 |
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Flannel | ypSami: like, inside the repository? | 09:38 |
ypSami | yes | 09:38 |
Flannel | ypSami: or on your working copy? | 09:38 |
ypSami | repository | 09:38 |
Flannel | ypSami: well, I imagine it's supposed to be then. Do you have reason to believe otherwise? | 09:38 |
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ypSami | Flannel: well, when it's on, I get this whenever I try to do anything with the repository | 09:39 |
Flannel | ypSami: yeah, mine's the same way. | 09:39 |
ypSami | DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery | 09:39 |
Flannel | ypSami: this is on /repos/db, right? drwxr-sr-x 5 www-data www-data 4096 2007-01-17 20:11 db | 09:39 |
ypSami | yes | 09:40 |
=== slippyr4 [n=slippyr4@cartman.impulsegeophysics.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Flannel | ypSami: Well, I don't think the +s is anything to worry about. Must be from something else. You might ask in #subversion | 09:40 |
slippyr4 | morning all. does anyone know anything about iomega rev drives? they're usb. would i need a driver, or is it just mass storage, scsi emulation?? | 09:41 |
gordonjcp | slippyr4: usb drives usually "Just Work" | 09:41 |
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gordonjcp | slippyr4: *usually* | 09:41 |
slippyr4 | gordonjcp: yeah, i know. just i've never used a rev drive. removable disk cartridges, it's odd | 09:42 |
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=== gordonjcp -> work, later all | ||
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xX-ACID-Xx | hi wat do i do after i add vlc to the repositories | 09:48 |
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slippyr4 | is there a tool to probe a block device and try and guess what file system is on it? a bit like the "file" utility tries to guess a file's type | 09:48 |
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devron6 | does anyone know how to install enlightenment on ubuntu | 09:51 |
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harpette | Is there a specific pkg to install in order to get the instructions on how to use "info"? ("info info") | 09:51 |
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FP | Hi All | 09:52 |
=== CodeImp [n=dont@s55910c2b.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
devron6 | hi | 09:52 |
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Jordan_U | My computer does not suspend correctly when using fgrlx, is there anything I can do? | 09:53 |
hagabaka | with an AMD AthlonXP processor, would it better to use 686 or K7 kernel instead of generic? | 09:53 |
slippyr4 | how can i find out what package contains fsck.udf ? | 09:53 |
hagabaka | Jordan_U: does it lock up when the computer suspends? | 09:54 |
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Jordan_U | hagabaka, No, there is no measurable difference ( and in Ubuntu I think they are actually identical ) | 09:54 |
hagabaka | oh | 09:54 |
Jordan_U | hagabaka, When it resumes to be precise. | 09:54 |
hagabaka | for your problem maybe http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Problems_with_fglrx#Troubles_using_software_suspend | 09:54 |
slippyr4 | hagabaka, K7 *is* athlonxp | 09:55 |
hagabaka | i'm not saying it isn't | 09:55 |
kfayed | !domain | 09:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about domain - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:55 |
hagabaka | i'm trying to get fglrx to work too...it just gets direct rendering disabled... | 09:56 |
kfayed | !active directory | 09:56 |
kfayed | !activedirectory | 09:56 |
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ubotu | You can learn more about ActiveDirectory intergration at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto | 09:56 |
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hagabaka | hmm, it looks like Composition might be enabled by default | 09:57 |
Jordan_U | hagabaka, Edgy? | 09:57 |
hagabaka | *Composite | 09:57 |
hagabaka | yeah | 09:57 |
Jordan_U | hagabaka, yup | 09:57 |
=== Carnage\ [n=carnage@laphiwi0.informatik.uni-freiburg.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hagabaka | i see | 09:58 |
Jordan_U | hagabaka, And composite + fglrx = no direct rendering :) | 09:58 |
hagabaka | ok, let me try it again then | 09:58 |
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=== tavernier [n=chatzill@d213-103-2-123.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
harpette | devron6: launch the Synaptic pkg mgr, Enlightment is available in the "Miscellaneous Graphical (Universe)" section | 09:59 |
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=== suepe [n=pmessri@adsl-69-104-167-46.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xdotx_ | d'oh | 10:00 |
suepe | Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: divxa32.acm, /usr/lib/codecs/divxa32.acm, /usr/local/lib/codecs/divxa32.acm, /usr/lib/win32/divxa32.acm, /usr/local/lib/win32/divxa32.ac | 10:00 |
nX`brian | sdlfjsldkfjsdlkfjsdlfksjdflksajdflskdjfalkdjfalkdfjaldkfjaldfkj | 10:00 |
suepe | anybody know where i can get that specific codec | 10:00 |
suepe | i can not find it anywhere :-( | 10:00 |
suepe | i have already downloaded the mplayer codecs on mplayer's homepage | 10:00 |
suepe | that file is not there. | 10:00 |
posingaspopular | suepe, which one are you looking for? | 10:00 |
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suepe | Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: divxa32.acm, /usr/lib/codecs/divxa32.acm, /usr/local/lib/codecs/divxa32.acm, /usr/lib/win32/divxa32.acm, /usr/local/lib/win32/divxa32.ac | 10:00 |
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suepe | divxa32.cm | 10:00 |
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suepe | err, i mean divxa32.acm | 10:00 |
suepe | i play Video, but no Audio :-( | 10:01 |
floyd^ | ok this may sound stupid... but is there an easy way to make xchat look like mirc? | 10:01 |
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hagabaka | cool, finally it's accelerating! :) | 10:01 |
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Jordan_U | suepe, If you give me a video file I can test out Feisty's recommendation for a codec package. | 10:01 |
Daverocks | floyd^: not to my knowledge | 10:01 |
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suepe | Jordan_U: too huge of a file | 10:01 |
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harpette | floyd^: there's an #xchat channel here | 10:02 |
suepe | what is Feisty's recommendation ? | 10:02 |
floyd^ | ty harpette | 10:02 |
brophat | is it easy to change the sound driver? | 10:02 |
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tung | Can anyone guide me through how to uninstall my envy driver and properly install my nvidia driver for my Geforce FX5200 please? | 10:02 |
suepe | this is really weird :-( | 10:02 |
Jordan_U | suepe, When you open a video file in Feisty if you don't have the required codecs it offers to install them for you automagically :) | 10:03 |
devron6 | sorry got disconnected | 10:03 |
devron6 | can you repeat what you u said about enlightment | 10:03 |
suepe | oh i see | 10:03 |
suepe | let me try to get it | 10:03 |
harpette | devron6: launch the Synaptic pkg mgr, Enlightment is available in the "Miscellaneous Graphical (Universe)" section | 10:03 |
suepe | where is feisty? | 10:03 |
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suepe | i dont see any feisty packages | 10:03 |
=== Hoffmann [n=ber@c-69-248-210-174.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
devron6 | i dont got a universe section | 10:04 |
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suepe | Jordan_U: where is feisty, do you know by any chance? | 10:04 |
devron6 | just a graphical and graphical restricted | 10:04 |
Jordan_U | suepe, No, Feisty is the developement ( Beta ) version of Ubuntu, you cannot use this feature in current Ubuntu versions unfortunately | 10:04 |
harpette | devron6: add the Universe repo in Preferences | 10:04 |
suepe | i see | 10:04 |
hagabaka | i'm so happy | 10:04 |
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suepe | do you know another way I can find this codec? | 10:04 |
tung | Can anyone guide me through how to uninstall my envy driver and properly install my nvidia driver for my Geforce FX5200 please? | 10:05 |
hagabaka | i couldn't get Glest to work with the "xorg-driver-ati" driver, but with fglrx it works | 10:05 |
brophat | ubuntu uses alsa doesn't it? | 10:05 |
Jordan_U | brophat, Yes | 10:05 |
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suepe | yeah, im using alsa | 10:05 |
Jordan_U | !multimedia | suepe | 10:05 |
ubotu | suepe: For multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications | 10:05 |
suepe | my audio works | 10:05 |
brophat | Jordan_U so if a computer does not have sound then most likely the proper sound driver is not loaded? | 10:06 |
devron6 | thnak you | 10:06 |
harpette | tung: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#head-40c7d748794797ba41b69118a9fa937d3c737f90 | 10:06 |
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tung | harpette: hello you again :D | 10:06 |
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Jordan_U | brophat, Probably, have you checked alsamixer to see if any channels are just muted ( use "m" key to mute / unmute a channel ) | 10:06 |
Jordan_U | ? | 10:06 |
harpette | devron6: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#head-b2f616ebcc51d91427733a29372697acac0f316a | 10:07 |
devron6 | thanks again | 10:07 |
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Chai_Sangeen | hello everybody.... | 10:08 |
bill_ | oooooook. i'm getting corrupted .debs when i apt-get stuff.... | 10:09 |
suepe | this is wack | 10:09 |
suepe | i used to have sound working at one point on Ubuntu | 10:09 |
devron6 | ive added the univserse repo | 10:09 |
suepe | now i reinstalled | 10:09 |
suepe | did the same steps | 10:09 |
devron6 | and updated | 10:09 |
suepe | and its complaining | 10:09 |
devron6 | and still do not see the package | 10:09 |
suepe | fft | 10:09 |
Chai_Sangeen | can anyone help out with this apt-get problem this is the error i get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12299/ | 10:09 |
brophat | Jordan_U no me, my friend. when he tried to play an mp3 in xmms it gave him the standard error that maybe sound card not configed etc..... does't sound like a mute problem does it? | 10:09 |
mneptok | Chai_Sangeen: sudo apt-get update | 10:09 |
bill_ | this is a brand new problem... | 10:09 |
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harpette | devron6: do you not see the "Miscellaneous Graphical (Universe)" section in Synaptic now? | 10:11 |
devron6 | nope | 10:11 |
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devron6 | maybe im adding the wrong repo | 10:11 |
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Chai_Sangeen | mneptok, heheh thank forgot to do that thank u soo much :) | 10:11 |
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devron6 | deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe | 10:11 |
devron6 | ? | 10:11 |
Jordan_U | brophat, I don't use xmms, do any other sounds work? ( a fool proof test is to run "aplay /dev/urandom" ) | 10:11 |
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harpette | devron6: not dapper, edgy | 10:12 |
brophat | Jordan_U that will play a sound? | 10:12 |
Chai_Sangeen | mneptok, was checking the sources.list and all that as usual its always somthing small like this that gets in the way... | 10:12 |
devron6 | deb http://mx.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy universe | 10:12 |
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Jordan_U | brophat, Yes, it will play a static like sound ( basically playing randomness :) | 10:13 |
harpette | devron6: you're quoting sources.list, right? | 10:13 |
brophat | ok | 10:13 |
Jordan_U | brophat, Also check if alsamixer shows any tracks at all. | 10:13 |
devron6 | yes | 10:13 |
takesinn | Eclipse is really brilliant | 10:13 |
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harpette | devron6: how about you just do it from w/in synaptic? it's simpler | 10:13 |
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brophat | Jordan_U how come ubuntu does not have alsconfig command | 10:13 |
devron6 | im trying | 10:14 |
devron6 | but i dont seem to be getting the right repo | 10:14 |
devron6 | is this the one i want | 10:14 |
devron6 | deb http://mx.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy universe | 10:14 |
mneptok | devron6: where are you located? | 10:15 |
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brophat | Jordan_U is alsamixer in the gnome menu? | 10:15 |
devron6 | san diego | 10:15 |
mneptok | brophat: alsactl | 10:15 |
harpette | devron6: Settings > Repositories... | 10:15 |
brophat | mneptok ahh ok | 10:15 |
devron6 | im there | 10:15 |
mneptok | devron6: just add them via Synaptic | 10:15 |
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brophat | mneptok that will set up alsa? | 10:15 |
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harpette | devron6: the first entry w/ a box to check should be it | 10:15 |
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mneptok | brophat: it's the ALSA subsystem control app | 10:15 |
sovereign | Hi guys, I was wondering how to bring up a process that you put into background with cntrl-z | 10:16 |
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devron6 | okay | 10:16 |
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devron6 | now what repo url do i add for the universe | 10:16 |
harpette | devron6: which version of Ubuntu are you running? and which version of Synaptic? | 10:16 |
brophat | mneptok i have used linux and usually i have no sound until i run I think alsaconfig. are you saying that it is not alsaconfig and it is alsactl? | 10:16 |
devron6 | 6.10 edgy | 10:16 |
Jordan_U | brophat, alsamixer is a command ( don't worry, it's still pretty much a GUI, just type "alsamixer" in a terminal ) | 10:16 |
devron6 | 0.57.8 | 10:16 |
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harpette | devron6: you shouldn't have to worry about a url | 10:17 |
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devron6 | enlightment has shown up now that i added a repo | 10:17 |
mneptok | brophat: you have no sound now? | 10:18 |
brophat | Jordan_U the story is that I have to tell someone who lives far away from me who I have talked into using ubuntu, he is a windows user all his life. I personaly am aware of the command, but my bro is still point and click haha | 10:18 |
brophat | mneptok its my brother who does not live with me | 10:18 |
harpette | devron6: there you go | 10:18 |
mneptok | brophat: what is the problem he has? | 10:18 |
devron6 | after i added the dapper universe | 10:18 |
devron6 | i see it now | 10:18 |
brophat | mneptok no soiund | 10:18 |
brophat | sound | 10:18 |
Jordan_U | brophat, Ahh, you can also just click on the speaker icon in the top gnome panel | 10:18 |
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mneptok | brophat: absolutely none? can't play a Vorbis file? | 10:18 |
devron6 | lol now it wont install says package doesnt exist | 10:19 |
brophat | mneptok i had him try to play an mp3 with xmms | 10:19 |
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mneptok | brophat: there is no mp3 codec in Ubuntu | 10:19 |
brophat | it gave him card not cofigured blah blah stuff | 10:19 |
bill_ | i am consistently getting an invalid file when i apt-get certain (large) packages | 10:19 |
devron6 | you said something about adding the edgy unviserse repo what is the url for that repo? | 10:19 |
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bill_ | i think something is jacked up with my ethernet driver or something | 10:20 |
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mneptok | brophat: wha'ppens when he plays the movie in "Examples?" | 10:20 |
LinuxProbie | Hallo peeps | 10:20 |
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Jordan_U | !universe | devron6 | 10:20 |
ubotu | devron6: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 10:20 |
LinuxProbie | can osmeone post the link for getting an ati card workin in linuk? | 10:20 |
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brophat | Jordan_U when he clicks on speaker icon it gives him an error | 10:20 |
Jordan_U | !ati | LinuxProbie | 10:20 |
ubotu | LinuxProbie: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:20 |
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bill_ | are there any known problems with amd64 and ethernet? | 10:20 |
LinuxProbie | thanks jordan | 10:20 |
brophat | mneptok how do you do that? | 10:21 |
xX-ACID-Xx | can someonce please help me install vlc??? | 10:21 |
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mneptok | brophat: there is a folder calleh "Examples" on the desktop. you open it. you find the movie file. you double-click it. | 10:21 |
Jordan_U | LinuxProbie, You should check wiki.ubuntu.com before asking here though, 99% of the links from Ubotu come from wiki.ubuntu.com | 10:21 |
kroiz | what network manager for gnome would let set different wep to different locations and connect when in proximity | 10:21 |
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tr00st | there any known problems around with amd64 dual core cpus? I keep getting seemingly random crashes... | 10:21 |
LinuxProbie | most of the guys here have quicker access though... I'll keep it in mind. | 10:22 |
brophat | mneptok hmm ok | 10:22 |
mneptok | kroiz: sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome | 10:22 |
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kroiz | isnt it what comes as default? | 10:22 |
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Jordan_U | xX-ACID-Xx, Go to Applictions -> Add / remove : search for vlc | 10:22 |
brophat | mneptok but he is long asleep now i will tell him to try that tomorrow. let me show you the error he gets when he clicks the speaker icon on the desktop | 10:22 |
tung | harpette: hey can ya help me? my system had an error.. =[ | 10:22 |
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mneptok | kroiz: on Feisty, yes. | 10:22 |
devron6 | sorry im being a pain i see hwo to use synaptic but the package im loking for is not showing up, so i need to add the universe repo what is the url example "deb http://mirror3.ubuntulinux.nl/ dapper-seveas freenx " | 10:23 |
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kroiz | ok thanks | 10:23 |
tr00st | arr, and now the gnome panels have crashed >_< | 10:23 |
mneptok | brophat: don't bother | 10:23 |
Jordan_U | kroiz, No, by default it uses network-admin | 10:23 |
harpette | tung: just ask your question, give detail, and see who picks it up | 10:23 |
tung | =[ | 10:23 |
brophat | mneptok but if that gives an error doesn't that mean there is a problem? | 10:23 |
mneptok | brophat: until he tries a known working file with sane codecs it's pointless | 10:23 |
Jordan_U | tr00st, killall gnome-panel ( they will automatically restart ) | 10:23 |
floyd^ | anyone knows a software that connects to a yahoo chatroom with voice? | 10:23 |
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brophat | mneptok ok so i will tell him to double click on the items in the examples folder | 10:24 |
harpette | floyd^: ymessenger? | 10:24 |
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brophat | mneptok which he will do tomorrow haha | 10:24 |
tung | Ok, i follow the "howto install nvidia drivers" guide but it when i reboot, a blue screen comes up and says unable to start X server. So like before, i edited my /etc/X11/xorg.conf and changed nvidia to nv, logged back on and i am here now. How do i properly install and configurate my nvidia driver? | 10:24 |
xX-ACID-Xx | jordan_u, thanx | 10:24 |
brophat | mneptok than | 10:24 |
tr00st | that fixed that part, thanks | 10:24 |
brophat | mneptok thanks | 10:24 |
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harpette | tung: did you install the driver beforehand? | 10:24 |
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sabe4baba | hello | 10:25 |
sabe4baba | please how can I install ubuntu from the command line? | 10:25 |
tung | harpette: i installed driver with envy, but i uninstalled the drive with envy before i installed nvidia-glx | 10:25 |
mneptok | tung: what nVidia card andi what Ubuntu release? | 10:25 |
Jordan_U | sabe4baba, Use the alternate install CD | 10:25 |
tung | mneptok: Geforce FX5200 and 6.10 ubuntuu | 10:25 |
floyd^ | harpette: i meant for linux | 10:26 |
sabe4baba | it's not working for me | 10:26 |
harpette | floyd^: i believe i've used a "ymessenger" on linux in the past | 10:26 |
mneptok | tung: sudo apt-get install linux-rentricted-modules-generic && sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx | 10:26 |
mneptok | errr | 10:26 |
mneptok | tung: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic && sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx | 10:26 |
tung | mneptok: ok let me try | 10:26 |
floyd^ | harpette: you emulated the windows version using wine or smth like that? | 10:27 |
harpette | floyd^: no | 10:27 |
LinuxProbie | I;m kinda dumb...I coulda just downloaded it from ATI.. | 10:27 |
LinuxProbie | >.< | 10:27 |
Jordan_U | mneptok, Forgot a second "sudo" | 10:27 |
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tung | mneptok: it says glx is already newest version | 10:27 |
harpette | floyd^: was a linux pkg | 10:27 |
LinuxProbie | will it work properly? | 10:27 |
floyd^ | oh... tnx... lemme check | 10:27 |
Jordan_U | mneptok, Never mind :) | 10:27 |
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mneptok | tung: then just get l-r-m | 10:27 |
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tung | mneptok: "l -r -m" ? | 10:28 |
sabe4baba | please how can I install ubuntu from the command line? | 10:28 |
harpette | anyone can do "info info" successfully? | 10:28 |
mneptok | tung: think about it | 10:28 |
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harpette | can anyone do "info info" successfully? | 10:28 |
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Jordan_U | sabe4baba, Use the alternate ( text based ) install CD | 10:29 |
cd\gxr | is it just me or is beryl a ram whore | 10:29 |
tung | mneptok: i am not experienced with command lines =\ | 10:29 |
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mneptok | tung: what was the first package i told you to install? | 10:29 |
harpette | tung: read his previous msgs | 10:29 |
Jordan_U | tung, Linux Restricted Modules | 10:29 |
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sabe4baba | yes but where do I find it? | 10:29 |
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tung | Jordan_U: linux-restricted-modules-generic is already the newest version. | 10:30 |
tung | mneptok: linux-restricted-modules-generic is already the newest version. oops | 10:30 |
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Jordan_U | sabe4baba, http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/downloadmirrors Choose your mirror and go to "Other installation options" | 10:31 |
harpette | tung: study /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 10:31 |
tung | harpette: dear god, study it? | 10:32 |
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cd\gxr | anyone know the specific things to put in my xorg.conf for a mx1000 | 10:33 |
cd\gxr | ;x | 10:33 |
harpette | tung: use "less -iM /var/log/Xorg.0.log"; if you don't know how to use "less", do a "man less" 1st. <spacebar> to scroll fwd, "b" to scroll back, "q" to quit. | 10:33 |
Jordan_U | tung, Can you use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ to post the contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? | 10:33 |
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harpette | tung: search for "EE" in that file | 10:33 |
cas3 | why does mplayer have a huge diagonal line going through it? | 10:33 |
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harpette | cas3: because that's what your video file contains? | 10:34 |
harpette | cas3: there's a #mplayer channel here | 10:35 |
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harpette | cas3: the mplayer online doc is rather big, read it as one html file, do a search | 10:35 |
jetscreamer | grep EE /var/log/X*.0.log | 10:36 |
cas3 | thanks harpette | 10:36 |
jetscreamer | #mplayer | 10:36 |
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tung | Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12305/plain/ | 10:37 |
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floyd^ | what is the ubuntu pastebin link again pls? | 10:37 |
tung | Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12306/plain/ | 10:37 |
harpette | Hey can anyone try a "info info" at a cmd line and tell me if they get anything else than the "info" man page? Pretty please? | 10:38 |
tung | floyd^: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | 10:38 |
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floyd^ | ok... i tried to install the ymessenger from source and after ./configure i get this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12307/ ... any help? | 10:38 |
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harpette | floyd^: you couldn't find a debian pkg of it? | 10:39 |
jetscreamer | Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found) | 10:39 |
jetscreamer | is your error | 10:39 |
floyd^ | i did... | 10:39 |
tung | jetscreamer: is that for me? | 10:40 |
harpette | floyd^: ...and i'm not sure it has the voice feature. Does it? | 10:40 |
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jetscreamer | it's your error | 10:40 |
floyd^ | i get Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libssl0.9.6 | 10:40 |
varka | tung: you have to change driver in device section of xorg.conf from nv to nvidia to use composite | 10:40 |
brophat | Jordan_U you are certain there is an examples folder on the ubuntu desktop after install because I don't one in any sreenshots. | 10:40 |
Jordan_U | tung, Run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh" and when asked choose "nvidia" as the driver, _not_ "nv", if you are using Edgy there is one more step after this. | 10:40 |
tung | varka: but i get a blue screen on startup if i change it to nvidia | 10:40 |
floyd^ | and then i installed libssl0.9.8 cos i couldnt find .6 but i still get the same error | 10:40 |
jetscreamer | tung do glxinfo | 10:41 |
jetscreamer | probably wont work | 10:41 |
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tarzeau | what font is this? http://www.fotosearch.de/images/fslogo.gif | 10:41 |
harpette | floyd^: do a slocate libssl | 10:41 |
Jordan_U | brophat, It may be in ~ | 10:41 |
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tung | jetscreamer: doesnt work | 10:41 |
floyd^ | harpette: it does have sound ... at least thats what they tell on yahoo.com | 10:41 |
jetscreamer | yeah nm | 10:41 |
Jordan_U | brophat, Yup, ~/Examples | 10:41 |
tung | Jordan_U: i did sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh | 10:42 |
jetscreamer | your driver isn't installed properly... you could use nv till you get it fixed maybe | 10:42 |
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floyd^ | i have libssl0.9.8 installed... but they want libssl0.9.6 .... shouldnt a newer version work as well as an old one? | 10:42 |
brophat | Jordan_U ok. also when my bro installed ubuntu it did not ask him to pick root pasword ect....... | 10:42 |
tung | Jordan_U: there are a couple of X server drivers for me to choose.. | 10:42 |
jetscreamer | nv | 10:42 |
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jetscreamer | what card | 10:42 |
harpette | floyd^: not necessarily. i suspect the ymessenger is outdated | 10:42 |
tung | jetscreamer: are you talking to me? | 10:42 |
jetscreamer | yes | 10:42 |
Jordan_U | brophat, Ubuntu uses sudo instead of a root password, if you really want one run: sudo passwd root | 10:43 |
tung | geforce fx5200 | 10:43 |
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floyd^ | harpette: so i just wait for a newer messenger version? :) | 10:43 |
Jordan_U | tung, choose "nvidia" | 10:43 |
jetscreamer | tung: you can use the nv driver till you fix the nvidia one | 10:43 |
tung | Jordan_U: there is no nvidia for me to choose | 10:43 |
jetscreamer | choose nv | 10:43 |
harpette | floyd^: nah, you keep looking around for another project | 10:43 |
tung | jetscreamer: nor nv | 10:43 |
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Jordan_U | jetscreamer, He is currently using nv | 10:43 |
harpette | floyd^: search sourceforge.net, and en.wikipedia | 10:43 |
harpette | .org | 10:43 |
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floyd^ | tnx harpette | 10:44 |
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tung | Jordan_U: there is like tga, sissusb, tdfx, trident, vesa, tseng | 10:44 |
Jordan_U | tung, You can scroll up and down in the list | 10:44 |
tung | jordan oh dear god | 10:44 |
brophat | Jordan_U ahh ok so then when he boots up he is loging into a user account and not the root account. | 10:44 |
jetscreamer | but his error in the log says nvidia glx bork | 10:44 |
tung | Jordan_U: ok i chose nvidia | 10:44 |
Jordan_U | brophat, Yup. | 10:44 |
brophat | Jordan_U I guess that makes things safe. | 10:45 |
brophat | linux for human beings haha | 10:45 |
tung | Jordan_U: then it is a screen asking me for resolution | 10:45 |
harpette | tung: asking for your monitor specs? | 10:45 |
tung | harpette: no resolution | 10:45 |
harpette | tung: 1024x768's my favorite | 10:46 |
tung | Jordan_U: i assume it is safe for me to pick 10254x768? | 10:46 |
tung | harpette: yes me too | 10:46 |
Jordan_U | tung, Use the space bar to select the resolutions your monitor supports | 10:46 |
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Jordan_U | tung, if your card and monitor support it then yes | 10:46 |
tung | Jordan_U: ok i pressed okay | 10:46 |
jetscreamer | 10254 wow | 10:46 |
bambie | is there any working mirror? | 10:46 |
brophat | what do you call those programs that let you navigate the directories? | 10:47 |
tung | jetscreamer: typo | 10:47 |
harpette | jetscreamer: typo | 10:47 |
cd\gxr | Does anyone know how I can configure XCHAT to automatically connect to multiple IRC servers at startup? | 10:47 |
bambie | i meant to say i'm download ubuntu 6.10 and the md5 doesn't compares? | 10:47 |
harpette | cd\gxr: #xchat | 10:47 |
bambie | i've tried pretty much all mirrors | 10:47 |
tung | Jordan_U: now i am back to the terminal | 10:47 |
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bambie | or can anyone dcc me ubuntu.iso? | 10:47 |
jetscreamer | cd\gxr: click the xchat button on top hit network lise edit the servers | 10:47 |
jetscreamer | list | 10:47 |
Jordan_U | tung, Now if you reboot or press ctrl+alt+backspace your GUI ( X ) will restart and you should have full 3d acceleration. | 10:48 |
jetscreamer | there's a checkbox for autoconnect | 10:48 |
harpette | bambie: you're the one upgrading from a previous version, right? | 10:48 |
tung | Jordan_U: without changing the nv back to nvidia right | 10:48 |
tung | Jordan_U: or did i just do it | 10:48 |
bambie | lol sorry mistype. | 10:48 |
bambie | harp yes | 10:48 |
bambie | i've 5.04 currently. | 10:48 |
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tung | Jordan_U: anyways, i will restart now | 10:48 |
bambie | and i do not have internet access on it. | 10:48 |
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harpette | bambie: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#head-1d23d3a3a8b3c464847785dd1f2ed05b0b24176a | 10:48 |
Jordan_U | tung, you just did it, dpkg-reconfigure reconfigured your xorg.conf for you. | 10:48 |
bambie | so i'm trying to download on my desktop so i can burn and update my laptop | 10:48 |
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bambie | but i'm trying from last 3days and md5 doesn't compares. | 10:49 |
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Jordan_U | tuna-fish, if when you restart the GUI ( X ) fails to start, run the same command from the terminal but go back to "nv". | 10:50 |
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bambie | that website is not going to help me. | 10:50 |
bambie | but thanks anyway. | 10:50 |
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harpette | bambie: why not? | 10:51 |
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jetscreamer | <-- tung has quit | 10:51 |
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mneptok | that means "i love you" | 10:52 |
Jordan_U | jetscreamer, Thanks, I always assume that if tab completion works that the person is still here, obviously tab completion only partially worked and I missed it :) | 10:53 |
cdn | Is there a specific ubuntu way to reinstall grub when a dual boot windows reinstall overwrites it on the MBR? | 10:53 |
harpette | cdn yes | 10:53 |
tung | Jordan_U: I poped me back into the blue screen, so i did sudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf and changed nvidia to nv, and now i am back here. | 10:53 |
Jordan_U | !grub | cdn | 10:53 |
ubotu | cdn: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 10:53 |
cdn | I have tried grub-install /dev/hda with the dapper cd, but get an error (which I'll find and paste in a second...) | 10:53 |
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cdn | Jordan_U: Aha, a link. Thank you kind sir/madam. :) | 10:54 |
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elias_ | Could anyone please tell me which thing makes network activity leds (like in Window$) available in KDE? | 10:54 |
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acalvo_ | hi | 10:55 |
harpette | elias_: that would be an applet | 10:55 |
Jordan_U | elias_, try #kubuntu for KDE questions | 10:55 |
elias_ | ok, i'll do thanks | 10:55 |
speewave | does that new Ubuntu (beta) have rt73 support? | 10:55 |
tung | Jordan_U: will i ever be able to get my drivers working :'(.. | 10:55 |
lkthomas | anyone using backuppc | 10:56 |
Jordan_U | tung, What is the output of "sudo modprobe nvidia" ? | 10:56 |
acalvo_ | I've updated feisty and now my GForce 420 MX it's not working, it complains about nvidia-glx-1.0.9755 not supporting my device, instead I've to use nvidia-glx-1.0.96xx. Is there any way where I can find such a package? | 10:56 |
speewave | try debian.com | 10:56 |
tung | Jordan_U: FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.17-11-generic/nvidia/nvidia.ko': No such file or directory | 10:56 |
Spliffster | acalvo_: check #ubuntu+1 for feisty questions | 10:57 |
acalvo_ | thanks Spliffster | 10:57 |
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speewave | Does Ubuntu 7 have RT73 Drivers? | 10:58 |
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Jordan_U | tung, it may be "nvidia-glx" or something else, do you know about tab completion? | 10:58 |
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tung | Jordan_U: tab complettion? | 10:58 |
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valehru | Hey guys, How can I completely remove / purge all aspects of mysql-server from my system | 10:58 |
Jordan_U | acalvo_, speewave #ubuntu+1 for Feisty support / questions | 10:59 |
valehru | ? | 10:59 |
speewave | thanks! | 10:59 |
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Jordan_U | tung, type sudo modprobe nvidia" and then hit tab | 10:59 |
AnAnt | !modem | 10:59 |
ubotu | You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto | 10:59 |
Jordan_U | tung ( without the quote at the end ) | 10:59 |
tung | Jordan_U: nvidia, nvidia-agp ,nvidiafb, nvidia_legacy | 11:00 |
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badatt | hi all, i installed dapper server and then manually added the packages to have xorg+gnome, but when i startx i cant change to text consoles via pressing ctrl+alt+Fx, how can i solve this? | 11:00 |
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Spliffster | valehru: AFAIK $ apt-get remove --purge <package name> | 11:01 |
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Spliffster | valehru: or you might want ro use the "complrete removal" option in synaptics. | 11:01 |
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jewfro-Macabbi | anyone seen this error: I cannot issue any command as root.... "sudo: timestamp too far in the future:"?? | 11:01 |
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Jordan_U | tung, Strange, that is your problem although I don't quite know why it is happening or how to fix it, but for some reason you don't have the module even though you have all the correct packages installed. | 11:02 |
Supaplex | jewfro-Macabbi: fix your date, and clean up /var/run | 11:02 |
tung | Jordan_U: did envy screw me over again | 11:02 |
Agent_bob | ok i installed nvidia-glx-legacy according to the wiki https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto and did the sudo nvidia-glx-config enable so now x wont work do i need to reconfigure xorg ? | 11:02 |
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jewfro-Macabbi | Supaplex, my date is not incorrect... so how do I clean up /var/run? | 11:02 |
Supaplex | maybe it's /var/cache. see the man pages for any tidbits, I bet they mention something there. | 11:02 |
kristin | does anyone know how to make a directory not inherit the setings from the parent directories .htaccess | 11:02 |
Supaplex | jewfro-Macabbi: look for the user sudo state file. | 11:02 |
kristin | if that even made sense how i described it heh | 11:02 |
Supaplex | kristin: I don't think you can. | 11:03 |
Jordan_U | tung, Ahh, you used some sort of crazy script!, never trust them. | 11:03 |
gordonjcp | kristin: it makes sense, but you can't do it | 11:03 |
kristin | nooo :( | 11:03 |
kristin | thats no good | 11:03 |
Supaplex | kristin: reverse the actions on the previous one. | 11:03 |
tung | Jordan_U: omg envy is bad? | 11:03 |
kristin | my host has lame subdirectories | 11:03 |
gordonjcp | kristin: you could add a .htaccess file in the subdirectories | 11:03 |
kristin | for subdomains | 11:03 |
Jordan_U | tung, I don't know, but I don't trust scripts in general, I like to know what I am doing so I know how to fix it if it breaks. | 11:04 |
kristin | supa ill try that | 11:04 |
tung | Jordan_U: dear god.. please help me =[ | 11:04 |
kristin | i tried touching a blank one but it didnt work | 11:04 |
harpette | Agent_bob: sounds like a good idea | 11:04 |
kristin | i dunno why i didnt think of trying that | 11:04 |
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Spliffster | kristin: AFAIK if you use a <FilesMatch ...> directirve instead of a <Directory ...> directive you could limit the config to one directory. needs testing tho. | 11:04 |
Jordan_U | tung, I have one idea and then I have to go to sleep :) ... let me search for the correct file... | 11:05 |
kristin | thats wont work because the parent directory is a wordpress install and has a lot of subdirs | 11:05 |
busfahrer | Excuse me, does the default (edgy) kernel support LVM2? | 11:05 |
tung | Jordan_U: okay, thanks | 11:05 |
Agent_bob | harpette ok. the wiki is not very keen on "if it don't work" they just assume it will... | 11:05 |
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harpette | Agent_bob: a wiki is only as good as... | 11:06 |
AnAnt | !sl-modem | 11:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sl-modem - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:06 |
AnAnt | !smartlink | 11:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about smartlink - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:06 |
Spliffster | kristin: do you have to apply the rules in your .htacces to the whole directory or only to som files / directories. you might want set rules only for seom files (like index.php and soem subdriectories which should not be listed) | 11:06 |
kristin | RewriteEngine Off | 11:06 |
kristin | did it | 11:06 |
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Spliffster | ah | 11:07 |
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Supaplex | jewfro-Macabbi: /var/run/sudo/$USER | 11:07 |
kristin | ty for help :) | 11:07 |
harpette | busfahrer: i believe so. The live CD should tell you so right at the beginning, i think | 11:07 |
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Agent_bob | oh what's the bus address for agp ? | 11:08 |
Agent_bob | pci is "PCI:1:0:0" is it not ? | 11:08 |
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Jordan_U | tung, run "sudo nano /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common" and if "nvidia" is listed in DISABLED_MODULES=" " then remove it | 11:08 |
harpette | Agent_bob: yes, the 1st 1 is the second bus | 11:09 |
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Jordan_U | tung, If it isn't there then I am all out of ideas :( | 11:09 |
harpette | Agent_bob: otherwise it would be 0, i think | 11:09 |
tung | Jordan_U: list.. | 11:09 |
Agent_bob | harpette but my cared is not pci it's agp | 11:09 |
tung | Jordan_U: DISABLED_MODULES="" | 11:09 |
Agent_bob | card | 11:09 |
tung | Jordan_U: oh dear god.. | 11:09 |
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harpette | Agent_bob: do a lspci and see how your other stuff shows | 11:09 |
tung | Jordan_U: DISABLED_MODULES="ath_hal fc fglrx ltm nv" | 11:10 |
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Agent_bob | 0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVidia harpette then "PCI:1:0:0" is agp ? | 11:10 |
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BeepAU | how do you close a man file and get back into the terminal? | 11:10 |
Spliffster | Agent_bob: AFAIK it depends on your motherboard where the agb bus is located. in my case (nForce) it is 02:00.0 | 11:11 |
Agent_bob | am i reading that right ? | 11:11 |
badatt | when i apt-get install a package, it puts the deb under /var/cache/apt/archives, how can i remove them? | 11:11 |
Jordan_U | tung, No, having nothing there is fine, it means nothing is disabled... Was that second line you posted just part of a comment ( was there a # at the very begining of the line ) ? | 11:11 |
enolan | BeepAU, type q | 11:11 |
harpette | Agent_bob: hmm i'm confused. i think 1 is PCI, 0 would be AGP | 11:11 |
tung | Jordan_U: yeah that was the # lines haha | 11:11 |
a6km64 | apt-get clean | 11:11 |
BeepAU | enolan - thankyou | 11:11 |
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tung | Jordan_U: having nothign there is fine? | 11:11 |
tung | Jordan_U: DISABLED_MODULES="" | 11:11 |
Spliffster | badatt: apt-get install pkg ; apt-get clean | 11:12 |
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badatt | thanks | 11:12 |
badatt | if i remove the files manually is the same effect or can i broke something? | 11:12 |
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BeepAU | i tried recompiling alsa, but then it tells me my card is muted and i need to unmute it, however, in alsamixer it comes up as unmuted, yet theres no sound. what to do? | 11:13 |
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Jordan_U | tung, Yup, but that means that what I thought might be the problem isn't, so I am all out of ideas, try uninstalling envy and following the directions @ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 11:13 |
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bill_ | if i want to use a 2.6.20 kernel, do i need to upgrade to feisty? | 11:13 |
tung | Jordan_U: i did that, and i got a blue screen.. | 11:13 |
Spliffster | badatt: i am not sure, i cleaned it once manually, but i also don't see a reson not to use apt-get clean. there are some index files in /var/cache/apt which are missing after a rm -R | 11:14 |
Steil | Can someone recommend an easy/effective way to encrypt certain folders (I'm thinking a loop mounted device, but i'm unsure how to go about doing it)...mainly my .gaim and my .evolution folders are the important ones... | 11:14 |
Jordan_U | bill_, No, but you will have to compile it yourself | 11:14 |
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badatt | thanks Spliffster | 11:14 |
bill_ | ugh | 11:14 |
badatt | i installed dapper server and then manually added the packages to have xorg+gnome, but when i startx i cant change to text consoles via pressing ctrl+alt+Fx, how can i solve this? | 11:14 |
badatt | its strange | 11:15 |
bill_ | this is turning into an all-night ordeal, and i won't even be done by morning | 11:15 |
harpette | Steil: try ##linux or #linpeople here | 11:15 |
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Jordan_U | bill_, Why do you need 2.6.20 ? | 11:15 |
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BeepAU | can someone give me some ways to unmute my sound card? im lost | 11:16 |
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bill_ | Jordan_U, i get the vague impression that it has better support for an Intel ESB2 SATA RAID controller.... | 11:16 |
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Jordan_U | BeepAU, Run alsamixer and use the "m" key to mute / unmute tracks | 11:16 |
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lkthomas | guys, anyone using backuppc ? | 11:16 |
fogobogo | hi! now i m a newbie for a few days i have a question. which packages can be uninstalled to get rid of evolution? why has it to be with ubuntu? It reminds me to MS which also never asked if i want to have outlook. | 11:17 |
Agent_bob | Fatal server error: | 11:17 |
Agent_bob | no screens found | 11:17 |
floyd^ | harpette: tnx for your help... i found something called gyachi... looks pretty ok | 11:17 |
Agent_bob | again. | 11:17 |
Jordan_U | bill_, Have you looked at the LVM howto's on wiki.ubuntu.com ? | 11:17 |
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BeepAU | Jordan_U - is that the only way? I've already tried that. maybe something went wrong. | 11:17 |
badatt | fogobogo, apt-get autoremove evolution | 11:18 |
bill_ | Jordan_U, i have a hardware raid controller, and i want to use it as such | 11:18 |
bill_ | (i need 6x 500G drives in a RAID5) | 11:18 |
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fogobogo | badatt cheers! | 11:18 |
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tung | Jordan_U: so my computer cannot play games?? | 11:18 |
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Jordan_U | bill_, Ah, a true hardware RAID controller should work fine. | 11:19 |
bill_ | well i'm trying to figure out wtf the ESB2 is | 11:19 |
badatt | in edgy the text consoles have a very big font, how can i have the traditional 80x25 size? | 11:20 |
bill_ | but it worked fine in FreeBSD (forgive me) | 11:20 |
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jewfro-Macabbi | Supaplex, the time problem is odd, the man page suggest sudo -K also, which fails, unless you first set the date ahead, then sudo -K, then re-adjust your time. | 11:20 |
fogobogo | badatt does the same work with ekiga? | 11:20 |
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badatt | yes fogobogo, or if you dont want to use a sonsole you can use synaptic | 11:21 |
Supaplex | jewfro-Macabbi: nopaste ls -l /var/run/sudo/ | 11:21 |
bill_ | i'm also having a weird problem with corruption on my .debs when i apt-get them | 11:21 |
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badatt | to admin your packages | 11:21 |
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jewfro-Macabbi | Supaplex, it's fixed now, the above described works also | 11:22 |
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harpette | BeepAU: check out http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/alsa-guide.xml | 11:23 |
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harpette | BeepAU: and search for "mute" | 11:23 |
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fogobogo | sure badatt but unfortunately synaptic gives me also important things to unistall like evolution-data-server etc etc. by the way whats up with this scrollkepper? it always making trouble | 11:23 |
chowells | I'm trying to install the squid security update but the package requires libc6 (>= 2.4-1) whereas the latest version in 6.10 appears to be 2.3.6 - is this an oversight or am I doing something wrong? | 11:24 |
fogobogo | /var/lib/scrollkeeper/pt/scrollkeeper_cl.xml:792: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document | 11:24 |
rausb0 | what does "Rescue a broken system" on the xubuntu 6.10 live cd do exactly? | 11:24 |
BeepAU | harpette - i'll check it out. thanks. | 11:24 |
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Spliffster | chowells: sounds like an aerror to me | 11:24 |
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mathieu | server irc.thundercity.org | 11:25 |
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Agent_bob | ok if i use nv it works fine but if i change the driver to nvidia it falls flat on its face. anyone know anything about this kind of thing ? | 11:26 |
badfish | this is a really intersting free application. http://www.challenge-tv.com/index.php?mode=demodetail&demo=28007&dl=3 | 11:26 |
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Jordan_U | bill_, Nothing wrong with FreeBSD, but it doesn't sound like you have a true hardware RAID controller. | 11:27 |
harpette | !nvidia | Agent_bob | 11:27 |
ubotu | Agent_bob: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 11:27 |
lcandell | man i cant sleep | 11:27 |
Agent_bob | anyone know anything about this issue besides the bot ? | 11:27 |
Spliffster | fogobogo: scrollkeeper is used for indexing help documents (man/info not sure if this alos includes /usr/share/doc) it is nothing your system would depend on. | 11:27 |
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Agent_bob | cause i can't get much out of him. | 11:27 |
Jordan_U | bill_, If it doesn't have it's own CPU and memory and if the drives don't connect to IT instead of the computer, you are doing FakeRAID. | 11:28 |
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bill_ | Jordan_U, its onboard... yeah, that appears to be the case... just very frustrating to find this out now... | 11:28 |
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bill_ | Jordan_U, it would be nice if it at least worked in some fashion though, without having to do a full-on software raid | 11:29 |
Jordan_U | !lvm | bill_ | 11:29 |
ubotu | bill_: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO | 11:29 |
fogobogo | thanks spliffters | 11:30 |
BeepAU | harpette - i read and used it, but i'm still not getting anything. | 11:30 |
Jordan_U | bill_, There is no RAID without software, since it doesn't have it's own CPU it has to use yours... through software :) | 11:30 |
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tung | harpette: hey.. uh.. | 11:31 |
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BeepAU | can i use oss instead of alsa or would there be a problem with that? | 11:31 |
bill_ | any idea what the performance impact of doing RAID5 in software is? | 11:32 |
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tung | harpette: will i be able to get my drivers working on this computer ever again.. | 11:32 |
Agent_bob | oh i overlooked one line in the page "sometimes you must enable kernel frame buffering" i'll try that... | 11:32 |
tung | Agent_bob: hey what are you doing? | 11:32 |
harpette | BeepAU: OSS is deprecated, ALSA's the way from now on. But you can have OSS emulation w/in ALSA, if you set it up that way | 11:32 |
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bill_ | it looks like the card does raid10 in hardware, but 5 is software | 11:33 |
BeepAU | i can't get alsa to work, theres an alsa bug with my soundcard | 11:33 |
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fogobogo | is there a way to set up nautilus so i can make folder etc. ? | 11:33 |
MrStein | How do I make a screenshot, that includes the cursor(mouse pointer) ? | 11:33 |
BeepAU | harpette - however, when i installed oss i got low sound from my headphone jack | 11:34 |
BeepAU | harpette - but thats not very convenient as it's a laptop | 11:34 |
assasukasse | i have a problem with the nvidia-legacy, it doesn't start my GLX module, what can i do | 11:34 |
Spliffster | MrStein: you might want to try gimp | 11:34 |
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Spliffster | MrStein: in gimp: file > aquire > ... | 11:34 |
tung | harpette: i am really frustrated man.. i keep getting the blue screen saying my nvidia versions dont match... How do i install my driver and have it working properly :( | 11:34 |
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harpette | BeepAU: did you see the "Issues?" paragraph in that doc? the /proc/asound stuff | 11:35 |
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Jordan_U | fogobogo, Why is it that you can't create folders in nautilus now? | 11:36 |
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bill_ | is there a curses or gui interface for lvm? | 11:36 |
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tung | Jordan_U: i tried it again, and the blue screen of death happend again .. | 11:36 |
MrStein | Spliffster: nope, it misses the cursor | 11:36 |
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olimpico | I have a USB Memory Stick with an emulated Floppy Partition, and a normal partition. | 11:36 |
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harpette | tung: i'm sorry i don't have nvidia HW here; read the docs again. The one the bot tells you about isn't the only one; navigate help.ubuntu.com and the wiki | 11:37 |
olimpico | It fails bay ubuntu, and it works without problems in Windows. | 11:37 |
BeepAU | harpette - i can't see a Issues file in that directory. whate exactly am i looking for? | 11:37 |
Agent_bob | Fatal server error: | 11:37 |
Agent_bob | no screens found | 11:37 |
rausb0 | what does "Rescue a broken system" on the xubuntu 6.10 live cd do exactly? | 11:37 |
Jordan_U | tung, There is almost defininitely a way to get it working without re-installing, but without knowing what envy did, that may be the easiest way, then use the wiki instead of envy | 11:37 |
Spliffster | MrStein: is there no option to include the cursor (or was that on windows only) ? | 11:37 |
harpette | BeepAU: in the gentoo web page | 11:37 |
tung | Jordan_U: should i use envy again | 11:38 |
Jordan_U | tung, NO. | 11:38 |
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tung | Jordan_U: why? | 11:38 |
fogobogo | jordan_u well its i click myself through the file system. thats ok. but in the context menu the option for making folder and move to trash is always off. same in menu and with del key. guess you have to have su rights to do so | 11:38 |
Agent_bob | there is nothing on the wiki page that helps me with this. i've been there, done that... now anyone know what might keep nvidia from working where the same config with nv does work ? | 11:38 |
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Jordan_U | tung, Just follow the wiki. Envy seems to be the culprit and the wiki instructions aren't that hard. | 11:38 |
Spliffster | MrStein: have you tried with options: "the whole window" and "Grag after N seconds" ? | 11:38 |
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BeepAU | harpette - hmm cat /proc/asound/cards shows it as a nvidia card. my soundcard is actually a sigmatel, but i have a nvidia graphics card | 11:40 |
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Jordan_U | fogobogo, You should be able to do anything you want in your home folder, if you absolutely need to you can run "gksudo nautilus" but I would not recommend that as it is almost as bad as loging in as root. | 11:40 |
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harpette | BeepAU: hmm. Does the Sigmatel have nVidia chip on it? | 11:40 |
harpette | BeepAU: man lspci | 11:41 |
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tung | Jordan_U: if i type glxinfo | grep rendering and it says direct rendering : yes, am i good to go? | 11:42 |
fogobogo | jordan_u got that! so i can only do whatever i want in the home folder. another little things to know would be how reliable is deborphan? or how can i find out what libs i dont need anymore... | 11:42 |
rausb0 | BeepAU: probably the sound card is a onboard component of the nvidia chipset, using a sigmatel codec | 11:42 |
Jordan_U | tung, Yup. | 11:42 |
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olimpico | I have a USB Memory Stick with an emulated Floppy Partition, and a normal partition. It fails by gentoo & Ubuntu, and it works without problems in Windows. | 11:43 |
tung | Jordan_U: is there any other ways to check if it is really uhh. . working? | 11:43 |
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Jordan_U | tung, install xmoto :) | 11:43 |
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tung | Jordan_U: what is that? | 11:43 |
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Ben | How does one tell Ubuntu that your mouse has more than two buttons? | 11:44 |
EkToBoT | hi, when i load up ubuntu i dont have any sound but if i change it to SIS then do a reboot, then put it back on original soundblaster setting reboot again it works...? can anyone help me with this problem i cant understand why it would do this? | 11:44 |
Jordan_U | tung, A fun 2D game that has just enough graphics that it won't run well without 3D acceleration. | 11:44 |
Ben | Eg. mine has two buttons that i would like to use to make firefox go backwards and forwards in terms of pages viewed | 11:44 |
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harpette | Ben: see that Emulate3buttons is off in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 11:44 |
tung | Jordan_U: :D okay! | 11:44 |
tung | Jordan_U: how do i turn off dynamic twin view? | 11:44 |
Jordan_U | tung, No idea :) | 11:45 |
tung | Jordan_U: under monitor , Option DynamicTwinView "false"? | 11:45 |
harpette | Ben: so, does your mouse has more than 2 buttons, or not? | 11:45 |
Jordan_U | tung, That seems reasonable | 11:45 |
tung | Jordan_U: okay :D | 11:45 |
BeepAU | rausb0 - you're probaly right. as when i go $ lspci , it says the audio device is nvidia | 11:45 |
Ben | harpette: Alright, it was true, now I've set it to false. Do I need to restart X somehow for it to pick up the change? | 11:46 |
harpette | Ben: yes | 11:46 |
EkToBoT | hi, when i load up ubuntu i dont have any sound but if i change it to SIS then do a reboot, then put it back on original soundblaster setting reboot again it works...? can anyone help me with this problem i cant understand why it would do this? | 11:46 |
BeepAU | rausb0 - i tried to follow the nvidia path for a while and got nothing. | 11:46 |
rausb0 | BeepAU: which pci id is it? | 11:46 |
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Ben | harpette: What's the easiest way to do that besides restarting my computer? | 11:46 |
harpette | Ben: ctl+alt+backspace | 11:47 |
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BeepAU | rausb0 - mcp51 | 11:47 |
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BeepAU | rausb0 - is that what you meant? | 11:47 |
rausb0 | BeepAU: no, i mean the pci id | 11:47 |
rausb0 | BeepAU: lspci -n (identify the line which is the card) | 11:48 |
fogobogo | to remove the media player is not a good idea hmmm? | 11:48 |
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felixhummel | Ben, if ctrl+alt+backspace doesn't work then 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart' | 11:48 |
BeepAU | rausb0 - i got alot of stuff with with that, most of them have '(rev a2)' at the end | 11:49 |
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Spliffster | felixhummel, Ben: always favour /etc/init.d/gdm restart over ctrl+alt+backspace | 11:49 |
rausb0 | BeepAU: compare to the lspci output (without -n). identify the line in the lspci -n output which corresponds to the soundcard | 11:49 |
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rausb0 | BeepAU: the beginning of the lines should be the same | 11:50 |
felixhummel | Spliffster, why is that? ctrl+alt+backspace is just a shortcut for this command, isn't it? | 11:50 |
goundy | guys, does a local dictionnary exist ? | 11:50 |
felixhummel | I export my root (/) with nfs and can ls everything but /home. Permissions are ok though. Any suggestions? | 11:50 |
goundy | I'm looking for a English<>French dico but not online | 11:50 |
jadzor | is it common for the ubuntu 6.10 installer to stuff up the install? I've just finished installing it, it didn't install grub correctly...reading a link i found in a forum allowed me to boot into grub...but when i tried to boot my kernel (the default install) it said "Error 15: no file found" | 11:50 |
felixhummel | Maybe I should mention that I mount /home from another drive... | 11:51 |
Spliffster | felixhummel: AFAIK ctrl+alt+backspace kills the X server, which will kill all child processes. many programms are much happier if they are shut down clean (removing temp files, lock files, closing conenctions, etc.) | 11:51 |
harpette | goundy: look into add-ons for openoffice? | 11:51 |
BeepAU | rausb0 - 00:10.1 | 11:51 |
goundy | harpette, not yet i look thanks | 11:51 |
BeepAU | rausb0 - that? | 11:51 |
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felixhummel | oh ok, thanks Spliffster | 11:51 |
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gnahhh | !samba | 11:52 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 11:52 |
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EkToBoT | can anyone recomend a good screen recorder??? | 11:52 |
rausb0 | BeepAU: no, the vendor/product part of the line | 11:52 |
tung | Jordan_U: okay that command failed | 11:52 |
tung | Does anyone know how to turn off dynamic twinview properly? "option dynamictwinview "false"" | 11:52 |
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the-erm | has anyone ever had a problem where your wireless card will find your network when it scans but not connect? I'm using nothing as far as encryption goes. | 11:53 |
harpette | BeepAU: you need to activet the -v option of lspci to see that | 11:53 |
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Jordan_U | tung, So, did you re-install Ubuntu? Are the nvidia drivers working now? | 11:53 |
tung | Jordan_U: yes =\ i used the "install nvidia driver manuallly' within envy and picked the 9755 one | 11:54 |
gnahhh | the-erm, iwconfig eth2 ap <put the mac address from the scan here> | 11:54 |
harpette | BeepAU: uh maybe not, i'm lost too | 11:54 |
BeepAU | rausb0 - -n says 00:10.1 0403: 10de:026c (rev a2) | 11:54 |
the-erm | thanks gnahhh | 11:54 |
gnahhh | np | 11:54 |
_filippo_ | hi i'm using evolution with a ssl crypted imap server.. each time i download emails it asks me to accept the certificate.. could i accept it permanently? | 11:54 |
Spliffster | felixhummel: for example if you ctrl+alt+backspace and you have an irc client running, it will not disconenct from the irc server. if you open it some seconds later again, it'll tell you that you are still logged in to the irc server (becasue the irc server never got a disconnect command). this is not so bad. but for example Firefox might refuse to start again, because a lock file is still on the disk. this can result in nasty problems | 11:54 |
Jordan_U | tung, Ahh | 11:54 |
felixhummel | i see | 11:55 |
gnahhh | who's the op in here? | 11:55 |
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tung | Jordan_U: bu ti need to turn off twinview ahhh | 11:55 |
harpette | !op | 11:56 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild or Amaranth | 11:56 |
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elkbuntu | harpette, explain? | 11:56 |
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elkbuntu | harpette, !ops is for emergencies only... /cs access #ubuntu list would show you the same | 11:57 |
fogobogo | well how (or where) can i change uhm...file assosiactions? | 11:57 |
harpette | elkbuntu: was asking the bot who the ops are, don't know if that worked | 11:57 |
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gnahhh | elkbuntu, i'm sorry maybe that was my fault i asked who the op was in here | 11:57 |
Jordan_U | fogobogo, right click, properties | 11:57 |
elkbuntu | gnahhh, in future use /cs access #ubuntu list | 11:58 |
harpette | elkbuntu: "/cs access #ubuntu" : "no such command" | 11:58 |
harpette | elkbuntu: ah, forgot list | 11:58 |
fogobogo | Jordan_U thanks again! | 11:58 |
elkbuntu | then replace /cs with /msg chanserv for those with silly clients | 11:58 |
Spliffster | fogobogo: in gnome, you can rightclick a certain file, choose properties and then go to the tab open wit. if the programm is not listed, rightclick the file again, open with other application, select application ... that's it. | 11:59 |
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fogobogo | Jordan_U sorry for bothering but whats stored in the .something folders? | 12:00 |
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fogobogo | Spliffster Thanks! | 12:00 |
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Spliffster | fogobogo: .filename is a hidden file | 12:00 |
Crazytom | elkbuntu, nevermind | 12:00 |
Spliffster | fogobogo: .directory is a hidden dir. usually used to store configuration data | 12:00 |
Jordan_U | fogobogo, Any file or folder starting with . is hidden, if its in your home folder it's probably your user prefs | 12:01 |
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opetznick | hi where i set ethtool options on startup? | 12:02 |
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fogobogo | so...if im going to delete the ones i dont have the prog for theres no drama? just the preferences and thins like that will be gone. | 12:03 |
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Spliffster | fogobogo: yes | 12:03 |
Spliffster | fogobogo: most programms are recreating missing prefs directories ... but thats not granted. | 12:04 |
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rausb0 | BeepAU: you need kernel module snd-hda-intel | 12:04 |
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harpette | fogobogo: oftentimes you'll have a password in there, so be careful | 12:04 |
fogobogo | thanks for the info! | 12:05 |
BeepAU | rausb0 - that was the first thing i tried. | 12:05 |
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harpette | rausb0: where do you look up cards by their pci ids? | 12:05 |
BeepAU | rausb0 - following the troubleshooting guide for sound on the ubuntu website. | 12:05 |
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Fracture | how can I make the name column in nautilus wider by default.. every time I open a nautilus window, the name column shrinks back down to a tiny width, and I have to manually make it larger. this is really annoying since there is always free space in the window | 12:06 |
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rausb0 | harpette: in /lib/modules/<kernelversion>/modules.pcimap | 12:06 |
eternaljoy | how can I run a FTP server on Edgy pls? | 12:06 |
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rausb0 | harpette: with grep of course | 12:07 |
harpette | rausb0: ty | 12:07 |
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Daverocks | eternaljoy: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Edgy#FTP_Server | 12:08 |
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frojnd | how can I run some application, that I get output? application -caption "%c" ?? | 12:08 |
eternaljoy | Daverocks: trhanks dude, you ROCK! | 12:08 |
jaggz- | where's my wireless file? I need my wep key and the wireless interface ***'s it out | 12:09 |
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Daverocks | eternaljoy: no problem ;) | 12:09 |
Daverocks | jaggz-: "wireless file"? | 12:09 |
jaggz- | I grepped through /etc/ but can't find the network id anywhere there (figuring it's in the same place) | 12:09 |
jaggz- | the network configuration file containing my wep key I should say, dave :) | 12:09 |
harpette | frojnd: application --help, or "man application" | 12:10 |
Spliffster | jaggz-: have you had a look at /etc/network/* ? did you grep -r ? | 12:10 |
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jaggz- | yeah, -r | 12:10 |
Spliffster | jaggz-: man iwconfig ... and check the FILES section (don't have it instaled here) | 12:11 |
jaggz- | hold on.. trying again.. something's weird | 12:11 |
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jaggz- | spliff, great, thanks. it's all because I can't find the little notebook where in which I wrote the key a couple years ago | 12:11 |
jaggz- | yeah, I somehow grepped wrong.. | 12:12 |
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Spliffster | jaggz-: yw | 12:12 |
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jaggz- | here it is in /etc/network/interfaces | 12:12 |
jaggz- | lesse if the key is there | 12:12 |
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lycangodofwar | can anyone tell me if there is a program for ubuntu that will turn a folder into an iso | 12:12 |
BeepAU | what makes alsa better than oss? | 12:12 |
jaggz- | it is. plaintext | 12:12 |
gmarin | SEVILLA | 12:12 |
jaggz- | lycangodofwar, I have been liking k3b | 12:13 |
BeepAU | lycangodofwar - can't you just use any burning program and burn to image? | 12:13 |
Spliffster | lycangodofwar: you can use any CD vburning software or mkisofs | 12:13 |
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BeepAU | lycangodofwar - i like gnomebaker | 12:13 |
lycangodofwar | well i'm not sure if the xbox will read the folder if i just burn it | 12:14 |
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thezenmaster | Does Beagle come pre-installed in GNOME? | 12:14 |
Spliffster | thezenmaster: not in edgy | 12:15 |
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Spliffster | thezenmaster: but installing it is a matter of seconds | 12:15 |
cd\gxr | has anyone ever gotten the xfire plugin for gaim to work | 12:15 |
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lycangodofwar | is there an iso mananging software that will atleast creat an iso from the folder | 12:16 |
thezenmaster | I installed it like they say in the site (added the beagle repo and then apt-get) | 12:16 |
BeepAU | i get very faint sound with oss out of my headphones. can anyone help me turn that into good sound from the headphones and speakers as well? | 12:16 |
larson9999 | lycangodofwar: most of them. | 12:16 |
thezenmaster | and also downloaded via synaptic all the packages | 12:16 |
Spliffster | lycangodofwar: any cd burning software, gnometoast, x-cdroast from to of the head | 12:16 |
thezenmaster | how do I start the Beagle GUI now? | 12:16 |
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lycangodofwar | ok thanks | 12:17 |
BeepAU | lycangodofwar -- do you want me to walk you through it? | 12:17 |
thezenmaster | it didn't install any icon | 12:17 |
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thezenmaster | oops... forget it, it's in the accessories | 12:17 |
Spliffster | thezenmaster: application > accesoirs > search | 12:17 |
Spliffster | thezenmaster: in gnome | 12:18 |
thezenmaster | yeah =p didn't really noticed | 12:18 |
thezenmaster | thanks anyway ^^ | 12:18 |
Spliffster | yw | 12:18 |
thezenmaster | oh but btw, can it index NTFS? | 12:18 |
thezenmaster | or just linux fs's? | 12:18 |
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Spliffster | thezenmaster: not sure, but i do not see a reason why not. | 12:19 |
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thezenmaster | ok i'll tell him to index my NTFS mount then | 12:20 |
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Spliffster | thezenmaster: yeah, just try. in case beagle needs write permission to store some info, you might want to use ntfs-3g (which gives write support for ntfs partitions) | 12:20 |
thezenmaster | sorry for the lack of knowledge but how can I see my cpu usage? (GNOME edgy) | 12:21 |
Spliffster | system > admin > system monitor | 12:21 |
Spliffster | or run gnome-system-monitor | 12:21 |
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lycangodofwar | can you create an iso with ark? | 12:22 |
thezenmaster | thanks, again! =D | 12:22 |
Spliffster | yw | 12:22 |
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BeepAU | lycangodofwar -- follow what i say and you'll get there, ok? | 12:22 |
Spliffster | lycangodofwar: don't think so, only opening iso | 12:22 |
Spliffster | lycangodofwar: you need to use a cd burning software. iso files contain a filesystem ... they are not just compressed files. but for transferring data ... why don't you just zip them ? | 12:23 |
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lycangodofwar | well the thing is i'm trying to burn a gamebackup for xbox | 12:24 |
lycangodofwar | its a folder full of files at the moment | 12:24 |
cypher1 | thezenmaster: top command.. | 12:24 |
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lycangodofwar | i have to turn the folder into an iso somehow | 12:24 |
swhalen | hello, could someone help me with compiz? | 12:24 |
cypher1 | thezenmaster: htop is a nicer one too | 12:24 |
Gurpartap | is there any guide on setting the boot loader/grub when installing windows XP after ubuntu edgy is already installed? :-) | 12:24 |
BeepAU | lycangodofwar -- do you want me to help you? this is the last line i'll type if you don't respond | 12:24 |
lycangodofwar | yea sure beepau | 12:24 |
thezenmaster | cypherl thanks i'll check it out ;) | 12:25 |
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jsaw | hi | 12:25 |
BeepAU | lycangodofwar -- ok, go into the terminal. type 'sudo apt-get install gnomebaker' | 12:25 |
cypher1 | Gurpartap: i think you better have a rescue/live cd so that you can boot into ubuntu after installing XP | 12:25 |
Spliffster | lycangodofwar: if you use gnome: `sudo apt-get install gnomebaker`. then use gnome baker to create a cd, but instead of burning write it to an iso file. | 12:25 |
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lycangodofwar | ok | 12:25 |
Gurpartap | cypher1, have it, and? | 12:25 |
BeepAU | lycangodofwar -- enter the password when prompted | 12:25 |
lycangodofwar | ok | 12:25 |
lycangodofwar | i got gnomebaker | 12:25 |
BeepAU | lycangodofwar -- tell me once it's installed | 12:25 |
BeepAU | ok. then open it | 12:25 |
jsaw | can somebody tell me how to avoid loading a module (pdc202xx) on Feisty/Beta on install? | 12:25 |
lycangodofwar | ok open | 12:26 |
cypher1 | Gurpartap: installing windows will overwrite your MBR, thereby you will lose the ability to login to ubuntu partitions | 12:26 |
ian_ox3 | hi all | 12:26 |
ian_ox3 | Can i pick someones brains for a min... The problem/inconvenience is: i use Vmware ware... and to run it each time, I have to open a Terminal and then type, Sudo /usr/bin/vmware then my password.. is there a way to make a script or a launcher which can do this for me? | 12:26 |
BeepAU | click data cd down the bottom | 12:26 |
lycangodofwar | or dvd? | 12:26 |
BeepAU | how bigs the folder? | 12:26 |
Spliffster | ian_ox3: are you using gnome ? | 12:26 |
lycangodofwar | 3gigs | 12:26 |
BeepAU | does xbox use cds or dvds? i forget | 12:26 |
ian_ox3 | yes | 12:26 |
BeepAU | ok, go dvd then | 12:26 |
Spliffster | ian_ox3: are you using vmware server ? | 12:26 |
lycangodofwar | well mine only reads dvds | 12:27 |
ian_ox3 | nope workstation m8 | 12:27 |
lycangodofwar | ok i got the data dvd | 12:27 |
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jsaw | any installation/boot guru around? | 12:27 |
BeepAU | in the browser at the top, go to the folder with you xbox game | 12:27 |
BeepAU | the browser within gnomebaker that is | 12:27 |
BeepAU | there? | 12:27 |
Spliffster | ian_ox3: ok. doesn't matter much. of course you can create a launcher. rightclick on the desktop, select create launcher. enter path to vmware bin. that's it | 12:27 |
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lycangodofwar | ok i got that | 12:28 |
Spliffster | ian_ox3: if you want to add it ot your applications menu, open `alacarte` and drag&drop the new launcher in the menu | 12:28 |
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ian_ox3 | Spliffster: when i do that it seems to open a fresh workstation (makes me do the agreement) | 12:29 |
Spliffster | ian_ox3: oh | 12:29 |
um_who2 | haha, it took me forever to recall how to use gaim to join this channel. | 12:29 |
Gurpartap | cypher1, and any guide to resetup the ubuntu boot loader into MBR | 12:29 |
BeepAU | ok, select all the files in the folder (if you want all of them) do this by clicking on the first, then holding down SHIFT and clicking the last | 12:29 |
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um_who2 | any ways morning guys | 12:29 |
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BeepAU | once you've got them all selected hit the add files button | 12:29 |
BeepAU | it's got a big blue + on it | 12:29 |
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um_who2 | How can one see all the daemons running ? | 12:30 |
cypher1 | Gurpartap: please check the links.. that may help u | 12:30 |
BeepAU | ya done that? | 12:30 |
Gurpartap | ok thx | 12:30 |
lycangodofwar | yea | 12:30 |
Spliffster | ian_ox3: are you running the vmware binary from another user (eg sudo vmware) if you run it on the command line ? | 12:30 |
BeepAU | ok, if everythings added click burn | 12:31 |
lycangodofwar | ok | 12:31 |
BeepAU | a window will pop up | 12:31 |
lycangodofwar | ok | 12:31 |
BeepAU | down the bottom select only create image | 12:31 |
lycangodofwar | just burn image? | 12:31 |
lycangodofwar | ok | 12:31 |
lycangodofwar | got it | 12:31 |
BeepAU | then choose where you wanna put it and name it | 12:31 |
lycangodofwar | creating the image thanks man | 12:31 |
BeepAU | your welcome | 12:31 |
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Spliffster | um_who2: gaim and irc ... this won't fly :D | 12:32 |
BeepAU | is it for the original xbox or 360? | 12:32 |
um_who2 | spliffster, what should i be using instead of gaim? | 12:33 |
um_who2 | after all it took me like 2 mins to recall how to use gaim to irc and get here. | 12:33 |
Spliffster | um_who2: gaim is nice for instant messagin. try to search the repos (apt-cache search irc) there are tons of clients. many like xchat. if you like the command line, ircII and especially irssi are great | 12:34 |
um_who2 | how about bitchx? | 12:34 |
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Spliffster | um_who2: not sure if bitchx is in the repo | 12:34 |
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um_who2 | oh. | 12:35 |
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Spliffster | um_who2: but if you like it ... many use it | 12:35 |
Spliffster | um_who2: bitchx is in the ubuntu repo | 12:35 |
um_who2 | if you have a root shell open and you do a ps shouldn't that show you all the processes and daemons running? | 12:35 |
Spliffster | um_who2: ps -a | 12:35 |
MikeCamel | looking for some help with a network interface not appearing on a hand-built kernel. anyone? | 12:35 |
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tarzeau | MikeCamel: which network card ? | 12:35 |
MikeCamel | ipw2200 | 12:36 |
Spliffster | um_who2: ps -aux | 12:36 |
MikeCamel | works fine under the standard kernel. | 12:36 |
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DiNi | hallo all | 12:36 |
MikeCamel | I get SET failed on device eth1 ; No such device. | 12:36 |
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Spliffster | MikeCamel: does ifconfig list eth1? is eth1 really your ipw2200 or might it be eth0 ? | 12:37 |
MikeCamel | no, ifconfig doesn't list it. eth0 is my ethernet, and it's fine. | 12:37 |
Spliffster | MikeCamel: if eth1 is your ipw2200 but not listed in ifconfig. try sudo ifup eth1 first | 12:38 |
Spliffster | or iwconfig fails | 12:38 |
MikeCamel | I've tried ifup eth1 | 12:38 |
DiNi | can you halp me about my problem with the sound with toshiba satellite l30-134 | 12:38 |
DiNi | ? | 12:38 |
MikeCamel | iwconfig doesn't show eth1 either. | 12:38 |
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MikeCamel | I'm getting an SIOCSIFADDR. the module's loaded, though. | 12:38 |
DiNi | ? | 12:39 |
Spliffster | MikeCamel: not sure where the problem is atm. first you must make sure that ifup eth1 works (you might try `ip` for manual setup) | 12:39 |
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MikeCamel | ifup eth1 doen'st work. | 12:39 |
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um_who2 | will iwconfig show if your nic is in promisicious (sp?) mode? | 12:39 |
comodo | yea man its an original xbox | 12:39 |
Ghrohn | When I installed Ubuntu, I set the resize partition to 16 GB....when I restarted, Ubuntu said the partition had 72 GB, and my Vista wouldn't boot, but appeared in the GRUB menu...what's happening? | 12:40 |
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um_who2 | hahah, it ate your vista | 12:40 |
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valehru | hey guys, | 12:40 |
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DiNi | can you halp me about my problem with the sound with toshiba satellite l30-134 | 12:41 |
valehru | Can someone give me a hand to try and setup phpmyadmin from the repo? | 12:41 |
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Ghrohn | I was reading that Ubuntu changes the MBR | 12:41 |
um_who2 | hi, valehru | 12:41 |
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Ghrohn | but I don't know how to configure GRUB | 12:41 |
valehru | um_who2, hey, im trying to login via phpmyadmin and I cannot login... | 12:41 |
MikeCamel | any more thoughts on the eth1 problem? | 12:41 |
Spliffster | MikeCamel: try $ sudo modprobe ieee80211 && sudo modprobe ipw2200 | 12:41 |
um_who2 | over my head, vale, sorry | 12:42 |
valehru | um_who2, however I can login via the username and password using :--- mysql -u root -p | 12:42 |
MikeCamel | they're both listed in lsmod | 12:42 |
DiNi | :( | 12:42 |
valehru | um_who2, | 12:42 |
Spliffster | MikeCamel: the ipw2200 module depends on the ieee80211 module. if it's not loaded, the ipw2200 module is not loaded eighter | 12:42 |
valehru | um_who2, np..thx | 12:42 |
Spliffster | MikeCamel: oh | 12:42 |
MikeCamel | that's what's confusing me. | 12:42 |
Ghrohn | Anybody know the settings in Ubuntu's installation to make sure it doesn't eat the native OS? | 12:42 |
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Ghrohn | I can't use Partition magic in Vista | 12:43 |
DiNi | can you halp me about my problem with the sound with toshiba satellite l30-134 my sound is not start | 12:43 |
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MikeCamel | syslog complains that dhclient can't bind the socket to the interface. | 12:43 |
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Spliffster | MikeCamel: might it be, that the binary firmware is corrupt, missing or not readable ? have you checked this site http://ipw2200.sourceforge.net/? they have the latest drivers and the binary firmware | 12:43 |
MikeCamel | dhclient: Bind socket to interface: No such device. | 12:43 |
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MikeCamel | well, I can boot into the stock kernel, and it works like a dream. | 12:44 |
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Spliffster | MikeCamel: ah .. you baked your won kernel ? | 12:44 |
MikeCamel | yup. | 12:44 |
Spliffster | *own | 12:44 |
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crdlb | MikeCamel, that never seems to turn out well on ubuntu, it just isn't designed for that | 12:45 |
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Spliffster | MikeCamel: ok, and have you recompiled ieee80211/ipw2200 or are you using the already installed modules ? | 12:45 |
Ulixes | hi | 12:45 |
DiNi | can you halp me about my problem with the sound with toshiba satellite l30-134 my sound is not start | 12:45 |
Ulixes | do you know something like gdesklets for xubuntu? | 12:45 |
um_who2 | DinI, who makes your sound card? | 12:45 |
torkel_ | is there possible to open up openvpn's bridges using network/interfaces? and is that promisc mode required? | 12:45 |
MikeCamel | dunno. I've got a new /lib/modules directory for them. | 12:45 |
crdlb | Ulixes, you could try adesklets | 12:45 |
DiNi | i install ubunto | 12:45 |
um_who2 | i realize it is in a toshiba but what brand is the sound card? | 12:45 |
Ulixes | thz | 12:45 |
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Spliffster | MikeCamel: don't listen to crdlb. use make-kpkg and module assistant and it works like a charme | 12:45 |
Ghrohn | Anybody know what partition settings to use to make sure Vista and Ubuntu can dual boot? Can I do it right in Ubuntu's installation? | 12:46 |
MikeCamel | what's the module assistant? | 12:46 |
DiNi | and | 12:46 |
DiNi | the sound is not start | 12:46 |
Spliffster | MikeCamel: apt-cache search module-assistant | 12:46 |
Ulixes | did not find.. | 12:46 |
lycangodofwar | can someone tell me how to share a network connection in ubuntu | 12:46 |
MikeCamel | and what does it do? | 12:46 |
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Ulixes | nothing more for xfce? | 12:46 |
DiNi | i do not knaw:( | 12:46 |
crdlb | Ulixes, adesklets.sf.net | 12:46 |
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DiNi | um_who2, | 12:46 |
Ulixes | ah | 12:46 |
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asy | how install konqueror install kubunut in ubunut ? | 12:47 |
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Spliffster | MikeCamel: it helps you compile modules for the active kernel. modules not included in the official repo but from universe/multiverse | 12:47 |
Ulixes | i ment in the repo | 12:47 |
asy | xen-kernel ? | 12:47 |
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um_who2 | that might be an issue, you might have to open up the box and see, maybe the manufactor has a driver for it | 12:47 |
Spliffster | MikeCamel: ipw2200 is not all gpl .. .since there is a binary software (c) by intel | 12:47 |
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um_who2 | but first you have to find out what and who makes the sound card | 12:47 |
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Ulixes | anyway thz | 12:47 |
um_who2 | do you know if the sound card ever worked? | 12:47 |
ferronica | how to open sources text file to fix problems | 12:48 |
Spliffster | MikeCamel: so the ipw2200 driver is not part of the official kernel sources therefore you can use moduleassistant to compile them after you have your kernel ... or let make-kpkg do the work | 12:48 |
MikeCamel | module-assistant wants something added to sources.list | 12:48 |
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Spliffster | MikeCamel: yup, this is a repo for the kernel modules (the non official/non free) | 12:49 |
MikeCamel | ah - didn't have multiverse in. should that do it? | 12:49 |
Spliffster | MikeCamel: might be ... can't remeber exactly. diff it ... it should have created a backup file | 12:49 |
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ferronica | Spliffster: hi | 12:49 |
Spliffster | ferronica: high | 12:49 |
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DiNi | my headgear work | 12:50 |
MikeCamel | still not finding it. | 12:50 |
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Spliffster | MikeCamel: well, you might want to use M-a to compile that ipw2200 module again and let it install in the right location. | 12:50 |
MikeCamel | won't let me, as it can't find the source it wants. | 12:51 |
Spliffster | MikeCamel: $ sudo module-assistant update && sudo module-assistant | 12:51 |
Spliffster | MikeCamel: if i remeber right | 12:51 |
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ferronica | Spliffster: that mounting didnt worked :( | 12:51 |
um_who2 | ok, this might be a retarded question but bear with me, how does one bring up and take down the apache daemon from the cli? | 12:51 |
Spliffster | ferronica: d'oh. | 12:51 |
MikeCamel | you can drop the "sudo" - I'm in root bash shell. | 12:51 |
Spliffster | MikeCamel: roger | 12:52 |
DiNi | um_who2, my headgear work but my build speakers not | 12:52 |
MikeCamel | still failing to find the source. | 12:52 |
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um_who2 | head gear = head phones? | 12:52 |
DiNi | yes | 12:52 |
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um_who2 | doesn't that headgear hook into your sound card? | 12:53 |
Spliffster | MikeCamel: is the ncurses interface starting up ? or do you get a starup error ? | 12:53 |
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MikeCamel | for what? module-assistant? I'm going through to asking it to get the source - that's when it fails. | 12:53 |
Spliffster | MikeCamel: ok | 12:53 |
frojnd | I can't play video with opera: http://www.elite-videos.com/?video=217 When I click on a black screen opera says that I have to install plugin for windows media player.. I don't have windows media player. What can I do to play this video? | 12:53 |
MikeCamel | UPDATE, then PREPARE, then SELECT (ipw2200), then GET | 12:54 |
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Spliffster | MikeCamel: have you multiverse enabled ? | 12:54 |
MikeCamel | yup. just did | 12:54 |
Amit`` | hey :) i have installed java-package but when i try to run fakeroot it gives me error command not found :( i wants to install JRE any any help ? | 12:54 |
Spliffster | MikeCamel: AFAIK multiverse in ubuntu is what debian calls non-free .. this is where m-a would look for the modules | 12:55 |
Daverocks | frojnd: you could download the wmv and then play it locally | 12:55 |
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DiNi | um_who2, when i can see my sound card | 12:55 |
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MikeCamel | exactly | 12:55 |
ferronica | Spliffster: by mistake i did something wrong | 12:56 |
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ferronica | Spliffster: help me to fix it | 12:56 |
Spliffster | ferronica: what do you mean by "mounting didn't work" ... were you able to transfer files or just unable to mount it as "block device" ? | 12:56 |
um_who2 | spliffster is a busy man | 12:56 |
ferronica | Spliffster: unable to do anything | 12:56 |
frojnd | Daverocks: I have installe w32codecs and VLC and I am still no able to play wmv on my comp... | 12:56 |
MikeCamel | I've got edgy main restricted multiverse in there. | 12:56 |
DiNi | um_who2, i do not knaw it is laptop | 12:56 |
Spliffster | ferronica: unfortunately i have no hardware here to test it. i can only tell what i did a year ago or os ... so you'll have to gogole a bit. you are on the right track ... | 12:57 |
Daverocks | frojnd: so even when you have the wmv as a local file (not viewing it in your browser), you can't play it? | 12:57 |
frojnd | Daverocks: yep | 12:57 |
ferronica | Spliffster: ok another thing | 12:57 |
um_who2 | frojnd, i found if you do all that and install gxaim you can, however, you have to right click on the video get the url and open as a murl in xgaim | 12:57 |
DiNi | about the problem is write in internet but i do not look at some resolve the problem | 12:57 |
um_who2 | i am sorry gxine | 12:58 |
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frojnd | um_who2: ok lemme try | 12:58 |
ferronica | Spliffster: in repositories Add-- Custom-- APT line | 12:58 |
Spliffster | MikeCamel: maybe you could check the ubuntu wiki on m-a .. this must be something ubuntu specific | 12:58 |
jadzor | hmm, anybody got experience with the live cd throwing an error 15 in grub after the install? | 12:58 |
ferronica | Spliffster: i have added two links | 12:58 |
Spliffster | ok | 12:58 |
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ferronica | Spliffster: Is there any way to delete or erase or undo bcoz when i click reload repo unable to update to update | 12:59 |
DiNi | um_who2, can you help me something or no | 12:59 |
Spliffster | ferronica: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list ... put a # in front of the lines you want to disable. then do a $ sudo apt-get update | 01:00 |
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ferronica | Spliffster: it show me following when i reload it --> Could not download all repository indexes | 01:00 |
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Spliffster | ferronica: might be that some servers are down ? | 01:01 |
frojnd | um_who2: erm I do as u suggest, No demxer found - stream format not recognised. | 01:01 |
um_who2 | DinI, no sorry :( | 01:01 |
ferronica | Spliffster: same error last 5 days | 01:01 |
frojnd | demxer = demuxer | 01:01 |
Spliffster | ferronica, MikeCamel: i'll be back in 5 minutes ... need some food. | 01:01 |
DiNi | um_who2, no problem | 01:01 |
MikeCamel | thx! | 01:02 |
ferronica | Spliffster: ok | 01:02 |
=== Peppery [n=peppery@203-109-243-5.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
um_who2 | Frojnd, i get that on some of the wmv files and on some i don't | 01:02 |
um_who2 | i am still pretty new to ubuntu so i just offered a little thing that worked for me | 01:02 |
frojnd | um_who2: withfirefox I can play such files with embedded mplayer | 01:02 |
frojnd | embadded* | 01:03 |
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um_who2 | i could never get firefox to play cool with wvm files with its embedded player. | 01:03 |
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um_who2 | i am in hopes that one day i will see someone ask that question and get a real answer that works for me | 01:04 |
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rambo3 | what embeded player , you mean mplayer | 01:04 |
um_who2 | yes | 01:05 |
clemyeats | a "real" answer :) | 01:05 |
um_who2 | i am sure there is a way to pick your embedded player for firefox, but i don't know how | 01:05 |
c5jr | mozplugger is no good? | 01:05 |
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um_who2 | let me define real so not to sound like an ass, real as in one that works for me. haha | 01:05 |
c5jr | i LOVE mozplugger for all of my ff needs (open music, movies, pdf, docs, you name it) | 01:05 |
clemyeats | it was a joke (real --> realplayer) | 01:06 |
c5jr | configurable | 01:06 |
latitude | is there a quicktime palyer for edgy? | 01:06 |
um_who2 | oh! | 01:06 |
um_who2 | haha | 01:06 |
jrib | um_who2: install the one you want. uninstall the one you don't want | 01:06 |
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jrib | !quicktime > latitude (latitude, see the private message from ubotu) | 01:06 |
um_who2 | how do you uninstall a player? | 01:06 |
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Spliffster | ferronica: can you do an apt-get update and then post the output into the pastebin and send me the url ? | 01:06 |
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Spliffster | MikeCamel: how's it going ? | 01:06 |
um_who2 | and surely you can have more than one but define whichever one you want for firefox? | 01:06 |
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jrib | um_who2: uninstall the package for it in synaptic or add/remove or apt-get or aptitude, etc :) | 01:07 |
Ulixes | how to extract a tar.gz file from console? | 01:07 |
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clemyeats | um_who2: yes, you link to the plugin in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins | 01:07 |
um_who2 | thanks | 01:07 |
rambo3 | um_who2: wasnt thet in some about:config | 01:07 |
ferronica | Spliffster: permission denied | 01:07 |
um_who2 | thanks again | 01:07 |
Spliffster | ferronica: sudo apt-get update, sorry | 01:07 |
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Ulixes | ? | 01:07 |
jrib | um_who2: not that I know of. There is a hackish way to do it... you can "touch" the files for the one you want and firefox will use the ones it believes to be most recent, but this isn't really that great. It's just better to rem ove the one you don't want | 01:08 |
MikeCamel | Spliffster - thanks for the help. something completely different in the end. I knew there was some firmware, but on doing a bit of digging, discovered that it needed it in a kernel-version-specific directory. | 01:08 |
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MikeCamel | created that, copied it across, and I have an uncle named "Bob" | 01:08 |
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ferronica | Spliffster: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12310/ | 01:08 |
Spliffster | MikeCamel: ok | 01:09 |
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brianski | whee beryl flies with a real graphics card :) | 01:09 |
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MikeCamel | thanks for all the help though - useful to know about module-assistant. | 01:09 |
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Fipppps | Hi.....I'm looking at a HOWTO to install Ubuntu.....when I resize the master partition, what does it do to my Vista partition? | 01:10 |
Spliffster | ferronica: if you are absolutely sure that no other program is accessing the lock file (eg. aptitude, synaptic is open) then you can remove the lock file with: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock | 01:10 |
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Spliffster | MikeCamel: yw | 01:10 |
um_who2 | rambo, you lost me | 01:10 |
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ferronica | Spliffster: i have opened the synaptic | 01:10 |
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rambo3 | ferronica: killall synaptic | 01:11 |
um_who2 | clemyeats, in the /usr/lib/firefox/plugins dir is there some file i should edit? | 01:11 |
um_who2 | or? | 01:11 |
Spliffster | ferronica: close synaptic and then run : sudo apt-get update; if it fails. pls pastebin the output again, will you? | 01:11 |
Fipppps | can someone help me with the Ubuntu partitions? | 01:11 |
ikonia_ | Fipppps whats the problem with partitions | 01:11 |
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Fipppps | Vista won't boot, but it's in GRUB | 01:12 |
ikonia_ | Fipppps whats the error message | 01:12 |
clemyeats | um_who2: remove the plugins you don't want in there | 01:12 |
clemyeats | um_who2: the totem stuff for instance | 01:12 |
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ferronica | Spliffster: just a second | 01:12 |
um_who2 | clemyeats, not to keep bothering you but what i don't see anything close to mplayer in there. | 01:12 |
Fipppps | either 18 or 22.....I used my recovery CD out of haste....I will have to install Ubuntu fresh anyway. | 01:12 |
clemyeats | um_who2: do you have the mplayer plugins installed ? | 01:13 |
um_who2 | it appears i have a ton of totem stuff | 01:13 |
ikonia_ | Fipppps I need the exact details | 01:13 |
ferronica | Spliffster: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12311/ | 01:13 |
Fipppps | when I am in the partitition resizer in the Ubuntu installation, will it do any damage to my Vista partition? | 01:14 |
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Spliffster | ferronica: all fine. it is just that you cannot use apt-get/aptitude or synaptics all at once. you can only use one program at t time | 01:14 |
ferronica | Spliffster: okay | 01:14 |
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ferronica | Spliffster: can you tell me any media monkey player in ubuntu | 01:15 |
clemyeats | um_who2: sudo apt-get remove totem-mozilla | 01:15 |
ikonia_ | Fipppps it may - but its unlikey if you do it right | 01:15 |
Spliffster | ferronica: media monkey ? | 01:15 |
clemyeats | um_who2: sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer | 01:15 |
ferronica | Spliffster: what we use in windows | 01:15 |
c5jr | do we not like mozplugger? | 01:15 |
clemyeats | um_who2: eventually add windows codecs. | 01:15 |
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Fipppps | So for example.....I have 85 GB free right now....so when I resize the disk to 65 GB I will free up 20 GB...and my Vista partition will be that respective size right? | 01:16 |
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um_who2 | i did all that win32cod.. installs | 01:16 |
ikonia_ | Fipppps it should do, but as I said there is always the potential for corruption | 01:16 |
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Spliffster | ferronica: i do not know. it's a matter of taste. personally i use totem (the default player) many ppl recommend mplayer (mplayer is a neat application especially mencoder) and many recommend vlc. try them you'll find your favorite. | 01:17 |
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latitude | im watching a trailer from apple but the problem is there's no volume? someone help pls? | 01:17 |
clemyeats | latitude: which plugin are you using? | 01:17 |
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ferronica | Spliffster: totem play mp3 ??? | 01:17 |
ferronica | Spliffster: Totem play mp3 and DVD rip movies ??? | 01:18 |
selinuxium | how can I search through text in recursive folders looking for a particular seed? | 01:18 |
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rambo3 | i bet it has grep | 01:19 |
Spliffster | ferronica: totem plays vide and maybe audio. if you want to rip dvd's you might want to install "dvd:rip" | 01:19 |
um_who2 | i removed totem, and then i went to watch a wmv and it said totem was missing a plug-in .. wth? | 01:19 |
clemyeats | um_who2: did you install mozilla-mplayer ?? | 01:19 |
asy | xen-kernel ? | 01:19 |
ferronica | Spliffster: i have DVD rip movies is there any way to convert them to VCD | 01:19 |
um_who2 | that's installed but i'd rather use gxine | 01:19 |
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Spliffster | ferronica: sorry, i do not know. | 01:20 |
ny83 | hmm is dvd::rip anywhere closer to dvdshrink, yet? | 01:20 |
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Spliffster | ferronica: you might want to try mencoder it's a commandline utility (extremely powerfull but also extremely complex) | 01:20 |
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ferronica | Spliffster: ok is there way to search mp3 players that are available ??? | 01:20 |
rambo3 | selinuxium: could it be grep -r text /dir | 01:21 |
rambo3 | !locales > rambo3 | 01:21 |
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Spliffster | ferronica: use "add/remove" in the main menu to search for userland applications. | 01:21 |
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Chai_Sangeen | okay i just got rid of 7 windows machine and replaced them with ubuntu any recommendation for file sharing ? smbfs or nfs? | 01:21 |
flanibus | a # full of some of the most patient people in the world :) much thanks to you despite answering my own question before I asked | 01:22 |
ikonia_ | Chai_Sangeen depends on your needs | 01:22 |
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Spliffster | Chai_Sangeen: afs or nfs. it gives you the possibility to use autofs. but if there are some windows boxen left you are better off with smbfs | 01:22 |
clemyeats | Feisty comes with Avahi, does that take care of file sharing between avahi-enabled boxes ? | 01:22 |
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Chai_Sangeen | Spliffster, no more window machine :) got rid of all those | 01:23 |
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ikonia_ | Chai_Sangeen NFS would potentially be your better option | 01:23 |
um_who2 | i totally lied i did not have mplayer installed | 01:23 |
ikonia_ | Chai_Sangeen it can be intergrated with nis/nis+/ldap much easier | 01:23 |
clemyeats | um_who2: well ... :) | 01:23 |
um_who2 | haha yeah! | 01:24 |
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clemyeats | it's not mplayer you need it's the plugin um_who2 ... if you don't like mplayer in the menus you can remove it from /usr/share/applications | 01:24 |
Spliffster | Chai_Sangeen: with nfs/afs you can use the same permissions across your network. thats a great benefit. but you must make sure that all uid/gids are the same across all the boxes. the simplest way to achive this is NIS ... nis is pretty outdated and insecure. you might want to look into an ldap (and maybe kerberos 5) solution. here on my page you'll find many links to howto's and documentations: http://swunderlin.googlepages.com/ | 01:25 |
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Chai_Sangeen | ikonia, okay let me remove the smbfs it's still not configured can u help me setting up the nfs? | 01:25 |
ikonia_ | Chai_Sangeen I can in about 25 minutes as I'm just leaving for lunch | 01:25 |
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Chai_Sangeen | ikonia, great ! :) | 01:25 |
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freepenguin | scusa una cosa: i database in MySQL in che cartella vengono salvati? non c il modo di salvarli in altre cartelle tipo sul Deksotp? | 01:26 |
lycangodofwar | can anyone tell me an easy way to share my internet connection | 01:26 |
Spliffster | freepenguin: #ubuntu-it | 01:26 |
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OrTigaS | how can make my resolution higher than 1024x768? | 01:26 |
um_who2 | cool, it works. | 01:26 |
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OrTigaS | ATI card | 01:26 |
OrTigaS | 6.10 | 01:27 |
um_who2 | thanks, clemyeats | 01:27 |
clemyeats | OrTigaS: try envy | 01:27 |
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OrTigaS | envy? | 01:27 |
clemyeats | um_who2: no problem | 01:27 |
clemyeats | OrTigaS: yes | 01:27 |
OrTigaS | lemme check that | 01:27 |
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clemyeats | OrTigaS: http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html | 01:28 |
soho | hello, after restart firefox all my extensions are gone, is there a way to recover them? | 01:28 |
soho | they are still in the extensions-folder but not shown anymore in firefox | 01:28 |
Chai_Sangeen | ikonia, will "sudo apt-get remove samba smbfs" complty remove all smbfs ? its a clean install so i want to make sure it stays clean.. | 01:28 |
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OrTigaS | clemyeats: ATI | 01:28 |
clemyeats | OrTigaS: yes | 01:28 |
OrTigaS | same? | 01:28 |
clemyeats | OrTigaS: supports both | 01:28 |
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OrTigaS | k | 01:28 |
rico2 | Hi | 01:28 |
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Spliffster | Chai_Sangeen: apt-get remove --purge ... makes sure evreything is removed | 01:29 |
Chai_Sangeen | Spliffster, thanx :) | 01:29 |
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rico2 | I need to transform a logo (jpg) into a nice vector-orientied png... which program would you suggest? | 01:29 |
clemyeats | rico2: gimp !!! | 01:30 |
Spliffster | no | 01:30 |
Spliffster | rico2: inkscape | 01:30 |
rico2 | ok. thx. heard about that one some time ago | 01:30 |
Spliffster | rico2: gimp is a pixel editing software | 01:30 |
bubbles | photoshop? | 01:30 |
clemyeats | rico2: inkscape is right if you want to make vector-oriented stuff. | 01:30 |
Spliffster | clemyeats: that's what he asked for ;) | 01:30 |
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rico2 | photoshop is not really an open-source... so it's not on my list :) | 01:30 |
clemyeats | Spliffster: yep... read to fast, got all excited.. sorry :) | 01:31 |
rico2 | no prob :) | 01:31 |
rico2 | first time in here... so.. nice that there are guys like you helping users instantly | 01:31 |
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Chai_Sangeen | ikonia, okay removed samba and smbfs completely with --purge switch thanx to Spliffster. where do i start now? | 01:31 |
clemyeats | rico2: well it's fun :) | 01:31 |
rico2 | clemyeats, ok... it's also fun for me playing around with ubuntu :) | 01:32 |
Chai_Sangeen | ikonia, please note the server is also my mythtv backend | 01:32 |
Spliffster | Chai_Sangeen: sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server; on the server. then edit /etc/export, restart the nfs server. done | 01:32 |
ferronica | Spliffster: right now i use VLC in windows too i use VLC | 01:32 |
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Spliffster | ferronica: ok then ... so you should feel like home in linux too :D | 01:33 |
=== saftsack [n=oliver@pd9e048b6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
saftsack | hi | 01:33 |
Spliffster | high | 01:33 |
saftsack | how to update from 6.10 to feisty fawn? | 01:33 |
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bill_ | anyone using amd64? | 01:33 |
saftsack | just adding the feisty mirrors to apt.conf? | 01:33 |
clemyeats | saftsack: no | 01:33 |
saftsack | sources.conf indeed | 01:33 |
ferronica | Spliffster: totem play DVD rip movies??? | 01:33 |
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saftsack | clemyeats, how? ^^ | 01:33 |
clemyeats | saftsack: let me find the link... | 01:33 |
saftsack | i can only find the isos in the wiki | 01:33 |
ferronica | Spliffster: or it need codecs | 01:33 |
bill_ | i keep getting corrupt .debs when i apt-get | 01:33 |
saftsack | ok thank you :) | 01:34 |
Spliffster | ferronica: i use totem to play dvd's and mpeg/wmv files | 01:34 |
saftsack | mplayer rocks | 01:34 |
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Spliffster | ferronica: totem doees nicely support dvd menues | 01:34 |
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clemyeats | saftsack: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades | 01:34 |
ferronica | Spliffster: i play DVD rip movies | 01:35 |
saftsack | clemyeats, thank you :) | 01:35 |
clemyeats | saftsack: no problem. | 01:35 |
Chai_Sangeen | Spliffster, okay first part is done... but i don't understand the "/etc/export" what do i edit? | 01:35 |
ferronica | Spliffster: i just draged one dvd-rip movie totem hangs | 01:35 |
larson9999 | i like mplayer and vlc but i think i like totem's ff plugin the best | 01:35 |
ferronica | Spliffster: So what to do??? | 01:36 |
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Spliffster | Chai_Sangeen: in the file /etc/exports you define, which directories are shared. for example add: "/home,async,no_root_squash,nohide)" if you want to share the home directories. the on another box miunt them with: mount mythbox:/home /home. the otherbox will now have all home directories from the mythbox | 01:36 |
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Spliffster | ferronica: i actually don't know. what file format is it, do you have propepr codecs installed ? | 01:37 |
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Spliffster | Chai_Sangeen: of curse you must change your network/netmask to your settings. | 01:38 |
soho | hello, after restart firefox all my extensions are gone, is there a way to recover them? | 01:38 |
soho | they are still in the extensions-folder but not shown anymore in firefox | 01:38 |
twiztr | Gah, Irssi has a rough learning curve. | 01:38 |
ferronica | Spliffster: it is .avi | 01:38 |
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ferronica | Spliffster: no codecs installed yet | 01:38 |
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shazzr | videos lag and got a green screen over it on my matrox g450 with feisty....any solutions? | 01:38 |
Spliffster | ferronica: sudo apt-get install w32codecs | 01:38 |
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Chai_Sangeen | Spliffster, okay i'll try that; the "/etc/export" is empty by default? just wanna make sure// | 01:39 |
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ferronica | Spliffster: Is this one is all in one like K-lite mega codec pack | 01:39 |
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lasking | quietO:-) | 01:40 |
Spliffster | Chai_Sangeen: yes it should be empty. i had a typo in my post it is /etc/exports (with an s at the end) | 01:40 |
lasking | who know my typo? | 01:41 |
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Spliffster | ferronica: this one adds w32 codcs .. a bunch of em at least. most mpge codecs are free and should already be instaleld on your computer | 01:41 |
lasking | tshirt to tshit=-O | 01:41 |
cd\gxr | hmm | 01:42 |
cd\gxr | new xserver update? | 01:42 |
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Chai_Sangeen | Spliffster, ohh okay no prob ill correct that... i was also wondering if i want to have the shares mount at login do i have to add them to the fstab? like smbfs? | 01:42 |
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lasking | upgrade is safe? | 01:43 |
Spliffster | Chai_Sangeen: yes right. just test it before, if it works add them to fstab. you can add them like a normal mount point but instead of a device you add: "hostname:/remote_dir" | 01:44 |
bubbles | safe? | 01:44 |
lasking | yes safe | 01:44 |
Chai_Sangeen | Spliffster, okay thanx for all the support ... let me try and report back... | 01:44 |
lasking | how do you think? | 01:44 |
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bubbles | i don't know | 01:45 |
Spliffster | Chai_Sangeen: good luck | 01:45 |
lasking | ... | 01:45 |
lasking | i'm not try | 01:45 |
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Chai_Sangeen | Spliffster, thanx :) | 01:45 |
bubbles | i doubt you can boot it | 01:46 |
lasking | this is my fourth install ubuntu! | 01:46 |
Spliffster | ferronica: check this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-79bfba9a0e96d62a622a47430239a1d49454c953 | 01:46 |
bubbles | just my guess | 01:46 |
Spliffster | Chai_Sangeen: als check: man exports; for more details on the export format | 01:46 |
lasking | so i'm not | 01:46 |
cd\gxr | i better be able to boot it | 01:46 |
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cd\gxr | damn it | 01:46 |
cd\gxr | i just installed it | 01:46 |
cd\gxr | >< | 01:46 |
lasking | really? | 01:46 |
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lasking | you restart? | 01:46 |
cd\gxr | no | 01:47 |
cd\gxr | i dont think i want to now | 01:47 |
cd\gxr | lol | 01:47 |
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idefix | hi! when try booting from the life cd the refresh rate for my monitor is set way to high, how do i fix that? | 01:47 |
lasking | restart and come here again:-D | 01:47 |
cd\gxr | what if i never come back | 01:47 |
cd\gxr | then i have to install 6.10 again | 01:47 |
cd\gxr | and upgrade to feisty | 01:47 |
cd\gxr | =[ | 01:47 |
Chai_Sangeen | Spliffster, ill check it out... | 01:47 |
lasking | backup your upgrade deb files | 01:48 |
cd\gxr | well | 01:48 |
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cd\gxr | my software index is broken now | 01:48 |
cd\gxr | that's cute | 01:48 |
bubbles | idefix: how did you know it's too high? | 01:48 |
lasking | wait your news:-D | 01:48 |
idefix | bubbles: cauz my monitor tells me | 01:49 |
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bubbles | can it speak? | 01:49 |
lasking | nvidia-config | 01:49 |
bubbles | O.o | 01:49 |
AtlanticBoy | Hello :-) . What is the version of gnome in ubuntu feisty ? | 01:49 |
cd\gxr | 2.6ish | 01:49 |
cd\gxr | i think | 01:49 |
cd\gxr | 2.18 | 01:49 |
cd\gxr | * | 01:49 |
lasking | 2.18? | 01:50 |
lasking | where to see it | 01:50 |
cd\gxr | system > about gnome | 01:50 |
lasking | finf | 01:50 |
AtlanticBoy | cd/gxr, ok :-) 2.18 . thank you | 01:50 |
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lasking | 2.180 | 01:50 |
cd\gxr | eh | 01:51 |
cd\gxr | i'm going to restart | 01:51 |
Spliffster | Chai_Sangeen: DISCLAIMER: the example for exports i gave you before, is a safe default to start, but it is not particularly secure. it's ok ok an internal network ... but so not use hese option on a public network | 01:51 |
cd\gxr | hopefully see you in about 15 seconds | 01:51 |
lasking | i have three version gonme kde ubuntu:-D | 01:51 |
lasking | good luck | 01:51 |
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cd\gxr | well | 01:52 |
cd\gxr | seems to work right | 01:52 |
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lasking | you spend 10 sends | 01:52 |
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lasking | not 15 | 01:52 |
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cd\gxr | lol | 01:52 |
Spliffster | (.)(.) <--- weee hooters :D | 01:53 |
lasking | (*)(*) | 01:53 |
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Spliffster | lasking: i like oyurs more | 01:53 |
cd\gxr | update manager is retarded | 01:53 |
jrib | Spliffster, lasking: please do that somewhere else, or better yet, no where | 01:53 |
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cd\gxr | wants me to install xserver ati drivers | 01:53 |
cd\gxr | and i have nvidia =\ | 01:54 |
Spliffster | jrib: ok ok ... a joke a day, keeps the doctor away | 01:54 |
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lasking | i want know what is this mean (*)(*) | 01:55 |
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bubbles | what does it mean? | 01:55 |
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saftsack | how many time will the update process take? | 01:55 |
=== Spliffster thinks it's not a good idea to try to find it out in this room, lasking | ||
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jrib | saftsack: what are you updating? | 01:56 |
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=== Spliffster thinks this rome has the no-pun bit set | ||
saftsack | 6.10 to 7.04 on an apple macbook | 01:56 |
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cd\gxr | saftsack, it took me about a half hour | 01:56 |
jrib | saftsack: probably a couple of hours depending on how much you have installed | 01:56 |
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saftsack | hmm, ok | 01:56 |
the-erm | I'm having a weird wireless problem. It's "iwlist wlan0 scan" just fine, but for the life of me I can't get it to connect to the router w/out dhcp. | 01:57 |
saftsack | does it restart the computer automatically? | 01:57 |
jrib | saftsack: no | 01:57 |
lasking | my english is very poor i'm 5years old:) | 01:57 |
cd\gxr | lol | 01:57 |
saftsack | ok ;) saves my life | 01:57 |
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umop | Hello can someone please help me HAL or smb client? My desktop takes AGES to load and will not mount smb shares immediatly. | 01:57 |
saftsack | because my macbook doesnt want to boot after no tricking with lilo | 01:57 |
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lasking | 1o1 means ? | 01:58 |
b0uncer | what's the channel for asking feisty-related questions? | 01:58 |
Twiztr | What file do I have to edit to allow root to log on ttl1 or whatever...? | 01:58 |
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Spliffster | b0uncer: #ubuntu+1 | 01:58 |
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cd\gxr | laugh out loud | 01:58 |
b0uncer | Spliffster, thanks | 01:58 |
lasking | +2 studio? | 01:58 |
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Twiztr | tty7* | 01:59 |
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binsir543 | kkkk | 02:00 |
binsir543 | ? | 02:00 |
binsir543 | 02:00 | |
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Twiztr | Its through like, securetty or something. | 02:01 |
ferronica | Spliffster: what is Gstreamer ?? | 02:01 |
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lasking | ... chinese | 02:01 |
=== PirateHead [n=PirateHe@ti500710a080-5912.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bubbles | is it? | 02:02 |
xX-ACID-Xx | just download vlc | 02:02 |
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xX-ACID-Xx | whats gd about feisty compared to edgy efT? | 02:02 |
IdleOne | !feisty | xX-ACID-Xx | 02:03 |
ubotu | xX-ACID-Xx: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 02:03 |
Spliffster | ferronica: i am not really into that multimedia thing, you know. | 02:03 |
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umop | Hello can someone please help me HAL or smb client? My desktop takes AGES to load and will not mount smb shares immediatly. | 02:03 |
xX-ACID-Xx | thanx | 02:03 |
ferronica | Spliffster: in which field are you?? | 02:03 |
Spliffster | ferronica: developer/sysadmin | 02:03 |
PirateHead | My ubuntu laptop boots, but when I try to log in, it routes me back to the login screen. If I boot to root using Grub's 'boot to terminal' mode, I can use startx to start GNOME. If I boot normally and choose to load KDE, it says something about not being able to load because there is no space left on the device. Any ideas? | 02:03 |
ferronica | Spliffster: great??? | 02:03 |
ferronica | Spliffster: great | 02:03 |
xX-ACID-Xx | o yeh what would be the best linux distro for setting up a media center? | 02:03 |
Spliffster | ferronica: nae boring! | 02:04 |
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Spliffster | ferronica: i am so bred to death that i am hanging out here and try to ... .ummm post hooters to get kicked :-P | 02:04 |
the-erm | xX-ACID-Xx: I think myth puts out a distro, but don't quote me on it. | 02:04 |
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xX-ACID-Xx | so mythtv | 02:05 |
ferronica | Spliffster: ok one thing ----> what dose it mean--> Repositories and then click Add. Check the Community maintained (Universe) and Non-free (Multiverse) boxes. | 02:05 |
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Spliffster | ferronica: http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/ explains what gstreamer is | 02:05 |
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ferronica | Spliffster: which one to enable | 02:06 |
OrTigaS | envy not working in me.... any other how to install ATI driver to my 6.10? | 02:06 |
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Spliffster | ferronica: if you enable the univers/multiverse repos you get a whole bunch more software trough apt-get. but this software is eighter not supported by ubuntu itself (you must rely on the community) or might not be free (as in freedom. ie. the source code is not available or the license restricts you in any way) | 02:07 |
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Chai_Sangeen | Spliffster, in the "" part do i just replace the with the machine if or e.g. | 02:07 |
Twiztr | How do I find out what terminal I am usign (tty1, tty2, etc) | 02:07 |
jrib | !ati > OrTigaS (OrTigaS, see the private message from ubotu) | 02:07 |
Spliffster | ferronica: i have enabled both, because i use software from both multi- and universe | 02:07 |
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Spliffster | Chai_Sangeen: right | 02:07 |
ferronica | Spliffster: there are many sources and binary | 02:07 |
OrTigaS | checking | 02:07 |
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ferronica | Spliffster: there are many others | 02:09 |
Spliffster | ferronica: yes ... and there are thousands of others available on the internet for unsupported software, check http://www.apt-get.org/ | 02:10 |
unixpaul | Hello, I am using a debootrap install of dapper. | 02:10 |
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unixpaul | On boot up I get: cannot create directory `/var/run/network': No such file or directory | 02:10 |
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unixpaul | just after it mounts / | 02:10 |
unixpaul | it then fails to bring up the loopback address | 02:10 |
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ikonia_ | unixpaul is var on a seperate partition (also whats debootrap) | 02:11 |
guillem101 | How can I disable Motif mouse/keyboard graps? I'm debugging a Motif app, and sometimes I get my desktop completely locked because Motif has grabbed the mouse. I've enabled AllowDeactivateGrabs at xorg.conf but it does not work | 02:11 |
unixpaul | it seems to be trying to create a file in /var/run/network before /var is even mounted | 02:11 |
ferronica | Spliffster: so how to install w32codecs via Repo or terminal | 02:11 |
unixpaul | ikonia - yes | 02:11 |
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Spliffster | ferronica: oh ... you are still at the codecs. you need multiverse. the install "w32codecs" eighter with apt-get or synaptics | 02:11 |
ikonia_ | unixpaul ok - that explains it that there will be no "run" dir in var if its not mounted to create "network" in /var/run - the question is what wants /var/run/network (I'd guess the networking init script) | 02:11 |
umop | Hello can someone please help me HAL or smb client? My desktop takes AGES to load and will not mount smb shares immediatly. | 02:12 |
unixpaul | debootrap is a way of installing a minimal debian (ok, Ubuntu) install over the network | 02:12 |
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unixpaul | ikonia - yes it must be, as without it, neworking does not come up right. | 02:12 |
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ferronica | Spliffster: i enabled the multiverse | 02:12 |
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unixpaul | is there a way to delay networking start until all partitions are moutned? | 02:12 |
zorglu_ | q. is there an ubuntu channel for people doing multimedia stuff ? | 02:12 |
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zorglu_ | unixpaul: play with /etc/init.d priority | 02:13 |
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Spliffster | zorglu_: chekc this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat#head-729211ea4fb3c5b535d3d8a533dbc007c8dbce14 | 02:14 |
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PirateHead | zorglu_ try #ubuntustudio -- it is frequently quiet, but it is the official ubuntu multimedia channel I think | 02:14 |
Chai_Sangeen | Spliffster, do i just use "sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-common restart" for nfs server restart | 02:14 |
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Spliffster | Chai_Sangeen: no you must use /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart; every time you change exports | 02:14 |
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ikonia_ | unixpaul well you should have var mounted as it walks through fstab before the init networking script - so check the fstab for errors in var or try mounting var manually to see if it has a problem. | 02:15 |
Chai_Sangeen | Spliffster, okay let me try that... thanks | 02:15 |
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lexual | is it possible to start ubiquity, and define which mirror to use for /etc/apt/sources.list ? | 02:15 |
Spliffster | Chai_Sangeen: i am not 100% sure if nfs-common is just used at system startup | 02:15 |
omeil | Hi, Can ubuntu's system sounds run .ogg files anyway? | 02:15 |
zorglu_ | PirateHead: i have been harshly removed from #ubuntustudio from the project leader himself, this channel is a -devel channel, aka not for users | 02:15 |
ikonia_ | unixpaul you could always do a "sleep 20" in the networking init script, but that really shouldn't be needed as /var should be mouonted first | 02:15 |
zorglu_ | Spliffster: thanks looking | 02:15 |
unixpaul | ok I'll check. it mounts /var/ normally later on | 02:15 |
Spliffster | yw | 02:15 |
Twiztr | Damnit. | 02:15 |
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unixpaul | ok thanks - I will check to see what order things are starting in in /etc/rc2.d/ | 02:16 |
ferronica | Spliffster: unable to install w32codecs | 02:16 |
unixpaul | is there some rc file which runs before it enters /etc/rc2.d/ ? | 02:16 |
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ferronica | Spliffster: Package w32codecs is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 02:16 |
Spliffster | Chai_Sangeen: on your server you can check which shares are exported with $ exportfs | 02:16 |
ferronica | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 02:16 |
ferronica | is only available from another source | 02:16 |
ferronica | E: Package w32codecs has no installation candidate | 02:16 |
Spliffster | ferronica: did you do an $ sudo apt-get update ? | 02:17 |
Twiztr | I added /dev/pts/0 to /etc/securetty | 02:17 |
zorglu_ | Spliffster: ok apparently there are no chanel for multimedia :( | 02:17 |
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Twiztr | and it still wont let me log in as root | 02:17 |
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zorglu_ | thanks for your answer anyway :) | 02:17 |
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Spliffster | zorglu_: seems so. i have heared that some guys are working on a multimedia ubuntu derivate .... i just can't remeber what it was called. | 02:18 |
Twiztr | any help? | 02:18 |
IdleOne | !w32codecs > ferronica | 02:18 |
ferronica | Spliffster: Yes | 02:18 |
Twiztr | its called mediabuntu | 02:18 |
Spliffster | does any one know what the name of the upcoming ubuntu multimedia distor is ? | 02:18 |
Twiztr | or easy ubuntu | 02:18 |
ikonia_ | Spliffster will it be made by ubuntu or based on ubuntu ? | 02:18 |
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IdleOne | !seveas > Ferret ( this repo has w32codecs ) | 02:18 |
Spliffster | ikonia_: IIRC it was announced by cannonical | 02:18 |
IdleOne | !seveas > ferronica ( this repo has w32codecs ) | 02:19 |
ikonia_ | Spliffster never heard of it | 02:19 |
zorglu_ | Spliffster: ubuntustudio ? | 02:19 |
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Spliffster | zorglu_: yes this sounds correct | 02:19 |
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zorglu_ | Spliffster: there is no user channel for it, only a devel channel, the channel is #ubuntustudio without -devel at the end | 02:20 |
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Spliffster | zorglu_: i'd start here http://ubuntustudio.org/ . they seem to be dedicated to video/audio processing. they are building a default kernel into ith with the real time patches, etc. this might be something for you. | 02:20 |
zorglu_ | Spliffster: and users are not allowed there, i painfully experienced it :) | 02:21 |
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Spliffster | zorglu_: well, try the devel channel and ask further .. .they have better knowledge i guess. | 02:21 |
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Spliffster | zorglu_: not all developers are grumpy old men like me :-P | 02:21 |
Spliffster | the don't byte ... | 02:22 |
zorglu_ | Spliffster: i did and was harshly dicouraged to talk there by the project leader himself | 02:22 |
Spliffster | sometimes ... :D | 02:22 |
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zorglu_ | Spliffster: maybe i could try again | 02:22 |
zorglu_ | Spliffster: btw http://ubuntustudio.org/ does not load properly on konqueror | 02:22 |
Spliffster | zorglu_: pick a women nick .. it often helps ... show them your hooters and you hae their attention .. muwhahaha | 02:22 |
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zorglu_ | Spliffster: hehe :) | 02:22 |
ikonia_ | guys - ubuntustudio is not an ubuntu product, perhaps better in "offtopic" or "##linux" | 02:22 |
ferronica | Spliffster: i need to make some changes in sources.list | 02:22 |
alexstacey | sorry bout the n00b question but google isn't being nice to me - how can i add myself to a group? i've just created a group using 'groupadd groupname' now i want to add myself to that group... any ideas? thanks | 02:22 |
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ikonia_ | alexstacey usermod | 02:23 |
Spliffster | ferronica: ok | 02:23 |
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Spliffster | ikonia_: don't panic ... we are done | 02:23 |
ferronica | Spliffster: what lines should i add??? | 02:23 |
umop | Hello can someone please help me HAL or smb client? My desktop takes AGES to load and will not mount smb shares immediatly, and going to home directory is unresponsive. | 02:23 |
ikonia_ | not panicing | 02:23 |
Spliffster | ferronica: don't know. | 02:23 |
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ferronica | Spliffster: deb [WWW] http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ dapper-seveas list_of_sections | 02:23 |
ferronica | deb-src [WWW] http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ dapper-seveas list_of_sections | 02:23 |
alexstacey | ikonia_ thanks, i found that but can't really understand the man page | 02:23 |
ikonia_ | alexstacey what don't you understand | 02:23 |
ferronica | IdleOne: which lines??? | 02:24 |
OrTigaS | yes!!!!!!!!!!! my resolution now is 1280x1024 @ 75hz........................... thanks peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 02:24 |
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Edlscior | hi | 02:24 |
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IdleOne | ferronica, you are using dapper or edgy? | 02:24 |
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ferronica | IdleOne: Dapper Drake 6.06 LTS | 02:25 |
Spliffster | ok ... i gotta go, killing hordes in BattleField 2142 ... so long. and thanks for all the fish! | 02:25 |
Edlscior | i'm prior to installing Ubuntu to complete a triple boot on a macbook system. I got OS X and Windows dual boot | 02:25 |
alexstacey | well i tried 'usermod -a groupname username' but that doesn't seem to be the right syntax | 02:25 |
Edlscior | any advicea | 02:25 |
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xX-ACID-Xx_ | hi how can i make my screen resolution 1680by1050? | 02:25 |
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ikonia_ | alexstacey what makes you think its usermod -a ? | 02:25 |
OrTigaS | niceeeeee | 02:25 |
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ikonia_ | alexstacey look at what -a is a sub flag of - "-G" | 02:26 |
IdleOne | ferronica, add to your sources list deb http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ dapper-seveas all and deb-src http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ dapper-seveas all then do sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get install w32codecs | 02:26 |
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guillem101 | nm, using Xnest is doing the trick | 02:26 |
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Seveas | IdleOne, won't work... | 02:27 |
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fredy | hi all | 02:27 |
IdleOne | Seveas, why not? | 02:27 |
ferronica | IdleOne: http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ | 02:27 |
alexstacey | ikonia_ - how can you tell it's a sub flag? | 02:27 |
ferronica | IdleOne: like this | 02:27 |
ikonia_ | alexstacey because it says so | 02:27 |
OrTigaS | hi now how do i uninstall this "envy"? | 02:27 |
tinctorius | I think libavformat/libavcodec is slightly broken; it doesn't seem to be able to recognise Smacker anymore. | 02:27 |
fredy | i want to detect my sound card on ubuntu, how can i do ? | 02:28 |
ikonia_ | alexstacey under the -G option it lists what it can do then says "blah blah - this can be done via -a" | 02:28 |
xX-ACID-Xx_ | hi how can i make my screen resolution 1680by1050 | 02:28 |
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ikonia_ | alexstacey basiclly usermod -G $primarygroup -g $secondarygroups $user will work | 02:28 |
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tinctorius | xX-ACID-Xx: edit your xorg.conf :) | 02:29 |
xX-ACID-Xx_ | how? | 02:29 |
fredy | xX-ACID-Xx_ : go to /etc/X11/xorg | 02:29 |
Pici | !fixres | xX-ACID-Xx_ | 02:29 |
ubotu | xX-ACID-Xx_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 02:29 |
alexstacey | ikonia_ - i see. i guess it helps if i rtfm! | 02:29 |
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xX-ACID-Xx_ | k thanx | 02:29 |
fredy | how can i found alsaconf on ubuntu ??????? | 02:30 |
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tinctorius | open a terminal and type it, fredy | 02:30 |
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tinctorius | Open the terminal by clicking "applications" > "accessoires" > "terminal" | 02:31 |
ikonia_ | alexstacey not to worry | 02:31 |
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tinctorius | and type "alsaconf" | 02:31 |
tinctorius | that'll do the trick | 02:31 |
tinctorius | err | 02:31 |
tinctorius | waaait | 02:31 |
tinctorius | :P | 02:31 |
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fredy | tinctprius: yes, but i have'nt this. i install alsa-bae and alsa-utils and alsa-tools. but can't find alsaconf. | 02:31 |
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tinctorius | that's odd | 02:32 |
tinctorius | alsa-utils should provide alsaconf... | 02:32 |
tinctorius | ah | 02:32 |
tinctorius | it appears to be removed from ubuntu | 02:32 |
fredy | :o No | 02:32 |
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fredy | so , so how can i detect my soudn card ? | 02:33 |
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fredy | mysound card is cs4245 | 02:34 |
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tinctorius | what does lspci say, fredy? | 02:36 |
lasking | 02:36 | |
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tinctorius | does it show your sound card? | 02:36 |
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lasking | who can see my word ? | 02:36 |
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tinctorius | I can | 02:36 |
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alexstacey | ikonia_ - thanks. that's done the trick =] | 02:36 |
fredy | tinctorius: my sound card on ISA | 02:36 |
tinctorius | ... ouch. | 02:36 |
tmjb | how to blacklist modules loaded from KMOD ? | 02:36 |
rapid | lasking, ? | 02:37 |
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lasking | what dows is means | 02:37 |
fredy | tinctorius: let me see my kernel. | 02:37 |
rapid | lasking, thats your word | 02:37 |
rapid | shrug | 02:37 |
rapid | you tell me | 02:38 |
lasking | what is mean' | 02:38 |
lasking | nobody know? | 02:38 |
rapid | its not a word | 02:38 |
lasking | not a word? | 02:38 |
tinctorius | ehm | 02:38 |
rapid | its chinese or something | 02:39 |
rapid | shrug | 02:39 |
tinctorius | means "immersion" or "being absorbed in" | 02:39 |
tinctorius | but it's not exactly the same | 02:39 |
rapid | rightio | 02:39 |
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cypher1 | does ubuntu has write capabilities to vfat filesystem by default ? | 02:39 |
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Seveas | cypher1, yes | 02:39 |
tmjb | cypher1, yes | 02:39 |
cypher1 | Seveas, i get a lot of panic messages in dmesg when i write to a vfat | 02:40 |
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lasking | or something? | 02:40 |
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Seveas | cypher1, boot to windows and check the filesystem | 02:40 |
gyates | In trying to get wireless working on my HP laptop, I followed suggestion a few days ago from someone here to Broadcom BCM4311 documentation page with ndiswrapper. I am new to this stuff so I am unsure exactly what is wrong. It seems as though the software is OK, but the hardware is not active. The hardware works when I boot to WinXP. | 02:40 |
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cypher1 | Seveas, its a mp4 player i have connected through USB | 02:40 |
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rapid | !wireless | gyates | 02:40 |
ubotu | gyates: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 02:40 |
tinctorius | Fredy, does dmesg show anything? | 02:41 |
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tmjb | cypher1,what errors you get | 02:41 |
harry_ | How come the Ubuntu Live CD doesn't have propreitary codecs on it ? | 02:41 |
xX-ACID-Xx_ | just use vlc | 02:42 |
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rapid | why does the sun come out and go down ? | 02:42 |
Seveas | harry_, because they are proprietary :) | 02:42 |
tmjb | hehe | 02:42 |
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tinctorius | I've tried to play SMK (Smacker) files from Dungeon Keeper using xine and mplayer, but both applications don't recognise the format. When I run mplayer in double verbose mode, it seems that libavformat (which should support smacker) doesn't know Smacker either. Is ffmpeg broken or stripped down in Ubuntu? | 02:43 |
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cypher1 | tmjb, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12317/ | 02:43 |
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berkes | any hardware gurus here who can help me locate borken hardware? Something causes frequent kernel panics. But I have no idea what logfiles to grep, or tail, etc. | 02:44 |
tmjb | cypher1,do not use UTF8 | 02:44 |
tinctorius | Or is LAVF/LAVC not part of ffmpeg? :P | 02:45 |
ubuntu_ | I need to set up lilo on a hdd where grub wont start up. having loads of probs with grub, but not sure about installing lilo fromn a runnig live cd - can I chroot to the hard drive & install lilo from there? is it safe? | 02:45 |
cypher1 | tmjb, i have to unmount and mount manually again right ? | 02:45 |
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mjr | cypher1, do use utf8, it's the sane choice despite that warning, and has nothing to do with those panics | 02:46 |
rapid | ubuntu_, installing lilo from live cd should be fun, I normally install to MBR and have no probs | 02:46 |
rapid | berkes, try a memtest maybe | 02:46 |
amarillion | ubuntu_, this is not an answer to your question but have you tried the super grub disk already? It helped me with grub problems in the past | 02:46 |
hejaasasd | Anyone know a bit about hardware, how much PSU watts do I need for 3,2ghx celeron with onboard, gpu lan & usb and only 3 harddisks in? is 300W enough? | 02:46 |
berkes | rapid, what tool should I use for that? | 02:46 |
rapid | !memtest86 | 02:46 |
rapid | !memtest | 02:46 |
mjr | cypher1, as for my guess on the panics, the filesystem on your device is probably broken. Suggest re-fromatting it | 02:46 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about memtest86 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:46 |
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mjr | cypher1, or at least using some repair utility | 02:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about memtest - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:47 |
cypher1 | mjr, looks like removing utf-8 solved it | 02:47 |
rapid | berkes,not sure if its included with ubuntu, but you can download it and burn it . | 02:47 |
ubuntu_ | rapid - I'm getting error messages when I try because i'm not on the hdd - also, i a bit noob - lost a hdd trying to get grub working following a howto... :( | 02:47 |
tinctorius | hejaasasd, 300W doesn't sound very stable with that configuration (I'm not an expert though). | 02:47 |
tinctorius | err | 02:47 |
cypher1 | mjr, i unmounted and mounted it again manually and it worked | 02:47 |
tinctorius | I mean | 02:47 |
tinctorius | sufficient | 02:47 |
tmjb | cypher1,that should do it buy you have to specify encodning ,but i looks like your driver has bad blocks try to check it with scandisk in win surface test ? | 02:47 |
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berkes | rapid: there is a tool on the install CD of ubuntu. I ran it, but it told me nothing useful. | 02:48 |
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hejaasasd | tinctorius: well with only onboard gpu? I thought hd only drew 30W or something | 02:48 |
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cypher1 | tmjb, mjr ok! thanks :) | 02:48 |
berkes | does anyone know what to look for when performing a memory test? | 02:48 |
rapid | berkes, theres a program called memtest | 02:48 |
rapid | berkes, if the memorys bad it will tell you. | 02:48 |
berkes | okay, thanks. | 02:49 |
tinctorius | Hmmm... but you also said three HDDs :P | 02:49 |
hejaasasd | tinctorius: I have 400W in my main computer and its running all games at 1920x1200 with 8800gts and 1 hd | 02:49 |
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tinctorius | hmmmz | 02:49 |
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ubuntu_ | rapid: and chroot is confusing me a bit - If I want the system to think I started up on /dev/hdb2 do I chroot to the home dir I want or the / or what? (feels a bit like I need 5 mninutes of handholding - or maybe just a bit of confidence... dont want to lose another hdd/mbr | 02:49 |
=== lynucs [n=lynucs@rz02.HS-Karlsruhe.DE] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ferronica | i am unable to install w32codecs :( | 02:50 |
tinctorius | *mumble* I already told you, I'm not an expert :P *mumble* | 02:50 |
newb22881 | when installing ubuntu I set eth0 to be DHCP, I now need to give it a static IP - I can see scripts in /etc/network but is there a non-X sort of netconfig type program to change it ? | 02:50 |
tinctorius | And why are you unable to do that, Ferronica? What errors do you get? | 02:50 |
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hejaasasd | tinctorius: Its currenylt running perfekt at 350W . but I kinda need to swap that psu into another computer which cannot run with only 300w | 02:50 |
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LadyNikon | newb22881: admin > networking | 02:50 |
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moeller2000 | Hi there, can anyone help me with an error when trying to boot the ubuntu cd? | 02:51 |
rapid | !ask | 02:51 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 02:51 |
lynucs | what error | 02:51 |
Frogzoo | newb22881: you only need to change the settings in /etc/network/interfaces | 02:51 |
newb22881 | :q | 02:51 |
tinctorius | I see. Well, I'm not sure, hejaasasd, but personally, I wouldn't really trust such a config with only 300W :P | 02:51 |
moeller2000 | "bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off" | 02:51 |
rapid | ubuntu_, not too sure about chroot. | 02:52 |
lynucs | o_O | 02:52 |
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ubuntu_ | rapid - is there another way to lilo-install from the live version? | 02:52 |
moeller2000 | Does anyone know about this issue when booting from a fresh ubuntu-cd: "bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off" ? | 02:52 |
rapid | moeller2000, we already seen your question. | 02:52 |
lynucs | moeller2000: which machine? and which cd? | 02:52 |
hejaasasd | tinctorius: how can I test it.. just plug the 300W in and start it.. ? | 02:52 |
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rapid | ubuntu_, If lilo is included on the live cd. then you can install it. | 02:53 |
lynucs | which version i mean (edgy? dapper? | 02:53 |
moeller2000 | My machine is a medion laptop, intel 1500 mhz, 512 mb ram, ati graphics | 02:53 |
moeller2000 | fresh cd downloaded from ubuntu.com 10 mins ago | 02:53 |
tinctorius | I wouldn't do that, unless you're willing to replace the fuse in the PSU if it's too much... | 02:54 |
lynucs | moeller2000: did you try your cd on any other machine already? | 02:54 |
moeller2000 | yes | 02:54 |
lynucs | did it work? | 02:54 |
moeller2000 | no prob | 02:54 |
tinctorius | Risking the oh so dangerous "shock hazard" etc. etc. etc. | 02:54 |
lynucs | moeller2000: sec | 02:54 |
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rapid | ubuntu_, if you can get to a liloconfig menu, it should be straight forward as long as you read it all carefully. | 02:55 |
hejaasasd | tinctorius: normally the fuse wouldnt burn.. my other pc which needs this psu just restarts cause its low on watts | 02:55 |
ferronica | IdleOne: i added them to my sources list | 02:55 |
ferronica | IdleOne: gettin error | 02:55 |
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fredy | tinctorius: sorry, the module of isa n the kernel was not install, but i install them, i must restart system. to see .thanks | 02:56 |
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tinctorius | fredy: good luck | 02:56 |
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nethreeo | Where can I find 64-bit drivers for my SAPPHIRE X1950GT? | 02:56 |
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moeller2000 | lynucs: I am trying on a third computer now | 02:56 |
moeller2000 | lynucs: another laptop. | 02:57 |
ferronica | anyone here using W32Codecs in ubuntu 6.06 Dapper drake??? | 02:57 |
ferronica | i wanna to install w32codecs | 02:57 |
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tinctorius | hejaasasd: are you sure that's a feature of the PSU and not the motherboard? | 02:57 |
ferronica | to play Dvix Movie , mp3 etc | 02:57 |
Frogzoo | !codecs | ferronica | 02:57 |
ubotu | ferronica: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:57 |
OrTigaS | where can i get tutorial in installing jre6? | 02:57 |
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rapid | OrTigaS, google is great | 02:58 |
Frogzoo | !jre | 02:58 |
Frogzoo | !java | 02:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about jre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:58 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 02:58 |
hejaasasd | tinctorius: no idea.. but its a feature of the mobo, then the other computer should have the same features as its much newer | 02:58 |
hejaasasd | tinctorius: or ..? | 02:58 |
pilot779 | help please privat | 02:58 |
OrTigaS | rapid: i ask here | 02:58 |
rapid | OrTigaS, read up | 02:58 |
ubuntu_ | rapid - ok - put another way, I have lilo installed, (sorry - my fault) - it's the actual liloconfig that wont work from the live cd. (more apologies - i was misleading) | 02:58 |
lynucs | moeller2000: its a hardware prob | 02:58 |
moeller2000 | lynucs: meaning? | 02:58 |
lynucs | maybe caused by a sata hd | 02:58 |
OrTigaS | rapid no! you said google!@ | 02:58 |
lynucs | maybe try another kernel | 02:58 |
=== CharlieChester [n=hadron@e179195114.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
moeller2000 | lynucs: So I can't get ubuntu? | 02:59 |
lynucs | moeller2000: what happens if you press ctrl+c? | 02:59 |
rapid | ubuntu_, whats wrong with lilo then? | 02:59 |
tinctorius | hejaasasd: if it's a PSU-feature, then it's okay. if it's a documented motherboard feature, find it in the documentation (:P) | 02:59 |
CharlieChester | what should I be looking up to have two ubuntu machines on my lan doing file sharing in a GUI browser? | 02:59 |
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pilot779 | guys from were can i found kmobile ? | 02:59 |
lynucs | moeller2000: you can | 02:59 |
lynucs | :) | 02:59 |
tinctorius | if it's an undocumented feature, but the motherboards are in the same product series etc. | 02:59 |
tinctorius | then I guess it should be okay | 02:59 |
tinctorius | but I'm not sure, of course :P | 02:59 |
moeller2000 | lynucs: Hmm, I am trying to boot on an older laptop now, it seems to be working | 03:00 |
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moeller2000 | lynucs: I will get back to you in five minutes, when I have the cd again, so I can try with the other laptop (the one I want linux on) | 03:00 |
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core1 | Hi | 03:00 |
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pilot779 | HELP ? | 03:00 |
CharlieChester | Anyone? Do I need samba for ubuntu-ubuntu lan? What should I use? | 03:00 |
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core1 | Is it possible to save a passwort for a specified ssh account ? | 03:00 |
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lynucs | moeller2000: maybe an older /newer kernle would help.. wait a sec, i'm trying to check it out | 03:01 |
ubuntu_ | rapid - if i bot from the live cd (cant getm into my ubuntu install) and i run liloconfig, then it thinks I;m trying to install lilo on the live cd. I cant seem to get it to use the hdd to instal to... | 03:01 |
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CharlieChester | corel : google up id_dsa and authorized_keys | 03:01 |
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tinctorius | That's probably the worst translation of "Leaving out" (or something like it) ever | 03:01 |
rapid | ubuntu_, once you've booted from the livecd, to access your install use, "mount /dev/hdax /mnt" | 03:01 |
CharlieChester | ,networking | 03:01 |
ubuntuEdgy | i have this stupid computer that wont turn off when i use ssh to run it off | 03:02 |
CharlieChester | is there a bot online? if so how to invoke? | 03:02 |
MachineH3d | I need some help | 03:02 |
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LadyNikon | MachineH3d: not gonna get it just saying i need help | 03:02 |
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LadyNikon | CharlieChester: !ubot | 03:02 |
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MachineH3d | lol | 03:02 |
Toma- | !caps | 03:02 |
ubotu | PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 03:02 |
LadyNikon | CharlieChester: what are you looking for? | 03:02 |
CharlieChester | !ubot networking | 03:02 |
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Daemonik | Would a bad CMOS battery prevent a laptop from coming out of suspend properly? | 03:02 |
LadyNikon | !networking | 03:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubot networking - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:02 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about networking - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:02 |
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hejaasasd | tinctorius: on www.storagereview.com even the most heavy scsi harddrives only pull about ~20Watts.. lets say I might pull 70W then. that leaves 230W for the psu, cpu and lan card.. shouldnt that be more than enough? | 03:03 |
moeller2000 | heh, linux is only free if time has no value :P | 03:03 |
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LadyNikon | CharlieChester: what are you trying to do | 03:03 |
CharlieChester | LadyNikon: best way for networking two ubuntu machines on lan. gui file browsing etc. | 03:03 |
rapid | its free meaning open source, not free of charge. | 03:03 |
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LadyNikon | CharlieChester: together.. or just getting them both on the net? | 03:03 |
gary | Quick question. In gnome my sound card works, but in Fluxbox it doesn't. Any ideas how to start the sound server? | 03:03 |
CharlieChester | i already do ssh in command shell and sshfs. But want dekstop browsing too. | 03:03 |
tinctorius | hejaasasd: how much does a motherboard want? (no idea) | 03:03 |
Daemonik | rapid, What's Free as in your Freedom not price? | 03:03 |
Toma- | gary: youll want esd running | 03:04 |
CharlieChester | a lan. together. | 03:04 |
rapid | CharlieChester, maybe fish | 03:04 |
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moeller2000 | lynucs: If I press ctrl+c it just jumps one line down | 03:04 |
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Toma- | gary: pop open a terminal and run 'esd &' | 03:04 |
LadyNikon | CharlieChester: oh | 03:04 |
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MachineH3d | well i installed ubuntu the other dual boot with vista day and it installed fine on my laptop but when i try to run it it gets the the log in screen and the sound in the background sounds like a scrached cd or a broken record and i enter my user id and pass and it kinda just locks up and wont boot any further | 03:04 |
CharlieChester | is there no standard networking approach for ubuntu machines in the same workgroup or lan?? | 03:04 |
tinctorius | I guess it should be able to make it, hejaasasd, but be very careful :P | 03:04 |
gary | Toma-: I did that, but it says it is already running | 03:04 |
portofu | where is the xdm config? i need to change default WM | 03:04 |
rapid | CharlieChester, fish is like a gui frontend to ssh. | 03:04 |
LadyNikon | CharlieChester: sorry i dunno about that one | 03:04 |
LadyNikon | MachineH3d: what version of ubuntu? | 03:05 |
bh | CharlieChester: what do you mean? If you use sshfs then you can use nautilus | 03:05 |
MachineH3d | edgy | 03:05 |
bh | CharlieChester: ...to copy files | 03:05 |
MachineH3d | i think thats what its called | 03:05 |
Toma- | gary: wow. weird :/ | 03:05 |
gary | Toma-: fixed it, no volume - d'oh! | 03:05 |
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CharlieChester | bh : correct. But I want to go in through "Places" vis the network icon. If you see what I mean. | 03:05 |
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LadyNikon | MachineH3d: so.. 6.10 | 03:05 |
MachineH3d | 6.10 | 03:05 |
CharlieChester | its not for me. its for "another user". .... | 03:05 |
MachineH3d | yeah | 03:05 |
ubuntu_ | rapid, I'm needing to be more than mounted into my ubuntu partition. I still have the same error message... /etc/fstab config is unionfs - it doesn't recognise it as a block device. | 03:05 |
=== Camaxtli [n=Anton@h177105.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bh | CharlieChester: sorry not exactly... | 03:06 |
moeller2000 | lynucs? | 03:06 |
victor- | i'm having a problem with dpkg refusing to uninstall a package... it gets stuck on "subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 3" | 03:06 |
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victor- | is there some way i can manually delete this package (ejabberd)? | 03:06 |
CharlieChester | there is an ssh option in the network setup thing but it doesnt want to work for some reason. | 03:06 |
bh | CharlieChester: if you mount a dir using sshfs you can bookmark it in nautilus but... | 03:06 |
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rapid | ubuntu_, i'm not sure i still follow. | 03:06 |
AtlanticBoy | I'm having problems installing ubuntu feisty - desktop cd (beta). The splash screen gives place to CLI and shows the following message : BusyBox ... /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off | 03:06 |
LadyNikon | MachineH3d: i wonder does 6.10 not like being dual botted.. cause it lags on mine as well | 03:06 |
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CharlieChester | yes. I know about bookmarks, thats not what i want though. I want a GUI approach which will login in on its own via the gui browser. | 03:07 |
LadyNikon | !sound | 03:07 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 03:07 |
rapid | CharlieChester, are you on kde? | 03:07 |
CharlieChester | places/conneco to server for instance | 03:07 |
CharlieChester | gnome | 03:07 |
newb22881 | hi on my new ubuntu install when I ssh in and use VI - in insert mode and use the arrow keys it enters ABCD instead of moving around, it works fine locally at the term though any suggestions? | 03:07 |
=== Spectrum [n=spectrum@c-75-75-125-237.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
voorhees86 | any body can help, i install kubuntu, and mi system frozeen on a black screen | 03:07 |
LadyNikon | MachineH3d: check those links as far as sound is concerned.. maybe something got screwed | 03:07 |
=== Spectrum is now known as Spectrum` | ||
hejaasasd | tinctorius: I dont want it to be unstable.. but I cant figure out what all those watts are used for.. Its a celeron D btw.. arent they very low on power usage? | 03:08 |
rapid | newb22881, check your clients settings | 03:08 |
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bh | CharlieChester: and you're saying that the 'connect to network' using ssh in the places menu does not work or? | 03:08 |
AtlanticBoy | Any suggestion related with that issue ? | 03:08 |
CharlieChester | btw just for general info, just got beryl working on feisty. Feisty is shaping up to be one hot distro. | 03:08 |
LadyNikon | MachineH3d: was it ubuntu working fine before vista or both are new? | 03:08 |
MachineH3d | like i cant even get as far as showing the desktop in ubuntu it just kinda stops responding after i try and log in | 03:08 |
eXistenZ | What ATI cards are fully compatible with linux? | 03:08 |
CharlieChester | bh, correct. freezes. | 03:08 |
=== Diakon_drako [n=ubuntu01@czv34.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LadyNikon | MachineH3d: and that happens every time? | 03:08 |
eXistenZ | or at least ubuntu | 03:08 |
CharlieChester | brb | 03:08 |
LadyNikon | eXistenZ: i would google video card linux | 03:08 |
rapid | eXistenZ, imo use nvidia | 03:08 |
newb22881 | rapid I ssh to various boxes its just this new ubuntu ones causing the issue, am using putty currently | 03:08 |
Pici | !hardware | eXistenZ | 03:08 |
ubotu | eXistenZ: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport | 03:08 |
Spectrum` | eXistenZ: I just got my X800 workin using tuts I found on Google | 03:08 |
MachineH3d | both are new ts a new laptop | 03:08 |
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MachineH3d | that happens everytime yes | 03:09 |
LadyNikon | MachineH3d: ouch | 03:09 |
rapid | newb22881, I had a problem like that.. | 03:09 |
voorhees86 | any body can help, i install kubuntu, and mi system frozeen on a black screen | 03:09 |
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rapid | newb22881, the other machines work from? | 03:09 |
LadyNikon | MachineH3d: hmm | 03:09 |
rapid | newb22881, fine even | 03:09 |
MachineH3d | like all i can see is that brownish orangish background color and a curser that moves and thats is and the sound is like a broken record like it wanted to play the startup sound | 03:09 |
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rapid | voorhees86, umm, reboot? | 03:10 |
LadyNikon | MachineH3d: never gets better? just sticks to that? | 03:10 |
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ubuntu_ | rapid: liloconfig seems to work on the system I booted up on (live), not on the hdd. I need it to think that its in the system on the hdd to make it act on the hdd & install lilo there. I can't boot into the hdd ubuntu install , so liloconfig doesnt want to work for me... It's frustrating, and I cant find any help documented - it all seems to need me to boot from the hdd.... that make sense? | 03:10 |
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MachineH3d | i tried live cd first and that never workes so i though well ill try installing it maybe something is wrong with my cd drive | 03:10 |
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AtlanticBoy | I'm having problems installing ubuntu feisty - desktop cd (beta). The splash screen gives place to CLI and shows the following message : "BusyBox ... /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off." Is there a solution? | 03:11 |
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Pici | AtlanticBoy: #ubuntu+1 for Feisty support please. | 03:11 |
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rapid | ubuntu_: can you boot to the system, mount the cd and copy lilo over? | 03:11 |
bh | CharlieChester: not a solution, but you could try using samba instead. | 03:11 |
rickjones | hi. anyone know how or where i can get codecs to play the windows wmv format. i tried vlc and it's reporting it can't find anyt codecs. | 03:11 |
rambo3 | AtlanticBoy, bad cd | 03:12 |
rapid | !codecs | rickjones | 03:12 |
ubotu | rickjones: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:12 |
AtlanticBoy | Pici, thank you my friend | 03:12 |
cliebow_ | i've deleted my bottom panel so i cant see what is running when minimized..how can i get it back? | 03:12 |
guillem101 | Which package contains manpages for OpenGL functions (gluLookAt(), ...) ? | 03:12 |
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rambo3 | cliebow_, add new panel | 03:12 |
Pegasos989 | Heya. Could someone help me to configure microphone in Ubuntu? It works on windows so no hardware problems or broken mic. When I try to speak in skype test call on ubuntu, the mic doesn't seem to record | 03:12 |
rambo3 | or to top panel | 03:12 |
AtlanticBoy | rambo3, do you mean... bad ISO? | 03:12 |
rapid | Pegasos989, is it muted? | 03:12 |
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MachineH3d | if i remove ubuntu how would i get rid of grub loader and go back to windows vista boot loader | 03:13 |
mribas | hola | 03:13 |
ubuntu_ | rapid - I cant boot to the system. getting lilo is no problem... am I missing something silly here? | 03:13 |
trond | hmm Is it impossible to set an alias for 'ls' in ubuntu? The entry goes like this: alias ls='ls -a --color=always -F -h | grep '/' | sort ; ls -F | grep -v '/' | sort' | 03:13 |
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rambo3 | !md5 > AtlanticBoy | 03:13 |
rapid | MachineH3d, put in the windows cd and install. | 03:13 |
cliebow_ | rambo3:appreciate the answer to a dumb question... | 03:13 |
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albacker | anybody uses xvidcap ? and had any problems? like starting and than freezing ? [or is it because of feisty ? ] | 03:13 |
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MachineH3d | but i dont wanna reinstall over my current version | 03:13 |
Pegasos989 | rapid: atleast not in mic's own switch. Is it muted in ubuntu as default for some reason | 03:14 |
portofu | n/m.... found it. just need to add .xsession | 03:14 |
Pici | MachineH3d: Use the Windows Installer Recovery console and run fixmbr | 03:14 |
rambo3 | trond, why woulden't it be | 03:14 |
MachineH3d | thanks Pici | 03:14 |
guillem101 | wow, they are missing :-(( | 03:14 |
Pici | MachineH3d: That will restore your master boot record to defaults so that the windows bootloader should take over | 03:14 |
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trond | rambo3: You tell me, all aliases do work except the one for ls :) | 03:14 |
rapid | ubuntu_, you've lost me sorry. | 03:14 |
MachineH3d | perfect thats what i wanted to know | 03:14 |
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rambo3 | trond :p maby its not correct command | 03:15 |
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cliebow_ | rambo3:minimized panels dont show up.. | 03:15 |
rapid | ubuntu_, can you mount the system, and copy liloconfig to it? | 03:15 |
rapid | ubuntu_, from the livecd | 03:15 |
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bh | CharlieChester: or if you're connecting locally you could have a look at the avahi/zeroconf stuff. It's pretty cool | 03:16 |
rickjones | thank you rabid, i will try this suggestion | 03:16 |
rambo3 | cliebow_, right click on pannel and click on add . i dont have gnome so ask somone who does | 03:16 |
cliebow_ | thanks | 03:16 |
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jrib | trond: yes | 03:17 |
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jrib | trond: I mean, no. It *is* possible | 03:17 |
CharlieChester | bh: thanks. but all i wanted was a simple network browser :( | 03:17 |
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NaPsTeR_ | how do i use a backup of my xorg.conf file? | 03:17 |
trond | jrib: Some bogus in my command. In #linux they told me to ls() { /bin/ls -a --color=always -F -h | grep '/' | sort ; ls -F | grep -v '/' | sort; } | 03:17 |
=== deep [n=deep@c-922a71d5.017-19-626c671.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trond | and put it into my bashrc | 03:17 |
jrib | trond: alias works fine too | 03:18 |
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rapid | NaPsTeR_, its probably called xorg.conf.back, or similar, you put it back in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 03:18 |
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rapid | NaPsTeR_, i'd first back up your current 1. | 03:18 |
bronze_0_1 | heh. trond is channel; switching after getting one little pice from each channel. In other words he has no idea what he is doing. | 03:18 |
rickjones | ok, do i need to do anything else ? the wmv codecs are installed but don't seem to be working, ie, i can not see the video | 03:18 |
bronze_0_1 | "Help Vampire Alert!" | 03:18 |
RoundyT1 | i need help adding a stock ticker ....anyone wanna help? | 03:18 |
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NaPsTeR_ | i made a backup and then screwed something up...now i need to put it back but i cant...it wont let me rename the backup | 03:18 |
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rapid | NaPsTeR_, you'll have to use sudo | 03:19 |
Menasim1 | how can I change an icon of file | 03:19 |
Menasim1 | .php | 03:19 |
rambo3 | trond, it works in tilda , i dont know about gnome-terminal | 03:19 |
NaPsTeR_ | i know | 03:19 |
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Menasim1 | ? | 03:19 |
NaPsTeR_ | but i dont know the rename command | 03:19 |
rapid | NaPsTeR_, use mv | 03:19 |
AtlanticBoy | Is it possible to install feisty from the console, since it fails to load the the live-cd ? | 03:19 |
AtlanticBoy | from^ | 03:19 |
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rambo3 | !install | AtlanticBoy | 03:20 |
ubotu | AtlanticBoy: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate | 03:20 |
AtlanticBoy | rambo3, thank you | 03:20 |
=== Assax [n=assax@dslb-084-059-006-128.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | AtlanticBoy: use the alternate cd. File a bug if you beleive it is one | 03:20 |
claviola | does anyone know if there is a legacy nvidia driver for those who are stuck with older nvidia cards? | 03:20 |
claviola | (I mean, a legacy nvidia driver package) | 03:21 |
dauoalagio2 | i think it's nvidia-legacy | 03:21 |
dauoalagio2 | not sure | 03:21 |
moeller2000 | I get "bin/ssh: cn't acces tty; job control turned off" - please help :S | 03:21 |
dyrne | claviola: there is not sure of exact name | 03:22 |
dauoalagio2 | claviola: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=nvidia-legacy&searchon=names&subword=1&version=edgy&release=all | 03:22 |
claviola | just did an apt-cache search as well, but thanks mang. | 03:22 |
dauoalagio2 | claviola: yeah there are more. | 03:22 |
Menasim1 | how can i change the icon of .php | 03:23 |
Menasim1 | ? | 03:23 |
=== Kresjah [n=a@ti231210a080-10257.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rickjones | if the 32codecs aren't being installed, or if gst-inspect doesn't see them, is there a way to "refresh " ? | 03:24 |
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rickjones | or reload the registry | 03:24 |
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rambo3 | they are bineries , i think they are just unpacked as they are | 03:25 |
luttappi | hi All | 03:25 |
luttappi | I'm new here | 03:25 |
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=== shaY [i=jkhkjf@chello213047100236.7.12.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rapid | hi. | 03:25 |
dauoalagio2 | Menasim1: what? | 03:25 |
luttappi | When I install ubantu, I get the message "Setting up console font and keymap" | 03:26 |
luttappi | and it hangs there | 03:26 |
rickjones | !gstreamer | 03:26 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gstreamer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:26 |
luttappi | can someone help please | 03:26 |
claviola | hmm, okay, nvidia-legacy does have an older nvidia module, but it is a lot older than it needs to be in my case | 03:26 |
mike1o | when is the next stable release coming out? | 03:26 |
=== nexeus [n=nexeus@host81-132-48-252.range81-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Artemis3 | mike1o, april... | 03:26 |
rambo3 | !install | luttappi | 03:26 |
ubotu | luttappi: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate | 03:26 |
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claviola | I have been running feisty, and the version of nvidia.ko that comes with linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-13-generic refuses to support my geforce4 mx4000 anymore | 03:27 |
=== claviola sighs | ||
luttappi | Ah, thanks guys.. lemme try | 03:27 |
Artemis3 | claviola, something for #ubuntu+1 ? | 03:27 |
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ph1zzle | morning all | 03:27 |
Artemis3 | yo | 03:28 |
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Chai_Sangeen | ikonia, okay i managed to mount the nfs share to my laptop i want to automount it using the fstab can u help me out? | 03:30 |
dauoalagio2 | is there a tray icon for Evolution? | 03:30 |
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ph1zzle | I have a question I hope someone can help me with, I have edgy with an amd64, according to packages.ubuntu, the only package I can install that will have pg_config for postgresql is libpq-dev but I get errors trying to install it, it says it relies on such and such package but then it won't install that package, when I try to install that package it says it relies on such and such package but won't install that one | 03:30 |
jacksmith | is wpa for wireless not going to be supported on the network manager in feisty fawn? | 03:30 |
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Pici | !fiesty | jacksmith | 03:31 |
ubotu | jacksmith: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 03:31 |
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rambo3 | ph1zzle, do you have multiverse and backports enabled | 03:31 |
rickjones | !gstreamer | rickjones | 03:31 |
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Hobbsee | jacksmith: wpa is supported, works fine, else i wouldnt be connected. | 03:31 |
=== Hobbsee wonders where people hear this rubbish... | ||
jacksmith | i installed the beta and it wasnt there, only WEP | 03:32 |
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=== ph1zzle double checks | ||
Hobbsee | jacksmith: use network-manager | 03:32 |
jacksmith | where's that? | 03:32 |
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Hobbsee | jacksmith: in your menu. should be. | 03:32 |
nutterpc | mixing while nixing.......makes the heart grow fonder | 03:32 |
Hobbsee | not sur ewhat it's called for you - i dont run gnome | 03:32 |
jacksmith | i didnt see any other network managers besides the one i was using | 03:32 |
jacksmith | and the only options were WEP ones | 03:33 |
ph1zzle | yes I do have those too but I made a mistake, this server is running daper | 03:33 |
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dauoalagio2 | ph1zzle, what are you running? edgy or dapper? | 03:33 |
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rambo3 | ph1zzle, so you mixed packages from both | 03:33 |
rambo3 | do a full dist upgrade | 03:33 |
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ph1zzle | dapper on this one server, no I didn't mix packages but I have about 6 ubuntu servers in my office and I thought this one was edgy | 03:34 |
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jacksmith | well the one they have on gnome didnt have WEP | 03:34 |
dauoalagio2 | how come Gnome 2.18 is out but only 2.16 is in the repo's? | 03:34 |
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steven43126 | In ubuntu 6.10 where is the samba3.schmea file for LDAP ? | 03:34 |
jacksmith | i mean WPA | 03:34 |
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rickjones | ok, i'm confused, vlc is supposed to play everything out of hte box, why am i having this wmv issue ? | 03:35 |
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jacksmith | maybe i should use kde | 03:35 |
dauoalagio2 | rickjones, w32codecs might solve that | 03:35 |
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Spliffster | rickjones: vlc plays wmv once you have instaleld the propper codecs. | 03:36 |
rickjones | i agree, but i can not get them to register with the system that they are there | 03:36 |
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Hobbsee | dauoalagio2: because 2.6.18 will be in feisty | 03:36 |
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rickjones | i washoping some one could help me out with that ? | 03:36 |
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Feelfiesty | Hiya ppl | 03:37 |
dauoalagio2 | Hobbsee, 2.18 not 2.6.18 | 03:37 |
rambo3 | !info postgresql dapper | 03:37 |
dauoalagio2 | Hobbsee: unless it's the same. | 03:37 |
ubotu | postgresql: object-relational SQL database management system (transitional). In component universe, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 6 kB, installed size 44 kB | 03:37 |
dauoalagio2 | Feelfiesty: it should be FeelingFeisty :P | 03:38 |
britt | is this the area for 64-bit questions too? | 03:38 |
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ph1zzle | ok, how do I force install a debian pakage? | 03:39 |
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ph1zzle | .deb ? | 03:40 |
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NaPsTeR_ | is it possible 2 upgrade 2 the new ubuntu without formatting? | 03:40 |
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Hobbsee | dauoalagio2: sorry, 2.18 was what i meant | 03:40 |
Hobbsee | NaPsTeR_: yes | 03:40 |
britt | well, i'll just jump into my question...I have 64-bit ubuntu installed on my system (FX60). I'd lke to be able to play movies and use fplas, but I am not intrested in using 32-bit apps.... | 03:40 |
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Hobbsee | ph1zzle: sudo dpkg -i *.deb adn fix any dependancy errors. | 03:40 |
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ubuntus | hi friends | 03:41 |
NaPsTeR_ | if i get the beta version of 7.04 will i b able 2 upgrade 2 the real version when it is out without a hassle | 03:41 |
ph1zzle | Hobbsee, How do I force it? | 03:41 |
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Pici | Hobbsee: I'm not sure if that command will do what ph1zzle wants it to do. | 03:41 |
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rambo3 | ph1zzle, dpkg -h | 03:41 |
void^ | britt: use nspluginwrapper for flash. can't get around using the 32bit flash plugin, but won't have to use 32bit firefox at least.. | 03:41 |
ph1zzle | wow, -h has more then the man page | 03:42 |
ubuntus | i am not open .rar file package | 03:42 |
NaPsTeR_ | and will it use a lot of bandwith? | 03:42 |
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Pici | !rar | ubuntus | 03:42 |
ubotu | ubuntus: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 03:42 |
britt | void^: is there a walkthrough for it available? | 03:42 |
rickjones | success ! by deleteing the registry folders for the media players, when i reloaded them , they rebuil;t the files WITH my codecs installed. | 03:42 |
rickjones | thanks for hte help guys & gals | 03:42 |
ubuntus | thanks Pici | 03:42 |
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Hobbsee | ph1zzle: forcing really isnt a good idea, unless you know what you're doing... | 03:42 |
Hobbsee | Pici: true that. it may not | 03:42 |
Pici | NaPsTeR_: If you are concerned with using a lot of a bandwidth, then the beta isnt for you. I get about maybe 50 updates a day for it. You'd be better off waiting for the release if its an issue. | 03:43 |
void^ | britt: yes, just google a bit. should find a few howtos. it was a little painful to get it working on my system. | 03:43 |
rambo3 | ph1zzle, try fisrt : aptitude update && aptitude -f install | 03:43 |
ph1zzle | Hobbsee, a kernel developer friend of mine custom made me this package months ago and assured me to force it, it worked fine but now I have to re install it | 03:43 |
NaPsTeR_ | when will the release be out | 03:43 |
Pici | NaPsTeR_: Scheduled for April 19th | 03:43 |
ph1zzle | rambo3, it's a headless server | 03:43 |
NaPsTeR_ | kewl | 03:43 |
rickjones | will ubuntu be released with beryl soon ? | 03:44 |
Hobbsee | ph1zzle: see dpkg -h for the required options | 03:44 |
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NaPsTeR_ | prob is how do i install da new version without formatting? | 03:44 |
ph1zzle | I am looking, thanx | 03:44 |
Hobbsee | rickjones: yes, feisty. it's installable with a click. not on the cd though | 03:44 |
Hobbsee | NaPsTeR_: dist-upgrade | 03:44 |
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Hobbsee | !dist-upgrade | NaPsTeR_ | 03:44 |
rickjones | feisty has a one click option ? | 03:44 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dist-upgrade - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:44 |
rickjones | very cool. thx | 03:44 |
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Spliffster | !tell rickjones about codecs | 03:45 |
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rickjones | Hobbsee, if he doesn't change his repositories, will dist-upgrade still work ? | 03:45 |
NaPsTeR_ | wats dist-upgrade? | 03:45 |
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rambo3 | ph1zzle, meaning what ? you dont login to server and run commands or what? | 03:46 |
muddy | Can I break in here and thank everyone that helped me resolve all my issues. Especially Pelo, he took a lot of time last night to get things right. Plus everyone else and their help got me fixed. Thanks | 03:46 |
Hobbsee | rickjones: no. that was supposed to be !upgrade, too. danr it | 03:46 |
dauoalagio2 | NaPsTeR_: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 03:46 |
KurtKraut | NaPsTeR_, are you trying to upgrade ubuntu from what version to what version ? | 03:46 |
Hobbsee | !upgrade | NaPsTeR_ | 03:46 |
ubotu | NaPsTeR_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 03:46 |
ph1zzle | rambo, aptitude is a gui application, is it not? | 03:46 |
rambo3 | no | 03:46 |
Hobbsee | !dist-upgrade is <alias> upgrade | 03:46 |
ubotu | I'll remember that, Hobbsee | 03:46 |
rambo3 | !aptitude | ph1zzle | 03:46 |
ubotu | ph1zzle: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide | 03:46 |
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Spliffster | philip: aptitude is a ncurses (terminal) gui | 03:46 |
KurtKraut | ph1zzle, aptitude may act as apt-get, but smarter. | 03:46 |
ph1zzle | long story short I checked before I typed and it doesn't exist on this dapper install | 03:46 |
RoundyT1 | what's the command to un-zip a .zip file? | 03:46 |
Pici | ph1zzle: Synaptic is the gnome apt front end | 03:46 |
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=== ph1zzle has always used apt-get | ||
Spliffster | ph1zzle: synaptic is a gnome gui | 03:47 |
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dyrne | RoundyT1: wait for it.. | 03:47 |
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Spliffster | ph1zzle: doesn't hurt to use apt-get | 03:47 |
Hobbsee | apt-get's better if you dont know what you're doing | 03:47 |
dyrne | RoundyT1: unzip | 03:47 |
RoundyT1 | dyrne, wow, im a douche | 03:47 |
RoundyT1 | dyrne, lol | 03:47 |
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jenny_ | can some one help me disable a network connection | 03:47 |
Pici | !ohmy > RoundyT1 | 03:47 |
RoundyT1 | pardon my language | 03:47 |
LadyNikon | jenny_: admin > network > disable one of them | 03:48 |
opiumB | hello does anyone know how to bridge a dsl network to a windows virtualbox.org | 03:48 |
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jenny_ | ladynikon: will that disable it forever | 03:48 |
Spliffster | jenny_: or unplug it :-P | 03:48 |
jenny_ | It is a usb to usb mother board connection | 03:48 |
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berkes | I just ran the memtest86+ once and it found no errors. So it seems my Ram is allright. | 03:48 |
LadyNikon | jenny_: until you reenable it | 03:48 |
LadyNikon | it should | 03:49 |
berkes | does anyone know a trick to test other hardware, such as the video card? | 03:49 |
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jenny_ | I was thinking that I needed to disable the connection in a config file. I will try the admin trick | 03:49 |
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pablo__ | hola, no se si alguien habla espaol, ubuntu no me deja adir ningun programa al inicio. laguna idea? | 03:49 |
berkes | something keeps causing kernel panics, but I don't know where to look. | 03:49 |
Pici | !es | pablo__ | 03:49 |
ubotu | pablo__: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 03:49 |
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fogobogo | Hi! Just curious whether a firewall would make sense. I took a look at the web but some say no some say yes. If one is needed a few suggestions would be fine. | 03:49 |
drunk_monkey | im having trouble installing ubuntu on my pc, who can help me? | 03:49 |
jenny_ | thanks to all of those that have helped. | 03:49 |
abel_ | pablo__: #ubuntu-es | 03:50 |
Toma- | how do you use physical hardrives with qemu? | 03:50 |
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pablo__ | muchas gracias abel_ | 03:50 |
lazar | hello | 03:50 |
AzMoo | The latest version of PHP in my repos is 5.1.2, but I need 5.2.0 at least. Is there a way I can upgrade this? | 03:50 |
NaPsTeR_ | if i get the alternate install cd to update with then can i also install from scratch with it? | 03:50 |
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abel_ | pablo__: de nada oab | 03:51 |
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AzMoo | NaPsTeR_, sure. | 03:51 |
rapid | fogobogo, of course a firewall makes sense. | 03:51 |
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rambo3 | !info qemu.launcher | 03:51 |
ubotu | Package qemu.launcher does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas | 03:51 |
NaPsTeR_ | so it works the same as a live cd just with extra stuff? | 03:51 |
rapid | fogobogo, its the start of a secure connection. | 03:51 |
rambo3 | !info qemu-launcher > rambo3 | 03:51 |
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KurtKraut | AzMoo, the most safe way to do that is compiling the newest version by yourself | 03:52 |
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moeller2000 | !ask | 03:52 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 03:52 |
lynucs | moeller2000: are you there? :) | 03:52 |
moeller2000 | lynucs: yes | 03:52 |
Pici | NaPsTeR_: The Alternate CD is not a LiveCD, its a textmode installer for computers that may have issues running the GUI LiveCD. | 03:52 |
KurtKraut | AzMoo, *safest | 03:53 |
lynucs | moeller2000: it seems you have a controller not supported by the kernel | 03:53 |
fogobogo | which one rapid. iheard of firestarter but this one doesnt seem to startup with the pc. iptables is in the ubuntu guide but i have no idea how to use it. | 03:53 |
Chapayev | can someone give me a clue about setting up a logitec webcam w/ 6.06?? | 03:53 |
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rambo3 | Toma-, i use qemu-launcer from debian | 03:53 |
KurtKraut | AzMoo, are you sure do you need such a new version ? | 03:53 |
lynucs | moeller2000: how old/new is your notebook | 03:53 |
lynucs | or pc | 03:53 |
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Toma- | rambo3: thanks. just googled it | 03:53 |
Chapayev | do i need ndiswrapper? | 03:53 |
coffeegrindah | does someone know where I can grab software for my ActivCard? (usb smartcard key) I know theres a client, but am I gonna have to grab it from my company? | 03:53 |
rapid | fogobogo, firestarter is a frontend to iptables, iptables howto or firestarter howto | 03:53 |
NaPsTeR_ | i dont have issues running the live cd but i want 2 upgrade 2 machines and install from fresh on another...so i must get the alternate cd? | 03:53 |
NaPsTeR_ | right? | 03:53 |
Toma- | Chapayev: you need to compile the driver. the one in dapper is busted | 03:53 |
rapid | Chapayev, do you have a usb device, thats not working, that you need to get working? | 03:54 |
fogobogo | do you think itll be ok with this rapid | 03:54 |
Toma- | Chapayev: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=453021 | 03:54 |
rapid | fogobogo, with what? | 03:54 |
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fogobogo | iptables rapid | 03:54 |
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NaPsTeR_ | ?? | 03:55 |
lynucs | moeller2000: can you write ANY commands in the console? | 03:55 |
rapid | !iptables | fogobogo | 03:55 |
ubotu | fogobogo: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 03:55 |
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fogobogo | allright. | 03:56 |
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wizard123 | hello | 03:56 |
tidrion | need a vnc client for ubunutu drapper | 03:56 |
LamerC | Is there a midi loopback for ubuntu (something like MIDI-Yoke)? | 03:56 |
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tidrion | any thoughts? | 03:56 |
wizard123 | can i download ubuntu patches for gnome? | 03:56 |
NaPsTeR_ | am i right? | 03:57 |
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KurtKraut | AzMoo, Feisty uses PHP 5.2.1 version... but are you sure do you need such new version of PHP ? | 03:57 |
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smiley_ | question: how to install rpm packages ? | 03:57 |
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KurtKraut | smiley_, have you checked if there isn't a .deb package of the software you want to install ? | 03:58 |
smiley_ | yes | 03:58 |
rapid | !rpm smiley_ | 03:58 |
ubotu | rpm: Red Hat package manager. In component main, is optional. Version 4.4.1-9.1ubuntu0.1 (edgy), package size 586 kB, installed size 3444 kB | 03:58 |
yotux | similey : use alien if you must | 03:58 |
smiley_ | can't find it | 03:58 |
|sharky| | Ubuntu 7 is Ubuntu Feisty ? | 03:58 |
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rambo3 | !alien | smiley_ | 03:58 |
ubotu | smiley_: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 03:58 |
Pici | |sharky|: 7.04 is Feisty Fawn. | 03:58 |
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smiley_ | KurtKraut, trying to find gaim 2beta6 | 03:58 |
KurtKraut | |sharky|, Ubuntu 7.04 | 03:58 |
smiley_ | can't find .deb | 03:58 |
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KurtKraut | smiley_, there is .deb file for that | 03:59 |
rapid | smiley_, alien. | 03:59 |
LamerC | How do I create custon packages of a software if it is not in the repository | 03:59 |
KurtKraut | smiley_, check out in ubuntuforums.org | 03:59 |
yotux | smiley_: try google gaim? | 03:59 |
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rambo3 | |sharky|, 7.04 | 03:59 |
smiley_ | tryng | 03:59 |
yotux | can anyone offer where network interfaces are stored? | 03:59 |
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marc | when is automatix coming out for 7.04? | 03:59 |
|sharky| | will the edgy2feisty migration be implemented ? | 04:00 |
Pici | !automatix | marc | 04:00 |
ubotu | marc: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 04:00 |
|sharky| | 19 april ? | 04:00 |
smiley_ | hmm | 04:00 |
Peter77 | I'm having problems with totem-gstreamer, it's playing dvd,s but not letting me skip chapeter, goto the menu or even fast forward | 04:00 |
smiley_ | can't find beta6 for edgy amd64 | 04:00 |
smiley_ | .deb | 04:00 |
rapid | yotux, maybe /etc to start with | 04:00 |
marc | bloody heck | 04:00 |
Peter77 | is there something I forgot to install to make that work? | 04:00 |
KurtKraut | smiley_, 'extra' amd64 packages are rare, indeed. | 04:00 |
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rambo3 | yotux, phisicly ? | 04:01 |
Pici | |sharky|: I believe , #ubuntu+1 is is the Feisty support channel, they should have more info on that. | 04:01 |
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smiley_ | KurtKraut, can you help me find it ? | 04:01 |
smiley_ | beta6 ? | 04:01 |
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yotux | rambo3: I have a usb1 connection that I want to blacklist | 04:01 |
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yotux | motherboard offer usb pc to pc transfer | 04:02 |
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tigerchen_ | hellp | 04:02 |
Pici | !blacklist | 04:02 |
ubotu | To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add blacklist <modulename> to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type sudo update-initramfs -u | 04:02 |
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AzMoo | The latest version of PHP in my repos is 5.1.2, but I need 5.2.0 at least. Is there a way I can upgrade this? | 04:02 |
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tidrion | hey, I need to vpn into work and then control my computer with vnc, any thoughts? | 04:02 |
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ubuntuEdgy | any one know how to use lirc record ,i cant find any guides on google | 04:02 |
rambo3 | !backports > AzMoo | 04:02 |
|GaiJin| | !fixres | 04:03 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 04:03 |
AzMoo | rambo3, cheers. | 04:03 |
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yotux | Pici: so the usb is using gl620a so I need to blacklist gl620a? | 04:03 |
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smiley_ | bbl | 04:03 |
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beanz | Can anyone recommend a real scsi hardware raid controller? | 04:04 |
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latitude | help. i cant get my game pad to work on edgy? isn't it supposed to be just plug and play? | 04:04 |
Pici | yotux: Yes. | 04:04 |
yotux | thankz | 04:05 |
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yotux | pici: never done it thankz for the help | 04:05 |
aimaz | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_add_Windows_entry_into_GRUB_menu | 04:05 |
aimaz | is that the best way of getting windows running? | 04:05 |
NaPsTeR_ | is the alternate install cd able to do a full installation from scratch as well as an upgrade? | 04:05 |
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KurtKraut | NaPsTeR_, yes... but without a livecd session. The installer is in 'terminal mode' | 04:06 |
Pici | NaPsTeR_: Yes. The installer looks a bit different, as its in the terminal, but it effectively does the same thing. | 04:06 |
aimaz | !grub|aimaz | 04:06 |
rambo3 | With NaPsTeR_ s question its time for coffe | 04:06 |
NaPsTeR_ | is it hard to use in terminal mode? | 04:06 |
ubuntuEdgy | hoe can i see cpu usage using ssh ? | 04:07 |
ubuntuEdgy | how* | 04:07 |
beanz | ubuntuEdgy: top | 04:07 |
Pici | ubuntuEdgy: top ? | 04:07 |
KurtKraut | ubuntuEdgy, type 'top' | 04:07 |
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ubuntuEdgy | ok thanks | 04:07 |
Pici | ubuntuEdgy: press q to quit top | 04:07 |
beanz | Anyone here running a 6.06 hardware scsi raid setup? | 04:07 |
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NaPsTeR_ | is the installer hard to use in terminal mode? | 04:07 |
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vieirar | Hi is there still no WPA support in network-manager. I looked in edgy and now have Feisty installed but cannot connect to my wpa encrypted network. | 04:08 |
Pici | NaPsTeR_: Not really. It provides you terminal based graphics. | 04:08 |
NaPsTeR_ | ok | 04:08 |
NaPsTeR_ | thnx | 04:08 |
Pici | vieirar: #ubuntu+1 for Fiesty support | 04:08 |
NaPsTeR_ | im good 2 go | 04:08 |
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lastent | hi, how can i make flashpayer works in ubuntu 64bits | 04:09 |
AzMoo | rambo3, There's no php5 backport. Is there anything else I can do? | 04:09 |
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Pici | !flash64 | lastent | 04:09 |
ubotu | lastent: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava | 04:09 |
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urz | Hello | 04:10 |
xtknight | !hi | 04:10 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 04:10 |
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lastent | Pici, i supous this also works for intel 64bit? | 04:11 |
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xtknight | iBook G4 uses ppc architecture only, right? | 04:11 |
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Pici | lastent: Yep, it should. | 04:11 |
urz | the batteries in my mouse died. I want to use the keyboard to control the cursor until they recharge. But that numlock trick doesnt seem to ever work for me in ubuntu (i know it from debian) | 04:11 |
Pici | xtknight: I beleive so. | 04:11 |
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xtknight | urz: have you tried messing with the accessibilty settings | 04:11 |
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urz | what accessibility settings | 04:12 |
urz | can i edit xorg.conf | 04:12 |
urz | to make it work? | 04:12 |
urz | it's a feature of xorg, right? | 04:12 |
xtknight | somewhere in system admin i think. it isn't xorg.conf as far as i know. i cant tell you exactly where, im on mac now | 04:12 |
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urz | i am using ion | 04:13 |
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urz | system admin has two choices, one for ppp and one for alsa | 04:13 |
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yotux | !blacklist | 04:14 |
ubotu | To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add blacklist <modulename> to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type sudo update-initramfs -u | 04:14 |
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xtknight | not sure where you are but i mean under the system menu somewhwere | 04:14 |
xtknight | keyboard options, accessibility, scim, something like that | 04:14 |
Pici | ubuntuEdgy: I think that the option is a feature of Gnome/KDE. I'm not sure theres an ion equivalent for it. | 04:15 |
Ind[y] | Greetings. What is the most official and robust way to enable a new system to start playing .mp3 files (aka, how to install codecs)? | 04:15 |
Pici | !mp3 | Ind[y] | 04:15 |
ubotu | Ind[y] : For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:15 |
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Ind[y] | Pici: ok, thanks | 04:15 |
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Ind[y] | !dvd Ind[y] | 04:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dvd ind[y] - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:16 |
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Ind[y] | Pici: How about DVDs? | 04:16 |
urz | it's a feature of xorg | 04:17 |
Pici | !dvd | Ind[y] | 04:17 |
ubotu | Ind[y] : For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 04:17 |
xtknight | !dvd | Ind[y] | 04:17 |
urz | ubuntu disables it | 04:17 |
urz | why | 04:17 |
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Ind[y] | k, thx. | 04:17 |
jbhaney | Hi folks, I was wondering if anybody knows how to switch to runlevel 3 in 7.04. | 04:17 |
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boggystudios | does any one know how to give multiple ip addresses to a single port? | 04:18 |
xtknight | jbhaney: sudo init 3 doesnt work? if not try #ubuntu+1 | 04:18 |
Lunar_Lamp | urz, what does ubuntu disable? | 04:18 |
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Ind[y] | Pici: Instead of these, can I just use EasyUbuntu? | 04:18 |
xtknight | boggystudios: i dont understand what you mean | 04:18 |
urz | Lunar_Lamp: using the numeric keypad to control the mouse cursor | 04:18 |
LjL | jbhaney: "telinit 3", but it won't be much use i think, as runlevels aren't very stressed upon in ubuntu really | 04:18 |
LjL | boggystudios: meaning what? | 04:18 |
xtknight | init vs.. telinit ? | 04:18 |
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Lunar_Lamp | urz, my gentoo installation doesn't have it either, I'm not sure it's a default option, probably an optional ./configure option... | 04:19 |
LjL | xtknight: are you sure init N does anything? i've never used it | 04:19 |
LjL | manpage doesn't say | 04:19 |
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jbhaney | I'm trying to install a legacy nvidia driver and it won't run in X | 04:19 |
Lunar_Lamp | er, s/configure/make/g | 04:19 |
boggystudios | i need to use ip based virtual hosts on apache but don't want to buy 12 nics, I know how to do this in windows but that isn't helping me here | 04:19 |
xtknight | LjL: well in Edgy it does, no clue about feisty | 04:19 |
Pici | ubuntuEdgy: Try ctrl-shift-numlock, when the numlock is off to begin with. | 04:19 |
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Lunar_Lamp | boggystudios, try #apache :-) | 04:20 |
LjL | xtknight: ah right, it says init is not normally executed by a user process, and expects to have a process id of 1. If this is not the case, it will actually execute telinit(8) and pass all arguments to that. | 04:20 |
Pici | er, I mean urz. Ctrl-shift-numlock when numlock is off to begin with. | 04:20 |
LjL | so you're still really supposed to use telinit | 04:20 |
xtknight | ah | 04:20 |
boggystudios | Lunar_lamp: i did :-) | 04:20 |
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Pici | urz: Worked for me in Fesity, hopefully it works for you. | 04:20 |
urz | Pici: doesn't work | 04:20 |
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Pici | urz: Using the numpad to move the cursor? | 04:20 |
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Lunar_Lamp | boggystudios, ok, well, I have virtual servers set up fine on my servers, but not quite sure what you want to do with the ip's. | 04:20 |
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bigos | hi | 04:21 |
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urz | Pici: right. I can't do it | 04:21 |
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boggystudios | Lunar_Lamp: I am using named based virtual hosts right now but want each of my web sites to be able to securly sign in, which the apache docs states can't be done with named based virtual hosts, so I assumed that I would have to use IP based virtual hosts | 04:22 |
bigos | anyone knows how to remove old nvidia driver if i dont have this *.run script anymore? I know that if i had, it would be just --uninstall... but now? | 04:22 |
mundek | witam czy kto tutaj mwi po polsku | 04:22 |
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xtknight | !pl | mundek | 04:22 |
ubotu | mundek: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 04:22 |
jbhaney | Doesn't look like telinit 3 works in Feisty | 04:22 |
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Lunar_Lamp | boggystudios, in your config files, can't you just edit the virtual host servername to be an IP? | 04:23 |
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Lunar_Lamp | (I don't have my configs in front of me right now) | 04:23 |
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bigos | ;D i think im also gonna ask at #ubuntu-pl | 04:23 |
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LjL | jbhaney: define "works"... i'm not even really sure the concept of runlevels is present anymore with upstart, except as very basic compatibility with sysvinit | 04:23 |
xtknight | bigos: why not just d/l the driver and uninstall again | 04:23 |
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britt | alright, i have nspluginwrapper installed | 04:23 |
xtknight | i thought upstart used the same thing, but it just started asynchronously? | 04:24 |
britt | i have the plugins in /usr/bin/mozilla/plugins | 04:24 |
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lHck | every info i found from internet about PXE install ubuntu, is to use a internet mirror as the source during the installation. | 04:24 |
britt | but i dont have flash on my 64 bit system | 04:24 |
LjL | jbhaney: for instance, /etc/inittab is only parsed ("parsed" being too big a word) to check for the default runlevel. but i'm not really sure how much that's actually employed to start or not start things... | 04:24 |
bigos | xtknight: `where can i get it? does nvidia keeps older drivers ? | 04:24 |
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xtknight | bigos: pretty sure they have an archive on nvidia.com | 04:24 |
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xtknight | bigos: using uninstall with a newerdriver would prolly do the same thing anyhow | 04:24 |
lHck | anyway to PXE install ubuntu from the CDROM on the PXE SERVER ? | 04:24 |
boggystudios | Lunar_Lamp: Yes I think so but when using ssl it won't be able to tell the difference between the websites if they all use the same IP address, hence the need to assign multiple IP addresses to a single port. | 04:24 |
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yotux | I have back listed a usb network module and it is still present any ideas? | 04:25 |
xtknight | yotux did you reboot | 04:25 |
yotux | yes | 04:25 |
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Pici | !install > lHck (See the private message from ubotu, it includes instructions on how to do a pxe install) | 04:25 |
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Lunar_Lamp | boggystudios, so, you want to assign multiple IP addresses to a single network card? | 04:25 |
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yotux | xtknight I used init 6 | 04:25 |
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boggystudios | Lunar_Lamp: yes :-) | 04:26 |
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xtknight | yotux no clue, probablhy need to reboot. does this remove it? sudo modprobe -fr <module> | 04:26 |
AzMoo | I need an updated version of PHP, but the repos don't have it and neither does backports. Is there anything else I can do? | 04:26 |
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xtknight | AzMoo: compile it or grab uni-distro binaries | 04:26 |
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Lunar_Lamp | boggystudios, right, well, I'm afraid I have no idea how to do that :-/ However, asking/googling/searching ubuntuforums.org for that might be better :-/ | 04:26 |
thestriker | can i download the latest stable ubuntu? | 04:26 |
xtknight | AzMoo getting it from debian that uses the same libc as your ubuntu is probably the best idea | 04:26 |
bigos | xtknight: well my problem is like: i had old nvidia driver without aiglx, and i installed over a new driver, but then startx command tells me that there is a conflict with older kernel module, or smth like this. But the new installer built kernel module of its own. Im not very good at it, so ill try your way. | 04:27 |
xtknight | thestrikeryes | 04:27 |
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xtknight | thestriker: yes, do you need a link? | 04:27 |
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boggystudios | Lunar_Lamp: true, true. Just thought I would see if any one knew before I delved into the search box. | 04:27 |
AzMoo | xtknight, alright, I'll see what I can find for that. Cheers. | 04:27 |
xtknight | AzMoo check debian sid and etch, i think one of them may have the updated php and maybe it uses the same libc as edgy | 04:27 |
thestriker | xtknight, yes but i wud like only the stable version | 04:27 |
Lunar_Lamp | boggystudios, google seems to be suggesting it's not too hard, but I haven't found (after a very brief search) a guide for you. | 04:28 |
xtknight | thestriker: define stable | 04:28 |
xtknight | thestriker: both Dapper long term support and Edgy are available for download as cd and dvd isos | 04:28 |
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britt | are there any third party flash modules that would work on 64 bit ubuntu? | 04:28 |
Lunar_Lamp | boggystudios, http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/ubuntu-linux-creating-ethernet-alias-for-eth0-network-device.html | 04:28 |
Spliffster | win 1 | 04:28 |
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yotux | xtknight : yotux was dump logic error. lst? = list | 04:28 |
xtknight | both are considered stable in the ubuntu world at least as far as i know. edgy sure isn't beta | 04:28 |
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xtknight | britt: gnash maybe but i havent had good luck with it. flash9 under nsplug worked for me | 04:29 |
thestriker | xtknight: i will be doing an upgrade from dapper..will it support resume of download | 04:29 |
boggystudios | Lunar_Lamp: sweet dude :-) | 04:29 |
xtknight | thestriker: depends, by what means are you upgrading | 04:29 |
britt | xtknight: i pulled up a howto and nsplugin worked fine | 04:29 |
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thestriker | and my data will remain or go away? | 04:29 |
kevinruscoe | Hay, i have a network problem! I have a D-LINK DFE-538TX ethernet card. The systerm reconises it as what it is. But it doent show up in the networking pannel - so i cant connect via it. | 04:29 |
kevinruscoe | Any ideas? | 04:29 |
britt | but do i need to manually install the plugins or what? | 04:29 |
thestriker | xtknight, i will be upgrading thru the net..not a cd | 04:29 |
xtknight | britt: you have to run nspluginwrapper -i or something | 04:30 |
britt | they're already in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins | 04:30 |
xtknight | thestriker: like changeing source.list and apt-get? or update-manager -c.. | 04:30 |
xtknight | britt you stil have to run the nsluginwrapper program | 04:30 |
xtknight | it's listed in a howto somewhere, i got it working | 04:30 |
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neil__ | hey | 04:30 |
urz | i found xkbset -m but that doesn't seem to do anything | 04:30 |
xtknight | !hi | neil_ | 04:30 |
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ubotu | neil_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 04:31 |
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neil__ | I used gnome-art to download a gdm theme, xorg.conf is setup with the right default themes.. | 04:31 |
neil__ | However it shows up as the wrong resolution, its huge :/ Anyone know how to fix it? | 04:32 |
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xtknight | !fixres|neil_ | 04:32 |
ubotu | neil_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 04:32 |
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Ind[y] | Do you recommend the usage of EasyUbuntu? | 04:32 |
peaker | hi. Dapper won't respect wireless options in /etc/network/interfaces and I have to use iwconfig manually. was this fixed in edgy? | 04:32 |
peaker | Ind[y] : I tried it and it messed up all my fonts, they all became real tiny :( | 04:32 |
peaker | Ind[y] : never managed to fix it | 04:33 |
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kevinruscoe | Any got a solution to my problem :(? | 04:33 |
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xtknight | Ind[y] : not sure about easyubuntu but automatix is definitely frowned upon. avoid them if possible | 04:33 |
urz | xkbset q | grep Mouse-Keys | 04:33 |
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neil__ | xtknight: The First Entry in the "Modes" Line is what GDM will use, so change it to something lower/higher (Please make sure you know that your monitor and Graphic Card BOTH support this Resolution). | 04:33 |
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Ind[y] | xtknight: ok :/ | 04:33 |
neil__ | This is set correctly :/ | 04:33 |
slide_ | hi all | 04:33 |
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xtknight | neil__ umm is the resolution listed at all? it's jsut not being used by default? | 04:34 |
Jester626 | Morning Everyone | 04:34 |
neil__ | I use 1152.864 for this monitor, its the first entry | 04:34 |
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slide_ | hi guys could someone of you help me? | 04:34 |
kevinruscoe | i have a network problem! I have a D-LINK DFE-538TX ethernet card. The systerm reconises it as what it is. But it doent show up in the networking pannel - so i cant connect via it. | 04:34 |
neil__ | so all my desktops use it by default, I think gdm should too? | 04:34 |
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slide_ | i need someone that send me the /usr/lib/libstdc++6.so.6.0.7 | 04:35 |
xtknight | slide_ that's a dangerous endeavour, why? | 04:35 |
peaker | does anyone here use wifi successfully in ubuntu? | 04:35 |
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slide_ | because i use debian etch and i need that file for launch maya 8.5 :) | 04:35 |
xtknight | !info libstdc++ | 04:36 |
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peaker | how to configure the wifi? all the tools just edit /etc/network/interfaces, but then when you plug the card in, or boot, all options in /etc/network/interfaces are ignored | 04:36 |
slide_ | 'cause Etch use the 6.0.8 | 04:36 |
ubotu | Package libstdc++ does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas | 04:36 |
neil__ | Also, the thing that pops up as ubuntu loads, what is that called? | 04:36 |
neil__ | it says which bit is being initialised | 04:36 |
Camaxtli | peaker: I use WiFi | 04:36 |
rambo3 | slide_, use debian backports | 04:36 |
neil__ | I want to theme it | 04:36 |
peaker | Camaxtli: how do you configure it? | 04:36 |
Camaxtli | neil_: Upslash it's called | 04:36 |
slide_ | ubotu, i know but everyone have it in /usr/lib | 04:36 |
peaker | Camaxtli: What ubuntu? edgy? | 04:36 |
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neil__ | Can you change how it looks Camaxtli? | 04:36 |
Camaxtli | neil_: * usplash | 04:36 |
xtknight | slide_ search in ubuntu packages and debian packages websites | 04:36 |
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Jester626 | peaker it is a version of Ubuntu V6.10 | 04:37 |
Camaxtli | neil_: Yeah there are way to do that, I think there are tutorials on | 04:37 |
Pici | !usplash | 04:37 |
ubotu | To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork | 04:37 |
neil__ | There are splash screens in gnome-art, but I dont think they are for usplash | 04:37 |
slide_ | rambo3, i don't want install some other packages with backport, i need just this file for edit my own launch script :) | 04:37 |
neil__ | thanks :) | 04:37 |
Camaxtli | peaker: I use feisty atm, but I used Edgy | 04:37 |
slide_ | xtknight, consider it done, but in packages.ubuntu.com there's no package name like this | 04:38 |
xtknight | slide_ use search for files within packages? | 04:38 |
peaker | Camaxtli: ah. I only used dapper so far, and in it wifi only worked if I manually used iwconfig. That seemed .. unlikely | 04:38 |
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slide_ | <ubotu> Package libstdc++ does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas | 04:38 |
peaker | Camaxtli: (That's not a human-being thing to do) | 04:38 |
Seveas | !find libstdc++ | 04:38 |
ubotu | Found: libstdc++5, libstdc++5-3.3-dev, libstdc++6, libstdc++6-4.1-dbg, libstdc++6-4.1-dev (and 16 others) | 04:38 |
xtknight | i mean by searching for libdsc++.so.6.90.x or whatever it is | 04:39 |
Seveas | :) | 04:39 |
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Camaxtli | peaker: I use the KDE Frontend for Network Manager (Oh and iwconfig is funny :D) | 04:39 |
xtknight | !info libstdc++6 | 04:39 |
ubotu | libstdc++6: The GNU Standard C++ Library v3. In component main, is important. Version 4.1.1-13ubuntu5 (edgy), package size 282 kB, installed size 900 kB | 04:39 |
urz | hey | 04:39 |
urz | people | 04:39 |
Pici | hey, urz | 04:39 |
urz | i found a way to turn on num keypad control of mouse | 04:39 |
Pici | urz: How? | 04:39 |
slide_ | xtknight, mmmhh, i'll take onether look, see u soon | 04:39 |
urz | apt-get install xkbset; xkbset -m m | 04:39 |
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urz | actually | 04:40 |
neil__ | Hmm actually guys, if you use gnome-art, and choose a splash, it /does/ change usplash for you | 04:40 |
neil__ | pretty smart | 04:40 |
urz | i did xkbset w > mousekeys | 04:40 |
neil__ | just need to stop the gdm being huge now | 04:40 |
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urz | and then edited mousekeys to put an "m" after the -m switch | 04:40 |
salty | how do i setup extra keys on a toshiba laptop...media edition? | 04:40 |
xtknight | gotta run , cya | 04:40 |
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albert | hi | 04:40 |
albert | am i able to use evolution as my palm organizer? | 04:41 |
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s41ted | exit | 04:41 |
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CharlieH | Hi, I've been having problems with Edgy so I installed the beta or whatever of the new Ubuntu. It gets further (boots into the desktop... live cd) but when I installed it grub just didn't start when I booted next, I've been trying to get it going for ages now by following howtos etc but am having no luck (have the dreaded error 17 in grub now so no OS boots) | 04:43 |
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peaker | CharlieH: what does google say about error 17? | 04:43 |
CharlieH | I noticed the live CD has called all my hdd's "SD*", ie sda sdb sdc sdd, the thing is two are IDE and two are SATA, is this right?, I think this may be half the problem | 04:43 |
slide_ | Hi all, where can i download the libstdc++6 for Edgy? | 04:43 |
CharlieH | peaker: it says it found the partition but can't mount it | 04:43 |
slide_ | Section Main doesn't appear in packages.ubuntu.org !!! | 04:44 |
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Dave-ubu | is anyone having probs with the US repos? i.e not being able to connect ? | 04:44 |
Spectrum` | negatove | 04:44 |
britt | not me | 04:44 |
Spectrum` | negative* | 04:44 |
slide_ | i need someone that send me the /usr/lib/libstdc++6.so.6.0.7 | 04:44 |
peaker | CharlieH: hmm.. right after install? how did you manage the partitions/format stuff? | 04:44 |
slide_ | i need someone that send me the /usr/lib/libstdc++6.so.6.0.7 | 04:44 |
slide_ | ops, sorry :) | 04:44 |
CharlieH | peaker: just left it to do it's own automatic thing | 04:45 |
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britt | okay i installed nswrapper, installed the plugin via nswrapper | 04:45 |
peaker | CharlieH: if you boot into the livecd, take a look into the partition table. See if you can mount your disk partitions from there | 04:45 |
Menasim1 | what is the lisense of screenshots of Ubuntu? | 04:45 |
Menasim1 | *license | 04:46 |
peaker | CharlieH: I once manually fixed a partition table frmo a live cd for hours cause the auto-editor of the p-table messed it up. it was years ago in a screwed up HP system that had a nonstandard partition table tho | 04:46 |
britt | nswrapper shows it installed, do i need to copy the file in my tmp dir (~/.mozilla/plugins) to my real mozilla dir for it to work? | 04:46 |
CharlieH | peaker: I can, I have /sdd1 (my linux partition) mounted in /mnt/root at the moment | 04:46 |
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Menasim1 | ? | 04:46 |
CharlieH | and can access it | 04:46 |
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peaker | CharlieH: does grub immediately fail with the error or do you get prompts to do stuff in? | 04:46 |
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miranda82 | hello? | 04:47 |
CharlieH | Ubuntu should start a end user help desk (that you have to pay for) they'd make a killing from me atleast haha | 04:47 |
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CharlieH | peaker: it says "Starting Grub level 1.5" then crashes straight away | 04:47 |
CharlieH | ie, no prompts etc | 04:47 |
britt | CharlieH: you might want to check BIOS | 04:47 |
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e-flow | hi | 04:48 |
ziro01 | hey | 04:48 |
Joenin | sup? | 04:48 |
peaker | CharlieH: not sure about that. either britt is right about BIOS problem, or the grub install somehow got overwritten or something like that | 04:48 |
britt | ive had some systems that needed to be in the OS mode 'other' or something like that | 04:48 |
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CharlieH | britt: I had it all working with Edgy setup the same way, the only thing is to get the edgy live CD to boot I need to disable my IDE hdd's (apparantly leaving the IDE cdroms running is fine) | 04:48 |
peaker | CharlieH: maybe you can try to reinstall grub on the disk from your live cd? | 04:48 |
e-flow | im just trying out feisty server for use with xen and there seems to be a problem with the disk emulation | 04:48 |
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e-flow | i always get an I/O error from qemu | 04:48 |
neil__ | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=225339 | 04:49 |
neil__ | I have a similar problem to this guy | 04:49 |
CharlieH | peaker: I've been doing that, when I type setup (hd2,0) it says it can't mount it | 04:49 |
neil__ | my gdm is too big so it scroll shwen i move the mouse | 04:49 |
neil__ | but his post doesnt help.. any ideas? | 04:49 |
CharlieH | (reinstalling grub) | 04:49 |
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miranda82 | How can i erase the icon of my desktop that is from the usbdisk, it's not it, and when i hit umount, i get: the disk is not mounted. | 04:50 |
peaker | CharlieH: maybe the problem is "hd" means IDE and you want the SCSI drive? I am not sure - I am not grub expert, neither updated about Linux's conventions about Serial ATA naming/etc :) | 04:50 |
peaker | CharlieH: setup (sd2,0) or something of that sort? Does grub have a listing feature to show which drives are accessible? | 04:50 |
CharlieH | peaker: I thought about that too.. I tried sd2,0 but that didn't work either (grub calls drives different things annoyingly) | 04:50 |
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CharlieH | peaker: no, it has a generated file that says what drives it's calling what, but I'm not sure I trust it, going by that file though (hd2,0) is correct | 04:51 |
peaker | CharlieH: does grub's manpage have an explanation about naming conventions of drives? | 04:51 |
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britt | peaker: great point since SATA in linux is scsi | 04:51 |
britt | maybe sc0 | 04:51 |
CharlieH | peaker: not sure tbh, I'll have a look | 04:51 |
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CharlieH | britt: !! I'll try sc0 heh.. I'vebeen trying sd | 04:51 |
britt | wait | 04:52 |
britt | hold on | 04:52 |
CharlieH | britt: didn't work :( | 04:52 |
britt | hd0 is what you tried? | 04:52 |
britt | yeah didnt think it would | 04:52 |
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britt | do the BIOS thing | 04:52 |
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britt | i think thats the issue | 04:52 |
CharlieH | I've tried (hd0) (hd0,0) (hd2,0) etc | 04:52 |
elektro82 | Does DVI output actually work for Radeon 9250 in Edgy using either open source or fglrx driver? | 04:52 |
CharlieH | britt: but, I had edgy working fine on here and booting (until I re-installed windows the other day) so I don't think it's a bios thing | 04:52 |
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peaker | CharlieH: Ah! | 04:53 |
britt | oh | 04:53 |
peaker | CharlieH: You neglected that one detail | 04:53 |
britt | you reinstalled windows | 04:53 |
britt | !!! | 04:53 |
peaker | hehehe | 04:53 |
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britt | bingo! | 04:53 |
britt | :) | 04:53 |
peaker | me and britt think alike | 04:53 |
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CharlieH | peaker: I wrote it up higher | 04:53 |
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peaker | CharlieH: Windows overwrites the Master Boot Record | 04:53 |
britt | peaker | 04:53 |
CharlieH | peaker: yeah, which is what led me to doing this in the first place haha | 04:53 |
jb0nd38372 | I'm running the beta of Feisty, when it reaches final, with I have to dist-upgrade, or will the update manager catch it all for me? | 04:53 |
peaker | CharlieH: Windows doesn't play well, and destroys any existing boot loader on purpose | 04:53 |
AzMoo | Is there any way to see what configure options were used to build a package? | 04:53 |
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britt | peaker: will you be on for a while? | 04:54 |
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peaker | britt: Not sure, I am dist-upgrading will need to reboot | 04:54 |
CharlieH | peaker: yeah, I realise this, I figured "hey, I'm having heaps of issues with edgy, instead of trying to get the bootloader back working with edgy I'll install the beta of the new version" heh | 04:54 |
peaker | britt: Need anything specific? | 04:54 |
fabio | which is the latest stable ubuntu? | 04:54 |
britt | peaker: i need to discuss making a cluster server with old IBM Thinkpads with you perhapsd | 04:54 |
CharlieH | fabio: 6.10 | 04:54 |
jb0nd38372 | fabio: that would be edgy, 6.10 | 04:54 |
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peaker | britt: Not my area of expertise, I'm afraid ;) | 04:54 |
fabio | there was something more than edgy..something tat came after tat... | 04:55 |
britt | ah | 04:55 |
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CharlieH | fabio: 7.4 isn't out yet | 04:55 |
CharlieH | fabio: there is kubuntu, could that be what you're thinking of? | 04:55 |
knix_ | I upgraded 6.10 to feisty beta, can i go back to 6.10? | 04:55 |
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jb0nd38372 | fabio: 7.04 is Fiesty, but it's not mainstream yet, edgy (6.10) was the latest... before that, Dapper (6.06) | 04:56 |
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yotux | Is there issue with Java sdk in ubuntu repos? | 04:56 |
fabio | CharlieH, yes im talking of fiesty..but its not stable i guess | 04:56 |
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miranda82 | How can i erase the icon of my desktop that is from the usbdisk, it's not it, and when i hit umount, i get: the disk is not mounted. | 04:56 |
CharlieH | fabio: no it's not heh, I'm having issues with it at the moment :) (7.4) | 04:56 |
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jb0nd38372 | fabio: I'm running the beta.. 7.04, and on my machine it's stable thus far | 04:56 |
Trist_an | Is it possible to change the hieght of the kbfx menu? | 04:56 |
Razor44 | Charlieh,naming for sata devices is sda(1,2,3...partitions),sdb sdc etc... | 04:56 |
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CharlieH | Razor44: not in Grub it isn't | 04:57 |
fabio | ok how can i upgrade to edgy..without using a cd or dvd..i want to download it from the net at regular intervals | 04:57 |
Menasim1 | what is the license of screenshots of Ubuntu? | 04:57 |
CharlieH | Razor44: I have 2 IDE drives and 2 SATA drives but it's naming them all sd* | 04:57 |
jb0nd38372 | CharlieH: Whats your issue with 7.04, I've not encountered anything yet | 04:57 |
fabio | i mean maybe 100 mb today and some other later | 04:57 |
fabio | can i do tat? | 04:57 |
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CharlieH | jb0nd38372: it's auto installer of grub | 04:57 |
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elektro82 | Is anyone using DVI with an ATI card in ubuntu? | 04:57 |
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CharlieH | I mean, i'm using the live CD atm and it's running great, I just can't get it to run after I install it haha | 04:57 |
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CharlieH | fabio: I don't think that's possible sorry, unless you use a download manager and download an ISO and pause it after 100mb each day | 04:58 |
jb0nd38372 | CharlieH: you booting to a sata or ide? i'm straight sata here with the exception of my optical drives, and grub worked out of the box... (intel 945 chipset) here | 04:58 |
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bigos | join #ubuntu-pl | 04:59 |
fabio | CharlieH, i mean using the update manager | 04:59 |
bigos | argh | 04:59 |
CharlieH | jb0nd38372: I have 2 sata and 2 ide, windows is on the first sata, ubuntu on the second sata the two ide's are storage drives, I also have 2 ide dvd drives. I'm booting from SATA | 04:59 |
fabio | CharlieH, ok i download the iso..then when i am installing it will it perform an upgrade or a new install and wipe out my data | 04:59 |
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millis_ | damn http://www.shareshack.org/files/geek-42.jpg | 05:00 |
jb0nd38372 | fabio: you can dist-upgrade... forgot the command... but anyway it will upgrade over the net, but takes awhile | 05:00 |
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CharlieH | fabio: sorry, I can't answer that but I'm assuming it would wipe your data. Next time you install perhaps keep your home directory on a seperate partition | 05:00 |
fabio | jb0nd38372, but can i resume tat | 05:00 |
Pici | !offtopic > millis_ | 05:00 |
CharlieH | jb0nd38372: he wan'ts to do 100mb a day of the upgrade | 05:00 |
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jb0nd38372 | fabio: I dunno about resuming... but doingthe entire upgrade would probally be less data intensive that a reinstall | 05:01 |
elektro82 | lol @ heavy monitor suspended over pillow | 05:01 |
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fabio | ok i think i will download the iso to be on the safer side | 05:02 |
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mtrcn | hi, I have a problem with my fan speed, I read lots of doc and How To but not solved | 05:02 |
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muddy | I am having a "kernel panic" on boot up. Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown - block (0,0) How do I fix? | 05:03 |
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mtrcn | becuse, I have two trip_points in thermal_zone | 05:03 |
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assasukasse | i need to run an sh from a menu link, how should i set it up? | 05:03 |
mtrcn | critical (S5): 105 C | 05:03 |
mtrcn | passive: 100 C: tc1=2 tc2=10 tsp=100 devices=0xffff810001fe8c80 | 05:03 |
ravi_master | hello to all | 05:03 |
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jb0nd38372 | Hiya ravi_master | 05:04 |
mtrcn | only critical and passive, like above | 05:04 |
No1Viking | I have a volume with a lot of files with the same name. Are there any application to install that detects them easily? | 05:04 |
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fabio | any idea how can i save the mozilla bookmarks and stuff in a separate file incase something goes wrong | 05:05 |
mtrcn | how can I add more point? such as active[0] , active[1] | 05:05 |
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gumpish | =/ Does anyone here know if the 6.06.1 PowerPC server install CD includes the LAMP option? | 05:05 |
mtrcn | my laptop is Asus F3Jp | 05:05 |
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jb0nd38372 | fabio: your bookmarks should be in your "home" folder, you may have to control-H to see the hidden files | 05:05 |
No1Viking | I have a volume with a lot of files with the same name. Are there any application to install that detects them easily and maiking it easy for me to choose which one to delete? | 05:06 |
Luiskis | hmm | 05:06 |
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fabio | jb0nd38372, so practically if i have my home directory then if something goes wrong i can still get the bookmarks on later revival ? | 05:06 |
albert | hey | 05:07 |
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predaeus | No1Viking, what about the search option under Places? | 05:07 |
ravi_master | guys, just installed Xfce4, having trouble getting any kind of sound, I know it's a simple setting somewhere, is someone willing to point me to it? | 05:07 |
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jb0nd38372 | fabio: yeah, your home folder consist of basically your config files for your apps | 05:07 |
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albert | is anybody in here using evolution with a palm? if i sync my palm the only thing i get is a fatal exception on my palm | 05:07 |
No1Viking | predaeus: Gonna check it out, thanks | 05:07 |
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predaeus | No1Viking, you could also use grep in a console and do some copy-paste or bash scripting. | 05:08 |
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ravi_master | come on people, sound in Xfce4, shouldn't be a big problem. | 05:08 |
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predaeus | No1Viking, see "man grep" in a console (quit with "q"). | 05:08 |
No1Viking | predaeus: I need an app that helps me telling me what files are double or tripled in that same disk. | 05:09 |
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ravi_master | predaeus: help me out, a simple issue of sound in Xfce4 | 05:09 |
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pollyo_ | Hello | 05:10 |
pollyo_ | I'm running kubuntu feisty and updated and now my system will not start correctly. | 05:10 |
ravi_master | nvm, googled for it.. got it | 05:10 |
predaeus | ravi_master, k | 05:10 |
pollyo_ | Anyone here have a suggestion? | 05:10 |
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jb0nd38372 | polly what kinda issue, what happens? | 05:10 |
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Dave-ubu | is anyone having probs with the US repos? i.e not being able to connect ? | 05:10 |
drunk_monkey | I just installed unbuntu server, and i get and error `[49.332498] BUG: soft lockup detected on CPU#0!` | 05:11 |
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pollyo_ | jb0nd38372: When I start the system it goes black after the kubuntu logo comes up. I can start it with the second option and it allows me to login as root at the prompt that says password or control-d to continue. | 05:11 |
jeanre | hi all | 05:11 |
jeanre | how much disk space does ubuntu server require? | 05:11 |
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predaeus | No1Viking, see http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/10/08/find-duplicate-copies-of-files/ | 05:12 |
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drunk_monkey | 500mg | 05:12 |
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neil__ | hey guys, regardless of any theme i choose, included with ubuntu or not, my gdm window is too big | 05:12 |
Razor44 | albert i don't have a palm but i think you must install multisync(http://multisync.sourceforge.net) and synCE plugin | 05:12 |
Bawlsfuff | Does anyone know how to get the Linksys WMP45G v4.1 working in Ubuntu 6.10? | 05:12 |
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neil__ | and it scrolls | 05:12 |
jeanre | drunk_monkey: so a 2gb hard drive will work? | 05:12 |
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neil__ | How can I change the size of the gdm/login screen? | 05:12 |
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pollyo_ | jb0nd38372: When I am logged in to the terminal mode if I do a startx it goes blank and does nothing. If I attempt to do a startkde it gives me an error. | 05:12 |
kris | .. | 05:12 |
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jb0nd38372 | pollyo_: when you log in as root, are you at a console, or is C working? | 05:12 |
neil__ | xorg.conf is setup with the correct resolutions, its as if the gdm included is too big and doesnt scale | 05:12 |
jb0nd38372 | \err X | 05:13 |
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angustu | hey folks | 05:13 |
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angustu | how do i stop gnome from starting when i boot ubuntu? | 05:13 |
angustu | i just want to boot it in console. | 05:13 |
neil__ | Anyone know how to make my gdm screen scale instead of scrolling? | 05:13 |
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neil__ | It doesnt fit my screen... | 05:13 |
pollyo_ | jb0nd38372: I am not sure what you mean. I can log in from the keyboard at the machine. I'm somewhat new to this stuff. | 05:13 |
rambo3 | neil__, use other gdm-theme | 05:14 |
craigbass1976 | angustu, you have to set the default runlevel to 3 | 05:14 |
neil__ | I'm using the ones that came with gnome | 05:14 |
angustu | craigbass1976: from where? | 05:14 |
neil__ | ive tried alternatives too | 05:14 |
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neil__ | its all the same :D | 05:14 |
rambo3 | 3-5 are same on debian | 05:14 |
neil__ | goes off the edges of my screen.. | 05:14 |
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craigbass1976 | angustu, hang on, not sure where the file is in Ubuntu | 05:14 |
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Bawlsfuff | Does anyone know how to get the Linksys WMP45G v4.1 working in Ubuntu 6.10? | 05:14 |
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pollyo_ | jb0nd38372: Would a broken package cuase a problem? I think I might have installed a broken package. | 05:15 |
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angustu | how do i change the run level to 3? | 05:16 |
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inoex135 | halo | 05:16 |
inoex135 | i want to ask something, may i? | 05:16 |
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craigbass1976 | angustu, vi the /etc/inittab file. There's a default runlevel option toward the top of the file. I believe that will do it for you, but someone correct me if I'm wrong | 05:17 |
Pici | !ask | 05:17 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 05:17 |
pollyo_ | jb0nd38372: I thought it might be an X issue so I reconfigured but that didn't do anything. | 05:17 |
rambo3 | angustu, runlevel 3-5 on debian /ubuntu are same | 05:17 |
rambo3 | just boot in rescue mode | 05:17 |
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rambo3 | or 2 | 05:17 |
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inoex135 | what is the software to design database? | 05:17 |
inoex135 | i need it | 05:17 |
inoex135 | it's like power designer in windows | 05:18 |
craigbass1976 | inoex135, use openoffice with mysql | 05:18 |
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inoex135 | ho?? | 05:18 |
inoex135 | how? | 05:18 |
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pollyo_ | Anyone have suggestions? I'm running kubuntu feisty and did an upgrade and now my system will not start. I had to log in rescue mode. | 05:18 |
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craigbass1976 | Hang on, phone call... I have a tutorial somewhere... | 05:18 |
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Pici | Fiesty support is in #ubuntu+1 | 05:18 |
Sonic_13 | what is the best way to set up my Ubuntu computer as a file server | 05:18 |
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neil__ | headache hehe, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=375080 | 05:19 |
pollyo_ | Pici: Ok. Thanks. | 05:19 |
neil__ | this is identical to my problem, any ideas? | 05:19 |
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jeanre | yes | 05:19 |
Sonic_13 | so that I may access files (such as music and videos) from windows xp machines | 05:19 |
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neil__ | Cant force gdm to use a small resolution, driving me nuts | 05:19 |
rambo3 | !samba > Sonic_13 | 05:19 |
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Jester626 | craigbass1976: If you have a tutorial on using Open Office MySQl, I would be interested in it as well | 05:19 |
Trist_an | neil__, I have the same problem for KDM on Edgy | 05:19 |
craigbass1976 | ok. | 05:19 |
Sonic_13 | !samba | 05:20 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 05:20 |
peaker | "au.archive.ubuntu.com" is the default mirror? Is that Australian or what? | 05:20 |
Trist_an | I didn't find the trick to have displayed correclty | 05:20 |
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inoex135 | arrggh sory i was disconected | 05:20 |
muddy | Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown - block (0,0) Any takers...LOL I can start it in recovery mode just fine, but mothing else | 05:20 |
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guardianx | what is a good irc program for linux? | 05:20 |
Sonic_13 | does SAMBA work with Macs? | 05:20 |
peaker | guardianx: xchat or konversation for gnome/kde | 05:20 |
britt | Sonic_13: OSX...yes | 05:21 |
Sonic_13 | nice | 05:21 |
guardianx | xchat already install in the ubuntu? 6.10? | 05:21 |
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britt | OS9 and below, see appletalk | 05:21 |
Jester626 | Sonic_13: when using Samba, all the GUI's are nice and all, but I prefer to manually edit the conf file. give you better control and is rather easy if you are just doing basic network shares | 05:21 |
apex` | guardianx, bitchx | 05:21 |
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neil__ | I like konversation | 05:21 |
britt | Sonic_13: netatalk for OS 9 and below, SMB works great in OS X | 05:21 |
Hymie | hey all.. I'm having a really hard time finding any cogent documentation on what to use with evolution for a central calendar solution.. any suggestions? | 05:21 |
Sonic_13 | ok | 05:21 |
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Sonic_13 | thanks | 05:21 |
Jester626 | Sonic_13: You going to be using it on a home network or business network? | 05:21 |
muddy | Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown - block (0,0) Any takers...LOL I can start it in recovery mode just fine, but mothing else | 05:21 |
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Sonic_13 | home network | 05:22 |
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Bawlsfuff | Does anyone know how to get the Linksys WMP45G v4.1 working in Ubuntu 6.10? | 05:22 |
Arrick | guys, I did a "integrity check" of my CD before installing Ubuntu Server 6.10, came out ok, but when I go to instll it comes up with "Warning:file:///cdrom/pool/main/n/ncurses/libncurses5_5.5-2ubuntu1_i386.deb was corrupt" any solutions to fix this? | 05:22 |
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Jester626 | Sonic_13: Then what you can do is get a simple conf set up to make a "public" share to get you started, then take the time to learn how to set up "user" folders and "network" printing | 05:23 |
inoex135 | does anyone know software to design database in ubuntu? | 05:23 |
britt | Arrick: burn a new CD? | 05:23 |
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rambo3 | Arrick, donwload new iso | 05:23 |
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Sonic_13 | ok | 05:23 |
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Jester626 | Sonic_13: the file to edit is /etc/samba/smb.conf | 05:24 |
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Arrick | hrmm, done that twice and they both checked out britt rambo3 | 05:24 |
tbuss | I could use some advice on proftpd.conf having probs authenticating users? | 05:24 |
neil__ | If anyone wondered, heres the solution to the gdm resolution issue: | 05:24 |
neil__ | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2361367#post2361367 | 05:24 |
Arrick | but then that arror comes up | 05:24 |
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Hymie | hey all.. I'm having a really hard time finding any cogent documentation on what to use with evolution for a central calendar solution.. any suggestions? I don't want to use exchange, but I'm beginning to think that the only way to share calendars with evoltion is via a Microsoft product??? | 05:24 |
Sonic_13 | ok | 05:24 |
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tbuss | Arrick: try a different mirror | 05:25 |
britt | Arrick: as long as youre not using ncurses for install, you'll be fine | 05:25 |
britt | usually ncurses is a library for console apps | 05:25 |
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Arrick | britt what is ncurses? | 05:25 |
britt | i'd install normally | 05:25 |
Arrick | im doing a server install | 05:25 |
britt | oh, you'll DEFINATELY be fine | 05:25 |
peaker | Arrick: ncurses is a library for text terminal manipulation | 05:25 |
Pici | Er, No.. You'd definitly need it then. | 05:25 |
Arrick | and I would have loved to use lamp install but it doesnt | 05:25 |
britt | Arrick: you'll be fine without ncurses IMO | 05:26 |
Arrick | I was just told last night that the LAMP install could be done on boot with the 6.10 server distro, but uhmm, someone didnt know what they were talking abotu | 05:26 |
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Chai_Sangeen | anybody know of any web based podcast downloader? | 05:26 |
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dauoalagio2 | what's a good IRC client besides Xchat, Konversation, or gaim? | 05:27 |
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Chai_Sangeen | like install it on one of my server and then manage it via the web so it can download podcasts to my harddrive | 05:27 |
Toma- | dauoalagio2: you just named all the good ones :/ | 05:27 |
mordaunt | what's the best linux dockapp? | 05:27 |
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dauoalagio2 | Toma-, man...i wish they all combined because i want konversation with GTK, Xchat doesn't look good, and Gaim has bad notifications. | 05:28 |
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Toma- | dauoalagio2: theres 'xchat-gnome' that looks different | 05:28 |
Sonic_13 | !apache | 05:29 |
ubotu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 05:29 |
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dauoalagio2 | Toma-, in rhe repo's? | 05:29 |
dauoalagio2 | in the* | 05:29 |
Toma- | dauoalagio2: you bet | 05:29 |
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Trist_an | Is there really any "best" application for something... It really depends on what you want to do and what is your taste... | 05:29 |
dauoalagio2 | Toma-: i'll try it | 05:29 |
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Trist_an | Is KDE better than gnome or XFCE or .... it depends... | 05:29 |
Toma- | dauoalagio2: ...knoversation looks identical to xchat | 05:30 |
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Jester626 | Trist_an: It is all a matter of preference, some will say that Gnome is a little more stable than KDE | 05:30 |
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Sonic_13 | how do I configure SAMBA so I can access my ubuntu server from my windows xp computer? | 05:31 |
Trist_an | Jester626, that's why I don't think it makes sense to ask : "what is the best application for..." | 05:31 |
Spliffster | Trist_an: hnome is more aimed at daily work, kde more for extreme customisation. this is only ma personal optionion tho. | 05:31 |
Spliffster | Trist_an: but there surely is no better/worse. it depends on your needs. | 05:31 |
Jester626 | Sonic_13: I'll PM you | 05:31 |
assasukasse | i need to run the sh of auctioncube.sh from my ubuntu games menu, how can i add it? i tried as execute in terminal but doesn't work, even putting sh before it doesnt work..what can i do | 05:31 |
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Sonic_13 | ok | 05:31 |
jrib | assasukasse: what exactly did you try? | 05:32 |
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Jester626 | Sonic_13: Check your PM | 05:32 |
Sonic_13 | i just replied | 05:32 |
assasukasse | jrib: i put execute in terminal and put the whole path /home/foo/auctiocube/auctioncube.sh | 05:32 |
Sonic_13 | it didn't work last time someone tried this | 05:32 |
Sonic_13 | pm'ing me | 05:33 |
Jester626 | ahh, you must not be Identified | 05:33 |
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assasukasse | then since didn't work i put sh /home/foo.... | 05:33 |
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assasukasse | no way | 05:33 |
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assasukasse | opens a terminal for half a second then nothing | 05:33 |
Jester626 | Sonic_13: Join #jester626 | 05:33 |
jrib | assasukasse: what about /bin/sh /home/foo/auctiocube/auctioncube.sh | 05:33 |
assasukasse | jrib: now i try | 05:33 |
Hymie | hey all.. I'm having a really hard time finding any cogent documentation on what to use with evolution for a central calendar solution.. any suggestions? I don't want to use exchange, but I'm beginning to think that the only way to share calendars with evoltion is via a Microsoft product??? | 05:33 |
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assasukasse | nothing jrib | 05:34 |
assasukasse | doesn't work | 05:35 |
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Spliffster | Hymie: you might be better fo | 05:35 |
maxsoft | hi all. I like to know if it's possible connect to ubunto xServer from my WindowsXP. thank you all. | 05:35 |
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Spliffster | Hymie: you might better ask the evolution team about this. | 05:35 |
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fabrosa | hi all | 05:35 |
jrib | assasukasse: put "cd && /bin/sh /home/foo/auctiocube/auctioncube.sh" in your terminal. Does that work? | 05:36 |
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fabrosa | how to mount vmdk file like a fisical partition? | 05:36 |
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assasukasse | nope jrib | 05:36 |
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jrib | assasukasse: any output? | 05:37 |
Spliffster | fabrosa: with the freeware tools you can't (AFAIK). but you may be using qemu's qemu-img to convert it into an iso file and then mount it with the loop device. | 05:37 |
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jrib | assasukasse: how /do/ you run it in a terminal? | 05:37 |
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assasukasse | jrib: yes says i don't have a precompiled installed...however if i send sh auctiocube.sh it works | 05:37 |
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assasukasse | i go to the folder | 05:37 |
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Jocke | When you login, there's a sound in the background. Who did it and how did the person at issue do it. What programs did he/she use? | 05:37 |
Spliffster | fabrosa: i am sure there are tools from vmware to do this ... but they ship with esx server ... an expensive product. | 05:37 |
assasukasse | then send sh actiocube.sh | 05:37 |
guardianx | how do u get to sudu in ubuntu version 6.10? | 05:38 |
fabrosa | Spliffster: I can't do this... because I have to mount it directly... in internet I've see something like vmware-mount.pl... | 05:38 |
Spliffster | oh | 05:38 |
Hymie | Spliffster: where are they? ubuntu-evolution? | 05:38 |
jrib | assasukasse: so you 'cd' somewhere first right? | 05:39 |
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assasukasse | jrib: this works from terminal cd /home/agostino/ActionCube/ && sh actioncube.sh but not from menu, that says failed to create child process | 05:39 |
guardianx | how do u get to terminal in ubuntu 6.10? | 05:39 |
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Spliffster | fabrosa: you are right. it's there. vmware-mount.pl --help for more info | 05:39 |
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jrib | assasukasse: what if you use ";" instad of "&&" | 05:39 |
fabrosa | Spliffster: where can I download it? | 05:39 |
Spliffster | Hymie: i'd try at #evolution since evolution is not an ubuntu product | 05:39 |
assasukasse | jrib: same error | 05:40 |
assasukasse | jrib: i think i should make a bash script | 05:40 |
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Spliffster | fabrosa: it is installed on my system ... prolly by the vmware installer. are you running server or desktop ? | 05:40 |
Hymie | Spliffster: uh, ok... will do.. erm, isn't Ubuntu just a collection of other people's products? ;) | 05:40 |
assasukasse | #!/bin/bash; cd wherever it is, sh actioncube.sh...make it executable and see | 05:40 |
jrib | assasukasse: that will probably work | 05:40 |
fabrosa | Spliffster: egdy, desktop | 05:40 |
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Spliffster | fabrosa: in my case it's in /usr/bin/vmware-mount.pl | 05:40 |
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guardianx | how do u get to terminal ? in ubuntu 6.10? | 05:41 |
Hymie | Spliffster: I understand they are more knowledgable, but it was a funny way for you to put it (since, everything in ubuntu is someone else's ;) | 05:41 |
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[A] ndy80 | hi | 05:41 |
Spliffster | fabrosa: nae i meant vmware-server or vmware-desktop version. mine is the server version and it shipped with the mount tool | 05:41 |
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fabrosa | Spliffster: I've installed vmware-player but I can't find it | 05:41 |
[A] ndy80 | running mysql-query-browser I get this error: (mysql-query-browser-bin:11264): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "ubuntulooks" | 05:41 |
[A] ndy80 | how can I fix it? | 05:41 |
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Spliffster | Hymie: well sort of. not everything is some one elses ... but i see the hidden joke .. yes :D | 05:42 |
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[A] ndy80 | the program run anyway, but its look is very ugly | 05:42 |
|thunder | [A] | 05:42 |
assasukasse | jrib: in fact it does....well i will leave the launcher | 05:42 |
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[A] ndy80 | |thunder: yes? | 05:42 |
|thunder | [A] ndy80; try apt-cache search clearlooks and install the package it finds | 05:42 |
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[A] ndy80 | ok | 05:42 |
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guardianx | how the hell do u get to terminal? | 05:42 |
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Spliffster | fabrosa: so you may download the free vmware server package | 05:42 |
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|thunder | guardianx; apps/acces/term | 05:43 |
neozen | guardian alt-f3 should do it | 05:43 |
fabrosa | Spliffster: ok, thanks | 05:43 |
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Spliffster | fabrosa: yw | 05:43 |
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neozen | or go through menu | 05:43 |
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fabrosa | Spliffster: is it in any repos? | 05:43 |
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ed1t | im trying to install VMware server on ubuntu 7.04 but it gave me an module error | 05:43 |
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neozen | fabrosa: no...... not any version you'd actually want | 05:44 |
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fabrosa | ok, thanks neozen | 05:44 |
Spliffster | fabrosa: not that i know. but i am not really up to date about installing vmware.m ine's runnign a year or so. | 05:44 |
[A] ndy80 | |thunder: gtk2-engines-ubuntulooks is already istalled | 05:44 |
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neozen | fabrosa: I've got a guide for you though | 05:44 |
|thunder | [A] ndy80; strange | 05:44 |
fabrosa | neozen: can you link it me please? | 05:44 |
neozen | fabrosa: talks you through it from start to finish | 05:44 |
brush01uk | Greeting everyone, can anyone tell me why I can not resize my screen in Ubuntu 6.06 lts, it is a new install | 05:44 |
neozen | fabrosa: sure.... wait 2 | 05:44 |
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[A] ndy80 | |thunder: n.b: I'm running the mysql gui tools provided by mysql.com (becase ubuntu's are old and bugged) | 05:45 |
roachiepoopoo | On Feisty (i386), I seem unable to assign a keyboard shortcut to open a Terminal window. Anyone know anything about this? Is it a known bug? | 05:45 |
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Spliffster | neozen: i'd be interested in this guide too :) | 05:45 |
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roachiepoopoo | Clarification: I can assign the shortcut - it just won't work. | 05:45 |
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neozen | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183209&highlight=vmware | 05:45 |
neozen | that'd be it | 05:45 |
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whta | !ntfs | 05:45 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 05:45 |
whta | !ntfs-3g | 05:46 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 05:46 |
fabrosa | thanks neozen | 05:46 |
neozen | Spliffster: talks you through installing windows on it... but I'm sure you can ignore that part | 05:46 |
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neozen | fabrosa: my pleasure | 05:46 |
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neozen | Spliffster: if that's what you aren't looking to do | 05:46 |
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neozen | brush01uk: let me guess intel card? | 05:46 |
Spliffster | neozen: i see, its an installation guid. i thought you were referring to mounting vmdk's | 05:46 |
neozen | Spliffster: OH | 05:47 |
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Spliffster | neozen: nm | 05:47 |
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neozen | Spliffster: lol.... sorry | 05:47 |
ed1t | how do i check my kernel version? | 05:47 |
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neozen | ed1t: use uname -a on the command line | 05:47 |
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jeanre | is Trac not in the repos? | 05:47 |
Spliffster | neozen: i guess (thanks to fabrosa) found a way. vmware-server ships with a perl utilit which seems to do this :D | 05:47 |
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neozen | ahhh | 05:47 |
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neozen | yeah... | 05:47 |
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neozen | I would be surprised if it didn | 05:48 |
neozen | 't | 05:48 |
ed1t | neozen, thx u know anything about vmwar? | 05:48 |
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ed1t | vmware* | 05:48 |
neozen | ed1t: I know a little | 05:48 |
neozen | ed1t: haven't run it in a while | 05:48 |
brush01uk | Neozen, yes onboard | 05:48 |
Spliffster | ed1t: i am running vmare servers for years. what's the matter ? | 05:48 |
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neozen | brush01uk: dell laptop? | 05:48 |
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ed1t | Spliffster, i installed vmware server on 7.04 but gave me a module error | 05:49 |
ed1t | im guessing it has to do with the kernel | 05:49 |
ed1t | im on 2.6.20-13 | 05:49 |
neozen | brush01uk: widescreen screen but not going to to widescreen resolution? | 05:49 |
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neozen | ed1t: in order to install vmware, you need to recompile your kernel | 05:49 |
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gnomefreak | ed1t: join #ubuntu+1 | 05:49 |
brush01uk | no, a small atx motherboard 5 x 5 inchs sq | 05:49 |
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ed1t | neozen, how do i do that? | 05:50 |
neozen | ed1t: the guide I covered handles modifying the kernel | 05:50 |
neozen | *posted | 05:50 |
Spliffster | ed1t: have you run the install script, did it finish without error ? if not, check this documentation (a step by step install guide for ubuntu) and well, 7.04 is still beta. good luck. also check #ubuntu+1 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183209 | 05:50 |
neozen | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183209&highlight=vmware | 05:50 |
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Bawlsfuff | Does anyone know how to get the Linksys WMP45G v4.1 working in Ubuntu 6.10? | 05:50 |
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Bawlsfuff | Or, rather, any rt61 wireless card? | 05:51 |
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neozen | Bawlsfuff: strange....... it isn't working already? | 05:51 |
ed1t | Spliffster, i ran the vmware-installer but it gave me an module error after terms and conditions | 05:51 |
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KratoS | Hi, I can't chat in the italian channel, why?? I see message after I post there:* #ubuntu-it :Please register with services and use the IDENTIFY command (/msg nickserv help) to speak " what's that? | 05:51 |
Bawlsfuff | nope | 05:51 |
KratoS | someone help me, please :) | 05:52 |
neozen | Bawlsfuff: linksys cards used to be pretty good about playing nice out of the box with the latest kernel | 05:52 |
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peweeh | hi | 05:52 |
Bawlsfuff | neozen:everything SEEMS perfect, but then when i check device manager, it says the Device Type is unknown. So upon further seach online, it appears I need to install better drivers for it | 05:52 |
neozen | KratoS: you have to register your nickname | 05:52 |
zdzichuBG | hi, anyone know why (and by which script) /var/run/avahi-daemon/disabled-for-unicast-local is created every boot (or shutdown) ? | 05:52 |
Spliffster | ed1t: this is a feisty issue go and talk about it in #ubuntu+1 | 05:52 |
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KratoS | neozen : how? | 05:52 |
neozen | Bawlsfuff: folow their directions | 05:52 |
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Bawlsfuff | neozen: well, i found one set of directions that said I need to install the correct kernel headers and gcc 3.4, but I don't know what this means, and can't find better instructions when i search online | 05:53 |
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neozen | KratoS: : type "/msg nickserv register help" into your irc client | 05:53 |
KratoS | How to register my nickname on #ubuntu-it ? | 05:53 |
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peweeh | is it possible to burn a cd while in a live-session? strange question, regarding the fact i have to eject the live-cd.. but i rather ask. would make things easier. | 05:54 |
KratoS | neozen: ok i'm going to try | 05:54 |
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neozen | Bawlsfuff: sorry .... that statement was made for KratoS | 05:54 |
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elsat | hola senors | 05:54 |
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frojnd | hello there I was just dist-upgrade and there was some error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12336/ can someone tell me how can I fix this to complete upgrade?? | 05:54 |
leo|term | Is it possible to see where something installs when using apt-get, i installed pisg and am not sure where it is =) | 05:54 |
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brush01uk | Neozen, I can see your are very busy, I catch you another time,ref on board intel, Thankyou ,Barry | 05:55 |
neozen | Bawlsfuff: ok.... there's a command you need to run in order to get the headers for your current kernel | 05:55 |
elsat | i'm having some problems with installing 6.06 server. Anyone care to lend a hand? | 05:55 |
neozen | brush01uk: kk.... farewell | 05:55 |
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coopster | blarg. i am trying to install the gimmie panel applet from source, and i keep getting the error while running ./configure - "checking for headers required to compile python extensions... not found". I am not exactly a newbie, I have all the required -dev packages installed, but it just won't find them. what am i doing wrong? | 05:55 |
brush01uk | takecare bye | 05:55 |
Bawlsfuff | neozen: what command is this? | 05:55 |
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guardianx_ | can some1 help me install eboard? | 05:55 |
neozen | brush01uk: solution involves 915resolution.... get that | 05:55 |
Bawlsfuff | neozen: Sorry, I'm a noob | 05:55 |
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neozen | Bawlsfuff: I'll look it up for you | 05:55 |
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Ferret | !headers | 05:55 |
ubotu | To install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages | 05:55 |
KratoS | neozen : after I write "/msg nickserv register help" i see: "-NickServ- The nickname [Kratos] is already registered" o.O | 05:56 |
neozen | lol | 05:56 |
=== Chris12 [n=albert@e176020008.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | well... you need a different nick then | 05:56 |
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KratoS | :( so I must change it? | 05:56 |
Chris12 | hi, if have a question concerning the topic of plugin in a new hard drive | 05:56 |
neozen | yep | 05:56 |
KratoS | ok thanks | 05:56 |
Chris12 | will ubuntu just recognize it or do i have to mount it manually? | 05:56 |
Bawlsfuff | neozen: so what exactly is the accompanying -dev packages? What does that mean? | 05:56 |
bronze_0_1 | KratoS: someone else owns itr, or you own it and you forgot the passwd | 05:56 |
neozen | Bawlsfuff: to get g++: sudo apt-get install gcc-3.4 | 05:57 |
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neozen | Bawlsfuff: gcc: | 05:57 |
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Bawlsfuff | neozen: but don't i need to have this gcc-3.4 on my computer? | 05:57 |
Spliffster | Chris12: if it is a usb or firewire bloc device with a recognized filesystem. you can just plug it in. | 05:57 |
KratoS | bronze_0_1 ok thx | 05:57 |
Bawlsfuff | neozen: or is it already on there? | 05:57 |
Ferret | Bawlsfuff: You don't need headers for libraries, just the kernel headers I guess? | 05:57 |
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kane` | Bawlsfuff, you can check by typing gcc --version | 05:57 |
neozen | Bawlsfuff: if its saying you need gcc or g++ its not on there | 05:58 |
Chris12 | Spliffster: it's an ide harddrive | 05:58 |
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Bawlsfuff | neozen: Haha, I'm so confused right now | 05:58 |
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Bawlsfuff | I guess this is the only way to learn though | 05:58 |
elsat | when i reach the installation step where I need to partition my hard drive, the installation just sits there forever | 05:58 |
Spliffster | Chris12: i have never tried it, assuming it is not formatted it probably cannot be mounted automaticly | 05:58 |
Kevlar_Soul | What is the name of that package that gives you GUI of everything that is running like TASK MANAGER in windows???? | 05:58 |
axloo | hello guys! | 05:58 |
neozen | Bawlsfuff: to get your kernel headers type this into a terminal: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` | 05:58 |
guardianx_ | i have install eboard from syn app.. how do i run it?? where do i go to exe the program? | 05:59 |
Chris12 | Spliffster: Ye, I read some manuals, but it's the harddrive of a friend, a windows one, and i want to copy some data | 05:59 |
neozen | Kevlar_Soul: check out the system menu | 05:59 |
neozen | Kevlar_Soul: ubuntu should have one by default | 05:59 |
Spliffster | Chris12: but then, it is fairly simple. install the drive, boot, install gparted, format it, edit /etc/fstab (add a new line to auto mount it on bootup) that's it | 05:59 |
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Kevlar_Soul | it doesnt | 05:59 |
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Spliffster | Chris12: even better, then you do not need to format it -- beware! | 06:00 |
Chris12 | Spliffster: I'll try, but i really don't want to format it :D | 06:00 |
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neozen | Kevlar_Soul: a fancy one is lavaps | 06:00 |
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neozen | Kevlar_Soul: models your computer's memory usage as a lava lamp | 06:00 |
Bawlsfuff | neozen: hmmm. Nothing really happened, Id ont think | 06:00 |
Kevlar_Soul | THANK!! | 06:00 |
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Kevlar_Soul | haha | 06:00 |
[A] ndy80 | |thunder: fixed: http://www.bugged.be/?p=26#more-26 :) | 06:00 |
neozen | Bawlsfuff: you need to run this stuff in a terminal | 06:00 |
Kevlar_Soul | lavaps is it in repository? | 06:00 |
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neozen | Kevlar_Soul: yeah | 06:01 |
Spliffster | Chris12: just make sure jumper setings are corect (master/slave/cs) ten turn on the computer and mount it with: mount -t fs /dev/hdX /mnt. fs is eighter ntfs or vfat, depending what your friends system has formatted it with. | 06:01 |
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neozen | Kevlar_Soul: just read the docs... it can look really good when you make it smooth | 06:01 |
Bawlsfuff | alright, its version 4.1.1, so isn't that better than 3.4? | 06:01 |
sluimers | Hi there, I'm only a newbie trying to play a game on ubuntu but get: "Your system is reporting that direct rendering is not available. Please obtain an updated driver from your video card manufacturer." now I've tried downloading and installing the latest drivers downloaded from Intel's site, but when I installing the driver I get: "ERROR: AGPGART module did not compile" "ERROR: Kernel modules did not compile" "The DRI drivers can not b | 06:01 |
sluimers | e installed without the latest kernel modules. | 06:01 |
sluimers | Installation will be aborted. See the dri.log file for information on | 06:01 |
sluimers | what went wrong." Is it still possible to fix this? | 06:01 |
Chris12 | Spliffster: thank you very much | 06:01 |
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Kevlar_Soul | okay\ | 06:01 |
Spliffster | Chris12: and you must replace hdX with hda/hdb/hdc ... whatever it is detected on | 06:01 |
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neozen | !lavaps | 06:02 |
ubotu | lavaps: a lava lamp of currently running processes. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7-4build1 (edgy), package size 123 kB, installed size 380 kB | 06:02 |
rambo3 | !envy | sluimers | 06:02 |
ubotu | sluimers: envy is a Python script that eases installation of the official Nvidia and ATI drivers. This software is NOT supported by ubuntu and you will not receive aid for it here. More at http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html See !nvidia and !nvidia9 | 06:02 |
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Spliffster | Chris12: yw | 06:02 |
Bawlsfuff | neozen: I'm running in a terminal, haha, got that far. My version of gcc is 4.1.2 | 06:02 |
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Chris12 | Spliffster: ye, i think, i'll manage it ;) | 06:02 |
Spliffster | Chris12: good luck! | 06:02 |
sluimers | I have an Intel graphics card, would that help as well? | 06:02 |
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iqon | i'm getting the following error when running update manager in feisty "E: /var/cache/apt/archives/mscompress_0.3-2_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/msexpand', which is also in package foo2zjs" | 06:03 |
kane` | Bawlsfuff, now try g++ --version | 06:03 |
rambo3 | iqon sudo apt-get -f install | 06:03 |
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Bawlsfuff | kane': command not found | 06:04 |
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tony_ | hello | 06:04 |
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neozen | !feisty >iqon | 06:04 |
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kane` | Bawlsfuff, apt-get install g++ | 06:04 |
neozen | Bawlsfuff: type sudo apt-get install g++ | 06:05 |
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steven43126 | anyone know what err=49 in regards to LDAP means ? | 06:05 |
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neozen | 06:05 | |
GeorgX | hi I got a problem after upgrading to feisty beta1 | 06:05 |
dyzlexiK | Hello. Does anyone know if its possible to run Ubuntu in Virtual PC 2007? | 06:05 |
neozen | GeorgX: #ubuntu+1 for feisty support plz | 06:06 |
neozen | GeorgX: not here | 06:06 |
Bawlsfuff | neozen: Alright, i ran that command, and it installed | 06:06 |
GeorgX | ok sorry :-) | 06:06 |
GeorgX | thanx for the advice | 06:06 |
neozen | Bawlsfuff: ok.... try your process again | 06:06 |
Bawlsfuff | neozen: where do i go from here? | 06:06 |
neozen | GeorgX: no worries | 06:06 |
iqon | neoncode, thanks | 06:06 |
iqon | rambo3, thanks | 06:06 |
neozen | Bawlsfuff: try doing... whatever it was you were doing before | 06:06 |
craigbass1976 | can anyone tell me where to find jdk-1_5_0_08-linux-i586.bin ? | 06:06 |
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Bawlsfuff | neozen: Okay, I'll give it a shot. Thank you for your help! | 06:07 |
coopster | blarg. i am trying to install the gimmie panel applet from source, and i keep getting the error while running ./configure - "checking for headers required to compile python extensions... not found". I am not exactly a newbie, I have all the required -dev packages installed, but it just won't find them. what am i doing wrong? | 06:07 |
cypher1 | can i install kubuntu-desktop in ubuntu and thus have both GNOME and KDE ? | 06:07 |
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neozen | craigbass1976: on sun's site: http://java.sun.com | 06:07 |
peweeh | yes | 06:07 |
teb | cypher1 yes | 06:07 |
cliebow_ | i do | 06:07 |
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cypher1 | peweeh, teb thanks | 06:07 |
neozen | cypher1: its possible | 06:07 |
neozen | cypher1: what your asking is that is... but not by the method you're trying | 06:08 |
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cliebow_ | steven43126, i have a url for ldap errors | 06:08 |
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cypher1 | neozen, then how should i do it ? | 06:08 |
NineLives | Any ideas why I can't get 3d acceleration to work in wine? I've tried cedega&crossover without luck also. Ubuntu 7.04/Nvidia 9755/Wine 0.9.33 | 06:08 |
neozen | cypher1: I believe kubuntu-desktop REPLACES ubuntu-desktop ..... which might whack out gnome | 06:08 |
steven43126 | cliebow_, fire away ;) | 06:09 |
cliebow_ | http://www.directory-info.com/LDAP/LDAPErrorCodes | 06:09 |
LjL | neozen, cypher1: no, it doesn't | 06:09 |
LjL | !kde | 06:09 |
ubotu | KDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE veresion is 3.5.6 for Edgy and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information. | 06:09 |
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LjL | you can choose which one to use at login | 06:09 |
noelferreira | hi people | 06:09 |
steven43126 | cliebow_, ta | 06:09 |
cypher1 | LjL, thanks | 06:09 |
cliebow_ | 8~) | 06:09 |
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cypher1 | neozen, during the apt-get also, it did not mention it is going to remove gnome packages | 06:09 |
noelferreira | wich is the best partition type to store files like movies, music and stuff like that? | 06:09 |
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fbc | I uninstalled evolution and now I cannot get past the graphical login.. HELP!!! Any ideas on how to fix this with reinstalling? | 06:10 |
Dimensions | hiya is there any good easy to use GUI programme for shell/bash scripts ? | 06:10 |
neozen | cypher1: lol.... ok.... I might be wrong | 06:10 |
LjL | cypher1, it won't remove them. plenty of people have both kubuntu and ubuntu installed. the bewares are... | 06:10 |
Agrajag | noelferreira: you mean filesystem? | 06:10 |
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neozen | sorry for the misinformation cypher1 | 06:10 |
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cypher1 | neozen, np | 06:10 |
noelferreira | yes Agrajag i want to chanfe a fat32 partition to other type of filesystem | 06:10 |
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cypher1 | LjL, the bewares are ? | 06:10 |
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LjL | cypher1: 1) your GNOME menu will get polluted with KDE apps, and vice versa 2) GNOME colors (and/or KDE colors, but more likely the GNOME ones) and possibly themes might need some manual fixing | 06:10 |
fbc | Anyone know how to get gnome working again? | 06:10 |
peweeh | is there something, like, a web installer for the newest version of feisty fawn? | 06:11 |
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Jester626 | fbc: what happened to make it quit working? | 06:11 |
neozen | peweeh: lol... NO | 06:11 |
noelferreira | Agrajag: did tou understand? | 06:11 |
rambo3 | peweeh, if you mean like debian no | 06:11 |
neozen | peweeh: that.... would rock | 06:11 |
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vapo1 | yep peweeh | 06:11 |
rambo3 | but there are other options | 06:11 |
LjL | cypher1: the themes problem is mainly due to the fact that KDE installs a *GTK* theme engine that uses Qt to do the rendering (i.e., tries to make GNOME apps look like KDE apps), so that should be easily fixed by removing that package (gtk2-engines-gtk-qt, iirc) | 06:11 |
vapo1 | its an upgrade though | 06:11 |
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fbc | Jester626: I uninstalled evolution and now I cannot get past the graphical login.. | 06:12 |
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noelferreira | wich is the best filesystem to store files like movies, music and stuff like that? | 06:12 |
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Spliffster | hey ... does gaim-text work in edgy ? | 06:12 |
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Jester626 | fbc: this may or may not work, but the first thing I would try is to reinstall evolution to see if it fixes the problem | 06:12 |
peweeh | rambo3: hah. let me try to paint you a picture of my situation | 06:12 |
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LjL | noelferreira: why not just ext3... it works. no particular performance consideration when storing very big files, and fragmentation is decent unless you fill up the drive | 06:13 |
jelle | hi! when I plugin my usb protable harddisc ubuuntu always opens all the paritions in a nautils window explorer | 06:13 |
jeeves_Moss | has anyone here ever used "upstart" under ubuntu? | 06:13 |
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jelle | is there a way how I can avoid that auto launch? | 06:13 |
LjL | jeeves_Moss: yes, everybody who uses Ubuntu > Dapper | 06:13 |
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Spliffster | has any one installed gaim-text in edgy ? | 06:13 |
fbc | Jester626: How would I do that if I can't even login.. | 06:13 |
LjL | !upstart > jeeves_Moss (jeeves_Moss, see the private message from Ubotu) | 06:13 |
wo0lverine | hello | 06:13 |
vaportrace | hey | 06:13 |
root_ | hi | 06:13 |
noelferreira | i use ext3 for / LjL | 06:13 |
LjL | !hi | 06:13 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 06:13 |
Jester626 | hit CTRL+ALT+F1 and see if it takes you to the command line login | 06:13 |
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fbc | Jester626: Is there and APT line command that might help me? | 06:13 |
cypher1 | LjL, thanks a lot! | 06:13 |
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peweeh | new computer. no OS installed. i got a broken build of xubuntu right here from which i booted into a live session, but can't install without loads of errors | 06:13 |
Jester626 | yes there is | 06:13 |
LjL | noelferreira: well, nothing wrong with using the same filesystem for two partitions, is there =) | 06:13 |
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noelferreira | i know LjL | 06:14 |
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jeeves_Moss | LjL: well, I was reading on their web page that it should improve the boot time, and mine seems VERY slow. Also, there were some screen shots on Slashdot a while ago about some graphical loader as well, any ideas? | 06:14 |
=== yurimxpxman [n=yurimxpx@pool-71-98-89-200.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rambo3 | fbc recovery | 06:14 |
LjL | jeeves_Moss: are you on Ubuntu Edgy Eft (6.10)? | 06:14 |
fbc | rambo3: How do I use recovery? | 06:14 |
=== Masura [n=masura@dsl-lprgw5-fedcf900-204.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rambo3 | i think someone posted you link | 06:14 |
vaportrace | peweeh: you need to get a good iso off the net | 06:14 |
noelferreira | i mean if there's is one particular filesystem with better performance with stuff downloaded (movies music ..garbage) LjL | 06:14 |
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jeeves_Moss | LjL: one sec, looking for the artical. | 06:14 |
LjL | jeeves_Moss: you can check by typing lsb_release -a | 06:14 |
noelferreira | LjL: do you know what i mean? | 06:15 |
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vaportrace | Fiesty survey? how many having trouble with glx on nvidia here? | 06:15 |
fbc | rambo3: nope.. | 06:15 |
=== PaulDev [n=paul@a80-126-120-230.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rambo3 | !rescue | fbc | 06:15 |
ubotu | fbc: To rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system" | 06:15 |
LjL | noelferreira, if we're talking about big files (and movies, music, etc are big files), and no strong fragmentation (i.e. you *copy* them there, you don't download them there using some peer-to-peer program), then any filesystem will do. the more robust, the better. ext3 is robust. | 06:15 |
jeeves_Moss | LJL: yea, edgy 6.1 | 06:15 |
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apokryphos | vaportrace: feisty in #ubuntu+1 | 06:15 |
neozen | vaportrace: #ubuntu+1 for feisty support | 06:15 |
neozen | lol | 06:15 |
rambo3 | fbc in grub on system star choose rescue | 06:15 |
neozen | JINX | 06:16 |
LjL | noelferreira: if the stuff might get fragmented (like, you do use a peer-to-peer program to download it), well, ext3 is still quite fragmentation-resilient. but then there's, say, xfs that can defragment online | 06:16 |
vaportrace | apokryphos: 7.04 | 06:16 |
fbc | rambo3: Yeah ok I' following you.. | 06:16 |
vaportrace | k | 06:16 |
apokryphos | vaportrace: = feisty. So #ubuntu+1 | 06:16 |
noelferreira | it is just for store LjL | 06:16 |
LjL | noelferreira: i can never remember whether they say xfs is good with small/many or big/few files, though =) but really, with big files, anything will do... | 06:16 |
noelferreira | ok i will change to ext3 LjL | 06:16 |
dyzlexiK | So has anyone got ubuntu to work on virtual PC 2007? | 06:16 |
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peweeh | anyone else getting errors while installing the newest xubuntu build? :/ | 06:17 |
jetscreamer | jfs>* | 06:17 |
dyzlexiK | I can get ubuntu to start in safe graphics mode | 06:17 |
jeeves_Moss | LjL: anyways, the thing on slashot was about making your startup load in parellel, and it also gave a live graphical indication of what was going on during the load. | 06:17 |
noelferreira | thanks LjL | 06:17 |
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LjL | noelferreira: then just go with ext3, you'll be fine. besides, you can even defragment ext3 now (probably not *too* tested, but you can), were it needed | 06:17 |
JRlinux | Ubuntu 5.10 live just booted up... Any thoughts why FF dies every time I put in an internet address? | 06:17 |
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fbc | rambo3: OK, after I select my country and keyboard and other stuff what should I do? | 06:17 |
jelle | found it | 06:17 |
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LjL | jeeves_Moss: the problem is, what you are describing happens *by default* under Ubuntu Edgy and later, since upstart is the *default* initializer | 06:17 |
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jeeves_Moss | LjL: ok, thanks. I didn't know. | 06:17 |
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Uberuxterm | hey whats the best filesys i should use on 500mhz/512ram with 8gb root space, reiser4 or ext3 im noob | 06:18 |
LjL | jeeves_Moss: if you want to try to improve startup time a little, and you are *already* under edgy, reboot, then at the GRUB prompt, hit "e", go to the kernel line, hit "e", add the word " profile", then hit "b" to boot | 06:18 |
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jeeves_Moss | LjL: ok, thanks. I'll look into it. | 06:18 |
LjL | jeeves_Moss: startup will take much longer than usual, which means the system is analyzing startup files in order to optimize the loading sequence | 06:18 |
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LightCatcher | Is there any software that will run on dapper that can make new partitions without erasing all the data on the drive? | 06:18 |
LjL | jeeves_Moss: then, next time you boot it should be slightly faster | 06:18 |
steven43126 | Uberuxterm, i would stick with ext3 | 06:19 |
Uberuxterm | ok | 06:19 |
LjL | !gparted > LightCatcher (LightCatcher, see the private message from Ubotu) | 06:19 |
Uberuxterm | ] thx | 06:19 |
LightCatcher | Ljl: Thank you | 06:19 |
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SoftIce | hi please can somebody look at this | 06:19 |
SoftIce | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12341/ | 06:19 |
SoftIce | thank you. | 06:19 |
SoftIce | with regards to env | 06:19 |
rambo3 | fbc , you are in secue right dics ? can you boot in normal with rescue | 06:20 |
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fbc | rambo3: After ansering the obvius questions, I get a menu that gives you a couple of options: EXECUTE A SHELL IN /DEV/HDA1 | 06:20 |
fbc | rambo3: yeah I booted with the ALT INSTALL CD | 06:20 |
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neozen | SoftIce: lol.... adduser requires a parameter | 06:20 |
fbc | rambo3: I can reboot in normal mode with rescue would you prefer that? | 06:21 |
SoftIce | neozen: please look deeper | 06:21 |
peweeh | Failed to mount "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_5bfbeb30_1eed_4c3f_81df_560debd6a6ea". | 06:21 |
SoftIce | im not an idiot | 06:21 |
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Tatster | Hi all. I'm desperately trying to install server edition and get partitioning working with LVM but seem to be going round in circles. | 06:21 |
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peweeh | that's what i'm getting, over and over again..while installing | 06:21 |
Ferret | org directory in system root? eurgh. | 06:21 |
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Ferret | oic, install cd | 06:21 |
Tatster | If I go to use LVM I get message saying Volume group name already in use | 06:21 |
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LightCatcher | Ljl: So I'm guessing I'll have to unmount whatever device I'm trying to partition before I partition it? (which in my case would involve using the live cd since I only have one physical drive) | 06:21 |
rambo3 | fbc yes | 06:21 |
peweeh | Ferret: so it's something with the build i guess? it's a daily one | 06:22 |
rambo3 | fbs it works faster that way | 06:22 |
void^ | SoftIce: "en_ZA:en" doesn't look very good | 06:22 |
steven43126 | SoftIce named after a debbuger ? | 06:22 |
neozen | SoftIce: :::shrugs:: looks like you borked your locale files.... look around in the repos for eng locale files | 06:22 |
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meme-1 | Good morning, afternoon, and evening folks. I have noticed that in many apps from the file load/save dialog I cannot see my network volumes. Some apps like Open Office show my network in "Places" but most apps do not. Why not and how do I access my network from these apps? | 06:22 |
LjL | LightCatcher: yes, you do need to use a live CD unless you're not touching *any* mounted partition (and even then, reboot before doing anything else again) | 06:22 |
SoftIce | void^: well its south africa | 06:22 |
SoftIce | so its correct | 06:22 |
peweeh | just got my new computer and feared hardware issues | 06:22 |
JRlinux | Weird-- I ran 5.10 installed for several months on this machine about a year ago. So why doesn't FireFox run on the live setup? | 06:22 |
LightCatcher | LjL: Thank you very much. | 06:22 |
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craigbass1976 | Dimensions, did anyone answer you? I like Kate to write bash scripts, becasue the "click your scroll wheel to paste" doesn't seem to work in gedit and I haven't bothered to figure out why. I'm used to kate from using fedora and KDE | 06:22 |
Ferret | SoftIce: Should probably be a . not a : | 06:22 |
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void^ | SoftIce: it looks like an invalid syntax. | 06:23 |
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Uberuxterm | ubuntu is too slow on 500mhz/512 ram p2 | 06:23 |
fbc | rambo3: ok, It's on it's way. | 06:23 |
rambo3 | ctrl+d | 06:23 |
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fbc | rambo3: OK I just got a command line... now what/ | 06:23 |
steven43126 | Uberuxterm, try fluxbox or something instead of gnome ? | 06:23 |
craigbass1976 | Uberuxterm, even xubuntu? | 06:23 |
SoftIce | void^: please look further | 06:23 |
SoftIce | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12342/ | 06:23 |
Uberuxterm | ya even xbuuntu | 06:24 |
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SoftIce | thats my env and tried updating it | 06:24 |
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fbc | rambo3: CTRL-D at the command line? | 06:24 |
craigbass1976 | Uberuxterm, what are you running? | 06:24 |
Uberuxterm | fluxbox..that only makes gui good, but launching progs is still slow such as browsers | 06:24 |
neozen | Uberuxterm: try xfce or fluxbox | 06:24 |
Uberuxterm | i tried both | 06:24 |
neozen | Uberuxterm: ok..... and? | 06:24 |
rambo3 | fbc : sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 06:24 |
Uberuxterm | both slow | 06:24 |
Uberuxterm | the gui etc is ok in terms of speed, but launhing programs, etc is the same slow speed | 06:25 |
void^ | SoftIce: if you believe "en_ZA:en" is a valid string there i'm probably just too clueless. | 06:25 |
Arrick | where can I get the checksum.md5 for the 6.06.1 server download image? | 06:25 |
neozen | Uberuxterm: launching modern browser will always be slow on that hardware | 06:25 |
Uberuxterm | whats the use of a menu that opens up faster, but the program wait time is the same in terms of launching in XFCE/flux vs gnome/kde | 06:25 |
Arrick | *without* using the built in one | 06:25 |
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craigbass1976 | OO and firefox are slow on my box too the first time I fire them up, I have 2. something ghz and 600 something megs of ram. | 06:25 |
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fbc | rambo3: OK,, it's going... | 06:26 |
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sirkism | i figured the forum responses is a little slow | 06:26 |
neozen | Uberuxterm: try different browsers | 06:26 |
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Uberuxterm | hey | 06:26 |
Uberuxterm | whats the browser on DSL? | 06:26 |
Uberuxterm | its very fast and light | 06:26 |
craigbass1976 | I just deal with it, because they started slow in windows too, but I ain't had a virus in a couple years. :) | 06:26 |
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Dimensions | craigbass1976: thanks and sorry my question infact is to build a GUI which can call my scripts or programme running in bash | 06:26 |
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fbc | rambo3: ok, it's done should I try to reboot? | 06:26 |
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thapa | Uberuxterm: it's "dillo" | 06:26 |
XeRoX_ | how do I fix things like this: Package gaim has broken dep on libdbus-1-2 | 06:26 |
Spliffster | Uberuxterm: dillo | 06:26 |
rambo3 | fbc you dont have to | 06:26 |
neozen | Uberuxterm: everything is fast in puppy.... its running out of ram instead of off your harddrive | 06:26 |
Uberuxterm | how do i get that on other linux boxes | 06:26 |
ninniuz | hi, how to get memusagestat on (k)ubuntu | 06:27 |
rambo3 | fbc: /etc/init.d/gdm start | 06:27 |
craigbass1976 | Dimensions, don't knwo then. | 06:27 |
KenSentMe | Is it possible to rename a SD memory card in Ubuntu? I can't do it in nautilus, even with gksudo rights. | 06:27 |
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fbc | rambo3: cool... | 06:27 |
neozen | Uberuxterm: doh.... sorry misread | 06:27 |
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Dimensions | well how do i install QT or gtk in ubuntu ? | 06:27 |
Spliffster | Uberuxterm: sudo apt-get install dillo; on dibian based (ubuntu) systems | 06:27 |
neozen | Uberuxterm: zoom over to DSL 's site and check it out | 06:27 |
neozen | Dimensions: well... gtk is already installed | 06:27 |
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Uberuxterm | Spliffster thx | 06:28 |
Recyclable | erm | 06:28 |
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Recyclable | anyone able to help me, I just somehow raped firefox | 06:28 |
neozen | Recyclable: lol | 06:28 |
Recyclable | Details: Failed to execute child process "firefox" (No such file or directory) | 06:28 |
neozen | Recyclable: ok... what'd you do | 06:28 |
Recyclable | :/ | 06:28 |
Spliffster | Uberuxterm: dillo has some serious js/css problems tho. it's really nice (light weight) but nota browser that can keep up with modern render engines | 06:28 |
sirkism | i just now got the light on my wireless | 06:28 |
neozen | Recyclable: sudo aptitude install firefox | 06:28 |
dyzlexiK | Recyclable: Get Opera, its quicker under linux anyways. | 06:28 |
Recyclable | neozen: tried to update it to 2.0 | 06:29 |
fbc | rambo3: Holy crap!! it worked... I least I got to my desktop... Now all I got is a message that says:"INTERNAL ERROR: FAILED TO INITIALIZE HAL" | 06:29 |
Recyclable | :/ | 06:29 |
PriceChild | !ohmy | 06:29 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 06:29 |
sirkism | yeah i got that too | 06:29 |
neozen | Recyclable: hehe.... | 06:29 |
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neozen | Recyclable: want a script for that? | 06:29 |
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Recyclable | yes please <3 | 06:29 |
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neozen | Recyclable: you have to install the old one though... | 06:29 |
=== Spliffster thinks, it's really time to think of the children!!!1!!!1!!ne!!!!leven!!!! </sarcasm> | ||
Recyclable | just installing it again neozen :) | 06:30 |
davidwinter | hi all. how can I find out what graphics drivers I have installed on my MacBook? | 06:30 |
neozen | Recyclable: kk | 06:30 |
rambo3 | fbc : try this : rm -rf .nautilus/s* | 06:30 |
k9deh | hello. I am new to ubuntu, so excuse my question ahead of time..... | 06:30 |
PriceChild | davidwinter, lspci | grep VGA | 06:30 |
Recyclable | *should* be installed | 06:30 |
=== Recyclable checks | ||
neozen | Recyclable: I'll dig up my script | 06:30 |
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davidwinter | thanks PriceChild | 06:30 |
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Recyclable | arf, it's still raped :\ | 06:30 |
fbc | rambo3: ok,, in TERMINAL RIGHT? | 06:30 |
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Recyclable | neozen: cheers | 06:30 |
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neozen | Recyclable: try reinstall instead of install | 06:30 |
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johnficca | is there a legal way to play dvds on ubuntu in the US? | 06:31 |
johnficca | or linux | 06:31 |
SoftIce | "(%(%"*%"**^"^* | 06:31 |
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k9deh | I have 5.04 installed and wondered whether I must create the Cd of latest ver to upgrade..and is taht an option from said CD? | 06:31 |
davidwinter | do I need to check if I have directrendering (I think that's right?) enabled before trying to use beryl? | 06:31 |
Recyclable | sorry pricechild | 06:31 |
SoftIce | can somebody help me with my language? | 06:31 |
rambo3 | fbc , yes if it doesn't work then its some applet/widget that you have on panel that is not configured. i don't know much about gnome since i dont use it | 06:31 |
craigbass1976 | To play them? I didn't know it was illegal to play dvds on anything.. | 06:31 |
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kitche | johnficca: techinally no but there is ways by installing libdvdcss | 06:31 |
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lattyware | Hey all. I cannot boot ubuntu. I had to reinstall grub after moving hard drives around, and now ubuntu crashes out pronouncing that the modprobe was unsucessful. | 06:32 |
neozen | johnficca: yeah..... gray area.... good news is.... its easy :) ... install libdvdcss | 06:32 |
Dimensions | neozen: how do u access gtk ? i dont see it on menues ... and how do i install QT ? | 06:32 |
albert | hi, i got a problem with the xfce printing window (i also asked in 'xubuntu) : i can't access the printing-window. it just closes down, after i open it | 06:32 |
Tatster | Help!! resizing an LVM partition under the installer isn't working | 06:32 |
neozen | Dimensions: ::shrugs | 06:32 |
fbc | rambo3: OK,,, I just executed it.... | 06:32 |
rambo3 | !mono | Dimensions | 06:32 |
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ubotu | dimensions: mono: Mono CLI (.NET) runtime. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB | 06:32 |
fbc | rambo3: Should I try to reboot? | 06:32 |
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johnficca | I've been looking on the web and no one says yes or no | 06:32 |
lattyware | Any ideas? As I can't boot ubuntu at all. | 06:32 |
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Tatster | Should I just be able to delete the partition and recreate it? | 06:33 |
Warrior | yoooo bitch !!! | 06:33 |
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neozen | johnficca: don't worry about it mon.... just install libdvdcss | 06:33 |
Pici | !ohmy > Warrior | 06:33 |
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Warrior | yooo niger | 06:33 |
Recyclable | neozen: it's still not working >_< | 06:33 |
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neozen | Recyclable: ....drag | 06:33 |
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neozen | Recyclable: don't know what to tell you | 06:33 |
SurfnKid | !DiskMounter | 06:33 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 06:33 |
Recyclable | haha oh dear :( | 06:33 |
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neozen | Recyclable: besides use a proven script next time | 06:34 |
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Recyclable | neozen: I followed the directions on some site to the T :/ | 06:34 |
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Bawlsfuff | What does RTS thr:off mean? | 06:34 |
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neozen | Recyclable: yeah ..... that happens sometimes | 06:35 |
johnficca | I don't want to get in trouble | 06:35 |
neozen | ....submit a bug report so they fix the directions | 06:35 |
johnficca | what about lindvd | 06:35 |
wesley_ | can i blacklist a single security update? vnc4server is broken | 06:35 |
Recyclable | I would, if I could get on firefox to do so :P | 06:36 |
kitche | johnficca: it uses libdvdcss | 06:36 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@] by LjL | ||
neozen | johnficca: you own the dvds right.... you paid for them | 06:36 |
johnficca | linspire says you can with them | 06:36 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@] by LjL | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL | ||
johnficca | rentels | 06:36 |
=== Baktaah [n=baktaah@c-7b4171d5.1510-2-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
neozen | johnficca: big deal | 06:36 |
lattyware | I have two SATA hard drives and two IDE ones. I moved them around recently, and upon reboot, grub appeard to be gone. I booted a live CD, checked the partitions on the drives were all good (they were) then reinstalled grub. I can now boot ubuntu, but it gets a tiny way along, then bugs out after a couple of minutes stuck there, saying modprobe failed, and it can't find /dev/sda1 (my root drive). | 06:36 |
lattyware | Any ideas? | 06:36 |
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neozen | johnficca: you paid to RENT them then | 06:36 |
neozen | johnficca: you don't plan on ripping them right? ... just playing? | 06:37 |
johnficca | yeah | 06:37 |
neozen | johnficca: install libdvdcss | 06:37 |
johnficca | ok | 06:37 |
Recyclable | neozen: any sense in me removing firefox then doing something? | 06:37 |
Bawlsfuff | Does anyone know what RTS thr is? | 06:37 |
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neozen | johnficca: the legality of this package is still in question.... so is the idea of fair use for dvds | 06:37 |
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neozen | johnficca: you are not going to get caught lol | 06:37 |
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wesley_ | anyone know how to blacklist a package/version? | 06:38 |
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kitche | lattyware: if you moved the devices around then your roo is not /dev/sda1 anymore most likely unless they are in the same spot as they were before | 06:38 |
LjL | !pinning > wesley_ (wesley_, see the private message from Ubotu) | 06:38 |
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eilker | i have 5 cd's as parts of an installation kit, i wanna make them a dvd , is it possible to do it ? may be via k3b ? | 06:38 |
neozen | !pinning | 06:38 |
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ubotu | pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto | 06:38 |
lattyware | kitche: Well, I've checked on the live CD, and it is still /dev/sda1 | 06:38 |
wesley_ | LjL thank you | 06:38 |
neozen | O.o | 06:38 |
johnficca | thanks for the help | 06:39 |
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neozen | johnficca: glad to be of help | 06:39 |
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neozen | that was just sooooo wrong..... | 06:39 |
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neozen | people should not be afraid to PLAY their dvds on linux | 06:39 |
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neozen | stuff like that just irks me severly | 06:40 |
lattyware | yeah | 06:40 |
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lattyware | Damn closed standards. | 06:40 |
Flamekebab | What happened to that cool "disks" utility that used to be in Ubunut? | 06:40 |
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neozen | closed.... right.... its kind of open now... whether they want it to be .... or not | 06:40 |
Recyclable | :( wooooork firefooxxx :( | 06:40 |
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neozen | awwww | 06:40 |
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=== neozen pets Recyclable | ||
Recyclable | lol | 06:41 |
=== Slart [n=markus@c83-254-170-200.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | me sorry mon | 06:41 |
Recyclable | i removed it completely | 06:41 |
atomiku | How can I block ALL ports with iptables? Then how can I add an "exception" to one port like port 90? | 06:41 |
Recyclable | then reinstalled it | 06:41 |
PriceChild | Flamekebab, it broke and was removed sorry | 06:41 |
Recyclable | and it seems even more messed up :( | 06:41 |
Flamekebab | damnit | 06:41 |
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Flamekebab | because mounting windows partitions can be a pain | 06:41 |
Slart | atomiku: you can add a incoming rule for everything and drop it | 06:41 |
neozen | Recyclable: bummer mon | 06:41 |
Flamekebab | I can never remember the synax | 06:41 |
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atomiku | Slart: yeah thats what I wanna do | 06:41 |
Flamekebab | *syntax | 06:41 |
PriceChild | Flamekebab, gparted? | 06:41 |
atomiku | Something like | 06:41 |
atomiku | IF PORT NOT 80 DROP | 06:41 |
atomiku | or whatever | 06:41 |
lattyware | Is there a way to get the UUID of a device running Dapper (using Dapper Live CD and a Fiesty Install) | 06:41 |
Slart | atomiku: hold on.. I'll check what my rules say | 06:41 |
meme-1 | Hello, I try asking again. Some apps like Open Office show my network in "Places" but most apps do not. Why not and how do I access my network from these apps? | 06:42 |
neozen | Recyclable: keep in mind... only a few weeks to to feisty | 06:42 |
LjL | wesley_: i see that that article is currently in a bit of a mess. perhaps, before trying to get through it, you may want to try "sudo aptitude hold packagename", though i'm not entirely sure if that will then work *only* withing aptitude or what | 06:42 |
atomiku | there might wanna be a few other ports i wanna keep open too | 06:42 |
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LjL | wesley_: maybe synaptic can also put packages on hold, not sure | 06:42 |
neozen | Recyclable: worst case... you back out what you have in /home.... whack out / .... and install feisty | 06:42 |
neozen | *out->of | 06:42 |
wesley_ | LjL: i'm checking out some of the links. The problem is in auto-update so I think i need something forceful. | 06:43 |
Slart | atomiku: DROP 0 -- anywhere anywhere state INVALID,NEW that's my last rule in my incoming chain.. | 06:43 |
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Recyclable | neozen: I just spent a lifetime updating hoary to breezy to whatever comes next | 06:43 |
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Recyclable | :/ | 06:43 |
Slart | atomiku: I set my iptables rules using webmin so I can't give you a command line for it | 06:43 |
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atomiku | hmmm | 06:43 |
sirkism | arghhh | 06:43 |
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LjL | wesley_: well, the "hold" flag for a package *is* global -- i'm just not sure how to set it (that is, i'm not sure whether aptitude uses it or just uses its internal database) | 06:43 |
neozen | Recyclable: ohhhh boy | 06:43 |
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lattyware | Recyclable: Dapper,Edgy | 06:43 |
LjL | wesley_: if Synaptic can do it, and i think it can't, just hold using synaptic (i don't have it, can't check) | 06:43 |
Pambos | hu guys | 06:43 |
neozen | Recyclable: yeah.... dapper is good stuff | 06:44 |
Recyclable | dapper | 06:44 |
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neozen | Recyclable: its what I run | 06:44 |
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Recyclable | i've only just got it working today | 06:44 |
Pambos | did anybody has able to use the wine | 06:44 |
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lattyware | I must say, the feisty version I have is great. | 06:44 |
ttoine | hey | 06:44 |
Slart | atomiku: I kind of remember sometihng about a default policy too.. you could set it to drop and it would drop anything not specified anywhere else | 06:44 |
neozen | Recyclable: once you get used to the slightly out of date versions of stuff, it works really good | 06:44 |
atomiku | Well | 06:44 |
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Recyclable | so it's kinda a bummer that firefox is now messed up | 06:44 |
atomiku | I need to be a bit more clever than that | 06:44 |
atomiku | if I block all incoming | 06:44 |
atomiku | I still wont be able to do anything | 06:44 |
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atomiku | I want all ports blocked unless a port has been opened by a... | 06:45 |
atomiku | hmm | 06:45 |
lattyware | It's very smooth, it auto-configed everything except my dual monitorys. And I can use the nvidia-settings thing for that . | 06:45 |
renz_ | can someone help with a question about a java install? | 06:45 |
neozen | lattyware: yeah... feisty will run fine for me.... except I have to blacklist video in order for it to work properly | 06:45 |
=== shafto searches for a good ALSA config :) | ||
Recyclable | at least I'm now in native resolution | 06:45 |
atomiku | Maybe I just need some sort of firewall application | 06:45 |
neozen | renz_: yeah | 06:45 |
lattyware | Really? Video has been fine for me, | 06:45 |
atomiku | That'll only allow gaim and xchat | 06:45 |
neozen | renz_: I've done it lots | 06:45 |
atomiku | that way I can be more secure | 06:45 |
neozen | renz_: what you need? | 06:45 |
Slart | atomiku: I'd say my firewall works nicely.. all NEW and INVALID connection attempts will get dropped.. anything connected to my outbound activities is allowed inside | 06:45 |
renz_ | i installed java5 and when i do a java -version command, it still says version 4? | 06:45 |
Recyclable | had to make all the updates to dapper in 1024x768 on my 1440x900 monitor = eye burn | 06:45 |
renz_ | any idea why? | 06:46 |
atomiku | Yeah | 06:46 |
Baktaah | Anyone know of a program that "records" the screen, and another one to edit it (add text bubbles and arrows), preferably in good quality so even small text is visible. | 06:46 |
atomiku | Well | 06:46 |
neozen | renz_: type whereis java | 06:46 |
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neozen | renz_: and check the location it spits out | 06:46 |
LjL | wesley_: i think the whole pinning thing is more for situations where you have one repository with recent versions of things, and another repository with older versions, but you want the latter to apply *except* for one package or two -- if you just want to hold some package to some older version, the "held" flag (however you set it) should work i believe | 06:46 |
Spliffster | renz_: this is an env path problem. what is echo $PATH saying ? | 06:46 |
Slart | atomiku: that way I can still use im, mail, ftp etc.. since iptables knows what ports to open up for answering connections, most of the time | 06:46 |
sacater | MAYDAY sound is only coming out of one speaker, it wasnt earlier, whats happened :( | 06:46 |
atomiku | yeah | 06:46 |
renz_ | ok, i've got that | 06:46 |
fbc | What are the pros and cons to using kde vs. gnome? | 06:46 |
apokryphos | fbc: Google. | 06:47 |
Recyclable | neozen: something else interesting i just found out: if I go system -> about ubuntu I get this error: | 06:47 |
neozen | renz_: if where that link points to isn't where you installed java5, you need to update the links in /usr/bin for java | 06:47 |
lattyware | Recyclable: Heh. I hate widescreen personally (says the guy at 2560x1024 | 06:47 |
lattyware | ) | 06:47 |
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Recyclable | Could not launch menu item Details: Failed to execute child process "yelp" (No such file or directory) | 06:47 |
ttoine | i would like to know how to find application/services wich are generating x-runs ? i am using the ubuntu -lowlatency kernell with an RME Multiface sound card at a latency of 5ms, and sometimes, even if i don't do anything but jackd alone, i experience some x-runs... (1 or 2 per hour). I add that i am developper of ubuntu studio, but we are not technical enough to find ourselves the problem | 06:47 |
finalbeta | fbc: dragons eat gnome's for breakfast. | 06:47 |
lattyware | Dual monitors win it for me. | 06:47 |
ttoine | perhaps BenC could help me | 06:47 |
ttoine | ? | 06:47 |
coagen | christ there are a lot of people here... | 06:47 |
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neozen | Recyclable: wow.... you really ticked something off | 06:47 |
neozen | coagen: YEP! | 06:47 |
neozen | coagen: heheheheheeeehee | 06:47 |
Recyclable | :( oh gods | 06:47 |
renz_ | my PATH string doesn't show the java location. is that what i'm looking for? | 06:47 |
Pambos | hello guys in need your help | 06:47 |
neozen | coagen: surprised me lots too | 06:47 |
Recyclable | can I apt-get update or something to fix it? | 06:47 |
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neozen | Recyclable: try apt-get install yelp | 06:48 |
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coagen | neozen: i'd never been here until today... | 06:48 |
guardianx_ | how do i enter the ms workgroup and get files??? | 06:48 |
lattyware | Is there a way to get a device's UUID in dapper? | 06:48 |
neozen | Recyclable: that might fix your yelp issue | 06:48 |
Pambos | I have install unbuntu on my machine, i have also install the wine but still i cannot know how to run windows software | 06:48 |
Recyclable | horray, installing it | 06:48 |
sacater | MAYDAY:::: Sound is only coming out one speaker, it wasnt earlier, whats happened | 06:49 |
finalbeta | lattyware: try running "blkid" if it's not installed, try installing it :/ | 06:49 |
Recyclable | that worked neozen :) | 06:49 |
neozen | Recyclable: ok | 06:49 |
Recyclable | now to fix firefox :/ | 06:49 |
neozen | Recyclable: yeah.... | 06:49 |
lattyware | bingo, thanks. | 06:49 |
guardianx_ | how do i enter the ms workgroup and get files??? | 06:49 |
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lattyware | Pambos: terminal -> 'wine /path/to/program.exe' | 06:50 |
neozen | Recyclable: any reason in particular why you stuck with the older versions of linux all this time? | 06:50 |
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renz_ | neozen: which link should point to the java5 install? the whereis or the $PATH variable? | 06:50 |
neozen | Recyclable: and didn't just back up your /home and do a fresh install? | 06:50 |
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neozen | renz_: the link in /usr/bin/java | 06:50 |
Recyclable | neozen: I installed over grub a year or so back so hoary had just been sitting in my HDD for ages | 06:50 |
guardianx_ | how do i enter the ms workgroup and get files??? | 06:50 |
Recyclable | neozen: I only just decided to reinstall it on sunday | 06:51 |
neozen | Recyclable: lol.... | 06:51 |
guardianx_ | how do i see the microsoft windows network on ubuntu? | 06:51 |
neozen | Recyclable: wow... | 06:51 |
finalbeta | !active directory | 06:51 |
coagen | I'm still waiting for ubuntu/linux to be able to add monitors as easy as windows.... | 06:51 |
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guardianx_ | how do i see the microsoft windows network on ubuntu? | 06:51 |
neozen | Recyclable: so... you wouldn't miss it much if you just whacked it out and did a fresh install of dapper or edgy | 06:51 |
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sdaxc1 | hi, my machine sometimes freezes with a gray box when i log out... i looked on the web but nothing has worked... any ideas ? (using xubuntu/ i get gray screen with vague small white rectangle in middle) | 06:51 |
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neozen | Recyclable: it goes really fast | 06:51 |
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neozen | Recyclable: ~30 minutes for me installing xubuntu dapper | 06:51 |
Recyclable | neozen: probably not :/ | 06:51 |
latitude | hi. how do i change the logo on the menu bar? | 06:52 |
Pambos | to be ownest with you i was runnning the command wine \\tmp\\setup.exe. Do you think thats way it didint run anything ? | 06:52 |
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Recyclable | neozen: are there any files I could have deleted that firefox needs? | 06:52 |
baktaah_ | sorry if I say this again, got disconnected | 06:52 |
baktaah_ | Anyone know of a program that records the "screen" and another to edit it (add textbubbles and arrows and stuff), prerferably good quality so even small text is visible | 06:52 |
neozen | Recyclable: tons | 06:52 |
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Recyclable | neozen: :/ | 06:52 |
lattyware | Recyclable: For me, edgy installed great, about 3-4 things to configure. | 06:52 |
neozen | Recyclable: and the sucky part is... I couldn't tell you which ones | 06:52 |
Recyclable | :( | 06:52 |
neozen | Recyclable: I know mon | 06:52 |
neozen | Recyclable: there is another possibility | 06:52 |
lattyware | coagen: What graphics card do you have? | 06:53 |
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guardianx_ | is there a way to get files off windows?which is in the workgroup ? | 06:53 |
lattyware | nVidia or ATI | 06:53 |
lattyware | ? | 06:53 |
lattyware | guardianx_: look up Samba | 06:53 |
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neozen | Recyclable: just download firefox directly.... | 06:53 |
unimatrix9 | there is no easy way to format an usb memory stick , or is there? | 06:53 |
neozen | Recyclable: stick it in some folder in your home... | 06:53 |
guardianx_ | do i have to install samba? | 06:53 |
neozen | Recyclable: and run it from there | 06:53 |
Recyclable | heh | 06:53 |
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coagen | lattyware: I know how to do it in xorg.conf with my nvidia desktop, but I dont know how to do it with this laptop with an intel i945 IGP | 06:54 |
neozen | Recyclable: one of my friends did that on his version of breezy forever | 06:54 |
Recyclable | neozen: using which browser to download it? | 06:54 |
Recyclable | :P | 06:54 |
neozen | Recyclable: LOL | 06:54 |
=== eyalw [n=eyalw@bzq-88-154-3-140.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | Recyclable: wget | 06:54 |
jpjacobs | unimatrix9, sudo mk2fs.vfat /dev/sda | 06:54 |
eyalw | hi | 06:54 |
neozen | Recyclable: or lynx | 06:54 |
eyalw | anyone with macBook here? | 06:54 |
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neozen | Recyclable: their pages should show up just fine in lynx | 06:54 |
lattyware | coagen: I was about to say, with nVidia cards, you don't have to even mess with xorg.conf - the nvidia-settings app is great - It is now as good as windows with dual monitors. Literally click and drag until you have it. | 06:55 |
eyalw | about to install ubuntu on a macbook which dual boot Win and OS X | 06:55 |
unimatrix9 | i wish i had an macbook... | 06:55 |
Recyclable | neozen: if I found the site that I followed to install it, would it be obvious what i've messed up? | 06:55 |
neozen | eyalw: eeeeeyow.... | 06:55 |
eyalw | neozen: ? | 06:55 |
neozen | Recyclable: don't know | 06:55 |
wesley_ | LjL: aptitude hold vnc4server does the trick | 06:55 |
coagen | lattyware: really? wow I havent tried that one yet | 06:55 |
neozen | Recyclable: I'd fire off an email to they person so they fix their instructions | 06:56 |
baktaah_ | Anyone know of an application that records the screen (like fraps but for linux- ubuntu), preferably with good quality. | 06:56 |
eyalw | neozen: does 6.10 installs GRUB? | 06:56 |
Recyclable | neozen: I'll boot windows and have a poke around then, brb | 06:56 |
neozen | Recyclable: lol... sorry mon | 06:56 |
unimatrix9 | is wesley dancing bare foot? | 06:56 |
neozen | eyalw: probably | 06:56 |
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eyalw | neozen: u familier with the complexity of triple booting on a macbook? | 06:56 |
Recyclable | neozen: np, cheers :) | 06:56 |
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meme-1 | Can someone please help with this annoying ubuntu problem? I am finding that most applications do not show my network volumes in "places" - file loading dialog. So far, the ONLY app that shows my network volumes in "places" is Open Office. | 06:57 |
neozen | eyalw: no... but I can imagine its #$#@$#@$@#$@$E#@!@!#!@ | 06:57 |
neozen | eyalw: horrible | 06:57 |
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neozen | lol | 06:57 |
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guardianx_ | how do i brows a window workgroup while on on ubuntu? | 06:57 |
eyalw | neozen: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187465 | 06:57 |
guardianx_ | how do i brows a window workgroup while on on ubuntu? | 06:57 |
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renz_ | neozen: i have found where the link points to, it's not the same as the whereis result. where do i go from here? sorry if too basic? | 06:58 |
NineLives | How can I get my scanner to work. It's an HP 6200c, Sane says its supported in the default HP package, but nothing in ubuntu sees it. I used to have it working just fine in gentoo. | 06:58 |
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unimatrix9 | unplug it and replug ( if its usb )? | 06:58 |
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kofler | If someone could please take a look at this and see if they could help me out, it'd be much appreciated: http://phpfi.com/220398 | 06:59 |
kofler | I replaced the ip address in octal form (123.456.789.012) with ip_address and the username with networkuser. | 06:59 |
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guardianx_ | how do i brows a window workgroup while on on ubuntu? | 07:00 |
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jetsaredim | is there a way to reinstall all the packages on my system | 07:00 |
NineLives | unimatrix9, i've tried that many times | 07:00 |
guardianx_ | how do i brows a window workgroup while on on ubuntu? | 07:00 |
unimatrix9 | hmm, to bad that it does not help | 07:00 |
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rambo3 | jetsaredim, like dpkg --configure -a ? | 07:01 |
unimatrix9 | use locations network | 07:01 |
jetsaredim | rambo3: umm - maybe | 07:01 |
meme-1 | guardianx: from the file browser you could type in smb://network server name (in location) | 07:01 |
unimatrix9 | NineLives, and you tried to set it up with printer? | 07:01 |
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meme-1 | Can someone please help with this annoying ubuntu problem? I am finding that most applications do not show my network volumes in "places" - file loading dialog. So far, the ONLY app that shows my network volumes in "places" is Open Office. | 07:02 |
scapor | Is it safe to install Ubuntu next to Windows XP ? XP is on an NTFS partition. Is it possible to resize windows' partition to make place for ubuntu without losing data ? | 07:02 |
NineLives | unimatrix9, why would i setup a scanner as a printer? | 07:02 |
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renz_ | neozen: thnx for your help, i think i've got it. | 07:02 |
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unimatrix9 | ah its a scanner ,sorry my mistake | 07:02 |
Recyclable` | neozen: aha! | 07:02 |
dauoalagio2 | hello, what's a good program in Gnome for developing? Python, preferred. | 07:02 |
Recyclable` | neozen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion | 07:02 |
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meme-1 | scapor: the Ubuntu CD/DVD will set up a boot manager for you - you select OS at boot up.. make sure you have space for Linux volumes (EXT3/Swap/etc) | 07:03 |
eyalw | any mac owner? | 07:03 |
Recyclable` | I got to the stage where it says try it out then everything died | 07:03 |
preaction | dauoalagio2: gvim, or just vim | 07:03 |
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scapor | meme-1: right, but will it resize an existing NTFS partition without risk of losing data ? | 07:03 |
neozen | Recyclable`: you installs off the official guide ... and it didn't work | 07:03 |
meme-1 | scapor: yes | 07:04 |
neozen | Recyclable`: DEFINATELY submit a report | 07:04 |
Recyclable` | neozen: apparently so :/ | 07:04 |
scapor | meme-1: Ok thanks | 07:04 |
meme-1 | scapor: BUT backup first just in case | 07:04 |
dauoalagio2 | preaction: i'd rather have a program for it. | 07:04 |
unimatrix9 | NineLives, you already tried in terminal sane-find-scanner ? | 07:04 |
preaction | dauoalagio2: what do you mean "a program for it"? you mean an IDE? | 07:04 |
NineLives | unimatrix9, yep, it says none found | 07:04 |
scapor | meme-1: right, but I'd like to give a friend an Ubuntu CD but I want to be sure he woudlnt lose it al | 07:04 |
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dauoalagio2 | preaction: yeah | 07:04 |
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jetsaredim | is there a way to for reinstall of all packages on my system? | 07:05 |
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neozen | Recyclable`: yeah... that's wrong.... please submit a report | 07:05 |
jetsaredim | s/for/force/ | 07:05 |
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jeanre | any one here use svn? | 07:05 |
Tchaka | Hi! | 07:05 |
Cheetah | hey ;) | 07:05 |
Cheetah | jeanre, I use SVN | 07:05 |
Recyclable` | neozen: sec, I may have found where I went wrong, brb | 07:05 |
octoberdan | Does Ubuntu have any packages for business management? Something like ACT, but for linux? Maybe even a kind of all in one customizable calendar, contact info, and notepad application sort of dealy. | 07:05 |
meme-1 | scapor: Basically it is just smart to never 100% trust the technology. Always do a backup first. You never know what can happen... lockups or power outages during a partition resize will lead to disaster! | 07:05 |
neozen | lol... ok | 07:06 |
jeanre | Cheetah: I just installed it on ubuntu server and I get stupid errors | 07:06 |
Cheetah | can you post those errors to pastebin? | 07:06 |
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jeanre | 405 Method Not Allowed (http://localhost) | 07:06 |
Cheetah | (to jeanre) | 07:06 |
jeanre | Cheetah: pm? | 07:06 |
peaker | my cpu is 64bit (AMD64), but I donno if my kubuntu is 32 or 64. Where do I find that? | 07:06 |
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peaker | cause AMD64 probably can run and install a normal 32-bit os, can't it? | 07:06 |
preaction | dauoalagio2: how about: idle, eric-python2.5, or kate? | 07:07 |
Cheetah | I'm looking for a more powerful screenshot tool than the one coming with ubuntu by default | 07:07 |
Cheetah | any ideas? | 07:07 |
NineLives | octoberdan, check out evolution, it's designed to be an outlook replacement, it even have a exchange plugin | 07:07 |
Cheetah | jeanre, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 07:07 |
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jeanre | Cheetah: thats the error | 07:07 |
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dauoalagio2 | preaction: never heard of them bite kate | 07:07 |
dauoalagio2 | but** | 07:07 |
meme-1 | Asking again... am I being ignored? lol Can someone please help with this annoying ubuntu problem? I am finding that most applications do not show my network volumes in "places" - file loading dialog. So far, the ONLY app that shows my network volumes in "places" is Open Office. | 07:07 |
jeanre | 405 Method Not Allowed (http://localhost) | 07:07 |
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Cheetah | jeanre, i didn't get an yerrors via pm | 07:07 |
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unimatrix9 | NineLives, seems to be an very difficult and not wel supported device | 07:07 |
unimatrix9 | HP 6200 | 07:07 |
Cheetah | please paste them to the pasteboard | 07:08 |
jeeves_moss | can anyone help me with my Athoes card? It works occasionaly, and it's starting to piss me off. | 07:08 |
jeanre | Cheetah: its one line | 07:08 |
unimatrix9 | HP 6200c not well supported under al linux brands... | 07:08 |
NineLives | unimatrix9, it's been fully supported for many years, it just doesn't work in ubuntu for me | 07:08 |
unimatrix9 | hmm? | 07:08 |
Rhoruns | can someone help me with an installation problem i'm having? after installing from the live cd, it tells me to take out the cd, close the tray, and press enter to continue. but pressing enter does absolutely nothing, and it just hangs there for seemingly ever. | 07:09 |
peaker | how to check if ubuntu on an AMD64 needs 64-bit drivers or 32-bit drivers? I assume 64, but maybe its running in 32-bit mode? | 07:09 |
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unimatrix9 | well, cant be of much help, to bad sorry , maybe some one here has the same device and can be of more help | 07:09 |
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unimatrix9 | HP 6200c , who has one? | 07:09 |
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unimatrix9 | scanner...ubuntu! | 07:09 |
Cheetah | jeanre, does the error happen to the server or the client? | 07:09 |
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octoberdan | NineLives: Thank you, I will. | 07:10 |
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neozen | Rhoruns: just kill the power... and turn it back on | 07:10 |
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neozen | Rhoruns: happens sometimes | 07:10 |
NineLives | unimatrix9, redhat, fedora, suse, gentoo, it worked in all, and they all use the same sane package, it should work in ubuntu but it isn't | 07:10 |
neil__ | Hey guys, how do i 'fork' a terminal, is that the right command? I wanna run sabnzbd, so would: python sabnzbd.py -f config.conf -d work? | 07:10 |
neil__ | where does the -d go? | 07:10 |
Rhoruns | i did, and when i boot up to GRUB, it tells me it cant boot Ubuntu from the partition, Error 17 | 07:10 |
neozen | Rhoruns: oh hell ... sounds like fun | 07:11 |
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Rhoruns | ...what...? LOL | 07:11 |
neozen | guys... what's error 17? | 07:11 |
Rhoruns | did i screw something up bad..? | 07:11 |
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preaction | neil__: you want to run that command but still have the terminal to enter more commands? | 07:11 |
Baktaah | Anyone know of an application to record the screen and an application to use with it to edit, preferably good quality so small text is visible,. | 07:11 |
preaction | neil__: do you want the command to exit when the terminal is closed as well? | 07:12 |
neil__ | yeah exactly, otherwise it sits at the server monitor window as it were | 07:12 |
neil__ | command needs to stay going | 07:12 |
neozen | Rhoruns: possibly.... | 07:12 |
Rhoruns | baktaah, i know for sure that there is a app. but i forgot the name.. lol | 07:12 |
neil__ | Needs to leave the daemon running, but the terminal just sits there with the output | 07:12 |
neil__ | ie 'connection success' 'error whatever' etc | 07:12 |
Rhoruns | neozen, i i reinstalled like 3 times, and it always does the same thing | 07:12 |
preaction | neil__: first part: putting an & at the end (python sabnzbd.py &) will put the process in the background | 07:12 |
neil__ | I want it to stay running but detach from my terminal | 07:12 |
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Sonic_13_ | !ftp | 07:13 |
ubotu | FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd | 07:13 |
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preaction | neil__: second part: using "nohup" will stop the process from dying when it gets SIGHUP (which closing a terminal will do to all processes in that terminal) | 07:13 |
Rhoruns | baktaah, i'm pretty that recording app. start with an 'n' | 07:13 |
Baktaah | Rhoruns dude let me know when ure memory jumps back | 07:13 |
neozen | gftp rules | 07:13 |
unimatrix9 | fireftp , its an plugin for firefox | 07:13 |
neil__ | uh huh, how do I give nohup? | 07:13 |
Rhoruns | baktaah, ok :)( | 07:13 |
preaction | neil__: man nohup | 07:13 |
neil__ | Do background processes persist on log off? | 07:13 |
neil__ | thanks | 07:13 |
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preaction | neil__: using nohup, probably not. you might want to write an init.d script that will run your server program | 07:14 |
Recyclable` | neozen: I think I just found one of my problems | 07:14 |
Rhoruns | neozen, could it have something to do with the fact that i installed GRUB on the same drive that i installed Ubuntu? | 07:14 |
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preaction | neil__: iirc when you logoff, your processes get SIGTERM and SIGKILL | 07:14 |
Recyclable` | neozen: I think I accidentally "completely removed" firefox in synaptic :/ | 07:14 |
neil__ | ok preaction, thankyou :) | 07:14 |
neozen | Rhoruns: no.. usually you want to do that | 07:15 |
neozen | Recyclable`: hmmmmmmmmmmmm | 07:15 |
Rhoruns | oh ok. | 07:15 |
neozen | Recyclable`: yep... that'd do it | 07:15 |
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NineLives | baktaah_, check out xvidcap | 07:15 |
Recyclable` | neozen: arf. any fix? | 07:15 |
preaction | neil__: any troubles with the manpage, feel free to ask | 07:15 |
neozen | Recyclable`: sure "completely" put it back ::grins:: | 07:15 |
Cheetah | hmm, has anyone experimented with the linutop box yet? ;) | 07:15 |
Rhoruns | GRUB doesnt let me boot up to windows either. it's says it cant boot up that type of executable or something... | 07:15 |
neozen | Recyclable`: sorry... don't know | 07:15 |
assasukasse | i wanna install vmware, it wants to install on /usr/bin, should i install there or somewhere else? (to prevent deinstallation problems?) | 07:15 |
Recyclable` | neozen: hahaha ok :p | 07:15 |
Rhoruns | but i cant boot up windows when i set mky BIOS to boot from that drive, however. | 07:16 |
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Rhoruns | can**** | 07:16 |
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guardianx_ | when i pick network server.. i see WINDOW NETWORK click and see workgroup but once i click that i get. couldnt display content of windows network | 07:16 |
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neozen | OH | 07:17 |
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lattyware | Hey all. Still getting the modprobe failed error whenever I boot ubuntu. | 07:17 |
neozen | I gotcha | 07:17 |
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Rhoruns | where/how does GRUB install (to) ? does it install to the default partition? or does it install to that 'swap' partition? | 07:17 |
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boarderwinterman | lattyware go to #ubuntu+1 | 07:17 |
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boarderwinterman | supportchannel | 07:17 |
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neozen | Rhoruns: I honestly... don't know | 07:17 |
Rhoruns | ok... :( | 07:17 |
neozen | Rhoruns: but someone else in here should be able to help | 07:17 |
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guardianx_ | when i pick network server.. i see WINDOW NETWORK click and see workgroup but once i click that i get. couldnt display content of windows network | 07:18 |
neozen | Rhoruns: just say you're getting error 17, then provide details | 07:18 |
Rhoruns | doubtful.. everyone's so busy and stuff in here.. heh | 07:18 |
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Rhoruns | i'll just dig through ubuntu's site for now. :P | 07:18 |
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octoberdan | Is it possible to install ubuntu with neither cdrom nor floppy drive? | 07:18 |
Rhoruns | yes | 07:19 |
Rhoruns | you can install with a dvd drive :D | 07:19 |
guardianx_ | when i pick network server.. i see WINDOW NETWORK click and see workgroup but once i click that i get. couldnt display content of windows network | 07:19 |
Baktaah | Anyone know of an application to recurd/capture the screen and then another program to edit it (add text bubbles and music) preferably good quality so the text gets visible. | 07:19 |
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rredd4 | Rhoruns it is part of the default partition, mbr, master boot record | 07:19 |
CheshireViking | Rhoruns, on my dual boot systems, grub has installed itself to hda, with the menu.lst installed to hdb | 07:19 |
octoberdan | Rhoruns: hehe, I mean with hard drive and internet connection alone | 07:19 |
octoberdan | Rhoruns: and another OS | 07:19 |
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Rhoruns | hmm.. | 07:19 |
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octoberdan | Rhoruns: I found a tutorial once for doing it with Debian | 07:19 |
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guardianx_ | how do i get ubuntu to join a window workgroup?? | 07:20 |
Rhoruns | you might be able to mount an image over a network, but that's pretty complex without an OS :P | 07:20 |
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preaction | !samba | guardianx_ | 07:21 |
ubotu | guardianx_: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 07:21 |
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rredd4 | is Feisty going to be lts? | 07:21 |
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biberao | hey | 07:21 |
tonyyarusso | rredd4: no | 07:21 |
rredd4 | ty | 07:21 |
octoberdan | Rhoruns: I have an OS, two in fact. Fedora Core and Windows XP. Both of which... blwo. | 07:21 |
shafto | When i try run a program using the ALSA driver, I get this error ALSA lib pcm_asym.c:106:(_snd_pcm_asym_open) capture slave is not defined | 07:21 |
shafto | ALSA lib seq_hw.c:457:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory, any help? | 07:21 |
K3nto | !commands | 07:21 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands | 07:21 |
octoberdan | *blow | 07:21 |
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Rhoruns | rredd4, i have hdc, and hdd. my windows installation is on hdc, and appearantly the MBR is on that, but i dont see it in it's own partition. so when Ubuntu wanted to install GRUB to HDC, i was worried that it would compress my windows partion and ultimately corrupt or delete. | 07:22 |
pepa | some tip for SIP server under Fedora ? | 07:22 |
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dws | is there a way to see my external ip from linux? | 07:22 |
Rhoruns | rredd4, btw, i want to install ubuntu to HDD | 07:22 |
tonyyarusso | dws: http://www.whatismyip.com/ is the best way I've found | 07:22 |
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dws | i mean through the cli | 07:22 |
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tonyyarusso | dws: not that I'm aware of | 07:22 |
Rhoruns | HDA and HDB are taken up by my SATA drives, for storage. | 07:22 |
preaction | Rhoruns: the MBR is a separate part of the partition. nothing would've been altered or changed in Windows | 07:23 |
Rhoruns | ohh | 07:23 |
muddy | I have a problem I need talked through | 07:23 |
Rhoruns | that's awesome.. thanks so much. so installing GRUB on HDC, and that boot record on HDC is not a problem? | 07:23 |
dogmeat | folks which package has an rar decompress util? | 07:23 |
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Menasim1 | how can I make a .rm file .wav? | 07:23 |
preaction | Rhoruns: if your BIOS knows that HDC is where it should go to boot, then should not be problem | 07:23 |
kitche | dogmeat: umm unrar | 07:24 |
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Pici | !rar | dogmeat | 07:24 |
Rhoruns | ohh, ok. so i ALWAYS want my MBR to boot first? | 07:24 |
ubotu | dogmeat: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 07:24 |
rredd4 | Rhoruns grub should be on hdc, as far as putting ubuntu on hdd, someone else will have to help you.. | 07:24 |
muddy | Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS: unable to to mount root fs on unknown - block (0,0) | 07:24 |
renz_ | anyone with wildfire IM server experience? | 07:24 |
Recyclable | could someone do me a huge favour? | 07:24 |
muddy | Sound familiar? | 07:24 |
Menasim1 | ? | 07:24 |
Rhoruns | dang.. | 07:24 |
Rhoruns | lol | 07:24 |
foutrelis | hey guys :) | 07:24 |
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Recyclable | could someone open synaptic for me | 07:24 |
rredd4 | Rhoruns I have to go to work | 07:24 |
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rredd4 | aorry | 07:24 |
Rhoruns | kk, cya later man. | 07:25 |
neozen | Menasim1: only way I can think of.... is to get mplayer to be able to play rm | 07:25 |
Recyclable | find firefox, click completely remove and then tell me what files it says it will remove? | 07:25 |
neozen | Menasim1: then use its dump flag to dump to pcm | 07:25 |
neozen | Menasim1: that'd do it | 07:25 |
CheshireViking | Recyclable, can do, just give me a sec while some updates are downloaded & installed | 07:25 |
=== JiBEsH [n=Oo@88-139-58-184.adslgp.cegetel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | Menasim1: research mplayer and real format | 07:25 |
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octoberdan | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/install.exe/Prototype ! | 07:25 |
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foutrelis | Recyclable: I don't quite understand your scope. What do you need help with? | 07:26 |
Pici | Menasim1: mencoder might be able to do it, but I'm not 100% sure | 07:26 |
shafto | !pastebin | 07:26 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:26 |
Pici | foutrelis: I think he wants to know what packages depend on firefox | 07:26 |
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dogmeat | !info unrar-free | 07:26 |
ubotu | unrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20060609-1 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 80 kB | 07:26 |
Recyclable | foutrelis: what pici said | 07:26 |
foutrelis | Pici: I see. :) | 07:26 |
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Recyclable | foutrelis: I just accidentally completely removed it and I don't know what else I removed :\ | 07:27 |
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foutrelis | Recyclable: /me opens Synaptic :) | 07:27 |
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Pici | recyclable : Try `apt-cache rdepends firefox` | 07:28 |
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voicu | if i want to build something from source and the ./configure file has a --prefix option that means that everything will be installed in the directory i tell him to, right? | 07:28 |
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Recyclable | foutrelis: I missed it if you said something, my connection died :\ | 07:29 |
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SurfnKid | dammit | 07:29 |
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SurfnKid | i need help this is happening over and over | 07:29 |
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SurfnKid | and I dont know how to fix | 07:29 |
SurfnKid | or even explain | 07:29 |
Pici | Recyclable : Try `apt-cache rdepends firefox` | 07:29 |
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=== Stylee-FilipBole [n=filip@89-212-45-222.dynamic.dsl.t-2.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jeeves_Moss | can anyone help me fix my WiFi card? I installed Beryl and now it's flakey | 07:29 |
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CheshireViking | Recyclable, ekiga, firefox-gnome-support, gnome-app-install,gxine, mozilla-mplayer, pioneers-help, ubuntu-desktop,ubuntu-games, ubuntu-multimedia-gnome, yelp | 07:29 |
Recyclable | thankyou :) | 07:30 |
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octoberdan | 7+ | 07:30 |
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circlegreen | Hello, I have an AMD 2600+ with a GeForce 4 MX nForce integrated video card. By default I am only able to get it to go to 800x600 as maximum resolution. I've edited xorg.conf and just left "1024x768" as a mode, still it reverts to 800x600. Why is this happening? | 07:31 |
foutrelis | Recyclable: Pici's suggestion looks very professional and correct. For what's worth here my screenshot too: http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/8917/ffcb1.png | 07:32 |
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Recyclable | cheers foutrelis :) | 07:32 |
meme-2 | Is anyone out there using ubuntu on a network? | 07:33 |
muddy | Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS: unable to to mount root fs on unknown - block (0,0)......help? | 07:33 |
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peaker | muddy: when is this happening? | 07:34 |
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muddy | when I first try to boot up | 07:34 |
meme-2 | Is anyone out there using ubuntu on a network? | 07:34 |
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muddy | peaker, But I can boot up fine in graphical safe mode | 07:34 |
peaker | muddy: how did you install? when did this happen? | 07:34 |
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peaker | muddy: did you compile your own kernel? | 07:35 |
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muddy | Peaker, I installed using the live cd, it happened the first time I restarted after updating | 07:35 |
muddy | peaker, no, dunno how... | 07:35 |
guardianx_ | how do i create a shortcut to run a program in this example i would like to run eboard. | 07:35 |
muddy | I am a complete n00b | 07:35 |
peaker | muddy: after updating? | 07:36 |
peaker | muddy: after updating what? | 07:36 |
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shafto | Everytime I try to use ALSA in a program, i get this error ALSA lib pcm_asym.c:106:(_snd_pcm_asym_open) capture slave is not defined? Any help?ALSA lib pcm_asym.c:106:(_snd_pcm_asym_open) capture slave is not defined? Any help? | 07:36 |
circlegreen | Does anyone know why X.org is reverting to 800x600? (Please review my question above.) | 07:36 |
muddy | Peaker, once I installed, my update manager (in the top tray) told me I have 161 updates | 07:36 |
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jeeves_Moss | anyone? WiFi fix after installing Beryl? | 07:36 |
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peaker | muddy: ah | 07:37 |
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meme-2 | Is anyone out there using ubuntu on a network? Why are most Linux (or at least in ubuntu) apps only capable of running in local mode... making it "impossible" to load files from a network? | 07:37 |
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peaker | muddy: when you boot in graphical safe mode, do you have a network? can you try seeing if your update worked and everything is up-to-date? | 07:37 |
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Pici | meme-2: I'm not really sure what you're asking. Obviously most of us here are running ubuntu on some sort of network. | 07:37 |
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peaker | meme-2: I use kubuntu and KDE apps can all access smb:// for samba, ftp:// or whatever else my browser can | 07:38 |
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muddy | peaker, I did an alt+F2 and checked, it's all up to date | 07:38 |
meme-2 | peaker: Even using smb://..... yields the error, ""cannot change to folder because it is not local" | 07:38 |
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peaker | muddy: I *think* the difference between safe mode and normal is just a kernel version - which means your normal kernel is screwed up or so | 07:38 |
peaker | is it true guys? Safe mode just uses a different kernel, or..? | 07:38 |
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muddy | peaker, if that's true, can I fix it from here? | 07:39 |
meme-2 | peaker: I have absolutely no troubles with Open Office but it seems to be the only app that works with my network | 07:39 |
peaker | meme-2: in what program? | 07:39 |
peaker | meme-2: you get that problem in what app? | 07:39 |
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LjL | peaker: if you mean recovery mode, it just boots single user | 07:39 |
jeeves_Moss | muddy: are you any good with WiFi problems? | 07:39 |
LjL | peaker: booting an older kernel is certainly a valid troubleshooting option if a new kernel fails to work | 07:39 |
meme-2 | peaker: What program.... so far Xara Xtreme, Amaya... name something, it probably won't work. | 07:39 |
jeeves_Moss | LjL; there you are. Can you help me with this WiFi issue? | 07:39 |
=== RoundyT1 [n=Roundy_T@roundyt1-xmission.xmission.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
peaker | muddy: you can try to reinstall the kernel package: in a terminal: sudo apt-get --reinstall install kernel-image-XXX where XXX is your kernel version. you can find that out if you look at existing installed kernel images in your graphical package manager | 07:39 |
LjL | jeeves_Moss: sorry but i've never had any wifi gear | 07:40 |
peaker | muddy: hell you may be able to reinstall your kernel package from the graphical interface | 07:40 |
guardianx_ | man ubuntu blows | 07:40 |
=== asy [n=asy@AAnnecy-157-1-98-23.w90-4.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pici | meme-2: Some linux applications have problems resolving smb:// pathnames. They need to be mounted to a directory to work properly. | 07:40 |
guardianx_ | shit keep crashing | 07:40 |
jeeves_Moss | LjL: WHAT? I live my life wirelessly | 07:40 |
peaker | meme-2: oh, I donno I use kubunut/kde | 07:40 |
guardianx_ | dont know wtf is causing it to crash | 07:40 |
LjL | !language | guardianx_ | 07:40 |
ubotu | guardianx_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 07:40 |
guardianx_ | i'm about to quit this and and head back to winxp camp | 07:40 |
Pici | jeeves_Moss: Beryl has absolutely nothing to do with wifi. | 07:40 |
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LjL | guardianx_: also, complaining randomly isn't going to help. if you have a specific question, just ask it | 07:40 |
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peaker | LjL: muddy has a problem, his safe mode works, but normal boot fails to mount root fs | 07:40 |
fbc | meme-2: Ain't that the truth... especially with f-stop. | 07:40 |
meme-2 | Pici: mounted to a directory? | 07:41 |
hivemind | Hey everyone, I'm encountering some problems burning iso files onto a CD via GnomeBaker | 07:41 |
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guardianx_ | it is hard to ask for help when terminal dont even start it jus quit on its own.. wtf is this crap | 07:41 |
LjL | peaker: muddy might want to pastebin his /boot/grub/menu.lst file | 07:41 |
peaker | muddy: can you run a graphical package manager and find out which kernel-image-* package is installed there? | 07:41 |
octoberdan | +++++++++ | 07:41 |
peaker | LjL: tell it to muddy then :) | 07:41 |
Krazyguy | anyone here a pro with beryl? | 07:41 |
ferronica | any one how to open demonoid channel?? | 07:41 |
jeeves_Moss | Pici: well, my WiFi worked fine untill I installed it. then now when I switch to a shell (ctrl-alt-F1) and back, it gives my a black screen, and I have to reboot. also, the WiFi won't connect to the access point occasionaly. | 07:41 |
=== Pensacola [n=pensacol@20.138-64-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
muddy | how do I do these things....I am a newb, remember....LOL | 07:41 |
LjL | peaker: well, using his nickname should have highlighted him ;) | 07:41 |
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foutrelis | I want to starn practising with Python. Any good IDEs? | 07:42 |
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Krazyguy | ferronica | 07:42 |
kitche | foutrelis: IDLE it comes with python | 07:42 |
Krazyguy | you have to connect to a different server | 07:42 |
LjL | muddy: hit Alt+F2, then type gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst , then select everything, then paste it to the pastebin | 07:42 |
Pici | meme-2: For example: `mount -t smbfs -o username=Pici \\windowscomputer\share \media\windows` Thats how I mount my shared files at home. | 07:42 |
Arrick | jrib you at school? | 07:42 |
LjL | !pastebin > muddy (muddy, see the private message from Ubotu) | 07:42 |
guardianx_ | blah screw this i'm switching back to winxp... good day linux i guess u guys have a few more hundred yrs to catch up | 07:42 |
peaker | foutrelis: It comes with IDLE but I don't like it. Emacs has reasonable support for a built in active shell, but nothing fancy | 07:42 |
meme-2 | Pici: what did you mean by, Some linux applications have problems resolving smb:// pathnames. They need to be mounted to a directory to work properly. | 07:42 |
RoundyT1 | join /#debian | 07:42 |
RoundyT1 | lol | 07:42 |
ferronica | Krazyguy: which one??? | 07:42 |
Krazyguy | let me look | 07:42 |
peaker | foutrelis: there are various IDE's that are in the respoistory, just search python ide in it | 07:42 |
meme-2 | Pici: sorry... got that | 07:42 |
foutrelis | kitche, peaker, thanks much :) | 07:42 |
jeeves_Moss | PiCi: are yo able to help me fix this WiFi issue then? | 07:43 |
Pici | jeeves_Moss: Did you do anything else besides install Beryl? | 07:43 |
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Krazyguy | rc.p2p-network.net, and join the channel #Demonoid | 07:43 |
jeeves_Moss | Pici: just the nVidia drivers to make Beryl run | 07:43 |
Krazyguy | irc.p2p-network.net, and join the channel #Demonoid | 07:43 |
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peaker | brb | 07:43 |
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muddy | where do I do the paste bin thing? | 07:43 |
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LjL | !pastebin | muddy | 07:43 |
ubotu | muddy: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:43 |
Krazyguy | did you get that ferronica | 07:43 |
jeeves_Moss | PiCi: thankfully, I have a PCMCIA WiFi card that's allowing me to be on-line right now. the internal card won't connect. | 07:44 |
ferronica | Krazyguy: this i have to put when i login | 07:44 |
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henull | is at able to get hamachi for ubuntu 6.06 ? | 07:44 |
Krazyguy | yeah | 07:44 |
Krazyguy | add that server | 07:44 |
daddyman | real player codec??? how to and where?? | 07:44 |
muddy | !pastebin | 07:44 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:44 |
Krazyguy | anyone up for helping out with beryl? | 07:45 |
=== _atomic [n=atomic@pool-72-72-52-100.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
daddyman | all I can find is a bin file... | 07:45 |
Pici | jeeves_Moss: 1) your problem getting to tty1-6 is probably related to a framebuffer issue. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer for information how to fix. | 07:45 |
LjL | muddy, the idea is that i type a ! command, and ubotu says something relevant. either in a private message (as it did the first time), or in the channel while addressing your nickname (as it did before), or just in the channel (as you just asked it to) | 07:45 |
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muddy | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12348/ like that? | 07:46 |
muddy | :D | 07:46 |
Kevlar_Soul | FREE VISIO for Linux http://live.gnome.org/Dia/Download | 07:46 |
jeeves_Moss | PiCi: thanks, I'll have a look | 07:46 |
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LjL | muddy: yes, like that | 07:46 |
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muddy | cool | 07:46 |
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Pici | jeeves_Moss: 2) When you installed your wifi card, did you have to compile anything? I'm guessing that if you installed the nvidia drivers, you might have gotten a new kernel version and you'll have to recompile the wifi drivers against that. | 07:47 |
muddy | I'm a pretty smart guy, but this is all so new, kinda like walking on ice with fire boots on...LOL | 07:47 |
jeeves_Moss | PiCi: the WiFi card worked straight out of the install | 07:47 |
LjL | muddy: the problem doesn't seem to be there, however. what exactly happens when you try to boot in normal mode? | 07:47 |
Pici | jeeves_Moss: But thats only of course if your computer doesnt see it in `iconfig` with wireless extensions | 07:47 |
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Pici | jeeves_Moss: Do you see it in `iwconfig`? | 07:47 |
=== rockzman [n=alch3mis@c906fcfe.static.spo.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jeeves_Moss | Pici: it sees it, and I can use the connection manager to see it, and attempt to configure it. I've used the SAME info to configure it as I did the other card, and it STILL won't work | 07:48 |
muddy | the kernel error pops up after it says, starting... | 07:48 |
rockzman | Does anyone know a ISA firewall client for linux/ubuntu ? Cause I am behind an ISA server and no Clue how to access internet | 07:48 |
LjL | muddy: what does it say? | 07:48 |
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muddy | LjL, Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown - block (0,0) | 07:48 |
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Krazyguy | I need beryl help :) | 07:49 |
crakdos | name crakdOS | 07:49 |
LjL | muddy: and in recovery mode (still with kernel version 2.6.17-11, not 2.6.17-10) it just gets you to a shell prompt? | 07:49 |
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Arrick | anyone have a link to a gui tat instructs how to get ASP.net working on the 6.06.1 server LAMP install? | 07:50 |
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foutrelis | Krazyguy: You can try asking in #beryl or #ubuntu-effects :) | 07:50 |
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Krazyguy | thanks | 07:50 |
Krazyguy | for the tip | 07:50 |
=== Giotto [n=wstuerme@xdsl-87-78-211-236.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ferronica | Krazyguy: where i put irc.p2p-network.net | 07:50 |
muddy | LjL...shell prompt? When I boot up, I hit esc and choose the 3rd option, then it boots up the GUI, it's not like normal mode, but it works | 07:50 |
AaronCampbell | I just finished building a new system, and I'm trying to instll Feisty (Kubuntu). I'm having problems with my bluetooth kb/mouse. They worked during boot (to choose install, etc), but once it booted, If I press a key I get "KBlueToothD .... Not paired" | 07:50 |
Krazyguy | did you go to the link i sent you | 07:50 |
=== kang_ [n=ircap75@131.Red-83-37-153.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Krazyguy | what irc client are you using? | 07:51 |
ferronica | irc-->connect-->then???? | 07:51 |
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Krazyguy | add that new server | 07:51 |
ferronica | irc-->Xchat | 07:51 |
Krazyguy | you might have to name it | 07:51 |
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rockzman | Does anyone know a ISA firewall client for linux/ubuntu ? Cause I am behind an ISA server and no Clue how to access internet | 07:51 |
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Krazyguy | xchat | 07:51 |
foutrelis | AaronCampbell: Feisty is still BETA software. It should not be used for production environments. Please address your question to #ubuntu+1. | 07:51 |
Krazyguy | network list | 07:51 |
Krazyguy | +add | 07:51 |
Krazyguy | irc.freenode.net | 07:51 |
Krazyguy | edit | 07:51 |
ferronica | Krazyguy: yes Xchat | 07:51 |
Krazyguy | then put that server in the server field | 07:52 |
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ferronica | Krazyguy: there is no option for add and edit | 07:52 |
LjL | muddy: oh, then that's not recovery mode... it's just the previous kernel. you're using 2.6.17-10 instead of 2.6.17-11. guess there must be some incompatibility between 2.6.17-11 and your hardware - just keep using 2.6.17-10 for now. you can have that as default by changing the line that says "default 0" into "default 2" in that file i made you edit | 07:52 |
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Krazyguy | hmm | 07:52 |
Krazyguy | im using xchat also | 07:52 |
Recyclable | what comes after apt-get update? | 07:52 |
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Kevlar_Soul | CVS | 07:53 |
Kevlar_Soul | The latest bleeding edge version can be found in the Gnome CVS | 07:53 |
Kevlar_Soul | What does that mean, CVS? | 07:53 |
muddy | LjL, I didn't edit anything... | 07:53 |
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Krazyguy | nothing under the network list? | 07:53 |
foutrelis | Recyclable: apt-get upgrade | 07:53 |
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Kevlar_Soul | !cvs | 07:53 |
ubotu | cvs is the Concurrent Versions System, the dominant open-source network-transparent version control system; it helps to manage releases and to control concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. See: https://www.cvshome.org/ | 07:53 |
ferronica | Krazyguy: you mean edit--preference | 07:53 |
Recyclable | after apt-get upgrade? | 07:53 |
LjL | muddy, yes you did, i told you to type gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst , that is what you did in order to pastebin, and that is called "editing a file" | 07:53 |
AaronCampbell | foutrelis: Thanks. I just saw no reason to go with 6.10 (or whatever) for a new system...if this will be out of beta within a month | 07:53 |
foutrelis | Recyclable: nothing I think :) | 07:53 |
Recyclable | :/ | 07:53 |
Recyclable | ok | 07:53 |
LjL | muddy: just do it again (if you've closed the window before) and change it like i said | 07:53 |
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muddy | so if I reboot, all will be well? | 07:53 |
CheshireViking | ferronica, which version of xchat are you using? xchat, or xchat-gnome - click Help & About to find out which one, maybe there's a difference | 07:53 |
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Tatster | Hi all. I'm, trying to install server edition but having trouble with LVM partitons | 07:54 |
foutrelis | AaronCampbell: Yeah. Feisty's official release data is really close :P | 07:54 |
ferronica | cheshireviking: Xchat-GNOME | 07:54 |
foutrelis | *date | 07:54 |
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r4nge | how do i change the resolution on my console server box? | 07:55 |
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Tatster | I have a 250Gb drive that I want to use LVM and then have a boot partion of 100Mb, / of 40Gb, /opt 100Gb and /media 100Gb - does this seem sensible? | 07:55 |
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ferronica | Krazyguy: you mean edit--preference | 07:55 |
muddy | LjL, I don't understand, I am sorry for being stupid :( | 07:55 |
Krazyguy | if you can find the servers there | 07:55 |
Krazyguy | yeah | 07:55 |
ferronica | Krazyguy: you mean edit--preference--Networks | 07:55 |
Krazyguy | that would work | 07:55 |
Krazyguy | yeah | 07:55 |
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Agrajag | Tatster: Do you really need 40 GB for /? | 07:55 |
CheshireViking | Ferronica, that may explain why your version is different to Krazyguy - I don't use your version, but the instructions Krazyguy was giving you worked on my xchat (not the gnome version) | 07:55 |
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Krazyguy | yeah what version are you using | 07:56 |
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foutrelis | r4nge: Check this out http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Applications_GUI_Multimedia/Howto_Change_Font_Size_During_Boot_Framebuffer_Resolution | 07:56 |
Agrajag | Tatster: why not divide that into a smaller /, maybe 10GB at most, and the rest for /home? | 07:56 |
ferronica | Krazyguy: you mean edit--preference--Networks---Add--Servers | 07:56 |
Krazyguy | sure | 07:56 |
Krazyguy | that sounds like it would work | 07:56 |
ferronica | Krazyguy: you mean edit--preference--Networks---Add--Servers----Add | 07:56 |
Tatster | I'm not sure - just seeking opinions. | 07:56 |
Krazyguy | yeah | 07:56 |
LjL | muddy: 1) hit Alt+F2 2) type gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst 3) find the line that says default 0 4) change it so that it says default 2 5) hit the Close button | 07:56 |
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Tatster | Agrajag - that does make sense | 07:57 |
Agrajag | Also, what are you puttin ginto /opt that's going to be that huge? | 07:57 |
ferronica | Krazyguy: what i write there??? | 07:57 |
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=== Camaxtli [n=Anton@h177105.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Krazyguy | you add the server | 07:57 |
ferronica | irc.p2p-network.net | 07:57 |
ferronica | Krazyguy: this | 07:57 |
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Krazyguy | try going here | 07:57 |
Krazyguy | http://www.demonoid.com/chat.php | 07:57 |
bithunter | hi! i searched the forums but couldn't find the right answer. i installed kubuntu-desktop a few days ago and now decided to stick with gnome/ubuntu. how can i remove all the packages that kubuntu-desktop pulled in? simply removing kubuntu-desktop won't do it, right? | 07:57 |
Tatster | the trouble is when I try to set this up with LVM / partition disk in the installer, as soon as I create a partiton fromt he LVM disk it then says the rest is unuseable | 07:57 |
ferronica | Krazyguy: i wanna join demonoid channel | 07:58 |
dogmeat | folks im trying to install package unrar, but apparently it's not in my /etc/apt/sources.list file. which server has this package? | 07:58 |
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Krazyguy | yeah | 07:58 |
ferronica | Krazyguy: what i write there in server??? | 07:58 |
Krazyguy | demonoid right | 07:58 |
Krazyguy | the torrent site? | 07:58 |
muddy | ok.... | 07:58 |
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ferronica | Krazyguy: yes | 07:58 |
Krazyguy | okay | 07:59 |
Krazyguy | do you need an invite to demonoid? | 07:59 |
Arrick | !ssh | 07:59 |
ubotu | SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ | 07:59 |
foutrelis | !unrar | dogmeat | 07:59 |
ubotu | dogmeat: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 07:59 |
Tatster | Agrjag: opt was going to contain a samba share | 07:59 |
ferronica | Krazyguy: why?? | 07:59 |
Krazyguy | nvm | 07:59 |
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Arrick | hey, does the 6.06.1 server install ssh by default, or no? | 07:59 |
Krazyguy | try typing "connect irc.p2p-network.net" | 07:59 |
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Krazyguy | then join #demonoid | 08:00 |
foutrelis | Arrick: I think not. | 08:00 |
neozen | Arrick: yeah... you get ssh | 08:00 |
Krazyguy | connect irc.p2p-network.net | 08:00 |
foutrelis | oops :) | 08:00 |
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Arrick | ok, neozen how do I enable it | 08:00 |
Arrick | I finally got a DL to actually work | 08:00 |
neozen | Arrick: but you need to install openssh-server if you want to ssh into the box | 08:00 |
ferronica | Krazyguy: in server | 08:00 |
Arrick | ahh hok | 08:00 |
Arrick | thats what i wanted to know | 08:00 |
Arrick | thanks | 08:00 |
Krazyguy | hmm | 08:00 |
neozen | Arrick: no problem | 08:00 |
Recyclable | neozen: lol i'm still without luck :\ | 08:00 |
neozen | Recyclable: AWWW | 08:01 |
Krazyguy | im sorry I'm familiar with MIRC from windows :( | 08:01 |
neozen | Recyclable: that's heartbreaking mon... | 08:01 |
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Recyclable | haha :p | 08:01 |
Krazyguy | add that server and try to join #demonoid | 08:01 |
Krazyguy | irc.p2p-network.net, and join the channel #Demonoid | 08:01 |
panfist | could anyone help me configure rtorrent? the default /etc/init.d/rtorrent does not work on my system and i've tried for a long time to debug it | 08:01 |
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neozen | Recyclable: just install firefox somewhere in your tree.... | 08:01 |
Arrick | ok neozen what is the package manager in that server>? | 08:01 |
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Arrick | apt, aptitude? | 08:01 |
Recyclable | think I might just get a cd for latest ubuntu ordered and do a fresh install tbh | 08:02 |
neozen | Arrick: apt-get or aptitude will do just fine | 08:02 |
Arrick | and do I need to setup sources differntly to get it? | 08:02 |
Tatster | Agrajag: or the other way I have tried is to create partition within the LVM Vol group, but then I try to resize it to smaller it doesn't work | 08:02 |
Krazyguy | ferronica , i have to go to class | 08:02 |
neozen | Arrick: sudo apt-get install openssh-server | 08:02 |
Arrick | well, aptitude anyways | 08:02 |
Krazyguy | http://www.demonoid.com/chat.php | 08:02 |
Arrick | thanks | 08:02 |
neozen | Arrick: be sure to update sources and upgrade | 08:02 |
neozen | Arrick: lots of updates to dapper | 08:02 |
GekiBlue | Has anyone had any luck installnig sugar on Ubuntu? | 08:02 |
Arrick | ok, neozen how do I do that from command? | 08:02 |
Arrick | and do i want to do that before installing? | 08:03 |
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Arrick | sorry, from terminal | 08:03 |
neozen | arrick: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | 08:03 |
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neozen | Arrick: yeah... do that before installing | 08:03 |
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neozen | Arrick: (in theory it shouldn't matter) | 08:03 |
jimmy | what is the latest version of ubuntu server? | 08:03 |
Arrick | ok how about if I dont want the 6.10, is it going to upgrade it anyways? | 08:03 |
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neozen | Arrick: but it will be one less thing to update | 08:03 |
neozen | jimmy: latest version is edgy | 08:03 |
neozen | jimmy: stable version that is | 08:04 |
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jimmy | 6.10 ? | 08:04 |
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neozen | jimmy: you don't want to run feisty on a production server | 08:04 |
neozen | jimmy: yeah | 08:04 |
neozen | jimmy: lol | 08:04 |
jeanre | how does one enable php 4? | 08:04 |
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jeanre | on apache 2? | 08:04 |
neozen | GAH | 08:04 |
jimmy | neozen: what version # is fiesty? | 08:04 |
Arrick | neozen I want to keep tis distro, not 6.10 | 08:04 |
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Arrick | it has a longer support time | 08:04 |
neozen | jeanre: php4? ...something wrong w/ php5? | 08:04 |
dogmeat | i can't find a server that has unrar-nonfree, any suggestions? | 08:04 |
neozen | Arrick: indeed :) | 08:05 |
Arrick | so the upgrade wont fubar that for me will it? | 08:05 |
neozen | Arrick: and you'll keep getting security updates... so don't worry about it | 08:05 |
Arrick | ok | 08:05 |
Bitmess | I am trying to install Ubuntu on a system where I already am running WinXp and Knoppix. I am using Acronis Boot Manager. Ubuntu . hda1=windows primary, hda2=extended, hda4=knoppix, hda5=winxp d: Ubuntu wants to put grub on hd0. Is this correct? | 08:05 |
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jimmy | neozen: what is the difference between 6.10 and 6.06 LTS? what does LTS stand for? | 08:05 |
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Arrick | long term services | 08:05 |
neozen | Arrick: the upgrade upgrades your packages.... its not a full distribution upgrade | 08:05 |
neozen | 6.10 is the newer version.... | 08:05 |
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jeanre | how does one enable php 4 on apache2? | 08:06 |
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foutrelis | jeanre: For php4: sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php4 | 08:06 |
jimmy | Arrick: but 6.10 is still newer? | 08:06 |
Arrick | sorry abotu that I hit the wrong key | 08:06 |
Arrick | jimmy uhm, ask a regular that please | 08:06 |
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foutrelis | jeanre: That's after you have installed php4 | 08:06 |
Arrick | hey neozen what was the second half of that command again? | 08:06 |
jeanre | I have it installed | 08:06 |
neozen | 6.06.1 is the older version... but they've pledged to provide security updates in the repositories for 3 years from its creation | 08:06 |
jeanre | its not wokring tho | 08:06 |
Arrick | apt-get upgrade? | 08:06 |
neozen | Arrick: sudo apt-get upgrade | 08:07 |
neozen | yeah | 08:07 |
Bitmess | Corrected=>I am trying to install Ubuntu on a system where I already am running WinXp and Knoppix. I am using Acronis Boot Manager. hda1=windows primary, hda2=extended, hda4=knoppix, hda5=winxp d: Ubuntu wants to put grub on hd0. Is this correct? | 08:07 |
Arrick | ok | 08:07 |
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foutrelis | jeanre: Try the above command and see if it works. | 08:07 |
stefan | -berlin | 08:07 |
neozen | Bitmess: ohhhhhh hell | 08:07 |
Rprp | Bam-Bam ChanServ ConnectServ Duiv`hockey GameServ Global MemoServ NickServ OperServ Roconda Rprp`` Twofists Wesleysld | 08:07 |
neozen | I'ma go quiet now | 08:07 |
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jeanre | foutrelis: ? | 08:09 |
jeanre | which command | 08:09 |
panfist | ok, so i subscribed to a mailing list for support for a program....how do i send a message to a mailing list? | 08:09 |
Bitmess | :D | 08:09 |
neozen | sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php4 | 08:09 |
neozen | jeanre: that one | 08:09 |
=== AndrewWilliams [n=nik_doof@cpc1-runc4-0-0-cust432.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dogmeat | im using edgy, and can't find a server that has unrar-nonfree, any ideas? | 08:09 |
Arrick | neozen noooooo you cant go quiet, I just started with my quesitons | 08:09 |
neozen | dogmeat: you need to add the multiverse | 08:09 |
Bitmess | What is hd0? | 08:09 |
neozen | Arrick: what was the last one? | 08:09 |
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jimmy | pentium D is 64 bit , right? | 08:09 |
Arrick | neozen lol | 08:09 |
Arrick | you answered it already | 08:09 |
neozen | I hate getting snowed | 08:09 |
foutrelis | Bitmess: You hard drive's MBR | 08:09 |
neozen | lol | 08:09 |
Bitmess | I don't wnat grub there! | 08:09 |
foutrelis | Bitmess: Why? :P | 08:09 |
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neozen | Bitmess: well then put it in another computer ::grins:: | 08:09 |
Arrick | because it will wipe the acronis boot manager | 08:09 |
Bitmess | Then I'll lose my boot loader | 08:09 |
foutrelis | Bitmess: You can just re-enable Acronis then.. :) | 08:09 |
Bitmess | Acronis | 08:09 |
Bitmess | Hmm | 08:10 |
Arrick | (should be using grub or lilo anyways) | 08:10 |
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neozen | lilo? | 08:10 |
foutrelis | Bitmess: Just have an Acronis rescue media in hand ;) | 08:10 |
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neozen | people still use lilo? | 08:10 |
foutrelis | Bitmess: and a valid serial | 08:10 |
Bitmess | I have one. I'm affraid | 08:10 |
jimmy | pentium d is 64 bit? | 08:10 |
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Arrick | are you sceered too? | 08:10 |
Arrick | jimmy google | 08:10 |
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foutrelis | Bitmess: If you don't just boot with windows and build one. | 08:10 |
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Kizzy | Ubuntu or debian is better for notebook | 08:11 |
neozen | aye... | 08:11 |
=== foutrelis goes to play with python in gvim :P | ||
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=== neozen lives in xubuntu on his laptop | ||
neozen | it rule! | 08:11 |
jeanre | foutrelis: and to enable mysql? because I am getting undefined mysql_connect | 08:11 |
jeanre | even tho I install php4-mysql | 08:12 |
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foutrelis | jeanre: hmm | 08:12 |
Bitmess | Where should I put grub? | 08:12 |
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Bitmess | It wants to use part#3 ad install. Maybe there? | 08:12 |
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Bitmess | It wants to use part#3 ads ubuntu install. Maybe there? | 08:12 |
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albacker | where do i get the iso of feisty ? | 08:13 |
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albacker | topic * | 08:13 |
tienbkit | hi everybody | 08:13 |
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jimmy | Kizzy: ubunto for notebooks | 08:13 |
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foutrelis | jeanre: I only found php4-mysql and you said you have it installed :( | 08:13 |
peaker | wireless settings in /etc/network/interfaces are edited properly, but COMPLETELY IGNORED by the ifup script in bootup and plugin | 08:13 |
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tienbkit | pl hepl me, how to play music online ???????/ | 08:13 |
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peaker | Should I try to fix it or is it already addressed somehow? | 08:13 |
neozen | !codecs | tienbkit | 08:14 |
ubotu | tienbkit: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 08:14 |
=== OuZo [n=dimitri@dsl-244-212-23.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
foutrelis | jeanre: Maybe sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin can install any other needed packages. | 08:14 |
doug_ | http://pastebin.arslinux.com/4620 - can someone have a look and tell me if this is the source of my problems please - ati radeon x800se pm me if you have an idea | 08:14 |
PR0JECT | im thinking about making the switch to ubuntu. The only concern i have is application. can it emulate windows software? | 08:14 |
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neozen | tienbkit: that'll set you up... follow the directions | 08:14 |
foutrelis | !wine | PR0JECT | 08:14 |
ubotu | PR0JECT: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 08:14 |
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peaker | PR0JECT: not well. what applications do you want? | 08:15 |
foutrelis | I don't use it though. | 08:15 |
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=== linesUB [n=lines@host188-167-dynamic.55-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tienbkit | ok | 08:15 |
=== Hellabunna [n=foo@S0106000d88bbefa2.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tienbkit | thanks a lot | 08:15 |
PR0JECT | flash/dreamweaver/photoshop/illustratir | 08:15 |
tienbkit | i will try to do it | 08:15 |
PR0JECT | or* | 08:15 |
Ian_ | you would need windows emulator | 08:15 |
Kizzy | my notebook is Aristo Prestige 1600 | 08:15 |
Hellabunna | What's a good program for cutting parts from a movie then putting them into a new movie? For cutting multiple parts not just one? | 08:15 |
Bitmess | Ok, Acronis boot disk it is. Thanks! | 08:15 |
=== Kilroo [n=Jarentha@cpe-071-076-173-175.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
neozen | PR0JECT: flash yes, flash creation is iffy.... take a look @ the winehq ... and look around for open reports on applications you want to run | 08:16 |
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PR0JECT | Ian_:does the windows emulator run the programs as fast as it would in windows? | 08:16 |
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PR0JECT | im looking at flash development, not the player | 08:16 |
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peaker | PR0JECT: sometimes slower, sometimes faster, depends which program. A lot simply don't work well or have weird bugs | 08:16 |
neozen | PR0JECT: if you have the money to burn.... cadega might be more your style | 08:16 |
doug_ | PR0JECT: there is no significant differences in speed | 08:16 |
mbdl | why is it that i have a collection of 2 extra floppy drives and 1 extra cd drive...that r not in my computer | 08:17 |
doug_ | are* | 08:17 |
=== foutrelis attempts to run Photoshop :\ | ||
krang | Does anyone know if the root filesystem has to be installed to a primary partition? I'm trying to install 6.10 to a logical volume, but at the "prepare partitions" screen it won't let me past, claiming "No root file system" | 08:17 |
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Ian_ | can anyone help me. i want to know if its possible to get squid to work, i am behind a firewall at work, that i have zero rights to. I dont even know where it is physically to pour coffee in it. at moment squid is not working. | 08:17 |
=== oscar [n=oscar@62-162-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== exclude is now known as berkes | ||
PR0JECT | im most worried about performance.. does ubuntu have an equivelent for dreamweaver or flash dev? | 08:17 |
=== MicroMac [n=micro@c83-254-148-178.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | PR0JECT: not to my knowledge | 08:18 |
foutrelis | PR0JECT: I'm afraid not. For flash at least | 08:18 |
neozen | pr0but my knowledge is limited in that area | 08:18 |
neozen | *pr0ject: but | 08:18 |
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PR0JECT | neozen:but.....??) | 08:19 |
neozen | correction for the line above | 08:19 |
PR0JECT | fr whats it's worth i dont give a shit about gameing.. | 08:19 |
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PR0JECT | ah, ok | 08:19 |
Ian_ | i read some stuff about parent cache, but not right clear on how to do it | 08:20 |
mbdl | why is it that i have a collection of 2 extra floppy drives and 1 extra cd drive...that r not in my computer | 08:20 |
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neozen | PR0JECT: then in that case... linux would be ideal for you... once you get dreamweaver to play nice | 08:20 |
=== Zaggynl [n=Zaggynl@dsl-083-247-110-137.solcon.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
peaker | I think there is a trivial error that makes wireless always fail out of the box | 08:20 |
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variant | I have a webcam that doesn't work.. it's a v-gear talkcam pro. anyone know if there is a driver for it? | 08:20 |
PR0JECT | well i only really want dreamweaver becasue it colour codes.. and im sure there are alternatives to that out there. | 08:21 |
peaker | and I am trying to debug it. Does anyone else have wireless that works for him, without having to use manual iwconfig tools? | 08:21 |
foutrelis | Photoshop froze on me. Maybe 'cause win partition is mounted read only. :\ | 08:21 |
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jeanre | hmmm wtf is up php not working with mysql | 08:22 |
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lordvaygor16 | can someone help im having trouble with a thing called GRUB | 08:22 |
Ian_ | anyone know about squid proxy setup from behind a firewall i cant configure? | 08:22 |
neozen | variant: if there was, the video4linux site would have info on it | 08:22 |
neozen | variant: google video4linux | 08:23 |
PeterR | Hi there, i'm having a little trouble with installing ubuntu on my computer: I have burned the ISO file onto a disk, and when I put it into my computer and restart, nothing happens, it just boots on windows :-/ | 08:23 |
beoba | hi, i errantly deleted /etc/init.d/postfix, and it looks like the postfix package does not include this file, where can i obtain it? | 08:23 |
variant | neozen: thnx | 08:23 |
PeterR | Any advice? | 08:23 |
neozen | variant: np | 08:23 |
foutrelis | PeterR: You need to set in your BIOS to boot from it first | 08:23 |
sacater | PeterR: yes, check the boot order in your BIOS | 08:23 |
neozen | lordvaygor16: we're going to need more info .... GRUB is the bootloader for linux | 08:23 |
lordvaygor16 | on GRUB linux is set as the default OS and i dont want it to be | 08:23 |
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neozen | lordvaygor16: ahhhh | 08:23 |
lordvaygor16 | how do i configure the default os? | 08:23 |
neozen | lordvaygor16: that we can answer | 08:24 |
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PeterR | foutrelis/sacater: Where will i find the BIOS? | 08:24 |
=== motivator [n=ca07048@c-75-67-223-191.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sacater | lordvaygor16: go to /boot/grub/menu.lst | 08:24 |
mbdl | how do u look at your device you have and edit them... i know theres a way to open terminal and type somehting in | 08:24 |
motivator | hello | 08:24 |
sacater | lordvaygor16: edit that | 08:24 |
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neozen | PeterR: when you boot up.... you will see some keys to press ... you want to poke the one for setup ... or boot menu | 08:24 |
lordvaygor16 | sacater:ok | 08:24 |
sacater | mbdl: to SEE only, type lspci in terminal | 08:24 |
neozen | PeterR: got it? | 08:24 |
PeterR | Ok I think I know where you are now, thanks a lot ;-) | 08:24 |
=== PeterR whizzes away. | ||
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=== foutrelis is stuck with a frozen Photoshop and can't kill it :) | ||
neozen | cntrl-alt-esc | 08:25 |
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mbdl | sacater: what if i want to edit it b/c i have 1 cd and 2 floppy drives that dont exist | 08:25 |
foutrelis | I don't wanna do that :'( | 08:25 |
neozen | mouse will turn to skull and crossbones | 08:25 |
panfist | could anyone help me configure rtorrent? the default startup script doesnt work and i've tried my best to debug it | 08:25 |
motivator | no its cntrl alt delete | 08:26 |
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Lunar_Lamp | How do I check what version of ubuntu a system is running? | 08:26 |
neozen | motivator: no... its cntrl-alt-esc | 08:26 |
neozen | motivator: you want xkil | 08:26 |
neozen | l | 08:26 |
motivator | no its always been delete | 08:26 |
variant | Lunar_Lamp: lsb_release | 08:26 |
variant | Lunar_Lamp: lsb-release | 08:26 |
psusi | when starting emacs, I get this: Warning: Cannot convert string "-*-courier-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*" to type FontStruct | 08:26 |
lordvaygor16 | sacater:sorry im kind of....computer illiterate | 08:26 |
neozen | motivator: this... is not windows | 08:26 |
motivator | what type comp you got | 08:26 |
psusi | and then all the text is fubar... what's that mean? | 08:26 |
beoba | oh no wait there it is | 08:26 |
motivator | o your right my bad | 08:27 |
Lunar_Lamp | variant, thanks, I couldn't remember it. | 08:27 |
=== neozen nods | ||
=== NevroMance [n=Martin@ti112220a340-1935.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mbdl | does anyone knoe a commend to i can get rid of my fake devices | 08:27 |
Lunar_Lamp | variant, I get: "No lsb modules available"... | 08:27 |
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lordvaygor16 | sacater:how do i go to boot/grub/menu.lst? | 08:27 |
psusi | mbdl: "fake devices"? | 08:27 |
foutrelis | not even xkill can kill it :( | 08:27 |
neozen | mbdl: fake..... devices? | 08:27 |
neozen | foutrelis: WOW | 08:27 |
lordvaygor16 | sacater:i guess im just thick really | 08:27 |
neozen | foutrelis: its REALLY mad | 08:27 |
mbdl | psusi: devices that rare there but arnt in my computer | 08:27 |
=== foutrelis ctrl + alt + backspace | ||
foutrelis | :( | 08:28 |
psusi | mbdl: such as? | 08:28 |
sidny4 | lordvaygor16: what are you going to do with menu.lst? | 08:28 |
neozen | oh hell... he actually pushed it | 08:28 |
neozen | byebye fout | 08:28 |
lordvaygor16 | sidny4:im not actually sure | 08:28 |
mbdl | neozen: devices that are there but arnt in my computer... as in i have 2 floppy drives and 1 cd drive that are not in my computer | 08:28 |
neozen | mbdl: lol.. nice | 08:28 |
Th3Oz | Hi, I've updated ubuntu feisty kernel from 2.6.20-11 to 2.6.20-13 and if i'll try to boot it with root=/dev/hda2 it stops at the root filesystem's mount, i've to use root=UUID=4e1d1001-cd85-440b-9f2d-4e3ddea88a13 but now if i'll try to type "mount" root is on /dev/sda1 and not on hda1, someone know why? | 08:28 |
Bawlsfuff | Neozone! I just wanted to let you know, thanks to your help, I've got internet up and running on Edgy! | 08:28 |
mbdl | psusi: devices that are there but arnt in my computer... as in i have 2 floppy drives and 1 cd drive that are not in my computer | 08:28 |
lordvaygor16 | sidny4:i dont know the first thing about linux or codes and stuff | 08:28 |
=== capiira [n=capiira@dslb-084-056-056-103.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
=== PeterR [i=PeterR@82-40-102-160.cable.ubr03.cast.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
psusi | mbdl: not sure about the cd... but for the floppies you need to go into your bios and tell it you don't have any | 08:29 |
sidny4 | lordvaygor16: lol, then why do you want to go there, if you edit it improperly your computer might not boot the OS | 08:29 |
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neozen | Th3Oz: you want feisty support.... this is support for dapper and edgy | 08:29 |
lordvaygor16 | sidny4:im surprised i managed to get into this chat to be honest | 08:29 |
mbdl | psusi: i have one floppy drive though and thats all thats selected | 08:29 |
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PeterR | I tried changing the BIOS settings but amn't sure I done it correctly, thus causing it to fail startup. | 08:29 |
neozen | Th3Oz: /join #ubuntu+1 | 08:29 |
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Th3Oz | neozen: ok, thanks | 08:29 |
psusi | mbdl: then your bios probably has an option to fake the second floppy and really use the first | 08:29 |
=== pluma [n=pluma@p5b007921.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sidny4 | lordvaygor16: well congrats, you've made it | 08:29 |
foutrelis | Photoshop is dead. I win :) | 08:30 |
lordvaygor16 | is it in terminal i edit root/grub/menu.lst? | 08:30 |
neozen | PeterR: whip out the camera phone .... and take a picture... let us know what's going on | 08:30 |
lordvaygor16 | or whatever its called? | 08:30 |
=== GodTodd [n=GodTodd@cpe-72-190-89-91.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | PeterR: ::grin:: | 08:30 |
PeterR | lol ok, i'll try that | 08:30 |
pluma | Erm. Anybody got an idea how to view the user list in Xchat? | 08:30 |
W4nnabe | hi. can anybody help? i'm trying to view my apache root directory from another box on my local network. using ubuntu lamp server. i can, however, view apache output via localhost. | 08:30 |
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sidny4 | lordvaygor16: yeah, you can edit in terminal using nano, vim, etc. or using gedit (kind of like notepad) what are you wanting to edit in it? | 08:30 |
=== PeterR whizzes off to the shop to buy a camera, | ||
Bawlsfuff | neozen: where do i go from here? | 08:31 |
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Yeti_69 | !fr | 08:31 |
mbdl | psusi:nope all i know is in there i only get 1 opion for floppy and i have it set as 1,44 floppy.... and those are my settings when i turn my floppy off my working drive stops working and my other "fake" disks are still there | 08:31 |
neozen | Bawlsfuff: what were you trying to do again | 08:31 |
Bawlsfuff | neozen: Sorry about that, accidentally pressed Up a few too many times, and then enter | 08:31 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 08:31 |
=== theidiotthatisme [n=TheIdiot@adsl-75-19-118-251.dsl.yntwoh.sbcglobal.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
oscar | Hello. I need ask something.. I was working just witch 4 repositories. Now I install Automatix and I have another 4 repositories with Universe and Multiverse. And now appear in the screen a text "new updates" (something like that)... The question is.. Is a good idea install all that updates??? | 08:31 |
dogmeat | which package can i use to run windows apps in edgy? | 08:31 |
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Bawlsfuff | neozen: haha, I got it working | 08:31 |
=== manfred_ [n=manfred@d51536A3A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sacater | lordvaygor16: just go there with a file manager | 08:31 |
sacater | running as root | 08:31 |
neozen | neozen: lol | 08:31 |
=== untouch [n=untouch@dslb-082-083-149-040.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lordvaygor16 | sidny4:i want to change the default os in the grub menu because i have to keep selecting the os i want at startup | 08:32 |
neozen | Bawlsfuff: ::chuckle:: | 08:32 |
=== TL_CLD [n=thomas@cpe.atm2-0-71283.0x535bd556.banxx3.customer.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bawlsfuff | neozen: Now I'm trying to install the driver software for my nvidia graphics card | 08:32 |
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neozen | Bawlsfuff: O.o ... that's much easier | 08:32 |
lordvaygor16 | sidny4: and im totally thick with computers which doesnt help | 08:32 |
=== Next_Level [i=Next_Lev@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Next_Level | any americans here please? | 08:32 |
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foutrelis | Next_Level: Greek here :) | 08:32 |
neozen | Bawlsfuff: lots of people in here can help you with that... but not me <<--- has an intel card | 08:33 |
neozen | Next_Level: yeah... I'm american | 08:33 |
=== mbdl [n=mrbigdow@ACC06508.ipt.aol.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Bawlsfuff | neozen: i see. I think I got it all taken care of. I just did some google searching | 08:33 |
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=== Ian__ [i=Ian@80-47-212-19.lond-th.dynamic.dial.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | Bawlsfuff: that's the key | 08:33 |
Arrick | whats the command to know your IP in 6.06.1? | 08:33 |
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@c-69-142-166-254.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
panfist | ifconfig | 08:33 |
Pici | Arrick: ifconfig | 08:33 |
neozen | Bawlsfuff: most people don't bother... and just come here and ask questions | 08:33 |
neozen | Arrick: ifconfig -a | 08:33 |
oscar | Hello. I need ask something.. I was working just witch 4 repositories. Now I install Automatix and I have another 4 repositories with Universe and Multiverse. And now appear in the screen a text "new updates" (something like that)... The question is.. Is a good idea install all that updates??? | 08:33 |
=== Megaqwerty [n=megaqwer@ip72-197-246-192.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== pyrotix__ [n=pyrotix@bas1-toronto02-1177912312.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Megaqwerty | My mounted partitions (mounted in /media) aren't showing up on my desktop, ideas? | 08:33 |
Pici | !automatix | oscar | 08:34 |
ubotu | oscar: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 08:34 |
jimmy | what type of virtualization does the new ubuntu support? is it vmware server or xen? | 08:34 |
jimmy | the site doesnt say much | 08:34 |
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neozen | Arrick: you're looking for one that isn't or | 08:34 |
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Arrick | I got it neozen but yeah | 08:34 |
neozen | jimmy: out of the box.... none | 08:34 |
Arrick | internal network IP | 08:34 |
neozen | jimmy: but you can get vmware server up and running fairly easily | 08:34 |
Next_Level | could an american accept my private query please? | 08:34 |
lordvaygor16 | please can someone tell me how to configure the default os on grub in lamens terms? (i.e. you click this, then this, then type "this" and press enter) im a bit thick | 08:34 |
Bluedog | An american? | 08:34 |
=== mirak [n=mirak@m145.net195-132-203.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Next_Level | yes | 08:35 |
=== sc4ttrbrain [n=sc4ttrbr@KHP059138070148.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Next_Level | i need to know a specific thing | 08:35 |
neozen | Next_Level: what do you need to know? | 08:35 |
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sidny4 | lordvaygor16: ok, in a terminal type in: sudo nano -w /boot/grub/menu.lst, a few lines down (about 10) you will see default 0, change that 0 to what number down the list you want to boot by default | 08:35 |
jimmy | neozen: which version would you recommend for running a vmware server? the new beta or 6.10? | 08:35 |
Next_Level | a bit personal, would consider to do it in private | 08:35 |
=== jaco [n=jaco@host18-141-dynamic.3-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sidny4 | lordvaygor16: 0 being the first, 1 the second, etc. | 08:35 |
neozen | jimmy: either should work | 08:35 |
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@201-34-94-182.paebv700.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | jimmy: I personally run dapper | 08:36 |
peaker | ifup is supposed to run /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/wireless-tools, right? | 08:36 |
=== Tigge [n=tigge@bacchus.olf.sgsnet.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jimmy | dapper being 6.10 i assume | 08:36 |
peaker | but wireless-tools assumes a bunch of ENV vars will be set | 08:36 |
neozen | Next_Level: look at your irc client | 08:36 |
peaker | and ifup does not seem to set those | 08:36 |
jaco | join ischia | 08:36 |
=== peerkoel [n=peerkoel@cp112482-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Agrajag | jimmy: dapper is 6.06 | 08:36 |
neozen | Next_Level: you should see a window with my username | 08:36 |
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peaker | so.. I think that's why wifi never works out of the box | 08:36 |
=== Xenguy [n=gnu@206-248-151-3.dsl.ncf.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neozen | Next_Level: go to that winow | 08:36 |
neozen | *window | 08:36 |
ENIGMA_ | hello men | 08:36 |
panfist | can anyone help me debug a simple startup script? or point me to some stuff I can look at? | 08:36 |
dogmeat | which software allows me to run windows applications? | 08:37 |
ENIGMA_ | i love windows | 08:37 |
neozen | ENIGMA_: woman I presume? | 08:37 |
ENIGMA_ | windows powa | 08:37 |
=== theacolyte [n=theacoly@unaffiliated/theacolyte] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Next_Level | neozen i keep talkingg | 08:37 |
jimmy | neozen: is there any documentation available on setting up vmware server with ubuntu server ? i googled a bit and looking around | 08:37 |
Next_Level | you say speak but i wrote 5 lines | 08:37 |
=== sc4ttrbrain [n=sc4ttrbr@KHP059138070148.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Next_Level | should i register? | 08:37 |
peerkoel | hello people, is there a irc client in the livecd part of the 6.06 install cd? | 08:37 |
Bawlsfuff | Oh boy. I've got a problem. I installed the latest drivers for my nvidia 7600GS and when i restarted, it said "Failed to start the X server." | 08:37 |
neozen | Next_Level: yes... you should register | 08:37 |
Next_Level | ok, brb then | 08:37 |
ENIGMA_ | <panfist> can anyone help me debug a simple startup script? or point me to some stuff I can look at? | 08:37 |
ENIGMA_ | <dogmeat> which software allows me to run windows applications? | 08:37 |
ENIGMA_ | >ENIGMA_< i love windows | 08:37 |
ENIGMA_ | <neozen> ENIGMA_: woman I presume? | 08:37 |
ENIGMA_ | >ENIGMA_< windows powa | 08:37 |
ENIGMA_ | --> theacolyte (n=theacoly@unaffiliated/theacolyte) ha entrado en #ubuntu | 08:37 |
ENIGMA_ | <Next_Level> neozen i keep talkingg | 08:37 |
foutrelis | !ops | I don't like ENIGMA_'s atitude | 08:37 |
ENIGMA_ | <jimmy> neozen: is there any documentation available on setting up vmware server with ubuntu server ? i googled a bit and looking around | 08:37 |
ubotu | I don't like ENIGMA_'s atitude: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild or Amaranth | 08:37 |
theacolyte | stop | 08:37 |
ENIGMA_ | <Next_Level> you say speak but i wrote 5 lines | 08:37 |
ENIGMA_ | --> sc4ttrbrain (n=sc4ttrbr@KHP059138070148.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp) ha entrado en #ubuntu | 08:37 |
ENIGMA_ | <Next_Level> should i register? | 08:37 |
neozen | call for op | 08:37 |
ENIGMA_ | <peerkoel> hello people, is there a irc client in the livecd part of the 6.06 install cd? | 08:37 |
lordvaygor16 | sydny4:aah! thanks i see i cant remember which one it was ill be right back | 08:37 |
ENIGMA_ | <Bawlsfuff> Oh boy. I've got a problem. I installed the latest drivers for my nvidia 7600GS and when i restarted, it said "Failed to start the X server." | 08:37 |
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ENIGMA_ | stop | 08:38 |
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peaker | Bawlsfuff: did you try to install it via running the nvidia driver install script with the --x-prefix=/usr/lib/xorg? | 08:38 |
oscar | uboto: What can I do? Becasue I install somethings from automatix.. All is OK right now. I install for example some codecs. But now always appear that message telling me "new updates" What can I d' delette the automatix repositories? If I do that maybe the codecs dissapear too... If I continue with automatix. How can I do when I need upgrade some package? | 08:38 |
=== jordo23 [n=jordo23@CPE-70-94-41-77.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jimmy | i only found docs for dapper not 6.10 | 08:38 |
neozen | dankee op | 08:38 |
neozen | good bot | 08:38 |
neozen | lol | 08:38 |
=== Megaqwerty [n=megaqwer@ip72-197-246-192.sd.sd.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
dogmeat | i meant i thought wine allowed me to run windows under ubuntu, but it's not in the edgy server package system. | 08:38 |
theacolyte | dogmeat: wine does not run windows, it runs windows applications | 08:38 |
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dogmeat | was looking for a package i could install that would allow me to run Microsoft Windows apps in ubuntu. any suggestions? | 08:38 |
Bawlsfuff | peaker: I don't think so....I just got the file from this computer, it was a .deb extension, but it on the Linux computer, and double clicked, and it did the rest itself.... | 08:39 |
sidny4 | dogmeat: wine only allows you to run some, not all, windows applications | 08:39 |
dogmeat | 'k | 08:39 |
poningru | dogmeat: emulation | 08:39 |
peaker | dogmeat: wine implements the windows application interface -- which is what windows applications use to talk to windows. That way they think they talk to windows but they run on linux instead | 08:39 |
Pici | dogmeat: And not windows itself. | 08:39 |
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poningru | dogmeat: what kinda processor do you have? | 08:39 |
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Pici | poningru: Wine Is Not an Emulator | 08:39 |
poningru | how old is it? | 08:39 |
dogmeat | that's fine, it's a laptop with p4 | 08:39 |
foutrelis | !botsnack | 08:39 |
ubotu | Yum! | 08:39 |
hoarycripple | how do I force a reinstall with apt-get? | 08:39 |
psusi | wine is a liar ;) | 08:39 |
Arrick | hey neozen you care to pm for a bit? | 08:39 |
poningru | Pici: your point meing? | 08:39 |
poningru | being* | 08:39 |
=== neozen pets the bot | ||
Pici | poningru: Just pointing that out. | 08:39 |
psusi | hoarycripple, apt-get install --reinstall foobar | 08:40 |
neozen | Arrick: I usually don't but... ok | 08:40 |
poningru | Pici: 0.0 o...k | 08:40 |
dogmeat | i don't see it in my package list ... do i need another server for wine in my /etc/apt/sources.list? | 08:40 |
psusi | iirc | 08:40 |
hoarycripple | psusi, thank you | 08:40 |
glatzor | Pici: you should not always trust what names suggest :) | 08:40 |
neozen | Arrick: abuse it... and I'll shut off pm support | 08:40 |
poningru | !wine | dogmeat | 08:40 |
ubotu | dogmeat: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 08:40 |
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nox-Hand | Oops, installing this OS \o/ | 08:40 |
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Arrick | I need to change permissions so I can upload website stuff to my server now that I have it setup | 08:41 |
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foutrelis | Arrick: You are going to upload to /var/www right? | 08:41 |
ubuntu_ | hello | 08:41 |
=== PeterR [i=PeterR@82-40-102-160.cable.ubr03.cast.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jg | are others having as much trouble as I am with evolution since the last set of patches came through on edgy? | 08:41 |
W4nnabe | can anybody explain why i can see my apache server's index page through, but not through the local network? I'm running dapper lamp server | 08:41 |
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RoundyT1 | how secure is ubuntu v.s. debian??? | 08:41 |
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PeterR | Ok then - got that video, now need to get transfer cables :D | 08:42 |
Arrick | yes foutrelis | 08:42 |
foutrelis | Arrick: Just use the www-data account :) | 08:42 |
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jeeves_Moss | does anyone know of a good WiFi connection manager? I've tried WiFi radar, and it sucks | 08:42 |
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sidny4 | jeeves_Moss: network-manager-gnome | 08:42 |
foutrelis | Arrick: And with proftpd you can use www-data to upload directly to /var/www with FTP :) | 08:42 |
CheshireViking | jg, what problems are you having? my evolution is working fine since i downloaded the updates a hour ago | 08:42 |
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RoundyT1 | how secure is ubuntu v.s. debian??? | 08:43 |
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ed1t | which language is good for linux programming? python? | 08:43 |
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jeeves_Moss | sidny4: I've tried that, and it's even worse. it dosn't show the WiFi networks in range, and it sucks for connecting. | 08:43 |
jg | CheshireViking: god forbid you have a message that is a message digest with, say > 100 messages in it.... | 08:43 |
Arrick | yeah, I had forgotten about proftpd there foutrelis | 08:43 |
oscar | uboto: Sorry internet restart | 08:43 |
jg | evolution goes compute bound for minutes at a time. | 08:43 |
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PriceChild | RoundyT1, ubuntu is based on debian... we sync every 6 months... basically the same. | 08:44 |
RoundyT1 | how secure is ubuntu v.s. debian??? --someone? anyone? -- | 08:44 |
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RoundyT1 | hmm | 08:44 |
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RoundyT1 | but the repositories are different. | 08:44 |
CheshireViking | jg, nothing like that with mine | 08:44 |
sidny4 | jeeves_Moss: I've had that problem before, to fix it I edited /etc/network/interfaces and commented out everything except the lo interface. then restarted the computer and it seemed to work then | 08:44 |
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ed1t | whats a good programming language to learn for linux programming? | 08:44 |
rickyfingers_ | ed1t: C | 08:44 |
choderboy | what kind of linux programming? | 08:44 |
lordvaygor16 | sydny4: if youre still there there is a total of 7 things in the list on GRUB and one of them is a divider ("other operating systems:") | 08:44 |
RoundyT1 | PriceChild, but the repositories include "unsafe" programs. | 08:44 |
jeeves_Moss | sidny4: well, now, I can't even get my internal WiFi card to work. it won't connect to ANYTHING!!!! I've got to run on a 802.11B card and it's slow as hell | 08:45 |
jg | CheshireViking: I don't often get message digests that long; but I never had this problem in the past. | 08:45 |
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mweichert | does anyone know of an alternate install cd that has the restricted modules built in? | 08:45 |
PriceChild | RoundyT1, example? Do you know what sense it is unsfe? | 08:45 |
lordvaygor16 | sydny4:so would i type 7 for the bottom one or does the divider not count and i only type 6? | 08:45 |
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CheshireViking | jg, i've never had a problem myself, but i only get a couple of emails a day - i don't run a server or anything - just personal emails | 08:45 |
sidny4 | lordvaygor16: ok, and do you want it to boot one of the other operating systems? | 08:45 |
RoundyT1 | PriceChild, lol not really some guy told me that, so now im scared to get ubuntu | 08:45 |
rickyfingers_ | ed1t: if you want to go the really academic route, check out http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/ | 08:45 |
=== Luuna [n=luuna@dyn-83-152-23-102.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lordvaygor16 | sydny4:yes | 08:46 |
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sidny4 | lordvaygor16: ok, what number is it in the list? | 08:46 |
ferronica | which player do i use to play VCD | 08:46 |
PriceChild | RoundyT1, Don't be :) I'm guessing he's seen something and been confused... and then tells you this trying to sound knowledgable. | 08:46 |
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rickyfingers_ | ed1t: that's the beginning programming text from MIT - but it's really a lot of theory, and it uses scheme, which is not that big in the industry, from what I know. | 08:46 |
lordvaygor16 | sydny4: its 7th in the list but the 6th thing is the divider | 08:46 |
sidny4 | jeeves_Moss: hmm, what kind of wireless card is it? | 08:46 |
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RoundyT1 | PriceChild, lol ya. true. He's been running debian forever...and just said "ubuntu is unsafe compared to debian" | 08:47 |
sidny4 | lordvaygor16: ok, count the divider as well and put that number as default | 08:47 |
ferronica | which player do i use to play VCD | 08:47 |
PriceChild | RoundyT1, there's a rivalry between debianers and ubuntueros. :) | 08:47 |
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Suurorca | SICP is a great book :) | 08:47 |
PriceChild | RoundyT1, just like I don't like windows xp :) | 08:47 |
lordvaygor16 | sydny4: ok how would i get to that screen in terminal again? | 08:47 |
jeeves_Moss | sidny4: it's an Athoes card. It worked before, but the system will lock up occasionaly, then for the next few reboots, it won't work. | 08:47 |
=== Lucifel [n=q@c-67-180-205-32.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
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RoundyT1 | PriceChild, he was more talking about the server side, he said it's easier with ubuntu to be "hacked" | 08:48 |
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sidny4 | jeeves_Moss: make sure restrited modules is installed for your kernel | 08:48 |
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ferronica | Totem could not play 'vcd:///media/cdrecorder'. No URI handler implemented for "vcd". | 08:48 |
sidny4 | lordvaygor16: sudo nano -w /boot/grub/menu.lst | 08:48 |
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jeeves_Moss | sidny4: in the reposeritys? | 08:48 |
mweichert | is anyone familiar here with ubuntu reconstructor? | 08:48 |
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PriceChild | RoundyT1, ubuntu ships with no ports open by default... that means nothing should be able to connect to you. We also implement no root account by default and implement sudo. For these and various other reasons we're pretty secure :) | 08:49 |
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RoundyT1 | lol | 08:49 |
PriceChild | RoundyT1, I don't know why debian would be more secure | 08:49 |
=== bigjohnto [i=bigjohnt@S01060018c05c9aac.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bigjohnto | so anyone here ever used clamav? | 08:49 |
peaker | can anyone here who has edgy/dapper working with wifi explain what he had to do to get his wifi working? | 08:49 |
PriceChild | bigjohnto, hey yes | 08:49 |
peaker | I am trying to figure out ubuntu's wifi configuration system | 08:49 |
RoundyT1 | PriceChild, makes sense to me...probably he's biased against ubuntu | 08:49 |
PeterR | ubuntu what now? | 08:49 |
dogmeat | is there an eMule fileshare util for ubuntu? | 08:49 |
PriceChild | peaker, depends on your card | 08:49 |
peaker | because I think it has a grave bug that makes it fail out of the box | 08:49 |
lordvaygor16 | sydny4: ok ive typed in 7 can i just close the window or do i have to type something specific to exit? | 08:49 |
bigjohnto | i get the following error using clamav "make[2] : *** [libclamav.la] Error 1 | 08:49 |
sidny4 | jeeves_Moss: yup, in synaptic search for restricted modules and make sure that you have the one for your kernel installed, that *should* take care of it, if not I'm not quite sure than | 08:50 |
RoundyT1 | is there an exact Fiesty release date? | 08:50 |
peaker | PriceChild: assume that the hardware driver is auto-loaded successfully (which it is, here), it still does not work | 08:50 |
panfist | can anyone help me get a startup script working? or point me to some resources that can help? | 08:50 |
PriceChild | RoundyT1, probably :) Both distros have their benefits. Try them out and see which works better for you | 08:50 |
ferronica | Totem could not play 'vcd:///media/cdrecorder'. No URI handler implemented for "vcd". | 08:50 |
peaker | PriceChild: assume even, that /etc/network/interfaces is configured properly with the ess-id and all that in there | 08:50 |
jeeves_Moss | sidny4: ok, I'll have a quick look | 08:50 |
PriceChild | peaker, what card? | 08:50 |
peaker | PriceChild: zd1211 | 08:50 |
peaker | PriceChild: usb dongle | 08:50 |
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rickyfingers | peaker: are you sure it's not a problem with wep/wpa key? | 08:50 |
ferronica | what player should i use???????? | 08:51 |
PriceChild | peaker, do you know the chipset? | 08:51 |
peaker | PriceChild: It seems that ifup, which is supposed to pass the interfaces' directives to wireless-tools to set up the card before running dhcp -- is not putting the options in the env vars that wireless-tools expects to find them in | 08:51 |
bigjohnto | so if anyone has an answer about the clamav error please pm me so i don't have to follow this quick chat room | 08:51 |
peaker | PriceChild: Its not a chipset problem | 08:51 |
ferronica | Totem could not play 'vcd:///media/cdrecorder'. No URI handler implemented for "vcd". | 08:51 |
RoundyT1 | is there an exact Fiesty release date? | 08:51 |
=== Hyper-cool [n=john@nateres203.tel.miami.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sidny4 | lordvaygor16: how's it the menu editing coming? I believe it should be default 6 | 08:51 |
PriceChild | peaker, I'm sorry Its probably over my head :) | 08:51 |
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jeeves_Moss | sidny4: it looks like they're installed | 08:51 |
PriceChild | RoundyT1, april 29th if all goes well | 08:51 |
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peaker | rickyfingers: Its a problem with the wireless essid/enc/key options not being passed to iwconfig by the ifup/wireless-tools script | 08:51 |
peaker | rickyfingers: If I pass them manually it works | 08:51 |
sidny4 | jeeves_Moss: does the computer recognize your wireless card? | 08:52 |
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jeeves_Moss | sidny4: yes it does. I can see it in iwconfig | 08:52 |
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PriceChild | bigjohnto, why are you compiling it/ | 08:52 |
danny | Where can I find the windows media codec files | 08:53 |
PriceChild | bigjohnto, and that's a generic error, the lines above it are more important. | 08:53 |
rickyfingers | peaker: then why not just go the route of writing your own script to do it? Google would probably even find you something pretty close to the mark. | 08:53 |
sidny4 | jeeves_Moss: but it won't show any wireless networks available? | 08:53 |
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PriceChild | !mp3 > danny (see the pm from ubotu) | 08:53 |
sdac221x_ | can someone tell me how on earth to change the kdewallet password for the prompt i get when i start xubuntu to connect to my wireless network at home ? | 08:53 |
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bigjohnto | PriceChild: no errors above it | 08:53 |
danny | ta | 08:53 |
jshriver | greetings | 08:53 |
sdac221x_ | there doesnt seem to be a program called "kdewallet" on my machine even | 08:53 |
PriceChild | bigjohnto, you're compiling it yourself? | 08:53 |
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Hyper-cool | i'm having trouble finding "ALSA-LIBS" and "ALSA-CFLAGS" is anyone familiar? | 08:53 |
jshriver | anyone know how I can query a webserver to get some stats like server type etc? basicall I want to do in code what ab does | 08:53 |
bigjohnto | PriceChild: yes, | 08:53 |
jeeves_Moss | sidny4: well, if I type in the knowen network SSID, it won't connect to it. | 08:53 |
PriceChild | bigjohnto, why? | 08:53 |
=== Luuna [n=luuna@dyn-83-152-23-102.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
peaker | rickyfingers: Because I would like to see/help it be fixed in ubuntu: I think its not reasonable that wifi will fail in all ubuntu installations because of a silly bug in the ifup script | 08:53 |
mweichert | is there a command-line tool to configure a wireless card? | 08:54 |
=== dxdemetriou [n=dxdemetr@dsl-79-241.netway.com.cy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
peaker | rickyfingers: I have a solution for myself - I want to contribute a proper solution to ubuntu | 08:54 |
bigjohnto | PriceChild: I am not using ubuntu i am using solaris | 08:54 |
peaker | mweichert: Yeah, iwconfig | 08:54 |
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PriceChild | bigjohnto, I'm sorry I can't help you then :) | 08:54 |
rickyfingers | peaker: then this is your chance for the big leagues. Download the source code and run it in a debugger. | 08:54 |
renz_ | i have installed java 1.5 on my ubuntu server. how can i get the system to recognize the new version. it stll sees the previous (1.4) version? | 08:54 |
peaker | I guess the right way is to try the ubuntu mailing list/newsgroups | 08:54 |
PriceChild | bigjohnto, best you go find a solaris channel | 08:54 |
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sdac221x_ | im pretty new to linux so sorry if my question was "too basic" | 08:54 |
peaker | rickyfingers: Heh, "big leagues". I did download the source code. But I still dont have a proper devel env. here. Its a new computer. I want a newsgroup reader first, too | 08:54 |
dyrne | renz_: you can redo the symlinks but there is an update or something executable to run to do it | 08:55 |
lordvaygor16 | sydny4: i know this sounds a bit dumb and i can see all the options along the bottom but how do i actually exit the configuration now? (it says "^X Exit" and ^X is highlighted balck) | 08:55 |
mweichert | peaker: cool, do you know if I can configure multiple profiles (networks)? | 08:55 |
peaker | rickyfingers: Its just that my conclusion - that wifi fails for ALL ubuntu users (out of the box, at least) seemed a little far fetched, and I wanted to see if its wrong | 08:55 |
bigjohnto | pricechild: i understand this is not solaris support but i was just seeing if that generic error had some specific reason but i guess not | 08:55 |
peaker | mweichert: I am not sure wireless cards support connecting to multiple access points at the same time | 08:55 |
PeterR | hehe | 08:55 |
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bigjohnto | PriceChild: I will PM the entire thing let me know what you see ok | 08:55 |
jeeves_Moss | sidny4: any other ideas? | 08:55 |
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neozen | peaker: they don't | 08:55 |
peaker | mweichert: you can try aliasing on the interface (via the eth0:X notation in ifconfig/iwconfig) | 08:55 |
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sidny4 | jeeves_Moss: have you tried iwlist? | 08:56 |
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renz_ | dyrne: that would be great if someone could point me in the right direction to find it | 08:56 |
PriceChild | bigjohnto, there should be previous errors, Most probably you haven't got the tools, or haven't satisfied dependencies | 08:56 |
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mweichert | peaker: I don't want them connected at the same time, I just want them configured - and ideally to automatically connect to the wireless network it finds | 08:56 |
neozen | peaker: that won't work | 08:56 |
PriceChild | !paste > bigjohnto | 08:56 |
neozen | mweichert: AHH | 08:56 |
dyrne | renz_: update-alternatives --config java i think | 08:56 |
peaker | neozen: Wireless works for some users? my conclusion is that its only supposed to work if the default wep-less access point is directly accessible or found by accident | 08:56 |
jeeves_Moss | sidny4: yes | 08:56 |
neozen | mweichert: yeah... you can get that kind of behavior | 08:56 |
sidny4 | jeeves_Moss: did that show anything? | 08:56 |
ferronica | Totem could not play 'vcd:///media/cdrecorder'. No URI handler implemented for "vcd". | 08:56 |
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neozen | mweichert: use network manager to connect | 08:56 |
renz_ | dyrne: thanks, i'll try it | 08:56 |
ferronica | help! | 08:56 |
mweichert | noezen: do you know how to go about it? | 08:56 |
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jeeves_Moss | sidny4: yes, it shows the list of SSIDs. | 08:57 |
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neozen | mweichert: well... you are running gnome right? | 08:57 |
mweichert | neozen: can I configure network manager from the command line? | 08:57 |
lordvaygor16 | sidny4: how do i exit the configuration for grub? im worried that just clicking close in the top corner wont save my changes | 08:57 |
kane77 | !feisty | 08:57 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 08:57 |
sidny4 | ok, does the network you are trying to connect to have WPA security? | 08:57 |
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peaker | mweichert: you could use a GUI front end (wlassistant) or do you want it automated? you can select a network via: iwconfig NAME-OF-INTERFACE essid "who-to-connect-to" and more options if you need encryption | 08:57 |
neozen | mweichert: yes... though i don't know how | 08:57 |
rickyfingers | I wonder if anyone else has this problem 64 bit kernel, on board nvidia mcp51 sound card, when I adjust the gnome master volume control all sound shuts off /etc/init.d/alsa stop/start doesn't do any good. Any ideas? | 08:57 |
joephantom | hi, does anybody know if it's possible to use desktop effects on a virtual machine like vmware? | 08:57 |
neozen | mweichert: its easiest to do through gui | 08:57 |
PriceChild | joephantom, sorry | 08:57 |
peaker | neozen: what wireless configurations are supposed to work out of the box with ubuntu? | 08:57 |
Hyper-cool | i'm having trouble finding "ALSA-LIBS" and "ALSA-CFLAGS" is anyone familiar? | 08:57 |
RoundyT1 | wait ----- the 29th or the 19th?? | 08:57 |
sidny4 | lordvaygor16: hit ctrl-x and save it | 08:57 |
neozen | joephantom: go to #ubuntu-effects | 08:57 |
PriceChild | joephantom, the VM has no access to the hardware so no | 08:57 |
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PriceChild | RoundyT1, 29th afaik | 08:57 |
neozen | joephantom: might find your answer there | 08:58 |
erpo | When I choose the System->Quit menu option, I am not given a choice to suspend (called standby in Windows). Is this normal? | 08:58 |
joephantom | ah ok i will install it in a pc then | 08:58 |
lordvaygor16 | sidny4: ok thanks for your help! | 08:58 |
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joephantom | sorry, thanks PriceChild and neozen | 08:58 |
neozen | joephantom: doubt it though | 08:58 |
renz_ | dyrne: thanks! that worked. outstanding. | 08:58 |
mweichert | neozen: here's my problem. I'm preseeding the alternate cd install, and the only network connection these cards have is wifi.... but the alternate cd doesn't come with the restricted modules. So, in the preseed-after command I'm installing the restricted modules and I want to to configure the wireless networks | 08:58 |
erpo | I am using Edgy 6.10. | 08:58 |
sacater | please help someone, im having bluetooth trouble, i want to connect my PDA to the web using bluetooth, whats the best way to do this using linux | 08:58 |
peaker | neozen: Can I privmsg you? | 08:58 |
mikebeecham | Hi there....does anyone know if there's a channel regarding Beryl? I want to isnatll it, but would not have a clue where to start! | 08:58 |
neozen | peaker: sure | 08:59 |
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theacolyte | mikebeecham: #beryl | 08:59 |
erUSUL | !beryl > mikebeecham | 08:59 |
mweichert | mikebeecham: beryl's site has all the info you'd need | 08:59 |
PriceChild | mikebeecham, #ubuntu-effects | 08:59 |
mweichert | mikebeecham: the instructions are fairly straight forword | 08:59 |
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sidny4 | jeeves_Moss: does the wireless network you are trying to connect to have WPA security on it? | 09:00 |
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mikebeecham | Thank you all....I'm reading lots of write ups of it, but loads of people are having problems with the install...I've been using linux a week, so I'm kind of scared and need hand-holding | 09:00 |
RoundyT1 | PriceChild, sites says April 19th | 09:00 |
RoundyT1 | 09:00 | |
RoundyT1 | 09:00 | |
RoundyT1 | SORRY! | 09:00 |
jeeves_Moss | sidny4: nope, totaly open network. I tried it first with encryption, then I rolled it back to test it. | 09:00 |
PeterR | holy jesus, my download speed is 2kB per second. | 09:00 |
PeterR | 0.9 now :0 | 09:01 |
bubbles | :O | 09:01 |
ferronica | help! | 09:01 |
ferronica | Totem could not play 'vcd:///media/cdrecorder'. No URI handler implemented for "vcd". | 09:01 |
sidny4 | jeeves_Moss: have you tried configuring it in network-admin? | 09:01 |
Arrick | is there still a proftpd package for 6.06.1? | 09:01 |
ferronica | any one help me out???? | 09:01 |
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RoundyT1 | PriceChild, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule ---? :-D | 09:01 |
PriceChild | RoundyT1, ah you're correct :) | 09:01 |
ferronica | Pricechild: i need help | 09:01 |
PriceChild | RoundyT1, sorry :) | 09:01 |
RoundyT1 | lol | 09:01 |
dyrne | jeeves_Moss: so 'sudo ifconfig eth1 up; sudo iwconfig eth1 essid whatevername; sudo dhclient eth1' doesnt work? where eth1 is whatever network device | 09:01 |
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ferronica | PriceChild: Help! | 09:02 |
ferronica | PriceChild: Totem could not play 'vcd:///media/cdrecorder'. No URI handler implemented for "vcd". | 09:02 |
Arrick | !proftpd | 09:02 |
ubotu | proftpd: Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.0-9ubuntu0.1 (edgy), package size 594 kB, installed size 1532 kB | 09:02 |
jeeves_Moss | dyrne: I tried that, no luck. It STILL won't connect. it's like the card ignores EVERYTHING I tell it. | 09:02 |
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Bawlsfuff | What do I do when I get a "Permission denied" error when trying to blacklist a module? | 09:03 |
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PriceChild | ferronica, vcd? as in video cd? | 09:04 |
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ferronica | PriceChild: yes | 09:04 |
PriceChild | ferronica, try vlc player | 09:04 |
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ferronica | PriceChild: when i play in vlc cracking sound | 09:04 |
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ferronica | PriceChild: it look like codec conflicting | 09:05 |
PriceChild | ferronica, I'm no expert sorry | 09:05 |
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ferronica | PriceChild: so why totem not play | 09:05 |
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ferronica | PriceChild: its a simple VCD | 09:05 |
mon^rch | while logging on I get the message that my $home.dmrc is being ignored and something about my homw dir being owned by me and not being writable by others... I am thinking that I should be concerned | 09:05 |
PriceChild | ferronica, because it doesn't know how to open the file | 09:06 |
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ferronica | no one here expert | 09:07 |
ferronica | :( | 09:07 |
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mon^rch | while logging on I get the message that my $home.dmrc is being ignored and something about my homw dir being owned by me and not being writable by others... I am thinking that I should be concerned. should i? | 09:08 |
kunz | hello, what can i do if juk will not play files? | 09:08 |
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kunz | and we need a graphical file manager for accessing windows and samba shares, any ideas? | 09:08 |
sacater | please help someone, im having bluetooth trouble, i want to connect my PDA to the web using bluetooth, whats the best way to do this using linux | 09:08 |
imperator_ | hey | 09:08 |
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mon^rch | Kunz: do you have all the right codecs installed? | 09:09 |
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Bawlsfuff | What do I do when I get a "Permission denied" error when trying to blacklist a module? | 09:09 |
kunz | mon^rch, no idea, it used to work fine under knoppix, now with xubuntu it won't play anything, where can i get codecs, ps, i use apt-get install | 09:09 |
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LinuxProbie | G'morning people | 09:10 |
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Bawlsfuff | Anyone know why I would get that error? | 09:10 |
bdheeman | hi, friends! | 09:10 |
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Arrick | refresh my memory please, where is sources.list located? | 09:11 |
bdheeman | Bawlsfuff: try sudo <command> | 09:11 |
predaeus | Arrick, /etc/apt/ I think | 09:11 |
v_ | /etc/apt/sources.list | 09:11 |
LinuxProbie | so I can't seem to get my wireless card working, could someone perhaps walk me through the pross if not remote into my ubuntu and show me the way | 09:11 |
milaks | Hi. When I first installed Ubuntu /root was on partition /dev/hda10. After awhile I've reorganized my disk partitions so then /root is on /dev/hda6. I'va updated all necessary files (/boot/grub/menu.lst, /etc/fstab...) and that's OK. But whenever I update to now version of linux kernel Ubuntu updates /boot/grub/menu.lst with old value that is /dev/hda10. Where can I change this default value? | 09:11 |
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Arrick | thanks | 09:11 |
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sacater | is anyone else here using a PDA with linux via bluetooth | 09:11 |
mon^rch | kunz: look at the ubuntuguide... it will explain how to do that http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Multimedia_Codecs | 09:11 |
predaeus | Bawlsfuff, where do you get that error? | 09:11 |
Bawlsfuff | LinuxProbie: what kind of wireless card is it? | 09:12 |
kunz | mon^rch, thx | 09:12 |
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dimas__ | i am trying to start my webcam and i get an error message: An error ocurred at "ioctl VIDIOCSPICT" could not set camera properties | 09:12 |
LinuxProbie | Some broadcom thing. the mini card that comes in an inspiron 6400 | 09:12 |
mon^rch | Kunz: no worries... I like my media too ;-) | 09:12 |
Bawlsfuff | predaeus: When I type the command "echo 'blacklist rt61pci' >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist" | 09:12 |
dimas__ | thats when i use GYachE | 09:12 |
laley | send me a link of ubuntu spanish | 09:12 |
pyrols | hello, why doesnt gcc fail to find stdio.h , i installed gcc4.1 and 4.1-source | 09:12 |
ferronica | PriceChild: Totem could not play 'vcd:///media/cdrecorder'. No URI handler implemented for "vcd". | 09:12 |
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theacolyte | !es | laley | 09:13 |
ferronica | Totem could not play 'vcd:///media/cdrecorder'. No URI handler implemented for "vcd". | 09:13 |
ubotu | laley: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 09:13 |
laley | ok | 09:13 |
Bawlsfuff | LinuxProbie: Sorry, I don't really know much about that, but there's plenty of information if you just search google or help.ubuntu.com | 09:13 |
laley | gracias | 09:13 |
theacolyte | de nada | 09:13 |
preaction | ferronica: File > Open DVD (or something like that) | 09:13 |
mon^rch | kunz: might I also suggest amaroK for audio, and vlc for video (great for audio too) | 09:13 |
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LinuxProbie | Yah, I did the walkthrough on the wiki and it only broke it worse | 09:14 |
predaeus | Bawlsfuff, does > alone also not work? If so you probably have to enable the root account. Had to do that for some kernel flags. | 09:14 |
kunz | mon^rch, highlight and middle mouse button in terminal | 09:14 |
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ferronica | preaction: i trying to play VCD | 09:14 |
kunz | gotta love it! | 09:14 |
Bawlsfuff | predaeus: What exactly does that mean? I'm a noob | 09:14 |
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preaction | ferronica: try it anyway? | 09:14 |
pyrols | hello, why doesnt gcc fail to find stdio.h , i installed gcc4.1 and 4.1-source anyone faced this problem before ? | 09:14 |
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preaction | ferronica: otherwise you might need to install VLC instead | 09:14 |
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ferronica | preaction: in totem | 09:14 |
mon^rch | kunz: hunh? | 09:15 |
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octoberdan | Anyone here know how to get Wubi to install Edgy instead of Feisty? | 09:15 |
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Flannel | pyrols: install 'build-essential' | 09:15 |
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Arrick | who here is familiar with jailing users in proftpd? | 09:15 |
LinuxProbie | I could also use some advice on getting my dell wireless 350 bluetooth module istalled and working | 09:15 |
preaction | ferronica: please listen. Try using File > Open DVD... in Totem, otherwise Totem might not be able to play VCDs, you might need to try something else, like VLC | 09:15 |
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kunz | mon^rch, i higjlighted the commands in firefox and used the middle mouse button to copy them into the shell | 09:15 |
pyrols | Flannel, thanks | 09:15 |
Y0da^ | preaction, yeah... i like vlc player | 09:16 |
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mon^rch | kunz: yup... that's what it's there for | 09:16 |
dimas__ | is there anybody available to help me with my webcam? | 09:16 |
predaeus | Bawlstuff, sorry forget what I said so far, I've mixed things up. This is the real reason: the file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist can only be changed by root or yourself as admin with the sudo command. Try adding sudo infront of that command. | 09:16 |
Arrick | Flannel you have any info on getting frontpage extensions to work on the 6.06.1 LAMP server? | 09:16 |
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theacolyte | pyrols: do you have libc6-dev installed? | 09:16 |
Flannel | Arrick: people still use FP? | 09:16 |
Arrick | yes | 09:16 |
Arrick | my clients | 09:16 |
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pyrols | theacolyte, i forgot to install build-essential | 09:16 |
ferronica | preaction: there is no option for file | 09:16 |
pyrols | hehe | 09:16 |
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pyrols | thanks | 09:17 |
theacolyte | hehe got it | 09:17 |
ferronica | preaction: Movie | 09:17 |
theacolyte | no prob | 09:17 |
vikingr | i have a lot of small jpgs in a folder. does anyone know a tool that creates a html-site out of it? no thumbnails, no splitted pages etc. just one html site with a the images. it would be nice to be able to choose how many images there are per row. | 09:17 |
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predaeus | Bawlsfuff, probably all files in /etc have permission set for admin or root only. This is so that a plain user can not change system critical files. | 09:17 |
Bawlsfuff | Predaeus: I think that may have worked | 09:17 |
axa-axa | Hi. When I first installed Ubuntu /root was on partition /dev/hda10. After awhile I've reorganized my disk partitions so then /root is on /dev/hda6. I'va updated all necessary files (/boot/grub/menu.lst, /etc/fstab...) and that's OK. But whenever I update to now version of linux kernel Ubuntu updates /boot/grub/menu.lst with old value that is /dev/hda10. Where can I change this default value? | 09:17 |
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Arrick | Flannel also I seem to remember you being skilled with apache config for some reason as well, I cant remember, but cant you use host headers in it? | 09:17 |
Flannel | Arrick: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/web/libapache-mod-frontpage-mirfak | 09:17 |
Flannel | Arrick: Simple package installation, I suppose. | 09:17 |
um_whoa | hi, guys | 09:17 |
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Arrick | ok, thanks | 09:17 |
Pendrag0n | I have a small home network I can get to my ubutu box to any house computer, and from any pc to my ubuntu box, but I can't browse the web with ubuntu, any ideas? | 09:17 |
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ferronica | preaction: totem hangs | 09:18 |
Y0da^ | Pendrag0n, check your gw | 09:18 |
Pendrag0n | gw? | 09:18 |
Y0da^ | gateway | 09:18 |
Pendrag0n | k | 09:18 |
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ferronica | preaction: do i need to download codecs | 09:18 |
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dimas__ | i need some help to have webcam properties set | 09:18 |
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preaction | ferronica: looks like this is a known bug for totem. you might need to try mplayer or VLC | 09:19 |
um_whoa | i wonder how his network is set up,, does he have a switch that connects everything including his dsl/cable modem? | 09:19 |
christopherl | what you all think about getting this Bluetooth set to work on my Ubuntu 6.10? http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/products/details/US/EN,CRID=2158,CONTENTID=10777 | 09:19 |
Arrick | Flannel its something I ave to dl and I cant remember how to do a DL in the terminal on ssh, care to refresh my memory/ | 09:19 |
Arrick | ? | 09:19 |
=== Y0da^ thinks VLC Rocks | ||
ferronica | preaction: vlc also hangs | 09:19 |
um_whoa | get-apt | 09:19 |
um_whoa | um apt-get | 09:19 |
preaction | ferronica: and mplayer? | 09:19 |
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dyrne | vlc is nice for streaming stuff | 09:20 |
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ferronica | preaction: not tried yet | 09:20 |
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Flannel | Arrick: eh? it's soemthing you have to apt get. But you'll need to enable multiverse first. | 09:20 |
Sherlockian | any good at getting a eth0 coming up? | 09:20 |
Arrick | oh ok | 09:20 |
Arrick | I already enabled it | 09:20 |
Sherlockian | cant see it, and i knw my pcmia card works with ubuntu | 09:20 |
predaeus | Bawlsfuff, type "cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist" to see if your line has been added to the file. the >> adds lines > alone replaces the file IIRC (could be the other way around). | 09:20 |
um_whoa | what is multiverse? | 09:20 |
Arrick | Flannel you know the command? | 09:20 |
ferronica | dyrne: i know vlc is good | 09:20 |
Flannel | Arrick: then update your package cache, and then apt-get that package | 09:20 |
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Pendrag0n | stupid ? but where do i check the gw? ifconfig shows my ip and mac, and ping xxx always times out, I also can't dig anything | 09:20 |
Arrick | I know its sudo apt-get :: | 09:20 |
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Arrick | but not sure of the pakage name | 09:21 |
mon^rch | vlc is even better with skins :D | 09:21 |
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Flannel | Arrick: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libapache-whatever-whatever | 09:21 |
Arrick | ahh ok | 09:21 |
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predaeus | Pendrag0n, route shows the gateway I think | 09:21 |
Pendrag0n | Ok, I'll try that, brb | 09:21 |
Flannel | !multiverse | um_whoa | 09:21 |
ubotu | um_whoa: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 09:21 |
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um_whoa | that's one smart robot. | 09:22 |
Pendrag0n | ah, that is screwed up | 09:22 |
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Pendrag0n | where do I edit that and restart it at? | 09:22 |
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sabayonlive-2141 | beryl is nice... I can't wait for Feisty to come out. I have to boot Sabayon to satisfy my addiction :) | 09:22 |
PeterR | 6.5kB/s download speed FTW!!! | 09:22 |
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mon^rch | I bet beryl isnt included in feisty | 09:23 |
predaeus | Pendrag0n, I don't know how to change it permanently but you can add the default gateway like this: sudo route add default gw IP_OF_GW | 09:23 |
Pooky | what happens in feisty that's not in edgy? | 09:23 |
sabayonlive-2141 | mon^rch: not by default, but it's an easy package install. | 09:23 |
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Pendrag0n | ok, yeah it has one on there that is really wrong, I need to remove it | 09:23 |
Pooky | as far as using beryl? | 09:23 |
Pendrag0n | I'll man route | 09:23 |
Pendrag0n | thanks | 09:23 |
Pendrag0n | brb | 09:23 |
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predaeus | yup its in there | 09:23 |
mon^rch | sabayonlive-2141: well let's hope so | 09:23 |
ferronica | dyrne: do i need to download CODECS | 09:23 |
sabayonlive-2141 | Pooky: compiz by default, easy network management, beryl as an easy package to install, windows migration, automatic codec installation | 09:24 |
Pendrag0n | lol Pooky the reason i am trying to get to the net is to find and install beryl, I saw it on youtube, it rocks | 09:24 |
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cables | That's better :) | 09:24 |
=== LaNCeloT_RW [n=LaNCeloT@c950181f.bhz.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Arrick | hey Flannel Im running as sudo, and im getting the following | 09:25 |
Pooky | http://epage.pvusd.k12.az.us/lgrenzebach/images/Screenshot.png | 09:25 |
Arrick | E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied) | 09:25 |
Arrick | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? | 09:25 |
Pooky | but even if it's a package | 09:25 |
cables | Pooky: if you just mean for beryl, basically it's a hell of a lot easier to install. | 09:25 |
Pooky | you still have to have your system set up right | 09:25 |
mon^rch | cables: compiz is default in feisty already? | 09:25 |
Flannel | Arrick: do you have another apt-get/aptitude thing running? | 09:25 |
cables | mon^rch: where've you been? | 09:25 |
Arrick | no | 09:25 |
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um_whoa | : | 09:25 |
mon^rch | playin with edgy, of course :) | 09:25 |
Pooky | I mean, beryl isn't ahrd now, especially if you use trevino's packages and such. But maybe that's just my experience | 09:25 |
Flannel | Arrick: paste the exact command you used | 09:25 |
lmergen | question: today, i bought myself an additional PCI VGA card, and now GRUB generates 'error 16' or 'error 18', it varies | 09:25 |
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lmergen | when removing the PCI VGA card everything works fine | 09:26 |
lmergen | livecd works fine, too | 09:26 |
lmergen | so GRUB is the issue | 09:26 |
Flannel | lmergen: er. tjat | 09:26 |
cables | Pooky: I followed all the instructions for Edgy and it garbles everything | 09:26 |
Arrick | sudo apt-get update && apt-get install libapache-mod-frontpage-mirfak | 09:26 |
Flannel | lmergen: that's a graphics card, right? | 09:26 |
cables | Pooky: works nicely in feisty though | 09:26 |
lmergen | now, 'error 16' or 'error 18' say that there are filesystem issues | 09:26 |
lmergen | yes | 09:26 |
Flannel | Arrick: you need a sudo before the second apt-get | 09:26 |
Arrick | really? | 09:26 |
Arrick | ok | 09:26 |
mon^rch | cables: is ther a config tool for compiz? I REALLY do not like the wobbly menus, but the desktop cube is better than beryl's... | 09:26 |
Pooky | cables, ah | 09:26 |
PeterR | Can anyone help me with installing ubuntu? I burned the ISO file onto a disk, stuck it into my D: drive, but nothing happened, suspiciously sounding like i did something wrong. | 09:26 |
lmergen | but i fail to understand how adding or removing a PCI vidcard has influence on how grub sees the filesystem | 09:27 |
Flannel | PeterR: did you reboot? | 09:27 |
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Flannel | lmergen: I'd have to agree with you | 09:27 |
cables | mon^rch: I don't know... but how is Beryl's cube worse? Can't you change all the options? | 09:27 |
lmergen | officially error 18 means "You BIOS doesn't support booting anything past the 1024th Cylinder on the disk." | 09:27 |
cables | mon^rch: if you're looking for the equivalent of beryl-manager for compiz, I don't think it exists right now. | 09:27 |
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lmergen | so when i remove that card, my BIOS suddenly supports it ? | 09:27 |
lmergen | anyone has any idea / pointers to help ? | 09:27 |
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PeterR | yes i did flanner | 09:27 |
Pendrag0n | Thanks a million, now I am going to find beryl and install it. | 09:27 |
PeterR | flannel* | 09:27 |
lmergen | for example, how to get rid of grub alltogether ? | 09:28 |
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Arrick | hey Flannel that should have enabled the frontpage extensions when it successfully completed right? | 09:28 |
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lmergen | (if grub is the problem, and i don't really need grub.. why not remove it ?) | 09:28 |
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Flannel | Arrick: Probably, yeah. You might have to enable something or setup some config. | 09:28 |
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cables | lmergen: of course you need it | 09:28 |
lmergen | (it will make kernel upgrades a lot tougher, yes{ | 09:28 |
cables | lmergen: Grub is what boots your system | 09:28 |
mon^rch | cables: beryl's cube animation is really fast (flicker) and compiz's cube "pulls away" before it switches... nice effect that beryl don't have | 09:28 |
Flannel | lmergen: You'd remove grub by reinstalling something else overtop of it. You could try re-installing GRUB. | 09:28 |
Arrick | thats awesome, no config infor on the page | 09:28 |
PeterR | Flannel: I did restart my computer but nothing happened, it just loaded on Windows. | 09:28 |
cables | mon^rch: you can change that in beryl-manager I believe | 09:28 |
mon^rch | cables: they need to make a "compiz manager" | 09:28 |
_atomic | sup | 09:29 |
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lmergen | Flannel: i just re-installed my entire system 30 minutes ago | 09:29 |
Yggdrasil | !usplash | 09:29 |
ziro01 | sup | 09:29 |
ubotu | To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork | 09:29 |
lmergen | Flannel: it still does it | 09:29 |
Pendrag0n | Ok, one last silly question on my ubuntu, in Gnome, how do I figure out which version of ubuntu i have? | 09:29 |
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Flannel | PeterR: You need to change your BIOS to boot to the CD before the harddrive. | 09:29 |
Flannel | lmergen: with or without the card? | 09:29 |
lmergen | with | 09:29 |
Aw0L | I'd like to do a LAMP install on a server I've already setup - is there a way to restart that initial configuration to select the LAMP install, or do I just need to apt-get all of the packages? | 09:29 |
lmergen | and with the extra card, the livecd worked fine | 09:29 |
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Flannel | Aw0L: just apt-get all the packages | 09:29 |
PeterR | Yes, I think I tried that but it gave me an error when I rebooted. | 09:29 |
Flannel | !lamp | Aw0L | 09:29 |
ubotu | Aw0L: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 09:29 |
lmergen | all 3 monitors worked properly | 09:29 |
Flannel | PeterR: what error? | 09:29 |
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_atomic | unsure | 09:29 |
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mdolan | Aw0L: apt-get the packages | 09:29 |
cables | Does anyone know if you can modify the BIOS boot order from Windows? If so, it would be nice if Ubuntu could release a little program to automatically configure your boot order. | 09:30 |
Aw0L | right, apt-get it is | 09:30 |
Aw0L | thanks | 09:30 |
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Pendrag0n | Ok, one last silly question on my ubuntu, in Gnome, how do I figure out which version of ubuntu i have? | 09:30 |
PeterR | Flannel: It didn't give an error code or anything, it just said "strike F1 to continue, F2 to go to the setup utility." | 09:30 |
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cables | Pendrag0n: System>About Ubuntu | 09:30 |
mon^rch | cables: I tried the beryl-manager... it's not that easy for me to use, and I couldn't hack the cube options so I could see a nice animation | 09:30 |
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Flannel | Pendrag0n: probably something like help > about. but, 'lsb_release -a' will tell you | 09:30 |
cables | !version | Pendrag0n | 09:30 |
ubotu | Pendrag0n: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type lsb_release -a in a !shell | 09:30 |
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theacolyte | Anyone happen to know a way to test to see if a UDP port is open on a remote server? If it was TCP I'd just telnet, but since it's UDP -- I have no idea | 09:30 |
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lmergen | is it possible to use lilo instead of grub with ubuntu ? | 09:31 |
Arrick | hey Flannel you know where docs on that package might be? | 09:31 |
cables | !lilo | 09:31 |
ubotu | lilo is an alternative [Li] nux Boot[Lo] ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead. | 09:31 |
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Flannel | lmergen: yeah. Um, I think you might need the alternate CD to do it though. | 09:31 |
maverick_hunter | Lmergen: is windows already installed with ubuntu? | 09:31 |
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Flannel | lmergen: well, or a lilo specific something or other | 09:31 |
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lmergen | hm okay | 09:32 |
rick48j | Afternoon, all. Can anyone explain why, during the bootscreen process, I get a large screen version of the Ubuntu loga and a smaller version of the same logo? On the smaller one, the icons for the desktop show up. | 09:32 |
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robokop | my sound max soundlevel is much lower in ubuntu then in windows | 09:32 |
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Flannel | Arrick: Looks like the last, or the first file listed: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?searchmode=filelist&word=libapache-mod-frontpage-mirfak&version=dapper&arch=i386 | 09:32 |
cables | robokop: check all your sound sliders, one may be down | 09:32 |
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rick48j | I tried to take a screenshot, but couldn' t do it. | 09:32 |
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PeterR | Any advice? | 09:33 |
mon^rch | rick48j: just press the "print screen" key... | 09:33 |
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Flannel | PeterR: How did you burn the ISO? When you open the ISO in windows, do you see a bunch of files? or just the 'iso' file? | 09:33 |
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PeterR | just the iso file | 09:33 |
rick48j | OK, Thanks mon^rch. | 09:33 |
mon^rch | :) | 09:33 |
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PeterR | is that bad? | 09:33 |
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robdeman | hi folks.. what does typically a 'Segmentation fault' indicate? | 09:34 |
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Flannel | PeterR: yeah, you burned it wrong. an ISO is an image, you need to basically extract that image onto the CD (the burn program does it for you) | 09:34 |
crdlb | a bug | 09:34 |
rick48j | Does my problem indicate a possible bad video card? | 09:34 |
PeterR | argh | 09:34 |
Flannel | !burniso | PeterR | 09:34 |
ubotu | PeterR: To burn an ISO image of a CD in Linux, Mac OS or Windows, read the howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto | 09:34 |
Arrick | yeah, none of those open any docs Flannel they all lead back to the same page | 09:34 |
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PeterR | so i need to actually rip it open? | 09:34 |
Flannel | PeterR: no, you need to tell your burning software to do the right thing. | 09:34 |
mon^rch | okay, happy Ubuntu'ing... great OS eh? | 09:35 |
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Flannel | Arrick: no idea | 09:35 |
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Arrick | ok, whats the command to restart apache? | 09:35 |
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Flannel | Arrick: `/etc/init.d/apache2 restart` but, that's already been done after the install. | 09:35 |
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Arrick | Flannel this was the result of that httpd (pid 5368?) not running | 09:36 |
rickyfingers_ | does anyone know like a dpkg or apt type command that will generate a list of all installed packages? | 09:36 |
Flannel | rickyfingers_: dpkg -l | 09:36 |
Flannel | that's an L | 09:37 |
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Flannel | Arrick: You need to use sudo | 09:37 |
Arrick | I ddi | 09:37 |
Arrick | did | 09:37 |
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rickyfingers_ | Flannel: thanks...I guess it's obvious I didn't check any man pages before asking...doh! | 09:37 |
Arrick | it went through now | 09:37 |
Flannel | Arrick: then try just start, instead of restart | 09:37 |
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PeterR | Flannel: Using my ISO program do i extract it then burn those files to a disk? | 09:38 |
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Flannel | PeterR: no, you indicate to your burner that you're burning an ISO file. And it'll extract/burn automatically. | 09:39 |
PeterR | ok but not all burners can do that? | 09:39 |
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Flannel | PeterR: what software are you using? | 09:39 |
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arne_ | Hi im new to linux. Can anyone tell me if it is possible to just upgrade to the 64bit ubuntu ? | 09:39 |
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PeterR | I have a particular software on my laptop for it but i'm on my desktop atm which uses Sonic Digitalmedia | 09:40 |
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Flannel | arne_: `upgrading` from 32 to 64bit requires a reinstall | 09:40 |
PeterR | Sonic Digitalmedia LE V7 | 09:40 |
arne_ | must I backup all my data then ? | 09:40 |
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Flannel | arne_: if you have a separate home partition, then no. Well, I guess anything not in /home | 09:41 |
jeanre | how do I get rid of this | 09:41 |
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jeanre | apache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName | 09:41 |
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Flannel | PeterR: hmm. I hope you didn't for that software. Anyway: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto | 09:42 |
deepsa | ikonia, wasup man | 09:42 |
Puppstar | hi, does anyone know what the %wa CPU percentage displayed by "top" means? | 09:42 |
Flannel | PeterR: that page has some software that'll let you burn an ISO | 09:42 |
um_whoa | ut? | 09:42 |
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arne_ | ok thx for the help Flannel ! | 09:42 |
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jeanre | how do I get rid of "apache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName" | 09:43 |
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shirish | Anybody knows how I can download a specific .deb through the universe repository through windows/firefox . I 'm not able to use apt-get or aptitude under ubuntu, something in my networking is broken. | 09:43 |
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eegore | is there a way to see if the system has detected both CPU cores | 09:44 |
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erUSUL | shirish: packages.ubuntu.com | 09:44 |
alekz | hi, is it possible to take a screenshot with the system menus open ? | 09:44 |
kunz | amorak says it can't play mp3 files, help | 09:44 |
Flannel | shirish: packages.ubuntu.com, then once you find the packages, down near the bottom theres a table with the different arches, click the arch, and select a mirror | 09:44 |
erUSUL | eegore: cat /proc/cpuinfo | 09:44 |
shirish | thnx erSUL: | 09:44 |
`Camaxtli | kunz: Downoad the mpg123 package | 09:44 |
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robokop | alekz: <prt sc> button maybe | 09:44 |
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alekz | robokop no, with Applications, Places or System menus open is not possible =/ | 09:45 |
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eegore | it says the model but does that mean it is running | 09:45 |
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robokop | eegore: if it has recognized it correctly it will most presumably use it | 09:46 |
kunz | `Camaxtli, what about Xvid? | 09:46 |
eegore | so I can thread like a mofo then | 09:46 |
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robokop | eegore: test it with two instances of superpi | 09:46 |
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robokop | eegore: top and check if they both use about 100% | 09:47 |
Camaxtli | kunz: xvid is an open codec, it should be installed (If not get it though synaptic). Also, if all else fails try installing VLC Player for video | 09:47 |
eegore | superpi? | 09:47 |
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robokop | dunno if it is in the repos but is a way to check cpu speed and things | 09:48 |
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dcordes | are there any documentation on touchscreens under ubuntu? my cursorpostition won't sync with the pointer postition. cursor keeps running up. how can i fix that? | 09:49 |
shirish | ok guys 2 more things, I wrongly set up a .deb which was for warty but now is in edgy, it's a binary how do I uninstall it? | 09:49 |
shirish | I used sudo aptitude packagename | 09:49 |
ferronica | any one here uses to play VCD | 09:49 |
AaronCampbell_ | I'm trying to install Kubuntu 6.10 from DVD. However, I choose "Install..." from the startup menu, I get a kubuntu loading screen, and then I get dumped to a command prompt: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ...Any idea why? | 09:49 |
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shirish | AaronCampbell_: What are your system specs? | 09:50 |
Arrick | how do I figure out where my server root is for my apache server? | 09:50 |
eegore | robokop: not in the repos | 09:50 |
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sacater | i need help with bluetooth and my pda | 09:50 |
=== PeterR soils himself at the thought of knowing that he only has 1 blank single-write disk left and that he is usually very very uncareful with burning them. | ||
=== derekguy [n=derekguy@203-109-237-188.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Arrick | its not in /usr/local/apache like the apache book says it is supposed to be | 09:50 |
robokop | eegore: you can get it with `wget ftp://pi.super-computing.org/Linux/super_pi.tar.gz` | 09:50 |
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kunz | Camaxtli, um i installed mpg123 and neither juk nor amarok can play mp3 files... help | 09:50 |
AaronCampbell_ | shirish: All brand new...asus MB, with AMD x2 processor | 09:50 |
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AaronCampbell_ | a horde of sataII drives, and 2 sata dvd burners | 09:51 |
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Camaxtli | kunz: let me check, give me a sec which packages are needed. | 09:51 |
freezey | how do u use the killall command? | 09:51 |
shirish | AaronCampbell_: tht one should have worked, did u check the CD for defects? | 09:51 |
AaronCampbell_ | dvd, and no | 09:51 |
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Pelo | freezey, man killall | 09:51 |
Pelo | or man kill | 09:51 |
kunz | wtf.. i just installed ubuntu and i can't play mp3 files | 09:51 |
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PeterR | Michael Jackson was a young black boy who grew up to be a beautiful white woman. | 09:52 |
robokop | !mp3 > kunz | 09:52 |
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Pelo | kunz mp3 support is not out of the box in ubuntu follow these instrucions | 09:52 |
kunz | LOL | 09:52 |
Pelo | !restricted | kunz | 09:52 |
ubotu | kunz: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 09:52 |
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shirish | AaronCampbell_: first check it, sometimes there may be defects in the DVD | 09:52 |
kunz | sheesh | 09:53 |
Pelo | kunz it's easier then it looks | 09:53 |
nexousNET | Why do I get "E: Couldn't find package ndiswrapper" while trying to do 'sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper' ? | 09:53 |
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SweetDemoness | this is not rely a question more so seeking advice what cahnnel can i go to, to find people who are nice? | 09:53 |
Nalleman | Maybe a dull question, but how can I change the slide show speed in Fspot... | 09:53 |
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Pelo | nexousNET, have you enabled all the repositories ? | 09:53 |
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dyrne | SweetDemoness: avoid debian :) | 09:53 |
shirish | guys by mistake I installed a hoary package in an edgy by doing sudo aptitude packagename, now how do I un-install it? | 09:53 |
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nexousNET | Pelo, where is the sources file? | 09:54 |
robokop | nexousNET: ndiswrapper-common | 09:54 |
AaronCampbell_ | shirish: "Checking integrity, this may take some time" | 09:54 |
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Pelo | nexousNET, easiest way use menu > system > admin > something sources | 09:54 |
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lagatie | is there a french room ? | 09:54 |
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Pelo | shirish, just sudo aptitide remove pakcagename | 09:54 |
shirish | AaronCampbell_: let it run, while u're there, also check your memory | 09:54 |
robokop | !fr | lagatie | 09:55 |
ubotu | lagatie: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 09:55 |
Camaxtli | kunz: libxine1-ffmpeg | 09:55 |
um_whoa | ! | 09:55 |
lagatie | thank a lot ! | 09:55 |
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nexousNET | Pelo, okay, but for the future, what is that file? | 09:55 |
shirish | Thnx Pelo | 09:55 |
kunz | i just did an install from multiverse | 09:55 |
Pelo | nexousNET, I think /etc/sources.lst | 09:55 |
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PeterR | so... do people of this IRC ever engage in "normal" conversation? | 09:55 |
nexousNET | Pelo: okay thanks. | 09:55 |
robokop | nexousNET: /etc/apt/sources.list | 09:55 |
nexousNET | robokop: thank you. | 09:55 |
shirish | ok another dumb question, how do I check version for something like lib6? | 09:55 |
kunz | i hope i don't need to reboot | 09:56 |
robokop | PeterR: mostly just ask and answer but sometimes we go wild :P | 09:56 |
erUSUL | shirish: apt-cache show packagename | 09:56 |
PeterR | Woo i'll need to stay for the show :D | 09:56 |
Pelo | shirish, possibly lib6 --version | 09:56 |
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rummik | what do i need to add to my xorg.conf in order to use beryl with a s3 graphics card? | 09:56 |
robokop | kunz: reboot? what is that, only new kernel needs that. | 09:57 |
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Pelo | rummik, try asking in #beryl | 09:57 |
kunz | thank good :-) | 09:57 |
rummik | Pelo: will do | 09:57 |
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nexousNET | Are there only 2 sources for edgy? | 09:57 |
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nexousNET | not counting the updates? | 09:57 |
rummik | Pelo: thanks :) | 09:57 |
robokop | !repos | nexousNET | 09:57 |
ubotu | nexousNET: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 09:57 |
nexousNET | I'm still getting unknown package for ndiswrapper. | 09:58 |
robokop | nexousNET: it is ndiswrapper-common not ndiswrapper | 09:58 |
nexousNET | okay. | 09:58 |
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Pelo | nexousNET, look it up in synaptic, might just be a naming thing | 09:58 |
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shirish | AaronCampbell_: the idea of asking u to do these 2 tests is you're sure tht its neither your hardware or the DVD is defective, then you can go on from there | 09:58 |
Pelo | or try what robokop said | 09:58 |
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clearzen | shirish: I know you can also check with dpkg -s | 09:59 |
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robokop | nexousNET: ndisgtk is something you want too maybe | 09:59 |
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Pendrag0n | well shit, I just installed beryl pressed CTRL ALT BACKSPACE logged back in and my damn desktop is blue, and that's it, I have a cursor and a blue monitor and nothing to click on | 09:59 |
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Pendrag0n | I gave it five minutes and just nothing I am staring at a blank blue screen | 09:59 |
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robokop | nexousNET: it is a gui for ndiswrapper | 09:59 |
PriceChild | Pendrag0n, watch the language and try #ubuntu-effects :) | 09:59 |
neozen | hoallo all | 09:59 |
nexousNET | robokop: okay. | 09:59 |
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shirish | clearzen: then it would be dpkg -s packagename? | 09:59 |
neozen | having a problem with a usb card not detecting in linux | 10:00 |
shirish | clearzen: or was it something else you were clarifying about? | 10:00 |
Pendrag0n | sorry man, I am just p'd off | 10:00 |
clearzen | shirish: yeah, It will give you more info than just the version though | 10:00 |
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Pendrag0n | how do I get my gnome back? I typed ps as | grep beryl | 10:00 |
shirish | clearzen: more info. is always more than welcome :) | 10:00 |
Pendrag0n | I don't see it running to kill it | 10:00 |
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Arrick | how do I figure out where my server root is for my apache server? | 10:00 |
Arrick | its not in /usr/local/apache like the apache book says it is supposed to be | 10:01 |
PriceChild | Pendrag0n, beryl support in #ubuntu-effects | 10:01 |
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Pendrag0n | o ok | 10:01 |
nexousNET | Arrick: right now it most likely exists in /var/www/ | 10:01 |
dcordes | Pendrag0n: or in #beryl | 10:01 |
shirish | o.k. anybody knows what the state of i810 driver is in edgy atm? | 10:01 |
robokop | Pendrag0n: really #ubuntu-effects are the beryl and troubles with them exp | 10:01 |
nexousNET | You can edit your httpd.conf to configure the path you want. | 10:01 |
shirish | or where can I get the latest driver for i810 | 10:01 |
neozen | shirish: it works | 10:01 |
Pendrag0n | well shot, I just installed beryl pressed CTRL ALT BACKSPACE logged back in and my damn desktop is blue, and that's it, I have a cursor and a blue monitor and nothing to click on | 10:01 |
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PriceChild | shirish, fine? | 10:01 |
Pendrag0n | oops sorry | 10:02 |
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neozen | shirish: don't try getting the latest.. you've already got one that works | 10:02 |
fabiano | how i install genius videocam? | 10:02 |
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Arrick | nexousNET I dont need the site location, I need the server root location | 10:02 |
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shirish | neozen: it works, but works at 640*480 I can't do anything at 640*480 :( | 10:02 |
mobomelter | hey does anyone else here run folding at home | 10:02 |
Pelo | fabiano, c heck the forum for a howto | 10:02 |
shirish | Hi PriceChild | 10:02 |
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AaronCampbell_ | shirish: DVD check is done...0 checksum failures | 10:02 |
Arrick | as in where would htdocs be | 10:02 |
mobomelter | because its been over 12 hours and my comp still hasn't finished a wu | 10:02 |
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neozen | shirish: gotcha mon.... take a look @ 915resolution | 10:03 |
fabiano | which forum? | 10:03 |
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nexousNET | then just 'locate apache' | 10:03 |
Arrick | ok thnks | 10:03 |
Pelo | fabiano, www.ubuntuforum.org | 10:03 |
shirish | neozen: I have taken more than a look at it only to realize tht in my eagerness, I installed the wrong 915resolution package from geocities | 10:03 |
Pelo | fabiano, www.ubuntuforums.org | 10:03 |
fabiano | thanks | 10:03 |
neozen | shirish: geocities? | 10:03 |
neozen | shirish: wtf? | 10:04 |
PeterR | Geocities suck# | 10:04 |
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um_whoa | try /usr/shar/apache | 10:04 |
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Arrick | cool, no such file or dir nexousNET | 10:04 |
MindRiot | anyone running LinuxMCE? | 10:04 |
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neozen | shirish: get it out of the repositories mon... NEVER go to geocities for linux | 10:04 |
neozen | LOL | 10:04 |
nexousNET | Arrick, is it apache or apache2? | 10:04 |
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PeterR | Geocities = Viruses = Bad things = Geocities. | 10:04 |
um_whoa | i am sorry, /usr/share/apache | 10:04 |
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shirish | neozen: the i915driver page at help.ubuntu.com mentioned about a geocities page, which gave quite a bit of info.(although out-dated) on i915resolution driver. | 10:05 |
=== Supre_Me [n=Supre_Me@84-217-30-201.tn.glocalnet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shirish | tht reference should be removed fully. For noobs like it's a disaster waiting to happen. | 10:05 |
neozen | well.... get the one out of the repositories | 10:05 |
PeterR | Is there a domestic abuse hotline? My computer has been bullying me. | 10:05 |
clearzen | PeterR: lol | 10:05 |
neozen | shirish: and man 915resolution | 10:05 |
kunz | ok, so mp3 and avi files play with totem, but not with amarok or juke, guess googling will be a good way to find how-tos to make those work too, caue we don't like the totem gui | 10:05 |
nexousNET | PeterR: I can give you advice for $60/hour. | 10:06 |
=== ilreds [n=massimo@host244-134-dynamic.1-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MindRiot | lol peter | 10:06 |
nexousNET | :D | 10:06 |
PeterR | Clearzen: do you know of one | 10:06 |
Arrick | well nexousNET apache2, so i did the search for both | 10:06 |
neozen | so guys.. on this usb card | 10:06 |
clearzen | PeterR: No, but I know the feeling | 10:06 |
Arrick | however it is install as the 6.06.1 LAMP server | 10:06 |
PeterR | I know of a "hot lady chat hotline" but no computer abuse ones :'( | 10:06 |
shirish | sure m8t would do tht also | 10:06 |
ilreds | hi | 10:06 |
ilreds | sorry for OT, but, anyone uses dokuwiki? | 10:06 |
PeterR | For hot lady fun call: 911 in USA, 999 in UK. | 10:06 |
shirish | AaronCampbell_: did u try doing startx when it dumps you on command line | 10:07 |
Pelo | kunz, you might want to check the forum, the mp3 files should play in all apps now | 10:07 |
PeterR | You get to talk to an operator for ages :) | 10:07 |
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Flannel | Arrick: server root is /var/www, config is /etc/apache2 | 10:07 |
PeterR | There's one condition though: A family member must be dying. | 10:07 |
AaronCampbell_ | no, but I will after the memtest finishes | 10:07 |
=== elhay [n=elhay@bzq-88-152-184-209.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
elhay | hello | 10:07 |
Arrick | ok thanks Flannel | 10:07 |
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kunz | yeah i thought so too, cause its just the codec | 10:07 |
sacater | elhay: hi | 10:07 |
elhay | i need help please with my intel graphics card | 10:07 |
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=== LinuxProbie [n=rollerce@S010600112f2ad294.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dyrne | elhay: whats the problem? | 10:08 |
um_whoa | go to intel.com and load the unix driver | 10:08 |
shirish | AaronCampbell_: although the memtest is something u use to test memory & it's only after something like 10-11 hrs. of continously running tht one can know if the RAM is bad | 10:08 |
shirish | or good | 10:08 |
=== LinuxProbie sighs frustratedly | ||
kunz | maybe i still need to tell the apps where to find the codecs | 10:08 |
elhay | some games come up messed up (such as doom 3). the characters have black parts and stuff | 10:08 |
elhay | and some stuff simply cause freeze | 10:08 |
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um_whoa | black parts and stuff .. haha | 10:09 |
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Pelo | LinuxProbie, ? what is the matter ? | 10:09 |
nexousNET | If i run like 'wget longfilename.ext' on the next command entry, is there a shortcut for entering the file name above? | 10:09 |
AaronCampbell_ | shirish: I think it's a pretty low chance of problems..It's brand new, and pretty high end | 10:09 |
elhay | i can't figure out what's wrong. i have direct rendering enabled | 10:09 |
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eegore | robokop: do I need to install the smp kernel? | 10:09 |
Pelo | elhay, look up your chipset in the forum | 10:09 |
clearzen | nexousNET: Copy and paste with the middle mouse button | 10:09 |
PeterR | oo oo - look at this: www.nuclearbb.com | 10:10 |
Sir_Fawnpug | Does anybody know why environ isn't declared in unistd.h? | 10:10 |
shirish | AaronCampbell_: assuming its not a hardware failure, and instead of putting u to desktop, it puts u in the command-line right? | 10:10 |
nexousNET | clearzen: besides that, is there anything else? | 10:10 |
LinuxProbie | Pelo: I;m having alot of trouble getting my Dell WLAN 1350 card working in my inspiron. | 10:10 |
elhay | Pelo: tried that already.. no luck | 10:10 |
Flannel | nexousNET: Besides tab complete? You could hit up and modify that line. | 10:10 |
AaronCampbell_ | shirish: right | 10:10 |
Flannel | nexousNET: but, I imagine tab complete would work fine | 10:10 |
nexousNET | Flannel: what's tab complete? | 10:10 |
=== NevroMance [n=Martin@ti112220a340-1183.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nexousNET | just press tab after the command name? | 10:10 |
Flannel | nexousNET: type the beginning of the filename and hit tab | 10:10 |
elhay | this is what glxgears give sme: fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":0.0" | 10:10 |
AaronCampbell_ | It didn't do that with the 7.0.4 CD, but I was told I should go with stable... | 10:10 |
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nexousNET | oh okay. Thanks. | 10:10 |
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PeterR | its a complete vitamin supplement tablet: "tab complete". Well that's my theory. | 10:11 |
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shirish | AaronCampbell_: ok then do a startx , just tht command, if everything is alright you should boot up to the desktop, if not, it will give you a detailed explanation/report as to what went wrong, you will have to somehow paste tht stuff at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ & then ask | 10:12 |
hellboy195 | with my bcm4318 and bcm43xx I have to me about 3 meters in front of the router. if Im out of this 3 meters it doesnt work :( any solution | 10:12 |
ferronica | any one here uses to play VCD using VLC or Totem?? | 10:12 |
shirish | somebody will know something | 10:12 |
PeterR | i'll be back :D | 10:12 |
clearzen | hellboy195: try using ndiswrapper | 10:12 |
PeterR | "oh noes!!" | 10:12 |
=== bigjohnto [i=bigjohnt@S01060018c05c9aac.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bigjohnto | Did not find Anomy::HTMLCleaner. Do not use anomy_clean_html() | 10:12 |
bigjohnto | any help? | 10:12 |
hellboy195 | clearzen, other solution impossible? | 10:12 |
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Pelo | ferronica, ask questions about specific issues please | 10:13 |
clearzen | hellboy195: maybe download and compile the svn for the driver. I don't know if that would help or not though | 10:13 |
shirish | AaronCampbell_: I'll be out after 10 minutes from now | 10:13 |
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ferronica | Pelo: totem unable to play VCD | 10:13 |
hellboy195 | clearzen, argh i hate broadcom :/ hmm I try to searching for a solution. otherwise I try ndiswrapper | 10:13 |
Zaiden | Does Ubuntu have high system requirements? | 10:14 |
AaronCampbell_ | bummer...you're the first person all day that's even replied to me in any of these channels (except to tell me to try another channel) | 10:14 |
Pelo | ferronica, did you add the restricted media support ? | 10:14 |
LinuxProbie | ok, I input this: "sudo bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware ~/desktop/bcmwl5.sys" | 10:14 |
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Pelo | !restricted | ferronica | 10:14 |
shirish | Zaiden: it doesn't | 10:14 |
ubotu | ferronica: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 10:14 |
LinuxProbie | and I get this: "sudo bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware ~/desktop/bcmwl5.sys" | 10:14 |
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clearzen | Zaiden: No, you can run it on almost everything | 10:14 |
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=== I_Eat_Plastic [n=ph3r@pool-72-64-114-51.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
I_Eat_Plastic | !ftp | 10:14 |
ubotu | FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd | 10:14 |
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I_Eat_Plastic | !FTPd | 10:14 |
ubotu | FTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP | 10:14 |
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I_Eat_Plastic | !proftpd | 10:15 |
ubotu | proftpd: Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.0-9ubuntu0.1 (edgy), package size 594 kB, installed size 1532 kB | 10:15 |
shirish | AaronCampbell_: there are other people also, its just the question -answer question is something like 4:1 | 10:15 |
I_Eat_Plastic | !ftpd | 10:15 |
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Zaiden | I finally got my Graphics card to work for Ubuntu, but it still acts slow. | 10:15 |
ferronica | Pelo: even vlc unable to play | 10:15 |
shirish | !915resolution | 10:15 |
ubotu | 915resolution: resolution modification tool for Intel graphic chipset. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.2-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 14 kB, installed size 128 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64) | 10:15 |
=== pianoboy3333 [n=alex@ool-43567d61.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
freezey | having issues mounting my cdrom can somebody assist? | 10:15 |
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PriceChild | !msgthebot > I_Eat_Plastic (please see the pm from ubotu) | 10:15 |
dws | how can i make my hostname's change permanent? | 10:15 |
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LinuxProbie | Zaiden: Are you using an ATI? | 10:15 |
clearzen | dws: sudo gedit /etc/host | 10:16 |
PriceChild | !hostname > dws (see the pm from ubotu) | 10:16 |
Zaiden | LinuxProbie: nvidia GeForce FX 5200 128MB PCI | 10:16 |
shirish | ubotu is pretty cool bot | 10:16 |
Pelo | ferronica, I can'T realy help, I know I can't get kvcd to play because of the compression issue but I never tried vcd | 10:16 |
theacolyte | !botsnack | 10:16 |
ubotu | Yum! | 10:16 |
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shirish | !botsnack | 10:16 |
ferronica | Pelo: i am playing original Movie CD | 10:17 |
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shirish | AaronCampbell_: till where have u progressed? | 10:17 |
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Zaiden | I followed these instructions to get the card set up right: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Nvidia_Intel_Integrated | 10:17 |
erpo | The suspend (to ram) option is missing from my logout menu. I'm running edgy eft 6.10. What can I do? | 10:18 |
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AaronCampbell_ | shirish: I think it can't detect the nVidia 8800GTS card... | 10:18 |
Zaiden | Not sure if I was supposed to do anything else | 10:18 |
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LinuxProbie | Zaiden: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ | 10:18 |
dimas__ | i need some help configuring my webcam | 10:18 |
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shirish | AaronCampbell_: in tht case you will have to download the card drivers, install them on the command-line & reboot & see if they work | 10:19 |
AaronCampbell_ | shirish: the only thing it says that is tagged with "error" is "No devices detected" | 10:19 |
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dimas__ | webcam doesnt work...is there anybody to help me? | 10:19 |
clearzen | AaronCampbell_: Have you run sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx? | 10:19 |
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Pelo | ferronica, I just did a quick search in the forum and the threads I've read just tell ppl to use vlc , that's all I got for you | 10:19 |
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Pelo | sorry | 10:19 |
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AaronCampbell_ | shirish: I can't install them on the command line and reboot right? wouldn't it just boot back to whatever is on the DVD? | 10:19 |
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shirish | AaronCampbell_: right, i forgot your're still on the DVD | 10:20 |
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dcordes | !update | 10:20 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 10:20 |
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AaronCampbell_ | shirish: I tried the aptitude command... | 10:21 |
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LinuxProbie | o I;m trying a different walkthrough on my wireless card, getting stuck when it asks me to do osmething, and this is the output: | 10:21 |
LinuxProbie | rollerce@edubuntu:~$ sudo bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware ~/desktop/bcmwl5.sys | 10:21 |
dimas__ | i would like to have somebody able to help me setting my webcam | 10:21 |
LinuxProbie | Cannot open input file /home/rollerce/desktop/bcmwl5.sys | 10:21 |
=== PeterR [i=PeterR@82-40-102-160.cable.ubr03.cast.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shirish | AaronCampbell_: tht command wasn't for u | 10:21 |
AaronCampbell_ | it says "Err http://archive.ubuntu.com edgy/restricted nvidia-glx 1.0.8774+ | 10:21 |
shirish | AaronCampbell_: meet me in pm | 10:21 |
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AaronCampbell_ | Temporary failure resolving 'archive.ubuntu.com' | 10:22 |
dimas__ | heeeeellllpppp please | 10:22 |
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PeterR | When I put Ubuntu into my drive, start up my computer, and select "start/install Ubuntu", nothing happens :O, how long does it usually take to start this? | 10:22 |
dcordes | sollte man vor einem upgrade on 6.06 auf 6.10 vorher alle updates installieren? | 10:22 |
m1r | i have updated today and now evolution cant work | 10:22 |
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m1r | any one similar problems ? | 10:22 |
erpo | dimas__: Begging for help is not the way to get help. | 10:22 |
dcordes | sry chan | 10:23 |
theacolyte | !de dcordes | 10:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about de dcordes - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:23 |
dcordes | but.. should i install all updates before upgrading from dapper to edgy? | 10:23 |
jaggz- | what does it mean to know ones true identity? | 10:23 |
dimas__ | i am new on this...thats why i behave like this | 10:23 |
erpo | PeterR: It can take a while. Live CDs are slower than an installed OS. | 10:23 |
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PeterR | How long is a while? | 10:24 |
Pelo | m1r, do you have something specific that doesn'T work you'll like us to check ? so far for me it opens find and seems to retreve emails | 10:24 |
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Pelo | PeterR, WHILE you are waiting consider earning a masters degree in computer sience | 10:24 |
PeterR | Erpo: How long is a while? The cd drawer doesnt even make a fast buzzy noise :-O | 10:24 |
clearzen | AaronCampbell_: Do you still need help? | 10:24 |
LinuxProbie | dimas_:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam?highlight=%28webcam%29 | 10:25 |
PeterR | Pelo: What now? | 10:25 |
AaronCampbell_ | clearzen: I think so | 10:25 |
Pelo | PeterR, nvm | 10:25 |
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=== eegore [n=eegore@adsl-75-4-58-241.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PeterR | Pelo: It's one of us, you or I, who aren't very clever. | 10:25 |
Pelo | PeterR, pretty much | 10:25 |
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PeterR | I put my money on you being the silly one. | 10:26 |
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PeterR | :D Captain PeterR! | 10:26 |
eegore | two instances of super-pi running at 99% | 10:26 |
dimas__ | i just got a webcam but dont know how to have it working on linux (ubuntu). already installed SPCAxx5... | 10:26 |
=== rasputnik [n=rasputni@cpc3-cdif2-0-0-cust377.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
clearzen | AaronCampbell_: could you paste the output of lspci and the contents of /etc/X11/xorg.conf to pastebin? | 10:26 |
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PeterR | I is from the ghetto. | 10:26 |
teenbeat2007 | Mcqueen: did it worked | 10:26 |
=== Toddy69_NB [n=toddy69@p5480ee24.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erpo | PeterR: Is the CD/DVD drive's light on? | 10:26 |
McQueen | teenbeat2007: hello | 10:26 |
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PeterR | Erpo: Nope. | 10:26 |
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erpo | PeterR: Maybe it's crashed. Try rebooting. | 10:27 |
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Lgndryhr | hhi | 10:27 |
PeterR | erpo: it keeps crashing then | 10:27 |
teenbeat2007 | McQueen: hi did it worked | 10:27 |
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PeterR | Erpo: I did get as far as the Ubuntu loading screen. | 10:27 |
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McQueen | teenbeat2007: i use some scripts... i can mount my win c... i read files but cloud not write and auto mount it. | 10:27 |
AaronCampbell_ | clearzen: that would require typing it all up...since I can't access anything from the computer with nothing installed | 10:27 |
chris2077 | does anyone have any experience with kismet? i was wondering what else i need to make it useful | 10:27 |
McQueen | teenbeat2007: please wait | 10:27 |
=== neildarlow [n=neil@cpc1-bigg1-0-0-cust731.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rasputnik | chris2077: aircrack looks a lot better to me | 10:28 |
teenbeat2007 | correct writing is not possible yet | 10:28 |
erpo | PeterR: Is there an option to try a "safe" installation? | 10:28 |
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Lgndryhr | i have a question about firefox's spellcheck feature | 10:28 |
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teenbeat2007 | McQueen: ok | 10:28 |
clearzen | AaronCampbell_: can you press ctrl+alt f1 and get a terminal? | 10:28 |
McQueen | teenbeat2007: i am searching the site about it which i used the commands | 10:28 |
=== TeReL50 [n=yucel@132-035-128-083.dynamic.caiway.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zaiden | I got an error when trying to install the drivers | 10:28 |
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Zaiden | for the nvidia card | 10:28 |
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PeterR | On what? The setup or the actual disk? | 10:28 |
alekz | can someome recomend me a package to manipulate networking based on iptables ? | 10:28 |
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rasputnik | alekz: firestarter | 10:28 |
teenbeat2007 | i put in the line for fstab wich correct the automonut ssue | 10:28 |
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teenbeat2007 | one moment | 10:29 |
McQueen | teenbeat2007: how long are you online? | 10:29 |
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LinuxProbie | lspci | 10:29 |
LinuxProbie | oops | 10:29 |
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PeterR | The "check CD for errors" option locks up too | 10:29 |
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teenbeat2007 | only a few minutes if you wait ill give you the past bin link | 10:29 |
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mobomelter | hey neozen | 10:30 |
Lgndryhr | anyone know about firefox's spellcheck ability i am have problems with it checking using the wrong dictionary language | 10:30 |
flaviocpontes | Hi. I just upgraded to feisty from edgy, via update-manager -c -d and my drive icons for FAT32 partitions are gone. The drives are mounted. Anyone knows how to restore them. | 10:30 |
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PeterR | Omgz - haxxors! | 10:30 |
=== Ian_ [i=Ian@80-47-212-19.lond-th.dynamic.dial.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
teenbeat2007 | McQueen: did you got my email | 10:30 |
AaronCampbell_ | clearzen: I think you may have missed the start of my problem. I boot to the install CD, shoose install, and then get dumped to a command prompt (instead of seeing kubunu, and clicking the install icon) | 10:30 |
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neildarlow | flaviocpontes: that's a question for #ubuntu+1 | 10:30 |
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flaviocpontes | oops | 10:30 |
flaviocpontes | sorry | 10:30 |
McQueen | teenbeat2007: sorry. i didnt look at my mails yet | 10:31 |
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dimas__ | i am using GYachI and when i try to open my web i get a error message: An error has occurred at "ioctl VIDIOCSPICT" could no set camera properties...is there anybody able to help me please? | 10:31 |
clearzen | AaronCampbell_: oh, try this sudo telinit 1 && startx | 10:31 |
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=== QMario [n=QMario@cpe-70-116-124-115.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
McQueen | teenbeat2007: how long will you be online? | 10:31 |
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PeterR | If I admitted to everyone that I was a teapot, what would your response be? | 10:31 |
eduhat | hey guys | 10:31 |
teenbeat2007 | ive send you an email with full support off how to do it including automount | 10:31 |
alekz | can someome recomend me a package to manipulate networking based on iptables that works under shell and not gui ? | 10:31 |
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teenbeat2007 | check your msn mails | 10:31 |
Pelo | PeterR, this realy isnT' the time or the place to come out of the cupboard | 10:31 |
PeterR | Cuppa tea Pelo? | 10:32 |
McQueen | teenbeat2007: ok | 10:32 |
karakara | PeterR, something like "make me some damn tea" | 10:32 |
PeterR | I pour well :D | 10:32 |
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bigjb | can i ask about something that I am sure regs are sick off? :) | 10:32 |
PeterR | Karakara, I might feel used in that case. | 10:32 |
teenbeat2007 | if you do it that way it will work fine, ut you cat write to ntfs thrue linux | 10:32 |
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karakara | teapots like that | 10:33 |
clearzen | PeterR: Use the alternate install cde | 10:33 |
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AaronCampbell_ | clearzen: it's trying to load...seems to be stuck at about 95% of the loading bar... | 10:33 |
PeterR | What's that? | 10:33 |
Pelo | !ops | PeterR | 10:33 |
ubotu | PeterR: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild or Amaranth | 10:33 |
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dimas__ | i am using GYachI and when i try to open my webcam i get a error message: An error has occurred at "ioctl VIDIOCSPICT" could no set camera properties...is there anybody able to help me please? | 10:33 |
PriceChild | !offtopic | PeterR | 10:33 |
ubotu | PeterR: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 10:33 |
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PeterR | !ops | Pelo | 10:33 |
ubotu | Pelo: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild or Amaranth | 10:33 |
teenbeat2007 | make suere you have a flash card or save the things youve opened to a linux disk rememnber saving in linux on linux partition is not readable in windows also | 10:33 |
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McQueen | teenbeat2007: pls write my nickname before your messages... its hard to follow your messages. | 10:33 |
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teenbeat2007 | best is to save it on flash card | 10:33 |
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teenbeat2007 | ok | 10:34 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b peter!*@*] by LjL | ||
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teenbeat2007 | McQueen: ok | 10:34 |
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clearzen | AaronCampbell_: If it crashes you will want to run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 10:34 |
dimas__ | i am using GYachI and when i try to open my webcam i get a error message: An error has occurred at "ioctl VIDIOCSPICT" could no set camera properties...is there anybody able to help me please? | 10:34 |
ompaul | LjL, peterr :) | 10:34 |
tj_ | i have feisty installed i have the restricted driver for nvidia installed i have a nvidia geforce 6200 i can not get my screen resolution to go higher then 1024x768 50hz can anyone help | 10:34 |
Seveas | /kill ompaul | 10:34 |
clearzen | AaronCampbell_: If that doesn't work then run sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 10:34 |
McQueen | teenbeat2007: where did you send the mail. mcqueen@desteknet.com or mcqueen@freekevin.net ? | 10:34 |
ompaul | Seveas, :) | 10:34 |
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teenbeat2007 | McQueen: they are busy with a probgram wich allowes you to write on ntfs, but is in test fase and very unstable | 10:34 |
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teenbeat2007 | McQueen: i thought both | 10:35 |
clearzen | AaronCampbell_: and find the section with the driver for video and change it to "vesa" instead of "nv" | 10:35 |
LjL | ompaul, i know, but it would have tab completed *if* he had been still here ;) | 10:35 |
neildarlow | dimas__: sounds like webcam driver doesn't support a feature used by GYachI | 10:35 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL | ||
teenbeat2007 | McQueen: i check | 10:35 |
dimas__ | i am using GYachI and when i try to open my webcam i get a error message: An error has occurred at "ioctl VIDIOCSPICT" could no set camera properties...is there anybody able to help me please? i already installed SPCA5xx | 10:35 |
ompaul | LjL, blame gnomefreak | 10:35 |
Pelo | dimas__, try looking up the error msg in the forum | 10:35 |
Zaiden | LinuxProbie: When I get to thwe terminal part, and enter "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" in the terminal, it gives me an error about the X server being altered, and when it tells me to change the driver from nv to nvidia in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and I do it, it still gives me the error. | 10:35 |
neildarlow | dimas__: i has similar problems with camorama until spca5xx was replaced by gspca | 10:35 |
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McQueen | teenbeat2007: i found it. dont look for it... | 10:36 |
AaronCampbell_ | clearzen: what if it never continues...it doesn't seem to crach, but it definitely seems stuck | 10:36 |
dimas__ | whats gspca? | 10:36 |
gnomefreak | ompaul: LjL ok blame in a couple of hours i have to go out. | 10:36 |
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Pelo | dimas__, more or less the updated version of spca5xx | 10:36 |
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neildarlow | dimas__: it's the replacement for spca5xx. included in feisty | 10:36 |
dimas__ | camorama doesnt work eather | 10:36 |
clearzen | AaronCampbell_: I would reboot with a 3 finger salute | 10:37 |
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teenbeat2007 | mcqueen: ok if you follow the instructions after you dont have to do it nomore | 10:37 |
dimas__ | but is not on ubuntu web page... | 10:37 |
eduhat | can ubuntu run at a decent speed on my 700mhz p3 with 256mb ram laptop? | 10:37 |
tj_ | yes | 10:37 |
dimas__ | well...i did check the spanish version | 10:37 |
teenbeat2007 | mcqueen: it will mount automaticly | 10:37 |
eduhat | beacause from the live cd that i downloaded (6.10) its been running kinda slow | 10:37 |
AaronCampbell_ | even the 3 finger didn't work... | 10:37 |
McQueen | teenbeat2007: ok. i am trying the commands then i will tell you okay or not | 10:37 |
Pelo | later folks | 10:38 |
teenbeat2007 | mcqueen: i did it this way and it works fine | 10:38 |
clearzen | AaronCampbell_: when you get back to a command line run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg && startx that should let you get into a GUI | 10:38 |
teenbeat2007 | mcqueen: no problem i hope i helped you | 10:38 |
tj_ | eduhat:u may want to get xubuntu | 10:38 |
neildarlow | eduhat: it depends on what you want to do with it, which desktop environment etc. large applications e.g. openoffice might swap a bit | 10:38 |
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teenbeat2007 | mcqueen: let me know when its succes, ill be here later on | 10:38 |
dimas__ | thx | 10:39 |
Crazytom | how would i reinstall grub from a live cd? | 10:39 |
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McQueen | teenbeat2007: are you going offline? | 10:39 |
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dyrne | !grub | Crazytom | 10:39 |
ubotu | Crazytom: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 10:39 |
teenbeat2007 | mcqueen: yeah normaly back at 12 | 10:39 |
dyrne | Crazytom: be sure to ask if you have any questions | 10:39 |
teenbeat2007 | mcqueen: have some sleeping issues | 10:40 |
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McQueen | teenbeat2007: can you wait me 5 minutes pls? | 10:40 |
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eduhat | neildarlow: well i will be using gnome.. but no office org or anything like that. I use it for network security, and wireless securty | 10:40 |
teenbeat2007 | yeah no problem | 10:40 |
dimas__ | <neildarlow> where can i get that file? | 10:40 |
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teenbeat2007 | mcqueen: sorry, no problem | 10:40 |
tj_ | i have feisty installed i have the restricted driver for nvidia installed i have a nvidia geforce 6200 i can not get my screen resolution to go higher then 1024x768 50hz can anyone help | 10:40 |
mrand | What group does my user need to be in to be able to print via CUPS? | 10:40 |
Kevlar_Soul | Good Luck | 10:40 |
Kevlar_Soul | I cant get LCD resolutions either | 10:40 |
McQueen | teenbeat2007: the error | 10:41 |
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McQueen | teenbeat2007: kim@kim-laptop:/home/xkim$ gksu edit /etc/fstab | 10:41 |
Kevlar_Soul | I have an intel graphics chip on a laptop | 10:41 |
McQueen | Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server | 10:41 |
McQueen | Xlib: No protocol specified | 10:41 |
Crazytom | i got an operating system not found error this morning after rebooting. (i was playing with wine) so i had to completely reinstall again | 10:41 |
clearzen | tj_: add the display resolutions to the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file under display | 10:41 |
AaronCampbell_ | clearzen: it wants me to choose my resolution Should I choose 1680x1050 (my default resolution) | 10:41 |
Kevlar_Soul | Crazytom: lol | 10:41 |
clearzen | AaronCampbell_: yeah | 10:41 |
Kevlar_Soul | thats too small for normal stuff | 10:41 |
tj_ | ok i do sudo gedit right | 10:41 |
kunz | /join #ubuntu-de | 10:41 |
clearzen | tj_: yeah | 10:41 |
tj_ | thanks | 10:41 |
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AaronCampbell_ | clearzen: Fatal server error: no screens found | 10:42 |
pianoboy3333 | How can I set proxy settings for epiphany? | 10:42 |
neutronenstern | hello everybody, sorry for this question, I know it's stupid to ask for software, but I can't find no handsom mp3 recording tool for recording my dj-mixes, I just need one with some kind of amplitude and a possibility to define the bitrate. Audiacity don't fitts cause there is to much data load when mixing 5 to 8 hours | 10:42 |
crdlb | pianoboy3333, in the gnome proxy settings | 10:42 |
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pianoboy3333 | oohh... where would those be? | 10:42 |
clearzen | AaronCampbell_: ok, use sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 10:43 |
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AaronCampbell_ | XIO: fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0" | 10:43 |
synic | neutronenstern: maybe jokosher | 10:43 |
McQueen | teenbeat2007: did you saw the error log? | 10:43 |
crdlb | pianoboy3333, system-preferences-network proxy | 10:43 |
synic | I haven't done a 5 hour mix, though. | 10:43 |
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clearzen | AaronCampbell_: it will bring up a file. Page down until you find the driver line for your card which is next to the display section | 10:43 |
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ph1zzle | afternoon all | 10:44 |
clearzen | AaronCampbell_: the driver is prob "nv" you should change it to "vesa" | 10:44 |
Gurpartap | after changing other partitions, i'm unable to mount the main ubuntu partition when in live cd mode | 10:44 |
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clearzen | AaronCampbell_: ctrl+x to save and then startx | 10:44 |
neutronenstern | @synic: but this also records in high quality or is it possible to record directly in mp3? | 10:44 |
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Gurpartap | getting this error: mount: /dev/hda1: can't read superblock | 10:44 |
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Gurpartap | anyone could help? | 10:44 |
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AaronCampbell_ | clearzen: done...trying startx | 10:45 |
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stian | i got this strange problem, when i start kde i cant write anything anymore.. It did work a long time but i dont know what happened | 10:45 |
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dyrne | Gurpartap: sometimes its easiest to reboot after making those changes | 10:45 |
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AaronCampbell_ | clearzen: it's loading! | 10:45 |
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dimas__ | i am using GYachI and when i try to open my webcam i get a error message: An error has occurred at "ioctl VIDIOCSPICT" could no set camera properties...is there anybody able to help me please? | 10:45 |
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Gurpartap | dyrne: no luck | 10:45 |
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Gurpartap | was actually trying to install windows on modified partitions | 10:45 |
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clearzen | AaronCampbell_: cool, you will need to install the nvidia driver with sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx after you have it loaded | 10:46 |
Gurpartap | even swap partition was deleted and made a new one now | 10:46 |
clearzen | AaronCampbell_: or after you get it installed | 10:46 |
Gurpartap | and wanted to setup grub again | 10:46 |
ph1zzle | I have, what I hope is a simple question, I am trying to get perl running on edgy 64, I am not a perl guy, but when I run cpan, it says a module installed ok but I can't find parts of it on the system that are supposed to be installed, I tried downloading and installing modules manually and it says installing module to /path/to/file/name.pm and then a ls shows that the module isn't even there nor is the directory | 10:46 |
dimas__ | i am using GYachI and when i try to open my webcam i get a error message: An error has occurred at "ioctl VIDIOCSPICT" could no set camera properties...is there anybody able to help me please? | 10:46 |
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McQueen | how can i fix this error? kim@kim-laptop:/home/xkim$ gksu edit /etc/fstab | 10:47 |
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McQueen | Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server | 10:47 |
McQueen | Xlib: No protocol specified | 10:47 |
McQueen | (gksu:6411): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: | 10:47 |
W4nnabe | hello...does anybody know if there would be anything different entered in the iptables of lamp vs. that of the regular server (dapper) and why httpd is not visible remotely? | 10:47 |
dimas__ | i am using GYachI and when i try to open my webcam i get a error message: An error has occurred at "ioctl VIDIOCSPICT" could no set camera properties...is there anybody able to help me please? | 10:47 |
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sidny4 | McQueen: are you ssh'd into your computer? | 10:47 |
dyrne | W4nnabe: try 'sudo iptables -L' does everything just say accept? | 10:47 |
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dimas__ | i am using GYachI and when i try to open my webcam i get a error message: An error has occurred at "ioctl VIDIOCSPICT" could no set camera properties...is there anybody able to help me please? | 10:48 |
AaronCampbell_ | clearzen: I'm going to install, but again...It can't seem to get on my network...it sees eth0 and eth1, but neither are connecting | 10:48 |
McQueen | sidny4: i am newbie. so what is it? | 10:48 |
Hyper-cool | i'm having trouble finding "ALSA-LIBS" and "ALSA-CFLAGS" is anyone familiar? | 10:48 |
W4nnabe | dyrne: yes all entries do | 10:48 |
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dimas__ | i am using GYachI and when i try to open my webcam i get a error message: An error has occurred at "ioctl VIDIOCSPICT" could no set camera properties...is there anybody able to help me please? | 10:48 |
Hyper-cool | i'm actually trying to install a flash plugin for firefox64bit | 10:48 |
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clearzen | AaronCampbell_: I could get it connected. eth0 is wired and eth1 is wireless right. | 10:48 |
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dyrne | W4nnabe: default is completely open so iptables is not the problem | 10:48 |
erUSUL | !repeat > dimas__ | 10:48 |
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McQueen | sidny4: i didnt install ssh services | 10:48 |
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sidny4 | McQueen: basically, you're trying to open something that uses a GUI | 10:49 |
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McQueen | sidny4: so? | 10:49 |
iqon | how do i map my media keys, they all seem to work except play/pause | 10:49 |
dimas__ | i am using GYachI and when i try to open my webcam i get a error message: An error has occurred at "ioctl VIDIOCSPICT" could no set camera properties...is there anybody able to help me please? | 10:49 |
sidny4 | McQueen: are you in gnome or kde? | 10:49 |
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AaronCampbell_ | clearzen: nope...both wired | 10:49 |
Flannel | !mediakeys | iqon | 10:49 |
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ubotu | iqon: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts (Gnome) or "Input Actions" in KControl (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net | 10:49 |
dimas__ | <erUSUL> would you help me? | 10:49 |
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AaronCampbell_ | wlan0 is wireless | 10:49 |
W4nnabe | dyrne: i installed last night, and had it running under the regular server, but then changed my mind and reinstalled w/ lamp...now i can only see apache through, not from my other locally networked computer | 10:49 |
McQueen | sidny4: in gnome. but not sure. how can i be sure? | 10:50 |
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AaronCampbell_ | clearzen: wlano is wireless...also enabled, also not connected | 10:50 |
dimas__ | i am using GYachI and when i try to open my webcam i get a error message: An error has occurred at "ioctl VIDIOCSPICT" could no set camera properties...is there anybody able to help me please? | 10:50 |
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teenbeat2007 | mcqueen: i didnt see the error log | 10:50 |
sidny4 | McQueen: do you see your mouse cursor on the screen? | 10:50 |
McQueen | teenbeat2007: kim@kim-laptop:/home/xkim$ gksu edit /etc/fstab | 10:50 |
McQueen | Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server | 10:50 |
McQueen | Xlib: No protocol specified | 10:50 |
McQueen | (gksu:6411): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: | 10:50 |
dyrne | W4nnabe: and nothing but ubuntu box has changed? thats odd | 10:50 |
McQueen | sidny4: yes | 10:50 |
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dimas__ | i am using GYachI and when i try to open my webcam i get a error message: An error has occurred at "ioctl VIDIOCSPICT" could no set camera properties...is there anybody able to help me please? | 10:50 |
dimas__ | i am using GYachI and when i try to open my webcam i get a error message: An error has occurred at "ioctl VIDIOCSPICT" could no set camera properties...is there anybody able to help me please? | 10:50 |
dimas__ | i am using GYachI and when i try to open my webcam i get a error message: An error has occurred at "ioctl VIDIOCSPICT" could no set camera properties...is there anybody able to help me please? | 10:51 |
=== aeruz [n=aeruz@81-222-90.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gurpartap | dimas__: kick your cam :D | 10:51 |
W4nnabe | dyrne: yea | 10:51 |
sidny4 | McQueen: try using gedit instead | 10:51 |
dimas__ | i am about to | 10:51 |
aeruz | Hello there!!!! | 10:51 |
theacolyte | !repeat | dimas__ | 10:51 |
clearzen | AaronCampbell_: go to system > administration > networking | 10:51 |
dimas__ | lol | 10:51 |
=== teenbeat2007 [n=roelof@d51A46DB8.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dimas__ | i am using GYachI and when i try to open my webcam i get a error message: An error has occurred at "ioctl VIDIOCSPICT" could no set camera properties...is there anybody able to help me please? | 10:51 |
ubotu | dimas__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 10:51 |
McQueen | sidny4: so what is the command? | 10:51 |
=== rhY^3 [n=rhY@ip68-111-203-36.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aeruz | I have a small problem, when I open xterm or konsole I just get a $ in the prompt, but when I do it as root I have no problem+} | 10:52 |
McQueen | teenbeat2007: did you see the error log? | 10:52 |
=== dost [n=dost@a91-154-60-16.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
teenbeat2007 | McQueen: use gedit instead | 10:52 |
clearzen | AaronCampbell_: disable everything but eth0 and give eth0 a static ip address | 10:52 |
sidny4 | McQueen: sudo gedit /etc/fstab | 10:52 |
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dimas__ | thanks ubotu...you so kind | 10:52 |
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teenbeat2007 | McQueen: correct | 10:52 |
rhY^3 | Feisty is phenomenal! High Five! Finally a distro to kick the pants of Corporate America! | 10:52 |
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McQueen | teenbeat2007: sidny4 : ok... i am trying... | 10:52 |
pianoboy3333 | is feisty released yet...? no... | 10:52 |
dimas__ | brb...i am going to take a cold shower | 10:53 |
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teenbeat2007 | McQueen: some systems uses sudo gedit and some the other | 10:53 |
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clearzen | AaronCampbell_: you should be able to get it to work from here. I'm going to go drink mudslides. Peace | 10:53 |
rhY^3 | dimas: LOL | 10:53 |
W4nnabe | dyrne: i can ping google or my gateway from either box, but not each other | 10:53 |
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McQueen | teenbeat2007: i c. it ran well | 10:53 |
teenbeat2007 | McQueen: i used also gedit, my mistake sorry about that | 10:53 |
darwin | is the documentation page down? | 10:53 |
AaronCampbell_ | clearzen: thanks...network still isn't working, but I appeciate it | 10:54 |
=== phaedrus_ [n=esaveall@cpe-24-198-83-205.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
clearzen | if you have problems with networking you can always sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart to restart/test it | 10:54 |
McQueen | teenbeat2007: i will paste the text. | 10:54 |
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aeruz | Actually, any terminal I open I have that problem, I only get $ as prompt | 10:54 |
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teenbeat2007 | McQueen: after doing this you dont have to restart only restart to check if it still is mounted automaticly | 10:54 |
McQueen | teenbeat2007: i c | 10:55 |
Ferret | sudoedit | 10:55 |
teenbeat2007 | McQueen: yes and change wath is necesary | 10:55 |
theacolyte | aeruz: what happens when you type bash? | 10:55 |
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aeruz | theacolyte: when i type bash, I get it to work | 10:56 |
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=== Carnage\ [n=carnage@p549fe0ec.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shay- | hi guys | 10:56 |
Tsuroerusu | Hey, on a fresh Ubuntu install, which packages to I need to uninstall to not have any trace of proprietary software on my system? | 10:56 |
McQueen | teenbeat2007: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12390/ | 10:56 |
teenbeat2007 | McQueen: im gone for few minutes i be back to see if it worked | 10:56 |
dabone | anyone know how to update to libgtk 2.4 or greater on edgy? | 10:56 |
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dabone | (trying to compile the new nestopia) | 10:56 |
monkeyBox | Has anyone here tried seamless rdp? | 10:56 |
theacolyte | aeruz: use chsh | 10:56 |
theacolyte | !chsh | 10:56 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about chsh - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:57 |
teenbeat2007 | McQueen: ok butt make sure umask is there | 10:57 |
theacolyte | :( | 10:57 |
mjr | Tsuroerusu, I think linux-restricted-modules* should take care of it | 10:57 |
Enverex | Is anyone using the open source "radeon" driver here on Feisty? | 10:57 |
monkeyBox | I can't get the "-s" (shell) option to work | 10:57 |
shay- | I have the P5N32-sli with the new nForce 680 sli chip. I need a driver for my netcard. Is there a driver for Linux ubuntu? | 10:57 |
=== oldulo [n=jb@ARennes-257-1-156-130.w86-214.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | Enverex: #ubuntu+1 for Feisty support | 10:57 |
teenbeat2007 | McQueen: those to lines i put in : /dev/hda1 /mnt/win ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 0 | 10:57 |
Flannel | !prevu | dabone | 10:57 |
ubotu | dabone: prevu is an automated, personal backporting utility. Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Prevu for more details | 10:57 |
eduhat | what repo is bigger? ubuntu or debian? | 10:57 |
Flannel | eduhat: debian | 10:58 |
eduhat | Flannel: what do you mean feisty? | 10:58 |
Flannel | !feisty | eduhat | 10:58 |
ubotu | eduhat: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 10:58 |
McQueen | teenbeat2007: ok | 10:58 |
Tsuroerusu | mjr: OK, cool, and then keeping the "Restricted" repository disabled, right? (Sorry about the n00b question, not too familiar with Ubuntu and which packages are in which repo) | 10:58 |
teenbeat2007 | McQueen: it must be that line with altering hda? and the target dir | 10:58 |
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aeruz | theacolyte: I changed it to /bin/bash but the problem is not gone | 10:58 |
shay- | I have the P5N32-sli with the new nForce 680 sli chip. I need a driver for my netcard. Is there a driver for Linux ubuntu? | 10:58 |
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McQueen | teenbeat2007: ok | 10:58 |
eduhat | Flannel: i always thought that ubuntu would have a bigger repo... | 10:58 |
teenbeat2007 | McQueen: and remmember 1 line for each partition | 10:58 |
soundray | Is there a shell command that reveals the absolute path when you pass a filename to it? | 10:59 |
=== JiBEsH [n=Oo@88-139-58-184.adslgp.cegetel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bitmess | DIVX how? | 10:59 |
theacolyte | soundray: pwd? | 10:59 |
teenbeat2007 | McQueen: ok be back in few minutes | 10:59 |
soundray | theacolyte: I'm not looking for the present working directory | 10:59 |
=== nexousNET [n=nexousNE@clsm-216-37-178-97-pppoe.dsl.clsm.epix.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shay- | I have the P5N32-sli with the new nForce 680 sli chip. I need a driver for my netcard. Is there a driver for Linux ubuntu? | 10:59 |
McQueen | teenbeat2007: ok thanks | 10:59 |
=== joevandyk [n=joevandy@c-24-19-27-125.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theacolyte | !repeat shay- | 11:00 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about repeat shay- - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:00 |
theacolyte | !repeat | shay- | 11:00 |
ubotu | shay-: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 11:00 |
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untouch | hi i have a problem when i install nvidia-glx package and after editing the xorg.conf i get this error http://onlyfree.de/php/pasteservice/show.php?id=1879 does some one have an idea maybe ? | 11:00 |
untouch | (xserver wont start= | 11:01 |
theacolyte | soundray: what do you mean by absolute path when you pass a filename? Trying to figure out what you're trying to do | 11:01 |
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=== DaveG| [n=asdf@82-47-197-238.cable.ubr02.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LaNCeloT_RW | hi dudes.. when im acessing websites using firefox, it always says: Looking up google.com (example), and then 10 seconds later it shows up the page... what should be happening? | 11:01 |
theacolyte | LaNCeloT_RW: possibly bad DNS | 11:01 |
=== HP_Owner [n=chatzill@c-71-56-109-3.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LaNCeloT_RW | theacolyte, but this is a problem of the ISP or on my PC ? | 11:02 |
theacolyte | hard to say, what does /etc/resolv.conf say? use a pastebin for it | 11:02 |
dyrne | LaNCeloT_RW: cat /etc/resolv.conf is there more than one nameserver entry? other than that mapy a problem with ipv6 | 11:02 |
Mwa | Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me make my D-link USB wireless stick work? | 11:02 |
=== Symmetria_ is now known as Symmetria | ||
LaNCeloT_RW | dyrne, i use Ipv4, im from Brazil :) | 11:02 |
HP_Owner | . | 11:02 |
shazzr | got a problem with irssi. i'm running feisty fawn...and for some odd reason, when i start irssi, it tries to connect to a server which isn't to be found in the .irss/config file. can anyone help me?? | 11:03 |
eduhat | how bid is debians repo? | 11:03 |
Mwa | shazzr, is it on /server list? | 11:03 |
=== Roky86 [n=roky86@adsl-ull-97-16.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | theacolyte: I'm in /var/local. Given a file f in a directory /var/local/d which is a link to /var/local/tmp/d, I want to call 'program d/f' and it should return either '/var/local/tmp/d/f' or just '/var/local/tmp/d/' | 11:03 |
dyrne | shazzr: there is an /etc/irssi.conf file | 11:03 |
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=== NemesisBLK_ [n=Menes@71-9-38-182.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shazzr | Mwa: nope | 11:03 |
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Flannel | eduhat: Debian stable has 4864. I'm currently waiting for the Ubuntu repository list to load | 11:03 |
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Vong_ | hey, how do you set up a new user account? | 11:03 |
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shazzr | dyrne: i know, but it isn't listed there either. | 11:03 |
Sayers | If something is in full screen how do I un-fullscreen it? | 11:04 |
theacolyte | Vong_: useradd | 11:04 |
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dyrne | Vong_: its a breez with adduser | 11:04 |
eduhat | Flannel: allright, someone told me like 21 thousand something | 11:04 |
neozen | theacolyte: adduser | 11:04 |
Flannel | shazzr: You might ask in #ubuntu+1 | 11:04 |
Mwa | shazzr, What server is it connecting to? | 11:04 |
Vong_ | in linux that is :P | 11:04 |
theacolyte | neozen: dyslexic | 11:04 |
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Vong_ | thanks :) | 11:04 |
LaNCeloT_RW | theacolyte, this is my resolv.conf search bhz.virtua.com.br | 11:04 |
LaNCeloT_RW | nameserver | 11:04 |
LaNCeloT_RW | nameserver | 11:04 |
shazzr | Mwa: fi.helsinki.eu.undernet.org. it's server that i used earlier today, but can't find any "lefovers" of now...other thant irssi still tries to reconnect to it...:S | 11:05 |
dyrne | LaNCeloT_RW: i normally | 11:05 |
Mwa | try /rmreconns | 11:05 |
dyrne | LaNCeloT_RW: er.. 'dig google.com' and the server it uses is the one i keep | 11:05 |
Mwa | You never know, it might work. :P | 11:05 |
nexousNET | How do I install fluxbox on ubuntu 6.10? | 11:06 |
shazzr | the odd thing is that it seemes to read nick and such from the .irssi/config file... | 11:06 |
MoldPrince | okay...so I've been trying to get my laptop online for days now. It worked fine under 6.6, but now I'm at 6.10 and I can't get it to work. | 11:06 |
Flannel | nexousNET: fluxbox is in universe | 11:06 |
shay- | Is there a NViDIA 680i chip driver for linux? | 11:06 |
theacolyte | LaNCeloT_RW: those servers seem to not be working all that well | 11:06 |
LaNCeloT_RW | dyrne, ok, i ' ll try to remove the first line: search.... | 11:06 |
Mwa | As I said, try /rmerconns | 11:06 |
nexousNET | Flannel: okay thanks. I just install, how do i run? | 11:06 |
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MoldPrince | Shall I explain more? does someone want to help me out? | 11:06 |
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theacolyte | LaNCeloT_RW: don't remove that line | 11:06 |
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neozen | got a question for y'all | 11:06 |
Flannel | nexousNET: There might be an entry under sessions in GDM, but I don't think so. I believe you have to 'startflux' | 11:07 |
neozen | whats the command to fsck a fat32 filesystem | 11:07 |
theacolyte | soundray: I've got no idea, sorry :( | 11:07 |
LaNCeloT_RW | theacolyte, ok | 11:07 |
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ubuntu | Hallo | 11:07 |
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mobomelter | hey neozen how do i edit what is displayed in the grub when i boot | 11:07 |
McQueen | teenbeat2007: r u there? | 11:07 |
MoldPrince | I can't get wlan0 to even show as a device, and my eth0 connection is acting funny. | 11:07 |
theacolyte | neozen: fsck.msdos | 11:07 |
nexousNET | FLannel: okay thanks. | 11:07 |
soundray | theacolyte: nvm, I'll ask in #bash. Thanks anyway | 11:07 |
LaNCeloT_RW | theacolyte, and what should I do ? | 11:07 |
ubuntu | spricht hier auch jemand deutsch? | 11:07 |
frojnd | hello is there a way to use java installed with packages: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre to use for opera and firefox?? I don't know path to java | 11:08 |
theacolyte | !de | ubuntu | 11:08 |
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ubotu | ubuntu: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 11:08 |
shay- | ubuntu.de | 11:08 |
Sayers | What do I do to minimize a full screen window? | 11:08 |
McQueen | !ntfs | McQueen | 11:08 |
ubuntu | Danke | 11:08 |
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MoldPrince | Aaaaaaah! Damn it...I've already tried the forums, faqs, wikis, and everything else. | 11:08 |
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mobomelter | anyone know how to edit what is displayed as a choice for operating system? | 11:09 |
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dyrne | frojnd: update-alternatives --config java | 11:09 |
Camaxtli | MoldPrince: What is the wifi card you're using | 11:09 |
dyrne | mobomelter: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 11:09 |
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MoldPrince | okay...not using wifi at this point. Just trying to get a WIRED connection to work. | 11:09 |
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Camaxtli | mobomelter: You mean the bootloader menu? sudo pico /boot/grub/menu.lst and alter that. Read man grub for more information. | 11:10 |
shay- | Is in the IRC chatroom a man who develops at ubuntu? I have a question about the new Chipset NVIDIA 680i SLI. When will be there a driver for it | 11:10 |
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MoldPrince | I plug in my ethernet and switch my network connect to eth0. It shows that it's recieving data, but I can't connect to the internet. | 11:10 |
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dyrne | mobomelter: dont forget to add a cool grub splashscreen :) | 11:10 |
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theacolyte | shay-: The driver development is dependant on the manufacturer of your motherboard, not the developers of Ubuntu | 11:10 |
neozen | modify the grub menu.lst | 11:10 |
neozen | or something mobomelter | 11:10 |
theacolyte | shay-: that being said, I'm sure there's one out there 680i has been out for awhile now | 11:11 |
shazzr | if i where to COMPLETELY remove irssi for a reinstall, would i have to do anything else than remove the .irssi/config and do a sudo apt-get remove irssi?? | 11:11 |
mjr | shazzr, apt-get --purge remove | 11:11 |
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shay- | on the officle nvidia side there is no driver theacolyte | 11:11 |
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theacolyte | shay-: who made your board? asus? | 11:11 |
shay- | yes | 11:11 |
W4nnabe | hi...i just installed ubuntu lamp server, and now, even though i'm conneceted to the net, i can't ping the other boxes in the lan any ideas? | 11:11 |
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dyrne | shazzr: yo might just compile and install irssi to /home/user/local/bin then add that path to the begining of $PATH | 11:11 |
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Mwa | So, can anyone help me get this D-Link DWL-122 USB Wi-Fi stick working? | 11:12 |
lolole | hi. is there a way to change the interval in which network-manager updates the network list? | 11:12 |
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MoldPrince | Oh dear god. I want to smash my head through a wall. But not before I get the internet working on Ubuntu. | 11:12 |
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lolole | it seems like sometimes it takes a very long time to update. | 11:13 |
MoldPrince | Then I'll feel like I accomplished something before I died. | 11:13 |
nexousNET | Wait, I can run Fluxbox with Gnome? Right? | 11:13 |
Camaxtli | Moldprince; What are the problems, send it through PM so I can read it in peace | 11:13 |
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dyrne | nexousNET: just click the sessions button at login to change between gnome kde or flux etc | 11:13 |
^Eli^ | my system is having trouble coming back from suspend. when i put it in hibernate, it shuts down the computer, but starts up where i left off. but when i try to come back from suspend, i just get a black screen | 11:13 |
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kuscafe | ok i need help | 11:13 |
Crazytom | MoldPrince, have you done a dhclient? | 11:14 |
chobo2 | test | 11:14 |
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nexousNET | dyrne: I know how to switch, just making sure fluxbox works with gnome, I'm having some trouble. | 11:14 |
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mobomelter | whoever gave me the code to update my boot options thank you much | 11:14 |
=== patchrick_ [n=patrick@host194.diegoman59.hyatthsiagx.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mobomelter | !fluxbox | 11:14 |
ubotu | fluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox | 11:14 |
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kuscafe | necesito crear un proyecto en anjunta, pero ocupo el paquete autogen, el problema es que no tengo la clave de root | 11:15 |
eduhat | Flannel: ever figure out how big the repo is for debian? | 11:15 |
^Eli^ | i'm using a Sony Vaio pcg-k25 running ubuntu 6.10 | 11:15 |
kuscafe | Mis opciones? | 11:15 |
MoldPrince | sorry, don't know what a dhclient is. | 11:15 |
lolole | anyone noticed this bug or is it just me/my network card? | 11:15 |
dyrne | nexousNET: what is the problem with flux? | 11:15 |
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Crazytom | MoldPrince, go to a terminal and type sudo dhclient eth0 | 11:15 |
lolole | because actually, wifi-manager does it fine | 11:15 |
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lolole | oops. *wifi-radar... wifi-radar uses a lot of CPU tho | 11:16 |
torger | hmm....purge-removing didn't do the trick....:S | 11:16 |
Flannel | eduhat: I take that back. It appears Ubuntu has about 10x more packages than debian unstable. | 11:16 |
nexousNET | dyrne: Well I got the tarball and extracted, but when i run './configure' i get 'bash: ./configure: No such file or directory' | 11:16 |
eduhat | heh | 11:16 |
Enverex | What package provides the file "/usr/lib/dri/r200_dri.so"? | 11:16 |
Crazytom | MoldPrince, do you have an ip? | 11:16 |
dyrne | nexousNET: well id check the readme and install file but why dont you want the fluxbox in the repos? | 11:17 |
MoldPrince | okay...I'll try that. My laptop is in the other room. hold on a sec. | 11:17 |
Ferret | Enverex: packages.ubuntu.com | 11:17 |
dyrne | nexousNET: lemme download tar file | 11:17 |
nexousNET | dyrne: I did do that, I got it install but didn't know how to configure it. | 11:17 |
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nexousNET | dyrne: I'm fine with installing from repos just need help after it installs. | 11:17 |
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theacolyte | Enverex: dpkg -s r200_dri.so yields nothing | 11:17 |
r4nge | does ubuntu use identd? | 11:18 |
eduhat | what is the default root command? | 11:18 |
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panfist | how do i change the permissions of a program so it is allowed to run in my homedirectory? | 11:18 |
teenbeat2007 | McQueen: are u there | 11:18 |
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nexousNET | nyrne: okay, I installed from repos again. | 11:18 |
theacolyte | panfist: use chmod | 11:18 |
Flannel | eduhat: packages.debian.com, pick a version, then go down to the bottom and "all packages" | 11:18 |
eduhat | sorry, root password | 11:18 |
dyrne | nexousNET: its all under /home/username/.fluxbox/ there is a startup file to set background and such and a menu file to edit the menu options | 11:18 |
theacolyte | !chmod | panfist | 11:18 |
ubotu | panfist: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux | 11:18 |
Enverex | theacolyte, hrm... ok that's annoying. It's something to do with the open source radeon driver and 3D doesn't work because it says that file is missing | 11:18 |
r4nge | !identd | 11:18 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about identd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:18 |
r4nge | !ident | 11:18 |
eduhat | Flannel: iight, by chance what is the default root password for a newly installed system? | 11:19 |
nexousNET | dyrne: so it'll run on startup, I don't have to make a session? | 11:19 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ident - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:19 |
bitmess | !DIVX | 11:19 |
theacolyte | Enverex: I have 0 experience with ATI and Linux :( | 11:19 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 11:19 |
=== harry__ [n=harry@bas9-toronto12-1177700934.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | eduhat: Ubuntu doesn't use the root account, it's locked. | 11:19 |
dyrne | nexousNET: ah. you want to run without gdm login manager | 11:19 |
nexousNET | dyrne: how the heck do I do that? | 11:19 |
eduhat | Flannel: is that a good thing or a bad thing? | 11:19 |
teenbeat2007 | does anyone know if mcqueen succeeded | 11:19 |
Flannel | eduhat: it's a good thing. | 11:19 |
con-man | !botabuse | ubotu | 11:19 |
ubotu | ubotu: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 11:19 |
con-man | lololol | 11:19 |
=== bons [n=bons@pddf569.tkyoac00.ap.so-net.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dws | i installed all the media codecs i could find but now whenever i try to play an .mpg file | 11:20 |
eduhat | Flannel: but wont it make it easier to hack? | 11:20 |
dyrne | nexousNET: i like xinit if its not already installed sudo apt-get install xinit. youll have an .xinitrc file in home just edit it to read startfluxbox i think it is in ubuntu. then from terminal type xinit to run | 11:20 |
dws | it just freaks out and ruins the screen. colors altered etc | 11:20 |
dws | can anyone help me? | 11:20 |
Camaxtli | dws: Try VLC player | 11:20 |
Kyriaki | Hi, I'm totally new to Linux, and I'm trying to set up my modem to connect to the net, I need the ISP number thingy, but Verizon tech support was useless. Where can I get this info? | 11:20 |
Flannel | eduhat: Why would it do that? The root account is disabled, it's impossible to login with the root account | 11:20 |
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W4nnabe | eduhat: type "sudo passwd root" to create a root password | 11:21 |
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dws | Camaxtli: i tried all players. vlc, mplayer, totem | 11:21 |
dyrne | nexousNET: you can do multiple sessions like xinit -- :number | 11:21 |
nexousNET | dyrne: will this effect how I log in myself? | 11:21 |
harry__ | Which provides better Linux support on their cards: nVidia or ATI? | 11:21 |
Bluedog | Kyriaki: Are you on broadband or dial? | 11:21 |
dws | it is not the player's problem | 11:21 |
Kyriaki | dial | 11:21 |
theacolyte | harry__: nvidia, by far | 11:21 |
eduhat | Flannel: but that means if someone could get into the user account.. then they have the whole system by the balls | 11:21 |
Camaxtli | dws: Odd, mpg plays fine here on VLC :/ | 11:21 |
con-man | Kyriaki: you want the dial up access number? | 11:21 |
Bluedog | Kyriaki: Can't you find it on their website? | 11:21 |
Flannel | eduhat: The same can be said about the root account | 11:21 |
nexousNET | dyrne: I can't just run it with gdm? | 11:21 |
con-man | Kyriaki: do you need the number to dial? | 11:21 |
dyrne | nexousNET: no it wont affect gdm. youll have to do xinit -- :something though if gdm and gnome is already running | 11:21 |
Kyriaki | yeah, I want it, and no, I can't find it | 11:21 |
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Bluedog | Kyriaki: http://www2.verizon.net/resource_center/dialin.asp | 11:21 |
theacolyte | !restricted | dws | 11:21 |
eduhat | Flannel: yeah... your right. i didnt think of it like that | 11:21 |
ubotu | dws: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 11:22 |
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Bluedog | any good? | 11:22 |
dws | Camaxtli: yes i mean it has to be some X.org problem or misconfiguration | 11:22 |
mobomelter | hey i can't find fluxbox in the repositories | 11:22 |
con-man | Kyriaki: Verizon tech support should help you, if they want your money | 11:22 |
eduhat | Flannel: that made me feel ALOT better :D | 11:22 |
mobomelter | any other way to download it? | 11:22 |
Flannel | !sudo | eduhat, there are some reasons/etc stuff here | 11:22 |
ubotu | eduhat, there are some reasons/etc stuff here: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 11:22 |
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dyrne | nexousNET: so it would have gnome on f7 then fluxbox on f6 or whatever | 11:22 |
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harry__ | do you know of a 'web sight' where I could compare benchmarks for different video cards? | 11:22 |
LjL | harry__: for full 3D acceleration you need to use proprietary (not open source) drivers on both Nvidia and most ATI, though for some ATI the open source drivers does 3D well. but as the proprietary drivers go, the Nvidia ones are consistently said to be much better | 11:22 |
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theacolyte | harry__: you could try tomshardware.com | 11:22 |
harry__ | I don't have problems with proprietary software | 11:22 |
MaDMaCK | www.mp3svet.com | 11:23 |
dyrne | nexousNET: it will work with gdm also | 11:23 |
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LjL | harry__: google for "GLOBS", which is a 3D card benchmarking utility for Linux. its site has quite a few reference data | 11:23 |
nexousNET | dyrne: so wait, I'm confused, Why can't i just remove the menu from the panel? | 11:23 |
nexousNET | and run fluxbox on startup? | 11:23 |
Kyriaki | First person told me they didn't support "lemmings", second told me that no number existed and then screamed at me when I insisted it did. | 11:23 |
con-man | I need more eye candy for my ubuntu install. I have beryl installed... any suggestions? | 11:23 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ | ||
dyrne | nexousNET: wait.. you just want flux to be the defualt instead of gnome in gdm? | 11:24 |
theacolyte | LjL: a long long long time ago I tried the OSS ATI drivers. They are the sole reason why I decided to go NVIDIA from then on :P | 11:24 |
W4nnabe | verizon is for chumps | 11:24 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL | ||
nexousNET | dyrne: Yes, I guess. | 11:24 |
Bluedog | Kyriaki: Did you find the number on there? | 11:24 |
nexousNET | it will just be replacing my menu to the desktop right? | 11:24 |
LjL | con-man: to try asking in #ubuntu-effects perhaps | 11:24 |
Crazytom | Kyriaki, lemmings? they called you a lemming? | 11:24 |
Kyriaki | yes, thank you very much | 11:24 |
Bluedog | cool | 11:24 |
eduhat | Flannel: should i always install the update from synaptics? | 11:25 |
dyrne | nexousNET: you can just click set default or something when you click 'sessions' button | 11:25 |
Nergar_ | hello, i need help with my wireless card, i can get it to connect and network-manager detects it like a wired card | 11:25 |
dyrne | nexousNET: you let me do all that typing ;p | 11:25 |
Kyriaki | no, that was what she called Linux, along with several other things that started with L | 11:25 |
LjL | eduhat: doing things with Synaptic or apt-get (or friends) is equivalent, save any bugs | 11:25 |
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W4nnabe | can anybody explain what layers may be interfering w/ pinging lan boxes even though the internet in general is accessible? | 11:25 |
nexousNET | dyrne: :p | 11:25 |
W4nnabe | other than firewalls | 11:25 |
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nexousNET | dyrne: but I'm lost still, I installed from repos, Now I am going to edit the files in .fluxbox? | 11:26 |
LjL | !wifi > Nergar_ (Nergar_, see the private message from Ubotu) | 11:26 |
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OuZo | hi, is there a app to control rythmbox from the panel? thanks | 11:27 |
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dyrne | nexousNET: yes. umm there are not gui tools to edit menu and background and such. well there are but normally you just edit the menu file yourself. all that does is affect the right-click menu in flux it doesnt affect whether flux runs or anything. | 11:27 |
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runtime | herd == milestone in ubuntu versions? | 11:27 |
LjL | !rhythmbox-applet | OuZo | 11:27 |
ubotu | ouzo: rhythmbox-applet: control applet for Rhythmbox music player (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.2-2build1 (edgy), package size 11 kB, installed size 48 kB | 11:27 |
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dyrne | nexousNET: maybe its better if you tell me what you need to change | 11:27 |
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nexousNET | dyrne: I need to have it run when I start my laptop up. | 11:28 |
PriceChild | runtime, only used for feisty, dapper had knots | 11:28 |
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Enverex | PriceChild, knots? | 11:28 |
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PriceChild | Enverex, oh wait it was flights sorry wasn't it :) | 11:28 |
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OuZo | LjL: thanks | 11:29 |
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Env | Is this a known issue, or can anyone think of a way to correct it? (I get it for any 3D, not just this) "(EE) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/dri/r200_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/r200_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)" | 11:29 |
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whtet | I have tried ICS ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing )but it's not working. when I tried 'ping' I just got 'Destination host unreachable' from the default gateway, | 11:30 |
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dyrne | nexousNET: any advise i give might break your system.. gksudo gedit /etc/init.d/gdm and comment out the things under start and put xinit or something.. or just live with gdm OR stop gdm from running and it will boot to command line and just do xinit. which do you prefer :) | 11:33 |
[[MaDMaCk] ] | www.mp3svet.com | 11:33 |
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Vong_ | im trying to add a user anno (ddint work for me the way i watned). im trying to specify a home directory, and a password. so i enter 'sudo useradd anno -d /home/ -p pass123' | 11:33 |
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PriceChild | lol :) | 11:33 |
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theacolyte | tagteamed | 11:33 |
LjL | PriceChild: teamwork, ain't it nice | 11:33 |
Vong_ | what am i doing wrong :P | 11:33 |
PriceChild | comin atcha like a shark on knees! | 11:33 |
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nexousNET | dyrne: well can't I just have fluxbox added to sessions and run WITH gdm? | 11:34 |
LjL | Vong_, why not use adduser? | 11:34 |
LjL | !adduser > Vong_ (Vong_, see the private message from Ubotu) | 11:34 |
harry__ | how much space does Xubuntu take to install? | 11:34 |
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dyrne | nexousNET: yes. im going to lay down for a bit but ask in here how to add fluxbox to sessions menu and youll get a response :) | 11:34 |
PriceChild | Vong_, I'm guessing you're not on gnome... but just incase you are, have you considered using its user manager? | 11:34 |
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nexousNET | dynre: okay | 11:35 |
Nergar_ | thanx for the link but i can't find anything usefull, can anybody help me please? | 11:35 |
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McFrosty | Trying to get a Broadcom 4318 wireless card working with ndiswrapper. I show the driver is loaded and dmesg shows nidwrapper version 1.39 loaded (smp=yes). Following there install guide from there wiki | 11:35 |
eilker | any experience for sata2 ? i am thinking of buying 250 gb sata2 as slave , master is 80 gb ide. | 11:35 |
Vong_ | im on kde, trying to add a login for my firend PriceChild | 11:35 |
LjL | Nergar_: i don't really know anything about wifi, but perhaps you should restate the problem again, in as much detail as possible, for people to help | 11:35 |
Styles | Hello all a bunch of us in #ubuntu-offtopic are pitching in for a Ubuntu cake that I will drive up to Redmond and hand deliver with a Feisty cd to the main Microsoft campus on launch day... I would like some help or come with please let the regulars in #ubuntu-offtopic know | 11:35 |
aeropixie | harry_: I dont know exactly, but it is tiny. | 11:35 |
Camaxtli | McFrosty: I got a bcm4318 working with ndiswrapper, what is the problem you're been having atm? | 11:36 |
SuperTeece | silly question bot, what is the path to xorg.conf? | 11:36 |
PriceChild | Styles, keep it in -offtopic please | 11:36 |
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LjL | SuperTeece: /etc/X11 | 11:36 |
aeropixie | Styles: :p awesome, but stay in of-topic with that. | 11:36 |
SuperTeece | hey McFrosty, I had the same issue untill I installed fwcutter, it fixed everything | 11:36 |
SuperTeece | thanka LjL | 11:37 |
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harry__ | Can I install Xubuntu on a 700MB hard drive? | 11:37 |
LjL | harry__: doubt it | 11:37 |
McFrosty | Camaxtli: From what the instructions say on the wiki, when I do dmesg i should see that ndiswrapper loader which i do but I will see ndiswrapper: driver ''driver1'' loaded which I don't see...not sure if I these drivers i have work or not | 11:37 |
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McFrosty | SuperTeece: I will look up fwcutter and see | 11:38 |
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PriceChild | harry__, afaik you need about 2Gb of space, 2.5 to be sure for most ubuntu gui installs what with updates | 11:38 |
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nexousNET | Hi, I just selected fluxbox as my session, and now I clicked metacity as my window manager in the menu of fluxbox and my screen is blank but has a mouse icon. | 11:38 |
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void^ | harry__: use a server install. should be enough space to install Xorg, fluxbox and a browser, but not much more than that. | 11:38 |
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whonicca | anyone familiar with how the nautilis build in cd burning program determines write speeds, i put a verbatim disc that is rated for 16x burner in my 16x dvd burner and it only lets me burn up to 6.5x, sometimes with the same brand disc from the same bundle i get 8x as a max | 11:39 |
torger | nexousNET: isn't it great with a nice, clean desktop? ;) | 11:39 |
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nexousNET | torger: so great, but so inaccessible :-p | 11:39 |
dougsko | ?styles | 11:39 |
harry__ | I want to run it as a terminal | 11:39 |
Menasim1 | what is the license of the Ubuntu logo? | 11:39 |
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torger | nexousNET: alt+f2? | 11:39 |
nexousNET | torger: tried that before, nothing. | 11:39 |
Camaxtli | McFrosty: Did you already blacklist the bcm43xx driver, compile the ndiswrapper, installed the windows driver, modprobed nidwrapper and added ndiswrapper to /etc/modules ? | 11:40 |
=== kaushal [i=chatzill@nat/google/x-86f0d1cccf267569] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kaushal | Hi | 11:40 |
nexousNET | okay, I brought it back to login via ctrl alt backspace. gonna log in to session again | 11:40 |
torger | nexousNET: right click? | 11:40 |
kaushal | I want mysql-server package on ubuntu | 11:40 |
nexousNET | torger: didnt work. | 11:40 |
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eilker | is sata2 supported by ubuntu ? | 11:40 |
nexousNET | torger: okay, I logged back in and now I have my theme. hold on | 11:40 |
Nergar | ok, i have a wireless pci card on my pc, (00:09.0 Network controller: RaLink RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI) but i can't get it to connect to anything, when i open the networking window under System > Administration, the card shows up as 1. wlan0 and 2. wmaster0 . and Network-manager doesn't recognizes my card | 11:41 |
McFrosty | I did not blacklist anything...not sure about that didn't see anything about.. I did the make distclean, make, make install, loaded the driver and did the modprobe ndiswraper but thats where I stopped | 11:41 |
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Flannel | kaushal: mysql-server is in main. | 11:41 |
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Env | What's the command line apt-get command to reinstall something? | 11:41 |
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LjL | Env: apt-get --reinstall install packagename | 11:41 |
kaushal | Flannel : pardon i didnot understand | 11:41 |
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Flannel | kaushal: the "mysql-server" package is in the main repository | 11:41 |
theacolyte | LjL: can I PM you a stupid question? :) | 11:41 |
kaushal | ok | 11:42 |
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Nergar | anyone? | 11:42 |
LjL | theacolyte: questions are not stupid... but if you like | 11:42 |
kaushal | iU mysql-server 5.0.22-0ubuntu6.06.2 mysql database server (current version) | 11:42 |
nexousNET | Okay, so like I only have a bar at the bottom of my screen with fluxbox | 11:42 |
kaushal | what does it means | 11:42 |
LjL | !nickspam > eeyore022 (eeyore022, see the private message from Ubotu) | 11:42 |
eilker | is sata2 supported by ubuntu ? | 11:42 |
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nexousNET | How can I have my normal Metacity>K theme with fluxbox menu? | 11:42 |
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=== Ian2qwre is perplexed | ||
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nexousNET | Nevermind actually | 11:43 |
=== Cidwel [n=cidwel@219.Red-83-53-62.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
whonicca | can someone help me out | 11:43 |
nexousNET | How do I go about changing the default icon sizes? | 11:43 |
whonicca | id appreciate it | 11:43 |
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Cidwel | nexousNET, in gnome? | 11:44 |
nexousNET | Cidwel: yes | 11:44 |
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Cidwel | mm | 11:44 |
Camaxtli | McFrosty: PM | 11:44 |
LjL | Nergar: if you go and type "ralink site:ubuntu.com", it sort of looks like rt61 is a pain to get working | 11:44 |
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Nergar | D: | 11:45 |
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Nergar | LjL, i'll take a look | 11:45 |
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Cidwel | i dunno -.-, but you can change one per one the icons size :S | 11:45 |
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nexousNET | Cidwel: I know that, but i just wanted to set defaults. | 11:46 |
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mobomelter | !dualmonitor | 11:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dualmonitor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:48 |
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LjL | !dualhead | 11:48 |
ubotu | Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama | 11:48 |
mobomelter | !dualdisplay | 11:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dualdisplay - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:48 |
LjL | !botabuse | 11:48 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 11:48 |
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ghatak | I have just been hit by a major problem, just updated the normal updates, when i rebooted, there was some stuff in Trash, i just clicked on Empty trash. Before i noticed, it has removed 70% of my disk2 contents. I dont know how that stuff ended up in Trash in the first place. Can i get anything back ? | 11:48 |
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eduhat | how come debian is running super super slow on my computer? | 11:48 |
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LjL | eduhat: ... debian? | 11:49 |
eduhat | sorry... ubuntu | 11:49 |
LjL | eduhat: well, a hard question to answer still. is there anything that's specially slow, and can you compare to some other linux setup? | 11:49 |
kaushal | Hi | 11:49 |
=== Michael_the_choi [n=michaels@adsl-75-15-167-195.dsl.ksc2mo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eduhat | yea. debian ran perfect on my computer | 11:50 |
eduhat | it was debian sarge running gnome | 11:50 |
Cidwel | anyone knows a good repository to download kernel image versions beetween the 15-20 for 686 arch? | 11:50 |
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kaushal | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12398/ | 11:50 |
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Flannel | kaushal: install mysql-server-5.0 | 11:50 |
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Flannel | kaushal: Do you have all the usual repositories? -security and -updates? | 11:51 |
harry__ | Will an Ubuntu Server install take up less than 700MB? | 11:51 |
lontra | eduhat: ubuntu adds much more to a desktop than debian...debian desktops tend to be pretty vanilla | 11:51 |
LjL | eduhat: what flavor of "slow"? much HD activity, or just slow response? or slow startup times for programs? does the slowness also apply to console programs? | 11:51 |
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LjL | harry__: yes | 11:51 |
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kaushal | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 11:51 |
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eduhat | slow response, and slow startup times for programs | 11:51 |
Flannel | kaushal: pastebin your sources.list | 11:51 |
matt_____ | anyone here use keepass or something like it? i need something crossplatform, free, and truthfull works securely to store my passwords in an encrypted file, and i want more features than keepass. any ideas? | 11:51 |
kaushal | ok | 11:51 |
eduhat | console is running good though | 11:51 |
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=== mjorken [n=mjorken@AMontpellier-256-1-53-238.w90-28.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kaushal | how do i check for sources.list | 11:52 |
mobomelter | anyone use dual monitors with ubuntu? | 11:52 |
LjL | mobomelter: the bot didn't help? | 11:52 |
eduhat | the computer has 256mb ram and i think a 700 or 900 mhz processor... pentium 3 | 11:52 |
mobomelter | i'm trying to make it so i can shut my laptop lid and use my tv to monitor it | 11:52 |
mobomelter | not really | 11:52 |
=== Blaza [i=fakemail@ool-182fcc08.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | kaushal: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 11:52 |
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LjL | eduhat: well, that's a bit on the slow side, but if you're just comparing it to debian... still, ubuntu's gnome might be taking up a bit more memory than a vanilla gnome install on debian. but then again you said it's not a HD activity problem... | 11:53 |
=== guerby [n=guerby@gut75-4-82-235-162-148.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mobomelter | hmmm its built in | 11:53 |
eduhat | yea, it has a 12gb hard drive | 11:53 |
razzorz | havin issues installing Limewire... anyone got a idea? | 11:53 |
bnp | any word on when the creative x-fi chip is going to be supported? | 11:53 |
mobomelter | i just need to figure out what i need to do for the output | 11:54 |
eduhat | so how could i speed things up? | 11:54 |
cables | Has anyone use "preload" before? I'm curious if it makes things quicker at all. | 11:54 |
PriceChild | bnp, don't hold your breath | 11:54 |
kaushal | LjL : I am in the command line | 11:54 |
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Shaba1 | Hello | 11:54 |
LjL | kaushal: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list | 11:54 |
kaushal | ok | 11:54 |
Shaba1 | finally I got xubuntu to load and start | 11:54 |
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Shaba1 | So now I am in the linux world | 11:54 |
=== billy [n=billy@c-68-59-65-208.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Shaba1 | And have a million questions | 11:55 |
billy | greetings fellow earth_creatures. | 11:55 |
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dws | how can i find which version of X | 11:55 |
dws | i run? | 11:55 |
gnomefreak | dws: X --version | 11:55 |
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razzorz | when i do sudo apt-get update i get a load of errors.... can anyone help me? | 11:55 |
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gnomefreak | dws: sorry its X -version | 11:56 |
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dws | ok thanks gnomefreak | 11:56 |
gnomefreak | yw | 11:56 |
peaker | razzorz: files missing? your sources.list must be broken - or your net connection | 11:57 |
LjL | eduhat: i said HD *activity* problem - as in the HD bzzzing all the time. not HD space problems. at any rate... you could do a "sudo hdparm -Tt /dev/yourmaindrive" to make sure it's running at full speed ("sudo hdparm -i /dev/drive" will tell you if it's using the DMA mode that it should). then maybe something is generating too many interrupts - check the logs, and if you can try unplugging cards (the soundcard for instance). i believe that the package | 11:57 |
LjL | "sysstat" can give you many statistics about your system, including interrupts, but that's probably not very easy to read | 11:57 |
crimsun | bnp: late '07. binary-only. | 11:57 |
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bnp | thanks | 11:57 |
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kafitz | does anyone know why when i adjust the volume of my speakers in ubuntu i get this extremely loud crackle out of my speakers which i do not get in windows (i have the alc882 chipset) | 11:58 |
kafitz | its ridiculously loud | 11:58 |
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crimsun | kafitz: check your mixer levels. | 11:58 |
mobomelter | using both mointors isn't easylol | 11:59 |
=== razzorz [n=chatzill@S010600400554cebc.va.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kafitz | i turned everything down and still does that | 11:59 |
razzorz | How does one fix there source list? | 11:59 |
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kafitz | i use an external control | 11:59 |
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PriceChild | razzorz, "fix"? | 11:59 |
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crimsun | kafitz: then you likely need a pos_fix | 12:00 |
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kafitz | what is that? | 12:00 |
razzorz | sure .. well i am gettin issues when i type get-update | 12:00 |
razzorz | i want to get it sorted out.. where do i start? | 12:00 |
LjL | crimsun: now i know what you meant when you explained to me why the "registers" in VIA soundcards aren't set to the maximum by default... the card i have *now* is quite terrible with that =) | 12:00 |
crimsun | kafitz: modinfo snd-hda-intel |grep position_fix | 12:00 |
PriceChild | razzorz, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list _AND_ the errors please :) | 12:00 |
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