=== LaserJock is now known as Laser_away | ||
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greenflubber | hello | 03:20 |
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knix_ | where can I find the handbook for edubuntu feisty? | 03:29 |
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knix_ | !feisty | 03:35 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 03:35 |
knix_ | !handbook | 03:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about handbook - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:38 |
Tm_T | !info feisty handbook | 03:39 |
ubotu | Package feisty does not exist in edgy | 03:39 |
Tm_T | bah | 03:40 |
Tm_T | !info handbook | 03:40 |
ubotu | Package handbook does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas | 03:40 |
Tm_T | :( | 03:40 |
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jgedeon | Is there a change log for Edubuntu feisty? | 03:44 |
Laser_away | jgedeon: it's very difficult to do a changelog at the distro level | 03:47 |
=== Laser_away is now known as LaserJock | ||
jgedeon | Ok wasn't sure if I was looking in the right places. | 03:47 |
LaserJock | the release notes will be the best that I can think of | 03:48 |
jgedeon | Yes that was what I was sifting through... | 03:49 |
=== LinuxProbie [n=rollerce@S010600112f2ad294.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #edubuntu | ||
LinuxProbie | Hello? *peers into quiet room* | 03:56 |
Kamping_Kaiser | *starts creeping forward* | 03:57 |
=== LaserJock jumps on LinuxProbie | ||
cafuego_ | *throws spaghetti* | 03:57 |
jgedeon | LaserJock: what did you do to LinuxProbie for him to run like that? | 03:59 |
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sbalneav | Evening all | 04:22 |
ajmitch | hi sbalneav | 04:22 |
=== LinuxProbie [n=rollerce@S010600112f2ad294.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #edubuntu | ||
LinuxProbie | Hallo? | 04:46 |
sbalneav | Hello | 04:46 |
=== HedgeMage peeks in | ||
bonbonthejon | hi | 04:47 |
HedgeMage | hi | 04:47 |
HedgeMage | what's up? | 04:47 |
sbalneav | Hey HedgeMage | 04:47 |
=== LaserJock doesn't jump on LinuxProbie | ||
HedgeMage | how are you, sbalneav ? | 04:47 |
=== HedgeMage jumps on LaserJock | ||
sbalneav | Doin' fine. | 04:47 |
sbalneav | You? | 04:48 |
HedgeMage | Quite happy... finally have a new laptop on order. | 04:48 |
=== HedgeMage bounces impatiently | ||
LinuxProbie | what brand? | 04:51 |
HedgeMage | A Dell... I have a slight preference for Toshiba, but I'm a girl on a budget. | 04:52 |
bonbonthejon | any one involved in documentation? | 04:52 |
LinuxProbie | Dell = Fantastic warranties | 04:53 |
sbalneav | I'm quite happy with my System76 laptop. | 04:53 |
sbalneav | Which, came with Ubuntu pre-installed, I might add! :) | 04:54 |
HedgeMage | bonbonthejon: I was when I still had time ;) | 05:01 |
HedgeMage | bonbonthejon: are you the jon who just applied for handbook team membership? | 05:01 |
sbalneav | bonbonthejon: I've done a bit | 05:01 |
bonbonthejon | HedgeMage: yeah | 05:01 |
bonbonthejon | sbalneav: I have a rough draft for the networking page in the handbook | 05:02 |
HedgeMage | bonbonthejon: nifty. the project really needs people... I'm only really there in spirit any more. | 05:02 |
sbalneav | Cool. | 05:02 |
sbalneav | Email it to me, if you'd like | 05:02 |
sbalneav | sbalneav@ltsp.org | 05:02 |
bonbonthejon | HedgeMage: I also am getting some old computers, I was thinking of setting up a edubuntu server and some clients and trying stuff | 05:02 |
HedgeMage | bonbonthejon: awesome. | 05:03 |
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bonbonthejon | sbalneav: sent | 05:04 |
sbalneav | thx | 05:06 |
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tidrion | how much disk space is needed for edubunutu? | 05:59 |
tidrion | PPC | 06:00 |
tidrion | 6.10 off of live cd | 06:00 |
LaserJock | oh, about 2GB | 06:01 |
tidrion | cool | 06:04 |
tidrion | lol 3.3 gig drive :-) | 06:04 |
tidrion | old laptop | 06:04 |
tidrion | ran OS X 10.3.9 | 06:04 |
tidrion | figured edubuntu should scream | 06:04 |
tidrion | okay, scream no | 06:04 |
tidrion | but you know what I mean | 06:04 |
tidrion | does ubuntu not support wpa or am I just an idiot and no linux does | 06:05 |
bonbonthejon | tidrion: there is a package, like wpa_suppliant, or something | 06:07 |
LaserJock | it should work with Network Manager | 06:07 |
tidrion | thanks bonbon | 06:08 |
tidrion | can't wait to get edu up and running | 06:08 |
tidrion | I think my kids will love it | 06:08 |
tidrion | have three other iMacs I may put it on if it works on this laptop | 06:08 |
tidrion | can't wait till the server/client from 7.04 is available for PPC | 06:08 |
tidrion | I think it will be fun just to set up :-) | 06:09 |
cafuego_ | tidrion: I've found iMacs work very nicely with ltsp. | 06:09 |
tidrion | okay, this sucks I have to ask this | 06:09 |
tidrion | what is ltsp | 06:09 |
cafuego_ | tidrion: I ran 4 of them off a singl amd64 server last year | 06:09 |
=== tidrion is not a linux guy | ||
=== tidrion wants to be, but isn't yet | ||
cafuego_ | tidrion: LTSP = Linux Terminal Server - using the imacs as a thin client. | 06:10 |
tidrion | IAHH! | 06:10 |
tidrion | gotcha | 06:10 |
tidrion | is if LTSP chroot fails on install | 06:10 |
tidrion | worry? | 06:10 |
tidrion | or don't? | 06:10 |
bonbonthejon | !enter | 06:10 |
ubotu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 06:10 |
tidrion | sorry | 06:10 |
bonbonthejon | tidrion: its ok | 06:10 |
LaserJock | lol, I haven't seen that one before | 06:11 |
tidrion | I have | 06:11 |
tidrion | terrible habit of hitting enter after each thought instead of completing it before hitting it | 06:11 |
cafuego_ | http://www.cafuego.net/stuff/iMacEdubuntuArraySmall.jp | 06:12 |
cafuego_ | g | 06:12 |
=== jbrefort [n=jean@mar44-2-82-227-215-241.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #edubuntu | ||
bonbonthejon | cafuego_: thats pretty sweet | 06:12 |
tidrion | very sweet | 06:12 |
cafuego_ | bonbonthejon: Yep. I set them up for software freedom day, so people could have a poke. | 06:13 |
tidrion | bbiab, need to check the install | 06:13 |
bonbonthejon | cafuego_: was it easy to install the imacs? I might have access to one soon | 06:13 |
cafuego_ | bonbonthejon: They all netboot, so all you need really is for open firmware to be set to look for a bootp server. | 06:14 |
cafuego_ | bonbonthejon: Or hold down 'n' at bootup. | 06:14 |
tidrion | aight | 06:20 |
tidrion | I'm back | 06:20 |
tidrion | still on the partition | 06:20 |
tidrion | !enter | 06:20 |
ubotu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 06:20 |
tidrion | :-( like I said, bad bad habit | 06:21 |
tidrion | hey | 06:38 |
tidrion | trying to install on my iMac now, getting an orange screen takes me right back to boot disc selector | 06:38 |
tidrion | nvm, just didn't like running off of a firewire cd rom drive | 06:40 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser casts level 5 foo at imac | ||
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tidrion | night all, thanks for the help and sorry for the enter spam | 07:01 |
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cello_rasp | hi, is anyone in here using edubuntu? if so, could you tell me the name of the application theme it uses? the one with the red highlights? | 11:24 |
highvoltage | cello_rasp: I think you can install edubuntu-artwork and choose the edubuntu theme in the gtk theme chooser | 11:28 |
cello_rasp | it dodm | 11:29 |
cello_rasp | didn't come with edubuntu-artwork in edgy.. | 11:30 |
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chin1 | hey guys for some pc's on the network that you would have manual installs... is there some type of server/client type system where you can controll waht updates the clients install ? | 03:44 |
chin1 | something like wsus for windows ? | 03:45 |
sbalneav | chin1: Not sure what you're asking for? Are you looking for an automated installation procedure? | 03:52 |
highvoltage | chin1: are you running LTSP? | 03:57 |
highvoltage | chin1: if so, you can just install the software on the server | 03:58 |
highvoltage | chin1: if it's single workstations running ubuntu, it's probably best that you ask on #ubuntu | 03:58 |
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chin1 | no im just hypathosizing about the future | 04:03 |
chin1 | if you have a machine that is manually installed and not using ltsp | 04:03 |
chin1 | as a network admin you want to conrol what udates ubuntu is advertising if you know what i mean | 04:03 |
chin1 | the little systray icon says thre is new updates | 04:04 |
chin1 | but then they go and update their kernel without knowing what htey are doing and end up with issues | 04:04 |
chin1 | i mean as an admin you would like to have controll over automate updates | 04:04 |
sbalneav | They won't get the tray icon unless they're a member of the admin group | 04:13 |
sbalneav | Normally, you wouldn't add regular users to the admin group. | 04:13 |
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bddebian | Heya | 04:20 |
sbalneav | hey bddebian | 04:24 |
bddebian | Hello sbalneav | 04:24 |
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=== Finally [n=Finally@ADijon-259-1-63-129.w90-33.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #edubuntu | ||
Finally | Pichour Tout Le Monde !!! | 05:16 |
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chin1 | ok but like i said this is a special local install mode lets say for a teacher who wants their own ubuntu | 05:23 |
chin1 | they want to instal and control stuff | 05:23 |
chin1 | you should allow that but at the same time also try to stop them from fucking them selves up as much as possible | 05:23 |
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Laser_away | chin1: you'd probably want to either not let the teacher be in the admin group and do the updates yourself or maybe do some sort of apt-proxy that will filter out what you don't want | 05:40 |
Laser_away | on a stable release though updates should be fine | 05:41 |
knix_ | I am installing edubuntu feisty beta classroom server as we speak. Where will I find the documentation on setting up the server for classroom use? | 05:41 |
Laser_away | knix_: in the Help | 05:41 |
knix_ | ty Laser_away | 05:41 |
cbx33 | hey Laser_away | 05:41 |
=== knix_ is now known as stormchas3f | ||
Laser_away | knix just type in LTSP in the search bar | 05:42 |
=== stormchas3f is now known as stormchas3r | ||
Laser_away | stormchas3r: actually http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/handbook/C/ might be more updated | 05:43 |
stormchas3r | great, ty | 05:43 |
stormchas3r | is it pretty much the same as the dapper version, with ltsp and all? | 05:43 |
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Laser_away | I think things are a bit different | 05:44 |
Laser_away | I think it's easier to set up | 05:44 |
stormchas3r | thats even better | 05:45 |
stormchas3r | ty | 05:45 |
stormchas3r | can you update the beta to the full version when it comes out, or do you have to reinstall? | 05:45 |
Laser_away | you should be able to update | 05:47 |
stormchas3r | great - I cant wait for the feisty to come out. I am hoping to get this in a technical high school for the labs | 05:47 |
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=== Laser_away is now known as LaserJock | ||
LaserJock | ogra: have you had a chance to see the new About Edubuntu? | 06:49 |
=== Rondom [n=Rondom@p57A9700D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu | ||
ogra | LaserJock, nope i didnt, i just uploaded it :) | 06:54 |
ogra | i trust you tested it | 06:54 |
LaserJock | ogra: you have to relogin to see it but it works | 06:55 |
LaserJock | I tried it this morning | 06:55 |
ogra | good | 06:56 |
LaserJock | ogra: the only thing I think maybe I need to do is adjust the icon | 06:56 |
LaserJock | I used distributor-logo | 06:56 |
ogra | which one is it using ? | 06:56 |
ogra | thats right | 06:56 |
LaserJock | ok cool | 06:56 |
ogra | without any path i hope | 06:56 |
LaserJock | I tested on an Ubuntu box with edubuntu-docs installed | 06:56 |
ogra | the paths have changed, edubuntu-artwork isnt updated yet | 06:56 |
LaserJock | so it was an Ubuntu icon | 06:56 |
LaserJock | no paths of course | 06:56 |
ogra | yeah, known bug | 06:56 |
ogra | what about yelp ? | 06:57 |
LaserJock | well, I swear mdke did a patch to add the Handbook to the frontpage | 06:57 |
LaserJock | but there's been some changes to that patch | 06:57 |
LaserJock | and I don't see it now | 06:58 |
LaserJock | I gotta chase it up with mdke to make sure it's there | 06:58 |
ogra | ok | 06:58 |
LaserJock | but all the docs are there and the About Edubuntu icon | 06:58 |
ogra | wha does the icon open ? | 06:58 |
ogra | yelp | 06:58 |
ogra | ? | 06:58 |
LaserJock | if you do a search for ltsp in the yelp you get the edubuntu docs | 06:58 |
LaserJock | yelp ghelp:about-edubuntu | 06:58 |
ogra | ugh | 06:59 |
ogra | the release notes i have here are funny old ... | 06:59 |
ogra | (whats new) | 06:59 |
ogra | thats dapper iirc | 07:00 |
=== jgedeon [n=joe@oh-67-77-123-4.sta.embarqhsd.net] has joined #edubuntu | ||
LaserJock | ogra: the Handbook is also not finished | 07:06 |
ogra | i'll look at it | 07:08 |
LaserJock | most of the stuff in the workstation section is no done | 07:08 |
jgedeon | Hello everyone. I come to your expertise in a problem that I am encountering. Background is: Main system has Edubutnu 6.10 full installation on it. Stopped using it and now doesn't support LTSP clients for some reason. Built new system just for Edubuntu Server default install with single nic dhcpd3 has been romoved. Now when booting the TC will start to boot off of Edubuntu Server and then go to the main machine. If I take the main | 07:08 |
jgedeon | machine off the network then a buzybox error displayed. /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off | 07:08 |
LaserJock | but I think we can just rely on the Ubuntu docs for that | 07:08 |
ogra | yeah | 07:09 |
ogra | i wonder why i dont get it offered in u-m | 07:09 |
LaserJock | edubuntu-docs? | 07:09 |
LaserJock | cbx33: pingy pingy | 07:10 |
LaserJock | ogra: btw, do you know who's doing Edubuntu SoC mentoring? I only know of myself and Pete | 07:10 |
ogra | LaserJock, nope, dunno about anyone else ... | 07:11 |
LaserJock | :( | 07:11 |
ogra | i will mentor a parental control projec if someone steps up for it | 07:11 |
LaserJock | there are a ton of applications | 07:11 |
ogra | but wont do any random mentoring | 07:11 |
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=== ogra wonders how sbalneav came to 256 + (60 * users) MB for memory requirement computing | ||
ogra | we require 128M per user | 07:19 |
LaserJock | I wondered as well | 07:19 |
LaserJock | so it should be 256 + (128 * users)MB ? | 07:20 |
ogra | yes | 07:20 |
ogra | with 60 you can probably run xubuntu | 07:20 |
ogra | can you drop priting and upgrading ? | 07:22 |
ogra | from the server docs in the handbook | 07:22 |
ogra | upgrading is handled under maintenance | 07:22 |
ogra | and printing in the lts.conf section | 07:23 |
ogra | urgh | 07:23 |
ogra | and it says Microsoft in some places it seems in the adopted parts of ESA | 07:23 |
ogra | that needs to be wiped/changed | 07:24 |
ogra | we're not allowed to use that trademark i think | 07:24 |
ogra | eeek | 07:24 |
=== ogra reads Adobe Photosho | ||
ogra | s//p | 07:24 |
cbx33 | pongitypongity | 07:28 |
cbx33 | LaserJock, | 07:28 |
LaserJock | cbx33: we need an update to the edubuntu docs for scp -> tcm | 07:28 |
cbx33 | i thought i sent that through yonks ago | 07:29 |
LaserJock | cbx33: to where? | 07:29 |
cbx33 | well obviously I didn't | 07:29 |
LaserJock | well, that's not exactly obvious | 07:30 |
ogra | i thought you included that in the tcm package | 07:30 |
Burgwork | yay! work gave me a Windows Vista laptop to admin | 07:30 |
LaserJock | I've been chasing down various "things that should be there but seem to have gotten lost" | 07:30 |
Burgwork | I am so please | 07:30 |
Burgwork | d | 07:30 |
LaserJock | Burgwork: can you dual-boot it? | 07:30 |
Burgwork | I plan to | 07:30 |
LaserJock | ogra: we aren't shipping blender anymore are we? | 07:31 |
LaserJock | it's in Universe | 07:31 |
Burgwork | and I also plan to not grant any users admin rights | 07:31 |
ogra | nope | 07:31 |
cbx33 | nope | 07:31 |
LaserJock | ogra: so that takes out the photoshop reference ;-) | 07:31 |
ogra | Burgwork, bah, lamer, do a single boot of edubuntu | 07:31 |
cbx33 | why? | 07:31 |
cbx33 | photoshop != blender | 07:31 |
ogra | LaserJock, nope, thats in the gimp section | 07:31 |
Burgwork | ogra: sadly, I have been told "the sales guys need a windows laptop for the road" | 07:31 |
LaserJock | ogra: you sure? | 07:32 |
LaserJock | bah | 07:32 |
ogra | LaserJock, pretty, yes | 07:32 |
LaserJock | I guess I shouldn't be doing this via grep | 07:32 |
ogra | Burgwork, bah, just tell him its vista | 07:32 |
Burgwork | heh | 07:32 |
ogra | i bet he has never seen it before | 07:32 |
cbx33 | heeh | 07:32 |
Burgwork | lol | 07:32 |
cbx33 | vista does look rather different | 07:32 |
cbx33 | in some places | 07:32 |
ogra | how would he know | 07:33 |
LaserJock | Burgwork: imbrandon has a Vista theme for KDE | 07:33 |
Burgwork | hmm | 07:33 |
cbx33 | noooooo | 07:33 |
cbx33 | :p | 07:33 |
Burgwork | http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=28352 | 07:33 |
Burgwork | http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=42875 | 07:33 |
LaserJock | so.... | 07:37 |
LaserJock | how do we talk about MS Office without saying MS Office | 07:37 |
cbx33 | proprietary office suites | 07:37 |
ogra | yeah | 07:38 |
cbx33 | commerical office suites | 07:38 |
LaserJock | ogra: are you doing any of these edits? | 07:38 |
LaserJock | ogra: I've got it open so I can do it here | 07:39 |
ogra | i wouldnt even know how :) | 07:39 |
LaserJock | hehe, blame it on ignorance ;-) | 07:40 |
cbx33 | hahaha | 07:40 |
ogra | i'm the all time proof reader | 07:40 |
LaserJock | OpenOffice.org is a complete office suite similar to other, commercial, | 07:42 |
LaserJock | office suite. | 07:42 |
cbx33 | +s | 07:42 |
ogra | yeah | 07:42 |
LaserJock | yeah | 07:42 |
cbx33 | no comma after commercial | 07:42 |
LaserJock | OpenOffice.org can open and convert most documents from the other commerical office suite | 07:43 |
LaserJock | should I use plural again there? | 07:43 |
cbx33 | drop the "the" | 07:43 |
cbx33 | from other commercial office suites | 07:43 |
LaserJock | can it open Word Perfect files, for instance? | 07:43 |
ogra | well, you dont say how these dcs have to be saved :) | 07:44 |
ogra | *docs | 07:44 |
LaserJock | ah | 07:44 |
ogra | even gedit can open rtf ;) | 07:44 |
LaserJock | the power of being extremely vague | 07:44 |
cbx33 | indeed | 07:45 |
cbx33 | if M$ can get away with it by saying every next version of their os is "better" in the install procedure | 07:45 |
cbx33 | so can we ;) | 07:45 |
LaserJock | ok, what about Photoshop? | 07:45 |
LaserJock | commercial image editor? | 07:46 |
ogra | Image editing similar to Adobe Photoshop is done using the | 07:46 |
ogra | GIMP. Scribus provides layout and publishing capabilites similar to Adobe | 07:46 |
ogra | Illustrator. | 07:46 |
ogra | and commercial vector editors | 07:46 |
cbx33 | hmm | 07:46 |
cbx33 | what about commercial desktop publishing software | 07:47 |
ogra | Image editing similar to other professional photo editors is done usong the gimp | 07:47 |
ogra | *using the GIMP | 07:47 |
stormchas3r | Does the install usually hang at 85% for you guys with feisty beta? | 07:47 |
ogra | Scribus provides layout and desktop publiching capabilities. | 07:48 |
ogra | *publishing | 07:48 |
ogra | stormchas3r, not for me, no ... | 07:48 |
stormchas3r | hmmmm | 07:48 |
ogra | i tested all server and desktop isos ... not the dvd though | 07:48 |
stormchas3r | ya, its hanging at 85% br1tty-x11 for me | 07:49 |
ogra | server or desktop ? | 07:49 |
stormchas3r | classroom server | 07:49 |
ogra | hmm, didnt have any probs here ... i did several installs esecially of the server i386 iso | 07:50 |
LaserJock | ogra: so drop Illustrator altogether? | 07:50 |
ogra | yeah | 07:50 |
cbx33 | yes | 07:50 |
ogra | or add quark, pagemaker, freehand ... etc | 07:50 |
ogra | :P | 07:50 |
stormchas3r | maybe ill just let it sit there and hope that it finishes | 07:50 |
ogra | stgraber, check on console 4 what its doing | 07:51 |
LaserJock | ok, one more file to fix | 07:52 |
LaserJock | introduction.xml | 07:52 |
LaserJock | Most educational computer networks are a mixture of Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X and Linux systems. | 07:52 |
cbx33 | mixture of commercial operating systems | 07:53 |
cbx33 | and linux system | 07:53 |
ogra | Most educational computer networks are heterogenous networks consisting of various operating systems. | 07:54 |
LaserJock | ok, so the only Microsoft reference left is: | 07:56 |
LaserJock | X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL = "Microsoft" | 07:56 |
LaserJock | in server.xml | 07:56 |
LaserJock | I think that's ok isn't it? | 07:57 |
ogra | well, that should be microsoft, but yes thats ok | 08:02 |
ogra | ps2 is pointless, its autodetected | 08:03 |
ogra | actually there should be the example file in there we ship in ltsp rather | 08:03 |
=== tidrion [n=cescalan@mail.ogdenpubs.com] has joined #edubuntu | ||
tidrion | hello, how is everyone doing? | 08:04 |
tidrion | anyone successfully installed edubuntu on a toilet seat iBook? | 08:05 |
LaserJock | ogra: the Customization section of chpt 4 is empty, should I remove it? | 08:05 |
ogra | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12571/ | 08:07 |
ogra | yes, remove it | 08:07 |
LaserJock | ogra: what do you want me to do with that paste? | 08:07 |
ogra | LaserJock, is it hard to replace the example lts.conf with it ? | 08:08 |
ogra | thats the one we ship in ltsp-client | 08:08 |
LaserJock | np, on it | 08:11 |
LaserJock | gotta fix up the "Documentation and Support" section real quick to reflect Feisty | 08:12 |
ogra | you mean 4.3 ? | 08:13 |
ogra | looks good to me | 08:13 |
LaserJock | except it's for "Supplied Documentation" is written for Edgy ;-) | 08:15 |
ogra | oh, we have no help center anymore | 08:18 |
LaserJock | we do | 08:20 |
LaserJock | it's just topic based | 08:20 |
LaserJock | we don't have a help menu | 08:20 |
ogra | yeah | 08:20 |
LaserJock | just System->Help | 08:20 |
LaserJock | ok, lts.conf replaced | 08:21 |
ogra | yay, thanks | 08:23 |
LaserJock | anything else? | 08:24 |
ogra | not currently, no ... | 08:24 |
=== knix_ [n=knix@c-24-127-177-208.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu | ||
knix_ | still hanging at 85%, :( | 08:25 |
ogra | what does console4 say ? (hit alt-f4) | 08:25 |
knix_ | well it looks like i need to plug it in to the network, i did not know this | 08:26 |
tidrion | knix_ is your install hanging at 85? | 08:26 |
tidrion | knix_ thats what mine was at when I left home | 08:27 |
knix_ | tidrion, for like an hour | 08:27 |
tidrion | knix_ crap, I don't have a network on mine yet either, need a hub for it | 08:27 |
ogra | you shouldnt need any network for installs | 08:27 |
knix_ | but know that i am looking at the console thanks to ogra, it is installing | 08:27 |
ogra | i usually test the isos on an unplugged laptop | 08:27 |
tidrion | ogra: it asks a bunch of times to setup even after you tell it not to | 08:28 |
knix_ | woot - cleaning up phase | 08:28 |
tidrion | ogra: I skipped what it would let me, but mine was at 85% as well | 08:28 |
ogra | did you file a bug on debian.installer for that ? | 08:28 |
tidrion | ogra; nope | 08:28 |
ogra | *debian-instaler | 08:28 |
knix_ | tidrion, check the console when you get home | 08:28 |
ogra | grmbl | 08:28 |
ogra | *debian-installer | 08:29 |
ogra | now its right | 08:29 |
tidrion | knix_ I will, thanks | 08:29 |
knix_ | you guys take it easy, lata | 08:29 |
=== tidrion can't wait for edubuntu to install, loves ubuntu and thinks his kids will love edubuntu | ||
ogra | make sure you have the addon cd ... it has many of the edu apps now | 08:29 |
tidrion | ??? | 08:30 |
ogra | in feisty edubuntu was split to a two CD release | 08:30 |
tidrion | Ahhh cool | 08:30 |
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LaserJock | ogra: are you going through the whole handbook now? | 08:45 |
ogra | no | 08:46 |
ogra | i just closed it .. i just checked the neural points i found last time i looked | 08:46 |
ogra | and i didnt find any other weird stuff yet ... i'll have a close read on the weekend | 08:47 |
LaserJock | ogra: ok, the only other thing I see is the About Edubuntu | 08:47 |
ogra | you mean the icon ? or the text in yelp ? | 08:47 |
LaserJock | the text | 08:47 |
LaserJock | there's a "What's New" section | 08:48 |
LaserJock | I wonder if that's really for Feisty or Edgy | 08:48 |
ogra | not i mine | 08:48 |
ogra | *in | 08:49 |
ogra | at least not in: yelp ghelp:about-edubuntu | 08:49 |
ogra | # 1.About the Name | 08:49 |
ogra | # 2.Free Software | 08:49 |
ogra | # 3.The Difference | 08:49 |
ogra | # 4.The Desktop | 08:49 |
ogra | # 5.Version and Release Numbers | 08:49 |
LaserJock | there isn't a "What's new in Edubuntu 7.04"? | 08:49 |
ogra | # 6.Backing and Support | 08:49 |
ogra | # 7.What is Linux? | 08:49 |
ogra | # 8.What is GNU? | 08:49 |
ogra | thats all i have here | 08:49 |
LaserJock | ohhh | 08:49 |
ogra | 0.6-1 | 08:50 |
LaserJock | hmm | 08:50 |
tidrion | !enter :-) | 08:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about enter :-) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:50 |
tidrion | !enter | 08:50 |
ubotu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 08:50 |
LaserJock | ogra: I was just looking at doc.ubuntu.com as I'm at work | 08:50 |
ogra | ah | 08:50 |
tidrion | :-) got used on me last night, had to try it | 08:50 |
ogra | that part appears fixed ... | 08:50 |
LaserJock | k, cool | 08:51 |
ogra | 0.5-1 had that wrong with dapper data | 08:51 |
LaserJock | I'll commit what I have here and wait for further stuff from cbx33 and your review over the weekend | 08:51 |
ogra | ok | 08:52 |
tidrion | anything I can do to help guys | 08:52 |
=== tidrion is a copy editor, online marketer and PHP, ROR programmer exploit him at your will | ||
tidrion | :-) | 08:53 |
ogra | tidrion, we'Re currently working through the documentation for the release ... do you run feisty ? | 08:54 |
tidrion | nope | 08:54 |
tidrion | but I can | 08:54 |
tidrion | no I can't | 08:54 |
ogra | proofreading is always welcome | 08:54 |
tidrion | no ppc version :-( | 08:54 |
ogra | as well as install tests and software tests | 08:54 |
=== tidrion is also a mac fan boy | ||
ogra | i havent cared much for ppc this release as we dropped official support for it ... but i hope i can do at least some testing before feisty is out | 08:55 |
=== stelis [n=se@82-71-4-26.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #edubuntu | ||
ogra | there should be a ppc iso on ports.ubuntu.com i think | 08:55 |
tidrion | what? | 08:55 |
tidrion | no PPC support? | 08:55 |
LaserJock | no offcial support | 08:55 |
LaserJock | it's community supported now | 08:55 |
=== tidrion hates that word :-) | ||
ogra | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/daily/current/ | 08:56 |
tidrion | the official one not community | 08:56 |
ogra | oh. its oversized ... | 08:56 |
tidrion | score ogra, I'll install on my old iMac gladly proofread | 08:56 |
tidrion | ? | 08:56 |
ogra | will only work from DVD | 08:56 |
ogra | until i find time to chop it | 08:57 |
tidrion | dang | 08:57 |
tidrion | my iMacs only have CD drives | 08:57 |
tidrion | still can proofread | 08:57 |
ogra | install edgy and upgrade :) | 08:57 |
ogra | upgrade tests are good as well :) | 08:57 |
tidrion | !upgrade | 08:59 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 08:59 |
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tidrion | will do | 09:00 |
tidrion | sorry, needed the instructions fastest way I could think of | 09:00 |
SnrWhippy | hey tidrion you using edu then? | 09:01 |
tidrion | both | 09:01 |
tidrion | ubuntu 6.06 edubuntu 6.10 | 09:01 |
SnrWhippy | excellent do you work in a school? | 09:01 |
tidrion | nope, doing it for my kids, mom sits on the technology board and I've walked her through edubuntu she loves it | 09:02 |
tidrion | and that was off the live cd :-) | 09:02 |
SnrWhippy | good stuff yeah its great for home use. I'm trying to get used to it so i can run our school off it | 09:03 |
SnrWhippy | bit more complicated its all m$ where i work | 09:03 |
tidrion | lol, always an issue | 09:03 |
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tidrion | funny thing was that I inherited my moms old pC, I've been a mac guy since I was 12 and win just totally crawled on this machine, put ubuntu on it and sprang to life | 09:04 |
SnrWhippy | just drivers always the trickiest in linux i always have trouble with graphics and wifi cards | 09:04 |
tidrion | loved the distro and its offspring ever since | 09:04 |
tidrion | my wifi card went smooth, my actual graphics card still doesn't work but the onboard does so thats what I'm using right now | 09:05 |
tidrion | I don't even know what GFX card is in that machine | 09:05 |
tidrion | no label, code anything | 09:05 |
tidrion | can't wait to get a new one | 09:05 |
SnrWhippy | yeah not nice | 09:06 |
tidrion | that machine should totally rock once I slap some more ram and a GFX card in it | 09:06 |
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SnrWhippy | yeah always good to pack in the ram | 09:06 |
tidrion | my company is having a fire sale going to buy up some iMacs on the cheap and try running server and client | 09:07 |
cliebow__ | tidrion, be sure they have open firmware | 09:08 |
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jgedeon | cliebow__: Thank you for your help all the systems are up and running now. Thanks again! You saved what little hair I had left. LOL | 09:18 |
cliebow__ | heh,...what did you find out?? | 09:19 |
cliebow__ | like stale nfs mounts maybe? | 09:20 |
=== mmtb is now known as mbialon | ||
jgedeon | cliebow__: no after taking the IP address out it started working. Nothing after that was changed. It was just acting up or something. | 09:25 |
cliebow__ | well glad you arte back in action just the same.. | 09:25 |
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SnrWhippy | anyone good with wine? | 09:40 |
sbalneav | ogra: ping | 09:40 |
ogra | pong | 09:40 |
sbalneav | See planet? | 09:40 |
sbalneav | Guess who blogged. | 09:41 |
=== ogra looks | ||
ogra | whee, a long one ! | 09:42 |
ogra | thanks for the praise :) | 09:45 |
=== ogra still didt get around to post his italian sightseeing phototour | ||
sbalneav | I don't know why my titles keep getting doubled. | 09:46 |
tidrion | cliebow__ open firmware? | 09:47 |
tidrion | cliebow__ do all macs not have it? | 09:47 |
LaserJock | SnrWhippy: drinking it? ;-) | 09:48 |
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sbalneav | SnrWhippy: What do you need? | 09:49 |
SnrWhippy | sorry was in other room | 09:49 |
SnrWhippy | yeah drinking it is easier than understanding it | 09:50 |
cliebow__ | before a certain time g3 had no open firmware..no netboot..i think macs should be fine..but since i cant be sure what they call the things..it might not hurt to verify | 09:50 |
SnrWhippy | ive got it installed but its like now what | 09:50 |
SnrWhippy | i need an example prog that works | 09:50 |
sbalneav | Well, what was it that you WANTED to use wine for? | 09:51 |
SnrWhippy | i tried google talk and wine didnt run it well at all | 09:51 |
tidrion | cliebow__ what is the easiest way to check | 09:51 |
SnrWhippy | to emulate windows apps | 09:51 |
ogra | ********* Reminder edubuntu meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 10 minutes ********** | 09:51 |
SnrWhippy | i was hoping on running a few windows apps with wine | 09:51 |
cliebow__ | if you got one boot and quick hold down cmd-opt o f at the same time.. | 09:51 |
cliebow__ | good exercise if nothing else | 09:51 |
sbalneav | Well, some will work, and others won't. Best way to learn is to try the ones you want. | 09:52 |
SnrWhippy | how do i direct a question to someone in gaim too | 09:52 |
sbalneav | Ask the question, and if someone knows, they'll answer :) | 09:52 |
tidrion | yeah, I do | 09:52 |
tidrion | I've done that never knew that meant open firmware | 09:52 |
tidrion | thats where i run reset-all | 09:52 |
tidrion | clears up so many issues | 09:52 |
tidrion | SO MANY ISSUES | 09:52 |
tidrion | :-) | 09:53 |
cliebow__ | Scottie..nice to sse your mug again 8~) | 09:53 |
sbalneav | :) | 09:53 |
cliebow__ | right now a better solution for me would be a sohrt pier to drop em off | 09:53 |
sbalneav | SnrWhippy: at winehq.org, they've got a great database of which windows apps work, and how well they work. | 09:54 |
sbalneav | You might want to check thay out. | 09:54 |
SnrWhippy | yeah i looked at that but it never really explained the process of getting them to work | 09:54 |
SnrWhippy | do you just download an app and run it by typing wine setup.exe in terminal? | 09:55 |
SnrWhippy | and keep your fingers crossed | 09:55 |
sbalneav | Yep, that's about it. | 09:56 |
SnrWhippy | oh really? excellent what do you run in wine? | 09:56 |
SnrWhippy | its nice to hear if anyone uses anything usefull | 09:56 |
sbalneav | I've run a bunch of things in wine. Several legal programs here at work, | 09:57 |
sbalneav | and at home, for the kids, Warcraft 3, and Starcraft. | 09:57 |
pips1 | ah, the games :) | 09:57 |
SnrWhippy | yeah lol always the games | 09:57 |
SnrWhippy | maybe i should try UT | 09:58 |
SnrWhippy | theres probably an ubuntu install though | 09:58 |
sbalneav | Me, I prefer playing warzone2100. I like tanks :) | 09:59 |
pips1 | I've installed Internet Explorer with wine - for website compatibility testing | 09:59 |
ogra | ********* Reminder edubuntu meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 1 minute ********** | 09:59 |
cliebow__ | ogra:i'll look in from home.. | 10:01 |
ogra | ********* Reminder edubuntu meeting in #ubuntu-meeting now ********** | 10:02 |
=== mbialon is now known as mmtb | ||
SnrWhippy | yes ie with wine was it easy! | 10:14 |
SnrWhippy | pips1 thats perfect | 10:14 |
SnrWhippy | would be great if i could use ie tab in firefox | 10:16 |
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Burgwork | RichEd-1: ping | 10:58 |
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pips1 | ogra: just want to run a couple of quick questions of issues I ran into testing 7.04 beta by you... | 11:21 |
pips1 | small issues I noticed (tell me if you *aren't* aware of these) | 11:22 |
pips1 | GDM Options: icons missing | 11:23 |
pips1 | Update-manager: Visible Carriage Returns in German localisation | 11:23 |
pips1 | Gcompris: crash after clicking 'Start TuxPaint' | 11:23 |
ogra | hmm | 11:28 |
ogra | thats odd, indeed tucpaint isnt installed by default anymore since the switch to the addon CD | 11:28 |
pips1 | right | 11:29 |
pips1 | but I have installed tuxpaint from the add-on cd... | 11:30 |
ogra | gdm is known, i'm wroing on it | 11:30 |
=== pips1 checks again | ||
ogra | u-m is worth a bug if there isnt one already | 11:30 |
ogra | but given that mvo is german i guess he will see it in time for release :) | 11:30 |
ogra | gcompris needs deeper lookin at ... can you file a bug for that ? | 11:30 |
pips1 | ok | 11:31 |
pips1 | erm, is tuxpaint available on the add-on cd at all? | 11:31 |
=== ogra was so happy it works all out of the box in ltsp now .,.. including sound ... | ||
=== pips1 pops the add-on cd in | ||
ogra | yes | 11:31 |
ogra | all the tux* stuff | 11:31 |
ogra | paint/math/tape should be on there | 11:32 |
ogra | *type | 11:32 |
ogra | god i'm to tired to type today | 11:32 |
pips1 | I got math & type | 11:32 |
ogra | hmm, i'll check that ... | 11:32 |
=== ogra makes a note | ||
pips1 | I can't find tuxpaint | 11:32 |
ogra | probably the .desktop file is missing ... | 11:32 |
ogra | i will check before herd6 | 11:33 |
ogra | these four are all your complaints ? | 11:34 |
pips1 | If I search for it in the add software launched from the add-on, it doesn't show up | 11:34 |
ogra | yeah thats happening if the .desktop file is missing ... | 11:34 |
ogra | as i said i'll look at it | 11:34 |
pips1 | well, my real problem is that I can't get the thin client to work | 11:34 |
pips1 | my testing has only been on the server itself so far, the thin client fails at the initial dhcp stage | 11:35 |
pips1 | I guess it's a problem with my local network setup | 11:35 |
ogra | did you check the cdhcp settings and the static interace etc ? | 11:35 |
ogra | and did you switch off dhcp on your router etc ... you know the drill | 11:36 |
=== greenflubber [n=administ@cpe-075-181-033-117.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #edubuntu | ||
LaserJock | is the tuxpaint think related to bug #32252 | 11:36 |
ubotu | Malone bug 32252 in tuxpaint "Installs two desktop launchers in different sections" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32252 | 11:36 |
pips1 | shouldn't I be able to simply plug in my "internet network" on one interface (with a running dhcp server from the dsl modem/router dishing out an ip for the edubuntu server), and have a separate thin client network on the other NIC ? | 11:37 |
pips1 | ahhh | 11:37 |
pips1 | so I *do* need to switch off dhcp... | 11:38 |
ogra | no not if you have a two nic setup | 11:38 |
pips1 | sorry, I thought that it all worked automagically now | 11:38 |
ogra | i didnt know you updated your LAN :) | 11:38 |
ogra | it does | 11:38 |
ogra | but network-manager breaks things | 11:38 |
pips1 | huh? how? | 11:39 |
ogra | check if it works if you never logged in on the server | 11:39 |
pips1 | h | 11:39 |
ogra | then your client should work properly | 11:39 |
ogra | as soon as you logged in and NM started it will mess up your network | 11:39 |
ogra | its a known bug in progress atm | 11:39 |
LaserJock | hmm, tuxpaint doesn't install a .desktop to /usr/share/applications/ at all | 11:40 |
pips1 | is network-manager that avahi thing for zeroconf, or whatnot? | 11:40 |
ogra | no | 11:40 |
pips1 | duh | 11:40 |
ogra | avahi is something else | 11:40 |
ogra | NM manages your network devices | 11:40 |
ogra | due to a bug it manages all of them atm | 11:40 |
ogra | but its only allowing one at a time to be up | 11:41 |
pips1 | ah, ok, ic | 11:41 |
LaserJock | ogra: mind if I fix up tuxpaint? | 11:41 |
pips1 | so at the moment, I need to install and *not* log onto the server and then it migh work | 11:41 |
pips1 | *might | 11:41 |
ogra | right | 11:44 |
ogra | NM is started in your gnome session | 11:44 |
ogra | as long as gnome doesnt run it doesnt want to manage anyting | 11:44 |
pips1 | from what you just told me about the know bug with network-manager, I assume it is that issue which is causing the error message that pops up on the desktop, telling me that "Network service discovery is disabled" | 11:45 |
ogra | no, thats avahi | 11:45 |
pips1 | ah, different thing | 11:45 |
ogra | unrelated | 11:45 |
pips1 | what's that then? | 11:45 |
pips1 | "Your current network has a .local domain, which is not recommended and incompatible with the Avahi network service discovery. The service has been disabled." | 11:46 |
ogra | what it says | 11:46 |
ogra | it wont work in a network with .local domain | 11:47 |
ogra | obvoiusly you have such a thing | 11:47 |
pips1 | ?? | 11:48 |
pips1 | not intentionally, not that I know of | 11:48 |
ogra | anyway its no important | 11:48 |
ogra | and i need sleep i'm working here since 8am | 11:49 |
pips1 | yikes | 11:49 |
LaserJock | ogra: if I fix up tuxpaint I'll send you a debdiff | 11:49 |
pips1 | ok, last thing: should I file this bug for tuxpaint? (and against what package)? | 11:50 |
ogra | LaserJock, i'm not sure its tuxpaints fault | 11:50 |
LaserJock | ogra: tuxpaint installs it's .desktop to non-standard places | 11:50 |
ogra | its likely the CD itself (app install data for it) | 11:50 |
LaserJock | seems like that is the likely reason | 11:50 |
ogra | ok | 11:50 |
pips1 | oh, just to be clear on this issue: is tuxpaint actually a dependency of gcompris? | 11:51 |
ogra | no | 11:51 |
ogra | then it would be instaled | 11:51 |
pips1 | it would seem so, since there is a "hardcoded" (?) button in the gcompris menu "start tuxpaint" | 11:51 |
LaserJock | tuxpaint is a Suggests: | 11:51 |
ogra | Suggests: gnuchess, gnucap, tuxpaint | 11:51 |
ogra | pips1, thats why i said pleas file a bug | 11:52 |
ogra | i'll care for it | 11:52 |
LaserJock | I would think it would be Recommends: | 11:52 |
pips1 | 0k, what should I file it against, so you will find it | 11:52 |
ogra | gcompris | 11:52 |
pips1 | ok | 11:52 |
ogra | indeed | 11:52 |
pips1 | duh | 11:52 |
=== flubber [n=administ@cpe-075-181-033-117.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #edubuntu | ||
pips1 | :-) | 11:52 |
flubber | hello | 11:53 |
=== flubber [n=administ@cpe-075-181-033-117.carolina.res.rr.com] has left #edubuntu [] | ||
=== ogra now goes to try to fix his relationship ... since he forgot about the meeting ... and had promised different things for the evening | ||
pips1 | I just noticed that when I click on the gnuchess button, I get an error message (slightly better than crashing) ;-) | 11:53 |
LaserJock | ogra: good night | 11:53 |
ogra | ciao | 11:53 |
pips1 | good night, ogra | 11:54 |
=== cliebow [n=cliebow@cpe-76-179-82-249.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #edubuntu |
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