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Tonio_ | RockMan: bluez-utils uploaded, thanks again for the patch | 12:55 |
RockMan | Tonio_: np, thank you about maintaining it | 12:55 |
Tonio_ | :) | 12:55 |
Tonio_ | let's write that english motibation letter...... | 12:56 |
Tonio_ | I can't fail at tomorrow's interview.... | 12:56 |
Tonio_ | need that job! | 12:56 |
RockMan | good luck then :P | 12:58 |
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besonen_mobile2 | kubuntu ignores leading underscores when viewing alphabetically sorted directory listings. is this a k/ubuntu'ism? how can i change this? | 02:02 |
besonen_mobile2 | i'm using 7.04 | 02:03 |
Tm_T | oh crap | 02:07 |
=== jjesse [n=jjesse@ppp-69-221-227-150.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Riddell | besonen_mobile2: no, shouldn't be | 02:13 |
Tm_T | sorry 'bout that | 02:13 |
besonen_mobile2 | Riddell: can you verify with one of your boxes? | 02:14 |
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LongPointyStick | http://shinyblue.net/safelyRemove/ | 02:24 |
LongPointyStick | neat! | 02:24 |
=== LongPointyStick wishes cimmo would understand that we're *not* backporting new packages to edgy. | ||
claydoh | neat but I can't get the scripts :( | 02:28 |
=== claydoh was just looking at it himself | ||
LongPointyStick | same here | 02:29 |
LongPointyStick | although i'm on a windows machine | 02:29 |
claydoh | http://shinyblue.net/fdl/ | 02:31 |
claydoh | we just got new windows POS software at the restaurant, an we now have msoffice :( | 02:32 |
claydoh | just as I got everyone using OOo | 02:32 |
besonen_mobile2 | claydoh: surreptitious sabotage | 02:33 |
besonen_mobile2 | then swoop in with a foss solution | 02:33 |
claydoh | well, all my docs are NOT in any ms format, so for my 2 spreadsheets and text files it still opens OOo | 02:34 |
claydoh | but I may have to convert the sheets as now all 16 stores have the same software... :( | 02:34 |
claydoh | couldn't get the district mgr to understand OOo in terms of usability, etc and that its not 'freeware' | 02:35 |
claydoh | Hmmmmm | 02:36 |
LongPointyStick | heh | 02:37 |
LongPointyStick | Tonio_: i can help wiht english-based stuff, if i'm here | 02:40 |
Tonio_ | LongPointyStick: ready to read my resume then ? | 02:42 |
Tonio_ | LongPointyStick: accepting dcc ? | 02:43 |
Tonio_ | LongPointyStick: email should be gone tomorrow 8 am..... not much time to get something perfect ;) | 02:43 |
=== jjesse [n=jjesse@ppp-69-221-227-150.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Tonio_ | LongPointyStick: :( | 02:46 |
Tonio_ | jjesse: any moment to review my resume in english ? | 02:46 |
jjesse | sure | 02:46 |
Tonio_ | I need to email it tomorrow 8 am... | 02:46 |
jjesse | jjesse@iserv.net | 02:46 |
Riddell | Tonio_: for one thing, it's called a CV | 02:46 |
jjesse | is that curriculum vitale? or however that's spelled? | 02:47 |
Tm_T | Vitae | 02:47 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: hu ? I always heard "rsum" | 02:47 |
jjesse | it depends on where you are from | 02:47 |
Tonio_ | at least that's the way the american guys I worked with called it.... | 02:47 |
Tonio_ | so CV for the UK and resume for the US ? | 02:48 |
Tm_T | even we finnish people talk about CV | 02:48 |
jjesse | US is resume i know that | 02:48 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: you're ill, should go to bed ! ^_^ | 02:48 |
Tm_T | hmm hmm | 02:48 |
Tm_T | anyone like to buy me a flights to aKademy ? | 02:49 |
Tonio_ | jjesse: I'm unsure about the way I described a few things.... that's pretty complicated in fact | 02:49 |
Tonio_ | hard to do it in french sometimes, so in english........ | 02:49 |
Tonio_ | same problem with the motivation letter..... | 02:49 |
Riddell | Tonio_: too ill to sleep | 02:49 |
jjesse | Tonio_: don't worry i'll look at it and my wife edits resumes as well, so we can help you out :) | 02:49 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: that's the worst case :( | 02:49 |
Tonio_ | jjesse: 3 am here in france, and I have to wake up at 7 to send the email, FYI ;) | 02:50 |
jjesse | Tonio_: ok | 02:50 |
Tm_T | Tonio_: 0350 here and should wake up before 8 | 02:50 |
Tonio_ | I'd like to sleep at least 2 hours since I have a phone interview in english with the europe IT manager... | 02:51 |
Tonio_ | Tm_T: hard isn't it ? ;) | 02:51 |
jjesse | Tonio_: ok, did you send it ? | 02:51 |
Tonio_ | jjesse: yes | 02:51 |
Tm_T | Tonio_: sleeping? yes it is | 02:51 |
Tonio_ | Tm_T: hehe | 02:51 |
Tm_T | prolly fall asleep 0750 | 02:51 |
Tm_T | as usual | 02:51 |
jjesse | Tonio_: i still haven't received it | 02:52 |
Tm_T | will see shrink (?) and do training contract tomorrow, err, I mean today | 02:53 |
jjesse | Tonio_: checked my spam filter as well and its not there | 02:55 |
Tonio_ | jjesse: better solution just a second | 02:55 |
jjesse | Tonio_: ok | 02:55 |
Tonio_ | http://tonio.homelinux.org/temp/Anthony %20Mercatante%20(CV-EN).pdf | 02:56 |
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Tonio_ | http://tonio.homelinux.org/temp/Anthony%20Mercatante%20(CV-EN).pdf | 02:56 |
Tonio_ | I'm unsure of the use of "domains" at the beginning | 02:57 |
jjesse | ok reading it right now | 02:57 |
Riddell | check capitalisation of vmware | 02:57 |
Riddell | also every book I've read says CVs should be 2 pages long | 02:57 |
jjesse | agreed | 02:58 |
Riddell | DosScript? | 02:58 |
Tonio_ | hum, that can be different depending the countries | 02:59 |
jjesse | definietly need to remove mcdonalds | 02:59 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: 10 pages CV is acceptable in france | 02:59 |
jjesse | not relevant | 02:59 |
Tonio_ | jjesse: agree on that point | 02:59 |
Riddell | "Protocols" section lacks capitalisation | 02:59 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: yes dosscript exists hehe ;) I've done pretty big things with it | 02:59 |
Riddell | "Detailed capabilities" not in title case | 02:59 |
Riddell | what is a system engineer? | 03:00 |
jjesse | is there a reason that you includ protocols? | 03:00 |
Riddell | "System administrator" lacks capital | 03:00 |
Tonio_ | jjesse: not any, but that's recommended (in france....) | 03:00 |
Riddell | jjesse: maybe he's a keen user of netcat :) | 03:01 |
jjesse | Tonio_: ok, you are applying for a job in france correct? | 03:01 |
Riddell | I'd include servers rather than protocols | 03:01 |
Tonio_ | jjesse: true | 03:01 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: sounds better you're right | 03:01 |
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Riddell | what's GPOs? | 03:01 |
Tonio_ | group policy object, in active directory | 03:02 |
Tonio_ | ldap concept | 03:02 |
Riddell | no space before colons | 03:02 |
jjesse | Tonio_: the one part that is hard to read is the whole "elaboration...." | 03:02 |
Riddell | "american" people deserve a capital | 03:02 |
jjesse | Tonio_: what is computer parck management? | 03:03 |
Tonio_ | park | 03:03 |
jjesse | yeah park | 03:03 |
Tonio_ | hum, jjesse know what is OCS inventory ? | 03:04 |
Tonio_ | or parkline ? | 03:04 |
jjesse | i've heard the term berfore | 03:04 |
Riddell | Employe is spelt wrong (but remove that section as said) | 03:04 |
Tonio_ | those are tools to manage your "park" I'm unsure or the term | 03:04 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: yup removed | 03:04 |
Riddell | McDonald's is also spelt wrong | 03:04 |
jjesse | but he is removing that | 03:04 |
Riddell | what's Sharkology? | 03:05 |
Tonio_ | recommended to keep that in france (shows your skills at working a lot hehe) | 03:05 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: science of sharks | 03:05 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: if I wasn't an informatician, I'd be a shark expert ;) | 03:05 |
Tonio_ | that my big passion in life | 03:05 |
Riddell | nothing about it in wikipaedia | 03:05 |
Tonio_ | http://www.sharkology.com/ | 03:06 |
Riddell | I'd recommend against making up words except that this is a US company and they do that a lot | 03:06 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: needs to be created | 03:06 |
jjesse | have we got it down to 2 pages yet? | 03:06 |
=== LeeJunFan [i=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Tonio_ | Riddell: that's a real word, but very specific, so pretty unknown | 03:06 |
Riddell | the whole thing looks like it has too much spacing in it | 03:06 |
Tonio_ | jjesse: no but that's not a problem | 03:06 |
Riddell | also it has no prose in it | 03:07 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: yup, that's a cv, not a motivation letter | 03:07 |
jjesse | in a CV do you include an objective portion of it? | 03:07 |
jjesse | i know when i wrote my last resume i incldued an objective | 03:07 |
Tonio_ | jjesse: nope, but as I say expectations are different depending the country.... | 03:07 |
Riddell | a paragraph or two saying who you are, how hard you work and what a lot of experience you have is a good idea | 03:08 |
Riddell | yes, objectives are a US thing in general | 03:08 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: that's the purpose of the motivation letter | 03:08 |
Riddell | Tonio_: ok | 03:08 |
=== jjesse is learning things tonigth | ||
jjesse | that's the best part of working a group like this, i'm always learning something | 03:10 |
Tonio_ | appart from the capitals issue etc.... is that correct ? | 03:10 |
Riddell | Tonio_: references? | 03:10 |
jjesse | or are those included on the motiviation letter? | 03:10 |
Riddell | could be, so long as they're somewhere | 03:11 |
jjesse | agreed they need to be | 03:11 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: what do you mean by "references" ? | 03:11 |
Riddell | "motivation letter" sounds like a suspiciously US thing too. Covering letter in normal language | 03:11 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: okay | 03:11 |
jjesse | i've never heard of a motivation letter i thought it was a european thing | 03:11 |
jjesse | in america we call them cover letters | 03:12 |
Riddell | Tonio_: people to contact to say what a good worker you are and how hard you work for your 35 hours | 03:12 |
Riddell | maybe it's just the french who need motivation :) | 03:12 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: haha :) I never worked less than 50 hours a week | 03:12 |
Tonio_ | sometimes 60, 70... | 03:12 |
Riddell | 50 hours! they should have laws against that sort of thing | 03:12 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: that's a legen, a very few people are really working 35 hours | 03:12 |
Tonio_ | mostly governement employees | 03:13 |
jjesse | grin i'm a consultant now so i don't work more hours then people will pay me to work | 03:13 |
Riddell | ah, Chirac's boys :) | 03:13 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: yup ;) | 03:13 |
jjesse | Tonio_: ok i have to go pick up the dog, i think it looks good w/ the capitalization changes and make sure spellings are correctly | 03:13 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: the 35 hours problem is that only the people who previously worked only 39 now work 35..... nonsense | 03:13 |
jjesse | Tonio_: don't know for sure because i'm not used to CVs | 03:14 |
Tonio_ | jjesse: is "expertise domains" correct ? | 03:14 |
Tonio_ | I'm unsure about this | 03:14 |
Riddell | E-mail has a capital | 03:14 |
jjesse | hmm thinking | 03:14 |
jjesse | what do you want expertise domains to mean? things you are an expert in? | 03:14 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: yeah capitals is a illness for me.... french generally don't capitalize anything ;) | 03:14 |
Tonio_ | things I am expert in | 03:15 |
jjesse | thinking.... | 03:15 |
jjesse | wife and i think that proficient in: instaed of expertise domains | 03:16 |
jjesse | and group them all together | 03:16 |
nixternal | hallo | 03:16 |
Tonio_ | yeah, but "proficient in" as a title is a bit strange no ? | 03:16 |
jjesse | hiya nixternal we are proofing Tonio_'s CV | 03:16 |
nixternal | woohoo | 03:17 |
jjesse | a bit, but both of us can understand it better | 03:17 |
Tonio_ | nixternal: need an english one, which scares me a bit ;) | 03:17 |
nixternal | I am doing my C++ homework, and reading from a file into arrays, and then ignoring is killing me :) | 03:17 |
Tonio_ | jjesse: the guy reading the CV is german :) | 03:17 |
Tonio_ | jjesse: so maybe expertise domains is okay | 03:17 |
jjesse | nixternal: http://tonio.homelinux.org/temp/Anthony%20Mercatante%20(CV-EN).pdf | 03:17 |
Tonio_ | that didn't shock riddell btw | 03:17 |
jjesse | Tonio_: ok | 03:18 |
Riddell | my CV just uses "Computer Skills" | 03:18 |
Riddell | your phrase sounds overly corporate, but maybe that's not a bad thing | 03:18 |
jjesse | ok time to go get the dog | 03:18 |
jjesse | be back in a bit | 03:18 |
jjesse | i hope i was helpful | 03:18 |
=== Riddell beds | ||
Tonio_ | nite Riddell, and thanks for the help | 03:19 |
nixternal | hehe, 1995-2000 Mickey D's | 03:20 |
nixternal | or is that something different | 03:20 |
Tonio_ | nixternal: yeah when I was a student..... hard moments ;) | 03:20 |
Tonio_ | but I met my girlfriend there, so it's okay :) | 03:20 |
nixternal | I got fired from there in 1989 because I wouldn't mop or sweep up a mess the boss made | 03:21 |
nixternal | I didn't even work 1 day | 03:21 |
Tonio_ | nixternal: ouch that's hard ! | 03:21 |
nixternal | hehe | 03:21 |
Tonio_ | nixternal: I insulted everyone there 20 times at least, when under pressure never got fired :) | 03:21 |
nixternal | haha | 03:22 |
Tonio_ | even the boss | 03:22 |
Tonio_ | he just went here at a hard moment and started pissing off everyone | 03:22 |
Tonio_ | I just said him something like "now, shut the f*ck up, and move your ass over there !" | 03:22 |
Tonio_ | never got fired ;) French labour laws are nice sometimes :) | 03:23 |
nixternal | lol | 03:23 |
Tonio_ | but the boss was a pretty nice guy too I must say | 03:23 |
Tonio_ | he considered that was due to stress and that's it | 03:23 |
nixternal | I have never been so lucky | 03:24 |
Tonio_ | nixternal: any suggestion to improve the cv ? | 03:24 |
nixternal | get "Protocols" to post ont he first page if possible, leaving hte 2nd for your Professional Experience | 03:25 |
nixternal | see, I know in the US, you don't want to have more than 2 pages unless you are an executive, but I don't know how it is there | 03:25 |
nixternal | I don't even know if I have an old CV/Resume lying around | 03:26 |
Tonio_ | nixternal: protocols has been changed to "servers" section | 03:26 |
Tonio_ | detailing the apps in use depending the protocol (http -> apache1/2, lighttpd IIS) etc... | 03:26 |
Tonio_ | nixternal: the targeted job is executive :) | 03:27 |
Tonio_ | nixternal: IT manager for amazon france | 03:27 |
nixternal | nice | 03:27 |
Tonio_ | nixternal: could be ;) | 03:27 |
Tonio_ | in france, people generally tell not to go over 2 pages too, but I never had any problems using 3 pages | 03:28 |
Tonio_ | a friend of mine has a 10 pages CV, no pb too :) | 03:28 |
Tonio_ | jjesse: smtp;553 5.3.0 Rejected by Iserv RBL - | 03:28 |
Tonio_ | jjesse: you'll never get the mail..... | 03:29 |
Tonio_ | jjesse: which rbl list is that ? | 03:29 |
Tm_T | I have never done real CV and that would be hard to do | 03:29 |
nixternal | I need to work on mine | 03:29 |
nixternal | it is sad, my last one was done when I worked for the evil empire | 03:29 |
Tonio_ | nixternal: microsoft ? | 03:30 |
nixternal | yup | 03:30 |
Tonio_ | nixternal: I refused to work for them twice | 03:30 |
nixternal | Sun Solaris admin of all things | 03:30 |
Tonio_ | first time was to be VIP tech support (could have meet bill....) | 03:30 |
Tonio_ | second time was last year, refused to go there as a contractor | 03:30 |
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nixternal | I actually liked working there, and the money was great | 03:31 |
nixternal | vorian: you lost? | 03:31 |
nixternal | ;p | 03:31 |
vorian | nixternal, that hurt my feelings :( | 03:32 |
=== nixternal points out that there is GNOME infiltration | ||
nixternal | hahah vorian | 03:32 |
vorian | ah! | 03:32 |
nixternal | you have been had | 03:32 |
vorian | I'm broadening my horizons nixternal :) | 03:32 |
nixternal | them GNOME people are coming in trying to get the secrets! | 03:32 |
vorian | I'm testing kubuntu ISO's actually :) | 03:33 |
nixternal | while(de == gnome){ /ignore $*;} | 03:33 |
nixternal | here is one for you | 03:34 |
vorian | lol | 03:34 |
nixternal | I have recently noticed that Samba does not work for me anymore | 03:34 |
vorian | thanks | 03:34 |
Tonio_ | nixternal: there is no reason that working for MS would be worse than with another company | 03:34 |
nixternal | I worked for the US evil empire as well, AT&T. Now that job stunk, and was controlled by the mafia | 03:35 |
Tonio_ | ouch........ | 03:35 |
Tonio_ | nixternal: no ibm in the past too ? | 03:35 |
nixternal | a bunch of evil empires | 03:35 |
Tonio_ | nixternal: you should anticipate this time, go google ;) | 03:35 |
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nixternal | Tonio_: funny you should ask, I worked in their data center with one of their partners | 03:35 |
nixternal | and they had the nerve to fire me because I wanted to take a week off and visit with my daughter | 03:36 |
Tonio_ | nixternal: who never worked for ibm ? :) | 03:36 |
Tonio_ | I did too but that's not on the cv | 03:36 |
Tonio_ | too short to be documented... | 03:36 |
Tonio_ | 3 times 3 weeks, for short consulting things | 03:36 |
nixternal | I didn't work directly for IBM, but I got to enjoy their massive datacenter | 03:36 |
Tonio_ | nixternal: can be impressive indeed :) | 03:37 |
nixternal | their datacenter was awesome | 03:37 |
Tonio_ | nixternal: biggest one I saw was in paris | 03:37 |
Tonio_ | 10k servers | 03:37 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
nixternal | biggest one I saw was Walmarts | 03:37 |
nixternal | hiya Hobbsee | 03:37 |
Tonio_ | how many ? | 03:37 |
Tonio_ | 10k 1U servers :) no big machines | 03:38 |
Tm_T | oh man, ksysguard in KDE is lovely <3 | 03:38 |
Tonio_ | but that's pretty impressive too :) | 03:38 |
nixternal | server amount I don't know, but it is 95% underground | 03:38 |
nixternal | the US government has even asked to use their facility | 03:38 |
nixternal | it is on wikipedia | 03:38 |
Tonio_ | nixternal: same in my case :) | 03:38 |
Tonio_ | nixternal: I'd love to see the google one | 03:38 |
Tonio_ | probably the biggest on earth | 03:38 |
nixternal | Tonio_: you have to work for Google to see that one | 03:39 |
Tonio_ | nixternal: very few people at google even know where it is | 03:39 |
Hobbsee | heya nixternal, Tonio_ | 03:39 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: :) | 03:39 |
nixternal | I interviewed in Mountain View last year, and the tour of the entire facility, never took us anywhere near the data center | 03:39 |
nixternal | the Google data center in Chicago is nice | 03:39 |
Tonio_ | nixternal: as I said, most google employees dont know where is the datacenter in fact | 03:39 |
Tonio_ | I'm pretty sure it isn't in mountain view | 03:40 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: did you get that english thing sorted out? | 03:40 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: cv done, now writting the covering letter | 03:40 |
Tonio_ | which is easiest since I can find prototypes on the net :) | 03:40 |
Tonio_ | easier | 03:41 |
nixternal | bbiaf, I need to get my C++ homework done, unless of course one of you want to finish it for me ;p | 03:41 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: neat :) | 03:41 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: i'll proofread it if you want, that's no problem | 03:41 |
Hobbsee | (and you can give me ideas) | 03:41 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: email please | 03:43 |
Hobbsee | sorry, i descreened just before you spoke | 03:43 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: employee has two e's | 03:46 |
Hobbsee | well, 3 | 03:46 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: already removed that from the cv anyway ;) | 03:46 |
Hobbsee | ahhh | 03:47 |
=== Hobbsee is reading backscroll | ||
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: the problem is that my french covering letter is untranslatable :) | 03:55 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: ahhh | 03:55 |
Tonio_ | french has so many specific adjective that it is pretty impossible to translate it.... | 03:56 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: cant help you with that, then | 03:56 |
Tonio_ | I have to write it in the english way | 03:56 |
Hobbsee | i thought it had to be in english? | 03:56 |
Hobbsee | ah | 03:56 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: it has to | 03:56 |
Tonio_ | well they have the french one and need the english one :) | 03:56 |
Hobbsee | :) | 03:56 |
Tonio_ | but they can't be the same, looking at english examples, it is way different than french | 03:56 |
Tonio_ | half of what I put in my letter is something nobody will never say except in a covering letter context | 03:57 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: we are learning how to write covering letter at university for 6 month :) can you imagin that mess ? | 03:57 |
Hobbsee | neat :) | 03:57 |
Hobbsee | yep | 03:57 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: still there is 30 mintues ? just time to finish the letter | 04:05 |
Hobbsee | should be | 04:06 |
Hobbsee | http://www.smh.com.au/news/business/coles-took-the-buy-out-of-bilo/2007/03/27/1174761467240.html | 04:06 |
Hobbsee | heh, no shit. you could have come and asked *any* casheir, any time in the past 12 months or so, and they would ahve told you that | 04:06 |
Hobbsee | even before you started changing stores | 04:07 |
=== Hobbsee mutters at the idiots in charge | ||
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Jucato | moin! | 04:09 |
Tm_T | moinmoin | 04:10 |
Hobbsee | hey Jucato! | 04:10 |
Tm_T | hmm, anyone has suggestion how to get news (rss) shown in desktop easily? | 04:11 |
Jucato | superkaramba? | 04:11 |
Jucato | hi Hobbsee! | 04:11 |
Tm_T | hmm, forget that | 04:11 |
Tm_T | Jucato: I rather not use SK (: | 04:12 |
Tm_T | just realised anyway that it's not what I need | 04:12 |
Jucato | knewsticker (on kicker)? | 04:12 |
Tm_T | nope, looks like it's easiest just to put my google homepage to new order | 04:13 |
Jucato | :) | 04:14 |
Jucato | or wait for Plasma in 2010 :D | 04:14 |
Tm_T | and IF I like to have any news shown in desktop, I use conky or similar | 04:14 |
Jucato | ok... | 04:14 |
=== Jucato is 15 minutes late for his "class" | ||
Jucato | looks like I'll be extending into the afternoon... again... | 04:15 |
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nixternal | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12452/ <-- help me fix that Current column :) | 04:15 |
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nixternal | Mez: !@! | 04:15 |
nixternal | you dj'n tonight? | 04:15 |
Jucato | aw shucks... today? :( | 04:15 |
nixternal | that current column is killing me | 04:16 |
nixternal | and the fix is easy, I know it is with a silly inFile.ignore(#, ' ') | 04:16 |
Mez | nixternal, tomorrow | 04:17 |
nixternal | ahh, my early night | 04:17 |
=== Jucato doesn't know which time that would be... | ||
nixternal | me either ;) | 04:18 |
Jucato | hehe | 04:18 |
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Mez | nixternal, but tune in, you'll like this DJ :d | 04:26 |
zakame | hi all! | 04:36 |
Hobbsee | hey zakame! | 04:37 |
Hobbsee | Jucato: how'd the studying go? | 04:37 |
zakame | hi Hobbsee! :D | 04:37 |
zakame | ssup? | 04:37 |
Hobbsee | zakame: you're going to fix bugs today. | 04:37 |
Jucato | Hobbsee: C++? currently doing chapter 3 exercises :D | 04:38 |
Hobbsee | Jucato: woo :) | 04:38 |
Jucato | if you mean MOTU stuff, I only tackle that at night :P | 04:38 |
Hobbsee | Jucato: imeant the packaging :P | 04:38 |
Hobbsee | ahhh | 04:38 |
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Jucato | mornings == C++ (and some other stuff); nights == MOTU | 04:38 |
Hobbsee | fair enough | 04:39 |
n8k99 | but it's night time Jucato ;-) | 04:39 |
=== Hobbsee notes it's cold in here | ||
=== Jucato notes that it's hot in here | ||
Jucato | n8k99: in your world maybe :P | 04:39 |
Jucato | er... "part of the world" | 04:39 |
n8k99 | you were correct sir, it is my world!!!!!! | 04:39 |
n8k99 | BAW-ahahahahahahaha | 04:40 |
=== n8k99 oops | ||
Hobbsee | n8k99: IT'S MY WORLD, AND I RULE IT WITH THE LONG POINTY STICK OF DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 04:40 |
=== n8k99 knew there was a reason i hadn't been in here in a while | ||
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: http://paste.tonio.homelinux.org/79 | 04:40 |
Tonio_ | not perfect, but for a french writing english, I think that's okay :) | 04:40 |
=== Hobbsee looks | ||
Jucato | ooh Tonio_ is still here? must be a long night :) | 04:41 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 04:41 |
Tonio_ | Jucato: nightmare :/ | 04:41 |
Tonio_ | Jucato: I'd LOVE to bed now | 04:41 |
Jucato | ouch... | 04:41 |
Tonio_ | have to wake up at 7h30.... it is currently 4h40 | 04:41 |
n8k99 | ew | 04:41 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: just tell me that's okay so that I can move to bed ;) | 04:41 |
Jucato | uh oh... better just take a short 30-min nap then... otherwise if you sleep longer, you're gonna be in a worse state... | 04:42 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: i'd forgotten about the way different languages structure their sentences | 04:42 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: you mean ? | 04:43 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: some of the sentences sound odd in english | 04:43 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: I'm so used to do that in french that is is very hard to consider another language, especially when french except a very high level language..... | 04:44 |
Hobbsee | like, phrased weirdly | 04:44 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: example ? | 04:44 |
Hobbsee | yeah, of course | 04:44 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: if you have suggestions/corrections, please tell me :) | 04:44 |
Hobbsee | Your advertisement for the above position has interested me very much and I would like to apply. --> more like, "i'm interested in your adver... for the above position, and would like to apply" | 04:44 |
Hobbsee | Newly relocated to Orlans, this one retained my attention, as corresponding to my profile and experience. particularly | 04:44 |
=== Hobbsee attempts to figure otu what that shoudl be | ||
Hobbsee | most of it is gramatically correct - just not how english is mostly used | 04:45 |
Hobbsee | s/gave me/has given me/ | 04:46 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: okay so how would you rewrite this ? | 04:48 |
=== Hobbsee rewrites | ||
Tonio_ | that's indeed typically the way to write french in fact :) | 04:48 |
=== Hobbsee is still surprised Tonio_'s got that much of english correct - my german's appalling! | ||
Hobbsee | yeah, wouldnt surprise me | 04:48 |
n8k99 | wardsback | 04:49 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: my english isn't that good.... after 12 years practicing, it should be much better... | 04:49 |
n8k99 | but ony subtlely | 04:50 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: extra professional? | 04:50 |
Hobbsee | isnt that voluntary? | 04:51 |
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jetsaredim | Riddell: | 04:51 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: that's part of extra-professional no ? | 04:51 |
jetsaredim | I used that kde upgrade assistant utility listed on the kubuntu page | 04:51 |
=== Hobbsee hasnt heard of extra-professional | ||
Hobbsee | jetsaredim: he's asleep | 04:52 |
jetsaredim | doh | 04:52 |
Tonio_ | I can put voluntary, no problem ;) | 04:52 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: i used tha tlater, yeah :P | 04:53 |
=== Hobbsee has gotten all but: Passioned, volunteer, and dynamic, with proven ability to work effectively and positively with staff, trustees, and all other internal and external contact, I feel that I would be able to make a significant contribution to your company's management | ||
Hobbsee | oh wait, taht does work. | 04:53 |
Hobbsee | ish | 04:53 |
=== Hobbsee thinks | ||
Hobbsee | Tonio_: done | 04:55 |
Hobbsee | http://paste.tonio.homelinux.org/80 | 04:55 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: usually in english, people will work along the lines of: i'm suitable for foo, because of bar, bling, bling, more bar, etc | 04:56 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: thanks a lot :) | 04:56 |
Hobbsee | instead of "Bar, bling, bling, and more bar make me suitable for foo" | 04:56 |
Tonio_ | stopping there and going to bed right now :) | 04:56 |
Hobbsee | you can do it once or so, as a quirk - but it gets annoying doing it repeatedly | 04:56 |
Hobbsee | because then you're reading all this stuff, and going "so what relevance does this have?", until you get to the end of the sentence | 04:57 |
Hobbsee | hehe, sounds good to me :) | 04:57 |
Hobbsee | at least, that's what they taught us at school :P | 04:58 |
=== Hobbsee --> out | ||
Jucato | bye Hobbsee | 05:03 |
Jucato | bah :P | 05:03 |
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nixternal | crimsun: where are you hiding? | 05:57 |
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billytwowilly | hey, you guys reintroduced a bug into kaffeine/xine. Any file with a # sign (and probably other weird signs) in its title will not play. | 08:57 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Jucato | moin Hobbsee | 09:02 |
Jucato | billytwowilly: I can reproduce that bug. mplayer plays ok | 09:02 |
Jucato | with kmplayer and kplayer | 09:03 |
kwwii | moin Hobbsee, Jucato | 09:03 |
billytwowilly | yah, but it's not the same as kaffeine. | 09:03 |
Jucato | kwwii!!! :) | 09:03 |
billytwowilly | and it's silly because it was fixed in edgy. | 09:03 |
Hobbsee | heya Jucato! | 09:04 |
Hobbsee | hiya kwwii | 09:04 |
Hobbsee | right. hair is now a reasonable lenght. | 09:04 |
kwwii | Hobbsee: if you've any extra hair you can give it to me | 09:04 |
Jucato | kwwii: btw... Sho_ (konvi guy) said that the usplash breaks kvm | 09:04 |
Jucato | Hobbsee: nooooo!!! you cut it? O.o | 09:04 |
Hobbsee | kwwii: i'm afraid the hairdresser has it. | 09:04 |
Hobbsee | Jucato: yup | 09:04 |
Jucato | nooooo!!!! | 09:05 |
kwwii | Jucato: hrm? what is kvm? | 09:05 |
Hobbsee | why nooooo? | 09:05 |
Jucato | :D | 09:05 |
Jucato | nothing heheh.. just didn't know how to react lol | 09:05 |
Hobbsee | :P | 09:05 |
Jucato | kwwii: virtualization stuff built into the linux kernel | 09:05 |
kwwii | ahhhhh, well, good thing that is not my problem | 09:05 |
kwwii | ;-) | 09:05 |
Jucato | heheh :) | 09:06 |
kwwii | he/she should file a bug | 09:06 |
ajmitch | Hobbsee! you got hair cut?!? | 09:06 |
Hobbsee | ajmitch: yes! | 09:06 |
Jucato | Hobbsee: see? I'm not the only one who's shocked :P | 09:06 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 09:07 |
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ajmitch | Hobbsee: just how short is it? | 09:07 |
Hobbsee | ajmitch: um, a lot shorter | 09:08 |
Hobbsee | it's still off my shoulders | 09:08 |
Jucato | aaaaah :) | 09:08 |
ajmitch | scary | 09:08 |
=== _StefanS_ [n=sfs@cpe.atm2-0-77156.0x5734b54a.naenxx12.customer.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
_StefanS_ | mornings | 09:20 |
Hobbsee | hiya _StefanS_! | 09:21 |
_StefanS_ | hobhobs | 09:21 |
Jucato | moin _StefanS_ | 09:21 |
=== _StefanS_ points at Hobbsee | ||
_StefanS_ | JucatoHhh | 09:21 |
Jucato | oh btw guys, anyone confirming billytwowilly's bug on kaffeine/xine? (I think more on xine though) | 09:21 |
_StefanS_ | what bug? | 09:22 |
Jucato | <billytwowilly> hey, you guys reintroduced a bug into kaffeine/xine. Any file with a # sign (and probably other weird signs) in its title will not play. | 09:22 |
_StefanS_ | well thats correct | 09:22 |
_StefanS_ | but that must be a thing introduced by kaffeine crew (or xine) them selves | 09:23 |
Jucato | I think more on xine, because it won't play on kmplayer using xine as backend | 09:23 |
_StefanS_ | oka trying kmplayer.. | 09:23 |
Lure | kwwii: do you still plan to reduce saturation of scrollbars? | 09:24 |
_StefanS_ | Jucato: kmplayer doesn't do it either it seems | 09:24 |
kwwii | Lure: I changed that already | 09:24 |
kwwii | Lure: and if the changes are not in yet there is a serious problem | 09:25 |
_StefanS_ | Jucato: its xine alright | 09:25 |
Jucato | billytwowilly: ^^^ | 09:26 |
Jucato | now I wonder if it's just us or upstream too :/ | 09:26 |
Jucato | but if it's xine, must be MOTU territory... | 09:26 |
Lure | kwwii: does not look to me: http://muse.19inch.net/~lure/Scrollbars.png | 09:27 |
Lure | kwwii: or is this it? | 09:28 |
kwwii | Lure: no, that is not it | 09:28 |
kwwii | I added a colorscheme file weeks ago | 09:29 |
kwwii | freaky | 09:29 |
Lure | kwwii: btw, is it still possible to build kde3 oxygen theme now that oxygen icon names were renamed? | 09:29 |
kwwii | Lure: it will not work, no | 09:30 |
kwwii | you would have to either patch kde3 to use the new names or rename them all | 09:30 |
Lure | kwwii: :-( | 09:30 |
Lure | kwwii: or have symlink package ;-) | 09:31 |
kwwii | Lure: yeah, exactly | 09:31 |
_StefanS_ | Jucato: must be upstream on xine. | 09:33 |
kwwii | Lure: I'll ping Riddell about the colors again | 09:35 |
kwwii | and again | 09:35 |
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_StefanS_ | haha I just installed solaris 10... what a piece of junk :D | 11:26 |
mhb | good morning | 11:32 |
_StefanS_ | mornings mhb | 11:36 |
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Riddell | kwwii_: you pinged? | 01:18 |
kwwii_ | Riddell: well, we need to make sure that the color scheme changes get included eventually | 01:18 |
Riddell | kwwii_: I uploaded k-d-s with your changed during the beta freeze | 01:19 |
Riddell | changes | 01:19 |
kwwii_ | hrm, Lure was asking about when it would be included as his is still the old version | 01:20 |
Riddell | kwwii_: well apt-get source kubuntu-default-settings and see if it's what you need | 01:23 |
Riddell | _Sime_: no 0.8 yet? | 01:26 |
Riddell | Lure: k3b approved, please add and test those patche you were talking about and poke Tonio_ or someone to upload (I'm ill) | 01:28 |
Jucato | woot! :) | 01:28 |
Lure | Riddell: great! will do tonight | 01:28 |
Lure | Riddell: and get well! | 01:28 |
Jucato | aw... still sick? Riddell, hope you get well soon! | 01:28 |
Lure | Riddell: do we need to refernce UVF approal (mail/bug or something) in change log? | 01:29 |
kwwii_ | Riddell: it does seem to include the changes already | 01:33 |
kwwii_ | Lure: dude, update your system! | 01:33 |
Lure | kwwii_: really? maybe I have some junk in my profile... | 01:33 |
Lure | kwwii_: which config file controls this? polyesterrc? | 01:34 |
kwwii_ | Lure: the colourscheme file | 01:34 |
kwwii_ | so in appearance-->colors | 01:34 |
kwwii_ | the name of the "theme" is kuseven | 01:34 |
Lure | kwwii_: it works. | 01:35 |
Jucato | :) | 01:35 |
kwwii_ | :-) | 01:35 |
=== kwwii_ is now known as kwwii | ||
Lure | kwwii_: interesting - I have never changed color defaults here (at least I do not recall) :-) | 01:35 |
kwwii | Riddell: sorry for bothering you when you aren't feeling well | 01:35 |
Lure | kwwii: but this profile is dragging now from hoary times ;-) | 01:36 |
Lure | Riddell: sorry from me too | 01:36 |
Jucato | :O | 01:36 |
Lure | kwwii: and sorry to bother you... | 01:36 |
kwwii | Lure: well, if we still need to change it we can | 01:36 |
kwwii | :-) | 01:36 |
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Lure | kwwii: I think it is much better (doesn't pop-up much any more), but I have to use it for some time to feel the difference | 01:37 |
Lure | kwwii: btw, the boot splash is soo nice, that I enjoy booting my machine ;-) | 01:38 |
kwwii | lol, cool! | 01:38 |
hunger | Why does an upgrade want to deinstall qt4.2 now? | 01:39 |
Jucato | can we just have a video of the bootsplash :) | 01:39 |
Jucato | hm... no such update here.... :/ | 01:42 |
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hunger | Jucato: It is speedcrunch that wants qt3support which does not seem to be up to date with the other Qt stuff. | 01:45 |
Jucato | I thought it used qt4 since edgy? | 01:45 |
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Tonio_ | Riddell: I'll upload k3b | 01:56 |
Tonio_ | Lure: no change outside of the revu version ? | 01:57 |
Tonio_ | Lure: hum patches need testing, okay | 01:59 |
Tonio_ | Lure: let me know I'll be there to upload, no problem | 02:00 |
Tonio_ | Lure: if any help is required to test, I can help | 02:00 |
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giangy | Tonio_: \o/ for k3b =) | 02:24 |
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Tonio_ | giangy: yeah great nes ;) | 02:24 |
giangy | well today I've installed kubuntu on ~50 boxes in my school | 02:25 |
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giangy | better than nothing :) | 02:25 |
Tonio_ | giangy: hehe great ;) | 02:28 |
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waylandbill | is there a problem in the feisty synaptics stuff? disabling the touch pad has no effect. | 02:42 |
Tonio_ | waylandbill: the "mouse" driver also handles touchpads, that might be the cause | 02:50 |
Tonio_ | waylandbill: depends which driver is loaded in the first place | 02:50 |
waylandbill | Tonio_: ok. I'll look into that. | 02:50 |
manchicken__ | Does anybody know what's causing the trouble with console-setup breaking? | 02:58 |
manchicken | Or is it just broken for me? | 03:00 |
manchicken | I'm willing to take a peeky-peek at it today. | 03:00 |
Tonio_ | manchicken: bah old package version | 03:13 |
Tonio_ | manchicken: purge the package and reinstall | 03:13 |
Tonio_ | manchicken: will work | 03:13 |
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manchicken | Lots of stuff depends on that. How would you recommend I do that? | 03:18 |
manchicken | digiKam takes a long time to scan 9GB of photos for duplicates. | 03:20 |
manchicken | :) | 03:20 |
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mhb | dist-upgrade reports strange messages | 03:38 |
mhb | (dist-upgrade tool) | 03:38 |
mhb | it complains about space at /boot, which is silly, as I have more than 1.2GB free in root directory | 03:39 |
nixternal | morning | 03:39 |
mhb | morning nixternal | 03:39 |
Jucato | moin to all you wonderful people :) | 03:40 |
Hobbsee | hiya Jucato | 03:41 |
Jucato | oh yeah, Hobbsee included :D | 03:41 |
mhb | is there any place for bugreports of the dist-upgrade tool | 03:41 |
Jucato | hehe hi Hobbsee :) | 03:41 |
Jucato | mhb: I believe the wiki links to a bug in LP | 03:41 |
Hobbsee | heh | 03:42 |
Jucato | bug 84717 | 03:42 |
ubotu | Malone bug 84717 in update-manager "SRU: updates necessary for Kubuntu Upgrade Tool in Edgy" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84717 | 03:43 |
mhb | thanks | 03:43 |
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Jucato | nixternal or Hobbsee: the PDF Packaging Guide is up to date? (don't know if the HTML version is more updated or what...) | 03:46 |
nixternal | Jucato: don't know, that is LaserJock's baby | 03:46 |
Hobbsee | no diea | 03:47 |
Hobbsee | didnt know there was a pdf one | 03:47 |
nixternal | I know he did updates recently to it, but I don't know if he created an updated PDF | 03:47 |
Jucato | ok... I just read that as "LaserJock baby" :D | 03:47 |
nixternal | hehe, and it is :) | 03:47 |
mhb | Riddell: seems more people experience problems with the free space checking (and I'm one of them - commented on the 84717 bug) ... maybe worthy of your todo list, once you get better of course :o) | 03:48 |
Jucato | aw shucks.... he's Laser away... :( | 03:48 |
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Riddell | mhb: it's mvo's issue really | 04:04 |
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manchicken | I don't think there is one, but does anybody know of a win32 port of digiKam? | 04:14 |
manchicken | I'm guessing that it would be extremely unlikely. | 04:14 |
Riddell | there isn't one | 04:15 |
manchicken | That's what I thougt. | 04:15 |
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bddebian | Heya | 04:20 |
Jucato | hi bddebian :) | 04:21 |
bddebian | Gaah :-) | 04:21 |
Jucato | I'm everywhere now :) | 04:21 |
bddebian | Heh, no kidding | 04:21 |
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LeeJunFan | Riddell is about to hate me. | 04:34 |
LeeJunFan | I've got a handful of bugs I've found while tracking down my kdesktop crash. Which BTW requires dpms and amarok to be loaded (not necessarily playing). | 04:35 |
LeeJunFan | oh, plus screensaver. To trigger set screensaver to 1 min, xset dpms 10 20 0 (it needs suspend to trigger it, standby alone wont work), and load amarok, let your computer sit for a min, kdesktop crash. | 04:37 |
alleeHol | manchicken: digikam: for kde4 they plan to do a native windows port (including kipi-plugins) | 04:43 |
=== alleeHol is now known as allee | ||
manchicken | allee: Interesting. | 04:44 |
manchicken | I have no interest in a windows port myself, but a friend of mine is very interested. | 04:44 |
manchicken | She's become a bit of a digital camera junkie. | 04:44 |
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ubuntu | hi since laaast update i cant boot, i have a problem wth kdinnit | 04:45 |
ubuntu | kdeinit | 04:45 |
Hobbsee | ubuntu: #ubuntu+1 | 04:46 |
allee | manchicken: so maaaaaaaaaayyyybeeee you have a christmas present for her | 04:46 |
Hobbsee | this si not a support channel | 04:46 |
manchicken | allee: Or I could just get her a live CD :) | 04:46 |
manchicken | allee: A running, stable, happy computer would be a better present than a program for one that is none of those things :) | 04:47 |
allee | :) | 04:47 |
allee | Hi Hobbsee. Still awake ;) | 04:48 |
Hobbsee | allee: for the moment, yeah :) | 04:49 |
allee | :) | 04:49 |
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=== Zerlinna [n=mirjam@C29fc.c.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
manchicken | Man, digiKam needs a better method of determining whether or not it needs to hold its cache. | 04:56 |
manchicken | When you're trying to search and destroy duplicates, it holds onto the cache too much. | 04:56 |
=== jetsaredim [n=jgreenwa@inet-nc01-o.oracle.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
jetsaredim | if the livecd fails to come up all the way, what is the next easiest path to getting a system installer with kubuntu? | 05:03 |
jetsaredim | just install the base system and then install kubuntu-desktop | 05:03 |
=== GNUro [i=GNUro@gateway/tor/x-b45c99e3e93af003] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
allee | manchicken: they use KDE's thumbnail cache. Make it bigger | 05:08 |
manchicken | It's not that it's not big enough, it's that it is holding onto the cache for the images when trying to check for duplicates. | 05:09 |
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@ip68-230-209-186.rd.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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=== LeeJunFan [i=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== Jucato is getting tired about the popcon thing... | ||
n8k99 | the 'spyware' issues? | 05:37 |
Jucato | yeah | 05:37 |
Jucato | on one hand, I do understand their paranoia | 05:37 |
Jucato | on the other hand, they're too paranoid | 05:37 |
n8k99 | exactly | 05:38 |
Jucato | but since I'm not too technically knowledgeable of the whole thing, can somebody *please* put an end to it in #kubuntu? :/ | 05:38 |
=== neoncode [n=neoncode@] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== Jucato thinks he'll let anon32 have his little rant before raising the !offtopic flag | ||
=== mbiebl [n=michael@p54A3A619.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
n8k99 | i think it will rest fora while now | 05:42 |
Tonio_ | Jucato: interview in 20 minutes | 05:43 |
=== Tonio_ feels the preasure coming in... | ||
Jucato | Tonio_: ooh for the job? good luck! :) | 05:43 |
n8k99 | good luck Tonio_ | 05:43 |
Jucato | and have confidence in your English. it's good 'nuff ;) | 05:43 |
=== jjesse [n=jjesse@] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Tonio_ | Jucato: I hope so | 05:49 |
=== giangy saw, in his mind, the new IT Manager for Amazon France: he's Tonio_! | ||
kwwii | what? | 05:51 |
kwwii | ahhh, now I read it again...you saw in your mind | 05:52 |
=== Lure [n=lure@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
giangy | kwwii: :)) | 05:54 |
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=== marseillai [n=cyril@AMarseille-156-1-62-127.w90-28.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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=== gandalf__ [n=gandalf@gob75-7-82-247-114-32.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
gandalf__ | hello | 07:24 |
gandalf__ | I just upgraded to kubuntu 7.04 beta | 07:24 |
gandalf__ | And when I lauch adapt, it tells me it's locked by another process | 07:25 |
gandalf__ | does anybody know what's wrong ? | 07:25 |
guaqua | go command line, go commando | 07:26 |
=== LeeJunFan [i=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
gandalf__ | thanks | 07:41 |
gandalf__ | how can I enable Beryl and the nifty special effects ? | 07:41 |
guaqua | the same way you do it in edgy | 07:42 |
gandalf__ | and how do you do it in Edgy ? | 07:42 |
guaqua | now, that's something the wiki's tell you | 07:42 |
guaqua | i personally use a special .Xsession file in home dir | 07:43 |
guaqua | and some specifics in xorg.conf | 07:43 |
gandalf__ | no gui way of doing it ? | 07:44 |
guaqua | there might be | 07:46 |
=== oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== toma is now known as toma_ | ||
Lure | Tonio_: do you know why we have patch to remove splash from k3b and do not use k-d-s instead? | 08:05 |
Tonio_ | Lure: nope | 08:06 |
Tonio_ | Lure: probably because the guy who did that forgot kds | 08:06 |
Tonio_ | Lure: will do that in kds toonight | 08:06 |
Tonio_ | remove the patch ;) | 08:06 |
Lure | Tonio_: will do | 08:07 |
=== LeeJunFan [i=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== neversfelde [n=chrman@nrbg-4db446f6.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== elcuco [n=elcuco@bzq-88-153-59-139.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== goldenear [n=goldenea@2001:6f8:392:1:213:2ff:fe4a:53a7] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== stivani [n=stivani@d51531068.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== _neversfelde [n=chrman@nrbg-4db446f6.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Lure | Tonio_: updated k3b package available: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=4752 | 09:07 |
Lure | Tonio_: tested some fixes and couple of burns | 09:08 |
=== vorian_ [n=vorian@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== _Sime [n=konversa@ip54579d1b.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
_Sime | Riddell, sebas, yuriy: 0.8 is up on the website now. | 09:30 |
sebas | _Sime_: Did you put the typo fix in? | 09:30 |
sebas | (See email from 15 minutes ago) | 09:30 |
sebas | Hmpf. | 09:31 |
_Sime | sebas: nope, so you are SOL. :-) | 09:33 |
_Sime | sebas: there will most likely be a 0.8.1 soon. | 09:33 |
sebas | Ok :-) | 09:34 |
Tonio_ | Lure: will upload toonight, thanks | 09:35 |
Lure | Tonio_: thanks | 09:36 |
=== sebas goes offline again. | ||
=== mbiebl [n=michael@e180114186.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== mbiebl [n=michael@e180114186.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== Alpha_Cluster [n=nikkun@bsu195102.bemidjistate.edu] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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=== besonen_mobile2 [n=devon@71-221-92-72.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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gnomefreak | nixternal: you around? | 10:40 |
=== vorian [n=steve@cpe-76-181-146-41.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== vorian [n=steve@cpe-76-181-146-41.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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yuriy | _Sime: i thought it was up a while ago? | 11:06 |
=== alleeEdgy32_ [n=edgy32@hydra.mpe.mpg.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
_Sime | yuriy: that was 0.7.1 | 11:07 |
_Sime | this is 0.8. | 11:07 |
yuriy | is .8 going into feisty? | 11:07 |
_Sime | yep, it is more or less what is already in feisty. | 11:10 |
Tm_T | hmm, I might get in to aKademy <3 | 11:11 |
Tm_T | just should find out what staying a week there might cost | 11:11 |
guaqua | where is it again? | 11:13 |
Tm_T | Glasgow | 11:13 |
guaqua | mm...beer | 11:13 |
poningru | beer? | 11:14 |
poningru | where? | 11:14 |
guaqua | glasgow | 11:14 |
poningru | oh :( | 11:14 |
=== poningru goes down to his local pub | ||
poningru | mmmm salty dogs | 11:14 |
guaqua | :< | 11:14 |
=== Tm_T just came from 1 or 3 Guinness | ||
guaqua | i'd have to take a cab to get into a pub | 11:14 |
guaqua | 1 or 3 | 11:15 |
guaqua | :D | 11:15 |
=== poningru 's is within walking distance | ||
Tm_T | well, 20 km here | 11:16 |
guaqua | poningru: where in the states is that? | 11:16 |
poningru | gainesville FL | 11:16 |
guaqua | right coast | 11:16 |
poningru | yep | 11:16 |
poningru | well not really | 11:16 |
guaqua | going to the left coast in august | 11:16 |
poningru | its like 100 km from the coast | 11:16 |
poningru | guaqua: ah cool | 11:17 |
guaqua | that's okay, nobody's perfect | 11:17 |
poningru | for? | 11:17 |
Tm_T | guaqua: I'm not?! | 11:17 |
guaqua | see old friends, make new ones | 11:17 |
poningru | guaqua: no conference? | 11:17 |
guaqua | i spend a year in olympia, wa as an exchange student when i was in high school | 11:17 |
guaqua | spent that is | 11:17 |
Tm_T | and "was" ;) | 11:17 |
Tm_T | or, were ? | 11:18 |
guaqua | either way, Tm_T | 11:18 |
=== Tm_T hides | ||
guaqua | were if you wanna go all grammatical | 11:18 |
Tm_T | I noticed today again that I suck when I need to _speak_ english | 11:18 |
Tm_T | I'm ok when it's about reading or writing, but speaking? oh noes... | 11:18 |
gnomefreak | so do i and its my first language :( | 11:19 |
Tm_T | :-P | 11:19 |
guaqua | Tm_T: it's all about those 1 or 3 guinnes | 11:19 |
guaqua | after three you are probably just fine | 11:19 |
Tm_T | guaqua: good to know | 11:19 |
Tm_T | though I doubt, I sniff and slurp one pint over an hour ;) | 11:20 |
Tm_T | so no worry about getting drunk | 11:21 |
=== Lathiat_ [n=lathiat@ubuntu/member/pdpc.basic.lathiat] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-58-230.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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=== mbiebl [n=michael@e180114186.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Tm_T | any british here? | 12:02 |
=== Arby [n=richard@] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== apokryphos waves | ||
Tm_T | (: | 12:07 |
Tm_T | apokryphos: thanks, I will bother you if needed | 12:07 |
apokryphos | a lot more of them in #ubuntu-uk | 12:07 |
Tm_T | (: | 12:08 |
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