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kuwangerpeaker: Yea.12:11
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: Alright12:11
ins-dragonclawfrojnd: try holding shift when you click?12:11
penowho likes reggae??12:11
kuwangerpeaker: Btw, I thought you were for free software before.12:12
yuanI do12:12
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: Lets get started12:12
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!12:12
penome too12:12
ubotuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/12:12
BluesKajpeno, if you have question about kubunru then ask. otherwise stop12:12
peakerkuwanger: but its fun to have an hour's massage for 4$US and drink shakes for 70cents US all day, etc12:12
Camaxtlicotyrothery: You see the two options: "Erase entire hdd" and "Manually" ?12:12
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: yes12:12
kuwangerpeaker: Yea, I imagine.12:12
penohey people, where are you from??? you dont speak Czech???????????12:12
peakerkuwanger: I am for Free Software. As long as copyright exists and thus can be abused, its good to use it against itself. But it would be better to not have copyright at all12:12
Camaxtlicotyrothery: pick "Erase entire hdd"12:12
kuwangerpeaker: Ah, I see.  I agree.12:12
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: it gives two drives master and slav4e12:13
frojndins-dragonclaw: when I shift and click on a torrent it just opens a new page and asks the same12:13
ins-dragonclawhmm ok12:13
kuwangerpeaker: Btw, guess who is #programmers founder now.12:13
penoI like alcohol12:13
ins-dragonclawi don't use opera, so i don't know12:13
ins-dragonclawmaybe there's something in the settings?12:13
cotyrotheryanyone here now c++12:13
Camaxtlicotyrothery: It gives something called "swap", "/" and "/home" ?12:13
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penoespecially beer - Czech gambrinus12:13
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peakerkuwanger: I do agree that some forms of art would be hurt without copyright. Namely movies with expensive effects. I think it would be good if commercial entities were bound by copyright for say.. 5 to 10 years. So theatres and such have to pay movie maker to display it, but you can download it home for free12:13
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: were should i look for that12:13
hendaussomebody help me please/12:13
peakerkuwanger: who?12:14
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kuwangerpeaker: Pfhoenix12:14
Tm_T!offtopic | peaker, kuwanger12:14
ubotupeaker, kuwanger: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!12:14
peakerkuwanger: Not that I care much about #programmers, now that Pfhenoix and other dumb ones sit there when everyone is idling :)12:14
cotyrotheryCamaxli: I only get three options12:14
cotyrotheryCamaxli: it ask which drive i would like or if i want to do it manually12:14
nosrednaekimhendaus: whats you prblem?12:15
cotyrotheryDoes anyone here know or learning c++12:15
Tm_Tcotyrothery: some of us sure12:15
cotyrotherybecause im in the process of learning lua and c++12:15
cotyrotheryI might after words learn asm and c12:16
Camaxtlicotyrothery: Describe the three options in details please12:16
SkrotI know some C++.. why?12:16
cotyrotheryjust wondering12:16
cotyrotherywas it easy for you to learn12:16
peakercotyrothery: I knew C++ years ago12:16
peakerbut since its one of the most complicated things on the face of the planet, I can't say I still know it12:16
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ins-dragonclawdoes anyone here know any good snes emulators?12:16
peakercotyrothery: I don't recommend learning C++ for any purpose these days :P12:16
cotyrotheryi am learning it really easily12:17
SkrotIt's easy to learn if you're a) interested b) know another object oriented language and/or some basic principles of computer memory12:17
peakerins-dragonclaw: zsnes used to work okay12:17
ToolBustdoes any one have ubuntu with beryl?12:17
ins-dragonclawi have it but it won't compile12:17
Skrotpeaker: Why not?12:17
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ins-dragonclawzsnes i mean12:17
peakercotyrothery: it takes a long time to learn C++ properly. You may think you learn it easily. But you don't. :)12:17
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: i cant copy and past it12:17
Camaxtlicotyrothery: You can describe it12:17
cotyrotheryPeaker: yea i know12:17
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Skrotpeaker: It takes a lot of experience to get it right, since you're responsible for memory management and to some extent run-time checks, but it's not THAT hard to start using it to write apps..12:18
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: first it ask weather i want to install on master drive (hda)12:18
peakerSkrot: Because C++'s goals don't coincide with the goals of anyone these days. C syntax compatibility does not typically matter to anyone who just wants to learn to use a language. And yet it complicates the hell out of C++.  Templates and other hacks designed for a hybrid of high-level featuers and performance are much much more complex than other answers which put less  emphasis on performance.  You pay for things that don't matter12:18
Camaxtlicotyrothery: It wants to install what on hda?12:18
Camaxtlicotyrothery: Be more specific.12:19
Skrotpeaker: You'd rather write apps in..?12:19
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cotyrotheryCamaxtli: there are to many people talking12:19
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hendaus_please help!12:19
Tm_They C++ talkers, take separate channel ;)12:19
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Tm_T!helpme | hendaus_12:19
ubotuhendaus_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:19
peakerSkrot: come to offtopic12:20
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Camaxtlicotyrothery: Send over PM then12:20
Skrotpeaker: I was there, you just left :)12:20
peakerSkrot: #kubuntu-offtopic12:20
peakerSkrot: cause I couldn't send to channel12:20
hendaus_Tm_T, thanx, can u help me how to sitch off the monitor after 20 minutes/12:20
BluesKajgotta register to pm12:21
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: /dev/hda: IDE1 master (hda) - 20.0 gb wdc wd200bb-75caa012:21
Tm_Thendaus_: dunno about that, I usually handle that stuff in BIOS12:22
ins-dragonclawyay! i have cotyrothery's hdd's serial number now12:22
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: /dev/hdb: IDE1 Slave (hdb) - 15.0 gb12:22
ins-dragonclawnot that that helps anyone ;)12:22
cotyrotheryins-dragonclaw: That drive is 7 years old12:22
cotyrotheryyou wont get much out of it12:23
hendaus_Tm_T,  what can i do coz the monitor is very hot,on windows worked fine12:23
Camaxtlicotyrothery: Select hdb12:23
Tm_Thendaus_: what you mean by "very hot" ?12:23
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: i have done that one before12:23
BluesKajhendaus, system settings/monitor&display/hardware /admin mode/power saving set and apply12:24
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cotyrotheryCamaxtli: maybe i should go ahead and try the main drive12:24
hendaus_Tm_T,  i put my hand on the monitor and it is very hot12:24
Camaxtlicotyrothery: We'll try it again on hdb first12:24
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: ok12:24
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cotyrotheryCamaxtli: I am begging the install12:25
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: how big should i make the partion12:25
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bluestreettest (sorry)12:25
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: Should i erase the whole drive?12:25
Camaxtlicotyrothery: Shouldn't the installer do that itself?12:25
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Camaxtlicotyrothery: Erase the whole drive12:25
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cotyrotheryCamaxtli: ok12:25
Camaxtlicotyrothery: Don't mess with partition unless you know what you're doing12:26
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ins-dragonclawhendaus_: K Menu > System Settings > Monitor & Display > Power Saving12:26
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cotyrotheryCamaxtli: ok because i have no idea what im doing most of the time12:26
ins-dragonclawsame here12:26
BluesKajgeezuz, thought he erased taht drive long time ago12:26
Camaxtlicotyrothery: Now I think you need to give up your username etc? right?12:26
zerothiscotyrothery: me too!12:27
cotyrotherynone of us do12:27
CamaxtliBluesKaj: Last resort: installation step per step12:27
zerothisI installed a Dell Photo AIO 924 (which is a rebranded Lexmark z612) using the lexmark z600 series red hat drivers (used Alien). everything seems to have worked i didn't even get anny errors from installing the .deb files. But jobs just pileup in the viewer without error and without printing. I get no reation from the printer.12:27
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: Installing12:27
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: i sure hope this works12:28
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cotyrotheryCamaxtli: if not will we go ahead and do it on the main drive12:28
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Camaxtlicotyrothery: You're not alone in that.12:28
soulrider__zerothis: did you really need the drivers ?12:28
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cotyrotheryCamaxtli: LOL , well i was tolled that it wont load from the slave and that might be my problem12:29
hendaus__ins-dragonclaw,  thanx but it doesnot work :(12:29
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hendaus__ins-dragonclaw,  maybe i have to configure my monitor module or not>?12:29
LeeJunFananyone else having kdesktop crash after screensaver and power saving have been on for a while?12:30
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: my install screen disappeared12:30
ins-dragonclawi don't think so12:30
ins-dragonclawbut i'm no hardware expert, sorry...12:30
zerothissoul:well, i plugged it in and got nothing. I used "Add Printer..." from the KDE "Print System" button, but there was no Dell...924 or Lexmark z612 listed. so i installed the drivers and tried again. this time "Lexmark z600" was listed12:31
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cotyrotheryCamaxtli: is that weird that my install screen disappeared12:31
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Camaxtlicotyrothery: DId you switch desktops or did it just crash? In the latter case just redo the all the steps12:31
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: that has never happened before so wht should i do12:31
zerothisLeeJunFan: I have the problem sometimes12:31
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LeeJunFanzerothis: do you also run beryl?12:32
Camaxtlicotyrothery: Run the installation again, do the same steps again until it finishes12:32
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: im going to go ahead and redo it but i think that iim going to go ahead an erase the main drive and install it there12:32
zerothisLeeJun:I don't think so. checking...12:32
LeeJunFanzerothis: you'd know if you ran beryl :)12:32
zerothiswell, beryl-core is installed.12:33
LeeJunFanzerothis: thanks. I'm trying to track down the root of it to file a useful bug report. It seems to be tied to DPMS (power saving), I haven't had it happen yet with powersaving on.12:33
ubotunasm: General-purpose x86 assembler. In component main, is optional. Version 0.98.38-1.2 (edgy), package size 1511 kB, installed size 2776 kB12:34
zerothishow would I go about using my printer without the drivers?12:35
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KaoticEvilcan i install 2 different versions of kubuntu on the same computer?12:36
zerothisI don't really need to use it myself. its the office printer and our print server is in the shop for a week. I just want to server the printer to XP machines durring office hours12:36
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zerothisKoatin: Yes, I have two versions accidently. plus there is a way to do this on purpose12:36
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scottyWhen will Firefox hit the repos? I was told it usually only takes a couple days.12:37
zerothisthen you can install different packages to different versions12:37
KaoticEvilzerothis: was that to me?12:37
zerothisKaoticEvil: yes, to you, 2 versions12:38
LeeJunFanzerothis: are you using a laptop?12:38
AaronCampbellcan anyone help me connect kubuntu to my network?12:38
KaoticEvilhey LeeJunFan :)12:38
zerothisLeeJunFan: Yes, I have a D900K12:38
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LeeJunFanzerothis: okay, there's one big thing we have in common with that crash I think.12:38
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wilmanhow to like shutdown my computer in 30 mins?12:39
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KaoticEvilzerothis: how do i do it? just install the second version to a different hard drive?12:39
aphroguyAny xorg.conf geniuses out there?12:40
AaronCampbellwilman: shutdown -h +3012:40
wilmanthx man;)12:41
zerothisthere is a wiki somehwere. its a debian thing.12:41
KaoticEvilok, cool.. thanks :)12:42
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zerothisAaronCampbell: I've found if I use shutdown then my next boot is not fully funtional. no sound for instance12:42
AaronCampbellzerothis: what other option is there?12:43
frojndany good with a lot of options ftp servers?12:43
AaronCampbellI'm new to (k)ubuntu, but shutdown is pretty standard afaik12:43
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zerothisUsing the GUI to shutdown doesn't cause problems.12:44
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KaoticEvilcouldnt't you use a scheduled job?12:44
zerothisbut I don't know how to +30 in the GUI12:44
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AaronCampbellcan anyone help me connect kubuntu to my network?12:45
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: sorry my computer froze and crashed12:45
KaoticEvilAaronCampbell: are you trying to connect it to a windows network?12:45
AaronCampbellIt seems to see all my network adapters (2 wired gigabit and one wireless)12:45
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AaronCampbellIf it could ping the router it's plugged into, I'd be happy12:46
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cotyrotheryCamaxtli: im starting up the install again12:46
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cotyrotheryCamaxtli: should i go ahead with installing it on my master drive12:47
zerothisAaron:have you tried browsing to the router directly. I had one router that would ping untill I logged in once.12:47
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: are you there?12:48
Camaxtlicotyrothery: yes12:48
Camaxtlicotyrothery: I am now12:49
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: Should i go ahead and install it on my maste drive12:49
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Camaxtlicotyrothery: If you don't mind losing all date on that drive I'd say go for it12:49
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cotyrotheryCamaxtli: yay i get to erase everything12:50
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: woooohoooooo12:50
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: coty ends sarcasim12:50
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cotyrotheryCamaxtli: windows is no use to me anyways now that it does not work12:51
justin1278I am having an issue with Kubuntu on my notebook, it seems that whenever my notebook is plugged in that I have booting problems.12:51
justin1278It takes at least 5 minutes to boot plugged in, but when un-plugged it takes only 30 seconds.12:52
AaronCampbellzerothis: yes, I have tried browsing to it12:52
justin1278can anyone help me?12:53
CamaxtliWendy: #ubuntu-es12:53
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cotyrotheryCamaxtli: ok here it goes im about to wipe out everything on my computer12:53
justin1278can somebody help me with my booting issue?12:54
aphroguyEstoy aprendiendo todavia, pero que necesitas wendy?12:54
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: i just hope kubuntu does not let me down12:54
Camaxtlicotyrothery: If you do it right it won't12:54
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cotyrotheryCamaxtli: what12:55
justin1278can somebody please help me with my booting issue?12:55
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cotyrotherywere all having booting issues12:55
cotyrotheryat least i am12:55
Camaxtlicotyrothery: kubuntu12:55
Camaxtlijustin1278: What is your booting issue?12:56
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cotyrotheryCamaxtli: could you repeat what you mean12:56
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cotyrotheryCamaxtli: im really nerves12:56
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Camaxtlicotyrothery: If you do kubuntu right it works good.12:56
justin1278Camaxtli: whenever my notebook is plugged in it takes around 5 minutes to boot, but when my notebook is un-plugged it takes about 30 seconds.12:56
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: Do yo think if i install it on the main drive it will work?12:56
Camaxtlicotyrothery: I don't know, I never had those issues and I usually edit my partition tables manually.12:57
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: Ok it is installing there is no turning back now12:58
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justin1278Camaxtli: whenever my notebook is plugged in it takes around 5 minutes to boot, but when my notebook is un-plugged it takes about 30 seconds.12:58
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cotyrotheryCamaxtli: I really really hope that this great linux does not let me down by not working.12:59
Camaxtlijustin1278: acpi issues perhaps? My notebook boots fine somehow :/12:59
justin1278Camaxtli: Is there a way to fix it?12:59
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: because im deleting hundreds of dollors worth of software12:59
justin1278Camaxtli: Other linux distributions didn't do this.12:59
philforecommendations?  I want to do a kubuntu install on my two 80GB drives RAID configured.01:00
philfois it do-able??01:00
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Camaxtlijustin1278: Try looking for bug reports of notebooks that have the same problem01:00
Camaxtlicotyrothery: Only hundreds?01:00
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: yes01:00
justin1278Camaxtli: Ok01:00
justin1278Camaxtli: Also is there a way to change how much power your CPU uses when plugged in/un-plugged?01:01
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: i have one peice of software that cost 800 dollors01:01
Camaxtlijustin1278: Yes there is: Kpowersave :)01:01
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justin1278Camaxtli: Ok thanks!01:02
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: will they have software that i had for windows for kubuntu01:02
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cotyrotheryCamaxtli: like software to do my C++ coding01:02
ins-dragonclawkate + blind luck?01:02
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justin1278cotyrothery: KDevelop can do C++ coding I believe.01:03
cotyrotheryis it better than most01:03
justin1278cotyrothery: and its free of course.01:03
CamaxtliEclipse is prettier and nicer01:03
justin1278cotyrothery: sorry I'm not sure I don't know C++ coding.01:03
cotyrotheryi love it01:04
cotyrotheryits great to be able to tell the computer what to do01:04
ins-dragonclawand you end up screaming?01:04
cotyrotheryIt's kind of funny that all that coding turns into 1's and 0's01:04
cotyrotheryim not01:05
cotyrotheryi have no problems with learning it or programming with ti01:05
cotyrotheryMain reason im learning it is so i can programe for the psp scen01:05
ins-dragonclawexcept for spelling, of course01:05
cotyrotheryyea tha always gets me01:05
cotyrotheryi always type to fast01:05
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Camaxtliins-dragonclaw: Documentation without spelling and grammar or without interpunction01:06
=== Camaxtli shivers
cotyrotheryso i miss a ; at the end sometimes01:06
justin1278Camaxtli: I01:06
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n8k99schloars ta xfrdo have proved spellngi si nuesscary01:06
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cotyrotheryif i wanted to code for kubuntu could i do it in c++01:06
cotyrotheryor would i need to know asm01:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sdl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:06
justin1278Camaxtli: I've installed Kpowersave, is there a way to disable the default power manager so I can just use Kpowersave?01:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sdl-config - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:06
LeeJunFanjustin1278: apt-get remove kde-guidance-power01:07
Camaxtlijustin1278 there is01:07
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cotyrotheryanyone here help programe the kubuntu linux?01:07
n8k99kdevelop has modules and templates to write kde apps and plugins01:07
LeeJunFanjustin1278: apt-get remove kde-guidance-powermanager that is01:07
philfoanyone tell me how difficult it might be to set up kubuntu on a RAID array?01:07
justin1278LeeJunFan: Thanks01:07
n8k99cotyrothery: you want #kubuntu-devel or #kde-devel01:07
cotyrotherywhat is that01:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libsdl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:08
cotyrotheryis it the place were the programmers talk01:08
n8k99cotyrothery: yes01:08
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allyppeis there any way to keep a log of my installed packages in synaptic?01:08
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cotyrotherycool now i can see what they talk about01:09
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_Iwonder_anyone got a sec?01:09
_Iwonder_try /server <your local ip>01:09
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ins-dragonclaw<sarcasm> ha. ha. ha. </sarcasm>01:09
cntbwhat user can admin cups in http://localhost:631/admin ?01:10
cotyrotherythey dont talk much in the dev channel01:10
CamaxtliTry: /join 0,001:10
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows01:10
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ins-dragonclawYou have (1) new email! Type "/server mail" to read it01:10
ins-dragonclawthat one cracked me up...01:10
aphroguyAnyone good with xorg.conf?  I'm in need of some assistance.01:10
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_Iwonder_thx a lot for your help.it wasn't a joke01:11
cotyrotheryi have to say that i love the linux scene its much better than what microsoft has to offer01:11
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philfook, not gonna do the RAID install.01:12
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cotyrotheryif microsoft offered there new vista for free to me i would turn it down01:12
ins-dragonclawconfigure: error: SDL >= 1.2.0 is required01:12
ins-dragonclawwtf is SDL ?01:12
philfois it possible to move my current Kubuntu settings from this drive to my newly installed version on my much larger hd?01:13
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Skrotins-dragonclaw: Simple Directmedia Layer. Its used to program with OpenGL etc01:13
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ins-dragonclawok, better: Does kubuntu come with SDL ?01:14
peakerphilfo: you can copy your home dir config files. As for packages, there's a way to dump your package settings from one comp and load them in another, but I donno if its a good idea in an ubuntu system01:14
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cotyrotheryim hiped up on caffeen01:14
SkrotYou probably want libsdl1.2-dev01:14
peakerins-dragonclaw: the SDL graphics/sound library?01:14
peakerins-dragonclaw: what are you trying to build?01:14
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peakerins-dragonclaw: from an ubuntu source package?01:15
cotyrotheryi drank to much coffee i beleive01:15
peakerins-dragonclaw: or from sources?01:15
philfoI can set up the packages, no worries, I just want to keep some things like mail and the like.01:15
ins-dragonclawfrom their own source package01:15
Skrotins-dragonclaw: Install the libsdl1.2-dev package.01:15
cotyrotheryi do that when im nerves01:15
peakerins-dragonclaw: I think it can autodetect such dependencies if you deb-make a package for it, that way you'll end up with a .deb too01:15
philfodoing that whole setup will still take me less time than a WinXP install01:15
peakerins-dragonclaw: but Skrot is right, you need that -dev package01:15
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cotyrotheryIs it possible to have more than one linux on one drive?01:16
epimethahoy folks!01:16
peakercotyrothery: what do you mean?01:16
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peakercotyrothery: multiple installations ? you can have those in separate partitions01:16
cotyrotherylike have kubuntu and edubuntu and ubuntu on the same dirve01:16
peakercotyrothery: with some trickery, on the same partition :)01:16
epimethI recently updated my feisty... I think something is broken :-(01:16
KarlTyes, with different partitions and a boot loader like grub01:16
peakercotyrothery: sure, in separate partitions01:17
epimethafter the splashscreen, nothing happens01:17
epimethI just have a blank screen01:17
cotyrotheryi guess if i ever get kubuntu to work then i will do that01:17
epimethno terminals, no nothing01:17
cotyrotheryand if i do get it to work you will see me on here a lot01:17
peakercotyrothery: so what happened after you reinstalled? same thing01:18
peakercotyrothery: ?01:18
cotyrotherypeaker: im installing now01:18
epimethcotyrothery: actually... you can have them on the same partition... but you *really* don't want to do that01:18
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Bluedogare there any cd burning programs like nero for ubuntu?01:18
cotyrotherypeaker: i am doing it on my master drive this time01:18
Bluedogthe one included is a bit basic01:18
ins-dragonclawBluedog: K3b ?01:18
_Iwonder_seriously can i get someone,anyone to conduct a test for me?01:18
epimethcotyrothery: its basically what happens when you update the kernel... you're old linux kernels are still available01:18
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Bluedogins-dragonclaw: never heard of it, is it good?01:19
cotyrotheryepimeth: ok01:19
ins-dragonclawit's the included one O.o01:19
BluedogI want one tha does dvd-video files / vobs too if possible01:19
ubotuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto01:19
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cotyrotheryepimeth: do you have all the ubuntus installed01:19
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Bluedogim using just ubuntu at the moment, gnome01:19
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cotyrotheryi cant get ubuntu to even load01:19
epimethcotyrothery: sorry?01:20
cotyrotheryit just goes crazy and crashes01:20
peakercotyrothery: maybe your BIOS only looks at your master drive01:20
cotyrotherypeaker: yeah i beleive so01:20
Bluedogso im just using gnome cd/dvd creator....01:20
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raffytaffycotyrothery: still a no go ehh?01:20
cotyrotherypeaker: that is why im going ahead and doing it01:20
peakercotyrothery: you dont have to reinstall it there tho. you can try to just install grub there01:20
BluedogIs swapping to kubuntu / having both really as easy as adding kubuntu-desktop?01:20
ins-dragonclawBluedog: apparently k3b works on gnome01:20
raffytaffyyes Bluedog01:20
peakerBluedog: was for me01:20
raffytaffysudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop01:21
Bluedogthanks ins-dragonclaw01:21
Bluedogawesome, then how do i choose between the two?01:21
peakerBluedog: you also want to remove gdm so kdm takes over, maybe :) I also removed all the gnome libs, but ya01:21
Bluedogsession on login?01:21
cotyrotheryraffytaffy: peaker; i am installing it on the main drive01:21
raffytaffyduring loging Bluedog01:21
peakercotyrothery: I understand - but grub can run from one drive and boot a patrition from the other01:21
cotyrotheryraffytaffy: peaker: i deciede i did not want windows01:21
raffytaffyu can have as many as u want Bluedog01:21
Bluedogyeah.. cool01:21
raffytaffyi have 10+ Bluedog01:21
BluedogI'm just worried its gonna be messy01:21
cotyrotheryraffytaffy: well its too late now01:22
Bluedoggnome libs, kdm, gdm, all mixed up01:22
peakercotyrothery: okay.  I need to install Windows some time so I can play games and justify my new computer01:22
raffytaffyBluedog : it wont , dont worry01:22
cotyrotherypeaker: cant you do that with kubuntu01:22
peakerBluedog: I think kdm+gdm may be messy, that's why you need to remove gdm. gnome libs and others are not a mess, they just sit there01:22
raffytaffyeach DM loads the apps it needs, and not everything at once01:22
ins-dragonclawlibsdl1.2-dev needs like a million other packages01:22
soulrider__hi, im bored, anyone needs help ?01:22
soulrider__hi ins-dragonclaw01:22
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peakercotyrothery: only few "real" games have linux versions (I mean big-time labels)01:22
Bluedogpeaker: ok, ty :)01:22
ins-dragonclawhello soulrider__01:22
cotyrotherypeake: good thing i use my PSP for games and not my pc01:23
peakercotyrothery: cool 3d games01:23
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peakercotyrothery: Then you really have no reason to keep win around ;)01:23
cotyrotherypeaker: i hack my PSP and make it do what ever i want like run unsighend code01:23
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soulrider__im gonna see if i can play diablo 2 with wine01:23
cotyrotherypeaker: i even ran kubuntu on my PSP01:23
ins-dragonclawwhy don't they include all these things with the CD ?!01:23
peakercotyrothery: cool01:24
Skrotyeah! It's not like a CD has a limited size of 700MBs or anything..01:24
peakersoulrider__: Starcraft, a game from 95 still doesnt run in wine01:24
cotyrotherypeaker: yeah they ported bochs to the psp01:24
peakeror 9701:24
ins-dragonclawaccording to appdb.winehq.org, you're wrong, peaker01:24
cotyrotherypeaker: if i wanted i could run windows01:24
epimethsoulrider__: you can help me :-)01:24
peakerins-dragonclaw: Starcraft runs - but not in multiplayer mode. Which means it doesnt run ;)01:25
peakersingle player starcraft is useless01:25
ins-dragonclawheheh. point made01:25
ins-dragonclawwhat about battle.net?01:25
ins-dragonclawalso not?01:25
peakerThat's what doesn't work in starcraft01:25
peakerappearantly starcraft relies on some bugs in Windows01:25
peakerthat are hard to emulate01:25
cotyrotheryi can do anything with my psp01:25
peakeror maybe they dont even know what the bugs are01:25
ins-dragonclawcotyrothery: can you make it make coffee?01:25
ins-dragonclawno, i'm not kidding either01:26
cotyrotheryactually yes i can01:26
peakeralso when I reported the bugs, they mixed other unrelated bugs into my report - and then closed it based on those bugs :(01:26
ins-dragonclawso submit it again, peaker01:26
peakerins-dragonclaw: it was a lot of effort01:26
ins-dragonclawdon't you have a backup of the list?01:27
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meme-1Hey folks, I am trying to register my email address as per the irc instructions "/msg NickServ set email xxx@xxx.com BUT I am seeing an error: "/msg: Unknown command."01:27
peakerins-dragonclaw: I dont have the setup to restore the bug anymore01:28
Guest75071I have a question about installing kubuntu01:28
peakermeme-1: which irc client?01:28
ins-dragonclawlol ok01:28
raffytaffy meme-1 hi01:28
meme-1hello folks (again) nice to see y'all.01:29
ins-dragonclawtry /raw msg nickserv blabla01:29
cotyrotheryim almost done installing kubuntu01:29
ins-dragonclawthat's the server01:29
ins-dragonclawwhat program are you running?01:29
Guest75071It says Uncompressing Linux . . . Ok, boot the Kernel.01:29
Guest75071But nothing happens01:30
cotyrotheryguest75071: you can change your name01:30
ins-dragonclaw./nick <new nick>01:30
ins-dragonclawleave out the dot at the front01:30
=== Guest75071 is now known as Bender
soulrider__epimeth: whatd o you need ?01:31
epimethummmm... sooo after installing some updates to feisty my screen seems to die01:31
epimethafter the splashscreen nothing whatsoever appears01:31
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epimethhowever, if I go in recovery mode everything is fine01:31
bender1337ok i changed my name01:32
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epimethI guess I could start disabling things from rc.5, but that seems kinda extreme01:32
soulrideri would do this01:32
soulriderdisablle splash01:32
soulriderand see if it gives me an error01:32
soulrideryou should ask in the feisty channel though01:32
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cotyrotheryit seems to take longer installing it on my master drive than what it did on my slave drive01:32
epimethhow do I disable the splash?01:32
paddy-2kHas anyone one had the updated mess up their install?01:32
soulrideryou know int he grub menu ?01:32
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soulriderjust remove quiet and plash options01:33
soulrideryou can do that when botting01:33
soulriderjust press e to edit01:33
soulriderpaddy-2k: the updater you mean ?01:33
nick_is there anything in inux that allows you to watch .aiv,.mpg,and.wmv in the browser (either firefox of kokqerer)01:33
epimethkay... speaking of which... how do I have a splashscreen with messages of what is loading?  dapper had it, but edgy and feisty seem to have gotten rid of them01:33
ins-dragonclawhad the same problem01:34
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ins-dragonclawspeaking of which ... i should fix it...01:34
peakernick_: You can embed kaffein in konqueror for that somehow. easy ubuntu sets it up somehow, but you shouldnt use easy ubuntu, not sure exactly how its done01:34
AbortDalright i have beryl running and in order to do that i had to fix my drivers01:34
epimethsoulrider: hmmm... there *is* no 'splash' option... and getting rid of quiet doesn't change anything01:34
peakernick_: search about embedding kaffein in konqueror01:34
cotyrotherycamaxtli: when it is done installing will there be anything else i need to do01:35
nick_kaffein crashed every time i open it01:35
AbortDnow no matter what setting i use my screen is oversized or under01:35
CamaxtliMost likely01:35
soulriderepimeth: you should be able to disable it01:35
AbortDhow do i fix my self?01:35
paddy-2ksoulrider: yes sorry updater, X isn't starting. and I'm not experienced enought to fix it01:35
CamaxtliAnd check if you can get into a woeking system01:35
soulridernick_: videos work fine on firefox and konqueror for me01:35
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cotyrotherycamaxtli: cool ok i hope it works01:35
bender1337here is my problem01:35
epimethsoulrider: the splash seems to be okay, tho... its *after* the splash that things freeze up01:35
nick_I fi go to (for example) www.thatvideosite.com, those are all videos that used to play in windows media player (not flash)01:36
cotyrotherycamaxtli: if not im coming back on crying01:36
soulriderpaddy-2k: it kind of messed my PC up too, i would help you but i really dont know lol, i suggest anyone with feisty to go to #ubuntu+101:36
soulriderepimeth: it just freezes? dont you get an error at all ?01:36
nick_now it says "click here to download plug-in" and then theres no plug in available01:36
bender1337when i load kubuntu it says Uncompressing linux... ok, booting rhe kernel.01:36
epimethsoulrider: I dunno what exactly happens... nothing whatsoever appears on the screen01:36
soulridernick_: tried konqueror? also, did you install  w32codecs ?01:36
bender1337but nothing happens01:36
epimethsoulrider: the splashscreen has the blue bar filling up, then just a black screen01:36
soulrideroh, epimethno idea01:36
epimethsoulrider: arg... thanks anyway01:37
nick_is that in the manager (the codecs)??01:37
soulriderepimeth: if you disable it you can see all the text01:37
soulriderand know whats actually happening01:37
paddy-2ksoulrider: I'll just have to stop wearing my LinuxuniL T-shirt till the 19th. Thanks anyway01:37
epimethsoulrider: also if I hit alt+f101:37
epimethsoulrider: so everything loads in what seems to be an okay manner, then I get a black screen :-)01:37
Bluedoganyone know how to remove the annoying nvidia logo when x starts?01:37
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bender1337someone read my question /\01:38
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: Do you think it will work since it is on my main drive01:38
epimethBluedog: you get the nvidia login??? no fair!  lets trade :-(01:38
nick_Im not sure if I have a bigger problem, but kaffein has never worked until (for some reason) today.....and when I shit down it says kde has encountered an error die to a bug01:38
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soulriderBluedog: add the line NoLogo "true" tot he device section (i THINK thats the line, cant tell you 1005)01:38
epimethBluedog: ermm... logo, not login01:38
Bluedogthanks soulrider, ill check it out01:38
nick_^^lol about the lazy typing01:39
soulridernick_: try purging and reinstalling kaff01:39
soulriderto everyone using feisty01:39
soulriderits still in beta to crap is bound to happen01:39
epimethnick_: wjat ;azu tuppomg???01:39
soulrideri suggest you ask in #ubuntu+101:39
soulrideryou will get more help there01:39
paddy-2kbender1337: please don't go bassing people about in the room or you'll never get help01:39
paddy-2kbender1337: I mean bossing01:40
bender1337do know though?01:40
nick_I also have a problem with the embeded flash player in kubuntu (in konqerer and firefox) ...basically it plays the audio but no video on 75% of flash video sites01:40
nick_will kaffeine deal with flash video as well?01:41
nick_actually, can I embed VLC in firefox/konqerer01:41
BluesKajupgraded to flash9 , nick_?01:41
nick_i used the manager01:41
peakerBluedog: I think its Option "NoLogo" bug just google Nologo01:42
cotyrotheryok it is installing grub01:42
BluesKajabout:plugins in the addressbar and check what's listed01:42
nick_ok its flash 801:42
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nick_or 701:42
nick_how to upgrade?01:42
nick_shouldnt the manager give me the latest version?01:43
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Kr4t05I know that this question has been exhasted beyond belief, but I want an opinion: Is it worth it to make an early upgrade to Feisty? Is so, how? Via apt? Or a fresh install?01:43
nick_Im trying to get away from flash, because I hate it01:43
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Tm_TKr4t05: no unless you need something or are ready to hunt bugs01:43
Kr4t05Tm_T: Is it that bad?01:44
besonen_mobile2konq appears to ignore leading underscores in directory names when sorting.  is this a k/ubuntu'ism?  how can i change this?01:44
peakernick_: youtube/etc are too compelling01:44
nick_even before on windows, windows media played videos smooth without buffering, flash videos are jumpy and pixilized...same in kubuntu, the flash video sucks01:44
BluesKajnick_, there's no getting away from flash , it's become more embedded everyday01:44
cotyrotheryCamaxtli: ok it is installed im about to restart01:44
nick_i wish youtube would drop the flash and go with some other video01:44
peakerflash video on youtube/etc is not jumpy here01:44
Tm_TKr4t05: no, it's not bad, but there's always chance for that, also hunting bugs is important at this point01:45
Kr4t05Granted, I've been a user since Breezy, so I know my way around, but I've been itching to justify a fresh reinstall, and a possible opportunity to bid farewell that beastly Windows partition. ><01:45
nick_does anybody elese use VLC?01:45
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Tm_TKr4t05: well, it's only 3 weeks so wait ;)01:45
nick_because it handles flash video, and does it better than adobe01:46
Camaxtlicotyrothery: Good luck01:46
Kr4t05Tm_T: Yeah... I suppose. I don't think I've ever waited for the official release.01:46
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nick_it just doesnt stream in off the internet it only plays local files01:46
eilkerhow do u show "what u r listening to" in irc ?01:46
BluesKajVLC is not a very good browser plugin . buggy ...fine as straight player01:46
Kr4t05I'll have to torrent/seed the image, so people can get it without waiting 4 months. :P01:46
nick_VLC as a player seems to play absolutly anything...i think it has alot of codecs01:47
BluesKajapr 19th , official release AFAIK01:47
Tm_TKr4t05: hmm, I did with, err, 5.10 I think and moved to Dapper in less than a month or so01:47
BluesKajnick_, crappy plugin tho :(01:47
nick_yeah i remember it in windows01:48
Tm_TKr4t05: so I have seen releases and early stages of development (:01:48
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nick_made internet explorere look better than firefox01:48
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Kr4t05Tm_T: Heh. Yeah, I'd never upgrade that soon. :P01:48
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Kr4t05Maybe in a VM, but not on my main system.01:48
Tm_Tthere's other than main?01:49
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naught101what's the best FTP client for kde? konqueror isn't working for me01:49
peakernaught101: what do you mean konq isnt working?01:50
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ftpclient - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:50
ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd01:50
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Tm_Tgftp is good01:50
naught101peaker: the uni proxy re-directs it to http01:50
naught101I'm just wondering if I can get around it by using someting else01:50
naught101since I HAVE used ftp here before01:50
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busfahrerExcuse me, where's kcontrol in the Start Menu?01:52
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naught101busfahrer: depends on the distro01:52
Tm_Tbusfahrer: nowhere IIRC, hit alt-F2 and type "kcontrol" ;)01:52
Tm_Tnaught101: ...01:52
busfahrerTm_T: But why?01:53
peakerbusfahrer: "System Settings" is not kcontrol but it does the same01:53
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Tm_Tbusfahrer: it's "hidden" in Kubuntu by default01:53
naught101heh. thought I was in #KDE01:53
Tm_Tpeaker: doesn't do the same01:53
Tm_Tpeaker: does mostly the same though :)01:53
peakerya its slightly "cooler" and more annoying at the same time01:54
peakersearch is less useful01:54
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allyppeis there any way to keep a log of my installed packages in synaptic?01:55
peakerallyppe: not sure if in synaptic, but you can use: dpkg --get-selections01:56
nick_this may sound stupid, but how to i change the directory in konsole?01:56
peakernick_: "cd directory"?01:56
Tm_Tcd as "change directory" ;)01:56
nick_im at desktop...and i need to get into a folder01:56
peakernick_: you can also load the midnight commander profile in konq, then your terminal directory follows your konq one01:56
allyppenick_: same as in any other normal console, konsole is no different; actually konsole is nothing else than a terminal with some added features01:57
raffytaffychanging DMPS on the fly is cool. whoever invent that feature is good01:57
nick_i need to get into the "install flashplayer" folder" on my destop to run the installation01:57
Tm_Tthough Konsole is <301:57
raffytaffyTm_T: hello01:57
Tm_Tnick_: hmm, why?01:57
Tm_Traffytaffy: moin01:57
nick_im a newb01:57
Tm_Tnick_: I mean, what you are doing?01:57
nick_to this command line stuff01:57
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nick_i dlownloaded flashplayer9(the tar gz file)01:58
nick_and i am following the instructions on how to install it through konsole01:58
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cotyrotheryguess what01:58
cotyrotheryit did not work01:58
Tm_Tnick_: hmm, you can install flashplayer from package too01:58
allyppeis there any way to keep a log of my installed packages in synaptic, but in order, so that i may know what i installed and when?01:58
Tm_Tnick_: so no fiddling needed ;)01:58
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash01:58
cotyrotherycamaxli: it did not work01:59
epimethhere's a general question... my work is getting me a dual core laptop next week... do I install the regular oem version of kubuntu, or do I need something else?01:59
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging01:59
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cotyrotherycamaxtlie: it did not work when i booted01:59
nick_!flash9 in konsole?01:59
Tm_Tepimeth: whatever you like01:59
Tm_Tnick_: no, look what ubotu said01:59
epimethTm_T: don't need a special kernel?01:59
BluedogI ran a program with the -d flag to detach the console.. how do i reattach to stop it, without using kill?02:00
Tm_Tepimeth: hmm, nope02:00
naught101anyone know why firefox and thunderbird's restart buttons don't work? they just shut down, and then don't start again02:00
epimethTm_T: cheers02:00
cotyrotheryDoes anyone know what i should do now02:00
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allyppei mean, is there any way to keep a log of my installed packages in synaptic, but in order, so that i may know what i installed and when?02:00
cotyrotheryi installed it on my master drive02:00
cotyrotherybut it still does not boot02:00
Tm_TBluedog: -r ?02:00
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cotyrotheryit says no operating system found02:00
cotyrotherySo what could be the problem02:00
Tm_Tallyppe: not that I know02:00
cotyrotheryi have tried installing kubuntu on both drives and neither have worked02:01
BluedogI ran script.py -d02:01
Tm_Tnick_: got it?02:01
nick_"In terminal, navigate to this directory and type ./flashplayer-installer to run the installer"...i do this and it says no such file or directory, and I have unpacked the files to my desktop02:01
Tm_TBluedog: ok, no idea about that02:01
Bluedogok :)02:01
Tm_Tnick_: you don't need to do that, just forget it, remove that dir or something ;)02:01
cotyrotherypeaker: are you there02:02
Tm_Tnick_: and install it from packages instead02:02
Tm_T!flash | nick_02:02
ubotunick_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:02
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash02:02
nick_lol...i got it02:02
Tm_T!backports | nick_02:02
ubotunick_: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging02:02
nick_i just dragged and dropped the install flash into konsole02:02
peakercotyrothery: now I am02:02
cotyrotherypeaker: it still does not boot02:02
Tm_Tnick_: hrr02:02
peakercotyrothery: hmm, run grub02:03
peakertype that find command02:03
Tm_Tnick_: so, flash 9 is in backports repository, you don't need to mess around with that installer, but install it thru adept02:03
cotyrotherypeaker: how do i do that again02:03
peakercotyrothery: sudo grub02:03
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cotyrotheryand what should it say02:03
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nick_adept gives me an old version of flash02:03
peakercotyrothery: give you a prompt02:03
nick_like flash 702:03
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Netham46(!!) dmx: The default visual for screen #0 does not match any of the02:04
Netham46(!!) dmx: consolidated visuals from Xinerama (listed above)02:04
Netham46Anyone got any ideas?02:04
peakercotyrothery: then try find /boot/grub/stage202:04
peakercotyrothery: tell me what it says02:04
nosrednaekimwhats the kubuntu testing channel?02:04
peakercotyrothery: or do you need to reboot02:04
cotyrotherywhy stage 202:04
peakerfor thaT?02:04
peakercotyrothery: its just a file that needs to be there02:04
Tm_Tnick_: yes, it does until you add backports repository02:04
peakercotyrothery: it should then tell you which device contains it02:04
peakercotyrothery: so you know where your root fs is02:04
cotyrotherypeaker: ok02:04
peakercotyrothery: then you can use "root WHATEVER IT SAID"02:05
Tm_Tnick_: as I said, newest flash is in backports02:05
peakercotyrothery: then you can use "setup (hd0)" to put grub's boot on the first hard disk02:05
nick_oh so i need to add backports for updated s/w?02:05
cotyrotheryit found somthing02:05
peakercotyrothery: you can also be aggressive and try "setup (hd1)" as well, but best to stick to the first hd at first02:05
peakercotyrothery: what did it find?02:05
cotyrotheryit found (hd0)02:05
Tm_Tnick_: well, for updated flash atleast in this case02:05
peakercotyrothery: that's not supposed to be possible02:05
peakercotyrothery: it should find something comma something02:06
peakercotyrothery: a partition in the disk, not the disk itself02:06
cotyrotherygrub> find /boot/grub/stage202:06
cotyrothery (hd0,0)02:06
peakercotyrothery: oh, (hd0,0) is NOT (hd0)02:06
MirthIf I have Ubuntu, install Kubuntu, and end up not liking it, can I install it and go back to Ubuntu?02:06
cotyrotheryis that good02:06
peakercotyrothery: so now "root (hd0,0)"02:06
peakercotyrothery: and then "setup (hd0)"02:06
nick_well flash video works now02:06
peakerwhat does it say?02:06
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nick_thank you02:06
cotyrotheryok did that02:07
cotyrotheryshould i reboot?02:07
peakerMirth: to switch between ubuntu/kubuntu you just need to install kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop02:07
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cotyrotherypeaker: should i reboot?02:07
peakerMirth: removing all the packages that get installed in that procedure may be difficult but if disk space is not a problem - it shouldn't matter02:07
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peakercotyrothery: did it write some err or something?02:07
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cotyrotherypeaker: yes02:07
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MirthIf I have the disk space, it won't slow me down having it on there?02:08
peakercotyrothery: what did it write?02:08
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cotyrotheryPeaker: should i paste bin it02:08
peakerMirth: contrary to what Windows people often get educated, a fuller disk doesn't run slower, neither does it weigh more kg's :)02:08
_BS_How do I get a kde menu or panel (quick launcher) sorted alphabetically?02:08
MirthAh, hehe!02:08
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)02:08
peakerMirth: Programs that actually run and consume resources may slow things down, but that's something else and usually only happens in the Windows world02:08
MirthAh, I see...02:09
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nosrednaekimpeaker: it does too slow thing down02:09
MirthI'm too used to Windows to know any better :D02:09
peakernosrednaekim: what does?02:09
nosrednaekimas the disc goes out towards the edge of the platter, it has longer seek times02:09
nosrednaekima full disc02:09
cotyrotherypeaker: im going to paste bin it02:09
cotyrotherypeaker: then i will give yo the address02:09
peakernosrednaekim: the file system is not necessarily that naive - and disk file writes are asynchronous anyhow02:09
nosrednaekimpeaker: the file system has nothing to do with it.... when you get a full disc, you are using the outside of the platter...02:10
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AaronCampbellHow do I install nVidia drivers on Kubuntu (feisty)?  All the tutorials are for ubuntu, and ask you to use "Synaptic Package Manager"...which I don't see02:10
peakernosrednaekim: swap access speed, lack of memory and cpu usage are the actual slowdown factors people usually consider, not a more spread-out disk02:10
soulrideryay! Diablo 2 works in wine out of the box!02:10
nosrednaekimAaronCampbell: use adept02:11
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nosrednaekiminstead of synaptic02:11
soulrideruhm, i think it kinda froze up =/02:11
peakernosrednaekim: if he installs kde packages and switches back - his original ubuntu files still sit in the same spot in the disk02:11
soulrideryeah... its dead >.<02:11
peakernosrednaekim: and the file system does have something to do with it because it chooses where to physically place the data on disk02:11
AaronCampbellI tried that, but it didn't show any packages to install.  EVERYTHING showed as installed, and there was no nvidia-glx listed02:11
nosrednaekimI was just disputing what you said about a full disc not running slower02:11
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nosrednaekimpeaker: right, and it always chooses closer to the center02:12
peakernosrednaekim: not in the way Windows users often think of "if you install more programs, the computer will come to a crawl"02:12
nosrednaekimnot in that sense at all02:12
peakernosrednaekim: I am not sure it does - because that would make things very fragmented02:12
peakernosrednaekim: (enlarge a file and it has to be fragmented to end of disk)02:13
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cotyrotherypeaker: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12432/02:14
peakeris there a serious penalty to copying over sftp, speed wise, compared to unencrypted methods?02:14
nosrednaekimpeaker: would it do that?02:14
nosrednaekimI don't know..I'm no expert on file systems02:14
peakernosrednaekim: I suspect it will leave out some space between files to prevent that02:14
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Netham46(!!) dmx: The default visual for screen #0 does not match any of the02:15
Netham46(!!) dmx: consolidated visuals from Xinerama (listed above)02:15
Netham46Anyone got any ideas?02:15
nosrednaekimpeaker: I don't think ext3 does that, but really I don't know02:15
peakernosrednaekim: perhaps even leave as much space as possible, i.e: spread on as much of the disk as possible. But that's just speculation02:15
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nosrednaekimpeaker: that would be framentation...02:15
Netham46anyone... anyone at all?02:15
nosrednaekimand ext3 doesn't fragment02:15
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peakernosrednaekim: fragmentation of differing files is not as bad as fragmentation inside the same file02:15
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cotyrotherypeaker: so did it go good02:16
underdog5004ext3 doesn't have a fragmentation problem02:16
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cotyrotherypeaker: what did you get from it02:16
mathiaswhy not?02:16
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peakercotyrothery: I am no grub expert, but I think that should be good02:16
cotyrotherypeaker: should it boot when i restart now02:16
cotyrotherypeaker: restarting02:16
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peakernosrednaekim: when they say it does not fragment, they mean that a continous file is continous on disk02:16
nosrednaekimmathias: cause its designed that way02:17
peakernosrednaekim: obviously that will not always happen, its impossible02:17
nosrednaekimpeaker: ahh....ok02:17
philfo1hola.  I'm learning slow, but need a commandline02:17
peakerext3 attempts to prevent fragmentation, but space between files is not considered fragmentation, I don't think02:17
philfo1adept keeps closing on me at random, I need to install synaptic package manager02:18
mathiasalso e02:18
mathiasi hate that problem02:18
peakeradept messed me up a few times so I am back to using apt-get in the commandl ine02:18
nosrednaekimphilfo1: yeah... synptic is better02:18
mathiasjaer it is02:19
philfo1so "sudo apt-get synptic" would be correct?02:19
peakerphilfo1: sudo apt-get install synaptic02:19
mathiassomeone knows how to install 'emerald' themes ..?02:19
peakerapt-get can install, remove, etc02:19
philfo1thanks, I forgot install02:19
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mathiassomeone knows how to install 'emerald' themes ..?02:20
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nosrednaekimmathias: just point to them with the emerald theme manager02:20
philfo1my slow computer problem is just about gone.  new build on a SCSI drive seem smuch faster.02:21
jhutchins!beryl | mathias02:21
ubotumathias: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects02:21
philfo1the old kubuntu desktop partition was over an NTFS drive & there were corruptions.02:21
mathias??nosrednaekim: i'm a dumbass  what's emerald.. where can i open it?02:21
philfo1starting with a clean slate is working out nice02:21
nosrednaekimmathias: in the beryl-manager02:22
underdog5004mathias, emerald is a theme manager...it allows you to choose different looks for your desktop02:22
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nosrednaekimright click on the crystal in the taskbar02:22
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mathiasAHH,, THANKS02:22
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AaronCampbellin adept, the "Full Upgrade" button acts as an update?  or an upgrade?  (Or is there a difference in kubuntu...I'm used to fedora or Centos)02:23
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AaronCampbellbasically, is it recommended to use?  Also, is there a way to automate updating so it happens every night?02:25
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BluesKajnot like fedora , sudo apt-get update , is enuff once / day or afetr you edit or add repositories to the sourceslist02:26
Tm_TAaronCampbell: fully upgrade tries to update all apps, and solve problems if there is any (that means, might install extra packages and so)02:26
BluesKajbeware of full upgrades in adept or synaptic , cuz you may end up with pkges upgraed that need pkge depency upgrades as well .02:29
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BluesKajerr dependency upgrades02:29
soulriderAaronCampbell: when you update, it downloads the package lists, full upgrade will make all new packages be added tot he list of downlaods, and hte apply button will donwload and install them02:29
soulrideri <3 aptitude02:30
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cotyrotherywoot woot02:31
cotyrotheryi got it to work02:31
cotyrotheryim so haaaaapppppyy02:32
cotyrotherywho can say WOOT WOOT02:32
BluesKajcongrats, cotyrothery!!!02:32
cotyrotheryafter weeks of stress and head aches02:32
cotyrotheryi finally got it to work02:32
nosrednaekimgood job!!02:32
mathiassomeone's who want to help me installing beryl??,, thanks02:32
cotyrotheryi had to mess around with the bios for a few mins02:33
BluesKajwelcome to wonderful world of kubuntu ...now the fun really statrs :002:33
peakercotyrothery: that worked?02:33
peakercotyrothery: why did you have to mess with bios?02:33
cotyrotheryto get the settings right02:33
cotyrotheryi found out why it was not starting02:33
peakercotyrothery: but what made it work? the grub change or the bios?02:33
peakercotyrothery: so it was the bios all along?02:33
Tm_T!beryl | mathias02:33
ubotumathias: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects02:33
peakercotyrothery: heh what was it?02:33
BluesKajboot sequence ?02:33
cotyrotheryi had to change it to were it knew it was starting up linux02:34
mathiasi know now. but how do i get to install it?02:34
peakercotyrothery: what specific setting?02:34
cotyrotheryi would have to look02:34
peakercotyrothery: I thought you already had your hard disks in the boot sequence02:34
cotyrotherybecause i just fold around02:34
cotyrotheryi did02:34
mathiasi only have experience with installing programs from apt02:34
cotyrotherythey were fine02:34
cotyrotheryit was in my advance settings02:35
BluesKajyou mean you don't know what you did in the BIOS ?02:35
nosrednaekimnot a good thing...lol02:35
cotyrotherynot off the top of my head02:35
cotyrotheryif i went back into bios i would02:35
BluesKajbooted the 2nd HDD first i bet02:36
cotyrotheryit had nothing to do with boot sequence02:36
cotyrotherythere is a setting in advance settings you have to change02:36
cotyrotheryto were it knows that it is not booting windows but linux02:37
cotyrotherycould someone tell me why the internet is so slow02:38
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peakercotyrothery: so that bios has windows-specific assumptions about the boot sector its loading probably02:38
peakercotyrothery: because of bittorrent and porn02:38
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nosrednaekimoh the "plug and play os" option?02:39
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cotyrotheryPeaker: what02:39
cotyrotherypeaker: yeah it does have a place were choose weather it is windows or linux02:39
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cotyrotherysomething is wrong with the internet browser02:39
nosrednaekimumm what?02:40
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allyppei mean, is there any way to keep a log of my installed packages in synaptic, but in order, so that i may know what i installed and when?02:40
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nosrednaekimallyppe: yes, save your markings02:40
nosrednaekimits an option under "file"02:40
allyppenosrednaekim: how do i save my markings?02:40
allyppenosrednaekim: file? i don't understand02:41
nosrednaekimand make the file name the date...02:41
allyppeoh, wait02:41
nosrednaekimfound it?02:41
nosrednaekimi'm pretty sure you can do it that way...02:41
nosrednaekimnever tried02:42
BluesKajallyppe, adept and synaptic will list all installed pkges if open to look02:42
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allyppeBluesKaj, nosrednaekim: thanks02:43
Netham46can anyone help me with Xdmx?02:43
Netham46Im having issues with xinerama on it.02:43
Netham46(!!) dmx: The default visual for screen #0 does not match any of the02:43
Netham46(!!) dmx: consolidated visuals from Xinerama (listed above)02:43
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nosrednaekimif noone can help you here... go over to #ubuntu02:45
AaronCampbellI haven't used adept for very long, but my biggest problem so far is that it doesn't show download speeds.  Is there a way to show that?02:45
Netham46nosrednaekim: Im banned for some reason.02:46
Netham46why am I banned...02:46
BluesKajsynaptic does,. AaronCampbell02:47
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raffytaffyTm_T: when does a new room on freenode appear on the channel list?02:49
scottyWhat can I use to have Kubuntu automatically connect to a specific wireless network on startup?02:49
Tm_Traffytaffy: no idea, I don't use those channel lists02:49
scottyWhat can I use to have Kubuntu automatically connect to a specific wireless network on startup?02:50
scottyGah, sorry. Didn't mean to paste that again. But does anyone know how?02:50
nosrednaekimscotty: I believe its in "/etc/network/interfaces"02:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)02:51
nosrednaekimthat was for my refernce BTW02:51
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scottynosrednaekim: Yeah, but how do I get it to connect to my wireless network automatically? Like, hypothetically, let's say my wireless network is named "linksys" or something like that.02:51
fr0nki have kubuntu 6.10 installed and now want to enable beryl02:52
nosrednaekimjust a second02:52
fr0nki already installed the proprietary nvidia drivers02:52
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raffytaffynever name your network linksys and leave admin as your password:P02:52
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nosrednaekimscotty: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12442/02:53
fr0nkbtw packet management on ubuntu=KILLER!02:53
nosrednaekim!beryl | fr0nk02:53
ubotufr0nk: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects02:53
fr0nkthanks :)02:54
scottynosrednaekim: I edit that to my essid and my interface, correct?02:54
raffytaffyapt-get was what won me over to the debian side from using emerge02:54
nosrednaekimor rather, place that under the section that alreADY exists for your interface02:54
fr0nkbut apt-get has much more userfriendly frontends than emerge ;P02:54
fr0nki'm impressed02:55
fr0nk<- coming from gentoo02:55
raffytaffyemerge has kurphoo02:55
raffytaffyor h/e its spelled02:55
nosrednaekimor porthole02:55
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scottynosrednaekim: thanks02:55
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raffytaffyi just used emerge back then:P we didnt have auto gentoo like these days02:55
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arghey all I'm having some problems in unreal tournament. I have no sound running dapper02:56
scottyBe back in a minute, we'll see how it works :P02:56
epimethhow do I change the display window size of x?  I have a 1280x800 laptop screen02:58
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:58
nosrednaekimepimeth: whats your video card?02:58
nosrednaekimand I assume you are using 1024x768 now...02:59
BluesKajBBL TVTime..02:59
epimethnosrednaekim:  Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 03)02:59
raffytaffyepimeth : what video card02:59
epimethnosrednaekim: I assume so02:59
raffytaffyi know how02:59
fr0nkhow can i change the resolution on the login-screen?02:59
epimethraffytaffy: ^02:59
fr0nkkubuntu takes some kind of sick 20...x...02:59
raffytaffyepimeth: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto#head-0e3051713171cb5d1bf49dc2dc7bea24eb9ed83e02:59
fr0nksort of02:59
fr0nkah :D03:00
nosrednaekim!915resolution | epimeth03:00
ubotuepimeth: 915resolution: resolution modification tool for Intel graphic chipset. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.2-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 14 kB, installed size 128 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64)03:00
raffytaffyepimeth -> guide to i915 ->  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto#head-0e3051713171cb5d1bf49dc2dc7bea24eb9ed83e03:00
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arganybody have any advice to help me get some sound in ut99?03:03
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epimethwaaait... how do I know I actually have a problem?  what is the 'regular' way of doing this?03:04
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nosrednaekimthats the regular way of doing it03:05
cotyrotheryCan someone give me a better internet browser to install03:05
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cotyrotherybecause konversation is SLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOwWWWWWWWW03:05
benderleethi I have a Intel Core 2 duo and i am not sure if I downloaded the right version03:05
Tm_Tcotyrothery: konversation? browser?03:05
benderleetshould i dl 64bit?03:05
cotyrotheryyea it is slow03:05
nosrednaekimbenderleet: it doesn't matter03:06
nosrednaekimcotyrothery: get firefox03:06
nosrednaekimkonqueror is slow03:06
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cotyrotheryi noticed03:06
cotyrotherywhy is that03:06
cotyrotherywhat is that03:07
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv403:07
nosrednaekimoh sweet... didn't know that was on there...03:07
benderleeti got kubuntu-6.06.1 and when it says uncompressing linux... ok, booting the Kernel. it just stays there03:07
nosrednaekimhow long did you let it sit?03:08
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benderleetI was thinking because of my processor03:08
nosrednaekimnot your processor03:08
cotyrotheryman i am loving kubuntu03:08
benderleetdo you know what it is?03:09
nosrednaekimbenderleet: could be your chipset...try getting edgy...03:09
benderleetdo they have a site that tells you the chipset for the version03:10
cotyrotheryhow do i install firefox from adept03:10
cotyrotheryI clicked request so now what03:11
nosrednaekimsay apply or something...03:11
nosrednaekimI don't use adept..03:11
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cotyrotherywere would i find that03:12
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benderleetomg this guy has the same problem as me but no one answered it03:12
cotyrotheryDoes anyone know how to use adept manager03:13
nosrednaekimcotyrothery: just a sec03:13
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nosrednaekimcotyrothery: ok, if you requested a firefox install , then click the "apply changes button"03:13
cotyrotherywere is that03:14
cotyrotherythe apply button03:14
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cotyrotheryi see it03:14
cotyrotherybut it wont let me click on it03:14
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VR_is there any way to remove those tabs on konqueror, on the left side, and still keep the tree view03:15
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nosrednaekimdid you start adept with root priveledges? i.e did it prompt you for  password when it started?03:16
cotyrotherynever mind i got it03:16
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cotyrotherythere are so many thinks to choose from03:17
cotyrotheryit makes me feel so good inside03:17
cotyrotherythere is no limit to what i can get03:17
cotyrotheryI will never use windows again03:19
benderleet*cry* i dl the worng ver. at least i think03:20
jarnWhat is the Linux equivalent to the Character Map?03:20
nosrednaekimcharacter map?03:20
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cotyrotheryThanks everone who helped me get kubuntu running i owe you03:20
jarnWhere it has special characters, characters with accents and things.03:20
martalliDo you mean an on-screen keyboard?03:20
benderleetit shows you all characters and alt keys for them03:20
frutaxthis is going to seem like a really general question but: i previously used gnome with ubuntu, but recently switched to kubuntu and have been noticing an overall reduced performance. specifically: things get wildly choppy after Beryl being on for a while, and even with it off window movement can get extremely choppy. any guesses? (i have 1GB memory and a great nvidia card)03:21
benderleeti think kubuntu comes with one03:21
benderleetive seen it03:21
jarnWhat is it called?03:21
jarnDo you know?03:21
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martalliKCharSelect I think03:21
benderleethmm ill look03:22
jarnYep, that's it.03:22
jarnThanks much!03:22
intelikeyis there any way to turn the "backlight" down or off for consoles ?03:22
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cotyrotherypeaker: thanks for the help03:23
martallijarn, Well, kcharselect is what you are looking for, but for osme reason it is not installed by default.03:23
cotyrotheryand everyone else03:23
jarnmartalli: I have it installed.03:23
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nixternalposingaspopular: ok, you are fine03:23
posingaspopularnixternal, yea i was just watching house03:23
benderleetmuuuhahahahaha here it is http://sourceforge.net/projects/umap/03:24
cotyrotheryis kubuntu 6.10 better than kubuntu 6.0603:24
cotyrotherybecause i am on 6.0603:25
posingaspopularcotyrothery, imho, 6.10 sucks all over ubuntu03:25
posingaspopulari very much like 6.06 more than 6.1003:25
posingaspopularwaiting for feisty fawn to come out in april03:25
VR_i feel .06 is more stable myself03:25
cotyrotherywhy is that03:26
cotyrotheryso i guess i will stick with 6.0603:26
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jarnbenderleet: Thanks. :)03:26
martalliI have to admit some fondness for 6.06, too, although I am a beta hog (using feisty right now03:26
VR_just a few things here and there... when i insert a cd (in 6.10) it doesn't moun on the desktop03:26
benderleetdo i have to have edgy for a core 2 duo03:27
nosrednaekimI like 6:10 better03:27
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martalliHonestly, my main gripe was that  games required more oomph.  After upgrading to 6.10, my son's computer couldn't play supertux, since it would only allow you to play with opengl, not the sdl libs anymore =(03:27
cotyrotheryhow do i disable that ipv603:27
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ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv403:27
cotyrotheryi am03:27
cotyrotheryi dont understand it03:28
martalliBut we are going to fix that with a pci video card, then he can have switcher, scale, and the cube, like daddy's computer03:28
nosrednaekimI've never done it myself..I just use firefox03:28
cotyrotheryok so firefox should do the trick then03:28
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dirgedollhey i have a question, I have kubuntu version 6.06 and I want to open a tar file how do I do that? thanks!03:29
nosrednaekimdirgedoll: use ark03:29
dthackerdirgedoll: command line or click?03:29
nosrednaekimor from the command line, "tar xvzf name.tgz03:29
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with ark - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression03:29
dirgedollis command line like console?03:30
nosrednaekim.zip works too..03:30
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martalliWill disabllng ipv6 cause any problems?  When will our providers start to switch over?  When the US goes metric or maybe sooner?03:30
benderleetdo i have to have edgy for a core 2 duo03:30
posingaspopulardirgedoll, yes03:30
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nosrednaekimmartalli: maybe,but you can always reenable it03:31
dirgedollI'm still having problems03:32
martalliI wonder if that will speed up my browsers at work.  They are really slow at tome03:32
nosrednaekimdirgedoll: with what?03:32
dirgedollnm i have the link thanks03:32
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benderleetdoes anyone know what version of kubunto works with intel core 2 duo03:33
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benderleetno one?03:34
nosrednaekimbenderleet: its probably not your CPU, it may be your chipset03:35
nosrednaekimgive edgy a try03:35
slestakanyone good with dhcp debugging.   ihave one laptop (upgraded fiesty) that refuses to configure via dhcp.03:35
benderleetcrap it took me over a week to dl drake03:36
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slestakdnsmasg on the server does not even log the request03:36
nosrednaekimslestak: what the output look likr?03:36
fiyawerxhey guys, anyone have personal preferences between 20" widescreen and 19" regular lcds?03:36
nosrednaekimbenderleet: ahh....03:36
nosrednaekimbigger is better,...03:36
nosrednaekimand more expensive...03:36
slestakDHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 303:36
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benderleetget 19 they are cheap and big03:37
benderleetget nec03:37
nosrednaekimor hyundai03:37
slestaknosrednaekim: i am stepping through with command line actions found in kubuntu forum, that is the output from sudo dhclient eth103:37
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fiyawerxi have a 19" lcd, just ordere d a 20" widescreen for 199 after rebate03:37
fiyawerxjust looking for opinions on the physicality of it03:38
AaronCampbellI added nvidia-glx via adept.  How do I start using them?  I want to be able to use both of my monitors on my 8800GTS03:38
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slestaknosrednaekim: i have dnsmasq running on another machine with its log going in mutlitail, at least 4 other machines do receive dhcp from this server.03:38
nosrednaekimslestak: is that wireless?03:38
slestaknosrednaekim: yes, worked fine with edgy03:38
nosrednaekimslestak: atheros?03:38
_BS_How do I make a windows share into a mount point?03:39
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter03:39
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slestaknosrednaekim: intel 3945ABG03:39
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intelikeyhow do i get the kernel to stop sending white light to the background ?   everything is * on grey03:39
nosrednaekimwith atheros I was having the same problem, I could accosiate., but I couldn't get a IP address03:40
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:40
slestaknosrednaekim: i tried manualconfig, but network manager kept reporting my gateway address was invalid, but it was what i have always used.03:41
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nosrednaekimslestak: I'm not too good with netoworking...03:41
metalluver222would anyone know how to get around the encryption on k3b to rip a dvd03:41
slestakdoes k3b rip?  i didnt think so.03:42
metalluver222copy a dvd03:42
metalluver222i tryed doing one today, says Found a encryption03:42
nosrednaekimno.... k3b does not rib dvds03:43
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tulio__does kubuntu come with support for dual processor03:43
metalluver222So is there any good software to copy a dvd to a blank03:44
slestakhmm.  the wired nic eth0 works with dhcp fine.03:44
nosrednaekimtulio__: yes03:44
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nosrednaekimslestak: probably a problem with fiesty's dirver...03:45
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cam8001metalluver: k3b03:45
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slestaktulio__: if the output of uname -a mentions SMP, it is already enabled for you03:45
democracyHi, Netham45.03:45
metalluver222... it says Found encrypted dvd03:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:46
posingaspopulardcss i believe it is metalluver22203:47
ubotuBackground to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)03:47
posingaspopularerm DeCSS03:47
intelikeyslestak ^03:47
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metalluver222thank you03:48
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slestakintelikey: yes?03:49
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gouldhola a todos03:51
intelikey!es | gould03:51
ubotugould: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:51
slestakman, Network Manager needs some work.  Uses some serious cpu cycles on my laptop.03:51
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gouldok thx03:52
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tulio__slestak: #2 SMP03:54
tulio__something like that03:54
tulio__and more things03:54
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slestaktulio__: yes, that give your hostname, kernel lots of stuff03:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uname - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:55
tulio__thanks man03:56
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tulio__damn i cant make my button of the interrogation works03:56
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martalliType "uname -a"03:57
martalliIf you want to read more about it, type "man uname" at the terminal03:58
tulio__how do i know the version of the kubuntu installed03:59
intelikeytulio__ lsb_release -a03:59
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Admiral_Chicagoseems I was guilted into comming here tonight :(04:01
tulio__does anyone have a tutorial of how to install beryl and xgl04:01
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects04:02
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects04:02
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posingaspopularAdmiral_Chicago, you got hijacked too?04:03
wendyi need help in spanish for kubuntu04:04
Admiral_Chicagohello room.04:04
Admiral_Chicago!es | wendy04:04
ubotuwendy: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:04
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pt-br - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:04
intelikeyAdmiral_Chicago guilted ?  how so ?04:04
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.04:04
BluesKajhey Admiral_Chicago04:04
=== epimeth salutes
epimethhello Admiral, sir!04:05
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AaronCampbellhow can I boot to a prompt if X isn't starting...04:06
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bonbonthejonAaronCampbell: if x isn't starting, doesn't it boot to prompt04:07
_BS_Any feisty pilot-link'ers here?04:07
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=== Jucato [n=jucato@ubuntu/member/Jucato] has joined #kubuntu
hitmanWillyAaronCampbell: ctrl-alt-f1,2, etc.04:08
=== Admiral_Chicago waves to Jucato :) !!!
AaronCampbellbonbonthejon: not for me04:08
AaronCampbellhitmanWilly: that's *if* it boots to X04:08
bonbonthejonAaronCampbell: look up at hitmanWilly04:08
=== Jucato waves back to Admiral_Chicago
=== Maksuf [n=Max@c-71-195-61-239.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
bonbonthejonAaronCampbell: alt-f1 should boot into console, or else boot into the debug option in grub04:09
Admiral_Chicagointelikey: we got pushed to do more work in the loco channel :)04:09
Admiral_Chicagohey BluesKaj, didn't see your msg04:10
epimethahoy Jucato!04:10
intelikeyanyone know a way to turn down the "brightness" from software when the hardware is already at minimum ?04:10
intelikeyAdmiral_Chicago :)04:10
=== Skrot- [n=magnus@212.84-48-58.nextgentel.com] has joined #kubuntu
Admiral_Chicagono idea, system settings I think has that04:10
Jucatohi epimeth04:10
BluesKajnp Admiral_Chicago, don't feel too guilty about it :)04:11
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posingaspopularintelikey, change the setting on the monitor?04:11
intelikeyAdmiral_Chicago you wouldn't call us krazy would ya ?04:11
Jucatointelikey: kcontrol -> Peripherals -> Display? (Although I only see Color & Gamma)04:11
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Admiral_ChicagoKMenu >> System Settings >> Monitor & Display >>  maybe04:11
intelikeyposingaspopular i just said the hardware was at 0 already.04:11
intelikeyJucato console04:12
Jucatointelikey: ah...04:12
=== Jucato has no idea
=== truevox [n=truevox@] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeybut thanks for the gui methood.04:12
Jucatowow posingaspopular and Admiral_Chicago04:12
posingaspopularintelikey, ohhh right sorry, i dont speak english too well.04:12
truevoxWow. I love linux. There's always someone home. :D04:12
Admiral_ChicagoJucato: man Richard told us to do more work in #kubuntu....04:12
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: hahaha!04:13
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=== Jucato was actually wondering why you don't in the first place :P
Admiral_Chicagobusy as all heck.04:13
intelikeythey don't like us....04:13
truevoxAnyone here install Kubuntu on a Dell Lappy?04:13
Jucatoyeah... :(04:13
bonbonthejontruevox: whats the problem04:13
truevoxBobbobthejon: Well, it's a question regarding how to get AIGLX up and running with my Intel 915 oriented card.04:14
Admiral_Chicagotruevox: there is a laptops wiki page.04:14
epimethmy samba won't even find itself :-(04:14
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truevoxAdmiral_Chicago: Is there? Would it have what I'm looking for? And... can you help me find it?04:15
truevox<------ N00b.04:15
ubotuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org04:15
Admiral_Chicagothe third link truevox04:15
truevoxThat... is freakin' handy.04:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hotchix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:15
epimethtruevox: using it right now04:15
=== SmrtJustin [n=SmrtJust@cblmdm72-241-95-203.buckeyecom.net] has joined #kubuntu
truevoxHuh. I didn't work so well for me. :)04:15
Admiral_Chicagothat won't work. it doesn't know everything.04:15
_BS_epimeth: Load samba server.04:15
intelikeytruevox it's not that handy04:16
truevoxEpimeth: Really? How? One of the laptop wikkys? And thanks Admiral, trying #3 right now.04:16
epimeth_BS_: that was about as useful as a fork in a soup eating competition04:16
ubotuAIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-effects for support.04:16
epimethtruevox: just installed straight out :-)04:16
epimethtruevox: just need to install the 915 thingy to make everything perfect, but I'm not stressing04:17
_BS_epimeth: (-: Go into your favourite package manager (i.e. synaptic), search samba. The samba server should be eaily seen.04:17
dffdne diyorsunuz04:17
truevoxepimeth: How'd you get it to, uh, run? Did you have to do anything? 'Cuz I installed "Desktop Effects" but that just crashed my comp with a white screen when I ran it.04:17
_BS_epimeth: OK, let's back up. What are you trying to do? / When you said it can't see itself, what do you mean?04:18
epimeth_BS_: oh, you misunderstood... I've already configured samba :-)  trust me, I *know* samba... got a pdc running and everything at my old job04:19
epimeth_BS_: what I mean is that smb:/ in konq fails... dies... claims that nothing exists04:20
=== Netham45 [n=netham45@c-67-190-103-57.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
epimeth"cannot find any workgroups in your network"04:20
intelikey //04:20
epimethtruevox: dunno what "Desktop Effects" is... but I installed beryl with no problems04:21
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MenaI hope They make Jetaudio also foe linux :)04:22
lnxkdesomeone here uses dual monitors?04:22
lnxkdeWidescreen flatpanel and a CRT 17?04:22
truevoxepimeth: So... do I just install Beryl? Is that what you did?04:22
Admiral_Chicagoepimeth: that is a package in Feisty04:22
epimethtruevox: dunno of *you* should just install beryl04:22
[uti-ypy] epimeth:  beryl = kubuntu too ?? or gnome only ?04:22
lnxkdesomeone here uses dual monitors Widescreen flatpanel and a CRT 17 on nvidia card?04:23
Admiral_Chicago[uti-ypy] : both04:23
intelikey!beryl > [uti-ypy] 04:23
bonbonthejonlnxkde: yeah04:23
epimethtruevox: what do you get when you run $glxinfo | grep direct04:23
lnxkdebonbonthejon:  can you send me your xorg.conf?04:23
epimethAdmiral_Chicago: wha?04:23
_BS_epimeth: Strange. Works for me. Sorry can't help. Feels like you have no master browser / netbios turned off sort of thing. Try rebooting one local machine. After it's been up for a minute, does your smb:/ then at least see that?04:24
Admiral_Chicagoepimeth: its for both KDE and GNOME04:24
bonbonthejonlnxkde: are you using nvidia driver04:24
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bonbonthejonlnxkde: use the NVIDIA settings?04:24
epimeth_BS_: I set the lappy as wins server... the lappy is the one I'm complaining about :-p04:24
epimeth_BS_: grrrr04:24
_BS_epimeth: More importantly / easily, assuming you have 3 machines ... does the other machine browse anything?04:25
truevoxepimeth: A lot of stuff.04:25
truevoxtruevox@dreamer:~$ lspci|grep VGA04:25
truevox00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)04:25
epimeth_BS_: the only reason I need this right now is cuz neither of my desktop's burners seem to be working04:25
truevoxWait, wrong paste.04:25
truevoxX Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)04:25
truevox  Major opcode of failed request:  142 (GLX)04:25
truevox  Minor opcode of failed request:  3 (X_GLXCreateContext)04:25
truevox  Serial number of failed request:  1604:25
truevox  Current serial number in output stream:  1704:25
epimethAdmiral_Chicago: what is????04:25
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intelikeyi tried yestergo to get nvidia to work, and successfully failed miserably at it.  had to go back to nv.     tried everything on the page too.04:25
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epimethtruevox: that doesn't make sense... you shouldn't get more than one thing for grep direct04:26
_BS_epimeth: But for that purpose, wins shouldn't be needed.04:26
epimeth_BS_: I'll try :-)04:26
epimeth_BS_: I know... figured it can't hurt04:26
tulio__is there any other software manager for kubuntu then adept04:26
truevoxNo, the first paste was from a previous command.04:26
cotyrotherySo what programe should i get for coding04:26
intelikeytulio__ snyaptic04:26
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cotyrotheryI need a programe for coding in c++04:27
truevoxepimeth: Just the second part, after X Error etc.04:27
intelikeytulio__ cli   apt aptitude and dselect04:27
bonbonthejoncotyrothery: kate is good, or kdevelop04:27
Jucatocotyrothery: if you're just beginning, any text editor will do. Kate for GUI, vim/emacs for command line stuff if you want04:28
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JucatoKDevelop is a full IDE04:28
cotyrotheryi like the full ide04:28
epimethtruevox: 'direct' doesn't even appear there....04:28
_BS_epimeth: Regardless, where you're headed isn't wrong, but you'd want one of the desktops to be wins server. De-complicate your life for a second, turn off wins server [which by the way, won't see a machine until it boots and reports to the wins server] , then see what happens. A master browser should be decided upon by the machines in the meantime. Once all works (or even if not?) turn wins on on a desktop. Do the other 2 now browse each other ok,04:28
_BS_after each reboots?04:28
epimethtruevox: you sure you doing this correctly? :-)04:28
truevoxtruevox@dreamer:~$ glxinfo | grep direct04:28
truevoxX Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)04:28
truevox  Major opcode of failed request:  142 (GLX)04:28
truevox  Minor opcode of failed request:  3 (X_GLXCreateContext)04:28
truevox  Serial number of failed request:  1604:28
truevox  Current serial number in output stream:  1704:28
Admiral_Chicago!paste | truevox04:29
ubotutruevox: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:29
epimeth_BS_: the desktop sees itself, the laptop, *and* a windows desktop04:29
intelikeytulio__ or one could use dpkg raw with no frontend which is what all those mentioned are, frontends for dpkg04:29
truevoxThat's what I'm supposed to type, right? I hope... I'm too noobish.04:29
truevoxSorry, Admiral. Again, noobish.04:29
epimeth_BS_: I'll turn off wins and reboot... maybe it'll find stuff when it's *not* the master browser....04:29
Admiral_Chicagoits fine, i did that before too04:29
_BS_epimeth: Is wins server turn on anywhere else?04:29
tulio__damn my kubuntu is giving me so much problems04:30
tulio__dont know why04:30
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tulio__ubuntu just aint like this04:30
epimeth_BS_: shouldn't be... also, samba puts its priority level way high, so I guess the desktop is the master browser atm...04:30
_BS_epimeth: if so, your laptop lost the election war. Regardless, strange that it didn't suck up a machine list from another wins server.04:30
yuriyhmm i have an interesting situation04:30
yuriya friend wants to set up dial-up on a kubuntu machine04:30
intelikeytulio__ they are the same os  just different default packages04:30
epimeth_BS_: you can say that again... I'll try the reboot... brb04:31
yuriybut they don't actually have the service yet -- presumably the earthlink cd should install it and help them sign up04:31
cotyrotheryi cant find kdevelop on adept manager04:31
yuriybut that's a windows installer04:31
yuriyso, any ideas?04:31
Admiral_Chicagoits in universe04:31
Jucatoyuriy: I think there's Earthlink for Linux? MEPIS has an icon for it on their desktop04:31
Jucatocotyrothery: enable the universe repository04:32
bonbonthejonyuriy: maybe find the phone numbers04:32
_BS_epimeth: If no other wins server, then things haven't registered with laptop. Don't know samba wins well enough to be specific, but in Windows you can play inadvertently to say not to become master browser and suck up list from current master browser.04:32
=== charles [n=charles@pool-71-117-216-192.ptldor.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
cotyrotheryhow do i enable universe repository04:32
Admiral_Chicagookay I have a *ton* of homework to do. I'll help out much later. bbl04:32
tulio__intelikey: i know, but things seemed to look a lot more easy in ubuntu04:32
Admiral_Chicago!repo | cotyrothery04:32
ubotucotyrothery: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu04:32
tulio__i cant add repos in the adept04:33
tulio__i dont know what to do04:33
tulio__my keybord doesnt recognize a button04:33
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intelikeytulio__ yes gnome majors in dirrect unidimentional ease of use.  whereas kde masters in configurability/customizability04:33
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tulio__i was using ubuntu but i doesnt seem to have the gcc so i tryied the kubuntu04:35
bonbonthejontulio__: you can install it04:35
bonbonthejon!source-o-matic | tulio__04:35
ubotutulio__: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic04:35
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intelikeytulio__ it's not default on any *buntu distro04:35
intelikey!b-e | tulio__04:36
ubotutulio__: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)04:36
epimethgod I hate computers04:36
posingaspopularAdmiral_Chicago, ttyl, afk for thenight04:36
intelikey!keyboard | tulio__ useful keyboard information #04:37
ubotutulio__ useful keyboard information #: To find out how to switch your keyboard layout, See https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts04:37
epimethheh... and on the lappy the hebrew appears *before* the english04:37
AaronCampbellI added nvidia-glx via adept.  How do I start using them?  I want to be able to use both of my monitors on my 8800GTS04:37
cotyrotherysome sites require that i have flash player04:37
cotyrotheryso what do i do04:37
charlesI could use some help with gnu java and the new DST04:37
charlesflashplayer, funny you ask04:38
epimethwhat kills me is that I had samba set up as not wins support before, when it didn't work... then turned it on, still didn't work... turned it off and it works now04:38
tulio__the keyboard seem to be well configured, at least the other button are ok, but the interrogation doesnt appear04:38
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bonbonthejonAaronCampbell: did you change xorg.conf04:38
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AaronCampbellbonbonthejon: nope04:38
truevoxcotyrothery: What I did, is just installed firefox. Then, when given the option of flashplayer, it'll install it itself.04:38
truevoxcotyrothery: YMMV, of course.04:39
bonbonthejonAaronCampbell: in xorg.conf, change "nv" to "nvidia"04:39
Jucatocotyrothery: you cain install the package "flashplugin-nonfree" from multiverse04:39
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epimeth_BS_: y004:40
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epimethintelikey: whats so funny?04:40
intelikeytypos can be...04:41
Jucatos/cain/can :D04:41
truevoxepimeth: So, any idea what this stuff means?: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12456/04:41
_BS_epimeth: Sorry, hit enter when I shouldn't. Two points: In a small enough network (<20?) default mechanisms work fine. Various timeouts / announcements mean when starting/stopping they don't learn of things until something reboots.04:42
AaronCampbellbonbonthejon: "grep -in nv /etc/X11/xorg.conf" gives nothing04:42
charlesis there a way of fixing the DST issue in gnu java?????????04:42
bonbonthejonAaronCampbell: look in xorg.conf and see what driver your card is using04:43
_BS_epimeth: Means 'computer unhappy'! (-:04:43
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=== coty is now known as cotyrothery
cotyrotheryhey i have seen people make there monitor act weird with linux04:44
cotyrotherywere it like a cube that they can move around04:44
AaronCampbellbonbonthejon: I tried to change it to "nv" earlier, and when I hit the "test" button, the screen went black for a REALLY long time...I ended up resetting04:44
epimeth_BS_: 6 computers, mate... and I keep putting off setting up a proper server, including wins... why do something today when I can do it tomorow?04:44
bonbonthejonAaronCampbell: ok, try changing to nvidia, maybe04:45
cotyrotheryhow can i make my desktop act like that04:45
epimeth_BS_: and you meant to send that to truevox... who just left apparently....04:45
epimethand I was gonna help him, too04:45
bonbonthejoncotyrothery: what do you mean04:45
cotyrotherylike they can click on the side of there screen and move the screen around like its a cube04:46
bonbonthejon!beryl | cotyrothery04:46
ubotucotyrothery: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects04:46
cotyrotheryok thanks04:46
cotyrotherykubuntu is so FAST04:51
cotyrotheryim so used to slow windows xp04:51
_BS_epimeth: Been there, am there, and going where you are too ... some day. Correct solution: dynamic dns. Set up DHCP / DNS, assign static DHCP entries. Forget for sure next step, but latest (CHS?, forget) DNS server does dynamic. In theory, wins, smb, and the whole netbios nonsense goes away.04:52
tulio__how do i look my graphic card details04:52
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epimeth_BS_: don't forget setting up bind properly!04:53
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bonbonthejontulio__: what do you mean, you can look in lspci04:54
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Bertohi - is there a guide to sound in ubuntu?  i have KDE's sound system off, and i can't run more than one sound app at once.  I would like to use XMMS04:54
intelikeytulio__   lshw | less04:54
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_BS_epimeth: Exactly. All these nitpicky little things, nntp, ident, finger, etc., etc., ETC. ... Why do you think _I_ haven't done it yet EITHER!04:54
vitque es esto04:55
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bonbonthejon!es | vit04:55
ubotuvit: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:55
epimethwhat kills me is I had it all working... then I went "but lets get it working in debian!  kubuntu loads tons of useless packages by default... I want this baby to fly!"  and then didn't save the configs04:55
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intelikey!sound > Berto04:56
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cotyrotherythere is one thing i have noticed about kubuntu04:56
cotyrotherywhen i run to many apps04:57
cotyrotherythe screens pops up with all sorts of colors04:57
_BS_epimeth: Yeah, well, at least you know the sorts of things you're looking for. A hint I hope to follow myself when I get that far - I expect once I do it I'll have to present it at my local Linux groups. So I'd better take good notes along the way! (-:04:57
cotyrotherythen they go away04:57
cotyrotheryand a blue box comes up telling me to check my screen settings04:57
Bertointelikey, thanks.  when I have ARTS running, XMMS's OSS plugin doesn't work though.  And their ALSA one stinks :(  is there OSS emulation?04:57
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intelikeyBerto alsa-oss  ?      i'm not a sound man.04:58
intelikeythat looks odd .04:58
Bertointelikey, ok cool, thanks for the linkage though!04:58
intelikeyBerto np04:59
_BS_epimeth: 'night.04:59
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=== zerbero_626 [n=kvirc@p85.212.34.107.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeycotyrothery got any swap enabled ?   sounds somewhat like vidio trying to use ram that it don't have.05:00
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cotyrotheryi dont know05:00
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cotyrotherywere would i check for that05:00
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intelikeykonsole # free05:01
cotyrotheryand what do i do once im there05:01
intelikeydon't panic at the first line that says you have 4m of free ram.  the second line is what you expect from such things.     and the third line lists the swap if any.05:02
cotyrotherynothing happend05:02
intelikeyyou typed     free ?05:03
intelikeyand it didn't say anything ?05:03
cotyrotheryit did05:03
cotyrotherybut i dont think it is what it should be05:03
intelikeyok the third line of info    swap05:03
=== philfo1 [n=philfo1@c-69-141-203-249.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyif it looks like this     Swap:            0          0          005:04
intelikeyyou don't have any swap activated05:04
cotyrotheryit does not05:04
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cotyrotheryi guess not05:04
cotyrotheryhow would i enable it05:05
=== intelikey could have just said free | grep Swap
intelikeyand show me.05:05
cotyrotherynothing happened05:06
philfo1how do I find the ID's of my drives so I can mount them?05:06
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hitmanWillycotyrothery: did u cap Swap?05:07
intelikeyphilfo1 device id's ?   or fs uuid's ?05:07
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cotyrotheryok now it worked05:07
cotyrotherywhen i caped it05:07
cotyrotherySwap:       457812      38140     41967205:07
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intelikeywow yes you are all used up.05:07
intelikeyit is not a case of "no swap" it is a case of not enough swap.05:08
philfo1devices.  harddrives05:08
cotyrotheryso what do i do05:08
intelikeyphilfo1 sudo fdisk -l05:08
intelikeycotyrothery add more05:09
cotyrothery   hwo05:09
intelikeycotyrothery you can use a swap file or another partition05:09
intelikeyphilfo1 sudo fdisk -l05:09
philfo1heh heh heh  I remember that one from Windows...05:09
cotyrotherybut how05:09
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cotyrotheryis there a way to install software i used on windows05:11
cotyrotherybecause i have a wifi max if you heard of it05:12
cotyrotheryand i need to install its software05:12
intelikeycotyrothery sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/.swapfile bs=1024 count=262144 ;sudo mkswap /.swapfile ;sudo swapon /.swapfile   <<<< note that assumes you can spare 256m on the root partition/fs05:12
bonbonthejoncotyrothery: ndiswrapper05:12
cotyrotherywhat is ndiswrapper05:12
bonbonthejoncotyrothery: that will do the wireless, then you can use wine to run programs05:12
bonbonthejon!ndiswrapper | cotyrothery05:12
ubotucotyrothery: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:12
philfo1so the commandline to mount harddrives would be : "sudo mount /dev/sda1"  ??05:12
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bonbonthejonphilfo1: that only works if its in fstab05:13
bonbonthejonphilfo1: you need to specify a location to mount to05:13
intelikeycotyrothery that is for a file  for a partition you will need to use something like gparted  or qtparted   or cli parted   or some other partitioning tool05:13
tulio__can i install compiz and beryl05:13
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daaaman64I am getting ready to build a new ubunutu box.  Are raptor drives still worth it?05:13
philfo1uh... ok05:13
cotyrotheryi really dont want to mess with it05:13
cotyrotherybecause i might mess somthing up05:13
cotyrotheryand never get kubuntu working again05:13
AaronCampbellIs there any sort of log that would tell me why X keeps booting to a black screen?05:14
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intelikeyif you have the free disk space just add a swapfile05:14
philfo1I'm still trying to learn the commands.  give me an example.  I thought they would mount to root that way, but I'm mistaken I guess05:14
cotyrotheryI'll do that when i get more comfortable05:14
cotyrotherywith linux05:14
cotyrotheryright now im just happy to have kubuntu working05:14
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intelikeyand you can    sudo swapon /.swapfile   or   sudo swapoff /.swapfile    at will.   or add an entry in /etc/fstab to activate it on boot05:15
intelikeycotyrothery can you dcc send/get  or are you firewalled in ?05:16
cotyrotheryi will worry about that later05:16
cotyrotheryi dont know05:16
cotyrotheryyour going to hear that a lot05:17
cotyrothery" I dont know "05:17
cotyrotheryn00b ;p05:17
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intelikey-:- SignOff benderleet: #kubuntu (" Alt-F4")  <<<  :)05:18
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BluesKajintelikey ,in etc/fstab it says this :  swap noauto 0 0 ..what do i change to activate swap ?05:20
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dwidmannhmm, my swap line reads something like this: /dev/sdc5                                       swap    swap    sw                        0       005:21
BluesKajor anyone who knows ?05:21
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BluesKajactually mine has this entry : /dev/hda4 <mount\040point> swap noauto 0 005:22
intelikeyBluesKaj  s/noauto/auto/05:22
BluesKajintelikey , do i leave the "noauto" in ?05:23
dwidmannuggh, another 45 minutes of unpackaging etc before I get to reboot into my shiny new feisty :( .... oh well, at least the downloading part is done05:24
intelikeyno s/// means what's in the first // is replaced with what's in the second //05:24
dwidmanngood old sed05:24
intelikeyand  s///g   would make the same changes on all occurances05:25
intelikeydwidmann yes but it's not just sed.  it's more regex than sed specific isn't it ?05:26
dwidmannsudo sed -e s/edgy/feisty/ -i /etc/apt/sources.list && apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade05:26
dwidmannintelikey: I can't be bothered to know05:26
intelikeyit doesn't bother me to know either  :)05:26
=== intelikey plays the word game also.
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nicochi all05:38
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inanimateDoes anybody know how to get missing xscreensavers into KDE without using xscreensaver-demo workaround?05:40
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allyppehow do i install latest mono in hoary?05:43
bonbonthejonallyppe: can't you use adept?05:43
dwidmannfor the latest ... in hoary?05:43
allyppebonbonthejon: i can05:43
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bonbonthejonallyppe: why are you still using hoary05:44
dwidmannyou could probably take the debs from the feisty repo .... and all dependencies along with. Probably.05:44
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allyppedwidmann: they are incompatible, it seems05:44
allyppedwidmann: keeps on saying "but it won't be installed" or something like that05:45
Blu3does kubuntu support vlans?05:45
allyppebonbonthejon: it's quite stable for me05:45
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bonbonthejonallyppe: its not supported05:45
dwidmannallyppe, what's the exact message it gives?05:45
dwidmanncould be useful to see05:46
allyppedwidmann: something about libc05:46
allyppei can't look now05:46
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dwidmannYou can't look now? Hmm, somethinga bout glibc eh?05:46
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dwidmannDescription: GNU C Library: Shared libraries05:47
dwidmann Contains the standard libraries that are used by nearly all programs on05:47
dwidmann the system. This package includes shared versions of the standard C library05:47
dwidmann and the standard math library, as well as many others.05:47
ExpositionOfEvilhas anyone got warcraft 3 frozen throne working?05:47
dwidmannIt could be that if the version of glibc changes that all packages that require it are incompatible, perhaps.05:47
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dwidmannExpositionOfEvil: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=312605:50
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intelikeyisn't glibc arch-specific ?05:51
dwidmannI'm more than sure it is05:51
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intelikeylike different on 32 & 64 bit  as well as i?86 -vs- other05:52
dwidmannYes, but I'm pretty sure I saw libc6 as one of the major dependencies on well ... everything, kept me from installing debs from sid a while back ... (I like to play with things)05:53
intelikey"more than sure"  :)05:53
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ExpositionOfEvilhas anyone got warcraft 3 frozen throne working with cedega?05:54
dwidmann51% ... only another forever to go until these debs are setup05:54
intelikeydwidmann yes,  libc6 replaced glibc ?05:54
dwidmannI can't recall, I took that description from the libc6 package. My system is under too heavy a load for me to want to look anything up at the moment (I feel like a cripple when I'm without my google :( )05:55
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dwidmann[23:56]  <-- ExpositionOfEvil has left this channel ("brb having sex.."). <<<<<< I didn't want to know that05:57
hitmanWillydwidmann: seconded05:57
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Blu3don't be afraid of the pen**05:57
dwidmannWhy not?05:58
Blu3why be so insecure?05:58
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intelikeyit seems to me that some "fool" started a thought that has snowballed into a cultural shock wave of stupidity,  you don't have to be "afraid"  of anything to dis-like, detest, or even abhore it.  reguardless of what it is...06:01
dwidmanngood point intelikey06:01
BluesKajafraid is th term used in order to get ppl to do something they know could be very stupid ..."I dare you" syndrome06:02
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intelikeyyes and only the foolish will fall for it.06:02
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Blu3i'm guessing that the network manager for kubuntu has no concept of vlans?06:03
intelikeywhat's worse is the well known fact that, that's exactly what it is and yet it works almost 90% of the time anyway.06:03
Blu3what's worse is droning on about it on either side of the fence :P06:04
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nicochey, can anyone help me installing beryl??06:04
intelikeyblu3 worse in what way ?06:04
BluesKajgeezus beryl again06:05
chodenicoc, beryl site had a good walk thru06:05
intelikey!beryl > nicoc06:05
nicoci already take a look06:05
Blu3the conversation about sex or the avoidance thereof is in itself just as dislikable to some as the subject itself is to others06:05
nicocbut :d06:05
nicocwell i'll try again, thanks anyway06:06
intelikeyBlu3 you made it about that.06:06
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Blu3no, i was the 3rd person remarking about it06:06
BluesKajsex....bah humbug ! time for bed :) .. nite all06:06
intelikeyBluesKaj gooday mate06:07
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dwidmannnicoc: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu06:09
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AaronCampbellI have an nVidia 8800GTS, and I'm running Kubuntu 7.  I installed nvidia-glx, and ran sudo nvidia-xconfig.  When restarting, I get a black screen.  ctrl+alt+f1 will get me a login, but I can't see it (if I type username, I can see that...upon pressing enter, I see the request for password)06:10
AaronCampbellI editted xorg.conf, changing nvidia back to vesa, and it works.06:10
AaronCampbellHowever, I can't use my dual widescreen monitors.  Any ideas on how to fix this?06:10
intelikeydwidmann i know this system is too low end for beryl or anything like that.   but that's another thing,  i can't even get nvidia installed in a working fasion.06:11
dwidmannaaroncampbell, so it's reallyreally using the nvidia drivers right now right? Try running sudo nvidia-settings06:11
dwidmannintelikey: I can, but to seperate myself from kwin ... well that I cannot do06:11
martalliHow do I determine what nvidia driver I have installed?06:12
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dwidmannnvidia-settings will let you know06:12
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martallidwidmann, I have 1.0-9631 - is that the most current?  wine is complaining that it was made for 1.0-9755, but with my 9631 its giving me errors06:14
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martalliI have a 6600GT, surely I don't need the older driver version?06:14
MilhousePunkRockGood morning everyone!06:14
dwidmannI remember 9631 being an old stable ... you may want to upgrade06:14
martalliThis was a fresh install of kubuntu.  hmm06:15
intelikeylong C no time06:15
=== MilhousePunkRock has finally upgraded to Feisty successfully
MilhousePunkRockBut I guess that does not belong here...06:15
=== dwidmann will be on Feisty in about 10 minutes :D
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=== intelikey doesn't expect to ever see feisty or edgy
MilhousePunkRockintelikey: Indeed, I am pretty busy right now. So I only come here when troubles occur...06:16
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MilhousePunkRockintelikey: Sticking to Dapper?06:16
intelikeywell you already told us it's feisty   so  #ubuntu+1   :)06:17
intelikeyand yeah LTS06:17
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intelikeydon't offer me LTS unless you mean it.06:17
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MilhousePunkRockintelikey: Already there...06:17
intelikeywell whats the issue ?06:18
MilhousePunkRockintelikey: I lately heard that Vista does not have LTS compared to XP, btw...06:18
=== intelikey don't do windows
MilhousePunkRockintelikey: Some minor stuff, and I want to have the Feisty look, which I saw on the LiveCD.06:19
dwidmannlater folks, a reboot is required :D06:20
intelikeyttfn dwidmann06:20
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MilhousePunkRockReboot required? Did he change the kernel?06:21
intelikeyyeah upgraded to feisth06:21
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MilhousePunkRockintelikey: And about Windows, once my preferred poker client is running on Linux (ETA: never) I can get rid of that thing...06:23
bonbonthejonMilhousePunkRock: did you try wine?06:23
MilhousePunkRockbonbonthejon: Yes, no avail06:23
intelikeyor cedega06:23
bonbonthejonMilhousePunkRock: how about setting up a virtual machine?06:23
MilhousePunkRockIt's highly depending on IE, so none of those emulators will help much06:24
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intelikeyhmmm ok.06:24
bonbonthejonMilhousePunkRock: virtual machine?06:24
MilhousePunkRockbonbonthejon: I did not have time to deal with that yet. I am not one of those hardliners that really needs to get rid of windows...06:24
bonbonthejonMilhousePunkRock: alright06:24
MilhousePunkRockbonbonthejon: And, IIRC, vmware is not free, is it?06:24
bonbonthejonMilhousePunkRock: free as in beer, i think so06:25
MilhousePunkRockKnow your enemy, as they say...06:25
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intelikeyfree as in no money down and no payments.  but not  FOSS free...06:26
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MilhousePunkRockintelikey: So if I was a hardliner, that would opt it out already. For now, dual booting is much less of a hassle than setting up a virtual machine.06:28
intelikeyok anyone handy and not too busy that could walk me through installing and setting up nvidia-glx-legacy ?06:28
intelikeyMilhousePunkRock yeah i have not quarel with that.06:28
intelikeyoh my.    why is it doing this?    apt-get nvidia-glx-legacy     wants to install  "linux-image-2.6.15-23-386 linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-23-386 linux-restricted-modules-common nvidia-glx-legacy"   i am running 2.6.15-28-386   ???06:31
MilhousePunkRockthat sounds like the default dapper kernel to me, intelikey06:31
intelikeyyesterday it wanted 2.6.15-27-386   now  2.6.15-23-386  ?06:32
intelikeyMilhousePunkRock yes it does.  but the updated kernel should be what it gets shouldn't it ?06:32
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intelikeyi'll try it and see what it does... so much for security patches though06:34
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intelikeyand i'll have to reboot to that older kernel06:34
intelikeyis this another monolog ?06:35
MilhousePunkRockintelikey: See you in a few06:35
=== MilhousePunkRock is trying multitasking right now, TV, Kopete, Konversation and surfing...
MilhousePunkRock= parted attention to any of it06:35
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MilhousePunkRockHello neuraloverload06:36
intelikeyAdmiral_Chicago    oh my.    why is it doing this?    apt-get install nvidia-glx-legacy     wants to install  "linux-image-2.6.15-23-386 linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-23-386 linux-restricted-modules-common nvidia-glx-legacy"   i am running 2.6.15-28-386   ???06:36
neuraloverloadI have... dun dun dun... a question06:36
Admiral_Chicagointelikey: hold on. i think i have a command for you06:36
MilhousePunkRockneuraloverload: Don't ask to ask, just ask06:36
neuraloverloadI wasnt06:36
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intelikeycan i ask ?06:37
Admiral_Chicagointelikey: apt-cache showpkg nvidia-glx-legacy06:37
MilhousePunkRockintelikey: No06:37
neuraloverloadHere goes, I installed a proggy using wget, tar, make and make install06:37
neuraloverloadhow do I uninstall it?06:37
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neuraloverloadSpecifically, Aircrack-ng06:38
MilhousePunkRockneuraloverload: I am not completely sure, but did you try "make uninstall"?06:38
neuraloverloadNo, I didnt even know there was such a command06:38
intelikeyAdmiral_Chicago ok.   and  ?    the kernel is listed in reverse order from 2.6.15-28-386 to 2.6.15-23-38606:38
Jucatoneuraloverload: if you didn't delete the folder where you ran make, you should be able to do "make uninstall"06:38
intelikeyso it got the oldest one on the list06:39
Admiral_Chicagotry pastebining me the output06:39
neuraloverloadIll try it06:39
intelikeyAdmiral_Chicago can i just dcc it ?06:39
Aloneaallo dears06:39
Admiral_Chicagodunno how to do that in irssi06:39
Admiral_Chicagohey there Alonea06:39
AloneaAdmiral_Chicago: how is the fort today?06:40
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Admiral_ChicagoAlonea: Jucato is holding it down as always06:40
AloneaAdmiral_Chicago: good! Where is DaSkreech?06:41
Admiral_Chicagono idea....06:41
neuraloverloadAh ha! Thank you guys, man I feel stupid :P06:41
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AloneaJucato: yup. Out Kubuntu go-to guy.06:41
neuraloverloadGuess we all have to be noobs sometimes06:41
Aloneathat we do. I get to be a noob a lot!06:41
intelikeyAdmiral_Chicago http://pastebin.ca/41316506:41
MilhousePunkRockneuraloverload: Does that mean it worked? I just pulled that out of my hat, I tend to stay away from stuff that does not come from the package manager...06:42
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neuraloverloadI believe it did06:42
neuraloverloadAfter I entered the command06:43
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dwidmannUGHHHHHHH, this is just my luck! (or lack thereof)06:43
neuraloverloadIt said rm -f /some/file/path/here06:43
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neuraloverloadNot exactly like that06:43
neuraloverloadbut similar06:43
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Admiral_Chicagointelikey: uname -r tells you what?06:44
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Jucatoiirc that was a sort of packaging bug in Dapper... if memory serves me right (which doesn't happen a lot)06:45
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Admiral_Chicagothen you should have no problem06:45
blankfazecan i remove components of kubuntu-desktop without removing kubuntu-desktop?06:46
intelikeyso why did it install Setting up linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-23-386 ( ...06:46
dwidmannblankfaze: 'fraid not06:46
Admiral_Chicagoyou have that kernel already, it will install the latest one if you didn't06:46
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intelikeyAdmiral_Chicago ?06:46
Admiral_Chicagoyes you can dwidmann06:46
dwidmannOH? Do tell06:46
intelikey<Admiral_Chicago> you have that kernel already,  <<< no i didn't06:46
blankfazefor instance i have no use for bluetooth chat/kbtserialchat06:46
Admiral_Chicagokubuntu-desktop is a meta package, just grab all the other components06:47
dwidmannSo, you're saying you can remove one of its dependencies, without forcing it? and not remove the metapackage?06:47
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blankfazewhy do they make all sorts of lame stuff dependencies then06:47
Admiral_Chicagofreddy@omg-gnus:~/Desktop/Galaga-.09$ sudo apt-get remove konversation06:47
AaronCampbelldwidmann: you still here?06:47
intelikeyalso in the output of the apt-get was  Setting up linux-image-2.6.15-23-386 (2.6.15-23.39) ...06:47
ForgeAusum you know the line in xorg that checks pci bus? does that also check AGP?06:47
Admiral_ChicagoThe following packages will be REMOVED: konversation06:47
dwidmannYeah, I'm here AaronCampbell06:47
Admiral_Chicagosorry for the paste, but yes06:47
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ForgeAusAdmiral if it removes it just reinstall after :)06:48
Admiral_Chicagodude, hmm, that is starnge06:48
AaronCampbelldwidmann: I tried to run nvidia-settings, but it gave a GTK error, so I editted my config back to vesa, and booted back into KDE.06:48
ForgeAusassuming you want konversation06:48
dwidmannAnd I'm having a rough time, seem to be a few bugs to work out when it comes to this new upgrade tool06:48
Admiral_Chicagothe kernel you told me you were usuing was the latest one that nvidia was depending on06:48
dwidmannMy Grub wasn't updated, so I chrooted in and updated it myself, and I got a kernel panic telling me it couldn't mount the root filesystem :\06:48
AaronCampbelldwidmann: then I ran nvidia-settings, and I get a few checkboxes, but no real info.  Looking at the console output I see "ERROR: NV-CONTROL extension not found on this Display"06:48
intelikeyAdmiral_Chicago yes.  but look at the list of things it installed06:49
ForgeAusI agree Linux with blankfaze it seems like linux is too version depenant06:49
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Admiral_ChicagoForgeAus: i have kubuntu-desktop installed, i just did apt-get remove konversation. didn't ask about anything else, it would only remove konversation06:49
ForgeAusthere probably is a reason behind that but from my point of view as a user its annoying and restrictive06:49
intelikeyAdmiral_Chicago   the list >>> "linux-image-2.6.15-23-386 linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-23-386 linux-restricted-modules-common nvidia-glx-legacy"  <<< i am running 2.6.15-28-386   ???06:49
blankfazei just don't understand why there's not an easy way to remove kppp for instance without removing kubuntu-desktop.06:49
Admiral_Chicagointelikey: sec06:49
blankfazei don't have any use for a dialup programme06:49
ForgeAusblankfaze because kubuntu-desktop is a metapackage06:50
Aloneai love kernel panics...adept froze in the middle of upgrading some stuff, the kernel included. that was fun to fix without internet06:50
ForgeAusall the packages that kubuntu uses as a base are in there which includes kppp...06:50
ForgeAusI'm not suprised about that06:51
Admiral_Chicagowait, you are on 2.6.15-28-386 and it depends on 2.6.15-2806:51
ForgeAusits more a problem when it wants to remove something like ubuntu-minimal!06:51
Admiral_Chicagouname -r tells you the kernel that is running06:51
blankfazei understand, but i want *most* of what is in kubuntu-desktop, just not certain parts.  there should be an easier way to accomplish that06:51
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Admiral_Chicagoblankfaze: you can remove it parts without removing all06:52
blankfazeadmiral chicago:  still not clear on how?06:52
ForgeAusblankfaze its really no matter if kubuntu-desktop isn't listed in your distro, theres several utilities that several people will not need06:52
LeeJunFanblankfaze: if you remove kubuntu-desktop it doesn't remove all of kde.06:52
ForgeAusI for one don't need bluetooth for example06:52
Admiral_ChicagoJucato: can you explain in other words for me...06:52
blankfazei know that.06:52
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Jucatoexplain what?!06:52
intelikeyAdmiral_Chicago check this out.  i tried to apt-get remove linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-23-386 linux-image-2.6.15-23-386     and it says this   >>> The following packages will be REMOVED:06:52
intelikey  linux-image-2.6.15-23-386* linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-23-386*06:52
Admiral_Chicagoblankfaze: no offense but i'm being as clear as I think I can be06:52
intelikey  nvidia-glx-legacy*06:52
intelikeyit doesn't seem to care that i'm running uname -r06:53
Admiral_Chicagointelikey: you are using 2.16.15-*28*06:53
Admiral_Chicagowait i see your problem intelikey06:54
intelikeyAdmiral_Chicago yes i am.06:54
Admiral_Chicagookay i didn't know06:54
Jucatointelikey: did you install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-28-386 already?06:54
Admiral_Chicagothat it wanted to remove the driver as well06:54
blankfazeadmiral chicago:  well thanks, but it doesn't work like that for me.  selecting to remove konversation selects kubuntu-desktop to be removed too06:54
intelikeyJucato yes06:54
LeeJunFanblankfaze: so remove it.06:54
Admiral_Chicagoblankfaze: you can ignore that, trust me.06:54
Jucatointelikey: hm.. and it still wants to remove nvidia-glx when you try to remove those other restricted modules06:54
LeeJunFanblankfaze: it will not remove anything else.06:55
Admiral_ChicagoJucato: exactly06:55
blankfazeleejunfan:  kubuntu-desktop has a million dependencies.  i don't want to have to manually readd all that i do want in06:55
Jucatoblankfaze: you only have to basically worry about the kubuntu-desktop metapackage when dist-upgrading to a new release.06:55
Admiral_ChicagoJucato: one of the depends in "linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-23-386,nvidia-glx-legacy"06:55
Jucatoblankfaze: no. removing kubuntu-desktop won't remove others06:55
LeeJunFanblankfaze: kubuntu-desktop is a meta package, that means it will install a bunch of deps if you install it, but nothing depends on it - so removing it won't remove other packages.06:56
LeeJunFanblankfaze: if it was going to remove other packages like kdebase, konqueror, etc... they would be listed as well.06:56
blankfazeso if i select to remove kubuntu-desktop, it won't remove, say kopete?06:56
ForgeAusyes LeeJun but removing other packages removes IT06:56
LeeJunFanblankfaze: no it wont.06:56
LeeJunFanForgeAus: right.06:56
ForgeAusie removing kppp will remove kbuuntu-desktop06:56
ForgeAuswhich is a little strange06:56
JucatoForgeAus: yes. but that's not what he's worried about06:56
LeeJunFanI've been running kubuntu w/o kubuntu-desktop pretty much forever, because I don't like kubuntu-default-settings.06:57
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ForgeAusI'm not worried about it, wait now I'm confused what IS blankfaze worried about then?06:57
blankfazeso... what *will* removing kubuntu-desktop remove??06:57
Jucatoblankfaze: only itself06:57
ForgeAusblankfaze nothing06:57
LeeJunFanblankfaze: no programs will be removed.06:57
intelikeyAdmiral_Chicago and Jucato ok i have purged all restricted modules and the older kernels   then... apt-get install nvidia-glx-legacy linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-28-386    and it seems to be going to accept that.06:58
blankfazewill it remove settings?  anything at all?06:58
JucatoForgeAus: he's worried that removing kubuntu-desktop will remove everything06:58
ForgeAusbecause its a metapackage its a package of packages, its more about what installs when you install it rather than what is removed when you remove it06:58
ForgeAusyeah that became pretty obvious recently...06:58
Admiral_Chicagointelikey: good.06:58
LeeJunFanblankfaze: think of kubuntu-desktop as an alias. instead of you having to install all parts of kubuntu you can install kubuntu-desktop, when you install it - it installs all parts of kubuntu, but you can remove it w/o removing the packages it installed.06:58
Admiral_Chicagothat is an odd error06:58
blankfazeso if i run apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop... you are saying NOTHING will change?06:58
intelikeyok it did   Setting up nvidia-glx-legacy (1.0.7174+ ...06:58
Jucatointelikey: finally!06:58
Admiral_Chicagointelikey: i would mark as a dependency issue in LP06:58
Jucatoblankfaze: I'm saying that only the kubuntu-desktop package, that package only will be removed06:59
Admiral_Chicagointelikey: it should look for >= and not a certain kernel06:59
intelikeyok now what  ?06:59
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intelikeyAdmiral_Chicago yes indeed.06:59
Jucatoblankfaze: it's just a meta-package. it has no settings, it does nothing except tell apt to install all those other packages06:59
blankfazebecause i could have sworn that i hosed my machine doing something like that before06:59
ForgeAusblankfaze possibly but not with kubuntu-desktop07:00
intelikeyAdmiral_Chicago ok now howto get it to work with nvidia in place of nv ?   do i need to modprobe anything ?07:00
Admiral_Chicagoblankfaze: the reason that package exists is so that someone on GNOME or Xfce can install KDE as kubuntu would behave with an install CD07:00
aaroncampbell_dwidmann: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12469/07:00
Admiral_Chicagointelikey: not that I know of07:00
ForgeAusmore like a system-dependant package like ubuntu-minimal or kde-base or something07:00
blankfazebut what i am trying to ascertain, if i just ran apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop... no programmes would be removed, no settings changed, no discernable change of any kind other than kubuntu-desktop would show as not installed?07:01
intelikeychanged xorg.conf form           Driver          "nv"   or   "nvidia"     is that all ?07:01
LeeJunFanblankfaze: is my font fuzzy? no! :)07:01
blankfazejust trying to be careful.  i have fuxxxored my system like twice in the month or so since i migrated to linux07:02
dwidmannaaroncampbell_ I'm not really sure what those could be ...07:02
aaroncampbell_ok, I'll try again in the morning07:02
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ForgeAusblankfaze it might be useful to you to virtualize your linux until you get used to it?07:03
LeeJunFanblankfaze: bah, don't be a baby :) I hosed a running 5000 client mailserver once and I didn't make so much noise over it :)07:03
intelikeyblankfaze correct. no noticable differance07:03
blankfazenah.  i am a firm believer that you learn from mistakes lol07:03
ScarFreewillmy printer stoped working any one else having a problem with that?07:03
ForgeAusI agree... and boy have I made some mistakes with linux since I got it07:03
dwidmannI guess I'll fix my kernel problem in the morning, if I wake up before noon anyway ...07:03
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ForgeAusI'm guessing jucato will probably back that statement up...07:04
LeeJunFanblankfaze: me too. That's why I don't use windows - it was a mistake :)07:04
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ForgeAustoo many people think windows requires a reinstallation at the first sign of trouble :(07:04
Admiral_Chicagoeveryone makes mistakes, i did all the tyme07:04
ForgeAusI'm still on the same XP installation as well over a 2 years ago07:05
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LeeJunFanForgeAus: true.07:05
ForgeAusalthough it did recently die on me I managed to revive it07:05
ForgeAusstill not sure entirely quite how yet tho07:05
ForgeAusanyway back to kubuntu07:06
intelikeydo i need to run  "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable"  what does that do ?07:06
blankfazei am a lot happier since i migrated from windows.  a lot of things are easier.  more control if you know what you're doing.  a lot more secure.  good feeling of using foss07:06
LeeJunFanForgeAus: My biggest complain w/ windows is even about the stability or security, it's the inflexability and the fact that even the simplest little program on it has nagware and costs $30+ dollars shareware.07:06
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Jucatointelikey: it enables the nvidia driver... modifiying xorg.conf07:06
ForgeAusum? is that meant to be a line in the xorg.conf "nvidia-glx-config" "enable" ?07:06
LeeJunFans/is even/isn't even07:06
ForgeAusLeeJun some do yeah07:07
intelikeyJucato then my editing xorg circumvents that actually being useful ?07:07
ForgeAusbut there is foss for windows as well07:07
Jucatointelikey: hm.. sort of... but sometimes you still need to edit manually anyway...07:07
LeeJunFanForgeAus: yeah, I use it and offer it to customers whenever possible.07:07
ForgeAushehe like openoffice.org I'm guessing07:08
intelikeyJucato i was just look in /usr/sbin/nvidia-glx-config  it's a shell script and it depends on being ran from within x ....07:08
LeeJunFanI've still got windows on my system, hardly ever used, just for flight sims, which I can't remember the last time I've played. But I've only re-installed XP once in over 2 yrs. On the other hand I've had servers with uptimes over 2 years.07:08
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LeeJunFanwith linux of course.07:08
Jucatointelikey: actually, I think it will complain if you run it from w/in X07:08
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ubotukopete: instant messenger for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5+kopete0.12.3-0ubuntu2.2 (edgy), package size 6824 kB, installed size 18932 kB07:09
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!07:09
LeeJunFanForgeAus: yeah, openoffice, firefox, gimp, gaim, etc..07:09
intelikeyJucato yeah actually that test only setup a message you're right07:09
Jucatointelikey: I'm right? and w/o looking at the code? *gasps*07:10
blankfazeis there a font manager in kde anywhere?07:10
Admiral_Chicagoblankfaze: Kmenu >> system settings07:10
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blankfazeadmiral chicago:  for managing/installing/removing fonts, not selecting them for display...07:11
Admiral_Chicagothen appearance07:12
Jucatoblankfaze: System Settings -> Appearance -> Font Installer07:12
blankfazeoh weird07:12
blankfazemissed that.  sorry07:12
blankfazedoes anyone know off-hand what format preinstall fonts like bitsream vera are in?07:13
intelikeyAdmiral_Chicago and Jucato  one thing that running the command(sudo nvidia-glx-config enable) does is  "modprobe nvidia"  so i do need to do that... but   modprobe nvidia fails     modprobe nvidia-agp works    is that the reason that nvidia wont work for me ?07:13
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Admiral_Chicagonot sure, could open up /etc/modprobe iirc that folder.07:13
Admiral_Chicagoi don't use that package very much, not sure07:13
blankfazethe icon for most look like truetype but i am not sure07:13
Jucatointelikey: that I don't know... :/07:14
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intelikeyok i'll keep pecking away at this...07:14
=== Jucato transforms intelikey into a bird... "abraKadabra!"
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[xelent] What media player is this http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs14/f/2007/085/a/1/Linux_X_by_binyaryar.png07:16
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blankfazewhy doesn't that font installer appear in kcontrol?  is it a kubuntu-only thing?07:16
Admiral_Chicago[xelent] : never seen it before07:16
Jucatoblankfaze: kcontrol - system administration07:17
Jucatoa GNOME app?07:17
blankfazeoh neat k07:17
Jucatovery nice desktop though :)07:17
intelikeyyipe !   lost root.07:17
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intelikeythat requires a reboot.         </grubmles & hits the reset>07:18
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LeeJunFanintelikey: high security :)07:18
intelikeyLeeJunFan yes i guess07:18
spurcell_portablAny developer sorts in here who might be able to give advice on creating a .deb file?07:20
Jucato!packaging | spurcell_portabl07:20
ubotuspurcell_portabl: The packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources - See also !backports07:20
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Locomotorhola a todos07:21
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spurcell_portablThank you ubotu.07:22
Jucato!thanks | spurcell_portabl07:22
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ubotuspurcell_portabl: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)07:22
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intelikeynow laugh.   laugh all ya want.07:23
=== Jucato laughs.. but why?
intelikeycause i had to reboot ?07:24
=== Jucato goes on laughing
intelikeyFATAL: Error inserting nvidia_legacy (/lib/modules/2.6.15-28-386/volatile/nvidia_legacy.ko): No such device07:24
Locomotorhace un link simbolico07:25
Locomotorcon ln -s07:25
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openstandardshas anyone packaged up any of the oxygen icons yet?07:25
a-u-123waaa i want some help if someone would be so kind. my mouse buttons  6 and 7 dont go back and forth, mouse button 6 does the same as 3. 7 as 2, i just to config xconf and not install imwheel07:26
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intelikeylsmod reveils     agpgart                34888  1 nvidia_agp07:26
nicochow can i know if i have the lastest ATI driver??07:26
intelikeybut modprobe nvidia fails as per above message ^07:26
Locomotoryou have just compiled the nvidia driver?07:27
intelikeynope binary driver from the repo07:28
LocomotorI have installed from the official binary package07:29
Locomotorand no problems like you describe07:29
Locomotorthis was 20 min ago07:29
intelikeydifferent hardware07:29
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Jucatoopenstandards: they will not be packaged for KDE 3.5.x07:29
Locomotormay be07:29
Locomotori have an integrated 610007:30
intelikeyno maybe to it.  mines an AGP nvidia riva12807:30
Locomotordid you try depmod -a?07:31
openstandardsi hope kde 4 will be more attractive 3.5 is ugly07:31
intelikeyLocomotor have now07:32
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Locomotorwhat? sorry but my english is very poor07:32
intelikeyopenstandards how can you say that ?   kde has not "look" of it's own really, it's all in the theemes07:33
intelikey<Locomotor> did you try depmod -a? <intelikey> Locomotor i have now07:33
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intelikeyopenstandards find a theem you like and then configure it to be 'beautiful' in your eyes07:34
Aloneaintelikey: shouldn't you be able to make your own theme if you really wanted to?07:35
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intelikeysure Alonea   and you can07:35
nick_is there an IM client that handles msn better than kapote?07:35
intelikeygaim  maybe ?07:36
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Aloneaintelikey: yup, just need to get reaaaal bored and have a lot of work I want to ignore.07:36
intelikeyAlonea yep that's all07:36
nick_or was gaim something else07:36
openstandardsamsn is probably  better when it comes to dealing with msn07:37
intelikeynick_ try amsn07:37
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LeeJunFanwhat's wrong with kopete for msn? I haven't noticed any problems with it.07:37
openstandardsthe file transfer on gaim sucks, and no video either07:37
Aloneaintelikey: hmmm, maybe a matrix like theme? Or red metal looking...there was a red color theme on winamp that I really liked that I could sorta copy...07:37
nick_im gonna try amsn07:37
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nick_i miss being able to play wheel of fotrune in msn LOL07:38
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cotyrotheryI have a few questions07:38
cotyrotheryI was wondering what can i do with apache07:38
Aloneaisn't there a way to get the actual latest MSN to work with wine, or is that a no?07:38
a-u-51buttonmapping did it, im a noob if anyone wondered...07:38
intelikey!info apache07:39
ubotuapache: versatile, high-performance HTTP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.34-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 380 kB, installed size 812 kB07:39
openstandardsnick_: is that what you want msn for because if it is then you're out of luck07:39
cotyrotheryi woule like to get it setup on my computer07:39
netdaemonAlonea: why would you want it?07:39
cotyrotheryBut i would like to now if with it i can have my own site or what is its perpose07:39
intelikey!lamp > cotyrothery07:39
nick_would be nice though07:39
cotyrotheryso what would i do with it07:40
Locomotoryou need to read a little07:40
cotyrotheryi have07:40
a-u-51!info avahi07:40
ubotuPackage avahi does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas07:40
cotyrotheryi cant find what i need to read07:40
intelikeycotyrothery apache is a full grown web-server for the http and https protocols.07:40
cotyrotheryyeah i know07:40
intelikeycheck your pm's07:41
Locomotorjust google for it07:41
cotyrotheryi heard that people put it on there computer and use there computers as servers07:41
Locomotorhow to set up apache07:41
Aloneanetdaemon: lets see, the video was nice, the sharing folders was especially nice, and I liked the looks of it. I just miss it. I mean, gaim has it good points too, but I still prefer the original MSN program.07:41
intelikey!lamp > Locomotor07:41
openstandardscotyrothery: i personally wouldn't run a http server on a home connection07:41
intelikeyand check your pm's07:41
cotyrotheryi did07:41
cotyrotherywhat is it07:41
openstandardspurely because of the upstream of your connection07:41
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cotyrotheryso could i make like a .com site and run it off my computer?07:42
intelikeyapache = s/band-width/band-narrow-ness/g07:42
Locomotoryou need to register domain too07:43
openstandardsyou could but you wouldn't own the domain name07:43
cotyrotheryand your computer always has to be  on07:43
cotyrotheryi have a sub domain07:43
openstandardsits cheaper these days with a host07:43
intelikeyand yes you could if you regester the domain07:43
Locomotorfirst you should try it in a lan07:44
cotyrotheryim about to download wine07:44
cotyrotheryi have been having some trouble with kdevelop07:44
cotyrotheryi cant get it to make the installation07:44
wolferinelooking to setup Realplayer, in the Ubuntu guide, it tells me to07:44
intelikeycotyrothery careful you don't dl to much at one time07:44
intelikeytoo much wine ...07:44
wolferinethen edit the startup script (/usr/lib/realplay-10.0.8/realplay) and changed line 7307:44
wolferineand I need to make sure: Make sure you have ALSA OSS driver.07:45
intelikeydon't want you penguin eneberateddd07:45
cotyrotherythere are so many apps07:45
cotyrotheryi am loving this07:45
cotyrotheryits a whole nother world07:45
wolferinemy sounds controls tell me I am using Alsa mixer07:45
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intelikeycotyrothery yes.07:45
Locomotoris like win 95...a new experince... XD07:46
cotyrotherynot like microsoft were i have to rack out doo07:46
wolferineso am I not using the ALSA OSS driver maybe, as I get this:  realplay07:46
wolferine/usr/bin/realplay: 78: aoss: not found07:46
nick_windows 3.1 kicked butt07:46
nick_i still use it07:46
cotyrotheryI think that spending 100 to 200 dollors on xp is insane07:46
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ForgeAusI'm going to reinstall it later07:47
ForgeAuswhen my dos partition gets back up and running07:47
nick_I think wasting your time downloading and pirating XP is insane.....even if it does work07:47
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cotyrotheryI dont07:47
intelikeynick_ for it's day it did but that day ended in about 3 hours after the release...07:47
cotyrotherynever did07:47
ForgeAussysing over is ok but I have too many boot managers on that drive, I need to somehow reinstate my NTLDR along with it then put grub on07:47
cotyrotheryfor one thing all i had were problems with xp07:47
cotyrotheryi have been waiting to get rid of it for awhile07:48
wolferineanyone, audio drivers...07:48
ForgeAushehe cotyro then get ready for a whole new set of *nix problems :)07:48
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cotyrotheryand now its gone witht the dust07:48
ForgeAusevery os has its problems07:48
nick_I may try vista if i can obtain a legal copy from my work07:48
ForgeAusnick I don't recommend it07:48
intelikeycotyrothery heh i installed xp to see if i wanted it... took me two days to say "never again"   hehhe07:48
cotyrotheryBring them on07:48
nick_but it *seems they may have went overboard on the DRM07:48
a-u-51wolferine try using mplayer instead of realplayer, itll play real files07:48
ForgeAuslol intellikey, I don't think you gave it enough of a chance07:49
cotyrotheryintelikey: what did you not like07:49
wolferinestreaming too?07:49
Cugelwolferine: yes.07:49
intelikeycotyrothery everything,07:49
ForgeAusbut thats ok I can't see you ever really warming up to it07:49
cotyrotheryme to07:49
ForgeAusso I wouldn't suggest reattempting it07:49
cotyrotheryOver priced software also07:49
carl_Does anyone know how to configure a Mail Partner? (revision 1.8)07:49
a-u-51get mozilla plugin for mplayer in ur package manager07:49
ForgeAusits too unlike what your used to07:49
a-u-51aswell as mplayer itself07:49
wolferinewell, what do you know07:49
wolferineit does07:49
cotyrotheryNow that i have kubuntu im going to go and spend some money on some HD's07:50
intelikeycotyrothery but most of all the fact that it would outrightly "lie" to you.   i'd tell it to do blah and it would say ok done   but it never was done....  i will not tolerate that.  period07:50
cotyrotheryand a burner07:50
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cotyrotheryme neither07:50
cotyrotheryplus all the dumb registry problems i had07:50
intelikeythen there was the eula   'that any sane human would have to "lie" to accept.'07:50
cotyrotheryso many problems everyday07:50
cotyrotheryIt took 30 mins to and hour to sign in to windows07:51
Locomotorhow much cost an vista license? i really dont know...07:51
intelikeyand i don't like being a lier.07:51
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cotyrotheryplus windows randomly shut down on me07:51
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cotyrotheryor with windows there are so many viruses out htere07:52
nick_Im not going 100% linux because my new printer doesnt work, i need windows software for work, too many programs need windows and I have alot of problems with government sites in linux (for instance i just tried to pay my liscence fee online and after I hit submit it froze so  had to close and do it again...but it charged me twice)07:52
intelikeyand the forced "online regesteration"   i mean hey if i don't want to regester that should be my business, not M$'s07:52
nick_but i dont particularly like windows, i just need it07:52
wolferinebut does it play RAM files BAD07:53
a-u-51annoying prob with mplayer though, if anyone knows the solution plz speak, i have to play streaming stuff in fullscreen to see it, or fullscreen then minimize and itll worked in normal mode07:53
cotyrotheryIs it possible to have tons of HD's07:53
nick_i need a plug in so i can watch non flash videos in firefox or konqerer07:53
cotyrotherythat are internal07:53
cotyrotheryyeah like 1007:53
wolferineu have alot of cash to spend?07:53
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Locomotori dont think so07:54
wolferinei doubt that07:54
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nick_any streaming media says "click here to download plug in" and it says theres none available07:54
cotyrotheryover time07:54
Locomotorthat's depend of motherboard and chipset07:54
intelikeynick_ that's one thing i just don't do.   pay/buy anything online07:54
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nick_im nervous about it too07:54
cotyrotheryI want a few drives just so i can have diffrent linuxs on each07:55
nick_but i figured "hey its a government website"07:55
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Locomotoryou can partition with a few disks07:55
nick_anyone from canada?07:55
wolferineso ill ask again07:55
cotyrotheryim scared to partion07:55
cotyrotheryI would like to install my ubuntu and edubuntu cds07:56
cotyrotherybut im scared that i might mess up what i have07:56
wolferinehow can I confirm I have the ALSA OSS driver.07:56
Locomotoris too easy, but if you scare, then one os by disk is a good choice07:56
Dragoonboyevening all... anyone know anything about ATI driver installs? im having issues07:56
intelikeyi have installed four os's per hd  and one os per three hd's   ...07:56
wolferinecotyrothery, seems your a bit too green for ubuntu07:56
cotyrotherywhats wrong with that07:57
cotyrotheryi love ubuntu07:57
wolferineim sure you do07:57
intelikeycotyrothery nothing. don't let it get to ya.07:57
cotyrotheryi have all there os's07:57
cotyrotherymaybe one day i might be programming for it07:57
cotyrotheryhelping out with it07:57
nick_is there any real difference between ubuntu and kubuntu either than the look?07:58
Locomotorand you should try beryl07:58
intelikeywolferine lsmod | grep oss07:58
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cotyrotherywere do i get beryl07:58
Dragoonboyor can anyone assist in installing the fglrx drivers?07:58
Locomotornop , ubuntu is gnome and kubuntu kde07:58
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nick_wich is better?07:58
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nick_i guess, wich 'looks' better07:58
wolferinecotyrothery, google ubuntu manual07:58
Locomotori like kde07:58
wolferineits all in there07:58
intelikey!beryl > cotyrothery it can be trubblesum but ...07:59
Locomotorbut is a free world07:59
nick_im liking the kde too....then again never tried gnome07:59
cotyrotheryit takes me to a forum07:59
wolferineintelikey, this is great, but am I looking for something specific?07:59
cotyrotheryfor some reason i cant get ubuntu to start up correctly07:59
cotyrotheryit frezzes07:59
cotyrotheryand acts weird07:59
wolferinefor example, if I am not using an alsa oss08:00
intelikeyyou wanted to know if alsa-oss support was present.  look and see wolferine08:00
Dragoonboydoes anyone see me typing?08:00
Locomotorcotyrothery, try searching beryl videos on youtube08:00
cotyrotherythere cool08:00
wolferineintelikey, thanks08:00
a-u-51loco what ati card do u have?08:00
cotyrotherypeople doing all sorts of things with the windows08:00
nick_dragon...yes but its busy lol08:00
wolferinehow do I setup an ALSA OSS driver for my sound??08:01
Dragoonboyoh, just checking... I didnt know if nickserv and I were getting along....08:01
Locomotori really dont remember08:01
intelikeywolferine sudo modprobe snd-alsa-oss      i think   you can use bash completion to check the name.08:01
cotyrotheryso how do i set up wine08:02
cotyrotheryim reading the readme08:02
wolferinecotyrothery, read the manual08:02
cotyrotheryi am08:02
wolferinethen dont ask, read08:03
cotyrotheryi clicked on ./tools/wineinstall08:03
cotyrotherynothing happened08:03
wolferineintelikey, FATAL: Module snd_alsa_oss not found.08:03
cotyrotheryunless i do it through konsole08:03
wolferinecotyrothery, u should really take ppls advice08:03
Dragoonboywell, when someone gets a chance: I installed fglrx via synaptic. However I can't get xorg to utilize the driver. xorg.conf will only work with "vesa" as the driver. anyone have any ideas?08:03
Locomotorat least you should get a more detailed description of error08:03
intelikeycotyrothery if you installed it it is "setup"  do you mean "configure it" ?  or  "use it" ?08:03
intelikeywolferine so use bash completion to find the correct name.08:04
wolferinefor what?08:04
intelikeyfor what you want08:04
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cotyrotheryI just downloaded it08:04
cotyrotheryand it says something about wineinstall08:04
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.08:04
intelikey!info wine08:05
wolferineintelikey, if I dont know what it is, how would I go about looking for it?08:05
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.22-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 9001 kB, installed size 42452 kB08:05
openstandardscotyrothery: when you say you downloaded it you used the package manager right?08:05
cotyrotheryit was not in the package manager08:05
openstandardsit is08:06
cotyrotheryso i downloaded it from softpedia08:06
wolferinecotyrothery, read the ubuntu guide08:06
wolferineit has it all08:06
cotyrotheryi put in wine08:06
cotyrotherynothing came up08:06
openstandardscotyrothery: 1. always try to use the package manager you'll get problems later on if you don't08:07
intelikeywolferine    in the koncole     . /etc/bash_completion    <<<< the dot is important.    then  >>>  sudo modprobe snd-[tab] [tab]   <<< it should ask if you want to view the whole list.08:07
intelikeywolferine [tab]   means hit the tab key08:07
wolferinein the koncole     . /etc/bash_completion    <<<< the dot is important. <-- what is that all about08:07
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openstandardscotyrothery: http://ubuntuguide.org/ visit that08:08
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openstandardshave a read and then ask questions :P08:08
intelikeycotyrothery you see the guy that was on to you ^ how helpless he is...08:08
intelikeywolferine it means run that.08:08
wolferinerun what?08:09
intelikeyyes that's right wolferine i'm finished.08:09
wolferineyour finished, good to hear08:09
wolferinenow what did you mean exactly?08:09
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cotyrotherywhat is happening08:10
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a-u-51world coming to an end08:10
intelikeycotyrothery net split08:10
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intelikeycotyrothery one server got de-sync'd from the others.08:11
cotyrotherywhat is going on08:11
wolferineintel, what did you mean about running that command?08:12
cotyrotherythat was cool08:12
intelikeyit happens some times.08:12
openstandardscotyrothery: a net split, basically those on another server get disconnected they will rejoin again soon08:13
cotyrotheryI cant wait until the next08:13
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openstandardsnet splits are fun08:13
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cotyrotheryi thought i was going to be by myself08:13
openstandardsbinks: get back to bed its too early to be up08:14
openstandardsits like 708:14
intelikeythere is only one server with less than 10 in this channel... and it has 4 so you wouldn't be alone...08:14
cotyrotherywell that would have been cool08:14
cotyrotheryonly a few of us08:14
cotyrotherywhy are there so many on08:14
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intelikeyother networks, other channels you can have that all the time.   if you want a big channel try #ubuntu08:15
wolferineintelikey, what were you trying to explain?08:15
openstandardsintelikey: ubuntu is a nightmare its so hard helping in that channel08:16
intelikeyopenstandards i know.08:16
intelikeyopenstandards i tried #debian  they don't allow my user name...08:16
openstandardsthe pace of this channel is a lot nicer08:16
openstandardshow comes?08:17
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intelikey/whois me08:17
netdaemonhas anyone bought from system 76?08:17
binksopenstandards: how do u now where i am ffs08:17
intelikeyopenstandards i didn't say my "nickname" i said "user name"08:18
binkslol that is08:18
cotyrotheryanyone have a psp08:18
wolferineyour just full of questions tonight08:18
cotyrotheryi love my psp and i love kubutu08:18
wolferineall across the board08:18
cotyrotheryyes i am08:18
openstandards binks has joined this channel (n=binks@82-38-226-77.cable.ubr03.wake.blueyonder.co.uk). <-- thats how08:18
cotyrotherywell how would you be08:18
wolferineyou want to know what I had for supper tonight too?08:18
cotyrotheryif you just go kubuntu installed08:18
cotyrotherygoing by your name it probley was not to good08:19
binksoh i see lol you near by then and im up cos the kids are up and i need to get avidemux running08:19
cotyrotherywhat do wolferines eat08:20
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!08:20
openstandardsintelikey: logged in as root? you insane?08:20
intelikeyopenstandards no08:20
openstandardsi was going to say08:20
openstandardsbrb need more caffine08:21
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shinigamisecurity.ubuntu.com is down?08:21
openstandardsi'm starting to feel rough too much coffee08:21
cotyrotherythats my problem08:21
cotyrotheryi have had to much coffee08:21
Jucatoshinigami: not from my end08:21
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intelikeybut openstandards if i tried to login to your box as "vir"  would there be an account by that name with a password that a script could crack given a little time ?     and if so would i not then have full root access to your box ?     so i use a "username"   and root is generic08:22
cotyrotherygreat now i cant get in to adept08:23
intelikeycotyrothery something already using dpkg ?08:23
ubotudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.08:23
cotyrotheryyes i am08:23
cotyrotheryit wont start08:24
cotyrotheryit gives me an error08:24
intelikeycan't have but one thing using dpkg at a time that's a safty feature08:24
cotyrotheryi only have one08:24
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 08:24
intelikeycotyrothery update-manager ?08:25
cotyrotherythat is not what happened08:25
shinigami99% [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (]                      for a longggg time08:25
openstandardsintelikey: it would take a long time to brute force my password its quite a secure password :)08:25
firecrotchcotyrothery: It doesn't necessarily have to crash to leave the database locked08:25
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)08:25
openstandardsno ssh and behind a hardware firewall :)08:25
cotyrotherynothing locks08:25
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firecrotchcotyrothery:  What is the error that you get then?08:25
cotyrotheryhold on08:25
cotyrotherylet me get it again08:25
intelikeyopenstandards well mines not.  it's only mmmmm  35 chars will upper lower and numeric plus other printable chars...  so not to secure08:26
cotyrotherycould not open cache08:26
intelikeyopenstandards but even at that the account doesn't have sudoer access08:26
cotyrotheryThe APT Database could not be opened!08:26
openstandardsdamn thats more insane than my set up08:26
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ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 08:27
firecrotchcotyrothery: that's what you need08:27
shinigamicould anyone do a apt-get update now? im still stuck at security.ubuntu.com08:28
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intelikeyshinigami testing now for you.08:28
shinigamipinging security.ubuntu.com works :<08:28
firecrotchsecurity.ubuntu.com is indeed being slow.08:29
intelikeyseems to work under dapper08:29
firecrotchthe archive is being updated08:30
shinigamik..im using edgy08:30
wolferineis there a .iso with the 7 beta available now?08:30
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intelikeyummm maybe i spoke too soon.08:30
cotyrotherythat is not working08:30
intelikeyshinigami fear not.   i'm hung at   [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (]   also.08:31
firecrotchYeah, security.ubuntu.com redirects packets to auckland.ubuntu.com, which is having it's archive updated right now08:31
shinigamioh yeah.. :) let's wait awhile..08:31
cotyrotheryif i restart the computer will that solve the problem08:31
firecrotchcotyrothery:  it may08:31
intelikeythere ya go.08:31
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intelikeywell i sussposes that i should just remove restricted from this system   nvidia-glx aint a gonna work anyway08:33
Dragoonboyhi, can anyone tell me how to downgrade kernels? I need to use an earler verson?08:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lexmark - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:34
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows08:34
intelikeyDragoonboy are you sure you need to down grade ?08:34
shinigamican i install alien without going through apt-get ?08:34
DragoonboyIntelikey: yes, You have to recompile the kernel module after each kernel update! NOTE: the fglrx source code requires Linux 2.6.19 or lower. It is not yet prepared for
Dragoonboythats per the wiki08:35
Dragoonboyand im using 2.6.2008:35
intelikeyapt-get install linux-image-<version>08:36
Dragoonboyah, at least something is simple08:36
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Dragoonboycan I wget that? and where (if one could?)08:37
cotyrotherynope it did not work08:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about adptfix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:38
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ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 08:38
intelikeysudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock08:38
intelikeysudo dpkg --configure -a08:38
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cotyrotheryit locks up08:39
cotyrotheryi put that in the konsole and then it says password08:39
cotyrotherybut it wont let me type anything08:40
Jucatocotyrothery: you won't see the password you are typing. that's normal08:40
intelikeyyeah it will.  you won't see it.  just type.08:40
cotyrotheryyep that worked08:40
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cotyrotherybut adept still does not work08:41
intelikeyyou did the second part of that ?08:41
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intelikeysudo dpkg --configure -a08:41
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cotyrotheryso what could be the problem now08:42
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intelikeycotyrothery it doesn't start minimized or something does it?08:43
cotyrotheryThe APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem.08:43
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intelikeyso did you     sudo apt-setup           sudo apt-get update    ?08:44
cotyrotherylet me try08:45
intelikeylike the error message said to try08:45
intelikeysome times those error messages know just what you need....08:45
cotyrotheryits not working08:45
intelikeybut not always.08:45
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intelikeywhat did it error out with ?08:45
cotyrotheryit tells me there is no such command08:45
cotyrotherysudo: apt-setup: command not found08:46
intelikeyheh i don't have it either.  it was in  hoary and maybe breezy08:46
Admiral_Chicago!adept crash fix08:47
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 08:47
Admiral_Chicagohmm, anyone know the correct command?08:47
Admiral_Chicagogrr, stupid computer crashed08:47
intelikeyAdmiral_Chicago that was the correct command    sudo dpkg --configure -a08:48
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intelikeyhas it changed ?08:48
=== intelikey installs adept so he can have all this fun too....
Admiral_Chicagoyea i know, i needed that...thanks intelikey08:48
=== cotyrothery wants adept to work so he can get kdevelop
Jucatocotyrothery: you don't need adept to install it08:50
Jucato"sudo apt-get install kdevelop"08:50
intelikeycotyrothery i don't know that they are related, but you may have to wait until the security server is back to normal...08:50
cotyrotheryjucato: that command did not work08:51
intelikeyJucato his adept wont start.    that's the issue.  and the configure -a didn't fix it.08:51
Jucatocotyrothery: what does "sudo dpkg --configure -a" say? (use a pastebin if it's too long)08:51
cotyrotheryit says nothing08:52
Jucatoit does nothing?08:52
cotyrotheryjust goes back to prompt08:52
cotyrotheryon another line08:52
Jucatohow about "sudo apt-get -f install" ?08:52
Admiral_Chicagoseem to have found a packaging bug...08:52
Admiral_Chicagoor dependecy error actually08:52
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: edgy or feisty?08:52
intelikeytoo long = more than two lines.08:52
Admiral_Chicagofeisty of course :)08:52
Admiral_Chicagocotyrothery: good. try kcmshell adept08:53
cotyrotheryi found a bug08:53
cotyrotherywhat is kcmshell adept08:53
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cotyrotheryyou forget im a noob ;p08:53
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: what? kcmshell adept? O.o08:53
Admiral_Chicagolaunches adept in a shell that will output any errors08:53
Admiral_Chicagoisn't that correct Jucato?08:53
Jucatofirst time I've heard of it...08:54
intelikeyAdmiral_Chicago was that one in the dapper install of nvidia-glx-legacy  eariler ?    and who do i need to tell about it.... can't file a normal bug report i'm not regestered.08:54
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: kcmshell == command to run kcontrol modules in a shell/window08:54
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cotyrotheryso i did find a bug?08:55
gelsenjoin ubuntu-ro08:55
Jucatocotyrothery: no08:55
gelsenjoin #ubuntu-ro08:55
Jucatocotyrothery: did you run the second command that I gave?08:55
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cotyrotherynot yet08:55
cotyrotherylet me go and do that08:55
cotyrotherydid nothing08:55
bentob0xok I have a mount in my fstab that didn't mount because it wasn't powered up at boottime of this machine, how can I re-run my fstab without having to reboot?08:56
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Admiral_Chicagointelikey: you have to register into Launchpad.net just so we can track the bug with email08:56
Jucatocotyrothery: oh btw, are you on Dapper or on Edgy?08:56
cotyrotheryi dont know08:56
Admiral_Chicagobentob0x: sudo umount -a && sudo mount -a08:56
Jucatocotyrothery: Kubuntu 6.06 or Kubuntu 6.10?08:56
cotyrotherykubuntu 6.0608:56
Jucatocotyrothery: ah... try this "sudo apt-get install kdevelop3"08:57
intelikeyif    sudo apt-get install -f    returns without error adn adept wont start anymore there is something i'm not fameliar with going on....08:57
cotyrotherythat did not work08:57
Jucatocotyrothery: how did it now work? what does it say?08:57
cotyrotheryhold on08:57
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.08:57
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=== Kite_DH is away
cotyrotheryE: Type 'kdevelop' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list E: The list of sources could not be read.08:58
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Admiral_Chicagoproblem with the sources most likely08:58
Admiral_Chicagoin fact, i know for a fact that it is08:58
cotyrotheryso what should i do08:58
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic08:58
krautis security.ubuntu.com down?08:59
Jucatocotyrothery: aaah you have a bad sources.list file08:59
firecrotchkraut: Yep08:59
krauti got icmp echo requests but couldn't open a socket to tcp 8008:59
krautah, ok08:59
intelikeyyep thats the good ole "i edited my sources.list, but now i can't install it'   but.    called   pebcak08:59
cotyrotheryhow did that happen08:59
Admiral_Chicagokraut: no08:59
krautfirecrotch: do you know any alternativ mirror?08:59
cotyrotheryI just installed kubuntu09:00
cotyrotheryhow do i already have a bad source file09:00
firecrotchkraut: no, sorry09:00
Jucatocotyrothery: E: The list of sources could not be read. <---09:00
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krautfirecrotch: hmm, ok. then i'll try it later again09:00
Jucatocotyrothery: not a source file. but a sources.list file09:00
meme-1What is it with nicks not timing out (or at least taking a long time) I suffer from very inreliable high speed internet... what a pain to get back into IRC. Kubuntu isn't too bad but #fedora is very difficult because you need to be registered before you can chat!09:00
cotyrotheryso do i go to that site09:01
meme-1unreliable NOT inreliable! lol09:01
Admiral_Chicagookay, someone around to help with wireless problems09:01
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:01
intelikeycotyrothery and one file in particular   /etc/apt/sources.list09:01
firecrotchAdmiral_Chicago: What seems to be the problem?09:01
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cotyrotheryok im on that site09:01
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cotyrotherythats the site im at09:02
Admiral_Chicagofirecrotch: i have an open source driver, can see the device, its enabled can see all the networks.09:02
Admiral_Chicagocan't connect09:02
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firecrotchAdmiral_Chicago: Try using knetworkmanager (if you're not already)09:02
Admiral_Chicagofirecrotch: tried it, will try again09:03
CarinArrAdmiral_Chicago: it might be worth trying to use iwconfig irectly as well09:03
Admiral_ChicagoCarinArr: yea, let me try that in a sec09:03
CarinArrmy wireless card on my desktop is very temperamental and i haven't got it to work with any of the network apps, but i can get it to connect using iwconfig09:03
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Admiral_ChicagoCarinArr: i'll keep that in mind, get back to you in a minute09:04
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cotyrotheryok it is generating a source.list09:05
CarinArrright, am off to work now, but will be online again in 30 minutes or so09:05
CarinArrsee yous all on in a bit09:05
cotyrotherykate came up09:05
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bentob0xthat worked like a charm Admiral_Chicago, thank you09:06
Admiral_Chicagohow can i see the default gateway IP?09:06
Admiral_Chicagonp bentob0x...i forgot what i told you...but i'm glad it worked09:06
bentob0xthe mounting thing ^^09:06
Admiral_Chicagonetdaemon: i know, but i need to know where in there. I have that open :)09:06
Admiral_Chicagois it the bcast one?09:07
netdaemonthat would give you the good idea of the subnet09:07
cotyrotheryi have the new source.list09:07
cotyrotherywhat do i do with ti09:07
netdaemonjust replace .255 with .109:07
intelikeyok i now have adept package manager like everyone else in here... i think i'll start a gui and look at it.     (expecting to hate it...)09:07
firecrotchAdmiral_Chicago: I believe so09:07
firecrotchmight be addr: though09:08
=== posingaspopular [i=eddie@adsl-69-209-76-223.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
Jucatointelikey: self-fulfilling prophecy :P09:08
netdaemonaddr is his address09:08
cotyrotheryintelikey: what do i do with my newly generated source.list09:08
Jucatobut Adept has gotten better in Feisty09:08
Admiral_Chicagosee i'm on my school network, so its hard to figure out imho09:08
netdaemonAdmiral_Chicago: what does Bcast say?09:08
Admiral_Chicagowhat up posingaspopular :)09:08
netdaemon10.122.255.1 is probably the gateway09:09
posingaspopularAdmiral_Chicago, just got on the comp, had some tea. im not sleeping tonight i think09:09
posingaspopularmight as well hang out in here09:09
intelikeyJucato just said expecting.  not that it was definite09:09
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Admiral_Chicagome neither09:09
Jucatointelikey: you can be surprised at how much our expectations shape our actual outcomes :)09:09
cotyrotherycan someone tell me what i need to do with this source.list09:10
intelikeycotyrothery you put it in /etc/apt/09:10
Jucato... I am *NOT* drinking that slimming coffee again! :/09:10
cotyrotheryis there a command09:10
Admiral_Chicagocopy and paste...09:10
intelikeycotyrothery sudo cp sources.list /etc/apt/09:10
Jucatocotyrothery: I believe that web page gives you the command09:10
cotyrotheryit came up in kate09:10
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cotyrotheryso do i just save as09:10
cotyrotheryin to /etc/apt09:11
intelikeyif you can.09:11
intelikeyi doubt you can.09:11
posingaspopularAdmiral_Chicago, http://www.chicagolug.org/planet/ fourth down09:11
dirgedolli am hella confused. this is the first time i am using linux and i downloaded superkaramba  with ark and dont know what to do next, please help!!!! thanks09:11
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cotyrotheryit want me to overright09:11
cotyrotheryshould i09:11
cotyrotherynow it should work right?09:12
Admiral_Chicagoknetwork manager hangs on configuring device09:12
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intelikeycotyrothery should09:12
cotyrotheryit didn't09:12
firecrotchdirgedoll: You have to download what are known as "themes" (similar to Widgets in OS X)09:12
Jucatocotyrothery: you have to run "sudo apt-get update" first09:13
akrusKNetworkManager is laggy ~_~09:13
Jucatoeverytime you edit something in sources.list09:13
firecrotchdirgedoll: You can download them from within superkarmaba09:13
intelikeyJucato can adept not update ?09:13
dirgedolli dont know how to get superkaramba to work09:13
Jucatointelikey: of course it can09:13
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cotyrotherystill not working09:13
Jucato(but I was being lazy)09:14
cotyrotherysays the same thing09:14
cotyrotheryE: Type 'kdevelop' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list09:14
Admiral_Chicagohmm, iwconfig doesn't have ESSID like it should...maybe?09:14
Admiral_Chicagoanyone know09:14
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: nope... maybe posingaspopular knows?09:14
=== Jucato runs and hides
Jucatocotyrothery: that's after running "sudo apt-get update"?09:14
cotyrotheryshould i reinstall kubuntu09:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kicker-compiz - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:14
firecrotchdirgedoll: It should be in your K menu, run it and a small blue roundish icon will show up in your system tray.  Right click that and it will let you open the superkaramba window, which will have a "Get Themes" option09:15
Jucato!pastebin | cotyrothery09:15
ubotucotyrothery: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)09:15
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Jucatocotyrothery: use the pastebin to paste the contents of your sources.list09:15
cotyrotheryi closed them09:15
posingaspopularthat doesn't make sense to me09:15
cotyrotherynow i have this problem09:16
firecrotchAdmiral_Chicago: Is the network you're trying to connect to using WEP or WPA?09:16
dirgedollit isnt there i have kubuntu 6.0609:16
=== intelikey bets dollars against doughnuts that cotyrothery's sources.list never changed.
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Admiral_Chicagono encryption if thats what you ask09:16
cotyrotherycould someone give me there09:16
firecrotchAdmiral_Chicago:  Yeah, I kinda worded that ambiguously...09:17
intelikeycotyrothery would you like me to fix that for you ?09:17
firecrotchAdmiral_Chicago: Perhaps they are using MAC address filtering?09:17
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intelikeycotyrothery i will give you several commands each inside # command is here # marks ok.09:18
Admiral_Chicagonot sure, i know we have to use DHCP to connect09:18
Admiral_Chicagothat is all you need to connect apparently09:18
Admiral_Chicagowait, let me try something09:18
cotyrotheryintelikey: ok do what you have to do09:18
intelikeycotyrothery all of them you run in the konsole.09:18
intelikey# sudo -i #09:19
cotyrotherynothing happened09:19
intelikeycotyrothery that should give you a root shell    does it say root in the prompt ?09:19
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posingaspopularrof. Admiral_Chicago http://wiki.dinosaurseateverybody.com/index.php?title=The_3_Rules_of_Life09:19
cotyrotheryi get nothing09:20
cotyrotheryit goes on to another line09:20
posingaspopularim blogging that09:20
Admiral_Chicagoposingaspopular: lets use our other channel09:20
posingaspopularohh right OT09:20
intelikeycotyrothery yes but does the prompt have something like   root@hostname./home/blah #  ?09:20
intelikeydid you type what was between # and #  ?09:21
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intelikeydon't add the #09:21
intelikeyok when you get to the root prompt let me know.09:21
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cotyrotheryit wants my password09:21
intelikeycotyrothery so give it09:22
intelikeycotyrothery # echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted universe multiverse09:22
intelikeycotyrothery # echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted universe multiverse" > /etc/apt/sources.list #09:22
cotyrotheryis that what i put in09:22
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intelikeyput that line in  ^    all between  # and #09:23
cotyrotherynothing happened09:23
intelikeyok we are not looking for output.09:23
intelikeycotyrothery # echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates main restricted universe multiverse" >> /etc/apt/sources.list #09:24
firecrotchcotyrothery: In general, Linux command line stuff only produces output when there are errors, or when it is a command that is requesting output09:24
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intelikeynow that one.   and there will be three more commands after it.09:24
intelikeycotyrothery # echo "deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list #09:25
intelikeythat's not it09:25
intelikeypasted wrong.09:25
intelikeycotyrothery # echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted universe multiverse" >> /etc/apt/sources.list #09:25
intelikeythat's it   ^09:25
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intelikeycotyrothery ok  # apt-get update #09:26
intelikeycotyrothery this time there will be output.09:27
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cotyrotheryit is09:27
intelikeyjust kinda watch for Error:  or E:   messages.09:27
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intelikeyah man security is still down....09:28
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intelikeycotyrothery it may (probably will) time out on the "security" databases    the server is not accepting any traffic still....09:29
cotyrotheryits working fine09:30
cotyrotheryit finished09:30
cotyrotherynow what09:31
intelikeyok # apt-get dist-upgrade #    note that will not change the version of kubuntu it will only apply patches and security updates that are avalable09:32
cotyrotheryit works09:32
cotyrotheryadept works now09:32
cotyrotherydo i need to put that in09:32
intelikeyyou shouldn't have srarted adept just yet.09:32
cotyrotheryi closed it09:32
intelikeybut that's ok.   # exit #09:32
cotyrotheryim doing the update09:33
intelikeyok when it finishes do the exit.09:33
intelikeyand you can do what you will09:33
intelikeyand you're welcome09:34
cotyrotheryman i have no idea what i would so with out your guys09:34
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intelikeynow would you like an explanation of what happened ?09:34
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intelikeyok   i don't know exactly how but somehow you messed up your origenal /etc/apt/sources.list   probably in adept  editing the sources.09:35
cotyrotheryfor some reason now i cant get it to opne09:35
intelikeythen when you thought you fixed it  from using that wiesite  you actually didn't change anything because you were not root.09:36
cotyrotheryit showed that it was loading09:36
intelikeythen lastly i stepped in with cli solution09:36
cotyrotheryoh ok09:36
intelikeycotyrothery is apt-get still running the update ?09:37
intelikeyand does adept work ?09:37
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cotyrotheryit shows that it is loading09:37
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cotyrotherythen it goes away09:37
cotyrotheryand nothing happens09:38
intelikeyok do this in the konsole # cat /etc/apt/sources.list #  and you can pm me the output.09:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about morning - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:38
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intelikeyor pastebin which ever you like.09:38
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nonuda_intelikey, do u know how to make beryl start automatically in kde?09:38
cotyrotherydeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted universe multiverse09:38
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cotyrotherydeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates main restricted universe multiverse09:39
cotyrotherydeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted universe multiverse09:39
cotyrotherythat is what i got09:39
intelikeynonuda_ no never seen beryl.09:39
nonuda_lol..ok then09:39
intelikeycotyrothery ok that's still correct.09:39
cotyrotherythen why is it not loading09:39
intelikeytry # sudo dpkg --configure -a #09:40
Admiral_Chicagononuda_: have you checked out the beryl wiki on their pages09:40
Admiral_Chicagoquality stuff09:40
cotyrotherynothing happened09:40
intelikeyit may be the way you are closing adept.   let me experiment with it just a little....09:40
intelikeysee if it works now.09:40
firecrotchnonuda_: You need to add a symlink in ~/.kde/Autostart to /usr/bin/beryl-manager09:41
cotyrotheryi take that back09:41
cotyrotheryit does not work09:41
Admiral_Chicagofirecrotch: might want to also create an XGL session in KDM09:41
cotyrotheryok it works09:41
firecrotchAdmiral_Chicago: Why?09:42
nonuda_how to add a symlink?09:42
cotyrotherynow i want to install a few things09:42
cotyrotherybut there not on the list09:42
cotyrotherylike wine09:42
cotyrotheryand kdevelop09:42
intelikeycotyrothery for safty sake when closing adept use the adept menu quit button rather than the  [X]   in the corner09:43
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firecrotchnonuda_: ln -s /usr/bin/beryl-manger ~/.kde/Autostart/beryl-manager09:43
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nonuda_only that?09:43
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cotyrotheryit now has wine09:44
cotyrotheryhow did that happen09:44
cotyrotheryit did not have it before09:45
firecrotchnonuda_: Yeah, but you may want to follow Admiral_Chicago's advice to create an XGL session in KDM (I'd tell you how, but I don't know myself)09:45
intelikeycotyrothery cause i fixed your sources.list09:45
Admiral_Chicagolike I said, the beryl wiki is great at that09:45
intelikeyit has all official and officially supported repos except backports which can cause trubble and should only be added for specific installs09:46
cotyrotheryit even has kdevelop09:46
nonuda_hmm..got to go to beryl wiki now09:46
intelikeybut of course.09:46
cotyrotheryso once wine is downloaded and installed09:47
cotyrotherywhat do i do09:47
cotyrotheryis there an icon or something09:47
cotyrotherythat i click on09:47
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intelikeyno   konsole   # wine /path/to/file.exe #    and it will open it's own window and run in it.09:48
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intelikeyor you can right click on an executable (file.exe) in konqueror and select open with wine.09:53
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intelikeynote; not all windows .exe will run in wine.09:53
cotyrotheryso if i ever decided to upgrade how would i09:53
cotyrotherywould i need a burner09:53
intelikeyand also a side note; in my experance wine is slow slow slow loading  but once the window comes up you are ok.09:53
xardiasanyone has problems connecting to icq with kopete just now?09:53
intelikeyupgrade is fully network supported.09:53
ubotuSee http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)09:53
cotyrotheryif you ever get a pps09:53
intelikeyif you want information on that ^09:53
cotyrotheryi will help you hack it09:53
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cotyrotheryWhen hacked it can run unsigned code09:53
cotyrotheryi even got kubuntu to work on it09:53
cotyrotheryusing bochs09:53
firecrotchcotyrothery: You ran Kubuntu on your PSP?!09:53
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cotyrotheryeven windows09:53
cotyrotheryit emulates it09:55
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cotyrotheryyou put the disk image on the psp memory stick09:55
cotyrotherythen start up bochs09:55
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cotyrotheryk i configured wine09:56
intelikeyhmmm adept is bad slow loading on this old box.09:57
cotyrotheryhow do i get wine to work again09:57
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intelikeyi can install and remove the same package three times from the command line before this adept gets done reading the datbases.09:58
intelikeycotyrothery i mentioned two ways  scroll up.09:58
intelikeypage-up key09:58
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cotyrotheryso confusing09:59
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intelikey<intelikey> no   konsole   # wine /path/to/file.exe #    and it will open it's own window and run in it.<intelikey> or you can right click on an executable (file.exe) in konqueror and select open with wine.09:59
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cotyrotheryso i need to put my cd in10:00
cotyrotherybecause that is what i want to run10:00
intelikeyif that's where the executabls is10:00
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intelikeylol.   using adept when you actually tell it to install or remove something it tuns the command  apt-get blah blah blah        hehhe10:04
cotyrotheryits asking for a windows drive10:04
cotyrotherywhat drive should i install10:04
cotyrotheryit's giveing me drive c10:05
intelikeycotyrothery probably needs some .dll 's    do you have an installed windows system ?  if so point it at that.10:05
cotyrotheryi erased windows10:05
intelikeyoh wait.  it asking for an "install" location to write to ?10:06
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intelikeytry c10:06
intelikeyi think it emulates that in your home dir.10:06
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intelikey~/.wine/c:  or something like that10:07
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intelikeydon't recall.10:07
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intelikeywell ok. i used adept one time.  i can remove it from the system now.10:08
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intelikeyi think i'll install minimal on a spare drive....10:09
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intelikeyit's a 1g drive i think i'll partition it.  no need in wasting all that space.10:10
cotyrotheryim going to try and install edubuntu today10:10
intelikeyanyone know what the name of the textmode installer is ?10:11
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cotyrotheryoie godie10:12
cotyrotherythis is so cooool10:12
cotyrotheryall the developing tools10:12
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intelikeycotyrothery i think you are going to like linux ...10:13
cotyrotheryi think so to10:13
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cotyrotheryfor my first project ever in kubuntu10:13
intelikeyoh did you install build-essential  ?10:13
cotyrotheryim going to do a Hello Kubunut10:13
cotyrotheryshould it10:14
intelikeyyes do.10:14
cotyrotherywhat is it10:14
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)10:14
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intelikeyyou can read about it  ^10:14
os2macHi all, anyone want to hear the status of a dist upgrade?10:14
cotyrotheryintelikey: i can teach you one line of c++10:15
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os2macworks great. even fixed my long broken wireless nic....10:15
intelikeyok cotyrothery in return i'll teach you a little bash10:15
cotyrotherya simple input out put line is10:15
intelikeyos2mac feisty ?10:15
cotyrothery#include <iostream.h>10:16
cotyrotheryusing namespace std;10:16
cotyrotheryint main(void)10:16
cotyrothery      cout << "Hello World";10:16
cotyrothery        return 0;10:16
rootCan I install kubuntu using the livecd of another distro?10:16
cotyrotherythere you go10:16
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intelikeycotyrothery the most valuable bash command is   # man man #        where the second man is sometimes replaced by other commands.   intro   for example.10:17
cotyrotherynow compile your work10:17
os2macand I have a broadcom nic.10:17
cotyrotheryi have never heard of bash10:17
intelikeyopen  konsole   and you are in a bash shell.10:17
os2macyou have never heard of bash?10:17
cotyrotherynever mind10:17
os2maccsh, ksh, sh,?10:18
=== Kuwanger sighs. No loop..
KuwangerWell, I guess that means figuring out how to install a boot loader.10:18
intelikeyKuwanger which one ?10:19
cotyrotherywow time flys10:19
cotyrotheryits 4:19 am here10:19
Kuwangerintelikey: Which one what?10:19
intelikeyboot loader10:19
Kuwangerintelikey: Good question.  Seeing as this live cd seems to be relatively old, I assume its boot loader is too.  So, I'm not sure the logic behind using its boot loader.10:20
KuwangerNot to mention not really knowing how to use its bootloader..10:20
intelikeyhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:21
intelikeycheck those ^10:21
Kuwangerintelikey: Well, I don't have Windows installed.  And, I don't know if I have grub.  Even if I do, it's a rather old version.10:22
intelikeydoesn't matter about having windows install the process is the same.  it's about installing grub from a liveCD  just go look.10:22
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intelikeyit is apropos10:23
cotyrotheryhow do i compile my work10:24
cotyrotherywith kdevelop10:24
intelikeydid you install build-essential ?10:24
intelikeyok then you do have the gcc compiler installed.10:24
intelikeyso you are the "code monkey" in that tree... not me.10:25
cotyrotheryi know10:25
cotyrotherybut all the IDE's i have used like bloodshed10:25
cotyrotheryhave a button you just click compile10:25
cotyrotheryi dont see one with kdevelope10:26
cotyrotheryunless i make a main.c file10:26
cotyrotheryand a makefile10:26
cotyrotheryand point it at that10:26
intelikeythere is probably one in there somewhere.10:26
cotyrotheryand put in "make"10:26
Kuwangerintelikey: "The file /mnt/lin/boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly."10:27
Kuwangerintelikey: That's from doing "grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/lin /dev/hda"10:28
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intelikeyhmmmm  file does exist doesn't it ?10:28
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Kuwangerintelikey: Where?10:28
intelikey /mnt/lin/boot/grub/stage110:29
Kuwangerintelikey: Nope.10:29
intelikeyor /mnt/lin/boot/grub/stage1*10:29
Kuwangerintelikey: Only thing in /mnt/lin/boot/grub is device.map10:29
myTB|Tanuvadoes one of you know if its possible to switch off automounting for specific devices?10:29
cotyrotheryintelikey: do you get head aches from so many questions everyday?10:29
myTB|Tanuvaor just turn it on for the cdrom?10:30
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intelikeyKuwanger ok you can enter a grub shell  and do a root=(hd0,0)    setup        i think.    i'm not much of a grubber...10:31
cotyrotherywhat are some good programes that i should install?10:31
intelikeycotyrothery what do you like ?10:31
os2macanyone know how to reorder the OS's in the grub loader?10:31
cotyrotheryi dont know10:32
Kuwangerintelikey: (hd0,1) would be hda2, right?10:32
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cotyrotheryi like anything intresting10:32
cotyrotherywhat do you like10:32
intelikeymyTB|Tanuva right click the desktop and perferances select to not show the device in question on the desktop  that should keep it from automounting...10:32
cotyrotheryjust throw stuff at me10:32
myTB|Tanuvaos2mac: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst10:32
intelikeyKuwanger yessir10:32
Kuwangerintelikey: Well, setup (hd0) complains that it can't find the stage1 file.10:33
cotyrotheryis gimp the best thing close to photoshop10:33
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intelikeycotyrothery i'm a cli kinda guy you should ask someone that uses kde...10:33
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cotyrotherywhat is cli10:34
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands10:34
intelikeyas opposed to gui10:34
cotyrotherywell i gimp about as good as photoshop10:34
cotyrotheryor is there better10:34
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intelikeygimp-shop i think it's called is a skin for gimp that makes it much like ps10:35
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intelikeyit's still all gimp underneath10:35
cotyrotheryPhotoshop is the one thing that i did love10:36
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intelikeyi don't guess i've ever seen it10:36
cotyrotheryim sure you haven't10:36
cotyrotheryits nice though10:37
intelikeyKuwanger sorry.  i really don't know.  maybe Jucato when he's not to busy can help10:37
intelikeyKuwanger is grub package installed on the system in question.... that could be the problem...10:38
myTB|Tanuvaintelikey: that only controls if kde should create such icons, its not setting the same for the automounter...10:39
Kuwangerintelikey: Well, seeing as there's a grub-install and a grub, I'd guess yes.10:39
intelikeymyTB|Tanuva if kde doesn't watch the device it doesn't automount.10:40
intelikeyKuwanger didn't know if you chrooted in befor you ran those or not.10:40
Kuwangerintelikey: Far as I can see, --root-directory is there to avoid the need for that.10:41
intelikeymyTB|Tanuva we could be talking about two differant things you don't mean each boot time do you ?10:41
intelikeyKuwanger it also avoids using the grub from the installed system  and uses the one from the cd10:42
Kuwangerintelikey: Wouldn't that more be a factor of the PATH?10:42
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intelikeytry as root   chroot /mnt/lin     and grub-install /dev/hda10:42
myTB|Tanuvaintelikey: What I want: that it doesnt mount my usbstick/mp3-player when I plug it in because it mounts it on the wrong folder (changing fstab doesnt work)10:42
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Kuwangerintelikey: No bash in /mnt/lin.10:43
intelikeyKuwanger oh.  thought it was in installed system ?10:43
Kuwangerintelikey: Just a live CD.10:43
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KuwangerI just copied the contents of /S.u.S.E./usr/lib/grub/ to /mnt/lin/boot/grub, and grub-install seems to have worked.10:44
ubotuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.10:44
cotyintelikey: have i tolled yo about my site10:44
intelikeymyTB|Tanuva ok.   correct usb is not controlled in fstab most of the time.   but you could put a line in the fstab for the mount using the blkid   that should make it use the same mountpoint each time.10:45
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intelikeycoty no.10:45
cotyi shortened my name10:45
cotyfrom cotyrothery to coty10:45
intelikeyKuwanger there you go.10:45
cotymy site is http://psphackdeving.110mb.com10:45
cotyi have like 132 members10:46
cotyor more10:46
cotyJust incase you get a psp you know how to contact me on hacking it10:46
intelikeycoty install links2 and  # links2 http://psphackdeving.110mb.com  #   sometime.10:47
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intelikeyor elinks10:47
arturohi everyone10:48
cotywhat is that10:48
firecrotchHi, arturo10:48
firecrotchcoty: those are text based web browsers10:48
intelikeytext based web browser10:48
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arturoanyone available to answer an Edgy upgrade question?10:48
cotyyou lost me on that10:48
intelikeyarturo not until you ask it.10:48
llutzhello all10:48
arturoI just upgraded my Kubuntu fr Dapper LTS to Edgy.10:49
intelikeyfire you free for a few ?10:49
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firecrotchintelikey: sure10:49
arturoNow when I start 2.6.17 I get "Starting up RAIDs. Please wait, the process might take a long time!" and stays there for over 10 minutes10:49
KuwangerNow all I need is a menu.lst.10:49
intelikeyk i'm out for  a bit it's all yours.10:49
arturoit eventually gets past it, but freezes whenever loading my PC wifi card. Have to power off10:50
firecrotchsounds good10:50
intelikeyarturo you have raid setup ?10:50
arturoThis does not happen when I boot 2.6.15-2710:50
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arturoI did once, but the array is no longer there. I removed /etc/mdadm/mdadm.config but I'm obviously missing something. How do I purge the RAID setup?10:51
intelikeyit's in the   initramfs.img-2.6.17*10:51
intelikeyi'm gone.10:51
launeHello... Does somebody know how to use a Razer Copperhead with Kubuntu?10:51
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firecrotcharturo: try adding the noraid option to the grub entry for 2.6.1710:53
cotyhey i have kmail installed but i dont know how to get to it10:53
arturohmmm excellent suggestion. Let me try that. I'm assuming that if I ever to have a RAID installed I take that entry out and it should find the RAID and everything will be ok?10:54
arturoI'll try that then10:54
firecrotcharturo: yeah10:54
launeDoes somebody know how to use a Razer Copperhead with Kubuntu?10:54
arturothanks firecroth (dig the name btw)10:54
KuwangerWell, here goes nothing..10:55
firecrotcharturo: Thanks :)10:56
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arturoshould add noraid to kopt= or to the indiv entry in grub?10:56
firecrotcharturo:  to the entry in grub10:57
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arturook, so not to the automagic kernel stuff. Thx10:57
firecrotchlaune: http://www.phoronix.com/lch/?k=entry&l=16&t=Razer   That's pretty much all I could find about it.  You'll need to edit your xorg.conf file10:58
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launethx firecrotch10:59
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firecrotchlaune: http://sourceforge.net/projects/razertool/   is a tool that will let you configure the mouse buttons10:59
firecrotch!info razertool11:00
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ubotuPackage razertool does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas11:00
firecrotchlaune:  There's a .deb for it, so you ought to be able to get it to work for you11:01
laune!info razertool11:01
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herken1986y a quelqu un ??11:01
ubotuPackage razertool does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas11:01
herken1986j'ai un gros probleme11:01
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=== firecrotch has no idea what language that is
launehe has a big problem11:03
firecrotchlaune:  Thanks :)11:03
firecrotch!fr | herken198611:03
ubotuherken1986: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:03
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ubotumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs11:08
arturowell, it appears the noraid option in grub is not doing anything11:08
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arturostill gives me the same message11:08
arturostill freezes at "Starting up RAIDs"11:09
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firecrotcharturo: I'll take a look and see what I can find11:10
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arturothanks. I've searched google, but haven't found anything relevant (might not be looking in the right places)11:10
anti_popcan someone please explain me, how to get a TRASH icon onto the desktop ?11:10
metty_hi! i have a ati radeon mobility x700 and installed the newest driver, i use the fglrx, i want to install beryl but don't know if i have AIGLX or  XGL - pls help11:11
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects11:12
anti_popfglrx cant work with aiglx afaik11:12
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anti_popyou should use the radeon driver is you want aiglx11:13
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metty_how can i find out if i use XGL or AIGLX ?11:14
firecrotchanti_pop: Right click on the desktop, choose link to URL, and use trash:/ as the URL11:14
anti_popfirecroth, thank you!11:15
firecrotchanti_pop: You're welcome!11:15
firecrotcharturo: I'm only finding stuff on software RAIDs, yours is a hardware RAID, right?11:15
arturono, software (blush)11:16
arturothought I'd mentioned that11:16
arturoyour tip on the Trash was amazingly useful to me too actually, thanks!11:16
firecrotchHeh, I totally just came up with the Trash thing, I tried it and it worked11:16
anti_popfirecrotch, in gnome i was able to resize the icon, since i like it a bit bigger. can i do this in kde too ?11:16
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arturoso yeah, software raid11:18
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emp__hi, anyone knows how u can make konqueror open new instances in a new tab so u never have more then one instance?11:18
firecrotcharturo: check /etc/fstab to make sure it's not trying to mount it11:18
arturook, let me check (waiting for the thing to get past the RAID thing now)11:19
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firecrotchanti_pop: There may be a way to do it, I'll have to look into it11:19
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anti_popfirecrotch: its not that important, dont waste your time :)11:20
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firecrotchanti_pop: This is the kind of thing I like to try to figure out :)11:21
anti_popi got a more important question: http://xlntsolution.blogspot.com/2007/03/feisty-performance-fly-like-butterfly.html <- thats a list of "hacks"/configurations/etc to improve performance. i want to know what you guys can tell me about #7: profile grub11:22
tdnI have Edgy installed on my IBM Thinkpad T42. If I do suspend, it suspends nicely and comes back up, when I open the lid. However, if I hibernate, it goes down but when I turn it on, it does a normal bootup, thus discarding all the things I had running before hibernate. Is this a common problem? How do I fix it? Can it be caused by the fact that I use encrypted rootfs/swap?11:23
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firecrotchtdn: I recall reading somewhere that hibernate won't work if your swap partition is smaller than the amount of RAM you have11:23
tdnfirecrotch, it is *much* larger than my amount of RAM. Iit is 2.5G. I have 1G RAM.11:24
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tdnfirecrotch, also, if that was the cause, I should be warned, shouldn't I?11:25
firecrotchanti_pop: it can shave a few seconds off the boot process, but IMO, it's not worth it.11:25
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arturofirecrotch: Ok, it's not present in fstab. Where does webmin keep RAID setup info? I used webmin to set it up. Also, edgy changed all my "root=" in fstab to UUID numbers. Is this normal?11:25
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anti_popfirecrotch: my boot process lasts very long11:25
anti_popon kubuntu feisty, amd xp 2400, 1 gig ram, 7200 whatever drive11:26
leiarNeed help with my wireless NIC, Intel Pro/wireless 2200BG on a Fujutsu Amilo Pro. It reports as enabled in Network settings, but isn't11:26
CarinArranti_pop: does it switch back to text at any point or does it just take long with the boot splash11:26
anti_popand there are no real errors11:27
anti_popin the logs11:27
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leiarI'm a teacher administrating linux computers on 3 schools. Now I want to put away Xp on the teacher's laptops, in order to force them into the linux-world where the pupils are11:27
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firecrotcharturo: as far as I know, it's normal for it to change to UUIDs.  If you set it up in webmin, then you should be able to easily disable it with webmin11:28
leiaranybody who can help me with my wireless NIC?11:28
neonlinuxhey all, anyone had experience with ati x1600 and kubuntu feisty beta?11:28
arturofirecrotch: well, that's the thing. When I disconnected the array, when logging into the software RAID module, no RAIDs were listed, so there was nothing to remove11:28
firecrotchleiar: try ifdown <interface>   then ifup <interface> from the command line11:29
firecrotcharturo:  Can you reconnect it?  If so, reconnect it and then go into webmin11:29
leiarfirecrotch: like ifdown eth0?11:29
firecrotchleiar: Yeah11:29
CarinArranti_pop: if you boot using "nosplash" you can see what happens at boot, so maybe you can see which bits are taking longer11:30
firecrotch!webmin | arturo11:30
ubotuarturo: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it.11:30
anti_popCarinArr: ok i will add that option and see11:30
anti_pophow long should the boot take ?11:30
firecrotcharturo:  though I'm not having any problems with it on my server11:30
arturoubotu: darn. I kind of liked the convenience of it.11:31
anti_popmine is like 4 minutes or so :/11:31
leiarfirecrotch: trying to fetch ip, but fails11:31
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CarinArranti_pop: that sounds very slow..11:31
arturofirecroth: pardon the question, but what does !webmin mean?11:31
CarinArrmine takes about 20 - 30 seconds11:31
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anti_popyes, its no fancy cpu, but still amd xp 240011:31
CarinArrapart from my desktop which for some reason runs a full fsck on all drives every boot11:31
arturo(looks like the hostap driver is hosed in Edgy too. Kernel freezes whenever I insert my WPC 11 card from Linksys)11:32
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firecrotcharturo:  !webmin  is a command for the channel bot to tell you about webmin11:32
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ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it.11:33
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firecrotchleiar:  try using the program knetworkmanager11:36
arturook, there it is.11:36
arturothanks firecrotch11:36
anti_popleiar: there is a lot of help in the forums on wireless problems11:36
firecrotcharturo:  You're welcome :)11:36
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arturoThat's two things that don't work right for me that absolutely have to, so I'm going to have to only use the kernel version that works. I do need to figure out how to disable the RAID though. I don't have those hard disks available anymore...11:36
arturoplus even the kernel that works tries to load RAID, the noraid option there notwithstanding11:36
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leiarfirecrotch: Is there a way to find out if the drivers are corrupt? Like lspci. What does lspci tell me?11:36
Ukjentkubuntu damaged my hhd?11:36
Ukjenthow can i restore it?11:36
anti_popat the moment my boot options are: ro quiet11:36
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anti_popi use ro nosplash to see all comandlines ?11:36
Ukjenti used kubuntu 6.0.6 lts to format it11:36
firecrotchtdn: are you trying to hibernate from the Logout menu, or with the hibernate button?  I'm reading that it often only works with the button11:36
leiaranti_pop: wireless forums? like #wireless?11:36
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anti_popleiar, second11:37
firecrotchleiar: I doubt it's a driver problem, really11:37
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anti_popleiar: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=13611:37
CarinArranti_pop: sorry, you have to remove quiet as well11:37
emanuele11hi all! I have a trouble with my sound chip. I have a keymat laptop and I installed ubuntu edgy on it without problems (using alternate CD) with a celeron 1ghz , 128 mb ram (8 shared) with a "Multimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]  SiS PCI Audio Accelerator (rev 02)". it uses snd-trident module. With dynebolic live i hear sounds but with all other distros (ubuntu too) it doesn't works.11:38
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anti_popCarinArr, so just ro nosplash, right ?11:38
firecrotch!sound | emanuele1111:38
ubotuemanuele11: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:38
CarinArranti_pop: yeah try that11:39
firecrotchOh geez, it's almost 5 am11:39
leiarfirecrotch: the computer has got a button to turn the nic on and off. I am not able to turn it on, still network settings repots it to be enabled, in wireless assistant I get wireless card turned off. I've enabled it in bios.. But11:39
Ukjentsome one who can help me? kubuntu damaged my hdd11:39
anti_popok i will write down long it takes and watch where it needs a lot of time, and let you know then11:39
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firecrotchleiar: Are you using wlassistant (the wireless manager that is installed by default) ?11:40
leiarfirecrotch: yea11:41
firecrotchleiar: install knetworkmanager  and use that instead11:41
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firecrotchleiar: wlassistant is garbage, which is why it's no longer the default in feisty11:42
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firecrotchleiar:  I had all kinds of trouble using wlassistant too11:43
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usemodyEverything we know goes away in the end,but nothing really dies, even kashual/usemody , so it is important to distinguish - http://center.usemody.org - Selfinflicted - You ought to have known better!11:43
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ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!11:44
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leiarfirecrotch: I found a netw cable, and am now upgrading. Haven't ddone that before. May that help? To upgrade i mean..11:48
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korielanybody have problems with k3b in kubuntu..As a user I can write dvds but I need to run k3b as root (sudo) to write cds11:48
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UkjentSOME one who can help me?11:49
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Ukjentkubuntu crashed my hhd?11:50
leiarUkjent: try to install once more and kryss your fingers :-)11:50
anti_popok, my machine needed 60 seconds from hitting power button to x-login screen. after profiling it needed 55 seconds11:50
testihow i can use svideo out on my kubuntu i have ati radeon 9600?11:50
Ukjentwhen i try to boot windows cd, then win cant find the hdd11:50
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Ukjentleiar u think it will work?11:51
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anti_popthere is one error while booting: something like: group "nvram" unknown..11:51
leiarUkjent: is the kubuntu installasjon working?11:51
arturoWell, I guess I just found my excuse to buy three hard drives and setup a real RAID array... :)11:51
jack_hi, there is  asilent mode button for my laptop, which prevents the fan from being noisy, how can i enable that ? or how can i use any silent mode in linux?11:52
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Ukjentleiar no it is not anny os on it11:53
timteWhen I connect my laptop to a bigger monitor I get 640x480. Is this common? How can I change the resolution?11:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hostap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:53
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ubotuhybserv: IRC services for IRCD-Hybrid. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.8.0+1.9.0rc2-1 (edgy), package size 228 kB, installed size 1348 kB11:58
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Xorgi have interesting ftp upload problem, i can upload to ftp://test.com/12  but i cant upload to ftp://test.com/13 , it says permission denied... btw i am the space owner :l11:59
arturohow do I tell my pcmcia subsystem to load the orinoco_cs driver for my wifi card instead of the hostap_cs driver which crashes with  "unexpected IRQ trap at vector 30"?11:59
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arturoI already edited /etc/pcmcia/config11:59
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usemodyi know ubotu but how become i this run and connect to my hybrid-ircd712:01
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RoyB72anyone here? need help with 2 things... first I'm trying to install NVIDIA nForce drivers, but it's talking about "...no precompiled kernel interface was found to match your kernel..." he tries to compile, but cant make it?12:02
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charlesHKGMy Adept Manager wont allow me to download or remove app...it says some other process is using it....how can I see what process is using it and kill it??12:03
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leiarUkjent: Sorry can't help. But I think I would have done that.12:07
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anti_popmy cpu is athlon xp 2400, so should i use -k7 kernel ?12:08
anti_popinstead of -generic ?12:08
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charlesHKGMy Adept Manager wont allow me to download or remove app...it says some other process is using it....how can I see what process is using it and kill it so I can remove some apps???12:10
usemodyEverything we know goes away in the end,but nothing really dies, even kashual/usemody , so it is important to distinguish - http://center.usemody.org - Selfinflicted - You ought to have known better! http://usemody.org/chat/chat.html This Network tells its own tale !12:11
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rigvedhi can any body pls help me with enabling my soundcard12:12
rigvedon kubuntu'12:12
rigvedi have a sblive card that worked perfect on windows12:12
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rigvedpls help12:13
usemodyor alsaconf12:14
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rigvedok llemmeee check'12:14
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usemodyone of both will do that12:14
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usemodybut u must do it in shell with sudo12:14
rigvedi did it12:14
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rigvedit says bad command12:15
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usemodysndconfig ?12:15
usemodytry sndconf12:15
voicuhi, i'm trying to build kde4 from svn using the tutorial from the net. i'm stuck at kdelibs because it asks for libungif (like the tutorial said it would) and i have libungif installed12:15
usemodyif not work u must first install sndfile and so12:15
rigvedbash: sndconf: command not fo12:16
voicufor example, cmake found cups in /usr/lib/libcups.so but not libungif which is the same place12:16
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voicui did a whereis libungif and it gave me /usr/lib/libungif.so12:16
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voicu(libungif is installed from the kubuntu package)12:16
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charlesHKGI am only getting read only access to Adept Manager it says.... You will not be able to change your system settings in any way (install, remove or upgrade software), because another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one.12:17
rigvedusemody: can i apt-get that12:18
charlesHKGso how od I see what the process is and kill it???12:18
rigvedapt-get sndfile12:18
usemodyuse adept and seek for word snd12:19
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sndconf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:20
voicugrep -R "libungif" searches for "libungif" in all the files right?12:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sndconfig - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:20
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alsaconfig - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alsaconf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:21
usemodywhat is that ........... my bash terminal tell me not thats nothing it do the command12:21
usemodyold hint 4 config snd cards12:22
frojndwhy, my upper cases won't work in monitor: I press shift + a and there is no A  ??12:22
charlesHKGI wish I knew if the apt-get suggestion was for me or someone else12:22
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charlesHKGI am only getting read only access to Adept Manager it says.... You will not be able to change your system settings in any way (install, remove or upgrade software), because another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one.   so How can I see what the process is, so I can kill it?????12:24
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tmbgcharlesHKG, do you run synaptic? that will also lock the database.12:27
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charlesHKGas far as I know.....no...I dont even have synaptic on the computer....12:29
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cytcharlesHKG: Or you are running apt-get, aptitue , ...?12:30
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cytcharlesHKG: Do you take a view on you process table?12:31
charlesHKGprocess table?????12:32
charlesHKGwhats that?12:32
cytcharlesHKG: I mean 'ps axu' :P12:32
=== cyt I am happy using Kubuntu Feisty Beta ;)
tmbgcharlesHKG, if you have lsof, try maybe lsof | grep /var/lib/dpkg/lock12:33
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tmbgit should show you what application is holding the lock.12:33
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frojndwhy, my upper cases won't work in monitor: I press shift + a and there is no A  ??12:35
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charlesHKGI typed in  lsof | grep /var/lib/dpkg/lock   but it returns  lsof not found12:37
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mdtykeHey guys12:38
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tmbgI'm not sure that lsof is part of the base install or if I've added it though12:39
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charlesHKGI looked for lsof, apt-get, aptitute......nothing.....12:40
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charlesHKGI have one line with /usr/sbin/apt-i12:42
tmbgcharlesHKG, if you have lsof, try maybe lsof | grep /var/lib/dpkg/lock12:42
leiarI've got a laptop Fujitsu siemens amilo pro. I am not able to turn on the wireless nic. There's a button on the laptop to turn it on. Works in XP, but not in kbuntu. Anybody?12:42
tmbgoh heh. you don't have lsof. n/12:42
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tmbgnow ps -ef | grep apt-i then12:43
charlesHKGwe tried that earlier as well....12:43
tmbgshould give you the full name of the executable12:43
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charlesHKGroot      4153     1  0 17:54 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/apt-index-watcher watch --syslog12:45
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tmbgapt-index-watcher I don't think is supposed to lock the database but it looks like it is.12:49
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 12:50
voicucan anyone sumarize what the cmake command CHECK_STRUCT_MEMBER does?12:51
voicui cannot find something relevant12:51
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charlesHKGI got unknown option -o returned12:55
intelikeysome one grep -m1 -v '#' /etc/fstab   for me please i need the syntax for the blkid listings12:55
charlesHKGalong with the string12:55
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intelikeygrep -m1 -v '#' /etc/fstab       ???12:56
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intelikeywell lets not all answer at one time now.....12:56
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LeeJunFanheh, I have to get into another system my fstab is standard.12:57
charlesHKGit also said to run aptitude, so I did....now aptitude says dpkg was interupted and to run it manually12:57
llutzintelikey: UUID entries?12:58
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tmbgsome patience you have.12:58
intelikeyllutz yes12:58
llutzUUID=3ae41ca4-6cef-491e-8ada-e5821e254e14 /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       112:58
LeeJunFancharlesHKG: UUID=d69a466a-04a9-4a7c-8a21-dd6c4677200e that's all that's different from a standard line - just your ID in the filesystem space.12:58
intelikeythank you.12:58
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leiarcan anyone please help to find out hoe to turn the wireless nic on01:11
leiaron my fujitsu siemens01:11
leiarwhere are you01:12
llutzleiar: google for "acerhk", former notebooks needed it for that kind of switch01:12
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:12
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charlesHKGthanks  TMBG   UBOTU01:15
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nicocsup nosrednaekim01:33
nicochey, can you help me upgrading kubuntu dapper to edgy?01:34
ubotuSee http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)01:34
nosrednaekimsure... just follow that link...^^^01:34
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nicocok :d01:35
nicocbut i don't want to upgrade trough internet, i have the cd of kubuntu edgy01:35
Jucatonicoc: unfortunately01:35
Jucatounless that's the Alternate Install CD, and not the Desktop/Live CD01:36
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nicocso i can't upgrade dapper to edgy with the live cd?01:37
nosrednaekimhello crazy_penguin01:37
nicoclet me check i think that i have the alternate cd01:37
nicochi crazy_penguin01:37
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nicocJucato: um, how can i know if i have the alternate cd? i already mount it.01:40
kel3anyone can help me?01:40
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voicucan i resume a cmake?01:41
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nosrednaekimkel3: whats your problem?01:41
voicui entered by mistake CTRL+C while compiling kdelibs and i was at 40%01:42
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:42
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Jucatovoicu: I think so. I think it will skip the parts it finished already01:42
nicocnosrednaekim: i have the alternate cd, do you know how to upgrade from it?01:42
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nicocor Jucato, can you help me with tat?01:43
nosrednaekimno...I do not..never did it...01:43
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nosrednaekimits probably an option init though01:43
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nosrednaekim*in it01:44
Jucatohm... I'm not familiar with a CD upgrade...01:44
voicujucato: yes it does, thanks, i was afraid to try it before i was sure01:44
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Jucato(good luck btw)01:45
nosrednaekimwould that be KDE4?01:45
voicuyeah, thanks01:45
voicunosrednaekim, me?01:46
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voicuok, then 'yes, kde4' :D01:47
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voicui had a few problems but now it seems that it builds ok01:47
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voicuonly at 50% though... *fingers crossed*01:47
nosrednaekimI love cmake....it tells you how much is left01:48
nicocJucato: if i upgrade i will lost the drivers of my graphic driver? do you know?01:48
voicuyep, and it's more easy to edit... took me only a few searches and edits to make it find the stupid libungif01:48
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nosrednaekimnicoc, I don't think you will lose your drivers, as long as you installed them from official repositories..01:50
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nicocnosrednaekim: ok \01:55
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HasratUSAanyone knows how to properly install/run macromedia flash 8 under wine or anything in Edgy?02:00
nosrednaekimHasratUSA: cause all you cn get now is flash 7?02:00
HasratUSAi'm not referring to the player02:01
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HasratUSAwhat flash 7? flash 8 pro is already out02:01
HasratUSAand now they are working on CE02:01
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IrayoI have three sound cards, how can I tell Kubuntu which one to use?02:02
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embrapaHow i do to install Gtk ?02:07
nosrednaekimembrapa: for what?02:07
embrapafor install softwares02:07
embrapalike mozilla firefox thuinderbird02:07
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nosrednaekimjust install one of them from the repositories02:08
embrapagtk complains that dont have pango cairo and atk installed02:08
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nosrednaekimembrapa: just install thunderbird from adept02:08
embrapanosrednaekim: dont work02:08
embrapanosrednaekim: i will send the message error02:09
IrayoAdept crashed and no package managers will load; how can I clear the lock on the repository?02:09
embraparoot@tenebra:/home/embrapa/firefox# cd firefox/02:09
embraparoot@tenebra:/home/embrapa/firefox/firefox# ./firefox02:09
embrapa(firefox-bin:10677): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:02:09
chijinwhy are you running firefox as root?02:10
raffytaffyi just got that 27+ package update ...phew...nothing broke02:10
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 02:10
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embrapachijin: yes02:10
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embrapau can solve my problem ?02:11
nosrednaekimumm... unless you are logged in as root... that won't work02:11
chijinembrapa: exit the root terminal and try to run it again02:11
embrapahow i run from kde?02:12
chijinembrapa: you can run konsole without root02:12
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embrapachijin: how ?02:12
chijinembrapa: choose konsole from the system menu under the k-menu02:13
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nosrednaekimare you logged in as root in X?02:13
embrapachijin: could not run the specified comand02:13
embrapanosrednaekim: how i log in X?02:13
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nosrednaekimembrapa: never mind02:14
embrapanosrednaekim: why?02:14
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embrapanosrednaekim: i think my user in kde dont have much privilegies02:15
nosrednaekimembrapa: do "alt+f2"02:15
nosrednaekimand type konsole in there02:15
nosrednaekimso that you can go to your firefox directory02:15
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embrapanosrednaekim: done02:15
nosrednaekimembrapa: it doesn't, but it DOES have permission to use your x disply, something root doesn't have02:15
nosrednaekimnavigate to where you put firefox02:16
embrapanosrednaekim: Works!!02:16
embrapanosrednaekim: why works?02:16
embrapanosrednaekim: strange..02:16
nosrednaekimbecause if you start a program as root and you are not logged in as root in X, it can't display the program02:17
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embrapanosrednaekim: how i put a link of firefox in my kubuntu desktop ?02:17
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nosrednaekimif you want to start a program requiring root priveldges you have to use kdesu <theprogram>02:17
embrapanosrednaekim: now i undersant :D02:18
embrapanosrednaekim: thunderbird...its the same?02:18
chijinembrapa: didn't you install firefox from the repos (with adept)?02:18
nosrednaekimempraba: should be02:18
chijini guess not, of it's located at your home dir02:18
embrapalet me see02:18
nosrednaekimhe says adept keeps crashing on him02:19
chijinthere's always the konsole option to replace adept, aptitude and apt-get02:19
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nosrednaekimchijin: what?02:20
chijinnosrednaekim: if adept keeps crashing, i'd try apt-get or aptitude in konsole. wouldn't you?02:20
nosrednaekimchijin: oh yeah...02:21
embrapanosrednaekim: chijin thanks a lot02:21
nosrednaekimI didn't read your message right02:21
embrapajust one more question02:21
embrapahow i do to put a icon on my desktop02:22
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embrapaof thunder and fire02:22
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embrapato just click02:22
nosrednaekimembrapa: right click on your desktop02:22
nosrednaekimselect add-> link to application02:22
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chijinnot add, create new :-)02:22
chijinat least in kde 3.5.602:22
mart81to transfer files between two computers, do i need a straight or a crossed cable? I forgot02:23
nosrednaekimsame in 3.5.5....02:23
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nosrednaekimmart81: crossed I beleive if you are directly connecting them without a switch02:23
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embrapalet se02:24
chijinmart81: if there's a router between the two machines, it doesn't matter02:24
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nosrednaekimembrapa: you with us?02:24
embrapanosrednaekim: yes02:24
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nosrednaekimdid you do that?02:24
mart81nosrednaekim: thanks man, do i need some extra tools for it maybe?02:25
embrapanosrednaekim: dont work...is the firefox.bin ?02:25
embrapanosrednaekim: the comand?02:25
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chijinembrapa: you need to find the firefox file in the firefox dir02:26
embrapachijin: i find....02:26
embrapachijin: is the firefox.bin ?02:26
chijinembrapa: should be just firefox02:26
embrapachijin: ok!! thank you!02:27
embrapachijin: works02:27
nosrednaekimembrapa: in the tab "application" make the command whatever you ran from the command line, plus the path to it, i.e. /home/ebraba/firefox/<firefox command>"02:27
chijinembrapa: good :-)02:27
embrapachijin nosrednaekim: can u teach me more things? u guys nice02:27
nosrednaekimwhat do you want to know?02:28
embrapamp3s dont work02:28
nosrednaekimembrapa: first of ll, we'd better get apt working...02:28
embrapaamarok...install the pluguins but02:28
nosrednaekimembrapa: does adept crash on you?02:28
embrapaget apt ? in konsole?02:28
embrapai dont know what adpet means02:29
nosrednaekimno adept....the package manager02:29
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nosrednaekimalt-f2 again and do "kdesu adept-manager"02:30
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embrapawhat password02:30
chijinyour password02:30
nosrednaekimor rather "kdesu adept_manager"02:30
nosrednaekimdon't run that first command, do the second...02:31
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voicuhow can i extract a password protected rar?02:31
embrapanice ...adept manager opens02:31
poningruvoicu: with unrar+the password02:32
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embrapanosrednaekim: and now ?02:32
nosrednaekimembrapa: ok, do do a "fetch updates"02:33
chijinupdating the system won't install mp3 playback plugins. that has to be done separately02:33
voicuponingru, thanks02:34
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nosrednaekim"fetch updates updates the packagelists...02:34
embrapachijin: how i do that?02:34
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nosrednaekimits always good to do that first02:34
chijinembrapa: what version of kubuntu are you running?02:34
embrapachijin: how i see ?02:35
embrapachijin: i think is 6....02:35
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chijinembrapa: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/MP302:35
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ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell02:35
embrapalsb_release -a ?02:36
nosrednaekimyeah..... type that in a shel02:36
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nosrednaekimor konsole02:36
nosrednaekimwhich one?02:36
nosrednaekimhi andrea02:36
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andreaany italian?02:37
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!02:37
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nosrednaekimembrapa: 6.10 or 5.10?02:37
embrapais the last one ? :D02:37
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:37
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nosrednaekimembrapa: read that first, if you have trouble, some back and we'll be glad to help02:38
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embrapanosrednaekim: thanks you a lot...are u leaving ?02:39
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embrapaubotu: i will check this sites02:39
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nosrednaekimubotu is a bot...02:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is a bot... - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:39
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:39
embrapanosrednaekim: lol02:40
embrapanosrednaekim chijin: what player is easy to install and play mp3s files?02:41
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chijinembrapa: i recommend amarok02:41
nosrednaekimembrapa: amarok is the best02:41
chijinembrapa: you already have it installed02:41
nosrednaekimbut to play mp3 files, you have to install libxine-extracodecs02:41
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.2-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1118 kB, installed size 2676 kB02:41
embrapanosrednaekim: how i get libxine-extracodecs02:42
chijinin my opinion the easiest way to install a single package is to fire up the konsole and type in 'sudo aptitude install libxine-extracodecs'02:42
nosrednaekimyou still have adept open?02:42
embrapanosrednaekim: yes02:42
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nosrednaekimbut I think you have to enable the multiverse enabled chijin02:42
embrapachijin: ok02:42
nosrednaekimembraba, in adept, go to settings-> manage repositories02:43
nosrednaekimsorry...view->manage repositories02:43
embrapan done02:44
embrapanosrednaekim: done02:44
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nosrednaekimI'm bad today....02:44
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embrapanosrednaekim: no its fine...i open the manage repositories and now02:44
embrapachijin: it returns me a message of error that another program is using the file.s...i think is the adept manager02:45
embrapanosrednaekim: i add a new repository ?02:45
chijinembrapa: you're right. you can't use both at the same time02:45
nosrednaekimright click on any repository that is preceded by a "#" and enable it...02:45
nosrednaekimI think the repository "multiverse" is already in it...02:46
nosrednaekimjust disabled02:46
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nicochow can i check wich version of kubuntu i have?02:47
nosrednaekimmaybe not.... does any of the "components" list "multiverse"?02:47
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ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell02:47
embrapanosrednaekim: im searching02:48
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embrapanosrednaekim: no repositorys call multiverse02:49
embrapanosrednaekim: just universe02:49
nosrednaekimembrapa: ok02:49
nosrednaekimthen we'll add a repository...02:49
embrapanosrednaekim: called multiverse?02:50
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nosrednaekimpaste this into the new repository line and add it...02:50
nosrednaekimdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy universe multiverse02:50
nosrednaekim^^^paste that line02:50
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embrapacomment multiverse?02:51
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embrapanosrednaekim: my english is porr02:52
nosrednaekimjust add that repository and make sure none of that line is commented02:52
nosrednaekimno problem...02:52
embrapanosrednaekim: poor....i understand02:52
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nosrednaekimok... did you do it?02:53
embrapanosrednaekim: but it dont work....i paste one frase...he showme another02:53
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nosrednaekimwhat phrase does it show you?02:54
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter02:54
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embrapanosrednaekim: now works02:54
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embrapanosrednaekim: enable02:54
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nosrednaekimok.. good....02:54
nosrednaekimpress the "fetch updates" button02:54
reagleBRKLNdoes this url krash anyone's else's konq? http://www.virtualization.info/02:54
ubotuGParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php02:55
reagleBRKLN3.5.6 doesnt like it...02:55
reagleBRKLNoh, or rather, 3.5.502:55
nosrednaekimembrapa: finished fetching the updates?02:56
RyielI love ubotu :)02:56
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ndazzahi! i can't find my hard drives under kubuntu feisty. they are sata drives and are usually named sda1, 2, etc but /dev/sda* doesn't exist!02:59
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ndazzai've booted into the installer disk03:00
nosrednaekimbye all...03:00
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chijinndazza: run sudo fdisk -l and see what the drives are now03:02
i2mSlavahi all03:03
i2mSlava        03:03
ndazzachijin: sudo fdisk -l doesn't give any output03:03
ndazzachijin: and echo $? returns 003:04
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pollyoI just got off the phone with lexmark and ofcourse they have no driver support for my uncles printer.  At the very least I informed them that we wanted information of any driver support for linunx in the future.03:04
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pollyoIs there currently any website that tracks people who are calling companies inquiring about linux drivers?03:05
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ndazzaso if fdisk -l doesn't return anything, the kernel probably isn't seeing my drives03:07
ndazzamy mobo is nforce4 based, which i think means i need the sata_nv module loaded (it was loaded in breezy)03:08
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jack_hi, i've got the problem that xor causes 98%cpu load when i am idle and that kde starts always with a session (incl.openoffice writer and opera) but its not the last one i was using, even though i configured start with last used session in kcontrol.thanks!03:09
embrapanosrednaekim: sorry03:09
embrapanosrednaekim: i lost my conectio03:09
ndazzalsmod | grep sata_nv shows me the module is loaded, so i should see my drives03:09
ndazzawhat can i do next?03:09
chijinndazza: my nforce4 based mobo with sata drives is working just fine under feisty03:09
embrapanosrednaekim: i press fech updats03:10
ndazzachijin: mine is a mess. ethernet doesn't work, mouse doesn't work, sata controllers don't work...03:10
ndazzachijin: even the ttys are messed up03:10
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ndazzachijin: do you use noapic by any chance?03:13
chijinndazza: nope03:13
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ndazzachijin: have any other distros broken for you? most won't even boot for me03:14
ndazzachijin: knoppix is the only other thing that i've found that will boot, and i have the exact same symptoms03:14
embrapachijin: your amarok plays mp3?03:14
chijinndazza: i haven't tried any other than ubuntu with this, but dapper, edgy and feisty all boot just fine and nforce4 works right out of the box03:15
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chijinembrapa: of course03:15
embrapachijin: why my not ?03:15
embrapachijin: what i have to do ?03:15
chijinembrapa: what does it say?03:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nonfree - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:15
embrapachijin: when i open a mp3 file....it ask me ..if i want to install mp3 suport...03:16
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embrapachijin: i click yes...and later,,,a multiverse....03:16
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embrapachijin: it installl and i restar my amarok....and he ask me the same questionz03:16
elkahihi every body03:16
chijinembrapa: did you install libxine-extracodecs?03:16
embrapachijin: how i make?03:17
aLoNgCaLyPsEwhat the best OS?03:17
aLoNgCaLyPsEpls tell to me03:17
voicualongcalypse: that's a very dangerous question, especially on channels like this :D03:17
elkahiI can't have sound from my speakers03:17
chijinembrapa: i already gave you an example how to do it03:18
jack_hi Ooffice and opera start even though i dont use them and they are not assigned to the autostart anymore??03:18
aLoNgCaLyPsEthat's why la i'm asking here :P03:18
jack_can anyone help?03:18
voicualonacalypse: you should use whatever you need and suits you best. i switched to kubuntu more than half an year ago and i use it daily03:18
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jack_and how do i assign rootrights to the firestarter that it doesnt ask for the password?03:19
voicuyet, i still use windows and other systems. windows for games, bsd for learning bsd and maybe switching sometime03:19
aLoNgCaLyPsEso how to download kubuntu?03:19
afonicaLoNgCaLyPsE, best OS here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AmigaOS03:19
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aLoNgCaLyPsEhave any website03:19
voicualongcalypse: www.ubuntu.com03:19
voicui suggest trying kubuntu as it uses kde03:20
voicuubuntu uses gnome which, in my opinion, is limited03:20
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voicu*more limited :D03:20
embrapachijin: i done the download if the libxine-extracodecs ...03:20
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aLoNgCaLyPsEwhom in here master of linux03:21
chijinembrapa: how did you do it?03:21
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aLoNgCaLyPsEcan teach me03:21
embrapachijin: is a deb file....how i install it ?03:21
embrapachijin: in a site03:21
chijinembrapa: do not download the deb file :D03:21
embrapachijin: why?03:21
chijinembrapa: there are much easier ways03:21
voicuembrapa: sudo dpkg -i file.deb, or you could enable multiverse and apt-get it03:21
chijinembrapa: open konsole, type in 'sudo aptitude install libxine-extracodecs'03:21
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jack_can anyone help with an issue?03:23
aLoNgCaLyPsEi think want use xandros03:23
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jack_xorg suddenly uses 98%cpu load03:23
pollyovoicu: I am not very familiar with gnome.  How do you see it as limited?03:23
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chijinpollyo: less options03:24
voicupollyo: comparing it to kde, i think kde is more configurable03:24
voicuyeah, that03:24
chijinjack_: some program has probably crashed. save your documents and restart X03:24
voicualso kde seems to have more features03:25
embrapalibxine-extracodecs depende de libxine-main1; porm:03:25
embrapa  O pacote libxine-main1 no est instalado.03:25
embrapachijin: return me this erro03:25
chijinembrapa: you should install libxine-main1 as well03:25
embrapachijin: lol;....how is dificult03:25
voicupollyo: this is an evil statement: but i can't stop thinking that gnome tries to copy windows so that it will be easier for users to switch to linux03:26
chijinembrapa: it's not difficult. actually you should probably try running 'sudo aptitude install amarok', it should install the xine-engine as well03:26
aLoNgCaLyPsEsomeone can teach me about xandros03:26
pollyochijin: My nephew is trying to type on the keyboard. LOL03:26
chijinpollyo: :D03:26
embrapachijin: kubunt already installed amarok03:26
voicualongcalypse: #xandros ?03:26
pollyochijin: I actually do not think that is such a bad thing.03:27
pollyochijin: Some people say that about kde as well.03:27
aLoNgCaLyPsEno have ppl03:27
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chijinembrapa: well i guess you're still missing the xine engine for some reason. to 'sudo aptitude install libxine-main1'03:27
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pollyochijin: I think the main thing we need to see inorder to have more people switch to linux is better driver support for devices.03:28
pollyochijin: When the day you can go out and purchase a new printer that comes with a linux driver more people will switch to linux.03:28
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chijinpollyo: i agree. luckily i haven't had any hardware issues with ubuntu yet, even though i've run it with 3-4 different set of hardware03:29
embrapachijin: when i do the comand sudo aptitude...dont works....but when i download the file....it install03:30
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chijinembrapa: then you don't have the right repositories enabled03:30
voicualongcalypse: don't know what to say. i'm unfamiliar with xandros. all i can do is suggest (k)ubuntu as it has a very big community => good support03:30
pollyochijin: I had my uncle sold on linux until we attempted to get his lexmark X6170 working with it.03:31
embrapachijin: i think...i dont have repositorys03:31
jack_chijin: IT SAYS THAT THERE ARE TWO USERS LOGGED in sorry. can i do restartx as a command or how is this done?03:31
pollyochijin: No driver support so no deal.03:31
voicuembrapa: repositories are enabled in the file /etc/apt/sources.list, you have to open it as an admin. ALT+F2 and write 'kdesu kate'03:32
pollyoDoes anyone know of a distro or install package that simply setsup a computer to remote login and run applicatons in xwindows accross a network?03:32
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voicupollyo: a friend of mine apparently can do that with freebsd, not 100% sure though03:33
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NiceGuyUKanyone know the name of the utility that allows you to see jpeg images in network packages on your subnet?03:34
voicupollyo: also, i'm not sure what servers (client Xs) he can connect to03:34
embrapavoicu: now i put what repository :?03:34
chijinpollyo: you could try a driver for some other model and see what happens.. http://www.experts-exchange.com/OS/Linux/Printing/Q_21527531.html03:35
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embrapavoicu: what means feach updates?03:35
nicochello all03:35
voicuembrapa: delete the '#' character before the lines that look something like 'deb ... multiverse' 'deb... universe'03:35
ndazzapollyo: ssh will do remote X nicely03:35
nicocim upgrading kubuntu dapper to kubuntu edgy, im following the steps in here - https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade -03:36
dickmcI am looking to add my HP psc2110 to OpenOffice but I can't get root access in terminal.  What's up with that??03:36
voicuembrapa: feach?03:36
nicocmy question is.. after doing the - apt-get -u dist-upgrade - should i move on to the next step??03:36
nicoci mean.. i download all the packages and should i install it now? :s03:37
NiceGuyUKnicoc : distupgrade should download and install all from the same command03:37
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pollyochijin: Thanks.  I'll take a look.03:38
nicocNiceGuyUK: oh great, i'll wait dist-upgrade to finish03:38
embrapavoicu: done03:38
embrapavoicu: and now ?03:38
voicuembrapa: save, and run in a terminal 'sudo apt-get update'03:38
embrapavoicu: ok03:38
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voicuembrapa: that will download a list of packages from the net03:38
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voicuembrapa: after that you can 'sudo apt-get install' almost any linux program you encounter on the net03:39
embrapavoicu: conection refused03:39
embrapavoicu: show some errors...and dont download anything03:40
voicuembrapa: go to paste.ubuntu-nl.org and paste the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list to see03:40
embrapavoicu: connect (111 Connection refused)03:40
embrapavoicu: ok03:41
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voicuembrapa: after that give me the link the site provides you03:41
jack_with which command do i check who is currently logged in on the computer and how do i restart the x?03:42
NiceGuyUKjack : the command is "who"03:42
NiceGuyUKjack : or you can use "w"03:42
NiceGuyUKjack : restart X with CTRL-ALt-BACKSPACE03:42
voicujack_: CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE but it will kill everything03:43
jack_NiceGuyUK: ok, ah just loggin out then?03:43
voiculog out first03:43
embrapavoicu: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12501/03:43
jack_ctrl+alt+backspace logs me out? voicu NiceGuyUK03:43
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NiceGuyUKjack L yes03:44
voicusomething like that03:44
voicuyou should log out nicely then ctrl+alt+back03:44
jack_voicu: how do i logout nicely? i usually use ctrl alt backspace, then i am at the loginscreen again, is this not so good to do?03:45
voicujack_: kde won't save the session and clean some stuff03:45
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voicui meant to log out from the button in kde03:45
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voicuthe shortcut is good too03:46
jack_voicu: ok, whats the right command instead of the button?03:46
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voicui don't know a command, click the K button and log out...03:46
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jack_so button logout then ctrl alt backspace? voicu03:46
BluesKaj"Morning All :)03:46
jack_voicu: thnaks03:46
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embrapavoicu: wwhy my sudo apt-get update...dont works ?03:47
voicuembrapa: seems it cannot connect at all03:47
voicumaybe the servers are down?03:47
embrapavoicu: u can teste?03:47
voicutry ping br.archive.ubuntu.com03:48
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embrapavoicu: did u see ? the log ?03:48
voicuembrapa: do you get any errors?03:49
embrapavoicu: it works03:49
voicuthen try apt-get update again03:49
embrapasame erro03:49
chijinpaste your sources.list03:49
chijininto the pastebin03:50
embrapachijin: ok03:50
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fr0nkhey :)03:50
voicuyeah, btw, that's what i wanted at first :), forgot myselft03:50
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fr0nki'm using kubuntu since yesterday and i'm deeply impressed :D03:50
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voicuwe are impressed of your impression03:51
fr0nkbut there are several questions left ;)03:51
chijini'm impressed of our impression of your impression03:51
fr0nkhow can i turn off the magnification of windows when using the beryl cube?03:51
fr0nkthey come to me when pressing the switch keys03:51
embrapachijin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12503/03:51
fr0nkthat annoys me kind of ;)03:51
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fr0nki've searched the beryl options and documentation but didn't find anything suitable03:52
voicuembrapa: seems all right03:52
voicuvery weird03:52
fr0nkmaybe i clicked the options and didn't remember ;)03:52
embrapavoicu: coube be firewall ?03:52
embrapavoicu: proxy?03:52
voicuembrapa: do you have a firewall?03:53
embrapachijin: im in lan03:53
embrapavoicu: in a private network03:53
voicuembrapa: apt-get uses http to download so it you wouldn't be able to open webpages if it were blocked03:54
embrapavoicu: but it doesnt03:54
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voicuembrapa: you can open webpages right?03:55
embrapaHow Dificult is listean a song in kubuntu =[[03:55
embrapavoicu: yes03:55
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voicuembrapa: if you installed libxine-extracodecs with dpkg than you can listen songs already03:56
embrapavoicu: i use proxy ....cache port 312803:56
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embrapaon settings of firefox...03:56
voicuembrapa: the stuff with repositories is needed for the future in case you want to install other stuff03:56
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voicuembrapa: oh03:56
embrapavoicu: but the sourcelist...are all right correcly?03:57
embrapavoicu:  so ? i have to download the other things...and install by sudo apt -i ...deb?03:57
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embrapavoicu: when i do that...show many conflicts03:58
embrapavoicu: and the os ask me if it remove another packages03:58
voicuembrapa: try using sudo aptitude update03:59
embrapavoicu: same erros =[[03:59
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voicuembrapa: the conflicts appear because of incomplete updates03:59
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voicui think03:59
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voicuthe problem should be solved if you instruct apt-get to use the proxy04:00
voicudon't know how yet04:00
embrapavoicu: =[[04:00
embrapavoicu: if i change this lines...04:00
embrapadeb http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy main restricted04:00
embrapadeb-src http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy main restricted04:00
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embrapavoicu: and put the lines that you have in yours...04:01
=== Arwen would pipe apt-get through tor, but that'll probably be even slower than the servers already are.... hard as that is to believe
Arwenseriously, are the servers short of bandwidth? I get like 50k/s all the time04:02
fr0nkcould please somebody help me with the "when cube avtivated all windows zoom" problem? :D04:02
voicuwell change 'br' into 'ro' or some other country code04:02
embrapavoicu: ro ? is from ?04:02
voicuembrapa: romania04:02
embrapavoicu: nice...kubuntu are dissiminating04:02
voicuarwen: at least romanian servers aren't full but don't tell anyone :D04:03
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Arwenvoicu, Canonical needs to buy a new line....04:03
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aaroncampbell_I'm having problems with the nVidia drivers for my 8800GTS.  Any idea what would cause this output from nvidia-settings: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12469/04:05
Arwenaaroncampbell_, you seriously have an 8800? why?04:05
aaroncampbell_Why not?  And what's the point of a question like that?  Who cares WHY...I just want it to work04:06
voicuaaroncampbell: the last two errors are because of the stylus and other input devices that are put by default in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, the first ones probably because some options your card doesn't support04:06
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aaroncampbell_voicu: any ideas how to fix it?04:07
voicuaaroncampbell: just comment out the unused input devices in the ServerLayout section of xorg.conf. for the nvidia related stuff i can't say. i'm using a radeon04:08
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voicuquestion: after compiling qt, strigi, kdelibs, kdepimlibs and kdebase i should be able to use kde4, right?04:10
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Jucatovoicu: #kde4-devel :)04:11
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voicuoh, right04:11
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embrapavoicu: i will lunch.... i lost my patiene04:12
voicuanyway, that's for later, i probably have a good 1h of compiling left :(04:12
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embrapavoicu: if i dont install a simple mp3 in kubuntu...i will have headcache in future04:13
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voicuembrapa: ok, sorry for not helping :P... i skimmed the manual for apt-get but couldn't find proxy settings04:13
embrapachijin: thanks04:13
embrapavoicu: thank you a lot04:13
fr0nkhm noony uses beryl? :/04:13
fr0nkerm noone04:13
embrapavoicu: i will come back...u susgest another player than amarok ?04:14
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voicuembrapa: you could install the .deb file04:14
voicuafter that amarok should just work04:14
embrapavoicu:  i try...but returns me an error04:14
embrapavoicu: conflict bla bla bla04:14
Arwendamn it, upgrading openoffice.org makes my memory and cpu usage skyrocket04:15
voicuembrapa: paste the errors?04:15
embrapavoicu: ok04:16
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embrapavoicu: libxine-main1 conflicts with libxine104:17
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voicuthat's all?04:17
iceboyanyone know if theres any new mono packages for edgy?04:18
Arweniceboy, how new?04:18
embrapavoicu: first i try to install the extracodecs ....he complains about libx-main....after i instal libxmain.....that complains....libxine104:18
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embrapavoicu: lol04:18
embrapavoicu: no04:18
voicuembrapa: they should work togheter04:18
iceboyatleast 1.2.3?04:18
voicu**together ?04:18
voicuembrapa: you probably downloaded a file for a different version of ubuntu04:19
Arweniceboy, not in mainline, maybe in a third party repository?04:19
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voicuembrapa: which one do you use?04:19
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embrapavoicu: humm04:19
embrapavoicu: i search in google...and download the first i see04:19
voicuembrapa: go to packages.ubuntu.com04:19
iceboyArwen: any clues? checked universe nothing.04:20
embrapavoicu: ok04:20
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voicuembrapa: search for libxine-extracodecs and select the optionbox which resembles your distribution version (like edgy,dapper, etc)04:20
Arweniceboy, not in any of Ubuntu's repositories, try googling on the net04:20
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embrapavoicu: i download correctly04:21
fr0nkeh btw does kubuntu have write support for ntfs?04:21
fr0nk /dev/sda1 on /media/Windows-sda1 type ntfs (rw,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46)04:22
voicuembrapa: download or downloadED? :D04:22
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fr0nkor should be -o remount,r be safe in order NOT to lose data ;)04:22
embrapavoicu: downloaded :D...04:22
voicufr0nk: yes, but it's unsafe...04:22
embrapavoicu: i will lunch....i will return in 40 minutes ok ?04:22
fr0nkok ;)04:22
voicuembrapa: ok04:22
embrapavoicu: thanks04:23
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fr0nkdamn cube... ;)04:23
fr0nkthere MUST be an option04:23
fr0nk*still searching04:23
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voicubtw, is beryl in the repos?04:23
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voicui can't apt-get it04:24
Arwenvoicu, no, compiz is, but beryl isn't04:24
Arwenyou have to get beryl from beryl-project.org's repositories04:24
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Jucato(beryl is in the feisty repos now)04:24
gnomefreakberyl is only in feisty repos04:24
elelelHi, I updated from dapper's nvidia-glx to the drivers from nvidia.com. They work in X. But when I switch to a tty via Ctrl-Alt-F1 or when I quit X I get a screen filled with graphical anomalies.04:24
Jucatognomefreak: :D04:25
Arwenstill, best to use the official repository, that way you can have the latest and greatest :-)04:25
Arwengah, gnomefreak04:25
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voicuwhat does compiz do?04:27
voicui installed it, ran it nothing happened04:27
voicuexcept "compiz.real: no RandR extension"04:27
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voicudo i need to restart X, KDE or what?04:30
fr0nklol i found the option04:30
fr0nkit's deactivated04:30
Arwenvoicu, beryl is easier04:30
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fr0nkberyl is a bitch04:31
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fr0nkit does things i don't want it to do and in the options they are UNchecked04:31
devianceOk, i have a little bit of trouble, basicly, Aptitude is trying to install setiathome package but the link to the tar is incorrect, so it just gest stuck on a loop and lock up adept, how can I tell it to uninstall or reomve this package?04:31
voicufr0nk:ckeck it and uncheckit back04:32
voicumaybe it needs a refresh04:32
nikosapiDoes the kubuntu beta come with the 3D desktop manager like ubuntu?04:32
Arwennikita, 3D desktop manager?04:33
Arwenif you mean compiz/beryl, yes, both04:33
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fr0nkvoicu: already done04:33
nikosapisorry, that little app that lets use easily enable it..04:33
nikosapiis that included?04:33
fr0nkit keeps zooming ;)04:33
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Arwennikosapi, um.... what little app that lets you easily enable what?04:34
=== Arwen is LOST
Arwenw00t, compiz desktop zoon04:34
nikosapiArwen: hehe, in the ubuntu beta there's a little app that makes it easy to enable/disable the 3D desktop managers. I was wondering if kubuntu comes with something similar?04:35
fr0nkthis are 2 separate options04:35
Arwennikosapi, oh, yes04:35
voicudamn, i was trying to install beryl for ati then i remembered i have a matrox card04:35
voicuwould that work?04:35
Arwennikosapi, it has the compiz - on/off switch :-)04:35
nikosapiArwen: Great04:36
voicui mean, a matrox on beryl04:36
=== Arwen just uses beryl-manager, but..
Arwenvoicu, yes, it works on matrox, see the wiki04:36
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devianceok, i have a little bit of trouble, basicly, Aptitude is trying to install setiathome package but the link to the tar is incorrect, so it just gest stuck on a loop and lock up adept, how can I tell it to uninstall or reomve this package?04:37
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aaroncampbell_How do I go about setting up the flash plugin for firefox?04:41
Arwenaaroncampbell_, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree ?04:41
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CarinArrflashplugin-nonfree isn't working for a lot of people04:43
CarinArrdownload fails04:43
aaroncampbell_download didn't fail04:43
aaroncampbell_lets see if it works :)04:43
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Daisuke_Idodownload from the repo fails04:44
Daisuke_Idohad it happen last night04:44
anon32oh, pssh - then install it manually, geez, suck it u[04:44
Daisuke_Idoit's just easier to get it from adobe and install it by hand04:44
CarinArryeah i did that04:44
Daisuke_Idoanon32: that's my whole point :)04:44
CarinArranon32: noone said that wasn't the best way of doing it04:45
jack_hi, to make the wlanassistent start without asking for a password, can i do that?04:45
jack_username ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/wlanassistant?04:45
jack_or should i rather not do that cos of secruity?04:45
anon32CarinArr, and it didn't work? you put it in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins no?04:45
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CarinArranon32: it works fine04:45
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anon32oh wait, aaroncampbell_ was the one who asked the question04:45
anon32aaroncampbell_, dl it from adobe.com and put it in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins04:45
CarinArranon32: all i was saying was that the flashplugin-nonfree package isn't working so well latey04:46
aaroncampbell_Well, I opened Adept Manager, and chose it, and it downloaded fine.  Now it shows as installed.04:46
=== anon32 sighs
CarinArraaroncampbell_: good04:46
anon32aaroncampbell_, does it work?04:46
aaroncampbell_So I closed and re-opened firefox, but it doesn't display flash04:46
anon32aaroncampbell_, go to about:plugins04:46
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aaroncampbell_aaroncampbell@aaron-linux:/$ ls usr/lib/firefox/plugins/04:47
aaroncampbell_flashplayer.xpt  libflashplayer.so  libunixprintplugin.so04:47
elelelHi, I updated from dapper's nvidia-glx to the drivers from nvidia.com. They work in X. But when I switch to a tty via Ctrl-Alt-F1 or when I quit X I get a screen filled with graphical anomalies.04:47
aaroncampbell_"No plug-ins are installed"04:47
anon32aaroncampbell_, huh - do you have firefox installed to a weird location? i.e. /opt ?04:48
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk04:48
anon32lw008, stfu, no foreign languages without translation04:48
aaroncampbell_anon32: just grabbed it from adept Manager too04:48
abattoiranon32: let's be a bit nice around here :)04:48
anon32abattoir, but but but.. he coulda been insulting me!04:48
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abattoiranon32: haha04:48
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anon32anyone know wtf he's saying?04:48
aaroncampbell_if you look at the ls I pasted, you will see the plugin in the directory you said, but firefox doesn't seem to load it04:49
anon32aaroncampbell_, hmm04:49
Jucatolw008: please speak in English04:49
=== abattoir hasn't come to that level yet, maybe in a year or so
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anon32aaroncampbell_, enter firefox in a terminal, see if there's any interesting errors04:49
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lw008sorry I don,t know English.04:50
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Jucato!cn | lw00804:51
ubotulw008: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk04:51
abattoirlw008: this is Kubuntu Support Channel04:51
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aaroncampbell_anon32: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12510/04:51
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anon32aaroncampbell_, hmm, darn it, no interesting errors04:51
bonbonthejonaaroncampbell_: those are erorrs you can ignore04:51
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aaroncampbell_bonbonthejon: I'm getting similar errors (plus some others) on with the nVidia drivers for my 8800GTS from the output of nvidia-settings: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12469/04:53
aaroncampbell_good to know I can ignore those ones.  Bummer that I still don't know what the others are04:53
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bonbonthejonaaroncampbell_: the X Errors are because ubuntu puts in stuff for wacom tablets, you can edit xorg.conf to get rid of it04:54
bonbonthejonaaroncampbell_: does the program start?04:54
LeeJunFanI need help confirming a feisty bug, it's BAD, it may crash your kdesktop. To trigger: open amarok (doesn't need to be playing), configure your screensaver to come on in 1 min, in konsole run 'xset dpms 10 20 0' - let your computer sit for at least 60 sec to make sure screensaver comes on, move your mouse. HINT: if you have amarok playing you may notice when it crashes - music will stop.04:54
Jucatos/wacom\ tablets/tablet\ pcs04:54
lw008#ubuntu-hk only two people!!104:55
aaroncampbell_bonbonthejon: nvidia-settings starts...and shows just a few settings (nothing that seems relevant to video-card settings)04:55
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bonbonthejonaaroncampbell_: sounds like the driver isn't liking your card. I don't know too much about this stuff. My 6150 was supported.04:56
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aaroncampbell_I get "Enable ToolTips" "Display Status Bar" "Slider text entries" "display names in config file" and "show 'Really Quit?' Dialog"04:56
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aaroncampbell_bonbonthejon: bummer.  I have the eVga 8800GTS04:57
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JucatoLeeJunFan: I'd suggest you try #ubuntu+1 ?04:58
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LeeJunFanJucato: yeah, I figure it's mostly ubuntuites in there.04:58
JucatoLeeJunFan: there are kubunteros there too. I'm on feisty though... but at the moment, can't test your bug04:59
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jhutchinsbonbonthejon: Do you know if anybody's filed a bug on the wacom stuff?05:01
LeeJunFanJucato: yeah, I'm trying to get more info, this sure doesn't make sense, but I'm sure it takes those things to trigger. Why amarok would have anything to do with screensaver or dpms I don't know. and why it would crash kdesktop? it wasn't fun to narrow down that much.05:01
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neilI'm using evolution for email, is there a better alternative?05:04
neilOr should I stick with it..05:04
NiceGuyUKneil : Thunderbird?05:04
aaroncampbell_That's what I use05:04
llutzneil: depends on your needs, kmail/mutt05:04
neilUse that on windows, might switch..05:04
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NiceGuyUKkmail is ok, just annoys me I can't use the cursor keys to navigate the message list like every other mail client05:05
lw008what player can play the file *.rmvb and *.rm ?05:06
NiceGuyUKlw008: realplayer, vlc (probably)05:06
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justin1278I'm having an issue with kpowersave can someone help me?05:07
neilWeird, thunderbird has a different logo on lnux..05:07
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gdiebelI assigned win+tab to walk through desktops and when I use that shortcut no popup comes up. Odd thing is that Walk through desktops reverse works fine and has a popup05:07
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justin1278neil: you can give it a different icon, including its original one in Windows.05:07
NiceGuyUKneil : could be down to your icon theme05:08
neilOh really justin1278, how do you do that?05:08
neilusing default theme atm05:08
timteI use xinerama with laptop and external monitor. On the external monitor I only see the upper right 1/4 of the total screen. How can I configure xorg.conf to see the whole screen?05:08
justin1278neil: right click the icon then click properties05:08
justin1278neil: in the properties Window you will see its icon, click it and you will get a new window with many different icon selections.05:08
justin1278neil: just choose whichever one you like.05:09
justin1278neil: you can also add your own icons.05:09
neilthanks :)05:09
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justin1278neil: np05:09
justin1278can someone help me with kpowersave?05:09
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justin1278the option to set my CPU frequency is not available.05:10
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|lonewolf|anyone available to help me with getting my http java viewer working on x11vnc?05:12
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jhutchinsjustin1278: run xvidtune in a console and edit your xorg.conf manually.05:13
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voicuwhat's the hotkey for running something in gnome?05:13
jhutchinsWHy would you try to set your monitor frequency with a power manager?05:13
voiculike alt+f2 in kde05:13
gdiebelvoicu: same05:13
anon32can anyone here help me with aarok?05:13
anon32voicu, alt+f205:14
gdiebelanon32: #amarok05:14
neilAre linux icons of the format .svg?05:14
voicuthe think is i entered by mistake in gnome but i don't have installed only the desktop and some stuff05:14
voicui can't logout05:14
jhutchinsneil: Many formats are available.05:15
NiceGuyUKneil : yes, or GIF, PNG, JPEG05:15
lw008is that GDebi can be us in kubuntu ?05:15
justin1278jhutchins: how do I do this?05:15
anon32neil, svg is just used because it's infinitely scalable with 0 artifacts05:15
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anon32lw008, yes, but WHY?05:15
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neilNiceGuyUK: .ico is out then?05:16
NiceGuyUKneil : fraid so :(05:16
neilok thx :)05:16
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NiceGuyUKneil: ico is just a bmp with header information, so should be able to convert. Maybe even rename and load into Gimp or something05:17
voicuwhat's the hotkey for logging out of gnome? :P05:17
NiceGuyUKvoicu: CTRL-ALT-PGDN I think05:17
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NiceGuyUKvoicu: or is that shutdown?05:17
lw008I install the  GDebi but I can find it  now, so can us it ,what can I do.05:17
bonbonthejonjhutchins: sorry, I just saw your message, I dont know if anyone has filed a bug, unless you open kde programs from console you don't see the errors, and you can ignore them05:17
NiceGuyUKlw008: ALt-F2 and type in the program name gdebi05:18
neilNiceGuyUK: Thanks :) I'm just looking for a nicer thundebird icon05:18
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neilthe default envelope sucks compared to the nice blue one it has now05:18
NiceGuyUKneil: Google for "thunderbird icon svg" ?05:19
neilAm having a dig05:19
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justin1278neil: what linux distro are you using?05:20
anon32neil, hehe, there's a script for that actually05:20
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justin1278neil: here is a nice icon set for Ubuntu05:20
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=== anon32 doesn't know why he/she still has Mozilla's stock firefox, used to be for nice logos and stuff, but now...
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arriespcan someone tell me a good sources.list for dapper please?05:21
anon32arriesp, um.... a good sources.list???05:21
justin1278neil: one moment I need to find the link05:21
anon32arriesp, that makes no sense05:21
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:22
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arriespmi sources.list spent a lot of time, and show me problems..05:22
justin1278neil: here is a nice icon set for Ubuntu05:22
lw008NiceGuyUKI do it what you say but is show that http://gdebi.domain/05:22
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neilthanks justin1278 :)05:23
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justin1278neil: np05:23
justin1278neil: it has some nice Thunderbird and Firefox icons too :-)05:23
arriespJucato:  those sources work with kubuntu dapper?05:23
anon32say, does winehq have a feisty repository yet?05:23
Jucatoarriesp: check the web page, you basically create a sources.list from some choices05:24
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arriespok thanks05:24
neiljustin1278: http://www.paolinoland.it/forum/index.php?topic=22.msg2805:24
neilis this it?05:24
neilvery nice if so :D05:24
gioacchinoanybody know ho to restart iptables without restart networking ?05:25
=== LeeJunFan [i=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
anon32anyone else here think that !opularity-contest sounds like spyware?05:26
anon32!popularity-contest *05:26
ubotupopularity-contest: Vote for your favourite packages automatically. In component main, is standard. Version 1.33ubuntu2.3 (edgy), package size 48 kB, installed size 212 kB05:26
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justin1278neil: yes thats it,it also has more icons, it is only showing a few05:26
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neiljustin1278: awesome :) Don't suppose theres a easy way to swap between icon sets is there?05:27
Jucatoanon32: define spyware, and try to compare it with popularity-contest05:27
justin1278neil: I'm not sure how to in gnome05:27
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anon32Jucato, spyware is software that monitors a user against his/her will05:27
neilok :) ill have a look around05:27
neilthanks a lot though!05:28
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Jucatoanon32: does popularity-contest do that?05:28
Jucatoanon32: how and why?05:28
justin1278neil: it shouldn't be too hard to find.05:28
cotyrotheryim on ubuntu right now05:28
Jucatoanon32: specially the "against your will" part05:28
arafatdoes anyone know of an application to convert swf files to mp3? I've just found tools for mp3 to swf...05:28
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anon32Jucato, it tracks and sends data on what packages you use05:28
anon32Jucato, and it's against the users will because the option to disable it is not blatantly obvious05:28
cotyrotheryi want to know the command to install grub05:28
anon32cotyrothery, grub-install05:29
anon32or, you could just do it with dd, but that's stupid05:29
Jucatoanon32: really? you mean you can't install it using the package manager?05:29
cotyrotherythat was not it05:29
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cotyrotheryI want to make my computer dual boot05:29
anon32Jucato, but the option to remove it and the fact that it's there is not blatantly obvious to the end user, he has to know it exists first05:29
cotyrotheryi already have kubuntu working05:29
_JuJuBee_Can someone tell me how to update my linux headers?05:29
cotyrotherybut i want t get ubuntu also05:29
LeeJunFanJucato: I have to agree with anon32 - plus the fact that it's installed by default.05:30
Daisuke_Idono need for grub in that case05:30
anon32cotyrothery, uh, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst05:30
BluesKajCan anyone tell me how to get Thunderbird to open FF when trying to open a link from it. ?05:30
anon32yay, for once, I'm not standing on my own05:30
Daisuke_Idoif you want kubuntu/ubuntu, just install ubuntu-desktop and select gnome when logging in05:30
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LeeJunFanthis is the first I've learned that my linux PC is phoning home to tell ubuntu what packages I'm using.05:30
cotyrotheryit said i gave it an unreconized command05:30
Jucatoah I see. and,like spyware, it doesn't anonymize the information it sends?05:31
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cotyrotheryError 27: Unrecognized command05:31
Jucatoand like spyware, it's impossible to remove? and like spyware, you can't examine the source code to check it?05:31
Daisuke_Idocotyrothery: 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'05:31
justin1278neil: did you find it?05:32
LeeJunFanThat doesn't matter if it does or not, w/o my concent or knowledge for how long now I don't konw - my PC's have been sending personal information out.05:32
anon32Jucato, it doesn't matter that it's "anonymous" or that it's "open source" or that it's "removable"- which it really isn't05:32
anon32Jucato, just as long as it exists05:32
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neiljustin1278: I read to drop the archive onto the theme window, but it tells me its an invalid format.. maybe because its for kde? might just need to repackage it..05:32
cotyrotherythat doing somehting05:32
Jucatoanon32: they all matter. because those, as you said yourself, are the marks of spyware05:32
cotyrotheryit is conecting05:32
Daisuke_Idoi can understand the popularity contest *concept*, but it sounds like the implementation is pretty poor05:32
LeeJunFanand nothing is really anonymous, IP's can be traced. Not that I don't trust ubuntu with the information, I just don't like having spyware "software that spys on my actions" on my pc.05:33
_JuJuBee_I just tried to update my kernel headers sudo apt-get install kernel-headers-`uname -r`, and it failed...05:33
cotyrotheryit said i have the newest05:33
gdiebel_JuJuBee_: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`05:33
anon32Jucato, no, the only thing that has to exist for it to be spyware is that it gathers and sends information and that it's not blatantly obvious05:33
JucatoLeeJunFan: your IP can be traced in IRC too.05:33
BluesKajLeeJunFan , how did you find out about this "phone home" thing ?05:33
Daisuke_Idocotyrothery: you're in kde now?05:33
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anon32Jucato, not if you use tor05:33
LeeJunFanBluesKaj: from anon05:33
_JuJuBee_My bad, thanmks05:33
cotyrotheryi am in ubuntu05:33
Daisuke_Idoyou're in gnome05:33
guimnI have a question. can anyone help me please? sometimes kubuntu(edgy) doesnt turn off/restart as it should. my monitor goes standby and my computer doesnt turn off. any ideas, please?05:34
Daisuke_Idothen 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop'05:34
gdiebel_JuJuBee_: you're welcome05:34
Daisuke_Idoguimn: if i had an answer to that, i'd be rich :P05:34
LeeJunFanJucato: I know that, I'm just saying, it IS spyware, it spies on me. IRC doesn't spy on me, it only tells what I want it to. We are saying that it's spyware, not necessarilly malware.05:34
cotyrotheryi just got a lot of installs05:34
Daisuke_Idolotsa packages05:34
anon32cotyrothery, yes, kde is big05:34
anon32that's why gentoo compile w/ kde takes days05:34
JucatoLeeJunFan: I asked him to define what spyware is. I'm just basing it on his defintion05:34
guimnDaisuke_Ido, do you mean thats common? :p05:35
cotyrotherywhat i want to do is get them both on the same drive05:35
anon32Jucato, like I said, spyware is software that "spies" - it monitors and transmits information without the user knowing05:35
cotyrotherybecause i found out that i cant boot from my slave05:35
Daisuke_Idowhat it's doing is installing the kde desktop.  when you log in, instead of dual booting, you click on the session button to choose between the two05:35
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BluesKajLeeJunFan, how is it being done, can one spot which program is spyware...are there clients like adaware or xoftspy for linux ?05:35
Daisuke_Idoyou don't need two separate linux installs to do that :)05:35
anon32cotyrothery, ^^ - tis smarter05:35
LeeJunFanBluesKaj: just sudo apt-get remove popularity-contest if you wish.05:36
cotyrotheryso how does that work05:36
anon32say, did they ever fix the bug that installing kcontrol changes the firefox icon?05:36
mart81Is there someting in knetworkmanager/? to remember the ssid after a reboot?05:36
Daisuke_Idowhen you get to twhere you enter your username and password, there's a button that says "session" or something similar05:36
anon32BluesKaj, remove popularity-contest, although that totally breaks any chance of upgrading your distro05:36
BluesKajLeeJunFan, popularity contest ?05:36
Daisuke_Idoclick that, and there's an option for session type05:36
NiceGuyUKmart81 : kwallet maybe?05:36
ubotupopularity-contest: Vote for your favourite packages automatically. In component main, is standard. Version 1.33ubuntu2.3 (edgy), package size 48 kB, installed size 212 kB05:36
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Daisuke_Idoyou can choose KDE or Gnome from that menu05:36
anon32note the "automatically" part05:36
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anon32ain't nothing should ever be automagic05:36
cotyrotheryholdo on05:36
cotyrotherywhen i put that command it05:37
LeeJunFananon32: and the "standard" which means it's installed by default.05:37
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cotyrotheryi only had my slave pluged in05:37
cotyrotheryshould i re do it05:37
anon32LeeJunFan, yeah, and removing it removes ubuntu-standard, bad05:37
Daisuke_Idono, it installs right where you are now05:37
mart81NiceGuyUK: hmm, i almost can't stand that program05:37
anon32that's another sign of spyware - entrenched so as to make removal difficult05:37
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BluesKajyou guys call popularity-contest spyware ?05:37
cotyrotherybut i only had my slave pluged in05:37
anon32LeeJunFan, I think it's implemented with crontab, but..05:37
cotyrotherynot the master were kde is05:37
=== Daisuke_Ido scratches his head
anon32cotyrothery, lol, slaves? pss, get some SATA disks, master/slave is so 10 years ago05:38
Daisuke_Idoyou're not on that machine right now?05:38
NiceGuyUKmart81 : I know what you mean.  Maybe you could add something into /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf ?05:38
LeeJunFananon32: personally I just feel betrayed that something like that is installed by default.05:38
anon32LeeJunFan, yeah05:38
cotyrotherywell my computer is 7 years old05:38
LeeJunFanWhat's next WGA? :) hehe05:38
anon32cotyrothery, :-\05:38
guimnno answer for my question? =(05:38
Daisuke_Idoum, isn't ubuntu-standard just a metapackage?05:38
Daisuke_Idolike ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop05:39
LeeJunFanDaisuke_Ido: yeah, it wont' hurt to remove it.05:39
Daisuke_Idoand removing popularity contest shouldn't hurt anything05:39
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cotyrotheryso i should be able to boot into it05:39
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anon32LeeJunFan, "your version of Ubuntu is not genuine, please contact Canonical Corp for instructions on obtaining a genuine key. Thank you for using Canonical software."05:39
cotyrotheryfrom the kde menu05:39
Daisuke_Idoif you're installing it05:39
cotyrotheryi installed it on slave05:39
Daisuke_Idofrom the login screen05:39
anon32Daisuke_Ido, but if you remove any of the -desktop or -standard or -minimal packages, you can't dist-upgrade05:39
cotyrotheryim going to reboot05:39
cotyrotheryand see if it worked05:39
Daisuke_Idodon't reboot05:39
anon32you don't have to05:40
Daisuke_Idoyou already have it running, right?05:40
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cotyrotheryi have ubuntu runing05:40
gdiebelI assigned win+tab to walk through desktops and when I use that shortcut no popup comes up. Odd thing is that Walk through desktops reverse works fine and has a popup <-- could someone confirm this behavior on 3.5.6 edgy05:40
BluesKajhand holding time again05:40
cotyrotheryso what do i to05:40
Daisuke_Idohit ctrl-alt-backspace to restart the display manager, then when it gets to the login, choose KDE from the session type menu05:40
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anon32win + tab = rotate all apps for me :-)05:41
Daisuke_Idooh, and if you're in the US using a default keyboard layout, you'll have to use the left alt key because the right alt key is mapped to meta05:42
LeeJunFananon32: I guess I could work that into some passive sniffing too, as I run an ISP, I could setup a sniffer to watch for calling home and identify who's running ubuntu/kubuntu, maybe even tell what packages they use, what services they likely have running :)05:42
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nicocppl, im upgrading kubuntu dapper to edgy, im using lilo as bootloader, now when i upgrade it says that install lilo and grub, and i should run lilo.05:42
anon32LeeJunFan, hrmm05:42
nicochow can i run lilo?05:42
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LeeJunFannicoc: lilo05:43
anon32why would you ever use lilo? it's deprecated05:43
LeeJunFannicoc: why would you switch to lilo if you don't know how to use it?05:43
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nosrednaekimanon32: cause it IS a bit easier...05:44
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nicocnosrednaekim: my pc dos not allow grub05:44
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Daisuke_Idohow...  is that even possible?05:44
LeeJunFannosrednaekim: I dunno about that, I switched from years of lilo to grub, and I find it different, but no easier. Once you learn grub I'd say they are about the same.05:44
=== anon32 just has automagic grub, so...
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nicocim in mac.. mac does not allow grub as bootloader05:45
LeeJunFanonly grub's hd0, etc.. instead of hda or whatever is annoying.05:45
nosrednaekimyeah... I guess so.... especially when you keep compiling kernels05:45
n8k99nicoc: that'll be yaboot05:45
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anon32nicoc, afaik, macs don't allow lilo either05:45
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LeeJunFananon32: well, since he's upgrading - it must. :)05:46
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hordeI'm trying to find out how to rename files for the folder containing them (eg. rename "x.jpg" in folder "xyz" to "xyz.jpg") in a bash script.05:46
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hordeor is this question more appropriate for a bash-specific channel?05:47
anon32yea, try #bash05:47
nosrednaekimyeah..it probbly is..05:47
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NiceGuyUKhorde: I'm sure Goggle would find plenty of examples05:48
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NiceGuyUKits one fo those "for i in blah blah" ones05:48
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hordeNiceGuyUK: have definitely tried Googling it but I guess my search criteria is wrong 'cause I can't find anything of use05:49
LeeJunFanhorde: is there only one file in each dir?05:49
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LeeJunFanhorde: or do you need like xyz-1.jpg xyz-2.jpg?05:49
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ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell05:50
ins-dragonclawwho here knows anthing about... aliases?05:50
nosrednaekimaliases? in IRC?05:50
ins-dragonclawno in linux05:50
ins-dragonclawyou know how home:/ gives the home folder?05:50
NiceGuyUKhorde : http://tldp.org/LDP/GNU-Linux-Tools-Summary/html/mass-rename.html05:50
ins-dragonclawcan you define custom ones?05:51
nosrednaekimins-dragonclaw: oh...I think thats a kio-slave05:51
hordeLeeJunFan: basically I'm trying to rename certain files (avi, pdf, etc) that I've downloaded from Usenet (and have been put in folders named after their nzb file)05:51
ins-dragonclawmkay ... now how do i set one up?05:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kio-slave - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:51
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ins-dragonclawthe bot never has help for me T_T05:51
n8k99ins-dragonclaw: what are you trying set one up to do?05:52
LeeJunFanhorde: it's probably not going to be a super easy script.05:52
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ins-dragonclawjust to open a folder. so like documents:/ will open /home/ins-dragonclaw/documents, for example05:52
hordeLeeJunFan: damn...I was hoping that wouldn't be the case as I'm pretty new to scripting.05:52
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NiceGuyUKhorde : the link I posted above seems to have a fairly simple script example05:53
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hordeNiceGuyUK: cheers, looking at it now.05:53
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n8k99ins-dragonclaw: you know there is a panel applet that lets you set a folder view05:54
hordeLeeJunFan: I used Directory Opus in Windoze and it was super easy...using wildcards and the NOPATH argument05:54
ins-dragonclaw...not really05:54
anon32going away now, zzz05:54
LeeJunFanhorde: directory opus? Man I used a filemanager on Amiga back in 85 called that.05:55
n8k99ins-dragonclaw: yeah it' called Quick Browser05:56
hordeLeeJunFan: heh heh, maybe that's the ancestor of the one I used...it's a really good file manager05:56
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ins-dragonclaw<-- this is me getting lost05:56
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phyerbossHello, I am totally new to Linux and have a few questions about some issues I am coming across in Kubuntu05:57
gdiebelhorde: yes directory opus is the closest thing to krusader on windows these days05:57
ins-dragonclawphyerboss: phyer away and we'll see if we can help :-)05:58
phyerbossok, im a slow typer...bear with me05:58
hordegdiebel: never used krusader.  What benefits do you see it having over Konqueror or Nautilus?  If any...05:58
NiceGuyUKI'd type slowly if I had a bear with me too05:58
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ins-dragonclawi wouldn't type at all05:59
ins-dragonclawi'd be running for my life O.o05:59
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ins-dragonclawwhat is krusader anyway?05:59
cotyrotheryit did not give me the optiion to boot into kde05:59
ins-dragonclawi've heard it mentioned here quite a few times - still no idea what it is05:59
phyerboss1st one: I added new programs via the adept package manager...well, in the other distros I tried, this usualy instantly places then in the Kicker menus05:59
ins-dragonclaw...and it's not there?06:00
phyerbossbut on Kubuntu, none of them are showing up exceept kicinedit06:00
ins-dragonclawwhat application did you install06:00
Daisuke_Ido!krusader | ins-dragonclaw06:00
cotyrotherywho was i talking to before06:00
ubotuins-dragonclaw: krusader: twin-panel (commander-style) file manager for KDE (and other desktops). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.70.1-1 (edgy), package size 2547 kB, installed size 6940 kB06:00
neiljustin1278: think it fails as its meant for kde06:00
neilwonder if theres a gnome version :(06:00
ins-dragonclawhmm ok06:00
ins-dragonclawi think i'll stick to konqueror06:00
cotyrotheryDaisuke_ido: was i talking to you06:00
justin1278neil: that was the gnome version.06:00
Daisuke_Idohow did it go?06:00
cotyrotherywell it did not say anything about kde06:00
neiloh :S it does list both k and u buntu on the list actually06:01
neilhmmm :)06:01
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justin1278neil: what I woudl do is go to gnome-look.org and take a look for some icon themes06:01
phyerbossI installed an app to callibrate my gamepad, a snes emulator and a few games...none of them are showing up...not even the "game menu option"06:01
Daisuke_Idounder session > session type?06:01
phyerbossas it would with other distros06:01
ins-dragonclawthe programs -are- there, you just have to add the icons manually06:01
phyerbosssorry guys..as i said, Im slow06:01
ins-dragonclawwhat snes emulator did you install?06:01
cotyrotheryDaisuke_ido: what was i looking for?06:01
ins-dragonclawphyerboss: it's ok :)06:01
ins-dragonclawzsnes, you mean. lol06:01
phyerbossthats it06:02
ins-dragonclawcommon typo, znes06:02
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phyerbossI like that one since I use it on my media rig06:02
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cotyrotheryi know that i can only boot from my first drive now06:02
cotyrotherytook forever to figure that out06:02
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Daisuke_Idoon the login screen, an option (or icon) for session.  when you click that, it's got a session menu that pops up, with an option for session type06:02
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cotyrotheryyeah it had 4 types06:02
cotyrotheryor 506:02
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cotyrotherynone of which said kde06:03
Daisuke_Idoyou remember what those were?06:03
cotyrotherya little06:03
Daisuke_Idognome, failsafe06:03
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ins-dragonclawmkay. phyerboss: how many games did you install?06:03
phyerbosshey ins-dragonclaw, let me get the full list of everything installed06:03
ins-dragonclawdo you want a link to each one, or just a link to the zsnes emulator?06:03
kevin__i dont get jre to kubuntu pn mozilla !=(06:03
Daisuke_IdoKDE should be an option in there as long as kubuntu-desktop fully installed06:03
cotyrotheryit is06:04
cotyrotherymaybe i need to redo that command you gave me06:04
kevin__good idea06:04
Daisuke_Idotry that, see what happens06:04
cotyrotherycould you tell me what it was agin06:04
Daisuke_Idosudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:04
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Daisuke_Idonow i have to get lunch and get ready to head to school :\06:04
phyerbossman its been years since I used mirc!...how do I register my nick in here?06:05
cotyrotheryone sec06:05
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Jucatophyerboss: /msg nickserv register <password>06:05
Jucato!register | phyerboss06:05
ubotuphyerboss: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration06:05
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chijinmirc is a client, irc is the service we're all using06:05
ins-dragonclaw./msg nickserv register <password>06:06
ins-dragonclawdrop the dot06:06
cotyrotheryE: You don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/.06:06
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phyerbossalrighty, im in!06:07
cotyrotheryDaisuke_ido: E: You don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/.06:07
cotyrotheryDaisuke_ido: are you there06:08
Jucatocotyrothery: sudo apt-get clean06:08
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cotyrotheryok now what06:09
cotyrotherydo i redo that command06:09
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chijincotyrothery: how big is your root partition?06:09
cotyrothery15.0 gb06:10
ins-dragonclawwell, i was close :P06:10
cotyrotheryi still got the same error06:10
chijindpkg running out of space sounded like it's too small06:10
chijindo df -h and see how much space you have left06:10
tdnfirecrotch, sorry. I was away for a bit. I use the Power Manager. I right click in its icon in the systray and then select Hibernate.06:10
cotyrotheryok what should i look for in the list06:11
chijincotyrothery: the line that says mounted on /06:11
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cotyrotherywhat about it06:11
chijincotyrothery: how much is available?06:11
firecrotchtdn: Try using the button on your laptop for hibernating06:12
cotyrotheryit does not have anything06:12
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:12
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cotyrotheryunionfs               700M  670M   31M  96% /06:13
tdnfirecrotch, my laptop does not have a button for that. It's a Thinkpad. Also this is not feasable. What should desktop-users do to hibernate then?06:13
cotyrotheryvarrun                 78M   80K   78M   1% /var/run06:13
chijincotyrothery: your root partition is only 700 megs06:13
chijincotyrothery: and it has only 31 megs left06:14
cotyrotheryi guess06:14
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cotyrotheryso what should i do06:15
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chijincotyrothery: it's an installed system, right?06:15
cotyrotheryi haave kde installed06:15
cotyrotheryits ubuntu i want installed06:16
cotyrotheryso i can have both06:16
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chijinyou're not going to get anything installed on that partition06:16
chijinit's too small06:17
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firecrotchtdn: Sorry, I had read that thinkpads have a button for that.06:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 3d - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:17
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cotyrotherygood boy06:17
cotyrotheryyou deserved that treat06:17
firecrotchWho says ubotu is a boy?06:17
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tdnfirecrotch, nope. Not mine. Also I would like to be able to hibernate other computers as well.06:17
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cotyrotherygood girl ubuntu06:18
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cotyrotheryyour always helping06:18
cotyrotheryso how am i going to get this ubuntu and kubuntu to dual boot06:19
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anon32god damn it, anyone know how to set a maximum sessions limit in gdm or kdm?06:19
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neilHey guys06:19
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neildoes anyone know the ubuntu guide page on installing kde as well as gnome?06:19
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neilWill kdm and gdm fight, or is it ok?06:19
cotyrotheryso should i be able to boot into ubuntu from the kde menu06:20
kristjan_neil: I believe you can install gnome withou gdm06:20
firecrotchneil: it will still use kdm06:20
neilI already have gnome06:20
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neilI want to add kde :D06:20
neilsame thing tho?06:20
cotyrotherysame here06:21
cotyrotherybut turned around06:21
firecrotchneil: Yep, it will just use gdm06:21
neil==> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE06:21
neilthanks :)06:21
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kristjan_cotyrothery: what do you mean? "from kde menu"?06:21
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neilfirecrotch: if i decide i like kde06:22
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cotyrotherysomeone tolled me to boot into kde from the ubuntu menu06:22
neilcan i easily remove gnome and gdm, and swap to kdm?06:22
kristjan_cotyrothery: did you install kde in ubuntu?06:22
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cotyrotheryi already have kde installed06:22
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cotyrotheryi want ubuntu installed to were i can boot into it also06:23
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kristjan_cotyrothery: I'm afraid I do not understand you06:23
chijincotyrothery: use the paste website and show me your whole df -h output06:23
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:23
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cotyrotherykristjan: i just want it to were i have the option of which i boot into06:24
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cotyrotheryI want to boot into either kde at start or gnome06:25
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ubotuFor information on KDE 4 (not to be released for quite some time yet), see: http://www.canllaith.org/svn-features/kde4.html. Also worth checking are: appeal/phonon/plasma/solid.kde.org06:25
=== Hrontore [n=rod@adsl-1-51-53.bix.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
chijincotyrothery: first you need more space06:25
cotyrotheryI have kde on a 30 gb drive06:26
chijincotyrothery: how come your root partition is only 700 megs then?06:26
cotyrotherydont know06:26
chijincotyrothery: you're out of space, you can't install software on your root partition06:26
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kristjan_you should keep at least 10% of partition free all the time06:27
cotyrotheryim sure i have more space06:27
aaroncampbellWell, so far I'm not having the greatest Kubuntu experience.  First, 6.10 wouldn't install...I was told to try 7.  That installed, but I can't get my dual widescreens working, I can't get my wired gigabit working, and firefox times out on almost EVERY page (although konqueror works)06:27
edemilsonPor favor alguem poderia me dar informacoes sobre a distribuicao linux caldeira06:27
chijincotyrothery: i asked you for the df -h output, where is it?06:27
aaroncampbellDoes anyone know how to solve any of those?06:27
cotyrotheryworking on it06:27
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:27
Hrontoreim trying to install a driver "ati-driver-installer-8.34.8-x86.x86_64.run" how do i   do this?06:27
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chijincotyrothery: it shouldn't take more than 5 seconds :-O06:28
cotyrotheryim on live cd06:28
ubotuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 for Dapper and 1.4.5 for Edgy and packages are  available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok06:28
cotyrotheryi cant wait to get a new computer06:29
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neilcool i can choose gdm or kdm by default06:29
neildoes it matter which?06:29
Hrontorenot really they both have the same base06:29
neilok :)06:29
neilI installed beryl on gnome..06:30
kristjan_neil: if you choose gdm then kde logout screen will give you only one option I believe06:30
neilwill it need tweaking to run on kde?06:30
cotyrotheryit is taking for  ever06:30
neilkristjan_: ah ok got it06:30
anon32GAH, anyone know how to disable multiple graphical logins?06:30
anon32this is such a fscking pain06:30
kristjan_anon32: define "multiple graphical login"06:31
coreymon77!patience | anon3206:31
ubotuanon32: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:31
anon32kristjan_, when gnome or kde allows 2 or 3 users to run sessions at the same time06:31
cotyrotheryI dont know if paste bin will ever load06:32
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anon32I barely have the ram for 1 session06:32
CarinArranon32: what do you actually mean06:32
coreymon77anon32: simple solution, upgrade your ram :D :P06:32
cotyrotherychijin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12532/06:33
anon32CarinArr, when user A starts a GNOME or KDE session, another user can come along and start a second session running at the same time. it's self-explanatory06:33
anon32coreymon77, no, that's not a solution, I already have 4 GB06:33
anon32and I want all of it for myself06:33
coreymon77and how is that not enough for one session?06:33
CarinArranon32: so someone is logging in remotely to your machine?06:33
chijincotyrothery: can you also paste me your outputs for 'sudo fdisk -l' and 'sudo mount'06:33
anon32CarinArr, no, locally06:33
CarinArron the same machine?06:34
anon32CarinArr, yes06:34
coreymon77anon32: i only have 512 mb if i recall corrrectly and im running fine06:34
CarinArri'm confused06:34
anon32coreymon77, well, I want ALL my ram for MYSELF06:34
coreymon77anon32: how is 4 gb barely enough for one session06:34
anon32because I use it all06:34
CarinArrcoreymon77: he's saying he has several users logged in at once06:34
anon32CarinArr, notice there's a "switch user"06:34
coreymon77i know06:35
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coreymon77so you dont want people using your computer right?06:35
anon32and under system tools, there's a "new session"06:35
CarinArranon32: yeah, but if it's your own machine, just tell people not to use it if you want all the resources yourself06:35
anon32coreymon77, nope, I don't want anyone else on my machine while I am06:35
coreymon77well then just say that06:35
anon32CarinArr, that's nice and all in a perfect world, but I want that enforced06:35
coreymon77its your machine06:35
anon32coreymon77, you think people listen to me? if they did, this wouldn't be a problem06:35
coreymon77anon32: lock your machine when you are not using it06:36
anon32coreymon77, they can still click "switch user"06:36
cotyrotherychijin: did you get that06:36
CarinArranon32: not if you activate the screensaver and demand password to get out of it06:36
ins-dragonclawbe back later06:36
chijincotyrothery: did you do 'sudo fdisk -l'? doesn't look like it to me06:36
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cotyrotherylet me do it again06:37
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coreymon77anon32: exactly, if you password lockdown your computer when not using it, nobody but you will be able to use it06:37
anon32CarinArr, no, there's still a "switch user" button06:37
coreymon77anon32: not in a screensaver there isnt06:37
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anon32when I password my screensaver, on resume, there's "password" "switch user" "cancel"06:37
anon32or am I missing something?06:37
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cotyrotherychijin: it said command not found06:37
coreymon77since when was there switch user?06:37
coreymon77i never knew that06:38
kevin__i need to go now !06:38
anon32dunno, gnome user here - are we on a disconnect?06:38
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CarinArranon32: you're in06:38
kevin__cya all"S06:38
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coreymon77anon32: if you are using gnome, why are you in the kubuntu channel06:38
anon32CarinArr, yes, because I can't go to #ubuntu and ##gnome is empty06:38
neilwow, that was a lot smoother than i expected.. kde worked straight off!06:38
anon32coreymon77, ^^06:38
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coreymon77anon32: let me guess, you got banned from #ubuntu right?06:39
cotyrotheryis there away to just make a partion for ubuntu06:39
anon32coreymon77, yes, but that's not the important question - the important question is how to enforce a maximum X sesion limit06:39
cotyrotheryHow can i get it to boot from my second drive06:40
cotyrotherythat would work06:40
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neilcoreymon77: I use this channel even for gnome sometimes, I find its better06:40
coreymon77cotyrothery: and grub doesnt work?06:40
cotyrotherychijin: can we just make it work of my second drive?06:40
neilcoreymon77: oh, he got banned..06:40
neilnvm then06:40
cotyrotherycoreymon77: no grub does not work when on the second drive06:41
coreymon77well im clueless about gnome06:41
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cotyrotheryby the way what is the diffrence06:41
=== anon32 sighs
coreymon77cotyrothery: then why dont you just put it on the mbr? where its supposed to be06:41
CarinArranon32: first of all if you're in a kde centred channel you could have a little bit of patience with people not having a clue about what you're on about when you're talking about a switch user button06:41
cotyrotherycoreymon77: how06:41
anon32sorry, I can't find anywhere else to go....06:41
coreymon77cotyrothery: thats usually the default option06:42
CarinArrthen for christs sake stop with the attitude when people bother trying to help you06:42
cotyrotheryso i need to reinstall06:42
coreymon77cotyrothery: thats where grub is normally placed06:42
coreymon77cotyrothery: not necessarily06:42
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coreymon77cotyrothery: i believe there are ways to do it06:42
anon32*sigh* - anyone gonna help me?06:43
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coreymon77anon32: you knwo what, no, not with that atitude06:43
gnomefreak!atitude | anon3206:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about atitude - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:44
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:44
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coreymon77anon32: with all the sighing and all of that, nobodys gonna help you if you are being an ass about it06:44
CarinArranon32: https://launchpad.net/gnome-session/+bug/75265 <- that looks as tho that is added in feisty06:45
cotyrotherycoreymon77: im going to try the reinstall06:45
coreymon77cotyrothery: you dont have to06:45
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coreymon77cotyrothery: what was the problem, you reinstalled windows and now you cant boot?06:45
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gnomefreakcoreymon77: thats ok no need to swear/use foul language and ignore him if you are not gonna help him please06:45
coreymon77cotyrothery: is that it?06:45
cotyrotheryi dont have windows06:45
coreymon77gnomefreak: sorry, my bad06:45
anon32coreymon77, .....please, you seem to be the one being confrontational06:45
coreymon77cotyrothery: so, what was your problem06:46
cotyrotheryi just want ubuntu to work of my second drive06:46
cotyrotheryor have it on the same a kde06:46
soulrider_is there a way to install all the deps from a .deb file ig ot without installing them manualy ?06:47
gnomefreakanon32: you are in a kubuntu channel not a ubuntu channel. your attitude upset a few users so far please keep you attitude under control and dont get discouraged when your question is not answered.06:47
coreymon77cotyrothery: and whas the matter, have you installed yet?06:47
gnomefreaksoulrider_: kde i dont think so06:47
cotyrotherybut it does not start06:47
coreymon77cotyrothery: what happens?06:47
cotyrotherynothing boots off my second drive06:47
gnomefreaksoulrider_: gdebi does that but i dont think there was a kde front end made fo rit06:47
cotyrotheryi just get a no operating system06:47
CarinArranon32: people arent deliberately not answering your question. it might be that people simply don't know the answer06:47
coreymon77cotyrothery: does grub come up?06:48
soulrider_gnomefreak: with synaptic? im trying to install aptoncd, but it depends on synaptic nautilus-burning and other stuff i REALLY dont want06:48
cotyrotheryno not when booting of my second hard drive06:48
anon32CarinArr, yes, I suppose so. Well, according to the bug, there is no answer, so I guess I'm leaving GNOME06:48
gnomefreaksoulrider_: there really isnt a way to get past the depends of a package.06:48
coreymon77cotyrothery: okay, im confused, you have 2 drives, correct?06:48
CarinArranon32: well it says it's fixed in feisty06:48
soulrider_maybe if i force install? :P06:49
coreymon77cotyrothery: which one is your master drive?06:49
anon32CarinArr, to be honest, I can't wait another month for the fix06:49
cotyrotheryum my first06:49
CarinArranon32: use a non-gnome screen locker perhaps?06:49
anon32CarinArr, huh, that's a thought - example?06:49
gnomefreaksoulrider_: no forcing it wont help. apt has a no depends flag but cant promise the package will work correctly.06:49
coreymon77cotyrothery: and what is on that drive?06:49
gnomefreaksoulrider_: what package is it?06:49
CarinArranon32: xlock?06:50
anon32hmm, one sec06:50
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cotyrotheryKDE is on my first drive06:50
anon32CarinArr, where would I get it? it's not a valid exec and there's no xlock package06:50
CarinArranon32: hang on06:51
gnomefreaksoulrider_: you have to have all those depends for that. its a gtk app06:51
coreymon77cotyrothery: what linux distro06:51
soulrider_if i installt he damn dependencies, it will break other packages i think06:51
fr0nkbtw the installation of the nvidia drivers didn't work for me properly, i had to rewrite the xorg.conf manually06:51
fr0nkdunno why but now it works06:51
cotyrotherycoreymon77: what do you  mean?06:51
gnomefreaksoulrider_: shouldnt break any official packages you have installed06:51
anon32coreymon77, he was here yesterday wasn't he? I think you have to talk without jargon to him06:51
gnomefreaksoulrider_: if it does its a bug. but it shouldnt at all06:51
cotyrotheryok i have an idea06:51
soulrider_aptitude is telling me the score is -277 :P06:51
CarinArranon32: try xlockmore06:52
cotyrotherywhy dont i make a new partion on my master drive06:52
coreymon77cotyrothery: judging by the fact that you have kde on your first dirve, you must have linux installed on it06:52
neilhow do you add new icon sets to kde?06:52
cotyrotherylike 3 gb06:52
CarinArranon32: should be in universe06:52
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anon32soulrider_, lol, is that like the popularity rating in app-install ?06:52
cotyrotheryand install it htere06:52
gnomefreaksoulrider_: use apt not aptitude06:52
cotyrotherywould that work06:52
anon32CarinArr, ok - so, the screen locker works no matter what dm?06:52
CarinArranon32: should do06:52
ins-dragonclawI'm stuffed :|06:52
gnomefreaksoulrider_: it might remove things because of conflicts06:52
soulrider_  gamin: Conflicts: fam but 2.7.0-10ubuntu1 is to be installed.06:53
anon32CarinArr, it allow for screensavers? lol06:53
soulrider_  aptoncd: Depends: yelp but it is not installable06:53
gnomefreaksoulrider_: i dont see any conflicts listed06:53
soulrider_i get that06:53
coreymon77cotyrothery: what do you want your end result to be?06:53
ubotuquanta: web development environment for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 2361 kB, installed size 5700 kB06:53
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cotyrotheryi want dual boot06:53
gnomefreaksoulrider_: sudo apt-get -f install06:53
soulrider_but its not int he repos06:53
cotyrotheryi want a choose of which06:53
soulrider_i had to downlaod it from somewhere else06:53
cotyrotheryone i want06:53
gnomefreaksoulrider_: its not?06:53
cotyrotheryat boot06:53
coreymon77cotyrothery: dual boot between what and what06:53
cotyrotherykde and gnome06:53
CarinArranon32: uhm not sure, but most screensaver applications allow for screen locking as well06:54
gnomefreak!info aptoncd06:54
ubotuPackage aptoncd does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas06:54
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coreymon77cotyrothery: that isnt really needed06:54
gnomefreakah its in feisty though :)06:54
coreymon77cotyrothery: let me explain, kde and gnome are not different oses, they are just desktop environments06:54
cotyrotherywhat is not needed06:54
chijincoreymon77: his root partition is only 700 megs06:54
gnomefreaksoulrider_: you may have to install each depend to install it since you dont have gdebi06:54
cotyrotheryyeah i know06:54
CarinArranon32: try xscreensaver06:55
anon32CarinArr, huh, xlock works... but it's kinda ugly06:55
cotyrotheryWhat if i make another partion06:55
CarinArranon32: that should allow you to lock the session as well06:55
coreymon77cotyrothery: you dont need grub to choose between kde and gnome06:55
cotyrotheryso what do i do06:55
anon32CarinArr, when I try to run xscreensaver, it just says "process xscreensaver already running"06:55
CarinArranon32: *rolls eyes* we never said it was pretty06:55
coreymon77cotyrothery: you jsut choose which one you want to useonce linux has booted06:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:55
cotyrotheryhow so06:56
cotyrotherywere do i choose?06:56
neilhey guys, why is konversation different after i installed kde?06:56
anon32CarinArr, oh wait, that was gnome-screensaver, I'll try xscreensaver06:56
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neilit has different icons, and a new layout06:56
coreymon77cotyrothery: before you log in, a screen pops up asking you for your username and password06:56
neili prefered konversation in gnome, but dont know how to get it back like that06:56
soulrider_!info gamin06:56
ubotugamin: File and directory monitoring system. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.7-3ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 60 kB, installed size 184 kB06:56
cotyrotheryso if i boot into kde06:56
cotyrotheryi can boot into gnome06:56
cotyrotheryfrom the menu at start up06:57
coreymon77in that menu on the log in screen06:57
cotyrotheryso let me reboot06:57
soulrider_is gamin very important? because its uninstalling it... =/06:57
coreymon77you dont need to restart06:57
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cotyrotherywhat do i need to do06:57
coreymon77all you need to do is log out or restart x with ctrl+alt+bbackspace06:57
coreymon77preferably log out06:58
coreymon77on the log in screen06:58
ins-dragonclawsoulrider_: ". In component main, is optional."06:58
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cotyrotheryum hm06:58
ins-dragonclawso it shouldn't be important06:58
anon32CarinArr, it doesn't allow for me to choose "Helios" as my screensaver :-(06:58
anon32other than that, it seems to work06:58
HrontoreI need help, I'm playing windows game using linux, either the game freezes or has an incredible low frame rate06:58
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coreymon77just click on the menu and choose session type, then click on kde or gnome depending on which one you want to boot into06:58
soulrider_i think its on j ridells repos06:58
cotyrotheryso should i go ahead and log out06:58
coreymon77once you have chosen your session type06:58
coreymon77just log in like normal06:58
cotyrotherylast tiem i did that06:58
cotyrotherythere was no kde06:59
coreymon77what do you mean?06:59
cotyrotheryi saw no kde06:59
coreymon77in taht menu?06:59
cotyrotherythere was gnome06:59
cotyrotheryand a few others06:59
cotyrotherybut no kde06:59
coreymon77what are you in right now?06:59
cotyrotherylive cd07:00
coreymon77well that explains it07:00
coreymon77you cant do it form a livecd07:00
coreymon77is ubuntu installed on your computer07:00
cotyrotheryyes but it does not boot07:00
cotyrotheryI installed it on my slave07:00
coreymon77is kubuntu installed?07:00
cotyrotherybut i cant get it to boot07:01
gnomefreaklooks like grub issue07:01
anon32gah, try and condense your sentences..07:01
coreymon77do you have both ubuntu and kubuntu installed?07:01
=== anon32 can't figure it out
cotyrotherykde on master07:01
cotyrotheryand gnome on slave07:01
gnomefreakcotyrothery: what error are you getting whne you try to boot?07:01
BluesKajsame ol same ol , eh cotyrothery ? :(07:01
cotyrotherywell it boots me into kde07:01
coreymon77why didnt you just type apt-get isntall ubuntu-desktop07:01
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cotyrotheryso i unpluged mater drive07:02
anon32I think there's a communication error here......07:02
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cotyrotheryand left slave pluged in07:02
yorokobicotyrothery: why do you have two separate installs? are you using different versions of (K)Ubuntu?07:02
mikedomoyeah kubuntu07:02
coreymon77yorokobi: i think he is07:02
yorokobiie, 6.06 and 6.1007:02
cotyrotheryi have 6.06 ubuntu07:02
mikedomoi have 6.10 version07:02
cotyrotheryand 6.06 kubuntu07:02
mikedomoand very soon 7.0407:03
coreymon77yorokobi: thats the problem, i think he has then installed seperatly07:03
cotyrotheryi do07:03
ins-dragonclawHrontore: you still here?07:03
cotyrotheryone on each ddrive07:03
anon32CarinArr, thanks a lot, even if it's not very pretty, xlock will work till feisty's out :-)07:03
ins-dragonclawwhat are you trying to play?07:03
coreymon77you see, tahts the problem, what was the point in doing that07:03
CarinArrcotyrothery: they're the same os, just with different front ends.. but there's nothing stopping you from running kde and gnome from the same install07:03
yorokobiKDE and Gnome can exist together on the same install of (K)Ubuntu.07:03
gnomefreakif he unplugged the drive with grub/mbr is wont bootto anything07:03
CarinArranon32: welcome07:03
mikedomoi like kde theme07:03
coreymon77kubuntu and ubuntu can exist together on the same drive and the same partition07:03
Hrontoreins-dragonclaw Low end games, Counter strike, metal gear solid07:03
cotyrotheryso should i install it on my master07:03
mikedomoi dont like gnome theme07:03
cotyrotherywith kde07:04
=== CarinArr cries a little and goes to find some food
ins-dragonclawmkay. obviously you're running wine - what version?07:04
Hrontoreins-dragonclaw I dont know07:04
anon32CarinArr, hell, speaking of feisty, is it stable enough for generic usage? I know the usual "it's beta, it'll give you cancer", but your thoughts?07:04
yorokobicotyrothery: yes. The hardest choice will be between gdm or kdm :)07:04
coreymon77cotyrothery: plug your master back in, boot into kde, open up a konsole window07:04
ins-dragonclawtry wine --version in a konsole07:04
cotyrotherythen what07:04
coreymon77cotyrothery: and then type sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop07:04
CarinArranon32: i haven't a clue actually, i'm still using edgy, but a lot of people say feisty is more stable than edgy already07:04
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ins-dragonclawedgy's pretty darn solid, far as i'm concerned07:05
anon32CarinArr, hmm, yeah, I'd try but for the fact that the wine and tor repositories don't have feisty branches yet07:05
cotyrotheryshould i do that now07:05
Hrontoreins-dragonclaw wine ver 0.9.2207:05
coreymon77come back on irc when you are back in kde07:05
CarinArranon32: i dont use either of them so i wouldn't know;)07:05
cotyrotherywhat can i do with my slave07:05
anon32Hrontore, upgrade it :-)07:05
ins-dragonclawokay... the latest is 0.9.3207:05
anon32CarinArr, how could you live without tor? lol07:05
cotyrotherysee ya in a few07:05
anon32ins-dragonclaw, no, 0.9.3307:05
coreymon77cotyrothery: kepp it plugged in07:05
Hrontorehow upgrade?07:06
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CarinArrwill i be killed if i admit to hav eno idea what tor is07:06
anon32Hrontore, winehq.com - directions07:06
mikedomodown microsoft windows this OS is only for loosers07:06
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CarinArrapart from a nordic god;)07:06
anon32CarinArr, kind of, lol07:06
anon32mikedomo, don't troll07:06
anon32CarinArr, tor.eff.org07:06
ins-dragonclawanon32: i didn't have kubuntu on the machine i was downloading from - so i had to get the older version from the repository07:06
ins-dragonclawbut i don't use wine anyway07:06
anon32ins-dragonclaw, I don't use it for much either, but it's nice to have around07:06
=== anon32 uses Wine for Windows!
ins-dragonclawfor the odd game of solitare07:07
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ins-dragonclawI DRINK wine, but that's going offtopic :p07:07
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CarinArraha.. i don't have particular privacy issues;)07:07
mikedomois a great place to trade ideas within the users07:07
CarinArrso i think i'll just about manage without tor a while longer07:07
ins-dragonclawahh tor07:08
ins-dragonclawdeath sentence from hell for irc server admins07:08
ins-dragonclawThe Onion Ring, something like that07:08
ins-dragonclawbasically a gigantic open proxy07:08
ins-dragonclawit's anonymous and terribly unsafe07:08
anon32ins-dragonclaw, the onion router, it rules07:08
Hrontorewinehq doesnt have a dl for kubuntu, should i dl the one for ubuntu?07:08
ins-dragonclawthere we go07:08
anon32Hrontore, yeah, it's the same idea07:08
ins-dragonclawHrontore: try sudo apt-get install wine07:09
ins-dragonclawor ... upgrade wine07:09
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CarinArrso basically all the little scritp kiddies use tor to wreak havoc?07:10
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mikedomothe best ubuntu version coming soon feisty fawn 7.0407:10
ins-dragonclawthey route their warbots through it07:10
anon32CarinArr, and people in evil countries use it to browse the web07:10
ins-dragonclawlike the Sub7 tojan07:10
anon32CarinArr, it does have abuse problems though07:10
ins-dragonclawsince it makes you totally untraceable07:10
ins-dragonclawpeople use it for just about every nefarious cyber-activity07:10
anon32ins-dragonclaw, actually, tor is open for timing analysis07:10
anon32CarinArr, everybody in China uses tor, same with Saudi Arabia07:11
CarinArri haven't been involved in irc server administration for 5 years or so, and it was hell enough already;)07:11
neilhi guys, just installed kde ontop of ubuntu.. its changed konversation though. channels are now in a big panel on the left, not in a small one below where you type...07:11
neilanyone know how to change it back?07:11
ins-dragonclawno wonder we had no chinese users on our network :p07:11
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ins-dragonclawour Defender was set to disallow all TOR connections07:11
anon32ins-dragonclaw, freenode allows hostmask changes for tor users though07:11
anon32e.g., I've been here in tor before (not right now)07:12
ins-dragonclawwell, freenode is exactly that - free07:12
CarinArrneil: no idea, i don't use konversation im afraid07:12
ins-dragonclawlike the freeports07:12
ins-dragonclawall are welcome07:12
anon32neil, xchat user here :-\07:12
anon32xchat has transparency (fake though) :-)07:12
neilxchat doesnt work when I'm away at university for some reason tho :)07:12
ins-dragonclawWhat i DO need is a BNC... :/07:13
=== CarinArr whispers irssi suggestively
=== ins-dragonclaw doesn't hear a thing
ins-dragonclawmy web provider doesn't allow me to run active processes on their servers07:13
ins-dragonclawwhich really sucks07:13
anon32yeah, I never liked using terminals for anything - legibility issues07:13
anon32ins-dragonclaw, ow07:14
coreymon77i use terminals for things07:14
coreymon77not irc though07:14
ins-dragonclawwhen i FTP in to upload stuff, i even see the .bash files - but they refuse ssh connections07:14
ins-dragonclaweven though cPanel allows the service07:14
ins-dragonclawI -REALLY- wonder why07:14
CarinArrins-dragonclaw: annoying07:14
ins-dragonclawto the extreme07:14
ins-dragonclawfor me, anyway07:14
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ins-dragonclaweven the online cPanel documentation shows you how to ssh in07:15
Hrontorei hit a wall07:15
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cotyok im back07:15
ins-dragonclawHrontore: I live in that wall ;)07:15
coreymon77oh hi07:15
cotyit is installing gnome07:15
Hrontoreins-dragonclaw thank god07:15
coreymon77when it asks you to choose between kdm and gdm07:15
cotyits going to take awhile07:15
ins-dragonclawbut it's the people on the other side that you want to talk to :p07:15
Hrontorehow do i add the wine repository to my apt ?07:15
coreymon77choose kdm07:15
cotyand it going to take 600 mb07:16
ins-dragonclawdirections on their site07:16
anon32Hrontore, follow the instructions at winehq07:16
ins-dragonclawi thin07:16
anon32ins-dragonclaw, don't they have a specific page about ubuntu now?07:16
ins-dragonclawpulled that url from memory, so don't shoot me if it;s wrong07:16
ins-dragonclawthey do07:16
ins-dragonclawfor ubuntu07:16
ins-dragonclawthat's the url07:16
=== Hrontore blushes "scroll down"
cotyis it worth07:16
cotygetting ubuntu07:16
coreymon77do you want to have gnome07:16
ins-dragonclawcoty: what are you running now?07:17
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cotywell i like the look07:17
anon32ins-dragonclaw, ah, oops07:17
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ins-dragonclawanon32: no problem. lol.07:17
cotyis there anything special bout gnome07:17
ins-dragonclawnot really07:17
anon32say, are there any standard 5:4 resolutions other than 1280x1024?07:17
coreymon77not really07:17
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anon32and also, anyone recommend a good LCD? I want one that does 1600x120007:17
ins-dragonclawdefine them manually, anon3207:17
cotyso how do i end this07:17
anon32ins-dragonclaw, ok07:17
coreymon77you wanna cancel?07:17
ins-dragonclawdon't look at me, anon3207:17
anon32ins-dragonclaw, second question? ah...07:18
cotyi quit the install07:18
CarinArrdoes anyone know whether IO errors when fscking one of my partitions means my hdd is toast or if it can be rectified by formatting the partition in question?07:18
cotynot worth it07:18
ins-dragonclaw1st: define manually. 2nd: Don't ask me as i know nothing about LCDs07:18
cotyHas anyone tried edubuntu07:18
ins-dragonclawnot me07:18
cotybecause i would like to try it07:19
cotyfor school07:19
ins-dragonclawi got ubuntu and kubuntu, love kubuntu and haven't looked for a replacement yet...07:19
coreymon77coty: nope, but its useless for home computer use07:19
yorokobianon32: I can recommend a 16:9 1680x105007:19
ins-dragonclawwhat's different about it?07:19
cotyit says it can be for schools or home07:19
Hrontoreins-dragonclaw: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12550/07:19
coreymon77its education oriented07:19
coreymon77made for schools07:19
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coreymon77mostly a kids distro07:19
cotyit also says home07:19
cotyon the cover07:19
cotybut would it be a benifit to me07:20
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coreymon77whatever you want07:20
ins-dragonclawlinux for kids?07:20
coreymon77it has lots of educational programs on it07:20
anon32yorokobi, eww, 1680x1050 = crap07:20
coreymon77and other stuff like that07:20
cotyI'm home schooled07:20
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cotyI wonder if it has anything on computer programming07:21
ins-dragonclawHrontore: is that from trying apt-get install wine?07:21
coreymon77you could try it07:21
cotyconsidering im working on c++07:21
coreymon77nobodys stopping you07:21
cotyand lua07:21
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cotythen i wll do c07:21
cotythen java07:21
coreymon77but the way to do it is apt-get install edubuntu-desktop07:21
cotyand so on07:21
CarinArrcoty: errrrrr...07:21
cotyerrr what07:21
Hrontoreins-dragonclaw: well i added the repos to apt, and it did that07:21
CarinArrcoty: try doing one at the time... and ubuntu is fine for all of those, you don't need edubuntu07:22
coreymon77personally i like ku07:22
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CarinArror rather edubuntu isn't going to magically teach you how to do them07:22
CarinArrwell i meant (k)ubuntu07:22
cotyi know that07:23
ins-dragonclawHrontore: try apt-setup and apt-get update07:23
ins-dragonclawsee what it does07:23
cotyim not an idiot07:23
ins-dragonclawflood... my connection's lagging07:23
coreymon77coty: nobodys saying that07:23
CarinArrcoty: you said you were wondering if it had anything "on" programming07:23
Hrontorein the termenal?07:23
CarinArrso i was answering that07:23
cotyjust wondering07:24
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cotymaybe it has programes07:24
cotyto help you learn programming07:24
cotynot that i need it with c++07:24
cotyor lua07:24
Hrontoreins-dragonclaw: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12557/07:24
cotythere both easy so far07:24
ins-dragonclawwould SUSE packages run on Kubuntu, anyone?07:24
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cotyI dont have a burner but i would like to try other linuxs07:25
cotyhow would i go about doing so07:25
compilerwriterins-dragonclaw: I am not certain, but my gut tells me no.07:25
CarinArrins-dragonclaw: what extension are suse packages? they .rpm as well?07:25
ins-dragonclawi think so07:25
CarinArrif so, then you can try to alien them07:25
anon32CarinArr, I think suse is rpm-based07:25
=== ins-dragonclaw just got lost, congratulations
anon32so, can anyone recommend a good LCD? I want one with 1600x1200 resolution07:26
compilerwriterCarinArr Alien them?07:26
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)07:26
cotydoes anyone know how i can install other linuxs with out a burner07:26
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ins-dragonclawoh boy07:26
CarinArrheh.. relative.. what are you trying to install?07:26
ins-dragonclawi have the suse 10.1 dvd, and it has about a million packages i need, that i would otherwise download07:26
cotyi just want to explore the other linuxs07:26
cotysee what there like07:27
CarinArrah i see07:27
anon32ins-dragonclaw, don't try installing SuSE packages... not smart07:27
anon32ins-dragonclaw, get native ones07:27
cotybut i have now burner07:27
compilerwritercoty:  There are several *nix operating systems out there that have live cds.07:27
CarinArrif there's anything less than basic, or .. disjoint, there's a tendency for dependency issues when you install rpms07:27
anon32coty, I have now burner?07:27
anon32is that "I now have a burner" or "I have no burner"07:27
ins-dragonclawi have kubuntu and ubuntu cds from shipit07:27
cotyyeah the only reason i have kubuntu is because it was shiped free07:28
ins-dragonclawCarinArr: I think download would be better in either case07:28
CarinArrcommercial software is often released as rpm's only, which is why i've had the pleasure of making alien's acquaintance07:28
anon32coty, buy a DVD burner, cheap[07:28
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cotyi know07:28
cotyi will have to save up07:28
ins-dragonclawsomeone at my isp turned off port 8007:28
cotyI still have no job07:28
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cotyi turn 16 this summer07:29
ins-dragonclaw<-- 1807:29
CarinArrcoty: plenty of time then;)07:29
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neil__<-- 1907:29
CarinArr<-- old07:29
neil__wish i was 16 lol07:29
CarinArri wish i was 19, never mind 1607:29
cotynot that great07:29
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neil__How old are you then CarinArr :)07:29
neil__still 4 years to 3007:30
frojnddoes anyone know how can I set kicker, that I will be able to move windows above pannel??07:30
CarinArr3.5 but thanks07:30
cotyHey i might not be good with linux yet07:30
cotybut i can hack a psp07:30
Hrontorei messed up apt, will some on help me fix it?07:30
cotyi no every thing about the psp07:30
CarinArrcoty: install linux on it07:30
cotyi did07:30
cotywith bochs07:30
cotynot really install07:30
cotybut bochs emulates it07:31
CarinArrdoes anyone know whether IO errors when fscking one of my partitions means my hdd is toast or if it can be rectified by formatting the partition in question?07:31
CarinArr(sorry for repeating myself:) )07:31
cotyI need some good programs to install on my new kubuntu computer07:31
cotywhat should i get07:32
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Hrontoreshouuld i partition my hd and reinstall kubuntu?07:33
cotyyou know what is funny07:33
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cotyim 15 and have a site that i just started with 134 people07:33
cotyas members07:33
andres_HI can some one help me to Configure my PCI Sound card?07:33
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fyrmedicI installed fglrx and it stopped working suddenly. Any idea07:34
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cotyso does anyone know of any good programs i should get?07:34
CarinArrfyrmedic: what stopped working? fglrx? or X? or?07:35
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cotyI know what i want07:35
CarinArrcoty: well if you want to get into programming you should probably get build-essential07:35
cotybut i dont know how to get it07:35
cotyi have that07:35
cotywhat i really wnat is beryl07:35
cotybut i dont know were to download it07:36
cotyanyone know07:36
fyrmedicCarinArr: I am not able to use OpenGL and it says that the Mesa Drivers are still there. It worked fine then disappeared while I was installing something else, but I don't remember what.07:36
CarinArrcoty: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu07:36
compilerwriter alkdjf07:36
cotywill that be a direct download07:37
CarinArrcoty: read the wiki;)07:37
cotyoh ok07:37
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CarinArrfyrmedic: don't know much about ati i'm afraid so probably can't help07:37
ins-dragonclawPatience is the greatest virtue not known to Man07:37
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fyrmedicthanks anyway07:38
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jhutchinsins-dragonclaw: Tell that to my horse.07:39
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cotyI still can not beleive i got kubuntu working after 3 weeks07:39
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=== ins-dragonclaw tells it to his horse
ins-dragonclawcoty: took me about 30 minutes ;)07:39
cotyI had to wipe out windows to get ti to work07:39
cotyi was trying to get it to work on slave07:39
cotybut then i finally relized it needed to be on master07:40
ins-dragonclawokay, this is getting annoying07:40
cotybecause kubuntu desevers respect07:40
CarinArri still can't believe i'm having harddrive issues with a 1400 quid laptop that i've had for less than two weeks07:40
ins-dragonclawOOo's Writer sucks when it comes to HTML07:40
ins-dragonclawbluefish won't install - nvu won't install07:40
Hrontoreins-dragonclaw, im backing up my files and i'm preping to reinstall, can any one here help my fix apt07:40
ins-dragonclawquanta needs like 30 additional packages to work07:40
ins-dragonclawand FP won't work because it needs IE5, which won't install07:40
Hrontorebut quanta is good07:41
ins-dragonclawit's at about this time that i wish i knew html coding by hand :(07:41
ins-dragonclawkate would be great (no pun intended) but i suck at text-only webdesign07:41
cotyis there away to upgrade to 6.10 without having the cd07:41
ins-dragonclawcoty - yes07:41
ins-dragonclawbut i don't know how... lol07:41
lifeI installed kubuntu a few years ago, now I use almost purely the gnome desktop, is it wise to uninstall all the KDE programms?07:42
ins-dragonclawbut i don't know how... lol07:42
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ins-dragonclawlife - only if you don't need them07:42
lifeI don't :)07:42
cotyi want the new one07:42
ins-dragonclawwell then, backup and fire away07:42
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ins-dragonclawTest edgy->feisty upgrade https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDistUpgrade07:43
ins-dragonclawit's in the channel topic, coty07:43
ins-dragonclawyou should really spend more time reading07:43
ubuntuHi there07:43
ins-dragonclawreading is very good for you07:43
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ins-dragonclawtraitor!!! lol07:43
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ins-dragonclawcourse, i'm a little biased - i write as a hobby ^^07:44
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lifeins-dragonclaw, I supposedly uninstalled the kubuntu-desktop but no programms were uninstalled.07:44
Daisuke_Idokubuntu-desktop is just a meta-package07:44
ins-dragonclawUbuntu: "Kubuntu, I Am Your Father" ... I can just picture that XD07:44
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Hrontoredoes edgy mean=unstable?07:44
ins-dragonclawi'm on edgy07:44
ins-dragonclawpretty darn stable07:45
Daisuke_Idono, Windows = unstable07:45
lifeDaisuke_Ido, that's what they told me. What do I have to do to remove all the kde programms?07:45
=== ins-dragonclaw stomps the floor to prove his point, and his foot disappears into a big, black hole in the floor
Daisuke_Idoremove the ones you're sure you don't need one by one07:45
ins-dragonclawonly real issue i had was with my media players - kaffeine and amarok07:45
Hrontorei hate those any way07:45
phyerbosshey ins-dragonclaw im back07:45
Daisuke_Idothere's probably a better way07:45
ins-dragonclawwelcome back, phyerboss07:46
Daisuke_Idohate amarok?  that's inhuman!07:46
ins-dragonclaw*Darth Vader voice* "I've been ... expecting you..."07:46
Daisuke_Idookay, that's fair enough07:46
ins-dragonclawkaffeine = my movie collection07:46
lifeDaisuke_Ido, okayz I'll uninstall one by one then07:46
CarinArri had to remove the kaffeine icon from my desktop cause it was just too ugly07:47
ins-dragonclawsudo rmdir /boot/07:47
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ins-dragonclawCarinArr: I like it07:47
ins-dragonclawthe coffee bean reminds me of my morning ritual :D07:47
Hrontoremy second cup awaits07:47
CarinArrdoesn't really look like an actual coffee bean tho07:47
ins-dragonclawkaffeine helps ;)07:47
CarinArrby now i need a cup too07:47
ins-dragonclawno, looks more like a coin with a slot07:47
=== Hrontore scurrys off in pursuit of happyness
ins-dragonclawor a brown headache tablet07:48
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Hrontoreyou mean chocolot coverd coffe beans07:48
ins-dragonclawwell, on my machine it's a little blue gear, so that's ok :)07:48
phyerbossaw man!...hey dragonclaw, I cant PM you, even though I registered its back to blocking me07:49
Daisuke_Idommm...  chocolate covered espresso beans...07:49
Daisuke_Idophyerboss:  did you identify?07:49
Daisuke_Idophyerboss: /msg nickserv identify <password>07:49
cotyim having another problem07:50
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cotysame thing happened yesterday07:50
cotyi can open adept07:50
cotyThe APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem.07:50
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phyerbossok, thanks Daisuke!07:50
Daisuke_Idocoty: sudo apt-get update07:51
Daisuke_Idothey don't let you know you have to be superuser to do that :\07:51
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cotyE: Malformed line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist)07:51
cotyI am the admin of this computer07:51
CarinArr!sourceomatic | coty07:52
ubotucoty: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic07:52
cotythis happened to me yesterday07:52
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cotyits driving me crazy07:53
cotywhy does it keep doing this07:53
phyerbossi have a question that i was gonna shoot at dragonclaw if anyone wants a stab at it;)07:53
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phyerbosswhat codecs & plugins do you all have installed for playback of mpeg, mp3 and wma files?07:54
cotywhat do i do once i regenerate my source.list07:55
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phyerbosswhen i was on indows, i could listen to music and watch movies through my network...you know, like wath a movie downstairs thats sitting on a hard drive upstairs on this pc07:55
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abaldwinI stopped in hoping someone could assist me briefly with a monitor issue07:56
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phyerbosswell, i noticed since i changed to linux, i can get into my network neighborhood folders but i cannot playback any music or mpegs07:56
jack_does anybody have an academic tux, with a dr hat or sth similar??07:56
jack_cannot find that07:56
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jack_doctor hat i mena07:57
phyerbossabaldwin: whats going on with your monitor?07:57
abaldwinI just bought an Acer X171, 17in flat screen LCD, and, upon rebooting, after all the text stuff, once X starts, the monitor goes blank except for a input not supported msg07:57
atphalixred hat certificate?07:57
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abaldwinI kind of expected Kubuntu to auto detect the monitor or something, like Kudzu doesn in fedora (my previous distro)07:57
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phyerbosswelcome back dragonclaw07:57
ins-dragonclawmaybe X picked iy up wrong07:57
ins-dragonclawthanks, phyerboss07:57
ins-dragonclawit* ^x207:58
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abaldwinI went into xorg.conf, and there had been no changes at all made, it was still configured for this monitor (an ancient generic Cybervision monitor)07:58
embrapachijin: thanks07:58
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ins-dragonclawSuSE autodetected my monitor ... and when i rebooted to start it my screen gave (Frequency out of range)07:58
abaldwinIm unsure how to configure X for the new monitor07:58
phyerbossim still new to linux and so far each distro i tried worked fine with my monitor...just not the chipset;)07:58
ubotuwiki is http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Loads of user-contributed documentation07:59
ins-dragonclawstart there, abaldwin07:59
phyerbossso in your case, that might need the tender loving care of someone higher leveled07:59
ins-dragonclawmaybe someone's come across your problem before07:59
abaldwinone the kubu list, some folks had recommended an Acer when I asked about upgrading my monitor, so I did not anticipate any issues, unfortunately07:59
abaldwinIll check out the wiki07:59
ins-dragonclawmy desktop is pretty08:00
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ins-dragonclawa screenshot of the KMatrix3D screensaver08:00
abaldwina search on the wiki for Acer monitor gives no results08:00
abaldwinIll visit Tio Google08:00
ins-dragonclawwhat distro do you have?08:01
ins-dragonclawagh i mean version08:01
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embrapasomeone recomends me a software to install in kubuntu ?08:01
yuansorry can someone give me a portuguese room08:01
yuancmo posso instalar08:02
cotywhat do i do with the generated copy of source.list08:02
yuanja fix download08:02
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abaldwintambm falo portugus08:02
embrapado q08:02
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yuanmais agora para funcionar08:02
yuankais sao os passos08:02
embrapatem brasileiros ak08:02
abaldwinjust for clarification,this is on Dapper, not that I expect that makes much of a difference08:02
yuanou comandos08:02
embrapaoque vc baixou ?08:03
binks_hi can i just say my linux find of the day is kmediastudio for dvd authing its great08:03
abaldwinsou americano, mais, falo portugus (minha mulher  brasileira, e eu sou tradutor)08:03
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yuane o seguinte08:03
yuaneu instalei o linux08:03
abaldwindoes anyone here have the same monitor?08:03
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yuanso k o nao tava cmpleto e baxei todo08:03
yuanmp3 player08:03
binks_abaldwin: what error you getting with your monitor08:04
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yuanmuitas coisas08:04
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yuanno gerenciador adept08:04
abaldwinbinks:  it just says input not supported, there are two vga chords inthe box, too, and I tried both with the same result (they appear to be slightly different)08:04
embrapaja vem quase tudo instalado08:05
abaldwinit shows everything through the text portion of boot, it just goes blank and gives the message when X starts08:05
embrapayuan: qual pograma vc quer especificamente ?08:05
yuanmais o mp308:05
abaldwinyuan, o que  o problema que tem?08:05
yuanleitor de mp308:05
yuannao le mp3 so audio08:05
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binks_ok its to do with the refresh rate i think can you see the interweb on something else08:06
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ins-dragonclawexactly what language is that anyway?08:06
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abaldwinah, vc tem que baixar os libs para mp3, o que no esto instalado iniciamente, tem que adicionar os repos para universe ou multiverse08:06
cotywhat do i do with the sources.list?08:07
abaldwinI couldnt find in Xorg.conf anything about refresh rates, only possible resolutions08:07
yuanixo do gerenciador adept08:07
binks_i do with i went to language classes at school08:07
embrapayuan: sudo aptitude install libxine-extracodecs08:07
cotyis there a place i save it08:07
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binks_ok what graphics card you got08:08
embrapayuan: ou vc baixa o pacote no site e executa sudo dpkg -i file.deb08:08
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binks_is portugese not like spanish or do you guys hate each other like us english hate the french08:09
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embrapawhat binks_?08:10
dromerhi all, Im still having trouble with automount, no usb-drives are mounted when plugged in08:10
abaldwindo you suppose if I simply run dpkg-reconfigure xerver-xorg I should be able to get it going?08:10
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binks_i thought the language was alike spanish and porugese08:10
binks_abaldwin: thats a good start08:11
binks_but spell it correct08:11
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jhutchinsbinks_: Kinda like french vs. english, there are shared words and such, but the languages are distinct.  More different than say German and Dutch or Norwegian.08:12
embrapayuan: esperto ter ajudado08:12
binks_embrapa: is the languages the same nearly spanish and portugese08:12
embrapayuan: ate mais08:12
BluesKajabaldwin, you may but it does depend on the graphics card drivers it seems , even if you choose a particlar setting it may not hold.08:12
embrapabinks_: its diferent08:12
piotrekmoe mi kto powiedzie, gdzie ja sie znalazem?08:12
binks_embrapa: arr ok sorry i dont no portugese08:12
abaldwinspanish and portuguese are very similar, I speak both, and french, too08:12
yuanya vou tentar08:12
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yuanthankx  embrapa08:13
binks_i speak english and scottish08:13
jhutchins!pl piotrek08:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pl piotrek - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:13
yuano problema e k ja vex download08:13
embrapabinks_: i can teach another time :D08:13
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binks_embrapa: :)08:13
jhutchins!pl | piotrek08:13
ubotupiotrek: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl08:13
dwidmannWhat was that page to report problems with the new dist-upgrade tool again?08:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dns - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:13
BluesKaj<---English, some french and a bit of swedish08:13
yuane nao cnxigo por a funcionar ou melhor ativar08:13
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots08:13
yuanno gerenciador adept08:14
embrapayuan: eu tava com o mesmo problema seu08:14
jhutchinsdwidmann: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuEdgyKnownProblems08:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:14
piotreksomebody speaks polish here?08:14
embrapayuan: eu so conseguir resolver rodando akele combando depoiis de baixar o extracodecs08:14
yuane k fizeste08:14
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter08:14
jhutchinsdwidmann: Stupid mouse.  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDistUpgrade08:14
binks_anyone no if there is a similar game to sims on linux for the kids to play08:14
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embrapayuan: http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/08:14
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl08:14
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse08:15
cotyit wont let me overwright the sources.list08:15
embrapayuan: la tem tudo...falow08:15
dwidmannjhutchins:  no no no, that's not it .... I'm dealing with a different beast, feisty ... seems the new dist-upgrade tool didn't configure all of the packages before it cleaned up and rebooted o.O08:15
ins-dragonclawcoty - prefix everything with sudo08:15
binks_coty sudo08:15
ins-dragonclawsudo kill -9 coty08:15
dromercoty: are you sudo?08:15
dwidmannI just chrooted in and decided to play with apt and see what happened, seeing as it's giving m e a kernel panic ...08:15
jhutchinsdwidmann: It's on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDistUpgrade08:15
ins-dragonclawno, coty is coty08:15
jhutchinsdwidmann: Also see #ubuntu+108:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about simms - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:15
dwidmannlo and behold -08:15
dwidmannErrors were encountered while processing:08:15
dwidmann linux-image-2.6.20-13-generic08:15
dwidmann konq-kim08:15
dwidmann linux-image-generic08:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sims - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:15
dwidmannthere's my kernel panic on line 408:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about umount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:16
binks_arr well08:16
cotywhat do i put in08:16
dwidmann#ubuntu+1 is about as lively as a basement08:16
cotysudo what08:16
=== ins-dragonclaw smacks ubotu
dromeranybody here with automount experience? (eg: fixing it :/ )08:16
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ins-dragonclawsudo <the rest of the command>08:16
binks_sudo kate then nav to sources.list08:16
strog_hi peeps08:16
strog_wanted to know how to get the matrix screensaver for ubuntu08:16
strog_it is usually installed normally in debian08:17
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cotywhat command08:17
cotycould someone wright it out08:17
cotysudo what08:17
cotyi know sudo08:17
cotybut what after it08:17
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dromercoty: after sudo, do the normal command to edit /etc/apt/sources.list08:18
cotyi did08:18
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dromerwhich is ..08:18
cotyit gave an error08:18
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BluesKajcoty, sudo kate  /etc/apt/sources.list08:18
dromerwhat do you type and what is the error? (no flooding!)08:18
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ins-dragonclawsudo kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list08:18
binks_sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list08:18
ins-dragonclawor kdesu if you're a purist08:19
binks_sudo vi  /etc/apt/sources.list08:19
ins-dragonclawor sudo vi if you're suicidal08:19
binks_vi is loverly but maybe not for him/her08:19
BluesKajkdesu in the runbox08:19
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ins-dragonclawi hope08:20
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ins-dragonclawi only use vi if i need to read a file in a hurry08:20
ins-dragonclawi used nano for editing once, but i prefer kate08:20
strog_vi is sweeeet08:21
dromerins-dragonclaw: wather have vim :P08:21
cotyi just relized that everything is installed on my computer08:21
SlackRatevening folks......my adept notification doesnt run and im wondering what command i need to restart it so i get a notification in the taskbar...............08:21
ins-dragonclawi should learn it at some point08:21
BluesKajkate works , most of the time ...sometimes it takes 3 trys ...dunno why but it does :(08:21
ins-dragonclawworks flawlessly for me08:21
ins-dragonclawwhat i love most is the session feature08:21
ins-dragonclawfor every multi-chapter story i have, i have a session file for it08:21
Remo_Ahi all, I can't find the kfontview in all the official Edgy Eft repos, what happend to that package?08:22
ins-dragonclawreduces the scatter-brain factor08:22
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SlackRatdragonclaw, theres a vimtutor in vim, for guided lessons08:22
dromerso, does nobody know how to 'activate' (not working atm) automount?08:22
BluesKajwell bully for you ins-dragonclaw , perhaps you suggest to me why mine doesn't :)?08:22
ins-dragonclawwell ... >.> i don't want to go there...08:22
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binks_BluesKaj: now now08:22
strog_wanted to know how to get the matrix screensaver08:22
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about screensaver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:23
BluesKajhow now, binks_ :)08:23
binks_!screen saver08:23
ins-dragonclawstrog_: lol08:23
ubotuscreen: a terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.2-4.1ubuntu5.6.10 (edgy), package size 570 kB, installed size 976 kB08:23
SlackRatanyone know the command, something like adept_notifier that will get the notification icon to show up when there are updates? google is useless on the point08:23
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ins-dragonclawthe kmatrix3d is somewhere at kde-look.org08:23
ins-dragonclawi thin08:23
Remo_Aah, I get it08:24
ins-dragonclawgoogle knows my name ... O.o908:24
SlackRatbleh, google has my name for twenty three pages.................i hate celebrity.... :-P08:24
Remo_Ains-dragonclaw: if I google my name, my homepage is the first entry :)08:25
inteliwaspis there a page that has changelogs for updates released in the repositories?08:25
ins-dragonclawmy website is mine08:25
binks_dont even try binks in google lol08:25
ins-dragonclawthen a bunch of forum posts08:25
SlackRatadept doesnt even have a man page? bleh08:26
Remo_ASlackRat: what for?08:26
SlackRatfor information?08:26
Remo_Awhat do you want to achieve?08:27
SlackRatlike getting my icon to show up again, when there are updates?08:27
ins-dragonclawins-dragonclaw@Draken:~$ man adept08:27
ins-dragonclawNo manual entry for adept08:27
SlackRatadept is the wallmart version of synaptic......heh08:27
Remo_ASlackRat: adept is just a bit more than an interface08:27
Remo_Afor apt-get08:27
ins-dragonclawi use apt-get08:27
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ins-dragonclawand aptitiude, sometimes08:27
SlackRatbarely a bit more08:27
ins-dragonclawadept keeps crashing on me =(08:27
binks_i only use adept if i dont no name of package08:27
SlackRatins-dragonclaw: kick it to death08:28
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SlackRati only use the new update icon...which doesnt show up anymore08:28
yuank faco agora para faxer download08:28
yuanja tou no site08:28
Remo_AI don't no a lot, most of the time I yes around08:28
SlackRatand theres a simple two or three word command to restart it, which i forgot08:28
yuan do k eu kixer08:28
=== Maksuf [n=Max@c-71-195-61-239.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
SlackRatwhich would be on a man page, if adept had one08:28
ins-dragonclaw!adept crash fix08:29
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 08:29
ins-dragonclawubotu actually knows this.. O.o08:29
dromerok, I'm trying to configure myth-tv, but I can't make a mysql database, when doing $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure --force mythtv-database  I don't know what account/pw to enter (to make the database)08:29
SlackRatit isnt crashed, it just lost its update notification.........its running otherwise, but never told me there were 24 upgrades08:29
Remo_Ahow slow can a server be: http://cg.scs.carleton.ca/~luc/freefonts3.html08:30
ins-dragonclawRemo_A: standstill slow08:30
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ins-dragonclawwhile connecting08:30
Remo_An1 *g08:30
Remo_Ait's a very bad moment, see, that page contains links to fonts, and I'm looking for a font starting with Z08:30
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Remo_Aso the page is at roughly 12% and still at the letter B...08:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about myth - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:31
ubotuMythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV08:31
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SlackRata slow server is gods way of saying you should make a cup of coffee08:31
binks_SlackRat: mines tea no sugar plz08:32
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richbHey all.08:32
binks_david: hi m808:32
Remo_ASlackRat: that would explain the huge profit of coffee producers08:32
SlackRatamong other things, lol08:33
binks_Remo_A: you sugesting coffe omps slowing servers down08:33
Remo_Abinks_: someone's always the bad guys08:34
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binks_looooooool righty need to get kids in bath then gonna watch smokin aces later all08:35
Remo_Ain the end hi wins with a full house08:35
ins-dragonclawRemo_A: true08:35
binks_kids not watchin smokin aces btw08:35
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ins-dragonclawbut M$ is selfish in this regards08:35
Remo_Ajust kidding, haven't seen the movie08:36
ins-dragonclawthey always take the badguy role :|08:36
yuanalguem da me a sala ubuntu da lingua portuguesa plz08:36
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.08:36
Remo_Awhile I'm waiting, has anyone got SheerBeauty.ttf? :)08:36
ins-dragonclawnot mee... *hides*08:37
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=== Remo_A is ripping the font out of ins-dragonclaws claws
=== BluesKaj has perogies in sour cream for lunch
Remo_A"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"... they should use something new there, like:" if you read this, you're stupid"08:39
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SlackRatthey use that for a reason08:40
ins-dragonclawthat line has all 26 letters in the alphabet08:40
ins-dragonclawgo on, count them :)08:40
jhutchinsBluesKaj: Ooh!  Sounds good!08:40
Remo_Aso it's an acronym for abcdef...xyz? nice!08:40
ins-dragonclawone that's nicer to read, too08:41
jhutchinsor qwertyuiop...08:41
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BluesKajgeez, sorry jhutchins, all gone :)08:41
SlackRatthere is no acronym for the alphabet, an acronoym would be letters standing for words...... :-P08:41
ubuntu_hello all08:41
SlackRatits an anagram of the alphabet08:41
jhutchinsBluesKaj: That's ok, I can put perogies on the shopping list.08:41
ins-dragonclawthat's the word08:42
ubuntu_Can someone help me?08:42
jhutchinsSlackRat: The abc's is  an acronym for the alphabet.08:42
Remo_Ains-dragonclaw: I like the image of a fox jumping over a dog, guess he doesn't know that he's the star on every computer ;)08:42
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jhutchinsFoxhunting persists in the language.08:43
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ins-dragonclawThe quick green Konqui jumps over the lazy Microsoft ... no, that doesn't work :\08:43
SlackRati dont see this simple command anywhere....bleh08:44
Remo_AI wrote acronym to find out, how many people already fell asleep in here.08:44
BluesKaji heard it mentioned that the phrse also has an even number of consonants vs vowels ...dunno for sure din't count 'em08:44
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harmentalhas anyone experiendo low speed problems with Feisty Beta....or its just that my proc is damn hot?08:46
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everblewhats up peeps?  Can anyone tell how to update the kernel or is it done automatically?08:47
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jhutchinsharmental: Dunno, this is still Edgy here.  You want #ubuntu+108:48
dwidmannins-dragonclaw: well, konqui could jump over the lazy window?08:48
ins-dragonclawno not that. that line doesn't have all 26 letters08:48
jhutchinsBluesKaj: Think about it. 7.5 vowels, 26 letters.  The rest must be consonnants.08:48
ins-dragonclawI need a D08:49
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SlackRatbleh, the fan on this PSU is going, time to shut down and move to laptop......btw, the command was adept_notifier......in case your adept stops telling you about updates, heh08:49
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Bageti have problem with V4L08:49
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Bagetcan someone help me?08:49
everbleCan anyone tell how to update the kernel or is it done automatically?08:49
ins-dragonclawjhutchins: hth do you get .5 vowels?08:50
SlackRatlater peeps08:50
gdiebelBaget: ask the question, do not ask to ask a question08:50
Bageti'm using RivaTV driver in whice application can i test the Video In?08:50
gdiebeleverble: automatically when using apt08:50
everblegdiebel, how do i know what version i have?08:51
gdiebelBaget: sudo apt-get install kdetv08:51
gdiebeleverble: uname -a08:52
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everblegdiebel, thanks.  The kernel version is now 2.6.20.  I have 2.6.17.  How do i update the kernel?08:53
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RavenTuxeverble: you could try here works for me http://timia.net/agios/index.php?page=UbuntuKernel08:55
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gdiebeleverble: if you are using edgy 2.6.17 is the latest available08:55
RavenTuxLinux kubuntu 2.6.21-rc4 #1 SMP Thu Mar 22 16:49:10 EDT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux08:55
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dwidmannOkay, this is cute. Anyone around know much about working in a chroot? I can't get DNS resolution working (I only need it for a few minutes), but letsay, I ping it'll work fine ...08:56
raffytaffyuname[Linux Equinox #1 Wed Mar 21 13:28:59 EDT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux] 08:56
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raffytaffyRavenTux: how is the vmi and kvm working on that one08:56
eilkerdo we have alternative of  " ntpdate " package ?08:56
gdiebelupgrading your kernel to a more recent one than your distro distributes is not wise unless you _really_ know what you are doing08:57
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=== raffytaffy has been doin that for quite some time :P
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RavenTuxraffytaffy: Don't know I don't use them08:57
raffytaffyand btw gdiebel: the standard buntu kernels drag and lag real bad on this laptop08:57
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dwidmannalright, can someone here with a functional system run "dpkg -S resolv.conf" and tell me what package has it?08:59
RavenTuxbbl ... putting the beta version on this computer08:59
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richbdwidmann: it will be part of base probably.08:59
dwidmannI don't want a probably though, I want an answer :\08:59
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firecrotchdwidmann: Just returns the location of the manpage for it for me09:00
gdiebelit is part of base09:00
richbworking DNS normally is.09:00
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richbjut do:nameserver someip > /etc/resolv.conf09:00
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raffytaffygdiebel: if one dosent break a few things along the way..how is one to learn?09:01
firecrotchhi fernando_09:01
dwidmannI'm wondering because the file doesn't exist, I'm working with a somewhat broken setup :\09:01
fernando_i'm new in linux09:02
richbdwidmann:  create it and see if it works.09:02
fernando_and i'm trying to configure the printer09:02
fernando_is hp 690c09:02
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fernando_how i must do?09:02
gdiebelraffytaffy: I agree mostly (i used to use gentoo) but most people do not want to break things, they just have a misunderstanding that getting the latest kernel will make the system work a lot faster. that is not usually the cas09:02
fernando_any link to help me?09:03
raffytaffyit is for me actually gdiebel09:03
raffytaffyi have to adjust alot of the settings to get the most out of this laptop09:04
gdiebelraffytaffy: such as?09:04
dwidmannrichb, seems it does exist now that I played with something else, but still isn't working properly :\09:04
dwidmann(it's a linked file within a chroot at the moment)09:05
raffytaffytiming to 1000 / pick pentium M/ get rid of all the stuff i dont need / set to high mem09:05
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raffytaffystuf like that09:05
richbdwidmann: does it have the IP's of your nameservers?09:05
BluesKajfernando, sys/settings/printers.. run the add printer wizard09:05
raffytaffyturn of smp09:05
fernando_okk, thanks09:05
richbdwidmann: it should be:nameserver ip09:05
dwidmannthe host and dig commmands still fail me though, so something's obviously astray09:05
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dwidmannricbh, yeah, nameserver
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raffytaffyi use cfq scheduler instead of the default one09:07
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dwidmannlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 2007-03-28 00:14 resolv.conf -> /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf09:07
ins-dragonclawthis is cool09:07
ins-dragonclawtelnet integrated into konsole09:07
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richband you can ping but not resolve, yep?09:08
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richbdwidmann: your not firewalled or anything like that?09:09
dwidmannnah, it's working fine in the live environment, just not in the chroot, otherwise we wouldn't be talking right now09:09
richbhmm, to be hones I have to return ENOCLUE then.09:09
dwidmannafter some fuxing around, I've done it, I deleted /etc/resolvconf/run, mkdired it, and remade the run/resolv.conf file09:10
richbAll's well that ends well then.09:10
dwidmannNow just to get this majorly broken feisty install into working order :)09:11
dwidmannLooks like a 40mb download or so09:11
richbI am just going to go install Kubuntu for the first time.09:11
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anon32say, the release of openoffice.org 2.2 is gonna happen pretty soon, there any plans to include it in feisty? or are we gonna get the short end again?09:12
dwidmannand after I get this thing going  again I guess I have a bug to report against that new dist-upgrade tool eh?09:12
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gdiebelrichb: you mean as opposed to using ubuntu as install?09:12
richbgdiebel: Ahh this box is FreebSD stable atm.09:13
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iltomeehi, plz tell me the bash command to get argument number 2, but not the $2 way. Googled it, but cannot find it09:14
richbI need more green tea first though.09:14
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iltomeethere is argv something09:14
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richbRight, have tea going to go install, bbiab.09:16
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iltomeeHow can i get argument number2 in a bash script? I know... $2, but there also is another command like, argv[2] , or something09:17
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gdiebeliltomee: thought argv was just for awk09:18
billyhelp! i'm at my wits end.  I've spent like 4 hours trying to get a DVD to play in kubuntu, installed various css libraries and players, nothing works! has anyone ever successfully played a DVD in kubuntu? is it possible?09:19
markelhashi, i need help to reset my screen config, i've boot my kubuntu but now i've big letters and can't recive it09:19
dwidmannI've successfully played plenty billy09:19
billyhow do you do it?09:19
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iltomeegdiebel: there is a command like that for bash i think... anyways i have indeffinit number of arguments, how do i get them then?09:19
markelhassomething is wrong maybe with my graphical drivers09:20
markelhascan any one help me to restore them!?09:20
billyi've tried installing libdvdcss2 and libdvdread3, i still get the same error from kaffiene09:20
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages09:20
dwidmannHmm, from caffeine eh?09:20
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ins-dragonclawcaffeine is good for you ... XD09:21
markelhashow can't i restore my screen setting!? anyone!?09:21
dwidmanncaffeine ... how would I live without it ins-dragonclaw?09:21
ins-dragonclawyou DO know that tea has more caffeine than coffee, right? :D09:21
dwidmannbilly, have you tried playing it with a different player? Perhaps vlc, or mplayer?09:21
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dwidmannins-dragonclaw: oh goody, because I drink more tea than [insert other caffeinated beverage here] 09:22
billyi've already tried doing what those pages say. after installing libdvdread3 the script mentioned on that page (/usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh) does not exist.  the directory doesn't even exist09:22
dwidmanncoffee upsets my stomach :(09:22
markelhashow can't i restore my screen setting!? anyone!?09:22
dwidmann(at least in the amounts I knock it back in)09:22
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billyi've tried "Movie Player" and "gxine" and those don't work either :(09:23
ins-dragonclawdwidmann: [ Red Bull ] 09:23
anon32billy, http://download.videolan.org/pub/libdvdcss/1.2.9/deb/libdvdcss2_1.2.9-1_i386.deb09:23
ins-dragonclawsince you wanted an answer :)09:23
markelhashow can i now witch graphical card i have in kubuntu?09:23
billyi will try mplayer now09:23
dwidmannI'd rather drink my own vomit than red bull. Red bull disgusts me.09:23
The_Machinedwidmann: heh09:23
=== ins-dragonclaw turns green
anon32markelhas, the device list.....09:23
The_Machinethat's pretty gross.09:23
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markelhasanon32: how!09:24
ins-dragonclawbut at least your vomit is safe\09:24
anon32markelhas, or, just open up your own box and take a look - what a thought?09:24
ins-dragonclawi mean, it's been cleaned and processed already :)09:24
dwidmannat least I didn't say I would drink YOUR vomit09:24
=== anon32 doesn't understand how people don't know what hardware they have - WTF?
ins-dragonclawmine's clean too... but that's somewhere we shouldn't go09:24
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ins-dragonclawwe're techsupport, not medical support...09:24
ins-dragonclawor mental support but ANYWAY09:24
ins-dragonclawmoving on09:24
markelhasanon32: hummm, i know it a nvidia on board, but i need to know witch one09:24
dwidmannbilly, run "dpkg -l | grep dvdcss"09:25
markelhasanon32: can i checek it via console!09:25
gdiebelmarkelhas: try 'lspci'09:25
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anon32markelhas, why exactly? if it's for driver issues, <5000 = legacy, 5000+ = current09:25
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markelhasanon32: my screen setting are totaly crazy big big09:25
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anon32markelhas, ah09:26
markelhasanon32: less resolusion that i can have09:26
billydwidmann ii  libdvdcss2                                 1.2.9-2medibuntu2+build109:26
markelhasanon32: i boot my kubuntu and then pufff09:26
dwidmannAh, yep, it's installed fine then09:26
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aaroncampbellWhere exactly can I check to see if my card is supported by nvidia-glx?09:27
The_MachineI can't delete from or write to an external USB HDD i have plugged into my kubuntu box.  Little help?09:27
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dwidmannbilly, try to play back a dvd with a different player, like ogle, mplayer, vlc ....etc09:27
markelhasanon32: now i can't change it, because the max value is to low...09:27
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markelhasanon32: i think its a driver problem09:27
dwidmannaaroncampbell: the nvidia website09:27
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eagles0513875hey guys09:27
dwidmannaaroncampbell: which driver were you using with it again? You said you have an 8800 right? bleeeeeddddddding edge stuff ... I'm not sure how well it's supported09:28
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anon32markelhas, get the new driver?09:28
markelhasanon32: i don't now how09:28
anon32markelhas, nvidia.com09:28
ins-dragonclawThe file upload process has failed. Please try again. If the error repeats, please email the file in question to site support.09:28
ins-dragonclawError Message: We have detected a virus in the file you are attempting to upload. Please upgrade your security software and perform a system scan as soon as possible.09:28
ins-dragonclawWTF IS THAT09:28
aaroncampbell8800gts and I have Version: 1.0.9755+
markelhasanon32: hummm nop09:28
billydwidmann mplayer doesn't work : Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.09:28
aaroncampbelldwidmann: that was for you...sorry09:29
dwidmannbilly, try using "-vo xv" switch on the command line when running mplayer09:29
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markelhasanon32: but i going to check it, think not windozzzz, new driver and set to go09:29
dwidmannany rate, I'm going to reboot and hope I've fixed my feisty issues ...09:29
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anon32markelhas, you know, nvidia.com has linux drivers09:29
eagles0513875woot i just repartitioned my entire hard drive with swap and this partition lol09:29
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eagles0513875no more windows09:30
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phyerbosshey, there seems to be an issue getting flash and java to install in kubuntu09:30
phyerbossanyone else having this issue?09:30
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phyerbossi tried adept get, going through the browser's updaters and the sites...i cannot get flash or java to install whatsoever09:30
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anon32guys, wish me luck - I'm gonna try a feisty dist-upgrade :-)09:31
groogs[h] phyerboss: i used automatix, it was quite simple09:31
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billydwidmann how do i play a dvd from the command line with mplayer?09:31
dwidmannmplayer -vo xv dvd://09:31
phyerbossis that really safe to use?...I thought it screwed up systems and made it hard to update your system?09:31
The_MachineWhen i try to delete something on the External USB HDD it says:  cannot remove `file': Read-only file system09:32
The_Machinehow do i make the file system not read only?09:32
groogs[h] anyone have a recommendation on a way to browse ssh (fish:// urls) with a tree view? Konqurer can browse them, but the tree view doesn't update to show the remote system09:32
ubuntu_hey guys is that possible to install kubuntu in a pc with windows and only one hd ?09:32
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The_Machineubuntu - sure09:32
The_Machinejust partition it out09:32
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Rdw-BRi tryied to do it with the liveCD09:32
The_Machineso you have a Windows partition, linux partition, swap partitions..09:32
Rdw-BRactually using it right now09:32
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Rdw-BRbut i cant resize windows partition by the cd09:33
billyhey, dwidmann, it worked!!!!!09:33
phyerbosscome think of it, how do i even install software thats outside of the adept manager listings09:33
Rdw-BRThe_Machine: do you have any idea09:33
The_Machinecan you start over / format?09:33
The_Machineif so, create two partitions, one ext3, one swap09:34
The_Machineleave the rest open09:34
Rdw-BRDidnt want format... wanted to resize the partition... =/09:34
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The_Machineuse partition magic or the OS equivalent09:34
The_Machinenot sure what that would be09:34
Rdw-BRProlly partition magic, using winxp09:34
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The_Machineyou could type "partition magic linux" into google09:35
groogs[h] i think the installer will actually let you resize it09:35
aaroncampbellI have a strange problem.  In Firefox, I can get ubuntuforums.org, but not google.com.  However, in konqueror I can get both.09:35
The_Machinesee what comes up09:35
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groogs[h] but if you're using NTFS, i dunno if i would trust it, the ntfs write drivers are still somewhat experimental afaik09:35
Rdw-BRThe_Machine: hehe prolly someone telling me to buy partition magic and stuff... guess im gonna get an old hd here and try install it09:35
The_Machinethey'r eactually pretty good09:35
The_MachineRdw-BR: you don't have to buy partition magic09:36
The_Machinethere are Open equivalents09:36
miguelhi...i just installed feisty but there is something wrong with my konqueror...something like "could not connect to host"09:36
The_Machinei'm sure there are.09:36
Rdw-BRThe_Machine: gonna check it out...09:36
phyerbossanyone else in regards to getting flash and java to install?09:36
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ins-dragonclawhello phyerboss09:37
ins-dragonclawwe keep missing eachother ... lol09:37
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phyerbossi went downstairs to cook something09:37
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Rdw-BRThe_Machine: thanks for the help, gonna check it out09:37
Rdw-BRcya later09:37
ins-dragonclawooh nice09:37
ins-dragonclawme <3 food... :P09:38
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aaroncampbellis this the list of the cards that nvidia-glx supports: http://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_18897.html (clicked "supported products" on http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_1.0-9755.html )09:38
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anon32anyone here using feisty?09:39
ins-dragonclawdoes ANYONE know any good .rtf editors apart from OOo ?09:39
anon32aaroncampbell, any issues?09:39
anon32ins-dragonclaw, abiword? koffice?09:39
=== dwidmann just booted into feisty for the first time
ins-dragonclawabiword... i don't know if i have that09:39
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe09:39
dwidmannins-dragonclaw: can kword handle them? I can't rmeember09:40
ins-dragonclawno, abiword can09:40
aaroncampbellanon32: just that nvidia-glx doesn't seem to support my card09:40
ins-dragonclawI had the winblows version on my ubuntu cd09:40
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anon32where's my k3b 1.0? it was released ages ago and there's still no backport/umr unfreeze09:40
dwidmannah, yes it can09:41
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ins-dragonclawkrap -- it's GTK09:41
dwidmannkword can handle rtf without a problem :D09:41
anon32k3b 1.0 infinitely better than 0.12.17....09:41
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anon32ins-dragonclaw, koffice then09:41
The_MachineWhen i try to delete something on the External USB HDD it says:  cannot remove `file': Read-only file system - how can i make the file system not Read Only?  :)09:41
htedromhey all....anyone using amarok-gstreamer with edgy eft?09:41
anon32The_Machine, mount it with umask=00009:41
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dwidmannanon32: , well, feisty is in beta freeze now, it probably won't get in unless we all get really lucky09:41
htedromis that even possible09:41
The_Machineit automatically mounts..09:41
anon32htedrom, there's an amarok-gstreamer?09:41
anon32dwidmann, god that sucks.....09:41
htedromAnakin: for breezy, yea09:42
htedromanon32: for breezy, yea09:42
htedrombut i can't find one for edgy09:42
anon32that's because it got the axe09:42
htedromxine is so sluggish09:42
anon32who needs amarok-gstreamer? xine is better than gstreamer.....09:42
iltomeehi, Let n be a variable that stores a number, how can i get argument number n in a bash script?? Anyone?09:42
anon32gstreamer is the epitimy of sucking09:42
Yorokobiiltomee, getops09:43
htedrommy xine sucks pretty bad09:43
anon32my xine works :-)09:43
htedromamarok has a heart attack every time i change songs09:43
dwidmannanon32: gstreamer is the new up-and-coming one it seems09:43
anon32gstreamer always failed it whenever I tried it09:43
eagles0513875j/w r they goign to add a wizard to help config wifi09:43
eagles0513875like they have in mandriva and pclinuxos09:43
jhutchinshtedrom: Ask on #amarok, it may have been renamed or something.09:43
anon32but maybe I'm behind - not tried gstreamer 0.10 yet09:43
htedromjhutchins: thanks09:43
anon32htedrom, basically, for edgy, amarok was compiled without all the other engines, don't ask me why09:43
Yorokobieagles0513875, network-manager. Works like a charm09:44
jhutchinseagles0513875: There's a wizard in mandriva?09:44
anon32they compiled vlc without -V fb...09:44
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jhutchinskwifimanager helps with roaming.09:44
htedromanon32: hmm thanks09:45
anon32file a bug to get it fixed?09:45
anon32or use rythmbox :-)09:45
htedrommm yea well i might switch to exaile09:45
dwidmannlooks like I'll need to recompile k3b yet :\09:45
htedrombut amarok is just such a looker09:45
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anon32"fetching file 100 of 1075 at 64.1kb/s" - this could take a while...09:45
Yorokobiamarok-xine works great for me09:46
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YorokobiOf course, I'm using jriddell's 1.45 build09:46
Yorokobiof amarok09:46
anon32GAH, the upgrade manager can't be stopped????? EVIL!09:46
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htedromYorokobi: of xine or amarok?09:47
The_Machineanon32: how do i mount a USB HDD that automatically mounts with umask=000?09:47
anon32The_Machine, dunno, something with fstab09:47
htedromYorokobi: think it will fix my woes... amarok really chokes up whenever i change songs09:47
htedromYorokobi: or stop, or play, or anything.09:47
ins-dragonclawanon32: yes you can stop it09:48
Yorokobihtedrom, amarok 1.4509:48
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ins-dragonclawit's called the Big Red Power Button XD09:48
Yorokobihtedrom, http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.5.php09:48
anon32The_Machine, if you know the UUID of the disk partition, you can put in something like 'UUID=foo /mnt/bar ext3 umask=00009:49
anon32and if you have an ntfs USB HDD, you deserve to be shot09:49
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n1ywbI installed kubuntu by booting the alt ISO in vmware in windows (don't ask why) and installed sucessfully (except for LILO, I hand configured grub) onto an LVM LV on my /dev/hda3 partition09:50
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dwidmannanon32? which upgrade manager?09:50
aaroncampbellis this the list of the cards that nvidia-glx supports: http://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_18897.html (clicked "supported products" on http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_1.0-9755.html )09:50
anon32dwidmann, the Ubuntu one :-\09:50
n1ywbNow when I boot on the physical hardware, it seems to thing my disk is a SCSI disk09:50
anon32dunno, seems like I can't stop a dist-upgrade09:51
dwidmannanon32: the new one?09:51
n1ywbI don't have /dev/hda, just /dev/hda. I don't actually have a scsi controller in here and my drive is not SATA, it's PATA10009:51
n1ywbany ideas?09:51
osh_security.ubuntu.com hammered and down?09:51
dwidmannjust quit the process, and then go into the process list and kill python09:51
anon32Ubuntu's mirrors die too often....09:51
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anon32dwidmann, yeah, I figured that - although it leaves my sources.list in borkage mode09:52
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osh_anon32: seems to be the case now09:52
dwidmannbefore you go to resume it, remove the "archive.ubuntu.com" entry that it added near the bottom09:52
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dwidmannI've only been able to get the gb.archive.ubuntu.com mirror to work lately09:52
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anon32dwidmann, ah well, time to risk all with a feisty upgradd09:53
n1ywbis there a hardware detection tool like kudzu or something that I should run? or some special kernel argument I should pass?09:53
anon32w00t for suicidal mode@09:53
SeanTater3Is there a way to traceroute or nmap from an Ubuntu live cd?09:53
anon32think I cleaned out most my unsupported components, but who knows?09:53
The_Machinei deserve to be shot?09:53
anon32The_Machine, yeah, reformat your USB HDD, ext309:53
osh_SeanTater3: apt-get it?09:53
anon32or ext209:53
anon32or even fat32, but not NTFS09:53
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dwidmannanon32: be careful before you reboot that things such as the kernel are installed, do so by typing in "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" before you let it reboot09:54
anon32dwidmann, yeah... lol09:54
dwidmannOtherwise you'll have to chroot in to fix things, and take my word for how messy that is :(09:54
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SeanTater3osh_: okay -- did not know that would work on a live cd09:54
ins-dragonclawI love konqueror09:55
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anon32dwidmann, I look forward to fakeraid support in the kernel and xorg 7.2 :-\09:55
anon32but maybe it won't work and I'll fail it09:55
osh_SeanTater3: It does. Don't upgrade though. It probably won't fit and won't survive the reboot (if new kernel)09:55
SeanTater3osh_: thanks09:55
ins-dragonclawfictionpress thinks i'm using firefox 1.7.4 on XP .... XD09:55
SeanTater3osh_: thanks09:55
dwidmannanon32: has that been integrated?09:55
SeanTater3osh_: oops09:55
anon32dwidmann, into feisty? yes09:55
dwidmannI know xorg 7.2 is in, but dmraid also?09:55
anon322.6.19 kernel and xorg 7.2 final09:55
eagles0513875is it rather easy to setup raid with linux09:56
dwidmann--2.6.20 kernel09:56
anon32dwidmann, really? backport?09:56
dwidmanneagles0513875: yeah, pretty easy09:56
anon32oh yeah, it's not kernel freeze yet09:56
eagles0513875all i have to do is get my desktop to work09:56
dwidmannit has been the default since like, herd 209:56
osh_eagles0513875: with a new install or adding it later? new install, fairly easy. adding later, a little more tricky. imho09:56
anon32dwidmann, I thought it used to be 2.6.1909:57
dwidmannvery early on, yes09:57
anon32dunno, maybe I'm losing it09:57
htedromYorokobi: yea, i'm using 1.4.509:57
aaroncampbellHow often are new video cards added to the nvidia-glx drivers?09:57
anon32dwidmann, will there be issues if I'm dist-upgrading Ubuntu (not Kubuntu) but with some KDE 3.5.6 packages?09:57
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sgardenHi, can I ask for some support?09:58
dwidmannanon32: I don't think so, if kubuntu-desktop isn't installed, it will install it09:58
Yorokobihtedrom, dunno what to tell you. I haven't tried 1.4.5 with media on my local HDD, I use it to talk to my iPod. I have not had any problems.09:58
anon32dwidmann, ow... I don't want the rest of KDE, lol09:58
eagles0513875new install only problem i rmaed the mobo i have in my desktop atm but for some reason09:58
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eagles0513875they sent it back to me with the same problem which was the cpu fan and video fan not working09:59
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eagles0513875im rather pissed at asus09:59
Yorokobihtedrom, maybe its a hardware issue ... *shrug*09:59
dwidmannanon32: and I didn't really want the rest of kubuntu ... but I'll henpick to get my setup back09:59
richbAhh that went oki'ish.09:59
eagles0513875i actually came back to kubuntu after trying pclinuxos09:59
eagles0513875its nice but no latex frontends09:59
sgardenHi. Maybe I've not RTFM enough. But... I can't see the spash screen of kubuntu because "out of sync" video rate. Not critical since everything goes OK when X starts. But how can I fix it?09:59
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dwidmannsgarden, I'm not sure, worst case scenario you could disable usplash10:01
smilehi guys.. something new in linux world ? i were absent for 15 days10:01
anon32smile, yeah, MS went bankrupt10:01
anon32oh wait, you wanted real facts? lol10:01
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smileanon32: bankrupt ?? what that means ?10:02
Yorokobisgarden, I think you need to use a kernel boot option to set your video prefs ... its been too long since I last looked at that issue.10:02
sgardenwhat's a pity. It lookes nice according to kubuntu webby screen shoots. :)10:02
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anon32does anything in kde4 work?10:02
dwidmannsmile: well, I can't recall if these two things were in the last 15 days or not, but Feisty beta 1 has been released, there's a new dist-upgrade tool for kubuntu, and k3b 1.0 has officially been released10:03
anon32The_Machine, thought so, lol10:03
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dwidmannOh, and the actual schedule for kde4 has been released, it will be released in october10:03
qbert_i am trying to install firefox via adept, but its saying BREAK (  install ) , how do i fix that ?10:03
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richbOh there is an app for for setting up the network interfaces.10:04
=== richb really needs to rtfm before doing things
anon32qbert_, use apt instead?10:04
anon32richb, yeah, ifconfig10:04
richbanon32 and route... yep..10:04
dwidmannrichb: or you could just ask instead of rtfming, can often get a good response that way too10:04
sgardenWhatever the splashscreen bug. I have an other one for real ackers (trying to capture people thight).10:04
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sgardenI can't see my NSLU2 share through konkeror. Any idea?10:05
richbdwidmann: Ahh I fudged my way through getting the network working:-)10:05
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smileis kaffeine based on xine ?10:07
anon32kaffiene-xine is at least10:07
qbert_firefox: Depends: libmyspell3c2 but it is not installable'10:07
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anon32qbert_, try installing libmyspell3c2, see what happens10:07
smileanon32: and mplayer too ?10:07
anon32smile, mplayer is based on ffmpeg10:08
anon32no xine there10:08
anon32vlc is too10:08
smileanon32: vlc is based on xine too ?10:08
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anon32no, vlc is based on ffmpeg, just like mplayer10:08
smileanon32: thx10:09
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anon32smile, yeah... mplayer > vlc for most things though10:09
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smileanon32: who is better ? vlc or xine ?10:10
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qbert_anon32: i see the package is unstable, how do i turn on the right repository so i can use adept with it  ?10:10
smileanon32: i want play movie rate and it's bad on xine :-(10:10
anon32smile, vlc :-) - unless you use beryl10:10
anon32smile, is your CPU old?10:11
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smileanon32: no .. i dont use beryl10:11
anon32VLC ftw :-)10:11
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Matt101hello I'm havein problem how do I mount my cdrom as root?10:11
anon32and the next 0.9.0 release will be built on QT :-)10:11
Yorokobivlc is hit or miss with beryl for me. It seems to change depending on what video card I'm using.10:11
anon32Matt101, sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/hda(?) /media/cdrom0 ?10:11
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ubotuesk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.10:12
Matt101I'm just trying to music CD10:12
Matt101is all10:12
anon32Matt101, oh... you don't mount music CDs10:12
Yorokobidon't mount audio CDs10:12
smileanon32: can vlc read video stream.nsv ?10:12
ins-dragonclawAmarok > Engage > Play audio CD10:13
ins-dragonclawor kscd10:13
anon32smile, hit-or-miss, VLC supports VP3.x and VP6.2, so some work and some don't10:13
Matt101told me need root to mount10:13
anon32also, if you use dapper or edgy, VLC won't support VP6.2 (libavcodec problem)10:13
ins-dragonclawyeah, but you no need mound music CDs10:13
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YorokobiMatt101, add yourself to the audio group10:13
smileanon32: I dont get this ? axplain mor plz ? .. what is VPx ?10:13
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anon32smile, VP is On2 VP's proprietary codec, nsv streams use either v3.x or v6.x10:14
anon32VLC (through libavcodec) supports v3.x and v6.210:14
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smileanon32: are they installed otomaticly or manually ?10:14
anon32smile, yes, apt-get install vlc covers every codec10:14
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anon32don't install vlc's mozilla plugin though, it doesn't work10:15
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eagles0513875how do i change from single clicking or double clickin10:15
smileanon32: ok :-)10:15
anon32smile, I like mplayer-nogui though :-)10:16
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Matt101guys I feel like a dum azz10:17
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Matt101but this is what it says mount: must be superuser to use mount10:17
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anon32Matt101, yes, use pmount10:18
anon32Matt101, but if you want to play an audio CD, don't mount - it doesn't work that way10:18
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anon32<cd playing app> /dev/hda10:18
KuwangerFor some reason, cnn.com keeps crashing mozilla. :/10:18
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anon32Kuwanger, noscript then :-)10:18
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anon32it can even reduce mozilla's memory leak rate10:19
anon32ha, netsplit10:19
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Matt101what was that10:19
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Kuwangeranon32: There's two reasons why that won't work.  One, this is mozilla, not firefox.10:19
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anon32so what?10:20
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Matt101crazy but that's how it ges10:20
N6REJgood afternoon all10:20
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Kuwangeranon32: Two, cnn.com isn't the only thing causing crashing.  And most of those things causing crashing require javascript.10:20
anon32irc needs to be cyclical...10:20
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anon32Kuwanger, ah well10:20
anon32and btw, noscript runs on the mozilla suite too...10:21
Matt101dammit I guess I'll have to do something els or check the fourms10:22
n1ywbis there any particular reason why my ata133 disk is connected to /dev/sda?10:23
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Matt101the fourms are helpfull if you dig10:23
Kuwangeranon32: How do you install noscript in mozilla-suite?10:23
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anon32Kuwanger, open the .xpi10:23
anon32oh btw, you should be using seamonkey, mozilla is deprecated10:23
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IrayoI have three sound cards, but two of them don't have speakers connected; how do I set the default for arts, alsa, etc.?10:24
Kuwangeranon32: I would be but I didn't see it listed in adept manager.10:24
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mirkohallo, ich hier, wer da10:27
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:28
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qbert_apt-get install emacs, no package emacs ?!?10:28
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code10:28
bjohnsoncould someone point me to info about setting up a cron job in kubuntu?  I'm trying to get my cron job froma fedora machine to work and I wonder if the problem is something to do with permissions.  Do cron jobs run as root?10:28
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eilkerqbert_> : there should be10:29
YorokobiAll this talk of adept and apt-get reminds me why I still use dselect10:29
meme-2Anyone familiar with Beryl? I just installed it... and it was working beautifully until I did something wrong. Now when I drag a window, windows backgrounds do not refresh (rather, dragged windows leave a "ghost" of themselves). What did I do wrong?10:29
richbbjohnson: contab -e10:29
qbert_eilker: i think my repository list crap10:29
eilker!crontab > eilker10:29
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bjohnsonrichb: doesn't that edit the cron config?  I'm talking about the file in /etc/cron.hourly and others10:29
smileanon32: vlc dont install VPx plugins !!! just libiso,libmpeg, libtar, libvcd, libxosd, xwvlc10:29
smileanon32: something wrong ?10:29
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anon32smile, it's part of libavcodec10:30
anon32you probably already have that10:30
anon32also, the rest of the codecs are statically linked10:30
smileanon32: mm ok .. thx again10:30
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Kuwangeranon32: Am I using the wrong package manager?  Or is seamonkey named something else?  Or is it not available as a package?10:31
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anon32Kuwanger, it's a recent name change, maybe apt doesn't respect it?10:31
YorokobiKuwanger, do you have the universe and multiverse repos enabled?10:31
KuwangerYorokobi: Got me.10:31
KuwangerYorokobi: How would I enable both?10:32
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YorokobiIn adept? I'd have to look (as I never use it)10:32
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KuwangerYorokobi: Well, I'm just using it because it was the only GUI package manager I saw installed by the installer.10:33
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iwonkamwi kto po polsku?10:34
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YorokobiWell, Kuwanger I don't even have it installed and I haven't found decent docs online yet. 'sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list' and uncomment the universe and multiverse entries.10:35
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Yorokobithen 'sudo apt-get update'10:35
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KuwangerYorokobi: Even the edgy-backports?10:37
YorokobiKuwanger, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlwaysEnableUniverseMultiverse10:37
YorokobiYes, even backports10:38
Yorokobiand security10:38
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KuwangerYorokobi: Okay, fetching updates.10:39
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smilewhen i play a video stream with VLC i get a main error "subpicture heap is full "10:41
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smilehow can i solve that ?10:41
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orient2000Hi! How can I resize partition in 6.10 kubuntu. It is fresh install after update.10:43
soulrider__smile: no idea, maybe you can try their channel... ?10:43
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smilesoulrider: what u mean ?10:43
soulriderorient2000: im not sure but maybe qtparted can resize them10:44
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soulridersmile: they probably have an IRC channel, maybe theyc an help you10:44
soulriderorient2000: you should use qtparted from the liveCD, its int he kmenu under system10:44
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newbie_101i am having a problem with my keyboard, can i get some help////11:00
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newbie_101my keyboard is acting up can i ge some help please??/11:01
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richbnewbie_101: Acting up how?11:02
richbMeh, nm.11:02
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makiwhere can i find the sources list for 7.0411:09
makii have some from 6.1011:09
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makiand this give me problems11:10
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DiThiI've just upgraded to feisty11:10
DiThibut it doesn't boot11:11
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CugelDiThi: what error + what type of motherboard do you have.11:11
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CugelThere's a known bug with some types of motherboards.11:11
DiThiibgcc_s.so.1 must be installed for pthread_cancel to work11:12
makiDiThi:why did you upgrade to feasty :)11:12
DiThilibgcc_s.so.1 i mean11:12
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DiThibecause I want to help with bugs11:12
DiThicomputer is a laptop, intel centrino11:12
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makiDiThi:i have feasty also,because 6.10 was to stable for me11:13
DiThiCugel: do you have any clue about what that message means?11:14
makiwait help from the guru's11:14
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athena1 hrs till dist-upgrade completion.... lame...11:14
CugelWell no -- although i think there's a module missing from your kernel.11:14
athenathe servers aren't actually located in Africa are they?11:15
makibecause feisty is still beta11:15
athenamaki, what's that have to do with the servers?11:15
DiThiathena: there are mirrors everywhere11:15
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athenaDiThi, then why are they all so slow???11:15
athena66.2kbps dl, wtf?11:15
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makiathena:i like to put a clean sources.list11:15
DiThimaybe a lot of ppl is upgrading11:16
HaSHi want to install just pureadmin but it wants to install others stuff too..i already have pure-ftpd install(compiled myself...with some added features)11:16
makinow its mess up11:16
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ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.11:17
luke-jr|workIs kubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso a LiveCD?11:17
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DiThiluke-jr|work: yes11:18
DiThilive with installer11:18
DiThiit was renamed to desktop since it includes an installer11:18
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Ayabarado you guys use digikam for image collections and editing?11:20
DiThithe problem happened with -38611:21
DiThigoing to try with -generic11:21
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KuwangerWell, hm..  Still don't see seamonkey. :/11:23
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athenaKuwanger, dl the tarball from mozilla.com ?11:24
athenaor mozilla.org *11:24
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Kuwangerathena: Ie, it's not in any of the respositories?11:25
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czubassjest ktos z polski:P11:25
athenaKuwanger, nope, doesn't look like it - it could be that mozilla == seamonkey and they never bothered renaming the packages11:25
Kuwangerathena: Nope.11:25
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eilker!compling kernel11:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compling kernel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:27
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild11:27
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soulrideris there a place where i can view a log of when packages where installed ?11:29
Ayabarais there a place to get 0.9.x packages for digikam?11:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seamonkey - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:29
aaroncampbellis this the list of the cards that nvidia-glx supports: http://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_18897.html (clicked "supported products" on http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_1.0-9755.html )11:30
ShinigamiHello all.  I have a hopefully quick question about mounting a windows share.  I get and error that says 'only root can mount //computername/folder on /mnt/folder'. Is there a way I can set it to mount as root at boot?11:31
ArwenShinigami, yes, use fstab11:31
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DiThiwow, it seems the problem was a lot of packages not configured11:32
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ShinigamiArwen: I have it listed there alreay.  I'll recheck the setting. thank you.11:32
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ShinigamiAt least I'm closer :011:32
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=== Kuwanger wonders if this card can do 3D.
soulriderShinigami: you can mount yes, but maybe you forgot to add sudo at the beggining ;)11:36
ArwenKuwanger, which one? it *probably* can11:36
KuwangerWell, more a question of how to set it up.  It's an ATI Technologies, Inc. 3D Rage Pro AGP 1X/2X.11:37
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aaroncampbellI have 5 - 500G SataII drives that I want to set up as a RAID.  How would I go about doing that?11:38
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Arwenaaroncampbell, with your system's raid config tools11:39
Arwendepends what system you have11:39
aaroncampbellI was told that I can make a software raid.11:39
Arwenaaroncampbell, yeah, but that sucks11:39
aaroncampbellthat kubuntu can handle it11:39
KuwangerArwen: What's the proper way to enable 3D/DRI?11:40
ArwenKuwanger, card?11:40
Arwenaaroncampbell, http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Software-RAID-HOWTO.html11:40
KuwangerArwen: It's an ATI Technologies, Inc. 3D Rage Pro AGP 1X/2X.11:40
ArwenKuwanger, um.... buy a new card? lol11:40
Arwenthat one ain't even supported by fglrx11:40
KuwangerArwen: Why would I want to use fglrx?11:41
Arwenbecause it has proper support for 3d?11:41
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:41
KuwangerArwen: Um, so does open source driver.11:41
Arwenfor like 2 cards...11:41
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ArwenKuwanger, check the list, I think it's not supported, seriously, get a newer card11:42
KuwangerArwen: Um..I don't want to use the binary driver, anyways.11:42
Arwenlol, fglrx does suck :-\11:42
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ArwenKuwanger, anyway, the hardware support list says your card isn't supported by any driver11:45
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KuwangerArwen: http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/ATIMach64?action=highlight&value=CategoryHardware11:46
ArwenKuwanger, ok, I take my statement back11:47
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Arwenthat looks like you need an experimental xorg though11:47
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ShinigamiThanks for the tips guys *waves*11:48
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KuwangerArwen: Interesting stuff.11:49
Arwenyeah, I still say you should get an nvidia card though :-)11:49
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KuwangerArwen: And while I'm at it, why not buy Vista?11:50
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ArwenKuwanger, what's Vista have to do with this?????11:50
Arwenplease don't start off on non sequiturs11:50
KuwangerArwen: What's nvidia have to wanting to get my current video card working?11:50
Kuwanger+do with11:50
Arwennothing, other than nvidia cards work very well?11:50
KuwangerArwen: Um, no, nvidia cards don't work "very well".11:51
Arwenum, actually, they do11:51
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Chousukeonly with the binary blob11:51
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Arwenwho cares if it works?11:51
Chousukesome people do11:51
Arwenwell, too bad for them, geez11:52
Arwenyay, 1 min to dist-upgrade start11:52
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MinceRit would work better if the official driver was open source but you'll have to get intel for that11:52
KuwangerArwen: Even with the binary blob, I had pretty routine crashing. :/11:52
MinceRand intel chips aren't that high-performance11:52
Arwenhmm, Kuwanger, perhaps, I remember fglrx crashing my system a lot11:52
ArwenMinceR, lol, true11:52
Arwenwhat's sad is that intel is faster than the r300 driver..11:52
ChousukeRage Pro should be supported by x.org though I think :/11:53
KuwangerArwen: I've never used fglrx.  I've pretty well avoided binary blobs as much as possible since the nvidia card.11:53
Chousukeit's an old card anyway11:53
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KuwangerChousuke: From the sound of it, it was supported, but then people recognized that the driver had a few large security vulnerabilities in it and they're still working on work arounds for them.11:53
Arwendist-upgrade in progress.... anyone wanna wish me luck?11:53
[xelent] _Woohoo!! I found out what media player this is http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs14/f/2007/085/a/1/Linux_X_by_binyaryar.png11:54
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MorboWhich is that/11:54
Arwen...and nothing works while dist-upgrade is in progress11:55
frojndhow can I connect to a local maschine with command line, if I know username and passoword of that XP box maschine?11:55
frojnddo I have to have installed smth, or I can hack by any chance11:55
[xelent] _Jetaudio, using wine11:55
Arwen[xelent] _, xmms? amarok?11:55
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Arwen[xelent] _, really? it doesn't have that wine look to it :-O11:56
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karacalturn off11:56
[xelent] _lol, it looks ok11:56
Morbousing wine just fr a media player seems a bit silly11:56
[xelent] _yeah, i just wanted to know what it was though11:57
Arwenyeah, I can't think of anything that I'd install wine for11:57
Morboamarok, ftw11:57
Arwengames maybe, but wine + games = fail;11:57
[xelent] _oh well, i wont be using it, lol11:57
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MK_MikeI managed to get Steam + counter strick source working on wine perfectly well it was runing better than windows11:58
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Arwenmm, I don't play games because 1) I'm poor and 2) my video card id poorer11:58
MorboWhat does "better than Windows mean"?11:58
ArwenOblivion actually runs in wine now, just not very well11:59
ArwenMorbo, more fps, some games are like that, e.g. call of duty11:59
MK_Mikei had more fps than i did in windows and the graphics were better11:59
MorboThe only games i play are Q3 and UT200411:59
MorboWell, excluding tetris and the like11:59
MK_Mikeut2004 is there a linux version of that?11:59
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phantomhi pipz12:00
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MK_Mikei said Hello!12:00
=== LeeJunFan [i=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
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iain_hey all12:01
=== animimotus [n=animimot@unaffiliated/animimotus] has left #kubuntu ["Le]
iain_wondered if there's any Kgods out there who know anything about resolution issues....12:02
=== killown [i=killown@201-27-178-134.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu
iain_seems you guys are afk. oh well. cheers anyway.12:03
=== iain_ gets silently frustrated
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=== Maksuf [n=Max@c-71-195-61-239.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
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freyeliseanyone awake in here? :)12:04
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aaroncampbellWhat RAID cards work well with (K)ubuntu12:08
phantomcan you guys help me?12:09
=== dlr_pe [n=david@cpe-24-166-114-193.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
phantomhow can i join other rooms?12:09
aaroncampbell /join #otherroom12:10
phantomcan you suggest me other rooms?12:10
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=== llyjak____ [n=llyjak@nat-mo2.aster.pl] has joined #kubuntu
BluesKajphantom, what other rooms ...if you know the chatroom name , the type in the server textbox  /join #chatroomname12:11
aaroncampbellnope...there are 71953 channels (rooms), and each is for something specific...depends on what you want help with12:11
phantomoh, tnx12:11
=== kuarman [n=kuarman@11.Red-83-53-55.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
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freyeliseanyone able to help me get my dsl connection working?12:13

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