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bdmurray | Does anybody know how often the mailing list archives are updated? | 12:27 |
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Hey_neken | Hi, I found a profile with my name created automatically when importing some package; is there any way to remove it? | 12:32 |
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sinzui | Hey_neken: I believe you can merge the other profile with yours _if_ that profile still has a legitimate email address. | 12:43 |
sinzui | Hey_neken: Without a legitimate email address for the other profile, you would have to ask the assistance of an administrator. | 12:44 |
Hey_neken | i don't want to merge, i want it to dissapier | 12:44 |
sinzui | Hey_neken: You can ask. I think the admins would frown about loosing data that came from upstream. | 12:46 |
Hey_neken | thats not my problem, i didn't ask to create a profile with my name... | 12:50 |
Hey_neken | (actually 2) | 12:50 |
sinzui | Hey_neken: I too have such a profile, but it came from upstream and is not considered an error since it is still in other systems. Merging profiles simply recognizes your total contribution to your projects. | 12:55 |
Hey_neken | i didn't say that it was an error... and I don't want to merge any profile, i just want to erase both | 12:56 |
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magicfab | can anyone here help me delete an existing poll ? I can't seem to find how to do that. | 01:01 |
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Hey_neken | sinzui, is there any way to contact with the admins via email (not ML)? | 01:10 |
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mpt | Goooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders! | 04:31 |
Hobbsee | hey mpt!!! | 04:32 |
ajmitch | hi mpt | 04:33 |
mpt | hello hello | 04:36 |
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ubotu | New bug: #97245 in launchpad "Clicking "Back to team" button on +join page for restricted team results in UnexpectedFormData" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97245 | 05:01 |
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bullgard4 | Please tell me what 'Launchpad' is. I am new to Ubuntu. I tried to google but had no luck. | 06:13 |
LaserJock | well, it's http://launchpad.net | 06:14 |
LaserJock | it's a large web application that Ubuntu uses for collaboration, translation, bug tracking, revision control, etc. | 06:14 |
bullgard4 | LaserJock: Is there a Website for it? | 06:18 |
LaserJock | bullgard4: I just gave it to you | 06:19 |
bullgard4 | LaserJock: Thank you very much that you did inform me. Have a nice day. | 06:19 |
LaserJock | bullgard4: no problem, if you have more questions just ask | 06:19 |
thumper | sad that google didn't point to the site :( | 06:31 |
mpt | bullgard4, what exactly did you search Google for? | 06:35 |
mpt | I mean, what words did you use | 06:35 |
ubotu | New bug: #97266 in malone "Suggestions menu next to "Choose..." doesn't do anything" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97266 | 06:41 |
bullgard4 | mpt: I came from Rosetta and Wikipedia. This morning I input the two catchwords 'ubuntu' and 'launchpad' into Google. But this morning it was not the first time that I was curious what 'Launchpad' might be. Now that LaserJock has given a definition of Launchpad and I visited its home page I remember that I was there before and did not understand the definition that it gives by itself. | 06:42 |
ubotu | New bug: #97268 in malone "Warning about bug contact subscription discriminates against females and teams" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97268 | 06:46 |
mpt | bullgard4, ok, thanks. Our upcoming new interface does a better job of explaining on the front page what Launchpad is for. | 07:00 |
bullgard4 | mpt: Great! | 07:00 |
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ubotu | New bug: #97286 in launchpad "milestone isn't visible after i create it" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97286 | 08:10 |
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ubotu | New bug: #97293 in rosetta "[Beta UI] Clicking "Copy text" for plural does not does not set new translation" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97293 | 08:35 |
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carlos | morning | 09:34 |
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mrevell | Hello | 11:02 |
mrevell | Welcome to this week's Launchpad users meeting! | 11:02 |
leogg | morning | 11:03 |
mrevell | Here's today's agenda: | 11:03 |
mrevell | Welcome | 11:04 |
mrevell | Agenda | 11:04 |
mrevell | Introduction to the Launchpad developers are who present | 11:04 |
mrevell | Invitation to beta team | 11:04 |
mrevell | Annoyance of the week | 11:04 |
mrevell | User questions | 11:04 |
mrevell | Next meeting | 11:04 |
mrevell | So, let's start with an introduction to the LP developers who are present. This is an incredibly busy time for us in the Launchpad team, so we may be a little thin on the ground. | 11:04 |
mrevell | Okay, we can pull the relevant guys into the meeting if we need to. | 11:05 |
mrevell | As always, I'd like to invite everyone to join the Launchpad Beta Testers team. | 11:06 |
mrevell | if you'd like to try the new Launchpad 1.0 interface, please sign up at: | 11:06 |
mrevell | https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-beta-testers/+members | 11:06 |
mrevell | Onto the "Annoyance of the week". | 11:06 |
mrevell | What has particularly frustrated or concerned you about Launchpad this week? | 11:07 |
mrevell | 5 | 11:08 |
mrevell | 4 | 11:08 |
mrevell | 3 | 11:08 |
mrevell | 2 | 11:08 |
mrevell | 1 | 11:08 |
mrevell | Okay, we'll go straight onto user questions. | 11:08 |
mrevell | Beta fonts still too small, especially in rosetta (beuno) | 11:08 |
mrevell | beuno: Thanks for your question. We're currently reviewing font sizes and text colours, based on useful feedback from Launchpad beta testers. Thanks for raising the issue again. | 11:09 |
mrevell | That's all the questions that we had on the agenda this time. Does anyone else have a question for the Launchpad team? | 11:09 |
mrevell | 5 | 11:10 |
mrevell | 4 | 11:10 |
mrevell | 3 | 11:10 |
mrevell | 2 | 11:10 |
mrevell | 1 | 11:10 |
mrevell | Okay, a quiet meeting this week! | 11:11 |
=== mooey drops a pin | ||
mrevell | In light of which, I suggest we set the next user meeting for two weeks from now. | 11:11 |
mrevell | I'd also like to try a new time on 20:00 UTC | 11:11 |
leogg | mrevell, thanks | 11:11 |
mrevell | Any objections or other suggestions? | 11:11 |
mrevell | 5 | 11:12 |
mrevell | 4 | 11:12 |
mrevell | 3 | 11:12 |
mrevell | 2 | 11:12 |
mrevell | 1 | 11:12 |
mooey | i have one | 11:12 |
mrevell | mooey: Please go ahead :) | 11:12 |
mooey | no idea if its been reported already or already discussed, probably it has | 11:12 |
mooey | when marking a bug as a duplicate, its annoying to have to go back to the original bug report and paste in the thank you for your bug report, however it is a duplicate of a bug report that can be found -> here spiel | 11:13 |
mooey | being able to do both in one step would make triaging that bit quicker | 11:13 |
mrevell | mooey: Thanks. | 11:14 |
mooey | infact, predefined responses in general would (like, "to help us to fix this bug, please attach the output of dmesg / etc" or "thanks, but this is a feature request etc" | 11:14 |
mrevell | mooey: Are you a member of the launchpad-users mailing list? I think this would be a good issue to raise there. | 11:15 |
mooey | mrevell: i am, i will raise the points there | 11:15 |
mrevell | mooey: Thanks. I think that will raise some good discussion. | 11:16 |
mrevell | mooey: I'll also raise it in tomorrow's Launchpad developers meeting. | 11:16 |
mooey | :-) | 11:16 |
mooey | thanks, mrevell | 11:16 |
mooey | mrevell: can you also bring up that tag changes are not logged in a bugs activity log? | 11:17 |
mooey | i dont know if there is a bug report open on that, i've not looked | 11:17 |
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mrevell | Okay, thank you everyone for coming along. Next meeting is 20:00 UTC on 2007-04-11. Look forward to seeing you there. Agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaunchpadUserMeeting/2007-04-11 | 11:18 |
mrevell | mooey: Yep, no problem. thanks for raising that. | 11:18 |
mrevell | Okay, MEETING OVER. | 11:18 |
leogg | whois Jorolo | 11:19 |
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schwuk | Not sure if I should ask this here or in #bzr... We've got a registered bar branch, but we need to rename/move it. How do I do that? | 11:31 |
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carlos | schwuk: if you registered it in launchpad, this is the correct channel | 11:38 |
schwuk | Yes, it's registered in launchpad | 11:39 |
mpt | schwuk, ddaa or thumper should be able to help you with that | 11:39 |
mpt | Unfortunately I doubt either of them are here at the moment | 11:39 |
schwuk | I'll wait and ping them later | 11:40 |
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mpt | Oh, darn, we had a users meeting and I didn't realize | 11:47 |
mooey | it was quite a quiet meeting :-) | 11:48 |
mpt | quite | 11:48 |
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dennda | hi! i just saw a translation bug (i'm german) in one of feistys applications (nm-applet for GNOME) and wanted to fix it using rosetta. Unfortunately i couldn't search for the package. That means i'd have to browse through all the pages to find the translation package. Is there any way to search for it easily? | 11:59 |
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ubotu | New bug: #97338 in malone "reassigning a bug to a unknown package loses the comment" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97338 | 12:05 |
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thumper | schwuk: what's the problem? | 12:07 |
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thumper | schwuk: to rename a branch you just need to "Edit Branch Details" or on the beta UI "Change branch details" | 12:12 |
thumper | schwuk: there you can change the name of the branch, and even associate it with another product | 12:13 |
=== thumper away again | ||
schwuk | thanks thumper | 12:13 |
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cprov | good morning hackers ! | 12:20 |
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popey | drat, forgot the meeting | 12:28 |
oojah | Looks like everybody did... | 12:30 |
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Daviey | To delete a branch, it needs to be re-assigned to trash doesn't it? | 12:39 |
mpt | Daviey, reassign it to https://launchpad.net/obsolete-junk | 12:41 |
Daviey | thanks | 12:41 |
SteveA | cprov: hi | 12:41 |
cprov | SteveA: hi there. | 12:41 |
SteveA | hi | 12:42 |
SteveA | have you read the reviewers' guide? | 12:42 |
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ubotu | New bug: #97354 in launchpad "Misaligned buttons in beta" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97354 | 12:56 |
schwuk | :) | 12:59 |
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mooey | schwuk: there is a simmilar bug somewhere, to do with the button being different from the others (and hence, lower) but i can't find it now | 01:29 |
schwuk | I did search before I filed it, but couldn't find anything similar | 01:29 |
mooey | schwuk: i can't find it either. i don't think i dreamt ot o_O | 01:31 |
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=== carlos -> lunch | ||
carlos | later! | 02:11 |
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ubotu | New bug: #97384 in launchpad "not able to subscribe in mailinglist" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97384 | 02:41 |
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TeTeT | is there any way I can see a bug with rejected state from my 'bugs reported' page? | 03:13 |
salgado | TeTeT, yep. just follow the 'Advanced search' link | 03:13 |
TeTeT | salgado: thx! | 03:14 |
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BjornT | flacoste, salgado: reviewer meeting in 8 minutes | 03:52 |
flacoste | BjornT: thanks for the reminder | 03:52 |
BjornT | time for this week's non-au reviewer meeting. | 04:01 |
BjornT | == Agenda == | 04:01 |
BjornT | * Roll call * Next meeting * Queue status. | 04:01 |
BjornT | who's here? | 04:01 |
salgado | me | 04:01 |
BjornT | flacoste: ping | 04:02 |
flacoste | me | 04:02 |
BjornT | == Next meeting == | 04:03 |
BjornT | next meeting will be 2007-04-04 at 1400 UTC. | 04:03 |
BjornT | == Queue status == | 04:04 |
BjornT | There are 11 open reviews, 9 (slightly) older than 2 days. That's 3 less open reviews since last week, and i've already reviewed 2 of my oldest ones. flacoste has the oldest one, almost one week old, but it's a fairly large branch. | 04:04 |
BjornT | flacoste: how's it going with tim's branch? | 04:04 |
flacoste | actually, I've reviewed it yesterday, i forgot to update the status | 04:05 |
flacoste | it's now merge-conditional | 04:05 |
=== flacoste updated the status 2mins ago | ||
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BjornT | ah, cool | 04:05 |
flacoste | but I cprov answered my nascentupload-cataclysm review, so that huge branch is back in needs-review | 04:05 |
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cprov | flacoste: I'm still working on better tests, it will take some time | 04:06 |
BjornT | salgado: you have two small branches in your queue, do you think you could review them today? | 04:07 |
salgado | BjornT, probably | 04:07 |
flacoste | cprov: ah ok, you did send me a diff of the existing changes, so I thouhgh that was it, let me know once it is ready for another review round then | 04:08 |
cprov | flacoste: if you have time, you can review the code changes I sent you | 04:08 |
flacoste | cprov: i will, once I finish the marketing microsite | 04:09 |
BjornT | salgado: ok. it'd be good if you did, so that we might get the queue under control soon. | 04:09 |
cprov | flacoste: thank you | 04:09 |
BjornT | i'm planning on doing most of the reviews in my queue today. | 04:09 |
BjornT | == Other business == | 04:10 |
BjornT | anything else? | 04:10 |
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flacoste | not from me | 04:10 |
BjornT | cool, short meeting today. meeting ended, thanks for coming! | 04:11 |
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salgado | thanks BjornT | 04:12 |
bdmurray | I saw someone in an e-mail who was confused about "open" in answers.launchpad.net. Apparently they were thinking "Open" was an adjective not a verb. | 04:14 |
bdmurray | Is that worth submitting as a bug? | 04:14 |
ubotu | New bug: #97440 in launchpad "Librarian is not thread safe" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97440 | 04:30 |
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glatzor | hi carlos. would be nice if you could make the translation of python-apt and software-properties available again. cheers! | 04:57 |
carlos | glatzor: ok | 04:57 |
glatzor | thanks | 04:57 |
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Laser_away | carlos: ping | 05:47 |
carlos | Laser_away: pong | 05:47 |
Laser_away | carlos: I've got an edubuntu-docs with .pots now | 05:47 |
Laser_away | carlos: I'm not sure if they are automatically picked up or not | 05:48 |
carlos | Laser_away: no, we need to do an initial approval, next ones will be done automatic | 05:50 |
carlos | I will try to handle that later today | 05:50 |
Laser_away | carlos: ok, thank you very much | 05:51 |
carlos | np | 05:51 |
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ubotu | New bug: #97467 in launchpad "Quick way of enabling a maintenance page on Launchpad when experiencing service interruption" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97467 | 06:00 |
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gnomefreak | is there a probvlem with bzr commit? | 06:30 |
gnomefreak | sorry bzr clone | 06:30 |
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pochu | carlos: what do you think about bug 97477? | 06:37 |
ubotu | Malone bug 97477 in Ubuntu "Latest mongolian translation of GNOME" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97477 | 06:37 |
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carlos | I will need some concrete examples to see whether is a problem with Rosetta | 06:38 |
ddaa | gnomefreak: ask in #bzr | 06:50 |
gnomefreak | i think i got it. | 06:50 |
gnomefreak | ty ddaa :) | 06:50 |
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Hey_neken | Hi, I found 2 profiles with my name created automatically when importing some package; is there any way to remove it? (not merge, just remove) | 06:55 |
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ddaa | Hey_neken: no, they are used to credit you for your work on those packages. | 07:44 |
ddaa | Hey_neken: I guess, if you have a problem with that, you could ask an admin to merge those profiles with some dud account... | 07:45 |
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Hey_neken | ddaa, but i didn't ask to canonical to credit my work and list me as launchpad people | 07:55 |
ddaa | Launchpad displays information about packages in ubuntu. | 07:56 |
Hey_neken | i know | 07:56 |
Hey_neken | but it also lists me as launchpad people | 07:56 |
Hey_neken | https://launchpad.net/people/?name=mikel+olasagasti&searchfor=all | 07:56 |
Hey_neken | and I don't want to be listed as launchpad people | 07:57 |
ddaa | Oh. | 07:57 |
LaserJock | Hey_neken: you'll need to talk to #launchpad | 07:57 |
ddaa | LaserJock: that's here | 07:58 |
Hey_neken | LaserJock, thats here... | 07:58 |
LaserJock | heh | 07:58 |
LaserJock | sorry | 07:58 |
LaserJock | I thought I was in #ubuntu-devel | 07:58 |
ddaa | Hey_neken: give me a few minutes, I want to understand precisely what you want. But workrave for now... | 07:58 |
Hey_neken | ok | 07:59 |
Hey_neken | i'm going for a walk soon, but should be here later... | 07:59 |
LaserJock | the problem might be it could get recreated | 07:59 |
Hey_neken | recreate what? | 07:59 |
LaserJock | the account | 08:00 |
Hey_neken | i don't want an account | 08:00 |
LaserJock | the account is automatically created via package uploads | 08:00 |
LaserJock | so it could get deleted | 08:00 |
LaserJock | and then recreated automatically | 08:00 |
LaserJock | Hey_neken: what packages do you maintain? | 08:00 |
Hey_neken | none | 08:00 |
Hey_neken | i just make translations | 08:01 |
LaserJock | oh | 08:01 |
LaserJock | I've not come across that one before | 08:01 |
matsubara | Hey_neken: It's pretty clear in https://launchpad.net/~hey-neken-euskal and https://launchpad.net/~hey-neken that you don't use launchpad, isn't it? | 08:01 |
Hey_neken | matsubara, yes, but at https://launchpad.net/people/?name=mikel+olasagasti&searchfor=all i'm listed as launchpad people, and I have no relation with launchpad | 08:02 |
LaserJock | well, when you go to the actual accounts it's clear that you aren't an lanchpad person | 08:03 |
LaserJock | but I see your point | 08:03 |
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ddaa | Hey_neken: so, it clear you do not want your name to appear on that search page. | 08:11 |
ddaa | Hey_neken: do you object on the presence of the pages that search links to? | 08:11 |
ddaa | s/object on/object to/ | 08:11 |
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Hey_neken | ddaa, not to apper nor be listed as launchpad people, since I'm not launchpad people; thats a lie. | 08:13 |
ddaa | I understand that you object to the wording. | 08:13 |
Hey_neken | and the presence as part of a changelog for example its OK, but i don't want any profile (nor the posibility to claim it) | 08:14 |
ddaa | But Launchpad collects information from all over the and displays it in various places too. | 08:14 |
ddaa | So I am trying to figure out what specific bits of the launchpad needs to be changed to make you happy. | 08:15 |
ddaa | Hey_neken: but to do this, I need precise answers. | 08:15 |
Hey_neken | ddaa, will you release all the launchpad code? :) | 08:15 |
ddaa | It's not in my power to do so. | 08:16 |
ddaa | Personally, I'd love to see that code released. | 08:16 |
Hey_neken | then you can't make me fully happy ;) | 08:16 |
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Hey_neken | what i don't want is that may name gets relationated with launchpad | 08:17 |
ddaa | Hey_neken: different people have different ideas what is putting their name in relation with launchpad... | 08:17 |
Hey_neken | its OK to recolect information about me, as I make my information public, but its not OK to say that I'm part of launchpad | 08:17 |
ddaa | In a sense, you are. Since your name is attached to translations that are present in Launchpad. | 08:18 |
Hey_neken | the option to claim 'my own profile' its not OK for me, since I didn't ask for that account | 08:18 |
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ddaa | Hey_neken: if the problem is displaying your name, you can claim those profiles, and change the name and make the emails addresses completely hidden. | 08:19 |
ddaa | Since persons are attached to imported data by email, that should solve it. | 08:20 |
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ddaa | Or you can bear with me, and help me define precisely what bothers you. | 08:20 |
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ddaa | Hey_neken: I guess an admin could also change the visible name for those profiles to be "Anonymous", and the url name to be something like "anonymous-NNN" . They would still be visible, but nobody could relate those to you, since the email addresses are hidden. | 08:25 |
ddaa | Hey_neken: would this make you happy? | 08:26 |
Hey_neken | and will that make launchpadpeople--? | 08:27 |
ddaa | What do you mean? | 08:27 |
Hey_neken | There are currently 906180 people and 922 teams registered in Launchpad. | 08:27 |
Hey_neken | i'm on of those people? | 08:27 |
Hey_neken | *one | 08:27 |
ddaa | I guess so. | 08:28 |
Hey_neken | so no, it wont make me happy to be a ghost on launchpads DB | 08:28 |
ddaa | So... | 08:29 |
ddaa | let me recap... your problem is that your appear on the people search results next to "People and teams in Launchpad", and those profile contribute to the "people in launchpad" statistics? | 08:30 |
Hey_neken | and makes me a launchpad person | 08:30 |
Hey_neken | and am I a launchpad person? nooooo | 08:30 |
LaserJock | that seems like semantics | 08:30 |
Hey_neken | did I ask to be a launchpad person? noooooo | 08:31 |
LaserJock | the profiles clearly state you are not a launchpad person | 08:31 |
Hey_neken | LaserJock, my profiles says that, but other pages don't | 08:31 |
ddaa | Hey_neken: so, I did not summarise your problem correctly? | 08:31 |
LaserJock | it really takes a stretch to say that it's saying you are a Launchpad person | 08:32 |
LaserJock | mere reference on Launchpad doesn't make you a launchpad person, IMO | 08:32 |
ddaa | we do not mean to say you are a launchpad person, so it's a wording and perception problem | 08:32 |
Hey_neken | LaserJock, making a search for launchpad people gives 2 records for my name, even if my profile says i'm not a launchpad peopole | 08:32 |
LaserJock | sure | 08:32 |
LaserJock | but I can search for my name in Google and come up with tons of hits | 08:33 |
LaserJock | that doesn't mean I'm a Google person | 08:33 |
Hey_neken | LaserJock, yes, but I'm asking launchpad not to lie, google is another thing... | 08:34 |
LaserJock | it's the same thing | 08:34 |
LaserJock | it's grabbing publicly available information and presenting it via searches | 08:34 |
LaserJock | I don't see where launchpad is lying | 08:35 |
Hey_neken | yes, but i't doesn't claim i'm launchpad personr, nor givin' me a gmail account that I can claim... | 08:35 |
LaserJock | Google claims to find info on you and if you wanted you could claim a gmail account | 08:36 |
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LaserJock | Launchpad is saying it found info on you and you can claim an account if you wish | 08:37 |
ddaa | LaserJock: you're trolling | 08:37 |
LaserJock | I am? | 08:37 |
Hey_neken | yep | 08:37 |
ddaa | Sorry, should not have said so publicly. | 08:37 |
LaserJock | oh, sorry | 08:37 |
LaserJock | I'm really not trying to troll here | 08:37 |
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LaserJock | I just fail to see how Launchpad is being any different that Google | 08:38 |
ddaa | LaserJock: apparently, Hey_neken feels it's different. So there is a perception problem to address. | 08:38 |
fetova | hi | 08:39 |
ddaa | But Hey_neken does not help us much to understand the problem. | 08:39 |
fetova | I wanna help on put a help message on each zone of launchpad | 08:39 |
Hey_neken | ddaa, launchpad created a profile with my name that i didn't asked for, launchpad listed me as launchpad user when i'm not a launchpad user and launchpad doesn't give my the way to erase my profile | 08:40 |
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ddaa | Hey_neken: it's explicitly not listing you as a launchpad user. | 08:40 |
fetova | on the top left tab | 08:40 |
Hey_neken | ddaa, but does list me implicitly (or the way its said in english :P) | 08:41 |
ddaa | Hey_neken: I'm apparently not doing a good job of getting across to you. So I'm going to leave it there, and hope that some Launchpad person with better communication skills will be better able to understand your problem. | 08:41 |
Hey_neken | ddaa, you are doing a good work... | 08:42 |
ddaa | fetova: You could post to launchpad-users with urls, and the help text you suggest for each URL. | 08:42 |
ddaa | Hey_neken: so, I asked you a question a bit earlier | 08:43 |
Hey_neken | didn't I reply it? | 08:43 |
ddaa | > Let me recap... your problem is that your name appears on the people search results next to "People and teams in Launchpad", and those profiles contribute to the "people in launchpad" statistics? | 08:44 |
ddaa | you replied something, but I am looking for precise answers. | 08:44 |
Hey_neken | in part, thats my problem, yes | 08:44 |
ddaa | So, what else is bothering you? Please be as specific as possible. | 08:45 |
Hey_neken | i don't want to have te possibility to claim my own profile since I didn't ask for one; so there should be a way to erase it. | 08:45 |
ddaa | Technically, we cannot erase those profiles and prevent your name from getting back on Launchpad later. | 08:47 |
ddaa | So, would merging this account with a dud account called something like "no person" would make you happy? | 08:47 |
salgado | Hey_neken, so, fixing both bug 97525 and bug 97528 would be of any help? | 08:47 |
ubotu | Malone bug 97525 in launchpad "The statistics portlet should take into account only confirmed user accounts and teams" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97525 - Assigned to Guilherme Salgado (salgado) | 08:47 |
ubotu | Malone bug 97528 in launchpad "https://launchpad.net/people should not include unconfirmed profiles in the search results" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97528 | 08:47 |
fetova | ddaa: where? | 08:48 |
ddaa | Hey_neken: if we merge those profiles with a dud profile, the emails adresses will be associated to the dud profile, so you won't be credited for any translation imported into Launchpad. | 08:48 |
fetova | I cant found where | 08:49 |
Hey_neken | salgado, yes, that would help | 08:49 |
ddaa | fetova: this mailing list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/launchpad-users | 08:49 |
pochu | fetova: the mailing list | 08:49 |
fetova | ahh | 08:49 |
fetova | ok | 08:49 |
ddaa | fetova: subscribe and send emails to the mailing lists | 08:49 |
fetova | ok I'm on | 08:50 |
Hey_neken | ddaa, you mean any automatic import? | 08:50 |
fetova | thanks | 08:50 |
ubotu | New bug: #97525 in launchpad "The statistics portlet should take into account only confirmed user accounts and teams" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97525 | 08:50 |
salgado | Hey_neken, they're both assigned to me now. I'll see if I can fix them this Friday | 08:51 |
Hey_neken | ok salgado, thanks | 08:52 |
ddaa | Hey_neken: I mean any translation imported into launchpad, such as this one https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+source/nano/+pots/nano/eu/+translate | 08:52 |
ddaa | I think it's good to have your name there, so other Basque translators know of your work. But you might disagree. | 08:53 |
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salgado | well, that doesn't imply he's a launchpad user | 08:54 |
Hey_neken | ddaa, we currently manage to translate nano from gnu-translation-project, if some of those translator make any trasnaltion via launchpad, do we, the gtp project members notice about this changes? (offtopic, from the current discussion) | 08:54 |
ddaa | Sorry, I'm not familiar with how translations in Launchpad work. | 08:54 |
Hey_neken | ok, don't worry, i now the answer :P (which is no afaik) | 08:55 |
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Hey_neken | salgado-afk, is there any chance to remove the link to my profile from transltion webs to point to my unclaimed profile? | 08:56 |
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ubotu | New bug: #97528 in launchpad "https://launchpad.net/people should not include unconfirmed profiles in the search results" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97528 | 09:01 |
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kiko | Hey_neken, well.. problem with that is not finding the profile when you want to.. | 09:04 |
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vprints | how often should the translation files be updated in feisty from launchpad right now? | 09:06 |
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avoine | kiko while your here, I have some question about how register a distribution in launchpad do you have time? | 09:07 |
kiko | avoine, you should contact mrevell with the details of your distribution. | 09:07 |
kiko | we'll consider your application and register it for you if it is cleared. | 09:07 |
avoine | ok | 09:08 |
mrevell | avoine: Hey - I'm tied up at the moment, but I think you have my email address. Drop me a mail :) | 09:08 |
avoine | I will do it | 09:09 |
kiko | do it! | 09:09 |
pochu | avoine: I'm curious :) which distro is it, if you can tell it? | 09:10 |
kiko | please don't say cubuntu | 09:10 |
pochu | cubuntu? | 09:11 |
pochu | which desktop has that? | 09:11 |
ddaa | pochu: none | 09:12 |
ddaa | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cubuntu | 09:12 |
pochu | LoL! | 09:13 |
pochu | hehe | 09:13 |
ddaa | it's ubuntu zen | 09:13 |
vprints | how often should the translation files be updated in feisty from launchpad right now? | 09:13 |
ddaa | danilos: can you answer that? | 09:14 |
Hey_neken | kiko, i don't understand what you mean... | 09:14 |
kiko | Hey_neken, maybe you want to rephrase your original statement so I can reconsider in different words :) | 09:14 |
Hey_neken | eink? | 09:15 |
kiko | vprints, as uploads are made. | 09:15 |
vprints | uploads as? | 09:15 |
avoine | the distro is FrogLinux | 09:15 |
Hey_neken | <kiko> Hey_neken, well.. problem with that is not finding the profile when you want to.. <-- i'm asking about this... you mean that if I want to search my profile but its not listed, i wont find it? | 09:15 |
kiko | Hey_neken, let's say you have a profile that is still unclaimed in launchpad. | 09:15 |
kiko | Hey_neken, if you are unable to search for it.. it will remain forever unclaimed. | 09:16 |
Hey_neken | nice :D | 09:16 |
vprints | kiko, you mean as new translations are made? | 09:16 |
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kiko | vprints, oh, sorry you are referring to language packs, right? | 09:17 |
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vprints | yes | 09:18 |
kiko | you'll need to check with pitti on #ubuntu-devel | 09:18 |
Hey_neken | kiko, my 'nice' was supposed to be 'thats not a "problem"' | 09:19 |
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pochu | I have a little question. I want to get the shorter link for an advanced search. Actually the link looks like this: https://bugs.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bugs?field.status:list=Unconfirmed&field.status:list=Needs+Info&field.status:list=Rejected&field.status:list=Confirmed&field.status:list=In+Progress&field.status:list=Fix+Committed&field.status:list=Fix+Released . Can I reduce it anyway? For example ?field.status:list=Fix+Commit | 09:24 |
pochu | ed&Fix+Released&... ? | 09:24 |
pochu | without having to repeat "&field.status:list=" every time | 09:24 |
kiko | pochu, sure you can use tinyurl.com :) | 09:25 |
pochu | LoL :) | 09:25 |
pochu | then I'll use that link ;) | 09:26 |
pochu | because I don't want two http requests | 09:26 |
kiko | NEXT QUESTION!!!! :) | 09:26 |
pochu | hehe | 09:26 |
kiko | what's an http request between friends | 09:27 |
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pochu | what do you mean with 'between friends'? | 09:27 |
kiko | pochu, you and launchpad's servers are friends I hope | 09:28 |
pochu | I don't know where you want to go :-/ | 09:30 |
pochu | hehe | 09:30 |
kiko | you sound just like microsoft there | 09:31 |
pochu | kiko: with the http request... the url is for bughelper, and I don't mind it to have a large url, if there is no option | 09:31 |
pochu | but I don't want it to have an http request to tinyurl then to LP :) | 09:32 |
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Loevborg | Is there a way to show all bugs reported by me in the beta interface? | 09:49 |
Loevborg | Second, how can I search for a specific bug title that I happen to know, or a precise package name? | 09:50 |
pochu | Loevborg: it is, go to your profile, then to bugs, then to opened | 09:51 |
kiko | Loevborg, yes. launchpad/people/+me/+reportedbugs | 09:51 |
Loevborg | thanks. I swear this didn't work the last time I checked. | 09:53 |
salgado | Loevborg, you have to follow the 'Advanced search' link in case you want to search by non-open bugs too | 09:54 |
Loevborg | salgado: I just discovered that | 09:54 |
Loevborg | Why does it not search for "fix released" by default? | 09:55 |
Loevborg | I'm afraid to say, launchpad's search mechanism is still in a pretty bad shape. It could __really__ use some "smart" logic for weighing results. | 09:56 |
Loevborg | Scanning the results for acpi-support is nightmareish. | 09:56 |
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kiko | I find it works pretty well for me | 09:56 |
kiko | why don't you search just under acpi-support? | 09:56 |
Loevborg | kiko: it's not even obvious how to _find_ that package | 09:58 |
kiko | launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support | 09:58 |
kiko | it's like you're moving to a new house | 09:58 |
kiko | you get kinda lost looking for the kitchen | 09:58 |
salgado | Loevborg, on launchpad.net/ubuntu there's a search form which allows you to search for packages | 09:59 |
kiko | and the soap box is in the wrong place all the time | 09:59 |
Loevborg | kiko: yes, but don't you agree that, when I search for "acpi-support" in "Ubuntu bugs", there should be a bug relating to that package among the 10 first results? | 10:00 |
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kiko | only if the package is buggy. <wink> | 10:01 |
kiko | yeah | 10:01 |
kiko | man my mac mini is SLOW | 10:01 |
Loevborg | But even if I find one that actually relates to "acpi-support", there's no way to jump to the (source) package for seeing all the bugs reported in this package. | 10:02 |
kiko | yes there is. | 10:02 |
kiko | https://beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support/+bug/6289 | 10:02 |
ubotu | Malone bug 6289 in acpi-support "hibernate/suspend on Dell Inspiron 5150" [Medium,Confirmed] | 10:02 |
kiko | now click on the bugs tab | 10:02 |
kiko | voila | 10:03 |
kiko | I'm a bit distressed as to why those bugs show up before acpi-support | 10:03 |
kiko | ah, I see | 10:03 |
kiko | ordered by importance. | 10:04 |
kiko | that's the reason | 10:04 |
Loevborg | kiko: but I already _am_ in the bugs tab. How should I get the idea of clicking an already open tab? | 10:04 |
kiko | Loevborg, yeah, there could be a visual hint that you are in the bugs application but not at bugs home. | 10:04 |
kiko | Loevborg, do you have a suggestion for a visual cue that might work? | 10:05 |
kiko | I changed the tabs a bit today | 10:05 |
kiko | but it's hard to convey the idea of "you are in a app subpage and here's how you get to the top level" | 10:05 |
Loevborg | kiko: there should be a link "show all bugs in this package", or something | 10:05 |
pochu | there is in the left | 10:05 |
pochu | in "seach <package> bugs" | 10:06 |
kiko | yeah. | 10:06 |
Loevborg | pochu: I see... it's hidden though | 10:06 |
pochu | (that's in beta, I think in productive is a little different) | 10:06 |
pochu | maybe :) | 10:06 |
kiko | some of this needs improvement | 10:06 |
kiko | and some of it needs getting used to | 10:06 |
kiko | but we're tweaking as we go :) | 10:07 |
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Loevborg | kiko: I'm also pretty sure that sorting bug search results by importance is not ideal | 10:07 |
kiko | Loevborg, you can change the sort order easily though | 10:07 |
kiko | the importance sort order is ideal for many use cases | 10:07 |
kiko | but not for other | 10:07 |
kiko | hard to cater equally well. | 10:07 |
kiko | s/other/others/ | 10:07 |
Loevborg | kiko: I see - I didn't discover that function, because I need to do an "empty search" just to change the sort order, which seems unintuitive. | 10:08 |
Loevborg | Also why not show "fix released" bugs by default? https://launchpad.net/bugs/39464 stopped showing up in my reported bugs without any visible change. | 10:09 |
ubotu | Malone bug 39464 in malone "Where's the bug reporter?" [High,Fix released] - Assigned to Mark Shuttleworth (sabdfl) | 10:09 |
ddaa | Loevborg: because fix-released bugs do not call for any further action... | 10:09 |
ddaa | and clutter the display when people look for what needs work | 10:10 |
sabdfl | Loevborg: your list would be unbounded | 10:10 |
kiko | Loevborg, because most of the time bugs which have been fixed and released are history for you. | 10:10 |
kiko | the bugs that you care about are the ones which are still affecting you | 10:10 |
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kiko | and you get bugmail when they are fix released, too. | 10:10 |
Loevborg | Sorry for ranting, btw, I actually like the optics and idea of launchpad - it's just that I find the search engine to be a very important part of such a site, the one that should be fine-tuned the most. | 10:10 |
kiko | (so it's not like it dropped off the map) | 10:10 |
ddaa | Loevborg: note that launchpad is very google friendly :) | 10:11 |
kiko | Loevborg, it's hard to get a search feature that works well for all use cases. I've lived through this in three bug tracker implementations so far. :) | 10:11 |
ddaa | so you can use google to look for stuff if you have trouble finding it. | 10:11 |
Loevborg | ddaa: yes, but google is always restricted to full text search, not "look for bugs in package xyz" | 10:11 |
LarstiQ | kiko: other than users filing old bugs, but I trust that the guided bug form helps with that | 10:12 |
kiko | LarstiQ, the guided bug form lists bugs which are fix released. | 10:12 |
kiko | LarstiQ, it's actually a bit annoying that it doesn't say so on the list though | 10:12 |
kiko | because many times I think "this is my bug!!!" and then "oh, no, it was fixed in 1953" | 10:12 |
Loevborg | kiko: I realize that it's hard to get a one-size-fits-all approach. But it's amazing what kind of tweaking is possible to mostly get what the user wants (cf. google) | 10:13 |
kiko | hey, google doesn't let you do any tweaking at all! | 10:13 |
Loevborg | kiko: tweaking by the search engine makers, I mean | 10:13 |
kiko | it's a totally different problem. | 10:14 |
Loevborg | kiko: have you considered using something like lucene as a search backend? | 10:14 |
kiko | bugs have full-text and discrete information at once | 10:14 |
kiko | and depending on your viewpoint | 10:14 |
Loevborg | kiko: it would support search queries such as: "package:acpi-support importance:critical dell" | 10:14 |
kiko | you want more weight on one or more of those items | 10:14 |
kiko | Loevborg, there's a plan to implement an advanced vocabulary like that. | 10:14 |
Loevborg | kiko: I only know that I find it frustrating not being able to quickly browse existing bug reports for a given problem - this is a reason for me to not file report, or file a duplicate, both of which is undesirable. | 10:16 |
Loevborg | I should probably file reports on those bugbears of mine, so you guys can have a closer look. | 10:18 |
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Loevborg | thanks for listening. | 10:29 |
kiko | netsplits and all :) | 10:29 |
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jwendell | kiko, can you change 'vino' product, it uses GNOME bug tracker | 10:42 |
kiko | sure. | 10:43 |
kiko | jwendell, is it a gnome project? | 10:43 |
jwendell | kiko, sure | 10:43 |
kiko | jwendell, should I just add it to the gnome project then? | 10:44 |
jwendell | kiko, yep, does this change its bug tracker? | 10:45 |
kiko | yeah. | 10:45 |
jwendell | kiko, go ahead | 10:45 |
kiko | done | 10:46 |
kiko | https://beta.launchpad.net/vino | 10:46 |
jwendell | kiko, thanks | 10:47 |
jwendell | kiko, and, i'm not a beta tester ;) | 10:47 |
kiko | jwendell, well, I spoke to flacoste, and he says he will let you be a beta tester free of charge <wink> | 10:49 |
jwendell | hehe | 10:49 |
kiko | or are you against beta-quality products? | 10:49 |
jwendell | kiko, i'm still beta ;) | 10:50 |
kiko | aren't we all | 10:50 |
jwendell | kiko, put some description there... | 10:50 |
jwendell | kiko, something like: 'allow you share your desktop'... | 10:51 |
kiko | jwendell, do you want to own vino in launchpad? | 10:51 |
jwendell | kiko, yep | 10:52 |
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mpt | Goooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders! | 11:00 |
kiko | jwendell, done. | 11:02 |
jwendell | kiko, ok, thanks | 11:03 |
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LaserJock | hi mpt | 11:11 |
kiko | LaserJock, what's the story behind your nick? | 11:13 |
LaserJock | kiko: well, I work with lasers every day | 11:14 |
LaserJock | I'm a Laser Spectroscopist | 11:15 |
kiko | really? how interesting! | 11:15 |
kiko | what sort of material do you generate spectrograms of? | 11:15 |
LaserJock | and one of the laser companies we buy from has these cool Laser Jock stickers | 11:15 |
LaserJock | kiko: well, my reasearch project is on nanomotors | 11:15 |
LaserJock | right now I'm working on watching molecular changes in a thin polymer film | 11:16 |
kiko | ah.. so not of materials, but actually looking at molecular-level shapes | 11:17 |
kiko | sounds like serious lasers | 11:17 |
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LaserJock | I blast molecules and watch what they do | 11:17 |
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LaserJock | it's fairly fun | 11:17 |
LaserJock | so the nick predates my *buntu involvement | 11:18 |
=== ddaa has vague memories of laser flashes used in photographing BECs | ||
kiko | sounds like fun at least. | 11:18 |
LaserJock | we use Class4 lasers (highest class in US) | 11:18 |
LaserJock | they aren't like those "shoot down missles" lasers | 11:18 |
ddaa | BECs is the probably the coolest lab toy at the moment... | 11:18 |
LaserJock | but they'll blow the retina right off your eyeball if you take a direct hit | 11:18 |
ddaa | LaserJock: worked on them before? | 11:19 |
LaserJock | we do all our research in the open too | 11:19 |
LaserJock | ddaa: no, I'm a chemist, not so much an engineer | 11:19 |
ddaa | I meant Bose-Enstein Condensates | 11:19 |
ddaa | though it's probably more physics than chemistry | 11:20 |
LaserJock | oh yeah | 11:20 |
LaserJock | no, I haven't done anything with them | 11:20 |
LaserJock | our Physics department does | 11:20 |
LaserJock | and some of the research we do is somewhat related | 11:20 |
LaserJock | we deal with molecules, BECs are generally atoms | 11:21 |
=== ddaa nodes | ||
kiko | ddaa spends too much time on the keyboard | 11:21 |
LaserJock | for the Physics guys are molecules are huge | 11:21 |
LaserJock | for the Biochemists they are tiny | 11:21 |
LaserJock | if you want to see a movie of the motor molecule I have a .mov at http://www.laserjock.us/ubuntu/360nRotate-slow-loop.mov | 11:22 |
ddaa | another Really Cool Experiment is antimatter molecules... some folks managed to get positrons and antiprotons to combine... hey, that's collider chemistry! :) | 11:22 |
ddaa | I guess I'd love to work on this sort of stuff, but all my experiences in academia were failures. | 11:24 |
ddaa | LaserJock: movie looks intriguing | 11:25 |
ddaa | any idea of what folks are going to tie at the end of the motor? | 11:25 |
LaserJock | well, we have bio/chemical/nuclear threat sensors | 11:27 |
LaserJock | biochemists are going to attach both ends to DNA and spin it up | 11:27 |
kiko | we have no use for bio-chemical-nuclear threat sensors in brazil! | 11:27 |
LaserJock | that's good | 11:27 |
LaserJock | here the Department of Defense and Department of Energy pay the bills | 11:28 |
LaserJock | so we come up with good buzz words to tell them | 11:28 |
kiko | can you get me a motor which prevents mountain bike accidents? | 11:28 |
LaserJock | hmmm | 11:28 |
kiko | there has got to be more money in saving honest cyclists | 11:28 |
LaserJock | heh | 11:28 |
LaserJock | there is one mechanical engineering professor here who works on cycles and skis | 11:29 |
LaserJock | developing new frames for bikes, for instance | 11:29 |
kiko | really! | 11:29 |
LaserJock | of course they have to test them a lot ;-) | 11:29 |
kiko | that's interesting. what sort of material or technology does he use? | 11:30 |
LaserJock | not sure | 11:31 |
LaserJock | this is from his bio: | 11:32 |
LaserJock | "He earned his Ph.D. from UC Davis where he investigated the quantification and optimization of mountain bike suspension systems." | 11:32 |
kiko | ah, suspensions | 11:32 |
LaserJock | "Recent projects include: dynamics of humans during falls, optimization of mountain bike suspension systems, biomechanics of snowboarding, and the development of magneto- and electrorheological shock absorbers." | 11:32 |
kiko | LaserJock, whereabouts is this? | 11:32 |
LaserJock | Reno, Nevada, US | 11:32 |
LaserJock | right next to the sierra mountains | 11:33 |
kiko | I also study the dynamics of humans during falls | 11:33 |
kiko | http://www.amigosdabike.com.br/foto/bv_ft_32676_18.jpg | 11:33 |
kiko | (maybe he doesn't get as involved though) | 11:33 |
LaserJock | kiko: ouch | 11:33 |
LaserJock | was that during a competition? | 11:34 |
kiko | somebody remind me to brake next time | 11:34 |
kiko | yeah. | 11:34 |
kiko | and yet: | 11:37 |
kiko | http://www.wvagencia.com.br/fotos/index.php?destino=foto_visualiza&mdireito=nao&tipo_busca=busca_por_numero&str_busca=p&id_produtos_eventos=92&str_compra=67433%7C92%7C92%2Fp_thiagopadovanni_2090_92-53_p.jpg%7CBig+Biker+2007+-+1%AA+etapa&nome_foto=92%2Fp_thiagopadovanni_2090_92-53_p.jpg&id_produtos_eventos_todos=&nome_evento=Big+Biker+2007+-+1%AA+etapa%7C25%2F03%2F2007%7CSanto+Ant%F4nio+do+Pinhal%7CSP&pg_anterior=&pg=9 | 11:37 |
kiko | wow, that's a big link. | 11:37 |
kiko | http://www.wvagencia.com.br/fotos/arquivos/92/p_thiagopadovanni_2090_92-53_g.jpg | 11:37 |
LaserJock | very cool | 11:37 |
ddaa | kiko: did you like cross the finish line in mid-air? | 11:38 |
kiko | no, I crashed about 15km out | 11:38 |
kiko | but what can a man do | 11:38 |
ajmitch | looks painful & fun | 11:40 |
kiko | at least I remembered to smile :) | 11:41 |
ddaa | I thought the smile was because you were thinking "Wow, THAT was a RUSH!" | 11:41 |
LaserJock | I thought it was a "Wow, that hurts" | 11:42 |
kiko | heh | 11:42 |
ddaa | people get aroused by the weirdest things | 11:43 |
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