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tonyyarusso | What tools / methods are used for making themes and icons? I suppose icons themselves are probably an Inkscape sort of thing, but what about window decorations and packaging everything as an installable theme? | 06:11 |
kwwii | most of that is code | 06:11 |
tonyyarusso | dang | 06:11 |
tonyyarusso | kwwii: what sort of code? | 06:11 |
wedderbur1 | i use inkscape for the icons | 06:11 |
kwwii | the artwork is mainly done with inkscape, the pieces of the hardcoded theme engines for windeco and styles are pixmaps | 06:11 |
kwwii | tonyyarusso: C I would guess :-) | 06:12 |
wedderbur1 | inkscape for the usplash and some gimp love | 06:12 |
wedderbur1 | and inkscape for the gnome-splashs | 06:12 |
wedderbur1 | ooo | 06:12 |
wedderbur1 | wrong one | 06:12 |
wedderbur1 | :( thought this was another channel | 06:12 |
kwwii | :-) | 06:12 |
wedderbur1 | :-[x100 | 06:12 |
tonyyarusso | It would be nice if there were slick qizard type things around for just whipping together custom stuff easily | 06:13 |
kwwii | tonyyarusso: yeah, that would be really cool | 06:13 |
wedderbur1 | sorry all | 06:14 |
kwwii | np | 06:15 |
tonyyarusso | kwwii: Is it feasible code-wise do you think? | 06:22 |
troy_s | wedderbur1: Think python | 06:29 |
troy_s | wedderbur1: Deadly easy | 06:29 |
wedderbur1 | troy_s: ? | 06:30 |
troy_s | erk... wrong pointer :) | 06:30 |
troy_s | sorry weddy | 06:30 |
troy_s | that was more aimed at tonyyarusso | 06:31 |
tonyyarusso | ah | 06:31 |
wedderbur1 | i c :-p | 06:31 |
troy_s | tonyyarusso: If you are thinking about mucking for mock, bash works fine with imagemagick. If you want a little more polished, try python with imagemagick and a GUI binding like GTK / Qt etc. | 06:32 |
tonyyarusso | troy_s: I'm keep that in mind - gotta start learning a bit of code here and there it seems | 06:33 |
tonyyarusso | troy_s: Are there tutorials floating about about how this all works that I can reference? | 06:33 |
troy_s | tonyyarusso: As far as installation goes, Python is probably the most effective means of concat'ing path names etc. Again, it is similar to what Daniel is attempting to get done for the 'artwork' packaging, but it requires a wider scope such as sounds and other design related elements. | 06:33 |
troy_s | tonyyarusso: Python is super simple | 06:34 |
troy_s | tonyyarusso: Your best bet is python.org if you want to haggle into scripting. | 06:34 |
troy_s | tonyyarusso: Personally though, if you want to automate some sort of workflow | 06:34 |
troy_s | tonyyarusso: I strongly encourage you to learn imagemagick or graphicsmagick -- it has all the tools required for a very high end imaging workflow. | 06:34 |
tonyyarusso | troy_s: noted | 06:35 |
troy_s | tonyyarusso: If it is a workflow issue, simply start mucking with im and pay close attention to the repeated tasks you do. | 06:35 |
troy_s | tonyyarusso: Start simple by automating those simple repeated tasks and build outwards. | 06:35 |
tonyyarusso | troy_s: I more meant for how the artwork actually works - where things go and in what form, etc. I can 'man imagemagick' to learn how to get there. | 06:35 |
troy_s | tonyyarusso: Well the traditional 'art' (limited description) components are well known and kwwii or someone else who has current 'Ubuntu' state knowledge will be able to help you more in terms of directories etc. | 06:36 |
troy_s | tonyyarusso: That said, there are many elements that Ubuntu won't touch that you might (like panel layouts etc.) | 06:36 |
troy_s | tonyyarusso: And that requires looking into things like gconf etc. | 06:36 |
troy_s | tonyyarusso: Again, it is an evolving concept at this point -- global design theming is entirely new territory. | 06:37 |
troy_s | tonyyarusso: Hope that helps a little... | 06:38 |
tonyyarusso | troy_s: I think so - thanks | 06:39 |
troy_s | kwwii: Do you think we get good mileage out of taking your current wallpaper and providing the proper backdrops to the icons that show monitors? | 06:48 |
troy_s | as per bug 63119 | 06:48 |
ubotu | Malone bug 63119 in human-icon-theme "Human missing Trash, Network, Computer, Open Folder SVGs" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63119 | 06:48 |
troy_s | one of the comments | 06:48 |
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kwwii | troy_s: yeah, I was thinking about that too...although I have another (darker) wallpaper ready...once I get a decision on that we can decide | 07:07 |
troy_s | kwwii: Indeed... on that scale it should be quite easy to generate and a quick integration assuming we can track down all of the icons. | 07:11 |
kwwii | troy_s: I guess the biggest problem is that we do not have the svgs of those icons | 07:12 |
troy_s | kwwii: I think we do | 07:12 |
troy_s | kwwii: I know of at least _one_ that has the terminal that is in svg -- retrofitting shouldn't be too hard. | 07:12 |
kwwii | yeah, the screensaver icon has an svg | 07:12 |
troy_s | in /usr/share/icons/Human/scalable I know there are at least _one_ | 07:12 |
kwwii | but I could not find either the terminal or the network | 07:13 |
troy_s | possibly more | 07:13 |
troy_s | kwwii: Needless to say, spline copying is pretty simple | 07:13 |
troy_s | take all of about 10 minutes at the most | 07:13 |
kwwii | if you feel up to it, feel free :-) there is an open bug about those icons not being scalable | 07:14 |
kwwii | we fixed a problem in the theme file today for the ones with SVGs but that won't help the ones without | 07:15 |
troy_s | interesting... i can probably do it quite quickly assuming that i can dig up the time | 07:15 |
kwwii | I know that feeling :-) | 07:16 |
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