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RoyB72anyone here? need help with 2 things... first I'm trying to install NVIDIA nForce drivers, but it's talking about "...no precompiled kernel interface was found to match your kernel..." he tries to compile, but cant make it?12:00
RoyB72running a *.run package btw.12:01
RoyB72and if I try to compile anything myself I always get this error: ../acore/memalloc.c:49: error: expected ) before string constant12:08
ubotuTo install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages12:16
naliothyou'll need those, and the linux kernel source12:17
RoyB72I think I got all this12:18
RoyB72got kernel-package, kernel-patch-debian-2.4.27, scripts, kernel-source-2.4.27, libdevmapper(dev), linux-headers(+generic), linux-image(same), linux-libc-dev, linux-source12:23
RoyB72anything missing?12:23
RoyB72hmm..no linux-kernel-src in the list?12:24
naliothi've never messed with this (use your package mangler to fine the kernel source pkg)12:26
RoyB72u mean manager?12:26
RoyB72that's where I'm looking now12:26
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naliothergo > 'package mangler'12:27
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RoyB72hmm... some more help?12:28
RoyB72I don't even know what it is12:28
naliothdon't know what what is?12:28
RoyB72I've had linux for 3-4 days12:29
RoyB72I've talked to u before12:29
naliothyes, i know who you are12:29
naliothwhat exactly are you looking for?12:29
RoyB72well... either I need to compile the audio driver or run the .run package which says what I wrote earlier12:31
RoyB72but as said I get those errors12:31
RoyB72u say I need linux-kernel-source (not in managers list)12:31
naliothi reallly suspect you've bitten off a big project considering your 4 days of linux usage (unless you've got a really great tutorial)12:31
naliothsearch for 'kernel-source' in your package mangler12:32
RoyB72no idea how to do that.. how do I start mangler?12:33
RoyB72hey.. kernel-source-2.4.27 is installed.. or so says manager12:34
RoyB72is that it?12:36
RoyB72btw.. tried to ask this in #kubuntu and #ubuntu-effects , no help there12:37
naliothRoyB72: synaptic is a package manager12:38
naliothRoyB72: apt-get is a package manager12:38
naliothRoyB72: adept is a package manager12:38
naliothyou should be good to go12:38
RoyB72well... make aint finishing..12:39
RoyB72anything I try to compile I get: error: ../acore/memalloc.c:49: error: expected ) before string constant12:40
RoyB72when I run make12:40
RoyB72./configure works fine12:40
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)12:40
naliothRoyB72: that is an error in the code  :(12:40
naliothRoyB72: unless you are a developer and can read that stuff....12:41
nalioth.... you're pretty much out of luck.12:41
RoyB72but I get it all the time, any package12:41
naliothwhy don't you use the 'nvidia' driver?12:41
naliothyou have 'build-essential' installed, i take it?12:42
RoyB72crap.. lol12:42
RoyB72well.. no good with it either.. same errors..12:45
RoyB72need libmodule-build-perl or mpe-source ?12:45
naliothif it tells you you need it, install it12:47
RoyB72nothing tells me that I need anything... and the redme and install files don't tell what packages I need either...12:48
RoyB72I only got the standard install... a lot is not installed12:48
naliothwhen you run ./configure, it'll tell you what you're missing12:49
naliothinstall "build-essential" first12:49
RoyB72did when u told me about it12:50
naliothand your ./configure doesn't tell you the packages you are missing?12:56
nalioththat is strange.12:57
naliothanyway, why can't you use 'nvidia' for the driver?12:58
RoyB72the ones that come up in adept?01:00
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:03
RoyB72k.. lemme work on that01:04
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RoyB72hmm.. brb then..01:24
=== RoyB72 [n=royb@37.80-203-239.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
RoyB72well.. gfx drivers are installed I think, just can't configure it... but the default sound is gone.. says mixer can't be found..01:43
RoyB72ahh.. gfx config I can access through termina01:45
RoyB72but no sound?01:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mixer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:48
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RoyB72can u help me with the sound? says Mixer cannot be found02:25
crdlbRoyB72, open a terminal and run this: lspci|grep audio02:28
crdlband tell me what it says02:28
RoyB7200:04.0 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation CK804 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev a2)02:28
RoyB72ran cam.. it said: Error opening /dev/mixer. : you probably don't have an audiocard that supports a mixer02:29
crdlbRoyB72, what did you run?02:30
RoyB72cam   cpu's audio mixer for linux02:30
RoyB72I think I need some mixer software, but what file is it?02:31
crdlbRoyB72, does your sound work at all?02:32
crdlbie, can you play music?02:32
RoyB72not after I installed the nvidia drivers...02:32
crdlbRoyB72, you mean the nForce drivers?02:34
RoyB72says: Could not open/initialize audio device -> no sound02:34
crdlbRoyB72, what happens if you run: nvmixer02:34
RoyB72command not found02:34
crdlbRoyB72, do you have a link to the driver you installed?02:35
crdlboh the video driver02:37
crdlbRoyB72, run this: alsamixer02:37
RoyB72alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device02:37
crdlbRoyB72, let's see if the module is loaded: lsmod|grep snd02:44
RoyB72hmm... didn't happen anything02:45
crdlbRoyB72, then try this: sudo modprobe snd-intel8x002:46
RoyB72FATAL: Module snd_intel8x0 not found.02:46
RoyB72intel? shouldn't it say AMD?02:47
crdlbit's intel because afaict your nvidia sound device uses the intel sound driver02:48
RoyB72ohh.. k02:48
crdlbRoyB72, run: uname -r02:50
crdlbthat module should be in linux-image-generic02:55
RoyB72it's installed too... so how do I fix that?02:57
crdlbRoyB72, you're positive it was working before you installed the drivers?03:01
RoyB72yea... there came an error before it started to play though: Requested audio codec family [mp3]  (afm=mp3lib) not available.03:03
RoyB72Enable it at compilation.03:03
RoyB72guess it used some default drivers03:03
RoyB72or maybe I installed too much packages?03:04
RoyB72but everytime I selected something for install, nothing came up as remove, so...03:05
RoyB72no idea what's going on...03:05
RoyB72any way I could run a command that could gather up my sys info, so u could take a look at it and maybe figure something out of that?03:06
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raffytaffycat /proc/cpuinfo03:10
RoyB72not much info there.. was thinking about drivers, packages installed.. that kind of things03:13
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RoyB72crdlb, does that help any?03:15
crdlbyou don't have anything sound-related loaded03:16
RoyB72not now, no..03:16
RoyB72just kmix by the clock03:17
RoyB72only thing I got running now is Konversation and Konsole03:18
crdlbI mean, you have no snd-* modules loaded in your kernel03:18
crdlbRoyB72, try this: sudo modprobe snd03:19
RoyB72FATAL: Module snd not found.03:20
RoyB72FATAL: Error running install command for snd03:20
RoyB72need to install libsndobj2c2 ?03:21
RoyB72libsndfile1 is installed03:22
crdlbyou're missing kernel modules03:23
RoyB72anyway to fix it fast and easy?03:24
RoyB72didn't installation install all that's needed?03:25
RoyB72that's soooo frustrating03:25
RoyB72how to fix it then? need to install more or need to compile something, maybe just write a few commands?03:28
crdlbRoyB72, pastebin this too: lspci03:37
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crdlbRoyB72, I don't know what happened to your sound modules, and I'm really not an expert on nforce motherboards03:45
RoyB72u sure it got anything to do with that it's nforce? maybe it's just something with the sound modules like on any other motherboard... any way to fix them?03:48
crdlbRoyB72, here's something to try from the SoundTroubleshooting page03:48
RoyB72the old ones I was thinking about.. when it was at least working.. :(03:48
crdlbrun this: sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils03:48
crdlbsudo apt-get install linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils03:50
RoyB72ahh.. hmm... alsa-util alsa-base and linux-sound-base are no longer required03:50
RoyB72and install them again? hehe03:51
RoyB72well.. installed again.. don't see any difference.. should I restart comp?03:52
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RoyB72if I don't have to do something special now it didn't help.. :(04:00
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