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mdke | Burgundavia: no, probably not. | 08:58 |
Burgundavia | mdke: about what? | 08:59 |
mdke | Burgundavia: org of Oxford Archeology | 08:59 |
Burgundavia | ah, right | 08:59 |
Madpilot | question & answer seperated by 24+ hrs ;) | 08:59 |
Burgundavia | canonical is interesting in reviving the quickstart guide | 08:59 |
mdke | hence your interest in archeology? | 09:00 |
mdke | Madpilot: more like 22! | 09:01 |
mdke | Burgundavia: won't the marketing team's features guide be similar to the quickguide? | 09:04 |
Burgundavia | no, ChrisK was thinking a graphical ubuntuguide, basically | 09:04 |
mdke | what's the difference between that and what the marketing team has planned? | 09:08 |
Burgundavia | the features tour is "this is what fiesty has that is cool" | 09:09 |
Burgundavia | the quickstart guide is basically "here is how to turn on mp3 playback", etc. | 09:09 |
mdke | oh, actually a guide | 09:11 |
Burgundavia | yes, actually a guide | 09:11 |
mdke | so, not like the quickguide at all | 09:11 |
Burgundavia | I told ChrisK to talk to you | 09:11 |
mdke | if i recall, that was a feature overview | 09:11 |
Burgundavia | yes, yes it was | 09:12 |
Burgundavia | I remember doing the first one back in Hoary days | 09:12 |
=== mdke nods | ||
mdke | alright, I'll talk to him | 09:13 |
mdke | I'm a bit sceptical about these quickguide/faq concepts | 09:13 |
Burgundavia | the new codec buddy thing makes it easy to explain that | 09:14 |
mdke | yes, easy to explain. | 09:22 |
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ubotu | New bug: #97355 in ubuntu-doc "Packaging Guide command error" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97355 | 12:56 |
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kestrel | jsgotangco:Good morning - are you working on documentation for update-manager or is that upstream? | 03:27 |
jsgotangco | well update-manager upstream is ubuntu | 03:28 |
jsgotangco | i haven't really touched it for a while | 03:28 |
jsgotangco | even that of gnome-app-install | 03:28 |
kestrel | Want help with the update-manager doc? | 03:28 |
jsgotangco | you could do a complete re-write of it if you want, and just send it to mvo or glatzor | 03:30 |
jsgotangco | then they could add it to the current bzr | 03:30 |
jsgotangco | but that would only be possible to be included in feisty+1 unless you get an exception, no idea if its in effect | 03:30 |
kestrel | There was recent activity on bug 44944 and it looked like a pretty easy fix. | 03:32 |
ubotu | Malone bug 44944 in update-manager "Update-Manager help pages out of date" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44944 | 03:32 |
kestrel | Not sure it needs a full rewrite | 03:32 |
kestrel | how does one go about getting access to the repository for the current documentation? | 03:34 |
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jsgotangco | well documentation for applications are done on the source tree itself not on the ubuntu doc svn | 03:35 |
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jsgotangco | so you can just send a patch to the maintainers | 03:36 |
jsgotangco | if its using launchpad, you can access it via bzr and even make your own so you can merge in the future | 03:36 |
kestrel | In launchpad the "code" link is grayed out. | 03:37 |
jsgotangco | https://code.launchpad.net/update-manager/ | 03:38 |
jsgotangco | ? | 03:39 |
kestrel | yes - thanks I see the code page | 03:39 |
jsgotangco | im not that familiar with the code anymore, its best you ask mvo or glatzor where you could start | 03:40 |
jsgotangco | i was thinking of revisiting when feisty+1 starts | 03:40 |
kestrel | yes - it seems different enough from ubuntu-docs to ask them for help getting started | 03:40 |
jsgotangco | yep | 03:41 |
jsgotangco | it used to be in ubuntu-docs but i moved them eons ago | 03:41 |
kestrel | why? | 03:42 |
kestrel | Just wondering | 03:42 |
CIA-25 | Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal feisty * r4020 /kubuntu/firefox-startpage/kindex-fi.html: Kubuntu Firefox Startpage Finnish translation - Thanks to Timo | 03:42 |
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jsgotangco | well the application itself can be considered upstream development already and not just ubuntu-specific, and since its now in bzr, people can merge from it easily, so its only natural for have them all in one place instead of upstream picking up documentation from another repository and back | 03:45 |
jsgotangco | also makes it easier for other distributions that use it to submit patches , say nexenta or gnewsense | 03:45 |
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=== kestrel checking out update-manager bzr - thanks jsgotangco | ||
jsgotangco | cheers mate | 03:53 |
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CIA-25 | Ubuntu Documentation: mantha feisty * r4021 /edubuntu/handbook/C/ (introduction.xml server.xml using.xml): | 09:00 |
CIA-25 | Ubuntu Documentation: * take out unused sections | 09:00 |
CIA-25 | Ubuntu Documentation: * replace Microsoft and Adobe references with generic names | 09:00 |
CIA-25 | Ubuntu Documentation: * lts.conf example fix from ogra | 09:00 |
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