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foo | I am helping someone install ubuntu on a Dell PowerEdge SC1435 (http://www.dell.com/content/products/productdetails.aspx/pedge_sc1435) - the system has a SAS 5iR RAID controller. During ubuntu, on the partition screen... it hangs. We tried this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1575949&postcount=20 .. any idea why the hang? ALT+F2 didn't show any verbosity or anything, hmm. | 04:37 |
foo | Would you guys recommend ubuntu 6.06 LTS AMD64 or x86? I've been told AMD64 isn't too stable... thoughts? | 04:48 |
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shawarma | foo: amd64 is stable. The only issue with amd64 I'm familiar with is stuff like plugins for firefox, but that's hardly relevant on servers. :-) | 07:02 |
foo | shawarma: ahh, yeah. :) | 07:03 |
foo | shawarma: thank you :) | 07:03 |
shawarma | foo: Where does the boot hang? | 07:03 |
foo | shawarma: Right before the partitioner, after he presses enter on the web proxy set up | 07:04 |
foo | Someone else suggested to boot with the ubuntu live cd and do the partitioning prior to the install, which isn't a bad idea | 07:05 |
foo | Any two cents appreciated :) | 07:05 |
shawarma | I'm sorry, I've got to run. I'll be around later, though. | 07:22 |
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foo | shawarma: alrighty, hit me up if you have some input - thanks | 07:50 |
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Burgundavia | ivoks: it was you who was discussing network management tools ala zabbix the other day, no? | 09:20 |
ivoks | yes | 09:20 |
Burgundavia | you looked into that python based one, no | 09:21 |
Burgundavia | ? | 09:21 |
ivoks | hm.. zenoss? | 09:22 |
Burgundavia | yep | 09:22 |
ivoks | zenoss requests NOPASSWD in sudoers for /bin/kill | 09:22 |
Burgundavia | ya | 09:22 |
ivoks | i've asked on devel list about this, but no one responded yet | 09:23 |
Burgundavia | ah | 09:23 |
ivoks | as soon as i catch some free time, i'll investigate why is this needed | 09:23 |
ivoks | i guess there are some processes that run as zenoss user | 09:23 |
ivoks | which try to kill processes runed by root | 09:23 |
ivoks | this is someting i dislike | 09:23 |
ivoks | if that's the case, i'll work on a workaround | 09:24 |
foo | Strange | 09:24 |
foo | I run nagios now.. | 09:24 |
foo | I've seen zenoss (and have a zenoss) hat at the socal linux expo... and was going to migrate my stuff to it | 09:24 |
Burgundavia | http://dev.zenoss.org/trac/search?q=sudoers&wiki=on&changeset=on&ticket=on | 09:24 |
Burgundavia | ivoks: where is the link to the devel list? | 09:26 |
ivoks | they got forum :) | 09:26 |
Burgundavia | are their any other gotchas in the code that we have picked up? | 09:26 |
ivoks | i didn't look at it yet | 09:26 |
Burgundavia | ah, I see | 09:27 |
ivoks | i started to read INSTALL and saw this | 09:27 |
Burgundavia | ok | 09:27 |
Burgundavia | I am going to write the asterisk MIR now | 09:27 |
ivoks | http://community.zenoss.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=3&sid=8720860bbc055abbbdb95b4b31429498 | 09:27 |
ivoks | great | 09:27 |
Burgundavia | yep, got it | 09:27 |
Burgundavia | wow, the zaptel installation method is hideously ugly | 09:32 |
foo | Burgundavia: Setting up asterisk or something? | 09:48 |
Burgundavia | I already have an asterisk box at work | 09:48 |
Burgundavia | it has uptime measured in hours | 09:53 |
Burgundavia | and it is built on 2 years old cvs asterisk code | 09:53 |
Burgundavia | on White Box EL 3 | 09:53 |
Burgundavia | but apparently my gf is nagging me to come to bed | 09:53 |
ivoks | Burg. have a good night :) | 09:53 |
foo | haha | 09:53 |
foo | women. *shrug* | 09:53 |
foo | :) | 09:53 |
foo | ivoks: Heya, you work with dell servers by any chance? | 09:53 |
ivoks | couple of them, yes | 09:53 |
ivoks | 1600sc and 1500sc | 09:53 |
ivoks | that reminded me, i should put back cover on one of them :D | 09:53 |
foo | haha! | 09:53 |
foo | Sweet! | 09:53 |
foo | I'm dealing with the 1435C. trying to help someone get ubuntu on it | 09:55 |
foo | Haven't had luck getting RAID0 and RAID1 to work | 09:56 |
foo | http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1575949&postcount=20 | 09:56 |
foo | Going to give that a shot | 09:56 |
foo | Any two cents ivoks ? | 09:56 |
ivoks | sorry, wasn't here | 10:03 |
ivoks | let me see... | 10:03 |
ivoks | what raid controler is that? | 10:04 |
foo | SAS 5iR | 10:04 |
foo | I know that's not what the article shows that I linked, but a friend (lullabud) said it might do the trick | 10:04 |
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ivoks | ok, that's a hardware raid | 10:05 |
ivoks | and megaraid_sas isn't included in initrd? hm... | 10:05 |
foo | yu | 10:06 |
foo | p | 10:06 |
ivoks | but this page is for software raid | 10:06 |
foo | ahh | 10:06 |
foo | Hmm, we were just going to try it, I had no idea | 10:06 |
ivoks | i.e. if you have hardware raid | 10:07 |
foo | I had them try with ubuntu 6.06 and guy said it hung when he got to the partitions part of the install | 10:07 |
maswan | a real raid doesn't need any support, it should just appear as normal scsi devices | 10:07 |
ivoks | linux will see only one disk (assuming you set up raid before installing) | 10:07 |
foo | maswan: agreed. | 10:07 |
ivoks | and one can't expirience thise problems | 10:07 |
foo | ivoks: ahh | 10:07 |
ivoks | these | 10:07 |
foo | Alright.. so, I probably need to tell the guy to set up RAID in the RAID BIOS? | 10:07 |
foo | er, I shouldn't assume he did that, I did | 10:08 |
ivoks | if you can't set it up in bios, than it's software raid | 10:08 |
ivoks | right | 10:08 |
ivoks | i preferre hw raid, but there are some that preferre linux software raid | 10:08 |
maswan | if you want to set it up from inside the OS, it depends on alot of factor | 10:08 |
foo | Should SAS 5iR be hardware RAID? | 10:08 |
foo | I would prefer hw raid | 10:08 |
maswan | probably, yes | 10:09 |
ivoks | http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos/2006-October/070929.html | 10:09 |
ivoks | yes, it is | 10:09 |
foo | I see | 10:09 |
maswan | handling them from inside the OS usually depends on you finding a management tool and hope it runs on your distribution (and not just red hat 7.2) | 10:09 |
foo | hah, I see | 10:10 |
foo | We're going with ubuntu | 10:10 |
ivoks | good choice :D | 10:10 |
foo | Eh, I've gotten so much crap for using ubuntu. | 10:10 |
foo | I'm all for giving things a chance... | 10:10 |
maswan | It shouldn't be a problem to set it up in bios, you probably want to look for the management tool anyway though | 10:10 |
foo | And ubuntus support and everything is just great | 10:10 |
maswan | but that's a later problem, not for install | 10:10 |
foo | The common answer I get is "it's a desktop distro" | 10:10 |
foo | eh, I take it as ignorance and move on. | 10:10 |
foo | I see | 10:11 |
ivoks | when i installed ubuntu on dells | 10:11 |
ivoks | i got setup CD with server | 10:11 |
ivoks | whit it i've created raid | 10:11 |
ivoks | and then rebooted and started installer | 10:11 |
ivoks | iirc, it didn't have raid bios :/ | 10:11 |
foo | ahh | 10:11 |
foo | This should have a raid bios | 10:12 |
ivoks | IIRC! | 10:12 |
foo | I'm just telling someone, I hope it does | 10:12 |
foo | ivoks: You run ubuntu on those other SC servers? | 10:13 |
ivoks | yes | 10:13 |
ivoks | i run ubuntu only | 10:13 |
ivoks | :) | 10:13 |
foo | nice. What are your primary reasons for running ubuntu? | 10:13 |
foo | (I will use these when I talk to folks as well) | 10:13 |
ivoks | personal reasons... | 10:13 |
ivoks | i worked with debian for 8 years | 10:14 |
foo | I love debian. | 10:14 |
ivoks | i do have RHCE, but i find ubuntu to be superior in things i do | 10:14 |
=== foo has a debian polo shirt | ||
foo | hehe | 10:14 |
foo | I see | 10:14 |
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ivoks | for example... | 10:14 |
ivoks | rhel 4 has very old samba | 10:14 |
ivoks | this samba doesn't work with some versions of MacOSX | 10:15 |
maswan | ubuntu on the server is like debian, except it "just works", and we have a bit better experience in speedy security upgrades | 10:15 |
maswan | (speaking as to why we use it at work) | 10:15 |
[miles] | mornign guys | 10:15 |
ivoks | foo: if you need a reason: | 10:15 |
[miles] | erm, question: | 10:15 |
ivoks | http://www.google.com/trends?q=ubuntu%2C+redhat | 10:15 |
ivoks | :) | 10:15 |
maswan | oh, and a resonable upgrade schedule, so that when you feel like doing a site upgrade, there is always something _resonably_ fresh around | 10:16 |
[miles] | I've just put in a ubuntu server 6.06, and it's fine... | 10:16 |
ivoks | right | 10:16 |
[miles] | but, I have a fwbuilder script that I execute on boot, and it's churning all the logs to the terminal | 10:16 |
[miles] | is there no syslog installed by default? | 10:16 |
ivoks | i could go with newer apache, php etc on redhat | 10:16 |
ivoks | but i loose support then | 10:16 |
ivoks | and i'm on my own... | 10:16 |
ivoks | with ubuntu i'm safer | 10:16 |
ivoks | i can go with dapper or some newer version for 'edgy' setups | 10:17 |
=== foo nods | ||
foo | ivoks: thank you! Hm, where are you located? If you don't mind me asking | 10:17 |
ivoks | foo: zagreb, croatia | 10:17 |
ivoks | foo: with clients even outside croatia :) | 10:17 |
foo | hm, never heard of .. either of those... hehe, anyways, cool! Thanks, I'll hang around here. | 10:17 |
[miles] | ivoks: you know nxor? | 10:18 |
ivoks | [miles] : no | 10:18 |
ivoks | [miles] : maybe, but not by nickname | 10:18 |
[miles] | he's a SUSE guy | 10:18 |
[miles] | Daniel Radic | 10:18 |
ivoks | no, i'm afraid not... | 10:18 |
[miles] | http://smeet.zeilers.net/2006/attendees | 10:19 |
[miles] | right... coffee time | 10:19 |
[miles] | bbiab | 10:19 |
ivoks | [miles] : yes, there is syslog | 10:19 |
ivoks | [miles] : you should set it up to not display iptables messages to console | 10:19 |
[miles] | ivoks: weird, cos on the other box, it's not doing it | 10:19 |
[miles] | just the UBS 6.06 one | 10:19 |
ivoks | well, i can't check it out now, cause i have to go... | 10:20 |
ivoks | bbl | 10:20 |
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[miles] | yo | 11:03 |
lionel | hey [miles] | 11:03 |
[miles] | mmm syslog was installed.. how strange... I have no idea why the firewall logs are getting outputed to the console :-| | 11:03 |
[miles] | bonjour lionel | 11:04 |
[miles] | lionel: do you have any idea as to why this might be happening please? | 11:05 |
lionel | firewall usually log on console and syslog | 11:08 |
lionel | iirc it is log priority related | 11:09 |
lionel | dmesg -n 1 should prevent this | 11:10 |
[miles] | sorry back now | 11:10 |
[miles] | it's a fwbuilder script | 11:11 |
[miles] | lionel: is there a configuration file where I should specify the -n 1 | 11:12 |
[miles] | ? | 11:12 |
lionel | I don't know :-( | 11:12 |
[miles] | lionel: ok, np, I'll google around, for sure you've hit the nail on the head tho | 11:13 |
lionel | let me know if you find a solution :) | 11:13 |
[miles] | nod, thanks dude | 11:13 |
[miles] | I will | 11:13 |
[miles] | I can't check it until nearly 14:00 | 11:15 |
[miles] | damn it | 11:15 |
[miles] | cos it's the firewall for the internel network... got 2 x boxes... can't swap'em around | 11:15 |
[miles] | lionel: FYI, I just made some modifications, simply adding /bin/dmesg -n 1 did work, many thanks for that info dude | 11:45 |
[miles] | I placed it in the .fw script btw | 11:45 |
lionel | hehe ;) | 11:45 |
lionel | that's a solution | 11:45 |
[miles] | seems thats what everyone does | 11:45 |
[miles] | lionel: UBS 6.06 makes a nice firewall... | 11:46 |
[miles] | lionel: bare min... superb | 11:46 |
lionel | UBS ? | 11:46 |
[miles] | lionel: may I ask you, your relations with ubuntu are at a personal level or business? | 11:46 |
[miles] | Ubuntu Server | 11:46 |
lionel | both | 11:46 |
=== [miles] has no idea why he always refers to it as UBS | ||
[miles] | lol | 11:46 |
lionel | I have about 20 servers here under Ubuntu | 11:47 |
lionel | (here = at work) | 11:47 |
[miles] | ah ok | 11:48 |
lionel | most of my servers in fact (some still in Debian and very few run Windows) | 11:48 |
[miles] | lionel: may I pm you? | 11:48 |
lionel | sure ! | 11:48 |
foo | [miles] : Would you happen to run the servers with ubuntu on dell hardware? | 12:17 |
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[miles] | yes | 12:19 |
[miles] | foo: our hwp is dell | 12:20 |
foo | sweet, which ones? | 12:20 |
[miles] | poweredge | 12:20 |
ivoks | foo: no luck with dell? | 12:23 |
lionel | here also i use Dell Powerdge | 12:28 |
foo | ahhh, sweet... you guys rock | 12:29 |
=== foo is going to start idling here | ||
foo | ivoks: ah, I've shot him an e-mail - he's going to try it tomorrow, I don't have physical access, just remote | 12:29 |
foo | [miles] : 1435SC by any chance? | 12:29 |
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[miles] | mmm will have to check | 12:30 |
[miles] | foo: gimme 5 mins please | 12:30 |
foo | [miles] : ah, no problem - thanks!! | 12:30 |
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foo | lionel: What about you? Dell poweredge 1535SC by any chance | 12:35 |
foo | ? | 12:35 |
foo | (if you'd happen to knw0 | 12:35 |
foo | know) | 12:36 |
lionel | no, I have only 850, 860, 1850, 1950 :-( | 12:36 |
lionel | foo: what is your problem ? | 12:37 |
davekempe | foo is the 1535c a new model? what problems are you having with it? | 12:37 |
foo | lionel: Had some issues with the SAS 5iR RAID Controller... was just looking for living proof that someone got it working, hehe | 12:37 |
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lionel | foo with Dapper ? | 12:38 |
foo | Ubuntu 6.06 LTS AMD64 hung after the proxy setup... which is right before the partitioning part | 12:38 |
davekempe | do you have the lspci output? | 12:38 |
foo | I'm helping someone set it up and I'm thinking he didn't configure the RAID array in the RAID BIOS | 12:38 |
foo | davekempe: Can't get that far :) Might try the ubuntu live cd tomorrow if he did build the raid array | 12:39 |
davekempe | yeah. feisty kubuntu or knoppix 5.8 might be a good source of info | 12:39 |
davekempe | whats your target distro? dapper? | 12:39 |
lionel | davekempe: kubuntu ? :) | 12:40 |
foo | haha. | 12:40 |
foo | Would like to get dapper LTS AMD64 working if possibly | 12:40 |
foo | If need be, 6.10... but starting with that | 12:40 |
foo | I'd be able to troubleshoot more if I had physical access to the server, but since I don't - I'm trying to ask around to make it easy on the guy, hehe | 12:40 |
davekempe | lionel, kubuntu cos i prefer konsole, and cos its the best amd64 livecd around | 12:40 |
lionel | davekempe: no problem, I would have said "Feisty live CD" to avoid (k)Ubuntu troll ;) | 12:41 |
davekempe | foo, when this has happened to me (quite a few times now) I have needed a lengthy session at the console to get things work | 12:41 |
davekempe | lionel, :) | 12:41 |
lionel | Time for lunch here. bbl | 12:42 |
foo | davekempe: eek. To my understanding the SAS 5iR RAID card is true hardware RAID... so, if the RAID array is built successfully, it should work fine... I assumed he built the array, but have not confirmed | 12:42 |
davekempe | foo - SAS is a new storage mechanism, so 'true' or not, dapper might not support it nicely | 12:42 |
ivoks | is there realy something to troubleshot or you are just guessing? | 12:42 |
foo | davekempe: I see | 12:43 |
ivoks | davekempe: it does | 12:43 |
foo | ivoks: Wha? Yeah, it hung after the http proxy setup, right before the partition | 12:43 |
ivoks | sas has little to non impact on OS | 12:43 |
foo | I see | 12:43 |
foo | ivoks: hehe, I don't doubt ya, just askin' around. | 12:44 |
foo | Anywho, hopefully he just needs to build the array and we can be on our merry way | 12:44 |
foo | lionel: Lunch? Geez, it's 4am here. hah | 12:44 |
davekempe | ivoks, i have had plenty of trouble with various sas controllers and dapper, not sure what you are getting at | 12:44 |
ivoks | foo: i'm just interested if you tried to install ubuntu or just asking random people do they have problems with dell? :) | 12:44 |
[miles] | sorry I have to run out of the office to meet the wife... foo, I'll be back shortly | 12:44 |
ivoks | davekempe: lol... well, i had none :) | 12:44 |
foo | [miles] : np | 12:45 |
foo | ivoks: ah, we've tried... hence how I know it froze. It was explained to me, though, and I have to maybe explain to him how to build the RAID array, we'll see | 12:45 |
ivoks | it froze? | 12:45 |
ivoks | i doubt it frozed cause of raid controller | 12:45 |
foo | froze... hung .. no progress bar movement.. yeah. | 12:45 |
ivoks | did you try booting it with pci=nommconf? | 12:45 |
davekempe | foo, the exact same thing happens to me on a Sun 4100 SAS, but only when the mirror was configured | 12:45 |
foo | It was right before partition setup.. don't know. | 12:45 |
foo | ivoks: nope, should we try that? | 12:46 |
ivoks | ah.. i see | 12:46 |
foo | I see | 12:46 |
davekempe | the ibm base model server x405 i think did something simiilar as well | 12:46 |
davekempe | and adaptec sas controller in that one | 12:46 |
davekempe | you gotta get in front of the machine, switch to alternate console and go from there | 12:47 |
foo | alternate console = alt+f2 ? | 12:47 |
davekempe | on the Suns, the installer sits there spewing messages about a floppy controller or something, then finally gets there.... but seriously, we need more info before we can help you | 12:47 |
davekempe | or alt+f3 or F4 | 12:47 |
ivoks | right | 12:47 |
foo | Right, I told him to do that.. said it was just a normal login. | 12:47 |
foo | I have seen verbosity there myself, which is why I asked him | 12:48 |
foo | Hm, I'm assuming a DRAC card would allow me to do this all remotely, right? | 12:48 |
ivoks | what else do you need except normal login? | 12:48 |
ivoks | then you have dmesg | 12:48 |
ivoks | lsmod and all the tools for diagnose | 12:48 |
foo | ivoks: err, good point, I'm used to just seeing dmesg on that console. I'll have him do that tomorrow | 12:48 |
foo | for sure | 12:48 |
foo | hm, can he set up ssh too, hehe | 12:49 |
ivoks | yes | 12:49 |
davekempe | alt+f3 might do it, or F4 I can't remember. i just do its instinctively | 12:49 |
foo | ahh, sweet. thanks guys | 12:49 |
ivoks | err... no, only if he install it first :) | 12:49 |
foo | ah, yeah, he can probably bring the network up and get me in, nice | 12:49 |
davekempe | if you really can't get it working, boot off a livecd, install ssh an get in from there | 12:49 |
foo | heh, no need for a livecd, then | 12:49 |
foo | yeah | 12:50 |
davekempe | then you can use debootstrap to install dapper | 12:50 |
davekempe | and even build a custom kernel | 12:50 |
ivoks | or build custom kernel and do net boot | 12:50 |
ivoks | anyway... bll | 12:50 |
foo | ah, turns out he did set up the RAID array | 01:02 |
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dballester | hi to all | 01:09 |
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Odd_Bloke | Hi guys, I'm running kernel 2.6.15-26-server (Dapper) and need the kernel headers. There is not, however, an equivalent headers package. Can I get headers for this kernel or do I need to upgrade to a (marginally) more recent kernel? | 03:22 |
ivoks | huh? | 03:23 |
ivoks | linux-headers-2.6.15-26-server | 03:23 |
ivoks | and... that's old kernel | 03:24 |
ivoks | you should update your server | 03:24 |
Odd_Bloke | Hmm, I appear to be going insane. | 03:24 |
Odd_Bloke | ivoks: I've just installed it, and it didn't upgrade it automatically... | 03:24 |
ivoks | it won't do that | 03:25 |
ivoks | you have to manually update it | 03:25 |
ivoks | i would suggest installing linux-server package | 03:26 |
Odd_Bloke | ivoks: Already installed. | 03:27 |
ivoks | then apt-get update | 03:27 |
ivoks | apt-get dist-upgrade | 03:27 |
=== Odd_Bloke isn't stupid enough to dist-upgrade. | ||
ivoks | ? | 03:27 |
Odd_Bloke | I've never had a dist-upgrade work in my life. | 03:28 |
ivoks | this will not install newer distribution | 03:28 |
ivoks | but a upgrade for kernel | 03:28 |
ivoks | s/a/an | 03:28 |
Odd_Bloke | It didn't install anything. | 03:29 |
mralphabet | did you do the update first? | 03:30 |
Odd_Bloke | Yup. | 03:30 |
ivoks | are you sure you aren't running 2.6.15-28? | 03:30 |
Odd_Bloke | I am. | 03:31 |
Odd_Bloke | (Sure) | 03:31 |
ivoks | so... you don't have internet repositories enabled? | 03:31 |
Odd_Bloke | Though, looking at /boot, I do have 2.6.15-28 installed. | 03:31 |
ivoks | ok... | 03:31 |
=== Odd_Bloke reboots. | ||
Odd_Bloke | OK, now it's booting with 2.6.15-28 | 03:32 |
=== [miles] [n=miles@bcn1.entorno.es] has joined #ubuntu-server | ||
[miles] | mmm anyone having problems accessing security.ubuntu.com | 03:38 |
[miles] | ? | 03:38 |
[miles] | mmm anyone having problems accessing security.ubuntu.com | 03:39 |
lionel | it is very slow / unavailable for me since this morning | 03:40 |
[miles] | ah ok, not just me then | 03:44 |
[miles] | lol | 03:44 |
ivoks | i use mirrors archive | 03:52 |
[miles] | guys, u know a way to view the cache in bind? | 04:06 |
ivoks | dig @localhost :) | 04:08 |
ivoks | dig @localhost [domain] | 04:08 |
ivoks | actualy, <domain> | 04:09 |
[miles] | nah, rndc dumpdb | 04:11 |
[miles] | :) | 04:11 |
[miles] | works perfectly | 04:12 |
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[miles] | jesus, the update servers are slowww today | 04:40 |
[miles] | gonna have to setup a proxy cache | 04:40 |
[miles] | mmm whats better, apt-proxy or apt-cacher ? | 04:41 |
=== [miles] pokes lionel a bit | ||
lionel | hey ;) | 04:42 |
=== [miles] does it some more | ||
[miles] | :P | 04:42 |
lionel | If you have bw, the best is probabily a local miror | 04:42 |
[miles] | really? | 04:43 |
[miles] | lionel: you don't use apt-proxy or apt-cacher? | 04:43 |
lionel | from what I have seen, squid tends to replace apt-proxy/apt-cacher | 04:43 |
lionel | no | 04:43 |
lionel | Dapper i386 is "only" 9G of disk | 04:44 |
lionel | if you have many system with that... | 04:44 |
[miles] | ok | 04:44 |
lionel | I have a boubt on 9... | 04:44 |
lionel | may be 13 | 04:44 |
lionel | but with some bandwith, it should not be a problem | 04:44 |
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ivoks | i would suggest squid too | 04:45 |
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[miles] | ivoks: :-| | 04:59 |
[miles] | mmm | 04:59 |
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EtienneG | miles, we use apt-cacher here with good success | 08:40 |
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coNP | hey | 09:49 |
coNP | is it possible to install a ubuntu server (in fact the alternate, because I need RAID as well) from a running system? | 09:49 |
coNP | just as I were using ubiquity (that is not a solution, however, because it does not support RAID if I am right) | 09:50 |
mralphabet | coNP: without a reboot? | 09:52 |
mralphabet | or rather, what do you mean by running? | 09:52 |
coNP | I have a desktop machine | 09:52 |
coNP | I have a hard disk installed on that I want to have the new system | 09:53 |
coNP | I want to boot my desktop machine and then install the new system | 09:53 |
coNP | while I am able to perform regular tasks as answering e-mails, etc. | 09:53 |
coNP | finally I remove the hard disk and put it back to the new machine | 09:54 |
mralphabet | I do not understand why you just can't install ubuntu on the new machine, it takes 15 minutes | 09:56 |
coNP | because I only have the hard disk here:) | 09:57 |
coNP | and I don't want to move the whole big machine | 09:57 |
Burgwork | you can do that | 09:57 |
Burgwork | grab the alternate, install on it | 09:57 |
Burgwork | swap the harddrive | 09:57 |
Burgwork | go | 09:57 |
coNP | sure that is what I wanted | 09:57 |
coNP | but then I imagined that it might be possible to install from my desktop | 09:58 |
shawarma | coNP: It is. You can use debootstrap. | 09:58 |
coNP | oh, thanks | 09:59 |
coNP | I install the hard disk and -- hopefully :) -- come back | 10:01 |
mralphabet | is it me or is that just overcomplicating the process | 10:02 |
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shawarma | mralphabet: Probably. | 10:05 |
radevil_ | hello | 10:05 |
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radevil | hello | 10:06 |
radevil | I want to apply to the ubuntu server developer team | 10:07 |
radevil | is there anybody here that works for canonical in that position that can gives me some information please? | 10:07 |
mralphabet | http://www.ubuntu.com/employment#head-9a9627b56fd16e9c958afc0774a78ef29d3c9098 | 10:11 |
mralphabet | not sure if you have seen that | 10:11 |
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radevil | well i wanted to know about the job | 10:37 |
radevil | how much time does it takes | 10:37 |
radevil | schedule | 10:38 |
mralphabet | I don't know that anyone here works for canonical | 10:40 |
radevil | mmm so you're all colaborating with support | 10:41 |
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Burgwork | radevil: which job? | 10:42 |
mralphabet | I could easily be wrong, but it isn't something that has been brought up | 10:42 |
radevil | ubuntu server developer | 10:42 |
Burgwork | right | 10:44 |
Burgwork | for that you would need to talk to canonical direclty | 10:44 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-server:Burgwork] : Ubuntu Server discussion and support | general (not server specific) support -> #ubuntu-server-admin | ||
radevil | do yuo wirk for canonical?? | 10:44 |
Burgwork | no | 10:44 |
radevil | you work* | 10:45 |
radevil | mm ok, well i though i could find someone that works for them to find some more information about the schedule, and some other stuffs | 10:46 |
radevil | thanks a lot for the help | 10:46 |
Burgwork | radevil: wait | 10:46 |
Burgwork | basically, the job requires you to have some debian skills and lot of server experience | 10:46 |
Burgwork | you can work from home | 10:46 |
Burgwork | there are a minimum of two international conferences you would need to attend each year, called Ubuntu Development Summits | 10:47 |
Burgwork | do you have experience with open source in general? | 10:47 |
radevil | yes, i have experience working with debian servers | 10:48 |
radevil | LDAP, Bind DNS, iptables, apache, etc ... | 10:49 |
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@36-88.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-server | ||
shawarma | Burgwork: Why would you want general support to go to #ubuntu-server-admin instead of #ubuntu ? | 11:05 |
Burgwork | because #ubuntu is completely and totallly full | 11:06 |
Burgwork | I would rather have -admin merge into here, as we are not busy here | 11:06 |
shawarma | Oh, #ubuntu-server-admin is not new? | 11:07 |
shawarma | I just never heard about it before. | 11:07 |
shawarma | Burgwork: Even though #ubuntu is full, it's still the proper place to ask how to install nvidia drivers and whatnot. | 11:08 |
Burgwork | is new | 11:08 |
Burgwork | if we are trying to promote Ubuntu on the server, throwing them to #ubuntu is not a good way to do it | 11:09 |
shawarma | Definitely not. | 11:09 |
Burgwork | I suspect that most people running on Ubuntu ont he server know those basic things | 11:09 |
shawarma | But this channel is for server support, too? | 11:09 |
Burgwork | they are looking for higher level advice | 11:09 |
Burgwork | oh, right | 11:09 |
ivoks | :) | 11:09 |
Burgwork | I didn't read the topic before I changed it | 11:09 |
ivoks | this is dev+support channel :) | 11:10 |
=== Burgwork hangs his head | ||
radevil | lol | 11:10 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-server:Burgwork] : Ubuntu Server discussion and support | general (not server specific) support -> #ubuntu | ||
ivoks | Burgwork: is good to know that we all think a like :) | 11:10 |
Burgwork | shall we merge -server-admin into this one? | 11:11 |
ivoks | sure | 11:11 |
Burgwork | innatech registered it | 11:12 |
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