
Tm_Tapokryphos: Btw you will go to aKademy?12:22
jjesseshould i be asked to install mp3 support in feisty?12:24
apokryphosTm_T: perhaps to the user part; quite a few people keep nudging me to go12:24
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Tm_Tapokryphos: I'm trying to get there01:23
Tm_Thmm, travelling to aKademy and back, 100-200 01:25
Tm_TI wonder how much staying there whole week might cost01:25
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Tm_TJucato: just remembered something related to your name )(02:17
Tm_Tand it's not very admiring I assume02:17
=== Jucato has no idea what Tm_T is talking about....
Tm_TJucato: let me check it, I'll translate it then02:18
Tm_Tjust one song where is mentioned "Juan Carlos"02:19
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nosrednaekimhey all.... just tried out the fiesty beta(installed it) its great!!02:30
nosrednaekima couple questions though....02:30
nosrednaekimfirst of all, It didn't run the migration assistant (and I do have a windows partition)02:31
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Tm_THobbsee: morning (:02:33
nosrednaekimalso, I have an ATI card, and it didn't detect it and prompt me to instal the binary drivers02:33
Hobbseeheya Tm_T!02:34
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Jucatoyeah, it's morning on our part of the world :D02:41
Tm_Tvery early morning here too, sorta02:41
Tm_Tgood time to start doing accounting stuff02:43
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nixternalheh, you think they get the hint when they ask for support in a dev channel and nobody answers? :p03:18
firephotoi think it was more of a "this was broke for me" statement. (probably no recently filed bug about that from them though...) ;)03:22
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Jucatomanchicken: kool! :D07:41
Jucatomanchicken: ah going back to web devlopment?07:42
manchickenI've been there.07:42
manchickenJust at a different place.07:42
manchickenI want to do more Free Software work, and I got an opportunity.07:42
manchickenI actually used to work for this company a little over a year ago07:42
Jucatoah so nice :)07:43
JucatoI hope that when I do get a job, I'll be able to do FOSS work as well07:43
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Lurehi all08:16
Lureshould we also have something like: ubuntu-restricted-extras?08:16
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hungerHmm.... what broke knetworkmanager?09:29
hungerOh, sorry, false alarm.09:43
hungerIt did not come up since some other app was displaying a kwallet-window.09:43
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_StefanS_hep hey10:07
Jucatohey hep :)10:08
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Jucatohi Tonio_!!11:33
Jucatohow did the interview go?11:33
Tonio_Lure: uploading k3b then, couldn't do it yesterday11:33
Tonio_just got an offer for a second job11:33
Tonio_hehe, nice day11:33
Jucatohehe :)11:33
Tonio_Jucato: interview was nice until the guy asked me to describe what a dns is11:34
Tonio_my speciality11:34
Tonio_and I missed a word........... "record"11:34
Tonio_couldn't remember it and I started panic a bit11:35
Tonio_second part of the interview wasn't that nice11:35
Jucatoaw.. :(11:35
Tonio_but the guy was american, maybe he'll understood, how hard it is to have an interview on the phone, in another language11:35
Tonio_but yes, I was angry11:35
Tonio_how do you want to describe what is a A record, cname record11:36
Tonio_records replication11:36
Tonio_when you miss the word "record"11:36
Tonio_that's impossible :(11:36
Tonio_so I described iteratives and recursives modes, their difference etc......11:37
Tonio_but I missed the most important11:37
Tonio_shame on me....... preasure caused this11:37
Tonio_so what happens when you fail in an interview due to preasure ?11:37
Jucatosort of... :/11:37
Tonio_you're ended..... that'll happen I guess11:37
Jucatodid they immediately tell you if you got the job or not?11:38
Tonio_no, so there is a chance the guy realises that preasre didn't help and give a second chance11:38
Tonio_not at the phone11:38
Tonio_he told me that my english was just perfect except the incident11:39
Jucatoah at least he gave immediate feedback and told you what you missed11:39
Tonio_I think he understood I knew everything about dns but failed since a word was missing, I told him11:39
Tonio_I just explained I knew the word, but just had a memory leak11:39
Tonio_Jucato: and of course 2 seconds after I hang up the phon..........11:40
Tonio_"ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!! record !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"11:40
Jucatoif it were me, I'd be to busy banging my head on a (wooden) wall :/11:41
Tonio_Jucato: about the same for me.....11:42
Tonio_I just hope that he understands that outside of the interview context I'd do better11:42
Tonio_and I could describe what dns is.......11:42
Jucatoso he's giving a second chance? when/how?11:43
Tonio_I'll recontact me11:43
Tonio_dunno when, probably today11:43
Tonio_I have a second interview this afternoon, phone, but in french, for the second company11:44
Jucatoaaah you'll probably do better with this second interview :D11:44
Tonio_Jucato: yes but the amazon job was better11:45
Tonio_second thing I missed is when the guy asked me : "can you describe me a moment when you fail on your mission"11:46
Tonio_problem : I never failed in my job....... never!11:46
Jucatohm... "we'll call you" types scare me :/11:46
Jucatohehe :)11:46
Tonio_and that's not a joke11:46
Tonio_i couldn't say this11:46
Tonio_so I had to lie, and tell a false story11:46
Tonio_hard when that's not your native language........11:47
=== Jucato can lie in both English and Filipino though... but that's because English is his semi-native tongue...
Tonio_but I just couldn't say "I never failed at any mission"11:47
Tonio_Jucato: can you say that in an interview ?11:48
Tonio_hard question ;)11:48
Jucatothey'd think your full of it :D11:48
Tonio_so I invented a story about a 2000 -> 2003 exchange migration that went to nightmare11:48
Tonio_which is very common with exchange lol11:48
Tonio_but I  think the guy saw it was a lie11:49
Tonio_Jucato: the problem is that tipically, I'm an exchange expert, and in general I'm the guy that is called when a migration goes to nightmare to repair.......11:49
Tonio_sadly, I just couldn't say "you know what, I never did an error, I'm just perfect"11:50
Tonio_that's something you just can't say, even it is true11:50
Jucatoat least not in an interview :)11:50
Tonio_I can fail, but that currently never happened11:50
Jucatoyou're perfectly free to shout it in here :D11:50
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Tonio_Jucato: so we'll see11:51
=== Jucato keeps fingers and toes crossed :)
Tonio_but one word missing corrupted the interview11:51
Tonio_without this lack, I'd do way better by the end, since that gave me too much pressure11:51
Tonio_Jucato: hehe, thanks :)11:52
Tonio_concerning the second company, it is for a job I perfecty know, and in french11:52
Tonio_99% of chance theu'll acept me11:52
larsiviI'm testing the next RC's for xorg server and intel driver (since the current don't work correctly with my setup), but would like to know how to repair my kubuntu installation afterwards11:53
larsiviif anyone knows :)11:53
larsiviwill a reinstall of xorg-server and friends be enough?11:53
Tonio_larsivi: just sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg12:01
Tonio_same for all other12:01
larsiviTonio_: thanks12:01
Tonio_sorry for the brokenline :)12:01
Tonio_larsivi: that'll overwrite the files on the computer12:01
larsiviI'll live ;)12:01
larsiviregarding the broken line :o12:02
_StefanS_hey Tonio_ what was the job ?12:06
Tonio__StefanS_: IT manager for amazon france12:09
_StefanS_oh nice12:09
Tonio__StefanS_: so it wasn't bad, but I could have done better12:09
_StefanS_Tonio_: I read that you have a memory leak.. lack :D12:09
Tonio_leak or lack ?12:09
Tonio_leak ?12:09
_StefanS_Tonio_: well about record12:09
Tonio_what is the good word ?12:09
Tonio__StefanS_: yeah that f*ucked me up......12:10
_StefanS_Tonio_: well neither12:10
Tonio__StefanS_: of course 2 seconds after I hang up the phone, I got it........12:10
Tonio_I just hope to have a second chance in front of him12:10
Jucatomemory gap12:10
Tonio_my chance is that they want a windows/unix/linux sysadmin with management capabilities12:11
_StefanS_Tonio_: yea, well they must have seen you were home in the technical stuff afterall12:11
Tonio_that speaks a very good english12:11
Tonio_hard to find in france, so maybe that's my chance in fact12:11
=== _StefanS_ crosses fingers
Tonio_we'll see12:11
=== Jucato crosses _StefanS_'s toes too
=== _StefanS_ sorts Jucato using bubble sort
Jucatotoo heavy, I'll just sink :)12:12
Jucatooh btw, I asked someone to check the Domino code to see what's the problem with it and the new dialog box12:12
_StefanS_Jucato: ah yep..12:13
Jucatosays he's going to make a patch for it12:14
=== Jucato forgot the technical details of the problem... something about toolbar buttons...
_StefanS_Jucato: well it didn't react to the arrow keys12:15
_StefanS_Jucato: so I figured that he didn't pass on the keyEvents to the parent widgets12:15
_StefanS_Jucato: e->ignore(); or something12:15
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Jucato"<Sho_>     The buttons actually work fine in Domino, btw <Sho_>     The reason they don't appear to work is that they use toolbuttons instead of push buttons and Domino doesn't draw focus rectangles on toolbuttons"12:17
Jucato(sorry, took me a while to grep my logs)12:17
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Jucato_StefanS_: that was for you btw... just for reference :)12:19
_StefanS_Jucato: well thats great, but not true. I have retangles around mine.12:20
_StefanS_Jucato: using QtCurve ..12:21
LureTonio_: thanks for doing k3b - will pay you in drinks in Zagreb ;-)12:21
_StefanS_Jucato: and i default style12:21
LureTonio_: and good luch with job interviews ;-)12:21
Jucato_StefanS_: I'll ask again... but it's too technical for me to make sense anyway... bottom line, it's Domino's problem and he's gonna help patch it :D12:22
=== Jucato now goes away
_StefanS_why don't he have a look at QtCurve, and snatch the code from there12:22
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Tonio_Lure: can't wait to seeing you at zagreb ;)12:23
LureTonio_: my daughter is ill, so I will come by train on Sat morning and leave evening12:24
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Tonio_Lure: ouch.... not to ill I hope ?12:50
Tonio_Lure: so WE with family aborted ?12:51
LureTonio_: just cold, so they will stay at home12:51
Riddellk3b not uploaded yet?12:52
Jucatohi Riddell!! how are you now?12:54
RiddellJucato: somewhat better thanks12:55
Jucatoah kool! :)12:55
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Riddellhi Arby01:00
Arbyhello Riddell01:00
LureRiddell: Tonio_ is checking k3b, otherwise it is on revu01:10
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vonhalenbachHi. I have Kubuntu Feisty daily snapshot. A livecd i did install on my harddisk. Do you have the menu software-propertys-kde?01:14
vonhalenbachI did wonder why my computer downloaded about 6 MB every day. I thought i have a trojan horse!01:15
Jucatovonhalenbach: it's the new app to manage repositories for Feisty01:17
Jucatonot in the K Menu though (afaik). but from Adept Manager -> Adept menu -> Manage Repositories01:17
vonhalenbachYes, but i think it would be important for the user to know about such a thing. It is the point to manage the update things. So it should be in the menu.01:18
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JucatoI don't think it has anything to do with  "<vonhalenbach> I did wonder why my computer downloaded about 6 MB every day. I thought i have a trojan horse!"01:21
JucatoFeisty is in beta, daily (even more than once a day) updates always happen01:21
vonhalenbachThere is a checkbox "Check for updates daily".01:22
ArbyI tried yesterday to install from feisty daily 20070329, on a machine with 256MB I couldn't get Ubiquity to actually launch, worked fine on a machine with 512MB.01:23
ArbyAnybody know if this is a known issue01:23
vonhalenbachYou cant silently download lots of megabytes, without notifying the user about it.01:23
ArbyI know 256 is not a lot for a live CD but aren't they supposed to work on >192MB?01:23
Arbyoops s/20070329/ 20070328/01:24
ArbyI'll try again tonight with todays build, I'm just curious.01:25
Jucatovonhalenbach: you will notified only if there are updates available. it's up to you run adept updater or to configure adept to automatically download the packages. the default is "only notify"01:25
vonhalenbachok, but why does it download 6 MB a day after activating the online connection?01:26
vonhalenbachin ps ax i did see "apt-get -qq update"01:26
=== Jucato wouldn't know. but presumes it's running sudo apt-get update (not upgrade), which only downloads info about packages
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Jucatovonhalenbach: that's the "check for daily updates" part01:27
Jucatoit is not installing anything. it only updates the package index01:27
vonhalenbachwhen i disable it, it should not download so much again?01:27
guaquathe way debian's apt-get works is like that01:28
Tonio_Riddell: I'm just uploading01:28
RiddellArby: I can't remember what we say the minimum is, it could well be 256MB, it wouldn't surprise me too much if it didn't work though01:28
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Arbykubuntu/daily-live/current says 192MB01:28
Jucatovonhalenbach: as long as feisty is not yet released, you will always have daily updates. disabling it kinda defeats the purpose01:28
Arbyit's pretty much unusable on 256MB01:28
Jucatoanyway, off to dinner01:28
Arbymight just be that some docs need changing01:29
Tonio_Riddell: sorry to be late, but with zagreb and those interviews for jobs, I have other priorities :)01:29
Tonio_Lure: I'll also upload kds to disable the splash01:29
Arbyalthought curiously I can use the Xubuntu graphical installer just fine on the same machine.01:29
vonhalenbachJucato: Ah. So this means this is just a feature for testers, as long as Feisty is not released. I see. Then it is okay for me.01:29
Tonio_Riddell: I'm just pushing 2 #kubuntu-fr guys to start working on a kde/qt version of gdebi....... hope they'll accept ;)01:30
vonhalenbachI did install Feisty for testing.01:30
Tonio_Riddell: are you feeling better today ?01:30
RiddellTonio_: we already have mhb lined up to work on gdebi01:34
Riddellstill sniffy but generally not so bad01:34
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ArbyRiddell: following all the feedback, will there be a new version of the kubuntu dist-upgrade tool to test out anytime soon?01:36
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Tonio_Riddell: oh ? didn't knew abou that01:39
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RiddellArby: I have some fixes that should be uploaded soon01:45
Arbycool, I'll look out for that01:45
Arbyoverall it's a really nice tool though01:46
Arbymiles better than the dapper -> Edgy transition01:46
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ArbyRiddell: following up on the liveCD thing, the download page on kubuntu.org no longer specifies minimum RAM specifically01:47
Arbybut it does have this - Other installation options including 64 bit CD images and alternative installation methods for OEM computers and computers with less than 192MB RAM01:47
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Arbyrealistically <512MB is pretty much unusable with the liveCD installer.01:48
Arbyso maybe the page should be changed to reject that.01:49
Arbyjust my 2 cents01:49
vonhalenbachI had no problems to install with slightly more than 256MB01:49
vonhalenbachSysinfo for 'cipy': Linux 2.6.20-12-generic running KDE 3.5.6, CPU: PentiumIII(Coppermine) at 801 MHz (1605 bogomips), , RAM: 308/313MB, 114 proc's, 2.47h up01:50
Arbyvonhalenbach: interesting, ubiquity just failed to launch on my testbox with 256MB RAM01:50
vonhalenbachi can test with a livecd here if it helps. My Livecd is from 23 March.01:51
ArbyI get the hour glass in the taskbar, then either a grey window with no content, or just nothing at all01:51
Arbythis was yesterdays liveCD01:51
ArbyI intend to try tonight with todays01:51
Arbybut my test machine is at home, and I'm at work.01:51
vonhalenbachI did not figure out how the rsysnc works, yet.01:52
ArbyI have installed Edgy from a liveCD on the same machine previously01:52
Arbyvonhalenbach: there's a really handy script on the forums, hang on.01:52
Arbyhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=386269 <- there01:53
Arbyvonhalenbach: for it to work you need to replicate the directory structure of cdimage.ubuntu.com01:53
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vonhalenbachArby: Do i need to copy all files from the CD into a HD-image and then rsyncing the files -> make an iso again ?01:55
Riddelleveryone hug asyd for putting kubuntu on l'assemlee nationale01:55
=== Arby hugs asyd
=== vonhalenbach hugs asyd
asydhugs everyone !01:56
Arbyvonhalenbach download the iso with wget http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/feisty-desktop-i386.iso01:56
Arbythen when you run the script it will update that iso for you01:56
Arbyyou need a directory structure like $basedir/kubuntu-iso/daily-live/current01:57
vonhalenbachAh. That is is.01:58
vonhalenbachIt can be /home/user/kubuntu-iso/daily-live/current ?01:59
Arbyyep, that's exactly what I have01:59
Arbyjust make sure you edit the line in the rsync script to specify you're basedir correctly02:00
vonhalenbachwill do.02:00
asydRiddell: do you work for canonical ?02:04
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Tonio_asyd: work for linagora ?02:19
=== Tonio_ hugs asyd too ;)
=== kwwii hugs *everyone*
Tonio_asyd: btw, be brave.......... I already worked for the conseil rgional d'le de france02:20
Tonio_asyd: their informatics knowledge is reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally bad02:20
Tonio_hey mr kwwii02:21
asydyup, I work for Linagora :)02:21
kwwiihowdy Monsieur Tonio_02:21
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LureRiddell: seen this: http://dot.kde.org/1175118195/02:34
LureRiddell: quote: "Furthermore, OpenSUSE makes it really easy to develop for KDE 4 because it provides you with the latest version of kdelibs every Tuesday. That means I don't have to compile kdelibs myself but can concentrate on compiling kdeedu :) "02:35
LureRiddell: maybe we can set up something like this with imbrandon's build farm?02:35
=== Hobbsee waves
Lurehi Hobbsee02:37
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RiddellLure: yes, that would be nice02:47
apokryphosLure: it's actually a lot more frequent than that (try: every day or two), but they're modest :P02:49
apokryphosI heard some talk some time ago (in u-d) about a type of build service for ubuntu; problem with the openSUSE one for Ubuntu would be that it doesn't really integrate with bzr02:50
Lureapokryphos: yep, but once-per-week makes more sense due to lib changes02:50
apokryphosbuild services are quite a lot of work to get set up, but they're such an amazing idea for developers. Everyone should have one 8)02:51
Lureapokryphos: yes, this is never ending story - private archives02:51
Hobbseeapokryphos: ppa.  it's vapourware02:52
apokryphosof course they benefit users since it means pretty much all applications can be easily backported or put onto other distros (like see http://software.opensuse.org/download/openSUSE:/Tools/ )02:52
Hobbseebut you know, it'll really solve the world when it comes into being :P02:52
apokryphosHobbsee: vapourware -- what do you mean?02:52
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Hobbseeapokryphos: products that are hyped up, but dont actually exist yet, class as vapourware.02:53
Hobbsee(instead of freeware, shareware, etc)02:53
apokryphosHobbsee: build services do exist... or do you mean that Ubuntu people were hyping it up?02:53
Hobbseeapokryphos: i was meaning the personal package archives, which should solve all this02:54
apokryphospersonal archives would only be one feature of a build service02:54
apokryphosthough it does exist -- see http://software.opensuse.org/download/home:/02:54
apokryphos(home:/ is the location for personal archives)02:55
apokryphossuse guys are a little crazy, though. Their eventual plan with the OBS is to integrate it fully with KIWI, so you can choose any packages and then build your distro. Beineri made a KDE LiveCD the other day02:57
apokryphos*KDE4 LiveCD02:57
jjessewhen i try to play a mp3 in amarok in feisty shouldn't it ask me to install mp3 support?02:58
Riddelljjesse: yes03:09
jjesseRiddell: it didn't03:09
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Hobbseeyay, new basket has hit debian03:09
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Hobbseeor, is hitting it03:09
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kwwiiRiddell, all: I am updating the example content package....anyone have any interesting ideas for this?03:30
vonhalenbachjjesse: Normally amarok should ask the user if he wants to convert his mp3s to ogg-vorbis. :)03:30
vonhalenbachjjesse: Then show a selection " yes  no"  and after pressing one of the buttons should convert them anyway.03:31
Hobbseekwwii: er, what kind of stuff should it have in it?  features of kubuntu, or apps on linux?03:31
kwwiiHobbsee: example documents, sounds files, OO files, mp3, etc03:32
kwwiiHobbsee: it ends up in ~/example-content03:32
Hobbseeyeah, i just haven tseen it in a while03:33
kwwiiif nothing else, I'm updating the logos, etc.03:33
kwwiibut perhaps there is something nice we could include03:33
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asydanyone know how to change the default format of compression action  (from tar.gz to zip)03:36
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Hobbseeasyd: #ubuntu03:36
Riddellasyd: in which programme?03:37
asydon right click03:37
RiddellHobbsee: he's elite, we'll allow him that sort of questions here (although it doesn't mean we'll know the answer)03:37
jjessein regards to the example-content is the updated book material going in again?03:38
Hobbseeoh, wrong channel.  dammit03:38
=== Hobbsee thought that was in -motu
=== Hobbsee goes back and hides in the corner
asydbtw, I hope the menu "create a new" content will be customizable by a GUI in kde4, because we lost some time to understand how it works :p03:39
=== Jucato recalls a blog post almost similar to that "feature"
Jucatoat least for Konqueror...03:41
Jucatocurrently it might be theoretically possible to create a frontend for creating konqi servicemenus (I think...)03:41
kwwiijjesse: erm which book material?03:41
Tonio_asyd: RiddellI'm just preparing a little k3brc file for kds03:42
Tonio_no big changes, just disable the plash, the tips, and the auto-eject which is not fine with iso burning03:42
jjessekwwii: the official ubuntu book03:43
Riddellasyd: that right click entry is a plugin from ark, possible a kpart I'm not sure03:43
jjessein dapper and i think edgy html of it was incldued03:43
kwwiijjesse: as I see it, it is not included (at least not in the example-content package)03:44
jjessekwwii: ok, i just thought it was included in one of the previous releases03:44
Jucatoexcerpts from the Ubuntu book?03:45
Jucatoin example-content?03:45
jjessewasn't it in dapper and edgy?03:45
Jucatoafaik it was in Dapper. can't remember in Edgy03:46
jjesseor am i smoking something03:46
Riddellasyd: it's in kdeaddons-3.5.6/konq-plugins/arkplugin03:46
Jucatofor Dapper I'm sure it was there03:46
asydRiddell: thanks03:46
Riddellasyd: m_ext = m_conf->readEntry( "LastExtension", ".tar.gz" );03:47
Riddellit'll be that LastExtension config entry then03:47
Riddellasyd: so try setting LastExtension=.zip in arkrc03:48
asydhmm hmm, we already have such line in arkplugin03:49
asydarkrc even03:50
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Jucatohiya bddebian!03:57
bddebianBah :-)03:57
Riddellasyd: not sure then, you'd need to put some debugging output into the code and see what it's up to03:57
bddebianprintf(), the best debugger in the world! :)03:59
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Jucatohi morn|off (mornfall?)! ;D04:13
Jucatojjesse: I downloaded the example-content debs for Dapper and Edgy. seems like only Dapper had the sample chapter from the book04:13
morn|offyeah, that's me04:13
Jucatohehe hi! :)04:13
morn|offhm, this chan dropped from my other chanlist04:13
morn|offthe one i generally use04:14
morn|offin fact04:14
morn|offeverything dropped out of it04:14
Jucatohehe :)04:14
morn|offi have to get it together again one day04:14
morn|offanyway, gotta run in a minute :)04:14
morn|offso, laters04:14
Jucatotake care! :)04:14
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jjesseJucato: ok, guess i was wrong04:26
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glatzorRiddell: hi, could you please take a look at this bug: https://beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-support-tr/+bug/9742005:20
ubotuMalone bug 97420 in language-support-tr "software-properties-kde crashes in Turkish locale" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] 05:20
glatzorRiddell: Is this caused by faulty translation?05:20
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Riddellglatzor: hmm, strange06:04
Riddellglatzor: I'm not doing much today (ill) but I'll add it to my todo06:05
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Tonio_very interesting !06:31
asydouaaaa virtualbox is very impressive06:32
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nixternalasyd: it isn't to bad, but I didn't like the way it resizes windows06:41
nixternali.e., my lappy is 1280x800, and if I run VBox at 1024x768, it doesn't fit on my screen06:42
nixternalwhereas VMWare will shrink it down so it will fit06:42
=== Jucato wasn't able to get VBox to work at all :/
nixternalI got it to work with Feisty using the latest release they put out06:52
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jetsaredimthe other day I was asking about glade apps07:49
jetsaredimI upgraded to feisty, but now glade seems worse than it did originally07:49
jetsaredimis there a bug in the kde-gtk engine package?07:50
jetsaredimalso, are you guys looking at bugs related to kde4 or is it just beta no support...?07:50
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Riddelljetsaredim: there's no support for it07:52
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jetsaredimRiddell: so no bugs being filed for it?08:17
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jetsaredimwhat about the gtk engine problems?08:24
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vonhalenbachThe LiveCD doesn't shutoff my computer. A screen is displayed that i should press enter. On 2.6.20-1308:47
vonhalenbachThis is a regression from
vonhalenbach2.6.20.12 did not show the picture with the message to press enter, but it successfully shut-off my computer.08:48
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Riddelljetsaredim: what gtk engine problems?08:53
jetsaredim(glade-2:26147): Gdk-WARNING **: gdk_window_set_back_pixmap(): pixmap must have a colormap08:53
Riddellis that actually a problem?08:54
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jetsaredimI'm getting solid black background08:55
davidCan anyone help with control problem with gspca and webcam (motioneye).08:55
davidbrightness, etc. sliders do nothing in kopete or camorama.08:56
Riddelljetsaredim: screenshot?08:56
jetsaredimwhere can I post to08:56
Riddellany image pastebin08:57
=== jetsaredim looks for such
jetsaredimthat's an actual shot of one of the glade-2 panes, but other gtk apps show the same thing09:05
Riddelloh, beghera09:06
jetsaredimoh right09:06
Riddelluse another qt theme or disable the gtk-qt engine09:06
jetsaredimjust remove it?09:06
Riddellrm ~/.kde/env/gtk*09:07
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jetsaredimand ~/.gtk*09:08
jetsaredimthat's much better - thanks09:09
jetsaredimRiddell: so what should I do about the problems with the kde4 stuff that I'm seeing?09:29
Riddelljetsaredim: see if they exist in current SVN and if they do fix them09:30
jetsaredimyou mean the kde4 svn, yes?09:31
Riddellof course09:33
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jetsaredimwell - it looks like I'm missing the taskbar library, so that's why I was wondering09:40
jetsaredimis that supposed to be in these edgy packages?09:41
jetsaredimkcm_taskbar, that is09:41
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Alpha_Clusteranyone else in feisty haveing problems with the radeon driver?11:08
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alleeAlpha_Cluster: the xorg radeon driver works fine (Dell D600)11:09
Alpha_Clusterim getting a black screen once i get out of kdm11:09
Alpha_Clusterwait solved it11:10
Alpha_Clusterleft kaffiene on fullscreen and forgot to turn it off before shutdown11:10
=== Alpha_Cluster feels very stupid now
yuriyd600 has ati?11:15
Alpha_Clusteronline says they got a Radeon 9000 Mobility11:17
yuriyhmm i repair them all the time and thought they all have intel or nvidia11:21
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