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kbrooksI have a BIG idea.12:34
kbrooksso, the big idea.12:36
kbrooksready for it?12:37
MenZago for it12:37
kbrookswell, this needs a windows pc and a ubuntu pc ... i have both12:38
=== MenZa nods
MenZaso do I12:38
kbrooksso, i could take screenshots of <default app on windows> and <default app on ubuntu>12:38
kbrooksto show users that the former is indeed inferior, or lacking in quality12:39
MenZavery opinionated12:39
lotusleafa quick trip to youtube for a show of compiz/beryl demos is effective for many12:39
kbrooksall right. just show them then.12:39
MenZaAero vs. Beryl ;p12:40
kbrooksMenZa, yeah, show them right there 12:40
kbrooksnotepad vs gedit 12:40
lotusleafkbrooks, so you mean a breakdown of similar apps and a screenshot comparison between the two, possibly with descriptions of differences between the apps?12:40
kbrookslotusleaf, i'm referring to a blank slate windowsw system, with NOTHING installed12:41
kbrookslotusleaf, but yes12:41
lotusleafjust give them ubuntu livecds12:41
kbrookslotusleaf, they might want to see it first.12:41
lotusleafya they can boot into it being its a livecd12:42
lotusleafkbrooks, is this a project of yours?12:42
poningruWTF christina.armstrong@canonical.com has been removed from12:45
juliuxponingru, did she leaf canonical?12:45
poningruyeah she did12:46
poningruand I am guessing they shut down all of her accounts12:46
poningruchris whatshisname is supposed to take over12:46
juliuxchris keyon?12:46
elkbuntuchris kenyon12:46
juliuxyes kenyon is his name12:46
poningruyeah thats it12:47
poningrujenda: ping12:47
elkbuntuchristina left on tuesday, which is basically 'yesterday' for some parts12:47
kbrooks<lotusleaf> kbrooks, is this a project of yours? no, i could do it though :-)12:47
lotusleafkbrooks, have you heard about UWN?12:48
kbrooks(sorry just copying and pasting, no lotusleaf did not say what i just said)12:48
kbrookslotusleaf, ubuntu weekly news 12:48
lotusleafkbrooks, that's an amazing experience to participate in12:48
kbrookslotusleaf, what about it?12:48
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lotusleafkbrooks, have you considered participating in UWN?12:49
kbrookslotusleaf, No. Why should I participate ?12:49
lotusleafkbrooks, it's an awesome experience contributing to such a vital publication for ubuntu12:50
kbrooksI see12:50
lotusleafkbrooks, the question is : Why shouldn't you participate? :)12:50
kbrooksI will try to.12:51
kbrooksHow do I participate ?12:51
lotusleafelkbuntu could better help you with that ;)12:51
kbrookslotusleaf, KK.12:52
lotusleafkbrooks, :)12:53
kbrookselkbuntu, ping12:53
lotusleafelkbuntu, kbrooks would like to know how to participate in UWN12:54
kbrookselkbuntu, Please help me with this, participating in uwn 12:54
=== poningru lolz
kbrookselkbuntu, ping (again)12:57
elkbuntubeuno, handles it now12:58
kbrooksbeuno, ping12:58
lotusleafponingru, hi :)12:58
lotusleafponingru, I'd gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today01:00
kbrookslol 01:00
kbrooksi can tell that both of u know each other01:00
lotusleafkbrooks, be sure to subscribe to the ubuntu marketing mailing list and inquire about UWN participation if you don't receive an answer today, some people may be away, sleeping, working, etc.01:01
=== poningru is so confusled
kbrookslol poningru 01:01
poningrukbrooks: you are in -marketing email list right?01:02
=== poningru hands lotusleaf a hamburger
kbrooksponingru, unfortunately n ot. link me?01:02
kbrooksthk u 01:03
=== lotusleaf grins and wiggles fingers above the hamburger with delight before nibbling at it
kbrooksoops 01:03
elkbuntumake sure when you put stuff in the UWN, that you write words fully, so 'you', not 'u'01:04
lotusleafomg i so forgot about that stuffers lolz oneone!!!111101:05
kbrooksw8, w8, how do I put stuff in the UWN ?01:05
kbrookselkbuntu, ^ read01:06
=== elkbuntu rolls her eyes
=== lotusleaf rolls up newspaper and swats 1/2 eaten hamburger with it
kbrooksand I'll try to be careful with words.01:07
poningrudid everyone ingest some lsd?01:10
poningrukbrooks: ok so what normally happens is it is edited in the wiki01:10
kbrooksI see poningru 01:11
poningrubut there were times when it was edited in gobby01:11
poningrubeuno: can explain better01:11
lotusleafgobby wants a hamburger01:12
kbrooksgobby ?01:12
=== poningru wonders where the bot is
lotusleafsee, even the bot went out for a hamburger01:13
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lotusleafI just fed it a botsnack01:14
elkbuntuthe ubotu-and-ubugtu-in-one01:14
ubotugobby: collaborative text editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 611 kB, installed size 2040 kB01:14
kbrooksi have heard of it01:14
kbrooksbut i havent tried it01:14
kbrooksif anyone will come with me to try gobby out ... ? :P01:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about editing - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:15
poningruhold on01:15
poningru!editing UWN is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/EditingPolicies01:16
kbrooksI'll put in my ubuntu marketing idea.01:19
poningruI dont know if putting marketing ideas into UWN is a good idea01:20
poningruyou should probably put those into -marketing email list01:20
kbrooksI won't PUT IT IN ANY NEWSLETTER, just into gobby for everyone to see...01:22
kbrooksokay? :P01:22
lotusleafjust when I was cutting down on my caps lock diet01:22
kbrooksheh lotusleaf 01:23
=== poningru feeds lotusleaf some caps
lotusleafat least you didn't prepare them with a pop01:24
lotusleafhomey gonna pop dat yeah yeah nomsain?01:32
poningrutrue dat homeboy01:32
lotusleafain't nuttin but a g thang01:33
lotusleafg being gnome of course01:33
lotusleafstraight outta compiz, nomsain?01:34
lotusleafbustin out da beryl rhymes01:35
poningrudem corals be da new ting now01:35
lotusleafmang dat aint happenin homey01:35
jendaponingru: pong01:36
poningrujenda: re: the wiki notifications do we want those to pass on to the marketing list?01:37
jendaI don't think so, poningru 01:37
jendayour opinion?01:37
jenda(BTW, thanks for doing a great job modding the list ;))01:37
lotusleafjenda, the demand is growing on the forums for the roughcut tshirt!01:38
kbrooksjenda, is it ok to put marketing ideas into the gobby server that u guys have ?01:39
lotusleafseriously, there's a thread about it01:39
poningruI dont think we should let the wiki notification should be let through01:39
poningrukbrooks: see I think the wiki might be a better place for that01:39
kbrooksponingru, hmm okay 01:40
poningrudamn I just discovered defiance ohio01:40
poningruteh awesome01:40
kbrooksall right fair enough01:40
jendakbrooks: no, bceasue they'll get lost there - put them on the mailing list instead.01:40
jendalotusleaf: linky?01:40
poningruright that might be better actually01:40
poningruthe mailing list I mean01:40
lotusleafjenda, gah one sec plz01:40
jendakbrooks: or, if it's convenient, on the wiki, and inform/link the mailing list.01:41
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lotusleafjenda, it will take a few minutes as I'm finishing up an update @ 56k ;)01:41
lotusleafjenda, actually, more than a few minutes.. :P It should be in the cafe on one of the recent pages with a poll01:42
lotusleafjenda, using feisty btw :) Took 30+ hours to d/l it and a day for updates ;)01:42
jendalotusleaf: me too, and I had a slow connection too :)01:43
jendaalthough I chickened out and asked a friend to DL it for me.01:43
lotusleafbest way to do it01:43
lotusleafjenda, you may trim the search down by searching for black tshirt perhaps01:44
=== poningru_ [n=poningru@adsl-074-245-140-197.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== lotusleaf gently rubs 56k warp drive and weeps
jendagot it01:46
=== _Zerlinna [n=mirjam@C6dfb.c.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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lotusleafyou should put a tiny jenda fish logo at the bottom, like the darwin fish but with "jenda" inside01:57
lotusleafshould you make the roughcut tshirts01:57
lotusleafwith the link to the DIY site in tendrils around it01:58
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boredandbloggingjenda: ping05:24
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jendaboredandblogging: pong05:58
jendabeuno: !05:58
beunojenda: 05:58
jendabeuno: You know what I waaaant ;)05:59
beunojenda: I'm not sure I want that phrase logged and taken out of context...05:59
=== jenda makes plans on taking beino out of context.
beunoI spoke to dan a while ago and promised to push my changes today06:00
jendaGood, good :)06:00
=== jenda puts off logging beuno to another day ;)
beunoUWN needs some lovin' though06:02
beunojenda: any ideas for spec/team of the week?06:03
jendaI'll think abou it06:03
jendabut no, not off the top of my head.06:04
beunoboredandblogging: thanks for all the work you've been doing, it has not gone unnoticed!06:04
jendaI gotta run now.06:04
beunoba bye jenda06:04
boredandbloggingargh, missed jenda06:07
boredandbloggingbeuno, just trying to do my part06:07
beunoboredandblogging: well, very much appreciated06:10
boredandbloggingbeuno, np06:14
boredandbloggingbeuno, are you working on the DIY marketing stuff?06:14
beunoboredandblogging: on the PHP code for the site, yeap06:15
beuno(at least if jenda asks)06:15
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=== jenda eyes beuno
jendaboredandblogging: I've got about a minute :)06:51
=== beuno can't see jenda through all the DIY PHP code
=== jenda is satisfied
jendaI know it ain't true, but at least it's on your mind now ;)06:51
=== jenda runs
jendaok, minute's over.06:54
jendathree are, dammit :)06:54
boredandbloggingjenda, i created a draft at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DIYMarketing/HOWTOs...not a whole lot there after going through the wiki pages of the LoCos, let me know what else I can add07:05
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Wickslo all07:20
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Mike_FHello, I would like to know how to get copies of the ubuntu poster09:06
=== rexbron_ [n=rexbron@keele-b240-118.airyork.yorku.ca] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
somerville32beuno, pong :)09:14
beunosomerville32,  :D09:14
beunohow are you?09:14
somerville32I'm doing well.09:15
somerville32I convinced the hospital to install a wireless drop in the unit I'm onj09:15
beunosaw you edit wikis here and there  :D09:15
somerville32So reliable internet fo'eve' - wee09:15
beunoreally?  ha!  geek to the bones!09:15
=== somerville32 was previously standing in the bathroom with his laptop stealing someone's else wifi.
juliuxhi somerville32 09:16
somerville32And it was a pain in the butt to get connected too09:16
somerville32So I'm super happy now.09:16
beunogreat to have you back!09:16
somerville32I can use my laptop everywhere on the unit and so I will no longer be panged due to awkward postures :D09:16
somerville32I'm still in the hospital remember09:17
somerville32So I can't be on 24/7 like usual ;] 09:17
beunowell, we have jenda for that09:17
somerville32Did you guys read this article?: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/6506027.stm09:17
beunosomerville32: it's been hopping all around, yes09:19
beunoseems that dell poll really helped09:19
=== somerville32 nods.
somerville32How could they ignore it? ;] 09:19
beunowell, "DELETE * FROM polls" for starters09:19
somerville32Tru' datg09:20
beunothey haven't specified what distro though09:21
beunohope canonical folks are all over them09:21
beunosending them all kinds of live cds "AOL style"09:22
kbrooksbeuno, ping :-)09:23
BurgworkI got contacted to provide a comment09:23
beunokbrooks: pong09:25
kbrooksbeuno, do we use gobvby or the ubuntu wiki ?09:25
kbrooksbrb 09:25
beunokbrooks: nope, wiki for now09:26
beunounless we have to do a super special mega sprint session09:26
beunowhich hasn't been necessary for now09:26
kbrooksall right09:28
=== somerville32 was a bit upset that Xubuntu wasn't mentioned in the beta release article.
kbrookswhich one ?09:29
somerville32The one is 33, I think09:29
beunosomerville32: well, you know xubuntu is not on my radar  :p09:29
somerville32They all release at the same time ;p09:30
Burgworksomerville32: the beta release article only talked about Ubuntu, not edubuntu, xubuntu or kubuntu09:30
somerville32I guess other people edited it in then09:30
=== somerville32 edited in Xubuntu
beunosomerville32: did you notice feisty changes where kindly "depreciated"?  :D09:32
somerville32There isn't a lot of uploads occurring at this stage anyhow.09:33
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