
maxamillionjanimo: whoa ... you know my name12:15
=== maxamillion marks this as the single most triumphant moment in his open source life
janimono, but the IRC info command is helpful12:16
ajmitchhey janimo12:16
=== maxamillion erases said mark
janimoI have not been on IRC for a while so the nick was unfamiliar12:16
janimoajmitch: hi12:16
maxamillionjanimo: ah, ok12:16
maxamillionjanimo: yeah, ever since cody went out of commission i run the meetings whenever i am able (pending my schedule) but it has been some time since I was able to or if there were enough people who showed up to even have a meeting12:17
janimoso not having much attendance, I'll touch in the items I have written in the wiki an hour ago12:18
janimoall relate to releasing Feisty12:18
janimoI think planning Feisty+1 can wait a bit until we have not released12:18
janimothey can go in parallel of course, but feisty is priority12:18
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maxamillionjanimo: yeah, it seems that most of the focus in the last week has been on feisty+1 in the mailing list12:19
janimoso the main areas that need work are bug triaging and ISO tests12:19
janimothe latter seems to be taken care of nicely by Jim12:19
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maxamillionjanimo: i unfortunately haven't had time to be much help in this release cycle because my semester of school has been extremely busy and my 2 jobs take up the rest of my time12:19
janimomaxamillion: are you involved with the ISO testing process?12:19
maxamillionjanimo: i was in the beginning, but not since herd 4 (if i remember correctly)12:20
janimomaxamillion: np, we're all in the same situation, it's understandable12:20
janimothe other issue is triaging bugs which takes quite some time12:22
janimolately the gnome devs have been helping out12:22
janimobut still we could be better organized12:23
janimounfortunately we do not have many active triagers, not even occasional spikes of activity12:23
maxamillionjanimo: another thing i plan to do when i start getting more spare time is askin crimsun to be my motu mentor because i think if we were able to get a couple motu people in there that are xubuntu members it might help the process and possibly take away from your work load12:23
janimomaxamillion: that would help with new apps for sure12:23
janimomaxamillion: but most xubuntu stuff is in main, so corre-dev status is needed for upload rights....12:24
maxamillionjanimo: i check Thunar on launchpad from time to time but i haven't really seen much activity in the past 6-weeks (edgy branch)12:24
maxamillionjanimo: ohhh, ok12:24
janimomaxamillion: edgy is frozen12:24
maxamillionjanimo: i didn't even think about that12:24
janimomaxamillion: we work on feisty and only if it's very critucal do fixes in edgy12:24
janimoand it is usually someone else not me12:24
maxamillionjanimo: i know, it has been for some ... does that mean bugs can't be reported?12:24
janimomaxamillion: they can be but chances are high they will not get fixed unless reproducable in feisty12:25
janimowe barely have resources for one line of development12:25
janimoyes, supporting previous releases would be nice but this is it12:25
janimowhat is helpful at this stage that as many bugs get fixed before release12:25
maxamillionjanimo: ah, fair enough ... i just remember the email you sent out a long time ago asking people to volunteer to cross reference launchpad bugs with xfce bugzilla and i volunteered for thunar12:26
maxamillionand other things of that nature12:26
janimootherwise we'll get the reports after feisty is out and we'll be in the same situation, not being able to fix them beacause getting fixes in frozen versions is a lot more work12:26
maxamillionso i check Thunar on launchpad periodically12:26
maxamillionjanimo: right right ... fair enough12:26
maxamillionjanimo: we released beta1 right?12:26
janimomaxamillion: yes12:27
janimomaxamillion: besides linking to xfce bugzilla, trying to reproduce others' bugs is useful too12:27
janimoalthoiugh more time consuming12:27
maxamillionjanimo: ok, well i guess i can download that image today at work and try to find the time to install it on a spare machine around the office and just kinda run tests here and there and do some bug triaging12:27
janimomaxamillion: in general contributions relating to packaging and bugs are better done on the release we're working on :)12:28
janimoso the work has a chance of being useful :)12:28
janimomore useful I mean12:28
maxamillionjanimo: right, http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/ <--that's the beta1 right?12:28
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janimothat is the daily but pick that over beta12:28
janimoit's better to use the latest12:28
maxamillionhi j1mc12:28
j1mchello all12:29
janimohi Jim12:29
j1mcwhat have i missed?12:29
j1mcor, what are we talking about now?12:30
maxamillionjanimo: ok, well then i will download that image right now and try to get it on a spare machine and do some triage on it if i get any time here at work .... i just don't have the spare hardware at home and can't afford downtime of my desktop at home because of school work12:30
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Current meeting: Xubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 29 Mar 21:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 01 Apr 20:00 UTC: Marketing Team | 02 Apr 15:00 UTC: Community question time | 03 Apr 11:00 UTC: Community Council | 03 Apr 15:00 UTC: Kernel Team
maxamillionj1mc: just bug tracking and triage for feisty12:30
maxamillionj1mc: its just you, janimo and me here ... :/12:30
janimomaxamillion: fair enough, although you do not need a downtime12:31
janimodo a dist-upgrade and you're set12:31
j1mcjanimo: what can the testing community do to help you?12:31
janimoj1mc: to help _us_ :)12:31
maxamillionjanimo: well, not downtime but i can't really be worried about bugs when doing school work12:31
janimowell, keeping upu the work12:31
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j1mcjanimo: and do you have any other devs helping with with xubuntu?.12:31
j1mchi cody :)12:32
maxamillionsomerville32: glad you could make it12:32
maxamillionsomerville32: janimo is here :)12:32
janimoj1mc: Gauvain is helping too, we kind of shared the load during feisty12:32
janimohi cody12:32
somerville32Nice to finally meet you Jani :)12:32
janimoj1mc: how active is the ISO testing team compared to the other derivatives?12:32
janimosomerville32: same here. I hope you're well12:33
j1mci would say that we are maybe 60% of where they are.  getting better, though.12:33
janimowe've met though in earlier meeting IIRC12:33
j1mcwe are now testing in the same ways as the other versions12:33
janimoj1mc: is everything done according to the process the other derivs follow?12:33
j1mcand i'm in regular contact with the other test leads.12:33
janimoI am not familiar with it, I just know it involves the wiki and LP12:34
j1mcjanimo: yes.  that process is under revision, though.12:34
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j1mcjanimo: have you seen the test tracker on LP?12:34
janimoj1mc: did the alternate CD get tested in the shrt period that it got under 700M ?12:34
j1mcwe just closed all of the beta bugs, but i'll let you know when we have new "bugs" back up.12:34
janimoj1mc: yes, I was subscribed to the xubnutu bgs, but they got cancelled and di not reattach to the new ones12:35
j1mcjanimo: iirc, yes.  we were testing daily, if not more than that during the final crunch.12:35
=== pochu thinks j1mc is doing a great work with the xubuntu iso testing :-)
janimosomerville32: we're discussing feisty plans, not feisty+1 as the former is more urgent12:35
=== janimo thinks that too
j1mcok, well, please keep me in mind during your testing periods, and let me know if there is anything in particular that you want tested extra well.12:36
janimoj1mc: do we have alist of particluar tasks users should test?12:36
somerville32janimo: Agreed. :)12:36
janimofor instance set up a printer, stick in a USB key?12:36
janimoj1mc: or are they mostly concerned with the install process?12:37
j1mcjanimo: we have a short test, and a long test.  i think printing is on the long test.12:37
janimogot a link?12:37
somerville32http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing I think12:37
j1mcyes, just a moment . . .12:37
janimoI may add some things which should be tested but were forgotten12:37
janimospecifically xubunt upatches to xfce which get a narrower covering12:37
janimosomerville32: thanks12:38
=== somerville32 nods.
j1mcjanimo: feel free to refine that test based on your needs.12:38
j1mcor "refine those tests"12:38
janimomaxamillion: does the website have pointers to the ISO testing process for beta and daily users?12:39
maxamillionhas anyone checked their email and saw that script emailed from jell?12:39
janimoit would be helpful to have it prominently12:39
somerville32janimo: They are linked from the announcements, I believe.12:39
maxamillionjanimo: i believe it does in the last herd announcement, let me double check12:39
somerville32maxamillion, I didn't look at the script but I saw the e-mail.12:39
maxamillionsomerville32: yeah, apparently its intense .... i'm a little worried about running it on my personal machine12:40
=== j1mc has lag probs. :(
maxamillionj1mc: i sorry12:40
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j1mcjanimo: i'll send you an email with all of the necessary links and info.  it would be good to get your input, as this is being done to help the devs.12:41
j1mcwell, being done to help all of us, :)  but . . .12:42
j1mcprimarily to help the devs help make things better.  :)12:42
janimoj1mc: the long test is very close to the ubuntu one, I guess it could use some xfce specific info12:42
janimoj1mc: thanks :)12:42
maxamillionjanimo: http://www.xubuntu.org/news/feisty_beta <---that is the page (pardon our horrible css, it will be fixed soon)12:42
j1mcone las thing.  the general test team isn't sure what we're going to do during the break between feisty and feisty +1.12:43
j1mcwe will likely crawl under a rock.  that was the general concensus in #ubuntu-iso today.12:44
maxamillionj1mc: join in on the planning, throw out ideas for +1, specs, etc.12:44
j1mcthat just means i'll be freed up to help in other areas.  :)12:44
j1mcmaxamillion: yep.  :)12:44
maxamillionj1mc: or take a breather, feel free to kick back and drink some lemonade (or other beverage of choice)12:44
j1mcanything else for feisty?12:45
j1mclaunch-related celebrations? announcements?12:45
janimoj1mc: the organizing skills gained and the team built for ISO testing can be reused for LP bug triaging :)12:45
somerville32Huzzah! :D12:46
j1mcjanimo: that's what i think, too.  i don't want to overburden testers, but it seems like a natural progression.12:46
maxamillionjanimo: how long after the release will we focus on bug triage for feisty before shifting over to +1?12:48
j1mcmaxamillion: there will be no bugs in feisty after release.  ;-)12:48
somerville32Feisty bug triage will continue until it is retired. I believe we move right into the specification drafting phase once Feisty has been released.12:49
maxamillionj1mc: of course ... how horrible of me :P12:49
nixternalGO XUBUNTU! :)12:50
somerville32Weee!! :D12:50
=== nixternal goes back to sKool
maxamillionsomerville32: agreed, but janimo was saying the once the package freeze happens its much harder to deal with fixing bugs12:50
j1mclater, nixternal . . .12:50
somerville32maxamillion, It is extra work but the package freeze isn't exactly lifted once the release occurs.12:51
maxamillionsomerville32: no i kno12:51
janimomaxamillion: bug triage will focus on feisty as sson as feisty opens12:51
janimomaxamillion: although in the first weeks after the release wee need ot watch feisty closely12:52
janimoin case some nasty bug appears12:52
=== somerville32 nods.
=== j1mc nods, too
=== maxamillion does as well
j1mclike with the upgrade from dapper to edgy.12:52
j1mc... or the upgrade-related problems :)12:52
maxamillioni will start keeping an eye on launchpad soon and i think i will actually upgrade to feisty on my work machine starting right now as an upgrade install12:53
janimosomerville32: you could take care of SRUs for feisty :)12:53
janimosince you've done some for edgy and dapper12:53
maxamillionjanimo: its safe to upgrade to feisty from a stability stand point?12:53
somerville32Yes, I do believe that I'll be out of the hospital by then :)12:53
janimomaxamillion: it has been since it started - november :)12:53
janimoit may have been quirky but it is stable12:54
somerville32With certain periods that made it impossible to upgrade ;] 12:54
j1mcmaxamillion: i had a good upgrade experience, and so did "vincent".12:54
maxamillionjanimo: oh, didn't know that .... i probably could have just upgraded my work machine12:54
=== maxamillion goes to edit his sources.list
janimothat is the point of flights and betas to get peoiple to test :)12:54
somerville32Anyhows, I only have roughly 20 minutes of battery life left. :)12:54
j1mcwhat else do we need to discuss?12:55
janimoj1mc: I've added/removed a few items in the long list of tests12:55
janimoj1mc: nothing in particular12:55
janimothe bug traigers problem would be nice toi get solved12:55
somerville32janimo: Did you get a chance to read my list to the serve?12:55
j1mcok, i'll take a look at the diff file-thing later tonight.12:55
janimosimilar to the ISO test team12:55
janimosomerville32: I have skimmed it but have not read the whole thread yet12:55
j1mcjanimo: i will talk with freddy about triage'ers.  he's good with that.12:56
janimoj1mc: ok, thanks12:56
somerville32Admiral_Chicago, Said he was going to volunteer to look after Marketing and consider his experience with the marketing team, I think it is safe to leave it in his hands.12:56
maxamillionjanimo: i know, but i only have 2 computers at my disposal at the moment ... my work machine and my home machine and i didn't want to risk either (i normally do my testing on spare machines at work, but its been really busy lately and i haven't had the time)12:56
j1mcsince feisty release is coming up, what do we want to do for release-related stuff?12:57
j1mccould we have the website updated by then?12:58
j1mcto fit the new ubuntu theme?12:58
maxamillionjanimo: why does a "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade" want to install apache?12:58
somerville32j1mc: I strongly doubt it.12:58
maxamillionj1mc: has ubuntu released the theme yet?12:58
j1mcsomerville32: ok.  :)12:58
j1mcwe are using the theme (largely unchanged) on our ubuntu-chicago loco.12:59
janimoj1mc: I agree with website update12:59
janimoif we could make it a bit less crowded would help as well12:59
somerville32j1mc: Unfortunately I'd be required for that process as I'm the only one with shell access12:59
maxamillionj1mc: oh, so you have it? .... is there any way i could get my hands on that code?01:00
somerville32j1mc: However, you could speak with TheSheep01:00
janimoj1mc: nice ripoff ;)01:00
=== j1mc didn't do it... thank nixternal . :-)
maxamillionsomerville32: wait, it would require shell access?01:00
maxamillionsomerville32: why so?01:00
maxamillionnixternal: thanks!!!!01:00
somerville32maxamillion, Yes. Uploading of the new theme.01:00
janimomaxamillion: no idea why apache is needed01:00
maxamillionjanimo: hmmm.... well, i told it to go ahead, firestarter won't allow any connections even if i can't for some reason remove it later01:01
somerville32janimo, maxamillion, j1mc: If you can get the theme to TheSheep then I'm sure he could hack it into place for us in time for the release.01:01
j1mcsomerville32: i will get in touch with TheSheep.01:01
maxamillionour meeting is over, anyone mind if we move to #xubuntu-devel and continue this convo?01:02
somerville32Our meeting is over?01:02
maxamillionsomerville32: we get 1 hour in here right?01:03
j1mcwe have until 23:59, 1 hour, 59 minutes.  :)01:03
somerville32(12 mins of battery left for me though)01:03
j1mcmaxamillion: we're ok01:03
j1mcok... must chat fast before cody's battery dies.01:03
maxamillionohhhh ok01:03
j1mcmaxamillion: hold off your upgrade.  :)01:03
janimook, bye everyone01:03
maxamillionj1mc: why?01:03
j1mcjust joking . . .01:04
somerville32janimo: As for bug triage, I'll brainstorm01:04
j1mci'm willing to help with docs for feisty+101:04
somerville32What I'd quickly like to discuss (with you still here janimo)is the IRC situation.01:04
j1mcand will start helping to triage bugs, i've been meaning to do that anyway.01:05
janimosomerville32: yes?01:05
j1mcok, go ahead, cody.01:05
maxamillionj1mc: you scared me ... i almost ctrl+c'd the upgrade01:05
j1mcmaxamillion: sorry.01:05
maxamillionj1mc: lol, no worries ;)01:05
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somerville32As I detailed in my e-mail, a couple of weeks before my hospitalization, there was conflict within the ubuntu-irc team,01:06
=== TheSheep [i=sheep@atos.wmid.amu.edu.pl] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
TheSheephello :)01:06
j1mcHi TheSheep, PuMpErNiCkLe01:06
j1mcsomerville32: go ahead.  :)01:06
somerville32What I'd like to see changed is that the xubuntu namespace remain under xubuntu community control.01:07
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somerville32This was the case before the conflict but long story short, I no longer am the contact for those channels.01:07
j1mci don't know why it was wrested away, but i'm for xubuntu-community control, too.01:07
somerville32ie. I got the boot.01:07
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janimosomerville32: as opposed to ? I am not familiar at all with the Ubuntu IRC channels and operation01:07
somerville32I'd like to see this issue resolved.01:08
janimosomerville32: what is the disadvantage of not being the contact anymore?01:08
somerville32The current settings can't be changed by us01:08
somerville32Only by Seveas01:08
maxamillionjanimo: right now we don't actually have an official "contact" for our irc channels ... but it is still heavily op'd by xubuntu community members (myself, TheSheep and PuMpErNiCkLe being included in the list of ops)01:08
somerville32What happened was entirely inappropriate but thats not what I want to focus on01:09
j1mcsomerville32: do you need our help?  if so, what can we do?01:09
somerville32Tough question.01:10
maxamillionsomerville32: how did you pull off shell access to xubuntu.org btw?01:10
PuMpErNiCkLeWhat, particularly, is inappropriate about the way it is now?01:10
somerville32maxamillion, Magic01:10
=== somerville32 is running out of time.
somerville32PuMpErNiCkLe, The only issue is that the channel is not controlled by an  Xubuntu community member01:11
j1mcsomerville32: maybe we can hash this out some more on xubuntu-devel?01:11
maxamillionsomerville32: how not? ... TheSheep, PuMpErNiCkLe, and myself control it do we not?01:11
j1mcsomerville32: ... i say that only bc your battery is dying01:11
somerville32janimo: If you'd like, I  can  send you an e-mail detailing the entire situation.01:12
somerville32I gotta run.01:12
janimosomerville32: It is more approproate for this to be resolved in the open01:12
janimosomerville32: I cannot do anything about it as I am not connected in any way with the IRC operators01:13
j1mcTheSheep: somerville32 suggested that i contact you about the website.01:13
somerville32A lot of it has to do with private e-mails to the CC.01:13
maxamillionj1mc: yeah, i have breifed him about it on jabber01:13
janimosomerville32: if it cannot be agreed upon by the involved parties it is a matter for the UBuntu Council, but it would be better to not get there..01:13
somerville32It is hard to articulate this issue with only a few seconds of battery left01:14
somerville32We can continue this at another time :)01:14
TheSheepj1mc: I can do the styles and graphics, and I can also make a matching theme for moin if we can do that, I just need to know how it is supposed to look exactly01:14
maxamillioni still don't understand how we don't control it now01:14
maxamillionit being the irc channels01:14
somerville32maxamillion, Ops are only level 1001:15
maxamillionsomerville32: ooooh, we need a xubuntu community member at level 50 overseeing the chans?01:15
=== somerville32 nods.
j1mcTheSheep: isn't it in drupal, though?01:15
maxamillionsomerville32: ok, now i get it01:15
somerville32Lets talk about the Xubuntu Council idea. Janimo?01:15
janimosomerville32: I do not think we need a council at this point honestly01:16
janimountil we only have 4-5 constantly contributing members01:16
TheSheepj1mc: I don't care what it is -- if I have the samle html, I can make it look anyway I want using css and images01:16
maxamillionTheSheep: yes, it is but since the theme is already done for drupal and all we need is some color changes and such it would be easy, i think TheSheep would also like to make a matching theme for our wiki pages01:16
somerville32janimo: Aye.01:16
janimosomerville32: what would the Council do that currently is missing01:16
somerville32janimo: Direction01:16
TheSheepthe wiki is a secondary thing and we can do it later01:16
maxamillionj1mc: ^^^^ that last one to TheSheep was towards you :P01:16
somerville32janimo: A lot of the time I know I feel like I'm trying to move around a room in the dark.01:16
janimosomerville32: why would the same people (us) collectively called Council get a direction if they cannot as separate individuals?01:17
janimosomerville32: so we need Direction not necessarily a Council01:17
janimodo you think a Council could have more influence on contributors?01:18
janimothe Ubuntu CC and TB are only called for when something unexpected needs to be decided upon01:19
janimowhat we need is better organization01:19
janimoas an example the ISO testing team01:19
=== somerville32 nods.
janimoif we had a compeneten bug triaging team half of our problems would go away :)01:20
=== j1mc sees the iso testing team as being disorganized. haha
somerville32j1mc: You pull it off well then ;] 01:20
janimoj1mc: well at least it exists :)01:20
j1mcyeah . . .01:20
=== j1mc was being off-topic.
somerville32janimo: So you see it as a good thing to form more teams?01:21
janimoI do not think a council would help this particular problem of lack of direction01:21
janimofor instance out meetings too ahve more like a meta quality to them01:21
janimosince we do not have clear goals on the agenda01:21
=== somerville32 nods.
janimoI think what we need is more people getting involved01:21
=== somerville32 nods.
janimoand getting accross the message that we have a direction01:22
j1mcfwiw, i think that having a xubuntu testing team has been helpful.  it's something they see on their launchpad,01:22
janimowhich at this point would be a lie01:22
j1mcand they feel part of it, and a responsibility to help out.01:22
=== somerville32 nods.
somerville32j1mc: I agree completely with you.01:22
maxamillionj1mc: how would i go about joining the testing team? ... that is something i plan to be a part of asap01:22
janimomaybe the community does not know where we need help01:23
janimomaybe from the outside itlooks like we have few bugs and people are on them01:23
janimos there;s no place to contribute01:23
somerville32janimo: I think that if you made yourself more available on IRC then it would inspire people :)01:23
janimowe have to change that if it's so01:23
=== somerville32 nods.
janimobecause we badly need competent bug triagers01:23
j1mcmaxamillion: https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-testers01:23
janimosomerville32: possibly, but I sort of hope that at least some roles can be taken over by others01:24
janimoas I have much less time these days for ubunty, and so I prefer spending it on adding features :)01:24
=== somerville32 nods.
j1mcit sounds like a xubuntu bug triage team might be helpful.01:25
maxamillionj1mc: would i get notification of updates from joining it or should i wait to sign up until i am able to actually help?01:25
somerville32I'm really glade you could make it out Janimo.01:25
somerville32You've clarified a lot of stuff and I think that'll make moving forward a lot easier.01:25
j1mcmaxamillion: no, you wouldn't get updates from joining.01:25
janimosomerville32: ok, I too think this was a helpful meeting01:26
maxamillionj1mc: well i joined anyways since i am upgrading to feisty and i will be able to help with bug triage on my work machine when i get down time around the office now anyways01:26
janimoyes, a nug team would be helpful01:26
janimoI know ubuntu have the BugSquad but am not familiar with their organization and processes01:27
j1mcnug team?  ;)01:27
Burgworkthe ubuntu bugsquad is for all dervis01:27
maxamillionjanimo: i am a member, there really isn't any organization that i am aware of01:27
somerville32That it is01:27
janimoNUG: Non-utility generation (or generator)  -- synonymous with independent power.01:28
janimothe only definition I found on the web01:28
janimosounds good01:28
j1mcfreddy said that he could coordinate a bug triage coaching session.01:28
janimoBurgwork: ok, that we need xubuntu users join the bugsquad and learn its ways :)01:29
j1mcthat might be a good way to get ppl involved before considering creating a new team.01:29
janimoj1mc: sure, I don ot think that creating teams in LP is a necessary step01:29
maxamillionj1mc: i would like to attend that, it would give me better bearings on what direction i should go in with bugs in general01:29
janimoit leads to the initial enthusiasm of being member of one more team but that wears off01:29
j1mcthey could just join bugsquad (not sure on it's membership requirements), and focus on xubuntu (of their own free will).01:29
=== somerville32 nods.
j1mcjanimo: true . . .01:30
janimorather have people organized so the work they do is so efficient that that is a satisfaction in itself01:30
somerville32We could have a "team" but not have an lp team01:30
somerville32ie. just a wiki page that gives directions and what not01:30
somerville32It might have xfce4 specific info and what not01:30
somerville32I'm sure we can whip up good solutions and see exponential growth of our community during the next release cycle.01:31
somerville32Now, before my batter dies, any ideas, devel-wise, for feisty+1?01:31
janimosomerville32: nope, too early IMHO01:32
janimoI have none01:32
maxamillionjanimo: did you read what i said about getting in contact with companies that are shipping xubuntu default in order to collaborate with them in the mailing list?01:32
somerville32janimo: Are you planning on going to the devel summit?01:32
janimoas usual get newest Xfce, get apps form Ubutnu if its possible to rid them of gnome deps01:32
Admiral_Chicagoso i got the message that we need competent bug triager01:32
janimosomerville32: yes, I am going01:32
Admiral_ChicagoI would like to help train them01:33
j1mcAdmiral_Chicago FTW!01:33
maxamillionAdmiral_Chicago: i'm a pupil01:33
Admiral_Chicagoi have done a bit of teaching j1mc and other LoCo members01:33
janimomaxamillion: yes. I think companies can get in touch with us if they need anything, usually that;s how it works01:33
janimotheir developers joining the list etc01:33
j1mcthere goes cody's battery . . . :(01:33
Admiral_Chicagoworking on a bug diary in the next week, so I can explain to others how that works01:33
maxamillionjanimo: oh ok, but you don't think we should generally go out and try to be pro-actively in contact with them01:34
janimomaxamillion: unless we have some specific request to them I do not think so01:34
Admiral_Chicagomaxamillion: will keep you in mind, i'll be mailing the list with a bug triage training session time soon01:34
janimomaxamillion: what do you think the contact should be about?01:34
maxamillionAdmiral_Chicago: you planning on writing up a tutorial/documentation on bug triaging or will there be a session on irc i should be attending01:34
maxamillionAdmiral_Chicago: oh ok, awesome ... i will keep a lookout for it01:35
Admiral_Chicagothe tutorial is in progress, a little bit on my blog at planet.ubuntu.com (look for Freddy Martinez)01:35
maxamillionjanimo: just let them know we are aware they are shipping xubuntu and appreciate it and ask if there are any suggestions they get from customers that they feel would better improve the distro01:35
Admiral_Chicagosome has been "anyone want to do some bug work on IRC"01:36
Admiral_Chicagoi'm going to make it a lot more formal though01:36
j1mcjanimo: it sounds like effective bug triage would be most helpful to you at this time.  other than general lack of support, anything else in particular that you'd like to see in regards to bugs?01:37
maxamillionAdmiral_Chicago: yeah, i mainly mentioned tutorial/documentation because that way you can type once, post ... maybe even write it and post a link in an email and say "read this and then come to the meeting for further discussion or if you have any questions" .... just a thought01:37
Admiral_Chicagoanyways, here is what I am thinking about Marketing. I plan *in the future* of talking Xuuntu to a few papers that would carry it01:37
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Admiral_Chicagoright now, press releases, (New in Beta 2 for example) is what I want to focus on01:37
Admiral_Chicagomaxamillion: that would be a good way to start01:38
BurgworkAdmiral_Chicago: press releases are being handled by canonical01:38
Burgworksee my email ot the marketin list01:38
maxamillionAdmiral_Chicago: i like the idea of talking to papers01:38
janimomaxamillion: I am sure companies that want to improve xubuntu wil get in touch or fix it themselves01:38
janimohonestly I do not think we need to be very poractive01:38
maxamillionjanimo: fair enough01:39
janimoafetr all we annot find them all :)01:39
janimoj1mc: no, bug triage is #1 request01:39
Admiral_ChicagoBurgwork: these pages http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/feistybeta ?01:39
j1mcjanimo: understood.  :)  i've been meaning to do more of it, and will do my best.01:39
janimoj1mc: thanks :)01:40
Admiral_Chicagoand the appropriate Kubuntu relase one?01:40
janimoeven the occasional reqeust for more details from the original reporter helps01:40
janimoas sometime the release name is ommitted or the info is vague01:40
janimoother times linking andf filing to upstream bugzilla is desired, xfce mostly01:41
BurgworkAdmiral_Chicago: see the mailing list post01:41
Burgworkit explains everything01:41
janimook, anything else?01:41
janimo2:40 AM here :)01:41
Admiral_ChicagoBurgwork: will do, gotta check that email then...01:41
Admiral_Chicagochange of policy...okay thats fine01:41
j1mcjanimo: thanks, that additional info helps.01:42
=== janimo is making up for all the missed meetings
j1mcjanimo: :)  thanks for being here.01:42
j1mcanything else for jani?01:42
janimothanks all for coming, other specific things can be taken to the list01:42
=== j1mc moves to let jani go to seelp.
=== maxamillion seconds the motion
j1mcok.  thanks, all.  we're nearing our end time, anyway.01:43
=== maxamillion rounds the "45 minutes left on upgrade to feisty" corner on his work machine
Admiral_ChicagoBurgwork: one last thing, how long ago was this, I subscribe to the marketing ML and don't see it01:44
janimook bye all01:45
j1mcbye janimo01:45
maxamillionbye janimo01:45
j1mcbye everyone.01:45
BurgworkAdmiral_Chicago: it was titled with Chris Kenyon in the name01:45
maxamillionlaters all!!!01:45
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Admiral_Chicagoad i think i know the one you are talking about...hmm. okay searching01:45
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 29 Mar 21:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 01 Apr 20:00 UTC: Marketing Team | 02 Apr 15:00 UTC: Community question time | 03 Apr 11:00 UTC: Community Council | 03 Apr 15:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 03 Apr 18:00 UTC: Mozilla Team
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somerville32Hi Hobbsee02:42
Hobbseehi somerville3202:43
somerville32Long time no see02:43
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flubberSEND #edubuntu hello03:20
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bimberi@schedule canberra04:27
ubotuSchedule for Australia/Canberra: 30 Mar 07:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 02 Apr 06:00: Marketing Team | 03 Apr 01:00: Community question time | 03 Apr 21:00: Community Council | 04 Apr 01:00: Kernel Team | 04 Apr 04:00: Mozilla Team04:27
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kylem@schedule Canada/Eastern09:12
ubotuSchedule for Canada/Eastern: 29 Mar 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 01 Apr 16:00: Marketing Team | 02 Apr 11:00: Community question time | 03 Apr 07:00: Community Council | 03 Apr 11:00: Kernel Team | 03 Apr 14:00: Mozilla Team09:12
kwwiisometimes I think UTC was created so that *nobody* knows what time it is :p09:14
beunokwwii: foxclocks firefox extension saved my life09:16
Mithrandirbut UTC is beautiful.09:16
kwwiibeuno: thanks, I'll look into that09:18
beunokwwii: np09:19
Riddell /topic is wrong, meeting is in 40 mins09:19
SeveasRiddell, then the fridge iCal feed is wrong09:27
ubotuSchedule for Etc/UTC: 29 Mar 21:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 01 Apr 20:00: Marketing Team | 02 Apr 15:00: Community question time | 03 Apr 11:00: Community Council | 03 Apr 15:00: Kernel Team | 03 Apr 18:00: Mozilla Team09:27
Riddellblame keybuk for not updating it then09:28
gnomefreakan hour off?09:28
Riddellit what changed due to summer time09:28
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Seveasnope, fridge wasn't updated09:40
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racarr@schedule New_York09:47
ubotuSchedule for America/New_York: 29 Mar 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 01 Apr 16:00: Marketing Team | 02 Apr 11:00: Community question time | 03 Apr 07:00: Community Council | 03 Apr 11:00: Kernel Team | 03 Apr 14:00: Mozilla Team09:47
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=== fabbione waves
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pittibon soir09:50
Keybukbon soir, a va?09:50
mdzgood evening09:51
mdzcjwatson: ping09:51
=== Mithrandir pongs.
kwwiievening everyone09:53
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dholbachmvo might be 2-3 minutes late09:55
dholbachhi seb12809:56
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seb128hey dholbach09:57
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mdzcjwatson,kylem,doko,rtg,tkamppeer: ping10:00
Keybukmvo: ping10:00
rtglurking attentively.10:00
dholbachmdz: doko_ might be a little late too10:00
Keybuk(one might consider the futility of pinging someone who isn't online :p)10:00
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mdzdholbach mentioned mvo might be late10:00
pittiKeybuk: summoning powers10:00
cjwatsondoko said to me he would be late due to travelling, yes10:01
mdzcjwatson: and till?10:01
tkamppeterI am here10:01
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mdzok, that's everyone then10:01
cjwatsonBen also said he might be a little late due to needing to rescue his wife from traffic10:02
mvohello, sorry for being late10:02
mdzcjwatson: BenC connected a few minutes ago10:02
cjwatsoner, no, that's rescue his kids from the bus stop due to wife stuck in traffic - something coherent anyway :)10:02
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BenCI'm on, I just have to get the kids in a few minutes :)10:02
mdzany additions to the agenda since the reports came in?10:03
bdmurrayI wanted to talk about n-m and /etc/network/interfaces10:03
cjwatsonBenC: oh, I forgot about BST and misunderstood the times you gave10:03
bdmurrayand upgrading from edgy to feisty10:03
tkamppeterYes, I am searching volunteers for HPLIP 1.7.3 testing10:03
mdzbdmurray: is there a bug number for that?10:03
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mdzbdmurray: please add to the wiki10:04
bdmurraymdz: newz2000 had a bug about it and I've seen others I believe10:04
fabbionebdmurray: ++10:04
mdzbdmurray: can you add tkamppeter's item as well?10:04
mdz(pitti) "Report a bug" menu item -> disable for release?10:05
pittimy two questions are mainly directed towards the desktop team and cjwatson, since they have by far the most bug reports, I guess10:05
seb128I think we should stop the crash handler and let the menu item10:05
cjwatsonpitti: I don't have a problem10:05
dholbachI'm personally happy with the menu item - we get useful information through it.10:05
cjwatson(as far as my own bugs are concerned)10:06
mdzI just posted something about this to the list a minute ago10:06
pittiMy feeling is that we should stop reporting signal crashes, and maybe keep Python crashes10:06
cjwatsonI'd much, much, much rather get apport bugs than "er, it crashed, I can't install Ubuntu, help"10:06
pittidholbach: with the per-app one, or the general one in the System menu?10:06
asacpersonally i like to keep crash reports for firefox10:06
seb128pitti: you will make mvo cry, he gets lot of python dups10:06
pitticjwatson: right, that was my gut feeling too; but for the installer they seem to be more relevant to me than, let's say, gnome 2.18 crashes10:06
dholbachpitti: both10:06
mvoI have mixed feeling, its great to get backtrace, but I'm afraid about the flood10:07
seb128we will get flooded10:07
pittifor example, we get a lot of bugs without a package through the System menu10:07
mdzwe estimate there are millions of Ubuntu users10:07
seb128GNOME bugzilla got over 500 dups on some bugs from bug-buddy and 90% were Ubuntu bugs10:07
pittiand we have to consider how many crashes we realistically fix in stables10:07
cjwatsonI'll certainly get flooded, *but* I'm going to get flooded *anyway* if the installer is crashing10:07
iwjCan we make apport only work for certain apps, easily ?10:07
mdzif we have a crash which affects 1% of them, and 1% of those report it, that's hundreds of bugs10:07
seb128there were getting over 1000 edgy crashes a week10:08
cjwatsonit's either get flooded with decent-quality bugs, or with poor-quality bugs10:08
pittiiwj: theoretically yes, but hard to decide; I'd prefer classes like sigsegv vs. python10:08
seb128cjwatson: well, crashes are special10:08
seb128cjwatson: if nautilus crash once a day due to a bug we will get hundred of people sending it10:08
mdzI think that leaving it enabled for crashes would be fine, if we could avoid filing duplicates for the same crash10:08
pittiseb128: how many apport and normal bugs do you get for edgy, roughly?10:08
mdzthe existing guided filing doesn't seem to do a good enough job10:09
pittikeeping in mind that edgy's apport was much harder to use10:09
Keybukmdz: "me too" is planned, but not implemented10:09
seb128pitti: hard to tell, most bugs we get now are already feisty10:09
Keybuk(I wouldn't hold out hope of seeing anything like that pre-1.0)10:09
seb128pitti: I would say 100 a week some time ago10:09
iwj"me too" would be really nice.  It would help with the false duplicates, too.10:09
pittiright, Malone needs to become much more insistive with identical subjects, etc.10:09
pittibut I don't bet on it for feisty10:09
mdzKeybuk: I think that's a different problem10:09
seb128we have no dup finding easy capability atm10:10
cjwatsonpitti: of course, it will help even if it gets implemented after Feisty10:10
seb128malone search don't look in comments nor attachments10:10
asacif we really cannot deal with crash flood we should disable imo and set high priority to get a crash database for next stable release10:10
cjwatsonchanges in Malone, that is10:10
bdmurraymdz: I added the n-m thing but don't know about the till item10:10
mdzpeople who are filing duplicates are probably doing it because they either don't see the existing bug, or don't know that the right thing to do at that point is just stop10:10
mdzbdmurray: <tkamppeter> Yes, I am searching volunteers for HPLIP 1.7.3 testing10:10
tkamppeterSee bug 9852010:10
ubotuMalone bug 98520 in hplip "Feisty UVF ER: New HPLIP 1.7.3 release fixes lots of bugs" [Medium,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9852010:10
pittiright, for feisty+1 we might have a more efficient retracer, automatic retracing, and automatic dup detection; we have none of them ATM10:10
seb128to be honest I prefer people filling duplicates10:10
mdzseb128: really? why?10:11
tkamppeterThis is an UVF ER for HPLIP 1.7.3, as it fixes tons of bugs10:11
seb128on gaim we get people attaching their crashes to some random people pretty often10:11
seb128dunno why10:11
bdmurraymdz: done10:11
seb128but we have lot of bugs with 10 differents crashes attached there10:11
cjwatsonseb128: agreed10:11
seb128because people came saying "I've the same bug, here is my crash"10:11
mvoseb128: yes, I get quite a lot of those as well10:11
mdztkamppeter: ok, it is on the list and we can discuss it later in the agenda10:11
pittiseb128: NB that people won't manually attach apport reports any more10:11
cjwatsonI have made the same comment many times in the past10:11
tkamppeterAs we are shortly before release we need intensive testing on this.10:12
seb128I keep replying "when you don't know what you are doing open a new bug and let busquad direct you"10:12
cjwatsontkamppeter: later in the agenda, please10:12
pittiseb128: that was a specific problem of edgy's 'please attach me' apport, wasn't it?10:12
tkamppetersorry, I thought mdz was calling me.10:12
seb128pitti: dunno10:12
mdzpitti: I think so10:12
seb128pitti: but I prefer people to open a dup than trying to figure themself if that's a dup10:13
pittiseb128: right, the goal is that Malone figures out whether it is a dup10:13
seb128they get it wrong often and that's really confusing10:13
bdmurraybughelper could help in the meantime with dupe detection right?10:13
asacseb128: ack ... i want every crash report in its own bug ... then retrace and mark dupes afterwards.10:13
mdzmy feeling is that bug reports are not something that every user should deal with.10:13
dholbachif people submitted their clue files :)10:13
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bdmurraydholbach: indeed10:13
BFTDcan we have fontforge a requiarment to install WINE?10:14
mdzonly users who are closer to the community and will participate in analysis should file bugs, generally10:14
pittimdz: mpt had a strong point about the general 'I filed a bug, and noone answered' picture10:14
iwjI think I'm with mdz here.10:14
seb128bughelper is not good at dupfinding atm10:14
pittitherefore I agree with mdz10:14
mdzBFTD: the meeting agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelTeamMeeting20070329, we're on item 310:14
mvodoes bughelper scale well enough for this task?10:14
BFTDmdz sorry10:14
dholbachmvo: no10:14
seb128you can't look for a sequence of functions10:14
seb128mvo: no10:14
iwjPeople who don't have the effort/knowledge/connection to get involved should perhaps be using the support system.10:14
seb128looking for a string is no enough10:14
mdzif only a relatively small portion of users should file bugs, we shouldn't point every user to the bug tracker10:15
cjwatson(bughelper can be improved post-feisty)10:15
mdzwe do want the crash reports, but until we have a better place to put them than Malone...10:15
pittimdz: I don't even thing that Malone is a bad place for it; we just need better tools to deal with them10:15
fernandohey all10:15
asacyeah ... imo keep crashes out of BTS ... so disable until we have crash db10:15
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seb128pitti: it's bad, too much noise10:16
seb128we should have a crash collector and something making easy to move confirmed crashes to a bug10:16
asacpitti: i think its a bad place as well10:16
cjwatsonfrom the disagreement in the team, I think we may need some kind of per-package solution10:16
seb128so we don't even have to bother looking what to dup10:16
pittiand I think that in this cycle we were able to fix a lot of bugs in feisty with the current system; we should continue to do so in feisty+1 for feisty+1 instead of trying to fix crashes in stables10:16
cjwatsonperhaps implemented something like the existing hooks mechanism10:16
iwjI don't know what the density of real crasher bugs in gnome is but I get a nonzero number of dpkg crash reports which are basically "my hardware is bust".10:17
BFTDor give the user the option to install/use the reporter in the installtion10:17
seb128the best for GNOME would be to turn on bug-buddy10:17
pittiseb128: ok; we have that spec already, so we need to talk about it again at UDS10:17
Keybukiwj: that'd surprise me, since we'd get them for everything10:17
seb128but backtraces are screwed on feisty, we can't send bugs upstream10:17
Keybukare you sure that they're not just deep dpkg bugs? :p10:17
cjwatsonKeybuk: we do get them for ubiquity ...10:17
henocan we allow users to turn on apport manually if they see a recurring bug? that way we could ask for it from users we know will follow up etc. or ask it iof someone who has already filed10:17
iwjI investigate them and it turns out the machine had toasted filesystems.10:17
KeybukI've never had them for upstart ;)10:17
mdzseb128: why would bug-buddy be better?10:17
pittiheno: yes, that's easy10:18
cjwatsonbut that's ok, I have Tollef's greasemonkey script to help me reject them in about five seconds10:18
Keybuk(I've never actually had a crash report at all for it)10:18
pittiheno: well, it would be with flipping /etc/default/apport10:18
seb128mdz: because bugzilla.gnome has more bug triager, they have a decent dup finder, they are used to it, and 98% of crashes are due to upstream10:18
henopitti: so perhaps that should be our policy?10:18
iwjThey're not common but then dpkg is not the biggest memory hog out there.  I just wonder how many other crashes there are that are due to slightly-dodgy machines.10:18
pittiso if we ask an user to switch that on, we can still get selected reports for feisty10:18
mvoiwj: I have seen quite a few in apt (well, some are real I suppose :)10:19
henopitti: you mean selected in a good way or bad way (skewed sample)?10:19
iwjmvo: *snort*10:19
pittiheno: in a way to get quantities we can cope with, together with a commitment from the reporter to give feedback10:19
mdzheno: it would be great if we could find a way to turn it on only for responsive users10:19
iwj`To qualify for this service, you must be at least >  < this competent.'10:20
mdzwe want to be able to use it to assist bug reports which would otherwise take more time to process, without getting reports which are useless10:20
henoif we make it easy (which pitti says it is) we could request it in bug comments regularly10:20
pittiiwj: it could check your LP karma :)10:20
henobetter than 'please upload /var/log/...10:20
henowell, if someone has already filed a bug without the system asking them too they are more involved than the average user10:21
mdzheno: right10:22
pittihm, so am I right that the opinions lead towards keeping Python (for ubiquity & friends) and disabling signal crashes by default, with the possibility of enabling it again in /etc/default/apport?10:24
mdzpitti: I assume we can have it store the crash file, but not notify the user to submit it?10:24
pittiasac: you had two slightly different statements; what do you think about the firefox front?10:24
mdzpitti: if so, when a user files a bug, we could give them a command to run to submit the crash to the bug, right?10:24
asaci am unsure ... on the one hand I want to get feedback so i see if there are regressions for some users10:24
heno(I support turning it most off too -- have no opinion about python or other categories)10:24
pittimdz: yes; that would require minor code changes, but no problem10:24
asacespecially since we upload new upstream reports10:25
mdzpitti: that seems like the best of both worlds where crashes are concerned10:25
cjwatsonpitti: we could also make it behave differently on the live CD10:25
asacotoh dealing with that flood of crashes is hard in malone10:25
cjwatson(by tweaking stuff in casper)10:25
mdzpitti: we wouldn't get the pre-filled summary...10:25
cjwatsonfor installer crashes I see no value in giving the user a command versus the notification icon10:25
mdzcjwatson: argeed10:26
pittimdz: oh, I thought you meant something like 'run apport-gtk by hand' to collect and report pending stuff in /var/crash10:26
mdzI think the installer is a special case, though10:26
mdzbecause the crash reports are lost10:26
cjwatsonit is, but I need it to be addressed :)10:26
cjwatsonsorry to keep banging on about it10:26
pittiso we would mainly turn off the auto-spawning in update-notifier10:26
mdzcjwatson: do you want crash reports to remain on for the installer?10:26
cjwatsonmdz: yes10:26
mdzcjwatson: I don't think anyone here would object to you receiving more reports on ubiquity if you want them10:26
pittiPython crash reports are really neat10:26
mdzlet's put that to rest, then, shall we?10:26
pitticheap in terms of bandwidth, and easily dup'able10:27
mdzcrash reports for ubiquity in 7.04 - thumbs up10:27
seb128well, there is the same flood with them10:27
cjwatsonthe remaining question is whether that be done for all python scripts, or just for the live CD10:27
pittiwhat about simply adding an option to update-notifier?10:27
mdzseb128: but it's an isolated flood for colin, and he wants it10:27
mvopitti: a gconf key? easy enough10:27
pittiturn that off by default, and provide a moderately hidden switch to turn it on again?10:27
seb128mdz: I was speaking about python crashes in general, not only ubiquity10:27
seb128I think ubiquity is ok10:27
mdzseb128: ok10:27
cjwatsonhence my suggestion of doing it in a package hook or similar10:28
seb128I've looked at all the unconfirmed apport bug in malone last week10:28
seb128and we have hundred of them already10:28
cjwatsonlook, we seem to be going round in circles, and we're 28 minutes in10:28
pitticjwatson: casper could flip that gconf key for the live session, too10:28
seb128and a good bunch of them were python crashes10:28
cjwatsoncan we all agree to thrash this out on ubuntu-devel? :-)10:28
pittiACTION: pitti to summarize discussion in #u-devel and continue there10:28
janimopitti: the python backtraces for system-config-printer were all very helpful FWIW10:28
asacmaybe we can move things to mailing list instead of irc?10:28
seb128all the crash files are really useful10:28
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mdzI think we should briefly discuss the menu item in the meeting, since that's a separate issue10:28
pittiso we covered my second TOP now10:29
cjwatsonpitti: erm - mailing list rather than IRC?10:29
cjwatsonor maybe IRC would work, dunno10:29
pitticjwatson: erm, of course10:29
seb128the thing is that after some time you get the sames crash again and again and not a lot of new10:29
seb128and the noise increase10:29
mdzcrash reports -> ubuntu-devel@10:30
pittibdmurray: I take it you get a lot of bug reports without a package through the System 'report a bug' menu?10:30
mdzmenu item -> here10:30
mdzbdmurray: yes, tell us about what you see as a result of that menu item10:30
bdmurraypitti: I'm not sure what would be the give away that it was from that menu item?10:30
mdzbdmurray: it should include a footer10:30
pittibdmurray: the apport info in them10:30
pittiabout Ubuntu version, uname, etc.10:30
pittiof course the user can select a package in malone, but many of them don't10:31
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pittiand mpt raised the point that getting tons of unanswered bugs neither helps the reporters nor us10:31
bdmurrayI haven't counted that much but don't think there are a lot and the Ubuntu version is helpful because people do forget that a lot.10:31
mdzespecially since it's called "report a problem"10:31
mdzand users have many problems which aren't bugs10:31
mdzincluding problems which have nothing to do with Ubuntu10:32
mdzbear in mind that OEMs will preinstall Ubuntu in mass quantities10:32
mdzusers who get Ubuntu and don't even know what it is could end up reporting this as a "problem" with their computer10:32
pittiI for myself get more and more 'unqualified' reports now, without any answer in many cases10:33
pittithe menu item in the application's help menu (lp-i) might be better, it already has the package and such, and more likely to get a proper description10:33
mdzpitti: and it can call package hooks10:34
mdzI propose that we disable the item in the System menu10:34
bdmurrayand it is slightly more obscured too10:35
mdzdoes anyone feel that we'd be losing out on better bug reports by doing that?10:35
bdmurrayso people would have to be looking for help10:35
pittiwe should rather improve the Firefox start page or help center and have them point to wiki, etc.10:35
pittiand the more community-oriented people will find Launchpad just as well as they did so far10:35
cjwatsonthat would be a pretty small change to the Firefox start page, I think, and that's something OEMs can and probably (without proof) do customise10:36
cjwatsonI'm with mdz here10:36
seb128mdz: the problem is that only a small set of app are patched for lpi10:36
pittiright, you cannot use it to report a postgres bug, but *shrug*10:36
seb128maybe moving the panel one to applications, accessories?10:37
asacbtw, the firefox startpage does not ship in firefox package10:37
seb128or system, admin ;)10:37
pittiseb128: you hit me when I did that :)10:37
mdzseb128: are you getting useful bug reports from it?10:37
cjwatsonasac: indeed, ubuntu-artwork et al10:37
pittianyway, any strong opposition to the current proposal?10:38
seb128mdz: no, but the apps I'm working on are using lpi10:38
mdzseb128: we do have ubuntu-bug now, though it needs to be more widely advertised10:38
seb128fair enough10:38
pittiwe even have a command-line apport frontend for servers now ;)10:38
mdzconsensus to disable System->Report a problem, then?10:39
seb128I think having the command line command and lpi is good enough10:39
mdzpitti: oh, neat10:39
Mithrandirmdz: yes, I think that makes sense.10:39
bdmurraymdz: I'm running a bughelper query for those bugs and a lot are showing up.  Ones report by that menu item that is.10:39
kwwiiyippee! that fixes my one bu for me10:39
pittiACTION: pitti to disable system apport menu entry10:39
mdzas I wrote on the mailing list, we should revisit it when we have better infrastructure in place for guiding the user, and handling the reports on the server side10:39
bdmurraybut it would me more useful if they had an application in them rather than going "nowhere" per se10:40
pittisorry for the long discussion, but I felt it is important to collect info10:40
=== dholbach hugs pitti
mdzpitti: can you add this to the agenda for apport refinements at UDS?10:40
pittimdz: definitively10:40
mdz(bdmurray) What is the best / most effective way to communicate bugs I think might be important? e-mailing the distro team?10:40
mdzpitti: thanks10:40
=== cjwatson proposed milestoning for things we need to look at before release
pittimdz: 'that' -> bdmyrray's last comment, I take it?10:41
cjwatsonwe can always unmilestone if need be10:41
Mithrandirbdmurray: milestone + assign.10:41
mdzpitti: no, my last comment (and the corresponding post to -devel)10:41
mdzpitti: a discussion about generally how the user should report bugs, when, which tools, etc.10:42
mdzbdmurray: I see this as a release management function10:42
pittibdmurray: more email--; bug assignment + IRC pings work fine for me, personally10:42
bdmurrayIRC can be challenging with the time difference though10:43
mdzbdmurray: so if you feel a bug is important enough to be tracked separately, it should be escalated to Mithrandir10:43
Mithrandirbdmurray: we should ship you to Europe.10:43
iwjirc pings aren't always very reliable.10:43
mvobdmurray: I like milestone + subscribe10:43
pittibdmurray: but we already have bug email for the asynchronous discussions10:43
Mithrandiriwj: for others, it's much more reliable than anything else.10:43
iwjMithrandir: That's scary to me.10:43
cjwatsonthe problem with IRC pings for anything that needs attention urgently is that if the problem is actually urgent then they can be quite disruptive10:44
cjwatsonyou need to stop what you're doing in case you forget10:44
seb128I like IRC pings10:44
Mithrandiriwj: why?  it feels like I'm subscribed to half of the packages in the archive; there's no way I'll never miss a thing there.  Pings show up in my session.10:44
seb128I set the milestone, bug settings, etc as required and switch back to what I was doing usually10:45
iwjMaybe your network/client/stuff is more reliable.  I find I occasionally miss them.10:45
seb128it's not too disruptive and I know about the bug then10:45
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seb128iwj: well, if the other side doesn't reply I consider he didn't read it and try again later ;)10:45
Keybukheh, I have to agree with IRC here10:45
pittibdmurray: I think we recently got better bug mail headers, so that it should be possible to separate out the subscriptions from other people from the mass of bug mail from +packagebugs10:45
Mithrandircjwatson: so it depends on the person.  I don't develop very much software any more, I spend a fair amount of my time talking to people on IRC doing release management.10:45
KeybukI just about don't read bug mail anymore10:45
iwjseb128: Ah, IC.  That makes much more sense now :-).10:45
Keybuksince it takes longer to read it than it takes for more to arrive10:45
mdzseb128: are you needing a standard method which works for the entire team, or are you asking what to do with bugs where you don't already know who to talk to and how?10:45
KeybukI've been unsubscribing from things as much as I can, but haven't yet got it down to a level I can actually *keep up* with10:46
Keybuk(so if you've subscribed/assigned a bug to me ... I don't actually know about it yet <g>)10:46
pittimdz: that was meant for bdmurray, I take it10:46
=== Keybuk is somewhere in February right now, and that's even after heavy purging
mdzpitti: er, yes10:46
mdzbdmurray: ^^ s/seb128/bdmurray/10:46
MithrandirKeybuk: the fun starts when teams are subscribed to bugs, and they should be so you can't just unsub them.10:46
bdmurraymdz: more the latter10:46
KeybukMithrandir: this is part of my problem10:46
mdzok, so let's not discuss personal preferences then10:47
bdmurrayfor example bug 95821 seems pretty important10:47
ubotuMalone bug 95821 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "Replication failure with auto-increment and on duplicate key update" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9582110:47
mdzthe question is what to do about orphan bugs10:47
bdmurraybut I have no idea where to go with it10:47
iwjI think we may need to hurry this along a bit ?10:47
mdzI've suggested that they go to the release team10:47
pittibdmurray: that sounds like upstream is the single appropriate target10:47
cjwatsonif there's nobody obvious to go to, then set the milestone and the RM can figure it out :-)10:47
Mithrandirbdmurray: as the rest of the people here says; if you're unsure, milestone it.  unmilestoning is easy.10:48
mdzMithrandir: does that seem sensible to you?10:48
seb128milestone them and encourage people to look at the milestoned bug every now and then?10:48
mdzseb128: Mithrandir will do that regularly10:48
seb128or let RM find the people ;)10:48
seb128ok, works for me10:48
bdmurraysounds good10:48
MithrandirI have said it before and I'll probably say it again: Please milestone bugs which you believe or think may be RC.  If you're unsure, ask me, or milestone anyway.10:48
mdzMithrandir: maybe the QA docs should say something about this if they don't already10:48
mdz(bdmurray) bug 63365 and bug 7690110:49
ubotuMalone bug 63365 in xorg "[feisty]  xorg incorrectly detects "lv3:ralt_switch" option in xorg.conf (dup-of: 76901)" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6336510:49
ubotuMalone bug 76901 in console-setup "right Alt key not recognized by default (lv3:ralt_switch shouldn't be set by default for US keyboard layouts)" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7690110:49
Mithrandirmdz: I don't know if they do; I'll make sure they do.10:49
bdmurraymdz: that's not so important more just a reminder10:49
MithrandirACTION: tfheen to make sure QA/bug triage information includes information about when to milestone.10:49
iwjbdmurray: Err, so it doesn't need discussion here ?10:49
cjwatsonindeed, the first is a dup of the second and the second is milestoned10:49
bdmurrayiwj: no not really my mistake10:49
cjwatsonno discussion here needed I think unless there's anything further on it10:50
iwjFair enough.10:50
Mithrandirmalone's handling of duplicates is slightly icky, but that's mostly my problem.10:50
mdzthe right alt key on US keyboards is labeled "Alt" and should be equivalent to the left Alt key10:50
iwjI like quick agenda items.10:50
mdzit's assigned to cjwatson10:50
mdz(bdmurray) network-manager and /etc/network/interfaces when upgrading from edgy to feisty for example bug 9652110:50
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Current meeting: Ubuntu Development Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 01 Apr 20:00 UTC: Marketing Team | 02 Apr 15:00 UTC: Community question time | 03 Apr 11:00 UTC: Community Council | 03 Apr 15:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 03 Apr 18:00 UTC: Mozilla Team
ubotuMalone bug 96521 in network-manager "network manager won't let me connect to wifi" [Undecided,Rejected]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9652110:50
mdzbdmurray: is this the same issue that SteveA brought up?10:50
bdmurraymdz: I'm not sure I saw thought.  But I believe n-m wasn't the default in Edgy. So people may have stuff configured in /etc/network/interfaces that confuses n-m.10:51
mdzSteveA pointed to https://beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/8794110:51
bdmurrayafter upgrading10:51
ubotuMalone bug 87941 in network-manager "network-manager does not take into account static configurations *properly* (dup-of: 82335)" [High,Confirmed] 10:51
ubotuMalone bug 82335 in network-manager "network-manager should not set offline mode when it manages no device" [High,Fix released] 10:51
Mithrandirbdmurray: s/confuses/makes NM ignore the interface/, yes.10:51
mdzI guess that's a different issue10:51
fabbioneand n-m breaks ipv610:52
bdmurrayand does the upgrade process take this into account at all?10:52
iwjIs there something controversial here ?  (Still loading bugs pages over gprs ...)10:52
mdzbdmurray: I think we need to take this to ubuntu-devel10:52
Mithrandirfabbione: that's something I don't really worry or care about release-wise.10:52
fabbioneMithrandir: it's a regression from edgy so you do care..10:53
Mithrandirfabbione: no, I don't.  Just don't use NM if you're one of the ten people in the world using IPv6.10:53
mdzbdmurray: I think the short answer is that the UI should make it obvious when NM is ignoring the interface due to manual configuration, and allow the user to get quick access to the checkbox to set it back to automatic10:53
fabbioneMithrandir: i can't remove NM without removing ubuntu-desktop..10:53
bdmurraymdz: why is that? I'm trying to understand what is appropriate for the distro-team vs ubuntu-devel10:53
Mithrandirfabbione: you can disable it.10:54
Mithrandirmdz: yes, I'm going to tweak NM to do that.10:54
cjwatsonbdmurray: distro-team => private10:54
mdzbdmurray: distro-team = Canonical, ubuntu-devel = Ubuntu developers10:54
fabbioneMithrandir: last time i asked you how to, you told me you couldn't..10:54
KeybukMithrandir: 10 is on the generous side10:54
Mithrandirfabbione: rm /etc/dbus/event.d/25NetworkManager10:54
mdzbdmurray: it's not that it's inappropriate for this meeting, it's that we only have 5 minutes left and can't discuss it in that time10:54
bdmurraymdz: okay, that's fair10:54
Mithrandirbdmurray: I'll be happy to discuss it further with you, I don't think it's important for the whole team?10:55
mdzACTION: bdmurray to summarize network-manager/ifupdown issues on ubuntu-devel for further discussion10:55
mdz(cjwatson) Bug day on Friday: distro team participation10:55
cjwatsonjust a reminder to everyone, since last Friday was beta day10:55
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cjwatsonit's not actually been announced on u-d-a apparently - dholbach?10:56
mdzcjwatson: reminder to what?  join #ubuntu-bugs?10:56
dholbachI thought it was... bdmurray?10:56
cjwatsonbut anyway, distro team staff should make an effort to turn up on #ubuntu-bugs and be a bit more vocal about what you're doing to stimulate discussion and educate people10:56
cjwatsonand generally help out10:56
mdzthe community QA team seems to be growing and healthy10:57
iwjI could volunteer our poor tender bug helpers to help with bug 75681.10:57
ubotuMalone bug 75681 in mdadm "boot-time race condition initializing md" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7568110:57
mdzI'm seeing good actions from new members10:57
mdziwj: talking about problems like that during bug days will increase awareness of the problems and how to debug them10:57
cjwatsoniwj: you could certainly talk them through your thought processes trying to debug it, although they might run away :)10:57
dholbachcjwatson: apparently it was not announced, I'll whip something up10:57
mdz(tkamppeter) I am searching volunteers for HPLIP 1.7.3 testing10:57
iwjcjwatson: :-)10:57
mdztkamppeter: my OfficeJet is in a shipping crate somewhere between here and London10:58
tkamppeterSee bug 9852010:58
ubotuMalone bug 98520 in hplip "Feisty UVF ER: New HPLIP 1.7.3 release fixes lots of bugs" [Medium,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9852010:58
Keybukmy LaserJet doesn't appear to work with HPLIP10:58
bdmurrayI have one here I can test10:58
tkamppeterHPLIP 1.7.3 has many fixes to bugs reported to us.10:58
bdmurrayin my spare time10:59
tkamppeterAs we are shortly before releasing, we need test reports from as many people as possible.10:59
mdztkamppeter: send mail to ubuntu-devel-discuss10:59
mdzthat's where you can reach people who are running feisty10:59
dokotkamppeter: 1.7.3 works for me, scanning included10:59
mdzadventurous sorts10:59
mdzMithrandir: beta blockers?10:59
mdz(last week's actions)10:59
tkamppeterSo please do the tests described in my 2nd and 3rd posting and post your results to the bug report.10:59
cjwatsonif that's not done, it's irrelevant :P10:59
mdzbdmurray: wiki documentation cleanup?10:59
Mithrandirmdz: too many, but going down, slowly.  I have utterly forgot to send out the list, so I'll do that tomorrow.11:00
cjwatsonunless s/beta/release/11:00
tkamppeterThanks for your help.11:00
mdzcjwatson: yes, we still have blockers :-)11:00
bdmurraymdz: I slipped on that but am working on it actively now11:00
mdzMithrandir: please send that out tomorrow11:00
mdzany other VERY BRIEF business?11:00
Mithrandirmdz: will do.11:00
mdzthanks, all11:01
pittithanks everyone11:01
iwjGoodnight and thank you.11:01
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BenCgood night everyone11:02
kwwiinight all, thanks11:02
seb128thank you11:02
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pkl_good night11:02
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