
=== vorian_ [n=vorian@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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ubotuIn ubotu, ardchoille said: !dvdshrink is XDVDShrink is a project in BASH and Perl-Gtk2 that allows you to create fair-use archival copies of DVD content on single-layer writable DVDs. http://dvdshrink.sourceforge.net/12:46
=== vorian__ [n=vorian@cpe-76-181-146-41.columbus.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Leaving"]
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=== LongPointyStick [n=user@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== QMario [n=QMario@cpe-70-116-124-115.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu-ops
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elkbuntuheh... about half an hour ago04:48
elkbuntu* flubber (n=administ@cpe-075-181-033-117.carolina.res.rr.com) has joined #ubuntu-meeting04:48
elkbuntu<flubber> SEND #edubuntu hello04:48
elkbuntu* flubber (n=administ@cpe-075-181-033-117.carolina.res.rr.com) has left #ubuntu-meeting04:48
elkbuntuerr.. an hour and a half ago04:48
elkbuntuim not convinced it was innocent ;)04:48
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ubotuIn ubotu, freakabcd said: wicd is Wicd = http://adam.blackhole.cx/wicd/wb/06:39
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=== qmario_ [n=QMario@cpe-70-116-124-115.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu-ops
elkbuntuMadpilot, hmm.. the nick 'chode' is not exactly a family-friendly nick09:11
Madpilothmm? what am I missing? it doesn't mean anything either way to me09:11
Madpilotah... enlightenment via Wikipedia.09:12
MadpilotI'd say it's obscure enough to pass, given that I had to google for the definition ;)09:13
elkbuntui only know because when i was at uni, there was a guy in our group with that as a nickname09:13
mneptok(well, it's at least what elky called him in her diary)09:13
Madpilotspeaking of 'not exactly family friendly'... hi mneptok09:14
elkbuntumneptok, heh... i never kept a diary09:14
Madpilotgiven that topyi's baseball quote is still in -offtopic's /topic, I think Mr. choad can remain.09:15
=== mneptok is rated "M" for "My God, STFU"
elkbuntuMadpilot, well that line should *not* be in the offtopic topic line to start with09:16
elkbuntuwe cant expect people to behave and *be* family friendly, if we celebrate non-family-friendly stuff like that09:17
=== elkbuntu annoints nisq_57 with the title TROLL!
AmaranthI'm about to kick him09:29
mneptokAmaranth: why are you attacking me?09:31
mneptokWHY DO YOU HATE ME?!09:31
Amaranthmneptok: you're cheating on me with Madpilot09:31
mneptokp.s. OSX is based on OS/2 and developed by pixies living in Bill Gates' pubes.09:31
ubotuIn ubotu, nisq_57 said: that is obvious09:34
=== Jucato wonders what is obvious :D
elkbuntuthat osx is made by pixies in gates' pubes09:37
mneptokelkbuntu: OMG THE VOICES TALK TO YOU, TOO!!!11!11!!!1 *huggle*09:37
mneptok(they tell me to burn things.)09:39
Jucatoas long as I'm not a "thing", I'm safe :)09:41
mneptokno, you just have one.09:44
mneptok(you might want to invest in asbestos panties)09:45
Amaranthmneptok: seb128 is online, ask him about gnome-compiz-manager09:55
=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@ip-62-105-182-26.dsl.twang.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
mneptokAmaranth: already been done.10:26
=== Fujitsu wonders why #ubuntu-au has ubot[u3]
apokryphosremoved ubot3 for now; Seveas must have put ubotu back in there, hm10:40
=== Mez|OnAir slaps ,
mneptokat least you didn't slap your : in a family channel10:51
=== Mez|OnAir slaps apokryphos
=== apokryphos tickles Mez, and removes him from the air!
Mez|OnAirapokryphos, :P10:56
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elkbuntuSeveas, -marketing wants the bot back01:13
Seveas@join #ubuntu-markting01:13
Seveas@join #ubuntu-marketing01:13
Seveas@part #ubuntu-markting01:14
ubotuIn #ubuntu-marketing, poningru said: !editing UWN is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/EditingPolicies01:16
=== poningru [n=poningru@adsl-074-245-140-197.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
poningrusomeone wanna add that last one? its for -marketing team thanks01:17
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Seveas!editing UWN is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/EditingPolicies01:19
ubotuI'll remember that, Seveas01:19
Seveas!editing-#ubuntu-marketing is <alias> editing UWN01:19
ubotuFactoid 'editing UWN' does not exist01:19
Seveas!editing uwn01:19
ubotuediting uwn is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/EditingPolicies01:19
Seveas!editing-#ubuntu-marketing is <alias> editing uwn01:20
ubotuI'll remember that, Seveas01:20
=== Pici [n=pcmacman@ool-4355be00.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
apokryphosSeveas: schwuk seems to have lost his cloak (he's in the cloak group). Any ideas?01:22
Seveasno :)01:24
apokryphosSeveas: ok to restore?01:24
apokryphosSportChick: ^ :)01:25
apokryphosjenda's a full staffer now? Nice, congrats :)01:26
jendathx :)01:35
SportChickjenda: I take it you've taken care of it? :)01:38
jendaWorning on it :)01:38
jendashwuk, you say...01:38
jendaah, schwuk01:39
SportChickjenda: hehe, yeah a Germanic schwuk, not an anglesized shwuk ;)01:41
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apokryphosfunny situation: deal with the troll vs. pick up the phone05:36
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SportChickapokryphos: phone phone! ;)05:50
Tm_Tapokryphos: pick up the troll06:08
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=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@85-211-177-2.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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gnomefreakFD-Spuddy: <<<< anyone know that nick?10:03
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gnomefreaknvm it was a bot10:03
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Seveasjenda, awake?10:53
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naliothSeveas: asleep?10:55
Seveasnalioth, almost :)10:55
naliothwhat have you been poking me about lately?10:56
naliothanything nalioth-only?10:56
Seveasnalioth, could you please cloak quizbuntu to ubuntu/bot/quizbuntu10:56
Seveasand I've been poking you for ubot310:56
naliothubot3 is right over there10:56
ubot3nalioth: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:56
SeveasI'd like to do an experiment by putting ubotu in all of ubot3's channels (and temporarily disabling ubot3) to see what the load is doing10:57
naliothsay when, and i'll cancel ubot3s process10:57
naliothset1cloak quizbuntu ubuntu/bot/quizbuntu10:58
Seveasif you give me the list of where he's in (/msg ubot3 channels), then you can shoot him :)10:58
naliothyep, you can tell i'm tired10:58
naliothSeveas: poke11:04
naliothLjL: please scan your channels11:06
LjLnalioth: uh... meaning? if he did troll in -offtopic before, i can't see it, i'm forced to keep a very short backscroll history unfortunately11:07
=== maxamillion [n=adam@ngl-1-14.shsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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matthew1429if anyone of you is available, please test me to see if I'm still "DCC Exploitable"12:08
naliothmatthew1429: join #moderation, please12:09
Madpilotnot D C C safe, evidently?12:11
naliothheh, nope.12:11
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