
=== Innatech [n=daf@netblock-72-25-97-119.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu-server
InnatechAnyone have any known gotchas relating to setup of OpenLDAP + Samba3 (as a PDC) on an LTS server install?02:07
theacolyteIt doesn't work without a lot of work :)02:07
theacolyteI gave up personally02:07
InnatechHehe. Can you recall what the dealbreakers were? 02:07
theacolyteWhen I left off, I had samba running, but whenever I tried to access a share it wouldn't authenticate, can't remember anything more specific02:08
theacolyteAll appearances it looked fine though02:08
theacolyteAnd to be more precise -- it wasn't OpenLDAP it was ADS... but I tried it with LDAP just to make sure, didn't work either02:08
InnatechAha. OK, good to know. Thanks. 02:08
theacolytethere's a lot of documentation out there, none of which seemed to work02:09
InnatechYeah, it all seems either old or to make a point of avoiding the LDAP back-end.02:09
theacolyteevaluating openfiler right now actually. Tired of buying CALs for a fileserver02:09
InnatechI'll try and document what I do in a useful way if I can get it going. 02:09
theacolyteYeah, if you get it working, I'd love to see what you did02:10
BurgworkI would use fds, personally02:10
Burgworkdo you have windows or linux clients?02:10
InnatechWindows clients. 02:10
theacolyteall xp sp202:10
BurgworkI am lucky, I have all Ubuntu, client and server02:10
theacolyteSo, for me, I'd have to auth against AD (using AD or LDAP)02:11
theacolyteThere's no chance in hell I'll ever be able to move our desktops to linux unfortunately02:11
Burgworkfor AD, you need samba 402:11
theacolyteI'd be fired if I even mentioned it (not really, but if I tried)02:11
Burgworksamba3 is only for client02:11
Innatechyeah. My clients won't give up Windows on the desktop either, but they're *totally* excited about replacing their network's core with Linux. 02:11
Innatechmm....Samba3 will work as an 2000-style PDC. 02:12
theacolyteI can't get rid of Exchange02:12
theacolyteBurgwork: I'm not trying to replace my DC's/GCS's02:12
InnatechWhich version of Exchange?02:12
theacolyteI can't justify 200702:12
InnatechYeah. 02:12
theacolyteEspecially since it's about as likely I'll switch users to linux as I'll be installing Office 200702:13
InnatechIf you were running 2K, you could probably get away with a Samba PDC, but not with 2003. 02:13
theacolyteI'm a 1 man IT shop for 120 employees 5 offices 30 remote users... no time to train02:13
BurgworkI think you both shoudl stick with AD and Exchange02:14
Burgworkthere are no drag and drop solutions yet02:14
InnatechWell, I don't sell Windows servers, so.....02:14
theacolyteYeah, the only thing I was going to replace actually was fileserving, just because I'm not compliant with CAL's and I don't really want to drop $3000 just so people can access shared files02:14
theacolyte(don't tell MS)02:15
Burgworkthis is a publicly logged channel02:15
theacolyteBSA ALERT... BSA ALERT02:15
theacolyteActually, I'm using Ubuntu Server as a backend server... NTP, Cacti, Splunk, various other things you can't do with Windows well02:15
InnatechYup. My clients are all smaller offices. They're gerneally happy with hosted exchange, and don't want to spend the money to have a Windows domain on site when I can give them everything but Exchange on Samba. 02:15
theacolyteworking nicely02:15
InnatechI just haven't tried to do it with LDAP or on LTS before. 02:16
Burgworkwhat LTS are you talking about?02:16
Burgworklong term support?02:16
InnatechUbuntu LTS. yep. 02:16
theacolyteSplunk is really, really, really nice by the way02:17
InnatechBut, really, if I never see another .rpm I'll be a happier man. So I'm going to try it. 02:17
theacolyteI'm actually coming from a RHEL background and before that good ol' RH. I know what you mean.02:17
InnatechHeh. I have the 1999 "Learning Red Hat" on my shelf. I still use some CentOS but I'm much happier on Debian based distros. 02:19
theacolyteCentOS is pretty decent02:19
InnatechYeah, it's nice to have it available. 02:20
theacolyteBurgwork: How is FDS? Never messed with it02:20
Burgworknot bad, well tested code02:20
Burgworkit is the old sun/netscape code02:20
theacolyteDoes it do stuff like delegation, group policy, etc? It's been awhile02:20
BurgworkI honestly have no idea02:21
BurgworkI run OpenLDAP here, because it is supported on dapper02:21
theacolyteGot it02:22
theacolyteOh, by the way, something I haven't looked into yet -- is there a OSS RADIUS server available in the standard repos?02:22
InnatechOh, that's a good question. 02:22
Burgworkfreeradius, by the looks of it02:24
theacolytenot bad then02:24
Innatechyup, that's what I'm finding too. 02:24
theacolyteI see krb5 so that makes me happy02:25
Burgworkajmitch is working on an auth tool02:25
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Burgworkmake it easy to take an Ubuntu client and auth against either AD or LDAP02:25
Burgworkstratus: greetings02:25
theacolyteI'm in the process of setting up a totally OSS Cisco replacement for MARS, ACS, etc... since there's no way I can justify event corrolation, access control, etc to anyone in the company besides myself02:26
theacolyteBurgwork: that would be nice as hell. I'd love a distro that out of the box could auth against a domain a-la windows02:26
BurgworkSLEd can do it02:26
stratusBurgwork: thanks. howdy?02:26
theacolyteyeah but SLED is $02:26
BurgworkI was chatting with ajmitch, stratus02:26
Burgworksaid you were a DD02:27
stratusBurgwork: oh great, I've read your name here and there.02:28
stratusBurgwork: nice to talk with  you02:28
stratusajmitch: #315297 makes me nervous02:29
stratusBurgwork: hold on while i read your mugshot and pretend that I know your internet history track for ages. :)02:30
stratusBurgwork: do you watch bsg?02:30
Burgworkmugshot. RedHats answer to not having enough projects to work on02:30
BurgworkI do02:30
Burgworkthough I have seen none of season 302:31
InnatechI haven't seen much of 3 either. 02:31
Burgworkstratus: why does fds scare you?02:31
stratusI need to watch the last 3 episodes from season 302:31
stratusBurgwork: that ITP opened for ages makes me nervous, nothing against fds though.02:31
stratusI'm psyched with bsg and looking forward for caprica and/or the bsg movie DTV02:32
Burgworkgiven the ratings, I am worried about getting a 5th season02:32
theacolyteAlright all- I'll catch you later, going to go home, get some dinner with the wife, then get back to work... oh and maybe say hello to her for the first time in a few days... take it easy :)02:32
stratusI need to bug noel about pkg-fedora-ds in alioth.02:33
Burgworkdoesn't alioth do gzr now?02:33
BurgworkI know the X team has a git repo02:33
stratus5th season? noooo. There's just the 4th season confirmed for next year - 13 episodes.02:33
InnatechI think there will be a fifth season....I'm pretty sure they're working out how much everyone's going to get paid for it already.  Of course, it might get cancelled along the way if it stops doing well. 02:33
stratuswe've <everything>.d.o02:33
Burgwork22 hours for the 4th season, actually02:34
InnatechI read somewhere that a B5 miniseries is going into production. That might be interesting, if they don't mangle it too badly. 02:35
ajmitchBurgwork: ah, mentioning my name again02:55
Burgworkof course02:56
ajmitchstratus: that ITP was open for ages for a reason02:57
ajmitchI've been talking with herzi02:57
stratusajmitch: There's pkg-fedora-ds, and just noel and a NM on the team, and AFAIK they did nothing yet in any VCS.02:58
ajmitchnoel & herzi (who owns the ITP_02:58
ajmitchlast time I tried to join the team alioth was throwing a fit with the database :)02:58
ajmitchI should follow up on it02:58
ajmitchok, resubmitted team request03:01
stratusgreat, let me know if they give you a status update03:02
ajmitchI expect it'll be the same as a few weeks ago (not much)03:03
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stratusI'll give fds a try on some vservers and probably do initial packaging, but I doubt I'll have something really useful before 15 Apr. I'm heavily busy with Sacix release related stuff until there.03:06
ajmitchwhy 15 april? 03:06
stratuswe will release between 11-15 apr. :)03:08
ajmitcheven so it's far too late to get in :)03:08
=== ajmitch wonders if the 'we' is debian or ubuntu
ajmitchit'd be great if they ended up releasing on the same day :)03:09
ajmitchfeisty is meant to be out on the 19th of april03:09
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=== ajmitch also wonders why you want to do initial packaging as well, before the 15th :)
stratuswe as in sacix, a etch based cdd03:21
stratusthat would be great, yes03:22
ajmitchI'll hopefully have something useful for fds working before the 15th03:22
ajmitchdepending on available time03:23
ajmitchas in, I have something now, it's just not too useful yet03:23
stratusoh, once you put your ubuntu (bzr?) feisty or feisty+1? based branch online i can also work on something usable for debian sid03:25
ajmitchhm, but I'm trying to make something that will work for sid as well 03:26
ajmitchno point restricting it03:26
ajmitcha few extra libraries will need to be uploaded to sid & feisty+103:26
ajmitch(svrcore, mozilla ldap sdk)03:27
stratusdo you know if there's something simple to use over svrcore?03:29
stratusif yes, i can work on this or any other small component starting this week and upload it to experimental03:30
ajmitchnot afaik03:30
ajmitchwell I've got svrcore & mozldap packaged03:30
stratusi'll take a look on stuff like that tomorrow then.03:30
stratusoh, good.03:30
stratuspush bzr branches!03:30
=== ajmitch will push stuff to debian too, don't worry :)
stratusI'm not worried about debian sync, but I want to play with fds ASAP.03:32
ajmitchif it'll all work without hassles on etch, even better03:32
stratusIt looks promising from a old school OpenLDAP user POV.03:32
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fooHm, anyone with dell hardware around that I spoke with last night? Or that just has dell hardware? ubuntu keeps hanging during install on the partition04:27
fooI'm trying to remotely help someone04:27
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jronnblomhmm, I have a problem with snmpd in dapper and im beginning to think its a bug in the package for amd6410:32
fabbionejronnblom: please file a bug in launchpad10:32
jronnblomim trying to but can't find my way in that site ;)10:32
jronnblom Net-SNMP does not use Malone as its bug tracker.10:33
jronnblomTo report a bug about Net-SNMP, please use its official bug tracker.10:33
jronnblomwhich is?10:33
jronnblommight be this im hitting, http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1259966&group_id=12694&atid=45638010:34
fabbionejronnblom: hold on a sec.. you are looking in the wrong place10:34
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fabbionethis should work10:35
fabbionethere is "Report a bug" somewhere in that page10:35
jronnblomah, thank you10:35
[miles] morning guys10:56
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dballesterhi to all11:31
shawarmafabbione: re: https://launchpad.net/bugs/98518    I'm curious.. Why check for 10GB volumes?11:45
fabbioneshawarma: oh i thought i fixed it in a later version but i might be wrong11:48
fabbione10 GB is a special value.. the reported is right.. it needs to check for vendor too11:48
shawarmaI just found this:
fabbioneyes i know11:48
fabbioneit's from where i took the data11:49
fabbionei have that SAN at home11:49
shawarmaOk. The configlet has vendor/device stuff in it. I thought that would take care of it.11:49
fabbionethe configlet is for the multipathd config11:49
fabbionenot the init.d script11:49
fabbioneso it does need fixing11:49
=== shawarma slaps his forehead
shawarmaI was thinking that sg_start was something from multipath-tools and hence would check the config.. I'm clearly on crack.11:55
shawarmaand on a school night! Sheesh!11:55
fabbioneyes you are on crack.... kthxbye11:56
fabbionethe tech explanation on why 10GB.. it's an hardware "feature" :)12:00
fabbionelong to explain... if you don't have knowledge of a SAN and multipath active/active active/passive12:01
fabbionefood time12:01
shawarmaThe reported size of the volume tells what role it plays in the SAN?12:21
fabbioneno it's simply the way in which the HSG80 exports a passive path... call it a bug in the firmware :)12:21
fabbioneit's just the way it has been done12:21
shawarmaright, ok. I've only ever worked with HP's XP512's.12:22
shawarmaThey may have had similar weirdness. It was setup once and never really gave us any problems, so I've never really had to deal much with it.12:26
fabbioneit's not really a matter of problems you hit, but configuration and redundancy you want to achieve in this case12:31
shawarmaSure. Stuff like that is just easier to remember the more you have to deal with it.12:33
=== shawarma scurries off for lunch
=== fabbione is already digesting sushi
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\shcould it be that nfs4 support in dapper is not working as it should?02:46
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[miles] guys I'm getting a CPU 1 : Machine Check Exception 4 Bank 3 : 000000000000000 TSC 0 Kernel Pacnic  - not syncing ....03:09
[miles] on a 6.06 LTS server03:09
[miles] never had a KP off an ubuntu server yet03:10
[miles] fucked CPU?03:10
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\sh[miles] : looks like03:17
\sh[miles] : AMD 64bit cpu?03:17
[miles] aye03:17
[miles] well03:17
\shwell, cpu cache mem could be fcked up, too03:18
[miles] it's Pentium D Dual Core03:18
\shcpu or cache mem I would guess03:18
[miles] aye03:55
[miles] I think it will be03:55
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[miles] mmm every day, my cron.daily ntpdate script sends me a damn email05:11
[miles] no other cron.daily script does it except this one :-|05:12
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shawarma[miles] : It's probably the only one generating any output.05:33
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dballesterhi again06:19
dballesterubuntu-server & iscsitarget, any .deb ? any tip? regards and TIA06:20
Innatechdballester: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21354506:21
dballesteryet read :)06:22
dballesterthanks in anyway :)06:23
dballesterI undestand same process for Edgy, but seems that i will need to recompile each kernel update06:24
dballesterhope some day iscsitarget will be part of ubuntu server O:D06:24
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mralphabetfeisty and vmware don't really mix well ;(07:13
mralphabetfixed, stupid old /etc/vmware07:22
mralphabetstill can't install tar version of vmware server though 07:28
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