
tepsipakkipochu: if you want to test the new intel-driver: http://users.tkk.fi/~tjaalton/xorg72/new12:21
tepsipakkiyou also need the server update12:21
tepsipakkimind you, the driver doesn't work for me ;)12:21
pochusure I'll test it :)12:21
tepsipakkialthough I'm testing it remotely12:21
pochubut tomorrow ;)12:21
pochuis that the rc3?12:22
tepsipakkithe driver is12:22
tepsipakkiserver isn't12:22
pochuok, cool12:22
tepsipakkibut the server is for deps12:22
pochuso, as it isn't working for you, is there any chance to have it in feisty? :)12:23
tepsipakkidon't know yet12:24
tepsipakkidepends what is broken12:25
tepsipakkithe previous version worked12:25
tepsipakkiie. it loaded right12:25
pochubut not with xserver-xorg 1.2 ;)12:25
tepsipakkiwith that too12:26
tepsipakkithat won't work12:43
tepsipakkiwith 1.212:43
tepsipakkimaybe I'll merge the new server for testing12:44
tepsipakkiin any case, we need the new driver here12:44
ubotuNew bug: #97631 in mesa (main) "libGL.so.1.2 does not support non-power-of-two textures" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9763101:15
ubotuNew bug: #97643 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev (main) "evdev mice: "Fatal server error:bogus pointer event from ddx"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9764301:50
ubotuNew bug: #97658 in xorg (main) "framebuffer disappeared, took GUI with it" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9765803:55
ubotuNew bug: #97576 in xorg (main) "Docking does not work on D610" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9757605:39
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ubotuNew bug: #57776 in xorg (main) "dexconf overwrites xorg.conf without warning or backup" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5777608:30
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Mithrandirtepsipakki: I did approve wacom-tools, didn't I?  So that is fine now.10:01
tepsipakkioh, I missed that, thanks10:05
Mithrandirit was a question. :-P10:05
tepsipakkiok, I didn't see an ack :)10:05
tepsipakkiand I did manage to get the intel driver to work with server-1.210:06
tepsipakkithere was a missing file10:06
tepsipakkiand it crashed because of unknown symbols10:07
Mithrandirbut you managed to get it working in the end?10:11
tepsipakkiI still have the resolution issues with my monitor though, but I could publish it so people can test10:12
tepsipakkiit needs a slightly updated xorg-server too, since I merged some of the debian changes in it10:17
tepsipakkihum, maybe I should just upload that10:17
tepsipakkiit also has two patches from server-1.3 which should make i2c more robust for old monitors10:18
tepsipakkitimeouts are more graceful10:18
Mithrandiryes, you mentioned that bit10:18
tepsipakkiserver uploaded10:22
tepsipakkiI'll advertise in #u-d10:22
Mithrandirthe wacom diff is pretty huge.10:25
tepsipakkiyep :/10:25
tepsipakkipeople have tested it, though10:25
Mithrandirhow many people with how many different configurations?10:27
Mithrandirthere's no way I can review a 4.7M patch; it's more than five times the source of the orig.tar.gz, but if it works well for a bunch of people with different tablets, I'm willing to have it in.10:29
TreenaksI can have a colleague test it... it should at least work better than edgy (which doesn't work at all..)10:29
Mithrandiredgy doesn't work at all or requires manual wiggling to get it to work?10:30
ubotuNew bug: #98506 in xrandr (main) "[apport]  xrandr crashed with SIGSEGV"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9850610:30
TreenaksMithrandir: I've spent an hour twiddling it, and I couldn't get it to work for him10:31
TreenaksMithrandir: (bug filed, etc.)10:32
MithrandirTreenaks: ok.  If you could get him to test it, that'd be great.10:32
TreenaksMithrandir: I will10:32
tepsipakkiI sent a request for testers on bug 4047310:37
ubotuMalone bug 40473 in wacom-tools "wacom-tools udev scripts should point to /dev/wacom instead of /dev/input/wacom" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4047310:37
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pochutepsipakki: link? :)11:03
=== pochu should add it to his bookmarks
tepsipakkimaybe I should strip the xorg72 from it11:05
tepsipakkiyou need the server too11:06
tepsipakkiI just uploaded it but don't think it's built yet11:06
tepsipakkibut a deb is there11:06
pochuuploaded to the main repos?11:08
pochuis that intel driver different from tonight's one?11:09
pochuI already have a similar version11:09
tepsipakkiyes, it actually works11:09
pochucool :)11:09
tepsipakkiI didn't bump the version, since it isn't uploaded yet11:09
pochulet's test it!11:42
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pochutepsipakki: works for me :)11:45
tepsipakkithere were no other willing testers on #u-d :P11:53
tepsipakkiMithrandir: got an confirmation from a user of USB wacom device11:54
pochuwell, there are two +1 and none -1, so why not? :)11:54
tepsipakkiwhat hardware do you have?11:55
tepsipakkidoes glxgears work, how about movies..?11:55
Mithrandirtepsipakki: goodie; please do try to get a few more.11:56
tepsipakkiI'll wait for the others to wake up11:56
pochutepsipakki: intel gma 915 mobile11:58
pochu00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 04)11:58
tepsipakkiok, does glxgears work with good performance?11:59
pochu4927 frames in 5.0 seconds = 985.396 FPS11:59
tepsipakkipretty slick11:59
pochuyep, that's it11:59
tepsipakkido you have a video clip handy that you could test?12:00
pochuyeah :)12:00
pochuwith totem12:00
pochuworks fine (.avi)12:01
tepsipakkisame here (965)12:02
tepsipakkihm, managed to leave01:13
tepsipakkithe intel driver works only until I log out01:13
Treenaksdon't do that then :P01:13
tepsipakkiI'll try to remember that ;)01:14
Treenakstepsipakki: the wacom stuff won't build properly on amd6402:21
Treenaksthe binaries build, but the package won't02:21
Treenaks(something with /usr/lib64/xorg vs /usr/lib/xorg)02:21
Treenakslogs + 'find' of partially built tree coming up02:21
Treenakstepsipakki: http://foodfight.org/zut/wacomlog.txt02:27
tepsipakkiok, and it seems there are regressions :/02:39
tepsipakkibut I have a merged version from debian02:39
ubotuNew bug: #98586 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15 (main) "No LRM package to go with linux-image-2.6.15-50-foo" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9858602:40
Treenakstepsipakki: the driver gets  built, it just gets installed in the wrong dir02:45
Treenaks(or so it seems)02:46
tepsipakkithat's weird02:49
Treenakstepsipakki: I installed its build-deps from current feisty02:51
Treenakstepsipakki: then debian/rules binary (as root) created that ^^ bunch of files02:52
tepsipakkiTreenaks: there is now in the same dir, could you try if it builds?03:38
Treenaks6ubuntu1 or 6?03:39
tepsipakkioh, 6ubuntu103:40
tepsipakkiremoved the debian one03:40
Treenakstepsipakki: it seems to work.. a bit03:58
Treenakstepsipakki: at least the MBs of logging is gone.. X detects the graphire if we force it to use /dev/input/wacom instead of /dev/wacom03:58
Treenaksbut not much else03:58
tepsipakkiok so not much of an improvement04:12
tepsipakkiTreenaks: can you build the newer version in pbuilder and put the build-log somewhere?04:20
tepsipakkiyou did that already :P04:20
tepsipakki  * Specify xorg-sdk and xlib locations explicitly still to avoid04:20
tepsipakki    linuxwacom trying to install to lib64 if a 64bit kernel is found.04:20
tepsipakki    It can be worked around for 64 bit builds, but totally breaks04:20
tepsipakki    building in a ia32 chroot on such a machine if we don't do this.04:20
tepsipakkimaybe that's missing04:22
ubotuNew bug: #97500 in xorg (main) "ati x1600 pro (agp) no 3d effects" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9750004:28
tepsipakkihmm, maybe the r5xx-bug needs renaming to MASTER:04:44
ubotuNew bug: #98548 in xorg (main) "X hung ups on Asus A6T series" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9854805:50
Treenakstepsipakki: I'm not at work anymore, so I can't test05:50
tepsipakkiok, np05:54
Treenaksthough I do have a wacom.. I just lost the pen + mouse 8)05:55
tepsipakkiLoic Minier has been testing them as well, but so far 0.7.2 is the only one working for him so far :/05:59
tepsipakkioops, Loic Martin05:59
ubotuNew bug: #98648 in xserver-xorg-video-i810 (main) "[Feisty]  [regression]  No XV or GLX with i810 on i915GM" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9864806:05
tepsipakkihmm, an intel test monkey perhaps ^^06:07
tepsipakkieh, he's using vesa06:10
ubotuNew bug: #98668 in xorg (main) "when I close laptop lid, xorg takes 100% and never recovers" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9866806:56
tepsipakkiwho could fix bug 93996..07:17
ubotuMalone bug 93996 in xorg "[Feisty]  Casper sometimes configures X before xresprobe works, misconfigures monitor" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9399607:17
MithrandirI've now found out why qemu didn't manage to boot the kernel for me, so I'll hack on casper tomorrow.07:20
Mithrandirprobably fixing that and a fair bit of other bugs.07:20
tepsipakkicool, there are probably countless dupes07:49
tepsipakkibut hard to search for07:49
ubotuNew bug: #98693 in xorg-server (main) "[apport]  Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9869307:55
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ubotuNew bug: #98703 in xorg (main) "Xorg nv driver no longer works at 1440x900" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9870308:25
pochuthe intel driver works fine here, no break, no corruption... :)08:26
ubotuNew bug: #46046 in ubiquity (main) "wrong keyboard layout when reconfiguring xserver-xorg" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4604608:31
ubotuNew bug: #98702 in xorg (main) "Direct rendering not supported by default on Dell Precision 380 running Feisty beta" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9870209:07
tepsipakkipochu: you can restart the server at will?09:34
ubotuNew bug: #98645 in xserver-xorg-video-nv (main) "Direct rendering not supported by default on CHGL30945PM1 laptop running Feisty beta" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9864509:54
Mithrandirtepsipakki: how does the intel testing go?09:54
tepsipakkijust put a comment on a bug requesting the new version09:55
tepsipakkiso far there aren't many who have tested..09:55
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ubotuNew bug: #45218 in xserver-xorg-video-nv (main) "Likely: upgrade breezy/dapper failed with nVidia driver package" [Medium,Rejected]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4521810:16
ubotuNew bug: #26368 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (main) "ATI Radeon Xpress 200m not correctly recognized" [Medium,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/2636810:23
ubotuNew bug: #43917 in xserver-xorg-video-nv (main) "Dapper Flight 7 live cd only allows 640x480 resolution" [Medium,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4391710:25
ubotuNew bug: #46737 in xserver-xorg-video-nv (main) "geforce2 mx 400" [Medium,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4673710:50
ubotuNew bug: #57868 in xserver-xorg-video-nv (main) "Nvidia RIVA TNT2/PRO on Edgy Knot1 ('nv' and 'nvidia' drivers)" [Undecided,Rejected]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5786810:50
ubotuNew bug: #6169 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15 (restricted) "Winmodem installation" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/616911:16
ubotuNew bug: #57802 in xresprobe (main) "[edgy]  external monitor not well recognized" [Undecided,Rejected]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5780211:16
ubotuNew bug: #30665 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "Evolution-Exchange crashes on Dapper" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/3066511:21
ubotuNew bug: #49684 in xorg-server (main) "Port patch for Massive XRender corruption to Dapper" [Medium,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4968411:31
ubotuNew bug: #98690 in xorg (main) "Screen saver crashes session" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9869011:41
ubotuNew bug: #57466 in xserver-xorg-driver-nv (main) "weird error in text input field in gtk applications (dup-of: 57709)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5746612:05

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