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gandalf__ | hello | 12:29 |
gandalf__ | How can I switch window manager from KWin to Beryl ? | 12:29 |
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jjesse | evening Hobbsee :) | 02:27 |
Hobbsee | heya jjesse | 02:27 |
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nixternal | argh, why does it download at a whopping 100kb/s for me with Kubuntu images? | 04:26 |
=== nixternal just got a 64bit setup and I need some iso lovin'! | ||
ajmitch | aw poor nixternal :) | 04:28 |
=== Jucato has his on beef with Umbrello... | ||
ajmitch | 100KB/sec is luxury for me at times | 04:28 |
nixternal | this is unfair. I am getting Ubuntu at 600+ kb/s | 04:28 |
nixternal | I think that is a conspiracy | 04:29 |
nixternal | I can get Ubuntu faster than Kubuntu | 04:29 |
ajmitch | it is a conspiracy | 04:30 |
ajmitch | an evil plot against you | 04:30 |
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-58-230.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
claydoh | heh try using torrents for the alt-install iso for kubuntu, minimal seeders/leechers :) | 04:46 |
Jucato | why torrent when you can rsync? :D | 04:47 |
Jucato | j/k | 04:47 |
Jucato | hi claydoh! | 04:47 |
=== lexual [n=lexhider@ppp71-221.lns1.mel4.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
lexual | Riddell: ping | 04:49 |
Hobbsee | lexual: probably asleep | 04:49 |
lexual | ok. | 04:49 |
Hobbsee | seeing as it's ~4am in britain | 04:49 |
lexual | Think I've found a bug. | 04:49 |
lexual | Does other people's kcontrol->Peripherals->Monitor+display work? | 04:49 |
Jucato | hm... anyone getting a language package being held back in today's updates? | 04:50 |
claydoh | hello Jucato | 04:50 |
claydoh | I get the held back package as well | 04:53 |
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Jucato | wow! new k3b 1.0 splash screen looks really cool. :) | 07:55 |
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freeflying | anyone can use the encryt\pt of kopete | 08:21 |
freeflying | s/encryt\pt/encrypt | 08:22 |
Jucato | excuzz me :D. what would be the -dbg package I need to produce debugging symbols for Umbrello?" | 08:41 |
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Jucato | nvm... :) | 08:46 |
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=== _StefanS_ [n=sfs@cpe.atm2-0-77156.0x5734b54a.naenxx12.customer.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
_StefanS_ | mornings! | 08:48 |
Jucato | moin _StefanS_! | 08:48 |
_StefanS_ | wassup? | 08:51 |
Jucato | trying to compile Umbrello from svn... | 08:52 |
_StefanS_ | uhm ok | 08:52 |
Jucato | the current one in feisty doesn't include a fix yet for an annoying crash :( | 08:52 |
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=== \sh_away is now known as \sh | ||
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\sh | kwwii: I won't make it to linuxtag :( I won't get any holidays | 11:30 |
Tonio_ | \sh: :( | 11:32 |
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\sh | but amu will be there afaik | 11:40 |
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Tonio_ | Riddell: leaving to zagreb in one hour, I'll let you know how was the conference, and will blog a bit about it to kubuntuise the planet ;) | 12:05 |
Riddell | Tonio_: great, say hi to them from me | 12:06 |
Tonio_ | of course I will ;) | 12:06 |
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Riddell | grr, k3b has annoying popup message on start | 12:31 |
Riddell | Czessi, kwwii: how many CDs do you want for linuxtag? | 12:32 |
Riddell | the answer is between 0 and 35,000 i386 and 17.000 amd64 | 12:32 |
Riddell | grr, k3b has tip of the day | 12:32 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: noticed that, already on my todo ;) | 12:35 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: will fix tomorrow if I have time for this | 12:36 |
Riddell | tonio never stops, even when on the other side of the continent! | 12:36 |
Riddell | err, aren't you ment to be on a plane? | 12:37 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: yes, taking the train to paris in 15 minutes | 12:39 |
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Tonio_ | I am 10 minutes from the train station :) | 12:39 |
Tonio_ | 5 still have 5 minutes to prepare my lugage and I'm done :) | 12:39 |
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Tonio_ | this time I'm done, have a nice we all, seya !!! | 12:43 |
Riddell | _Sime: guidance 0.8 contains no translations :( | 12:47 |
Jucato | moin Riddell! | 12:50 |
Riddell | hola Jucato | 12:51 |
Jucato | Riddell: is there a possibility of sort of getting a more updated Umbrello in feisty? the current one crashes because of kde bug 140693 | 12:53 |
ubotu | KDE bug 140693 in general "crash anchor note to class" [Crash,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=140693 | 12:53 |
Jucato | dunno if the fix made it to the 1.5.61 release mentioned on Umbrello's homepage. but it's fixed from svn | 12:53 |
Riddell | Jucato: patches welcome | 12:53 |
Jucato | :D | 12:54 |
=== Jucato wonders how to do that... :( | ||
Riddell | apt-get source kdesdk; checkout kdesdk from 3.5 branch, diff -urN umbrello old-umbrello | 12:59 |
Jucato | oops I just apt-get source umbrello only :/ | 01:00 |
Riddell | same tyhing | 01:00 |
Riddell | thing | 01:00 |
Jucato | ah ok. based on the bug report, only one file was modified to fix the bug. so I'm going to download that file from svn | 01:01 |
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Riddell | _Sime: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/po.tar.gz | 01:13 |
Jucato | Riddell: "apt-get source kdesdk", "svn co -r631974 svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/KDE/3.5/kdesdk", "diff -ruN kdesdk kdesdk-3.5.6 > kdesdk-r631974.diff" <-- looks ok? the result is a massive diff (721,000+ lines) | 01:18 |
Jucato | "Umbrello 1.5.61 corresponds to r631974 of the KDE SVN repository (branches/KDE/3.5/kdesdk).", so I checked out only that revision | 01:19 |
Riddell | that'll include all the autotools foo | 01:19 |
Jucato | oh shucks... | 01:20 |
Riddell | run diff only on kdesdk/umbrello | 01:20 |
Riddell | and run diffstat over that to see what you get | 01:20 |
Jucato | will do. | 01:20 |
Jucato | hm... 190,000+ lines now... :/ | 01:24 |
Riddell | pastebin the diffstat | 01:24 |
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Jucato | hm... it included .svn folders? | 01:26 |
Jucato | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12904/ | 01:26 |
=== waylandbill waves @ Jucato | ||
Jucato | hi waylandbill! | 01:27 |
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Riddell | find . -name .svn | xargs rm -r | 01:28 |
Riddell | find . -name Makefile* | xargs rm -r | 01:28 |
Jucato | that second command complained of "rm: missing operand". run diff -ruN again? | 01:30 |
Riddell | sure | 01:30 |
Jucato | diffstat looks better now :) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12907/ | 01:31 |
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Riddell | remove the Makefile.in files from it | 01:34 |
Riddell | also ChangeLog and VERSION | 01:34 |
Jucato | ok | 01:37 |
Jucato | in both copies? | 01:38 |
Riddell | yes | 01:40 |
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Riddell | hmm, how do I actually install wine? | 01:42 |
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Jucato | Riddell: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12910/ | 01:43 |
Jucato | from the repository? then use it from the command line like "wine foo.exe" | 01:43 |
Jucato | oh there are still some Makefile.in files... remove all of those? | 01:44 |
Riddell | what's the package though? there's none called "wine" | 01:44 |
Riddell | yes, purge all Makefile.in evilness | 01:44 |
Riddell | find . -name Makefile.in | xargs rm | 01:45 |
Jucato | !info wine feisty | 01:45 |
ubotu | wine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.33-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 9576 kB, installed size 44452 kB | 01:45 |
Jucato | the package name is wine | 01:45 |
Jucato | hehe evilness.. I presume makefile.in is for automake? :D | 01:45 |
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Riddell | yes | 01:46 |
Jucato | hehe :D | 01:47 |
Riddell | I really can't see a package called wine | 01:47 |
Riddell | I must be going mad | 01:47 |
Jucato | um.. universe is enabled? | 01:48 |
Riddell | yep | 01:48 |
Jucato | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12911/ wow now the diff is just 1171 lines long! :D | 01:49 |
Riddell | ok, now edit that diff so it applies at level 1 | 01:49 |
Riddell | put in debian/patches and compile | 01:49 |
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Jucato | ah... this is the tricky part :) | 01:50 |
Jucato | oh krap... do we still have time for it until.. um... tomorrow? I think I deleted my pbuilder before I upgraded... :/ | 01:51 |
Riddell | oh, wine only exists for i386 | 01:51 |
Riddell | hmph | 01:52 |
Jucato | oh you're on 64-bit? | 01:52 |
Riddell | I am yes | 01:52 |
Jucato | yeah forgot that little detail... | 01:52 |
Riddell | me too | 01:52 |
Riddell | tomorrow is fine | 01:52 |
Jucato | hm... level 1 would be inside kdesdk-3.5.6? (the directory created by apt-get source kdesdk) | 01:55 |
=== Jucato should really be getting into MOTU stuff this weekend... | ||
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Jucato | Riddell: you mean something like this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12914/ | 02:04 |
Jucato | a patch that you can use -p0 on? | 02:04 |
Jucato | (just an example) | 02:05 |
Jucato | hm... something's wrong.. I think I need more time to work on this :/ | 02:06 |
Jucato | lol I had it backwords!!!! should have been diff -ruN old new :D | 02:10 |
Riddell | Jucato: -p1 best | 02:10 |
Jucato | ah ok | 02:11 |
Riddell | Jucato: like that is good | 02:11 |
Jucato | so I just have to edit the .diff to remove the 0 level? in this case kdesdk-3.5.6/ or kdesdk/ ? | 02:12 |
Riddell | Jucato: keep that | 02:14 |
Riddell | it's good as it is | 02:14 |
Jucato | ah kool :) | 02:14 |
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Jucato | Riddell: while I'm waiting for pbuilder, just wanted to ask for clarifications: put the .diff into debian/patches, then run debuild -S, then pbuild the .dsc, then create a debdiff? | 02:36 |
Riddell | Jucato: yes | 02:36 |
=== Jucato wonders if he has to modify debian/changelog too | ||
Riddell | Jucato: yep, dch -i | 02:36 |
Jucato | ah yeah I have to remember that. :) | 02:37 |
Jucato | ok thanks. waiting for pbuilder :) | 02:37 |
Riddell | _Sime, sebas: 0.8 uploaded | 02:41 |
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sebbar | hi, is it normal to not have a shutdown splash in feisty yet? | 02:41 |
sebas | Riddell: Rocking | 02:42 |
Riddell | sebbar: no | 02:43 |
sebbar | Riddel: any suggestions on how I could fix this? otherwise I'll just wait for final and do a new install, maybe it will help | 02:45 |
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Riddell | sebbar: none especially, it could be a bug in kdm or could be usplash | 03:05 |
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jjesse | wow lots of upgrades today, anything that changes anything major that might need to be documentated? | 03:20 |
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Riddell | jjesse: k3b 1.0 | 03:23 |
sebas | Hm, yay. | 03:23 |
Riddell | that should be out last major change | 03:23 |
jjesse | Riddell: ok.... | 03:23 |
Riddell | oh and guidance 0.8 but that's mostly a version number change since we already had svn snapshots | 03:23 |
Riddell | sebas: doesn't sound like a convincing yay? | 03:24 |
jjesse | is there a reason that openoffice.org-help-en-us is marked as upgradable but no change is requested? | 03:24 |
sebas | It was a "I'm a bit tired, but convinced" :-) | 03:24 |
sebas | Returned from Oslo late at night and had a meeting early. | 03:24 |
Riddell | anything nice happen in Oslo? | 03:24 |
sebas | Yeah, meeting with TT, improved collaboration also on the non-technical front. | 03:25 |
sebas | Like joint marketing when Qt is touched, for example. | 03:25 |
sebas | (Yes, we haven't been doing that in the past) | 03:25 |
Riddell | indeed we havn't | 03:26 |
Riddell | apart from zack's blog :) | 03:26 |
=== kwwii is amazed at how many kde icons ubuntu uses | ||
Riddell | kwwii: in gnome? | 03:52 |
kwwii | Riddell: yeah, imagine that | 03:52 |
Riddell | kwwii: like what? | 03:53 |
kwwii | because tango defaults down to crystalsvg | 03:53 |
Riddell | oh, right | 03:53 |
Riddell | but only if it's installed | 03:53 |
Riddell | which it isn't by default | 03:53 |
kwwii | apparently lots of people are installing it though (I had a couple of bug reports about it) | 03:53 |
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Riddell | yes, it'll be brought in by any kde programme | 03:56 |
jpwhiting | hi all, anyone know where to put feedback about https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDistUpgrade ? | 03:56 |
Riddell | jpwhiting: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/84717 | 03:56 |
ubotu | Malone bug 84717 in update-manager "SRU: updates necessary for Kubuntu Upgrade Tool in Edgy" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] | 03:56 |
jpwhiting | thanks | 03:56 |
jpwhiting | duh, should have seen that on the page itself..... | 04:03 |
jpwhiting | hey Riddell, I had similar to second from last on that feedback page, adding your repo since I have kde356 already didn't work well from adept | 04:04 |
jpwhiting | put some funky y with umlaut after ./ in third column where edgy is for other repos | 04:05 |
jpwhiting | but adding your repo to sources.list worked beautifully | 04:05 |
jpwhiting | I guess this is all assuming you are the same person as kubuntu.org/~jriddell :) | 04:07 |
Arby | jpwhiting: I've seen that occasionally as well. | 04:08 |
Arby | never figured out what caused it | 04:08 |
Arby | I wonder if it's some sort of character encoding thing | 04:08 |
jpwhiting | I don't think I've added repos from within adept before, so maybe I did something wrong | 04:08 |
jpwhiting | but it worked fine from cmd line... | 04:09 |
Arby | it's not all repos, just sometimes | 04:09 |
Arby | which makes it a pain to work out | 04:09 |
jpwhiting | looks like my chinese support is causing issues also : apt.log: ackage openoffice.org-l10n-zh-cn has broken dep on myspell-dictionary-zh-cn | 04:13 |
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bddebian | Heya | 04:15 |
Jucato | hi bddebian | 04:15 |
bddebian | Hi Jucato | 04:15 |
Riddell | jpwhiting: that's a bug in the edgy version of adept, just edit /etc/apt/sources.list manually | 04:20 |
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jpwhiting | yeah, did that | 04:21 |
jpwhiting | worked fine for getting the updater | 04:21 |
Jucato | Riddell: btw, it's too late for Filelight 1.0 to get in feisty? | 04:21 |
jpwhiting | now it seems kubuntu 7.04 doesn't have a couple openoffice chinese packages yet | 04:21 |
=== Jucato has been getting broken language packages on feisty updates since yesterday... | ||
jpwhiting | but that's ok, I'm removing them to get the upgrade, I don't use openoffice chinese stuff anyway | 04:21 |
Jucato | yay pbuilder just finished!! | 04:24 |
Jucato | um Riddell, question... the checkout I made of umbrello from svn corresponds to the 1.5.61 release. will that be a problem since it's a new version? | 04:24 |
Riddell | Jucato: filelight would need to go through the universe uvf exception process | 04:34 |
Riddell | Jucato: that's not a problem | 04:34 |
Riddell | Jucato: might be an idea to have that VERSION file updated though come to think of it | 04:34 |
Jucato | Riddell: ah ok. about filelight, I was kinda surprised that 1.0 wasn't in feisty. that version fixes that annoying crash on exit. | 04:34 |
Jucato | VERSION file? the one that I deleted? :D | 04:35 |
Riddell | Jucato: yep | 04:36 |
Riddell | Jucato: if you want to take filelight through uvf exception I'd happily support that | 04:36 |
Jucato | heh :) | 04:36 |
Jucato | hope I have the guts and knowledge to go through it. I'll try | 04:37 |
Jucato | Riddell: VERSION is just a text file that has "1.5.61" in it right? but where should I put it? :/ | 04:49 |
Riddell | where it currently is | 04:50 |
Riddell | actually, don't change it | 04:50 |
Jucato | but I deleted it earlier right? | 04:50 |
Riddell | that version number scheme oliver uses is daft | 04:50 |
Jucato | so it currently is in /dev/null :) | 04:50 |
Riddell | you only deleted it for purposed of making the diff | 04:51 |
Riddell | the final thing should start with a newly unpacked kdesdk source deb | 04:51 |
Jucato | aaaah | 04:51 |
Jucato | dpkg-source -x *.dsc ? | 04:52 |
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Riddell | yes | 04:54 |
Jucato | Riddell: thanks a lot. really appreciate the guidance. in the future, I'll really be reading the packaging guide :) | 04:54 |
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dvwyngaa | hi all.... | 06:17 |
dvwyngaa | I need some support on the Kubuntu Upgrade tool...any takers? | 06:17 |
Riddell | dvwyngaa: what's the problem? | 06:18 |
dvwyngaa | follow the instructions as per the www ...it start with the disclaimer and then when I continue it doesn't exit... | 06:18 |
dvwyngaa | the adept and the following error message pops up in the console... | 06:19 |
dvwyngaa | can't load DistUpgradeViewKDE | 06:19 |
dvwyngaa | error: /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/kparts.so: undefined symbol: _ZN11konsolePart8setPtyFdE | 06:19 |
dvwyngaa | any ideas? | 06:19 |
dvwyngaa | I run Kubuntu 6.10 with KDE 3.5.6 | 06:19 |
Riddell | dvwyngaa: i386? | 06:20 |
dvwyngaa | yip... | 06:20 |
Riddell | dvwyngaa: where did you get your upgrades from? | 06:21 |
dvwyngaa | using repo: can't load DistUpgradeViewKDE | 06:21 |
dvwyngaa | error: /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/kparts.so: undefined symbol: _ZN11konsolePart8setPtyFdE | 06:21 |
dvwyngaa | sorry... | 06:21 |
dvwyngaa | using http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/archive-edgy-dist-upgrade-kde356-i386/ ./ | 06:22 |
=== yuriy [n=yuriy@dhcp-129-64-153-72.dorm.brandeis.edu] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Riddell | dvwyngaa: what does apt-cache policy konsole output? | 06:22 |
dvwyngaa | let me have a look... | 06:22 |
dvwyngaa | just too make sure this I obtain by "apt-cache policy"? | 06:25 |
Jucato | "apt-cache policy konsole" | 06:26 |
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dvwyngaa | Riddell: sorry mate...I back now...any ideas on the DistUpgrade tool problem? | 07:13 |
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Jucato | Riddell: ping. debdiff from .dsc right? | 07:33 |
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anti_pop | is it just me, or do people have issues launching amarok after latest updates ? | 07:44 |
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=== Jucato wonders why bluez-gnome is being installed | ||
Riddell | Jucato: yes | 07:48 |
Jucato | Riddell: http://jucato.org/stuff/kdesdk_3.5.6.debdiff | 07:48 |
Riddell | dvwyngaa: 17:22 < Riddell> dvwyngaa: what does apt-cache policy konsole output? | 07:48 |
=== Jucato crosses his fingers | ||
dvwyngaa | Riddell: will get it now... | 07:48 |
Riddell | Jucato: looks sane at a glance, will give it a try in a bit | 07:49 |
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dvwyngaa | Riddell: it outputs: Installed: 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu13really3.5.5 | 07:49 |
Jucato | Riddell: thanks :) | 07:49 |
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Riddell | dvwyngaa: hmm, I need to test those packages again | 07:59 |
Riddell | dvwyngaa: although other people havn't had a problem | 07:59 |
dvwyngaa | Riddell: no probs, mate...I feel tempted to just download the Feisty Beta ISo and re-install the notebook... | 08:00 |
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jjesse | ok small question -- for feisty amarok should ask to install mp3 support when i try to play an mp3 correct? | 08:08 |
jjesse | because it didn't | 08:08 |
Mez_ | what theme does KDE use for GTK apps by defualt (I installed ubuntu-desktop and now it looks all fugly | 08:16 |
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Jucato | Riddell: going to bed now... but leaving Konvi open. I'll just read the backlogs if you have something to say about the debdiff :) | 08:23 |
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Lure | Riddell: anybody taking care of bug 94353? | 09:55 |
ubotu | Malone bug 94353 in cupsys "[feisty] Some packages include files in usr/local or opt" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94353 | 09:55 |
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Tonio_ | hi | 10:36 |
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Lure | Tonio_: hi to Zagreb ;-) | 10:40 |
Tonio_ | Lure: hehe :) | 10:40 |
Tonio_ | Lure: can't wait to see you tomorrow | 10:40 |
Tonio_ | Lure: my speech is at 12 | 10:40 |
Tonio_ | Lure: I hope it'll be nice :) | 10:40 |
Tonio_ | Lure: but I'm unsure today.... | 10:40 |
Lure | Tonio_: I will arrive around 11:00 (6:15 is too early to catch the train ;-) | 10:40 |
Lure | Tonio_: you will rock | 10:41 |
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=== Lure is packaging photo equipment to take some photos ;-) | ||
Tonio_ | Lure: the problem is I got the response from amazon | 10:41 |
Tonio_ | Lure: NO! | 10:41 |
Lure | Tonio_: job? | 10:41 |
Tonio_ | Lure: yes | 10:41 |
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Tonio_ | Lure: first time in my life I get a "no" after an interview.... | 10:41 |
ypsila | moin | 10:41 |
Tonio_ | and that was english interview so........ :) | 10:41 |
Lure | Tonio_: oh, well, bad for them ;-) | 10:42 |
Tonio_ | Lure: makes me doubt | 10:42 |
Tonio_ | Lure: well it was more management than technical stuff, maybe that's the reason for the no... | 10:42 |
Tonio_ | I have done management in the past, but I'm more a pure tech guy | 10:42 |
Lure | Tonio_: I talked to Ante and he was concerned that I will hijack you and take you to Ljubljana on Sat night ;-) | 10:42 |
Tonio_ | Lure: hehe :) | 10:43 |
Tonio_ | why not :) | 10:43 |
Lure | Tonio_: btw, if you have nothing to do tonight, you could sponsor two main uploads for me and allee ;-) | 10:46 |
Tonio_ | Lure: no I have to work on that presentation | 10:47 |
Tonio_ | Lure: tomorrow afternoon, I might have time | 10:48 |
Lure | Tonio_: I thought it may be something like that... ;-) | 10:48 |
Lure | Tonio_: no problem, I have subscribed ubuntu-main-sponsors and will ping Riddell or imbrandon when around ;-) | 10:48 |
Lure | Tonio_: tommorow afternoon we will drink some beers (or wine) ;-) | 10:49 |
Tonio_ | Lure: hehe :) | 10:49 |
imbrandon | Lure, i can look at them in a few minutes if you want ( eating dinner now ) | 10:49 |
imbrandon | heya Tonio_ | 10:49 |
Lure | imbrandon: great - bug 94353 and bug 75435 | 10:50 |
ubotu | Malone bug 94353 in gtk-qt-engine "[feisty] Some packages include files in usr/local or opt" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94353 | 10:50 |
ubotu | Malone bug 75435 in digikam "Gnome and KDE trash are incompatible. Was: usdigikam expects trash to be in ~/Desktop/Trash - causes error in Ubuntu" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75435 | 10:50 |
Lure | imbrandon: both are simple packaging fixes | 10:50 |
imbrandon | kk | 10:50 |
imbrandon | give me about ~20 minutes to finish eating and i'll look/upload | 10:50 |
imbrandon | ;) | 10:50 |
=== Tonio_ works on the kpresenter stuff | ||
Tonio_ | Lure: hard to work with kpresenter......... | 10:51 |
Tonio_ | Lure: but I can't do that on OOo, f I wanna support kde ! | 10:51 |
Lure | imbrandon: take your time ;-) | 10:52 |
Lure | Tonio_: I would do it in Powerpoint ;-) | 10:53 |
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Lure | hi toma | 11:13 |
toma | hi Lure | 11:13 |
Lure | toma: any plans with pop support in mailody? | 11:13 |
Lure | at least in kde4? | 11:14 |
toma | Lure: nope | 11:14 |
toma | Lure: installing an imap server and fetchmail is not much work for you ;-) | 11:14 |
Lure | toma: will akonadi provide pop plugin? | 11:19 |
Lure | toma: so mailody -> imap -> akonadi -> pop | 11:19 |
toma | Lure: i dont think so, it's mainly a storage area | 11:20 |
toma | but i'm not 100% sure | 11:20 |
Lure | toma: but you are right - local imap server is not that bad | 11:20 |
toma | Lure: no, espcecially when you have a server something, you can easily add some webmail client for example | 11:21 |
Tonio_ | Lure: is that mailody so nice ? | 11:22 |
Tonio_ | Lure: what is the problem with kmail ? | 11:22 |
Lure | Tonio_: yep - and code is nicer for hacking ;-) | 11:22 |
toma | Tonio_: http://video.mailody.net/composer.mpeg | 11:22 |
Tonio_ | toma: bandwidth too slow at the hotel | 11:23 |
Lure | Tonio_: I hate to depend on SW that is binary only or complex source code only ;-) | 11:23 |
toma | hmm ok | 11:23 |
Tonio_ | Lure: hehe | 11:23 |
toma | Lure: fdoving learned c++/qt on Mailody | 11:23 |
Tonio_ | Lure: I looked at a few mailody screenshot, it only looks like an imap client as many others | 11:23 |
Tonio_ | nothing "special" at the first approach | 11:24 |
=== toma is insulted | ||
Tonio_ | toma: fdoving codes this ? | 11:24 |
Tonio_ | toma: I said "first approach" :) | 11:24 |
Lure | Tonio_: toma is main author ;-) | 11:24 |
Tonio_ | toma: oups :) | 11:24 |
toma | Tonio_: yep, fdoving and me | 11:24 |
Tonio_ | toma: and as I said, I didn't talk about the code | 11:24 |
Tonio_ | toma: is there any reason not to support pop ? | 11:25 |
toma | Tonio_: yep, it's an imap client ;-) | 11:25 |
Tonio_ | toma: hehe ;) | 11:25 |
=== ryanakca pokes kolab | ||
toma | but more seriously: | 11:25 |
toma | i dont use pop, so i won't write support for it | 11:25 |
Tonio_ | toma: I can understand | 11:26 |
toma | but if someone wants to add it, it can probably be done | 11:26 |
Tonio_ | but nowadays, lots of people are using both at the same time | 11:26 |
Tonio_ | using 2 separate clients can be a bit boring for them | 11:26 |
toma | sure, but as i said, if you want to, you can setup a local imap server and fetchmail | 11:27 |
toma | that is no rocket science at all | 11:27 |
Tonio_ | toma: but sorry for the insult, I'll test deeply and will give you complete feedback :) | 11:27 |
toma | Tonio_: hehe, don't worry when i started Mailody I got far worse feedback | 11:28 |
Tonio_ | I hope it is better now :) | 11:28 |
toma | ive some cool ideas about mail reading/writing in general, but first i've to do the basics | 11:28 |
toma | but i'm writing it for myself, if anyone likes it and wants to use it: fine | 11:29 |
Lure | imbrandon: 94353 already done by keescook | 11:44 |
imbrandon | k | 11:45 |
Lure | Tonio_: you presentation will be live tommorow: http://stream.grad.hr:8080/ | 11:53 |
Lure | Tonio_: http://www.ubuntu-hr.org/konferencija/ | 11:53 |
Tonio_ | Lure: I know :) | 11:54 |
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