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jrib | RoyB72: you can get it from freedesktop svn iirc | 12:56 |
jrib | oops wrong again, it's cvs | 12:57 |
jrib | RoyB72: .insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-classroom | 12:57 |
jrib | RoyB72: sorry, I mean: http://webcvs.freedesktop.org/xapps/xwinwrap/ | 12:57 |
RoyB72 | thx... | 12:57 |
RoyB72 | hmm... don't get it | 12:59 |
jrib | RoyB72: what don't you get? | 12:59 |
RoyB72 | 2 files... got some log when I clicked on xwinwrap | 01:00 |
jrib | RoyB72: yeah, needs to be compiled | 01:00 |
RoyB72 | so I need to download the 2 and compile? | 01:01 |
jrib | RoyB72: there may be compiled debs somewhere, let me search | 01:01 |
jrib | RoyB72: what version of ubuntu? | 01:02 |
RoyB72 | damn u're good to me.. been searching for it for 3 hours, but I suck in that :( | 01:02 |
RoyB72 | kubuntu edgy.. 11 | 01:02 |
jrib | RoyB72: http://3v1n0.tuxfamily.org/dists/edgy/beryl-svn/ I don't know anything about that repo, so I suggest just using it for xwinwrap | 01:03 |
jrib | RoyB72: you can download the deb and double click so that you don't need to add the repo to sources.list | 01:05 |
RoyB72 | :) thx.. A LOT!! | 01:05 |
jrib | np | 01:05 |
nalioth | RoyB72: be careful doing so | 01:06 |
nalioth | RoyB72: some packages want "debian" depends for functionality | 01:06 |
nalioth | if you add the "debian" packages into your Ubuntu, you hose your box. | 01:06 |
RoyB72 | dpkg: error processing ///home/royb/Desktop/xwinwrap_0.1+cvs20060209_i386.deb (--install): | 01:07 |
RoyB72 | package architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64) | 01:07 |
RoyB72 | :( | 01:07 |
jrib | RoyB72: just compile then | 01:08 |
jrib | it's the added fun of using amd64! | 01:08 |
nalioth | don't forget powerpc | 01:09 |
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RoyB72 | hmm... how do I compile the 2 files then? | 01:14 |
jrib | RoyB72: you have them downloaded in the current directory? | 01:14 |
RoyB72 | yea | 01:14 |
RoyB72 | makefile and xwinwrap.c | 01:14 |
jrib | RoyB72: sudo aptitude install build-essential libx11-dev && make | 01:14 |
RoyB72 | Makefile:5: *** missing separator. Stop. | 01:15 |
jrib | you broke it | 01:15 |
jrib | RoyB72: what does your Makefile look like inside? | 01:15 |
RoyB72 | weird... to say the least... | 01:17 |
jrib | RoyB72: what is on line 5? | 01:17 |
RoyB72 | losts of emty space in the middle | 01:18 |
RoyB72 | <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" | 01:18 |
jrib | RoyB72: you pressed the "download" link right? You didn't right-click > save as? | 01:18 |
jrib | yeah, it's a webpage, I did that too, don't worry :) | 01:18 |
RoyB72 | "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> | 01:18 |
RoyB72 | yea.. save as | 01:18 |
jrib | RoyB72: yeah you need to left click on the file, it will show you a revision history | 01:19 |
jrib | ie http://webcvs.freedesktop.org/xapps/xwinwrap/Makefile?view=log | 01:19 |
RoyB72 | yea.. I saw that.. went back and saved the makefile | 01:20 |
RoyB72 | ohh you mean go in there and click on download the revision? | 01:20 |
jrib | RoyB72: yes | 01:21 |
RoyB72 | that one's short | 01:23 |
jrib | good, do the same for xwinwrap.c and try make again | 01:23 |
RoyB72 | yay.. no errors this time | 01:25 |
jrib | RoyB72: then just run xwinwrap with: ./xwinwrap | 01:25 |
RoyB72 | ok.. looks fine to me.. where do I put it so the desktop setup can find it? | 01:27 |
RoyB72 | nalioth what was the command to enter nvidia setup? | 01:29 |
jrib | RoyB72: /usr/local/bin is a fine place | 01:29 |
jrib | you can also just leave it there and run it with a full path, like /home/roy/xwinwrap | 01:30 |
RoyB72 | yeah.. well.. don't like to write much.. hehe | 01:30 |
nalioth | !nvidia | 01:32 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 01:32 |
RoyB72 | I done that.. just don't remember how I started the config | 01:34 |
nalioth | !xcfg | 01:39 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 01:39 |
nalioth | i DO wish they'd leave the bloody factoids alone | 01:39 |
nalioth | i'm tired of having to type this out every time | 01:39 |
nalioth | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 01:39 |
nalioth | i made the bloody thing a factoid for a reason | 01:39 |
nalioth | but they keep changing it | 01:40 |
RoyB72 | nahh... not in there... when I installed nvidia drivers, I could enter the nvdidia with a simple command from konsole... | 01:44 |
jrib | !xconfig | 01:44 |
RoyB72 | just don't remember what it was | 01:44 |
ubotu | To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg - To configure only the driver and resolution, type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh - See also !FixRes | 01:44 |
jrib | heh, someone is splitting them up | 01:45 |
RoyB72 | was something with nvidia | 01:45 |
jrib | RoyB72: nvidia-settings ? | 01:45 |
RoyB72 | damn I'm stupid.. tried all nvidia commands with CONFIG.. lol | 01:46 |
RoyB72 | thx | 01:46 |
RoyB72 | gonna write that one down too.. | 01:46 |
jrib | RoyB72: after I forget something I knew I write it in ~/notes and then I just grep it when I need something | 01:47 |
RoyB72 | why did I think it was something with config? | 01:47 |
RoyB72 | anyone knows why I get a flicker on black color when I change window? | 01:48 |
RoyB72 | hmm.. can't change resolution in nvidia settings? | 01:50 |
jrib | I just use system > preferences > screen resolution | 01:50 |
RoyB72 | I can't go there after I installed nvidia | 01:51 |
jrib | RoyB72: what happens when you try? | 01:52 |
RoyB72 | just says the module Monitor & Display could not be loaded | 01:53 |
jrib | hmm | 01:53 |
RoyB72 | that happened on my previous installation too | 01:53 |
jrib | RoyB72: ok, what happens when you use nvidia's tool? | 01:54 |
RoyB72 | but I remember I could change the resolutions on nvidia settings after I installed them | 01:54 |
RoyB72 | just shows me all the facts, can change color and shit, bot no resolution | 01:55 |
jrib | RoyB72: YOu don't have "X Server Display Configuration" on the left? | 01:56 |
RoyB72 | no.. just xserver: color correction and xvideo settings | 01:56 |
RoyB72 | opengl settings.. opengl/glx info | 01:57 |
RoyB72 | antialiasing settings, thermal monitor, display device... | 01:57 |
jrib | RoyB72: weird, try #ubuntu. I have not seen that before | 01:59 |
RoyB72 | yeah... thx | 02:00 |
RoyB72 | under advanced background settings, setting up a background program like this should work, right? | 02:05 |
RoyB72 | under command: xwinwrap -ni -argb -fs -s -st -sp -b -nf -- /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix -window-id WID -delay 10000 | 02:06 |
RoyB72 | and executable: xwinwrap + xscreensaver | 02:06 |
RoyB72 | that's pasted commands, just don't know if they are in the right places | 02:09 |
RoyB72 | get: glmatrix: window 0x2400002's visual 0x134 does not support the GLX extension. | 02:42 |
RoyB72 | anyway to fix that? | 02:42 |
RoyB72 | tried to run the above command in konsole | 02:43 |
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RoyB72 | uhmm... guys.. need help.. I uninstalled my nvidia packages, and now I can't get back in | 10:52 |
RoyB72 | wanted to see if I could get back sound.. :( | 10:53 |
RoyB72 | I end up in tty1 | 10:53 |
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l90bpm | wow.. we got a pretty long wait till Saturday,,, | 11:12 |
l90bpm | I need to be schooled on how to make a wvx file type play in ubuntu.. anyone figures that out... I will be very greatful.. | 11:13 |
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jrib | patience++ | 11:50 |
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