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doko | BenC: any news on the gelic driver? | 02:20 |
BenC | doko: pulling in some changes now that should fix it | 02:20 |
BenC | doing a build to test in about an hour | 02:21 |
doko | cool | 02:21 |
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bdmurray | BenC: there? | 06:07 |
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Mithrandir | BenC: can you assign #98714, #96486 and #98643 to somebody on the kernel team? | 01:42 |
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zul | hey | 01:55 |
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bdmurray | morning | 02:40 |
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BenC | Mithrandir: in progress | 02:53 |
bdmurray | BenC: Does the low latency kernel have different kernel modules? | 03:01 |
BenC | bdmurray: Nope, it's built using the -generic config, just with some options changed (HZ and PREEMPT) | 03:10 |
bdmurray | okay I was looking at a bug where somebody wanted p4-clockmod | 03:10 |
BenC | bdmurray: however, it's entirely possible that some modules disable themselves when CONFIG_PREEMPT=y, so that might change things unknowingly | 03:11 |
BenC | bdmurray: probably not compatible with preempt, not to mention we close all bugs that pertain specifically to -lowlatency | 03:11 |
BenC | it's not supported | 03:11 |
bdmurray | close them all? is that documented? | 03:12 |
JanC | I think maybe assigning -lowlatency bugs to a team of -lowlatency volunteers (if those exist) might be more useful ? | 03:14 |
BenC | bdmurray: it was understood by the team before I even created the package | 03:19 |
BenC | and I believe it is in the package name that it is unsupported | 03:19 |
BenC | s/name/description/ | 03:19 |
bdmurray | BenC: right my point was just that it might be worth adding to the KernelBugPolicies page | 03:20 |
BenC | bdmurray: If they expose a real bug, have them verify it on -generic, or it can be closed | 03:20 |
BenC | bdmurray: true, I hadn't thought about that when I wrote it | 03:20 |
bdmurray | BenC: incidentally I can get some kernel smb error messages on my feisty system | 03:21 |
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bdmurray | smb_lookup and smb_add_request errors | 03:21 |
BenC | passive errors, or oopses? | 03:23 |
bdmurray | passive errors I guess, it did cause amarok to hang once | 03:25 |
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bdmurray | BenC: does passive errors mean that are harmless? | 04:10 |
BenC | yeah | 04:10 |
BenC | like just kmsg traffic as opposed to "oh damn, the machine is going down" :) | 04:10 |
bdmurray | okay, no bug then. so people won't have to see what music I have. ;) | 04:11 |
BenC | lol | 04:11 |
bdmurray | well, some of the songs were disturbing or revealing | 04:11 |
kylem | er? | 04:12 |
bdmurray | well, I'm certainly not gonna say. ;) | 04:13 |
kylem | lol | 04:13 |
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mjg59 | ^^CatTuX^^: Please don't use public away messages. They're unnecessarily distracting. | 04:29 |
^^CatTuX^^ | ooopppsssss sorry, okay | 04:30 |
mjg59 | Thanks! | 04:31 |
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bdmurray | somebody is reporting that some of their thinkpad special keys don't work after suspend, would that be a kernel bug? | 06:35 |
bdmurray | or hotkey-setup? | 06:36 |
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eean | I did some updates with Feisty, now I get kernel panics on startup | 06:49 |
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eean | of the Unable to mount root fs variety | 06:49 |
eean | its still on a kernel that worked before | 06:51 |
eean | .20-12 | 06:51 |
BenC | eean: probably need kernel 2.6.20-13 | 07:01 |
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BenC | bdmurray: it's likely a BIOS bug, but I've seen the same reports (it's a dupe, I assigned to ubuntu-kernel-acpi team) | 07:01 |
bdmurray | BenC: okay thanks | 07:02 |
eean | BenC: another user told me they had the same problem | 07:02 |
eean | /etc/initramfs/modules doesn't have what it needs apparently | 07:03 |
BenC | eean: Then they probably need the same kernel update :) | 07:03 |
eean | its not a kernel issue | 07:03 |
eean | he couldn't boot any of his kernels | 07:03 |
BenC | not having modules doesn't cause a kernel panic | 07:03 |
bdmurray | the bug I was looking at was bug 98793 | 07:03 |
eean | yes it does | 07:03 |
eean | if you can't access the hard drive | 07:03 |
BenC | eean: yes, I know, there was a kernel oops that was causing people to drop to a busybox shell | 07:03 |
pkl_ | eean: as BenC says it may be a libata problem. However, if you replaced your grub, and/or updated your fstab, this could also cause problems. | 07:03 |
eean | even without a root=? | 07:03 |
eean | I might have replaced my grub | 07:04 |
eean | I updated feisty | 07:04 |
BenC | eean: if there's no root= in the kernel command line, then that's a whole different issue | 07:04 |
eean | a bunch of packages | 07:04 |
BenC | not even related initramfs modules | 07:04 |
eean | BenC: no I mean, can you get a busybox without a valid root | 07:04 |
BenC | yes | 07:04 |
eean | BenC: ok, but .20-12 was working for me before | 07:04 |
eean | I had booted from it several times | 07:05 |
pkl_ | eean: you have to check any files using /dev/hdx have been correctly changed to /dev/sdx (or use labels). | 07:05 |
BenC | check your /proc/cmdline | 07:05 |
BenC | check dmesg | 07:05 |
BenC | check lsmod, check lspci | 07:05 |
eean | pkl_: my fstab is fine, I've cated it with grub | 07:05 |
eean | lol how do I check dmesg ;) | 07:05 |
BenC | eean: fstab means nothing | 07:05 |
BenC | it's root= in grub's menu.lst that counts for this problem | 07:06 |
eean | I can see dmesg when I boot, but I can't scroll up after a kernel panic | 07:06 |
eean | and I have it set correctly | 07:06 |
BenC | eean: dd if=/proc/kmsg of=/tmp/dmesg bs=1 & | 07:06 |
BenC | eean: Then you can more /tmp/dmesg | 07:06 |
eean | with what?! | 07:06 |
eean | kernel panic! | 07:06 |
BenC | if it's a kernel panic, then you aren't at a busy box shell | 07:06 |
eean | no shit ;) | 07:06 |
BenC | then you are arguing the wrong case | 07:07 |
BenC | if the kernel complains "panic: no root, check root=" or some such, then you aren't even passing it an initramfs | 07:07 |
eean | yes I am :| | 07:07 |
eean | I see it in grub | 07:07 |
BenC | then the initrd is broken | 07:07 |
BenC | sudo update-initramfs -u | 07:07 |
eean | yes thats what the other use told me to do | 07:08 |
eean | other *user | 07:08 |
eean | like I said, I don't think its a kernel issue | 07:08 |
eean | can I burn cd iso on to dvd-r's? | 07:08 |
pkl_ | can you take a digital photo of the problem, and raise a bug. | 07:08 |
eean | suppose I could | 07:09 |
eean | wait no, my digital camera doesn't work | 07:09 |
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BenC | it's not a bug in the kernel for sure | 07:09 |
pkl_ | mobile phone with camera capability? | 07:09 |
BenC | eean: did you run the update-initramfs command? or do you not have an older kernel to boot from? | 07:10 |
eean | it costs some unreasonable amount to email them and I don't have a connector :) | 07:10 |
eean | BenC: I don't have an older kernel to run from | 07:10 |
newz2000 | hi crimsun, was wondering if you may be able to help me with bug # 92171 sometime when you have a chance | 07:10 |
eean | why I need to burn a cd | 07:10 |
eean | but I have no cd-r's :) | 07:10 |
eean | just dvd-rs | 07:10 |
BenC | eean: dvd-r should work so long as the drive in that system can read them | 07:10 |
eean | well sure | 07:10 |
eean | I wonder if I could do a network boot, that would be nifty... | 07:11 |
pkl_ | network boots are not trivial at the best of times, especially if you don't actually know what's gone wrong :) | 07:13 |
eean | oh well I won't try too hard ;) | 07:13 |
pkl_ | best to use boot from a liveCD. | 07:13 |
bdmurray | BenC: the bug I was looking at was 98793 what should that be a dupe of? | 07:22 |
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BenC | bdmurray: Please assign bugs to ubuntu-kernel-team once you Confirm them | 07:26 |
BenC | bdmurray: I'll check for the dupe in a sec | 07:26 |
eean | BenC: well k3b says it has to be a cd-r :/ | 07:28 |
BenC | eean: cdrecord dev=/dev/scd0 foo.iso | 07:29 |
eean | heh ok, I hope you know better then k3b :) | 07:30 |
eean | yea it errored out before writing | 07:32 |
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eean | what should be in my /etc/initramfs-tools/modules | 07:55 |
eean | ? | 07:55 |
BenC | eean: nothing | 07:56 |
BenC | crimsun: patches applied | 07:56 |
BenC | eean: /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf should have MODULES=most | 07:56 |
BenC | your problem has nothing to do with missing modules anyway | 07:56 |
eean | but update-initramfs will work anyways? | 07:57 |
BenC | that's how Ubuntu works by default | 07:57 |
eean | well it didn't have MODULES=most | 07:58 |
BenC | what did it have? | 07:58 |
eean | nothing | 07:58 |
eean | just comments | 07:58 |
BenC | egrep -v '^(#|$)' /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf | 07:58 |
BenC | Can you show me the output of that command? | 07:59 |
eean | already rebooting, just a sec if it doesn't work | 07:59 |
eean | ok not working :) | 07:59 |
eean | well this will take a while actually, gentoo's install cd takes a while | 08:00 |
eean | BenC: MODULES=most, BUSYBOX=y, DEVICE=eth0, NFSROOT=auto | 08:04 |
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eean | except on seperate lines of course | 08:04 |
BenC | eean: Then it doesn't have just comments | 08:10 |
BenC | eean: ls -l /boot/initrd.img-* | 08:11 |
eean | we're talking about two different files ;) | 08:11 |
BenC | BenC> eean: /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf should have MODULES=most | 08:11 |
BenC | no, I was talking about that file | 08:11 |
eean | ah | 08:11 |
eean | well that wasn't my question | 08:11 |
eean | anyways, its workign now :) | 08:12 |
BenC | so it booted properly? | 08:12 |
eean | yes | 08:12 |
BenC | ok | 08:12 |
eean | could be the extra modules I added to the modules file | 08:12 |
eean | or maybe just running it again | 08:12 |
BenC | has nothing to do with that | 08:12 |
BenC | that panic wont happen because of missing modules | 08:12 |
eean | so just running it again then | 08:12 |
BenC | it's because the initramfs didn't mount | 08:12 |
BenC | right, most likely | 08:13 |
eean | before I didn't mount /boot into my chroot | 08:13 |
eean | so running update-initramfs did nothing :) | 08:13 |
BenC | yeah, that'll do it too :) | 08:14 |
BenC | make sure you have enough freespace on your /boot | 08:14 |
BenC | that can cause improper initrd.img creation as well | 08:14 |
eean | yes there's like 40mb free | 08:15 |
eean | I wonder what caused the issue to begin with | 08:16 |
BenC | if it fails, then the install/update will tell you | 08:16 |
BenC | could have been a million things | 08:17 |
BenC | just keep an eye on it, if it happens again try to collect as much info as possible about your setup and anything leading up to it | 08:17 |
eean | ok | 08:17 |
BenC | mjg59: ping...memstick is running out of time :) | 08:27 |
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bdmurray | Are there multiple chipsets that use ipw3945? | 08:54 |
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BenC | bdmurray: there's only two PCI ID's that can use ipw3945 | 09:29 |
BenC | both are called "Intel Pro Wireless 3945" | 09:29 |
bdmurray | I've seen some bugs regarding the ipw3945 but my laptop with one seems fine | 09:30 |
BenC | 9 times out of 10, it's because they don't have linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-xx-generic installed | 09:32 |
BenC | have them do "sudo apt-get install linux-generic linux-image-generic linux-restricted-modules-generic" | 09:32 |
BenC | those meta packages will make sure they work over updates | 09:33 |
bdmurray | okay | 09:36 |
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JanC | I have been talking with several other people about feisty, and one thing that (almost) everybody seems to see is that there is more "stuttering" of applications compared to previous Ubuntu-versions | 10:30 |
JanC | did anything in the kernel change which could cause that ? | 10:30 |
Mithrandir | JanC: we have an libX11 fix which should fix most of that, I think. At least if this is for X apps. | 10:31 |
JanC | this is mostly a feeling, as nobody has exact data on this (how could we get that?), but considering that I have seen so many people express this... | 10:31 |
JanC | hm, it might be only for X apps | 10:32 |
JanC | if music/media players can be infected because they use X | 10:33 |
Mithrandir | bug #88815 might be the one. | 10:34 |
Mithrandir | if you're on i386, can you try tepsipakki's packages from http://users.tkk.fi/~tjaalton/dpkg/ and see if they help for you? | 10:34 |
JanC | personally I even see this when doing upgrades using synaptic, which may cause other applications to stall since using feisty... | 10:35 |
JanC | I'm using the i386 -generic kernel yes | 10:35 |
JanC | I'll try that | 10:35 |
Mithrandir | thanks. | 10:35 |
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JanC | hm, will that work with a closed source driver ? | 10:36 |
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Mithrandir | shouldn't matter. | 10:36 |
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crimsun | newz2000: I'll do some alsa triaging tonight - been very busy this week | 11:07 |
newz2000 | crimsun: no doubt. Let me know what I can do to help. I'm obviously very interested in getting my sound back and am eager to help. | 11:08 |
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newz2000 | For me, this is a show stopper and I will likely go back to Edgy if thats whats needed to have sound. | 11:09 |
Lure | crimsun: do you also look at sound issues after resume, like bug 94036 ? | 11:10 |
crimsun | Lure: it's lower priority atm, but eventually | 11:10 |
Lure | crimsun: ok, no problem - let me know if more info or testing with patched kernel is required | 11:11 |
JanC | Mithrandir: this seems to make a *real* difference | 11:23 |
Mithrandir | JanC: it made your system much happier? | 11:23 |
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Mithrandir | tepsipakki: ^^ | 11:24 |
JanC | I can ask some other people to test if you want | 11:24 |
Mithrandir | if you'd like, but please make sure to add your experiences on the bug. | 11:27 |
JanC | hm, what was the bug # again :) | 11:35 |
Mithrandir | 88815 | 11:35 |
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