
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchemail addresses you use on revu?12:14
bddebianLaer gang12:17
ajmitchk, fixed that, logout/login12:18
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mr_pouitajmitch: it works, thanks a lot :)12:21
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boss-bcpWhat distribution should be listed in the debian/changelog file?12:24
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boss-bcpEven for revu packages?12:25
ajmitchthey'll need updated for the next release, but that's a small change12:25
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boss-bcpajmitch: Well, when I have that in the changelog I keep getting this error message.12:27
boss-bcpE: libpam-cups_0.1-0ubuntu1_source.changes: bad-distribution-in-changes-file feisty12:27
boss-bcpAnd I keep getting rejected from revu because of it.12:27
ajmitchignore that12:27
boss-bcpIf I put unstable in the place of feisty, then it gets rejected because the system can't figure out where to put it.12:27
boss-bcpOkay, I'll try again.12:28
ajmitchand you won't get rejected from revu due to having feisty in the changelog12:28
ajmitchnor should it be rejected for having unstable, fwiw12:28
TheMusoHey MOTUs.12:31
mr_pouithi TheMuso 12:31
=== firephoto [n=tom@pool-71-120-244-121.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockhi TheMuso 12:35
boss-bcpajmitch: I just got denied for feisty again.12:36
boss-bcpSigner has no upload rights at all to this distribution.12:36
=== adamant1988 [n=chatzill@doc-24-206-202-2.el.wv.cebridge.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockare you sure you are using the same email address for gpg/changelog/etc12:37
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ajmitchboss-bcp: you didn't do 'dput revu...'12:39
ajmitchthat error only comes from the main ubuntu archive12:39
boss-bcpEven if I have default_host_main = revu ?12:40
ajmitchit's best to make sure12:41
boss-bcpOkay, I'll dput revu then.12:41
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boss-bcpCool, both packages were uploaded.01:03
boss-bcpThanks a lot everyone. Please check out libpam-cups and libpam-script when you all get a chance :)01:03
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jmg thanks boss-bcp 01:20
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chxhttp://packages.ubuntulinux.org/feisty/x11/xserver-xorg-video-i810-modesetting sorry to say but this is hmmm not the most fresh :( is there some hope that by the time feisty is out there will be newer modesetting driver?01:53
TheMusochx: packages.ubuntu.com/packages.ubuntulinux.org is not always up to date.01:55
chxI am told at #ubuntu+1 that this https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-i810-modesetting/+bug/90213 bug is relevant and it indeed is01:57
ubotuMalone bug 90213 in xserver-xorg-video-i810-modesetting "xf86-video-intel 1.9.91 (2.0 RC1) is out, and would be nice to have as the source for the xserver-xorg-video-i810-modesetting package" [Undecided,Needs info]  01:57
chxWhat's needed to further this bug?01:57
=== wick2o [n=wick2o@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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wick2oI have a fully automated preseed install, but at the end after a reboot i need to apt-get update...so i had this idea of logging the apt-get update and replacing all of the files on the cd with the new version02:00
wick2o(the previously remasted cd using the wiki installcdcustom...works great btw)02:01
wick2onow, this new cd...durning the install it cant find my nics, it cant mount the the harddrive for partitioning02:01
wick2owhere did i go wrong? and im sorry if this is the wrong channel for this, but #ubuntu doesnt seem to get this advanced02:01
TheMusoAn upstream version freeze exception request needs to be filed, as outlined at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess for universe.02:02
TheMusomissed him02:02
wick2oive looked all over the wiki for what im tring to do and am having no lucky02:03
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minghuaare we in deep freeze now?02:05
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TheMusominghua: If you mean get approval for all universe uploads, no.02:10
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mr_pouitHobbsee: thanks (I was going to ping you about this :)02:27
Hobbseemr_pouit: :) no problem02:28
Hobbseemr_pouit: there's also a mailing list, if you're interested, which the bugs go to02:28
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mr_pouitHobbsee: ok. What's the way to subscribe? Send an mail wth subject "subscribe" to the mail adress in the LP team profile?02:30
Hobbseemr_pouit: see http://lists.tauware.de/listinfo/ubuntu-universe-sponsors02:31
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TheMusoHey RAOF.02:44
HobbseeRAOF: when will you look into democracyplayer?02:44
RAOFHey TheMuso, Hobbsee.02:44
Hobbseehey TheMuso 02:45
RAOFUm, when did I say I'd look into democracyplayer? :S02:45
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RAOFAlthough, it looks like there's some upstream patches which fix the "Use non-public DBUS API" problems02:45
HobbseeRAOF: never.  you were just the last person to touch it, and it's severely broken02:45
RAOFOnly to expose a mozilla library problem :)02:46
Hobbseeseems that they may or may nto work, though02:46
RAOFHobbsee: Hey, I never touched it.  I'm just the last person to touch the huge number of duplicates for that bug :)02:46
HobbseeRAOF: ah well.  you can fix it ;)02:46
RAOFI just might.02:46
RAOFI think I'll fix compiz-extra first, though.  That just needs a rebuild for the ABI breakage.02:47
Lathiat_LaserJock: ^a-Q or detach-reattach02:49
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=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@c-71-224-172-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianHeya gang02:54
RAOFHey bddebian.  Can I tag you with democracyplayer? :P02:55
LaserJockhi bddebian 02:55
bddebianHi RAOF, LaserJock02:55
LaserJockboy, a whole 22 seconds02:55
TheMusoHey LaserJock.02:56
mr_pouit'night all02:57
RAOFNight, mr_pouit 02:58
LaserJockhi TheMuso 02:59
bddebianGnight mr_pouit03:01
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mwolsonit might be best to wait until democracyplayer 0.9.6 to be released before doing anything with it; supposedly they will fix their python2.5 issues then03:03
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wick2ohows it going RAOF ?03:47
RAOFAbout to go teach some first years :)03:47
wick2ofirst years?03:48
wick2owhat are you teaching?03:48
RAOFAlgebra.  Currently complex numbers.03:48
wick2oim tring to some some minor ubuntu dev and having problems03:49
RAOFOh, and I've got a debdiff up for ug #97661 :)03:49
wick2oi installed 6.06.1 server03:49
RAOFHm.  bug #97661 :)03:50
ubotuMalone bug 97661 in compiz-extra "Loading any Compiz-Extra plugins causes Compiz to segfault" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9766103:50
wick2odid an apt-get to update it and kept a log....so i then downloaded all the updated files and copied them to my install cd03:50
RAOFwick2o: Ooooh, Dapper.  It's been a while :)03:50
wick2onow when i try to install from that cd, it cant find my nic and other problems..its kinda weird03:50
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wick2oi followed the custominstall cd instructions on the wiki and everything works great in my first build/remaster03:51
wick2oits only now that i updated all of the debs on my cd (and the kernel udeb/debs) that it has problems03:52
wick2oive been tring to find something in the docs about how to putting together an updated cd so i dont have to apt-get update when im done installing03:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jigdo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:54
wick2ono, i tried to update the files myself manually03:54
jmgubotu, jigdo is the jigsaw downloader for building cd isos. for more information see http://www.debian.org/CD/jigdo-cd/03:55
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about staffer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:09
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RAOFAaargh, I need to test my bug fixes more rigorously.  Bug #98587 is entirely my fault :(05:11
ubotuMalone bug 98587 in specto "[apport]  specto crashed with NameError in update()" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9858705:11
TheMusoRAOF: Are you going to tag it to be retraced?05:15
RAOFNo, it's python.  And I know *precisely* where the problem is.05:15
TheMusoah ok05:15
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=== RAOF goes to fix it, with a unittest this time!
=== janm [n=jmalonzo@ppp4592.dsl.pacific.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== RAOF curses the evil specto watch non-design.
wick2odarn..ive been tring to use jigdo to download a complete dapper LTS server iso so i dont have to apt-get update after i install a 6.06.1 cd05:31
wick2odoesnt seem to want to work05:31
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joejaxxhello all :)05:47
TheMusoHey joejaxx.05:49
bddebianHeya joejaxx05:50
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joejaxxdoko: may i pm you?06:38
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bddebianHmm, it seems I'm about to expire06:45
LaserJockbddebian: from what?06:47
bddebianubuntu-motu and -dev apparently06:47
joejaxxbddebian: you have an expiration date? :P06:48
joejaxxyou mean on lp?06:48
bddebianGuess so06:48
bddebianYes, on LP06:48
LaserJockbddebian: I thought people were supposed to get emailed about that06:49
bddebianLaserJock: I just got one.  I expire on 4/606:49
jmgunder what circumstances do you get expired?06:49
bddebianI guess because I suck06:49
jmghehe mwolson06:50
jmgnot to be confused with mwilson06:50
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LaserJockjmg: MOTU is a renewed thing06:57
LaserJockjmg: MOTUship is for 2 years and can be renewed06:58
=== Jucato waves to bddebian and LaserJock
LaserJockhi Jucato 06:58
bddebianHeya Jucato06:58
Jucatobddebian: you're about to expire? didn't know you were perishable goods :)06:59
=== Jucato checks when his membership will expire...
bddebianWell I do smell kinda rotten sometimes ;-P06:59
Jucatorotten what? rotten tomatoes? rotten socks? rotten nixternal?06:59
=== Jucato runs and hides
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bddebianOh well, time for this expiring old man to go to bed.  Gnight folks07:13
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=== Ursinha is away: No estou aqui agora
=== Jucato thought public aways were discouraged...
=== Monk-e [n=guido@c529dd229.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
joejaxxJucato: they are :(07:23
Jucato!away > Ursinha07:24
=== dholbach [n=daniel@i59F76E84.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dholbachgood morning07:29
RAOFgood afternoon :)07:30
LaserJockgoo evening :-)07:30
TheMusoHey dholbach.07:30
dholbachhey LaserJock, hey RAOF, hey TheMuso07:30
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [+o dholbach] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:dholbach] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Universe Repository Maintainers | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Documentation | Add yourself to http://tinyurl.com/fgpgy to upload to REVU | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/TODO | http://ajmitch.net.nz/~ajmitch/missing-fixes-rc.html | HAPPY UNIVERSE HUG DAY
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [-o dholbach] by dholbach
imbrandonmoins all07:34
Jucatomoin imbrandon!07:34
RAOFmoin moin!07:35
joejaxxuniverse hug day?07:37
Jucatowe hug the whole universe? :)07:37
LaserJockheck yeah07:38
=== LaserJock gives Universe a big HUG
LaserJockand stiff arms Multiverse07:38
joejaxxwho takes care of Multiverse?07:39
LaserJockwe do07:39
joejaxxoh ok07:39
RAOFTo start off, I've got a debdiff for a stupid bug that my previous Specto bugfix introduced ( bug #98587 )07:39
ubotuMalone bug 98587 in specto "[apport]  specto crashed with NameError in update()" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9858707:39
RAOFMultiverse is taken care of by a shadowy conclave of evil men.07:39
LaserJockMultiverse is like the garbage07:40
LaserJockno body wants to do it07:40
=== Fujitsu hugs {mult,un}iverse, and hastily pockets the bugs without anybody noticing.
LaserJockbut if you don't you get yelled at and it starts to stink07:40
Fujitsu... like mplayer, yes.07:40
=== RAOF notes that Fujitsu has huge pockets
Jucatowill there be a MOTMultiverse? :D07:40
TheMusoWow the builds are busy today.07:41
=== TheMuso sponsored an upload earlier, and it still hasn't built one all arches. Still has one arch to go.
vilimbrandond, hi07:44
Lathiatbug #5131507:44
ubotuMalone bug 51315 in libnss-ldap "udevd: nss_ldap: failed to bind to LDAP server" [Undecided,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5131507:44
imbrandonhello vil 07:45
vilagain some difficulties with ubuntuwire07:45
vilwhen I say pbuilder-feisty ... i get07:46
vil/usr/lib/pbuilder/pbuilder-satisfydepends-gdebi: line 79: /usr/bin/gdebi: No such file or directory07:46
=== imbrandon looks
=== vil thanks
imbrandonseems to work fine here, you sure your not trying to use suso pbuilder-feisty [..] 07:47
imbrandonerr sudo07:47
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vilimbrandon, yes, without sudo07:48
vilthis particular problem happens on intrepid when I try to build eclipse in my home dir.07:49
RAOFWhat *is* ubuntuwire?  I presume that you've actually got gdebi installed?07:50
imbrandonRAOF, yes07:51
imbrandonand ubuntuwire is the community build network07:51
RAOFHey, awesome.  Where did that get announced?07:52
TheMusothe ml that is07:52
vilimbrandon, i told you you keep it secret :)07:52
=== RAOF only follows -devel-discuss
imbrandonvil, no i dont i mailed it to 2 mailing lists and bloged about it 2 times07:52
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LaserJockRAOF: you need to follow -devel and -motu, really07:57
RAOFLaserJock: Now that I'm hanging out here quite a lot more, probably :)07:58
vilimbrandon, it looks a bit different on intrepid now07:58
vilimbrandon, I need to leave, will look at it in half an hour again. thx for help07:59
LaserJockI should try ubuntuwire out some time08:01
TheMusoLaserJock: You should.08:02
TheMusoIt rocks.08:02
LaserJockimbrandon: do we have an amd64?08:02
TheMusoLaserJock: Not yet afaik08:02
TheMusoI'm hangin out for that as well.08:02
RAOFI'm willing to provide a shell acount on my AMD64 box for (some) people, if you want.08:02
RAOFBut it's not really suitable for all the MOTU :)08:02
TheMusoI believe imbrandon has something in the works.08:03
=== RAOF would like to help iron out AMD64 bugs.
welshbytegood morning08:07
Jucatohm... is Dia (it's in universe right? :D) supposed to have an entry in the (KDE) menu when installed?08:09
TheMusoJucato: Use the apt-cache madison command to find out.08:10
Jucatohm... 2 entries: feisty/universe Packages and feisty/main Sources08:11
Jucatodoes that mean that the binary package for it is in universe, and it's source package is in main?08:12
LaserJockwell, dia-gnome is in main08:13
LaserJockdia, the .deb is in Universe08:13
Jucatoah. but I did "apt-cache madison dia" only..hm.. anyway... it doesn't seem to have a menu entry when I installed it... :/08:14
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LaserJockJucato: would it be because it's a Gnome app?08:20
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Jucatohm.. other GNOME/GTK apps show in the K Menu08:21
LaserJockJucato: what does the .desktop say?08:22
Jucatolet me check08:22
Jucatoer.. /usr/share/applications right?08:23
JucatoI found dia.desktop in /usr/share/app-install08:24
Jucatoah I see, Categories= only has GNOME :)08:24
TheMusoJucato: Have you logged out/in again to see if it appears then?08:25
JucatoTheMuso: I restarted (because Feisty froze)08:25
RAOFArgh, how can I fix bug #87299 when apt-get source refuses to finish >:(08:28
ubotuMalone bug 87299 in banshee "Multimedia keys not working in Feisty" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8729908:28
RAOFStupid au.archive.ubuntu.com :(08:29
jussi01ScottK, you around?08:29
imbrandonLaserJock, not yet, i've been working on getting one in the DC08:31
imbrandon( w.r.t amd64 )08:31
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RAOFMan, pbuilder-satisfydepends-gdebi is awesome.08:43
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imbrandonyup ;)08:44
imbrandoncept for the fact it depends on a gui app08:44
RAOFThat's fine for my purposes.  It means that pbuilding banshee doesn't take 3 minutes to work out the build-deps08:44
dholbachimbrandon: it does not08:45
dholbachimbrandon: it depends on gdebi-core and python-apt08:45
dholbachno GUI08:45
=== thekorn [n=thekorn@a89-182-11-213.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonahh nice08:49
imbrandonyea i have it on the community buildd's08:49
dokojoejaxx: ?08:52
joejaxxdoko: ah yes i had wanted to know if i could pm you when you were not busy :)08:52
dokochannel is ok08:53
=== dpm [n=dpm@p54A1214F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
joejaxxdoko: oh i had wanted to ask you about the language-support-* packages that are in main08:55
RAOFAnyone with autotools-foo here?  Gnome bugzilla has a patch to fix bug #87299 but it modifies Makefile.am.  Is the cleanest way to handle this to just re-run autoconf in the patch, or is there a better way?08:55
ubotuMalone bug 87299 in banshee "Multimedia keys not working in Feisty" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8729908:55
dokojoejaxx: dude, don't ping randomly around, just ask. and for language packs it may be better to ask pitti on #ubuntu-devel08:57
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AstralJavadholbach: Can you still remember how you came about the bzr branches for ubuntustudio-icon-theme?08:57
joejaxxdoko: is there any possible way that we can remove 08:57
joejaxxdoko: sorry08:58
joejaxxwell that is the last time i try to do that09:00
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about package - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:04
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RAOFHey, re that banshee bug again.09:13
dokojoejaxx: don't misunderstand; for some days you just try to ping. just ask09:13
RAOFI've got a debdiff attached to the bug now, but I can't test it right now, apart from testing that it still builds cleanly.09:13
RAOFWould a banshee MOTU user like to test it, then upload when it fixes the multimedia key plugin?09:14
jussi01is there a motu around who has a moment to look at my upload to revu? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=476009:15
RAOFI'll be able to check that it fixes and doesn't break anything early tomorrow, but if someone really wants MMKeys on Banshee, it's bug #8729909:16
ubotuMalone bug 87299 in banshee "Multimedia keys not working in Feisty" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8729909:16
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dholbachAstralJava: what do you mean?09:24
AstralJavadholbach: I'm just running into stuff where symlinks are being installed as actual files. I don't know whether this is the wanted functionality or not. For instance, source branch has a lot of symlinks in 22x22/devices/ but they are being installed as copies of the file the links are pointing at. I'm noticing the same now in many other directories as well.09:26
AstralJavadholbach: Those symlinks are mentioned in the icons_DATA section of Makefile.am, instead of debian/links.09:26
dholbachAstralJava: maybe that should be done via icon-naming-utils09:27
jussi01dholbach, I know Ive missed feisty, but would you mind having a look at my package I uploaded to revu?? its my first and Im just looking to perfect it...and hopefully learn something so I get better...09:27
jussi01link is http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=476009:27
AstralJavadholbach: Then I don't know, not familiar with that. Well, I'll talk to the author.09:27
dholbachAstralJava: get the source for human-icon-theme 09:28
dholbachAstralJava: and look at how it does it09:28
AstralJavadholbach: Alright will do, thanks!09:28
dholbachjussi01: i'm quite busy atm - can you drop me a mail with that link?09:28
dholbachAstralJava: super09:28
jussi01dholbach, sure09:28
jussi01dholbach, sent to your ubuntu.com address09:33
dholbachjussi01: thanks09:33
jussi01dholbach, thanks for taking the time, I appreciate it09:34
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shawarmaWas compiz-extra the eeeevil one we're considering removing?11:20
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bedo__Hello all. I have done a package existing in debian for ubuntu. Where I have to send the debdiff?12:00
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BugMaNmalone #4967112:41
ubotuMalone bug 49671 in scigraphica "No .desktop" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4967112:41
BugMaNsomeone should control my debdiff, its my first debdiff i made, thanks12:42
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proppyhi !12:42
=== proppy hugs dholbach
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proppyScottK: ping12:42
proppyScottK: i don't understand why you've rejected bug 7940912:43
ubotuMalone bug 79409 in pygame "[6.10 only]  pygame doesn't install in python2.5 on edgy" [Undecided,Rejected]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7940912:43
ograproppy, there is no python 2.5 in edgy ...12:44
proppypython2.5 exists on edgy12:44
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ograoh, right ... 12:45
BugMaNa question: i attach a debdiff to #49671 (this bug is confirmed) i must change the status to "in progress"?12:46
ograare you the asignee ? 12:46
BugMaNogra: no12:46
ograleave that to the asignee if not12:46
proppyogra: should paste this link as a comment to the bug ?12:46
BugMaNogra:  assigned to nobody12:46
ograproppy, well, not sure that validates an SRU, but you should repoen it for now and write a comment12:47
BugMaNogra: i must assign to someone to specify that there is an debdiff to control?12:47
ograi can imagine the issue isnt important enough to risk an upload to a stable release, but current the rejection reason is surely wrong12:48
proppyogra: all edgy fixes go thru a SRU ?12:48
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proppyogra: (stable release update?)12:48
ograedgy is stable ... so it would be a stable release update, yes12:48
proppyogra: ok thanks for the hint12:48
ograunless the bug causes dataloss or security problems12:48
ograif its fixed in feisty you could try to convince the backports team ;)12:49
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proppyits fixed in festy :)12:50
proppyoh ok12:50
proppyso all update to edgy go through sru, or thru backport if already fixed in edgy+112:50
proppyis this only for "main" packages or for "universe" packages too12:51
pochuproppy: for all12:56
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siretartproppy: we (normally) require a fix to be applied to feisty for SRUs as well01:03
proppysiretart: ok nice to hear :)01:07
proppyhappy to understand how it works01:08
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ScottKproppy - I'm looking.01:53
jussi01ScottK, did you notice my fixes...01:54
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ScottKjussi01: No.  I just sat down at the computer.01:54
jussi01hehe...ok then :D01:54
=== ScottK also noticed that proppy has left...
=== jussi01 giggles...
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jussi01ScottK, I think i managed to iron out everything you mentioned :D01:57
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danohuiginnbug 71210 vanishes if I rebuild the package, even in pbuilder. Will simply rebuilding the official package sort it out?02:22
ubotuMalone bug 71210 in urlgrabber "does not provide python2.4 modules" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7121002:22
danohuiginnAnd if so, how do I make that happen?02:22
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ScottKjussi01: Are you making the source tarball yourself or downloading it from the site?02:24
ScottKYour debian dir should not be part of the source tarball.02:24
shawarmaThe ubuntu-devel mailing list charter says it's moderator for non-developers.. Can someone define developers?02:25
shawarmamember of ubuntu-{,core}-dev? 02:26
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DarkSun88Hi all02:29
gesershawarma: yes02:33
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shawarmageser: I thought so. The delay in mailman for my post to u-d was just a little longer than I had anticipated.02:34
geserdanohuiginn: a new version needs to be uploaded (only adding a changelog entry)02:34
danohuiginngeser: thanks. So I should make a debdiff, just editing the changelog? I'll do that.02:36
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geseryes, the debdiff should only contain the change in the changelog02:36
geserthe new version would be 2.9.9-1build202:36
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fernandohey all02:41
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danohuiginnright. I've attached a debdiff to bug 71210. If anyone wants to sponsor it, that'd be great ;)02:58
ubotuMalone bug 71210 in urlgrabber "does not provide python2.4 modules" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7121002:58
geserdanohuiginn: will look at it in a few minutes03:01
danohuiginncool. thanks, geser03:02
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danohuiginnhi, wick2o03:07
geserdanohuiginn: changing the maintainer is only need for -XubuntuY as this is only a rebuild without ubuntu changes (therefore -XbuildY) the maintainer doesn't need to be changed03:12
geserI will undo it before uploading03:12
danohuiginnah, that makes sense. cheers03:13
jussi01ScottK, sorry to disappear on you like that. Fixed that one  :D thanks03:14
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ScottKjussi01: See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianMaintainerField again (look under design) for how to set maintainer in Ubuntu (this applies even if your package isn't in Debian).  Also see http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2006/03/msg00023.html for info on debian/copyright.  At the very least you need to add the GPL header to your copyright file.03:25
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jussi01ScottK, thanks, Im having another read of that... :D03:27
pirastcould anyone do the upload in bug 96548? many thanks :)03:27
ubotuMalone bug 96548 in dvdrip "[UPLOAD]  [UVF]  dvd::rip new upstream release 0.98.4" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9654803:27
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pirastjekil, hi03:34
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pirastcould anyone do the upload in bug 96548? many thanks :)03:57
ubotuMalone bug 96548 in dvdrip "[UPLOAD]  [UVF]  dvd::rip new upstream release 0.98.4" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9654803:57
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vilhi, I would like to know anyones opinion about packaging ie4linux03:59
viland http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Legal_notices04:00
vildoes it make any sense to put it in universe eventually?04:00
geserdanohuiginn: have you checked that urlgrabber works with python2.4 after the rebuild?04:02
geserthe build deb has Depends: python2.5, python-support (>= 0.2)04:03
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ScottKvil: I'd say it looks potentially useful, but I think it would have to go in multiverse because it depends on proprietary software that's not distributable.04:04
danohuiginngeser: yes, I did check that04:06
danohuiginnbut I'll have another look and make sure04:06
danohuiginnit's possible I messed up with pbuilder somehow04:08
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vilScottK, yes, now I see that, very much the same like flashplugin-nonfree 04:13
crimsunoh geez, another xorg-server<->mesa recompile dance04:13
vilI was just currious if the legal notes mentioned above would not prohibit this package to enter even multiverse04:13
geserdanohuiginn: I only wondered if it works with python2.4 when it depends on python2.504:13
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geserHi bddebian04:14
danohuiginngeser:  the python dependency is on ${python:Depends},not 2.5 specifically04:14
ScottKvil: I don't know about that, but the code itself is free, it's the dependency that's the problem.  Can a multiverse application depend on stuff pulled from outside sources?  I don't know.04:14
bddebianHeya gang04:15
bddebianHi geser04:15
ScottKHi bddebian.04:15
bddebianHeya ScottK04:15
geserdanohuiginn: yes, but the generated deb depends on python2.504:15
crimsunScottK: via Depends? It can't Depend(s) on something not in the Ubuntu repo.04:15
Jucatohi bddebian04:15
geserbddebian: destar is done. What's next? :)04:15
bddebianNice, thx04:16
ScottKcrimsun: Understand not via depends, but I'm have no idea if there's another way to deal with that kind of problem (the program in question is essentially an installer for IE and you need to have a valid Windows license to install it legally).04:17
dholbachjussi01: i checked the packaging04:18
vilcrimsun, it is similar to current flashplugin-nonfree04:19
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villots of people are forced to use IE. This could potentially take couple more people to Ubuntu, maybe...04:21
dholbachjussi01: gsopcast says "sp-sc: No such file or directory" whatever I click in it04:21
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norsettoany reason why an "install -d /tmp/{a,b,c{c1,c2}}"works as a command, and doesn't in a Makefile!? (creates /tmp/{a,b,c and in it 2 subs c1 and c2)04:27
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norsettoanyone? Please? Pretty please? Pretty pretty please?04:29
crimsunnorsetto: what shell?04:31
norsettoI've stumbled on this working for bug #98892. I can patch the package expanding the install but yet, why isn't working .......04:31
ubotuMalone bug 98892 in fbset "Packaging error" [Undecided,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9889204:31
crimsunbashism, then.04:31
norsettosorry, bash04:31
danohuiginngeser: I've double-checked and it works with python2.404:31
danohuiginnthat is on a machine with 2.5 installed, but it does mean other programs which explicitly use python2.4 can use it04:32
norsettocrimsun: bashism?04:33
crimsunnorsetto: packages aren't built using bash as the default shell.04:33
crimsunand {} can't be used as globbing[-like]  chars in dash.04:34
norsettoand, is it possible to tell the builder to use bash?04:34
crimsunfix the bashism instead.04:34
norsettookki dokki, will do .....04:34
norsettonorsetto hugs crimsun (manly....)04:36
wick2oanyone here remaster an install cd?04:37
crimsunwick2o: if you mean an alt, joejaxx (of fluxbuntu, or formerly) has.04:37
wick2owell i used this guide and got a really nice preseeded install cd from 6.06 LTS 04:38
wick2oand the install works and is great...i do the install and then run apt-get -y dist-upgrade04:38
Jucatoexcuse me, quick question. when I run dch -i, it opens up the debian/changelog file for me to edit. but it uses <jucato@kubuntu> instead of @kubuntu.com. is that normal?04:38
wick2ohowever my new goal is to get a cd i no longer have to apt-get -y dist-upgrade04:38
wick2oso i did a freash install from my newly working cd04:39
wick2odid an apt-get -ys dist-upgrade > results04:39
wick2oi went down the results and manually downloaded all of the new versions of the debs from archive using wget04:39
wick2oand replaced the in my cd pool04:39
crimsunJucato: is $DEBEMAIL set?04:40
geserdanohuiginn: ok, uploaded04:40
wick2othen made a new image and burned it and tried to install from it04:40
Jucatohm.. I thought I set it before :(04:40
wick2onow debconf cant find my nic, and wont partition/mount my harddrive04:40
danohuiginnthanks, geser04:40
wick2operhaps there is a better way to update the packages on the cd? so i can make my own 6.06.2 or something04:41
Jucatognomefreak: thanks :)04:41
Jucatoer sorry. wrong person lol04:41
Jucatocrimsun: that thanks was for you :D04:41
gnomefreakthink  he meant crimsun 04:41
crimsunit's ok, john may have that thanks.04:41
=== Jucato is nervous trying to make a debdiff... :(
bddebianWhy, debdiff is easy04:42
gnomefreakJucato: souldnt be too hard04:42
bddebianEasier than diff -urN /foo /bar ,etc, etc :)04:42
Jucatoyeah, the part about dch -i, debuild -S, etc... :(04:43
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Jucatoheh I'm not even sure what to write in debian/changelog! :P04:43
gnomefreakJucato: depends what you did04:44
wick2owell ive sent joejaxx a message, lets see if he gets back to me04:44
Jucatognomefreak: basically I added a .diff that sort of updates umbrello from 1.5.6 to 1.5.6104:45
gnomefreak.diff or patch?04:45
Jucatoum... :/04:45
gnomefreakif its new upstream version than that should be enough 04:46
gnomefreakJucato: patches look like diffs04:46
gnomefreakin a way04:46
Jucatothe output of diff -ruN old_umbrello new_umbrello04:46
gnomefreakthats a diff04:46
=== Jucato finds it easier to remember -ruN than -urN :D
Jucatooooh I didn't notice Riddell wasn't here :/04:47
gnomefreakurn == vaseish tpe bottle run == get out of way04:47
Jucatourn = The Undertaker!!!04:47
Jucato(or Paul Bearer)04:47
=== danohuiginn prefers -Nur (as in 'nur-nur-ne-nur-nur')
wick2ogrrr man im frustrated04:48
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wick2owhy does something so simple turn out like this04:52
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jussi01dholbach, Im sorry, I totally forgot about that... I need to write a small script to copy that file over. I will let you know when its ready. My apologies04:59
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dholbachjussi01: i'm not sure I understand what you mean05:00
dholbachjussi01: you did good work on that05:00
dholbachjussi01: drop me a mail when I should look again05:00
JucatoExcuse me, what does this error mean? "dpkg-source: error: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but Maintainer: does not have Ubuntu address"05:04
Jucatowhen I run debuild -S05:04
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Jucatooh... I used @kubuntu.org... do I need @ubuntu.com for that?05:06
geseryou need to change the maintainer to an address containing ubuntu (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianMaintainerField)05:07
Jucatoaah yeah... reading up on that now... :/05:08
geserand save the old Maintainer value as XSBC-Original-Maintainer05:08
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sacaterhey guys, i got cut off last night, sorry05:19
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sacateranyway i was asking, should i get the feisty BETA, or wait for the official release..... :|05:20
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sacaterhappened again....05:22
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bddebiansacater: It depends on what you are trying to do or want05:23
bddebianIf you want a more stable system then no05:23
bddebianIf you don't mind occasional breakage and want the latest "stuff" then yes05:23
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sacaterbddebian: thanks, im going to wait like a patient sacater05:25
Jucatois it ok to be getting NMU-related errors when doing lintian -i ?05:25
Jucatobddebian: that sweet yes was for me?05:26
Jucatosuccessfully done that stage... now to build :/05:26
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Jucatowhich kind of debdiff is preferred? source or binary?05:27
bddebiandebdiff old.dsc new.dsc05:28
superm1Jucato, shouldn't they come out the same if you run them in the source directory or on the dsc/orig.tar.gz/diff.tar.gz ?05:28
somerville32bddebian, my friend, long time no chat.05:29
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bddebianHeya somerville3205:29
=== somerville32 still resides in the hospital unfortunately but now has stable internet access.
Jucatosuperm1: not really sure... as I'm just reading from the packaging guide...05:30
bddebiansomerville32: Sorry to hear that :-(05:30
somerville32Did you miss me?05:30
bddebianOf course :-)05:30
superm1Jucato, ah.  well its easier to just do it on the dsc's, since you will have both whereas if you did it on source directories, you'd have to re-extract the source again for the orig05:30
Jucatosuperm1: ah ok... sorry I confused .dsc for source. I meant to ask, which was preferred debdiffs, from .dsc or from .deb :)05:31
Jucato"You can debdiff the source package by: debdiff <oldpackage>.dsc <newpackage>.dsc > package.debdiff"05:31
Jucato(from the guide)05:31
superm1dsc's then05:32
Jucatothanks! :)05:32
bddebianWhat, you didn't believe me?05:34
Jucatobddebian: oh no. I didn't see it :)05:34
Jucatomy brain skipped a line :/05:34
Jucatorunning pbuilder build first though :)05:35
Jucatothe commands are easy... but knowing what to put and where is the dizzying part 05:35
geserhi keescook, please look at bug #9906205:40
ubotuMalone bug 99062 in blender "Debdiff for CVE-2007-1253 for blender in edgy" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9906205:40
Adri2000can we upload to -backports?05:44
keescookgeser: okay, thanks!05:44
keescookI'm fighting with udev/lvm at the moment, but I'll get to it.05:44
Nafallokeescook: sounds good. fixing some bug somewhere? :-)05:45
Nafallo(and why does everyone work on the same package right now? ;-))05:45
keescookNafallo: yeah, working on some milestoned bugs from the feisty beta05:46
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Nafallokeescook: race conditions with RAID? :-)05:47
Nafallokeescook: in that case I'm affected EVERY serverboot ;-)05:47
keescookNafallo: I opened that bug too, and it's being worked on, but I'm currently banging my head on lvm snapshots05:48
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siretartAdri2000: I never tried it personally because generally it's not necessary, but I was told that upload would appear in some pocket05:55
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=== sacater has changed mind, 20 days before release, there shouldnt be much harm in getting the feisty beta
=== sacater runs update-manager -d
sacaterim gonna do that, and download the beta disc07:16
sacaterjust as back-up07:16
jussi01Hello again motu's. I need a little help. I have packaged a program - all went fairly ok, however I need to make it copy a certain file into /usr/local/bin . how do I do this?07:17
Jucatog'day! how do I (safely) test a package that I've just finished building (pbuilder)?07:17
sacaterjussi01: hmm, several things need to be do07:17
micahcowanJucato, I thought the point of pbuilder /was/ to test?07:19
Jucatomicahcowan: I mean, to actually install it... just sudo dpkg -i?07:19
micahcowanI think that should do07:20
Jucatook thanks07:20
jussi01hmmm, i just thought of something, the package I made is a "front end" and the file I need to copy is the "back end" or engine. 07:20
sacaterjussi01: could it be 2 packages, front end, and engine07:21
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sacaterwith the engine as a dependency of the front-end07:22
jussi01sacater, how do I then go about making the engine package out of 1 file?07:22
sacateri dunno :P07:22
sacaterjust a suggestion07:22
jussi01yeah a good one...07:23
=== sacater holds no responisbility for accidents, injury, or loss of life as a result of his suggestions
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jussi01Jucato, you could also use a chroot environment07:24
micahcowanjussi01, right, but that's what pbuilder does, no?07:24
JucatoI installed it directly anyway :)07:24
micahcowan(He mentioned he used pbuilder to create the package)07:24
=== Jucato goes to make teh debdiff
jussi01micahcowan, pbuilder builds he package, the chroot env allows you to install it....07:25
micahcowanFrom the manpage: pbuilder build: "Builds the package specified by .dsc-file in the chroot environment created using the base.tgz"...07:26
micahcowanpbuilder makes no sense /without/ a chroot env.07:26
micahcowandpkg-buildpackage is what builds the package.07:26
ScottKmicahcowan: As I understand it (and this may well be wrong as I'm no expert), pbuilder builds a fresh build environment in a chroot, builds the package, and then the chroot goes away.  If you want to install the package, I think you need to make a regular chroot to install it into.07:28
jussi01!info dchroot07:29
ubotudchroot: Execute commands in a chroot environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-1 (edgy), package size 262 kB, installed size 784 kB07:29
jussi01yeah, what he said...07:29
sacater!info LTS07:29
ubotuPackage lts does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas07:29
sacater!info sacater07:29
ubotuPackage sacater does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas07:29
jussi01!botabuse | sacater 07:30
ubotusacater: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...07:30
sacater!insult | jussi0107:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about insult - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:30
sacateranother bot does that07:30
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lart - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:30
sacater!info bloboats07:30
ubotuPackage bloboats does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas07:30
sacater!info xmms07:31
micahcowanITYM @lart07:31
ubotuxmms: Versatile X audio player. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.10+cvs20060429-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1085 kB, installed size 7248 kB07:31
micahcowan@lart ubotu07:31
Jucatoooh... might be my first ever correct debdiff :)07:31
bddebianGah, what kind lame bot doesn't have lart?? :-)07:31
micahcowanDuh, disabled for this chan.07:31
micahcowanWorks in #ubuntu-offtopic07:31
jussi01no chuck either07:32
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sacaterguys.. problem with my upgrading to the BETA, i got 'an unresolvable error occured while calculating the upgrade'08:05
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jussi01sacater, if the motus are busy ask in #ubuntu+108:08
phaidroshow to learn packaging? 08:08
phaidroshehe, lol08:08
phaidrosor better: technically and organizatorically (who where what?)08:09
jussi01phaidros, http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/basic-scratch.html08:09
phaidrosjussi01: thx08:09
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sacatercan someone have a brief look at this for me :(08:22
ubotuMalone bug 99108 in update-manager "attempt to upgrade from edgy with xfce on top, FAILS" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  08:22
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pochusacater: did you compiled yourself xcfe, or installed from repos?08:24
sacaterpochu: compiled myself, why?08:26
pochusacater: xfce compiled from source08:26
pochusacater: did you "make && make install" it?08:26
sacateri did the following08:26
pochuof just make?08:26
pochuI think that's the reason of your issue08:27
sacaterthe package of xfce came with loads of sub-packages like libaries08:27
sacateri did ./configure08:27
sacatersudo make install08:27
sacaterto all of the packages that came with xfce08:27
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pochuI bet that's the reason08:27
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sacaterwell what should i do?08:28
pochunot sure :)08:29
sacaterpochu: awww...08:29
sacaterpochu: may it work when the official release comes out08:29
pochusacater: I think not08:29
sacaterpochu: .......08:30
sacaterpochu: what about if i get an alternate install CD08:30
pochusacater: you can backup your /home (if you don't have it in a separate partition) and reinstall / :)08:30
sacaterpochu: ive gone through so much with this machine....... i could never erase my edgy and put on feisty BETA08:30
sacateri would rather upgrade08:31
sacatermuch rather08:31
Burgworkam I an idiot or is the current desktop cd oversized?08:33
sacaterBurgwork: youre a complete fruitloop :P08:34
pochuBurgwork: oversized by 2 MB08:35
pochutry tomorrow's image :)08:35
sacaterpochu: this is why i need a second PC08:36
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sacaterpochu: please help...08:36
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pochusacater: I'm afraid that's everything I can do08:37
sacaterpochu: what would be my best bet, or thing to do....08:37
pochusacater: you can also manually change /etc/apt/sources.list, and go with an update && dist-upgrade, but I think that's a bad idea08:38
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sacaterpochu: explain....08:38
pochusacater: what surely will work is to backup /home (or create another partition and copy it there) and reinstall latest Feisty08:38
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sacaterpochu: but i will have to re-install EVERYTHING...08:39
pochusacater: yeah :(08:39
sacaterooooooooooooh i may be VERY lucky08:39
sacater          minimec : sacater: By the way. Lokking at the logs of your bug... phaidros was right. Dependency problems 08:39
sacater                         with openoffice ;)08:40
sacater19:39          sacater : minimec: really...08:41
sacater19:39          sacater : minimec: thats a relief08:41
sacater19:40          sacater : minimec: not xfce then...08:41
sacater19:40 --> budluva (n=budluva@S0106000d8707cf50.cg.shawcable.net) has joined #ubuntu+108:41
sacater19:40          minimec : sacater: nope.08:41
sacater19:40          minimec : sacater: Have a look at the apt.log08:41
sacater19:40          sacater : :D08:41
sacater19:40  ! sacater hugs minimec 08:41
sacaterpochu: want my bug report URL?08:41
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sacaterpochu: https://beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/9910808:41
ubotuMalone bug 99108 in update-manager "attempt to upgrade from edgy with xfce on top, FAILS" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  08:41
sacaterwelshbyte: HI!08:41
welshbytesacater: ello08:41
welshbytegood evening all08:41
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pochuhi welshbyte08:42
bddebianHeya welshbyte08:42
welshbytehiya pochu, ello bddebian 08:42
=== sacater goes to remove openoffice for a while
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=== welshbyte goes to wipe windows xp and edgy off his laptop to give feisty the whole hard drive
sacatercan someone look at this for me pretty please08:55
sacaterits a result of my trying to upgrade to feisty08:55
sacaterbroken dependencies08:55
LaserJockgood morning MOTU Land!!08:55
sacaterid like to know what packages tro remove08:55
sacaterLaserJock: gid moaning :P08:55
Adri2000hi LaserJock!08:55
Adri2000nobody complains if I do an upload of wxwidgets2.8?08:56
LaserJockit's a HUG DAY people!!08:56
Adri2000pochu: ^ I see you have an UVFe pending for it08:57
sacaterLaserJock: hug for bug day?08:57
LaserJocksacater: yep08:57
Adri2000ah yes, hug day08:57
sacaterstart with this please http://librarian.launchpad.net/7076911/apt.log08:57
LaserJockfind some bugs and stomp them!08:57
sacaterLaserJock: ^^08:58
LaserJockhmm, interesting08:58
sacaterLaserJock: not for me :P08:58
sacaterLaserJock: can i say pisses me off in here?08:58
sacateroh well too late :P08:59
sacateryep it pisses me off08:59
sacatersomething to do with openoffice i figure08:59
LaserJockheh, well get used to to :-)08:59
sacaterLaserJock: ??08:59
LaserJockI think myspell was replaces or something lately08:59
sacaterLaserJock: oooooooh08:59
LaserJocksacater: that's what happens when you run development releases08:59
LaserJocksometimes things break a little09:00
sacaterLaserJock: what development release?09:00
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sacaterLaserJock: how do i fix the break09:00
LaserJocksacater: feisty is the development release09:00
sacaterLaserJock: im using edgy...09:01
sacatertrying to GET feisty09:01
LaserJockah, well that's even worse ;-)09:01
sacaterLaserJock: precisely my point :P09:01
sacateraw well lets do these huggy buggues09:02
pochuAdri2000: yeah, but go with it09:02
bddebiansacater: Did you do an "apt-get -f install" ?09:02
pochuAdri2000: it hasn't been approved since it seems not to fix any ubuntu bugs (amule bugs)09:02
sacaterbersace: erm no, all im trying to do is update-manager -d09:02
Adri2000pochu: filezilla will also use wx 2.8 (soon), but I don't know if it will help fixing any bug09:03
LaserJocksacater: usually a combination of dist upgrades and dpkg --configure -a will help09:03
sacateri just did 'fix broken packages in synaptic, would that help'?09:03
LaserJockhopefully :-)09:03
LaserJockhi bddebian 09:03
bddebianHeya LaserJock09:04
sacaterLaserJock: sacater@neo:~$ sudo dpkg --configure -a09:04
sacatersacater@neo:~$ 09:04
pochuAdri2000: it won't hurt, I hope :)09:04
LaserJocksacater: so is it fixed now?09:04
pochuAdri2000: I've heard there is a 2.8.4, is it right?09:05
sacaterLaserJock: no idea, let me try update-manager -d09:05
LaserJockhmm, well I'm not sure if that's going to help09:05
LaserJockif it hasn't installed anything yet09:05
sacaterwell i just tried to fix...09:05
sacatermaybe somethings better :D09:06
bddebianJust go to a freakin' command line and do an "apt-get update" && "apt-get dist-upgrade" and when that breaks do "apt-get -f install" :-)09:06
Adri2000pochu: no idea :p09:06
sacaterbddebian: one at a time09:06
pochuAdri2000: so what are you going to upload?09:06
pochuAdri2000: the uvf isn't approved09:06
Adri2000pochu: a patch that will help fixing bug #8889709:06
ubotuMalone bug 88897 in filezilla "Filezilla fails to retrieve directory listing" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8889709:07
pochuAdri2000: ah, cool09:07
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sacaterLaserJock: new!09:11
sacaterLaserJock: Can't guess meta-package09:11
sacaterYour system does not contain a ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop or edubuntu-desktop package and it was not possible to detect which version of Ubuntu you are running. Please install one of the packages above first using synaptic or apt-get before proceeding.09:11
sacaterLaserJock: problem is, when i go to install ubuntu-desktop, it trys to install gnome, and when i go for xfce, it trys to install xfce4, even though i compiled it from source09:13
sacaterhelp me...09:13
LaserJockwell, if you want to use update-manager you need one of those -desktop09:14
sacatererm big problem, software updates just popped up and wants me to install 1102 updates, but they are packages i already have...09:15
siretarthrmpf. somebody please fix gmane09:15
welshbytesiretart: +1, i haven't been able to check any lists today :(09:16
LaserJocksacater: just use apt-get dist-upgrade09:17
gesersacater: dpkg/apt knows only about software which was installed as debs and not manually from source09:18
sacaterLaserJock: I DO, but nothing comes up09:18
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LaserJocksacater: make sure you have your sources.list right09:19
sacatersacater@neo:~$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:19
sacaterReading package lists... Done09:19
sacaterBuilding dependency tree       09:19
sacaterReading state information... Done09:19
sacaterCalculating upgrade... Done09:19
sacater0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.09:19
sacatersacater@neo:~$ 09:19
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bddebiansudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list09:20
bddebianErr feisty even09:20
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sacaterna its not that09:24
sacaterlaserjock was right, i need to add an ubuntu-desktop package09:24
sacateri removed it by accident when i compiled xfce somehow09:24
=== jussi01 cries...
jussi01what does it mean when a script exits with error status 1?09:26
sacaterjussi01: thanks for the compassion, its DEFINATLY xubuntu next time, not xfce on ubuntu09:26
geserjussi01: usually it's an error but it depends on the script why it failed09:27
jussi01geser, its weird, its a postinst script for a deb. it works when you just run the script in the source package...09:28
jussi01i can paste bin it, its a very simple one09:28
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jussi01geser, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/13000/09:29
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geserit's a postinst for a deb? a deb has not to touch /usr/local09:30
geserthe problem with the script is probably when dpkg runs it ../sp-rc is the wrong dir09:31
jussi01geser, this deb is a front end for a single file program, that needs to be in usr/local/bin. can you suggest a good way to get it there?09:32
bddebiansacater: ubuntu-desktop is a meta package for gnome, do you want gnome?09:33
bddebianWell gnome++ but..09:33
jussi01geser, this is the instruction when you are installing from source: For sp-sc, unzip the tar ball and then move sp-sc to where the variable PATH can find, such as /usr/local/bin 09:34
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geserAs mandated by the FHS, packages must not place any files in /usr/local, [...]  (http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-opersys.html#s9.1.2)09:34
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geserjussi01: if you create a package for it you can install it in /usr/bin09:35
sacaterbddebian: but if i get xubuntu-desktop, it will install xfce4, which i have already compiled myself09:36
jussi01geser, excellent. how does one go about a package with only a single file though..09:36
sacaterbddebian: best to have both, rather than 2 xfce, one debian and one source09:36
geserjussi01: do you want to include the package in Ubuntu?09:37
jussi01geser, yes09:37
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gesercan it be included in some other package?09:38
jussi01geser, what do you mean??09:39
geserbecause each new package increases the size of the Packages.gz file (which you need to download on apt-get update)09:39
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geserit's not very liked to create a package for a single file (because of the overhead)09:39
sacaterbddebian: no problems with gnome and xfce, it all seems to run fine09:39
jussi01geser, yeah, i was hoping to include it all in the single package09:39
gesersacater: any reason to use a self-compiled xfce and not the debs?09:40
sacatergeser: im one of those people who like to compile sometimes....09:40
sacatergeser: plus i like the pretty colours that i get when i do make && make install09:41
sacatergeser: not really, the reason was i wanted to use the xfce4 beta, but wasnt available in the universe yet09:41
sacaterso i compiled09:41
gesersacater: apt-cache show equivs09:41
sacaterlike i do many apps09:41
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gesersacater: why not create (update the existing packages) you own debs (for your own use)?09:42
sacatergeser: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/13002/09:42
sacatergeser: good point,, 09:43
sacatergeser: oh i know09:43
sacateri didnt know how at the time09:43
sacateri wasnt even dev in training09:43
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jussi01geser, I just need to have this one file copied to /usr/bin. is there a "good" (conventional) way to do that?09:44
gesersacater: with equivs you can create pseudo-packages which are only there to satisfy deps09:44
sacatergeser: im going to upgrade... explain when i get back please09:44
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geserjussi01: not really, you can do all you need to install it in debian/tmp (from where the deb gets build)09:45
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geserjussi01: simply use cp in debian/rules and copy it to debian/tmp/usr/bin (don't forget to create the dir)09:46
jussi01geser, ahhh fantastic thank you...09:47
geserpostinst isn't used to install the files, it's used to do things you can't do beforehand (like creating a config file, start a daemon, call ldconfig (or other update scripts), etc.)09:48
jussi01geser, one final question, where in the rules file?09:48
geserit's a Makefile in the debian directory named rules09:49
jussi01geser, yeah, I was wondering where in that file should I put the cp command.. its a pretty big file...09:50
geserjussi01: were you already pointed to the packaging guide?09:50
jussi01geser, yeah09:50
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geserthe install target in the rules files is the right place for it09:51
geseryou usually do there make install (or the equivalent for your software)09:51
jussi01geser, thanks09:52
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vilten novell je 1810:16
vilooops, wrong window10:17
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LaserJockhola joejaxx 10:46
joejaxxhello LaserJock 10:46
joejaxxif anyone wants to test iceape let me know :P10:49
joejaxxi really should not run into problems but just in case10:49
LaserJockyou built some packages?10:49
joejaxxi rebuilt the ones from debian unstable10:50
joejaxx1.1.1 does not build on ubuntu10:50
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joejaxxi wonder how i should deal with apt-setup10:54
LaserJockwhy doesn't 1.1.1 build?10:55
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joejaxxLaserJock: i do not know actually11:20
joejaxxLaserJock: gnomefreak says it does not build on sid either11:21
joejaxxbut somehow it is in the debian repository :P11:21
joejaxxbrb time to patch slim with semi-xsession support and build it11:23
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geserjoejaxx: does it perhaps need some packages from experimental?11:42
LaserJockI wonder if it was a binary upload11:43
bddebianLater gang11:45
geseronly for one arch (i386), the others were build on the experimental build farm11:45
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TheMusoHi guys.11:53
joejaxxgeser: maybe11:53
joejaxxbut that means i cannot use it11:54
joejaxxif the required packages are not the same11:54
joejaxxhello TheMuso 11:54
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pochuhey TheMuso12:00
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