
=== majoridiot [n=majoridi@74-141-134-199.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
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superm1yo Daviey03:03
superm1and majoridiot03:03
superm1and Xenocide03:03
superm1and everyone else here :)03:03
superm1so i spent the last 7 hours working on a freaking lab assignment03:04
superm1really stupid debugging error early on03:04
superm1that made things horrible to track down :(03:04
majoridiotanything interesting?03:04
superm1single cycle implementation of a cpu03:04
superm1mips architecture03:04
=== majoridiot yawns
superm1i've still got the multicycle yet to do tonite03:05
=== majoridiot is chipping away at the guide
superm1ah good03:08
superm1imbrandon, u present?03:08
superm1majoridiot, nice page for the known hardware list03:34
superm1i just saw03:34
superm1looks good03:34
majoridiotstill picking at it03:34
superm1as for the cards that *may* require cx88_dvb modprobed03:34
superm1its not just if there is a pvr-150 in the box03:34
majoridioti'm making a common mythv_firewire page, as the info is not edgy-specific03:34
superm1its in all cases03:34
majoridiotwill change that.03:35
superm1they should just add to /etc/modules03:35
Xenocidesuperm1 i got the replacement card03:35
superm1and :)?03:35
Xenocideits in, but i haven' ttried the IR yet03:35
superm1you scared?03:35
majoridiotsuperm1: so modprobe cx88_dvb and add it to /etc/modules?03:36
superm1just cat >> /etc/modules << EOF03:38
superm1should do it03:38
superm1oh wait u have to do it with sudo dont ya03:38
superm1 sudo sh -c "echo "cx88_dvb" >> /etc/modules"03:39
superm1should do it then03:39
superm1afaik that bug wont be fixed until 2.6.2103:43
Xenocideit probabbly won't work03:43
superm1Xenocide, i'd be scared too.03:44
Xenocideanyone want to buy a sprint sanyo 8400 phone?03:44
superm1i think i'd probably break a window at that point03:44
=== majoridiot hates phones
superm1na i'm happy with my nextel03:44
Xenocidei just got the moto Q today03:44
Xenocideso i need to sell my old one03:44
superm1www.howardforums.com is probably a good place03:44
Xenocidei put it on sprintusers and craigslist03:45
superm1you should get a bite or two then03:46
Xenocidemy back end keeps crashing04:19
Xenocideidk why04:19
majoridiotanything in the log?04:20
Xenocidewhere is the log again04:21
Xenocide2007-03-29 22:00:00.508 Finished recording American Dad "With Friends Like Steve 's": channel 101104:23
Xenocide2007-03-29 22:00:00.629 TVRec(2): Enabling Full LiveTV UI.04:23
Xenocide0: start_time: 157.691 duration: 149.00304:23
Xenocide1: start_time: 157.662 duration: 148.99704:23
Xenocidestream: start_time: 1751.805 duration: 1655.899 bitrate=5495 kb/s04:23
Xenocide2007-03-29 22:00:00.743 AFD: Opened codec 0xad627680, id(MPEG2VIDEO) type(Video)04:23
Xenocide2007-03-29 22:00:00.861 AFD: Opened codec 0xad616950, id(MP2) type(Audio)04:24
Xenocide2007-03-29 22:00:00.963 TVRec(2): RingBufferChanged()04:24
Xenocide2007-03-29 22:00:01.067 Finished recording American Dad "With Friends Like Steve 's": channel 101104:24
Xenocide2007-03-29 22:01:00.861 TVRec(1): Changing from RecordingOnly to None04:24
Xenocide2007-03-29 22:01:00.874 Finished recording Grey's Anatomy "My Favorite Mistake": channel 100404:24
Xenocide2007-03-29 22:01:00.913 Event socket closed. No connection to the backend.04:24
Xenocide[mpeg2video @ 0xb722fa68] invalid cbp at 14 2804:24
Xenocide[mpeg2video @ 0xb722fa68] Warning MVs not available04:24
Xenocide2007-03-29 22:01:26.804 Connecting to backend server: (try 1 of 5 )04:24
Xenocide2007-03-29 22:01:26.813 Connection timed out.04:24
XenocideYou probably should modify the Master Server04:24
Xenocidesettings in the setup program and set the04:24
Xenocideproper IP address.04:24
Xenocidethats all i got04:24
Xenocideit crashes every other day or so04:24
majoridiotdoes the address of the backend dynamically change?04:25
Xenocidethey are both on the same machine04:25
majoridioti just saw that04:25
majoridiotlook at your older logs and find other crashes... see if there is any similarities04:26
Xenocideall my roomies are still bitching quality isnt' as good as the tv04:30
majoridiotdid you adjust the capture resolution?04:31
majoridiotthen tell yer roommates to piss off.04:48
majoridiotcan *you* see a noticeable difference?04:48
Xenocidewow im not checking thsi window at all LOL05:37
majoridiotum.. nope.05:37
majoridiotwhat tuner?05:37
majoridiotusing a splitter on the cable?05:44
=== Xenocide^ [n=xeno@rrcs-70-60-97-150.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== majoridiot is calling it a night for guide work
majoridiottime to kick back and relax...05:56
majoridiotgot a few more new pages started... plugins included.06:00
majoridiotsuperm1: when you get a chance, here's another of the new pages from today: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythVideo06:00
superm1ah nice majoridiot06:30
superm1sorry for the delay06:30
superm1just finishing up senior design stuff06:31
=== majoridiot knew you were occupied
majoridiotstarting to fill in the blanks a little06:31
superm1i wish that feisty was coming out a few months later06:31
superm1so that there didnt have to be this hectic rush06:31
superm1to get last minute stuff in06:31
majoridiotwell, there's always G-g G.06:32
superm1G-g G?06:32
majoridiotwhatever comes next... G06:32
superm1oh you mean feisty +106:32
superm1i wonder when they decide on the title06:32
majoridiotgrumpy goana?06:33
superm1well i think grumpy kinda adds a negative connotation though?06:33
majoridiothehe.  yup.06:33
=== majoridiot suspects that's why he's not in charge of naming
majoridiotgiddy gifelte?06:34
superm1well right when i put my first packages up on my mythtv repo for feisty06:34
superm1the description was06:34
superm1packages designed for a mighty deer overlord06:35
majoridioti did see that06:35
superm1so they better get something good, i need to remain my whittiness06:35
majoridiotwhen do you think the feisty guide links should go on the main page?06:36
superm1at or later than release candidate06:36
superm1i say we make that the goal date to have them ready by06:36
majoridiotis there an eta on rc?06:37
superm1on the feisty schedule06:37
superm1let me see if i can find a link06:37
superm1so by april 12th06:37
superm1gives about two weeks06:38
majoridiotnot bad06:38
superm1to have everything ready by06:38
superm1i'm not sure mythbuntu will be ready in time though06:38
majoridioti was thinking around 2 weeks06:38
superm1imbrandon still hasn't got all the webspace stuff squared away06:38
superm1and jetsradiem is having lots of troubles with ubiquity06:38
superm1so it might have to be staggered to be a post feisty release06:38
majoridiotno need to rush it06:39
superm1i'm not sure if Daviey got the splashes redone yet either06:40
superm1haven't heard from 'im in a few days06:40
majoridiothe was in earlier06:40
superm1oh i'll have to read the log then06:40
superm1well i gotta run.  i have to catch the last bus back from campus06:41
superm1have a good night.  catch up with ya tomorrow06:41
majoridiotstart looking appx 2: 30 pm central.06:41
majoridiotrelaxin time..06:42
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=== Xenocide [n=xeno@rrcs-70-60-97-150.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
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superm1hey jono05:06
superm1jono, i wanted to ask you on the liklihood of sponsorship to UDS?05:07
superm1any ideas?05:07
jonosponsorships have already been decided I am afraid05:07
superm1oh thats a shame :(05:08
superm1is next UDS in the states by chance?05:08
superm1jono, was there an application process for it, or moreover, was there a lot handed out?05:10
jononot sure where the next UDS is05:10
jonowe generally hand pick people05:10
jonowho are working on particular projects05:10
superm1jono, well mythbuntu should be further along by next UDS, so perhaps there will be more of a chance for sponsorship next time around then :)05:11
superm1imbrandon, are you here?05:13
superm1keescook, what do you think about bug 86358?05:20
superm1ubotu, didn't get it.  odd: try again: bug #8635805:21
ubotuMalone bug 86358 in user-setup "user-setup allows mythtv to be chosen for a username" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8635805:21
superm1keescook, nvm.  i pinged cjwatson and he said he'd add it05:27
keescooksuperm1: cool05:32
superm1this being the case, the only package that we will have that is non ubuntu servers will be ubiquity05:32
superm1i can pull user-setup from our bzr branc05:33
=== Xenocide^ [n=xeno@rrcs-70-60-97-150.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== Xenocide^ is now known as Xenocide
_MMA_The next UDS looks like it will be in Boston, Massachusetts (USA)05:57
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=== Chadarius [n=Chadariu@c-71-228-30-253.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv

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