
Daisuke_Idoupgrading to feisty from edgy via the command line?12:13
Daisuke_Ido...why not just use the upgrade tool?12:14
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RoyB72yorokobi restart now?12:14
YorokobiRoyB72, here's where ctrl-alt-backspace comes into play. That key combo will kill X and kdm will try to restart it. If it doesn't work, you'll know :)12:14
Flosoftwell I did try to use apt-get dist-upgrade12:14
Flosoftbut these packages always fail12:14
Daisuke_Idonot the same thing12:14
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Daisuke_Idocheck out http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions12:14
Daisuke_Idoerr, wrong url12:15
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YorokobiFlosoft, did you use apt-get -f -y dist-upgrade ?12:15
LightGunstill noone with any idea about saving nvidia-settings12:15
Flosofteh ... no12:15
RoyB72yorokobi, k.. so I ctrl-alt-bs now?12:15
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YorokobiRoyB72, yep. See ya! :)12:15
Daisuke_Idothere we go12:15
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:15
LightGunI would use normal nvidia-glx if the videos wouldn't lag around with beryl12:16
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Daisuke_Idoi thought normal nvidia-glx was up to 9755 now12:16
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WaxyFreshkmix is showing no sound mixer or whatever its called,like whatever alsa is12:17
LightGunI still had som 8xxx with normal nvidia-glx12:17
nosrednaekimWaxyFresh: ok, whats your sound chipset?12:17
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LightGunbut besides the lagging videos everything works fine on 8xxx12:18
nosrednaekimLightGun: are you usinf xvmc?12:18
LightGunxvmc? whats that12:18
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nosrednaekimLightGun: thats the proprietary Nvidia video accelerator12:19
LightGundidn't know that12:19
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WaxyFreshnosrednaekim: lspci didint show it12:20
nosrednaekimLightGun: you can select it in a list of drivers in Kaffeine12:20
WaxyFreshnosrednaekim: is there another way?12:20
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YorokobiSuccess or Failure, RoyB72 ?12:20
RoyB72:( nope..12:20
nosrednaekimWaxyFresh: lspci didn't show it? at all? pastebin the output...12:20
RoyB72back where we started12:21
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arkaitz_anyone knows how can I update or install other keyboard/mouse drivers? they are connected through PS/2 (HP mouse/Keyboard and Kubuntu doesnt detect them)12:21
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:21
premier_hello, Im trying to install a tarball, but I wont install because I need a c++ compiler, so I go to apt-get and aptitude to install g++, but they both ask for the edgy CD. I dont have it. How can I force them to get the packages from repositories?12:21
Yorokobiarkaitz, were you using PS/2 kb/mouse when the computer booted? or USB?12:21
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LightGundo you really wanna tell me, that your nvidia-settings are always saved by themselves12:22
YorokobiRoyB72, hmmm ... I'm out of ideas. That usually works for me12:22
astarothich brauche hilfe beim ati treiber12:22
WaxyFreshnosrednaekim: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/13037/12:22
nosrednaekimLightGun: what?12:22
WaxyFreshnosrednaekim: probly just didint recognize it12:23
astarothi need some help by ati driver12:23
Yorokobi!de | astaroth12:23
ubotuastaroth: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:23
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Daisuke_Idowhatever i did made beryl hate me with a passion12:23
LightGunI would wanna know, when you set up your nvidia-settings, do the configs stay after reboot?12:23
YorokobiYeah, sorry RoyB72.12:23
nosrednaekimLightGun: what settings... the xorg file? or elsewhere?12:24
LightGunthe nvidia-settings12:24
RoyB72yorokobi... I'll think of something, or get help elsewhere... that anyway12:24
nosrednaekimWaxyFresh: try running the same command as root, see if it gives you something else...12:24
RoyB72*thx anyway12:24
YorokobiRoyB72, np.12:24
nosrednaekimLightGun: I'm not really familiar with nvidias...12:24
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YorokobiCiao all12:24
nosrednaekimthey probably should stay12:24
LightGunbut they don't, this is also mentioned by nvidia themselves12:25
WaxyFreshnosrednaekim: same,hardware problem?12:25
LightGunsee it in 4.)12:25
nosrednaekimWaxyFresh: you SHOULD have an intel sound card in there....does it work in windows?12:26
WaxyFreshnosrednaekim: its on board if that helps,probly not12:26
WaxyFreshnosrednaekim: dont know this computer hasent run windos in 4 years12:26
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Daisuke_Idothis is getting ridiculous :(12:27
wilmananny poeple with experience with audacity?12:27
Daisuke_Idoreconfigured xserver-xorg12:27
wilmani want to record and playback at the same time12:27
wilmanbut it laggs teribly12:27
qsuyes wilman12:27
WaxyFreshnosrednaekim: its a bunch of computers i threw together when my laptop broke the other day,theyve just been sitting in my attic12:27
Daisuke_Idomaybe now i can launch beryl12:27
nosrednaekimWaxyFresh: probably a hard ware problem if its that old12:27
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LightGunaren't u able to launch beryl?12:27
nosrednaekimWaxyFresh: go try a different MB12:27
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qsulaggy in what way wilman12:29
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WaxyFreshnosrednaekim: thanks for the help,not gon thru all that trouble i had problems witht he only other mother bored i have besides a 28612:29
wilmanuu how to explain12:29
wilmanit hicks12:29
wilmanthe sound12:29
wilmanon of on of on of12:29
arkaitz_anyone knows how can I update or install other keyboard/mouse drivers? they are connected through PS/2 (HP mouse/Keyboard and Kubuntu doesnt detect them)12:29
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Daisuke_Idowell it didn't blow up this time :(12:29
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nosrednaekimarkaitz_: what? the keyboard and mouse don't work?12:30
qsuoke, well you have to configure your system12:30
WaxyFreshcan anyone see a problem with installing the ubuntu server ver 5.10 then useinh aptitude to install the kubuntu desktop then upgrading to dapper?12:30
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qsuwich version do you use wilman12:30
arkaitz_nosrednaekim:  yeah they dont work12:30
qsubtw there is an audacity channel overhere12:30
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nosrednaekimWaxyFresh: I don't think that'd be a problem...12:31
premier_has anybody had any experience with kdevelop?  Im trying to write a kicker applet, and for some reason the "hello world" applet wont compile12:31
nosrednaekimarkaitz_: do they work in Windows?12:31
wilmanqsu: let me see12:31
qsu /join #audacity12:31
WaxyFreshnosrednaekim: because thats what i did then alot of stuff was missing,adapt konversation half the sstuff on the menu the whole sys menu etc12:31
arkaitz_nosrednaekim: yeah12:32
LightGunok, good night, Im gonna to bed now12:32
qsume too adios everybody night night12:32
nosrednaekimWaxyFresh: install kubuntu-desktop12:32
WaxyFreshthanks byby all12:32
wilmanqsu: 1.2.412:32
qsuwell join audacity and ask overthere i am going to bed right now12:32
qsui am sorry wilman but i had a rough day12:33
wilmanyes me too12:33
wilmanhaha me too;)12:33
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qsuoke, well see you tommorow then12:33
qsunight night and goodluck12:33
Daisuke_IdoerrorAIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable12:33
Daisuke_Idothat can't be right :\12:33
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Ido: still fighting beryl?12:33
Daisuke_Idooh, it was working great until i tried to adjust refresh rates12:34
Daisuke_Idonow it says i'm using the nv driver :(12:34
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Ido: why did you do that?12:34
Daisuke_Idobecause i'm an idiot and like to play with things :)12:34
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jarnDaisuke_Ido: Story of my life.12:36
sierra-xokay, perhaps this will work better from a console12:36
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sierra-xthis is not cool12:37
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Daisuke_Idoi win.12:38
nosrednaekimgot it back?12:38
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Daisuke_Idowon't know for a minute12:39
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Daisuke_Idothat's starting to bother me12:41
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Daisuke_Idokonversation starts every time i restart x12:41
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jarnAdept Notifier just tells me when I have updated packages, correct? It's not a big deal if I stop it from running on startup?12:43
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Ace2016Hi all12:43
Ace2016can someone help me with an icon problem12:43
mastermanx_how do u open exes12:43
Ace2016i edited the icon set and the change isn't sticking12:43
Ace2016you can't this is linux, you have to run wine12:44
jarnmastermanx_: You need Wine to open an exe in Linux since exes are used in Windows.12:44
Ace2016wine will run the exe in linux12:44
neptunepinkubotu | mastermanx_12:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mastermanx_ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:44
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.12:44
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Ace2016some apps run ok but stuff like games won't work at all or barely12:44
arkaitz_a good text editor such us notepad ++ for programming?12:44
Daisuke_Idoarkaitz_: kate12:44
nosrednaekimarkaitz_: kate12:45
Daisuke_Idostereo :)12:45
jarnAce2016: Actually, some games work quite well. From what I've heard Steam-based games and WoW work great. And I know first-hand that Guild Wars works as well as can be expected.12:45
Ace2016does kate have tabs12:45
mastermanx_u guys dont know how to open exes12:45
Daisuke_Idoit has something similar (left pane with all open files)12:45
nosrednaekimAce2016: thats a good question.... no... but it something cimilar12:45
Daisuke_Idomastermanx_: use WINE12:45
jarnmastermanx_: You have to use a program called Wine.12:45
mastermanx_wine hmm12:45
jarn!wine | mastermanx_12:45
ubotumastermanx_: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.12:45
nosrednaekimmastermanx_:use WINE12:45
Ace2016jarn: oh interesting, i was thinking of stuff based on direct x, thought you had to get cedaga to play those12:45
nosrednaekimoh wow... were good Daisuke_Ido ;)12:46
Daisuke_IdoAce2016: nope, wine is making leaps and bounds12:46
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jarnAce2016: Nope. Some DirectX games work in Wine. Not all and they don't all work perfectly, but some do.12:46
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jarnAce2016: I've heard Steam-based games and WoW get the same framerates in Linux as in Wine. Guild Wars gets 5-10 less but as long as your hardware is semi-decent it shouldn't be enough to harm performance.12:47
mastermanx_is wine12:47
mastermanx_is adept12:48
Daisuke_Idoit is, but.12:48
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Daisuke_Idouse the winehq repository, it's far more up to date12:48
Ace2016synaptic is the true master of packages12:48
mastermanx_so how do i type that in adept12:48
mastermanx_sudo adpt12:48
Daisuke_Idomy kdm login screen is friggin ugly (320x240) now :(12:49
raffytaffywhoaa thats small!12:49
mastermanx_dia where i get it at12:49
raffytaffywhat did u do12:49
Daisuke_Idomastermanx_: go to winehq.com and look there12:49
raffytaffysudo apt-get install wine12:49
Daisuke_Idoraffytaffy: i touched it.  i'm not machine-compatible (extra points for getting the reference)12:49
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mastermanx_o its not on12:49
Daisuke_Idoraffytaffy: that's not the latest though12:49
raffytaffyDaisuke_Ido sounds like pebkac hehe:P12:50
raffytaffyi only use wine for one application. im not worried about it beign up to date:P12:50
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Ace2016but it might not run well on the older version12:51
Daisuke_Idoraffytaffy: jurassic park.12:51
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raffytaffybad movie ..funny example12:51
Daisuke_Idookay, still claims i'm using the nv driver :(12:51
nosrednaekimdidyou switch it to nvidia?12:52
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mastermanx_not working good for me shit12:53
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Daisuke_Idothat wasn't pleasant.12:55
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mastermanx_im y12:58
mastermanx_trying to install wine12:58
mastermanx_not working12:58
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cotyi'm getting closer to having beryl12:59
dragonhi there12:59
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cotyi thought that i installed it01:00
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dragonwow i didnt expect to get an answer01:00
Daisuke_Idoi'm going to cry.01:00
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dragonplease dont01:00
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dragonwell, i dont see anyone chat..01:01
Daisuke_Idopeople are around, believe it or not01:01
mastermanx_hey dia01:01
mastermanx_i try follwing direction not wokring01:01
cotywell i installed beryl01:01
Daisuke_Idoi'm just struggling with my own personal demons :)01:01
dragonmama mia..01:01
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eeanmDaisuke_Ido: You can do it!01:01
cotyproblem is that there is no button or anything beryl01:01
mastermanx_nix is hard01:01
cotyi have one button it say bery settup manager01:02
eeanmyea you want to run that ;)01:02
cotythen what01:02
eeanmthen right click the icon that comes up01:02
eeanmand change to the beryl window manager01:02
cotythat't the problem01:02
Daisuke_Idoeeanm: i'm starting to doubt that01:02
cotythere is on icon that comes up01:03
eeanmDaisuke_Ido: alcohol is not your master, just own the problem01:03
cotyi only beryl settings manager01:03
eeanmcoty: your looking in your system tray?01:03
Daisuke_Idoeeanm: who said anything about alcohol?  i just want to get my nvidia drivers back in working order01:03
cotybut it is not there01:03
eeanmDaisuke_Ido: well you said personal demons, I just assumed.01:03
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eeanmcoty: ok, well run beryl-manager then01:04
cotydont have it either01:04
dragoncu u guys!01:04
szymek_jest tu kto01:04
cotyi only have beryl settings mananger01:04
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dragoni'll leave..01:04
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eeanmcoty: your doing tab-completion?01:04
LjL!pl | szymek_01:04
ubotuszymek_: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl01:04
eeanmhow do you know you don't have it01:04
cotyeeanm: its no were to be found01:04
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cotyeeanm: i even tried katapult01:05
eeanmcoty: apt-get install beryl-manager01:05
Daisuke_Idoberyl-manager is an independent package01:05
Daisuke_Idothere you go :D01:05
cotyeeanm: i did htat01:05
cotyeeanm: it said i had the latest package01:05
nosrednaekimthen run "beryl-manager"01:06
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cotynosrednaekim: i cant01:06
cotynosrednaekim: its no were to be found01:06
BluesKajbloody eye candy01:06
eeanmcoty: how are you running the command?01:06
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eeanmwe don't know what you mean by "no where to be found"01:06
cotyeeasnm: which command01:06
eeanmberyl-manager !01:07
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cotyeeanm: i have looked in the kmenu i have done alt+ f201:07
cotyeeanm: and i have tried katapult01:07
eeanmrun dpkg -L beryl-manager01:07
eeanmfrom konsole01:07
eeanmpersonally I don't think you have it installed :)01:07
cotyeeanm: ok01:07
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cotyeeanm: weird01:08
cotyeeanm: i wonder why i cant find it01:08
Daisuke-Idowell i have my desktop back at the proper resolution01:08
eeanmcoty: ...run the apt-get01:08
eeanmyou see it listed?01:08
eagles0513875im haveing real issues tweaking video settings in WoW01:08
eagles0513875alpha u into clustering01:08
eeanmyou probably misspelled beryl then ;)01:08
eagles0513875ee that is right01:08
eagles0513875eeanm: u might not have repository01:09
cotyeeanm: i see a list01:09
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cotyeeanm: what if i uninstall it then reinstall01:11
eeanmcoty: that will do... jackshit :)01:11
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cotyeeanm: ok01:11
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FringeJacketcoty beryl still not working?01:12
aaroncampbellcan AmaroK play video podcasts as well as audio?01:12
cotyfrigejacket: nope01:12
aaroncampbellThe podcast is offered as Quicktime, Theora, WMV, and Xvid01:12
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Daisuke-Idoaaroncampbell: no01:12
aaroncampbellWhat do you use for video podcasts?01:12
cotyfrigejacket: its stilll no were to be found01:12
Daisuke-Idopersonally, i don't, but since vidcasts are just rss feeds...01:13
FringeJacketyou misspelled my nick, but thats just strange01:13
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Daisuke-Idopray for me01:13
eeanmcoty: in konsole if you type beryl and then press tab twice, what shows up?01:13
Daisuke-Idoit didn't kill x this time01:13
=== eeanm curses Daisuke-Ido
BluesKajaaroncampbell, Kaffeine , VLC MPlayer ...any of those players should handle them01:13
giovaniI'm having an issue with linux recognizing all the ram my system has -- I have 4GB total, it's a new Kubuntu 7.04 install, and the OS is seeing 2.45GB (rounded) -- any ideas on what might cause this?01:13
philphotook folks, I'm formerly philfo1.  i'm starting fresh with a new install of Kubuntu and need some help/advice.01:14
cotyeeanm: this is what shows up beryl           beryl-manager   beryl-settings  beryl-xgl01:14
FringeJacketphilphoto just ask01:14
philphotogiovani, what mobo are you using?01:14
eeanmdude coty ;)01:14
giovaniphilphoto: Tyan K8WE01:14
eeanmlearn how to spell things right01:14
cotyeeanm: dude eeanm01:14
giovanithe bios claims all 4GB is working01:14
philphotomy system is SLOW01:14
cotyeeanm: what do you mean learn how to speel stuff right?01:15
philphotooh, bios says it?  that's what I was going to address.01:15
eeanmcoty: that must of been right your problem is01:15
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philphotoI'm a linux n00b but have recently been through some mobo/bios/ram issues myself01:15
cotyeeanm: so what should i do now01:15
giovaniyes, the bios sees all 4GB -- not to mention, the ram is 4 1GB sticks -- so it's not that entire sticks are not being used/recognized -- it's more like 2.5 are01:15
eeanmeeanm: now in same konsole, type m and then tab01:15
eeanmsince you can't spell manager ;)01:15
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philphotosurely someone here can help you find that memory01:16
cotyeeanm: ok01:16
Daisuke-Idookay, got everything fixed01:16
cotyeeanm: it asking yes or no01:16
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giovaniphilphoto: hopefully01:16
Daisuke-Idoberyl's working again01:16
cotyeeanm: to show 103 of something01:16
eeanmI have no idea coty01:16
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philphotoonce again folks, my system is slow and I am starting from a fresh install.01:16
Daisuke-Idothis house...  is cleeeeeeean...01:16
eeanmtype beryl-m[tab] [tab] 01:16
philphotofrom where do I start to address my speed issue?01:17
Daisuke-Idowell, what are the machine's specs?01:17
cotyeeanm: ok a list came up01:17
raffytaffyuname 1.2-rc101:17
philphotoP4 3.4GHz Extreme, 3+ GB ram01:17
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eeanmcoty: type beryl-m[tab] [tab] 01:18
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Daisuke-Idothere's no reason it should be slow, that's for sure01:18
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philphotothat's what I'm saying.01:18
giovaniI've experienced what I would consider performance issues as well01:19
giovaniand I'm on a dual opteron :)01:19
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giovanithe issues were severe with 6.10 KDE01:19
giovani7.04 is improved01:19
cotyeeanm: another list came up01:19
philphotoI don't do any 3d apps, but on my last install, we were addressing the fact that I have an ATI GC01:20
cotyeeanm: but now my screen just acted wierd01:20
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philphotowell, at one time last week, this machine was amazing.  better than it had ever been when it was WinXP01:20
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eeanmcoty: I know no idea what your smoking ;)01:20
FringeJacketcoty, is the gem in the sys tab now?01:20
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cotyeeanm: FringeJacket: nothing but now my menu and my screeen is doing nothing01:21
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__bill__how do I install subversion?01:21
jarnCan you set up a symbolic link to a symbolic link?01:21
cotyfringejacket: should i restart my computer01:22
FarSeerHello! To do a upgrade from edgy (6.10) to feisty.. do i need to edit my sources.lst or will it work with a apt-get dist-upgrade01:22
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eeanmjarn: sure I don't see why not :)01:22
FarSeercan't find it in the wiki or anywhere else :/01:22
jarneeanm: Okay, thanks. :D01:22
philphotoI do a lot of film scanning.  a few days ago when it was sorking well, I scanned a color slide at max res & was working with it like it was a small jpeg.  it was a 400MB TIFF and way easy to work with because I had so much more power to work with.  now i'm back to crappier than windows speed01:22
Daisuke_Idothis just stopped being fun01:22
cotyim restarting my computer01:23
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__bill__how do I install subversion?01:24
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Columcillesudo apt-get install subversion01:24
philphotobut to reiterate, its running horribly slow.  about 15 seconds to open konsole.01:24
FarSeersomeone please point me to some docs about upgrading to feisty01:25
Daisuke_IdoFarSeer: right in the topic01:25
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FarSeerDaisuke_Ido: oh01:25
FarSeerDaisuke_Ido: didn't see that ;)01:26
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FringeJacketFarSeer I've done it too don't worry01:26
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Daisuke_Idoyeah, it's not a problem :)01:26
philphotosince we're on the feisty topic, should I do an upgrade from edgy to feisty?  might it help me with my speed issues?01:27
__bill__sorry, but I'm a n00b...what do I do: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/13041/01:27
Daisuke_Idophilphoto: it very well might01:28
FringeJacket__bill__ first of all, don't apologize, we're here to help and don't call yourself a n00b, we don't see you that way01:28
philphotohave there been slowness problems with edgy?01:28
Daisuke_Idoif things are taking that long, could it be an issue with DMA and the hard drive, perhaps?  i don't know, i'm just throwing suggestions out there01:28
FringeJacketphilphoto mine is slow, but I blamed it on my ram01:29
FarSeerFringeJacket: any idea why it's edgy-proposed and not "feisty" ?01:29
philphotomy ram is brand new.  so is the cpu01:29
Daisuke_Ido__bill__: just run what it says01:29
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Daisuke_IdoFarSeer: edgy-proposed is like...  intermediate packages01:29
FringeJacketFarSeer why what is?01:30
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Daisuke_Ido__bill__: 'sudo apt-get install -f'01:30
Daisuke_Ido__bill__: 'sudo apt-get -f install'01:30
cotyok back01:31
FarSeerDaisuke_Ido: will it work if i just update everything, and change my sources.lst, and then a dist-upgrade ?01:31
philphotocan I just upgrade to feisty or do I need to do the whole download to CD, etc...01:31
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shiv_jwhat is a good webcasting software for linux01:31
Daisuke_Idojust follow the directions, it works great :)01:31
Daisuke_Idophilphoto: in the topic, there's a url for doing an edgy > feisty upgrade01:32
FarSeerFringeJacket: ok01:32
Daisuke_IdoFarSeer: it won't work, no, there are fundamental changes that require more than that01:32
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cotyfringejacket: im ready for the problem to go away01:33
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FringeJacketcoty, is it still not working?01:33
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philphotodoes the upgrade have holes in it though?  this is my third install & I really don't feel like going & patching things up01:33
cotyfringejacket: it still does not work01:33
Daisuke_Idophilphoto: nope, i ran it and it worked like a charm01:34
cotyi found it01:34
MK_MikeWhat would you guys think is the best html/php/css editor for linux01:34
philphotohave they found any more support for ATI GC's?01:34
Daisuke_Ido...except for the horrible crash that wiped out my primary partition01:34
philphotoI think that's my biggest problem.01:34
FringeJacketcoty, you found it? is it there?01:34
philphotoyou're kidding, of course.01:34
Daisuke_Ido...just kidding :)01:34
commshi amyrose01:34
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FarSeerDaisuke_Ido: that's how i did upgrade when i was using debian........01:35
Daisuke_IdoFarSeer: not much difference in layout for debian versions01:35
philphotobecause that only happens with windoze....01:35
philphotoheh heh heh heh01:35
Daisuke_Idoubuntu isn't debian :)01:35
Daisuke_Idophilphoto: it's true01:35
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Daisuke_Idoubuntu is *based* on debian, this is true, but they aren't interchangeable01:35
philphotosomeday, everyone will be free and there will only be two OS's01:36
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SanneMK_Mike: that's highly subjective. I do everything in Kate, but that's just a good all purpose text editor with nice syntax highlighting and good features. Other's like Quanta or Bluefish.01:36
TonrenCan anyone help me get KTorrent working?  I'm behind a packet shaper on a college campus and I Just can't freakin' download anything.01:36
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philphotoMS won't be developing either of them.  and I hope I live to see that day01:36
TehUniis k3b 1.0 included in feisty?01:36
commshi all01:36
JucatoTehUni: yes01:36
TehUniJucato: great. thanks.01:36
FringeJacketcomms hi01:36
AmyRosehi comms01:36
jordo23Does KDE have a supported FTP client besides using KGET or Konq?01:37
philphotoJucato, thanks for the help last night.  I got the job done, all is well.01:37
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Tonrenjordo23: Kftp01:37
Tonrenjordo23: Or FireFTP with Firefox01:37
comms35 male uk01:37
Jucatophilphoto: um... ok :)01:37
commswhat's up, folks?01:37
Tonrenjordo23: I'm sorry - it's called KFTPGrabber, not just KFTP01:37
philphotowell, I remember you helping me out a bit.01:37
Jucato!ftp | jordo2301:37
ubotujordo23: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd01:37
Jucato(kget actually isn't an FTP client)01:38
philphotoah, right, I was known as philfo101:38
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philphotothis is a new install.01:38
Jucatophilphoto: aaah ;)01:38
AmyRoseKGet is a download manager. It's a partial FTP client.01:38
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jarnWhenever I run anything in full screen, X changes the resolution of my entire desktop. Is there any way to prevent this?01:39
Daisuke_Idokget isn't a kde frontend for wget?01:39
Daisuke_Idothat would have made sense.01:39
philphotonow that I have this installed on a different drive all clean & shiny, can I import my settings (not packages unless that's very stable) from my old build on the other hd?01:39
TonrenHey, so, does anyone know how to improve KTorrent's performance when you're behind a packetshaper?  It's taking SOO long.01:39
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jarnIs there a different program to monitor processes besides ksysguard that is also QT based?01:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ksysguard - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:40
commswhere r u from, amy and jacket?01:41
ubotuTorrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt)  -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html01:42
FringeJacketcomms why are you asking?01:42
commsby way of intro01:43
AmyRose!offtopic | comms01:43
ubotucomms: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!01:43
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cotyi found beryl-manager01:43
FringeJacketcoty yay,01:43
cotybut when i click run my bottom bar goes away01:43
cotyand nothing happens01:43
eeanmand its still not in your system tray?01:44
cotywell if i could see my tray i could tell you01:44
cotybut when i run beryl-manager it disappears01:44
Sannejarn: I used one years ago, called qps: http://www.student.nada.kth.se/~f91-men/qps/01:45
Sannejarn: ah, it's in universe01:45
amsmith42homeIs it possible to import/export user accounts?01:46
jarnSanne: Thanks.01:46
Sannejarn: you're welcome01:46
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FringeJacketcoty aw man thats rotten01:47
cotySo now what do i do01:47
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BluesKajdump beryl01:48
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cotyBlueskaj: what do you mean01:48
BluesKajberyl causes more problems than it's worth, especially on older pcs01:48
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cotyI dont care how many problem01:48
BluesKajkubuntu runs perfectly well without it01:49
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BluesKajbetter even01:49
Slasherberyl is nice but its still beta so it crashes often01:49
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FringeJacketSlasher I haven't had any problems with mine, and coty is thhe first one I've helped install that has01:50
cotyso why is it my task bar disappears01:50
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FringeJacketidk, it confuses me greatly01:52
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cotyI'm the one dealing with it LOL so i have a masive head ache01:52
FringeJacketI know coty but I'm trying to help and failing.01:53
=== coty plays his psp until his computer desides to obey him
cotyfringejacket: your not failing my coputer is failing01:53
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RoyB72yorokobi.. looks like I fixed it.. just followed the instructions in: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia  all over again.. :)01:56
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aaroncampbellHow can I add something to my K menu?  I have Zend Studio, and I'd like to add it to the development section01:58
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Jucatoaaroncampbell: right-click on the K Menu -> Menu Editor01:59
Daisuke_Idoright-click the k-menu and Menu Ed... yeah01:59
Daisuke_Idowhat Jucato said :)01:59
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TonrenHey, so, does anyone know how to improve KTorrent's performance when you're behind a packetshaper?  I'm dyin', here.02:01
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tmbgaaroncampbell, there's also kappfinder which will search for and add applications to the menu02:02
tmbgwhere does one view/change the color depth? my xorg.conf has a "DefaultDepth" of 24 but images I look at seem to be using a lower depth.02:03
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BluesKajTonren, looked in ktorrent options /settings ...don't see anything that applies except perhaps setting the ports :(02:06
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tmbgwow, ok, very odd. I seem to be having the same problem as this guy: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=84229 (on edgy eft, with nvidia 7800 gtx using nvidia driver)02:08
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tmbgit's really a shame. I could have erm. used the higher color depth earlier. for um. "stuff"02:11
RoyB72anyone knows how to get audio to work? it dissapeared after I installed nvidia, downloaded audio driver but when I try to compile, it comes up with an error saying: memalloc.c:49: error: expected ')' before string constant02:12
K`zanCan anyone tell me how to build initrd.img for a new kernel?02:13
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RoyB72anyone knows a good ftp server?02:19
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peanutbRoyB72, proftpd is great, in my opinion02:20
RoyB72thx.. I'll try that one02:20
Slasherhow about a good ftp client that allows fxp and ssl connections?02:20
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Slashersorta like flashfxp or ultrafxp02:21
Slasherthey both wont run in crossover :(02:21
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kendworkhey there02:22
kendworki'm trying to PXE install fiesty beta on my wife's shiny new refurbished X41 tablet02:22
kendworki'm at the Software Selection part of the install, and choose "Kubuntu desktop"02:23
kendworkit brings up a progress bar for a moment, then goes: "An installation step failed. [yada yada yada] "02:23
kendworkhrm, maybe i should go back and look for an alt mirror?02:23
kendworkin the meantime, anyone know where to find the EXACT errors?02:24
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odin__i give any sort of real output after saying it failed?02:24
kendworkno, just that i can go back and pick a different step, if i want to02:25
kendworki tried skipping to the grub install step, but... no grub yet! :(02:25
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kendworkwoah, suddenly the archive i WAS using (US) is a Bad archive mirror :(02:26
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odin__try another mirror02:26
odin__maybe european02:26
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kendworkhrm, tried both UK ones02:27
kendworkdid fiest _just_ go non-beta!? :)02:27
_tintin_salut les couche tard02:27
odin__i thought it was still beta :$02:27
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_tintin_une question si je peux me permettre ...02:28
odin__tis still beta :p02:28
_tintin_comment on faait pour lire un docbook ?02:28
kendworkhost name failure02:28
kendworknetwork wonked out here for a sec, but i guess i didn't notice02:28
kendwork... ran route, can get to outside workd02:29
odin__you may have corrupted a file during the download02:29
kendworkdrat. same ol'02:29
kendwork"An installation step failed."02:30
kendworksuppose i should ask in #ubuntu, too/instead02:30
odin__yer :] 02:30
odin__sorry i wasnt much help, havnt found any1 with similar problems in the forums yet02:31
kendworknp, thx02:31
=== philphoto [n=philphot@c-69-141-203-249.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
philphotousing the new kubuntu feisty install wizard, the page says there is a bug and to quit Adept.  WHEN do I quit adept?02:32
philphotoanyone?  anyone?02:34
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kendworkphilphoto - only just trying to install feisty via PXE onto a freshly bought laptop02:35
kendworkhaven't played with the feisty upgrade wizard02:36
philphotoI'm just looking for someone to give me a proper interpretation of: "mportant: there is a bug in the tool, you need to quit Adept after it has started."02:36
kendworkah - Ctrl+Alt+F4 is showing me log output02:36
kendworkThAT's what I wondered about :)02:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bind - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:37
kendworkquit adept after the wizard started?02:37
eilker!dns > eilker02:37
philphotoI tried.  it won't stop.  I could kill it in Konsole, but would the wizard still run?02:37
philphotoanyone out there who has gotten this installer to work properly?02:38
kendworkno idea; never used the wizard :(02:38
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kendworkin-target: Unexpected error; command not executed: 'sh -c ...; export ...; .... tasksel --new-install --debconf-apt-from 20 --debconf-apt-to 850 --...02:40
philphotojforonda:  totally off topic, but you wouldn't happen to be from north of LA would you?02:40
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scottyAlright, question.02:45
philphotoDaisuke_Ido:  you mentioned you ran the Feisty install wizard & it worked fine.02:45
scottyI just installed apache (along with MySql, PHP, and everything else the wiki artical said to). It won't let me save anything to /var/www/ ... It says I don't have permissions. It says that root has ownership over it. How can I give myself write permissions?02:46
philphotosudo before commandline02:47
scotty(I used sudo apt-get install apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server to install it, if that makes any difference)02:47
philphotosudo is SuperUserDO as far as I've learned.  you're taking control at that point.02:47
=== kendwork manually apt-get install's grub in the /target chroot
scottyI just want to be able to save things to /var/www/ (for example, in Eclipse), so I can just go to localhost/whatever/whatever.php to view it.02:48
hitmanWillyscotty: chown the folder to yourself02:48
scottyhitmanWilly: How?02:48
scottyI'm fairly green with Linux.02:49
kendworksudo chown your_username.your_group /var/www/02:49
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kendworkyour group is probably also your username02:49
kendworkthat's the sledge-hammer approach :)02:49
scottysudo chown scotty.scotty /var/www/ ?02:49
hitmanWillyscotty: that should work02:50
kendworkthe more Un*xy way to do it would be to make sure your user account belongs to some group that can write into /var/www/02:50
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kendworklike 'webmaster' or something.  dunno what, if anything, is already set up for that in ubuntu02:50
philphotoanyone out there help me with interpreting the upgrade page bug?02:50
kendworknot using it for web stuff ATM02:50
kendworkfitawav - don't say that :)02:50
kendworkthis laptop didn't come with a WinXP disc :)02:51
kendworknot that i think my wife cares02:51
philphotomy friend from work is going to upgrade his family's computers to kubuntu & just tell them it's Vista  :D02:52
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FringeJacketphilphoto thats funny02:52
philphotohe said that his family doesn't want to put the effort into linux & I told him to config the appearance like Win Vista & just lie to them.02:53
hitmanWillyconsidering that the "new look" is ripped straight from KDE and macs, should work02:53
philphotoof course, they'd be the only people never complaining about Vista then either, saying how great it was...02:53
scottykendwork: I'd do that, except root owns /var/www/ and I don't want to add myself to the root group02:54
philphotohitmanWilly:  I was philfo1 last night but did a new install today on a separate drive to try to take care of my super slow issue02:54
hitmanWillyphilphoto: how did it go, sorry if i left you hanging :(02:55
philphotono worries.02:55
philphotoI went to sleep.  nothing gets done under extremes of stress.02:55
philphotogot up after a few hours of rest, did the photo job, delivered the  products & now I'm trying to start fresh.02:56
gdiebelscotty: use fish kioslave or sshfs as root and that way you can save to /var/www from eclipse or whatever02:56
scottygdiebel: explain a little further? lost me a bit, sorry02:57
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philphotobut I NEED to know how to interpret something in the feisty upgrade url: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDistUpgrade02:57
gdiebelwell if you are using a kde app such as kate or kdevelop, the fish kioslave (fish://root@localhost allows a userspace program to save files as root02:58
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gdiebelit is easier than sudoing since the program is still userspace02:58
gdiebelsince eclipse as you mentioned you are using does not use kio, sshfs will do the trick02:59
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gdiebelsshfs root@localhost:/var/www ~/www02:59
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=== genii sips a large black coffee
hansenscotty: why not just chgrp -R www /var/www and add yourself to the www group ?03:03
hansenor whatever group /var/www already is owned by03:03
=== sonoftheclayr [n=luke@C-59-101-159-206.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
philphotohow many people here have upgraded to feisty?03:03
sonoftheclayrphilphoto: im doing it now03:04
philphotoare you using the wizard?03:04
sonoftheclayryeah, it just started03:04
Daisuke_Idophilphoto: whatcha need?03:04
philphotoso, when & how is it we quit adept after it starts?03:04
hansenphilphoto: I'll do when it's released03:05
philphotoyou mentioned to just follow the instructions & run the wizard to upgrade to feisty03:05
Daisuke_Idoonce the upgrader launces, close adept (before it starts installing stuffs03:05
philphotoI can't.03:05
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philphotokill it in konsole?03:05
Daisuke_Idoi just closed normally03:05
hansenwhat are the new major features in feisty? Besides the novelty of newer packages in general I mean03:05
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Daisuke_Idoi think the issue is with cleanup, i think03:06
philphotoeither way, I can't get out of adept.03:06
geniihansen More hardware recognised, some other stuff cleaned up so it runs faster overall03:06
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philphotoIv'e had enough problems with my last install of kubuntu, I don't want to go through that again03:06
Daisuke_Idoi wouldn't know :(03:06
hansennew installer it seems, and some "Guidance power manager"03:06
DaSkreechFeisty ftu!03:06
DaSkreechMy sound is all scratchy :-(03:07
sonoftheclayri installed a clean edgy on a different partition just to upgrade and test it our before i do on my main install03:07
philphotohave you got it done?03:07
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DaSkreechcoty: Hello03:08
philphotoI can't close adept, the wizard is running on it.03:08
sonoftheclayrphilphoto finish the wizard and adept will close itself before the distribution upgrade tool comes up03:08
philphotolooks like it worked03:09
cotydaskreech: hey03:09
philphoto*fingers crossed03:09
DaSkreechsonoftheclayr: Of who?03:10
sonoftheclayrDaSkreech huh?03:10
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DaSkreechSon of who?03:10
sonoftheclayrhaha the clayr, ever read garth nix's old kingdom trilogy?03:11
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DaSkreechDoes he have a wiki page?03:11
sonoftheclayrgood books03:11
DaSkreechJucato: Yo03:11
JucatoDaSkreech: yo03:12
=== genii prods Jucato with a ruler to see if he's alive
DaSkreechFeisty or bust :-)03:12
geniiHeh :)03:12
aaroncampbellHow can I make firefox my default browser in Kubuntu?03:12
Jucatogenii: offering a cup of coffee or tea would yield the same results :)03:12
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=== genii offers Jucato first chance at the coffeepot
Jucatoaaroncampbell: 1) System Settings -> Default Applications -> Web Browser03:13
aaroncampbellI seemed to be konqueror until I added galeon03:13
Jucatoaaroncampbell: 2) "sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser" in Konsole03:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about defaults - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:14
aaroncampbellIt says "In an application based on the contents of the URL"03:14
aaroncampbellDoes that mean that it currently uses different browsers for different things?03:14
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Jucatoaaroncampbell: just put there "firefox"03:15
Menahow the Cdrom1 and 0 look like on kubuntu03:15
Daisuke_Idophotos will open in a photo viewer, urls in firefox, email addresses in kmail, etc03:15
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Menain the fstab03:15
Menathere lines03:15
Daisuke_Idobut yeah, replace with "firefox"03:15
Daisuke_Idoer, urls in KONQUEROR, my mistake.03:15
Menaany one03:16
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JucatoMena: /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,atime,noauto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 003:17
Jucatothat's mine03:17
Daisuke_Idomena: /dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       003:17
Menajucato, ok Daisuke_Ido, ok (Thanks)03:18
MenaBec there is something wrong on fiesty03:18
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Daisuke_Idothere is?03:20
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ufo_hi guys03:27
scottyOne more question03:27
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:27
scottyI have MySQL installed. How do I add a database?03:27
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scottyI wasn't really asking to ask a question, just stating that I had one more, and proceeded to type it. :)03:28
=== _4strO [n=cedric@AStrasbourg-253-1-10-166.w81-51.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechYeah we don't have a !state03:28
geniiscotty You use mysqladmin. For more info on it, do "man mysqladmin" for all the options and syntax03:28
DaSkreechscotty: read the man page?03:29
geniialso createdb if no database dir exists yet03:29
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Daisuke_Idono !state?  i disagree.  !confusion is a pretty common one :)03:30
=== satempler [n=satemple@ip68-99-151-158.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
ufo_hey...i've installed eciadsl driver for my usb modem03:31
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ufo_now...everytime i want to use internet i must call the line eciadsl-config-text03:31
ufo_and then eciadsl-start03:31
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ufo_so....how can i start internet without reconfiguration of modem?03:32
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ufo_for example, can i use a command and load the configuration to use modem?03:32
satemplerhow do i rename a whole bunch of *.jpg's to "album art.jpg" all the jpegs are in many different directories03:32
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ufo_please help me03:32
intelikeyman eciadsl-config-text     does it not give a default config file ?03:32
satemplerof course this is in the console03:33
ufo_yes...it give a config file03:33
ufo_and so?how can i use it?03:33
intelikeyso save your config there03:33
satemplerI would like to do this with 1 command03:33
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DaSkreechufo_: write one03:33
DaSkreechsatempler: Eh? how do you give multiple files the same name?03:34
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satemplerDaSkreech: multiple .jpegs in different dir03:35
DaSkreechsatempler: one jpg per dir?03:35
satemplerDaSkreech: almost03:35
satemplerDaSkreech: it's album03:35
intelikeysatempler you can string as many commands togather as you need to     blah && blah || blah ; blah     the && will exec blah only if the former cammand was successful   the || only if not successful and ; either way.03:35
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DaSkreechintelikey: tell him about for loops as well :)03:36
satemplerintelikey: yes I know03:36
satemplerintelikey: what command do I use03:36
satemplerintelikey: what options,03:36
intelikeycp  or  mv03:36
DaSkreechsatempler: mv03:37
intelikeybetter to play with cp cause you don't loose them that way if your string doesn't do what you thought it would.03:37
=== ahlalo_elyon [n=elyon@c-71-205-65-72.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
satemplerok so cp ~/Music/*.jpg ~/Music/album\ /art.jpg03:37
intelikeyif you want them all in  "~/Music/album\ /"   then yes03:38
ahlalo_elyonWhat can I do when all my internet apps stop working?  For some reason, Firefox, Kopete, and others act like there is no internet connection (and yet I'm here on IRC and can run apt-get update without a problem)03:38
satempleris there a recursuve option03:38
ufo_ehy guy...if i use command: sudo wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf03:38
ufo_no modem will be find!!!!03:38
intelikeysatempler yes.  man cp03:38
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satemplerintelikey: ya got it now03:39
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sonoftheclayrahlalo_elyon panic?03:39
scottyAlright, here's what I need. I installed Apache/MySQL/PHP on Kubuntu. I want to install Wordpress to /var/www/ so I can skin it offline. I need to create a database for that. Can someone give me the exact command I need? I read the man mysqladmin page, and I even got a front end (KMySQLAdmin), but I have no idea what to do. This is a little over my head.03:39
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DaSkreechahlalo_elyon: blacklist ipv603:39
ahlalo_elyonsonoftheclayr: Helpful... thanks.03:39
intelikeyufo_ build one.      sudo wvdialconf > /etc/wvdial.conf ;sudo nano /etc/wvdial.conf03:39
ahlalo_elyonDaSkreech: I've already done that... long ago.03:39
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DaSkreechahlalo_elyon: Panic?03:39
sonoftheclayrDaSkreech: my next suggustetion03:39
DaSkreechahlalo_elyon: Oh oh  test something for me03:39
DaSkreechahlalo_elyon: Go to a website03:40
jarnIs there anyway to create a window to contain other windows?03:40
intelikeyufo_ use that string.    but i think the default config is " /etc/wvdialrc "03:40
ahlalo_elyon...well coming here was pointless.03:40
sonoftheclayrahlalo_elyon: try konqueror i find that works sometimes when firefox doesn't03:41
intelikeyufo_ you can have user specific  ~/.wvdialrc files   and  wvdial will check for  ~/.wvdialrc and /etc/wvdialrc  by default.03:41
intelikeyahlalo_elyon what's the issue ?03:42
intelikeyhmmmm it's always pointless to come here....03:42
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satemplerok but i need the copy to stay in the dir so example i want to cp /Music/artist/album1/album1.jpg  to /Music/artist/album1/album artwork.jpg but many times in multiple dirs03:43
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=== genii hands intelikey a pointless virtual coffee
satemplerand I am not sure how to do this03:43
intelikeygenii pointlessness of pointlessnesses all is pointless  :)03:43
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DaSkreechHe didn't want to test for me :(03:44
intelikeysatempler man find03:44
geniiintelikey Well if you don't want it I'll drink it03:44
DaSkreechintelikey: very solmomonic03:45
intelikeyDaSkreech intentionally03:45
intelikeybut one mo mo in that would be mo than i could handle03:46
soulriderhi everyone03:46
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satemplerdamn is there a GUI to the find command03:46
intelikeyyes  it's in the kmenu03:47
DaSkreechsatempler: locate:/03:47
intelikeyDaSkreech that's not a gui03:47
DaSkreechCtrl+F in Konqui os :-p03:47
intelikeykonqueror is a gui   locate:/  is not.   it's  a command string applied within the gui03:48
DaSkreechwhich counts as a GUI wrapper03:48
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intelikeybut at any rate what satempler wants and i'm not willing to do for him is something like     find / -iname *.blah -exec mv '{}' /some/place \;03:50
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OneLandercan someone answer an amarok and last.fm question #amarok is really quiet right now.03:50
gdiebelintelikey: you mean semantics03:50
satemplerintelikey: thanks for some direction03:51
intelikeygdiebel did i?03:51
Daisuke_Idowell if you know how, and he doesn't, is it painful to show someone how to do something in the hopes that that person may apply that knowledge in other areas or pass it on to someone else?03:52
satemplerintelikey: i have done this before to remove any file except .mp3 and that command look like it I think I know what to do with it03:52
soulriderguys, what can i se to see what the free space on a partition is ?03:52
intelikeyOneLander you can always ask and see.03:52
DaSkreechOneLander: No clue till you ask it03:52
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DaSkreechsoulrider: df -h03:52
soulriderOneLander: you can just ask stuff here, no one will say anythign bad to you ;)03:53
intelikeysoulrider if it's mounted df if it's not you'll have to go some other woute03:53
soulriderk, cool03:53
soulriderthat command is just awesome03:53
soulriderohh, listen to this03:54
OneLanderthanks...  running amarok 1.4.3 on Ubuntu 6.06.  I just created a last.fm account, when I try to listen to my last.fm playlist I get an error saying that the only subscribers can listen.  I am one and I have verified the username and password.03:54
ufo_why in the panel of connection i find only eth0 eth1 while i use a modem usb????03:54
intelikeyufo_ kppp03:54
OneLanderKubuntu 6.06 that is03:54
soulridermy dad said he wanted to try linux out, but still keep windows to use autocad. Im getting a new computer and hes keeping mine, an di got vmware installed here, so i might be able to convinve him to just use linux and vmware, no windows installed :) just ubuntu =D03:54
sonoftheclayrOneLander have you put your username and password into the last.fm part of the amarok settings?03:54
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OneLandersonoftheclayr: yes03:55
OneLandersonoftheclayr: I have re-entered the information a couple of times too.03:55
soulriderOneLander: maybe its subscribers as in 'people that pay' =/03:55
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sonoftheclayrsoulrider it isn't because i use amarok with my last.fm account03:55
soulrideroh, ok03:56
OneLandersonoftheclayr: what version of amarok are your running?03:56
DaSkreechintelikey:  can't you df -h /dev/notmounted ?03:56
gdiebelOneLander: you should get 1.4.5 from kubuntu.org03:56
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sonoftheclayrOneLander 1.4.503:56
intelikeyDaSkreech try it and see what it does03:56
intelikeyDaSkreech short answer is no.03:57
OneLanderi might do that but I just had a thought..  maybe my password is a little to wierd for the client to handle.  i will try that03:57
DaSkreechintelikey: I'd have to unmount something :-(03:57
DaSkreechokie :)03:57
OneLanderi do have a sneaky suspicion that i will want to get the latest version though03:57
DaSkreechOneLander: randomly jumps languages?03:57
intelikeyall you will get is info on the tmpfs mounted on /dev03:57
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ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup03:58
OneLanderDaSkreech: no but i am going to try a basic password with just letters and numbers and nothing else03:58
=== OneLander [n=mike@adsl-75-60-198-49.dsl.wotnoh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechThat is one thing that I find Linux isn't great with03:59
intelikeymight be a good idea you never know what they use as delimiters03:59
DaSkreechNot sure if I should blame the file system or KDE03:59
intelikeyDaSkreech what's that ?03:59
OneLanderheh forgot that / quit does != / leave  ha!03:59
DaSkreechhaving a file that changes it's language set somewhere in the name03:59
DaSkreech Windows will open/play/assess the file ok04:00
DaSkreechLinux will freak04:00
scottyHow can I find MySQL's password?04:00
soulriderwe need to add one to the kubuntu users counter, today my classmate came to my house because he wanted to have kubuntu installe don his machine :)04:00
soulriderlets hope he does well04:00
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geniiscotty If it is a first setup it's default name/passwd is just mysql/mysql04:01
soulrider!info scilab04:02
ubotuscilab: Matrix-based scientific software package (a la Matlab and Xmath). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.0-2 (edgy), package size 4103 kB, installed size 48288 kB04:02
OneLanderdang! it was not the password04:02
=== intelikey is not a ubuntu nor linux proselitizer. let them use what they want. "but just don't bring that M$ krap around me"
soulriderlol intelikey04:02
soulriderwe asked me to install it04:02
soulriderbecause hes giving that computer to his parents04:02
intelikeyyes i caught that.04:02
ufo_kppp give this errore: invalid or uninitialized input device 16604:03
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OneLanderanyone have experience compiling amarok 1.4.5 on Kubuntu 6.06?  just asking in case I have questions.04:03
=== AmyRose [n=amyrose@user-12l2tg3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyufo_ hmmm    and   wvdial works ?04:04
wolferinewhat package is needed for compiling again??04:04
soulriderand checkinstall04:04
intelikeywork around, make a wvdial launcher on the desktop ?04:04
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OneLanderufo_: is your modem a winmodem>04:05
=== AmyRose [n=amyrose@user-12l2tg3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu
intelikey<wolferine> what package is needed for compiling <<< only gcc actually.   but build-essential is desirable04:05
OneLanderufo_: this may help -> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-207372.html04:05
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geniiwolverine Some source code may also need on occasion kernel-headers and linux-source04:07
=== Columcille grins real big and hugs VirtualBox
=== LeeJunFan [i=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeygenii yeah but if you get into build dependancies you just as well add   *-dev04:08
geniiintelikey: Yeah true :)04:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about headset - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:09
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup04:09
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intelikeyi'll bet you that every body here (that is running linux) has one thing installed that i don't.04:10
soulriderxorg :P04:11
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soulriderwhy is perl needed?04:11
intelikeyi don't need it.   heh     but a lot of the pre/post inst/rm scripts in the package configuration are written in perl04:12
CaptainApathythat reminds me..04:13
=== CaptainApathy grabs updates
=== Rebecca [n=Rebecca@220-245-168-89.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
soulrideris perl code sort of like java?04:13
intelikeyalso some system utilities    update-*   and the like04:13
soulrideryou need perl installed to run it04:13
CaptainApathysoulrider: uh... well, yes, you need an interpreter to run perl04:13
soulrideryou cant just make a binary >04:13
CaptainApathyit's not like it gets compiled down to byte code04:13
CaptainApathyno, it's a scripting language04:13
intelikeysoulrider yes perl is a scripting language04:14
soulriderahh k04:14
OneLanderperl is cool.04:14
intelikey#perl is not.04:14
OneLanderintelikey: good place to meet some nice blokes, eh?  HA!04:15
intelikeyi had a perl question so i went in  #perl to ask  (that would seem logical)  they said if you pay us we'll help you.04:15
intelikeyso i said i don't need perl on my system.04:16
OneLanderintelikey: sounds like #linux on irc.stealth.net - can be elitist but we wanted people to help themselves first.  hopefully this channel is nothing like it04:17
soulrider#kubuntu ?04:17
=== [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-101-99-158.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
soulriderno one will tell youy "google it" or "RTFM" here04:17
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soulriderthe worse you might get ios04:17
=== AmyRose_ [n=amyrose@user-12l2tg3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu
soulrider"i dont know, maybe look int he forums" -- by me :P04:17
intelikeysoulrider well i might....  but depends on the case.04:17
OneLandersoulrider: the best answer was "the internet"04:18
soulriderlol intelikey, theres allways people heree that will wanna help04:18
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prakdoes anyone know how to repair a situation with kubuntu where i can't get further than the login screen?04:18
LeeJunFanprak: mount /home :)04:19
LeeJunFanprak: did you make /home it's own partition?04:19
intelikeyOneLander yeah they in #perl didn't even offer to send me to the internet    they acted like they were the secret holders and only money would talk there...    sounded a lot like M$ to me...04:19
OneLanderprak: do you mean the X login or login:?04:19
geniiprak login to console, then issue: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kubuntu-desktop04:19
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OneLanderintelikey: oh wow, that is not good04:20
=== gdiebel [n=gdiebel@ppp-70-226-159-40.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
Jucatogenii: might be an out of disk space issue04:20
soulriderintelikey: such a pile of MS :P04:20
DaSkreechCould have messed up .kde04:20
geniiJucato, yes conceivable04:20
shaggyoafHey, all. I've got this trouble where my screensaver seems to log me out of KE so I want to turn it off, but when I load the screensaver page in kcontrol, it logs me out of KDE04:20
LeeJunFanintelikey: that's because they are so confused by their own language they don't understand HOW to help people with it. perl is the furthest thing from a jewel of a programming language I've ever seen.04:21
shaggyoafDoes anybody know what file I need to hand-edit to make this happen?04:21
LeeJunFanalthough I do like some of the regex power of it.04:21
LeeJunFaneven though it's slower than all hell.04:21
OneLanderif not perl than sed04:21
shaggyoafLeeJunFan: python also has really good regex stuff in it and I've heard good things about ruby04:21
intelikeyLeeJunFan prolly right...   all i was asking is how to get the content of $VAR to the stdout    heh04:21
shaggyoafLeeJunFan: (if you're looking for a new language)04:22
LeeJunFanI think in most cases where regex with perl looks like the way to go, one could write C code and the time it takes perl to regex will make up for the compile time of the C code.04:22
LeeJunFanshaggyoaf: don't need to sell me on python :)04:22
Daisuke_Idohmm...  why would visualboy advance not be reading my controller :\04:22
intelikeyshaggyoaf i've heard lots of hype for ruby too.04:22
shaggyoafLeeJunFan: see, that's the thing about choirs, they never need me to preach to them04:23
intelikeyoh btw i don't have python installed either04:23
shaggyoafintelikey: I've (unfortunately) been doing a lot of perl recently but I logged on after your question... Hit me again?04:23
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Daisuke_Idoi can set the gamepad layout in, say VBAExpress, the pad works in FCEU and ZSNES...  any ideas?04:24
OneLandershaggyoaf: can you type this to turn off the screensaver? xscreensaver-command -exit04:24
intelikeyshaggyoaf it was weaks ago  i was trying to fix a broken perl script on this box  and was asking how to get the variable $VAR outputed to stdout so i could test it's content....04:24
intelikeysounds simble enough.04:24
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shaggyoafOneLander: I don't know, but I'm concerned that if I try it, it'll log me out of KDE... Lemme finish with intelikey first04:25
shaggyoafintelikey: I'm guessing print "$VAR\n"; didn't work?04:25
intelikeyshaggyoaf nothing i tried worked.  but i don't know perl.   i did try print $VAR     tho04:26
OneLanderprint STDOUT "$VAR\n" would have done what you want04:26
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shaggyoafintelikey: well, it sounds like this problem is behind you. I could try to help if you still need it solved, but I'd need to ask you some questions that would probably make you look at the code04:27
OneLanderat least it should, have not coded in perl in a while04:27
intelikeyOneLander k i'll try to remember that should i ever play with $$$ perl again.04:27
OneLanderintelikey: you have have to open STDOUT before you write to it but I don't believe you have to04:28
shaggyoafintelikey: print $VAR; really should have worked, unless somebody had dup2'd and reassigned STDOUT04:28
shaggyoaf...I don't even know how to do that in perl04:28
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LeeJunFanintelikey: it's peril not perl :)04:28
OneLanders/have have/may have/04:29
shaggyoafintelikey: it's also possible thar $VAR didn't have anything in it, if you hit it again, try: print "\"$VAR\"\n";04:29
intelikeyshaggyoaf yeah and i don't have that script now nor the intreptor  now so....04:29
shaggyoafintelikey: that way if you get: "" you'll know what happened04:29
shaggyoaf<sarcasm tone="good humor">Oh! Just when I thought I could be of genuine use in the open source community!</sarcasm>04:29
intelikeyyeah i do things like   echo "$blah blah"   in bash to test things...04:30
shaggyoafintelikey: yeah, same thing. :)04:30
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shaggyoafintelikey: I've gotten fairly good at perl recently and I *did* get over my initial aversion, I don't absolutely hate it anymore but I'm still sticking with LeeJunFan... If you have a choice, I recommend you use anything but perl. :)04:31
geniiI like php better than perl04:32
=== shaggyoaf takes OneLander's advice and tries to turn off the screensaver
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=== genii waits for the onslaught
intelikeyshaggyoaf heh...  that's what i was told when i first started writting shell scripts.   "any thing but bash"   :)04:32
OneLanderbash awk and sed are the way to go!  muah!04:32
geniiOneLander: :)04:32
hitmanWillypython beats em all04:32
OneLanderfor the openbsd people out there: ksh awk and sed04:32
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geniihitmanWilly: Actually python ain't bad04:33
shaggyoafintelikey: oh, :( I like bash04:33
intelikeyOneLander bash and sed i can get along with fairly well but awk i have never tried to lern.04:33
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OneLanderintelikey: i can do about 1 simple thing with it.  never tried to use it to its fullest extent.  funny thing is i go to perl for that  :)04:33
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OneLandershaggyoaf: i guess it logged you out?04:35
shaggyoafOneLander: heh... no go :)04:35
OneLandershaggyoaf: hmm.. there has to be a way.04:35
shaggyoafit's pretty irritating, every time I leave the box for ten minutes (usually it's doing something useful), I get logged out :)04:35
intelikeywhat is the issue   (not that i'll have an answer...)  ?04:35
shaggyoafanybody know how I hand-edit my KDE configuration when the screen saver widget in kcontrol logs me out of KDE?04:36
shaggyoaf(and so does allowing the screensaver to come on)04:36
=== RoyB72 [n=royb@37.80-203-239.nextgentel.com] has joined #kubuntu
shaggyoafno file in .kde has the word 'screen' or 'saver' in its name04:36
intelikeyshaggyoaf right click the desktop  preferances  screen-saver    has option to logout or lock04:36
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shaggyoafintelikey: I'll bet that brings up the QT widget that's crashing in the first place04:37
shaggyoafintelikey: I'll try it anyway, but if I dissapear, it's not because I hate you. :)04:37
intelikeyoh yeah it will04:37
=== intelikey slow reader.
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intelikeyshaggyoaf  what version kde   and what release ubuntu ?04:38
OneLandershaggyoaf: do you have a .screensaver file in your /home drive - the other option is to Ctrl-Alt-Backspace and then kill the screensaver process04:39
shaggyoafintelikey: not sure on the version of KDE, but I'm in Feisty Beta04:39
shaggyoafOneLander: nope04:39
OneLandershaggyoaf: then again you dont even have to do Ctrl-Alt-Backspace you could just kill it04:39
cotyintelikey: i got beryl installed but it does not seem to want to work04:39
intelikeyshaggyoaf in #ubuntu+1  they may or may not be aware of this...  please mention it there.04:39
shaggyoafintelikey: good idea :)04:40
DaSkreechcoty: you got your new computer?04:40
cotyintelikey: i click on run bery-manager and my bottom bar disappears04:40
OneLandershaggyoaf: that is really weird.  i wonder if your video driver is the problem.  do you see any errors in /var/log/xorg.log.0?04:40
LeeJunFanshaggyoaf: you get logged out or do you come back to a blank screen?04:40
cotyDaSkreech: no that will be this weekend04:40
cotyblank screen04:40
=== OneLander had a bad nvidia driver that froze the PC when the screensaver started
DaSkreechThis is still the intel Video card?04:40
LeeJunFanshaggyoaf: you may be hitting the bug I'm getting here.04:40
intelikeycoty i'd like to help on that but you are out of my realm there i'm the cli guy.04:40
cotyand all aps messed up04:40
=== philphoto [n=philphot@c-69-141-203-249.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Daisuke_Idocoty: messed up how?04:41
cotylike i click on run beryl manager and my bottom task bar disappears and al my apps come up04:41
=== Bonhomme [n=victorb@203-217-36-221.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
OneLanderintelikey: have you tried using the 'vesa' driver if you are not using it?04:41
cotyand i cant do anything04:41
cotyso i have to log out04:41
Daisuke_Idoright.  messed up how?04:41
philphotoholy cow!04:42
Bonhommehey all, can anyone tell me how kubuntu sets up the floppy disk by default?04:42
intelikeyOneLander i'm sure you meant that for someone else.04:42
cotylets see04:42
Bonhommeis it /dev/fda or what?04:42
shaggyoafOneLander: nope, all looks normal in Xorg.0.log04:42
cotyi click run beryl manager04:42
OneLanderintelikey: yes i thank you04:42
cotythen i see no icon04:42
OneLandershaggyoaf: what video driver are you using?04:42
=== hitmanWilly [n=hitman@66-190-176-18.static.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
philphotoover 1.5 hours for the Feisty upgrade.04:42
cotythen all the sudden my bottom task bar disappears04:42
DaSkreechYeah it killed your window manager04:42
shaggyoafLeeJunFan: what's your bug?04:42
cotyafter that04:42
cotyeverything i had running pops up04:43
shaggyoafOneLander: whatever the latest proprietary nvidia driver from their website is04:43
OneLanderBonhomme: /dev/fd0 would be the floppy disk04:43
=== Iwonder|too [n=Iwonder@adsl-068-209-223-091.sip.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
philphotoI got an error on bootup though.04:43
cotyand i cant get out of it04:43
LeeJunFanshaggyoaf: I have a problem where kdesktop crashes (which btw is where your screensaver info is stored), as near as I can tell it requires dpms and amarok to be running - odd combo.04:43
cotyso i have to turn the computer off04:43
intelikeyphilphoto that's normal with a fast inet connection.04:43
Daisuke_Idovisual errors?04:43
DaSkreechcoty: You don't have to04:43
philphotothe application process failed on system startup.04:43
BonhommeOneLander: thanks... but it's not in /etc/fstab by default?04:43
tmbgwhen feisty goes primetime, I'll see the alert in the adept manager t hingy right?04:43
LeeJunFanshaggyoaf: .kde/share/config/kdesktoprc I think.04:43
DaSkreechcoty: You can jump to a terminal04:43
intelikeyphilphoto weaks on a slowdem04:43
cotynot sure if that is what you call it04:43
philphotobut I didn't catch which app.04:43
shaggyoafLeeJunFan: I've never even heard of dpms, what is it?04:43
cotydaskreech: how04:43
OneLandershaggyoaf: try switching to the 'vesa' driver, other than that make certain you have the correct version of the nvidia driver i fell into that trap04:43
LeeJunFanshaggyoaf: that's powersaving.04:43
DaSkreechcoty: Ok don't do anything till I tell you04:44
philphotohow can I look up my error log to see what that bootup error was?04:44
LeeJunFanshaggyoaf: when your screen goes into power saving mode.04:44
OneLanderBonhomme: /dev/fd0        /media/floppy   auto    user,noauto     0       004:44
cotyby the way someone said i should use beryl with ubuntu04:44
intelikeyphilphoto dmesg04:44
DaSkreechcoty: When you press alt+ctrl+F1 it will take you to a terminal you can login to04:44
DaSkreechcoty: You can put in any command you want there04:44
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DaSkreechcoty: Alt+Ctrl+f7 brings you back here04:44
BonhommeOneLander: that's what I had expected to see too ... but I got "mount: can't find /media/floppy in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab"04:44
shaggyoafLeeJunFan: huh... that *is* odd, does anybody know if dcop keeps logs?04:44
cotydaskreech: can i run beryl from it04:44
LeeJunFanshaggyoaf: if you can't even load the screensaver thing w/o crashing out, I'd just rm your kdesktoprc file and maybe kwinrc and relog in.04:45
=== gdiebel [n=gdiebel@ppp-70-226-159-40.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
BonhommeOneLander: and a quick look in fstab confirmed it wasn't there ... weird (no matter, I found it through the GUI)04:45
DaSkreechcoty: Not really but you can kill kdm and bring it back up04:45
intelikeyphilphoto might want to filter that.     dmesg | less    so you can scroll it.04:45
DaSkreechWithout having to reboot04:45
cotyim going to try it04:45
OneLanderBonhomme: cool04:45
LeeJunFanshaggyoaf: you'd just have to reconfig things like your background, etc.04:45
shaggyoafLeeJunFan: hmmm, I think I'd prefer to munge the screensaver section and see if that helps04:45
philphoto11 seconds to open konsole.04:45
DaSkreechcoty: try alt+ctrl+f1 and login04:45
philphotostill slow04:45
shaggyoafLeeJunFan: I might drop off in a sec :)04:45
Bonhommeok now it's failing to format this floppy disk - "unable to determine floppy geometry"04:45
DaSkreechthen Alt+Ctrl+F704:45
OneLanderBonhomme: although it should have done it for you that.  that is weird that it did not04:45
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philphotobut it definitely is faster04:46
intelikeylooks like plenty of help in here right now so i'm going to waft off like a puff of smoke in the breeze04:46
DaSkreechphilphoto: What changed?04:46
OneLanderphilphoto: did you read about the /etc/hosts edit to make some of those programs load faster?04:46
DaSkreechphilphoto: What caused the speed bump?04:46
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LeeJunFanshaggyoaf: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/13050/04:47
philphotono, haven't read that.  been trying to work with teh computer to do photo retouching.  this is my first chance in a few dyas to do any maint04:47
LeeJunFanshaggyoaf: there's my screensaver section - just blank screen w/ lock.04:47
philphotoI have no idea what made the system slow.04:47
shaggyoafLeeJunFan: well, I've now identified *my* problem... When I took the screensaver I was using out of the file you showed me and loaded kde's screensaver configurator, it didn't crash04:47
=== Derive[x] [n=Fidelio@244-173-223-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #kubuntu
OneLanderphilphoto: http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2007/03/performance-tip-for-ubuntu-edgy-and.html04:47
philphotonow that I have run: "dmesg | less"  where do I look for that error & what do I do to fix it?04:47
shaggyoafLeeJunFan: and I clicked on a couple of screensavers, but as soon as I hit one in the GL section, I got logged out. :)04:48
DaSkreechshaggyoaf: I was going to ask if it was a particualr screensaver you had configured04:48
DaSkreech it seems much more liekly to me that it's a particualr screensaver04:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opengl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:48
DaSkreechDumb Bot04:48
ubotuFor multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications04:48
LeeJunFanshaggyoaf: I wonder how you got the bad one set in the first place, it must have worked at one time :/04:48
DaSkreechLeeJunFan: not if it's on random04:49
shaggyoafLeeJunFan: Are you running any GL apps when your screensaver went down?04:49
DaSkreechshaggyoaf: I think that there is an option to not use GL screensavers04:49
shaggyoafLeeJunFan: s/screensaver/KDE session04:49
LeeJunFanDaSkreech: yeah, true.04:49
DaSkreechHa ha :-)04:49
LeeJunFanshaggyoaf: no gl on the screensaver, but I run beryl.04:49
shaggyoafLeeJunFan: yeah, I'm curious about that, too... this one was working yesterday. :)04:49
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stdinOneLander: that looks like it only apples to gnome04:50
LeeJunFanDaSkreech: if it was on random though I think it should come up on random when he clicks on the screensaver config, not go straight to crashing.04:50
shaggyoafLeeJunFan: huh... nvidia card?04:50
LeeJunFanshaggyoaf: no ATI04:50
DaSkreechLeeJunFan: Likely starts on the last one used04:50
OneLanderstdin: although i don't believe it is that specific but i do not know because i still run dapper04:51
stdinOneLander: well the bug is filed against gnome-session04:51
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OneLanderstdin: ah.. ok then i am mistaken..  either way though it seems like a rather silly bug to me04:52
LeeJunFanI did fine one screensaver related bug report recently - if you disable dpms then the selected screensaver is ignored, blank only is used, and it won't lock the screen.04:52
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stdinOneLander: blame those silly gnome devs :P04:52
OneLanderstdin: heh :)04:53
philphotook, this error I experienced on first bootup, could it negatively affect the performance of my comp?04:53
OneLanderstdin: actually i think Linus has done enough of that  HA!04:53
Bonhommebah, fdformat from terminal works. right-click format on floppy drive in GUI doesn't04:53
Bonhommemaybe I needed to have run 'setfdprm' for the GUI to work ...04:54
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DaSkreechcoty: ha ha :-)04:54
DaSkreechForgot how to get back?04:54
cotydaskreech2: no04:55
cotydaskreech: i came back and it was the same04:55
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philphotohow do I find my hostname?  is that philphoto?04:55
DaSkreechcoty: Oh right :)04:55
DaSkreechcoty: You could have asked me :-)04:55
DaSkreechthat was part two04:55
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thevhi, can someone tell me a good, easy webpage creator for KDE?04:55
cotydaskreech: well i could not get to the irc04:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ide - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:55
DaSkreechcoty: I can help you with that  as well04:56
cotydaskreech: beryl is nothing but huge pain04:56
Bonhommeo_O to be honest ubotu, that's a pretty big thing for a factoid bot not to know about04:56
DaSkreechcoty: I did tell you to get Wifi working04:56
stdinthev: Quanta is what I use, but search adept too04:56
DaSkreech!human rights04:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about human rights - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:56
cotydaskreech: I still have not done that04:56
thevI really just want a WYSIWYG editor for some simple things04:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about botkill - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:57
DaSkreechcoty: Since Beryl is driving you lets make life a little easier04:57
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...04:57
cotydaskreech: please do m04:57
DaSkreechopen a konsole04:57
Bonhommeok hands up anyone who's successfully formatted a floppy using ubuntu before ... the last time I had to format a floppy was when dos5 was cutting edge and unstable kernels were 2.1.x04:57
cotydaskreech; mkay04:57
DaSkreechsudo apt-get install irssi04:57
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cotydaskreech: mkay04:57
Bonhommethis is giving me errors on the 'verifying' stage04:57
Bonhommeon 2 discs now .. they're brand new04:58
cotydaskreech: it tells me i have the latest04:58
DaSkreechirssi -c irc.freenode.net04:58
OneLanderBonhomme: format to what format?  are you sure the drive is good?04:58
DaSkreechBonhomme: Checked you md5?04:58
BonhommeOneLander: the drive better be good >_>04:59
cotydaskreech: ok now what04:59
BonhommeOneLander: I assume I'm now formatting to whatever is the default for fdformat which is probably ext2?04:59
DaSkreechtype /join #kubuntu04:59
BonhommeOneLander: md5? it's not getting past the format stage...04:59
BonhommeOneLander: the drive hasn't been used for a while (a few years) but otherwise should be good04:59
thevQuanta looks good, thanks for the tip stdin04:59
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OneLanderBonhomme: what is the string you are typing to format?04:59
Bonhommeit's been living in a system that gets used all the time so shouldn't be too, umm, rusty05:00
coty_im talking from it05:00
DaSkreechSo now you can irc from the terminal05:00
stdinthev: amaya is supposed to be WYSIWYG, never used it tho05:00
coty_and can see it on my other05:00
BonhommeOneLander: setfdprm /dev/fd0 1440/1440 then fdformat /dev/fd005:00
DaSkreechcoty_: Hello05:00
coty_now what should i do daskreech05:00
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coty_Hi coty05:00
DaSkreechcoty_: So now you can get help even if you have no X05:00
DaSkreechor no GUI if you like05:01
DaSkreechYou can /quit if you like05:01
OneLanderBonhomme: how about mkfs.ext2 /dev/fd005:01
coty_I'm likeing it to much05:01
BonhommeOneLander: thing is I really think I need a dos one05:01
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OneLanderBonhomme: ahh.. then you may want to try mformat a: (using mtools)05:01
BonhommeOneLander: mkfs.vfat instead?05:02
OneLanderBonhomme: that should work too05:02
coty_So how am im ever going to get beryl to work05:02
coty_is even possible05:02
coty_or should i give up05:02
DaSkreechcoty_: I take it you don't have anything open you need to save?05:02
Bonhommemkfs.vfat: failed whilst writing FAT05:02
OneLanderBonhomme: you may need to be root to run it05:02
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OneLanderBonhomme: mformat should not require it if I remember correctly05:03
coty_anyone how gets beryl to work for me gets free sneakers LOL05:03
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coty_i mean snickers05:03
BonhommeOneLander: hmm mkfs.vfat as root: "mkfs.vfat: failed whilst writing reserved sector"05:03
DaSkreechcoty_: Ok then alt+ctrl+F1 and login then alt+ctrl+F7 to come back here05:03
cotyone sec05:03
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cotyok back05:03
=== Linux_Galore [n=logan1@60-242-20-212.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
BonhommeOneLander: mformat: plain_io: Input/output error .. mformat: Error reading from '/dev/fd0', wrong parameters?05:04
Bonhommethe drive made some noises though05:04
DaSkreechcoty:  alright go back to the terminal and type sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart05:04
=== Linux_Galore is away: Gone away for now.
=== Linux_Galore is now known as Linux_Galore_
BonhommeOneLander: /var/log/messages is filled with various floppy-related errors like floppy0: sector not found: track 0, head 0, sector 9, size 205:05
Bonhommeugh, if the drive is broken I'm going to be Very Unhappy (TM)05:06
cotydaskreech: command not found05:06
OneLanderBonhomme: hmmm..  I am not certain...05:06
Bonhommeyou would not believe how hard it was to find a shop that even stocks the bloody _disks_05:06
DaSkreechcoty: WHAAA?05:06
=== DaSkreech strokes chin
=== chipbuddy [n=jeremy@adsl-69-236-104-226.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechOk in the konsole pres Ctrl+Shift+N05:07
OneLanderARGH!!!  even amarok 1.4.5 does not want to get stream from last.fm....05:07
Bonhommeis there a scientific way to independently test the floopy drive?05:07
=== coty knows he is the biggist pain for everyone in the room
cotydaskreech: one sec05:07
DaSkreechcoty: You forget mR I hate Ununtu yesterday05:07
cotydaskreech: what05:08
cotydaskreech: it did not work05:08
DaSkreechcoty: Bigger pain than you05:08
Bonhommeor is it "try n different floppy disks and when they all fail it's the drive"05:08
cotydaksreech: oh yeah05:08
cotydaskreech: the one that made me mad05:08
DaSkreechcoty: Ctrl+Shift+N doesn't open a new tab?05:08
cotydaskreech: nope05:08
OneLanderBonhomme: you could take a know good disk, that you don't mind if it gets damaged, and try and access it05:09
DaSkreechIn Konsole?05:09
cotydaskreech: i think i should upgrade05:09
DaSkreechcoty: fine click session -> new shell05:09
cotydaskreech: i did05:09
BonhommeOneLander: don't have such an animal unfortunately ... when I realised I needed a floppy disk I had to go out and buy a pack05:10
DaSkreechnew tab?05:10
cotydaskreech: yeap05:10
DaSkreechI wonder if I changed my shortcut keys05:10
geniisome op - in #ubuntu a bad spammer/racist05:10
OneLanderBonhomme: hmm..  what is the floppy to be used for?05:10
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DaSkreechtype ls /etc/init.d/kd*05:10
geniiI forget how to call ops05:10
cotydaskreech: ok05:10
BonhommeOneLander: and the first place I want to (harris technology in aus... known for its high prices but good stock base) didn't have them05:11
DaSkreechtry !ops05:11
DaSkreechgenii: ^^^05:11
=== Blu3 [n=dford@c-76-109-150-249.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
BonhommeOneLander: well, I've got a dual boot windows XP05:11
DaSkreechgenii: go go go05:11
BonhommeOneLander: and I've been happily running SP1 for years ... but recently got a new phone (SE m600i) and the PC sync software _requires_ SP205:11
Blu3how can i install kubuntu and make it use HDA instead of SDA? :P05:11
DaSkreechBlu3: You have two hard drives?05:11
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Blu3no, i have one IDE drive05:12
BonhommeOneLander: so I went to install that ... it hit some error during the install, said "windows has been partially updated and may not work properly", and forcibly rebooted... since then it blue screen on boot05:12
tmbgI have two as well.05:12
tmbgI just picked the disk I wanted. it was very straightforward and simple05:12
DaSkreechBlu3: and it is coming up as a SATA drive?05:12
Blu3kubuntu identifies it as scsi using scsi-ide mod instead of as ide05:12
BonhommeOneLander: the installer on the windows CD doesn't seem to recognise my hard drives (originally had to use a floppy with some drivers on it)05:12
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DaSkreechBlu3: Is it a SATA?05:13
tmbgmine I spat onto sdb though.05:13
BonhommeOneLander: actually the installer one-ups that and blue screens at the hard drive selection screen05:13
stdinBlu3: feisty?05:13
OneLanderBonhomme: ouch!05:13
BonhommeOneLander: so I downloaded the drivers I want from the relevant website, but need a floppy to run said installer to fix my windows05:13
Blu3it's plain old IDE05:13
stdinBlu3: sda IS hda05:14
Blu3tell that to hdparm :P05:14
BonhommeBlu3: are you sure you haven't got them going in some kind of on-board IDE raid setup?05:14
OneLanderBonhomme: Yeah, M$ is still stuck in the stone ages with the floppy requirement05:15
Blu3a;sldkfjasl;dfk.  it's a laptop, every other distro sees it as plain IDE like it is05:15
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stdinBlu3: all ATA is handled by libata and are all not part of the scsi system, look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks05:15
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BonhommeBlu3: some IDE raid controllers will show drives as sdx even if they're IDE, and even if they're not raided05:15
Blu3if i had raid in my laptop, that'd be nice.  but it isn't05:15
BonhommeBlu3:  even if it's a single disk on a raid-capable controller05:16
cotydaskreech: i was thinking maybe the reason beryl does not work is because of my settins05:16
jarnIs there a way to get KDE to close Firefox correctly when I log out?05:16
BonhommeBlu3: or, if the controller it is on happens to get assigned the driver for a similar, but different raid-capable controller from the same family05:16
stdinBlu3: my disk is IDE (ATA), but shows as sda in feisty05:16
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands05:16
DaSkreechcoty: What just happened?05:16
cotydaskreech: forogt05:16
BonhommeOneLander: sigh, well back to square one I guess05:17
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DaSkreechcoty: Hmm?05:17
OneLanderBonhomme: wish I could help some more05:17
cotydaskreech: something like my computer shut down LOL05:17
=== DaSkreech blinks
cotydont we all05:17
cotydaskreech: what about cat05:17
BonhommeOneLander: actually I'm not sure what square one _is_ ... so do I buy a new floppy drive now? gees05:17
Blu3i don't want it showing as sda (via libata) because hdparm is thereby useless05:17
DaSkreechcoty: turned off your computer?05:18
BonhommeBlu3: surely you can solve this by compiling your own kernel and selecting the drivers you want for IDE?05:18
Blu3it gets configured slow and makes the machine laggy when doing a lot of disk access05:18
cotydaskreech: i had to turn it off05:18
DaSkreechUmm ok05:19
Blu3sure i can, and i can put gentoo on it too05:19
stdinBlu3: you can't change it, unless you roll your own kernel05:19
DaSkreechcoty:  in any case open konsole and type ls /etc/init.d/kd*05:19
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OneLanderBonhomme: that would be the best bet first.  at least it will be inexpensive.05:19
cotydaskreech: /etc/init.d/kdm05:20
willieIm failing to upgrade to feisty  because packages.freecontrib.org:80 ( is timing out. Anyone else seeing this?05:20
BonhommeOneLander: hmm, if I wanted to create a directory /media/floppy05:20
cotydaskreech: that is the output05:20
BonhommeOneLander: I would do something like 'sudo mkdir /media/floppy' right?05:20
OneLanderBonhomme: yes.05:20
LeeJunFanBlu3: yeah, I find that scsi use of ATA annoying as all !@# too.05:20
DaSkreechand you said that sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart says not found?05:20
BonhommeOneLander: mkdir: cannot create directory `/media/floppy': Read-only file system <-- wtf.05:21
cotyno it restarts the computer05:21
stdinDaSkreech: that would mean that "sudo" wasn't found, check $PATH05:21
cotythats what happined05:21
Blu3leejunfan, yeah05:21
OneLanderBonhomme: you may need to remount /  "mount -o rw /"05:21
DaSkreechstdin: doubt that05:21
coty!daskreech > coty05:21
Blu3libata is dandy new stuff but userland tools for laptop mode are lagging behind05:21
cotyok your not wanted05:21
DaSkreechcoty: the not found was after you put in your password?05:21
DaSkreechtype sudo05:22
DaSkreechin konsole05:22
BonhommeOneLander: it won't let me remount - says it's busy... is there a trick to this? I can feel a trick coming05:22
cotyi got a list05:22
LeeJunFanBlu3: I'm running 2.6.21-rc4-mm1 right now that I compiled and patched myself so I don't have to deal with that, but then the UUID= crap is equally annoying, when you run update-grub it replaces your root=/dev/hda# with root=UUID=05:22
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stdinBlu3: at any rate, place to ask/complain about feisty is in #ubuntu+105:23
LeeJunFanBlu3: mount -oremount,rw /05:23
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OneLanderBonhomme: hmm..  how about 'mount -o remount,rw /'05:23
williestdin is #ubuntu+1  the channel for feisty install probs?05:23
BonhommeOneLander: hmm / is meant to be mounted rw... "/dev/sdb3 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)"05:23
DaSkreechcoty: something is up05:24
BonhommeOneLander: see I knew there was a trick05:24
stdinwillie: it's the feisty support channel, so yeah05:24
Blu3heheh, i feel your pain :)05:24
cotydaskreech: hmm?05:24
BonhommeOneLander: next error: "mount: block device /dev/sdb3 is write-protected, mounting read-only" ;p05:24
cotydaskreech: i swear i did nothing wrong05:24
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cotydaskreech: lol05:24
williestdin: thanks bye05:24
cotydaskreech: please theres nothing up05:25
=== nikkiana [n=nikkiana@c-24-34-69-166.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
OneLanderBonhomme: you may need to run a fsck against the filesystem.  do you see anything in /var/log/messages that says anything about the drive?05:25
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DaSkreechcoty: go to terminal one (Alt+Ctrl+F1) login and type sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart05:25
DaSkreechhi nikkiana05:25
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nikkianahi DaSkreech05:25
OneLanderBonhomme: you may evern trying running 'dmesg' from a konsole and see if anything jumps out at you05:25
BonhommeOneLander: hooahh "sdb: Current: sense key: Aborted Command Additional sense: Scsi parity error"05:26
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DaSkreechnikkiana: Hello05:26
BonhommeOneLander: sigh = very yes05:26
BonhommeOneLander: ok is there a trick to fsck too?05:27
BonhommeOneLander: I need to be single user mode right?05:27
Bonhomme(just quietly, I cannot _believe_ how many seemingly unrelated problems this is racking up)05:27
LeeJunFanBonhomme: yeah, to fsck root you need to be in single.05:27
LeeJunFanBonhomme: but that's a hw level error, not fs.05:27
Bonhommeeasiest way todo that in kubuntu? last time I used SU mode was back when grub was like, pre-alpha, and I remember how to do it in lilo ;p05:28
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OneLanderBonhomme: yes you will want to be in single user mode, or boot up with the Kubuntu Live CD and run fsck <hard drive device (/dev/hda1)05:28
OneLanderBonhomme: if you do not want it to ask anything and just fix it then run 'fsck -a <device>'05:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about single - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:28
OneLanderBonhomme: look at man fsck to get some more tips05:29
OneLanderBonhomme: you can drop into single user mode by type 'telinit 1'05:29
BonhommeOneLander: you know the definition of torture? "man: can't create a temporary filename: Read-only file system" ... it's TAUNTING me05:29
DaSkreechnikkiana: How are you?05:29
BonhommeI'm going to google for the manpage... we'll how it like that05:29
nikkianaDaSkreech, not bad and you?05:29
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DaSkreechnikkiana: flu05:30
OneLanderTime for sleep, have to go play with some server racks tomorrow moring at work05:30
BonhommeOneLander: enjoy05:30
Bonhommetime for single user mode for me.05:30
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OneLanderBonhomme: good luck!05:31
=== coty [n=coty@h4.143.141.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechcoty: had to restart the computer?05:31
cotydaskreech: it restarted my computer05:31
DaSkreechI'm severely puzzled05:31
cotyum it restarted my computer05:31
=== coty laughs
DaSkreechas in all the way to bios?05:31
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cotydaskreech: no it messes up everything then i have to restart05:32
DaSkreechit told you shutting down and shut it down then started it back up?05:32
DaSkreechcoty: define messes up everything?05:32
cotydaskreech:like i can't get beck to were i am now05:32
cotydaskreech: i have an idea05:33
cotydaskreech: remote connection05:33
DaSkreechCould you get to the terminal at Alt+Ctrl+F1 ?05:33
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=== LeeJunFan [i=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechThen why didn' you use irrsi? :-)05:33
DaSkreechhi leileilol05:33
=== freeza^ [n=freeza@ppp-70-251-188-244.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
cotycan we do remote conection05:33
cotythat might help05:33
DaSkreechI can't05:33
DaSkreechDouble bnatted double firewalled05:34
cotyyour on linux05:34
cotywhy would you need that05:34
DaSkreechI can ssh into you05:34
LeeJunFancoty: next time that happens try switchgin to tty1 then back to 7, ctrl-alt-f1 ctrl-alt-f705:34
DaSkreechcoty: Not me Network admin and the Network admin above them05:34
LeeJunFancoty: sometimes that works for me, but then my gfx only ever get that way when switching in the first place anyway.05:34
=== bernhard [n=bernhard@d86-33-229-14.cust.tele2.at] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechLeeJunFan: Yeah that's what I'm trying to get him to realise :)05:34
bernhardtest the kirc05:35
DaSkreechcoty: So why didn't you use irssi and login here?05:35
cotyi forget the command05:35
cotyI forgot what are we trying to do05:35
=== matrix [n=matrix@c-68-37-196-63.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechcoty: I'm trying to teach you not to reboot the computer :)05:36
DaSkreechcoty: Ok remember irssi?05:36
cotywell its no problem it only takes 2 mins to reboot05:36
DaSkreechcoty: do you know irc slash commands05:36
cotysudo irrsi -c irc.freenode.com05:36
DaSkreechYou don't need the sudo05:37
DaSkreechin fact please don't use it05:37
DaSkreechAlright jump to terminal one and login there05:37
DaSkreechTo get back here you can alt+ctrl+F705:37
DaSkreechIn case you forget how to join05:37
freeza^whats the package name for qt?05:38
cotydaskreech: its not letting me go to irc05:39
DaSkreechcoty: What is it saying?05:39
DaSkreechIt opens?05:39
cotyno such command05:39
DaSkreechbut no one is saying anything?05:39
DaSkreechtwo ss not two rr05:40
DaSkreechcoty: Do you know tab completion?05:40
=== Eruantalon [n=hans@5634185c.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #kubuntu
cotyok it is working05:40
DaSkreechcoty: do you know tab completion?05:41
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=== LeeJunFan_ [i=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
coty_im in the terminal05:41
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coty_daskreech: now what05:42
DaSkreechcoty_: Cool :-)05:42
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DaSkreechpress Alt+ctrl+F2 and login05:42
DaSkreechthen come back here (F1)05:42
coty_daskreech: feels weird05:42
coty_daskreech: ok05:42
DaSkreechcoty_: Yeah but it's very useful05:42
matrixDaSkreech: why don't you teach him to use screen ;)05:42
DaSkreechmatrix: one step padawan05:42
cotyok back05:43
matrixDaSkreech: but be careful the dark side is tempting05:43
jamiehello, i have recently got 3d hardware accelleration working, and want to install compiz. could anyone help me with this?05:43
DaSkreechcoty: not here silly05:43
DaSkreechcoty: the other one05:43
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:43
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DaSkreechcoty_: Ok so your GUI got messed up because of beryl :) You can come here and login for help05:44
coty_Is compiz like beryl05:44
coty_does it work better05:44
DaSkreechcoty_: paitence :)05:44
coty_i just want a desktop cube05:45
=== coty_ crys
DaSkreechSo you can come here and get help without any gui05:45
DaSkreechYou can also login at Alt+ctrl+F2 like I showed you05:45
=== Linux_Galore_ is now known as Linux_Galore
matrixwhat is considered more stable at the moment beryl or compiz?05:45
DaSkreechNow want to restart the GUI without restarting the Computer?05:45
LeeJunFan_matrix: compiz05:45
DaSkreechProbably beryl05:45
LeeJunFan_matrix: although I like and run beryl because it's got more glitter.05:46
DaSkreechDoesn't matter since they are probably going to merge05:46
LeeJunFan_and it's better with kde - no gnome deps, and a nice config util.05:46
DaSkreechcoty_: Ok now to test to see if someting is very broken05:46
coty_I't will make me so happy when i can use beryl05:46
DaSkreechcoty_: go to terminal 2 and type sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop and come back here05:46
LeeJunFan_yeah, My beryl crashes a few times a day, but it's not a showstopper, I just tell beryl manager to restart the window manager and it comes back.05:46
coty_ok let me write it down05:47
coty_were is a pen when you need it05:47
LeeJunFan_well normally this is where I suggest knotes, but that wont' be very helpful :)05:48
DaSkreechcoty_: You can always pop back over here and ask05:48
coty_ok back05:48
freeza^anyone know the name of the package for kde headers?05:48
coty_i reset05:48
matrixi read about installing beryl by including http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org into your apt sources. but beryl seems also to excist on the ubuntu mirrors. is it more stable to use ubuntu's own packages? are they older? or are they stability tested before integrated into the distro?05:49
coty_DaSkreech: now what is the next step05:49
Jucatofreeza^: kdelibs4-dev05:49
freeza^ahh ok cool thx05:49
DaSkreechcoty_: press Alt+Ctrl+F7 and confirm that the GUI is gone and come back here05:50
coty_DaSkreech: it takes me no were05:50
DaSkreechcoty_: good05:50
DaSkreechcoty_: go back to terminal 2 (F2) and press up. Change stop to start05:50
DaSkreechpress enter05:51
Jucatomatrix: Beryl is in the Ubuntu repositories only if you're on Feisty already. Whether it's more stable or not, I don't know. The only assurance is that the Beryl from the repositories have been built on Ubuntu and by Ubuntu's packagers05:51
coty_did that05:51
coty_its starting05:51
=== Jucato doesn't know if those Ubuntu packagers are also the ones of made teh beryl packages before
DaSkreechcoty_: Neat :-)05:51
coty_kubuntu gets better and better05:52
DaSkreechcoty_: log back in and see if You can remember all of that now :)05:52
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matrixi wish linux could unite on one stable 3d desktop base. for a long time linux was way ahead of windows together with mac os. now it looks to me windows is catching up while linux 3d desktop hasn't reached a stable state yet. imho05:53
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LeeJunFan_matrix: they are.05:53
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LeeJunFan_matrix: beryl and compiz are merging, of course we are still stuck with aiglx and xgl for now.05:54
cotydaskreech: now you want me to redo everything05:54
geniimatrix Remember first always that it is a labour of love05:54
geniiand not money05:54
DaSkreechcoty: one thing first05:54
=== hitmanWilly [n=hitman@66-190-176-18.static.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechlet me teach step two to make your life better05:55
DaSkreechmatrix: You worry too much05:55
DaSkreechcoty_: joker :-)05:55
Linux_Galorematrix: they have, compiz and beryl have merged/ing05:55
DaSkreechcoty_: come back to the GUI05:55
coty_daskreech: and what does matrix mean05:55
DaSkreechLinux_Galore: they have merging huh?05:56
=== NightBird [n=mschaadt@rrcs-24-153-175-185.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
coty_daskreech: windows is not better05:56
DaSkreechcoty_: he speaks ofwhat he does not know :)05:56
=== NightBird sighs
matrixwith kde and gnome the competing projects challenge each other while both are feasible05:56
=== coty_ crosses arms
DaSkreechmatrix: OSS is slow05:56
Linux_GaloreDaSkreech: yeah both projects are now in the process of merging the code05:56
DaSkreechmatrix: It will win though05:56
matrixwith xgl aiglx i don't see a stable one yet :(05:56
DaSkreechLinux_Galore: Since when?05:56
coty_what is mergin05:56
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ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!05:57
DaSkreechcoty_: They are working together05:57
Linux_GaloreDaSkreech: notice went out this week05:57
coty_with what05:57
coty_combining gnome with kde05:57
DaSkreechLinux_Galore: that they were talking about it05:57
coty_or something05:57
matrixDaSkreech: don't you think OSS  is replaced by alsa05:57
=== genii considers the package developers' urge to merge
DaSkreechcoty_: Not happening anytime soon :)05:57
Linux_GaloreDaSkreech: no they are doing it05:57
DaSkreechcoty_: get back to the GUI05:57
cotyok back05:57
=== LeeJunFan_ [i=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechcoty: open a Konsole05:58
DaSkreechalright do you know about tab completion ?05:58
LeeJunFan_well beryl svn hasn't been updated since 0.2.0 was released.05:58
cotyyou mean <tab><tab>05:58
DaSkreech!tab | coty. For an easy life05:58
ubotucoty. For an easy life: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.05:58
DaSkreechcoty: Yup05:58
cotyyes i do05:58
cotyim learning something05:59
=== coty does not think he is so stupid after all
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matrixDaSkreech: is OSS coming back with feisty?06:00
DaSkreechok so you can sudo /etc/in<tab><tab> if you don't remember the full path06:00
DaSkreechmatrix: Quite possibly06:00
cotywhat is oss06:00
matrixcoty: sound system of linux06:00
DaSkreechSound server06:00
cotyok daskreech i got a list06:00
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DaSkreechit.d :)06:01
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DaSkreechsame thing for irrsi06:01
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matrixDaSkreech: is it because of that that i have an OSS device again after upgrading to feisty. and my skype has trouble?06:01
DaSkreechIf you don't remember the name try ir<tab><tab>06:01
DaSkreechmatrix: Possibly :-)06:01
DaSkreechI'm not the greatest in the politics of UNIX style sound06:01
matrixDaSkreech: is there a reason why? i thought OSS is deprecated?06:02
matrixDaSkreech: ah okay06:02
cotydid that06:02
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DaSkreechThat is the idea but some zombies won't die06:02
cotyjust a q should i try other linux's06:02
=== LeeJunFan_ is now known as LeeJunFan
matrixDaSkreech: so let's put them under one big umbrella corp06:03
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DaSkreechcoty: so if you know that you have an application but you can't recall the exact name just know tab is your friend06:03
DaSkreechmatrix: Phonon! :)06:03
DaSkreechcoty: Yes after06:03
cotyyes after what06:03
DaSkreechafter you are comfortable in at least one06:03
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cotywell i have to get a burner first06:03
cotyand im going to get a new hd06:04
cotythe computer im getting has one06:04
cotythe hd in it is bad though06:04
cotySome one said i could get 1 terabyte for 300 dollors06:05
cotyis this trus06:05
DaSkreechI'd guess no06:05
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hitmanWillycoty: maybe one that breaks after 3 mos06:05
cotyWell they said there at bestbuy06:06
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cotyfor 300 to 50006:06
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cotybut could you imagin that much memory06:06
cotyand one of my friends friends computer has 50 gb of ram06:06
cotyyea that is what he tolled me06:07
Hrontoreumm can some one help me with installing binary driver for ati radeon 9600?06:07
hitmanWillycoty: he's BSing you06:07
=== DaSkreech has a bridge in San Fran I wanna sell you :)
cotyi thought so06:07
philphotook, i'm trying to run sudo gedit /etc/hosts but get a command not found06:07
hitmanWillymodern mobos wont support near that much06:07
zxdsla desktop pc with 50gb ram? seems unlikely... must be a server or servers....06:07
cotyhe works for a big company06:07
DaSkreechphilphoto: try kdesu kate /etc/hosts06:07
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hitmanWillywell, if its a server, maybe...06:08
philphotoah, using the wrong txt editor.  thx06:08
DaSkreechphilphoto: And use kdesu06:08
zxdsl50gb to run aterm :)06:08
LeeJunFanfriend of mine works for a video server company that uses 128 way processor systems.06:08
=== coty__ [n=coty@h4.143.141.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #kubuntu
hitmanWillyprecognitive tab completion06:08
philphotoI get error bad device invalid or unitialized input device 16906:08
philphotoand a bunch of other code06:08
philphotofailed to open device06:09
zxdslhitmanWilly, heh.06:09
cotyhow can i make it were i have 1 moniter hooked to two pc's06:09
DaSkreechhitmanWilly: as long as it can solve bug 1 before you address it06:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kvm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:10
DaSkreech!find kvm06:10
ubotuFound: ikvm, libikvm-native06:10
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philphotoany ideas?06:10
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sonoftheclayrphilphoto ignore them as long as a dialog asking for your password comes up06:11
DaSkreechphilphoto: No kate?06:11
jamieOMG!!! Beryl is soo cool! I just installed it and it works great! I love Linux!06:12
cotyshut up06:12
philphotoI have kate06:12
freeza^hey who was the one trying to get an html editor?06:12
philphotoare you saying do the edit in kate, not terminal?06:12
cotyi want beryl so dont brag06:13
philphotono password diaglogue came up at all.  konsole hung open and I had to close it.06:13
=== democracy is now known as HansReiser
sonoftheclayrphilphoto: hit alt + f2 for the run command to come up type "kdesu kate /etc/hosts" and hit enter06:14
jamiecoty: do u have 3d accel working on ur box?06:14
cotyi have no idea06:14
cotythat's the problem06:14
philphotoI'm trying to attemp faster app starts by using this: http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2007/03/performance-tip-for-ubuntu-edgy-and.html06:14
cotyi dotn know my computers hardware06:14
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cotyall i can say is it is 7 years old06:14
LeeJunFancoty: lspci06:15
cotyLeeJunFan: what06:15
jamiecoty: if u type glxinfo and look for the Direct Rendering line it will say yes or no, that is if the accell is working06:15
philphotosonofhteclayr: all it did was disappear.  maybe it's trying to open still...06:16
DaSkreechfreeza^: thev06:16
cotyi dont have direct rendering06:16
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sonoftheclayrphilphoto: getting rid of ipv6 and making the internet faster?06:16
philphotodamn, still having these problems.06:16
jamieyeah, 7 years is old :-)06:16
philphotoI just want my computer faster06:16
freeza^i just read some stuff about kompozer and hear its very good06:16
cotybut cant i get it to work on my computer anyway06:17
philphotoit's taking up to 20 seconds to open apps06:17
philphotoI've been beating my head against a wall for 3 days with this problem.06:17
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philphotoI'm on my 3rd install of kubuntu.   all of them on fresh, good hd's06:17
sonoftheclayrphilphoto: in konsole "sudo nano /etc/hosts"06:18
=== matrix_ [n=matrix@c-69-142-112-120.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
cotyi have beryl installe06:18
cotyI just cant figure out how to make it work06:18
philphotogot it.06:19
zxdslphilphoto, did you try to install "server" first and proceed from there06:19
=== LeeJunFan [i=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
jamie!compiz > coty06:19
HrontoreI've tried installing binary driver for my ati vid card and fglrx still doesn06:19
Hrontoret work06:19
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects06:19
jamiecoty: http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez06:20
philphotodang.  mine already appears to be as the page recommends I make it:06:20
philphoto127.0.0.1       localhost06:20
philphoto127.0.1.1       philphoto-desktop06:20
philphotozxdsl: no, what would that do?06:21
cotyjamie: before i go there what is it06:21
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jamiecoty: info about direct rendering and beryl06:23
cotyfirmware 3.30 has been decrypted06:24
cotyfor psp06:24
philphototaking two minutes to load adept06:24
philphotojsut still too slow...06:25
DaSkreechfreeza^: It's the hack of Nvu06:25
freeza^is it better?06:27
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philphotois there a better install/driver for ATI cards than the one uboto points out?06:28
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philphotoI've tried going through that & all it leads me to do is format another drive & start over.06:29
philphotodaily loading up of linux is not what I had in mind.  still looking for an answer to the slow issue...06:29
=== Czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-059-013.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
sonoftheclayrphilphoto: try using a different desktop environment like xfce or for really good performance fluxbox or openbox06:30
philphotoI want to get this taken care of before I configure all the stuff I had on my last two installs06:30
philphotosonoftheclayr:  why is that?06:30
sonoftheclayrphilphoto: they use less resources06:30
philphotoI have 4GB ram and a 3.4GHz cpu.06:31
philphotoit's not a memory issue06:31
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
sonoftheclayrphilphoto: okay, i have no idea06:31
philphotois there a better way to configure my graphics card to crank more speed out of my machine?06:32
philphotoI'm not doing ANY 3d processing06:32
philphotoI just need info to flow fast06:32
DaSkreechfreeza^: than Nvu? yes than Composer? maybe not06:34
freeza^ahh ok06:34
freeza^wait composer as the one that comes with seamonkey?06:34
sonoftheclayrphilphoto: i06:35
sonoftheclayrm sorry but i can't help you, try some other means of support or hope that someone knows how to help06:36
philphotohow do I kill amarok in konsole?  it's just frozen.  i tried to add a song to playlist & it's done.06:36
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sonoftheclayrkillall amarok06:36
philphoto"no process killed"06:37
philphotooh my goodness.06:37
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philphotothis never ends.06:37
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sonoftheclayrphilphoto: is the amarok window open?06:38
philphotoit terminated after 4 minutes.06:38
philphotothis is just par for the course, lately06:38
=== CaptainApathy was going to suggest looking up the id using ps aux, and then killing the id
philphotono, it went away.  but this is the state of my computer always right now.06:39
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philphotoS   L   O   W06:40
=== metalluver [n=metalluv@ip68-102-38-119.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
sonoftheclayrphilphoto: try a reboot? i find that flushes out the system and makes it faster when i leave my laptop on for too long06:40
metalluverHi could anyone help me install my vid card and get beryl working on here?06:40
philphotoand I got into linux for it's speed over windows when using some os the apps that I need to use06:40
philphotoI guess.06:40
philphotowhile i'm there, I'll check on BIOS.  anyone know what I might want to look for which might affect my speed?06:41
sonoftheclayrmetalluver: what sort of video card?06:41
sonoftheclayrphilphoto: while your at it run memtest86+ from the gub menu, you might have a memory defect06:41
philphotothat takes 6 hours.06:41
philphotoI just ran it last night06:42
sonoftheclayrphilphoto: everything was fine?06:42
philphotothere's nothing wrong06:42
=== AdamKili [n=adam@71-213-163-102.albq.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu
philphotoI'll run it while I'm at work tomorrow.06:42
philphotobut this is seriously way slower than any live CD distro I've tried lately.06:43
philphotowhich is so disappointing.06:43
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sonoftheclayrphilphoto: have you tried a different distro on the same computer? maybe you messed it up somehow06:43
philphotoI started with ubuntu then installed kubuntu desktop.  it worked ok.06:44
sonoftheclayrmetalluver: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia also try the #ubuntu-effects channel06:45
philphotoI did a fresh kubuntu install on a better, faster hd two days later & it ran great06:45
philphotothen I wanted to calibrate my monitor so I tried hooking up my ATI graphics card & it started sucking really bad.06:45
=== ceros [n=user@c-68-49-247-245.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
philphotoand the GC WAS installed with the correct driver & all.06:46
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sonoftheclayrphilphoto: graphics card problem? have you tried removing the card or changing the driver kubuntu uses?06:46
=== SilentDis [n=alex@wdwi0pool0-a138.wi.tds.net] has joined #kubuntu
philphotoso last night a few folks on here had me try some different things & there were so many changes that I wanted to start fresh & here I am.06:46
SilentDishello interweb :)06:46
sonoftheclayrSilentDis: Greetings, we come in peace06:47
philphotodifferent fast drive, new kubuntu install + feisty.06:47
SilentDissonoftheclayr: as I've already stolen all your source code, your intentions are meaningless.  oh wait...06:47
philphotoremoving the card?  uh, no.  I do believe that I need that.06:47
metalluversonoftheslayr: Im in kubuntu.is it okay that i use this guide?06:47
AdamKilihow do i use the ln command to link the cdrom drive with a directory on my hard disk? i can't figure it out06:48
sonoftheclayrmetalluver: yeah, it's kubuntu is essentially the same as ubuntu, the only difference is the desktop environment used06:48
sonoftheclayrmetalluver: just use kate instead of gedit06:49
ceroswill there be a kubuntu fiesty install cd for the playstation 3?06:49
g4hhey folks, got a quick question. what are the general processor / ram requirements for the kde interface? i'm runnin a 400mhz/160M ram06:49
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Linux_Galoreceros: its just the ppc version06:49
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Linux_GalorePS3 = PPC06:50
metalluversonoftheclayr:what would I use instead of synaptic package manager06:50
SilentDisg4h: i have ubuntu (gnome/metacity) running on a P3 500 w/ 384mb, and it's a bit slow.  KDE is a little less resource intensive.. but the min requirements for ubuntu/kubuntu are still 256mb ram.  I'd recommend checking out xubuntu (XFCE interface), minimum requirements are 64mb ram (got it on a laptop with 64m right next to me, works fine) :)06:50
sonoftheclayrmetalluver: adept06:50
AdamKilig4h: i think those would probably be good enough, but if it's to slow you could always use xfce (xubuntu) it's a simpler desktop environment and would run better on slower machines06:50
ceroswell i got confused since there was a playstation 3 install cd for ubuntu06:51
Linux_GaloreI dare say someone will just do a light weight xfce PS3 only distro soon06:51
cerosactually there is06:51
g4hyeah, this machien was already on xubu, thought i'd give kde a whirl on the next install, so thought i'd ask06:51
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DaSkreechfreeza^: was06:52
g4halso, does konq have integrated network browsing?06:52
cerosthere it is06:52
AdamKiliwell i don't know the exact requirements. aren't they somewhere on the _ubuntu website06:52
DaSkreechfreeza^: it's the same name given to Nvu 206:52
SilentDisg4h: :)  xfce is very nice for slim hardware.  I'm surprized at how snappy the little lappy is with it.  does good as a chatbox/download box :)06:52
DaSkreechfreeza^: very confusing06:52
freeza^ahh ok06:52
sonoftheclayrmetalluver: also look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BerylOnEdgy06:52
philphotois amarok buggy in feisty?06:53
DaSkreechphilphoto: your memory timings may be messed up06:53
philphotoI tried to update it to support MP3's & it just closed06:53
cerosLinux_Galore, was that what you were looking for?06:53
SilentDisphilphoto: I haven't had problems myself... it's cataloging an 80gb MP3 collection, and seems fine... what issues are you having?06:53
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philphotoI haven't gotten into memory timing06:53
g4hdoes konq have integrated network browsing?06:53
philphotoSilentDis:  it's SLOW.06:54
philphotoway slow06:54
g4hwell wanted to make sure, because thunar was lacking in that dept06:54
SilentDisphilphoto: system specs?06:54
poningrujust got protocol://address06:54
Linux_Galoreceros: no, Ive seen a PS3 specific distro, they only work on porting apps to the PS306:54
RyielI use xmms for playing mp3.06:54
lewishow do I run flash plugins with konqueror06:54
AdamKiliso does anyone know how i use the ln command to link the cdrom drive (/dev/cdrom) with a directory on my hard disk (/myth/video)? i can't figure it out06:54
philphotoP4 3.4GHz EE, 3+GB RAM06:54
Buddha|g4h - That's because Thunar is only a file manager, whereas Konqueror is a file manager/web browser/file viewer/ad nauseum06:54
Linux_Galoreceros: the kernel has no overhead for anything thats not supported by the PS3 platform so its pretty compact06:55
RyielI love feisty, 88 updates every day :D06:55
SilentDisphilphoto: you're well above what I have... how large of a library are you accessing, are there remote disks involved?06:55
AdamKiliit keeps saying: ln: creating hard link './cdrom' to '/dev/cdrom': Invalid cross-device link06:55
Buddha|Ryiel - hehe.  I'm up to 237 in just three or four days06:56
philphotothe problem with amarok is new.  my library is about 40GB MP306:56
DaSkreechg4h: If you had asked does konqui have? I probably would have answered yes06:56
philphotoon an external IEEE 1384 drive06:56
=== Eruantalon [n=hans@5634185c.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #kubuntu
philphotohas worked perfectly with my last two distro installs.06:56
Ryielupgrading to feisty took hours :(06:56
philphotoit mounts fine right now.06:56
Linux_GaloreIve got the latest stable version of Amarok with a huge mp3 collection with zero issues06:56
lewishow do I run flash plugins with konqueror06:57
SilentDisphilphoto: is the sound 'jittery'?  does it just take a while to queue up files?  i'm trying to narrow things down :)06:57
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:57
Buddha|Ryiel - it took all day on my G4 iBook06:57
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash06:57
sonoftheclayrRyiel: i'm upgrading now. 793 packages06:57
philphotoI haven't even listened to anything with amarok because I can't open any files with it06:57
RyielBuddha|: I just did not want to say the whole day :D06:57
RyielI think apt-get is the best to use06:57
Linux_GaloreAmarok 2.0 will be interesting they have added video support for music videos06:58
EruantalonAnyone having problems with Kopete taking ages to load?06:58
SilentDisphilphoto: I'd say first make sure you have MP3 support installed... do other programs play mp3s on your box?  if so, which ones?06:58
cerosone last question, when trying to run kubuntu on a very small resolution, is there a way to scroll through the entire desktop the same way you scroll through a webpage?06:58
ceroslike say on a pda06:58
RyielLinux_Galore:  No, but sometimes it cannot connect to the msn network. I have to restart it06:58
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Linux_GaloreRyiel: nothing suprises me with msn their network uses so much broken code its a joke06:59
Ryielbut it used to work!06:59
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SilentDisceros: you could set a 'virtual' screen resolution for x, and it would 'scroll' up and down, or left/right.  I know it's possible, but I can't for the life of me remember how it's done.  for a 'native' res of like 640x480, you'd set to 640x960 or some such.06:59
philphotoI just installed this distro with the feisty upgrade & just finished it a few minutes ago.07:00
Linux_GaloreRyiel: well go tell msn to stop fsking around with their api and using none documented IE only standards07:00
philphotoI don't know what new apps might use MP307:00
SilentDisphilphoto: if it's an absolute fresh install... you probably need to install mp3 support.07:00
SilentDis!mp3 | philphoto07:00
ubotuphilphoto: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:00
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cerosso it would be called a "virtual resolution" right?07:01
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Jucatoactually, if philphoto is on Edgy or Feisty, the script to install the MP3 codec will run once he tries to play an MP307:01
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SilentDisceros: yes, something like that.  I am not 100% sure, and I've not done it myself.  only ran across a mention of it one time a LONG time ago, and can't remember specifics.  sorry i'm not more help :(07:01
metalluversonoftheclayr: how do I edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:02
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SilentDismetalluver: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:02
philphotoyeah, it tries to run, and I hear the chime for the alert, but I don't get to choose to install it!07:02
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philphotosee, my last 6 days with Linux have been nothing but doing this kind of stuff.  trying to make things work.07:02
philphotohow can i uninstall amarok & then do a fresh re-install?07:03
SilentDisphilphoto: just remember, windows knowledge != linux knowledge.  we're happy to help though, but it DOES have a learning curve associated with it :)07:03
DaSkreechSilentDis: that's not the point :)07:03
philphotoI understand.07:03
Linux_Galorephilphoto: use the package manager, you remove apps the same way you install them07:04
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intelikeywould someone drop this in a konsole for me please?                                     grep -Rwe "/bin/openvt" /var/lib/dpkg/info/ | grep -m1 -ie [a-z]  | cut -d'/' -f6 | cut -d'.' -f107:04
philphotobut learning curve or not, I could type out this message in morse to you just as fast07:04
philphotocarrier pigeons can outrun my machine right now.07:04
DaSkreechintelikey: paravisor?07:05
SilentDisphilphoto: most of the time, you don't need to uninstall things, just kill their configuration data in your home directory.  if you insist, though:  sudo aptitude remove --purge armarok && sudo aptitude install armarok07:05
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philphotoamarok not responding again07:05
Linux_Galorephilphoto: if your machines slow is means you dont have enough ram or maybe you should install the xubuntu-desktop07:05
philphoto4gb ram07:05
intelikeyDaSkreech ?07:05
chipbuddyintelikey ok done07:06
intelikeychipbuddy it said ?07:06
philphotoI think amarok is buggy in this install.07:06
philphotothat or my machine just sucks07:07
chipbuddyumm... nothing07:07
sonoftheclayrintelikey: i got nothing07:07
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Buddha|Do the Kubuntu mirrors have the latest version of Xfce, or would I need to add an Xubuntu mirror to get it?07:07
SilentDisphilphoto: aargh, totally forgot the dependancy handling of aptitude can bite you on uninstalls.  try this line:  sudo apt-get remove --purge armarok && sudo aptitude install armarok07:07
eilkergood morning people, i wanna delete one user (profile) from my pc, is "sudo deluser "user""  ok ?07:08
SilentDisBuddha|: you can install the xfce environment using this command:  sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop07:08
philphotoevery app I have to close with terminate in the not responding dialogue07:08
philphoto5 days of pain doing this.07:09
SilentDisBuddha|: there are no seperate repos for x/k/ed/ubuntu07:09
eilkerphilphoto> what is its version ?07:09
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eilkeramarok's version07:09
Buddha|SilentDis: I remember having to add a repo to my Xubuntu machine to get the latest version of KDE.07:09
SilentDisBuddha|: if you're going for versions outside of the ones in the repo, then yes.  otherwise, the standard /etc/apt/sources.list is the same across all platforms, iirc.07:10
philphotohave tried edgy and just upgraded to feisty.07:10
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intelikeyok try this.      basename `grep -Rwe "bin/openvt" /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list | cut -d':' -f1`07:10
intelikeythat should get it....07:10
philphotothis is a fresh install.  I haven't done anyhting with it yet.  not added any apps because I want the slowness problem taken care of before I configure the environment to suit my use of it07:11
intelikeyi might have cut at the wrong point on the other string.07:11
sonoftheclayrintelikey: console-tools.list07:13
intelikeysonoftheclayr thank you.07:13
sonoftheclayrintelikey always there to help07:13
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moparisthebestcan anyone tell me how to stop kubuntu from automatically mounting my usb stick?07:14
moparisthebestIm trying to format it, and you cant format it if it is mounted07:14
philphotosystem settings07:14
Buddha|sonoftheclayr: Garth Nix fan?07:14
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intelikeyah requires "perl-base"  that's why i don't have it...07:14
moparisthebestand I unmount it, and kubuntu immediatly mounts it again, its annoying as hell07:14
sonoftheclayrBuddha|: YES! your the first person here to get it! lady friday's out and im gonna nag mum for it07:14
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Buddha|sonoftheclayr: heh.  I've actually only read the first book.  Have you heard the audiobook?  Tim Curry can *not* immitate a girl's voice.07:15
sonoftheclayrBuddha|: haven't heard the audiobook but i have all but lady friday in the series07:16
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Buddha|sonoftheclayr: How many are there?  I only have the first three.07:16
intelikeymoparisthebest you are the first one i've see (that i recall right now) that "didn't" want it to be "more" automatic    besides me that is.       cat /proc/mounts  and umount the usb dir07:16
sonoftheclayrBuddha|: there are five out but there will be 707:16
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intelikeyor  sudo umount `grep usb /proc/mounts`07:18
moparisthebestgot it, thanks intelikey :)07:18
philphotowell, still no working system the way want.  not even close.07:19
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philphotoamarok is currently thinking (frozen) about installing mp3 support07:19
intelikeythat's temtorary btw next boot it's right back...07:19
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moparisthebestthats exactly what I wanted to happen intelikey :)07:19
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moparisthebesti just need to format the drive, and it wont let me if it is mounted07:20
intelikeythat's the reason i didn't point you at the init scripts moparisthebest07:20
philphotois there anywhere else for techy support?07:20
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philphotonot that you all aren't great, you've helped me a lot, but it's been almost a week & I'm still battling the same problem07:20
gdiebelphilphoto: what seems to be the problem?07:21
philphotoit's  S L O W07:21
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philphotoi'm formerly philfo1 for those here who have dealt with my problem07:22
gdiebelyour desktop is s l o w ?07:22
moparisthebestexactly what is slow philphoto ?07:22
philphotoin a nutshell, I have the fastest processor I can stuff into my mobo and 4GB ram but the machine is horribly slow.07:22
moparisthebestwhat is the processor?07:22
philphoto22 seconds to open up a konsole good enough?07:22
philphoto3.4GHz P4 E07:23
gdiebelwhat video drivers? video performance seems to be most important in speed perception07:23
moparisthebestand what video card?07:23
philphotoATI and the drivers are the issue I think07:23
gdiebel22 seconds?07:23
moparisthebestive never had luck getting the proprietary ATI drivers to work07:23
=== dthacker wonders if philphoto has run memtest
philphotoamarok is still hanging right now07:23
philphotoI ran memtest this morning07:24
gdiebelthat is unheard of. what does your process list show?07:24
philphototop shows barely anything running.07:24
sonoftheclayrphilphoto: you installed the proprietary ATI drivers?07:24
moparisthebestdid it just start happening recently? or has it always been like that?07:24
dthackerphilphoto: how many cycles and what were the results?07:24
philphotoI have been on linux for 6 days now.07:24
philphotoone of those days it worked well07:24
gdiebellike ~1%? what about when you launch konsole, top spike then?07:24
philphotothen I tried the ATI driver install & all went to hell07:25
gdiebelI mean 22 secs, something must be happening07:25
moparisthebestso it definitly was the ATI drivers that messed up the system then07:25
moparisthebestdid you try removing them?07:25
philphotoyeah, but this feisty that I'm on right now is a fresh install.07:25
dthackerlast change that broke it was ATI,  you've found the problem, now you have to figure out how to remove it or work around it.07:25
philphotonewly slicked drive, 80gb SATA07:26
philphotowell, I'm a professional photographer & I need to be able to cal my monitor.07:26
sonoftheclayrphilphoto: so you removed the drivers and did a fresh install of feisty correct? or did you just upgrade to feisty?07:26
philphotojust upgrade to feisty07:26
philphotono driver work yet07:26
intelikeyha ha   i've got it now.  openvt works just great  and i still didn't install perl    hehhe07:26
philphotore-install what?07:27
gdiebelyou are pro photographer? what do you plan on using for photo editing software. it is a bit lacking compared to macs07:27
moparisthebestfirst try removing the drivers07:27
vontuxsince the topic seems to be on video card drivers, has anyone had luck getting their tv-out to functionn on a dell latitude computer?07:27
philphotoyeah, well my wallet is a bit lacking too07:27
moparisthebestisn't GIMP a really good editor?07:27
philphotoGIMP is really good.07:27
moparisthebesti dont even try to edit graphics, its just what I heard07:28
philphotoI used to be a photoshop snob, but I'm a convert07:28
dthackerIf you have already tried removing the drivers, and it did not work, then you may want to consider re-installing?07:28
gdiebelphilphoto: krita is making improvements in leaps and bounds as well07:28
moparisthebestso you like GIMP better than photoshop philphoto ?07:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:28
philphotoI JUST installed this kubuntu Feisty a few hours ago07:28
=== dthacker uses krita for the quick stuff, but it's docs are lacking
philphotoI'm not going to do it again.  that will be my FOURTH install in 5 days.07:29
philphotonot happening07:29
moparisthebestphilphoto, did it work well after the fresh install?07:29
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dthackerphilphoto: please don't think I'm being a pain, but did you completely re-install or did you upgrade?07:29
philphotoGIMP has some tool options that are not quite up to snuff in PS as far as I'm concerned.07:29
gdiebelphilphoto: point of reference: I must have done like 10 installs in one week when I was running gentoo back in 200207:30
philphotoI started with a HD that had no data on it07:30
philphotothen I used a very clean bbrand new ISO of Kubuntu07:30
moparisthebestto be honest when i started with kubuntu I broke and reinstalled it at least 3 times in the first week :/07:30
philphotothen I upgraded to feisty in hopes that it would improve my speed issues. as it's done for a few people07:31
dthackerand you installed kubuntu.  did you pause to check things out before you put the ATI driver on again?07:31
philphotothanks, I guess I'm up there.07:31
moparisthebestdid it work well when it was freshly installed before you installed the ATI drivers philphoto ?07:31
dthacker^^^moparisthebests question07:31
philphotoI haven't installed the drivers because THAT's where the fault started last time.07:31
sonoftheclayrphilphoto: and you still have the same problem?07:32
philphotoI was hoping to find someone who could offer some help before I really messed it up.07:32
dthackerIs is slow after a generic Edgy install with no propietary drivers?07:32
moparisthebestso you installed the drivers and then upgraded? or flat out never installed the drivers?07:32
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philphotoif it involves slow, I have that problem07:32
philphotonever installed the drivers07:32
philphotoI have not installed the ATI drivers as of writing this right now & it works like krap07:33
moparisthebestphilphoto, i would suggest a quick easy test, boot from the livecd and see if it is fast or slow07:33
dthackerphilphoto, do you have a locoteam or a lug near you?07:33
philphotoa what?07:33
philphotowhat would the live cd show me?07:33
dthackerLinux User Group=LUG07:33
philphotoha ha ha, we have a Leica Users Grup that I belong to...07:34
=== xtremox .
philphotoI don't know about Linux though07:34
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philphotowhy would a LUG help?07:34
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dthackerphilphoto, what is your general location07:34
moparisthebestphilphoto, you have a livecd, its what you installed from right?07:35
philphotophiladelphia, PA07:35
moparisthebestif a livecd worked great, it would mean you did something to mess up your install07:35
moparisthebestin which case you would reinstall or try to fix it07:35
moparisthebestif a livecd was painfully slow like yours is now, you would know it was a problem with kubuntu itself07:35
philphotowhat could I have done to mess it up?07:35
moparisthebestinstalling drivers, changing a config file07:36
moparisthebestinstalling a bad program even07:36
philphotobut it's been like this with 2 distros, 3 installs on 3 separate drives.07:36
moparisthebestitll only take a minute or two to boot to a livecd, thats why I would try it first07:36
philphotobut I haven't installed anything right here & now since I did this recent install on this new HD07:37
philphotosee you all soon.07:37
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moparisthebestever had any other OSes on your computer?07:37
moparisthebestand it ran fine? (for windows)07:37
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intelikeycould i trubble someone to do#    basename `grep -Rwe "bin/loadkey" /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list | cut -d':' -f1`07:38
philphotomy cpu was killer on xp.  I hated that OS, but it really ran well when it wasn't crashing because of a corrupt  or missing .dll07:38
philphotoI hate windows.  I really love linux.07:38
philphotoI want to use linux.07:38
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philphotobut I may be forced to go back to using the software of the beast if I can't get this running07:39
philphotoat least it only cost me time07:39
sonoftheclayrintelikey: missing operand07:39
moparisthebestjust try the livecd and then come back i guess :)07:39
philphotook. see you in a few.07:39
intelikeyyou don't have loadkeys installed....07:40
sonoftheclayrintelikey: nice to know07:40
intelikeyi mean the executable i'm searching for the package name07:40
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philphotobefore I do this, is there anything in BIOS I should be looking for to positively affect the performance?  I'm not going to overclock this machine.07:40
philphotoI just want it working acceptably07:41
moparisthebestthats why I asked about other OSes philphoto07:41
moparisthebesti figured if you never tried anything else a bios setting could be messed up07:41
moparisthebestbut if XP ran fine linux should as well07:41
intelikeyyou can try turning everything off in bios except the boot device07:42
philphotoI DID just have to flash the BIOS a few days ago, but that was before I started with linux.  WinXP ran well for one day then I went with my first ubuntu install07:42
intelikeyif you bios is any good.......07:42
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sonoftheclayrintelikey: if you're looking for a package try packages.ubuntu.com07:43
moparisthebestthat could very well be the problem philphoto07:43
moparisthebesta bad bios flash can do all sorts of unimaginable wierd things07:43
intelikeysonoftheclayr yeah.... and how do you search for files inside those ?07:43
philphotoI DID have kubuntu operating very well for a morning a few days ago.07:44
sonoftheclayrintelikey: umm...07:44
philphotoit was screaming fast07:44
=== LeeJunFan [i=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
philphotoI really think the problem is the ATI driver07:44
Iwonder|toowhats the url for source list07:44
moparisthebestphilphoto, does your mobo have 2 default options? regular default and optimal default?07:44
moparisthebesti had one once that had those 2 options07:45
philphotoI'm nto sure.07:45
moparisthebestand if i ever picked optimal everything got messed up07:45
philphotoshould I restore defaults?07:45
sonoftheclayrintelikey: i got it! search for it on packages.ubuntu.com and click on the distro name that appears under the package, scroll down to the bottom and next to your architecture click [list of files] 07:45
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philphotoor look for regular default that is?07:45
moparisthebestgo ahead and try it I guess, cant hurt anything07:45
philphotoright, right.  thanks.  see you in a few.07:46
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Iwonder|toocan someone direct me to a repository listing?07:47
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moparisthebestpackages.ubuntu.com Iwonder|too07:47
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic07:47
moparisthebestthats a pretty nice tool, I didn't know it existed :)07:48
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makuseruwhere is a good place to DL fonts?07:49
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer07:49
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lewixhow to install berly07:51
intelikeyok windows keys working now...  i don't know what else to fix on this non-graphics box....07:51
eilker i wanna calculate my site bandwidth for a month, but i dont know how to do it ? for example , when i visit www.yahoo.com only first time (and its index , not surfing in it) , how can i know that how much kb that i downloaded ?07:51
lewixadydas, yes sir07:51
adydaslewix: use this07:51
adydasworked perfect for me07:51
adydasvery easy and very few things you need to do07:51
adydasit pritty much self installs07:51
moparisthebesteilker, apt-get install wireshark07:52
lewixadydas, I have an ati07:52
moparisthebestlewix, what he linked you to is just if you have an nvidia video card07:52
eilker<moparisthebest> already installed , let me open it, i forgot it07:52
adydasok anyone able to help me, i want to know the best way to format an external USB based harddrive to share between linux and windows OS07:52
makuseruare the only fonts you can install MS True Type?07:52
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adydasoh i wasnt here to check yourcard type07:53
moparisthebestlewix, to tell you the truth, I have installed beryl a few times07:53
adydasthere is an ATI version of the same thing07:53
moparisthebestit always works on nvidia cards07:53
moparisthebestand I have never gotten it to work on 3 different boxes running ATI cards07:53
makuserui have a nearly7 year old ATI card07:53
moparisthebestbut some people have, so just cross your fingers and go for it :)07:53
eilkeri810 works perfectly here07:53
makuserurunning beryl07:53
adydasanyone, best way to mount and share a new usb ext harddrive07:54
lewixwell, I give it a try07:54
moparisthebestdid you follow any specific guide or something makuseru ?07:54
lewixadydas, can you link me to that07:54
moparisthebestadydas, i did it07:54
makuserui just edited my xorg, and installed beryl07:54
moparisthebestyou have a usb external harddrive and you want to access it from windows and linux adydas ?07:54
moparisthebestwhat did you change in xorg makuseru ?07:54
adydasi want to read and write from my pc, ( linux ) but i know i will need to to be read and write accessible from windows correct.07:55
DaSkreechcoty: Hey07:55
sonoftheclayradydas: use fat3207:55
moparisthebestadydas, it doesnt have to be read/writeable from windows if you dont want it to be07:55
intelikeyadydas you want vfat07:55
cotyDaSkreech: tought i was gone a07:55
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moparisthebestbut you can use fat32, or ext2/3 with this driver in windows:07:55
DaSkreechcoty: aren't you gone?07:56
adydasits easyer to say writeable by both07:56
cotyDaSkreech: nope07:56
moparisthebestthat works great07:56
eilkersame here07:56
cotyDaSkreech: still htere07:56
adydasis there a howto that i cant seem to google up that will guide me07:56
philphotook, not speaking to you from the live CD like I expected.  defaults in BIOS reset boot device priority & I didn't catch it07:56
moparisthebesthow did it turn out philphoto ?07:56
DaSkreechcoty: Well I am :)07:56
adydasive tryed mkfs.vfat and stuff but failed07:56
DaSkreechcoty: good night07:56
adydasi may be missing a step or doing somthing wrong07:56
philphotoI don't know yet.07:56
cotyDaSkeech: oh good nich07:56
philphotothere's a few errors lying around.07:56
moparisthebestadydas, I just used qtparted07:57
DaSkreechcoty: YOu can use tab in here as well07:57
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philphotoI got this on bootup: "KDesktop: The process for the file protocol died unexpectedly."07:57
cotyDaSkreech: nice feature07:57
DaSkreechcoty: very07:58
cotyDaSkreech: why did you not tell me berofe07:58
intelikeyadydas in linux when mounting vfat (includes all fat#'s) you need to use mount options to control the access  man mount  has all the details.     umask  fmask  dmask  uid gid     are all things you might want to look into.07:58
DaSkreechin Konversation it brings the name of the person who spoke last to the top of the list07:58
moparisthebestnever seen that error before philphoto :?07:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about webalizer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:58
DaSkreechcoty: I like to see people miss me by >....< that much07:58
moparisthebestill brb, rebooting07:58
philphotoI did once before07:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about iptraf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:59
cotyDaSkreech: you like what07:59
DaSkreechcoty: nothing just teasing07:59
cotyDaSkreech: you like it when people miss you07:59
cotyDaSkreech: lol07:59
lewixthe command gedit doesnt work on kubuntu, right?08:00
adydasuse kate08:00
philphotoor nano08:00
adydasgedit is for gome, kate is for KDE08:00
dthackervi works08:00
intelikeyanyone ever used    eflite    know if it's any good or not ?08:00
adydasi prefer jed over nano for a non graphical editor08:00
sonoftheclayri've never heard of jed?08:01
adydasits awsum08:01
=== LeeJunFan [i=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
sonoftheclayrwell, when i finish upgrading to feisty sometime tonight i'll install it08:01
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code08:01
ubotuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build webpages. Editors in Ubuntu: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem, and Nvu. For howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com08:02
adydasits the same as nano really but i think it looks a tad better08:02
dthackerintelikey: no08:02
cotyDaSkreech:  it thought you were leaving08:02
cotyDaSkreech: lol08:02
DaSkreechIf I cover my eyes they can't see me08:02
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JucatoDaSkreech:  you need help in kicking yourself out of the room to be able to sleep?:D08:03
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DaSkreechJucato: No I'm considering what to shutdown for the upgrade08:03
=== genii chants : Boot DaSkreech Boot DaSkreech
DaSkreech this is a high candidate08:03
DaSkreechbut since I'm here might as well give help :)08:03
=== Jucato remotely closes DaSkreech's Konversation
philphotowell folks, it's after 020008:05
philphotoi was hoping I could resolve this, but not today.08:05
intelikeydthacker is that no you have not, or no it is not ?08:05
intelikeyrecite wont cut it thats fo sho08:05
philphotomaybe one day I'll be able to use this OS.08:05
dthackerif that is the speech tool, no I have not08:06
intelikeyit's a speach tool08:06
dthackerbut it looks like fun08:06
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intelikeydthacker festival is good    but it requires perl unless i hack it.....08:06
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dthackerperl is good08:07
=== dthacker hugs perl
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intelikeyperl is AWOL on this box.08:07
moparisthebestwoohoo, it worked, i have a bootable linux OS on a usb key :)08:07
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geniiyeah festival is good08:07
mervteckCan anyone reccomend a game client for Wow style maps and loading style but FPS08:07
=== dthacker high fives moparisthebest
philphotoany way I could fix this error?:  "KDesktop: The process for the file protocol died unexpectedly."08:07
EruantalonHow much would you pay to get an Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 Ghz instead of and Intel Core 2 Duo 1,83 Ghz?08:07
moparisthebestthanks dthacker :P08:08
intelikeyactually i think i coart marsheled it and gave it a dishonerable discharge08:08
philphotothat's cool mopar.08:08
EruantalonI am trying to decide what to put in my laptop...08:08
ubuntucan somebody give me a refresher course on partition please08:08
moparisthebestEruantalon: is that the 6300 or the 6400?08:08
moparisthebestI think I paid $20 more08:08
EruantalonT5600 and T720008:09
moparisthebestoh yea, mobile processors08:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about webalizer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:09
moparisthebestI dont know much about them08:09
mervteckcorrection! Can anyone reccomend a game engine thats open source for Wow style maps and loading style but FPS08:09
philphotoI think I'm going to wind up running: sudo bridge-schuylkill /float/test08:09
ubuntu<-- installing kubuntu off the live cd.. i dont have a partition right now, and i wanna save my backup space from windows08:09
moparisthebesti paid $20 more for a 1.83 to 2.0 upgrade on a regular core 2 duo08:09
moparisthebestconroe core08:09
Eruantalonmoparisthebest: So maybe a mobile is allowed to be a bigger pricehop?08:10
dthackereilker: http://www.mrunix.net/webalizer/   Go in peace and serve the stats08:10
moparisthebestare things faster at all philphoto?08:10
moparisthebesthow much is the pricehop Eruantalon? and where are you buying it from?08:10
philphotoI never got to boot with teh CD.  I was wanting to work the "KDesktop: The process for the file protocol died unexpectedly."  problem08:10
dthackermervteck: have you poked around sourceforge?08:10
eilkerdthacker> thanx08:11
dthackereilker: np08:11
moparisthebestis your system faster now though philphoto?08:11
mervteckkinda but the search settings on source forge are a bit off track08:11
ubuntucan somebody please tell me the boot / swap / root partition types and sizes please08:11
moparisthebesti wouldnt worry about any other problems until you get the insanely slow speed to get faster08:11
philphotowell, I was wondering if that would affect it at all08:12
dthackerubuntu: i use 200mb for /boot, 2x Ram for swap, and give the rest to root08:12
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ubuntuext2..3 i dont know what types08:13
philphotoI'll boot up with teh CD now08:13
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lewixoh shit08:13
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adydascan qtparted do vfat ( or can windows use EXT3 to read and write? )08:13
intelikeyyuch...  recite -help   requires  "more"  pager     dubble yuch08:13
geniiubuntu ext3 should be fine except swap partition should be swap08:13
dthackerubuntu: I use ext3 for servers, and whatever ubuntu installs for desktops08:14
lewixadydas, I did it while Im not using gnome08:14
=== intelikey purges recite from his clean box and washes his hands.
lewixshould I continue?08:14
moparisthebestadydas: windows can read/write to ext2/3 perfectly08:14
moparisthebesti pasted you the link earlier, want me to find it again?08:14
Eruantalonmoparisthebest: Sorry. Konversation sorta died on me.08:14
EruantalonI am buying from zepto.dk the pricehop is 500 kr. thats about 86 $08:14
ubuntuis /root extended?08:15
moparisthebestyea, I dont like konversation, xchat is better imho08:15
moparisthebestEruantalon: I dont suppose you can order from newegg.com?08:15
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dthackerubuntu, I usually make root a primary.  YMMV08:15
vontuxdoes anyone know if the 6.06 ubuntu version guide for tv-out will work on 6.10 ubuntu, this is the site with the guide : http://www.albertomilone.com/guides.html08:15
moparisthebestthey have the cheapest prices of anyone, but i dont think they deliver outside the usa :(08:15
intelikeyubuntu   /root can be on any fs that supports extended file attributes.   the partition can be any or none.08:16
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Eruantalonmoparisthebest: Well that would be a problem...08:16
dthackervontux: TIAS08:16
eilkerdthacker: is it non-gui ?08:16
lewixadydas, I was following your link but apparently it's not for kubuntu08:16
moparisthebestthey could have changed it Eruantalon :S08:16
knubbe"update manage has crashed" :/08:16
adydasread down the bottom08:16
adydasif its like the nvida one it has 2 parts i think08:16
=== intelikey goes to lagging... doing a apt-get
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adydasi made the same mistake starting at the top08:16
dthackereilker: I think I missed part of your question.  Is what non-gui?08:16
adydas80gb formated aas ext3 used 3.2gb??????? that right?08:17
ubuntu./boot label.. size =200mb then08:17
eilkerdthacker: realizer08:17
eilkerdthacker: sorry webalizer08:17
filemoverim trying to install debian etch on another partition using kubuntu as my base system ive run the debootstrap script and got this output http://pastebin.ca/417837 i submitted that to the people in debian an they told me to come here and as you guys what to do08:18
intelikeyubuntu you only need a  /boot  partition if you intend to use an fs that the bios or boot loader may not be able to read08:18
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dthackereilker: webalizer runs through your apache logs and builds some nice report pages and graphs08:19
intelikeykey word "need" you may want one...08:19
eilkerdthacker> what cache ? if the web site cached ?08:19
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ubuntuok i got a partition with my music and such i want untouched (hda2) what do i do08:20
Blu3gawk doesn't come installed by default on kubuntu?  that's almost criminal!08:20
moparisthebestthat is right adydas08:20
dthackereilker: webalizer reads the logs, whatever is logged it reports on.  cached or non-cached.08:20
moparisthebestyou always get screwed out of a bunch of space when you format :(08:20
lewixadydas, so what should I do if I started the script already (for the first part)08:20
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EruantalonDamn that Konversation08:21
Eruantalonmoparisthebest: That they don't deliver somewhere seems to be something that companies don't tout strangely :-)08:21
eilkerdthacker> thanx man08:21
Eruantalonmoparisthebest: Well anyway I would like to order from i danish company. That way I can go kick the butts when soemthing goes wrong.08:22
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intelikeyEruantalon contrarry to popular belief cursing a program will not improve it's quality nor performance.08:22
Blu3i beat my monitor to make it work better08:22
adydaslewix: well i formated and re isntalled08:22
adydasbut it was a new installation as it was so no loss08:22
moparisthebestgood point Eruantalon, you just may end up paying more08:22
lewixadydas, damn there's no a second part08:22
dthackerintelikey is right, look at all the stuff people say about windows.  It hasn't helped a bit08:23
lewixadydas, formated what08:23
adydaswhats the link again08:23
adydaslet me have a read08:23
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moparisthebestone of my friends in australia built a computer identical to mine and spent $400 more on it :(08:23
lewixadydas, http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Edgy_with_XGL_and_ATI08:23
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moparisthebestone of my friends in australia built a computer identical to mine and spent $400 more on it :(08:23
Eruantalonintelikey, You might be right08:23
EruantalonIncidentally it just chrashed again so now I am on xchat08:24
moparisthebestxchat owns :)08:24
EruantalonI think it is simply KDE thats on the fritz08:24
moparisthebesti need to install it on here once I get the livecd to save my info08:24
=== dthacker is fond of KVirc
intelikeybx baby08:24
EruantalonAmarok, Kate and Kopete and Konqueror  won't start08:24
adydasdam there appears to be naff all support for ati and beryl08:24
lewixadydas, damn don't tell me I will have to format my linux partition just for that :\08:25
intelikeyEruantalon feisty ?08:25
adydasjust uninstall anything you installed via apt08:25
Eruantalonintelikey, yes08:25
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Eruantalonintelikey, I am looking for some stability (or a new laptop) so that I can get some work done08:26
intelikeyEruantalon sounds like something they "might" be fixing.   check in  #ubuntu+1  the feisty channel08:26
Anonymous_hello :)08:26
Eruantalonintelikey, well there should be a kubuntu+1 channel....08:27
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Blu3eruantalon, i just rsynched my home dir, wiped the drive and reinstalled w/ herd 5.  kde got all futzed up yesterday08:27
intelikeyEruantalon stability and pre-release (beta) software in the same breath ?     maybe a sanity check is in order...08:27
lewixadydas, , how would I do that (please write my nickname whenever you talk to me)..it's confusing08:28
dthackerEruantalon: that's why my laptop is still on Dapper until next month08:28
adydaslewix: apt-get remove packagenameyouinstalled08:28
=== intelikey want's a good solid house built on quick-sand too...
lewixadydas, i mean I don't know them08:29
EruantalonBlu3, So it is not just me?08:29
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intelikeyit just don't happen that way.08:29
adydaslewix: ill be right back08:29
lewixadydas, ok08:29
Eruantalonintelikey, I have no production systems though I do not Feisty for drivers etc...08:29
Blu3no.  something broke.  strangely enough i've done a full upgrade since i finished my install, rebooted and everything still works08:29
EruantalonDoes it work now?08:30
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Eruantalonintelikey, And what I was saying was that i wished that Feisty would be stable so I could use that. I do not plan in keeping my systems with the alpha software08:31
Blu3everything works now08:31
ubuntuthanks everybody that helped, i think i did it right >.< hope anyways08:31
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K`zanIn compiling a kernel on a 32 bit O/S install when you have a 64 bit processor, is it safe to compile the kernel for the exact processor or should it be left as a 5/686?08:32
ubuntulast time i did this it was in a more bios like environment, and i didnt care bout the hdd08:32
EruantalonBlu3, So if I do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade now and reboot maybe I will get my system back?08:33
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Blu3i chose to wipe and reinstall08:34
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EruantalonBlu3, I will do that when I get my laptop. I need some computer while doing it. I am that addicted. Besides. Firefox, xchat and konsole still work fine so I should be good for now...08:35
=== AdamKili [n=adam@71-213-163-102.albq.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu
ubuntuim installing on a laptop, i dont know if its relavent08:35
intelikeyQ. "what do linux users do ?"08:35
intelikeyA. "they install software."08:36
EruantalonHow long time do you think that a laptop should be able to run on battery?08:36
ubuntu2 hours08:36
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lewixis there a way to uninstall any recent installation with one simple command08:36
Blu3depends hugely on how you use it08:36
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ubuntuwell mine does, it depends on he notebook08:36
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Blu3watching a dvd?  goes dead in < 2hrs.  typing code on it, it lasts me close to 4 hrs08:37
intelikeyand on the battery08:37
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adydasdang nabbit08:37
Blu3lith-ion batteries should be kept on the charger whenever possible, they last far longer than discharge cycles08:38
=== eric [n=eric@c-71-228-4-169.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
adydaswhy is somthign so simple so dam hard08:39
=== intelikey uses automotive batterys
intelikeyadydas what it is ?08:39
=== philphoto [n=philphot@c-69-141-203-249.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
philphotook, I'm back08:40
philphotono faster now than before.08:40
adydasi just want to setup a external usb harddrive so it can be both read and wrote by windows / os08:40
adydaswindows / linux os08:40
ubuntujust plug it into the cigerrete lighter08:40
intelikeyadydas you formated it vfat ?08:41
adydasi used qtparted08:41
adydasno vfat option :/08:41
philphotoso running Kubuntu off the live CD is faster than my installed version08:41
adydasext2 3 and fat3208:41
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AbortDI SAY08:41
Blu3unless you use a 3rd party program, it should be fat32 or vfat08:41
adydasfat32 was horrible as  i ended with 40% of a 80gb drive08:41
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:41
intelikeyyeah fat32 is vfat08:41
adydaswell that sucks08:42
filemovermount -t vfat /dev/sd? /media/sd?08:42
adydasi need to format and set up the drive first08:42
Blu3i meat old dos fat/vfat  it's 3am, i should've gone to bed hours ago08:42
philphotoso now wher should I go with the slow issue?08:42
knubberan the upgrader once again. now it works.08:42
philphototry to do an ATI driver install?08:42
AbortDi say mount +d vfatbitch /dev/analy08:42
__bill__how do I mount a drive? like a USB mass storage drive?08:43
knubbeand now its installing 1.3gb of packages. i suppose i can go back to sleep for an hour.08:43
Blu3anyways.  my code compiles, i should be getting to bed08:43
philphotois anyone going to boot him?08:43
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adydascan i format it as fat without losing heaps of its capacatiy?08:43
AbortDok i will stop08:43
knubbe__bill__: usb storage devices are often auto-mounted08:43
AbortDi apologize08:43
=== AbortD bows t philphoto
__bill__well, when I had kubuntu installed before, it would pop up and ask me08:43
adydasthats somthing i cant understand at all either knubbe my older external hard drive was   dod08:43
filemoveri think u have to edit the fstab so u can mount it08:44
adydasbut i dont know how it was setup ( used some wack firmware stuff of its own with onbaord lan etc )08:44
__bill__but I just reinstalled Kubuntu yesterday, and now it only pops up for CDs08:44
intelikeyadydas use something besides gparted on it.  like if you need/want a partition  sudo cfdisk /dev/sda   (assuming sda)     and   sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sda (or sda1 if you use a partition)08:44
__bill__not any USB drives, including memory card readers and the such08:44
knubbe__bill__: i noticed the same problem with the kubuntu 7.04 beta live cd. i thought it was just an issue with the cd.08:45
lewixhow can I format08:45
adydasput the CD in08:45
adydasand boot08:45
=== b0nn [n=shane@203-109-245-158.static.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #kubuntu
__bill__well I was running 6.04 before08:45
__bill__I'm at 6.10 now08:46
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intelikeyfilemover you "can" put entries in /etc/fstab  you don't have too.    mount /dev/device /media/mount/point08:46
adydasdoes it have to be Vfat cant i use ntfs?08:46
knubbe__bill__: ok. have you updated your 6.10?08:46
__bill__what do you mean by update?08:46
knubbe__bill__: latest patches etc.08:47
knubbe__bill__: "full upgrade" in adept.08:47
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__bill__I guess not08:47
knubbe__bill__: k-menu > system > adept. click "get updates" and then "full upgrade"08:48
__bill__I just installed from the 6.10 DVD08:48
sonoftheclayradydas: ntfs isn't fully supported in linux08:48
=== philphoto [n=philphot@c-69-141-203-249.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
filemoverno thats what i was saying08:48
filemoverfor the present he could mount it08:48
filemoverbut when he boots he wants it in the fstab08:49
intelikeyadydas you can use ntfs.   but you will have trubble.08:49
filemoverdont use ntfs08:49
filemoverget ntfs-3g08:49
adydaswont do..08:49
filemoverand add that to the fstab08:49
=== AdamKili [n=adam@71-213-163-102.albq.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu
philphotowhat is the safest bet for ATI driver installation?  the open source or the fglrx?08:49
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adydashrmm the old mkfs vfat no work/dev/sdc1: No such file or directory08:49
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ElendalI have ubuntu server vmware image, but it lacks glibc man pages. What package should I install to get them?08:50
intelikeyadydas     sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdc108:50
adydasneeded -I08:51
filemoverntfs-3g will allow read and write to ntfs partitions08:51
intelikeynote the dot         ^08:51
knubbe__bill__: and after you have upgraded your kubuntu, i suggest you reboot your computer, since there have been alot of updates since 6.10 was released. including kernel-updates.08:51
adydasi just wanted the easyest possible way to use a usb harddrive via windows AND linux08:51
adydasso i can transfer stuff to a mates pc, backup or what ever08:51
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__bill__ok, this'll take a while08:52
intelikeythat would be making it vfat08:52
adydasok intelikey i done your way08:53
knubbe"About 2 hours and 13 minutes remaining" :-/08:53
adydasnow how do i appropriatly fstab it or make it so it picks it up under linux on boot ( or plug in )08:53
intelikeymount -o umask=000 /dev/sdc1 /media/<something>08:54
intelikeyadydas ^08:54
filemoveradd this line to the fstab     /dev/sd? /media/sd? vfat noauto,users,exec,umask=000,shortname=winnt,uid=knoppix,gid=knoppix 0 0  replacing the ? with whatever your device is in dev08:54
filemoverreplace knoppix with your distro08:54
intelikeyof fstab ...    /dev/sdc1 /mount/point vfat defaults,umask=000 0 008:55
geniiadydas Use ext3 filestsyem and the ext3 driver for windoze at fs-driver.org08:55
intelikeymaybe add  user,users  in the defaults section.08:55
adydasomg genii that sounds like good news08:55
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geniiadydas It's the simplest solution with the least fuss08:57
intelikeygenii how's that ?08:57
adydasmy issue is getting windows to reconise the drive at all08:57
intelikeyyou have to install things on windows for that route ?08:57
geniiintelikey Because linux natively uses the ext3 so no special mucking with mount-mangling etc.08:58
intelikeygenii linux natively uses vfat also08:58
adydasthats a point if i go to a mates house id need to visit fs-driver.org08:58
geniiadydas The driver fits on a floppy08:58
posingaspopularadaptr, fs driver was weird though08:58
posingaspopularbecause i duno wth to do when im in linux08:59
adydasbrb im going to try it out08:59
sonoftheclayradydas fat32 is supported by default08:59
intelikeywhat box has a floppy drive these days ?08:59
posingaspopularto show the files08:59
sonoftheclayrintelikey exactly!08:59
cotyintelikey: Could you refesh my memory on upgrading without the cd08:59
geniiintelikey Well could use a usb key or a camera card whatever08:59
sonoftheclayryeah but you still have to install it09:00
intelikey!upgrade | coty09:00
ubotucoty: See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)09:00
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intelikeygenii good idea  he would need a usb key to get his usb key to work.....09:01
geniiintelikey The main advantages to the fs-driver is no 4Gb file limit of vfat and no mount-manglin for mounting ntfs in linux09:01
geniiBut whatever works :)09:01
intelikey"mount-manglin" ?09:01
geniiintelikey Well, I mean nls= gid= etc etc09:01
=== kripl [n=cs@BSN-250-62-58.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyumask=000  is really hard....09:02
intelikeyand that's all you need to make linux treat vfat just like windows treats it.09:02
Eruantalonwohoo. everything came back! I think my broken nfs-server was to blame. It seems that kde et al. can't handle not getting a response and just freezes09:02
geniiintelikey Pls note I said ntfs not vfat09:03
intelikeybut he made it vfat09:03
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cotyi forgot the dumb command again for editing sources09:05
geniiintelikey: If he already has a vfat partition then it's whatever works LOL I'm stating more as of a general strategy overall that fs-driver/ext3 partition makes the most sense09:05
intelikeyi agree i'd go ext# and force my friends to dl+install a driver before i'd make one of my drives ntfs...09:05
geniiAlso the advantage is you can have DVD isos on it, vfat limit wouldn't allow that09:06
intelikeyfs not partition09:06
intelikeybut yea09:06
intelikeycoty  sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list09:06
intelikeyi can always part them out and rejoin them...09:07
sonoftheclayrif use rsync mirrors for apt would it work and use rsync properly?09:09
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intelikeyi guess i should see if i can get the man pages accessable on this box.09:09
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bottok, this is the guy that just had partition questions.. now i got it up and running w/o the cd09:10
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bottBUT my hd2 with music is now full of other stuff...09:11
=== [square] [n=chatzill@d83-181-213-181.cust.tele2.it] has joined #kubuntu
[square] Hello. Please may someone tell me a programm to convert avi in dvd? Thanks09:11
=== ^V^ [n=V@ppp184-161.lns2.mel4.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyhd2 ?   hda2 ?09:12
bottdid tey both get thrown together or what? (root, and my backup drive from windows)09:12
bottyeah hda2 srry09:12
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bottand that!09:12
bottwhy does it do that09:13
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intelikeyhda2 is second partition on hda      in a konsole do    sudo fdisk -l     to locate your partition  the numbering may have changed09:13
bott./media/hdamuhnami2 (was typed in as ./media/hda2) why did it throw in part of my IM nickname?09:14
bottit only happens with the a key09:14
intelikeyirc client "nick completion"09:14
lewixhow do we rename file again?09:15
bottmk how do i turn t off09:15
intelikeymv oldname newname09:15
intelikeybott that would be client specific09:16
philphotohow to save changes to xorg.conf?  I'm trying to save then exit & restart xserver09:16
intelikeycheck it's menus09:16
pollyoAnyone using a mceusb remote control with linux?09:16
intelikeyphilphoto have to edit as root09:16
philphotoI did09:16
sonoftheclayrphilphoto what text editor?09:16
philphotothere's no menu at the bottom of this one09:16
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pollyoI have lirc working and now I'm looking at irkick for kde.09:17
philphotoI should have used nano09:17
Jucatophilphoto: press Esc, type :wq09:17
sonoftheclayrdon't worry about it just use nano next time09:17
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bottwhen i did my partitioning it was hda2 (fat32) and my windows partition (ntfs) i deleted the ntfs and made boot / swap / and rest root09:17
Jucatophilphoto: (include the colon ':')09:17
bottif there being displayed together, how do i seperate them09:18
intelikeyphilphoto on   [esc]  : wq09:18
philphotoI didn't put a space between : and wq, hope it didn't make a difference09:18
Jucatophilphoto: you really shouldn't :)09:18
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intelikeyit didn't09:18
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Jucatono space09:18
philphotoah, good09:18
philphotothat's what I did09:18
Jucato:wq = save (write) and quit. :w = save only. :q! = quit without saving09:19
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cotyintelikey: i put in this line of command and i get an error:  apt-get -s -u dist-upgrade | grep ^' ' | xargs apt-get -y install09:19
intelikeyJucato vi ignores a leading space09:19
Jucatointelikey: true that09:20
intelikeycoty   grep ^' '     grep '^ '09:20
cotyintelikey: what is that suppose to mean09:20
pollyoAnyone know the homepage for irkick?09:20
intelikeycoty also apt-get has to be ran as root09:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about irkick - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:20
=== philphoto [n=philphot@c-69-141-203-249.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
philphotook, I'm back09:21
intelikeycoty means the shell will "bother"  ^' '   but not  '^ '09:21
philphotonow lets see if the machine is slow.09:21
cotyhow do i get into root09:21
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:21
cotycould you write out the command09:21
=== clever[rev] [n=clever@fctnnbsc16w-156034215125.nb.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu
clever[rev] how would i go about uninstalling gnome and installing kde?09:22
philphotogive me something to run that might stretch my computer's legs a bit09:22
sonoftheclayrfirefox maybe09:22
philphotokonquerer work?09:22
intelikeysudo apt-get -syu dist-upgrade09:22
cotyclever: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:22
intelikeyi think that's what you want there coty09:22
clever[rev] coty: i'll give that a try once the updates are done installing09:23
intelikeybest i can tell out of your command string09:23
Kite_DHis anybody here using Konversation?09:23
sonoftheclayrKite_DH yes09:23
cotyi mean09:23
Kite_DHis there a way to run scripts?09:23
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Kite_DHfor bots or something09:23
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:24
JucatoKite_DH: try in #konversation09:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about scripts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:24
bottintelikely hda1=boot, hda2=(music fat32) hda3=swap, hda4=root09:24
bottwoah wait a sec, isnt "pc angel" for windows09:25
cotyintelikey: it is not working09:26
cotyintelikey: that second to last line09:26
cotyintelikey : on the upgrade page09:26
philphotoI need the commandline for MP3 support.  Amarok won't run it for some reason.09:26
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philphotoI need "Linux for dummies" is what I need09:27
sonoftheclayrphilphoto i think all of us need it09:27
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clever[rev] i perfer mplayer(mostly cmd line controled) as my video/audio player for alot of things09:27
philphoto3:23 AM EDT.  philphoto thinks he took care of the superslowness problem09:27
=== sonoftheclayr claps philphoto
philphotocan anybody help me out with that command line?09:28
philphotothanks.  I'll try not to re-install for at least another 2 days.  :D09:29
clever[rev] lol09:29
cotywhat programe plays swf files09:29
cotyor plug in09:29
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cotyyea it says i need a plug in09:29
sonoftheclayrcoty you need adobe flash player09:29
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mrignsyou need the codec09:30
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cotymrigns: what is it09:30
philphotoit was the ATI graphics driver all along.09:30
philphotoI had to do the long install & change xorg.conf09:31
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nfts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:32
mrignsyou have to put them in /usr/lib/win32 and /usr/lib/codecs just put all in both dirs09:32
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter09:32
coty!info nfts09:32
ubotuPackage nfts does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas09:32
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse09:32
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse09:32
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adydaswhats that other ntfs mounter09:34
adydas3g or somthing09:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 3g - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 3g-ntfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:34
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)09:34
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philphotosonoftheclayr: do you know the command line for the mp3 support?  amarok crashed09:37
philphotonow that I have a kubuntu install that runs like I want it, can I import my e-mail settings over from my other harddrive?09:37
Chemicalvampim having some major issues, could somebody please 1 on 1 with me for a moment?09:37
philphotoI'm sick of configuring stuff.09:38
sonoftheclayrphilphoto sorry i don't know it09:38
=== erikja [n=chatzill@0x57314066.abnxx10.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu
sonoftheclayrinstall xmms and see if that works09:38
philphotosorry, I thought you had given it to me earlier tonight.  must have been someone else.09:38
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto09:38
philphotothere are a bunch of mp3 support libs in adept, but I don't know which one is associated with amarok09:39
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:39
posingaspopular!anyone | Chemicalvamp09:40
ubotuChemicalvamp: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:40
Chemicalvamp2/4 questions where answered in here, i have a few more+ the unanswered ones, i just thought it would be faster that way09:41
Admiral_Chicagoask them...might have the answer09:42
Chemicalvampwell i have come to the conclusion that alll the files i've never seen before on my windows backup partition where always there jut hidden..09:42
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philphotook, it's 3:42AM.  I got a lot done tonight, mainly configure that @#$$#%!! ATI driver and now my machine is appearing to work faster.09:43
Chemicalvampbut i cant delete them, i want to put MY files on the root drive, and format this extra partition09:43
philphotoproof will be in the pudding tomorrow when I fire up the scanner.09:43
sonoftheclayrphilphoto better go to bed and hope it stays that way09:43
posingaspopularChemicalvamp, what command are you using to try and delete09:43
philphotossshhhh!  don't tell it!09:44
Chemicalvampumm right click-> delete lol09:44
Chemicalvampsome files say '09:44
ChemicalvampThis area of your hard disk09:44
Chemicalvamp(or partition) contains files used09:44
Chemicalvampfor your system recovery.09:44
ChemicalvampDo not delete or alter these files.09:44
ChemicalvampAny change to this partition could09:44
Chemicalvampprevent any recovery later.09:44
Chemicalvampis hat bad?09:44
=== Eyeless [n=hjalle@d83-183-204-137.cust.tele2.se] has joined #kubuntu
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)09:45
kingcobra_what are the advantages of kde over gnome09:45
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philphotoChemicalvamp: did you run windows defragment tuility before loading up linux?09:45
Chemicalvampyeah, a pop-up said that, i didnt know it would spam.. thought it would be all in one lone09:45
Admiral_Chicagoits a desktop enviroment...not a desktop manager09:45
Chemicalvampmaybe a few weeks ago09:45
stdinkingcobra_: you will have a GUI that doesn't suck :P09:46
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hyper_chhiho, how can I tell the new k3b in feisty that I do not want to burn on a double layer and that data of 4.4 GB are enough to burn on a single-layer dvd?09:46
philphotoyou should boot up in Windows, run the defragment & it will pack all your old Win files on one side of the drive leaving free space for your partition09:46
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kingcobra_Admiral_Chicago, what do you mean09:46
sonoftheclayrkingcobra_: kde is more customizable and easier to customize also kde apps integrate really well with kde and othr programs. kde is also faster than gnome09:46
intelikeyok how do you get grep to show it's match rather than just saying "Binary file (standard input) matches"  ?09:46
Chemicalvampthis laptop came with windows media edition, with a cd, and always had 2 partitions..09:47
Admiral_Chicagokingcobra_: everything is intergrated, so it's a full experience, rather than being GTK+ packages being thrown together09:47
kingcobra_stdin, what sucks about gnome09:47
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Chemicalvampthe main one, and then the system restore one09:47
philphotodo you have DVD's that you can back everything up on?09:47
stdinintelikey: use -a (may print binary garbage to the console tho)09:47
intelikeydd if=/dev/hda count=1 2>/dev/null | egrep -woe 'GRUB'  <<< that's what i'm playing with   but i want it to say the word it finds.09:47
=== Admiral_Chicago waves to Jucato :) !!!
philphotoyou might want to run Xubuntu09:47
intelikeystdin k checking09:48
Admiral_ChicagoXubuntu is pretty great09:48
philphotoit's smaller footprint is better for laptops.09:48
=== Jucato waves to Admiral_Chicago who_should_be_sleeping
stdinkingcobra_: it's far to locked down and over simplified09:48
Chemicalvampman i dont know whos talkin to who09:48
intelikeystdin yep that's it09:48
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!09:48
philphotoi'm talking to you Chemicalvamp, sorry09:48
intelikeyi have got to fix the man pages on this box.09:48
Admiral_ChicagoJucato: i had a rought night...should be asleep...going now09:48
=== stuq_ [n=Stuart@cpe-24-161-103-133.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: aw... hope you have a good sleep :)09:48
philphotochemicalvamp: are you running  linux from a cd?09:49
Chemicalvampok, no dvds.. just had a 6 gig chunk of partition to hold this stuff while i installed kubuntu09:49
sonoftheclayrthe way communities like this bring together the world. people are talking about sleep and it not even 6 in the evening here09:49
Chemicalvampi was, but it is installed now09:49
Chemicalvampand upgrading09:49
Admiral_Chicagonight everyone. mich Ubuntu love09:49
kingcobra_Jucato, ill go there09:49
Jucatosonoftheclayr: not 6pm here either :)09:49
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philphotogood, good.09:49
sonoftheclayryeah its quarter to 609:49
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philphotochemicalvamp: what kind of laptop is it?09:49
sonoftheclayr10 to actually09:50
Chemicalvampi want to move these files off this partition and format it09:50
philphotoit's almost 4am here09:50
philphotoyou need to back them up to external media09:50
Chemicalvampgateway.. amd64 laptop.. 2.2ghz 1g ram 64mb video09:50
philphotothat's the safest way09:50
Chemicalvamp500 bucks on sale at best buy lol09:51
Chemicalvampi cant put it on hda4?09:51
philphotochemicalvamp: xubuntu would probably be a better candidate for that laptop.  though you DO have the good arch. for linux09:51
Chemicalvamphow do i moun it09:51
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter09:51
Chemicalvampim not havng any problems09:51
Chemicalvampjust the hda mess i had from the start09:52
philphotobut when you start running a bunch of apps, it may slow down.09:52
philphotochemicalvamp: do you know how to use ubotu?09:53
Chemicalvampok 1) what is it, and 2)why?09:53
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:53
=== malte [n=malte@frnk-590d8e05.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu
sonoftheclayrwhat version of kde comes installed with feisty?09:54
philphotochemicalvamp: you can also scroll down to ubotu's user id, open query then type in the topic you're looking for.09:54
philphotosonoftheclayr: click on the topic09:54
Chemicalvampphilphoto did you just get a message from me?09:55
Jucatophilphoto: /query ubotu <factoid> works too :)09:55
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Chemicalvampbut im a noob... ;ast linux i used was gentoo09:55
stdinphilphoto: /msg ubotu <factoid> is another way09:56
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Jucatostdin: the difference would be /msg doesn't immediately open up a new tab/window until the person/bot replies09:57
Jucatophilphoto: for you too ^^^09:57
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Chemicalvampcommand for mounting anybody?09:58
hyper_chbtw, does kubuntu feisty use less ressources than edgy?09:58
mrignsChemicalvamp: mount09:59
=== jbsined [n=jbsined@per92-4-82-225-205-64.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeywell that was easy enough.  copy two files and now i have man pages again.09:59
intelikeyChemicalvamp sudo mount anybody09:59
intelikeyoh wait.    sudo mount /dev/<devicenode> /media/>mountopint>10:00
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intelikeywhy on earth does !mount  point to partitioning apps ?10:05
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=== Jucato shrugs
Jucatoit does have (GNOME) instructions at the end10:06
philphotohow to move files from one partition to another?10:06
zidophilphoto, mount both of the partitions and just move the file like you normally would.10:07
intelikeymv /path/files /new/location/10:07
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intelikeysudo mv -R / /dev/null10:08
intelikeykids don't try that at home tho10:08
Jucatotsk tsk10:09
intelikeyoh kick me.10:09
Jucatodon't provoke me :)10:09
=== intelikey does sudo mount -o remount /proc /jucato
intelikeyshould have been /home/jucato     shoot...10:11
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sonoftheclayrbe back in about half an hour to tell you all how my feisty upgrade went10:12
philphotonight folks.10:14
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adydasintelikey: whats your reccomendation for me to mount this dam usb drive?10:15
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Chemicalvampis there a way to append a partition to /root?10:15
cypher1is there a news reader that comes by default in kubuntu ?10:16
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mrigns!hi | jucato10:20
ubotujucato: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!10:20
mrignswas bored10:20
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Ash-FoxA mail client joined the channel... It's become selfaware.10:22
=== adydas [n=adydas@60-234-144-118.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu
adydasThis is mentall and so not right10:24
Iwonder|toois there a nzb client?10:25
adydaswhy as su can i not remove a plain and boring folder located in / where i was to mount my external drive?10:25
adydaskonsole just hands10:25
cntbyoutube  on firefox in dapper does not show smooth . how do I nice  permanently or is there any other solution . try that http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoVHvoPtlEQ&mode=related&search=10:25
cntb\o  all10:26
cntb\o Admiral_Chicago10:26
mrignsIwonder|too: klibido10:26
intelikeyadydas what folder ?10:26
cntb\o Jucato10:26
adydaser /external10:26
intelikeyadydas in a konsole#   grep external /proc/mounts10:27
=== Admiral_Chicago wonders...why hightling me?
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mrigns!hi | cntb10:28
ubotucntb: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!10:28
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adydas thats the problem right... /dev/sdc1 /external fuse rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other 0 010:28
clever[rev] ive installed the kubuntu-desktop package and started kdm10:28
clever[rev] but when i login i still get a gnome-panel and gnomeish interfaced10:28
intelikeycan't delete a mounted fs adydas10:28
adydasbut why is it mounting10:29
adydasnothing in fstabd and ive rebooted10:29
mrignsclever[rev] : so try starting kde and not gnome with kdm10:29
clever[rev] mrigns: how?10:29
mrignsclever[rev] : you can change ur session10:29
=== clever[rev] looks
=== Frost^- [n=sweiss@89-138-105-71.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyadydas that is a $64k Q.  why do they have any automounting in linux....10:30
clever[rev] loading the sessions editor from gnome10:30
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clever[rev] intelikey: i sometimes get cd's and usb drives automounting on linux10:30
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cntb\o mrigns10:31
clever[rev] but after umount'ing and eject'ing the cd will often not mount in insert10:31
intelikeyclever[rev]  that don't make me like it.10:31
clever[rev] :P10:31
cntbideas about renicing ? try clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoVHvoPtlEQ&mode=related&search=10:31
intelikeyyou are "expected" to use the eject option in the icon on the kde desktop10:32
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clever[rev] intelikey: im still trying to get the kde desktop to even load:P10:32
clever[rev] its loading gnome still atm10:32
=== intelikey does, sudo renice 99 cntb
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intelikeyat login select the desktop you want and make it default10:33
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clever[rev] intelikey: /me logs out and looks harder at kde10:34
cntbpls cme again intelikey10:34
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=== intelikey does, sudo renice 99 intelikey
clever[rev] ahhhh i think i see it now:)10:34
cntbyoutube is so smooth on ff2/ windows10:35
clever[rev] 'could not start kstartup check your instalation'10:35
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clever[rev] cntb: any flash based video sucks 100% cpu on linux10:36
cntbdapper must have inconvenient defaults is that it? will try edgy10:36
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clever[rev] but they often perform a bit/lot better on winblows10:36
cntbI see clever[rev] 10:36
clever[rev] thats what ive noticed10:36
cntband no ubuntu installation lies that clever[rev]  ?10:36
cntblies >likes10:36
clever[rev] ?10:36
stdingnome users are dumb10:36
=== adydas [n=adydas@60-234-144-118.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu
stdin... just had to say that10:37
clever[rev] lol10:37
cntbstdin now on kde10:37
clever[rev] i use both gnome and plain text console10:37
intelikeystdin i think it's.    computer users are dumb !10:37
stdincntb: I was actually referring to someone in another channel I'm in :)10:37
intelikeywhy leave your friends out...10:37
=== jlaine [n=jlaine@dsl-aur-fe82dd00-66.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu
cntbno worries10:38
cntbbtw did you try the clip above10:38
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clever[rev] odd10:38
clever[rev] the files under ~/.kde/10:39
clever[rev] are owned by root10:39
=== intelikey wonders if that "other" os has a dumbing affect or if it's just that dumb people use it....
clever[rev] and im not logged in as root10:39
clever[rev] wont that cause problems?10:39
intelikeyclever[rev]  it may.10:39
stdincntb: utube works fine here, but i'm on feisty10:39
cntbclever[rev] : you may take ownership10:39
clever[rev] could be why kde is giving me so much trouble10:40
intelikeyimo it never hurts to own your home.10:40
clever[rev] i'll sudo chown clever:clever -R ~/.kde10:40
cntband feisty is 2 versions above dapper10:40
intelikeydid you do sudo "some-kde-app"  ?10:40
=== rudlavibizon__ [n=rudlavib@cable-89-216-138-227.dynamic.sbb.co.yu] has joined #kubuntu
clever[rev] intelikey: i may have in the past10:40
clever[rev] might have been arround the first kde app i used10:40
ubotuIn KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo10:40
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clever[rev] so when it init'ed everything it made them root owned10:41
clever[rev] i didnt have kde installed fully then10:41
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use  gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using  sudo <GUI-application> 10:41
clever[rev] so the .kde was probly empty until i sudo'ed a kde program10:41
clever[rev] i'll try that next time10:41
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Chemicalvampi need help reformatting a partition.. the partition is /dev/hda2 and its mounted10:42
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stdin!caps | jljx10:42
ubotujljx: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.10:42
clever[rev] ahhhh non gnome like stuff loading10:43
clever[rev] i think i fixed it:P10:43
intelikeyjljx where did you evere find anything so rediculess ?10:43
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adydasintelikey: mounted as vfat via a fstab line /dev/sdc /external vfat exec,umask=000,shortname=mixed,quiet,iocharset=utf8 0 0 would that cause it not to save the wrote data?10:45
adydasas if i remove the usb plug and put it back and remount nothings there agian..10:45
=== jordo23 [n=jordo23@CPE-70-94-41-77.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyadydas you made a partition on that did you not ?    and that's mounting the device   not a partition on the device...   so yeah10:46
jljxTEH AOL!!!111 LOL OMG10:46
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cntb<clever[rev] > cntb: any flash based video sucks 100% cpu on linux << --- I think Microsoft is committed to user satisfaction even when stability is at stake10:46
=== Frost^ [n=sweiss@89-138-105-71.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #kubuntu
cntbnow niced ff2 to -1010:47
cntbhi Frost^10:47
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clever[rev] cntb: that should give it more cpu and make it play better10:47
clever[rev] at the expense of other things10:47
stdincntb: yeah, I still use ~95% CPU with any flash vids10:47
intelikeyjljx figures  heh10:47
cntbstdin:  how can you grant nicer priority to ff2 on start?10:48
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intelikeywraper script ?10:49
stdincntb: you can edit the script that starts ff10:49
=== fuzzy_logic says hello
cntbFrost^: you may want to idle also on #ubuntu-il10:49
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)10:49
intelikeyshalom fuzzy_logic10:49
=== tackat [n=tackat@p5493f9a5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
Frost^cntb: probably.10:49
cntbstdin ok ty where to look?10:49
Frost^I was wondering, however, is there a normal working version of the Human icon theme for KDE?10:50
stdincntb: the script that starts FF is /usr/lib/firefox/firefox10:50
=== Gretl [i=eulchen@chello213047232241.tirol.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu
cntbtyvm stdin lookin there . kdesu kate /usr/lib/firefox/firefox10:50
intelikeyFrost^ ubuntu-artwork   i think...   jucato would know.10:51
fuzzy_logicFrost^: i was looking for that too, but couldn't find anything10:52
=== JohnFlux_ [n=JohnFlux@cpc3-brig10-0-0-cust96.brig.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
Frost^Oh. That's a shame10:52
stdincntb: where it has "exec "$@"" try "exec nice (nice livel) "$@""10:52
=== kripl [n=cs@BSN-77-250-150.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu
stdincntb: also look at "man nice" too10:52
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shinobiFrost^ saw something like that on kde-look10:54
intelikeynice -20 man nice10:54
Menaany one know what is linspire ?? :D10:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linspire - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:54
Frost^shinobi: I found a theme there called Human KDE. It was of pretty low quality.10:55
pollyoMena: Another distribution see Freesprire as well.10:55
shinobiFrost^ yeah, looks like not the one i saw earlier10:55
Menapollyo, what is diffrent brw both the free one and linspire10:55
pollyoMena: I'm not sure actually.10:56
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy10:56
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Menapollyo, ok no prob10:56
stdinMena: linspire is the "new" name of Lindows, the one with all the proprietary stuff included by default (IIRC), aimed at Windows users moving to Linux10:57
Menastdin, ohhh like the first step to linux :)10:58
Menahehehhhehe :)10:59
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stdinMena: yeah, I used it once, a long time ago. before MS tried a law suit against them (for the name)10:59
Menabut its really a good idea11:00
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Menastdin, some times on edgy when i try to open say kdm theme mamanget pr adept_manager it didnt load the the window where its request the pass11:02
Menamanager* or*11:03
stdinMena: maybe it's something to do with kdesu loading the app, like it reads roots settings or something11:04
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botti need a link to somebody that will tell me how to format a problematic partition11:05
bottor a howto11:05
Menastdin, ok11:06
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter11:06
=== arkaitz [n=arkaitz@96.Red-88-26-108.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
botttried that thing already11:06
bottcant find man mkfs11:06
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bottfstab and diskmounter do me no good11:07
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stdinbott: do it in Konsole11:08
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intelikeybott make sure it's not mounted and do    sudo cat /dev/zero > /dev/hd?#  (where hd?# would be something like hda1 "where the partition is")    then  sudo mkfs.(type) /dev/hd?#11:13
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intelikeyzero'ing the partition will normally get rid of most "problems"   but if that doesn't streighten it out you probably need to run badblocks on it.11:15
botti can go to /media/ and unmount it, but then i have to do sudo mount /dev/hda211:16
bottif its not mounted.. ts just a folder11:16
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botti dont wanna spam, but can i sent this error to soebody here?11:18
intelikeybott you can't format a mounted fs11:18
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)11:18
botthere inlies the ERROR11:18
=== roel_ [n=roel@c529cf0de.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu
bottits not mounted, when i click it, its an empty folder11:19
_tintin_Salut, hi ... usualy this forum was in french mais il est en anglais maintenant ?11:19
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bottbut when i wrote to the partition table it said it was busy, though it was unmounted11:19
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:19
intelikeybott address ?11:20
_tintin_i don't mind, c'est pas grave; maybe i can solve my problem here ;-)11:20
botthow do i log into my registered name?11:21
bottso i can pm11:21
_tintin_i just want to read a doc i got in 'docbook' format11:21
intelikey!register | bott11:21
ubotubott: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration11:21
=== stuq_ [n=Stuart@cpe-24-161-103-133.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Linux_Galoreis there a OOo latest repo, ver 2.2 is out11:22
_tintin_i don't know what to use ti read it without the codes ::11:22
botti have a registered nic... its chemicalvamp11:22
intelikey q docbook viewer11:23
intelikeylyx - High Level Word Processor11:23
intelikeydon't know if that's what you want or not .....11:23
bottafter update i rebooted, and now it is back on bott11:23
=== Vedo [n=cristian@host162-103-static.20-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu
intelikey/nick chemicalvamp11:23
stdinbott: the /msg NickServ identify (your password)11:24
_tintin_i tried to install docbooks packages, but dit not found how to open the file with them11:24
c1|freakyhi all. does anyone know the "K-Menu" from SuSE? is it also available for kubuntu?11:24
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=== bott is now known as chemicalvamp
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chemicalvampmk now what11:25
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chemicalvampok all good, now that paste thing, i did it, now what11:26
intelikeythe url to the paste11:26
chemicalvampok i get it11:26
stdinc1|freaky: that Kickoff ?11:26
c1|freakyi dont know how it is called. but SuSE has a unique K-Menu style which is imo better than the default one.11:27
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chemicalvampdo you see any problems with that paste?11:27
stdinc1|freaky: well it's called Kickoff11:27
c1|freakyok, is it available for kubuntu?11:27
ubotuKickoff is a new KDE menu replacement developed by openSUSE. See http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/233111:27
c1|freakythx :DD11:28
=== frequency is now known as Hannes3
intelikeychemicalvamp yeah... your hda3 is now going to be hda2  and hda4 is going to step to hda3    i believe...11:29
yaccintastymenu <311:29
intelikeymaking reboot treturess at best...11:30
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yaccinintelikey: remounting should be enough?11:30
c1|freakyyaccin: whats that tasty menu? are there any screenshots?11:30
yaccinuhm one moment ^^11:31
c1|freakystdin: kickoff doesnt seem to be downloadable11:31
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intelikeychemicalvamp if it does fail to boot you will need to edit the kernel line in grub and adjust the partition number down one.11:31
intelikeyhave you ever played with editing in grub ?11:32
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Ace2016Hi all11:32
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intelikeyoh shoot.  he left and i'm posting monolog again...11:32
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Ace2016anyone know the script that resizes 128x128 icons into 64x64 and so on?11:33
Ace2016i'm making a kde icon theme11:33
yaccin<< oxygen ^^11:33
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Iwonder|tooanyone know an app to convert mp3 bitrate say from 128 to 192?11:34
stdinc1|freaky: http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb//pool/edgy/3v1n0/kicker-kickoff_1_i386.deb11:34
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yaccinsthe wanted a screenshot :P11:36
chemicalvampok i got an issue.. my settings arent saving, manual wireless configuration, kopete account passwords11:36
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yaccini already postet a deb ^^11:36
chemicalvampall reset after every boot11:36
stdinyaccin: for kickoff?11:36
c1|freakystdin: im on feisty11:36
arkaitzcan I play .wma files on linux?11:37
stdinc1|freaky: shouldn't matter11:37
c1|freakyhow recent is that version?11:37
stdinc1|freaky: 04-Dec-2006 (apparently)11:39
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chemicalvampdoes anybody have any idea why none of my settings are sticking after a reboot11:41
yaccinarkaitz: sure11:42
arkaitzyaccin: so, how?11:42
c1|freakystdin: hm its a bit old11:42
yaccinarkaitz: vlc :)11:42
c1|freakywait ill restart KDE now11:42
yaccinor w32-codecs11:43
stdinc1|freaky: you can always get the cvs version and compile it11:43
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arkaitzsomeone told me to install automatix, what is it?11:43
arkaitzI heard that its a crappy application that meshes up the whole system11:44
stdinarkaitz: don't, it's evil11:44
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe11:44
arkaitzhahahahaha ok11:44
arkaitzthats what I heard11:44
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vaindoes anyone know a web page where i can download songs in .ogg11:46
vain:] 11:46
mrignsogg is a container11:46
stdinif only I did11:46
mrignsnot a codec11:46
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vaini need something11:46
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vainsince i can't play music in mp311:47
yaccinvain jamendo11:47
yaccinyou can ^^11:47
vainno i can't11:47
yaccinsudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs11:47
vaindone that :D11:47
stdincan't? or won't?11:47
mrigns!mp3 | vain11:47
ubotuvain: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:47
yaccinvain: restartet amarok?11:47
chemicalvampi deleted the partition /dev/hda2 but there is still /media/hda2 (its just a folder, and i cant delete it11:47
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yaccini mean not only close it to the tray11:47
yaccinonly amarok11:48
mrignschemicalvamp: sudo rm -dfr /media/hda211:48
yaccinor whatever player you use11:48
arkaitzyaccin: where can I download the w32-codecs from?11:48
vainPackage libxine-extracodecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.11:48
chemicalvamptyvm mrigns11:48
vainthats what i get after get libxine...11:49
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yaccinmultiverse repository11:49
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vainE: Package libxine-extracodecs has no installation candidate11:49
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu11:49
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs11:49
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chemicalvampnow, my last problem (i swear) my settngs arent being saved (manual wireless internet configuration, saved passwords for kopete) is this a bug? i use fully upgraded edgy11:49
chemicalvampall my settings reset whenever i reboot11:50
mrignschemicalvamp: sound like a bug11:50
chemicalvampis there a way i can re-upgrade to maybe fix it?11:51
chemicalvampthere where some errors while adept auto updated11:51
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yaccinmy network settings are reset after reboot :/ (feisty)11:51
chemicalvampthat sucks.. me too11:51
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chemicalvampwireless conection tool doesnt work, so i have to manually enter everything11:52
stdinyaccin: use apt-get or aptitude to do the upgrade, it will at least give more errors11:53
stdin*more meaningful errors11:54
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samir85Hey guys, I I've issues getting my usb drive to work. Could somebody help me out ? That's my problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39666711:55
yaccino.O whats command-not-found? o.O11:56
stdinyaccin: it tells you what package a command is in, if it's not installed11:56
yaccinthx :)11:57
stdin!info command-not-found11:57
ubotucommand-not-found: Suggest installation of packages in interactive bash sessions. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.0 (edgy), package size 4 kB, installed size 92 kB11:57
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vainlet's help vain now,ok ?12:02
vaini'm havoig trouble getting amaroK play mp3s12:03
vaindone that12:03
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vainsudo aptitude instal libcine extracodecs12:03
stdinand you installed libxine-extracodecs ?12:03
vaingive me the right code12:04
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vaini'll show you the error12:04
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stdinvain: sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs12:04
vainPackage libxine-extracodecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.12:05
vainThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or12:05
vainis only available from another source12:05
vainE: Package libxine-extracodecs has no installation candidate12:05
vainthat's what i get :D12:05
stdinvain: enable multiverse12:06
vainyeah,if only i knew how :S12:06
stdin!repo | vain12:06
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ubotuvain: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu12:06
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stdinvain: follow that link12:06
vainthx m812:06
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lewixwho got beryl installed on an ati radeon xpress 200M12:07
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cotywow how do you get the ubuntu ultimate gamers edition12:11
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tv-card - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:11
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:14
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betahow do i install a tv card? am i just supposed to plug it in and let hotplug do its thing?12:15
vainstdin: ithink i enabled em12:16
stdinvain: did you click the "fetch updates" button after?12:17
betauhm, or where could i find a manual about it for edgy12:17
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stdinvain: search for "libxine-extracodecs" in adept12:18
shinobibeta is that a usb card or pci?12:19
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vainstdin: got one-not installed12:19
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betashinobi: pci and its a bt878 or bt848 chipset...so it should work12:20
betabought it ages ago but never used it...but i thought it might be fun plaing around with it a bit under kubuntu12:20
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shinobibeta, oh okay, i have a camtel usb and have never got it going12:21
vainstdin: i downloaded it12:21
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stdinvain: when it's installed, restart amarok and it should just work12:21
dennis_yesterday and today i have problems when i want to dist upgrade, it always wants to remove openoffice packages...is there anyone who has the same problem?12:22
betai see hm, i bought me hardware to work with linux...but i have never used a tv card...and i cant find a manual for kubuntu12:22
stdindennis_: what version of kubuntu ?12:22
dennis_kubuntu feisty fawn, beta12:22
stdindennis_: join #ubuntu+1 I'll help in there12:23
betai know it can be tricky even under windows in terms of interrupts12:23
dennis_k, tnx12:23
vainstdin: how do i restart amarok.it's closed atm.12:23
stdinvain: oh. then you don't need to :p12:23
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vainstdin: yeah,thought so :D12:24
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vainstdin: thx m8.it worked12:27
betahow does linux handles inerrupts?12:27
vainthx a lot12:27
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cotyevery time i run burly manager my computers task bar disappears12:27
ubuntuhow do i check what version of kubuntu i have installed?12:28
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cotyDid you get it throught the ship it serves12:28
cotyor did you burn it12:28
betaif installing a pci device on windows i go through the mainboard manual searching for the slot that has a free interrupt is possible intaslling the card there12:28
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ubuntuburned it.. i am not sure if this is edgy or dapper12:29
cotyis it 6.06 or 3.1012:29
betathen i check in the system manager to see if there are any iterrupt conflicts12:29
stdin!version | ubuntu12:29
ubotuubuntu: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell12:29
cotystdin: i need help12:29
ubuntuits feisty12:29
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ubuntuty let me try that12:29
cotystdin: beryl is installed just acting weird12:29
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ghetekguys, how do i copy everythign in my current directory to the directory right before it? is it "cp * ../"?12:30
cotystdin: can you help me with this problem12:30
betai googled for interrupts a bit but i cant find anything profound.....i suppose interrupt  sharing simply doenst cause problems as it does on windows?12:30
stdincoty: what version of KDE do you have ?12:30
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Ioniuswah, KDE 6.06 has been released?12:31
IoniusNice, i'll download it12:31
cotytheres 7.04 now12:31
waylandbilldapper... 3.5.4 i what it had12:31
waylandbillI think12:31
c1|freakyhe is talking about ubuntu releases not kde12:31
cotywhat is the command to restart12:31
c1|freakyshutdown -r now12:32
ubuntui keep getting a error whenever i try and install linux from a cd or dvd..  it starts to load then it stops12:32
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waylandbillcommand is 'reboot'12:32
stdincoty: beryl doesn't work so well on dapper now12:32
Ioniushey, is there any way to install conky from binaries, but with audicious support?12:32
waylandbillcoty: don't worry. it doesn't work well on edgy or feisty either. ;)12:32
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waylandbillit has come a long way in a short time though12:33
waylandbillubuntu: does it give an error? does it hang? panic?12:33
betahm any help?12:34
ubuntuits a error of some kind i'd  have to relog again to see the exact name of the error12:34
ubuntubut its trying to load something. and it says like premission denied12:35
ubuntuand it tries to bypass it a few times12:35
ubuntuthen it says failed12:35
ubuntuand it just gives up after that12:35
waylandbillubuntu: yeah. it'd be helpful to know exactly what that is12:35
ubuntuok i will be back in a few minutes have to relog to see the error. then relog again to get back on here.. brb12:36
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Ioniushey, how can I set the environment vars in pkg-config?12:37
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stialahi! I'm sorry, but I'm new to kubuntu, really like it though... However, I have a tarball downloaded that I would really like to install... can someone please tell me how to do it...??12:39
stdinIonius: what do you mean?12:39
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stdinstiala: depends what it's a tarball of12:39
Ioniusthat is the part of conky ./configure --enable-audacious script12:39
stialastdin: a program12:40
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Ioniusaudacious have been installed from ubuntu repository with adept12:40
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stdinIonius: you probably need the dev package12:40
Ioniusthe dev package of what? of audacious?12:40
stdinIonius: yeah, audacious-dev12:41
Ioniusoh, thanks ^^12:41
stdinstiala: is it binary, or source? and what program is it?12:41
Ioniusif it is tarball.. maybe it is source?:)12:41
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Ioniusdaah! *music detection audacious: yes* thanks a lot :)12:42
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adrian__hey im new and i need a flash-plug in can someone help me?^^12:43
stdin!flash | adrian__12:43
ubotuadrian__: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:43
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash12:43
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging12:44
stialastdin: magic-project-
stdinstiala: and that is?12:44
stialaa game i think12:44
stdinadrian__: read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats12:44
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stdinstiala: open it with ark and extract it12:45
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Ioniusarrrgh.. conky won't compile ><12:46
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stdinIonius: configure error, or make error?12:47
Ioniusmake error12:47
stdinthose are tough to figure out12:47
Ioniusyep. =\12:47
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ubuntuok i found out the error i was getting when trying to load a kubuntu or ubuntu start or install cd/dvd12:47
maldorordoes anyone know, if it is allowed to use an _unpartitioned_ disk like /dev/sdb to store data or do I risk datacorruption?12:48
Ioniusbut there is nothing.. some gcc code, then 'leaving directory', after 'make install' and 'conky' nothing happens.12:48
ubuntubin/sh : can't access tty; job control turned off12:48
stdinIonius: there is #conky12:48
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Ioniusoh.. thanks)12:48
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ubuntuthen it says (initramfs) [88.722804]  ata1.01: failed to set xfermode (err_mask=ox4)12:49
ubuntuthen it goes down the list with 3 more of those kind of errors. and then it says failed to reset and that its giving up12:49
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ubuntuany idea whats wrong?12:50
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ubuntudid anyone see what i typed?12:52
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sonoftheclayrmy upgrade to feisty was a success, everything works great except my wireless card12:56
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betais there any way to lookup which IRQs are assigned and which are free?12:56
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dhq(kiba-dock:19170): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_icon_info_get_filename: assertion `icon_info != NULL' failed12:57
dhqfdoving: ^^12:57
stdinbeta: take a look in /proc/irq/12:57
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Vandal22was anyone able to check out my problem?12:59
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betastdin: a lot of subfolders..what does it tell me?01:00
stdinbeta: those ate the IRQs in use, and by what01:00
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betastdin: there are folders with numbers above 24....actually 169 an such what are they?01:01
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betathere can only be 24 IRQs i tought01:02
stdinbeta: don't know, I only have 1501:02
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betaor was it 16?01:02
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betahell... i just put the card in01:05
betalets see what happens01:05
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anmolGuys i am using feisty and am experiencing a lot of trouble as konqueror is crashing repeatedly and dont know what to do. :(01:05
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anmolin kde crash ahndler i am getting this "(no debugging symbols found)"01:07
vlt|lHello. Does anyone know how to tell `scanimage` to access a remote saned? Can't find anything about it in the manpage.01:07
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anmolAnd also this happens only when i use konquror with web browser profile.01:08
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chakahello all01:09
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chakawill need some help to let my Wlan card prism2 to run with WPA01:10
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ubuntuarkadalar  trke yardm aryorum01:11
chakaany help for me wit that prob01:11
strog_what does su-to-root mean?01:12
strog_cause im trying to use kvpnc01:12
Godetubuntu =)01:12
Godetsorunun nedir01:12
chakawill try now the hostap driver an will be back01:12
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c1|freakystrog_: su means switch user ... means u change to another user in su-to-root to user root ;D01:13
strog_the roblem is that i entered the password  i get the following message01:14
strog_command not found01:14
strog_it goes with the following sequence01:14
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strog_su-to-root -X -c /usr/bin/kvpnc01:14
ubuntuselam sorunuma yardmc olursan sevinirim01:15
mrignsuse sudo or sudo su01:15
Godetbende pek tecrubeli saylmam, elimden geldigince yardm etmeye calsrm01:15
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strog_i dont work on the console01:15
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strog_went to kvpnc01:16
ubuntusorunum u anda pcde pardus ubuntu kurulu ama kubuntuyuda kurmak istiyorumm01:16
vlt|l"scanimage --device-name" tells scanimage which device to use. Do I have to prepend something like "" to it?01:16
ubuntuama bana msade etmiyor01:16
ubuntune yapabilirim01:16
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Godetkubuntu ile ubuntu arasnda bildigim kadaryla bir fark yok01:16
Godetkubuntu, ubuntu nun kde versiyonu sadece01:16
raidmaxsup im new to kubuntu just need a bit of help01:16
Godetnenden ikisini birden kurmak istiyorsun ?01:16
Godetbir paket guncellemesi ile ubuntuyu kubuntu gibi kullanabildigini duymustum01:16
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Godetilgili bir link vereyim istersen arastr01:17
ubuntudeiiklikler vargibi geldide01:17
ubuntuo yzden01:17
Vandal22is this a none english channel?01:17
ubuntuhdd 8 e blk01:17
raidmaxi speak english01:17
ubuntuama yinede olmuyor01:17
Vandal22could you help me with my technical problems with linux?01:17
ubuntunerin nedir01:17
chakahehe lol Vandal2201:17
raidmaxi suck at linux01:17
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strog_raidmax: what do u need?01:18
raidmaxi cant even do basics thats wat i want help with01:18
Vandal22i am lost =)01:18
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Godetburda ubuntuyu kubuntu yapman icin bir eklenti vard01:18
Godetsimdi bulamadm01:18
Godetdedigim gibi01:18
Vandal22i have a very complex problem01:18
Godetaralarndaki tek fark, kubuntu nun kde olmas01:18
ubuntu sla olan blm istiyor01:18
ubotuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.01:18
Vandal22i might have to come back at a later time to get it figured out01:18
raidmaxi wanna kno how to run a tag.gz file01:18
ubuntuama o blm dolu01:18
ubuntugaka ne yapabilirim01:18
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Godetkk dizinin yok01:18
Vandal22i want to know how to do that as well raidmax01:18
Godetyeni kk dizini olusturmalsn01:18
strog_raidmax: i sec01:18
Godetama ikisini birden kurman mantksz01:19
vlt|lPrepending saned's ip doesn't work. How to tell scanimage where the saned listens?01:19
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ubuntuolsun sasl oluturabilirim01:19
ubuntukk dizinini01:19
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Godetbos alana ihtiyacn var01:19
chakawhat about my prob need some help to run a WLan card Prism2 with WPA01:19
Godetyeni kurulum yapmak icin01:19
Godet5-6 gb kadar01:19
chakaonly run with WEP now01:20
Godettpk ubuntuyu kurdugun gibi01:20
raidmaxid love to help u chaka but i suck and linux first hour ever using it01:20
strog_raidmax: try this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware01:20
raidmaxkk shot strog01:20
chakathy raidmax same like me :)01:20
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raidmaxlol kubuntu picked my internet up instantly01:21
chakaokay will try my best and will read some stuff01:21
ubuntuolmazsa resim ekio gndereyim01:21
chakacu later01:21
h0axhi .... is there a theme manager on kubuntu like on ubunutu were i can just select a theme ?01:21
Godetne resimi01:21
ubuntudediim yerin resmini01:22
Godetgerek yok01:22
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Godetdedgm gb01:22
Godetbos br bolumun varm harddskn de01:22
raidmaxcheers strog_ ima have a look at it soon see if i can sus  it out ill let you know01:23
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h0axanyone  ?01:24
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ubuntufirefox yokmu bundaa01:24
ubuntunerde acaba01:24
strog_hOax: 1 sec01:24
strog_h0ax: go to system settings->appearance01:25
MinceRwhy does aptitude randomly decide to remove a lot of packages?01:26
Godeti installed kubuntu 6.10 yesterday.. witch packets should i upgrade first ?01:27
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strog_Godet: open the console and type apt-get update01:27
strog_Godet: and then apt-get upgrade01:27
GodetCould not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied01:28
vlt|lIt's `scanimage --device-name net:` in my case. Solved.01:29
h0axstrog i cant find the theme i downloaded01:29
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Godetstrog_: it is 231 mb01:30
strog_i know01:30
Godetis it big ?01:30
strog_if you have a DSL then no problem01:31
ubuntugodet resimdede grecein gibi  burdan hdb1 blmne kur diyorum ileri dediimdede gidiyor  hdb3 deki  yere kuruyor bunu nasl engellerde hdb1 ,5,7  bunlardan birine kurabilirim http://imaj.at/1473401:31
Godetbut i have only 256 kb connection =)01:31
ubuntudierleri dolu01:31
strog_so no problem01:31
Godeti'll do01:31
Godetubuntu: bakyorum01:32
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ubuntuileri dedimmi buras geliyor yani ama burda iletim sistemi var zaten http://imaj.at/1473501:34
ubuntugodet buda ileri dediimde01:34
lotusleafGodet, I download @ 5k/s and I'm using Feisty Beta, no complaints here ;)01:35
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stialahi... someone who knows how to fix this?? Came up when I tryed to java starter.jar:   Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: starter/jar01:35
Godetlotusleaf: =)01:36
Godeti m newbie =)01:36
Godetubuntu: sen nereye kurulum yapmak istedigini biliyormusun ?01:37
lotusleafGodet, ya? well welcome to the wonderful world of Kubuntu01:37
ubuntuhdb1 -hdb5 -veya  hdb7 olabilir01:38
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Godetyes, i like.. i'll learn a lot of things =)01:38
Godethangisini istiyorsan onu sec ?01:38
Godetikinci ekranda01:38
Godetdegistirme sansn var onlar01:39
eXistenZHow can view .doc documents as html?01:39
Godetistedigin isecip kurulumu baslat ?01:39
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eXistenZor convert them :o01:39
ubuntukabul etmiyor01:39
LjL!tr | Godet, ubuntu01:39
ubotuGodet, ubuntu: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.01:39
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Godetkanal degstrelm =)01:39
LjL /join #ubuntu-tr01:40
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mayurwhat is the best desktop distribution of linux?01:42
MinceRwhat an impatient troll.01:43
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[GuS] Hi people!!01:55
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[GuS] I have a doub that i always asked myselft how to do it... i always use Kubuntu (currently Feisty) and i wonder how to use the default icons set of Ubuntu n my GTK apps, cause they currently use the old Gnome icons01:56
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chijin[GuS] : the icon set you're using, doesn't have icons for your gnome apps. that's why you probably have to find icons for them for yourself01:57
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chijin[GuS] : and i think they're located at /usr/share/icons/ if i'm not mistaken, take a look01:58
[GuS] yes i know that01:58
[GuS] but, in Ubuntu they use the Ubuntu default icon set01:58
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[GuS] i  mean, for all the icons inside the app01:58
chijini have no idea how to fix that. what gnome apps are you using?01:59
[GuS] cause the gnome old icons are really uggly01:59
[GuS] like Inkscape01:59
chijinis it better than krita?02:00
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[GuS] mmm is differente indeed... is for vector design02:00
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[GuS] Krita is like Gimp02:01
_pedroHi everybody!02:01
[GuS] just the hole GUI inside one window02:01
_pedroI have a doubt02:01
_pedrowhen I make "sudo aptitude upgrade" to upgrade the availables packages02:02
_pedroit tries to delete 130 packages02:02
=== fuel waits patiently
_pedrothat I usually use02:02
thoreauputic_pedro: you probably installed something that pulled those in automatically02:02
_pedroThat doesn't happen with apt-get02:02
thoreauputic_pedro: that's right02:03
_pedrohow can I solve it02:03
thoreauputic_pedro: use apt-get02:03
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fuel_pedro:  use adept02:03
_pedromy curiosity takes me to discover what is the point02:03
_pedroI would like to rase it02:03
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thoreauputic_pedro: the idea of aptitude is that it removes dependencies as needed - apt-get does not02:04
thoreauputic_pedro: sometimes aptitude tries to be too smart :)02:04
_pedroso you think that apt-get is better than aptitude02:04
thoreauputic_pedro: no, just different02:05
_pedroI have readed some articles that recomends to use aptitude02:05
thoreauputic_pedro: I use aptitude mostly02:05
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[GuS] thoreauputic, error.... today ap-get removes as well02:05
[GuS] with apt-get autoremove02:05
_pedroand because of that I use aptitude mostly too02:05
thoreauputic[GuS] : yes, hut not by default02:05
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[GuS] of course, you must do it02:05
_pedroBut with this problem it won't be able02:06
thoreauputic[GuS] : there are situations where apt-get is the better choice02:06
_pedroSince now I cannot use aptitude02:06
thoreauputic_pedro: it's Ok to use apt-get02:06
_pedrook, got it02:06
thoreauputic_pedro: you can still use aptitude though02:06
thoreauputic_pedro: probably yu have installed some bogus packages ?02:07
_pedroIf I try it want to remove many packages02:07
_pedrobogus? sorry, I don't know that word02:07
thoreauputic_pedro: are you running edgy ?02:07
_pedromy english is limited02:07
_pedroyes, I am02:07
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thoreauputic_pedro: do you have extra repositories ? Non ubuntu ones?02:08
_pedroyes, of course02:08
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thoreauputic_pedro: that is where your problems lie then02:08
lenscapeanyone know if OpenOffice 2.2 will appear as a routine upgrade?02:08
thoreauputic_pedro: you have some odd dependencies and aptitude wants to fix your system :)02:09
_pedroIs it good to allow it?02:09
thoreauputic_pedro: in geberal, using third party repos is not a good idea02:09
thoreauputic_pedro: only you can decide, really - it depends what you want and need02:10
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_pedrowell, I usually think that02:10
_pedroif something runs right02:10
_pedrowhy to fix it?02:10
_pedrolet it as it is02:10
_pedrothanks anyway02:11
thoreauputic_pedro: you will have problems if you try to upgrade to Feisty02:11
_pedroI imagine, but I will see what I do in that moment02:11
_pedrofeisty is still beta, isnt't it?02:12
thoreauputic_pedro: it might be best to do a clean install when you decide to move to Feisty02:12
_pedroI think so02:12
thoreauputic_pedro: because you have messed up your package manager a bit :)02:12
_pedroI have this Ubuntu since 5.0402:12
_pedroit was a time ago...02:12
_pedrowhat was the name of that version?02:13
_pedrobefore edgy was dapper02:13
_pedroand before dapper...02:13
thoreauputicI started with 4.10 - 5.04 was Hoary02:13
_pedrothat's it02:13
_pedroI started with hoary02:13
thoreauputic5.10 - Breezy02:13
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_pedrook guys02:15
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_pedroI am going to eat something02:15
cotyhey i downloaded a rar file that has an encryption but when i go to open it it just gives an error and does not let me put in the code02:15
_pedrothanks very much02:15
_pedrosee you later02:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ssi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:16
coty!info ssi02:16
ubotuPackage ssi does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas02:16
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eilker!SSI > eilker02:16
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OdisseoHi all02:19
cotyecho hello02:19
OdisseoCan I ask you some question about Kubuntu?02:19
cotyfire away02:19
cotyi only know a little02:20
OdisseoMy problem is that when I start up it requires a lot of time02:20
cotylive cd?02:20
OdisseoI tried to speed it up using some information in the wiki but02:20
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Odisseoit takes a lot fo time in performing file system check every time02:20
Odisseohow can I disable it02:20
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cotyare you on live cd02:20
Odisseono...installed on hd02:21
cotyor is it installed02:21
cotyso is it your internet that is slow02:21
cotyim not sure i get what your saying02:21
OdisseoI am saying that during the start up of Kubuntu02:21
Odisseoit remains a lot of time with the screen related to the file system check02:21
cotyi see02:22
Odisseoit is required that it performs it every time? Or can I disable it?02:22
cotyI'm not to sure02:22
cotyi never had that problem02:22
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cotysome good people to ask are intelikey , daskreech , and admiral_chicago02:23
h0ax_is there a program that gets up a cpu usage and ram usage panel on desktop ?02:23
Odisseook..thank you coty02:23
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cotyi hope to be more of a help one day02:24
cotyi just need to keep learning more about linux02:24
Odisseome too02:24
cotyIts not easy XD02:24
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h0ax_is there a program that gets up a cpu usage and ram usage panel on desktop ?02:27
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cotywhat command do i use to see my processes02:32
LjLps aux, most likely02:32
cotyare you talking to me LjL02:33
h0ax_like a graphical display on the desktop02:33
cotywree do i put that in02:33
LjLh0ax_, there are a few02:33
h0ax_good ones ?02:33
LjLcoty: uh... you asked for a command, so in a terminal of course02:33
LjLcoty: if you want graphical, just hit Ctrl+Esc02:34
cotyyeah that is what i want02:34
LjLh0ax_: yeah that's the problem, i haven't really tried them. SuperKaramba is well known for KDE, but i think it's probably quite a resource hog02:34
LjLthen there's a lightweight, DE-independent one whose name escapes me right now02:35
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m_tadeuis there an openoffice expert around?02:37
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dennis_what is the command to see what source, or wireless adapter, you are using on your pc02:45
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cntbpls howto change hostname from command line02:46
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joahadennis_: Try lspci | grep -i network02:50
cntbpls howto change hostname from command line02:51
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ubotuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab02:51
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:53
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eilkeris dd command for back-up ?02:53
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LjLdd is to copy from one device to another, mostly02:54
LjLso yes, it can be used to take a raw backup of a partition, for instance02:54
dennis_tnx joaha, it works, i also have to define the 'type' of my wireless adaptor, eg madwifi_ag, how can i see this02:54
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning02:54
ubotua free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org02:54
eilkerthanx ljl02:54
Ash-FoxWow... Definately not the information I was looking for. ubotu, you have failed me :(02:55
eilker!sbackup > eilker02:55
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rudlavibizonquick help please: how do i switch desktops with keyboard?02:55
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rudlavibizontce:elite jammed my mouse ;)02:56
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rudlavibizonanalogue of ctrl-alt-left/right in gnome02:56
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h0ax__hey ... i got this when trying to install superkaramba configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH03:00
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joaharudlavibizon: Ctrl-F<number> switches to that desktop03:04
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rudlavibizonyes, thanks guys!03:05
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cntbhow do I change username from command line - only one user on system03:07
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Cebulonhi, is it a known bug ? Kopete crashes when trying to change the preferences (feisty)03:09
Cebulonit crashes X, back to login screen03:10
HobbseeCebulon: dont think so.  i dont get that.03:10
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HobbseeCebulon: you running skim or something?03:11
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cotyhey how can i make it were my second hd is a vertail drive03:11
CebulonHobbsee: no skim running03:12
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cotyor what is a good daemon tool03:13
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HobbseeCebulon: tried removing the config files out of the way?  no one else has reported that for a couple of releases.03:14
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eilkeris plesk panel only for linux ?03:14
CebulonHobbsee: I cleaned ot the homedir, no luck. it crashes as sonn as i hit the Preferences Menue entry03:15
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ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it.03:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about plesk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:16
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HobbseeCebulon: and ~/.kde/share/apps/kopete and /.kde/share/config/kopete* ?03:16
CebulonHobbsee: could the reason be the NVIDIA driver from NVIDIA03:16
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HobbseeCebulon: dunno.  that can screw with anything03:17
CebulonHobbsee: i deleted the whole homedir03:17
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HobbseeCebulon: thta doesnt necessarily include the hidden files03:17
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Hobbsee(and you didnt do that while you were logged into kde, did you?)03:18
CebulonHobbsee: LEt me try real quick, I will be back, if KDE crashes on me again03:18
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CebulonHobbsee: i deleted when i was logged out as root03:18
matrixhi i just discovered that i can active, deactive external displays, change ther resolution etc on the fly fith nvidia-settings now03:18
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CebulonHobbsee: Ill try the driver thing real quick ....03:19
matrixi have just one minor problem it doesn't offer me the native resolution 1440x900 of my external screen so the picture is not sharp03:19
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chijinthat's a major problem!03:19
Hobbsee!resolution | matrix03:19
ubotumatrix: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:19
matrixHobbsee: i am somewhat looking for the place where nvidia-settings is getting the list of available resolutions from. so i can add my desired one there.03:20
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Hobbseematrix: that'd be xorg.conf, i guess03:21
eilkerafter last fm we have http://lasttv.net  :D03:21
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matrixHobbsee: i had a config before for twin head on my both displays in xorg.conf. xorg.conf still has those settings so doesn't look overwritten. of course with this settings i always hat to restart x. which i don't have to do with nvidia-setting (very great!!)03:22
=== Hobbsee knows very little about non-intel cards
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matrixperhaps i have to find out why nvidia-settings display a false max resolution for my external display. might be some problem with detecting display parameters.03:24
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CebulonHobbsee: if u re still there, it WAS the NVIDIA driver !03:28
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HobbseeCebulon: heh.  like i say, wouldnt surprise me03:28
jakkassis anyone having problems with KNetworkManager03:28
Cebuloni am back to nvidia-glx and it seems to work now03:28
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jakkassit's freezing at 28% on connecting03:28
jakkasson Feisty03:28
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Hobbseejakkass: try "sudo killall NetworkManager && sudo Networkmanager" and try again03:29
=== Hobbsee was wondering if that was only effecting her
Lynourejakkass: I get that couple of times a day03:29
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jakkassthis isn't a couple of times03:30
jakkassits every time03:30
nehahi to all03:30
jakkassKWifiManager works03:30
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nehai need some help03:30
Lynourejakkass: with Intel 2200BG and WPA (mostly)03:30
jakkassI'm on a Ralink03:30
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Lynourehmmm, might be then more knetworkmanager specific.03:31
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Cebuloni have one more thing : hotkey-setup is not updating correctly, how can i get rid of that package (i am using synaptic)03:31
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Lynourejakkass: does kwifimanager deal with WPA?03:32
HobbseeCebulon: remove it like you do any other.  purge it, if you like03:32
HobbseeLynoure: yes03:32
jakkassI'm using WEP anyway03:32
Cebulonsynaptic comes back with an (Error in pre-removal scipt ....)03:32
Hobbseewhat's the error?03:33
jakkassit just stalls03:33
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jakkassat 28%03:33
Cebuloni cant get rid the normal way, i guess03:33
LynoureHobbsee: thanks, I'll give it a try then03:33
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=== Hobbsee wonders what the prerm script sya
jakkassI think it could be permissions related03:34
jakkassas KWifiManager needs kdesu to work03:34
jakkasswhereas KNetworkManager doesn't03:34
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Cebulonjakkass: i had the same prob with ralink2500 and my laptop, it worked whe i configured it in Network-settings, i didnt use kwifi03:34
jakkassNetwork settings eh03:35
Cebulonjakkass: it stalled the same way03:35
jakkasswhat command for that03:35
fedor__does anybody know how to make mountISO work under kubuntu edgy??03:35
WaxyFreshjakkass: have you considered something stronger then wep?the fbi did a demonstration aboute how wep can be broken easily,tehy did it in 5 mins03:36
Cebulonjakkass: no command (kde->systemprefs->network-settings03:36
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Cebulonjakkass: wpa didnt work at all with ralink, i spent hours on that03:36
nehai want to sell kubuntu releases03:36
nehacan anybody tell me how to do that03:37
WaxyFreshhas anyone seen a mac like deskbar that when you run the mouse over it the icons kinda enlarge and jump out?03:37
Hobbseeneha: you're allowed to under the gpl03:37
WaxyFreshneheplease dont03:37
Hobbseei think03:37
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WaxyFreshso one could theroreticly order kubuntu cd for free then turn around and sell them?03:37
HobbseeWaxyFresh: yeah, there's one in the repos.  dont remember what it's called03:38
nehacan anybody tell me exact procedure03:38
Hobbseewaylandbill: yeah, people do03:38
Hobbseeneha: that's for you to figure out, hwo you want to sell them.  duh.03:38
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WaxyFreshHobbsee: damn,but thanks03:38
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CebulonHobbsee: is there a different way to delete that package03:40
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HobbseeCebulon: i'd have to see what the prerm says to tell you hwo to fix it.  i can remove it fine, here03:40
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CebulonHobbsee: hold on03:41
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CebulonHobbsee: it says: E: hotkey-setup: Subprocess pre-removal script replies with Error 1 (translation from german)03:43
HobbseeCebulon: does it say where the prerm script is?03:43
Hobbseemaybe a few lines up, or below?03:43
CebulonHobbsee: no03:44
CebulonHobbsee: and it keeps staying in the updateable packages03:44
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HobbseeCebulon: try sudo /etc/init.d/hotkey-setup stop && sudo dpkg --configure -a03:45
CebulonHobbsee: ok, hold on03:46
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CebulonHobbsee: 1st part comes back with a "KDSETKEYCODE: Invalid argument, failed to set scancode 80 to keycode 256)03:49
vajkcan somebody pls tell me how can I revert the default kubuntu theme ?03:49
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Hobbseevajk: to...03:49
vajkI've installed a new themes and the I just can't find the original one03:50
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HobbseeCebulon: right.  kdesu kwrite /var/lib/dpkg/info/hotkey-setup.prerm, delete lines 5-10, then run the dpkg --configure -a again03:50
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CebulonHobbsee: ok, pls wait03:52
raffytaffyis there a way to uninstall open office from buntu without too much chaos?03:52
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Hobbseeraffytaffy: yes, like any other app.  you might have trouble upgrading though03:53
raffytaffyyou mean upgrading distro?03:53
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erikja!gzip >erikja03:55
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Hobbseeraffytaffy: yes03:55
vajkis there a place to download the default kubuntu theme ?03:55
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raffytaffyHobbsee: not a problem , i have 2 buntu distros installed...edgy and feisty. i was thinking of removing it on edgy. ..since i have it on feisty..just was wondering about dependencies03:56
Hobbseevajk: if you run apt-get source kubuntu-default-settings, it's in one of the folders there03:56
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Hobbseeraffytaffy: ahh.  should only remove kubuntu-desktop03:56
raffytaffyHobsee is kubuntu-desktop a very serious dependency in your opinion..like for installing things such as kernels and whatnot?03:57
Hobbseeraffytaffy: for a stable, non-development release?  no.03:58
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Hobbsee(that you're not going to upgrade_03:58
Hobbseeraffytaffy: tab completion is your friend, btw03:58
raffytaffysounds good to me:D thanks03:58
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LeeJunFanugh, I think I just figured out why my kdesktop was crashing. KDesktop doesn't seem to like if DPMS is enabled (probably by kde-guidance-power), and DPMS is turned off in monitor&display. Screensaver doesn't lock right either w/o display set to use dpms.03:59
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cntb\o elcuco03:59
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cntbyou may want to idle in #ubuntu-il elcuco04:00
KDEfanboyanyone know if there are plans to compile the longstanding crash-fixed svn source into kaffeine's official package ?04:00
vaindoes anyone know a good p2p for linux?04:00
raffytaffy!azureus | vain04:01
ubotuvain: azureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo04:01
KDEfanboyvain: kmldonkey04:01
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vajkvain: I use azureus04:01
HobbseeKDEfanboy: what's the svn version, and what does it fix?04:01
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nicochi ppl04:01
KDEfanboyHobbsee: bug that plagued kaffeine for over a year at least (iirc). it's on the front page: http://kaffeine.sourceforge.net/04:02
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HobbseeKDEfanboy: there are 1 there.  oh, i see.  latest xinelib required too.  maybe04:02
harmentalhi all..04:03
KDEfanboysounds good. hope so04:03
CebulonHobbsee: hotkey setup removal didnt work04:03
dhqi need a nice navigator like kiba-dock04:03
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harmentalsince i've upgraded to beta, Knetworkmanager doesnt remember my wep pass04:03
harmentalany ideas?04:03
HobbseeCebulon: because?04:03
Hobbseeharmental: are you using kwalletmanager?04:04
Hobbseethat's why04:04
harmentalHobbsee: thx...Shall i install it?04:04
Hobbseeharmental: yes, and kubuntu-desktop04:05
CebulonHobbsee: it says: E: hotkey-setup: Subprocess pre-removal script replies with Error 2 (translation from german)04:05
harmentalHobbsee: thx!04:06
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HobbseeCebulon: what's error 2?04:06
CebulonHobbsee: it doesnt say04:06
Cebulonits an error message from synaptic04:06
Hobbseewhat happens if you remove the prerm file out of the way?04:06
vainthx for the info on the p2p program04:06
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CebulonHobbsee: ok this time it worked, its gone !!04:08
HobbseeCebulon: yay :)04:08
CebulonHobbsee: million thanks04:08
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HobbseeCebulon: no problems :)04:08
CebulonHobbsee: cake of beer (german) is yours04:09
Hobbseeyay!  :D04:09
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=== Hobbsee is going through germany soon, incidently
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DrgeneroReady to help a newbie anybody?04:11
DrgeneroI got an easy one...04:11
BluesKajanyone with experience using "digital out" on ATI IXP sound..I have PCM enabled but no luck ...works in windows :(  would hate to have reboot everytime...any ideas, suggestions ?04:11
HobbseeDrgenero: shoot04:11
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RealisticDragonafternoon :)04:12
=== nonick [n=sidnelso@c9513ee3.virtua.com.br] has joined #kubuntu
DrgeneroThat "wizard" that runs for every new KDE user to set graphics intensity (look and feel), how do I rerun that?04:12
Drgenerosets region as well.04:12
vajkthanks for help guys04:12
RealisticDragonyou can set region from the system settings panel04:12
SSJ_GZDrgenero: Alt+F2; kpersonalizer04:13
DrgeneroI turned up the "eye candy" too much and can't stand all the ear candy.04:13
RealisticDragonK>system settings>regional aand language04:13
HobbseeDrgenero: type kpersonalizer in konsole :)04:13
DrgeneroExactly.  Thanks guys.04:13
RealisticDragonanyone know why apt-index-watch would be using 99% CPU in short burts every 2-3 seconds? i have only noticed it on edgy-ppc, it doesnt show up on -x86 or dapper04:13
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RealisticDragonah, theres a thread on the forums about it :)04:14
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hunt[away] hi04:15
hunt[away] how to install package?04:15
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RealisticDragonhunt[away] : you can use adept to install packages04:15
RealisticDragonyou can find it on the K menu under add and remove programmes04:16
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hunt[away] hmm...04:16
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ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate04:17
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto04:17
Hobbseehunt[away] : see the bottom link ^04:17
RealisticDragonhunt[away] : which package are you trying to install?04:18
hunt[away] okey, thx04:18
=== harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-152-1-108-164.w86-206.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
hunt[away] RealisticDragon:: mm, php-mysql?04:18
RealisticDragonhas someone given you a specific package to install? or do you just need new software04:18
RealisticDragonahh ok04:18
RealisticDragonthen yep, adept will help04:18
hunt[away] okey.04:18
hunt[away] bye04:18
RealisticDragonyou can install mysql and itll grab apache etc04:18
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krillinnew to linux04:22
RealisticDragonhi krillin, welcome :)04:23
RealisticDragonwhat can we help you with?04:23
krillinnothing really just saying hi04:23
krillinthanks anyway04:23
RealisticDragonheh.. hows it working out so far?04:24
BluesKajI'll try again04:24
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BluesKajanyone with experience using "digital out" on ATI IXP sound..I have PCM enabled but no luck ...works in windows :(  would hate to have reboot everytime...any ideas, suggestions ?04:24
krillinit took a while to connect ive just put this pc together and thought i would give it a go04:25
RealisticDragonBluesKaj: if no one has that card here at the moment id try asking on launchpad.net (the help system) since there are more people to take a look, or otherwise you might want to try upstream with the ALSA people directly04:25
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lupulcan someone tell me pls how to boot in the old style?04:26
lupuli mean without that kubuntu splash04:26
zamaraevahi all04:27
zamaraevafolks how is familiar with C or C++?04:27
zamaraevawho is ?04:27
krillincan someone tell me were i can download a list of irc servers04:27
RealisticDragonlupul: you can change the boot options to -nosplash but you need to edit the grub files to do so04:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bootsplash - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:27
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:28
ubotuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork04:28
x_linkIs the only difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu the WM?04:28
abattoirlupul: try removing 'splash' and 'quiet' from the kernel option in /boot/grub/menu.lst (for the appropriate kernel entry)04:28
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BluesKajRealisticDragon, yeah, that's an idea ...installed the new ATi IXP linux drivers ...everything works fine , amarok rocks etc but I'd like to send the digital stream to my TV room where the HT Receiver is located and then it would really ROCK! :)04:28
LjLyeah, /boot/grub/menu.lst, find "splash", and change it into "nosplash"04:28
cntbelcuco: gone ?04:28
=== user_ [n=user@CPE0013464605fb-CM0013718a4dbc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
x_linkExcept for GNOME and KDE Ubuntu and Kubuntu are the same thing?04:28
zamaraevawho could help me?04:28
LjLx_link: yes04:28
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RealisticDragonx_link: yes, ubuntu and kubuntu are the same and you can install any packages from eitther on the same machine04:28
elcucocntb: not gone, i am here04:28
zamaraevahow i can print - % character in C04:28
LjLx_link: of course, the GNOME/KDE difference is not a small one, since just about *all* user-visible applications are different04:28
RealisticDragonBluesKaj: i wish they would define sound over ethernet :)04:29
x_linkRealisticDragon: So they use the same repo as well?04:29
user_hey can anyone here help me with a laptop ethernet issue?  the forums prove to be ineffective for help04:29
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RealisticDragonx_link: yes they do04:29
LjLzamaraeva: printf("%%"), bit offtopic04:29
=== atron [n=atron@bzq-88-154-187-157.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu
x_linkThanks alot!04:29
RealisticDragonif you want to install kubuntu from an ubuntu machine just type apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:29
atroni have some troubles04:29
x_linkI'm using Debian Etch right now.04:29
RealisticDragonubuntu stable ;)04:29
zamaraevaLjL: thanx04:29
=== AmyRose [n=amyrose@user-12l2tg3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu
ubotu        :04:29
ubotu/join #ubuntu-il04:29
atroncould some one help me04:30
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:30
elisboaHi, I have a Compaq R3000 and would like to know how do I map my external volume keys04:30
RealisticDragonwhat with atron? :)04:30
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user_hey can anyone here help me with a laptop ethernet issue?  the forums prove to be ineffective for help04:30
elisboaWell, I have searched all over kcontrol and couldn't find a place where I could set "volume up", "volume down" and "toggle mute"04:30
cntb!ask  > atron04:30
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RealisticDragonelisboa: i suspect the best place to look for that is http://www.linux-laptop.net/04:30
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elisboauser_: what is your doubt? Mabye I could help ya04:31
x_linkSo I guess if I want to install Kubuntu I should go for 6.10?04:31
atroni have kubuntu 6.0604:31
elisboaRealisticDragon: Thank you very much!04:31
atroni installed amarok04:31
RealisticDragonsorry elisboa for just redirecting but there is a lot of info there :)04:31
x_linkatron: Okey04:31
atronbut dont have sound04:31
x_linkIs 6.06 better than 6.10?04:31
RealisticDragonx_link: 6.10 is newer but 6.06 has support for longer04:31
atronbut xmms played mp3 freely04:31
user_elisboa: sweet,  well essentially, during installation it said no ethernet hardware detected, and i cannot figure out how to install drivers, or modules for the hardware04:31
chijin7.04 ftw04:31
RealisticDragon7.04 will be released this month04:31
x_linkI will install Kubuntu 6.10 then.04:32
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elisboaRealisticDragon: I didn't get mad about it. What I want is the info, no matter if I have to read about it. Actually, I even prefer it be like this, so I can really learn about the subject ;-)04:32
RealisticDragonyou can upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04 when its released :)04:32
Hobbseeelisboa: smart :)04:32
x_linkI once tried Kubuntu, but there KDE doesn't look the same as mine.04:32
x_linkEven when it's the same KDE version04:32
RealisticDragonit has a few tweaks04:32
=== crueldog [n=crueldog@modemcable148.11-83-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu
cntbatron me working on 6.06 here04:33
elisboauser_: Ok. Are you in Ubuntu now? When using Debian, I had an issue where my netcard didn't get IP from the DHCP server for the first time. I always had to ask it once more04:33
x_linkI don't like there Control Panel for exmaple, called System Settings or what it is.04:33
cntbwhat sound plays and what not04:33
x_linkThat's the only thing I don't like.04:33
atroncntb, ok i installed xine but no working ether04:33
chijinx_link: you can run kcontrol if you want04:33
elisboauser_: if you are not in Kubuntu now, then I suggest you log in as root (sudo su) and type lspci -v and look for any ethernet device detected04:33
x_linkI will install it now then.04:33
chijinx_link: it's probably installed. just run it04:34
user_elisboa: the laptop is the (LG F1-2245A9) and the hardware is the: The onboard ethernet is the: Realtek RTL8168/8111, and The onboard wifi is the: Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG04:34
RealisticDragonx_link: the 6.10 control panel is better than the 6.06 one, but yeah i prefer plain old kde too :)04:34
elisboaso, you type lsmod and see if the module for the device wasn't really loaded04:34
chijinx_link: or do you mean kubuntu :-P04:34
user_ok i will do that, one moment04:34
cntbatronany sound at all in system ?04:34
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cntbatron any sound at all in system ?04:34
=== crueldog [n=crueldog@modemcable148.11-83-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu
elisboauser_: I had an issue with my wireless broadcom. And I know this realtek of yours, which is a gigabit one, is a pretty new hardware04:34
elisboaMaybe you should try it with edgy, instead of Dapper04:35
atronalsa and i m listening to xmms very well but i want that amarok will play sound too04:35
=== cruel_dog [n=crueldog@modemcable148.11-83-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu
elisboaatron: you have to configure the amarok engine properly04:35
elisboaif it uses artsd, then set arts properly on kcontrol, to use alsa instead of oss :-)04:36
atronwhen i selecting xine engine in amarok i have message xine cant initialized any audio drivers04:36
cruel_doghi all, i cant listen to mp3 with kubuntu. how can i enable that?04:36
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x_linkchijin: Yes I mean in Kubuntu.04:37
cruel_doghow to enable mp3 playing in kubuntu?04:37
x_linkI have changed my damn keyboardf 5 times today.04:37
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x_linkI got 2 new ones and I really don't know which one to use04:37
elisboacruel_dog: when you try to play a mp3 file from amarok, it asks if you want to install mp3 support. But if want to get it working by "hands-on", then open up a console, log in as root and type: apt-get install libxine-extracodecs libmad004:37
x_linkDamn annoying.04:37
x_linkI like them all in different ways.04:37
elisboax_link: all have different mappings?04:38
x_linkelisboa: ?04:38
x_linkMappings? What is that?04:38
cruel_dogty man04:38
x_linkBut I heard that Debian is faster than Kubuntu, is that true?04:38
elisboax_link: you said you have changed your keyb04:38
user_elisboa: ok so i did that, and sure enough both hardware devices are listed in there.  also the installation is 6.1004:38
cruel_dogand no, i tryes with amarok, it aint ask me the question.04:38
cntbcan you aplay atron from command line ?04:38
x_linkI got tired of the first one.04:38
elisboax_link: depends on what you are comparing it.04:38
cruel_dogit just says playlist finished.04:38
x_linkelisboa: Kubuntu and Debian Etch.04:38
elisboaI know of people that have a Pentium IV and use the vanilla kernel, which is a i386 one04:38
atroncntb, yep04:39
x_linkI heard KDE on Debian Etch is faster than Kubuntu.04:39
elisboaDidn't install Etch yet, but wanna give a try soon04:39
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cntbcan you aplay  wav files (sounds) atron from command line ?04:39
=== joaha [n=joaha@c-7720e353.310-1-64736c12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu
x_linkelisboa: I use Debian Etch right now.04:39
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:39
=== stuq_ [n=Stuart@cpe-24-161-103-133.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
elisboacntb: yes. You should have some app that would play it. GDM, alsa, sox and other packages have such players04:39
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x_linkI have been using GNU/Linux for 7 months, and I have only used Debian Etch. So it's pretty hard to just change distro like that now.04:39
cntb!mp3 > atron04:39
x_linkThat's why I don't know if I really want to change or not.04:40
atroncntb i can play mp3 fies04:40
elisboaThere is a "play" command that does it, but I can't figure it out now, on which package it is belonged to04:40
cruel_dogelisboa: there is an error, it tells packet not found04:40
user_elisboa: ok so i did that, and sure enough both hardware devices are listed in there.  also the installation is 6.1004:40
elisboacruel_dog: Really? Oh, but which one of them I told you about?04:40
cruel_dogapt-get install libxine-extracodecs libmad004:40
cntbbtw elisboa know where wav samples are on kde ?04:40
x_linkI will be back again when I have installed Kubuntu.04:41
x_linkTHanks for the info. guys!04:41
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elisboacruel_dog: See, I have given you two packages to install, which are: libxine-extracodecs and libmad0. Which one of those your apt didn't find?04:41
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elisboacruel_dog: Hey, sorry, I forgot to mention: you will have to enable universe and multiverse repositories, if you want these packages installed. Do you know how to do it?04:41
=== Rocker3358 [n=rocker@pool-70-105-1-245.rich.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
atroncntb , can we go privite04:42
elisboacntb: try searching over /usr/share/sounds ;-)04:42
atroni,'m newbee too04:42
=== jordo23 [n=jordo23@CPE-70-94-41-77.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
dianaCan someone explain to me how I can get on undernet using Konversation?  Can I download and assimilate a list of servers from somewhere???04:42
atronand dont know04:42
elisboadamn, how do I execute an external shell app from inside konversation?04:42
elisboaSeems like /exec only calls preset scripts04:42
cruel_dogelisboa: nope04:42
user_elisboa: ok so i did that, and sure enough both hardware devices are listed in there.  also the installation is 6.1004:42
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elisboadiana: What is undernet?04:42
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dianaIt's one of the IRC networks, like EFnet04:43
cruel_dogelisboa: i tryed the first one, didnt work04:43
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elisboauser_: Well, on the live cdyour hardware is ok, but it doesn't work when you are installing, is it right?04:43
RealisticDragonthey should move the kubuntu channel over to IIP ;)04:43
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elisboacruel_dog: what did you exactly do and what did you get?04:43
=== Pensacola [n=pensacol@229.15-67-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu
krillinjust love this os my pc is flying along04:44
user_elisboa: i havent tried out a live cd with it, it is a fresh install from the 6.10 cd.  and the pc i am on now is my desktop, the other is laptop04:44
atroni didnt find ansewrs in forums04:44
cntb<< aplay /usr/share/sounds/shutdown.wav >> plays OK atron ?04:44
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RealisticDragonkrillin: i like sitting on flights and getting 8 hours battery life out of my laptop by running in command line mode ;)04:44
cruel_dogelisboa: now i am reading the link sent..... doesnt really help :(04:44
=== lloyd [n=user@p54BED0EC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
elisboauser_: As far as I know, 6.10 is a live-cd and the installer, isn't it?04:45
RealisticDragon2 batteries is all i need to get yo japan :o04:45
elisboacruel_dog: well, you are the one trying to install mp3 support, right?04:45
elisboasorry, I got a bit dizzy ;-P04:45
cruel_dogelisboa: yes04:45
=== stuq_ [n=Stuart@cpe-24-161-103-133.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
elisboacruel_dog: do you know how to edit /etc/apt/sources.list?04:45
user_elisboa: ummmmmmmm possibly.  lol, not sure, but i think you are right.  one of the later options, i installed it in text mode in order to create a dualboot04:45
lloydcrap, my cpu is sticking to my heatsink04:45
cruel_dogelisboa: nope04:46
lloydanyone here ever had that happening?04:46
user_elisboa: which by the way in windows the hardware works fine, so its not the hardware04:46
krillini had a hard time trying to connect thru wifi but sorted it in the end:)04:46
elisboauser_: try to use your hardware with the live before installing it, then ;-)04:46
elisboajust to see if it works :-)04:46
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RealisticDragoni hear that wifi works better in feisty04:46
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elisboacruel_dog: ok. Let me explain you about repositories04:46
RealisticDragonim getting a new laptop for feisty so ill get to find out ;)04:46
elisboaRealisticDragon: even ndiswrapper?04:46
elisboacruel_dog: can we go private?04:47
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RealisticDragonelisboa: not so much, but the roaming and so in is supposed to bet better (which will work with ndiswrapper too, yes)04:47
lupuli need some help. how can i resize my partitions without loosing data? because root partition isn/t enaugh anymore04:47
cruel_dogekisboa: you can cometo my channel, i have a registered channel04:47
lloydthe internet suggests to heat it with a hairdryer then remove it or to put it in the freezer04:47
user_elisboa: what does that solve?  it doesnt allow me to get these modules, and also, it wont have them as the cds are one in the same04:47
atroncntb no04:47
RealisticDragonlupul: Take a backup!04:47
cruel_dogelisboa: you can come to my channel, i have one04:47
elisboacruel_dog: so, where is it at?04:47
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cruel_dogelisboa: freenode04:47
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Godeti cant hear any sound04:47
atroncntb, Playing WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/pop.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 44100 Hz, Mono04:48
atronbut i didnt hear sound04:48
Godet<atron> but i didnt hear sound04:48
Godetme too =)04:48
lloydi assume it is dead anyway since it wouldnt boot04:48
lupulno. i mean i want to  resize the data into a smaller one and raise the space in the root partition04:48
elisboauser_: well, if the live cd works, why would't the installed version do as well? Can't figure out what is really getting wrong04:48
lloydcpu came out with no pins bowed or anthing though the lever was still closed04:48
lloydwhat a laod of crap....last intel cpu for me04:49
harmentalHobbsee: me again...shall i enable kwallet subsystem?04:49
Hobbseeharmental: yeah.  blank password works04:49
user_elisboa: no no, i have never tried tohe live cd, but im almost positive it wont work either as it is built with the same stuff as the installer04:49
lupulmy kwallet has alzheimer i believe04:49
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Godeti cant hear sound, somebody help me pls04:49
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harmentalHobbsee: blank pass?04:50
lloydthe fun part isnt actual that the cpu sticks to the heatsink but that you cant remove it anymore without openening the ziff lever04:50
Hobbseeharmental: for the kwallet password04:50
user_elisboa: but anyways, when i typed in that command to list the hardwarer, they ARE i dentified, so, how do i get them to work?04:50
nicoccan anyone help me to install kubuntu edgy on a mac intel??04:50
RealisticDragonGodet: have you checked the speakers are on and work etc?04:50
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lloydihm, nobody here ever experienced something like that?04:50
=== cruel_dog [n=crueldog@modemcable148.11-83-70.mc.videotron.ca] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
RealisticDragonnicoc: getting my powerbook next month, good luck :) there are some threads on the forum that describe all the wierd oddities04:50
elisboauser_: when you lsmod, are the modules loaded?04:50
hugetaim totaly new kubuntu user....how to install gz file04:50
lupulplease someone. how can i make the second partition on the hard drive smaller so that i can make the first bigger? without loosing any data. i'm on edgy04:51
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atronbut im hearing sounds from xmms04:51
hugetai confuse to run gz file04:51
atronand playing mp3 files04:51
GodetRealisticDragon: i hve no problem about speaker and etc.04:51
nicocRealisticDragon: hehe thanks, i think that i have to install refit instead of lilo or grub, but i dont know how :(04:51
RealisticDragonhugeta: unless you cant get it another way dont try to install from .gz files, try using aadept instead if the software is in it (K>add and remove programs)04:52
GodetRealisticDragon: i can listen to music on the windows, but i cant on the kubuntu04:52
RealisticDragonnicoc: you need to use boot camp04:52
RealisticDragonnicoc: there is a howto on the ubuntu wiki I believe04:52
hugetathank mr dragoon04:52
user_elisboa: i typed in that command, but i dont know what im looking for, what should i find?04:52
RealisticDragonGodet: ok, if you open a terminal can you get any beeps by pressing tab?04:52
nicocRealisticDragon: i already have bootcamp and refit, i'll try to search in there.04:52
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elisboauser_: lsmod?04:53
GodetRealisticDragon: no, icant hear anything04:53
user_elisboa: yah  tyed that into terminal, what am i looking for in the list that shows up?>04:53
david_Can anyone help me to activate compiz in kubuntu feisty?04:53
cotyanyone know how to make virtual drive04:53
RealisticDragonsounds like it hasnt found your sound card at all godet :/ might be more than i can help you with easily from here :(04:53
elisboauser_: if the modules of your hardware were loaded. In the case, the modules of your ethernet card04:54
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects04:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about virtualdrive - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:54
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:54
user_elisboa: ok, but what am i looking for in the list?  in other words, how do i identify the modules are loaded?04:54
ubotuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org04:55
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elisboauser_: Oh, well, you should read the linux kernel documentation, then.04:55
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david_ubotu: thanks for that but I need info for using feisty. compiz is in the repository.04:55
krillincan someone recomend a good mp3 player04:55
user_elisboa: honestly....04:55
cntbanyone using local apt source. I mean complete mirror ?04:55
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RealisticDragonuser_: cat /proc/modules04:55
elisboakrillin: amarok!04:55
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RealisticDragonuser_: or cat /proc/modules | less04:56
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krillinamrock just crashed will try again04:56
RealisticDragoneek :/ amarock is the best mp3 player i have ever used04:56
elisboakrillin: you can try audacious, xmms, beep-media-player, mplayer, xine... ?-)04:56
Iced_Teaamarok is king04:57
elisboaI love Amarok, but hate when it hangs :-)04:57
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RealisticDragonthere is also a rewrite of xmms that makes it play nice with multiple sound sources04:57
RealisticDragonbut i cant remember what its called :( a something04:57
user_RealisticDragon: hey thanks man, so of this list what am i looking for?04:57
RealisticDragonaudacioucs maybe04:57
RealisticDragonuser_: sorry i wasnt following the rest of the discussion dont know the problem :/04:58
krillini will re boot and try again bbiab04:58
RealisticDragonwhats your issue?04:58
atroncntb, what can it be? xine cant initialize audio drivers?04:58
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raffytaffyi finally got Moblock to work04:59
user_RealisticDragon: lol.  well the issues is when installing off the 6.10 cd the ethernet hardware could not be detected.  now, i have run the command to list hardware, and sure enough both are there.  so, how do i get them both working? the laptop is the (LG F1-2245A9) and the hardware is the: The onboard ethernet is the: Realtek RTL8168/8111, and The onboard wifi is the: Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG04:59
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RealisticDragonuser_: ok, both those bits of hardware are well supported so there will be an answer, just need to find it ;) give me a sec and ill see what i can turn up05:00
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RealisticDragonuser_: i assume you tried sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart already?05:01
user_RealisticDragon: really?  thanks a MILLION!  i havent been able to find anything because the machine is relatively new05:01
david_is there a feisty channel for kubuntu?05:01
user_no i havent but i can do that right now05:01
user_RealisticDragon: no i havent but i can do that right now05:01
RealisticDragonuser_: i was actually looking at wireless cards with that chipset because i know it has drivers :) they are in hp pro laptops05:02
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RealisticDragononce you have tried that can you do "iwconfig" and tell me if your wireless card shows up?05:03
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hugetawhere link for download kylix can anybody help me05:04
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user_RealisticDragon: hey, tried that, it says reconfigured devices [ok]    but then tried to get on the net and nope, still not up and running05:04
user_RealisticDragon: ok ill try that other command05:05
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smilehi everybody05:05
nicocRealisticDragon: 'r u there?05:05
user_RealisticDragon: hey, it says "no wireless extensions"05:05
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user_RealisticDragon: for all: lo, eth0, sit005:06
smilehow to make my task bar looks like MacOS05:06
RealisticDragondunno david_, lets find out :)05:06
RealisticDragondoes iwconfig show anything?05:06
RealisticDragonthanks :)05:06
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)05:06
RealisticDragonim up to 88s lag at the moment so not sure how long this will stay connected for :/05:06
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RealisticDragononly just nicoc :)05:06
RealisticDragonuser_: ok, so its not seeing your card at all :o it should be there as eth105:06
Jucatosmile: please explain05:06
raffytaffythe next one will be renegade rooster lol05:07
smilei want have my task bar looks like the task bar of Mac Os05:07
user_RealisticDragon: yah, thats the problem.  no networking devices work at the moment, but they are detectable as hardware05:07
RealisticDragonuser_: have you got a hardware on/off switch? apparetly linux sees it as off by default when you boot05:07
RealisticDragonfor the wireless card i mean :)05:07
Jucatosmile: which one? the menu bar at the top?05:07
user_RealisticDragon: yup i do have that actually05:08
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Jucatosmile: or you mean the dock? with zooming icons?05:08
nicocRealisticDragon: im taking a look at this guide - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook -05:08
RealisticDragonnicoc: sounds like the best place to look :)05:08
smilethe menubar05:08
user_RealisticDragon: and its on, typed same command, same thing05:08
smilein the bottom05:08
RealisticDragonrats, was hoping for an easy answer ;)05:08
nicocRealisticDragon: but i have mac os x in the partition number 2, i want to keep it.05:08
Jucato!kxdocker | smile05:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kxdocker - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:08
RealisticDragonnicoc: sorry i havent got mine yet :( no experience with it until next week :)05:09
user_RealisticDragon: however my main concern is just getting the realtek up and running so i can just update everything and deal with the wifi afterwards05:09
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smileJucato: kxdocker ?05:09
nicocRealisticDragon: and there's says that i have to put this - sudo gptsync /dev/sda && sudo sfdisk -c /dev/sda 3 83 - when the install progress is at 50%05:09
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Jucatosmile: yeah look for that app... not sure it's in the repositories though, but there's another one like it05:09
nicocRealisticDragon: do you know if that will affect mi mac os x partition?05:09
Jucato!info kooldock | smile05:10
ubotusmile: kooldock: Dock for KDE with cool visual enhancements. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 521 kB, installed size 964 kB05:10
RealisticDragonnicoc: way over my head without doing more reading :/ launchpad is the best place to ask (launchpad.net)05:10
Jucatoah found it!05:10
Jucato!info kxdocker | smile05:10
ubotusmile: kxdocker: innovative docker for KDE that is like Mac OSX Docker. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.4a-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 327 kB, installed size 1064 kB05:10
nicocRealisticDragon: okok, thanks :)05:10
smileubotu: i have Dapper not Edgy05:10
cotydoes linux requre being defragmented05:10
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RealisticDragoncoty: no05:10
cotywhy not05:10
jakkasswhen you have large harddrives theres no need even in Windows05:10
Jucatosmile: ubotu is a bot05:10
RealisticDragonuser_: checking up on the realtek now... ifconfig shows up eth1 right?05:11
Jucato!info kxdocker dapper | smile05:11
jackhi is there a downloadable german dictionary i can use offline in the reps or somewhere else??05:11
ubotusmile: kxdocker: innovative docker for KDE that is like Mac OSX Docker. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.39-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 253 kB, installed size 832 kB05:11
cotyBut i had to have defragment removale on windows05:11
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cotywhy would i not need it with linxu05:11
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RealisticDragoncoty:  the way linux handles file systems is not the same05:12
RealisticDragonit runs fsck by itself when it needs to05:12
user_RealisticDragon: if config pulls up lo05:12
RealisticDragonno eth1 at all?05:12
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cotyoh ok05:12
user_RealisticDragon: and shows what appears to be networking information05:12
cotythats alsome05:12
cotyso does anyone know how to make a drive a virtual drive05:13
RealisticDragonuser_: this is not the best answer i know but i cant find much because no one else seems to have had any problems with that chipset :( can i be a real pest and ask you to check off your live cd/install CD? i think you might have a borked install somehow05:13
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RealisticDragonif you cant start it up from the control panel05:13
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RealisticDragonstart>system settings>network settings05:14
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ksnipaanyone know where the kde startup file is, (the file that loads all apps when kde boots)05:15
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cotythat would be grub05:15
cotyam i right05:15
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RealisticDragonksnipa: ~/.kde/autostart05:15
Jucatoksnipa: by default, KDE will save the session at logout and restore that session when you login05:15
RealisticDragonbut any apps you leave open on your desktop automatically restart05:15
user_RealisticDragon: lol, well actually i just found a similar topic in the forum and says i can enable it from administrator mode somehow????05:15
Jucatoksnipa: meaning, apps that you leave open when you logout will be reopened.05:16
RealisticDragonuser_: sounds like its from that start>system settings>network panel :)05:16
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Jucatoksnipa: you can change the behavior in System Settings -> Advanced -> Session Manager (Edgy) or System Settings -> KDE Components -> Session Manager (Dapper)05:16
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Jucato!autostart | ksnipa05:16
ubotuksnipa: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.05:16
hugetahelp how to install a program in ubuntu....not from aadept05:16
ksnipaRealisticDragon & Jucato, ya thanks, no I ran into problem where since I  logged back in opengl got all mucked up (glxinfo throws errors) and I got beryl in my startup so anytime kde boots it just dies at a white screen05:16
RealisticDragonhugeta: you can use sudo apt-get05:17
PLjes ktos z polski05:17
RealisticDragonksnipa: then you can log into the command line and change the links in the autostart directory05:17
Jucato!pl | PL05:17
ubotuPL: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl05:17
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ksnipayea, thats what I'm looking to do right now05:17
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user_RealisticDragon: hey i think we are on to something here, where is the administrator mode button at!?05:18
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hugetawhat's that....i confuse. ussualy im in windows just a click install button......ehm05:18
RealisticDragonuser_: when you open up the network settings option in the system control panel it has an adminstirator mode button05:18
RealisticDragonhugeta: may i ask which package you are trying to install?05:18
skittleshas any1 had this problem? turned on pc, everything FROZE like state, had to force quit05:18
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RealisticDragonhugeta: you might need to use a different thing depending on what you want to install05:18
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hugetafirefox setup.exe instead ubuntu disk..05:19
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RealisticDragonok, theres an easier way to install firefox :)05:19
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RealisticDragonyou dont need to use the .exe05:20
RealisticDragonopen up adept (K>add remove programs) then type in firefox05:20
skittlesis there a java paltform, for edgy?05:20
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RealisticDragononce you have done that you can see it says "firefox" and then you just click on it and select install05:20
ksnipaall right one problem Autostart directory is empty :S05:20
RealisticDragonthat way the application manager will do all the work for you :) and keep it up to date05:20
cruel_doghi vain05:20
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RealisticDragonskittles: there are several ways to get java, need anything specific?05:20
Jucatoksnipa: it might be a saved Session thing then05:21
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skittlesplatform** sry for the misspell05:21
user_RealisticDragon: lol, i had to scroll down thats why i didnt see it.  anyways, so i did that, tried to enable the netowrk and it briefly ries to do so, but it is still not available.....05:21
ksnipaJucato where would I find the saved session file ?05:21
vaincruel_dog: hello05:21
RealisticDragonuser_: apologies user_, i think im going to run out of power before i fix it05:21
RealisticDragongoing to change batteries and i will be right back :)05:21
Jucatoksnipa: ~/.kde/share/config/session/ directory. clear that out05:21
balinthi, how can i edit the xorg.conf with kate?05:21
balinti mean that i also can save it too05:21
nicocRealisticDragon hey, can you give me the link of that guide again please?05:21
user_RealisticDragon: lol, sounds good man, going to grab some cereal here as well05:21
RealisticDragonbalint: sudo kate /etx/X11/xorg.conf05:21
RealisticDragonbrb battery change05:22
ksnipaJacato, all right got it05:22
hugetaoh my god its work....thank's bro05:22
Jucatobalint: kdesu kate /etc/apt/xorg.conf05:22
ksnipalets give it a whilr05:22
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balintnot etc???05:22
vaindoes anyone know how i can gain acces to my other disk-the one with Windows?05:22
Jucatobalint: er sorry05:22
Jucatobalint: kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:22
apikorosvain, you need to mount it.05:22
cruel_dogtry mounting it05:22
hugetahow is make my laptop connect to win server 200005:22
cruel_dogvain: mount if05:22
nicoccan anyone give me a link to the ubuntu guide to install ubuntu on a mac intel please??05:23
balintok thx . i just forget it cos i wasnt on linux for a while and now the driver is set back to nv instead of nvidia :D05:23
apikoroscan anyone recommend a lightweight, qt-based text editor for kde? mostly i use vi in a terminal window, but sometime in need a GUI and kate is too heavy. simple and fast does it.05:23
Jucatoapikoros: kwrite. it uses the same editor as kate (katepart) but with less features05:23
cruel_dogapikoros: kate is a good text editor in my opinion05:23
hugetahow to update all my laptop driver automaticly05:24
apikorosJucato: thanks, i'll try it05:24
apikoroscruel_dog: it's heavy on my system (P4 1.8)05:24
cruel_dogapikoros ah ok05:24
Jucatoapikoros: I have a 1.5Ghz system... and even when I had just 512MB, Kate was never heavy :)05:24
hugetai think i love ubuntu05:24
Jucato512MB RAM I mean05:24
vainapikoros: i get an error when i click 'mount'        cant find  /dev/hdb1 in /etc /fstab05:24
hugetaanybody can send link site of borland kylix05:25
cruel_dogvain: try mounting it manually with the command. (if the filesystem is compatible)05:25
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vaincruel_dog: could you please give me that code.I'm a newb!05:26
apikorosvain, open a command window. first type sudo mkdir /mnt/windows05:26
cruel_dogvain: sorry, i dont remember it05:26
apikorosthen sudo mount -t auto /dev/hdb1 /mnt/windows05:26
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kristjan_what are the risks of using "sudo" instead of kdesu for graphical text editors, like kate, etc.?05:26
nicoccan anyone give me a guide on how to install kubuntu on a macbook intel?05:26
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apikoroskristjan_: no risk, just different interface. kdesu is just graphical, sudo is tty based05:27
apikorosnicoc: google is your friend05:27
nicocapikoros im searching it but i canot find that guide :.05:28
apikorosvain, after that, assuming /dev/hdb1 is in fact your windows partition, you should be able to see it on your disk at /mnt/windows05:28
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apikorosnicoc: i typed "macbook intel ubuntu" into google and got plenty of results05:28
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RealisticDragongah @ ppc wireless05:29
vainapikoros: i did it.now i get this error when i try to get in the disc: could not enter folder /mnt/windows05:29
ksnipaJucato, still running into the problem with beryl loading up during that session, i deleted all files in my kde/share/config/session folder also05:29
RealisticDragon5 seconds to change the battery, 35 to get the network working again ;)05:29
nicocyap me too, but there is a ubuntu guide that i canot find05:29
ksnipaany other ideas as to where it maybe loading?05:29
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Jucatoksnipa: sorry, nope. try asking in #ubuntu-effects or #beryl05:30
apikorosvain, you have to set permissions for your normal user to access it. try chown yourusername.yourusername /mnt/windows05:30
user_RealisticDragon: hey just to give you an update, so i changed the  network to dhcp, and it finally accepted, but then tried internet, no luck, then restarted, and everything is the same is before....05:30
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ksnipajoin #beryl05:30
kaiwasup people05:30
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ksnipayea thanks, maybe I should muck around and try to get gl working instead, I think that would also fix things up05:30
apikorosvain, or chmod a+r /mnt/windows05:30
apikorosi forget which is the right way to do it05:31
apikoroserrrr sudo chmod a+r /mnt/windows i mean05:31
kaiI have a geforece 5600go on this laptop, is there any way I can get a higher resolution than 1024x768?05:31
user_RealisticDragon: AGVASKGHWJGIHASDDDDKANV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!05:31
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apikorosuser_: you think?05:31
user_RealisticDragon: erm..... it now works..... HAHAHAHAHA05:31
user_RealisticDragon: TIME TO UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!05:32
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vainapikoros: chmod a+r /mnt/windows05:32
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apikorosvain, sudo chmod a+r /mnt/windows05:32
vainvain@vain-desktop:~$ chmod a+r /mnt/windows05:32
vainchmod: changing permissions of `/mnt/windows': Read-only file system05:32
kristjan_kai: open konsole and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:32
apikorosbut maybe you shouldn't listen to me and have someone tell you how to do it using the graphical interface05:33
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lupulare there any viruses for linux? some say yes some no... and i don't know what to say anymore05:33
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kaithen what would I do?05:34
apikoroslupul, there have been some proof-of-concepts and exploits, but mostly as intellectual exercises rather than any that have actually spread05:34
kristjan_lupul: viruses on linux are something you shouldn't be worried about05:34
apikorosyeah, what kristjan_ said05:34
lupuli'm not05:34
kristjan_lupul: maybe then linux gets more widespread where will be viruses written for it...05:35
lupulbut i'm having argues with some of my firends who say that linux viruses exist.05:35
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kristjan_kai: well, did you run it?05:35
chijinsome do exist, but they don't circulate05:35
Jucato!virus | lupul05:35
ubotulupul: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2105:35
cerosi tried the kubuntu feisty desktop cd for ppc on a ps3 and it doesn't work05:35
kaiIm doin it now05:35
lupuli know there is av soft. i have avg :D05:35
PLjak jest czat polski05:35
kristjan_kai: choose "nv"05:36
Jucatolupul: linux viruses exist only in labs and theoretically can't do harm in the wild. more of "proof of concept" types05:36
Jucato!pl | PL05:36
ubotuPL: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl05:36
kristjan_kai: what monitor do you got?05:36
kaikristjan_: I did05:36
kaiIdk, its an alienware05:36
lupulk thanks05:36
Jucatolupul: you can rest assured of one thing: Windows viruses will not work on Linux05:36
lupuli know because here aren't any exe's05:37
chijinheh one could try running a virus with wine :D05:37
hugetahow to get mysql,php,phpmyadmin on ubuntu ehm sorry my aadept not work rarely05:37
kaikristjan_: Its askin me what resolutions i can use, oh thank god.05:37
kaiI think Im close to done05:37
BluesKajwhy wine ...if ya want windows , dual boot05:37
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Jucatolupul: well, there are executable files. but that's not the real reason. there reason is that those Windows viruses were meant to run on Windows systems, which is very, very different from Linux systems. (just take a look at the directory structure). anyway try reading that link given above05:38
apikorosok vain try this: sudo umount /mnt/windows05:38
apikorosthen sudo echo "/dev/hdb1 /mnt/windows auto rw,user,auto 0 0" >> /etc/fstab05:38
apikorosthen mount /mnt/windows05:38
vainpermision denied at this 2. cde05:38
apikorosdid you forget the sudo?05:39
kaikristjan_: now, I can just go in and use the resolutions set05:39
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lupuli read it05:42
kaikristjan_: are there any other options if I still can't change my resolution?05:42
lupulmore knowledge acumulated thanks05:42
kristjan_kai: yeah. what's your monitor model?05:43
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kaikristjan_: Im not sure its an alienware05:43
vainapikoros: i didn't forget 'sudo'05:44
cntbvain your windows is on ntfs I guess05:44
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kristjan_kai: I wan't your /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /etc/X11/xorg.conf (use pastebin please)05:45
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kristjan_kai: did you restart X btw?05:45
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kaiI logged out and logged back in05:46
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kristjan_kai: ahaa! logging out and back in won't restart X05:46
kaigo in to console and do it05:46
chijinctrl+alt+backspace will restart X05:47
kristjan_kai: (at least not in k/ubuntu) - log out and choose "restart X in menu somewhere"05:47
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kaikristjan_: brb, will try again05:47
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kaikristjan_: Your tigt, my eyes are bleedin now :)05:48
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kristjan_kai: if you want faster 2d acceleration and if you plan on using 3d acceleration requiring applications - then why not install nvidia-glx package?05:52
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kaikristjan_: becasue I did it 3x time and everytime I had to re-install. it made my montor turn weird colors05:54
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kaikristjan_: if I was to do that, how would I recover if there was a problem?05:55
chijinyou reinstalled kubuntu every time+05:55
Tobias_how do I play "teg" adept didnt make me a menu option under "games" :)05:55
kristjan_kai: use livecd and edit xorg.conf to use nv :) ?05:56
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Tobias_and simply writing "teg" in the console was sadly not what was needed05:56
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Tobias_the full name is "Tenes Empanadas Graciela" and I dont get it05:57
chijinkristjan_: or even better, he should press ctrl+alt+f1 and do that in the console05:57
kaikristjan_: So edit the xorg back to defaults is what your saying? how would I install the new package, whats the name of it?05:57
kristjan_chijin: well, kai has colorful garbage on the screen. I doubt ttys are visible05:57
kristjan_kai: you got geforce 5200?05:58
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kaino its a gefore 5600go05:58
kaiIts what Alienware puts in their laptops05:59
kaithe go series05:59
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kristjan_kai: you should simply install nvidia-glx package then and then  sudo nvidia-xconfig  in konsole05:59
mlchello! xubuntu-rookie says good day06:00
kaiiT was weird when I did ir it go this odd color that started from the lower and spread thru my whole screen, I freeked and turned off my computer06:00
kaiImma try it again, Im kinda scared about it tho06:00
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kristjan_kai: you got your kubuntu cd?06:00
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kaiI got the ubuntu one, yes06:01
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kaiand I run that command you gave me again06:02
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kaiafter installing the package?06:02
kristjan_kai: yeah06:02
kaiI just installed it06:02
kaiIm doin it right now06:02
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chijini've had my laptop's screen look like it's burning when x tried to autodetect my screen :D06:03
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kristjan_kai: if you still get garbage, reboot and try booting without "splash" and add vga=normal06:03
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kaikristjan_: how do I boot w/o splash06:05
kaihow do I turn that off?06:05
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kristjan_kai: then grub loads hit escape and choose first boot option. press e; navigate to line that begins with "kernel" and hit e again. now find splash and remove it, also add vga=normal to the line06:06
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ContrastIs it possible to make digiKam NOT make copies of all my pictures, and instead just assign tags and whatnot to the originals?06:07
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kristjan_chijin: oops. looks like garbage screen strike kai again :/06:08
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hugetahow to mysql ok bro help06:10
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hugetai mean  how to get mysql06:10
hugetain adept06:10
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cotyshould i try ubuntu06:11
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cotyjust delete kubuntu06:11
c1|freakywhy would u want to?06:12
cotybecause i want beryl06:12
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c1|freakyif it isnt working with ubuntu06:12
c1|freakyit wont work with gnome06:12
c1|freakybecause its not kde related imo06:12
c1|freakythough, if u want to upgrade to kubuntu06:12
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c1|freakyi mean if u want to switch to ubuntu06:12
c1|freakyu can still just install ubuntu-desktop06:13
c1|freakyin addition to kubuntu-desktop06:13
cotyi have06:13
c1|freakyand u will have both06:13
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c1|freakyinstalling ubuntu-desktop is the same as running ubuntu only06:13
cotyi've done that06:13
cotyis there anyway i could have it on a diffrent hd06:13
c1|freakyif it isnt working i dont see any reason why it should be working without having kubuntu-desktop installed06:13
^demon^jeez nothing works on here... if konversation connected to quakenet-servers i could ask someone there06:13
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^demon^why won't it... can't i be in two networks at the same time?06:14
cotyc1|freaky: is there a way i could boot from slave06:14
cotyc1|freaky: I would like to have it on a diffrent drive06:14
c1|freakyuse grub ...06:14
cotyc1|freaky: how06:14
c1|freakyi didnt do that since now06:14
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c1|freakyjust install ubuntu on the other drive it *should* recognize the kubuntu installation and also add it to the grub it will install06:15
sstchurwhat would be a descent player for handling mov files?06:15
cotyc1|freaky: I have done it and it never does anything06:15
c1|freakyhm, cant help u then06:15
cotyc1|freaky: it just boots into kde06:15
RavenTuxWhat is the default kernel for the beta version??06:15
c1|freakyRavenTux: Linux loopy2 2.6.20-13-generic #2 SMP Sun Mar 25 00:21:25 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux06:16
RavenTuxc1|freaky: thanks :)06:16
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sstchurwhy would I get "Package libxine-extracodecs has no installation candidate" when doing apt-get ?06:23
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LegolasVsstchur: feisty or edgy?06:26
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sstchurLegolasV: edgy06:27
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dryanghmm, if i want to play dixm movies in ubnutu what to do ?06:27
sstchurLegolasV: looks like I had to change universe to universe multiverse ?06:27
sstchurthat seems to be doing the trick06:28
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LegolasVsstchur: yes it's in multiverse06:28
LegolasVit's "non-free" ;)06:28
jaysaysHi, anyone here got a ATI Radeon card working with feisty ?06:29
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dryanghmm, my next question was, how to install ati drivers06:30
dryangfirst day on linux.. excuse me ..06:30
kristjan_kai are you here?06:31
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jaysaysheh good luck, I have been following this guide: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide06:32
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jaysaysbut I have ran into a few problems06:33
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sstchurLegolasV: ok... so what would it mean if I try playing a .mov file, and I hear audio, but see no video?06:35
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LegolasVsstchur: still bad codecs I guess06:38
sstchurLegolasV: any idea how I troubleshoot that?06:38
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LegolasVsstchur: you could try this: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Multimedia_Codecs06:41
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LegolasVsstchur: I have to go away now, so I'll just wish you succes, I'll may be back later this day but there are always people  here who can help :)06:42
cntbhow to restore trash icon on desktop 6.1006:42
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yurimxpxmando any of you know what could cause this gray colouring? http://i11.tinypic.com/30l11qp.png06:42
yurimxpxmancntb: right-click the panel and click Add Applet06:42
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slestakim putting a kubuntu machine together for a family i know.  their first computer in a long time.  any must have apps i should throw on there.  i was thinking googleearth, frozen bubble,06:44
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_kai_kristjan_: It killed my computer06:45
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voorhees86i install kubuntu and my notebook freeze on a black screen after status bar!!!06:45
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_kai_kristjan_: My happy to be back, I didn't think I was goin to be able to save it06:45
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slestakvoorhees86: do you know how to edit grub command line, remove quiet and splash dont save it then boot06:47
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voorhees86i do that, and the same thing06:48
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slestakvoorhees86: were you able to see boot dmesg output as it booted?06:49
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voorhees86yes, but the black screen happends after it06:50
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kaikristjan_: I will never install that package again06:51
slestakvoorhees86: do you see a console with login, then it disappears to go black?  trying to determine if X is attempting to start06:51
voorhees86i dont see the login screen06:51
kristjan_kai: too bad. what happened?06:51
kristjan_kai: and how did you recover?06:51
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voorhees86i think the problem happends , when x is starting06:52
slestakvoorhees86: has this install ever worked, or is it a new install?06:52
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voorhees86a new, but a have reinstalled too , and no solve the problem06:53
cntbcan I nice an App thru kmenueditor?06:53
kaiI re ran that x-server06:53
slestakvoorhees86:  im not sure man.  after grub starts booting, now long till the black screen starts?  have any other distros eun ok on this machine?06:54
kaikristjan_: I lucked out, Im tryin to do a school project, I coulnd't afford to re-install06:54
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voorhees86windows works perfect on that machine06:54
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cntbtry supergrub06:55
kristjan_kai: how could you run it if lcd displayed garbage?06:55
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slestakvoorhees86: how long after grub starts booting does it take for black screen to come.  does the blue kubuntu splash ever show?06:55
Hrontoreokay, I'm trying to get a binary driver to work for an ati vid card, can any one here help?06:55
voorhees86no, the balck screen aperar when x is about to start06:56
slestakvoorhees86: ati or nvidia card?06:56
kaikristjan_: It kept bring me to the console06:56
kaiIt didn't do what it did last time06:56
kristjan_kai: so it didn't start x at all?06:57
voorhees86we can talk on a private message?06:57
bruja8voorhees86 did you install beryl ?06:57
kaikristjan_: nope06:57
slestakvoorhees86: sure.  pm me06:57
kristjan_kai: ok then. at least you got nv driver working...06:57
kaikristjan_: At first I was getting this error that it couldn't find some frame buffering device06:57
kaiI got a higher res so I co do my development work in netbeans06:58
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voorhees86slestak:im talking to you on pc, and you than awmser me06:59
slestakvoorhees86: im in pm window :)07:00
voorhees86you see me talking?07:00
slestakvoorhees86: not in pm, i posted last on my window07:01
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slestakvoorhees86: im going to part from the pm window, start a fresh one07:02
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slestaki have a desktop machine that will no tcompletely shut off when shutdown is selected.  isnt that an acpi thing?07:05
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voorhees86slestak you have msn?07:09
voorhees86the pm dosent work07:09
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slestakvoorhees86: i see the pm, it works, i was distracted by work07:10
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voorhees86but you dont talk to me07:10
slestaki only have one room up at a time, i did not see you there, go over to pm07:11
smilehi everybody .. how can i chat with microfone ?07:11
smilevia kopete or Gaim ?07:11
smileanyhelp plz ?07:12
voorhees86lets go to channel abcde07:13
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jarnHow do I make scripts use aliases I have set up? I just made a one-line script to run something in wine using an alias (wineda) that opens it on a specific desktop but it gives me command not found... it works fine from the terminal.07:15
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user_hey can someone help me out with setting up a network here very quickly?07:16
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user_well setting up folders i can share on the netowrk anyways.  seems to have changed since 5.1007:17
tuxw00t upgrading to feisty07:18
tuxjarn: just put your script in /usr/bin/07:19
jarntux: Okay. But why does it have to be there?07:19
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tuxthat's where the system starts looking for commands07:19
jarntux: I already have it in a place that is in the path.07:20
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tuxif you're script is called test and you put it in usr/bin you can call on the script by just typing the name instead of the entire path to the scri[t07:20
jarntux: And putting it in /usr/bin doesn't help, it still produces that error.07:20
myTB|Tanuvadoes kde save the actual wallpaper somewhere for itself?07:20
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jarntux: I know very well what the path is. You don't get what I mean.07:20
myTB|Tanuvajarn: set it executable?07:20
jarntux: My script looks like this "wineda /home/jarn/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Guild\ Wars/Gw.exe". It is called gw. When I run gw, it tells me wineda is not found. wineda is an alias I set up that does "kstart --activate --desktop 5 wine".07:21
smilehow can i have a voice chat in kubuntu ?07:21
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tuxhm strange07:22
jarnmyTB|Tanuva: Yes. It's not the script that it can't find, it's the alias in it.07:22
Chousukejarn: shell scripts don't necessarily know about aliases07:22
jarnChousuke: Is there a way to make it know about aliases?07:22
myTB|Tanuvabut if its a script, why dont you just put the bare command in it without using the alias?07:22
binkshow do i turn off adept_notifier07:22
Chousukejarn: you need to define them in the non-interactive shell rc file :/07:22
ChousukeIIRC for bash that is .bashrc07:23
jarnChousuke: I put it in ~/.bashrc - is that what you mean?07:23
tuxjarn: off course you started the script with #!/bin/sh07:23
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sstchurAny multivideo I try to play is coming up just totally blank, but clearly it's trying to play -- any idea why that'd happen?07:23
Chousukeand /bin/sh is dash, right?07:23
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tuxwell it runns shellscripts07:23
tuxso it works for me :p07:23
tuxsometimes i forget to put that in and it produces errors07:24
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Chousukeyeah, but using /bin/sh when you want /bin/bash may be the problem here. :)07:25
enrico_hello :)07:25
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jarnI didn't think I needed either one since it was just running a program, not any fancy scripts.07:25
tuxyou can give it a try Chousuke07:25
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tuxor jarn07:25
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tuxthe one asking the question07:26
Chousukejarn: well, it matters since dash obviously reads dash configuration, and you've only configured bash :)07:26
tuxjep so it needs /bin/sh or /bin/bash or something07:26
jarnAh... well, neither work. I'll just replace the alias with what it actually does, I suppose.07:27
Chousukeyou could also just replace the alias with the full command07:27
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tuxif it's a script, the script has to go to the entire path, you dont so why bother making a alias07:27
jarnI use the alias when I run commands myself. I wanted to put it in the script merely for the sake of consistency.07:28
cypher1is there any plan to backport KDevelop 3.4.0 to edgy-backport ?07:29
Chousukejarn: it seems there's no specific configuration file read when bash is started non-interactively07:29
jarnChousuke: Ah... Okay, thanks.07:29
Chousukeunless one is specified in $BASH_ENV07:30
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jarnMy swap partition stopped being mounted on boot. I have to manually mount it now with "sudo swapon /dev/hda5". I don't recall when it happened.07:31
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cypher1bug 6663707:33
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cypher1jarn, this may help you Malone bug 66637 in util-linux "After running mkswap, swap space is discarded, system fails to hibernate (invalid swap signature)" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6663707:33
AdamKiliI know this is probably a super-noob question, but how do i install and use a KDM theme?07:34
jarncypher1: I don't think I ever ran mkswap.07:34
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cypher1jarn, did you upgrade recently ?07:34
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cypher1jarn, i meant a disto upgrade07:34
jarncypher1: No.07:34
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cypher1jarn, may be /etc/fstab problem ?07:36
jarncypher1: What in it?07:36
cypher1jarn, maybe a wrong UUID07:36
Gizmo48QUESTION:  I was in the process of updating some files with adept and it stalled.  I terminated the program, now when I run adept it  comes up read-only (how dod I fix that?)07:36
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cypher1jarn, which version are you on ?07:36
jarncypher1: 6.1007:36
jarncypher1: Can I replace the UUID with /dev/hda5 like it used to be? Or would that cause problems?07:37
cypher1jarn, please read bug 66637.. there are lot of info in that07:37
jarncypher1: Okay.07:37
cypher1jarn, yes i think in 6.10 we can replace UUID with /dev/*07:37
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jarncypher1: Okay.07:39
Plastefuchshi, today i installed kubuntu 7.04 beta on a laptop and amarok 1.4.5 locks itself if i try to play an mp3 file.07:40
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Deepohow can I upgrade to feisty in kubuntu07:41
AdamKiliPlastefuchs: do you have the proper packages to play mp3 files in amarok? xine-plugins i think07:41
Deeposomething similar to the update-manager of gnome07:41
elbinghave you installed an mp3 codec for amarok?07:41
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Plastefuchselbing: not yet, i hear the popup sound for the dialog that let me install it07:42
AdamKiliPlastefuchs: it's xine-extracodecs07:42
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AdamKiliPlastefuchs: libxine-extracodecs*07:42
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AdamKiliHELP: I know this is super-noob-like, but I can't figure out how to install and use a KDM theme.07:44
Hrontoreokay, I'm trying to get a binary driver to work for an ati vid card, can any one here help?07:44
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user_hey can someone help me with intializing my wireless netowrk card in my laptop?07:45
Deepohow can I upgrade to feisty in kubuntu ?07:47
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AdamKiliuser_: the way i got mine working was i checked the system logs for when it detected the wifi card, and it said that a certain firmware file wasn't provided, so i googled the file name and downloaded the firmware, put it in <something>/firmware/ and my wifi worked. I hope it helps07:50
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PlastefuchsAdamKili: Thank You :)07:51
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AdamKilinow, can anyone help me install and use a KDM theme? I'm no noob, but i can't figure it out!07:55
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balinthi, can someone tell me a channel, where there are pepople who really know the internet and the network technology?07:57
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willietry #scotlug07:57
williebalint: sensible  well-structured questions are always welcome in #scotlug07:59
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soulriderhi everyone08:02
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tuxstill upgrading to feisty08:02
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soulridereveryone seems to be upgrding =./08:02
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tuxwell it takes long enough08:03
chijinnot if you have a 10mb connection08:03
soulriderat what speed are you downloading fromt he repos? i cant seem to be able to get past the 20 kb/s08:03
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tuxim using a update manage08:03
tux300kb/s here :(08:03
tuxhm and 231 ms lag in08:04
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Blissexsoulrider: depends on your connection and what mirrors you put in the repo files. I get 5-10MB/s.08:04
waylandbillI generally get 200-300 at work from them.08:04
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soulriderBlissex: i guess ill change the mirrors then08:08
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Blissexsoulrider: you can also get a 1gb/s or a 10gb/s Internet connection.08:09
Blissexsoulrider: more seriously...08:09
tux307 k/s08:10
tuxless then a minute left08:10
Blissexsoulrider: there are a couple little utilities that scan a list of mirrors and test ping time and download rates.08:10
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Edulixanyone knows how to download a song from goear? =)08:10
Hrontoreokay how do i check if direct 3d hardware acceleration is enabled?, and how do i get glxgears to printfps?08:11
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tuxglxgear --printfps08:12
chijin--printfps or -printfps doesn't work in feisty08:12
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Hrontorei get unknown paramiter E when i do glxgears -printfps/glxgears --printfops08:13
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HrontoreD3D how do i know its working, run a game?08:15
tuxyou can just try glxgers08:16
tuxcant type08:16
Hrontorewell i see the gears just fine but i want to know the fps08:16
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chijinwell then glxgears -printfps does that08:17
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BoOoMi need some help :s08:20
BoOoMnobody can help me?08:20
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rcmayorhelp is on vacation. :-)08:20
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BoOoMI jut want to install Gnu make08:20
BoOoMbut i just install linux08:21
BoOoMand i don't know how to install it08:21
BoOoMit's not on apt08:21
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firecrotchBoOoM: apt-get build-essential   will install everything you need to compile programs08:22
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BoOoMi don't really understand, i'm french, but i understand the 'pincipe'08:23
ksnipaSo  I upgraded my video card, and I was wondering how would I go abouts updating my settings in the XORG automatically08:23
soulrideryeah, BoOoM, you might also wanna install checkinstall so you cna buiuld .deb packages. You can install/unintsall those packages really easily08:23
BoOoMbut how to install gnu make?08:23
soulrider!fr | BoOoM08:23
ubotuBoOoM: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.08:23
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BoOoMthxXx ^^08:23
soulriderBoOoM: sudo aptitude install build-essential08:23
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BruceLeedshey guys, somebody an idea in which format OO.org for the "Mail Merge Wizard" the e-mail-adress-list saves?08:28
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assassinmaybe xml?08:29
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BruceLeedsassassin: I have an table in OO-Spreadshead and would like to get this list in the Mail Merge Wizard (more than 80 adresses)08:31
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BruceLeedsassassin: so i would like to get it imported wouldn't like to copy and paste everything in the mail merge wizard08:31
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assassinmy oo is not too bright. anything on google?08:32
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Ch1ppyhey, I'm trying to set up vnc to my box via ssh.  Can anyone help me out?  All the howto's etc I could find didn't work.08:32
Ch1ppyer, sorry, I'm using only a ssh connection, but I'm not trying to tunnel08:32
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Ch1ppycan anyone help me set up a VNC server?08:39
jacquesdupontdah me voila08:39
jacquesdupontdfaut que je m'en vais08:39
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baktaahAnyone here08:42
Ch1ppyI am, but not one else seems to be08:42
Ch1ppywhich sucks when you need help08:42
baktaahI was thinking of going KDE, since  KDE (ur choice) and Gnome (computers choice)08:42
assassinyep, i'm here08:42
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FringeJacketbaktaah I'm here08:42
Ch1ppyso does anyone know how to set up a VNC server at all?08:43
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baktaahFringeJacket so how is KDE compared to gnome?08:43
FringeJacketCh1ppy if we don't respond to a question, usually we don't know... but thats just observation08:43
assassini have some offline vnc docs but not with me, sorry08:43
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Ash-FoxIt's kind of annoying that a newer OOo isn't provided in backports.08:43
assassinkde rules. try it!08:43
FringeJacketbaktaah there are alot K's all over, but I like it08:44
baktaahassassin yeah thats some real heavy argument :)08:44
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FringeJacketI suggest you try it08:44
Ch1ppyFringeJacket: I know, but I've found man, many times that on these chat rooms, people ignore you, and then when you actually get talking to them, they can help...08:44
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baktaahFringeJacket  I can't try it without removing my fully customed gnome dist atm08:44
baktaahFringeJacket  can I have a screenshot of urs?08:44
Ash-FoxCh1ppy, install xvnc, then run 'xvnc -listen'08:44
Ash-FoxPeople can connect to your desktop then.08:45
FringeJacketyeah, mine has my setup and isn't a typical KDE feel (that and I run beryl too)08:45
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tuxhello all08:45
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Ash-FoxHello tux08:45
Ch1ppyAsh-Fox: xvnc isn't a valid package/program, got a full name?08:45
FringeJacketCh1ppy that is true, but some people get annoyed by duplicate questions and get grumpy... just a warning08:46
FringeJackethi tux08:46
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tuxi got a question, does anyone here have experience with building a linux system from scratch, by command line?08:46
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Ch1ppyFringeJacket: well, yeah, but I have never once gotten help the first time I asked.  ever.  and I've come asking a LOT of questions, so IMO, it's worth getting people annoyed just because I don't get help otherwise08:46
baktaahIS KDE more or less craving then GNOME?08:47
Ash-FoxCh1ppy, I think the package is called 'rfb'08:47
heinkel_112craving with resepct to user or computer?08:47
assassinthere's a great site on builing linus from scratch - www.linuxfromscratch.org08:47
heinkel_112baktaah: ^08:47
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Ash-FoxWhy would I want to build a kernel coder from scratch?08:47
baktaahis it true that KDE is more customable then Gnome?08:48
tuxheinkel_112: i think gnome is more craving IMO for the user08:48
Ash-FoxI mean, he'd go psycho over one of my desktops running Gnome.08:48
tuxhm i think so baktaah08:48
FringeJacketbaktaah I got it looking exactly how I wanted it08:48
Ch1ppyAsh-Fox: kay, but that doesn't install "xvnc"...?08:48
baktaahBecause I want to make a fully Max OSX looking Linux dist...... so I was thinking wich one would make it best, Gnome or KDE (Ubuntu or Kubuntu)08:48
FringeJacketand my friend has a completely different look08:48
evfreshman2025Is anyone good at ripping CD's to my system to i can put it on my iPod?08:48
Ash-FoxCh1ppy, it doesn't?08:48
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Ch1ppyAsh-Fox: nope08:48
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evfreshman2025I cant seem to figure out how to rip them. On Kaffene i encode them, but it wont rip08:49
baktaahFringeJacket can I see ur desktop a screenshot or so?08:49
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Ch1ppyAsh-Fox: only command I have that starts with xvnc is xvncviewer08:49
heinkel_112ibaktaah:;  think GNOME is leaner (less craving for computer) , but  I like KDE because it is very like windows and I have to use windows at work....if you need something not very resource demanding, try XFCE as in xubuntu08:49
FringeJacketbaktaah I'll try, but it doesn't always like to load onto imageshack08:49
baktaahheinkel_112  I tried xfce.. didn't like it08:49
evfreshman2025Is anyone good at ripping CD's to my system to i can put it on my iPod?08:49
Ash-FoxCh1ppy, doh, it's called 'x11vnc'08:49
baktaahheinkel_112  Actually whats more important08:49
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baktaahis that08:49
Ash-FoxCh1ppy, package is called that too.08:49
tuxdoes anyone have any experience in installing kubuntu command line?08:49
evfreshman2025Is anyone good at ripping CD's to my system to i can put it on my iPod?08:49
baktaahI want it to look like Max OSX 1008:49
heinkel_112baktaah: go for GNOME08:50
baktaahWill KDE or Gnome look best and closest to Max OSX 10?08:50
tuxbaktaah: use KDE08:50
assassinevfreshman2025 "dd if=/dev/cdrom of=cd.iso" copy cd.iso to ur ipod08:50
heinkel_112it is GNOME08:50
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jakkassKDE defintely08:50
kaidoes any one here efficient java programmers?08:50
baktaahlol everyone says everything,08:50
Ash-Foxbaktaah, kde-look.org has OS X style and things.08:50
heinkel_112jakkass: oiut of the box GNOME is much more like MAcOS08:50
tuxbaktaah: make a panel at the bottom, make it less wide, add some transpirancy and you're done08:50
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baktaahtux well I got that as GNOME.08:50
Ash-FoxSeriously, stop it with Gnome, this is #Kubuntu, for Kubuntu, which is for KDE08:51
jakkassheinkel_112:  KDE looks way more like OSX08:51
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kaiAny one have any idea how to run a .jar from with in an application08:51
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baktaahAsh-Fox read what I write instead.08:51
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Ash-Foxbaktaah, you can get KDE to look exactly like OS X, including the menubar above. No idea about Gnome's capabilities.08:52
assassinaktaah - do a google search on OSXbar. closest i could got to a mac look08:52
baktaahGuys could I have some screenshots from ur desktops :) ?08:52
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tuxwhere can i put them08:52
tuxthe screenshots08:52
Ch1ppyAsh-Fox: 31/03/2007 11:52:16 failed to create rfb screen.08:53
Ch1ppyAsh-Fox: :S08:53
Ash-Foxhttp://www.kde-look.org/ go hear for snapshots.08:53
Ash-FoxCh1ppy, uh, let me see08:53
mlcIs this channel only for updaters?08:53
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Ash-FoxCh1ppy, try without the paramter, just 'x11vnc'08:54
mlchello. anyone?08:54
Ash-Foxmlc, hello.08:54
mlchi ;)08:55
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Ch1ppyAsh-Fox: oh, that worked08:55
mlcis this only fot people who upgrade to feisty?08:55
FringeJacketmlc  the channel I know of foe feisty updaters is #ubuntu+1 I believe08:55
mlcok, I'm not one of them08:55
Ch1ppyAsh-Fox: works great now, thanks :P08:55
mlcbut on top of my page stands:Test edgy->feisty upgrade08:56
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FringeJacketmlc I'm on edgy08:56
mlcok, right!08:56
giasohi all08:56
tuxim on feisty to08:56
tuxjust upgraded08:56
mlcwow! can I ask questions here?08:56
tuxas easy as... well... dell08:56
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tuxhm no its easier08:56
giasojut upgraded to feisty too08:56
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Ash-Foxmlc, feisty isn't out yet.08:57
tuxit doesnt break down08:57
nicoccan anyone help me?08:57
FringeJacketmlc just ask away we are the help channel08:57
tuxwell the beta08:57
giasomy Xorg broke08:57
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mlcallright, I think of how to put it08:57
tuxsure nicoc08:57
FringeJacketnicoc depends on the problem08:57
tuxand mlc08:57
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mlcI am unable to download and install .tar.gz-programs08:57
nicoci already install kubuntu and when its booting it it says: ""target filesystem does'n have /sbin/init "08:57
tuxFringeJacket: isnt it suposed to be a support channel?08:57
nicocand then - '/bin/sh  can't access tty' 'job control turned off' -08:58
mlcI put them in a directory under <user>08:58
Ash-Foxmlc, .tar.gz files are the equilivant of a .zip file under windows.08:58
Ash-FoxQuite simply, you can't install them, they're not installers.08:58
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nicochelp? :(08:58
FringeJackettux yeah... but not everyone gets an answer, so I add in the disclaimer (sorry... its my work training)08:59
mlcthe instruction says "./configure"08:59
mlcthat works08:59
tuxdoes one of you have experience in installing from the command line and building a system that way08:59
tmbgmlc, what are you trying to install?08:59
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mlcanything I try to install doesn't work08:59
Ash-Foxmlc, you should be installing everything through adept.09:00
mlclets see\09:00
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tmbgI second Ash-Fox's comment09:00
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Daisuke_Ido"should be installing everything through adept"09:00
Daisuke_Idowhat if what you need isn't therE?09:00
mlcyes, but when I want to install something that's not in adept?09:00
Daisuke_Idoi rest my case09:00
tuxi've been asking a question for 5 times no09:00
Ash-FoxDaisuke_Ido, doubleclick the .sh file and wait for the loki insaller to finish installing? :)09:00
Daisuke_Idoand now i have to go get groceries, take care09:00
tmbgmlc, then you go through the pain in the butt of trying to get code to compile09:00
cs178tux: try http://www.linuxfromscratch.org they have some good step by step guides how to do it.09:01
Daisuke_IdoAsh-Fox: that's normally not an option, as i don't play games09:01
mlctmbg, I try it because the site says 'it's easy'09:01
Ash-FoxDaisuke_Ido, neither do I09:01
soulridertux: you wanna install kubuntu formt he alternate CD ?09:01
tuxoff course i want to use a ubuntu CD09:01
soulriderok, hold on a sec09:01
tmbgwhich site?09:01
nicocnobody know how to fix that??09:01
soulridertheres probably a guide around here09:01
tuxalternate, could find the correct word for that09:01
Ash-Foxmlc, what program?09:01
tuxtrue soulrider09:01
mlcI try to installl anything from i.e. linux-softpedia09:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about softpedia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:02
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues09:02
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soulridertux: what was easy! :P09:02
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tmbgmlc, a lot of that stuff is certainly garbage barely portable junk that was only tested on redhat or some nonsense.09:02
nicocwell thanks anyway09:02
ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.09:02
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Ash-Foxmlc, softpedia looks like a review site?09:03
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mlcok tmbg09:03
soulriderin https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues there are guides for all installations i think09:03
Ash-Foxmlc, I don't see a program called 'softpedia'.09:03
AzmodanI got a crash problem with Kopete, it crashes anytime someone accepts to send me a cam, it crashes. Any clue?09:03
soulriderhi briancron09:03
mlcyes Ash, and a downloadsiite09:03
tmbgAsh-Fox, it's kind of like sourceforge I think09:03
Ash-FoxOkay, again. What program are you trying to install.09:03
tuxsoulrider: is it hard to compile a system with the alternate CD/09:03
mlcI have xubuntu with Thunar09:03
tuxwell compile09:04
soulriderAzmodan: you got the latests version of kopete? also, you might want to check for bug reports09:04
Ash-Foxmlc, shouldn't you be in #xubuntu then/09:04
soulridertux: you dont need to compile anything :P09:04
mlcyes, thats ok09:04
Azmodansoulrider: I got the version that comes with 7.04 beta but I had the same problem under 6.10.09:04
mlcash, this is my first time in IRC09:04
soulridertux: alternate CD is not like the gentoo alternate CD, where you need to compile everything09:04
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mlca bit overwhelming this all ;)09:04
briancronI had my wireless working on my wife's laptop using ubuntu and then I installed kubuntu-desktop and the wireless doesn't work in kubuntu... is this a known issue?09:04
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FringeJacketbaktaah you convinced to switch by those shots online?09:04
Azmodansoulrider: Any diagnostic tools I should use to produce the bug report?09:04
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tuxsoulrider: how about the drivers and stuff, do you need to select them yourself?09:04
mlcash, how do I get to #xubuntu09:05
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Ash-Foxmlc, doubleclick it09:05
soulriderAzmodan: i would look for bug reports, or people that asked that already. Try http://ubuntuforums.org someone might have had the same issue as you09:05
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soulridertux: dont think so09:05
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soulriderlol mlc09:05
mlcthanks a lot guys, I'll try my luck in #xubuntu09:05
briancronmlc - /j #xubuntu09:05
soulriderbye! good luck!09:05
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soulridertux: i dont think youll have to select the drivers manually, as far as i know the alternate installation is the same as the live CD one, except the interface is text based09:07
baktaahFringeJacket no :(09:07
soulridertux: you can slo just use a LiveCD09:07
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tuxsome say you have more options with the alternate CD09:07
soulriderdont know, i havnt tried it09:08
soulriderbut if youre not too experienced with linux09:08
soulrideri suggets you try the live CD09:08
assassini agree09:08
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FringeJacketI suggest live cd too, it is the best for new users09:09
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waylandbillyes. use the live cd to see if the distro meets your needs (initially anyway)09:10
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FringeJacketbaktaah did you get my pm?09:11
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FringeJacketwaylandbill that is how I came to choosing Kubuntu09:11
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waylandbillall operating systems should offer live cds IMHO09:12
FringeJacketyeah, I totally agree09:12
FringeJacketbut then, windows would never sell09:12
assassinya, not possible with ms09:13
waylandbillyes. I came to choose kubuntu by using ubuntu, kubuntu and simply mepis live cd's.09:13
chemicalvampis there any way to make wireless assistant wirless LAN manager connect to network on startup?09:13
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firecrotchI need some help with ifconfig09:13
assassinwhat's wrong?09:14
waylandbillchemicalvamp: knetworkmanager will do that. and now is default as of feisty.09:14
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chemicalvampwaylandbill where should i look for it09:15
chemicalvampbot knowsnothin about it09:15
firecrotchassassin: I'm have a block of IP addresses but only 1 NIC09:15
waylandbillchemicalvamp: you have to get it from adept09:15
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waylandbill!info knetworkmanager09:15
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assassinifconfig eth0 on my system shows it09:15
chemicalvampcool ty09:15
ubotuknetworkmanager: User friendly KDE frontend for NetworkManager. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 213 kB, installed size 1448 kB09:16
firecrotchI know that I have to set up virtual interfaces, like eth0:0, but I can't get those set up09:16
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chemicalvampheh i tried !knetworkmanager and it had nothing09:16
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firecrotchOdd, now it's working09:17
calamariI'm having trouble with my PS/2 keyboard during install (alternatives cd).  I can choose off the boot menu fine, but after that my keyboard input is ignored.  Any ideas?09:17
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assassinfirecrotch "sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces" u'll have to add any virtual interfaces there09:17
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soulridercalamari: no idea, do you have any other boot options? searching the forums would be a good idea too09:18
calamarisoulrider: Install in text mode, Install in OEM mode, Install a command-line system09:19
calamariis that what you mean?09:19
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firecrotchthanks, assassin09:19
soulriderwell no, i meant options regarding input, let me search in the forums09:19
calamariit's weird because this is a ps/2 keyboard.. not usb :/09:20
assassinfirecrotch don't forget to add the virtual intrfaces next to "auto lo" eg. "auto lo eth0:1". this will bring it up at bootup09:20
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geniiSomeone wanted to know about booting iso images that are stored on hd directly from grub. Are they here? I found the answer to this09:20
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chemicalvampi get a wierd probem once and awhile where it puts the contents of my clipboard when i type09:21
soulridercalamari: what version are you trying to install and what arch ?09:21
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firecrotchassassin: Do you mind looking at my /etc/network/interfaces to see that I have it right?09:21
calamarisoulrider: I've tried kubuntu x64 edgy regular and alternatives09:22
chemicalvampe.g. hello eve#PASTED#ryone any ideas?09:22
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calamarimaybe I should try regular ubuntu edgy,09:22
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assassinfirecrotch - sure, but i have no idea how this irc works. my first time online!09:22
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soulridercalamari: look at this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues09:22
soulriderhow weird09:22
firecrotchassassin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/13222/09:23
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calamarisoulrider: sorry, what on that page are you referring to.. see nothing about keybaords09:24
soulridercalamari: sorry, wrong link :P09:24
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soulriderthere, look at first and last post09:24
soulriderthey might be helpful09:24
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assassinfirecrotch - looks good. should work. run "sudo /etc/init.d/networks restart" and then "ifconfig". u should see if it's up09:25
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calamarisoulrider: thanks!09:25
soulridercalamari: i hope that is useful09:25
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firecrotchassassin: No such file or directory09:26
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firecrotchassassin: I got it, thanks :)09:27
phil_Wi've a problem: my 5.1 headset doesn't work properly.  i can't really use 5.1. if i duplicate front there is only sound at front and rear, but the sub and the center speaker give no sound. could you help me?09:27
assassinfirecrotch - ok09:28
assassinphil_W - got the same problem!09:29
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jarnDoes KDE have a program for editing movies?09:31
phil_Wkino i think09:31
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kristjan_short command to restart all network interfaces/or dhcp renew?09:32
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N6REJkristjan_:  sudo /etc/init.d/network restart if I remember right09:33
jarnphil_W: It does that, but I don't think it's a KDE program... it uses GTK.09:33
LjLnetworking, iirc09:33
LjLor you could do sudo ifdown -a; sudo ifup -a i suppose09:33
jarnphil_W: But it's better than nothing :P. Thanks!09:34
assassinkristjan_ - what do u use for dhcp?09:34
N6REJanyone here a blogging expert?  I need some education.09:34
kristjan_assassin: eth0?09:34
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assassin<kristjan_ - it should be dhcpd or dnsmasq or bind09:35
assassin<kristjan_ - not running a server. then sudo /etc/init.d/network restart will work09:36
jarnAnyone know which is better, avidemux or kino?09:36
N6REJassassin: sorry, I'm used to servers09:36
kristjan_sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart - but what if I only want to renew eth0? and not touch eth1?09:36
N6REJkristjan_: sudo ifdown eth0 && ifup eth009:37
chijinsudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth009:37
N6REJchijin: LOL GMTA09:37
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kristjan_and how do I renew dhcp?09:37
chijinjust try that command :D09:38
N6REJ!dhcp | kristjan_09:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dhcp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:38
chijinit'll do everything09:38
N6REJkristjan_:  do a man dhcp to learn more about that.09:38
N6REJkristjan_: man is your friend, even if he does speak farsi! :{09:38
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chemicalvamp*gasp* the bot doesnt know09:39
N6REJno offense to anyone09:39
assassinN6REJ - "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" if it's not a server or on a server "sudo /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart" (on my machine)09:39
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N6REJassassin: ah ok.09:39
assassinyea. lol09:39
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calamarisoulrider: it was my bios... had to disable usb mouse and keyboard support09:40
N6REJman knows alot but he sure don't speak my lingo LOL09:40
soulridercool thing you could figure that out calamari09:40
soulridergood luck witht he installation09:40
soulriderhey N6REJ09:40
N6REJhey soul!09:41
N6REJsoulrider: how much you know about blogging?09:41
soulrideruhm nothing, i dont blog :P why ?09:42
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assassinN6REJ - try http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog or http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=safari&rls=en-us&q=set+up+a+blog&btnG=Search09:45
=== genii sips a large black coffee
chemicalvampis there a way i can ignore nicks joining / leaving the channel?09:45
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raffytaffycan anyone tell me how truecrypt works ?09:45
assassingenii - i'm havin beer. :-)09:45
soulrideri like coffee :P09:45
soulriderhad one earlier09:46
skioskihi can any1 help me install nvidia drivers09:46
soulriderbut i need a bigger cup09:46
soulriderskioski: sure09:46
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assassini need a kettle09:46
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geniiassassin: I usually do on Saturday :) But at work09:46
soulriderfirst you need to install the driver, and then tell xorg to use it09:46
skioskiis the a webpge or somethin09:46
assassingenii - me too but i'm the boss09:46
skioskia guide09:46
soulriderskioski: as a first step: download the drivers from the repositories, you can do that by typing "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx" on a console09:46
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soulrider!nvidia | skioski09:47
ubotuskioski: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:47
soulrideryou can also read from there ?09:47
h0axis kubuntu debian based ?09:47
geniiassassin:  Executive privelege :)09:47
geniih0ax: Yes09:47
h0axummmm so i can download the .deb files like ubuntu09:47
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baktaahWhere can I find the KDE controlpanel?09:48
soulriderh0ax: yeah09:48
soulriderwe have repos like debian does09:49
N6REJk, I need to learn what it is and why/if I want it.09:49
geniih0ax: deb packaging is used on both Debian and Ubuntu. But deb files for one may or may not always work on the other09:49
assassinbaktaah: start "system settings"09:49
h0axi cant use debian files on here some reason ....09:49
soulriderN6REJ: a blog si sort of like an online diary09:49
geniiHey is there some export filter on OO to export to a wiki format, like Kwiki etc?09:50
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soulriderhave you guys seen those avatars with different tuxs? like this one http://ubuntuforums.org/customavatars/avatar1_2.gif do you know where i can get some ?09:50
baktaahthanks assassin09:51
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baktaahKDe is so inefficent >&09:51
baktaahnot like GNOme... thats effecient09:51
soulridernevermind, i found the answer09:51
soulriderbaktaah: we like KDE :P09:51
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assassinthats a sighn. i have to go. cheers! KDE still rocks!!!!09:52
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chemicalvampi got an error in adept getting a package, it think it was an important one.. what should i do09:56
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chemicalvamphttp:/security.ubuntu.com edgy-security/main kdelibs4c2a 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3.1.1 is there another location i can find this?10:01
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soulriderchemicalvamp: i that isnt a valid repo10:04
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chemicalvampshoulda been http:// but thats just what my adept says10:04
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chemicalvampthe download bar was empty and it said error in it10:05
skioskiok so know i need to know how to install beryl10:05
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easytigerskioski: have you tried?10:06
skioskinope i need a guide10:06
easytigerhave you searched skioski?10:06
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skioskiyeah but i just somethin about abuntu10:07
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skioskicome some1 has the link to it10:07
easytigernot to be rude.. but have you tried looking with google, or on the ubuntu wiki?10:07
easytigerit would literally take 5 seconds to find10:07
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects10:08
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soulriderjust pm the bot with a keyword and it will answer10:08
easytigersoulrider: do you use reddit?10:08
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soulriderno easytiger whats it for ?10:09
skioskihow do i know if im edgy or feisty10:09
easytigerits an aggregated news site soulrider. someone with your nick uses it10:09
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bbellwho's familiar with getting an NVIDIA GeForce4 MXX 440 driver loaded in edgy?10:10
easytigerskioski: google?10:10
pontiac_Can anyone recommend a decent GUI based partition manager for a fresh install of Kubuntu?10:10
bbelltried that.10:10
ubotuenvy is a Python script that eases installation of the official Nvidia and ATI drivers. This software is NOT supported by ubuntu and you will not receive aid for it here. More at http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html See !nvidia and !nvidia910:10
skioskican i not just type it in the consol10:10
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ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell10:11
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soulriderpontiac_: qtparted or gparted10:11
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pontiac_Available through apt-get?10:11
soulridereasytiger: someone with this nick in this server ?10:11
easytigersoulrider: its not irc no10:11
soulrideryes pontiac_10:11
soulridereasytiger: where? :P10:12
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blue|palmdoes anyone know how to renable automount of usb devices... mine stopped working10:12
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chemicalvampi found the repository.. but please help me figure out wich to use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/13232/ i dont know the difernce10:17
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geniiJust sudo apt-get install  kdelibs-bin and you'll be fine. It will sort out the versions10:19
blue|palmcan anyone tell me how to fix my usb device automount issue... it no longer automatically mounts a usb device (flash drive, external hdd)10:20
chemicalvampokcool thanks, and i should wait till after adept is done correct?10:20
geniiOtherwise you'll get the msg about the file being locked etc10:21
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pontiac_soulrider: Thanks.  gparted made more sense to me than qtparted.  Appreciated.10:21
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TeReL50does anyone know how to disable the FN key on a laptop keyboard ?10:22
soulriderno prob pontiac_10:22
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:22
baktaahDid someone mention cooldock?10:22
geniiTeReL50: I dunno about your laptop but on mine it's hardwired somehow10:22
skioskiwget http://nvidia.limitless.lupine.me.uk/ubuntu/root@lupine.me.uk.gpg -O- <nowiki>|</nowiki> sudo apt-key add -10:23
TeReL50genii it's annoying sometimes, i need a way to disable it whenever i want to :S10:23
skioskiwots this mean10:23
geniiTeReL50: I eventually resorted to prying off the key LOL10:24
chemicalvamplol why? conflicts? now im afriad to use mne10:25
skioskican1 help10:25
geniiTeReL50: If yours is fairly recent it may have some bios settings for that key. My old Thinkpad doesn't tho10:25
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TeReL50genii, that a cool idea, i'm gonna check out  tnx  man...10:26
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geniiTeReL50: Good luck10:26
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chemicalvampseriously why is the function key on notebooks bad?10:26
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geniibecause it's on the very bottom left corner where you want to rest the palm of your left hand occasionally and trigger it by mistake10:27
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geniiAt least thats my issue with it10:27
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jorge_ois pl10:29
easytigerive lost the menu bar in kopete.. how do i get it back?10:29
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jorge_algm por aki pa teclar?10:32
Admiral_Chicagoeasytiger: ctrl + M10:32
easytigerahhh.. how did i not try that10:32
skioskiE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)10:33
skioskiE: Unable to lock the list directory10:33
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ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 10:36
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soulriderthere skioski10:36
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geniiskioski: Likely either the update manager is running, some other thing using the dpkg system is running, or it got mucked up. If the first 2 things aren't true then follow soulrider's suggestion. If one of the first 2 things are happening , wait til they finish10:37
jorge_algm tuga por aki?10:37
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ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.10:38
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jorge_kem + aki e tuga?10:42
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jarnWhat is the load average display in ksysguard?10:45
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pollyoAnyone use text to speech in chat?10:47
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JohnFluxjam basically the number of apps that want to use the cpu at the same time10:48
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pollyoDoes anyone know of an official website for irkick ?10:49
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects10:50
=== N6REJ OUCH, power went off 3x in a 10 second period while I was typing
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geniiYou know you may need a UPS when...10:51
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N6REJgenii: what really embarassing is I have a 1400w inverter, and 6 batterys one of which is 4000amp hour!10:51
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JohnFluxgenii: when the post office lose your parcel?10:51
geniiJohnFlux: Yes, that too :)10:52
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N6REJgenii: do you think its connected?  Why no of course not, its sitting out in the bus & garage where it can't be used LOL10:52
geniiN6REJ: For that you deserve a flogging with a wet noodle10:52
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N6REJgenii: yep!10:52
pollyoAnyone familiar with the text to speech module for gaim?  Does the window need to be active for the voice to work?10:53
N6REJgenii: transformer blew up just a half a block away, good thing everything I have is heavily protected.  Still would've been better to have it on the inverter.10:53
JohnFluxpollyo: kopete is beter :-D10:53
nixternalBitlbee is even better!10:54
pollyoJohnFlux: Have they added Yahoo chat room support?10:54
geniiN6REJ: I've had my as saved a few times by a decent UPS10:54
JohnFluxpollyo: no idea :-)10:54
pollyoJohnFlux: I'll take another look at it when they do.10:54
N6REJgenii: yeah, when I was an ISP, I had a really nice 1400W UPS and ran everything through it 24/7.  It acted as a line conditioner on top of being a ups :D10:54
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JohnFluxN6REJ: do you know if they use up much power themselves?10:55
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JohnFluxI have one, but I don't use it just because I suspect it will increase my electric bill ;-)10:56
geniiThey basically have car batteries inside. It takes about the same juice as charging your car from the garage plug10:56
pollyoHmmm..... It looks like the thing only says the text when the gaim window is active.10:56
N6REJJohnFlux: no, they really don't use much.  Newer ones made by reputable companies like APC are about 98% effiecent.  You have other appliances that are far more wasteful if you want to query I'll explain.10:57
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pollyoJohnFlux: Do you know if kopete works with text to speech?10:58
geniiN6REJ:  BTW If you need replacements, I recommend marine gel batteries10:58
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JohnFluxpollyo: I thought it did, but now that I check it can't see how10:59
N6REJgenii: they are good, but there is 2 better ways.  There is a company here in Iowa that makes the largest deepcycle battery there is but its very expensive $200, thats what I bought, the BETTER solution is an aircraft battery.  They are 5kw!  But HORRRIBLY expensive.10:59
geniiN6REJ: Yes, I can imagine the costs10:59
pollyoJohnFlux: I wonder if it works with KTTS11:00
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geniiN6REJ: I'm running 4 SmartUPS 1400 with all marine gel batteries and I basically had to sign my life away to pay for them all11:01
JohnFluxpollyo: yeah I was thinking that, but I don't see a plugin for it11:01
pollyoJohnFlux: What do I click to get into IRC with Kopete?11:01
N6REJgenii: yep!  they are crazy expensive, are you solar?11:02
JohnFluxpollyo: i think you add a new account11:02
pollyoJohnFlux; I saw something in the KTTS.11:02
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geniiN6REJ: Not sure what you mean by solar11:02
N6REJare you solar dependant?11:02
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geniiN6REJ: No. It runs off the wall. It's for my servers and such11:03
N6REJah ok.11:04
geniiTho I could likely run a small house off it all for an hour or three :)11:04
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ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) - Feisty will be released at 0:00 UTC on April, 111:06
geniiN6REJ: If I was going to have a solar house I'd convert everything to use 12VDC anyhow11:06
N6REJ48vdc is more efficient11:06
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soulrider_genii: why do you need such a battery ?11:07
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easytigerwill distupgrade work this thime do you think?11:07
geniiN6REJ: I figure with 12 VDC  I could just plug in cigarettle lighter adapters on occasion and 12 is a standard type voltage for automotive etc11:08
Tm_Teasytiger: hm?11:08
geniisoulrider What for the servers?11:08
soulrider_ah, i didnt know you had servers11:08
soulrider_my dad has an UPS on his computer11:08
easytigerTm_T: it screwed up last time and tanked a lot of installs11:08
soulrider_its kinda cool, when we have a blackout he can still surf the net >.<11:09
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ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!11:09
N6REJgenii: true, BUT, the upconversion and transfer down, for some reason is more efficient with 24v and 48v systems.11:09
pollyoWhat irc server are we on?11:09
geniisoulrider_ I'm running at the moment about 3 email boxes, an asterisk box, 3 radius servers, 4 superstack switches, some cisco AS5200 routers and assorted other things11:10
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soulrider_genii: thats in your house? =/11:10
geniiPartly ,yes11:10
soulrider_what kind of connection do you have ?11:10
elitehackerhey does anyone know where i can get a p2p filesharing program to work on my intel x86 kubuntu 6.06 ?11:11
geniisoulrider At home I have twin SDSL, at work an OC311:11
elitehackeri have tried lime wire but it wont work11:11
killownlinux have system of authentication iris  ?11:11
soulrider_elitehacker: frostwire11:11
AZNSLDHey could some one help me with my apache....11:11
AZNSLDI think I mess it up badlt11:11
=== fraiddo [n=fred@lns-bzn-49f-62-147-164-174.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
AZNSLDI think I mess it up badly...11:12
=== marco_ [n=marco@ip-97-95.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu
Admiral_Chicagoelitehacker: frostwire11:12
soulrider_genii: thats so awesome11:12
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire11:12
Admiral_Chicagothat is the one you want11:12
soulrider_i bet dist-upgrades are quite fast :P11:12
elitehackeryeah i was looking for limewire but no support for my os11:13
=== tofacer [n=tofacer@ALille-153-1-63-221.w86-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
soulrider_genii: how much do you have to pay for your home sdsl ?11:13
geniisoulrider_ When I use the local university repo it's prettyu good :)11:13
elitehackerlike there was files .rpm but cannot open them in adept11:13
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soulrider_elitehacker: we use DEB, not RPM11:13
geniisoulrider_ Since my home connection is for work, I get it paid11:13
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soulrider_i want a job like that11:14
Admiral_Chicagoelitehacker: look at the page, it will link you to .deb11:14
geniisoulrider_ I have to admit it's a pretty good gig11:14
soulrider_what is it that you do ?11:14
elitehackeryeah its downloading now11:14
pollyoJohnFlux: kopete does look different.11:14
pollyoJohnFlux: I generally use gaim.11:15
geniisoulrider_ Mostly I'm the first admin that gets called at 4AM when customers are screaming :)11:15
soulrider_lol genii11:15
soulrider_i dont know if i could deal with customers11:15
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soulrider_i think i would be happy enough programming11:15
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geniiAdmiral_Chicago: :) OK I'll desist here. I am in that channel already btw11:16
elitehackernow is frost wire just like limewire rite all the same controlls so i can still edit the files under GNU?11:16
Admiral_Chicagowhat do you mean edit files under GNU11:17
elitehackerliek its under the liscense11:17
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elitehackerso i can do w.e to it11:17
jbaloulhi all11:17
jbaloulcan anyone tell me...if i bring up kicker by itself in a different window manager...how can i bring up the keyboard language switching tool as well?11:17
Admiral_Chicagoelitehacker: depends on what files you get...11:17
Admiral_Chicagoif the files you get aren't open, you may need to follow the patents on them etc.11:18
elitehackernow i have a friend how wants to get kubuntu but his d-link DWL-G132 usb wi-fi adapter is not comming up when he boots up kubuntu11:19
N6REJwhen I have the audo cd on my desktop shouldn't I be able to just say "eject" and have it auto umount and eject?11:19
elitehackeris there any linux drivers for a dwl-g13211:19
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soulrider_N6REJ: when i use an audio cd that works fine11:20
geniiYou have to unmount then eject11:20
Admiral_Chicagoelitehacker: have you seen this page11:20
soulrider_i just press the button and it comes out11:20
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:20
N6REJelitehacker: wireless is always a bit of tweaking in nix.  Its just the nature of the technology at this point.  you may need ndiswrapper.11:20
N6REJty Admiral_Chicago11:20
N6REJsoulrider_: hmmmmmmm11:20
elitehackerwhere do i get that?11:20
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N6REJsoulrider_: r click eject right?11:20
N6REJelitehacker: click on the blue link11:21
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:21
soulrider_N6REJ: i just press the button on my CD drive :P11:21
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N6REJsoulrider_: :P11:21
N6REJtoo far away11:21
waylandbillelitehacker: ndiswrapper uses windows drivers to run a wireless card11:21
elitehackerso do i have to make a windows driver compat. to a linux os?11:21
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waylandbill!info ndiswrapper11:21
ubotuPackage ndiswrapper does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas11:21
soulrider_lol, youre lazy :P11:21
soulrider_N6REJ: i soemtimes hate linux because it wont plays oem audio CDs11:22
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soulrider_and it also feels like it has trouble with audio CDs in general11:22
geniithe ubotu lies :) The package exists11:22
soulrider_no botsnack for it11:22
elitehackerthey dont have the rite device its only 122 not dwl-g13211:22
waylandbillnot linux's fault. the CD's manufacturer's fault.11:22
elitehackerwhat happens if linux doesnt support it? :s11:23
soulrider_waylandbill: they work better in windows for me, and some CDs i have burnt myself :P11:23
waylandbillsoulrider_: that's the point.. drm and the like11:23
N6REJok, I've got a new problem... I just stuck a windows dvd in the drive.  and kde says "a new medium has been detected type "UNMOUNTED DVD" What do you want me to do "open in new window" or "do nothing"  I know neither of those are right.11:24
=== darkphader [n=smythe@c-68-61-77-183.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
geniiopen in a new window will usually show the contents11:24
soulrider_if you just wanna play it11:24
soulrider_open up VLC and load it11:24
soulrider_thats what i do11:24
soulrider_or kaffeine, whatever you like best11:24
N6REJgenii: I want to dupe it with k3b?  so I don't hurt the master.11:25
soulrider_N6REJ: is ti a DVD 9 or  a DVD 4?11:25
N6REJthe thing is if its not mounted its not going to do anything is it?11:25
soulrider_or dVD 5whatever11:25
N6REJsoulrider_: I have no idea?11:25
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N6REJsoftware, is all I know.11:26
N6REJits adobe!11:26
soulrider_whats the size of the data? if its over 4.3 gb youll have to use a dual layered DVD11:26
waylandbillN6REJ: dvd playback software will usually mount it11:26
elitehackerhey where does frost wire install too?11:26
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geniiN6REJ: I'm not burning dvds enough in k3b to be helpful here. I'm a cdrecord command-line guy11:26
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soulrider_oh, it hought it was video, not data11:26
elitehackerits downloading frostwire but i never sayed where and it opens Kate?11:26
RavenTuxI know the uname command for the kernel version What would the command be for the distro version?11:26
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soulrider_elitehacker: right clickt he linka nd hit : save link as....11:27
Admiral_Chicagols_release or something like that...11:27
Admiral_Chicagoanyone know11:27
soulrider_or save target as11:27
Admiral_Chicagoi always forget it11:27
soulrider_Admiral_Chicago: for what ?11:27
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Admiral_Chicagorelease version11:27
elitehackerno i clicked download on frostwire.com i clicked the idont care then it started downloading and then kate came up11:28
mathojojosorry, i have a problem with multimedia keys, can someone help me ?11:28
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell11:28
N6REJapparently k3b doesn't know how to rip a dvd11:28
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soulrider_elitehacker: hold on a sec11:28
soulrider_N6REJ: it doesnt:P11:28
elitehackerin kate all it shows is writting like this U6*VO=crmrHCY)9luWAZ>11:28
RavenTuxthanks soulrider_ Admiral_Chicago11:28
N6REJelitehacker: thats binary11:28
N6REJwhy are you reading binary in kate?11:29
elitehackeri know but why is it comming up in kate11:29
elitehackerit comes up automatically11:29
N6REJelitehacker: are you trying to dl a file?11:29
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soulrider_it does the same for me11:29
soulrider_it attempts to open a deb file in kate11:29
N6REJkonq is hosed!  you have to tell it to save it not click on it.11:29
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elitehackerno i clicked DOWNLOAD on frostwire.com then i clickd IDONTCARE then this small window comes up a download box all of a sudden kate pops up reading binary ?11:30
N6REJr click and say save!11:30
N6REJyeah, I don't know why konq is doing that.11:30
soulrider_elitehacker: open a console and type11:30
N6REJits a problem with konq11:30
soulrider_wget http://www.peercommons.com/frostwire/4.13.1/frostwire-
soulrider_thatw ill download it11:30
soulrider_the file will end upo in your home folder, then right click and install11:31
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N6REJI'm using fiesty now and don't know if it has the same problem... ALOT of stuff was fixed in fiesty.11:31
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elitehackerim lost11:31
elitehackeri cant see anything11:31
Admiral_Chicagoelitehacker: konsole says what?11:31
adydasok i ask again what is the best way to setup a new external usb based harddrive for primary use on my machine ( linux ) but able to plug and play into windows to share media over the future..11:31
soulrider_elitehacker: type this in a console: "wget http://www.peercommons.com/frostwire/4.13.1/frostwire-" dont add the " though11:31
N6REJsoulrider_: wait11:32
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-58-230.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu
N6REJelitehacker: wait11:32
N6REJsoulrider_: add -nd -c to that command11:32
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elitehackeryeah now its downloading?11:32
soulrider_elitehacker: linux can feel a bit weird at first, but dont get discouraged11:32
elitehackernow what11:32
soulrider_N6REJ: dont complicate things :P11:32
N6REJwait it out11:32
elitehackeri wanna get Xubuntu11:33
elitehackeror linux on my xbox would be sick11:33
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N6REJsoulrider_: I was trying not to., now its going to make a dir that is a mirror of the dir its in.11:33
Admiral_Chicagoelitehacker: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop11:33
elitehackerno not rite now11:33
soulrider_N6REJ: i dont think so =/11:33
pollyoHave they developed ubuntu for the wii yet?11:33
soulrider_N6REJ: -c is to continue a download11:33
elitehackerlol i am running kbuntu on a 3giger11:33
N6REJsoulrider_: read man wget :D11:33
N6REJsoulrider_: yeah, and -nd is "NO DIRECTORY" ;)11:34
elitehackeri have Edubuntu Kubuntu Ubuntu (all 6.06) then i have ubuntu 6.10 all for x86 intel11:34
N6REJmeaning, don't use the dir structure that is at the host.11:34
soulrider_N6REJ: im running what i pasted and its not creating a dir or anything11:34
N6REJthen wget has changed :(11:34
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soulrider_N6REJ: for how long have you been using ubuntu ?11:34
soulrider_well, linux11:35
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elitehackercan i change linux so its not one click to open anything wow that gets anyoinh when u use windows all ur life11:35
N6REJsoulrider_: traditionally wget has always made a dir structure that is a copy of the structure from which you dl.11:35
Admiral_ChicagoN6REJ: but without -nd you can do sudo dpkg -i *.deb11:35
vvvcould anyone help me with my problem?11:35
N6REJover 15 years11:35
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soulrider_vvv: just ask11:35
elitehackerUTILITY NOT IN MY PATH says my ark as i am trying to install Frostwire11:36
N6REJAdmiral_Chicago: so just pipe it over to dpkg?11:36
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soulrider_elitehacker: rick click, kubutnu package menu > install11:36
N6REJAdmiral_Chicago: I never thought to use -nd with dpkg11:36
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vvvi am getting a error whenever i try start install a kubuntu feisty cd or dvd.. of any kind i have even tried ubuntu cd/dvd i have gotten the same error11:36
elitehackersoul whats that?11:36
soulrider_that will install it11:36
Admiral_Chicagoi wouldn't use it, i like to wget, have the deb and chain link the command11:37
N6REJvvv: what error?11:37
elitehackeryeah but what is kbuntu package menu?11:37
soulrider_vv what error ?11:37
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vvvkind of long let me type it out... some of the spelling might be wrong since i wrote it down11:37
elitehackerwhats Kbuntu package menu?11:37
soulrider_i cant believe it has been 10 months since i started using linux, and i still feel like such a newbie11:37
N6REJAdmiral_Chicago: yeah, that makes sense, but doesn't just "wget file" still make dir structure by default?11:37
soulrider_its one of the options int he meny elitehacker11:37
N6REJ!pastebin | vvv11:37
ubotuvvv: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)11:37
elitehackerint. he ment?11:37
vvv /bin /sh : can't access tty; job control turned off11:38
elitehackerohh in the menu11:38
vvvthen on the next line11:38
soulrider_right clickt he file you downloaded and then on the option "kubuntu package meny" hit install11:38
N6REJAdmiral_Chicago: I mean I know you can make a wget.rc file to change that, but I'm speaking natively.11:38
soulrider_elitehacker: yes, im a horrible typer :P11:38
Admiral_Chicagoah i see11:38
soulrider_elitehacker: you sure you dont wanna read the wiki? theres a small manual in how packages work in ubuntu, it would clear things up a lot for you11:38
elitehackeryeah i dont have that in my menu11:39
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vvv (initramfs) [88.722804]  ata1.01 : failed to set xfermode (err_mask)=0411:39
N6REJAdmiral_Chicago: perhaps canocial has already altered the native .rc file or wget has?11:39
elitehackerthe kbuntu package thing11:39
N6REJvvv: stop!11:39
soulrider_elitehacker: open a console and type11:39
N6REJvvv: have you put the live cd in your system and tried that?11:39
Admiral_Chicagonot sure N6REJ...bbiab11:39
soulrider_sudo dpkg -i frost[tab]    ([tab]  means press the tab button)11:39
N6REJAdmiral_Chicago: k11:39
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soulrider_elitehacker: open a console and type: sudo dpkg -i frostwire-
soulrider_thatw ill install frostwire11:40
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vvvN6Rej i'm not sure what you mean. .do i have to copy and paste content from the feisty cd onto my computer before i attempt to install it?11:41
elitehackeri dont see the point in going threw all this trobble into installing a simple program for linux when windows or mac is just one click?11:41
N6REJvvv: no!11:41
=== vprints [n=laur@213-35-233-32-dsl.end.estpak.ee] has joined #kubuntu
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N6REJvvv: what happens when you put fiesty cd in your computer and start your computer?11:41
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fox__buenas tardes11:42
fox__de venezuela11:42
vvvi put the cd into my computer, and i boot from cd through my bios.. then the cd boots up and i press enter  to start or install kubuntu11:42
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vvvthe cd begins to load on the kubuntu loading screen then it just stops and that error comes up11:42
elitehackerno my Konsole is asking for a passowrd and i cant seem to type anything?11:42
fox__no tengo sonido en mi portatil con kubuntu 6.1011:42
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N6REJ!es | fox__11:42
ubotufox__: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:42
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N6REJvvv: are you using a laptop?11:43
N6REJfox__: np11:43
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soulrider_elitehacker: youre actually typing11:43
soulrider_but it just doesnt show ou11:43
elitehackernvm my font is changed11:43
elitehackeri changed the whole look of my kubuntu but forgot about my txt being black11:44
vvvno i'm using a desktop. i have burned off a bunch of ubuntu and kubuntu cds.. i only seem to be able to install 6.10 of kubuntu and ubuntu.. feisty just won't load for me.. i keep getting that error11:44
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N6REJvvv: ok, then the best place for you to go now is #ubuntu+1  They are handling the fiesty special stuff11:44
elitehackerhey can i run linux of a pendrive?11:44
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N6REJelitehacker: yep!11:44
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elitehackerhow much space of a pendrive do i need11:45
N6REJelitehacker: you can run *nix on a floppy!11:45
elitehackerwhats that?11:45
vvvthank you very much N6Rej11:45
elitehackerhow much space of a pendrive do u need?11:45
=== N6REJ whats that??? OMG!!!! <------ Dinosaur mode on!
N6REJvvv: np11:45
=== N6REJ stunned
steve_how can I make kmail's composer wrap when it hit the right border of the composer window instead of scrolling hortizontally (don't want to use the wrap feature, it's not the same thing )11:46
=== N6REJ speechless even
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elitehackernow it says frostwire is installed but yet its noware to be found??11:46
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soulrider_elitehacker: type forstwire in a console11:47
steve_anyone knows how can I make kmail's composer wrap when it hit the right border of the composer window instead of scrolling hortizontally (don't want to use the wrap feature, it's not the same thing )11:48
soulrider_elitehacker: i suggest you read this guide, it will help ypu understand things better11:48
soulrider_!installing | elitehacker11:48
ubotuelitehacker: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues11:48
soulrider_read the first link11:48
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elitehackerhow would i beable to boot up a pendrive when my bios only supports IDE?11:51
elitehackerI dont have JRE11:52
elitehackerwhen i typed in frostwire11:52
N6REJelitehacker:  you need to read up on *nix.  read those links soulrider_ gave you.11:53
elitehackeri have to install java11:53
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N6REJits not hard11:53
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elitehackerhow come the linux i know doesnt have the penguin in this one?11:53
=== N6REJ mmmmmm
elitehackeri dont know wich on to download?11:54
elitehackerlinux x64?11:54
N6REJ!info begginer11:54
ubotuPackage begginer does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas11:54
elitehackerself etracting linux?11:54
N6REJelitehacker: your asking questions without reading.  Your going to make people upset11:54
elitehackeri am only using linux untill nxt week until i get my windows back11:54
N6REJsoulrider_: ever used k9copy?11:54
elitehackerwell i know but i am almost done11:55
=== soulrider_ is now known as soulrider
soulriderelitehacker: listen upo man11:56
soulriderits important to read the link i gave you11:57
elitehackerwhat link?11:57
soulriderit will teach you about installing programs, and its rather different than in windows11:57
soulriderthis one11:57
elitehackeryeah thats the prob?11:57
=== jxn [n=jxn@xdsl-81-173-146-171.netcologne.de] has joined #kubuntu
elitehackerthey copy windows but make installing stuff a whole nother story11:57
soulriderhol don, not that one11:57
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soulridercopy windows? wtf?!11:58
Sanneelitehacker: you might also want to look at this one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories11:58
elitehackerthey even copy photo sho[11:58
dwidmannCopy windows? No, not really. And if you've payed attention lately, Windows isn't really all the original. Windows Copies Mac.11:58
elitehackershop and mozilla and call it there own Konqureor11:58
soulrideroh god11:59
soulriderelitehacker: ever used a MAC ?11:59
soulriderapparently not11:59
elitehackerlol they all copy each other12:00
=== N6REJ chortle
soulriderim just gonna stop talking for a while12:00
elitehackerOpen office icon for loading looks very similar to OHHHHH yeah Adobe!!!12:00
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usamahashimihello everyone12:00
usamahashimican i install upstart in dapper?12:00
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soulrider!info upstart12:01
ubotuupstart: event-based init daemon. In component main, is required. Version 0.2.7-7 (edgy), package size 91 kB, installed size 300 kB12:01
soulriderusamahashimi: you know how to apt-get ?12:01
genii!info upstart dapper12:01
ubotuPackage upstart does not exist in dapper12:01
elitehackerwow my .bin files are now getting opend up in kate?12:01
soulrideroh ym12:01
usamahashimisoulrider: yes12:02
soulriderusamahashimi: let me see if somoene posted int he forums about it12:02
usamahashimisoulrider: but apt-cache search upstart is not finding it12:02
elitehackerughh i cant seem to get java installed rite?12:02
usamahashimisoulrider: ok, i also checked but can not find anything12:02
elitehackerthere's no program to open up .bin12:03
soulriderusamahashimi: are there any alternatives you can use?12:03
geniiusamahashimi: Yes, that's because it only started being packaged with edgy. there may be a backport later. but there is not one yet12:03
soulridereither that or compile it yourself12:03
Sanneelitehacker: install java from the ubuntu repositories12:03
elitehackerwhats that?12:03
=== nailz [n=nailz@cpc1-cani1-0-0-cust315.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
soulriderSanne: he doesnt seem to want to read the docs, also, hes just using ubuntu for a week. Oh, and we copy M$12:04
usamahashimisoulrider: i tried init-ng but no improvement in boot time12:04
usamahashimigenii: ok thanks12:04
Sanneelitehacker: explained int he link I gave you: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories12:04
elitehackergive me nothing about .bin files?12:05
Sannesoulrider: yeah, I noticed. I'm having some frustration allowance left, so I'm still trying to help. ;)12:05
dwidmannusamahashimi: You're not going to see a truely significant improvement by installing upstart in dapper. The great pains it would likely take to get it installed in dapper would probably outweigh any benefits.12:05
elitehackerThat link gives me nothing about .BIN FILES12:05
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usamahashimidwidmann: ok, it means i have to forget it for the time being12:05
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Sanneelitehacker: that link explained some fundamentals about using Kubuntu. You can install java from the ubuntu repositories.12:05
dwidmannelitehacker, pull up a terminal, type in "./filename.bin" (substituting filename with the name (and if necessary path) of the file12:05
adydasis the following mounted with use of ntfs-3g12:05
adydasthis /dev/sdc1 on /media/usbdisk type ntfs12:06
elitehackersee? why cant i just download it instead of going threw programs?12:06
dwidmannelitehacker: .bin files are usually archives with built in shell scripts.12:06
Sanneelitehacker: if you execute a bin file that's not from the official repositories, you might run into trouble if you don't know about the fundamentals.12:06
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elitehackeryeah but its from JAVA them selves i dont even know if my os even suports Linux self extracting thats all it sayed12:07
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geniielitehacker: editing 1 line in the apt mirror file then installing it is not exactly difficult12:07
Sanneelitehacker: linux is different. Don't try to use it assuming it is just another kind of windows. It isn't. You need to be willing to learn a bit, just like you did when you started with windows.12:07
adydaswhat controls automount if its not in fstab ( i belive its somthign to do with pmount )12:07
elitehackeryeah but why cant they have it done for u?12:08
soulridergenii: hes too lazy to read the small docs on installing12:08
geniiless difficult for example than finding the exact version you need, downloading, chmoddding running etc etc etc12:08
soulriderand seems to be ignoring most of our comments12:08
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jarnIn  xorg.conf, Option "GLX" "enable" is for compiz, yes?12:08
Sanneelitehacker: kubuntu has a lot done for you, just not in the same way that you are used from windows. Read the link I gave you, it is expalined in there. I stop now, have fun.12:08
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:08
=== lupine_86 is now known as racarr
adydasdoes pmount have a config, or how can i make it mount using fuse / ntfs-3g12:09
elitehackerwow i just typed in ./jre-1_5_0_011-linux,,,,,blah blah.bin and says no directory found?12:09
pollyoelitehacker: Did you check for typos?12:09
dwidmannelitehacker, weird, try doing this on it first12:09
elitehackeryeah i did i copy'd and paste'd12:09
dwidmannchmod +x filename.bin12:09
pollyoelitehacker: You might have to make it executable.12:09
geniidwidmann: He's likely not doing ./ in the dir he d/l to12:10
usamahashimihow can i block any website?12:10
dwidmanngenii, I reckon so12:10
dwidmannusamahashimi: in what browser?12:10
pollyoelitehacker: Like on windows you have to click allow this program to run on this computer for some applications or dll's.12:10
elitehackerits not a app. or a .dll?12:10
geniiusamahashimi: Unplug your computer from the internet12:10
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genii(that usually works for me)12:10
jarnIn  xorg.conf, Option "GLX" "enable" is for compiz, yes?12:10
usamahashimidwidmann: in konqueror and firefox,12:11
pollyoelitehacker: "like"12:11
dwidmanngenii: hahahahaha12:11
elitehackeryeah like on windows?12:11
geniidwidmann:  :)12:11
elitehackernothing about like itsa .dll12:11
dwidmannusamahashimi: well, they both have adblock plugins, just add the websites address to the list12:11
elitehackernvm i need to figure this out12:11
usamahashimidwidmann: can I put the name of website in some file so no browser can access it?12:11

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