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andrewskiperhaps not the super-duperest place to ask, but is there a way to get back a crash report ubuntu was submitting to launchpad? i left the launchpad page open for about 10 hours before actually submitting it and it came back "page not found".02:01
ubotuNew bug: #99232 in malone "Edit PGP keys page instructions too shallow" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9923202:10
kikoandrewski, hmmm. I'm not sure it's easy to do02:10
kikoit gets stored in the librarian, but it's anonymous and the filename is kinda unguessable02:11
andrewskikiko: are the crash reports stored locally? that i could attach manually?02:11
kikothey may be. ask on #ubuntu-devel I guess02:11
andrewskii mean, i *could* reproduce the bug, but only after quite a bit of setting up and messing around. :P02:11
andrewskiok, thanks! :D02:11
kikothe person who wrote the submission code is.. rhmm.. pitti should know02:12
kikoit's kinda late for him02:12
kikocheck if mdz knows02:12
kikoor kees02:12
kikoanybody on distro team should know really02:12
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andrewskii'll just ask and see where that gets me ;)02:12
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xstasianyone knows where one can get a copy of falcon repository builder?02:12
xstasithat web gui for web repositories02:13
xstasior anything better if there is02:13
LaserJockxstasi: https://launchpad.net/bugs/9638402:13
ubotuMalone bug 96384 in ibwebadmin "[UNMETDEPS]  ibwebadmin has unmet dependencies" [Undecided,Confirmed]  02:13
andrewskixstasi: dennis kaarsemaker (sp?) makes it... but it's really a debian/ubuntu thing, no?02:13
LaserJockxstasi: https://launchpad.net/falcon02:13
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xstasiLaserJock, i can't really find a download link02:13
LaserJockit's a bzr repository02:13
xstasii might be blind or something, but i didn't find anything..02:14
xstasithere aren't instructions either02:14
xstasii'm not so familiar with bazaar02:14
andrewskixstasi: https://code.launchpad.net/~dennis/+branch/falcon/devel02:14
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xstasiwhy devel?02:14
xstasiisn't there a stable version?02:14
xstasias i read from the launchpad02:15
xstasithe stable is 1.0 series02:15
xstasii don't even know how to use this bazaar..02:16
LaserJockxstasi: install bzr then bzr branch <url of repo>02:17
xstasioh i see02:17
xstasii installed bazaar.02:17
xstasinot bzr..02:17
LaserJockI think you want bzr http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dennis/falcon/devel02:18
xstasii think so too02:18
xstasithx 02:18
xstasinow i must figure out how this thing works..02:19
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shirishanybody up?08:15
shirishanybody on?08:17
LaserJocksome people might be08:17
shirishLaserJock: thnk god, somebody is up08:17
shirishI have just filed a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/9930308:18
ubotuMalone bug 99303 in debian-installer "goes from 24% to 80% & then fails at select & install software" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  08:18
shirishnow if u can take a look at it, I have chosed the debian-installer but I wanna reflect tht this happens under 7.04 beta any way to do tht?08:18
LaserJockshirish: looks fine to me08:19
LaserJockyou put that it was Beta in the description08:20
shirishLaserJock: yup I did tht, do u by any chance know how to save the partman & syslog logs on the hdd. i have XP on the other HDD & it can pick up the logs, using the alternate-installer08:22
shirishor perhaps, this is not the right place to ask?08:22
LaserJockshirish: I don't know08:23
LaserJockshirish: you might ask #ubuntu+108:23
shirishLaserJock: ok thnx m808:23
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mdkehas the distinction between projects and products been abandoned now? from lp.net/products it is pretty unclear12:54
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kiko-afkmdke, yeeeah, sort of yes.12:56
kiko-afkmdke, products are projects now, and projects are project groups12:57
mdkekiko-afk: boggle12:57
kiko-afkand the word "project" is used for the collective of things12:57
kiko-afkyeah I know12:57
mdkedoes that require reorganisation of existing stuff?12:57
kiko-afkjust relabeling.12:57
mdkeI mean, do the projects/products themselves need amending at all?12:58
kiko-afknooooo :)12:58
mdkeok. I didn't understand the old distinction either so, no worries12:59
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