dwidmann | usamahashimi: well, you'll have to do it on a per browser basis. Well, there might be another way that's global, but it'd be tricky/advanced, and I can't remember the darned file it would be :) | 12:12 |
usamahashimi | dwidmann: i think its /etc/hosts.deny but its not working | 12:13 |
pollyo | usamahashimi: Are you looking for some type of parental control system? | 12:13 |
genii | dansguardian/squid comes to mind | 12:14 |
=== pascalFR [i=YZoZ2WdX@cha92-7-82-230-174-61.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dwidmann | elitehacker: seeing as you need to do this in the terminal, might as well give you some command line linux 101. ls = list files, cd <directory> = change to <directory> directory, chmod = change permissions, ./ = sh = run a command with the default shell | 12:14 |
usamahashimi | pollyo: yes | 12:15 |
genii | !info dansguardian | dwidman | 12:15 |
ubotu | dwidman: dansguardian: Web content filtering. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 260 kB, installed size 1464 kB | 12:15 |
genii | arg | 12:15 |
dwidmann | hrm? | 12:15 |
genii | !info dansguardian | usamahashimi | 12:15 |
ubotu | usamahashimi: dansguardian: Web content filtering. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 260 kB, installed size 1464 kB | 12:15 |
genii | rather | 12:15 |
genii | dwidmann: Sorry | 12:16 |
dwidmann | 'salright | 12:16 |
genii | :) | 12:16 |
genii | usamahashimi: For a good setup guide on it http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=207008 | 12:17 |
usamahashimi | genii: thanks lemme check it | 12:18 |
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soulrider | !info usp | 12:24 |
ubotu | Package usp does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas | 12:24 |
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Edulix | hi | 12:37 |
=== norealgravity [n=noreal@cpe-24-165-80-33.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== DaSkreech waves? | ||
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marcus | 'soir tous :D | 12:44 |
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DaSkreech | marcus: French? | 12:46 |
Admiral_Chicago | !fr | 12:46 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 12:46 |
Admiral_Chicago | DaSkreech: yup | 12:46 |
Admiral_Chicago | evening everyone :) | 12:47 |
DaSkreech | Admiral_Chicago: didn't catch what he said | 12:47 |
=== DaSkreech salutes | ||
Admiral_Chicago | ^^ | 12:47 |
=== Raven301 [n=raven301@unaffiliated/raven301] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | Is that just a statement or is he asking something | 12:47 |
Admiral_Chicago | statement | 12:48 |
marcus | sorry, thought it was a frensch speaking chanel here ;) | 12:48 |
DaSkreech | Nope mostly English though we do allow Nerdic | 12:48 |
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marcus | in fact ubuntu is configurated in french .... so ... | 12:48 |
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marcus | Nerdic .... that must be your mothertongue ? | 12:50 |
dc | err | 12:50 |
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DaSkreech | Yup :-) | 12:51 |
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DaSkreech | CaptainApathy: meet Admiral_Chicago | 12:52 |
DaSkreech | Admiral. Captain | 12:52 |
Admiral_Chicago | hey there CaptainApathy | 12:53 |
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=== Admiral_Chicago saluts | ||
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chalmer | ? about dual boot set-up w/ windows | 12:55 |
norealgravity | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amNRUVBR438 | 12:55 |
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chalmer | help a question about dual boot set-up w/ windows ? | 12:57 |
mzanfardino | I'm trying to set up a directory on my kubuntu box to share with a windows box. I've installed smb4k and I can reach the windows box just fine from kubuntu. However, when I attempt to create a share from "sharing - system settings" the config screen is grey (even after I input my administrator password). Any tips? | 12:57 |
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Black_Cat | chalmer: kubuntu sets this up automatically if windows exists on system, so what's the prob? | 12:59 |
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chalmer | when i insert tha Kubuntu dvd, to install a dual boot conf. will it auto, reconize my windows partition and create a partition for Kubu, with out over write'n my windows | 01:01 |
crackrat | I just installed kubuntu recently, and it seems to be running slower than windows was. If I recompile the kernel, will that speed it up? | 01:01 |
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chalmer | will Kubuntu reconize my sata drive to install it for a dual boot? or will i need a 3rd party driver for it during install? | 01:04 |
waylandbill | crackrat: an optimized kernel is faster | 01:05 |
Black_Cat | hey, and where are xine extracodecs? i don't see them anywhere! what do i install to get mp3-support? | 01:05 |
Black_Cat | (for dapper drake release) | 01:05 |
=== jordo23 [n=jordo23@CPE-70-94-41-77.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chalmer | will Kubuntu reconize my sata drive to install it for a dual boot? or will i need a 3rd party driver for it during install? | 01:05 |
waylandbill | !sata | 01:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sata - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:06 |
mzanfardino | looking to share a directory to a windows box. I have smb installed and I can connect to the windows share, but I can't seem to share my directory with windows... | 01:06 |
mzanfardino | I have sata drive. no extra driver required. | 01:06 |
waylandbill | chalmer: check the forums | 01:07 |
eilker | ! CoolnQuiet | 01:07 |
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eilker | !CoolnQuiet | 01:07 |
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chalmer | mzanfardino> i was wondering b/c windows i had to insert a floppy w/ the Sata drivers | 01:08 |
waylandbill | mzanfardino: no guest access. must have account and password and must use smbpasswd to create it | 01:08 |
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DaSkreech | chalmer: It should see it | 01:08 |
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DaSkreech | chalmer: What version of SATA? | 01:09 |
mzanfardino | chalmer: kubuntu made no such requirements. My BIOS supported the drive and everything worked out of the box. | 01:09 |
DaSkreech | !mp3 | Black_Cat | 01:09 |
ubotu | Black_Cat: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 01:09 |
autumn | leave | 01:09 |
autumn | shoot | 01:09 |
autumn | sorry | 01:09 |
mzanfardino | waylandbill: sorry, don't quite follow your response. Care to ellaborate? | 01:09 |
=== DaSkreech waves at autumn | ||
autumn | forgot the slash, Im a newbie | 01:09 |
mzanfardino | waylandbill: ah, after re-reading I think I might follow | 01:09 |
DaSkreech | I have a friend named autumn | 01:09 |
autumn | yeah? | 01:10 |
DaSkreech | She's in the hospital now though | 01:10 |
autumn | it's not a common name | 01:10 |
autumn | that sucks | 01:10 |
=== Edulix [n=edulix@153.Red-81-44-4.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
autumn | is she okay? | 01:10 |
=== Hc\\ [n=foo@a88-112-23-136.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hc\\ | any1 awake? | 01:10 |
DaSkreech | Well not her. Her Dad but she's living in the hospital | 01:10 |
DaSkreech | Nope | 01:10 |
DaSkreech | zzZZZZ | 01:10 |
autumn | oooh | 01:10 |
Hc\\ | i need some help | 01:10 |
DaSkreech | .o0(Penguins ravaging Stock markets) | 01:11 |
Hc\\ | i've installed ubuntu before | 01:11 |
autumn | well bye guys | 01:11 |
chalmer | DaSkreech > will it also give me tha option to create a dual boot w/ windows? | 01:11 |
Hc\\ | but i cannot instal kubuntu no | 01:11 |
DaSkreech | Hc\\: Whoot! | 01:11 |
Hc\\ | w | 01:11 |
=== autumn [n=autumn@bsu195161.bemidjistate.edu] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
Hc\\ | just wondering that wtf should i open? | 01:11 |
DaSkreech | chalmer: You have two drives? | 01:11 |
Hc\\ | yes | 01:11 |
DaSkreech | Hc\\: is ubuntu installed? | 01:11 |
Hc\\ | DaSkreech nop | 01:11 |
Hc\\ | lost the cd | 01:11 |
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=== sony [n=sony@cpe-72-183-11-15.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | Hc\\: You have the kubuntu CD? | 01:12 |
Hc\\ | i got on my other hdd windows | 01:12 |
sony | hello | 01:12 |
Hc\\ | i dl:ed from sites | 01:12 |
=== DaSkreech pops sony one | ||
Hc\\ | and made a img cd of the file | 01:12 |
Hc\\ | s | 01:12 |
DaSkreech | Hc\\: A img cd? | 01:12 |
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Hc\\ | yes | 01:12 |
sony | does anyone know how i can make ubuntu look like a mac | 01:12 |
Hc\\ | a bootable | 01:12 |
Black_Cat | ubotu: outdated info there. something has happened about libxine-extracodecs, no more even hyperlinks there | 01:12 |
sony | or where i can find themes | 01:12 |
sony | for ubuntu | 01:12 |
DaSkreech | Hc\\: and it boots? | 01:12 |
Hc\\ | yes | 01:12 |
DaSkreech | sony: Ubuntu or Kubuntu? | 01:13 |
Hc\\ | but it looks different than in ubuntus instal | 01:13 |
sony | ubu | 01:13 |
chalmer | DaSkreech > yes , i got 3 Sata 250 gig. 1 drive has my windows os and the other 2 are my music storage | 01:13 |
DaSkreech | chalmer: Which one do you want to install Kubuntu on? | 01:13 |
sony | i have ubuntu 6.06 | 01:13 |
Hc\\ | how can i instal kubuntu on my second hdd what has 3parts | 01:13 |
DaSkreech | sony: have you asked in #ubuntu ? | 01:13 |
Hc\\ | 2ntfs | 01:13 |
Black_Cat | DaSkreech: outdated info there. something has happened about libxine-extracodecs, no more even hyperlinks there | 01:13 |
Hc\\ | and 1unallocated | 01:13 |
Dasnipa` | sony, gdesklets i think is pretty mac'ish | 01:13 |
sony | is kubuntu better or ubuntu? | 01:14 |
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chijin | sony: yes | 01:14 |
DaSkreech | Hc\\: How different? | 01:14 |
Dasnipa` | sony, the difference is kubuntu is KDE and ubuntu is gnome... internally they are otherwise the same | 01:14 |
Hc\\ | i gotta do something by myself | 01:14 |
DaSkreech | Black_Cat: do you have multiverse installed? | 01:14 |
Hc\\ | :D | 01:14 |
Black_Cat | i hope mpeglib will help, otherwise i'm lost... | 01:14 |
sony | ahh fuck | 01:14 |
DaSkreech | Enabled sorry | 01:14 |
Hc\\ | cant remember so much anymore | 01:14 |
sony | i think i liike kde | 01:14 |
Hc\\ | ovr 1y ago i installed | 01:14 |
sony | i installed it w/ gnome | 01:14 |
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Dasnipa` | sony, you can go to kde easily... apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 01:14 |
chalmer | DaSkreech > on the same drive w/ windows | 01:15 |
Dasnipa` | and then you log out and relog with kde | 01:15 |
DaSkreech | sony: You can choose which one you want when you login under the sessions button | 01:15 |
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DaSkreech | Hc\\: What's different? | 01:15 |
Hc\\ | DaSkreech acculy, i dunno anymore :D | 01:15 |
DaSkreech | chalmer: I'd advise defragging the windows drive | 01:15 |
sony | oh | 01:15 |
Hc\\ | n its in eng | 01:15 |
DaSkreech | chalmer: How much space do you have on it? | 01:15 |
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sony | vista sux!!!!!!!!!!1 | 01:15 |
Black_Cat | DaSkreech: you mean selected in repositories manager? i certainly do, and i've performed the update 15 mins ago | 01:16 |
makuseru | no need for that sony | 01:16 |
sony | sory | 01:16 |
DaSkreech | Black_Cat: But no libxine-extracodecs? | 01:16 |
makuseru | sony: i mean i agree, but no need to shout it out | 01:16 |
sony | ok ok | 01:16 |
DaSkreech | Hc\\: Is it a live Cd? | 01:16 |
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chalmer | DaSkreech > i got 160 gig of free space left on the windows xp drive | 01:16 |
Hc\\ | DaSkreech no idea | 01:16 |
DaSkreech | chalmer: Ah ok then yes it's pretty easy :-) | 01:17 |
=== evfreshman2025 [n=mike@lnngmibas01-pool5-a157.lnngmi.tds.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | Hc\\: You haven't tried it yet? | 01:17 |
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Hc\\ | http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.04-beta.php | 01:17 |
Black_Cat | DaSkreech: i'm sure they aint there, but i'll check again now | 01:17 |
Hc\\ | dl from sweden | 01:17 |
sony | ubuntu 6.06 works w/ my wireless, 6.10 doesnt anyone know why | 01:17 |
Black_Cat | DaSkreech: they've just vanished... | 01:17 |
=== david_ [n=david@82-43-58-81.cable.ubr04.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
makuseru | sony: were gunna need more of a description than that | 01:18 |
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sony | i dont know it just does | 01:18 |
Black_Cat | i wonder can it be missing only on local (russian) repository but be present on others? | 01:18 |
sony | 6.06 awesome wireless, 6.10 wont recognize i was kinda dissapointed | 01:18 |
=== martin_ [n=martin@e104150.upc-e.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hc\\ | DaSkreech n the live cd differs? | 01:19 |
chalmer | DaSkreech > i will not have to manually create the partitions for Kubuntu will i? i mean will it reconize the windows partition and give me the option to create a dual boot set-up with out me manually have'n to do it? | 01:19 |
DaSkreech | Black_Cat: do you have libxine1-ffmpeg ? | 01:19 |
DaSkreech | chalmer: Yes it will. however you may want to allocate the space yourself | 01:20 |
DaSkreech | Black_Cat: Highly unlikely | 01:20 |
DaSkreech | Hc\\: Did you get the Desktop Cd? | 01:20 |
DaSkreech | !wifi | sony | 01:20 |
ubotu | sony: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 01:20 |
sony | thanks | 01:21 |
Hc\\ | DaSkreech i downloaded the iso cd image | 01:21 |
Hc\\ | thats all what that says O.o | 01:22 |
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DaSkreech | Hc\\: really? What does it say when you boot with it? | 01:22 |
=== HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@ABordeaux-256-1-9-115.w90-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hc\\ | DaSkreech imma boot again | 01:22 |
Black_Cat | DaSkreech: i don't ... beats me... | 01:22 |
=== SheaTara [n=shannon@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chalmer | DaSkreech > as in when it goes to do tha partitions i need to tell it how much space for "swap" and" how much should it use for tha Kubuntu OS. ? | 01:22 |
Black_Cat | maybe i just gotta upgrade anything? amarok, perhaps? | 01:23 |
Hc\\ | DaSkreech starting caldera... dos? | 01:23 |
DaSkreech | Black_Cat: can you post your sources.list | 01:23 |
Hc\\ | part c,d,e installed | 01:23 |
Hc\\ | searvher for usb hdd devices | 01:23 |
DaSkreech | Hc\\: Woah | 01:23 |
DaSkreech | are you sure you burnt the right Image? | 01:23 |
Hc\\ | and now its back to caldera dr-dos -.- | 01:23 |
=== NetHunter [n=www-data@cf2-2-ffmpub.arcor-ip.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | That's nothing at all like what you are supposed to be seeing | 01:24 |
Hc\\ | DaSkreech what am i suppose to see? | 01:24 |
DaSkreech | grub | 01:24 |
DaSkreech | bash | 01:24 |
=== Raven301 [n=raven301@unaffiliated/raven301] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | at worst busybox | 01:24 |
DaSkreech | not Dr-dos | 01:24 |
Hc\\ | fucl fuck fuck | 01:25 |
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LjL | !language | 01:25 |
DaSkreech | !language | Hc\\ | 01:25 |
Hc\\ | shouldnt i burn all the files? | 01:25 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 01:25 |
ubotu | Hc\\: please see above | 01:25 |
Hc\\ | oops | 01:25 |
Hc\\ | sry | 01:25 |
DaSkreech | Hc\\: Where did you download this? | 01:25 |
Hc\\ | http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.04-beta.php | 01:25 |
chalmer | DaSkreech > as in when it goes to do tha partitions i need to tell it how much space for "swap" and" how much should it use for tha Kubuntu OS. ? | 01:25 |
Hc\\ | http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/7.04 | 01:26 |
DaSkreech | !paste | Black_Cat please open /etc/apt/sources.list and read the following | 01:26 |
ubotu | Black_Cat please open /etc/apt/sources.list and read the following: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 01:26 |
=== Mannix25 [n=manfred@dslb-082-083-137-204.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | chalmer: there is a button that says "figure all that out for me" So you don't have to. I'm just saying maybe you want to | 01:26 |
Black_Cat | okay | 01:26 |
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DaSkreech | Hc\\: again are you sure you burnt the right image | 01:27 |
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Hc\\ | DaSkreech no | 01:27 |
DaSkreech | what's the name of the file you downloaded? | 01:27 |
chalmer | DaSkreech > ok ty | 01:27 |
Hc\\ | i have no clue anymore how to burn | 01:27 |
Hc\\ | DaSkreech sec, starting windows | 01:27 |
DaSkreech | chalmer: are you using the Desktop Cd? | 01:27 |
=== Ashfire908 [n=IL_5@adsl-75-4-103-210.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
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Hc\\ | DaSkreech file name, kubuntu-7.04-beta-desktop-amd64 | 01:28 |
Hc\\ | its in a "packed" folder | 01:28 |
DaSkreech | Hc\\: What did you use to burn it? | 01:28 |
Hc\\ | nero | 01:28 |
DaSkreech | Hc\\: how? Did you burn a Data CD? | 01:29 |
Hc\\ | umm | 01:29 |
Hc\\ | sec | 01:29 |
philphoto | anyone help me with a command line? trying to install synaptic. is it "sudo apt-get install synaptic" ? | 01:29 |
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DaSkreech | philphoto: yup | 01:29 |
philphoto | I did it right? | 01:29 |
philphoto | holy cow. | 01:30 |
DaSkreech | philphoto: That is correct | 01:30 |
philphoto | that's the first one I've written CORRECTLY. | 01:30 |
DaSkreech | Apt-get has super cow powers | 01:30 |
philphoto | thanks! | 01:30 |
Hc\\ | =) | 01:30 |
Hc\\ | DaSkreech i made a bootable data disc | 01:31 |
DaSkreech | Hc\\: Nope no need | 01:31 |
DaSkreech | You have Nero open? | 01:31 |
Hc\\ | DaSkreech i got nero express 6 | 01:31 |
Hc\\ | old | 01:31 |
DaSkreech | Is it open? | 01:32 |
Hc\\ | yees | 01:32 |
Hc\\ | :D | 01:32 |
Hc\\ | sry | 01:32 |
Hc\\ | soon bin awake 24h | 01:32 |
DaSkreech | ok look under recorder I think | 01:32 |
DaSkreech | Where you can erase CDRWs | 01:32 |
DaSkreech | I think there is an option there for Burn Disc image | 01:32 |
Hc\\ | burn image on cd? | 01:33 |
DaSkreech | Yeah | 01:33 |
Hc\\ | i try to translate it from finnish to english | 01:33 |
DaSkreech | Something to that effect :) | 01:33 |
Hc\\ | open | 01:33 |
DaSkreech | When you click it should open a Box asking you where the image is? | 01:33 |
Hc\\ | then ywsa | 01:33 |
Hc\\ | yes | 01:33 |
DaSkreech | find the kubuntu-7.04-beta-desktop-amd64.iso | 01:34 |
DaSkreech | and choose it | 01:34 |
Hc\\ | found | 01:34 |
DaSkreech | You should be good after that's finished burning | 01:34 |
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Hc\\ | my last cd | 01:34 |
Hc\\ | then i have to go for dvd:s :S | 01:34 |
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DaSkreech | eek | 01:35 |
DaSkreech | Hc\\: I would say sleep for 24 h then go buy more Cds ;-) | 01:35 |
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Hc\\ | DaSkreech how many do i need? | 01:36 |
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DaSkreech | Uno | 01:36 |
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Hc\\ | uno more? | 01:36 |
DaSkreech | I don't know how to say one in Finnish :-( | 01:36 |
Hc\\ | yksi | 01:36 |
Hc\\ | in finnish | 01:36 |
DaSkreech | Hc\\: No You just need one | 01:36 |
Hc\\ | ok | 01:36 |
DaSkreech | yksi then :) | 01:36 |
Hc\\ | huh | 01:36 |
Hc\\ | where do u come from? | 01:36 |
Hc\\ | if i may ask | 01:36 |
DaSkreech | Jamaica | 01:37 |
Hc\\ | oohh, some1 is having it warm | 01:37 |
Hc\\ | weve had rly warm now for the past few days 10celsius on the daytime =) | 01:37 |
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Hc\\ | bin in t-shirt and jeans out =) | 01:37 |
DaSkreech | We have had rain | 01:37 |
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morvok_ | its suppose to snow here I think.. again. | 01:38 |
Hc\\ | DaSkreech and now? | 01:38 |
Hc\\ | when it's burned | 01:38 |
Hc\\ | going to snow next week i think | 01:38 |
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DaSkreech | Hc\\: Oh it's done? | 01:39 |
Hc\\ | yes | 01:39 |
DaSkreech | That was quick | 01:39 |
DaSkreech | reboot :) | 01:39 |
Hc\\ | 2min | 01:39 |
Hc\\ | for burning | 01:39 |
DaSkreech | Whoops gotta go | 01:39 |
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DaSkreech | Let me know if it gives you a menu | 01:39 |
Hc\\ | i will | 01:40 |
Hc\\ | btw, i can use windows and linux on the same computer? | 01:40 |
DaSkreech | Yes | 01:40 |
DaSkreech | not at the same time unless you have a new Processor | 01:40 |
BluesKaj | aha , a soumalainen in da house ! | 01:40 |
Hc\\ | how to choose which one to use? | 01:40 |
DaSkreech | It will ask when you turn on the computer | 01:40 |
Hc\\ | BluesKaj ainaki yks nobo tl | 01:41 |
Hc\\ | ok | 01:41 |
Hc\\ | yay | 01:41 |
Hc\\ | now it looks more familiar | 01:41 |
DaSkreech | Hc\\: menu? | 01:41 |
Hc\\ | DaSkreech yes | 01:41 |
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DaSkreech | :-) | 01:41 |
DaSkreech | Sweet | 01:41 |
DaSkreech | I'm gone | 01:41 |
Hc\\ | DaSkreech thx for help =) | 01:41 |
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BluesKaj | not a soumalainen anymore Hc\\ , I haven't been for almost 60 yrs :) | 01:41 |
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coty | DaSkreech: ................ | 01:42 |
PimpMaggot | hello | 01:42 |
Hc\\ | 60? | 01:42 |
Hc\\ | :D | 01:42 |
coty | DaSkreech: face-----------> x_x | 01:42 |
PimpMaggot | im new to this | 01:42 |
BluesKaj | yup, old Canadaian now ...but I was born In Kaavi .. 1943 | 01:42 |
PimpMaggot | how do you switch channels | 01:43 |
Hc\\ | kaavi? | 01:43 |
BluesKaj | yup | 01:43 |
Hc\\ | where is it? | 01:43 |
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BluesKaj | about150km North of Helsinki | 01:43 |
Hc\\ | i live in helsinki =) | 01:44 |
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BluesKaj | so do a lot of my realtives whom I've never met | 01:45 |
Admiral_Chicago | !offtopic | 01:45 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 01:45 |
BluesKaj | hehe | 01:45 |
BluesKaj | as if it's busy in here | 01:46 |
Ashfire908 | hi | 01:46 |
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=== linuxwizard [n=masterse@74-141-160-238.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubuntu_ | Hello, I am a newbie, and I am trying to get kubuntu installed. I am having trouble trying to partion my HD, | 01:49 |
ubuntu_ | I was wondering if anyone here could help | 01:49 |
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BluesKaj | are using the live cd | 01:50 |
BluesKaj | ? | 01:50 |
CaptainApathy | me? | 01:50 |
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Hc\\ | can some1 tell me what live cd is? | 01:50 |
soulrider | ubuntu_: it would be a good idea to change your name, to do so, type /nick <new nickname> | 01:51 |
BluesKaj | Hc\\ , you run the OS off the cd rather than installed on the HDD | 01:51 |
soulrider | Hc\\: a live CD is a CD with kubuntu you put on your drive and then reboot, but instead of loading windows, your PC loads Kubuntu form the CD | 01:51 |
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soulrider | you can use it to try out ubuntu without touching your hard drives at all | 01:51 |
Hc\\ | thx | 01:52 |
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ubuntu_ | Yeah, I go through the install process, then I ge to step 5, and I need to create a new partion because I want to do a dual boot with windows xp | 01:52 |
Hc\\ | umm, why is this saying that "No root file system is defined" | 01:52 |
Hc\\ | on partitions | 01:52 |
soulrider | Hc\\: you using the live CD to install | 01:53 |
soulrider | ubuntu_: hold on just a sec please | 01:53 |
Hc\\ | soulrider yes | 01:53 |
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ubuntu_ | thanks | 01:53 |
soulrider | ok, Hc\\ did you make your partitions the way you want them to be | 01:53 |
soulrider | ? | 01:53 |
BluesKaj | hey ubuntu, I suggest you use a differnt nick | 01:54 |
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Hc\\ | soulrider yes, i got now 63 gig for linux | 01:54 |
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jack222 | this better? | 01:54 |
Hc\\ | ys | 01:54 |
soulrider | yea jack222 | 01:54 |
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Hc\\ | and all should be ok | 01:55 |
soulrider | Hc\\: you see how it shows the partitions now ? | 01:55 |
Hc\\ | yes | 01:55 |
soulrider | and something next to them | 01:55 |
jack222 | Ok, I get to step 5, but I dont know what option to choose.... | 01:55 |
BluesKaj | ok jack , good cuz ppl who don't enter a nick before joining default to the name ubuntu...we've had 3-4 of them in here at the same time | 01:55 |
soulrider | you need to make the partition you want ubuntu on say / | 01:55 |
Hc\\ | yes | 01:55 |
Hc\\ | correct | 01:55 |
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soulrider | uhm | 01:55 |
Hc\\ | i got one done | 01:55 |
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soulrider | im so bad explaining this | 01:55 |
BluesKaj | jack222 , list the options pls | 01:56 |
soulrider | Hc\\: heres how it goes | 01:56 |
soulrider | you need a partition for swap and one for root | 01:56 |
soulrider | toor = / | 01:56 |
=== LeeJunFan [i=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
soulrider | root* | 01:56 |
intelikey | hmmm i'm having a bit of a problem with modprobe E: QM_FUNCTION not supported. can't use modprobe... ? | 01:56 |
soulrider | does it say somehting about selecting mountpoints ? | 01:56 |
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=== pbcustom98 [n=pbcustom@cpe-72-229-107-142.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hc\\ | i gotta make 2 parts for linuc | 01:56 |
Hc\\ | ? | 01:56 |
vip_ | Hello guys, im having a little problem atm.. Im running programupdate in a fresh install and now both the "lines" have frozen.. (top and bottom bar) any idea why? | 01:56 |
Hc\\ | kubuntu | 01:56 |
pbcustom98 | anyone know a good .flac player? | 01:57 |
jack222 | ok, here they are | 01:57 |
soulrider | Hc\\: right | 01:57 |
BluesKaj | a linux partition is commonly called an "ext" partition, jack222 | 01:57 |
soulrider | one of the partitions is where you want to install | 01:57 |
jackster_ | HELLO | 01:57 |
soulrider | and a small partition, like a 1gb one, for swap | 01:57 |
Hc\\ | what is that mount point? | 01:57 |
soulrider | hi jack222 | 01:57 |
Hc\\ | soulrider | 01:57 |
soulrider | jackster_: | 01:57 |
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jack222 | 1- resize IDE1 master, parion #1 (hda1) and use freed space | 01:58 |
jackster_ | wat are we talking about | 01:58 |
jackster_ | ????? | 01:58 |
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soulrider | Hc\\: its there on your sistem that partition will be | 01:58 |
Hc\\ | ok, ty | 01:58 |
jack222 | (2) Erase entire disk (hda) *I am almost sure I dont want to do this one* | 01:58 |
soulrider | Hc\\: sorry if i suck at explaining this | 01:58 |
jack222 | (3) Use the largest continous free space | 01:58 |
jack222 | and finally (4) Manually edit partion table | 01:58 |
jackster_ | m | 01:59 |
jack222 | blueskaj - can I PM you | 01:59 |
Hc\\ | soulrider you do it great! =) | 01:59 |
soulrider | Hc\\: i dont >.< | 01:59 |
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BluesKaj | ok jack222 | 02:00 |
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jack222 | I says I cant, I am not registered, maybe if you pm me first? | 02:00 |
Hc\\ | soulrider what should i put to the location for the new partition | 02:00 |
Hc\\ | ? | 02:00 |
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soulrider | well Hc\\ you will want a partition for / and one for swap | 02:01 |
intelikey | i installed 'modutils' which supplies the "modprobe" command, no errors all deps are up to snuff, but modprobe does not work. anyone got a clue-by-four to hit me with ? | 02:01 |
soulrider | thats all that you really need | 02:01 |
soulrider | Hc\\: those two partitions will be formatted | 02:01 |
soulrider | so choose carefuly! | 02:02 |
pbcustom98 | anyone know a good .flac player? | 02:02 |
BluesKaj | jack222 , #4 is your best option | 02:02 |
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soulrider | !flac | 02:02 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:02 |
soulrider | pbcustom98: check out those links, maybe they got an answe | 02:02 |
jack222 | Ok, I tried that, but I dont know what to do after tha | 02:03 |
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jack222 | blues, tha chat thing still wont let me talk to you | 02:03 |
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vip_ | Anyone that got time to help me alittle? | 02:04 |
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Hc\\ | still saying | 02:05 |
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Hc\\ | "no root file system is defined. please correct this from the partitoning menu | 02:05 |
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Hc\\ | still saying that -.- | 02:05 |
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=== xerroz [n=xero@c-71-193-180-90.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
xerroz | why would both Konqy and KTorrent not be able to access the internet when it is active? | 02:06 |
jack222 | Ok, I selected option #4 | 02:06 |
BluesKaj | if you run the manual partition table jack222, it will guide you thru the steps of preserving ntfs (windows) partition and resizing to make room for the linux-ext and the linux swap partitions | 02:06 |
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MukiEX | Anyone here use a wacom pad? | 02:08 |
vit__ | hey | 02:08 |
vit__ | anybody can help me??!?! | 02:08 |
vit__ | I need a gib favor | 02:08 |
vit__ | big | 02:08 |
vit__ | I need a big favor | 02:08 |
Admiral_Chicago | ask again please | 02:08 |
vit__ | admiral... | 02:08 |
vit__ | can you help me?? | 02:09 |
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vit__ | anybody can help me??!?! | 02:09 |
jack222 | I selected #4 and it is showing 3 different forms of storage, the one I want is the one that is 104gigs, but I dont know how to partion part of this | 02:09 |
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vit__ | hey | 02:09 |
vit__ | anybody can help me??!?! | 02:09 |
BluesKaj | vit__, just ask your question | 02:09 |
jack222 | SHould I select that one and select resize or something? | 02:09 |
vit__ | hi blueKaj | 02:10 |
BluesKaj | how big is your whole HDD , jack222 ? | 02:10 |
vit__ | how r u? | 02:10 |
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vit__ | i need install a program | 02:11 |
=== Philip5 [n=Philip@c83-253-39-49.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jack222 | 104 gigs, and I have like 40 gigs free, and I wan to dedicate 15 of those 40 gigs dedicated to linux | 02:11 |
vit__ | but i don't kno how!!! | 02:11 |
CaptainApathy | some data got damaged in a hard drive fix in windows... is there a tool on the live cd that could help me restore the data? | 02:11 |
jackster | wat program vit | 02:11 |
vit__ | jackster | 02:12 |
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vit__ | java | 02:12 |
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jackster | ya wat | 02:12 |
jackster | oh | 02:12 |
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jackster | were did you download it from | 02:12 |
vit__ | but I don't know how tio do that?? | 02:12 |
vit__ | I downloaded it from www.acrobat.com | 02:13 |
vit__ | it's a linux version | 02:13 |
jackster | do u have linux | 02:13 |
BluesKaj | ok jack222 ,since you have only windows on the HDD , you need to resize it first , then reformat the the remaining to linux -ext and linux swap ...the swap file can be 500MB since your linux partitionis 15G | 02:13 |
vit__ | yes i have linux | 02:14 |
jackster | i sort of have no idea how | 02:14 |
jackster | because i havent | 02:14 |
Sanne | vit_, jackster: java is in the ubuntu repositories, in universe | 02:14 |
=== alainb [n=alainb@bas1-stlambert20-1178034683.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vit__ | hmmm | 02:14 |
jackster | huh? | 02:14 |
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vit__ | I knew that... i need to install java.. | 02:15 |
jackster | wellclik on the icon | 02:15 |
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vit__ | i did | 02:16 |
vit__ | but nothing happens | 02:16 |
jackster | ok wat does it say | 02:16 |
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vit__ | ??? | 02:16 |
soulrider | vit__: do you know about repos ? | 02:17 |
soulrider | !repos | vit__ | 02:17 |
ubotu | vit__: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 02:17 |
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vit__ | nothing... | 02:17 |
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soulrider | i suggets you read that, it will help you understand how installing works here | 02:17 |
jackster | ???????????????????????????????????????????? | 02:17 |
soulrider | so much easier that in windows | 02:17 |
vit__ | yes??? | 02:17 |
jackster | true | 02:17 |
Sanne | jackster: what's the matter? | 02:17 |
Admiral_Chicago | !k9copy | 02:17 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 02:17 |
jackster | so confusing u peple are | 02:18 |
vit__ | THANK YOU SOULRIDER | 02:18 |
Admiral_Chicago | that doesn't make sense... | 02:18 |
soulrider | vit__: i know theres a manual that explain how installing and stuff works here | 02:18 |
soulrider | let me find it | 02:18 |
jackster | this chat sucks | 02:18 |
soulrider | not really | 02:18 |
=== vip_ [n=vip@97.84-234-213.customer.lyse.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vit__ | OK!!!!! | 02:18 |
jackster | wat does irc stand for? | 02:19 |
soulrider | internet relay chat | 02:19 |
jackster | huh? | 02:19 |
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jackster | wat does that mean | 02:19 |
IPx- | What's the difference between beryl xgl, aigl and nvidia? | 02:19 |
jackster | no idea | 02:19 |
vit__ | JACKSTER... where are you from? | 02:20 |
Sanne | jackster: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat | 02:20 |
jackster | canada | 02:20 |
Hc\\ | smoke | 02:20 |
Hc\\ | -> | 02:20 |
jackster | thanks sanne | 02:20 |
IPx- | Does anyone know? | 02:20 |
Sanne | jackster: you're welcome :) | 02:20 |
soulrider | vit__: read this, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement it may seem a bit long, but its SO useful! | 02:20 |
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vit__ | jajaja my little sister says HELLO TO EVERYBODY!!! | 02:20 |
jackster | yay | 02:21 |
vit__ | THANK YOU SOULRIDER.... | 02:21 |
IPx- | !beryl | 02:21 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 02:21 |
=== styx_ [n=styx@p57A4BDDB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vit__ | YOU SAVE MY LIVE!!!! | 02:21 |
jackster | is all we talk about computers | 02:21 |
Admiral_Chicago | i'm looking at helping this guy. running 64 bit but in 32 bit enviroment | 02:22 |
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=== matysek wish good night | ||
Admiral_Chicago | should he get a 32 bit repo or 64 bit | 02:22 |
jackster | mmm | 02:22 |
=== |DarkED| [n=DarkED@h460a1117.area7.spcsdns.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jackster | i like cheese | 02:22 |
Tm_T | vit__: no need to yell | 02:22 |
vit__ | ME TOO | 02:22 |
soulrider | jackster: this is a channel about computers..... you thought it was somethign else ? | 02:22 |
Admiral_Chicago | !offtopic | 02:23 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 02:23 |
Admiral_Chicago | !caps | 02:23 |
ubotu | PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 02:23 |
vit__ | WHAT DO YOU SAY??? | 02:23 |
soulrider | vit__: please, dont use caps | 02:23 |
vit__ | Tm_T | 02:23 |
jackster | how can u make new chanels | 02:23 |
vit__ | ok... excuse me | 02:23 |
Ashfire908 | jackster, just join an unused channel | 02:23 |
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=== nagyv [n=nagyv@lan31-3-89-80-147-73.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Ashfire908 | you will then be an op in it | 02:23 |
Sanne | soulrider: that is a great page you linked to, the one about software management. Very good overview, good to know when helping people. Thanks. | 02:23 |
=== lewix [n=lezis@unaffiliated/lewix] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vit__ | hey soul... where r u from? | 02:23 |
Ashfire908 | if you wish to use the channel regually, register it with chanserv | 02:24 |
jackster | there are no other chanels | 02:24 |
Ashfire908 | ? | 02:24 |
Ashfire908 | huh | 02:24 |
posingaspopular | jackster, /j #channame | 02:24 |
posingaspopular | are you looking for one specifically? | 02:25 |
jackster | no | 02:25 |
Ashfire908 | posingaspopular, not every client supports /j | 02:25 |
BluesKaj | he must be using Konversation, no serverlist | 02:25 |
posingaspopular | Ashfire908, ah right, | 02:25 |
jackster | ya | 02:25 |
Ashfire908 | jackster, what channel would you like to use | 02:25 |
Admiral_Chicago | /join #channel is usually the command to use posingaspopular | 02:25 |
jackster | no serverlist | 02:25 |
Ashfire908 | oh | 02:25 |
lewix | whenever i turn on my computer i have 2 version of kubuntu, is it normal? | 02:25 |
lewix | 11 and 10 | 02:26 |
=== coty hugs the great linux community and all there effort to help | ||
BluesKaj | yeah , one is safemode ? | 02:26 |
nagyv | hello! I would like to play a game (freecol), but not full screen. It is a java game, is there a possibility to require it to run in a window? | 02:26 |
Hc\\ | BluesKaj btw, kubuntu is installed on which one? ext3 or swap? | 02:26 |
Admiral_Chicago | lewix: different kernels | 02:26 |
Admiral_Chicago | thats normal | 02:27 |
Hc\\ | if none, then i've missed it totally :D | 02:27 |
lewix | Admiral_Chicago, how come | 02:27 |
BluesKaj | Hc\\, ext3 | 02:27 |
posingaspopular | Admiral_Chicago, i thought you were afk, you are on aim | 02:27 |
Hc\\ | BluesKaj whats the swap then? | 02:27 |
lewix | Admiral_Chicago, is it due to apt--get upgrade? | 02:28 |
Admiral_Chicago | posingaspopular: yea need to shower. brb. | 02:28 |
BluesKaj | !swap | 02:28 |
ubotu | swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info | 02:28 |
=== raymert [n=raymert@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Admiral_Chicago | lewix: yes, some kernels work better with some wireless devices, newer ones have bug fixes (but may open new bugs) etc | 02:28 |
jackster | every one gotto chanel #stuff | 02:28 |
jackster | fr | 02:29 |
=== philphoto [n=philphot@c-69-141-203-249.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jackster | hjkh | 02:29 |
jackster | ' | 02:29 |
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lewix | Admiral_Chicago, which one should I use? | 02:29 |
Admiral_Chicago | lewix: i'd say the latest one | 02:29 |
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Hc\\ | BluesKaj ty | 02:29 |
philphoto | ok folks, another problem. I don't know how major or minor. I ran this command & didn't mean to: | 02:29 |
lewix | Admiral_Chicago, how do I know which one I'm using right now | 02:29 |
philphoto | "sudo aptitude install module-assistant build-essential debhelper debconf dh-make fakeroot libstdc++5 linux-headers-$(uname -r)" | 02:30 |
=== coty [n=coty@h41.133.29.71.ip.alltel.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jackster | cx | 02:30 |
philphoto | is there a way I can uninstall all that stuff I just downloaded? | 02:30 |
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Admiral_Chicago | lewix: in konsole, type 'uname-r' | 02:30 |
Admiral_Chicago | no quotes | 02:30 |
coty | can some tell me how i would make more swap | 02:30 |
=== MukiEX [n=muki@c-24-17-242-105.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
coty | my computer keeps freezing and shutting down | 02:30 |
Admiral_Chicago | philphoto: hit up on the arrow keys.... | 02:30 |
philphoto | and... | 02:31 |
Admiral_Chicago | change 'install' with remove | 02:31 |
lewix | thanks 11 | 02:31 |
=== AmyRose [n=amyrose@user-12l2tg3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
philphoto | that's it? | 02:31 |
kristjan_ | does tango icon theme come for kde also? | 02:31 |
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Admiral_Chicago | kristjan_: no | 02:32 |
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Admiral_Chicago | philphoto: yes | 02:32 |
=== Zodiac_ [n=Cross@c-24-12-114-72.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
philphoto | it makes so much sense... | 02:33 |
Admiral_Chicago | haha, well *nix is that way | 02:33 |
=== Zodiac_ is now known as Valkryja | ||
=== MukiEX [n=muki@c-24-17-242-105.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== Mezal [n=Mezal@host64-187.pool80180.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
philphoto | you have to forgive me, I'm newly Linux-ed. still in the Win mindset of everything must be hard or impossible for a mere mortal to accomplish | 02:34 |
Mezal | ciao a tutti | 02:34 |
=== |DarkED| is now known as DarkED | ||
Mezal | nessuna italiana??? | 02:35 |
Mezal | :D | 02:35 |
BluesKaj | I'm pretty close to total migration , but I still haven't worked up the nerve to sail my ship out of sight of the bill gates wharf :P | 02:35 |
Lamington | Can I post a question about Konversation in here on the off chance someone might have an answer ? | 02:36 |
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BluesKaj | !it | Mezal | 02:36 |
ubotu | Mezal: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 02:36 |
Mezal | aaaaaaaah | 02:36 |
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Mezal | capio | 02:36 |
BluesKaj | Lamington , go ahead | 02:36 |
=== sonoftheclayr [n=luke@C-59-101-159-206.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Lamington | Well... I put someone on ignore right | 02:36 |
Lamington | But they dont stay ignored | 02:36 |
Lamington | When I check my ignore list, they are no longer ignored | 02:37 |
BluesKaj | all on the lisyt or just one nick ? | 02:37 |
Lamington | just one nick | 02:38 |
=== just-this-time [n=user@89-138-45-63.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Lamington | but any nick the same person uses | 02:38 |
=== AmyRose [n=amyrose@user-12l2tg3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== hawk_ [n=hawk@ppp-71-142-129-160.dsl.renocs.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
just-this-time | cloned an dual boot install windows and ubuntu boot | 02:38 |
hawk_ | what is a good mount tool | 02:38 |
hawk_ | gui i mean | 02:39 |
vit__ | how can i install mozilla firefoz to linux? | 02:39 |
Lamington | vit_ you using kubuntu ? | 02:39 |
=== edulix_ [n=edulix@153.Red-81-44-4.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
just-this-time | only ubuntu does not see DVD and CD drives where is the dev to be found for optical drives annd whaat is an convenient mount point | 02:39 |
just-this-time | !mount | 02:40 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 02:40 |
vit__ | yes | 02:40 |
=== awilson [n=awilson@c-69-255-253-169.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
just-this-time | !DiskMounter | 02:40 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 02:40 |
vit__ | why? | 02:40 |
=== KrAmMeR [n=eric@c-68-80-41-15.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hawk_ | idiskmounter | 02:40 |
hawk_ | !diskmounter | 02:40 |
Lamington | vit_ Open Adept and type 'Firefox' in the search box | 02:40 |
vit__ | ok... let me see | 02:41 |
=== alainb [n=alainb@bas1-stlambert20-1178034683.dsl.bell.ca] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
hawk_ | !DiskMounter | 02:41 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 02:41 |
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=== pauljw_vm [n=paul@pool239.dial1-clec.newalb.win.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jarn | This isn't a Linux question, but does anyone know where the different options for google searches (inurl, etc.) are documented? | 02:42 |
vit__ | hey nothing happens lamington | 02:42 |
Lamington | vit_ ? | 02:42 |
=== AZNSLD [n=jeremy@71-221-40-181.dlth.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vit__ | i opened Adept | 02:43 |
vit__ | typed firefox | 02:43 |
hawk_ | !fuse | 02:43 |
ubotu | Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse | 02:43 |
vit__ | and din't found anything | 02:43 |
vit__ | can you help me please? | 02:44 |
chijin | !ntfs-3g | 02:44 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 02:44 |
hawk_ | how do i mount ntfs partionions i have down loaded the drivers | 02:44 |
=== awilson [n=awilson@c-69-255-253-169.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
Lamington | vit_ Click on the 'Adept' menu, then click on 'manage repositories' | 02:45 |
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Lamington | vit_ ? | 02:47 |
vit__ | ok | 02:47 |
vit__ | now? | 02:48 |
Lamington | vit_ are any of your repositories greyed out - that is, are they disabled ? | 02:48 |
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=== felipe_ is now known as voorheesfelipe | ||
=== jordo23 [n=jordo23@CPE-70-94-41-77.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Lamington | vit_ the list of sources you can see - are any of them disabled ? | 02:49 |
=== esaym [n=user@cpe-72-183-199-156.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vit__ | yes | 02:50 |
=== booglebox [n=booglebo@lns-bzn-20-82-64-53-100.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Lamington | vit_ Ok, enable your universe & multiverse sources by right-clicking on them and choosing 'enable' | 02:51 |
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Lamington | vit_ basically enable all of them | 02:52 |
Lamington | any that are greyed out | 02:52 |
vit__ | all of them? | 02:53 |
=== jarn [n=jarn@12-218-2-109.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vit__ | thera are too many!! | 02:53 |
Lamington | vit_ just the ones that are not enabled | 02:53 |
=== surgy [n=surgy@adsl-76-213-115-158.dsl.okcyok.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vit__ | ok... | 02:54 |
vit__ | i'm ready | 02:54 |
vit__ | then? | 02:54 |
Lamington | vit_ Ok, click on the 'apply' button down the bottom (dont know if you actually have to but lets just do that anyway) | 02:55 |
vit__ | ok | 02:55 |
vit__ | ready | 02:55 |
Lamington | vit_ Now, back up the top click on 'fetch updates' | 02:55 |
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=== grandi [n=grandi@a88-114-253-168.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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vit__ | it's downloading something | 02:56 |
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=== word [n=word@ip70-162-166-56.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vit__ | ready!!!! | 02:57 |
Lamington | vit_ It will update your sources information | 02:57 |
vit__ | yes | 02:57 |
vit__ | it finish | 02:57 |
vit__ | now? | 02:57 |
Hc\\ | hey | 02:57 |
Hc\\ | now | 02:57 |
Lamington | vit_ Now in the Adept menu, click on 'manage repositories' again to take you back to the main window | 02:57 |
hawk_ | what is the file system command for ntfs the web site says nls=utf8 but it comes back say it dos not work | 02:58 |
soulrider | !repos | 02:58 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 02:58 |
soulrider | that shows how to enable universe and multiverse | 02:58 |
soulrider | with pictures! :D | 02:58 |
vit__ | ok | 02:58 |
vit__ | then? | 02:58 |
Lamington | soulrider: :) | 02:58 |
Lamington | vit_ search for firefox again | 02:58 |
soulrider | vit__: did you read this? | 02:58 |
soulrider | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement | 02:58 |
Hc\\ | lol | 02:59 |
vit__ | I Found it!!!!! | 02:59 |
vit__ | jajaja | 02:59 |
hawk_ | !ntfs | 02:59 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 02:59 |
Hc\\ | atleast i didnt format my hdd where is xp | 02:59 |
vit__ | thankyou so much!!! | 02:59 |
vit__ | Lamington... | 02:59 |
Lamington | vit_ No problem | 02:59 |
vit__ | how can I install Java? | 02:59 |
=== Lamington falls over | ||
soulrider | vit__: where you from ? | 02:59 |
=== Hc\\ np: Moonsorrow: Voimasta Ja Kunniasta - Kyln pss [07:38] | ||
Lamington | !java | 03:00 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 03:00 |
Hc\\ | soulrider if i remember right ubunto do not need av or firewall | 03:00 |
Hc\\ | so does kubuntu need them? | 03:00 |
soulrider | Hc\\: ofcourse not | 03:00 |
Hc\\ | good | 03:00 |
soulrider | Hc\\: | 03:00 |
Hc\\ | then i remember right =) | 03:01 |
soulrider | ubuntua nd kubuntu are the same | 03:01 |
vit__ | I am using kubuntu | 03:01 |
soulrider | the only thing thatc hanges | 03:01 |
soulrider | is the interface | 03:01 |
Hc\\ | ok :D | 03:01 |
vit__ | ubotu | 03:01 |
soulrider | vit__: hablas espa~nol, no ? | 03:01 |
=== niroxx [n=niroxx@achn-4db4ad90.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== linuxwizard [n=masterse@74-141-160-238.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vit__ | si | 03:01 |
soulrider | me imagine :) hay un canal en espa~nol | 03:01 |
soulrider | !es | 03:01 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 03:01 |
Lamington | vit_ ubotu is a bot who can give you helpful links to answer your questions | 03:01 |
hawk_ | nvm diskmounter worked | 03:01 |
soulrider | mejor vamos a ahi | 03:01 |
soulrider | vit__: te veo en #kubuntu-es | 03:02 |
vit__ | hey | 03:02 |
vit__ | pero como hago eso? | 03:02 |
soulrider | dale click a #kubuntu-es | 03:02 |
vit__ | listo | 03:02 |
Hc\\ | thx alot for help soulrider and BluesKaj | 03:03 |
Hc\\ | ! | 03:03 |
soulrider | no prob | 03:03 |
soulrider | thats what were here for :) | 03:03 |
soulrider | thats the point of having an IRC channel | 03:03 |
soulrider | just come back when you need further help | 03:04 |
Hc\\ | =) | 03:04 |
Hc\\ | but good habbits is also needed | 03:04 |
Hc\\ | soulrider is it ok to idle here till need more help? | 03:04 |
Hc\\ | acculy | 03:05 |
Hc\\ | now i need help | 03:05 |
Hc\\ | wondering that were did ibe part go? | 03:05 |
soulrider | yeah, you can idle here, i idle all the time :P | 03:05 |
soulrider | ibe ? | 03:05 |
Hc\\ | i could find one part of 2 | 03:05 |
Hc\\ | +the 2small ones | 03:05 |
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michaelpo | hi, what software do you recommend for me to extract email addresses from my excel spreadsheet or msword doc? | 03:06 |
Hc\\ | i lost totally 43.08gig | 03:06 |
Hc\\ | cant find it | 03:06 |
soulrider | Hc\\: you cant find a partition ? | 03:06 |
Hc\\ | yes | 03:06 |
Hc\\ | it made 4parts from my hdd for ubuntu | 03:06 |
soulrider | ok | 03:06 |
Hc\\ | 2x <2gig | 03:07 |
Hc\\ | one 28gig | 03:07 |
Hc\\ | and one 43 | 03:07 |
Hc\\ | gig | 03:07 |
soulrider | you were careful enough so thatt he partitioon didnt get formatted right? | 03:07 |
soulrider | like | 03:07 |
soulrider | the data is still ther | 03:07 |
soulrider | or do you not need it ? | 03:07 |
Hc\\ | it would be good to find the 43gig | 03:07 |
Hc\\ | i think those what is under 2gig is swaps | 03:07 |
soulrider | ok | 03:07 |
soulrider | open konqueror | 03:08 |
Hc\\ | then i found some other things too from there | 03:08 |
=== edulix_ [n=edulix@153.Red-81-44-4.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hc\\ | imma boot and write the list here | 03:08 |
=== KennethP [n=kpo@x1-6-00-0f-b5-65-5a-c3.k324.webspeed.dk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
soulrider | uhm ? | 03:08 |
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Hc\\ | there was 3ubuntus :D | 03:08 |
soulrider | lol | 03:08 |
Hc\\ | no 4 | 03:08 |
Hc\\ | :D | 03:08 |
Hc\\ | xp and some mem thing | 03:09 |
soulrider | lol | 03:09 |
=== ernie [n=ernie@d58-104-0-67.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
soulrider | you still got XP ? | 03:09 |
Hc\\ | yes | 03:09 |
Lamington | Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Edubuntu... and thats it as far as I know. | 03:09 |
Hc\\ | its on a diff hdd | 03:09 |
=== NightBird [n=ma325@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ernie | Hi all - just thought I'd pop in and say hello | 03:09 |
soulrider | Lamington: theres more, just not official | 03:09 |
soulrider | like fluxbuntu | 03:09 |
soulrider | hi ernie | 03:09 |
Lamington | oh yeah | 03:09 |
Lamington | forgot about fluxbuntu | 03:09 |
Hc\\ | hi ernie =) | 03:09 |
Hc\\ | now | 03:09 |
ernie | :) | 03:10 |
Hc\\ | here is Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.20-12-gemeric | 03:10 |
Hc\\ | Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.20-12-gemeric(recovery mode) | 03:10 |
Hc\\ | ubuntu memtest 86+ | 03:10 |
Hc\\ | other operating systems | 03:10 |
Hc\\ | microsoft winfows cp professional | 03:11 |
soulrider | ok, thats the grub list | 03:11 |
Hc\\ | ubuntu fiesty (development branch) (7.04) (on /dev/sdb4) | 03:11 |
soulrider | !repos | 03:11 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 03:11 |
Hc\\ | so with otherwords it used 43gog to some of those grubs? | 03:11 |
Hc\\ | 2x <2gig | 03:12 |
soulrider | grub is the bootloader, its like the program that lets you choose what OS it is that you want | 03:12 |
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Hc\\ | ok | 03:12 |
Hc\\ | :DD | 03:12 |
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intelikey | anybody know anything about trubble shooting a modprobe issue ? | 03:13 |
hawk_ | !iso | 03:13 |
ubotu | To mount an ISO disc image, type sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 03:13 |
=== Hc\\ np: Moonsorrow - Kivenkantaja (03:38/07:39) | ||
soulrider | !fi | 03:13 |
ubotu | Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi | 03:13 |
Hc\\ | what is that ubuntu fiesty? | 03:13 |
Hc\\ | feisty* | 03:13 |
soulrider | its the beta version, you must have installed it | 03:13 |
soulrider | intelikey: no idea | 03:13 |
Admiral_Chicago | Hc\\: next release that we are developing | 03:13 |
Hc\\ | i cant open it | 03:13 |
Hc\\ | :D | 03:13 |
intelikey | modprobe: QM_MODULES: Function not implemented | 03:14 |
hawk_ | is there any program that will mount and unmount iso's for me with out command line i am just to lazy | 03:14 |
fyrmedic | I had fglrx working then did an update on my kernel and it stopped working and reverted back to mesa drivers. Is there any other options for ATI video than fglrx or the packaged ati driver? | 03:14 |
Hc\\ | so i gotta open ubuntu kernel generic? | 03:14 |
soulrider | Hc\\: is it still installed? maybe you formatted the partition and its just not there anymore | 03:14 |
intelikey | modprobe: QM_MODULES: Function not implemented | 03:14 |
intelikey | modprobe: Can't locate module ppp | 03:14 |
soulrider | lol hawk_ | 03:14 |
intelikey | dmesg is very un-helpful on that. | 03:14 |
soulrider | Hc\\: yeah | 03:14 |
Hc\\ | it tries to open with feisty | 03:14 |
intelikey | it says nothing beyond the disk drive checks | 03:15 |
hawk_ | soulrider: whats so funny? | 03:15 |
hawk_ | lol | 03:15 |
Hc\\ | with no success | 03:15 |
soulrider | hawk_: the lazy comment :P | 03:15 |
Hc\\ | but with the ubuntu kernel... it opens | 03:15 |
soulrider | Hc\\: maybe you just deleted the partition where fesity was installed | 03:15 |
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soulrider | !fi | Hc\\ | 03:15 |
ubotu | Hc\\: Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi | 03:15 |
hawk_ | soulrider: when you work with backtrack all day you get lazy | 03:15 |
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hawk_ | well never mind i will just use fuse | 03:16 |
just-this-time | in a new system cloned installation wont recognize and mount two optical drives dvd and cd which work perfectly on dual boot in Windows | 03:16 |
Hc\\ | where here can i see the particips? | 03:17 |
Hc\\ | or how u write it | 03:17 |
just-this-time | howto find /dev and re-establish in intel 965 | 03:17 |
hawk_ | brb | 03:17 |
just-this-time | !libata | 03:17 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about libata - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:17 |
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just-this-time | new unified ata is called libata right? | 03:18 |
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soulrider | Hc\\: open Konqueror | 03:19 |
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soulrider | Hc\\: after its open click on Storage Media and it wilol show you your partitions | 03:19 |
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Hc\\ | it gives me one media | 03:20 |
Hc\\ | so the question remains where is the other1 | 03:20 |
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just-this-time | cdroms are blockdevices right where in kinfocenter I see cdrom devices? | 03:21 |
steve_ | after installing Feisty Downloaded nvidia-glx and getting error "couldn't load module wfb". What should I do? my feisty is up to date and nvidia won't work | 03:22 |
Hc\\ | can i find from here a thing like disc manager in windows? | 03:22 |
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just-this-time | is intel 965 too new for edgy ? | 03:22 |
just-this-time | and how do I re-detect cdroms in ubuntu? | 03:23 |
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bobbyd | Hc\\: k->system settings->Advanced Tab->disks and filesystems | 03:26 |
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miguel | hi all! | 03:27 |
Hc\\ | thx bobbyd =) | 03:27 |
Hc\\ | now n get some sleep | 03:27 |
Hc\\ | 22h awake is enough 4 me | 03:27 |
surgy | hi | 03:28 |
chalmer | help with dual boot configuration kubuntu/windows ?? | 03:28 |
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surgy | chalmer | !ask | 03:28 |
Jarn | Is there a way to "refresh" locate for if it isn't finding a file that I know exists? | 03:29 |
surgy | jarn: if what isnt finding what? | 03:30 |
Jarn | surgy: locate. | 03:30 |
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Jarn | surgy: Oh, I think I found it though. I think it's the -u flag. | 03:30 |
just-this-time | help with funny cdrom disappearance in new 965 machine | 03:31 |
just-this-time | convinced that is a common probled | 03:31 |
just-this-time | problem | 03:31 |
miguel | can anyone recommend me a webcam to use under kubuntu? | 03:32 |
just-this-time | jam sudo updatedb | 03:32 |
chalmer | surgy > when i reboot to tha kubuntu dvd it shows my 3 sata drives. but it does'nt show my windows partition. i know which drive to select for tha install but i dont want it to format over my windows partition tha kubuntu does'nt show | 03:32 |
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just-this-time | miguel logitech would be agood choice | 03:32 |
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miguel | thanks just-this-time | 03:33 |
Jarn | just-this-time: Yeah, I found it already. I used locate -u though, it's the same thing. | 03:33 |
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just-this-time | chalmer: | 03:33 |
just-this-time | !DiskMounter | 03:33 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 03:33 |
miguel | all of them should work? | 03:33 |
surgy | chalmer: use a completely different hard drive if possible, and it will solve any possile data loss | 03:33 |
just-this-time | !DiskMounter > chalmer | 03:33 |
miguel | do they have a good quality? | 03:33 |
just-this-time | I think sso miguel | 03:33 |
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just-this-time | commonly used is sudo updatedb && locate pppp jam | 03:34 |
chalmer | surgy > kubuntu does'nt show none of my partitions on the drive. it just show it as seagate 250 gig | 03:35 |
just-this-time | my cdroms dissappeared on a new cloned install over intel 965 | 03:35 |
surgy | chalmer: so you only have one hdd with three partitions? | 03:35 |
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miguel | just, i like the a4tech pk 635 but it doesnt seem to work under linux | 03:35 |
miguel | at least i could not find the drivers | 03:36 |
surgy | chalmer: if thats the case you need to go into windows and delete an ntfs partition and then create an empty partition, or "raw" partition | 03:36 |
chalmer | surgy >1 hd with 2 partitions and tha 2nd & 3rd are my music | 03:36 |
surgy | chalmer: or are your three hdds' in a raid array as striping? if so the kubuntu is trying to make one giant partition to span all three | 03:37 |
miguel | thanks just-this-time!! | 03:37 |
chalmer | surgy > no | 03:37 |
surgy | chalmer: it is best, easiest, and safer to use a seperate hdd for linux and a seperate hdd for windows | 03:37 |
chalmer | surgy > hmmmmm | 03:37 |
surgy | chalmer: see if you can use the second part on the windows drive for your music, and then partition the music hdd for linux, or something similar | 03:38 |
surgy | chalmer: thats the safe route | 03:38 |
chalmer | surgy > i was told that a dual boot cpu has to b on tha same drive ? | 03:38 |
surgy | chalmer: a dual boot cpu........ as in cpu == central processing unit ? | 03:39 |
soulrider | !easysource | 03:39 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 03:39 |
surgy | chalmer: if thats what you mean, then no you need no special processor for dual boots | 03:39 |
chalmer | surgy > lol.. no computer | 03:39 |
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pbcustom98 | anyone know a good .flac player? | 03:40 |
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surgy | chalmer: then you statement makes no sense, " a dual boot computer has to be on the same hard disk drive" you cannot store a physicle computer on a disk drive, without stacking them physicly, and then it whouldnt be plugged in | 03:40 |
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chalmer | surgy > im soory this is what im referring to. 1 comp, 1 hd, with windows and kubuntu | 03:42 |
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francisco | hey pessoal das Caldas!!!! | 03:43 |
Jarn | Filelight is giving me wrong information. | 03:43 |
surgy | chalmer: then, not top be harsh or rude, but you need to do your research,, if you dont, then expect significant data loss. dual boot systems are what every unsure noob wants and just happens to be one of the hardest installs | 03:44 |
chalmer | surgy > i was told to do a dual boot configuration on a single computer that the second os has to b installed on tha same hd that windows is on | 03:44 |
surgy | chalmer: you were told wrong | 03:44 |
surgy | chalmer: if you install them on seperate hard drives it makes the process almost seamless, with no guessing or hoping | 03:44 |
francisco | how can I make work my microphone? I using a HP Dv2000... | 03:46 |
surgy | chalmer: after you use linux for a while you will probably either hate windows or hate linux, and then you will want to rid yourself of the one you dislike | 03:46 |
surgy | !microphone | 03:46 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about microphone - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:46 |
francisco | ok thx =) | 03:46 |
chalmer | surgy > so if i install a 4th hd then install kubuntu on it. and when the computer restarts it should show me tha 2 os's to select from to boot into | 03:46 |
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surgy | chalmer: yes,, there is a program that installs with kubuntu called "grub" and grub does exactly that, it gives you a counter and after the counter is up it boots into the defualt os, and if you hit a key within the counter, it gives you the choice | 03:47 |
hawk_ | !fuse | 03:47 |
ubotu | Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse | 03:47 |
surgy | !grub | chalmer | 03:47 |
ubotu | chalmer: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 03:47 |
hawk_ | !fuseiso | 03:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fuseiso - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:47 |
pbcustom98 | anyone know a good .flac player? | 03:48 |
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surgy | chalmer: any more questions? trust me you dont want to do it if your windozer is precious, and your not prepared | 03:52 |
chalmer | surgy > yea im new to linux about 3 weeks sofar . but i was about to give up on it b/c it ran sluggish and tha frigg'n internet was worse than dial-up. and its installed on a pentium 3 computer w/ 128 mgs pc 100. but im not ready to give up yet.thats why i wanted to install it on my windows computer that a newly built. mayb it should run smoother | 03:53 |
pbcustom98 | 128mb ram...wow | 03:53 |
hawk_ | !iso | 03:53 |
ubotu | To mount an ISO disc image, type sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 03:53 |
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surgy | chalmer: its sluggish becuase you shouldnt use kubuntu with less than 256 mb ram, use xubuntu on the 128mb system | 03:54 |
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pbcustom98 | anyone know a good .flac player? | 03:58 |
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chalmer | surgy > so if it were u would leave it on tha Pentium 3 computer but install Xubuntu instead of kubuntu? | 03:58 |
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crdlb | chalmer, stick some more ram in it and you can run any *ubuntu | 03:58 |
surgy | chalmer: go to #xubuntu and ask those guys, but yes im running a 300 mhz laptop with 64 mb ram, and its a celeron on xubuntu and its not bad | 03:58 |
ernie | Kubuntu runs nicely with 1gig of Ram if you can get it | 03:59 |
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philphoto | I'm trying to install mp3 support for amarok & it says I need to install libxine-extracodecs manually. this library doesn't exist as far as I can tell. has it been superceded? | 03:59 |
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surgy | ernie: i run it well and multitask constantly with half that | 04:00 |
chalmer | surgy > ok, yea ubuntu is still installed on tha P3 comp. i will do that if i can get my hands on some pc100 ram....lol | 04:00 |
ernie | well I do have a VMserver running now and then - for when I need to windoze :) so yeah 512M should suit | 04:00 |
surgy | chalmer: lol beleave it or not pc 100 is still rare here, everyone still uses it..... kindof sad | 04:00 |
philphoto | anyone? anyone? | 04:01 |
surgy | philphoto: check this | 04:02 |
surgy | !mp3 | philphoto | 04:02 |
ubotu | philphoto: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:02 |
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philphoto | dang, I'm back to having a horribly slow computer. | 04:03 |
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chalmer | surgy > yea i got open suse 10.1 but i like kubuntu tha best b/c of tha kde desktop | 04:03 |
pbcustom98 | i got flac to play..hooah | 04:04 |
surgy | chalmer: many linux and unix distros have kde, its not kubuntu specific | 04:05 |
surgy | chalmer: im pretty sure suse can get kde | 04:05 |
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chalmer | surgy > i like tha blue them n kubuntu. and tha brown theme in ubuntu wasn'nt to bad either thou | 04:06 |
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hawk_ | anyone know where wine is at i mean the root directory i know it is hidden but i just cant seem to rember where it is hidden at lol | 04:07 |
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pbcustom98 | in terminal --> locate wine | 04:08 |
hawk_ | thnx lol why did i not think of that lol | 04:08 |
pbcustom98 | :) | 04:08 |
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surgy | chalmer: best thing for you bro, do you homework, read everything you can get your hands on, starting with the FAQ of several distros and windows managers | 04:09 |
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chalmer | surgy > in tha P3 computer tha internet is sooooo slow . loading tha browser too worse tha dial-up. could that also b from tha lack of ram? | 04:11 |
chalmer | surgy > i got DSL | 04:12 |
surgy_afk | chalmer: definately | 04:12 |
chalmer | surgy > ty | 04:12 |
pbcustom98 | looking into a lighter window manager | 04:12 |
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pollyo | chalmer: I'm running a P3 with little memory and things apper quite fast for me. | 04:12 |
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hitmanWilly | i used to use flux on my old machine | 04:13 |
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surgy_afk | chalmer: np i gotta go now | 04:14 |
chalmer | pollyo > yea i got a P3 w/ 128 mgs of pc100 ram but <surgy> just imformed me that i need atleat 256 of ram | 04:14 |
pollyo | chalmer: I have 256 in this machine. | 04:15 |
soulrider | !netbeans | 04:15 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about netbeans - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:15 |
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chalmer | pollyo > yea i got to try to get another stick of 128 pc100 so that ill have 256 | 04:16 |
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daskreech2 | still upgrading | 04:17 |
chalmer | pollyo > just haveing 128 kubuntu is slow but my god tha internet is worse than dial-up and it takes forever to even load tha browser | 04:18 |
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pollyo | chalmer: I'm impressed what I can do with 256 on this machine with a P3. | 04:18 |
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pollyo | chalmer: I can not wait until I take the time to invest in a new drive for my Dell E510 and setup a dual boot system on it. | 04:19 |
chalmer | pollyo > yea me to hell i bet my window xp os would'nt run that smooth | 04:19 |
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Nathan_Ryan | Ok, so I'm viewing an image in Firefox, Picasso's Guernica to be exact - and I can see subtle variations in colour. I save the image to the HDD and open in in both GIMP and Gwenview and it looks completely monochromatic. I import the image into Open Office Writer and it looks as it originally did in Firefox. Anyone have any idea what's up with the disparity in colourspace? | 04:20 |
Nathan_Ryan | Also... has anyone here seen the original Guernica? | 04:21 |
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daskreech2 | has anyone used xen on kubuntu | 04:22 |
pollyo | !xen | 04:22 |
ubotu | XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenOnEdgy | 04:22 |
=== Iwonder|too [n=Iwonder@adsl-068-209-223-091.sip.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
daskreech2 | yeah i get that ;-0 | 04:22 |
daskreech2 | i just want to know if the video card is virtualized as well | 04:23 |
pollyo | daskreech2: Is that similar to qemu or does it use qemu? | 04:23 |
daskreech2 | qemu is a virtual machine xen is a hypervisor | 04:23 |
pollyo | daskreech2: Ok. I know very little in this area what is hypervisor? | 04:24 |
pbcustom98 | anyone in here program in python? | 04:24 |
chalmer | pollyo > can i install my Microsoft game in kubuntu? | 04:25 |
pbcustom98 | not all the time | 04:25 |
chalmer | pollyo > can i install my Microsoft games in kubuntu? | 04:25 |
pollyo | chalmer: You might be able to install some using wine. | 04:25 |
daskreech2 | a virtual machine runs on top of a OS describing a machine and passing the commands to the real hardware | 04:25 |
pollyo | chalmer: I would suggest a dual boot system for games though. | 04:25 |
pbcustom98 | some games can install with wine, some have linux counterparts | 04:25 |
daskreech2 | a hypervisor runs beneath the os and intercepts calls | 04:26 |
pbcustom98 | some flat out dont work | 04:26 |
daskreech2 | chalmer: which games? | 04:26 |
chalmer | pollyo > do i need to start wine b/4 i insert tha games? | 04:26 |
pollyo | deskreech2: So the OSes run ontop of the hypervisor? | 04:26 |
steve_ | why the configuration window in Kubuntu differ than the one in Debian. In Debian it's a window with icons on the left and configuration option in main window and in kubuntu it's a window full of big icons which start external apps. | 04:26 |
daskreech2 | pollyo: yes | 04:26 |
pollyo | daskreech2: Xen is a hypervisor? | 04:27 |
daskreech2 | yes | 04:27 |
chalmer | pollyo > AOE's Far cry and soforth | 04:27 |
pollyo | daskreech2: I'll have to look into it. Thanks. | 04:27 |
daskreech2 | steve_: you want kcontrol | 04:27 |
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pollyo | !xen | 04:27 |
ubotu | XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenOnEdgy | 04:27 |
daskreech2 | chalmer: some you can some you can't | 04:27 |
daskreech2 | 1games | 04:27 |
daskreech2 | !games | 04:27 |
steve_ | thanks daskreech2. Are you saying Debian use kcontrol and not kubuntu? | 04:27 |
ubotu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org | 04:28 |
daskreech2 | steve_: alt+f2 -> Kcontrol | 04:28 |
hitmanWilly | chalmer: i know far cry has a linux installer | 04:28 |
daskreech2 | if you feel better | 04:28 |
daskreech2 | hitmanWilly: REally? | 04:28 |
daskreech2 | that's sweet | 04:28 |
chalmer | pollyo > ok | 04:28 |
hitmanWilly | yeah, just google it | 04:28 |
chalmer | hitmanwilly ok | 04:28 |
chalmer | pollyo > got a ? | 04:29 |
steve_ | daskreech2:thanks I'll try the alt+f2 | 04:29 |
chalmer | pollyo > how come when i insert a cd it doesnt auto load like windows does? | 04:30 |
daskreech2 | steve_: or alt+space -> system -> <enter> | 04:30 |
daskreech2 | chalmer: New OS | 04:30 |
daskreech2 | chalmer: each OS autoruns CDs a different way | 04:31 |
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chalmer | pollyo > well every linux os that ive installed the past week does it" Suse 10.1 / ubuntu 6.10 and now kubuntu | 04:32 |
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chalmer | pollyo > when i insert a cd it shows a icon of it on tha desktop and when i click it. itjust opens a window showing only files a folders in it | 04:34 |
chalmer | pollyo > it does'nt auto load like windows does. just wondering why not? | 04:35 |
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carutsu | how do i turn off the check hdd option, currently is checking my windows partition and is making kubuntu very slow | 04:35 |
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daskreech2 | chalmer: I just explained | 04:37 |
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pbcustom98 | linux isnt as hand holding as windows, thats why. | 04:37 |
chalmer | daskreech2 > o" i must have missed it. sry ill scroll up more | 04:38 |
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carutsu | how do i turn off the check hdd option, currently is checking my windows partition and is making kubuntu very slow | 04:38 |
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dwidmann | carutsu, hit alt+f2 -> kdesu kate /etc/fstab | 04:38 |
daskreech2 | chalmer: It''s a different OS Each OS has a different way to make CDs autorun | 04:38 |
carutsu | thanks | 04:38 |
dwidmann | In the file it opens, Look for the windows line | 04:39 |
vvv | is thier a kubuntu daily release site? | 04:39 |
dwidmann | there should be two numbers on the end (each being either a 0, 1, or 2), change them both to 0 | 04:39 |
daskreech2 | THe cds you have are only made to work in Windows | 04:39 |
chalmer | pollyo > well every linux os that ive installed the past week does it" Suse 10.1 / ubuntu 6.10 and now kubuntu | 04:39 |
carutsu | dwidmann thank you! | 04:39 |
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dwidmann | You're welcome carutsu, I hope that does the trick | 04:40 |
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carutsu | dwidmann what does the 2 mean? my /home has 0 2 | 04:40 |
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chalmer | it does'nt auto load like windows does. just wondering why not? | 04:40 |
daskreech2 | chalmer: It runs the files or it opens a window with the files? | 04:40 |
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chalmer | does linux in lack of drivers or something? | 04:41 |
dwidmann | chalmer, with most cds that "autorun" in windows, it does so by running a windows executable binary called "autorun.exe", in those cases it won't autorun in linux. | 04:41 |
pbcustom98 | chalmer: did you know linux is open source? | 04:41 |
chalmer | yea | 04:41 |
carutsu | dwidmann another question i need accents so i enabled them on the kewboard settings, (this is a laptop) but now the Fn+Up and Fn+Down doesnt change the volume anymore | 04:41 |
pbcustom98 | do you know what open source means? | 04:41 |
carutsu | !open source | 04:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about open source - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:42 |
carutsu | xDm didn't work | 04:42 |
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pbcustom98 | google it | 04:42 |
pbcustom98 | define: open source | 04:42 |
chalmer | ummmm.... free for all | 04:42 |
dwidmann | carutsu, I'm really not sure ... I don't have to deal with a laptop myself. | 04:42 |
dwidmann | gah, I have a nosebleed :( | 04:43 |
carutsu | dwidmann thank you anyway | 04:43 |
=== V|3LGu [n=fuck@c-68-81-97-189.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vvv | does kubuntu have a daily update fight like ubuntu does? | 04:43 |
tmbg | dwidmann, stop picking your nose. :P | 04:43 |
pbcustom98 | haha nose picker | 04:43 |
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dwidmann | I don't pick my nose. | 04:43 |
carutsu | chalmer that is only a consecuence, it means free as in beer, xD | 04:43 |
tmbg | vvv, for all practical purposes kubuntu IS ubuntu, really. | 04:43 |
daskreech2 | vvv yes | 04:43 |
vvv | how would i go about uninstalling ubuntu after installing kubuntu | 04:43 |
chalmer | i know | 04:43 |
tmbg | just with a fancy installer, kde preinstalled, etc. | 04:43 |
V|3LGu | no kubuntu is not ubuntu | 04:43 |
vvv | or is thie a command i could enter in terminal? | 04:44 |
vvv | i want to remove gnome | 04:44 |
daskreech2 | vvv: you can remove most stuff i don't know about all | 04:44 |
pbcustom98 | could do you it via adept, im not a command junkie yet | 04:44 |
dwidmann | vvv: something like adept_updater? | 04:44 |
pbcustom98 | you could do it* | 04:44 |
vvv | yeah | 04:44 |
pbcustom98 | probably something like _ sudo remove desktop-gnome | 04:45 |
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pbcustom98 | if that makes any sense at all | 04:45 |
vvv | i can't install through the beta fawn releases i have to use a daily build from ubuntu.. but i want kubuntu cause of all the nice programs | 04:45 |
dwidmann | vvv, about removing gnome: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde | 04:45 |
vvv | and layout | 04:45 |
vvv | but when you switch over you have to choose on login and stuff like that its very annoying | 04:45 |
chalmer | im just wondering ! if linux want to be popular like windows and wants people to buy their os then why not make it easyer on the new people to | 04:45 |
chalmer | that is to b sold on retail computers | 04:46 |
daskreech2 | vvv: you can aptitude remove gtk | 04:46 |
dwidmann | chalmer: the devs DO try, but manpower is limitted. Besides, most linux distributions aren't sold, but instead are given away for free | 04:46 |
tmbg | I don't want it sold on retail computers. I want retail computers to come to me blank. | 04:46 |
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nagyv | hello! I would like to play a game (freecol), but not full screen. It is a java game, is there a possibility to require it to run in a window? | 04:46 |
vvv | thanks so much for the link | 04:46 |
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dwidmann | no problem | 04:47 |
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daskreech2 | chalmer: a) linux doesn't really care if it wins or not | 04:47 |
pbcustom98 | linux is people driven, windows is prophet driven | 04:47 |
daskreech2 | chalmer: b) it's up to retailers to decide some do most will not. microsoft pays them not to so It's not in their interest | 04:48 |
chalmer | but their goal is to b reconized so that they go maine stream like home users | 04:48 |
tmbg | I wonder how windows will change when gates dies. I wonder how linux will change when linus dies for that matter | 04:48 |
daskreech2 | chalmer: for some people. it's not really the aim if linux | 04:48 |
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daskreech2 | most people don't use Linux becuase they want it to "win" they just use it because it works for them | 04:49 |
dwidmann | tmbg: Microsoft is already in sad shape IMO ... especially now that gates stepped down | 04:49 |
tmbg | he stepped down from what? | 04:49 |
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daskreech2 | the more people it works for the more people are happy :-) but Linux doesn't carea about domination | 04:49 |
tmbg | I thought he was still the boss | 04:50 |
dwidmann | Not what I heard o.O | 04:50 |
daskreech2 | tmbg: he hasn't been for a few years now | 04:50 |
daskreech2 | ballmer is the head | 04:50 |
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dwidmann | Ballmer is a dumb*** | 04:50 |
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tmbg | what's gates doing now then? retired? | 04:51 |
pbcustom98 | if i go to adept manager, search "gnome" and remove everything gnome related...will i screw everything up? | 04:51 |
Alpha_Cluster | does anyone here know how to mount an xfs partition so that any "user" can use it? | 04:51 |
Alpha_Cluster | pbcustom98, you will see nothing that i sall | 04:51 |
daskreech2 | pbcustom98: Gome isn't as handy to remove as KDE | 04:51 |
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daskreech2 | Alpha_Cluster: -o UID=0000,users I think | 04:52 |
chalmer | dont yall get me wrong im not diss'n linux by no means just wish that they "linux people" can make a more user friendly os for your average home users that not IT Pro | 04:52 |
dwidmann | Gates, 50, who was also Microsoft's chief software architect, will give up day-to-day duties in July 2008, retaining the title of chairman. | 04:52 |
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Alpha_Cluster | daskreech2, anyway i can do it in the fstab i mean | 04:52 |
daskreech2 | chalmer: how could it be more User friendly? | 04:53 |
daskreech2 | Alpha_Cluster: just told you | 04:53 |
pbcustom98 | if i remove everything gnome related in adept...even if im using KDE..i wont see anything? | 04:53 |
Alpha_Cluster | ... oh | 04:53 |
Alpha_Cluster | lol | 04:53 |
tmbg | chalmer, well, it's getting easier with time. also nothing is stopping you from producing code to make it more user friendly, etc. | 04:53 |
Alpha_Cluster | i was confused for a sec by -o lol | 04:53 |
tmbg | for example livecd's are pretty easy and installers based on them are simple. was easier to set that up than windows for me. | 04:54 |
dwidmann | chalmer: if you've got any ideas find the appropriate people and fire away. They'd probably be more than willing to listen if you've got reasonable and/or good ideas | 04:54 |
pbcustom98 | does anyone know? | 04:54 |
daskreech2 | chalmer: what do you mean more user firendly? | 04:54 |
tmbg | dwidmann, 'retaining the title of chairman' <-- I wonder what this means about how much influence he still has at the company | 04:54 |
Alpha_Cluster | daskreech2, i get an error about bad options for the partition now | 04:54 |
dwidmann | tmbg: not sure, probably not much if h e doesn't participate in any day-to-day duties though | 04:55 |
pbcustom98 | if i remove everything gnome related in adept...even if im using KDE..i wont see anything? | 04:55 |
daskreech2 | tmbg: it means he doens't have to do anything but he can if he wants to | 04:55 |
Alpha_Cluster | pbcustom98, you shouldnt have anything gnome related installed yet unless you added stuff | 04:55 |
tmbg | it may have just relieved him from certain responsibilities but allowed him to continue to make broad policy decisions | 04:55 |
daskreech2 | pbcustom98: no you should b cool | 04:55 |
dwidmann | perhaps | 04:56 |
tmbg | I just don't see him as the type to ever really "give up the reigns" | 04:56 |
daskreech2 | pbcustom98: you have ubuntu installed? | 04:56 |
daskreech2 | tmbg: hes old give him a break | 04:56 |
daskreech2 | in anycase this is all offtopic | 04:57 |
daskreech2 | !ot | 04:57 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 04:57 |
tmbg | I mean his personality. but yeah ot. I'll quit | 04:57 |
daskreech2 | no no go right ahead | 04:57 |
daskreech2 | just in Ot | 04:57 |
chalmer | well i guess like !!! well i dont know mayb its b/c im not familiar with tha linux nameing of the programs that it come with installed and i get fuststrated trying to find my way around to get what im trying to find to do a certain thing. | 04:58 |
Alpha_Cluster | daskreech2, do you by any chance know why xfs wont let me mount using commands like uid=? | 04:58 |
daskreech2 | pbcustom98: I heard that you had ubuntu installed What I meant was how did you install kubuntu? | 04:58 |
daskreech2 | chalmer: that just means you don't know how to get around | 04:58 |
tmbg | chalmer, it would be the same for you on qnx, macos, etc etc. a new system will always take getting used to | 04:58 |
daskreech2 | chalmer: honestly if you don't understand something ask here and someone will explain it to you | 04:59 |
daskreech2 | chalmer: I'm trying to teach my mom windows. it's not easy either trust me | 04:59 |
dwidmann | alpha_cluster, ideally, I think, the best way would be to change the ownership of the files on the partition, by adding a new group, and adding all users who you want to have access to said group | 04:59 |
daskreech2 | pbcustom98: talk here :-) it helps more people | 05:00 |
chalmer | like i guess im familiar with windows and know how to to alot more than average user does and i know where to go a how to do certian tasks | 05:00 |
daskreech2 | I have no idea what Alpha_Cluster is doing so I'll be quiet | 05:00 |
Alpha_Cluster | dwidmann, problem is not in the folder its getting into the folder | 05:00 |
Alpha_Cluster | dwidmann, its mounting with the group as root and i need it to be user | 05:00 |
pbcustom98 | ok so basically nothing will be fubared if i adept-->search (gnome) and remove all gnome packages installed | 05:00 |
dwidmann | mount it "normally", access it as root to change the perms | 05:00 |
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dwidmann | oops, not perms, but owner/group | 05:01 |
dwidmann | well, maybe perms too, something like 774 perhaps' | 05:01 |
daskreech2 | chalmer: right so you 'think' it's easy :-) if it helps any you are the category of persons that would find Linux the hardest | 05:01 |
chalmer | yes | 05:02 |
chalmer | lol | 05:02 |
pbcustom98 | what is the difference of removing something vs purging ? | 05:02 |
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Alpha_Cluster | pbcustom98, purge gets rid of the configuration files as well | 05:02 |
dwidmann | pbcustom98: purging removes the settings files too | 05:02 |
daskreech2 | chalmer: however you will probably also be really grateful once you get your system setup | 05:02 |
Alpha_Cluster | dwidmann, i tried using chown but it doesnt change owner | 05:03 |
pbcustom98 | well if im removing it..do i need the config files? | 05:03 |
chalmer | lol yes but more than all learn my way around linux like i do windows | 05:03 |
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pbcustom98 | ok, so now --> There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages. | 05:04 |
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daskreech2 | chalmer: just try and not think about the windows way. just figure out what you want to do and ask | 05:04 |
chalmer | so that ill know what program to go to to do this and what program to go to to do this | 05:04 |
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daskreech2 | chalmer: so what do you wanna do? ;-d | 05:05 |
pbcustom98 | chalmer: bottom line is this...linux isnt windows. things need to be "learned"...its hard at first, but give it time | 05:05 |
dwidmann | Alpha_Cluster: that's odd | 05:05 |
dwidmann | something like "chgrp thenewgroup -R *" | 05:05 |
chalmer | O" yea lol i know thats true | 05:05 |
dwidmann | it definitely should work . .. why it wouldn't I don't know | 05:06 |
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Alpha_Cluster | dwidmann, chown has never worked for me when it comes to changing mount directories | 05:06 |
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pbcustom98 | ok, so now --> There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages. any ideas? | 05:07 |
chalmer | so why is microsoft being monopoly with everthing. | 05:07 |
daskreech2 | cause they can | 05:07 |
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daskreech2 | pbcustom98: what failed? | 05:08 |
chalmer | why dont Dell ,Compaq and other retail computers got with linux sinse its free? | 05:08 |
soulrider | chalmer: who knows | 05:08 |
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tmbg | some retailers will sell you a system with linux preinstalled | 05:09 |
daskreech2 | chalmer: want to read an article on it? | 05:09 |
chalmer | but u said that microsoft pays them to use windows on their computer | 05:09 |
pgraves__ | Guys, Im installing Ubuntu on another computer thats going to be mainly a file server.... this is my second or third install and I was wanting to customize it a little more on this PC.... can someone advise me to partition structures | 05:09 |
daskreech2 | chalmer: it does | 05:09 |
Alpha_Cluster | chalmer, lets just say its easier to support one Windows as opposed to 3-6 linux distros when it comes to support | 05:09 |
manton | can anyone help me with gmail notify? I'm not sure what to put for "browser Path" I'm using firefox... | 05:09 |
pgraves__ | I was thinking about creating a /boot, a /tmp a SWAP a /home and a / | 05:09 |
tmbg | chalmer, yes so sometimes they have to charge you more for a system w/ linux preinstalled. :( | 05:09 |
daskreech2 | pbcustom98: do a search for gtk instead of gnome | 05:10 |
daskreech2 | pbcustom98: filter by installed | 05:10 |
daskreech2 | manton: open a konsole and type which firefox | 05:10 |
dwidmann | Alpha_Cluster: , but that wasn't the thing you really need to change. What you need to change is the permission for all of the files within the directory ... | 05:10 |
pgraves__ | Can someone advise me (maybe in private?) onto recommended partitions, their set-up and size... I did a lot of reading but still had some questions | 05:10 |
Alpha_Cluster | dwidmann, no because there ARE NO FILES! | 05:10 |
Alpha_Cluster | i cant write to it so there is nothing | 05:11 |
daskreech2 | pbcustom98: ask questions here :-) | 05:11 |
manton | daskreech2, what console? | 05:11 |
daskreech2 | pbcustom98: oh go to preview changes and cancel all | 05:11 |
=== Alpha_Cluster calms down... | ||
pgraves__ | Anyone? | 05:11 |
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daskreech2 | pgraves__: just ask here. | 05:11 |
pgraves__ | I did, or I tried | 05:11 |
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dwidmann | ... crud, hmmmmmm | 05:12 |
pgraves__ | Basically I am installing Ubuntu... I read that its a better idea to have several partitions... i.e. one for /boot, one for /tmp a SWAP, one for /home and one for /..... but I wanted to know ideas on sizes and what should be logical/primary | 05:12 |
pgraves__ | oh and a /var | 05:12 |
manton | Daskreech, in extensions, what do i type? | 05:12 |
Daskreech | pgraves__: what are you using the computer for? | 05:13 |
chalmer | i know Suse has gone retail in stores so i guess thats a start | 05:13 |
pgraves__ | Fileserver mainly.... though it may evolve into other things | 05:13 |
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pgraves__ | its got 320GB of hdd capacity | 05:13 |
pgraves__ | 512MB of memory (likely to be upgraded soon) | 05:13 |
Daskreech | manton: no clue :-) | 05:13 |
Daskreech | manton: alt+space -> konsole -> press enter | 05:14 |
chalmer | i wish i knew a friend that uses linux so that i could watch them do certina tasks to learn from | 05:14 |
Daskreech | chalmer: what do yo uwant to do? | 05:15 |
pbcustom98 | ok, heres the deal: i installed ubuntu, then installed KDE. decided i liked it more the gnome. now i want to remove all gnome/gtk packages via adept...how do i go about doing this (im using beryl if it makes any difference) | 05:15 |
dwidmann | alpha_cluster: looks like xfs doesn't support any of the mount options you previously looked into | 05:15 |
pgraves__ | Anyone have recommendaations on the partition set-up? OR at least can someone tell me what partitions should be logical & which should be primary (I made all the partitions primary and it wont let me add more, according to my reading only 4 should be primary). I just dont know which should be primary | 05:15 |
chalmer | nothing i general not untill i get more ram. | 05:15 |
Daskreech | pbcustom98: look for a libgtk ? | 05:16 |
dwidmann | man mount and scroll the bottom if you want to see what options there are though | 05:16 |
Daskreech | chalmer: then rock some tunes and kick back | 05:16 |
dwidmann | seemedly nothing related | 05:16 |
pgraves__ | ...? | 05:16 |
Daskreech | pgraves__: /boot 150 mb | 05:16 |
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dwidmann | // = about 10 gb | 05:17 |
dwidmann | then give /home the rest ... works fairly well that way | 05:17 |
Daskreech | pgraves__: / maybe 6 gb | 05:17 |
Daskreech | dwidmann: he wants a fileserver | 05:17 |
chalmer | so i need to run Samba to run the network wizard to see my other 4 computers on tha network? is that correct? | 05:18 |
pgraves__ | What about logical versus primary? | 05:18 |
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Daskreech | chalmer: no | 05:19 |
Daskreech | pgraves__: /boot has to be primary | 05:19 |
dwidmann | 'doh | 05:19 |
pgraves__ | and I was going to create separate partitions for /var and /tmp as well (maybe even /usr?) | 05:19 |
pgraves__ | should boot be the ONLY primary? | 05:19 |
chalmer | Daskreech> what do i run? | 05:19 |
dwidmann | Depends on where he wants to put his files then ... Maybe somewhere like /var? | 05:20 |
Daskreech | pgraves__: boot is the only one that needs to be primamry | 05:20 |
Daskreech | after that it's up o | 05:20 |
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pgraves__ | Does 2GB sound reasonable for /var | 05:20 |
pgraves__ | My understanding is /var is mainly just logs | 05:20 |
dwidmann | pgraves: it really doesn't matter what's primary for most things. Not even boot need be primary (like on my system, I have it as an extended partition, and it works fine) | 05:20 |
pbcustom98 | http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde is this the correct way to remove all of gnome/gtk | 05:20 |
Daskreech | chalmer: open konqueror | 05:20 |
dwidmann | pgraves__: pretty much | 05:21 |
chalmer | ok | 05:21 |
Daskreech | type smb:/ | 05:21 |
chalmer | Daskreech> ok | 05:22 |
Daskreech | ha ha | 05:22 |
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Daskreech | pbcustom98: assuming that you didn't install anything else | 05:22 |
pgraves__ | For "cleanliness", should data normally be kept in /home? (I.E. its a file server, so should my data, such as music/docs etc be in /home/Data/Music, /home/Data/Documents, etc.?) | 05:23 |
chalmer | Daskreech> so i click this" | 05:23 |
chalmer | Network Folders | 05:23 |
chalmer | Shared files and folders | 05:23 |
Daskreech | there you go | 05:23 |
chalmer | in conquer | 05:24 |
pbcustom98 | are gnome and KDE repositories the same? | 05:25 |
Daskreech | yes | 05:25 |
chalmer | then i click this icon"Samba Shares | 05:25 |
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pgraves__ | Anyone see a problem with this setup: /boot=150MB, /var=2048MB, SWAP=1.5GB, /tmp=2GB, /home=280GB, /=34GB | 05:26 |
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Daskreech | pgraves__: holy hell :-) | 05:26 |
pgraves__ | what? | 05:26 |
Daskreech | what are you storing in / ? | 05:27 |
Daskreech | wait I guess you could put thing in /opt | 05:27 |
pgraves__ | Everything else I guess? (Any programs I may ever install) | 05:27 |
Daskreech | I guess that's ok | 05:27 |
chalmer | Daskreech> do i click Samba shares" or " Add a network folder" or " Network services" ? | 05:27 |
pgraves__ | 34GB excessive? | 05:27 |
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dwidmann | 34 gb is a bit excessive | 05:27 |
Daskreech | pgraves__: I have 6 gb on my machine which I installed 3 years ago and I'm up to 70% | 05:27 |
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dwidmann | I have a ton installed and I'm still only taking up 8 gb or so | 05:28 |
Daskreech | and it's not like I hold back on installing anything that catches my eye | 05:28 |
chalmer | Daskreech> do i click Samba shares" or " Add a network folder" or " Network services" ? | 05:28 |
Daskreech | dwidmann: what are you file serving? | 05:28 |
Daskreech | samba shares | 05:28 |
chalmer | k | 05:29 |
Daskreech | chalmer: don't be afraid to experiment :-) | 05:29 |
dwidmann | Wait a minute, It's probably less than 8gb ..... I'm not file serving. I'm just doing whatever it is that I do, which includes everything under the sun. | 05:29 |
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dwidmann | Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure a gb or so of my space taken up is probably from /var/cache/apt/archives | 05:29 |
mefisto_gofish | mmmmMMMM I am ready for kde4 | 05:30 |
pgraves__ | Ok, I updated /home=300GB, /=14GB | 05:30 |
chalmer | Daskreech> lol | 05:30 |
dwidmann | ouch, more than I thought, filelight says it's 1.9gb | 05:30 |
Daskreech | pgraves__: sure | 05:30 |
Daskreech | dwidmann: apt-get autoclean :-) | 05:30 |
pgraves__ | Ok is anyone here familiar with doing a linux software raid? (I think I understand what Im supposed to do, but would love to talk to someone) | 05:30 |
dwidmann | No, not until feisty is "released" | 05:31 |
dwidmann | I might just need this cache | 05:31 |
chalmer | Daskreech> lol... ive been doing that for the past 3 weeks now and got a big head ache now | 05:31 |
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philphoto | I need to lock a lib version & synaptic isn't applying the change. help? | 05:31 |
IPx- | Is there a theme manager in kubuntu? | 05:31 |
pgraves__ | Should I set the filesystem for ALL of those partitions (Except SWAP) to "Physical Volume for RAID"? | 05:32 |
dwidmann | IPx: alt +f2 -> kcontrol. Appearances -> themes | 05:32 |
mefisto_gofish | pgraves__: Sorry, I am not. Are you sure that's what you want to do? Everything I've read about software raid says it's slow, slow slow | 05:32 |
dwidmann | mefisto_gofish: It doesn't seem to bad from my experience. Then again, my computer can still give most any of the new ones on the market a good run for their money | 05:33 |
pgraves__ | What I read suggested it should be fine.... and TECHNICALLY I wanted hardware raid, but apparently my motherboard's "Hardware Raid" is only "Hardware" in Windows.... LOL, tell me thats not retarded... | 05:33 |
chalmer | Daskreech> gosh that was faster than running windows network wizard | 05:33 |
Daskreech | chalmer: yup | 05:33 |
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IPx- | dwidmann: cool thanks. I was looking around it System Settings for it :) | 05:33 |
philphoto | anyone? | 05:33 |
pgraves__ | Once again though...... should I set all the filesystems to "Physical volume for RAID"? | 05:33 |
mefisto_gofish | pgraves__: Is the hardware just not supported by the kernel or is it "hardware" raid in the same sense that winmodems are "hardware" | 05:33 |
dwidmann | pgraves__: the one on your motherboard is basically "FakeRaid", it's not really hardware in windows either | 05:33 |
dwidmann | It's really software raid, in windows it's just more transparent because you installed xyz drives off the motherboards cd | 05:34 |
dwidmann | *drivers | 05:34 |
pgraves__ | exactly its hardware in the sense of Windmodems are "hardware" | 05:34 |
pgraves__ | Biostar neglected to mention that in the advertising of course | 05:34 |
dwidmann | Yeah, I got hit with that too with my ASUS board | 05:35 |
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dwidmann | I used LVM instead of RAID anymore, seeing as I don't really need redundancy. | 05:35 |
mefisto_gofish | My machine has passed the 3 year mark... raid of any kind hasn't crossed my mind | 05:35 |
chalmer | Daskreech> ok now how do i get my other 4 computers w/ windows to reconize my kubuntu computer on my network? do i need to run tha ""Network set-up wizard" in windows again??/ | 05:35 |
pgraves__ | Dwidmann: Can you help me setup the software RAID, Im using the Ubuntu-6.10 Alternate CD (Text-based installer) and am at the point where partitions must manually be made | 05:35 |
posingaspopular | pgraves__, what do you need | 05:36 |
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dwidmann | pgraves__: planning on using the fakeraid? (dmraid), or pure software raid (mdadm)? | 05:36 |
pgraves__ | pure software raid | 05:36 |
pgraves__ | from what I read md seemed the best | 05:36 |
dwidmann | what raid level do you want to use? | 05:36 |
pgraves__ | 1 | 05:36 |
pgraves__ | just redundancy | 05:36 |
philphoto | need some help: I need to lock a library version and synaptic won't apply the change. | 05:36 |
dwidmann | kay | 05:36 |
chalmer | Daskreech> ok now how do i get my other 4 computers w/ windows to reconize my kubuntu computer on my network? do i need to run tha ""Network set-up wizard" in windows again??/ | 05:37 |
pgraves__ | I have 6 partitions created, /boot, /var, /tmp, /home, /, & SWAP | 05:37 |
dwidmann | pgraves__: there are some really nice wikis on the RAID setup. I'm going to dig them up for you | 05:37 |
pgraves__ | I was hoping to continually mirror all of those (except SWAP) to my other HDD | 05:37 |
pgraves__ | DWIDMANN: I probably have them (I have about a dozen onscreen, including the official Ubuntu one) | 05:38 |
Daskreech | chalmer: that's harder :-) | 05:38 |
pgraves__ | I just would really feel more comfortable working with someone to avoid misinterpreting the wikis | 05:38 |
chalmer | lol | 05:38 |
Daskreech | chalmer: what are you sharing from the Linux machine? | 05:38 |
chalmer | for real? | 05:38 |
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Daskreech | chalmer: what for real? | 05:38 |
dwidmann | pgraves, easiest time to do the raid setup is to do it while you're doing the installation, and not after (not to say that it can't be done after, I did) | 05:39 |
chalmer | ummmm... nothig yet i suppose | 05:39 |
dwidmann | (but it was more involved) | 05:39 |
pgraves__ | im at the install right now | 05:39 |
Daskreech | you just want to do it? | 05:39 |
pgraves__ | im at the manually edit partition section of the install (using Ubuntu 6.10 Alternate (text-based)) | 05:39 |
dwidmann | alternate cd right? during the manual partitioning section is where you can do the raid | 05:40 |
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pgraves__ | yup | 05:40 |
dwidmann | Create two partitions on two disks | 05:40 |
dwidmann | make them RAW RAID volumes (or whichever it was) | 05:40 |
dwidmann | It's something like that anyhow | 05:40 |
Daskreech | ubuntu? pffffft | 05:40 |
dwidmann | LVM setup is done the same way | 05:40 |
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pgraves__ | Thats what I thought... BUT when I do that it removes the mount point? Is that ok? | 05:40 |
dwidmann | Yeah | 05:40 |
pgraves__ | kk, one moment | 05:41 |
dwidmann | now, along the top in the main manual edit partition screen | 05:41 |
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dwidmann | there should be something that speaks of RAID, pick it | 05:41 |
chalmer | Daskreech> ok then will or can windows see my linux comp. on tha network?since it does'nt support linux | 05:41 |
dwidmann | It will ask you which volumes you want to make part of the RAID set, pick the two you just made, and continue | 05:42 |
Daskreech | chalmer: you can do it three ways | 05:42 |
pbcustom98 | ok question: everytime i login, i have to setup my resolution thru the nvidia control panel...how do i change this? ( saved it to my xorg config) | 05:42 |
dwidmann | There will now be another partition listed, this one a RAID partition, from here you can format it and assign a mount point | 05:42 |
chalmer | Daskreech> ok | 05:42 |
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Daskreech | chalmer: the fastest easiest way is the most annoying under windows the hardest way to setup is the easiest to use under windows | 05:42 |
chalmer | Daskreech> ok uuhhhhhhmmmmmm what does that mean n english | 05:44 |
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Daskreech | chalmer: the easy setup is annoying to access in windows | 05:44 |
Daskreech | the hard setup (very annoying) will be easy to use though | 05:45 |
pbcustom98 | ok question: everytime i login, i have to setup my resolution thru the nvidia control panel...how do i change this? ( saved it to my xorg config) | 05:45 |
pgraves__ | DWIDMAN: One moment, Im still setting up the partitions, Ive created each partition twice now (once per hard drive). However, should I create a SWAP partition on both hard drives? (I dont want my system to actually use both swap partitions, but if one hard drive fails I want the other to be fully functional) | 05:45 |
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chalmer | Daskreech> so the network wizard in windows it out of tha question | 05:45 |
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Daskreech | chalmer: no run it in linux :-) | 05:46 |
chalmer | Daskreech> so what other options do i got left? | 05:46 |
Daskreech | chalmer: there are three ways to get Windows to see Linux I can think of | 05:46 |
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pgraves__ | ? | 05:47 |
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Daskreech | there is an easy install | 05:47 |
Daskreech | which is going to suck when you try and access it | 05:47 |
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ubuntu | intelikey got dialup lame | 05:48 |
chalmer | Daskreech> i did run it in linux and it shows all 5 computers w/ windows so do i need to restart all 5 of them to see my linux comp | 05:48 |
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Daskreech | and a hard install that will be very easy to get to in windows | 05:48 |
aza | oii | 05:48 |
pgraves__ | Dwidmann, still with me? | 05:48 |
dwidmann | pgraves: I'd avoid doing it with swap, it's not necessary | 05:48 |
pgraves__ | what do you mean? | 05:49 |
dwidmann | pgraves__: also, it might complicate things if you do the boot partition too, but I'm not sure. | 05:49 |
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dwidmann | pgraves__ from what I've read the swap stripes by default if you have more than one swap partition, and that will give better performance anyhow | 05:49 |
crazy_bus | in windows you could quickly open things with windows key+a letter. Does kubuntu have shortcuts like this? | 05:50 |
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philphoto | need to lock a library version in synaptic but it's not applying the change. help please? | 05:50 |
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intelikey | aza hmmm oh yeah dialup. | 05:51 |
Daskreech | crazy_bus: what are you talking about? | 05:52 |
intelikey | aza you can buy me a satalite if you want... :) | 05:52 |
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Daskreech | there is no win+a | 05:52 |
Daskreech | crazy_bus: In any case alt+space | 05:52 |
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crazy_bus | to load windows explorer you pressed windowkey+e. To search winkey+f etc | 05:52 |
chalmer | Daskreech> i take it that linux does not support .wma music files since i just went to them on my windows comp. when i open tha music folders they are empty | 05:53 |
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Daskreech | !w32 | 05:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about w32 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:53 |
tmbg | takes whatever extra codec stuff. | 05:53 |
Daskreech | !w32codecs | 05:53 |
ubotu | Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs | 05:53 |
tmbg | yeah that. | 05:53 |
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Daskreech | !codecs | chalmer. Read this | 05:54 |
ubotu | chalmer. Read this: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 05:54 |
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intelikey | system seems a little lighter now. | 05:56 |
philphoto | hello there? | 05:56 |
intelikey | of course i had to reinstall the irc client and related support (ppp and friends) | 05:57 |
philphoto | I need to lock a library version in synaptic but it's not applying my change. need some help with this issue. | 05:57 |
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pgraves__ | im really confused now...... I created 6 partitions on each hard drive, I then changed 5 on each hard drive to be "physical volume for raid", I then chose "configure software raid" and did "create new "md device". It asked me how many active partitions and how many spares, I told them 5 each... then it asked me to select the 5 actives (i did so) and then it asked me to select the 5 spares (which I also did). After doing all | 05:59 |
pgraves__ | e everything is still the way I left it EXCEPT now there is an extra device called "RAID DEVICE" which has a partition of 147.9MB | 05:59 |
pgraves__ | The closest partition I have to this is my partition that I palanned to ues for /boot (which is 148MB) | 05:59 |
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pgraves__ | Did it just RAID only the first partition and I still have to raid the others? If so why did it ask me for actives & spares... why didnt it ask me for an active (singular) and A Spare (singular) | 05:59 |
pgraves__ | ? | 06:00 |
dwidmann | pgraves__: assuming you only want pairs, you do only one pair at a time | 06:00 |
pgraves__ | oh | 06:00 |
pgraves__ | well then | 06:00 |
pgraves__ | kk, one sec | 06:00 |
dwidmann | you'd have to jump back into that dialog 2 more times | 06:00 |
dwidmann | just connect the dots with the partitions of like sizes | 06:00 |
intelikey | 2 more times ? | 06:01 |
intelikey | 4 more | 06:01 |
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dwidmann | how many pairs is he making again o.O | 06:02 |
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intelikey | dwidmann 5 pairs | 06:03 |
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dwidmann | ah well | 06:04 |
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intelikey | me thinks five active and five spare equals five pairs | 06:05 |
dwidmann | I bet you do | 06:05 |
=== dwidmann is doing about 7 things at once ... | ||
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pgraves__ | Ok, I just setup FIVE RAID PAIRs (I created FIVE MDs) | 06:06 |
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coty | can someone tell me were control center is | 06:07 |
pgraves__ | now I presume I then modify the created "RAID Partitions" to reflect their mount points | 06:07 |
intelikey | coty alt+f2 kcontrol | 06:07 |
coty | thanks | 06:07 |
inteliwasp | !fchk | 06:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fchk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:08 |
pgraves__ | If so, should they all be ext3 or is there any reason to do otherwise? (Besides Other OS Compatibility) | 06:08 |
Betzefer | what gui firewall do u use ? | 06:08 |
philphoto | if anyone can help me with this problem, I'd appreciate it: I need to lock a library version and synaptic won't apply my changes. help needed | 06:08 |
pbcustom98 | ok question: everytime i login, i have to setup my resolution thru the nvidia control panel...how do i change this? ( saved it to my xorg config) | 06:08 |
intelikey | Betzefer firewall ? | 06:08 |
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Betzefer | gui firewall | 06:09 |
intelikey | !firewall | 06:09 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 06:09 |
Betzefer | like firestarter | 06:09 |
pgraves__ | intelikey or dwidmann..... is there any reason for them not to be ext3 for my /boot, /home, /, /tmp, & /var ? | 06:09 |
dwidmann | pgraves__: no, not really. | 06:09 |
intelikey | pgraves__ nothing official. but i have had less trubble with ext2 than with ext3 that's only personal exp. | 06:10 |
dwidmann | Only thing you'll ever need to watch out for is that /boot can never be on an xfs partition | 06:10 |
pgraves__ | Ok, writing changes to disk (Something tells me this is going to take a while) | 06:10 |
pgraves__ | OS Installing | 06:10 |
pgraves__ | :: Crosses Fingers :: | 06:11 |
intelikey | dwidmann gnome issue ? | 06:11 |
dwidmann | GNOME? what would that have to do with me again exactly? | 06:11 |
intelikey | sorry. grub | 06:11 |
dwidmann | Yes. | 06:11 |
intelikey | duh it's saturday night.... | 06:11 |
dwidmann | hehe, I know the feeling, sort of. | 06:12 |
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intelikey | dwidmann then using lilo would probably circumvent that issue. | 06:12 |
pgraves__ | Now, so the THEORY is if I save data to this system and then I shut down the system and unplug one of the HDDs I should still have the data and then if I shut down again and unplug the remaining hard drive but replug the first hard drive I would still have the data also correct? Basically if I unplug EITHER hard drives I should be able to boot into Ubuntu and access ANY data that was saved while both hard drives were in the | 06:13 |
philphoto | I need to lock a library version and synaptic won't apply my changes. help needed | 06:13 |
dwidmann | Probably, but it's faster just to set it up this way (with ext2 /boot partition). I'm more familiar with grub anyhow | 06:13 |
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pgraves__ | ARGH and error just popped up while installing | 06:13 |
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pgraves__ | "Unable to install the selected kernel" | 06:13 |
intelikey | pgraves__ i see one flaw in the idea the boot process... | 06:14 |
philphoto | in theory that's right, but I just separated a RAID 1 array (windows) and thank goodness I had everything backed up, because now I just have two separate drives & unreadable partitions. | 06:14 |
dwidmann | pgraves: you didn't do the RAID on the /boot partition did you? That's usually a bad idea, it will cause the installer to bomb out | 06:15 |
intelikey | dwidmann lilo is a walk in the park. i now have both setup and can bat back and forth between at boot time. | 06:15 |
philphoto | well, not so much anymore :) now that I have two different distros installed on both of them. | 06:15 |
pgraves__ | yes, I did the raid on the boot partition.... I wanted to make the hdd a COMPLETE mirror.... i.e. if could unplug EITHER hard drive any the server would still boot/function properly | 06:15 |
dwidmann | pgraves__: let me see if I can find something on getting that to work then, I'm not sure if it's doable or not thoguh | 06:16 |
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intelikey | pgraves__ same size disks ? | 06:16 |
pgraves__ | identical | 06:16 |
pgraves__ | and all of the partitions are identical | 06:16 |
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pgraves__ | more specifically the kernel package its trying is "linux-image-generic" | 06:17 |
intelikey | idea. setup on one. don't do raid at all. when finished dd the one to the other. total mirror | 06:17 |
pgraves__ | dd? | 06:17 |
intelikey | yep. | 06:17 |
pgraves__ | what is dd? | 06:17 |
intelikey | man dd | 06:17 |
pgraves__ | dd looks more aimed for files not for partitions | 06:18 |
intelikey | they ported dd to dos under the name "rawwrite.exe" well sort of a port.... | 06:18 |
intelikey | pgraves__ nope. and even if it were so. everything is a file. | 06:19 |
pgraves__ | so Intelikey, your suggestion is to raid EVERYTHING except /boot, then once the OS is loaded image /boot to the corresponding partition I have setup for /boot? | 06:19 |
intelikey | no i don't think that's what i said. | 06:20 |
intelikey | let me not confuse you some more maybe. | 06:20 |
pgraves__ | you mean dd ALL the partitions? | 06:20 |
intelikey | i mean dd the disk | 06:20 |
=== hawk_ [n=hawk@adsl-75-14-197-171.dsl.renocs.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pgraves__ | but dd is a one time thing, not an ongoing action | 06:20 |
pgraves__ | I need realtime mirroring | 06:20 |
intelikey | oh then why were you talking unplug ? | 06:21 |
Voorhees86 | how i install java jsk6 | 06:21 |
Voorhees86 | jdk6 | 06:21 |
Voorhees86 | ? | 06:21 |
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hawk_ | if the nv logo dos not show up at start up dos that mean the drivers are not working | 06:22 |
pgraves__ | Basically.... my server has two hard drives... I want them to be COMPLETE mirrors of one another. Once this is done I want to test it by shutting the system down..... and rebooting with one of the HDDs unplugged, then once I see that working I will try rebooting with only the OTHER HDD plugged in that way I know they're both fully bootable and mirrored) | 06:22 |
intelikey | hawk_ i think that's right. | 06:22 |
=== azriel [i=azriel@adsl-074-244-064-237.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pgraves__ | and I want the mirrors to continually update.... Im trying to setup redundancy | 06:22 |
philphoto | help please. I need to lock a library version and synaptic is not applying my changes. help please. | 06:23 |
hawk_ | dam how can i get them to work i have downloaded them with adept | 06:23 |
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intelikey | pgraves__ i may be wrong about it, probably am, but i think you will need a blank drive to replace the one you remove if you dont want the raid to crap out.... someone may need to step in on that. | 06:24 |
intelikey | !nv | hawk_ | 06:25 |
ubotu | hawk_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:25 |
intelikey | best i can do for you on that hawk_ | 06:25 |
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hawk_ | intelikey:thanks man anything helps | 06:25 |
philphoto | anyone out there that may be able to help? | 06:25 |
hawk_ | !opengl | 06:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about opengl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:25 |
pgraves__ | Intelikey... I have TWO blank drives right now.... what Im trying to do is to setup a RAID option so that if 2 years down the road one of them fails, the other will boot fine and contain all useful data | 06:25 |
intelikey | i tried to get the packaged drivers to work for my system and failed perfectly well. | 06:26 |
carutsu | hey how do i mount shared windows folders? | 06:26 |
intelikey | pgraves__ but if you remove one and don't put a blank in it's place and power the system wont it "unraid" it's self ? | 06:26 |
Voorhees86 | how i install java jdk6? | 06:27 |
intelikey | !jdk | 06:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about jdk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:27 |
intelikey | me and the bot both drew a blank on that... | 06:27 |
dwidmann | hmm, I wonder if you could effectively mirror the /boot using rsync or similar | 06:27 |
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intelikey | !sun-java5-jdk | 06:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sun-java5-jdk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:28 |
dwidmann | Voorhees86: I thought it was in the backports repository? | 06:28 |
intelikey | !sun-java5-jdk dapper | 06:28 |
soulrider | intelikey: the package is sun-java6-jdk | 06:28 |
soulrider | java 5 is old :P | 06:28 |
intelikey | !info sun-java5-jdk dapper | 06:28 |
ubotu | sun-java5-jdk: Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 5.0. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-06-1 (dapper), package size 4868 kB, installed size 11548 kB | 06:28 |
intelikey | !info sun-java6-jdk edgy | 06:28 |
ubotu | Package sun-java6-jdk does not exist in edgy | 06:28 |
philphoto | I think the easiest way to have a mirror backup drive is using an external set to backup 100% data | 06:28 |
carutsu | hey how do i mount shared windows folders? | 06:28 |
philphoto | instead of RAID. | 06:28 |
intelikey | !info sun-java*-jdk edgy | 06:28 |
ubotu | Package sun-java-jdk does not exist in edgy | 06:28 |
=== dac_ [n=dac@tx-76-6-81-157.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pgraves__ | The way RAIDs normally work is Your system acts like its running only one Hard drive (so even though you have 2 hard drives, you're not actually able to store two hard drives worth of data). Everytime you save something to one hard drive, it also is saved to the second hard drive.... the idea is if the primary (or secondary) fails the other one kicks in, a RAID's status is normally continually available, such as healthy (all | 06:28 |
pgraves__ | isks are failing or failed). If I setup a raid and boot without one of hte disks, I should still be able to boot, but should be informed that the RAID status is degraded | 06:28 |
Voorhees86 | yeah dosent exist | 06:29 |
pgraves__ | dwidmann any ideas? | 06:29 |
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intelikey | !info sun-java6-jdk feisty | 06:29 |
ubotu | sun-java6-jdk: Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-00-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 9269 kB, installed size 31240 kB | 06:29 |
=== azriel [i=azriel@adsl-074-244-064-237.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has left #kubuntu [] | ||
philphoto | anyone willing to help? | 06:29 |
intelikey | Voorhees86 what release are you running ? | 06:29 |
dwidmann | pgraves__: none other than the aforementioned | 06:29 |
=== hawk_ [n=hawk@adsl-75-14-197-171.dsl.renocs.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dwidmann | philphoto: might be able to get a better response to something about synaptic in #ubuntu | 06:30 |
philphoto | thanks. | 06:30 |
carutsu | can anyone tell me how do i mount shared windows folders? | 06:30 |
intelikey | Voorhees86 ? | 06:31 |
hawk_ | intelilkey: how old are you | 06:31 |
intelikey | hawk_ yeah | 06:31 |
intelikey | !nfs | 06:31 |
ubotu | nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS. | 06:31 |
intelikey | carutsu ^ and !samba | 06:32 |
Voorhees86 | 1.6 | 06:32 |
hawk_ | intelikey: becouse i owe you a beer | 06:32 |
pgraves__ | dwidmann, your suggestion is to not raid /boot correct? | 06:32 |
hawk_ | cold beer | 06:32 |
intelikey | hawk_ too old for that. but thanks just the same. | 06:32 |
hawk_ | ;) | 06:32 |
hawk_ | intelikey: yeah just forgot one step and then i did it and it all working | 06:33 |
carutsu | intelikey yes im wel aware of samba but there's a package i need before i can mount a folder as smb but ic ant recall what was | 06:33 |
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intelikey | Voorhees86 in a konsole do lsb_release -a and tell me the code name please | 06:33 |
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intelikey | !samba | 06:34 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 06:34 |
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=== intelikey wonders if it's possable to raid whole disks | ||
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pgraves__ | according to the interweb it is | 06:36 |
intelikey | link ? | 06:36 |
=== intelikey doubts any thing mentioned about whole disk anything | ||
pgraves__ | True, they did not mention whole disk, but they do offer screenshots to partition setup | 06:37 |
intelikey | hardware raid would i guess. | 06:37 |
hawk_ | anyone know a good cd burning program that will burn music cds from mp3s | 06:37 |
pgraves__ | http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html | 06:38 |
intelikey | pgraves__ i don't use partitions. | 06:38 |
surgy | im trying to get panda 3d to work on my kubuntu 6.10 edgy install and im trying to compile from source, im finding out that its not the usual steps in a compile can someone help please? | 06:38 |
=== donnie [n=donnie@64-250-221-27.dyn.highspeed.pldi.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
HaSH | !k3b > hawk_ | 06:38 |
HaSH | !k3b | hawk_ | 06:38 |
ubotu | hawk_: k3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto | 06:38 |
intelikey | surgy all the normal "install build-essential and kernel headers" jargon covered already ? | 06:39 |
pgraves__ | Would it do any good to consider setting this up as ext2 instead of ext3 (could THAT be the issue)? | 06:39 |
pgraves__ | dwidmann..... I never heard back from you..... was your suggestion to simply not try booting off the raid? | 06:40 |
intelikey | i can't say no to that pgraves__ | 06:40 |
surgy | intelikey: can you be a tad bit more clear on our question please? | 06:40 |
hawk_ | thanx that worked | 06:41 |
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dwidmann | pgraves__: that'd be the easiest way yes | 06:41 |
dwidmann | Perhaps you could just regularly back up that partiton also, with a cron job or something | 06:42 |
hawk_ | will k3b burn mp4 files divx to vcd or dvd | 06:42 |
intelikey | surgy just asking if you had everything you needed to install installed befor you tried to build ? | 06:43 |
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surgy | intelikey: well the source package comes with a comprehensive set of additional tools to aid in game developement the readme file says to compile all the tools i want and then compile panda | 06:44 |
pgraves__ | dwidman.... /boot simply contains the kernel files required to initiate boot... and unless I change my kernel those wont change, correct? | 06:44 |
surgy | intelikey: short answer: to the best of my knowledge | 06:44 |
intelikey | ok so what is the error message ? | 06:44 |
surgy | intelikey: no error message, wait, i think its installed via a python script | 06:45 |
=== JohnFlux_ [n=JohnFlux@cpc3-brig10-0-0-cust96.brig.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bill__k | Hi, monitor and display preferences are not working for me. I just installed the fglrx binary drivers, now when I click the admin mode, to get out of 640x480 res, the border changes to red and it locks up | 06:45 |
bill__k | again "Monitor and Display" options under system settings | 06:45 |
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intelikey | surgy yeah an ls --color=auto in the root dir of the source is always the best start | 06:46 |
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hawk_ | bill_k what video card do you have | 06:47 |
bill__k | ati9800pro. | 06:47 |
bill__k | I was originally trying to install the binary driver for dual monitor support | 06:47 |
bill__k | now I just want out of 640x480 lol | 06:47 |
dwidmann | pgraves__: correct | 06:47 |
intelikey | well you fellows will "perscuse" me now, i'm went. | 06:48 |
hawk_ | bill_k well sorry i cant find anything | 06:49 |
pgraves__ | HOLY (INSERT preferred slang for fecal matter here), I THINK ITS WORKING... I changed all the partitions to EXT2 & reaffirmed that mount points were set for all raid partitions and it APPEARs to have gotten past where it was stuck | 06:49 |
bill__k | hawk_: thanks for looking | 06:49 |
dwidmann | hooray | 06:49 |
hawk_ | np | 06:49 |
=== sonoftheclayr [n=luke@C-59-101-159-206.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pgraves__ | :: Crosses fingers again :: | 06:50 |
dwidmann | oh, and pgraves, setting the mountpoints isn't strictly necessary ... I sometimes find it faster to do them after, all at once :) | 06:50 |
surgy | intelikey: it seams that im missing g++ what package do i need to get? | 06:51 |
pgraves__ | g++ | 06:52 |
hawk_ | bill_k take a look at this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI?highlight=%28ati%29 | 06:52 |
surgy | pgraves__: g++ is the name of the package? | 06:52 |
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pgraves__ | yup | 06:52 |
vids | I have problems with KDE... anybody can helpme? | 06:53 |
pgraves__ | dwidmann: Unless just doing it twice made it suddenly work, the only thing I did was change all the partitions to ext2 instead of ext3 and then reset the mount points (Remember the issue I was having was that it was saying it couldnt copy the kernel to the system) | 06:54 |
dwidmann | pgraves__: Yeah, the installer is picky that way | 06:54 |
pgraves__ | You think it was teh ext3? | 06:54 |
dwidmann | quite probably | 06:54 |
hawk_ | anyone know if k3b can burn mp4 and dix | 06:55 |
dwidmann | I'm pretty sure the only partition that mattered was /boot though prgraves | 06:55 |
Voorhees86 | any one knows a lightweight java ide | 06:55 |
dwidmann | *pgraves__ | 06:55 |
dwidmann | Voorhees86: vim? | 06:56 |
dwidmann | j/k | 06:56 |
Voorhees86 | ?? | 06:56 |
pgraves__ | likely | 06:56 |
dwidmann | !info vim | Voorhees86 | 06:56 |
ubotu | voorhees86: vim: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.0-035+1ubuntu5 (edgy), package size 718 kB, installed size 1420 kB | 06:56 |
=== Rocker3358 [n=rocker@pool-70-105-1-245.rich.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dwidmann | age-old text editor ... with the appropriate scripts it could probably be made useful though. That's as lightweight as you get ..... I was trying to be funny, I think | 06:58 |
=== jack_deltrino [n=jack_del@adsl-68-126-212-54.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jack_deltrino | How can I rsync to an alternative port? | 06:58 |
jack_deltrino | rsync -avze ssh --port=10000 .... doesn't seem to connect on port 10000 | 06:58 |
surgy | im trying to compile pand3d from source using the makepanda system and i recieved the following errors: http://www.pastebin.ca/419249 can someone shed some light on this for me please? | 06:59 |
Voorhees86 | i install the jdk1.6 but command javac dosent work | 06:59 |
dwidmann | Voorhees86: you need to run sudo update-alternatives --config java | 07:00 |
dwidmann | and for javac too | 07:00 |
dwidmann | etc | 07:00 |
surgy | anyone ? | 07:01 |
Voorhees86 | no alternative for javac | 07:02 |
sonoftheclayr | why is that when i scroll up and down the edge of the touchpad in edgy using kde 3.5.6 as in the kubuntu repos does it scroll but not in feisty? | 07:02 |
dwidmann | Voorhees86: where did you install from? If you download the .bin from sun.com you'll need to add the java bin directory to the path | 07:02 |
dwidmann | ** $PATH that is | 07:02 |
hawk_ | is avi mp4 formats supported by k3b and what do i have to do about get them | 07:02 |
Voorhees86 | no, i install from repository | 07:03 |
dwidmann | hawk, I suppose it would likely depend on what the video/audio codecs used were | 07:03 |
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dwidmann | try it and see if it works? | 07:03 |
dwidmann | and if it doesn't work ... try k3b 1.0, it's vastly improved | 07:03 |
hawk_ | did and it said no you only mp1 and mp2 supported but can i get mp4 | 07:04 |
dwidmann | surgy: looks liike greek to me o.O | 07:04 |
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dwidmann | hawk: try version 1.0, if it doesn't support it you probably won't get support for it from k3b | 07:04 |
pope1 | I think Surgy left, dwid... | 07:04 |
pope1 | lol | 07:04 |
pollyo | !kvm | 07:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kvm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:05 |
dwidmann | thinking is obviously not on my agenda today | 07:05 |
dwidmann | neither is paying attention ^^; | 07:05 |
pope1 | It happens. | 07:05 |
=== SilentDis [n=alex@wdwi0pool0-a143.wi.tds.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
SilentDis | hello :) | 07:05 |
hawk_ | how do i update to k3b 1.0 | 07:05 |
dwidmann | hawk_: manually ... | 07:05 |
hawk_ | ok thanks | 07:06 |
dwidmann | download the source and compile it .. | 07:06 |
hawk_ | omg | 07:06 |
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pollyo | I was able to install it though adept. Perhaps that is because I am running feisty? | 07:06 |
jack_deltrino | Anyone? | 07:06 |
=== dwidmann wonders why it hasn't been backported yet :D | ||
pollyo | (in reference to k3b) | 07:06 |
=== impulsive [n=impulsiv@S01060016d461fcc9.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dwidmann | pollyo: which version do you have installed? | 07:07 |
SilentDis | as I slowly switch from Gnome to KDE, I prefer to use 'kde specific apps', to get the 'full' experience. what would everyone recommend for a good CD ripper? I want to go from audio CD to MP3s via LAME. I'm used to GRip, and will continue to use it, unless someone can suggest something more geared to KDE :) | 07:07 |
dwidmann | ahah | 07:07 |
bill__k | hawk_: tried replacing xorg.conf with a backup and it didn't work so i i finally just rm'ed /etc/X11/xorg.conf*. killed x and it worked! (probably not a great solution, because then i'd be stuck fixing the whole thing cli, but I got lucky) | 07:07 |
dwidmann | It must be a new one in there | 07:07 |
pollyo | dwidmann: I'm loading it now to recheck. I thought it updated to 1.0 | 07:07 |
dwidmann | It has showed up within the last several days | 07:07 |
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bill__k | !binarydrivers | 07:07 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 07:07 |
hawk_ | bill_k thats good | 07:07 |
bill__k | same link for kubuntu | 07:07 |
=== comrade [n=comrade@c-71-58-80-55.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dwidmann | I finished my dist-upgrade monday or tuesday and k3b 1.0 wasn't in then | 07:08 |
comrade | where are the resolution settings in kubuntu | 07:08 |
hawk_ | bill_k will i tink i will keep that in mind the next time some one has the same problem | 07:08 |
pollyo | I have k3b 1.0 | 07:08 |
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dwidmann | As for installing it on non-feisty though, i don't think it's possible, it just has too many updated dependencies to be feasable I'm sure | 07:08 |
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dwidmann | pollyo, I know, I just haven't been keeping up with the updates since I dist-upgraded | 07:09 |
pollyo | I am on feisty though... That could be why... | 07:09 |
pollyo | dwidmann: Oh.. | 07:09 |
=== Tido [n=tido@c-71-204-53-66.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pollyo | anyone use qemu and kvm? | 07:10 |
SilentDis | can anyone recommend a good CD Ripping app for KDE? (I'm using GRip, but am curious if there's any good KDE apps out there) | 07:10 |
dwidmann | SilentDis: K3b is solid | 07:11 |
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dwidmann | I'm fairly certain Konqueror, Kaffeine, and KAudioCreator share the same backend for doing their ripping, and they work okay also | 07:11 |
SilentDis | dwidmann: kind of an 'all in one' deal, eh? i'm still trying to find a package of 1.0 somewhere to install (edgy eft here still) | 07:11 |
=== impulsive [n=impulsiv@S01060016d461fcc9.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dwidmann | SilentDis, if you're lucky you might get a backport, more likely though, you'll have to wait for feisty, or compile it yourself (not too hard really) | 07:12 |
SilentDis | dwidmann: I was thinking of compiling it, or just grabbing the debian package... though feisty is less than 1 month away, I'll probably just wait :) | 07:13 |
=== SilentDis thinks Valkryja has anger management issues | ||
dwidmann | I upgraded when Feisty hit beta .... I always wait for the beta ... saves me trouble, and trouble is bad when you don't have a whole lot of bandwidth | 07:14 |
=== jordo23 [n=jordo23@CPE-70-94-41-77.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
SilentDis | dwidmann: yeah, not sure what I'm gonna do. I'm stuck on dialup out here in the boonies :(. probably order DVDs from amazon when they hit :P | 07:14 |
dwidmann | "[01:14] <-- Valkryja has left this server ("what type of FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT SOFTWARE requires you to RESTART YOUR MOTHER FUCKING COMPUTER TO DELETE A DAMN TEXT FILE")." Windows? | 07:14 |
mrigns | lol | 07:15 |
dwidmann | SilentDis: I pay an arm and a leg for satellite, also a fair way out of town | 07:15 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o nixternal] by ChanServ | ||
=== matrix [n=matrix@c-69-142-112-120.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
SilentDis | dwidmann: yeah, i looked over all the Sat providers, the caps they all put on there are REALLY a turn-off for me, I'd exceed them weekly, and I know it. add in that I play WoW, and the 3000ms lag would NOT be acceptable lol | 07:16 |
matrix | hi | 07:16 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+b *!*@c-24-12-114-72.hsd1.il.comcast.net] by nixternal | ||
comrade | where is the command to adjust your video settings in kde | 07:17 |
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=== SilentDis is listening to a lounge version of "Black Hole Sun" by Steve & Eydie O.o | ||
pgraves__ | g2g .... going home ppls... THANKS Everyone (I may jump back in from home).... Extra Thanks to Dwiddma | 07:18 |
pgraves__ | dwidmann* | 07:18 |
pollyo | comrade: K > System Settings > Monitor & Display | 07:18 |
dwidmann | later | 07:18 |
dwidmann | and you're welcome | 07:19 |
dwidmann | silentdis: the caps are awful ..... and the lag is actually more like 1500ms ... | 07:19 |
comrade | pollyo: what is the command for it, it's not appearing on my menu | 07:19 |
pollyo | comrade: I do not know. I use the GUI | 07:20 |
SilentDis | dwidmann: still, I'm actually effective with dialup, i usually hover around 350ms pings, only inital loads are 'rough', but once i'm in, I'm fine. | 07:20 |
dwidmann | Oh, and those caps, I think I exceed them daily, when kubuntu is nearing release time ... | 07:20 |
SilentDis | dwidmann: lol i bet | 07:20 |
tmbg | comrade, systemsettings -caption "%c" %i %m | 07:20 |
dwidmann | I think I can do about 170mb, then I'm out-of-commission for about 12 hours, then I do it again, etc | 07:21 |
tmbg | comrade, seems to be at /usr/bin/systemsettings | 07:21 |
comrade | i just added kde to an xubuntu install, seems to be leaving out things like that in the menu | 07:21 |
comrade | that doesnt exist as a command for me :/ | 07:22 |
pollyo | I hope kqemu speeds qemu up quite a bit.... I've been installing windows xp for an hour and it is still working on copying files. | 07:22 |
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SilentDis | dwidmann: you know... it might actually be a GOOD idea to throttle your eth0 connection to only allow you to use it up after around 15 days. i remember seeing an article about doing just that... let me poke a bit... | 07:22 |
pope1 | Who the hell would put their monitor orientation to "upsidedown", save as a joke one someone else's box? | 07:22 |
pope1 | o_O | 07:22 |
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SilentDis | pope1: because it's funny. lol | 07:23 |
dwidmann | silentdis, it's not like that actually, it's just a 170mb cap ... when I hit it it goes death slow for about 12 hours, then I can do it again. No monthly limit or the like. | 07:23 |
dwidmann | pope1: that sounds like a pretty good joke to me, I think I might pull it on my brother | 07:24 |
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SilentDis | dwidmann: ahhh. whom is your provider? maybe throttle to allow 170mb over a 4-hr period only? i dunno | 07:24 |
unfo | hi all, can dh_make_perl automatically download the Perl module for Bundle::Perl::Critic and the entire tree of modules it depends on, then build .debs of them all, with one command? | 07:24 |
tmbg | pope1, some sorts of lcd's and plasmas and whatnot are more conveniently mounted on walls upside-down | 07:24 |
dwidmann | Silentdis, something like that, one of the many hughsnet/direcway resellers | 07:24 |
SilentDis | dwidmann: ahh. i was looking at WildBlue, they sent me PaperSpam recently :P | 07:25 |
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pollyo | Perhap the option was made for monitors that are set in table tops so the display can be flipped much like table top arcade games that can have two players taking turns. | 07:26 |
pope1 | Or maybe for some programmer who liked the joke... | 07:26 |
dwidmann | mmhmm, so you looked and said no, or a definite maybe at best I'm guessing ..... satellite providers are like thieves I swear | 07:26 |
pollyo | pope1: That may be how it was first made. <grin> | 07:26 |
pope1 | Whatever, I just saw it and was like...WTF? | 07:26 |
=== pope1 hides free broadband provided by school... | ||
pope1 | Not that it's very /good/, but it's free. | 07:28 |
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SilentDis | dwidmann: yeah. this is about the 'best' deal i've seen. $200 in equipment, $60/month for their 'basic' package that, as I said, I would eat in about 3 days. their best package would set me back $80/month, and I'd eat it in about a week and a half :P | 07:28 |
SilentDis | dwidmann: what REALLY sucks, is there's only CMDA cell towers around here. also, there IS a wifi broadband provider about 10mi away, and the tech they use can reach 15 mi... they just don't wanna stretch it beyond 5mi, so they won't sell to me :( | 07:30 |
pope1 | SilentDis: yeah, a friend of mine lives way out in the boonies of Maryland. She told me she can get service at the end of her street, but not in her house. | 07:31 |
SilentDis | pope1: aak lol | 07:31 |
dwidmann | silentdis: I know the feeling, I'm 20,000 feet from the dsl place .... probably about 15 miles from the nearest wireless place. In other words, SOL but not by a lot | 07:31 |
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SilentDis | dwidmann: lol i'm 11.9kft from the CO. they have all the equip in place... but no data backhaul, only a line for phone service! i hate verizon :P | 07:32 |
chemicalvamp | hehe im within 40 yards of a neighbors wireless router xD | 07:32 |
=== SilentDis hates chemicalvamp lol | ||
pope1 | vamp: that's what my dad does, leeches off the neighbors... | 07:32 |
=== dwidmann joins in the hating | ||
chemicalvamp | poorstrength, but still like 60kbps dl | 07:33 |
=== pope1 would be a hypocrite if he joined the hate. | ||
SilentDis | chemicalvamp: that's better than 2.5k/sec! *pouts* | 07:33 |
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pollyo | Any idea why I wouldn't be able to use kqemu? Where would I find information on requirements for it? | 07:33 |
dwidmann | SilentDis: ouch | 07:33 |
dwidmann | not even 4? ... blah | 07:34 |
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SilentDis | dwidmann: my phonelines SUCK. i have ultra high-end shielded solid copper wire coming from the box outside to a SINGLE phone jack that the modem connects to. and that's still the best I can get. | 07:35 |
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=== SilentDis thinks the phonelines are older than she is :P | ||
dwidmann | SilentDis: I think I was getting about the same on dialup really. | 07:36 |
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dwidmann | perhaps less if that's even possible | 07:36 |
chemicalvamp | lol wow irc.ubuntu.com - lag: 192 s (back to 1snow | 07:36 |
SilentDis | dwidmann: if there's a lot of wind, it gets worse. I think my lines are up on poles out there somewhere :P | 07:37 |
harry | I am using GNOME with Amarok. How do I keep it from popping up the blue box that tells you the current song every time a song ends? | 07:37 |
tmbg | learn to love and enjoy the annoying blue box1 | 07:37 |
SilentDis | harry: it's a setting. let me open mine right quick to find it for ya :) | 07:38 |
dwidmann | silent, kind of like when it rains, I lose my connection ... | 07:38 |
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dwidmann | or if there is a cloud in the sky ... | 07:38 |
SilentDis | harry: Settings > Configure Amarok > OSD > Remove check for "Use On-Screen-Display" | 07:38 |
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harry | OK. Thanks. Also, is there a way I can see the Help menu in GNOME? | 07:39 |
sonoftheclayr | does anyone else have problems with amarok in feisty? | 07:39 |
SilentDis | dwidmann: i'm curious if the xm/sirius merger will finally have them realize they can do single-directional broadband offerings (upload via dialup, download via sat). they transmit their music at around 500kbps last I checked into it. | 07:40 |
DrOnline | I have a problem with amarok in feisty, arts isn't showing up =\ | 07:40 |
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sonoftheclayr | mine keeps locking up after i go to play an mp3 and mp3 support isn't installed (i could've sworn it was) | 07:41 |
SilentDis | harry: that'll be a tough one. I installed the full kubuntu-desktop package when I was using armarok under gnome, and it worked... but I assume it was because i had the other stuff too. I'm not sure which package provides that, sorry :( | 07:41 |
harry | sonoftheclayr: Yeah, I had problems [ wouldn't start] , but I had some other problems with Feisty, so I reinstalled Edgy. | 07:41 |
harry | OK. Is there an online manual? | 07:41 |
sonoftheclayr | harry: lucky for me i upgraded a clean version of edgy so my main install is untouched | 07:42 |
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SilentDis | harry: well, what specifically are you looking to do? I've used it rather extensivly :) | 07:42 |
SilentDis | harry: also, there SHOULD be a man page. man armarok | 07:42 |
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SilentDis | ah well... i should head to bed. gotta work in... 8 hours *cry* | 07:43 |
SilentDis | g'night all | 07:44 |
dwidmann | night | 07:44 |
harry | SilentDis: I don't really want to do anything in particular, i just want to RTFM. It saves lots of time. | 07:44 |
pope1 | Night Dis. | 07:44 |
xushi | ugh.. /me at work now =/ | 07:44 |
xushi | and i wish i was sleeping | 07:44 |
=== pope1 not attending the party happening one floor below. | ||
SilentDis | harry: I'm headed to bed... hit google and search for amarok, i'm rather sure they have a howto on their homepage at the least :) | 07:44 |
harry | OK. | 07:44 |
xushi | or #amarok :) | 07:44 |
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dwidmann | amarok.kde.org ? | 07:45 |
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carutsu | what do i need to install in order to get K3B to burn mp3? | 07:49 |
sonoftheclayr | carutsu: can't you just burn it straight onto a data cd? | 07:50 |
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carutsu | sonofttheclayr it ask for it | 07:50 |
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carutsu | it says: "K3b could not load or find the Mp3 decoder plugin. This means that you will not be able to create Audio CDs from Mp3 files." | 07:51 |
dwidmann | carutsu, probably libxine-extracodecs | 07:51 |
dwidmann | wait | 07:51 |
dwidmann | that's for playback | 07:51 |
dwidmann | one sec | 07:51 |
dwidmann | maybe libmad0 | 07:51 |
sonoftheclayr | libxine-ffmpeg? | 07:51 |
dwidmann | yeah, there we go, I think k3b wants libmad0 | 07:51 |
sonoftheclayr | dwidmann: next guess :) | 07:52 |
carutsu | nevermind is: libk3b2-mp3 | 07:52 |
dwidmann | hmm o.O so it may be | 07:52 |
dwidmann | I just remember having to build k3b with libmad-dev | 07:52 |
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carutsu | k3b 1.0 rocks | 07:53 |
sonoftheclayr | thanks carutsu this will come in useful for me too :) | 07:53 |
carutsu | sonofttheclayr: glad to be usefull | 07:53 |
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sonoftheclayr | you're right k3b 1.0 does rock! i've only used the one in edgy | 07:54 |
K`zan | Anyone know why on Feisty that my USB device all seem to fail with an error -62 but seem to show up if I unplug and replug them? | 07:55 |
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carutsu | for festy go to #ubuntu+1 | 07:56 |
K`zan | carutsu: RR thanks. | 07:56 |
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carutsu | np | 07:56 |
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carutsu | hey! thunderbird has its icons back! i love the "real" logo | 07:56 |
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akent813_ | what | 07:58 |
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pollyo | Ok Qemu is moving along much better with kqemu working. | 08:16 |
pollyo | I should have aborted the installation after the first 20 minutes when I saw it going so slow. | 08:17 |
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pollyo | Do they have any distribution that will run on a machine with 64 Megs with any style of GUI? | 08:21 |
kristjan | hi, can i do something about slowdowns on my computer? my laptop occasionaly almost freezes and i can't do anything, not even close applications when it's so slow | 08:21 |
brophat | the kubunut install cd, does it also dual as a live cd; the way ubuntu does it? | 08:21 |
pollyo | brophat: I believe so. | 08:22 |
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brophat | pollyo ok, so is that a high certainty? | 08:22 |
pope1 | It does, 100% certain. | 08:23 |
pollyo | brophat: Yes. I used it on another machine without installing it. | 08:23 |
brophat | ok thanks for the info | 08:23 |
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pollyo | Anyone familiar with the text to voice system? | 08:24 |
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ElusiveCreature | hey there guys....is anybody willing to help me solve a desktop ubuntu problem? | 08:24 |
pollyo | !festival | 08:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about festival - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:24 |
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ElusiveCreature | I\m having a problem with my mounted NTFS file systems....I can see and list their contents, but I can\t write to them because the owner of the filesystems is "root" | 08:26 |
xushi | mornin | 08:26 |
standa | how to install new nvidia 9631 driver? - kubuntu always overwrite the kernel module with old 713 | 08:26 |
pollyo | ElusiveCreature: Have you mounted NTFS with a read/write ability on? | 08:26 |
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standa | TO ELUSIVE - edit fstab and add option users | 08:27 |
pollyo | ElusiveCreature: I believe I installed NTFS3g or something like that giving me the ability to write to NTFS | 08:27 |
ElusiveCreature | pollyo: I'm not sure....I'm a bit new to Linux | 08:27 |
pollyo | !ntfs | 08:27 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 08:27 |
hakanceng | arkadalar merhaba trke bilen arkada varm | 08:27 |
standa | anyone here with Echoaudio Gina20???? | 08:28 |
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ElusiveCreature | oh okay....so this is a package of some sort, right? | 08:28 |
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pollyo | ElusiveCreatures: I installed the NTFS-3G using the package manager in kubuntu. | 08:29 |
pollyo | ElusiveCreatures: Then I found an Ubuntu website that discussed the setup in fstab. Let me get my fstab setting for it. Perhaps it will help you a bit. | 08:30 |
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ElusiveCreature | ahh...brilliant....saves me having to build it! | 08:30 |
pollyo | ElusiveCreature: /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0 | 08:32 |
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pollyo | ElusiveCreature: Ofcourse you will have to modify it a bit. | 08:32 |
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pollyo | ElusiveCreature: You may have to that is... | 08:32 |
stdin | pollyo: don't you need the umask setting in there? | 08:33 |
ElusiveCreature | I think "defaults" sets the umask to 0000 | 08:34 |
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xushi | does kubuntu's forum support fall under ubuntu in lq.org ? | 08:35 |
=== stdin looks at 'man fstab' | ||
pollyo | stdin: I couldn't tell you. I got the line from the website that discussed NTFS-3g itself. | 08:35 |
stdin | xushi: no, lq is a different site, there are ubuntuforums.org and kubuntuforums.org | 08:36 |
pollyo | stdin: Seemed easy enough and worked (for me). | 08:36 |
xushi | ta | 08:36 |
xushi | hmm, kubuntuforums.org looks fake | 08:36 |
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pollyo | How can I tell if compiz is working? | 08:37 |
pollyo | I think it was called compiz. | 08:37 |
pollyo | !compiz | 08:37 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 08:37 |
xushi | !forum | 08:37 |
ubotu | The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org | 08:37 |
pollyo | Yes | 08:37 |
stdin | xushi: huh, well there was a kubuntu one, seems it's no more | 08:38 |
ElusiveCreature | you know the funny thing? I only installed Ubuntu because I started trying to install linux on my PS3 so I could give cell coding a go | 08:38 |
xushi | i need to ask a long-ish question regarding kubuntu use in my company.. Should i ask it in ubuntuforums.org ? | 08:38 |
=== sonoftheclayr [n=luke@C-59-101-159-206.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pollyo | ElusiveCreature: Linux support on PS3 makes the system look like they really overrated it. Especially since they lock out alot of the hardware. | 08:39 |
stdin | xushi: you can ask on the forum, or on the mailinglist | 08:39 |
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ElusiveCreature | I know....but I can understand why they had to do it. I imagine nVidia would have a lot of problems with allowing publicaly available source for the drivers | 08:40 |
stdin | xushi: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kubuntu-users (for the Kubuntu one) | 08:40 |
xushi | ugh, i **hate** mailing lists.. it's so unorganised and clutters my inbox | 08:41 |
Hobbsee | xushi: what's the question? | 08:41 |
xushi | well, i'll start here then, | 08:41 |
ElusiveCreature | but you can write a fairly decent software renderer with a basic programmable pipeline if you use 2 or 3 SPU's | 08:41 |
pollyo | ElusiveCreature: I imagine the real cause was to keep people from purchasing it to actually use linux on it. Seeing that Sony takes a big loss on each unit. They need to sell software that they get licensing fees for to run on it. | 08:41 |
xushi | basically good news. our company is convinced to switch all their desktop OS from windows to linux. Kubuntu was chosen for the desktop OS. I just need to make sure how to set it up as an office OS rather than a desktop OS. Mainly: | 08:41 |
xushi | attach the 15 machines to a domain. Allow for the user's accounts to be created and managed from ONE server instead of on the individual machines | 08:42 |
ElusiveCreature | I dunno...with only 256 MB of RAM, it's not an attractive linux box | 08:42 |
pollyo | ElusiveCreature: That is what I have on here. <grin> | 08:43 |
xushi | these user accoutns are limited (not root), and user X can login with her account from any computer, not just one. (as long as she's not logged in another place) | 08:43 |
xushi | etc. | 08:43 |
pollyo | ElusiveCreature: The PS3 even has a faster CPU then my machine. <grin> | 08:43 |
wolferine | xushi, this isnt windows anymore | 08:43 |
wolferine | :) | 08:43 |
ElusiveCreature | heh....define "faster" | 08:44 |
xushi | wolferine: i've heard i could do the above witn samba. And anyway, like i said, we're looking for a windows alternative | 08:44 |
pollyo | ElusiveCreature: Good question. I do not even recall what I have on this machine. I know it is a P3 | 08:44 |
ElusiveCreature | so I have to restart after installing ntfs-3g? | 08:44 |
xushi | and such features are a must. I'm assuming linux, a network-os (compared to windows since its early stages) can do all of this. | 08:44 |
pollyo | ElusiveCreature: I do not recall having to restart. | 08:45 |
wolferine | xushi like I said, your thinking inside a windows box | 08:45 |
pollyo | ElusiveCreature: Did you make the changes to your fstab? | 08:45 |
wolferine | just a matter of how much you really want to learn | 08:45 |
stdin | xushi: I know there are ways of doing that, but I don't know enough about how to do it (because I've never had to), but you'll get more responce on the forums and (especially) the mailing list | 08:45 |
xushi | wolferine: help me to think inside a linux box then. All this crap is new to me.. I'm a linux user for over 8 years. This company comes to me and wants this X Y and Z. I have to figure out something like it or an alternative | 08:46 |
ElusiveCreature | yeah, I changed the fs type and re-mounted the filesystem as root | 08:46 |
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xushi | I'll try the mailing list then | 08:46 |
wolferine | the forums will let you know more specifically what you can do | 08:46 |
stdin | xushi: you can also try asking on the main ubuntu-users mailinglist too, as the setup should be the same for both | 08:47 |
wolferine | and there are lots of guides, just google around a bit, im sure you will find any answers you have | 08:47 |
ElusiveCreature | the line I changed looks like this | 08:47 |
ElusiveCreature | /dev/sdb1/media/datantfs-3g ro,nls=utf8,umask=0000 0 0 | 08:47 |
stdin | ElusiveCreature: you don't want the "ro", do you? | 08:48 |
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ElusiveCreature | oh...wait... ro = read-only, right? | 08:48 |
stdin | yeah | 08:48 |
stdin | rw = read-write | 08:49 |
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stdin | and add "auto" to have it automounted at boot | 08:49 |
Absorto | hello! I've setup a custom kernel in grub. I want this kernel to load init 3, so I appended a "3" to my kernel line. But ubuntu boots to init 2 all the same. Help! | 08:50 |
ElusiveCreature | hmm....still can't write to the drive | 08:50 |
pollyo | ElusiveCreature: Do you only want root to write to it? | 08:51 |
philfo | ok, I've got another problem. this one I created. I was in system settings, in the disk & filesystems category & trying to get my other hd's to mount on startup. now all I have is a "lost & found" file in /media that I don't have permission to access. | 08:51 |
philfo | some help would be great. | 08:51 |
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hawk_ | !diskmount | 08:52 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about diskmount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:52 |
hawk_ | !diskmounter | 08:52 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 08:52 |
stdin | philfo: you seem to have mounted a ext2/3 fs over /media (i.e., not in a directory UNDER /media) | 08:52 |
philfo | whoops. | 08:52 |
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philfo | how do I undo this? | 08:52 |
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stdin | philfo: sudo umount /media | 08:52 |
ElusiveCreature | pollyo: no...I want to be able to write to it too.... | 08:53 |
ElusiveCreature | I have a lot of data that I'd like to be able to modify | 08:53 |
stdin | ElusiveCreature: what are the permissions on /media/data ? (run ls -l /media/data) | 08:53 |
=== ricky [n=ricky@d205-250-120-48.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
philfo | cr*p, command not found | 08:54 |
ElusiveCreature | the data permissions are drwxrwxrwx | 08:54 |
hawk_ | philof try pmount | 08:54 |
ElusiveCreature | but it says the owner is root | 08:54 |
philfo | yowza. | 08:54 |
philfo | now where? | 08:55 |
ricky | does anyone know the package's name that make a nice transparent toolbar with icons? | 08:55 |
philfo | it's in the system settings utility | 08:55 |
stdin | ElusiveCreature: it's ok for it to be owned by root, as long as it is writable to all | 08:55 |
ElusiveCreature | ok | 08:55 |
pollyo | ElusiveCreature: Mine is also Owned and Grouped to Root | 08:55 |
stdin | ElusiveCreature: what error do you get while trying to write to it? | 08:56 |
ElusiveCreature | oh...here's something interesting... | 08:56 |
pollyo | ElusiveCreature: I do have Create and Delete files access though. | 08:56 |
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ElusiveCreature | I can make a dir at the terminal, but I can't make a dir in the gnome file manager | 08:56 |
philfo | hawk_: now what am I doing with this? | 08:56 |
stdin | ElusiveCreature: eww, gnome :P what's the error it gives ? | 08:57 |
pollyo | ElusiveCreature: Let me try it in gnome. I just installed gnome the other day and I'm playing in it now. | 08:57 |
hawk_ | did it umount media | 08:57 |
ElusiveCreature | it doesn't give an error....it just blanks out the Create Folder menu option | 08:57 |
philfo | pmount was just a manual it looked like | 08:57 |
ricky | does anyone know the package's name that make a nice transparent menu with icons in the desktop? | 08:57 |
philfo | didn't unmount anything | 08:57 |
pollyo | ElusiveCreature: Hmmm... | 08:57 |
stdin | ElusiveCreature: I'd say try logging out and back in, sometimes the GUI apps need to reload the permissions settings to work | 08:58 |
hawk_ | !berly | 08:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about berly - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:58 |
hawk_ | !beryl | 08:58 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 08:58 |
hawk_ | pmount media/ type this in | 08:58 |
pollyo | !compiz | 08:58 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 08:58 |
ElusiveCreature | and hey....this is the first time I've used a *nix environment for 10 years....you'll have to excuse me if I stick with the default gui ;) | 08:58 |
hawk_ | lol i realy dont think it is worth the work to get a gui better the kde a flux working on my box lol | 08:59 |
pollyo | ElusiveCreature: Did you install Ubuntu or Kubuntu? | 08:59 |
philfo | hawk_: | 09:00 |
philfo | mount: /dev/hda3 already mounted or /media busy | 09:00 |
philfo | mount: according to mtab, /dev/hda3 is already mounted on /media | 09:00 |
ElusiveCreature | oh...ubuntu desktop | 09:00 |
ElusiveCreature | umm...wrong channel :p | 09:00 |
hawk_ | ok type in umount media/ | 09:01 |
stdin | philfo: sudo umount /dev/hda3 (make sure you type 'umount' not 'unmount') | 09:01 |
hawk_ | thank you stdin | 09:01 |
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ElusiveCreature | going to log out to see if gnome will let me write to the drive | 09:01 |
hawk_ | stdin wouldnt umount media do the same thing | 09:02 |
philfo | lets hope because I already did it | 09:02 |
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philfo | now I mount media again, correct? | 09:02 |
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stdin | hawk_: yeah, but just in case more than 1 thing is mounted on /media, specifying the device may be better | 09:03 |
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philfo | stdin: I owe you. thanks. | 09:03 |
hawk_ | stdin ok that sounds right | 09:03 |
stdin | philfo: change where hda3 gets mounted first, so it's not on /media, but somewhere in /media | 09:03 |
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philfo | I'm still trying to get used to this file system. | 09:03 |
hawk_ | philfo this is as far as i can go i dont know anymore then that | 09:04 |
philfo | make another folder in media for hda3? | 09:04 |
stdin | philfo: yeah | 09:04 |
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philfo | any particular name? | 09:04 |
hawk_ | no | 09:04 |
stdin | philfo: anything you want to call it is fine | 09:04 |
hawk_ | stdin how long have you been using linux for | 09:05 |
stdin | hawk_: about 11 years now | 09:05 |
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stdin | hawk_: since I was 10 :P | 09:05 |
hawk_ | stdin wow that cool | 09:05 |
ElusiveCreature | right.....I can write to the fs now... | 09:05 |
hawk_ | stdin so that means you where using slakware when it was new lol | 09:06 |
ElusiveCreature | thanks for the help guys | 09:06 |
ElusiveCreature | I spent an AGE last night cratching me head over this | 09:06 |
ElusiveCreature | * scratching | 09:06 |
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hawk_ | stdin cant philfo use diskmounter know and it will mount everything for him | 09:07 |
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hawk_ | lElusiveCreatur: we all do it from time to time | 09:07 |
philfo | I have two directories I want to mount in /media. just create two separate folders, one for each? | 09:08 |
stdin | hawk_: he still needs to know the right settings for it | 09:08 |
stdin | philfo: yeah | 09:08 |
philfo | ok cool. | 09:08 |
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stdin | philfo: for each thing you want to mount, just have a different directory for each | 09:08 |
hawk_ | ElusiveCreature: we all need help from time to time | 09:08 |
philfo | I don't want to use a GUI when I can LEARN how to do it with commands. | 09:08 |
philfo | I was way too spoiled by Windoze and I'm paying for it now, but it's getting slowly better. | 09:09 |
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hawk_ | philfo: that is very true | 09:09 |
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stdin | philfo: once you get used to it, the command line is so much faster, and more powerful than any GUI tool | 09:09 |
philfo | I just learned a valuable lesson. | 09:09 |
hawk_ | philfo: hey would you like a pdf on some linux basics | 09:10 |
philfo | I like using command lines, I just need to learn them. | 09:10 |
=== Freeza [n=Freeza_@ppp-70-251-188-244.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ElusiveCreature | right....now I can install linux on my ps3.....but first. I've been told I have to go to the bakery | 09:10 |
bill__k | hawk_: i'll take a pdf | 09:11 |
hawk_ | philfo: it is an old slakware book but it covers all the basic bash functions | 09:11 |
=== stdin always has (at least) 1 terminal open at any one time | ||
bill__k | easier than carrying around a dead tree | 09:11 |
philfo | sure. I was thinking about getting linux for dummies, but was sure that there must be something out on the intarweb | 09:11 |
bill__k | stdin: same | 09:11 |
bill__k | on each computer | 09:11 |
philfo | now what is this "bash"? | 09:11 |
stdin | !bash | 09:11 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands | 09:11 |
bill__k | born again shell | 09:11 |
hawk_ | ok i will get the link up | 09:11 |
philfo | I'm learning to keep a terminal open all the time | 09:11 |
hawk_ | it is the command line you are useing | 09:12 |
philfo | does bash stand for anything? acronym? | 09:12 |
bill__k | born again shell | 09:12 |
bill__k | b a sh | 09:12 |
philfo | thanks | 09:12 |
bill__k | sure | 09:12 |
stdin | philfo: in windoes there is only 1 shell, the DOS shell, in linux there are many. eash specialise in different things. Bash is the most popular and (imo) the easiest to use | 09:12 |
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philfo | cool, cool | 09:13 |
Betzefer | any 1 needs help ? | 09:13 |
bill__k | anyone know how to make my usb optical mouse go slower than the lowest setting systemsettings allows? | 09:13 |
philfo | float test the mouse. | 09:13 |
hawk_ | i do but you but it is all mentall | 09:13 |
bill__k | ? | 09:14 |
crazyrobot | the fish shell is nice. but very, very, very slow. | 09:14 |
philfo | sorry, it's an old saying we used in the Navy when we wanted something to conform to specs it wasn't made for | 09:14 |
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philfo | we'd "float test" it & then one with correct spec magically showed up. | 09:15 |
ElusiveCreature | as in "we commit this thing to the sea" | 09:15 |
bill__k | hah | 09:15 |
philfo | yes. | 09:15 |
philfo | and it's wonderful taking out some agression that way. | 09:15 |
bill__k | lol | 09:16 |
bill__k | so, how do I slow down my mouse? | 09:16 |
philfo | is it optical? | 09:16 |
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pollyo | BBL | 09:17 |
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philfo | ok, I'm getting a bit frustrated with Wine. | 09:18 |
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hawk_ | ftp://ftp.slackbook.org/pub/slackbook/slackbook-2.0.pdf | 09:18 |
bill__k | philfo: yes it is | 09:18 |
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bill__k | it's a razer diamondback | 09:18 |
hawk_ | there you all go it is a great book it is about slakware but all the same stuff for most linux | 09:18 |
philfo | I try to open it, then about 30 seconds later, it just closes | 09:18 |
bill__k | hawk_: thanks | 09:18 |
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philfo | thanks hawk | 09:19 |
hawk_ | bill__k: np | 09:19 |
crazyrobot | does anyone know where the "console" options are? F1-F6 console? | 09:19 |
hawk_ | philfo:np | 09:19 |
hawk_ | whats the internet for information | 09:19 |
bob__ | anyone get this apt error? "Unable to parse package file" | 09:19 |
bill__k | what package file? | 09:20 |
bob__ | archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_edgy-security_universe_binary-i386_Packages | 09:20 |
hawk_ | digital infomation= no hiding things | 09:20 |
philfo | so, is this problem with Wine a setting or is it buggy? | 09:20 |
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bob__ | get 926 of em when I 'aptitude upgrade' | 09:20 |
hawk_ | whats going on with wine | 09:20 |
bob__ | not using it | 09:21 |
bob__ | it might be installed | 09:21 |
hakanceng | arkadalar herkes yabanc dildemi konuuyor burda trke kullanc yokmu kubuntu yu kullanan yardmc olacak sanrm buras yardmlama sitesi deil | 09:21 |
bob__ | nope no wine installed | 09:21 |
philfo | I try to open it, the pointer thingy bounces for a while then it just closes | 09:21 |
hawk_ | anyone know anything about vmware workstation | 09:21 |
sonoftheclayr | is it possible to use different windows instead of tabs in konversation? | 09:22 |
cs178_ | hawk_: besides how to use it, no | 09:22 |
hawk_ | dam | 09:23 |
cs178_ | got a problem with it? | 09:23 |
hawk_ | it crashed on me for some resion today and now it wont load | 09:23 |
stdin | !tr | hakanceng | 09:23 |
ubotu | hakanceng: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 09:23 |
stdin | hawk_: try running it from the command line to see what errors come up | 09:24 |
hawk_ | i was installing windows and it was trying to find drivers for the video card | 09:24 |
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cs178_ | hawk_: or maybe a problem with a virtual pc inside that loads automatically | 09:25 |
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bill__k | i'm having a hard time finding info on how to slow down my usb razer diamondback mouse. all the sliders are left (in keyboard & mouse prefs) | 09:25 |
hawk_ | i cant run anything right now i am encodeing a dvd so if my pc crash i will lose all of my work | 09:25 |
philfo | I typed in wine in konsole & just got a 3 line list | 09:26 |
hawk_ | have you configered wine yet | 09:26 |
philfo | no | 09:26 |
philfo | how too that? | 09:26 |
hawk_ | type in winecfg | 09:26 |
philfo | how to DO that, sorry | 09:26 |
philfo | thanks again | 09:26 |
hawk_ | i am a big wine fan did lots of testing with it | 09:27 |
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hawk_ | and windows virus | 09:27 |
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philfo | "warning 3d driver claims to not suppost visual 0x4b" | 09:27 |
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philfo | support, still can't spell tonight | 09:28 |
hawk_ | philfo np | 09:28 |
philfo | anything up with that warning that keeps coming up? | 09:28 |
philfo | I think I'm going to buy a new graphics card. this ATI has been nothing but a headache for 5 days | 09:29 |
hawk_ | what is the graphics card | 09:29 |
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sinkorswim | I switched from gnome to kde by installing the kubuntu-desktop package but now it's taking > 30 secs for my browser to resolve hostnames | 09:29 |
hawk_ | and did you type in winecfg by it self | 09:29 |
philfo | what is the best or most stable version of vindoze for wine to emulate? | 09:29 |
philfo | yes I did | 09:29 |
sinkorswim | it was the same connecting to freenode, it took much longer than usual | 09:30 |
stdin | philfo: probably 2000 (or 98) | 09:30 |
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philfo | 2000 is the default, I'll just use that one. | 09:30 |
hawk_ | it will not run in wine | 09:31 |
stdin | sinkorswim: try disabling IPv6 | 09:31 |
stdin | !ipv6 | 09:31 |
ubotu | To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 09:31 |
hawk_ | sorry wrong thing | 09:31 |
philfo | i'm setting it up to calibrate my monitor color profile. I'd assume that I have to tell my profiler that I'm using win2000 as well then? | 09:31 |
bott | i need help locating a flash player for kubuntu 6.10 (fully upgraded) amd64 arch | 09:31 |
hawk_ | i would say xp is the best becouse every thing know days runs in xp | 09:31 |
hawk_ | and there are more dlls and emultion of xp the 2000 becouse xp is more populer | 09:32 |
=== bott is now known as Chemicalvamp | ||
philfo | gotcha. so perhaps xp is better? | 09:32 |
hawk_ | lol | 09:32 |
philfo | ha ha ha ha | 09:33 |
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philfo | I can throw my HD out the window & wine would be emulating Vista then. | 09:33 |
Chemicalvamp | i still cannot BELIEVE http://www.google.com/tisp/install.html is REAL... | 09:34 |
hawk_ | oh yes, be carefull of what you run in wine i did a paper few months ago on virus affection linux through wine and i did some testing and the out come is not good | 09:34 |
hawk_ | wow thats funny is a hack | 09:36 |
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Chemicalvamp | click the link to soo how google can tun your crapper into free internet | 09:36 |
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Chemicalvamp | anybody know of a place to find a flash player for kubuntu 6.10 (upgraded) with amd64 arch?? | 09:37 |
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hawk_ | !flashpayer | 09:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about flashpayer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:37 |
hawk_ | !flashplayer | 09:38 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 09:38 |
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philfo | wine is STILL closing itself after a long period of not starting. | 09:38 |
philfo | this is not cool | 09:38 |
hawk_ | no things not work are hardly cool | 09:39 |
hawk_ | lol | 09:39 |
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philfo | is there some other thing I'm missing? | 09:40 |
stdin | Chemicalvamp: flash doesn't work on amd64 (blame adobe), but you can follow this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava | 09:40 |
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philfo | it's just sitting for a bit then closing. | 09:40 |
philfo | how do I run wine with a command line? | 09:40 |
hawk_ | see if your problem matches any of these have fun http://bugs.winehq.org/buglist.cgi?bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=REOPENED&cmdtype=doit&order=Bug+Number | 09:41 |
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stdin | philfo: what do you mean? | 09:41 |
philfo | when I type in "wine" in konsole, i get a little menu of stuff, no opening app | 09:42 |
hawk_ | nvm, what are you trying to run | 09:42 |
stdin | philfo: you start an app wilth "wine app.exe" | 09:43 |
hawk_ | ok go into a directory where there is a windows exe and type in wine app.exe | 09:43 |
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hawk_ | thank you stdin | 09:43 |
philfo | ah, so I have to have the application already installed... | 09:43 |
hawk_ | yes | 09:43 |
philfo | well maybe I should have read instructions. | 09:44 |
stdin | philfo: or "wine C:\\Program\ Files\\My\ App\\app.exe" | 09:44 |
ledemente | Anyone know a MySpace channel? | 09:44 |
philfo | *sheepish* | 09:44 |
philfo | gotcha. | 09:44 |
Chemicalvamp | ok i found the flash player stuff on adept in multiverse.. but if i request install, it says (break) install... any ideas? | 09:44 |
stdin | philfo: or "wine "C:\Program File\App\app.exe" ":p | 09:44 |
hawk_ | stdin: once agin you beat me to the chase | 09:44 |
philfo | I thought we opened inside wine. | 09:44 |
philfo | thanks, thanks. this has been the most educational linux chat so far for me. | 09:45 |
stdin | philfo: you can use "winebrowser", which is like windows "explorer" | 09:45 |
hawk_ | philfo i think thats how it use to be but not anymore | 09:45 |
philfo | I screwed some stuff up, then I fixed it. and I learned WHY | 09:45 |
philfo | well, it's almost 4am so i'm off to bed. | 09:45 |
hawk_ | lol | 09:45 |
philfo | more wine tomorrow | 09:46 |
hawk_ | philfo nice meeting you bye | 09:46 |
philfo | thanks all. | 09:46 |
Chemicalvamp | i heard wine blows, and virtualbox is way better | 09:46 |
hawk_ | they are two diffrent things | 09:46 |
philfo | I don't care as long as I get my monitor calibrated. | 09:46 |
stdin | Chemicalvamp: Wine Is Not an Emulator (WINE) | 09:46 |
Chemicalvamp | i dk the differnce im a noob, whats (break) install mean in adept | 09:46 |
hawk_ | it means that the file is not working right now on the server | 09:47 |
Chemicalvamp | no (flash player) like gnash klash will instal normaly.. what to do | 09:48 |
hawk_ | Chemicalvamp: VB you have to install windows and run windows total seppret from linux but with wine adds a lay of emulation to linux so that program can run in linux | 09:48 |
Chemicalvamp | and thas what !flashplayer says | 09:48 |
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Chemicalvamp | hawk: ok i see | 09:49 |
hawk_ | http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&promoid=BIOX | 09:49 |
hawk_ | there is flash downlaod it and install it by hand | 09:49 |
Chemicalvamp | works on amd64? | 09:49 |
hawk_ | i dont know | 09:49 |
hawk_ | stdin dos flashwork on amd64 | 09:50 |
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stdin | hawk_: short answer is no | 09:50 |
hawk_ | Chemicalvamp: nop it dos not work | 09:50 |
stdin | hawk_: you can do it, but you need to install the 32bit version of firefox | 09:50 |
stdin | Chemicalvamp: ^^ | 09:50 |
stdin | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava | 09:51 |
Chemicalvamp | ok english and links? hehe | 09:51 |
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stdin | link is there ^ | 09:51 |
Chemicalvamp | schweet | 09:51 |
hawk_ | stdin:thanks i had no idea | 09:51 |
hawk_ | stdin: so what you do when your not helping noobs like me | 09:52 |
stdin | there really is no point for a desktop user to install the 64bit version of Linux | 09:52 |
stdin | hawk_: work my backside off :p | 09:52 |
hawk_ | lol | 09:52 |
hawk_ | encoding takes so long | 09:53 |
Chemicalvamp | is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/13334/ a problem? | 09:54 |
Chemicalvamp | <-- amd64 laptop | 09:54 |
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hawk_ | i dont know this one | 09:55 |
Chemicalvamp | *cries | 09:55 |
hawk_ | ask stdin | 09:55 |
hawk_ | stdin: help | 09:56 |
Chemicalvamp | stdin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/13334/ is this gonna work? | 09:56 |
stdin | Chemicalvamp: just leave out the ia32-libs-gtk package, seems that ia32-libs replaces it now | 09:56 |
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Chemicalvamp | cool | 09:56 |
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hawk_ | dos photoshop run in linux yet | 09:57 |
stdin | hawk_: no | 09:57 |
hawk_ | how about wine | 09:57 |
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stdin | hawk_: maybe* | 09:57 |
hawk_ | nvm i will loke it up | 09:57 |
stdin | hawk_: never tried, I just use the gimp | 09:57 |
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hawk_ | is gimp as good as photoshop | 09:58 |
stdin | hawk_: no, not quite, but it has most of the features of it. just not some of the more advanced ones | 09:59 |
hawk_ | cool ok | 09:59 |
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hawk_ | got to love TrueCrypt | 10:02 |
double | salut ya des francais ? | 10:02 |
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stdin | !fr | double | 10:03 |
ubotu | double: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 10:03 |
double | oki thx :) | 10:03 |
double | bye bye :) | 10:03 |
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hawk_ | dos shockwave work in linux yet | 10:04 |
stdin | hawk_: nope, adobe won't release it for linux | 10:05 |
hawk_ | dam | 10:05 |
hawk_ | did you here about adobes apolo program | 10:06 |
stdin | huh? no | 10:06 |
hawk_ | well it is a cross platform framwork for the internet | 10:07 |
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hawk_ | like jave but internet based | 10:07 |
Danker | On which day new ubuntu will be released? | 10:08 |
stdin | !fesity | 10:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fesity - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:08 |
stdin | !feisty | 10:08 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) - Feisty will be released at 0:00 UTC on April, 1 | 10:08 |
hawk_ | java | 10:08 |
stdin | helps if you spell it | 10:08 |
hawk_ | lol | 10:08 |
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hawk_ | so do you have feisty running | 10:09 |
stdin | yeah, have since work started on ti | 10:10 |
stdin | *it | 10:10 |
hawk_ | do you like it | 10:10 |
stdin | yeah, there has been some progress :) | 10:10 |
stdin | seems faster too | 10:10 |
hawk_ | cool | 10:10 |
Martin_ | hi, can somebody help? Seven11 is d-lined and he don't know why. Any chance to get him in again? | 10:10 |
hawk_ | i cant wait for kde 4 | 10:11 |
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stdin | hawk_: it's going to be a while for that, but yeah, me either :P | 10:11 |
stdin | Martin_: ask in #ubuntu-ops | 10:11 |
hawk_ | so have the solved the problem with beryl and NV drivers | 10:12 |
Martin_ | thanks | 10:12 |
tmbg | sigh. I am RUINED. I got even youtube flash movies working :( | 10:12 |
stdin | hawk_: what problem is that? | 10:13 |
tmbg | now I'm doomed to waste tons of time. this link was what did it for me. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava | 10:13 |
hawk_ | the border where missing on all the windows | 10:13 |
stdin | tmbg: you need flash 9 for youtube | 10:13 |
stdin | hawk_: that with "nv" or "nvidia" driver? | 10:14 |
tmbg | yes. I have the 32 bit firefox with a 32 bit flash9 plugin (the proprietary one) on a 64 bit machine. | 10:14 |
hawk_ | stdin: yes | 10:14 |
stdin | hawk_: no :p which one | 10:14 |
hawk_ | nvidia | 10:14 |
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stdin | hawk_: well the nvidia driver in feisty is version 9755, and that one has aiglx built in, so it should work better | 10:15 |
hawk_ | stdin the last time i tryed using beryl i lost all my borders for my windows and could not do any thing | 10:15 |
stdin | hawk_: sounds like beryl didn't start then | 10:16 |
Chemicalvamp | how do i install a tar.gz | 10:16 |
CarinArr | anyone using beryl in feisty around? | 10:16 |
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stdin | !tar.gz | Chemicalvamp | 10:17 |
ubotu | Chemicalvamp: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with ark - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression | 10:17 |
stdin | CarinArr: better place to ask in #ubuntu+1 the feisty support channel | 10:17 |
Chemicalvamp | i have it extracted, how do install it? | 10:17 |
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hawk_ | is there a .pl file in there | 10:18 |
stdin | Chemicalvamp: depends what it is, it's like asking "how do I install a .zip file" in windows | 10:18 |
CarinArr | stdin: i already did, without much result, so thought i'd ask here as i know some people around here are also using feisty | 10:18 |
Chemicalvamp | pango-1.16.1.tar.gz extracted to pango-1.16.1, how would i install it from there | 10:19 |
stdin | CarinArr: I haven't tried beryl in a while, last time I did was during the Xorg upgrade to v7.2 and it wasn't nice :P but it's supposed to work now | 10:19 |
stdin | Chemicalvamp: why are you trying to install that?? | 10:19 |
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CarinArr | it worked fantastically til two days ago, with the new kde updates and stuff it now crashes x | 10:19 |
CarinArr | ;) | 10:20 |
Chemicalvamp | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava | 10:20 |
Chemicalvamp | i dont know what i am doing >.< | 10:20 |
Chemicalvamp | trying to follow a how-to | 10:20 |
CarinArr | Chemicalvamp: there'll probably be a readme or install file in that archive that you unzipped | 10:20 |
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stdin | Chemicalvamp: and where on that page does it say to download the pango source ? | 10:21 |
Chemicalvamp | Next we must setup some minor font details for the environment. Create the environment variable file for pango32 and open it for editing: | 10:22 |
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stdin | Chemicalvamp: yes, I see that, but I don't see the part "now we must download and compile pango source" | 10:22 |
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noob | :) | 10:23 |
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noob | that answer that one? | 10:23 |
stdin | where it says: "gksudo gedit /etc/pango32/pangorc" just do "kdesu kate /etc/pango32/pangorc" | 10:24 |
stdin | and I'll edit that guide to say that | 10:24 |
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slipknot | IDENTIFY bonny1 | 10:25 |
stdin | slipknot: new password time :P | 10:25 |
chemicalvamp | lol | 10:26 |
chemicalvamp | ok soo it says http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/13336/ a whole bunch of times | 10:26 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: that's nothing to worry about, ignore it | 10:27 |
slipknot | ? | 10:28 |
chemicalvamp | bonny1 thats what hehe | 10:28 |
stdin | [09:25] <slipknot> IDENTIFY bonny1 | 10:28 |
slipknot | lol i'm new | 10:29 |
chemicalvamp | ok so do that, and paste the script, and continue the how-to? | 10:29 |
chemicalvamp | u need to do /msh nickserver identify | 10:29 |
chemicalvamp | ./msg even! | 10:29 |
slipknot | i have 1 problem i cant register in #ubuntu-it | 10:29 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: reload the page, I added the Kubuntu commands | 10:31 |
slipknot | Please register with services and use the IDENTIFY command (/msg nickserv help) to speak in this channel | 10:31 |
chemicalvamp | u da man | 10:31 |
slipknot | i can't register in that server | 10:31 |
stdin | slipknot: you type "/msg nickserv IDENTIFY (Your Password)" | 10:32 |
slipknot | i have type more and more this command... | 10:32 |
stdin | slipknot: if you don't have a pasword setup, then register with freenode | 10:32 |
stdin | !register | 10:32 |
ubotu | Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 10:32 |
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chemicalvamp | stdin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/13337/ | 10:34 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: did you use kdesu ? | 10:34 |
chemicalvamp | yeah i copy and pasted it | 10:34 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: hmm, try again, it should work | 10:35 |
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chemicalvamp | same | 10:36 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: try doing this first "sudo mkdir -p /etc/pango32/" | 10:37 |
chemicalvamp | worked :) | 10:39 |
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chemicalvamp | kdesu kate /usr/local/bin/firefox32 & (did not open kate.. | 10:40 |
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chemicalvamp | soo close to done.. hmm | 10:41 |
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stdin | chemicalvamp: is kate still open? | 10:42 |
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chemicalvamp | no | 10:43 |
chemicalvamp | if it is, i dont see it | 10:43 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: try "sudo killall kate" then try "kdesu kate /usr/local/bin/firefox32 &" again | 10:43 |
chemicalvamp | kate: no process killed | 10:44 |
chemicalvamp | BUT it did work | 10:44 |
chemicalvamp | spoke too soon i guess hehe | 10:44 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: do you have universe enabled ? | 10:45 |
chemicalvamp | yes | 10:45 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: ia32-libs-gtk should be in there | 10:45 |
chemicalvamp | it is required? | 10:45 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: I think it is for pango | 10:46 |
chemicalvamp | will i need it for this? | 10:46 |
stdin | yeah, firefox needs pango | 10:46 |
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chemicalvamp | >.< havent installed firefox yet lol | 10:47 |
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chemicalvamp | so i extracted the tar to folder, what command do i run on it? | 10:48 |
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chemicalvamp | or firefox.bin? | 10:49 |
stdin | no, firefox is installed, you don't need to run an installer or anything | 10:50 |
chemicalvamp | dont see it in my internet folder | 10:50 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: doesn't matter, you can add that later | 10:51 |
chemicalvamp | k | 10:51 |
chemicalvamp | so just firefox32 &? | 10:51 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: yeah, but you need ia32-libs-gtk apparently | 10:52 |
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chemicalvamp | dl it already 75% | 10:52 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: so it's installing ? | 10:52 |
chemicalvamp | yup | 10:52 |
stdin | just wait for that the | 10:52 |
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chemicalvamp | done | 10:53 |
chemicalvamp | how do i make a shortcut of firefox32 & and do i need the firefox.tar or extracted foler anymore? | 10:54 |
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stdin | chemicalvamp: you don't need that tar file anymore, and to make a link to it, just right click the KMenu and choose Menu Editor, you can then put a shortcut in internet | 10:55 |
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chemicalvamp | stdin: your forgettin im a newbie, how would i do that.. im in menu editor internet folder | 10:58 |
chemicalvamp | nvm | 10:58 |
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chemicalvamp | i think i understand | 10:59 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: file -> New item | 10:59 |
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chemicalvamp | work path necissary? | 11:00 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: no | 11:00 |
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chemicalvamp | tested it and the flash movie has an icon and says to click it to download plugin | 11:02 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: did you do Step 3 yet? | 11:03 |
chemicalvamp | ack i forgot that | 11:03 |
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chemicalvamp | stdin: sparc or x86? | 11:05 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: x86 | 11:05 |
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Goliath23 | hi | 11:08 |
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stdin | !hi | 11:08 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 11:08 |
Goliath23 | it seems my dnsmasq is broken. since the last upgraded packages in feisty | 11:08 |
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stdin | Goliath23: for feisty support/questions use #ubuntu+1 | 11:09 |
Goliath23 | I used wireshark to see if the pc receives a dhcp request (and it does on eth2, which is configured to be an interface dnsmasq listens on) | 11:09 |
Goliath23 | oh, okay | 11:09 |
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jay | greetings | 11:13 |
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senwei_ | does anyone know the apt-get problem? | 11:13 |
stdin | what apt-get problem? | 11:13 |
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sinkorswim | does anyone know how I can get back the "save view settings per forlder" option under Settings in konqueror? | 11:17 |
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chemicalvamp | stdin: i have the jre-1_5_0_10-linux-i586.bin but chmod +x jre-1_5_0_10-linux-i586.bin says chmod: cannot access `jre-1_5_0_10-linux-i586.bin': No such file or directory | 11:18 |
dennis_ | senwei_ apt-get instead of aptitude? | 11:18 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: where did you download it to? | 11:19 |
chemicalvamp | edsktop | 11:19 |
chemicalvamp | cant open terminalon it | 11:20 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: then " chmod +x Desktop/jre-1_5_0_10-linux-i586.bin" | 11:20 |
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senwei_ | dennis_ like this:Dynamic MMap ran out of room | 11:20 |
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dennis_ | senwei_ never heard of it sry | 11:21 |
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chemicalvamp | great, man eula's are kind of painfull in terminal | 11:22 |
stdin | senwei_: wild guess, make sure you haven't run out of disk space | 11:22 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: use the space bar to skip a page at a time | 11:22 |
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senwei_ | stdinof course,it isn't the problem | 11:23 |
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chemicalvamp | sudo mv ~/Desktop/jre-1_5_0_10 /usr/local/java32 says mv: cannot stat `/home/bott/Desktop/jre-1_5_0_10': No such file or directory | 11:24 |
bill__k | stdin: cpp programmer? | 11:24 |
stdin | bill__k: heh, I'm only just learning python so, no :p | 11:24 |
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enry | hi | 11:24 |
sonoftheclayr | hey enry | 11:25 |
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stdin | chemicalvamp: use the right filename "jre-1_5_0_10-linux-i586.bin" and I'll fix the guide (again) | 11:25 |
chemicalvamp | glad im helping you help others xD | 11:26 |
manu_ | i've here an aiptek webcam, i have seen in the net that it should work with spca5xx well, and that this driver is allready in edgy included, now my question is how to "enable" the cam and see a image, lsusb shows the camera | 11:26 |
=== PLC [n=PLC@AMontpellier-251-1-41-168.w81-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
PLC | Hi' | 11:26 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: what does "ls /home/bott/Desktop/jre*" show? | 11:26 |
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tarelerulz | how do you mount iso? | 11:28 |
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stdin | !iso | tarelerulz | 11:28 |
ubotu | tarelerulz: To mount an ISO disc image, type sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 11:28 |
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tarelerulz | I was downloading movie that is why I asked | 11:28 |
tarelerulz | it is in iso format so I wanted to mount is and watch the movie | 11:29 |
chemicalvamp | stdin: ls: /home/bott/Desktop/jre*: No such file or directory | 11:29 |
PLC | I'm french , i try to write .... | 11:30 |
PLC | :p | 11:30 |
stdin | !fr | 11:30 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 11:30 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: did you run the "~/Desktop/jre-1_5_0_10-linux-i586.bin" command ? | 11:30 |
PLC | thanks :) | 11:31 |
chemicalvamp | stdin: no, i didnt see it needed to be done | 11:31 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: well that's what was wrong then :p | 11:31 |
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chemicalvamp | changing guide again? | 11:32 |
stdin | yep :P | 11:32 |
chemicalvamp | well i think it will be perfect after all this xD | 11:32 |
tarelerulz | don't you need mount point for the iso | 11:33 |
chemicalvamp | stdin: usr/local/firefox32/plugins/jre-1_5_0_10-linux-i586.bin ? | 11:33 |
chemicalvamp | or is it too late? | 11:34 |
adydas | you know when u insert a digital camera, and it asks what to do and you select open in new window and tick dont ask me this again, how do you change what you selected aka get it to ask you again... | 11:34 |
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stdin | tarelerulz: "sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> " <-- see the "<mountpouint>" ? | 11:34 |
tarelerulz | sorry | 11:35 |
chemicalvamp | err i mean /usr/local/java32/jre-1_5_0_10-linux-i586.bin | 11:35 |
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stdin | chemicalvamp: ahh, move it back :P "sudo mv /usr/local/firefox32/plugins/jre-1_5_0_10-linux-i586.bin ~/Desktop" | 11:35 |
adydas | anyone? | 11:36 |
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chemicalvamp | sudo mv /usr/local/java32/jre-1_5_0_10-linux-i586.bin ~/Desktop | 11:37 |
carl_ | hi | 11:37 |
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chemicalvamp | well that didnt work either | 11:37 |
lonely | whoa | 11:38 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: huh, what does "ls /usr/local/java32/" show? | 11:39 |
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chemicalvamp | ls: /usr/local/java32/: Not a directory | 11:39 |
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leiar | I can't get recording audio to work not in audacity nor in xvidcap. Anybody? | 11:40 |
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carl_ | I tried to connect my Samsung z400 to kubuntu, using usb cable. My sister's Sony Ericsson K610i instantly came up as a usb flash-device, but my phone does not. The drivers that start are "drivers/usb/serial/visor.c: USB HandSpring Visor / Palm OS driver", but I cannot find my phone anywhere | 11:41 |
carl_ | any ideas? | 11:41 |
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chemicalvamp | "ls /usr/local/firefox32/plugins/" shows libflashplayer.so libjavaplugin_oji.so libnullplugin.so | 11:42 |
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stdin | chemicalvamp: where did you move jre-1_5_0_10-linux-i586.bin to? | 11:42 |
dbglt | hey guys, I'm trying to setup my laptop with an external monitor: I want the external monitor to activate when it is plugged into the laptop (and the laptop screen to turn off an external monitor is plugged in), and vice versa | 11:43 |
dbglt | any idea how to do this? | 11:43 |
dbglt | (automatically change screens and screen resolution) | 11:43 |
leiar | any experts on audio in kubuntu, I'm not able to record my voice | 11:43 |
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chemicalvamp | stdin: wait i did chmod +x jre-1_5_0_10-linux-i586.bin then ~/Desktop/jre-1_5_0_10-linux-i586.bin then sudo mv ~/Desktop/jre-1_5_0_10-linux-i586.bin /usr/local/java32 | 11:44 |
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stdin | chemicalvamp: ahh, try "sudo mv /usr/local/java32 ~/Desktop/jre-1_5_0_10-linux-i586.bin" | 11:45 |
chemicalvamp | there we go | 11:46 |
chemicalvamp | now ~/Desktop/jre-1_5_0_10-linux-i586.bin ? | 11:46 |
stdin | yep | 11:47 |
hansen | hi. how mature is compiz etc. supposed to be by now (edgy) ? | 11:47 |
chemicalvamp | hey wait i did do this didnt i? i remember already doing this eual | 11:47 |
hansen | I run compiz + kde-window-decorator and I do get wobbly transparent windows and all, but it doesn't seem to be totally stable | 11:47 |
chemicalvamp | eula* | 11:47 |
tarelerulz | Well mounting the iso of movie is easy find out what audio tracks are english haha | 11:47 |
stdin | hansen: not very, it's still quite new and it all depends on your hardware and package versions | 11:48 |
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stdin | chemicalvamp: when it's done, you should have a new folder on the desktop | 11:48 |
chemicalvamp | replace jre1.5.0_10/bin/java? [y] es, [n] o, [A] ll, [N] one, [r] ename: | 11:48 |
hansen | it locked up on me a few times, and for some reason the connect dialog in konversation is totally dead with compiz -- other apps seem to work OK | 11:48 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: try A | 11:49 |
chemicalvamp | done | 11:49 |
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hansen | dist is edgy/amd64 and gfx is nvidia quadro fx 3500 | 11:49 |
hansen | moving windows around etc. is very snappy, but performance when resizing windows is bad | 11:50 |
hansen | with newest nvidia drivers of course | 11:50 |
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hugeta | how to intall dual boot in one hardddisk | 11:53 |
hugeta | i have already ubuntu system on my notebook | 11:53 |
chemicalvamp | stdin: no folder, all i have is jre-1_5_0_10-linux-i586.bin and RealPlayer10GOLD.bin (was continuing the guide) | 11:54 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: do: find ~ -type d -iname "jre*" | 11:54 |
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tarelerulz | I understand how you mount iso so you can look in it ,but How would you mount is so your system see it as dvd or cd ? | 11:56 |
chemicalvamp | stdin: i just got a > | 11:56 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: make sure you put both the quotes in, press Ctrl-C to get back to the prompt | 11:57 |
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stdin | tarelerulz: I'd use VLC to just read the iso file directly and play it | 11:58 |
stdin | !vlc | 11:58 |
ubotu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 11:58 |
stdin | !info vlc | 11:58 |
ubotu | vlc: multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-svn20061012.debian-1ubuntu1.1 (edgy), package size 1120 kB, installed size 3240 kB | 11:58 |
chemicalvamp | stdin: /home/bott/jre1.5.0_10 | 11:58 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: hmm, ok. well then replace "~/Desktop/jre1.5.0_10" with "~/jre1.5.0_10" | 11:58 |
tarelerulz | thanks stdin | 11:58 |
chemicalvamp | how do i kill kaffeine? i put in an audio cd and its not workin | 11:59 |
hnsn | stdin: hi | 11:59 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: you can press Ctrl-Alt-Esc and click on the window | 11:59 |
stdin | hnsn: hi | 11:59 |
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chemicalvamp | there is no window | 12:00 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: ok then, "killall kaffeine" in konsole | 12:01 |
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chemicalvamp | stdin: replace "~/Desktop/jre1.5.0_10" with "~/jre1.5.0_10" shows replace "~/Desktop/jre1.5.0_10" with "~/jre1.5.0_10" | 12:02 |
chemicalvamp | err | 12:02 |
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chemicalvamp | bash: replace: command not found | 12:02 |
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tarelerulz | when you say play the iso directly you mean look inside it and play teh vob or do see it as dvd | 12:02 |
leiar | I am not able to record voice in audacity neither in xvideocap | 12:03 |
root__ | pls I have a problem... I mount my Windows partition, and now, I cant access it neither from linux, nor from windows... I cant run chdisk tools on it :( | 12:03 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: no, I meant type ~/jre1.5.0_10 instead of ~/Desktop/jre1.5.0_10 with the mv command | 12:03 |
stdin | tarelerulz: no, you just tell it to play the ISO file, without mounting it | 12:03 |
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chemicalvamp | stdin: ohhh so sudo mv ~/jre-1_5_0_10 /usr/local/java32 | 12:04 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: yeah | 12:04 |
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stdin | chemicalvamp: fixed the guide again :P | 12:06 |
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chemicalvamp | stdin: sudo mv ~/jre1.5.0_10 /usr/local/java32 (if you needed to put it in the guide) | 12:06 |
stdin | done, and done :P | 12:06 |
chemicalvamp | xD so is it all fixed and ready? or do i need to repeat everything from that point | 12:07 |
stdin | no | 12:07 |
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chemicalvamp | what about jre-1_5_0_10-linux-i586.bin | 12:07 |
stdin | delete it if you want | 12:07 |
root__ | pls.... help me :( | 12:08 |
chemicalvamp | stdin: just so you know "sudo mv ~/jre-1_5_0_10 /usr/local/java32" didnt work, sudo mv ~/jre1.5.0_10 /usr/local/java32 did though | 12:09 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: huh? did you use quotes the 1st time? | 12:10 |
chemicalvamp | nope | 12:10 |
chemicalvamp | was quoting the guide | 12:10 |
dazza_ | hi, my ps2 keyboard doesn't work in the edgy installer. is this a common issue? | 12:10 |
tmbg_ | he took out the dash | 12:10 |
stdin | ahh | 12:11 |
chemicalvamp | the folder name is jre1.5.0_10 not jre-1_5_0_10 | 12:11 |
tmbg_ | dazza_, a guy earlier had that issue, changed something in his bios to fix it | 12:12 |
dazza_ | tmbg_: ok thanks, i'll try that... | 12:12 |
leiar | I am not able to record voice. Anybody who can help me, pls | 12:12 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: if you're installing RealPlayer too, refresh for those fixes | 12:12 |
chemicalvamp | k ^.^ | 12:13 |
stdin | ooh, just noticed the time, I gotta go to work (yes, work on a SUNDAY!!!) | 12:14 |
leiar | j/ #audio | 12:14 |
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stdin | chemicalvamp: you should be ok now | 12:14 |
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tarelerulz | Thanks for telling me about vlc | 12:14 |
chemicalvamp | lemme test it on youtube | 12:15 |
stdin | vlc is a great app, even tho it's GTK | 12:15 |
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leiar | I don't know what vlc is. SHould I? | 12:15 |
stdin | !info vlc | 12:15 |
ubotu | vlc: multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-svn20061012.debian-1ubuntu1.1 (edgy), package size 1120 kB, installed size 3240 kB | 12:15 |
chemicalvamp | stdin: Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player. | 12:15 |
chemicalvamp | do i need to reboot or anything like that? | 12:16 |
tarelerulz | Now all I need to get down how to play all the sub formats and I am good | 12:16 |
stdin | chemicalvamp: no, shouldn't have to | 12:16 |
leiar | I use mplayer. What is a streamer? | 12:16 |
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mrigns | leiar: u can stream media over the network | 12:18 |
dazza_ | tmbg_: i changed a setting but there was no effect, I don't suppose you remember what this person changed? | 12:18 |
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tarelerulz | that I must say is hot streaming media . I do it all the time I have one computer that download it and I play it on the other | 12:19 |
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dazza_ | Admiral_Chicago: sorry, bad drag'n'drop | 12:23 |
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von | hi.. i've got 1 internal sound card and 1 external sound card.. how do i make kubuntu to default my sounds from the external one? | 12:26 |
von | seems like its onyl playing sound from the internal sound card port | 12:26 |
=== MilhousePunkRock [n=MPR@dslb-088-070-010-005.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
MilhousePunkRock | Hello everyone | 12:27 |
von | 02:02.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev 0a) | 12:27 |
MilhousePunkRock | I am helping a buddy setting up kubuntu... | 12:27 |
von | 00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801BA/BAM AC'97 Audio (rev 04) | 12:27 |
von | these 2 | 12:27 |
MilhousePunkRock | We are just pondering about the partitioning strategy | 12:27 |
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MilhousePunkRock | especially about swap, he's got 1.5 GB physical RAM, does he need swap at all? Mine hardly gets used (that is on Gentoo though) | 12:28 |
von | !swap | 12:28 |
ubotu | swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info | 12:28 |
Hobbsee | MilhousePunkRock: unlikely. could be helpful, though | 12:28 |
fdoving | MilhousePunkRock: i'd say, go with a gig of swap or so. more if he intends to use hibernation. | 12:28 |
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von | hi.. i've got 1 internal sound card and 1 external sound card.. how do i make kubuntu to default my sounds from the external sound card? | 12:29 |
von | i mean | 12:29 |
von | pci sound card instead of the on board sound card | 12:29 |
MilhousePunkRock | is it a myth that using swap makes the system slower if you have enough physical ram, since HDD is much slower that RAM? | 12:29 |
fdoving | MilhousePunkRock: yes. it is. | 12:29 |
MilhousePunkRock | fdoving: OK. So if he wants to hibernate to swap, that would be physical RAM plus video RAM plus a little on top? | 12:30 |
fdoving | MilhousePunkRock: or.. it depends. you can adjust the kernels swappiness with the numbers in /proc/sys/vm/swappiness | 12:30 |
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eilker | !raid | 12:31 |
ubotu | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO | 12:31 |
fdoving | MilhousePunkRock: i've read somewhere that 1.5 times the size of ram is good for hibernation, i can't confirm that though since i don't use hibernation. | 12:31 |
waylandbill | von: change the device listed in the arts configuration dialog (system settings or kcontrol) | 12:31 |
von | i'm in there but | 12:32 |
MilhousePunkRock | fdoving: I do, on my laptop, IIRC my swap there is twice my ram | 12:32 |
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von | select the audio device = autodetect, oos, nas, enlighten sound daemon etc | 12:33 |
von | don't have my devices | 12:33 |
MilhousePunkRock | but the video ram gets written there too, IIRC | 12:33 |
waylandbill | von: that's the audio driver, not the device | 12:33 |
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fdoving | MilhousePunkRock: ok. i'm not up2date on how it works. sounds like you are :) | 12:33 |
von | oh there's a Override device location | 12:33 |
MilhousePunkRock | von: I guess you will need to change the order of the soundcards in alsaconfig | 12:33 |
waylandbill | von: override | 12:33 |
von | but it requires me to fill in the field | 12:33 |
von | so i put /dev/audio2 ? | 12:34 |
waylandbill | von: /dev/dsp1 | 12:34 |
MilhousePunkRock | fdoving: So, he's got 1.5 gig of ram and a 128 MB video card, so 2 GB should be good enough | 12:34 |
von | root@von:~# ls /dev/dsp -l | 12:34 |
von | crw-rw---- 1 root audio 14, 3 2007-04-01 23:39 /dev/dsp | 12:34 |
von | i only have 1 dsp | 12:34 |
von | but i got 3 mixers | 12:35 |
von | and 2 audios | 12:35 |
von | weird? | 12:35 |
fdoving | MilhousePunkRock: i'd think so, yes. | 12:35 |
von | mixer mixer1 mixer 2 audio audio2 and dsp only | 12:35 |
von | sorry i got dsp2 | 12:35 |
waylandbill | that would've been ls -l /dev/dsp* :-) | 12:36 |
MilhousePunkRock | what about the old school partitioning strategy of: let's say 1 GB for /boot (though that is huge already), about 30 GB for / (should be more than big enough too, right?) and the rest for /home ?? | 12:36 |
von | i don't have dsp1 .. only dsp and dsp2 | 12:37 |
Vincent_k | I have 10GB / and 1,5GB for swap (1GB ram) and the rest for /home | 12:37 |
waylandbill | von: that's ok. put dsp2 | 12:38 |
waylandbill | since the default is dsp, my super powers of deduction say dsp2. :-) | 12:38 |
MilhousePunkRock | so a seperate /boot is old-fashioned, Vincent_k? Including uber geekness with unmounting after boot... | 12:40 |
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MilhousePunkRock | What could the maximum size of / be, assuming you really install a lot of stuff? | 12:40 |
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Vincent_k | I think it might be unessesary | 12:41 |
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Vincent_k | but I'm no expert | 12:42 |
waylandbill | MilhousePunkRock: without home on there? 20GB could be super plenty for / space. | 12:42 |
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Vincent_k | I've always used this setup though (linux user for aprox 6 yrs) | 12:42 |
von | it doesn't work | 12:43 |
MilhousePunkRock | waylandbill: Thanks, that sounds like a plan... So we'll not use a seperate /boot | 12:43 |
Vincent_k | Ive never even been close to run out of space with 10GB for / running kde | 12:43 |
MilhousePunkRock | 2 GB swap, 20 GB / and rest /home | 12:43 |
von | could it be audio2? | 12:43 |
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waylandbill | von: maybe. don't know | 12:44 |
waylandbill | is that a symbolic link to dsp2 though? | 12:44 |
von | something is starnge.. i just can't hear anything | 12:44 |
=== mrigns uses 2,8GB swap (2GB ram), / 15GB, /var 2GB, rest /home | ||
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MilhousePunkRock | mrigns: Oh, a seperate /var, that's a first | 12:45 |
waylandbill | von: guess it isn't a symbolic link... can't hurt to try I guess | 12:45 |
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mrigns | MilhousePunkRock: its usefull though | 12:45 |
waylandbill | MilhousePunkRock: unix servers tended to always have seperate /var. Usually on another drive. | 12:46 |
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MilhousePunkRock | mrigns: It sure sounds so, but is it something a complete newbie would need? | 12:46 |
waylandbill | MilhousePunkRock: nah | 12:46 |
MilhousePunkRock | And why is noone recommending the seperate /boot? ;-) | 12:46 |
von | but is it correct to put inside the override? | 12:47 |
von | hm | 12:47 |
waylandbill | MilhousePunkRock: /boot was to get around bios limitations. | 12:47 |
von | ahh i guess i'll just disable it from the bios | 12:47 |
Vincent_k | When I ran gentoo I had separate /boot witch where unmounted after boot | 12:47 |
MilhousePunkRock | Anything he has to take care of considering he will install kubuntu on a physically seperate drive to his Windows, which he wants to dual boot with? | 12:47 |
waylandbill | MilhousePunkRock: generally speaking it's not needed in most cases now. | 12:47 |
MilhousePunkRock | Vincent_k: Exactly that... /me is running Gentoo on this machine, they still recommend it... | 12:48 |
von | what's the command in terminal to test the /dev/audio ? i remembered its like random or something | 12:48 |
waylandbill | MilhousePunkRock: / and /home is sufficient and is what I use. | 12:48 |
von | how to type in and play something | 12:48 |
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MilhousePunkRock | waylandbill: IIRC I dont even have a seperate / on my kubuntu... | 12:49 |
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waylandbill | MilhousePunkRock: you don't need to. I did it in case I need to wipe the / clean and install again and not lose my /home data | 12:49 |
MilhousePunkRock | most of my data is on a seperate partition I share with gentoo and which gets mounted to ~/data | 12:50 |
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MilhousePunkRock | At least that was the plan, I think I never finished it... | 12:51 |
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MilhousePunkRock | He is partitioning now, I will check back if any further questions appear. BTW, I recommended to go for the Feisty Beta already, since it works fine for me, shouldn't be a problem, right? | 12:53 |
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Ind[y] | Hello. How can I set "sudo" to prompt for the root password? | 12:53 |
MilhousePunkRock | Ind[y] : You have a user root? | 12:53 |
waylandbill | MilhousePunkRock: i was running it, but ksynaptic was not working, so went back to edgy. I hate the touch pad and usually have it disabled. | 12:53 |
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filemover | im just compiling the newest ktorrent from source becuase it has better download rates and im getting linking errors for the Xlibs and for Qt im just wondering if anyone knows the default locations for these libs and headers and what flags to pass to configure. It would seem that i already have Xlibs and qt installed | 12:54 |
Ind[y] | MilhousePunkRock: yes | 12:54 |
waylandbill | Ind[y] : the point of sudo is to eliminate needing to use a root password. | 12:54 |
Ind[y] | waylandbill: OK. I want to do it though. How can I? | 12:54 |
MilhousePunkRock | waylandbill: Luckily I run Kubuntu on an older ThinkPad, only a trackpoint there... My buddy is setting up a desktop anyway | 12:54 |
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waylandbill | Ind[y] : you'd use su | 12:54 |
SSJ_GZ | filemover: You need the -dev packages for each of Qt and X installed. | 12:54 |
waylandbill | not sudo | 12:54 |
waylandbill | !root | 12:54 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 12:54 |
filemover | great | 12:55 |
filemover | thnks | 12:55 |
filemover | i think ive got em | 12:55 |
MilhousePunkRock | Ind[y] : "sudo su -" | 12:55 |
MilhousePunkRock | makes you login as root | 12:55 |
filemover | i installed kdevelop and got Qt along with it | 12:55 |
waylandbill | MilhousePunkRock: yeah. feisty beta is okay. | 12:55 |
MilhousePunkRock | Or rather remain super user until you log out | 12:55 |
waylandbill | just su | 12:55 |
SSJ_GZ | filemover: sudo apt-get build-dep ktorrent should do the trick. | 12:56 |
filemover | and i installed all the x.org dev stuff as well | 12:56 |
waylandbill | no sudo before it. su or su - | 12:56 |
filemover | ok | 12:56 |
filemover | but its not the version i want | 12:56 |
MilhousePunkRock | waylandbill: See, I never use that... ;-) | 12:56 |
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filemover | the one in the repositries is great but theyve just inproved the latest one out of sight | 12:57 |
MilhousePunkRock | waylandbill: By the way, I swore to myself to wait at least until the RC since the Edgy beta gave me so many problems... But I just couldn't... | 12:57 |
waylandbill | MilhousePunkRock: nor do I. Enabling root is a security risk and sudo works just fine. | 12:57 |
filemover | the download limmits are way up there and steady not like b4 | 12:57 |
SSJ_GZ | filemover: That just grabs the dependencies necessary for building ktorrent. Generally, these don't change much between releases. | 12:57 |
filemover | ok | 12:57 |
filemover | gotcha | 12:57 |
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filemover | thnx | 12:58 |
waylandbill | MilhousePunkRock: it's like a new toy. Just can't wait. :-) | 12:58 |
SSJ_GZ | filemover: np =) | 12:58 |
MilhousePunkRock | waylandbill: I guess that's why the ability to su is pretty undocumented... | 12:58 |
MilhousePunkRock | waylandbill: On top of that, some stuff does not really work for me yet. But I've got two weeks off now and fixing all that will be a pleasant thing to do... :-D | 12:59 |
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waylandbill | MilhousePunkRock: two weeks off. that's too nice. | 01:00 |
MilhousePunkRock | It's not really off, I still have to write the journals for the past few classes (/me is a student of biology) | 01:01 |
waylandbill | I write windows software | 01:02 |
MilhousePunkRock | Who forced you to? ;-) | 01:02 |
MilhousePunkRock | j/k, I am pretty sure you could hardly make a living from writing FOSS | 01:02 |
=== von [n=von@bb121-6-14-22.singnet.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu | ||
von | !nivida | 01:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nivida - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:03 |
von | !nividia | 01:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nividia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:03 |
von | !nvidia | 01:03 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 01:03 |
waylandbill | MilhousePunkRock: wrote windows software long before I used linux. | 01:03 |
MilhousePunkRock | i wish i could code at all, computional biology seems to be "the thing" for a geeky biologist... | 01:04 |
sorush20 | !fiesty | 01:04 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) - Feisty will be released at 0:00 UTC on April, 1 | 01:04 |
Filthpig | I wanna live, I wanna live to see your body beat | 01:05 |
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MilhousePunkRock | How can it be released if the RC isn't even out? Or the kernel not being frozen yet? April fool's day, huh? | 01:06 |
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smile | hi everybody | 01:06 |
smile | how to make a voice chat with kopete ? | 01:07 |
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busfahrer | Excuse me, how do I switch the 'startup' logo between ubuntu and kubuntu? (kdm/gdm)? | 01:07 |
MilhousePunkRock | smile: Jabber Jingle aka Google Talk? | 01:07 |
MilhousePunkRock | busfahrer: The bootsplash? I think you could edit your grub.conf accordingly... | 01:08 |
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fdoving | busfahrer: in a terminal 'sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so' | 01:09 |
c1|freaky | busfahrer: do you mean switching between kdm and gdm or the usplash? | 01:09 |
MilhousePunkRock | busfahrer: Sorry, it's called menu.lst here | 01:09 |
busfahrer | fdoving: There was also another command involved besides that | 01:09 |
c1|freaky | dpkg-reconfigure gdm and then choose kdm | 01:09 |
c1|freaky | i think | 01:09 |
c1|freaky | or something like that | 01:09 |
c1|freaky | it will ask which one of both u want to use | 01:10 |
smile | MilhousePunkRock: what is jabber jingle ? | 01:10 |
busfahrer | thanks guys | 01:10 |
MilhousePunkRock | busfahrer: There is no good reason why you would need two login managers though | 01:10 |
MilhousePunkRock | MilhousePunkRock: What kind of voice chat were you referring to in the first place? | 01:10 |
smile | MilhousePunkRock: i want speak with msn user by mic | 01:11 |
MilhousePunkRock | smile: Hmm... Did you ask in #kopete if that is possible at all? | 01:11 |
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smile | MilhousePunkRock: i didnt found a option for voice talk .. i found the cam but not the mic | 01:12 |
smile | MilhousePunkRock: is this possible with aMSN or Gaim ? | 01:13 |
MilhousePunkRock | smile: A quote fromt the KDE forum: "Kopete does not support voice conversation via MSN. Only voice conversation via GoogleTalk is supported right now. " | 01:13 |
MilhousePunkRock | smile: That was july 2006 though, no idea if anything has changed | 01:13 |
MilhousePunkRock | smile: You are probably best off asking in #kopete | 01:14 |
smile | MilhousePunkRock: googletalk can speak with msn user ? | 01:14 |
smile | MilhousePunkRock: what do u mean ? | 01:14 |
=== Deepo [n=sadsd2@253.red-212-97-174.user.auna.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Deepo | Hi | 01:14 |
MilhousePunkRock | smile: No, google talk can talk with google talk | 01:14 |
MilhousePunkRock | smile: join the channel #kopete and ask there | 01:15 |
smile | MilhousePunkRock: how can i connect to this channel ? | 01:15 |
MilhousePunkRock | just click on #kopete | 01:15 |
MilhousePunkRock | or type "/j #kopete" | 01:15 |
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MilhousePunkRock | without the quotes | 01:15 |
smile | MilhousePunkRock: thx i did it :-) | 01:16 |
MilhousePunkRock | smile: yw | 01:16 |
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Deepo | How can I update my kubuntu to feity ? | 01:16 |
Deepo | feisty ? | 01:16 |
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smile | Deepo: yes is ur ku is edge | 01:16 |
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Alda- | check the kubuntu homepage | 01:16 |
MilhousePunkRock | deepo: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDistUpgrade | 01:16 |
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Deepo | ok | 01:17 |
MilhousePunkRock | deepo: alternatively: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 01:17 |
smile | Deepo: just click " sudo apt-get upgrade " | 01:17 |
ruschi | Can anyone confirm missing tty if changing from sysv-init to upstart? | 01:17 |
smile | Deepo: oh .yes ..as MilhousePunkRock said :-) | 01:17 |
Deepo | ok, thanks | 01:17 |
MilhousePunkRock | Deepo: It might take a while though, don't dare to abort it, it left me with an unbootable system | 01:18 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o fdoving] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#kubuntu [-bb *!*=ebotvine@74-222-213-55.dyn.everestkc.net *!*n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] by fdoving | ||
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o fdoving] by fdoving | ||
ruschi | I changed form sysV init to upstart now there are no getty spawned - already installed console-setup | 01:18 |
fdoving | ruschi: do you have 'system-services' installed ? | 01:19 |
MilhousePunkRock | btw, Deepo, what you asked for is even in the channel topic.. ;-) | 01:19 |
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ruschi | fdoving: no it was not installed - should I post a bugreport ? IMHO this is an essential thing and should be installed by depencency of ubuntu-base | 01:21 |
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sorush20 | anyone here using fiesty | 01:21 |
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MilhousePunkRock | sorush20: No, but Feisty. :-P The right place to ask questions about it is #ubuntu+1 though | 01:22 |
fdoving | ruschi: ubuntu-minimal already depends on it. no need. | 01:23 |
fdoving | sorush20: yes. i use feisty. | 01:23 |
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tux | hi | 01:24 |
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ruschi | fdoving: strange I upgraded from dapper to edgy and now to feisty - I never had ubuntu-minimal installed | 01:24 |
ruschi | obviously it is not needed - no dependants of ubuntu-minimal | 01:25 |
tux | does one of you know wich packages i need to install for KDE, just KDE-core? | 01:25 |
Deepo | or if you have KDE 3.5.6 Edgy packages installed add this one for i386: | 01:26 |
Deepo | what does that mean ? | 01:26 |
Deepo | I have edgy | 01:26 |
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fdoving | ruschi: what app did you use when upgrading? apt-get? | 01:26 |
ruschi | yes | 01:26 |
ruschi | apt-get distupgrade | 01:27 |
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busfahrer | Excuse me, how do I get konqueror to thumbnail movie files? (instead of icons) | 01:27 |
ruschi | fdoving: is apt-get distupgrade replaced by something else? | 01:27 |
fdoving | ruschi: then that's what failed. you should use aptitude, as apt-get doesn't install recommends. upstart recommends system-services, aptitude and the rest will install recommends by default. but you are allowed to manually remove them afterwards. | 01:28 |
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MilhousePunkRock | Deepo: Did you update your KDE in between? If you, you are on KDE 3.5.6, if not, 3.5.5. | 01:29 |
Deepo | ah ok | 01:29 |
Deepo | im 3.5.5 | 01:29 |
MilhousePunkRock | Deepo: Just click Help --> About KDE in any K-app to find out | 01:29 |
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fdoving | ruschi: you can also pass --install-recommends as an option to apt-get, if you want. | 01:30 |
fdoving | or --with-recommends.. maybe. | 01:30 |
ruschi | fdoving: thanks | 01:31 |
ruschi | maybe going down for reboot | 01:31 |
sinkorswim | sorry for the basic question, but what's the kubuntu equivalent of a windows ctrl+click? | 01:32 |
=== von [n=von@bb121-6-14-22.singnet.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu | ||
von | help | 01:33 |
von | i put a cd in, and it alwwtys say its empty | 01:33 |
von | why | 01:33 |
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fdoving | sinkorswim: what does ctrl+click do in windows? | 01:34 |
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sinkorswim | fdoving: it lets u select multiple items | 01:34 |
sinkorswim | in a file explorer | 01:35 |
busfahrer | Excuse me, how do I get konqueror to thumbnail movie files? (instead of icons) | 01:35 |
von | why does it auto mount it? | 01:35 |
fdoving | sinkorswim: that works for me in konqueror. too. | 01:35 |
sinkorswim | shift+click selects items which are next to each other, ctrl+click lets u select items from anywhere in the current view | 01:35 |
von | and say no media | 01:35 |
von | whywhywhy | 01:35 |
sinkorswim | fdoving: strange... not working for me | 01:36 |
MilhousePunkRock | sinkorswim: Standard kde behaviour is one-click-execution. Just hold crtl and drag a little square over each object you want to select | 01:36 |
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ruschi | fdoving: no it didn't help - at boottime I now get a message "/etc/event.d/tty1: unknown stanza" | 01:36 |
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MilhousePunkRock | ruschi: I have that too, once you solve it, let me know how... | 01:36 |
MilhousePunkRock | not for tty1 though, iirc | 01:37 |
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MilhousePunkRock | working, sinkorswim? | 01:37 |
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intelikey | von does it automount ? | 01:38 |
MilhousePunkRock | INTELIKEY | 01:38 |
intelikey | MilhousePunkRock :) | 01:38 |
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von | it does automount | 01:38 |
sinkorswim | MilhousePunkRock: no. I've been messing with all kinds of settings tho. lemme reboot and try again | 01:38 |
von | ok | 01:38 |
MilhousePunkRock | intelikey: Evangelism count: +1 | 01:38 |
von | i tried to type it manually mount /dev/hdc /media/cdrom | 01:38 |
von | and it worked | 01:38 |
ruschi | milhousepunkrock: I got a strang line - seems like a typo: "/sbin/getty 38400 tty1exec /sbin/getty 38400 tty1" - see no space between tty1 and exec | 01:39 |
intelikey | von does 'mount ' show it mounted ? | 01:39 |
von | but the automount makes me can't see the files | 01:39 |
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MilhousePunkRock | ruschi: TBH, I did not look into it yet, things change too fast on Feisty, so I wait until the final release to straighten everything out | 01:39 |
von | before i manually type mount /xxxxx , i can't see on mount | 01:39 |
fdoving | ruschi: what does /etc/event.d/tty1 look like? | 01:39 |
von | after i typed it can.. how can i change the way kunbuntu mount? | 01:40 |
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intelikey | von then it's not "mounted" you can dubble check with 'cat /proc/mounts ' | 01:40 |
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MilhousePunkRock | intelikey, von: Sounds like a kioslave thing to me | 01:40 |
ruschi | fdoving: "start on runlevel 2 .......\n respawn \n /sbin/getty 38400 tty1exec /sbin/getty 38400 tty1" | 01:41 |
intelikey | von that's the reason i asked. you are not seeing a mount you are seeing a kiosocket | 01:41 |
intelikey | MilhousePunkRock prezactly. | 01:41 |
ruschi | sorry - gotta go | 01:41 |
fdoving | ruschi: i'll paste mine online. hang on. | 01:41 |
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von | how do i retify that? | 01:41 |
ruschi | ok | 01:41 |
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ruschi | where is the pastbin? | 01:41 |
apokryphos | ruschi: /msg ubotu pastebin | 01:41 |
MilhousePunkRock | http://pastebin.ca | 01:41 |
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MilhousePunkRock | for example | 01:41 |
von | its a frseh installation, i didn't mess with the settings | 01:42 |
intelikey | von idk. i'm not a gui/kde/'pointy clicky thingy' guy, | 01:42 |
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fdoving | ruschi: http://qtnode.net/pastebin/2613 | 01:42 |
von | idk? | 01:42 |
MilhousePunkRock | von: The first time you ever inserted a media, did a little window come up? | 01:42 |
fdoving | ruschi: that's the syntax, change tty1 to tty2, tty3 and so on for the rest of the ttys. | 01:42 |
intelikey | von if fdoving is not too busy he might know. | 01:42 |
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beta | another stupid question most probably: i want to reinstall windows, how do i fix the bootloader afterwards (wrote it in the mbr simply)? | 01:42 |
knubbe | hi, im gonna re-install my kubuntu laptop. any recommendations with stuff to backup before? except my home-folder that is.. | 01:42 |
ruschi | ok - Thanks alot | 01:42 |
ruschi | gotta go | 01:42 |
intelikey | von idk= i don't know | 01:43 |
von | no, i know the little window that suppose to ask me how i want to do with the cd would pop out..but it didn't pop out.. instead, an icon is on my desktop automatically | 01:43 |
von | that says cdrom0 | 01:43 |
fdoving | i'll be back in 10 mins. | 01:43 |
beta | as i dont know anything about grub config yet i would prefer to just backup my current config then write it back...if possible anyhow | 01:43 |
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MilhousePunkRock | beta: The grub configuration is in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 01:44 |
von | oic | 01:44 |
MilhousePunkRock | Just copy that to a secure location | 01:44 |
beta | thx | 01:44 |
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=== Other is now known as Other1 | ||
MilhousePunkRock | beta: I think you need to run update-grub after win installation, IIRC windows overwrites the mbr | 01:44 |
beta | MilhousePunkRock: then after the windows reinstall, how do i put the grub backup back into the mbr? | 01:44 |
MilhousePunkRock | not 100% sure though | 01:44 |
MilhousePunkRock | update-grub, but someone needs to confirm that | 01:45 |
beta | MilhousePunkRock: yup i read to do that via a live-cd but that doenst put my backup grub config in the mbr i assume | 01:45 |
von | now i have to sudo mount /dev/hdc /media/cdrom everytime i put in a cd | 01:45 |
Tm_T | !feisty | 01:45 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) - Feisty will be released at 0:00 UTC on April, 1 | 01:45 |
MilhousePunkRock | beta: most likely not, just copy it back then | 01:46 |
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beta | MilhousePunkRock: ah wait...im dull again....just do update-grub to rewrite a generic grub config than put the backed up configboot/grub/menu.ls | 01:47 |
beta | ? | 01:47 |
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MilhousePunkRock | beta: Now that I properly read what you wrote... Exactly, the menu.lst does not reside in the mbr, but grub itself | 01:48 |
usamahashimi | hello everyone! | 01:48 |
intelikey | von you probably wont like it, but what i would do is write a script and put in a handy spot to do [ ! `cat ~/.cd` = 1 ] && eject && echo 1 > ~/.cd <new line> [ `cat ~/.cd` = 1 ] && mount <cd_mountpoint> && : > ~/.cd then disable the desktop setting to display device icons on the desktop. and make sure the fstab was set to allow users to mount it.... but that's just me. | 01:48 |
MilhousePunkRock | beta: So you put grub back into place by update-grub and then copy back the original menu.lst | 01:48 |
usamahashimi | i am looking for some replacements of programs of gnome in kde, like gnuplot, gv? | 01:49 |
intelikey | inturpreting <new line> and <cd_mountpoint> of course | 01:49 |
MilhousePunkRock | A general question: Why is the grub.conf called menu.lst in Kubuntu? | 01:50 |
beta | MilhousePunkRock: right...thats where i was confused.....assuming the grb config was the grub loader itself... | 01:50 |
busfahrer | Is there any way to disable the Tooltips that appear when you hover over window titles in the taskbar? (i.e. the large ones, not the small yellow tooltips) | 01:50 |
beta | MilhousePunkRock: thx got it now | 01:51 |
MilhousePunkRock | busfahrer: Most likely yes, in KControl somewhere... I am not in Kubuntu right now, so I cant check | 01:51 |
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usamahashimi | is there any clone for kde of package gnuplot and gv? | 01:53 |
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beta | is it possible to make the navi bar in konq remembering its settings (size, displayed items)? | 01:54 |
MilhousePunkRock | usamahashimi: You can use GTK programs in KDE too | 01:54 |
usamahashimi | MilhousePunkRock: yes, i know but i will prefer the kde's one | 01:54 |
intelikey | von you never said anything about that, does that mean you are considering it ? </shocked if so> | 01:55 |
beta | i looked through the manuals but couldnt find it mentioned....but i cant really believe it aint possible | 01:55 |
usamahashimi | Is there any site which can tell the names of similar packages of gnome and kde? | 01:55 |
MilhousePunkRock | usamahashimi: If you know the purpose, google can probably help... like "qt plotting application" or alike | 01:56 |
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usamahashimi | MilhousePunkRock: lemme check | 01:56 |
von | ? | 01:57 |
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holastickboy | asamahashimi: u could try kde-apps.org and search there for an alternative | 01:57 |
intelikey | beta with a point and click methood prolly not. but i'm sure it can be done, maybe in ~/.kde/aplications/ something... but it may not be easy. | 01:57 |
cs178_ | busfahrer: do you speak german? cause i have a german kubuntu and it might be a bit difficult to translate... | 01:57 |
usamahashimi | holastickboy: thats a good idea, | 01:57 |
holastickboy | does anyone here run world of warcraft on linux here? | 01:58 |
beta | intelikey: ok, thx...at least its possible. if way beyound my current possibilities most probably :) | 01:59 |
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beta | if = also | 01:59 |
beta | although | 01:59 |
beta | sheesh... | 01:59 |
beta | ;) | 01:59 |
intelikey | :) | 01:59 |
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busfahrer | cs178_: I figured it out, thanks :-) | 02:00 |
usamahashimi | holastickboy: i find some packages, like kst and labplot but how do i know that which is standard for kde? | 02:00 |
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holastickboy | usamahashimi: as far as I know, if those programs are on that site, they have been made using the QT library, which is basically the foundation of kde. | 02:01 |
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joao | hello | 02:01 |
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holastickboy | usamahashimi: u can always download it and try, wont hurt | 02:01 |
holastickboy | joao: hi there | 02:02 |
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fdoving | beta: update-grub just updates menu.lst, it does not re-write the mbr with grub. | 02:02 |
joao | its may first time here | 02:02 |
fdoving | beta: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 02:03 |
holastickboy | joao: same here mate, been on for like 2mins :D | 02:03 |
Jisao | welcome, jo | 02:03 |
joao | ...abd new in ubuntu | 02:03 |
usamahashimi | holastickboy: i find one, kmatplot and its also in repos | 02:03 |
holastickboy | joao: its a good distro | 02:03 |
fdoving | von: hi, what was your problem again? - cd mounting? | 02:03 |
akrus | hello everyone, i have problems with DVD disk :( | 02:03 |
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holastickboy | usamahashimi: nice :D | 02:03 |
beta | fdoving: oh thx for pointing that out....saved me from an afternoon of headaches most certainly! | 02:03 |
intelikey | grub-install /dev/<your_hd> | 02:04 |
von | hey it worked after i rebooted | 02:04 |
just-this-time | !sound | 02:04 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 02:04 |
holastickboy | akrus: whats ur problem, u can't play dvd movies? | 02:04 |
von | thanks | 02:04 |
akrus | it mounts ok, but some files are unreadable and i'm getting '[431966.324000] Buffer I/O error on device hda, logical block 2107397' in dmesg | 02:04 |
joao | ice distro and many people to help (us and them) | 02:04 |
akrus | with different block numbers :( | 02:04 |
akrus | when copying to HDD | 02:04 |
intelikey | beta grub-install /dev/<your_hd> <<< to rewrite the MBR | 02:04 |
holastickboy | arkrus: sounds to me like ur disk is corrupt, what does everyone else think? | 02:04 |
fdoving | akrus: is the disk fine? scratches or anything? | 02:04 |
beta | basically a good link was all im looking for....sometimes i still struggle to google a good manual...even if its just basic stuff hm | 02:05 |
Jisao | does cp -ax preserve the ownership and permissions of the files? | 02:05 |
akrus | fdoving: lemme check :) | 02:05 |
beta | intelikey: : thx, noted | 02:05 |
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akrus | looks like nothing... lemme clean it :D | 02:05 |
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atidem | hello! | 02:05 |
akrus | someone left fingerprints here lol | 02:05 |
Jisao | HI atidem | 02:05 |
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holastickboy | akrus: does it work on other computers or os? | 02:06 |
akrus | well | 02:06 |
akrus | last time it was windows | 02:06 |
akrus | worked well | 02:06 |
akrus | but it was so long ago | 02:06 |
holastickboy | akrus: well im outta ideas :D | 02:07 |
akrus | okay retrying :) | 02:07 |
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akrus | lol working | 02:07 |
akrus | thankies :D | 02:07 |
holastickboy | akrus: lol, i didnt do much :D | 02:07 |
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akrus | :) | 02:08 |
holastickboy | Does anyone have a nice Linux community website they go to regularly? I'm looking for a site with a forum and stuff | 02:08 |
intelikey | akrus i don't know what disk you are refering to but you might consider that some pressed disks the actual write is on the back side and if you scratch that you ruin the disk. a clean/slick face on the disk does not always mean it's not scratched. | 02:08 |
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akrus | intelikey: yeah i know, just i thought it's like 1Gb+ SD Card problem x) | 02:08 |
intelikey | k | 02:08 |
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intelikey | !forums | holastickboy have you looked on ubuntu | 02:09 |
ubotu | holastickboy have you looked on ubuntu: The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums. | 02:09 |
Alda- | Hi there, I'm messing around with some settings, and found the "Translucency"-setting in window behaviour ... however, when I activate it nothing happens .... do I have to restart X or something like that or is it broken? :) | 02:09 |
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intelikey | holastickboy i'm not sending you there.... wouldn't send someone some place i don't go... just asked if you had checked it. | 02:11 |
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beta | is there an easy way to make all windows remember its sizings and positions? is kcontrol>behaviour for it? | 02:11 |
intelikey | Alda- did you "apply" the changes ? | 02:12 |
Alda- | yupp | 02:12 |
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intelikey | beta check in kcontrol | 02:12 |
holastickboy | intelikey: thanks for that mate. I was thinking of something a little smaller, more of a tight nit community. | 02:12 |
Alda- | allthough, I'm not really sure what should happen ... but arent the windows supposed to get transparent? :) | 02:12 |
beta | hm, i applied firefox size fullsize there but it didnt do anything...i just notice that it works now | 02:12 |
beta | intelikey: possible it is only applied after a reboot? | 02:13 |
intelikey | holastickboy mmmm google "local lugs" maybe | 02:13 |
beta | otherwise my windows just behave strange | 02:13 |
holastickboy | intelikey: will do, good idea | 02:13 |
intelikey | beta this is not M$ we don't reboot for things like that | 02:13 |
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beta | intelikey: crap.....then i got another strange behaving on my list which i got to sort :( | 02:14 |
intelikey | beta a restart of x or of kde (both equal in most cases) yes reboot no. | 02:14 |
beta | i just noticed some apps start up in the background though theres no window loaded that has focus stealing prevention or anything | 02:15 |
beta | intelikey: ok, will try to apply settings then restart kde....hope that will explain it | 02:15 |
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intelikey | kde = the tinkerers dream, the configurers paradice, the "but i want it to just work 'ers " worst nightmare .... | 02:17 |
holastickboy | nothing like having a nice space to cater to ur every tinkering needs though | 02:18 |
holastickboy | thats what i love about linux | 02:18 |
holastickboy | MYSPACE | 02:18 |
Alda | The transluency required a X-restart it seems, not it works :) | 02:18 |
intelikey | and i would ask "but if you want it to 'just work', why aren't you on windows?" </monolog> | 02:18 |
fdoving | intelikey: because it just works sometimes, then it breaks :) | 02:19 |
intelikey | fdoving lol | 02:19 |
intelikey | :) | 02:19 |
holastickboy | lol | 02:19 |
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beta | it would be a relief for the linux world but i wont switch back sry ;) | 02:20 |
intelikey | i still like the one... Q, what do linux users do ? | 02:20 |
intelikey | A, they install software. | 02:20 |
holastickboy | lol | 02:20 |
holastickboy | its true | 02:20 |
holastickboy | its like a hobby | 02:21 |
intelikey | wouldn't be funny if it wasn't true. | 02:21 |
holastickboy | lol, yeah | 02:21 |
CVirus | Amarok suddenly stopped playing mp3s as if it has no support for them .. wtf ?! | 02:21 |
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CVirus | anybody ? | 02:22 |
holastickboy | any error messages? | 02:22 |
intelikey | i'm glad someone pointed out that wtf = what's that for cause i thought people were cursing in shorthand ..... | 02:22 |
beta | even as a noob i can see how you can be pulled into installing configuring evrything to your needs....but it has to be said that KDe out of the box as a working environment is still centurys ahead of windows | 02:23 |
holastickboy | yeah | 02:23 |
intelikey | beta hmmmm ok. now it's been said. :) | 02:24 |
beta | never used a mac....and even with all the little hurdles im still amazed by kde | 02:24 |
beta | intelikey: hehe ;p | 02:24 |
holastickboy | i have a mac | 02:24 |
holastickboy | its too dumbed down | 02:24 |
holastickboy | almost no customisation at all | 02:24 |
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holastickboy | apart from wallpaper... | 02:24 |
intelikey | holastickboy gnome'ish ? | 02:24 |
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holastickboy | no... even worse | 02:25 |
CVirus | holastickboy: no suitable demux pludin | 02:25 |
CVirus | plugin* | 02:25 |
intelikey | well i take that back. gnome is not that bad, it's just not as easily customizable as kde. | 02:25 |
holastickboy | yeah | 02:25 |
beta | i seriously wanted to buy a mac....but im so tempted now to use only linux and free software from now on | 02:26 |
holastickboy | CVirus: im not an expert, but try typing that error message into google and see what happens | 02:26 |
CVirus | holastickboy: that's the error messege the appears when libxine-extracodecs is NOT installed | 02:26 |
CVirus | but I have the package installed ever since I started using Kubuntu | 02:26 |
intelikey | CVirus Q, does it fail on all mp3's now or only mp3's of some types ? | 02:26 |
CVirus | all mp3s | 02:27 |
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holastickboy | CVirus: yeah, what about after a system restart | 02:27 |
CVirus | holastickboy: system restart ? | 02:27 |
CVirus | LOL | 02:27 |
CVirus | how would a reboot fix things ! | 02:27 |
holastickboy | CVirus: well, if it is a temporary crash on AmaroK then it might | 02:28 |
intelikey | CVirus update anything lately ? /var/log/dpkg.log maybe | 02:28 |
CVirus | intelikey: nuthing related | 02:28 |
intelikey | holastickboy M$ mentality ? | 02:29 |
intelikey | this one window looks a little bit different than normal. i think i'll reboot.... | 02:29 |
CVirus | hehe | 02:29 |
intelikey | oh i lost my internet connection i need to reboot | 02:30 |
CVirus | brb | 02:30 |
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intelikey | wait the mouse is "jerky" i need to reboot | 02:30 |
holastickboy | this morning i tried using adept, but everytime i tried to launch it, it just hung there and did nothing. I tried killing the process and apt lock just incase that would help, but it didnt. So i just turned it off, came on this afternoon and it works | 02:30 |
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just-this-time | cloned installation silent on HD Audioo intel | 02:30 |
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just-this-time | how do I make java work on konqueror | 02:31 |
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fdoving | !java | 02:32 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 02:32 |
intelikey | holastickboy i didn't say you couldn't change anything by rebooting. i just pointed out that it's not needed. | 02:32 |
just-this-time | how do I make java work on konqueror, so that paste.ubunut-nl.org works on konqueror and wont blame me for spamming | 02:32 |
BluesKaj | Howdy all :) | 02:32 |
holastickboy | intelikey: i dont reboot all the time, infact, I hate doing it cause it wastes my time | 02:33 |
just-this-time | ok | 02:33 |
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intelikey | just-this-time paste.ubuntu-nl.org hasn't worked for me this year. try pastebin.ca or us or gb or..... | 02:33 |
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just-this-time | k intelikey | 02:33 |
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just-this-time | what could be an easy quick and simple test for java in konqueror. pls link | 02:38 |
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just-this-time | sun-java6-jre installed already | 02:39 |
just-this-time | q | 02:39 |
CVirus | intelikey: holastickboy: deleting my ~/.xine solved the issue | 02:39 |
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holastickboy | CVirus: weird how it just happened though | 02:40 |
holastickboy | CVirus: glad it worked out though | 02:40 |
CVirus | no idea | 02:40 |
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intelikey | noted. | 02:40 |
CVirus | :-) | 02:41 |
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angasule | !repositories | 02:47 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 02:47 |
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kraut | moin | 02:50 |
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mrigns | !de | kraut | 02:51 |
ubotu | kraut: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 02:51 |
kraut | mrigns: i know, so were is the problem? | 02:51 |
mrigns | ka, dachte wsstest es nicht, wegen dem "moin" | 02:51 |
mrigns | nicht bse gemeint | 02:52 |
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kraut | mrigns: ah, ok | 02:52 |
kraut | mrigns: i just used it as an amsg. | 02:52 |
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kraut | and some kind of internatiolization of moin ;) | 02:53 |
kraut | it works pretty well ;) | 02:53 |
os2mac | Having a very interesting problem with network manager in fiesty. | 02:53 |
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os2mac | it's not seeing any wireless networks but I can manually connect just fine | 02:54 |
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os2mac | and even after I am connected and talking (like I am now) networkmanager still doesn't see the network | 02:54 |
mrigns | os2mac: for feisry use #ubuntu+1 | 02:54 |
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os2mac | or #Kubuntu+1? | 02:55 |
ubinsp | Hello everybody | 02:55 |
ubinsp | Who is using kmail here? | 02:56 |
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BluesKaj | ubinsp, I do, what's up ? | 02:59 |
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intelikey | /bin/sh: /bin/sh: cannot execute binary file | 03:00 |
intelikey | ? | 03:00 |
ubinsp | BluesKaj: excuse me, I was warming my tea | 03:01 |
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intelikey | <ubinsp> Who is using kmail here? <BluesKaj> ubinsp, I do, what's up ? <ubinsp> BluesKaj: excuse me, I was warming my tea | 03:01 |
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BluesKaj | np, brb...gonna get a coffee | 03:01 |
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ubinsp | BluesKaj: so my problem is : On a mail server, I can get my mails with imap protocol in digest or cram MD5, But with pop protocol I can't. But I am sure that server support pop protocol with digest or cram MD5 auth, because I succeed to get them with these method with thunderbird. So, what is the problem in kmail with auth digest or cram or APOP auth in pop protocol? | 03:04 |
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BluesKaj | dunno, ubinsp I just use pop, which is quite straightforward to setup, but I'm not sure that one can configure all those options to work simultaneously. | 03:06 |
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ubinsp | BluesKaj: Yes, of course, I use on of them, not all at the same moment | 03:09 |
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ubinsp | one* | 03:09 |
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BluesKaj | I get mail from my ISP, I don't bother trying to channel my webmail to kmail | 03:11 |
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sorush20 | hi | 03:12 |
sorush20 | I just get an upgrade tool crash .. | 03:12 |
sorush20 | how do I recover it.. | 03:12 |
ubinsp | I think Digest-MD5 is the best, but my server says, in pop protocol, that digest-md5 auth is not known by him, but when I do a telnet on it, it's written that digest-md5 auth is OK. | 03:12 |
BluesKaj | I can't get thunderbird to links to open my browser so I dropped it...it's the only reason I use kmail | 03:12 |
ubinsp | So I think there is a bug in kmail | 03:12 |
intelikey | why am i getting an error out of this ? ps -A x | grep -s "$PPID" | grep -q "-bash" && echo 0 || echo 1 | 03:12 |
BluesKaj | ubinsp , sorry but I'm not familiar with digest-md5 ... intelikey? | 03:13 |
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ubinsp | BluesKaj: I can use cram-md5, it is not a problem | 03:14 |
ubinsp | but the result is the same : an error message | 03:15 |
BluesKaj | never even heard of it before | 03:15 |
intelikey | ok it's the shell removing the quotes | 03:15 |
ubinsp | One moment, I have an answer on french channel | 03:15 |
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BluesKaj | intelikey , what is ubinsp talking about, cram-md5 mail protocol ? | 03:17 |
sorush20 | my dpkg is locked by another proces how do I find out what it is and kill it all ? | 03:17 |
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BluesKaj | sorush20, 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a' | 03:18 |
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BluesKaj | or you have adept or synaptic still open , sorush20 | 03:19 |
intelikey | BluesKaj idk. imap and pop is all i'm familear with. | 03:19 |
BluesKaj | yeah, totally greek to me , intelikey | 03:19 |
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ubinsp | BluesKaj: cram-md5 or digest-md5 is a mean to exchange login with the server to be sure that the client is the good person, without sending the password in clear text | 03:20 |
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ubinsp | it's only authentification | 03:20 |
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ubinsp | You can use it on pop or imap as well | 03:21 |
jmichaelx | has anyone else experienced a major problem upgrading to kubuntu feisty beta? i upgraded by changing 'edgy' to 'feisty' in all instances in my sources.list, and doing a dist-upgrade. everything appeared to work, but when i reboot, i wind up getting 'busybox' and no bash. would anyone know whether or not there is still a hope of salvaging this system? | 03:21 |
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elitehacker | hey i am having problems with my KONSOLE* i am typing in su* to open up a java.bin file on my pc but when i do it asks for a password and it says authentication failed when i type in my pass word correctly | 03:21 |
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intelikey | how do you pronounce breath ? | 03:22 |
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intelikey | elitehacker that's because you don't have a root password. | 03:22 |
elitehacker | ohhh | 03:22 |
elitehacker | but i have a password when i log in? | 03:23 |
elitehacker | or is it a system pass? | 03:23 |
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intelikey | elitehacker yeah that's your password not root's | 03:23 |
elitehacker | ohh so how do i make my self one? | 03:23 |
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intelikey | why do you want to ? | 03:23 |
elitehacker | to install java | 03:23 |
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elitehacker | to get frostwire to work | 03:23 |
intelikey | you don't need a root password for that | 03:24 |
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elitehacker | it ask's for one in the java instructions | 03:24 |
intelikey | !java | 03:24 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 03:24 |
clemyeats | elitehacker: you can run things as root by prefixing your commands with "sudo" | 03:24 |
intelikey | !frostwire | 03:24 |
ubotu | frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire | 03:24 |
intelikey | !sudo > elitehacker | 03:24 |
gugu^ | please help to configure server for a little network | 03:24 |
elitehacker | wow!!! to many links and helpful tips!!! | 03:25 |
clemyeats | elitehacker: if you need to log in as root (you rarely do but anyway) you need to assign root a password with "sudo passwd root" then log in as root with "su -".. or even without knowing root's password: "sudo su -" | 03:25 |
intelikey | and that's all for me. later folks. | 03:25 |
elitehacker | i will try the java/ubuntu fourm link | 03:25 |
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elitehacker | ohhh kinda like a windows administrator to the whole pc? | 03:25 |
intelikey | clemyeats that's still not needed. sudo -i and you have made your self root. | 03:26 |
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clemyeats | intelikey: ah well, then even better :) | 03:26 |
intelikey | i mean after all in ubuntu you are root jr. just grow up.... :) | 03:26 |
elitehacker | so how to i sign in as ROOT? | 03:27 |
elitehacker | i only made one user | 03:27 |
clemyeats | elitehacker: graphically ?? | 03:27 |
elitehacker | whats that mean>? | 03:27 |
clemyeats | elitehacker: you mean how do you log in as root in the graphical environment, or how do you run stuff as root.. ? | 03:27 |
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elitehacker | yeah | 03:28 |
clemyeats | elitehacker: yeah what ? :) | 03:28 |
elitehacker | so do i sign in as ROOT and run the java.bin file in terminal? | 03:28 |
clemyeats | elitehacker: you just run the bin file as root.. | 03:28 |
elitehacker | how thou i tried but i need a root pass | 03:28 |
clemyeats | elitehacker: sudo ./java.bin | 03:28 |
elitehacker | alrite | 03:28 |
elitehacker | 1 sec | 03:29 |
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elitehacker | it says no such directory or name? | 03:30 |
elitehacker | when i type sudo ./fre-1-5....... .bin? | 03:30 |
elitehacker | i have the file loacted on my desktop | 03:30 |
archangel_ | I dont know what happend, one minute I can play DVD's the next I cant | 03:31 |
archangel_ | codecs are installed | 03:31 |
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archangel_ | whats the deal? | 03:31 |
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jmichaelx | has anyone else experienced a major problem upgrading to kubuntu feisty beta? i upgraded by changing 'edgy' to 'feisty' in all instances in my sources.list, and doing a dist-upgrade. everything appeared to work, but when i reboot, i wind up getting 'busybox' and no bash. would anyone know whether or not there is still a hope of salvaging this system? | 03:34 |
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elitehacker | HELP i tried installing well downloading java trew terminal and tyhis is what it says | 03:35 |
elitehacker | elitehacker@monster:~$ sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin | 03:35 |
elitehacker | Password: | 03:35 |
elitehacker | Sorry, try again. | 03:35 |
elitehacker | Password: | 03:35 |
elitehacker | Reading package lists... Done | 03:35 |
elitehacker | Building dependency tree... Done | 03:35 |
elitehacker | Package sun-java5-bin is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 03:35 |
elitehacker | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 03:35 |
elitehacker | is only available from another source | 03:35 |
elitehacker | E: Package sun-java5-bin has no installation candidate | 03:35 |
elitehacker | elitehacker@monster:~$ | 03:35 |
elitehacker | sorry | 03:35 |
elitehacker | i didnt mean to press that button to make it all my typing | 03:35 |
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mrigns | !paste | elitehacker | 03:35 |
ubotu | elitehacker: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 03:35 |
elitehacker | yeah i know but i hit the wrong one | 03:36 |
elitehacker | wow thats a huge flood | 03:36 |
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Tm_T | elitehacker: hmm, how about java6 ? | 03:37 |
elitehacker | i have instructions | 03:38 |
hardlife | missy07 | 03:38 |
elitehacker | wait i am installing 5.1? | 03:38 |
elitehacker | is there a 6? | 03:38 |
Tm_T | yes | 03:38 |
Tm_T | elitehacker: "apt-cache search sun-java" | 03:38 |
archangel_ | I tried upgrading also (but from dapper to edgy) and it looked like it worked, however it says I still have Dapper | 03:38 |
elitehacker | whats that? | 03:38 |
archangel_ | not sure why | 03:38 |
elitehacker | apt-? | 03:38 |
elitehacker | do i type that in terminal | 03:38 |
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Tm_T | elitehacker: apt-cache is command that does fiddle with your package database, this particular command series search package that does match with search pattern | 03:39 |
elitehacker | when i type tat it tells me about frost wire? | 03:39 |
Tm_T | it uses java | 03:39 |
elitehacker | yeah thats why i need to install it | 03:39 |
elitehacker | soi can run frost wire | 03:39 |
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sinkorswim | I switched from ubuntu to kubuntu, now I'm getting "connection timed out; no servers could be reached" when I try "host -t mx" on ANY domain | 03:39 |
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elitehacker | i have this link but idk if it will work or be usefull to me? | 03:40 |
elitehacker | http://www.java.com/en/download/help/5000010500.xml#selfextracting | 03:40 |
elitehacker | my pc is kubuntu 6.06 x86 but this one is a x68? | 03:40 |
elitehacker | is there a typo? | 03:40 |
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asdasd | the recent upgrades broke vmware.. whats the best way to fix this | 03:41 |
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mrigns | wow a x68. how did you manage to install kubuntu on a NASA Shuttle Landing Facility??? | 03:41 |
elitehacker | i dont understand? | 03:42 |
zulik | wellcome all | 03:42 |
elitehacker | ios that a good pc or old? | 03:42 |
pauljw | reinstall vmware, asdasd | 03:42 |
mrigns | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X68 | 03:42 |
Filip^ | I need MythTV 0.19 because the protocol is different from 0.20. How do I install older versions on ubuntu? | 03:42 |
BluesKaj | !mythtv | 03:42 |
ubotu | MythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV | 03:42 |
just-this-time | 1http://pastebin.ca/419598 | 03:43 |
just-this-time | http://pastebin.ca/419598 | 03:43 |
just-this-time | wine issue http://pastebin.ca/419598 | 03:43 |
mrigns | elitehacker: 386 486 586 686 = x68 | 03:43 |
just-this-time | sorry re-pasting | 03:44 |
mrigns | x = placeholder | 03:44 |
asdasd | pauljw: install it over the top of the old one? | 03:44 |
elitehacker | um i typed this in termianal apt- get java6.bin and it sayed error and 13 permissions denied and it sayed are u root so i typed in yes and a whole bunch of Y's went down the screen | 03:44 |
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Filip^ | mrigns: (surely you mean x86) | 03:45 |
pauljw | yes, it will most likely remove itself and reinstall, but it compiles to the kernel and when you upgraded it needs to do it again. | 03:45 |
mrigns | mrigns: err yes | 03:45 |
mrigns | Filip^: yes | 03:45 |
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elitehacker | what interface am i using | 03:46 |
elitehacker | i just got java to work but it asks me | 03:46 |
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elitehacker | am i using KDE or Gnome? | 03:46 |
archangel_ | I'm looking for a really good first person shooter | 03:46 |
archangel_ | is there any in adept? | 03:46 |
elitehacker | HELP | 03:46 |
pauljw | elitehacker: are you using kubuntu? it's KDE | 03:47 |
sinkorswim | I switched from ubuntu to kubuntu, now I'm getting "connection timed out; no servers could be reached" when I try "host -t mx" on ANY domain | 03:47 |
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archangel_ | elitehacker: dude do you have a blue square at the bottem left of your screen? | 03:47 |
elitehacker | yeah i typed this in | 03:47 |
elitehacker | sudo dpkg-reconfigure debconf | 03:47 |
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elitehacker | what is that it sayed i need it for java in order to get it | 03:48 |
zulik | elitehacker: yu have repo? | 03:48 |
elitehacker | sudo dpkg-reconfigure debcon | 03:48 |
jack_ | hi, is there a dictionary that i could use offline ? | 03:48 |
elitehacker | ? what that is? | 03:48 |
=== pollyo [n=pollyo@c-68-81-43-126.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pollyo | !frostwire | 03:48 |
ubotu | frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire | 03:48 |
jack_ | elitehacker: | 03:48 |
elitehacker | i dont need that | 03:48 |
jack_ | you mean me? | 03:48 |
pollyo | Anyone here use frostwire? | 03:49 |
elitehacker | i wish i cabn | 03:49 |
elitehacker | can* | 03:49 |
pollyo | elitehacker: Why can't you? | 03:49 |
elitehacker | but i dont think java nor terminal like's me | 03:49 |
elitehacker | cuz i need java installed | 03:49 |
elitehacker | but insted its taking me 2days now | 03:49 |
pollyo | elitehacker: Why not just install it? | 03:49 |
elitehacker | i "kant" | 03:49 |
elitehacker | i dont think kubuntu will let me i need a root? w.e that is | 03:50 |
LjL | jack_: you could install the dictd server on your own machine, and then use any dict client | 03:50 |
LjL | !info dict-gcide | 03:50 |
elitehacker | once i find the root pass then it shoudl work? | 03:50 |
ubotu | dict-gcide: A Comprehensive English Dictionary. In component main, is optional. Version 0.48-4.1 (edgy), package size 14769 kB, installed size 17152 kB | 03:50 |
LjL | root pass? | 03:50 |
LjL | !root | 03:50 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 03:50 |
elitehacker | k i tihkn this is the last link i am clicking on | 03:51 |
just-this-time | !alternatives | 03:51 |
ubotu | To change the default applications system-wide, use 'sudo update-alternatives --all' in a terminal. | 03:51 |
pauljw | elitehacker: you do not need root, use sudo. what you really need is to do your homework and read up on using this os. it's not windows. | 03:51 |
pollyo | elitehacker: Why do you need a root password? | 03:51 |
pollyo | elitehacker: Just sudo command and then type in your password. | 03:51 |
ubinsp | bye | 03:52 |
pollyo | elitehacker: I've been using kubuntu for two - three weeks and I was able to install it in minutes. | 03:52 |
pauljw | :) | 03:52 |
pollyo | I'm only having trouble closing Frostwire. It appears to stay open. | 03:52 |
Filip^ | What's happening is that he's typing stuff into the terminal, which tells him he needs root privileges. Someone needs to give him step-by-step instructions on installing Java | 03:52 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: feisty or edgy? | 03:53 |
Filip^ | 6.10 or 7.04 | 03:53 |
elitehacker | what | 03:53 |
pollyo | Flip^: Doesn't adept have an installation for Java? That is what I used to install Java. | 03:53 |
elitehacker | yes i do use sudo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 03:53 |
elitehacker | but when itype in the java file it says no directory | 03:54 |
jack_ | LjL: thats cool, do i need to enable the dict server in the firewall settings then? | 03:54 |
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LjL | jack_: i don't think so, since you will be using it locally | 03:54 |
LjL | unless the firewall is quite stupid | 03:54 |
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Filip^ | pollyo: I don't know, I just switched to Kubuntu two weeks ago. But my point is that he doesn't want to know about sudo or anyhting else. He wants to have java installed | 03:55 |
soulrider_ | pauljw: we went through this with him yesterday | 03:55 |
jack_ | LjL: so i just install dict-gcide and choose any dict and it should work? sounds so easy | 03:55 |
elitehacker | i need frost wire to work | 03:55 |
pauljw | soulrider_: I saw some of that exchange. :( | 03:55 |
soulrider_ | pauljw: he isnt interested in reading anything at all. | 03:55 |
pauljw | soulrider_: frustrating | 03:55 |
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soulrider_ | indeed | 03:55 |
LjL | jack_: no wait, dict-gcide *is* the dictionary (an english-english dictionary), while dictd is the actual server | 03:55 |
pollyo | elitehacker: Did you install the java though adept? | 03:55 |
elitehacker | frost wire_frusturrating | 03:56 |
elitehacker | whast adept? | 03:56 |
pollyo | elitehacker: Are you using kubuntu? | 03:56 |
elitehacker | theres like 2 names for each progra, | 03:56 |
elitehacker | yes | 03:56 |
soulrider_ | pollyo: i gave him several links to understand package management, but he wont read anything at all | 03:56 |
elitehacker | i did | 03:56 |
LjL | jack_: then to use it, you can use kdict (i think it's included by default) | 03:56 |
elitehacker | i use sudo NOTHING WORKS | 03:56 |
jack_ | LjL: i just found that out in synaptic, just missing the dict-gcide, server is already installed for some reason | 03:56 |
elitehacker | all i need is java to run but instead i have to alter like files and stuff | 03:57 |
pollyo | elitehacker: Click the "K" in the lowerleft and click "System" then click "Adept Manager" | 03:57 |
jack_ | LjL: no its not would you choose kdict overdict-gcide? or the same? | 03:57 |
elitehacker | i know its just like winrar but this on wont open up .bin files | 03:57 |
elitehacker | so theres no point | 03:57 |
pollyo | elitehacker: Ok. No point. You've saved me time. | 03:58 |
LjL | jack_, they're three different things, you need all three. dictd is the server, kdict is the GUI client for KDE, and dict-gcide is the actual dictionary data | 03:58 |
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jack_ | ok, cool | 03:58 |
elitehacker | it says java is installed | 03:58 |
elitehacker | but it yet it wont run frostwire | 03:58 |
jack_ | LjL: thanks | 03:58 |
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soulrider_ | !beryl | 03:59 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 03:59 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: Press the Kmenu button in the left-bottom corner of your screen. The button is probably blue. From "System" choose "Manage packages (Adept manager)". Type "Frostwire", confirm by pressing "Apply updates". Where does this not work? | 03:59 |
elitehacker | theres no files | 04:00 |
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Filip^ | after you type "frostwire", or before? | 04:00 |
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elitehacker | no | 04:00 |
Filip^ | to that question, you can either answer "after" or "before", not "no" | 04:00 |
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elitehacker | idk | 04:01 |
Filip^ | what don't you know? | 04:01 |
elitehacker | omg nvm | 04:01 |
elitehacker | i never typed it before | 04:01 |
Filip^ | what does "nvm" mean? | 04:02 |
elitehacker | is there another p2p sharing that is .EXE!!!!!!! and doesnt use java | 04:02 |
elitehacker | cant i run .exe in kubuntu? | 04:02 |
pollyo | elitehacker: HAve you used adept to install anything? | 04:02 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: are you trying to run .exe's on linux? | 04:02 |
elitehacker | nope | 04:02 |
BluesKaj | frostwire sucks anyway | 04:02 |
elitehacker | i used terminal to install frostwire | 04:02 |
elitehacker | no its a .deb someone told me only those work | 04:03 |
pollyo | elitehacker: You said it didn't install. | 04:03 |
Filip^ | you've never used adept manager? | 04:03 |
elitehacker | yeah not on adept | 04:03 |
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pollyo | elitehacker: If you would take five minutes to look at adept you would be able to install quite a bit of software without trouble. | 04:03 |
elitehacker | when i type in adpet nothinh comes up but when i do it int terminal it does come up as verifying java then a link comes up ww.java.com | 04:03 |
Filip^ | what type of things do you write in adept? | 04:04 |
pollyo | elitehacker: No one suggested you type adept in a terminal. Several people suggested you click the K in the lower corner of your screen. | 04:04 |
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danny500 | HELLO! | 04:04 |
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elitehacker | but if i use adept will it install java from another soucre? | 04:04 |
danny500 | God, it's been forever since I've been here lol :) | 04:05 |
pollyo | elitehacker: How did you come about getting that screen name? | 04:05 |
elitehacker | i use windws | 04:05 |
jack_ | LjL: how do i need to configure the server in the kdict settings for offline use? | 04:05 |
pauljw | lol | 04:05 |
LjL | jack_: i think so, put "localhost" instead of the current server you have | 04:05 |
elitehacker | now i can use windows like an exprt that partly the reason why i cant use linux | 04:05 |
elitehacker | i have linux on my xbox but yet when it comes to pc ? | 04:05 |
pollyo | elitehacker: Ok. Goodday. | 04:06 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: yes, if you use adept, adept will handle all the additional programs frostwire requires | 04:06 |
danny500 | elitehacker | 04:06 |
danny500 | what your problem? | 04:06 |
pollyo | Anyone know how to close frostwire? | 04:06 |
elitehacker | yeah but is it like limewire if i search up java.bin or w.e it wil install | 04:06 |
pollyo | When I attempt to close it the window simply minimizes. | 04:06 |
jmichaelx | has anyone else experienced a major problem upgrading to kubuntu feisty beta? i upgraded by changing 'edgy' to 'feisty' in all instances in my sources.list, and doing a dist-upgrade. everything appeared to work, but when i reboot, i wind up getting 'busybox' and no bash. would anyone know whether or not there is still a hope of salvaging this system? | 04:06 |
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elitehacker | or its serching only installed programs in adept? | 04:06 |
danny500 | go to the Sun Java website lol | 04:06 |
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Filip^ | pollyo: I didn't have that problem just now, but I suppose you could always "killall frostwire" in a terminal | 04:07 |
elitehacker | hey if u dont know about my problem dont bother helping unless u hear everything i type WAY up there cuz u guys give me links i already know | 04:07 |
pollyo | Filip^: I do not even see a Frostwire running. | 04:07 |
jmichaelx | pollyo: sometimes frostwire will not close.... it does more often if you cancel all of your downloads.... you may try just using limewire instead | 04:07 |
elitehacker | the only person helping is pollyo | 04:07 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: no, all available programs. Really, read some more about adept | 04:07 |
danny500 | i asked you what your problem was, don't get snippy with me | 04:07 |
jack_ | LjL: ok, trying if it works offline now, c u tomoro maybe thanks again | 04:08 |
Filip^ | pollyo: you did "ps aux |grep frostwire" and nothing showed up? | 04:08 |
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pollyo | Yes! | 04:09 |
elitehacker | so i get java.bin file rite the self extracting one now how do i open it up with adept when it wont seld extrat it self in terminal with out a root pass even when i put in sudo ./ | 04:09 |
pollyo | jmichaelx: I had to cancel some downloads and it closed. | 04:09 |
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Filip^ | pollyo: so why do you have any reason to think it's still running? Is there a tray icon or something? | 04:10 |
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Filip^ | elitehacker: please, just open adept manager (manage packages) from your start menu | 04:10 |
pollyo | Filip^: Everytime I clocked close or clicked on the X to close the program it would simply minimize to the bar. | 04:11 |
elitehacker | i dont understand that | 04:11 |
Jonty | Can OOo spreadsheet do fill down? | 04:11 |
pollyo | Filip^: After I canceled some downloads that didn't complete it closed without difficulty. | 04:11 |
pollyo | Filip^: Does frostwire generally show as Frostwire in the processtable? | 04:12 |
Filip^ | pollyo: There's always the "xkill" command. Type it in a terminal, and click the forstwire window | 04:13 |
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FuGiTiVo | **----//----** http://www.colonessantafe.com.ar/php/modules.php?name=chat | 04:13 |
elitehacker | wow kubuntu's virtual desktop thing looks very very very fimilar | 04:13 |
Filip^ | pollyo: I must admit I'd never heard of frostwire before today. I just installed to find out what "elitehacker"'s problems were | 04:13 |
pollyo | Filip^: Oh...Thanks. That will be useful. | 04:13 |
Jonty | pollyo: Probably as java | 04:14 |
Filip^ | pollyo: It's a great command. In fact, there's a key-combo that does the same. Of course I forgot which one. | 04:14 |
elitehacker | then what are my probs? | 04:14 |
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Jonty | pollyo: Use something like ps aux to find out what command was run (like java frostwire.jar or whatever) | 04:14 |
elitehacker | Filip^: then whats my problems? when i need to install java not frostwire? | 04:14 |
elitehacker | can u read? | 04:15 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: Did you start the adept manager already? | 04:15 |
pollyo | elitehacker: You can install these thing using adept (for the most part) | 04:15 |
elitehacker | yes i had it running like 3hours now | 04:15 |
pollyo | elitehacker: Adept will install many programs for you. | 04:15 |
elitehacker | so ure telling me I CAN USE adept to run JAVA.BIN FILES EH? | 04:15 |
sinkorswim | I'm getting connection timeouts on "host -t mx" for ANY domain. does anyone know what might be causing this? | 04:15 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: when you start adept, do you see a long list of available packages? | 04:15 |
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elitehacker | i dont need adpet i need terminal to install java | 04:16 |
pollyo | elitehacker: You can use Adept to install the Sun Java software packages. | 04:16 |
blue|palm | how do i fix usb devices not being recognised? | 04:16 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: NO, you NEED ADEPT TO INSTALL FROSTWIRE | 04:16 |
elitehacker | i have tried nothing works? | 04:16 |
archangel_ | everytime I try to play a dvd with kafeine, I get a signal 11 | 04:16 |
elitehacker | it doesnt open up .bin files | 04:16 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: No, it doesn't, it helps you install frostwire the Kubuntu way | 04:16 |
elitehacker | i DONT HAVE FROST WIRE THANKS | 04:17 |
elitehacker | i DONT NEED IT RITE NOW | 04:17 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: you then run it by typing frostwire in a terminal, or by choosing frostwire from the menu | 04:17 |
elitehacker | omg i need java no point getting frost wire when it needs java | 04:17 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: I'm lost. You want to install frostwire, right? | 04:17 |
jmichaelx | what is the path to grub in kubuntu? | 04:17 |
elitehacker | NO JAVA | 04:17 |
elitehacker | java | 04:17 |
elitehacker | Jah,,, EEE veee EH | 04:18 |
pollyo | Is Frostwire in Adept? Doesn't Adept also install dependent packages as well? | 04:18 |
Filip^ | it's in /boot/grub. It's mounted by default | 04:18 |
jmichaelx | Filip^: ty | 04:18 |
binks | pollyo: yes | 04:18 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: why do you need java? | 04:18 |
pollyo | If Elitehacker selects Frostwire from the Adept list doesn't it also install Java runtime? | 04:18 |
blue|palm | USB DEVICES DONT WORK | 04:18 |
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Filip^ | pollyo: yes | 04:18 |
elitehacker | omg why do i need java | 04:18 |
elitehacker | lol | 04:18 |
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elitehacker | funnyest thing all day | 04:19 |
blue|palm | sorry for shouting... but does ANYONE know what to do if usb devices no longer work... | 04:19 |
elitehacker | GET NEW USB PORTS | 04:19 |
pollyo | elitehacker: Is frostwire written in java? | 04:19 |
Filip^ | blue|palm: sorry... | 04:19 |
blue|palm | :( | 04:19 |
elitehacker | yes | 04:19 |
binks | blue|palm: lsusb | 04:19 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: so when you install frostwire, you get java for free! | 04:19 |
blue|palm | binks: what do you mean? | 04:19 |
elitehacker | thats why i need java and not frostwire i dont care about limewire rip offd | 04:19 |
elitehacker | NO JAVA | 04:20 |
elitehacker | when i have it installed it wont run | 04:20 |
blue|palm | binks: I ran it, and they show up | 04:20 |
binks | what do u get from lsusb | blue|palm | 04:20 |
elitehacker | it needs java | 04:20 |
binks | so usb is ok what | 04:20 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: did you install frostwire using adept, because then you get java for free | 04:20 |
blue|palm | binks: but the flash drives dont... | 04:20 |
blue|palm | binks: or external hdd's | 04:20 |
elitehacker | no i used terminal like the last person was trying to help me with | 04:20 |
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binks | pastebin lsusb | 04:20 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: if you're on edgy, you could also try automatix | 04:21 |
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elitehacker | no dont have that | 04:21 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: I understand, but you could install that | 04:21 |
pollyo | elitehacker: Does Adept say you have frostwire installed? | 04:21 |
elitehacker | alli need is javawhy is it not installng all i need is a root pass | 04:21 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: root password is the same password you use when logging in | 04:21 |
elitehacker | no frostwire but yet terminal says i do ??? what happend | 04:22 |
elitehacker | no its not | 04:22 |
elitehacker | diff. pass | 04:22 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: on kubuntu, it is | 04:22 |
elitehacker | nope | 04:22 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: because of the way kubuntu makes use of sudo | 04:22 |
pauljw | yes it is, use sudo and your login password when prompted elitehacker | 04:22 |
elitehacker | i did why do u thnk i am hear rite now | 04:22 |
elitehacker | it says in the link u guys gave me | 04:22 |
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elitehacker | if i don run sudo u need root pass DIFFRENT from userpass | 04:23 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: frankly, I'm not sure why you're here anymore. What exactly are you trying to accomplish? | 04:23 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: unless you used something like "sudo passwd", the root pass is the same as your userpass. | 04:23 |
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pollyo | elitehacker: When adept asks for the root password you enter your login name. | 04:23 |
Filip^ | pollyo: (well, not his name, his pass) | 04:24 |
masterk | hi I need help installing a windows driver | 04:24 |
pollyo | Thank you. | 04:24 |
pollyo | elitehacker: You enter your password. | 04:24 |
elitehacker | k all i need is java screw adept i cant use it to install java it says i need terminal | 04:24 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: what do you need java for? | 04:24 |
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masterk | after I install the driver and modprobe ndiswrapper it still doesn't detect the wifi card in the wifi manager | 04:24 |
blue|palm | Does anybody know where the automount for usb storage media setting is? | 04:24 |
pollyo | elitehacker: If you want java then you WILL use java. | 04:25 |
masterk | but it says the hardware is present in ndiswrapper | 04:25 |
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Daisuke_Ido | masterk: depmod? | 04:25 |
pollyo | elitehacker: You will use Adept that is... | 04:25 |
pollyo | No sleep is it showing? | 04:25 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: When I installed frostwire just now, I automatically got java to come with it. Maybe your program also auto-installs java. If you use adept, of course | 04:25 |
elitehacker | now i type in ./JRE-1_5_0_1.....bin and it says enter root pass type in my user pass sorry access deniend i try it with sudo./jre_1_5_0 it says no such file | 04:25 |
elitehacker | k tell me the frostwire install? | 04:25 |
blue|palm | is there any virtual iso mounting software for ubuntu ? | 04:26 |
Daisuke_Ido | elitehacker: because you forgot _1 | 04:26 |
Filip^ | place a space between sudo and ./jre | 04:26 |
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masterk | Daisuke_Ido: what's that? | 04:26 |
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Filip^ | elitehacker: and remeber: linux is case-sensitive | 04:26 |
elitehacker | i no how to spell it correctly FILIP | 04:26 |
Daisuke_Ido | and if that's the frostwire install i'm thinking of, it's from automatix, which is the devil | 04:26 |
elitehacker | i am just giving ex. | 04:26 |
pollyo | elitehacker: Try this type sudo ./JRE-1_5_0_1.... | 04:26 |
elitehacker | i did | 04:26 |
elitehacker | nothing no file | 04:26 |
elitehacker | tell me the frostwire install | 04:26 |
elitehacker | i have the file already | 04:26 |
elitehacker | so now i am opening it up in adept | 04:27 |
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Filip^ | so when you type ls, the file is in the present directory? | 04:27 |
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pollyo | brb | 04:27 |
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Daisuke_Ido | wth? you HAVE the file, why would you open it in adept? | 04:27 |
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elitehacker | k i opened frostwire.deb in adpet it asks for pass i type in now the program is not opeing up | 04:28 |
Daisuke_Ido | of course it isn't. | 04:28 |
Daisuke_Ido | dpkg -i <deb file> | 04:28 |
elitehacker | syntax error | 04:29 |
elitehacker | when i type in dpkg -i <deb file> | 04:29 |
elitehacker | lol | 04:29 |
LjL | syntax error? | 04:29 |
Daisuke_Ido | did you put the name of the deb file in there instead of <deb file>? | 04:29 |
elitehacker | yes | 04:29 |
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LjL | what error precisely? | 04:30 |
SSJ_GZ | elitehacker: Can you paste *exactly* what you typed here for us? | 04:30 |
elitehacker | elitehacker@monster:~$ dpkg -i <deb file> | 04:31 |
elitehacker | bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline' | 04:31 |
elitehacker | elitehacker@monster:~$ dpkg -i <frostwire-> | 04:31 |
elitehacker | bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline' | 04:31 |
elitehacker | elitehacker@monster:~$ | 04:31 |
SSJ_GZ | elitehacker: Get rid of the < and the > | 04:31 |
elitehacker | see the first one is with out the file name rite | 04:31 |
elitehacker | the second isnt | 04:31 |
SSJ_GZ | elitehacker: Also, use sudo | 04:31 |
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SSJ_GZ | elitehacker: sudo dpkg -i frostwire- | 04:32 |
elitehacker | elitehacker@monster:~$ dpkg -i frostwire- | 04:32 |
elitehacker | dpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege | 04:32 |
elitehacker | elitehacker@monster:~$ | 04:32 |
elitehacker | elitehacker@monster:~$ dpkg -i frostwire- | 04:32 |
elitehacker | dpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege | 04:32 |
elitehacker | elitehacker@monster:~$ | 04:32 |
pauljw | sorry folks, can't take any more of this. bbl. :) | 04:32 |
elitehacker | sorry | 04:32 |
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SSJ_GZ | elitehacker: Use sudo, like I said above :) | 04:33 |
Daisuke_Ido | elitehacker: use sudo | 04:33 |
elitehacker | how sudo ./ | 04:33 |
elitehacker | is that what i type | 04:33 |
Daisuke_Ido | sudo dpkg -i frostwire- | 04:33 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: I still think you need to use adept. The click-by-click instructions are above. If you want to do it the terminal way, type "sudo dpkg -i frostwire-" | 04:33 |
elitehacker | k now it works | 04:33 |
pollyo | blu|palm: How about kiso? | 04:33 |
elitehacker | reading database | 04:33 |
elitehacker | now its unpaking replacemaent frostwire | 04:34 |
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elitehacker | now that it says setup frostwire and shows the line of my username@pc name : its done? | 04:34 |
SSJ_GZ | elitehacker: Hopefully :) | 04:35 |
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elitehacker | k now i go into adept | 04:35 |
elitehacker | k my biggest problem was not using sudo | 04:35 |
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elitehacker | k i went to open up adept and it closed | 04:36 |
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Filip^ | elitehacker: adept is used for installing programs. Since you just installed, you don't need it anymore | 04:36 |
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elitehacker | wait it says frostwire is installed rite now waht about the java? | 04:37 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: If the install was succesful, you just need to type frostwire at a terminal | 04:37 |
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elitehacker | k | 04:37 |
pollyo | elitehacker: Try typing "frostwire" | 04:37 |
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elitehacker | OPPS doesnt look like i have java | 04:37 |
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elitehacker | same thing it sayed before | 04:38 |
kai | whats the name of the cd burning Software I need to get? | 04:38 |
Filip^ | kai: k3b? | 04:38 |
SSJ_GZ | elitehacker: What happens if you just type java and press enter? | 04:38 |
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elitehacker | i still need java i ? what ppl are saying about they already comes with it | 04:38 |
kai | the the cd burnung software? | 04:38 |
kai | I didn't know the name of it | 04:38 |
pollyo | elitehacker: You have trouble listening friend. | 04:39 |
elitehacker | to exucute jar file" something about invoke class | 04:39 |
elitehacker | i just typed it | 04:39 |
pollyo | elitehacker: People have been telling you if you use Adept to install software it will install required packages. | 04:39 |
SSJ_GZ | elitehacker: What about "which java" | 04:39 |
elitehacker | so why did u tell me to type in sudo deb file> in terminal then if i can use it in adept wich i cant cuz i wont open .deb files lmao | 04:40 |
elitehacker | its installed in adept? | 04:40 |
pollyo | elitehacker: Because you continued to insist on using the terminal after several people suggested you use Adept. | 04:40 |
elitehacker | why dont i have java? | 04:40 |
kai | what about mpr encoder | 04:40 |
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kai | ...is it abcd? | 04:40 |
elitehacker | u sayed TYPE IN SUDO <DEBFILE> | 04:40 |
SSJ_GZ | elitehacker: Type "which java" (without the quotes) and tell us what it says, please. | 04:41 |
elitehacker | i cant open .deb files in adept | 04:41 |
elitehacker | to invoke CLASS.main, or | 04:41 |
elitehacker | gij -jar [OPTION] ... JARFILE [ | 04:41 |
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elitehacker | so | 04:42 |
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elitehacker | java? | 04:43 |
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SSJ_GZ | elitehacker: Are you sured you typed "which" before java? | 04:43 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: perhaps you should understand that, for installing software in kubuntu, you do not need to download it first. That's what adept does for you. So adept doesn't need to open a deb file for you, it will download it's own files. | 04:44 |
elitehacker | ohh | 04:44 |
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elitehacker | command not found | 04:44 |
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SSJ_GZ | elitehacker: Ok, try "whereis java" | 04:44 |
elitehacker | in terminal | 04:45 |
elitehacker | command not found | 04:45 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: don't type " " | 04:45 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: which java | 04:45 |
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elitehacker | i knwo | 04:46 |
elitehacker | it says command not found | 04:46 |
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Filip^ | elitehacker: what happens if you just type "which" | 04:46 |
elitehacker | wait i typed in which lol not wich and cam up usr/bin/java | 04:47 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: yes, I figured as much | 04:47 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: so java is installed then | 04:47 |
elitehacker | lol somone sayed wich | 04:47 |
elitehacker | yeah but it wont run frostwire | 04:48 |
elitehacker | its got java 1.5 | 04:48 |
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Filip^ | elitehacker: I really appreciate that you try something different from windows, but you should really read up on using Adept. It will handle all of these problems for you. | 04:48 |
elitehacker | i type in frost wire in termial and it says unable to locatelava | 04:48 |
HymnToLife[] | !frostwire | elitehacker | 04:49 |
ubotu | elitehacker: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire | 04:49 |
elitehacker | i have frostwire installed what where u guys smokeing when u sayed it will install java for me? | 04:49 |
pollyo | elitehacker: Try it without the space. | 04:49 |
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SSJ_GZ | elitehacker: You already have java installed. | 04:49 |
pollyo | elitehacker: One word. | 04:49 |
elitehacker | no | 04:49 |
pollyo | elitehacker: "frostwire" not "frost wire" | 04:50 |
elitehacker | wel tech. i do but i need java | 04:50 |
elitehacker | like 6 | 04:50 |
elitehacker | i did put frostwire | 04:50 |
elitehacker | OPPS UNABLE TO LOCATE JAVA | 04:50 |
Filip^ | pollyo: I tried that. it's not his problem, as the error message is "unable to locate java" | 04:50 |
elitehacker | yes | 04:50 |
elitehacker | thank u | 04:50 |
HymnToLife[] | elitehacker, see the link ubotu gave you | 04:50 |
elitehacker | i need to upgrade JRE1.5 | 04:50 |
elitehacker | its already installed | 04:51 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: try " sudo apt-get install frostwire" and see if that'll give you the correct java version | 04:51 |
elitehacker | i need java | 04:51 |
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elitehacker | now my password is incorrect | 04:52 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: try again, you probably just made a typo | 04:52 |
elitehacker | frostwire is already the newest ver. | 04:52 |
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elitehacker | i have it installed but no java | 04:52 |
elitehacker | cant i update this kubuntu so i has already java on it? | 04:53 |
SSJ_GZ | elitehacker: You already have java. I'm not sure if it's a recent enough version, though. | 04:53 |
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elitehacker | no its JRE1.5 | 04:53 |
elitehacker | the default java that the kubuntu comes with | 04:54 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: "> frostwire is already the newest ver." Is this what the command says? | 04:54 |
elitehacker | yes | 04:54 |
HymnToLife[] | SSJ_GZ, how can you tell he already has Java ? | 04:54 |
pollyo | SSJ_GZ: I 1.6 works with it... Suitable java verson found java = 1.6.0 | 04:55 |
SSJ_GZ | HymnToLife[] : Because "which java" returns /usr/bin/java | 04:55 |
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elitehacker | all i need is java which brings me back all the way to the top of this chat | 04:55 |
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pollyo | SSJ_GZ: Can elitehacker type apt-get install sun-java5* | 04:56 |
Filip^ | elitehacker: Yes, we understood, but adept would've given you the correct java version. It just did for me | 04:57 |
elitehacker | nope 13 permissions denied | 04:57 |
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Filip^ | elitehacker: sudo apt-get install sun-java5* | 04:57 |
SSJ_GZ | pollyo: You forgot the sudo | 04:57 |
elitehacker | when i type in adept | 04:57 |
elitehacker | no ididnt | 04:57 |
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pollyo | Filip^SSJ_GZ: Yes | 04:57 |
elitehacker | couldnt find package | 04:58 |
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pollyo | elitehacker: In terminal try "sudo apt-get install sun-java5* | 04:58 |
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soulrider | damn, he is still trying ot get it installed? =/ | 04:58 |
elitehacker | i did no package | 04:58 |
elitehacker | yeah | 04:59 |
elitehacker | they tell me 8diff things | 04:59 |
soulrider | well | 04:59 |
soulrider | if you had read the links i gave you | 04:59 |
elitehacker | COUNLDNT FIND PACKAGE | 04:59 |
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soulrider | youl would have gotten it installed already | 04:59 |
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elitehacker | no | 04:59 |
elitehacker | cuz it doesnt work | 04:59 |
elitehacker | no java works on my pc idk why | 04:59 |
elitehacker | its cuz i use windows prb | 05:00 |
SSJ_GZ | How come frostwire isn't in the repos, anyway? It's Free Software, isn't it? | 05:00 |
soulrider | uhm..... no | 05:00 |
Filip^ | SSJ_GZ: It is, I just installed it just to see what kind of problems come up. Actually, none came up | 05:01 |
elitehacker | so i tryed adpet get sun java5 and that didnt work | 05:01 |
Filip^ | SSJ_GZ: Although it may be in the uni or multi | 05:01 |
elitehacker | does x-link kai work on linux? | 05:01 |
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elitehacker | never mind that would be a headache to install x-link | 05:01 |
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SSJ_GZ | Filip^: Odd - I have all the repos enabled, and apt-cache search frostwire turns up nothing. | 05:02 |
SSJ_GZ | Filip^: I'm using Dapper, though. | 05:02 |
Filip^ | SSJ_GZ: I'm using feisty | 05:02 |
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elitehacker | so i have a jre-.bin file but yet cant open it up | 05:02 |
Filip^ | SSJ_GZ: Sorry, I meant to say Edgy | 05:02 |
SSJ_GZ | Filip^: Maybe that's why, then. | 05:02 |
SSJ_GZ | Filip^: Heh | 05:03 |
elitehacker | how do i install .bin files? | 05:03 |
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elitehacker | terminal it wont use it it says no file or directory | 05:03 |
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SSJ_GZ | elitehacker: What is the result of "ls *.bin"? | 05:04 |
elitehacker | whats that? | 05:04 |
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elitehacker | i type in sudo ./ | 05:04 |
von | how do u add a splashscreen??? i tried to add its in .rc extension | 05:04 |
von | but it just won't appear | 05:05 |
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elitehacker | yeah i need java | 05:05 |
teke | !feisty | 05:05 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) - Feisty will be released after 0:00 UTC of April, 1 | 05:05 |
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sorcerer | helo | 05:06 |
NightBird | !schedule | 05:06 |
ubotu | Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases | 05:06 |
sorcerer | !killme | 05:07 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about killme - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:07 |
sorcerer | :D | 05:07 |
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mart81 | why is it that my file permissions are changing when i remount my usbdisk? | 05:07 |
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mrigns | !ping | 05:13 |
ubotu | pong | 05:13 |
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aaroncampbell | is there a way to see WHAT package supplies a module? I need libwfb | 05:13 |
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mart81 | aaroncampbell: apt-cache depends module? | 05:14 |
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archangel_ | I guess I should reinstall to upgrade | 05:14 |
archangel_ | too many issues | 05:14 |
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archangel_ | kaffiene crashes on every dvd | 05:15 |
aaroncampbell | mart81: it says that libwfb isn't a package | 05:15 |
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archangel_ | composite manager crashes 2ice inless than a minute, so is therefor disables automaticaly | 05:16 |
lotusleaf | how do I stop ntpd from attempting a blacklisted ipv6 connection? | 05:16 |
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jhutchins | !ipv6 | lotusleaf | 05:17 |
ubotu | lotusleaf: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 05:17 |
lotusleaf | jhutchins, thx I already blacklisted ipv6 though | 05:17 |
jhutchins | lotusleaf: Applies to all services, not just web. | 05:17 |
lotusleaf | jhutchins, roger that && thx :) | 05:17 |
jhutchins | lotusleaf: You disabled the modules? | 05:17 |
lotusleaf | jhutchins, yes | 05:18 |
lotusleaf | jhutchins, my daemon.log is filling with attempts | 05:18 |
jhutchins | Let me link to my kubuntu box, hang on... | 05:18 |
Broxtor | I'm trying to get a Hauppage PVR350 tv card to work in kubuntu edgy, but it won't work. I've read that the module /lib/modules/<kernel-version>/ivtv/tuner.ko should be used, but instead /lib/modules/<kernel-version>/drivers/media/video/tuner.ko is used. Does anyone know how I can change that? | 05:18 |
von | !ksplash | 05:18 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ksplash - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:18 |
lotusleaf | jhutchins, ipv6 is disabled, I verified that | 05:18 |
von | !splash | 05:18 |
ubotu | To change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor. | 05:18 |
lotusleaf | thx :) | 05:18 |
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von | how do u change the splash screen for kde??? i mean i d/led one theme | 05:18 |
mart81 | aaroncampbell: i dunno, apt-cache search does not find anything too. Maybe the package had another name in ubuntu? Just guessing. | 05:18 |
cs178_ | aaroncampbell: trusting google it should be part of xorg-server | 05:18 |
von | but its in .rc format and the splash screen won't read | 05:19 |
jhutchins | lotusleaf: Which release? | 05:19 |
lotusleaf | jhutchins, feisty beta but applies to edgy as well | 05:19 |
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pollyo | How do I know if compiz is working? | 05:19 |
lotusleaf | jhutchins, I asked in #ubuntu+1 no response | 05:19 |
jhutchins | lotusleaf: Ok, I don't have any such thing in my logs for Edgy. Could you pastebin your /etc/ntp.conf? | 05:20 |
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lotusleaf | jhutchins, ah, you know what? I see it's been updated (the wiki) from the last time I read it, the aliases bit wasn't mentioned before, I didn't follow that step | 05:21 |
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pollyo | Under system Settings there is a Splash Screen option. | 05:21 |
lotusleaf | jhutchins, I'll consider this a problem solved and thank you now :) | 05:21 |
jhutchins | lotusleaf: Are you trying to run this as a server for other machines or just keeping your own time in sync? | 05:21 |
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lotusleaf | jhutchins, it's just for a desktop box w/o a LAN | 05:22 |
jhutchins | lotusleaf: Cool, let me know if that doesn't fix it and we'll go after it further. | 05:22 |
lotusleaf | jhutchins, I'm sure the aliases bit will fix it | 05:22 |
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lotusleaf | jhutchins, thanks, I appreciate your time and kindness ;) | 05:22 |
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aabrahao | hi, Im trying to install kubuntu in vnware and the messager appears: screen init failed and tge ~$ appears. What I need to do to install it? | 05:23 |
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archangel_ | planing on a clean install of edgy....... does anyone NOT recommend the 64 bit version? | 05:23 |
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archangel_ | how are the memory config issues (if any) | 05:24 |
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dwidmann | archangel_: I've had no issues with the 64-bit version | 05:25 |
aabrahao | hi, Im trying to install kubuntu in vmware and the messager appears: screen init failed and the ~$ appears. What I need to do to install it | 05:25 |
jhutchins | aabrahao: please try #vmware | 05:25 |
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jhutchins | archangel_: The main issues seem to be with multimedia, the lack of 64bit codecs and such. | 05:26 |
jhutchins | archangel_: People have found work-arounds, particularly with the players that don't rely on external codecs. | 05:26 |
jhutchins | archangel_: If you're not dealing with heavy transcoding or huge files, there's no real need for the 64b extesions though. | 05:27 |
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chalmer | HELP !! i keep getting this Error " 3030" when trying to partition my hdd to install for dual boot config. what does this mesn ? | 05:29 |
chalmer | HELP !! i keep getting this Error " 3030" when trying to partition my hdd to install for dual boot config. what does this mean ? | 05:29 |
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archangel_ | ohh, I was hoping for some slight speed increases | 05:30 |
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chalmer | HELP !! i keep getting this Error " 3030" when trying to partition my hdd to install for dual boot config. what does this mean ? | 05:31 |
von | !theme | 05:31 |
ubotu | Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 05:31 |
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Tm_T | chalmer: please don't repeat | 05:31 |
just-this-time | \o | 05:31 |
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just-this-time | what is a dd command to backup mbr? | 05:32 |
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just-this-time | split again?? | 05:32 |
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archangel_ | I'm on a giabyte ga-k8nsc-939 capped with a 3400+ and 1 gig of samsung ram. | 05:32 |
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dwidmann | <archangel_> ohh, I was hoping for some slight speed increases << they're there. | 05:32 |
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archangel_ | dual 250 gig drives | 05:32 |
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Betzefer | any needs help ? | 05:33 |
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anon32 | nope :-) | 05:33 |
von | help how do u change the login theme in kubuntu? | 05:33 |
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von | i can't find theme manager or what | 05:33 |
archangel_ | this machine screems (compaired with M$ especially) | 05:33 |
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dwidmann | archangel_: you might want to add more ram .... 64-bit takes more ram to run than 32-bit does. | 05:33 |
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archangel_ | ah, ok | 05:34 |
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archangel_ | I am about to sell my system and build another | 05:34 |
dwidmann | neato | 05:34 |
archangel_ | I might just put the 32 bit back on here | 05:34 |
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chalmer | HELP !! i keep getting this Error " 3030" when trying to partition my hdd to install for dual boot config. what does this mean ? | 05:35 |
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anon32 | anyone - can you have dual CPUs of different clock speeds? | 05:35 |
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Betzefer | anon32 | 05:35 |
Betzefer | i dont think so | 05:36 |
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archangel_ | I have never seen it done | 05:36 |
archangel_ | nor tried | 05:36 |
Betzefer | i think u need the same clock time | 05:36 |
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von | help how do u change the login theme in kubuntu? | 05:36 |
chalmer | HELP !! i keep getting this Error " 3030" when trying to partition my hdd to install for dual boot config. what does this mean ? | 05:36 |
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anon32 | Betzefer, k | 05:37 |
archangel_ | system settings von | 05:37 |
knubbe | how do i exit crontab? <g> | 05:37 |
jhutchins | chalmer: WE heard you the first time. Try entering the complete error in a google search. Nobody here has an answer for you. | 05:37 |
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anon32 | knubbe, alt + q? | 05:37 |
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just-this-time | why is kmid still a problem | 05:38 |
just-this-time | !midi | 05:38 |
ubotu | Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo | 05:38 |
anon32 | knubbe, oh wait, ctrl + x | 05:38 |
jhutchins | chalmer: You may get more useful error information by downloading and burning a dedicated qparted CD. | 05:38 |
knubbe | anon32: nope. | 05:38 |
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jhutchins | just-this-time: Kernel issues with the alsa sound drivers. | 05:38 |
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jhutchins | knubbe: crontab -e | 05:38 |
knubbe | anon32: i think its vi or vim. not pico. | 05:38 |
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knubbe | jhutchins: yea, i got into the file, ive added my lines, but i dont know how to exit :) | 05:39 |
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von | I know system settings but nothing there can be found to edit my login theme | 05:39 |
jhutchins | knubbe: esc, :wq <enter> | 05:39 |
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knubbe | jhutchins: thanks | 05:40 |
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lewix | how do I set up my screen saver | 05:40 |
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anon32 | huh, when I use crontab, it brings up nano | 05:40 |
anon32 | lewix, ...preferences? | 05:40 |
jhutchins | lewix: Right click, configure desktop | 05:40 |
ctothej | i need a suggestion as to which ftp server to use. ive read that proftpd and pure-ftpd are good. which should i choose? | 05:40 |
knubbe | jhutchins: actually, that didnt work either :/ | 05:41 |
ctothej | something simple though. | 05:41 |
jhutchins | knubbe: error, or just stuck? | 05:41 |
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jhutchins | ctothej: Let me add to the confusion: vsftpd | 05:42 |
ctothej | jhutchins: you use that one? | 05:42 |
lewix | the screen saver on gnome are better | 05:42 |
knubbe | jhutchins: nothing happends. im not sure which editor it is. "Press CTRL-K for help" is the only clue | 05:42 |
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ctothej | ftpd requirements for me are simple to set up and logging capability. | 05:43 |
neo_ | Hey all just tried ubuntu 7 but it doesn't like my mouse, I still can't get sound blaster 16 to work on kubuntu or ubuntu... UGHHHHH | 05:43 |
lewix | screen savers* | 05:43 |
neo_ | Any suggestions | 05:43 |
just-this-time | mid was built in windows since windows 3.0 1993 | 05:43 |
just-this-time | !midi | 05:43 |
ubotu | Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo | 05:43 |
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neo_ | trouble with any sound doesn't see my sound card | 05:44 |
just-this-time | timidity is not in kubuntu and not in gnome | 05:44 |
knubbe | jhutchins: ah, "CTRL+K X" | 05:44 |
just-this-time | kmid geets functional only after installing timidity | 05:44 |
DarphBobo | usb storage is not detected.. i have 1gB kingston u3 pen drive.. and a western digital usb hard disk.. none of them is detected | 05:44 |
just-this-time | so default installations dont include mid . legalissues ? | 05:45 |
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jhutchins | neo_: Feisty support is in #ubuntu+1, all flavors (x, edu, gnome). | 05:47 |
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jhutchins | DarphBobo: Which release? | 05:48 |
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DarphBobo | jhutchins, kubuntu edgy | 05:48 |
chijin | DarphBobo: my WD usb hdd is working just fine :-) | 05:49 |
DarphBobo | jhutchins, it worked fine b4.. but after a reinstalling kubuntu.. it doesn;t work | 05:49 |
jhutchins | DarphBobo: Clean install, 32b? | 05:49 |
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DarphBobo | jhutchins, yes | 05:49 |
hyper_ch | hiho, anyone knows how I can rip a dvd into xvid and have multiple languages available? | 05:50 |
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morvok_ | has anyone used the Debian-Xen template? | 05:50 |
jhutchins | DarphBobo: tail -f /var/log/messages in a console, see what happens when you disconnect and reconnect. | 05:51 |
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DarphBobo | jhutchins, no change | 05:52 |
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dug | I have a question I was using dapper live cd, then downloaded the dvd version of edgy eft. While using dapper my wireless card worked fine, but upon switching to edgy and installing it my wireless care sees networks but will not connect it is a netgear wg511t. Im wondering where i can find information on how to fix this problem | 05:53 |
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DarphBobo | jhutchins, i know it's not a hardware problem caz if i boot to winxp it works fine.. usb slot and the pen drive | 05:55 |
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dennis_ | dug, I don't realy know, but quite a lot of people have problems using their wireless card in edgy...maybe you better wait till the final release of feisty in two weeks.... | 05:55 |
david_ | dug: type the following into a terminal "sudo apt-get install linux-restrcited-modules" | 05:55 |
jhutchins | DarphBobo: what does uname -r say? | 05:56 |
DarphBobo | 2.6.17-11-generic | 05:56 |
DarphBobo | jhutchins, 2.6.17-11-generic | 05:56 |
jhutchins | DarphBobo: Yeah, that's what I've got. 2.6.20 is supposed to solve some USB storage issues... | 05:57 |
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dug | i typed that in david | 05:57 |
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just-this-time | !gl | 05:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:57 |
jhutchins | DarphBobo: You should be seeing the USB connect message though. | 05:58 |
just-this-time | !xgl | 05:58 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 05:58 |
jhutchins | DarphBobo: do the lights on the drive blink at all? | 05:58 |
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just-this-time | what is the factoid for intel 3d driver | 05:58 |
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DarphBobo | jhutchins, the light works.. the power led.. how ever on first read the red led should blink.. but it does not after this reinstall | 05:58 |
just-this-time | !intel | 05:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:59 |
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just-this-time | !video | 05:59 |
ubotu | For multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications | 05:59 |
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Hc\\ | umm | 05:59 |
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Hc\\ | how can i install an .exe file t hats loaded? | 05:59 |
jhutchins | just-this-time: determine your exact chipset (lspci) and broaden your search to google. | 06:00 |
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jhutchins | Hc\\: WHat's it supposed to be? | 06:00 |
Hc\\ | drivers for my graphic card | 06:00 |
jhutchins | DarphBobo: Do you have a different set of USB ports (my PC has three sets of two)? | 06:01 |
jhutchins | Hc\\: Won't work. An .exe file means that it's meant for windows. | 06:01 |
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jhutchins | !ati | Hc\\ | 06:01 |
ubotu | Hc\\: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:01 |
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DarphBobo | jhutchins, i got a Gigabyte-PLS3 MB.. it's got 4 ports on the back.. and m using the two front usb too | 06:02 |
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jhutchins | just-this-time: We don't seem to have anything on the intel 3d stuff yet. I believe it uses aiglx. | 06:02 |
just-this-time | k jhutchins ty | 06:02 |
just-this-time | !aiglx | 06:02 |
ubotu | AIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-effects for support. | 06:02 |
Hc\\ | jhutchins file name is ati-driver-installer-8.31.5-x86.x86.run | 06:02 |
jhutchins | DarphBobo: It's just that it doesn't seem to be detecting the connections at all. | 06:02 |
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jhutchins | Hc\\: See the howto above and follow it step-by-step. | 06:02 |
Hc\\ | k | 06:03 |
DarphBobo | jhutchins, yeah seems the case.. googleing also didn't give me a solution | 06:03 |
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neil__ | hey guys.. im running nvidia drivers, and I have a 7800GT.. it shows as direct rendering: enabled | 06:03 |
neil__ | but 3d acceleration seems slow... | 06:03 |
neil__ | ie glxgears for an example.. | 06:03 |
DarphBobo | jhutchins, i'll boot to 2.6.17-10 and see if it works | 06:03 |
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neil__ | if direct rendering is enabled, is that a sign everything is fine? or could there be driver issues.. | 06:03 |
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jhutchins | DarphBobo: If you find a solution, please post it to the forums or somewhere. | 06:03 |
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jhutchins | WEll, kubuntu has been booting on my old IBM 380Z laptop for a good fifteen minutes so far. Looks like I'll be abandoning that plan. | 06:05 |
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GreshP | Hi guys ... I had ubuntu installed, then added the kubuntu meta-package ... is there any difference between this approach and a straight kubuntu install? | 06:07 |
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jhutchins | GreshP: Shouldn't be, except you have all of the gnome stuff installed, and some of the defaults will be to gnome packages instead of kde. | 06:08 |
abattoir | GreshP: installed 'kubuntu-desktop' ? | 06:08 |
GreshP | Ok. Yes that package then caused a mass of dependencies to install | 06:09 |
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h0ax | hell i have downloaded a theme for kubuntu and its installed but i do not know were to activate the theme | 06:10 |
h0ax | hello* | 06:10 |
GreshP | Somehow after flicking to KDM I was getting screen lock ups, now back on GDM everything seems fine and KDE is working fine too | 06:10 |
GreshP | Any issues running GDM and KDE? Or will I be ok | 06:10 |
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fdoving | GreshP: you won't get the kmenu -> logout -> reboot, hibernate, shutdown, etc. options. you'll only get 'logout'. | 06:11 |
dennis_ | GreshP, not really...maybe if you only use one Gnope program its not really worth it having all the dependencies | 06:12 |
dennis_ | Gnome | 06:12 |
fdoving | GreshP: and you won't get the kmenu -> switch user functionality. | 06:12 |
h0ax | hello i have downloaded a theme for kubuntu and its installed but i do not know were to activate the theme | 06:12 |
GreshP | Ok. I think I can live with those things. Many thanks guys | 06:13 |
GreshP | Feisty is awesome btw. Very impressed! | 06:13 |
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dennis_ | the beta is really stable | 06:13 |
rcmayor | Yes it is, just installed 7.04 the other day. Finally WPA Wireless works... | 06:13 |
rcmayor | now if I could get wine to run Full Tilt Poker I would be able to make through every day. | 06:15 |
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GreshP | On my laptop I've found fiesty to be more stable than edgy. Suddenly bluetooth works! | 06:19 |
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Contrast | Does anybody have any idea what the difference between two user accounts might be that's causing the screensaver to just turn the screen all black on one account and not the other? | 06:19 |
GreshP | and brightness and... and ... It's a great job | 06:19 |
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h0ax | can anyone help ? | 06:20 |
Contrast | GreshP, did you upgrade or do a clean install? | 06:20 |
GreshP | I did an upgrade through Synaptic ... just left it running all night | 06:20 |
h0ax | sorry if anyone answered my question .... my internet died | 06:21 |
h0ax | but | 06:21 |
h0ax | i have downloaded a theme for kubuntu and its installed but i do not know were to activate the theme | 06:21 |
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Contrast | GreshP, how long ago? | 06:21 |
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GreshP | About two days on the laptop | 06:22 |
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Contrast | Hmm | 06:22 |
M1AU | o/ can anyone tell me if there's an KDE option to change the name of my computer? | 06:23 |
Hc\\ | lol | 06:23 |
M1AU | if there's no graphical option where can I change it? | 06:23 |
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Hc\\ | make sure that fglrx is not denied | 06:23 |
Hc\\ | but it is | 06:23 |
Contrast | I put Edgy on my friend's computer about a month ago (their first Linux distro), and I'm trying to find out whether it's safe to upgrade them to Feisty yet. I know a lot of people had problems when upgrading from Dapper to Edgy. | 06:23 |
Hc\\ | so how can i get it allowed? | 06:23 |
fdoving | M1AU: no graphical option as far as i know. you need to change it in /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts | 06:23 |
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M1AU | fdoving: thx alot! | 06:24 |
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fdoving | M1AU: it's very very important that the hostname set in /etc/hostname matches the name in /etc/hosts | 06:24 |
M1AU | I see | 06:24 |
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GreshP | Oh the upgrade was not so smooth, I did hit quite a few issues | 06:25 |
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billytwowilly | lol. Feisty isn't out yet, so I wouldn't upgrade someone who isn't into beta testing until it's out for a couple weeks. | 06:25 |
just-this-time | how do I chk my xorg server version? | 06:26 |
fdoving | just-this-time: 'X -version' in a konsole. | 06:26 |
GreshP | Network starting loading loads of interfaces and timing out on boot up, vmware stopped working, cisco vpnclient stopped working | 06:26 |
=== Shittanger [n=kvirc@cpe-72-177-0-237.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
just-this-time | fdoving: tyvm | 06:26 |
Contrast | billytwowilly: Bad wording on my part. I meant after it's officially released. | 06:26 |
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billytwowilly | the party line will be it's safe to upgrade once it's released;) | 06:27 |
GreshP | Yeah I agree with billytwowilly. | 06:27 |
just-this-time | X Window System Version 7.1.1 | 06:27 |
just-this-time | http://wiki.x.org/wiki/IntelGraphicsDriver?highlight=%28intel%29 | 06:27 |
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billytwowilly | I updated a week ago and it went fine. I'm having a problem with konqueror, but that's it. My location toolbar dissapears after I open a second konqueror window and doesn't come back. | 06:27 |
jhutchins | billytwowilly: Edgy will continue into Long Term Support, and is likely to be more stable for some time yet. I wouldn't push a non-techie into the new version just for bells and whistles. | 06:28 |
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=== billytwowilly hearts bells and whistles | ||
GreshP | For me, this fujitsu was having more issues with edgy than I now have with Feisty ... in fact I only have a problem with KDM and I'm having to use GDM right now | 06:29 |
Contrast | jhutchins: How do you mean? Edgy's not an LTS release. | 06:29 |
jhutchins | billytwowilly: If there's some critical app he needs, or critical hardware support, yeah. | 06:29 |
billytwowilly | hey, is feisty going to be supported long tern too, or will the LTS release be every couple releases? | 06:29 |
Contrast | I believe LTS releases only come once every three years. | 06:29 |
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jhutchins | Contrast: We'll have to see what level of support it gets after Feisty comes along. Part of it will be what percentage upgrade and what percentage stick with edgy. | 06:30 |
jhutchins | Won't matter at all if Feisty's official but everybody's still running edgy, for instance. | 06:30 |
Hc\\ | damn | 06:31 |
Hc\\ | i cant get it installed | 06:31 |
=== [miles] [n=diablo@unaffiliated/miles/x-000000001] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chalmer | GOD , lol i just lost my windows partition trying to do a frigg'n dual boot w/ kubuntu | 06:32 |
jsgotangco | what the current LTS needs is a re-spin :) | 06:32 |
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[miles] | guys, which channel for kubuntu fesity beta Q's please? | 06:32 |
billytwowilly | #kubuntu-devel I thinkl | 06:33 |
[miles] | thanks billytwowilly | 06:33 |
=== booglebox [n=booglebo@lns-bzn-56-82-255-205-57.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jhutchins | #ubuntu+1 for feisty | 06:33 |
[miles] | jhutchins: kubuntu also? | 06:33 |
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jhutchins | [miles] : NOT devel | 06:33 |
jhutchins | [miles] : Yes, all flavors | 06:33 |
[miles] | ok, many thanks | 06:33 |
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Contrast | [miles] : #ubuntu+1 | 06:34 |
GreshP | miles you may also want to look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/84717 | 06:35 |
Contrast | Oh, whoops | 06:35 |
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enry | hi | 06:35 |
=== PatrickWst [n=patrick@ANice-251-1-31-66.w86-202.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Yorokobi | huzzah! I got Beryl to work with feisty | 06:36 |
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lewix | I want to install the flash plugin | 06:36 |
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lewix | for konqueror | 06:36 |
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Yorokobi | lewix, try gnash | 06:37 |
lewix | what's the procedure | 06:37 |
lewix | Yorokobi, gnash? | 06:37 |
chalmer | what format do i need to use for kubuntu "ext2" or "ext3" ? | 06:37 |
Yorokobi | chalmer, either | 06:37 |
jhutchins | chalmer: ext3 is preferred | 06:37 |
Yorokobi | ext3 is preferr ... ^^ | 06:37 |
chalmer | ok | 06:38 |
jhutchins | chalmer: More reliable. If absolute speed is necessary, ext2. | 06:38 |
Yorokobi | lewix, yep, gnash. A free Flash player. There's a browser plugin package as well | 06:38 |
chalmer | ext2 " it is | 06:38 |
lewix | Yorokobi, can you be more clear please | 06:38 |
Yorokobi | lewix, use synaptic/dselect/adept and search for gnash or klash | 06:39 |
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chalmer | i left 60 gigs raw free on my hdd. will that b ok | 06:39 |
lewix | Yorokobi, can I do that on the command line?> | 06:40 |
chalmer | 4 tha install? | 06:40 |
Yorokobi | lewix, or you can install libflash-mozplugin, flashplugin-nonfree | 06:40 |
Yorokobi | lewix, you can apt-get those, yes | 06:40 |
jhutchins | !mp3 | lewix | 06:40 |
ubotu | lewix: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 06:40 |
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jhutchins | chalmer: I'd think twice about ext3. 3 is 2 with journaling, much more likely to recover from a crash or shut-down. | 06:41 |
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jhutchins | chalmer: If you loose power wiht ext2, recovery procedure is reformat, restore backup. | 06:41 |
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Yorokobi | chalmer, jhutchins you can configure ext3 for speed comparable to ext2 but you loose some of the benefits of the default journaling | 06:41 |
chalmer | <jhutchins> so u prefer ext2? | 06:41 |
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chalmer | <jhutchins> what ever works best is good enough 4 me | 06:42 |
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jhutchins | chalmer: The speed difference is minute, only measurable in extreme benchmarks and heavy IO processing (rendering major video projects for commercial studios, etc.) | 06:43 |
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chalmer | <jhutchins> so u say to go w/ ext2 for reliability in over all | 06:45 |
jhutchins | chalmer: No, ext3. | 06:45 |
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chalmer | <jhutchins> ok ty | 06:45 |
GreshP | For best disk IO I use ext3 for all the 'safe' files and xfs for high speed on VMWare files, of which I have backups | 06:45 |
jhutchins | chalmer: ext3 essentially has a way to recover changes made but not written to the disk. | 06:45 |
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chalmer | <jhutchins> k | 06:46 |
jhutchins | chalmer: I would use ext3 for all normal installations. | 06:46 |
Kubuntu | y'a un francias ici? | 06:46 |
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chalmer | <jhutchins> k | 06:46 |
jhutchins | !fr | Kubuntu | 06:46 |
ubotu | Kubuntu: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 06:46 |
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chalmer | <jhutchins> yea im haveing to do a ghost restore , b/c i did tha partitions for kubuntu wrong and lost my windows partition | 06:49 |
just-this-time | \o again | 06:49 |
just-this-time | for the 1 time I have a VT technology equipped intel 965wh board | 06:49 |
jhutchins | chalmer: YAY! You were smart and had a backup! | 06:49 |
just-this-time | and would like to try complete virtualization | 06:49 |
just-this-time | dual boot here | 06:50 |
chalmer | <jhutchins> :) | 06:50 |
just-this-time | anyone using VM ( XEN, VMWARE MS Virtual ) with INTEl VT technology ? | 06:51 |
GT | do someone speak spanish? | 06:51 |
just-this-time | !es | 06:51 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 06:51 |
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just-this-time | esta bien GT ? | 06:51 |
GT | kubuntu-es no responde | 06:51 |
just-this-time | y que le puedes hacer ? | 06:51 |
just-this-time | despiertalos | 06:52 |
GT | digo que nadie responden en #kubuntu-es | 06:52 |
GT | bueno, despertarelos | 06:52 |
GT | gracias igual | 06:52 |
just-this-time | now switch to english | 06:52 |
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busfahrer | Excuse me, is it possible to get konqueror not to thumbnail the first frame of a movie, but instead one from the middle? (like Nautilus does) | 06:53 |
chalmer | <jhutchins> but this time when i deleted all the partition on my hdd useing windows install disk. i resized the 250 gig down to a 180 gig partition for windows and left tha 30 something gigs raw . free for kubuntu install | 06:53 |
just-this-time | where is session startup setup in kde pls ? | 06:54 |
jhutchins | chalmer: Make sure you do vfat, not ntfs on the windows part. | 06:54 |
jhutchins | just-this-time: What are you trying to configure? | 06:54 |
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just-this-time | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BerylOnEdgy#head-793d6ee7eb031a42185b9a87913540d396e3f28f explains only gnome | 06:54 |
just-this-time | beryl | 06:54 |
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GT | i've a tp-link wn321g usb and festy fawn beta | 06:55 |
GT | this wireless usb don't work | 06:55 |
just-this-time | I must restart X first I guess | 06:55 |
jhutchins | !beryl | just-this-time | 06:55 |
ubotu | just-this-time: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 06:55 |
just-this-time | bbl tyvm jhutchins | 06:55 |
just-this-time | exit | 06:55 |
jhutchins | GT: This may help: | 06:56 |
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jhutchins | !wireless | GT | 06:56 |
ubotu | GT: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 06:56 |
ceritus | can anyone help me get a midi file to play? | 06:56 |
GT | yes, i found the Ndiswrapper | 06:56 |
GT | but yesterday i take off bluetooth services | 06:56 |
chalmer | <jhutchins> gosh durn it. ive already about done w/ the ghost restore and i did it n 180 gig NTFS and left the 30 gig partition raw | 06:57 |
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jhutchins | chalmer: That's ok, ntfs support is pretty solid these days, ntfs-3g is supposed to be the way to go. | 06:57 |
chalmer | <jhutchins> so i need to go back and redo tha windows partition in vfat instead of ntfs? | 06:57 |
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jhutchins | chalmer: You don't have to. | 06:58 |
chalmer | <jhutchins> lol | 06:58 |
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busfahrer | Excuse me, is it possible to get konqueror not to thumbnail the first frame of a movie, but instead one from the middle? (like Nautilus does) | 06:58 |
chalmer | <jhutchins> u scared me | 06:58 |
jhutchins | chalmer: There are a very few NTFS versions that fail if written to by Linux. Unfortunately, the only way to know is to loose all your data. | 06:58 |
GT | thanks a lot. its so hard for me speak english | 06:58 |
=== Kr4t05 is now known as Kr[4] t05 | ||
ceritus | can anyone help me get a midi file to play? | 06:59 |
jhutchins | chalmer: Since you have a backup, go ahead and use the Linux NTFS support. | 06:59 |
jhutchins | chalmer: If it doesn't work, restore to vfat. | 06:59 |
chalmer | <jhutchins> lol like i just did | 06:59 |
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jhutchins | chalmer: Right, but chances are you won't have to. | 07:00 |
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chalmer | <jhutchins> lol... hopefully this time kubuntu will reconize tha raw partition for tha install | 07:00 |
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jhutchins | chalmer: Hope so. I always seem to end up partitioning manually. For one thing, I like all my space to be pooled except for swap. | 07:02 |
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busfahrer | Excuse me, is it possible to get konqueror not to thumbnail the first frame of a movie, but instead one from the middle? (like Nautilus does) | 07:04 |
jhutchins | busfahrer: I'm sure it is, but you'd have to delve pretty far into konqueror. I would see if anybody knows about it in #kde or #kde-devel | 07:04 |
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ceritus | can anyone help me get a midi file to play? | 07:08 |
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rockergurl | Hi, I installed some icons... I was wondering were do i put the file? | 07:09 |
tulio__ | !mp3 | 07:09 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:09 |
=== david_ [n=david@82-43-58-81.cable.ubr04.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jhutchins | ceritus: Check the above pages, particularly common-tasks-chap.html | 07:10 |
jhutchins | ceritus: Actually, better to start here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo | 07:10 |
just-this-time | anyone posted succesfully to picasaweb.google.com from ubuntu ? | 07:10 |
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rockergurl | Is there a icon folder that I put the new icon folder in? | 07:11 |
ceritus | thanks | 07:11 |
just-this-time | ceritus copy this >> sudo apt-get install timidity | 07:12 |
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rockergurl | ? | 07:12 |
ceritus | i've just used adept manager to install timidity | 07:12 |
lewix | I installed klash and I can't still see streaming videos | 07:13 |
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jhutchins | lewix: Did you follow the procedures on the web pages we sent you to? | 07:15 |
lewix | no what was the website again, I just did what one of you told me too...go to adept find kash and install it | 07:15 |
jhutchins | rockergurl: Sorry, don't know. There should be instrctions either in the file you downloaded or on the web site you got it from. | 07:16 |
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jhutchins | !mp3 | lewix | 07:16 |
ubotu | lewix: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:16 |
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rockergurl | can anyone help me? | 07:17 |
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Erunno | Hi all :) Quick question: How do I get rid of the bookmark toolbar permanently ? The "safe profile" menu entry is greyed out :-/ | 07:19 |
mrigns | !ask | rockergurl | 07:20 |
ubotu | rockergurl: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 07:20 |
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ceritus | thanx got it workin | 07:22 |
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rockergurl | Ubotu: I've downloaded icons and I'm not sure where to put them | 07:23 |
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rockergurl | mrigns:I've downlaoded icons and im not sure where to put them | 07:24 |
mrigns | are they packed? | 07:24 |
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rockergurl | they're in a folder | 07:24 |
rockergurl | It downloads and theres a pack on my desktop | 07:25 |
rockergurl | tgz | 07:25 |
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mrigns | u can add the tgz via the icon options | 07:25 |
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rockergurl | how would i do this? | 07:25 |
mrigns | start the system settings | 07:26 |
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The_Untiled | u can learn me how to format a ntfs to ext3?? | 07:26 |
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lavid | The_Untiled: do you want to FORMAT? or do you want to transfer your data? | 07:26 |
lavid | The_Untiled: because those are very, very different things | 07:27 |
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nosrednaekim | did ya'll know that Microsoft just bought out Linspire? | 07:27 |
MrCr4cK | hello | 07:27 |
lavid | hahaha | 07:27 |
lewix | E: Couldn't find package gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse | 07:27 |
lavid | nosrednaekim: yeah, check the date | 07:27 |
The_Untiled | i want to eliminate the ntfs partition and trasform it in ext3 for hoem use... | 07:27 |
nosrednaekim | I already did.... | 07:28 |
nosrednaekim | looks like you did too | 07:28 |
lavid | nosrednaekim: good, just making sure | 07:28 |
rockergurl | mrigns: Btw, Im in ubuntu.. where would I go after systems | 07:28 |
lewix | your link didnt help me man | 07:28 |
lavid | nosrednaekim: i like how all the /. articles are tagged OMGPONIES | 07:28 |
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mrigns | rockergurl: so u use gnome? let me think. u can drag an drop the tgz in the theme manager | 07:29 |
mrigns | afair | 07:29 |
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nosrednaekim | lavid: yeah...I I just died on the Google TiOS | 07:29 |
lavid | The_Untiled: well, you need to mount the ntfs drive in linux, and transfer the data to a spare drive, format the drive you want to convert and then move the data. that's the best way i know of... anyone have a better one? | 07:30 |
mrigns | !ntfs | 07:30 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 07:30 |
lewix | lol I didt it once and it was one simple command. now I don't know what do I have to install all thoses packages | 07:30 |
rockergurl | mrigns: theme manager? theres a themes... i tryed doing that but nothing happened | 07:31 |
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Mirrakor | Is it possible that someone insert his install cd, and can set up a ssh server, so that I can access it and do the text-mode-install from remote? | 07:32 |
mrigns | try asking in #ubuntu. i think they would know better using gnome | 07:32 |
mrigns | type /j #ubuntu | 07:32 |
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Mirrakor | uhm, but I want to do it remote via ssh, so I don't need gnome at all | 07:33 |
rockergurl | Thank you! | 07:33 |
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The_Untiled | i've alredy transferred file from this partition but now I want to delete tis and format in ext3 but i don't know how... | 07:33 |
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wilman | hey poeple | 07:34 |
mrigns | !hi | wilman | 07:34 |
ubotu | wilman: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 07:35 |
wilman | i have a question about audacity, i want to record and playback at the same time but when i do that there is a big lagg in the sound. it hicks all the time. and when recording is done, nothing is recorded | 07:36 |
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The_Untiled | i must to go...bye | 07:37 |
principo_ | hallo?? | 07:37 |
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everble | does anyone know how to open a bin file? I download a hugh file and it is a bin file. Not executable | 07:39 |
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lavid | everble: what does the output of "file YOURFILE.bin" give? | 07:42 |
brujo | the bin file does't open | 07:42 |
mrigns | everble: ./file | 07:42 |
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brujo | it es execute, $ chmod 755 <file> | 07:42 |
everble | how do i uncompress a bin file | 07:42 |
mrigns | you cant | 07:42 |
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mrigns | its like a *.exe in windows | 07:43 |
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everble | thanks mrigns | 07:43 |
mrigns | np | 07:43 |
lewix | lol | 07:45 |
lewix | I didn't do anything | 07:45 |
lewix | the kde wizard came to me | 07:45 |
lewix | and installed it | 07:45 |
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josh__ | o.o | 07:46 |
Mirrakor | kubuntu sets up a graphical environment before installing? | 07:47 |
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nosrednaekim | Mirrakor: yes...kubuntu is a liveCD | 07:48 |
Mirrakor | cool, does it already set up stuff like network ? | 07:48 |
nosrednaekim | yes | 07:49 |
everble | how do i extract a cue file? | 07:49 |
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nosrednaekim | so you can test it everything works | 07:49 |
Mirrakor | so it is possible to start an sshd? | 07:49 |
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lewix | hehe | 07:50 |
lewix | I don't even know what package it installed but it works | 07:50 |
nosrednaekim | Mirrakor: it automatically runs the ssh client, but not the server | 07:51 |
Mirrakor | huh, what sense does this make? | 07:51 |
Mirrakor | where does this ssh client connect to? | 07:51 |
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jado | @find finite element | 07:53 |
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nosrednaekim | Mirrakor: to any ssh server | 07:55 |
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lewix | how do I run the benchmark ? | 07:56 |
busfahrer | Excuse me, what package does include the kde header files? | 07:56 |
Mirrakor | nosrednaekim: but a ssh server is installed? | 07:56 |
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brujo | Mirrakor, not by default | 07:57 |
Mirrakor | apt-get install sshd? | 07:57 |
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Yorokobi | Mirrakor, agt-get install openssh-server | 07:58 |
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kai | Software Question: whats the name of the Cd-imagging software? | 08:01 |
aaroncampbell | Is there a kubuntu Feisty equivalent to yum whatprovides modulename | 08:01 |
kai | its like daemon tools irght | 08:01 |
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kai | Or doens any one know the names of cd imagginf software | 08:03 |
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kai | I wanna make a copy of Marvel v Capcom and put it up on torrent | 08:03 |
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Yorokobi | aaroncampbell, are you looking for something that will show you dependencies? | 08:05 |
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aaroncampbell | I need a library (libwfb), and I want to know what package provides it | 08:06 |
aaroncampbell | It SEEMS like it would be in the xorg server (from what I can tell from Google), but I don't seem to have it | 08:07 |
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philphoto | does the OS gain a "memory" of pages and applications that have been opened? the reason i'm asking is that on first starting an app, it is very slow, but afterwards the apps or pages speed up much faster. | 08:07 |
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wolferine | philphoto it depends on alot of things | 08:08 |
philphoto | well, I'm back to my computer being way slow. | 08:08 |
Filip^ | aaroncampbell: could it be that the library is installed, but in the wrong location? | 08:09 |
wolferine | are you running lots of services? | 08:09 |
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wolferine | how much RAM do you have | 08:09 |
philphoto | 3+ gb | 08:09 |
wolferine | and lots of services? | 08:09 |
wolferine | beryl? | 08:09 |
philphoto | nno beryl | 08:09 |
wolferine | and? | 08:09 |
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aaroncampbell | Filip^: modprobe -l | grep -i wfb returns nothing, as does sudo locate libwfb | 08:10 |
philphoto | I don't knnow. I mean, I have the stock kubuntu desktop with a few extra apps installed | 08:10 |
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wolferine | there is an optimization post in the forums, you can look for it in the Ubuntu Guide | 08:11 |
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wolferine | but you can view your processes by typing 'sudo ps -A' | 08:11 |
wolferine | that will list all that are running | 08:12 |
SSJ_GZ | philphoto: Apps and many of the files they need are usually loaded into the system cache. The cache is not fixed, though, and things will be unloaded if the kernel thinks that your RAM can be put to better use. | 08:12 |
neil__ | Linux is using 1.5gb of my 2gb ram currently, running nothing | 08:13 |
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neil__ | quite shocked! | 08:13 |
philphoto | extras: gimpshop, xsane | 08:13 |
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philphoto | well, either way my computer is still slow | 08:14 |
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Yorokobi | philphoto, have you used top to see what is using your CPU time? What is your load average at ? | 08:16 |
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EruditeH1rmit | hi, can anyone tell me what the name of the icon zoom effect when an icon is clicked is and what you need to make it work? | 08:17 |
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philphoto | 335196k used | 08:17 |
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Yorokobi | EruditeH1rmit, right click your panel, select Configure Panel ... click on Appearance and put a check mark on Enable icon mouseover effects | 08:18 |
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chalmer | man....... i finally got kubuntu partition to do a daul boot w/ windows | 08:19 |
EruditeH1rmit | Yorokobi: not the panel effects, the effects when you say click an icon on the desktop. Is that controlled by the panel? | 08:20 |
chalmer | after 6 hours of head ache and fustration | 08:20 |
compilerwriter | congrats chalmer | 08:20 |
Yorokobi | EruditeH1rmit, ah, no. I'd have to look for that option | 08:20 |
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compilerwriter | Now go have belt of your favourite double malt. | 08:21 |
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chalmer | lol... yea now im ready to drink a tidy :) | 08:21 |
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chalmer | im glad that i back-up my c:/ windows w/ ghost first. lol... b/c i did end up loseing my windows partition in tha process | 08:23 |
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chalmer | i gave kubuntu 30 gig of space and tha swap 500 mb. does that sound correct? | 08:25 |
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Yorokobi | chalmer, how much RAM do you have? | 08:25 |
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chalmer | 512 dual channel | 08:25 |
h0ax | hello im trying to install a program on kubuntu and cam across with this error " configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check | 08:26 |
Yorokobi | chalmer, Are you using Kubuntu as a desktop system? developer system? server? | 08:26 |
chalmer | desktop | 08:26 |
Yorokobi | chalmer, you should be okay | 08:26 |
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chalmer | ty | 08:26 |
Yorokobi | h0ax, /lib/cpp is a newer version than the one expected by the configure script | 08:26 |
Yorokobi | (usually) | 08:26 |
h0ax | how do i fix the problem ? | 08:27 |
chalmer | it just ran to darn slow on my P3 computer . so i did a dual boot with my speedy comp | 08:27 |
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Yorokobi | h0ax, check the program's webpage/wiki/forums and find out which version it is expecting then install it from the repos and then re-link /lib/cpp to the older version (if that is what the problem is) | 08:28 |
chalmer | should run alot faster now | 08:28 |
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chalmer | :) | 08:28 |
h0ax | trying to install superkaramba =/ | 08:29 |
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h0ax | you know any appz like it ? | 08:29 |
ubuntu_ | hey guys | 08:29 |
Yorokobi | h0ax, sudo apt-get install superkaramba | 08:29 |
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Yorokobi | there is no need to build it from source | 08:29 |
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h0ax | Reading package lists... Done | 08:30 |
h0ax | Building dependency tree... Done | 08:30 |
h0ax | E: Couldn't find package superkaramba | 08:30 |
h0ax | h0ax@h0ax-laptop:~$ | 08:30 |
aaroncampbell | Is there a kubuntu Feisty equivalent to yum whatprovides modulename | 08:30 |
aaroncampbell | I need a library (libwfb), and I want to know what package provides it | 08:30 |
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Xcalibur | hey I have two HDD's, with windows installed on the biggesst one, can I install kubuntu on the other one, then use Grub to load either? | 08:30 |
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Yorokobi | h0ax, do you have the universe repository enabled in your sources.list? | 08:31 |
h0ax | i dunno mate .... i dont know very much bout linux | 08:31 |
Xcalibur | ? | 08:31 |
Yorokobi | h0ax, do you use adept or synaptic for your package manager ? | 08:31 |
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h0ax | adept | 08:31 |
Yorokobi | Xcalibur, if there's enough free/raw disk space on the other drive, yes. | 08:32 |
Xcalibur | it's a 7.34 GB, is that enough? | 08:32 |
Yorokobi | h0ax, 1 sec | 08:32 |
h0ax | ty | 08:32 |
Yorokobi | Xcalibur, is that the drive's total size or the amount of free/raw space remaining? | 08:32 |
Xcalibur | and will Grub allow me to load from either HDD? | 08:33 |
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Filip^ | Xcalibur: yes on all counts | 08:33 |
Xcalibur | ? | 08:33 |
Xcalibur | o | 08:33 |
Xcalibur | ok | 08:33 |
Yorokobi | h0ax, open adept, click on View then manage repositories | 08:34 |
Xcalibur | anything special I need to do, or wil this live CD have all those options selected for me? | 08:34 |
Edulix | hi | 08:34 |
Edulix | in last ubuntu feisty update I lost sound | 08:34 |
Edulix | 00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SB450 HDA Audio (rev 01) | 08:34 |
h0ax | all i got in veiw is "review changes" | 08:34 |
Edulix | that's my device | 08:34 |
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Xcalibur | I'll brb | 08:34 |
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Yorokobi | h0ax, did it ask for your sudo/root password before it started? | 08:35 |
h0ax | yeh | 08:35 |
Yorokobi | odd | 08:35 |
h0ax | hold on | 08:35 |
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Yorokobi | heh, h0ax are you using edgy or feisty? | 08:35 |
h0ax | ummm dunno lol | 08:36 |
Admiral_Chicago | Edulix: #ubuntu+1 if you need hep with Feisty | 08:36 |
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Yorokobi | h0ax, in Adept, try the menu option "Adept" and Manage repositories | 08:36 |
chalmer | <yorokobi> ? | 08:37 |
h0ax | not there mate | 08:37 |
chalmer | <yorokobi> ? | 08:38 |
Yorokobi | h0ax, okay ... I'm not familiar enough with adept ... how are your text editing skills ? | 08:38 |
Yorokobi | chalmer, yes? | 08:38 |
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h0ax | naf mate | 08:38 |
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Yorokobi | h0ax, well, hit Alt-F2 then type kdesu nano /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:39 |
chalmer | ok when tha grub shows tha os's to chose from to boot into. can i change the order of the loader to automaticly boot into windows instead of ubuntu as default? | 08:40 |
h0ax | odd i did it then it asked for me pass ... then nothing came up | 08:40 |
Yorokobi | chalmer, probably but I've not tried it | 08:40 |
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chalmer | <yorokobi> ok | 08:41 |
Yorokobi | h0ax, me too, when I tried it | 08:41 |
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h0ax | =/ | 08:41 |
Yorokobi | h0ax, do you have synaptic installed? | 08:41 |
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h0ax | where would it be located ? | 08:41 |
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Yorokobi | Kmenu -> System | 08:42 |
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h0ax | ummm no i dont | 08:42 |
chalmer | Help !! anyone ..ok when tha grub shows tha os's to chose from to boot into. can i change the order of the loader to automaticly boot into windows instead of ubuntu as default? | 08:42 |
Yorokobi | !grub | chalmer | 08:42 |
ubotu | chalmer: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 08:42 |
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Yorokobi | h0ax, try sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list in konsole (or other terminal window) | 08:43 |
h0ax | im in but its empty | 08:44 |
Yorokobi | h0ax, it shouldn't be | 08:45 |
h0ax | it is =/ | 08:45 |
Yorokobi | h0ax, Use Ctrl-X to exit nano, then 'cd /etc/apt' then us 'ls' to get a list of files | 08:46 |
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h0ax | h0ax@h0ax-laptop:~$ cd /ect/apt | 08:47 |
h0ax | bash: cd: /ect/apt: No such file or directory | 08:47 |
Yorokobi | h0ax, /etc not /ect | 08:47 |
h0ax | lol | 08:47 |
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h0ax | my bad | 08:47 |
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h0ax | h0ax@h0ax-laptop:/etc/apt$ ls | 08:48 |
h0ax | apt.conf secring.gpg sources.list.d trusted.gpg | 08:48 |
h0ax | apt.conf.d sources.list trustdb.gpg trusted.gpg~ | 08:48 |
Yorokobi | h0ax, k, sudo nano sources.list | 08:48 |
Yorokobi | you can use the Tab key to auto-complete sources<tab> | 08:48 |
h0ax | got loadsa text | 08:48 |
h0ax | wat i do now :S | 08:49 |
w30 | I have downloaded two dirrerent iso images of feisty kubuntu live-install dvd images but when I go to burn them I get an error that ithe image is too big for my blank dvd disks. I tried different brand disks and different iso's; still same. Help? | 08:49 |
Yorokobi | h0ax, excellent. At the end of the lines that begin with deb and deb-src you should have "main restricted" anything else? | 08:49 |
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h0ax | there is nothing else | 08:49 |
h0ax | # deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security universe | 08:50 |
h0ax | thats the last line | 08:50 |
Yorokobi | h0ax, I meant at the end of the lines. | 08:50 |
w30 | My du -h command gives me 4.4 gig and the disk label says 4.7 gib | 08:50 |
Yorokobi | h0ax, alternatively, find the lines that have #deb and #deb-src that end with universe and multiverse and remove the # | 08:50 |
h0ax | ok done | 08:51 |
Yorokobi | w30, are you using a blank DVD+/-R? du should not return a value for a blank disc (so far as I know, I could be wrong :) ) | 08:51 |
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Yorokobi | h0ax, okay. Use Ctrl-X then Y to save and exit | 08:52 |
h0ax | ok | 08:52 |
Yorokobi | h0ax, you'll have to press Enter to save the file as well | 08:52 |
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w30 | Yorokobi: sorry du -h was done on the iso file, I did not make that clear. | 08:52 |
w30 | my bad | 08:52 |
h0ax | done | 08:53 |
Yorokobi | at the prompt, type sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get install superkaramba | 08:53 |
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Yorokobi | w30, what burning program are you using? | 08:53 |
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h0ax | Fetched 3B in 0s (4B/s) | 08:54 |
h0ax | Reading package lists... Done | 08:54 |
h0ax | h0ax@h0ax-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install superkaramba | 08:54 |
h0ax | Reading package lists... Done | 08:54 |
h0ax | Building dependency tree... Done | 08:54 |
h0ax | E: Couldn't find package superkaramba | 08:54 |
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shanky- | I have a problem with kubuntu-edgy | 08:54 |
w30 | Yorokobi: k3b, the kde one. I have had success in the past with the program for other dvd iso's | 08:54 |
shanky- | I can't start kde | 08:54 |
Yorokobi | h0ax, let me check the dapper packages to see if superkaramba is included | 08:54 |
h0ax | alright | 08:54 |
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shanky- | the only error I have in /var/log/messages is | 08:56 |
shanky- | Apr 1 22:53:08 lolo-laptop kernel: [17180222.188000] mtrr: 0xdc000000,0x4000000 overlaps existing 0xdc000000,0x2000000 | 08:56 |
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w30 | Yorokobi: every iso for feisty kubuntu seems to have a different md5sum, however they do match their respective md5sum text file on the download directory that each is in. | 08:57 |
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Yorokobi | w30. not sure what to tell you ... try the CD maybe ? | 08:57 |
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Yorokobi | It'll take me a while to d/l the DVD ISO and try it myself :) | 08:58 |
aaroncampbell | Is there a kubuntu Feisty equivalent to yum whatprovides modulename | 08:58 |
aaroncampbell | I need a library (libwfb), and I want to know what package provides it | 08:58 |
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h0ax | Yorokobi: ya got em ? | 08:59 |
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Yorokobi | h0ax, the package list takes a minute to load ... and superkaramba is part of the universe repo for dapper. You should be able to get it | 09:00 |
w30 | Yorokobi: yep the cd works but I can only find install cds, not a live boot cd. | 09:00 |
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h0ax | Yorokobi: ill brb im gettin a bath ... ill give ya a shout when im back | 09:01 |
Yorokobi | w30, http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/7.04/kubuntu-7.04-beta-desktop-i386.iso | 09:01 |
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Yorokobi | h0ax, if I'm still here, I'll be happy to help | 09:01 |
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w30 | Yorokobi: I never thought about a beta, thanks for the tip. | 09:02 |
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Yorokobi | w30, feisty is *only* in beta | 09:03 |
w30 | Yorokobi: Ha, try the google toilet tcp/ip connection while you are in there. | 09:03 |
Yorokobi | I'm not bathing, h0ax is | 09:03 |
ubuntu_ | hola | 09:03 |
w30 | Yorokobi: great thanks | 09:03 |
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w30 | Yorokobi: opps bifocals splitting lines again, It's hell to get old. Hearing is helped by turning up the speakers. Hehe | 09:04 |
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ubuntu_ | alguien que hable espaol me puede ayudar con la instalacion de kubuntu? | 09:05 |
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Yorokobi | !en | ubuntu_ | 09:07 |
ubotu | ubuntu_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 09:07 |
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Yorokobi | haha | 09:07 |
lavid | ubuntu_: entre en !kubuntu-es | 09:07 |
Yorokobi | !es | ubuntu_ | 09:07 |
ubotu | ubuntu_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 09:07 |
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ubuntu_ | gracias | 09:07 |
w30 | Does dd if=/dev/hdc of=mycdimage.iso create an iso that a burner can use for duplicating a disk? | 09:08 |
Yorokobi | ubuntu_, de nada | 09:08 |
Yorokobi | w30, it looks like it should work. if /dev/hdc is your CD/DVD drive | 09:09 |
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w30 | Yorokobi: yes | 09:10 |
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MetaBookfoziS | hi all | 09:13 |
MetaBookfoziS | what can i do if my skype is very nasty | 09:13 |
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MetaBookfoziS | it is nastier than a normal gtk application | 09:13 |
MetaBookfoziS | (as i know skype uses qt) | 09:13 |
MetaBookfoziS | i'm using feisty | 09:13 |
MetaBookfoziS | is there any idea | 09:13 |
MetaBookfoziS | ? | 09:13 |
=== w30 learned his Spanish from watching Speedy Gonzales cartoons | ||
=== MetaBookfoziS learned his English from watching #ubuntu ;) | ||
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w30 | "Arriba, Arriba" | 09:15 |
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c1|freaky | whats a good file manager for KDE? (not konqueror) | 09:15 |
MetaBookfoziS | lamer/n00b - #debian | 09:15 |
MetaBookfoziS | :) | 09:15 |
MetaBookfoziS | c1|freaky > try out krusader | 09:15 |
c1|freaky | thx ;D | 09:15 |
MetaBookfoziS | i'm really loves that: http://krusader.org | 09:15 |
MetaBookfoziS | but, if you have time, compile the latest (1.80-beta1) | 09:16 |
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MetaBookfoziS | because that has _many_ usability improvements | 09:16 |
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MetaBookfoziS | if you compile it, tell me, it need a work around to get ./configure run down. | 09:16 |
MetaBookfoziS | you can install 1.70 from repos, anyways... | 09:17 |
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pagansmind | what to change kdesu to the new root password after i modified root password with the "passwd" command? | 09:22 |
Yorokobi | pagansmind, kdesu does not ask for the root password, it asks for your password | 09:22 |
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Yorokobi | wait, I may be wrong ... checking ... | 09:23 |
h0ax | Yorokobi: back :D | 09:23 |
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Yorokobi | pagansmind, kdesu -s will cause it to forget passwords | 09:24 |
Yorokobi | wb h0ax | 09:24 |
h0ax | whats next then | 09:24 |
pagansmind | it seem to work ;) Thx very much! | 09:25 |
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Yorokobi | aaroncampbell, have you looked at the ldd command for your libwfb question? | 09:26 |
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Yorokobi | h0ax, let's take a look at your sources.list again. But first. go to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 09:27 |
marcel | Arrrr!! Can someone tell me how to recover my settings - kde forgot them all without a obvious cause :/ | 09:27 |
marcel | or where possible backups could be stored | 09:28 |
marcel | huh | 09:28 |
MeTa[AwAy] | marcel, start a konsole | 09:28 |
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h0ax | browser is taking ages mmmmm | 09:28 |
MeTa[AwAy] | and type: df -h | 09:28 |
pagansmind | i installed kubuntu 7 .. i like it | 09:28 |
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Yorokobi | h0ax, yep. Mine too | 09:28 |
Tanuva | MeTa[AwAy] : and that does what? | 09:28 |
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MeTa[AwAy] | it prints how many fre space you have | 09:28 |
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HT | hi, is baryl installed in Kubuntu 7.04N | 09:28 |
HT | ? | 09:28 |
MeTa[AwAy] | what you get is happens often if free disk space goes near 0 | 09:29 |
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MeTa[AwAy] | not near, if reaches 0:) | 09:29 |
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Tanuva | theres enough free, the disk isnt even filled half | 09:29 |
lynx | ghhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjgjydfghfhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyygggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggguggykj | 09:29 |
Kansi | ? | 09:29 |
h0ax | right its loaded Yorokobi | 09:29 |
MeTa[AwAy] | If a program want's to modify it's settings, it deletes that, and rewrites. But if your disk is full, it can't rewrite because other programs fill it's space... | 09:29 |
Yorokobi | h0ax, after it loads, open konsole (or switch back to it) and 'cd /etc/apt' then 'cat sources.list' then highlight it all, copy & paste it to the webpage,then send me the link it creates | 09:29 |
Tanuva | I had that once before, now I would like to recover my settings, very tiring to have to set them all again | 09:29 |
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MeTa[AwAy] | Tanuva > then i dunno:) have you deleted or hardly edited your .kde?:) | 09:30 |
Tanuva | the kernel modules for my pci-soundcard arent being loaded, too - VERY strange.... | 09:30 |
Tanuva | no. | 09:30 |
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Tanuva | didnt change anything | 09:30 |
MeTa[AwAy] | i don't know, but your settings is in your ~/.kde folder | 09:30 |
MeTa[AwAy] | so if you save that, you can restore next time:/ | 09:30 |
Tanuva | maybe someone in #kde may help | 09:31 |
MeTa[AwAy] | and i recommend to save other folders starts with "." - thats setting folders [in your home] | 09:31 |
MeTa[AwAy] | yes... | 09:31 |
Yorokobi | HT, yes. Beryl is included in the feisty repositories. | 09:31 |
h0ax | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/13402/ | 09:31 |
HT | thanks Yorokobi | 09:31 |
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MeTa[AwAy] | oh, topic, poweredby svgs!!! coooooooooooooool | 09:32 |
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MeTa[AwAy] | i'm order some stickers fast:) | 09:32 |
h0ax | Yorokobi: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/13402/ | 09:33 |
meme4 | hey folks... have a strange prob with ubuntu. It started with Firefox behaving oddly. So I restarted FF and it no longer had my profile. Then I rebooted. Now I cannot log in. Ubuntu no longer recognizes my login OR the admin login. Prior to this... nothing was modified (except a few security updates) | 09:33 |
Yorokobi | h0ax, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/13404/ | 09:33 |
Yorokobi | h0ax, the differences are the addition of the universe and multiverse to the standard repos. | 09:34 |
h0ax | i thought i saved it ... grrrr | 09:34 |
Yorokobi | h0ax, nope. Doesn't look like it. | 09:34 |
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h0ax | right done | 09:35 |
MeTa[AwAy] | meme4 how many free space you have?:) | 09:35 |
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Yorokobi | h0ax, okay. sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get install superkaramba | 09:36 |
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h0ax | ok its installed | 09:38 |
meme4 | Yorokobi: free space... not sure at this point but probably over 2 gb | 09:38 |
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h0ax | were is it located mate | 09:39 |
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Yorokobi | meme4, huh? | 09:39 |
Yorokobi | h0ax, it should be in the Kmenu ... somewhere :) I never use it | 09:39 |
meme4 | Yorokobi: I am in Ubuntu live now... but I cannot mount my hard disk volumes.. read only access to /mnt or /media | 09:40 |
h0ax | thanks alot Yorokobi | 09:40 |
Yorokobi | np h0ax | 09:40 |
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Yorokobi | meme4, I think that is by design | 09:40 |
meme4 | Yorokobi: confirmed (via Gnome partition editor) all volumes are >2gb | 09:41 |
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Yorokobi | meme4, were we chatting earlier? I'm afraid I need a some context for this conversation | 09:42 |
meme4 | So how do I fix my ubuntu login problem? Any suggestions. One moment Yorokobi. | 09:42 |
meme4 | hey folks... have a strange prob with ubuntu. It started with Firefox behaving oddly. So I restarted FF and it no longer had my profile. Then I rebooted. Now I cannot log in. Ubuntu no longer recognizes my login OR the admin login. Prior to this... nothing was modified (except a few security updates) | 09:42 |
meme4 | Yorokobi: is that enough context? lol | 09:43 |
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Yorokobi | meme4, yeah ... but I'm not sure what to tell you. There are a load of possible reasons (ie, changing the keyboard layout) | 09:44 |
Yorokobi | ... for not being able to log in | 09:44 |
sinkorswim | i installed vim-full using adept package manager but it's not showing up in the applications list.. any idea how I can add it? | 09:44 |
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Yorokobi | sinkorswim, use the kmenu editor to add gvim | 09:44 |
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sinkorswim | Yorokobi: thanks. How can I just run vim or gvim? I tried typing vim and gvim in "run command..." but I get a taskbar entry that looks like it's going to load and then it just dissapears | 09:46 |
lewix | I need msn | 09:46 |
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pagansmind | http://kopete.kde.org | 09:46 |
Yorokobi | sinkorswim, what happens when you run either from konsole ? | 09:47 |
sinkorswim | Yorokobi: they work fine | 09:47 |
Yorokobi | meme4, you could try booting from the Live CD using 'linux rescue' as the boot option then change the root password ... | 09:48 |
=== Godfather [n=SCSHirc@dslb-088-065-174-249.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
q_ | lewix-try aMSN | 09:48 |
archangel_ | why would kaffiene keep crashing on me when I try to play dvds | 09:48 |
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lewix | q_, how do I install it? | 09:48 |
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=== maltraf [n=maltraf@42.Red-80-32-128.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Yorokobi | kaffeine blows :) try xine or vlc | 09:48 |
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pagansmind | kaffeine cant play wvm? | 09:49 |
Yorokobi | sinkorswim, dunno ... both work for me in the run dialog ... but I also have already added them to my menu | 09:49 |
pagansmind | wmv | 09:49 |
aaroncampbell | Yorokobi: I read the man on ldd (not much there), but I'm not sure how it would help with my libwfb issue | 09:49 |
lewix | what about gaim | 09:49 |
lewix | how do i install it | 09:49 |
sinkorswim | Yorokobi: thanks. I'll give it a try | 09:49 |
q_ | lewix- in <Add/Remove application> search for aMSN | 09:50 |
Arwen | !wmv | pagansmind | 09:50 |
ubotu | pagansmind: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 09:50 |
pagansmind | yhea | 09:50 |
=== calamari [n=calamari@ip72-200-73-175.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pagansmind | thx | 09:50 |
calamari | hi | 09:50 |
calamari | [edgy] when I use my scroll wheel on top of the pager, it switches desktops. Can I disable this behavior? | 09:50 |
=== Lanken [n=wglennie@pu106285.student.Princeton.EDU] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Lanken | my konqueror isn't working right | 09:51 |
Lanken | http://tinyurl.com/2jsrrt | 09:51 |
SSJ_GZ | calamari: Right click on the pager -> Configure Desktops | 09:51 |
SSJ_GZ | calamari: Uncheck the "Mousewheel blah blah" box | 09:51 |
h0ax | Yorokobi: i just did ./configure to install GCC but i dunno what to do next | 09:52 |
calamari | I have done so | 09:52 |
SSJ_GZ | Lanken: lol | 09:52 |
Yorokobi | aaroncampbell, I think ldd is used to check binaries ( to see what libs they use) | 09:52 |
calamari | I think that mouse wheel selection is for something else.. if you scroll on the desktop | 09:52 |
Yorokobi | Gotta go for a bit. Sorry, h0ax et alii | 09:53 |
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archangel_ | I thought that kaffiene uses the xine engine | 09:54 |
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nick1975 | hello | 09:56 |
archangel_ | xine-ui skinned front end <------- does that mean that its a stand alone player | 09:57 |
Arwen | no, that means it's a frontend to libxine with a skinned ui? | 09:58 |
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archangel_ | I have 5 options to d/l. Which one do I choose? | 09:58 |
Arwen | archangel_, what are you looking for? | 09:59 |
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nicoc_ | hi ppl | 09:59 |
hyper_ch | anyone has used Avidemux yet? | 09:59 |
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archangel_ | anything that will play dvds, kaffiene quit on me | 09:59 |
HymnToLife | !anyone | hyper_ch | 09:59 |
ubotu | hyper_ch: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 09:59 |
HymnToLife | archangel_, xine-ui wil play them, I peronnaly use KMPlayer as a frontend for both Xine and Mplayer | 10:00 |
nicoc_ | im getting this error when i try to start kubuntu - 'Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init ' - | 10:00 |
nicoc_ | any ideas?? | 10:00 |
bill__k | what's the preferred window theme manager for kubuntu? | 10:00 |
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HymnToLife | nicoc_, reinstall :p | 10:00 |
nicoc_ | no thanks :d | 10:00 |
HymnToLife | you obviously did something rally bad | 10:00 |
HymnToLife | really* | 10:00 |
nicoc_ | im in a mac intel.. it has been really hard | 10:00 |
=== eduard [n=eduard@46.Red-83-55-91.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bill__k | nicoc_: I got it running on my mac intel, you messed up your fstab, permissions, had a bad install disc, or rm'ed it | 10:01 |
Arwen | archangel_, VLC, mplayer | 10:01 |
=== fo [n=fo@dwl187.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
archangel_ | delete the file I just d/led? | 10:02 |
archangel_ | xine-ui | 10:02 |
lewix | why kde doesnt come with firefox | 10:02 |
lewix | is konqueror that good | 10:02 |
bill__k | so, good window decorators for kubuntu? anyone have ideas/ a favorite? | 10:02 |
HymnToLife | lewix, why should it ? | 10:02 |
archangel_ | no its not | 10:02 |
=== eduard [n=eduard@46.Red-83-55-91.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
lewix | and also do all the plugins working on firefox can work on konqueror | 10:02 |
nicoc_ | bill__k my problem was that i have mac os x and i want to keep it | 10:02 |
lewix | HymnToLife, why not then? | 10:02 |
lewix | archangel_, thanks | 10:02 |
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HymnToLife | the KDE browser is Konqueror | 10:03 |
HymnToLife | so Kubuntu comes with Konqueror | 10:03 |
HymnToLife | period | 10:03 |
nicoc_ | bill__k are you using grub?? | 10:03 |
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bill__k | nicoc_: same here, I dual boot.refit | 10:03 |
bill__k | no, grub is the worst | 10:03 |
bill__k | lilo is preferred | 10:03 |
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nicoc_ | can you help me reinstalling it? | 10:03 |
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lewix | HymnToLife, ok, but what do you use? | 10:04 |
HymnToLife | firefox | 10:04 |
archangel_ | Arwen: vlc is easy to install? | 10:04 |
bill__k | nioc_ have you seen the guides out there?, I really dont have time, gotta write a paper for tomorrow etc. | 10:04 |
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Arwen | archangel_, apt-get install vlc :-) | 10:04 |
lewix | Firefox, why? | 10:04 |
nicoc_ | yep, but is the 6th time that i have to reinstall it, i really need help :d | 10:04 |
HymnToLife | because it's the one I like best :) | 10:04 |
nicoc_ | wich version did u install?? | 10:04 |
lewix | HymnToLife, why do you like it best | 10:04 |
nicoc_ | edgy? | 10:04 |
lewix | HymnToLife, what makes it better than firefox | 10:05 |
HymnToLife | I just told you I used Firefox :p | 10:05 |
lewix | HymnToLife, how do I install firefox | 10:05 |
bill__k | nicoc_: http://modular.math.washington.edu/macbook/ i've re-installed ubuntu/kubuntu many more times than that! | 10:05 |
HymnToLife | lewix, apt-get install firefow | 10:05 |
nicoc_ | desktop cd? | 10:05 |
HymnToLife | forefox* | 10:05 |
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HymnToLife | firefox* :/ | 10:05 |
lewix | HymnToLife, so you dont use it anymore? | 10:05 |
archangel_ | ah | 10:05 |
HymnToLife | lewix, use what ? | 10:05 |
lewix | firefox | 10:06 |
bill__k | nicoc_: I have the kubuntu dvd, but desktop cd should work. Depends what guide you're following/ how you want to do it | 10:06 |
archangel_ | ha, thanks Arwen | 10:06 |
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bill__k | nicoc_: I gotta go, good luck | 10:06 |
HymnToLife | lewix, yes I do | 10:06 |
nicoc_ | thanks bill, have a nice day :) | 10:06 |
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HymnToLife | nicoc_, what's the problem ? | 10:06 |
lewix | I wonder why everybody uses that and they never say why | 10:06 |
HymnToLife | lewix, I use Firefox because I like it best, period | 10:07 |
lewix | what makes it better? (is it a difficult question | 10:07 |
HymnToLife | matter of tastes | 10:07 |
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Arwen | lewix, uses what? | 10:07 |
lewix | firefox | 10:07 |
Arwen | Firefox? it's sweet... the extensions... | 10:07 |
archangel_ | I was denied | 10:07 |
Arwen | archangel_, ? | 10:07 |
archangel_ | how do I login as root | 10:07 |
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Arwen | archangel_, use "sudo" | 10:07 |
HymnToLife | archangel_, you don't | 10:07 |
HymnToLife | !root | archangel_ | 10:07 |
ubotu | archangel_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 10:07 |
archangel_ | it didnt prompt me for a pw | 10:07 |
Arwen | syntax, "sudo <command>" | 10:07 |
eXistenZ | What is the location of the audio device if I want to stream my soundcard? | 10:07 |
nicoc_ | im gonna try to reinstall kubuntu hymntolife | 10:07 |
Arwen | archangel_, at the command line, you only get asked for a pw if you manually invoke sudo | 10:08 |
Buddha| | I'm having trouble installing Xfce on Feisty Beta. It installs, but when I try to log into it, it just returns me to the login screen. | 10:08 |
nicoc_ | but i have some issues with partitioning my disk :d | 10:08 |
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odla | i prefer to use konqueror when possible because it's quite a bit faster | 10:08 |
archangel_ | ahh ok | 10:08 |
Arwen | odla, yeah, Firefox loads slower and the memory usage.. | 10:08 |
nicoc_ | safari rlz odla :P | 10:08 |
lewix | odla, but? | 10:08 |
=== HymnToLife has 2 GiB of RAM so doesn't care how much of it FF tooks | ||
HymnToLife | on slower systems, I usually install Gnome so I use Epiphany | 10:09 |
archangel_ | ok, man this takes some getting used to | 10:09 |
archangel_ | d/ling now | 10:09 |
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odla | lewix: but what? | 10:11 |
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Tm_T | Ormod: mooh | 10:11 |
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=== dwidmann yawns | ||
lewix | odla, you try to use konqueror what you can. what makes that you cannot use konqueror | 10:12 |
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lewix | when you download a *.bin where do you save it | 10:13 |
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lewix | you install and get rid of it? | 10:13 |
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lewix | ^^ | 10:13 |
odla | lewix: oh...some websites don't work properly with konqueror but nearly all of them do | 10:13 |
odla | lewix: you can save a .bin anywhere | 10:13 |
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odla | where you have premission | 10:14 |
Ormod | Hum, edgy->feisty upgrade broke sound on my T43, according to google it seems I'm not alone. Anyone else seen their alsa break with the upgrade? | 10:14 |
odla | i'd recommend making a /home/lewix/download folder | 10:14 |
odla | Ormod: have you run sudo alsaconf after? maybe that fixes your problem? | 10:14 |
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lewix | odla, thanks | 10:14 |
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mario_ | hola | 10:15 |
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Ormod | odla: yeah I've done all the normal conf stuff, the device exists, it just doesn't output any sound at all. | 10:15 |
philphoto | ok folks, I'm having trouble running Wine. frustrating | 10:15 |
odla | Ormod: alsamixer...make sure stuff isn't muted? | 10:15 |
Ormod | odla: yes and yes. | 10:16 |
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odla | Ormod: thought i'd ask :D | 10:16 |
=== inge [n=inge@ti100710a080-6532.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu | ||
odla | Ormod: would have been a nice quick fix | 10:16 |
archangel_ | Arwen: how do you play the dvd vlc? I keep getting an error | 10:16 |
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odla | archangel_: you need to install libdvdcss2 | 10:16 |
Arwen | archangel_, what error? | 10:16 |
odla | !tell archangel_ about libdvdcss2 | 10:16 |
odla | !libdvdcss2 | 10:16 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 10:16 |
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=== david_ [n=david@219.Red-81-34-29.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
archangel_ | same website? | 10:17 |
Arwen | is it the encrypted DVD error? archangel_ http://download.videolan.org/pub/libdvdcss/1.2.9/deb/ | 10:17 |
Arwen | not seveas repository.. | 10:17 |
archangel_ | this is confusing for a newbie | 10:17 |
archangel_ | lol | 10:17 |
odla | Ormod: out of curiousity...3.5.6 or 3.5.5 were you on? | 10:17 |
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Ormod | odla: 3.5.6 but doesn't matter, it's either libasound or kernel related. | 10:18 |
odla | Ormod: just wondering cause i'm thinking of upgrading too | 10:18 |
=== LeeJunFan [i=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
briancron | hello, I have a problem with USB in Kubuntu... I can use a USB port for media or my wireless connection... but if I take out the wireless to add some usbfiles it doesn't recognise the switch | 10:18 |
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archangel_ | Arwen: /media/cdrom0 is a folder, but a file was expected. | 10:18 |
odla | archangel_: http://download.videolan.org/pub/libdvdcss/1.2.9/deb/libdvdcss2-dev_1.2.9-1_i386.deb <-- click on that link and download it | 10:18 |
Black_Cat | hello, i'm new to adept installation process, could someone please check are there libxine-extracodecs @ http://ru.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ (dapper / multiverse) ? | 10:18 |
odla | oh.. | 10:19 |
=== pgraves [i=yaoishon@c-66-177-122-219.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
briancron | unfortunately it's a Dell Laptop with 1 usb port | 10:19 |
Arwen | archangel_, play /dev/dvd | 10:19 |
odla | !info libxine-extracodecs | 10:19 |
pgraves | Hey Dwidmann :) | 10:19 |
ubotu | libxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.2-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1118 kB, installed size 2676 kB | 10:19 |
archangel_ | ok | 10:19 |
Arwen | odla, that was the dev headers.. | 10:19 |
odla | Black_Cat: yes they are in multiverse | 10:19 |
dwidmann | hi pgraves | 10:19 |
odla | oh crap...doh | 10:19 |
odla | archangel_: you don't want that | 10:19 |
odla | http://download.videolan.org/pub/libdvdcss/1.2.9/deb/libdvdcss2_1.2.9-1_i386.deb <-- that's for encrypted dvds | 10:20 |
=== Kevlar_Soul [n=laptop@cpe-66-68-150-28.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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Kevlar_Soul | Can ANYONE help my friend: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=398847 | 10:20 |
tmg | Hi! My Network Settings are for some reason not applied at boottime. Disabling and then Enabling eth0 in the Network Settings starts the network fine. Any Idea? | 10:20 |
=== dwidmann clicks Kevlar_Souls link | ||
Black_Cat | odia: thanks, i know that, but i wasn't asking about it. i asked - can someone check are they uploaded there now? or maybe some kind of mirror-updating takes place? | 10:20 |
lewix | fakeroot make-jpkg jre-6-linux-i586.bin doesnt wok and what is fakeroot for | 10:20 |
=== lewix is now known as Lewix | ||
Jarn | I installed tor the other day and now whenever I do anything with apt-get it tries to restart tor and, of course, errors since it's already running. | 10:21 |
=== ubuntu is now known as nicoc | ||
pgraves | So my Ubuntu Software raid setup..... *WAS* loaded & working... but I wanted to "simulate" a hardware failure to ensure that the redundancy was functioning. So, I shut the system down, unplugged one of the hard drives (Remember it had 2 raidded hard drives) and turned the system on............ I havent been able to get it to boot since... I even re-plugged the other hard drive (and even reinstalled/repartitioned the whole thing)... | 10:21 |
archangel_ | play/dev/dvd <---- where do I type that? | 10:21 |
odla | Black_Cat: i386? | 10:21 |
pgraves | @DWIDMANN | 10:21 |
Black_Cat | yes | 10:21 |
odla | Black_Cat: i'm looking right now | 10:22 |
Lewix | fakeroot make-jpkg jre-6-linux-i586.bin | 10:22 |
Lewix | what's the similar command for kubuntu | 10:22 |
Lewix | and what does fakeroot do | 10:22 |
jhutchins | archangel_: I don't think you do. | 10:22 |
dwidmann | pgraves: ouch | 10:22 |
Black_Cat | thanks | 10:23 |
=== dwidmann fires up google | ||
archangel_ | lol, I just want ot play dvds | 10:23 |
archangel_ | thats all | 10:23 |
jhutchins | Arwen: Did you read that site on how to play dvd's? | 10:23 |
=== iceman__ [n=iceman@wnpgmb11dc1-50-165.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Arwen | jhutchins, ?? | 10:23 |
jhutchins | !dvd | Arwen | 10:23 |
ubotu | Arwen: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 10:23 |
odla | Black_Cat: it's there | 10:23 |
Arwen | I know how to play DVDs thank you, don't ever ubotu me | 10:23 |
archangel_ | I ahve been on here for 3 to 4 hours (off and on) today | 10:23 |
odla | brb | 10:23 |
Lewix | gosh | 10:23 |
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Arwen | archangel_, in vlc, go to file -> play disc -> type=dvd,file=/dev/dvd" | 10:24 |
=== freeza [n=bub@adsl-68-91-195-200.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
archangel_ | ok cool | 10:24 |
archangel_ | thank you | 10:24 |
archangel_ | I'm VERY new | 10:24 |
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archangel_ | almost retard like | 10:24 |
pgraves | I think what I want to try doing at this point is try re-installing the whole thing, this time not RAIding the /boot partition and see what happens.... BUT, once the OS is loaded, I then image the /boot partition so that the mirror will be complete (I dont plan on upgrading my kernel anytime soon, so /boot wont be changing) | 10:24 |
Arwen | archangel_, I assume you installed the libvdcss2? | 10:24 |
pgraves | It just seems like I shouldnt have to do this | 10:25 |
Arwen | libdvdcss2* | 10:25 |
archangel_ | no idea how | 10:25 |
dwidmann | pgraves, fire up the live cd, and install mdadm, lets see if you can still access the things, should be able to, and if so, lets fix it | 10:25 |
=== inout [n=inout@46.Red-81-47-242.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kai_ | How can I switch channles? | 10:25 |
Arwen | archangel_, http://download.videolan.org/pub/libdvdcss/1.2.9/deb/libdvdcss2_1.2.9-1_i386.deb - download and install that | 10:25 |
kai_ | Does this client work like the windows one? | 10:26 |
Black_Cat | odla: and the following string should gain access to it, right? "deb http://ru.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted universe multiverse" | 10:26 |
Arwen | otherwise your DVDs will fail | 10:26 |
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pgraves | Does Ubuntu 6.10-Alternate also run as a Live CD or do I have to run the Ubuntu-6.10 Desktop disk? | 10:26 |
Black_Cat | or am i doing something wrong so i can't see it in filtering results? | 10:26 |
dwidmann | pgraves, erm, nope | 10:26 |
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pgraves | nope to which one dwidmann? | 10:26 |
Kevlar_Soul | Can ANYONE help my friend: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=398847 | 10:27 |
dwidmann | it'd have to be the desktop disk .... I personally use the dvd anymore, functions as both of those, plus it also has the oem, text only install, etc. All the goodies | 10:27 |
archangel_ | I get 2 errors while opening your link | 10:27 |
pgraves | Your friend is doomed Kevlar | 10:27 |
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dwidmann | Kevlar_Soul: looks like the most recent apply to that post had an answer | 10:27 |
archangel_ | could not start a subprocess | 10:27 |
Jarn | I installed tor the other day and now whenever I do anything with apt-get it tries to start tor and, of course, errors since it's already running. | 10:27 |
Kevlar_Soul | dwidmann: no success | 10:28 |
archangel_ | and.... an error accurred while tyrying to open the archive | 10:28 |
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Black_Cat | odla: and the following string should gain access to it, right? "deb http://ru.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted universe multiverse" | 10:29 |
Black_Cat | or am i doing something wrong so i can't see it in filtering results? | 10:29 |
pgraves | You know, this problem almost makes me want to pay for the Canonical Ubuntu Phone Support option | 10:29 |
calamari | when I type an apostrophe, it combines with the next letter.. how do I fix this? | 10:30 |
odla | Black_Cat: yeah it should...did you run sudo apt-get update before trying to install libxine-extracodecs? | 10:30 |
Arwen | archangel_, huh? it works here | 10:30 |
pgraves | Dwidmann: Live CD is now running... what did you want me to run? | 10:30 |
odla | pgraves: what's your problem? | 10:30 |
Arwen | archangel_, if konqueror is failing it for you, archangel_, wget the url | 10:31 |
dwidmann | pgraves, pull up konsole, run "sudo apt-get install mdadm" | 10:31 |
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archangel_ | how do you wget the url? | 10:32 |
Black_Cat | odia: well, i did that by GUI adept | 10:32 |
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briancron | Is Mepis a good place to look if a question isn't answered in here? | 10:32 |
calamari | fixed.. bad keyboard layout setting apparently | 10:32 |
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archangel_ | it opens up in Ark | 10:33 |
HymnToLife | briancron, no | 10:33 |
Black_Cat | i had 900+ pieces of soft, now it's above 18000 :) | 10:33 |
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odla | Black_Cat: i have no idea why it's not working then...try it from a terminal...open konsole and run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs | 10:33 |
dwidmann | pgraves: next step, using the instructions founder here: http://unthought.net/Software-RAID.HOWTO/Software-RAID.HOWTO-5.html, reassemble the ?5? raidsets by editing the raidtab file ..... | 10:34 |
Black_Cat | ok, but will it download all the releases description list again if there were no refresh? | 10:34 |
archangel_ | ok got it | 10:34 |
odla | Black_Cat: yeah it will ... | 10:35 |
Lewix | make-jpkg | 10:35 |
Lewix | doesnt work | 10:35 |
odla | Black_Cat: or you can run apt-cache search libxine-extracodecs | 10:35 |
Arwen | archangel_, once you download the file, install it using "sudo dpkg -i <package>" | 10:35 |
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archangel_ | installed | 10:35 |
odla | Black_Cat: if it appears there then you can just run "sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs" | 10:35 |
Arwen | archangel_, ok, now go play your DVD :-) | 10:35 |
archangel_ | oh, I right clicked it and selected install package | 10:36 |
archangel_ | is that the same thing? | 10:36 |
Lewix | Arwen, where you talking to me | 10:36 |
odla | archangel_: yes | 10:36 |
Arwen | archangel_, yeah | 10:36 |
archangel_ | cool | 10:36 |
Lewix | fakeroot make-jpkg jre-6-linux-i586.bin | 10:36 |
Lewix | doesnt work | 10:36 |
Arwen | Lewix, nope :-\ | 10:36 |
Chemicalvamp | Package libxine-extracodecs is not available, but is referred to by another package | 10:36 |
odla | Lewix: why not just install java? | 10:36 |
Lewix | make-jpkg: no found | 10:36 |
archangel_ | now I hit play and then it tries and stops | 10:36 |
Black_Cat | okay, i'll give it a try... | 10:37 |
Lewix | odla, im following a guideline here | 10:37 |
Arwen | archangel_, ........................... | 10:37 |
archangel_ | it may not have a good path | 10:37 |
archangel_ | lol, sorry | 10:37 |
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Lewix | it does have a good pa | 10:37 |
Lewix | path | 10:37 |
Arwen | archangel_, yeah... let's see, do you know what device your DVD drive is? | 10:37 |
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odla | Lewix: are you running edgy? cause if you are you can just apt-get install it | 10:37 |
Lewix | odla, I am | 10:37 |
archangel_ | I can find out | 10:37 |
odla | !info sun-java5-jre | 10:37 |
ubotu | sun-java5-jre: Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 7279 kB, installed size 16132 kB | 10:37 |
Arwen | archangel_, please do | 10:38 |
Lewix | im installing jRE 6 | 10:38 |
odla | why do you need jre 6...do you do development? | 10:38 |
odla | !info sun-java6-jre | 10:38 |
ubotu | sun-java6-jre: Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-00-0ubuntu1~edgy1 (edgy-backports), package size 6174 kB, installed size 14144 kB | 10:38 |
Lewix | no | 10:38 |
Black_Cat | odla: no response for apt-cache search, that means "no"? | 10:38 |
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odla | Lewix: it's available in edgy-backports | 10:38 |
Arwen | odla, j2re6 is backwards compatible to j2re5... j2re5 is dead | 10:38 |
archangel_ | location: media (system) | 10:38 |
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archangel_ | no exactly an address is it? | 10:39 |
odla | Black_Cat: you can install java6 via edgy-backports | 10:39 |
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gravespk | Back - Had to reconnect network wires, router wasnt plugged in (had to get fileserver online) | 10:39 |
odla | Black_Cat: paste your sources.list | 10:39 |
Lewix | dman | 10:39 |
Lewix | i as following a guideline | 10:39 |
Lewix | now im all confused | 10:39 |
odla | Lewix: it's just more work to do it that way...that was before java became "free" | 10:39 |
Arwen | archangel_, no... do you know if your DVD player is IDE or SATA? | 10:39 |
odla | !pastebin | 10:40 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 10:40 |
enry | goodnoght | 10:40 |
Daisuke_Ido | my dvd player's either composite or component, depending on what cables i use, i dunno what you're talking about... "IDE", "SATA"... | 10:40 |
Daisuke_Ido | >_> | 10:40 |
Arwen | Daisuke_Ido, .... | 10:41 |
archangel_ | IDE | 10:41 |
Lewix | odla, ah ok | 10:41 |
Arwen | archangel_, is your hard drive IDE or SATA? | 10:41 |
Lewix | odla, so what should I do | 10:41 |
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odla | Lewix: i would enable edgy-backports in your sources.list via adept or editing it by hand and then install sun-java6-jre | 10:41 |
gravespk | LOL WTF... Im in this room THREE TIMES? | 10:41 |
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archangel_ | IDE as well | 10:41 |
Daisuke_Ido | morning, Arwen (or some diurnal time period) | 10:41 |
gravespk | <-- gravespk, pgraves, pgraves__ | 10:41 |
gravespk | how the FSCK did that happen? | 10:41 |
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Arwen | Daisuke_Ido, afternoon :-\ | 10:41 |
Arwen | gravespk, it's called ghosts, nothing special | 10:42 |
Arwen | just means your wifi sucks ass | 10:42 |
gravespk | Dwidmann: Ok, I've got the livecd loaded and installed mdadm....? | 10:42 |
Lewix | odla, I think it's edited, now how to i install it | 10:42 |
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Lewix | what shoul di type in the cmd | 10:42 |
dwidmann | right, now's the hard part gravespk | 10:42 |
odla | Lewix: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre | 10:42 |
Arwen | archangel_, ok, play /dev/hdb in the "open disc" part of VLC | 10:42 |
gravespk | Putting the square peg into the round whole? | 10:43 |
Arwen | archangel_, and make sure you choose "DVD" as your disc type | 10:43 |
odla | Lewix: or sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin ... i believe ... if you just want the browser plugin | 10:43 |
dwidmann | reassembling the raid ... it's more or less done manually, which is always fun. THe instructions here didn't look too bad - http://unthought.net/Software-RAID.HOWTO/Software-RAID.HOWTO-5.html | 10:43 |
odla | !info sun-java6-plugin | 10:43 |
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ubotu | sun-java6-plugin: The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-00-0ubuntu1~edgy1 (edgy-backports), package size 1 kB, installed size 64 kB | 10:43 |
odla | Lewix: or sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin < --- IF YOU WANT THE PLUGIN | 10:43 |
archangel_ | ok | 10:43 |
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gravespk | Dwidmann: When I was installing... I did technically take one assumption........ when I created the partition for /boot one of the options listed was "Bootable Flag", I set this to "On", was this correct? | 10:45 |
Black_Cat | odla: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/13416/ | 10:45 |
dwidmann | gravespk: in my experience it never mattered. Sometimes I turn it on and sometimes I don't. Might be some sort of legacy option, or perhaps something recognized by other bootloaders and/or operating systems | 10:45 |
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odla | Black_Cat: yeah that looks good...i guess you need to refresh your cache by running sudo apt-get update and then run sudo apt-cache search libxine-extracodecs to make sure it's there | 10:46 |
gravespk | Well, keep in mind the problem Im having is that the system isnt booting, almost like its not finding something bootable... can that option cause any harm? | 10:46 |
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Lewix | odla, actually I had already installed it, is it bad If I type in intall again | 10:46 |
dwidmann | gravespk: as far as I know, no | 10:46 |
archangel_ | Arwen: I hit play and the player closes | 10:47 |
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odla | Lewix: no it should be a problem...as long as your install it via apt-get | 10:47 |
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dwidmann | grub seems to boot whatever partition you tell it to, however, it seems to be having trouble finding either the root or boot partition | 10:47 |
Black_Cat | odla: thank you, i'm starting it now. | 10:47 |
odla | Lewix: shouldn't be a problem | 10:47 |
Arwen | archangel_, ...oh well.... | 10:47 |
Arwen | I give up | 10:47 |
archangel_ | the address to my dvd is /dev/hdc | 10:47 |
odla | Black_Cat: good luck | 10:47 |
Lewix | odla, so now im done? | 10:47 |
wolferine | need a hand setting up my Logitech Quickcam STX (ID 046d:08f5), anyone have any great ideas, its plugged in, and when I start camorama, I get 'Could not connect to video device (/dev/video0)', and in /dev, this is no /video* | 10:47 |
Chemicalvamp | is it possible to install a .msi? | 10:47 |
gravespk | Dwidmann: What should I do to fix this? Im confused about the instructions you gave me. They seem to be for creating a RAID, but the RAID already exists, its just not bootable | 10:47 |
odla | Lewix: i believe so...go to a java website with firefox or konqueror | 10:47 |
Arwen | archangel_, that makes more sense.... you have multiple hard drives? or multiple cd drves? | 10:47 |
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archangel_ | at least that is what k3b tells me, and its flawless | 10:48 |
odla | Lewix: if the plugin comes in your golden | 10:48 |
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Dasnipa` | archangel_, lol is that some kinda joke? | 10:48 |
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Lewix | odla, brb im going to eat | 10:48 |
Ormod | Hmm, found an forum post with a tip that helped my sound problems, needed to turn off both my line/headphone jack sense -> sound started working. Still it's a regression. | 10:48 |
archangel_ | I'm too dumb to joke, man | 10:48 |
odla | yeah i need to reboot...brb | 10:48 |
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Arwen | archangel_, ...start vlc from konsole so that you can see why it crashes and try to play /dev/hdc | 10:49 |
archangel_ | no just one drive each | 10:49 |
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Dasnipa` | archangel_, k3b is _far_ from flawless | 10:49 |
dwidmann | gravespk: yeah, this is just so you can mount the partitions from the livecd really, and then perchance fix things if necessary | 10:49 |
archangel_ | I never have any probs with it | 10:49 |
gravespk | kk.... tell me what youd like me to do | 10:49 |
Black_Cat | odia: http://ru.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz - loading failure, error code 1 | 10:49 |
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Dasnipa` | archangel_, just cuz youve never had probs doesnt mean its flaw free | 10:49 |
archangel_ | ok | 10:49 |
dwidmann | Dasnipa`: k3b 1.0 has me surprised in that respect | 10:49 |
wolferine | archangel_, what seems to be the issue, something with VLC? | 10:50 |
archangel_ | get technical with a newbie | 10:50 |
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bill | I was running a new install Kubuntu 6.10, and I was able to write partition tables manually to my compact flash card | 10:50 |
archangel_ | go ahead | 10:50 |
archangel_ | you will get real board real quick | 10:50 |
bill | now that I updated everything through adept, I can't write the partition tables | 10:50 |
archangel_ | :o) | 10:50 |
BluesKaj | archangel_, telling ppl that your stuff works without saying how is no help to anyone | 10:50 |
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bill | actually, I dont think it is even mounting my flash card anymore | 10:50 |
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dwidmann | bill, one way to find out if it is | 10:51 |
Jungler | one quick question plz. Is Kubuntu all the same with Ubuntu except for the KDE thing? I mean, as i am a newbbie, should i check on guides for Ubuntu? If i follow them, will it do the trick ? | 10:51 |
BluesKaj | youtube | 10:51 |
Dasnipa` | Jungler, yes kubuntu and ubuntu are the same except for the WM | 10:51 |
wolferine | Jungler, K == KDE and U = Gnome | 10:51 |
BluesKaj | youtube is flash | 10:51 |
archangel_ | it was a response not a tech help | 10:51 |
dwidmann | bill: plug it in, then look at /var/log/dmesg | 10:51 |
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Jungler | :) | 10:51 |
wolferine | so you will get alot of Gnome-packages in U and KDE-packages in K | 10:51 |
archangel_ | sheesh | 10:51 |
BluesKaj | not a helpful response tho | 10:52 |
Jungler | thnx | 10:52 |
wolferine | np | 10:52 |
wolferine | anyone want to help with the webcam now? | 10:52 |
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gravespk | Dwidmann: what shall I do?> | 10:52 |
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posingaspopular | if you want you can just do a /ignore, if its that big of a deal | 10:52 |
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archangel_ | nothing happens after play /dev/hdc did I type it wrong? | 10:53 |
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dwidmann | gravespk: well, option one is to redo it all with the installation disk, option two is to rebuild it manually on the livecd and try to find out the source of the problem ..... option 2 is probably the hardway, but is theoretically faster | 10:53 |
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wolferine | archangel_, what are you trying to do? | 10:53 |
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archangel_ | play a goofy dvd | 10:54 |
wolferine | ok, so you have the DVD in your drive? | 10:54 |
Arwen | archangel_, again, play it in VLC..... | 10:54 |
Black_Cat | odla: maybe i should try another multiverse, not russian? any advice about the url? | 10:54 |
archangel_ | no one knows why I cant play dvds (me being a newbie isnt helping matters) | 10:54 |
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dwidmann | archangel_: do you get an error, if so, what? | 10:55 |
wolferine | archangel_, not answering questions is the only thing holding you back | 10:55 |
wolferine | archangel_, so you have the DVD in your drive? | 10:55 |
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archangel_ | arwen has alot of patience I comend you man! :o) | 10:55 |
archangel_ | dvd is in drive | 10:55 |
wolferine | archangel_, do you have vlc installed? | 10:55 |
bill | dwidmann: it doesn't even change | 10:55 |
archangel_ | the add. is /dev/hdc | 10:55 |
Black_Cat | archangel_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs - did you check it? | 10:55 |
wolferine | archangel_, yes or no works fine for me | 10:56 |
archangel_ | yes I do | 10:56 |
archangel_ | ok | 10:56 |
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wolferine | ok, open VLC | 10:56 |
dwidmann | bill, try a different port? or perhaps try *gasp* rebooting? | 10:56 |
archangel_ | ok | 10:56 |
bill | I've tried rebooting already | 10:56 |
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archangel_ | open | 10:56 |
wolferine | archangel_, press ctrl-d | 10:56 |
bill | and the same port was working yesterday | 10:56 |
odla | Black_Cat: there's lots of mirrors...maybe try one in china, taiwan, japan, or korea? are you closer to europe? | 10:56 |
bill | and changing USB ports doesn't help | 10:57 |
wolferine | archangel_, then the "Open" window appears | 10:57 |
bill | *and the same card reader was | 10:57 |
archangel_ | yes | 10:57 |
wolferine | archangel_, confirm you see it | 10:57 |
wolferine | k | 10:57 |
bill | its the onyl CF reader I have | 10:57 |
archangel_ | I see it | 10:57 |
wolferine | archangel_, does the DVD have menus? | 10:57 |
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dwidmann | bill, that's odd | 10:57 |
archangel_ | yes | 10:57 |
wolferine | archangel_, ok, then click OK | 10:57 |
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dwidmann | bill, can you get it to read when running from the live cd? | 10:57 |
bill | lol yeah | 10:57 |
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archangel_ | done | 10:58 |
Black_Cat | odla: it's the very west of russia, so poland or germany for exampe suits good | 10:58 |
wolferine | archangel_, is it playing? | 10:58 |
dwidmann | might be an issue with upgrades you've done since you installed then | 10:58 |
archangel_ | no | 10:58 |
odla | Black_Cat: ok...i'll find you one | 10:58 |
wolferine | archangel_, is there an error? | 10:58 |
odla | !mirrors | 10:58 |
ubotu | Kubuntu can be downloaded in various formats from here: http://kubuntu.org/download.php | 10:58 |
archangel_ | I just clicked ok in the menu | 10:58 |
odla | !mirror | 10:58 |
bill | and very frustrating....I need to write some partition tables to my palm lifedrive CF to fix the OS, and I have to leave in half an hour | 10:58 |
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archangel_ | does that play the dvd too? | 10:58 |
wolferine | archangel_, yes or no works MUCH better | 10:59 |
wolferine | archangel_, is there an error? | 10:59 |
archangel_ | no | 10:59 |
gravespk | dwidmann, can I talk to you in private? | 10:59 |
wolferine | ok, google this --> Ubuntu guide | 10:59 |
dwidmann | gravespk: you can (and you may :P) | 10:59 |
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wolferine | archangel_, in the guide, there are instructions on playing DVDs in Ubuntu, which should also work for kubuntu | 10:59 |
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bill | well, I thought maybe it might be the upgrades...it's funny, because before it would let me access the disk in Konsole, but not in anything else....so I upgraded in hopes of fixing it | 11:00 |
archangel_ | ok, thanx wolf | 11:00 |
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Jungler | sorry to become annoying, but on second thought i still have a question. You told me before that Ubuntu= Gnome and Kubuntu=KDE. How can this affect let's say the way one installs multimedia codecs? are there cases where installations or making-ones-way-around is the same in {K,U}buntu? Are there any opposite cases? | 11:00 |
wolferine | archangel_, np, good luck | 11:00 |
archangel_ | thanks | 11:00 |
=== Ind[y] [n=indy@thesdsl-01537.home.otenet.gr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Ind[y] | My system suddenly is *very* slow (it responds/reacts slow to my commands/actions). Why? Any help, please? | 11:01 |
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Daisuke_Ido | Jungler: absolutely no difference | 11:01 |
wolferine | Jungler, you can use the ubuntu guide (google it) for setting up your system | 11:01 |
Jungler | Daisuke_Ido: thnx :) | 11:01 |
wolferine | Ind[y] , how much RAM? | 11:01 |
Daisuke_Ido | the only difference between kubuntu and ubuntu is the desktop environment, the underlying OS is the same. | 11:01 |
Ind[y] | wolferine: 512 | 11:01 |
Jungler | wolferine: have done it already, thats why i am asking | 11:01 |
odla | Black_Cat: deb http://debian.charite.de/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted universe multiverse | 11:01 |
wolferine | Ind[y] , using Beryl? | 11:01 |
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Ind[y] | wolferine: It wasn't so slow till my last boot. | 11:02 |
Ind[y] | wolferine: no | 11:02 |
dwidmann | bill, it's hard saying which upgrade did it, it could have been the kernel, switching kernels would be your best bet, but that's still not 100%, could have been any of the hardware related libraries. I think your best bet i f you're in a hurry is to do what you can from the livecd | 11:02 |
odla | Black_Cat: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors?action=show&redirect=Archive <-- or you can select one | 11:02 |
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Black_Cat | odla: thanks again, i'll check it | 11:02 |
wolferine | Ind[y] , have you changed any settings (requiring a reboot or not) ? | 11:02 |
bill | lol, ok | 11:02 |
bill | I need a new computer | 11:02 |
KaiSVK | hi all, I am new around here. I am trying Feisty Beta and I have a problem installing drivers for my GeForce 7300 Go with generic kernel. Is this some known bug or am I doing something wrong ? | 11:02 |
Ind[y] | wolferine: no | 11:02 |
Jungler | bill everyone does :D | 11:02 |
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dwidmann | Jungler: I don't, not really anyway. Granted, I wouldn't refuse one if offered :P | 11:03 |
wolferine | Ind[y] , so on your last two logins, you changed no software/hardware, that would affect performance? | 11:03 |
Jungler | dwidmann: that's the spirit !!! | 11:03 |
Ind[y] | wolferine: installed some packages | 11:03 |
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Daisuke_Ido | KaiSVK: what exactly is the problem, are you installing fron repositories or from the installer from nvidia's site? | 11:03 |
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dwidmann | The bleeding edge of yesterday is still the pretty-good of today ... | 11:03 |
wolferine | Ind[y] , well, something you installed (which could be anything) could affect your performance | 11:04 |
Daisuke_Ido | that wasn't vague at all | 11:04 |
wolferine | if you want, check over your running processes, sudo ps -A | 11:04 |
Ind[y] | wolferine: I installed apache, php, mysql, and svn | 11:04 |
Daisuke_Ido | :P | 11:04 |
KaiSVK | Daisuke_Ido: I am doing the install from the repos ... problem is after nvidia-glx-config enable command and restarting kdm, the kdm won't come up | 11:04 |
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wolferine | KaiSVK, you get the latest nvidia drivers? | 11:05 |
sorush20 | !panic | 11:05 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about panic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:05 |
wolferine | still wanting assistance with my Logitech webcam btw.... | 11:05 |
KaiSVK | wolferine: don't undertand ... when I am installing from repos arent they the latest drivers ? | 11:05 |
dwidmann | !nvidia9 | wolferine KaiSVK | 11:05 |
ubotu | wolferine KaiSVK: For Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) 9746 version of the binary NVidia drivers by using this repository: deb http://nvidia.limitless.lupine.me.uk/ubuntu edgy stable | 11:05 |
Black_Cat | not necessarily | 11:05 |
wolferine | KaiSVK, consult the ubuntu guide, do a search on nvidia, looking for "installing latest" | 11:06 |
Jungler | !ati | 11:06 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 11:06 |
wolferine | its straightforward | 11:06 |
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MetaMorfoziS | Hey folks, i have created a wallpaper using the poweredby stickers, if anyone interested: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Powered+By+Kubuntu?content=55552 :) | 11:06 |
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wolferine | !webcam | wolferine | 11:06 |
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carutsu | hello | 11:07 |
carutsu | !fonts | 11:07 |
ubotu | Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 11:07 |
sorush20 | how do I fix a kernel panic | 11:07 |
dwidmann | gravespk: you still there ... I guess I should have mentioned, seeing as you're on your third nick now, you can only send queries (PMs) on this network (freenode) if you use a registered nick | 11:08 |
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dennis_ | MetaMorfoziS: nice work, it's classy | 11:08 |
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MetaMorfoziS | thx:) | 11:09 |
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dwidmann | MetaMorfoziS: I don't like the orange, but that's just me ... | 11:09 |
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MetaMorfoziS | feel fre to edit that to any colour... http://inkscape.org:) | 11:09 |
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MetaMorfoziS | btw it's not a complicated image contains only 4-5 gradients not more... | 11:10 |
carutsu | orange? in what OOo? is a little weird | 11:10 |
carutsu | xD | 11:10 |
MetaMorfoziS | OOo? | 11:10 |
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tidiman07 | hey guys, is there a way i can see and log commands output at the same time? | 11:10 |
leiar_ | I'm not able to record voice in audacity. I use Kubbuntu daper drake. Any suggestions? | 11:10 |
gravespk | Oh | 11:10 |
gravespk | I guess I should stop waiting for a PM reply then | 11:11 |
MetaMorfoziS | leiar_ > in kmix, have you enabled your microphone? | 11:11 |
just-this-time | need someone who uses f-spot and posts to picasaweb.google.com | 11:11 |
leiar_ | MetaMorfoziS: yes | 11:11 |
leiar_ | The mic works | 11:11 |
gravespk | Dwidmann: As I had tried to say...... Skim http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-15605.html real quick if you could | 11:11 |
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Jungler | another one ... i own an ATI Radeon 9000 ... what am i gonna need with drivers etc? in the ubuntu site it states "The model of the card is in the 9xxx series, 9500 or higher, or it is in the X series (e.g. X300), or it has TV-Out capability. The 'fglrx' driver does not support cards earlier than the 8500." and at the x.org site it states that "The radeon driver supports PCI and AGP video cards based on the following ATI chips ... RV250 | 11:11 |
Jungler | Radeon 9000PRO/9000, M9 | 11:11 |
MetaMorfoziS | then i dunno. | 11:11 |
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just-this-time | now on kde and f-spot needs some keyring to post to picasaweb.google.com | 11:12 |
just-this-time | anyone familiar with that ? | 11:12 |
dwidmann | gravespk: am doing now | 11:12 |
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dennis_ | MetaMorfiziS, is Inkscape dificult to work with? compared with krita? | 11:12 |
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Black_Cat | btw, if i download anything thru adept or apt-get, where is it saved so i could use it after system reinstall with no need to download again? | 11:13 |
LjL | Black_Cat: /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 11:14 |
just-this-time | AH Gnome-keyring-manager needs the gnomekeyring daemon | 11:14 |
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just-this-time | so does f-spot | 11:14 |
Black_Cat | LjL: thank you. | 11:14 |
just-this-time | so how do I start gnome-keyring-daemon | 11:14 |
Jungler | anyone about the ATI post just some posts before ? | 11:14 |
leiar_ | Any experts on sound? I can't get my mic to record sound, not in xvidcap nor in audacity | 11:15 |
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dwidmann | gravespk: Yeah, looks fairly informative ... What's your plan of action? | 11:16 |
dwidmann | leiar_: I'm no expert, but I've had luck before doing it in krec | 11:16 |
carutsu | leiar_ i'm far away from being an expert but did you check the volume in, say, Kmix | 11:16 |
dwidmann | gravespk: oh, and that thread looks really old now that I look at it. It's possible that parts of it could be out of date .. | 11:17 |
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Chemicalvamp | whats the command for installing eclipse? | 11:18 |
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Chemicalvamp | is there an apt-get install? | 11:18 |
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gravespk | \ | 11:19 |
tidiman07 | anybody? view and log command output at same time? | 11:19 |
gravespk | I would love a better solution/answer than that thread, but according to it, I can' | 11:19 |
gravespk | cant* do a softwar raid on my /boot | 11:19 |
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leiar_ | dwidmann: krec, do I have to install it? Since it doesn't work in xvidcap, I guess there is an issue with the system? | 11:20 |
leiar_ | carutsu: the volume is ok :-) | 11:20 |
dwidmann | leiar_: I don't know, that's possible too | 11:20 |
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dwidmann | worth a try anyway leiar_, and yes, you would have to install krec before you could use it ... | 11:21 |
hansen | tidiman07: man tee | 11:21 |
carutsu | leiar_ ok, i had a similar problem with my sound but it was because i changed the output channel and it was going to the input channel insted, ver weird! xD! | 11:21 |
dwidmann | gravespk: Well, unless you're willing to shell out cash for a hardware raid controller that is | 11:21 |
gravespk | OOOH: http://www.gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Gentoo_Install_on_Software_RAID | 11:22 |
gravespk | Dwidmann: Look at that link and specifically look for the first paragraph under the heading "Installing Grub onto both MBRs" | 11:23 |
tidiman07 | hansen: thanx | 11:23 |
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hansen | yw | 11:24 |
dwidmann | gravespk: okay | 11:24 |
neil__ | hey guys, how do i know if im using xgl or aiglx? | 11:24 |
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leiar_ | dwidmann: installed krec. The button for record is passive (?) unable to activate. Don't find the word... | 11:25 |
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dwidmann | hmm, i'm not sure why it won't let you click it, maybe you need to configure it first leiar_ | 11:25 |
leiar_ | carutsu: Haven't changed any settings.. | 11:25 |
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Jungler | !ati 9000 | 11:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ati 9000 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:26 |
Jungler | !radeon 9000 | 11:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about radeon 9000 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:27 |
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sorush20 | how do I fix kernel panic | 11:27 |
dwidmann | gravespk: you can probably run the grub commands from the livecd, if you're interested | 11:27 |
leiar_ | dwidmann: do you know how to troublleshoot this? I'm in charge for the computers at three schools. Converted from Microsoft to Linux, and want to make some instruction videos with xvidcap. But am not able to record sound.. | 11:29 |
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dwidmann | leiar_: not really, I don't really play with sound very much. | 11:30 |
dwidmann | (half the reason for that being that I forgot to connect it when I built the computer and haven't felt like bringing my computer down just for that ...) | 11:31 |
Jarn | How does the /etc/hosts file work? I added the line "localhost ubuntuforums.org" thinking that ubuntuforums.org would redirect me to localhost. No such luck. I tried it the other way around, too, and it was a no go. Do I have to reset something? | 11:31 |
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Jarn | For changes to take affect? | 11:31 |
leiar_ | Ok, dwidman, thanks anyway...anybode else then, who can help me geetthe recording working? | 11:32 |
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Daisuke_Ido | Jarn: i think you need to use rather than 'localhost', but i'm not sure | 11:32 |
Jarn | Daisuke_Ido: Okay. | 11:32 |
sorush20 | I have a hdd and the root is on hdc1 which is grub hd0,0 right? | 11:32 |
Daisuke_Ido | so... ubuntuforums.org | 11:32 |
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dwidmann | leiar_: you may also want to try #ubuntu, there's more people in there | 11:32 |
sorush20 | and setup should be on hd0 | 11:33 |
Jarn | Daisuke_Ido: No go, it still doesn't work. | 11:33 |
sorush20 | to fix I get the message in grub live cd that finding of stage 1 and 2 were a sucess and so is the final stage.. | 11:33 |
Daisuke_Ido | hrmm | 11:33 |
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leiar_ | dwidmann: ok, never been there :-) | 11:34 |
dwidmann | sorush20: depends how it was set up, you could always play in the grub menu.lst and change the hdX number around until you get the winning lottery ticket, then edit the menu.lst file to suit | 11:34 |
Daisuke_Ido | i'm not sure then, because i use for doubleclick... | 11:34 |
Daisuke_Ido | Jarn: tried refreshing? | 11:34 |
Jarn | Daisuke_Ido: Yes. | 11:34 |
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sorush20 | the menu says hd(0,0) | 11:35 |
sorush20 | I haven't changed it | 11:35 |
dwidmann | sorush20: mmhmm, but it might not hurt to try | 11:35 |
Daisuke_Ido | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hosts_file | 11:36 |
dwidmann | Heck, the weirdest thing that has happened to me in a while involved that same thing. When I dropped in my new 400GB, it rearranged my drives ... the new drive became sda, the old sda became sdc, and the other stayed the same (sdb), and whaddayaknowit, kernel panic! | 11:36 |
=== Beeema [n=durasan@85-124-151-125.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu | ||
gravespk | DWIDMANN: Would you take that documentation to support the theory that we cannot raid the /boot and as such, if I was to reinstall the OS with the exact same steps I've already done EXCEPT not raiding /boot that it should fix my issue? | 11:37 |
Daisuke_Ido | Jarn ^^ a quick rundown of how it's set up and such | 11:37 |
Jarn | Daisuke_Ido: Yeah, I was just looking at the man page for it and it appears to be set up correctly. | 11:37 |
dwidmann | gravespk: I'm willing to bet it's worth a try. | 11:37 |
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dwidmann | That should take care of it anyway | 11:37 |
Jarn | Daisuke_Ido: It says, though, that some programs may cache the file and so changes will not take affect immediately. Is it possible that Firefox is doing that and, if so, is there any way I could clear it? | 11:38 |
Daisuke_Ido | it's possible | 11:38 |
Lewix | odla, myspace standone player doesnt work properly | 11:38 |
Daisuke_Ido | can try flushing the cache and restarting FF | 11:38 |
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sorush20 | dwidmann: the story is that I have two hdds one is primary jumper and has ubuntu with a set of partitions on it, the first partition is hdc1 and it is physically the first partition too.. | 11:38 |
Jarn | Daisuke_Ido: Yeah, when I cleared my cache it worked. Thanks. :) | 11:39 |
Daisuke_Ido | you're welcome | 11:39 |
dwidmann | sorush20: what was the exact message of the kernel panic? | 11:40 |
Daisuke_Ido | i hate it when OOo upgrades. takes forever to install the updates :) | 11:40 |
dwidmann | Daisuke_Ido: I've removed it at least until feisty is released .... takes forever for it to download too afterall | 11:41 |
sorush20 | I wanted to install windows on the second hdd which is on the second | 11:41 |
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sorush20 | unknown block | 11:41 |
Daisuke_Ido | sorush20: MS doesn't like to be second. | 11:41 |
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sorush20 | (0,0) | 11:42 |
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sorush20 | ms is fuching | 11:42 |
sorush20 | chit | 11:42 |
Tm_T | !ohmy | sorush20 | 11:42 |
ubotu | sorush20: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 11:42 |
Daisuke_Ido | no arguments there, why do you think many of us are here to begin with? :) | 11:42 |
sorush20 | sorry | 11:42 |
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sorush20 | yahoo.co.uk | 11:43 |
sorush20 | sorry | 11:43 |
sorush20 | is there a grub recovery option in the live cd? | 11:43 |
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dwidmann | sorush20: you can redo the grub from the live cd | 11:45 |
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dennis_ | Next week i have some free time and i want to read some tutorials of a graphical program, krita seems to be too basic, so I will try The Gimp or Inkscape, which one should i choose? | 11:50 |
dennis_ | has anyone experience with both? | 11:51 |
Tm_T | both | 11:51 |
Tm_T | they do different stuff | 11:51 |
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gravespk | Dwidmann: Ok, Im reinstalling the OS as we speak.... I redid all the partitions and software RAID from scratch, everythings raided except /boot... we'll see how it goes | 11:51 |
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Tm_T | Gimp handle pixels, Inkscape vectors | 11:51 |
bobleny | Hey, what do I do when the computer freezes??? | 11:52 |
dennis_ | Does this means that Gimp is more easy to use? | 11:52 |
bobleny | GIMP Rules... | 11:53 |
Yorokobi | bobleny, reboot (usually need to use the reset button on the chassis) | 11:53 |
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bobleny | yorokobi, when I do that it shut down inproperly... | 11:53 |
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Yorokobi | If its frozen you don't have much choice | 11:54 |
bobleny | ... | 11:54 |
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Yorokobi | If a single app freezes, you have choices; if the computer as a whole unit ceases to respond you get to reboot it and work through any consequences. | 11:55 |
dwidmann | graves, guess I'll wait and see then | 11:55 |
bobleny | Well, My computer has been getting slower and slower lately and I'm not sure why. I think that is why it is freezing so often... Is there somthing I can check to see why it is slowing down? | 11:55 |
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dwidmann | bobleny: with what OS is that happening (or all?) | 11:56 |
bobleny | I don't use my other OS. | 11:56 |
Yorokobi | bobleny, how's the CPU temperature look as it slows down? The last time I had to deal with a system freezing up is because the CPU temp got too high | 11:57 |
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bobleny | I don't have a gauge on it... | 11:57 |
Sanne | dennis_: here are manuals for both Gimp and Inkscape. Just check out both docs to get a feeling for what both are, and the differences: http://docs.gimp.org/en/ http://tavmjong.free.fr/INKSCAPE/MANUAL/html/index.php | 11:57 |
dwidmann | !info lmsensors | 11:57 |
ubotu | Package lmsensors does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas | 11:57 |
dennis_ | tnx a lot Sanne | 11:57 |
dwidmann | !info lm-sensors | 11:57 |
ubotu | lm-sensors: utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component main, is extra. Version 1:2.10.0-7ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 479 kB, installed size 1472 kB | 11:58 |
Yorokobi | bobleny, does your BIOS? | 11:58 |
Sanne | dennis_: you're welcome :) | 11:58 |
bobleny | Doubt it... It is a lame BIOS | 11:58 |
bobleny | I don't remeber ever seeing anything in my BIOS for it | 11:58 |
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bobleny | I'm afraid the computer is starting to fail... | 11:59 |
bobleny | Does ubuntu have any hardware scanners? | 12:00 |
LjL | !info smartmontools | 12:01 |
ubotu | smartmontools: control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.36-6ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 256 kB, installed size 620 kB | 12:01 |
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LjL | !info memtest86+ | 12:01 |
ubotu | memtest86+: thorough real-mode memory tester. In component main, is standard. Version 1.65-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 59 kB, installed size 200 kB (Only available for i386 amd64) | 12:01 |
LjL | (the latter is already available at your GRUB menu, or at least should) | 12:01 |
Yorokobi | !info kinfocenter | 12:01 |
ubotu | Package kinfocenter does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas | 12:01 |
LjL | and yeah, lm-sensors | 12:01 |
bobleny | so in my grub menu it will have a check thingy? | 12:02 |
Sanne | bobleny: you could also put a cpu load monitor applet to the panel, like System Guard | 12:02 |
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dwidmann | Sanne: that applet is handy :) | 12:02 |
Sanne | dwidmann: :) | 12:03 |
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Yorokobi | gkrellm is another handy hw monitor | 12:03 |
Sanne | dwidmann, bobleny: there's also kcpuload (and knetload, for network traffic), which I personally use. | 12:04 |
Chemicalvamp | whats the command to apt-get KDEsvn (tried sudo apt-get install KDEsvn and it showed Couldn't find package KDEsvn) | 12:04 |
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dwidmann | a network bandwidth tracker? I'm interested | 12:04 |
=== dwidmann runs off to apt-get | ||
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Yorokobi | Chemicalvamp, try kdesvn (all lower-case) | 12:05 |
Chemicalvamp | will do ty | 12:05 |
Sanne | Chemicalvamp: to find out the exact package name, do: 'apt-cache search searchterm', or search on packages.ubuntu.com | 12:05 |
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Chemicalvamp | no need yorokobi was correct | 12:06 |
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bill__k | can anyone help me get console transparency working? on kubuntu edgy with ati 9800pro (fglrx driver). whenever I try to make konsole semi-transparent (or any transparency setting) it just stays black. Tried restarting and restarting x. | 12:07 |
bobleny | Well, for now, how can I turn off the animation when programes load? Like the bouncing Icons by the mouse and the spining thing in the taskbar? | 12:07 |
Sanne | Chemicalvamp: but now you know how to next time ;) | 12:07 |
Chemicalvamp | aye thanks | 12:07 |
Yorokobi | bill__k, try konsole --schema Transparent_darkbg | 12:08 |
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tulio__ | !avi | 12:08 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:08 |
dwidmann | bobleny: pull up kcontrol, and in the filter type "launch feedback" | 12:08 |
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bobleny | Where is kcontrol? | 12:09 |
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bill__k | Yorokobi: wow, that worked. I'm almost positive I tried that theme under settings> configure konsole. it made a liar of me | 12:09 |
bill__k | lol | 12:09 |
Lewix | how do i install amsn | 12:09 |
=== jordo23 [n=jordo23@CPE-70-94-41-77.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dwidmann | an application ... use alt+f2 and type in kcontrol and it will launch | 12:10 |
dwidmann | Lewix: sudo apt-get install amsn | 12:10 |
Yorokobi | bill__k, the trick with konsole is to use Save as default after changing the schema via the gui | 12:10 |
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bobleny | alt f2 doesn't do anything... | 12:11 |
bill__k | Yorokobi: aah, missed that. so now it will always launch with that schema? | 12:11 |
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