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Kir1 | Hi, I moved from WinXP to UBUNTU two days ago but can't figure out how to setup for programming in gcc, python, and load in other packages beyond my desktop. | 12:13 |
sareth | have you used the package manager? | 12:14 |
Kir1 | Applications / add-remove doesn't list gcc or python | 12:15 |
sareth | System > Administrator > software sources ... i believe. then add the universe repositories | 12:16 |
jrib | Kir1: lets do one at a time | 12:17 |
jrib | Kir1: you already have python | 12:17 |
Kir1 | I have python downloaded to my desktop | 12:18 |
jrib | Kir1: nah, you have python already installed | 12:18 |
jrib | it's a fundamental part of Ubuntu | 12:18 |
Kir1 | Ok, how do I use it? | 12:18 |
jrib | Kir1: do you know the python language already? | 12:18 |
Kir1 | no | 12:18 |
Kir1 | one guy suggested it would be a good front end for c++ | 12:19 |
jrib | ok | 12:20 |
jrib | Kir1: docs.python.org and www.diveintopython.org are great resources for learning the language. #python is great too if you have any questions about programming in python | 12:20 |
jrib | Kir1: there are two ways to use python. You can write scripts and then run them or you can use it interactively in the interpreter | 12:21 |
Kir1 | Ok. | 12:22 |
jrib | basically to write a script, you use your favorite text editor. At the top you write "#!/usr/bin/env python" without the quotes. After that, you write your python | 12:22 |
jrib | Kir1: to use the interpreter, just write "python" in the terminal and press enter | 12:22 |
Kir1 | Great! Thank you. | 12:23 |
jrib | Kir1: np, gcc is a bit different. You need to install that yourself (using the package manager) | 12:23 |
Kir1 | What do I do with other software I download for python or gcc | 12:23 |
jrib | Kir1: there is a "gcc" package but you will want to install "build-essential" to get the basic stuff you need to actually compile and build programs | 12:24 |
jrib | Kir1: the command to install build-essential is "sudo aptitude install build-essential" or you can use system > administration > synaptic | 12:24 |
jrib | Kir1: what software do you mean? example? | 12:24 |
Kir1 | Mesa, libMgTk, freeGlut, SDL | 12:25 |
jrib | Kir1: all that stuff should be in the repositories, just use synaptic or apt | 12:26 |
jrib | except I don't know what MgTK is | 12:27 |
Kir1 | It's advertized on a webpage as a wrapper for one of the openGL clones. | 12:28 |
jrib | link? | 12:28 |
Kir1 | http://www.bebits.com/appver/1592 | 12:29 |
Kir1 | There's a backlink on the page | 12:30 |
jrib | updated 2001? | 12:30 |
jrib | seems a bit old | 12:30 |
Kir1 | Yeah, I don't know if I need it-- what I want to do is write a GUI for my robot to work over wireless. | 12:31 |
jrib | just use python with pygtk | 12:31 |
Kir1 | Ok, I'll look pygtk up. | 12:31 |
jrib | Kir1: do you care what language it is in? almost every language has gtk bindings | 12:32 |
Kir1 | Not much but I had a custom language written in VB.Net and it turned out way to slow especially for graphics. | 12:33 |
Kir1 | that's like minutes per screen instead of 30 FPS or better. | 12:34 |
Kir1 | So that, not wanting to pay Microsoft for my robot software if it ever makes me a dime, and some ethernet bug in my WinXP (and general frustration with MS over the years) motivates my move to UBUNTU. | 12:37 |
jrib | good reasons | 12:37 |
Kir1 | Ok, so how do I access c++? I did what I saw on a blog to install gcc but I found it only loaded 4.0 instead of 4.1 the current release. Then I still couldn't find any way to call it. | 12:40 |
jrib | Kir1: after installing build-essential, you can compile things like this: g++ -o outputfilename sourcecodefile.cc | 12:42 |
Kir1 | The load old command was: | 12:42 |
Kir1 | sudo apt-get install gcc build-essential | 12:42 |
Kir1 | Do you specify a filepath like in Windows or just accept the default? | 12:45 |
jrib | well I assume you are in the same directory as the source code | 12:45 |
Kir1 | How do you change directories in UBUNTU? | 12:45 |
jrib | Kir1: cd /path/to/new/place | 12:46 |
jrib | !cli | Kir1 | 12:46 |
ubotu | Kir1: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands | 12:46 |
Kir1 | Yes I'm already seeing the command line is much more used here. In Windows there were some important commands but you had to go to a computer store to learn them. | 12:48 |
Kir1 | This UBUNTU has the first terminal, not the K-menu option | 12:49 |
jrib | you are using GNOME then | 12:50 |
Kir1 | I guess? | 12:50 |
jrib | yeah, it is default for ubuntu | 12:51 |
Kir1 | It came on a free UBUNTU Labeled and eveloped CD-R from a computer repair shop. | 12:51 |
jrib | Kir1: cool, where's the repair shop out of curiousity? | 12:53 |
Kir1 | Clatskanie, OR USA. Unfortunately he doesn't know enough to get me set up but he said if I learn it he'll be asking me questions. | 12:53 |
jrib | ah | 12:54 |
Kir1 | So where are you all from? | 12:56 |
jrib | Kir1: I'm from boston | 12:58 |
Kir1 | Well small world -- during the Clinton years I'd get lots of invitations to move my robot business to Mass. even though I didn't have a product yet. | 01:00 |
Kir1 | Still don't but maybe after I get this GUI done. | 01:02 |
Kir1 | Well, I've gone back and copied all the good advice from this conversation into an email to myself. Anything else that should be said before signing off? | 01:03 |
jrib | Kir1: well help.ubuntu.com has a nice intro to ubuntu in general. There are a bunch of programming irc channels, usually ##language or #language to help you with the programming and there is always #ubuntu for help with ubuntu. Good luck with your project! | 01:05 |
Kir1 | Thank you much! | 01:06 |
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wims | def typo | 04:33 |
blimpdude | i added a ? | 04:33 |
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