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ubotuSchedule for Etc/UTC: 01 Apr 20:00: Marketing Team | 02 Apr 15:00: Community Question Time | 03 Apr 11:00: Community Council | 03 Apr 15:00: Kernel Team | 03 Apr 18:00: Mozilla Team | 04 Apr 12:00: Edubuntu02:40
poningru@schedule EDT02:40
poningru@schedule EST02:40
ubotuSchedule for EST: 01 Apr 15:00: Marketing Team | 02 Apr 10:00: Community Question Time | 03 Apr 06:00: Community Council | 03 Apr 10:00: Kernel Team | 03 Apr 13:00: Mozilla Team | 04 Apr 07:00: Edubuntu02:40
ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: April 01 2007, 12:40:47 - Next meeting: Marketing Team in 7 hours 19 minutes02:40
poningru@time EST02:40
jsgotangco@schedule manila02:40
ubotuCurrent time in EST: April 01 2007, 07:40:54 - Next meeting: Marketing Team in 7 hours 19 minutes02:40
ubotuSchedule for Asia/Manila: 02 Apr 04:00: Marketing Team | 02 Apr 23:00: Community Question Time | 03 Apr 19:00: Community Council | 03 Apr 23:00: Kernel Team | 04 Apr 02:00: Mozilla Team | 04 Apr 20:00: Edubuntu02:40
jsgotangcohmm nice scheds for me this week02:41
poningru@schedule New York02:41
ubotuSchedule for America/New_York: 01 Apr 16:00: Marketing Team | 02 Apr 11:00: Community Question Time | 03 Apr 07:00: Community Council | 03 Apr 11:00: Kernel Team | 03 Apr 14:00: Mozilla Team | 04 Apr 08:00: Edubuntu02:41
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ubotuSchedule for Etc/UTC: 01 Apr 20:00: Marketing Team | 02 Apr 15:00: Community Question Time | 03 Apr 11:00: Community Council | 03 Apr 15:00: Kernel Team | 03 Apr 18:00: Mozilla Team | 04 Apr 12:00: Edubuntu09:38
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Current meeting: Marketing Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 02 Apr 15:00 UTC: Community Question Time | 03 Apr 11:00 UTC: Community Council | 03 Apr 15:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 03 Apr 18:00 UTC: Mozilla Team | 04 Apr 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu
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=== jenga looks around
=== meatballhat hides behind tree
=== adamant1988 is present!
=== meatballhat surfaces from forest ... "Here"
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jengaWell, where do we start...10:03
meatballhathttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/Meetings    <--  agenda10:04
jengaMy item is first on the list... w00t10:04
jengaThe DIY site...10:04
jenga...is currently waiting for beuno to push his code.10:04
jenga(blame diverted)10:04
=== meatballhat waits .... /pongs blame back to beuno again ;-)
jengaOnce that happens, meatballhat will add the finishing touches to the interface... correct?10:05
meatballhatjenga: you want to take the lead on where it's headed, function-wise ...10:05
meatballhatthen I can go over design stuff  ?10:05
juliuxwhat is with a who is who round?10:05
juliuxevening btw;)10:06
meatballhatjuliux: yo  ;-)10:06
jengameatballhat: hmm, we should probably discuss that sometime thoroughly, in -marketing?10:06
jengajuliux: ok :10:06
=== jenga is jenda, slightly disguised
meatballhatjenga: okie doke ... my bit is pretty short ;-)10:06
=== jenga leads the DIY project, and is fully responsible for it not being done yet...
jenga...although it's actualy martin's fault...10:07
=== jenga runs
meatballhatheehee ....aawwwwww10:07
=== meatballhat takes some blame, too ;-)
jengaOK, once we have the site up technically, which shouldn't take too long... (right, meatballhat?)10:08
jenga...we can start adding the content.10:08
jengaThere will be about 4 basic sections10:08
jengaSome of them already have some content ready, and some will require a lot of legwork to scrounge content from the interweb and our brains...10:09
juliuxjenga, i will add the content of the german locoteam10:09
jengaI recently posted an email to the list which explained into more detail which section is which.10:09
jengaWhat I would need most from you, the team...10:09
jengais to help create content for the most-important HOWTOs section.10:09
jengaIt should contain various tips as to what one can do to spread Ubuntu.10:10
jengaboredandblogging has started collecting a few items, mostly conference appearances and the like.10:10
boredandbloggingespecially successful campaigns to spread the word10:10
jengaHowever, I'd like to have short articles of sorts after which the reader can exclaim "I can do that too!"10:11
=== jenga looks for his speech paper...
jengaah, it's quite blank after this point :)10:11
beunoI sent an email on a "quick n dirty solution" to get the DIY site up10:11
beunoI didn't get any feedback on that10:12
beunoshould I take it as a "do whatever you want"?10:12
jengabeuno: I didn't understand it :)10:12
meatballhatbeuno: how long ago was this??  /me is lost10:12
jengabeuno: because I don't rightly understand what your task is10:12
Admiral_Chicagoneither did I. net sure why the page is being changed10:12
beunono, dirday10:12
=== meatballhat bops self on head
beunodog licked my elbow10:13
=== jenga only understands that you and Dan shouldda made the site work ;)
=== jenga hides
beunojenga: the website is working, all that needs to be done is a user-friendly way of adding content to it10:13
jengathat's great news.10:13
beunowhich means I can add content in a non-user friendly way10:14
beunowhich was what I meant in my email10:14
beunoI can load everything that's floating around10:14
meatballhatbeuno: is a current version pushed/ftp'd ?10:14
jengabeuno: aaah :)10:14
beunoso we have an actual working site, just not easy to maintain10:14
jengaok, that's really good news.10:14
jengaSo, yes, it'd be great if you could throw all the content we have ready on there.10:15
beunomeatballhat: still have some changes to push, but since they broke some stuff, I'm waiting to fix it :D10:15
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jengaThis mean, practically the entire Get section can be done already.10:15
meatballhatbeuno: okay ... you tell me when I can jump in and do major housekeeping10:15
jengabeuno: hint, waiting won't fix it ;)10:15
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=== jenga ducks
=== jenga stares at jeang's nick
beunojenga: yes it will, you should get into programming and find out for yourself...  ;)10:16
=== beuno waits for jenga to take the bait
=== jenga takes a detour around the hook
meatballhatbeuno, jenga ... okay ... SO ... once the "functional" parts are done ...10:17
beunomeatballhat: I can add all the content on now after the meeting, and if nothing breaks, you should be able to fiddle with ther webpage all you want10:17
jengabeuno: that'd be swell... I think the Print section will have to wait till there is a simple way to add the content, as there'll be many items on that list... and the Howto section has no content to add yet...10:17
jengaand neither does the design section really - except for a sketch of the guidelines, whic hisn't nearly complete.10:18
beunojenga: where can I get all the content?10:18
jengabeuno: DIYWebsite/Get10:18
jengafor the get...10:18
jengaDIYWebsite/Guidelines for the guidelines...10:19
meatballhatbeuno: also .... when you say that the site is working, are you referring to your local copy? ... should we be seeing changes on the main site :  diy.devubuntu.com  ?10:19
beunomeatballhat: online, diy.devubuntu.com10:19
=== poningru [n=poningru@adsl-074-245-140-197.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
meatballhatbeuno: what about the imagemagick stuff?10:20
poningru@schedule New york10:20
ubotuSchedule for America/New_York: Current meeting: Marketing Team | 02 Apr 11:00: Community Question Time | 03 Apr 07:00: Community Council | 03 Apr 11:00: Kernel Team | 03 Apr 14:00: Mozilla Team | 04 Apr 08:00: Edubuntu10:20
poningruthats great10:20
=== jenga has no idea about that...
poningrutwo meetings I almost misseed10:21
beunomeatballhat: I'm just going to add the content for now, so we have some sort of website working10:21
meatballhatbeuno: so be it  ...  :D10:21
beunothen I'll try to get back to the "I broke everything" part of the php code10:21
jengaThis is the part where you always lose me, but that's OK :)10:21
meatballhatjenga: onward!10:22
jengaI'm done.10:22
jengaPretty much.10:22
meatballhatmy part now?  :)10:22
jengaI'll just ephasize one more time that we need help with writing the Howtos10:22
beunoactually, "UWN more exposure" bit is up10:22
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jengaAnyone who'd be interested, please _do_ contact me or the team after the meeting.10:22
poningrujenga: re:?10:23
poningruthe website?10:23
=== meatballhat says: "The DIY Marketing site, upon completion of the functional bits, will be completely re-skinned to imitate ubuntu.com in its current Drupal version"
jengabeuno: not unless meatballhat is on about the DIY site ;)10:23
jengaponingru: yes, the DIY/Spreadubuntu website.10:23
=== meatballhat is done with bit
jengameatballhat: ah, cool10:23
beunomeatballhat: that sounds like fun...  I have the original drupal template if you need it10:23
=== bordy is now known as bordy_away
meatballhatbeuno: no need as we aren't using Drupal ;-)  ... our approch will be a bit different10:24
beunoI know, but maybe the CSS and such... well, I have it anyway  :p10:25
beunomeatballhat: I'll add the content right after the meeting10:25
beunothen you can fiddle around the website all you want, I'll only work on the backend10:25
meatballhatbeuno: thanks all the same ... good...  we'll get this done before April 19th if it kills us10:25
beunoyeap, I agree10:25
jengagood :)10:25
beunoI'll kill us10:25
=== poningru kills meatballhat preemptively
jengaI like the idea of dead people around the Marketing Team.10:26
jengaIt gives a whole new light to the 'humanity to others'10:26
adamant1988jenga: Corpses aren't appealing10:26
=== meatballhat had a Phoenix Down equipped ... is revived
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=== meatballhat "phew"
beunook, meatballhat, I'll ping you as soon as I'm done10:27
poningruerr brb10:27
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
beunoanymore on the "DIY beuno-I-hate-you" subject?10:28
=== meatballhat is out of ammo
=== Vorian hands a clip to meatballhat
jengawell, I was going to close the subject of DIY and move on to the beuno-I-hate-you one, but since you say it's done...10:28
jengaAnything else regarding DIY? hmm? Can we move on to the UWN?10:29
beunook, good, I'll hurry before Burgundavia thinks of something10:29
beuno"How to give the UWN more exposure?"10:29
Knightlustbueno: Digg. Digg-people love to, well, digg on any news that has the word Ubuntu on it. They'll surely check UWN.10:29
adamant1988I move to move onto the UWN10:29
=== elcasey seconds
adamant1988What are we doing right now to give the UWN exposure?10:29
Burgundaviasorry I am late, gf made me breakfast10:29
Knightlustsorry, has to be moved first10:30
beunojenga: you where trying to get it on the Ubuntu main page?10:30
=== jenga has made two moves to give the UWN more exposure - neither of which has been completed yet...
jenga1) get it on all the Ubuntu pages under the News at the top right10:30
jengaThat's waiting for Matt Nuzum to reply...10:30
boredandbloggingcan we put a link on the ubuntu.com homepage10:30
beunoKnightlust: you mean submit it to digg every week?10:30
adamant1988boredandblogging: I like that idea, an easy to fill out subscription form.10:30
jengaHe said that he can see a case for it to be there, but there are already too many things there, maybe...10:30
adamant1988just give it your email addy and get the UWN10:30
Knightlustno, yeah, well, someone should post it there. assign it to someone10:30
jenga2) get a sticky on the ubuntuforums10:31
jengaThe forums staff isn't too keen on this. I'll try fighting harder.10:31
Vorianjenga, I'll help you out on that front :)10:31
jengaThe un-sticky thread has had 300 views so far.10:31
jengaVorian++ ;)10:31
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beunoany thoughts on the "straight to digg" proposal?10:32
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Vorianthats a good idea beuno10:32
jengaWhat does it require?10:32
adamant1988I don't see the harm in adding it to digg, since Digg is like the viral rabid off-shoot of the Ubuntu community10:32
boredandbloggingcould we post to digg and send out an email to the general mailing list?10:32
jengaIt probably can't harm anything.10:32
jengayeap... ;)10:32
adamant1988jenga: a link and a small quote from the UWN and it'll take off.10:32
jengaWho'll do it10:33
jengaVolunteers? :)10:33
beunoboredandblogging: it's already being submited to the ubuntu-news mailing list10:33
=== poningru [n=poningru@adsl-074-245-140-197.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
adamant1988We can just take turns, I can add it if you guys like10:33
beunoI can do it10:33
adamant1988It takes like 3 seconds to put an article on Digg.10:33
jengaadamant1988: would it have to be done for every issue?10:33
beunoadamant1988: if you can be around every sunday to make sure, I'd prefer you do it  :D10:33
boredandbloggingdoesn't the ubuntu-general have the most subscribers? that might get the most eyeballs10:33
adamant1988beuno: I am around every sunday, just tell me what time in eastern you would like it to pop up10:34
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beunoadamant1988: as soon as it's released  :D10:34
jengait'd be best if one person had that as their set task...10:34
meatballhat(beuno needs a lighter plate!  somebody other than beuno do it, pleeeeease.)10:34
adamant1988jenga: We could do it every issue, yes.10:34
poningrudo what now?10:34
jenga(eg., I'll make sure every UWN gets posted on the forums, sticky or not)10:34
jengaponingru: digg the UWN10:34
adamant1988Ok, so I'll make sure about posting it every sunday10:34
poningruoh will do10:34
poningruok I will do the digging10:34
poningruand the redditing10:34
poningruand the slashdotting10:35
adamant1988poningru: I'm adding it to digg10:35
poningruerr maybe not the latter10:35
Knightlustwhy not just one guy posting it on forums, news on frontpage, digg, etc. and a backup just in case...10:35
adamant1988That's my task unless you want it.10:35
jengaponingru: too late, adamant1988 took it ;)10:35
poningruno wai you can have it dude ;P10:35
Voriana planet post wouldn't hurt10:35
jengaponingru: you're lagged ;)10:35
adamant1988Query: Is the UWN released as an email newsletter?10:35
Knightlustadamant1988 as the 1st person, and then assign a backup10:35
beunoVorian: I'm posting on the planet  :D10:35
poningruadamant1988: yes10:35
beunostarting last one, #3310:35
poningruyeah I'll be the backup to adamant198810:35
Vorianbeuno, :)10:36
jengaA planet post won't hurt, unless it seems ... well, too much :)10:36
jengaWe already have it on the fridge...10:36
adamant1988Teh fridge should be enough10:36
poningruyeah I think a link to fridge should be good10:36
poningruon planet10:36
jengaOR we can just go that way till someone complains... ;)10:36
poningrudont put the entire thing on planet10:36
poningrujust a link...10:36
jengaof course10:36
jengathat would kill the planet :)10:36
beunoponingru: http://beuno.com.ar/archives/710:36
jengais the UWN something that belongs on the planet?10:37
Vorianjenga, for sure!10:37
jengathe planet is meant to be more for the blogs of the folks, no...?10:37
mc44jenga: just blog the seperate sections :p10:37
adamant1988jenga: I don't really think so.10:37
jengaI don't think so either.10:37
jengaThat's why we have the planet and the fridge.10:37
=== Vorian nods at mc44
adamant1988the planet is more informal, not the best place to put the UWN link10:37
poningrujenga: btw fix your nick man I get confused every 5 min or so10:38
beunothe post can be informal...  :D10:38
adamant1988Now, if planet members want to post a response to the UWN that might be good.10:38
jengaAnd linking to it every week could get annoying...10:38
poningruI think we should do it on the planet10:38
jengaI think we shouldn't :)10:38
Burgundaviano, planet is not a good planet to have the actually content10:38
Burgundaviabut feel free to say it is out10:38
jengaBurgundavia: every single time?10:38
adamant1988jenga: I think encouraging the planet members to blog about the UWN (a specific portion) that's not a bad idea10:38
poningruBurgundavia: not the content dude just a link10:38
jengaadamant1988: true10:38
jengaadamant1988: but not a 'the UWN is out again' every week10:39
beunowasn't that what I posted?  quick link and a summary?10:39
beunoir should it be shorter?10:39
adamant1988jenga: Having the planet members expressing their opinion on an article in the UWN isn't a bad idea IMO10:39
poningrubeuno: no that was perfect imho10:39
jengaadamant1988: opinions would be great...10:39
Vorianall we would have to post is "uwn 58 is out and its awesome!  link..."10:39
adamant1988jenga: That way it meets the theme of the planet and it gets the word out10:39
poningru58 eek10:39
jengawouldn't something like a commentary to a specific article be better?10:39
Vorianponingru, :)10:40
jenga(we'll never get to 58 ;))10:40
beunojenga: we might if you start doing daliy releases!10:40
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beunothat won't annoy anyone...10:40
adamant1988Ubuntu Weekly News! DAILY!10:40
jenga(I think we should go to 42 and number all releases from then on 42)10:40
Vorianjenga, nice plan..10:41
adamant1988jenga: 42 makes the world go round10:41
jengak... back to the topic...10:41
adamant1988So, to summarize we're going to try for a link on Ubuntu.com?10:41
adamant1988Digg it10:41
adamant1988Forum posts10:41
poningruwe are? re: ubuntu.com?10:42
beunook, so far we have:  straight to digg and reddit, small post on the planet, trying to get it on ubuntu.com front page, and sticky on the forum10:42
Knightlustalso design a cool UWN logo, something really attractive and catchy, that way bloggers can put it up on their blogs/sites. just make sure it points a single wikipage where all the links to a UWN are listed.10:42
adamant1988and specific-article commentary on the planet?10:42
jengaDon't y'all pro-planetars think we should aim for a more personal type reaction than just 'it's out' on the planet?10:42
jengaponingru: yes, i'm working on that.10:42
adamant1988jenga: I agree, but I'm not on the planet10:42
jengaKnightlust: I'd be careful about logos.10:42
poningrujenga: did you talk to matt?10:42
Vorianwho here posts on the planet?10:42
jengaKnightlust: I think we should stick with the UBuntu logo.10:42
beunojenga: whats prong with this:   http://beuno.com.ar/archives/710:42
jengaponingru: yes.10:42
poningrubeuno: you dont have enough prongs10:43
Knightlustjenga, just something attractive that'll catch someones attention10:43
jengabeuno: nothing10:43
jengabeuno: but every week?10:43
boredandbloggingbesides digg and reddit, are there any other avenues to let non-Ubuntu users know about it? the planet, forums, and ubuntu.com will only attract existing ubuntu users. Or is that the purpose?10:43
poningrujenga: dude... sunday... slow day of the week10:43
jengaKnightlust: that's what the fridge is for, I think...10:43
beunoboredandblogging: that's the idea10:43
adamant1988beuno: What we're saying is that works but you can (and should) pick out a specific article and talk about it in a blog post10:43
jengaKnightlust: the UWN aims for the conciseness and can cope very well with a simple form.10:44
beunoadamant1988: absolutely, I'll pick something I like and comment on it10:44
adamant1988beuno: That way it's better than "Hey the UWN is out!11111!!!!11!" every weekl10:44
beunolike "number of bugs are down, great work Bug Triage team"10:44
jengaboredandblogging: the UWN is mostly of interest to insiders, anyway.10:44
jengaboredandblogging: it's its purpose.10:44
boredandbloggingfair enough10:44
jengaThe UBuntu Magazine was intended for outsiders... but that project died.10:44
beunoI've got a quick question...10:45
boredandbloggingubuntu magazine? that sounds cool10:45
beunofor those you use RSS10:45
adamant1988jenga: We can probably get that going again, and put it in a monthly fashion10:45
Knightlustaha, jenga, why not revive the ubuntu magazine then10:45
adamant1988If you would like to get that started I'd be happy to head that.10:45
beunowouldn't a "UWN Blog" with RSS be usefull?10:45
beunopost the actual content to the blog10:45
jengaadamant1988, Knightlust, boredandblogging - let's return to the idea of the mag later on.10:45
beunoso you can have it on RSS10:45
adamant1988jenga: sure.10:45
adamant1988beuno: I get my Ubuntu News RSS from the fridge10:46
=== synacktion is now known as eternal
jengaIt's a good idea, if someone pulls it off.10:46
=== eternal is now known as eternaldespair
jengabeuno: me too10:46
beunoadamant1988: but it's a small summary, not the actualy UWN10:46
beunoI hate having to click away from my bloglines10:46
Burgundaviathere is work on the fridge, to allow the community to submit stories, ala slashdot10:46
adamant1988beuno: I understand, I just think it's kind of a duplication of efforts10:46
=== eternaldespair is now known as synacktion
jengabeuno: so we should set up an UWN RSS feed?10:46
poningruoh most def10:46
poningruwait dont we already have that?10:46
jengaBurgundavia: I hope it doesn't make the traffic on fridge unreadable.10:47
jengaBurgundavia: eg. I can read the entire fridge, but I don't read the planet anymore, there's ust too much.10:47
Burgundaviatheree is a UWN specific rss feed at the fridge10:47
beunook, then I'll add that link to the UWN itself so it's easier to find10:48
jengaNOTE: New topic added at the end of the meeting: Ubuntu Magazine (as some people are obviously interested)10:48
jengaBurgundavia: aha, that settles that, then.10:48
jengayes, add it to the UWN.10:48
adamant1988So, we've settled on some more we can do for the UWN.  Want to see how far that takes us before we start adding more things to the list?10:48
beunoBurgundavia: where's the link?10:49
=== jenga doesn't understand?
boredandbloggingdoes anyone know how often people are actually reading the UWN?10:49
Burgundaviabeuno: no idea10:49
beunonot really no, and it's going hard to find out since it gets published in so many places...10:49
jengabut we know that people who read it really, really like it.10:50
adamant1988Anything we can do to figure out how many readers we're talking about?10:50
jengaEspecially members and other community regulars, as it keeps them up-to-date10:50
jenga(with the rest of the community)10:50
beunoadamant1988: good topic to add to the next meeting   :D10:50
adamant1988beuno: I'll note that it needs added to the list for the next meeting10:51
beunoso, adamant1988 is going to digg the UWN, and poningru is backup, right?10:51
poningrubeuno: yes10:51
beunoshould we add a "digg this" on the UWN?10:51
adamant1988poningru: is incharge of slashdot and reddit10:52
beunothat way you guys know if the other submited it10:52
adamant1988as I don't have accounts for either10:52
beunoand we might get a few more diggs10:52
beunook, I'll add it to the template10:52
beunothe rest is for you guys to find out and document on the /UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/EditingPolicies  page10:53
poningruI dont know if I like it10:53
poningruthe digg this thing10:53
adamant1988I think adding a digg button to the UWN actually might be a decent way to gauge how many readers the UWN has.10:53
adamant1988or at least get a decent estimate10:53
beunoadamant1988: I don't think so10:54
poningruI dont know it adds the whole lets follow the web 2.0 thing10:54
poningruyeah too many other sources of readers10:54
boredandbloggingi'm not sure digg helps if insiders are the target audience, it really wouldn't hurt though10:54
beunoBurgundavia: you're handeling the inmediate post to the fridge, right?10:54
adamant1988beuno: What I mean is if the button is right in the article itself and it's clickable, that gives at least an idea, right?10:54
jengais 'digg this' a button, or can it be a link?10:54
jengaif we could add it as a link at the bottom, it'd be unobtrusive...10:54
beunojenga: link10:54
Burgundaviadigg this sounds like a good trial idea10:55
jengayeah - let's try it :)10:55
adamant1988So let's add it for a couple issues and see what happens.10:55
beunoyes, it shouldn't be "DIGD THIS PLEASE OMG" kind of link10:55
adamant1988Just add the little counter link to the article10:55
beunoI'll add it to the template + uwn 3410:55
beunoadamant1988: no, no counter, just a small link10:55
adamant1988beuno: OK10:55
beunook, great10:56
beunothe last thing I think needs attention with UWN10:56
beunois promoting Ubuntu communities to participate more and send or add stories to it10:56
beunoit seems they really don't participate too much in the process10:57
adamant1988beuno: I think there's a number of issues with that... part of it is that the Wiki is a pain in the butt to edit (and a little scary) if you're not familar with the syntax10:57
beunoI don't mind adding it for them10:57
adamant1988Perhaps we should create an @ubuntu.com mail addy for people to send stories to?10:57
beunobut, for example, the "LoCo News" section is empty this week10:57
adamant1988Then all they have to do is send the stories in, we prune through them for the gems and add them10:58
beunoand I'm pretty sure *something* has to have happend in some LoCo10:58
jengaI think that we'll only be recruiting new UWN'ers from UWN readers anyway, so a 'help the UWN' should suffice at the end of the UWN itself... and we sohuld concentrate more on 'read the UWN' out there.10:58
=== Ukubuntu [n=chatzill@84-12-80-5.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
poningruyeah jenga++10:58
poningrudude fix your nick...10:58
adamant1988jenga: Well, I think a link at the bottom "Got a story for us? Send it!"10:58
adamant1988wouldn't hurt10:59
jengabeuno: you can add that Canonical approved my request and sent me a huge crate of CDs and a conference pack ;)10:59
adamant1988just set up an email addy to catch all those10:59
jengaponingru: you can /nick to ponindru to compensate ;)10:59
beunojenda: send me pics!  that isn't such a bad story11:00
jendaI don't have a camera11:00
jendaAnd I don't have teh conference pack yet, just the CDs ;) and besides, we don't need to discuss it at the meeting ;)11:00
jendaHas everyone died, suddenly? Is it my breath?11:01
jendaah, good.11:01
Burgundaviaadding a "send us a story" is an excellent idea11:01
adamant1988 A little11:01
adamant1988Burgundavia: thanks11:01
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Burgundaviawhy not a list ala fridge-devel?11:01
jendaI think so too11:01
Burgundaviabasically, not publicly archived, but allows free posting?11:02
jendaWho will do it?11:02
adamant1988jenda: I suggested it :P11:02
jendaadamant1988: you'll do it?11:02
adamant1988jenda: If you want me to catch all the emails for you and prune them, I'll do that11:02
jendaadamant1988: get us a mailing list set up for that purpose? weekly-newsletter@ubuntu.com?11:02
Burgundaviawell, if we have a mailing list, we can add/remove people as needed11:02
jendaadamant1988: no, set up a list11:02
jenda(or @lists.ubuntu.com)11:02
adamant1988jenda: I don't think a list is so good.11:03
Burgundaviathere is a generic mail link11:03
jendaadamant1988: it works great for the fridge.11:03
Burgundaviaadamant1988: have you seen fridge-devel?11:03
adamant1988jenda: Ok then11:03
jendaadamant1988: it's certainly better than one of us to be doing it.11:03
adamant1988Burgundavia: Nope, whatever works though.  As long as people don't have to subscribe to it to send in articles11:03
beunoadamant1988: you have to contact the lists admin for that to get setup11:03
=== nixternal had company
adamant1988Do you guys want me to talk to the lists admin to work on setting this up?11:04
adamant1988Or would someone with more pull prefer to do it?11:04
jendanixternal: you're late, you can't join now ;)11:04
poningruthere is no pull there dude they will do it11:04
adamant1988poningru: Ok, I'll add that to my list of things to do then11:04
nixternalsounds good to me ;p11:04
=== nixternal gets back to some KDE work ;p
jendanixternal: no way, you aren't going anywhere :)11:05
nixternalto late, already there ;p11:05
nixternalwhat have I missed?11:05
beunook, UWN done?11:05
adamant1988I think we've about beat that horse to death, yes.11:06
beunostill have a long way to go...11:06
beunoadamant1988: you're up11:06
jendanixternal: DIY and UWN11:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about agenda - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:07
poningruwhere is the agenda?11:07
adamant1988https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/JobBoard  I added this spec to the list some time ago11:07
jendait's adamant's turn now :)11:07
adamant1988But I'm still trying to get some assistance doing this (needs a LOT of work done)11:07
jendaadamant1988: first it needs a lot of planning ;)11:07
adamant1988jenda: I count that as work ;)11:07
jendaadamant1988: I'm still not convinced it is needed...11:07
poningrujenda: totally dude11:08
adamant1988jenda: I think it would be beneficial to a LOT of groups and not just us11:08
jendaoook ;)11:08
=== nixternal notes that a "Job List" or a "Todo List" has never worked with the Marketing teams of yesteryear
poningruwhat we need is all the teams to put up their to do list there11:08
jendanixternal: mhm :)11:08
adamant1988nixternal: That's been tried?11:08
poningruadamant1988: it has... a while ago11:08
nixternaladamant1988: more than one could have ever imagined11:08
adamant1988Well, if you guys think that the idea is faulty then feel free to go ahead and shoot it down11:09
nixternaljenda had a nice one a year ago, then he had another nice one, and then I think there was one more with some added jobs, and DIY seems to be the only one carried forth11:09
adamant1988I think that the basic idea is good, but if the time-cost/benefit ratio isn't going to work out then we can dedicate our resources to something else11:09
boredandbloggingif people want to get involved, they'll ask for stuff to do11:10
nixternalboredandblogging: ditto11:10
adamant1988nixternal: Well my thought on the matter was more like a "community launchpad" so people can track progress on projects and so forth11:10
Knightlustimho, it'll work as long as there's a good leadership, just need someone to oversee the tasks and be responsible for it11:10
jendaadamant1988: ^11:10
adamant1988jenda: So we can just add projects to the launchpad then?11:11
nixternalalthough I think it would be positive if someone new to the community could at least have a solid list of available topics they could research/work on instead of coming into #ubuntu-marketing and being confronted by someone who may not know11:11
adamant1988nixternal: that's part of what it's for11:11
adamant1988"want to get involved? LINK. Pick something"11:11
jendaadamant1988: I believe the old 'speradubuntu' product can be used as a basis for marketing team specs11:12
jendaadamant1988: but I linked to my oooold spec there.11:12
nixternalit would also be nice to take suggestions from the mailing list and put them into an idea pool as well. there are a lot of good ideas I have seen on the list that get the nose turned for the time being because it a) doesn't work right now, or b) people don't understand the idea and how to implement it correctly11:12
=== nixternal gets back on topic
beunoI think the idea is good, it just requieres much more commitement to specific tasks for people, and I'm not sure if that's possible11:12
adamant1988beuno: I think once it becomes a process it would be OK.  When you want the marketing team to do soemthing you add the spec11:13
adamant1988Just like if you want the Devels to do something, etc.11:13
jendaso... what did we reach so far?11:13
jendaIt's been tried, and is not an easy thing to do...11:13
jenda...but would definitely be useful...11:14
adamant1988jenda: Well, I'm willing to put in the work to help this happen, but I won't be able to do it alone by any regard.11:14
beunoadamant1988: maybe you can start nagging everyone to tell you what tasks they do11:14
jendaadamant1988: of course, that's why there's a team ;)11:14
beunoand get them on the wiki11:14
beunothat might be a good start11:14
jendaadamant1988: you can leech all of the tasks in the DIY todo list, if you like ;)11:14
poningrusee here's my thoughts on that11:14
adamant1988jenda: I mean that if the team as a whole doesn't feel this is a good or worthwhile idea then I'm out in the dark :)11:14
=== jenda ducks
beunowhat we actually do, and what any random user can do to help11:14
mc44adamant1988: make a todo list then just put "for jenda to do" at the top :)11:14
jendaadamant1988: it obviously does11:14
poningruI dont know if this project should be made under the auspices of the marketing team11:15
=== jenda kicks mc44
beunoha, +1 for mc44's idea11:15
poningruI think that it should be done under jono's office11:15
adamant1988poningru: Well, if you see the original spec I'm proposing more of a Ubuntu Community Wide thing11:15
adamant1988If A Loco wants to add something, they can add something, etc.11:15
=== jenda is has a school to study and translations to do...
=== poningru translates jenda
adamant1988Launchpad is a great system, it's a shame it's closed.11:15
mc44jenda: just trying to save the world from one more l***r11:16
jendayou're missing one 011:16
mc44yeah oops :)11:16
jenda(sorry for flood)11:16
adamant1988But if it's not worth the time then we shouldn't do it.  We can do something better with the time11:16
beunoadamant1988: I think it's wortht he time, I just don't know if we have it  :D11:16
adamant1988beuno: Perhaps put this off for a while and see if resources make themselves available?11:17
beunoI certainly can't help out right now, as meatballhat so kinly reminded me before11:17
adamant1988We can just plan it out little by little until that happens11:17
beunoadamant1988: that sounds good to me11:17
beunomy recommendation is try to push it forward yourself as much as you can, don't get stuck waiting for others11:17
adamant1988alright, I'll start doing some more research, polling the LoCo forums, etc. and checking for any kind of demand.11:17
adamant1988If the demand for something like this is there, then I'll come back and push it harder11:17
beunoadamant1988: I believe the demand is their, you just need to get it started11:18
jendathere is lots of demand11:18
beunomaybe start recruiting11:18
jendathere's lots of 'can I help'11:18
adamant1988beuno: I need some help ont he planning as this is beyond the scope of what I can do.11:18
adamant1988It requires either it's own system or a modification on Launchpad, etc.11:18
jendaand if we can answer even half those 'can I help's with a ToDo list...11:18
jendaadamant1988: why?11:18
jendaadamant1988: why not just a wikipage?11:18
beunoadamant1988: I don't think you need to use anything else then wiki + launchpad at all11:19
jendait's as simple as that, IMO...11:19
poningruadamant1988: I think if you were to go to lp.net with this idea they might help you out with this11:19
boredandbloggingadamant1988, why not make a mockup on the wiki that the Marketing Team could edit and try out?11:19
jendaadamant1988: feel free to use that old spec I linked to...11:19
adamant1988jenda: A the wikis are difficult to edit and track things with.11:19
beunoadamant1988: "suscribe" button works great for me to track stuff11:19
jendaadamant1988: a lot easier than creating a whole new system for it.11:19
beunoand launchpad has it's own set of tools11:19
adamant1988jenda: True, but not as clean s Launchpad is.  I'll try talking to the launchpad people about it11:20
jendaThe wiki is a great tool, we have it, let's use it.11:20
boredandbloggingthe people adding to the jobboard will be comfortable with the wiki11:20
jendaadamant1988: I believe that's a tech detail.11:20
beunoadamant1988: don't expect to get any modificatios done to launchpad, they're over their heads right now11:20
adamant1988Ok, well, I'll try it out as a wiki page first11:20
jendaadamant1988: if the concept works, it'll work on the wiki too, and then we can move it to LP _once_ it's tried and true.11:20
adamant1988I'll work on a template this week and see what we can do.11:20
beunoadamant1988: great, you've got my support, just not much of my time  :D11:21
adamant1988beuno: I'm nothing but time this week.11:21
adamant1988I can probaly have a good template going without any problems.11:21
beunothat would be great11:21
beunodone with this topic then?11:21
adamant1988It's Spring Break, bfor the rest of today and tomorrow I'll be busy but after that I'm all time11:21
beuno"Community involvement in Canonical PR toward Ubuntu " is up11:22
adamant1988yeah, I think we should revisit this next meeting just to check progress11:22
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beunoBurgundavia: has some info on this I believe11:22
jendabeuno: don't give out any of your time, because I need it ;)11:22
Burgundaviawhat canonical and we are going to do for Feisty?11:22
beunoBurgundavia: didn't you phone canonical?11:22
jendaadamant1988: you might want to try and salvage https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/Ideas11:22
Burgundaviayes, I spoke with Chris11:22
beunoyou brought this up, and Burgundavia talked to Chris from canonical (in charge of marketing)11:23
poningruoh right the spec11:23
poningruso yeah I think the email Burgundavia wrote basically summed it up:11:24
jendauh, right... so what's it about? :)11:24
=== beuno is sorry he's pushing the meeting forward, no one else seems to :D
poningruthe official Press release will be done by april 11th11:24
poningrugiving locoteams and us time to translate11:24
poningruerr mostly us11:24
poningruI dont know if locoteams is in on this11:24
poningruthats one thing we need to clarify11:24
beunoponingru: maybe send an email to the translators ML?11:25
poningrusince its very 'secretive'11:25
jendaponingru: simple, there's a mailing list for the LoCos11:25
poningruno... I was thinking talk to jono11:25
beunoyes, well, ML are very public...11:25
jendaoooh, it's that 'confidential' thing ;)11:25
poningrubecause this is meant to be secretive, as in the pr cannot get out before 1911:25
Burgundaviathe press release is not secret, it is merely embargoed11:25
Burgundaviathis means it can be seen before the 19th11:26
beunomaybe send an email with "if you want to translate, contact me"11:26
jendaSo we should contact loco leaders individually, correct?11:26
adamant1988What is it about?11:26
poningruhmm ok I'll email around11:26
jendaadamant1988: Feisty.11:26
Burgundaviaall good reporters pay attention to embargoes11:26
poningruand we have to do the 'feature set walkthrough'11:26
Burgundaviayep, which is mostly a touchup of the /beta page11:27
poningrubasically the unofficial pr11:27
Burgundaviabasically, the language is that needs to be cleaned up and more screenshots added11:27
poningruand imho we should probably finish that by 11th11:27
poningruso that the translators can translate that too if needed11:27
Burgundaviayep, taht was the plan11:27
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poningruso yeah I guess thats it, we have to finish up the walkthrough by 11th11:28
poningruand I will email jono+translators11:28
poningruto make sure they get the msg11:28
poningruwho's next?11:29
beunoyou're next and next again  :D11:29
jendaponingru: what did you mean by 'swag'?11:29
=== jenda always thought swag was his playground :)
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 02 Apr 15:00 UTC: Community Question Time | 03 Apr 11:00 UTC: Community Council | 03 Apr 15:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 03 Apr 18:00 UTC: Mozilla Team | 04 Apr 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 05 Apr 16:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team
jendain the agenda11:30
poningruerr I dont have link to agenda11:30
jendaubotu is trying to say something...11:30
=== poningru frantically searches
boredandbloggingswag as in stuff to give away?11:30
poningruoh right11:30
jendaboredandblogging: or sell cheaply11:30
poningruI think that was just for DIY11:30
adamant1988swag is nice.11:30
adamant1988I vote for T-Shirt stickers11:30
jendaaaahh, so The Department of Redundancy Department ;)11:31
adamant1988Those Iron on things11:31
jendaadamant1988: They're on my ToDo list ;)11:31
adamant1988jenda: let me know when that's done ;)11:31
poningrubut it was more of how can we get $$$->cheaper countries11:31
jendain fact, they're what I'm after most, but didn't find anything suitable yet...11:31
jendaponingru: mhm11:31
poningruoh I guess the next point is redundant as well...11:32
adamant1988Yeah it is.11:32
=== jenda can feel the difference between the price relations of the western world and the Czech Rep very ... nicely ... on the stickers.
jendaI assume thta could be made even more effective in other countries.11:32
beunojenda, how about ubuntu "void" stickers   :p11:32
poningruso I wanted to figure out how we can determine which country has the cheapest of everything11:32
jendabeuno: wuzzat?11:32
jendaponingru: that'll go hand in hand.11:32
jendaponingru: because 90% of the price is always the work put in.11:33
poningrulike some country may have cheapest t-shirts, but another may have cheaper stickers11:33
poningruhmm true11:33
jendanot probable11:33
beunojenda: have you ever seen stickers on hardware, that if you remove it, the sticker breaks and "void" is writin all over?  (it's a joke though)11:33
beunoI think argentina probably has the cheapest prices in all that, I made tshirts for 4 us dollars11:34
beunoand I've washed them over 20 times, and the text is still perfect11:34
jendabeuno: that's good...11:34
jendabeuno: we'll discuss that some time.. I'll make you massproduce that stuff ;)11:35
jendaanyway, anything else regarding swag?11:35
beunoI can get some sticker pricing too, but for next meeting11:35
jendaI'd just like to point out that there are several people out there who have expressed interest in producing swag for the community...11:35
jendaThere are people thinking of shirts, iron-ons, badges, and stuff...11:36
poningruyeah hopefully diymarketing will be enough to handling it11:36
jendahopefully :)11:36
poningruerr s/ing/e11:36
adamant1988So, we've already covered the next point11:36
poningruerr kinda11:36
jendaSome of them are in it partially for profit.11:36
poningruso regarding that11:36
jendaactually that's a point to discuss11:36
beunowhen's the next meeting?   2 weeks from now?11:36
jendaWhat do we, Ubuntu, think about selling Ubuntu swag for a profit?11:37
jendabeuno: if we get DIY out, then yes ;)11:37
adamant1988jenda: as long as they make the source code available ;)11:37
meatballhat+1 for for-profit11:37
jendaI'm for that too.11:37
adamant1988I have no problems with profit, particularly if it bring the marketing team some cash to play with11:37
beunoI'd like to have the next meeting scheduled now  :D   Burgundavia?11:37
poningruerr... I wanna do the next point11:38
adamant1988We need to cover the Mag too.11:38
=== beuno steps aside
poningruI dont think the walkthrough and the press release is enough11:38
jendaadamant1988: another point...11:38
jendathe marketing team HAS cash to play with.11:38
poningruwe do?11:38
jendaI hold that cash right now, but it's intended for marketing purposes.11:39
jendaponingru: the profit from the stickers and posters.11:39
poningruah gotcha11:39
adamant1988jenda: aha11:39
jendait's currently about $200, and $200 can be expected from the remaining stock11:39
poningruwell...  dude you put effort into all of this... maybe that cash should be yours?11:39
beuno+1 for poningru11:40
beunoI got my stickers, with little effort, I'd be glad if jenda got some money out of it11:40
boredandbloggingdid it just get real quiet?11:42
jendaponingru: no11:42
adamant1988yeah it did.11:42
poningruright so as long as the people put up their stuff in an open license I dont think anyone has problems with them making money off of it11:42
jendaI'm happy to use that money in a useful way11:42
poningruyeah like foodz11:42
poningruand beer11:42
poningrubut thats all you can use it for11:42
jendaThe money is legally mine, and I'll decide what happens to it, but if an MT project could use it, don't hesitate to ask.11:43
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jendaFor example, if someone in a cheap country was going to produce swag, but couldn't affort the initial investment...11:43
jendathat would be a worthwhile way of using it.11:43
poningruhmm true11:43
beunohmmm... I have been wanting to buy a wii...  uhm... start producing swag...11:44
adamant1988great, then we have money to use towards marketing efforts11:44
poningrujenda: can I start on the next point?11:44
beunoadamant1988: we "potentianlly" have money to use towards marketing efforts  :D11:44
adamant1988Didn't we already cover that?11:44
poningruadamant1988: no there's couple of other things I wanna do11:44
poningruso yeah I wanna do more than just the press release and walkthrough11:45
poningruthere is the obvious11:45
poningrudigg, reddit, slashdot, osnews etc.11:45
=== jenda considers using the money to worthwhile-y fund his trip to Sevilla ;)
=== jenda runs
poningrubut what about getting to other websites?11:46
adamant1988I saw a really awesome thing on Phoronix that we could mimic for this.  It was a visual history of Ubuntu up to date.11:46
jendaWhat about getting to other... papers?11:46
poningrujenda: I think thats part of Press release11:46
poningrubut yeah the sending part needs discussing11:46
poningruwe need the translators to translate and then send it to their newspapers11:47
adamant1988I can send a copy of the release to my Local papers, don't know if they would be willing to put it in or not11:47
beunoponingru: seems like a LoCo effort11:47
boredandbloggingi asked this once on the mailing list, but how do we approach writers about feisty or ubuntu in general11:47
beunoI can get my LoCo to translate and send tot he newspapers too11:47
poningrubeuno: right I think marketing+loco needs to work together on this11:48
adamant1988Ok, so what else can WE as the marketing team do to spread this?11:48
jendaponingru: I'll gladly do for Czech ;)11:48
poningrujenda: awesome11:48
poningruadamant1988: I was thinking facebook, myspace, livejournal etc.11:48
jendaIn fact, I'd prefer that to giving it to the translation team ;) (eventhough they do a great job on the distro)11:48
adamant1988poningru: weren't you the one who raised concerns about going through web 2.0 channels?11:49
beunojenda: for the translations, yes, but someone has to get it to the press11:49
poningruadamant1988: hehe yeah :p11:49
poningruadamant1988: but that was for UWN11:49
poningruI want UWN to be a bit more classy11:49
adamant1988poningru: Web 2.0 is a huge echo chamber, we're not getting to anyone new through it.11:49
adamant1988The people who hear about it on most web 2.0 sites are only people who WANT to hear about it, and frankly if they're looking for Ubuntu they know what it is and where to find it11:50
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poningrubut see I was thinking things like release party events on facebook11:51
jendabeuno: I can try that here, can't guarantee success. I have one good contact, I think.11:51
poningruI think this point has faltered out11:51
beunojenda: no one does, but it still isn't bad to get it to them anywat11:52
poningruadamant1988: do the magazine11:52
adamant1988poningru: I agree, I think for the moment the usual channels are fine11:52
adamant1988Onto the magazine?11:52
jendaKnightlust: ping11:52
jendaboredandblogging: ping11:52
beunoI have to go for 10 min11:52
adamant1988Ok, I spoke with Jenda briefly about this.  I'm volunteering to head the magazine project11:53
jendayou two were interested in the Magazine?11:53
Knightlustim here11:53
Knightlustohh yes11:53
boredandbloggingoops, this looks like the old magazine : http://dc.ubuntu-us.org/wiki/RecentChanges11:53
jendaadamant1988: we'll see, if that'll be happening ;)11:53
boredandbloggingstupid copy and paste https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMagazine/11:53
adamant1988jenda: I think even a few people can do it for starters.11:53
boredandbloggingi think the magazine is a huge project11:53
boredandblogginggoing to be very time consuming11:53
Knightlustbesides, we already have topics ready. the UWN could cover 50% of the content11:53
boredandbloggingand require quite a few people11:53
BurgundaviaI have looked at doing a magazine in the past as well11:54
Knightlustand the rest from contributions from the community11:54
adamant1988I've got the time to put into the details for it, and probably writing articles and such as well.11:54
boredandbloggingand we would have to decide what kind of timeframe, like monthly?11:54
Knightlusti think people will be much interested in howtos and technologies11:54
adamant1988There's also a thread on the forums from people who want this11:54
beunothe magazine would need much more "procesing" of the information, explain what it "means"11:54
adamant1988So we can work with themm11:54
jendaFirst, you have to think of 1) who is your target audience 2) what you want to give them.11:54
Knightlustand advertisements would be able to support it11:54
jenda2) how it'll be published to reach them best11:54
boredandblogginghopefully not on the wiki ;-)11:55
jenda(I'd avoid advertisements for now, but it is, in fact, a detail)11:55
jendaALso, you should realise why this has never happened before...11:55
Knightlustpdf for now and then try a hard-copy11:55
adamant1988Well, I can put up a spec on this.  As for target audience I think we should be aiming for current Ubuntu users and providing content that is relevant to them.11:55
jendawell, it hasn't happened because it was waay too much work to orchestrate11:55
boredandbloggingthere are specs for the old ones arleady, check them out11:56
jendaadamant1988: don't start a new spec... the magazine has been well specced before...11:56
adamant1988boredandblogging: I'll make it a point to go through them and see about it :)11:56
Knightlusthmm, i would agree that it'll be too much work, so we could vote whether we release it monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly11:56
jendaYou also have to consider what the Fridge is doing, what the UWN is doing, and what the planet is doing - and most importantly - how the Mag would differ.11:56
beuno https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-magazine11:56
jendaNow if you are serious about it, I can try to draw back some of the old crew.11:57
beunoI think the mag should be non-techie11:57
adamant1988jenda: I think the magazing should offer more in depth and relevant articles.  The fridge is news, the UWN is news and some blogs.11:57
jendaThey left because there wasn't enough of a support or a team to create the mag.11:57
adamant1988The magazine should be stories, articles, how-toos, etc.11:57
jendaadamant1988: so soemtihng along the lines of Behind Ubuntu, but broader?11:57
Burgundaviahere is what I would do: figure out the content for the 1st edition, mostly reusing old stuff11:57
Burgundaviathen sit down and just do it11:57
Burgundavianothing will attract people like success11:58
adamant1988jenda: Yeah, it's "Linux for human beings" people should kind of be seeing the people who are behind it.11:58
adamant1988There are a lot of possibilities for good content11:58
adamant1988that isn't already monopolized by the fridge or the UWN11:58
boredandbloggingthis looks like the spec for the first issue: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMagazine/TableOfContents11:58
boredandbloggingthe old first issue or whatever11:59
Burgundaviathey were being very ambitious with the first try11:59
adamant1988Like I said, I have the time to invest in this.  Chopping it up into smaller parts to make them more bite-size will help speed things along.11:59
Burgundaviathat is probably what sunk it11:59
boredandbloggingBurgundavia, yeah11:59
Burgundaviathink small11:59
adamant1988I think we should really strive to be realistic in scope11:59
boredandbloggingadamant1988, I think quite a few people have to have a lot of time12:00
jenda(on creating a first issue)12:00
jendaBurgundavia: that, and lack of support from the team..12:00
adamant1988boredandblogging: there are, it's true.12:00
Burgundaviajenda: they didn't produce anything beyond some words on a page12:00
adamant1988I will get in touch with the people who keep the thread on the forums going and see if they would like to get involved in this.12:01
adamant1988I know there were 3-4 there.12:01
jendaadamant1988: which people?12:02
jendaah, the forums12:02
adamant1988jenda: just a second'12:02
adamant1988Yeah there was a thread on the forums asking for this12:02
poningruok guys I have to run12:02
poningruneed sleep12:02
adamant1988I'll get in contact with the people who wanted to start it.12:02
Knightlustthe TOC looks good, we only need content. probably 50% from UWN and fridge. then the rest from contribs... the tips and tricks from the forums or the wiki tutorials12:03
adamant1988Knightlust: I think we should avoid pulling content from either12:03
adamant1988The fridge and the UWN are already handling the news, we should cover the most relevant bits in an editorial fashion I think.12:03
boredandbloggingif its going to be timely, it probably can't pull items from the fridge or UWN12:03
adamant1988boredandblogging: I'm thinking Monthly releases12:04
Burgundaviabehind ubuntu is a good place for content12:04
Knightlustadamant1988: we'll need to have a lot of time in our hands if it's going to be monthly12:04
Burgundaviaas are blogs about using X program on Ubuntu12:04
Knightlusteither that or we reuse content12:04
adamant1988Burgundavia: I agree, and I think we should be really getting a lot of good interviews and articles.  The community could really supply good how-to articles12:05
boredandbloggingKnightlust, agreed, have to scope this out clearly, this will easily get out of hand if not careful12:05
adamant1988Knightlust: I think that dedicating a section to news is important, and we should prune the UWN and fridge for the most relevant articles12:05
adamant1988but the problem is that by the time we release them, they're old news12:06
Knightlustadamant1988: i agree12:06
boredandbloggingwill it be old news for the target reader? what is the target audience?12:06
jendaI think that after a few issues, there is a decent chance of big support from the 'regular users'12:06
adamant1988boredandblogging: Well, I think we should be aiming at the typical Ubuntu user12:06
adamant1988and providing content that is relevant and interesting to them12:07
boredandbloggingthats vague12:07
boredandbloggingare we talking about lots of overlap with the UWN?12:07
boredandbloggingif so, we can't repeat a lot12:07
boredandbloggingif not, then we can pull stories from the UWN and fridge12:07
adamant1988boredandblogging: there shouldn't be any over lap with the UWN, this is a magazine not a weekly news article.12:07
=== jenda is sorry but he will probably fall asleep any minute now.
adamant1988We could post editorial accounts on BIG news, but for the most part let the UWN do that they do12:08
=== Vorian throws cold water on jenda
ubotuSchedule for Etc/UTC: 02 Apr 15:00: Community Question Time | 03 Apr 11:00: Community Council | 03 Apr 15:00: Kernel Team | 03 Apr 18:00: Mozilla Team | 04 Apr 12:00: Edubuntu | 05 Apr 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team12:08
=== jenda bites Vorian
boredandbloggingi don't clearly see the difference here...we are trying to get more readers to read the UWN...so those readers won't be reading the monthly?12:09
adamant1988Anywho, I think we're talking in circles in IRC.  This is probably a discussion for the mailing list.12:09
adamant1988boredandblogging: the magazine would meet a completely different want.12:09
jendakeep in mind it's not new, though, and some people will go 'oh god, not again' ;)12:09
adamant1988jenda: I think part of the key to getting this out is to make everyone responsible to someone12:10
boredandbloggingif we do the Burgundavia suggestion of something like Behind Ubuntu, it could be interesting12:10
Burgundaviabehind ubuntu needs to be restarted12:11
jendaadamant1988: heh12:11
Burgundaviaanyway, I have to run12:11
jendaBurgundavia: sudo shutdown -r now?12:11
adamant1988boredandblogging: That's the same thing I'm suggesting12:11
Knightlustwait, lemme try to create a draft or sample, then i'll send it via list.12:11
jendagood night :)12:12
boredandbloggingadamant1988, i suggest another mockup ;-)12:12
Knightlustit'll take a while though coz im preparing a presentation for my ubuntu talk, but i'll create one12:12
adamant1988boredandblogging: let's hammer out the details in the mailing list12:12
boredandbloggingsounds good12:12
adamant1988everyone think that's acceptable?12:12
Knightlustadamant1988: ayt, it'll be much better, people would have more time to think about it12:12
adamant1988Ok, so we'll take this on the mailing list12:13
adamant1988Done then?12:13

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