billbrasky | cool | 12:23 |
majoridiot | :) | 12:24 |
billbrasky | i'm aware of the restricted formats, just didn't see 'em mentioned in the myth guides explicitly | 12:24 |
majoridiot | they will be in a few minutes. adding them now. | 12:24 |
billbrasky | i was using knoppmyth, but the last release was really bad | 12:24 |
billbrasky | so i'm looking to try ubuntu + myth | 12:24 |
majoridiot | it's GREAT on ubuntu | 12:24 |
majoridiot | and there will be an mythbuntu edition coming out soon... | 12:25 |
billbrasky | i've been using ubuntu since 5.04, so i'm familiar with it, i just didn't want to lose the decent support knoppmyth had (aka not many or any that were using myth on ubuntu) | 12:25 |
billbrasky | no kidding | 12:25 |
majoridiot | no kidding | 12:25 |
billbrasky | nice | 12:25 |
majoridiot | a month or so, likely... | 12:25 |
majoridiot | they are working VERY hard on it. among other things. LOL | 12:25 |
billbrasky | hmm, i need to see if i gotta do anything for ATI remote wonder support | 12:25 |
billbrasky | it is supported in the kernel, not sure if i gotta configure something to load at boot time | 12:26 |
billbrasky | good to hear | 12:26 |
majoridiot | well... | 12:26 |
majoridiot | the new release of ubuntu (7.04 feisty fawn) is coming out in a few weeks... | 12:27 |
majoridiot | and there are great new mythtv installation packages for it... updated guide as well. | 12:27 |
majoridiot | here is the link to the hardware page | 12:28 |
majoridiot | includes ATI wonder | 12:28 |
majoridiot | | 12:28 |
billbrasky | remote wonder is just a usb/RF remote... not tuner | 12:29 |
billbrasky | looks like there are some threads on using the remote with ubuntu on the forums, sounds like it's going good | 12:30 |
billbrasky | i think i'll wait on feisty | 12:30 |
billbrasky | i want something pretty stable - i'm building a media center for my parents | 12:30 |
majoridiot | yes | 12:30 |
majoridiot | i have seen those threads as well | 12:31 |
billbrasky | the other one i'm building is my own, so i can get stupid with that one | 12:31 |
majoridiot | mythtv use only or also for computing needs? | 12:31 |
majoridiot | (parents one) | 12:31 |
billbrasky | dedicated myth | 12:31 |
majoridiot | :) | 12:31 |
majoridiot | there's a GREAT feisty package for that | 12:32 |
majoridiot | installs great, keeps the frontend logged-in... | 12:32 |
majoridiot | perfect for that. | 12:32 |
billbrasky | i see | 12:33 |
billbrasky | is it a separate customized package, versus desktop or frontend / backend only systems? | 12:34 |
majoridiot | yes. pretty much just what you need | 12:34 |
majoridiot | minimal windows | 12:35 |
majoridiot | no real desktop. no extra packages or software. | 12:35 |
majoridiot | versus the desktop install. | 12:35 |
billbrasky | for the one system it has a hauppauge pvr 500 - i have to install ivtv separate, correct? | 12:35 |
majoridiot | i hope not | 12:36 |
billbrasky | ah, i see your name next to the firewire testing... | 12:36 |
majoridiot | i haven't talked with a 500 owner... | 12:37 |
majoridiot | but the 150's etc. seem to work out of the box | 12:37 |
billbrasky | i see | 12:37 |
majoridiot | i have 2 150's and feisty configures them on install ;) | 12:37 |
billbrasky | i saw a link to an ivtv install page next to hauppauge info | 12:37 |
billbrasky | nice | 12:37 |
billbrasky | how is firewire capture working? I tried it once with knoppmyth and an older kernel... had problems | 12:37 |
majoridiot | yes.. for edgy release. feisty has kernel support for ivtv. | 12:38 |
billbrasky | 6200 Motorola box | 12:38 |
majoridiot | what stb do you use? | 12:38 |
majoridiot | :) | 12:38 |
majoridiot | awesome | 12:38 |
majoridiot | me too | 12:38 |
majoridiot | works great! | 12:38 |
billbrasky | i captured a total of 15 seconds of vid, and never worked again | 12:38 |
billbrasky | no shit | 12:38 |
billbrasky | innerestin... | 12:38 |
majoridiot | (as long as your cable company plays nice) | 12:38 |
billbrasky | yea | 12:38 |
billbrasky | the output did work | 12:38 |
majoridiot | i can defiinitely help you get it going. | 12:38 |
billbrasky | but it seemed to change firewire ports or whatever each time i powered the pc or stb down | 12:38 |
billbrasky | good quality recording? | 12:39 |
billbrasky | any flakiness? | 12:39 |
billbrasky | who is your provider, and what area are you in, if you don't mind me asking... | 12:39 |
billbrasky | ? | 12:39 |
majoridiot | mine is 100% stable excellent pic and video quality. will do HD even. | 12:39 |
billbrasky | man, i had given up on the idea of doing any HD recording... | 12:39 |
billbrasky | sweet | 12:39 |
majoridiot | insight cable, central il. | 12:39 |
billbrasky | ah, i'm in chicago | 12:39 |
billbrasky | comcast for me | 12:40 |
majoridiot | the trick with firewire is to get a stable connection... and then interface it with mythv init scripts. | 12:40 |
majoridiot | bloomington | 12:40 |
billbrasky | the firewire support was one reason i was looking into ubuntu + myth... most others want to use older kernels/drivers etc | 12:40 |
billbrasky | most others => other distros/myth install guides | 12:40 |
majoridiot | have you seen this page? | 12:40 |
billbrasky | i saw the link to it, didn't read it yet | 12:41 |
majoridiot | it was developed specifically for the 6200 and mythtv | 12:41 |
majoridiot | (by an idiot) ;) | 12:41 |
majoridiot | also works well with the scientific atlanta boxes | 12:41 |
billbrasky | nice guide | 12:41 |
billbrasky | :-) | 12:41 |
majoridiot | ty | 12:41 |
billbrasky | my gf has been bothering me to get the new system going. if i tell her it can do HD, she's gonna be really bothering me. | 12:42 |
billbrasky | crap ;) | 12:42 |
billbrasky | (i sold her on myth a while ago) | 12:42 |
majoridiot | well... | 12:42 |
majoridiot | recording and streaming HD is no problem with firewire... | 12:43 |
majoridiot | but you still have to have the muscle to play it back | 12:43 |
billbrasky | yea | 12:43 |
majoridiot | k | 12:43 |
billbrasky | i built this system sp for hd recording/tuning | 12:43 |
majoridiot | didn't want false impressions. | 12:43 |
majoridiot | awesome | 12:43 |
majoridiot | have you checked to see if your HD channels are 5C encrypted? | 12:43 |
billbrasky | it's probably got more than is really necessary for it, but i got friends that have hardware hookups for me | 12:43 |
=== majoridiot just built a ridiculously overpowered beast, so he can relate | ||
billbrasky | haha | 12:44 |
billbrasky | no i'm not sure about the 5c | 12:44 |
majoridiot | k... | 12:44 |
majoridiot | at the end of the firewire guide it tells you how to check | 12:44 |
billbrasky | that was step #2 after getting the firewire working on my system (last time i tried) | 12:44 |
billbrasky | didn't get past that | 12:44 |
billbrasky | avsforums have regional threads for info too i think | 12:45 |
=== billbrasky can't recall if discovery etc were 5c or not...? | ||
majoridiot | follow that guide from start to finish and i guarantee it will work- (cable co dependent) | 12:45 |
billbrasky | have you heard/seen issues dependent on stb firmware? | 12:45 |
majoridiot | the only 5C channels are the pay ones and the pay HD package. all others are open and non 5C | 12:46 |
billbrasky | pay HD package? | 12:46 |
majoridiot | only old firmware. that shouldn't be a concern for you these days. | 12:46 |
billbrasky | i'm looking for Discovery HD in particular... inHD, maybe a couple others | 12:46 |
billbrasky | i think that is part of a pay package | 12:46 |
billbrasky | :-/ | 12:47 |
majoridiot | my provider has an additional lineup of HD you have to pay for. only 6 or so are free- and of those, 5 are broken for firewire. :( | 12:47 |
majoridiot | once you pay, they might not be encrypted. | 12:47 |
majoridiot | might not hurt to ask. | 12:48 |
majoridiot | that guide was written *specifically* because mythtv firewire info was so sketchy and unreliable. it took me months to get it all figured out. | 12:49 |
billbrasky | i believe it. | 12:50 |
billbrasky | i didn't read it yet, but have you got channel change control working via firewire too? | 12:50 |
majoridiot | (like info on a LOT of things, unfortunately) | 12:50 |
majoridiot | it's built-in to mythtv now :) | 12:50 |
majoridiot | no external changer needed | 12:50 |
=== billbrasky throws IR blaster out window | ||
billbrasky | woot | 12:50 |
majoridiot | no... keep the blaster. i use mine to shut the stb on and off. | 12:51 |
billbrasky | yea | 12:51 |
majoridiot | hehe | 12:51 |
billbrasky | nice idea | 12:51 |
billbrasky | tho once i get this going, the gf is gonna set about 20hrs a day of programming to record | 12:51 |
billbrasky | so stb won't ever be turned off ;-) | 12:51 |
majoridiot | power rates went crazy here. had to set it up to conserve power as much as possible. | 12:51 |
billbrasky | ah | 12:51 |
billbrasky | i hear ya | 12:51 |
majoridiot | also- | 12:51 |
majoridiot | is nice if it works on your mobo | 12:52 |
billbrasky | very complete... | 12:53 |
majoridiot | ty | 12:53 |
billbrasky | how many guys are working/developing for ubuntu + myth ? | 12:53 |
majoridiot | boards are lowly being added to the list as people find it | 12:53 |
majoridiot | dunno for sure. maybe 6? | 12:53 |
majoridiot | superm1 will know for sure | 12:53 |
billbrasky | acpi was so sketchy before i never even considered it | 12:53 |
majoridiot | what mobo you got? | 12:54 |
billbrasky | you guys hang out here pretty often? | 12:54 |
majoridiot | yes. we try to. | 12:54 |
=== billbrasky scratches head.... | ||
billbrasky | Foxconn P9657AA-8KS2H & Intel core 2 duo E6400 | 12:57 |
majoridiot | hehe | 12:57 |
=== majoridiot just built an E6300 | ||
billbrasky | nice | 12:57 |
billbrasky | i got an nvidia 7800 for this box too... | 12:58 |
billbrasky | we'll see how that works *crossing fingers* | 12:58 |
=== majoridiot put in 2 7600GTKO SLIs | ||
billbrasky | woof | 12:59 |
majoridiot | yeah, it just kinda snickers at HD streams... whilst doing everything else in the world. | 01:00 |
majoridiot | LOL | 01:00 |
=== majoridiot is looking at your mobo specs | ||
majoridiot | hm... ACPI could very well work with that mobo. | 01:05 |
billbrasky | awesome | 01:06 |
billbrasky | i was depressed about myth since my last knoppmyth install, but i'm excited about it again ;) | 01:06 |
billbrasky | i was raving about linux/myth to a buddy of mine, talked him into building a system, got the new knoppmyth release (like 2-3 months ago) and had nothing but problems | 01:07 |
billbrasky | problems don't bother me, but after i promised him a stable, fast system and all we had was difficulty... i felt real bad | 01:08 |
billbrasky | he's a windows guy, so it really sucked to expose him to linux this way | 01:08 |
majoridiot | wait until he sees myth on ubuntu | 01:08 |
billbrasky | have you played with linux mce at all? | 01:08 |
majoridiot | MCE is a playtoy by comparison. | 01:09 |
billbrasky | yea, agreed | 01:09 |
majoridiot | (windows) | 01:09 |
billbrasky | i used mce for 2-3 years, then moved to myth 2-3 years ago | 01:09 |
majoridiot | no. never did play with linux MCE. myth is all i really need. | 01:09 |
billbrasky | i hear ya | 01:09 |
billbrasky | i just ran across the linux mce thing, was trying to install it in a virtual machine... never got it to go | 01:09 |
billbrasky | man, there are a lot of ubuntu-myth pages going, glad to see that | 01:10 |
billbrasky | need to add a myth section to the ubuntu forums | 01:10 |
majoridiot | the installation process has improved dramatically on ubuntu. if you follow the guides, there should be many fewer hangups. | 01:10 |
=== majoridiot cringes at the forum comment | ||
majoridiot | we want one. | 01:11 |
majoridiot | can't have one unless a mythtv dev gets involved to maintain it | 01:11 |
majoridiot | we're hoping for a sticky with a link to the guides soon. | 01:11 |
billbrasky | ah | 01:12 |
majoridiot | 99% of the forum posts on mythtv installation nightmares are because they either did not follow the guide or didn't know the guides existed. | 01:12 |
billbrasky | yes | 01:12 |
billbrasky | i usually am really up on ubuntu stuff, and i wasn't aware how well you guys have done | 01:12 |
billbrasky | argh.. just remembered i was having hardware probs with this new system | 01:13 |
billbrasky | need to go back over my notes | 01:13 |
=== billbrasky has too much going on | ||
billbrasky | that mobo has a 8 pin power plug i've not seen before.. i need to get an adapter for it | 01:13 |
billbrasky | not sure what the form factor is | 01:14 |
majoridiot | personally, i'd like to see ubuntu become the mythtv distro of choice with new users. | 01:14 |
billbrasky | right... | 01:14 |
billbrasky | ubuntu seems to be most user friendly for most anything out there | 01:14 |
billbrasky | best community support | 01:14 |
majoridiot | great community support | 01:15 |
majoridiot | i just picked up two APC UPS systems... | 01:15 |
billbrasky | that was the main reason i went with ubuntu in the first place | 01:15 |
billbrasky | every other distro i used, i ran into problems and could not work through them | 01:16 |
billbrasky | (being a beginner linux user) | 01:16 |
majoridiot | with a forums search, they were up and running is less than 30 minutes- most of which was unpacking and unplugging. | 01:16 |
majoridiot | i came to ubuntu as a total noob in august | 01:16 |
billbrasky | yea, i ran into that exact situation like on 25 different instances | 01:16 |
billbrasky | whether it was a program problem, hardware problem, config etc | 01:16 |
majoridiot | yup. | 01:16 |
majoridiot | and not a lot of flaming. it does happen.. but not so many RTFMs. | 01:17 |
billbrasky | right | 01:17 |
billbrasky | they do a good job of moderating | 01:17 |
majoridiot | agreed. | 01:19 |
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=== majoridiot cringes at the speed of the ubuntu pages | ||
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Xenocide | majoridiot how do i disable the timer in mplayer while im watching it turns off the screen | 02:16 |
majoridiot | hm. | 02:16 |
majoridiot | dunno. | 02:16 |
majoridiot | sec. | 02:16 |
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majoridiot | Xenocide: do you normally run a screensaver? | 02:24 |
majoridiot | (sorry was occupied) | 02:25 |
majoridiot | gotta eat. back later. | 02:29 |
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Xenocide | yo | 03:17 |
keescook | superm1: I should have a system to test lirc with in a bit; then I'll likely try to shove your patch into the package, since it doesn't look like it should effect anything negatively (it still builds) and it only *adds* functionality. :) | 03:19 |
majoridiot | :) | 03:27 |
Xenocide | majoridiot where can i find a site with all the keyboard keys for mythtv so i can program my remote's lircrc | 03:41 |
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majoridiot | | 03:43 |
majoridiot | also ... :P | 03:43 |
majoridiot | hehe | 03:43 |
Xenocide | google lied to me | 03:44 |
=== majoridiot suspect google is female | ||
Xenocide | the lircrc files i found don't seem to work | 03:44 |
Xenocide | lol | 03:44 |
majoridiot | you have the funky RC-6 remote, right? | 03:44 |
Xenocide | eh? | 03:44 |
Xenocide | i have the standard pvr-150 remote | 03:45 |
majoridiot | usb sensor or plug into card? | 03:45 |
Xenocide | which is making me scratch my head why its not working properly | 03:45 |
Xenocide | plug into card | 03:45 |
majoridiot | k | 03:45 |
Xenocide | some buttons work | 03:45 |
Xenocide | irw reconizes all the buttons so its not lircd | 03:45 |
majoridiot | k | 03:45 |
majoridiot | where is your lircrc file located? | 03:46 |
Xenocide | ~/.mythtv/lircrc | 03:46 |
Xenocide | some buttons work | 03:46 |
Xenocide | but most don't | 03:46 |
majoridiot | k | 03:46 |
majoridiot | sec | 03:46 |
majoridiot | did you use this one? | 03:46 |
majoridiot | that should be the one for your remote | 03:47 |
majoridiot | save it in your home folder as .lircrc (that's with a perdios to make it hidden) | 03:47 |
majoridiot | and then: rm ~/.mythtv/lircrc | 03:48 |
majoridiot | and ln -s ~/.mythtv/lircrc ~/.lircrc | 03:48 |
majoridiot | which will make a symbolic link to it. i find that makes it more resonsive | 03:48 |
majoridiot | responsive | 03:48 |
majoridiot | you may beed to change a few of the keys in that file to suit your preferences... | 03:49 |
majoridiot | and then don't forget to re-start the frontend for the changes to take effect. | 03:49 |
majoridiot | ok? | 03:50 |
Xenocide | hm | 03:55 |
Xenocide | well | 03:55 |
Xenocide | i did it at /.mythtv/lircrc | 03:55 |
Xenocide | im trying it now | 03:55 |
Xenocide | ill try that in a second | 03:55 |
majoridiot | it will work that way too | 03:56 |
majoridiot | i just found it worked better the other way. whichever works for you. :) | 03:56 |
Xenocide | everyythign seems to work except for guide, channel and volume | 03:57 |
Xenocide | let me look through this lircrc file you gav eme | 03:57 |
majoridiot | guide should be S from livetv | 03:57 |
Xenocide | hm this thing has it bound as f3 | 03:58 |
majoridiot | yes | 03:58 |
majoridiot | weird bindings on a few | 03:58 |
Xenocide | i guess ill just have to play with it | 03:58 |
Xenocide | and that link you gave me to the mythwiki | 03:58 |
majoridiot | that's why i suggested checking | 03:58 |
majoridiot | volume up and down are [ and ] respectively | 03:58 |
majoridiot | you want mine? | 03:58 |
majoridiot | i have the same remote on my backend. | 03:59 |
Xenocide | do you have it setup for mplayer as well | 03:59 |
majoridiot | lemme check.sec | 03:59 |
Xenocide | this guide you linked me to doens't even say S for guide, it says M | 04:01 |
majoridiot | CRAP | 04:02 |
majoridiot | just wrecked my frontend lircrc :( | 04:02 |
majoridiot | yes. it has those definitions. you want it? | 04:02 |
majoridiot | that will bring up the menu for the guide. | 04:02 |
majoridiot | S brings it up sirectly | 04:02 |
majoridiot | directly | 04:02 |
Xenocide | yes please | 04:03 |
Xenocide | don't think thats going to work through school firewall | 04:05 |
Xenocide | can you email it | 04:05 |
majoridiot | yes | 04:05 |
majoridiot | ? | 04:05 |
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Xenocide | got it thanks | 04:07 |
majoridiot | yw | 04:07 |
Xenocide | this one looks identical to the one i downloaded | 04:09 |
Xenocide | volume is f-keys | 04:09 |
majoridiot | i might not configured those yet. still setting those up | 04:09 |
majoridiot | vol up [ | 04:09 |
majoridiot | vol dn ] | 04:10 |
EnderTheThird | Would anyone here be able to help me with Zap2it and Updating my channels in MythTV? I finally got Ubuntu recognizing my HD-5500's, now I just need to use them | 04:10 |
majoridiot | Ender: you have a zap2it acct set up with channels? | 04:10 |
Xenocide | odd | 04:10 |
Xenocide | formatting comes un done when i paste it | 04:10 |
majoridiot | (reversed the volup and down) | 04:10 |
Xenocide | how come when i paste it i lose all the returns | 04:11 |
EnderTheThird | major: yes | 04:12 |
majoridiot | ender: you need to delete the current channel profile in mythtv-setup (5. channel editor)... | 04:13 |
majoridiot | then... | 04:13 |
majoridiot | add the new source (3.) | 04:13 |
majoridiot | and bind it to all your tuners in (4.) | 04:13 |
majoridiot | in (3.) "retrieve the channels from the listing service" will grab your channels you have set up at zap2it | 04:14 |
EnderTheThird | workin on that now | 04:16 |
majoridiot | k | 04:16 |
Xenocide | hehe now it doesnt' work at all | 04:16 |
Xenocide | ill just use the one i was using before and customize it | 04:17 |
=== majoridiot is trying to fix the one he just borked | ||
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Xenocide | hehe | 04:21 |
Xenocide | it just might have not been compatable with my lirc.conf | 04:21 |
Xenocide | channel up and down are bound to the ringt things but don't seem to be working | 04:22 |
majoridiot | nothing is working here. can't locate the backup lircrc. | 04:23 |
Xenocide | ah button n ames don't match :) | 04:23 |
majoridiot | hm. | 04:24 |
majoridiot | oh.. that was someone else i told that. LOL | 04:24 |
majoridiot | case-sensitive | 04:24 |
Xenocide | pretty much workin how i want | 04:34 |
majoridiot | :) | 04:37 |
majoridiot | it's just matching the name in lircd to the buttons in lircrc to the keypress | 04:38 |
majoridiot | tedious, but that's all. | 04:38 |
Xenocide | yea | 04:53 |
Xenocide | i just wish i could instantly change channels | 04:53 |
majoridiot | patience win out? | 04:53 |
Xenocide | with theh channel up and down buttons | 04:53 |
Xenocide | instead of doing that then ok | 04:53 |
majoridiot | you CAN | 04:53 |
Xenocide | .... | 04:53 |
Xenocide | i didnt' see it in the wiki key thingy | 04:53 |
majoridiot | it's called "browse mode" | 04:54 |
majoridiot | you want it off. | 04:54 |
Xenocide | hm | 04:54 |
Xenocide | no | 04:54 |
Xenocide | but i want to be able to do BOTH | 04:54 |
majoridiot | LMMFAO | 04:54 |
Xenocide | the browse mode with the up and down arrows | 04:54 |
Xenocide | and channel up and down with the ch annel key | 04:54 |
Xenocide | i know i could do that | 04:54 |
majoridiot | can you config the keyboard to do it? | 04:54 |
Xenocide | not that i saw | 04:55 |
=== majoridiot isn't aware of a way around browse or no browse | ||
Xenocide | yea | 04:55 |
Xenocide | ill keep looking but i don't haeve my hopes up | 04:55 |
majoridiot | one or the other. you are just being difficult. :P | 04:55 |
Xenocide | my next goal is to setup the mythvideo to look up images and stuff | 04:55 |
Xenocide | its not automatically grabbing stuff from idbm | 04:55 |
Xenocide | imdb | 04:55 |
Xenocide | i just have to play with the seutp | 04:55 |
majoridiot | yup | 04:56 |
majoridiot | LOTS to configure. | 04:56 |
Xenocide | yea | 04:56 |
Xenocide | and not enough time | 04:56 |
majoridiot | TELL ME about it | 04:56 |
majoridiot | hehe | 04:56 |
Xenocide | atleast the damn semester is wrapping up | 04:56 |
Xenocide | little over a month left | 04:56 |
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EnderTheThird | Don't suppose anyone in here has had some luck with the pcHDTV HD-5500? | 08:50 |
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majoridiot | ping: Xenocide | 10:25 |
superm1 | hey majoridiot | 10:26 |
majoridiot | 'lo superm1 | 10:27 |
superm1 | how goes your april fools? | 10:27 |
superm1 | fall for google TiSP? | 10:27 |
superm1 | :) | 10:27 |
majoridiot | hm. never realized it was april fool's. | 10:27 |
majoridiot | lol... no just pulling it up now. | 10:27 |
majoridiot | LOL @ "want wifi around? just flush it down" | 10:28 |
superm1 | i put it in my away message on aim/gtalk. my mom signed online earlier and clicked the link. she calls me, and is like mario how do they do that???? | 10:28 |
majoridiot | hehe | 10:28 |
majoridiot | too funny | 10:28 |
superm1 | finally an explanation for all that dark fiber they're running... | 10:29 |
superm1 | that and gmail paper today was announced | 10:29 |
majoridiot | dark fiber indeed. | 10:29 |
majoridiot | lol @ gmail paaper | 10:29 |
superm1 | i love google's acceptance of april fools. i look forward every year to hearing their crazy antics | 10:29 |
majoridiot | agreed. | 10:30 |
=== majoridiot apparently lost track of time | ||
majoridiot | again. | 10:30 |
superm1 | oh, have important stuff to do today? | 10:30 |
majoridiot | just some guide work. | 10:31 |
majoridiot | meant lost track of time in reference to actual month. LOL | 10:32 |
superm1 | ah. i've been trolling the forums a bit today and trying to do homework throughout the day | 10:32 |
superm1 | haha | 10:32 |
gardengnome | procrastinate now! | 10:34 |
=== majoridiot puts off his procrastinating until later | ||
superm1 | gardengnome, well i should emphasize the *trying to do homework*. i've been up since 9am. all i really accomplished was a short two sentance answer to a 5 problem assignment. oh and i watched LOST. | 10:35 |
superm1 | so its been a lot more of forum trolling | 10:35 |
superm1 | our EE servers were down all day too, so i couldnt get any of the lab or senior design stuff done that i needed | 10:36 |
superm1 | so its not all my fault.... | 10:36 |
gardengnome | i'm supposed to be studying for my finals. guess i'll start tomorrow. ;=) | 10:37 |
superm1 | ... knock on wood. servers just came back. okay off to campus for me :) | 10:38 |
=== Xenocide^ [] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
=== Xenocide^ is now known as Xenocide | ||
majoridiot | ping Xenocide: incoming email | 10:53 |
Xenocide | god i love this MOTO Q | 10:54 |
Xenocide | i was in the other room watching tv and it popped up on my phone | 10:54 |
Xenocide | sorta what i wanted, but i wanted to not have to toggle | 10:55 |
Xenocide | close enough, i might do it though, thanks! | 10:55 |
majoridiot | the only way i can see to do it. | 10:55 |
Xenocide | im still pondering feisty on the laptop | 11:01 |
majoridiot | have you tried the live disk? | 11:01 |
Xenocide | i had it on the laptpo before | 11:02 |
majoridiot | as long as it detects and sets up all of the hardware correctly. | 11:02 |
Xenocide | just printer support was poor with my HP all in one and office was holdin me back | 11:02 |
Xenocide | but i guess i can use crossover | 11:02 |
Xenocide | i still haven't tried beryl 2.0 | 11:02 |
majoridiot | are you running the hplip drivers for your all in one? | 11:03 |
Xenocide | yea | 11:03 |
Xenocide | printing stil seems to get cut off | 11:03 |
Xenocide | and text is way too big | 11:03 |
Xenocide | might just take some goofing around with | 11:03 |
majoridiot | yeah. if it's on the list of supported printers, then it's likely a config problem. | 11:04 |
Xenocide | what the crap, DVD's now? | 11:04 |
Xenocide | its on the list | 11:04 |
Xenocide | but it doesnt' work well | 11:04 |
majoridiot | DVDs? | 11:05 |
Xenocide | the beta relase is 3.92 gigs... | 11:05 |
Xenocide | the rc5 was just a regular cd | 11:06 |
Xenocide | i guess more packages on the CD? | 11:06 |
majoridiot | really? you sure that's not source? | 11:06 |
Xenocide | | 11:07 |
Xenocide | hm they also have cd ones | 11:07 |
majoridiot | hm. it is dvd. | 11:08 |
majoridiot | interesting | 11:08 |
Xenocide | at the topp you can click cd images | 11:08 |
majoridiot | yeah... just never saw dvd packages b4 | 11:09 |
Xenocide | herd 5 my standby wasnt working | 11:11 |
Xenocide | hopefully they fixed it | 11:11 |
majoridiot | looks like the dvd includes the varios installs. desktop, alternate, etc. | 11:11 |
Xenocide | oh really | 11:11 |
Xenocide | thast pretty nice | 11:11 |
majoridiot | i'm gonna grab it and see exacly what it is. | 11:12 |
Xenocide | yea everyone on ubuntu forums is reporting my laptop sleep and hibernate doesnt' work with beta either | 11:12 |
majoridiot | would save me having to burn and keep track of so many cds. | 11:12 |
Xenocide | i use dvd rws | 11:12 |
Xenocide | love em | 11:12 |
Xenocide | stole some from the kid down the hall :) | 11:12 |
Xenocide | haha | 11:12 |
Xenocide | just burn regular cd isos to them works great | 11:12 |
Xenocide | way faster than CD-rws | 11:12 |
majoridiot | i need them to work on 3 different boxes and have LOUSY luck getting rws to read from drvie to drive. | 11:14 |
Xenocide | yea | 11:14 |
Xenocide | man id do this, but sleep id essential for running from class to class | 11:15 |
majoridiot | ubuntu has GOT to do something about their severs. | 11:15 |
majoridiot | expecting someone to download cd and dvd images at 30K is ridiculous. | 11:15 |
majoridiot | bittorrent is pointless too. egads. | 11:16 |
Xenocide | yea | 11:19 |
Xenocide | i was geting 30kbps on bitorrent on it | 11:19 |
Xenocide | so i gave up | 11:19 |
Xenocide | if i use a downoad manager it works fine | 11:19 |
Xenocide | try DownloadAcceleratorPlus for firefox | 11:19 |
Xenocide | completely intergrated, fast as hell | 11:19 |
=== majoridiot doesn't use windows | ||
majoridiot | gettin it from @ 1200K | 11:22 |
majoridiot | cd image... they don't have the dvd | 11:22 |
Xenocide | :( | 11:27 |
Xenocide | my max here at school is 350kbps which is pathetic for a campus connection | 11:27 |
Xenocide | DAP should still work in linux | 11:28 |
Xenocide | its a firefox plugin | 11:28 |
Xenocide | no external application | 11:28 |
majoridiot | hm | 11:28 |
=== superm1 [n=superm1@ubuntu/member/superm1] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv |
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