=== Shaba1 [n=SanDayGo@ip68-101-167-142.sd.sd.cox.net] has left #xubuntu [] === tesuki_ [n=tesuki@c-f19be455.20-0145-74657210.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #xubuntu === b_52Free [n=skimo@] has joined #xubuntu === sigmamu188 [n=jwheeler@cpe-70-116-80-78.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu === vorian [n=vorian@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #xubuntu === BFTD [n=Commande@unaffiliated/bftd] has joined #xubuntu === tjones [n=tjones@] has joined #xubuntu [01:45] hello [01:45] is any one here? [01:46] yes [01:46] !anyone [01:46] A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [01:47] ok, sorry. Is it possible to use wirless internet with xubuntu? [01:47] Yeah. [01:47] how? [01:48] !wifi [01:48] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [01:48] That's probably what you're looking for. [01:49] ok thanks [01:49] quick question though [01:50] which is better for the complete novice ubuntu, xubuntu or kubuntu [01:51] Are you coming from a Mac background, a Windows one, or what? [01:51] any of the three [01:51] windows [01:51] You may find Kubuntu somewhat more comfortable, then. [01:53] will wireless internet be easy to setup? [01:53] on kubuntu [01:54] It mostly depends on how well supported the wifi hardware is. [01:55] is there a list of supported hardware? [01:56] i dont want to install unless i have wireless interweb [01:57] Not that I know of - what brand/model do you have? === posingaspopular [i=eddie@adsl-69-209-76-223.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #xubuntu [01:57] j #ubuntu [01:58] a netopia router, and a belkin usb wireless g thingy [01:58] opps === tjones [n=tjones@] has joined #xubuntu [02:00] http://www.linuxcompatible.org/Belkin_v2404.html [02:01] At worst, it should work with ndiswrapper. [02:01] !ndiswrapper [02:01] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [02:01] hmm... === kalikiana [n=kalikian@xdsl-84-44-179-54.netcologne.de] has joined #xubuntu [02:02] I find ndiswrapper easy to use [02:02] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported [02:02] Found by accident, but what you were looking for in the first place. [02:02] thank you PuMpErNiCkLe, you have been most helpful. === grumpymole [n=warren@c220-237-175-49.lowrp1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #xubuntu === OGDA [n=thomas@dialup-] has joined #xubuntu === cclampblues [n=cclampbl@cpe-71-72-185-33.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu [02:13] yo [02:14] yo [02:16] yo [02:16] how do you do a disk check? it said it hadent beeen checked and it was mounted 39 times so it ran a check -- i want to do the check again. how do i do it? [02:16] yo [02:17] doe sthis makea nys ense?? [02:17] !fsck [02:17] fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot [02:19] ok. the robot is sweet and all but how would i have ever guessed that fsck is the disk checker? [02:19] thanks btw [02:20] !man fsck [02:20] Sorry, I don't know anything about man fsck - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [02:20] you could have asked here or googled for 'disk check linux' or read a linux book or ask on some forum or read the documentation included in your distribution... [02:20] !man | cclampblues [02:20] cclampblues: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands [02:20] cclampblues: you use it in a terminal [02:21] thanks. === cclampblues loves penguins. === kalikiana mumbles 'vertical tabs' and tries to lay his monitor on the side. [02:26] kalikiana: they should be placed in the z axis ;) [02:27] kalikiana: that'd be intuitive ;) === kalikiana puts his vertical tabs on the left side now... [02:29] kalikiana: be careful with your neck [02:30] TheSheep, Actually vertical tabs on the left side are not that strange :) [02:30] question of habituation [02:31] is there a termainal command to restore panel defaults? [02:31] I'm still searching for a solution to the 'many tabs' versus 'few space' problem :P [02:31] cclampblues: [02:32] cclampblues: the yare stored in ~/.config/xfce4/panel/, you can just remove the contents and relog [02:32] remove these files with rm ~/.config/xfce4/panel/* [02:34] is it commonn for panel settings to change on their own? i cant get them to stay the same. and other desktop settings too like background images etc [02:34] cclampblues: that's certainly not normal [02:35] cclampblues: do they reset to the default values? [02:35] cclampblues: maybe you're out of disk space in your home directory and they can't save the settings to files? [02:36] cclampblues: df -h command will list all your partitions and free space on them [02:36] no. just like my applications menu will disappear... after a reboot. where i am now. === Shaba1 [n=SanDayGo@ip68-101-167-142.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #xubuntu [02:36] hello anyone here? [02:36] cclampblues: is it dapper or edgy? [02:36] Shaba1: just we, mice [02:36] how to i open a terminal window from the keyboard? [02:36] alt+f2 and type 'Terminal' [02:36] note the capital leter [02:38] i got 16gig free [02:39] its edgyelf [02:40] that's weird === vorian [n=vorian@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #xubuntu === vorian_ [n=vorian@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #xubuntu === booglebox [n=booglebo@lns-bzn-20-82-64-53-100.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #xubuntu === cclampblues [n=cclampbl@cpe-71-72-185-33.woh.res.rr.com] has left #xubuntu [] === BFTD [n=thomas@dialup-] has joined #xubuntu === michaelpo [n=presario@] has joined #xubuntu [03:06] hi, what software do you recommend for me to extract email addresses from my excel spreadsheet or msword doc? [03:08] `grep` [03:11] If you want to actually view them, though, OOo is likely what you're looking for. [03:12] Abiword comes preinstalled, but has no support for Excel, and shaky support for .doc. [03:12] heh, I now have three eth ports (eth0, eth1, and eth2) but when I try to ssh into a computer connected via eth1, it gives me "No route to host" [03:16] hrm [03:16] can't figure it out [03:17] ah got it [03:17] thanks guys [03:24] PuMpErNiCkLe: i want to extract the addresses and file them into a email software so that i can choose which contact to email... something like a mailing list? [03:26] export them as csv [03:27] my spreadsheet has a mixture of text and email addresses... [03:31] !torrent [03:31] Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt) - Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html === posingaspopular [i=eddie@adsl-69-209-76-223.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #xubuntu === michaelpo [n=presario@] has left #xubuntu [] === michaelpo [n=presario@] has joined #xubuntu === OGDA [n=thomas@dialup-] has joined #xubuntu === darren2 [n=darren@43-015.adsl.zetnet.co.uk] has joined #xubuntu === Xtreem [n=Xtreem@rummers.force9.co.uk] has joined #xubuntu === kalikiana [n=kalikian@xdsl-87-78-20-242.netcologne.de] has joined #xubuntu === fjardt [n=fjardt@ip70-162-192-95.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #xubuntu === archangelpetro [n=petroleu@] has joined #xubuntu === BFTD [n=thomas@dialup-] has joined #xubuntu === gunny01 [n=tom@ppp85-75.lns10.adl6.internode.on.net] has joined #xubuntu [05:16] the 7.04 beta livecd start really slowly, even on a new pc. Is this just cos it's in beta and hasn't been optimised? === posingaspopular [i=eddie@adsl-69-209-76-223.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #xubuntu [05:19] Unlikely - builds are done the same way a stable release would be, they're just untested. It's possibly a bug - check dmesg and logs. === MagicFab [n=MagicFab@ubuntu/member/magicfab] has joined #xubuntu === Jester45 [n=Jester45@72-161-144-161.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #xubuntu === Jester456 [n=Jester45@72-161-144-161.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #xubuntu === Jester456 is now known as Jester45 [05:40] /msg NickServ IDENTIFY hammy1 [05:40] oo darn === crdlb [n=crdlb@pool-70-106-17-43.norf.east.verizon.net] has joined #xubuntu === terracon [n=tc@CPE0050da822b70-CM0012254076d6.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #xubuntu === richard [n=richard@dsl.c.217.ktis.net] has joined #xubuntu === ron_o [n=ron@12-210-175-113.client.mchsi.com] has joined #xubuntu === __Krush [n=chatzill@] has joined #xubuntu === sigmamu188 [n=jwheeler@cpe-70-116-80-78.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Xubuntu === j1mmc [n=jim@adsl-75-22-225-51.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #xubuntu === alnokta|sleeping is now known as alnokta === BFTD [n=thomas@dialup-] has joined #xubuntu === grazie [n=grazie@host86-139-192-210.range86-139.btcentralplus.com] has joined #xubuntu === TheDarkKiller [n=DarkKill@0x50c53bc5.esnxx2.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #xubuntu === gunny01 [n=tom@ppp85-75.lns10.adl6.internode.on.net] has left #xubuntu [] === mkquist [n=michael@h-69-3-128-92.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #xubuntu === PatrickWst [n=patrick@ANice-251-1-106-182.w90-0.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #xubuntu === KurtKraut [n=ktk@unaffiliated/kurtkraut] has joined #xubuntu === ruspu [n=balthier@a91-153-159-103.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #xubuntu === ruspu [n=balthier@a91-153-159-103.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #xubuntu === xjonex [n=jone@dsl-roigw1-fe8ede00-5.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #xubuntu === tuna-fish [n=tuna@tunamasiina.kortex.jyu.fi] has joined #xubuntu [09:09] hiho === xjonex [n=jone@dsl-roigw1-fe8ede00-5.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #xubuntu === moparisthebest [n=FBI@cpe-69-133-96-111.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu [10:14] How do I install Java on Xubuntu? I can't seem to make it work with Firefox. === stork [n=sh2-136@storkey.plus.com] has joined #xubuntu [10:19] TheDarkKiller: 1.5 or 1.6? [10:19] TheDarkKiller: and which version of Xubuntu? [10:22] crimsun, you got the /msg's ? [10:23] TheDarkKiller, http://www.getautomatix.com === pillo1 [n=ombre@p54920D54.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #xubuntu [10:25] TheDarkKiller: make sure multiverse is enabled, and make sure you have sun-java5-plugin installed [10:26] !components > TheDarkKiller === sacater [n=sacater@host86-150-150-151.range86-150.btcentralplus.com] has joined #xubuntu [10:26] I can't respond to queries, btw. [10:26] Ah [10:28] TheDarkKiller: I wouldn't use automatix [10:28] that's the java I hae installed: aptitude -y install sun-java6-jre sun-java5-jre === grazie wouldn't recommend automatix either [10:30] I have a slow system anyway [10:31] why hyper_ch grazie ? [10:31] alnokta: it may break the system upon installation of other software or dist-upgrades [10:31] and I think it doesn't even update its installed stuff [10:33] ah [10:33] alnokta: what automatix does can you also do [10:33] alnokta: it'll just take a bit longer to learn [10:34] i know, but automatix makes it easier [10:36] easier is not better in this case [10:36] what do you need automatix for? [10:43] oh, sorry, i wasn't looking, to install the applications that is listed in it with few steps :) [10:43] alnokta: like? [10:45] java win32 codecs azuers [10:45] you don't need automatix for that [10:46] What does aptitude -y install sun-java6-jre sun-java5-jre do? [10:46] acrobat rp [10:46] yes yes [10:46] acrobat is also in the additional repositories [10:46] TheDarkKiller: it will install java [10:47] hyper_ch, it removed the gui [10:48] TheDarkKiller: then it's your setup... do you have a fresh isntall of xubuntu? did you use automatix? [10:48] I had a perfectly fine installation with gui and all, then I wanted to install Java, and I did that command [10:48] Now I'm at a prompt instead [10:49] this won't remove the gui [10:49] It did :'( [10:50] I installed it... hmmm... no clue how often... and never did remove my gui [10:50] then isntall the gui again [10:50] :'( [10:50] That's 2 hours again [10:50] Damn [10:51] sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop [10:51] I know === Grey_Loki [n=Loki@host86-131-85-17.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has joined #xubuntu [10:51] But it takes time :P [10:51] depends on your connection [10:52] How can I make gdesklets automatically start when I log in? [10:52] I have a 512kb/s connection [10:52] TheDarkKiller: not sure re-installation is the answer, but you certainly won't re-install everything again [10:52] Still slow. [10:53] TheDarkKiller: describe what happened again [10:55] Grey_Loki: I don't know the answer, but I think it's none standard. man gdesklets or google [10:56] Grey_Loki: did you try the saving the session upon logging out? [10:56] hyper_ch, that's what i'm currently doing, but it means that I have to be careful what I leave open when I shutdown/logout, so that it doesn't get started on the next boot. [10:57] Grey_Loki: just save once the session with all apps/gdesklets started that you want [10:57] after that don't save the session anymore === Grey_Loki nods [10:58] I was hoping there was a more 'geeky' solution, but if it works, I guess it'll do === Grey_Loki grins [10:58] sure there is a more geeky solution [10:58] Grey_Loki: pretty sure saving session or using autostart will not work for gdesklets. read the manual or google [10:59] Grey_Loki: there are start up scripts you cna tag commands on the end of, I just can't remember where they are for xfce [11:01] I seem to remember mention of something called rc.d [11:01] What is that? [11:02] rc.d is stuf that runs on boot (or changing run level) - more system level stuff than you're after here === Grey_Loki nods [11:05] Grey_Loki: /etc/rc.local is very useful very autostarting stuff. Whether it's right for gdesklets I dunno [11:05] I'll have a check of the gd forums, see what they say. === grazie wonders what's so hard about "google autostart gdesklets" :) [11:06] the stuff in rc.local will run before you login so is likely to not work unless gdesklets can magically attach to your session after it's created... [11:08] How do I install Java? 'sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre'? [11:09] !java [11:09] To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre [11:09] Crazy [11:09] TheDarkKiller: do you want java or jre? [11:10] !jre [11:10] Sorry, I don't know anything about jre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [11:10] !jvm [11:10] Sorry, I don't know anything about jvm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [11:10] what? [11:14] !jdk [11:14] Sorry, I don't know anything about jdk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [11:15] !info sun-java5-jdk [11:15] sun-java5-jdk: Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 5.0. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 4918 kB, installed size 11412 kB [11:20] How do I enable multiverse in Xubuntu? [11:21] !components [11:21] The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource [11:22] !EasySource [11:22] source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic === grazie [n=grazie@host86-139-192-210.range86-139.btcentralplus.com] has joined #xubuntu === esc__on_anakin [n=esc@p57BB5ABE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #xubuntu === T` [i=total@gateway/tor/x-9d959fd2eaee335a] has joined #xubuntu === vimalg2 [n=dx@] has joined #xubuntu === arualavi [n=Iva@67.Red-83-33-5.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #xubuntu [12:18] holy crap: According to the german tech-site heise.de, the Mozilla Foundation is suing Microsoft over the use of tabbed browsing in Internet Explorer 7. The Mozilla Foundation owns the patent 5,160,296 through one of their developers (Solomon Katz, a former Opera dev) and has begun suing Microsoft in Mountainview, California. The Foundation wants that MS immediately ceases to distribute IE 7 and pays 1.4 Billion dollars in damages. Heise [12:18] reports that Microsoft has issued no official response, but is contemplating to ship IE 7 NT (no tabs). [12:19] was that posted this morning? === Carsten [i=Carsten@x421aa.wh10.tu-dresden.de] has joined #xubuntu [12:22] hello world! [12:22] anyone can help me on my soundsystem for ESS 1869? [12:22] hyper_ch: can't really se M$ loosing any battle in court....interesting story though [12:23] grazie: if Mozilla has the patent for tabbed browsing... then M$ can loose [12:23] Carsten: what's the problem? [12:24] ormiret: Thank you. My problem: I use a laptop and found too many possibilities to set up... none worked [12:24] ormiret: I am using Compaq Armada 1750 (PII/c. 300MHz) [12:24] hyper_ch: well... it would be something. but then the date just hits me :D [12:24] hyper_ch: I dunno....the way the world is now...if you've got enough dosh noone can touch you [12:25] ormiret: I installed ALSA, some said it's working with sb module... i think it's a problem about isapnp [12:26] does the card show up in lshw? [12:26] processing... [12:29] ormiret: negative [12:29] right now: fresh boot [12:29] i worked with modprobe only [12:29] OK, does the snd-es18xx module showing up in lsmod? [12:30] ormiret: not yet [12:30] should I tra modprobe? [12:30] yes [12:30] i restarted after I failed yesterday [12:30] hyper_ch, what would that mean for other tabbed browsers, like Opera? [12:30] ok [12:30] w/o options? [12:30] yes [12:31] k [12:31] modprobe snd-es1688 (no error mesg) [12:31] boxes knacked (once) [12:31] knacked? [12:32] hm.. small sound like getting voltage (initialistaion) [12:32] initialization [12:32] OK, try lshw again and see if the sound card is there now. [12:32] now we got (lsmod) [12:32] snd_es1688 Size: 7744 Used by: 0 [12:33] snd_ ... [12:33] opl3_lib [12:33] hwdep [12:33] es1688_lib [12:33] pcm_oss [12:33] mixer_oss [12:33] ... === vimalg2 [n=dx@] has joined #xubuntu [12:35] any other output you need to know? dmesg? [12:35] wait a minute, are you sure thats the right module? From what I can find you should be loading snd-es18xx. [12:36] thats the weird part... in some instructions i found that, and alsaconf and sndconfig while i wasn't able to find === grazie [n=grazie@host86-139-192-210.range86-139.btcentralplus.com] has joined #xubuntu [12:37] Module not found (snd-es18xx) [12:38] that's likely to be the problem then. It is there on this debian box. [12:38] What do you get from 'sudo modprobe snd-es' and then pressing tab twice? [12:38] the module? alsaconf? sndconfig? [12:38] the module. [12:38] processing... [12:39] tab doesnt work for me in this mode [12:39] and directory where I can ls those files? [12:40] yeah, give me a second while I find where... [12:40] thx [12:40] shoudl be in /lib/modules//kernel/sound/isa/ === tesuki_ [n=tesuki@c-f19be455.20-0145-74657210.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #xubuntu [12:41] kernel: 2.6.15-26-386 [12:41] es1688 [12:41] NO es18xx [12:42] ad1816a ad1848 cs423x es1688 gus opti19xx sb wavefront are files/links/content of above mentioned directory [12:43] not good, looks like you'll have to compile the module yourself. [12:43] ack. [12:43] anything I can read about THIS in order to prepare ? [12:44] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile === atphalix [n=root@adsl196-134-99-206-196.adsl196-4.iam.net.ma] has joined #xubuntu === peweeh [i=pewee@pepsi2.zakx.de] has left #xubuntu [] === cga [n=cga@213-140-6-101.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #xubuntu [12:46] uh-oh [12:46] never compiled a kernel sucessful... but that is away in 1997 suse 5.1 ^^ debian potato? [12:46] got time and nerves? [12:46] i'll try to prepare the basic stuff, ok?! [12:47] kernel-wedge needed for xubuntu 6.06? [12:48] !info kernel-wdge [12:48] Package kernel-wdge does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas [12:48] !info kernel-wedge [12:48] kernel-wedge: udeb package builder for Debian-Installer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.24ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 38 kB, installed size 520 kB [12:48] probably - certainly won't hurt to have it :) [12:48] still have some space on 6Gb hd ^^ [12:49] primarily i mean, not to need another kernel? [12:49] hes working [12:49] It will only be needed for making the kernel I think. [12:51] sudo apt-get install linux-kernel-devel fakeroot kernel-wedge kernel-package [12:51] anno: m4 needed? anything or "won't hurt either to have it"? [12:51] I yet did not change the sources.lst [12:52] git or install kernel-source....? [12:52] sudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.15-26-386 ? [12:53] apt-get source linux-image-... is I think the better way as that gets you the config being used currently and you can then just make the one change and everything should work. === PatrickWst [n=patrick@ANice-251-1-31-66.w86-202.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #xubuntu [12:54] while kernel? <- i only got from the directory earlier (how do I get the actual version) is assumed to be 2.6.15-26-386 [12:54] it will be apt-get source linux-image-2.6.15 ? [12:55] linux-image not found [12:55] apt-get install linux-source-2.6.15 works [12:56] you can probably work from that then [12:56] ok I am now at :"Modifying the source for your needs" on page [12:56] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile [12:57] edit a config file now or d/l the es-18xx.(k)o? [12:57] You should just need to update the config to include es-18xx as a module [12:58] ok. where to edit which config file and where to get the file snd-es18xx? [12:59] give me a minute to have a poke... [01:00] thx much [01:00] wanna have a thank-you-picture-postcard from Germany? (uh- hope you still help me .. *cough * cough) [01:01] the debian dir mentioned in the page cannot be found [01:02] find / -name config.386 running [01:03] no hits yet [01:03] locate better? [01:04] locate is faster but wont get things that appeared since the last updatedb [01:04] running updatedb [01:04] & locate config.386 [01:04] Carsten: your linux kernel source and .config will be in /urs/src/linix [01:05] kk [01:05] Carsten: /urs/src/linux even [01:05] rgr [01:05] untar linux-source-2.5.16.tar.bz2? [01:05] you need to run make oldconfig [01:05] or in -headers- [01:06] and then run make menuconfig [01:06] in /usr/src/linux [01:06] should already be untared [01:06] I have a ~headers~ dir and a ~source~ tarbal [01:07] untar it in that case [01:07] rgr [01:07] Carsten: is /usr/src/linux a symlink to your latest kernel source? If not update it so it is. [01:08] in /usr/src/ i have [01:08] alsa (dir) [01:09] linux-headers-...- (dir) [01:09] linux-headers-...-386 (dir) [01:09] that alsa doesn't seem right [01:09] hang on a minute what version of linux-souce have you got? [01:09] linux-source-....tar.bz2 [01:09] Xubuntu 6.06 [01:09] source: 2.6.15 [01:09] -26 [01:10] that's OK, you said 2.5.16 last time and that scared me... [01:10] oups... [01:10] i confirm 2.. 6 .. 15 [01:10] argh [01:10] 2.6.15-26 THATS it (checked twice before enter) [01:10] thats OK then untar that, and point /usr/src/linux at it [01:11] bunzip... [01:11] tar -xf ... [01:11] point is softlink... [01:11] tar xjf ... [01:11] ok [01:11] yes [01:11] how to link? thats years ago [01:11] i.e. ln -s linus-source-2.6.15 linux [01:11] thc [01:11] though without my typos ;) [01:11] ok [01:12] i see [01:12] I do not care as long as i got a thought of it what you mean [01:12] if i get unsure i will ask [01:12] (still bunziipping) [01:13] I am quite thankful for your typo.. it helps me get an overview and likely solving my prob... [01:13] where are you from (may i ask)? [01:13] UK [01:14] mre specifically Aberdeen [01:14] oh, i m a kraut [01:14] ok bunzip worked... [01:14] xjf-ing now [01:15] ok i learned: tar -j handeles zips? [01:15] you don't need the j if you bunzipped first [01:15] yes [01:15] ok [01:16] tar -xf-ing now [01:16] right now i am in Dresden... [01:16] studiying (actually exactly now I am not ^^) [01:16] while that's working have a look in /boot for a config-... file. [01:16] Grey_Loki: hmmm, it is an opera dev. that changed to mozilla... so I assume opera has the rights of usage of that patent [01:17] thx for that [01:17] Unless he took them with him when he moved to Mozilla? [01:17] I'll wait for the story to surface on English tech news, and take a look later [01:17] For now, it's time for RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 :D [01:17] See if I can get wine to agree with it [01:18] Grey_Loki: Opera had tabbed browsing for a long time... so I think they have the right to use it... however I don't know about the exact situation and patents... [01:18] not whine, but wine ^^ [01:18] Grey_Loki: here in Switzerland the patent would remain with the company and not the individual [01:19] ormiret: tar finished. ready (blinking cursor) [01:19] OK, 'make menuconfig' [01:19] ormiret: (i linked the dir into linux) [01:20] specific dir to be at? [01:20] ah right, you'll need to move into that dir before the make command then [01:20] ok [01:20] (good thing one of us is paying attention) [01:20] right... i ll try [01:20] ^^ [01:21] well it's not the first time i sitt in front of linux, but i am quite noob [01:21] ormiret: HOSTCC... SHIPPED... [01:22] First thing you want to do once menu config comes up is load an alternative conifguration file, and give it the one in /boot that corresponds to your curent kernel [01:22] ormiret: alright menu there [01:22] uh--... [01:22] general setup? [01:22] code maturity? [01:23] Should be second option from the bottom "Load an alternative Configuratio File" [01:23] ^^ [01:23] i learned... more menuoptions than my screen can handle in one page [01:23] enter name ".config" ? [01:24] right you want /boot/config-... have a look in /boot to find the one matching the current kernel [01:25] ok [01:26] loaded? [01:26] nope had-typing =( [01:26] hand-t [01:27] alright [01:27] loaded [01:28] Hrmpfh. winecfg isn't loading ze dialogue box :( === vorian [n=vorian@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #xubuntu [01:29] ormiret: sugesstion.. i need snd-es18xx.ko? [01:29] Right, now Device Drivers -> Sound -> Advanced Linux Sound Architecture -> ISA devices -> Generic ESS ES18xx driver [01:29] change that option to an M [01:30] http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=319120 [01:30] ok [01:30] working [01:31] hm... [01:32] Generic ESS ES18xx driver has (like every driver on that menu-page) already an "M" in front?! [01:32] odd that you dont have the module then... [01:32] In that case exit and save the configuration [01:33] rgr [01:33] done [01:33] from page above :...Sorry, should have read closer. Does dmesg give any hints about what went wrong? What does modinfo snd-ex18xx report? Look at setting a port= or irq= type option. dmesg will hopefully tell precisely which test failed and consequently what info needs to be supplied. [01:34] That will only be needed once you have the right module (and even then the kernel can usually figure that stuff out itself) [01:34] ok [01:34] then how to get module? [01:34] apt-get install snd-es18xx? [01:35] failed =/ [01:35] now 'make dep', 'make-kpkg clean', 'fakeroot make-kpkg --revision= kernel_image' [01:35] (in linux-source-dir) make dep [01:36] yes [01:36] *** unnecessary now [01:36] ...proceed with make-kpkg? [01:36] yes [01:36] working [01:36] no rule to create kpkg [01:37] oh... i correct now [01:37] working [01:37] missing "-" inserted [01:37] ah [01:37] ...rules real_stamp_clean... [01:37] ...changing dirs... === arnor [n=arnor@ltc56-1-82-246-54-125.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #xubuntu [01:38] hello World! [01:38] ill use "#" for verbose from console... [01:38] arnor: Hello one! [01:38] how could I know if I have a firewall einabled into my distro? [01:38] ormiret: #CLEAN [01:38] enabled I meant [01:38] ormiret: ready [01:38] arnor: sorry dunno [01:39] :[ [01:39] proceeding fakeroot [01:39] OK, this one will take a while and spit a lot of text at you... [01:39] kernel image...? [01:39] vmlinuz? [01:39] kernel_image [01:40] ah, "kernel_image" [01:40] arnor: if you haven't enabled will not have an enable firewall by default [01:40] --revision=? [01:40] !firewall | arnor [01:40] arnor: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [01:40] some string? [01:40] put soemthing in instead of the to identify it to you [01:40] ah, ok [01:40] It will be part of the kernel name [01:40] ok optinal? [01:41] grazie: thanks [01:41] arnor: np [01:41] working [01:42] #...stamp-debian... lol [01:42] now sit back and watch it for a while (unless you have a really fast computer) [01:42] lol if I would I won't have that kind of prob, hum?! ^^ [01:42] PII/322 [01:42] 332? [01:42] 128MB [01:42] something else got to do today?... [01:43] ormiret: i compile the kernel now? [01:43] It is compiling [01:43] i see [01:43] wow [01:44] "my" biggest c-skript ever [01:44] when this is done you will (hopefully!) have a new kernel .deb in /usr/src [01:44] alright [01:44] how to activate? in grub? [01:45] dpkg -i kernel-image-... and then it will automatically be added to the grub menu [01:45] oh... [01:45] I would have thought about /boot/menu.lst [01:46] you can do it manually if you really want to but it is all automated :) [01:46] so what did we chance according to the "old" one? [01:46] if es-18xx was already as module.. [01:46] or is the xubuntu6.06-default-kernel smaller? [01:47] i am wondering why he KNOWS es18xx but i cannot modprobe it [01:47] but simply lets see [01:47] i boot "new" kernel and... [01:47] then i modprobe snd-es18xx? [01:48] yes, according to the config it should have been there but wasn't [01:48] i can see dead drivers... [01:48] =/ [01:48] You might not even need to modprobe it - I'm not sure how good autodetection is on ISA [01:49] maybe isapnp is a problem? [01:49] isapnp had no pnp card according to dmesg be4 compilation [01:50] see how it goes after the right module is available [01:50] ok [01:50] guess what.. still compliling.. ^^ [01:51] wanna coffee? [01:51] sugar? [01:51] You might have to stick a line in rc.local or something to load the module === ormiret just topped up his coffee [01:51] *lol [01:51] 123 [01:51] ../etc/modules? === arnor [n=arnor@ltc56-1-82-246-54-125.fbx.proxad.net] has left #xubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:52] uh-oh... crashed... [01:52] joke... was screensaver [01:52] *uff* [01:52] :) [01:52] how to top up coffee? I always forget "/" "\"? [01:53] \test [01:53] /me === Carsten learned again! Thx. [01:57] there are some errormessages.. but he continues... hope it does not break up... [01:57] CC fs/bad_inode.o -- Warning.. incompatible pointer [01:58] those aren't usually anything to worry about [01:58] ok hoped for that.-.. [02:00] i guess compiling got easier now... [02:00] i remember 10-steps-to-do after a kernel was compiled.. despite of preparations in 1997 === graabein [n=graabein@ti121210a081-2125.bb.online.no] has joined #xubuntu [02:02] Yeah, I remember doing that kind of thing. And now that kernel compiles are fairly straight forward their not often needed... [02:02] hi, i was wondering where the new updates in xubuntu feisty fawn is listed? [02:03] and if there's any plans on swapping gdm for say quingy or slim? not that i know too much about them [02:03] Hmm. How hard is it to upgrade Xubuntu from 6.06 to 6.10? I have a game that I want to run - seems to work fine in 6.10, but 6.06 gives an error [02:04] Grey_Loki: depends how customised you 6.06 is, almost always doable though. [02:05] graabein: gdm is certainly not being replaced by anything else for feisty === Carsten_ [i=Carsten@x421aa.wh10.tu-dresden.de] has joined #xubuntu [02:05] ormiret, how do you mean 'customised'? I've changed a few settings related to XFCE, installed gdesklets, but that's about it [02:05] back again [02:05] i missed something? [02:05] grazie, alright :) just wondering. i found the answer to my lacking boot splash btw. it was the config-file that was set to a different resolution [02:06] in /etc/usplash.conf [02:06] vga=0? [02:06] Grey_Loki: shouldn't be a problem then, more if you've installed lots of things from universe or further afield. [02:06] no the boot option was anything from vga=normal to vga=7** [02:06] ok [02:07] graabein.. i had framebuffer probs.. === Grey_Loki thinks [02:07] *COVER!* [02:07] help!!! [02:07] Not a great deal - wine, and perhaps...one or two other apps? === Carsten_ orders another cup of app-coffee [02:07] I'm just reading up, seems a few people are getting the same error when upgrading from 6.06 to 6.10 [02:08] i used to run ubuntu (with gnome) on this p3-mmx 450mhz -- with xubuntu 6.10 its really top notch!! [02:08] graabein.. top notch..? you mean fast or lame? [02:08] Grey_Loki: if you've not changed your system much a fresh install would more likey give better results and is more easily recoverable if you have a disaster [02:09] Carsten, yeah fast and responsive and the apps cover my needs and they look good. xfce is nice [02:09] ah xubuntu then? [02:09] Grey_Loki: dapper to edgy upgrade problems are all fixed I believe [02:09] I have Armada 1750 [02:09] yeah i'm xubuntu fan now, and xfce [02:09] icefresh blue [02:09] ^^ [02:10] summer's ahead [02:10] grazie, alright, I think i'll close everything down and give it a go. sudo update-manager -c -d, right? === Carsten_ [i=Carsten@x421aa.wh10.tu-dresden.de] has left #xubuntu [] === Carsten_ [i=Carsten@x421aa.wh10.tu-dresden.de] has joined #xubuntu [02:10] yeah i've had breafast and coffee on the porch today. can't beat sunshine === grazie doesn't like update manager much [02:10] ormi: he's in drivers/ide right now [02:11] grazie, what would you use instead? [02:11] emacs? [02:12] Grey_Loki: why not update your /etc/apt/sources.list and use synatpic, aptitude or apt-get instead? Tis quite a big download you know? === Grey_Loki googles [02:13] Grey_Loki: or download the alternate cd and upgrade from that === grazie can't upgrade from desktop cd === sacater [n=sacater@host86-150-150-151.range86-150.btcentralplus.com] has joined #xubuntu [02:15] ormi: Ill call back when he finished... so what was about the line to edit? [02:15] or simply dpkg -i (my new kernel)? [02:15] where will the .deb will be saved at? [02:15] you don't need to edit anything, just install the deb, it will be in /usr/src/ [02:16] ok [02:16] Grey_Loki: the advantage of the alternate cd is that if you do have problems upgrading (I don't think you will) you can fresh install no hassle [02:16] ormiret: thank you very much. Ill try then and hope I "find" the snd-es18xx then [02:16] maybe one other thing [02:17] I have the i/o-range of "audio interface" in BIOS and 3 ranges for i/o in PNP section [02:17] so what will be port? [02:17] grazie, I have a 6.06 Xubuntu Desktop CD around that I can use for a fresh install. After a quick search, I turned up this - http://blog.mypapit.net/2006/10/howto-upgrade-ubuntu-dapper-to-edgy-eft.html Is that what you meant by upgrading /etc/apt/sources.list? [02:17] what will be mpu_port then? [02:17] Carsten_: you shouldn't need to specify that. [02:17] ah i see [02:20] Grey_Loki: yeah the update sources.list is the same machanism for every release upgrade. Same again for edgy to feisty upgrade === Grey_Loki nods [02:21] Right, i'm gonna close down everything and see what happens === Grey_Loki grins [02:21] Grey_Loki: I don't know how big the download is, but would expect 300mb or more [02:22] grazie, the connection i'm using at the moment averages 440KB/s, so it shouldn't be too bad. === Acetylene [n=Acetylen@A-32-138.cust.iol.ie] has joined #xubuntu [02:23] Right. Back in a bit, hopefully :P === Grey_Loki [n=Loki@host86-131-85-17.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has left #xubuntu ["And] [02:23] Grey_Loki: yeah i'm just highlighting that if ir doesn't work out, you may have to do the same again or download edgy anyway [02:24] hey isn't that kalikana's message? :) [02:25] how do i see package information with apt-get without installing? [02:25] this apt has super cow powers! [02:25] apt-cache show [02:26] thanks [02:28] graabein: do an 'apt-get update' first if you're looking for the most up to date info [02:28] kk === Grey_Loki [n=Loki@host86-131-85-17.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has joined #xubuntu === knw [n=main_man@CPE001109893757-CM00159a034140.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #xubuntu [02:51] hi [02:52] if anyone is willing to help me that would be great...I have few questions I have to ask about the OS [02:53] I'm trying to switch from windows [02:55] !ask | knw [02:55] knw: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) [02:56] ok first of all I read around lookin for the best destro for me personl needs [02:56] so I can across ubuntu [02:56] now there is the edgy verison the faisty one [02:56] if you can sum up the differences really fast that would be great =] [02:59] knw: firstly feisty is still in test, but is due for release in 3/4 weeks so it's not classed as stable yet [02:59] what are the imporvments over the edgy version [03:00] knw: I could link you to a list of differences but that would be rather dry and probably not what you're looking for [03:01] well since is in beta and I'm kind of new to linux I think I'm better off sticking with edgy [03:01] knw: basically more up to date packages, extra packages, nicer artwork maybe [03:01] ok I also have a 9800 pro aiw [03:01] I heared ati is a nightmare [03:02] due to lack of drivers [03:02] well I read up on it [03:02] knw: yeah, you may get a couple of problems with fiesty that need sorting....edgy will less likely have this kind of problem [03:03] knw: is 9800 an ati video card? [03:03] yes [03:03] 9800 pro 128ram radion seriess [03:03] ati cards can give problems, but I don't know the issues myself [03:04] what do you have? [03:04] i'm using edgy and feisty on ppc. also edgy on x86 (rarely used) [03:05] While compiling i get lines like "CC [M] fs/ufs/file.o" ... [03:05] anyone can tell how long is it about to last... hours.. minutes? [03:05] it took him c. 1 hour to get ther [03:06] Carsten_: a complete generic kernel compile? [03:06] I do have amd64 computer. Should I go with the 64bit verison on the 32bit version. [03:07] amd64 is known to have quite a few problem (all distros) [03:07] grazie.. hm... fakeroot make-kgkp ... will that be a complete? [03:07] PII/332 128MB RAM xubuntu 6.06LTS [03:08] so I should stick with 32bit [03:09] Carsten_: complete kernel compiles usually take an hour or less on a reasonable spec machine. On that it is going to take a lot longer [03:09] grazie... well I realize [03:09] but, how about the dirs.. [03:09] will it be finished when the tree reaches "Z"? [03:10] knw: I don't have amd64, but if I did I think I would go for 32bit if you're not fairly experinced at sorting problems [03:10] erm, ok... it takes long. i see === Carsten_ hibernates. [03:11] not in linux atleast [03:13] !info wpasupplicant [03:13] wpasupplicant: Client support for WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i). In component main, is important. Version 0.5.4-5 (edgy), package size 227 kB, installed size 588 kB [03:15] what's the file system that linux uses? [03:15] knw: there are multiple ones [03:15] !filesystem [03:15] Sorry, I don't know anything about filesystem - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [03:16] nice thanks [03:18] knw: most folks start and stay with ext3 [03:18] what does the term "!" mean... check out? serach for..? [03:19] Carsten_: on the channel? [03:20] commands to ubotu. [03:20] !help [03:20] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [03:20] Carsten_: it's a keyword for the bot to respond to === archangelpetro [n=petroleu@] has joined #xubuntu [03:20] !Carsten [03:20] Sorry, I don't know anything about carsten - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === grazie poor Carsten_ === Carsten_ *sniffs* [03:21] !Women [03:21] The women and men of the Ubuntu women project hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively. [03:21] *lol* [03:21] try: man women === grazie think Carsten_ has a one track mind === Carsten_ is curious for a women's manpage since existance. [03:23] !compilation [03:23] Sorry, I don't know anything about compilation - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [03:23] hmpf [03:23] ok [03:23] i got the point, thank you! =) [03:24] Carsten_: you can message the bot using "/msg ubotu !" [03:24] thx... i stop annoy you ^^ === grazie well....:) [03:24] wow i got a PERSONAL answer from a bot. === Carsten_ going slightly mad.... [03:28] haha [03:28] so how bad is gamin on linux =] [03:35] !gamin [03:35] Sorry, I don't know anything about gamin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [03:35] haha [03:35] try: supertux === grml [n=grml@i59F72A97.versanet.de] has joined #xubuntu [03:35] !wine [03:35] wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. [03:36] !remoteaccess [03:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about remoteaccess - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [03:37] !remote [03:37] Sorry, I don't know anything about remote - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [03:37] what the most common remote access program used for lunix [03:37] vnc? [03:38] knw, yes [03:38] graphically at least [03:40] is there actually a clinet that I could use to access windows pc's via remote desktop [03:41] for example RDC [03:41] I'v used that on OS x [03:42] mainly cuase I need to access my work computer and we run SBS 2003 [03:44] I actually have a vertual workstation setup on the server [03:45] !info rdesktop [03:45] rdesktop: RDP client for Windows NT/2000 Terminal Server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.1-1.1 (edgy), package size 98 kB, installed size 388 kB [03:46] nice [03:46] k I'm about to install edgy =] [03:47] 1 more question before I go...will I be able to see what's on my partitions when I get to install the os [03:47] knw, you mean you windows partions? [03:47] yes ntfs partitions [03:48] !ntfs [03:48] To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse [03:48] ya I know I can do that after the os is installed [03:49] what I ment to ask is how to chosse a partiton for me to access for the intial install of lunix [03:50] cuase right now I have 3 partitions [03:50] knw: the installer gives you 3 option [03:50] and I want to use of them for ubuntu install [03:50] one of them* [03:51] 1. whole disk 2. largest free space 3. Manually create/resize/delete partitions [03:51] the manual option will let you select which ever one you want [03:52] but don't forgot you really should use a swap partition as well [03:52] forget* [03:52] what do you mean by that [03:53] !swap [03:53] swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info [03:53] equivalent to swap file on windows [03:54] kk so how much space should I alocate for the swap partition [03:54] I have 1gig of ram [03:54] k let me read up on this first === grazie controversial question.... [03:56] I would never use more than 512mb, but if you want to suspend or hibernate you'd need a lot more === Carsten_ 's Pc2 still compiling... === grazie another hour or so then :( [04:02] I gonna use 2gigs on the swap file === grazie eeks! [04:02] waste? === Heart_ [n=jzdgc@mnch-4db0318c.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #xubuntu [04:03] hi [04:03] knw: if you don't want to suspend or hibernate I'd say so yes [04:03] I don't even suspend or dibernate [04:03] ever* [04:03] installed xubuntu firt time.... have a prism usb wlan stick, network config shows me wlan0 but iwconfig or ifconfig shows me nothing [04:04] I'm plaing to do a lot multitasking tho [04:05] wlan0 no wireless extension says iwconfig :( [04:06] I'm gonna be running beryl once I get ubuntu installed [04:08] I'm also planing to game [04:09] I'll probably won't touch more then 512 megs of my swap tho [04:09] I'll probably should just setup 1gig === vorian_ [n=steve@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #xubuntu === Arkh [n=arkham@] has joined #xubuntu [04:20] How can you find out what version of Xubuntu you're running? [04:21] kernel= [04:21] ? [04:21] I have a fair idea that i'm running 6.10, but i'm not totally sure. [04:21] Greyloki ls /usr/src/ === __Krush [n=chatzill@] has joined #xubuntu [04:21] !version [04:21] To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type lsb_release -a in a !shell [04:22] or cat /etc/issue [04:22] !issue [04:22] Sorry, I don't know anything about issue - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [04:23] That's an issue! [04:23] ^^ [04:23] 6.10 :D [04:23] !bug [04:23] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots [04:23] !cockcroach [04:23] Sorry, I don't know anything about cockcroach - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === grazie Carsten_ is being silly === Carsten_ still waiting for compile [04:24] !moth [04:24] Sorry, I don't know anything about moth - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [04:24] In that case, can someone take a look at a pastebin log of my wine output? === grazie is now known as grazie|away [04:26] !paste [04:27] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [04:27] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/13365/ :) [04:28] In case it's relevant, when I run 'winecfg', the shell hangs like it's launching, but the winecfg dialog box doesn't appear. === Heart_ [n=jzdgc@mnch-4db0318c.pool.einsundeins.de] has left #xubuntu ["Konversation] === Arkh [n=arkham@] has joined #xubuntu === Prestwick_ [n=prestwic@81-178-104-254.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #xubuntu === Carsten_ compiles and getting so much errormessages, that he's wondering his kernel ever works === christof [n=christor@ANancy-256-1-66-131.w90-26.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #xubuntu [04:38] Carsten_: is it finished yet? [04:43] Is there a xubuntu version of Feisty? [04:43] Oh, yeah, there is. [04:43] haha === bur[n] er [n=burner@c-71-56-237-100.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu [04:54] ormi.. nope [04:54] drivers/net/irda [04:54] ormiret: ... I like the idea pulling out everything i do not need in order to make it faster?! [05:07] wont make the running kernel much faster since only the modules that are needed are loaded. [05:09] Hey guys, I'm having a bit of a problem with VLC and ffmpeg. [05:09] Basically when I try to transcode into anything that needs ffmpeg via VLC, it won't do it because ffmpeg can't find the encoders. [05:09] or the codecs like xvid or lame. [05:10] Any ideas on how to fix it? [05:13] Use the ffmpeg transcoder? [05:13] Well here is the interesting thing. [05:14] ffmpeg is already installed, and I've already managed to transcode using ffmpeg itself. But I need to transcode and stream too. [05:15] So for some reason, something between VLC and ffmpeg isn't working. [05:16] A quick and easy hack would be to use ffmpeg for transcoding and a fifo to send it to VLC for streaming. Probably not an ideal solution, but it might work for now. [05:16] Do you get any detailed error messages if you launch vlc from a terminal and try to transcode an 'unsupported' file? [05:17] Well I have a log (I run it at the command line) online if you want to take a look at it with me? [05:17] Sure. [05:18] okay http://www.wilde-world.co.uk/vlc-log.txt [05:18] its down right at the bottom. [05:20] Its confusing because it says it finds the mpeg-4 encoder, but then develops an error and then says it can't find the encoder. === vorian_ [n=steve@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #xubuntu [05:22] Curious. === grazie|away is now known as grazie [05:22] I know. For the record I'm using Xubuntu 6.10 and Ubuntu 6.10 Server. Both have the same problem. [05:23] Grey_Loki: did you sort your wine problem? [05:24] I've tracked down one possible problem. 11 lines up from the bottom, the 'timebase not supported' warning. [05:25] http://gentoo-wiki.com/Talk:HOWTO_PSP [05:25] http://lists.mplayerhq.hu/pipermail/ffmpeg-user/2005-May/000215.html [05:25] Ahhh I see! === Howdy125 [n=Howdy125@c-76-104-129-203.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu === sacater [n=sacater@host86-150-150-151.range86-150.btcentralplus.com] has joined #xubuntu [05:26] Let me try that now [05:31] hmm, how would I alter the command line to enter a frame rate into VLC? === vorian_ [n=steve@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #xubuntu === Arkh [n=arkham@] has joined #xubuntu === archangelpetro [n=petroleu@] has joined #xubuntu === knw [n=main_man@CPE001109893757-CM00159a034140.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #xubuntu === vorian [n=vorian@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #xubuntu === esc__on_anakin [n=esc@p57BB5ABE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #xubuntu === grumpymole [n=warren@c220-237-175-49.lowrp1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #xubuntu === b_52Free [n=skimo@] has joined #xubuntu === afonic [i=web1_tfl@afonic.info] has joined #xubuntu === SportChick [n=essy@freenode/staff/sportchick] has joined #xubuntu === afonic [i=web1_tfl@afonic.info] has joined #xubuntu === archangelpetro [n=petroleu@] has joined #xubuntu === sascha_ [n=sascha@p5485A91F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #xubuntu [05:36] Okay, I'll have a look at this later, but you've been really helpful Pumpernickle. === Arkh [n=arkham@] has joined #xubuntu === knw [n=main_man@CPE001109893757-CM00159a034140.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #xubuntu === vorian [n=vorian@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #xubuntu === esc__on_anakin [n=esc@p57BB5ABE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #xubuntu === grumpymole [n=warren@c220-237-175-49.lowrp1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #xubuntu === b_52Free [n=skimo@] has joined #xubuntu === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@adsl-221-78-225.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #xubuntu === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@adsl-221-78-225.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #xubuntu === Arkh [n=arkham@] has joined #xubuntu === knw [n=main_man@CPE001109893757-CM00159a034140.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #xubuntu === vorian [n=vorian@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #xubuntu === esc__on_anakin [n=esc@p57BB5ABE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #xubuntu === grumpymole [n=warren@c220-237-175-49.lowrp1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #xubuntu === b_52Free [n=skimo@] has joined #xubuntu === grml is now known as esc_on_grml === vorian [n=vorian@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #xubuntu [06:24] grazie, i'm afraid not [06:25] Grey_Loki: something changed before it stopped working? [06:26] grazie, the only thing that i've added/changed is an installation of gdesklets. [06:26] But the program itself doesn't install, despite WineHQ's appDB saying it works on Ubuntu 6.10 [06:26] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/13365/ if you need the log of what i'm trying to run. [06:27] Grey_Loki: what about the dapper to edgy upgrade? [06:27] grazie, turns out I was running Edgy to start with >.< [06:27] I really should keep track of these things... [06:28] Grey_Loki: so you've just install wine from the repo? [06:28] grazie, it wasn't working, so I tried sudo apt-get remove wine, then reinstalled it using 'sudo apt-get install wine', to no avail. [06:29] Grey_Loki: no problem installing though? [06:29] grazie, nope [06:29] Just tried it, and winecfg isn't running either. === Carsten_ 's computer still compiling =/ [06:30] Woah [06:30] now he's in sound/isa [06:30] You've been compiling for hours :S [06:31] rgr [06:31] maybe i shut down xserver next time?! [06:31] Grey_Loki: what do get when you try "sudo apt-get install wine" [06:33] 'wine is already at the newest version' [06:33] Or words to that effect === booglebox [n=booglebo@lns-bzn-56-82-255-205-57.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #xubuntu [06:33] Grey_Loki: that's what I'd expect === Grey_Loki nods [06:34] what is setup.exe? === geekunit [n=geekunit@68-112-27-227.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu [06:35] the k3b package seems to be broken. anyone else know of a good program for copying CD's? [06:35] xpburnerpro [06:35] ^^ === grazie likes graveman [06:36] grazie, it's the setup file for my iso backup CD of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2. Took a look through my old games collection the other day and decided that RCT2 would run quite nicely on this old laptop. === PatrickWst [n=patrick@ANice-251-1-31-66.w86-202.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #xubuntu [06:37] Grey_Loki: have you used wine before without problems? [06:38] grazie, yes [06:38] Actually, one moment and i'll test it with something I -know- works. [06:38] Grey_Loki: do those app still run? [06:41] Hrm [06:41] No, it hangs in the same way as winecfg does. [06:42] Like, you press enter after the command, and it goes to that new line thingy [06:42] But nothing launches. [06:42] WAIT! [06:42] In my garden just 3 CBMs were launched... What Key did you hit ??? === Grey_Loki blinks [06:42] Looks like whatever key it was, I shouldn't have hit it :S === Carsten_ going down into the bunker [06:43] lol === grumpymole [n=warren@c220-237-175-49.lowrp1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #xubuntu [06:44] grazie, any ideas about this wine thing? [06:44] I guess I could try uninstalling gdesklets, but it's not running at the moment, and i'm having the same problem. [06:45] Grey_Loki: maybe try forcing a re-install [06:45] As opposed to apt-get remove then apt-get install? [06:46] did the remove work as expected? [06:47] Yeah, it went fine. So did the installation. [06:47] no point in that then === Arkh [n=arkham@] has joined #xubuntu === knw [n=main_man@CPE001109893757-CM00159a034140.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #xubuntu === esc__on_anakin [n=esc@p57BB5ABE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #xubuntu === b_52Free [n=skimo@] has joined #xubuntu [06:48] if gdesklets is the only change why not remove it and see? === Grey_Loki nods [06:48] Righto === soumyadip [n=soumyadi@] has joined #xubuntu [06:53] grazie, no luck - same problem. I'm just searching around for some sort of logfilie, maybe it contains a hint or two? === Jester45 [i=Jester45@72-161-147-89.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #xubuntu [06:55] your /var/log/dpkg.log tracks packages on the machine [06:55] No, I meant an error log for wine === Grey_Loki is now known as Loki_bbiab === BFTD [n=thomas@dialup-] has joined #xubuntu === Kreator [n=Kreator@a84-231-190-118.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #xubuntu === T` [i=total@pdpc/supporter/student/T] has joined #xubuntu [07:13] would anyone like to help me forward my ports we can move to -offtopic if you would like === Loki_bbiab is now known as Grey_Loki [07:14] i had the ports forwarded but i think that my firewall detected a attack and blocked all my ports [07:14] i have tried turning it off messing with all the hardware options and nothing seems to get it back [07:14] !iptables [07:14] Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). === magic_ninja [n=asdfsdf@ip68-103-23-222.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #xubuntu [07:14] Have you tried using something like Firestarter? [07:15] is that a firewall? [07:16] on my modem i forwarded ports 500-30000 for both udp and tcp and on my router i put the computer on a M|DMZ [07:17] on a DMZ* === jmichaelx [n=james@c-24-7-251-85.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu [07:18] If your computer is definately in a DMZ from your router, then it's a software firewall causing the problem. By default, I believe that iptables works as your default firewall in linux === crdlb [n=crdlb@pool-71-241-22-69.norf.east.verizon.net] has joined #xubuntu [07:19] i am using the xubuntu feisty beta, and have noticed that the performance of my nvidia graphics card has really gone to pot since the upgrade to the 2.6.20-13 kernel.... would anyone have a suggestion? is this maybe just a matter of waiting for more updates? === coldboot [n=neil@CPE00105aa62811-CM000a7399a90f.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #xubuntu [07:24] I've managed to kill my desktop, so that wallpaper doesn't display and I can't get a context-menu when I right click the desktop. Do you happen to know what process manages that? [07:24] Like, what process do I have to run to get the desktop back? [07:24] coldboot, you need to go Applications>Settings>Desktop Settings [07:24] And check the 'Allow XFCE to manage my desktop' checkbox. [07:25] Grey_Loki: I'm using the Gnome-panel with XFCE, do you know the process that does desktop settings? [07:25] got it [07:25] xfce-settings-show [07:25] Woo, it's working [07:25] Anyone know where wine stores its error logs? [07:33] Grey_Loki, ok i wllmake sure my firewall is off and iptabels is cleared, akso if the firwall starts at boottime could it be blocking me even after i turn it off [07:34] What is it you're trying to do that needs such a wide port range? === Scarpa [n=Scarpa@20158105219.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #xubuntu === b_52Free [n=skimo@] has joined #xubuntu === Arkh [n=arkham@] has joined #xubuntu === esc__on_anakin [n=esc@p57BB5ABE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #xubuntu [07:41] i jsut want my ports to be forwarded so i use a big range becuase i feel like it helps === KurtKraut [n=ktk@unaffiliated/kurtkraut] has joined #xubuntu [07:42] and becusae i think that firefox could be storing the page that i test on and just returning the same result so i try a diffrent port each time [07:42] Hello, everybody! I' m trying to install Xubuntu in an old amd k6-2 machine, with 128 MB of RAM. The installation is very slow. I wonder if there is an text-mode installation [07:42] Scarpa, yes, there is. You have to download and burn the 'ALTERNATE CD' [07:42] ah, ok [07:43] many thanks [07:44] Another thing, KurtKraut, do you think it can run well on this machine? [07:44] Scarpa, and just so you know the text based has all the same questions and the live cd [07:44] Scarpa, i think it will people run xubuntu on much less [07:44] Scarpa, I'm runing xubuntu feisty right now over a Semprom 2.4gHz with 256mb of RAM. It's very speedy to me. [07:45] Scarpa, you'll be able to run Xubuntu but performance is a matter of taste... some people can handle a certain speed of response, some don't :P [07:45] Scarpa, but Xubuntu is absolutely worth of trying [07:46] I' ve tried it on my laptop (an ibm thinkpad t23) and i found it cool [07:47] thus i thought i could be a good option to a old destop computer, which i have in home [07:49] I' ll download the alternate cd right now. thank you, KurtKraut and Jester45 [07:49] Scarpa, the alternate should be used in systems with less then 192mb [07:50] i used xubuntu on a 400mhz 256mb machine and its good [07:50] but, i mostly use it for cli only things [07:50] and torrenting === mats [n=mats@pdpc/supporter/student/mats] has joined #xubuntu [07:52] brb [07:55] ormiret: still compiling =/ drivers/net/irda === Jester45 [i=Jester45@72-161-147-89.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #xubuntu [08:15] ok ip tables has been reset and firewall is completely off but still firewalled === MoNkUnClE [n=ximian@ip68-110-200-177.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #xubuntu [08:16] anyone here know about installing on same sata drive as windows here,anyone could help please [08:17] !dualboot [08:17] Dual boot instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh) [08:18] thx Jester45 [08:18] !sata [08:18] Sorry, I don't know anything about sata - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [08:19] lol just thought i would give it a try === vsouzajunior [n=Valdenir@20158105219.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #xubuntu === vsouzajunior [n=Valdenir@20158105219.user.veloxzone.com.br] has left #xubuntu ["Kopete] === Owdgit [n=ron@88-110-188-98.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #xubuntu === geekunit [n=geekunit@68-112-27-227.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu [08:28] I can't find the volume icon in Xubuntu. Did they hide it some place in fiesty? [08:29] nm, just had to add it to menu bar === b_52Free [n=skimo@adsl196-212-104-217-196.adsl196-12.iam.net.ma] has joined #xubuntu [08:31] how do i set which output device to use for volume? [08:32] geekunit: right click, select properties [08:34] what do i put for, 'wannabe master'? [08:42] when i click properties, it allows me to select the device. but i think that's jsut for what device's settings i'd like to edit. not which one to make the default playback device [08:42] geekunit: which channel volume you want to change [08:43] geekunit: yes, the sound volume panel plugin is just for changing the volume [08:43] geekunit: the programs you use have their own options on which device to use [08:44] Ahhh. I need to change it to hw:1,0 (USB headphone) [08:45] TheSheep: thanks for your help. Any idea how to change it in firefox? [08:45] geekunit: firefox doesn't play sound, as far as I know [08:45] geekunit: it uses various plugins to do it [08:45] geekunit: my guess is you need to configure the plugins somehow [08:46] i'm thinking for flash. but there's no way to set the 'default' for the whole system/ [08:46] geekunit: you can change some flash settings when you right-click on an embedded flash script on a page [08:47] geekunit: you can change the default system-wide device in the alsa settings somewhere === Zambezi [i=Hideit@bnc.from.tx-shells.com] has joined #xubuntu [08:47] geekunit: I think that someone even wrote a gui program to do that here [08:51] TheSheep: thanks! === Zambezi [i=Hideit@bnc.from.tx-shells.com] has joined #xubuntu === maxamillion [n=adam@ngl-1-14.shsu.edu] has joined #xubuntu === geekunit [n=geekunit@68-112-27-227.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu === ompum [n=anttiitk@tuomi.oulu.fi] has joined #xubuntu === stork [n=sh2-136@storkey.plus.com] has joined #xubuntu === christof_ [n=christor@ANancy-256-1-66-131.w90-26.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #xubuntu === hates\\knowledge [n=main_man@CPE001109893757-CM00159a034140.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #xubuntu === Zambezi [i=Hideit@bnc.from.tx-shells.com] has joined #xubuntu [09:31] Hello TheSheep [09:32] nice to see you again but i gotta go === rob_7 [n=robert@pool-151-205-55-33.clrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #xubuntu === Prestwick_ [n=prestwic@81-178-103-78.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #xubuntu === ron_o [n=ron@12-210-175-113.client.mchsi.com] has joined #xubuntu [09:47] !sata raid 0 [09:47] Sorry, I don't know anything about sata raid 0 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [09:47] !raid [09:47] Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO [09:55] hiho TheSheep === duglas [n=douglas@cpe-24-58-207-250.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu === magic_ninja [n=asdfsdf@ip68-103-23-222.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #xubuntu [09:59] i just got a score [09:59] 1 ghz p3 for free [10:00] i had an old stick of 133sdram i stuck in it, but i think the graphics card is screwed up kuz in x there were lines running vertically along the monitor === ruspu [n=balthier@a91-153-159-103.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #xubuntu [10:01] i think ima d/l and install xubuntu offical this thime === vorian [n=vorian@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has left #xubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:09] how do I go about setting up raid 0 with with 2 sataII new hdds [10:11] is there any way to hook up 2 pc's to the net with no hub [10:11] i was wondering if i could do it by installing 2 nic's [10:11] ya one of them will act as a router [10:12] and will need to nic's === j1mmc [n=jim@adsl-75-22-225-51.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #xubuntu === rexbinary [n=rexbinar@unaffiliated/rexbinary] has joined #xubuntu === kumamoto [n=kumamoto@68-116-129-113.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu === joe4444 [n=joe4444@unaffiliated/joe4444] has joined #xubuntu [10:21] what command should i run to execute the Install desktop link? [10:21] ...on the livecd [10:22] joe4444: just double-click it [10:23] i don't have a mouse for this old comp [10:23] orni:? [10:23] what does the icon link to? [10:23] joe4444: it starts the installation [10:23] I am so sad... [10:23] hyper_ch, i mean what's the path to the installation file? [10:23] I compiled my kernel all afternoon, while a sound-module was red to be be odulized [10:24] joe4444: look at the properties of it [10:24] hyper_ch, no mouse [10:24] Carsten_: if you are sad, get a beer [10:24] now i booted the kernel... and the module cannot be found [10:24] joe4444: get one [10:24] ;) [10:24] http://www.google.com/tisp/ <---- XD [10:24] hyper_ch, not helpful [10:24] anyone can help me installing snd-es18XX? [10:24] !module [10:24] joe4444: sure that helps [10:24] Sorry, I don't know anything about module - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [10:24] !module [10:24] not when i don't have one [10:25] if you don't know the path then just say i don't know [10:25] joe4444: I'm sure someone has one that you can lend? [10:25] !snd_es18xx [10:25] Sorry, I don't know anything about snd_es18xx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [10:26] is it possible to do a server install from a Ubuntu CD? === Owdgit [n=ron@88-110-188-98.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #xubuntu [10:26] anyone can help me on installing sound to ESS 1869 card? [10:31] duglas: sure === Carsten[DE] [n=carsten@] has joined #xubuntu [10:31] ^^ irc on my xubuntu .. finally [10:32] Carsten[DE] : Konverstaino? [10:34] How??? the only option on the menu is to load the live cd and the desktop has an icon to load the Ubuntu system. [10:37] moin [10:37] Konverstaion? [10:37] How can I help? [10:38] duglas: well, do you want to have a gui and server? [10:38] Carsten[DE] : I was rather asking you what irc client you are using :) [10:38] oh, ok [10:38] hyper_ch: dunno . Applications->Network-> [10:38] Gaim? [10:38] Like I found in somewhat on xubuntu help page [10:39] I feel so dumb [10:39] the gui goes on my workstation ... server dont need one [10:39] Carsten[DE] : I see... it works :) [10:39] I tried so many things during the last days getting my old notebook running [10:39] esp. the sound [10:39] duglas: then hmmm... depends.. either you have to get the server cd or alternate install [10:39] I found like 10 webpages including detailed informations how to get the right modules... [10:39] but somehow I always failed [10:39] duglas: well, not alternate either... server :) [10:40] like i did not find alsaconf (while installing alsa-utils n stuff) [10:40] Carsten[DE] : no clue... what is esp? [10:40] or i did not grab sndconfig [10:40] especially [10:40] Carsten[DE] : I think I have OSS here :) never bothered with sound that much... it works... it sounds ok... I'm happy :) [10:40] My soundcard reads (BIOS) [10:40] ESS 1869 [10:40] there are two modules: snd-es1688 [10:41] and snd-es18xx [10:41] while the first does not seem to run [10:41] Carsten[DE] : no clue about that [10:41] and the second did not appear even after comiling (complete = 4hours) the module with in menuconfig [10:41] i installed alsa i tries OSS aliases [10:42] I dont care about WHAT system i use as long as I can simply set it up [10:42] do you have a clue what those "alias snd-card-0 ...." have a meaning? [10:42] hyper_ch, tks I will order a "server" cd [10:42] duglas: why order? [10:42] duglas: you can download it and burn it on a 700mb cd (I'd put it on 700mb cd-rw [10:43] anyone has a clue about sound here? [10:43] not getting good burns ... burner probably needs replacing [10:43] duglas: I d/l alternate... worked pretty fine [10:43] duglas: what speed did you burn with? [10:43] duglas: i took UK-server after several misburns [10:44] default [10:44] and i checked the md5sums ... i can STRONGLY recommend that b4 burning [10:44] i tried several times... somehow he always had misdownloaded [10:44] I did check the md5sum and thats ok [10:44] duglas: burn as slow as possible [10:44] while UK-Server put me on 4.5MB/sec and a good sum [10:45] some old drives have probs with r/w .. so slowspeed is good [10:45] maybe finalize also, if they cannot handle multisession [10:45] ok I will give slow speed a try [10:45] duglas: and I still recommend getting a couple of 700mb cd-rw cds :) [10:48] I also thought in the beginning that a pile of 700 cd-r will do fine [10:49] but it's still good to have a few rws around :) [10:53] Carsten[DE] : you may want to ask in #kubuntu and/or #kubuntu-de (assuming you are German) [10:54] Carsten[DE] : maybe also asking in #ubuntu and/or #ubuntu-de [11:00] ill try [11:01] maybe something xubuntu specific [11:01] alsaconf cannot be found [11:01] i installed alsa-utils... [11:01] I don't think so... that's why I said checking the others [11:02] what do i have to apt-get in order to get alsaconf? === Naughtyboy [n=Naughtyb@] has joined #xubuntu [11:04] Naughtyboy: hello :) ... how's that theme treating ya? [11:07] maxamillion, : heey m8....I'm loving it like crazy....it just beautiful..... [11:07] Naughtyboy: glad to hear it [11:08] but I ran into a little problem.....mabye u got an idea... [11:09] !ask [11:09] Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) [11:09] maxamillion, : if u got the time..that is... [11:09] Naughtyboy: sure, go ahead [11:09] it's a little though to explain shortly...but stay with me... ;=)) [11:10] i shall try [11:13] maxamillion, : I was fooling around with wine and steam.....and while trying to quit CSS the screen frooze...completly..couldn't do a thing. So I just did a hard reset...and when I got back to login screen I typed my namen and password...and then I got a little popup telling I got an error with some GTK thingy...and I could read about it in .xsession.errors -----I then got another popup asking me wich session I want to re [11:13] store.. [11:13] restoer [11:14] I can either doubble klick on the session presented to me or just type in my name and creat an new session....and the I'm bck in xfce.. [11:14] and this now occurs everytime...and I can't get rid of it.. [11:14] Naughtyboy: ohhhhh ... ok [11:14] I have looked in xsession-error...but I can't figure anything out of it === geekunit [n=geekunit@68-112-27-227.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu [11:15] Naughtyboy: next time you log out click "save session for next login" on the log out dialog that pops up and that error should go away [11:15] my head's about to explode! anyone know how to change the sound output for flash (firefox) from my busted speakers to my usb headphones? [11:15] ok...I'll do that right away.....brb [11:17] geekunit: add the volume control plugin to your panel, click the icon then go to file->options->device and select the usb headphones (assuming they are recognized and configured properly) [11:19] I set the device to my USB headphones, and it allows me to adjust the volume for their channels. But I can't get an application to play through them unless I set it in that applicat's prefs [11:19] they see to work though. once i told vlc to use them i had no troubles [11:20] ahhhh ... yeah, i dunno about that [11:20] i guess it would really depend on the application you are using [11:20] you'd think there'd be an easier way to set your default sound for all programs though, huh? === Naughtyboy [n=Naughtyb@] has joined #xubuntu [11:21] yeah, uhmm... [11:21] maxamillion, nope..didn't work m8.. [11:21] still tha same [11:21] geekunit: what about in Applications->Settings->Settings Manager->Sound .... anything? [11:22] Naughtyboy: really? ... that's strange .... [11:22] Naughtyboy: just a min. [11:22] maximillion: it's the same as the volume control [11:22] np... === T` [i=total@pdpc/supporter/student/T] has joined #xubuntu [11:23] maxamillion: i'm just glad to hear i'm not crazy. i've been working on this for hours. time to get ready 4 work though [11:23] geekunit: no, you're not crazy [11:24] Naughtyboy: there is a file somewhere you are supposed to be able to delete to fix that, but i can't seem to remember where ... gimma a few minutes [11:25] yeah sure...np....in your own time m8 [11:26] Naughtyboy: open a terminal and type "cat .config/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc" then pastebin the output [11:28] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/13428/plain/ [11:29] should I mabye change "sessionname" to ...anything else then "default".. [11:29] Naughtyboy: no, mine is called default [11:29] ok [11:30] cold a peek in xsession-errors help you..?? [11:30] Naughtyboy: do this command "mv .config/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc .config/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc.backup" [11:30] Naughtyboy: and then "rm .config/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc [11:30] " [11:31] Naughtyboy: yeah, pastebin the xsession-errors please [11:31] do I need to sudo..? [11:31] brb, just a minute ... gotta run down the hallway and take care of something (i'm at work) [11:31] Naughtyboy: you shouldn't need to be since its in your home directoty [11:31] directory?* [11:31] brb === ranpha [n=dennis@hlm-n-73ed.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #Xubuntu [11:35] stupid question, i want to change my resulotion of my desktop. The normal gui only gives one option , how can i change this? [11:36] maxamillion, OK..so xfce4-session.rc is now gonne... === ephemeros [n=ephemero@] has joined #xubuntu === archangelpetro [n=petroleu@] has joined #xubuntu [11:36] maxamillion, and here is the pastebin ..---> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/13430/plain/ [11:37] ranpha, : menu / settings / desktopsettings [11:37] Naughtyboy: Yeah but that only give my the default resolution of 640x480...like to change that [11:38] ranpha,: aha OK... have you got the right gfx drivers installed...?? [11:39] Naughtyboy: it's a intel chipset on a IBM laptop :-) no Graphic card here [11:39] ranpha, : Ok..then you'll havet to enter the options manually in /etc/X11/xorg.conf [11:40] Naughtyboy: but that's odd..because gnome works perfectlly..expect it's a big resource hog [11:41] ranpha: can you pastebin your xorg.conf? [11:41] Naughtyboy: yeah ... hmmm, did you do the mv and rm commands i told you to do? [11:41] ranpha, : well..sorry I'm kind of a n00b my self..sp I really don't have a good answer....other than xorg.conf is where you add more resolutiuons...atleast I do.. [11:42] maxamillion, : yes but since I moved the file with mv...I couldn't rm..because it's renamed.. [11:42] maxamillion: euh on two computers here. but trying dpky-reconfigure now [11:42] Naughtyboy: right, the rm was just kinda a "make sure its gone" thing [11:43] yepp.. [11:43] well I did them === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #xubuntu [11:43] Naughtyboy: try logging out and back in again ... xfce should auto generate that file with working settings (in theory) [11:43] ok....I'll try......brb [11:43] Naughtyboy: k [11:44] ranpha: try running "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" that will cause it to auto-replace what you have instead of possibly just editing ... that way you are sure to have a clean xorg.conf [11:45] Got it....thanks === Naughtyboy [n=Naughtyb@] has joined #xubuntu [11:45] maxamillion, ;=)) ..you're da man .... [11:46] Naughtyboy: i try :) [11:46] ranpha: np [11:48] ok...so off to next mission....configure a working adesklets iconbar .... ;=))...to gon nicely with my theme [11:48] Naughtyboy: that i can't help you with ... never done desklet stuffs :( [11:49] maxamillion, : np m8...I've done it before....been a while ago...but I'll figure it out......thnx again for your help [11:50] Naughtyboy: anytime :) === wjoe2003 [n=joe@] has joined #xubuntu === BFTD [n=thomas@dialup-] has joined #xubuntu