
gnomefreaki didnt think windows version and ubuntus version would be the same (thtem) but i asked for screenshots of what he means12:28
gnomefreaktheme even12:29
gnomefreak@schedule new_york12:32
ubotuSchedule for America/New_York: 03 Apr 07:00: Community Council | 03 Apr 11:00: Kernel Team | 03 Apr 14:00: Mozilla Team | 04 Apr 08:00: Edubuntu | 05 Apr 12:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 10 Apr 16:00: Technical Board12:33
gnomefreakoh boy thats early12:33
gnomefreakthe CC meeting is early12:41
gnomefreak7am here12:41
asacprobably you should just skip it :)12:41
gnomefreakits still building im taking that as a good sign12:41
gnomefreaki might have to :)12:41
=== gnomefreak thinking about grabbing dinner while this is building
asacyeah ... good sign i guess12:51
Admiral_Chicagoso...many bug reports...01:20
Admiral_Chicago763 in Fx alone01:20
Admiral_Chicagotime to close old ones01:20
Admiral_Chicagosomeone want to look at Bug #5175601:27
ubotuMalone bug 51756 in firefox "firefox puts trademark HTML entity into job name when printing; causes Cups IPP printers to fail" [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5175601:27
asacAdmiral_Chicago: look how many  of those are crashes01:31
Admiral_Chicagowhat do you mean/01:32
asacwhen searching for "crash"01:33
Admiral_Chicagono i'm closing old bugs that didn't get the proper information01:41
Admiral_ChicagoBug #4757101:41
ubotuMalone bug 47571 in firefox "Firefox URL-completion prevents URLs from being entered" [Low,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4757101:41
Admiral_Chicagofor example01:41
asacyou tried to reproduce?01:45
asac"Once the initial 'w' is entered, further characters may be accepted only by clicking the mouse on the text entry before typing each character, until www.a has been entered, disambiguating the new URL from existing history."01:46
asaci cannot parse this01:46
asacbut i guess i am too tired :)01:46
asacisn't it a contradiction?01:47
Admiral_Chicagono, its not a bug.01:47
asacon the one hand you cannot enter further characters ... but only until www.a has been entered?01:48
Admiral_Chicagoerr. well its not a reproduceable bug on my end01:48
asaci don't understand that actual result01:48
asaci mean i understand01:48
asacyou type 'w'01:48
asacthen you cannot enter any further characters with keyboard01:48
asacah ... ok ... i guess he means if you type fast enough :)01:49
asaci can test on breezy01:49
Admiral_Chicagoright, that is what the report is but I can neither reproduce nor did we get more information01:49
asaci cannot type so fast that no pop up appears01:50
asacit always appears01:51
asacand nothing is blocked01:51
asacso probably close it01:51
asacif breezy hasn't have it dapper probably will not as well01:51
Admiral_Chicagowill do.01:51
asacyou see anything missing in that?01:55
asacBug 8154301:55
ubotuMalone bug 81543 in firefox "Firefox child windows width too small (german version)" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8154301:55
asaclast comment01:55
gnomefreaklet you know when it loads01:55
gnomefreaki think i can confirm that bug. but i cant test right now. but seems that when you open it its not long enough vertically sometimes wher eyou see system defaults there is more under it01:57
gnomefreakask him to make it bigger vertically so we can see differnece. but iirc i have had this happen01:58
gnomefreakasac: you should see something under systemdefaults01:59
gnomefreaki have it opening good in feistys firefox02:00
asacah right02:00
gnomefreakhmmmmm cant take screen shot02:00
asacno need02:00
gnomefreakbut you know what your looking for?02:00
asacor maybe a good idea :)02:00
gnomefreakok cool02:00
asaci don't know ... if i see more variants i might have a better initial idea :)02:01
gnomefreakhmmmmmm ill try02:01
gnomefreakits always better to have more info than not enough02:01
asacits soo crazy02:01
asacthere is some firewall/proxy out there02:01
asacthat blocks firefox02:01
asacbecause we use feisty as user agent02:01
gnomefreakuploading screenshot to that bug report, with his there in screenshot so you can compare the 2 side by side.02:04
gnomefreak2 different issues on this bug report but im betting same changes to fix both. maybe have it draw 1" all around larger?02:06
asacBug 9975902:07
ubotuMalone bug 99759 in firefox "Malware in Firefox?" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9975902:07
gnomefreakno such thing :)02:07
gnomefreaklooking anyway02:08
asacthats the one i ment above02:08
asacthere are more then one reports about that02:08
asacwe are identified as ISTbar02:08
gnomefreakwrite it off as an extension issue but thats not firefox's fault02:09
gnomefreakwe are?02:09
asacwe keep it for now open to document this02:09
asacat least i think that is best.02:10
gnomefreakhes using an non official scanner/virus blocker and unofficial extenstions02:10
asacyeah ... but extensions don't matter02:10
asacanyway, not good if some software blocks us, but not anyone else02:10
asacso we have to fix this for real02:11
asacat least since there are now 3 reports bout that02:11
asacso the scanner is somehow commonly used02:11
gnomefreaki understand but where do we stop working around other apps faults? if its not ubuntus ff fault?02:11
asacwe don't work around02:11
asacat least I don't expect us to02:12
asacanyway, we need to track this and see what company says02:12
asacreporter wanted to raise an issue with them02:12
gnomefreakok i see02:12
asacotherwise keep it open and point new reports to that MASTER bug02:12
gnomefreakasac: mark it as master [@something] 02:13
asacno @ :)02:14
asacits not a crash02:14
asachowever MASTER + good summary02:14
asaci will do that tomorrow02:14
asacsecond thing02:14
asacok night ... have fun with ape02:15
gnomefreaknight. will let you know if it built in morning02:18
ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources - See also !backports02:55
=== asac [n=asac@debian/developer/asac] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
=== gnomefreak thinks ill have a working ubuntu build by morning :)
=== AlexLatchford [n=alex@82-44-193-109.cable.ubr07.haye.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
=== Majost [n=ryanh@gateway.linspire.com] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
gnomefreakasac: if this builds good than i will upload the packages to my site and i was thinking maybe get them in your repo so we can test it for feisty+105:51
=== hjmf [n=hjmf@6.Red-88-25-28.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
hjmfasac: bug 102202 Maybe related to upstream's mozilla bug 30127009:10
ubotuMalone bug 102202 in firefox "[feisty]  Firefox Crashed [@nsTextControlFrame::SetValue] " [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10220209:10
ubotuMozilla bug 301270 in Editor "[@ nsTextControlFrame::SetValue] " [Critical,New]  http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30127009:10
hjmf... also bug 99712 could be related to mozilla bug 161826 (check stacktrace at https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=132070)09:44
ubotuMalone bug 99712 in firefox "[feisty]  Firefox Crashed [@ nsTextFrame::MeasureText] " [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9971209:44
ubotuMozilla bug 161826 in Layout: Fonts and Text "nsTextFrame::MeasureText()'s fast text measuring codepath crashes on RISC machines" [Critical,New]  http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16182609:44
asachjmf: first one looks equal ... I will take a closer look when I am here in a few minutes :)11:27
asachjmf: bug 99712 ... we already have the patch in mozilla bug 16182611:55
ubotuMalone bug 99712 in firefox "[feisty]  Firefox Crashed [@ nsTextFrame::MeasureText] " [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9971211:55
ubotuMozilla bug 161826 in Layout: Fonts and Text "nsTextFrame::MeasureText()'s fast text measuring codepath crashes on RISC machines" [Critical,New]  http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16182611:55
asacand our crash is on i386 ... which is not RISC11:55
asacanyway, trace looks quite similar which makes me think that maybe we get that crash because of that patch for RISC machines11:58
asacbug 2976012:45
ubotuMalone bug 29760 in flashplugin-nonfree "Sound does not work properly in Flash in firefox" [Low,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/2976012:45
asacbug 10200401:03
ubotuMalone bug 102004 in firefox "[feisty]  firefox/epiphany do not browse" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10200401:03
asacbug 10219501:05
ubotuMalone bug 102195 in firefox "[edgy]  Firefox Crash -- libflashplayer.so" [Undecided,Rejected]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10219501:05
asachjmf: bug 102202 ... can you run gdb with coredump and see what value this->mEditor has?01:08
ubotuMalone bug 102202 in firefox "[feisty]  Firefox Crashed [@nsTextControlFrame::SetValue] " [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10220201:08
asace.g. (gdb) up 401:08
asac(gdb) p this->mEditor01:08
hjmfok, just a second01:17
hjmf(gdb) p this->mEditor01:20
hjmf$1 = {<nsCOMPtr_base> = {mRawPtr = 0x0}, <No data fields>}01:20
hjmfasac: ^01:20
asacok so its 0x001:22
asacthats ok :)01:22
asacat least better then some random address01:22
asac0x0 crashes are safe, while dereferencing random addresses are easy to exploit security issues01:22
hjmfah :)01:23
asaceasy is of course relative :)01:23
hjmfasac what means '--disable-debug' on CONFIGURE_OPTIONS at mozilla-thunderbird debian/rules ?01:28
=== hjmf hasn't get a proper dbgsym pacakge yet :(
hjmf... and doesn't know why ... > I followed your indications01:30
asac--disable-debug is just that you don't want debug messages on the console01:30
asacit implies -g afaik01:30
asacbut since we set it explicitly it doesn't matter01:31
asacare your packages small?01:31
asacor just yield the "no debugging symbols" messages?01:31
hjmfwith --enable-debug I get a significant bigger package01:31
asacyeah... there is lots of debug output code which will not be removed during build ... so bigger with --enable-debug is still normal01:32
hjmfbut size is still (with --disable-debug)  338708 bytes01:33
hjmftalking about dbgsym package01:33
asacso what does build-opt line say in your rules?01:33
asacdo you see -g during compile`01:34
hjmfyes, I placed before -O201:34
hjmfand I saw it :)01:34
asacyou sure your ddeb packages have been regenerated?01:34
asacwhat size does debian/tmp have?01:35
asacafter build01:35
asace.g. with du -Hs debian/tmp01:35
hjmf31M with -Hs option :)01:36
hjmfI have to go for lunch (I'll be back in an hour or so) :)01:37
asachjmf: i am doing a final spin ... if that gives me good dbgsym i will just upload :)01:46
asacfor tbird i mean ;)01:46
gnomefreakasac: dpkg-genchanges: including full source code in upload01:52
gnomefreakdpkg-genchanges: failure: cannot open upload file ../iceape_1.1.1-0ubuntu1.tar.gz for reading: No such file or directory01:52
asachjmf: you already have --disable-strip as configure option?01:52
gnomefreakwhere the hell is it trying to upload to?01:52
asacgnomefreak: you did not generate the source01:52
asacyou missed one instruction ;)01:52
asacanyway, to test, you can just build with -b01:53
asacdpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b01:53
gnomefreakno it built last night. this is with the ubuntu changes01:53
asachowever, i guess your .deb files have been generated01:53
gnomefreakyep they have01:53
asaccan't tell whats going on01:53
asaci guess you have not generated orig.tar.gz01:53
asace.g. missed some instructions01:53
gnomefreakmaybe i should have used the fakeroot debian/rules command after my changes01:55
asacno ... you missed the fakeroot ./debian/rules source01:56
asacin the beginning01:56
asace.g. after checking out debian/ in seamonkey dir01:56
asacthat will build you the orig.tar.gz01:56
asacanyway, for me iceape works well01:57
asaci will sync the svn dir to bzr01:57
asace.g. under mozillateam umbrella01:58
asacso we can work on ubuntu-branding01:58
asacgnomefreak: i checked in our changes to debian svn :)02:03
asachope mike doesn't kill me :)02:03
asacok ... upload tbird/ffox soon, then going to do bug-triage for the rest of the day :(02:06
asacmt-confirm is waiting for us02:06
gnomefreaktn and ff new version?02:06
asacyeah ... last changes for feisty02:07
gnomefreakjust sneaking that in ;)02:07
gnomefreakasac: dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us what do those flags do?02:08
asacman ?02:08
asaci build with -rfakeroot -b :)02:08
asacor if i do source only:02:08
asac-rfakeroot -sa -S02:08
asac(in case of new orig)02:09
asac-rfakeroot -si -S02:09
asac(in case of existing orig)02:09
asacbut to test -rfakeroot -b is best02:09
asachjmf: look at http://pastebin.mozilla.org/5741 ... do you have the first line in tbird changelog?02:09
gnomefreakok ill move them and just rebuild source again.02:09
asacyeah ... svn is not fixed02:10
asacso you don't need to modify things02:10
gnomefreakwell the .debs are ready so i will throw them on my site and start testing them :)02:12
asacwhen testing, maybe set up a list where we need to do branding changes02:13
asace.g. where is debian where ubuntu should be etc.02:13
gnomefreakwhat are we gonna call it. iceape == name we will use?02:13
gnomefreakasac: homepage and crap like that. that should be ubuntu not debian02:14
asacyeah ... the idea is to get a concrete list of "crap like this" :)02:15
asacgnomefreak: you have /var/lib/update-notifier/user.d directory on feisty?02:23
gnomefreaki think so give me a minute02:24
gnomefreakcat: /var/lib/update-notifier/user.d: Is a directory02:27
asaci don't have it in chroot02:27
asacbug 85242 illustrates what happens if we don't fix title :)02:31
ubotuMalone bug 85242 in firefox "Firefox crashes for no reason" [High,Rejected]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8524202:31
asacnew comment:02:31
asacfirefox sometimes crashes for no apparent reason.02:31
asacIt seems it happens when a lot of tabs are open, but I'm not sure.02:31
asacAttachment added: "_usr_lib_firefox_firefox-bin.1000.crash"02:31
hjmftrying with --disable-strip option, let's see :)02:34
asacyeah thats it02:34
asacbecause it strips symbols during build otherwise02:35
asacwe do this with dh_strip, which now creates ddeb packages02:35
asacdefinitly :)02:35
hjmfit's building right now. Let's see if I can play with some tb retraces this evening02:36
asaccool ;)02:37
gnomefreakhjmf: let me know if you get it working i have a few that i need to get done.02:38
gnomefreakasac: i gave joejaxx the source built from fakeroot debian/rules command so i will see if it was me or not02:39
gnomefreaki could also use a few people to test this also incase i miss things ;)02:41
asacwhat was you? is iceape broken?02:46
gnomefreakseems fine02:46
asaci guess you can get people to test from forums :)02:46
asacyou used latest svn?02:47
asaci tested here and for me it worked well02:47
gnomefreakmost likely but i dont ever read the forums ;)02:47
gnomefreakasac: yesterdays svn02:47
asacimo we need a forum peer in mozillateam02:48
asacmight be handy to have someone who has a good touch with end-user community02:48
gnomefreaki agree.02:49
gnomefreaki will keep my eyes open i know a few forum admins02:50
gnomefreakok added a topic to find forum users :)03:10
gnomefreaki thought someone on the team was a forum users.03:11
asacok things are uploaded03:11
asacheading for late-lunch :)03:11
gnomefreakhave fun :)03:12
asachjmf: in a few hours there should be dbgsym available from pittis repo, please confirm that they are fixes as well :)03:13
gnomefreakasac: tb?03:13
hjmfgnomefreak: yes :)03:16
hjmfasac: I'll look then. Mine stills building03:17
=== gnomefreak will have iceape testing packages soon. i need testers for this
=== asac out for breakfast-lunch combo :)
gnomefreakasac: im not far behind you ;)03:20
gnomefreakok im out for a while, while this finishes uploading.03:21
hjmfasac, gnomefreak  built finished and now backtraces are OK :D03:39
hjmfgona play a little bit with it :)03:39
hjmfs/gona/I'm going to/03:40
hjmfexample: Bug #9883103:45
ubotuMalone bug 98831 in mozilla-thunderbird "[feisty]  mozilla-thunderbird-bin crashed [@nsLookAndFeel::InitColors]  " [Undecided,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9883103:45
hjmfmore mt-confirm to look at :)03:45
asacoh no :)03:46
asachjmf: backtraces fine ... good :)03:48
joejaxxwell that was fun03:48
joejaxxi just changed the default theme in iceape :)03:48
asacto what?03:50
asacjoejaxx: you had some special interest in iceape?03:52
joejaxxfrom classic to modern03:52
joejaxxasac: oh i am using it for the default browser in fluxbuntu03:53
asacisn't the idea of fluxbuntu to be lightweight :) ?03:53
joejaxxwe are only using browser03:53
asacso why iceape then?03:53
joejaxxiceape uses less resources than firefox03:54
joejaxxwell browser by itself that is03:54
asacdebian svn is now up-to-date-ready-to-build on ubuntu ... so you can produce your own sources from there03:55
joejaxxoh ok03:55
asacsvn contains only debian directory03:55
asacinside that is README.source03:55
asacwhich contains instructinos on how to do it03:55
joejaxxok thanks :)03:56
asacyou have to replace svn uri by branches/experimental ... to get
asace.g. in readme03:56
hjmf@schedule Madird03:57
hjmf@schedule Madrid03:58
ubotuSchedule for Europe/Madrid: Current meeting: Community Council | 03 Apr 17:00: Kernel Team | 03 Apr 20:00: Mozilla Team | 04 Apr 14:00: Edubuntu | 05 Apr 18:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 10 Apr 22:00: Technical Board03:58
hjmfOut for a while (I'll be at the meeting)03:58
=== hjmf [n=hjmf@6.Red-88-25-28.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
asachjmf: hey, i only see 151 mt-confirm in Needs Info :)04:22
asacand 13 in state Confirmed04:23
asachjmf: sorry it was Admiral_Chicago who counted 240+04:23
=== hjmf [n=hjmf@6.Red-88-25-28.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
asacgnomefreak: you have some cycles to retrace https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/85833/comments/904:36
ubotuMalone bug 85833 in firefox "Firefox crashes with upload to a flash site" [High,Needs info] 04:36
=== asac currently going through mt-confirm :)
gnomefreakok ill get to it today i hope. i assigned it to me05:10
gnomefreaklunch first05:11
gnomefreakok im back i think05:46
gnomefreaki hope ill be back in time for meeting. if not ill read logs.06:05
gnomefreakstill have a few before i can get started :(06:06
joejaxxgnomefreak: it built06:06
gnomefreakgood :)06:06
gnomefreaki uploaded mine06:07
gnomefreaki need to find testers that will test not just use06:07
=== AlexLatchford [n=alex@82-44-193-109.cable.ubr07.haye.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
asacdamn bad feeling if you go through 80 mt-confirm bugs ... then see there are 60 more :)06:18
gnomefreak:) they are a pain to do06:19
=== gnomefreak wonders if i can set my site up as a repo
asacbut there are lots of previously undisovered dupes06:19
asacyou can ;)06:19
gnomefreaktoo many bugs to remember all06:20
asacbut please ask ubuntu-devel06:20
gnomefreaki was gonna read flacon docs first06:20
asaceven better :)06:20
asacok ... short break, then on for the last 58 not-yet processed mt-confirms :)06:22
asachope i get through before meeting06:22
asac@time pacific06:31
ubotuCurrent time in Canada/Pacific: April 03 2007, 09:31:06 - Next meeting: Mozilla Team in 1 hour 28 minutes06:31
asac@schedule berlin06:31
ubotuSchedule for Europe/Berlin: 03 Apr 20:00: Mozilla Team | 04 Apr 14:00: Edubuntu | 05 Apr 18:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 10 Apr 22:00: Technical Board | 11 Apr 22:00: Edubuntu | 12 Apr 22:00: MOTU06:31
Mirvasac: have you btw given any thought about using the libenchant we discussed before?06:55
Mirvasac: it'd probably good to have it written down somewhere that hunspell is not the final answer to spellchecking, so that people would not think it's then done once and for all if the move to that is done :)06:55
Mirv(before = a month ago)06:56
AlexLatchfordeveryone ready?07:00
AlexLatchfordwait, UTC not GMT07:06
Admiral_Chicagoi gotta run and grab lunch07:14
AlexLatchfordCan I get a ping when the meeting is about to start07:32
AlexLatchfordworkng on another workspace07:32
asacMirv: can you add it to wiki?07:36
asace.g. somewhere under MozillaTeam07:37
asacwe should setup a page like goals for feisty+107:37
asacthere we could add this07:38
=== gnomefreak [n=fluxbunt@adsl-221-78-225.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
gnomefreakim not really here right now07:48
Mirvasac: ok, found a ToDo list at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Roadmap and added there. now it's at least somewhere, written down.07:48
=== fluxbunt1 [n=fluxbunt@adsl-221-78-225.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate07:51
=== fluxbunt1 is now known as gnomefreak
asacMirv: thanks :)07:57
gnomefreaki cant frigging see anything :(08:01
AlexLatchfordasac: Any news on Feisty+1 naming?08:47
=== lotusleaf [n=gesture@kernel-panic/member/carne.asada.burrito] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
Admiral_Chicagogood meeting everyone, not sure if its done08:48
lotusleafhi Admiral_Chicago :)08:51
lotusleafthanks again for graciously taking my question, I appreciate it.08:51
Admiral_Chicagohey there lotusleaf. gotta run to class08:52
asacAdmiral_Chicago: yeah we are thorugh :)08:52
asachave a nice day08:52
Admiral_Chicagoyou too08:54
asacday is over here :)08:55
asaclotusleaf: you know if seamonkey gets extension manager soon?08:57
asacis there trunk development going on?08:58
lotusleafasac, I'm not very familiar with the ins and outs of seamonkey as I just started using it following my use of mozilla suite in Edgy, you might try the Seamonkey forums @ http://forums.mozillazine.org/08:59
lotusleafof course seamonkey used to be testing and what not of the suite but now the whole suite has moved to "Seamonkey" as far as I know08:59
asacjust was a bit curoius :)08:59
asaclotusleaf: yes thats the case08:59
asacits called seamonkey nowadays08:59
lotusleafso Iceape is just a difference in icons/branding and such?09:00
lotusleaflike the iceweasel thing?09:00
asacyes ... and sources have been stripped by binary blobs (which are not used for linux909:00
lotusleaficeweasel / firefox differences09:00
asaciceape, icedove, iceweasel09:01
asacseamonkey, thunderbird, firefox09:01
asacalso the start page has been beautified09:01
lotusleafwell I can't offer much by way of insight into Seamonkey development (a point of which you've no doubt already surmised) but I will be happy to do any Iceape/Seamonkey/Firefox testing for you guys in the future, I was provided by AlexLatchford with your guys' links to lp/u wiki etc.09:02
asaccool :)09:02
asacany help is welcome09:03
asacif you want to help a bit in bug triaging you can go to09:03
lotusleafso Iceape would be the likely one to be included should it be in Feisty+1 ?09:03
lotusleafwhat a bizarre name09:03
asacmt-needtester and mt-needtestcase are for you i guess :)09:04
lotusleafthx I'll bookmark that and test it when time allows :)09:04
asacmight be tricky and you might not find a way to reproduce a lot09:04
asacbut anyone taking a look helps a lot09:04
lotusleafall part of the challenge ;)09:04
lotusleafI've done beta testing for years09:04
asacyes great.09:04
lotusleaf90% of it is snapping at fruit out of reach09:05
lotusleafbut that 10% gets the eventual bugs09:05
asacyeah ;)09:05
=== hjmf [n=hjmf@6.Red-88-25-28.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam
gnomefreakasac: the versioning 1.1.1-3 keep the 3 in the version or drop it?09:34
gnomefreakasac: i was thinking 1.1.1-0build-109:34
asacthe 3 should be there09:35
asacname it 1.1.1-3mt009:35
asacmaybe a dot between 3 and mt09:35
asacits you to decide09:35
gnomefreakok dot works for me09:35
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages09:41
gnomefreak!info apt-ftparchive09:43
ubotuPackage apt-ftparchive does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas09:43
gnomefreak!info apt-ftparchive feisty09:43
ubotuPackage apt-ftparchive does not exist in feisty09:43
gnomefreakthis looks way too hard to do :(09:54
asaca full archive is none-sense09:54
asacyou need something small09:54
gnomefreakyeah i know09:54
asacdpkg-scanpackages is your friend :)09:54
=== asac currently fighting with svn and bzr
asacguess will surrender soon09:55
asacand upgrade to feisty tomorrow09:55
gnomefreakwould a local repo be only able to be used locally?10:06
Admiral_Chicagoi think its implied in the name10:08
Admiral_Chicagobut you can host a repo on LP i think somewhere10:08
Admiral_Chicagonot sure how, blah10:08
gnomefreaki know canonical employees get thier own repo hosted on LP10:11
gnomefreakok i think im gonna leave it as a you go to link and download it yourself for a while. seems i can set up a local repo without an issue but that doesnt do anything for anyone else10:16
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gnomefreakasac: does this look right? http://www.interq.or.jp/libra/oohara/apt-gettable/apt-gettable/most-primitive.html10:21
gnomefreakok i think i understand it10:31
gnomefreakill work on it tomorrow most likely.10:32
gnomefreakim building new iceape atm for wide useage10:33
asaci think so10:38
asactomorrow is another day ... i am done for today10:42
gnomefreakhave a good night10:42
asacyou too ... later10:42
gnomefreaki think i did it :)11:04
gnomefreakok i got firefox3 in repo atm while the rebuild of iceape is going :)11:12
gnomefreaki will add repo to topic once i get everything in there.11:13
gnomefreakponingru: btw it will be named iceape for now (seamonkey) until we decide if we want official-branding11:14
gnomefreakbecause we cant use seamonkey for testing since its not in ubuntu repos yet11:15
gnomefreakpart of the agreement AFAIK11:16
gnomefreakiceape == seamonkey with differnet icons11:16
gnomefreakbut it is build from seamonkey source11:16
poningruhold on dude11:16
gnomefreakwe will decide in the next few months what we are goin gto call it. but either way its the same package different name/icons11:20
poningruso there you go11:22
poningruyou can use the branding11:22
poningruI want to ensure that those trademarks do not mean that anything in our source base will not be covered by the MPL/GPL/LGPL tri-license in the future.11:22
poningruWe're currently in the process of finishing up a trademark policy for using our marks, very much modeled after the ubuntu one.11:22
gnomefreakponingru: can use for now what happens after they send the trademark in we might have to change. its easier to keep it one name11:23
gnomefreakfrom the boss. name it iceape11:23
=== gnomefreak does what boss says
poningruwhat are you talking about????11:24
gnomefreakgave a fast rundown of why. and i dont remember anything but general reasoning. (hint firefox3.0 is not named firefox due to mozilla)11:25
poningrubecause firefox is fully copyrighted logo11:25
gnomefreakponingru: the mozilla-maintainer == our boss when it comes to packaging11:25
poningruasac: ping11:25
gnomefreakhes gone for night11:25
poningrudamn it dude dont feed fire11:25
gnomefreakponingru: its staying as is for now. if you want to use seamonkey build it11:26
poningruright I know11:26
poningrubut I wanna discuss this with asac11:26
gnomefreakonly things that changed == patches, icons, name/branding)11:26
gnomefreakponingru: seeing as it "might" go into feisty+1 you have plenty of time11:27
=== gnomefreak doing what i can to get it in feisty+1
=== poningru [n=poningru@adsl-074-245-140-197.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam

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