=== jono [n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv === billbrasky [n=bg@] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv === varka_ [n=varkatop@p54A5F64B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv === Xenocide [n=Xenocide@rrcs-70-60-97-150.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv === Xenocide [n=Xenocide@rrcs-70-60-97-150.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has left #ubuntu-mythtv ["Leaving"] === Xenocide [n=Xenocide@rrcs-70-60-97-150.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv [03:20] majoridiot, do you use mplayer or xine [03:21] mplayer === billbrasky [n=billbras@] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv [03:22] hm, im having a problem where when i use mplayer, i have 0 volume [03:23] when launched by itself, from mythvideo or both? [03:26] mythvideo [03:26] have not tried anything else [03:27] regular desktop install or minimal? [03:27] minimal [03:27] using openbox [03:27] ah [03:27] ok [03:27] what command line are you launching with in mythvideo? [03:27] worked fine for a bit [03:27] not sure [03:27] default [03:27] im not sure if something was hit or what [03:28] inadvertently muted? [03:29] possibly [03:35] f9 or l is mute i believe [03:39] hey major... i was gonna try another myth install attempt with edgy - at the point where you configure sql, and have to log out & log back in - do you do any of that with the mythtv user (created by the mythtv package) [03:39] or with your regular ID created during ubuntu install? === majoridiot notices msttcorefonts was adeed back into the mythtv metapackage :) [03:40] the is not a mythtv "user" created, per se. [03:40] ALWAYS use your main user. [03:40] that is where people get screwed up- thinking the mythtv user needs to be used. [03:41] k [03:41] i wasn't using it [03:41] but i saw another walk-thru, on another page (by superm1 i believe) [03:41] so as soon as the synaptic package manager closes... [03:41] saying to login as the mythtv user [03:41] to the user add command [03:41] log out, back in and continue [03:41] adding your main ID to the mythtv group, i believe... [03:41] yea [03:42] in fact... [03:42] i need to sort out if i'm doing some part of that wrong [03:42] i'm at that stage atm on a feisty install... [03:42] ah [03:42] i just recreated a vm for me to sort out what i'm doing wrong [03:42] i'll figure it out sooner or later :) [03:43] (and it just worked like a charm) [03:44] well the first thing to know is that if you bork an instal once, you pretty much have to remove EVERY SINGLE trace of mythtv and mysql permanently [03:46] yea [03:46] i started from scratch on a vm and still ran into the database permissions issues like i did on a physical box [03:46] ok... [03:47] in a nutshell... [03:47] install the myth setup you desire [03:47] sudo usermod -a -G mythtv yourusername [03:47] logout [03:47] log back in as yourusername [03:47] mythtv-setup [03:48] yea [03:49] that's about where i get the rolling terminal screen with errors :-/ [03:49] i think the setup window does pop up [03:49] but i usually kill it before it does [03:49] cuz obviously something gets borked [03:49] is this from a FRESH format... after the borked attempt? [03:50] that was last night on a freshly installed vm [03:50] what mythtv packages are you installing? [03:50] just as the guide says [03:51] mythtv-frontend,-backend, database mysql-server, and all of the dependencies [03:51] i think i can try it again (gotta walk out the door in 2 minutes tho) [03:51] try the feisty install [03:52] working AWESOMELY [03:52] yea? [03:52] yes [03:53] what tuner are you using? [03:53] well, on the one box i'm gonna use a pvr500 [03:53] :) [03:53] on the other i'm gonna try firewire [03:53] give feisty a shot [03:53] the 500 should work right outta the box [03:53] shit, heading out the door... type atcha later [03:53] k === MegaQuark__ [n=gary@pool-71-111-191-188.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv === gardengnome [n=laga@mythwiki.de] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv === billbrasky [n=bg@] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv [06:23] hm. quiet night. === superm1 [n=superm1@ubuntu/member/superm1] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv [06:27] i just did mythtv install in that vm, seemed to go ok this time [06:27] :shrug: [06:27] i'm gonna download feisty and give it a try anyways [06:27] i'll take your word that it's stable [06:27] :) [06:28] :) [06:28] sure... so you can blame the idiot. [06:29] good evenin kids [06:29] 'lo superm1 [06:29] heya [06:29] majoridiot, did you straighten out your issues with ubiquity making a mess of paritions? [06:29] i was just calling it quits for guidework for the day. [06:29] ah [06:29] what are you guys using for remotes? [06:29] me, mceusb2 and mceusb [06:29] no... it will NOT manually partition a single, pre-installed srive. [06:30] mceusb and the PVR-150 blaster pack [06:30] (i2c remote) [06:30] either of the mce remotes work better than one another? [06:30] mceusb2 >>>>> mceusb [06:30] i was using the mceusb2 receiver with a harmony [06:30] ah [06:30] but i gotta get a remote for this other setup i think [06:31] my parents don't think the ati remote wonder is too intuitive [06:31] yea i wasnt a fan of it either [06:31] a roomate had one [06:31] i like that it's rf [06:31] and works fairly quick/smooth [06:32] i was hoping someone would have a way to simply map the MCE quick access buttons to myth (my pictures etc) [06:32] the mceusb2 is plenty responsive enough for me [06:32] might have been done already, i dunno [06:33] the key is to put the .lircrc in your home and make the lircrc in .mythtv a symlink to it... that seemed to speed the plow more than sticking lircrc directly in ,mythtv [06:34] i see [06:34] take the button name as defined in lircd.conf or reported buy irw and link it up to what you want it to do in the mythtv section of lircrc [06:34] majoridiot, was jetsradiem in this evenin? [06:34] i do not beleieve so, superm1. [06:34] if so, silent. [06:34] i touched bases earlier today with him [06:34] but still having lots of glade related issues [06:34] with ubiquity [06:35] a tough nut to crack, eh> [06:35] yes [06:35] well if he doesn't have it figured out in the next few weeks, i've only got roughly a month of school left [06:35] so i'll have free time evenings then [06:36] thaz all cool :) [06:36] made some nice guide improvements... [06:37] i'll have a look in a few min [06:37] feisty and backported (LOL) them to edgy as well [06:38] backported.... [06:38] oh you mean the text [06:38] not the packages [06:38] lol [06:38] i think i may just reformat the backend tomorrow night and put in a feisty backend for permanent. [06:38] hehe... yeah, the text [06:38] i moved my edgy backend to feisty [06:38] didn't have time to do the packages... LOL [06:38] still have a dapper one chugging along though :) [06:38] :) [06:39] been wanting to drop the db and start from scratch for awhile... [06:39] i think i might reformat the feisty one though. its been oopsing since i put edgy 64 in [06:39] i might just put 32 [06:39] and i'm liking the feisty packages. [06:39] and see if its more stable [06:39] plus, with feisty i can WOL that board, since the driver is fixed. [06:39] ah nice [06:40] i quit running 64 altogether [06:40] about four or five months ago. too unstable for me. [06:40] yea i hope thats all it is, this is all brand new hardware from newegg [06:40] since sept [06:41] so i dont want to have to deal with rma again === majoridiot bets 32bit will run like a charm [06:42] well i wish there was a way to easily reinstall remotely [06:42] because i dont have a head hooked up to it [06:42] or a keyboard to use with it [06:42] tat sucks [06:43] i picked up a little usb micro-keyboard for my backend for $16 [06:43] tucks away nicely. [06:43] still have to lug out a monitor, tho. [06:43] well once its up and running i dont have a need for one. i'll probably wait until i move in a month, and then just move my lcd out there for a day [06:44] to get it up and redone [06:45] have you had any luck making multiple mythtv sources from one zap2it account and attaching them to inividual cards? [06:46] e.g. 2-99 tune to pvr150 by default, 105-+ to firewire? [06:46] no i haven't. i've just always made sources for each card [06:46] for a short period of time, i had 3 zap2it accounts since i had so many sources [06:46] and they overlapped zip codes [06:46] hehe [06:47] so seperate sources from seperate accounts? [06:47] yes === majoridiot would prefer not to abuse tribune's good graces if he doesn't have to [06:47] haha [06:47] i can see that [06:48] one would think that if they all shared the same account... [06:48] but each had different channels, then it should work. [06:48] but it gets really pissed if i try that. [06:48] LOL [06:49] do you think zap2it will ever become a pay service? [06:50] they considered it last year [06:50] they offered a pay verison [06:50] with additional data and such [06:51] additional data? [06:51] yes [06:51] like more detailed data [06:51] that went further out [06:51] it was like 15 bucks for 6 months [06:52] but they decided against it after their test phase [06:52] not enough interest? [06:52] excatly [06:52] too expensive. [06:53] 19.95 a year would be pushing it. [06:54] well i think thats what the price point was [06:54] i dont remember [06:54] it might have been cheaper [06:54] it was all discussed on the mailing list way back when [06:55] they just got bought [06:55] s'why i'm wondering. [06:55] oh no... [06:55] by who? [06:55] actually, not that bad [06:55] sec [06:56] sam zell [06:56] real estate mogul, supposed to be a pretty upstanding guy. [06:57] he bought TMS? [06:57] selling the cubs. LOL [06:57] alone?? [06:57] $13 billion [06:57] wow [06:57] http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=9293474 [06:58] amazing [06:58] yeah [06:58] well from their perspective - [06:58] its better to do it this way [06:58] because previously all these projects scrapped their websites [06:58] and wasted bandwidth [06:58] great pr too [06:59] if need be, sell ad space on the zap2it pages. no need to charge. [06:59] kinda flipped when i read that this morning. [07:02] well we'll have to see === majoridiot goes for cheerios [07:05] k [07:06] family guy and cheerios... awhat better way to wind down? [07:07] well Heroes and cheerios [07:07] :) [07:07] i haven't checked that out yet. figured i'd grab season one [07:08] oh you should for sure [07:08] def one of my favorite series yet [07:10] i look forward to catching up on the tv shows that i'm missing right now due to this overload of last minute school work [07:10] myth building you a nice baklog? [07:12] yes sir [07:12] i've never had this much back logged recordings [07:12] lol [07:12] its to the point where autoexpire might expire them before i watch some :) [07:12] do you commercial flag as you record? [07:12] yes [07:12] from one of the other backends on the network [07:13] my master backend could never keep up [07:13] do you find it less accurate? as in more sensitive? [07:13] no not at all [07:13] i recently changed mine to flag as it records and it gets a lot of false flags. running it after is dead-on. [07:14] oh thats really odd [07:14] hm. [07:14] i find it more inaccurate when that amd64 edgy box does the flagging though [07:14] rather than my 3rd backend [07:14] oddly enoug [07:14] hehe [07:14] myth has got the cutest lil' quirks... [07:14] LOL [07:14] yes it sure does [07:15] oh i came across something interesting today [07:15] dont have a link, [07:15] but 5C is being pulled from a lot of comcast markets [07:16] really? [07:16] why so? [07:16] because they were getting enough complaints i'd guess [07:16] sweet [07:16] this could really be the holy grail if other cable co's start to follow suit [07:17] afaik my insight has no 5C channels. [07:17] so lucky :) [07:17] this would make myth the universal holy grail country wide [07:17] indeed and agreed! :) [07:17] agreed again. [07:17] i freaked out a friend the other night... [07:18] ran 3 different X sessions on my main comp, with a mythfrontend in each... [07:18] one D [07:18] HD [07:18] wow [07:18] and it handled that? [07:18] and the other two sd [07:18] backend never got over .2 load [07:18] frontend just laughed. [07:19] he FREAKED. [07:19] just laughed? [07:19] couldn't believe it was that powerful and that free. [07:19] as in at how easy it was to do [07:20] swapped between processors... but never worse than 100% on one and 20-ish on another. [07:20] thats incredible [07:20] plenty of legroom left. [07:20] the video cards help a LOT, but the core duo 2 is a nice processor. [07:20] my desktop freaks at one HD show [07:20] oh a core 2 duo [07:20] i am impressed. my first intel chip ever. [07:21] man i need to get me one of those :) [07:21] my comp arch prof talked about them too [07:21] and how many strides ahead they are [07:21] and dual 7600GTKO SLIs running the video, so that helps. [07:21] wow [07:21] that is a mighty bad ass frontened [07:22] s/frontened/frontend/ [07:22] i am very impressed with it. and i guess the one i got is known for great ovewrclocking. [07:22] LOL at fe/fe/fe [07:22] he was more impressed that the backend handled it so well [07:22] well, as am i. [07:23] it a great software package. [07:23] :) [07:23] well hopefully for feisty+1, mythbuntu will be much closer to ready [07:23] and user friendly [07:23] for non linux people to jump in [07:23] so your friend can set up his own box :) [07:23] looking forward to that. :) [07:24] i could see the wheels turning in his head LOL [07:26] okay i've just got a few more things to finish with this lab [07:26] and then back home and bed for me [07:27] much earlier then yesterdays freaking 4AM :) [07:27] i would say so [07:27] i'm out soon myself [07:27] okay you have a good night. i'll take a look at the backported changes for edgy and see what i think :) [07:28] k. ttyl [07:28] later === tgm4883 [n=thomas@c-67-160-174-176.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv [07:58] Where's the log file for the backend server? I was watching a show being recorded and my backend server crashed [08:16] /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log === varka [n=varkatop@p54A5F64B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv === jono [n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv === Daviey [n=Daviey@unaffiliated/daviey] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv === superm1 [n=superm1@ubuntu/member/superm1] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv [02:59] mornin Daviey [02:59] long time no see [02:59] superm1, grr! [03:00] I had my laptop stolen [03:00] omg [03:00] seriously? [03:00] yeah [03:00] wow so sorry dude [03:00] luckily i had only *just* backed everything of value up [03:00] did u have anything personable on therer that you wouldnt want in someone else's hands? [03:01] not really.... i suspect they wouldn't know how to mount a ext3 fs anyway [03:01] haha [03:01] On that thought tho, i will be seriously looking at encrypting it [03:01] is insurance going to cover it or anything? [03:01] oh yeah... [03:02] encrypting it is a lot of work from what i've looked [03:02] in someways i'm happy... I put a meaty scratch into the lid [03:02] i thought about it for mine too [03:02] a hard drive lock is probably a better bet [03:02] (at least my thinkpad supports a hard drive locking password) [03:03] Well i have already purchased a new one - and the insurance will cover it all.. :) [03:03] the drive won't spin up until its entered - and it only works in computers supporting a hard drive lock) [03:03] wow nice [03:03] well i would have offered - i will have an IBM/lenovo discount avail to me within the next 1.5 months if this happened a little later [03:03] technically there is an 'excess' to pay - but ebaying the MS licences will cover that ;) [03:04] hehe [03:04] well either that or attempting to get the cost of the license back from the manufacturer [03:05] i've read about both dell and lenovo doing it [03:13] Daviey, so once you get the new machine back, you going to join back with us in mythbuntu efforts? [03:23] sorry, had a phone call - let me catch up [03:23] yes! definitely! [03:23] I'm really keen to get this out [03:27] well the way things are looking, its not going to be at feisty release [03:27] but it will have to be staggered [03:27] due to a variety of reasons [03:27] -jetsariem ran into lots of difficulties with ubiquity, and i can't work much with him on it [03:28] -imbrandon hasnt gotten me my acct setup properly [03:28] he "made" it and set up a server for us [03:28] but my ssh key isn't working and i have been bugging him about it daily [03:28] hehe [03:29] What domain are we getting? [03:29] well mythbuntu.org was just bought by someone else apparently right before imbrandon was about to get it [03:29] so i really don't know [03:29] i was figuring that part would be irrelevant until the website is prepared [03:29] Have we made contact with the person who did? [03:29] we were going to use drupal for content management [03:30] *cough* Joomla *cough* [03:30] no we haven't - i've considering phoning him. he is registered as living in indiana, and google turns up a mobile phone number in addition to his business number [03:30] Joomla? [03:31] http://www.joomla.org/ [03:32] superm1, pm [03:35] so Daviey what does Joomla have going for it above drupal? [03:36] I threw together a quick joomla webpage and was quite impressed with it [03:36] i haven't tried drupal so can't really comment [03:36] well i have seen several drupal sites, and saying sexy is an understatement [03:36] mind you, isn't there a drupal theme for 'ubuntu' we could adapt? [03:37] fluxbuntu.org and ubuntu.com use it [03:37] have a look at fluxbuntu ;) [03:37] this might be interesting, http://forum.joomla.org/index.php?topic=4364.msg35306 [03:38] ha, Site off line [03:39] sounds like a +1 for drupal then [03:41] well the thing that sticks out from that is that drupal is focused around community sites though [03:41] eg logins and such [03:41] which for our purposes, i don't know will be necessary [03:42] tbh. we can experiment. It's easy to install either. We can just save the content [03:42] sounds like a good idea [03:42] once imbrandon gets me the shell account to this box eventually i'll get basic installs of both on and give you an acct to toy with too [03:43] What needs doing with actual development? Have i missed much? [03:43] not too much, a few minor bug fixes that had to get in, lots of work on the guide, and i think that the live disk script is pretty much done at this point [03:44] i mean of course there will be other things that will still come up [03:44] but i think ubiquity is the big thing right now that needs work [03:45] what needs doing? [03:45] some of the uglier things i was doing on the live disk script have been pulled upstream (like user-setup) [03:45] with ubiquity? [03:45] well jetsariem has been running into a variety of glade issues [03:45] afaik [03:45] and after he sorts out the gui, all the debconf that happens behind the scenes needs to be setup [03:46] any idea when he'll be back? [03:46] he is on mid afternoons and late evenings (central time) [03:46] from what i've noticed [03:46] good stuff [03:46] i wish i had the time atm to help more with it too, but its the last month of school and you know how that goes [03:47] :) === superm1 wishes feisty release wasn't timed with the finish of his semester :( [03:48] get the data postponed :P [03:48] s/data/date [03:48] haha [03:48] well i'm going to stick to the view though, that we are better just delaying our release rather than release something that would be a hack anyhow [03:48] no use rushing right now [03:50] agreed [03:50] If it doesn't 'just work' then it'll get a bashing [03:50] exactly [03:51] furthermore, we need to advertise the fact that it is extremely simple to update when a new myth version is released [03:51] but in a month once school is wrapped up, i'll have much more time anyhow [03:51] well to do that, we need our own repository that supplements the ubuntu repos [03:51] i think [03:52] thats what i thought initially - but weren't we going to try and squeeze everything into universe? [03:52] yes [03:52] but what if say 0.21 is released [03:52] right after for example feisty [03:53] and everyone wants to jump onto that boat [03:53] it will be at least 2-3 weeks until the package is made, packaged for feisty, and then backported [03:53] longer if there are any new dependencies introduced [03:53] oic [03:53] but thats another detail that can be sorted out later [03:56] but if you want to help jetsadiem with ubiquity atm, i'm sure it would be greatly appreciated [03:57] i understand that he poked cjwatson and others in ubuntu-devel for some info [03:57] but i havent gotten a transcript of what he found out yet === tgm4883 [n=thomas@c-67-160-174-176.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv [04:57] Being that im not use to looking at logs, does mythtv log just errors, or lots of normal things too? === tgm4883_ [n=thomas@c-67-160-174-176.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv === tgm4883_ [n=thomas@c-67-160-174-176.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv === jono [n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv === EbolaV [n=thomas@c-67-160-174-176.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv === EbolaV is now known as tgm4883_ === tgm4883_ [n=thomas@c-67-160-174-176.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv === jetsaredim [n=jgreenwa@inet-netcache3-o.oracle.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv === jetsaredim [n=jgreenwa@inet-netcache3-o.oracle.com] has left #ubuntu-mythtv [] === tgm4883 [n=thomas@c-67-160-174-176.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv === bmsleight [n=bms@host-87-74-83-14.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv === tgm4883 [n=thomas@c-67-160-174-176.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv [10:02] Does mythtv backend og normal activity or just problems? [10:02] log === majoridiot [n=majoridi@74-141-134-199.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv [10:09] majoridiot, does mythtv backend log normal activity? [10:09] or just problems [10:10] i suppose it's the normal log level. [10:10] both by default [10:10] ok [10:10] it should tell you the log level at the beginning of the log file [10:10] wanted to make sure that I wasn't having huge problems as my logs are quite large [10:10] you can set the log level [10:11] set it to errors only? [10:11] to log only error events, etc. [10:11] im trying to pin down my crash [10:11] i *think* it has a number of levels [10:11] xine? [10:12] was watching a show that was being recorded at the same time (through manage recordings or whatever, not live tv) and my backend crashec [10:13] k [10:13] should be one of the last events in the backend log then [10:13] if it was recorded, that is. [10:15] can i post where I think the problem is in the log file? [10:15] sure [10:18] this is a snip from my log where I believe it is, heres the link as it also is quite large. I have many more of the mpeg2video lines before this and can post the whole log file if necessary. [10:18] http://linux.weilandhomes.com/mythtverror.txt [10:20] ok... [10:20] you were recording a program... === tgm4883_ [n=thomas@c-67-160-174-176.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv [10:21] my desktop just froze, when it rains, it pours [10:21] start over LOL... [10:21] ok... [10:21] if you replied after I sent the link i didn't see it [10:21] you were recording a program... [10:21] ok [10:21] and then tried to watch it while it was still recording... [10:22] did it ever start the video or just error out? [10:22] i have my schedule setup to record programs, and while they record i usually go into media library and start watching it so i can skip commercials [10:23] right [10:23] what i'm asking... [10:23] yea i was about halfway through a show when it gave the error about not being able to connect to the backend [10:23] which is the same machine [10:23] ah [10:23] and that is the snippet of log that you posted? [10:24] yea, i can post the whole thing if necessary [10:25] not necessary, i don't believe [10:25] ok [10:25] ok [10:25] now... [10:25] did you restart the backend or just restart the frontend? [10:26] I had to restart the backend to get it working again [10:26] I actually ended up restarting the computer [10:26] ah. k [10:26] but i feel that a backend restart would have done the trick [10:26] i saw a 3-4 minute gap. [10:26] is there another remote frontend or is this your only machine? [10:26] as i couldn't access either from mythweb either [10:27] i have a remote frontend on my laptop that i use occasionally [10:27] ok [10:27] but i wasn't using it last night [10:27] is the backend address [10:27] yes [10:28] did the program being recorded finish correctly? [10:28] the backend had also been running about 8 days, not sure if that matters [10:28] hmm, let me check [10:30] also... pls post the last few time-stamped log entries from right before the last log you posted. (you can pm it to me if you want) [10:30] no didn't finish recording [10:31] probably because of your reboot. [10:31] it looks like it was still recording when you stopped it. [10:32] just a sec [10:32] i think i can explain that [10:32] mysql died for some reason. [10:32] it crashed during the black donnellys, didn't finish recording that (last 8 minutes) [10:33] yup. right when mysql died. [10:33] is there anything in your /var/log/mysql.err? [10:34] I think i restarted it after that show, and it started recording the tonight show, but only recorded 7 minutes, stopped ( i think this is when i restarted) and started recording again (so i have 2 parts to the tonight show) [10:34] let me check [10:36] mysql.err is empty [10:37] what about mysql.log? [10:37] is there a good program for looking through log files? im using gedit [10:37] gnome log viewer [10:38] gnome-system-log [10:38] mysql.log is empty also, i opened up mysql.log.1 which is dated yesterday and it also is empty [10:38] when was your crash? [10:38] last night at about 10:58 pm [10:39] k [10:39] well... the problem is mysql died for some reason [10:39] or myth had a problem connecting to it for some reason out of the blue [10:39] i don't know much about mysql [10:39] perhaps needs updating? [10:40] is it available to update on your system? [10:40] yea [10:40] might not hurt [10:40] back up your database first, tho [10:40] just to be safe [10:40] will do [10:40] vg. [10:41] how large is too large for a log file (for mythtv), it looks quite large to me, but i suppose it could be average [10:41] i just like to worry [10:42] dunno [10:42] lemme look at mine [10:42] $ ls -l /var/log/mythtv [10:42] total 1020 [10:42] -rw-r--r-- 1 mythtv mythtv 18499 2007-04-03 15:30 mythbackend.log [10:42] -rw-r--r-- 1 mythtv mythtv 41078 2007-03-03 14:03 mythbackend.log~ [10:42] -rw-r--r-- 1 mythtv mythtv 129387 2007-04-03 08:41 mythbackend.log.1 [10:42] -rw-r--r-- 1 mythtv mythtv 119430 2007-04-02 08:23 mythbackend.log.2 [10:42] -rw-r--r-- 1 mythtv mythtv 119275 2007-04-01 15:25 mythbackend.log.3 [10:42] -rw-r--r-- 1 mythtv mythtv 104585 2007-03-31 13:21 mythbackend.log.4 [10:43] -rw-r--r-- 1 mythtv mythtv 105381 2007-03-30 11:02 mythbackend.log.5 [10:43] -rw-r--r-- 1 mythtv mythtv 220661 2007-03-29 11:02 mythbackend.log.6 [10:43] -rw-r--r-- 1 mythtv mythtv 135439 2007-03-28 09:15 mythbackend.log.7 [10:43] however... [10:43] keep in mind that my backend turns itself on and off... yours apparently runs for weeks ;) [10:44] so your log files are likely 10-20MB? [10:44] well each log file is for 1 day it seems [10:44] ah... that's nice. [10:44] so your logs are 3-5MB? [10:45] yea 5.2 mb for yesterday, 101000 lines [10:45] that's about right, i think. [10:45] thats why its a PITA to look through [10:46] k... [10:47] you can set the log level to just log "important" events [10:47] well i guess i need to let it run another week to see if it still has problems. good think i kept the tivo as a backup incase something goes harry [10:47] it is set to log "general" as well by default [10:47] that would cut down the log size for you. [10:47] ill change it to errors only [10:48] want help with that? [10:48] wouldn't hurt, it's probably in the doc's right? [10:48] yes and no [10:49] LOL [10:49] ah [10:49] you need to modify the init script [10:49] no biggy [10:49] i do have another question, but not sure if I should wait to see if this crashing problem is sorted out first [10:49] sudo nano /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend [10:50] look for: DAEMON=/usr/bin/mythbackend near the top after comments [10:50] there is a small line of (static i guess) at the top of my analog recordings. Probably covered by overscan on most tv's but i have no overscan [10:50] change it to: DAEMON=/usr/bin/mythbackend -v important [10:51] ok changed [10:51] i need to restart the backend correct? [10:51] correct. [10:52] the overscan settings in frontend setup won't fix it? [10:52] lol, didn't even look as my tv doesn't have overscan [10:52] let me try [10:53] the overscan is internal to the capture device ;) [10:53] uh oh [10:54] thomas@athena:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend restart [10:54] /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend: 12: -v: not found [10:54] Restarting MythTV server: mythbackendstart-stop-daemon: unrecognized option `--daemon' [10:54] Try `start-stop-daemon --help' for more information. [10:54] thats the right command right? [10:54] i tried just stop too, but didn't work either [10:54] LOL sec. [11:00] sorry... phone [11:00] ok undo that change... take the -v important off of the DAEMON [11:00] and add [11:01] damn phone, sorry. [11:02] -v important to the end of the ARGS= [11:02] a few lines down [11:02] (forgot i had changed my init script so much, sorry) [11:03] that works much better thanks [11:03] that should start it logging only "important" msgs [11:03] yvw [11:04] now the overscan setting, are you talking in mythtv-setup? or in the mythtv frontend settings? [11:04] frontend [11:04] setup>>tv >> playback [11:04] isn't that global for the frontend? will it change my HD viewing [11:05] same tuner? [11:05] different [11:05] one pvr-150, one pcHDTV 5500 [11:05] hm. try it and see [11:05] ok [11:05] i have overscan set on my 150... [11:06] and haven't noticed a change in my firewire picture [11:06] did you change the displacement or the percentage? [11:07] sec [11:07] sorry to make you keep looking these things up [11:08] you want percentage [11:08] horizontal [11:08] if you have nooise at the top [11:08] k [11:08] i do [11:08] (np helping... i'll let you know when i've had enuf) [11:08] small number like 5? [11:08] (i'm working on the guides, anyway) [11:08] its a very small line [11:09] iwill try it [11:09] try 1 or 2 to begin [11:09] it won't take much [11:11] do i need to restart the frontend? [11:11] no [11:12] you can bounce back and forth [11:15] hmm === majoridiot whistles along [11:16] horizontal? cause it seems the noise doesn't change, but the people are getting fatter === majoridiot is an idiot [11:16] vert [11:16] LMAO [11:17] H side to side, v up and down. idiot. [11:17] ah much better, and 2 works this time. Where i still had the line at 25 on horzontal [11:18] yeah... you wouldn't have fixed it listening to me. [11:18] hehe [11:19] you going to hate me, but the longer im on here fixing these things the more questions i come up with [11:19] s'kinda why i'm here. to help when i can. [11:19] :) [11:20] ok, i *think* i only have two more, and i really do appreciate the help [11:20] whoops didn't like that [11:21] ah [11:21] much better [11:21] tried changeing it to 1 instead of 2 and had a very bouncy picture [11:21] now to my last two questions (i hope) [11:23] do you use a remote? I have the pvr-150 remote and it feels cheesy and sometime i have to press the buttons repeatly to get it to work right. Im looking for a better remote to use [11:24] it it usb sensor or plug into card? [11:24] plug into card [11:24] where is your lircrc located? [11:24] um [11:25] lol [11:25] k [11:25] do: [11:25] wherever the guide told me to put it [11:25] ls -a in your home directory to see if it is a hidden file there (.lircrc) [11:25] or [11:26] k [11:26] what is the result of ls -l .mythtv [11:27] i have a .lircrc file in my home directory and ls -l .mythtv give me [11:27] drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2007-03-24 09:20 channels [11:27] lrwxrwxrwx 1 thomas thomas 20 2007-03-24 14:57 lircrc -> /home/thomas/.lircrc [11:27] drwxr-xr-x 3 thomas thomas 4096 2007-03-24 15:09 themecache [11:27] but.. [11:27] my home directory is thomas, where as the computer auto logs in as user mythtv [11:28] k [11:28] and i dont have a .lircrc file in there [11:28] do: [11:28] thomas@athena:/home/mythtv$ ls -l .mythtv [11:28] total 36 [11:28] drwxr-xr-x 2 mythtv mythtv 4096 2007-03-25 18:36 channels [11:28] lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 2007-03-24 15:09 lircrc -> /home/thomas/.lircrc [11:28] -rw-r--r-- 1 mythtv mythtv 939 2007-03-24 09:42 mysql.txt [11:28] ln -s /home/mythtv/.mythtv/lircrc /home/thomas/.lircrc [11:28] drwxr-xr-x 2 mythtv mythtv 4096 2007-03-28 22:46 MythNews [11:28] drwxr-xr-x 2 mythtv mythtv 4096 2007-04-01 22:12 MythWeather [11:28] drwxr-xr-x 2 mythtv mythtv 16384 2007-04-03 14:21 osdcache [11:28] drwxr-xr-x 3 mythtv mythtv 4096 2007-03-24 15:05 themecache [11:29] file exists [11:29] ah [11:29] k [11:29] you set it up correctly :) [11:30] dunno why it is sluggish. mine works great. [11:30] well whoever wrote the guide did an excellent job ;) [11:30] lirc? [11:30] that one is pretty much superm1's baby [11:30] and yes, it is very good. [11:30] its not always sluggish, just sometime i have to press a few times to get it to work [11:31] other times it works real quick [11:31] so i was thinking it was the remote [11:31] and i figured it would be nice to have a remote that was multifunction for turning the tv on and controlling other things too [11:31] might check to see if some of the keys need the repeat setting asjusted. [11:32] or maybe it's losing focus every now and then? [11:32] maybe [11:32] its a backend/frontend setup with no desktop [11:32] ah- no guarantee that the ir sensor will read a universal remote correctly... according to hauppauge. [11:33] then it shouldn't lose focus. nothing to switch to. [11:33] figured as much, is there somewhere i can get a usb ir receiver? (I assume usb would be a good one to get as opposed to say, serial) [11:34] then i could use any remote right? [11:34] with the correct lirc file that is [11:35] you might try to see if you can get the hauppauge to read another remote before buying another receiver [11:35] that is their *claim* in the docs... dunno if it is true or not. [11:35] ok [11:35] the instructions for reading raw codes is on the lirc page [11:36] i will check it out [11:36] k [11:36] see now i have thought of another question [11:36] its neverending [11:36] :( [11:37] k... one more and then i need to concentrate for a little bit. [11:37] ok [11:37] need to make a few guide changes without distraction, but then i'll be available. [11:37] so shoot :) [11:38] where is the adjustment for the font size for things like backend status (or for the listing of recorded tv shows) it's really small on my tv [11:39] setup>>tv settings>>appearance [11:39] no [11:39] sorry [11:40] setup >> appearace [11:41] k... i'll bbiab [11:41] k === superm1 [n=superm1@ubuntu/member/superm1] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv === Daviey [n=Daviey@unaffiliated/daviey] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv === Daviey [n=Daviey@unaffiliated/daviey] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv