
lapoand roll12:14
lapouhm...mostly roll though :-)12:14
lapokwwii: I forgot to refer some stuff in the index.theme so the yes/no/apply icons does not show :-/12:15
lapofixed already btw12:15
lapoheya troy_s12:16
kwwiilapo: yeah, I noticed that12:16
kwwiilapo: but you rock for responding so quickly12:16
kwwiiI was going to ping you tomorrow and ask if I should add it12:16
lapokwwii: i was on that one already :-)12:16
kwwiihowdy troy_s12:16
lapoI noticed the bu just a pair of mintes after I fixed stuff up :-)12:17
kwwiilol, that is how it usually works :-)12:17
kwwiitroy_s: did you hear about the team logo on LP?12:17
lapokwwii: I'm on network manager icons, do you think we should include jimmac's icons in tango common?12:18
kwwiilapo: yes, they are really nice, I think12:18
troy_skwwii you have the ability to update it too...12:19
troy_si have been sickly busy here.12:19
troy_s250 members almost12:19
troy_srather impressive12:19
troy_sconsidering i believe the count was at literally 14 at the start of edgy.12:19
lapokwwii: can you commit to tango-icon-theme-common?12:19
kwwiitroy_s: although I do not know how, I'll ask someone tomorrow and work that out (I did not know I could update that)12:19
troy_skwwii are you an admin on the group?12:20
troy_sif not you should be.12:20
troy_si think you are... let me check12:20
kwwiilapo: yes, I think so12:20
kwwiitroy_s: I just saw that you are admin and assumed only you could do it12:20
troy_si don't really want to step in at this point as you are 'the guy' so it is wise if we keep it accomplished through sanctioned hands.12:20
troy_si am owner yes.12:20
kwwiiI'll try to figure it out tomorrow....if I have no success I'll ping you about it12:21
kwwiikinda late here now12:21
lapokwwii: I have a nice good package with all the jimmac's nm icons, if you want to add them to tango common12:21
troy_sjust checking now12:21
troy_si have about 10 different things on the fly including a bloody feature so my time is horribly slight12:21
kwwiitroy_s: I can understand that, I'll bug you again if it doesn't work out :-)12:22
troy_si like the icons on the new launchpad.12:22
troy_svery good stuff... who did them?12:22
kwwiilapo: cool, send 'em to me per mail or whatever12:22
kwwiitroy_s: they are tango icons12:22
lapo(troy_s: tango style :-))12:22
troy_stango just stroke based?12:22
troy_sthey look a helluva lot better than tango does when just stroked.12:23
troy_sthe six big icons at hte top?12:23
troy_sthose are tango?12:23
kwwiinope, those were done by a website design firm12:23
lapoah the big ones, I don't particularly like those12:23
troy_sWOW launchpad now interacts with cookies and your menus are12:23
kwwii"Brilliant Web Design"12:23
troy_skwwii those are slick as piss -- very contemporary in terms of minimalism.12:23
kwwiiis the name of the company12:23
troy_si am quite impressed with that site layout.12:24
kwwiiyeah, I thought so too12:24
lapoeheh...what a name :-)12:24
troy_sit has soooooo much streamlined the12:24
troy_sand the look matches the simplicity so well.12:24
kwwiiit really is an improvement12:24
lapoyeah, the layout is quite sweet12:24
troy_sslick as hell.12:24
troy_sthe colours are probably a few too many for my tastes on the icons, but on the whole bloody brilliant.12:25
lapothe only appoint I have it that they should have given more visibility to the arrows in the navigation bar12:25
lapobarelly noticiable12:25
troy_smost people have normal sight (86% approximately iirc)12:25
troy_sseems like a reasonable design decision.12:26
kwwiiand the simple 2d design in the middle makes them discernable12:26
troy_si love it really12:26
troy_sit is so simple12:26
troy_slove in comparison to the last incarnation or the newer ubuntu site.12:26
lapoyeah minimalism as its best12:27
troy_sthere is a place for visuals for each package12:27
troy_show slick is that?12:27
kwwiinow you know which one we intend to make money with :p12:27
lapoyeah, really cool12:27
troy_skwwii sorry for not checking earlier.12:28
troy_si probably should have confirmed that you were an admin12:28
troy_si think you are but let me look12:28
kwwiitroy_s: no big deal12:28
troy_snope you aren't...12:29
troy_slet me fix that.12:29
kwwiiI think we all understand that a person can be very busy ;-)12:29
troy_ssome more than others...12:30
troy_si suppose it depends on your bloody career.12:30
kwwiihehe, yeah12:30
troy_skwwii design issue... looking for how to bump you12:30
troy_shold on.12:30
kwwiithe biggest bug I have found until now is that the small team logos are 14x1412:30
kwwiiI really wonder who in the hell thought up using 14x1412:31
kwwiiit is like picking a random pixel size out of your butt12:31
troy_sok its cranking now12:31
troy_syeah 14 by 14 is ... gumma12:31
troy_sseems reasonable.12:31
kwwiiwell, if nothing else, at least 16x16...factor of two so scalable from bigger icons, and parts of existing 16x16 icons could be used12:32
lapokwwii: uhm 22x22 come to mind :-)12:32
troy_s16x16 is bloody stink too.12:32
troy_swtf can you expect to communicate in less than 400 pixels?12:33
troy_sfocus groups come to mind...12:33
kwwiilapo: yeah, I was just going to say that12:33
kwwiilapo: as involved as I am in kde, I still get in arguments about the 22x22 icons12:33
lapokwwii: do you know why 22x22 was choosen in the beginning?12:34
troy_sbecause the idiot who made the decision was working on a 640x480 monitor with magnifying glasses?12:34
kwwiilapo: yes, it was decided by tackat (torsten rahn, the guy who made the first hicolor icons)12:34
lapobut why not 24x24?12:35
kwwiiat the time he had a good reason (ask him and he'll go into an explanation for an hour)12:35
troy_smaybe he was designing for modex -- 320x24012:35
kwwiibut in the meantime it is silly12:35
troy_smeantime?  lol12:35
troy_swhere is moore's law when it comes to technological advancement?12:35
troy_seven disposable razor blades appear to follow moore's law lol12:36
kwwiihehe...good one12:36
lapobelieve that 2 lines of pixels make a lot of difference, I happen to draw some gtk-stock icon (24x24) and he canvas felt huge respect what I'm used to (22x22 as in tango) :-)12:36
troy_skwwii so any news coming down the pipe?12:37
kwwiitroy_s: nothing much in the last days12:37
kwwiiseems the "he who is in charge" is quite busy12:37
troy_s"he who's name shall not be spoken"12:38
troy_syes he is busy, but does he have any directionality for feis+1?12:38
troy_sor is it going to be 'lets muddle the tan again'12:38
kwwiinope, I have spoken to several people about starting the planning sometime next week12:38
troy_scanonical players?12:39
kwwiidude, if I am still involved in this we are starting next week and working on a real system this time12:39
lapo"he's who's name shall not be spoken" should listen to his artistic dictator 'cause probably his divine eye is not very artistic12:39
kwwiiI hope/think that things will start to go in the right direction soon12:40
troy_she has no artistic director and i, once again, strongly suggest that no one of any credit would take that position with the micromanaging hell.12:40
troy_sthe folks with the credits simply won't stand for it.12:40
troy_skwwii that reminds me12:41
troy_sany flow on media center?12:41
kwwiibut if we start to bang our heads against the right wall, perhaps we can slowly break it down12:41
troy_sthe icon is naff as piss for launchpad12:41
kwwiitroy_s: not too much yet12:41
troy_sjust noticed it.12:41
kwwiinow you know why I mentioned it :-)12:41
kwwiiI mean, we are supposed to be the art team :-)12:41
lapoI don't care who wwill be the artistic dictator, I just hope that to have sometone with an artistical eye to fight with12:41
troy_skwwii it was bersace12:41
troy_sand quite frankly, at the time, no one was doing anything so i figured it was at least12:42
troy_sa good idea to support those that had the courage to do _anything_12:42
troy_slapo well that's subjective as hell... it is going to be a damn tough position to fill.12:42
kwwiitroy_s: definitely12:42
kwwiibersace has been a great help for a non-artist12:43
troy_skwwii although at peak, we had some very talented folks poke out of the woodwork12:43
troy_shell... i was shocked at some of the works.12:43
lapotroy_s: sure, tastes apart at least one who can notice if something is a good work or a bad one at least tecnically speaking12:44
kwwiiI really miss Who12:44
lapotroy_s: which is not the case for Him12:44
troy_sWho, Mikkel, etc.12:44
troy_sVERY good work.12:44
troy_sI have been working with frank on a few things and that boy is darn bright too.12:45
troy_sThere are a _lot_ of solid creators out there.12:45
troy_sthe trick is harnessing the power, and that is where the value of worldwide design could shine.12:45
kwwiifrank is really good at scoping out new territory12:45
troy_sFrank is bloody brilliant really.12:46
troy_sThe guy has a wonderful collection of greymatter in his skull.12:47
troy_sand he has done a great deal of research12:47
troy_swhich is completely useful.12:47
kwwii very true12:47
troy_swho is damn gifted too... i suppose that is why he is becoming an engineer at one of the most prestigious institutions in the world.12:48
troy_sstill has some pretty damn good insights into things though, when i find the time to email him. lol.12:49
troy_sWhat I would like to see is the ability of the new crop of folks who have since signed up for the team...12:49
kwwiihehe, I got my degree from Washington University but never learned a thing about artwork there :p12:49
kwwiitroy_s: yeah, me too12:49
kwwiiI think 90% are hangers-on12:49
troy_sconsidering the visibility, 249 people probably represents perhaps 3% of the possible interests.12:49
troy_skwwii I have a little more faith than that...12:50
kwwiiwhich is good too, but doesn't necessarily help the real artwork12:50
kwwiiI think people join up to be able to give their opinions12:50
troy_skwwii I think plenty of them are capable if not perhaps in execution, perhaps in conception.12:50
kwwiithat might be the case as well12:50
troy_swell again, you are faced with people who might not want to help the 'real' artwork.12:50
troy_slike talented folks such as coz_ etc.12:50
troy_sLet's face it, the current design pattern isn't even a grade 7 art test such as 'arrange these five pennies on the page into something that communicates 'chaos''12:51
troy_shave you seen any of coz's work kwwii ?12:51
kwwiitroy_s: nope12:51
kwwiibut I remember his nick12:52
troy_si know he is trained, but i don't know whether or not it is a diploma or a formal degree...12:52
troy_squite a skilled painter12:52
troy_s(and of course outspoken as I would expect any artist to be.)12:52
kwwiihehe, yeah12:53
troy_skwwii by the way, you are now admin12:53
troy_skwwii so work over the hackergotchi12:53
kwwiitroy_s: cool, I will see what I can do tomorrow12:53
kwwiitime for sleep here12:54
kwwiimy son has two weeks vacation from school so my days are very busy12:54
troy_sget some rest12:54
kwwiiworking and babysitting12:54
troy_sbefore you go12:54
troy_sdid you manage to summon anyone to the summit in artwork land?12:54
troy_si hope you managed to pull that off.12:54
troy_sit would be nice to see a few people gaining some traction12:55
kwwiinot this time around, I didn't know what was happening until it was too late12:56
troy_sWell that stinks12:56
kwwiiI was kinda pissed that we didn't get the chance12:56
troy_sdid sabdfl extend any offerings to anyone?12:56
troy_sI am pretty sure he would try ...12:56
kwwiinot that I know of12:56
kwwiiperhaps I am wrong though12:56
troy_sWell that's too bad.12:56
troy_sAnother indication as to priorities.12:56
kwwiihe has been very busy and I have had little contact in the last few weeks12:56
troy_sYou would think that a guy who has the world by the balls would have a little more innovation in his soul.12:57
kwwiiI plan on having a long talk at the summit about this thouch12:57
kwwiiI think he is simply too busy12:57
troy_sI mean, let's face reality here -- the guy is damn brilliant and completely independent at this point in his life.12:57
lapoblasphemy! :-)12:58
troy_sHe could _so_ stick a boot up Apple and MS's ass.12:58
kwwiiwell, he made his money on tech work, not art work...probably trying to follow that recipe12:58
lapo<troy_s> I mean, let's face reality here -- the guy is damn brilliant and completely independent at this point in his life.12:59
troy_skwwii Yes but he is _damn_ smart, _damn_ independent...12:59
troy_slapo -- you disagree with either of those two statements?12:59
kwwiiagain, I think he simply needs someone to trust in this matter12:59
lapotroy_s: nope, check the smiley at the end12:59
kwwiianyway...I am passing out12:59
kwwiisee you all tomorrow12:59
laponp, just kidding01:00
lapois that the general communty (at least ubuntu's) adoration for mark sometime bugs me01:01
lapohe probably doesn't apraciate it as well01:02
troy_slapo -- a bright guy shouldn't appreciate the idolatry -- I agree however, that it is largely useless.01:02
troy_slapo -- that said, even though I completely disagree with his design direction and perhaps his underlying aesthetic01:03
troy_slapo -- I think he is a damn brilliant guy and way ahead of his time regarding Free Software.01:03
lapoyeah, that's for sure01:03
troy_sfurther still, he has put his money where his mouth is and, like it or not,01:03
troy_sreally put Free Software into the mainstream01:03
lapoyeah that's true as well01:04
troy_swhere the true stars such as yourself, andreasn, jimmac, etc can have their work seen.01:04
troy_sAnd _that_ is a positive step in the right direction.01:04
troy_sHell... linux isn't the end all...01:04
troy_sFree Software is.01:04
lapoI'm not really a star01:04
troy_sGiven the chance to innovate, it might be nice to see what everyone can do.01:04
troy_sLet me rephrase then01:04
troy_s"One of the teeny little cogs in the great big machine." ;)01:05
lapoyeah, really really tiny tho :-)01:05
troy_sIn the end, it is rather reflective of the world I suppose...01:05
troy_sJust another faceless idiot on the landscape of six billion.01:06
lapoanyway he his a genius, and the community adoration is even positive, but nobody seems to want to et in contrast with him01:06
lapohis opinions are law usually01:06
troy_sNo, and I fundamentally disagree with that.01:06
troy_sI actually completely respect the fact that his thoughts are law.01:06
troy_sAnd in the end, that is probably largely why Ubuntu has been so damn successful.01:06
troy_sSo I completely respect that approach and I can appreciate his 'covetry' of his 'baby'01:07
troy_sThat said, we, as parents, must all let our children grow up at some point.  This generally requires them to dress themselves :)01:07
troy_sI would also suggest that the community is to blame in this regard, as the formal frameworks have yet to be implemented for art and design.01:08
troy_sCode developed cvs, svn, etc.  Where are our parallels for group artistic design development?01:08
lapodon't misunderstand me, I believe there's the need of somebody who make decisions (see debian), but in the field he doesn't know he should left the decisions to others, you know art for example :-)01:08
lapoyeah, it's mostly a community fault, not his01:08
troy_slapo: I think that takes time and trust.  Worse, I think that when you are discussing design, you must _clearly_ consider your audience... something Ubuntu refuses to do as it is taboo.01:09
lapoyeah, very true01:09
troy_sAs soon as you say that you are trying to communicate with XXX or YYY you immediately 'exclude' ZZZ and that is distasteful.01:09
troy_sThat said, the unwritten rules of design are also speaking mammoth quantities to those 'mainstream' types who understand the language that commercial design has laid out.01:09
troy_sFor example, the rather uncommunicative nature of Ubuntu in its current nature won't do much to 'draw' in people to the thinking.01:10
troy_sApple's design speaks, which is why it is successful.01:10
troy_sSo does say, McDonalds01:10
lapoyeah, that's really the point01:10
troy_sAll _standout_ design speaks through its implementation.01:10
troy_sWe in Free Software are perhaps either A) completely not used to thinking this way or more likely B) worried that it will exclude someone.01:11
troy_sIn reality, all things do.01:11
troy_sYou are colour blind aren't you Lapo?01:11
lapobut ubuntu says it's want to be easy for end users so it really want (at least) to have an audience01:11
troy_sThat is a fallacy01:11
lapotroy_s: deutheranope I believe01:11
troy_sCompletely and utterly01:11
troy_sIt is like saying 'I would like to say 'hello' to the entire world'01:12
troy_sIt is a Utopian fallacy.01:12
troy_sLapo -- how many instances of very good accoladed design have you been exposed to that don't 'work' for you with your sight issues?01:12
troy_sSee my point?01:12
lapoyeah sure01:12
lapoI completelly agree with you01:13
troy_sIt's simply a utopian fallacy to try and please everyone.01:13
troy_sAnd we all know the old addages about that.01:13
troy_sNot to mention that of the say, 100 or so art / design reference works that line my shelf, the most consistent underlying 'do this' instruction in _every_ one, is "figure out your audience"01:13
troy_sI would love to see Ubuntu have a beautiful presentation that works for say, someone who uses a strictly touch based visual system (whatever the hell that would be -- ideas?)01:14
troy_sAnd the only way we are going to get there is to perhaps suggest that everyone's needs are going to be different.01:14
lapoyeah, but what I'm saying is that ubuntu has it's audience, but the choices made are not in that direction sometimes01:14
troy_s_A_B_S_O_ lutely01:15
lapo'cause as you are saying it want to be generalized01:15
troy_sAnd yet it seeks to be populart01:15
lapobut that's a fault of design by community01:15
troy_sYou think so?01:15
troy_sI can state beyond a shadow of a doubt that Ubuntu's design woes01:15
lapobecause everybody can have his voice heard and everybody has a different opinion01:15
troy_shave _nothing_ to do with community01:15
troy_sBut let's try a little mental exercise...01:16
troy_sIf you and I were going to sit down and attempt to say01:16
troy_sdesign a user interface for someone with your visual sense01:16
lapoyou know you have to deal with a community and you have to maintain it alive, you cannot make huge parts of it unhappy or it won't work01:16
troy_sWe would probably have to have a pretty distinct set of design critera, yes?01:16
lapoand small vocal group can influence the community a lot01:16
troy_scompletely agree01:16
troy_ssqueeky wheels01:16
troy_sIn our case though, it is largely a lack of knowledge and fear.01:17
lapobut that's how it works in oss most of the time01:17
lapoyou start nicelly and you end up debian :-)01:17
troy_sAnd probably why the Free Software art and design field isn't exactly being picked ripely for artistic talent every day :)01:17
troy_sI think democracy doesn't work for implementation of design01:17
troy_sbut again, if we say01:17
troy_shad a clear set of design critera --01:18
troy_ssuch as designing for people with complete colour blindness for example01:18
troy_swe have already alleviated 99% of the democracy01:18
lapoI think we had a discussion in dapper time about it and you were thinking the opposite, some time in the oss world make you change your mainf eh :-))01:18
troy_s'this does not work as the palette is busted for our audience'01:18
lapoyeah, sure01:18
troy_slapo: No, I think I still largely believe that the Free Software community _SHOULD_ be able to achieve art and design that is far superior to the close house mentality.01:19
lapotroy_s: yeah with strong and widelly accepted guidelines01:19
troy_sThat said, I completely disagree with not having a well developed audience01:19
lapotroy_s: and this is way I'm all for tango :-)01:19
troy_saccepted or not -- guidelines. :)01:19
troy_swell even tango's err on the side of loose01:19
lapotroy_s: not accepted = no community :-)01:19
troy_sbut yes, one could attribute some of its success to guidelines01:20
troy_slook at the sixteen gigs of osx or vista design guidelines01:20
troy_sdesigner's bibles are commonplace _everywhere_01:20
lapotroy_s: sure, but if you have picky bastards sitting on the official repo (read me and jimmac for example) it will work :-)01:20
troy_sthe problem in foss is that either you decide to 'include everyone' or suffer at the hands of appearing as some sort of brutal dictator who doesn't care.01:20
troy_si agree...01:21
lapotroy_s: maybe01:21
troy_sit would be nice if more of you buggers would document your experiences and such01:21
troy_sthe paper trails are so critical to moving forwards -- building on successes and failures etc.01:21
lapotroy_s: my english is too lousy to document something :-)01:21
troy_sfor example01:22
troy_sShuttle has avoided 'human body parts' thanks to the earlier debacle with the photos01:22
troy_sRather like shooting the baby out with the bathwater.01:22
troy_sAs opposed to looking to execution, the entire realm got thrown out.01:22
troy_sWhich is very much too bad.01:22
troy_s(from an artwork / design standpoint)01:22
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
lapoI liked the photos tho :-)01:23
troy_si was discussing with who that the wallpapers from warty and hoary01:24
troy_sare about 1000000 times better than what we have had since01:24
troy_s(a little mystical element -- magical? - etc.)01:24
troy_si think that really works well for Ubuntu -- communicate that mystical / magical connotation01:24
lapoartistically speaking warty was a lot better then all the reast imho01:24
troy_sNow we have erred into what could be summarized as a bloody gradient.01:24
troy_sWith about as much communication as a middle grey wall.01:25
troy_slapo:  Completely agree.01:25
troy_sthey at least 'spoke'01:25
lapoit communicated something01:25
lapothe rest in my picky eyes messy01:25
troy_sHell... people who cite apple seem to fail to notice all of the 'behind the scenes' design brainstorming they are doing.01:25
lapousaility and design first always01:26
troy_sthe rest have progressively learnt to communicate nothing because that yields the least amount of 'that sucks'01:26
troy_snot realizing that the 'that sucks' also tends to generate people who 'I LOVE IT'01:26
troy_sgenerate SOME feeling01:26
lapotroy_s: and people who cite apple usually refers to osx while os8 for example was a better user experience (crashes apart :-))01:26
troy_snot completely 'meh'01:26
lapovery true01:27
troy_slapo: The one thing that I will say for Apple (not a fan here) is that their designers are damn well trained, damn well educated, and damn well astute to contemporary design OUTSIDE of bloody computing.01:27
troy_sand _that_ is the sole feature that keeps them on edge.01:27
troy_sthey don't look to what vista is doing... nor open source... etc... they look to all the other areas of contemporary art and design.01:27
troy_sas should _any_ decent artist / designer.01:27
lapothey always had slower and more expensive hardware :-)01:27
troy_sand yet their visual stylings have generated legions of fans.01:28
lapoyeah, because they care about design and are not afraid to innovate01:28
troy_snote how visually they have gone from sharper edges to rounded edges (all on par with contemporary design trends) etc...01:28
troy_sprobably LONG before 'mainstream' computing went there01:28
lapoin oss we care too much about what windows users expect01:28
troy_sall they really do is follow the trends OUTSIDE of computing.01:28
troy_snothing brilliant, aside from being brilliantly observant.01:29
laposure, but it is The Right Thing To Do :-)01:29
troy_slapo if only that were the case01:29
lapobeauce is what the use want01:29
troy_slapo -- no one seems to be able to say who the hell a given design is for.01:29
troy_si have the most respect for the high contrast / etc themes01:29
troy_sas they clearly state their audience01:29
troy_sand clearly steer their design towards them01:29
troy_sand _that_ is far superior design01:29
lapogood point01:29
troy_sit 'works'01:29
troy_sit is like all the silly folks who say global irrationalities like 'red makes you angry'01:30
troy_sgee... ever see what colour a japanese bridal gown is?01:30
lapothe problem in oss is that when there design at all it's related to a single project or a bunch of them01:30
troy_sall cultural based stuff...01:30
troy_slapo -- well i think it is wise for default gnome and default kde to be 'middle grey' in presentation -- they are our backbones -- the 'standards'01:30
troy_sbut when you are a distribution, you are 'choosing' how to package something -- sometimes quite literally.01:31
troy_sand therefore, it would make logical sense, to simply acknowledge that say,01:31
troy_sUbuntu for example, is aimed at the 'inexperienced' free software user.01:31
troy_sSo why not extend that into more of a profile?01:31
troy_sExtend the design pattern to ambody that01:31
lapothat's what really should be done01:32
troy_sEvaluate all of our design directions based on this audience01:32
troy_sthe clearly stated default design audience01:32
troy_sthen you can work on achieving that 'must have' effect in your design01:32
troy_sdo some brainstorming on what is 'sheik' if you are trying to be 'sheik' for example01:33
troy_sThe _one_ weakness that Ubuntu simply isn't capitalizing on is the attraction via art design.01:33
lapothe problem is that it doesn't seem to be the most winning approach considering windows marketshare though :-/01:33
troy_swell lets' see...01:34
troy_sin your eyes01:34
troy_swhat does free software offer in terms of 'value01:34
troy_sthat Apple and MS don't01:34
troy_sand in some cases perhaps, _can't_01:34
lapoI think mostly flexibility01:35
troy_sThat is a good one too... you can customize your computing experience to cater to your needs.01:35
troy_sI suppose one could argue that Free Software is ethically superior in many respects.01:36
lapofor sure01:36
troy_s(more democratic in potential, less 'locked' (ala drm etc))01:36
troy_sMore 'natural'?  The "Divine Creation" versus "Evolution" model that has been cited.01:36
troy_s(linux kernel evolution would probably be exemplary in this regard for not needing to maintain legacy API functionality)01:37
lapobut most of the people will not understand the drm problem until it will start byting them and then will be too late01:37
troy_sYes, but don't you think that if we managed to encapsulate that strength01:37
troy_sinto a design pattern01:37
troy_sand utilize it in our marketing01:37
troy_sthat it would be a significant 'must have' article?01:38
troy_sExecution of course would be the difficult part (avoid being too preachy, etc.)01:38
troy_sbut ... theoretically I firmly believe it could 'work'.01:38
lapouhm...not sure because you couldnt et a consensum from the community01:38
troy_sIn what regard?01:38
lapofor example on the message01:39
lapoyou want the design to give01:39
troy_sYes, but in many respects01:39
lapoyou always have to make everybody happy01:39
troy_sTango doesn't rely on consensus does it?01:39
troy_sSo it _can_ be done ;)01:39
troy_sYou admitted yourself that Lapo and Jimmac are the 'gatekeepers'01:40
lapoor better you don't want to make somebody unhappy :-)01:40
troy_sThat happens anyways!01:40
troy_sFor example, sabdfl doesn't like Tango01:40
troy_shell... he is just a percentage01:40
troy_sisn't he01:40
lapothat's one problem :-)01:40
troy_sSome LOVE tango01:40
troy_sSome HATE tango01:40
troy_sthat's life01:40
troy_sThe more 'middle groundy' you take something, the less people care either way.01:41
troy_s(which is I suppose where Ubuntu has found its 'comfort' zone)01:41
laposo you cannot make strong design decistion :-)01:41
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troy_sautomated error REPORTING PLEASE01:42
troy_sanyways lapo, it has been an awsome chat -- i really must shower as I stink01:42
troy_sAll of this sort of stuff should really be discussed on the list01:43
troy_sI just wish it would happen.01:43
lapoyeah, I hope it won't be a flamewar :-)01:43
lapoanyway better to get some sleep, thanks for the nice chat, g'nite01:44
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-artwork: Welcome to #ubuntu-artwork. Ubuntu gets it right; http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/HumanList?content=54505
=== Topic (#ubuntu-artwork): set by kwwii at Mon Apr 2 18:35:59 2007
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andreasnlapo: are you registered on freenode, I need to show you a thing11:56
lapoyes I am11:57
lapoor at least I think I am :-)11:57
lapoyes I am registered, I checked out11:58
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kwwii_man, 10+ years linux graphics experience and I have never even heard of .rle files01:30
kwwii_nor can gimp open them01:30
elkbuntuwhat app are they supposedly for/from?01:31
lapokwwii_: I think rle is the windows bitmap compression01:32
lapokwwii_: are you sure it's not just a bitmap?01:32
kwwii_lapo: that would explain why I've never heard of it01:32
kwwii_elkbuntu: it is for grub (but only a back up file for really funky situations)01:33
elkbuntukwwii_, ah...01:33
elkbuntu"Run-length encoding is used in fax machines (combined with other techniques into Modified Huffman coding). It is relatively efficient because most faxed documents are mostly white space, with occasional interruptions of black."01:34
kwwii_well, pcx does the same01:34
elkbuntuyeah.. have fun... im off to try sleep off an ear infection01:35
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kwwii_elkbuntu: ouch, get well soon01:37
elkbuntukwwii, well i sort of hope so too... since i cant imagine a plane flight to spain is going to be terribly pleasant with a sore ear01:38
kwwiielkbuntu: it would be pure hell, trust me...been there, done that01:38
kwwiilapo: what do you do for a living? study? work?01:39
=== elkbuntu comforts kwwii
elkbuntuthe infection alone is bad enough, without something else irritating it01:39
kwwiino doubt01:39
elkbuntuanyway... zzzzzzzZZZZzzzzZZZ01:40
kwwiilapo: btw. I added the applications-graphic icon from the tangerine svg (the one with the tube in it) to Human, since Tangerine uses the brush alone01:55
lapokwwii: I'm an IT guy03:03
kwwiilapo: cool, I was just thinking that it might have been nice to invite you to the UDS in Spain to discuss artwork03:04
lapokwwii: when it will be?03:04
lapoand where, you know spain is a bit vague :-)03:04
kwwiimay 6-13th or so03:05
kwwiiin seville03:05
kwwiiI have to talk to those in charge first though - it's quite late now03:05
kwwiiI kinda missed this stuff this time around as I am new at this job :-)03:06
lapokwwii: I don't need any financing, not a problem, If work permit I'll see if I can get there03:06
kwwiilapo: that would be *excellent*03:07
kwwiiwe are trying to set up a meeting to discuss artwork planning and execution for all the derivs03:08
kwwiiprobably sometime later in the week03:08
lapokwwii: If I can get there it will be around the weekend03:09
kwwiilapo: cool, let's keep in touch concerning this03:10
laposomething like 12th-13th if I can find the right flyghts03:10
lapoyeah, sure03:10
kwwiiI think that the 12th is the last day03:11
kwwiiI'll be arriving on the 8th (my parents are in town until then)03:11
=== kwwii is off for lunch now....bbl
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ferronicahi room03:42
ferronicaany one here using Beryl ?03:43
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bersaceHi all05:38
bersaceseems that HumanList is pretty like finished :)05:39
bersacethe bug reporter (fingerprint) is happy05:49
bersacethx kwwii05:49
kwwii np, thanks go to you ;-)05:49
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lapokwwii: ping09:58
kwwiilapo: pong09:58
lapokwwii: I'm on some stuff for tango-common, still in time to commit?09:59
kwwiilapo: yepp10:00
kwwiitomorrow midday is about the last chance though10:00
lapocan you commit I could do it as well, but I wouldn't like to fsck everything up so near the freeze, you know :-)10:01
lapouhm...and I get connection time out when I try to branch the tango-common repo :-/10:02
kwwiijust let me know what to commit and where10:03
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andreasnlapo: quite the work monster, eh? :)10:04
kwwiilapo: I'mm checking tango-common out now, can you send me your changes per email or such?10:08
kwwiilapo: did you see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/10303010:40
ubotuMalone bug 103030 in tangerine-icon-theme "Gaim 'view log' icon from Tangerine theme is ridiculously huge" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] 10:40
lapokwwii: yes, it's a gaim icon abuse bug10:40
kwwiiso is it a gaim problem or a problem with an icon?10:41
kwwiior is the guy just being abusive :-)10:41
lapokwwii: it uses gtk-dnd-multiple for the logs and the new gtk stock provide that icon only in 32x3210:41
lapokwwii: and anyway the icon should be scaled, do I'd say it's definitelly a gaim bug10:42
kwwiigotcha..I'll ping seb about that, see what we can do10:42
kwwiihrm, he is gone for the day, I'll ask him tomorrow10:42
lapokwwii: make it use a the text mimetype icon is probably the fastest solution albeit ugly :-)10:43
kwwiilapo: right (and good idea for a quick fix)10:45
lapook, gdm-setup done, anyone with a nice scim icon?10:55
lapoc'mon andreasn rise your hand :-)10:56
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alefterishi all! is there any place i can find the new tango gtk stoke icons?11:50
andreasnlapo: huh?11:51
andreasnoh, a icon for scim?11:51
andreasnI still haven't figured out what the app do :/11:51
andreasnalefteris: hi there, check out gnome-icon-theme-extras in gnome svn11:52
andreasnalefteris: we're working on getting them into gtk+ right now11:52
alefterisandreasn, thanks11:52
kwwiialefteris: die sind auch im Feisty Tangerine11:52
kwwiigerman, sorry11:52
kwwiithey are also in Feisty Tangerine11:53
kwwiiso if you have a feisty system just update :-)11:53
kwwiiif I'm speaking german without knowing it, it is time for bed11:54
kwwiinight all11:54
andreasnnight kwwii!11:54
kwwiilapo: send me your changes whenever you are ready11:54
kwwiiI'll see that they are included tomorrow morning11:54
andreasnlapo: I can fix you a identical to the one that's currently there and send it to you super-early tomorrow11:56
andreasnmy gf wants me to go to bed11:56
andreasnnight all!11:56

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