
spasticteapotYou know...one that could provide computer use to people in relatively poor nations?12:23
PuMpErNiCkLeThat's the mainboard and chip, nothing more.12:23
spasticteapotEr, yes.12:24
spasticteapotAdd a CompactFlash card and power supply, and you're done.12:24
spasticteapotMaybe a bit more RAM.12:24
PuMpErNiCkLeNo storage, no monitor, no input devices.12:24
spasticteapotCompactFlash is cheap - I'd use it.12:24
PuMpErNiCkLeOLPC provides that already.12:24
spasticteapotRun in RAM.12:24
spasticteapotOLPC is $150+ and not going to be done soon.12:24
PuMpErNiCkLeThe market for this isn't developing countries, it's for specific niche uses here.12:25
spasticteapotWell, it does'nt have to be.12:26
spasticteapotThere's a group of people working on using it for a $100 Pc.12:26
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=== Laibsch [n=Laibsch@p3160-ipbf1007marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #xubuntu
LsiCheapest way to produce a monitor, what would it be?12:30
PuMpErNiCkLeOne, or lots of them?12:30
ChainedGXi think someone is working on a linux laptop with a crank handle instead of batteries for $10012:30
PuMpErNiCkLeThat would be OLPC.12:31
LsiThinking about that 100usd pc.12:31
ChainedGXthey're targetting 3rd world12:31
PuMpErNiCkLeAlthough they've missed the $100 mark - it's heading more for $140 ish.12:31
PuMpErNiCkLe(That will probably drop once they start mass producing - so far, they've only made a few thousand.)12:32
ChainedGXi'm sure it will12:32
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=== Howdy125 [n=Howdy125@c-76-104-232-133.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu
ChainedGXI would pay $140 just for the novelty of having a laptop with a crank on it.12:35
spasticteapotNope - that's estimated even for mass production.12:35
Howdy125I'll sell ya a crank for $4012:35
spasticteapotAlso, you have to buy 'em by the thousand.12:35
spasticteapotI'd buy one, though.12:35
spasticteapotIf I could buy just one.12:36
spasticteapotIn the meantime, I've got an IBM 240x I need to patch up.12:36
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=== vnchelper [n=jircii@adsl-33-204-143.lft.bellsouth.net] has joined #xubuntu
vnchelperCan someone help me  start a remote session to where I can see my gui? I don't have access to the machine GUI that I need... all I have is SSH access.12:58
maxamillionvnchelper: you could setup X over ssh12:58
vnchelperSo I could actually see my gui through SSH?12:59
vnchelperWhat does that actually mean? Setting up X over ssh?01:00
maxamillionvnchelper: it lets you forward X over ssh so you can run gui applications01:01
vnchelperand actually see the interface?01:01
maxamillionyeah ... if you want full access to the desktop though it might be better to actually run vnc or an alternative01:03
maxamillionvnchelper: most of them aren't secure though01:03
vnchelperSecurity isn't too big of a personal issue for me.. but I don't think I can setup VNC over a remote SSH can i?01:03
maxamillionvnchelper: sure can01:04
maxamillionvnchelper: you can do anything from the command line that you can in a gui application :)01:04
vnchelperWell.. I started VNCserver before I left, and I set the pass, but when I try to connect to it, it won't let me, even though I did forward the ports01:06
vnchelperThat's why I was looking for another solution01:07
maxamillionohhh, yeah ... not entirely sure ... i only do ssh remotely01:10
vnchelperI'm trying to FTP into a server and download hundreds of files.. is that even possible through console with queuing?01:11
maxamillionvnchelper: of course ... just need the right ftp client :)01:12
vnchelperThat'll run through console? That'd be awesome01:12
maxamillionvnchelper: actually ... midnight commands might be good for you ... it has a really nice cli "user interface"01:14
vnchelperI think I've heard about that.. isn't it through Norton?01:14
maxamillionvnchelper: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midnight_Commander <---info there and http://www.ibiblio.org/mc/ <--there01:14
maxamillionvnchelper: nope, GNU01:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:14
maxamillion!info mc01:15
ubotumc: midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.6.1-5 (edgy), package size 2057 kB, installed size 5944 kB01:15
vnchelperAhhh... and it does run with FTP?01:15
maxamillionvnchelper: just do "sudo aptitude install mc"01:15
maxamillionvnchelper: yeah, i will install it really quick to help you01:15
vnchelperOkay, thanks a lot! :)01:15
=== lypsis [n=lypsis@pd9e1f3be.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #xubuntu
Qewlftp would be another suggestion for a CLI FTP client. Still, mc is damn good and well worth having on your system.01:21
maxamillionyeah ... i actually think mc comes default with xubuntu, i went to install it and it was already here01:22
maxamillionlftp? ... imma go look into that, i have used ncftp in the past but its not my favorite01:22
Qewoh, I had to install mc onto Dapper. So it must be a new thing to have mc as default.01:23
=== Qew is still on Dapper
Qewand staying put for now ;)01:24
maxamillionah, rgr ... i'm on feisty01:24
Qewit's good that it is on as default, though. Saves a few seconds and some bandwidth ;)01:24
maxamilliondon't quote me on that though, i might have installed it a long time ago ... this started as a dapper install and has been through 2 upgrades01:27
Qewoh well, it's not too hard to get01:27
Qewbut it should be default01:27
maxamillioni agree01:27
QewI heard that irssi isn't default anymore, is that true?01:27
maxamillionyeah, they took it out right after dapper .... makes me sad01:28
Qewoh well, another wasted few seconds01:28
=== psycho78 [n=brandon@host-69-59-74-169.nctv.com] has joined #xubuntu
psycho78xubuntu livecd runs very slow on my old laptop. The install process is taking forever and seems to hang. Is there a way to install without booting the live cd?01:36
maxamillionpsycho78: www.xubuntu.org/get <---download and "alternate cd" that boots to a command line text mode installer01:37
psycho78maxamillion: Ok, thanks.01:38
=== brokenbin [n=brokenbi@bas3-toronto06-1177890141.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #xubuntu
brokenbinhow do i create midi devices?01:46
ubotuTrouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo01:47
maxamillionbrokenbin: try that link01:47
brokenbinok thanks01:48
=== nekomancer [n=nekomanc@cpe-71-72-35-233.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu
brokenbinmaxamillion: how do it enable Universe repository?01:50
maxamillionbrokenbin: you can do it in synaptic, that's the eaiest way ... just open synaptic and go to Settings->Repositories and click the little check box next to the universe repo01:51
maxamillioni have to go ... getting off work01:51
nekomancerapplications>settigns>software sources will also get you there01:52
brokenbinyep, i got it01:53
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nekomancerwow.  really talkative  over here...02:23
posingaspopularnekomancer, talk talk jabber jabber02:24
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=== brokenbin [n=brokenbi@bas3-toronto06-1177890141.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #xubuntu
brokenbinhow do i let the computer start with some sound?02:31
brokenbinlike a startup sound02:31
nekomancerbrokenbin, you could set a startup script that makes a sound file play.02:32
posingaspopularbrokenbin, it's possible, im just bad at everything02:32
nekomancerbrokenbin, do you have the mp3 file you want?02:33
nekomancertry making a script.02:36
nekomanceropen mousepad02:37
nekomancerbrokenbin, are you there?02:39
brokenbinwhich file?02:39
nekomancerjust a blank one02:41
nekomancerwe are gonna write a little script : )02:41
nekomancerhave you done this before?02:41
nekomancer(writen a script)02:41
nekomancer(for the record, i belive that this is a harder way of doing it, but i am fairly sure it should work)02:41
nekomancerinto mousepad type:02:42
nekomancerplay <path to file from root>02:44
nekomancertwo simple lines, which *should* work02:44
nekomanceresp. if it is an ogg file02:44
nekomancersave the file, and then change it so it is an exicuatable script.02:44
nekomancersudo chmod 777 <file> will do that02:45
brokenbinhold on02:46
brokenbinlet me log in and back out02:46
nekomancerthen go to applications>settings>auto started applications, and add the script02:47
=== joshritger [n=josh@72-160-246-133.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #xubuntu
joshritgercan someone point me at a tutorial for installing my wifi card?02:54
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:55
=== nekomancer [n=nekomanc@cpe-71-72-35-233.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu
nekomancerwell, that cheap and durty hack gets a 'works on my machine' lable02:56
nekomanceris whoever i was assiting with a startup sound earlier back in the room?02:59
posingaspopularbrokenbin is the one you're looking for02:59
nekomanceri lost my history testing what i told him to do... nothing like just in time learning03:00
brokenbinnekomancer: yes03:01
brokenbinnekomancer: it is working03:01
brokenbinnekomancer: thanks a lot03:01
nekomanceryour welcome03:02
nekomancerbrokenbin, sorry it isn't the cleanest way, but methinks it is more fun03:02
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brokenbinnekomancer: that's what's so great about linux, there's so many ways to work something out03:02
nekomancerbrokenbin, that, and the fact you don't sell your soul to use it : )03:03
nekomancerbrokenbin, do you know how to use orage (the callander) to start up playlists?  that was my favorite recent learning03:03
brokenbinnekomancer: yea, just learnt it03:03
nekomancerbrokenbin, you have to be careful tho03:04
brokenbinnekomancer: i have my backups, don't worry03:05
nekomancerbrokenbin, i didn't mean just that03:06
nekomancerbrokenbin, http://xkcd.com/c196.html03:06
nekomancerbrokenbin, make sure that doesn't happen to you.  no matter how fun it is03:06
brokenbinlet me take a look first of all03:07
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brokenbinnekomancer: lol03:09
nekomancerbrokenbin, there is also alt-over text (hover the mouse pointer)03:09
nekomancerbrokenbin, XKCD is one of the best webcommics out there, there are many funny ones (that one just applied to this situation)03:10
brokenbinnekomancer: interesting03:10
=== aidanr [n=aidanr@] has joined #xubuntu
joshritgerdoes anyone know if a wmp54g v4.1 with the rt61 chipset wifi card is supported out of the box?03:16
BFTDhey all03:16
nekomancerhey there03:17
nekomancerjoshritger, i don't have a clue03:17
nekomancerjoshritger, did it run in the live CD?03:17
joshritgerdidn't try03:17
nekomancerjoshritger, it isn't hard to find out that way... the wonders of the live cd's03:18
joshritgerwifi comes up in my network settings but i can't seem to get it to work03:18
nekomancerjoshritger, somewhere there is a list of what works, but i don't know where03:18
phixnekomancer, hehe03:18
nekomancerjoshritger, ndiswrapper isn't to hard to use either03:18
nekomancerphix, just read the xkcd?03:19
joshritgeri tried it in fedora and i got it to work once and had it fail once03:19
nekomancerphix, there are a ton of good ones in that commic area03:19
joshritgerwith identical installs03:19
phixnekomancer, no,  <nekomancer> brokenbin, that, and the fact you don't sell your soul to use it : )03:19
nekomancerphix, ah.  the xkcd is better (http://xkcd.com/c196.html)03:20
phixok, I am going there now03:20
nekomancerphix, this one is more along the lines of the selling the soul comment tho http://xkcd.com/c225.html03:20
nekomancerjoshritger, i HATE fedora.03:21
nekomancerjoshritger, for more or less exactly that reason.  it doesn't always do the same thing!03:21
joshritgerLOL, i couldnt get ubuntu or xubuntu to install for some reason it didnt like my drive03:21
joshritgerbut i finally got it03:22
nekomancerjoshritger, what is the computer?03:22
joshritgeramd 3000+ x64 gig crucial ram seagate sata 300 gig hard drive msi nvidia 660003:22
joshritgermisc other things03:23
nekomancerjoshritger, ah, a 64-bit.  haven't had the chance to touch that yet03:23
joshritgermy windows drive died last night03:23
joshritgeri had windows xp x64 installed on it03:23
nekomancerjoshritger, how are the aps avalable for ubuntu in it?  very broad spectrum or not?03:23
joshritgernot sure, i am running the 32bit version or xubuntu03:24
joshritgeri haven't run the 64bit yet03:24
joshritger32bit xubuntu03:24
joshritgeri dont see a need for 64bit right now, i haven't seen a performance gain yet03:24
phixnekomancer, I am looking at th first comics, they don't make much sense to me03:25
joshritgeri had x64 fedora core 6 and didnt see a diff from 32 bit03:25
nekomancer64 bit can handle more than two gigs of ram03:25
joshritgeryeah, i dont have that much yet, my next rig should03:25
nekomancerphix, the first xkcd's are just random pictures from the author's notebook, which he put online while testing a (fedora, i think) server03:25
joshritgernekomancer do you know if getting a bluetooth keyboard or mouse to work is hard?03:26
nekomancerphix, people found some of them, liked them, and demanded more.03:26
nekomancerphix, now he does full time comics.  they get better further on down the line03:26
nekomancerjoshritger, i don't know.  my stuff is somewhat old...  no bluetooth03:27
phixfedora :S03:27
joshritgerk, i got it workign in fedora so hopefully i can get it to work here03:27
nekomancerjoshritger, you should be able to.03:27
joshritgeri know, i prefer a ubuntu derivative, but i couldnt get one to install at first03:27
nekomancerjoshritger, becaue fedora only has a really cool name.  the entire system is a PAIN.  Debian style linux all the way!03:28
phixheh, a snapple03:28
phixit is infused with tin03:28
nekomancerphix, are you reading the mouse-over text also?03:28
phixthere is mouse-over text? :O03:28
joshritgerLOL they dont have stuff updated as much either, like they are still running old gaim and firefox03:29
nekomancerfedora just seems... sloppy.03:30
=== n-iCe [i=n-ice@] has joined #xubuntu
n-iCehow can i connect my wireless conection ?03:30
phixfedora just seems... redhatty03:31
joshritgerLOL i am trying to figure mine out too03:31
joshritgerbe back soon gotta restart03:31
nekomancern-iCe, what is your wifi card?03:32
nekomancern-iCe, and does it respond already?03:33
n-iCei checked with lsusb03:33
n-iCeand is there03:33
n-iCebut how to configurate it03:33
nekomancern-iCe, what does iwconfig give you?03:33
nekomancern-iCe, in the terminal03:34
n-iCeok wait03:34
=== joshritge1 [n=josh@72-160-246-133.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #xubuntu
joshritge1oh lol diff screen name03:36
nekomancern-iCe, if you want to just connect to a network, which is not wpa encrypted, i advise installing wifi-radar [ $ sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install wifi-radar #type in terminal] 03:37
nekomancern-iCe, iwconfig is the command for configuring it in the terminal, but i don't know how to use it myself03:38
n-iCehow can i install it if i don'0t have internet :)03:40
n-iCelet me check the iwconfig03:40
n-iCei'm writing it03:41
nekomanceryou have the net now, right?03:42
nekomancerdo you have a aim client? or know how to send packages through xchat?03:42
nekomancer(how are you in irc if you don't have the net)03:43
n-iCejust typing iwconfig i should get internet?03:43
n-iCei'm in other pc...03:43
nekomanceri can send you the .deb for wifi radar.  on a base xubuntu install all dependancies for wifi radar are there or on the CD03:43
nekomancerso you don't need the net if you have a usb drive or some such thing03:43
nekomancerwifi config gives you info about what your wireless card is doing03:44
nekomancerwhat type of network are you trying to connect to?03:44
=== darrend [n=darren@43-015.adsl.zetnet.co.uk] has joined #xubuntu
n-iCewait wait03:44
n-iCein ubuntu works and i have the correct configuration03:44
nekomancerlo        no wireless extensions.03:44
nekomancereth0      no wireless extensions.03:44
nekomancereth1      IEEE 802.11g  ESSID:"Archmage"  Nickname:"Archmage"03:44
nekomancer          Mode:Auto  Frequency:2.437 GHz  Access Point: 00:18:39:C1:5A:A603:44
nekomancer          Bit Rate=54 Mb/s   Tx-Power:25 dBm03:44
nekomancer          RTS thr=2347 B   Fragment thr=2346 B03:44
nekomancer          Power Management:off03:44
nekomancer          Link Quality:100/100  Signal level:-69 dBm  Noise level:-256 dBm03:44
nekomancer          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:003:45
nekomancer          Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:003:45
nekomancersit0      no wireless extensions.03:45
nekomancerthat is what my iwconfig looks like03:45
n-iCemine too03:45
n-iCesomething similar03:45
n-iCeso ?03:45
nekomancerso your wireless is working then?03:45
nekomancerhow is the network secured?03:45
n-iCeno because i din't write key and id03:45
phixnekomancer, huge paste03:46
phixnekomancer, I will steal your MAC address03:46
phixyou can't use it now :P03:46
n-iCeuh ?03:46
nekomancer(if you don't get anything other than 'no wireless extensions', your wifi doesn't work)03:47
n-iCesays the same as you03:47
n-iCealmost the same03:47
n-iCelet me see in where03:47
n-iCein wlan003:47
nekomancerphix, sorry about the large paste, but it isn't like we are busy in here too much, and you can have my mac... oh, wait, you don't use the same address so it doesn't matter03:47
phixencryption isnt enabled, unless you didn't run that as root03:47
phixnekomancer, :)03:47
phixnekomancer, I know man, I was playing with you03:48
nekomancerphix, unless you are on my network... so you are the leacher!!!!03:48
n-iCeso nekomancer? how can i write my info03:48
n-iCeto the wireless03:48
phixif I was on your network we wouldn't be able to comunicate if I was using your MAC address, our arp tables will have the crazies03:49
ormiretn-iCe: you want something like: 'sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid <networkID> key <encryption key>' then 'sudo dhclient wlan0'03:50
nekomancerif you do not have a wireless encrypt key, then just apps>system>network settigns and turning your wifi on should do the trick.03:50
nekomancerif you do have a key setup, do what he said :P03:51
ormiretnekomancer: can you set the SSID there?03:51
=== ormiret dives for the command line too soon :)
nekomancerin network settings?03:51
nekomancerin iwconfig?03:51
nekomancerbut my key never worked in network settings.03:52
ormiretyeah, it was network settings I wasn't sure of.03:52
nekomanceri don't know why03:52
n-iCethen i should send: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid 2WIRE811 key 579672754503:52
nekomanceri blame the ndiswrapper03:52
n-iCeAnd that's all ?03:52
nekomancerif thta is your key.03:53
nekomancerand then the ' $ sudo dhclient wlan0'03:53
n-iCeyeeeeeah let me check03:53
n-iCeok ok ok03:53
n-iCelet me check03:53
nekomancerphix, so what are you gonna do now? use my mac on n-iCe's wifi?03:54
phixwhy not :) pretend to be you ;003:55
phixyour using WEP ay03:55
nekomancerphix, yea.03:55
phixremember to change your key after you transfer 100, 000 packets :)03:55
nekomancerphix, because the area i live in is a tiny town where people don't understand computers.03:56
phixyeah :)03:56
nekomancerphix, seriously, it isn't a threat.  and the two open networks i can access make it even less so...03:56
phixI think my setup is a bit overkill03:56
phix256bit AES03:56
nekomancerphix, and there is a college about two blocks away that... USES MAC FILTERING.03:57
phixnekomancer, lol03:57
nekomancerphix, which is easier than wep.  so i may be a joke, but i'm not the big funny one :P03:57
phixnekomancer, they have chickens or monkeys to manage that network?03:57
nekomancerphix, it is a m$ only shop.  what do you think?03:57
phixnekomancer, nah using WEP is still ok for home use, unless you live next door to an 1337 h4x0r that gets the WEP key sniffing thingy off google03:58
nekomancerphix, i think you really don't need to key them at all, at least where i am.  but you are correct, wep is strong enough to keep the casual surfers away... and if someone takes the time to break wep (all 10 min) they can ues my network03:59
phixwhere do you live and what connection do you have ? :P04:00
nekomancerphix, i have to say i have used one of them programs for fun once... cracked a friend's 'uncracrable' network.  she didn't believe me that wep was just like putting up a 'keep off the grass' sign04:00
phixheh, BRB04:00
n-iCenekomancer !!04:03
n-iCeDone now ?04:03
nekomancern-iCe, yes?04:03
nekomancern-iCe, does it work?04:03
n-iCewell is like loading maybe04:04
n-iCei don't know i should test firefox ?04:04
n-iCenow ?04:04
nekomancern-iCe, it probley can't hurt, so long as whatever you did it in is ready for input...04:04
n-iCelet's see04:04
nekomancern-iCe, run iwconfig again, as root ($ sudo iwconfig) and see what happens.04:05
=== j1mc [n=jim@adsl-75-22-225-51.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #xubuntu
n-iCedoesnt0 work i got messages:04:08
n-iCeNo dhcpoffers04:08
n-iCeno working leases in persitent database - sleeping04:09
phixnekomancer,  :)04:09
=== gary [n=grcrosby@d216-232-173-250.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #xubuntu
phixnekomancer, so you are helping n-iCe setup a network? or are you connecting to his?04:10
ormiretn-iCe: check that you're wireless card can see you're network: iwlist wlan004:10
nekomancerphix, shhhhhhh04:11
n-iCeunkown command04:11
nekomancerormiret, i bow before your command line knowledge04:11
=== icicled [n=icicled@adsl-209-30-163-245.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #xubuntu
n-iCenekomancer ?04:15
n-iCei have an idea04:15
nekomancern-iCe, $ iwlist wlan0 scanning04:15
n-iCewhere can i paste you something04:15
nekomanceri don't know irc very well.04:15
nekomanceri just lurk here when i feel the need to be helpful...04:15
nekomanceryou can probley paste it here...04:16
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:16
n-iCenekomancer faled04:16
n-iCefailed the scan04:16
nekomancerthanks, ubotu04:17
nekomanceri have learned more!04:17
=== Jester45 [i=Jester45@207-119-239-2.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #xubuntu
n-iCei wanna show you something04:17
nekomanceruse the pastebin thing04:17
Jester45!bug 104:17
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents04:17
ubotuMalone bug 1 in ichthux "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/104:17
n-iCeWhen i had installed ubuntu could detect my wireless i will show what shoed04:17
nekomanceri love the bug 1 thing04:18
n-iCewhen i typed ifconfig04:18
nekomancerhumor is one of the other great things about open source stuff.04:18
n-iCenekomancer: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/13814/04:19
n-iCeand in /etc/network/interfaces04:20
=== joshritger [n=josh@72-160-246-133.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #xubuntu
=== Jester45 has ordered his dual opteron with 8gb ram
joshritgerhow do i log in as root or super user from the log in screen?04:20
j1mcJester45: woah.  what are you going to do with that?04:20
Jester45im gonna have a pretty desktop04:20
j1mcjoshritger: any special reason you want to be root?  can't you just use "sudo"?04:21
nekomancern-iCe, more or less what i have...04:21
j1mcJester45: are you going to use it as a server??04:21
joshritgeri am trying to edit some config files and i can't seem to figure out how to04:21
j1mc8gb of RAM?  woah04:21
Jester45joshritger, there is not default super user if you want to run a program as root run "gksu <command>"04:21
n-iCenekomancer how can i change it in xubuntu04:21
n-iCeedit it *04:21
n-iCeto that04:21
nekomancern-iCe, this is from your one computer running ubuntu then?04:22
Jester45j1mc, no server :) just a desktop and maybe just maybe if it can run it i wil use xchat on it04:22
joshritgeryeah, i am trying to get my wifi working and i have to manually edit the config file and i can't seem to get any editor to work the way the tutorial says04:22
n-iCenekomancer nope i saved the info04:22
n-iCethis is for wlconfig:04:22
n-iCehow can i edit to be the same04:22
n-iCehow can i open it in a notepad to chage everything to the ubuntu info04:23
Jester45are you editing a file? just post it to pastebin then copy back once in xubuntu04:23
n-iCeJester45 no04:24
n-iCeI wanna open the file to edit it04:24
nekomancern-iCe, do you use a static ip?04:24
n-iCeexample the info in iwconfig04:24
Jester45why cant you open it04:24
n-iCenekomancer nope04:24
n-iCei don't think so nekomancer04:25
n-iCeJester45 HOW04:25
nekomancern-iCe, then that may not work04:25
nekomancerJester45, he's trying to set up a wifi w/o internet access.04:25
n-iCeok then what i should do ?04:25
nekomancerJester45, which means he doesn't have any of the good gui tools to do that.04:25
Jester45well, do you have usb/cd/floppy to ransfer things with04:26
nekomancern-iCe, i'm thinking.  sorry.  i haven't encountered this problem, but i think i can think my way around it (sorry)04:26
nekomancern-iCe, the ideas that i have had have been shot down04:26
Jester45humm wonder if could run one as 32 bit and other at 64bit04:27
n-iCei wanna edit the info in the path how ?04:28
n-iCei mean: /etc/network/interfaces04:28
nekomancersince you know where it is...04:29
ormiretn-iCe: you can edit that with any text editor, you just need to use sudo as normal users don't have permissions for that e.g. sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces04:29
nekomancer$sudo mousepad /etc/network/interfaces04:29
n-iCenano ?04:29
n-iCeok let me check04:30
nekomancern-iCe, NO04:30
nekomancern-iCe, not nano if you don't know how to use it04:30
nekomancern-iCe, use mousepad04:30
n-iCehaha iguess i know how04:30
n-iCecontrol x04:30
ormiretnano does have isntructions at the bottom of the screen04:30
nekomancern-iCe, $gksu mousepad /etc/network/interfaces04:31
nekomancernano drove me nuts.04:31
nekomanceri use jed for that04:31
n-iCenow i'm confuse04:31
n-iCesudo mousepad /etc/network/interfaces04:31
Jester45the bot look hungry again04:32
nekomancergksu mousepad /etc/network/interfaces04:32
nekomancerwill open that file in root, with a notepad like ediitor04:32
Jester45n-iCe, gksu is for gui apps sudo is for cli, its not needed but advised04:32
nekomancern-iCe, gksu can prevent some file from getting corrupted and changed from user ownership to root ownership, which causes problems with the loggingin04:33
nekomancern-iCe, it is rare but not unheard of that using sudo for a gui app does that04:34
nekomancer(or so i understand04:34
n-iCei just going to edit that file04:34
n-iCewait with nano04:34
n-iCeois ok ?04:34
n-iCemousepad doesn't work04:35
nekomancerif you use nano, sudo is fine.04:35
joshritgeri need some help, i am following this tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT61?action=show&redirect=Rt61WirelessCardsHowTo and I need help with activating the module (driver)04:37
Jester45whats the reason to use gksu /sudo why not just sudo i use gksu when i think of it but never noticed anything04:37
n-iCedoesn't work04:39
n-iCefirefox but i thnk the terminal yes04:39
n-iCeHow is the command to download th radar or that thingie?04:39
Jester45wget <url> should work i might of left out a option04:40
Jester45i think its -d <location>04:40
n-iCebut the wget name04:41
nekomancersudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude download wifi-radar04:41
ormiretn-iCe: sudo aptitude install wifi-radar on your xubuntu machine04:41
nekomancerdownloads the .deb package04:42
n-iCe[ $ sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install wifi-radar #type in terminal] 04:42
nekomancerthat will install it04:42
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nekomancern-iCe, that will install... replace install with download to just download the .deb04:42
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Jester45o i thought he was getting a file from internet04:43
ormiretn-iCe: wifi-radar is in universe so you will need to add that to your sources on a new install04:43
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource04:43
=== Jester45 is brad nailing his router to the wall
joshritgercan someone help me with a tutorial04:45
ormiretjoshritger: sorry, I got sidetracked... What isn't working?04:45
nekomancerJester45, yes, he is, but wifi-radar is in the ubuntu stuff allready.  so why bother looking elsewhere?04:45
Jester45well... i ment off the internet as in a website04:46
Jester45ubuntu has a website to search for debs on04:46
joshritgerIt doesn't seem to do anything when I enter in the commands04:46
joshritgerand i do the iwconfig and my wifi device isn't present04:47
ormiretrun lsmod to see if the rt61 module is loaded.04:47
nekomancerormiret, joshritger wants to get his wifi card working, or os it apears.  the tutorial is beyond my ablitiy to do more than parrot back...04:47
nekomanceroops, sorry04:47
Jester45dont worrie nekomancer  your a good parrot04:48
n-iCei'm done04:48
nekomancerJester45, i know.  and i thank god each day i'm not in a python sketch yet...04:48
ormiretn-iCe: its workign or you're done editing?04:49
joshritgerwhat should i look under04:49
n-iCei surrender04:49
n-iCei can't04:49
n-iCeget connect it04:49
joshritgeri dont see it anywhere04:50
Jester45i had the same problem n-iCe but i was trying to combine 2 file servers and i was trying to connect to the other one and after 30 mins i notice the network cable was dissconnected04:50
ormiretjoshritger: run 'lsmod | grep rt61' if it's a big list and you want the computer to check for you.04:50
n-iCeJester45 if i install the radar should work?04:51
Jester45i dont know im a ethernet kinda guy04:51
Jester45i was trying to give youhope04:51
nekomancern-iCe, yes, it should.  just gdebi the package and it will work... i did that for my last reinstall with a broadcom 43xx04:51
n-iCe:) i apreciate it04:51
ormiretjoshritger: if you're sure it's not there then run 'sudo modprobe rt61' and look again.04:51
joshritgerit found it04:51
n-iCenekomancer look i will install ubuntu there can i download it and run it in the xubuntu ?04:52
nekomancerJester45, the differacne between sudo and gksu http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo04:52
Jester45thanks parrot04:52
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ormiretjoshritger: so the module's loaded and iwconfig isn't picking up you're card?04:53
nekomancern-iCe, yes, the .deb files for ubuntu run on all desktop enviorments, although some need dependancies to work.  wifi-radar has everything it needs either on the xubuntu install or on the xubuntu disk04:53
n-iCenekomancer run in fluxbuntu too ?04:53
nekomancern-iCe, most likely, but you would need to installs some libs or something :P04:53
n-iCeok how to download the wifi-radar.deb04:54
n-iCeand install it in fluxbuntu04:54
joshritgersupposedly i am supposed to remove the old module and load teh new one, but i can't figure out how to do that, that is what i was trying to do in the tutorial04:54
joejaxxn-iCe: sudo apt-get install wifi-radar04:54
nekomancernekomancer want a cracker, Jester4504:54
n-iCethat is going to install it i want the installer04:54
ormiretjoshritger: is rt61pci still loaded?04:54
n-iCeto move in fluxbuntu04:54
nekomancersudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude download wifi-radar04:55
n-iCewhere is going to download it ?04:55
nekomancergood question.04:55
nekomancerone of two places?04:55
Jester45nekomancer, you should tpye /me then that message04:55
ormiretn-iCe: you can download packages at packages.ubuntu.com04:55
joshritgeri did a search with the lsmod | grep rt61pci and didnt find anything04:55
nekomancereither in the active downloads section04:55
nekomancerlearn a new irc command04:55
Jester45its fancy04:56
=== kalikiana [n=kalikian@xdsl-84-44-155-168.netcologne.de] has joined #xubuntu
ormiretjoshritger: you managed to remove it then.04:56
nekomancern-iCe, /var/cache/apt/archives is the place most .deb files download to04:57
ormiretjoshritger: run 'sudo lshw' and find you're network card and see what module it's hooked up to (or put all the output in pastebin and I'll have a look)04:57
n-iCeok brb i will check04:57
=== Jester45 jester loves to teach
nekomancern-iCe, at least with an install04:57
Jester45i messed it up04:57
joshritgerwhen i type in iwconfig it shows lo no wireless extension and ra0 no wireless extensions does that mean it didnt show up?04:57
Jester45well bye bye04:58
ormiretjoshritger: that's not good, ra0 is what it should show up as but if it's a wireless card it should have wireless extensions...04:59
joshritgerwhat is the link for pastebin i haven't used it for a longtime04:59
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:00
ormiretjoshritger: try removing the rt61 module: 'sudo modprobe --remove rt61' and make sure neither it nor rt61pci is loaded with an 'lsmod' then reload ('sudo modprobe rt61') and look again at iwconfig.05:00
joshritgerok, i did what you said to do and the same thing happened05:03
nekomancerhave a good night room05:04
ormiretOK have a look in dmesg to see if the driver is reporting any probelms.05:04
joshritgerwould wrong settings for authentication type mess it up or would it still pick up my card05:04
n-iCehe's off :/05:04
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ormiretIt should still get further than this before authentication gets to cause problems...05:05
ormiretn-iCe: can I help?05:05
joshritgeri am not sure05:07
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n-iCeormiret well05:11
n-iCehow can i search a file in ubuntu ?05:11
joshritgeri found something to do with that rt61pci and it says error around line 36805:11
malnilionErm, this might sound like a silly question, but development for Ubuntu 7.10 is gonna begin like the day after tomorrow, right?  If so, has a name been decided on or is it top secret?05:12
crimsunmalnilion: err, what?05:12
malnilionEr, I don't know, when's work for 7.10 begin?05:13
joshritgerthere is another reference to the rt61pci file on line 40505:13
ormiretjoshritger: no problems there that I can see (errors with rt61pci would be expected since it didn't work), only thing I can recommend is to try the ralink support site, sorry05:13
crimsunfreeze is tomorrow. we're working [desperately]  on 7.04 until it releases on 19 Apr05:13
joshritgeri do have a older version of the card in another pc, but i dont really wanna try that05:14
malnilionAh, I forgot when the final release was05:14
malnilionFeisty's running pretty damn well at this point05:14
joshritgeroh well thanks anywho05:14
malnilionI'm digging the new bootsplash05:15
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malnilionusplash or whatever it is05:15
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ormiretn-iCe: search for a file or search within a file?05:16
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=== Topic for #xubuntu: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Mailing list: http://lists.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-users | 7.04 BETA is out!
=== Topic (#xubuntu): set by PuMpErNiCkLe at Fri Mar 23 22:53:03 2007
=== sigmamu188 [n=jwheeler@cpe-70-116-80-78.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu
sigmamu188how do i use chmod to change the permissions of a mount point so that i can access it without sudo su, full permission fat 3206:11
ormiretyou don't want to change the permissions of the mount point or they will revert next time you mount the file system, add the option 'users' to fstab (I think that's the right option)06:14
sigmamu188how do i do that ompum06:16
sigmamu188ormiret: how do i do that?06:16
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions06:16
ormiretedit /etc/fstab and change 'deaults' to 'default, users' on the line for the file system you're interested in06:17
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ormiretactually looks like user isn't the right option06:19
sigmamu188ormiret: what options should i add06:21
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sigmamu188or is that what the default, users is for06:21
ormiretI'm chacking06:21
tboxanybody have any ideas about how to trouble-shoot audio on my install? seems to have completely stopped working...06:21
tboxit's been broken for a while now, reboot doesnt fix it06:22
tboxi know that it used to work for sure...06:22
ormirettbox: do you get any errors or just no audio coming out of the speakers?06:25
tboxno audio at all06:25
tboxi know it's not my hardware, i checked pretty much everything... wondering if it's some driver that's gone missing or something06:26
tboxanything i should be looking for?06:26
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=== vomc is now known as vomc8one_
ormiretwelcome back, have a look in the output of 'sudo lshw -C multimedia' to see that you're soundcard is detected and has a driver asigned, also have a look in alsamixer and see that there aren't any channels muted06:31
vomc8one_ormiret: thanks! sorry, i guess i just hit alt+f4 instead of alt+4 to switch windows in irssi...06:32
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vomc8one_never used alsamixer, that's nice though06:36
vomc8one_not sure if i understand the output from ' ... lshw -C multimedia'06:39
ormiretwhat does the 'configuration: ' line say?06:39
vomc8one_configuration: driver=Intel ICH06:40
vomc8one_should i see if i can reinstall all the alsa stuff?06:40
ormiretThe driver is fine then, it wouldn't hurt to reinstall alsa but I'm not sure how likely it is to do any good...06:41
vomc8one_yeah i just looked, seems like all my alsa stuff is up to date...06:42
ormiretvomc8one_: could you put the output of dmesg in the pastebin to let me see if there are any problems06:46
vomc8one_ormiret: how do i use pastebin? sorry...06:48
vomc8one_got the output06:48
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:48
vomc8one_ok ormiret06:51
ormiretno problems showing up there, Do you have any other output sockets? Headphone?07:00
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sigmamu188ormiret: thanks for the advice i got my fstab correctly configured and wrote some entries from scratch07:24
sigmamu188thats what took so long07:24
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sigmamu188ormiret: that and lost of syntax errors due to a sleepy computer operator!07:25
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meborcdoes anyone know what command gives me the names of computers in my local network? :)07:46
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n-iCeHello what is the path to see the usbs ?07:58
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kumamoton-iCe: lsusb08:01
n-iCeno no there says if is detected08:01
n-iCei wanna join to the usb files08:01
n-iCehow ?08:01
kumamoton-iCe: want to read usb file in a usb attached device?08:01
kumamoton-iCe: dmesg | grep usb08:03
n-iCelet me check08:03
kumamotoshould tell u which drive to mount for you read it08:03
n-iCekumamoto doesn't apepar my usb that appear in lsusb08:10
n-iCein lsusb tell me that is in bus 3 device 608:10
n-iCehow cani join to the files08:10
kumamotohow about dmesg | less it should show something like sda or sdb08:11
n-iCedmesg | less08:12
kumamotoif you can't find it pastebin (dmesg | less)08:12
n-iCelet me check08:12
n-iCei can't paste it is in other pc in other room without internet08:12
kumamotocan't copy and paste it to pastebin08:13
n-iCewell isn't there08:15
n-iCejust you can't tell me how can i navigate to my usbs?08:16
kumamotothat is what I am trying to tell you08:16
n-iCei know how to do it graphical i just need the ruote08:16
kumamotoyou will have to find the drive the machine detects it to be then mount it then you can navigate your files all your want08:16
kumamotoif it graphically xubuntu does it automatically08:17
n-iCelook doesn't show it in desktop how can i find it in my pc08:17
n-iCewhere is it?08:17
=== n-iCe slaps kumamoto around a bit with a large trout
n-iCeis lighter the xubuntu alternative cds than the normal xubuntu ?08:23
kumamotook remove it and and reattached and watch messages (tail -f /var/log/messages) or (dmesg | less) at the same tiem08:27
n-iCeforget it i uninstall it08:28
n-iCeit was fluxbuntu08:28
n-iCebow i'm downloading xubuntu alternate cd08:28
n-iCehow is it?08:28
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kumamotoxubuntu is lighter that ubuntu and kubuntu a bit heavier than fluxbuntu08:30
kumamotobut you will need a lot more time configuring flux to your liking that xubuntu08:31
n-iCebut the difference between alternat and normal?08:33
joejaxxkumamoto: lol :P08:34
kumamoton-iCe: on the difference sorry you will have to read the fine print08:36
joejaxxn-iCe: it is an expression08:41
n-iCeso ?08:42
n-iCewhat's the difference?08:42
kumamotoI don't know am stumped too08:43
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nonuda_how to setup an internet connection sharing, currently i have a ubuntu box with internet connection and i have xubuntu box with lan connection09:13
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Carsten[DE] Guten Morgen09:33
tors_morning Carsten09:33
Carsten[DE] oups... forgot the -de channel ^^09:34
Carsten[DE] Konnichiha, Nihao, Salam alejkom, Huie daag, Bonjour, Moin, Hello, Hi, Salut, .... Good-whatsoever ..09:34
Carsten[DE] I got lost my "applications-menu" in my xubuntu xcfe4... any easy way to restore it09:35
Carsten[DE] anyone has a clue how this can happen without hitting "DEL" somewhere... i guess i am not the only one that "achieves" this...09:35
Carsten[DE] !alone09:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alone - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:37
tors_There is an applet which gives the applications menu09:38
Pumpernickelcp /etc/xdg/xfce4/desktop/menu.xml ~/.config/xfce4/desktop/menu.xml09:38
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Carsten[DE] Pumpernickel... $1 exists, $2 cannot create (while using "sudo") there is NO .config-Dir in my home?!09:41
Carsten[DE] Pumper: simply create that path an copy it into would help?09:41
Carsten[DE] tors_? which one?09:41
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PumpernickelIf you don't have a ~/.config, one should be generated from the system defaults when you login.09:42
Carsten[DE] Pumpernickel...09:42
Carsten[DE] hm strange... i wasnt able to see09:42
Carsten[DE] I wasnt able to copy into09:42
Carsten[DE] but i can move into (God it exists)...09:42
meborcyou can add the menu with the right-click on the panel -> add menu :)09:42
Carsten[DE] i ll try to copy it into09:42
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Carsten[DE] mebroc... outch,... THAT simple.09:43
Carsten[DE] Yeah I got it back (while it is now on the right-hand side, but that doesnt matter)09:43
Carsten[DE] Hm, strange... right now it looks like something resetted for good. My language changed completly into the during-install-requested and the ADD menu for my taskbar is now complete, while it was yet lacking the "simple programm add"09:45
Carsten[DE] dunno how... but THX a lot!09:45
=== seamus7 [n=seamus7@h125.2.141.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #xubuntu
meborcyou can move the menu by .... right-click -> move09:46
meborcjust move the mouse to the left09:46
meborcthe right-click must be ON the menu though09:46
Carsten[DE] Is there a knowledge about some special behaviour that makes you loose your app? I think of some EMACS C-NNN M-MMM C-XXX M-YYY key combinations that accidentially delete my menu (while it's e.g. sets up a math-environment) ... anything known about that? I had the deletion on a similar machine a year ago09:47
PumpernickelIt's a bug that shows up fairly often.09:48
seamus7Hi.. i want to install xubuntu alongside my standard ubunut installation (i'm on edgy)... will this likely cause any problems like changing my usplash or changing my menus in gnome ... if i uninstall xubuntu, does it uninstall completely and cleanly?09:48
Carsten[DE] Pumper... wow I am glad to hear THAT ^^09:49
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Carsten[DE] Thx for help09:50
Carsten[DE] \bye09:53
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BFTDyo all09:54
BFTDany help needed?09:54
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seamus7how can i restart my desktop panels?10:38
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grazieseamus7: hit alt+f2 and enter 'xfce4-panel'10:39
seamus7thank you :)10:40
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TheDarkKillerHow do I manipulate background proccesses?12:34
TheDarkKillerClose them, unhide them, etc.?12:35
TheDarkKillerI've recently installed the Wolfenstein ET server, I forgot to run it from the terminal, and now I have some hidden procceses I can't get rid of :/12:36
TheDarkKillerAlso, Firefox seems to slow down the system. The machine recently started to lag, and I restarted it, and now its fine.12:38
TheSheepTheDarkKiller: 'ps x' and 'kill'12:39
TheSheepTheDarkKiller: firefox uses up lots of memory12:39
TheDarkKillerI know, that's why I'm using an alternative browser now12:40
TheDarkKillerHow do I terminate a proccess?12:48
TheDarkKillerFrom the info I get from 'ps x'12:48
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mhkI got a problem with xfce installed on Kubuntu (don't ask why): I can log in with the kdm but then i only see a background and a mousepointer. Only user interaction possible is: alt+F4 and ctrl+alt+del. so now, how can i use xfce with those nice panels and menus?01:25
graziemhk: have you tried hitting alt+f2 and entering 'xfce4-panel'01:29
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limbert65Just upgraded from Xubuntu 6.10 to 7.04, and the only thing that seems to have broken is Rhythmbox.  Try to play an mp3, and it crashes.  Mp3s do play in gXine.  Have reinstalled libxine-extracodecs and reinstalled Rhythmbox.  No help.  Any suggestions?04:39
crimsunrhythmbox does not use xine04:39
crimsun--reinstall gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly04:40
naughty-awayguys...is there any way to check in CLI wich services is running ...?04:41
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senorshoemanhey I had a question about installing a printer in xubuntu04:42
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limbert65Ah.  Thanks, will try that.04:43
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bvsciguyI am having trouble running the GUI on a newly installed Xubuntu laptop05:42
bvsciguyI can get to the terminal but startx doesn't work05:43
maxamillionbvsciguy: try "gdm"05:43
bvsciguyso just type in gdm05:43
bvsciguyif so, that didn't work05:44
TheSheepsudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart05:44
maxamillionbvsciguy: does it give you an error?05:46
bvsciguythat asked me for my password and it appears that it is doing nothing05:47
bvsciguyno error05:47
maxamillionstrange ....05:47
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bvsciguycould this have something to do with using the alternate install disk?05:47
maxamillionbvsciguy: shouldn't05:48
hyper_chTheSheep: big trouble here :)05:48
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TheSheepbvsciguy: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop05:48
maxamillionhyper_ch: yes?05:49
TheSheepbvsciguy: apparently the install didn't finish05:49
maxamillionbah ... nvm, i have to run to class05:49
bvsciguyresponse- benjamin is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. </chuckle>05:50
TheSheepbvsciguy: do it from the account that was created at the installation time05:52
bvsciguycould you eleborate?05:53
bvsciguywould that be oem?05:53
graziebvsciguy: you did any oem install?05:54
TheSheepbvsciguy: during the installation, the installer asks you for the user name and password of the first user to create05:54
bvsciguyi got that, and that is where i am05:55
TheSheepbvsciguy: and you're getting the 'not in sudoers' with it? :/05:56
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doogluswhat's the easiest way to use metacity instead of xfwm4?05:57
TheSheepdooglus: install ubuntu :D05:58
dooglusTheSheep: 'easiest'05:58
TheSheepdooglus: that's easy, doesn't require any new skills05:58
dooglusTheSheep: downloading 700MB of stuff, burning a CD and reinstalling an OS probably isn't the easiest way to do it05:59
TheSheepah, no, you can install it by typing 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'05:59
TheSheepit will only download the differences :)05:59
dooglusTheSheep: I don't have enough space for ubuntu-desktop06:00
TheSheepa little less easy way would be to edit the /etc/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc file and replace 'xfwm4' with 'metacity', making usre the metacity is installed06:00
dooglusTheSheep: I'm running from a xubuntu live CD and don't have a hard disk06:00
TheSheepdooglus: if it's a one-timer, you can just open terminal, kill xfwm4 and run metacity06:01
hyper_chsorry :) was distracted for a moment06:01
hyper_chstill that issue with this desklet that I can't remove from the panel :)06:02
TheSheephyper_ch: ooh, colors, pretty, shiny... ;)06:02
hyper_chTheSheep: trainspotting?06:02
TheSheephyper_ch: no, sluggy freelance06:02
dooglusTheSheep: that worked.  thanks.06:03
hyper_chTheSheep: ah :) well, I added the weather desklet to my panel but it's unresponsiv... nothing happens... so I added a second and that works now fine... but how can I remove the other one?06:03
dooglusTheSheep: I'm trying to diagnose a problem whereby clicking on an app's window doesn't bring its associated windows to the front06:03
TheSheepno idea about desklets, I suppose they keep their config somewhere in a text file...06:03
dooglusTheSheep: it used to in GNOME, but doesn't in xubuntu.06:03
dooglusTheSheep: switching to metacity fixed it, so it must be a window manager thing.06:03
TheSheepdooglus: the guys in #xfce might be much more helpful06:04
hyper_chTheSheep:  how can I remove it from the panel?06:04
TheSheepdooglus: investigate the focus stealing prevention option in wm tweaks06:04
dooglusTheSheep: interesting.06:04
hyper_chTheSheep is back :)06:07
hyper_chnow that's a big update:  Need to get 176MB of archives. After unpacking 492kB will be used.06:08
hyper_chand htop is really nice :)06:09
dooglusTheSheep: that doesn't seem to have any effect06:10
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limbert65Ok, I asked this question earlier, tried what was suggested and it didn't work.  Hoping someone might have another suggestion...06:22
limbert65I upgraded my Xubuntu 6.10 to 7.04 yesterday.  Everything went fine except now Rhythmbox crashes when I try to play an mp3.  I have reinstalled Rhythmbox and the gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly (as suggested) and that didn't help.  Would appreciate a suggestion as to what to try next.06:23
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Ramla_Did you do a 'completely remove' or just 'remove' to the package when you reinstalled it?06:28
limbert65Actually, first I tried just "Mark for Reinstallation", but that didn't work, so I "Remove"d and then Installed.06:28
limbert65Don't think I did a "completely remove."06:29
Ramla_Actually I don't know what reinstallation does, but plain remove only removes the binaries, doesn't touch configuration files. Check your home folder for a hidden setting folder for rhythmbox and rename it (or delete if you don't want to backup the settings) and then try launching it06:34
Ramla_Very often what crashes a program is something in the user's settings06:34
limbert65Ok, thanks.  I am trying the "completely remove" now, too.06:35
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sinkorswimI'm trying to add programs to the applications menu using the menu editor, but when I bring up the editor, the only items listed are "settings", "quit", "about xfce" and a bunch of separators. the other categories like accessories and graphics arent shown in the editor07:10
sinkorswimdoes anyone know how I can edit the whole thing?07:10
maxamillionsinkorswim: not i :(07:10
sinkorswimmaxamillion: thanks anyway07:11
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sinkorswimI've now tried gnome, kde and xfce, this one is my favourite despite this little setback :)07:11
maxamillionsinkorswim: np ... i really haven't ever needed to edit the menu so i haven't investigated how07:11
maxamillionsinkorswim: awesome!!! glad to hear it :)07:12
chewychomphelp- i had a nv 5700, was using nvidia-glx, card was overheating too much so i switched to an 5200, i reconfigured xserver(sudo dpkg-reconfig xserver..), reinstalled(complete removal as well) nvidia-glx, do i have to reinstall restricted kernels too cuz it crashes x when i switch drivers to nvidia- its work perfectly with nv07:12
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maxamillionchewychomp: you might try reinstalling them, but i don't entire know why it would be crashing07:17
gnomefreakneed errors to tell you what is going on.07:23
chewychompit starts x, but freezes after 2 seconds, when i reboot my screen gets all crazy, i think x still thinks its an 5700, which is horrible cuz it could prob fry my card-i had to wait and reboot a bunch of times for my system to be legiable, the screen after reboot was crazy07:23
chewychompand xfce and gnome sucks, how does one kill x?  ctrl alt backspace kills it but it immediatly comes back up so thats pointless07:26
chewychompi had to choose reconfigured kernel with grub to get to command line before it crashed07:27
hyper_chhiho maxamillion07:28
maxamillionchewychomp: run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" it should completely overwrite the xorg.conf instead of just edit it, that might help because if X has a dangling label for the gfx card somewhere and it finds the wrong one then you will have problems (just a thought)07:29
maxamillionhyper_ch: hello07:30
hyper_chmaxamillion: back again?07:30
maxamillionhyper_ch: yeah, for the time being ... i'm at work so i might be here and not from time to time07:30
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hyper_chok :)07:30
maxamillionbut i will be here as much as i can07:31
maxamillioni been trying to get some bug triage done also, so my attention might be averted07:32
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hyper_chbug triage?07:47
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peekshi all07:48
peeksi have installed the eclipse package, that comes with JDK, but the libraries doesnt seem installed, how can i get them ?07:50
peeksany idea ?07:50
peeksi have tried to import java.util.Scanner, but it doesnt look like it's here07:50
maxamillionpeeks: java.util is imported by default in Java5 and later07:51
maxamillionpeeks: i don't entirely understand the question ... if you have a jdk, then you have the libraries ... they aren't separate packages07:52
peeksi have the libraries, but they are missing ... the Scanner class for example is not here07:52
maxamillionpeeks: then you don't have them ... it is impossible to only have some but not others, are you sure you are using jdk 1.5? ... the Scanner class wasn't a part of java 1.407:53
peekshow can i know which jdk is installed ?07:54
peeksah, here: java version "1.4.2"07:54
hyper_chmax knows (almost) everything :)07:56
hyper_chmaxamillion: are you in the xubuntu-devel team?07:56
maxamillionhyper_ch: no ... i'm just a community member who contributes where and when he can, but i do op the irc channels and admin the website (sorry the css is messed up right now, we are working on a re-write)07:57
peeksis there a package in the ubuntu repositories ?07:57
maxamillionhyper_ch: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdamMiller <----thats me :)07:58
peeksis there a package in the ubuntu repositories ?07:58
maxamillionpeeks: yeah, sun-java5-jdk ... its in the universe repo07:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sun-java5-jdk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:58
hyper_chhmmm, to whom shall I then suggest to dump top and deliver htop instead? ^^07:58
hyper_chiiieks Texas ^^07:58
maxamillionhyper_ch: jani, he's the project lead .... i don't think top will be dumped, but we can suggest the inclusion of htop as well07:59
maxamillionwhat's wrong with Texas?07:59
hyper_chmaxamillion: two things that basically do the same thing won't  well with the lightweight philosophy I think07:59
hyper_chmaxamillion: hmm... the wanna-be-president :)08:00
maxamillion!info sun-java5-jdk | peeks08:00
ubotupeeks: sun-java5-jdk: Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 5.0. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 4918 kB, installed size 11412 kB08:00
peeksPackage sun-java5-jdk is not available, but is referred to by another package.08:00
peeksThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or08:00
peeksis only available from another source08:00
maxamillionpeeks: you running feisty?08:00
maxamillionhmmm... yeah, sun-java5-jdk would be current for you ... do you have the universe repository enabled?08:01
hyper_chpeeks: apt-cache search java508:03
hyper_chwhat is the output08:03
peekssun-java5-doc - Sun JDK(TM) Documention -- integration installer08:03
peekssun-java5-fonts - Lucida TrueType fonts (from the Sun JRE)08:03
peekssun-java5-jre - Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.008:03
peekssun-java5-source - Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 5.0 source files08:03
hyper_ch!info sun-java5-jdk08:04
ubotusun-java5-jdk: Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 5.0. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 4918 kB, installed size 11412 kB08:04
hyper_chah, multiverse :)08:05
hyper_chhave you enabled that?08:05
maxamillionah, my fault08:05
maxamillionthat's strange that it would be in multiverse08:05
=== hyper_ch pats maxamillion: it's ok :)
peekseverything is enabled exepts for restricter08:05
hyper_ch!pastebin | peeks08:05
peekscan you rty apt-get install sun-java5-jdk08:05
ubotupeeks: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:05
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hyper_chpeeks: tail -n100 /etc/apt/sources.list08:06
peekssee if it tells you if the package is obsolete08:06
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hyper_chand pastbin that plz08:06
peeksoh btw08:07
peeksit's a PowerPC does that have anything to do with it ?08:07
hyper_chno clue08:07
maxamillionpeeks: yes, that matters08:08
maxamillionpeeks: you can't get it on PowerPC .... http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=sun-java5&searchon=names&subword=1&version=edgy&release=all08:08
peekshmm so then can i get the classes and add them manually ?08:08
peeksthe standard classes that come with the packages that come with jdk1.508:09
hyper_chpeeks: hmmm, you have the source available08:09
hyper_chcan't you compile the rest from the source?08:09
hyper_ch[20:05]  <peeks> sun-java5-source - Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 5.0 source files08:10
maxamillionpeeks: not that i know of, but you could try installing jikes .... its a java compiler that is sun java5 compliant and is available for powerpc08:10
peeksim gonna be using the eclipse IDE< will jikes work with it >/08:10
peeksany idea ?08:10
maxamillionpeeks: lemme check, i'm not entirely sure08:12
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maxamillionactually ... doesn't eclipse have its own compiler?08:14
maxamillionwait... i think Eclipse runs on jikes .. http://today.java.net/pub/n/Eclipse_JIKES08:15
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peekssorry for that08:21
R2J2How much free harddisk space does xubuntu require?08:21
maxamillionR2J2: to be fully functional? ... i recommend 2gb, but i know of people who have gotten it to install on a 1gb flash drive08:22
R2J2maxamillion: i free:d up 5gb but it said i had to little space for the installation :S08:23
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R2J2used the alternate cd even08:23
maxamillionoh wow ....08:23
maxamillionthats strange08:23
R2J2that partitioner is strange.. i went advanced mode but couldnt even resize a partition in there =/08:25
maxamillionR2J2: were you by any chance running feisty?08:26
R2J2maxamillion: naw 6.1008:27
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peeksim off08:44
peeksthanx for the help08:44
peekscya guys08:44
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notMaxlol ... i am on DSL on qemu on my Xubuntu Feisty AMD64 install08:57
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SyntraHey, I cant install anything in Add/Remove Programs09:04
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SyntraAny Ideas?09:04
maxamillionSyntra: might be an issue with permissions, what you trying to install?09:19
SyntraA couple apps  and games09:20
maxamillionSyntra: have you tried installing any of them from synaptic, aptitude, or apt-get?09:25
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garklein_13and what user are you running the installer as?09:27
hyper_chgarklein_13: normally I use aptitude09:36
garklein_13yeah... me too09:36
garklein_13never could get the hang of those GUI ones09:36
hyper_chgui isn't bad either09:38
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hyper_chbut I tend to think I'm quicker with apt-cache search and aptitude install09:38
garklein_13yeah... I just find things faster with aptitude09:40
garklein_13I'm sure I'd get used to the GUI09:40
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chewychompim goin nuts, i switched nvidia cards 5700 to 5200 and i cant get nvidia-glx to work - completely removed, then reinstalled nvidia-glx and restricted kernels and restricted driver manager, i reconfigured xserver with -phigh and a regular reconfigure...what else can i try?10:01
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chewychompim goin nuts, i switched nvidia cards 5700 to 5200 and i cant get nvidia-glx to work - completely removed, then reinstalled nvidia-glx and restricted kernels and restricted driver manager, i reconfigured xserver with -phigh and a regular reconfigure...what else can i try?10:10
=== bigfuzzyjesus [n=bigfuzzy@unaffiliated/bigfuzzyjesus] has joined #xubuntu
naughty-awayhave you tried the Envy script by Tseliot ..?10:22
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chewychompim on fiesty, ill try it anyways10:31
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gatenis there anyway to make a boot disk (floppy) for the xubuntu install. i have a very old laptop that cant boot from the CD10:40
maxamilliongaten: no, but there are boot floppies that will boot from the cd10:41
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gatenmaxamillion: what? i have to boot the cd to boot from a floppy?10:43
maxamilliongaten: no, there are boot floppies that will boot the system from the cd-rom once the floppy is has been booted to10:44
gatenmaxamillion: yea thats what i want. i cant find any on the xubuntu page10:45
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maxamilliongaten: its not a xubuntu thing, its just a boot floppy that does that10:47
gatenmaxamillion: ahh, i think ive tried that, cant remember the name, didnt work b/c the drivers for the pcmcia cdrom needed to be loaded first. only floppies i can get to boot the cdrom are windows XP install boot disks. tried debian, slackware, DSL...10:49
maxamillionahhhh .. yeah, i dunno10:50
gatenmaxamillion: heh ahh  well, thanks anyway10:51
=== Bad_Seed [n=xubuntu@] has joined #xubuntu
=== someguy_ [n=asdfa@S01060018f85b7d46.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #xubuntu
someguy_hi, i have xubuntu 6.10 installed on an old laptop, 333mhz with 128mb of ram and i think 4mb video card. when i move a window around or scroll down a page in firefox, it looks 'laggy'. is there any kind of setting i can toggle to get rid of that or is just because its a slow system?11:00
maxamillionsomeguy_: you might just need the right video drivers, just sounds like its having to generate things via software emulation instead of using the video hardware like it should11:01
maxamillionsomeguy_: what vid card does it have?11:01
=== jikuty [i=em@CPE001195752c87-CM00111ade8af2.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #xubuntu
someguy_maxamillion, http://support.gateway.com/s/Mobile/Solo_Series/P2500/p250044.shtml#P17_943 says its a "NeoMagic NM2160 High Performance Multimedia Flat Panel/CRT GUI Accelerator with 2 MB integrated RAM"11:05
someguy_i was wrong about the 4mb :[11:05
someguy_yeah i know its old, lol11:05
chewychompis it xubuntu alternate i geuss not desktop?11:05
maxamillionsomeguy_: yeah, sad to say that i doubt you will be able to find a driver for that video card11:05
someguy_i had to use the alternate installer because idont have enough ram11:06
maxamillionsomeguy_: enter this command in a Terminal "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep vesa" (without the quotes) and tell me if that outputs anything11:06
chewychompmaybe try dsl linux11:08
someguy_maxamillion, no it didnt output anything11:10
maxamillionsomeguy_: oh, good ... then i might be able to help11:10
maxamillionsomeguy_: enter this command in the terminal now "gksudo mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and let me know when the text editor is open11:10
someguy_chewychomp, i have but i came back to xubuntu, i have ubuntu on my desktop and xubuntu is very similar so im used to it11:12
hyper_chmaxamillion: what exactely is a T3 line or multihomed connection?11:12
someguy_maxamillion, its open11:12
kalikiana__I wonder when the Tango icons might eventually be completed?11:12
chewychompgoogle it!11:13
chewychompor wikipedia it11:14
maxamillionsomeguy_: scroll down and look for a section that says "Device" and in that it says "Driver    <something>" .. that is that <something>?11:14
someguy_maxamillion the driver is "neomagic"11:16
maxamillionsomeguy_: ok, replace that with "vesa" (make sure to keep it in quotes) and then save, and exit the program and then save/close all docs/programs you have open and then do ctrl+alt+backspace (warning, this will kill your desktop momentarily)11:17
someguy_and then just login agin?11:19
someguy_hmm, windows still laggy :\11:20
maxamillionsomeguy_: worse or better?11:20
someguy_i cant really tell11:21
someguy_possibly better.. but not a lot :p11:21
maxamillionhmmm... yeah, normally vesa is about as fast as you can get on old hardware11:21
someguy_oh well thanks anyway11:22
someguy_i guess i can live with it :P11:23
someguy_still better than having windows xp on this thing11:23
maxamillionno problem ... sorry we couldn't get it running faster11:23
maxamillionlol, i would imagine so11:23
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