=== troy_s [n=aphorism@d206-116-6-170.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
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kwwii | lapo: ping? | 09:35 |
kwwii | lapo: the email you sent last night had no attachment | 09:36 |
andreasn | lapo: still need that scim icon? | 09:55 |
kwwii | hi andreasn ;-) | 09:56 |
andreasn | heya | 09:56 |
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thotz | Who's responsible for the boot screen in the live-cd. there's a little bug. Which ubuntu package is this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/102738/ ? thanks in advance! | 11:52 |
ubotu | Malone bug 102738 in Ubuntu "Feisty Boot Screen Error" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 11:52 |
thotz | normal feisty boot screen looks ok. i'm not sure what causes this problem. | 11:55 |
yharrow | hey guys | 11:59 |
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ferronica | hi room | 11:59 |
yharrow | hi | 11:59 |
yharrow | hows it going | 12:00 |
ferronica | can any one tell me how do print my photo in 4 x 6 size three or four photos in one A4 size paper | 12:00 |
ferronica | yharrow: do you have an idea? | 12:01 |
yharrow | hmm lemme see if I can figure it out | 12:01 |
ferronica | yharrow: oay | 12:01 |
ferronica | yharrow: ok | 12:01 |
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ferronica | yharrow: ok | 12:05 |
ferronica | can any one tell me how do print my photo in 4 x 6 size three or four photos in one A4 size paper | 12:08 |
kwwii | ferronica: open them in gimp and put them all on a new document that is A4 (scaling the pics down as necessary | 12:11 |
yharrow | kwwii: sounds like a hack. any other optoins? | 12:16 |
kwwii | yharrow: to be honest, I only know that method | 12:17 |
kwwii | even in osx I would do it that way (although my printer has a utility which could do it for me) | 12:18 |
yharrow | kwwii: that must be it then, it has to be done with an application | 12:20 |
yharrow | kwwii: not a printer option | 12:20 |
kwwii | yharrow: yepp, I think so | 12:21 |
kwwii | as the printer alone is not smart enough to do things like this :-) | 12:21 |
kwwii | think, margins, rotation, etc. | 12:21 |
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artnay | heya klepas | 03:30 |
=== TheSheep [i=sheep@atos.wmid.amu.edu.pl] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
troy_s | yharrow actually you can dump 4 sheets per page under settings in the print options. | 05:17 |
yharrow | troy_s: yeah I discovered that later and told them about it, apparently its too small fro them though :D | 09:59 |
troy_s | ??? | 09:59 |
troy_s | how the hell is that? | 09:59 |
troy_s | i thought they wanted 4:1 | 09:59 |
troy_s | strange | 09:59 |
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=== kwwii [n=kwwii@p54957807.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork | ||
kwwii | lapo: ping? | 11:51 |
yharrow | troy_s: they wanted the equivilant of a 3x4 picture to "fit in their picture album" | 11:53 |
kwwii | oh well, time for bed | 11:56 |
kwwii | night all | 11:56 |
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