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TheMuso | Hey MOTUs. | 12:26 |
stgraber | hey | 12:26 |
shawarma | Greetings. | 12:26 |
Fujitsu | Hi TheMuso. | 12:28 |
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geser | Hi TheMuso | 12:31 |
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marcin_ant | hi guys I would like to ask if is this possible (and if it is then please tell me how) to prepare a package that is a set of patches (and few extensions) to some existing package | 01:06 |
marcin_ant | AFAIK there is no way to use the same files with two packages so I ask how to create package that needs to modify files provided by some other pkg | 01:08 |
poningru | someone wanna package http://www.cdc.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/aircrack-ptw/download/aircrack-ptw-1.0.0.tar.gz | 01:09 |
ajmitch | poningru: you do! | 01:09 |
poningru | :p | 01:09 |
ajmitch | marcin_ant: I'd generally say no - packages aren't meant to touch files from other packages | 01:09 |
poningru | ok so at 0900 EDT hookup to the matrix at your end, and I will hook upto the matrix on my end | 01:10 |
poningru | at that point goahead and scp your knowledge on packaging to me | 01:10 |
Fujitsu | Anybody have an Edgy system around that they are able to test out the edgy-proposed fix for bug #64016 on? I need two acks. | 01:10 |
ubotu | Malone bug 64016 in bluefish "Bluefish crashes when saving document" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64016 | 01:10 |
poningru | here's my brains public key: | 01:10 |
marcin_ant | ajmitch: so.. there is no way to avoid this situation? | 01:10 |
marcin_ant | ajmitch: I got package with web application written with php | 01:11 |
marcin_ant | ajmitch: and then have extension package that has sources available as set of patches plus some new files | 01:11 |
marcin_ant | ajmitch: and because it's php it has mixed code I see no way to avoid patching | 01:12 |
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poningru | ajmitch: no? :( | 01:13 |
ajmitch | poningru: no | 01:13 |
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poningru | but the matrix man the matrix :( | 01:14 |
poningru | :P | 01:14 |
=== poningru stops heckling productive people | ||
ajmitch | hah | 01:15 |
ajmitch | "productive" | 01:15 |
=== poningru lulz | ||
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sharms | Does anyone know if the gcc -> 4.2 transition is 100% going to happen in feisty + 1 | 02:29 |
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wick2o | evening | 02:44 |
wick2o | anyone know how to run a custom bash script whenever a cd automounts? | 02:51 |
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=== selinuxium [n=selinium@82-34-230-7.cable.ubr01.sout.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
selinuxium | hi all, anyone about? | 02:58 |
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wick2o | yep | 02:59 |
selinuxium | Just tried to install nexuiz and got a strange error. nexuiz: Depends: nexuiz-data (>=2.2.3-1) but 2.2.3-1~edgy1 is to be installed | 02:59 |
wick2o | whats so weird about that? | 03:00 |
selinuxium | Nexuiz is 2.2.3-1~edgy | 03:00 |
wick2o | dont know, im still missing something i guess | 03:01 |
selinuxium | Or am I missing something? | 03:01 |
selinuxium | lol | 03:01 |
Fujitsu | Looks like a backports bug. | 03:01 |
=== Fujitsu checks. | ||
selinuxium | All the Nexuiz packages have the same version code, but they are looking for different packages. | 03:02 |
Fujitsu | Bug #90052 | 03:02 |
ubotu | Malone bug 90052 in glom "UVF glom: 1.3.8 -> 1.3.11" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90052 | 03:02 |
Fujitsu | ... not that one. | 03:02 |
Fujitsu | bug #99052 | 03:02 |
ubotu | Malone bug 99052 in update-manager "'Could not calculate the upgrade' -- edgy to feisty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99052 | 03:02 |
Fujitsu | Gah, not that one either. | 03:02 |
Fujitsu | Bug #95002 | 03:02 |
ubotu | Malone bug 95002 in edgy-backports "Can't upgrade nexuiz from edgy-backports" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95002 | 03:03 |
Fujitsu | That's the one. | 03:03 |
Fujitsu | selinuxium: ^^ | 03:03 |
selinuxium | Fujitsu: Youv'e got a good memory! | 03:03 |
plugwash__ | 2.2.3-1~edgy is lower than 2.2.3-1 , this is nowadays the normal way of lowering a version for a backport | 03:04 |
selinuxium | I understand, cheers guys! | 03:05 |
=== Joe_CoT [i=joe_cot@powerade.dreamhost.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
Joe_CoT | hey, i had some questions on packaging. not how it's done :) but how i'd go about it to deal with non-free copyright issues | 03:12 |
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Fujitsu | Joe_CoT: Ask upstream to make it free, basically. | 03:20 |
Fujitsu | Or remove the bits if they're not critical. | 03:21 |
Joe_CoT | it is free, it's just not gpl. the engine is gpl, the data files are more restricted. they're free to redistribute, but not to sell, not to put in another game, etc. | 03:21 |
=== RAOF [n=Chris_@matht464.maths.unsw.edu.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
Joe_CoT | so i assume the game data couldn't go into universe, but could it go into multiverse? | 03:22 |
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@c-71-224-172-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
wick2o | ummm udev seems kinda cryptic | 03:23 |
Fujitsu | Joe_CoT: That's right. | 03:23 |
bddebian | Heya gang | 03:23 |
Fujitsu | Hi bddebian. | 03:24 |
RAOF | Heya bddebian | 03:24 |
Fujitsu | Have you expired yet? | 03:24 |
bddebian | Hi Fujitsu, RAOF | 03:24 |
bddebian | Fujitsu: Dunno | 03:24 |
Joe_CoT | Fujitsu: ok. how would the packages be organized. for example, Warsow or Sauerbraten. Would I make a package for the engine, and then another for the game data? Would I make a third package that had both as dependencies? | 03:24 |
Fujitsu | sauerbraten is about to be synced from Debian. | 03:24 |
bddebian | I thought it was not re-distributable? | 03:25 |
Fujitsu | There is sauerbraten in universe, and sauerbraten-data in multiverse. | 03:25 |
Fujitsu | bddebian: It's in Debian contrib and non-free, so it must be. | 03:25 |
bddebian | hmm | 03:25 |
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Joe_CoT | ok. but in general, how would it be done? and where could I get a list of what's to be synced so i don't waste my time? :D | 03:26 |
Fujitsu | (see bug #102841) | 03:26 |
ubotu | Malone bug 102841 in Ubuntu "please add sauerbraten from debian/contrib to feisty" [Medium,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102841 | 03:26 |
Fujitsu | Joe_CoT: Before creating a package, you should always check if it's in Debian. | 03:26 |
tarheelcoxn | eeeew. as a vegetarian, I object to the addition of sauerbraten | 03:27 |
=== tarheelcoxn runs | ||
Fujitsu | Wow, sauerbraten-data is huge. | 03:27 |
=== bddebian uploads MeatMeatAndMoreMeat | ||
=== tarheelcoxn eyes bddebian warily | ||
bddebian | heh | 03:28 |
Joe_CoT | http://wiki.debian.org/Games/Suggested it's listed there as suggested and not in yet. I see it now on packages.debian | 03:28 |
=== Fujitsu doesn't trust LP's team management. | ||
ajmitch | Fujitsu: why not? | 03:29 |
Fujitsu | janimo is listed as expiring from ubuntu-dev `1 hours ago', but is still shown as approved. | 03:29 |
ajmitch | probably happens on a cron job or something | 03:30 |
Fujitsu | Maybe. | 03:30 |
Fujitsu | Looks more than a little strange, however. | 03:30 |
ajmitch | bddebian expires in 22 hours | 03:30 |
Fujitsu | Noted. | 03:30 |
=== ajmitch expires in october | ||
=== Fujitsu expires in 1.5 years or so. | ||
ajmitch | though I expire from core-dev in sept | 03:31 |
Fujitsu | How does that work? | 03:31 |
Fujitsu | Isn't the term 2 years for both? | 03:31 |
ajmitch | I was in motu long before LP was used | 03:31 |
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ajmitch | membership was transferred & some expiry dates set, etc | 03:32 |
=== ajmitch shrugs | ||
ajmitch | I'll worry about it at the time, when they go to drop me from core-dev | 03:32 |
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simonp | !packages | 05:54 |
ubotu | You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways! | 05:54 |
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bddebian | tick tock tick tock | 06:18 |
RAOF | ? | 06:19 |
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bddebian | My times running out :-) | 06:19 |
=== RAOF wonders whether the chroots on launchpad's buildd's are fixed yet. | ||
RAOF | :) | 06:19 |
Fujitsu | RAOF: They are not :( | 06:20 |
bddebian | Might have, I just got a couple of ia64 build failures :-) | 06:20 |
bddebian | Oh, they aren't? | 06:20 |
RAOF | Me too. | 06:20 |
Fujitsu | Hm.. | 06:20 |
Fujitsu | They were broken an hour ago. | 06:20 |
superm1 | Fujitsu, what happened today that they broke? | 06:27 |
Fujitsu | It was a couple of days ago. | 06:27 |
Fujitsu | dmraid and something else tried to execute update-initramfs. | 06:27 |
Fujitsu | That's not installed in the chroots, so everything failed. | 06:27 |
superm1 | oh wow | 06:28 |
ajmitch | just some postinst changes in some required packages | 06:28 |
ajmitch | which had some sideeffects | 06:29 |
Fujitsu | Um, not dmraid, that other one... dm-setup or so. | 06:29 |
RAOF | It seems that the ia64 chroot is broken in a different way, now | 06:30 |
superm1 | Fujitsu, if this was a few days ago, why hasn't it been fixed as of yet? can't just revert to the old postinst in dm-setup? | 06:31 |
Fujitsu | No idea. | 06:31 |
Fujitsu | Soyuz does strange things, and the buildds might not have updated. | 06:32 |
ajmitch | superm1: no, it's not as simple as that | 06:32 |
superm1 | ajmitch, assumed as much :) | 06:32 |
ajmitch | manual bootstrapping would need to be done | 06:32 |
ajmitch | since to compile a new version of the package, the old (broken) version would get automatically installed | 06:32 |
Fujitsu | Oh. | 06:32 |
Fujitsu | Of course, yes. | 06:32 |
ajmitch | because it's in the required set of packages | 06:33 |
Fujitsu | I hand't thought of that. | 06:33 |
=== superm1 reminisces of his days of bootstrapping into level 1 gentoo installs | ||
Fujitsu | *hadn't | 06:33 |
=== Fujitsu tells superm1 to get out. | ||
superm1 | .... didn't finish that comment, glad that those days are long over :) | 06:33 |
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jdong | superm1: dude weren't those fun days? | 06:51 |
jdong | superm1: where you have to run ./bootstrap.sh | 06:51 |
superm1 | jdong, i dont know if it would say the "fun" days | 06:52 |
jdong | and there's a SPECIAL one for 2.6 as opposed to 2.4.... | 06:52 |
superm1 | jdong, i hated how often my system would break | 06:52 |
jdong | aye, agreed | 06:52 |
jdong | but it was more "interactive" | 06:52 |
jdong | and if you had nothing better to do... "fun" | 06:52 |
jdong | but I find as soon as one finds something more meaningful to do, one gets less and less tolerant of babysitting OS'es | 06:52 |
superm1 | exactly | 06:53 |
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crimsun | erg, so many regressions to fix | 07:41 |
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Fujitsu | crimsun: In what? ALSA? | 07:44 |
crimsun | Fujitsu: aye | 07:45 |
crimsun | this HDA business is an absolute mess | 07:45 |
Fujitsu | HDA does that, unfortunately. | 07:46 |
=== RAOF is thankful that his HDA card is fixed (modulo suspend, for some reason), at least. | ||
crimsun | the "inaudible sound upon resume" bit? | 07:47 |
RAOF | Yeah, that one. | 07:47 |
jmg | hidef audio? | 07:47 |
RAOF | hda_intel | 07:47 |
crimsun | I haven't had time to dig deeper, but it wouldn't surprise me if it were a combination of braindead manufacturer and Linux acpi | 07:48 |
crimsun | does unloading and reloading help? | 07:48 |
RAOF | It doesn't bother me too much, because of various *other* suspend problems. | 07:48 |
RAOF | I don't think I've tried that. I can, if you'd like. | 07:48 |
crimsun | modprobe -r $(lsmod |grep ^snd |awk '{print $1}') && sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel | 07:48 |
=== Fujitsu is thankful that suspend works flawlessly on his laptop. | ||
=== RAOF makes sure to kill compiz, so he doesn't hit the stupid nvidia bug. | ||
RAOF | crimsun: "FATAL: Modules snd_hda_intel is in use" | 07:52 |
crimsun | killed all the apps listed in $(lsof -t /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/*) ? | 07:53 |
RAOF | crimsun: Yup, unload/reload works. | 07:56 |
crimsun | hmm. | 07:56 |
crimsun | RAOF: try adding "snd-hda-codec snd-hda-intel" to MODULES in /etc/default/acpi-support | 07:57 |
RAOF | Ok, done. Is there anything I need to do to get that config reloaded, or just suspend? | 07:59 |
crimsun | you may need to reboot to test | 08:00 |
RAOF | I guess the answer is "yes", because a suspend-resume cycle has failed that test :) | 08:00 |
crimsun | reboot->suspend-to-RAM->resume | 08:00 |
jmg | push to test, reboot to detonate | 08:01 |
RAOF | Hm, it doesn't seem to want to reboot :( | 08:02 |
jmg | 240v reset | 08:03 |
=== RAOF holds down the power button. | ||
=== jmg waves RAOF goodbye | ||
RAOF | Ok, there's that bug again. | 08:09 |
RAOF | Every now and then, the keyboard stops working after resume-from-suspend. Just suspending and resuming again fixes it though. | 08:10 |
=== imbrandon yawns | ||
imbrandon | moins all | 08:22 |
crimsun | RAOF: does the above modification to /etc/default/acpi-support's MODULES work around the issue? | 08:22 |
RAOF | No, it doesn't. | 08:23 |
RAOF | Sorry it took so long to test, I forgot to disable compiz :( | 08:24 |
crimsun | so it needs the entire sound stack unloaded, blarg. | 08:24 |
crimsun | oh, and this is on 2.6.20-14.22, correct? | 08:25 |
RAOF | Not quite, it's on -13 (the laptop was only updated this morning, and doesn't have a net connection ATM) | 08:25 |
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RAOF | crimsun: Anything else I can do for you? | 08:29 |
crimsun | RAOF: in the immortal words of the topic of #ubuntu-kernel... | 08:29 |
crimsun | "2.6.20-14.22 Uploaded - If you aren't using it, then you risk your bugs not getting fixed." | 08:30 |
RAOF | :) | 08:30 |
RAOF | I'll tell you if it fixes sound-on-suspend tonight :P | 08:30 |
=== RAOF loves the anticipation of a fresh, new kernel :) | ||
crimsun | it likely won't, but we need to start at -14.22 | 08:31 |
RAOF | Fair 'nuff. | 08:32 |
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RAOF | Yay, the buildd's are fixed. | 08:34 |
crimsun | indeed. Your patches to banshee are in archive.uc | 08:38 |
RAOF | One fewer local package needed :) | 08:39 |
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dholbach | good morning | 10:11 |
=== dholbach [n=daniel@i59F72D9C.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
sacater | dholbach: MORNING! | 10:13 |
sacater | :D | 10:13 |
dholbach | hey sacater | 10:14 |
=== sacater dashes about like the energetic young thing that he is | ||
=== sacater waves | ||
=== sacater zips off for ice cream | ||
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imbrandon | heya dholbach | 10:25 |
dholbach | hey imbrandon | 10:25 |
imbrandon | Fujitsu, any word on the /+rdf front ? | 10:25 |
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AstralJava | If someone could please take a look at Bug #103225, ubuntustudio-look finally got 2 ACKs and oughta be ready for uploading. Thanks! :) | 10:39 |
ubotu | Malone bug 103225 in ubuntustudio-look "[UVFe request] ubuntustudio-look in REVU" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103225 | 10:39 |
Fujitsu | imbrandon: Nothing at all. | 10:40 |
Fujitsu | (currently at dinner) | 10:40 |
imbrandon | kk | 10:42 |
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Ademan_away | gegl isn't in the repositories is it? | 10:53 |
Fujitsu | Ademan_away: I think it is... | 10:58 |
Ademan_away | Fujitsu: package name? i don't see it | 10:59 |
Fujitsu | Indeed... I thought it was. | 10:59 |
Ademan_away | i kinda hoped it was, it's cool stuff | 10:59 |
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CrippledCanary | I have a dependency / libusb-dev question. | 11:10 |
CrippledCanary | A application I try to package uses libusb-dev for build and that generates a dependency on libusb but libusb isn't installable. What to do? | 11:11 |
CrippledCanary | libusb should be a virtual package or something but it isn't. | 11:11 |
CrippledCanary | I'm using feisty by the way. | 11:11 |
DarkMageZ | CrippledCanary, does the control file specify a specific version of libusb-dev? | 11:17 |
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DarkMageZ | CrippledCanary, if you're running pbuilder. see if updating the pbuilder environment helps. | 11:26 |
CrippledCanary | No.. | 11:29 |
CrippledCanary | No version, I just updated pbuilder | 11:29 |
CrippledCanary | I tried in edgy now and I get the same error. | 11:31 |
CrippledCanary | Let's focus on edgy at the moment cause my feisty environment is beeing rebuildt at the moment. | 11:32 |
CrippledCanary | In edgy the libusb package is actually called "libusb-0.1-4" | 11:32 |
DarkMageZ | CrippledCanary, hmm, something interesting. in your control file is there a dependency marked on libusb0 ? there is a conflict marked on libusb-dev against libusb0. | 11:38 |
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\sh | moins | 11:42 |
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CrippledCanary | DarkMageZ: No, the only BD I have is libusb-dev and the D does only have ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends} and some other libs that is not related to this. | 11:58 |
CrippledCanary | the libusb dependency is autogenerated. | 11:59 |
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DarkMageZ | CrippledCanary, hmm. that's really odd. i'll see if i can replicate that here... | 12:02 |
CrippledCanary | Shure. | 12:02 |
CrippledCanary | I can build the package and if I install libusb-0.1-4 manually and install my new deb with --force-dependency it works so libusb-0.1-4 does what it should. | 12:04 |
CrippledCanary | A virtual libusb package that pointed to libusb-0.1-4 would be a workaround but not nice. | 12:04 |
CrippledCanary | Or perhaps there is something wrong with my control file | 12:06 |
CrippledCanary | The source package for libusb-0.1-4 and libusb-dev is called libusb. | 12:07 |
DarkMageZ | does it fail @ the " -> Considering build-dep libusb-dev | 12:07 |
DarkMageZ | -> Trying libusb-dev" part? | 12:07 |
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DarkMageZ | if you want, you can pass me a copy of the control file and i'll see if it runs here | 12:08 |
DarkMageZ | but it just worked fine here, afew simple deps + libusb-dev | 12:09 |
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giskard | geser, ping :) | 12:30 |
CrippledCanary | Build runs fine. No trouble with "Trying ...". | 12:35 |
CrippledCanary | It's when I try to install the generated deb that I get a dependency on libusb. | 12:36 |
CrippledCanary | debuild / pbuilder perhaps picks this up from configure or something like that. | 12:36 |
CrippledCanary | I haven't realy got a good grip of how dependencies is handled when you create packages. | 12:37 |
DarkMageZ | CrippledCanary, any chance of getting a copy of the resulting package? or is this a commerical app? | 12:39 |
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CrippledCanary | Shure you can have it... | 12:54 |
CrippledCanary | It's a GPL:ed FUSE based software to access dallas/maxim 1-wire devices. | 12:55 |
CrippledCanary | Where to... | 12:55 |
ajmitch | CrippledCanary: that's expected behaviour though | 12:55 |
CrippledCanary | ajmitch: Ok. | 12:55 |
ajmitch | this is why we have shlibs:Depends, so that you get dependencies on the version of the library you build against | 12:55 |
ajmitch | install with gdebi if you want to resolve dependencies | 12:56 |
CrippledCanary | Yes.. but what if the dependencies generated doesent exist. | 12:56 |
ajmitch | or with dpkg, and run apt-get -f install | 12:56 |
ajmitch | it ought to be there :) | 12:56 |
CrippledCanary | there isn't any package for libusb | 12:56 |
CrippledCanary | not in main, restricted, universe or multiverse | 12:56 |
CrippledCanary | That's the problem. | 12:56 |
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ajmitch | libusb-0.1-4 | 2:0.1.12-2 | http://apt-proxy feisty/main Packages | 12:57 |
ajmitch | but the binary dependency is against libusb-0.1-4, no? | 12:57 |
CrippledCanary | yes.. but the autogenerated dep is for libusb. | 12:57 |
CrippledCanary | not libusb-0.1.-4 | 12:57 |
=== ajmitch checks libusb-dev shlibs | ||
ajmitch | hm, it certainly shouldn't be doing that, the libusb* shlibs are all ok on feisty | 12:58 |
CrippledCanary | Can you check edgy too. | 12:58 |
CrippledCanary | or tell me how to look for it. | 12:58 |
=== ajmitch has no edgy install | ||
ajmitch | got the source package somewhere? | 12:59 |
CrippledCanary | my feisty install went "up in flames" after I tried some things I shouldn't | 12:59 |
ajmitch | hehe | 12:59 |
CrippledCanary | the source.. for my package | 01:00 |
ajmitch | yep | 01:02 |
CrippledCanary | I'll give you a url in a moment. | 01:02 |
ajmitch | thanks | 01:02 |
CrippledCanary | I tared everything to http://www.bjorkvagen2.se/owfs.tar.gz | 01:04 |
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CrippledCanary | It's not finished in any way. Still lots of things to do but I wanted to get this sorted out first. | 01:05 |
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DarkSun88 | Hi all | 01:06 |
BugMaN | Hi DarkSun88! | 01:06 |
DarkSun88 | BugMaN: ;) | 01:07 |
CrippledCanary | DarkSun88: Hi. | 01:07 |
DarkSun88 | CrippledCanary: Hello | 01:07 |
ajmitch | CrippledCanary: Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, fuse-utils, libfuse2, libusb | 01:12 |
ajmitch | there's your problem | 01:12 |
CrippledCanary | Ok.. I thought I had removed that, I might have sent you som old sources. | 01:13 |
CrippledCanary | I put in libusb in D: because I wanted to see if it helped but without result. | 01:15 |
=== ajmitch waits for it to build | ||
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CrippledCanary | My bad... | 01:19 |
CrippledCanary | ajmitch: You are right, it works...... | 01:19 |
gnomefreak | was the nvidia-glx +upgrade+geforce4 cards been fixed? | 01:19 |
CrippledCanary | ajmitch: Sometimes it just takes another pair of eyes.... Thanks alot for you valuable time. | 01:20 |
ajmitch | np | 01:21 |
imbrandon | ... | 01:24 |
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ajmitch | imbrandon: ? | 01:25 |
imbrandon | heya ajmitch | 01:26 |
imbrandon | nothing, just me being me | 01:26 |
ajmitch | hehe ok | 01:26 |
=== ajmitch should expect some oddities then | ||
imbrandon | i have awstats going over my weblogs for the last 4 months | 01:26 |
imbrandon | been running since noon yesterday | 01:27 |
imbrandon | still not done | 01:27 |
imbrandon | lol | 01:27 |
ajmitch | because you're famous | 01:27 |
ajmitch | it'd take about .05 sec to run for me | 01:27 |
imbrandon | hehe 400k hits a month so far ( on the 2 months its parsed , jan and feb ) | 01:27 |
Fujitsu | Not bad, imbrandon. | 01:27 |
=== ajmitch would be lucky to get 400 hits, total | ||
imbrandon | i dont have them passwd protected yet ( untill the script gets done ) | 01:28 |
imbrandon | chek it out | 01:28 |
imbrandon | http://www.imbrandon.com/awstats/awstats.pl?config=www.imbrandon.com | 01:28 |
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imbrandon | and actualy part of december 06 is on there too | 01:29 |
imbrandon | thats when i moved everything to the new DC | 01:29 |
imbrandon | 437536 for jan 07 | 01:29 |
ajmitch | not bad | 01:29 |
imbrandon | 23k unique visitors | 01:31 |
imbrandon | hehe | 01:31 |
imbrandon | seems i have more readers than i knew about | 01:31 |
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imbrandon | i wonder what humboldt.ubuntu.com does | 01:36 |
imbrandon | i have 3k hits from them | 01:36 |
imbrandon | that might be the box that does the planet or something | 01:36 |
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illovae | hello | 01:37 |
ajmitch | yep, same ip address | 01:37 |
imbrandon | ahh | 01:37 |
ajmitch | hello illovae | 01:37 |
imbrandon | hello illovae | 01:37 |
illovae | :) | 01:37 |
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imbrandon | MOTU renewal is only for 1 year ? | 01:39 |
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ajmitch | imbrandon: no idea | 01:46 |
ajmitch | I believe it is though | 01:46 |
ajmitch | we agreed on some length of time for it | 01:46 |
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imbrandon | yea | 01:47 |
imbrandon | for Life !?!!!oneone!111!!eleventyone!!11111 | 01:47 |
ajmitch | only people like crimsun & dholbach deserve life membership | 01:48 |
imbrandon | :) | 01:48 |
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sacater | morning MOTU | 01:49 |
ajmitch | hi | 01:50 |
=== sacater waves at ajmitch | ||
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EtienneG | morning everybody | 02:01 |
EtienneG | ?seen ucap | 02:01 |
ajmitch | morning EtienneG | 02:01 |
EtienneG | damn bot | 02:01 |
EtienneG | !seen ucap | 02:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about seen ucap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:01 |
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ajmitch | heh | 02:01 |
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EtienneG | crimsun, ping | 02:03 |
dholbach | ajmitch: come on :) | 02:08 |
dholbach | hey EtienneG | 02:08 |
ajmitch | dholbach: well you do deserve it :) | 02:10 |
_MMA_ | EtienneG: Tell crimsun what you want in your ping. Its better that way. | 02:14 |
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zul | hola | 02:16 |
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ajmitch | hi zul | 02:19 |
zul | hey ajmitch how goes it | 02:19 |
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ajmitch | alright, you? | 02:19 |
zul | good | 02:22 |
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EtienneG | dholbach, good morning gentlemen ... not too weary from lack of sleep yet ? | 02:25 |
EtienneG | _MMA_, good point .. | 02:25 |
dholbach | EtienneG: i'm ok - thanks - how are you? | 02:25 |
EtienneG | dholbach, sick (go a cold) but otherwise fine | 02:26 |
dholbach | EtienneG: hope you're going to be ok soon again | 02:26 |
=== dholbach hugs EtienneG | ||
EtienneG | dholbach, don't, you gotta catch my germs !!! :) | 02:26 |
EtienneG | dholbach, crimsun have done an upload for me in universe yesterday ... I am kind of worried as it have not shown up yet | 02:28 |
EtienneG | I'm looking for the *^&$%& bug number ... | 02:29 |
zul | its probably stuck being waited for being built | 02:29 |
EtienneG | zul, yeah, might well be ... | 02:29 |
EtienneG | how long can it take ? | 02:30 |
EtienneG | are universe upload queued after main for the release, or something like that ? | 02:30 |
dholbach | EtienneG: a NEW package? | 02:30 |
EtienneG | dholbach, no, it's an update to bzr-gtk | 02:30 |
EtienneG | Fix #02548 | 02:30 |
EtienneG | Fix #102548 , I mean | 02:30 |
dholbach | which version no? | 02:31 |
dholbach | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+queue?queue_state=3&queue_text=bzr-gtk | 02:31 |
dholbach | there seems to be 0.15.1-0ubuntu1 | 02:31 |
EtienneG | 0.15.2-0ubuntu1 | 02:31 |
dholbach | EtienneG: maybe mithrandir or another archive admin can rescue it from somewhere? | 02:33 |
EtienneG | ok, I will see | 02:33 |
EtienneG | dholbach, could it be that it got ... lost ... somewhere ? | 02:34 |
dholbach | EtienneG: yes | 02:34 |
EtienneG | dholbach, | 02:34 |
EtienneG | ok | 02:34 |
EtienneG | does the archive admin have their own channel, or I just gran one on IRC ? | 02:34 |
EtienneG | s/gran/grab/ | 02:35 |
EtienneG | I'm going to ask on #ubuntu-devel ... | 02:35 |
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xerxas | dholbach, ? | 02:52 |
xerxas | howcome you can change the importance of bug (in thelepathy) and I can"t ? | 02:53 |
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ajmitch | night all | 02:58 |
EtienneG | night ajmitch | 02:58 |
dholbach | xerxas: need to be in ubuntu-qa | 02:58 |
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giskard_ | geser, ping | 03:31 |
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sacater | 04:06 | |
geser | giskard_: pong | 04:07 |
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saispo | hi | 04:56 |
saispo | i have a package contrib, how can i submit it ? | 04:56 |
StevenK | At this point, you don't, sorry. We are about two weeks from release. | 04:57 |
saispo | ok | 04:57 |
saispo | no problem :) | 04:57 |
saispo | after | 04:57 |
saispo | StevenK: you have the force to upload in Ubuntu ? | 04:58 |
jussi01 | hi motu's! | 04:58 |
Hobbsee | saispo: he does | 04:58 |
Hobbsee | hi jussi01 | 04:58 |
StevenK | I so don't. | 04:58 |
jussi01 | hello Hobbsee | 04:58 |
StevenK | I uh, lost my key. Yes, that'll do. | 04:58 |
Hobbsee | heh | 04:59 |
jussi01 | !revu | 04:59 |
ubotu | REVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU | 04:59 |
saispo | StevenK: hh ;-) it's so bad | 05:00 |
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stgraber | Anyone has a way to get all the packages that were manually installed since the system install (so : not the base system and not any dep or update) ? | 05:08 |
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\sh | guys, happy easter to you :) | 05:39 |
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bddebian | Heya gang | 06:47 |
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crimsun | EtienneG: unlikely pong | 07:00 |
EtienneG | crimsun, hey ! | 07:00 |
EtienneG | thanks for the upload yesterday | 07:00 |
EtienneG | it was not showing up in LP | 07:00 |
EtienneG | so I had a little investigation to do | 07:00 |
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EtienneG | it was re-uploaded by our dear dholbach | 07:01 |
crimsun | interesting, I didn't get an accept, either | 07:02 |
crimsun | yet another instance of soyuz-the-grue eating my upload | 07:02 |
bddebian | heh | 07:03 |
Q-FUNK | thrown the .dsc into orbit, I guess | 07:03 |
crimsun | that was supposed to be fixed with the keyserver fix | 07:03 |
crimsun | yep, definitely in ~/.bash_history | 07:04 |
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Q-FUNK | crimsun: was it you who is an ALSA hacker? | 07:06 |
=== soc [n=soc@p54ADD59B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
soc | are there plans to include the latest swfdec to enabe popular flash video sites like youtube in feisty? | 07:08 |
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crimsun | Q-FUNK: of sorts, yes | 07:15 |
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zul | of sorts? heh...thats a bit of an understatement | 07:18 |
crimsun | soc: you'd need to file an UVF exception request for 0.4.3 [implying you need to package it, too; see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#head-9523bc4076ff011324d67cddc97969ec609618d6 ] | 07:23 |
bddebian | Didn't I already ask for a sync of swfdec? | 07:24 |
crimsun | bddebian: for 0.3.6-2.2? | 07:24 |
bddebian | Oh, nm, sorry | 07:24 |
crimsun | I think soc's asking for an entirely new version, 0.4.3 | 07:24 |
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geser | crimsun: can you please look at bug #103396 | 07:45 |
ubotu | Malone bug 103396 in wordpress "[UVF exception] Merge wordpress 2.1.3" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103396 | 07:45 |
tonyyarusso | Bugfix, mostly, some new minor features. | 07:46 |
tonyyarusso | Fixing loose ends after the 2.1.2 security fix | 07:46 |
crimsun | geser: commented | 07:47 |
geser | thanks | 07:47 |
crimsun | np | 07:47 |
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Q-FUNK | crimsun: ah yes. now I remember: the sabdfl bounty to fix all remaining issues in ALSA support on Mac. :) | 08:12 |
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LaserJock | some days you just gotta laugh | 08:39 |
LaserJock | I remember in Dapper when people got so mad because network-manager wasn't installed by default | 08:40 |
LaserJock | now there's all kinds of "N-M sucks, what were the devs thinking" threads | 08:40 |
Burgwork | indeed | 08:41 |
=== psusi [i=hidden-u@iriserv.iradimed.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
DktrKranz | was it decided to disable N-M, then? | 08:42 |
LaserJock | DktrKranz: heavens no | 08:45 |
DktrKranz | oh, great :) | 08:45 |
LaserJock | that would cause even more screaming threads | 08:45 |
LaserJock | moving it to Recommends: was a good move though | 08:45 |
LaserJock | so you can uninstall it without taking out ubuntu-desktop | 08:46 |
LaserJock | I just think it's interesting | 08:46 |
DktrKranz | ah, didn't notice | 08:46 |
LaserJock | I guess with that many users, no matter what you do, you'll get enough people that don't like it that they can cause quite a stir | 08:46 |
zul | its like everyone is has turrets syndrome | 08:46 |
DktrKranz | well, it's quite easy to fit everyone's needs | 08:46 |
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DktrKranz | *hard | 08:47 |
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nixternal | keescook: are you coming to Flourish? :) Ubuntu Chicago will have a couple of tables (which they just told us about after telling us no), and then we are doing the battle of the distros | 09:17 |
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keescook | nixternal: I'm not; I live out in Oregon, but I'm hoping my mom will go (she's the one who emailed me about it) | 09:19 |
nixternal | keescook: sweet! | 09:19 |
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superm1 | nixternal, whats happening in chicago when? i'll be back home in chicago in the next month or so... | 09:24 |
LaserJock | keescook: you're from Oregon? | 09:25 |
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LaserJock | keescook: Portland? | 09:26 |
keescook | LaserJock: yawp. I love it here. :) | 09:26 |
LaserJock | keescook: Biggest Little City | 09:26 |
keescook | LaserJock: totally. :) | 09:27 |
superm1 | nixternal, oh April 6-th 7th... i see now. man :( | 09:27 |
LaserJock | although I'm from Reno and *we* are the true Biggest Little City :p | 09:27 |
LaserJock | we even have 2 big signs to prove it ;-) | 09:27 |
keescook | hehe | 09:28 |
LaserJock | glad to see some other West Coasters | 09:28 |
LaserJock | can't trust that California lot | 09:28 |
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micahcowan | LaserJock, how do Reno'ers feel about Reno 911? :) | 09:37 |
LaserJock | hmm, I don't know | 09:38 |
nixternal | hahahah | 09:38 |
nixternal | Reno 911 rocks | 09:39 |
LaserJock | some of it's, "Yeah, that's about right" | 09:39 |
=== micahcowan is looking forward to seeing the movie | ||
LaserJock | mostly it's just a funny thing that doesn't have much of anything to do with the city | 09:39 |
=== bddebian looks forward to Transformers | ||
LaserJock | but I really haven't seen it | 09:39 |
LaserJock | so I don't know personally | 09:39 |
micahcowan | Heh, bet the Reno /cops/ hate it... | 09:39 |
micahcowan | Hey, is there a separate repo for -dbg versions of things? | 09:40 |
LaserJock | I think so | 09:40 |
LaserJock | micahcowan: I've only see one or two spots on the local news were they asked the local police about it | 09:40 |
LaserJock | mostly they just seemed to think it was funny | 09:41 |
LaserJock | I'm sure there are some that don't like it | 09:41 |
LaserJock | I don't think we take ourselves too seriously here | 09:41 |
micahcowan | Well, that's good :) | 09:41 |
LaserJock | personally I think most of the officials are just glad to see "Reno" anywhere :-) | 09:42 |
micahcowan | doko, is your name related to "DokoDoko Panic"? | 09:44 |
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micahcowan | nm, that's Doki Doki. | 09:47 |
micahcowan | Ah, found it: pitti has the debug repo. | 09:49 |
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pizux | hi all | 09:54 |
pizux | is there a way to have next the nvidia special legacy in the repo? | 09:55 |
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LaserJock | pizux: I think the kernel team has decided that it would be too much work to do 3 different sets of nvidia drivers | 10:01 |
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ajmitch | morning | 10:03 |
bddebian | Heya ajmitch | 10:09 |
ajmitch | bddebian: see, you even got sabdfl bringing you back into the team | 10:11 |
pizux | LaserJock, it's shame | 10:12 |
pizux | because a lot of people use nvidia super legacy | 10:12 |
pizux | and it's a problem for newbies | 10:13 |
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bddebian | ajmitch: Where is this? | 10:14 |
ajmitch | MC list | 10:14 |
bddebian | Hah, like he even knows who the fsck I am :-) | 10:15 |
LaserJock | everybody know's BddebianIsAGod ;-) | 10:17 |
=== bddebian vomits :-) | ||
nixternal | boo | 10:19 |
=== nixternal slips in it | ||
LaserJock | ewww | 10:19 |
bddebian | Heya nixternal | 10:19 |
LaserJock | he only gave you 1 year though | 10:20 |
ScottK | bddebian: You've been a big help to me and I say that at a time when I don't even have a package for you to upload. | 10:20 |
LaserJock | :-) | 10:20 |
=== reggaemanu [n=manu@ARennes-257-1-137-105.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
ScottK | Does anyone here have a Feisty box (actual box, not a chroot) that has never had any version of clamav installed on it that they'd be willing to install it in for a test? I'm trying to find out if Bug #39853 still happens or not. | 10:22 |
ubotu | Malone bug 39853 in clamav "While installing ClamAV dpkg returns an error" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39853 | 10:22 |
ScottK | It's tricky because it only happens the very first time you install it. | 10:22 |
LaserJock | ScottK: I do | 10:23 |
bddebian | ScottK: I probably can when I get home but I don't have my Feisty box here at the office | 10:23 |
ScottK | LaserJock: If you would please apt-get install clamav and then let me know if the install succeeds, I'd appreciate it. | 10:24 |
LaserJock | "works for me" | 10:26 |
ScottK | Cool. There were some postinst changes in 0.90.1, so I'm going to declare victory and move on. | 10:27 |
ScottK | LaserJock: Thanks a bunch. | 10:28 |
geser | ajmitch: can you please look at bug #103396. thx | 10:28 |
ubotu | Malone bug 103396 in wordpress "[UVF exception] Merge wordpress 2.1.3" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103396 | 10:28 |
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ScottK | That gets clamav down to two bugs that both go away as soon as Breezy is no longer supported. | 10:30 |
pizux | is there a way to request nautilus open terminal by default in ubuntu? | 10:30 |
ScottK | pizux: This is not a support channel. | 10:35 |
ScottK | Try #ubuntu or #ubuntu+1. | 10:35 |
pizux | ok | 10:35 |
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pizux | thx | 10:37 |
=== ajmitch gets bored & installs feisty in vmware | ||
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LaserJock | ajmitch: that's pretty boring | 11:03 |
=== wereHamster is now known as wereHamster|zZz | ||
bddebian | Later gang | 11:05 |
=== reggaemanu [n=manu@ARennes-257-1-137-105.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu | ||
=== Fujitsu looks for somebody with an Edgy machine that hasn't had Bluefish used on it before. | ||
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sacater | Fujitsu: i use bluefish, but on edgy beta, and good? | 11:33 |
Fujitsu | You're running Edgy beta!? | 11:33 |
sacater | sorry | 11:34 |
sacater | no | 11:34 |
sacater | feisty | 11:34 |
sacater | i got confused :S | 11:34 |
sacater | any* | 11:34 |
gnomefreak | tonyyarusso: you around? | 11:36 |
sacater | Fujitsu: | 11:37 |
gnomefreak | tonyyarusso: anyway i packaged iceape(seamonkey) name most likely will stay iceape. but either way it has composer in it and we will be adding this to feisty+1 as it stands. | 11:39 |
sacater | ice | 11:40 |
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zorglu_ | i dunno where to say it, so i will say it here :) with the new launchpad i read about it and discovered launchpad itself and especially bazaar which seems really nice | 12:08 |
zorglu_ | thanks :) | 12:08 |
zorglu_ | there, that all i wanted to say :) | 12:08 |
=== zorglu_ [n=zorglub@165.43.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has left #ubuntu-motu ["Konversation] |
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